Student Handbook.pages - Guild Elementary School
Student Handbook.pages - Guild Elementary School
G uild E lementary Student Handbook 2016-17 HOME OF THE GUILD GATORS GUILD GATORS G U I L D THE FIVE HOUSES OF GUILD: Lance Taylor, Principal Theresa Dowell-Fuqua, Assistant Principal Guild Elementary… Living & Learning Above the Line Tell me, I’ll forget Show me, I’ll remember Involve me, I’ll understand Contact Information: 1018 South Water Avenue – Gallatin, TN 37066 Phone: (615) 452-5583 Fax: (615) 451-6582 Website: OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY, 7:15 AM - 2:45 PM CONTINUOUS NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Sumner County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities; and provides equal access to all programs and youth groups. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Title IX Coordinators: Ms. Katie Brown (if student to student), Safe Schools, Healthy Students Coordinator, 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-6500, [email protected] Mr. Shawn Curtis (if adults are involved), Assistant Director for Human Resources. 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-5226, [email protected] 504 Coordinator: Ms. Selena Elmore, SCS Section 504 District Coordinator, 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-6598, [email protected] STAFF 2016-2017 Maintenance: Harvey Thaxton (Head Custodian), Larry Moore, James Davis, Pete Campbell Bookkeeper: Lynn Apple Attendance Clerk: Jan Breedlove Receptionist: Donna Clark Cafeteria Manager: Connie Brown Kindergarten Teachers: Victoria Arterburn; Lindsay Clark; Kristin Johnson; Laura Parker; Jessica Stanfill; Nicole Steele st 1 Grade Teachers: Paige Glasgow; Ashley Goodwin; Cassie Nipper; Sheryl Passen; Tina Starnes; Kim Yoakem 2nd Grade Teachers: Kelly Bardill; Angela Bowles; Shelly Misch; Rachel Price; Laura Smith; Carly Tomkins 3rd Grade Teachers: Jodi Coles; Emily Cron; Samantha Lewis; Sandra Rivera; Cheri’ Smith 4th Grade Teachers: Laura Fleming; Jill Groce; Kelly Koch; Natasha Montgomery; Sarah Spillers 5th Grade Teachers: Charlotte Balturshot; David Burns; Melissa Gardner; Suzie King; Ashley Reininger Art: Beth Moore; Guidance: Kellie Miller; Library: Sandy Dilbeck; Library Clerk: Connie Cook Music: Adam Bush; PE: Teresa Bray CDC: Kimmi Barnett, Lori Bates; Paraprofessionals: Mathew Cornwell, Nita Johnson, Dara Link, Christi Rosen Pre-School: Ami Holland; TAs: Regina Alexander & Gwen Spears Resource: Lyndsi Sheick Paraprofessional: Tracy Allison Resource: Terry Shepherd; Resource/SEARCH: Debbie Wynn: Paraprofessionals: Glinda Shuck, Dava Young Speech: Brenda Kirk; Paraprofessional: Renee Lindsay CDC & Pre-school Speech: Megan Owens Regular Ed. Paraprofessionals: Tiffany Anderson, Emily Godfrey, Addie McNeil, Connie Thaxton (P.A.S.S.); Kimberly Wix R.E.A.C.H. Reading Specialists: Kim Harkreader & Heather Hays Reading Interventionist: T.B.A. R.E.A.C.H. Paraprofessionals: Mary Eubanks, Dale Goad, Jan Graves, Joyce Hall, Bridget Kelsey, Mary Mofield; E.L.: Maria Bornea; Amissa Green; Alena Haddon School Psychologist: Kathy Pursell Title 1 Social Worker: Wanda Kirby Assistant Principal: Theresa Dowell-Fuqua Principal: Lance Taylor Welcome to Guild Elementary School. We are looking forward to a highly successful 2016-2017 school year. Guild School faculty and staff members work conscientiously in order to provide the most positive and productive learning environment possible so that all children have the opportunity to succeed to their maximum potential. We hope that by working together, your child will have a stimulating and meaningful learning experience that will promote self-confidence, a positive attitude toward others, and a lifelong love of learning. We would like to extend an invitation for you to visit our school. Stop in the lobby to obtain a sticker using our Lobby Guard system. Please wear your sticker so that all staff members and students know you have checked in. You are encouraged to attend our many extracurricular programs such as Academic Honors Programs, Be More Awesome Assemblies, Chorus performances, Family Book Fair Nights, Kindergarten and 5th Grade Graduations, R.E.A.C.H. Events Nights, and School Dances. Further, we invite you to support your child’s teacher by serving as a chaperone for school events; serve as a reading buddy to children; and offer your child’s teacher general assistance. We are happy to have you and your child with us at Guild School. Parents and Guardians are ALWAYS WELCOME at Guild School. Attendance Absences: Please make every effort to help keep our average daily attendance (ADA) up by making appointments after school and on weekends. School systems earn state funds on the basis of ADA. Partial days absent can have a cumulative effect that hurts the school financially. Make-up work may be requested by calling the office by 10:00 AM. All materials, books, etc. may be picked up in the office LATER IN THE DAY. ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO BRING A NOTE FROM HOME ON THE DAY FOLLOWING AN ABSENCE. STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED FIVE PARENT NOTE ABSENCES PER SEMESTER. IF YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN TO THE DOCTOR, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BRING A NOTE FROM THE DOCTOR. A student who has an excessive number of absences may be required to show a doctor's statement to substantiate the illness. Parents are allowed 5 parent notes per semester to be considered excused. FIVE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES FOR THE YEAR = REFERRAL TO TRUANCY. Cases of excessive absences will result in the parent and child(ren) having to come to the school for an Attendance meeting where an Attendance Contract will be signed. Further issues will result in the case being referred to the attendance department. Parents/guardians