Newsletter - Conyers School
Newsletter - Conyers School
A p r i l 2 0 1 4 CONYERS SCHOOL Name: Dear Parents, Students and Friends, Many thanks to those parents who completed our parent survey for this academic year. We received 632 completed questionnaires. This allowed us to draw meaningful conclusions and act accordingly. You gave the school a very good overall performance score and made many useful suggestions on how we can make things even better for students. You were very happy with the choice of subjects, computer access and levels of homework generally, although some of you commented on the need for greater consistency with homework. This is an area we are constantly striving to improve. You were least happy with school facilities and careers advice. Plans are being put in place to update our buildings and we are working with various funding, planning and design bodies. Our artificial football pitch has been updated this year with a state of the art surface; a new fire protection system is being fitted and new fire doors installed throughout school. Our Careers Advice Service is currently being overhauled and plans developed for September. Eight parents commented on uniform, suggesting that students could be smarter at times. As a result, a uniform census is currently taking place across school, with standards being reinforced to all. The support of all parents in this matter is much appreciated. Thirty four parents said they would welcome the introduction of lockers within the school. This is an area we have been researching in terms of cost, space and logistics for 1300+ students. There is simply no space to house the lockers within the building and secure, watertight lockers which are sited externally are currently prohibitive in terms of cost. However we will continue to search for a solution. You rated the level of improvements that have been put in place since the previous parent survey and our commitment to self-evaluation very strongly. This is very encouraging for staff and governors at Conyers as we strive to develop year on year. Most pleasing perhaps is that a large number of you said that you would recommend Conyers to others. Once again – many thanks. Have a lovely Easter break. We look forward to welcoming students back on Tuesday 22 April, 8.55 a.m. Oxford Visit Bright and early on the morning of Friday 28 February, 18 Year 12 students made the long journey down south to visit the University of Oxford. The day began with a tour of Oxford University’s Trinity College, with current undergraduate guides, including ex-Conyers’ student Lucy Martin, who provided students with information about studying at Oxford and answered their questions about the application and interview process. Lunch in Trinity’s magnificent dining hall was followed by a talk on the admissions process by their Admissions and Access Officer. Students were then fortunate enough to meet and talk with ex-Conyers’ students James Harkin at Hertford, Ben Zaranko at Wadham College and William Frankish at Keble College and tour each of their colleges. After a visit to the National History Museum, students enjoyed some free time to discover the city. It was an extremely enjoyable, informative and worthwhile visit which left many a student inspired and motivated to consider Oxbridge applications come September. Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance Celebrating Achievement Headteacher’s Commendations Were awarded to: Zeenat Anwar 8JW for a superb R.E project on the Jesus story. I was impressed with your own research and that you compared your own faith with Christianity. Beautifully presented work. Harriet Marshall, Savannah Wilson, Khizar Hussain and Laura Short 7KD, for a prize winning Maths investigation. Your poster was beautifully presented and the quality of your analysis made your entry stand out. A super start to Conyers. Kian Watkins, Matthew Douglas, and Owen Huggins 8GS for a superb fundraising effort for the ‘Hawkesgarth Lodge Residents Fund’. You have demonstrated a real community spirit and a determination to make a difference. Alexander McQuillan 8CG for demonstrating a helpful and supportive approach to classmates in Geography. You showed exceptional coaching skills as you helped other students to complete their work. We were most impressed. Elliot Johnson 10LO for showing the most amazing insight in Physics. Your teacher was impressed by the way you applied scientific understanding to develop an idea and your eloquent explanation. Sophie Huggins 9SC, Dominic Tiffany, Tom Dodds 10PP, Emma Langley, Faye Edemenson 10JT, Tom Morris, Jess Hugill 10LO, Laura McCann 10KC, Lewis Heap 10IC, Sophie Robinson 10IC for being part of the wonderful team of Student Leaders which won the LTA Secondary School of the Year award. Well done we are very proud of you. Cameron Joseph 8GP for producing a