E-ASIA """'n" of .~••" h.~ri •• http://e-asia.uoregon.edu TM 30-64.1 RESTRICTED ~.. ; '01.~ ; '. ~ ~.,. , 1, l.j JAPANESE PHRASE BOOK FEBRUARY 28, 1944 ": ... : \ . -.' ~ Dh6emlffQtWn oj re6trlcted mtltter. - The InCorma. tlon contained In r tricted document. and the _ntlal eh.racterlatlca bC trtcted m.teri.·1 ma,. be Biven to an,. penon known to be In the ...mee oC the United l!tatea and to ....non. oC undoubted lo,.alty and dIae...tlon who are cooper.tina in Go...ernrnent work. but will Dot be communicated to the public or to th.. p zeept b,. authorlEtld military. publIc ...l.tlou••1I..nol (See aloo par.IBb. Aft 8_5. 2B SeP 1942.> " . ·.,r .. ' 1'_._" . '. . . . 0 _ ...Ii TABLE OF CONTENTS , PAGE 1. EMERGENCY EXPRESSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . ASKING HELP WAR DEPARTMENT Washington 25, D. C., 28 February J944. TM 30-64J, Japanese Phrase Book, is published for military personnel only., and is not to be republished in whol~ or in part without the consent of the War Department. . : . . . . . . . . . •. . . . G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL: J. A. ULIO, M ajo, General, The Adjutant General. DISTRIBUTION: X. (For explanation of symbols, see fM 21-6) 2 .... 6 8 2. GENERAL EXPRESSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 WARNINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMANDS............................. GREETINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • • . . . . • • • . . . J2 GETTING INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . .. 16 QUESTIONS ABOUT AN INDIVIDUAL ....• ,. . . ..•.. 22 RANK . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '!,;... [A. G. 300.7 (3 Mar 43)] . By order of the Secretary of War: 2 ........•....... 26 ORGANIZATION AND SPECIALTY . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . .. 28 3. PERSONAL NEEDS ,: 36 FOOD AND DRINK . . . . . . . • . . . . . . :, ,..... ..•.•.. 36 LODGING 46 " "...... MEDICAL AID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . .. 50 BUYING AND PERSONAL SERVICES...... ..•..•... 56 4. LOCATION AND TERRAIN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 LOCATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . .. 70 DISTANCE. . . . . .....•...... ..•......•........ 74 NATUlm OF TERRAIN . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . : . . 76 6. ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION. . . . . . . . .. 80 ROADS AND BRIDGES. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. .... 80 RAILROADS, BUSSES, PLANES... .. . . . . . 84 OTHER MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION. . . . • . . 86 REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. .•.•. 86 .•.. ..•.. ill PAGE 6. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO AND TELEPHO~~'N;~~~~~ TELEGRAPH ........... .. 9& . ~................................ 98 MAIL......•................................ 100 7. RECONNAISSANCE JAPANESE 90 PHRASE BOOK . 104 This Phrase Book Supersedes TM 30-275, April 15, 1943 8. LANDING A PLANE. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. 114 9. NUMBERS, SIZE, TIME, ETC.............. 118 NUMBERS . • . . . . . • . . • • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . OTHER EXPRESSIONS OF AMOUNT SUE AND WEI6HT ......•........ ............................ TIME 10. ADDITIONAL TERMS PERSONAL EQUIPMENT , : 124 126 136 ;' ': .. '. • . . . . . .• 136 WEAPONS AND AmrumTION. . . . . . • • • . . . . . • • . .• 136 CARS, TANKS, PLANES, SHIPS ..•..••.. '" TOOLS Al\D SUPPLIES I. 144 146 MISCELLANEOUS .•••••.••...•.. '..• : ...• ' 148 WEIGHTS ANn MEASURES. 11. IMPORTANT SIGNS . •• .. . • • . .• 152 ' :... 153 12. ALPHABETICAL WORD LIST.............. 1M Iv ' ...•.• 13 8 COMMUNICATIONS. • . • • • • • . . . • .. . • . . . . . . . . • MONEY - JAPANESE is spoken by over 70 million people in Japan and is understood by many people in Korea and Formosa. 1I8 124 I This Phr!l.se Book contains the Japanese words and expressions you are most likely to need. In the column headed Pr01tunciation all the words are written in a spelling which you read like E1tglish. 'Each letter or combination of letters is used for the sound it normally represents in English and it always stands for the same sound. Thus" 00" is always to be read about as in . too, boot,tooth, roost, never as in blood. or door. _ The Hepburn ' spelling is'given in the third column for those who have studied some Japanese before. (See page vi.) $yllables that' are accented, that is, pronounced louder that/. others, are written in capitals. However, you will notice that the accent In Japanese is not as strong as in English, and that some of the syllables that come ahead of the accented syllable may sound almost as loud as the accented syllable. Curved lines (,-,) are used to show sounds that are pronounced together without miy break; for example, "g,-,yoon-yoo" meaning "milk." V I How to Use the Phrase Book ,The Table of Conte~ts lists the situati~nscovered. Try to become familiar with the con,tents of the Phrase Book so that you know where to find a given section when you need it. Under each section you will find a number of questions; each one so phrased that the Japanese speaker will point out the direction, give you a number, etc. If you don't get an answer you can understand, uSe one of the following expressions: ElIglish ProllulIciaJ.;on Please show me MEE-set-aykoo-da-, SA-ee Please' write it KA-ee-tay koo-daSA-ee Please write the number SOO-jee 0 KA-ee-tay koo-da-SA-ee .. Answer Yes or No! (command) Show me! (commaIl4) Hepburn Spelling Write it! (command) It is a good idea to memorize the numbers (at least up to ten), and other expressions you will constantly need. Kaite kudasai When you need only one word or phrase, you can usc the Alphabetical Word List at the back of the book. The page numbers there show you where to find expressions containing the word or phrase. To help with the pronunciation of Japanese, a set of records is issued with the Japanese Lamgttage Guide (Introductory Series), TM 30-341. Fill-in Sentences Siiji 0 kaite kudasai HA-ee ka EE-YAY ka Rai ka ie ka kotaete kudasai ko-TA-et-ay kooda-SA-ee You may find it helpful to point to the question in Japanese writing and ask the Japanese to point to the answer: Please point to the answer in this book HOAN nee AR-oo kota-ay 0 SA-shtay koo-da-SA-ee HA-ee ka EE-YAY ka Hai ka ie ka kotaero! ko-TA-ay-ro! :Misero! mee-SAY-ro! Kake! KA-kay! Misetekudasai The Japanese often don't answer a question with Yes or No, For example, if you ask "Do you understand?" they will generally say either" I understand" or i'I don't understand." If you don't understand such an answer, you can ask the Japanese speaker to say Yes or No, by using the following,expression: Please answer Yes or No You will notice that requests like those mentioned above are given in this Phrase Book in a polite form. However a direct command form is also included in many cases, so that it can be u~ed when necessary., For example, in speaking to prisoners other than officers, the Japanese custom is to use expressions like the following: Hon ni aru kotae 0 sashite kudasa~ " 'iJ Ma;lY of the expressions are given in the form of fin-in sentences, each containing a blank which you fill in with any of the words in the list that follows. For example, if you want to know where the station is, you can look either in the section headed Location or in the one headed Roads and Transportation. You' will find a fill-in sentence for" Where is the --?" arid, in the , , vii J. P list following the sentence, the word for "railroad· station." You then combine the words as follows: Where is the --? railroad station Where is the railroad station? - - wa DOAK-o dess- - - wa doko desu ka? ka? tay-ee-sha-ba \eishaba tay-ee-sha-ba wa Tcishaba wa doko desu DOAK-o dess-ka? ka? Sometimes the blank has to be filled in with the name of a city or a person. For example: How far is - - ? . - - wants to see you viii - - rna-day doan-okoo-RA-ee dess-ka? - - ga ah-ee-ta-ee SO-dess - - made donokurai desu ka? - - ga aitai so desu 11.. E:M:ERGENCY EXPRESSIONS ASKING HELl' English Pronunciation Relp! ta-SKET-ay} Please help me I am lost Do you understand? Yes No .' Japanese 'Writing ta-SKET-ay koo-da-SA-ee mee~chee-nee ma-,YOAT-ta H epbum S pelting Tasukete! Tasukete kudasai 11)) ~ 7" wa-KA-ree MA-ska? HA-ee Michini m~yotta Wakari masu ka?, My .... ~:h EE-AY Rai lie .-.' -1 -1 .. = Wakari masen MY"'-ey ~P Y r.t.~ :7"r"9"/f I don't understand wa-KA-ree rna-SEN Please speak slowly yook-KOO-ree ha-NA-shtay kouda-SA-ee Speak slowly! (command) EMERGENCY EXPRESSIONS Yukkuri hanashite kudasai IYJ 7" 7" r 1" .-i 33!=~7~ yook-KOO-ree ha-NA-say! mo-ee-cheed-o eet-tay koo-da-SAee Yukkuri hanase! fkpYIm~ Moichido itte kudasai ""l:7-Jj[~';I:7"r"9"/f Where is a town? mo-ee-cheed-o ee-YAY f rna-CREE wa DOAK-o dess-ka? Moichido iye! ""l:7-1J(~ Please show me o-shee-et-ay koo-da-SA-ee lIlT . . ' fnJ ]jg :;-0 ~ Please draw me a map CREE-zoo SA-ee Machi wa doko desu ka? Oshiete kudasai Please say it again , Say it againl (commallll) 0 KA-ee-tay koo-da- Chizu 0 kaite kudasai ...... jJ ~"""7-F~-1 JlI!mD 7' 1i'i'i -1 7" -F"9" /f 2 3 , English Pro1t'll1u:ialion Hepburn Spelling Japanese W riling Chizu ill! ~i "7 1m 7 fl.-,' 7 ~ Y jJ]I.. -T';A 0 kake! Draw me a map! (command) CREE-zoo I am an American wa-TAHK-shee wa ah-may-reeka JEEN dess Watakushi wa amerika jill desu We are American soldiers' wa-ray-wa-ray wa ah-may-ree-ka no hay-ee-TA-ee DESS Wareware wa amerika heitai desu Are there soldiers near here? chee-KA-koo nee hay-ee-TA-ee ga ee-MA-ska? Chikaku ni heitai ga Imasu ka? Where,are they? DOAK-o-nee ee-MA-ska? Dokoni imasu ka?, ,1Ii[.J1g = Jii} .... ;A -}J Are they our enemies? KA-ray-ra wa'tekcee DESS-ka? Karera ,va teki desu ka? ~I!t ~ -" j} Where are American soldiers? ah-may-ree-ka no hay-ee-TA-ee wa ])OAK-o-nee ee-1VIA-ska? Amerika no heitai wa dokoni imasu ka? 7' DOASS-oo-reb-ah so-ko-a \" yooka-ray :MA-ska? . D6sunibit"sokoe yukare llJasu ka? ' ](11 M ~ How can I get there? Is there a train? Where is the station? Is there a bus? Where can I get the bus? Please take me there Take me there! (command) You will be paid ' I want to eat 4 0 KA-kay! 110 ~ 1iilc -T';A Y j} ,7 n.1rt""1Rr~= m .... ;Ar::JJ 1/ -".;Jt JJ& ,..;, fi jJ Kisha ga arimasu ka? ft .Iff ;If 7 Y tay-ee-sha-ba wa DOAK-o desska? RA-soo ga ah-ree-MA-ska? Teishaba wa doko desu ka? ~.1JLtJ,}-" Basu ga arimasu ka? ...'.;A jJ' DOAK-o-day BA-soo nee no-ray MA-ska? Dokode basu ni nore masu ka? 1nI.J1g -T' -'~ ;A = tsoo-ret-ay eet-tay koo-da-SA-ee Tsurete itte kudasai it 1/ tsoo-ret-ay yoo-KA YI Tsurete yuke! ~ Kane {Ii: "7 kee-SHA ga ka-nay 0 ar-~-MA-ska? ha-ra-ee-MAHSS ta-bem-o-no 0 koo-da-SA-ee .j 0 haraimasu Tabemollo 0 kudasai 1/ .... ;Aj) "V';A 7 Y "V';A :J' fi ~ 7' 1/7' fJ 7. -N/l 1:: jJ 1nI~ -T';A :JJ '</'.A '!t!/o/;"7r··'t/f * :JJ 1/ "V';A "I' -:9" /f JJ English Pronunciation IIepbur1t S pellill g Japanese Writing I want water Where can I get food? mee-ZOO 0 koo-da-SA-ee DOAK-o-nee ta-bem-o-no ga ahree-MA-ska? 7k 7 -F"'-'l 1iiI~ = it 4m 1l 79 I am wounded kay-GA-shta Mizu 0 kudasai Dokoni t,abemono ga arimasu ka? Kegashita Isha e tsurete itte kudasai ~~." ~ v 7 ee-sha ay tsoo-ret-ay yoo-KAY! Isha e tsurete yuke! Ifi:i{' " ~ v 7 ff 7 ce-sha 0 yoan-day koo-da-SA-ce tcts-oo-DA-cc 0 yoan-daykoo-daSA-ec Isha 0 yonde kudasai Tetsudai oyonde kudasai -'Iilf;g. 7.Ul ;/ 7"-r -'--'l -¥f'U: 1;: '7 Ilf- ;/ :T"-F ~ -'l Abunai! Dokugasu da! Tabako 0 sl1na i~-'l NOTE: ,. ff::JJi:V'~ For Medical Aid see pages 50-56. Please take me to a doctor Take me to a doctor! (com~ .ee-sha ay tsoo-ret-ay eet-tay kooda-SA-ee ~ .. maOO) ., -v7-'J1 Please bring a doctor l'lca:;c bring help, q=r '/ "1 T -'--'l WAUNINGS \ Danger! ah-boo-NA-e~! Gas! Don't smoke doak-oo-gahss DA! ta-ba-ko 0 SOO-na CHOO-ee shee-ro! Careful! Look out! Lie down! Down! Take cover! ., kee 0 TSKAY-ro! yo-ko nee NA-ray! mee 0 hee-KOO-koo SAY-yo! KA-gen-ee HA-ee-ray! 6 ........ "" I, ... ChUi shiro! Ki 0 tsukero I Yoko ni nare I Mi 0 hikuku seyol Kageni haire I ·~%m~· ~1;t71J&7-r i±:Wf. V' n ~;J#7n :m=-r v !t'7m:p-e;;r 1S=Av 'I COMMANDS Englisle Wait herel Stand up! Come forward! Quickly! Right awayl Move back! Turn around! Go ahead! Follow me! Follow him! Go slow! Hurry! Don't shoot! Stop! Or Halt! Who is there? Advance Identify yourself I Don't movel Surrender I , 8 Pro1tullcialio-n 11epbur1t S pelting ko-ko-day MA-tayl TA-tayl chka-yo-ray I HA-ya-kool SOO-goo-nee! AHT-o-ay SA-ray! OO-shee-ro moo-KAY! Kokode matel Tate! Chikayorel Hayaku! Suguni! Atoe sare! Ushiro muke! Massugu ni yuke! Tsuite koi! Tsuite yuke! Yukkuri aruke! Isoge! Utsu nat Tomare! Dare ka? Susume Mibun shomeisho 0 misero I 9' mahss-SOO-goo nee yoo-KAY! TSOO-ee-tay K~-ee! TSOO-ee~tay yoo-KAY! yook-KOO-ree ah-ROO-kay! ee-SO-gay! OO-tsoo nat toam-ah-RAYI DA-rek-ah? soo-soo-MAY MEE-1 SHD-may.-"" mee-S Y-ro! oo-GO-k nil.! KO-SAHN shee-ROI " 't. !> 0 . ,. Ugokunal KOsan shiro! Japanese 'Writing Jlt IJ& 7' f.i: "J" ~"J" ~::.!fv ~p iR~'= 1& 1- ---,*v ~1riJ"r JitWi=fi"r ~-1"J"*-1 ~-1"J"fT"r ~PY~"r ~",.. .-:IT J1: .... v ~ft ;b ~,;I Jit~mfYJ:m=7J!-\t12 lbP-r ~.~12 , English Pronunciation Japanese Writing H epbur1t S pelting Jkl\~"7 ~:r Throw down your arms! BOO-kee 0 stay-RO! Buki 0 sutero! Raise your hands! TAY Line up! na-ra-BAY! Te 9 agero! Narahe! here! ko~ko-AY! kokoe! JltBlt" there! ah-sko-AY! asukoe! Don't try any tricks! tt:0-ma-RA-na-ee ma-NAY o soo-ROO nat Tsumaranai mane Wtlit" li-ff :7 T ..-i JitfJ:l"7 :A IV T Obey or I'll firel k e-ka-NA-eet-o OO-tsoo-zo! Kikanaito utsuzo! 0 ah-gay-RO! - u "f-"7~¥u ~Ij 0 suru nat --: ~. -: c) . 