I N F O R M AT I O N B O O K L E T ANACONDA-14 LIVE EXERCISE 1 ANACONDA-14 is the largest joint and combined serial exercise of the Polish Armed Forces. Almost 12500 personnel including 750 soldiers from Allied countries (Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Great Britain, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the United States) will participate in a live-fire exercise at Poland’s Land, Air and Maritime Military Training Areas, between 24th September and 3rd October. This exercise is the most challenging event of 2014. Its purpose is to synchronize planning and conducting combined defense operations of the units subordinated to the Armed Forces Operational Commander, as well as create, in cooperation with the national non-military system, favourable conditions for the Allied forces. During recent eight years ANACONDA exercise has evolved. Originally a purely military event became an exercise which included non-military structures of Poland’s defense system at the national and regional dimensions, to finally reach the level of an Allied exercise actively involving NATO nations. In the wake of these changes, ANACONDA series exercises have become regular events of the North Atlantic Alliance training process. In the light of the unfavorable changes in regional and global international security environments, such exercises are considered to be of particular importance. This is confirmed by the participation of national contingents from eight NATO countries which will take part in this event. From the very beginning, that is since 2006, ANACONDA exercise series has been developed and conducted by the Armed Forces Operational Command. Exercise Director LTG Marek Tomaszycki 2 3 ARMED FORCES OPERATIONAL COMMAND acts as Exercise Command TOPIC OF THE EXERCISE: Conduct of Defence Operations as Part of the Combined Joint Campaign During War in Co-operation with Non-military Defence Structures and Allied Forces. Exercise Director Armed Forces Operational Commander LTG Marek TOMASZYCKI Exercise Deputy Director BG Grzegorz DUDA Exercise Deputy for Coalition Forces BG Torben Dixen MØLLER Exercise Control Chief of Staff MG Sławomir KAŁUZIŃSKI Exercise Control Deputy Directors DRAWSKO MTA BG Andrzej REUDOWICZ ORZYSZ MTA BG Stanisław OLSZAŃSKI USTKA MTA (Navy) VADM Marian AMBROZIAK USTKA MTA (Air Force) BG Tomasz DREWNIAK AIM OF THE EXERCISE: Synchronisation of Operational Commander’s subordinate commands and units in planning and conducting joint defence operations and creating conditions for employment of Allied Reinforcement Forces in close co-operation with non-military defence structures. MULTINATIONAL DIMENTION OF THE EXERCISE: The exercise, apart from the units of the Polish Armed Forces, involves 750 personnel from the Armed Forces of Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Great Britain, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the United States. DĘBA MTA COL Jerzy JASTRZĘBSKI 4 5 EXERCISE SCENARIO The scenario assumes the existence of Euroland’s two leading political and military blocks, namely the Group of Eastern Euroland Countries States (GEEC) consiting of MONDA, FUNLAND AND BARIA, the latter being the lead country, and the Organisation of the Blue Sea Alliance (OBSA) which includes WISLANDIA. The underlying cause of the conflict is BARIA’s considerable economic loss resulting from the implementation of energy diversification projects across Euroland countries, including WISLANDIA. BARIA does not rule out the use of military power against the countries where the safety of the BARIA’s national minority or the minorities of her allies is threatened. In the international forum, BARIA’s authorities repeatedly accused WISLANDIA of running the policy which destabilizes the region. It is estimated that MONDA’s government, supported by BARIA made a decision to seek military solution to take control of shale gas deposits discovered in the north - eastern region of WISLANDIA. It is also estimated that after winning international consent to the annexation of the disputed territory, MONDA will attack LIMBA which is another addressee of territorial claims. In 2012, in response to WISLANDIA’s start of exploitation of shale gas deposits, as well as gas imports from other geographic directions, BARIA launched broad diplomatic and information campaign with the aim to obstruct WISLANDIA’s efforts. WISLANDIA was accused of expropriation of MONDA minority population to facilitate the exploitation of shale gas beds in the north - eastern part of the country. 6 7 EXERCISE TR AIN IN IG AREAS CHART Naval Training Areas ORZYSZ Military Training Area USTKA Military Training Area DRAWSKO Military Training Area EXDIR WARSAW DĘBA Military Training Area The following military equipment of the Polish armed Forces will be used: – armoured personnel carriers - 126 – howitzers and rocket artillery - 15 – artillery systems - 53 – aircraft - 25 – helicopters - 17 – ships - 17 8 The Exercise will be conducted at Military Trainig Areas of Drawsko, Orzysz, Ustka, Dęba and Maritime Training areas. 9 TASKS OF THE EXERCISING TROOPS ORZYSZ MTA 1. Reconnaissance of advancing and deploying opponent. 