BULLETIN 2014 final - Quality Assurance and Planning Unit
BULLETIN 2014 final - Quality Assurance and Planning Unit
SUMMARY OF RESEARCH OUTPUT FOR 2012/2013 AND 2013/2014 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Refereed Journals Department of Animal Science Department of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Extension Department of Fisheries and Watershed Management Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Department of Horticulture Department of Wood Processing and Marketing Department of Wood Science and Technology Department of Silviculture and Forest Management Department of Social Forestry Department of Ecotourism and Forest Recreation Department of Land Reclamation and Rehabilitation Department of Agroforestry Total Published Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 Unpublished Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 Books Published Book Chapters Total Publications 12/13 13/14 12/13 13/14 12/13 13/14 12/13 13/14 20 42 45 5 4 8 - - - - 69 55 30 27 - - 3 12 - 2 - 1 33 42 8 26 - - 1 - - 1 - - 9 27 31 18 3 - 8 5 - - - - 42 23 13 8 13 1 2 6 - - - - 28 15 - 5 - 5 - 2 - - - - - 12 3 8 - 2 - - - - - - 3 10 2 2 - - 2 3 1 - 3 - 7 5 - 3 - 1 - - - - - - - 4 - - - - - 3 - - - - - 3 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 5 - 1 - - - - - - - 6 - 112 140 62 14 20 39 1 3 3 1 197 197 1 College of Architecture and Planning Refereed Journals Department of Planning Department of Building Technology Department of Architecture Department of Land Economy Centre for Settlement Studies Total Published Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 3 Unpublished Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 - Books Published Book Chapters Total Publications 12/13 - 13/14 3 12/13 - 13/14 15 12/13 - 13/14 43 12/13 - 13/14 22 24 17 20 19 - 1 2 - - - 44 37 9 13 15 12 - - 3 - 1 - 28 25 - 11 - 1 - 6 - - - - - 18 - 8 - 6 - - - - - - - 14 33 71 35 41 - 7 5 3 1 15 72 137 2 College of Art and Social Sciences Refereed Journals Department of Religious Studies Department of Integrated Rural Art and Industry Department of General Art Studies Department of Geography and Rural Development Department of Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department of History and Political Studies Department of Accounting and Finance Department of Economics Department of Communication Design Department of Painting and Sculpture Department of Modern Languages Centre for Cultural and African Studies Department of Industrial Department of Marketing and Corporate Strategy Department of Commercial Law Department of Public Law Department of English Department of Sociology and Social Work Department of Managerial Science Department of Publishing Department of Private Law Total Published Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 1 1 Unpublished Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 17 14 Books Published Book Chapters Total Publications 12/13 5 13/14 7 12/13 - 13/14 7 12/13 39 13/14 52 12/13 16 13/14 23 5 27 - 6 3 - - - - - 8 33 10 21 1 - - 6 - - - - 11 27 19 22 - 3 6 - - - - - 25 25 2 17 - 5 - - - 1 - - 2 23 5 19 - - 10 - 1 4 6 - 22 23 - 21 - 1 - - - - - - - 22 9 20 - - 1 - - - - 1 10 21 5 3 - 13 - - - - - - 5 16 2 6 - 2 - 6 - - - - 2 14 2 3 - - 3 9 - - - - 5 12 - - - 7 - - - 4 - - - 11 16 11 1 - - - - - - - 17 11 16 8 1 - 17 - 5 - - - 39 8 1 2 - - 1 3 - - - - 2 5 - 1 - - - - 1 3 - - 1 4 - 4 - - - 4 3 1 - - 5 1 1 - 5 2 14 4 4 2 - - 5 - - - - 1 9 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - - 3 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 2 116 211 4 42 68 39 13 19 11 12 212 323 3 College of Engineering Refereed Journals Department of Civil Engineering Department of Agricultural Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of Computer Engineering Department of Geological Engineering Technology Consultancy Centre Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Geomatic Engineering Total Published Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 4 5 Unpublished Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 5 Books Published Book Chapters Total Publications 12/13 - 13/14 - 12/13 - 13/14 - 12/13 21 13/14 45 12/13 17 13/14 35 - 19 - - - - - - - - - 19 4 14 - - - 1 - 1 - - 4 16 10 11 - 4 11 - - - - - 21 15 - 13 - - - - - - - - - 13 4 4 - - 13 4 - - - 1 17 9 2 - 1 - - - 1 - - - 4 - 11 - 4 - - - 1 - - - 19 - 48 96 9 9 24 10 2 1 - 1 86 117 4 College of Health Sciences Refereed Journals Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of Pharmacology Department of Molecular Medicine Department of Surgery Department of Child Health Department of Medical Laboratory Technology Department of Pharmaceutics Department of Clinical Microbiology School of Verterinary Medicine Department of Clinical and Social Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department of Herbal Medicine Department of Pharmacognosy Department of Physiology Department of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Department of Medicine Department of Community Dentistry Department of Nursing Department of Anatomy Department of Basic and Diagnostic Oral Sciences Department of Community Health Total Published Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 - Unpublished Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 - Books Published Book Chapters Total Publications 12/13 - 13/14 - 12/13 - 13/14 - 12/13 - 13/14 48 12/13 - 13/14 48 - 17 - 1 - 16 - 1 - 9 - 44 46 32 - - - - - - - - 46 32 16 26 - - - - - - - 6 16 32 19 19 - 5 2 3 - - - 2 21 29 10 12 - 4 7 - - - - - 17 16 5 10 - 3 - 3 - - - - 5 16 10 16 - - - - - - - - 10 16 16 16 - - - - - - - - 16 16 - 11 - 4 - - - - - - - 15 3 9 6 - 5 4 - - 1 - 15 13 1 12 - - - - - - - - 1 12 5 10 3 - - 1 - - - - 8 11 8 10 6 - - - - - - - 14 10 3 10 - - - - - - 1 - 4 10 - 4 - - - - - - - - - 4 15 3 - - - - - - 1 - 16 3 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - 2 1 1 2 - - - - - - - 3 1 8 - - - 2 - - - - - 10 - 3 - - - - - - - - - 3 - 5 - - - - - - - - - 5 - 174 267 17 17 16 28 - 1 3 17 205 330 5 College of Science Refereed Journals Department of Physics Department of Mathematics Department of Chemistry Department of Theoretical and Applied Biology and Environmental Science Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Department of Food Science and Technology Department of Computer Science Department of Optometry and Visual Science Total Aggregate Totals Published Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 14 Unpublished Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 2 - Books Published Book Chapters Total Publications 12/13 - 13/14 - 12/13 - 13/14 - 12/13 15 13/14 53 12/13 13 13/14 39 - 41 - - - - - 2 - - - 43 30 27 4 5 - - 2 - - - 36 32 14 29 - 1 - 1 - - 2 - 16 31 9 13 - 3 9 12 - 1 1 - 19 29 9 13 - - 2 12 - - - - 11 25 - 7 - 3 - 2 - - - - - 12 5 5 - - 3 - - - - - 8 5 80 563 174 959 4 131 26 149 16 144 27 150 2 23 3 30 3 21 46 105 877 230 1334 OTHER INSTITUTIONS Refereed Journals Institute of Distance Learning Quality Assurance and Planning Unit University Library Overall Aggregate Published Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 3 - Unpublished Conference Papers 12/13 13/14 17 15 Books Published Book Chapters Total Publications 12/13 3 13/14 1 12/13 - 13/14 9 12/13 25 13/14 30 12/13 3 13/14 5 5 - - 4 5 - - - - - 10 4 571 4 968 134 155 166 165 26 31 21 4 59 912 4 1372 6 A PIE CHART SHOWING STAFF PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR 2013/2014 3% 14% 17% 24% 23% 10% 9% Agriculture and Natural Resources Art and Social Sciences Architecture and Planning Engineering Health Sciences Science Others 7 STAFF PUBLICATION RATIO FOR COLLEGES (2013/2014) COLLEGE Agriculture and Natural Resources Art and Social Sciences Architecture and Planning Engineering Health Sciences Science Total Total Number of Publications Total Number of Lecturers Staff Publication Ratio 197 323 137 117 330 230 1334 80 215 63 125 175 135 793 2.4625 1.5023 2.1746 0.936 1.8857 1.7037 1.7775 University Average: 1.7775 (Source: Publication Output from QAPU; Total Number of Academic staff from 2015 KNUST Budget) Staff Publication Ratio (SPR): Total Number of Publications / Total Number of Lecturers STAFF PUBLICATION RATIO FOR THE VARIOUS COLLEGES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014 2.4625 2.1746 1.8857 1.7037 1.5023 0.936 AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES ART AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING AND PLANNING HEALTH SCIENCES SCIENCE 8 FIVE YEAR TREND ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH OUTPUT (2009/2010 TO 2013/2014) R Agriculture and Natural Resources Architecture and Planning Art and Social Sciences Engineering Health Sciences Science Total 2009/2010 C T R 2010/2011 C T R 2011/2012 C T R 2012/2013 C T R 2013/2014 C T 16 9 25 41 25 66 110 23 133 112 62 174 144 53 197 14 12 26 28 40 68 60 39 99 33 35 68 89 48 137 8 13 21 25 37 62 87 16 103 116 4 120 242 81 323 13 47 50 148 18 22 73 147 31 69 123 295 42 144 82 362 36 49 17 204 78 193 99 566 55 173 48 538 24 37 39 184 79 210 87 722 48 174 80 566 9 17 4 134 57 191 84 700 98 285 177 995 19 45 53 146 117 330 230 1334 R: Refereed Journals, Books Published and Book chapters C: Published and Unpublished Conference Papers T: Total 9 TIME SERIES PLOT FOR RESEARCH OUTPUT (2009/2010 TO 2013/2014) 10 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: S. Amisah Senior Lecturers: N. W. Agbo D. Adjei-Boateng Lecturers: B. B. Campion BSc (Hons); Dip. Ed (Cape Coast); MPhil (Kumasi); PhD (Hull) (Dean, FRNR) MSc (Kaliningrad); PhD (Stirling) BSc (Kumasi); MSc (Gent); PhD (Dublin)(Head of Department) *G. Owusu-Boateng Regina Edziyie T. K. Agyemang BSc (Cape Coast); MSc (Bremen); MSc (TU-Munich); PhD (Bremen) BSc (Kumasi) MSc (Kumasi), MSc (Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi); MSc (Arkansas), MSc (Texas); PhD (Texas) BSc (Kumasi) MSc (Stuttgart), PhD (Stuttgart) Assistant Lecturer: Gifty Anane-Taabeah BSc (Kumasi) MSc (Blacksburg), MPhil (Kumasi) 11 *On Study Leave BOOK PUBLISHED Campion, B. B. (2013). Urban wetland ecology and floods in Kumasi, Ghana. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-3-659-40425-2 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Agbo, N.W., Amisah, S., Tettey, E. andFrimpong, E. (2014).Effects of dietary protein levels on growth performance of Claroteid catfish, Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus, fingerlings. Annals of Biological Research, 5(4): 17 – 22. 2. Agbo, W.N. and Prah, C. D. (2014). Evaluation of fermentation period on the proximate composition and tannin concentration of sheanut (Vitellaria paradoxa) meal. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research, 4(1): 21 – 27. 3. Frimpong, E. A., Ansah,Y. B., Amisah,S., Adjei-Boateng, D., Agbo,N. W. and Egna, H . (2014).Effects of Two Environmental Best Management Practices on Pond Water and Effluent Quality and Growth of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, Sustainability, 6(2): 652 – 675. doi: 10.3390/su6020652. 4. Osei-Mensah, P., Adjaottor, A. A., and Owusu-Boateng,G.(2014).Characterization of Solid Waste in the Atwima-Nwabiagya District of the Ashanti Region, KumasiGhana.International Journal of Waste Management and Technology 2, (1), 1 – 14. 5. Owusu-Boateng, G. and Amuzu, K. K. (2013). Levels of organochlorine pesticides residue in cabbage cultivated in farms along River Oyansia, Accra-Ghana. American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 4(5): 489 – 498. 6. Owusu-Boateng, G. and Kumi-Aboagye, E. (2013). An assessment of the status of pollution of the Lake Amponsah in the Bibiani-Anhwiaso-Bekwai District, Ghana.American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 4(5): 499 – 511. 7. Owusu-Boateng, G. and Amuzu, K. K. (2013). A survey of some critical issues in vegetable crops farming along River Oyansia in Opeibea and Dzorwulu, Accra-Ghana. Global Advanced Research Journal of Physical and Applied Sciences, 2(2): 024 – 031. 8. Anane-Acheampong-Osisiadan, P., Darkwah, L. and Owusu-Boateng, G. (2013). Mine water and the environment: a case study at Central African Gold Bibiani Limited, Ghana. Global Advanced Research Journal of Physical and Applied Sciences, 2(2): 039 – 046. 9. Adjei-Boateng, D. and Wilson, J.G. (2013). Body condition and gametogenic cycle of Galatea paradoxa (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the Volta River estuary, Ghana. Journal of Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 132: 94 – 98. Doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2011.06.018. 10. Adjei-Boateng, D. and Wilson, J. G. (2013).Age Determination and Growth Rate of the Freshwater Clam Galatea Paradoxa (Born 1778) from the Volta River Estuary, Ghana.Journal of Aquatic Science, 1(2): 31 – 38. DOI:10.12691/jas-1-2-2 12 11. Campion, B. B. and Antwi-Bediako, R. (2013). The seed fuel wars of Africa: Biofuel conflicts in Ghana and Ethiopia. The Broker Online 1-4. Available at http://www.thebrokeronline.eu/Articles/The-seed-fuel-wars-of-Africa 12. Campion, B. B. and Owusu-Boateng, G. (2013). The Political Ecology of Wetlands in Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy, 7(2): 108 – 128. 13. Campion, B. B. (2013).urban wetland ecology and floods in Kumasi, Ghana. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-3-659-40425-2. 14. Abobi, S. M, Ekau, W., Wolff, M., Blay, J. & Campion, B. B. (2013). Catch per unit effort and water level variations in the lower reaches of the White Volta River at Yapei, Ghana. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(23): 2870 – 2876. 15. Owusu-Boateng, G., Ntim, M. and Plange-Rhule, J. (2013). Ambient air quality in the Chirano gold mines limited, Bibiani Ghana. Global Advanced Research Journal of Physical and Applied Sciences, 2(2): 032 – 038. 16. Ntim, M., Owusu-Boateng, G. and Plange-Rhule, J. (2013). Air quality and the lung function of communities in the concessional area of the Chirano Gold Mines Limited, Bibiani-Ghana. American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 4(5): 479 – 488. 17. Sarpong, K. and Owusu-Boateng,(2013). Hazardous metals concentrations in traditionally used unregistered herbal drugs sold at six selected Suburbs of Kumasi, Ashanti Region of Ghana. Global Advanced Research Journal of Educational Research and Review, 2(4): 098 – 104. 18. Sarpong, K. Dartey E., Boateng, G. O. and Dapaah, H. (2012). Profile of hazardous metals in Twenty (20) Selected Medicinal Plant Samples Sold on the Kumasi Central Market, Ashanti Region, Ghana.Global Advanced Research Journal of Educational Research and Review, 1(1): 004 – 009. 19. Agbo, N. W., Madalla N. and Juancey K. (2014). Dietary crystalline DL-methionine 1 supplementation of oilseed meal-based diets: effects on growth and feed utilization of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus). American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(11): 1385-1396. 20. Agbo, N. W., Amisah S., Tettey E. and Frimpong E. (2014). Effects of dietary protein levels on growth performance of Claroteid catfish, Chrysichthysnigrodigitatus, fingerlings. Annals of Biological Research, 5(4): 17-22. 21. Agbo, N. W., and Parh C. D. (2014). Evaluation of fermentation period on the proximate composition and tannin concerntration of sheanut (Vitellariaparadoxa) meal. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research, 4(1): 21-27. 22. Frimpong, E. A., Ansah, Y. B., Amisah S., Adjei-Boateng D, Agbo N. W. and Hillary Egna (2014). Effects of Two Environmental Best Management Practices on Pond Water and Effluent Quality and Growth of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromisniloticus, Sustainability, 6(2), 652-675; doi: 10.3390/su6020652. 23. Madalla N.,Agbo, N. W. and Juancey K. (2013). Evaluation of aqueous extracted moringa leaf meal as a protein source for Nile Tilapia juveniles. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 12(1): 53-64. 13 24. AmisahS., and Nuamah, P. A. (2014). Spatial and temporal variation in Microbiological Water Quality of the River Wiwi in Kumasi, Ghana. Water Quality Exposure and Health. DOI 10.1007/s12403-0128-4. 25. Obirikorang, K. A., Amisah S., and Adjei-Boateng, D. (2013). Habitat Description of the Threatened Freshwater Clam, Galatea paradoxa (Born 1778) at the Volta Estuary, Ghana. Current World Environment. Vol. 8(3), 331-339. 26. Ansah, Y. B., Frimpong, E. A., Amisah S. (2013). Characterization of potential aquaculture pond effluents and physiochemical and microbial assessment of effluent receiving waters in central Ghana. African Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 1-8. 14 DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: # A. Donkoh # S. A. Osei # D. B. Okai # C. C. Atuahene (Mrs.) Visiting Professors: T. A. McAllister BSc (Agric) (Kumasi), PhD (Massey) BSc (Agric) (Kumasi), MSc, PhD (Tennessee) BSc (Agric) (Kumasi), MSc, PhD (Alta.), MGSA, MASOG, FGSAP BSc (Agric) (Kumasi), MSc J. D. Ambrose BSc (Agric), MSc (Animal Biochem.) Alta., PhD Ruminant Nutrition. Guelph B. V. Sc., MSc, PhD (Animal Sc.) lb. Associate Professors: E. L. K. Osafo ^A. B. Omojola BSc (Agric) (Kumasi), MSc, PhD (R’dg) BSc (Animal Science), MSc, PhD (Ibadan) Senior Lecturers: # O. S. Olympio V. Attoh-Kotoku Department) BSc (Agric) MSc (Kumasi), PhD (Sask.) BPharm, MSc (Animal Nutrition), PhD (Kumasi) (Head of Lecturers: W. Y. Akwetey BSc (Agric,) (Kumasi), Ms (Columbus, OH), MSc (Kumasi) C. Antwi K. Adomako M. Boateng J. A. Hamidu BSc (Agric), PhD (Kumasi) BSc (Agric), PhD (Kumasi) BSc (Agric), PhD (Kumasi) BSc (Agric), (Kumasi), MSc, PhD (Alta.) ^On Sabbatical leave #On Contract 15 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Abora, N., Okai, D. B. and Boateng, M. (2013).Soya bean milk residue: Production practices and effects of dietary inclusion on growth performance, blood profile and carcass characteristics of growing pigs. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (1): 46 – 53. 2. Adomako, K., Olympio, O. S. and Hagan, J. K. (2013). Performance of indigenous naked neck, frizzle and normal feathered birds in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (1): 8 – 14. 3. Adomako, K., Akortsu, F.D., Hamidu, J.A. and Olympio, O.S. (2014). Effects of plumage type and plumage colour on egg quality traits of local-exotic crossbreds. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 1 – 7. 4. Akinwumi, A, O., Odunsi, A. A., Omojoa, A. B., Akande, T. O. and Rafiu, T. A. (2013). Evaluation of carcass, organ and organoleptic properties of spent layers of different poultry types. Botswana Journal of Agriculture and Applied Science, 9: 3 – 7. 5. Akwetey, W. Y. and Quaye, A. N. O. (2013). Status of meat processing firms in the Accra Metropolis. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (1): 93 – 98. 6. Akwetey, W. Y., Eremong, D. C. and Donkoh, A. (2013). Chemical and nutrient composition of cattle hide (“Welle”) using different processing methods. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 3 (4): 176 – 180. 7. Akwetey, W. Y. and Yamoah, G. A. (2013). Producing low-fat pork patties with solardried plantain (Musa acuminate). Journal of Animal Science Advances, 3 (4): 150 – 156. 8. Akwetey, W. Y. and Barimah, O. F. F. (2014). Proximate composition and consumer preferences for some locally manufactured and imported Frankfurter type sausages in Kumasi. A preliminary study. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 156 – 160. 9. Akwetey, W. Y., Oduro, I. and Ellis, W. O. (2014). Whole cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) flour (WCPF) as non-conventional extender in meat loaf. Food Biosciences, 5: 42 – 46. 10. Ansah, T., Osafo, E. L. K. and Hansen, T. (2013). Variety, harvest date after planting and plant fraction of Napier grass influence on in vitro gas production. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 25(78): http://ww.lrrd.org/lrrd25/5/ansa25078.htm 11. Antwi, C., Osafo, E. L. K., Oppong-Anane, K. and Baah, J. (2013). The threat of changes in climate on livelihoods and food security in Ghana. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (1): 87 – 92. 12. Antwi, C., Osafo, E. L. K., Fisher, D. S., Yacout, H. M., Donkoh, A., Hassan, A.A., Sobhy, S.M.M., Adu-Dapaah, H. and Salem, A.Z.M. (2013). Application of pesticides in cowpea production on in vitro gas production South African Journal of Animal Science, 43 (2). 16 13. Asiedu, P., Amoah, K. O., Rhule, S. W. A. and Okai, D. B. (2013). The responses of primiparous sows and their offsprings to diets containing some selected agro-industrial byproducts (AIBP) in Ghana. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (1): 60 – 68. 14. Atswei, A. A. N., Atuahene, C. C. and Adjei, M. B. (2014). Protein requirements for growing indigenous Guinea fowls (Numida meleagris) in the humid tropical zone of Ghana. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 4 (1): 722 – 731. 15. Atuahene, C. C. and Adjei, M. B. (2014). Effect of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale supplementation on growth performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 54 – 58. 16. Boateng, M., Okai, D. B., Donkoh, A. and Baah, J. (2013). Effect of processing method on the quality of palm kernel cake: chemical composition and nutrient utilization in enzymesupplemented diets. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8 (42): 5226 – 5231. 17. Boateng, M., Okai, D. B., Aryee, S. N. D. and Frimpong, Y. D. (2014). The effects of XYMTM (an exogenous enzymes-probiotics complex) as a feed additive on the growth performance, carcass components and blood profile of growing pigs fed high rice branbased diets. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 40 – 47. 18. Boateng, M., Okai, D. B., Boakye, M. and Ewool, M. B. (2014). The effects of Obatanpa (a QPM variety) and normal maize plus L-lysine diets on growth performance and carcass traits of albino rats. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 48 – 53. 19. Bonsu, R. F. K., Donkoh, A., Osei, S. A., Okai, D. B. and Baah, J. (2014). Direct-fed microbial on the health status, productive performance and internal egg characteristics of layer chickens under hot, humid environmental conditions. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(1): 14 – 20. 20. Darkwa, S., Okai, D. B., Boateng, M. and Amoah, K. O. (2013). Responses of growing rats and pigs to diets containing varying levels of dried brewer’s spent grains supplemented with Bergazym – an exogenous enzyme complex. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 3 (6): 286 – 290. 21. Donkoh, A., Attoh-Kotoku, V. and Korley, M. M. (2014). Nutritional evaluation of dried yam peel meal: Chemical composition and energy value. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 65 – 71. 22. Donkoh, A., Attoh-Kotoku, V., Oddoye, E. O., Armah, I. N. A., Afful., E. K. and Obeng, C. (2014). Utilization of dried cashew pulp in broiler chicken and pig feeding systems. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 72 – 79. 23. Glover, M. A. K., Osei, S. A., Ewool, M. B. and Danso, S. A. (2014). Effects of yellow quality protein maize on the performance, serum biochemical and haematological parameters of laying chickens. 1. Egg production and egg quality. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 85 – 92. 24. Glover, M. A. K., Osei, S. A., Ewool, M. B. and Danso, S. A. (2014). Effects of yellow quality protein maize on the performance, serum biochemical and haematological 17 parameters of laying chickens. 2. Serum biochemical and haematological parameters. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 93 – 98. 25. Hagan, J. K., Adomako, K. and Olympio, O. S. (2013). Effect of incorporation of thermoregulatory genes into exotic layers on egg production and quality under tropical environment. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 45 (6), August, 2013. link.springer.com/journal/11250 26. Hagan, J. K., Adomako, K. and Olympio, O. S. (2013). Effect of incorporation of Heattolerant genes into Lohmann Brown Layers on egg production and quality under hot and humid environments. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 83(7): 725 – 729. http://epubs.icar.org.in/ejournal/index.php/IJAnS/article/view/31346 27. Hamidu, J.A. (2013). Effects of turkey egg storage duration on expression of apoptosis genes. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (1): 69 – 75. 28. Jibir, M., Isa, A. M., Garba, S., Jibrila, I. and Omojola, A. B. (2013). Linear body measurements and slaughter characteristics of meat goats in the semi-arid zone of \northWestern Nigeria. Journal of Animal Science Advances, 3 (6): 297 – 303. 29. Jibir, M., Jibrila, I., Garba, S., Isa, A. M. and Omojola, A. B. (2013). Carcass and lean quality characterization of authoctonus goats in the semi-arid zone of \north-Western Nigeria. International Journal of Meat Science, 2 (2): 34 – 39. 30. Okai, D. B., Boateng, M., Armah, W. N. L. and Frimpong, Y. O. (2013). Responses of albino rats to high rice bran diets. Effects of type of rice bran and level of X-ZymeTM (An exogenous enzymes + probiotics feed additive). Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research, 3 (5): 205 – 209. 31. Omojola, A. B., Adetunji, V. A. and Olusola, O. O. (2013). Quality of breakfast sausage containing legume flours as binders. Journal of Biology and Life Sciences, 4 (2): 310 – 319. 32. Osafo, E. L. K., Antwi, C., Donkoh, A. and Adu-Dapaah, H. (2013). Feeding graded levels of an improved cultivar of cowpea haulm as supplement for rams fed maize stover diet. International Journal of Agricultural Research, 8 (2): 87 - 93. 33. Osei, D. Y., Apori, S. A. and Osafo, E. L. K. (2013). Acupuncture treatment of diarrhea condition in tropical sheep and cattle. Advance Journal of Agricultural Research, 1 (8): 130 – 133. 34. Osei, S.A., Owusu, M., Pomaa-Yeboah, P. and Boateng, M. (2014). Students’ perception of organic agriculture and organic foods. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (2): 147 – 155. 35. Salifu, A. S., Okai, D. B., and Boateng, M. (2013). Haematological and serum biochemical parameters of growing pigs fed diets containing four different maize varieties. Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, 7 (1): 99 – 104. 18 36. Tagoe, A. N. A., Atuahene, C. C. and Adjei, M. B. (2014). Response of broiler chickens to dietary inclusion of Alternanthera sessilis leaf meal (ASLM). Journal of Animal Science Advances, 4 (1): 648 – 657. 