11 2. GENERAL EXPRESSIONS GENERAL EXPRESSIONS GREETINGS E1~glish Good morning Good day or Good afternoon Good evening Good night Prontmdation o-ha-YO How are you? koan-nee-chee wa koan-bahn wa o-ya-smee ee-KA-ga cless-ka? I ~m well Thank you GEN-kee dess ah-REE-gaht-o You're welcome Help yourself or Please DOY-ee-ta-shee-ma-3htay DOAZ-o NOTE: This expression can be used when you offer a person a cigarette or when you want him to come in, or when you show him to a chair. It also can be added to a requel!t to make it especially cordial; for example, "KA-ee-tay koo-da-SA-ee" means "Please write it" but "DOAZ-o KA-ee-tay koo-da-SA-cc" means "Won't you please write it?" Exouse me Pardon me :Madam 12 SHTSOO-ray-ee go-men koo-da-SA-ee OAK.-5ahn Hepburn Spelling 'O) Japanese Writing -If, Ohayo Konnichi \Va Konban \Va Oyasumi Ikaga desu ka? Genki desll Arigato Doitashimashite :fj';nt "./ 1-. "./fZi:/"7 Dow 1·· "./ ./ ;t "3 "./ p,- EI -" 4-~-" ;t 1* ! ~n 1iif "TO ~ 11 :Jc~ -T"" 7- ~ ~ -/. Shitsurei Gomen kudasai Okusan !A:~ 1iH~. -F "tt >I .~ ~ :;/ 13 If epbu1'1t Spelling Japanese Writing English Pronunciation Miss Mr. Mrs. or Miss - - 0-lO-sahn Ojosan ;;t~~y - - sahn --san --~y wa-TAHK-shee wa----dess Watakushi wa---desu fL ...' - - -r" 7- o-na-ma-ay wa NAHN dess-ka? Onamae wa nan desu ka? ;.t ~ l~ij ...' § = 7J , -1 .... 7- A 9 NOTE: This is a general title of respect, which can be man or a woman. My name is --~ What is your name? us~ for either a ~-~ \" Glad to meet you o-men-ee ka-KAHT-tay 00RESH-oo ge-ZA-ee mahss Omcni kakatte ureshu go;,;ai masu ;t Please come in o-HA-ee-ree koo-da-SA-ee Ohairi kudasai ;;t Come in! (commatui) HA-ee-ray! Haire! }..v Please sit down o-soo-wa-ree koo-da-SA-ec Osuwari kudasai ;;;tili9 Sit down! (commatui) soo-wa-RAY! Suware! ~v here ko-ko~ay kokoe J}t~ ..... there ah-sko-ay asukoe Raku ni shite kudasai ' Make yourself comfortable Will you have a cigarette? Do you have a light? Are you - - ? hungry thirsty Good-by 14 ra-KOO nee shtay koo-da-SA-ee ta-ba-ko 0 DOAZ-o? Tabako 0 dow? {lI]' -r' 7- 7J -F~-'I' ~~ ..... '~=V:Tr~-'I ~j!jJ:"7 1'- '7-.1 m"I· -)1' 7' 9 --MA-ska? --masu ka? - - .... 7- jJ o-na-ka ga soo-ee-tay; . NOAD-o ga ka-WA-ee-tay Onaka ga suite Nodo ga kawaite pm ;lltNJ -'I :T sll-YO-na-ra Sayonara ft.~-r7 ", -rt(&v '7 -:3'->/ l:~-'I Matchi ga arimasll ka? MAHT-chee ga ar-ee-MA-ska? -;I ;t lUi ;I{~ -1 '-"'7- 7J :T 15 ~ I 1_ Japanese Writing X:;t 13= j ] " 9 ~:;/. ~;f£ :;to 13 = j] '\ 9 ~ 7- P r Olt'llt/,c iation ma-TA o-men-eeka-KA-reemahss no-chee-hoad-o o-men-ee ka-KA'ree mahss ah-SOO o-men-ee ka-KA-rec mahss CHKA-ee oo-chee-nee o-men-ee ka-KA-ree mahss go-keeg-en-YO Jlepbltl"n Spelling Mata omeni kakari masu Nochihodo omeni kakari masu Asu omeni kallari masu Yes HA-ee Hai -" ·1 No EE-AY lie /f '\ Maybe TA-boon Tabun $11- Certainly TA-shka-nee Tashikani flU; = English See Y?U again See you later See you tomorrow See you soon Good luck Chikai uchini omeni kakari masu Gokigenyo GETTING INFORMATION .'X:. I don't know shee-ree ma-SEN Shiri masen ;;n9-:"~;/ I think so SO o-MO-ee mahss So ollloi 1.~\ '7 }J.I. I don't think so SO o-MO~ee ma-SEN !la-nee GO 0 ha-na-shee J\IA-ska? So omoi mascn 1.~\ ? Nani go n hanashi masuka? {iiJ;jlt 7 ;;r.- ~ -.- 7- tJ - - ':J ;m ~ tJ What languages do you speak? Do you speak --? 16 - - '0 ha-na-shee MA-ska? Burmese bee-roo~ma Chinese shee-na GO GO ..., --0 maSH hanashi masu ka? Biruma go }J!. l: -:":;/. l: -v ~ ; / -v ;t.. ~ {1!)f;1~ Shina go Ii ~~- .f Japanes~ Writillg Prowtllciatiolt Hepburn Spelling Japane:;e llee-HOAN GO -~ Nihon go EP1~mf Malay ma-ray GO Mare go }.!~*mf I I Thai ta-ee GO English ~Mi- Tai go ha-na-shee MAHSS I speak-- ---0 I don't speak well YO-koo ha-na-say rna-SEN Can you get an interpreter? TSOO-ya-koo ga ee-MA-ska? I don't understand wa-ka-ree rna-SEN Please speak slowly hanashi masu ~-7f,[jV""~ Yoku hanase masen 3Pf,[j-t .... - t y Tsuyaku,ga imasu ka? Jii.~ jJ" m.. . Wakari masen i4'?9 .... -ty yook-KOO-ree ha-NA-shtay kuuda-SA.ee Yukkuri hanashite kuda5ai ~P ITTiV' ;r-f-9"/f Speak slowly! (colltmlukl) yuok-KOO-ree ha-NA-say! Ylikkuri hanase! ¥iP9[jj1i-t Do you umler::;taild? wa-ka-ree MA-skar Wakari masu ka? Wt'9~7.jJ What? NAHN dess-ka? Nan desu ka? {iiI -T" 7. Please repeat Moichido itte kudasai =1:::?-&~77"r~/f Korewa nanto iimasu ka? Jlt v What is this? mo-ee-cheed-o eet-tay kuu-JaSA-ce ko-ray-wa NAHNT-o EE-MAska? ko-ray-wa NAHN dess-ka? Korewa nan desu ka? What is that? ah-ray-wa NAHN dess-ka? Are~a nan desu ka? Jlt v :ff.,[ v Please wait a moment CHOAT-toe MAHT-tay koo -da SA-ee CHOAT-toe 1\1AHT-tay! Chotto matte kudasai - -t ffl: 7 Chotto matte! -·tffl7" What do you call this? Wait a moment! (commalld) 18 --0 'oj " 9 ~ :JJ ~ II .", jJ ..>' 1iiJ 1- ..>' {iiI :f 7. 7J ..>' 1iiJ -T' 7. ~ ~ -... 7. 7J 7J 7" -f -9" /f ~ 19. .\ E1~glish Pronunciation Please eome with me eesh-sho-nee kee-TAY koo-daSA-ee Come with me!'(comtnand) eesh-sho-NEE KO-ee! - - wants to see you --ga ah-ee-ta-ee SO-dess I want to ask you questions kee-kee-TA-ee ko-TOAG-ah aree-MAHSS Please answer Yes or No HA-ee ka EE-YAY ka ko-TA-etay koo-da-SA-ee . Answer Yes or No! (command) HA-ee ka EE-YAY ka ko-TA-ay- Please show me Show me! (command) MEE-set-iy koo-Cla-SA-ee mee-SAY-ro! Please write it KA-ee-tay koo-da-SA-ee Write it! (command) KA-kay! Please write the number SOO-jee ee Write the number! (command) SOO-je~ 0 NOTE: For numbers 1-10,000 Please point to the answer in this book '\ Point to the answer in this book! (command) 20 -Mt;'* 7" r·;t.-1 Issho ni koi! -jg.=.:*.-1 --ga aitai s5 desu ---jJ.-fJ 1.: ~.-1 m1'\'- ~.-14jf:!lr IIai ka iie ka kotaete kudasai '.l '7 7' ;h 9 .... ;h ..>'.-1 jJ.-1 " = jJ ~'" 'T -f;t .-1 lIai ka iie ka kotaero! KA-ee-tay koo-da-SA- Misete kudasai J! -\: Misero! J!-\:i> :rf;t-'l Kaite kudasai i!}.-1 'T""""'.-1 Kake! Suji 0 kaite kudasai i!l= /r tt!:j.: 9 i!H rf"'-'I Suji 0 kake! KA-kay! I') see pages Japanese W riling Kikitai koto ga arimasu rot 0 Hepburn Spelling Ishsho ni kite kudasai .. II8-124. HOAN nee AR-oo ko-ta-ay 0 SA" shtay koo-da-SA-ee HOAN nee AR-oo ko-TA-ay SA-say! Hon ni aru kotae kudasai 0 Hon ni aru kotae sase! 0 sashite 0 2L English Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling Japanese Writing :ill: ;7 fI't'i /f =m: ;7 fI'ii-7" Please draw a picture of it AYo KA-ee-tay koo-da-SA-ee E Draw a picture of it! (command) AYo KA-kay! Eo kake! Please tell the truth hoant-o no ko-TOE , koo-da-SA-ee 0 Tell the truth! (command) hoant-o no ko-TOE ee-YAYI You will not be hurt hee-DOY koat-o wa shee maSEN You will be rewarded HO-SHOO 0 0 eet-TAY AH-gay mahss 'r.> 0 kaite kudasai Honto no koto 0 itte kudasai Honte} no koto 0 iye! 0 T -t /f *~/~f.;7i§--... ~I~ /f Hidoi koto wa shi masen Hoshu :T JJ-'" ~ -"7 ~ ;/ age masu QUESTIONS ABOUT AN INIHVIDUAL What nationality are you? KOAK-sek-ec-wa DOAh:.-o-no dess-ka~ Arc-you - - ? Japanese. Chinese r dess-ka? I~eep-POAN jeen CHOO-GO-koo jeen - - desu ka? Nippon jin EPI~A ChUgoku jin rl~ IBm A Korean CHO-sen jeen' Chosen jin j:~~A Malay ma-RAY jeen Mare jin .\t~*A Burmese .bee-roo-MA jeen Biruma jin ~w1A Formosan ta-ee-wahn JEEN Taiwan jin ~i91A Thai ta-ee-KO-koo JEEN Taikoku jin JM.i1A. ko-no chee-HO no SHTO dess-ka? Kono chihO no bito desu Are you from this region? 22 -~..- Kokuseki wa dnko desu ka? ka? )It ~ tll!.:1i /" A "j-.~"l1 . 23 r !!.!lglislt Where are you from? Iamfrom-- Pro1l1mciat/:on DOAK-o-ka-ra kee-MA-shta-ka? - - la-ra kee-MA-shfa Where do you live? DOAK-o-nee SOON-day ee-maska? I livein-- - - nee soon-day ee-MAHSS DOAK-o-ay yoo-kee MA-ska? - - ay yao-kee MAHSS Where are you going? ' I am going to - - na-KA-ma wa DOAK-o-nee eeMA-ska? Are they--? near far - - ee-MA-ska? CHKA-kao-nee TOAK-oo-nee Please show your identification MEE-bqon SHO-may-ee-sho 0 MEE-set-ay koo-da-SA-ee your family your father your mother your ~u8band your wife MEE-boon SHO-may-ee-sho' mee-SAV-rot 0 --wa DOAK-o-nee ee-MA-ska? J(A-zo-koo 0-TOASS-ahn , o-KA-sahn SHOO-j~en OAK-sahn Japanese Writing - - kara kimashita Dokoni sunde imasu ka? --1J 7*"7 v::,t - - ni sunde imasu Where are your friends? Show your identification! (command) , Where is --? IIcpburlt S pelting i)~kc>k:ra kiinashita ka? Dokoe yuki masuka? - - e yuki masu Nakama wa dokoni imasu ka? - - imasu ka? Chikakuni Tokuni Mibun shomeisho 0 misete kudasai Mibun shomeisho 0 misero l - - wa dokoni imasu ka? Kazoku Otosan Okasan Shujin Okusan filJJ1g 1J :;; {iiI J1g = '* -.. tt m "7 .7-: 7"Jl} "7 .7-: y 7~ __ = {t y ~ ::,t 1J {PJ JJg -- fi~ "7 7- 1J 1J ----fi~ "77- 1*r..1-,' {iiIyg = m.. . 7- 1J --m"77- 1J ~3'= ili3'= Jft~ml91~.;1 J! ~ 7' r"f.r5)-m~ ~;1' J! ~ u - - - " {iiI.!I.t = m-v 7- /{ tr ~~ ;;t~"-Y ;;t-/U:"-Y ~A ".,-Y 2S RANK English What is your rank? . Are you a - - ? Hepburn Spelling ka-eek-YOO ,va NAHN-dess-ka? --dess-ka? Kaikyil wa nan desu ka? 1IWi%&.....- {iiI y';;t. - - desu ka? --7';;t. jJ =~* private second class neet-O-hay-ee private first class Nitohei eet-TOE-hay~ee superior private Ittohei JOAT-O-hay-ee ka-SHKAHN Jotohei Kashikan noncommissioned. ficer . of~. lance corporal corporal sergeant :sergean t J)1ajor . warrant officer HAY-ee-cho Heichu GO-cho Gocho GOON-so Guusu SO-cho SochO " JOON-ee Juni seaman SOO-ee-l~ay-~e petty @fficer Suihei HAY-ee-so chief petty officer Heiso eet-TOE HAY-ee-so HAY-ee-SO-cho warrant officer (navy) ~6 Pronunciation officer SHO-ko second lieutenant or ensign SHO-ee Japanese Writing jJ -~¥* JU;t fli.-ltc jJlV!! lY:lk {fUH IWi llei~tl .; HeisochU .... ~;. J Shoko il~tt Sh6i d-' ti\{ ,¥' ." 27 English first lieutenant or lieutenant j. g. captain or naval lieutenant major or lieutenant commander' lieutenant colonel or 'commander colonel or naval captain major gencral or rear admiral lieutenant gcncral or vice admiral general or admiral field marshal or fleet admiral PromI1u;io,tioJt Hepbllrlt S pelli1tg J apancse Writing CHOO-ee ChUi III f,;·f T.-\~ee-ee Taii *~t SHO-sa Shosa &~ Chl1sa ~Ilf~ TA-ec-sa SHO-sho TaiRa Shosho id'r,. &Wf CHOO-jo Chiijo rp;I~, 'l'J\.-ec-sho GEN-soo-ec Taisho Gensui id!f' 5f:fll\1 CHOO-sa ''1 ORGANIZATION AND SPECIALTY What is your --? oultit company DOAN-o - - nec zo-KOO-shtay ce-MA-ska? boo-TA-ee CHOO-ta-ec Dono - - ni zoknRhite imaSll ka? butai eMtai ),- / - - = J/l5 V' 7' m"?.::'. 11 f.ll~ rp I!* Thc word givcn for" company" is uscd in the cavalry, arlil. lcry and air corps as wcll as in thc infantry. Thc samc is true of thc wurds given fur "batta.lion," "rcgitllcnl," and Hbrigadc.'~ NOTE: 28 29 English Prommciation - IIcpbum Spcll-ing J apancsc Writing :k~ battalion DA-ee-ta-ee daitai regiment ren-ta-ee rentai ~I~· brigade R.....,YO-dahn ryodan J*/W'I division SHEE-dahn shidan (:llilWI Jrfl!fl.l goon-dahn gundan What ship are you on? DOAN-o FOO-nay nee noat-tay ee-MA-ska? Dono fune ni notte imasu l~a? What is your branch of service? HAY-ee-ka \va NAHN dess-ka? Heika wa nan desu ka? ~;ji![. -" {III :T" 7. jJ Army ree-KOO-goon Rikugun Navy KA-ee-goon Kaigun corps SO I" / ~~~ = * Coast Guard en-gahrt SHOO-bee-ta-ee Engan shubitai I1fJli: m:J!f WI j:;~ ~j! 1Iiiilit Marines reek-SEN-ta-ee Rikusentai ~~I~ Air Forces KOO-GOON Kugun ~Jf{ Armored Command SO-KO BOO-ta-ee S5k5 Butai ~"IltnS~ Artillery HO-hay-ee Cavalry kee-HAY-ee . Hohei 1i~ J"~ Kihei ~fJi~ Corps of Engineers KO-hay-ee K5hei IJi~ Infantry ho-HAY-ee Hohei :zt; :f~ Medical Corps goon-EE-dahn Gunidan Jf(i§IJ!J1 Military Police KEM-pay-ee Kcmpei 7J.~Ji.;. "Y 7- }IT} -.... 7. 11 31 E1tglish H epbltrn Spelling Japanese Writing Ordnance Dcpartme!lt Army Quartermaster Corps hay-ee-KEE-Loo Heikibu rd~~'lti) .SHCHO-ta-ee ShichOtai qlffDi:1rt Signal Corps TSOO-sheen-ta-ce Tsushintai sem-moan wa NAHN dess-ka? , --dess-ka? Semmon wa nan desu ka? *fiA~I~ 1,1}: p~ .>' {PJ :r~ ~ --desuka? --:r'~ jJ bombardier ba-koo-GEK-ee-shoo Bakugekishu ~~~-¥ chauffeur oon-TEN-shoo Untenshu ~~'f- clerk sho-KEE Shoki 1!r:ilB cook KOAK-koo Kokku engineer fireman or stoker kee-KAHN-shoo Kikanshu ~fjft)-¥ KA-foo Kafu gunner HO-shoo ho,SEN-shoo Hoshu !k::k ,f@-¥ Hosenshu 1*~-¥ What is your specialty? A!eyou a--? lineman machine gunner )Ii Kikanjiishu ~rm~-¥ Kikai gishi tI-ffll:~m~ Denrei fl!j.~)- j,[irJl* messenger oLserver KAHN-shee-hay-ee Kanshihei parachutist rahk-ka-SAHN-hay-ce Rakkasanhei iin~'** pilot SO-JOOSH moo-DEN-hay-cc S6jiishi t~~± radio operator t. Mudcnhei j1 ~"/f7 kee-KAHN-JOO-shoo kee-KA-ee-geesh den-RAY-ee mechanic 32 Prommciution 1!!t {ftL n· 33 Pronunciation NephI/Tn Spelling Japanese TifTriting rifleman SHO-JOO-shoo ShOjiishu /J~~~ scout sniper switchboard operator sek-KO-hay-ee Sekkohei JF{!X::-~ so-GEK-ee-HAY-ee Sogekihei M.r~ KO-KAHN-shoo Kokanshu ~~~ Senshahei rilXJ!£j"(. English tankman' sen-SHA-hay-ee How long have you been in DOR-ed-ah-kay GOON-ta-ee nee the service? ee-MA-ska? . NAHN nen dess-ka? How many years? Doredake guntai ni imasu ka? . NAHN KA-gets-oo dess-ka? How many men are in --no HAY-eer-yo-koo wa your--? DOR-ed-ah-kay ah-rce-MAska? How many months? company regiment NOTE: For numbers 1-10,000 see pages Nan nen desti ka? {iiI .{f- 7" ~ 11 Nanka getsu desll ka? fliT?" JJ 7' ~ -j} - - / RtJ.>' - - no heiryoku \Va doredake arimasu ka? CHOO-ta-ee . ren-ta-ee V v!f?r J1II~= -,r ~ m-"7 ~ 11 I: v !it'?" ). 9 j} ChUtai Rentai 118-124. .. 35 3. PERSONAL NEEDS PERSONAL NEEDS FOOD AND DRINK E1zglislz I am hungry I am thirsty Where is there water? Where is a restaurant? Prommciati01z Hepb'ltT1t S pelting Japanese Writing ha-RA ga soo-ee-ta Hara ga suita NO-doag-ah ka-WA-ee-ta rnee-zoo wa DOAK-o-nee ah-reeMA-ska? sho-kood-O \Va DOA K-o-nee ah'ree-MA-ska? Nodo ga kawaita JUt 1l~ -i f;t lI{£ ;h. itJ -i !I 7k . . '11IJlJfb= r Y ..... .7-;h T want to huy food ta-bern-o-no dess Is this good to --? ko-ray-o - - rno ,dess-ka? ka-f'f'-TA-ee no da-l'e-JO-hoo Shokudo \Va dokoniarimasu ka? Tabemono 0 Koreo' - ka? kaitai 010 110 desu daijobu desu 1it~1::: -", 1nJJ~ -=-- T 9 -"'.7- is: 4~) '7 H Jlt v "7 t: !l1 / --:f: 11 -r y. k:k:k. 7· y. eat TA-bet-ay tabete drink NOAN-day l10nde tJi. Y-'T' --gahoshii --;h'W: --okudasai - - 'J - F ;J' /f - - 7 ~.