Lucky 3rd
Lucky 3rd
3 GRADERS rd DUE DATE: February 2014 Scholastic Reading Club TOOo Comes with Charm Bracelet! Promotion valid when teacher submits order 2/1–2/28. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2014 The LEGO Group. THE LEGO MOVIE © The LEGO Group & Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Online, Use Our One-Time Class Activation Code: Please Return Your Flyer or Order Online By: When You Order This Month, You Get a FREE Sheet of LEGO® Movie Stickers! oo t! s a a a a a a FaaNEW! Geronimo Stilton Cavemice #4: The Fast and the Frozen by Geronimo Stilton 128 pages NEW! The Critter Club #6: Ellie’s Lovely Idea Set by Callie Barkley illus. by Marsha Riti 128 pages The girls show their Valentine’s Day spirit by singing for the Puppy Love charity. ITEM # 10G6 Book and Bracelet $6 Geronimo Stiltonoot dashes through the Land of Ice in search of a mysterious moving mountain! ITEM # 20G6 Retail $8.98 Valentine’s Day from the Black Lagoon® by Mike Thaler illus. by Jared Lee 64 pages Make a Valentine’s Day card for someone in class? Hubie would rather eat worms! Full-Color $5 ITEM # 75G6 Retail $6.99 LEX: 630L GRL: Q DRA: 40 ® & © Mike Thaler and Jared Lee Studios, Inc. All rights reserved. Book of the he Month! Month! WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD NEW! The Adventures of Arnie the Doughnut: Bowling Alley Bandit When 5 or more students order this book, your child’s teacher will receive a free copy—plus fun activities and tattoos for the whole class! 80 pages Hugo and Flynn show you the secrets behind the Skylanders’ awesome powers. ITEM # 71G6 NEW! Help Your Child’s Class Get a FREE Copy of Geronimo Stilton Cavemice #4: The Fast and the Frozen Skylanders Universe: Book of Elements: Fire & Water Read the First Three Books! Geronimo Stilton Cavemice Pack 128 pages each Full-Color $6 ITEM # 21G6 Retail $6.99 3 Full-Color Books $12 Retail $3.99 Book Also Available LEX: 450L GRL: M DRA: 24 Small parts. Not for children under 3 years. Only $1 LEX: 500L GRL: O DRA: 34 AR: 3.1 by Laurie Keller 128 pages I beat out two muffins and an onion bagel for the starring role in this chapter book! LEX: 600L–660L GRL: R–S DRA: 40 AR: 4.1 © 2014 ATLANTYCA S.p.A. All rights reserved. ITEM # 2G6 * Paperback Exclusive! $4 Hardcover Retail $13.99 LEX: 690L GRL: R DRA: 40 AR: 3.6 Retail $20.97 Books Blast a juice rocket high in the sky! Create a frozen explosion! Also Available Comes with Cl Poster! NEW! The LEGO® Movie: The Official Movie Handbook 64 pages NEW! Exploding Science For ages 7+ Discover 18 epic experiments that go boom, pop, fizz, and ka-boom! ITEM # 14G6 Includes: • 48-page book • Giant test tube • Test tube rack • Safety glasses • Pipette • 42 stickers • 36" of hazard tape Science Kit $10 G68000 Retail $12.99 READING LEVEL KEY Tour the city of Bricksburg and take a sneak peek at The LEGO Movie! Can anyone stop the evil Lord Business from gluing the LEGO universe together forever? ITEM # 31G6 Full-Color Guide with Poster $5 Retail $5.99 LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations and the Minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2014 The LEGO Group. THE LEGO MOVIE © The LEGO Group & Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. LEX: Lexile Framework for Reading GRL: Guided Reading Level DRA: Developmental Reading Assessment AR: Accelerated Reader Level ® ® Lexile is a registered trademark of MetaMetrics, Inc. Every purchase you make earns FREE BOOKS for your child’s class. NEW! Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures #10: Showdown at the Alamo by Jeff Brown illus. by Macky Pamintuan 112 pages 4 Stanley heads to Texas to have fun like a cowboy, from riding horses to rocking out! ITEM # 18G6 Flat Stanley’s Worldwide Adventures #1–#3 Pack by Jeff Brown illus. by Macky Pamintuan 80–112 pages Stanley can go where other kids can’t—like the Wild West, the Pyramids, and the Far East. ITEM # 17G6 3 Books $8 Retail $4.99 LEX: 650L–700L GRL: Q DRA: 40 AR: 4.2–4.4 3 that are flat-out amazing. ITEM # 16G6 4 Books $10 Low Price $3 ONLY $ BOOKS by Jeff Brown illus. by Macky Pamintuan 96 pages each $10 A bulletin-board accident gives this boy powers Flat Stanley Pack Retail $14.97 Retail $19.96 LEX: 480L–550L GRL: M–P DRA: 24–38 AR: 3.3–4.0 MAGICAL FRIENDSHIPS NEW! Secret Kingdom: Unicorn Valley NEW! by Rosie Banks 128 pages The Rescue Princesses #5: The Snow Jewel Rainbow slides, swan rides, and Trixie the Pixie are waiting inside this magical land. ITEM # 70G6 by Paula Harrison 128 pages Only $4 Only $4 SAVE OVER There’s a tiny kitten stuck up a tree in the snowy land of Northernland! Can Princess Freya save her? ITEM # 67G6 Retail $4.99 55% Rainbow Magic Sugar & Spice Fairies Pack by Daisy Meadows 80 pages each Retail $4.99 Find the missing charm in each book and help save delicious magic. LEX: 810L GRL: P DRA: 38 ITEM # 64G6 7 Books $14 Retail $34.93 LEX: 690L–800L GRL: N–O DRA: 30–34 LEX: 680L GRL: P DRA: 38 Read the First Four Books! The Rescue Princesses #1–#4 Pack NEW! Disney Princess: Belle: The Charming Gift 96 pages by Paula Harrison 128 pages each Lizzie and her friends are royalty, but they’d rather go on adventures and help animals in need. Also Available: Secret Kingdom 2-Pack by Rosie Banks 128 pages each ITEM # 69G6 2 Books $7 Retail $9.98 ITEM # 66G6 SAVE OVER 4 Books $12 35% Retail $19.96 The ball is about to start! Can Belle’s enchanted friends help her find the perfect jewels to wear? ITEM # 12G6 Full-Color Chapter Book $5 Books Also Available LEX: 720L–810L GRL: O–P DRA: 34–38 LEX: 680L–720L GRL: P DRA: 38 AR: 4.4–4.7 NEW! NEW! LEGO® Minifigures Character Encyclopedia LEGO® Legends of Chima™: Ravens and Gorillas 176 pages Meet every LEGO character from history, sports, and everyday life. ITEM # 13G6 32 pages For ages 7+ Hardcover and Minifigure $19 LEX: NC1070L GRL: Q DRA: 40 Comes with Soldier Minifigure! For ages 6+ 2 | 3rd Graders LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and the Knob configurations, the Minifigure and LEGENDS OF CHIMA are trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 2014 The LEGO Group. des Incluo Co l ! Poster Swing into action with the mighty Gorillas as they battle the thieving Ravens. ITEM # 30G6 Full-Color Book, Poster, and Minifigure $8 Retail $8.99 Comes with Eagle Minifigure! LEGO® Legends of Chima™ Chapter Book Pack 64 pages each The mysterious power of Chi turns normal animals into great warriors! ITEM # 29G6 3 Books $10 Retail $14.97 LEX: 640L–740L GRL: O–P DRA: 34–38 More Books for 3rd Graders Online! National Geographic Kids™: Everything Money NEW! National Geographic Kids™: Big Cats Reader Pack by Kathy Furgang 