piece of homework which exceeded the already high expectations of your teacher. Your work was detailed, accurate and very thoughtfully presented. David Cliff for making excellent progress and exceeding expectations on your placement at Stockton Riverside College. You have worked hard and shown confidence and maturity. We are very proud of you! Daniel Magnone 8JK for a superb Migration assessment. Your writing was detailed and packed with wonderful information. You put in a fantastic amount of effort and your work was a pleasure to read. Shane Hammond 10JT for laying a wreath on Remembrance Day on behalf of the cadets during a battlefields visit to Belgium. You did this beautifully in front of foreign dignitaries. We are very proud of you. Emily Lawton 13SB, Chloe Andrew, Danielle Gamble-Thompson, Elinor Baird, Emma Goodwin, Matthew Hill, Callum Mackey, Oliver Peel, Kieran Trotter, William Turnbull 13AM, Sarah Al-Afifi, Jonathan Breeze, William Brown, Nisba Hussain, Zainah Hussain, Rehman Khalid, Scott Matthews, Edward Moriarty, Eleanor Warren, Charlotte Williams 13CC, Elinor Baird, Ben Saunders, Sarah Shahpesandy, Elizabeth Vickers 13JW, Jessica Highfield, Ellen Humphries, Sophie Passmore, Eleanor Wratten 13MJ, Nathan Clark, Joseph Davison, Oliver Dixon, Beth Foster, Bismill Mushtaq and Alice Poskitt 13SB for a wonderful contribution during Focus Day. You engaged with the Citizenship theme and showed real care and concern for those with whom you worked. A credit to Conyers. Thank you. Nathaniel Cornforth 9SC and Alistair Eales 9SC for excellent progress in the National Cipher Challenge. We reached the 5th round and finished 450/1500 in our first year. As part of the team your effort was exceptional, giving freely of your time. Well done. Nathaniel Cornforth 9SC for a superb performance at Conyers Carol Service. You stepped in at the last minute to replace the organist. Your playing was simply magical and your efforts appreciated. Robyn Howes, Kyra Henderson 11ES, Nathan O’Boyle, Michael Williams 11MN and Megan Duffey 11AM for being such fantastic helpers at the Year 7 Christmas Disco. You were thrown in at the deep end, adapted to the situation and were excellent team players. Student leadership at its best. Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance Hayley Clements, Lily Wratten, Elle Hutchinson 11AA for a wonderful contribution during the Remembrance Assemblies. This is a fantastic example of student leadership and a most positive contribution to our community. Charlotte Bergman 10SG, Daniel Clemenson 10SG, Erin Thorpe 10IC, Chris Breeze 11HC and Lorraine Nyamutumbu 11NH for a superb contribution to the wider life of the school. Your performance in the Christmas assemblies was wonderful and provided inspiration for other students. Kate Owen 7RS for a stunning performance in your recent French Assessment. Your score of 99% was outstanding. I hope you feel very proud of this achievement. Grace Barrow, Chloe Dalton, Jess Hugill, Jim Lowry, Lauren Thompson 10LO, Aimee Foxton, Scott Marshall, Chloe Smith, Erin Thorpe10IC, Holly Alderton, Katy Robinson 10JT, Jennifer Buckingham, Emily Simpson 10KC for a wonderful contribution to the Holocaust assembly. I was particularly impressed that you managed to deliver the assembly independently on Monday in Mrs Layton’s absence. Rebecca Schott 10JW, Jennifer Buckingham, Emily Simpson, Joe Toombs 10KC for an excellent contribution to the Year 8 Focus Day on poverty. It is a challenge to present to other students and you did so with the passion which comes from your experiences in Mexico. Lucy Clydesdale, Sophie Dawes 10PP, Sean Jones 10JW and Sean Prior 10JT for a superb job presenting the option process to Year 9 students during tutorial. Students really valued an honest perceptive and said your views were most useful. Lucy Trainer, Maisy Best and Erin Jones 8AB for a superb entry into the NHS National Careers Competition. You have really worked hard to produce a thought provoking and imaginative response. Very well done. Lewis Wormald, Simon Lowes, Alissia Kirton and Jay Sharpe for a wonderful Solar System Project. It was wonderful to see your effort and creativity with this homework assignment. Well done – you should be very proud. Cargo Hibbs, Jayjay Hibbs, Varda Jasingh, Alfie Bartley 7AG, for: teaching your teachers! You delivered a wonderful session on your literacy learning in primary school and your teachers found it most useful. Many thanks. Oliver Wilson 7KD for a fantastic performance in the French play during our recent Focus Day. You participated with great enthusiasm and were a credit to your year group. Sarah Zaranko 11RA, Jessica Adams, Sophie Brooks, Danielle Casentieri, Elena Puente, Anna Warburton 11NH, Elise Brady, Lucy Henwood, Morven Szulc 11AM for providing wonderful assistance to form tutors helping them to prepare for