will need to air any grievances, concerns, or reasons for attendance deficiencies to the appropriate attendance officer @ 451-5409. Early Dismissal: Parents of students leaving school early for doctor's appointments, etc., must come to the office to sign the child out. ANYONE SIGNING A CHILD OUT WILL BE REQUIRED TO PRESENT A PHOTO ID AND BE LISTED ON THE CHILD’S DATA CARD. For students who become ill during the day, parents/guardians will be called to pick them up from school. ***Any child who is too ill to stay in class or has a fever must go home. We ask that parents not send their children to school when they are running a temperature or show other signs of needing medical attention. Frequent early dismissals are reported to the School Board’s Attendance Department in the same manner as absences or tardies. School Day: THE FRONT DOORS ARE UNLOCKED AT 6:40. Supervisors are not on duty until that time. Early morning child care is not available. STUDENTS WHO ARRIVE BEFORE 7:15 ARE TO REPORT TO THE GYM. If a student wishes to participate in the breakfast program, he/she should report to the cafeteria as directed by gym supervisors. Afternoon child care is available through the YMCA “Fun Company”. All applications should be filled out through this agency. You may contact the YMCA branch office at 826-9622 for more details. Instruction begins promptly at 7:30 and dismissal begins at 2:30. Tardies: School officially begins at 7:30 a.m. All tardies are counted as time absent; therefore, it will affect perfect attendance records. Please adjust your schedule so your child can be in their classroom by 7:30. Cases of excessive tardies will be referred to the attendance department. Announcements will begin at 7:32 a.m. Instruction will begin at 7:30. It is very disruptive to classroom instruction when students arrive to class late. STUDENTS ARRIVING LATE, MUST REPORT TO THE OFFICE AND BE SIGNED IN BY THE PARENT/ GUARIDAN. Dismissal Changes: Please make EVERY effort to let you child know if there will be changes before they leave home. Send a note to the teacher if the change is not due to an emergency. All transportation requests for changes must be made by the parent or guardian by 1:30 pm. Please do not email changes to staff members. We cannot guarantee that the email will be received in time. BULLY FREE ZONE STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO TELL A GUILD EMPLOYEE IF THEY EVER FEEL THREATENED at Guild, whether it’s in a classroom, restroom, on the playground, in the hallways, on the school bus, etc.. Guild’s goal is to provide a safe, caring environment for all of our students. Serious threats, harassment, and bullying (namecalling, cyber, physical, teasing, etc.) will not be tolerated. Every efffort will be made to eliminate the situation and to help our students feel safe while at Guild. Incidents that are repeated should be reported to school officials as immediately as possible so that a formal investigation into bullying accusations can begin. Appropriate consequences such as student conferences, parent conferences, suspensions, and other acceptable consequences will be considered after an investigation into bullying allegations. Bus Riders The right of all students to ride a Sumner County school bus is conditional to each student's behavior. All students on the bus are under the authority of the school bus driver and must obey the bus rules. Students who violate bus rules will be reported to the principal. 1. The driver is in full charge of the bus and the students. 2. Students shall obey the driver. 3. The bus driver may assign seats. 4. No profanity or shouting. 5. Do not eat or drink on the bus; keep the bus clean. 6. Violence/horseplay is prohibited. 7. Remain seated.....Parents, please remind your child of the dangers of not being seated on a moving bus and the danger of a bus driver watching students rather than the road and moving traffic! 8. Keep your hands and head inside the bus. 9. Do not distract the driver through misbehavior. 10. Do not destroy property. 11. Cross roads in the front of the bus......Never cross roads behind the bus. Students are not allowed to have balloons, floral arrangements, or any object that can be easily broken, spill, cause distractions, disruptions, or objects that cannot be held in the student's lap. Problems arising at the bus stop prior to boarding the bus are the responsibility of the parents. All students must get on and off the bus at their assigned bus stop. *Students who disregard policies will lose bus privileges. PLEASE NOTE: In order to ride a bus home with a friend or to an alternative location (other than the normal drop-off location), students MUST have a written note from their parents/guardians before Mr. Taylor or Mrs. Fuqua will sign off on a One Time/Complimentary Transportation Bus Permission Form. Students need to have the note in the office by 7:45 that day. ***PLEASE READ*** NOTE TO PARENTS and STUDENTS: Any student‘s “warning” is given by the bus driver, who will likely give several warnings before turning in a bus referral to Mr. Taylor or Mrs. Fuqua. Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Fuqua do NOT give “warnings”, they issue bus suspensions based on bus drivers’ reports and speak to the children regarding bus safety. When a referral is turned in by driver, in most cases, a student can expect to receive a bus suspension, beginning with one day for the first offense (unless it is major vandalism, bullying, fighting, or any other major offense), two days for referral number two, and so on. If the bus driver claims that a student acted inappropriately and/or did not follow bus rules or his/her warnings, then Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Fuqua WILL MOST LIKELY SUPPORT THE BUS DRIVER. Complaints? Call 452-1520 for the Transportation Department. Cafeteria Connie Brown, Mgr., 615.451.5260 • • • • • • • • • Students are supervised by teacher assistants and, at times, by Mr. Taylor and/or Mrs. Fuqua. All students are under the authority of the assistants and must obey the cafeteria rules. Students are expected to behave in the cafeteria in the same courteous manner as at home or in a restaurant. Please emphasize to your child the importance of good cafeteria manners: BE SEATED, BE NEAT, BE QUIET, BE POLITE, BEHAVE. Students receive 25 minutes for lunch. Students may eat breakfast at school between 6:45 - 7:30. Students who eat breakfast in the cafeteria should be finished with breakfast before 7:30 in order to be in class by 7:35. Students who arrive at Guild after 7:30 a.m. MAY be served breakfast in the “Grab-n-Go” format (eat in their classrooms). Beginning with the 2016-17 school year: We are pleased to inform you that all children attending Guild Elementary will receive meals (daily breakfast and daily lunch) at no charge due to implementing a new option available to schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the school year 2016-2017. Great news for you and your student(s)! Only students enrolled at Guild Elementary are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no cost to your household each day of the 2016-2017 school year. No further action is required of you. Your child(ren) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit an application. If you have siblings that are attending another school/schools that are not CEP school/schools, for them to be eligible you must complete an application to go through the approval process for receiving meal benefits. Ala-carte products will be available for purchase to all students. They are not included in the no cost meals. If you have other questions or need help, call Linda Becker at 615-451-5217 or Elaine DeGuira at 615-451-6550. Sincerely, Lance D. Taylor Lance Taylor Principal Guild Elementary School In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights, regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, nation origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the Agency (State or Local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint for, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D. C. 20250-9410, Fax: (202) 690-7442; or Email: [email protected] This institution is an equal opportunity provider. CALENDAR of GUILD EVENTS for 2016-17 Semester ONE – 2016 Monday, August 1 Gator Gathering I (registration night) – 4:00 – 7:00 Tuesday, August 2 Gator Gathering II – 4:00 – 7:00 Monday, August 8 Full Day of Instruction Kindergarten Phase-In Week Monday, August 15 Benchmarking begins: Aimsweb Kindergarten – full time (every day, all children) SpEd classes begin Thursday, August 18 OPEN HOUSE NIGHT; 5:00-6:30 Monday, August 22 RTI Begins in all classes and pullout settings Fall Fundraiser Kickoff LUAU DANCE – proceeds go to our HOUSE System Thursday, August 25 Monday, September 5 Labor Day HOLIDAY Thursday, September 8 Fall Picture Day Friday, September 16 Thursday, October 6 Coordinated School Health: Wellness Screening (for students); Library; all day BE MORE AWESOME assembly I; Gym – 1:15 Fundraiser Ends 1st Nine Weeks Ends Wall of Fame Handprints for September and October Students of Month HOUSE PARTY I (winning House for first 9 weeks) Parent-Teacher Conferences; 1:00 – 7:00; No School Friday, October 7 PD Day #3; at Guild; No School Thursday, October 27 HALLOWEEN DANCE – Proceeds go to United Way Friday, September 30 Wednesday, October 5 FALL BREAK Monday, October 10 – Friday, October 14 Monday, October 17 Begin 2nd Nine Weeks Period November 2 – 11 November 3 Fall BOOK FAIR Fall Picture Makeup Date; Group Picture Date; New Student (after 9/8/16) Picture Date Tuesday, November 8 Friday, November 11 PD Day #4; No School THANKSGIVING Meal Thanksgiving Holiday Wednesday, November 23 – Friday, November 25 Friday, December 16 BE MORE AWESOME Assembly II Tuesday, December 20 Wednesday, December 21 House Party II (winning House from 2nd Nine Weeks). ***If a House did not win first or second 9 Weeks, then that House could still win the semester, overall. If so, that House will also get a House Party on this day. Wall of Fame Handprints for November and December Students of Month ½ Day; dismiss at 10:30; Christmas Break begins Semester TWO: Spring 2017 Thursday, January 5 Students return for FULL Day Friday, January 6 REPORT CARDS for 2nd Nine Weeks Monday, January 16 M.L.K. Holiday Tuesday, January 24 100th Day of School (we observe this even if we’ve missed for snow) Thursday, February 9 Valentine’s Dance – proceeds go to Jump Rope 4 Heart; 6:00 – 7:30 Monday, February 20 President’s Day Holiday Tuesday, February 21 Parent-Teacher Conferences II; 1:00 – 7:00; no school Friday, March 10 Be More Awesome Assembly III Friday, March 17 End 3rd Nine Weeks Period Wall of Fame Handprints: January-February-March Students of the Month House Party (winning House – 3rd Nine Weeks) SPRING BREAK Monday, March 20 – Friday, March 24 Monday, March 27 Begin 4th Nine Weeks Period March 29 – April 7 Spring BOOK FAIR Monday, April 3 Family Night – Book Fair Talent Show Art Challenge Exhibit Wednesday, April 5 Kindergarten and 5th Grade “Graduation” Picture Day Friday, April 14 No School – Good Friday Friday, April 21 2017-18 Kindergarten Registration (for 2017-18 Kindergarteners) Monday, April 24 – Friday, May 5 Proposed State Testing Window for TNReady and TCAP Thursday, May 11 Field Day, K – 2 Friday, May 12 Field Day, 3rd – 5th Friday, May 19 Be More Awesome Assembly IV Wall of Fame Handprints – April and May Students of the Month Monday, May 22 Kindergarten Graduation: 5:30 at Shafer 5th Grade Graduation: 7:00 at Shafer House Party for 4th Nine Weeks Winning House Wednesday, May 24 Last Day for Students Final Report Cards Full Day 5th Grade Annual Fun in the