Dec. 14: Tom Rigney/Flambeau will light up the dance floor
Dec. 14: Tom Rigney/Flambeau will light up the dance floor
Newsletter of the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society STJS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of traditional jazz music. 301 N. 10th Street • Sacramento, CA 95811 • (916) 444-2004 • VOLUME 46 • NO. 11 DEC. 2014 / JAN. 2015 Dec. 14: Tom Rigney/Flambeau will light up the dance floor T om Rigney, the fiery, electrifying violinist/composer, joins forces with some of the finest musicians on the San Francisco roots music scene to form Tom Rigney and Flambeau, a band that will tear the roof off of any place that has one and raise the spirits of everyone around. Rigney, now in his second decade at the helm of Flambeau, has stepped into the spotlight with a vengeance. Flambeau showcases his passionate, virtuoso fiddling, his command- ing stage presence, his range, depth, and originality as a composer, and of course, those notorious red boots. His bandmates are veterans of the great bands of Charles Brown, Queen Ida, Clifton Chenier, and others, and together they generate enough heat and energy to ignite a dance floor or lift an audience to its feet. Flambeau specializes in fiery Cajun and zydeco two-steps, low-down blues, funky New Orleans (continued on page 7) Jan. 11 Jazz Sunday Claudette Stone Quintet, Crescent Katz, Dr. Bach & the Jazz Practitioners, Dutch’s Gas House Gang, Hot City!, Midnight Rose, New Black Tuesday Jazz Band, Sister Swing, Sticking Our Necks Out, West End Stompers plus Next Gen. Bands! 2014 STJS Elections ..................................... 4-5 Ad rates.............................................................2 Crab & Pasta Feed flyer .................................7 Elks Lodge #6 – info/directions.....................2 In Loving Memory .........................................14 In the Months Ahead ......................................2 Jazz Notes.......................................................12 Jazz Sunday Notes The Cricket..................8–10 Membership application..............................16 Musicians / Music Here & There...................13 Notes from the Office Tom Duff......................2 President’s Message Ron Jones.......................3 Raffle Cent$ Kathy Becker..............................14 STJS map to new office ...................................3 Thank you, Volunteers Dave Becker..............10 TJYBF flyer .....................................................11 “Jazz Sunday” info ➤ pg. 2 Nov. 9 Jazz Sunday photos on pg. 8–9 Dan Comins STJS Election Day Dec. 14 Jazz Sunday Read about the candidates Pg. 4-6 STJS Office Notes From the Office 301 N. 10th Street Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 444-2004 FAX: 444-2060 [email protected] STJS Executive Director: Tom Duff STJS OFFICERS President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Ron Jones Dennis Speciale Dave Becker Lisa Negri-Bartels Ex Officio: Steve Hammond BOARD MEMBERS MUSICIAN: NON-MUSICIAN: Paula Dula Todd Bibby Paul Edgerton Carol Fusaro Jay Paulus Scott Kaufman Dominic Ruggieri Ron Swehla Vanna TurnerTBD The Board of Directors meet at the STJS Office at 6:00 pm on the Monday one week after the monthly Jazz Sunday; open to the public. (Day subject to change.) STJS FOUNDATION President: Dr. William Au STJSF: P. O. Box 661763 • Sacramento, CA 95866 AATJ STAFF Writing/photos/illust./coord./production: Nancy Giffin — [email protected] Contributors: Dave & Kathy Becker, Tom Duff, Paula Dula, Elinor Hackett, Judy Hendricks, Ron Jones, Jane Reinmuth, Bob Ringwald, and our advertisers. Advertising (full-color): AD DEADLINE: 15th day of prior month AD SIZE Full-pg. Half-pg. Third-pg. Qtr.-pg. Bus. card RATE $150. ➔ $ 75. ➔ $ 52.50 ➔ $ 37.50 ➔ $ 15. ➔ VERTICAL 7.5” x 10” 3.6” x 10” 2.5” x 10” 3.6” x 4.8” – HORIZ. – 7.5” x 4.8” 7.5” x 3.6” 7.5” x 2.5” 3.6” x 2.3” STJS holds the right to reject some advertising. PUBLISHING And All That Jazz is published monthly, except January, by the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society: 301 N. 10th Street; Sacramento, CA 95811. by Tom Duff I want to extend a sincere Happy Holidays to everyone reading this. Where has the year gone? It certainly has been a whirlwind. I wish everyone the best in health and happiness for the remainder of this year, and a great 2015. There are two great events coming up that I know everyone will enjoy. First Tom Rigney at the Elks on Sunday, Dec. 14th. Tom always puts on a great show, and I am sure the place will be packed. This is great revenue for STJS, so attend if you can. It’s also STJS Election Day, so come out to place your vote for members of the STJS Board of Directors. The next event is our 9th annual Crab & Pasta Feed on Sat., January 31st. Kathy Becker has for several years put in lots of time and effort to make this event a success. I am sure that this event will be no exception. Bring your check books and look for treasures at the silent action as well. The crab feed will signify the end of the time period when we can receive band sponsorships for the 2015 Sac. Music Fest. We need to set a deadline so that we can make sure all the talent has a place to play. So, if you would like to sponsor a band, please let us know. SUMMARY The Sac. Trad. Jazz Society is a non-profit organization established under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for the purpose of educating the public and members on matters concerning the preservation and promotion of traditional jazz music, and the study and play of musical instruments associated with traditional jazz music. “JAZZ SUNDAY” Monthly “Jazz Sunday” typically occurs on the 2nd Sunday, at ELKS #6, 6446 Riverside Blvd., Sac., CA 95831. This official meeting is open to all STJS members and to the general public. ADMISSION Admission to “Jazz Sunday” is by donation of $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Persons under 12 are admitted free. Youth 12-20 (members) $5, youth 12-20 (non-members) $7. GOLD CARD AUDITIONS Auditions are held twice a year: Mar. & Oct., 11 am prior to “Jazz Sunday.” Applications are available from the Gold Card Coordinator, to be completed one month before the audition. For info: 444-2004. 