~ :r'*:J"T-!T/f Iwant-Giverne-Bringrne-food 36 0 Mizu wa dokoni arirnasli ka? - - ga ho-SHEE -- 0 koo-da-SA-ee rnoat-TEK-ee-tay koo-oaSA-ee mollckilc kudasai -- 0 -- 0 ta-bern-o-no TabclllOllO jJ v-i ';I 37 E1tglis~ Prommciatiolt JJ epb1trn S pellinl: Japanese Writing water mee-zoo Mizu 7!( Otofu ;;t .£'.1fi!: Marne JL Miso shiru !l-l~nttft bean curds o-TOAF-oo beans ma-MAY bean soup mee-so SHEE-roo beef G",--,YOO-nee-koo bread ., . Gyl1niku 11""~1 PAHN Pan butter ~N. BA-ta Bata l/.:N* cabbage K",--,YA-bcts Kyabetsu '\'--Y~7 candy or cake KA-shec Kashi cheese ~Ff CHEE-wo KAY-ce-nee-koo CHO-ko-rct-o ha-MA-goo-ree ta-MA-go sa-ka-na Chizu :7-1:i'm chicken chocolate.. clams eggs fish Jamb 38 j .,. Keiniku Chokoreto Hamaguri ~'~I .?" "3 !l!ft Tamago !m Sakana 1!.\ Kohitsuji niku Ij,,,'t:OO fAir.: lettuce ko-hee-tsoo-JEE nee-koo chee-SHA lobsters eb-EE Ebi meat nee-KOO Niku oysters I' 00 KA-kee Kaki lU:tm ... ::tv-I- Chisha ~;}(. ~9 English pork potatoes rice (cooked) JT epbum Spell il/g !-(~paJ~e~~~JTri/iJl~ Butaniku n~~J ja-GA-ee-mo ]agaimo GO-hahn Gohan Suimono soup spinach hubbard squash (beef) steak soo-ee-mo-NO HO-REN-so tomatoes turnips vegetables toe-MAHT-o apples bananas cherries cocoanuts dates grapes lemons mangoes oranges peaches 40 Pronmu:io/io1/. boo-TA-nee-koo ka~bo-cha H6rens6 Kabocha Bifuteki 'T beef-TEK-ee ka-boo-RA ya-SA-ee o-REN-jee r mo-MO .,.~ 1- 1- Ringo *fflr -". T T Budo Rem~n Mango I-' e7 ff.~ Yashi no mi Natsume ,.. l-tV~ 1.t/fi~ YA-shee no mee na-tsoo-may Orenji Morna -1 :r: irPili !!&tfo/J llhi!\t Yasai Banana Sakurambo ~. .y :)1" Tomato Kabura reen-go BA-na-na sa-koo-RAHM-bo bood·O rem-OAN mahn-GO ~ -<7 :my.,r," :tJI\\':f / 1!f • ~~ v:r: "V' y Y':3" ;tvY"f-' .~ .~ Pronunciation Ifepbum S pelting Japanese Writing na-SHEE Nashi ~ pineapples pa-ee-NAHP-poo-roo Painappuru It~ plums soo-mo-MO Sumomo strawberries ee-chee-go Ichigo * tangerines' MEE-kahn Mikan :£:tlt watermelon soo-ee-KA Suika Wm. beer BEE-roo llIru boiled water yoo-ZA-ma-shee Yuzamashi ~il'lI iJ}j i{i v boo-RAHN-day Hurande -:/:7 KO-hee Kohl tlJul3l: cream koo-REE-moo Kurlmu P'J-J-' drinking water .no-MEE-mee-zoo Nomimizu ikJk milk C,-" YOON-YOO Gy.uuyl1 4~-1L tea ·o-CHA Ocha ;t~ wine (rice wine) sa-KAY Sake m Kosho ,I;JH.;~ English pears brandy , coffee ... ... 42 pepper ko-SHO salt shee-WO sugar saht-O vi~egar SOO ~~ Y j-'- .r -- ShiwQ ~ Sato ~&Wf Su ~'F 43 Engli.sh Hepburn Spelling Japanese Writing a cup cha-wahn Chawan a fork FO-koo ~wa Foku 7;;t-~ a glass KOAP-poo Koppu a knife NA-ee-foo Naifu a plate sa-ra a spoon I want i t - - Ij. Prommciat-ion sa-JEE cooked or hoiled - - koo-da-SA-ee nee-TAY raw NA-ma-day rare well done baked or fried fried in deep fat roasted IGive my horse --feed waler naoMA ya-kce-Ilce SIJTAY . YO-koo YA-ec-lay YA-ee-lay .. ah-GET-ay RO-slo shlay -f 7-17 Sara .nn. Saji l!; - - kudasai --F","-1 Nile ~T Namade ~-F. 7' Nama yakini shite !I~~~~:"- Y T Yoku yaite "'3'*,~-1 T Yaite ~~-1 '7 Agete i~~/7- Roslo shile n -;;1.. oo-MA nee ---- 0 yahl-lay kooda-SA-ee Uma ni - - ma-goo-sa mec-;,:oo magns:!. 0 yatte kudasai .!'!~ 1· y"7" :"- - - 7 ill': ";I 5- -F'" -1 mi7.U 45 ~1 I.ODGING I English I Where is a hotel? ya-doe-ya wa DOAK-o dess-ka? ~~ I want-- -- 0 I' I' I- - Hitoban tomaritai no desu -- 0 kudasai ffi. -" {iiI llT& '7"'-:;? ~H~1B -.- ') l15H~ VA-goo ~Jl... blankets MO-foo Moru ~;:(li hot water Oyu ;;t it~ insecticide o-YOO saht-CHOO-za-ee Satchuzai lQ: Nifr ff1J a light ah-KA-ree Akari ~:k mosquito netting ka-YA Kaya ~~k a pillow MA-koo-ra Makura a room hay-VA Heya soap toilet paper • sek-ken Sekken t\: 'ltli£ :.pi@: chee-REE-ga-mee Chirigami 1!U~ a towel tay-NOO-goo-ee Tenugui Benjo wa doko clesu ka? :f-tA: fll! ffr ...' {iiI ~ '7"' :;? --TA-ee --tai --!Jl ,-f nay TAY Ne Tc 0 ami +7 iJl~ to sleep to·wash my hands ben-JO wa DOAK-o dess-ka? 0 ah-ra-ee .~\ '. '7"';A - - 7 -F'9",-f Yagu "'-; "jJ !it,-f / Shindai sheen-da-ee Iwant-- Mi .~ koo-da-SA-ee a bed bedding Where is the toilet? II Japa.nese Writing hee-TOAB-ahn toe-ma-ree-TA-ee no cless I',I I IIepbum S pelting yadoya wa doko desu ka? I want to spend the night I f Pronllnciatl:on jJ f,f 47 r" Japanese Writing English to bathe Pronu1Iciation Hcpburlt Spelling FRO nee ha-ee-ree Furo ui hairi }Ja\.l1 =-- A 9 I want the key kahg-EE Kagi ~7 Please call me at - o'clock NOTE: 0 koo-da-SA-ee 0 kudasai --, jee nee YOAN-day koo-uaSA-ee -f'1'-1 --a,s: = P1'- y - - ji ni yonde kudasai '}""l~' '1' -1 For Time, see pages 126-133; for numbers 1-10,000, pages II 8-1 24. Have you a message for me? ko-toaz-oo-KEG-ah ska? Give this message to - - - - nee ko-toaz-oo-KAY po-mee MAHSS Here is my address wa-TAHK-shee no JOO-sho dess Kotozuke ga arimasu ka? ar-ee-MA0 - - ni kotozuke masu ta- l'L / Yl1bin jll1iI! 7 tens5 shite kudasai YOO-BEEN da-SA-ee Please send my things wa-TAHK-shee no NEE-mo-tsoo o o-KOOT-tay'koo-da-SA-ee - - ka-ay-ree lVL!\HSS - - k:!eri masu tomorrow ah-SHTA Ashita the day after tomorrow ah-SAHT-tay Asatte I shall return - - NOTE': For days uf the week see pages Have'you a - - room? ten-SO shtay koo- tanomi Watakushi no jl1sho desu Please forward my mail 0 0 0 Watakushi no nimo tsu okutte kudasai {±Jfr '}"' ;;r. ~rg v '}" -f '1'-1 0 128-130. - - I-IAY-ya ga ar-ee-MA-ska? --- heya ga arimasu ka? Motto yoi --Tn) ffi -}l r =£: ";I 1- iT--1 Motto okii =£: ";I 1· :;k "" -1 Motto yasui =£: ";I 1· 1i.: -1 Qetter MOAT-toe YO-ee larger MOAT-toe O-KEE cheaper MOAT-toe ya-SOO-ce -' 9 'V.7- ')J 49 MEDICAL AID tvriting Ettglish Pronunciation Hepbllm Spelling Japanese Help! Where is a --? ta-SKET-ay! - - wa "DOAK-o-nee ska? ee-SHA Tasukete! - - wa doko ni imasu ka? - -....' -fi1J ritt = Isha J~~' Haisha U\t~~· - - 7 \If· Y:r"r~-'f doctor dentist Please call a - docto~ ee-MA- HA-ee-sha - - 0 YOAN-day koo-da-SA-ee ee-SHA .. -) -- 0 yonde kudasai IV) "r :r ambulance kahn-ja yoo-SO-sha nurse kahn-GO-foo Kangofu ~~it~,~{ Medical Corps man kahn-go-HAY-ee Kangohei ~Hlt.f~ (luick! HA-ya-koo! Stop the bleeding shook-KETS 0 toe-MAV-yo Hayaku! Shukketsu !fl. .? tl1 Ifn. 7 .tl:;l A tourniquet SHKETS-ta-ee Tie it here ko-ko-wo shee-BA-ray Above the wound I am sick or He is sick kee-zoo no WAY-o B,-"YO-kee dess I am wounded or He is wounded I am hurt here My - - hurts or i"am hurt in the-- kay-GA 'so 0 shtay ee-mahss "ko-ko-ga ee-TA-ee - - ga ee-TA-ee tomeyo .~.~,.ft\l~11I Shiketsutai Kokowo shibare Jlt~7 *jJj:v Kizu no ue (} {t) / 1.: 7 Byoki desu Kega 0 shite imasu Kokoga itai --ga itai -v ,. jJ ~~. Isha Kanja yusosha 0 m '3 m~\t -7",. 'Ifr'llt 7 v :r J?i ' 7 ~ Jlt ~ ::Jl ll(j -'f --;Jt~-'f 51'. English Prommciation Hepbum Spelling ,He is hurt in the - - ko-no-SHTO wa--g a ee-TAee no dess Konohito wa -,desu atama head face ah-ta-:MA tooth HA ear eye nose mouth jaw, throat neck shoulder arm elbow hand back 52 .' Japanese Writing ga itai no JH: / A-,---;tlM-1 / 7< 7- IiIi kao ~ ~ mee-MEE ha mimi MAY me II ha-na koo-chee hana kuchi 1;\ ah-GO NOAD-o koo-bee ago KA-ta oo-DAY kala ude hiji ka-o nodo kubi hee-JEE TAY chest sen-AH-ka moo-NAY stomach ee belly ha-RA hip ko-shee le . -I senaka JUune Jr ~I' U !fiji 11K ~ m JPil IH +- 'it 1~1 nliIJ IT' H .OJ hant. lUi koshi Jf~ 53 Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling thigh crotch or privates MO,mo momo ma-TA J1i!! mata leg ah-SHEE IN: foot ah-SHEE English knee ankle Get-a blankct or blanKets boiled water MO-foo yoo-ZA-ma-shec absorbcnt cotton dahsh-shce~nen ., ~I ashi .lJ! hiza ashikubi -- 0 kudasai MOfu Yuzamashi ' Dasshimen a disinfectant ' SHO-doak-oo-;,:a··ee ShOdokuzai drinking water 110-MEE-mce-wo Nomimizu Oyu hot water ice a knife ·o-YOO KO-ree ' NA-ee-foo a sedative TAI-IhT.-k:t eheen-SAY-ec-za-cC sheets SHKEE-foo a litter something to bandage '; HO-TA-ee nce NA-roo-mo-no with splints '54 " ,hee-za ah-SHKOO-bee - - 0 koo-da-SA-ee ashi '~ ' so-eg-ee Kari "-> oJ Japanese Writillg H* ,@i1--'7 m(~iY JBtHlHm i1'f~~m fY(lJ( ;t~ 7]<' Naifu -}-.-r Tanka 1f.1~l Chinseizai -T'-"'.-r ,;£ ~{fj 7 ~iti1~~ Shikifu lXm Hatai ni narumono *it,'/,,, = Soegi IU* T JVlft 55 I English Pr01l1mC'iatiolt !lepbllm S pelting !apanese Writing ·a stimulant Please do not touch (me or him) Please do not move (me or him) KO-foon-za-ee KMunzai 9i1!~'fiIJ sa-wa-ra-NA-ee day koo-da-SAee oo-go-ka-sa-NA-ee day koo-daSA-ee kee 0 TSKET-ay oo-go-KAshtay koo-da-SA-ee kee 0 TSKET-ay koo-da-SA-ee Sawaranai de kudasai ~~;:; T -1 5"'I-"-Y--1 Please lift carefully Please be careful U6 0kasanai de kudasai Ki 0 tsukcte ugokashite kudasai Ki 0 tsuketc kudasai ~~('7H'l' Ki 0 tsukeyo! ~~t'7H7'3 kee 0 TSKAY-yo! so-ray 0 ya-ra-NA-ee day koo-daSA-ee CHOO-DOAK-oo SHTA - - chiidoku shim by water mee-zoo nee mlzu by food ta-bem-o-no nee tabemono ni 1t!fo/J= doak-oo-GA-soo nee ya-RA-retah :EiEB-ee nee ka-MA-ret-ah Dokugasll ni yarareta .wJUW= Be careful! (command) Please do not give him that I have or He has been poisoned-- I or He was gassed A snake bit me or him Sore 0 yaranai de kudasai 1lI ~t v '7 r-f-t-1 m') T..{ :rT -y- ..{ 7k= -y ') v } l Hebi ni kamareta BUYING AND PERSONAL SERVICES Where to Get,lt Where is a - - ? barber 56 - - wa DOAK-o dess-ka? . toak-O-ya - - wa doko desu ka? Tokoya ---,' 1fiJlJ!t 7' 7- jJ .wm 6i English I, Japanese W riling Hepburn Spelling Jlli\ gffi. bathhouse FRO-ya drug store koo-SOO-ree-ya grocery ya-O-ya Yaoya iUfffi. movIe SHEE-nem-ah Shinema v;t"V' Furoya . Kusuriya restaurant sho-kood-O Shokuclo tailor yoaf-koo-ya Yofukuya I want to buy - I Prolwlzdation -- 0 ka-ee-TA-ee no cless -- 0 ~ffi. i~n~ffi. kaitai no clesu Where can I get --? --wa DOAK-o-day ka-ay-MAska? - - \Va dokocle kaemasu ka? I would like - - - - ga ho-SHEE no (less - - ga hoshii no Giveme-- -- 0 I I' I, 58 - - 0 kucla~ai koo-da-SA-ee cle~u - - 7 ';'i 1= jr --.->' ko-ray Kore !ltv so-ray Sore ;ltv one hee-TOATS Hitotsu -'/ HIt Ht1*:il clahsh-shee-men Dasshimen ahm-MO-nee-ya Ammoniya .... V -1 / "V' :7- jJ 7--.:;1. --71-f~--1 that ammonia fuflJ& 7"Ti "- - - -}/:{ik this absorbent cotton -1 / 7'-:7- 7' ;/ 'lO =- -\' aspirin ah-SPEE-reen Asupirin a ba!1dage HO-ta-ee H6tai if!»]', I,. batterie!i DEN-chee Denchi 'iIT:jlJ! a belt o-BEE-ka-wa' Obikawa 1,1 11 'Ill: 59 r ! Enr,lish Prom t1tciali0 Il H epbum Spelling 'Japanese W riling a brush ha-KAY Hake XtJIJ:E buttons cigarettes bo-tahn Botan >t;-!7 :/ ta-ba-ko Tabako tll\:t.t cloth kee-RAY a coat a comb Kire ;{Ii oo-wahg-ee Uwagi J:~ koo-SHEE Kushi ;jf!(j a disinfectant SHO-doak-oo-za-ee Shodokuzai m-=,lf~J envelopes FOOT-O Futo it~1 a flashlight ka-ee-CHOO DE:\T-o :Kaiclnl dentU itJ!~I~flf. gloves tay~BOO-koo-ro Teh\1kuro =¥-1k goggles or sun-ghsses ee-ro-MEG-ah-nay lromegane ~IIU1i~ handkerchiefs HAHt'-:-kech-ee BO-shee Hankerhi -,,' :/ 'r Boshi Ijt~-r EEN-kee Inki /f YOAD-o-CHEEN-kee Y6dochinki V~iJll'T1~ NA-ee-foo Naifu -r -'l TSOO-jee l~OO-so()-ree dellkcYOO Tsuji g\1s\1ri ~ifty~ Denkyu I~J* Matchi ~-·t Hari {C!- Gaito 9Fit' a hat ink iodine a knife a laxative a light bulb matches a needle an overcoat 6(/ . ' 1I1Al1'1'-ell ce HA:ree ga-eet-O 1 ~ ~ :/~ :/ til English 62 Pronunciation 11epbum Spelling Japanese Writing 'f*' :/ *JI: pants zoo-BOAN Zubon paper ka-MEE Kami a pen PEN Pen a pencil EM-pee-tsoo Empitsu jf:}~ pins PEEN Pin 1::° :/ quinine kee-NEE-nay ~ ...::.:/ Kinine '\'-=-* Amagaito a raincoat ah-ma-GA-eet-o razor blades ka-mee-SO-ree no HA Kamisori no ha ITI9Ht: JliU JJ / :-1J -" ":/ .,. - rubbing alcohol mahss-SA-jee-yo ar-oo-T\:O-roo Massajiyo arukoru a safety razor ahn-zen ka-mee-SO-ree Am:en kalllisori 9:?\-WUJJ a scarf koo-REE-ma-kee Kubilllaki ~lH1i scissors ha-sa-MEE Hasami shaving cream hee-GESS-o-ree koo-REE-moo Higesori kurIlllU i.1iil'JU P a shirt wa-ee-SHA-tsoo Waishatsu 'J -1 v -'i' ":/ shoelaces koo-1'SOO hee-mo Kutsu himo shoes koo-1'SOO Kutsu soap sek-ken Sekken :;rjI!i{t socks koo-tsoo-SH1'A Kutsushita :¥ftT a sweater SAY-ta Seta -t-~ talcum powder 1'A-roo-koo Taruku }ljV thread EET-o ., Ito :/)1] r jl/ =z _jV ~* 'J -I.. :f.fl:kill :f.1t p ff.% fi:l Pronunciatiolt IIcpbunt Spelling Japanese Writing a toothbrush ha-BOO-ra-shee Haburashi ~AilIF;' toothpaste or powuer ha-MEE-ga-kee Hamigaki jWJfi an undershirt RAHN-neen-goo SHA-tsoo Ranningu shatsu '7 y = Yt'"V'-Y Zur5zu Hokani nanika arimasu ka? ':;/p English undershorts Have you something else? Give me more zoo-RO-zoo ho-ka-nee NA-nee-ka ar-ee-MAska? MOAT-toe koo-da-SA-ee '. ';l -7.' '-ft!! = {liJ:tJ 7 9 "'7 7- ::: Motto kudasai Services Wan ted - - SHTAY koo-da-SA-ee - - shite kudasai DOAK-o-clay--SHTAY moRA-ay ma-ska? Dokode - - shite morae masu ka? washed SEN-ta-koo sentaku pressed poo-RESS puresu koo-REE-neen-goo kuriningu j/ DOAK-o-day tskoo-ROAT-tay mo-RA-ay ma-ska? - - 0 ka-SHTAY koo-ua-SA-ee Dokode tsukuroue morae masu ka? 1iiT~ I want this - Where can I get this --? dry cleaned Where can I gel this repaired? 1 want to borrow -_.- ... kasltilc kuuasai -- 0 - - v 7r.,-/f {iiJ l,g 7 ' - - v 7 - - '7 1!~' that so-ray - - koo-da-SA-ee Sore ;t-l~v --kudasai ---F"-/f ka-MEE Rami !!17 ~Ij kaht-tay "}) :tJ v T'F"- /f Kore 0 "'7;7. ,/,'t:i'\; ':l T],{ ........ 7- this a. haircut --... 9 - = Yt'" ko-ray Giveme-- ~ Jltv 0 katte ":l T 65 ~~nglish Pronunciation Hepburn S pelting a shave I need a-'- hee-gay Rige -- 0 0 SOAT-tay yo-bee-TA-ee no-cless 0 satte yobitai no desu -- 0 Japanese ltV riting frt "7 Jlllj /' :T --"7 llf- ~: t;l. -1 ./ 7'-;;t.. Annaisha ~iA);g- AkabO ~~Jij Untenshu Wilf'U-¥ Tetsudai ¥-iw. ~ guide ahn-NA-ee-sha redcap ah-ka-bo driver oon-TEN-shoo helper tets-oo-DA-ee taxi TARK-shee Takushi ~p~- Ikura desu ka? ~~{liJ .