GolfNorth Properties Inc. Paris Grand Country Club 150 Paris Links
GolfNorth Properties Inc. Paris Grand Country Club 150 Paris Links
GolfNorth Properties Inc. Paris Grand Country Club 150 Paris Links Road Paris, Ontario Hydrogeology Study Report Date: December 19, 2011 Ref. N°: 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A GolfNorth Properties Inc. Paris Grand Country Club 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Hydrogeology Study Prepared by: Francois Chartier, M.Sc. Groundwater Scientist Reviewed by : Dave S. Naylor, P.Eng. Senior Consulting Engineer 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener (Ontario) Canada N2K 2Y5 – T 519.741.1313 | F 519.741.5422 – TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1 1 STUDY PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................. 2 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 Review of Previous Studies ................................................................................................ 2 Field Program...................................................................................................................... 2 Monitoring Well Installations ............................................................................................... 3 Laboratory Soil Testing ....................................................................................................... 3 Hydraulic Conductivity Testing............................................................................................ 3 Grain Size Analyses............................................................................................................ 4 Slug Testing ........................................................................................................................ 4 2 SUMMARIZED CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................... 6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.5 Site Description ................................................................................................................... 6 Surface Water Features and Subwatersheds ..................................................................... 6 Physiography and Area Geology ........................................................................................ 7 Local Subsoil and Bedrock Conditions ............................................................................... 7 Hydraulic Conductivity – Overburden Soils ........................................................................ 7 Local Groundwater and Surface Water Conditions ............................................................ 8 3 POTENTIAL GROUNDWATER IMPACTS................................................................................... 9 3.1 3.2 Water Users ........................................................................................................................ 9 Surface water Features and Sensitive Areas ................................................................... 11 4 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................... 12 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 Pre-Development Water Balance ..................................................................................... 12 Precipitation and Evapotranspiration ................................................................................ 12 Infiltration and Runoff ........................................................................................................ 13 Infiltration of Precipitation.................................................................................................. 13 5 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 14 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 16 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO i TABLE OF CONTENTS Tables Table 1: Range of hydraulic conductivity values per soil types ..........................................................................8 Appendices Appendix 1 Tables Appendix 2 Figures Appendix 3 Borehole Logs Appendix 4 Drawings Appendix 5 MOE Water Well Records Appendix 6 Slug Test Analyses (Hvorslev) 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO ii Property and Confidentiality “This engineering document is the work and property of LVM inc. and, as such, is protected under Copyright Law. It can only be used for the purposes mentioned herein. Any reproduction or adaptation, whether partial or total, is strictly prohibited without having obtained LVM inc. and its client’s prior written authorization to do so. Test results mentioned herein are only valid for the sample(s) stated in this report. LVM inc. subcontractors who may have accomplished work either on site or in laboratory are duly qualified as stated in our Quality Manual’s procurement procedure. Should you require any further information, please contact your Project Manager.” Client: GolfNorth Properties Inc. 400 Golf Course Road Conestogo, Ontario N0B 1N0 Attention: Mr. Shawn Evans REVISION AND PUBLICATION REGISTER Revision N° Date 0A 2011-12-19 Modification And/Or Publication Details Draft Report Issued DISTRIBUTION 1 electronic copy 1 original GSP Group Inc., Ms. Kendra Murphy File lm 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO iii INTRODUCTION LVM inc. was retained by GolfNorth Properties Inc. through GSP Group Inc. to prepare a hydrogeology study report for the proposed development of the Paris Grand Country Club property in Paris, Ontario as shown on Drawing 1 of Appendix 4. This work was authorized by Ms. Kendra Murphy of GSP Group Inc. following submission of a work plan and fee proposal. The study area covers approximately 59 hectares. The proposed subdivision will be fully serviced with municipal sewers and water supply. The scope of work for this hydrogeology study included a review of available geological and hydrogeological information for the study area, and a subsurface investigation to identify the subsoil hydrogeological properties, groundwater conditions, hydraulic gradients, and the relationship between groundwater and surface water features on-site and in proximity to the property. An assessment of the pre-development site water balance; the potential for infiltration of precipitation; and, the potential for impacts to shallow groundwater and surface water, are included with this study. The objectives of this report are to assess the geological and hydrogeological conditions beneath the property, to calculate the pre-development site water balance, to identify water users and sensitive areas in the vicinity of the property, and to identify potential impacts and provide suggested mitigation measures. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 1 1 STUDY PROCEDURE The study methodology involved a number of tasks, which included: Review of topographic, geological, and hydrogeological mapping for the area, and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Water Well Record (WWR) database; Drilling of twenty boreholes, completed as 50 mm monitoring wells, for investigation of subsurface stratigraphy and hydrogeology; Installation of ten mini-piezometers near wetlands, and along the banks of Gilbert Creek, to less than 2.5 m depth; Collection of soil samples for moisture content analysis, and for particle size distribution analysis; Performance of single response in-situ (slug) tests in the monitoring wells to determine hydraulic conductivity values of the water-bearing deposits; and, Measurement of groundwater levels to establish the horizontal gradient, flow direction, and influence of nearby pumping wells. 1.1 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES Previous study of the property and surrounding area includes the following: Gilbert Creek Subwatershed Study. Planning & Engineering Initiatives Ltd. File No. HE359A, November 1999. 1.2 FIELD PROGRAM The current field program involved the advancement of twenty boreholes to depths ranging from 1.52 to 13.41 m to identify the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions. The boreholes were th th th th advanced in two drilling phases; from July 28 to August 5 , and from August 15 to 18 , 2011, by Geo-Environmental Drilling Inc. under the full-time observation of a senior technician from LVM inc. using a CME-75 track-mounted drillrig equipped with continuous flight hollow stem augers, at the locations shown on the appended Drawing 2. Soil samples were recovered from the boreholes at regular 0.75 and 1.50 m depth intervals using a 50 mm diameter split-spoon sampler in accordance with the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) procedure (ASTM D1586). Soil samples obtained from the boreholes were submitted for moisture content analysis and physical testing. The laboratory results for moisture content are included on the borehole logs in Appendix 3. The boreholes, mini-piezometers, and ground surface elevations were surveyed by West & Ruska Ltd. and supplied to LVM in CAD format. It is understood that the elevations are related to a geodetic datum. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 2 1.2.1 Monitoring Well Installations During the borehole drilling program, monitoring wells were installed in the boreholes for measurement of groundwater levels. The 50 mm diameter monitoring wells were constructed by inserting slotted, Schedule 40 PVC well screen and riser pipe into the open auger holes. Sand was added in order to place a filter pack around the screen, until the level of the sand was approximately 300 mm above the top of the screen. Bentonite seals were then placed above the sand pack to prevent the infiltration of surface water. The tops of all the well riser pipes were vented to allow accurate measurement of stabilized groundwater levels, and protective steel casings with lockable covers were concreted in place to house each of the monitoring wells. Details of the monitoring well installations and soil and groundwater conditions encountered are provided on the borehole logs included in Appendix 3. All of the monitoring wells were constructed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 468/10 (formerly O. Reg. 903) as administered by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE). A well record was submitted to the MOE based on the cluster system whereby one well record can be submitted on behalf of an entire property. Provincial Site Cluster Tag Identification Number A115228 was placed on the monitoring well at Borehole 12-11. BH 02-11, 09-11, 10-11, and 16-11 were each accompanied by a second borehole, BH 2A-11, 9A-11, 10A-11, and 16A-11, drilled a short distance away. Nested monitoring wells were installed in BH 01-11, BH 02A-11, 10A-11, 14-11, and 18-11, in order to measure vertical gradients in semiperched groundwater, where shallow silt till layers were encountered near the surface. The drilling of BH 07-11 was terminated upon reaching boulders at approximately 5.94 mBGS, before encountering shallow groundwater, and was not equipped as a monitoring well. Measurements of stabilized groundwater levels in the monitoring wells and mini-piezometers on th th site were collected on August 17 and 18 , 2011 with measurements summarized in Table 101 in Appendix 1. 1.3 LABORATORY SOIL TESTING All soil samples obtained during borehole drilling were returned to LVM laboratory facilities for visual examination, with selected samples undergoing physical testing. The soil moisture content test results obtained from borehole samples are plotted on the appended borehole logs, and grain size analyses are plotted on Figures 1 to 5 in Appendix 2. 1.4 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY TESTING Hydraulic conductivity estimates for the site soils were determined using two methods. The first method is applicable to saturated soils at depth, and involves single response in-situ hydraulic (slug) tests at monitoring wells. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 3 The second method involves a calculated estimation of hydraulic conductivity based on soil sample grain size analysis using the Breyer, Hazen, simplified Hazen, and Kozeny-Carman formulae, depending on the grain size distribution. 1.4.1 Grain Size Analyses Hydraulic conductivity values of near-surface soil samples were evaluated empirically using the particle size distribution test and the Breyer, Hazen, Kozeny-Carman, and simplified Hazen 1 formulae . The particle size distribution analysis graphs are shown on the appended Figures 1 to 5, and the Kozeny-Carman calculated conductivity values for the samples from the boreholes are presented in the appended Table 102. 1.4.2 Slug Testing Hydraulic conductivity estimates were determined for the saturated soils at depth using single response slug tests for each monitoring well except for BH 07-11, 15-11, and 20-11. In total seventeen slug tests were conducted over the whole project area. Each monitoring well was developed prior to slug testing. Well purging was implemented to remove silt and sand introduced into the well during construction and to remove fine soils from the coarse sand pack placed around the outside of the well screen during construction. The slug test procedure employs the hydrostatic time-lag method for groundwater recovery following the introduction of a slug of known volume into a monitoring well, and makes use of the theory of Hvorslev (1951), as described in Freeze and Cherry (1979). Hvorslev's method is expressed by the following equation: 2 K = r ln (L/R) 2LT0 where: K = hydraulic conductivity of the tested material (m/sec) r = inner radius of the well riser pipe (m) R = outer radius of the well riser pipe (m) L = length of screen and sand pack (m) 1 It is noted that the Hazen, Breyer, and Kozenzy-Carman formulas are not intended for soils with effective grain size (D10 value) below 0.06 mm; however, they were used to provide estimated hydraulic conductivity values for the fine-grained soils encountered in the boreholes. The estimated value correlates well with published hydraulic conductivity ranges (Freeze and Cherry, 1979) for the soil types encountered. