Merton Council - Council and democracy
Merton Council - Council and democracy
PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE 15 August 2013 Item No: 04 UPRN APPLICATION NO. 13/P0515 DATE VALID 12/03/2013 Address/Site 1 Conway Road SW20 8PB (Ward) Raynes Park Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension and single storey side and rear extension and installation of new first floor bay window (Amendment to LBM Planning Permission Ref.11/P2765 (Dated 16/01/2012) involving revisions to windows and fenestration. Drawing Nos 001, 013B, 014C, 016C, 017A, 018B, 019B, 020B, 050, 052, and 1204_002A Contact Officer: Richard Allen (8545 3621) ___________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION GRANT Planning Permission subject to conditions _______________________________________________________________ CHECKLIST INFORMATION Heads of agreement: No Is a screening opinion required: No Is an Environmental impact statement required: No Has an Environmental Impact Assessment been submitted: No Press notice-Yes Site notice-Yes Design Review Panel consulted-No Number neighbours consulted External consultants: None Density: n/a Number of jobs created: n/a Archaeology Priority Zone: C:\Documents and Settings\colin millar\Desktop\Combined Folders - August 2013\04) 1 Conway Road, West Wimbledon, SW20 8PB\01) Report - 1 Conway Road.doc 93 1. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 1.1 The application site comprises a two storey detached dwelling house situated on the south west side of Conway Road. The surrounding area is residential in character comprising detached houses. The application site is not within a conservation area. 2.0 CURRENT PROPOSAL 2.1 Planning permission was previously granted in 2012 for single storey side and rear extensions and the addition of a first floor rear bay window (LBM Ref.11/P2765). This permission has been implemented and construction is well advanced. The bay window design as constructed does not accord with the approved plans and the application seeks retrospective approval for the changes to the bay window as well as two other retrospective changes to the fenestration and siting. 2.2 The changes from the previously approved application are as follows: The bay window as approved only had glazing to the rear with solid walls to the flanks. As constructed, the bay window has glazing to all 3 sides, which is fixed and obscure glazed on the 2 flank elevations. The roof detailing has been amended and has a dark grey grp finish instead of lead the north-west side elevation has been slightly re-sited and incorporates a 100mm projecting section to form an internal niche. The fenestration to the w.c. within the front porch has been changed from 2 conventional windows to one narrow full length window in the front elevation and a similar obscure glazed full length window to the north-west elevation and a canopy has been added over the front door. 2.3 There are other changes shown on the submitted drawings - the existing window to the staircase on the side extension facing 3 Conway Road being modified to raise cill height by 320mm scheme, the chimney stack to the side elevation being removed, and 300mmm high decking being provided within the rear garden. These changes do not require planning permission. 3. PLANNING HISTORY 3.1 In November 1983 planning permission was granted for the erection of a two storey rear extensions (Ref.MER866/83). 3.2 In January 2012 planning permission was granted under delegated powers for the erection of a single storey side extension, and part single, part two storey rear extension (LBM Ref.11/P2765). 3.3 In November 2012 Condition 7 (Tree Planting) attached to LBM planning permission 11/P2765 was discharged (LBM Ref.12/P2357). C:\Documents and Settings\colin millar\Desktop\Combined Folders - August 2013\04) 1 Conway Road, West Wimbledon, SW20 8PB\01) Report - 1 Conway Road.doc 94 3.4 In February 2013 an application for non-material amendments to LBM planning permission 11/P2765 was refused. (LBM Ref.12/P3243). 