Sun Day GUILD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BANK Volunteer State Bank offers the First Gator School Bank at Guild Elementary. The School Bank will allow students the opportunity to learn good saving practices. The students will receive interest on their savings accounts as well as other benefits by participating in this program. Students have the option of keeping the account open even after they leave Guild. *Bank days: 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month 7:00 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. This may change if we are out for scheduled/unplanned events. An announcement will be made before each bank day to remind students to bring their deposits. Car Riders & Walkers MORNING DROP-OFF --- PARENTS, PLEASE READ!: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Our FRONT DOORS are the only doors open in the mornings. When traffic stops, you may let your child out. He/ she can SAFELY walk the sidewalk to any of the three school entrances. Adult staff members will be present during the most congested traffic times, 7:15 - 7:30 a.m. The HAWKINS ST. entrance will be locked at all times & will not be used by students or parents to enter our building. This procedure was recommended by the Gallatin Police Department due to the large number of parents who were stopping in the middle of Hawkins St. and letting their children cross a very congested street. The crossing guard noted that managing traffic on this very congested street was too difficult and expressed concern over traffic rules not being followed by parents which, ultimately, may cause the injury of a child. CROSSING HAWKINS ST., ESPECIALLY BETWEEN 7:00 - 7:30 a.m., IS DANGEROUS TO YOU AND/OR YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY. The GALLATIN POLICE DEPARTMENT asks that all parents pull through the school driveway. The GALLATIN POLICE DEPARTMENT asks that no parents stop in the middle of Hawkins St. to let their child out of the car and walk - alone - across this congested (traffic) area. TO DO SO IS DANGEROUS TO YOU AND/OR YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY. The GALLATIN POLICE DEPARTMENT asks that no parent pull into parking lots across the highway (109/South Water) and let their children walk across the major highway, either alone or with the parent. TO DO SO IS DANGEROUS TO YOU AND/OR YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY. The GALLATIN POLICE DEPARTMENT asks that no parents pull into the parking lot of Southside Baptist Church and let their child walk alone (or with a parent) across Hawkins St. REMINDER: There will be no a.m. entrance to the school from the school doors facing Hawkins St. CROSSING HAWKINS ST., ESPECIALLY BETWEEN 7:00 - 7:30 a.m., IS DANGEROUS TO YOU AND/OR YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY. The GALLATIN POLICE DEPARTMENT asks that parents follow city traffic laws by NOT making a U-Turn onto Hawkins St. from the school driveway. The GALLATIN POLICE DEPARTMENT’s TRAFFIC GUARD will once again be stationed near Bush Avenue in the mornings and afternoons. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE & TO REDUCE TRAFFIC CONGESTION, THE FRONT DOORS WILL BE OPEN AT 6:40 EACH MORNING. ADULT SUPERVISION WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THAT TIME. AFTERNOON PICKUP: At dismissal, car riders in grades K, 1st, and 2nd (2:30 p.m.) will load at the south end of the building (Hawkins St, by Southside Church). 2. 3rd and 4th graders who are car riders will be dismissed (2:30 p.m.) at the front of the building near the marquee. 3. Sibling car riders and 5th graders will be dismissed from in the gated turn-around behind the school. 4. Cars should be pulled all the way down in order to accommodate as many as possible in a single loading line. 5. Smooth, safe implementation depends on everyone. 6. SAFETY OF CHILDREN IS THE TOP PRIORITY. 7. Please obey traffic signs and yellow line markings at all times......It may be an inconvenience but it may save your child's life. 1. Changes to Student Information Please notify the school immediately if there is a change in your address, telephone number or person to contact in an emergency. This information is very important in the event of inclement weather or if your child becomes ill or injured. We are OFTEN faced with emergencytype situations and cannot make contact with parents who have changed cell or home phone numbers without informing the school. Character Education Guild School will be emphasizing a character building "word of the month." STUDENTS OF THE MONTH will be chosen in each classroom by their teacher for best exhibiting the character education word of the month. Some students are chosen multiple times each year. Students will place their handprint on our GATOR WALL OF FAME each month if selected and will be recognized at one of our BE MORE AWESOME Assemblies. "Our children may be only 30% of our population, but they are 100% of our future." The words/keys of the month are as follows: September Responsibility Ownership October Pursuit of Excellence Balance November Citizenship Speak with Good Purpose December Caring This Is It! January Respect Commitment February Trustworthiness and Honesty Integrity March Fairness Failure Leads to Success April Cooperation Flexibility May Courage “Where Are You Living?” The 5 Houses of Guild HOUSE NAME: PRONUNCIATION: HOUSE MEANING: HOUSE COLOR: FIDELIS Fuh-day-lis Fidelity, loyalty, honesty, trustworthy BLUE SINCERI Sincer-e Caring, integrity, dependable, GREEN compassionate VIRTUI Ver-tu-e Strength, bravery, courage, power RED AEQUITAS EYE-kwee-tahs Justice, fairness, equity, patience ORANGE DIGNITAS Dig-nite-us Dignity, self-respect, grace, self- PURPLE discipline During the 2015-2016 school year, Guild Elementary implemented The 5 Houses of Guild. This system separates