37. Atalwana, J., Attoh-Kotoku, V., Donkoh, A. Folitse, R. and Amenakpor, C. (2014). Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites among pigs in the Ejisu Municipality in Ghana. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science held at Nottingham, UK, April 2014. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 5 (1): 180. 38. Attoh-Kotoku, V., Osafo, E. L. K., Donkoh, A. and Atuahene, C. C. (2013). The effect of Samanea saman and Stylosanthes hamata supplementation on intake and microbial nitrogen production in Djallonke sheep fed/ offered Nerica 1 rice straw basal diet Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science held at Nottingham, UK, April 2013. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 4(1): 56. 39. Attoh-Kotoku, V., Osafo, E. L. K., Donkoh, A. and Atuahene, C. C., Dagbui, E. and Akpadie, W. (2013). Influence of three protein sources (soya bean meal, ground meal and blood meal) with or without fishmeal performance of growing greater cane rats (grasscutters). Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science held at Nottingham, UK, April 2013. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 4(1): 38. 40. Attoh-Kotoku, V., Akwetey, W. Y.., Osafo, E. L. K., Donkoh, A. and Atuahene, C. C. (2013). Roasted (dehulled) cowpea (Vignita unguilata) flour (RCF) as an extender in beef burgers Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science held at Nottingham, UK, April 2013. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 4(1): 158. 41. Attoh-Kotoku, V., Donkoh, A. and Atuahene, C. C. (2013). Copra cake as a partial replacement for maize and fishmeal in non-ruminant diets using the albino rat as a model. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science held at Nottingham, UK, April 2013. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 4(1): 204. 42. Attoh-Kotoku, V., Osafo, E. L. K., Donkoh, A. Duodu, M. N. and Aboagye, S. N. (2014). Factors affecting lamb mortality on a sheep breeding farm. Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science held at Nottingham, UK, April 2014. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 5 (1): 153. ARTICLES IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Addison, D., Olympio, O. S., Adomako, K., Hamidu, J. A., Aboagye Poku, R. and DjangFordjour, H. (2013). The effect of three different feather genotypes on the laying performance of two lines of layer parents. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, University of Ghana, Legon, pp 320 – 325. July 24 – 26. 19 2. Adomako, K., Olympio, O. S., Hamidu, J. A., Akortsu, F. D., Aboagye Poku, R. and DjangFordjour, H. (2013). Effects of genotype and feather colour on egg quality traits of localexotic crossbreds. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, University of Ghana, Legon, pp 297 – 302. July 24 – 26. 3. Adomako, K., Olympio, O. S. and Hagan, J. K. (2013). Growth performance of crossbred frizzle (FF, Ff) and normal feathered (ff) cockerels. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, University of Ghana, Legon, pp 340- 345. July 24 – 26. 4. Atuahene, C. C., Akowuah, D. and Adjei, M. B. (2013). The effect of garlic (Allium sativum) as a natural feed additive on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, University of Ghana, Legon. July 24 – 26. 5. Atuahene, C. C., Osei. K.., Dodzi, E. and Adjei, M. B. (2013). The growth performance of broiler chickens fed alkaline-treated tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus). Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, University of Ghana, Legon. July 24 – 26. 6. Boateng, M. and Okai, D. B. (2013). Pig welfare: Experiences from the field. A Paper Presented at the Nutristar Seminar for Pig Farmers in the Ashanti Region. Miklin Hotel, Kumasi, Ghana. November 5. 7. Donkoh, A. (2013). Computation of Ration with Locally Available Feed Resources. A paper presented at the Training Workshop in Poultry Production and Feeding Management Using Direct-Fed Microbials. Organised by COTVET for Members of the Ejisu-Juaben District Poultry Farmers Association. Ejisu District Assembly Hall. July 11 – 12. 8. Donkoh, A. (2013). Introduction to Growth Promoters. A paper presented at the Training Workshop in Poultry Production and Feeding Management Using Direct-Fed Microbials. Organised by COTVET for Members of the Ejisu-Juaben District Poultry Farmers Association. Ejisu District Assembly Hall. July 11 – 12. 9. Dunga, G. T., Olympio, O. S., Adomako, K., Hamidu, J. A. and Aboagye Poku, R. (2013). The effect of the naked neck (Na) and frizzling (F) genes on the feather arrangement of chickens. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production, University of Ghana, Legon. July 24 – 26. pp 303 – 307. 10. Okai, D. B. and Boateng, M. (2013). Improving the nutrition of pigs in commercial operations in Ghana. A Paper Presented at the Nutristar Seminar for Pig Farmers in the Ashanti Region. Miklin Hotel, Kumasi, Ghana. November 5. 11. Okai, D.B. and Boateng, M. (2014). Utilisation of a direct-fed microbial (DFM) known as pig performance enhancer (RE 3): our experiences. A Paper Presented at the BEST (Canada) – Boris B Seminar for Pig Farmers in the Ashanti Region. Miklin Hotel, Kumasi, Ghana. February 6. 12. Osei, S. A., Donkoh, A., Olympio, O. S., Adomako, K., Boateng, M. and Okai, D. B. (2014). Training in Poultry Production and Feeding Management Using Direct-Fed 20 Microbials RE 3: A Report. Consultants’ Final Technical Report for the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET). 13. Weber, K. L., Rendon, A. A., Antwi, C. and Kebreab, E. (2013. Methane production is not associated with sire groups or residual feed intake in feedlot Angus cattle. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture (GGAA), Ireland. pp. 348. 21 DEPARTMENT OF ECOTOURISM AND FOREST RECREATION ACADEMIC STAFF Lecturers: E. Acquah BSc. Biology, (Cape Coast), MSc. Env. Sc., (Kumasi), PhD (Geography), Victoria, Canada L. A. Gyiele BSc. (Agric. Econs), Kumasi, MSc. Agric & Nat Res Economics (JLUGiessen), Germany CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS 1. Acquah, E., Dearden, P., and Rollins, R. (2013). The Impact of Wildlife on Park Adjacent Communities in Northern Ghana. Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Environmental Studies Association of Canada. Victoria BC, Canada.June 3 – 5. 2013.http://www.congress2013.ca/ 2. Acquah, E., Rollins, R., and Dearden, P. Concerns and Benefits of Park-Adjacent Communities in Northern Ghana. National Community Resources Conservation Areas (CREMA) Workshop. Accra, Ghana. December 10 – 11. 3. Rollins, R., Acquah, E., and Dearden, P., Murray, G., and Stahl, A.B. Challenges with Nature-Based Tourism in Mole National Park, Ghana. The 14th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. May 21 – 23. http://www.cclr2014.ca/ 22 DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL FORESTRY ACADEMIC STAFF Lecturers: A. A. Adomako Pg.Dip. Soc. Dev, (Antigonish), MSc (Enschede), Ph.D. Inst. Rsc. Mgt. (Bradford) S. Boadi BSc. Nat. Rsc. Mgt, (Kumasi), Ph.D. Agroforestry, (Kumasi) ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNAL 1. Boadi, S., Baah-Acheamfour, M., Ulzen-Appiah, F. and Jamro, G. M. (2014). Nontimber forest product yield and income from Thaumatococcus danielliiunder a mixed tree plantation system in Ghana. International Journal of Forestry Research, 1 – 8. Article ID 524863, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/524863 2. Afrifa, A. B. and Adomako, A. A. (2014). Assessing the Growth Performance of Terminalia superba, Ceiba pentandra, Pycnanthus angolensis and Heritiera utilis in a Mixed Stand at the Fure River Forest Reserve. Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary 1 (22): 536-546. 3. Afrifa, A. B. and Adomako, A. A. (2014). Assessment of Diameter-Height Relationship of Pycnanthus angolensis, Heritiera utilis, Ceiba pentandra and Terminalia superba at the Fure River Forest Reserve of Ghana. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America 5(4)144-148. ISSN Print: 2151-7525, doi 10.5251/adjna., Science Hub, ttp://www.scihub.org/ABJNA. CONFERENCE PRESENTATION 1. Boadi, S., Baah-Acheamfour, M., Ulzen-Appiah, F. and Jamro, G. M. (2014). Nontimber forest product yield and income from Thaumatococcus danielliiunder a mixed tree plantation system in Ghana. Proceedings: the First National Forestry Conference, 16-18th September, 2014, CSIR-FORIG, Kumasi, Ghana. 23 DEPARTMENT OF WOOD PROCESSING AND MARKETING ACADEMIC STAFF Research Fellow: Sylvia Adu (Mrs) BSc. Natural Resources Management (Kumasi), MSc. Wood Technology and Industrial Management (Kumasi) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFREED JOURNALS 1. Adu, S., Adu, G., Frimpong-Mensah, K., Antwi-Boasiako, C., Effah, B. and Adjei, S. (2014). Maximizing Wood Residue Utilization and Reducing its Production Rate to Combat Climate Change. International Journal of Plant and Forestry Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2: 1 -12 2. Adu, S.,Adu, G., Frimpong-Mensah, K., Adjei, S. and Effah, B. (2014). The Potential Effect of Cogeneration System in Combating Climate Change. World Journal of Agricultural & Biological Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1: 1 - 9 3. Adu, G.,Adu, S., Effah, B., Frimpong-Mensah, K. and Darkwa, N. A.(2014). Office Furniture Design – Correlation of Worker and Chair Dimensions. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 3, No. 3: 709 – 715 4. Adu, G.,Adu, S., Effah, B. and Anokye, R.(2014). Anthropometric evaluation of public institution sitting furniture designs. World Journal of Science and Technology Research, Vol. 2, No. 1: 1-15 ISSN: 2329 - 3837 5. Antwi, K., Effah, B., Adu, G. and Adu. S. (2014). Strength and some Physical Properties of Allanblackia Parviflora for Furniture Production in Ghana. International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1): 1 – 8 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (PEER REVIEWED ABSTRACTS) 1. Adjei, S., Adu, S. and Adu, G. (2013). The potential effect of Cogeneration system in combating climate change. . Proceedings of Organization of Women scientist for the 24 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. developing World (OWSD). 2nd Africa Regional Conference, Tyco City Hotel – Sunyani, Ghana. October 15 – 18, 2013. Pp 49 Adu, S., Adu, G. and Adjei, S. (2013). Maximizing wood residue utilization and reducing its production rate to combat climate change. Proceedings of Organization of Women scientist for the developing World (OWSD). 2nd Africa Regional Conference, Tyco City Hotel – Sunyani, Ghana. October 15 – 18, 2013. Pp 31 Adu, S., Tekpetey, S., Oware, F.C. and Adu, G. (2013). Mechanical strength properties of Bambusa vulgaris and Bambusa vultaris var viltata for enhanced utilization in Ghana. Proceedings of 67th International Convention, Austin Texas. June 9 -11, 2013. Adu, G., Adu, S., Frimpong-Mensah, K., Darkwa, N. A. and Inkum, P. (2014). Ergonomic issues in furniture design: a case of an institution office chair design at b1st National Forestry Conference by CSIR-FORIG, Kumasi, Ghana at FORIG Premises (Fumesua). September 16-18, 2014. Adu, S., and Adu, G. (2011). Safety Measures in Wood Processing, an Important Component for Entrepreneurship – A case study in a Local Fueniture Industry at the 1stInternational Conference of Entreprenuership Educators, Researchers and Entreprenuers in Africa by the Institute of Entreprenuership and Enterprise Development (IEED) of Kumasi Polytechnic at Anita Hotel (Akyakrom). 28th – 30th, 2011. Pp 46-47. Adu, G., Adu, S. (2011). The Entreprenuer in Office Furniture Business: Some Critical Technical Issues to consider at the 1st International Conference of Entreprenuership Educators, Researchers and Entreprenuers in Africa by the Institute of Entreprenuership and Enterprise Development (IEED) of Kumasi Polytechnic at Anita Hotel (Akyakrom). 28th – 30th, 2011. Pp 42-43. Adu, G., Adu, S. (2011). The Role of a Furniture Designer in an Entreprenueral Environment at the 1st International Conference of Entreprenuership Educators, Researchers and Entreprenuers in Africa by the Institute of Entreprenuership and Enterprise Development (IEED) of Kumasi Polytechnic at Anita Hotel (Akyakrom). 28th – 30th, 2011. Pp 53-54. 25 DEPARTMENT OF WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: #N. K. Frimpong-Mensah Senior Lecturers: C. Antwi-Boasiako N. A. Darkwa Lecturers: J. O. Kofi K. A. Afrifah N. A. Attah BSc (Biochem), MSc (Biochem), PhD, Postgrad. Cert. (Forestry Ed.) (Agric. Univ. Norway) BSc (Zoo./Bot.), Dip Edu. (Cape Coast), MPhil (Plant Pathology), (Kumasi), PhD (Plant Sciences), (Reading, UK) (Head of Department) BSc (Biochem) (Kumasi), MSc (Wood Chem) (Norway), PhD (Wood & Paper Sc.), NCSU (Raleigh, USA) BSc. (Biol. Sc.), MPhil (Microbiology) (Kumasi) BSc (Nat. Res. Mgt.), MSc. (Wood Sci. & Tech.), (Kumasi), PhD (Wood Sci and Tech), (Michiagan, USA) MSc, PhD (Wood Drying and Sawmilling) (Dresden, Germany) #On contract 26 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Antwi-Boasiako, C., and Boakye, K. B. (2013). Swelling characteristics of conventional and organic preservative-treated Porous Tropical Utility Hardwood [Ceiba Pentandra (L.) Gaertn.]. Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media. An International Journal, 4(2): 137 – 145. 2. Antwi-Boasiako, C. and Eshun, D. (2014). Termiticidal potency of Erythrophleum r suaveolens (Guill. And Perr.) Brenan bark, Thevetia peruviana (pers.) K. Schum and Moringa Oleifera Lam. Root extracts as alternative to conventional synthetic preservativechemicals. J Indian Acad Wood Sci, 10(2): 147 – 154. DOI 10. 1007/s13196-013-0108-5. 3. Coffie,G. Y., Antwi-Boasiako, C. and Darkwa, N. A. (2014).Phytochemical constituents of the leaves of three bamboo (Poaceae) species in Ghana.Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2 (6): 34 – 38. ISSN 2278-4136. 4. Mitchual, S. J., Frimpong-Mensah, K., Darkwa, N. A. and Akowuah J. O. (2013). Briquettes from combination of maize cobs and Ceiba pentandra at room temperature and low compacting pressure without a binder. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 4: 38 – 45. Doi: 10.1186/2251-6832-4-38. 5. Mitchual, S. J., Frimpong-Mensah K., and Darkwa, N. A. (2013). Effect of species, particle size and compacting pressure on relaxed density and compressive strength of fuel briquettes. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 4: 30 – 36. Doi: 10.1186/2251-6832-4-30. 6. Adu, S., Adu, G., Frimpong-Mensah, K., Antwi-Boasiako, C., Effah, B. and Adjei, S. (2014). Maximizing wood residue utilization and reducing its production rate to combat climate change. International Journal of Plant and Forestry Sciences, 1(2): 1 – 12. 7. Mitchual, S. J., Frimpong-Mensah K., and Darkwa, N. A. (2014). Evaluation of fuel properties of six tropical hardwood timber species for briquettes. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 4: 1 – 9. 8. Mitchual, S. J., Frimpong-Mensah K., and Darkwa, N. A. (2014). Relationship between physic-mechanical properties, compacting pressure and mixing proportion of briquettes producted from maize cobs and sawdust. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 4: 50 – 60. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1 2 Afrifah, K. A. (2013). Food Packaging Applications of Polylactic Acid. In: Proceedings of Ghana Science Association Biennial Conference, July 14 – 19. University of Ghana, Legon, pp. 71. Afrifah, K. A. and Matuana, L. M. (2013). Toughening of PLA / Wood-Flour Composites by Plasticizing the PLA with Expodized Oils. In: Proceedings of Ghana Science Association Biennial Conference. July 14 – 19. University of Ghana, Legon, pp73. 27 DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: B. B. K. Banful B. K. Maalekuu F. Appiah P. Y. Adjei P. Kumah Lecturers: Hannah-Victoria Adzraku (Mrs) Laura Atuah (Ms.) BSc. (Agric.), Cape Coast, Dip Ed., Cape Coast MPhil (Crop Science), Legon, PhD (Agronomy) Legon(Head of Department) BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MSc, PhD Jerusalem BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MSc (Food Sc. & Tech) Kumasi, PhD(Food Sc. & Tech) Kumasi BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MSc (Pomology/Agronomy) Nott. BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MSc (Post Harvest Technology) Kumasi *Irene A. Idun (Mrs) Patience Dzifa Kaledzi (Ms.) BSc (Agric), Kumasi, MSc (Landscape Studies) Kumasi BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MPhil (Hort), PhD (Soil Science) Reading, UK BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MSc (Pomology) Kumasi BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MPhil Legon Assistant Lecturer: Betty Amponsah-Doku (Mrs) BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MSc (Landscape Studies) Kumasi *Study Leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 28 1. Yeboah, J., Banful, B. K. B., Boateng, P. Y., Amoah, F. M., Maalekuu, B. K. and Lowor, S. T. (2014). Rooting Response of Air-Layered Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) Trees to Media and Hormonal Application under Two Different Climatic Conditions. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 5: 1212 – 1219. 2. Zu, K. S. A., Wongnaa, C. A. and Appiah, F. (2014). Vegetable Handling, Distribution, and Wholesale Profitability in “Abinchi” Night Market, Kumasi-Ghana. Journal of Postharvest Technology2 (01): 96 – 106. 3. Saajah, J. K. and Maalekuu, B. K. (2014). Determination of Postharvest Pod Storage on Viability and Seedling Growth Performance of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L) in the Nursery. J. of Agricultural Science, 6(4): 77 – 90. 4. Adjaloo, M. K., Banful, B. K. and Oduro, W. (2013). Evaluation of Breeding Substrates for Cocoa Pollinator (Forcipomyia spp.) and Subsequent Implications for Yield in a Tropical Cocoa Production System. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 4: 204 – 211. 5. Enyan, F., Banful, B. K. B., Kumah, P. (2013). Physical and Organoleptic qualities of coffee bean under different drying methods and depths of drying in a tropical environment. International Research Journal of Plant Science, 4(9): 280 – 287. 6. Kumah, P., Ampomah, E. O. and Olympio, N. S. and Moses, E. (2013). Efficacy of Four Botanicals and Two Chemical Fungicides in the Control of Crown Rot Disease of Banana (Musa Spp AAA) ‘Medium Cavendish’. Acta Horticulturae, 1007 (1): 385 – 392. 7. Appiah-Sarpong, M., Kumah, P., Olympio, N. S. and Moses, E. (2013). In-vitro Management of Crown Rot Disease of Banana (Musa spp AAA) ‘Medium Cavendish’ Using Extracts from Ocimum gratissimum, Alstonia boonei and Garcinia kola. Acta Horticulturae, 1007 (2): 739 – 746. 8. Kumah, M. and Appiah, F. (2013). The Effect of the Development of a Rapid Response to Sanitary and Phytosanitary Concern System on Export Oriented Horticulture in Ghana. Acta Horticulturae, 1007: 909 – 913. CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Adoma, P. and Maalekuu, B. K. (2013). The Influence of Some Postharvest Treatments on Staked and Non-Staked Cucumber Fruit Quality during Storage at Ambient Room Temperature. Managing Quality in Chains (QUIC), VI International Conference, Cranfield University. September 2 - 5. CONFERENCE/WORKSHOP ATTENDANCE 29 1. Banful, B. K. (2014). Workshop on the Africa Centres of Excellence (ACE) project at West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement, University of Ghana, Legon. January 31 – February 2. 2. Banful, B. K. (2014). Stakeholders Consultative meeting onProductivity and Profitability of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems (ProEcoOrganicAfrica) ProEco Organic Africa Project, University of Ghana. January16. 3. Banful, B. K., Appiah, F. and Kumah, P. (2013). Development of a Vegetable Strategy for Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). MJ Grand Hotel. November. 4. Banful, B. K. (2013). Regional Outreach on Skills Development Fund of COTVET, SDF-COTVET. November 14. 5. Banful, B. K. (2013). AGRA-WU training course on Competence and skills training for PhD supervisors and established scientists – Rise to the Challenge, NODA Hotel, Kumasi. June 10 – 14. 6. Banful, B. K. (2013). BSU–GEP Workshop on Strategizing Outreach for Sustainable Agriculture and Aquatic products in Tanzania and Ghana held at Bagamoyo, Tanzania. May 22 – 26. DEPARTMENT OF SILVICULTURE AND FOREST MANAGEMENT ACADEMIC STAFF 30 Senior Lecturers: B. Kyereh BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Wales), PhD (Aberd), Cert Ed (Wolverhampton) (Head of Department) E. Acheampong BSc (Kumasi), MSc, PhD (Hull) +E.A. Abeney Dipl Forstwit, Dr (Gott), Dip Ed (Kassel) +K.A. Nkyi Bsc, MSc (Kumasi), MSc (Oxf), PhD (Aberd) Lecturers: P. D. Kumapley BSc (Kumasi), MSc, Dip. Applied Ent (London) PhD (R’dg) V. N. A. Asare BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Lakehead) *J. B. Echeruo BSc (Kumasi), MSc, (Wageningen) D. Dompreh BSc (Cape Coast), MSc (Kumasi), PhD (Aberd) W. A. Asante BSc, PhD (Kumasi) +Post Retirement *Study Leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOUNRNALS 31 1. Derkyi, M., Ros-Tonen, M. A. F., Kyereh, B. and Dietz, T. (2013). Emerging forest regimes and livelihoods in the Tano-Offin Forest Reserve, Ghana: Implications for social safeguards. Forest Policy and Economics, 32: 49 – 56. 2. Ros-Tonen, M. A. F., Insaidoo, T. F. G. and Acheampong, E. (2013). Promising start, bleak outlook: The role of Ghana’s modified taungya system as a social safeguard in timber legality processes. Forest Policy and Economics, 32: 57 – 67. CONFERENCE/SEMINAR/WORKSHOP PAPERS 1. Guuroh, R.T., Uibring, H., Acheampong, E. and Kazungu, M. (2013). The effect of homegarden size on inputs and outpurts per unit area: a case study of the Bieha District, southern Bourkina Faso. Poster Presentation, Tropical and Subtropical agricultural and Natural Resource Management (TROPENTAG) Conference, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany. September 17-19. 2. Kyereh, B. (2013). Options for integrating artisanal milling as a sustainable livelihood into the FLEG/ VPA implementation. Paper presented at the Evaluation and synthesis of lessons from ACP-FLEGT supported projects on the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) in Ghana Workshop, Hotel Feyiase. October 6. 3. Kyereh B., Insaidoo, T., Obiaw, E. and Abeney, E. A. (2013). Integrating sustainable community livelihoods into the FLEGT/VPA implementation Operational guidelines, FCIF AOI ACP Prepared under the ACP FLEGT Support Programme 32 DEPARTMENT OF LAND RECLAMATION AND REHABILITATION ACADEMIC STAFF Lecturers: D. E. K. A. Siaw BSc. (Bot/Zoo) Legon, MSc. (Forest Resources Mgt) Ibadan, Ph.D. Forest Resources Mgt (Ibadan), Nigeria N. O. Prempeh BSc. (Nat. Rsc. Mgt), MSc (Nat. Rsc. Mgt), Kumasi, Ghana ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNAL Siaw, D. E. K. A., Owusu-Prempeh, N., Asare, A. and Akoto-Sarfo (2014). Early growth performance of Terminalia Superba and Tripochiton Scleroxylon Seedlings in three canopy types. Journal of University of Energy and Natural Resources. (in-press). 33 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, AGRIBUSINESS AND EXTENSION ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: J. A. Bakang S. C. Fialor V. Owusu *F. Nimoh #K. Ohene-Yankyera Lecturers: G. K. Nurah M. T. Asiamah *P. Appiah D. Anwunyo-Vitor R. Aidoo J. Osei Mensah *Study leave BSc. (Agric.) (Ghana), MSc (Agric. Ext) (Ibadan), PhD (Agric. Ext) (Reading) BSc. (Agric. Mkting & Coop), MSc (Agric. Econs) (B’lore, India), PhD (Agric. Econs) (Newcastle Upon Tyne)(Head of Department) BSc. (Agric.) Kumasi, MPhil (Agric. Econs) Ghana, PhD (Amsterdam) BSc (Agric.) (Kumasi), MPhil (Agric. Admin) (Ghana) BSc. (Agric.) (Kumasi), MPhil (Agric. Econs) (Ibadan), PhD (Agric. Econs) (Reading), Cert in Fin Restruct (Arthur D. Little Inc., USA), MIAAE BSc. (Agric.) (Kumasi), Dip Ing Agr, MSc., Dr Ing (Agric. Econs) (Giessen) BSc. (Agric.) Kumasi, MPhil (Agric. Ext) Ghana. BSc. (Agric.) (Kumasi), MPhil (Agric. Ext) (Cape Coast), MAIAEE BSc (Agric.) (Kumasi), MSc (Agric. Econs) (London), PhD (Agric Econs) (Legon), PGD Education (UCC), PGD MIS (GIMPA), FCCA (UK), CIT-Ghana BSc (Agric.) (Kumasi), MSc. (Agric. Econs) (Kumasi), PhD (Agric. Econs) (Kumasi) BSc (Agric.) (Kumasi), MSc (Mgt & Econs) (Chalmers) #On Contract 34 BOOKS PUBLISHED 1. Awunyo-Vitor, D. (2013). Farmers' Access to Financial Services: Theory, Concept and Application.LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, Pp 148 ISBN-13: 9783838395166 2. Owusu, V.(2013). Migrants and income: Implications for the environment in rural Ghana. Scholars Press. OmniScriptum GmBH & Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN 978-3639-70270-5. CHAPTER(S) IN BOOKS Owusu, V.,Asante, A. V. and Pavelic, P. (2013).Assessing the Factors Influencing GroundwaterIrrigation Technology Adoption in Ghana. In: Irrigation Management, Technologies and Environmental Impact. NOVA Science Publishers Inc. Hauppauge, NY, USA. ISBN 978-1-62417-862-7, pp 181-192. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Donkor, E., Owusu, V. and Owusu-Sekyere, E. (2014). Assessing the determinants of adoption of improved cassava varieties among farmers in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Africa Development and Resources Research Institute Journal, 5(2): 121 – 133. 2. Owusu, V., Adjei-Addo, E. and Sundberg, C. (2013). Do economic incentives affect attitudes to solid waste source separation? Evidence fromGhana. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 78: 115 – 123. 3. Owusu V. and Anifori, M. O. (2013). Consumer willingness to pay a premium for organic fruit and vegetable in Ghana. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 16(1): 67 – 86. 4. Bidzakin, J. K., Fialor, S. C., Asuming-Brempong, D. (2014). Small Scale maize Production in Northern Ghana: Stochastic Profit Frontier Analysis. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 9(2): 76 – 83. 5. Agyekum, E. O., Ohene-Yankyera, K., Keraita, B., Fialor, S. C. and Abaidoo, R. C. (2014). Willingness to Pay for Faecal Compost by Farmers in Southern Ghana. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 5(2): 18 – 25. 6. Aidoo, R., Osei Mensah, J., Opoku, A. and Abaidoo, R. C. (2014). Factors influencing Soyabean Production and Willingness to Pay for Inoculum Use in Northern Ghana. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(3): 290 – 301. 7. Osei Mensah, J., Aidoo, R., Amponsah, D., Buah, A. E., Aboagye, G. and AcquahHarrison, N. S. (2014). Assessing the Feasibility of Commercial Meat Rabbit Production in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(2): 183 – 192. 35 8. Aidoo, R., Osei Mensah, J., Wie, P. and Awunyo-Vitor, D. (2014). Prospects of Crop Insurance as a Risk Management Tool among Arable Crop Farmers in Ghana. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 4(3): 341 – 354. 9. Abankwah, V., Fialor, S. S. and Aidoo, R. (2013). Performance efficiency of the liberalised agricultural pesticide marketing system in Ghana. Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, 2(8): 305 – 316. 10. Osei Mensah, J., Aidoo, R., Appiah, N. T. (2013). Analysis of Street Food Consumption across Various Income Groups in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. International Review of Management and Business Research, 2(4): 951 – 961. 11. Osei Mensah, J., Aidoo, R., Boakye-Yiadom, S. Jnr., Mensah, R., Danquah, A. O., Amankwaa, A. A. and Biney, F. (2013). Analysis of Production and Marketing Constraints, Consumer Preferences and Decision to Purchase Gari-Mix in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, 2 (1): 49 – 54. 12. Aidoo, R., Osei Mensah, J., Opoku, A. and Abaidoo, R. C. (2013). Assessing the Performance of the Grain Legume Marketing System in Northern Ghana. International Journal of AgriScience, 3(10): 787 – 795. 13. Osei Mensah, J., Aidoo, R. and Tuffour, T. (2013). Determinants of Household Food Security in the Sekyere-Afram Plains District of Ghana. Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 2(1): 347 – 353. 14. Anabila, P. and Awunyo-Vitor, D. (2013). Customer Relationship Management: A Key to Organisational Survival and Customer Loyalty in Ghana’s Banking Industry. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 5(1): 107 – 117. 15. Awunyo-Vitor D., Ayimey, K. E. and Gayibo, A. R. (2013). Does Sales Promotion Influence Buyer Behaviour? A Study of PZ Cussons Limited. British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 3(2): 141 – 152. 16. Firempong, K. C., Nsiah, K., Awunyo-Vitor, D., and Dongsogo, J. (2013). Soluble Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water- A Major Risk Factor of Dental Fluorosis Among Children in Bongo Community of Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal, 47(1): 16 – 23. 17. Mensah, M., Awunyo-Vitor, D. and Asare-Menako, H. (2013). Exchange Rate Volatility and Employment Growth in Ghana’s Manufacturing Sector. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4 (4): 232 – 238. 18. Awunyo-Vitor, D., Ishak, S. and Seidu, J. G. (2013). Urban Households’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Solid Waste Disposal Services in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Urban Studies Research, 1-8. Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Doi.org/10.1155/2013/659425 19. Wongnaa, C. A. and Awunyo-Vitor, D. (2013). Factors Affecting Loan Repayment Performance among Yam Farmers in the Sene District, Ghana.Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics,V (2): 111 – 122. 20. Boateng, D. and Awunyo-Vitor, D. (2013). Health insurance in Ghana: evaluation of policy holders’ perceptions and factors influencing policy renewal in the Volta region. International Journal for Equity in Health, 12(50): 1 – 10. 36 21. Ayimey, K. E., Awunyo-Vitor, D. and Gadawusu, K. (2013). Does Radio Advertisement Influence Sale of Herbal Products in Ghana? Evidence from Ho Municipality. Modern Economy, 4: 652 – 658. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/me.2013.410070 22. Wongnaa, C. A. and Awunyo-Vitor. D. (2013) Profitability Analysis of Cashew production in Wenchi Municipality in Ghana. Bots. J. Agric. Appl. Sci, 9(1): 21 – 31. 23. Ayimey, K. E., Awunyo-Vitor, D. and Abdulai,S. (2013). Customer Retention Strategies of SIC Life Insurance Company Limited and Star Life Assurance Company Limited in Ghana: An Exploratory Assessment.Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 5(5): 163 – 167. 24. Awunyo-Vitor, D., Bakang, J. and Smith, K. G. (2013) Estimation of Farm Level Technical Efficiency of Small-Scale Cowpea Production in Ghana.American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 13(8): 1080 – 1087. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejaes.2013.13.08.11013 25. Dziwornu, K. R. andAwunyo-Vitor, D.(2013). Stock Exchange Performance and Economic Growth in Ghana: Is there a Causal Link? Asian Journal of Empirical Research 3(9): 1152 – 1165. 26. Akoto, K. R., Awunyo-Vitor, D. and Angmor, L. P. (2013). Working capital management and profitability: Evidence from Ghanaian listed manufacturing firms. Journal of Economics and International Finance, 5(9): 373 – 379. DOI: 10.5897/JEIF2013.0539 ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN PROFESSIONAL MAGAZINE Anabila P.andAwunyo-Vitor, D. (2013 March-April) Customer Relationship Management and Ghana’s Banking Sector: The African Business Review, 46-49 DISCUSSION/WORKING PAPER 1. Benin, S., Johnson, M., Abokyi, E., Ahorbo, G., Jimah, K., Nasser, G.,Owusu, V.,Taabazuing, J. and Tenga, A.(2013).Revisiting agricultural input and farm support subsidies in Africa: the case of Ghana’s mechanization, fertilizer, block farms, and marketing programs. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01300. Development Strategy and Governance Division, International Food and Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). November 2013. 2. Houssou, N., Kolavalli, S., Bobobee, E. Y. H. and Owusu, V. (2013). Animal traction in Ghana. Ghana Strategy Support Program, Working Paper 34. International Food and Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). June 2013. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Owusu, V.and Frimpong, F. K. (2014). Impact of cocoa agroforests on yield and household income: Evidence from Ghana. Contributed Paper Prepared for Presentation at the 88th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, AgroParisTech, Paris, France. April 9 – 11. 37 2. Acheampong, P. P., Owusu, V. and Nura, G. K. (2013). Preferences for cassava varieties traits in Ghana: implications for breeding and technology adoption. Contributed Paper Prepared for Presentation at the Fourth International Conference of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (4th ICAAAE), Hammamet, Tunisia. September 22 – 25. 3. Owusu, V. and Marfo, J. B. (2013). Assessing the socioeconomic determinants of household participation in solid waste collection systems in Ghana. Contributed Paper Prepared for Presentation at the International Conference on Solid Waste 2013: Innovation in Technology and Management. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, P. R. China. May 5 – 8. 4. Aidoo, R. (2014). Impact of CocoaLink Project on Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Livelihoods of cocoa farmers in the Western Region of Ghana, Research paper presented at the end of pilot workshop/event organized by Ghana Cocobod, World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) and Hershey Company, at La-Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra-Ghana. February 18. 5. Fialor, S. C. (2013). Distribution and Marketing of Seed and related Inputs; Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward. National Seed Development Forum Fumesua, Kumasi. February 19 – 22. 6. Fialor, S. C. (2014). MoFA/USAID/IFPRI/AGRA Partnership Workshop: Towards a Food and Nutrition Secure Ghana, Alisa Hotel. February 11 – 12. 7. Dziwornu, K. R. and Awunyo-Vitor, D. (2013). Stock Exchange Performance and Economic rowth in Ghana. Paper presented at 2013 global development finance conference. Protea Hotel President, 4 Alexander Road, Bantry Bay, Cape Town, South Africa. November 5 – 7. 8. Awunyo-Vitor, D. (2013). Saving Behaviour of farmers in Ghana: A study of Maize farmers. A paperaccepted for presentation atEvidence on Innovations in Savings and Payments Policy Conference at Speke Resort Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda. June 24 – 25. 9. Awunyo-Vitor, D. and Alhassan, R. M. (2013). Drivers of farmers demand for formal financial services in Ghana: Evidence from Maize farmers. 10th African finance journal conference at Coastland Hotels & Conference Centre, Durban, South Africa. May 15 – 16. 10. Aidoo, R., Danfoku, R. A. and Mensah, J. O. (2013). Determinants of Postharvest Losses in Tomato Production in the Offinso North District of Ghana. International conference of Arts and Social Sciences, American University of Rome, Rome, Italy.Organized by International Journal of Arts & Science), USA. October 22 – 25. 11. Aidoo, R. (2013). Australian Development Research Awards Scheme (ADRAS) Communication and Engagement Workshop in respect of the project “Improved yam storage for food security and Income in Ghana”. Organized by Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID), Canberra, Australia. May 13. 12. Aidoo, R., Mensah, J. O. and Tuffour, T. (2013). Determinants of Household Food Security in the Sekyere-Afram Plains District of Ghana. 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, at Azores, Portugal. April 24 – 26, 2013. 38 DEPARTMENT OF CROP AND SOIL SCIENCES ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 39 1. Appiah-Kubi, D., Asibuo, J. Y., Quain, M. D., Oppong, A. and Akromah, R. (2014). Agricultural Biotec Diversity studies on soybean accessions from three countries. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 3: 198 – 206. 2. Adu, G. B., Akromah, R., Abdulai, M. S. Obeng-Antwi, K., Kena A. W., Tengan, K. M. L. and Alidu, H. (2013). Assessment of genotype by environment interactions and grain yield performance of extra-early maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 3: 7 – 15. 3. Tengey, T. K., Kena, A. W., Kwoseh, C. and Akromah, R. (2013). Evidence for the production and accumulation of pthytoalexians in the cotyledons of selected legumes following treatments with biotic elicitors. International Journal of Plant Pathology, 4(1): 9 – 22. 4. Nyadanu, D., Akromah, R., Adomako, B., Kwoseh, C., Lowor, S. T., Dzahini-Obiatey, H., Akrofi, A. Y., Owusu Ansah, F., Asiamah, Y. O. and Assuah, M. K. (2013). Biochemical mechanisms of resistance to black pod disease in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 3(1): 20 – 37. 5. Logah, V., Ewusi-Mensah, N., Tetteh, E. N., Quansah, C. and Danso, I. (2013). Seasonal variation of soil microbial biomass under different nutrient management and cropping systems on a Ferric Acrisol in Ghana. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 51(1-2): 98 – 104. 6. Berchie, J.N., Amelie, G. McClymont, S., Raizada, M., Adu-Dapaah, H. and SarkodieAddo, J. (2013). Performance of 13 Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean (L.) Verdc.). Journal of Agronomy, 12 (1):20-28, 2013. 7. Tengey, T. K., Kena, A. W., Kwoseh, C. and Akromah, R. (2013). Evidence for the production and accumulation of pthytoalexians in the cotyledons of selected legumes following treatments with biotic elicitors. International Journal of Plant Pathology, 4(1): 9 – 22. 8. Nyadanu, D., Akromah, R., Adomako, B., Kwoseh, C., Lowor, S. T., Dzahini-Obiatey, H., Akrofi, A. Y., Owusu Ansah, F., Asiamah, Y. O. and Assuah, M. K. (2013). Biochemical mechanisms of resistance to black pod disease in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.). American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 3(1): 20 – 37. 9. Adomako, J. and Kwoseh, C. K. (2013). Effect of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) acqueous extracts on the performance of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1): 1 – 11. 10. Kwara, B. K., Kwoseh, C. K. and Starr, J. L. (2013). Effectiveness of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne species) resistant tomato Solanumlycopersicum L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars in Ghana. Nematropica, 43: (Accepted) 11. Kotey, D. A., Osekre, E. A., Badger, N. G. and Ahiatsi, E. N. (2013). Evaluation of eggplant, Solanum spp. germplasm against field insect pests infestation at Bunsu in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 3(18): 28 – 36. 12. Opoku, A., Chaves, B. and De Neve, S. (2014). Neem seed oil: a potent nitrification inhibitorof control nitrate leaching after incorporation of crop residues. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture: An International Journal for Sustainable Production Systems, DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2014.885394. 40 13. Aidoo, R., Mensah, J. O., Opoku, A. and Abaidoo, R. C. (2014). Factors influencing Soyabean Production and Willingness to Pay for Inoculum Use in Northern Ghana. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 4(3): 290 – 301. 14. Abaidoo, R. C., Ewusi-Mensah, N. and Opoku, A. (2013). Legume inoculation technology manual. Prepared for the N2Africa Project, Ghana, KNUST/IITA. 20pp. 15. Logah, V., Ewusi - Mensah, N., Tetteh, E.N., Quansah, C. and Danso, I. (2013). Seasonal Variations of Soil microbial Biomass under Different Nutrient Management and Cropping Systems on a Ferric Acrisol in Ghanan. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 51(1-2): 98 – 104. 16. Danso, I., Nuertey, B. N., Danso, F., Anim, S. Okyere, E. Andoh - Mensah, Osei - Bonsu, A., Logah, V. and Larbi, E. (2014). The Economics of Using Phosphate Rock under Matured Oil Palm in the Semi-deciduous Forest Zone in Ghana. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7(2): 210 – 213. 17. Logah, V., Ewusi-Mensah, N., Tetteh, E. N., Quansah, C. and Danso, I. (2013). Seasonal Variations of Soil microbial Biomass under Different Nutrient Management and Cropping Systems on a Ferric Acrisol in Ghanan. Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 51(1-2): 98 – 104. 18. Abaidoo, R. C., Ewusi-Mensah, N. and Opoku, A. (2013). Legume inoculation technology manual. Prepared for the N2Africa Project, Ghana, KNUST/IITA. 20pp. CONFERENCES/WORKSHOP/SEMINARS ATTENDANCE 1. Aidoo, R., Quansah, C., Akromah, R., Obeng-Antwi, K., Adu-Gyamfi, K., Lampoh, J. and Subedi, A. (2013). Ghana Seed Entrepreneurship Assessment. ISSD Briefing Note. Centre for Development Innovation (CDI), Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 2. Quansah, C. and Nutsukpo, D. (2013). Climate Change and Agriculture: The need for adaptation. Food and Agriculture Sector Climate Change and Adaptation Actions Joint Meeting of MoFA, Care Int’l and GTZ Splendor Hotel, Kumasi-Ghana. July 9 – 10. 3. Abrokwah, L. A., Kwoseh, C., Carley, T., Quain, M., Parkes, E. and Oppong, A. (2013). Characterization of Begomovirus strains on Sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) in Ghana. International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB) - 12th ISTRC Triennial Symposium, Alisa Hotel, North Ridge, Accra. September 28 –October 7. 4. Opoku, A. Abaidoo, R. Safo, E.Y. IwuaforE., Nouri, M. and Karbo N. (2014). Sustainability of crop residue allocation options in smallholder cereal-legume-livestock farms in the dry savannas of West Africa. In: 20thWorld Congress of Soil Science. ICC Jeju, Korea. June 8 – 13. 5. Opoku, A., Abaidoo, R. C., Safo,E. Y. Nouri, M. and Kabo, N. (2014). Assessment of nutrient flows and balances in smallholder cereal-legume-livestock farms in the dry savannas of West Africa. In: 20thWorld Congress of Soil Science, ICC, Jeju, Korea.June 8 – 13. 41 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professors: S. O. Afram BSc (Design) (Ghana), Postgrad Dip (Arch.) (Kumasi), MA (Housing) UK, FGIA (Head of Department) 42 G. W. K. Intsiful Senior Lecturers: B. G. O. Odame R. A. Oppong S. Amos-Abanyie C. Koranteng Lecturers: V. Kootin-Sanwu J. Afrim C. Essel E. A. Botchway G. F. A. Olympio *D. Y. A. Duah V.K. Quargraine M. Mensah Christiana Asmah (Mrs.) T. E. Kwofie BSc (Design)(Ghana), Postgrad Dip. (Arch.) (Kumasi),M.Arch. (Canada), D.Arch. Mich., FGIA BSc (Design) (Ghana), Postgrad Dip (Arch.) (Kumasi), Cert. (Bldg/Services) (Sing.), MSc (Const. Mgt.) (Kumasi), AGIA BSc (Design) (Ghana), Postgrad Dip (Arch.) (Kumasi),MSc. Urban Mgt. (Rome), PhD (Liverpool), AGIA BSc (Design) (Ghana), Postgrad Dip. (Arch.) (Kumasi), MSc (SESAM) Flensburg, PhD (Build Tech) (Kumasi), AGIA, MGQO Dipl.-Ing. (Arch)(Austria) Dr. techn (Architecture) (Austria) BSc (Design) (Ghana), Postgrad Dip (Arch.) (Kumasi), PhD (Arch.), Texas, AGIA BSc (Bldg Services) (UK), MSc. (Suitable Energy Systems) (UK) Cert. (Tech) C & G (UK), BSc (Arch. Design) (Russia), MSc (Arch.) Russia, AGIA BSc (Design)(Ghana), Postgrad Dip Arch. (Ghana), MSc (Const. Mgt.) (Kumasi),MBA (finance) (Ghana), MSc. (Information Tech for Mgt.) (Coventry) BSc (Design)(Ghana), Postgrad Dip. (Arch) (Kumasi), MA (Conservation Studies) UK BSc (Arch) (Ghana), PG. Dip. (Architecture) (Ghana), MSc (Const. Mgt. and Econs) London.PhD (Planning, Design & Const.) (Michigan) (Rev. Fr.), BA (Sociology & Religions) (Legon), M. Arch (USA), MCM (USA), PhD (USA) BSc (Agric Tech) (UDS), MSc (Landscape Studies) (Kumasi), MBA (Finance) BSc (Design) (Ghana), PG Dip (Arch) (Ghana), MSc (Appropriate Rural Techn. and Extension Skills) (Germany) MPhil, (Kumasi), PG. Dip. (Kumasi), BSc. Arch (Kumasi) (AGIA) Technical Instructors: 43 S. Sarkodie-Mensah Dip. (Project Mgt.) (South Africa), BSc (Agric. Horticulture) (Ghana), PG. (Dip. Rural & Land Ecology Survey) (Netherlands), MSc (Landscape Studies) (Ghana), *Norma Oladunni O. Laing (Mrs.) BSc (Design) (Ghana), Postgrad, Dip (Arch.), (Kumasi), C&G. I, III, IV Autocad (UK), MRes (Educational and Social Research) (London). * Study leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Bangdome-Dery, A., Eghan, G. E. and Afram, S. O. (2014). Overview of Self-Help (SelfBuild) Housing Provision in Ghana: Policies and Challenges. Developing Country Studies Journal, 4(6): 77 – 89. 2. Bangdome-Dery, A. and Kootin-Sanwu, V. (2013). Analysis of Barriers (Factors) Affecting Architects in the Use of Sustainable Strategies in Building Design in Ghana. Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2(6): 418 – 426. © Emerging Academy Resources (ISSN: 2276-8467) 44 3. Koranteng, C. and Essel, C. (2013). The Effects of Students’ Background on Academic Performance in an Architecture School. Journal of Applied Science Research, 5 (5):68 – 74. ISSN 0975-508X 4. Koranteng, C., Essel, C. and Nkrumah, J. (2013). A Pioneer Study on Residential Electric and Magnetic Fields: The Case of a House at Fumesua, Ashanti Region, Ghana. Journal of Applied Science Research, 5 (5): 100 – 104. AASR, ISSN 0975-508X 5. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C., and Adinyira, E. (2013). An Overview of the Symptoms Associated with Dampness in Walls of Residential Buildings in Major Towns in Ghana. Civil and Environmental Research, 3(9):1 – 10. ISSN 2224-5790 6. Essel, C. and Koranteng, C. (2013). The Relationship between Performance and Year of Enrolment at an Architecture School, Kumasi, Ghana. Merit Research Journal of Education and Review, 1(9): 197 – 202. ISSN: 2350-2282 7. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C., and Adinyira, E. (2013). Preliminary Assessment of Dampness in Walls of Residential Buildings in Four Climatic Zones in Ghana. Journal of Sustainable Development, 6(9): 51 – 61. ISSN 1931-9063 8. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C., and Adinyira, E. (2013). Level of Knowledge of Building Occupants on Dampness in Walls of Residential Buildings in Ghana. Modern Management Science and Engineering, 1(2): 171 – 185. ISSN 2052-2576. 9. Simons, B., Koranteng, C., and Adinyira, E. (2014). Assessing Ghanaian Workplace Performance in Multi-Storey Office Buildings. Journal of Developing country Studies, 4(4): 140 – 151. ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (Online) 10. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C. and Adinyira, E. (2014). An Overview of Damp Remediation Measures Practiced by Building Occupants in Ghana. Journal of Building survey, Appraisal & Valuation, 2(4): 347 – 359. 11. Simons, B., Koranteng, C., and Adinyira, E. (2014). Indoor Thermal Environment: Occupants Responsiveness in 4 Multi-Storey Office Buildings in Accra, Ghana. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 4(4): 122 – 130. ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 22250948 (Online), 12. Simons, B., Koranteng, C., Adinyira, E. and Ayarkwa, J. (2014). An Assessment of Thermal Comfort in Multi-Storey Office Buildings in Ghana. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 2: 30 – 38. 13. Simons, B., Koranteng, C., and Ayarkwa, J. (2014). Occupants’ Evaluation of the Operation, Functionality of Building Control Systems and Energy Implications in MultiStorey Office Buildings in Ghana. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, ISSN 22243232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online), 4(2): 48 – 58. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 45 1. Koranteng, C., Assasie Oppong, R., and Essel, C. (2013). An Assessment into the Effects of Students’ Background on Academic Performance: The Case of the Department of Architecture, Kumasi, Ghana. 3rd International Conference on Design, Development & Research, Faculty of Art, College of Art & Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi – Ghana, July 18 – 20. pp.16 – 26. 2. Quansah, E., Essel, C. and Koranteng, C. (2013). Improving Design Skills of Architectural Students through the Application of Concepts and Critiques. 3rd International Conference on Design, Development & Research. Faculty of Art, College of Art & Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi – Ghana, July 18 – 20. pp.62 – 72. 3. Simons, B., Koranteng, C. and Nkrumah, J. (2013). Assessing Thermal Comfort and Design Strategies of Residential Houses in Ghana. 3rd International Conference on Design, Development & Research. Faculty of Art, College of Art & Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi – Ghana. July 18 – 20. pp.122 – 132. 4. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C., and Adinyira, E. (2013). Level of Practice and Effectiveness of Damp Remediation Measures in Walls of Residential Buildings in Ghana. 3rd International Conference on Design, Development & Research, Faculty of Art, College of Art & Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi – Ghana. July 18 – 20. pp. 297 – 311. 5. Simons B., Odame B. G., and Koranteng, C. (2013). The Visual Performance of Common Spaces and its Effect on Occupants’ Satisfaction in Educational Buildings, 3rd International Conference on Design, Development & Research, Faculty of Art, College of Art & Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi – Ghana. July 18 – 20. pp. 312 – 323. 6. Adinyira, E., Ahadzie, D. and Kwofie, T. E. (2013). Determining the unique features of mass housing projects (MHPs) In:Laryea, S. and Agyepong, S. (Eds) Procs. 5th West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, Accra, Ghana. August 12 – 14. pp. 381 – 389. 7. Adinyira, E., Ahadzie, D. and Kwofie, T. E. (2013). Classifying the Unique Features of Mass Housing Projects. In: Gonzalez, V. and Yiu, T. W. (Eds) Procs. 38th Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. November 20 – 22. pp 96 – 105. 8. Afranie, I., Morgan, J. and Kwofie, T. E. (2014). Post-Acquisition Challenges of Urban Land on Housing Delivery in Ghana (Case Study: Koforidua Municipality) In: Ogunlanna, S., Idoro, G. and Alade, W. (Eds) Procs.The CIB W107 2014 International Conference, Lagos, Nigeria. January 28 – 30. pp686 – 694. 9. Kwofie, T. E., Fugar, F., Adinyira, E. and Ahadzie, D. (2014). A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Communication Performance among Mass Housing Project Team. In: Ejohwomu, O. and Oshodi, O. (Eds) Procs.3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, Abeokuta, Nigeria. March 17 – 19. pp 6 – 21. 46 10. Addy, M. N., Adinyira E., and Koranteng, C. (2014). Architects’ Perception on the Challenges of Building Energy Efficiency in Ghana. Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa (Icida), Abeokuta, Nigeria. March 17 – 19. pp 103 – 113. 11. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., and Koranteng, C.(2014). A Holistic Survey of Dampness in a Three Bedroom Residential Bungalow in Kumasi, Ghana, Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa (Icida), Abeokuta, Nigeria. March 17 – 19. pp 366 – 384. 12. Addy, M. N., Adinyira, E., and Koranteng, C. (2014).A Review of Research Methodologies in Building Energy Efficiency Assessment. In: Laryea, S. and Ibem, E. (Eds). Proceedings 8th Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) Postgraduate Conference. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. February 10 – 11. pp 85 – 100. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: E. Badu BSc (Bldg Tech) (Kumasi), MSc (Construction Mgt) (Lough), PhD (Eng) NIT (Japan), Cert (Staff & Curriculum Dev’t) (Nottingham), FGIOC, FCIOB (UK), FGhIS, MFIG (Provost of College) 47 J. Ayarkwa BSc (Bldg Tech), MPhil (Wood Science) (Kumasi), Cert (Wood Research), PhD (Timber Engineering) (Japan), MGIF, MGhIS, FGIOC, MACI, MISDS, ICIOB (Head of Department) Assoc.Professor: F. D. K. Fugar BSc (Bldg Tech) (Kumasi), MPhil (Bldg Tech) (Kumasi), PhD (HRMD) (Newburgh, Indiana), Cert. (Leadership and Mgt.) (Hawaii), MSHRM, FGhIS, MFIG, MGIOC, MNIQS Senior Lecturers: A. K. Danso BSc (Bldg Tech) (Kumasi), MPhil (Eng) (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi), MGhIS, MGhIE, MGIOC B. K. Baiden BSc (Bldg Tech) (Kumasi), MSc (Int’l Construction Management & Engineering) Leeds, PhD(Construction Mgt.), Loughborough, AMASCE, MGIOC T. Adjei-Kumi BSc (Bldg Tech) (Kumasi), MSc (Construction Management), PhD (Civil Eng.) Glasgow, AGhIS, ACIArb, MGhIS, MGIOC P. Amoah BSc (Bldg Tech) (Kumasi), MSc (Construction Management) Kumasi, FGhIS, MFIG, FGIOC D. Owusu-Manu BSc (Bldg Tech), PhD (Bldg Tech) Kumasi, FaGE, FIPCSR, FRRAG, MGIOC E. Adinyira BSc (Bldg Tech), PhD (Bldg Tech) Kumasi, FRRAG, MGIOC Lecturers: J. C. Danku BSc (Bldg Tech) (Kumasi), MSc (Construction Management) Kumasi, Cert. (Arch. Eng.) Japan, MGhIS, MGIOC J. K. Ofori-Kuragu BSc. (Bldg Tech.) Kumasi, MSC (Construction Project Mgt.), PhD (Construction Management), Loughborough, MCIOB, MGIOC G. Nani BSc (Bldg Tech), PhD (Bldg Tech) Kumasi, MGhIS, MGIOC Assistant Lecturer: K. Agyekum BSc (Bldg Tech), Kumasi, MPhil (Bldg. Tech) Kumasi MGIOC, MIIE, ICIOB, MISDS REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS 48 1. Ayarkwa, J., Baiden, B.K. and Sabah, S.C.B. (2014). Consultants’ Performance on District Assemblies’ Common Fund Projects. Modern Management Science & Engineering, 2(1): 43 – 57. ISSN: 2052- 2576. 2. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C. and Adinyira, E. (2014). An overview of damp remediation measures practiced by building occupants in Ghana. Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal and Valuation, 2 (4): 347 – 359. ISSN: 2046-9594. E-ISSN: 2046-9608. 3. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J. and Koranteng, C. (2014). Perceptions of building occupants on effectiveness of practiced damp remediation measures in Ghana. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 4 (1): 121 – 131. ISSN: 2224-3216. E-ISSN: 2225-0948. 4. Simons B., Koranteng, C., Adinyira, E. and Ayarkwa, J. (2014). An assessment of thermal comfort in multistory office buildings in Ghana. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 2 (1): 30 – 38. 5. Simons, B., Koranteng, C. and Ayarkwa, J. (2014). Occupants’ evaluation of the operation, functionality of building control systems and energy implications in multi storey office buildings in Ghana. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 4 (2): 48 – 58. ISSN 22243232 E-ISSN 2225-0573. 6. Buertey, J. I., Mizzah A. K. and Adjei-Kumi, T. (2014). Delays to Large Construction Projects in Ghana: A Risk Overview. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 8(3): 367 – 377. ISSN: 1934 7359. 7. Ayarkwa, J., Acheampong, A. and Agyekum, K. (2013). Residents’ satisfaction with the social security and national insurance trust housing in Ghana. Engineering Management Research, 2(2): 29 – 40. ISSN: 1927-7318. E-ISSN: 1927-7326. 8. Ayarkwa, J., Baiden, B.K. and Osei-Asibey, D. (2013). Benefits derived by District Assemblies from their project consultants. Engineering Management Research, 2(2): 41 – 50. ISSN 1927-7318. E-ISSN 1927-7326. 9. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J. and Adjei-Kumi, T. (2013). Minimizing materials wastage in construction-A Lean Construction Approach. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 5 (1): 25 – 146. 10. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C. and Adinyira, E. (2013). Preliminary assessment of dampness in walls of residential buildings in four climatic zones in Ghana. Journal of Sustainable Development, 6(9): 51 – 61. ISSN: 1913-9063. E-ISSN: 1913-9071. 11. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C. and Adinyira, E. (2013). An overview of the symptoms associated with dampness in walls of residential buildings in major towns in Ghana. Civil and Environmental Research, 3(9): 1 – 9. ISSN: 2224-5790. E-ISSN: 22250514. 12. Agyekum, K. Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C. and Adinyira, E. (2013). Level of knowledge of building occupants on dampness in walls of residential buildings in Ghana. Modern Management Science and Engineering, 1 (2): 171 – 184. ISSN: 2052-2576. 13. Acheampong, A., Adom-Asamoah, M., Ayarkwa, J. and Afrifa, R. O. (2013). Comparative study of the physical properties of palm kernel shells concrete and normal weight concrete in Ghana. Journal of Science and Multidisciplinary Research, 5 (1): 129 – 146. 49 14. Simons, B., Koranteng, C and Adinyira, E. (2014). Indoor Thermal Environment: Occupants Responsiveness in 4 Multi-Storey Office Buildings in Accra, Ghana. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 4 (4): 122 – 130. ISSN: 2224 3214 15. Simons, B., Koranteng, C and Adinyira, E. (2014). Assessing Ghanaian Workplace Performance in Multi-Storey Office Buildings. Developing Country Studies, 4(4): 140 – 155. ISSN: 2234-607X. E- ISSN 2225-0565 16. Adinyira, E. and Anokye, P (2013). Illegal Appendages to Residential Buildings in Kumasi, Ghana – A Case Study of North Suntreso. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 3 (1): 511 – 529. 17. Fugar, F. D. K., Ashiboe-Mensah, N. A and Adinyira, E. (2013). Human Capital Theory: Implications for the Ghanaian Construction Industry Development. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 3(1): 464 – 479. CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Ofori-Kuragu, J. K., Baiden, B., and Badu, E. (2014). Factors affecting Ghanaian contractor performance. In: Proceedings of the International Conference of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB W107 2014) Odusami, K. T., Idoro, G. I., and Ogunlana, S. O. (Eds), Lagos, January 27 – 29. p.275-285. 2. Acheampong, A., Hackman, J. K., and Ayarkwa, J. (2014). Factors inhibiting the use of indeginous building materials (IBM) in the Ghanaian Construction Industry. In Ejohwomu, O. and Oshodi, O. (eds) Procs 3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, Abeokuta, Nigeria. March 17 – 19. p. 216-226 ISBN: 978-978-938-173-9. 3. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J. and Adinyira, E. (2014). A case study of dampness in a three bedroom residential building at Deduako, Kumasi. In Ejohwomu, O. and Oshodi, O. (eds) Procs 3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, March17-19, 2014, Abeokuta, Nigeria, p. 351-365 ISBN: 978-978-938-173-9 4. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J. and Koranteng, C. (2014). A holistic survey of dampness in a three bedroom residential bungalow in Kumasi, Ghana. In Ejohwomu, O. and Oshodi, O. (eds) Procs 3rdInternation Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, Abeokuta, Nigeria. March 17 – 19. p. 366-384 ISBN: 978-978-938-173-9 5. Mensah, S., Ayarkwa, J. and Nani, G. (2014). Framework for modeling sustainable construction practices towards low carbon construction In: Laryea, S. and Ibem, E. (Eds) Proceedings 8th Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) Postgraduate Conference, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. February 10 – 11. 293-303, ISBN 978-0-9566060-8-2. 6. Opoku, D., Ayarkwa, J. and Agyekum, K. (2014). Assessing areas and trends of bamboo usage in building construction in Ghana. In Laryea, S. and Ibem, E (eds) Proceedings 8th Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) Postgraduate Conference, University of 50 Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. February 10 – 11. p. 131-141, ISBN 978-09566060-8-2 7. Buertey, J. I. T., Miezah, A. K. and Adjei-Kumi, T. (2013). Delays to large construction projects in Ghana: a risk overview In: Laryea, S. and Agyepong, S. (Eds) Procs 5th West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, Accra, Ghana. August 12 – 14. p. 367-380. 8. Buertey, J. I. T., Abeere-Inga, E. and Adjei-Kumi, T. (2013). Project cost risk and uncertainties: towards a conceptual cost contingency estimation model In: Laryea, S. and Agyepong, S. (Eds) Procs 5th West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, Accra, Ghana. August 12 – 14. p. 911-925. 9. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C. and Adinyira, E. (2013). Assessment of dampness in walls of residential buildings in four climatic zones in Ghana. In: Nkum, R.K., Nani, G., Atepor, L., Oppong, R.A., Awere, E. and Bamfo-Agyei, E. (eds) Proc 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA), Kumasi-Ghana. August 8 – 10. p. 194-205, ISBN 978-9988-1-7051-6 10. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C. and Adinyira, E. (2013). Level of knowledge of building occupants on dampness in walls of residential buildings in Ghana. In: Nkum, R.K., Nani, G., Atepor, L., Oppong, R.A., Awere, E. and Bamfo-Agyei, E. (eds) Procs 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA), Kumasi-Ghana. August 8 – 10. p. 389399, ISBN 978-9988-1-7051-6 11. Agyekum, K., Ayarkwa, J., Koranteng, C. and Adinyira, E. (2013). Level of practice and effectiveness of damp remediation measures in walls of residential buildings in Ghana. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Design, Development and Research (DDR), Faculty of Art, College of Art and Social Sciences, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. July 18 – 20. p. 297-311; ISBN: 978-9988-1-8513-8. 12. Acheampong, A., Adom-Asamoah, M., Ayarkwa, J. and Afrifa, R. O. (2013). Shear capacity of reinforced palm kernel shell concrete and granite concrete beams with and without shear reinforcement. In: Nkum, R.K., Nani, G., Atepor, L., Oppong, R.A., Awere, E. and Bamfo-Agyei, E. (eds) Procs 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA), August 8-10, 2013, Kumasi-Ghana, p. 135-150, ISBN 978-9988-1-7051-6 13. Orgen, N. K., Ahadzie, D. K., Ayarkwa, J. and Badu, E. (2013). Contextualizing the methodology for developing a collaborative working framework for improving construction design service delivery in Ghana. In: Laryea, S. and Agyapong, S. (Eds) Procs 5th West African Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, Accra, Ghana. August 12 – 14. p. 307-319. 14. Douh, S., Adiniyira, E. and Adjei-Kumi, T. (2014). A Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Effectiveness of Public Works Procurement Process at Pre-Contract Stage in Chad Republic.InEjohwomu, O and Oshodi, O (Eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, Abeokuta, Nigeria (CIOB endorsed). March 17 – 19. p. 385-397. ISBN: 978-978-938-173-9 15. Addy, M. N., Adinyira, E and Koranteng, C. (2014). Architect’s Perception on the Challenges of Building Energy Efficiency in Ghana. In Ejohwomu, O and Oshodi, O (Eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, 51 Abeokuta, Nigeria (CIOB endorsed). March 17 – 19. p.150-160. ISBN: 978-978-938-1739 16. Kwofie, T. E., Fugar, F., Adinyira, E. and Ahadzie, D. (2014). A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Communication Performance Among Mass Housing Project Team.In Ejohwomu, O and Oshodi, O (Eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, Abeokuta, Nigeria (CIOB endorsed). March 17 – 19. p. 53-68. ISBN: 978-978-938-173-9 17. Addy, M. N., Adinyira, E. and Koranteng, C. (2014). A review of research methodologies in building energy efficiency assessment.In: Laryea, S. and Ibem, E. (Eds) Proceedings 8th Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) Postgraduate Conference, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. February 10 – 11. p. 85 – 100. 18. Adinyira, E., Ahadzie, D. and Kwofie, T. E. (2013). Classifying the Unique Features of Mass Housing Projects. In: Tak Wing Yiu and Vicente Gonzalez (Eds) Proceedings 38th AUBEA International Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. November 20 – 22. 19. Adinyira, E., Ahadzie, D. and Kwofie, T. E. (2013). Determining the unique features of mass housing projects (MHPs).In: Laryea, S. and Agyepong, S. (Eds) Procs 5th West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, Accra, Ghana. August 12 – 14. p. 381-389. 381 ISBN 978-0-9566060-6-8 20. Douh, S., Badu, E., Adjei-Kumi, T. and Adiniyira, E. (2013). An appraisal of challenges facing competitive tendering implementation in public works procurement in chad republic. In: Laryea, S. and Agyepong, S. (Eds) Procs 5th West Africa Built Environment Research (WABER) Conference, Accra, Ghana. August 12 – 14. p. 123-133. ISBN 978-09566060-6-8 DEPARTMENT OF LAND ECONOMY ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professors: S. O. Asiamah J. T. Bugri BSc (Land Econ) (Kumasi), PhD Urban and Reg Stds (Birmingham) FGhIS BSc (Land Econ) (Kumasi), MPhil (Land Econ) (Camb.), PhD (Greenwich), MGhIs, FCC, MWASWC (Head of Dept) Senior Lecturer: 52 J. Ayitey Lecturers: W. M. Adolwine F. Gyemfi – Yeboah E. P. Tudzi *S. Agyei-Mensah (Mrs) E. Yeboah Assistant Lecturers: E. K. Gavu J. K. Kidido Technical Instructor: J. Frimpong – Asante B. Appiagyei – Nkyi BSc (Land Econ) (Kumasi), Mphil (Land Econ), (Camb.), MGhIS, FCCS, MFIG BSc (Land Econ), MPhil (Land Econ) (Camb.) BSc (Land Econ) (Kumasi), MPhil (Real Estate Finance) (Camb.), PhD (Real Estate) (Georgia Estate), MGhIS, FCCS Dip. Est Mgt, (BSc (Land Econ), MA (Ind. Mgt.) (Kumasi), (Kumasi), Graduate Dip (Mgt) (IPMA UK), Fdip, CIAMC (Ghana), AMPMA, GCIAMC BSc (Land Econ) (Kumasi), MPhil (Land Econ) (Camb.) BSc (Land Econ) (Kumasi), MSc (Liverpool) PhD (Liverpool) BSc (Land Econ) (Kumasi), MSc (GIS & Earth Observation) (Twente), MGhIS, IGS BSc (Land Econ) (Kumasi), MSc (Land Mgt.) (Granfield) BSc (Design), Postgraduate. Dip. (Arch.) (Kumasi), GIA Tech, MGhIS BSc (Arch), (Kumasi) Post Dip (Arch.) (Kumasi) MPhil (Building Tech) *Study leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Adolwine, M. (2013). Nankana Women’s Land Access and Control: Towards Enhancing Womens’s Rights in the Upper Savanna Zones of Northen Ghana. Journal of Int. Real Estate & Construction Studies, 2: 1 – 2. 2. Gyamfi-Yeboah, F., Ziobrowski, A., and Seagraves, P. (2013). Institutional Ownership and the Dynamics of Trading Volume around FFO Announcements. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1 – 18. 3. Freybote, J., Gyamfi-Yeboah, F., and Ziobrowski, A. J. (2013). Dispositional joint ventures as REIT financing strategy. Journal of Property Research, (ahead-of-print), 1 – 21. 53 4. Yeboah, E. and Shaw, D. P. (2013). Customary Land Tenure Practices in Ghana: examining the relationship with land-use planning delivery. Journal of International Development Planning Review, 35(1): 21 – 39. 5. Oppong, R. A. and Yeboah, E. (2013). Empirical examinations of Conflicts and Contradictions in Architecture, Land and Suburban Sprawl: the Case of Tamale, Ghana, Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1): 92 – 104. 6. Nkyi, B. A. and Dinye, R. D. (2013). Accessibility to Real Estate Finance in Ghana: Policy Directions for Stakeholder Engagement in the Construction Industry. International Journal of Economics, Business and Finance, 1(3): 35 – 52. ISSN: 2327-8188 (Available online www.ijebf.com) 7. Nkyi, B. A. and Dinye, R. D. (2013). Addressing corporate real estate finance gap in Ghana. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2(4): ISSN: 2168-8662(Available online www.isdsnet.com/ijds) 8. Kidido, J. K. and Kuusaana, E. D. (2013). Access to Land Resources and under Customary Arrangement: Emerging Issues among the Bassaris of North-Eastern Ghana. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development, 3(1): 25 – 44. 9. Ayitey, J. Z., Kuusaana, D. E. and Kidido, J. K. (2013). Potential and Hurdles in Property Rating in Ghana: Evidence from the Wa Municipality. The Ghana Surveyor, 5(1): 1 – 13. 10. Kuusaana, D. E., Kidido, J. K., Appiah, M. N. and Mireku, K. O. (2013). Alternative Dispute Resolution by Chiefs and Tendamba: A Case Study of Kumasi and Wa Traditional areas. The Ghana Surveyor, 5(1): 14 – 27. 11. Bugri, J. T. (2013). Issues and Options for Improved Land Sector Governance in Ghana: Application of the Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF). The Ghana Surveyor, 5(1): 44 – 73. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Ayitey, J. Z., Gavu, E. K. and Asamoah, H. Y. (2013). Pension funds a panacea to housing finance in developing economies? Case study SSNIT, Ghana In: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa (ICIDA) 2013 Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 14 – 16. pp. 367 – 373. ISBN: 978-0-62054070-4 2. Yeboah, E. (2014). The role of Institutional Coherence in attracting Responsible Land Based Investments (Towards a More Responsible Land Based Investments in Ghana). In: Proceedings of the World Bank’s Land and Poverty Conference, Washington DC, USA. March. 54 3. Yeboah, E., and Kakraba-Ampeh, M. (2014). Innovative Tools to Secure Land Rights, emerging insights from Ghana In: Proceedings of IIED’s West Africa Stakeholders Conference on Land Governance. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. February 12 – 14. 4. Asiama, S. O. and Yeboah, E. (2013) Land and Economic Development in Africa. In: Proceedings of a Symposium organized by the Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute in Pretoria, South Africa on Finding Solutions to Africa's Development. August 22 – 23. 5. Yeboah, E. (2013) Dynamics in the urban periphery: the doctrine of trusteeship, land use change and planning efficiency in peri-urban Ghana. In: Proceedings of International Federation of Surveyors Conference, at Abuja, Nigeria. May. 6. Ayitey, J. Z. and Pitcher, A. (2013). Housing Provision and Finance in Developing Economies: State Policies, Interventions and Results. Ghanaian Experience since 1957. In: Proceeding African Social Research Initiative Bi-Annual Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI USA. October 11 – 12. 7. Bugri, J. T. (2014). The Role of Improved land Governance through Regulatory and Institutional development in Agricultural Investments in Ghana, In: Proceedings of a Multi-stakeholder Conference on Agricultural Investment, Gender and Land in Africa: Towards inclusive, equitable and socially responsible investment, 5-7March, 2014, Cape Town, South Africa. CENTRE FOR SETTLEMENTS STUDIES ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: R. D. Dinye BSc. Planning (Kumasi), PGDip Regional Development Planning and Management (Dortmund), MSc. Dev. Planning and Mgmt (Kumasi), PhD Dev. Econs and Mgmt (Dortmund) Senior Research Fellows: 55 R. S. King Bsc. Planning (Kumasi), PGDip Regional Development Planning and Management (Dortmund), MSc. Dev. Planning and Mgmt (Kumasi), PhD Gender and Dev. Plan’g (Brighton) D. K. Ahadzie BSc. Buid’g Tech. (Kumasi), MSc. Const Proj. Mgmt (Manchester), PhD Const Proj. Mgmt. (Wolverhampton). P. K. B. Asamoah Bsc. Planning (Kumasi), MA Housing Studies (Newcastle upon Tyne) J. Edusei BSc. Dev. Plan’g (Kumasi), MSc. Rural and Urban Plan’g (Harare) Research Fellow: H. K. Boafo BSc. Architecture(Kumasi), PGdip Architecture(Kumasi) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Nkyi, B. A. and Dinye, R. D. (2013). Accessibility to Real Estate Finance in Ghana: Policy Directions for Stakeholder Engagement in the Construction Industry. International Journal of Economics Business and Finance, 3: 35 – 52. ISSN 2327-8188 (online), www.ijebf.com. 2. Opoku, A. E., and Dinye, R. D. (2013). Challenges of slum dwellers in Ghana: A case study of Ayigya, Kumasi. Modern Journal of Social Sciences Journal, 2(2): 228 – 255. ISSN 2051-549. Available on line at http://scik.org. 3. ZanaNaab, F., Dinye, R. D. and Kasanga K. R. (2013). Urbanisation and its impact on agricultural lands in growing countries: A Case Study of Tamale in Ghana. Modern Journal 56 of Social Sciences Journal, 2(2): 228 – 255. ISSN 2051-5499. Available on line at http://scik.org. 4. Dinye, R. D. and Dinye I. N. (2013). Micro finance as an instrument for women empowerment: A Case study of Techiman Municipality in Ghana. Global Journal of Human Social Science Sociology and Culture, 13(4). Version 1.0 Online ISSN: 2249-460X 5. Dinye, R. D. and Ayitio, J. (2013). Irrigated agricultural production and poverty reduction in Northern Ghana: A Case Study of the Tono Irrigation Scheme in the Kassena Nankana District. International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, 5(2): 119 – 133. Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/IJWREE DOI: 10.5897/IJWREE12.129 ISSN 1991-637X.d 6. Edusei, J. and Amoah A. P. (2014). Appreciating the Complexities in Accessing Healthcare among Urban Poor. The Case of Street Children in Kumasi Metropolitan Area, Ghana. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 4(8), 69-88. ISSN 2224-607X (Paper) ISSN 2225-0565 (April, 2014). http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/DCS/article/view/12200/12553. 7. Edusei, J. and Amoah A. P. (2014). Cultural Tourism and Employment Creation Nexus: Evidence from Kente Weaving and Wood Carving Industries in Kwabre East District, Ghana.Journal of Economics abd Sustainable Development. 5(8), 132-145. ISSN 22221700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online).http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEDS/article/view/12616/12920. 8. Ahadzie D. K., Proverbs and Sarkodie-Poku, I. (2013). Competencies required of project managers at the design phase of mass house building projects. International Journal of Project management, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijproman.2013.10.015 CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Quagraine, V. K., Olympio, G. F. A. and Dinye,R. D. (2013).The Assessment of the Readiness of the Ghanaian Housing Industry for the Adoption of Building Information Modeling (Bim) as an Innovative Means to Improve the Housing Stock. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa. p. 300-309. ISBN; 978-0-620-54070-4. March 14 – 16. 2. Ahadzie, D. K. (2014). Exploring the Insurance Dimension of Flood Risk Management in Ghana. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Infrastructure Development in Africa, Abeokuta, Nigeria. p. 418-428. March 17 – 19. 3. Kwofie, T. E., Fugar, F., Adinyira, E. and Ahadzie, D. K. (2014). A Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Communication Performance among Mass Housing Project Team. In: 57 Proceedings of 3rd International Conference in Africa, Abeokuta, Nigeria. p. 6-20. March 17 – 19. 4. Adinyira, E., Ahadzie, D. K. and Kwofie, T. E. (2013). Classifying the unique features of Mass Housing Projects. In: Proceedings of 38th Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA) Conference, Australia. p. 96 – 106. November 20 – 22. 5. Adinyira, E., Ahadzie, D. K. and Kwofie, T. E. (2013). Determining the Unique Features of Mass Housing Projects. In: Proceedings of West Africa Built Environment (WABEA) Conference, Accra, Ghana. p. 381-389. August 12 – 14. 6. Orgen N. K., Ahadzie, D. K., Ayarkwa J. and Badu E. (2013). Contetualising the Methodology for Developing a Collaborative Working Framework for Improving Construction Design Service Delivery in Ghana. In: Proceedings of West Africa Built Environment (WABER) Conference, Accra, Ghana. P. 307 – 319. August 12 – 14. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: K. K. Adarkwa Associate Professor: I. Braimah S. K. Afrane BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Br. Col.), PhD (MSU), FGIP, FCIT, FGA BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Dortmund &Kumasi), PhD (Kassel, Germany) FGIP(Head of Department) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Economics in Social Policy) (Wales), PG Dip (Housing) (Holland), Advance PG Dip (Housing) 58 #K. D. Kessey Senior Lecturers: D. K. B. Inkoom #K. Owusu-Adade Dina Adei (Mrs.) M. Poku-Boansi Lecturers: J. K. Owusu-Ansah Ronald Adamtey E. Oduro-Ofori C. Oduro Theresa Y. Baah-Ennumh (Mrs) *C. Amoako *Gifty Adom-Asamoah (Mrs.) P. A. Anokye #K. O. Agyeman C. Peprah K. Ocloo O. Amponsah (Holland), PhD (Brit. Col), Community and Regional Planning BA (CC), MSc (Reg. Plg) (Kumasi), Dip. (Ed.), MPhil (Dev’t Econ and Policy) (Cantab.),Dr. rer Pol (Public Finance) (Dortmund), MGIP, FCCS, CAPAM, CIMAG, MUSCS, MAFA BSc (Kumasi),PG. Dip., Dr. rer. pol, (TU-Dortmund), Cert. Int. Dev. Studies (Oslo), CFPA (Joensuu,Finland), Cert. (GIC) (Cleveland, USA). MGIP BSc (Planning) (Kumasi), MSc (Regional Dev’t and Planning) (The Hague) PGDip. (IHS); MGIP BA (Economics & Sociology) (Kumasi), MSc (Dev’t Policy and Plg.) (Kumasi), OHN (UCI, Calif.), RN ACCE BSc (Planning) (Kumasi), PhD (Planning) (Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi), MURP (Muncie), PhD (Architecture and Planning) (Melbourne) Dip. (IHS) (Rotterdam), MGIP BSc (Kumasi), MPhil (Comm. Dev’t) (Kumasi), PhD (Sussex), MGIP BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Dev’t Planning & Mgt.) (Kumasi), Dr. rer. Pol. (TU-Dortmund), MGIP BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Dortmund & Kumasi), PhD (Tallahassee, FL), MGIP, MPMI BEd (Soc. Sci.) (Cape Coast), MSc (Dev’t Policy and Plg.) (Kumasi) PhD (Kumasi) BSc (Planning), MPhil (Planning) (Kumasi) BSc (Planning) (Kumasi), MSc (Bristol), PG Dip (Urban Planning) (IHS Holland) BSc (Plg.) (Kumasi), MPhil (Urban Plg. Growth and Regeneration), (Cambridge), PG Dip (Land Mgt & Info Settlement Regularization (IHS, Holland), MGIP, FCCS BSc (Kumasi), MPhil (Kumasi), MPhil (E. Anglia), PhD (Monash) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Kumasi), PG. Dip (Israel), MA (Niigata), PhD (Kitakyushu), MGIP BA (Kumasi), MSc (Dortmund & Kumasi), PhD (Dortmund) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Kumasi) 59 #On Contract *On Study Leave = On Secondment BOOKS 1. Peprah, C. (2013). The environmental issues of the Fosu Lagoon in Cape Coast. LAP Lambert Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-32445-1. 73 p 2. Ocloo, K. A (2013). Harnessing Local Potentials for Peri-Urban Water Supply in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges, SPRING Research Series. ISBN: 3-934525-56-3 3. Inkoom, D. K. B (2014). Anloga Woodworkers in Kumasi, Ghana: The Long Road to Formality in Duminy, J., Andreasen, J.,Lerise,F., Odendad, N. and Watson V. (eds) Planning and the case study method in Africa : The Planner in Dirty Shoes. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 60 CHAPTER(S) IN BOOKS 1. Adarkwa, K. K. (2014) Concluding Remarks Pp 380-383; Human Settlements and Service Delivery in Ghana. Kumasi, University Press 2. Adarkwa, K. K. (2014) Summary of findings Pp 355-361; Human Settlements and Service Delivery in Ghana. Kumasi, University Press 3. Adarkwa, K. K. (2014). Introduction Pp. 1-9; Human Settlements and Service Delivery in Ghana. Kumasi, University Press 4. Adarkwa, K. K. (2014). National Hierarchy of Settlements Pp 57-108; Human Settlements and Service Delivery in Ghana. Kumasi, University Press 5. Adarkwa, K. K. (2014). Research Design and Contextual Issues Pp 31-42; Human Settlements and Service Delivery in Ghana. Kumasi, University Press 6. Adarkwa, K. K. and Assasie Oppong, R. (2014). Volta Region Pp 194-213; Human Settlements and Service Delivery in Ghana. Kumasi, University Press 7. Baah-Ennumh, T. Y. and Amos-Abanyie, S. (2014). Western Region. Pp 104-124; In Adarkwa, K. K. (ed). Human Settlements and service delivery in Ghana, Kumasi, University Press. 8. Inkoom, D. K. B and Quagraine, V. (2014), Central Regional. Pp 126-149; In Adarkwa K. K. (ed), Human Settlements and service delivery in Ghana, Kumasi, University Press 9. Amoako, C., Oduro, C. and Adamtey, R. (2014) Eastern Region. Pp 215-236; In Adarkwa K.K (ed), Human Settlements and service delivery in Ghana, Kumasi, University Press. 