4. CONSULTATION 4.1 The application has been advertised by site notice procedure and letters of notification to occupiers of neighbouring properties. In response 6 letters of objection have been received. The grounds of objection are set out below:- - - the glass within the bay is not sufficiently opaque and still impacts on privacy, the windows appear illuminated because they are backlit from the opposite side window, add to light pollution at night bay window is visually unattractive and out of keeping, should be constructed in accordance with approved plans, with solid walls building work should be in accordance with the approved planning permission the extensions as constructed are out of keeping and visually intrusive. the addition of a full height glass panel to the front elevation enable views through the ground floor of the house and is out of keeping with the streetscene. Floor to ceilng wc windows out of keeping, jarring in appearance, light pollution, size of window unnecessary Roofline to jutting out section will look messy. Looks like a large square hole at roof level in this side wall Decking could cause overlooking if too high, noise will be intrusive if void underneath - should be flush with the floor Clear glass sliding doors behind outer doors of the studio will allow views into the house from the street and are inappropriate. They will cause light pollution and should be solid, look straight into house on opposite side of road Full length window in side elevation already permitted does not appear to be being installed with obscure glass Flank wall appears to be taller than in original plans Amount of glazing on front elevation looks wrong 4.2 Two letters of support has been received. The occupiers of 20 Conway Road state that they support the amendments to the proposal as the changes will improve what is already a well thought out renovation project. The occupiers of 10 Hunter Road are supportive of the building works at 1 Conway Road and that investment is being made in the neighbourhood. 5. POLICY CONTEXT 5.1 The relevant policies contained within the Adopted Merton Core Strategy (July 2011) is CS14 (Design). 5.2 The retained policies contained within the Adopted UDP (October 2003) are , BE.15 (New Buildings and Extensions, Daylight, Sunlight, Privacy, Visual Intrusion and Noise) and BE.23 (Alterations and Extensions to Buildings). C:\Documents and Settings\colin millar\Desktop\Combined Folders - August 2013\04) 1 Conway Road, West Wimbledon, SW20 8PB\01) Report - 1 Conway Road.doc 95 6. PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Planning permission has already been approved for the erection of single storey side extensions and a part single/part two storey rear extension under LBM planning permission ref.11/P2765. This provides a fall back position and is therefore a strong material planning consideration. Therefore the main planning considerations relate to design issues and the impact of the changes to the approved scheme upon neighbour amenity and appearance. 6.2 Design The revisions to the design of the side and rear extension involve the installation of obscure glazed windows within the side elevations of the rear first floor bay window, minor changes to the design of the roof of the bay window and the use of Dark Grey GRP cladding instead of lead. There is no objection to the changes in design terms. At ground floor level, the change to the porch and installation of an full height narrow obscure glazed window, and a narrow projecting section of wall to the side elevation and a full height window to the front elevation are considered to be of a minor nature and are also considered to be acceptable in terms of retained UDP policies BE.22 and BE.23. 