eNews 52 - Nortesco


eNews 52 - Nortesco
v. 52
newform pricelist
Thermostatic descriptions for all trims matched with 10877
should read: “3/4” Thermostatic Trim”. Please note these
changes on pages 2,8,13,17,21,25,30,36,43,48,52,56,61.
The first item 67012 should be described as “Single Lever
basin Mixer without pop-up”, Chrome price is $325
Pricing on 67082C should be $1280 CH and $1480
for mixed finishes.
The third item should read 60468E and not 64068E
P50 64011 CH should be listed at $295
Happy New Year!
We at Nortesco are looking forward to new and
greater things in 2015.
New pricelists coming soon ths year:
Waterstone pricelists will be available and in-effect
mid-February. Make sure to look for the new
bridge faucets!
Catalano pricelists will be available soon with many
new products!
Horus is going international!
Since 1980, Horus has been manufacturing the highest
quality bathroom and kitchen fixtures in France.
Their collections are synonymous with craftsmanship,
luxury and tradition, and have been used in sophisticated
hotels and residential homes world-wide.
Now you are able to see all their stunning collections with
the new international newsletter!
Click here for the first newsletter!
PLEASE NOTE: The Technical Service phone number has been changed to 1-866-223-9590.
The direct line to Toronto 416-646-9819 is no longer in service. We apologize for any inconvenience
this may have caused.