2 STJS EXEC. DIRECTOR <[email protected]> Sponsorships have been a real focus of mine this year. Dave Becker, Dennis Grimes and I have been meeting with many local merchants and organizations to raise money. We are not just relying to the membership; we have talked with the Old Sacramento Merchants Association—and many of the merchants in Old Sacramento—with pretty decent success. Many have asked to place advertisements in our program. The Sac. Convention and Visitors Bureau has met with us several times to find a way to help us make the 2015 festival a success. Even Macy’s showed interest in our event. We have also spoken with all the folks that own festival venues, to make sure we have the same venues as last year. Everyone wants us to have a successful festival and is willing to help us accomplish that. We are in the process of applying for several grants, both from the city and from private companies. This is work in progress and—hopefully—there will be more on that in the coming months. We have also partnered with the Commemorative Air Force. So, you might ask, what do the Jazz Society and the Commemorative Air Force have in common? This non-profit also does In the Months Ahead 2nd Sunday MUSIC from 12 noon to 5:00 pm DIRECTIONS: Elks Lodge #6 6446 Riverside Blvd. Sac., CA 95831 West of I-5 at Florin Rd. & Riverside Blvd. Dec. 14 – TOM RIGNEY & Flambeau – S.F. Bay Area STJS Election Day Jan. 11 – 17th annual STJS “RENT PARTY” Jan. 31 – 9th annual STJS “Crab & Pasta Feed” Feb. 8 – DUKE HEITGER, trumpet — New Orleans, LA BOB DRAGA, clarinet — Largo, FL JEFF PHILLIPS, piano — Naples, FL Mar. 8 – ROBERT YOUNG, reeds — Santa Rosa, CA Dec.2014 / Jan. 2015 Notes (cont.) events in the local area, and it so happens that they have an event right before the Music Festival. This gives us a great opportunity to promote the festival at their event and let them promote their organization at our event. We are working out the details, but it will be a win/win for both of us. I guess I am a little long-winded this month! To conclude, I want to wish all of you a very wonderful Christmas and a great new Year. 2 S STJS Election Notice TJS Board of Directors elections for 2014 are scheduled to take place on Jazz Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014, from noon to 3:00 p.m. STJS Board of Directors positions to be filled this year are: President; Vice-President; Treasurer; two Musician Member seats; and three Non-Musician Member seats. Please take a few minutes to read the Candidates’ Statements in the next few pages. We appreciate the willingness of each of these members to serve on the Board of Directors of the Jazz Society. See page 5 for election info. The Board is also requesting that you approve a change in the Bylaws pertaining to when the Board meetings take place each month. See page 5 for details. ABSENTEE Ballots are available, and REQUESTS to receive these ballots by mail needed to be made by Dec. 1st (two weeks prior to Election Day). You may pick up an Absentee Ballot in person at the Jazz Office, or you may request an Absentee Ballot by email by sending your request to: dave@ In order to be counted, Absentee Ballots must be received in the NEW STJS Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 12, 2013, or be delivered to the Poll Workers no later than 3:00 p.m. at the December 14 Jazz Sunday Meeting. Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015 President’s Message by Ron Jones STJS PRESIDENT <[email protected]> W ell, it’s been quite a year! This is my last column as President of STJS, and it has been an honor and a privilege to serve. Beginning next month, you will have a newly elected President and Board of Directors; please give them all your support. When I took over as President, I had no idea what I was getting into. It’s easy to presume you know how everything works, then all of a sudden, you realize you don’t know as much as you thought! Being President would have been a lot harder if I hadn’t been surrounded by some really good people. Everyone on the Executive Committee, with the support of the Board, worked hard to find solutions to keep our organization going and moving forward. We are fortunate to have a few people who really put their heart and soul into what they do for STJS, but we need more. The one question I haven’t found an answer to yet is how to get more people like them involved? I know there are many talented people reading this who could contribute knowledge and skills to our organization. If you are one of them, please step forward and let your Board know what your expertise is. We are very fortunate to be associated with the STJS Foundation. Our financial situation would be a lot worse if they hadn’t taken on the financial responsibility for our youth programs, which include the Trad Jazz Camp, TJYBF, Music Lesson Awards, and TNT youth band. Let’s all work hard to make sure that our jazz society and festival are around for many years to come. Have a great day! 2 STJS OFFICE HAS MOVED! 301 N. 10th Street; Sacramento, CA 95811 3 Candidates President PRESIDENT – Dave Becker VICE PRESIDENT – Dennis Speciale TREASURER – Dennis Grimes MUSICIAN BOARD MEMBERS: 2 positions open, 3 candidates: Vanna Turner, Vivian Lee, and Bob Ringwald NON-MUSICIAN BOARD MEMBERS: 3 positions open, 3 candidates: Todd Bibby, Scott Kaufman, and Joe Cruz. Vice President DENNIS SPECIALE INCUMBENT – I started attending the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee with my dad in the late ‘70s. My most treasured memories are those times I spent with my father at the Jubilee. My father became a volunteer in 1977 and was the Jubilee’s greatest advocate. I finally became a volunteer in 1987 and became Ticket Control Manager in the late nineties. I believe the Sacramento Music Festival to be a cultural jewel for the city and will work hard to keep it. I am proud of the Society’s youth programs and will always be its biggest promoter. As a longtime volunteer, I am always impressed with our dedicated members and volunteer staff, and will always appreciate their efforts. I am a lifelong resident of California, and a US Army Veteran. I have a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration – Accounting. I am currently employed at the CA State Controller’s Office as an Accounting Administrator. I have had the honor of serving on the STJS Board of Directors as Secretary for the past two years. Currently, I am serving as Vice-President, appointed to the position temporarily by the Board. The coming year brings many challenges, and with your support, I know we can meet those challenges. I am looking forward to a successful 2015 Sacramento Music Festival. 