-J" 7- Rarai masu 1JIl ~ '7 ;;t.. Amerika no kane desu 1';J 9 -jJ /:1fi:7'-;;t.. -' Paylllent Non;; For Money see page 152; for numbers [-10,000, pUbes ,,8-124. How much? EE-koo-ra. dess-ka? I will pay you ha-RA-ee mahss This is American money ah-MAY-ree-ka DESS It is worth - - - - no nay-OO-chee ga ar-cc1'IARSS no ka-nay - - no neuchi ga arimasu Not so much SOAN-na-nee ee-ree rna-SEN That price is too much ta-KA-soog~ee mahss I will pay you - - - - ha-RA-ee mahss - - harai masu I won't pay you any more ko-ray EE-jo ha-RA-ay rna-sen Kore ijo harae masen Will you sell this for --? ko-ray sh? 66 0 -- day oo-rcc MA. -jJ ... Sonnani iri masen Takasugi masu Kare 0 -- de uri mast! ka? y :/-T=~9 '7~:/ ?ifj U!1 "t' -q' ;;t.. --t,J11 ~ -q';;t.. Jlt v tLI:. fill "- '7 ~ J1t v "7 --7--'Jl. 9 ;.- -,,;;t.. -jJ 67 I Englislz PrOll1tnC'£ati01t Hepburn Spelling !a.panese n'ritillg You owe me - - - - ka-shtay ee-MAHSS - - kashite imasu --i't v Uketori kudasai Please give me a receipt oo-KET-o-ree Here is a receipt oo-KET-o-ree cless Uketori desu ~Jf;{9 The U. S.Government will pay you ah-MAY-ree-ka SAY-ee-foo ga ha-RA-ee mahss Amerika seifu ga harai masu 7" '" Please take it to this address ko-no JOO-sho ay toe-DOAK-etay koo-da-SA-ee Kono jusho e todokete kudasai You will J?e paid on delivery shee-NA-mo-noat-o hee-KF:F.-kaay clay ha-RA-ee-mahss Shinamono to hikikae de haraimasu 0 koo-da-SA-ee 0 :T .-1 "7;;r... ~JOC 9 7 T·-Y-.-1 5-·-;;r... 9 1J i!k Iff :Ii" :NI: 10 "7;;r... 69 4. J.Or.ATlON AND TEHUATN LOCATION AND TERRAIN I,OCATION English Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling What place is this? ! apanese Writing ko-ko wa DOAK-o dess-ka? Koko wa doko desu ka? Jl:1: jjfg p {fiJ JJI& 7'-;:;<' What army is here? ko-ko-NEE-wa DOAK-o-no GOON-ta-ee ga ee-MA-ska? Kokon,iwa dokono guntai ga irnasu ka? J1t~ Please show me on this map CHEE-zoo day koo-da-SA-ee Chizu de shirneshite kudasai til!. lw.i 7' if- v Show me on this map! (command) CHEE-zoo day shee-mess-ay! shee-mesh-tay jJ = ->, M!t&.7 JJ~ jJ. m..,. ;:;<.j] :T 't!T /f Chizu de shimese! Have you a map? CHEE-zoo ga ar-ee-MA-ska? Chizu ga arirnasu ka? til!. ~~j Can you guide me? ahn-NA-ec shtay koo-ray-.MAska? Annai shite kuremasu ka? ~rq V:T P Can you find us a guide? ahn-NA-ee-sha 0 sa-GA-shtay koo-ray-MA-ska? Annaisha 0 sagashite kuremasu ka? Where is the ---? - - wa DOAK-o dess-ka - - wa doko desu ka? - - . > ' {ilJ~ 5"-;:;<' j) Is there a - - near here? CHKA-koo-nee --, ga ar-eeMA-ska? Chikakuni - - ga arimasu ka? j[ 3" town or city ma-CHEE machi nearest town ee-chee-BAHN chee 70 CHKA-ee ma- jJ. T 9 '7";:;<' 1/ j) '7" 7- = --jJ. T 9 j) '?;:;<. j) ichiban chikai machi 'l1 Frol/.I/.llrialiol/. _._--- !!.!'plmrJl Sprllil/g railroad station tay-ee-sha-ba tcishaha 1;';'~ jlOJ;i telephone U. S. consulate power plant DEN-wa denwa il-,'1::T· ,Ulill F.I/glislt police post ha-tsoo-DEX-jo 1\:.0-baI1l1 police station kay-cc-SAHTS-sho river ka-WA EED-o .well railroacl telephone exchange radio station What is its name? 'What others are there? I: ahoMAY-ree-ka R.........YO-jee-kahn .., J .. .. !..a ff'.!!rse Jrl'ilillg amerika ryojikan /;1 9 1J hatsudenjo 1~mrrr koban 7;C'~ keisatsusho kawa M fiji .1]f fi'i\ f!~~~~. ida ;If 'tcts-ood-O tetsudo ~1jJi den-wa 1\:.O-KAHN'K-yo-koo RA-jec-o HO-SOAK-yo-koo denwa kokankyoku rajio hOsokyoku ,uJjl;'1:c 1~ r.q '7 -T'::t 1iXfi; M na-MA-ay wa NAHN dess-ka? ho-ka-nee NA-nce-ga ah-ree-MAska? Namae \Va nan desu ka? ~ roll-'" {11J -T' ~ jJ Hokani naniga arimasll ka? 1l!!. = {iII ;ll r 9 Please point yoo-bee SA-shtay koo-da-SA-ee Yubi sashite klldasai ~lhY~ Thank you ah-REE-gaht-o Arigato Please show me o-SHEE-ay-tay koo-da-SA-ee Oshiete kudasai Which way is north? kee-ta wa DOACH-ee-ra dess-ka? Kita wa dochira desu ka? 1J*$ '7 ~t "- :rr: ~ ...f ~t -" {iiI 115-' ~ This way ko-CHEE-ra cless Kochira clesu That way ah-CHEE-ra cless To the-left 72 --ay hee-DA-ree Achira clesu r-\ '7 ~ j} v T -f' ~ ...f jJ !It Ii -T' .7.fJI..<.li -T' .7- --e Hiclari tz. 73 Pro1t1mcia ti on Hepburn Spelling Japanese Writing right meeg-ee Migi -;t. north kee-ta Kita northeast TOE-HO-koo east hee-GA-shee ' Tohoku Higashi southeast TOAN-AHN Tonan south mee-NA-mee Minami :!1Hii WJ southwest say-ee-nahn Seinan fILrm west nee-shee Nishi northwest say-ee-HO-koo Seihoku W illi4t ko-KO Koko JltB& so-KO Soko ~t~ How far is --? --rna-day doan-o-koo-ra-ee DESS-ka? - - made donokurai desu ka? --~ 1" / Is it--? -English Here There .... " " ~t J1:[~t JI:[ DISTANCE - - dess-ka? - - desu ka? ---J'-,:7.:JJ far TOE-ee Toi ii..-f very far ta-ee-hen TOE-ee Taihen toi *~lli-1 near CHKA-ee Chikai ilI..-f Ichi kiro -;f;T- --kiro -n One kilometer ee-chee KEE-ro - - kilometers --KEE-ro 74 ,.. ill: j-' 7- :JJ 75 v, 1 Enghsll Prollllncia.tion --meters - - MET-o-roo II epbum S pelting --metoru How many kilometers from here? ko-KO-ka-ra NAHN kee-ro ahree-MA-ska? Kokokara nan kiro arimasu ka? Japanese TVl'itiug -* ;>JnJ:H r Jlt~ 11 'J "V' 7. jJ NO'n:: A kilometer is aLout ~ of a mile, A meter is about 39 inches, For numbers ]-10,000, see pages] ,8-'24. NATURE OF TERRAIN Are you familiar with this region? ko-no chee-HO-nee koo-waSHEE dess-ka? :Kono chihoni kllwashii desll ka? Is it --? - - dess-ka? - - drsli ka? ' __ -r,O -;1,. 11 rocky cc-WA ga O-cc flat HA Y-cc-chcc Heichi Is it dry? kahn-SO shlay ce-MA-ska? IT"'ftl! Kanso shite imasll ka? qL'W~ ~ 7' Is it wet? sheek-kee ga O-ec dess-ka? Shikki ga oi deslI ka? Is it impassable? TOR-ay ma-SEN-ka? iP.:~it 11" ~ 1 7';:t. 'JI Tore masen ka? j!f! v Is it muddy? noo-KA-roo-mee DESS-ka? Nukarumi desu ka? - - ga ah-ree-MA-ska? jra4-' -r'". ;II Are there - - ? - - ga arimasu ka? --H 'J glaciers H,--"YO-ga Hyoga hills u-ka 7/< Vif Oka jungles mee-lsoo-l'ecll .fi: Mitsurin lakes ko-SOO-cc :l'!'i;J* Koslli mounlains ya-J\IA TN! A( Yilma (II ; 76 Twa ga oj W-}l~ i 01 -".;:t. jJ -". -t :/ ;II 7" -"'7. -}I 77 English Pronunciation passes ya-MA-mee-chee paths ko-MEE-chee rivers ka-WA roads mee-CREE springs shee-MEE-zoo woods Is the water deep? ha-YA-shee mee-zoo wa FKA-ee dess-ka? Are the mountains high? ya-MA wa ta-KA-ee dess-ka? Is the current swift? na-GA-ray wa ha-YA-ee dess-ka? Is there a bridge? ha-SHEE ga ah-ree-MA-ska? Japanese Writing Ill~ Komichi Kawa ~ 'I) ,-) jIJ Hepburn Spelting Yamamichi IH* rur Michi ~ Shimizu ffl7k Hayashi :l* Mizu wa fukai desu ka? 7./( ....' ~-1 :;-';;t.. Yama wa takai desu ka? Nagare wa hayai desu ka? JJJ ....' ~ -1 :;-';;t.. j; iJ1f. v ...' ~ -1 :;-";;t.. Hashi ga arimasu ka? ~:;Il79"Y';;t..jJ jJ j; 5. ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ROADS AND BRIDGES Hepburn Spelling Kono rnichi wa dokono ll1achi ni dernasu ka? Japanese Writing rnee-chee wa --- dess-ka? Michi wa - - desu ka? ill>' - - -;-" 7- YO-ee yoi ~-1 English Pronunciation What town does this road lead to? ko-no rnee-chee \Va DOAK-o-110 rna-CHEE nee day-MA-ska? Is the road --? good bad I%)' ~t / ill.. . - {liJ J~ / wa-ROO-ee warm Is the road passable? TOR-ay JYIA-ska? Tore ll1asu ka? Is this bridge - - ? ha-SHEE wa - - dess-ka? Hashi wa - - desu ka? *f,-'- - - j-' 7- safe aim-zen anzen unsafe ah-boo-NA-ee *?>:: abunai ft!: -1 Is this bridge passable? ko-no 'ha-SHEE wa TSOO-ka dek-ee-MA-ska? Kono hashi wa tSllka deki rnasu ka? ~/ Will the bridge Glrry this load? kO-110 NEE day ha-SHEE 0 wata-ray MA-ska? Kono ni de hashi rnasu ka? Are there --? - - ga ah-ree-MA-ska? - - ga arimasu ka? 80 bridges ha-SHEE Hashi detours rna·,WA-ree rnee-chee Mawari ll1ichi fords ah-SA-say Asase 0 ~Ir = ill "V' ~ 7J jJ jJ m.. . '~~I:I:Pj(:- . . 7- 7J waLare --;J/ I 9 -'/' ~ jJ III English Japanese W riling P,'oJutnciatiolt Hepburn Spelling guideposts mee-chee SHEE-roo-Lay Michi shirube ill~~ mud puddles mee-zoo ta-1\1A-ree Mizu tamari 7klm 9 obstructions SHO-ga-ee-boo-tsoo Shogaibutsu ~!~r~ttbJ Are there guides? Annaisha ga imasu ka? ~ I. ahn-NA-ee-sha ga ee-MA-ska? Are there narrow stretches? mee-chee wa say-MA-ee dess-ka? Michi wa semai desu ka? f'J ~- ;11' rn . . ;:t. 11 ill..>- 3"1H 7'-;:t. ;11 I Are there potholes? DOR-o wa ah-na-DA-ra-kay desska? Doro wa anadarake desu ka? illlff,..>~ /t!7' 7 If :f;:t. ;11 Are there ruts? wa-DA-chee ga TSOO-ee-tay eema-ska? Wac1achi ga tsuite imasu ka? Are thetc snowdrif ts? yoo-kee no FKEE-yo-say ga ahree-MA-ska? Yuki no fukiyose ga arimasu ka? What is the speed limit? so-KOOR-yo-koo GEND-o wa dor-ed-ah-kay DESS-ka? Sokuryoku gendo wa dorcdake desu ka? How fast is it safe to go? DOR-ed-ah-kay no SO-kood-o na-ra ahn-zen DESS-ka? Doredake no sokudo nara anzcn desu ka? I, Do you know the road? mee-chee 0 sheet-tay ee-MA-ska? '., Michi 0 shitte imasu ka? 1," v !7< If / ~& -T ~·'7J;n~:7"-1 ahll-NA-ee shtay koo-da-SA-ee Annai shite kudasai ~~[""J v I We will pay you ha-RA-ee mahss Harai masu ~Ol~ ~ .... ;:t. II DOAK-o-day ka-WA MA-ska? Please guide us I Where can we cross the river? I:'I' How decp is the river? I U2 0 wa-ta-ray ka-WA no FKA-sa wa DOAN-o koo-RA-ee dcss-ka? Dokode kawa 0 watare masu ka? Kawa no fukasa wa dono kurai desu ka? 71<?E:-.or ;:t.;I1 .... ;:t.;I1 7" r~-1 1jjJ lJr& ;-'ViJ '7 1~ v "7' ;:t. ;11 83 English Pronunciation Is the bottom - - ? ka-WA zo-ko wa - - dess-ka? dor-O muddy rocky ee-WA sandy soo-NA Hepburn Spelling Kawa zoko wa - - desu ka? doro lwa/ slnia RAILROADS, BUSSES, PI_ANES Where is the - - ? air field hus station railroad station baggage room ticket office I want to go to - Is there a - When does the - - arrive? Is the - - running? When does a - - leave? . Il~ ,- Japanese W riti1lg fnJJit: -" - - 7' 7i1i: jJ .11 ~,i ~j; / I - - \Va DOAK-o dess-ka? hee-KO-]O /. BA-soo tay-eer-YOO-jo tay-ee-sha-ba ko-NEE-mo-tsoo tor-ee-ahts-KAee-jo - - wa doko desu ka? ---", {1I5 IJ& 7':7- Hik6j6 :Jl~fi*Gj jj f..;il . ffr Basu teiryujo -",' 7- Teishaba Konimotsu lorialsukajju f;.} llitJ)j IH'n'i ~jf)( .JJ,kffr r.f ft'li. Jfr keep-poo ha-tsoo-BA-ee-jo Kippu halsubaiju I)J - - ay yoo-kee-TA-ee no-cless ' - - ga ah-ree-MA-ska? - - e yukitai nodesu -,-~U~? - - ga arimasu ka? - - 7l 79"";1. - - wa nanjini tsuki masli ka? - - \Va kayotte imasll ka? ----", {iiJll.'1 .='"- ~ ~ - - \Va nanjini ucmasll ka? .- - - wa NAHN-jee-nee MA-ska? tskee - - \Va ka-yoat-tay ee-MA-ska? - - wa NAHN-jee-nee day-MAska? bus RA-soo plane hee-KO-kee I -. ~ .-' (' Basli ----'" ~iIi ---~, -1 / 7' 7jJ .,.. ,:.t. j} ':J 7' .{ -'" ;t. 1) MilS: =-, HI''''' "/. 'jJ J'. ;/.. Hiktiki 85 ~ English P1'onmteiation lJepbum Spelli'ng Japa.nese Writing train A ticket to - What is the fare to - - ? When do we get to - - ? kee-SHA - - yoo-kee no keep-poo - - rna-day EE-koo-ra dess-ka? --ay NAHN-jee-nee tskee MA-ska? jee-kahn-H~YO 0 koo-da-SA-ee Kisha - - yuki nokippu --Imade ikura desu ka? ' - /' e nanjini tsuki masu ka? ftIII --fi/ Give me a timetable ! Jikanhyo 0 -9J1~ --~~~1iiI :;-',7. -}J - - "-1iiIn-~J" = ~ '\'- -v ,7. j] kudasai 1'/ OTHER MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION Where can I find - - ? a a a a a a a a a I I,. bicycle boal car donkey horse mule plane sleigh wagon --wa DOAK-o-nce MA-ska? jee-TEN -sha BOAT-o jee-DOASH-ah RO-ba oo-1\1A RA-ba hee-KO-kee SO-ree nee-BA-sha I a battery 36 i Jitensha Boto Jidosha Roba Vma Raba Hikoki Sori Nibasha 8 ~[~iIlI ,t;' - 1- g ifOfill ~JlK .~~ !!jJR ~fi'f~ tt! 1t.'f .~~I1I / REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES Where can I find - - ? --. wa dokoni arimasu ka? ah-ree- --wa DOAK-o-nee MA-ska? DEN-chee ah-ree- r' - - wa dokoni arimasu ka? Denchi 87 • Ru{!,lislt brake lluid a cable chains Diesel oil distilled water I. a ftHing station a garage gasoline grease an inner tube a jack a light bt\lb oil pliers a pump a screwdriver spark plugs a tire tire patches tools a wrench Where can I find a mcchanic? 1'l'onuJtC'iatiolt boo-RAY-kee yoo ha-ree-GA-nay na-wa ksa-ree DEE-zay-roo yoo JOR-YOO-soo-ee ga-so-reen STAHN~-o ga-RAY-jee ga-so-REEN goo-REE-soo CHOO-boo JAHK-kee denk-YOO ah-boo-ra PEN-chee rOAM-poo nay-jee MA-wa-shee ten-ka-sen TA-ee-ya TA-ee-yaPAHT-chee DOAG-oo REN-chee kee-KA-ee-KO wa DOAK-o-nee ~e-MA-ska? . Japanese lVriting lJepburn S pelting Bureki yu Harigane nawa Kusari Dizeru yu J5ryti.sui Gasorin sutando / Gareji Gasorin Gurisu Chubu Jakki Denkyti. Abura Penchi Pompu Neji mawashi Tenkasen Taiya Taiya patchi 7"v - "" illl H~fm ~~ .' ~".-l -~. JV trtl *ili7k : ....~ . p"~'J Y;7.;7Y,,· 1{ v - j-. p" y . !7"'J '1 "f ....... ,:.J.:p 'J Y -7- ::L - 7" •..t" v",;;r,," mf.tt illl ~Y7· ~:Mii!lV P1?i1d~ • ~ ,'. ,~ ! \. :It. ;7"'''' ;7 '" '" -'~ ;;r .,. ilA Dogu .. vY"'· Renchi Kikaiko wa dokoni imas\l:ka? flM:r.~·M.""J!"'~~ .... .... '1 .. 89. 6. COMMUNICATIONS RADIO AND TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS NUMBERS NOTE: F~r numbers used in telephoning see pages 94--<)8; for other numbers see pages II8-124. English Pronunciation Hello MO-shee MOASH Hepburn S pelting Japanese Writing DOAK-o-no K.......,YO-koo bee DESS-ka? Moshimoshi .:r: V'.:r:V' Whll.t central please? Number please? nahn-bahn ay? Giveme-- - - BAHN SA-ee 0 0 o-yo- yoan-day koo-da. . Repeat MO-ee-cheed-o neg-AH-ee mahss What number is calling?so-CHEE-ra wa NAHM-bahn ..' ." . ,. cless-ka? Hang up yom receiver ·:':;·.'kEET-tay koo-da-SA-ee Dokono kyoku ka? 0 oyobi Jesu 0 J[;j ;I yunde kuqasai ." -c '7 - &Jit ~ Sochira wanamban desu ka? Y 1- ;} o-ha-NAHSH choo Kitte kudasai ~l~:Tt"'...f Information Supervisor ahn-NA-ee GA-ka-ree kahnt-o-koo Ohanashi chu ;.t;m r~l Annai gakari $~m, They do not answer o'-den-ee na-ree-ma-SEN Plea§eeall Mr, ~ to the" ~'i- sahn 0 den-WA-goo-chee teleph<?p'-~ rna-day neg-a-ee MAHSS 99' ,I ---Ii "7 \If- ;/ ']-'-,.