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 4 To = time lag (sec), where (h-H)/(Ho-H) = 0.37 h water level at each time of measurement (m) = Ho = initial water level (m, start of test) H stabilized water level prior to introducing slug (m) = The time lag, T0, is defined as the time required for the water level to recover to the stabilized level if the initial flow rate into the well is maintained. This time lag is determined graphically as the time for which (H-h) divided by (H-H0) is equal to 0.37. Slug test data was analyzed using Schlumberger Water Services Aquifer Test Version 4.2 software. Graphed results of the slug tests completed for the monitoring wells are presented in Appendix 6. A summary of these hydraulic conductivity estimates is provided in the appended Table 102. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 5 2 2.1 SUMMARIZED CONDITIONS SITE DESCRIPTION The GolfNorth property covers an area of approximately 59 hectares, and is located on the northeastern edge of the Town of Paris, Ontario, and north of the Grand River. The property is bordered to the north by an abandoned railway line, to the east by agricultural lands, to the south by the Grand River and low density residential properties, and to the west by residential subdivisions. The property is bisected by Paris Link Road in the east-west direction. Currently the property encompasses the Paris Grand Country Club. The property is surrounded by agricultural lands to the north and to the east, by wooded and agricultural, and commercial land south of the Grand River, and by the Town of Paris to the west. Gilbert Creek runs through the northern part of the property, flowing south-eastwards towards the Grand River. As shown on the appended Drawing 2, Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) delineated wetlands are found on the property. These wetland areas are located along the banks of Gilbert Creek, and in the south-western part of property near the Grand River. A non-GRCA delineated wetland was identified in the north eastern corner of the property during the field surveys. The original topography of the site was characteristic of a Kame topography, with irregular shaped hills composed of sands, gravels and silt tills formed by retreating glaciers. However, this natural landscape has been altered by prior aggregate extraction activities. Generally, the ground surface slopes southwards towards the Grand River, ranging in elevation from approximately 244 mASL to 225 mASL. Crossing the property in a southwest-northeast direction is a topographical high forming a ridge, approximately five meters higher than the surrounding ground. This ridge runs from the southwest corner of the property, near the Grand River, northeast of the club house to the northern limit of the property. 2.2 SURFACE WATER FEATURES AND SUBWATERSHEDS The GolfNorth property falls within the Gilbert Creek Subwatershed and the Grand River watershed. The central area of the property is drained by Gilbert Creek, while other areas drain to the Grand River or to depressional lows. Runoff reaching wetlands ultimately recharges groundwater. The largest of the two GRCA-delineated wetlands is located in the south-western part of the property, near the Grand River. The second wetland is found on the along the banks of Gilbert Creek. A third wetland was identified during the field surveys in the northeastern corner of the property, near BH 10-11, as shown in the appended Drawing 2. This wetland is not currently delineated by the GRCA. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 6 Based on the groundwater level measurements in the mini-piezometers and the monitoring wells, the wetlands are connected to the shallow overburden aquifer. The appended Drawing 2 shows Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) delineated wetland areas on, and in proximity to, the property. 2.3 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND AREA GEOLOGY As shown on the appended Drawing 3 the Quaternary Geology Map of the Brantford Area (Karrow, 1972) indicates that the property is located primarily in an area of glacio-fluvial outwash deposits, consisting of gravel and coarse sand deposits, with older Port Stanley Till and alluvial deposits in the south western portion of the property near the banks of the Grand River. The site is located on the Port Huron Moraine system, which forms the horseshoe-shaped region that lies to the west of the highest part of the Niagara Escarpment. The local physiography of the property has been altered by the past and present activities and was originally kame topography. Part of this topography remains visible in certain areas of the property. Beneath the overburden deposits at depths lies the Salina Formation argillaceous dolostone bedrock. 2.4 LOCAL SUBSOIL AND BEDROCK CONDITIONS The appended borehole logs show that the soil stratigraphy varies across the property, as illustrated on the appended Drawings 4 and 5. Going in a west to east direction along cross section A-A’, in the northwestern side of the property, topsoil is underlain by a layer of silt till, overlying fine to coarse sand deposits. Along Gilbert Creek, underlying topsoil and fill, the granular deposits become sand and gravel, underlain by a deposit of silt till. In the eastern part of the property, north of Paris Links Road, topsoil and thin layers of silt are underlain by a thin coarse sand, and sand and gravel deposit, overlying a clay till encountered between 2.7 and 5.7 mBGS. As shown on cross section B-B’, following a north-south orientation, thick sand and gravel deposits become thinner in the southern part of the property. There, topsoil is underlain by a silt till, overlying a thin sand and gravel deposit. Below, a silt till was encountered ,extending from depths of 2.1 to 8.8 mBGS, overlying a highly weathered grey limestone at the approximate elevation of 224.75 mASL, as shown in BH 19-11. BH 18-11 and BH 20-11 were terminated upon refusal, at the approximate elevations of 224.5 mASL and 225.8 mASL respectively. The termination depths are inferred to potentially represent approximately the bedrock contact in BH 18-11 and BH 20-11. 2.4.1 Hydraulic Conductivity – Overburden Soils Hydraulic conductivity estimates determined by the various testing methods are summarized in the appended Table 102, with graphical analyses of slug test data included in Appendix 6, and particle size distribution graphs on Figures 1 to 5, in Appendix 2. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 7 The analyzed soil samples varied from gravelly sand to silt till, and characteristic hydraulic conductivity values for both soil types were determined. The dolostone bedrock was tested only in one location, at BH 19-11. Table 1 below shows the range and geometric mean of each soil types. Table 1: Range of Hydraulic Conductivity Values Per Soil Types Hydraulic conductivity (m/sec) Soil types Range 2.5 Geometric Mean -8 -4 2.8 x 10 -9 -7 3.5 x 10 Sand deposits 6.6 x 10 to 9 x 10 Silt deposits 7.4 x 10 to 4 x 10 Dolostone Bedrock 6 x 10 -5 -8 -8 N/A LOCAL GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER CONDITIONS The surficial overburden deposits consist principally of sand and gravel. The saturated lower portion of this unit is referred to as the upper aquifer. Based on the Gilbert Creek Subwatershed Study (November, 1999) the upper aquifer is interpreted to extend from the Grand River to Charlie’s Creek on the west side of Paris. This aquifer consists of a glaciofluvial-glaciolacustrine deposit which, north of the study area, supports the Gilbert Municipal Wellfield. This aquifer is the principal source of groundwater discharge to Gilbert Creek, and its thickness varies from a few meters to twenty meters. The base of the upper aquifer consists of the Port Stanley Till which forms an impermeable layer or aquitard. This aquitard overlays a discontinuous Intermediate unit, called the Catfish Creek Till, which is a sandy, stony till with localized deposits of sand and gravel. The underlying bedrock, the Salina Formation, is referred as to the lower aquifer. It consists of a sequence of dolostone, shale and gypsum beds. This formation is fractured and possesses solution features which can result in a very high transmissivity. Based on the Gilbert Subwatershed study, the regional direction of groundwater flow is northwest to southeast, in both the upper and lower aquifers. This direction of groundwater flow is confirmed locally by the groundwater map on the appended Drawing 6, showing an average horizontal gradient of 0.026 m/m. Shallow groundwater beneath the GolfNorth property generally occurs in the granular deposits prevalent across the site. Groundwater was encountered in overlying/underlying fine-grained deposits, interlayered in some locations with silt tills, causing semi-perched groundwater conditions. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 8 Across the site, the shallow water table was found between 0.50 m and 11.42 mBGS. The groundwater level was measured 0.44 m above ground surface in BH 03-11, located along the banks of Gilbert Creek. Ten mini-piezometers were installed in proximity to the wetland areas at depths between 0.46 mBGS and 2.44 mBGS, as shown in the appended Drawing 2. The groundwater levels measured inside the mini-piezometers show that the wetlands are connected to the shallow groundwater. The soil lithology varied significantly and consisted of alternating silt, sand, sand and gravel, and peat strata. The main surface water features found on the property are Gilbert Creek, wetlands, and the Grand River. The Gilbert Creek is a coldwater stream, as identified by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), which is spring fed and dependent on shallow groundwater. Three wetlands are identified on the project site. Two of these have been delineated by the GRCA, with one located along the banks of Gilbert Creek, and the second in the southwestern portion of the property. A third wetland was identified during field work in the north eastern corner of the property. Based on measured groundwater elevations in the monitoring wells and minipiezometers, the wetland located on the banks of Gilbert Creek is connected to groundwater. In MP 08-11 and BH 03-11, groundwater elevations were measured 0.21 and 0.44 m above ground surface, indicating an upward gradient and groundwater discharge along the banks of Gilbert Creek. The wetland located in the southwestern part of the property is a slope wetland, with groundwater seepage occurring where the shallow groundwater table intersects ground surface. The topography in this area forms a ridge which slopes towards the Grand River. Groundwater elevations measured in MP 05-11 revealed upward gradients in this location. 3 3.1 POTENTIAL GROUNDWATER IMPACTS WATER USERS Well Records from the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) Water Well Record (WWR) Database were reviewed to determine the number of wells present. One hundred and five wells are located within an approximate radius of 500 m from the study area, according to the MOE WWR database, with forty four wells screened in the overburden aquifer, twenty-nine wells screened in the bedrock aquifer, and the remaining thirty-two with unknown completion details. A summary of the Water Well records is included in Appendix 5. It is noted that some wells on Drawing 7 are located in areas where the actual existence of a well is unlikely; however, the MOE WWR coordinate data has been used in the absence of more reliable information. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 9 The appended well records indicate that seventeen wells are abandoned; these wells have been excluded from further consideration. Of the remaining eighty eight wells, forty-seven are used for water supply, as shown on the appended Drawing 7; the other forty-one wells are test holes, observations wells, etc. and are not supply wells. Wells screened in the overburden aquifer are completed at depths of 3.04 to 14.02 m. According to the MOE Well Records, bedrock wells range in depths from 9.14 to 39.93 m, with bedrock encountered in the various wells at depths ranging from 9.45 to 35.97 m. Logs from the MOE WWR Database indicate that the overburden is interlayered with thick layers of clays that would act as effective aquitards in some locations. In other locations, the overburden soils consist of mainly sand and gravel deposits without any clay interlayers. In these locations, the overburden aquifer would be more susceptible to contamination infiltrating from the ground surface. In most well logs, a thick layer of clay is found at the base of the overburden, overlying the bedrock aquifer. This impermeable layer would act as an effective aquitard where present, protecting the bedrock aquifer from potential contamination by the overburden aquifer. The bedrock aquifer used by the water supply wells likely receives recharge primarily in the form of regional inputs, as opposed to site-level infiltration. The wells completed at shallow depths into the overburden are dependent on site level infiltration and regional inputs as well. Grand River Source Protection Area mapping, as shown on the appended Drawing 8, indicates that the GolfNorth property is located at the southern limit of the Well Protection Sensitivity Area (WPSA) 8 of the Gilbert Wellfield. The WPSA 8 delineates the area outside the ten year time of travel to the limit of the total area contributing water to municipal drinking-water supply well. According the Gilbert Creek Subwatershed study, a well point and spring collector system at the Gilbert Wellfield accounts for the primary water supply for the Town of Paris. Thirty-seven wells are part of the Gilbert wellfield, and seven (P210, P211, P212, P213, P214, and P215) are large diameter wells. They are screened in the overburden at depths of 6 to 13 m. Two bedrock wells also exist, P28 and P29, and are assumed to be open holes as they do not have screen depths indicated in the Water Well Records. One of the bedrock wells is completed to a depth of 33 m. The bedrock wells produce water with elevated hardness and sulphate concentrations, and are therefore only used as supplemental water sources. It should be noted that ten private water supply wells are located on, or in proximity to, the property. A water supply well used for irrigation is located inside the property (Well ID 10011851), and is completed in bedrock at a depth of 81 mBGS. Of the remaining ten wells, two are located on the property adjacent to the northern boundary of the GolfNorth Property. One of these wells is a 0.76 m diameter public well), and the other private well is a domestic water supply well; both of these are overburden wells. A bedrock well, Well ID 10010945, is located downstream of the property. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 10 Well ID 10009672 is a bedrock well, located south east of the property, on the right bank of the Grand River. The remaining six wells are located south, on the left bank of the Grand River. These wells are completed in bedrock and are for domestic use, except for Well ID 11315462 which is an overburden well and used for commercial purposes. 3.2 SURFACE WATER FEATURES AND SENSITIVE AREAS As discussed previously in Section 2.5, surface water features on the property consist of Gilbert Creek, three wetlands, and the Grand River. The Gilbert Creek watershed was identified by the Ministry of Natural Resources as a coldwater stream which is spring fed; the total area of the 2 watershed is 4.7 km and extends north of the property. A large portion of the study area is located inside the watershed of Gilbert Creek, with the remainder draining to the Grand River. The creek enters the property at northern limit, and exits by Paris Links Road, then flows south to the Grand River. The three wetlands identified on the project site are connected to the overburden aquifer, and are supported by it. The GRCA wetland located along the banks of Gilbert Creek is an expression of the shallow overburden aquifer discharging into the Creek. The ecological state of the Creek is dependent on the temperature, elevation, and quality of groundwater. The second GRCA wetland located in the southern portion of the property is formed by the shallow groundwater table intersecting the topography, which slopes towards the Grand River. The extent of this slope wetland is directly dependent on the elevation of groundwater in this area. The third wetland located in the north eastern portion of the property, results from a combination of depression focussed run-off and high groundwater elevations in this area. The wetlands located on the property have a direct hydraulic connection with the shallow overburden aquifer. These wetlands are dependent on the local water balance between infiltration levels and runoff conditions. They also conduct an ecological function for the area. Therefore, the water balance of the property in this area should be maintained as pre-development conditions, in order to maintain the current ecological and hydrogeological conditions at the wetlands. Gilbert Creek was identified by the MOE as a Cold Water Stream, and therefore, the stormwater management strategy implemented should be designed to prevent impacts on the thermal regime of the Creek. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 11 4 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 PRE-DEVELOPMENT WATER BALANCE The water balance is an accounting of water in the hydrologic cycle. Precipitation (P) falls as rain and snow. It can run off towards lakes and streams (R), infiltrate to the groundwater table (I), or evaporate from surface water and vegetation (ET). When long-term average values of P, R, I, and ET are used there is minimal or no net change to groundwater storage (∆S). The annual water budget can be stated as; P = ET + R + I + ∆S where: P = Precipitation (mm/year) ET = Evapo-transpiration (mm/year) R = Runoff (mm/year) I = Infiltration (mm/year) ∆S = Change in groundwater storage (taken as zero) (mm/year) 4.1.1 Precipitation and Evapotranspiration 2 The average annual precipitation for the study area is taken as 892 mm/yr based on the closest weather station, located in Brantford. 3 A general estimated evapotranspiration rate of 510 mm/yr is recommended, according to the MOEE land development requirements. 2 From Canadian Climate Centre Normals, 1971-2000 Brantford MOE station. 3 From MOEE Hydrogeological Technical Information Requirements For Land Development Applications, April 1995. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 12 4.1.2 Infiltration and Runoff The available water calculation was based on the evapotranspiration rate from the MOEE land development requirements, which gives an average runoff plus infiltration target of 382 mm/year. An infiltration rate of 250 was used, based on the local soil conditions found in the first meters below ground surface through the drilling program. The difference between the total available water and the infiltration is the runoff. Runoff drains to topographical lows, where it ponds, and infiltrates. This additional infiltration from should be taken into account for the overall water balance of the property. The distribution of infiltration rates is expected to vary, based on a number of factors to be considered as in any infiltration model. The most important variables include the saturated hydraulic conductivity of surface soils, and slope, rainfall intensity, relative soil moisture at the start of a rainfall event, and vegetative cover of the ground surface. 4.2 INFILTRATION OF PRECIPITATION Hydraulic conductivity values of sub-surface soils within the study area were calculated using a variety of methods. Based on the borehole stratigraphies, and gradation analyses completed during this study, near-surface soils are typically sand and gravel, and coarse sands, covered by topsoil; except in some discrete areas where silty till where found. Localized infiltration rates will correspondingly vary with soil types, requiring appropriate methods of infiltration to be used depending on the soil types encountered in specific areas of the site during development. In areas where low permeability (silt/till) soils are present near the ground surface, localized infiltration will not be possible. At-source infiltration of precipitation from rooftops and other impervious surfaces, or infiltration under roadways, will be possible where sandy soils exist at a suitable depth below final grade. In areas where shallow groundwater exists below the proposed grade, it will limit the potential for the infiltration of significant volumes of water without causing groundwater mounding and/or surface ponding. Design of grading must consider shallow groundwater elevations to avoid the potential of localized groundwater mounding from at-source infiltration impacting footings and foundations. Since the pre-development infiltration rate is calculated using the existing near-surface soil types, cutting and filling during grading operations must result in similar soil types being exposed at the ground surface in order to maintain the calculated pre-development infiltration rate under postdevelopment conditions. Additionally, as runoff drains to topographical lows and wetlands, these conditions should be maintained by the stormwater management facilities. Levels of salt and other contaminants in water being infiltrated must be considered; and appropriate mitigative measures, such as winter bypass of road runoff, should be implemented. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 13 5 SUMMARY The GolfNorth Property is underlain by a variety of soil types, consisting generally of deposits of sand and gravel, interlayered with silts/tills. The original Kame topography has been modified by aggregate extraction and the current land use. Groundwater is typically found within the interlayered sand, sand and gravel deposits beneath the property. The general flow gradient slopes towards the Grand River, to the southeast, and in proximity to Gilbert Creek, shallow groundwater gradients are oriented towards the Creek. The sandy deposits occurring at varying depths across the property are interpreted to be hydraulically connected. The GolfNorth property lies within the Gilbert Creek subwatershed and the Grand River watershed. Gilbert Creek, wetlands, and the Grand River form the main surface water features on the property. Based on the groundwater level measurements and the encountered stratigraphy, the wetlands are connected to the shallow overburden aquifer. The wetland located on the banks of Gilbert Creek exhibits slightly artesian conditions, which is an indication of groundwater discharge to the Creek. These findings are consistent with the Gilbert Creek Subwatershed Study. Numerous municipal and private water supply wells are found within 500 meters of the property, screened in both the overburden and bedrock aquifers. The shallow overburden aquifer and the bedrock aquifer are separated by a sequence of clay till that would act as an effective aquitard. The shallow overburden aquifer is used by several water supply wells, spring collector and well point systems located in the Gilbert Wellfield to the north of the property. Two private water supply wells screened in the overburden are located between the property and the wellfield. All other water supply wells located to the north of the Grand River are bedrock wells, one of which is used for irrigation on the golf course. The pre-development water balance indicates relatively high infiltration, which correlates with the typically granular subsurface soils. Maintenance of pre-development infiltration levels will be critical to ensure continued support of groundwater and surface water features, and support of the wetland features and water users both on and off the property. A combination of at-source, stormwater management, and other infiltration measures may be applied where subsurface soils are adequately permeable and there is sufficient separation between groundwater and footing elevations. Gilbert Creek is a coldwater stream; therefore, the stormwater management strategy should be designed to prevent impacts to the thermal regime of the Creek. It is important to consider that maintenance of surface water features and groundwater flux in each of the subwatersheds on site will require spatial distribution of post-development infiltration to match the pre-development catchment areas for each subwatershed. Additionally, runoff volumes reaching the wetland areas must match pre-development conditions. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 14 Measures to maintain the quality of water being infiltrated will also be important, as the infiltrated water will find its way to the wetland areas, the Gilbert Creek, and the Grand River. It is important to note that the investigation involves a sampling of the site gathered at specific test hole locations and the conclusions in this report are based on this information gathered. The subsurface conditions between and beyond the test holes may differ. Should subsurface conditions be encountered which differ materially from those indicated at the test holes, we request that we be notified in order to assess the additional information and determine whether or not changes should be made as a result of the conditions. We trust that this report is suitable for your present requirements and we thank GolfNorth Properties and GSP Group Inc. for this opportunity to have provided hydrogeological engineering services. If you have any questions or require further hydrogeological or geotechnical consultation, please do not hesitate to contact our office. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 15 REFERENCES Chapman, L.J. and D.F. Putnam. 1984. The Physiography of Southern Ontario. 3rd ed. Ontario Geological Survey Special Volume 2, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario, Canada. Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 614pp. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Energy. 1995. MOEE Hydrogeological Technical Information Requirements for Land Development Applications. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A H YD R O G EO L O G Y ST U D Y – PAR IS G R AN D C O U N TR Y C L U B, 1 5 0 PAR IS L IN KS R O AD , PAR IS, O N T AR IO 16 Appendix 1 Tables Table 101: Measured Groundwater Elevations Table 102: Groundwater Elevations TABLE 101 MEASURED GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS Paris Grand Country Club 160 Paris Link Road Paris, Ontario 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A Well Name Ground Surface Elevation (mASL) Stickup (m) X (UTM) Y (UTM) Aug 17/11, Depth to WL (mBTOP) Aug 17/11, WL Elev. (mBGS) Aug 17/11, WL Elev. (mASL) BH 01-11-U 246.16 0.84 550223 4784100 dry at 3.00 - - BH 01-11 246.16 0.79 550223 4784100 5.58 4.79 241.37 BH 02-11 240.74 0.77 550367 4784127 2.30 1.53 239.21 BH 02A-11-U 240.74 0.74 550367 4784127 2.37 1.63 239.11 BH 02A-11-L 240.74 0.70 550367 4784127 2.28 1.58 239.16 BH 03-11 239.05 0.74 550453 4784308 0.30 -0.44 239.49 BH 04-11 246.71 0.78 550617 4784149 12.20 11.42 235.29 BH 05-11 241.33 0.55 550665 4784162 8.37 7.82 233.51 BH 06-11 251.25 0.76 550567 4784390 10.32 9.56 241.69 BH 07-11 - - - - - - (5) BH 08-11 244.96 0.78 551046 4784754 4.90 4.12 240.84 BH 09-11 245.05 0.82 550914 4784587 1.83 1.01 244.04 BH 09A-11 245.16 1.01 550914 4784587 1.96 0.95 244.21 BH 10-11 239.45 0.72 551055 4784588 2.15 1.43 238.02 BH 10A-11-U 239.56 0.88 551055 4784588 2.35 1.47 238.09 BH 10A-11-L 239.56 0.84 551055 4784588 2.29 1.45 238.11 BH 11-11 245.44 0.70 550886 4784339 9.65 8.95 236.49 BH 12-11 240.92 0.75 550982 4784231 6.00 5.25 235.67 BH 13-11 239.22 0.80 551228 4784363 4.10 3.30 235.92 BH 14-11 242.89 0.68 550324 4783918 3.68 3.00 239.89 BH 14-11-U 242.89 0.72 550324 4783918 3.73 3.01 239.88 BH 15-11 251.32 0.70 550385 4783703 dry at 12.70 - - BH 16-11 238.59 0.73 550580 4783977 1.26 0.53 238.06 BH 16A-11 238.52 0.70 550580 4783977 1.20 0.50 238.02 BH 17-11 242.92 0.80 550465 4783912 5.15 4.35 238.57 BH 18-11-U 236.12 0.86 550682 4783950 dry at 3.55 - - BH 18-11-M 236.12 0.77 550682 4783950 7.90 7.13 228.99 BH 18-11-L 236.12 0.80 550682 4783950 10.31 9.51 226.61 BH 19-11 233.59 0.79 550616 4783839 8.50 7.71 225.88 BH 20-11 230.71 0.85 550710 4783782 dry at 5.70 - - Table 101 TABLE 101 MEASURED GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS Paris Grand Country Club 160 Paris Link Road Paris, Ontario MiniPiezometer Name MP 01-11-in MP 01-11-out MP 02-11-in MP 02-11-out MP 03-11-in MP 03-11-out MP 04-11-in MP 04-11-out MP 05-11-in MP 05-11-out MP 06-11-in MP 06-11-out MP 07-11-in MP 07-11-out MP 08-11-in MP 08-11-out MP 09-11-in MP 09-11-out MP 10-11-in MP 10-11-out Ground Surface Elevation (mASL) Stickup (m) X (UTM) Y (UTM) Aug 18/11, Depth to WL (mBTOP) Aug 18/11, WL Elev. (mBGS) Aug 18/11, WL Elev. (mASL) 233.31 233.31 226.03 226.03 235.9 235.9 236.78 236.78 237.63 237.63 238.2 238.2 237.74 237.74 236.15 236.15 237.07 237.07 238.68 238.68 1.5 1.5 0.95 0.95 1.77 1.77 1.78 1.78 1.47 1.47 1.6 1.6 1.72 1.72 1.29 1.29 1.51 1.51 0.68 0.68 550591 550591 550573 550573 550605 550605 550563 550563 550487 550487 550466 550466 550501 550501 550594 550594 550651 550651 551057 551057 4783829 4783829 4783715 4783715 4783975 4783975 4783911 4783911 4783765 4783765 4784304 4784304 4784242 4784242 4784196 4784196 4784191 4784191 4784625 4784625 1.66 dry 2.20 dry 1.78 dry 1.83 muddy 1.42 muddy 1.69 dry 1.88 dry 2.00 1.30 2.38 dry 1.56 dry 0.16 1.25 0.01 0.05 -0.05 0.09 0.16 0.71 -0.21 0.87 0.88 - 233.15 224.78 235.89 236.73 237.68 238.11 237.58 235.44 237.28 236.20 237.80 - Notes: 1. mBTOP = meters below top of pipe. 2. mBGS = meters below ground surface. 3. mASL = meters above sea level. 4. WL = Water Level 5. BH 07-11 encountered large boulders, and was terminated before reaching the water table. 6. XXXX = Water elevation above ground surface 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A Table 101 TABLE 102 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY ESTIMATES Paris Grand Country Club 150 Paris Links Road Paris, Ontario Coordinates BH Name Ground Elevation mASL Eastings BH 01-11 246.16 BH 02-11 240.74 Grain Size Analyses - Kozeny &Carman Method Slug Tests - Hvorslev Method Northings Groundwater Elevations mASL Soil description Top Bot Hydraulic Conductivity (m/sec) Soil description Top Bot 550 223 4 784 100 241.37 Clayey SILT 243.91 243.46 NA SAND 240.04 238.54 550 367 4 784 128 239.21 SAND 244.66 243.46 2.5 x 10 -4 SILT AND SAND 240.36 240.06 -5 SAND AND GRAVEL 243.91 242.41 -5 SAND AND GRAVEL 233.56 232.96 -4 SAND AND GRAVEL 239.11 237.61 -9 SAND AND GRAVEL 235.96 234.46 BH 03-11 239.05 550 453 4 784 308 239.49 SAND AND GRAVEL 244.66 243.46 1.8 x 10 BH 04-11 246.71 550 617 4 784 149 235.29 GRAVEL AND SAND 235.56 233.36 8.9 x 10 BH 05-11 BH 06-11 241.33 251.25 550 665 550 567 4 784 162 4 784 390 233.51 241.69 BH 07-11 Sandy GRAVEL Sandy SILT Sandy GRAVEL 243.91 235.56 243.16 242.71 234.96 241.16 1.4 x 10 7.5 x 10 -5 7.4 x 10 240.46 1.50 x 10 -9 SILT TILL 241.66 240.16 4.50 x 10 (4) -4 SAND AND GRAVEL 243.31 241.81 2.50 x 10 -4 SAND 235.76 235.06 2.50 x 10 -4 SAND 240.31 238.81 7.00 x 10 -5 SAND AND GRAVEL 242.41 240.91 2.00 x 10 -6 SAND 240.49 238.99 -6 SAND 235.66 234.16 1.50 x 10 Dry -8 SAND AND GRAVEL 243.16 240.16 9.00 x 10 -6 SAND 240.16 238.66 2.50 x 10 -8 SAND AND GRAVEL 235.26 234.76 9.00 x 10 -8 BEDROCK 237.16 236.41 -7 SAND AND GRAVEL 241.66 241.36 6.00 x 10 Dry 4 784 754 240.84 SAND AND GRAVEL 241.66 241.46 7.8 x 10 BH 09-11 245.05 550 914 4 784 587 244.04 Sandy, Gravelly SILT 241.66 241.21 7.4 x 10 BH 10-11 239.45 551 055 4 784 588 238.02 Gravelly SAND 243.16 242.71 2.2 x 10 BH 11-11 245.44 550 886 4 784 339 236.49 SAND 237.16 236.56 2.7 x 10 BH 12-11 240.92 550 982 4 784 231 235.67 Gravelly SAND 240.16 239.71 1.4 x 10 BH 13-11 239.22 551 228 4 784 363 235.92 SAND AND GRAVEL 241.66 241.36 7.8 x 10 BH 14-11 242.89 550 324 4 783 918 239.89 Silty SAND 240.16 239.66 1.8 x 10 BH 15-11 251.32 550 385 4 783 703 SAND AND GRAVEL 234.16 233.86 6.6 x 10 4 783 977 238.06 Silty SAND 243.91 242.71 -4 241.96 551 046 550 580 NA (3) SAND AND GRAVEL 244.96 238.59 -4 4.50 x 10 -6 1.20 x 10 -6 5.50 x 10 -6 1.20 x 10 -7 9.50 x 10 -6 8.00 x 10 -6 BH 08-11 BH 16-11 Hydraulic Conductivity (m/sec) 6.9 x 10 BH 17-11 242.92 550 465 4 783 912 238.57 Silty SAND 240.16 239.71 8.4 x 10 BH 18-11 236.12 550 682 4 783 950 226.61 Silty SAND 235.66 235.21 6.6 x 10 BH 19-11 233.59 550 616 4 783 839 225.88 Silty SAND 237.16 236.86 6.6 x 10 BH 20-11 230.71 550 710 4 783 782 230.71 SAND AND GRAVEL 243.16 243.01 2.6 x 10 -4 -5 -5 -4 -6 -4 -7 -5 -4 -8 Notes: 1. TOP = Top of interval tested. 2. BTOP = Bottom of interval tested. 3. BH 07-11 encountered large boulders, and was terminated before reaching the water table. 4. BH 09-11 – the result of slug test is not representative of soil type. This could be due to the cave that formed above the sand pack 5. Water level above ground surface. 160-P041402-0302-HD-0001-0A Table 102 Appendix 2 Figures Figures 1 to 5: Particle Size Distribution Analyses UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION COARSE SAND FINE COARSE U.S. SIEVE SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 75 37.5 22.416 9.5 MEDIUM SILT OR CLAY FINE U.S. STANDARD SIEVE No. #4 #8 HYDROMETER #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 100 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 60 40 50 50 40 60 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PROJECT Paris Grand Country Club LOCATION 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario JOB NO. P041402 CURVE BOREHOLE/ SAMPLE DEPTH (m) TEST PIT NO. SOIL DESCRIPTION ID BH01-11 BH03-11 BH04-11 BH05-11 BH02-11 3 2,3 8,9 3,4 5 2.29-2.74 Clayey SILT, trace Sand 1.52-2.74 SAND AND GRAVEL, trace Silt 10.67-12.80 SAND AND GRAVEL, trace Silt 2.29-3.51 Sandy GRAVEL, some Silt 4.57-5.03 SAND, some Silt, trace Gravel and Clay REMARKS Naylor Engineering Associates Ltd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Figure No. 1 PERCENT RETAINED BY WEIGHT GRAVEL COBBLES UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION COARSE SAND FINE COARSE U.S. SIEVE SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 75 37.5 22.416 9.5 MEDIUM SILT OR CLAY FINE U.S. STANDARD SIEVE No. #4 #8 HYDROMETER #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 100 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 60 40 50 50 40 60 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PROJECT Paris Grand Country Club LOCATION 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario JOB NO. P041402 CURVE BOREHOLE/ SAMPLE DEPTH (m) TEST PIT NO. SOIL DESCRIPTION ID BH06-11 BH07-11 BH08-11 BH09-11 BH10-11 5 3,4 5 5 3 10.67-11.12 Sandy SILT, some Clay 3.05-5.03 Sandy GRAVEL, trace Silt 4.57-4.72 SAND AND GRAVEL, trace Silt and Clay 4.57-5.03 Sandy SILT, some Clay and Gravel 3.05-3.51 Gravelly SAND, trace Silt and Clay REMARKS Naylor Engineering Associates Ltd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Figure No. 2 PERCENT RETAINED BY WEIGHT GRAVEL COBBLES UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION COARSE SAND FINE COARSE U.S. SIEVE SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 75 37.5 22.416 9.5 MEDIUM SILT OR CLAY FINE U.S. STANDARD SIEVE No. #4 #8 HYDROMETER #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 100 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 60 40 50 50 40 60 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PROJECT Paris Grand Country Club LOCATION 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario JOB NO. P041402 CURVE BOREHOLE/ SAMPLE DEPTH (m) ID TEST PIT NO. SOIL DESCRIPTION BH11-11 BH12-11 BH13-11 4 4 2 9.14-9.60 SAND, trace Gravel and Silt 6.20-6.55 SAND, some Gravel, trace Silt 4.57-4.88 SAND AND GRAVEL, trace Silt and Clay REMARKS Naylor Engineering Associates Ltd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Figure No. 3 PERCENT RETAINED BY WEIGHT GRAVEL COBBLES UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION COARSE SAND FINE COARSE U.S. SIEVE SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 75 37.5 22.416 9.5 MEDIUM SILT OR CLAY FINE U.S. STANDARD SIEVE No. #4 #8 HYDROMETER #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 100 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 60 40 50 50 40 60 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PROJECT Paris Grand Country Club LOCATION 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario JOB NO. P041402 CURVE BOREHOLE/ SAMPLE DEPTH (m) ID NO. TEST PIT SOIL DESCRIPTION BH14-11 BH15-11 BH16-11 BH17-11 5 10 5 6 6.20-6.55 SAND, some Silt, trace Gravel and Clay 12.18-12.50 SAND AND GRAVEL, trace Silt and Clay 2.29-3.51 Silty SAND, trace Gravel and Clay 6.10-6.55 SAND, some Silt, trace Clay REMARKS Naylor Engineering Associates Ltd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Figure No. 4 PERCENT RETAINED BY WEIGHT GRAVEL COBBLES UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION COARSE SAND FINE COARSE U.S. SIEVE SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 75 37.5 22.416 9.5 MEDIUM SILT OR CLAY FINE U.S. STANDARD SIEVE No. #4 #8 HYDROMETER #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 100 0 90 10 80 20 70 30 60 40 50 50 40 60 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETRES PROJECT Paris Grand Country Club LOCATION 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario JOB NO. P041402 CURVE BOREHOLE/ SAMPLE DEPTH (m) ID SOIL DESCRIPTION TEST PIT NO. BH18-11 BH19-11 BH20-11 9 8 3 10.67-11.12 Silty SAND, some Gravel, trace Clay 9.14-9.45 Silty SAND, some Gravel, trace Clay 3.05-3.20 SAND AND GRAVEL, some Silt, trace Clay REMARKS Naylor Engineering Associates Ltd. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Figure No. 5 PERCENT RETAINED BY WEIGHT GRAVEL COBBLES Appendix 3 Borehole Logs List of Abbreviations Boreholes BH 01-11 to 20-11 Mini-Piezometers MP 01-11 to 10-11 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS The abbreviations commonly employed on the borehole logs, on the figures, and in the text of the report, are as follows: Sample Types AS CS RC SS TW WS auger sample chunk sample rock core split spoon thin-walled, open wash sample Soil Tests and Properties SPT UC FV ø γ wp w wl IL Ip PP Standard Penetration Test unconfined compression field vane test angle of internal friction unit weight plastic limit water content liquid limit liquidity index plasticity index pocket penetrometer Penetration Resistances Dynamic Penetration Resistance The number of blows by a 63.5 kg (140 lb.) hammer dropped 0.76 m (30 in.) required to drive a 50 mm (2 in.) diameter 60 º cone a distance 0.30 m (12 in.). The cone is attached to 'A' size drill rods and casing is not used. Standard Penetration Resistance, N (ASTM D1586) The number of blows by a 63.5 kg (140 lb.) hammer dropped 0.76 m (30 in.) required to drive a standard split spoon sampler 0.30 m (12 in.) WH sampler advanced by static weight of hammer PH sampler advanced by hydraulic pressure PM sampler advanced by manual pressure Soil Description Cohesionless Soils Relative Density (Dr) Very Loose Loose Compact Dense Very Dense Cohesive Soils Consistency Very Soft Soft Firm Stiff Very Stiff Hard DTPL APL WTPL SPT N-Value (blows per 0.30 m) 0 to 4 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 over 50 Dr (%) 0 to 20 20 to 40 40 to 60 60 to 80 80 to 100 Undrained Shear Strength (Cu) kPa less than 12 12 to 25 25 to 50 50 to 100 100 to 200 over 200 Drier than plastic limit About plastic limit Wetter than plastic limit psf less than 250 250 to 500 500 to 1000 1000 to 2000 2000 to 4000 over 4000 01234153789 32_`T`` abcd.c-e fgb.bgahig. ##ag..hg}ha~ !fjklm-nkjop-q/roskt-qurv "!.wg-fjklm-xloym-z/jp{-fjklm{-|osjkl/ ABAA |f|x x CBAA x-xx DBAA EBAA x FBAA ¡ ¢£¤ ¡ GBAA HBAA IBAA JBAA ¥¦ IBHD B 7TUR583 DFHBCH DFGBAA C §§ I D §§ CA DFFBAA E §§ J DFEBAA F §§ CE DFDBAA DFCBAA <POR9NMW1O3 243R22>23O¨>4?66@©6R \] \^ 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DEFBAA DEEBAA DEDBAA DECBAA DEABAA DDKBAA DDJBAA DDIBAA DDHBAA DDGBAA $%&¢d-r£kltm¤l¥rd-¦¤vf¤l #+*¦/vv/«-t¤f-s§¤l '/mv-ntlktm§lk¨£u-mp0¤ll¤q-0l/f-©/l¤£/v¤-.