64 pages 8" x 9 ½" Fold a dollar bill into a butterfly. Plus learn how to make, spend, and save big bucks. ITEM # 50G6 32 pages each 4 BOOKS $12 Full-Color $8 Retail $12.95 DID YOU KNOW? I’m getting old! Piggy banks have been around for over 2,000 years! LEX: 980L GRL: T DRA: 50 National Geographic Kids™ Chapters Book Pack 112 pages each Amazing animal stories plus tons of photos and facts. ITEM # 48G6 4 Full-Color Books $12 Roar! Get up close to the biggest and fastest wild cats. ITEM # 49G6 2 Books $5 2 Retail $7.98 BOOKS $5 Retail $23.96 LEX: 620L–650L GRL: L–M DRA: 20–24 AR: 3.3–3.4 LEX: 610L–640L GRL: O–R DRA: 34–40 AR: 3.8–4.2 Books Also Available ® NEW! Magic Tree House® #51: High Time for Heroes by Mary Pope Osborne illus. by Sal Murdocca 128 pages Magic Tree House® Four Tests Pack #33–#36 by Mary Pope Osborne illus. by Sal Murdocca 128 pages each Can Jack and Annie use their new magic powers responsibly? ITEM # 39G6 4 Books $10 Retail $19.96 SAVE OVER Are Merlin’s secrets hiding in Egypt? Jack and Annie go back in time to find out! 45% ITEM # 38G6 Hardcover $11 LEX: 570L–590L GRL: N–R DRA: 30–40 AR: 3.9–4.0 Retail $12.99 SAVE OVER NEW! Magic Tree House® Happiness Pack #37–#40 by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce illus. by Sal Murdocca 128 pages by Mary Pope Osborne illus. by Sal Murdocca 128 pages each Search for four secrets to happiness in four corners of the world! ITEM # 40G6 4 Books $10 Retail $19.96 EPIC 65% Magic Tree House® Fact Tracker #28: Heroes for All Times SAVE OVER Meet famous people who’ve made history, like Gandhi and Harriet Tubman. ITEM # 37G6 45% Fact-Filled Paperback $5 Retail $5.99 Magic Tree House® Library by Mary Pope Osborne illus. by Sal Murdocca 80–144 pages History, mystery, magic…hang on for a wild ride! ITEM # 41G6 47 Books $72 Retail $234.53 LEX: 230L–590L GRL: M–R DRA: 24–40 AR: 2.6–4.0 LEX: 520L–590L GRL: R DRA: 40 AR: 3.7–3.9 BATTLE TIME! Minecraft: Essential Handbook 80 pages This official guide shows you the best ways to make tools, build shelters, and survive. With tips that only the masters can provide! ITEM # 42G6 * Full-Color Paperback Exclusive! $5 Hardcover Retail $7.99 LEX: IG1010L GRL: R DRA: 40 NEW! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Double-Team! 48 pages The villains are multiplying! Will two turtle teams be better than one? ITEM # 72G6 Only $4 NEW! Pokémon®: Kalos Beginner’s Handbook 64 pages Get the stats and facts on the brandnew Pokémon, like Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, and more! ITEM # 60G6 Full-Color Guide with Poster $5 Retail $5.99 LEX: 930L GRL: P DRA: 38 Also Available: Pokémon® Reader Pack 32 pages each ITEM # 61G6 3 Books $9 Retail $11.97 Comes with Cool Poster! Every Purchase Supports Your Child’s Class! 3rd Graders | 3 Monkey Me and the Golden Monkey NEW! Looniverse #4: Stage Fright by Timothy Roland 96 pages by David Lubar 96 pages Illustrated Chapter Book $4 Illustrated Chapter Book $4 Fun Comics! LEX: 480L–520L GRL: O DRA: 34 AR: 3.2–3.5 Retail $4.99 LEX: 530L GRL: O DRA: 34 This super-normal kid finds a magic coin that makes his life totally weird! Missy’s Super Duper Royal Deluxe 2-Pack ITEM # 44G6 ITEM # 35G6 Ed Fun Comics! by Susan Nees 80 pages each Retail $4.99 LEX: 260L GRL: O DRA: 34 Book Also Available Books ITEM # 43G6 2 Full-Color Chapter Books $7 Retail $9.98 LEX: 390L–430L GRL: M DRA: 24 AR: 2.2 Books Also Available Missy Also Available Also Available: Looniverse #1–#3 Pack Clyde A laser-zapped banana transforms him into a monkey whenever he’s excited! 