4 DAVE BECKER CURRENTLY SECRETARY – I have been a member of Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society (STJS) since 2005 and have learned a lot as a board member for the past four years. I am currently Secretary on the STJS Board of Directors, Co-Chair of the Membership Committee, Chairperson of the Governance Committee and member of the Music Committee. I assist in the STJS Office. At Jazz Sundays, I assist at Admission Table, Raffle and Membership table (the guy that sits behind the table). I am one of the many volunteers at the Traditional Jazz Youth Band Festival (TJYBF) and a volunteer any place they need assistance. I have an Associate degree in Applied Science in Computer Information System Web Development. I am retired from Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) after 27 years as Facility Manager, Safety Manager and many other positions. Also retired from 22 years of service in the U.S. Air Force. Musician Board Member VANNA TURNER INCUMBENT – My journey to the Board began around 1978, when my toddlers and I would listen to the youth bands play on The Delta Dock at the Jazz Jubilee. Oh how we loved the Festival! Years later my daughter joined a youth band, and I began volunteering at venues (I currently volunteer in the STJS office). In the short year I’ve served on the Board I’ve been involved in some painful but positive decisions. Yet there’s much more work to be done to see that our cherished Festival continues beyond 2015. With your vote I’ll continue the hard work and creative thinking required to move forward. I’m an active musician in STJS as a Gold Card vocalist, an EVERY-month Jazz Sunday attendee, a performer with Vanna & The Jazzin’ JAKs, and an STJS adult jazz camper. My Leadership experiences include teaching English and Choir in middle/ high school, supervising student teachers, and chairing the English Department. (only 2 positions open) VIVIAN LEE Vivian Lee is a local jazz vocalist and band leader. She has been playing around the area, as well as the Bay and Tahoe for the last 18 years. She is a former board member who has a lot to contribute to the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society. Besides being a vocalist, Vivian was also the hostess for the long-running “Sunday Evening Jazz” series (20032014) that showcased local, regional and some national jazz groups. This year, she was inducted into the Black Musicians of America (Sacramento Chapter) Hall of Fame as a Music Icon in Sacramento, as well as being chosen Best Jazz Vocalist by the same organization. Vivian brings a perspective from the mainstream straight-ahead sub genre of jazz that will build that bridge between the traditional and the more modern jazz to make our Society and jazz in Sacramento a great force. BOB RINGWALD Bob is well-known to Sacramento area musicians and Jazz fans. In the early years of STJS, he was a member of the Board of Directors and served on the Jubilee Talent Selection Committee. For the past 10 yr., he has served as the STJS Guest Star Coordinator and has served the past 8 years on the STJS Board of Directors. Bob is a working, professional musician. He is the pianist and leader for the Fulton Street Jazz Band. Pages 4 and 5 include statements from all candidates for the 2015 STJS Board of Directors. Page 2 lists the current board members serving till Dec. 2014 Dec.2014 / Jan. 2015 Treasurer NON-Musician Member DENNIS GRIMES I have been a member of the STJS since 1985. I have been a member of the Festival management committee, and the Board of Directors. I have worked closely with the present treasurer in developing the last two budgets. I have worked with Lisa in analyzing the budgets of the last three years looking for areas where we can save money and stream line various areas. I have been an active advocate for the volunteers. I have been a volunteer for the Festival for 29 years in the financial area. I started in ticket sales with my wife Kathy and move onto Couriers. We advanced through the ranks to become the managers of the Courier group for ten years. A few years ago I became manager of the Financial group, overseeing the Finance department, Couriers, Ticket Sales and Admission sales. I negotiated and set up the online admission ticket sales. With my financial background I will be able to continue monitoring the Financials so we can get back on track to financial stability. TODD BIBBY INCUMBENT – Todd Bibby is a Sacramento native. He got his business degree from CSUS. He has been a hardworking and cheerful Music Festival volunteer for 8 years, and is specifically responsible for drums, staging and back line work. His drum responsibilities extend to the Jazz Sunday equipment. He was inducted into our Hall of Fame in 2013. He was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Board in early 2014. His commitment to our mission has kept pace with his increasing responsibilities, including tech support at the STJS Office, getting the phone and internet set up after the recent move. In “real life,” he is currently working on opening the Ebola treatment center at the UCD Medical Center (one of about 35 in the U.S.). (3 positions open) SCOTT KAUFMAN INCUMBENT – I have proudly served on the STJS Board of Directors for the past eight years and believe strongly in the value of preserving the American art form of Traditional Jazz. I was the longtime DJ at the Davis Grad’s Sunday Night Swing venue from 1998 to 2005. In 2005, I opened up Midtown Stomp, a swing dance venue dedicated to the preservation of Lindy Hop and other vintage forms of dance done to Traditional Jazz and Swing music. Midtown Stomp has become one of the largest weekly swing dances in California. I bring a background in marketing, event planning, and technology, all used together in creative ways to promote events. I’ve planned our festival’s “Swing Dance Contest” since it’s inception. After watching thousands of people dance to Traditional Jazz and Swing music over the past 17 years, I firmly believe that people love Traditional Jazz but don’t know it…yet. Proposed change to STJS Bylaws ARTICLE IV. Section 4. Meetings The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of six (6) times a year, ordinarily on the Monday fifteen (15) days after the monthly general meeting, at a time and place designated and noticed to Board Members seven (7) days in advance by the President. Such Meetings will be open to all interested members and those guests who are invited by the Board. Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015 JOE CRUZ I live in Folsom, CA and retired as a supervisor at McClellan Air Force Base. I also own my own business, Cruz Electric. I have been an active volunteer for several Sacramento organizations, including KVIE Public Television, the California State Fair, and the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee. At KVIE, I held several chairman positions working the membership drives and the annual two-week auction, and served as a member of the Volunteer Board of Directors. For the CA State Fair, I was active on some of the Friends of the Fair committees and served as President for three years. I began my Jubilee volunteer work about 25 years ago, spending the majority of my time at Turntable Junction. My service in the Cabaret included various functions eventually becoming shift manager. I worked Crocker Park as shift manager for two years and one year at Raley Field, and two years in food concessions. I’ve been working with the jazz office on various activities, and restructuring the Festival’s construction group. My ability to analyze problem areas, make recommendations, and manage workers is among my skills. I was offered the position of Construction Manager in 2012. This group is responsible for constructing all the fencing, and building stages, steps, platforms and dance floors. I feel I can work extremely well with the construction volunteers and have developed a cohesive, effective working group. 5 Tom Rigney (cont.) grooves, and heartbreakingly beautiful ballads and waltzes. Their high energy live show features tight ensemble playing, deeply infectious grooves, and spectacular soloing. Most of the repertoire is composed by Rigney, but they also mix in a few classics from the Cajun/zydeco/New Orleans songbook. And if, along the way, you pick up a trace of Rigney’s Irish roots or a little Swing and roots Rock-and-Roll, it just makes the musical gumbo that much tastier. In the past decade, Rigney’s skills as a composer have broadened and deepened, and he is today writing some of the most evocative and powerfully uplifting music you will hear anywhere. And Rigney’s charismatic stage presence and high-energy delivery draw the audience into his performances and make them feel that they are an integral part of the music and the show. Voted Best Cajun/Zydeco Band by the West Coast Blues Hall of Fame (2004), Tom Rigney and Flambeau are making some serious noise on the American Roots Music scene. Flambeau has been tearing things up at festivals, dances, and concerts all over the place—from the Ft. Lauderdale Cajun Crawfish Festival to the Edmonton Blues Festival to the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee to the Alaska State Fair, to the Spring Bues Festival in Ecaussinnes, Belgium. They have become audience favorites at numerous annual festivals, community concerts, and performing arts centers. Their debut CD, Red Boots and Rice, was released on the Parhelion label in early 2000, following up Rigney’s critically acclaimed 1998 solo album, Chasing the Devil. Since then, they have released numerous CDs of new material, including a live CD and DVD video recorded at the beautiful Throckmorton Theatre, in Mill Valley, CA. Along the way, Rigney has released two Blues violin albums (one of which, “Back Porch Blues,” climbed all the way to Number 1 on the XM/Sirius Satellite Radio’s Bluesville Chart, B.B. King’s Top 15 Blues Picks to Click). Tom also has an all-Swing album (2010’s “Swing State”). These recordings have garnered buckets of airplay and rave rewiews from critics and fans alike. 2009 also saw the release of the rockin’, rootsy Americana CD, “Serious Fun,” that caused outbreaks of dance frenzy all over the U.S.A. In 2011, Tom Rigney was crowned Emperor of the great Sacramento Jazz Festival and reigned over a weekend-long party with thousands of his loyal subjects. On the day of his coronation, Parhelion Records released the latest offering from Tom Rigney and Flambeau, an all-Blues CD titled “Don’t Fight It”. It is currently hitting the radio airwaves in North America and Europe. Tom Rigney is a true American original, and his great band, Flambeau, is truly one of the hottest bands on the American Roots Music scene. This is a band you have to hear! 2 6 17th annual STJS Rent Party January 11, 2015 Claudette Stone Quintet Crescent Katz Dr. Bach & the Jazz Practitioners Dutch’s Gas House Gang Hot City! New Black Tuesday Jazz Band Sister Swing Sticking Our Necks Out (Gypsy) West End Stompers Plus (youth) Next Generation Bands Next Gen Jazz Kids, Mission Ave Open Elem., River City Swingers, Sax by Popular Demand, Syncopating Sea-Monkeys, TNT (The New Traditionalists) STJS sponsored youth band, Trad Reputation (Nolan Cyr) Dec.2014 / Jan. 2015 Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015 7 Jazz Sunday Notes By “The Cricket” O [who is NOT the AATJ editor] ne can’t resist the impulse to say that Celia Cottle ROCKS. But, relax, it’s just a figure of speech. In fact, she imparts JAZZ to flocks of young musicians in Davis/Woodland and environs. This time, she brought the Awktives (say it out loud), a group of 14-16 year olds full of enthusiasm and spirit. Jessica Block and Jacob Comingore are the trumpeters (Jessica