SUCCESS Annual report 2011
SUCCESS Annual report 2011
Annual report 2011 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 SUbsurface CO2 storage- Critical Elements and Superior Strategy page 1 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Vision The main objective of the SUCCESS Centre is to provide a sound scientific base for CO2 injection, storage and monitoring, to fill in gaps in our strategic knowledge, and provide a system for learning and development of new expertise. The SUCCESS Centre addresses important areas for CO2 storage in the subsurface: storage performance (properties and flow), sealing properties, monitoring, operations and consequences for the marine environment. The “CO2-School” is in addition a major educational program facilitated by the project and the Norwegian universities. The CO2 school is a collaborative effort between SUCCESS and the BIGCCS Centre on CCS in Trondheim. page 2 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 CO2 geological storage –from resources to reserves CO2 can be stored in producing or depleted hydrocarbon fields as well in deep saline formations (aquifers). In a producing oil field, CO2 can be used for enhanced recovery before it is stored. The evaluation of geological volumes suitable for injecting and storing CO2 can be viewed as a step-wise approximation, implying maturation of a CO2 storage reservoir volume from resources to reserves. The gross, technical reservoir volume is calculated based on bulk rock volume from area and thickness, average porosity, permeability and net/gross values. Areas with possible conflicts of interest with the petroleum industry or others are then removed. Storage volumes are further reduced according to where trap, reservoir and seal have been mapped and evaluated, and if the location can meet regulatory and technical criteria to ensure safe and effective storage. Building a centre portfolio INJECT IGemsCO2 on orati llab ed co d n e ext OK is for >250 MN s a b ms a K to S for 60 MNO S E C 1 -SUC from CEER growth re Cent MatMoRA Ramore The SUCCESS Centre has entered into collaboration agreements with several other Norwegian research projects on CO2 storage, i.e. RAMORE, MATMORA, INJECT and IGeMS CO2. The coordination of other major CO2 projects with the SUCCESS Centre means that industry sponsors will get access to results from projects with a total value of more than 250 MNOK, which represents some 50% increase relative to the CEERSUCCESS budget. The Centre will also in future continue to collaborate with relevant projects on CO2 storage. New Projects 2012 The SUCCESS research partners also host and participate in a number of other research centres that are relevant for CO2 storage, like The Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research, Centre for Geobiology, Centre for Physics of Geological Processes, International Centre for Geohazards and The Michelsen Centre for Industrial Measurement Science and Technology. These provide knowledge that is relevant and supportive wrt to the research tasks of SUCCESS. page 3 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Centre partners Research partners Christian Michelsen Research Institute of Energy Technology Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Norwegian Institute of Water Research University of Bergen University of Oslo University centre on Svalbard UniResearch Industrial partners CGG Veritas ConocoPhillips Dong Energy RWE Dea Statoil Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani page 4 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Organization General assembly All partners and EB chairman Executive board Kåre R. Vagle Chairman Scientific advisory committee External members Committee for innovation External members Centre administration Arvid Nøttvedt Centre Manager Per Aagaard Scientific leader Ivar Aavatsmark Scientific leader Charlotte G. Krafft Centre coordinator WP1 Storage (Geo) WP2 Fluid flow WP3 Sealing WP4 Monitoring Per Aagaard Activity leader Ivar Aavatsmark Activity leader Harald Johansen Activity leader Eyvind Aker Activity leader WP5 Marine component WP6 Operations (Inject) Truls Johannessen Activity leader Magnus Wangen Activity leader WP7 CO2 school Alvar Braathen Activity leader Scientific leaders Per Aagaard (from left) and Ivar Aavatsmark, and Centre Manager Arvid Nøttvedt page 5 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Key figures 2011 SUCCESS Centre Costs 2011 (all numbers in kNOK) Work package Amount WP 1 - Storage - Geo-characterization and geochemical/ geomechanical response 4 702 WP 2 - Fluid flow and reservoir modeling. Unstable displacement 2 762 WP 3 - Sealing properties 3 116 WP 4 - Monitoring of reservoir and overburden 2 458 WP 5 - The marine component 3 827 WP 6 – Operations (incl. INJECT) 4 556 WP 7- CO2 SCHOOL 380 Education 75 Equipment 0 Administration (total) Total (incl. INJECT) 3 481 Status human resources 2011 Research Scientists: 55 PhD students funded by the Centre and associated projects: 24 Post doctorates funded by the Centre and associated projects 6 Master students 15 Results number 2011 Journal papers Conference papers Presentations, conferences and seminars 29 6 46 Technical reports 3 SUCCESS seminars and workshops 6 25 357 SUCCESS Centre Funding 2011 (all numbers in kNOK) Public funding 6 190 Private Funding (incl. INJECT) 8 704 Funding Research Council of Norway 10 463 Total (incl. INJECT) 25 357 page 6 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Focus on CO2 pilots Data from operational CO2 field pilots is critical from a fundamental research perspective and access to such pilots to test new methodology is also important. The SUCCESS Centre collaborates very closely with the Longyearbyen CO2 Lab in Svalbard, which is hosted by UNIS. The project use the favorable conditions in and around Longyearbyen to develop, test and demonstrate technologies for CO2 storage, like reservoir qualities, CO2 storability and risks of subsurface leakage. The tentative CO2 injection site targets a suitable sandstone reservoir at 700-1000 m depth; the De Geerdal Formation of upper Triassic age. Data released from Snøhvit field pilot operated by Statoil is also available to the SUCCESS partners. Snøhvit is a fully operational offshore gas field with CO2 injection, where CO2 is separated from produced gas and injected in a saline aquifer below the H/C reservoir zones offshore. Approximately 0.7 Mt/a of CO2 is injected into the Tubåen sandstone formation 2,600m under the seabed for storage. Several of the scientific subtasks of the SUCCESS Centre have been targeted directly towards issues related to the Longyearbyen CO2 Lab and the Snøhvit field pilot. The Centre also employs data and scientific challenges related to the Sleipner field pilot. page 7 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 WP1 Geo-characterization and geochemical/ geomechanical response WP-leader Per Aagaard University of Oslo Institute of GeoSciences Safe storage of CO2 requires sufficient storage injectivity, capacity and a proper cap-rock. Trapping mechanisms such as capillary and mineral trapping contribute to safe storage on the long term. The effect of reservoir heterogeneities on potential CO2 flow patterns are not known. The distance between wells penetrating candidate storage reservoirs, such as Johansen Formation, is large and flow pathways are therefore uncertain. The long-term potential for mineral storage is largely controlled by non-equilibrium thermodynamics (kinetics). The rates and mechanisms of mineral reactions are still largely unknown, with orders-of-magnitude uncertainties. We build geo-models, based on analogue depositional environments, including information on sub-gridblock heterogeneities. Laboratory experiments on reservoir- and cap-rock minerals and samples are done to better understand changes in geomechanical properties and the seal integrity, and the kinetics of mineral reactions and safe long-term storage. The aim is to build geo-models of storage reservoirs with sufficient information to ensure quality predictions for future CO2 storage operations. Information obtained from laboratory experiments is included in numerical simulations to predict safe storage of CO2 for time scales of hundreds to thousands of years. Activities in Work Package 1 are: 1. Complete reservoir model for one to two CO2 reservoirs 2. Review of fluid phase equilibria and fluid properties in CO2-rich systems 3. Kinetic data on CO2 interaction with shale and sandstone (mineral dissolution/precipitation) 4. Review of geomechanical response to CO2 injection Carbonate minerals Geological storage of CO2 leads to dissolution of reservoir minerals (primary phases) and the formation of new carbonate minerals (secondary phases) that immobilize and store carbon for geological time scales. One priority within CEER SUCCESS is to perform laboratory experiments to better understand the potential for secondary carbonate formation. To give predictive value, the experiments are done over a range of environmental conditions (temperature, pressure and aqueous chemistry). The results this far show that the CO2-mineral interactions are much more dynamic and complex than earlier believed. Helge Hellevang, researcher University of Oslo page 8 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Anja Sundal (PhD student at UiO/SUCCESS) in Utah, USA. Studies of sandstone-shale systems in Utah, USA, enables the researchers to study features of storage reservoirs that are below seismic resolution. Review of geomechanical response and laboratory experiments As the first phase of this project, geomechanical data from Barents Sea shales (Hekkingen fm) were compiled and their geomechanical strength evaluated. In additon, 36 shale samples were collected from well DH6 at Longyearbyen, Svalbard, during the drilling operation (September 2011). These