Entertainment Town Roppongi In Case of Emergency , dial 119 110
Entertainment Town Roppongi In Case of Emergency , dial 119 110
EATING【●Vegetarian ■Islamic food】 ⑪ SPYRO'S “Greek Restaurant” Tel.3796-2677 2F, 3-15-24 Roppongi ⑫ Sumiyakiya Nishiazabu “Restaurant” 炭やき屋西麻布■ Korean Style BBQ. Islamic food. Tel.3403-5397 3-20-16 Nishi-azabu ⑬ ROTI ROPPONGI “American style restaurant” When you miss American style food, visit here. Tel.5785-3671 Peramide bldg.1F, 6-6-9 Roppongi ⑭ Aladdin Roppongi “Restaurant”■ Iranian and Islamic food. Tel.3401-8851 Yasuda bldg.2F,3-2-6 Nishi-azabu ⑮ Moti “Restaurant”● Since 1978. Indian food and gorgeous and decorative atmosphere. Tel.3479-1939 HAMA Roppongi bldg.3F, 6-2-35 Roppongi ④ Starbucks TSUTAYA TOKYO ROPPONGI “Café & Book store” You can read and drink coffee. Tel.5411-2667 Gate Tower 6-11-1 Roppongi ⑤ MEIDI-YA STORE “Supermarket” 明治屋 Many foods and household items. Tel.3401-8511 Engyo-Kaikan bldg. 1F, 7-15-14 Roppongi ⑥ Noz Roppongi “Beauty salon” Some English speaking staff. Tel.5772-7580 AXALL ROPPONGI 2F, 7-8-6 Ropponngi ⑦ M・M・K hair international “Hair salon” Many skillful staff, and some English speaking staff. Tel.3423-1661 Roppongi-TK bldg.4F,5-2-6 Roppongi ⑧ Koyasu Pharmacy, Roppongi Branch “Pharmacy” 子安薬局 Oldest& leading pharmacy in this area. Tel.3401-8667 7-14-7 Roppongi ⑨ Matumoto-kiyoshi “Drug store” マツモトキヨシ Yellow billboard. Some English speaking staff. Tel.3470-6244 6-1-26 Roppongi ⑩ U.GOTO FLORIST “Florist” Glorious worldwide blooms. Service in English, Dutch & French. Tel.3408-8211 5-1-3 Roppongi Azabu-juban 麻布十番 〒 Police Box Bicycle Parking Shibuya ④ 渋谷 ② TV Asahi ○ ③ ㉓ ⑯ 〒 Azabu Regional City Office Roppongi Hills ⑫ 麻布地区総合支所 ○ ⑭ 6F 〒 ⑲ ⑬ ⑮ ⑧ ⑱ ta. ㉑ gi S ⑨ ⑩ ⑳ ⑤ ppon Ro ⑦ Police Station 〒 Gaien-mae 外苑前 ⑪ n ㉒ g iS ta . o pp Ro ⑰ The National Art Center 六本木 Entertainment Town Roppongi ⑥ ① Tokyo Mid Town Akasaka 赤坂 map-2 SHOPS ① The National Art Center “Museum” 国立新美術館 Frequent special exhibitions. One café, two restaurants and excellent shops. Tel.5777-8600 7-22-2 Roppongi ② International House of Japan 国際文化会館 For the promoting cultural exchange and intellectual cooperation between the peoples of Japan and other countries. Beautiful traditional gardens, one tea lounge and one restaurant. Membership system. Non-members can use with additional charge. Tel.3470-4611 5-11-16 Roppongi ③ Daihonzan Eiheiji Betsuin Chokoku-ji “Soto Zen Temple” 長谷寺 You can experience Japanese Zen. Tel.3400-5232 2-21-34 Nishi-azabu MAIN ATTRACTIONS Post Office ⑯ Nefertiti “Restaurant”■ Egyptian and African food. Tel.6844-8208 3-1-20 Nishi-azabu ⑰ Sushizanmai Roppongi ROI bldg,mae-ten “Sushi” すしざんまい The familiar Sushi restaurant. Tel.5771-2440 Kentos bldg. 3-14-11 Roppongi ⑱ HONMURA-AN “Soba” Frequented by many American businessmen. English menu and some English speaking staff. Tel.5772-6657 7-14-18 Roppongi ⑲ New Hokkai-en “Restaurant” 新北海園 Chinese food. English menu is available. Tel.3505-7881 Second Daisyo bldg. 5-18-2 Roppongi ⑳ DENIZ “Turkish restaurant”■● Turkish food. Vegetarian & Islamic food. Tel.6804-2941 Kita-azabu bldg. 3-13-10 Roppongi ㉑ Turkish Restaurant & Bar Kader “Turkish restaurant”■ Turkish and Islamic food. Tel.6447-2451, 3-12-5 Roppongi ㉒ SAHIFA KEBAB & BIRYANI “Restaurant”■ Turkish and Islamic food. Tel.3497-8104 4-11-8 Roppongi ㉓ Le Maghreb Chandelier “Restaurant”■● Vegetarian