also sings); MacRae Dudman is the clarinetist, and Isabel Montesanto is on tenor sax; Jesse Brant is on trombone and vocals. Tioga Benner is their pianist, Joshua Wisterman the banjo and guitarist, Jake Gooding the bassist, and Andrew Leavitt the drummer. And, frankly, they were kind of amazing! So was Dan Barrett, who played both trombone and cornet on his two guest sets, which presented “set designer” Bob Ringwald with an interesting challenge. On the first set, Bob added Paul Edgerton on reeds and Gary Reynolds on trombone, with Ringwald on piano, Darrell Fernandez on bass and Vince Bartels on drums. For Barrett’s second set, Ringwald stayed in place on piano, Paul Edgerton was on tenor sax and Mark Curry on clarinet, with Bob Williams on trombone, Renard Perry on trumpet, Lenny Pollacchi on bass and Gene Copelan on drums. Melissa Collard’s vocals were great additions to both sets. Vocalist Carolyne Swayze brought her Quintet to Set 3, for a nice, relaxed, laid back set, with tempos varied enough to keep us interested, but nothing frenetic. Noel Jewkes was on reeds, Jason Myers on piano, Al Obidinski on bass and John McDonald on drums. That sounds so prosaic – but do a little background checking on these guys, and whammo! They’re the real deal, trekking in from the Bay Area with a load of jazz history behind them. We had a good day in the Gold Card Room, too. Set 1 was an 8-person crew, led by Ken Champion on trumpet, with Carl Kaiser on Trombone, Rich Lockwood and Tom Carpenter sharing reed duties, John Green on banjo, Dave Sieber on tuba, Dan Lobay on drums and Frank Lindskoog on piano, joined by Claude Purcell on vocals. And Lockwood persuaded his former “Geezers” bandmate John Green to sing “Home.” They wound up the set with “Birth of the Blues.” We were down to five for GCR 2: Jay Paulus, tbn; Dominic Ruggieri, reeds; Montana Monce, piano; Scott Gordon, drums; David Rees, bass. And of course, set 3 was the willing and able quartet of Meyers, Ginter, Roberson and Hull. They Nov. 9, 2014 DAN BARRETT Awktives (ages 14–16) directed by Celia Cottle Dan’s brother, Mark 8 Dec.2014 / Jan. 2015 backed Edd Burhans on “Back Door Man Blues.” New Gold Card holder Audrey Edley told us about “The Man I Love,” and Bev Ludlow claimed “I’ll Never Be the Same.” Jeanette and Jackie chose a medley, “C’mon, Get Happy” and “Happy Days,” and then Jackie and Jeanette sang “Shoo, Shoo, Baby.” I don’t know that Wally Hawkins has done “Green Dolphin Street” here before, but he sold it, baby! Vanna Turner insists on bringing us little gems. Although “Alto’s Lament” was written in the neighborhood of 90 years after last month’s charmer, “You’d Be Surprised,” it has a similar twinkle in its eye. Geri Eckert was in a Latin rhythm with “Our Love is Here to Stay,” and T Jackson presented “Willow Weep for Me.” Jay Casl was “Out of This World,” and Larry Sikorski talked about “Green Eyes.” In all, there were 18 vocalists. Gold Card Room, by the way, is where I was introduced to the “Eldest in Membership” Elk. Tony Muljak is 91 years old, and has been an Elk for 70 years! Astounding! He was accompanied by Anne, his wife, and by Serena Canussi and Helen Sipkin. Helen’s daughter lives in Sacramento, so Helen splits her time between here and Florida, every other quarter. Also in the GCR – Marie Singleton and Shae Newton, who found us in a Groupon offering. Welcome! GCR Set 4 was a slightly skewed Au Brothers feature – in Parasol Winner Joy Skalbeck Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015 this case, Justin on trumpet and Bill and Brandon on trombones, with Gene Mondro on reeds, John Green on Banjo, Scotty Harper on bass, Tony Bellacera on drums and Carl Kaiser on piano. And Jimmy Spero organized Set 5, with Jay Paulus, Dominic Ruggieri, Carl Kaiser on piano, David Rees on bass, and Terry Carlisle on drums. Keith Williams and Jade Parker provided vocals. Terry Carlisle, who, by the by, also sings and plays flute, just ended a lengthy gig at the Stations in Roseville. I understand Jade Parker grew up in Laguna Creek/Elk Grove, and then went to Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota, AFTER which she lived – and worked – in New Orleans for five years. She moved back to Sac, asked Bill and Shelly where she could hear some jazz – and here she IS. A very welcome addition to the STJS community. Headed over to the Tailgate, and on the way I ran into Bruce and Bonnie Spitzer, renewing at the Membership desk. Also spoke to Diane and Barry Goyette, members for over 20 years, who make the long drive down from San Mateo on occasion. Joan and Peter Govias came a trifle further than that – they’re from Melbourne, Australia, visiting Joan’s sister, Eve Roberson. I think bassist Bill Chiechi was the first to sign up for Tailgate Set 1. He was joined by Jimmy Spero on guitar, Montana Monce on piano and Greg Ayala (Continued on page 10.) Carolyne Swayze Quintet 9 on drums. Bev Ludlow, Audrey Edley and Leslie Rannie all joined in on vocals. (Cont. from page 9) TG 2 had Ken Champion, trumpet; Bob Gonzales, trombone; Dick Lockwood, reeds; Phil Anderson, strings; Carl Kaiser, piano; Dave Sieber, tuba; Tony Bellacera, drums, with Claude Purcell on vocals. Mike Melnikov showed up in time to take the bass spot in TG 3, joining Larry Tyrell on trombone and Gene Mondro on reeds. Frank Lindskoog was on piano, Joe Prassa on strings, and Bill McMartin on drums, with Mark Angeles on vocals. Interim Tailgate Boss Edd Burhans won the toss, and got Ken Champion for the last set, with Bob Gonzales, Arthur Ericksson on reeds, Billie Menz on piano, Ned Poffinbarger on banjo, and Dave Sieber on tuba. Barbara Paulus, by the way, was wearing a lovely rust/gold “new” suit – which she said she bought two years ago, but couldn’t wear until now – she’s lost 50 pounds! (And Jay has lost 30#, but it’s not ABOUT him, is it?) Sound Crew Chief Emerita Dolores Smith scared the socks off us by having a small blood vessel disruption smack in the middle of the hallway, and was whisked off to the hospital for a bunch of tests and an overnight stay. She swears she’s doing fine now, but we’re going to keep a close eye on her. Thank goodness Norm