96 pages each ITEM # 34G6 3 Books $10 Retail $14.97 Train Your She loves horses, dressing up, and doing everything the super-deluxe way! NEW! Brain! NEW! 100 Secret Missions 96 pages Are you ready to stretch your brain? Tricks, disguises, brainteasers—so many fun activities! ITEM # 53G6 Activity Book with Lock and 2 Keys $8 The Genius Files: Mission Unstoppable by Jarrett J. Krosoczka 240 pages by Dan Gutman 304 pages These duckbilled detectives are on the case of a missing schoolteacher and a duffel bag full of illegal fish! ITEM # 59G6 Cliff jumps! Burning buildings! Secret codes! Find out if these kids make it past the age of 12! ITEM # 19G6 * Paperback Exclusive! $4 Retail $6.99 Only $5 LEX: 730L GRL: V DRA: 50 AR: 4.8 Hardcover Retail $12.99 LEX: 700L GRL: S DRA: 40 AR: 4.9 Retail $9.99 Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew Duo LEX: IG840L GRL: Q DRA: 40 Full Color! Platypus Police Squad: The Frog Who Croaked by Carolyn Keene illus. by Macky Pamintuan 96 pages each 2 BOOKS $5 The weather’s getting colder, but the cases are heating up for these kid detectives! Cam Jansen 3-Pack ITEM # 47G6 by David A. Adler 64 pages each 2 Books $5 Help Cam click for clues and crack the case! Retail $9.98 LEX: 480L–510L GRL: O DRA: 34 AR: 3.1–3.2 3 ITEM # 8G6 3 Books $8 BOOKS $8 Retail $11.97 LEX: 520L–550L GRL: L DRA: 20 AR: 3.7–3.8 INSIDE PAGES A to Z Mysteries® Mega Library by Ron Roy 80–112 pages Don’t miss a single mystery! From absent authors to the zombie zone, every letter brings a new mystery for these kid detectives. ITEM # 1G6 FREE Book of the Month Silly rhymes and activities make this ebook a Valentine’s Day must! Only in February 26 Books $47 Retail $103.75 SAVE OVER 50% LEX: 380L–650L GRL: N–R DRA: 30–40 AR: 3.2–4.0 Get this eBook and thousands more at: Coming Soon for Windows® 4 | 3rd Graders Apple iPad® Kindle® Fire Expanded Selection Online! Android™ Tablet Mac® Notebook of Doom #1–#4 Pack by Troy Cummings 96 pages each ITEM # 52G6 4 Illustrated Chapter Books $14 Princess Pink and the Land of Fake-Believe: Moldylocks and the Three Beards Kung Pow Chicken: Let’s Get Cracking! by Noah Z. Jones 80 pages ITEM # 28G6 by Cyndi Marko 80 pages ITEM # 62G6 Full-Color Comics $4 Full-Color $4 Retail $4.99 LEX: 450L–510L GRL: N–P DRA: 30–38 AR: 3.2–3.3 Retail $4.99 LEX: 490L GRL: M DRA: 24 AR: 2.1 Also Available Also Available Retail $19.96 LEX: 490L GRL: N DRA: 30 Book Books Book Also Available Lotus Lane #1–#4 Pack by Kyla May 96 pages each ITEM # 36G6 Retail $19.96 4 Books $15 LEX: 610L–740L GRL: N–Q DRA: 30–40 AR: 3.7–4.2 Books Also Available Alexander Princess Pink Gordon Blue Mika He’s the new kid in a town that’s filled with all kinds of wacky monsters! She loves mud puddles, monster trucks, and jumping off things she shouldn’t! This chicken flaps faster, clucks louder, and fights crime better A than any bird! M IK She loves cool outfits, collecting facts, and starting a club with her friends! Bad Kitty Collection by Nick Bruel 128–160 pages This grumpy cat is always about to lose it! ITEM # 7G6 6 Books $28 Retail $39.94 SAVE OVER LEX: 610L–720L GRL: P–T