}j..d ()!*ªd-/st¤l ,*-.-/0-. #1&¬d-tk¨v¤n 01234153789 32_`T__ abacda-e fgb.bgahig. ##ag..hg}h.~ !fjklm-nkjop-q/roskt-qurv "!.wg-fjklm-xloym-z/jp{-fjklm{-|osjkl/ ABAA |f|x --nzx CBAA DBAA EBAA --nzx FBAA 7TUR583 DFDBKD GACAACGADAA CA DA EA DFDBAA C ££ CH DFCBAA D ££ DJ E ££ FF DFABAA F ££ FJ DEKBAA DEJBAA G ££ ED HBAA DEIBAA H ££ DI IBAA DEHBAA JBAA DEGBAA I ££ DD ¡¢ JBAJ B DA FA HA JA GBAA <POR9NMW1O3 243R22>23O¤>4?66@¥6R \] \^ GACAACGADAA VR>32W1O>3O> Y218OZ[R>323 L32QR>N1OL ?X@ ROZ2>ROZ=N=3<3>RN5L 2>ROZR2Z63O3>2R>N1O243R22>23O¤>4?8U@¥6R DA FA HA JA 789 32 SP=3 953QR>N1O?9@ <3LM2N=>N1O 2:;659 2P9 15 <3=>4?9@ 23456738459 KBAA DEFBAA CABAA DEEBAA CCBAA DEDBAA CDBAA DECBAA CEBAA DEABAA $%&¦c-q§jksl̈k©qc-ª¨ue¨k #+*ª/uu/«-s̈e-r¬¨k ' GA CBG ()!*c-/rs̈k ,*-.-/0-. #1&c-sj®üm 01234153789 32_`T__ abcd.a-e fgh.hgaibg. ##ag..ig}i.w 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CCBAA CEBAA DEEBAA 7TUR583 789 32 SP=3 DA FA HA JA GACAACGADAA CA DA EA £ C«« H DEDBAA D«« FG DECBAA E«« EA DEABAA DDKBAA ¹ GA££ F«« I G«« CE DDJBAA H«« CI DDHBAA I««CJ¬CGA JBAA CDBAA <POR9NMW1O3 243R22>23O>4?66@®6R \] \^ GACAACGADAA VR>32W1O>3O> Y218OZ[R>323 L32QR>N1OL ?X@ ROZ2>ROZ=N=3<3>RN5L 2>ROZR2Z63O3>2R>N1O243R22>23O>4?8U@®6R DA FA HA JA DEEBGK DDIBAA IBAA KBAA 953QR>N1O?9@ <3LM2N=>N1O 2:;659 2P9 15 <3=>4?9@ 23456738459 DDGBAA DDFBAA J«« DH £ ABJ DDEBAA DDDBAA DDCBAA DDABAA $%&¯c-r°kltm±l²rc-³±vf±l #+*³/vv/¶-t±f-s·±l ' ()!*zc-́µ´mvvkp ,*-.-/0-. #1&©c-tk¸v±n 01234153789 32_`Taa bcdef.-g hdi.idbjcd. ##bd..jd~j.x !hklmn-olkpq-r/sptlu-rvsw "!.xd-hklmn-ympzn-{/kq|-hklmn|-}ptklm/ ABAA yy CBAA y-yy DBAA ¡¢- ¡¢-o{ £¤y EBAA FBAA GBAA ¥¦ FBJJ ¦ B HBAA IBAA JBAA KBAA CABAA CCBAA CDBAA CEBAA <POR9NMW1O3 243R22>23Oª>4?66@«6R \] \^ GACAACGADAA VR>32W1O>3O> Y218OZ[R>323 L32QR>N1OL ?X@ ROZ2>ROZ=N=3<3>RN5L 2>ROZR2Z63O3>2R>N1O243R22>23Oª>4?8U@«6R 7TUR583 DA FA HA JA 789 32 SP=3 953QR>N1O?9@ <3LM2N=>N1O 2:;659 2P9 15 <3=>4?9@ 23456738459 DEABIC DEABAA DDKBAA C §§ CH DDJBAA D §§ DI E §§ EH¨CGA DDIBAA DDHBAA F §§ © DDGBAA DA FA HA JA GACAACGADAA CA DA EA CK ABK ¬ ¬ B DDFBAA DDEBAA DDDBAA DDCBAA DDABAA DCKBAA DCJBAA DCIBAA $%&e-r®kltm̄l°re-±¯vg¯l #+*±/vv/·-t̄g- sµ¯l '²-nkg³v̄l-w/sp´mpµ ()!*{e-¶´¶mvvkp ,*-.-/0-. #1&¸e-tk³v̄n Mini-Piezometer Number: 01-11 Ground Elevation: 233.31 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 233.31 TOPSOIL: dark brown silt, trace sand, organics, wet SILT: bentonite seal 233.00 grey clayey silt, WTPL 50 mm pipe sand pack 0.6 m slotted screen 1.00 Mini-piezometer terminated at 1.22 m. Groundwater seepage encountered at 0.05 m. 232.00 2.00 231.00 Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 02-11 Ground Elevation: 226.03 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 226.03 TOPSOIL: dark brown silt, trace sand, moist native backfill 50 mm pipe PEAT: dark brown fibrous peat, moist 1.00 225.00 bentonite seal SILT: brown to dark brown silt, some clay, trace sand and gravel, saturated native backfill 1.2 m slotted screen 2.00 224.00 Groundwater seepage Mini-piezometer terminated at 2.44 m. encountered at 1.22 m. Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 03-11 Ground Elevation: 235.90 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 235.90 SILT: native cave and backfill dark brown and black organic silt and wet plant decay, saturated 50 mm pipe 0.6 m slotted screen 235.00 1.00 Water level at Mini-piezometer terminated at 0.91 m on very dense sand and gravel. ground surface. 234.00 2.00 Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 04-11 Ground Elevation: 236.78 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 236.78 SILT: native backfill dark brown organic silt, some peat, saturated bentonite seal brown to brown/grey silt, some clay and sand, saturated 50 mm pipe 236.00 0.9 m slotted screen 1.00 sand pack Groundwater seepage Mini-piezometer terminated at 1.52 m. encountered at 0.13 m. Major seepage encountered at 0.30 m. 235.00 2.00 Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 05-11 Ground Elevation: 237.63 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 237.63 SILT: dark brown silt, some topsoil, gravel and sand, saturated bentonite seal 50 mm pipe SAND: native cave 237.00 brown silty sand, trace gravel, saturated 0.6 m slotted screen 1.00 Groundwater seepage Mini-piezometer terminated at 1.22 m. encountered at 0.15 m. 236.00 2.00 235.00 Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 06-11 Ground Elevation: 238.20 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 238.20 TOPSOIL: dark brown silt, trace sand and gravel, moist bentonite seal 238.00 50 mm pipe SAND: brown silty sand, trace gravel, saturated native cave 1.00 0.6 m slotted screen 237.00 Groundwater seepage Mini-piezometer terminated at 1.22 m. encountered at 0.60 m. 2.00 236.00 Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 07-11 Ground Elevation: 237.74 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 237.74 PEAT: dark brown fibrous peat, saturated bentonite seal 50 mm pipe native cave 237.00 SAND AND GRAVEL: 0.6 m slotted screen brown silty sand and gravel, saturated 1.00 Groundwater seepage Mini-piezometer terminated at 1.07 m. encountered at 0.05 m. 236.00 2.00 235.00 Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 08-11 Ground Elevation: 236.15 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 236.15 SILT: dark brown organic silt, some sand, saturated 236.00 native seal ????? 50 mm pipe 1.00 235.00 native cave 1.5 m slotted screen 2.00 234.00 Groundwater seepage Mini-piezometer terminated at 2.44 m. encountered at 0.05 m. Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 09-11 Ground Elevation: 237.07 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 237.07 TOPSOIL: bentonite seal dark brown silt, trace sand and gravel, moist 50 mm pipe SILT: dark brown clayey silt, WTPL sand pack native cave SAND: 1.00 brown silty sand, some gravel, saturated 0.9 m slotted screen 236.00 Minor groundwater Mini-piezometer terminated at 1.22 m. seepage encountered at 0.46 m. Groundwater seepage encountered at 0.91 m. 2.00 235.00 Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Mini-Piezometer Number: 10-11 Ground Elevation: 233.31 m Project: Paris Grand Country Club Job No.: P041402-301 Location: 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Drill Date: 2011-08-17 SOIL PROFILE SAMPLE Dynamic Cone Shear Strength (PP) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 0.00 Ground Elevation N-Value Type Number Elevation (m) Description Symbol Depth (m) WP WL Water Content (%) Groundwater Observations and Standpipe Details Standard Penetration Shear Strength (FV) kPa 20 40 60 80 50 100 150 200 10 20 30 233.31 TOPSOIL: bentonite seal dark brown silt, some sand, trace gravel, moist SAND AND GRAVEL: dense brown silty sand and gravel, saturated native cave 233.00 0.3 m slotted screen Groundwater seepage Mini-piezometer terminated at 0.46 m. encountered at 0.10 m. 1.00 232.00 2.00 231.00 Reviewed by: FChartier/CHelmer Field Tech.: DSouter Drill Method: Sheet: 1 of 1 Notes: Drafted by: KStaples Appendix 4 Drawings Drawing 1: Location Plan Drawing 2: Site Plan Drawing 3: Geological Map Drawing 4: Cross Section A - A’ Drawing 5: Cross Section B – B’ Drawing 6: Groundwater Contour Map Drawing 7: MOE WWR Drawing 8: Regional Municipality of Waterloo Wellhead Protection Sensitivity Area 10 cm 0 1 2 3 4 5 SITE LEGEND: GRCA WETLAND NOTES : 1-REFERENCES : GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY, 2010 aerial photography (2011). 0 200 400 600 800 1000 m SCALE 1:20000 Project 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Title 01 of 08 01247294 10A0.8, A2/6.8)623+*0010G+0D/.H-+)1I ED.D:D0F/E00021/*+0D/. B/20C/101/*+0D/. 0124562 4 J J JK 0124 2 6 0124 529 0124 8259 +::2/TDE+00+20+/3./.1A2*+ 801D.0+0084001+.8) ./00), 61203020.*0),* 40)05266)7+10829 :;<=>?@A66 9 46616145 0124 26 0124 264 0124726 0124 27 0124 824 0124 265 0124 925 0124 259 0124 28 0124 8254 0124727 *2/)))0*0D/. 2>L>;@<8;MNOPQR5MPS +::2/TDE+00+20+/3A2*+4001+.8) 012442 0124 2 012474289 0124727 0124726 U UK 012456245 !"#$!%&'!'(# 01247294 012475277 01247525 0124 9275 01247526 VWXYZ[\]^_àYb]^[YcỲd̀efg̀hijj 5 6 65)*+106,7 0124 9244 0124 925 0124 828 01247729 JK 10 cm 5 4 3 0 1 2 SITE NOTES : 1-REFERENCES : DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND NORTHERN AFFAIRS, Ontario Geologic Survey Map 2240, Pleistocene Geology of the Brantford Area, 1972 0 500 1000 1500 2000 m SCALE 1:50000 Project 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Title 03 of 08 10 cm A (West) A' (East) 254 254 252 252 5 BH-06-11 250 248 248 3 4 250 BH-01-11 246 246 BH-11-11 BH-09-11 1 0 244 244 DRY 242 242 BH-02-11 BH-03-11 240 238 238 236 236 234 234 232 232 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 DISTANCE (m) Project LEGEND: 240 BH-10-11 SILT CLAY TILL FILL SAND SILT AND SAND TOPSOIL SAND AND GRAVEL UNSAMPLED PEAT SILT TILL WATER LEVEL NOTES: Groundwater measurements taken on 2011-08-17. Seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels would be expected. The inferred stratigraphy shown on this cross-section is based on the subsurface stratigraphy contacted at the Boreholes. The subsurface conditions between the Boreholes will vary. 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Title 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 ELEVATION m) ELEVATION m) 2 BH-08-11 10 cm B (South) B' (North) 252 BH-06-11 252 250 250 248 248 5 BH-04-11 246 244 244 242 242 2 3 4 246 1 0 240 BH-16-11 238 238 BH-18-11 236 234 BH-19-11 236 234 DRY 232 232 BH-20-11 230 230 228 228 226 226 224 224 222 222 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 DISTANCE (m) Project LEGEND: NOTES: SILT CLAY TILL FILL SAND SILT AND SAND Groundwater measurements taken on 2011-08-17. Seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels would be expected. TOPSOIL SAND AND GRAVEL WATER LEVEL PEAT SILT TILL The inferred stratigraphy shown on this cross-section is based on the subsurface stratigraphy contacted at the Boreholes. The subsurface conditions between the Boreholes will vary. 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Title 700 750 ELEVATION m) ELEVATION m) 240 10 cm EL. 246.16 EL. 244.96 EL. 251.25 EL. 239.05 EL. 238.20 EL. 245.16 EL. 245.05 EL. 237.74 EL. 240.74 EL. 238.68 EL. 240.74 EL. 239.56 5 EL. 239.45 4 EL. 236.15 EL. 245.44 3 EL. 242.89 1 2 EL. 246.71 EL. 238.59 0 EL. 238.52 EL. 240.92 EL. 235.90 EL. 236.78 EL. 239.22 EL. 236.12 EL. 251.32 EL. 237.63 EL. 233.31 EL. 233.59 EL. 226.03 EL. 230.71 0 50 100 SCALE 1:4000 Project LEGEND: BOREHOLE LOCATION GROUNDWATER CONTOUR November 2011 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario MINI PIEZOMETER LOCATION EL. 240.92 GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION (mASL) NOTES : 1-REFERENCES : C WEST & RUUSKA LTD., Project G110063, 2011-10-25 Title 150 m 10 cm 4 5 GILBERT WELL FIELD 0 1 2 3 SITE LEGEND: MOE WATER WELL RECORD - Overburden MOE WATER WELL RECORD - Bedrock NOTES : 1-REFERENCES : GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY, 2010 aerial photography (2011). 0 200 400 600 800 1000 m SCALE 1:20000 Project 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Title 07 of 08 10 cm 4 5 GILBERT WELL FIELD 0 1 2 3 SITE INITIAL VULNERABILITY SCORE - 10 LEGEND: INITIAL VULNERABILITY SCORE - 2 INITIAL VULNERABILITY SCORE - 6 NOTES : 1-REFERENCES : GRAND RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY, 2010 aerial photography (2011). 