Focus Day with their tutor groups. They were most impressed with your skills and valued the help. Emily Rankin 13JW, Emily Coomber 11MN, Ben Parker 11AM, Cameron Parry and Chris Davies 11RA, for acting as wonderful ambassadors for our school coming to the aid of a vulnerable lady. Your selfless act was much appreciated and you are role models for our community. Students in Years 7-9 have worked with their English teachers to participate in the Radio 2 500 words story writing competition. As well as entering their stories to the BBC competition, they were also judged by a panel at Conyers. Eight finalists have been announced and an awards ceremony will be held next term to celebrate the final placings. Conyers’ 500 words finalists: Finn Cousin-Dawson Mea Walton Emma Collins Ellen Robson Lewis Imeson Lucy Bell James Kaye Anna Covell Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance The following students have received an outstanding score for behaviour and effort in every subject: Year 7 Sophie Morgan Katie Williams Erin Bowkett Sree Shankarganesh Year 11 Finn Cousin-Dawson Carly Taylor Elise Brady Molly Cowling Year 9 Christopher Breeze Eve Leach Nathaniel Cornforth Sophie Brooks Robyn Lewis Andrew Garvey Charlotte Camsell Isabelle Martin Joe Stephenson Danielle Casentieri Kate Owen Amal Al Afifi James Eales Emma Page Francesca Berry Luke Hubbert Year 8 Natasha Cousin Chloe Jones Charlotte Barber Shayler Burgess Marian Kipchanov Chloe Benjamin Alistair Eales Sophie Lawton Katie Best Year 10 Camille Montgomery Emily Brown Alex Brown Gillian Nicol Amelia Burns Olivia Brown Abigail Page Millie Cooper Faye Dunning Morven Szulc Thea Emmerson Faye Edemenson Emily Taylor Katie Gill Jessica Hugill Ethan Vicars Caitlin Gray Laura McCann Michael Williams Emily Hamill Samantha Readman Sarah Zaranko Daniel Magnone Charlotte Teasdale Lauren Micklewright Rebecca Warren Crêpe Day Year 7 students were able to taste some genuine French cuisine on 3 March when La Petite Crêperie came in to make us some delicious crêpes! Students (and willing staff) were encouraged to order their tasty snacks in French while crêpe makers, Julien and Fréderic, talked to them about Crêpe Day in France. Evie Steel in 7HM said; “It was great to speak French to real French people and to see how far we’ve come since the start of Year 7”. At the end of the day Julien told Miss McIntosh that Conyers students were the best he’d worked with. They were most impressed with our manners and confidence to have a go at speaking another language. Well done Year 7! St James Park A*-A Conference 76 Year 11 students spent their final Focus Day fine tuning their approach to the forthcoming GCSE exams with a day of subject master classes at the home of Newcastle United FC. Teachers delivered sessions in English, Languages, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, Business Studies and RE to provide key messages for students to secure the top grades across the curriculum. Students demonstrated their thirst for knowledge (and executive style refreshments) with a first class attitude towards their learning. Duke of Edinburgh Sponsored Walk Conyers’ Duke of Edinburgh Award group took part in the annual sponsored Christmas Walk, raising £803.00 for James Cook Hospital’s Holistic Cancer Centre in Middlesbrough. Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance The source to the Mouth of the River Tees At 4 p.m. on Friday 21 March, our kit was inspected, the mini bus was loaded and we were all set for our challenge of 3 days of walking and cycling in aid of Sport Relief. As we approached our accommodation for the first night Mr Plows pointed out the last 10 miles of our journey would make part of our cycling route on Day 3. We all watched the hills, they kept on appearing and our excitement soon turned to nervousness and thoughts as to whether we could really climb those 'mountains' on our bikes! After a tasty meal on the Friday evening we were woken by the smells of breakfast cooking (thanks to Mr Walters and Mr Robinson) and a beautiful view of SNOW! Yes snow, overnight it had snowed and the ground was white. The hills that we would be walking in and through to reach the source of the River Tees were covered. After a walk briefing from Mr Maddison, the school’s Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator, we set off on our challenge! Day 1 we walked approximately 13 miles, never believe Mr Plows' distances. We climbed and 'scrambled' across rocks to reach Cauldron Snout, a sharp climb and we were there, Cow Green Reservoir. We had lunch and took shelter from the elements in the support van and mini bus. The lunch break went fast and we were soon climbing up and over the fell into a different valley, conditions were very wet and a number of people were losing their footing coming down the grass paths. After 6 hours of