-.,....f Moichido negai masu The line is busy I . ;.t \If- ~' ']-'- ;to -j; {nI-li---- Nanban c? - - ban 'M ~./ '>' \ -v 7- {iili\f ']-';to jJ Kantoku Odeni narimasen - - san '0 denwaguchi made . negai masu ;.t I:U = T --.,. ~ 1)' -7 -t! ~ ;I .> ~il?i tl -"" 5"' JJ( ~ '?;to 91 English Prottunciation Here is your party Thisis-- o-den-ee na-ree-MA-shta ko-CHEE-ra-wa - - dess o-SOO-mee-nee na-ree-MA-shtaka? Are you through? . I will ring again ~' Hepburn Spelling Japanese Writing Odeni narimashita :R.ochirawa - - desu Osumini narimashita ka? ;tl±l=i" 9 ::J ;t~=i"9 "7~?jJ Wait a moment Mata kake masu Chotto omachi kudasai I have a call for you o-DEN-wa dess Odenwa desu Can you hear me? Wakari m.asu ka? ;t ~jj1i 7' ;;<. Wt-9 "7;;<.11 I cannot hear you wa-ka-ree MA-ska? kee-ko-ay rna-SEN That is all so-ray-DA-kay dess Kikoe masen .' Soredake desu ;!t V - - YO-ree keenk-.YOO DENwa no ta-MAY kee-recMAHSS - - yori kinkyft denwa no tame kirliliasu urgent Erase or Cancel··· tor-EE-kesh-ec· Is this correct? ta-da-SHEE dess-ka? "," That is correct so-noat-O-ree dess Urgent KEENK-YOO . Shall I continue to ring? yo-bee tsoo-zoo-kay MA-ska? I will call you b~ck What number are you call.-" ing? " AHT-o-day ka-kay MAHSS 92 NAHN-bahn ay go-YO dess-ka? ., '.-. ... ..,., "7V? "!" '7 -"'-'-7'.7- ma-ta ka-kay mahss CHOAT-toe O-MAHCH koo-daSA-ee I mus;t interrupt call from-- "\', ~;:'1 . xm"r"7;;<' ->t~~ "!" -y..,. .-( ml=7~Y ~+ ~f' --3 7' ;;<. 'J~~~iW/~m9 7;;<' Torikeshi J{lr~ Tadashii desu ka? 1£ v/{ Sonotiiri desu ;It '" 3m ') Kinkyu ~.!!1' .u,o, Yobi tsuzuke masu ka? III Atode kak,e masu 1& 1· 7·m"r '7;;<' {ilf itt ~'P ffl 7·;;<' 11 Nanhan e i?yo desll ka? v 7":;<' 1J :;-+ ;;<. ~.;f,R "r '7 :;<. r.. 11 English / Pronunciation . Give me the number of ~ - - sahn no den-wa hahn-GO koo-da-SA-ee Long disUJ.nce please CHOAK-yo-ree den-wa C;; neg-aeeMAHSS I 0 Will you speak to anybody., DOAN-ah-taht-o DEM-o ha-naat that number? ' shee MA-ska? What is the charge? R-.....- YO-keen wa EE-koo-ra desska? Good-by sa-YO-na-ra '" '" ' .. Hepbum S pelting Japanese Writing - - san no denwa bango 0 kudasai ChOkyori denwa 0 negai masu Donatato demo hanashi masu ka? Ryokin wa ikura desu ka? - - -9" -'l Sayonara y / 'atitiHIBoc 'J -I'" -9" :!He~'atit6 'J lit ~ -v' ~ Mt1--r;{:Jt1iv-v'~11 tH't-" ~ {llJ j-' ~ 11 :tJ:t~ T ;} NUMBERS NOTE: In Japanese there Ilre several sets of numbers used for different kinds. of things. The numbers given here are the ones used btl the teleph~ne. The word for "numbe~" (" BAlIN") is added at the end. To express the number 4521, you say" Four thouSahd five hundred twenty-one number," namely: "YOAN sen, go H-.....- 'lA. koo, NEE-joo ee-chee bahn." (For other numbers see pages II8-124.) 1 ee-CHEE 2 3 4 5 6 7 NEE 94 sahn YOAN GO ro-KOO NA-na ichi ";~ .... '_jJ ni san - yon (lg go roku Ji nana rL; -'- " 95 Englisll I'rollnllcialioll 8 ha-CHEE 9 KOO 10 11 12 13 14 16 16' 17 18 19 20 21 22 .30 40 60 60 70 80 96 JOO JOO-ce-CHEE , JOO-NEE JOO-sahn JOO-YOAN ., .. ~ JOO-go JOO-ro-KOO JOO-NA-na JOO-ha-chce JOO-koo NEE-joo NEE-joo-ee-CHEE NEE-joo-NEE SAHN-joo YOAN-joo go-JOO ro-koo-JOO na-NA-joo ha-CHEE-JOO Hepburii SpeUill!: 'J apa.nese W riling hachi )\ ku 1L ju juichi juni + -1-+= jusan +~ juyon jugo +em +:li juroku junana +-1:: juhachi +J\ jUku niju nijuichi +1L =+ =+-=-1-= nijuni .. / r -~ +~ sanju ~-I- yonju em+ :li+ goju rokuju nanaju hachiju ~+ -1::+ )\-~. 97 English Pronunciation 90 koo-JOO h,-,ya-koo 100 1000 10,000 SEN MAHN TELEGRAPH I want to send a - telegram night letter day letter radiogram cablegram Please give me a form Can I send a message to --? (name of place) What is the charge? Answer prepaid 98 -- 0 oo-chee-TA-ee no-dess dem-PO ya-kahn wa-ree-bee-kee DEM-po .CHOO-kahn . wa-ree-bee-kee DEM-po !Doo-SEN DEN-sheen ka-ee-TAY-ee DEN-sheen ra-ee-SHEEN-shee 0 koo-da-SAee - - ay dem-PO 0 OOTS koTOAG-ah dek-ee MA-ska? R,-, YO-keen wa EE-koo-ra desska? hen-sheen-R,-,YO tskee dem-PO MAIL NOTE: For numbers 1-10,000 see pages 118-124; for l\10ney, page 152. English Pronunciation H epbum S pelting J apanese Writing Where is the post office? YOO-BEENK-yo-koo wa DOAK-o dess-ka? t1S19!./iii -", {iiJ~ 7'" ~ Where can I mail this? DOAK-o-day TOAK-ahn dek-ee MA-ska? Yubinkyoku wa doko desu ka? Dokode tekan deki masu ka? How much postage on this? EE-koo-ra-no keet-tay ga .~e-ree MA-ska? Ikurano kitte ga iri masu ka? ka-keet-o-may Kakitome ho-KEN-tskee Hokentsuki Please insure ho-KEN 0 KA-ket-ay koo-r1a-SAee Hoken Value-- - - no shee-NA-mo-no - - no hee-KO YOO-been Hiko yiibin Second class DA-ee-NEE-shoo YOO-BEEN boo-tsoo Dainishu Special delivery soak-TA-tsoo Sokutatsu ~£l5 Parcel post ko-ZOO-tsoo-mee K02utsumi 11'11 What does it contain? na-KA-mee wa NAHN dess-ka? Nak!Lmi wa nail desu ka? This package contains _.-' --, ga HA-eet-tay mahss - - ga haitte books HOAN Hon candy KA-shee Kashi I Air mail (. il=fa Registered Insured 1(10 kakete 0 'jJ kuda~ai 1¥ll-allH Ilk ;1 m?" * ], -I'" y >I ~hinal1lono ~fi¥lS19! yubinbut~u ma~u ti';=: f! ¥IS f!J!!fo/J l~llJ.k"" {nI 7' ~ )J --1l)... ';/ J' '77. 101 English Hepbmn S pelting Pronunciation Japanese Writing kee-roo-no Kimono ~ltbJ You mar open i~ ta-bem-o-no ah-KET-em-o YO-ee dess Taberoono Aketeroo yoi desu 1itltbJ VH ~ 7- =£:, =r -1 Perishable foo-HA-ee-boo-tsoo Fuhaibutsu Jgl{tttbJ ko-WA-rero-o-no tor-ee-ahts-KA-ee CHOO-ee Kowaremono ~ttbJ Toriatsukai chUi lfHhti'.t ~~ Kitte ~J~ '7 - clothing food Fragile Handle with care Please give me - - worth of stamps Please roail this ~02 keet-tay 0 -- koo-da-SA-ee . o-KOOT-tay koo-da-SA-ce '0 I, 0 -- kudasai Okutte kudasai 7' :A r .,. -1 i!i~ 7-r~-1 103 7. RECONNAISSANCE RECONNAISSANCE English Are there any troops around here? Are they--? American British Burmese Chinese Indo-Chinese Indian Japanese Manchukuo Philippine Soviet infantry cavalry !\ Pronunciation ko-no-HEN nee GOON-ta-ee ga ee-MA-ska? --dess-ka? -bay-ee-goon ay-ee-goon bee-roo-MA goon CHOO-GO-koo goon FTSOO-een goon eend-O goon neep-POAN goon mahn-SHOO-ko-koo goon hee-reep.PEEN goon SO-ren goon ho-HAY-ee kee-HAY-ee '{< ,.i, ,. . /' ~( Writin~ Hepburn Spelling Japanese Konohcn ni guntai ga imasu ka? - - desu ka? ~b.7 ~ = Beigun Eigun Binima gun Chiigoku gun Futsuin gun Indo gun Nippon gun Manshilkoku gun Hirippin gun Soren gun hohei kihei lIilrat:;lt J8 -.- ~ jJ --*.~ jJ *lJ ~JlL ~fjjj1Pt:p~1P- {4HPlJ ~pm:lJ a*JfL iM rJH iii JfL Jt$}t{jJ ~~jJ. 2f1* .f.f* NOTE: For other bra.nches see pa.ges 30-32. 105 lot -~- - ~ English Pronunciation What colors were the uniforms? Were they --? black light blue dark blue GOOM-poo-koo no ee-RO wa NAHN desh-ta-ka? DESH-ta-ka? brown gray green khaki or tan greenish khaki (of J ap- KOO-ro mee-ZOO-ee-ro KOAN cha-ee-ro ha-ee ee-ro MEED-o-ree KA-kee ee-ro ko-koo-BO-sho-koo anese uniforms) white How many are there? . Have you seen any --? How ~any heavy guns are there? How many machine guns are there? How many planes are there? How many tanks are there? 106 SHEE-ro NAHN neen ec-MA-ska? Japanese Writing Gumpuku no iro wa nan deshita ka? - - deshita ka? J1fBliV -@. ...'fiiJ7' v Kuro Mizuiro 1.!. 71<e Kon Chairo Haiiro Midori *11 jl jJ ~e 1Y--@. Kak'iiru f¢k ft-,,"-@. Kokuboshoku ~Iljj~ Shiro Nan nin ima~mka? - - 0 mimashita ka? J11ho wa nanmon arimasu ka? - - Q mee-MA-shta-ka? JOO-HO wa NAHN-moan ahree-MA-ska? kee-KAHN-JOO wa NAHN-daee ah-ree-MA-ska? hee-KO-kee wa NAHN-kee ahree-MA-ska? SEN-sha wa NAHN-da-ee ahree-MA-ska? Hepburn Spelling 1'3 {liSAm-"7 ~ ft --'7J!"7Vjlft :w: ,fi'cl"" {iiI r~ 7 9 "? ~ ;b Kikanju wa n:mdai arimasu ka? Hikoki wa nanki arimasu ka? ,·1 Sensha wa nandai arimasu ka? 107 English Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling ] apanese Writing How many troops are there? hay-ee-ta-ee wa NAHN-neen ee:MA-ska? Heitai wa nannin imasu ka? ~~""'fPJAm"77-1J NOTE: For numbers 1-10,000 see pages II8-124. Hata wa donna iro deshita ka? What colors in the flag? ha-TA wa DOAN-na DESH-ta-ka? Was 'there - - ? black light blue dark blue green orange purple red - - DESH-ta-ka? KOO-ro mee-ZOO-ee-ro KOAN MEED-o-ree da-ee-da-ee ee-ro moo-RA-sa-kec AH-ka - - deshita ka? Kuro Mizuiro Kon Midori Daidaiiro Murasaki Aka white SHEE-ro Shiro H yellow KEE-ro Kiiro lie What markings did they have? VOAN-na kee-SHO ee-:MA-shta-ka? 0 kahn-tahn-na AY koo-da-SA-ee Was it like this? KOAN-na VESH-la-ka? Are there any - - ? ko-no-hen nee - - ga M.A-ska? air fields ,108 hee-KO-JO tsket-ay KA-ee-tay Please draw a sketch 0 ee-ro ah-ree- Donna kisho shita ka? 0 tsukete ima- Kantanna e 0 kaite kuclasai Konna deshita ka? Konohen ni - - ga arimasu ka? hikc,jo --'Y'>-'? jJ ~ 7ke ~tt {¢k 3:.@. ~ iJJ~ Vy-r~.7~""7"-1"7V :!-l'JJ ,iiifIU- 'i: "7 tiii -1 7" r ..,. -1 Jli: / 3&:"- - - -)1' 7 9 -? 7- }J '1lHr;tJ} 109 ' Pronunciation Hepbum Spelling Japanese Writing bivouacs ro-AY-ee-chee roeichi ~~ill! contact mines sho-koo-HA-tsoo jee-ra-ee dahn-ya-koo SHOO-sek-ee-jo shokuhatsu jirai ~-ftill!1f danyaku shiisekijo 5Jfi ~ ~f1ir9f English dumps fortified towns message centers mine fields -' BO-bee TOASH-ee bobi toshi I!1H'n'];ffjnff JO-HO SHOO-SHOO-jo jee-RA-ee FSETS CHTA-ee joho shushujo 'mtrIqX:mm jirai fusetsu chitai ill! 1fj!JJt;& ill! ':'1:£ .... " 1--'T11 pillboxes TOACH-ka tochika radio stations moo-SEN TSOO-sheen-jo 1lUljUi18" Jifr railheads tahn-ma-tsoo TAY-ee-sha-JO hoak-YOO-sho musen tsushinjo tanmatsu teishajo supply depots strong points telephone centrals telephone lines trenches Please point Do the troops have --? no (,. ~~A1* f~:qI~ hokyiishO 1iU%r~ k.......yo-ten den-wa KO-KAHNK-yo-koo kyoten denwa kokankyoku !!IWii den-wa-sen denwasen ~~1i~ zahn-GO zango yubi sashite kudasai ff. 'ffi v )roo-bee SA-shta)' koo-da-SA-ee GOON-ta-ee wa - - 0 moat-tay ee-MA-ska? "', Guntai wa imasu ka? -- ~ITa ~ iff! J~ 0 fl[~ motte :T 1: ~ -1 W-I~""--7 tJ antitank guns TA-ee-sen-sha-HO taisenshaho ~H Jp~ :ijI:ji~ heavy guns JOO-HO juho :m:~ horses oo-MA uma .~~ motorcycl.es OAT-o-ba-ee otobai ;;t - t# ':l :T -'f"?:A 1- ""-1 III English I I I· Pronunciation planes hee-KO-kee supplies hoak-YOO-HEEN tanks - SEN-sha trucks tor-AHK-koo Have the troops been --? GOON-ta-ee wa - - DESH-laka? advancing zen-sheen CHaO retreating TA-eek-YA-koo CHaO digging trenches zallll-GO KOACH-koo CHaO laying mines jee-RA-ee FSETS CHaO preparing an air field hee-KO-jo joom-bee CHaO laying in supplies hoak-YOO-heen SHOO-sek-ee CHaO repairing equipment SO-goo SHOO-ree CHaO building tank traps SEN-sha SHO-GA-ee-boots SETchee CHaO building dugouts em-PAY-ee-boo KOACH-koo CHaO Which direction did they DOACH-ee-ra-no HO-KO nee go? . you-kee MA-shta-ka? Have any mines been jee-RA-ee ga fsets shtay ah-reeplanted? MA-ska? Show us where they are DOAK-o-nee AH-roo-ka 0SHEE-et-ay koo-da-SA-ee Hepburn .'i)dling .Tap<I';lcsc IV ritiltK hikoki hokyiihin sensha torakku Guntai wa - - deshita ka? -11~qj'm zenshin chii taikyaku chii zango kochiku chii jirai fusetsu chii hikojo jumbi chfl hokyiihin shflseki cha sogu shari cha .sensha shogaibutsu setchi cha :ff1j,f.~M, lilXlII 1-7~P 1ff.1~ .'"- - '7'" ~ :7 }J T~;j~ rjl illi/Jrll J\!IJ~m~rj:t flli 1t=i"J]Jk ~3t rj:t r:p fili f.ft I HI 41i f1i r:p :JiHr~~ Jl(( 1iiii ~~f@:fmrl:t JI~ ljI ~~li~- !fJJ]~.x ii: rl:t empeibu kochiku chfl Dochirano hoko ni yuki mashita ka? Jirai ga fusetsu shite arimasu ka? Dokoni aruka oshiete kudasal 112 113 8. LANDING A PLANE LANDING A I-LANE t. English Prommciatio-n Hepburn S pelting J apanese Writing What air field is this? DOAK-o-no hee-KO-JO DESSka cha-KOO-ree-koo shtay DA-eeJO-boo dess-ka? Dokono hikojo desu ka? {iiI ~ / ~fi!£ -'}-' 7- jj 1£[1 {iiJ -'}-" 7- n fjlL1:Jjl1.jf~' V 1/ ?l' ~r 7 Am I clear to land? Are there any obstructions? What altitude do they reach? What is your field elevation? What is your ceiling? What is your visibility? What is your surface wind velocity? What is your surface wind direction? --'kilometers per hour NOTE: 114 For numbers 1-10,000 SHO-GA-ee-boots ga ah-reeMA-ska? DOAN-o koo-RA-ee-no TA-ka-sa nee ah-ga-ree MA-ska? hee-KO-JO wa ka-ee-ba-tsoo doan-o-koo-RA-ee DESS-ka? JO-SHO GEND-o wa DOR-edah-kay DESS-ka? SHKA-ee wa DOAD-ess-ka? chee-JO FOO-so-koo wa DORed-ah-kayah-ree-NlA-ska? chee-JO FOO-KO wa DOR-edah-kay ah-ree-MA-ska? .jee-SO-koo --, KEE-ro see pages Chakuriku shite daijobu desu ka? Shogaibutsu ga arimasu ka? Dono kuraino takasa ni agati masu ka? Hikojo wa. kaibatsu donokurai desu ka? 10sho gendo wa doredake desu ka? Shikai wa do desu ka? Chijo fusoku wa doredake arimasu ka? Chijo fUM wa doredake arimasu ka? Jisoku - - kiro ifi».!R-~' 7-n ftlL1:.m, [tIJ~' 7-n 9 '"7 1-" 1/ ?l' ?" 7 9 "7 n~~-ff 118-124. 115 ( English Pronunciation IIepb1lT1i Spelling Japanese Writing HElw is the surface of the runway? kahss-SO-ro wa DOAD-ess-ka? Kassor6:Wa do desu ka? r*jE1~pt£llfilJ7'-~}J ltis-- --dess - - . desu --7~jJ good YO-ee yoi. tf/fo bad wa-ROO-ee warni rough day-KO-bo-ko dekoboko I!!tl!!l noo-KA-roo-mee nukatiimi i7ei* - - ga hee-tsoo-YO dl'sS - - ga hitsuyo desu - - p ' £-1lf 7' ~ ammunition dahn-YA-koo hrake fluid Dany;aku Bureki'yu 3Jji~ hoo-RAY-kee yoo Hatsudoki yu Gasorin • *!li)Jt~7111 -muddy I neerl-- engine oil ha-tsoo-DOAK-ee yoo gasoline ga-so-reen a tire or tires TA-ee-ya I need repairs SHOO-ZEN shee-NA-kay-reb-ah na-ree~ma-SEN Taiya Shiizcn shinukereba narimasen -fv-0\'-7111 :ll'./ 9 :/ ~ /f -y f'*;t~ V -r If" v ~" -r 9 .,.. ~ :/ .\ 116. 