Echols was standing there when it happened, and raised the alarm. Thanks to Main Stage MC Ken McMurray, who did all the regular jobs of an MC, AND remembered to introduce the Candidates for next month’s election. Now YOU need to remember to vote. Felix Smith sent word that Dan Stewart died in October. He was a “heritage” volunteer, son of volunteer/former STJS Secretary/long-time Chief Poll Worker Mary Stewart. We are so sorry to hear this, and send our prayers to all his family. We were also saddened to learn that Woody Pittman, husband of Katie Cavera, died recently after suffering with cancer for a considerable time. [We can take this chance to bring sunshine to the young woman who brings so much sunshine and good cheer into our lives.] We’re always glad to see Patrons Dennis and Judy Tsuboi. They were deep in conversation with Pres. Ron Jones. And Ardis Dickey had been away for a LONG time, but her friend Bill McMurtry apparently drew her back. Must report that several STJS student supporters were featured in the Rio Americano HS Playathon, including Nolan Cyr and Duncan McElman. Good going, gang. Day before Jazz Sunday is the 2014 Sacramento State Winter Jazz Festival. It, like TJYBF, is a non-competitive, educational festival, For $10 general admission you can listen to Elementary, Middle, High and Collegiate level Jazz Ensembles, Jazz Combos and Vocal Jazz Ensembles. The Sacramento Jazz Orchestra and the Sacramento State Latin Jazz Ensemble will also perform. Check 10 it out at and click on the Jazz Festival link. Or - Tubachristmas! at McClatchy HS Auditorium, 1:00 p.m. December 13, free. Steve Homan led the Cosumnes River College Jazz Orchestra in a free concert on December 4. Same day U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West presented its Holiday Concert at Memorial Auditorium. We are blessed with choice! See Music Here & There column for multiple local gigs – and then GO. And listen to this: Preservation Hall Jazz Band was at Harris Center, Folsom Lake College, on November 19. Hope you got there in time. Keep a long-range eye on this one. Breanna Rodgers, local high schooler and reed player, is prepping for a Girl Scout Gold Project. This is roughly the equivalent of Eagle Scout, and I’m told only about 40 girls across the country attempt it in any given year. Details to come, but it will involve Jazz, natch! I’m not sure I can convey quite what a big deal this is. You GO, girl! Any help you need! Rigney in December! Two fundraisers for STJS in January: Rent Party on Jan. 11 and Crab & Pasta Feed on Jan. 31. See page 7 for details. Purchase tickets online now! 2 Thank you, Volunteers W by Dave Becker STJS SECRETARY hat an AWESOME MOVE – THANK YOU ALL FOR THE HELP! Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society (STJS) Office has official moved to the STJS Warehouse. I want to personally thank all the volunteers that came down to the STJS Office and helped box pictures from the walls, storage cabinets, etc. and take boxes down to the warehouse, if it wasn’t for these volunteers it would have taken much longer than it did. The volunteers are: Kathy Becker almost lived there every day for a couple of weeks. Kathy Grimes, Joanne Gannon, Nancy Giffin, Carol and Jim Fusaro, Tom and Paige Morrow, Mark and Meredith Henderson. Then we had two youngsters that were UNBELIEVABLE, if you stood in one spot to long they would carry you into the moving truck, THEY WERE AWESOME. They did not stop until the move was completed: Sarah Anderson and Joe Enochs (Kathy Becker’s son) I also want to thank Todd Bibby for setting up the telephone system and internet in the Warehouse. The phone number is the same: 916-444-2004. The new address for the STJS Office is 301 N. 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 THANK YOU ALL AGAIN – Dave 2 Dec.2014 / Jan. 2015 FULL WEEKEND of STJS Jazz Events! 10TH ANNUAL Sat., Feb. 7, 2015 8:00 am Festival 5:15 pm Awards 7:00 pm Clinicians Concert Sac State Capistrano Hall (Music Bldg.) $10 advance / $12 at door FREE for students (under 21) with ID www.Sac Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015 FRIDAY Feb. 6, 2015 • 6–8:30 pm Pre-TJYBF Jam Session Round Table Pizza (9138 Kiefer Blvd.; Sac., CA 95826) SATURDAY Feb. 7, 2015 • 8 am (all day) TJYBF at Sacramento State Capistrano Hall (6000 J St., Sac., CA 95819) Band Performances, Clinics, Workshop, Awards 7:00 pm Clinicians Concert featuring the all-star Clinicians Band with 2015 Guest Clinician Duke Heitger SUNDAY Feb. 8, 2015 • Noon–5 pm Sac. Trad. Jazz Society’s “Jazz Sunday” concert featuring Duke Heitger, Bob Draga, Jeff Phillips at the Elks #6 (6446 Riverside Blvd., Sac., CA 95831) 11 Future Jazz Festivals and Jazz Parties DECEMBER 2014 13 Sac. State Winter Jazz Festival Sacramento, CA (916) 278-7987 JANUARY 2015 16-28 1st annual Tuscon Jazz Fest. Tuscon, AZ no phone # FEBRUARY 2015 7 10th annual TJYBF Sac. State Univ., Sacramento Guest Clinician Duke Heitger 12-15 Sounds of Mardi Gras Fresno Hotel & Conv. Ctr. (209) 534-1924 20-22 San Diego JAZZ PARTY Del Mar, CA (858) 453-0846 Jazz Notes Dec. 14 at the ELKS Lodge #6: TOM RIGNEY & Flambeau, from San Francisco Bay Area (Cajun/zydeco/jazz/blues), will perform at 1:00 and 3:40pm. Tom Rigney, leader/violin; Caroline Dahl, piano; Danny Caron, guitar; Steve Parks, bass; Brent Rampone, drums. NOON youth band: our own TNT directed by Bob Williams. Set 3 (at 2:20pm) will feature the Gold Society Jazz Auchestra with Justin Au, trumpet; Dave Johnson, trumpet/trombone; Brandon Au, trombone; Otis Mourning, reeds; Jim Martinez, piano; Zack Sapunor, bass; and Rose Cangelosi, drums. Elks Lodge at Riverside Blvd. & Florin Rd. (6446 Riverside Blvd., Sac. CA 95831.) Arrive between 9 and 11 am for their Sunday Breakfast Buffet ($9). Bring your friends and family! STJS ELECTIONS — Jazz Sunday, Dec. 14, noon–3pm. STJS BOARD MEETING — Mon., Dec. 22, 6:00 pm at the NEW STJS Office location: 301 N. 