walking the day was complete, we now needed to load the drying room up with clothes and boots as they would be required for Day 2. The same pattern occurred as on Friday night a good meal followed by waking up to the smells of breakfast, luckily the snow had gone (on the low ground). Day 2 was 17 miles, following the River past High Force which was stunning, even better that the intense hail storm arrived before we had the opportunity to take pictures of the waterfalls. The morning walk was long; we covered 11 miles before lunch, dealing with the odd blister along the way, a big thanks to Miss Taylor's blister pads and Mr Plows' ability to deal with sweaty feet! After lunch the sun came out and it was a lovely walk, nice and flat along the banks of the Tees until we reached Middleton-in Teesdale, where we stayed on Night 2. On arrival we needed to check our bikes and make any last minute adjustments ready for an early start the next day. Day 3 was the early wake up call, with breakfast at 7 a.m. we needed to leave by 8 a.m. Everyone could remember the hills that were up first, as Mr Plows had so kindly pointed them out on Friday night. The cycling brought a new challenge, we were all thinking about how Mr Downs would cope with his back and looking forward to Mrs Spellman’s downhill technique, this had been talked about by the staff (she is scared of going downhill). We reached Barnard Castle ahead of schedule and had taken out the majority of the hills... We were pleased and spirits in the camp were high, that was until Mr Downs got a puncture not long out of Barnard Castle, Mr Plows took control of the situation leaving Mr Webster to lead the group to our next refuelling stop. Things were starting to go wrong, Mrs Croft dropped her chain and lost contact with the group, the support van replaced the chain and she re-joined the group as Mr Downs rode into town full of the joys of spring time, Mr Plows not so much. The students were doing well, Jonny Breeze’s bike was holding up, but Emma Farrar’s pedal did look Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance like it would fall off! We cycled to Neasham for our well-earned lunch break - no problems getting there, so all in all things were going really well. We moved through Stockton like the Peloton would a small village in France, we were once again back on the open road and the final leg into Seaton Carew, for Fish and Chips! We arrived at 5 p.m., it was a long day in the saddle but the 60 miles were done and we could now relax, the team had done it! The 3 days were a fantastic experience, and we thank our teachers for giving us the opportunity to challenge ourselves and raise funds for other people at the same time. We all need to ensure we collect in our sponsorship money to ensure our efforts are not wasted, that is all of us, Staff/Sixth Form Challenge Team and most importantly all Year 7-10 students that participated in Sport Relief on Friday 21 March. Final deadline for receipt of sponsorship money is Friday 25 April, please, please donate to support a great charity. Focus Day 4 - Citizenship and Sport Relief The main aim of the day was to have fun, be interactive and have a strong citizenship message. Students took part in active sessions, encouraging them out of their comfort zone and into a role which allows them to see how poverty affects people on so many levels. We challenged students to see the bigger picture and to recognise why we support causes such as this. Students took part in a Sport Relief Mile Run, then participated in sporting activities and citizenship workshops, where they learnt about living in an unjust world and a just world, and finished the session with a debate on ‘the only way to stop slave labour is to boycott designer brands and global companies’. Students’ comments after the day were very positive. Year 9 said “Slave labour - they loved it”. 7HM said “Students enjoyed the mile. They enjoyed the variety of activities and having the opportunity to try different sports. They liked to work as a team. They liked the French performance and they loved seeing their teachers dress up and make a fool of themselves”. 8GS enjoyed the day because “We got to experience other children’s roles throughout the world”. They also enjoyed the rugby kicking session and thought it was good to be able to raise money for Sport Relief. They enjoyed the run, because even people who didn't like running still took part to raise money. All the sport activities as they kept us active and were fun”. 9JT said they enjoyed “Cycling because it was good fun. We got the highest number of shots in basketball which was good. Many people in our form won the cycling. We thought the mile was eventful. We liked the structure of the day - it was the same as normal which we liked”. Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance French “Flying Theatre Company” Visit We were very lucky to welcome the “Flying Theatre Company” back to Conyers for another fantastic performance on Focus Day 4. After an eventful morning of Sport Relief activities, Year 7 gathered in the hall and awaited a French play named “Bon Voyage”. Year 11 helpers had previously introduced Year 7 to some of the key vocabulary ahead of the play, which was performed in French from start to finish. The two actors were hilarious and captured the attention of Year 7 with magic tricks, dancing and even a rap song, for which Miss Dent and Oliver Wilson (7KD) were called up to the stage to help out. After the performance, Year 7 asked lots of questions to the actors and everyone was surprised to learn that they were not actually French but preferred performing plays in French than in English. Year 7 tutors and students had a great time and it was a fantastic end to a fun packed Focus Day. University Experience Days The University of Teesside has been running a series of "Experience Days" to give the students a small glimpse of what life as an undergraduate could be like. Many students do aspire to an education that will take them through University but for others it may be something they have not considered. The Year 9 students have looked at Physiotherapy, Nursing, Law, Forensics and Psychology. These visits have allowed the students to learn a little about what each course entails and ask any questions they may have. The Year 10 students chose to attend lectures on the Weird and Wonderful World of Law and Crime Scene Investigation. The students all learned a lot in a true lecture theatre experience and enjoyed a look round the University buildings. King’s College Cambridge also visited Conyers School recently talking to Year 10 students about the opportunities for those aspiring to attend Cambridge University. GCSE Geography Fieldwork Photographs As part of their GCSE Geography fieldwork GCSE Geographers measured four sites along the North Yorkshire Moorland stream called Littlebeck. Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance Calendar Dates Friday 4 April, 3.40 p.m. School closes for Easter holidays Tuesday 22 April, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the Easter holidays Monday 5 May Bank Holiday, school closed Friday 23 May, 3.40 p.m. School closes for half term holidays Monday 2 June, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the holidays Friday 18 July, 2.30 p.m. School closes for summer holidays, buses early Monday 1 September Staff Preparation Day – school closed to students Tuesday 2 September, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the summer holidays Wednesday 22 October, 3.40 p.m. School closes for half term holidays Thursday 23 October Staff Development Day Friday 24 October Staff Development Day Monday 3 November, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the holidays Friday 19 December, 2.30 p.m. School closes for Christmas holidays, buses early 2015 Monday 5 January, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the holidays Friday 13 February, 3.40 p.m. School closes for half term holidays Monday 23 February, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the holidays Friday 27 March, 3.40 p.m. School closes for Easter holidays Monday 13 April, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the Easter holidays Monday 4 May Bank Holiday, school closed Friday 22 May, 3.40 p.m. School closes for half term holidays Monday 1 June, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the holidays Thursday 16 July, 2.30 p.m. School closes for summer holidays, buses early Monday 31 August Bank Holiday, school closed Tuesday 1 September Staff Preparation Day Wednesday 2 September, 8.55 a.m. Students return after the summer holidays Reminder Easter Revision Sessions Year 11 Easter Holiday revision sessions will take place between Monday 7 April and Wednesday 16 April 2014 Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance School Payments Could you please pay for all school lunches, school visits etc by either using our online payment system or by sending in a cheque payable to Conyers School. If you have misplaced your login details, passwords or have a problem paying by either of these methods, please contact our Finance Office on [email protected] or ring school on 01642 792418/792414. New Smartphone App for Parents Want to spend less on text messages? The new, free, School Gateway Smartphone App for parents is unique to Schoolcomms Parents Receive instant notification of messages Receive messages using Wi-Fi even when there is no mobile signal No charge for sending replies back to the school Easy to download, use and send messages to school Secure and reliable Store and receive messages all in one place, even if children are at different schools (providing schools are using