formations are considered to be the main seals against the De Geerdal sandstone formation, the most desired formation for CO2 injection. Innovation – New laboratory setup Mineral carbonation is predicted to play a significant role for safe CO2 storage at timescales longer than tens to hundreds of years. The rate of mineral carbonation is, however, highly uncertain, and there is a need for laboratory data to reduce this uncertainty. As a part of WP1 we have developed a new experimental setup that can produce a large amount of data on carbonate growth at low cost. The setup consists of polypropylene plates each with 24 10 ml wells, where individual experiments can be run simultaneously. Each well can have a specific CO2 pressure, aqueous chemistry, mineral substrate etc. Metal plates ensure that the reactors can withstand pressures up to 5-10 bars at temperatures up to 200 °C. After initial testing at UiO the confining metal plates were further modified to the present final setup that are now in daily use. A total of four reactor setups are being made, giving 96 individual simultaneous experiments. Application of a new EU FP7 project to understand pipeline transport of impure CO2 A proposal for the EU 7th Framework Program on “Impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour” (FP7ENERGY-2012-1) was accepted for the second evaluation. The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge on impacts of impurities (H2S, SOx, NOx, CO, amine, Mono-ethylene etc.) on CO2 transport properties, pressure drops, pipe corrosion, and reservoir damage. New equations of states based on the SAFT approach or similar will be developed and parameterized. Building geo-models based on knowledge from well-exposed depositional settings Reservoir model The development of a new reservoir model of the Johansen Formation is in progress, and will form the frame work for future geochemical and fluid flow simulations. Since April 2011 access to new 3D seismic data from the area (GN1001) was granted by Gassnova. The data set is being interpreted with respect to large scale reservoir geometries, and put in a regional setting by use of additional 2D lines. In order to evaluate intra-formational heterogeneities, petrophysical data from wells have been interpreted with respect to sedimentological facies and correlated with seismic data. Ongoing work involves fitting the data into a sequence stratigraphic framework and to delineate porosity and permeability zonation within the reservoir based on the facies distribution. Analogue studies Due to large spacing between wells (several kilometers) and only one core from the Johansen Formation, analogue studies have been made in order to improve the understanding of bed-set scale heterogeneities. The proposed field work took place in Utah, USA and was executed in May 2011 (9 days). The study aimed to evaluate whether the Early Cretaceous Panther Tounge Formation of the Mesa Verde Group, interpreted to have been deposited in a similar setting as the Johansen Formation, would display similar sedimentological geometries and provide a suitable analogue Studies of sandstone-shale systems in Utah, USA, enables the researchers to study features of storage reservoirs that are below seismic resolution. page 9 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 WP2 Fluid flow and reservoir modeling WP-leader Ivar Aavatsmark University of Bergen, Dept. of Mathematics and CIPR Work package 2 contains modeling of fluid flow during and after the CO2 injection period. The work focuses on processes which are generally not covered by ordinary petroleum reservoir simulations. Such processes are trapping mechanisms (structural, residual, mineral and dissolution trapping) and unstable or labile processes. Flow paths may be determined by fine scale phenomena (leakage, mixing, capillarity), and this requires special attention to multiscale modeling. Some of the processes are important for the injection period while others have much larger time constants. For special cases the dimensionality may be reduced, and this reduction may be necessary to obtain reliable results. Experimental study of two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media A CO2 flooding experiment of brine saturated sandstone in a CT-scanner was run to evaluate effect of sub-core level heterogeneities on fluid distribution patterns and measured rock physics properties of a reservoir rock. The drainage-imbibition experiments were run on two sandstone samples that are cored from a layered sandstone block. In the experiment a fully brine saturated sandstone was drained by liquid CO2 followed by imbibition by brine close to full brine saturation. Ultrasonic velocity and resistivity of the core was measured at several injection steps. Fluid distribution patterns during drainage in layered sandstone when fluid is injected perpendicular to layering The activities in work package 2 are: 2.3. Interaction between numerical methods for geochemical reactions and flow equations. Participants: Uni/UiB and UiO. 2.4. CO2 flooding experiments with CT-scanner. Participants: NGI and UiO. 2.7. Challenges of Utsira simulation. Participants: UiB. 2.8. Unstable processes. Participants: Uni/UiB. Below are shown results from subtasks 2.4 and 2.8. Fluid distribution patterns during drainage in layered sandstone when fluid is injected parallel to layering The first part of the study was completed last year where a core flooding experiment was run on layered sandstone by injecting fluid perpendicular to layering. In the current work package the second part of this study was run on similar sandstone and experimental setup but by varying the injection direction (i.e., fluid was injected parallel to the layering). Such orientation of porosity/permeability variation relative to fluid flow direction has significantly affected the fluid distribution pattern inside the core. This was depicted by the pronounced fingering and channelized flow through high porosity/permeability layers. These patterns of fluid distribution in the core were responsible for the observed differences in measured ultrasonic compressional velocity, amplitude attenuation and electrical resistivity between the two samples. The current and previous page 10 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 results are compiled in one paper which will soon be submitted to an international journal. The presented work is done in collaboration between NGI and UiO Convective mixing in geological carbon storage Maria Elenius got her PhD degree at the University of Bergen in November 2011, with the dissertation “Convective mixing in geological carbon storage”. A short review of the dissertation is given below. The thesis first describes the background to geological storage and trapping mechanisms with focus on dissolution trapping, and then reviews the theory on convective mixing in detail. Convective mixing is an important contributor to efficient dissolution trapping. Multiphase flow and numerical methods are also reviewed. The introduction part of the thesis ends with hypotheses based on the collected results, and suggestions for further work, e.g. to study the effect of low-permeability zones on dissolution trapping. In the second part of the thesis, the three included papers are presented. The main conclusions from the thesis are that: • Dissolution trapping is an important trapping mechanism that cannot be disregarded. • Dissolution trapping is most efficient when there is a region with co-existence of mobile water and mobile CO2. This region is called the capillary transition zone. The figure shows that the (non-dimensional) dissolution rate can be up to a factor 4 enhanced with this zone. • Enhanced dissolution trapping from convective mixing begins after a delay which is larger than previously estimated. It is called the nonlinear onset time. The figure shows that this time is related to the first visible finger formations. Nondimensional dissolution rate from simulations with/without effect of capillary transition zone. The following table gives a summary of some important results in dimensional form. It shows that the onset times and length scales related to convective mixing are small in the high-permeability Utsira (Sleipner) and Tubåen (Snøhvit) formations, and that the dissolution rates are large. The opposite is true for the low-permeability Krechba formation (In Salah). Table: Dimensional results for three CO2 storage sites. Values are given without influence of the capillary transition zone. The dissolution rate refers to the time after onset of enhanced mixing, but before contact with the lower boundary. Formation Linear onset time Nonlinear onset time Dissolution rate Critical wavelength of instability Utsira (K=2 D) 4 days/ 1 day 1 month/ <1 month 0.008 Mt/km2, year/ 0.03 Mt/km2, year 0.1 m/ 0.1 m Tubåen (K=500 mD) 9 days/ 2 days 2 months/ <2 months 0.001 Mt/km2, year/ 0.006 Mt/km2, year 0.2 m/ 0.2 m Krechba (K=10 mD) 100 years 20 years 700 years/ <700 years 0.00002 Mt/km2, year/ 0.00008 Mt/km2, year 10 m/ 10 m Finger velocity and dissolution rate (top) and concentration of CO2 (bottom). page 11 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 WP3 Sealing properties WP-leader Harald Johansen Institute of Energy Technology The WP3 Sealing activities are focused on two levels: On the large scale focus has been on the “Seal Sequence Concept”, which has involved identification of all important seal objects, and on the small scale of individual objects, the focus is on material properties, and specifically on their predicted dynamic behaviour as a response to the stress introduced by CO2 injection. Petrographic, geochemical, experimental work on fluids and rock samples from Longyearbyen and the Basque Cantabrian Basin has produced a substantial amount of data, and contributed to the development of new