10. Owusu Adade, K. and Adom-Asamoah, G. (2014). Ashanti Region; In Adarkwa, K. K. (ed), Human Settlements and service delivery in Ghana, Kumasi, University Press 11. Owusu Ansah, J. and Imoro Braimah (2014). Northern Region; In Adarkwa K. K. (ed), Human Settlements and service delivery in Ghana, Kumasi, University Press 12. Poku-Boansi, M. and Kassanga, R. K. (2014). Upper West Region. Pp 335-352; In Adarkwa, K. K. (ed), Human Settlements and service delivery in Ghana, Kumasi, University Press. 13. Oduro, C., Afrane, S. K. and Imoro Braimah (2014). The Future of Human Settlements in Ghana. 362-376; In Adarkwa, K. K. (ed), Human Settlements and service delivery in Ghana, Kumasi, University Press 14. Poku-Boansi, M. (2014). Theoretical underpinnings of the study. Pp 15-25; In Adarkwa, K. K. (ed), Human Settlements and service delivery in Ghana, Kumasi, University Press. 15. Adarkwa, K. K. ed (2014). Human Settlements and Service Delivery in Ghana. Kumasi, University Press JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS 61 1. Acheampong, R. A. and Anokye, P. A. (2013). Understanding Households’ Residential Location Choice in Kumasi’s Peri-Urban Settlements and the Implications for Sustainable Urban Growth. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(9): 60 – 70. 2. Adinyira, E. and Anokye, P.A. (2013). Illegal appendages to residential buildings in Kumasi, Ghana – a case study of North Suntreso. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 3(1): 511-529 3. Adusei, M. and Afrane, S. K. (2013). The Impact of Credit Union Financial Mediation and Economic Growth: Multi-Country Analysis. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(5): 71 – 78. 4. Afrane, S. K and Adjei-Poku, B. (2013). Expanding the frontiers of microfinance in the service of the poor: an experiment with water and sanitation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(8): 129 – 141. 5. Afrane, S. K. and Adjei-Poku, B. (2013). Institutionalising corporate social responsibility for community development: processes and outcomes. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 4(13): 255 – 265. 6. Afrane, S. K. (2013). Spatial Dimensions of the Informal Economy: A Case Study of Kumasi. Journal of Building and Road Research (in press). 7. Afrane, S. K. and Adjei-Poku, B. (2013). Land use dynamics in urbanized area: a case study of Sunyani (Ghana). Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 18(1 & 2): 40 – 46. 8. Afrane, S. K. and Adjei-Poku, B. (2013). Sailors with defective rudder: comparing the theory and practice of land use planning in a growing city. African Journal of Building and Road Research (in press). 9. Agbesinyale, P and Inkoom, D. K. B (2013). Gold or Health? The effects of mining on the environment in Wassa West District. UNCRD, Tokyo. Regional Development Studies, 26. 10. Amoateng, P., Cobbinah, P. B. and Owusu-Adade, K. (2013). Managing Physical Development in peri-Urban Areas in Kumasi: Ghana. A Case of Abuakwa. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 7 (1): 96 – 109. 11. Anokye P. A., Tanyeh, J. P. and Agyemang, F. S. K. (2013). The Emergence of Gated Communities in Ghana and their Implications on Urban Planning and Management. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 3(14): 40 – 46. 12. Kessey, K. D. and Agyemang, F. (2013). Urbanisation and Intensive use of Space in Central Business District in a Developing City, Ghana. Decongestion Programme as City Service Response; An Appraisal. Journal of Developing Country Studies, 3(6): 89 – 96. 13. Kessey, K. D. and Arko, B. (2013). Small Scale Gold Mining and Environmental Degradation in Ghana. Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, 5(1): 12 – 30. 14. Kessey, K. D. (2013). Global Poverty Reduction Policy and Implementation Strategies at Local Level; Integrated Planning Options and Challenges in a Developing Country, Ghana. Merit Research Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(6): 076 –085. 62 15. Naku, W. C. D. and Afrane, S. K, (2013). Local community development and the participatory planning approach: a review of theory and practice. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 5(5): 185 – 191. 16. Owusu-Manu, D, Afrane, S.K., Badu, E, Edwards, D, J. (2013). Metamorphosis of Entrepreneurial Learning Paradigms: Introducing the Hybrid Industrial Demand-Led Venture. Industry and Higher Education, 27(2): 1 – 12. 17. Poku-Boansi, M. and Adarkwa, K. K (2013). The determinants of demand for public transport services in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology, 33 (3): 60 – 72. 18. King, R., Amponsah, O. and Braimah, I. (2013). Social Accountability for Local Government in Ghana. Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, 13(14): 61 – 76. 19. Anokye P. A. and Afrane, S. K. (2014). Apprenticeship Training System in Ghana: Processes, Institutional Dynamics and Challenges. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(7): 130 – 141. 20. Afrane, S. K. and Adusei, M. (2014). Promoting micro-savings through the NGO mode: the success story of Sinapi Aba Trust. International Review of Management and Business. Research International Review of Management and Business Research, 3(1): 485 – 492. 21. Afrane, S. K., Owusu-Manu, D., and Adesi, (2014) Infusion of TQM in Management Consulting Professional Training in Ghana: Exploring Key Strategic Issues. International Journal of Management Sciences. International Journal of Management Sciences, 2(1): 44 – 60. 22. Adarkwa, K. K., Poku-Boansi, M. and Atuah Obeng, D. (2014). The Cost of Overloading Freight Vehicles on Ghana’s Transit Corridors. Development Research Uptake in SubSaharan Africa, Platform 2013: 8 – 9. PUBLISHED CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Inkoom, D. K. B. (2013). Organization Development in the Context of Security Risk Management Workshop, “Multi Regional Risk Assessment Capacity Building Workshop Phase 2”, Solo Te Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. March 4. 2. Inkoom, D. K. B. (2013). Reflections on the interface between planning and the land access in teaching. “International Workshop on Knowledge Production and Research Collaboration in the Global South”. 54 on Bath, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 11. 3. Adarkwa, K. K. (2014). “Regional Infrastructure Planning and Development: Harnessing Transportation, ICT, Energy and Natural Resources”. Paper presented at the West Africa Regional Conference of the Commonwealth Association of Planners held at the Institute of Local Government Studies, Accra. March 14. 63 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: Prof. J. M. Frimpong Lecturers: K. O. Appiah M. Adusei BA (Hons), MSc (York), Advanced Diploma (London), PhD (Finance), MCILT (UK), F.CFIA BSc, PhD (Loughborough), MSc (London), ACCA (UK) BSc (Admin), Advanced Diploma (Accounting & Finance), MPhil (Finance) Kumasi 64 D. Domeher K. Poku P. K. Oppong-Boakye BA, MA (UK), PhD (UK), FHEA (UK) BSc (Hons), MBA (UK) BSc (Admin), MBA (Finance) Assistant Lecturers: Kwame Mireku B.Com, MBA (Finance) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Adusei, M. (2014). The inflation-stock market returns nexus: evidence from the Ghana Stock Exchange. Journal of Economics and International Finance, 6(2): 38 – 46. 2. Adusei, M. and Frimpong, J. M. (2014). Predictors of financial development in Ghana. Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, 4(2): 59 – 71. 3. Adusei, M. (2014). Is entrepreneurship a significant determinant of financial development? British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 4(2): 264 – 274. 4. Afrane, S. and Adusei, M. (2014). Promoting micro-savings through the NGO-model: the success story of Sinapi Aba Trust.International Review of Management and Business Research, 3(1): 485 – 492. 5. Appiah, S. and Adusei, M. (2014). Multinomial logistic analysis of “SUSU” contribution in Ghana. International Journal of Business Management Research, 41(1): 1117 – 1123. 6. Adusei, M. (2013). Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 7(5): 61 – 76. 7. Adusei, M. and Afrane, S. K. (2013). The impact of credit union financial intermediation on economic growth: a multi-country analysis. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(5): 71 – 78. 8. Adusei, M. (2013). Does finance promote growth in Botswana? Research in Applied Economics, 5(2): 70 – 81. 9. Adusei, M. (2013). Is inflation in South Africa a structural or monetary phenomenon? British Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 3(1): 60 – 72. 10. Adusei, M. (2013). Exploring the moderating effect of entrepreneurial activity on the finance-growth nexus in Africa. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 3(8): 990 – 1004. 11. Adusei, M. (2013). Finance-growth nexus in Africa: a panel generalized method of moments (GMM) analysis. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 3(10): 1314 – 1324. 12. Akomea, S.Y. and Adusei, M. (2013). Bank recapitalization and market concentration in Ghana’s banking industry: a Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. Global Journal of Business Research, 7(3): 31 – 45. 65 13. Frimpong, J. M. and Mensah, L. (2013). Performance of Banks in Ghana: is it Bank Specific or Inflation Driven? The Business Review, Cambridge, 21(1):ISSN 15535 – 827 www.JAABC.com 14. Oteng-Abayie, E. F. and Frimpong, J. M. Are Remittances Growth Enhancing? Evidence from Ghana. African Finance Journal, ISSN 16059786. 15. Domeher, D. Frimpong, J. M. and Mireku, K. (2014). Nature of SME Financing Gap: Some Evidence from Ghana. International Journal of Economics and Finance, ISSN1916-9728. 16. Oppong-Boakye, P. K., Appiah, K. O. and Afolabi, J. K. (2013). Determinants of Capital Structure: Evidence from Ghanaian Firms. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(4): 17. Appiah, K. O., Agyemang, F., Agyei, Y. F. R., Nketiah, S. and Mensah, B. J. (2014). Computerised Accounting Information Systems: Lessons in State-Owned Enterprise in Developing Economies. Journal of Finance and Management in Public Services, 12(1): 1 – 23. 18. Poku, K., Mireku K. and Nsiah-Asare S. (2013). An Analysis of the Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Change Management: An International Journal, 12(2): 41 – 52. 19. Adu, J. K., Tchao, E. T. and Poku, K. (2013). Integration of Tax Administration to curb import and domestic tax evasions in Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(11): 87 – 100. 20. Mireku, K., Poku K. and Nsiah-Asare, S. (2013). An Analysis of the Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Kumasi, Ghana. Change Management:An International Journal, 12(2): 41 – 52. ISSN: 2327-798X 21. Mireku, K., Sarkodie, K. and Poku, K. (2013). Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Prices in Ghana: A Vector Error Correction Model Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 3(2): 32 – 43. ISSN: 2225-8329. ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Appiah, K. O. and Chizema, A. (2013). Corporate Failure Prediction Models: A Systematic Literature Review of Methodological Issues. Conference Proceedings of British Accounting and Finance Association, April 9 – 11. 66 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: J. Ohene-Manu Senior Lecturers: J. A. Appiah-Nkrumah Eugenia Amporfu (Sr.) BA (Econ) Cape Coast, MSc (Econ), Saskatwan, PhD (Econ), Aberdeen BA (Econ) Antigonish, MA (Economic Policy & Planning) (The Hague) BA (Econ) Antigonish, MA (Econ) Victoria BC, PhD (Econ) (Burnsby, BC) (Head of Department) 67 E. F. Oteng-Abayie H. M. Yusif Grace Ofori Abebrese Lecturers: J. D. Quartey A. K. Osei-Fosu E. Buabeng D. Sakyi BA (Econ) Antigonish, MA (Econ) Kumasi BA (Soc. Science) Kumasi), MA (Comp Lit) Kumasi, MA (Econ) (Kumasi), PhD (Econ) (Bangi) BA (Econ & French) Kumasi, MA (Economics Policy Mgt) Legon BA (Economic) Diploma in Education (Cape Coast) MA (Economic) Kumasi) BA (Soc. Sciences) Kumasi, MA (Econ) Kumasi, PG Dip. (International Stydies) Bologne, PG Dip (Ed) Cape Coast, PhD (Econ) Kumasi BA (Econ & Geog) Kumasi, MA (Econ) Kumasi BA (Econ & Geog) Kumasi, MA (Economics of Int. Trade & European Integration) Belgium, PhD (Econ) Sweden CHAPTER IN BOOK 1. Quartey, J. D. (2013). Natural Resource Conservation in Ghana: An Economic Assessment of Lake Bosomtwi, In: Oku, E. E., and Asubonteng, K. O. (eds) Harnessing Land and Water Resources for Improved Food Security and Ecosystem Services in Africa. 08 – 22. (In Press) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 2. Adu, G. (2013). Determinants of Economic Growth in Ghana: Parametric and nonparametric investigations. Journal of Developing Areas, 47(2): 277 – 301. 68 3. Adu, G. (2013). Effects on growth of environmental policy in a small open economy, Environmental economics and Policy Studies, 15: 343 – 363. 4. Adu, G. Marbuah, G. and Mensah, J.T. (2013) Financial Development and Economic Growth in Ghana: Does the Measure of Financial Development Matter. Review of Development of Development Finance, 3: 192 – 203. 5. Frimpong, P. B. and Adu, G. (2014). Population health and Economic Growth in SubSaharan Africa: A Panel Cointegration Analysis. Journal of African Business, 15(1): 36 – 48. 6. Osei-Fosu, A. K and Boachie, M. K. (2013). Determinants of People’s Participation in Microfinance Services in Ghana: Evidence from Kwabre East District. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, l (2)8: 364 – 380. 7. Osei-Fosu, A.K and Osei-Fosu, A.K (2013). Empirical Investigation of the Nexus between Stock Price and Exchange Rates in Ghana. Ghanaian Journal of Economics, (1): 104 – 118. 8. Osei-Fosu, A.K., Osei-Fosu, A.K. Boachie, M.K. (2013) Comparative Analysis of Efficiency in Saving Mobilization, Credit Disbursement and Credit Retrieval of Rural Banks and Credit Unions in Ashanti Region: A Case Study of Sekyere Rural Bank Limited and St Peter’s Credit Union. ADRRI Journal, (2)2: 1 – 19. 9. Osei-Fosu, A. K., Butu, M. M. and Osei-Fosu, A. K. (2014). Does Ghanaian’s Consumption Function Follow the Permanent Income Hypothesis? The Cagan’s Adaptive Expectation Approach. ADRRI Journal, (4)4: 133 – 148. 10. Yusif, H., Yussof, I. and Osman, Z. (2013). Public University Entry in Ghana: Is it Equitable? International Review of Education, 59: 7 – 27. 11. Yusif, H. M. and Ali, B. (2013). Academic Performance of less Endowed High School Students in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(2): 104 – 117. 12. Amporfu, E. (2014). Testing for Moral Hazard in Caesarean Section in the Ghanaian National Health Insurance Scheme; An Approach using Matching Estimation. African Journal of Health Economics, 2(1): 13. Amporfu, E. (2014). A Theoretical Analysis of How User Fee on Healthcare can waste Economic Resources. Health, 6: 128 – 136. 14. Amporfu, E. (2013). Effect of Regulated User Fee on Quality of Healthcare for the Poor and the Non-Poor, International Review of Economics, 60(4): 357 – 373. 15. Amporfu, E. (2013). Equity of the premium of the Ghanaian National Health Insurance Scheme and the Implications for Achieving Universal Coverage. International Journal of Equity in Health, 12(4): 16. Amporfu, E., Nonvignon, J. and Ampadu, S. (2013). Effect of Institutional Factors on Quality of Care in Ghanaian Health Sector. Journal of African Development, 15(1): 69 17. Quartey, J. D. (2013). Engineering Education as a tool for Human Welfare Improvement in Africa: A Multidimensional Model Analysis. International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability, 1(4): 23 – 30. 18. Quartey, J. D. and Yarney, N. G. (2013). Ghana’s Elmina Beach and Economic Welfare Improvement. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development,4(13): 89 – 96. 19. Quartey, J. D. (2013). An Economic Assessment of the Deforestation of Ghana’s Garden City of West Africa. In Simpson, R., and Zimmermann, M. (Eds.). The Economy of Green Cities: World Compendium on the Green Urban Economy, Springer Netherlands: Local Sustainability, 3: 351 – 362. 20. Sakyi, D. (2013).On the Implications of Trade Openness, Foreign Aid and Democracy for Wagner’s Law in Developing Countries: Panel Data Evidence from West African Monetary Zone. The Journal of Developing Areas, 47(2): 319 – 339. 21. Ofori-Abebrese, G. and Kamansa K. (2013). Do financial sector reforms promote private investment? The case of Ghana. International Journal of Research in commerce, economics and Management, 3(9): DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: Fredericka a. Dadson (Mrs.) BA (UG), MA (Alberta), PhD (Wiscosin-Milwaukee) Lecturers: K. O. O. Armah BA (UG), MA (Kumasi) 70 Philomena Ama Okyeso Abakah P. P. Adolinama Esther S. Afreh J. P. Kuutiero F. E. Kofigah J. Aning P. Arthur Zenia Ossei E. Y. Akpakli Patricia Aidoo Henrietta Mary Eyison K. O. Amankwa Confidence Gbolo Sanka BA (Cape Coast), MA (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) BA (Cape Coast), MA (Kumasi) BA (Cape Coast), MPhil (Cape Coast), MA (Brighton), PhD (UG)(Head of Department) BA (UG), MPhil (UG) BA (Kumasi), MA (Kumasi) B.Ed. (Winneba), MA (Kumasi), PhD (UG) BA (Cape Coast), MA (Kumasi) BA (UG), MA (Kumasi) BA (Cape Coast), MA (Kumasi) Bed (Winneba), MPhil (Winneba) BA (Kumasi), MPhil (UG) BA (UG), PG Dip (UG), MA (UG), PhD (Reading) BA (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Sanka, C. G., Eyison, H. M. and Darteh, P. A. (2014). The Importance of Oral Tradition in Ngugi Wa Thiongo’s Writings: A Critical Analysis of The River Between and Petals of Blood. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1): 6 – 14. 2. Sanka, C. G., Anin, F. and Addei, C. (2013). Ama Ata Aidoo and the Akan Culture: A Critique of The Dilemma of a Ghost and Anowa. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2(9): 89 – 95. 3. Sanka, C. G., Anin, F. and Addei, C. (2013). Comedy as a Way of Correcting the Ills of Society: A Critical Reading of Wole Soyinka’s The Trials of Brother Jero and Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2(9): 20 – 26. 4. Abakah, P., Marfo, C. and Bonku, L. (2014). An angle of seeing: Pornography and profanity as pharmakon in Darko’s Beyond the Horizon and the Housemaid. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 5(2): 45 – 56.http://www.journals.aiac.org.au/index.php/alls/article/view/318/272 DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: +Prof. Dr. Dr. D. Buor BA, MPhil, PhD (Ghana), PhD Maastricht; Cert. (HSRP UTRECHT), Cert. EPHR (Maastricht), Professor–Medical Geography, Population Geography, Climatology Senior Lecturer: 71 Eva D. Tagoe-Darko (Mrs.) Lecturers: A. Y. Segbefia K. Afriyie F. Asante J. Koomson K. Abass C. M. Mensah (Mrs.) D. Odame Appiah L. Pokuah-Nimo (Ms) D. Aboagye E. K. Garsonu P. Osei-Wusu Adjei S. Agyemang G. Eshun Assistant Lecturers: F. Frempong D. Forkuor J. Y. Yeboah BA (Ed) (Cape Coast), MPhil (Ghana), PhD (Brown) BA (Geog. with Archerology) (Ghana) MPhil, (Geog. and Res. Dev’t)(Ghana), PhD (Ghana) (Head of Department) BA (Geog. & Soc.) (Kumasi), MPhil (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana) BA (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana), MA (Dev’t Stud.) (I.S.S. Hague), MPhil (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana) BA (Econs. & Geog.) (Kumasi) MSc (Dev’t Policy & Planning) (Kumasi) BA (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana), MPhil (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana) BA (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana), MPhil (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana), PhD (Ghana/Norway) BA (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana), MPhil (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana), MSc (Env. Eng. & Sust. Inf.) (KTH, Sweden) BA (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana) MPhil (Geog. & Res) (Ghana), PCert (Hospitality Mgt.) (Singapore) BA (Geog. & Res. Dev’t) (Ghana), MA (Dev’t Studies) (Denmark), PhD (Oklahoma) BA (Cartography) (Russia), MSc (Cartography) (Russia) BA (Geog. & History) (Kumasi), PhD (Geography & Rural Dev’t) (Kumasi) BA (Geog. & Sociology) (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) BSc (Agric. Sci.) (Kumasi), MBA (Marketing) (Leicester,UK),PhD (Leicester, UK) BSc. (Tourism) (Cape Coast), MPhil (Tourism) (Cape Coast) BA (Econs. & Geog.) (Kumasi) PhD (Geog. & Rural Dev’t) (Kumasi) BA (Geog. & History) (Kumasi), MPhil (Geog. & Rural Dev’t) (Kumasi). +on Sabbatical leave ARTICLES PUBLISH IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Boateng, M., Appiah, D. O. and Afriyie, K. (2014). Socio-Environmental Response to Solid Waste Management in Urban Areas; the Case of Atonsu Suburban in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana: Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 15(1): 48 – 65. 2. Forkuor, D., Kyei, P. O. Adjei, P.O.W. (2013). Enhancing land administration in Ghana through the Decentralized local Government System. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2(2): 1127 – 1141. 72 3. Adjei, P. O. W., Forkuor, D. and Frempong, F. (2013). Improving Healthcare Utilization for Low Income Rural Househods: Impact of Social Insurance Policy. Journal of Poverty Alleviation and International Development, 4(2): 119 – 140. 4. Adu-Gyamfi, S., Adjei, P. O. W. and Owusu-Ansah, D. (2013). Preventive Healthcare Strategies and Impact among the Asante People of the Early Twentieth Century Gold Coast: A Historical Narrative and Lessons for the Present Sanitation Challenge in Kumasi. Journal of Studies in Social Sciences, 5(2): 214 – 238. 5. Frempong, F., Adjei, P. O. W. and Iddrisu, A. (2013): Exploring Recreational Activities of the Aged in Jachie in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, 3(6): 62 – 80. 6. Adjei, P.O.W., Segbefia, A.Y. and Kyei, P.O. (2014): Re-conceptualising Poverty for Optimising Poverty Reduction: The Basic Means Approach. GIMPA Journal of Leadership, Management and Administration, 8(1): 127-149. 7. Forkuor, D., Kyei, P.K. and Forkuor, J.B. (2013). Land Use Changes and Its Effects on the Provision of Social Facilities to |Residents of the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management, 6(3): 324 – 332. 8. Eshun, G. and Tagoe-Darko, E. (2014). Ecotourism Development in Ghana: A Postcolonial Analysis.: The Special issue on Tourism and Hospitality Development in African Economies by Taylor and Francis. Development of Southern Africa. 9. Eshun, G. and Tettey, C. (2014) Agrotourism Development in Ghana: A Study of its Prospects and Challenges at Adjeikrom Cocoa Tour Facility. Bulletin of Geography. 10. Tagoe-Darko, E. and Eshun, G. (2013). Indigenous Health Practices for Infant and Child Health in Ghana. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 3(10): 108-115. 11. Aboagye, D, Frempong, F. and Eshun, G. (2013). The Cultural and Political Ecology of Rural Tourism Development. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 4(3): 163 – 170. 12. Adow, A. K., Bour, D., Eshun, G., Tagoe-Darko, E. and Kyei, P. O. (2013). The Freedoms Platform Geography and in Rural Development-Emerging Practical Applications in Poverty Reduction through Boreholes Provision in the Atebubu and the Afram Plains Districts of Ghana. Journal of Social Sciences Research, 2(1):1 – 15. 13. Adow, A. K., Bour, D., Eshun, G., Tagoe-Darko, E. and Kyei, P. O. (2013). Long-term Poverty Reduction through Boreholes Provision in Rural Communities-The Quality Education Platform: Practical Insights from the Atebubu and Afram Plains Districts of Ghana. Journal of Social Sciences Research, 2(1): 16 – 26. 14. Adjei, P. O., Segbefia, A.Y., and Kyei, P.O. (2014): Reconceptualising Poverty for Optimising Poverty Reduction: The Basic Means Approach. GIMPA Journal of Leadership, Management and Administration, 8(1): 127 – 149. 15. Appiah, D. O. and Abass, K. (2014). Water Supply and Mining; the Policy Paradox in Ghana. Water Policy, http://www.iwaponline.com/wp.up/pdf/wp2014026.pdf. 73 16. Appiah, D. O., Osman, B. and Boafo, J. (2014). Land Use and Misuse; Human Appropriation of Land Ecosystems Services in Ghana. International Journal of Ecosystem 2014, 4 (1): 24 – 33. 17. Appiah, D. O. and Buaben, J. N. (2013). Is Gold Mining a bane or a blessing in SubSaharan Africa: The case of Ghana. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, (3): 1033 – 1048. online ISSN: 2168-8662 – www.isdsnet.com/ijds. 1Available at http//isdsnet.com/ijds-v1n3.pdf. 18. Ganle, J., Afriyie, K. and Segbefia, A.Y. (2014). Microcredit, Empowerment and Disempowerment of Rural Women in Ghana (Forthcoming). 22. Danquah, L., Awuah, E., Mensah, C. M. and Agyemang, S. (2014). Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in Relation to Childhood Diarrhoea Prevalence: The Case of Households with Children under-Five Years in Ghana. Science Journal of Public Health, 2(2): 119 – 125. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Eshun, G. and Page, S. (2013). Revisiting Ecotourism in Africa: A Case Study of BoabengFiema Monkey Sanctuary and Kakum National Park, in Ghana. A Paper presented at the 2nd World Tourism and Hospitality Research, Rosen College, University of Central Florida, USA. December 15 – 17. 2. Eshun, G. (2013). Building Bridges in Tourism and Hospitality Research in Africa: A Postcolonial Methodological Contribution. A Paper presented at the 2nd World Tourism and Hospitality Research, Rosen College, University of Central Florida, USA. December. 15 – 17. 3. Agyemang, S., Buor, D. and Tagoe-Darko, E. (2013). Knowledge of HIV/AIDS among young people: implications for vulnerability and protection. Poster presentation at the 3rd National HIV and AIDS Research Conference. Accra. September 10 – 13. DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND DECISION SCIENCES ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: 74 J. Annan BSc. (Hons), Kumasi, MA (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) (Head of Department) D. Asamoah BSc. (Kumasi), MBA (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) Lecturers: K. A. Boateng BA. (HONS), MSc. (UK), PhD (UK) K. O. Kwateng BA. (Kumasi), MSc. (ICT STUDIES), MBA (Banking & Finance) A. S. Muntaka BA. (Kumasi), MSc (USA), MPA (USA) E. Quansah BSc. (Kumasi), MSc (Spain, Italy, Sweden) J. M. Frimpong BED. (UEW), MBA (Kumasi) BOOKS PUBLISHED 1. Annan, J. (2014). Operations Management for MBA Students. Kumasi. Hammacus Books and Stationery. ISBN: 978-9988-1-8011-9 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFERRED JOURNALS 1. Boateng, K. and Owusu, O. (2013). Mobile Number Portability in the Telecommunication Industry: towards the switching behavior of subscribers in a Ghanaian city. Communications of the International Information Management Association, 13(4): 75 – 90. 