117 NUMBERS, SIZE, TIME, ETC. 9. NUMBERS, SIZE, TIME, ETC. ,", NUMBERS In Japanese, the numbers have different forms according to the things you are counting. Four sets are given below. If you ask a question about how many there are of someth!ng and you are not able to recognize the answer ask the man to wnte the number out: NOTE: Please write it Write it! (command) Numbers 1 2 3 4 KA-ee-tay koo-da-SA-ee KA-kay! For Counting in General For CoulI,ting Things ce-CREE (ichi) hcc-TOATS NEE (ni) SARN (san) ' SREE (shi) Kaite kudasai Kake! - IlY 5 6 7 GO (go) 11. _t. ro-KOO (roku) /, hee-CREE (hichi) -l:: 8 ha-CREE (hachi) j\ (hitot~u) -';/ FTA-tsoo (futatsu) meet-TSOO (mittsu) :::';/ yoat-TSOO (yottsu) I!Y,;/ =:,';/ ee-TSOOTS (itsutsu) 11.';/ moot-TSOO (muttsu) "A';/ na-NA-tsoo (nanatsu) -1:;';/ yaht-TSOO (yattsu) i\';/ it:~ rF~~ 1!l=.Ir For Counting People For Counting Buildings hee-TOR-ee (hitori) FTA-ree (futari) EEK-ken (ikken) NEE-ken (niken) sahn-NEEN (sannin) yo-NEEN (yonin) , SARN-gen (sangen) SRKEN (shiken) :=:i\1f or YOAN-ken (yonken) 1m ff go-NEEN (gonin) 11.A ro-KOO-neen (rokunin) f:.A hee-CREE-neen (hlchinin) -I:: A ha-CREE-neen (hachiriin) -f.f :::*1' GO-ken (goken) 1i.f.f roak-KEN (rokken) "Aff hee-CREE-ken (hichiken) -I:;ff hahk-KEN (hakken) j\ff /\A 118 119 N1I11l- hrrs 9 10 Numbers 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 120 For C01l1lting in General 'KOO (ku) JOO (jii) JL i- For C01l11ting Things For Counting People ko-KO-,;o-tsoo (kokonotsu) koo-NEEN (kunin) JOO-neen (jiinin) • For Counting Buildings iL'Y -r TOE (to) For Counting in General and Counting Things ;, iLA koo-KEN (kuken) fLtr -rA JOOK-ken (jukktm) -rtf For Counting People For Counting Buildings JOO-EEK-ken (juikken) -r= JOO-ee-CHEE neen (juichi nin) -r-A JOO-NEE neen (juni nin) JOO-sahn (jiisan) . -r:=. JOO-SAHN neen (jusan nin) JOO-SAHN gen (jusan gen) JOO-shee (jiishi) -rPH JOO-yo neen (juyo nin) JOO-YOAN ken (juyon ken) JOO-go (juga) -r3i. JOO-go neen (jugo nin) JOO-GO ken (jugo ken) JOO-ro-koo (juroku) -r~ JOO-ro-koo neen (jl1roku nin) JOO ROAK-ken (jl1rokken) -r-{;: -r~A JOO-hee-chee (juhichi) , ;-"'-'f JOO-hee-chee neen (jl1hichi -r-{;:A nin) JOO-ha-chee (jl1hachi) +lv JOO-hee-chee ken (juhichi ,~~' ken) , ;--{;:-'f JOO-ha-chee ken (jl1hachj'ken)' JOO-koo (j11ku) , foiL JOO-HA-chee neen (juhachi nin) -rAA JOO-koo neen (jUku nin) JOO-ec-CHEE (jiiichi) i-- JOO-NEE (juni) I ,.·1 -r=A -r::::'A -rimA -r:'IiA -rnA ;--ff JOO-NEE ken (juni ken), , -r=f.f: -r='ff' -rlmff ;-:'Iiff ;-Aff JOO-KOOK-ken (jakukken) -rfLff 121 Nftmbers For Counting in Gmeral and Counting Things 20 NEE-joo (niju) '::-r 30 SAHN-joo (sanju) S-r 40 shee-JOO (shiju) Im-r 50 go-Joo (goju) 3l.-r 60 ro-koo-Joo (rokuju) ~-r hee-CHEE-joo (hichiju) -l:;-r 80 ha-chee-JOO (hachiju) A-r 90 koo-JOO (kuju) JL-r 100 h,-,ya-KOO (hyaku) Ef 1000 SEN (sen) =r- 10,000 MAHN (man) . For Co1t1/.ting Bulldings NEE-jook-ken (nijukken) '::-I~ .::-I-Jl!f A (,1 SAHN-joo neen (sanjii nin) SAHN-jook-ken (sanjukken) :=:-1-:+1 ~-I- A II> 70 For Counting People NEE-joo neen (nijii nin) YOAN-joo neen (yonju nin) YOAN-jook-ken (yonjukken) llf1-rtr 1lf1-1- A go-JOOK-ken (gojukken) go-lOo neen (gojii nin) 3l.-rA 3l.-rn ro-koo-JOO neen (rokujii nin) 1,-tA ru-koo-JOOK-ken (rokujuk~-I-i\!f ken) hce-CHEE-JOO neen (hichijii -1:;-1- A nin) hee-chee-JOOK-ken (hichijuk-1::;-1- tf ken) ha-chee-JOO neen (hachijii A -I- A nin) ha-chee-JOOK-ken (hachijukA-I-tf ken) koo-JOO neen (kuju nin) koo-JOOK-ken (kujukken) h,-,ya-KOO neen (hyaku nin) h--...-ya-koo KEN (hyaku ken) jL-1- A ~. SEN neen (sen nin) ·hi"A "'f' A JL-ttf SEN ken (sen ken). W·i\if =f·i\if ~,Jf '-I ; 122 123 ORDINAL NUMBEltS English Pronunciation First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth DA-ee ee-CREE DA-ee nee DA-ee sahn DA-ee shee DA-ee go DA-ee ro-koo DA-ee hec-chec DA-ee ha-chee DA-ee koo DA-ec JOO DA-ec JOO-ee-chce DA-ee Joa-nee . • Hepburn Spelling Japanese Writing dai ichi dai ni dai san dai shi dai go dai roku dai hichi dai hac-hi daiku dai jii dai juichi <lai jiini !'.r1- Sukoshi Takusan Hijoni takusan pv r:'fJlI . ~'t~ ~'tlm ~ai. W;~ 2.Ii"{:; ~il\ ~i1L tli -1?li-f-~ii-= ~ OTHER EXPRESSIONS OF AMOUNT . A few or not many Many Very many ~= SKO-shee tahk-SAHN hee-JO-nee tahk-SAHN A,' .' \........ L.) ~F'i(,- = rl~111 SIZE AND WEIGHT Non,;: For units of size and weight see page '52. Small CHEE-SA-cc Large' O-KEE 124 Chii5<'li Okii 125 English Pronunciation Medium CHOO-goo-RA-ee Long na-GA-ee Short mee-jee-KA-ee High ta-KA-ee Low hee-KOO-ee Heavy o-MO-ee Light ka-roo-ee 1- • .... H epbum Spelling Japanese Writing Chiigurai Ij1 W: Nagai ~-1 Mijikai ~\H Takai ~-1 Hikui ~JS: -1 Omoi :iA Karui m-1 Hepbum Spelling J apmtese W riling Ichijikan -HHJJ =n,)j:ra1 1LHHa1 TIME English Pronunciation One hour ee-CHEE-jee-kahn Two hours nee-JEE-kahn Five hours go-JEE-kahn Five minutes GO-foon Ten minutes JOOP-poon Fifteen minutes JOO-go-foon Twenty minutes NEE-joop-poon Itis-one o'clock five o'clock --dess ee-CHEE-jee GO-jee 126 Nijikan Gojikan ... v ...; Gofun Ji5t Juppun -r:5)- Jugofun i<Ii.~)- Nijuppun =-/-5)- --desu Ichiji Goji ---T'~ -11','1= .1i1f3: 127 f, English five minutes to five ten minutes to five five minutes after five ten minutes after five half past five Pronunciation /GO-jee go-FOON ma-ay GO-jee joop-POON ma-ay GO-jee go-FOON soog-ee GO-jee joop-POON soog-ee GO-jee HAHN . .. He pburII Spelling J a.panesc IVriting Goji gofun mae JiU#Ji7i-j.jij Jillt+7i-tJij JintJi7};1& Y Jiut+?t ~ "'~ Goji juppun mae Goji gofun sugi Goji juppun sugi Goji han JiH-t~l~ Today Yesterday Tomorrow k,,-,yo kee-NO ah-SHTA Kyo Kino Ashita 4-8 lI'r 8 In the morning In the afternoon ah-sa no oo-chee-nee hee-ROO ka-ra hahn nee --nee Asa no uchini Hiru kara ~/lfl= j/J::b 7 Ban ni --ni --= Yoake ~IlJl 'r Yiigure Shogo Mayonaka Yoru 1'~~ ~!Z Nichiyo hi Getsuyo hi Kayo hi 811M8 JHlIA 8 j(lIll1 U In the evening At-,dawn dusk noon midnight night Sunday Monday Tuesday 128 yo-AH-kay YOO-goo-ray SHO-go ma-YO-na-ka YO-roo nee-chee-YO bee gets-YO bee ka-YO bee , "; ' . #. ~ !!tHI r~= JELf· ~~lfl 129 English PrlJ'nUllCiation Hepburn Spelling Japanese Writing Wednesday Thursday soo-ee-YO bee mo-koo-YO bee keen-YO bee Suiyo bi. Mokuyo bi Kinyo bi Doyo bi 7~~ EI Friday Saturday January February March April May June July August September October November December Day Week Month One day 130 doy-YO bee " ee-chee GA-tsoo Ichi gatsu Ni gatsu San gatsu Shi gatsu Go gatsu Roku gatsu Hichi gatsu Hachi gatsu Ku gatsu nee GA-tsoo SAHN ga-tsoo shee GA-tsoo GO ga-tsoo ro-KOO ga-tsoo hlle-CREE ga-tsoo ha-CHEE ga-tsoo KOO ga-tsoo JOO ga-tsoo JOO-ee-CREE ga-tsoo JOO-nee ga-tsoo nee-chee SHOO TSKEE ee-CHEE nee-chee ... '-l Ju gatsu Juichi gatsu Juni gatsu nichi shU tsuki ichi nichi *IIMEI ~IlMEI ±1ij1E1 -PJ =A ~J:J 1m ):J JiM ~):1 -i::A AA JtJJ -;- fJ -;--A -;-=n EI 3m J:J -11 131 Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling Japanes.e Writing Two days foots-KA futsuka =a Three days meek-ka mikka ~E1 yoak-ka eets-ka eesh-SHOO-kahn nee-SHOO-kahn sahn-SHOO-kahn eek-KA-gets nee-KA-gets sahn-KA-gets yokka itsuka isshGkan nishukan sanshGkan ikkagetsu nikagetsu sankagetsu rn:IEI English Four days Five days One week Two weeks Three weeks One month Two months Three months ., ,., lLa -j,!Mra1 =:lMra1 ~:lMra1 -;,. n =;,- n ~;,- FJ I· i 132. 133 NOTES 134 NOTES 135 10. ~! PERSONAL EQUIPMENT , English Belt Blouse Cante,en Chevrons First-aid packet Cap Gasmask Helmet Insignia ADDITIONALTERMS ADDITIONAL TERMS .f. Pronunciation H epb1trn S pelting Japanese Writing o-BEE-ka-wa oo-wa-gee soo-eet-O VEE-ga-ta wahn-SHO HO-TA-ee ZOO-tsoo-mee goon-BO ga-soo MA-skoo tets KA-boot-o kee-SHO obikawa uwagi suito v-gata wansho hotai zutsumi P,f~1t'i r/ ;- gunbo gasu masuku tetsu kabuto kisho J:~ 7k~ V%~ft *,1ilt,¥~-§' JI[~ %wr... ~p .9l! fit. WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION Ammunition Antitank guns Bayonet Bomb Cannon 13ft dahn-ya-koo TA-ee-sen-sha-HO JOO-KEN ba-koo-dahn ta-ee-HO -i 1<1 .... danyaku taisenshahO jaken bakudan taiho 3¥. 'ff.Uti) rc~IJ .~ xi) '137 I English It I' Pronunciation llepburn Spelling J apaltese Writing kijl1 ~~ Carbine k~e-JOO Cartridge DAHN-ya-koo danyaku Firearm KA-kee ~~ kaki j(~ , Gas GA-soo Grenade tek-ee-dahn Howitzer R,-" YOO-DAHM-po Machine gun kee-KAHN-joo Mine jee-RA-ee Mortar K....,YOO-HO <" '" ':"~ gasu %m tekidan 1lI~ ryl1dampo tli'f~@ kikanju flBUlt jirai jill kyuho E@ *'~ Pistol ken-JOO kenju Rifle Shell ' SHO-]OO HO-DAHN sMju Submachine gun kay-ee-kee-KAHN-JOO m- Il"~ hodan @~ keikikanju @flmMlX CARS, TANKS, PLANES, SHIPS I' Accelerator ka-SO-koo-kee Aircraft carrier KO-KOO BO-kahn Airplane hee-KO-kee Armor SO-KO Armored car SO-KO jee-DOASII-ah Auto jee-DOASH-ah 138 ,.> i../ ... kasokuki )JII~m koku hokan tt~-aH~ hikoki :jIUjm soko !J{:fJl soko jidosha ~ ffllHi)j I,! jidosha af.1llli " 139 English Pronunciation HePburn Spelling Japanese W riling Battery HO-DA-ee hOdai 1i'1!!~ Battleship sen-kahn senkan Biplane fkoo-YO-kee Bomber ba-koo-GEK-ee-kee Brakes boo-RAY-kee Bridge kahnk-YO kankyo ~fr.ii Carburetor kee-KA-kec kikaki ~1t.*lf Cargo ship ka-MOATS-sen kamotsusen jtlfo/JJm mugen kidc)sha ", .,; ~J , fukuyoki bakugekiki . bureki ~~ tuJfUa ~.fj ·fv-~ kuratchi ~ II&: JWI. ill !j! 17=),/7- Controls SO-JOO SO-chee soju s5chi t~~:Wc~ Cruis~r joon-YO-kahn junyokan ~i$~ Deck kahm-pahn kampan '¥jN Destroyer KCHEE-koo-kahn kuchikukan JWH£~ Dive bomber K--..-YOO-KO-ka ec-kee kyukoka bakugekiki ~Ilif:r~_tftl Engine ,kee-KAHN kikan fjt6m Engine room kee-KAHN-shee-tsoo kikanshitsu fjf*j'$: Fighter plane sent-O-kee sentoki .fjIUJJfj shokaki m!k~ kikan me~ Caterpillar track Clutch '::moo-gen keed-O-sha ·,',koo-RAHT-chee ba-koo-GEK- "r" Fire extinguisher :Flagship uo SHO-KA-kee , 'kee-kahn ..I 4 \. "; : 141' , , English Pronunciation Hepbum Spelling Japanese W riring Fuel tank nen-R'-/YO-yoo-SO "nenryoyuso Fuselage kido han mugen kidosha 1t&*firufli tlUPl Half-track keed-O hahn moog-en keed-O-sha Hangar ka-koo-NO-ko ~ ~.; . ~ $.tt ~Il J19L ill J1! ~~J! Horn sheed-O KO-kahn kakunoko shido kokan Instruments Light bulb kee-KA-ee kikai ~iffJJ: denk-YOO denkyii Minesweeper SO-ka-ee-TAY-ee ~JJ¥" sokaitei tf~~ Monoplane tahn-YO-kee tanyoki .qi~fli Motor ha-tsoo-DOAK-ee hatsudoki Jt!lflJ~ Observation plane kahn-SOAK-kee kan~okuki llUlIJ~ Pontoons or Pontons (jor airplanes) foo-shoo fushl1 r$:JiI" puropera teisatsu jidosha 7·U ~ 1ft ~ ~ ftlJ Itt f~mtU~ Propeller pro-pay-ra Scout car tay-ee-sa-tsoo jee-DOASH-ah Searchlight SHO-MAY-eet-O shomeito !m~Jfl Submarine sen-SOO-ee-kahn sensuikan M7M11i Tail BEE-boo "bibu ~itl) Tank SEN-sha Tanker yoo-SO-SEN Torpedo boat soo-ee-ra-ee-TAY-ee 142 " sensha ~J1! yusosen illltfifm suiraitei 7.km~ '7 14:>, English Torpedo plane Troopship Truck Warship Japanese Writing raigekiki U;-~~ gunyosen JrfjJHY~ f- r7~}' gunkan Jrfm YO-koo yoku jt yoosh TESS-sen yUshi tessen 7f:PIIIJ~~ HAHM-poo sek-ee-TAHN hampu ijJ}L ",fli sekitan ;p~ ha-JO tep-PAHN ta-keeg-ee ja-ree hajo teppan i1tw.:~~ /I - SUPPLIE~ Barbed wire Canvas Coal Corrugated iron Firewood Gravel Hammer Ladder Lumber takigi lFr jari .ijl;~lj ka-NA-zoo-chet> ha-shee-go kanazuchi· ~ hashigo ~ ZA-ee-mo-koo zaimoku jirai kempaki #* ill! flttft Wt ~~ kugi iU jujishii +*If* Mine detector Nails jee-RA-ee kem-pa-kee koog-ee pick JOO-JEE-shpo Pontoons or Pontons (for a bridge) 144 Hepbum 5'pettilt!!, torakku goon-kahn Wings TOOLS AND Pronundatiolt ra-ee-GEK-kee goon-YO-sen tor-AHK-koo . , ~I tesh-SHOOK-YO tesshukyo i:&:lfH~ 145 English I Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling Japanese 'Writing Rope tsoo-na tsuna Sand soo-na suna ~,* rtP Sheet iron tep-pahn teppan .~ Shovel SHA-bay-roo shaberu ~.y--:.JV Wire Wire cutters tess-sen .~ tets-JO BA-sa-mee tessen tetsujo basami ahn-ten-ah antena 7:/7T Batteries DEN-chee denchi ~1& Electric wire den-sen densen ~£!jt :M~essage TSOO-sheen tsl1shin !ifi.1~ Message center JO-HO SHOO-SHOO-JO johO shl1,.<;hUjo 'I1t*l& JkFJr Panels foo-bahn fuban ;:fljf1i Pigeon TSOO-sheen BA-toe tsl1shin bato m1~1l,ij Pigeon loft K-......-YOO-sha ky11sha Radio equipment RA-jee-o SO-chee ~% '7 1"';t!Jt Ii Radio set RA-jee-o rajio '71"';;t moo-SEN TSOO-sheen-jo. musen tsushinjo 1!!tilR!ifi.1iUfr jushinki ~1~m hanshaki &M~~ - I-, Jj .~~ COMMUNICATIONS Antenna Radio station Receiver (telegraph or radio) Reflector 146' joo-SHEEN-kee hahn-SHA-kee . ~, '. rajio sochi 147 - English Prommciation Hepburn Rockets ka-sen kasen -* Tr,i Switchboard ha-ee-den-bahn haidenban 12'r«§ Telegraph set den-SHEEN-kee denshinki 1lt1~fI Telephone DEN-wa denwa ~lffl Telephone receiver joo-WA-kee juwaki ~iiM! Teletypewriter TAY-ray-ta-ee-poo teretaipu :Tv3t-1 Barracks hay-ee-sha heisha r~* Bivouac ro-AY-ee-chee roeichi ~~JtI! Bridle ba-ro-koo Camp SHO-AY-ee bareku shoei Jil~1t' 1:Hrm1·4H~ ,., -t. Spellill~ Japanese Writing 7' MISCELLANEOUS ~:t!J Foxhole KAHK-ko en-TA-ee kakko enlai Horse oo-ma uma ~ Horseshoe tay-ee-tets teitetsu trS~ Mess or Chow sho-koo-jee shokuji 1t~ Mess call sho-koo-jee GO-oan shokuji goon it 4J:J: fbJ~ if Patrol Retreat (bugle call) sek-KO sekk6 Ji:11~ nee-chee-BOATS GO-oan nichibotsu goon E7~Wt~· Reveille kee-SHO rahp-pa kisho rappa j(gJ*~*tll!ll Saddle koo-ra kura fj(. 148 '-> 149 English Stable Taps Tent Trench Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling oo-ma-ya SHOAT-O rahp-pa TENT-o zahn-GO umaya Kit shata rappa tento zanga nJ'i!l~]!!i\. ,. :.-' 1- 1;;' "J j. Japanese Writing !2iJlt '" '.:... ISO 151 IMPORTANT SIGNS MONEY - WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Spellin~ Pronunciation SEN yen sen (~) yen (lfll) $0. 002 3 SOON sha-koo KEN CHO ree sun (>t) shaku (R,) ken (Fa') cM (\IlJ) ri OlD inches 1 foot 2 yards 120 yards 2.4 miles GO SHO TOE KO-koo go (1t") sho (*) to (5!-) koku (15) moam-may KEEN kahn momme (~) kin (If) kan ('I() ... ; IMPORTANT SIGNS 1" $0.23 1.2 gallon 0.4 gallon 4 gallons 39.7 gallons 0.04 ounce ounces Ibs II ounces 21 82 Japanese English 11:.1/ STOP ~ff GO SLOW j±~ CAUTION :m:~ DANGER 3i!i.