0 200 400 600 800 1000 m INITIAL VULNERABILITY SCORE - 8 SCALE 1:20000 INITIAL VULNERABILITY SCORE - 4 Project 150 Paris Links Road, Paris, Ontario Title 08 of 08 Appendix 5 MOE Water Well Records As of November 29, 2011 Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 BRANTFORD TOWNSHIP () 17 549449 4784931W 2010/09 7190 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(025) 17 551604 4784043W 1952/08 4801 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(025) 17 551992 4784197W 1987/08 4207 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(025) 17 551834 4784133W 1957/06 4801 04 04 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(025) 17 551774 4784093W 1960/03 2414 04 04 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(025) 17 551814 4784093W 1973/10 4801 04 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(025) 17 552054 4784263W 1951/11 4801 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(025) 17 551979 4784203W 1953/04 4801 04 04 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(027) 17 551348 4783220W 1990/12 3428 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(027) 17 551160 4783165W 1990/12 3428 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(027) 17 551127 4783375W 1991/02 3428 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(027) 17 551160 4783165W 1991/06 3428 06 02 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(027) 17 551364 4783282W 1990/05 3406 06 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL 0035 FR 0129 FR 0160 FR 0133 FR 0160 FR 0166 MN 0118 FR 0128 STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN WATER USE9 SCREEN INFO10 25 20 118 / 120 004 / 4:0 DO 117 / 165 012 / 1:0 DO 121 / 121 004 / 5:0 DO 123 / 130 008 / 1:0 DO 122 / 134 003 / 2:0 DO 118 / 120 002 / 4:0 DO 118 / 119 003 / 4:0 DO 057 / 058 007 / 24:0 PS 053 / 057 007 / 24:0 PS 066 / 068 007 / :0 MN MN NU 83 5 Page: 1 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 7153072 (Z104082) A066657 BRWN GRVL SAND DNSE 0004 BRWN DNSE 0012 BRWN CSND DNSE 0014 1300942 () GRVL BLDR 0062 BLUE CLAY 0118 ROCK 0131 1303663 (08274) BRWN LOAM 0002 BRWN CLAY GRVL BRWN GRVL 0060 GREY CLAY 0110 CLAY GRVL 0120 GREY GRVL CLAY BLUE LMSN 0165 1300944 () GRVL BLDR 0062 BLUE CLAY 0120 0133 1300946 () CLAY LOAM 0004 GRVL BLDR 0024 BLDR 0040 GRVL 0065 BLUE CLAY 0124 BLUE ROCK 0165 1301977 () BRWN GRVL CLAY SAND 0004 GREY 0068 GREY CLAY 0123 GREY ROCK 1300941 () GRVL 0061 BLUE CLAY 0125 BLUE 0131 1300943 () GRVL 0062 BLUE CLAY BLDR 0125 ROCK 0128 1305130 (093303) PRDR 0060 SHLE DLMT LYRD 0120 1305131 (093304) BRWN SAND STNS GRVL 0028 BRWN SAND GRVL GRVL 0055 GREY SHLE 0079 GREY SHLE 0097 GREY SHLE 0106 BRWN SHLE 0120 1305133 (093306) OBDN 0054 GREY SHLE 0084 GREY SHLE 0101 GREY SHLE 0115 1305136 (093309) UNKN 0120 1304325 (61666) BRWN GRVL SAND BLDR CLAY GVLY 0019 RED CLAY STNS 0026 GRVL 0034 GRVL CLAY 0041 0048 BRWN CLAY SHLE LMSN FCRD 0051 BRWN 0022 0038 0075 BRWN DLMT BRWN GREY BRWN DLMT 0108 GRVL GREN 0024 GREY 0133 LMSN HPAN GRVL GRVL 0168 ROCK BRWN SAND CLAY DLMT 0103 GREY 0081 BRWN LMSN BRWN LMSN 0107 0008 SAND 0033 BRWN LMSN LMSN BRWN 0023 BRWN CLAY 0050 0059 SAND BRWN CSND GRVL BRWN Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN 062 / 068 004 / 48:0 WATER USE9 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(027) 17 550993 4783593W 1992/06 3428 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(027) 17 551024 4783632W 1992/06 3428 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(027) 17 550962 4783573W 1992/10 3428 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(028) 17 550939 4783563W 1991/03 3428 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(028) 17 550993 4783370W 1991/04 3428 06 06 061 / 068 004 / :0 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(028) 17 550844 4783001W 1990/02 3428 06 06 056 / 058 007 / 24:0 PS SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(028) 17 550784 4784014W 1990/12 3406 06 06 042 / 049 030 / 1:0 DO SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 01(029) 17 550266 4783437W 1981/03 1702 06 035 / 040 010 / 1:0 DO SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(027) 17 550832 4784196W 1997/07 3406 12 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(027) 17 550559 4784869W 1988/11 3518 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(027) 17 550557 4784878W 1988/11 3518 02 06 FR 0040 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550086 4785631W 1997/09 4207 06 05 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550146 4784953W 1979/09 4005 02 063 / 070 003 / 48:0 062 / 070 007 / 8:0 060 / 065 007 / :0 UK 0051 FR 0047 UK 0050 SCREEN INFO10 MN WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 1305127 (093310) BRWN CLAY SAND GRVL SAND 0038 GREY CLAY CLAY 0048 GREY SHLE 1305128 (093311) BRWN CLAY GRVL 0018 GRVL 0020 BRWN CLAY CLAY SAND 0039 GREY 1305129 (093321) OBDN 0050 GREY SHLE MN MN MN MN 050 / 060 / 2:0 IR FR 0040 022 / 044 030 / 1:0 DO 36 4 FR 0007 004 / 004 049 / 1:0 MN 15 3 Page: 2 / 14 0024 GREY CLAY BLDR 0043 GREY DLMT 0080 BRWN CLAY SAND SAND 0032 GREY SHLE DLMT 0078 DLMT 0080 1305134 (093307) BRWN SAND GRVL CLAY 0014 BRWN SAND CLAY BLDR 0029 GREY CLAY SAND 0055 GREY DLMT 0057 GREY SHLE DLMT 0100 1305135 (093308) BRWN CLAY SAND 0012 BRWN SAND 0020 GREY CLAY 0050 GREY SAND GRVL 0054 GREY SHLE DLMT 0075 1305132 (093305) BRWN SAND GRVL 0007 BRWN SAND GRVL STNS 0015 BLCK SAND SILT GRVL 0019 BRWN GRVL SAND 0026 BRWN SAND 0032 RED CLAY 0067 GREY SHLE 0083 BRWN DLMT 0085 GREY SHLE DLMT 0108 BRWN DLMT 0112 GREY SHLE 0120 1304329 (61698) BRWN SAND CLAY 0011 GRVL 0030 BRWN SAND GRVL 0031 BRWN CLAY 0042 BRWN LMSN SHLE LYRD 0081 1303034 () BRWN SAND 0010 GREY CLAY SAND 0020 GREY GRVL CMTD 0045 GREY GRVL 0047 GREN LMSN 0050 1305236 () BRWN SAND 0015 GRVL 0039 ROCK FCRD 0048 LMSN SHLE LYRD 0081 1303915 (55153) BRWN LOAM 0001 BRWN SAND LOOS 0010 BRWN GRVL SAND LOOS 0045 1303914 (26876) BLCK LOAM SAND LOOS 0001 BRWN SAND LOOS 0010 BRWN GRVL SAND STNS 0057 GREY CLAY STKY 0075 1305157 (186210) BRWN GRVL CLAY SILT 0035 BRWN SAND GRVL 0044 1302790 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 BRWN SAND GRVL LOOS 0011 BRWN CSND LOOS 0015 BRWN SAND GRVL PCKD 0018 Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550108 4784813W 1995/09 1737 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550126 4785021W 1995/09 1737 01 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550124 4784921W 1995/09 1737 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550303 4784323W 1992/05 1702 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550064 4784801W 1990/05 3406 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550186 4784749W 1990/07 3406 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550115 4785018W 1990/12 3406 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550178 4784747W 1990/12 3406 10 10 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550152 4785640W 1988/01 1737 05 05 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN / 040 / :0 WATER USE9 52 10 NU NU FR 0037 010 / 039 006 / 0:30 DO UK 0072 UK 0012 / 007 015 / 1:0 UK 0084 UK 0037 / 040 / 1:0 UK 0069 / 040 / 1:30 PS / 100 / 2:30 PS 039 / 045 010 / 2:0 DO UK 0077 FR 0139 SCREEN INFO10 32 6 43 3 79 6 MN MN Page: 3 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 1305018 (146317) BRWN SAND GRVL SOFT STNS SOFT 0044 GREY 0045 GREY TILL STNS SAND SOFT 0059 BRWN 0066 BRWN TILL STNS LMSN SHLE MGRD 0086 1305017 (146318) BRWN SAND GRVL STNS SOFT 0046 GREY SAND GREY GRVL SOFT 0083 1305016 (146319) BRWN SAND SILT STNS STNS SOFT 0064 GREY 0086 BRWN LMSN HARD 1304573 (093572) BRWN SAND 0003 GREY GREY GRVL SAND 0046 1304327 (61665) BLCK LOAM 0001 GRVL GRVL SAND 0026 GREY 0066 BRWN SAND CLAY MSND FSND 0080 BRWN 1304326 (61686) BRWN SAND 0006 BRWN BRWN SAND GRVL CLAY GRVL 0034 GREY SILT GREY CLAY GRVL 0054 FCRD 0067 BRWN CLAY GREY CLAY 0079 LMSN SHLE 0116 1304323 (61694) BLCK LOAM 0002 BRWN 0009 BRWN MSND 0017 CLAY 0049 BRWN CLAY GREY SHLE FCRD 0085 BRWN LMSN 0101 SHLE LMSN 0116 1304322 (61695) BRWN CLAY SAND 0006 CLAY STNS 0023 BRWN CLAY STNS 0074 GREY 0077 BRWN LMSN 0078 0101 BRWN LMSN 0102 0110 1303707 (24594) BRWN GRVL STNS SOFT HARD 0029 GREY CLAY GREY CLAY SAND SOFT HARD 0116 BLUE SHLE LMSN 0138 BLUE SHLE 0013 SAND HARD SAND HARD GREY SILT 0052 SILT 0083 TILL SOFT BRWN SOFT GREY 0020 GREY CLAY SILT TILL 0082 TILL STNS 0085 0017 GREY TILL SILT GRVL TILL 0088 GRVL CLAY 0037 FILL CLAY CLAY MSND SAND GRVL 0072 CGRD 0006 LYRD BRWN 0085 SAND 0030 SAND GREY SNDY SHLE GRVL GREY CLAY CLAY GRVL LYRD 0015 SAND 0037 LMSN 0074 0110 MSND CGVL GRVL GREY SOFT 0008 0020 BLDR SHLE 0114 CGVL BRWN 0069 0089 BRWN GRVL SAND CLAY GREY GREY 0009 0027 LMSN SHLE SHLE GREY GREY LYRD FCRD FCRD 0021 STNS 0073 SOFT LMSN BRWN HARD GREY 0137 SOFT CLAY 0068 CLAY BLUE 0146 Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550169 4784846W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550165 4784858W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550162 4784867W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550097 4785628W 2010/11 6178 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550188 4784798W 1979/08 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550174 4784841W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550182 4784833W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550180 4784825W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550184 4784813W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550194 4784785W 1979/08 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550197 4784774W 1979/09 4005 02 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN 004 / 004 020 / 1:0 004 / 004 034 / 1:0 004 / 010 / 1:0 WATER USE9 SCREEN INFO10 20 3 MN MN 21 3 20 3 MN DO FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 004 / 001 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 027 / 1:0 MN 004 / 001 / 1:0 MN 004 / 002 / 1:0 MN 004 / 003 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 005 / 1:0 004 / 004 008 / 1:0 17 3 20 3 21 3 18 3 18 3 16 3 MN MN 16 3 Page: 4 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 1302801 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 BRWN CLAY LOOS 0008 BRWN SAND LOOS 0013 SAND CGVL PCKD 0015 BRWN SAND PCKD 0023 1302800 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 BRWN CLAY LOOS 0006 BRWN SAND LOOS 0013 SAND FGVL PCKD 0018 BRWN SAND PCKD 0024 1302799 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 BRWN CLAY LOOS 0006 BRWN SAND LOOS 0015 SAND FGVL PCKD 0019 BRWN SAND PCKD 0023 7155607 (Z125733) A087785 0001 1302772 () BRWN SAND GRVL LOOS 0012 BRWN BRWN SAND FGVL 1302773 () BLCK MUCK LOOS LOOS 0005 BRWN BRWN SAND LOOS PCKD 0015 BRWN 1302774 () BLCK MUCK LOOS LOOS 0005 BRWN CLAY SNDY GRVL PCKD 0024 1302775 () BRWN SAND GRVL SNDY LOOS 0009 BRWN SAND GRVL SLTY GRVL 0021 1302776 () BRWN SAND GRVL LOOS 0012 BRWN GREY SAND SLTY 1302777 () BRWN SAND CGVL LOOS 0013 BRWN 1302778 () BLCK MUCK LOOS LOOS 0005 BRWN SAND GRVL PCKD GRVL 0019 SNDY BRWN FGVL SNDY BRWN CGVL SNDY BRWN CGVL PCKD 0002 BRWN SAND SAND CGVL PCKD 0016 PCKD 0020 0001 CLAY 0012 SAND BRWN SNDY BRWN FGVL CLAY LOOS SAND PCKD GRVL 0010 CGVL 0023 0001 BRWN CLAY SNDY SAND LOOS 0008 BRWN 0017 BRWN SAND GRVL LOOS 0002 BRWN CLAY BRWN SAND LOOS 0012 PCKD 0016 BRWN SAND PCKD 0002 BRWN SAND SAND CGVL PCKD 0018 GRVL 0020 LOOS 0005 BRWN SAND SAND FGVL PCKD 0019 0001 BRWN SAND GRVL SAND LOOS 0014 BRWN 0017 BRWN SAND SLTY Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550202 4784769W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550203 4784763W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550205 4784758W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550133 4785050W 1979/08 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550132 4785041W 1979/08 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550134 4785034W 1979/08 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550136 4785014W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550135 4784995W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550141 4784973W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550144 4784967W 1979/09 4005 02 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0006 FR 0006 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN 004 / 004 034 / 1:0 004 / 004 011 / 1:0 004 / 004 031 / 1:0 004 / 004 069 / 1:0 004 / 004 075 / 1:0 WATER USE9 SCREEN INFO10 16 3 MN MN 14 3 14 3 MN MN 15 3 17 3 MN 004 / 004 051 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 022 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 033 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 055 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 051 / 1:0 MN 18 3 21 3 20 3 18 3 18 3 Page: 5 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 1302779 () BLCK MUCK BLDR GRVL LOOS 0009 BRWN SAND GRVL SLTY GRVL 0019 1302780 () BLCK MUCK BLDR GRVL BLDR 0008 BRWN SAND GRVL SLTY GRVL 0017 1302781 () BLCK MUCK CGVL SNDY GRVL 0005 BRWN SAND GRVL PCKD 0017 1302782 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0008 GREY CLAY SAND GRVL FGRD CGRD 0018 1302783 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0003 GREY CLAY FSND LOOS 0014 0020 1302784 () BLCK MUCK LOOS LOOS 0008 BRWN SAND GRVL CGRD PCKD 0021 1302785 () BLCK MUCK LOOS LOOS 0002 BRWN SAND GRVL PCKD 1302786 () BLCK MUCK LOOS LOOS 0002 BRWN BRWN CSND LOOS PCKD 0023 1302787 () BLCK MUCK LOOS LOOS 0005 BRWN SAND FGVL LOOS 0018 BRWN SAND 1302788 () BLCK MUCK LOOS LOOS 0002 BRWN CSND LOOS 0018 0021 LOOS 0005 BRWN SAND BRWN SAND LOOS 0013 PCKD 0018 BRWN SAND LOOS 0004 BRWN SAND BRWN SAND LOOS 0011 LOOS 0015 BRWN SAND LOOS 0002 BRWN CLAY BRWN SAND LOOS 0009 PCKD 0016 BRWN CSND 0001 GREY CLAY LOOS FSND LOOS 0012 BRWN 0015 BRWN SAND GRVL 0001 GREY CLAY LOOS SAND LOOS 0011 GREY BRWN SAND GRVL PCKD 0001 GREY CLAY SAND SAND LOOS 0014 BRWN 0018 GREY CGVL SAND 0001 GREY CLAY SNDY SAND LOOS 0015 BRWN 0024 0001 BRWN CLAY SNDY SAND GRVL LOOS 0009 0017 BRWN SAND GRVL 0001 SAND 0013 GRVL BRWN LOOS BRWN PCKD CLAY SNDY 0011 BRWN CSND LOOS 0021 0001 BRWN CLAY SNDY SAND LOOS 0010 BRWN BRWN SAND GRVL PCKD Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550145 4784959W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550152 4784942W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550162 4784893W 1979/08 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550144 4784934W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550142 4784923W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550147 4784912W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550154 4784901W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550163 