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811. Monday meetings are held one week after Jazz Sunday. MARCH 2015 6-8 Jazz Bash by the Bay Monterey, CA UPCOMING EVENTS / SPECIAL GIGS: Submit event info in advance to: [email protected] (888) 349-6879 Sac. State Winter Jazz Festival: all day Sat., Dec. 13, including evening concert featuring John Santos with the Sac. State Latin Jazz Ensemble and Paul McKee with the Sacramento Jazz Orchestra. Sacramento Jazz Orchestra: Sat., Dec. 13 at Sac. State with Guest Artist Paul McKee on trombone. Under leadership of Joe Gilman. 7:00 - 10:00pm. Vivian Lee Quartet: Holiday Show on Sun., Dec. 14 at the Fire Rock Grill (11275 Folsom Blvd, Rancho Cordova) 5:30–8:30pm. Joe Gilman on piano, Buca Necak on bass and Jeff Minnieweather on drums. $15 cover. 916-638-4584. Dean-o-holics (a.k.a. the Rat Pack): Sun., Dec. 21 at Harlows (2708 J St, Sacramento, CA 95816). Doors open 5:30, show at 7:00pm. Cover charge. Mike Butera Jazz Orchestra: Mon., Dec. 29 with vocalist Vivian Lee. Crossroads Coffeehouse (7322 Folsom Blvd., Sac.) Cover $5 (free coffee or smoothy). 7:00–9:30pm. 916683-0833. Cunha Big Band: Tues., Jan. 6. Clubhouse Bar & Grill (5150 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carm.) 7–9:30pm. No Cover. See “MUSIC HERE & THERE” for regular gigs. Our 9th annual Crab & Pasta Feed is set for Saturday, January 31 at 5:00pm. Buy tickets at Jazz Sunday or online at the STJS website: (See flyer on pg. 7) Straw Hat: WED. 6:00pm–8:30 (2929 Mather Field Rd., Rancho Cordova) No cover charge. Dec. 3–Crescent Katz. Dec. 10–Dr. Bach & the Jazz Practitioners. Dec.17–Pat Blucher (Xmas Music). Midtown Stomp: Friday nights 9pm–12am. Cover charge. (2534 Industrial Blvd., Suite 150, West Sac., CA 95691). Fri., Dec. 12–Hot City! (Zack Sapunor, Jeff Kreis, Bill Dendle). Shady Lady Saloon (1409 R St., Sac.), 9–midnight: Fri. Dec. 5 & 19 & 31–Crescent Katz; Wed. Dec. 3 & 17– Harley White, Jr.; Fri. Dec. 12–City of Trees; Thur. Dec. 18– Hot City!; Fri. Dec. 20–Element Brass Band. Nu-Tones: Timbers Restaurant in Sun City (7050 Del Webb Blvd., Rsvl) 916-774-3838. 6–9pm. Fri., Dec. 12 and Jan. 9. Crescent Katz: New Year’s Eve at Shady Lady Saloon (1409 R St., Sac.), 9–midnight on Wed., Dec. 31. Western Swing Soc.: 1st Sun., 1–6pm, Machinist Hall (2749 Sunrise, R. Cord.). Jan. 4–Buck Ford /Pure Country Fulton St. Jazz Band: Wed., Dec. 31 at Thunder Valley Casino and Resort in Lincoln. “Strolling through the casino” from 6pm to Midnight. 2 12 Dec.2014 / Jan. 2015 Main Stage 11-9-14 Guest: DAN BARRETT, Costa Mesa, CA Guest Artist Coord.: Bob Ringwald Emcee: Ken McMurray Set #1 — YOUTH BAND – Awktives (ages 14–16) Celia Cottle, instructor. Jessica Block, trumpet/vocals; Jacob Comingore, trumpet; MacRae Dudman, clarinet; Isabel Montesanto, tenor sax; Jesse Brandt, trombone/vocals; Tioga Benner, piano; Joshua Wisterman, guitar/banjo; Jake Gooding, bass; Andrew Leavitt, drums; Melissa Collard, vocals. Set #2 — GUEST – Dan Barrett, trombone/trumpet; Paul Edgerton, reeds; Gary Reynolds, trombone; Bob Ringwald, piano; Darrell Fernandez, bass; Vince Bartels, drums. #3 — Carolyne Swayze Quintet: Carolyne Swayze, leader/vocals; Noel Jewkes, reeds; Jason Myers, piano; Al Obidinski, bass; John McDonald, drums. Set #4 — GUEST – Dan Barrett, trombone/trumpet; Renard Perry, trumpet; Mark Curry, reeds; Paul Edgerton, reeds; Bob Williams, trombone; Bob Ringwald, piano; Lenny Pollacchiz, bass; Gene Copelan, drums; Melissa Collard, vocals. Gold Card Room 11-9-14 Tpt/Cor: Ken Champion, Bob Sumners, Justin Au; Rds: Dick Lockwood, Tom Carpenter, Gene Mondro, Dominic Ruggieri; Tbn: Carl Kaiser, Bill Au, Brandon Au, Jay Paulus; P: Ken Meyers, Frank Lindskoog, Carl Kaiser, Montans Monce; Bnj/ Gtr: Jimmy Spero, John Greene; B/Tb: Alan Ginter, Dave Sieber, David Rees, Scotty Harper; Dr: Jim Roberson, Dan Lobay, Tony Bellacera, Scott Gordon, Terry Carlisle; Wbd: Patrick Skiffington; Voc: Larry Sikorski, Edd Burhans, T Jackson, Jackie Clauson, Alan Ginter, Pat Kennedy, Paula Dula, Joanna Koford, Harry DuVall, Kate Rees, Audry Edley, Margie Ruiz, Geri Eckert, Bev Ludlow, Vanna Turner, Jeanette Hall, Wally Hawkins, Jay Casl, Claude Purcell, Keith Williams, Jade Parker. GCR Director: Paula Dula. Tailgate Room 11-9-14 Thanks to Edd Burhans and Bev Ludlow for directing the Tailgate Room in November. The players were: Tpt: Ken Champion; Rds: Tom Carpenter, Gene Mondro, Dick Lockwood, Arthur Erikkson; Tbn: Larry Tyrell, Bob Gonzalez; P: Frank Lindskoog, Montana Monce, Carl Kaiser, Billie Menz; Strings: Jimmy Spero, Phil Anderson, Joe Prassa, Ned Poffinbarger; Bass/Tuba: Bill Chiechi, Dave Sieber, Mike Melnikov; Dr: Greg Ayala Tony Bellacera, Bill McCharter?; Vocs: Bev Ludlow, Claude Purcell, Audrey Edley, Mark Angeles, Fredric Rannie. Co-Directors: Edd Burhans Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015 Music Here & There SACRAMENTO AREA [email protected] Beatnik Studios Jazz Night, 3rd Thursday, 7-10pm, 723 S Street, Sac. Beth Duncan Trio, BIG BANDS Tues. nights, JB’s Lounge, Clarion Hotel, 1401 Arden Way, Sac. Black Tuesday J.B., (530) 676-8923. Bob Ringwald / Fulton St. J.B., (916) 806-9551. Claudette Stone, Biba’s, Th., 6:00–9pm., 2801 Capitol Ave., Sac. 455-2422 Crescent Katz, 1st & 3rd Friday, Shady Lady (1409 R St, Sac.), 9–midnight. 1st Sun. 3-6pm, Berryessa Brewing. Cunha Big Band 1st Tues. 7pm, Clubhouse, 5150 Fair Oaks Blvd, Carmichael Dr. Bach & the Jazz Practitioners, Eddie & Friends Tues. 1:15-3:45pm, 4701 Gibbons Drive, Carmichael Harley White, Jr. Orchestra Jay Paulus’ Society Band, “Midtown Stomp”– Dance, Fri., 8pm–12am. 2534 Industrial Blvd., Suite 150, West Sac., CA 95691. Classes. (916) 221-1500 Nice & Easy, e/o Sat. 4:30-7:30pm, The Station, Auburn Bl/Riverside, Rsvl. Nu-Tones Qt., Timbers Rest., Sun City, RSVL, 6-9pm, Fri. Rich O’Day, Biba Rest., Wed., 6:00–9pm, 2801 Capitol Ave., Sac. 455-2422 Sac. Banjo Band, Straw Hat Pizza, Mather Fld. Rd., 1st & 3rd Sun., 2-4 p.m. Sac. Ragtime Society, FREE! Red Lion Sacto. Inn, 1401 Arden Way, Sac., last Sunday of each month, 1–4 p.m., (916) 457-3324. Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra Sampino’s – Fri. 11:30–1:30 p.m; Sat. noon–2 p.m. SwingMasters big band, Carmichael, CA Vivian Lee, Western Swing Soc., The Machinist Hall, 2749 Sunrise Bl., Rnch. Cordova 1st Sun., 1-6pm. Ballroom dancing, swing, waltz, foxtrot. (916) 635-0450 Z.O.O.M. CENTRAL VALLEY / CENTRAL CALIF. Basin St. Regulars, Vet’s Bldg, Pismo, last Sun, 12-4:30. (805) 481-7840. Cell Block 7, Royce Farms BBQ; 10880 N. Hwy 99; Stockton 1st and 3rd Tues., 6:30–8:30p.m. (209) 931-8333 Feather River JS Concert day varies. Graegle, CA Fresno DL Soc., 2nd Sun., 1-5 pm (559) 292-3999. Call for location. Modesto TJS, Clarion, 1612 Sisk Rd., Mod., 3rd Sun., 12-5 p.m., (209) 985-2223 Rivercity Jazz Society, Elks Lodge, Redding, 3rd Sun., 1-5pm San Joaquin DL JS 8900 Thornton, Stock., 1st Sun., 12-5, Sierra Trad. Jazz Club, Memorial Bldg, Three Rivers, 2nd Sat., 8-11pm. Western Mus. Rndup., Stewart Hall, Sheridan, 4th Sun., 12-5pm, 645-8521 if head a l l a C long - online calendar it’s a rive! d And That’s Jazz, assorted. SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA Big Money in Jazz Savoy-Tivoli in San Fran., Sat., 3–6pm (415) 362-7023 Clint Baker & Café Borrone All-Stars, Fridays 8–11pm, Menlo Park Devil Mtn. JB. 3rd Sat., 1:30-4:30pm, Danville Grange Hall. Jazzinators, Bronco Billy’s Pizza, Irvington Dist.-Fremont; 1st/3rd Tue., 7-8pm Eggers/Tichenor, Belrose, San Raf., 2nd Wed. 5:30-8pm; M.E. (510) 655-6728 Mission Gold JB, 1st/3rd Wed., 7:30-9:30pm, Sunol JAZZ Cafe (925)862-2800 Natural Gas JB, 2nd Sun., 1-5pm, Ghiringhelli Pizzeria, Novato (415) 878-4977 Swing Fever, Panama Hotel, San Raf., 1st/3rd Tu., 7-10 pm (415) 457-3993 13 Entertainment books ELKS LODGE SERVES BREAKFAST! by Elinor Hackett STJS VOLUNTEER 2015 Entertainment books will be sold at the Dec. 14th Jazz Sunday via the Raffle Table and in the main room. Cost: $30 each, benefitting TNT Youth Band. To reserve a copy, contact Elinor at 916-363-8895. Great deals on holiday shopping, gifts and travel. Very practical Christmas gift, full of savings on things people need everyday. (See list, below.) Please purchase your edition today and support our fundraising cause. SHOPPING DEALS • *NEW in 2015* - Extra 10% Off • Macy’s – Take an extra 15% Off • Aeropostale - $10 off $50 or $25 off $100 • Hot Topic – $10 off $50 • Children’s Place – 20% off purchase of $40 • Carters – 20% off purchase of $40 • Toys R Us – $5 off purchase of $25 • – 20% Off • – 20% Off plus Free Shipping • Claire’s – 25% Off • Perfumania – $10 off $50+ or 20% Off a Single Item • Dick’s Sporting Goods – $10 Off $50 • Sports Authority – $10 Off $50 or $20 Off $100 • The Gap – $15.00 Off GIFTS, FOODS & FLOWERS • Personal Creations – 25% Off any product • FTD – $15 Off • 1-800-Flowers – Save 20% • Shari’s Berries – 20% Off any product • Omaha Steak – Save 59% and free shipping • Harry & David – 10% Off product purchase • Cheryl’s - $10 Off $40 • The Popcorn Factory - $10 Off $40 • Lillian Vernon – 20% Off any order HOLIDAY PICTURES & CARDS • JCPenny – 40% Off Portrait, Plus 1 Free Sitting Fee • Vistaprint – Up to 25% Off TRAVEL • Budget Car Rental • Enterprise Rent-A-Car • American Airlines - $10 OFF any flight • – 10% OFF already discounted hotels • Wyndham Hotels – Save up to 20% OFF FOOD includes distinctive dining/casual dining/fast food and carry-out to your home market 2 14 Raffle Cent$ F by Kathy Becker STJS RAFFLE COORDINATOR or the small crowd, we all had a great time. Where is everyone? [Arizona Classic Festival?] We need you to come back to our Jazz Sundays. We brought in $203.00 for the Raffle. Thank you all who keep on giving. A huge THANK YOU to our loyal donators; Warren Mufich, Bill McMartin, Margie Weybright, Beth Scott, Mike and Patty Schnieder, Julia and Dave McAfee, Elinor Hackett, Yvonne Au, and Jean Angel. Congrats to our winners! Parasol winner was Joy Skalbeck. Other winners were: Dan Barrett, Margie Weybright, Kerstin Renner, Arnie Arzoian, Joanne Luethy, Jim Fusaro, and Deborah Fairley. Tickets are now on sale for the 9th annual STJS Crab & Pasta Feed. Stop by the Raffle Table or buy online at the STJS website: 2 In Loving Memory Daniel Meredith Stewart October 22, 2014 Bill Schoening November 17, 2014 Dec.2014 / Jan. 2015 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society DATE________r NEW r RENEWAL r E-MAIL CHANGE Name_______________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City_____________________________State_____Zip _________ Phone__________________________________________________ E-mail_______________________________________________ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP includes discounts for monthly STJS Jazz Sunday concerts, plus newsletter, And All That Jazz. *** Note: DUES INCREASED on JULY 1st, 2013! *** r Single $30.00 r Couple $50.00 rStudent $10.00 (ages 12–20) r PATRON Membership $400. Includes: 2 Festival All-Events Badges, 2 programs, and your name listed in the festival program. r I am enclosing an additional $______ for (please check one): r Sacramento Music Festival r Other STJS programs Would you like to VOLUNTEER? (Please check one.) r Sac. Music Festival r Other STJS programs r Both (Festival & other pgms) r I am currently a volunteer Make CHECKS or money orders PAYABLE to STJS or CHARGE to: m Visa m MC m Discover m AmEx Card # ______________________________________________ Expir. date ________________ Security # on back of card __________ MAIL TO: Membership Chair 301 N. 10th Street • Sacramento, CA 95811 (916) 444-2004 [email protected] THANK YOU for your support! We appreciate your membership. Please take a moment to complete this form. Your information and opinions will help the STJS better serve you. (Answers may be approximate.) • How long have you been a member of STJS?_____________________________ • How far do you travel to attend monthly sessions?_________________________ • Number of monthly sessions you attended in the last 12 months______________ • Who was your favorite guest band or musician? __________________________ __________________________________________________________________ • What band or musician would you like as a guest? _____________________ ________________________________________________________________ • What would you like to change about the monthly sessions? _____________ ________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your help!! Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015 UPDATED NOVEMBER 2014 15