{r~JI: NO THOROUGHFARE 1.i:1M3i!i. fr KEEP TO THE LEFT ~m1tt* HIGH TENSION LINES Jl MEN *iiiJiJi 0.132 Tabie of Equivalentll I SHOo .. 10 GO 100 sen ... I yen I TOE 10 SHO 10 SOON .. I sha-koo I KO-koo 10 TOE I KEN .. 6 sha-koo I KEEN = 160 moam-may . I cho 60 KEN I kahn ... 1000 moam-may I ree 36 cho 152 11. U. S. ApprM"imatc Equivalent Hepbmn i )t WOMEN or 1l!JiJi LAVATORY ~:tI , .:stA~.1I: 001it or AJV ~ 'JJ 7;7." NO SMOKING KEEP OUT OPEN -f*1it iF ?it 1fI J:J CLOSED ~1M&iWJl SAFETY ZONE EMERGENCY EXIT 11.2. ALPHABETICAL WORD LIST ALPHABETlCA WORD LIST English - In Japanese the form of a word sometimes changes according to the way it is used. For example, the simple form of the word for "near" - "CHKA-ee" - is used in a sentence like "Is it near?" but in a sentence like "Are they near?" the form is "CHKA-koo." In the following list the simple form of the _word is given j thus, for "near" you will find "CHKA-ee." The page numbers show you where to find expressions containing the words listed. A English Pr01l1lnciation Hepburn Spelling accelerator, 138 address, 48, 68 admiral, 28 again,92 aircraft carrier, 138 air field, 84,108, 112,114 Air Forces, 30 airplane, 138 alc~hol, rubbing, 62 ambulance, 50 ammonia,58 ka-SO-koo-kee JOO-sho T A-ee-sho ma-ta KO-KOO BO-kahn hee-KO-JO kasokuki jiisho taisho mata kokii bokan hikojo KOO-GOON hee-KO-kee mahss-SA-jee-yo ar-oo-KO-roo kahn-ja yoo-SO-sha ahm-MO-nee-ya Kiigun hikoki 15-1. massajiyo arukoru kanja yusosha ' ammoniya Pronunciation AMMUNITION,136-138 ammunition, 116, dahn-YA-koo 136 AMOUNT,l24 ah-SHKOO-bee ankle, 54 ko~ta-ay answer, 20 ahn-ten-ah antenna, 146 antitank gun, 110, T A-ee-sen-sha-HO 136 reen-go apples, 40 shee GA-tsoo April,130 oo-DAY arm,52 SO-KG armor, 138 SO-KO BOO-ta-ee Armored Command,30 arms (weapons), 10 BOO-kee Army, 30, 70 ree-KOO-goon or GOON-ta-ee artillery, 30 HO-hay-ee ah-SPEE-reen aspirin, 58 August, 130 ha-CHEE ga-tsoo auto, 138 jee-DOASH-ah AVIATION, 84-86, 114-116, 138-144 , HepbumSpelling danyaku ashikubi kotae antena taisenshaho ringo shi gatsu ude soko Soko Butai buki' Rikugun guntai hohei asupirin hachi gatsu jidosha B back, 52bad, 80,116 baggage room, 84 sen-AH-ka wa-RQO-ee ko-NEE-mo-tsoo tor-ee ahts-KAec-jo senaka warui konimotsu tori a~ukaijo 155 English bananas,40 bandage, 58 barber,56 barracks, 148 bathhouse, 58 battalion, 30 . battery Pronunciation llA-na-na HO-ta-ee toak-O-ya hay-ee-sha FRO-ya . DA-ee-ta-ee (artillery),14O HO-DA-ee DEN-chee (electric), 58, 86, 146 battleship, 140 bayonet, 136 I bean curds, 38 beans,38 bean soup, 38 , bed, 46 BEDDING,46 bedding,46 beef,38 beef steak, 40 i beer, 42 belly, 52 Ibelt, 58, 136 better,48 I bicycle, 86 biplane, 140 . bivouac, 110, 148 I, black, 106, 108 Iblades, razor, 62 I I I blankets, 46, 54 blouse, 136 156 Ii epbum Spelling English banana hotai tokoya heisha furoya daitai hodai denchi sen-kahn JOO-KEN o-TOAF-oo rna-MAY mcc-so SHEE-ruo sheen-da-ce senkan jflken otofu marne miso shiru shindai YA-goo (; ~ YOU-nee-koo beef-TEK-ee BEE-roo ha-RA: o-BEE-ka-wa MOAT-toe YO-ee jee-TEN-sha fkoo- YO-kee ro-AY-ec-chec KOO-ro ka-mee-SO-rcc no HA MO-foo oo-wa-gce yagu gyuniku bifuteki biru hara obikawa motto yoi jitensha fukuyoki roeichi kuro kamisori no na ii, . '\ . . ' m'ofu uwagi ironllnciation blue, 106, 108 KOAN dark blue mee-ZOO ee-ro light blue BOAT-o boat, 86 _ BOATS - see SHIPS yoo-ZA-ma-shee boiled water, 42, 54 ba-koo-dahn . bomb,136 bombardier, 32 ba-koo-GEK-eeshoo bomber, 140 ba-koo-GEK-ee-kee dive bomber, K....,YOO-KO-ka ba140 koo-GEK-ee-kee book, 20, 100 HOAN bottom, 84 ka-WA zo-ko brake fluid, 88, 116 boo-RAY-kee you brakes, 140 boo-RAY-kee DRANCH OF SERVICE, 3(}-32 branch of service, HAY-ee-ka 30 brandy, 42 boo-RAHN-day PAHN bread,38 bridge, 78, 80 ha-SHEE bridge (011 a ship), kahnk-YO 140 BRIDGES, 80-84 bridle, 148 ba-ro-koo brigade, 30 R~YO-dahn brown, 106 cha-ee-ro brush,60 ha-KAY bulb, light, 60, 88, denk- YOO 142 H epbllrn S pelUng kon mizuiro bOto yuzamashi bakudan bakugekishu bakugekiki kyflk6ka bakugekiki hon kawa zoko bureki yll bureki heika burande pan hashi kankyo baroku ryodan chairo hake denkYli ]57 English Pronunciation Hepbunt SpeEling bus, 4, 84 BUSSES, 84-86 bus station, 84 BA-soo basu BA-soo tay-eerYOO-jo BA-ta bo-tahn basu teiryiijo butter,38 buttons,60 BUYING, 66-68 bata botan Englisle '->, C cabbage,38 cable,88 cablegram, 98 cake,38 camp,148 candy,38,loo cannon,136 canteen, 136 canvas, 144 cap,136 captain (army),28 (navy),28 car,86 armored car, 138 scout car, 142 carbine, 138 carburetor, 140 'carefully, 66 158 K ......YA-bets ha-ree-GA-nay na-wa ka-ee-T AY-ee DEN-sheen KA-shee SHO-AY-ee KA-shee ta-ee-HO soo-eet-O HAHM-poo goon-BO kyabetsu harigane nawa TA ...... ee TA-ee-sa jee-DOASH-ah SO-KO jeeDOASH-ah tay-ee-sa-tsoo jeeDOASH-ah kee-JOO kee-KA-kee kee 0 TSKET-ay taii taisa jidosha soko jidosha ~ kaitei denshin cheese, 38 cherries, 40 .chest, 62 chevrons, 136 kashi shoei kashi taiho suito hampu gunbo teisatsu jidosha. kijii kikaki ki 0 tsukete CARS, 138-144 cartridge, 138 caterpillar track, 140 cavaIry,30,104 c.eiling (aviation), 114 certainly, 16 chains, 88 chauffeur, 32 cheaper, 48 " .. chicken, 38 chocolate, 38 chow, 148 cigarette, 14, 60 city,70 clams, 38 clerk,32 cloth,60 CWTHlNG, 68-64 clothing, 102 clutch,14O coal,l44 Coast Guard, 30 coat, 60 Prollullczu&wn Hepburn Spelling DAHN-ya-koo moo-gen keed-Osha kee-HAY-ee JO-SHO GEND-o danyaku mugen kidosha T A-shka-nee ksa-ree oon-TEN-shoo :MOAT-toe yaSOO-ee CHEE-zoo sa-koo-RAHM-bo moo-NAY VEE-ga-ta wahnSHO KAY-ee-nee-koo CHO-ko-ret-o sho-koo-jee ta-ba-ko ma-CHEE ha- MA-goo-ree sho-KEE kee-RAY kee-mo-no koo-RAHT-chee sek-ee-TAHN en-gahn SHOObee-ta-ee oo-wahg-ee kihei josho gendo .' tashikani kusari untenshu motto yasui chizu sakurambo mune v-gata wansho kciniku chokoreto shokuji tabako machi hamaguri shoki kire kimono ' kuratchi sekitan Engan shubitai uwagi 159 English I' l'rvllunciatil'n Y A-shee no mec cocoanuts, 40 KO-hee coffee, 42 TA-ee-sa colonel,28 ee-ro color, 106, 108 koo-SHEE comb,60 CHOO-sa commander, 28 COMMANDS,8-11 COMMVNICATIONS, 90-102, 146-148 CHOO-ta-ee company, 28, 34 sO-JOO SO-chee controls, 140 KOAK-koo cook,32 GO-cho corporal, 26 goon-dahn corps, army, 30 Corps of EnKO-hay-ee gineers,30 Medical Corps, goon-EE-dahn 30 Quartermaster SHCHO-ta-ee Corps, 32 Signal Corps, ' TSOO-sheen-ta-ee 32 ta-da-SHEE correct, 92 cotton, absorbent, dahsh-shee- men 64,58 koo-REE-moo cream, 42 joon-YO-kahn 'cruiser, 140, cha-wahn cup,44 na-GA-ray current, 78 yashi no mi kohi taisa iro kushi chiisa 160 ah-boo-NA-ee na- tsoo-rnay \ ,ii' chiitai sojii sochi ' kokku gocho gundan Koftei • Gunidan Shichotai Tsiishintai tadashii dasshimen kurimu junyokan chawan nagare D danger, 6 dates, 40 English IIepbuJ'lt Spellillg JI 1'/ abunai natsume ~ '" . PrvUllllciativlt yo-AH-kay nee-chee JOO-nee ga-tsoo kahm-pahn FKA-ee HA-ee-sha hoak-YOO-sho KCHEE-koo-kahn ma- WA-ree meechee DEE-zay-roo yoo Diesel oil, 88 HO-KO direction, 112 DIRECTIONS, 72-74 disinfectant, 54, 60 SHO-doak-oo-za-ee DISTANCE, 74 distilled water, 88 JOR-YOO-soo-ee" division, 30 SHEE-dahn ee-sha doctor, 6, 50 RO-ba donkey, 86 drinking water, 42, no-MEE-mee-zoo 54 oon-TEN-shoo driver, 66 DRUGS, 54, 68-64 koo-SOQ-ree-ya drug store, 68 em-PAY-ee-boo dugouts, 112 YOO-go<?-ray dusk,128 dawn, 128 day, 130,132 December, 130 deck,14O deep, 78 dentist, 50 depots, supply, 110 destroyer, 140 detours, 80 HepburJI Spellillg yoake nichi jiini gatsu kampan fukai haisha hokyiisho kuchikukan ma~vari michi Dizeru yu hOko shodokuzai joryiisui shidan isha roba nomimizu, untenshu kusuriya empeibu yiigure E " ear, 62 east, 74 eggs, 38 mee-MEE hee-GA-shee ta-MA-go mimi higashi tamago 161 - English Prommciatiol~ elbow, 52 hee-JEE elevation, field, 114 ka-ee-ba-tsoo EMERGENCY EXPRESSIONS, 2-11 enemy, 4 tek-ee kee-KAHN engine,14O kee- KAHN-shoo engineer, 32 Engineers, Corps KO-hay-ee of, 30 engine oil, 116 ha-tsoo-DOAK-ee yoo engine room, 140 kee-KAHN-sheetsoo SHO-ee' ensign, 26 envelopes, 60 FOOT-o SO-goo equipment, 112 EQUIPMENT (PERSONAL),136 evening, 128 . bahn extinguisher, fire, SHO-KA-kce 140 eye, 52 MAY 162 ka-o KA-zo-koo TOE-ee 0- TOASS-ahn nee GA-tsoo SKO-shee ga-so-reen STAHND-o -- English Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling hiji kaibatsu firearm, 138 .fireman OT stoker, 32 firewood, 144 . first-aid packet, 136 fish,38 flag, 108 flagship, 140 flashlight, 60 KA-kee KA-foo kaki kafu teki kikan kikanshu Kohei hatsudoki yu ~ . .~ "'J . kikanshitsu shOi fiita sogu ban shOkaki me F face, 52 family,24 far, 74 father (your), 24 February, 130 few,l24 filling station, 88 0--" Hepbum Spelling. kao kazoku toi otosan ni gatsu sukoshi gasorin sutando ;." 'I .... • ta-keeg-ee HO-T A-ee ZOOtsoo-mee sa-ka-na ha-TA kee-kahn ka-ee-CHOO DENT-o flat ground, 76 HAY-ee-chee food, 6; 36, 56, 102 ta-bem-o-no FOOD AND DRINK, 36-44 foot, 54 ah-SHEE ah-SA-say fords, 80 fork,44 FO-koo KAHK-ko en~ foxhole, 148 TA-ee ko- WA-rem-o-no fragile, 102 Friday, 130 keen-YO bee na-KA-ma friends, 24 fuel tank, 142 ne~-R ..... YO-yooSO keed-O fuselage, 142 G ga-RAY-jee garage, 88 doak-oo-gahss gas, 6, 138 or GA-soo ga-soo MA-skoo gas mask, 136 gasoline, 88, 116 ga-so-REEN takigi hotai zutsumi sakana hata kikan kaichii dento heichi tabemono ashi asase foku kakko entai kowaremono kinyo bi nakama nenryoyuso kido gareji dokugasu gasu gasu masuku gasorin . l(~'J English Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling --general (army TA-ee-sho taishO rank), 28 glaciers, 76 H ....... YO-ga hyoga glass,44 KOAP-poo koppu gloves, 60 tay-BOO-koo-ro tebukuro goggles, GO ee-ro-MEG-ah-nay iromegane good, 80, 116 YO-ee yoi good-by, 14,94 sa-YO-na-ra sayonara grapes, 40 bood-O budo gravel,l44 ja-ree jari gray, 106 ha-ee eeOro haiiro grease, 88 goo-REE-soo gurisu green, 106, 108 MEED-o-ree midori GREETINGS, 12-16 grenade, 138 tek-ee-dahn tekidan grocery, 58 ya-O-ya yaoya guide, 66, 70, 82 ahn-NA-ee-sha ' annaisha guideposts, 82 mee-chee S HEEmichi shiruhe roo-bay gun antitank gun, TA-ee-sen-sha-HO taisenshaho 110,136 heavy gun, , juho JOO-HO 106,110 machine gun, kee-KAHN-joo kikanju 106,138 submachine kay-ee-kee-KAHN- keikikanju gun, 138 JOO, gunner, 32 HO-shoo hoshu machine kee-KAI-Tr\'-JOOkikanjushu gunner, 32 shoo GUNS, 136-138 ](il, English Prommciatic!tt Hepburn Spelling H han mugen kidosha hahn moog-en keed-O-sha kanazuchi ka- N A-'zoo-chee hammer, 144 te TAY hand,10,46,52 hankechi handkerchiefs, GO HAHN-kech-ee kakunoko ka-koo-NO-ko hangar, 142 b6shi BO-shee hat, 60 atama ah-ta-MA head, 52 omoi o-MO-ee heavy, 126 tetsu kabuto tets KA-boot-o helmet, 136 tetsudai tets-oo-DA-ee help, 6 HELP, ASKING, 2-6 tctsudai tcts-oo-DA-ee helper, 66 koko here, 8, 10, 14, 74 ko-ko takai, ta-KA-ee high, 78, 126 oka o-ka hills, 76 koshi, ko-shee 'hip, 52 shido kokan sheed-O KO-kahn hom, 142 umahorse, 44, 86, 110, oo-MA 148 teitetsu tay-ee-tets horseshoe, 148 yadoya ya-doe-ya hotel; 46 oyu o-YOO hot water, 46, 54 jikan jee-kahn hour, 126 R '-' YOO-DAHM-po ryiidampu howitzer, 138 itai ee-TA-ee hurt, 50 shujin husband (yu'lIr) , 24 SHOO-jeen half-track,142 tS ... '" ~ l> 165 El1glislt ._-- Pronunciation English Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling KEE-ro kiro k5ri Hohci kilometer, 74, 76, 114 lmee, 54 lmife, 44, 54, 60 hee-za NA-ee-foo hiza naifu I ice, 54 KO-ree Infantry, 39, 104 ho-HAY-ee INFORMATION,16-22 information, 90 ahn-NA-ee GA-karee ink,60 EEN-kee insecticide, 46 saht-CHOO-za-ee insignia, 136 kee-SHO instruments, 142 kee-KA-ee interpreter, 18 TSOO-ya-koo YOAD-o-CHEENiodine, 60 kee iron corrugated ha-JO tep-PAHN iron, 144 sheet iron, 146 tep-pahn jack,88 January, 130 jaw, 52 July, 130 ]vne,130 jungles, 76 ~~ annai gakari inki satchiizai kish5 kikai tsiiyaku yodochinki 166 rJ .. kagi kakiiro kokuboshoku ladder, 144 lakes, 76 lamb,38 LANGUAGES, 16 large, 124 larger, 48 later, 16 laxative, 60 teppan J jakki JAHK-kee . ichi gatsll ee-chee GA-tsoo ago ah-GO hee-CREE ga-tsoo hichi gatsu roku gatsll ro-ROO ga-tsoo mitsurin mee-tsoo-reen kahg-EE KA-kee ce-ro ko-koo-BO-sho-koo ,L hajo teppan K key,48 khaki,106 greenish khaki,106 ----- Hepbur1t Spelling \. left, 72 leg, 54 lemons, 40 lettuce, 38 lieutenant (navy), 28 lieutenant, first, 28 light, 46 light (weight), 126 light bulb, 60, 88, 142 lineman, 32 litter, 54, load,80 lobsters, 38 ha-shee-go ko-SOO-ee ko-hee-tsoo-JEE nee-koo hashigo kosui kohitsuji niku O-KEE MOAT-toe O-KEE no-chee-hoad-o TSOO-jee GOOsoo-ree hee-DA-ree ah-SHEE rem-OAN chee-SHA TA ......ee okii motto 5kii nochihodo tsiiji gusuri hidari ashi remon chisha taii CHOO-ee ah-KA-ree ka-roo-ee denk-YOO chiii akari karui denkyu ho-SEN-shoo TAHN-ka NEE eb-EE hosenshu tanka ni cbi 16l E1IglisTt -----0;- Pro1l1111riation -------- LOCATION, 70-74 LODGING, 46-48 long, 126 na-GA-ee low, 126 hee-KOO-ee lumber,l44 ZA-ee-mo-koo Hepbllrn Spelling E1Iglish Pro1lu1lciation Hepburn Spelling kahn-go-HAY-ee Kangohei nagai hiklli zaimoku Medical Corps man, 50 medium, 126 mess, 148 message, 48, 146 M I I I kee-KAHN-joo kikanju kee-KAHN-JOOshoo OAK-sahn kikanjiishu okusan YOO-BEEN SHO-sa mahn-GO tahk-SAHN CHEE-zoo SAHN ga-tsoo reek-SEN-ta-ee kee-SHO ga-soo MA-skoo MAHT-chee GO ga-tsoo TA-boon yiibin shosa mango takusan chizu .san gatsu Rikusentai kish<> gasu masuku matchi go gatsu tabun nee-KOO kee-KA-ee-geesh or kee-KA-ee-KO MEDICAL AID, 1l0-1l6 Medical Corps, SO goon-EE-dahn ..168 I I machine gun, 106, 138 machine gunner, 32 Madam,12 MAIL,100-102 mail,48 major, 28 mangoes,40 many,124 map, 2, 4, 70 March,130 Marines,30 markings,108 mask, gas, 136 matches,60 May, 130 maybe,16 MEASURES, 152 meat,38 mechanic, 32, 88 niku kikai gishi kikaiko Gunidan ~ , "'" ~ If' il CHOO-goo-RA-ee sho-koo-jee