2. Boateng, K. A. (2013). Control in ICT-driven interaction: reflections on symbolic interactionism. International Journal for E-Learning Security, 3(3/4). 3. Owusu Kwateng, K., Frimpong, J. M. and Osei-Mensah, R. (2014). Outbound Logistics Management in Manufacturing Companies in Ghana. Review of Business and Finance Studies, 5(1): 83-92. 4. Owusu Kwateng, K., Obiri-Yeboah, K. and Nyamekye Sarpong, F. (2013). Emerging trends of Electronic Banking in Ghana. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 3(6): 47-54. 5. Frimpong J. M., Annan J., Sowonu S. A. (2014). Assessment of Logistics Management in Ghana Health Service. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(8): 75 86. 75 6. Gyamfi, M., Amponsah, S. K., Annan, J. and Otchere F. A. (2013). Sequential Ordering of Routes for Trucks for Efficient Garbage Collection. American Based Research Journal, 2(9): 22 – 30. 7. Ofosu, M. K., Amponsah, S. K., Annan, J. and Otchere, F. A. (2013). An application of KSet Inequalities in Integer Programming, a Case Study of a Company Based in Accra. American Based Research Journal, 2(8): 74 – 80. 8. Darquah, N. F., Annan J. and Gyamfi, K. B. (2013). Shortest Path Algorithm for Transport Networks, Case Study: Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly. American Based Research Journal, 2(8): 74 – 80. 9. Mahama, F., Annan J., Amponsah, S. K. and Sebil, C. (2013). Study of Vehicular Traffic Congestion in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(7): 137 – 149. 10. Perkins Ed-Zilla, D. and Annan, J. (2013). Factors affecting the Adoption of Online Banking in Ghana; Implications for Managers. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(6): 94 – 108. 11. Addor, J. A., Amponsah, S. K., Annan J. and Sebil, C. (2013). School Bus Routing: A case study of Wood Bridge School Complex, Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(12): 26 – 36. 12. Boahen, O., Quansah, E. K. and Sarpong, O. K. (2013). Assessing the Benefits of Yield Management in the Hospitality Industry in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(9): 17-25. 13. Otchere, F. A., Annan, J. and Quansah, E. (2013). Assessing the Challenges and Implementation of Supply Chain Integration in the Cocoa Industry: A factor of Cocoa Farmers in Ashanti Region of Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(5): 112-123. 14. Mensah, J., Asamoah, D., and Tawiah, A. A. (2013). Optimizing Patient Flow and Resource Utilization in Out-Patient Clinic. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 16(3): 181-188. 15. Frimpong, J. M., Annan, J. and Sowonu, S. A. (2014). Assessment of Logistics Management in Ghana Health Service. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(8): 75 – 86. 16. Asamoah, D., Inkum, J.A. and Frimpong, J. M. (2014). The Effect of Automated Services on Customer Satisfaction in Ghana. International Journal of Sales and Marketing Management Research and Development, 4(1): 9 – 22. 17. Kwateng, K. O., Frimpong, J. M. and Osei-Mensah, R. (2014). Outbound Logistics Management in Manufacturing Companies in Ghana. Review of Business and Finance Studies, 5(1): 83 – 92. 18. Asamoah, D., Inkum, J.A. and Frimpong, J. M., Osei-Mensah R. (2014). Outbound Logistics Management in Manufacturing Companies in Ghana. Review of Business and Finanace Studies (RBFS), 5(1):83-92. 76 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Boateng, K. A. (2013). Specialists without Spirit and Sensualists without Heart? On the Philophical Reconstruction of Control in ICT-Driven interaction. In: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2013). University of Toronto, Hart house, Toronto, Canada. June, 24th– 26th, 2013. 2. Boateng, K. A. (2014). Leveraging the University’s Brand at Faculty Level: The KNUST Experience. Higher Education Faculty Marketing & Innovation Conference. In: FNB Conference Centre, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa. May 21st– 22nd, 2014. 3. Boateng, K. A. and Akaba, M. (2014). Computerising the Voting Process: On the Difficulties and Benefits of Biometric Verification Elections. In: 2014 3rd International Conference on Software and Computer Applications. London, UK. June 2nd– 3rd, 2014. 4. Muntaka, A. S., Tsortome F. and Frimpong J. M. (2014). Evaluating the Petroleum Downstream Supply Chain Management Practices in the Oil and Gas Industry in Ghana. In: Southwest Decision Sciences (SWDSI) Conference, Dallas, Texas, USA. March 13 – 15. p. 1341-1349. DEPARTMENT OF INTEGRATED RURAL ART AND INDUSTRY ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: Mrs. Vesta E. Adu-Gyamfi MFA RIT (Rochester) NY, USA, BA (Art), UST Kumasi, 77 J. O. B. Boahin PhD (Art Ed) KNUST, Kumasi MPhil (Art Ed) Kumasi, P/G Dip. (Art Ed), BA (Art) R. Steiner PhD (Art Ed) KNUST, Kumasi, MA (Art Ed.) KNUST, Kumasi, BA (Art), UST, Dip. (Rural Art and Industry) UST, Kumasi (Head of Department) Lecturers: A. E. Asmah PhD (African Art and Culture) MPhil (Art Ed) Kumasi, BA (Art) P/G Dip (Art Ed.), Dip. (Rural Art and Industry) Kumasi H. A. Quaye MA (Art Ed) KNUST, PG Dip (Art Ed.) Kumasi, BA (Art), Metals, KNUST, Kumasi F. A. Clement MA (Product Design) Norway, MA (Art Ed) Kumasi, BA (Publishing Studies) KNUST, Kumasi K. K. Agyeman Mphil/PhD (Art Ed.), BA (IRAI) KNUST, Kumasi K. Asubonteng Mphil/PhD (Art Ed.), Kumasi, Technology), U.K., BA (IRAI) Kumasi Vincentia Okpattah Mphil/PhD (Art Ed.), KNUST, BA (IRAI), Kumasi LSC (Leather Assistant Lecturers: E. Padditey MA (Product Design) Norway, BA (IRAI)Kumasi Technical Insructor E. Tabi-Agyei Mphil (Art Ed) KNUST, BA Art (Sculpture) Kumasi, Dip. (Rural Art and Industry) UST, Kumasi ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Steiner, R. (2013). Innovative Steamer for Plasticizing Rattan. International Journal of Science & Technology, 2(9). ISSN 2049-7318 2. Steiner R. (2013).Fashioned for Fashion, the Dynamic Culture of Bamboo in Ghana. Journal of Art and Design, 11. ISSN 2225- 059X (online). 3. Steiner, R. (2013).DIRAI Sulfur Fumigation Facility for Small Scale Rattan Craftsmen in Ghana. Journal of Art and Design, 10. ISSN 2225- 059X (online). 78 4. Steiner, R. (2013). Bamboo, Hope for the Wood Industry in Ghana. Journal of Natural Science Research, 3(12). ISSN 2225-0921 (online) 5. Steiner, R. (2013). BambusaBambos, a Material for Floor Board.International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. 2(6). ISSN 2278-0211 (online). 6. Asmah, A. E. (2013). Enhancing the Value of Indigenous Pottery Products with Surface Decoration Methods & Macramé. The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, Arts and Design Studies, 8. ISSN2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN2225-059X (Online). 7. Asmah, A. E. (2013). Sirigu Symbols:A Metaphoric Element for Batik Prints. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education Arts and Design Studies, 12. ISSN22246061 (Paper) ISSN2225-059X (Online) 8. Asmah, A. E., (2013). Sirigu Symbols: Traditional Communicative Images for Fashion Designed prints. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2. ISSN: 2278-0211 (Online) 9. Asmah, A. E. (2013). Integrating traditional textile metaphors with contemporary design concepts. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2. ISSN: 22780211 (Online) 10. Asmah, A. E. (2013). Art in Funeral Ceremonies, an Indigenous Cultural Identity of Asantes. International Journal of humanities and social science, 3(16). 11. Asmah, A. E. (2013). The Adaptation of Traditional Symbols into Bridal Wear International Institute for Science, Technology and Education Arts and Design Studies, ISSN (paper) 2224-610X ISSN (Online) 2225-0603. 12. Boahin, J. O. B.(2013).Sanative Measures Against Offensive Odour That Affect Indigenous Tanned Leathers In Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1): 68 – 74. ISSN 0855-0395. 13. Boahin, J. O. B. (2013). Controlling Fungus Attack on Indigenous Ghanaian Vegetable Tanned Leathers. Journal of Design Arts and Design Studies, 14. ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online) 14. Boahin, J. O. B. (2013). Production of Water Filters: Using Infensi Clay as the Base Material.International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2(3): 830 – 854. ISSN: 2278-0211 (Online) 15. Boahin, J. O. B. (2013).The Architecture of Ceramic Vessel.International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2(3): 554 – 570. ISSN: 2278-0211 (Online) 16. Boahin, J. O. B. (2013).The Craft Industry, Oral Literature and Language in the Development of Tourism in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges. Journal of Arts and Design Studies, 14. ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online) 17. Boahin, J. O. B. (2013). Amulets, a Cultural Presumption in Ghana.International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2 (1): 358 – 368. ISSN: 2278-0211 (Online) 18. Adu-Gyamfi, V. E. (2013). Production of Water Filters: Using Infensi Clay as the Base Material. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2(3): 830 – 854. ISSN: 2278-0211 (Online) 79 19. Adu-Gyamfi, V. E. (2013). Sanative Measures Against Offensive Odour That Affect Indigenous Tanned Leathers In Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1): 68 – 74. ISSN 0855-0395. 20. Adu-Gyamfi, V. E. (2013). The Architecture of Ceramic Vessel. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2(3): 554 – 570. ISSN: 2278-0211 (Online). 21. Adu-Gyamfi, V. E. (2013). The Craft Industry, Oral Literature and Language in the Development of Tourism in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges. Journal of Arts and Design Studies, 14. ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper), ISSN 2225-059X (Online). 22. Asubonteng, K. (2013). Sanative Measures Against Offensive Odour that Affect Indigenous Tanned Leathers In Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1): 68 – 74. ISSN 0855-0395 23. Asubonteng, K. (2013). Controlling Fungus Attack on Indigenous Ghanaian Vegetable Tanned Leathers. Journal of Design Arts and Design Studies, 14. ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online). 24. Padditey, E. (2013). Production of Water Filters: Using Infensi Clay as the Base Material. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2(3): 830 – 854. ISSN: 2278-0211(Online) 25. Padditey, E. (2013). The Architecture of Ceramic Vessel. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2(3): 554 – 570. ISSN: 2278-0211 (Online). 26. Okpattah, V. (2013). Sirigu Symbols: A Metaphoric Element for Batik Prints. International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) Arts and Design Studies, 12. ISSN2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN2225-059X (Online) 27. Okpattah, V. (2013). Sirigu Symbols: Traditional Communicative Images for Fashion Designed prints. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2. ISSN: 2278-0211 (Online) CONFERENCE PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS 1. Boahin, J. O. B. (2013). Exploring Leather as Alternative Material for Sustaining the Economic Significance of Mask Production in Ghana. 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA). College of Science Auditorium, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. August 1 – 3. 2. Boahin, J. O. B. (2013). Sanative Measures against Offensive Odour in Ghanaian Indigenous Tanned Leathers. 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA). 1st-3rd August 2013. College of Science Auditorium, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. 3. Adu-Gyamfi V. E., (2013). Exploring Leather as Alternative Material for Sustaining the Economic Significance of Mask Production in Ghana. 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA). 1st-3rd August 2013. College of Science Auditorium, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. 4. Adu-Gyamfi V. E. (2013). Sanative Measures against Offensive Odour in Ghanaian Indigenous Tanned Leathers. 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA). 1st-3rd August 2013. College of Science Auditorium, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. 80 5. Asubonteng K., (2013). Sanative Measures against Offensive Odour in GhanaianIndigenous Tanned Leathers. 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA). 1st-3rd August 2013. College of Science Auditorium, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. 6. Asubonteng K., (2013). Exploring Leather as Alternative Material for Sustaining the Economic Significance of Mask Production in Ghana. 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA). 1st-3rd August 2013. College of Science Auditorium, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: A. B. Crab BA (Economics) Kumasi, MSc (Accounting) Kumasi Lecturers: Aba Kofi (Mrs.) BSc. (Management), MBA (HRM) Kumasi 81 BOOK CHAPTER Ellis, F., Nyuur, R. B. and Debrah, Y. A. (2014). HRM in Africa. In: Horwitz, F. and Budhwar, P. (ed). Handbook of Human Resources in Emerging Markets. Edward Elgar Publications (forthcoming). ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Coffie R.B., and Turkson, J. K. (2014). An assessment of the effects of individuality on organizational culture in selected institutions in Ghana. Journal of American Academy of Business, 19 (2): 330 – 335. 2. Turkson, J. K., and Coffie, R. B. (2013). The decision-making dimension of the systems approach to management. Journal of American Academy of Business, 2(1): 123 – 129. DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING AND COPORATE STRATEGY ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: A. B. Crab BA (Economics) Kumasi, MSc (Accounting) Kumasi Lecturers: Aba Kofi (Mrs.) BSc. (Management), MBA (HRM) Kumasi 82 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Poku, K. and Frimpong, F. F. (2014). Exploring the Factors that Influence Students’ Choice of Higher Education in Ghana. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5(9) 2. Poku, K. and Owusu Ansah, M. (2013). Investigation into Consumer Response to Sales Promotional Activities: The Case of Unilever Ghana Limited. International Review of Management and Marketing, 3(4): 134 – 145. ISSN: 2146-4405 3. Poku, K., and Zakari. M. (2013). Impact of Textile Imports on the Competitiveness of the Textile Industry in Ghana. The Business Review, (Accepted) 4. Poku, K; Zakari, M. and Ajara Soali. 2013. Impact of Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in the Hotel Industry: An Empirical Study from Ghana. International Review of Management & Business Research, 2(2 part 3): 600 – 609. 5. Takyi. H., Poku, K. and Anin, K. E. (2013).An Assessment of Traffic Congestion and Its Effect on Productivity in Urban Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(3). ISSN 2219-1933 (Print)2219-6021 (Online) 6. Amoateng, F. and Poku, K. (2013). The Impact of Advertisement on Alcohol Consumption: A Case Study of Consumers in Bantama Sub-Metro. International Review of Management and Marketing, 3(1). ISSN 2146-4405 7. Takyi, H., Poku, K. and Anin, E. K. (2013). Logistics Inefficiencies of Urban Transportation System in Ghana. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 3(6).ISSN 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online) 8. Nimoh, F., Poku, K., Ohene Yankyera, K., Konradsen, F. and Abaidoo, R. C. (2013). An Exploratory Study on Regulatory Policies Governing Private Sector Participation in the Peri-urban Sanitation Market in Ghana. Society for Business and Management Dynamics, 3(2): 01 – 06. ISSN 2047-7031 (Print) DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: #Prof. A. Owusu-Sarpong Associate Professor: #Prof. K. Opoku Agyeman PhD, MA (Strasbourg), BA, (Legon). PhD (Bordeaux), MA (London), Diplôme Supérieur d’Etudes Françaises (Dakar), BA, (Ghana) Senior Lecturer: 83 C. Ofosu Marfo Lecturers: Lebene Adzo Tettey (Mrs.) #Albert Y.A. Yegblemenawo E. K. Adu Manyah # J. Nsiah D. Pimpong E. Oteng-Preko M. D. Nartey Solace Yankson G. Appiah PhD (HongKong), MPhil (Tromso), BA (Legon). PhD, MPhil, (Besançon), BA (Kumasi). PhD (Besançon), M.Ed, (Paris), MPhil (Besançon), BA, DipEd (Cape Coast). PhD (Strasbourg), MA (Strasbourg), BA (Kumasi), Diplôme d’Université Etudes Politiques, (Strasbourg), CAEFE, (Montpellier), Certificat des Hautes Etudes Européennes (Strasbourg). Certificat Supérieur, FLE (Bordeaux), MA (Kumasi), BA (Hons) Dip.Ed. (Cape Coast). MA (Besançon), BA (Kumasi), Dip (French) MA, BA, (Kumasi), Dip French (Cape Coast) MPhil (Cape Coast), Master II (Caen), BA (Cape Coast)(Head of Department) MPhil (Trondheim), BA (Legon) MPhil, B.Ed. (Winneba) Assistant Lecturers: E. Antwi Fordjour I. A. Forson MPhil, BA (Legon), BA (Communication Studies) (Accra) MPhil, BA (Legon). B. Ampong MPhil, BA (Kumasi) Juliet Oppong-Asare MPhil, B.Ed (Cape Coast) Stella Afi Makafui Yegblemenawo MPhil, BA (Kumasi) #On contract ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Abakah, P., Marfo,C. and Bonku, L. (2014). An angle of seeing: Pornography and profanity as pharmakon in Darko’s Beyond the Horizon and The Housemaid, Advances in Language and Literary Studies 5 (2): 45-56. http://www.journals.aiac.org.au/index.php/alls/article/view/318/272 2. Osam, E. K.,Marfo,C. and Agyekum,K.(2013). The morphophonology of the Akan reduplicated word-form, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 9 (2): 45-56. http://www.jlls.org/vol9no2/45-56.pdf 3. Marfo, C. (2013). Optimizing structure: The case of the 'CrV' syllable in Akan. Ghana Journal of Linguistics 2.1: 63-78.http://www.ajol.info/index.php/gjl/article/view/90785 84 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 1. Adu Manyah, K. (2014). ATR Vowel Harmony and Vowel Quality: Are They Related? 45th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 45), University of Kansas, USA, April 16-19, 2014. 2. Oppong-Asare, J. and Asubonteng, E. (2014). Akan Lexicon for Health Information Translation: The Translator’s Ally UCC, Faculty of Arts Colloquium, 24-26 March, 2014. 3. Abakah, P., CharlesMarfo, C. and Bonku, L. (2013). Angle of Seeing: Pornography and Profanity as Pharmakon in Amma Darko's 'Beyond the Horizon' and 'the Housemaid'. 6th Linguistics Association of Ghana Conference (LAG 2013), University of Cape Coast, July 28-31, 2013. 4. Appiah, G. andMarfo, C. (2013). Semantically Incorrect: An Overview of Some Selected Expressions in Akan. 6th Linguistics Association of Ghana Conference (LAG2013), University of Cape Coast, July 28-31, 2013. 5. Oteng-Preko, E. and Nartey, M. (2013). Ethnopoetics and Structural anthropology, a critical look at Obooba J. A. Adofo’s narrative, 6th Linguistics Association of Ghana Conference (LAG 2013). 6. Nartey, M. (2013). Perspectives in Akan and Chinese Cultures, 6th Linguistics Association of Ghana Conference (LAG 2013). 7. Oteng-Preko, E and Barfuor Okyere, R. (2013). Importance of the implementation of a language policy for national development in Ghana, 6th Linguistics Association of Ghana Conference (LAG 2013). 8. Oppong-Asare, J. (2013). The Tripartite Nature of Man’s Existence: The Akan Worldview Legon International Conference on African Studies (Revisiting the First International Congress of Africanists in a Globalised World). University of Ghana, Legon, 24th – 26th October, 2013. 9. Oppong-Asare, J. and Musa, A. (2013). ‘Do They Really Like It on Facebook’: A Semantic Analysis of Facebook Comments.6th Linguistics Association of Ghana Conference (LAG 2013), University of Cape Coast, July 28-31, 2013. DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: E. Asante (Most Rev.) Senior Lecturers: N. I. Samwini (Very Rev.) A. O. Atiemo B. Th., (Civil) (Ottawa), B. Th. Ecclesiastical (St. Paul), MA (Theology) (Ottawa), PhD (Ottawa/St. Paul) Dip. (Theology) Legon, MA, PhD (Islamic Studies) (Birmingham) Dip. (Theology) Legon, BA (Legon), PG.Dip (The Hague), MPhil (Legon), PhD (Amsterdam) 85 J. E. T. Kuwornu-Adjaottor (Rev) K. Effa Ababio (Rev.) P. Addai-Mensah (Rev. Fr.) P. K. Boafo (Very Rev) J. Opoku Agyemang (Rev. Msgr.) Lecturers: K.Opuni- Frimpong (Rev) S. Asiedu-Amoako (Rev.) F. Appiah-Kubi (Very Rev) M. S. Zakaria (Sheikh) V. S. Gegzi E. K. E. Antwi (Rev. Fr) Y. Dumbe Assistant Lecturers: F. Wiafe (Rev) J. K. Opoku (Rev. Fr.) Dip (Music) (Winneba), Dip (Theology), BD, M.Th (New Testament Studies) (Trinity) (Legon) (Head of Department) BA (Legon), MPhil (Aberdeen), PhD (Edinburgh) Dip (Theology) (Legon) Licentiate in Sacred Theology (Boston), M. Ed (Boston), PhD (Sacred Theology) (Boston) Dip (Theology), BA (Religions and Philosophy) (Legon), PhD (Queen’s University, UK) M. Div. (Houston), D. Min (St. Paul) (Minnesota, USA) BA (Rel. Studies) (Legon), M.Th (Christian Education) (Richmond), PhD (African Christianity) Akropong Akuapem, Ghana) BA, Dip. (Education), (Cape Coast, Ghana), BD, M.Th (Systematic Theology) (Trinity, Legon) BA. (Theology), Masters Pastoral Theology, Dip (Education), PhD (Theology) (France), PhD (Theology) (Belgium) Cert. (Arabic) (Cairo, Egypt), Dip (Religious Studies), BA (Arabic and Philosophy), MPhil (African Studies, Antropology) Dip (Theology), BA (Religious Studies), (Legon), MA (Intercultural Theology) (Nijmegen), PhD (Development Studies), (The Hague) BA (Sociology and Religions) (Legon), PG.Dip. (Education) (Cape Coast) Licentiate in Biblical Theology (Rome), PhD, (Old Testament Literature and Exegesis) (Germany) Dip. (Religion), BA (Pschology and Relions), MPhil (Religion), PhD (Study of Religions), (all from Univ of Ghana, Legon) Dip (Theology) (Legon) BD, M.Th (Old Testament Studies) (Trinity) (Legon) Cert. (Theological Sciences (Pedu, Ghana), BA (Legon), MA (Intercultural Theology) (Nijimegen), Master of Bioethics (Leuven) PUBLISHED BOOKS 86 1. Addai-Mensah, P. and Poku, J. K. (2013). Chaplain’sDesk: A Weekly Reflection. Vol. II. Accra: Great Impressions. 91 p. 2. Opoku, J.and Addai-Mensah, P. (2013). Bioethics in the Theological Context: Beginning and the End of Life Issues, Vol. I. Kumasi: Legacy Prints. ISBN: 4356958137442, 249 p. 3. Addai-Mensah, P. and Opoku, J. K. (2014). The Word of God: A Lamp to Our Feet. Vol. 2. Kumasi: University Press. 155 p. 4. Antwi, E. K. E. (2013). The Book of Jonah in the Context of Post-Exilic Theology of Israel: An Exegetical Study. St. Ottilien: Eos Verlag Erzabtei. 330 p. 5. Dumbe, Y. (2013). Islamic Revivalism in Contemporary Ghana. Huddinge: S dert rn University. 168 p. 6. Boafo. P. K. (2014). John Wesley’s Theology and Public Life: His Socio-Politcal Thought in the Ghanaian Context. Accra: Asempa Publishers, ISBN 9964-78-433-3. 350 p. 7. Asante, E. (2014). Soteriology: A Discourse on Salvation. Accra: Pinpoint Media. ISBN: 978-9988-1-6804-9, 120 p. CHAPTER(S) IN BOOKS 1. Samwini, N. I. (2013), African concepts of God in both Christianity and Islam, In Kalengyo, Edison M., God of Life. Nairobi: All Africa Conference of Churches. p45 – 62. 2. Boafo, P. K. (2013). Wesleyan Camp Meeting History and Revitalization of Ghanaian Methodism, In: Communities of Faith in Africa and the African Diaspora. Eugene, Oregon: PICKWICK Publications, ISBN 13:1-62032-959-7. p16 – 28. 3. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). Study Notes on Philippians. In: Ecumenical Study Bible. A publication of the Bible Society of Ghana (Forthcoming). 4. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). Study Notes on 1 John. In: Ecumenical Study Bible. A publication of the Bible Society of Ghana (Forthcoming). 5. Wiafe, F. (2014). Study Notes on Amos. In: Ecumenical Study Bible. A publication of the Bible Society of Ghana (Forthcoming). 6. Atiemo, A. O. (2014). Fighting for the rights of the gods: Tradition, Religious Human Rights and the Modern Nation State in Africa – a Ghanaian Case Study. In: C.N. Omenyo & E.B. Anum, Trajectories of Religion in Africa. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. p.233 – 247. 7. Appiah-Kubi, F. (2014). The Gospel and Culture: Paradoxes and Challenges. A Critical Re-reading of the Theology of Inculturation. In Shaji George Kochuthura (Ed.) Keynote and Plenary Papers of the DVK International Conference on Vatican II, Bangalore, Dharmaram Publications. January 31–February 3. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 87 1. Samwini, N. I. (2014). I am because we are: A precondition to peace in Religious and Political Pluralistic West African country. All Nations University Journal of Applied Thought, 3(1): 43 – 61. 2. Samwini, N. I. (2014). Religious toleration as a key factor for social stability I plural Ghana. Journal of Developing Country Studies. ISBN 2224-607X (Forthcoming). 3. Samwini, N. I. (2014). Contextualising Theological Studies to meet the challenge of Christian-Muslim encounters in a religiously plural West Africa. Journal of the West African Association of Theological Institutions, Special Anniversary Issue. 8(1). (Forthcoming). 4. Samwini, N. I. (2014). The historical roots for the disunity of the Church in Africa. PentVars Business Journal (Forthcoming). 5. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2013). God and the Suffering of His People. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1): 114 – 120. 6. Blasu, E. Y. & Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2013). Challenges with Building Christian Academy in the 21st Century Africa: Dilemma of Promoting Discipline Character in Christian Tertiary Institutions in Ghana. Asian Journal of Education and e-Learning (ISSN: 2321 – 2454) 1(3): 149 – 154. 7. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2013). A Study of the Translation of anoixas to stoma auto [Matthew 5:2] in Some Ghanaian Mother-Tongue Translations of the Bible. International Journal of Innovative Social Sciences & Humanities Research, 1(3): 1 – 10. 8. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). A Study of the Translation of arsenokoitai in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 in some Ghanaian Mother-Tongue Bibles. Journal of African Biblical Studies, 5: 65 – 83. 9. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). Following Jesus and Burying the Dead in Ghana: A Study of Mt. 8: 21-22 in the Dangme Mother-Tongue Translation of the Bible.Journal of Mother Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics (Forthcoming) 10. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). Mother-Tongues and Biblical Hermeneutics in Ghana.Journal of Religion and Theology (Forthcoming). 11. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). A Comparative Study of the Translation of plērousthe en pneumati [Ephesians 5:18] in Some Ghanaian Mother-tongue Translations of the Bible. Journal of the West African Association of Theological Institutions, Special Anniversary, 1(8). (Forthcoming). 12. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). The Translation of Kristos as Kristo in the Dangme Mother-tongue Translation of the New Testament Visited. Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies (Forthcoming). 13. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). Greetings with a Holy Kiss: A Study of 1Thess 5:26 in Some Ghanaian Mother Tongue Translations of the Bible. European Scientific Journal (Forthcoming). 14. Asiedu-Amoako, S. (2013). Christianity and Ecology: Towards A Theocentric Ecological Ethics for Ghana. Prime Journal of Social Sciences, 2(8): 415 – 412. ISSN: 2315-5051 88 15. Asiedu-Amoako, S. (2014). Towards Earth-Keeping: An Indigenous Perspective. International Journal of Religions and Traditions, 1(1): 01 – 08. 16. Asiedu-Amoako, S. (2014). A Local Perspective of Global Warming and Climate Change in Kwahu Tafo: A Theological and Ethical Reflection. Journal of Applied Thought, 3(1): 139 – 158. 17. Asiedu-Amoako, S. (2014). Eco-Theology and Theological Education: An Approach of the Role of the Church in Ghana. Journal of the West African Association of Theological Institutions, Special Anniversary Issue, 1(8): (Forthcoming). 18. Gedzi V. S. (2013a). Women's Property Rights and Dispute Resolution among the Anlo and the Asante of Ghana. Journal of Society and Communication, (2013): 1 – 72. 19. Gedzi V. S., (2013b). Salvation in African Traditional Religion. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, 2(4): 1 – 21. 20. Gedzi V. S. (2013c). Societal Conception of Illness and Relationship with Ill Persons." European Scientific Journal, 9(14): 134 – 142. 21. Gedzi V. S. (2013d). The Causal Correlation of Sin and Suffering". International Journal of Physical and Human Geography, 1(1): 9 – 20. 22. Appiah-Kubi, F. (2014). Théologie de l’Eglise Famille de Dieu: Une évaluation critique. Spiritus, 215(4):1 – 15. (forthcoming). 23. Appiah-Kubi, F. (2014). The Church family of God: a paradigm shift in the Second Vatican Ecclesiology of communion. Asian Horizons, (forthcoming). CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2013). “You Believe in God” and “Believe in God”: A Critical Study of John 14:1. Proceedings of 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference Vol.2,University of Azores, Portugal. Egalite: European Scientific Institute Publishing: 162-169. April 24 – 26. July. CONFERENCE PAPERS/ATTENDANCE 1. Samwini, N. I. (2013). The root causes of the disunity of the Church in Africa. All Africa Conference of Churches Theological Institute, National Catholic Seminary, Ggaba, Uganda. May 26 – June 9. 2. Samwini, N. I. (2013). Contextualising Theological Studies to meet the challenge of Christian-Muslim encounters in a religiously plural West Africa. West African 89 Association of Theological Institutions 40th Anniversary Celebrations and Conference, Great Hall Conference Room, KNUST. August 5 – 9. 3. Samwini, N. I. and Emeranda Manful. (2013). The impact of the emerging oil and gas industry in Ghana: the social dimension. 1st CASS International Conference on Emerging Oil and Gas industry in Ghana. International Centre for Innovative Learning, FANR, KNUST, August 28 – 31. 4. Samwini, N. I. (2013).Toleration and tolerance as key factors for stability in Ghana. Centre for African and Cultural Studies Intercultural Dialogue Conference, KNUST. October 22 – 23. 5. Samwini, N. I. (2013). Christian-Muslim relations in retrospect. Programme for ChristianMuslim Relations AfricanIslamicists Consultation, Accra, JEFKING’s Palace Hotel. December 11 – 15. 6. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T.(2013) “You Believe in God” and “Believe in God”: A Critical Study of John 14:1. Proceedings of 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference Vol. 2, i. University of Azores, Portugal, April 24-26, 2013 ii. Egalite: European Scientific Institute Publishing: p162-169. July, 2013 7. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2013). Biblical Basis of Mother-Tongue Biblical Hermeneutics. 2nd Bible and Theology Conference, Sky Auditorium (e3s23e4r4rft5ft5t5City Campus), All Nations University College, Koforidua. September 18. 8. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2013). A Comparative Study of the Translation of plērousthe en pneumati [Ephesians 5:18] in Some Ghanaian Mother-tongue Translations of the Bible”.Biennial Conference of the West African Association of Theological Institutions (WAATI), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. August 5 – 9. 9. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). The Bible and Transformational Leadership. Annual Conference of the Ghana Association of Biblical Exegetes, Christian Village, Kumasi. January 20 – 25. 10. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). Bible Studies and Biblical Studies: An Interface. 1st International Conference on The Bible, Cultural Identity and Missions, Valley View University, Oyibi. April 7 – 11. 11. Kuwornu-Adjaottor, J. E. T. (2014). The Translation of Kristos as Kristo in the Dangme Mother-tongue Translation of the New Testament Visited. International Conference on Emerging Trends for Sustainable Development and Human Capacity Building in the Third World Nations, J.H.K. Nketia Conference Hall, The Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon. May 28 – 31. 12. Asiedu-Amoako, S. (2013). Remove Not The Ancient Boundaries: Beliefs and Practices of Christians in Sustaining the Environment, In: D. Antwi, ed., Proceedings of 5th Annual Interfaith Symposium organised by The Presbyterian Interfaith Research And Resource Centre (PIRRC), Osu Ebenezer Presbyterian Church Hall, Accra (Forthcoming). October 16. 90 13. Appiah-Kubi, F. (2013). The nature of the Church and its Mission according to the Apostle St. Paul. West African Association of Theological Institutions (WAATI) 40th Anniversary Celebrations and Conference, Great Hall Conference Room, KNUST, August 5 – 9. 14. Appiah-Kubi, F. (2014). The nature of the Church and its Mission according to the Apostle St. Paul., WAATI Conference, (forthcoming). DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WORK ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturer: K. O. Akuoko Lecturers: H. Takyi (Ms) K. Ofori-Dua J. A. Barnie F. Dufie Azumah (Mrs) PhD (Soc) (Legon), BA (Soc Sc) (Kumasi), Dip. (Public Admin.) (Legon), MA (Soc Studies) (Manchester) (Head of Department) MPhil (Soc) (Legon), Dip. (Ed) (Winneba), BA (Soc & Psy.) (Legon) BA (Soc) (Legon), MPhil (Soc) (Legon) BA (Soc) (Legon), MPhil (Soc) (Legon) BA (Soc Sci), Kumasi, Postgrad (R&T) (Hull), PhD (Gender Stud.) Hull 91 P. Dwumah G. O. Mainoo J. M. Dapaah E. H. Yeboah B. Obeng E. Manful (Mrs.) K. Yeboah W. O. Boateng (Rev.) H. Mensah MPhil (Dev. Stud) (Cambridge), BA (Soc & Pol. Sc.) (Legon) PhD (Soc) (Singapore), BA (Psy. with Phil.), (Legon) PhD (Soc. Wk.) (Amsterdam), BA (Soc) (Legon), MPhil (Soc) (Legon) PhD (Phil.) (Birmingham), BA (Soc) (Cape Coast), MA (Soc) (Ontario) MPhil (Legon), Postgrad Dip Educ (Cape Coast), BA (Soc. & Pol Sci. (Legon) PhD (Soc. Wk.) (Queens Univ. of Belfast), MA (Pub. Admin.) (Legon), BSc (Home Sci) Legon PhD (Demography) (Brown), MA (Population Studies) (Legon), BA (Soc Admin) (Manchester) PhD (Org. Behaviour) (USA), MPhil (Ed. Planning), (Cape Coast), BA (Theology) (CSUC) MSc (Dev’t Mgt.), BA (Soc. Sc.) (Kumasi) BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Manful, E. and Manful, S. E. (2012). Development of Social Work Education in Ghana: Past, Present and Future. In Jared A. Jaworski (Ed.). Advances in Sociology Research, Volume 12. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2. Ofori-Dua, K. International Social Work Practice. Case studies from Global context. Edited by Joanna E. Bettman, Gloria Jacques & Caren J. Frost. 14, 180, 196. ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS Manful, E. and Manful, S. E. (2014). Child welfare in Ghana: The relevance of children's rights in practice. Journal of Social Work. 4(3): 313 – 328. 92 CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Samwini, N. I. and Manful, E. (2013). Social impact of the emerging oil and gas industry in Ghana: Preliminary Observations. Emerging oil and gas industry in Ghana: Social Dimension conference. CASS – KNUST, Kumasi. August 28 – 30. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION DESIGN ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: #D. A. Ohene-Adu M.A. Art Education (Kumasi), B.A. Art (Hons.) (Kumasi) Senior Lecturer: #J. Awuku-Appiah MFA (Los Angles) BFA (Los Angeles) B.A. Art Hons. (Kumasi) Lecturers: K.G. de Graft-Johnson MSc. Comm. Design (Bklyn, N.Y.); B.A. Art Hons (Kumasi) 93 E. F. Eshun B.A. Art (Kumasi), M.A. African Art & Culture, PhD (Art Education) E. Appiah M.A. African Art & Culture, B.A. Art (Kumasi) K. Kusi–Appouh M.Phil Art Education (Kumasi), Dip. NAFTI (Accra), B.A. Art (Kumasi) R. Adam M.A. African Art & Culture (Kumasi), B.A. Art (Kumasi), Cert. Instructional Design, ASTD (Chicago, USA) G. Kushiator MFA (Painting) (Kumasi), B.A. Art (Kumasi) A. K. Badu M.B.A. (Marketing) (Kumasi), B.A. Art (Kumasi), I. Moro (PhD) Art Education, B.A. Art (Kumasi) K. N. Amoako-Agyeman BA (Art), MA, PhD (Manchester Assistant Lecturers: R. D. Debrah (Ms) M. Comm. Design (Kumasi), B.A. Comm. Design (Kumasi) Bertha A. Ayim (Ms) Dip. NAFTI (Accra), M.A. Post-Production Editing (Bournemouth, UK) #On Contract ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Appiah, E. and Cronjé, J. (2013). Exploring Information Communication theory in graphic design education with activity theory. International Journal of Computer Applications, 84(12): 15 – 22. doi: 10.5120/14627-2979 2. Debrah, R. D., M’Rithaa, M. K., and de la Harpe, R. (2013). Healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa: An exploratory study of photography as a healing art. Journal of Health Informatics in Africa, (JHIA), Kenya, Eldoret.DOI: 10.12856/JHIA-2013-v1-i1-61 3. Appiah, E. and Cronjé, J. C. (2013). Information communication and technology (ICT) and the challenges of ideation in graphic design: an activity theory focus. International Journal of Computer Applications, 63(6): 13 – 23. doi: 10.5120/10469-5192. 94 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Eshun, E. F. (2013). Developing Participatory Assessment Strategy to Improve the Quality of Students’ Learning in Graphic Design Education. Proceedings of the 3rd Design, Development and Research 2013 Conference, Kumasi, Ghana. Faculty of Art, CASS, KNUST. Kumasi, Ghana. July 18 – 20. pp. 27-47 2. Eshun, E. F. (2013). Development of Participatory Assessment Strategy within StudioBased Pedagogy to Enhance the Quality of Student Learning in Graphic Design. Proceedings of the Gaborone International Design Conference, Gaborone, Botswana. September 24 – 26. 3. Appiah, E. and Cronjé, J. (2013). ICT ideation pedagogy and Innovation Education: setting a new paradigm in graphic design: Proceedings of 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Oslo, Norway. May 13 – 17. pp. 2- 14 4. Dufu, D. andAppiah, E. (2013). Design thinking as a strategy for marketing confectionery products: a case study of cocoa processing company. Proceedings of the 3rd Design, Development and Research 2013 Conference, Kumasi, Ghana. Faculty of Art, CASS, KNUST. Kumasi, Ghana. July 18 – 20. pp. 92-103 5. Appiah, E, Debrah, R. D. and Badu, A. K. (2013). Reforming the Ghanaian Electoral Systems through Service Design. 1st CeCAST International Conference on Inter-Cultural Dialogue 2013, KNUST, Ghana. October 22 – 23. 6. Quartey, S., Debrah, R. D., and Kusi-Appouh, K. (2013). Tradition, technology and the arts for peace promotion. Proceeding of the 1st CeCASt International Conference Center for Cultural and African Studies, Kumasi, Ghana. October 22 – 23. 7. de-Graft Johnson, K. G., Debrah, R. D. and Kusi-Appouh, K. (2013). Media and politics: using editorial cartoons to examine democratic governance. Proceeding of the 1stCeCASt International Conference Center for Cultural and African Studies, Kumasi, Ghana. October 22 – 23. 8. Adam R. (2013). Packaging Industry Profile – Ghana. International Packaging Conference and Workshop. Mumbai, India. March 11 – 22. 9. Adam R.(2013). Design and Democracy-Digital Storytelling for Social Stability. 1st CeCAST International Conference on Inter-Cultural Dialogue 2013Centre for Cultural and African Studies, KNUST, Kumasi. October 22 – 23. 10. Debrah, R. D. (2014). South-South Co-operation in developing economies: exploring “a Joint-up-policy” formulation for Ghana’s design industry. 20th edition of the international publishing and book fair, conference proceedings (conference catalogue), Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco. Feb 12 -13. 11. Debrah, R. D., Adi-Darko, M. (Rev.) and Antwi, E. (2013). “The power of visual culture and traditional education in the national development of Ghana”; conference proceedings of the 3rd Design Development & Research (DDR) Conference, Kumasi, Ghana. ISSN/ISBN Number: 978-9988-1-8513-8. July18 – 20. 95 12. Rahman, A., Debrah, R. D., and Adi-Darko, M. (Rev) (2013). Design and democracy: digital storytelling for social stability. Proceeding of the 1stCeCASt International Conference Center for Cultural and African Studies, Kumasi, Ghana. October 22 – 23. 13. Bonsu, G. A., Debrah, R. D. and Appau-Asante, E. (2013). Akan proverbial symbols and their significance in peace building. Proceedingof the 1st CeCASt International Conference Center for Cultural and African Studies, Kumasi, Ghana. October 22 – 23. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND POLITICAL STUDIES ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: R. Amoako Baah #Wilhelmina J. Donkoh #V. Dodoo Lecturers: K. Amakye-Boateng BA, MA, PhD (Tennessee)(Head of Department) BA (Soc. Sc.) Kumasi, MA (Soc.Sc), PhD (Hist.) (B’ham.) BA (Pol. Sci. with Hist.) (Ghana), MA (Pol. Sc.), (New Brunswick) BA (Pol. Sc. & Admin.) (Ghana), BA (Rus & Ling.), MPhil (Pol. Sc) (Tromso) 96 M. Abass D. Aminu S. Adu-Gyamfi BA (Pol. Sc. & Rel.), MPhil (Pol.Sc.), (Ghana) BA (Pol. Sc. & Soc.) (Ghana), PGDE (Cape Coast), MPhil (Pol. Sc.) (Ghana) BA, PhD (Hist.) (Kumasi) BA, PhD (Hist.) (Kumasi) BA, PhD (Hist.) (Kumasi) BA, MPhil (Pol. Sc.), Ghana, MA (Pol.Sc.), PhD (Pol. Sc.) (Claremont.) PhD (Pol, Sc.), (West Virginia), MA (Pol Sc.) (West Virginia), MPA (Ohio), MA (Int. Stds), BA (Accra) BA (Hist. & Law) (Kumasi), PhD (Hist. Stud.) (Kumasi) Assistant Lecturer: H. Yartey BA, MPhil (Pol. Sc.) Ghana Mariama Marciana Kuusaana A. Y. Nyaaba D. Owusu-Ansah +N. Y. Amponsah E. Brenya #On Contract BOOKS PUBLISHED 1. Baah, R. A. (2013). Introduction to Political Theory I. Eagle Heights 2. Baah, R. A. (2014). Introduction to Political Theory II. Eagle Heights, 3. Baah, R. A. (2013). Introduction to Constitutional Studies. Wisdom Books 4. Baah, R. A. (2013). Introduction to Human Rights, Wisdom Books. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Baah, R. A. (2013).Culture Theory, Tautology or Research Tool? Journal of Social Science. 2. Baah, R. A. (2013). Ethno-religion in Ghana. Journal of Politics and Religion. 97 3. Dodoo, V. (2013). The Climate of Cooperation in Sweden. International Journal of Commerce, Economics and Management, 3(10): 101 – 103. 4. Dodoo, V. (2013). Relations between the Cooperative and Socialist Movements in the Formative Years. International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, 3(8): 114 – 118. 5. Dodoo, V. (2013). Nationality and the Pan African State (with Dr. W.J. Donkoh) inToyinFalola and Kwame Essien ed. Pan-Africanism and the Politics of African Citizenship and Identity, New York: Taylor and Francis/Routledge, 2013, pp.214-255. 6. Adu-Gyamfi, S., Donkoh, W. J. and Owusu-Ansah, D. (2013). A Historical narrative of the British Colonial Administration’s Clamp down on with finding shrines amongst the Asante People of the Gold Coast. OIJAH, 2(9): page numbers. 7. Brenya, E. and Adu-Gyamfi, S. (2013). Interest groups, Issue Definition and Politics of Healthcare Management in Ghana. Journal of Public Policy and Administrative Research. 8. Adu-Gyamfi, S., Adjei, P. O-W., and Owusu Ansah, D. (2013). Preventive Healthcare strategies and Impact among the Asante people of the Early Twentieth Century Gold Coast: A Historical Narrative and Lessons for the present sanitation challenge in Kumase. Journal of studies in social sciences, 5(2): 9. Adu-Gyamfi, S. and Yartey, H. T. (2014). Politics of Issues and Sides: A Treatise on what caused the Eventual Outcome of the 2012 Presidential Elections in Ghana. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 5(2): page numbers. 10. Donkoh, W. J. and Adu-Gyamfi, S. (2014). Dying whilst Taking Medicine: A Twentieth Century Testimonial For Spiritual Healing in the Face of Orthodox Medicine, The Case of The Asante People of Ghana. Ghana Studies Journal, Accepted. 11. Owusu-Ansah, D., Donkoh, W. J. and Adu-Gyamfi, S. (2013). Evolution of sports in Ghana, 1870-1970. Distance Forum, Accepted. 12. Adu-Gyamfi, S. and Brenya, E. (2014). ReHushing Commentaries on the Effects and Potential Benefits, Lessons Ghana Can Learn from USA and Canada. A review. Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Accepted. 13. Brenya, E. (2014). Judicial Power and Consolidation of Democracy: The Case of Ghana’s Atuguba’s Court. Africa Journal of Legal Studies, Accepted. 14. Brenya, E. and Adu-Gyamfi, S. (2014). Interest Groups, Issue Definition and Politics of Healthcare Management in Ghana. Journal of Public Policy and Administrative Research, Accepted. 15. Brenya, E. and Warden, E. (2014). Sustainable Development: Can New Technology and Economic Growth be the Answer? Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 5 (7): 182 – 187. 16. Brenya, E. and Warden, E. (2014). Bridging the Great Divide: A Case Study of the Ghana Community Policing as a State-Society Synergetic Developmental Approach. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, Accepted. 98 17. Brenya, E. (2014). Interest Groups, Voluntary Agreements and Tobacco Control in Ghana. West Africa Review, Accepted. 18. Brenya, E. (2013b). Seeking Real Partners in Development: The World Bank and the Traditional Authorities Project in Ghana. Journal of Public Policy in Africa, 1(1): 42 – 59. 19. Brenya, E. (2013a). An Overview of a Regionalist Approach to Tobacco Control in Developing Countries. CODESRIA Journal of African Development, 38(1): 107 – 132. CENTRE FOR CULTURAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES ACADEMIC STAFF Vesta E. Adu-Gyamfi (Mrs.) MFA (USA), BA (Hons) Art (Kumasi) M. O. Adi-Dako (Rev.) MA (African Art), BA (Hons) Art), DIP (PTH), London A. A. Aidoo Mphil (African Studies), BA (Hons) (English and Drama), Diploma in Theatre Arts H. K. Adesua MPhil (Music Edu) (Cape Coast), BEd (Hons) (Music Edu.) Cape Coast S. K. Enninful (Very Rev.) Mus (Composition), Dip. Mus. Ed. 99 CONFERENCE PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS 1. Enninful, S. K. (2014). Religious Tolerance and Social stability: That they may be one. CeCASt 1st International Conference, Kumasi – Ghana. October 22 – 24. 2. Aidoo, A. A. (2014). Protocols in Traditional arbitration. The Role of the Verbal Arts, CeCASt 1st International Conference, Rites of Passage: African Traditional Systems Traditional Festivals in Ghana (a selection).Kumasi – Ghana. October 22 – 24. 3. Adesua, H. K. (2014). The Bible, Cultural Identity and Missions: Neo-traditional music in the sustenance of church mission: past, present and future. 1st International Conference, Valley View University. 4. Adesua, H. K. (2013). Intercultural Dialogue: Looking for convergence: Cultural practices in a changing society. CeCASt 1st International Conference, Kumasi – Ghana. October 22 – 24. 5. Pieterson, J. (2014). The Bible, Cultural Identity and Missions: Azonto and the Church: The Place of Dance in Worship, 1st International Conference, Valley View University.April. 6. Adi-Dako, M. O., Antwi E. and Debrah, R. D. (2013). DDR International Conference. The Power of Visual Culture and Traditional Education. July 18 – 20. 7. Rahman, A., Adi-Dako, M. O. and Debrah R. D. (2013). Digital Storytelling for Social Stability. CeCASt International Conference Design and Democracy, Kumasi – Ghana. October 22 – 24. PUBLICATIONS/TEACHING AIDS/BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Adi-Dako, M. O. and Rheindorf, E. L. (2013). Sugical Training Video on Cutting and Suchering for new Doctors, Obstetrics and Gyneachology Department, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) 2. Adi-Dako, M. O. and Rheindorf, E. L. (2013). Sugical Training Video on Caesarean Section for new Doctors, Obstetrics and Gyneachology Department, KATH. 3. Adi-Dako M. O. and Rheindorf, E. L. (2013). Sugical Training Video on Scrubbing and Surgery procedure for new Doctors, Obstetrics and Gyneachology Department, KATH PUBLISHED WORKS ON TV, YOUTUBE AND DOCUMENTARIES 1. Adi-Dako, M. O. (2013). KNUST www.youtube.com/watch?=HTIXhMfo4hM 7 minutes documentary – 100 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLISHING STUDIES ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturer: K. Opoku-Amankwa Lecturers: I. K. Appiah Aba Brew-Hammond (Mrs.) E. Anane-Antwi *Lucy Ry-Kottoh (Mrs.) A. H. Agbo PhD (Reading), MA Com. Stu) (Legon), Grad. Dip. (Com. Stu.) (Legon), BA (Geog. & Soc.) (Kumasi) MA (Art Edu.) (Kumasi), PG Dip (Ind. Mgt.) (Kumasi), PG Dip (Art Edu.) (Kumasi), BA (Book Industry) (Kumasi) MA (Comparative Lit.) (Kumasi), BA (English), Dip. Edu. (Cape Coast), Cert. Copy Editing (Chapterhouse, UK) Cand. Arch. (Kunstakademiet, Copenhagen), BA (Graphic Design) (Kumasi), Cert. in Web Page Design (KA, Copenhagen) MBA (Gen. Bus. Admin.) (Hull), BA (Publishing Studies) (Kumasi) MA (Art Edu.) (Kumasi), BA (Book Industry) (Kumasi) 101 O-A de-Graft Johnson S. S. Esseh +R. Glover *R. Nyadu-Addo *Anatu Kande Mahama (Mrs.) Technical Instructor: F. Nunoo MPhil (Art Edu.) (Kumasi), PG Dip (Com. Stu.) (Legon), BA (Book Industry) (Kumasi) PhD (UBC, Canada), MPub (Simon Fraser, Canada), MA (Ind. Mgt.) (Kumasi), BA (Book Industry) (Kumasi) (Head of Department) MFA (Kumasi), BA (Painting) (Kumasi) MSB (Small Bus. Mgt.) (Leipzig, Germany), BA (Book Industry), (Kumasi) Masters in Intellectual Property (MIP) (Zimbabwe), MSC (Info. & Know. Mgt.) (Loughborough), BA (Pub. Stu.) (Kumasi) MA (Art Edu.) (Kumasi), BA (Book Industry) (Kumasi) +On Sabbatical Leave*On Study Leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Opoku-Amankwa, K., Edu-Buandoh, D. and Brew-Hammond, A. (2014). Publishing for mother tongue bilingual education in Ghana: politics and consequwnces. Language and Education. DOI: 10.1080109500782.2014921194 2. Opoku-Amankwa, K., Brew-Hammond, A. and Mahama, K. A. (2014). Publishinig for pre-tertiary education in Ghana: the 2002 textbooks policy in retrospect. Journal of Curriculum Studies. (Accepted) 3. Nortey, S., Opoku-Amankwah, K. and Bodjawah, E. K. (2013). Factors influencing low ceremics specialization decisions within the KNUST industrial art degree programme. International Journal of Education through Art, 9 (2): 205 – 218. 102 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCIAL LAW ACADEMIC STAFF Adjunct Associate Professor E. K. Kwakwa LLB (UG), LLM (Kingston), LLM JSD (Yale), Barrister Senior Lecturer Lydia Apori Nkansah (Mrs.) LLB LLM (Bendel State) PhD (Walden) USA, Barrister (Head of Department) Lecturers: ^K. Anyimadu-Antwi LLB (UG), LLM (London), Barrister *E. Owusu-Dapaa LLB (UG), LLM (Manchester), Barrister C. Adomako-Kwakye BA (Law & Political Science) (UG), LLM (Bristol), Barrister 103 AssistantLecturers: E. N. Amasah BA (Law & Sociology) (Kumasi), LLM (Cambridge), Barrister Doreen Adoma Agyei (Mrs.) LLB (Kumasi), LLM (Herts), Barrister Principal Research Assistant E. A. Bediako *Study leave LLB (Kumasi), Barrister ^On leave of absence ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Nkansah, L. A. (2014).Justice within the Arrangement of the Special Court for Sierra Leone verses Local Perceptions of Justice: A Contradiction or Harmonious? African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 22(1): 103-119. 2. Adomako-Kwakye, C. (2013). A new approach to negotiating petroleum contracts between private foreign investors and host developing countries. Law Faculty’s 10th Anniversary Journal. In Press CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 1. Nkansah, L. A. (2014). The International Criminal Court and Peacebuilding in Africa: The Socio-Cultural Dimensions. Paper presented at a conference by the Centre for Cultural and African Studies (CECAST) on “Culture and Conflict Resolution, Proceedings (Forthcoming) October 22– 23. 104 2. Adomako-Kwakye, C. (2013). Critical issues in Ghana’s oil revenue management law. In: Proceedings of CASS Oil & Gas Conference, August 2013, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. August 28 – 31. 3. Agyei, D. A. (2013). The emerging oil and gas industry in Ghana: a saviour or a slayer? In: The Emerging Oil and Gas Industry in Ghana: Social Dimensions (ICIL), KNUST Kumasi, Ghana. August 28 – 31. DEPARTMENT OF PRIVATE LAW ACADEMIC STAFF Adjunct Associate Professors: E. Opoku Awuku E. B. Goldman Lecturers: Renee Sitsofe Morhe (Mrs.) LLM PhD (London), Solicitor (England & Wakes), BA JD (Michigan), Cum laude H. K. Kodua LLB (UG), LLM (Essex), JSM JSD (Stanford), Barrister (Head of Department) LLB (UG), PGD (The Hague), LLM (Temple), PhD, Barrister LLB LLM (UG), Barrister AssistantLecturers: G. Y. Otu R. Osei-Hwere LLB (London) LLM (Lond Met) BED (Cape Coast), LLM (Aberdeen), Barrister S. Sondem 105 A. Nketiah LLB (UG), LLM (Oslo), Barrister Principal Research Assistant: Jennifer Asare (Miss) LLB (Kumasi ), Barrister BOOK CHAPTER Morhe, R. A. S, Morhe, E.S.K. & Danso, K.A. (2014).Legal and Social Issues of Reproductive Health in Africa in: Danso, Kwawukume, Tagbor & Asante (eds), Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics.Pg 461-494,University Press KNUST, Kumasi, ISBN 978-9988-1-5454-7. ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNAL Osei-Hwere, R.