Fire Effects on Tinajas and Frog Habitat at Saguaro National
Fire Effects on Tinajas and Frog Habitat at Saguaro National
Fire effects on tinajas and amphibian habitat at Saguaro National Park Don Swann, Kara O’Brien, and Chuck Perger Saguaro National Park, Tucson, Arizona Thanks to: Mike Sredl (Arizona Game and Fish) Ann Youberg (Arizona Geological Survey) Adam Springer (Chiricahua National Monument) Eric Wallace, Erin Zylstra, Kris Ratzlaff (UA) Cecil Schwalbe, John Parker (USGS) Dennis Caldwell (Tucson Herpetological Society) Josh Taiz, Tom Skinner (USNFS) Mike Ward, Perry Grissom (Saguaro National Park) Outline Saguaro National Park – east and west Saguaro National Park – east – Rincon Mountain District Saguaro NP – Rincon Mountain District Sky Island ecological zones Fire in Rincon Mountains and other Sky Islands • Historic fire return interval ~ 10 years • Periodic fire stimulates regeneration, promotes nutrient recycling, protects forests from catastrophic fire Ponderosa pine (7000-8700 feet) • Increase in very large wildfires during past few decades Mixed Conifer (7500-9500 feet) Surface water - intermittent streams Springs and tanks Tinajas – “earthenware jar” in Spanish Major source of water in Rincons during dry season Value for people, past and present Essential for wildlife Canyon treefrog Bobcats Dragonfly Single-celled algae Gary Slaten photo Mallard Lowland leopard frog (Lithobates [Rana] yavapaiensis) tadpoles ~ 9 months in water webbed feet Jumps! Declining amphibians – globally and locally Tarahumara frog (extirpated in US) Local declines of the lowland leopard frog Major known populations of Lowland Leopard Frogs extirpated since 1940s near Tucson Crayfish (non-native) American bullfrog (non-native) Disease Habitat loss Lowland leopard frog habitat in Saguaro National Park Saguaro National Park Arizona National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior LeopardFollow-Up frog monitoring Tamarisk: Surveysin Saguaro, 1996-present ^ _ ^_ ^ _ ^_^_^_^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ Wildhorse ^_ ^_ ^_ Rock Spring ^_ L. Verde South ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^^_ _ ^_ ^_ ^_ Lower Rincon Features Drainages Surveyed Drainages 5000ft elevation 6000ft elevation State Trust Land Park-wide, biannual surveys Private Inholding RMD Boundary Forest Service Land Private Land ^_ Madrona Rincon North Chimenea Box Undergoing Treatment Turkey ^ _ ^^_^_ ^_ _ ^_ !@ ^_ ^_ ^^_^_ _ Loma Verde ^_ Legend Tanque ^_ Verde/Joaquin ^ _ ^_ ² ^_ ^_ ^ _ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_Rincon ^_ ^_ 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 Miles Visual encounter surveys for leopard frogs and other aquatic species Photograph and record water status of each tinaja (>240) 25 20 Spring 96 Fall 96 Spring 97 Fall 97 Spring 98 Fall 98 Spring 99 Fall 99 Spring 00 Fall 00 Spring 01 Fall 01 Spring 02 Fall 02 Spring 03 Fall 03 Spring 04 Fall 04 Spring 05 Fall 05 Spring 06 Fall 06 Spring 07 Fall 07 Spring 08 Fall 08 Spring 09 Fall 09 Spring 10 Fall 10 Spring 11 Fall 11 Average # Lowland Leopard Frogs Per Survey Results 1996-2011 (Zylstra et al. 2015) 40 35 30 Adults 15 10 5 0 Mean frog counts per biannual survey, 1996-2012 Pools where frogs observed, 1996-2011 (green); pools where frogs always observed (red) More water = more frogs Figure 1. Predicted number of recruits (a) and monthly survival (b) of adult lowland leopard frogs (with 95% confidence intervals) as a function of surface water availability, with other model variables held constant. Zylstra et al. 2015. Juveniles surviving Adults surviving Water available to frogs in tinajas is related to rain, but not always Before 1999 Box Canyon fire 2001 – Post Fire Example: Box Canyon Fire - 6,500 acres June 16 1999 NPS photo NPS photos Large areas of moderatehigh severity March 12 1997 – Loma Verde Pool 10, below fire perimeter July 7 1997 – ash in water, water temps 35-360 C (95-970 F), tadpole mortality October 14 1999 (filled after rain of 1.2 - 2.7” on