DRA: 38–50 AR: 2.9–4.5 25% BUY BOTH AND SAVE! Animal Stories Kitten Pack by Holly Webb 128 pages each Who will love these cute kitties? ITEM # 4G6 3 Books $8 Retail $14.97 LEX: 700L–720L GRL: P DRA: 38 AR: 4.2–4.3 Animal Stories 6-Pack ITEM # 6G6 Books Also Available 6 Books $15 3rd Grade Star Reader! Animal Stories Puppy Pack by Holly Webb 128 pages each Who will love these peppy puppies? TEM # 5G6 3 Books $8 Retail $14.97 LEX: 670L–810L GRL: O–P DRA: 34–38 AR: 4.3–4.7 “It’s cool how Kate and Lucie can turn into dogs by just putting on a necklace, giving each other high fives, and saying WOOFA-WOOFA!” —Kelly, Age 8 Books Also Available NEW! Includes PenNy Ling Panda Figurine ONLY $ 3 On Pink Pages! For ages 4+ NEW! Littlest Pet Shop™: Save the Pet Shop! Set 48 pages When these animals talk, Blythe is the only one who can hear them! Based on the hit TV series. ITEM # 32G6 Full-Color Book and Figurine $7 Retail $8.98 LEX: 530L GRL: N DRA: 30 NEW! 3 Retail $4.99 LEX: NP GRL: Q DRA: 40 by Stephanie Calmenson and Joanna Cole illus. by Heather Ross 128 pages Kate and Lucie are best friends who have a secret…with a pop and a whoosh they can turn into dogs! ITEM # 65G6 * Paperback Exclusive! $3 Hardcover Retail $14.99 Pet Hotel: Calling All Pets! Hello Kitty® Loves Mad Libs® 48 pages Fill-in-the-word fun… on pink paper! ITEM # 22G6 Only $4 ONLY LY $ Ready, Set, Dogs! No Dogs Allowed LEX: 450L L G GRL: RL: P DRA: 38 by Kate Finch 96 pages This family badly needs customers…so they bring in the cutest, furriest guests ever! ITEM # 58G6 Low Price $3 Retail $4.99 LEX: 620L GRL: O DRA: 34 AR: 5.0 Book Also Availablee Every Order Earns FREE BOOKS for Your Child’s Class! 3rd Graders | 5 S O I B AND CTS FA NEW! Nelson Mandela by Kadir Nelson 40 pages This South African hero went to jail to stand up for his beliefs and to protect people who could not defend themselves. ITEM # 51G6 112 pages 8" x 10" Strange, crazy, weird…and totally true. Colorful photos and fun facts! ITEM # 54G6 32 pages Meet 14 of the world’s smallest dogs and learn about the countries they come from. ITEM # 63G6 Full-Color $8 Retail $11.99 Book and Poster $4 Retail $4.98 Hardcover Retail $17.99 POSTER Award-Winning Illustrator! NEW! 100 Weirdest Facts Pup-Tastic Facts Pack * Paperback Exclusive! $5 LEX: 960L GRL: Q DRA: 40 AR: 4.8 NEW! DID YOU KNOW? LEX: 900L Who Was John F. Kennedy? TIME for Kids: The Amazing Fact and Puzzle Book by Yona Zeldis McDonough illus. by Jill Weber 112 pages This president sent the first astronauts to the moon and was our country’s youngest leader. ITEM # 77G6 80 pages 8” x 10” Fun facts and puzzles about animals, the environment, sports, the human body, and so much more! ITEM # 74G6 Only $4 Retail $4.99 Travel Back in Time! TM Two captivating books and a fun activity about why geology rocks. Full-Color Activity Book $9 LEX: 790L GRL: Q DRA: 40 AR: 5.8 Retail $9.99 NEW! What Was the March on Washington? NEW! by Kathleen Krull illus. by Tim Tomkinson 128 pages by Melvin and Gilda Berger 112 pages 2,000 buses, 21 trains, 10 planes, and thousands of cars brought a quartermillion people together to march for freedom. Cuteness on every page—from penguins to gorillas! Filled with facts, trivia, and photos! 