analytical, experimental and modeling approaches. Seal materials are rarely cored, and the low permeabilities make fluid flow experiments difficult to perform. Contained fluids are also very difficult to sample. We are performing object oriented studies on various seal elements, developing new methods, and are also studying the seal elements in a seal sequence concept in pilots and outcrops. The total sealing capacity of a caprock overburden sequence is the sum of the properties of beds and structures. We aim for both qualitative seal assessment, and for a quantification of the total retention capacity of a seal sequence. The activities in Work Package 3 are: 1. Seal sequence concept / basis for experimental work 2. Review of geochemical reactions in faults and fractures Figure 1 Sampling of fracture filling material in the BasqueCantabrian Basin page 12 3. Experimental data on individual seal elements (caprock, well materials) 4. Modeling of seal elements (caprock, well materials) 5. Coupled geochemical-geomechanical flow model 6. Quantification of leakage 7. Integrated concepts for seal sequence Hydrocarbon leakage patterns in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin – An analogue to study caprock and overburden CO2 sealing capacity. In order to study large scale fluid leakage patterns we have in 2011 initiated field work in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin (BCB). This work is focussed towards hydrocarbon leakage patterns, as an analogue to the study CO2 sealing capacity. The BCB south of Bilbao and San Sebastian in Spain is an area where fluids (oil and gas) have been leaking over an extended period of geologic time, making it possible to study in great detail the relation between fluid flow patterns and sediment properties. Figure 2 Alsasua Quarry in the Basque-Cantabrian Basin, Northern Spain Figure 2 shows a situation from a quarry in Alsasua, which exemplifies the kind of flowpath traces that hydrocarbon fluids leave behind, permitting migration patterns to be studied in great detail on large and small scales. Continuous blasting of new rock surfaces reveal large numbers of oil pockets that have been trapped during leakage in the past. These oil pockets are today “dead”, but they represent the traces of major fluid leakage events in the past. In this particular setting, the oil has been migrating during repeated fracturing events. We expect CO2 to behave qualitatively in very much the same way, but it is much easier to find evidence for leakage patterns when hydrocarbons are involved, because they leave behind very clearly visible traces of their movements. When we take a bottom-up perspective on the sediment package from the proven source rock, to the surface, we are facing an extensive km scale succession of barriers to fluid flow. Thousands of individual tight layers have had a very large total capacity to stop or delay the leakage of hydrocarbons (and/ or CO2). The various beds possess variable flow resistance, and also variable mechanical strengths. Together they represent a sealing sequence. The resistance to leakage consists of several simultaneously operating mechanisms. One of the SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Figure 3 Experiments with dynamic poroperm variation. most important factors is the capillary resistance from narrow pore throats (nanometers to micrometers), which require very strong fluid overpressures to be penetrated. This kind of resistance has either caused hydrocarbons to become trapped in “dead” pores, or to become accumulated beneaths such beds. In the same way, “dead” CO2 will be left behind in pores, or become accumulated beneath barriers. This will significantly inhibit and delay the leakage to the surface, and also provide sufficient time for a series of reactions between CO2 and other fluids, and organic and inorganic solid materials in the sediments, which in turn contribute to CO2 immobilization or further delay of flow. A large number of samples from mineralized fractures were collected to study the physical conditions during flow in fractures by petrographic, isotopic, and fluid inclusion methods. Gas baseline assessment A new methodology for gas sampling in shales was tested during drilling of borehole Dh6 in Longyearbyen in 2011. Core samples were placed in a new type of tight sample container immediately after drilling, and the fluid was analysed after several months of degassing. The high quality gas data obtained in this way has permitted the establishment of a very accurate depth profile, which will serve as a baseline for later CO2 monitoring. Figure 4 shows gas data from the baseline survey of well Dh6 in the Longyearbyen pilot. Vertical axis is depth below the surface. Notice that both the total gas content, and the CO2 concentration in the gas is highly variable, and fairly high in certain intervals. C isotopes (not shown) demonstrate that biodegradation of natural gas has been an important factor for the nature of this baseline gas distribution. Dynamic petrophysical properties In order to study instabilities that may develop during twophase flow, we have built a Hele-Shaw migration cell, which is a transparent back-lit 2-dimensional monitoring setup. Dynamic changes in porosity and permeability (porosity waves) due to stress variation will be studied in various types of experiments with inert and reactive particles, and associated theoretical work (numerical modeling) is simulating such time-variations of petrophysical properties. The purpose of experiments and simulations is to study the possible breakdown of caprock integrity and sealing efficiency due to pressure buildup caused by CO2 injection. Figure 3 shows a dissolution experiment with particles of Potassium-di-HydrogenPhosphate (KDP). a) Hele-Shaw cell filled with granular KDP immersed in KDP-saturated aqueous solution. b) Injection of H2O and formation of a cavern with branches above the inlet. c) Partial collapse of the cavern due to the weight of the overburden. Figure 4 Gas contents in Longyearbyen caprock sequence page 13 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 WP4 Monitoring of reservoir and overburden WP-leader Eyvind Aker Norwegian Geotechnical Institute The purpose for CO2 monitoring can be divided into three main objectives. The operators of the CO2 injection are mostly interested in monitoring the reservoir performance like injection efficiency and usage of the storage space. The community and authorities are more focused on potential leakage out of the reservoir and towards the surface. Finally, monitoring will be required for future trading systems and to receive credits for the amount stored. WP4 focus on monitoring of reservoir and overburden with respect to plume migration within the reservoir and leakage detection out of the main containment. NGI, UniResearch, UiO and CMR have been the active partners in WP4 in 2011. Main activities have been experimental work on rock physics effects of CO2 in sandstone and shale, modelling and sensitivity study of Controlled Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) data of the CO2 plume at Sleipner and AVO (Amplitude variation with offset) methods to improve detection of CO2 and seismic interpretation. The activities in Work Package 4 are: 1. Controlled Source Electro-Magnetics (CSEM) to detect CO2 in the subsurface 2. CO2 saturation dependent rock physics models (resistivity and velocity) 3. Develop prototype of gas flux sensor for monitoring CO2 leakage 4. Feasibility study on monitoring techniques for surface deformation related to CO2 injection 5. Development of methods for early detection of leakage from reservoir to neighboring formations 6. Fracture related rock physics 7. Uncertainty analysis for Controlled Source ElectroMagnetics (CSEM) Instrumentation related to detection of CO2 in the subsurfaceoncepts for seal sequence Monitoring of CO2 in the reservoir by electromagnetic methods In 2008 Statoil completed an electromagnetic survey of the Utsira at Sleipner where CO2 is stored underground. The purpose was to investigate if electromagnetic data can assist traditional seismic data to improve the image of CO2 in the reservoir. Electromagnetic data are collected by using large antennas that emit electromagnetic energy through the water. The energy propagates into the subsurface and is reflected back to receivers on the seabed. The shape of the signal that is captured depends on the electrical conductivity of the subsurface. The method has been used for oil exploration by differentiating between aquifers with high conductivity, and oil or gas bearing strata with low conductivity. Figure 1: The geological model for the Sleipner area with background resistivity values. The white horizontal line shows the CSEM survey profile. Grid resolution of the model was approximately 100 x 100 x 65 m. Generated property grid of resistivity was populated using deep resistivity (ILD) well log data. Resistivity properties were distributed using Gaussian random function simulation for zones which had a random depositional character e.g. Frigg turbiditic sands. Zones with depositional environment of continuous layering were populated using a moving average with appropriate orientation and major/minor ratio according to the possible depositional strike and direction. The high resistivity features within and below the Rogaland group are due to presence of carbonates. page 14 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Figure 2: Estimated resistivity (vertical relative to horizontal) in a two-dimensional section through the subsurface. The bright area in the middle has a higher resistance than the surrounding structures. This area corresponds to where most of the CO2 gas is located. The CO2 gas pumped into the Utsira reservoir is a poor conductor compared to the salty water already present. It is