and Islamic food (like Couscous).The owner is a Moroccan. Tel.3478-1270 1-12-5 Nishi-azabu ROPPONGI Area Transportation The Tokyo public transportation system is the most convenient way to get around. But it can be difficult to understand because of there are many routes. We recommend the following ways for you to arrive at your destination. (airport, any historic sites etc.) To Shibuya ①taxi (about¥1,200) ②bus (¥210) To Narita Airport Limousine bus stop: “The New Sanno Hotel” Ginza 品川 Akihabara 秋葉原 銀座 Roppongi Asakusa 浅草 東京 Daimon 大門 Tel.3796-0066 6-10-1 Roppongi Azabu Jyunkanki Clinic (Int.) Tel. 6804-6107 Takeoka bldg.6F,4-12-11 Roppongi Health Care Consultations Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Facility Information Service “Himawari” Tel.5285-8181 (Daily 9:00AM-8:00PM) Emergency Interpreting Services (for medical facilities) Haneda Airport Azabu-juban station [Namboku Line & Oedo Line] To Shinjuku Subway Oedo Line” is direct operation If going to another location, you will need to transfer at Roppongi. The Azabu Regional City Office has been implementing Azabu Tatsujin Club. The data is correct as of March 2015. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for any errors that this guide may contain. Hello and welcome to our home town, Azabu, and the surrounding area! We are pleased to share our guide to Azabu with you and hope that you find it helpful and easy to use. We, the Azabu Tatsujin Club, are storytellers who have lived, traveled, and studied the history of this area. Because of our local love for the Azabu area, we wanted to create a useful map for both local residents and tourists who visit us from all over the world. This map highlights the most special and historical sites to us, and we truly hope it will help you have good and memorable days with us. This is our gift to you. Thank you for your interest in this area. map-1 Tel.5285-8185 (WeekDays 5:00AM-8:00PM Weekends and Holidays 9:00AM-8:00PM) AMDA International Medical Information Center Tel.5285-8088 Roppongi 六本木 In Case of Emergency , dial Sudden sickness or injury Reporting fire 119 119 When you need a police officer immediately Tokyo 六本木 Roppongi Hills Clinic (Int.) Onji Dental Clinic (Dental) Haneda Airport To Shibuya ①taxi (about¥1,200) ②bus (¥210) To Shinjuku Subway “Oedo Line” is direct operation To Narita Airport Limousine bus stop: “Grand Hyatt” & “The Ritz-Carlton” Ginza Tel.3473-2057 5-16-11 Minami-azabu Tel.3403-3795 Roppongi Shimada bldg.2F, 4-8-7 Roppongi 東京 Shinagawa National Medical Clinic (Int.) Sophia Orthodontic Clinic (Dental) Roppongi station [Hibiya Line & Oedo Line] Hibiya line Ginza line Marunouchi line Oedo line Keikyu line Aiiku Clinic (Pediatrics) Tel.3585-0282 2-4-9-2F, Roppongi Tokyo Hiro-o 恵比寿 Tel.3453-5011 2-10-21Minami-azabu Tokyo Skin Clinic (Dermatology) 浅草 Ebisu Furukawabashi Hospital Tel.5411-0405 3-4-8 Moto-azabu Asakusa 銀座 広尾 In Azabu area there are one general hospital and many clinics. The following personnel speak English. Tel.3473-8321 5-6-8 Minami-azabu Hiro-o station [Hibiya Line] Hibiya line Ginza line Marunouchi line JR line Keikyu line Medical Care 110 Hiro-o 広尾 When you want to consult the police in English Azabujuban 麻布十番 ③ ② Take no Yu Syurakuen 3501-0110 3503-8484 Telephone Directory Minato City Consultation Services for Foreign Residents Tel.3578-2046 Minato Library