101 Animal Babies ITEM # 55G6 Full-Color $8 ITEM # 76G6 Only $5 LEX: 980L GRL: O DRA: 34 LEX: 900L GRL: P DRA: 38 AR: 6.1 BOOKS NEW! Scholastic Discover More™: Shark Attack! Comes with FREE Online Book! ONLY $ 3 Book Also Available 6 | 3rd Graders by Gail Tuchman 32 pages WITH Paint Your Own Sharks For ages 6+ Show off your shark art to your friends—plus learn how each one is different! ITEM # 56G6 Deadly Predators by Camilla de la Bédoyère 32 pages Fearsome facts and photos of these underwater hunters! Plus free digital download with questions, activities, and media! ITEM # 68G6 Low Price $3 Only $4 LEX: NC770L GRL: P DRA: 38 AR: 3.3 Also Available: BITE Snarling wolves, monster reptiles, and creepycrawlies—see the world’s most terrifying animals! ITEM # 11G6 Retail $3.99 The History of Our Earth Pack ITEM # 26G6 $7 What’s in Our Universe ? Pack ITEM # 27G6 $7 Retail $8.99 Retail $5.99 School-to-Home Connection Packs Retail $9.99 Painting Kit $8 Includes • 4 shark models • 6 pots of acrylic paint • 1 paintbrush • 12-page instruction book WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD Small parts. Not for children under 3 years. Questions? Call 1-800-SCHOLASTIC (1-800-724-6527) My Weirder School Pack My Weirder School #9: Ms. Sue Has No Clue! by Dan Gutman illus. by Jim Paillot 112 pages each by Dan Gutman illus. by Jim Paillot 112 pages Grown-ups are weird... but reading about crazy grown-ups is seriously funny! ITEM # 4G6 Will a wild bake sale end with someone’s mom going to jail? ITEM # 45G6 4 Books $10 Retail $15.96 Low Price $3 Retail $3.99 LEX: 540L–600L GRL: N–O DRA: 30–34 AR: 3.5–3.7 4 Books Only $10! ONLY $ 3 Thrilling Graphic Chapter Book! Fangbone! Third-Grade Barbarian NEW! NEW! Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors Kelsey Green, Reading Queen by Suzy Kline illus. by Amy Wummer 80 pages by Claudia Mills illus. by Rob Shepperson 128 pages The students of class 3B are all making posters and the best ones get to appear on TV! ITEM # 23G6 by Michael Rex 128 pages 5 ¼" x 7 5/8" Fangbone isn’t like the other third graders— he’s a warrior from another world! ITEM # 15G6 Retail $3.99 Kelsey thinks know-it-all Simon is cheating to win the school reading contest. ITEM # 25G6 LEX: 470L GRL: N DRA: 30 AR: 3.3 Only $4 Low Price $3 Fun Comics $5 Retail $5.99 LEX: 750L GRL: O DRA: 34 Retail $5.99 LEX: GN310L GRL: Q DRA: 40 AR: 2.2 ONLY $ 3 3 Clementine 3-Pack BOOKS $11 by Sara Pennypacker illus. by Marla Frazee 144–176 pages Clementine loves to notice things and imagine new possibilities! ITEM # 9G6 3 Books $11 WOW! Also Available: Horrible Harry 3-Pack by Suzy Kline illus. by Amy Wummer 64 pages each 3 Prank-master Horrible Harry makes third grade hilarious. ITEM # 24G6 BOOKS $8 3 Books $8 LEX: 450L–470L GRL: L DRA: 20 AR: 2.9–3.3 Retail $11.97 Retail $17.97 LEX: 670L–790L GRL: O–Q DRA: 34–40 AR: 4.0–4.5 Peace and Love Stationery Box 5 ½" x 8 ½" For ages 8+ Brighten up your notes with groovy, colorful peace signs and flowers! ITEM # 57G6 Stationery Set $10 Includes • Sturdy box • Sticker roll • Stamper • 6 mini markers • Sticky flags • 40-sheet memo pad • 40 mini envelopes • 12 postcards 5 Books $10 Third Grade Favorite Stories Pack 64–96 pages Ghosts, mysteries, magic…school should always be this exciting! ITEM # 73G6 5 Books $10 Retail $22.95 ARTS & CRAFTS LEX: 370L–540L GRL: M DRA: 24 AR: 3.5–3.8 NEW! ® American Girl : Isabelle by Laurence Yep 128 pages It’s Isabelle’s first year at the School of the Arts! Does she really have what it takes to be a dancer? ITEM # 3G6 Only $6 Retail $7.99 2014 Girl of the Year! NEW! Loom Magic Fun! by John McCann and Becky Thomas 48 pages Twenty-five new rubber-band loom projects, like bracelets, key rings—even a slingshot! ITEM # 33G6 Full-Color Activity Guide $4 Retail $7.99 Every Purchase Supports Your Child’s Class! 