therefore assumed that the conductivity of the Utsira reservoir will go down in areas that have high concentrations of CO2. As a part of the research work at the SUCCESS Centre NGI and UniReseach have been given access to the electromagnetic data and have started the interpretation. After a first rough analysis, it appears that the conductivity is lower (i.e. electrical resistance increases) in areas where CO2 concentrations are assumed to be high (Figure 2). This motivates us to continue working with the data to get a more accurate result. There are several pipelines crossing the seabed in the area where the electromagnetic signals have been collected. The pipelines affect the signals since the steel pipes are good electrical conductors. These effects have to be taken into account in future work. Unfortunately no electromagnetic measurements of the reservoir were performed before storage of CO2 begun. Therefore, there is no baseline CSEM data describing the initial conductivity. Instead, the initial conductivity is calculated based on well logs and other geological / geophysical data from the area (Figure 1). Uncertainty analysis for controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) instrumentation related to detection of CO2 in the subsurface There are a number of different error sources which influence on the overall measurement error for the case when the CSEM technique is applied for CO2 monitoring. The objective of the current subtask has been to identify error sources, to analyze how the different error sources related to the CSEM instrumentation influence on the overall measurement error, and to compare the contribution from different error sources. Error sources have been identified and related to the output from the CSEM measurement system (Figure 3). The next phase of the work will be to calculate how these factors influence on the overall measurement error (i.e. establish an uncertainty budget). Further focus will be on establishing the functional relationships and build an example uncertainty budget. Knowing the background values for the conductivity of the reservoir and surrounding structures are essential for modeling the CSEM response without CO2 in the reservoir. These model results will be compared to the acquired CSEM data to improve their interpretation (i.e. inversion). Hopefully, this can be used to increase the accuracy of the estimates for CO2 concentrations in the reservoir. Figure 3: Factors that may affect the overall accuracy of a CSEM measurement system. page 15 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 WP5 The Marine Component WP-leader Truls Johannessen University of Bergen Bjerknessenteret The activities in Work Package 5 are: 1. Review of natural analogues 2. Methods for marine monitoring 3. Laboratory and in-situ experiments of CO2 effects on subsurface and benthic environments 4. Baseline studies and development of reference models Two examples of recent activities within WP5 are given below. WP5 “The Marine Component” is to improve the understanding of shallow marine processes and the ecological impact of CO2 exposure, and develop marine monitoring methods. This WP addresses CO2 seeps through the seabed in terms of (i) knowledge gaps on processes in the upper sediment/benthic boundary layer; (ii) ecological impact from CO2 exposure; (iii) monitoring technologies/methods. The research activities in WP5 have four cores: The effect of CO2 leakage on marine subsurface sedimentary biosphere; Interaction and processes between shallow sediments and the water column; Consequences of leakage on marine benthic ecosystems; and Monitoring. Developing techniques for monitoring CO2 seepage in the water column About half of the global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions stay in the atmosphere while the rest of the emitted CO2 is absorbed by the terrestrial biosphere and oceans in roughly equal amounts. The increase of atmospheric CO2 contributes to global warming whereas the invasion of extra CO2 into the surface ocean results in ocean acidification. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is considered as an attractive mitigation option (IPCC Special Report on CCS, 2005). But if the stored CO2 leaks into the water column, in shallow shelf seas in particular, it will enhance ocean acidification and weaken the intended mitigation effect. Therefore, subsea storage projects need to be monitored for unintended consequences. Current knowledge about seafloor ecosystems and how these Evaluation experiment of new instrumentation at Espegrend Marine Biological Station, University of Bergen page 16 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) launched nearby Sleipner will respond to extra carbon added through seepage of stored CO2 is limited. Additionally, more dedicated field studies are needed in order to optimize current excess CO2 determination methods and technology for the detection of CO2 seepage from subsea storage projects. In particular, the latter objective requires the use of autonomous in situ instrumentation that can perform high frequency measurements in the water column just above the bottom. As part of SUCCESS infrastructure funded by the Research Council of Norway in 2011, the Geophysical Institute and Uni Bjerknes Centre has recently purchased two autonomous instruments for in situ determination of pH. In February this year, the two partners conducted an evaluation experiment of the new instrumentation (photo page 16) using the Espegrend Marine Biological Station (about 20 km south of Bergen) which is run by the Department of Biology at the University of Bergen. Later this year, the instrumentation is planned to be deployed to measure seawater pH above/around natural CO2 vents near the Jan Mayan Island. High resolution (10 x 10 cm) mapping of the seafloor over the Utsira Formation In June 2011 a group of researchers from Centre for Geobiology (CGB) at the University of Bergen had a cruise to the area around the Sleipner platform in the North Sea with the mission to do in-depth mapping of the seafloor above the injected CO2 gas in the Utsira Formation. Since 1996 about 12 million tons of CO2 has been injected into the formation resulting in a CO2 storage site being approximately 4 km long, 600 m wide and 300 m deep. It is important to acquire knowledge about the seafloor over the injected CO2 as well as to develop and test equipment that can be used for near-future monitoring of subseafloor CO2 storage sites. This CGB cruise with RV G.O. Sars brought a lot of high-tech equipment for the seafloor mapping down to 10 cm2 resolution: 1. The AUV, a free-swimming autonomous underwater vehicle used by CGB (in collaboration with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment) to do in-depth mapping of large areas (km2) over short time periods (h). These data gives up to 10 times better resolution compared to previously used sonars, so on the 2011 cruise the seafloor was mapped down to 10 x 10 cm resolution! 2. A Multibeam and Singlebeam Echosounder systems that simultaneously picture the seabed and the water column were installed onboard RV G.O. Sars ahead of the cruise. The systems detect gas in the water column and were tested on several sites where methane bubbled up from the seafloor. 3. A sub bottom profiler installed at the research vessel was used to characterize and identify layers of sediment located under the seafloor. 4. The ROV is a cable-based remotely operated vehicle used on this cruise to sample gas, liquids and seafloor sediments overlying the Utsira Formation. In addition, the ROV was equipped with a HD digital camera taking hundreds of photos for photomosaicing of selected seafloor features. 5. The CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth) was used as the primary tool for precise and comprehensive determination of essential physical properties of the water column. page 17 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 WP6 Operations (INJECT) WP-leader Magnus Wangen Institute for Energy Technology jection. Both techniques are commonly used in the petroleum industry. Although these two techniques are not new there are several poorly understood aspects of the processes. Hydraulic-fracturing is also a feared process. It is a risk that hydraulic fracturing will cause CO2 leakage if the aquifer pressure increases during long term injection of CO2. The objectives for WP6 are experimental and computational work that enhances our understanding of reservoir injectivity – work that will be useful in the planning and management of CO2 injection operations. Injectivity is a term that describes how easy it is to inject fluid into an aquifer or a reservoir. Good injectivity means that it is easy to fill the reservoir. The pressure that pumps the fluid is “low” and the filling rate is “high” for good injectivity. Good injectivity is necessary to assure that high CO2 filling rates can be maintained without an unwanted increase in the well pressure. There are at least two well-known methods to increase the injectivity of a reservoir: Hydraulic fracturing and acid in- There are a number of activities in WP6 that addresses the injectivity. We have developed, and continue to develop, models for how a pore fluid may interact with the rock to enhance or reduce injectivity, and we develop models of hydraulic-fracturing. Several activities are connected to the Longyearbyen CO2laboratory, which includes characterisation and geomechanical testing of the reservoir rocks. WP6 is divided into four tasks: 1. Evaluation of reservoir properties of DeGeerdalen Fm and validity of the LYB PILOT_L 2. Develop numerical tools for modelling of near well pressure and deformation 3. Workflow for injection well monitoring. 