July 15 1999) July 12 1999 Nov. 30 1999 March 15 2001 Pool 1 (about 1 mile downstream of Pool 10) filled with ash on July 12, 1999 but did not receive sediment until winter rains of 2000. June 2002 – all pools in Loma Verde dry due to 1-2 meters of sediment – last leopard frogs died Number of frogs observed, Loma Verde Canyon, 1996-2013 Loma Verde Lowland Leopard Frog Survey Data: 1996-2013 450 400 350 Box Canyon Fire July 1999 300 Total 250 Adults Juveniles 200 Tadpoles 150 100 All pools dry; Frogs disappear Spring 2002 Frogs re-appear fall 2007 Disappear early 2012 50 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Example: 2003 Helen’s 2 Fire – 3,600 acres NPS photo 2003 Helen’s 2 Fire – Joaquin Canyon Parker 2006 Course, poorly-sorted overbank deposits, Joaquin Canyon Erosion pillars created by sheetwash From Parker (2006) Repeat photos – Joaquin Canyon (2003 Helen’s 2 Fire) July 4 2003 July 19 2003 November 2, 2005 Number of adult and juvenile frogs observed on surveys in Joaquin Canyon following 2003 Helen’s 2 Fire 12 10 Helen’s 2 Fire, June 2003 8 2007-2009; frogs returned, then disappeared again Summer 2005, no frogs detected 6 4 2 0 01-Sep-02 14-Jan-04 28-May-05 10-Oct-06 22-Feb-08 06-Jul-09 18-Nov-10 01-Apr-12 14-Aug-13 How long does sediment persist in tinajas? Sediment surveys at SNP, 2005-present Sediment surveys Bedrock contours, Madrona #2 Sediment surveys 42% Bedrock contours, Madrona #2 Sediment contours 2005 79% Sediment contours 2007 33% Sediment contours 2010 How long does sediment persist? Shorter duration – high energy areas, larger watersheds 2001 2006 2008 Repeat photos – Loma Verde Canyon (1999 fire) 2013 Longer duration – pools in smaller, less steep watersheds 2001 2006 2008 2011 Repeat photos – Loma Verde Canyon (1999 fire) Longer duration – pools in low energy areas 1988 2007 2012 Repeat photos –Wildhorse Canyon (1989 Chiva Fire) Mean sediment volume/pool by stream, 2005-2013 1.00 0.90 0.80 Loma Verde – 68% burned (1999 fire) 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 Rincon – 73% (1994 fire) 0.30 Wildhorse – 31% 1989 fire) 0.20 0.10 Chimenea – 11.8% (misc. small fires) 0.00 2005/2006 2007 2010 2013 Changes in tinaja sediment volume, all combined 2005-2013 Percent Sediment Volume Average for All Pools (+/- one standard error) 50 45 41.0 Percent Sediment Volume (%) 40 35 36.9 34.8 30 28.3 25 20 15 10 5 0 2005-2006 2007 2010 Year of Survey 2013 Fire, floods, and sediment good for frogs – issue of scale Fire effects on other frogs in Arizona Chiricahua leopard frog - threatened Photo by J. Rorabaugh Tarahumara frog – extirpated/reintroduced AGFD photo. Management – what can we do as land, fire, and wildlife managers? a. Measures to prevent post-fire erosion Staw bale erosion barrier **Wood strand mulch Robichaud (2009) Robichaud et al. (2012) Log erosion barrier b. Habitat restoration Miller Canyon frog habitat restoration (AGFD photo). b. Habitat restoration Pool 1 being excavated partially (left) and fully (right) in 2005 Pool 1 on July 8, 2006 Pool 1 – dry on June 6, 2013 Lowland Leopard Frog in Loma Verde on October 15, 2006 c. Salvage and re-introduction Chiricahua leopard frog salvage and release, Miller Canyon. Glendale Community College photos. Backyard pond project near Saguaro National Park d. Pre-fire actions Letting natural fires burn Deer Head Fire, 2014 General concepts for conservation/management How great is the risk? How important is the population? Consider the “no-action” alternative where ever possible Erik Enderson photo Long-term view – ecological change and “management” • Time’s circle: What are the natural patterns over time? • Time’s arrow: What are the long-term trends? – Potential threats – When to respond Time’s arrow, time’s circle Healthy forests, healthy frogs “Stand on Tanque Verde Ridge in Saguaro National Park and see, in one compelling panorama, all that makes fire management in the western U.S. problematic…Saguaro will have to be lucky as well as good.” --Steve Pyne, A Fire History of America (2012)