6.3 Neighbour Amenity The concerns of the objectors are noted. However, the additional windows installed within the side elevations of the rear first floor bay window have been glazed in obscure glass and are fixed shut. Officers have inspected the windows within the bay and can confirm that the obscure glazing does not allow overlooking of adjacent properties. Obscured glazing has also been installed to the revised flank window to the ground floor w.c. The rectangular projecting panel. Is not considered to have an adverse impact on the visual amenities of the adjoining property sufficient to warrant refusal. The proposal would therefore be acceptable in terms of retained UDP policies BE.15 7.0 CONCLUSION 7.1 The changes to the fenestration and side elevation of the extensions approved by LBM planning permission Ref.11/P2765 including the installation of obscure glazed windows to the side elevation of the rear first floor bay window are considered to be acceptable in design terms. Neighbour amenity can be protected by the use of obscure glazing within the side windows within the first floor bay and ground floor window and controlled by appropriate conditions. Accordingly, it is recommended that planning permission be granted. RECOMMENDATION GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION C:\Documents and Settings\colin millar\Desktop\Combined Folders - August 2013\04) 1 Conway Road, West Wimbledon, SW20 8PB\01) Report - 1 Conway Road.doc 96 Subject to the following conditions:1. A.1 (Commencement of Development) 2. C.2 (No Permitted Development - Windows and Doors) 3. C.3 (Obscure Glazing - First Floor Level-Side Elevations) C:\Documents and Settings\colin millar\Desktop\Combined Folders - August 2013\04) 1 Conway Road, West Wimbledon, SW20 8PB\01) Report - 1 Conway Road.doc 97 This page is intentionally blank 98 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL This map is based on Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or Civil procedings. London Borough of Merton 100019259. 2012. 99 1 Conway Road Date 30/7/2013 Scale 1/1250 London Borough of Merton 100 London Road Morden Surrey SM4 5DX S I T E 16 MONTANA ROAD 1 DEVAS ROAD TREE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS REFER TO DRAWINGS BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT P L A N +2.650m +2.450m +3.000m DECKING DG-8 FFL +3.000m CL2.52 IL1.92 MH DG-9 12 MONTANA ROAD DR 4000 +2.700m CL2.57 2750 +2.630m DG-4 DG-5 DR CL2.62 CL2.70 IL1.72 DG-1 DR 2850 100 1200 +3.000m COURTYARD DG-2 MH OUTBUILDING DG-6 3170 1000 3 DG-7 DRIVEWAY FRONT GARDEN 10 MONTANA ROAD SHED +2.750m CL2.62 CL2.56 1000 IL1.39 3 CONWAY ROAD CL2.54 REAR GARDEN 14 MONTANA ROAD GARAGE RL10.41 100 4360 DR DR CL3.01 CL2.64 Wat Wat DG-3 CL2.56 DR 1 MH 0 CONWAY ROAD 5m 10m KEY TO SYMBOLS SOCKET POINT SPUR SOCKET 1 3 A SOCKET LIGHTING DIMMER SOCKET SWITCH L I G H T SWITCH SHAVER R E C E S S E D LIGHT TA P UNDER H E AT I N G POSITION R A D I AT O R P I P E D FLOOR EXTERNAL G A S WITH LIGHT DETECTOR DETECTOR 20m H E AT S M O K E B E H I N D MIRROR F L U O R E S C E N T LIGHT FITTING W A L L LIGHT R E C E S S E D LOW-LEVEL LIGHTING TRACK WITH D I R E C T I O N A L LIGHTS PENDANT W A L L LIGHT D O W N L I G H T A D J U S TA B L E D O W N L I G H T H E AT I N G UNDER POINT FLOOR LIGHTING SWITCH M A S T E R SWITCH 5 A T W O - W A Y SWITCH P I P E D U N D E R F L O O R H E AT I N G C O N T R O L AND S E N S O R T V AERIAL A U D I O VISUAL POINT TELEPHONE D A T A POINT 1 3 A FUSE 5 A DOUBLE S I N G L E 13A 2 CBFe MH CL2.94 CL2.80 L I M I T E D 1:200 at A3 REV SCALE BY KM February 2013 B DWG NO DATE 1105 013 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Proposed Site Plan DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone REV B DECKING INDICATED IN LIEU OF RAISED PATIO 12.02.13 REV A GENERAL REVISIONS 7.12.11 PLANNING DETAILS TO BE SUBMITTED TO ARCHITECT PRIOR IN A METHOD STATEMENT PRIOR TO ORDERING CONTRACTOR TO MAKE THE APPROPRIATE LIFTING AND SHIFTING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR EACH OPERATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO HAVE LARGE ITEMS DELIVERED IN THE SMALLEST ELEMENTS PRACTICABLE LIFTING AND MOVING HEAVY STEEL MEMBERS AND LARGE SHEETS OF GLASS OR GLAZED DOORS RESIDUAL RISK ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION DURING CONSTRUCTION BY A COMPETENT CONTRACTOR: HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR ALL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DETAILS, FOUNDATIONS AND STEELWORK SPECIFICATIONS REFER TO DRAWINGS BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES 101 10 MONTANA ROAD P R O P O S E D WALL REBUILT IN ORIGINAL