ko-toaz-oo-KAY or TSOO-sheen message centers, JO-HO SHOO110,146 SHOO-jo mess call, 148 sho-koo-jee GO-oan messenger, 32 den-RAY-ee meters, 76 MET-o-roo midnight, 128 ma-YO-na-ka Military Police, 30 KEM-pay-ee milk, 42 G.....,YOON-YOO mine, 112, 138 jee-RA-ee contact mine, sho-koo-HA-tsoo jee-ra-ee 110 mine detector, 144 jee-RA-ee kempa-kee mine fields, 110 jee-RA-ee FSETS CHTA-ee minesweeper, 142 SO-ka-ee-TAY-ee minute, 126, 128 foon Miss, 14 o-JO-sahn - .....sahn Miss """-, 14. Monday, 128 gets-YO beo MONEY,1112ka-nay money, 66 monoplane, 142 tahn-YO-keo TSKEE month, 130, 132 MOAT-toe more, 66 ah-sa mornlnC, 128 chiigurai shokuji kotozuke tsushin joho shiishfljo shokllji goon denrei metoru mayonaka Kempei gyiinyfl jirai shokuhatsu jirai jirai kempaki jirai fusetsu chitai sokaitei fun ojosan --san getsuyo bi kane tany.oki tsuki motto asa 169 ~ English Pronunciation Hepbum Spelling English mortar, 138 mosquito netting, 46 mother (your), 24 motor, 142 motorcycles, 110 mountains, 76, 78 mouth,52 movie, 58 Mr. - - , 14 Mrs. --,14 muddy, 76, 116 mud puddles, 82 mule, 86 K~YOO-~O ka-YA kyiiho kaya e-KA-sahn ha-tsoo-DOAK-ee OAT-o-ba-ee ya-MA koo-chee SHEE-nem-ah --sahn --sahn noo-KA-roo-mee mee-zoo ta-MA-ree RA-ba okasan hatsudoki otobai yama kuchi shinema --san --san nukarumi mizu tamari raba noon, 128 north, 72, 74 northeast, 74 northwest, 74 nose, 52 lIJovember, 130 )", -~ '1"- ... Pronunciation SHO-go kee-ta TOE-HO-koo say-ee-HO-koo. ha-na JOO-ee-CHEE ga-tsoo SOO number, 20, 90, or soo-jee 92,94 or bahn or bahn-GO NUMBERS, 94-98, 118-124 kahn-GO-foo nurse, 50 HepbumSpeliing shogo kita tohoku seihoku hana jiiichi gatsu sii siiji ban bango kangofu 0 N koog-ee nails, 144 name, 14 na-ma-ay say-MA-ee narrow, 82 NATIONALITY, 16, 22 nationality, 22 KOAK-sek-ee KA-ee-goon . Navy, 30 CHKA-ee near, 24, 70, 74 ee-chee-BAHN nearest, 70 CHKA-ee koo-bee neck, 52 HA-ree needl tl ,60 night, 46, 128 YO-roo no, 2, 16, 20 EE-YAY noncommissioned ka-SHKAHN officer, 26 170. kugi namae semai kokuseki Kaigun chikai ichiban chikai ' kubi hari yoru iie kashikan .. ' ,. observation plane, 142 observer, 32 obstructions, 82, 114 October, 130 officer, 26 noncommissioned officer, 26 petty officer, 26 oil, 88 Diesel oil; 88 engine oil, 116 kahn-SOAK-kee kansokuki KAHN-shee-hay-ee kanshihei shogaibutsu SHO-ga-ee-bootsoo jii gatsil JOO ga-tsoo 'shoko, SHO-ko kashikan ka-SHKAHN HAY-ee-so heisu ah-boo-ra DEE-zay-roo yoo ha-tsoo-DOAK-ee yoo abura Dizeru yu hatsudoki yu ----- r. I English ----_. Prouuuciatiou operator radio operator, moo-DEN-hay-ee 32 switchboard KO-KAHN-shoo operator, 34 orange (color), 108 da-ee-da-ee-ee-ro oranges,40 o-REN-jee Ordnance Depart- hay-ee-KEE-boo ment,32 ORGANIZATION, 28-32 outfit, 28 boo-TA-ee 'overcoat, 60 ga-eet-O oysters, 38 KA-kee lIe pll1lnl S pelliug English mudenhei kokanshu daidaiiro orenji Heikibu .. ~ (> 'OJ butai gaito kaki P panels (jor s-igltal- foo-bahn ·fllban zoo-BOAN ka-MEE rahk-ka-SAHNhay-ee ya-MA-mee-chee ko-MEE-chee sek-KO 'zubon kami rakkasanhei mo-MO na-SHEE PEN EM-pee-TSOO ko-SHO f00- HA-ee- hoo- buo momo nashi pen empilsu kosho fuhaibulsu ing), 146 pants, 62 paper, 62 par~chutist, 32 passes, 78 paths, 78 patrol,l48 PAYMENT,66-':'68 peaches, 40 pears, 42 pen,62 pencil, 6'2 pepper, 42 perishable, 102 172 vamamichi komichi sekko "'l '" 11 Pronunciation PERSONAL NEEDS, 36-68 PERSONAL SERVICES, 64-66 pick,l44 JOO-JEE-shoo pigeon, 146 TSOO-sheen BAtoe pigebn loft, 146 K~YOO-sha pillboxes, ;1.10 TOACH-ka pillow, 46 MA-k.oo-ra pilot, 32 SO-]OOSH pineapples, 42 pa-ee- N AHP-pooroo pins, 62 PEEN pistol, 138 ken-JOO plane, 84, 86, 106, hee-KO-kee 112 fighter plane, sent-O-kee 140 observation kahn-SOAK-kee plane, 142 torpedo plane, ra-ee-GEK-kee 144 PLANES, 84-86, 114--116, 138-144 plate, 44 sa-ra please, 2, 4, 12, koo-da-SA-ee 14, 18, 20, 22, or DOAZ-o 24, 56, 100, 102, 108, 110, 118 pliers, 88 PEN-chee plums, 42 soo-mo-MO police Military KEM-pay-ee Police, 30 IIepbunl Spelling jujishU tsiishin bato I kyusha tochika makura sojushi painappuru pin kenjii hikoki senU,ki kansokuki raigekiki sara kudasai dozo penchi Sllmomo kempei ]73 English Pronunciation KO-bahn police post, 72 kay-ee-SAHTS-sho police station, 72 pontons or pontoons '(for airplane), foo-shoo 142 (for bridge), 144 tesh-SHOOK-YO pork,-40 boo-TA-nee-koo , YOO-BEENK-yopost office, 100 koo ja-GA-ee-mo potatoes, 40 i powder, talcum, 62 TA-roo-koo ha-tsoo-DEN-jo power plant, 72 private,26 eet-TOE-hay-ee private first class Iprivate second neet-O-hay-ee I class I pro-pay-ra propeller, 142 POAM-poo pump,88 moo-RA-sa-kee purple,108 I l I' English Hepburn Spelling koban keisatsusho fushii tesshiikyo butaniku yiibinkyoku Pronunciation Hepburn Spelling R ,i ,. \.1' T" 'lo jagaimo taruku hatsudenjo ittohei nitohei puropera pompu murasaki II RADIO, 90-94, 146 radio equipment, RA-jee-o SO-chee 146 moo-SEN DENradiogram, 98 sheen radio operator, 32 moo-DEN-hay-ee RA-jee-o radio set, 146 radio station (broadcasting), RA-jee-o HO72 SOAK-yo-koo (communicamoo-SEN TSOOtion),110, sheen-jo 146 railheads, 110 tahn-ma-tsoo TA Yee-sha-JO tets-ood-o railroad, 72 RAILROADS, 84-86 railroad station, tay-ee-sha-ba 72,84 ah~ma-GA-eet-o raincoat, 62 rajio sochi musen denshin rnudenhei rajio rajio hosokyoku musen tSiishinjo -' tanl1latsu teishajo tetsudo teishaba amagaito ~NK,26-28 II 'iJ Q ~, ,Quartermaster Corps, Army, 32 quick or quickly, 8, 60 quinine,62 174 SHCHO-ta-ee ShichOtai HA-ya-koo ,hayaku kee-NEE-nay kinine ,,' "" rank, 26 raw, 44 razor, safety, 62 -D razor blades, 62 receipt, 68 ka-eek-YOO NA-ma ahn-zen ka-meeSO-ree ka-mee-SO-ree no HA oo-KET-o-ree kaikyii nama anzen karnisori kamisori no ha uketori 175. English Pronunciation Hepbum Spelling receiver (telegraph or joo-SHEEN-kee radio), 146 (telephone), 148 joo-WA-kee jushinki juwaki RECONNAISSANCE,104-112 red,108 AH-ka aka redcap, 66 ah-ka-bo akabii reflector, 146 hahn-SHA-kee hanshaki regiment, 30, 34 ren-ta-ee rentai region, 22, 76 chee-HO chihii REPAIRS, 86-88 repairs, 116 SHOO-ZEN shilzen resta4fant, 36, 58 sho-kood-O shokudii retreat (bugle call), nee-chee-BOATS nichibotsu giion 148 GO-oan reveille, 148 kee-SHO rahp-pa kishii rappa rice (cooked),40 GO-hahn gohan rifle, 138 shiijil SHO-JOO rifleman, 34 shiijilshu SHO-JOO-shoo right, 74 meeg-ee migi river, 72, 78, 82 kawa ka-WA road, 78, 80, 82 mee-chee michi ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION,80-88 ROAD SIGNS, 153' roas,!,44 RO-sto 'riisto rockets, 148 ka-sen kasen rocky, 76, 84 ee-WA iwa room, 46 heya hay-YA ROOMS, 46--48 rope, 146 tsuna, tsoo-na rough,116 day-KO-bo-ko dekoboko 176 English Pru/llmciatiol1 H epbuTll Spelli1lg runway, 116 ruts, 82 kahss-SO- ro wa-DA-chee kassiiro wadachi '\ '!I' " , ,.. . ., S saddle, 148 safe, 80, 82 salt, 42 sand, 146 sandy, 84 Saturday, 130 scarf,62 scissors, 62 scout, 34 screwdriver, 88 seaman, 26 searcWight, 142 sedative, 54 September, 130 sergeant, 26 shaving cream, 62 ff '\' I\- Qj koo-ra ahn-zen shee-WO soo-na soo-NA doy-YO bee koo-BEE-ma_kee ha-sa-MEE sek-KO-hay-ee nay-jee MA-washee SOO-ee-hay-ee SHO-MAY-eet-O cheen-SAY-ee-za-ee KOO ga-tsoo GOON-so llee-GESS-o- ree koo-REE-moo SHKEE-foo HO-DAHN FOO-nay sen-kahn ka-MOATS-sen goon-YO-sen goon-kahn sheets, 54 shelI,138 ship, 30 battleship,14O cargo ship, 140 troopship, 144 warship, 144 SHIPS, 138-144 shirt,62 wa-ee-SHA-tsoo kura anzen shiwo suna suna doyii bi kubimaki hasami sekkiihei neji mawashi suihei shiimeito chinseizai ku gatsu gunSii higesori kurimu shikifu hodan fune senkan kamotsusen gunyiisen gunkan waishatsu In Engtish i r I, Pronunciation shoelaces, 62 koo-'1'SOO hee-l)J.o shoes, 62 koo-'1'SOO SHOPPING, 56-68 short, 126 mee-jee-KA-ee shoulder, 52 KA-ta shovel,146 SHA-bay-roo Signal Corps, 32 '1'SOO-sheen~ta-ee SIGNS, 153 SIZE AND WEIGHT,124 sketch,108 kahn-tahn na AY sleigh, 86 SO-ree slow, 8 yook-KOO-ree small,124 CHEE-SA-ee sniper, 34 so-GEK-ee-HAY-ee snowdrifts, 82 yoo-kee no FKEEyo-say soap, 46,62 sck-ken socks, 62 koo- tsoo-SHTA soldiers, 4 hay-ee-TA-ce soon, 16 CHKA-ee oo-cheenee soup, 40 soo-ee-mo-NO bean soup, 38 mee-so SHEE-roo south,74 mee-NA-mee _southeast, 74 TOAN-AHN southwest, 74 say-ee-nahn spark plugs, 88 ten-ka-sen SPECIALTY, 32-34 specialty, 32 sem-moan speed,82 so-KOOR-yo-koo spinach,40 HO-REN-so splints, 54 so-eg-ee 178 English H epbum Spelling kutsu himo kutsu mijikai kata shaberu Tsushintai 'I;;;:) ',( "l 'li kantan na e sori yukkuri chiisai sogekihei yuki no fukiyosc sekken kutsushita heitai chikai uchini sui mono miso shiru minami tonan seinan tenkasen semmon sokuryoku horenso soegi '" i~ • • Pronunciation H epbllm Spelling spoon, 44 saji sa-JEE shimizu springs (for water), shee-MEE-zoo 78 squash, hubbard, 40 ka-bo-cha kabocha oo-ma-ya· umaya stable, 150 keet-tay kjtte stamps, 102 tay-ee-sha-ba teishaba station, 4 gasorin sutando filling station, ga-so-reen S'1'AHND-o 88 police station, kay-ee-SAH'1'S-sho keisatsusho 72 beef-'1'EK-ee steak, beef, 40 bifuteki KO-foon-za-ee kofunzai , stimulant, 56 stomach,52 ee i ee-chee-go strawberries, 42 ichigo strong points, 110 k,-,yo-ten kyoten kay-ee-kee-KAHN- keikikanjii submachine gun, 138 JOO sensuikan sen-SOO-ee-kahn submarine, 142 saht-O sato sugar, 42 nichiyo bi Sunday, 128 . n~e-chee- YO bee ee-ro-MEG-ah-nay iromegane sun-glasses, 60 SUPPLIES, 86-88, 144-146 hoak- YOO~HEEN hokyiihin supplies, 112 hokyiisho supply depots, 110 hoak-YOO-sho seta SAY-ta sweater, 62 hayai ha~YA-ee swift, 78 haidenban ha-ee-den-bahn switchboard, 148 kokanshu switchboard oper- KO-KAHN-shoo ator,34 , 179 ~ Ellgiish Pr01l!I1Iciation Hepbllrn Spellillg English Thank you, 12, that, 18, 58, 64 T 1I ,f , tail (of plane), 142 tailor, 58 talcum powder, 62 tan, 106 tangerines, 42 tank, 106, 112, 142 tanker, 142 tankman, 34 TANKS, 138-144 tank traps, 112 BEE-boo yoaf-koo-ya TA-roo-koo ,KA-kee-ee-ro MEE-kahn SEN-sha yoo-SO-SEN sen-SHA-hay-ee bibu yOfukuya, taniku kakiiro mikan sensha yusosen senshahei SEN-sha SHO-GAee-boots SHOA'f-O rahp-pa TAHK-shee o-CHA dem-PO sensha shogaibutsu taps, 150 taxi,66 tea, 42 telegram, 98 TELEGRAPH, 98 telegraph set, 1~ den-SHEEN-kee telephone, 72, 148 DEN-wa telephone centrals den-wa KOor exchange, 72, KAHN,K-yo-koo 110 telephone lines, 110 den-wa-sen telephone receiver, joo-WA-kee 148 TELEPHONING, 90--94 teletypewriter, 148 T AY-ray-ta-ee-poo tent, 150 TENT-o TERRAIN,76-78 ISO shoto rappa takushi ocha dempo y :.:t It) ~\ there,4,10,14, 74 .if; thigh, 54 this, 18,58,64 thread,62 1'- throat, 52 Thursday, 130 ticket, 84, 86 TIME,126-132 timetable, 86 tire, 88, 116 tire patches, 88 ~ denshinki denwa denwa kokankyo\u denwasen juwaki terctaipu ten to ~ ~ Prollltllciati01t , 72 ah-REE-gaht-o ah-RAY or so-ray so-ko or ah-sko MO-mo ko-ray EET-o NOAD-o mo-koo-YO bee keep-poo jee-kahn-H-:.-YO TA-ee-ya TA-ee-ya PAHTchee k~yo today, 128 ben-JO toilet, 46 chee-REE-ga-mee toilet paper, 46 toe-MAHT-o tomatoes, 40 tomorrow, 16, 48, ah-SOO or ah-SHTA 128 TOOLS, 86-88, 144-146 DOAG-oo tools, 88 HA tooth,52 ha-BOO-ra-shec toothbrush, 64 ha-MEE-ga-kee toothpaste or powder, 64 torpedo boat, 142 soo-ee-ra-ce-TAYI ee torpedo plane, 144 ra-ee-GEK-kee SHKETS-ta-ee tourniquet, 50 Hepbllnt 5pellillg Arigato are sore soko asoko 'momo kore ito nodo mokuyo bi kippu jikanhyo taiya taiya patchi kyo benjo chirigami tomato' asu ashita dogu ha haburashi hamigaki suiraitei raigekiki shiketsutai 181 . Englis'~ English Pronunciation towel,46 tay-NOO-goo-ee town, 2, 70, 80 rna-CHEE train, 4, 86 kee-SHA TRANSPORTATION,80-86 trench, no 112, zahn-GO 150 troops, 104, 108, GOON-ta-ee 110 or hay-ee-ta-ee troopship, 144 goon-YO-sen truck, 112, 144 tor-AHK-koo truth,22 hoant-o tube, inner, 88 CHOO-boo Tuesday, 128 ka-YO bee turnips, 40 ka-boo-RA U . RAHN-neen-goo undershirt, 64 SHA-tsoo zoo-RO-zoo undershorts, 64 GOOM-poo-koo uniforms, 106 ah-boo-NA-ee unsafe, 80 urgent, 92 KEENK-YOO U. S. Consulate, 72 ah-MAY-ree-ka R~ YO-jee-kahn U. S. Government, ah-MAY-ree-ka 68 SAY-ee-foo H epbwn Spelling 1112 ya-SA-ee ta-ce-hcn or hcc-JO-nee SOO SHKA-ee su shikai W ~/.~ guntai heitai gunyosen torakku honto chubu kayo hi kabura ranningu shatsu zurozu gumpuku abunai kinkyu Arnerika ryojikan Arnerika seifu " yasai taihcn hijolli 11epbur1t Spelling' nee-BA-sha zango v vegetables, 40 very, 74, 124 vinegar, 42 visibility, 114 . tenugui machi kisha. Pronunciation '9 nibasha wagon,86 WARNINGS, 6 goon-kahn gunkan warship, 144 . rnee-ZOO rnizu ... water, 6, 36, 38, 44, 56, 78 boiled water, yoo-ZA-ma-shee yuzamashi 42, 54 distilled water, JOR-YOO-soo-ee joryiisui 88 no-MEE-mee-zoo drinking nornimizu water, 42, 54 hot water, 46, o-YOO oyu 54 . watermelon,42 soo-ee-KA suika WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION,136-138 . Wednesday, 130 soo-ee-YO bee suiyo bi week, 130, 132 SHOO shu WEIGIITS, 126, 152 ido well (jor water), 72 EED-o genki well (good), 12 GEN-kee nishi west, 74 nee-shee nani what, 18 NA-nee doko where, 2, 4, 6 DOAK-o shiro •\l white, 106, 108 SHEE-ro okusan C'- -wife (y01Ir), 24 OAK-sahn fiiko wind direction, 114 FOO-KO fiisoku wind velocity, 114 FOO-so-koo 183 E1Iglish. wine (rice wine), 42 wings,144 viire, 146 barbed wire, 144 electric wire, 146 Wire cutters, 146 woods, 78 .i--ound, 50 wounded (am or is), or 6,50 ~ench, 88 Pr01l1mcia ti01l H epbum S pel/illg sa-KAY YO-koo tess-sen yoosh'TESS-sen sake yoktr tessen yflShi tessen den-sen densen tets-JO BA-sa-mee tetsujo 'basami ha-YA-shec hayashi , kee-zoo kizu kay-GA-shta kegashita kay-GA 0 shtay . kega 0 shitc iinasu ee-mahss REN-chee renchi ..I\. , , I.' I. i I I y year, 34 .. Y~llow, 108 yes, 2, 16, 20 yesterday,l28 18~ nen or toash-ee KEE-ro HA-ee kee·NO nen toshi kiir~ hai kinG r "
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