2.Infiltration. 3. Combating advancing and deploying opponent. 4. Close combat attack support. 5. Defence operations by Tactical Combat Group. 6. CAS request, air strikes against detected targets. 7. Defence in depth. 8. Defence, breaking the opponent’s momentum, combating manouvering troops, restoring combat readiness. 9. Counterattack planning and organisation. 10. Counterattack launch. 11. Close Combat Attack. 12. Combat in depth of defensive positions. Neutralisation of opponent’s reserve forces. DRAWSKO MTA 1. Installing landing obstacles. 2. Engaging landing troops. 3. Counter –diversion operations. 4. Patrolling (road recce, enabling freedom of movement). 5. Check-points set up. 6. Protection of Logistic convoys. 7. Area and objective search. 8.Protection. DĘBA MTA USTKA MTA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Recconaissance of the opposing forces. Field fortifications development, fires organisation, organisation of coastal defence system. Coastal defence. Surface to surface strikes. Blocking operations. Air Force operations. 10 1. Establishment of a refugees centre, registration of refugees. 2. Control of the movement of refugees (patrolling). 3. Riot control elements. 4. Riot control and secure environment support in refugee camps. 5. Patrolling areas adjacet to the refugees camps. 6.Protection. 7. Co-operation with medical aid agencies in providing refugees with medical aid. 8. Providing refugee camps with sanitary – epidemiological protection, supporting civilian medical aid elements in the medical service for displaced population. 11 ARMED FORCES OPERATIONAL COMMAND History and tasks Armed Forces Operational Command (DO RSZ) formally stood up on 1 January 2014, and inherited the tradition and history of the Operational Command of Armed Forces (DOSZ) set up by the decision of te Minister of National Defence on 22 October 2003. Armed Forces Operational Command is the main commanding body responsible for operational command of the Armed Forces transferred under its authority on the basis of a decision of the Minister of National Defence. The Command is responsible for planning and commanding forces and assigned non-military elements during joint, peacekeeping, rescue and humanitarian operations, as well as during anti-terrorist or attack/disaster relief operations. It is also responsible for planning and commanding forces assigned for supporting the state and local administration elements in times of non-military crisis. Armed Forces Operational Command plans, organizes and conducts exercises as well as carries out evaluation of capability of forces and assets declared for operations. Armed Forces Operational Command exerts national control over Polish Military Contingents and units assigned to carry out tasks overseas within international structures and multinational forces. Moreover, the Command functions as Crisis Management Centre of the National Defence System. At peacetime, Operational Command, through Air and Maritime Operations Centres, commands the assets assigned for combat stand by to protect the air space of the Republic of Poland, as well as to support Border Guards Maritime Unit in protection of the maritime area. During military crisis and war Operational Command is responsible for establishing the Command Post of the Chief Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. As the result of changes in the command system of the Polish Armed Forces the following commands were introduced and subordinated to the Armed Forces Operational Command: Land Operations Center - Land Component Command, Air Operations Center - Air Component Command, Maritime Operations Centre - Maritime Component Command, and Special Operations Center - Special Forces Component Command. This reform allowed for harmonisation of military structures in the time of peace, crisis and during war. OPERATIONAL COMMANDERS LTG Henryk TACIK (2004 – 2007) LTG Bronisław KWIATKOWSKI (2007 – 2010) LTG Edward GRUSZKA (2010 – 2013) 12 LTG Marek TOMASZYCKI (from 2013) 13 KEY DATES: FOR MEDIA Exercise press offices 24th September 2014 Exercise start National Defence University, Warsaw USTKA Press Group Press and Information Centre e-mail: [email protected] 1st October 2014 Observers Day Ustka Military Training Area ° ° ° ° DRAWSKO Press Group rocket firing to an airborne targets air combat demonstration firing at naval targets SAR rescue presentation Exercise Spokesperson LTC Piotr Walatek mob. +48 607-388-937 e-mail: [email protected] 1st–2nd October 2014 Distinguished Visitors Day / Media Day Orzysz Military Training Area ° tactical and live fire tasks ° equipement presentation ° military meal DĘBA Press Group UPDATED INFORMATION SOURCES IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS: EU Emergency: 112 Ambulance: 999 Fire: 998 ftp server: login: anakonda_14 password:anakonda_14 Real Live Support: 1.ORZYSZ MTA - LTC Mariusz Sokołowski, mob. +48 721-810-729 2.USTKA MTA - MAJ Wojciech Jakobczyk, mob. +48 604-905-076 3. DRAWSKO MTA- MAJ Marek Czerwiński, mob. +48 696-090-303 4.DĘBA MTA - MAJ Arkadiusz Jelonek, mob. +48 727-015-511 14 PRESS ACCREDITATION: Press and Information Centre e-mail: [email protected] 15