faculty/staff and students into small groups (Houses) within the larger school community. This fosters pride, responsibility, and respect for the contributions of others. This endeavor has several purposes. • • • • • To build and promote community across the grade levels and throughout the school To encourage positive behavior To strive to meet high academic expectations To teach students to take ownership of their role in the community To promote a positive mindset within our school climate Students earn points for their House from all GES faculty and staff. Points are earned for positive choices and actions and demonstrating Ron Clark’s 55 Essentials. Once points are earned they cannot be taken away. This endeavor is about empowering our students to believe in themselves and set high expectations for their future. By modeling and supporting positive choices and strong character traits students took more pride and ownership in their learning and academic progress. Our motto is "Where will you go to College?” Now our students see an educational future outside of high school which is now possible with the TN Promise. 2016 was our 1st annual Gator Walk. GHS Seniors and Lifetime Guild Gators returned one last time to walk Guild’s halls in their cap and gown. This sent a powerful message to our GES students who all now aspire to return for their Gator Graduate Walk. The 5 Houses of Guild is the structure that supports the mindset of long-term educational goals and creates a school culture where everyone believes they can succeed. Clinic/Medicine • • • • • • • • • Guild School has a clinic where a sick or injured child may temporarily remain until a parent or guardian can arrive to pick up him/her. In 2016-17, Guild will employ a full-time School Nurse. Aspirin, Tylenol, and any other pain/fever medication will not and cannot be provided to students by Guild School. All prescription and non-prescription medication will be administered through the office. Please limit the numbers of dosage as much as possible. A permission form is available in the office and MUST be filled out in order for office staff or the school nurse to administer any medication. A form, "Permission for Administration of Prescription Medicine", MUST be filled out and signed by the DOCTOR before any medication will be given at Guild School. All medication must come to school in the original pharmacy container. Students who become ill during the day may call a parent to come pick them up from school. Any child who is too ill to stay in class or has a fever must go home. We ask that parents not send their children to school when they are running a temperature or show other signs of needing medical attention. School Dances Guild School will host three (3) dances this year. August 25: October 27: February 9: *Back to School Luau Dance: *Halloween Dance: *Valentine’s Dance: 6 - 7:30 pm 6 - 7:30 pm 6 - 7:30 pm Concessions will be on sale for each dance. *Admission cost will be $5.00.* Proceeds earned this year will go to Guild’s HOUSE program, United Way, and Jump Rope 4 Heart. The Valentine’s Dance make-up date, if needed, will be 2/16/17. Please be reminded that all three events are VOLUNTARY and are not applicable to government waiver status. As the event approaches, more information will be sent home. DISCIPLINE PROGRAM The faculty and staff at Guild Elementary School believe that we can better educate our children if they use self-discipline in the classroom. Unfortunately, disciplinary measures will need to be issued in order to ensure that our students’ learning is not interrupted or inhibited by the misbehavior of others, especially misbehavior that is consistently frequent and disruptive. The following are disciplinary measures used at Guild Elementary School in order to ensure that our children have a safe, secure, and learning-friendly school environment: • • Corporal Punishment TN state law contains three codes [TCA 49-6-4103; TCA 49-6-4104; and TCA 10-7-504(b)] that give school principals the authority to use corporal punishment as a means of disciplinary consequence. Corporal Punishment WILL NOT be used at Guild School. Positive Alternative to School Suspension • • • Supervision given by paraprofessional, Mrs. Connie Thaxton, who will help students who may struggle with their work. If a child commits a rules violation that disrupts the right to learn of students and right to instruct of teachers, then he/she will complete assignments in P.A.S.S. for time periods ranging from 1-2 hours to 2-3 days. ALL work, complete or incomplete, done while in P.A.S.S. DOES count as a grade. • • The offense is NOT written on a child’s permanent record but is recorded and kept in Guild School records. STUDENTS WHO MISBEHAVE IN P.A.S.S. WILL BE SENT TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE AND WILL MOST LIKELY BE SENT HOME WITH AN OUT-of-SCHOOL SUSPENSION. Procedures for P.A.S.S. Placement: The student will be sent to either Mr. Taylor or Mrs. Fuqua with documentation re: what they did/said to ‘earn’ a trip to the office Mr. Taylor and/or Mrs. Fuqua will assign P.A.S.S., if necessary. The teacher will be notified of the student’s placement and length of P.A.S.S. stay. Three additional copies of the PBIS “Major”/P.A.S.S. form will be made: 1) Administration’s copy 2) Teacher’s copy 3) Parent’s copy (Sent home for signature) The TEACHER who writes/receives the referral form will contact the parents via phone call or by email about the misbehavior and the consequence. If written by a classified staff member, the teacher will contact the parent/guardian. Students will be assigned work that allows them to keep up with their class and not be considered “busy work”. Students will leave P.A.S.S. when all work is complete with 70% accuracy to keep them from simply writing down answers to finish quickly. • • • • Removal of other