4. Experimental data and models for near well flow and reactions. The geology is suitable for CO2 storage in Svalbard. Photo from the DeGeerdal formation. page 18 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Hydraulic-fracturing of reservoir rocks The figure below shows a model of a hydraulic-fracture. Fluid is injected at the center of the grid, which then fills the fracture. The filling of the fracture with fluid pushes the fracture walls apart and creates a stress enhancement at the fracture tips. This process makes the tips of the fracture the most likely place for fracture propagation. The fluid pumped into the rock leaks from the fracture, through the fracture walls and further into the rock. The more easily the fluid flow into the rock, the lower the concentration of stress will be at the fracture tips. Another point with fractures is that they also act as channels into the rock, which eases the injection. The burning of natural gas in power plants generates large quantities of CO2. The rates of CO2 production are so large that the injection rates into aquifers also must be very large. A major challenge with large injection rates is to assure that hydraulic fracturing only increases the injectivity, and do not lead to fracturing of the sealing rocks of the reservoir. Geomechanical testing and characterization of rocks from the Svalbard CO2 storage test site. Longyearbyen at Svalbard was selected as a test site for storage of CO2. The reservoir rock found here are fractured sandstones, which are covered by more than 700 m of shale and sandstone. The shale will act as a barrier against leakage. These rocks were once buried at the depths of 3 - 4 km beneath the earth’s surface, before the overburden was eroded and the reservoir rock was elevated to its current location. The burial history has had an important impact to the rock properties, which are currently strong and stiff, compared to their present depth. A possible problem with the CO2 injection site in Longyearbyen is the risk of fracturing the sealing shale when the injection pressure increases. This could lead to the unwanted result of CO2 leaking into the atmosphere. Knorringfjell Fm. 678.1m. Left: High porosity (blue) in pebbly sandstone Right: detail of pore cemented by dolomite (C)and clay (Fechamosite and illite) The INJECT project carries out geomechanical testing at Norwegian Geotechnical Institute on cores from wells drilled at the storage test site. Mineral characterisations of the same rocks are done at the Institute for Energy Technology. Detailed geomechanical- and mineralogical analyses form the basis for decisions of how to build and operate the CO2 storage site in Adventdalen, Longyearbyen. The figure shows the stress field around a hydraulic fracture. Notice that there is a stress enhancement at the tip of the fractures. That is why the tips are the most likely place for fracture propagation. Left: Testing of tensile strength of the rock in the laboratories of NGI. Right: Preliminary test results. page 19 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 WP 7 CO2 school The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) has made an overview of university courses nationwide that are suitable for MSc and PhD students focusing on CCS. UNIS successfully started a new course (AG-341) on capture and storage of CO2 in May 2011. In addition, a specially designed CO2 storage course was started by Christian Hermanrud in Bergen (Hydrocarbon Exploration and CO2 storage). 1. Mapping of CCS relevant courses at Norwegian universities 2. Establishment of new, special designed CCS classes and short courses (MSc and PhD) 3. Plan for public outreach GEOV367 / Hydrocarbon Exploration and CO2 storage; University of Bergen. Responsible: Christian Hermanrud professor II Statoil/UiB The course aims to give students an understanding of the important geological factors that influence decisions in hydrocarbon exploration and CO2 storage. WP leaders: Alvar Braathen (UNIS), Per Aagaard (UiO) and Ivar Aavatsmark (UniResearch) page 20 The course consists of two distinct but related parts. In hydrocarbon exploration, emphasis is placed on assssment of the likely reservoir, trap and seal of hydrocarbons. The exercises include practical prospect evaluation and ranking of various search options. In CO2 storage, emphasis is placed on the evaluation of storage security. The exercises include review of current storage problems in which analysis of the results of numerical modeling is essential. SUCCESS Annual report 2011 After completing the course, students will be able to understand how geological work affects decisions in hydrocarbon exploration and CO2 storage. AG 341 Geological Constraints of CO2 Sequestration, The University Centre in Svalbard. Responsible: Snorre Olaussen, professor in Arctic Petroleum Geology The main focus of the course will be on geologically based strategies and decision-making for optimal subsurface CO2 storage, using the Longyearbyen CO2 project as a case. The course will also take advantage of the local coal geology as well as potential CO2 reservoirs in the vicinity of Longyearbyen to illustrate the general carbon cycle, including the techniques available for power generation from coals and the different carbon capture technologies. After completing the course, the students will gain insight in the value chain of CCS, knowledge of reservoir characterization and use of geological and geophysical data as input to reservoir modelling, and learn about methods of sub surface monitoring of the subsurface. In addition University of Bergen (UiB) and University of Oslo (UiO) offers relevant courses: • MNF-CO2: Carbon Capture & Geologic Sequestration, (UiB and Princeton University) • GEO9900 - Chemical processes in soil and ground water, Credits: 10 Level: Ph.D. level course (UiO) • GEO5900 - Chemical processes in soil and ground water, Credits: 10, Level: Advanced course MSc level The course lasts for four weeks and runs 29. May - 22. June 2012. and offers 5 days of excursion and field work, emphasizing traps (seal) and reservoirs, geology of coal, coal production, power generation, and CO2 storage. page 21 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Scientific Advisiory Committee In 2011, the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) for the Centre was established. SAC is composed of internationally renowned experts in fields relevant to the SUCCESS Centre themes and goals. This external advisory will assume an active role in monitoring the performance and scientific excellence of the Centre and provide strategic advice to the SUCCESS board. Stefan Bachu Principal Scientist of CO2 Geological Storage at Alberta Research Council Inc. , Canada Stefan Bachu received his doctorate in civil engineering at the Technion – Israel Institute of Tech-nology. Bachu has spent more than a decade researching carbon storage, and over 20 years of researching the subsurface flow of fluids and heat in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Bachu holds advanced degrees in water resources, hydrogeology and transport processes and has participated in several national and international carbon management initiatives. In addition, Bachu is associate editor (for CO2 geological storage) of the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Dag Nummedal Director, Institute at the Colorado School of Mines, USA Prior to joining CSM, Nummedal was professor of Geology and Geophysics at Louisiana State University (1978-1996) and the University of Wyoming (2000-2004), and served as manager of E&P geosciences at the Unocal Corporation, Houston, TX (1996-2000). Nummedal’s research over the past 30 years has covered coastal and shallow marine sediment dynamics, planetary geology, sequence stratigraphy, lacustrine sedimentation, tectonics and stratigraphy, energy systems analysis, carbon sequestration, and sustainable energy technologies. Claus Otto Programme Manager Exploratory Research and CO2 Solutions, Shell International Exploration and Production , The Netherlands Otto received his PhD in 1992 at the Department of hydrogeology, University of Alberta, USA. Prior to this Otto graduated as diplomgeologe in 1983 at Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Geologie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Before joining Shell in 2007, he worked for 15 years in Australia on exploration, water management and CO2 solutions. He is a part of a team at Shell Exploration & Production Technology in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, working on carbon dioxide (CO2) storage demonstration projects. Nick Riley Head of Science Policy (Europe) & Grants, British Geological Survey (Natural Environment Research Council), United Kingdom Riley graduated 1977 from Bristol University, Geology & Zoology, PhD (Geology- 1981). He joined BGS in 1980 working on UK coal exploration and development (Plan 2000) and supporting BGS’ geological mapping programmes (Upper Palaeozoic). Riley has been involved in geotechnical aspects of major civil engineering projects (dams, tunnels, roads,), as well as petroleum geology (UK onshore, N. Sea and USA). In 2008 Riley became responsible for BGS’ research funding derived from external grant awards and in promoting BGS’ science policy in Europe. He is an advisor, on cleaner fossil fuel and energy issues, to the EC, governments, research councils, intergovernmental initiatives and industry. page 22 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 SUCCESS Executive Board 2011 Kåre R. Vagle, Conoco Phillips (Chair) Bjørg Andresen, Institute for Energy Technology Fabrice Cuisiat, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Helge Dahle, University of Bergen Jørgen Rentler Neumann, Dong Energy Arne Rokkan, CGG Veritas Arne Skauge, Uni Research Anne Skjærstein, RWE Dea Gunn M.G. Teige, Statoil Aage Stangeland, Research Council of Norway (Observer) Arvid Nøttvedt, Christian Michelsen Research (Centre Manager) 2011 has been