POSITION GARAGE DG-9 DRIVEWAY FFL +3.000 STUDIO DG-7 (LINE OF ROOF OVER) FFL +/-0.000 COURTYARD 3250 DINING (EXPOSED CEILING JOISTS OVER) 3615 4712 G R O U N D SHED 023 7665 SITE DIMENSION (AS EXISTING) 7210 (ROOFLIGHT OVER) 2350 A FRONT GARDEN RECEPTION ROOM DG-6 FFL +3.000 HALLWAY SITTING AREA 6065 P L A N UTILITY KITCHEN DG-4 022 1200 DG-3 022 A DG-5 FFL +3.000 2955 DG-1 LOBBY 100 (ROOFLIGHT OVER) 2750 0 4310 W.C. PLAY ROOM DG-8 2750 DG-2 GARDEN DECKING (FRONT ACCESS PATH) 1375 100 2360 1270 1700 4035 REAR GARDEN PROPERTY BOUNDARY B PROPERTY BOUNDARY CANOPY OVER ENTRANCE DOOR 1300 x 1000 mm. FLANK WALL ALIGHNED SQUARE WITH EXISITNG HOUSE INSTEAD OF PARALLEL TO THE BOUNDARY, CREATING MORE SPACE TO BOUNDARY AND TO PROVIDE SQUARE ROOMS 100mm STEP TO NEW FLANK WALL TO PROVIDE A NICHE INTERNALLY 5m 3 CONWAY ROAD 023 B OUTBUILDING PROPERTY BOU NDARY 10m L I M I T E D 1:100 at A3 October 2011 REV SCALE DATE KM C DWG NO BY 1105 014 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Floor Plan Proposed Ground DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone REV A GENERAL REVISIONS 7.12.11 REV B GENERAL REVISIONS 9.11.12 REV C PORCH ADDED AT ENTRANCE, DECKING INDICATED 12.02.13 PLANNING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES P R O P O S E D 10 MONTANA ROAD GARAGE 7665 3110 FALL 3250 FA LL FALL FLAT ROOF TO NEW SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION F I R S T SHED 023 B ROOF TRIM 3615 FALL FAMILY BATHROOM ENSUITE FA LL FA LL 3270 P L A N L FA L BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 ROOFLIGHT FA L L LANDING DF-2 3190 FALL 022 A STUDY DF-6 BEDROOM 4 MASTER BEDROOM FLAT ROOF TO NEW SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION PARAPET 6065 A DF-1 1000 DF-7 DF-3 DF-4 DF-5 022 ROOFLIGHT FLAT ROOF TO NEW SINGLE STOREY EXTENSION FALL FALL 2750 2750 FALL 0 4310 1375 1270 5820 2010 PROPERTY BOUNDARY 7210 ROOF WINDOWS 102 FALL TIMBER FRAMED FIXED WINDOW WITH OBSCURED DOUBLE GLAZING PROPERTY BOUNDARY 5m 3 CONWAY ROAD 023 B OUTBUILDING PROPERTY BOU NDARY PARAPET 10m L I M I T E D 1:100 at A3 October 2011 REV SCALE DATE KM - DWG NO BY 1105 050 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Plan Proposed First Floor DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone PLANNING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES P R O P O S E D 103 10 MONTANA ROAD GARAGE R O O F SHED 023 B PROPERTY BOUNDARY P L A N FALL ROOFLIGHT FALL NEW FLAT ROOF FALL FALL A 022 022 A FALL 0 CHIMNEY STACK REMOVED 5m 3 CONWAY ROAD 023 B OUTBUILDING PROPERTY BOU NDARY PROPERTY BOUNDARY 10m L I M I T E D 1:100 at A3 October 2011 REV SCALE DATE KM C DWG NO BY 1105 016 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Proposed Roof Plan DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone REV A GENERAL REVISIONS 7.12.11 REV C PORCH ADDED AT ENTRANCE 12.02.13 REV B CHIMNEY STACK REMOVED 9.11.12 PLANNING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES 1O MONTANA ROAD STEP UP TO STUDIO FLOOR LEVEL EXTERNAL INSULATION WITH POLYMERIC RENDER, COLOUR WHITE, TO MATCH EXISTING BUILDING STUDIO ROOF RIDGE RAISED 300mm TO ACCOMMODATE ROOF INSULATION, DOOR OPENING FROM COURTYARD. NEW FINISHES TO MATCH ORIGINAL P R O P. 104 300 6.360m 6.660m 6.830m 11.060m 3.900m 10.820m 5.950m PB E L E V A T I O N 1 CONWAY ROAD 4.120m N O R T H - E A S T PB 10.830m 2060 0 8.830m 10. 5m 3 CONWAY ROAD FLOOR TO CEILING CORNER WINDOW IN LIEU OF SILL CANOPY OVER ENTRANCE DOOR 1300 x 1000 mm. CHIMNEY STACK REMOVED 10m L I M I T E D 1:100 at A3 October 2011 REV SCALE DATE KM B DWG NO BY 1105 018 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Elevation Proposed North-East DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone REV B PORCH ADDED AT ENTRANCE 12.02.13 REV A GENERAL REVISIONS 7.12.11 PLANNING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES P R O P. ALUMINIUM RECESS FRAMED FLOOR-TO-CEILING CORNER WINDOW WITH OBSCURED GLASS ALUMINIUM RECESS FRAMED FLOOR-TO-CEILING CORNER WINDOW 3.900m 6.680m 5.240m N O R T H - W E S T PB 11.060m 320 EXTERNAL INSULATION WITH POLYMERIC RENDER, COLOUR WHITE, TO EXISTING BUILDING 105 5.870m 9.960m E L E V A T I