Schoolcomms) The App uses your mobile phone number and email address that we have on file for verification. Please email [email protected] if you have recently changed either of these, so that we can update our records. Search for “School Gateway” in the Apple App Store/Google Play or on your phone go to (Apple) or (Android). Install the App and if you are asked then say “yes” to “Allow Push Notifications”. Schoolcomms Medication There may be times throughout the school year when we need to contact parents via Schoolcomms text messages. The Schoolcomms mobile text service only allows us to use 160 characters per text message, therefore some abbreviations such as ufn (until further notice) will be used. Please could parents save the school’s Schoolcomms telephone number to their phones, so when future messages are received from the school they know that the school has sent them. Please note that medication cannot under any circumstances be given to students without written permission from a parent, due to Health and Safety regulations. If you intend to send your child to school with medication, due to the Department for Education standard guidelines, all student medication must be in its original packaging bearing the prescribers instructions. This includes antihistamines, paracetamol and all generic painkillers. Schoolcomms telephone number is 01642 688114. If you wish to be sent messages please ensure that we have your correct email and mobile telephone details. Student and Parent Helpline Notifiable Illnesses If your child is diagnosed with chickenpox, shingles or measles please could you inform the school as soon as possible. There is an option on the main telephone line and an email address [email protected] for you to contact our Student and Parent helpline if you have any concerns. Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance ● Perseverando ● Through Perseverance PE Department Cricket Congratulations to Alfie Bartley, James English and James Hewling who are due to represent Cleveland at Cricket this summer. If any other students have qualified please bring in your letter and pass to Mr Plows as soon as possible. Conyers has entered the Under 13 and Under 15 Schools Cricket Tournaments with the season kicking off in May. Six Year 9 students have attended the Tees Valley Cricket Leaders Award course in preparation for the start of the season. Students learned the roles and responsibilities of an umpire including the rules of the game and scoring. District Cross Country Congratulations to Luke Pettit, Gemma Clark and Matthew Bailey for representing Cleveland in the recent National Schools Cross Country Championships. Football Follow Us Year 7 boys have continued to do well, having only lost one league game all season. They have reached the final play off for the District Cup which will be played after half term. Year 7 has also been part of a 7-a-side tournament @conyerspe made up of players who had not yet played school team football. They did extremely well winning all of their matches in the first set of fixtures. Keep up to date with the latest Year 8 boys have won all of their games played since Christmas, ensuring fixtures and results qualification into the District Final Play Off, which is to be held after the Easter break. Year 9 boys have successfully defended the Cleveland Schools Football Association County Cup with a fine performance, beating St. Peters School 5-1 and are now the proud owners of The Weatherhead Construction Cup. The boys are on course to qualify for the Grand Final stage of the league season which takes place after Easter and replaces the District Cup competition, potential for more silverware! Year 10 boys are unbeaten in the league, scoring 25 goals and only conceding 6 over the course of the season so far. They have one game left to play to decide the league title. Superb effort. The girls’ football teams are doing well. Under 14 girls managed the first win of the season a couple of weeks ago against Unity City Academy, with a smashing 3-0 victory, with Richardson and Adams getting on the score sheet. The girls are on the up! With three fixtures left until the end of the season, Miss Holmes and Miss Murray are hoping for 9 big points and some good performances. After an average performance against Laurence Jackson, Under 16 girls suffered a defeat of 8-1. Following this they stepped up their performance against English Martyrs to collect 1 point coming back from 3-0 down to draw 3-3 in the last 5 minutes of the game. If they continue to perform with this attitude and mentality the season should conclude with them finishing in a good position in the league. Sixth Form boys are continuing to play well in their league. Netball Netball is over for the season. We had some very good results during the season but, unfortunately, were not able to put together