a year of growth and strengthening of the SUCCESS Centre. The research activity has grown significantly. The number of students and Post Doc’s has raised from 25 to 45 and the count of publications and reports has increased from 37 to 47. Seminars and workshops have facilitated significant crossfunctional knowledge exchange between the various research teams. The CO2-School, which is a collaboratory effort between Norwegian Universities and the SUCCESS and BIGCCS Centres, provide a strong educational program for the next generation of scientists. Implementation of a new web based solution for documentation handling (ProjectPlace) has contributed to improved communication, reporting routines and efficiency. Collaboration agreements have been signed with three projects on CO2 storage, Ramore, IGems Co2 and MatMora. Moreover, collaboration with the Longyearbyen CO2-Lab headed by UNIS at Svalbard has been very beneficial and provide opportunities for testing of new concepts in field. Data kindly released from the Snøhvit field, operated by Statoil, will act as a valuable case study going forward. The SUCCESS centre was fully financed in 2011. Store Norske decided to join the SUCCESS centre as industry partner, whereas, regrettably, DONG E&P for strategic reasons withdrew from the centre. There is a clear potential for recruiting new industry partners to the centre and this issue will be given adequate attention. Kåre R. Vagle Chairman of the Board A Scientific Advisory Committee has been established to ensure scientific excellence and to provide strategic advice to the Board. page 23 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Communication and outreach In 2011, the SUCCESS Centre has established good procedures regarding centre management with a Centre Administrative Group (centre manager, two scientific leaders and centre coordinator) and a Centre Management Team consisting of the work package leaders and institution contact persons. Regular meetings are established, and we now have well functioning forums for discussions and cooperation. In 2011 we also have focused on the internal communication in the Centre. To establish a good flow of information a project eroom has been established through the ProjectPlace software. This has proven to be a good tool to facilitate communication between the industry and research partners, the PhD students and the Executive Board. The system helps building cooperation within the work packages and other shared activities in the Centre. SUCCESS wishes to further improve the quality and activity of our web page, increase the flow of information and to present activities and results in the SUCCESS Centre and associated projects. The increased focus on presenting and communicating results will continue. page 24 The SUCCESS Centre has been very active presenting at several major national and international conferences and events in 2011, including the Tekna conference Trondheim, the 30th Nordic Geological Winter meeting, Oslo, Oslo Society of Exploration Geophysicist , the TCCS-6 Conference, Trondheim, NPD CO2 forum, Stavanger, Transatlantic Science Week and side event, California. Members of the Centre has given presentations at more specialized international conferences like The CO2GeoNet open Forum 2011, Venice, NUPUS meeting, Freudenstadt, Goldsmith Conference and Conference on Flows and Mechanics in Natural Porous Media from Pore to Field Scale, Paris. In addition, SUCCESS researchers and PhD students have given several oral presentations, and presented results to Norwegian public institutions like the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, as well as educational lectures on CO2 Storage within the framework of EAGE Student Lecture Tour 2010–2011. SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Cooperation North American and Norwegian CO2 storage sites and pilot projects have benefitted greatly from industrial and academic cooperation and brought the CCS development forward. The experience and data collected from these operations in US/Canada and Norway, offer potential for more extensive cooperation among the research communities. Transatlantic Science Week is an annual event focusing on education and research collaboration between Norway, USA and Canada. At the 2011 Science Week, taking place in Berkeley and Stanford, SUCCESS in cooperation with BIGCCS, organized a workshop October 27 as a side event to the official program. The focus was on “Geological Carbon Storage Research – Challenges and Approaches”. This workshop discussed results from ongoing field storage sites/pilots and modeling of CO2 reservoir injection and the corresponding geomechanical and geochemical response, and how these results can be applied in further CO2 storage management practice. This initiative had a total of 12 speakers from “both sides of the pond”. Participants attended from UC Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab., Lawrence Livermore National Lab., Stanford University, SINTEF / BIGCCS, NTNU, University of Bergen, University of Oslo, CIPR, CMR / SUCCESS, as well as from Stanford University (professors, post doc and PhD students), the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy and consulting companies. Our partners also cooperate with several European universities in geochemical mineral reactions resulting from CO2 injection into reservoirs and aquifers, such as CNRS Laboratoire de mécanismes de transfert en géologie (LMTG) at the Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse. Project and cooperation also exists with Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum (GFZ) Potsdam, Germany, University of Durham (England), University of Barcelona, Technical University of Denmark (DTU. Existing and active agreements concerning exchange of students from the Institut Français Petrol is strengthened similar to the collaboration regarding shared supervision with the Universität Stuttgart. In addition, SUCCESS partners have collaboration with CO2-related technology companies such as ITT (Aanderaa Data Instruments) and Petrobras in Brazil, and are involved in the projects CO2GeoNet, EC-ECO2 and NUPUS. Several initiatives were made from the SUCCESS partners in terms of new project applications, both towards EU and RCN. This resulted in funding for new KPN`s, and the Oslo node of SUCCESS is presently chairing an international consortium applying for EU funding. page 25 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 SUCCESS seminars and workshops “I thought this was a very useful session. It is nice to get feedback on how the audience perceives the presentation. I also think that the tips about the content and presentation technique that we received in advance of the session were very interesting and useful. It is also great exercise to evaluate and comment on other presentations. “ Elin Skurtveit, PhD student NGI/ IMPACT The SUCCESS Centre aims to organize biannual seminars 1) Winter Seminar, with focus on PhD and student projects, and 2) a Scientific seminar in the fall where current results and status of the total SUCCESS Centre activities are presented. In 2011, the Centre held its first Winter seminar at Finse February 21-22, where 16 presentations and talks were held by PhD students and Post docs on different themes connected to CO2 Subsurface Storage. Interesting topics and discussions followed the presentations which had attendees from the SUCCESS industry and research partners, Norwegian Research Council and the Centre administration. September 26-27 SUCCESS arranged the second 2011 seminar at Gardermoen. This event was organized more thematic and with invited external speakers from BigCCS and DNV, and a session on CO2 pilot studies with presentations from UNIS CO2 lab and Statoil. During the September seminar a PhD session was held open to all SUCCESS partners, prepared and led by Christian Hermanrud from Statoil/adjunct professor position at the University of Bergen. A selection of PhD students gave 13 minute presentations where they presented their results and research focus. page 26 Afterwards several questions were raised to the speakers were they were challenged on their decisions and choices and the audience evaluated each presentation. The students’ presentations achieved similar results in the evaluation, but Elin Skurtveit, employed at NGI and PhD student on the project IMPACT, was awarded the best presentation. A workshop was organized with the purpose to discuss how to achieve more cooperation between SUCCESS and UNIS CO2 lab. This was very valuable and led to concrete cooperation activities across institutions and work packages and was included in the Work Plan for SUCCESS Centre in 2011. An equally important workshop took place in connection with SUCCESS seminar in the fall in regards to Statoil releasing data sets from Snøhvit to the disposal of SUCCESS partners. These data sets will lead to activities which even more strongly integrate the various research institutions in the centre and strengthen the communication between research partners and industrial partners. In addition, some of the Work Packages held workshops related to their activities and to coordinate the scientific work done throughout the year. SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Scientific staff 2011 Scientists Name Institution Per Aagaard UiO Tor Langeland CMR Computing Roy Helge Gabrielsen UiO Jan Kocbach CMR Instrumentation Martha Lien Uni CIPR Kjetil Folgerø CMR Instrumentation Sara Gasda UNI CIPR Bjørg Andresen IFE Shaaban Bakr Uni CIPR Harald Johansen IFE Trond Mannseth Uni CIPR/UiB Kjersti Iden IFE Ivar Aavatsmark UNI Research AS Kristin Tyldum Kjøglum IFE Abdirahman M. Omar UniBCCR Magnus Wangen IFE Alvar Braathen UNIS Nina Simon IFE Riko Noormets UNIS Øyvind Brandvoll IFE Snorre Olaussen UNIS Anne Gunn Rike NGI Elin Skurtveit NGI Eyvind Aker NGI