Tel.3437-6621 Azabu Library Tel.3585-9225 Foreign Resident Consultations by the Minato International Association (M.I.A) Tel.6440-0233 ②・③ See the map-3 of the backside. www.facebook.com/enjoyazabu Azabu Tatsujin Club, International Communication team 2015.MARCH The Azabu area is quite a hilly area. During the Edo era, the streets were lined with samurai estates. Azabu also has many art museums and it is an area rich in history, culture, and artistic resources. This area is one of the Birthplace of Soba (Buckweat noodles.Japanese traditional nodles). There are many vegetarian restaurants ,and you can enjoy Arabian, Turkish, and other international cuisine as well. Many English speakers live in this area. There are many convenient businesses (such as shops, clinics, etc.) and areas of interest. Look this map,and find what you need. Azabu-juban Area MAIN ATTRACTIONS ① Zempuku-ji “Temple” 善福寺 One of the old temples in Tokyo. This site is where the first American delegation to Japan once stood. Tel.3451-7402 1-6-21 Moto-azabu ② Syurakuen “Fishing pond” 衆楽園 (map-1) A place where time flows quietly. Tel.3473-2529 3-9-6 Minami-azabu ③ Take no Yu “Bathhouse” 竹の湯 (map-1) The bathtub is full of mineral-rich, black-brown onsen water. Tel.3453-1446 1-15-12 Minami-azabu ⑭ Itomasa “Restaurant” いと正 ● ⑱ Hudson Market Bakers “Café & Bakery” Good kaiseki(Japanese traditional food). Tel.3454-6538 3-4-7 Azabu-juban ⑮ Manrikiya “Restaurant” 萬力屋 Chinese food & Ramen. A few staff speak in English or Chinese. Tel.3452-5510 2-3-2 Azabu-juban ⑯ Burgaz Ada “Istanbul dinning” ■ Tel.3769-0606 Azaburokudou bldg. 3F,3-7-4 Azabu-juban ⑰ eat more greens “Café & Bakery” ● No meat, Fish, egg and dairy products. Vegan menu also. Tel.3798-3191 2-2-5 Azabu-juban Delicious baked cakes and coffee. The owner has been in New York for a few years, returned and opened this shop. Tel.5545-5458 1-8-6 Azabu-juban ⑲ Afuri “Ramen restaurant” 阿夫利 English menu. You have to buy tickets at first. Tel.3585-1156 1-8-10 Azabu-juban ⑳ Mirkolone “Restaurant” Familiar Italian food. Some staff in English or Italian. Tel.6435-1405 1-3-12 Minami-azabu ㉑ Wakanui “Restaurant” New Zealand's Beef and lamb grill. Many American businessmen come here. Tel.3568-3466 2-23-14 B1, Higashi-azabu SHOPS ④ NISSIN World Delicatessen “Supermarket” ■ map-3 六本木 Azabu Library 麻布十番稲荷神社 ○ Juban-Inari shrine Roppongi ㉑ ⑮ ⑰ ⑧ ④ Tokyo Tower Bicycle Parking ⑬ Police Box 善福寺 ① Zenpuku-ji 〒 ⑯ ⑦ Post Office ⑭ Azabu Down Town Azabu-juban ⑨ 麻布十番 広尾 Hiro-o ⑳ ⑮ Curry shop CoCo ICHIBANYA “Curry shop” CoCo 一番屋 Popular. Please create your own curry the way you like it. Tel.6408-9050 Bigplan Sasaki bldg.1F, 5-15-23 Minami-azabu ⑯ Soup Stock Tokyo “Soup & Light meal” Simply to order. Popular. Tel.5447-6080 Minoya bldg.1F,5-15-12 Minami-azabu ⑰ A.Lecomte “Café & Cake” French patisserie A.Lecomte opened at Roppongi 1968.Renewed in 2013. Tel.3447-7600 5-16-13 Minami-azabu ⑱ Little Pie Factory “Café & Bakery” Delicious artisanal pies.Using seasonal ingredients. Tel.5791-3075 5-16-6 Minami-azabu ⑲ Bondi Café “Café & Bakery” Comfortable space with children and dogs. Tel.5422-9449 5-15-9 Minami-azabu ⑳ Fleur Universelle & Les Grands Arbres “Florist & Café” Tel.5791-1187 5-15-11 Minami-azabu ㉑ Segafredo ZANETTI espresso “Café” Delicious espresso coffee and bar. Tel.5798-4810 5-16-7 Minami-azabu ㉒ Café Des Prés “Café” French style café