a run of victories, which meant that we did not make it to the League Finals. All teams finished in the top part of their Leagues and we can look forward to next season. I am sure that with a little bit of extra effort and commitment from all teams we should be pushing to qualify for all of the League Finals. A big thank you to all girls who have given up their time and represented Conyers this year and lastly, a really big thank you to all staff who have given up their time to run the teams. It would not be possible without your help. Rugby This term there has been a revival of rugby, with the Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 all involved in competitions. Year 7 boys concluded a very successful first season by finishing runners up in the Tees Valley Finals. After qualifying as Stockton Champions following an epic tussle against Ian Ramsey, the boys performed magnificently on finals day to win all of their pool games. Their valiant efforts were not quite enough to match a strong and experienced Macmillan Academy team in the final. The boys can be very proud of the progress they have made throughout their first year of rugby, demonstrating a great commitment to training and matches. They have represented the school Conyers School is a company limited by guarantee (company No. 08366005) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales at Green Lane, Yarm, Stockton-On-Tees, TS15 9ET in an exemplary manner. Special thanks to Michael Williams and Nathan O'Boyle for their Student Leader work in providing coaching support, alongside James Murphy (Year 9). In late February a Year 8 and 9 mixed age group 10-a-side Tournament was held with schools taking part from all over the district. We won our first game but were beaten in the others by teams who were more experienced. This sparked the team into action, increasing numbers to training meant that we were better equipped at the individual year group tournaments in the following couple of weeks. We did ourselves justice performing very well, unluckily in both we missed out on regional qualification, being beaten by very strong teams from Egglescliffe. Joe Sawden, Captain, led the Year 8s so capably that he was also chosen to play in the Year 9 team. Adam Smith, Year 9, was top scorer in their Tournament. At the same time, the Year 10 team has been consistently training very hard. They did get a chance to show off their hard work in the Tees Valley Rugby SEVENS Tournament in early March finishing as runners-up. They played extremely well and won comfortably in all games but one, again Egglescliffe being just too much for us. The team missed out losing 21-19 with Morgan Griffiths breaking his thumb in the process. Table Tennis Holly Williams made it through to the County final of the Butterfly Schools Individual Table Tennis competition held at Ormesby, but after hard fought games, unfortunately lost. Under 13 girls are National Table Tennis Champions after winning in a hard fought round-robin in Leicester. A fantastic performance from the team, who fully deserve their crown as national champions. Congratulations to Kelsey Bradley, Madeleine Dunn, Yekta Heidari Haratomeh, Holly Williams and Lily Williams. Following the Easter break the summer sports season starts with students involved in athletics, cricket, tennis and rounders. Year 8 Visit to Teesside University for the Festival of International Culture 14 Year 8 students were lucky enough to take part in this year’s Festival of International Culture at Teesside University. The day was a fantastic chance for students to learn more about the benefits of language learning at GCSE and beyond. For most students, it was their first time in a University which was very exciting and we ate lunch in the Student Union like most university students. We took part in Arabic and Chinese taster sessions and students were interested to find out more about Chinese culture and the Arabic alphabet. We finished the day with a World Calligraphy session and every student got the chance to write Chinese characters on a traditional banner. The highlight of the day had to be the African Gumboot Dance workshop. Students learned about traditional instruments from Zimbabwe and practiced some exciting Gumboot rhythms. The session ended with each student performing their own Gumboot rhythm in small groups and even Miss Dent and Mr Trumper got involved. Students came away from the day with a richer understanding of other cultures around the world. They were also able to recognise the possibilities offered through speaking other languages, not only in work but also in enabling us to communicate with people from different countries and cultures. Conyers School is a company limited by guarantee (company No. 08366005) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales at Green Lane, Yarm, Stockton-On-Tees, TS15 