Fabrice Cuisiat NGI Inge Viken NGI Joonsang Park NGI Magnus Soldal NGI Sara Basin NGI Tore Bjørnarå NGI Zhong Wang NGI Øistein Johnsen NGI Leiv-J. Gelius NGI/UiO Andrew Sweetman NIVA Astri Kvasness Sweetman NIVA Name Dominique Durand NIVA Kine Kristiansen, UiB, Eyvind Farmer NIVA Malene Halkjelsvik, UiB, F Kevin Thomas NIVA Remi Ersland, UiB, M Lars Golmen NIVA Lillian Klungtvedt, UiB, F Uta Brandt NIVA Paul Odeh, UiB, M Malte Jochmann SNSK Saideh Shekari, UiB, M Christian Hermanrud UiB Silje Rognsvåg, UiB, F Truls Johannessen UiB/BCCR Are Gabriel Høyland, UiB, M Guttorm Alendal UiB/BCCS Pål Sævik, UiB M Laila Reigstad UiB/CGB Zhu Sha, UiB, F Rolf-Birger Pedersen UiB/CGB Silje Rognsvåg, UiB, F Steinar Hesthammer UiB/CGB Svenn Tveit, UiB M Bjørn Kvamme UiB/IFT Camilla Bø CGB, UiB F Morten Jakobsen UiB/Uni CIPR Abednego Tetteh, UiO M Helge Hellevang UiO Beyene Girma Haile, UiO M Henning Dypvik UiO Jan Inge Faleide UiO Jens Jahren UiO Johan Petter Nystuen UiO Administrative staff Name Institution Arvid Nøttvedt CMR , Centre Manager Charlotte Gannefors Krafft CMR, Centre coordinator Gudmund Anders Dalsbø UiO, CO2 project coordinator Masters students working on projects in the Centre Sex M/F F page 27 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 PhD students working on projects in the Centre Name Funding Period Elin Skurtveit NGI,IMPACT 2011-2014 Sex M/F F Topic Localization of deformation bands and application to CO2 reservoir characterization Tore Ingvald Bjørnarå NGI; Univ of Durham, INJECT 2011-2014 M Coupled fluid flow and geomechanical modeling John Clark UiB 2011-2014 M Sand injection at Utsira Leonid Vasilyev UiB, MatMoRA 2008-2010 M Mathematical modeling of non-Fickian diffusion Meisam Ashraf UiB, SINTEF ICT,MatMoRa 2008-2011 M Impact of geological uncertainty on CO2 Storage Maria Elenius SUCCESS, UiB, MatMoRA 2008-2011 F Mathematical modeling of CO2 dissolution Hilde Kristine Hvidevold UiB, SUCCESS 2010-2013 F Parameter estimation in models tailored to simulate CO2 seeps to marine waters Karin Landschulze, UiB, SUCCESS 2010-2013 F Modeling of CO2 leakage Trine Mykkeltvedt UiB, SUCCESS 2010-2013 F Homogenization of vtically averaged modelser Elsa du Plessis UiB, VAMP 2010-2013 F Mathemical modeling of flow with hysteresis Bjørnar Jensen UIB/INJECT 2010 -2013 M Molecular simulation studies of reactions between minerals and CO2 John Clark UiB/NERC 2011-2013 M Sand injection at Utsira Binyam L. Alemu UiB/Ramore/SUCCESS 2009-2011 M Transport of CO2 in caprock and reservoir rock Erlend Morisbak Jarsve UiO 2009-2013 M Oligocene succession in the North Sea area Irfan Baig UiO 2011-2014 M CO2 storage reservoirs in the SkagerakKattegat Mohsen Kalani UiO 2010-2013 M Screening potential for CO2 storage Van Thi Hai Pham UiO 2011-2014 F CO2-water-rock-interactions Oluwakemi Ogebule UiO/CO2 Seal 2010-2014 F CO2 Seal, WP 3,6 in SUCCESS Anja Sundal UiO/SUCCESS 2010-2014 F Screening potential for CO2 storage Javad Naseryan Moghadam UiO/SUCCESS 2011-2015 M Effects of Injected CO2 Reza Alikarimi Uni/IMPACT 2011-2014 M Impact of faults on the mechanical and petro physical properties of sandstone reservoirs Helle Botnen UNI / SECURE 2011-2014 F CO2 leakage Karoline Bælum UNIS 2007-2011 F Geophysical and geological investigations of subsurface reservoirs - case studies of Spitsbergen, Norway Kim Senger UNIS/Outcrop/SUCCESS 2010-2013 M The impact of geological heterogeneity on CO2 sequestration Post docs working on projects in the Centre Name Funding Period Kei Ogata UNIS/Outcrop 2011-2013 Sex M/F M Caroline Sassier UiO 2010-2013 F Manzar Fawad UiO 2007-2011 M Matthieu Angeli UiO 2010-2013 M Therese K. Flaathen UiO/CO2 Seal 2009-2014 F Ingrid Anell UNIS/SUCCESS 2012-2014 F page 28 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Publications and reports 2011 Journal Papers Aker E., Bjørnarå, T.I., Braathen A., Brandvoll Ø., Dahle H., Nordbotten J.M., Aagaard P., Hellevang H., Alemu B., Pham V.T.H., Johansen H., Wangen M., Nøttvedt A., Aavartsmark I., Johannessen T. and Durand D. SUCCESS: SUbsurface CO2 storage – Critical Elements and Superior Strategy. Energy Procedia 4, 6117-6124 Alemu B.L., Aker E., Soldal M., Johnsen Ø. and Aagaard P.: Influence of CO2 on rock physics properties in typical reservoir rock: A CO2 flooding experiment of brine saturated sandstone in a CT-scanner. Energy Procedia, volume 4, 2011, pages 4379–4386. Alemu B.L., Aker E., Soldal M., Johnsen Ø., Aagaard P. Influence of CO2 on rock physics properties in typical reservoir rock: A CO2 flooding experiment of brine saturated sandstone in a CT-scanner. Energy Procedia 4, 4379-4386. Alemu, B.L., Aagaard, P., Munz, I.A., Skurtveit, E. Caprock interaction with CO2: a laboratory study of reactivity of shale with supercritical CO2 and brine. Accepted for publication in Applied Geochemistry Bakr, S.A, Mannseth, T. Order-of-magnitude analysis of the range of validity of a low-frequency approximation for CSEM, SEG Expanded Abstracts, San Antonio. Berre, I., Lien, M., Mannseth, T. Identification of three-dimensional electric conductivity changes from time-lapse electromagnetic observations, J. Comput. Phys 230 (10). Bjørlykke K., Hellevang, H., Aagaard, P., Konsekvensene av surere hav – Noen geokjemiske betraktninger av betydning for livet I havet. Biologen 2, 28-34. Celia, M. A., J. M. Nordbotten, B. Court, M. Dobossy and S. Bachu Field-scale application of a semi-analytical model for estimation of leakage potential along old wells, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 5, 257-269, doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2010.10.005. Court, B, K. W. Bandilla, M. A. Celia, T. A. Buscheck, J. M. Nordbotten, M. Dobossy, A. Janzen, Initial evaluation of synergies associated with simultaneous brine production and CO2 geological sequestration, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, accepted. Court, B., K. W. Bandilla, M. A. Celia, A. Janzen, M. E. Dobossy, J. M. Nordbotten, Applicability of vertical-equilibrium and sharp-interface assumptions in CO2 sequestration modeling, submitted to International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Elenius M., Nordbotten J. M. and Kalisch H. : Effects of a capillary transition zone on the stability of a diffusive boundary layer. Submitted to IMA J. Appl. Math. Elenius, M., Convective mixing in geological carbon storage, PhD thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen. Elenius, M., and Johannsen, K., (2011): On the time scales of nonlinear instability in miscible displacement porous media flow. Submitted to Computational Geosciences. Gasda, S. E., J. M. Nordbotten and M. A. Celia (2011), Verticallyaveraged approaches to CO2 injection with solubility trapping, Water Resources Research, 47, W05528, doi:10.1029/2010WR009075. Hellevang, H., Declercq, J., Aagaard, P., 2011. Why is dawsonite absent in CO2 charged reservoirs? Oil & Gas Science and Technology Revue de l’IFP 66 (1), 119-135. Keilegavlen, E., J. M. Nordbotten, A. Stephansen, Anisotropic relative permeability: Origins, modeling and numerical discretization, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, accepted. Khattri, S.K., Fladmark, G.E., Hellevang, H., Kvamme, B. 2011. Simulation of long-term fate of CO2 in the sand of Utsira. Journal of Porous Media 14 (2), 149-166. Lien, M., Mannseth, T. Structural joint inversion of AVO and CSEM data using flexible representation, SEG Expanded Abstracts, San Antonio. Mitrovic, D., J. M. Nordbotten, H. Kalisch, Dynamics of the interface between immiscible liquids of different densities with low Froude number, submitted to Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications. Munz, I.A, Brandvoll, Ø, Haug, T.A., Iden, K. , Smeets R., Kihle, J. and Johansen, H. Mechanisms and rates of plagioclase carbonation reactions. Submitted to Geochim Cosmochim Acta Nogues, J. P., B. Court, M. E. Dobossy, J. M. Nordbotten, M. A. Celia, Quantifying CO2 Leakage in a Geological Sequestartion Operation given Parameter Uncertainty, submitted to International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Nordbotten, J. M. and H. K. Dahle (2011), Impact of the capillary fringe in vertically integrated models for CO2 storage, Water Resources Research, 47, W02537,doi:10.1029/2009WR008958. Pham, V.T.H., Lu, P., Aagaard, P., Zhu, C., Hellevang, H., 2011. On the potential of CO2-water-rock interactions for CO2 storage: A modified kinetics model. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, in press. Pruess, K., and J. M. Nordbotten (2011), Numerical simulation studies of the long-term evolution of a CO2 plume in a saline aquifer with a sloping caprock, Transport in Porous Media, doi:10.1007/ s11242-011-9729-6. Rike, A.G., Børresen, M., Håvelsrud, O.E., Haverkamp, T.H.A., Kristensen, T. and Jakobsen, K.S. Microbial characterization of seabed sediments overlaying the proposed CO2 storage site Johansen formation. Biogeochemical and microbial aspects of geological carbon capture and storage. Geophysical research Abstracts Vol. 13. European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2011, Vienna. Sandve, T. H., I. Berre, J. M. Nordbotten, An efficient Multi-Point Flux Approximation based approach for Discrete Fracture Matrix simulation, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics. Sandvin, A., J. M. Nordbotten, I. Aavatsmark (2011), Multiscale mass-conservative domain-decomposition preconditioners for elliptic problems on irregular grids, Computational Geosciences, 15(3), 587-602, doi:10.1007/s10596-011-9226-6. Skogestad, J. O., E. Keilegavlen, J. M. Nordbotten, Domain decomposition strategies for non-linear flow problems in porous media, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics. Skurtveit, E., Aker, E., Soldal, M., Angeli, M. & Wang, Z. (2011). Experimental investigation of CO2 breakthrough and flow mechanisms in shale. Accepted for publication in Petroleum Geoscience. Vasiliev, L., Raoof, A. J. M. Nordbotten, Effect of mean network coordination number on dispersivity characteristics, submitted to Transport in Porous Media. Published conference papers Aagaard, P., Hellevang, H., Alemu, B.L., Pham, V.T.H., 2011. On the potential for secondary carbonate growth in sedimentary basins. 