4784884W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(028) 17 550164 4784875W 1979/09 4005 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(029) 17 549955 4784846W 2008/12 3653 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 FR 0007 STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN WATER USE9 004 / 004 064 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 034 / 1:0 MN 004 / 003 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 045 / 1:0 MN / 038 / 1:0 MN 004 / 004 016 / 1:0 004 / 004 031 / 1:0 004 / 003 / 1:0 004 / 004 011 / 1:0 SCREEN INFO10 16 3 15 3 18 3 15 3 15 3 16 3 MN MN 16 3 17 3 MN MN 15 3 Page: 6 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 1302789 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 BRWN SAND 0010 BRWN SAND FGVL LOOS 0015 SAND CGVL PCKD 0019 1302791 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 BRWN SAND LOOS 0010 BRWN CSND LOOS 0014 SAND GRVL PCKD 0018 1302792 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 WHIT CLAY LOOS 0002 GREY CLAY LOOS 0005 CLAY SNDY LOOS 0008 BRWN SAND 0012 BRWN SAND CGVL PCKD 0016 SAND FGVL PCKD 0021 1302793 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 WHIT SAND 0002 BRWN CLAY LOOS 0003 BRWN LOOS 0007 BRWN SAND FGVL 0014 SAND CGVL PCKD 0018 1302794 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 WHIT SAND 0002 GREY CLAY LOOS 0004 BRWN LOOS 0013 BRWN SAND FGVL PCKD BRWN SAND CGVL PCKD 0018 1302795 () BRWN CLAY SNDY GRVL 0001 BLCK LOOS 0002 WHIT CLAY SNDY LOOS BRWN CLAY LOOS 0005 BRWN SAND 0013 BRWN SAND GRVL PCKD 0016 SAND CGVL PCKD 0019 1302796 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 WHIT CLAY LOOS 0003 BRWN CLAY LOOS 0005 SAND LOOS 0010 BRWN SAND FGVL 0015 BRWN SAND CGVL PCKD 0019 1302797 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 WHIT CLAY LOOS 0002 GREY CLAY LOOS 0004 CLAY SNDY LOOS 0008 BRWN SAND 0010 BRWN SAND CGVL LOOS 0013 SAND FGVL PCKD 0017 GREY CLAY GRVL 0020 1302798 () BLCK MUCK LOOS 0001 WHIT CLAY LOOS 0002 BRWN SAND LOOS 0004 SAND FGVL PCKD 0019 7119261 (Z095423) A082974 LOOS BRWN CGVL BRWN SNDY BRWN LOOS BRWN LOOS SAND BRWN LOOS SAND 0015 MUCK 0003 LOOS BRWN SNDY BRWN LOOS SNDY BRWN LOOS BRWN SNDY SNDY BRWN Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN WATER USE9 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(029) 17 549574 4784674W 1995/09 1737 01 01 01 NU SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(029) 17 549719 4785235W 1995/09 1737 01 01 01 NU SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(029) 17 550137 4785025W 2007/11 3428 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(029) 17 549930 4784978W 2008/12 3653 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(029) 17 549966 4784811W 1995/09 1737 01 01 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(030) 17 549531 4784203W 1989/03 1737 01 01 01 FR 0094 FR 0082 FR 0042 029 / 003 / :0 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(030) 17 549300 4785270W 1999/11 4207 06 FR 0049 035 / 048 020 / 1:0 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(030) 17 549264 4785438W 1964/02 2801 07 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 02(030) 17 549304 4785319W 1988/09 4207 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS CON 03(029) 17 549412 4785622W 1999/06 4207 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS GR W 02(002) 17 551925 4785203W 1994/01 1737 06 06 SCREEN INFO10 95 10 120 10 MN Page: 7 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 1305015 (146320) BRWN GRVL STNS SOFT STNS SAND 0053 BRWN 0103 GREY TILL GRVL LMSN SHLE SOFT 0114 1305022 (146338) BLCK LOAM SOFT 0001 0075 BRWN CLAY SOFT HARD 0086 GREY TILL BLCK SHLE SOFT 0141 7104500 (Z77407) 0044 BRWN TILL SAND GRVL TILL SOFT 0107 GREY BRWN GRVL SOFT 0077 GREY CLAY STNS HARD 0139 7119262 (Z095424) A082971 NU FR 0020 FR 0039 FR 0070 102 10 94 3 DO 018 / 026 004 / 1:0 DO 027 / 037 020 / 1:0 DO 060 / 020 / :0 NU 19 3 1305019 (146334) BRWN GRVL STNS HARD GRVL SOFT 0061 GREY 0066 GREY SAND SILT CLAY SILT HARD 0125 1303970 (34605) BRWN GRVL STNS SOFT CLAY SOFT 0028 BRWN 0034 BRWN SAND SILT FSND SOFT 0055 BRWN 0082 GREY SAND SILT LMSN FCRD SOFT 0106 0110 1305498 (210984) BRWN SILT STNS GRVL SAND 0049 1300988 () GRVL BLDR MSND 0018 0026 GRVL BLDR MSND 0102 GRVL MSND CLAY MSND 0116 BRWN CLAY GRVL 0123 LMSN 0124 1303810 (37034) BRWN LOAM 0002 BRWN BRWN SAND GRVL 0026 1305502 (201144) BRWN LOAM 0002 BRWN 0035 GREY GRVL SAND 1304741 (132427) LOAM 0001 BRWN BLDR BRWN GRVL STNS SOFT SILT SOFT 0035 GREY SHLE LMSN SOFT 0068 SOFT 0089 0023 BRWN SAND SAND SILT SOFT CLAY 0112 GREY 0019 CLAY SOFT SAND SOFT BLUE BRWN GRVL 0038 GRVL 0091 SHLE SILT SOFT BRWN SOFT BRWN SOFT 0025 GREY GRVL GRVL 0051 0108 0120 MSND BLUE BLDR BRWN BLDR CLAY GRVL CLAY GRVL SAND 0018 GRVL SAND CLAY 0039 GRVL 0033 CLAY BRWN HARD BRWN HARD LMSN 0018 CLAY 0064 SHLE Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN WATER USE9 NU SCREEN INFO10 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS GR W 02(002) 17 551927 4785216W 1994/02 1737 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550024 4784856W 2007/04 2663 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550024 4784855W 2007/06 6875 04 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550158 4784831W 2007/11 3428 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550160 4784842W 2007/11 3428 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550024 4784855W 2007/06 6875 02 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550024 4784855W 2007/04 2663 06 06 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550138 4784995W 2007/10 3428 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550137 4785003W 2007/11 3428 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550133 4785014W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101606 (Z77411) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550133 4785019W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101608 (Z77410) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550161 4784822W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104426 (Z47228) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550133 4785028W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104501 (Z77408) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550142 4784956W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104502 (Z77417) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550146 4784946W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104503 (Z77418) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550150 4784930W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104504 (Z77419) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550150 4784913W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104505 (Z77420) FR 0057 32 5 36 5 NU 38 5 MN Page: 8 / 14 1304739 (132428) LOAM 0001 BRWN BLDR GRVL BRWN GRVL STNS SOFT 0036 HARD 0037 7044267 (Z41635) A039555 BRWN SAND 0023 BRWN CLAY SAND CLAY 0041 BRWN CLAY 7046586 (Z50960) A049996 BRWN SAND GRVL CSND 0026 TILL 0031 BRWN SAND FSND 7104515 (Z77431) HARD 0018 GREY CLAY 0030 BRWN 0057 BRWN CLAY 0043 7104514 (Z77429) NU FR 0050 38 5 34 6 MN 7046587 (Z50963) A049997 BRWN SAND GRVL CSND 0026 TILL 0031 BRWN SAND FSND 7044268 (Z41636) A039555 BRWN SAND 0023 BRWN CLAY SAND CLAY 0047 BRWN CLAY 7101604 (Z77413) 7101605 (Z77412) BRWN CLAY 0043 0030 BRWN 0050 Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN WATER USE9 SCREEN INFO10 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550150 4784921W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104506 (Z77421) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550151 4784904W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104507 (Z77422) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550132 4784894W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104508 (Z77423) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550152 4784886W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104509 (Z77424) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550154 4784870W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104510 (Z77425) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550153 4784878W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104511 (Z77426) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550155 4784861W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104512 (Z77427) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS 02(029) 17 550161 4784851W 2007/11 3428 MN 7104513 (Z77428) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS () 17 550203 4785253W 2010/12 6809 7164560 (Z121148) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS () 17 549424 4785126W 2010/12 6809 7164559 (M10182) A108320 SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS () 17 549702 4785245W 2010/12 6809 7164562 (Z121146) SOUTH DUMFRIES TOWNS () 17 549989 4785537W 1998/05 3030 36 36 PARIS TOWN CON 01(027) 17 551308 4783926W 1973/09 2406 05 05 PARIS TOWN CON 02(029) 17 550294 4784403W 1969/05 2519 30 PARIS TOWN CON 02(029) 17 549977 4784803W 2006/02 6607 02 PARIS TOWN () 17 550260 4783880W 2005/12 6607 01 FR 0027 FR 0125 FR 0022 027 / / :0 DO 088 / 125 008 / 1:0 DO 022 / / :0 PS FR 0013 FR 0010 20 10 NU 5 10 Page: 9 / 14 1305247 (185405) BRWN LOAM 0001 BRWN SAND BRWN SAND GRVL PRDG 0027 GRVL PRDG 0033 1301954 () LOAM 0001 BRWN CLAY STNS HPAN GRVL 0048 BRWN CLAY BRWN HPAN GRVL 0077 BLUE 1301380 () LOAM 0001 BRWN CLAY MSND MSND GRVL 0030 1306595 (Z44171) A040971 BRWN SAND 0010 BRWN CSND CSND 0023 BRWN CSND SILT 1306563 (Z40318) A036814 BRWN SILT LOAM 0002 BLCK 0003 BRWN SAND SILT FILL SILT 0011 BRWN SAND 0015 GRVL 0020 BRWN SAND 0025 BRWN GRVL 0065 ROCK 0125 0006 BRWN 0013 BRWN 0030 SILT FILL 0008 BRWN Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL MN 0100 STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN 065 / 100 030 / 1:0 WATER USE9 SCREEN INFO10 Page: 10 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 PARIS TOWN 01(028) 17 550757 4783345L 1998/10 2336 06 06 IN 1305283 (191794) BRWN SAND GRVL 0070 GREY SAND GRVL 0082 GREY ROCK 0120 7053110 (Z60713) A039555 PARIS TOWN 02(029) 17 550024 4784856W 2007/11 6875 00 PARIS TOWN 02(029) 17 550168 4784753W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101459 (Z77430) PARIS TOWN 02(029) 17 550024 4784855W 2007/11 6875 00 7053107 (Z60715) A049997 PARIS TOWN 02(029) 17 550024 4784855W 2007/11 6875 00 7053109 (Z60714) A049996 PARIS TOWN 02(029) 17 550024 4784855W 2007/11 6875 00 7053108 (Z60712) A039555 PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550133 4785023W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101409 (Z77409) PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550137 4784987W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101410 (Z77414) PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550139 4784976W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101411 (Z77415) PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550140 4784968W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101412 (Z77416) PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550170 4784757W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101413 (Z77436) PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550170 4784787W 2007/11 3428 PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550168 4784796W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101415 (Z77434) PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550166 4784805W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101416 (Z77433) PARIS TOWN 2(29) 17 550163 4784813W 2007/11 3428 MN 7101417 (Z77432) PARIS TOWN 34(1) 17 549553 4782066W 2007/11 6607 7101414 (Z77435) 02 0035 7100963 (M00696) A054683 BRWN SILT LOAM 0001 BRWN BRWN SILT SAND GRVL 0009 SILT 0020 BRWN SILT SAND BRWN SILT SAND GRVL 0039 SILT 0040 SILT BRWN GRVL GREY 0005 SAND 0027 CLAY Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 PARIS TOWN (028) 17 550194 4785252W 2001/05 6865 06 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 550019 4784761W 2001/09 6865 06 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 550002 4784785W 2001/09 6865 06 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 549999 4784711W 2001/05 6865 05 06 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 549933 4784940W 2001/05 6865 06 05 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 549962 4784892W 2001/05 6865 06 05 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 549988 4784737W 2001/05 6865 06 05 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 549981 4784763W 2001/05 6865 06 05 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 549717 4784956W 2001/05 6865 06 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 549980 4784782W 2001/05 6865 06 05 PARIS TOWN (029) 17 549927 4784986W 2001/09 6865 06 05 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN WATER USE9 SCREEN INFO10 NU NU UK 0044 UK 0024 UK 0029 UK 0043 UK 0040 FR 0040 FR 0026 026 / 034 034 / :30 MN 012 / 012 035 / :30 MN 009 / 017 030 / 0:30 MN 015 / 021 030 / :30 MN 014 / 016 075 / 0:30 MN 014 / 018 196 / :30 MN 007 / 010 034 / :30 MN 35 6 20 4 25 4 36 8 33 4 32 9 2 4 Page: 11 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 1305746 (213565) BRWN SAND CGVL 0004 0006 BRWN FSND GRVL STNS 0036 GREY CLAY CLAY STNS 0066 GREY GREY CLAY STNS 0086 0101 GREY CLAY SLTY SHLE CLAY 0126 1305761 (225294) BRWN LOAM 0002 BRWN