9ET Activities for all- Go Sport Conyers Please note classes marked with * must be pre-booked before first lesson Course Badminton Coaching Badminton Coaching *Beginners / Intermediates Ballroom and Latin Basketball Coaching *Pre school Fundamentals Gymnastics *Beginners Gymnastics *Beginners Gymnastic *Beginners Gymnastics *Intermediate Gymnastics *Advanced Gymnastics Footytots DF Soccer School Slimming World t-fit Beginners *Trampoline Coaching Intermediate *Trampoline Coaching *Trampoline Tots *Little Bouncers Advanced *Trampoline Coaching Wadokai Martial Arts Day & Time Tuesday 7-8pm Tuesday 8-9pm Age Location Weekly cost Coach / Contact Y5-Y9 Gym £3 Sheila Boyes 14 years - Adult Gym £3 Sheila Boyes Friday From 5.45pm Adult Gym Contact Coach Steve Walker at Strictly Dance Infusion 07952070726 Wednesday 5–6pm Y5–Y8 Gym £3 Jonathan Hart Wednesday 4.15-5pm 3 – 5 years Gym £4 per week Terri Lambert 4+ Gym £4 per week Kirsty McDougall 5+ Gym £4 Glenn Smith 5+ Gym £4 Joanne Swash Thursday 5–6pm Intermediate Gym £4 Joanne Swash/Lisa Bosomworth Thursday 6-7pm Advanced Gym £4 Joanne Swash/Lisa Bosomworth 2½ -5 years Gym 6-8 years Gym Dan Fowler 07947740136 Dan Fowler 07947740136 Open to all Dining Hall Contact Coach Contact Coach Contact Coach 16+ Gym £5 Shaun McLaren 07894560543 Gym £3.50 Lisa Bosomworth Gym £3.50 Lisa Bosomworth 3-5 years Gym £4 Sam Stubbs 6-8 years Gym £4 Sam Stubbs Tuesday 7.30-8.30pm Advanced Gym £3.50 Sam Stubbs Wednesday 6.15–7.45pm 6 years – Adult Gym £4 Gene Buchanan 07879627217 Saturday 10.15-11am 11.05 -11.50am Monday 5–5.45pm 5.50 – 6.35pm Thursday 4.15-5pm Saturday 9-10am Saturday 10-11am Wednesday 7-9pm Thursday 7.30-8.30pm Tuesday 5.30–6.30pm Tuesday 6.30-7.30pm Friday 4-4.45pm Friday 4.45-5.30pm Beginners Y4–Y7 Intermediates Y4–Y7 Debbie 01642 789829/ 07551715815 Go Sport Gymnastic and Trampoline Academy Four students currently attending the 'advanced' gymnastics session on a Thursday evening at Go Sport were successful in competing in the Schools Regional Gymnastics Competition held at the Education Village, Darlington on Wednesday 29 January 2014. They initially performed well at a local level, all gaining 1st or 2nd place in their relevant age groups and levels, giving them the opportunity to represent Stockton at a regional level. This competition consisted of competitors representing Stockton, Middlesbrough, Darlington and Hartlepool. Ellie Crinnion performed well gaining her highest scores ever, Beth Latcham received a bronze medal competing in the Level 2 team category, Alisha Moffat received bronze in the girls Level 3 Year 3 and 4 competition and Alex Bosomworth received silver in the boys Level 3 Year 5 and 6 getting the highest vault score in the whole competition. Go Sport is a trading name of Conyers School, a company limited by guarantee (company no. 08366005) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales at Green Lane, Yarm, TS15 9Et Telephone: 01642 790296 Mobile: 07779903215 (out of hours) Email: [email protected] Web Site: Follow us on twitter: @GoSportConyers Bubble Football North East Starting Wednesday 23 April / Saturday 26 April / Sunday 27 April For more details and to book your place on this new and exciting craze, contact Mark on 07909683847 / 01642 275988 Check out the website Ideal for team building, parties etc. DFcoaching Easter Holiday Sports Clubs with Go Sport We will be running our usual football academy and a multi sports camp for both weeks of the Easter hols from Conyers School!! Week 1: Monday April 7 - Thursday April 10 Week 2: Monday April 14 - Thursday April 17 10am-3pm for 4-13 year olds £12 per day £40 per course £60 for 6 days £70 for both courses 20% & 30% discounts for 2nd and 3rd siblings Lots of fun to be had, daily competitions & medals for all participants; come along and have a great time. For bookings contact Dan Fowler on 07947740136 or at [email protected] Fancy taking up cycling? Not been on a bike for years? Would you like to be a part of a regular cycling group? Then Sky Breeze might be for you. Women only bike rides starting and finishing at Conyers School. The rides are free and led by Sky Breeze ride leaders. Starting Wednesday 7 May 2014 at 6.15pm (during term time) Conyers School bus bay. You will need a roadworthy bike, a helmet, ideally high viz clothing and a sense of fun. You will need to register to participate in the rides at (and click on ‘find a ride’) or follow the link on the Go Sport Website. Soccer Summer Special Full size, floodlit, ligaturf 260RS+ AGP Limited availability during April – September £20 per third of pitch per hour £45 whole pitch per hour Perfect for pre-match training Pitches can be block booked for the whole summer Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Booking essential through Go Sport Office
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