O N 5.950m 6.660m 10.820m 0 8.600m 6.085m 2.970m 5m 100mm NICHE TO INSIDE OF WALL POLYESTER POWDER COATED ALUMINIUM FRAMED FIXED AND OBSCURED GLAZED WINDOW 10m TIMBER FRAMED FIXED WINDOW WITH OBSCURED DOUBLE GLAZING DARK GREY G.R.P. WATERPROOF ROOF FINISH IN LIEU OF LEAD CHIMNEY STACK REMOVED L I M I T E D 1:100 at A3 October 2011 REV SCALE DATE KM B DWG NO BY 1105 020 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Elevation Proposed North-West DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone PLANNING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES PAINTED TIMBER FRAMED WINDOW TO NEW BAY WINDOW G.R.P. ROOF TO NEW FIRST FLOOR BAY WINDOW, VENTILATED ROOF FINISH WITH INSULATION BETWEEN AND UNDER JOISTS CHIMNEY STACK REMOVED P R O P. TIMBER WINDOW AND TIMBER HINGED DOOR POLYESTER POWDER COATED ALUMINIUM FRAMED FLOOR-TO-CEILING GLAZING WITH SLIDING DOORS POLYESTER POWDER-COATED ALUMINIUM CAPPING 106 10.695m 8.830m 5.465m PB 5.870m S O U T H - W E S T 11.750m 9.960m 8.600m 11.060m 6.690m E L E V A T I O N 3.000m 2.970m 10.820m 0 10.830m 6.425m 5m PB 10m EXTERNAL INSULATION WITH POLYMERIC RENDER, COLOUR WHITE, TO NEW EXTENSIONS TIMBER FRAMED FIXED WINDOW, OPENING WINDOW AND HINGED DOOR POLYESTER POWDER COATED ALUMINIUM ANGLE WITH VERTICAL TENSIONED WIRES TO CREATE A TRELLIS FOR CLIMBING PLANTS EXTERNAL INSULATION WITH POLYMERIC RENDER, COLOUR WHITE, TO EXISTING BUILDING L I M I T E D 1:100 at A3 October 2012 REV SCALE DATE KM B DWG NO BY 1105 019 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Elevation Proposed South-West DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone REV A GENERAL REVISIONS 7.12.11 REV B GENERAL REVISIONS 9.11.12 PLANNING DETAILS TO BE SUBMITTED TO ARCHITECT PRIOR IN A METHOD STATEMENT PRIOR TO ORDERING CONTRACTOR TO MAKE THE APPROPRIATE LIFTING AND SHIFTING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR EACH OPERATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO HAVE LARGE ITEMS DELIVERED IN THE SMALLEST ELEMENTS PRACTICABLE LIFTING AND MOVING HEAVY STEEL MEMBERS AND LARGE SHEETS OF GLASS OR GLAZED DOORS RESIDUAL RISK ITEM FOR CONSIDERATION DURING CONSTRUCTION BY A COMPETENT CONTRACTOR: HEALTH AND SAFETY FOR ALL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING DETAILS, FOUNDATIONS AND STEELWORK SPECIFICATIONS REFER TO DRAWINGS BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES TIMBER FRAMED FIXED WINDOW WITH OBSCURED DOUBLE GLAZING DARK GREY G.R.P. WATERPROOF ROOF FINISH IN LIEU OF LEAD P R O P. EXTERNAL INSULATION WITH POLYMERIC RENDER, COLOUR WHITE, TO GROUND FLOOR REAR EXTENSION POWDER-COATED ALUMINIUM CAPPING. 107 3.425m S O U T H - E A S T -0.030m 2.970m 3.085m 6.085m 8.600m 9.960m 6.690m 7.490m 6.670m 6.670m E L E V A T I O N 6.425m 10.820m 6.360m 0 6.560m 11.060m 3.900m 5m PB GARAGE WALL REBUILT AND FINISHED WITH EXTERNAL INSULATION WITH POLYMERIC RENDER, COLOUR WHITE, TO EXISTING BUILDING OVERHANG TO ROOF REDUCED 10m WINDOW TO BE INCREASED IN SIZE TO MATCH OTHER WINDOW IN FAMILY BATHROOM (SILL LEVEL TO BE LOWERED) EXTERNAL INSULATION WITH POLYMERIC RENDER, COLOUR WHITE, TO EXISTING BUILDING (TO EAVES LEVEL) L I M I T E D 1:100 at A3 October 2012 REV SCALE DATE KM - DWG NO BY 1105 052 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Elevation Proposed South-East DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone PLANNING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES P R O P. 108 S T R E E T S C E N E 1O MONTANA ROAD 1 CONWAY ROAD PB 0 5m 3 CONWAY ROAD 10m 20m L I M I T E D KM SCALE October 2011 1:200 at A3 REV BY A DWG NO DATE 1105 017 JOB NO do not scale from this drawing contractor to check all dimensions report all omissions and errors to the architect Proposed Street Scene DRAWING 1 Conway Road West Wimbledon London SW20 PROJECT 121 Coombe Lane London SW20 0QY tel 020 8793 5135 fax 020 8793 5135 email [email protected] A R C H I T E C T U R E malone REV B PORCH ADDED AT ENTRANCE 12.02.13 REV A GENERAL REVISIONS 7.12.11 PLANNING PROJECT DATUM (TOP OF EXISTING GROUND FLOOR FLOORING BOARDS) FFL +/- 0.000 = +3.000m SURVEY LEVEL LEVELS NOTES 109 110 111 This page is intentionally blank 112