21st V.M. Goldschmidt conference. Prague, Czech Republic. Alemu, B.L., Aagaard, P., Hellevang, H., 2011. Effect of temperature and mineralogical composition on the reactivity of shale: A comparison study of potential caprock from two potential CO2 storage sites. 21st V.M. Goldschmidt conference. Prague, Czech Republic. page 29 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Hellevang, H., Thyberg, B., Jahren, J., Albite precipitation in mudstone - comparison of natural and synthetic systems. 21st V.M. Goldschmidt conference., Prague, Czech Republic. Omar et al. Spatiotemporal Variations of fCO2 in the North Sea, has been accepted as an Oral Presentation at the ESA-SOLAS Conference: Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science, which will be held at ESRIN, Frascati, Italy. Simon, N.S.C., Loberg, M., Podladchikov, Y.Y. and Huismans, R.S., Is enhanced heat and tracer transfer an important process in deep geothermal systems? Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13(EGU2011). Simon, N.S.C., Semprich, J. and Podladchikov, Y.Y., A phase transition model for basins. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13(EGU2011, invited talk). Presentations Aagaard P., “Mineral trapping in CO2 storage - Geochemical modeling”, Geological Carbon Storage Research - Challenges and Approaches Seminar, Stanford Aavatsmark I., “Long-term modeling of CO2 storage “, Geological Carbon Storage Research - Challenges and Approaches Seminar, Stanford Aavatsmark I., “What does it take to get a good model?”; Success Scientific days, Gardermoen Oslo Aker E., Coupling rock physics and monitoring, SUCCESS Scientific days, Gardermoen, Norway Aker E., How could an integrated monitoring system for CO2 storage look like? Invited talk to Oslo Society of Exploration Geophysicist, Oslo, Norway Aker, E., Wang, Z., Skurtveit, E. & Soldal, M. (2011). On the sealing capacity of cap-rock: The effect of micro-fractures and fluid on acoustic properties of shale. Trondheim CCS-6 Conference, Trondheim, Norway. Cuisiat F., Cap rock fracturing criteria for assessment of CO2 storage capacity, SUCCESS Scientific days, Gardermoen, Norway du Plessis E., Relative permeability for imbibition. SUCCESS seminar, Finse . Durand D., Kvassnes A.and Sweetman A.). Objectives and workplan of SUCCESS. Presented in the CO2GeoNet open Forum 2011, Venice, Elenius M., Capillarity and fingering in CO2 storage. NUPUS meeting, Freudenstadt Elenius M., Time scales of linear and non-linear instability in porous media flow. SUCCESS seminar, Finse. Fawad, M., Sassier, C., Jarsve, E.M., Aagaard, P., et al. 2011. A Potential CO2 storage play in Skagerrak - Depositional environment and reservoir geology of the Gassum Formation. 6th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage,. Fawad M., Use of AVO for CO2 sequestration monitoring - Tentative models of Gassum Formation, SUCCESS workshop, Finse. Gabrielsen R., “Fault architecture and fault leakage”; Success Scientific days, Gardermoen Oslo Hellevang H., “What kind of experiments are needed for CO2 storage? ”, Success Scientific days, Gardermoen Oslo Johansen, H., Iden, K. and Hjelmseth, H. (2011) CO2 storage efficiency factor: wildcard for cost and safety. TCCS6 Trondheim. Johnsen, Ø., Alemu, B.L., Aker, E., Soldal, M., Cuisiat, F., & Aagaard, P. (2011). Rock physical properties and CT imaging of CO2-brine displacement in reservoir sandstone. Pore2Field - International Conference on Flows and Mechanics in Natural Porous Media from Pore to Field Scale, Paris,. Kalani M.: Petrophysical analyses of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous succession in the Egersund Basin, implications for seal characterization; a preliminary outline, SUCCESS workshop, Finse Kjøglum K.T., Absorption and adsorption at different scales, SUCCESS workshop, Finse Aker, E., Wang, Z., Skurtveit, E. & Soldal, M. (2011). On the sealing capacity of cap-rock: The effect of micro-fractures and fluid on acoustic properties of shale. Trondheim CCS-6 Conference, Trondheim, Norway. Kvamme B., “Hydrate formation during CO2 injection and storage” Geological Carbon Storage Research - Challenges and Approaches Seminar, Stanford Alemu B, Experimental study on the influence of CO2 on rock physics properties of a typical reservoir rock with the use of ultrasonic velocity, resistivity and X-ray CT-skanner,SUCCESS workshop, Finse. Kvamme B., “Present status of Retraco-code bright”, Success Scientific days, Gardermoen Oslo Mykkeltvedt T., Qualitative effects of convective mixing in coarse models, 3. Interpore Conference on Porous Media, Bordeaux, Alemu B.L., Aker E., Soldal M., Johnsen Ø. and Aagaard P. (2011): Experimental study on the influence of CO2 on rock physics properties of a typical reservoir rock with the use of ultrasonic velocity, resistivity and X-ray CT-scanner. The Trondheim CCS-6 Conference. Mykkeltvedt T., Representing convective mixing in coarse models. SUCCESS seminar, Finse Alemu, B.L., Aker, E., Soldal, M., Johnsen, Ø., Aagaard, P. (2011). Influence of CO2 on rock physics properties in typical reservoir rock: A CO2 flooding experiment of brine saturated sandstone in a CTscanner. Trondheim CCS-6 Conference, Trondheim, Norway Alemu, B.L., Aker, E., Soldal, M., Johnsen, Ø., Aagaard, P., 2011. Experimental study on the influence of CO2 on rock physics properties of a typical reservoir rock with the use of ultrasonic velocity, resistivity and X-ray CT scanner. 6th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage. Angeli M.: A study of the Oligocene succession in the eastern North Sea area, SUCCESS workshop, Finse. Bergmo, P.E.S., Pham, V.T.H., Nielsen, L.H., et al., 2011. A potential CO2 storage play in Skagerrak - Injection strategy and capacity of the Gassum Formation. 6th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage, Brandvoll Ø., Iden K., Skurtveit E., “Experimental assessment of induced reactions on well cement”, abstract accepted for oral presentation at TCCS-6 conference, Trondheim, Norway page 30 Nøttvedt A., The SUCCESS centre on CO2 storage - theory and field pilots. The 16th Field Reservoir Management Conference, Stavanger, Nøttvedt, A., Energy and climate change: Technology development in the Bergen region, 7-fjellskonferansen, Bergen, Nøttvedt, A., FME SUCCESS. Kursdagene 2011/Tekna, Trondheim Nøttvedt, A., Norwegian CO2 research and field pilots - hand in hand, Transatlantic Science Week, San Francisco, Nøttvedt, A., The SUCCESS centre on CO2 storage. Norsk Geologisk Forening, Vinterkonferansen 2011, Stavanger, Ogebule O., Mudstones: Sealing Capacity and Fluid Transport, SUCCESS workshop, Finse Omar, A. M., Johannessen, T., and Haugan, P. Konsekvenser av CO2 lekkasje (in Norwegian). Oral presentation for Forum for CO2 Storage, , Petroleum Directorate, Stavanger, Norway. Park, J., Viken, I., Bjørnarå T.I. & Aker, E. CSEM data analysis for Sleipner CO2 storage. Trondheim CCS-6 Conference, Trondheim, Norway. SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Pham, V.T.H., Aagaard, P. CO2 storage: Fluid flow modeling coupled with geomechanics, Snøhvit field. 6th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage,. Pham, Van Thi Hai; CO2 Storage: Fluid flow modeling copupled with geomechanics, Snøhvit field,SUCCESS workshop, Finse. Skurtveit E., Experimental investigation of CO2 breakthrough and flow mechanisms in shale. “Challenges in CO2 sequestration”, Workshop, Moab region. Skurtveit, E., Impact of fault rock roperties on CO2 storage in sandstone reservoirs, SUCCESS workshop, Finse. Sundal A. Geological Reservoir Characterization for Subsurface CO2 storage - a case study of the Johansen Formation, SUCCESS workshop, Finse. Reports Håvelsrud, O.E. Characterization of seabed sediments overlaying the Johansen formation using metagenomic analyses, NGI report no. 20081351-00-26-R Rike A.G. Baseline characterization of seabed sediments from the Johansen formation area using metagenomic analysis. NGI working report no. 20081351-00-23-R. Kocbach J.,Folgerø K. Uncertainty analysis for CSEM instrumentation related to detection of CO2 in the subsurface, CMR working report no.CMR-11-F10755-RA-01 Wangen M., “Hydraulic fracturing modeled with FEM”, Success Scientific days, Gardermoen Oslo PhD student Karin Landschulze and scientist Laila Reigstad (both at CGB) presented their role, data and projects in SUCCESS for the 20 students from the Colgate University of Liberal Arts, New York, US, visited CIPR and CGB, Bergen. page 31 SUCCESS Annual report 2011 Photos and illustrations Kjetil Alsvik - Statoil Hans Fredrik Asbjørnsen - University of Oslo Alvar Braathen - University Centre in Svalbard Gudmund Dalsbø – University of Oslo Daniele Di Domenico - Kairòs Studio Helge Hansen - Statoil Laila Reigstad - Centre of GeoBiology, University of Bergen Signe Steinnes – Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures, Canada Christian Michelsen Research Colorado School of Mines, USA Durham University, UK Institute of Energy Technology Norwegian Geotechnical institute Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Shell Shutterstock Uni Research University Centre in Svalbard University of Bergen University of Oslo Contact info Arvid Nøttvedt, Centre Manager Per Aagaard , Scientific leader Ivar Aavatsmark, Scientific leader Charlotte Gannefors Krafft, Centre Coordinator Postal Address CEER-SUCCESS Christian Michelsen Research AS P.O. Box 6031 NO-5892 Bergen, Norway Visiting Address Christian Michelsen Research AS Fantoftvegen 38 Bergen, Norway post(at) charlotte(at) page 32