BRWN CGVL 0012 BRWN GRVL SAND 0042 BRWN 1305760 (225295) BRWN LOAM 0001 BRWN BRWN GRVL CSND 0012 0041 BRWN FSND 0048 0049 1305748 (213563) BLCK LOAM 0001 BRWN 0015 BRWN SAND GRVL SAND CLAY 0028 BRWN 0042 BRWN SAND SLTY 1305752 (213559) BLCK LOAM 0001 BRWN BRWN SAND CGVL 0024 0030 1305751 (213560) BRWN GRVL CSND 0015 0029 GREY CLAY SAND 1305750 (213561) BLCK LOAM 0001 BRWN BRWN SAND CGVL 0043 SLTY 0063 BRWN SAND 1305749 (213562) BLCK LOAM 0001 BRWN BRWN SAND CGVL 0040 0046 1305745 (213566) BLCK LOAM 0001 BRWN BRWN SAND CGVL 0046 0070 BRWN GRVL SAND SAND HARD 0114 GREN 1305747 (213564) BLCK LOAM 0001 BRWN BRWN SAND CGVL 0041 0051 1305753 (213558) BLCK LOAM 0001 BRWN GRVL CSND 0026 BRWN 0037 BRWN CLAY SAND SAND 0106 BLUE SHLE GREY 0028 GRVL CLAY BRWN SAND CLAY BRWN 0040 GRVL CLAY 0114 GRVL CLAY GREY 0069 SLTY BLUE GRVL SAND 0007 SAND 0013 BRWN SAND 0050 GRVL SAND 0009 BRWN SAND GRVL BRWN FSND TILL GRVL CSND SAND HARD SAND CGVL 0022 BRWN SLTY LYRD 0051 GRVL CSND 0013 GREY CLAY SAND BRWN SAND CGVL 0035 GRVL CSND 0014 BRWN SILT GRVL CLAY 0066 GRVL CSND 0013 BRWN SAND CLAY GRVL BRWN 0071 GRVL CSND 0041 CLAY SAND GREY CLAY 0117 GRVL CSND 0015 BRWN CLAY SAND CLAY 0002 GREY SAND CLAY HARD 0057 GREY CLAY 0111 Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN WATER USE9 SCREEN INFO10 Page: 12 / 14 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 PARIS TOWN () 17 550184 4784759W 2004/06 3428 06 PARIS TOWN () 17 551658 4783668W 2005/04 4005 05 06 PARIS TOWN () 17 549675 4784446W 2005/08 3428 PARIS TOWN () 17 550551 4785305W 2006/10 7238 02 PARIS TOWN () 17 549526 4782696W 2006/12 6607 02 PARIS TOWN () 17 549527 4782917W 2007/10 6607 02 PARIS TOWN () 17 550653 4783523W 2007/09 6607 01 PARIS TOWN () 17 549339 4785279W 2009/08 6178 42 PARIS TOWN () 17 550181 4784759W 2009/01 3428 08 06 PARIS TOWN () 17 550181 4784759W 2010/07 3428 08 06 PARIS TOWN () 17 550181 4784759W 2010/12 3428 7158472 (Z108210) A021808 PARIS TOWN () 17 549475 4784853W 2010/10 7282 7161259 (M08830) A108532 PARIS TOWN () 17 550649 4783484W 2011/02 7190 7161437 (Z103991) A076108 PARIS TOWN () 17 549753 4784976W 2010/10 6809 7164561 (Z121147) PARIS TOWN () 17 551348 4783220W 2000/12 3428 1305696 (093356) PARIS TOWN () 17 551160 4783165W 2000/12 3428 1305695 (093354) 0010 0013 FR 0013 005 / 012 003 / 1:0 MN 92 15 1306158 (Z02855) A002761 CO 10 3 1306361 (Z22287) A022030 BRWN CLAY GRVL 0010 BRWN SAND 0013 GREY CLAY GRVL 0020 1306426 (Z22068) NU 20 10 7038334 (Z50659) A045273 BRWN STNS GRVL PCKD 0030 10 10 7040386 (Z59656) A053535 BRWN FILL 0011 BRWN SILT CLAY 0020 014 / / :0 7100745 (M00639) A054754 BRWN STNS SAND 0016 RED ROCK 0021 7101143 (M00261) A054644 BRWN SILT LOAM 0000 BRWN SILT GRVL 0009 BRWN SAND SILT 0013 SILT SAND 0017 BRWN SILT 0020 PEAT 0027 SAND GRVL 0031 7128771 (Z101094) A087776 0016 PS DO MN 95 15 7135116 (Z85348) A002761 95 15 7150500 (Z108203) A002761 CLAY SAND BRWN BLCK Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 TOWNSHIP CONCESSION (LOT) 2 UTM1 DATE CNTR 3 CASING DIA 4 © Queen’s Printer, 2009 7 WATER5,6 DETAIL STAT LVL/PUMP LVL RATE8/TIME HR:MIN WATER USE9 SCREEN INFO10 WELL # (AUDIT#) WELL TAG # DEPTHS TO WHICH FORMATIONS EXTEND5,11 PARIS TOWN () 17 550844 4783001W 2000/12 3428 1305694 (093357) PARIS TOWN () 17 551127 4783375W 2000/12 3428 1305693 (093353) PARIS TOWN () 17 550993 4783370W 2000/12 3428 1305692 (093352) PARIS TOWN () 17 549855 4783872W 1990/12 3406 06 PARIS TOWN () 17 551474 4783983W 1972/11 1702 05 PARIS TOWN () 17 549854 4785143W 1964/02 2801 02 02 02 PARIS TOWN () 17 549794 4785153W 1964/02 2801 07 PARIS TOWN () 17 550574 4783423W 1958/05 2525 04 04 PARIS TOWN () 17 550984 4784238W 2011/08 6607 PARIS TOWN () 17 550008 4784830W 2007/02 6607 01 PARIS TOWN () 17 550594 4783433W 1957/10 2414 04 UK 0053 026 / 050 / 1:15 PS FR 0099 FR 0107 100 / 102 003 / 1:30 DO UK 022 / 030 008 / 3:0 NU FR 0037 029 / 032 005 / 3:0 72 6 DO Page: 13 / 14 1304328 (61697) BRWN CLAY GRVL BLDR GRVL CSND 0053 BRWN BRWN SAND GRVL DRTY GRVL STKY 0074 BRWN SHLE FCRD 0102 BRWN LMSN LYRD 0118 1301873 () BRWN CLAY 0004 GREY GREY CLAY GRVL 0060 GREY LMSN 0107 1300987 () BRWN CLAY 0005 MSND CLAY 0056 BLUE CLAY GRVL MSND BLDR 0080 0086 CLAY MSND GRVL 0100 LMSN 0101 1300986 () BLDR GRVL MSND 0029 BLUE CLAY MSND 0111 0118 BLUE LMSN 0122 1300949 () MSND 0004 BLUE CLAY 0023 CLAY 0065 SAND LMSN BRWN SAND BRWN GRVL 0104 CLAY 0056 MSND 0082 SHLE GRVL STNS 0040 GREY GRVL 0099 GRVL MSND RED 0098 0007 GRVL CLAY LMSN BRWN 0073 FSND CLAY RED CLAY 0091 BLUE CLAY LMSN 0031 LMSN 0037 7170249 (M10341) A115228 FR 0010 SU 0080 43 3 030 / 100 / 2:0 NU 7046393 (Z64647) A049138 BRWN STNS SNDY LOOS 0020 GRVL 0030 BRWN GRVL SNDY BRWN TILL 0043 BRWN GRVL 0046 1300948 () PRDG 0016 SILT 0028 CLAY HPAN 0063 BLUE ROCK 0102 GREY TILL LOOS 0039 SNDY LOOS BLDR 0035 Well Computer Print Out Data as of November 29 2011 Notes: 1. UTM in Zone, Easting, Northing and Datum is NAD83; L: UTM estimated from Centroid of Lot; W: UTM not from Lot Centroid 2. Date Work Completed 3. Well Contractor Licence Number 4. Casing diameter in inches 5. Unit of Depth in Feet 6. See Table 4 for Meaning of Code © Queen’s Printer, 2009 Page: 14 / 14 7. STAT LVL: Static Water Level in Feet ; PUMP LVL: Water Level After Pumping in Feet 8. Pump Test Rate in GPM, Pump Test Duration in Hour : Minutes 9. See Table 3 for Meaning of Code 10. Screen Depth and Length in feet 11. See Table 1 and 2 for Meaning of Code 1. Core Material and Descriptive terms 2. Core Color 3. Water Use Code Description … Code Description … Code Description … Code Description … Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Description WHIT WHITE DO Domestic OT Other GREY GREY ST Livestock TH Test Hole BLDR BOULDERS BSLT BASALT CGRD CGVL COARSEGRAINED COARSE GRAVEL IRFM IRON FORMATION PORS FGRD FINE-GRAINED LIMY LIMY PRDG FGVL FINE GRAVEL LMSN LIMESTONE FCRD FRACTURED POROUS PREVIOUSLY DUG PREV. PRDR DRILLED SOFT SOFT SPST SOAPSTONE BLUE BLUE IR Irrigation DE Dewatering STKY STICKY GREN GREEN IN Industrial MO Monitoring YLLW YELLOW CO Commercial BRWN BROWN MN Municipal RED PS Public AC Cooling And A/C Not Used FILL FILL LOAM TOPSOIL QRTZ QUARTZITE STNS STONES CHRT CHERT FLDS FELDSPAR LOOS LOOSE QSND QUICKSAND STNY STONEY CLAY CLAY FLNT FLINT LTCL LIGHTCOLOURED QTZ QUARTZ THIK THICK CLN CLEAN FOSS FOSILIFEROUS LYRD LAYERED ROCK ROCK THIN THIN CLYY CLAYEY FSND FINE SAND MARL MARL SAND SAND TILL TILL CMTD CEMENTED GNIS GNEISS MGRD SHLE SHALE UNKN UNKNOWN TYPE GRNT GRANITE MGVL SHLY SHALY VERY VERY CONG CONGLOMERATE CRYS CRYSTALLINE GRSN GREENSTONE CSND COARSE SAND GRVL GRAVEL MRBL MEDIUMGRAINED MEDIUM GRAVEL MARBLE MSND MEDIUM SAND DKCL DARKCOLOURED GRWK GREYWACKE MUCK DLMT DOLOMITE GVLY GRAVELLY DNSE DENSE GYPS DRTY DIRTY DRY DRY MUCK BLCK BLACK SHRP SHARP WBRG SHST SCHIST WDFR SILT SILT OBDN OVERBURDEN SLTE SLATE GYPSUM PCKD PACKED SLTY SILTY HARD HARD PEAT PEAT SNDS SANDSTONE HPAN HARDPAN SNDY SANDY PGVL PEA GRAVEL RED WTHD WATERBEARING WOOD FRAGMENTS WEATHERED BLGY BLUE-GREY NU 4. Water Detail Code Description Code Description FR Fresh GS Gas SA Salty IR Iron SU Sulphur MN Mineral UK Unknown Appendix 6 Slug Test Analyses (Hvorslev) 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 01-11 Test Well: BH 01-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 01-11 Analysis Date: 22/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 4 8 Drawdown 1.00 0.10 0.01 BH 01-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 01-11 4.50 × 10 -4 12 16 20 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 02-11 Test Well: BH 02-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 02-11 Analysis Date: 22/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 1000 h/h0 1E0 1E-1 BH 02-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 02-11 4.00 × 10 -7 2000 3000 4000 5000 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Pumping Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Pumping Test: BH 03-11 Pumping Well: BH 03-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 03-11 Aquifer Thickness: 4.19 m Discharge Rate: 0.000148 [m³/s] 0.1 0.00 Analysis Date: 22/08/2011 Time [s] 10 1 100 Drawdown [m] 0.60 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 BH 03-11 Calculation after Cooper & Jacob Observation Well BH 03-11 Transmissivity Hydraulic Conductivity [m²/s] [m/s] 2.30 × 10 -5 5.49 × 10 Storage coefficient Radial Distance to PW [m] -6 4.00 × 10 -1 0.03 1000 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 04-11 Test Well: BH 04-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 04-11 Analysis Date: 22/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 1000 Drawdown 1.00 0.10 0.01 BH 04-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 04-11 1.20 × 10 -6 2000 3000 4000 5000 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 05-11 Test Well: BH 05-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 05-11 Analysis Date: 22/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 1000 Drawdown 1.00 0.10 0.01 BH 05-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 05-11 9.50 × 10 -7 2000 3000 4000 5000 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 06-11 Test Well: BH 06-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 06-11 Analysis Date: 22/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 100 1E1 h/h0 1E0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 BH 06-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 06-11 8.00 × 10 -6 200 300 400 500 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 08-11 Test Well: BH 08-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 08-11 Analysis Date: 22/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 40 h/h0 1E0 1E-1 1E-2 BH 08-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 08-11 1.50 × 10 -4 80 120 160 200 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 09-11 Test Well: BH 09-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 19/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 09-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 6 12 1E0 h/h0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 BH 09-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 09-11 4.50 × 10 -4 18 24 30 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 10-11 Test Well: BH 10-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 19/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 10-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 40 1E1 h/h0 1E0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 BH 10-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 10-11 2.50 × 10 -5 80 120 160 200 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 11-11 Test Well: BH 11-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 19/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 11-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 14 1.00 Drawdown 0.10 0.01 0.00 BH 11-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 11-11 2.50 × 10 -5 28 42 56 70 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 12-11 Test Well: BH 12-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 19/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 12-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 6 12 1E0 h/h0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 BH 12-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 12-11 7.00 × 10 -4 18 24 30 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 13-11 Second part Test Well: BH 13-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: New analysis 1 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 200 1E1 h/h0 1E0 1E-1 1E-2 BH 13-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 13-11 2.00 × 10 -6 400 600 800 1000 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 14-11 Test Well: BH 14-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 14-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 40 1E0 h/h0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 BH 14-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 14-11 1.50 × 10 -4 80 120 160 200 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 16-11 Test Well: BH 16-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 16-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 120 h/h0 1E1 1E0 1E-1 BH 16-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 16-11 9.00 × 10 -7 240 360 480 600 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 17-11 Test Well: BH 17-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 17-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 100 1E0 h/h0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 BH 17-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 17-11 2.50 × 10 -5 200 300 400 500 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 18-11 Test Well: BH 18-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 18-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 4 8 1E0 h/h0 1E-1 1E-2 1E-3 BH 18-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 18-11 9.00 × 10 -4 12 16 20 353 Bridge Street East, Kitchener, Ontario, N2K 2Y5 Slug Test Analysis Report Project: Paris Grand Country Club Number: P041402 Client: Location: Slug Test: BH 19-11 Test Well: BH 19-11 Test Conducted by: Test Date: 18/08/2011 Analysis Performed by: FC BH 19-11 Analysis Date: 23/08/2011 Aquifer Thickness: Time [s] 0 1200 Drawdown 10.00 1.00 0.10 BH 19-11 Calculation after Hvorslev Observation Well Hydraulic Conductivity [m/s] BH 19-11 6.00 × 10 -8 2400 3600 4800 6000