7 | 3rd Graders Nature’s Wildest Matchups! Ordering Your Books Is Easy! 1. Make your 2. Return this form to your child’s selections. or teacher with a check made payable to Scholastic Reading Club. 3. All books will be shipped Place your order online to your child’s classroom. and pay by credit card at: To order eBooks please visit: STUDENT’S NAME: Lucky 3rd Graders February 2014 Item # Item Selections Qty. x Price = Amt. Due $47 Item # Item Selections A to Z Mysteries Mega Lib. 2G6 Adv...Doughnut...Bandit 4 50G6 Nat. Geo. Kids...Money 3G6 American Girl: Isabelle 6 51G6 Nelson Mandela 4G6 Animal Stories Kitten Pack 8 52G6 Notebook of Doom #1-#4 Pack 49G6 Nat. Geo...Big Cats Rdr. Pk. 53G6 100 Secret Missions These two animals are big, ugly, and awesome! Learn the facts, then see them fight. ITEM # 80G6 $5 8 5 5G6 Animal...Puppy Pack 8 Animal Stories 6-Pack 15 54G6 100 Weirdest Facts 8 8 7G6 Bad Kitty Collection 28 55G6 101 Animal Babies 8 8G6 Cam Jansen 3-Pack 8 56G6 Paint Your Own Sharks 8 9G6 Clementine 3-Pack 11 57G6 Peace & Love Stationery Box 10G6 Critter...#6: Ellie's...Set 6 58G6 Pet Hotel: Calling All Pets! 3 11G6 Deadly Predators 4 59G6 Platypus...Croaked 4 12G6 Disney...Belle... 5 60G6 Pokemon: Kalos...Handbook 5 13G6 DK LEGO Minifigures...Ency. 14G6 Exploding Science 15G6 Fangbone! 16G6 Flat Stanley Pack For ages 4+ 19 Pokemon Reader Pack 9 10 62G6 Princess Pink...Moldylocks... 4 5 63G6 Pup-Tastic Facts Pack 4 14 17G6 Flat...Advs. #1-#3 Pack 8 65G6 18G6 Flat...Advs. #10...Alamo 3 66G6 Rescue Princesses #1-#4 Pk. Ready, Set, Dogs!...Allowed 19G6 Genius Files: Mission... 5 67G6 20G6 Geronimo...Cavemice #4... 5 68G6 Schol. Disc...Shark Attack! 3 21G6 Geronimo...Cavemice Pack 12 69G6 Secret Kingdom...2-Pack 7 22G6 Hello Kitty Loves Mad Libs 4 70G6 Secret Kingdom: Unicorn 4 23G6 Horrible Harry...Scissors 3 71G6 Skylanders...Elements...Water 6 8 72G6 TMNT...Double-Team! 4 10 Retail $4.99 1 Book for $3 10 61G6 64G6 Rainbow...Sugar...Pack Book and FREE Rhino and Hippo Hand Tattoos $3 14 6G6 24G6 Horrible Harry 3-Pack by Jerry Pallotta illus. by Rob Bolster 32 pages Qty. x Price = Amt. Due 1G6 10 Who Would Win? Rhino vs. Hippo Set Comes with Temporary Hand Tattoos! ORDER DUE BY: LEX: 630L GRL: P DRA: 38 Book Also Available Who Would Win? Underwater Pack by Jerry Pallotta illus. by Rob Bolster 32 pages each 3 Books for $8 Books Also Available Sharks, whales, squids—dive into three beastly battles! ITEM # 81G6 3 Books $8 3 Who Would Win? Land Predators Pack 12 Rescue Princesses #5... Retail $11.97 LEX: 620L–780L GRL: P–Q DRA: 38–40 AR: 3.4–4.1 by Jerry Pallotta illus. by Rob Bolster 32 pages each 4 Lions, tigers, and…dinosaurs? Meet fearsome creatures big and small! ITEM # 78G6 7 Books for $18 7 Books $18 Retail $27.93 LEX: 570L–720L GRL: O–P DRA: 34–38 AR: 3.6–5.1 Books Also Available 25G6 Kelsey Green, Reading Queen 4 73G6 3rd Gr. Fav. Stories Pk. 26G6 KQ! The History...Earth Pack 7 74G6 TIME...Fact & Puzzle Book 9 27G6 KQ!...Universe? Pack 7 75G6 Valentine's Day...Lagoon 1 Who Would Win? Mega Pack 28G6 Kung Pow Chicken...Cracking! 