PRIVILEGES: If a student’s misbehavior warrants such action, students may be prohibited from attending assemblies and special events. A student who has consistently misbehaved during the school year may have his/her privilege to attend Field Day and other daylong events taken away. These school events are not a student’s right but are privileges that must be earned and maintained through good behavior throughout the year. R.T. Fisher Alternative School Available for students who willfully and persistently violate school rules. Available to students who commit ZERO TOLERANCE offenses. • Suspension [Out-of-School] This consequence is rendered for more serious offenses, including (but not limited to) the following: Assault of another student or teacher Bullying – gestures, physical, verbal, non-verbal, written, electronic Disrespect to teacher or staff members Excessive disruptions of other students RIGHT to learn Fighting Profanity Stealing Vandalism to the school – destruction of property; writing on property, etc. Weapons, or items that can be used as a weapon, on school property When suspended, the child is suspended from school grounds and school sponsored events/programs for a determined number of days. Make-up work allowed. All OSS’s are added to a child’s permanent school record. • Write-Offs These involve content meaningful to learning that is to be re-copied. • • Dress Code We make every effort to allow the students to be comfortable in school. For your convenience and ours at school, the following dress code will be used during the school hours. The dress code is to promote an atmosphere conducive to instruction and safety for your child. Sumner County Standardized Dress Code for All Elementary Schools: The following shall NOT be worn to school: Biker shorts Cut-off jeans with frayed or pockets showing Jean shorts or other shorts with hemmed cuffs that do not unfold. Saggy - Sagging pants Spandex or body shirts Caps, hats, scarves or bandannas Strapless dresses or blouses Spaghetti strap dresses/shirts *permissible with a jacket or cardigan* Bare-midriff, halters or tank tops Cleated shoes or shoes with wheels Clothing related to gangs Leggings and leotards unless with an appropriate length top or dress Suggestive slogans, pictures or advertisements for tobacco or alcohol products Extreme hair color, make up or body piercing BACKLESS SHOES, including flip flops & sandals Shorts that are shorter than “3” inches above the knee *Mesh may be worn with T-shirts underneath *Garments must cover the shoulders *Jewelry must not be distracting/disruptive or unsafe. In addition, any clothing that interferes with good order and discipline in school, such as clothing with sexually explicit or violence inciting slogans, may not be worn. Consequences to Dress Code Violations: Change into appropriate clothing or be sent home. Fair & Equal Treatment CONTINUOUS NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Sumner County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities; and provides equal access to all programs and youth groups. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Title IX Coordinators: Ms. Katie Brown (if student to student), Safe Schools, Healthy Students Coordinator, 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-6500, [email protected] Mr. Shawn Curtis (if adults are involved), Assistant Director for Human Resources. 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-5226, [email protected] 504 Coordinator: Ms. Selena Elmore, SCS Section 504 District Coordinator, 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-6598, [email protected] FEES Sumner County has adopted a NO FEES policy for K-5 and middle school students. Field Trips During the school year, field trips may be taken to various places designed to enhance the educational program of your children. Parent volunteers, for the supervision of our students, are vital for the success of these trips. PARENTS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN CLASSES ON FIELD TRIPS! Guidelines for our volunteers are as follows: 1. Please do not ask to bring younger or older children with you if you are volunteering to supervise on the trip. 2. Please do not ask for your child or others to be transported in your private vehicle. Students participating in field trip activities must ride the school provided transportation. 3. Remember, by volunteering to help, the teacher needs your help with the entire Class, and not just your child. PLEASE NOTE: A required Indemnity Agreement and Consent form will be sent home as per Board policy. The completed form must be returned. Without it, your child will not be allowed to attend the field trip. Sumner County Grading Scale A: B: C: D: F: 93 - 100 85 - 92 75 - 84 70 - 74 0 - 69 Report cards are issued every nine weeks during the school year. Progress Reports will be sent out at the midpoint of the nine weeks. Please refer to the Sumner County Schools Calendar in this publication or monthly calendars sent home for dates. NOTE: Grades K-2 will have “Standards-Based” Report Cards and will no longer use the AF / 0 – 100 Grading System and Scale. More information will be sent to K-2 parents in early August. PARENT PORTAL Parent Portal allows you to access student information such as grades, attendance, or behavior incidents in a secure way. Please see your child’s teacher to sign up if you have not done so already. GUIDANCE COUNSELING PROGRAM Our program begins with young children learning to be away from home for the first time, proceeding to older children with issues such as making and keeping friends, study skills and grades, competition, and other concerns that may interfere with his/her comfort at school. Weekly classroom sessions are held in grades K-2, as Guidance is a part of a six-day related arts rotation, while in grades 3-5, Guidance lessons are offered