with terrace seats. Tel.3448-0039 5-1-27 Minami-azabu map-4 六本木 Roppongi 青山 Aoyama ㉒ 都立中央図書館 Tokyo Metropolitan Library ⑬ ⑮ ⑭ EATING ⑩ Soba Sawacho “Soba” さ和長 Good Japanese Food. Tel.3447-0557 5-15-11 Minami-azabu ⑪ Tempura Daishin “Restaurant” 大新 Opened 1830's. Making reservation is recommended for dinner. Tel.3443-0314 5-16-11 Minami-azabu ⑫ Tsukushinnbo “Restaurant” つくしんぼ Good Japanese food. Tel.5448-1443 5-15-10 Minami-azabu ⑬ Hama Sushi “Sushi” 濱寿司 Japanese traditional Sushi-restaurant.Very friendly. Tel.3442-5360 Hiroorokkoukan bldg. 1F, 5-15-12 Minami-azabu ⑭ Sushi Misaki-maru “Sushi” 三崎丸 Japanese traditional Sushi-restaurant. Popular and easy to order. Tel.3442-0567 5-15-22 Minami-azabu ⑲⑱ ⑫ 〒 Hiro-o Sta. Many imported foods and daily goods.You can enjoy shopping here. Tel.3442-3181 4-5-2 Minami-azabu ② Bikkuri-ya “Greengrocery” びっくり屋 The familiar store at Hiro-o. Tel. 3447-5757 5-16-5 Minami-azabu ③ One coin Shop 100 store “Variety store” Very convenient shop.They sell a wide range of inexpensive (about 100 yen) household goods. 5-15-12 Minami-azabu ④ Enoteca “Wine shop” Good wine from around the world. Tel.3280-3634 5-14-15 Minami-azabu ⑤ Kobe-ya “Bakery” 神戸屋 So many tasty breads in here. In the evening The 20 ∼ 40% discount. Not every day. Tel. 3444-6086 5-15-16 Minami-azabu ⑥ Barber Nakajima “Barber” ナカジマ理容所 Many foreigner's guests and children. Popular Price. Tel.3446-8093 5-15-12 Minami-azabu ⑦ Shingen Japon “Hair salon” Some of the staff speak French. Tel.3441-4117 5-15-10 Minami-azabu ⑧ Koyasu Pharmacy, Hiroo Garden Branch “Pharmacy” 子安薬局 Some staff speak in French. Tel.3446-4701 Hiroo Garden 1F, 4-1-29 Minami-azabu. ⑨ National Medical Clinic “Clinic” Their services are mainly for foreigners. Tel.3473-2057 5-16-11 Minami-azabu an St ⑪ a. ta. ⑤ 220 years history. Some English speaking staff. Tel.3403-3401 3-11-4 Moto-azabu ⑪ Azabu-nagasaka Sarashina Honten “Soba” 麻布永坂更科本店 Some English speaking staff. Tel.3584-9410 1-2-7 Azabu-juban ⑫ Nagasaka Sarashina Nunoya tahee “Soba” 永坂更科布屋太兵衛 It has opened from the Edo era. English menu and some English speaking staff. Tel.3585-1676 1-8-7 Azabu-juban ⑬ Siddique Palace “Restaurant” ■● Pakistani food. You can enjoy belly dance !! Tel.6435-3515 1Goto 3Go 4-3-1 Azabu-juban SHOPS & CLINIC ① National Azabu “Super market” u-jub ⑥ EATING【●Vegetarian ■Islamic food】 ⑩ Sarashina Hori-i “Soba” 更科堀井 Hiro-o Area Azab ⑩ Azabu-juba nS 40,000 items of food and household items. Islamic foods also. Tel.3583-4586 2-34-2 Higashi-azabu ⑤ Mamegen “Confectionery shop” 豆源 Flavored nuts, beans, peas and other snacks. Tel.3583-0962 1-8-12 Azabu-juban ⑥ Naniwa-ya Sohonke “Confectionery shop” 浪速家総本家 A Specialty is “Tai-yaki” fish-shaped griddle baked pastries with fillings. Tel.3583-4975 1-8-14 Azabu-juban ⑦ Azabu Kogado “Incense shop” 麻布香雅堂 Specialty store of Japanese incense. Kodo, Sado lessons are hold. Tel.3452-0351 3-3-5 Azabu-juban. ⑧ Blue & White “Crafts shop” Blue and white handmade crafts. Indigo and sashiko, yukata and tenugui. Tel.3451-0537 2-9-2 Azabu-juban ⑨ Azabu I.B.KAN “Barber” Some English speaking staff. Tel.3451-2877 3-8-6 Azabu-juban ④ ⑲ 有栖川宮記念公園 ⑦ ⑪⑨ ⑫ ⑩ 〒 ② ③ ⑱ ㉑ ⑥ ⑳ Arisugawanomiya Memorial Park ⑰ ① 麻布十番 Azabu-juban ⑯ ⑤ Hiro-o Inari shrine ⑧ The New Sanno Hotel 恵比寿 Ebisu Embassy Town Hiro-o 広尾 〒 Post Office flag Embassy
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