4 76G6 What...March...Washington? 5 29G6 LEGO...Chima...Chapter...Pk. 10 77G6 Who Was John F. Kennedy? 4 by Jerry Pallotta illus. by Rob Bolster 32 pages each 30G6 LEGO...Chima...Gorillas 8 78G6 Who...Land Predators Pack 18 Who Would...Mega Pk. 25 31G6 LEGO Movie… 5 79G6 32G6 Littlest...Pet Shop! Set 7 80G6 Who Would...Hippo Set 33G6 Loom Magic Fun! 4 81G6 34G6 Looniverse #1-#3 Pack 10 35G6 Looniverse #4: Stage Fright 4 36G6 Lotus Lane #1-#4 Pack 37G6 MTH Fact...#28: Heroes... 38G6 MTH #51...Time for Heroes 11 39G6 MTH Four Tests Pack #33-#36 10 5 10 Magic Tree House Library 72 42G6 Minecraft: Essential Handbook 5 Missy's Super...2-Pack 7 44G6 Monkey Me...Golden... 4 43G6 45G6 My Weirder...#9: Ms. Sue... 3 46G6 My Weirder School Pack 47G6 10 Nancy Drew...Clue Crew Duo 48G6 Nat. Geo...Ch. Book Pk 3 Who Would Win...Underwater... Donate $1 to Book Trust to Help Kids in Need* 8 $1 15 40G6 Magic Tree...Happiness Pack 41G6 036514 5 12 YOUR TOTAL ORDER NUMBER TOTALS OF ITEMS Which of these animals would win in a fight? Read the facts and decide! ITEM # 79G6 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Thank you for your order. You get a FREE sheet of LEGO® Movie Stickers. Promo valid when teacher submits your order to Scholastic 2/ 1–2/28. Teacher: Please order online or compile student orders on the teacher order form. Do not mail individual order forms. Make a Difference in a Child’s Life Your $1 donation to Book Trust will allow a child in need to choose and own a new book and encourage literacy and a love of reading. *Please note: no items will be shipped in the book box and no product or service will be provided in exchange for this donation. 100% of donation goes to Book Trust, a charity that lets kids in need choose books from Scholastic Book Clubs for free. Risk of loss transfers upon Scholastic’s delivery of the ordered products to its carrier. The items purchased through this Reading Club offer may not be resold. Teachers are acting in the best interest of their students. They are not agents or representatives of Scholastic Book Clubs. TM/® & © Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. When you pay by check, you authorize us to process your payment electronically. Funds may be withdrawn from your account the same day we receive your payment. You will not receive your check back from your financial institution; however, the transaction will appear on your bank statement. G68000 TRACKING # 391373 All 11 Books for $25 ANIMAL SHOWDOWN CONTEST Chance to Win a Visit with Author Jerry Pallotta! Pick an animal. Then create a Who Would Win?–style page! Visit for details (including a reproducible template). 11 Books $25 Retail $43.89 LEX: 570L–780L GRL: O–Q DRA: 34–40 AR: 3.4–5.1 Books Also Available ? Which anim al would mak e th fiercest pred e at YOU decide or? ! Send entries by 3/4/14 to: Who Would Win? Animal Showdown Contest, P.O. Box 714, New York, NY 10013-0714 NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. All students in grades 2–3 in a U.S. school who are legal U.S. residents are eligible to enter except those who have family members employed by Scholastic Inc. 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