one time each Nine Weeks Period. In the classes, stories, games, and other activities with the girls and boys are used as they discuss ideas such as honesty, courage, hard work, loyalty, compassion, careers, self-discipline, friendship, perseverance, and faith. Surveys of parents, teachers, and children indicate that desired subjects to be covered include the “8 Keys of Excellence”, self-image, getting along with others, handling stress, drug awareness, and child abuse. Girls and boys are encouraged to speak with the counselor when there is something concerning them. All children are invited to visit when a need arises. Parents are free to ask the counselor to spend some time counseling their child. Whereas most of the information comes to the counselor from children and their teachers, parents frequently visit her to share pertinent information about their child and/or ask for help with a problem with their adolescents. Many family separations, divorces, and marriages of existing families create difficult situations that confuse and disturb children. Our Guidance Counselor, KELLIE MILLER, encourages any parent or guardian of Guild girls and boys to stop by for a visit; call the school at 452-5583; or email her at [email protected] Head Lice Procedures When a case of head lice has been discovered the following steps will be taken: 1. The student will be removed from the classroom as discretely as possible. 2. Notification of Parent or Guardian. 3. The student will not be able to return to school, until they are nit free and have been cleared by the Sumner County Health Department or a health care professional - an official note from the health care professional will be needed in order for your child to be re-admitted to school. 4. Administration and assistants will inspect all students from the class where the case of lice was found. 5. Notification will be sent home to all children in the affected classroom. 6. The affected room will be cleared of all students for the spraying/fogging of the classroom with approved chemicals to offset and eliminate the Lice infestation. Important Phone Numbers Guild: 452-5583 YMCA: 452-0626 Guild Fax: 451-6582 Board of Education: 451-5200 Cafeteria: 451-5260 Transportation: 452-1520 CONTINUOUS NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION The Sumner County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs or activities; and provides equal access to all programs and youth groups. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Title IX Coordinators: Ms. Katie Brown (if student to student), Safe Schools, Healthy Students Coordinator, 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-6500, [email protected] Mr. Shawn Curtis (if adults are involved), Assistant Director for Human Resources. 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-5226, [email protected] 504 Coordinator: Ms. Selena Elmore, SCS Section 504 District Coordinator, 695 East Main Street, Gallatin, TN 37066, 615-451-6598, [email protected] Insurance All students are given an opportunity to enroll in a School Day Insurance Program. The application is available at school. All expenses for this policy are paid by the parent. USED HERE - PLEASE HAVE DRIVER’S LICENSE OR PASSPORT READY TO SCAN In the 2015-2016 school year, Sumner County Schools adopted a new method of visitor check in/ check out. The following information is required of any visitor to our school, including (but not limited to): 1. Eating breakfast with child 2. Eating lunch with child 3. Walking child to classroom 4. Visiting a teacher (meeting) 5. Visiting a staff member 6. Meeting with Admin. 7. Visiting the cafeteria 8. Mentoring/Tutoring students 9. Helping the teacher in classroom, book fair, etc. 10. Other Upon entering the lobby, go to the GREEN counter and follow the prompts given: Select Start Request Visitor's Photo Photo for Registered Visitors Request Visitor's drivers license Save drivers license Info Scan front of drivers license Scan back of drivers license Require license scan in order to proceed Perform Background Check Background Check for Registered Visitors Request Visitor's reason for visiting Request the name of the person to be visited Display Directory Select from List of Names Search By Last Name Request entry of Name Display student name via homeroom teacher Print a Visitor badge As stated, parents and visitors are welcome at Guild. However, it is necessary to enhance security by requiring that anyone who enters the building follow the aforementioned procedures, whether going to the CDC Hallway, the front hallway, or beyond the front lobby. LUNCH SCHEDULE 2016-2017 School Year (Order Subject to Change) Sumner County Schools Lunchroom Visitors: “Because of the difficulty in supervising visitors during lunch periods and the exceedingly short lunch periods for many students, visitors during lunch are limited to family members or approved family friends only (approved by the family).” As a community partner and as a way to maintain parental involvement, please see the building administrator to see how you can still visit a student during school hours. 10:00 – 10:30 10:00 – 10:25 10:05 – 10:30 Pre-School & CDC Kindergarten A Clark, Johnson, Stanfill Kindergarten B Arterburn, Parker, Steele 10:30 – 10:55 10:35 – 11:00 1st Grade A 1st Grade B Glasgow, Goodwin, Nipper Passen, Starnes, Yoakem 11:00 – 11:25 11:05 – 11:30 2nd Grade A 2nd Grade B Bardill, Bowles, Misch Price, L. Smith, Tomkins 11:30 – 11:55 11:35 – 12:00 3rd Grade A 3rd Grade B Coles, Cron, Lewis Rivera, C. Smith 12:00 – 12:25 12:05 – 12:30 4th Grade A 4th Grade B Fleming, Groce, Montgomery Koch, Spillers 12:30 – 12:55 12:35 – 01:00 12:40 – 1:05 5th Grade A: 5th Grade B 5th Grade C Balturshot, Gardner Burns, King Reininger Money • • All money should be sent to school in an envelope with student's name, teacher's name and purpose. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO BRING EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF MONEY TO SCHOOL. Please Print your child's name, and teacher's name on all checks and write the purpose of the check by the “MEMO” notice. Parent-Teacher Conferences • The Sumner County System provides a time for parent conferences: Thursday, October 06, 2016 - 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. • • • • • If you want to set up an additional conference, teachers and administration will be happy to do so. Please call the office to schedule an appointment. Please do not drop by "For Just A Minute" during the school day. To do so puts the teacher in a most uncomfortable position that may also take him/her away from instruction........while trying to have an impromptu conference with you, instruction has stopped for all the other children in the room. If you need to speak with an administrator, we ask that you would call to schedule an appointment. We want to be able to fully address your concern and give you our complete attention. The best way for us to do so is to schedule a time. The office telephone number is 452-5583. For security measures, please always stop in the lobby to sign in using Lobby Guard and to let us know why you are in the building. Parties According to School Board Policy, there may be three (3) parties at the elementary level. This option is at the discretion of the classroom teacher and the administration. Students may not give parties for teachers, without permission from the office. Please do not send party invitations to school unless there is one for every child in the class. Also, we ask that parents, who would like to send cupcakes or other items for birthday celebrations, please do so by making arrangements with the teacher in advance. The teacher will designate class snack time or another brief period of time that will take only a short time from the academic day. Quantum Character (A partnership between the Words of the Month & Quantum Learning) *Sumner County Schools: Living and Learning Above the Line* Orchestrating a strong program for character development is an essential part of education. Effective character education requires an intentional, proactive, and comprehensive approach that promotes the core values in all phases of school life. This is true in the classroom and at the school level. Administrators, staff, faculty, students, and parents should embrace the specific initiatives that are a part of the character education program. School staff must become a learning and moral community in which all share responsibility for character education and attempt to adhere to the same core values. Character development is not solely the job of parents and educators but the community as well. We invite all stakeholders in the community to be involved including grandparents, family, friends, employers, and places of worship. Remember… the school itself must be a caring community that not only engages minds but also develops character. Snow Days There will be a snow letter kept on file in the classroom for each student explaining our Early Dismissal procedure and an area where the parent/guardian will designate what their child(ren) are to do in the event of an Early Dismissal. Students may be SIGNED OUT on snow days from the classroom. As with daily Early Dismissals, ANYONE SIGNING A CHILD OUT WILL BE REQUIRED TO PRESENT A PHOTO ID AND BE LISTED ON THE CHILD’S DATA CARD. Information concerning school closings or late openings will be reported on all local news media. For School Dismissal Information, you may go to: You may also sign up for REMIND 101 to receive information from Guild via mass text messages from Mr. Taylor. Sumner Schools Student Handbook Each year at registration, Sumner County students are provided a handbook. Please take time to familiarize yourself with the expectations and requirements for students. Please take the time to read and discuss all the material in this handbook with your children. Keep in mind that this booklet is not a complete listing of rules for students. Principals are authorized to enact and consistently enforce additional regulations to maintain good order and a quality learning environment. Should you have any questions about school rules, Board of Education policies, or other school matters, please feel free to contact your principal for additional information. You may also visit our internet web site,, where you can find more valuable information about our school district. Special Statement: Students are not allowed to have items that can be considered as toys, trading cards, or electronics at school. If cell phones must be brought to school for emergency purposes, with permission of the parent, they must be kept in the child’s backpack and silenced during the day. We prefer that students NOT bring cell phones… Textbooks Textbooks are loaned to students for their use during the school year. These should be handled very carefully. New textbook cost can be expensive. Parents will be charged for abused, damaged, or lost books……This is school board policy. All workbooks and other consumable supplies are paid for by the students thru school fees. 2016-17: Child’s Name: ______________________________________________ Grade: ______ Teacher: _____________________________________ Child’s Name: ______________________________________________ Grade: ______ Teacher: _____________________________________ Child’s Name: ______________________________________________ Grade: ______ Teacher: _____________________________________ Child’s Name: ______________________________________________ Grade: ______ Teacher: _____________________________________ Important Phone Numbers Guild: 452-5583 YMCA: 452-0626 Guild Fax: 451-6582 Cafeteria: 451-5260 Board of Education: 451-5200 Transportation: 452-1520