(2013). Joint operating agreements between Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) and International Oil Companies (IOCs): prospects and challenges. Oil, Gas and Energy Law Intelligence, 11(5): DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC LAW ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: S. Offei Adjunct Professors: O. Kufour F. N. N. Botchway Senior Lecturer: O. Seneadza BA (Law) Lond, MA BPhil (York), PhD (Glasgow), Barrister, (Dean of Faculty) BA (Law & History) KNUST, LLM (LSE), PhD (Warwick) LLB (UG), LLM (Dal), LLM (Har), PhD (Manchester), Barrister LLB, LLM (Kiev) (Head of Department) Lecturers: 106 V. Chimbwanda Ewura Esi N. Okyere Baafi (Mrs.) LLB (Botswana) LLM (London) Attorney-at-Law (Bots), Solicitor (England & Wales) BED (Cape Coast), LLB (KNUST), LLM (Fordham), Barrister Assistant Lecturers: J. Osei-Afriyie Elizabeth T. Hassan BA (UG), LLB, LLM (Lond), LLB (Kumasi), LLM (Houston), Barrister Principal Research Assistant: S. Ofori LLB (Kumasi), Barrister BOOKS PUBLISHED 1. Offei, S. (2013). Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy. The ComFRALS Publishing, Brentford London UK. ISBN 978-9988-1-4475-3. 2. Offei, S. (2014). The Law of Torts in Ghana text, cases and material. Biddles, Norfolk. ISBN 978-9988-1-8986-0. 3. Seneadza K. O. (2013). Administrative Law: An Imperative Tool for the University Administrator, University Printing Press, Kumasi. ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNAL Seneadza K. O. (2013). Protection of Child Right in Ghana: A call for Legislative Intervention and Comprehensive Policy Strategy.Nigerian Journal of Public Law, 2: 264 – 289. 107 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ART STUDIES ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: P. Osei-Poku N. A. Opoku-Asare J. Adu-Agyem Lecturers: S. Kquofi M. Osei E. A. Asante E. Asare Fordjour H. Barton Essel BA (Art): Grad. Dip., MA, PhD (Art Edu.) (Dean of Faculty) BA (Art), MA (Art Edu.), Mphil (Edu), Grad. Dip. (Mgt.) BA (Art): Grad. Dip., MA, PhD (Art Edu.)(Head of Department) BA (Art): M.A. PhD (African Art & Culture) BA (Art): PhD (Art Edu.) BA (Art): PhD (African Art & Culture) BA (Art): PhD (Art Edu.) BA (Publishing Stds.), PhD (Art Edu.) 108 N. A. P. Arthur BA (Art); PhD (African Art and Culture) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Osei, J. and Osei-poku, P. (2014). Production of On-Loom basketry using selected local materials. International Journal of Fiber and Textile Research 4(2): 12-19. 2. Howard, E. K., Osei-Ntiri, K. and Osei-Poku, P. (2014). Contextual analysis of Government’s Safeguard policies for sustainable development of Ghana textile Industry. Journal of Art Design and Technology. (Accepted for Publication) 3. Adu-Agyem, J. and Sabutey, G. T. (2014). Wood Carving in Akuapim Hills of Ghana: Prospects, challenges and the way forward.(Accepted for publication in April by International Journal of Business and Management Review. 4. Tetteh, N. A. and Adu-Agyem, J. (2014), Symbolic and Aesthetical Implications of Precious Metals of Ghana: The Perspective of Akan Culture, International Journalof innovative Research and Development, 3(2): 49 – 55. ISSN, 2278-0211 (online). 5. Adu-Agyem, J. Sabutey, G. T. and Mensah, E. (2013). New Trends in the Ahwia Wood Carving Industry in Ghana: Implications for Art Education and Socio-economic growth. International Journal of Business and Management Review No. 3, pp. 166-187. 6. Adu-Agyem, J., Agyapong, K. A. and Agyei, K. (2013). The philosophical and Aesthetic Significance of the Silver-Stool of Mampong-Asante in Ghana.International Jounral of Innovative Research and Development, 2(11): 119 – 125. 1332278-0211 (on line). 7. Agyei, I. K., Adu-Agyem, J. and Tetteh, N. A. (2013). Appraisal of Works Produced by Metal Products Design Students of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Innovative Researchand Development, 2(5): 1923 – 1938. ISSN: 2278-0211 (online). 8. Obosu, I. K., Opoku-Asare, N. A. and Adu-Agyem, J. (2013). The use of Visual Art Forms in Teaching and Learning in Schools for the Deaf in Ghana: Investigating the Practice. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2(5): 408 – 422. ISSN: 2278-0211 (online). 9. Adala, C. E., Mensah, E. and Adu-Agyem, J. (2013. Combining Raising and Spinning Techniques in Metal Hollow Ware Forming. International Journal ofInnovative Research and Development, 2(7): 94 – 100. ISSN: 2278-0211 (online). 10. Sabutey, G. T., Adu-Agyem, J. and Boateng, J. (2013). Implication of Innovation and Aesthetics for Business Growth among small and medium scale Enterprises (SMEs): The case study of Bonwire Kente Weaving Industry. International Journalof Research in Commerce, IT and Management, 3(5): 27 – 39. ISSN 2231-5756. 11. Sabutey, G. T., Adu-Agyem, J. and Osei, C. K. (2013). Assessing product sustainability, customer loyalty and satisfaction with XYZ Telecommunication among undergraduate students in Ghana: The case study of University of Development studies, WA Campus. 109 International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & management, 4(8): 33 – 42. ISSN 0976-2183. 12. Adu-Agyem, J., Pyne, S. and Osei, M. (2013). The Use of Indigenous arts in the Therapeutic practices of Traditional Priests and Priestesses of Asante, Ghana. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 1. 13. Adu-Agyem, J., Pyne, J. and Osei, M. (2013). The use of indigenous arts in The Therapeutic practices of Traditional Priests and Priestesses of Asante, Ghana. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2(11): 464 – 474. 14. Kquofi, S., Olowonirejuero, A. and Asante, E. A. (2013). Panoply of selected Asante and Ijaw Cultural Practices: Comparative and Descriptive Account. AfricanJournal of History and Culture, 5(4): 78 – 86. 15. Kquofi, S., Olowonirejuaro, D and Asante, E.A. (2013). Panoply of Asante and Ijaw Cultural Practices: Comparative and Descriptive Account.African Journal of History and Culture, 5(4): 78 – 86. 16. Asante E. A., S. Larbi, Kqoufi S. The Symbolic Significance of Motifs on Selected Asante Indigenous Temples. Journal of African Art, Accepted 17. Osei, M. (2013). Illustration of self concept through drawings: the perspective of the child in an orphanage. International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies, 2(7): 762 – 779. ISSN 2319 9725 18. Arhin E. L. and Osei, M. (2013). Children’s Mathematics Performance and Drawing Activities: A Constructive Correlation. Journal of Education and Practice, 2(7): 28 – 34. 19. Osei, M. (2013). Emotional Personality of Children as Expressed in Their Drawings: Pointers for Education. International Journal of Development and Sustainabilit, 2(2): 20. Pyne, S., Osei, M. and Adu-Ayem, J. (2013). The use of indigenous arts in the therapeutic practices of traditional priests. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2(11): 464 – 474. 21. Arthur, N. A. P., Asante, E. A. and Opoku-Asare, N. A. (2014). Educational role of visual and Performing Arts in Asante traditional Politics. International Journal ofEducation through Art, Accepted. CONFERENCES 1. Enningful, E. K. and Osei-Poku. (2013). Assessing the effectiveness of political party identity symbols and colours on the decision making by electorates to Vote. Conference proceedings, Design, Development & Research Conference, Kumasi, Ghana. July 18 – 20. 2. Arthur, N. A. P., Opoku-Asare, N. A. and Nortey, S. (2014). Dance of the Asante: Significance and a resource for Art Education. 5th Annual International Conference on visual and Performing Arts, Athens, Greece. June 2 –5. 3. Adjei, K. and Asante, E. A. (2013). Materiality and rendition: the art of mix media in ceramics design, Development & Research Conference Ghana 110 4. Asante, E. A. (2014). The Ghanaian National Identity; Artistic Variables. Proceedings, 102nd Annual College Art Association Conference, Chicago USA 5. Asante, E. A. (2014). The Role of Language and Beliefs in the Sustainability of the Forest: Ashanti Region of Ghana in Perspective.International World Wood Day symposium Xianyou, Fujian Province of China 6. Osei, M. (2013).Relieving Stress: The Art factor. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, (ICERI) 2013 DEPARTMENT OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: R. T. Ackam H. B. A. Delaquis Lecturers: K. B. Kissiedu G. Y. Annum K. Seidou F. A. Annim K. Opoku-Bonsu E. Antwi M. Adashie E. K. Bodjawah E. O. Bonsoo Dorothy A. Amenuke (Mrs.) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Painting) (Howard), PhD (Ghana) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Painting) (Temple) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Painting) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Painting) (Kumasi), PhD (Art Education) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Painting) (Kumasi), Grd. Dip (Art Edu.), PhD (Art Edu.) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Sculpture) (Kumasi) (Head of Department) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Sculpture) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Painting) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Painting) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Sculpture) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Sculpture) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), PG. Dip (Art Edu.), MA (Art Edu.), MFA (Sculpture) (Kumasi), PhD (Sculpture) (Kumasi) 111 M. Jectey-Nyarko K. Afriyie Poku Assistant Lecturers: G. Ampratwum E. E. Donkor BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Sculpture) Kumasi, PhD (Art Edu.) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Painting) (Kumasi) BA (Art) (Kumasi), MA (Art Market) London BFA (Sculpture) (Kumasi), MFA (Sculpture) Kumasi ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Nortey, S., Okai, F. E. and Bodjawah, E. K. (2013). Breaking monotony: a reflective study of teaching students decorative pot making. Teaching Artist Journal, 11(2): 69 – 80. 2. Nortey, S., Siaw, A. O. and Bodjawah, E. K. (2013). Teaching and learning of visual arts in senior high schools in rural and urban settings in Ghana. International Journal of Technoloby and Management Research, 1(2): 67 – 75. 3. Nortey, S., Opoku-Amankwa, K. and Bodjawah, E. K. (2013). Factors influencing low cermic decision within the industrial art degree programme. Internation Journal of Education through Art, 9(2): 205 – 218. 4. Annum, G. Y. (2013). Useful Lessons for Distance Educational course Writers Lacking Capacity for Interactive Electronic learning Material Development for the Enhancement of Web-Based Distance Learning. Global Advanced Research Journal of Educational Research and Review, 2(10): 211 – 217. ISSBN: 2315. 5. Annum, G. Y. (2013). Mural Painting Retouching challenges: A Ghanaian Professional Painter’s Experience. KNUST Journal of Science and Technology, ISSBN: 0855-0395. 6. Debrah, R. D., Adi-Dako, M. and Antwi, E. (2013). The Power of Visual culture and Traditional Eduction in the National development of Ghana. Design Development and Research: 14. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS/ EXHIBITIONS 112 1. Nortey, S. and Bodjawah, E. K. (2013). The emerging oil and gas industry in Ghana: written and oral communication alone cannot help. 1st International conference on oil and gas, CASS, KNUST, Kumasi. Dates. ISSN 2343-6875. Pp 68 – 74. 2. Nortey, S., Bodjawah, E. K. and Osei, S. (2013). Public impressions of artworks: a case study of KNUST. 3rd international conference of design, development and research, Kumasi, Ghana. July 18 – 20. ISBN 978-9988-1-8513-8. PP 442 – 460. 3. Bodjawah, E. K. (2013). Togetherness. Cultural Art and Peace in between Man and Mother Nature - The 11th world Cultural Art Symposium. Mosan Art Museum and Gaehwa Art Park, Boryeong City, South Korea. September 25 – October 20. 4. Jectey-Nyarko, M. (2013). Strategies for Teaching and Learning Visual Art in the 21st Century. National Conference for Visual Art Students and Teachers in Ghana. February. 5. Bodjawah,E. K.(2013). The Emerging Oil and Gas Industry in Ghana: Written and Oral Communication Alone Cannot Help. 1st International Conference on Oil and Gas, CASS, Kumasi. August 28 – 31. 6. Bodjawah,E. K.(2013). Public Impressions of Artworks: A Case Study of KNUST. 3rd International Conference of Design, Development and Research, Kumasi, Ghana. July 18 – 20. 7. Amenuke, D. A. (2014). “How Far How Near” in “Project 1975”. Comtemporary Art and Post Colonial Unconscious. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. 8. Annum, G. Y. (2013). Running Distance Education in Studio-based Art Institutions: The Way Forward. Design Development and Research Conference 2013, KNUST, Kumasi. 113 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ART ACADEMIC STAFF Lecturers: P. A. Fening (Mrs) C. Frimpong W. Badoe A. B. Essuman K. Osei-Ntiri E. K. Howard Dr. B. K. Asinyo H. O. Dompreh A. Amankwah (Mrs.) G. D. Sarpong S. Nortey R. Amoanyi BA, MPhil, (Kumasi) (Head of Department) BA, (Kumasi), MSc. (Belgium), PhD (Kumasi) BA, MA, MFA (Kumasi) BA, MFA (Bergen) BA, (Kumasi), MS, (Canada). MS, (USA) BA, MA, MFA (Kumasi) BA, MPhil/PhD, (Kumasi) BA, PGDAE, MA, (Kumasi) BA (Hon) (Art) (Kumasi), MDes (Heriot Watt) BEd, (Kumasi), PGD, MA (UK) BA, PhD (Kumasi) BA, PhD (Kumasi) Assistant Lecturers: K. Adjei L.Gbologah C. E. Adala BA, MFA, (Kumasi) BA, (Kumasi), MSc, (China) BA, MFA, (Kumasi) 114 S. K. Baah C. Chichi (Miss) BA, MFA, (Kumasi) BA, MFA, (Kumasi) Technical Instrutors: C. Adu-Boachie I. K. Agyei BA, MPhil (Kumasi) BA, MA, (Kumasi) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Asmah, A. E., Frimpong, C. and Asinyo, B. K. (2013). Integrating Traditional Textile Metaphors with Contemporary Design Concepts. International Journal of Innovative research and Development, 2(5): 1325 – 1336. ISSN 2278-0211 (online) 2. Osei-Ntiri, K., Howard, E. K. and Sarpong, G. D. (2013). Towards sustainable processing in the Clothing and Textile industry – Case study of the Ghanaian Textile Industry. International Journal ofScience and Technology, 1 (1): 23 – 28. 3. Howard, E. K. and Osei-Ntiri, K. (2013). African prints in retrospect: a case for future textile desin development. Journal of Art Design and Technolgy, 4(4): 14 – 23. 4. Howard, E. K. (2013). Exploration of mixed-media techniques in textile Art. International Journal ofHumanities and Social Science, 1(1): 7 – 17. 5. Nortey, S., Wumuaja, N. and Okai, E. K. (2014). Expanding the frontiers of pottery production in the Nanumba South Distric of Ghana. Social Sustainability Teaching Artist Journal, 12(3): 76 – 88. 6. Nortey, S., Opoku-Amankwa, K. and Bodjawah, E. K. (2013). Factors influencing low cermic decision within the industrial art degree programme. Internation Journal of Education through Art, 9(2): 205 – 218. 115 7. Siaw, A. O., Nortey, S. and Bodjawah, E. K. (2013). Teaching and learning of visual arts in senior high schools in rural and urban settings in Ghana. International Journal of Technoloby and Management Research, 1(2): 67 – 75. 8. Gbologh, L., Kwawukume, P. S. and F. W. Y. (2013), “Sel-gel Mullite – Sic Oxidation Protection Coating for Carbon-Coasting Composites” Internation Journal of Engineering Research in Africa. 10 : 13-24 (online-www.sckutific.net) 9. Agyei, I. K. (2013). “Fashioned For Fashion, the Dynamic Culture of Bamboo in Ghana”. Art and Design Studies (IISTE). Vol 11.ISSN 2224-6061 (Pper), 2225-059x (Online), 10. Agyei, I. K. (2013). “Appraisal of Works Produced by Metal Students of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana”, International Journal of Innovative research and Development (IJIRD) 2(5) 11. Agyei, I. K. (2013). “The Philosophical and Aesthetic Significance of Golden Stool of Mampong- Asante in Ghana”, International Journal of Innovative research and Development (IJIRD) 2(11): 119-126 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: P. Y. Okyere Senior Lecturers: E. A. Frimpong Lecturers: E. K. Anto A. R. Ahmed *J. J. Kponyo BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), DEA, Dr-Ing Grenoble France (Head of Department) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc Bath BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), Dip Ing TU Berlin BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc Hull, PhD Chungnam South Korea BSc (Eng), MSc (Kumasi) 116 E. O. K. Addo K. A. P. Agyekum Assistant Lecturers: *E. Affum *K. A. B. Opare Cert. (Elect. Eng.), MSc Vinnitsa Ukraine MSc (Eng) (Norway), MBA, Legon BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), M. Tech, Tamil Hadu, India, Cert (Education) Winneba BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Kumasi) *On Study Leave PUBLISHED BOOK Okyere, P. Y. and Frimpong, E. A. (2013). Fundamentals of Electric and Magnetic Circuits, Delta Papyrus. Kumasi, ISBN: 978-9988-1-8890-0. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Tchao, E. T., Ofosu, W. K. and Diawuo, K. (2013). Radio Planning and Field Trial Measurement of a Deployed 4G WiMAX Network in an Urban Sub-Saharan African Environment. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 5(5): 1 – 10. 2. Tchao, E. T., Diawuo, K. and Ofosu, W. K. (2013). On the Comparison Analysis of Two 4G-WiMAX Base Stations in an Urban Sub-Saharan African Environment. Journal of Communication and Computer, 863 – 872. ISSN 1548-7709 117 3. Tchao, E. T., Ofosu, W. K. and Diawuo, K. (2013). A Performance Case Study of Electronic Governance Implementation in Ghana with WiMAX Technology.International Journal of Computer Applications, 71(14): 1 – 5. (0975 - 8887) 4. Tchao, E. T., Diawuo, K., Ofosu, W. K. and Ghansah, I. (2013). A Proposed Secure Network Model for Implementing Smart Grid Applications in Ghana with WiMAX Technology. International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, 4(10): 14 – 19. 5. Tchao, E. T., Diawuo, K., Ofosu, W. K. and Affum, E. (2013). Analysis of MIMO Systems used in planning a 4G-WiMAX Network in Ghana. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 4(7): 197-201. 6. E. T. Tchao, W. K. Ofosu, K. Diawuo,E. Affum and Kwame Agyekum (2013). Interference Simulation and Measurements for a Deployed 4G-WiMAX Network in an Urban SubSaharan African Environment:International Journal of Computer Applications, 71(14): 6 – 10. (0975 - 8887) 7. Affum, E., Tchao, E. T., Diawuo, K. and Agyekum, K. (2013). Wideband Parameters Analysis and Validation for Indoor radio Channel at 60/70/80GHz for Gigabit Wireless Communication employing Isotropic, Horn and Omni directional Antenna. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 4(6): 292 – 297. 8. Agyekum, K. A. P., Tchao, E. T. and Affum, E. (2013). Customer Experience with Mobile Number Portability Implementation in Ghana. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering,3(10): 663 – 667. 9. Agyekum, K. A. P., Tchao, E. T., and Affum, E. (2013). Evaluation of Mobile Number Portability Implementation in Ghana. International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, 4(10): 30 – 33. 10. Adu, J. K., E. T. Tchao and Poku, K. (2013). Integration of Tax Administration to Curb Import and Domestic Tax Evasions in Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(11): 87 – 100. 11. Affum, E., Nusenu, S., Ansong, Y., Danso, E., Addo, E. and Agyekum, K. A. P.(2013). A Study of the readiness of the African Telecommunication industry to upgrade all GSM base stations to LTE. Case Study – Ghana. Journal of Telecommunications, 22(1): 7 – 13. 12. Affum, E. and Addo, E. (2013). On Comparison Analysis of Multiple Interference MIMO system with Un-correlated Racian Fading Channels.International Journal of Computer Application, 76(17), ISBN: 973-93-80877-47-5, DOI: 10.5120/13336-0291 http://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume76/number17/13336-0291 13. Ansong, E. D., Takyi, T., Damoah, D., Affum, E. and Larkotey, W. (2013). Internet Trolling in Ghana. (2013). International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering, 2(1): 42 – 43.ISSN: 2319–6378 http://www.ijese.org/attachments/File/v2i1/L05461011213.pdf 118 14. Addo, E. O. K., Asumadu, J. and Okyere, P. Y. (2014). Optimal Design of Renewable hybrid Energy systems for a Village in Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Innovation and Research, 3(1): 91 – 97. CONFERENCE PAPER Frimpong, E. A., Okyere, P. Y. and Asumadu. J. A. (2013). Generator Out-of-Step Prediction Using Wavelet Analysis. In: proceedings of Power Electronics and Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG13), 4th IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics and Distributed Generation Systems, Rogers, Arkansas, USA. July 8 – 11. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING ACADEMIC STAFF Adjunct Associate Professor: F.K. Boadu BSc. (Geological Engineering), Kumasi, PGD (Applied Geophysics), McGill University, Canada, MSc. (Exploration Geophysics), University of Calgary, Canada, PhD. (Geophysics), Georgia Institute of Technology – Atlanta, GA Senior Research Fellow: S.K.Y. Gawu BSc (Hons), Legon, MPhil (Mineral Expl), Kumasi, PhD, (WITS) S.A, MGhIG, MIMGA, MMRS (Head of Department) Lecturers: 119 K. Aboraa ACSM (Camborne, UK), MSc (Imperial College, London), DIC (Imperial College, London), MMMPSG (General Sectary) B. Ali BSc (Geol. Eng.), MSc (Eng. Geol., Geotech), PhD (Hydrology), MIAH, MIAEG, MGGS Bsc (Hons), Legon, MPhil (Geology), Legon G. Foli G.C. Amedjoe BSc (Hons) Geology with Physics, MPhil (Geology), University of Ghana, Legon, MAusIMM S. Bansah BSc (Hons), Kumasi, MSc Illinois State University, USA E. K. Appiah-Adjei BSc (Hons), Kumasi, MSc Lund University, Sweden, PhD Hydrology and Water Resources, China, MIAH, MIAHS Adjunct Lecturer: E. Mensah BSc. Geology, Legon, MSc. Economic Geology (Changchun University of Science & Technology, P.R. China), MGhIG Assistant Lecturer: S. S.R. Gidigasu BSc (Geol.Eng),Kumasi, GMGGS MPhil (Geol. Eng), Kumasi MGhIG, ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN REFERRED JOURNALS 1. S.K.Y Gawu and S.S.R. Gidigasu (2013) The effect of spent carbide on the geotechnical characteristics of two lateritic soils from the Kumasi area, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 3: 311 – 321. 2. Gidigasu SSR and Gawu SKY (2013) The Mode of Formation, Nature and Geotechnical characteristics of Black Cotton Soils - A Review, Standard Scientific Research and Essays, 1(14): 377-390. 3. Chiri G. Amedjoe and S. K.Y Gawu (2013) A Survey of Mining and Tailings Disposal Practices of Selected Artisanal and Small Scale Mining Companies in Ghana. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 5(12), 744-750. 4. Andrews, Anthony, Elsie Nsiah-Baafi, Simon KY Gawu, and Peter A. Olubambi (2014) Synthesis of high alumina refractories from lithomargic clay, Ceramics International, Vol. 40, No. 4: 6071-6075. 120 5. Gordon Foli, Simon K.Y. Gawu, Johnson Manu and Prosper M. Nude (2013) Arsenic sorption characteristics in decommissioned tailings dam environment at the Obuasi mine, Ghana, Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 5(10): 599-610. 6. Anthony Andrews, Joseph Adam, Simon K.Y Gawu and Peter A Olubambi (2013) Synthesis optimization of fireclay refractories from lithomargic clay, Ceramic Forum International (cfi)/Ber. DKG 90, Nos 8-9, E45- E47. 7. Akayuli, C. F. A., Gidigasu, S. S. R., and Gawu, S. K. Y. (2013). Geotechnical Evaluation of a Ghanaian Black Cotton Soil for use as Clay Liner in Tailings Dam Construction. Ghana Mining Journal, 14, 21-26 8. Andrews, A., Adam, J. and Gawu, S.K.Y (2013).Development of fireclay aluminosilicate refractory from lithomargic clay deposits, Ceramics International, Vol. 39, No. 1: 779-783 9. Appiah-Adjei, E.K., Shu, L.C., Adjei A.K, Deng, M. and Wang, X. (2013). Evaluation of unconfined aquifer parameters from flow to partially penetrating wells in Tailan River basin, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 69(3): 799 – 809. 10. Appiah-Adjei, E.K., Shu, L.C., Adjei, K.A. and Lu, C.(2013). Evaluation of climate change impact on sustainability of Tailan underground reservoir in China. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731: 3249 – 3255. 11. Xin, M., Shu, L., Li, W. and Appiah-Adjei, E.K. (2013). Influence of particle distribution in the filter coefficient of the initial stage of filtration. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(2): 456 – 464. 12. Adjei, K.A., Liliang, R., Appiah-Adjei, E.K., and Odai, S.N. (2013). The potential utilization of satellite derived rainfall for a data-scarce basin. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731: 3531 – 3537. 13. Amedjoe, C. G. and Adjovu, I. T. (2013). Application of the mobile metal ion geochemical technique in the location of buried gold mineralization in Essase Concession, Eastern Region, Ghana. Journal of Geology and Mining Research, 5(5): 147-160 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: C. K. Kankam S. N. Odai Associate Professors: S. I. K. Ampadu +Esi Awuah BSc (Eng), (Kumasi), MSc, DIC, (London), PhD (Leeds), MASCE, MGhIE, MIFS BEng (Hehai, China), MSc, PhD (TUAT) (Tokyo), MGhIE, MASCE, MIAHR, MIAHS (Pro Vice-Chancellor) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Tokyo), PhD (Tokyo), FGhIE (Provost, College of Engineering) BSc (Biol.) (Kumasi), MSc (Syria), PhD (U-IHE, Delft) 121 M. Salifu Y. A. Tuffour M. Adom-Asamoah Senior Lecturers: #F. O. K. Anyemedu Gnida Sossou K. Biritwum Nyarko C. A. Adams G. K. Anornu S. Oduro Kwarteng R. A. Buamah Lecturers: E. A. Donkor V. K. A. Acquaah *S. K. Ahiamadi H. M. K. Essandoh J. Wiafe Ampofo *F. O. Annor *K. A. Adjei D. A. Obeng F. O. Nimo * Study leave MSc. (Civil/Highway Eng.) (Moscow), PhD (Transport Eng.) (Newcastle upon Tyne), FGhIE, MIHT, MIRF, MWCTRS BSc (Geol Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Technion), DSc (Haifa Technion), MGhIE (Head of Department) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc DIC (London), PhD (Bristol), MGhIE MSc, PhD (Moscow), MGhIE BSc (Mech Const) MSc (Civil) PhD (Structures) (Moscow) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Delft), PhD (U-IHE, Delft), MGhIE BSc (Kumasi), MSc, DIC (London), MGhIE MSc. (Eng), PhD (Minsk) BSc. (Civil Eng), MSc. (Kumasi), PhD (U-IHE, Delft) BSc. MPhil (Biochem) (Kumasi), PhD (U-IHE, Delft) BSc (Civil Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Delft), PhD (USA) BSc. (Eng), MPhil (Geotech) (Kumasi) BSc. (Eng), MPhil (Geotech) (Kumasi) BSc. (Civil Eng), MSc. (Water and Sanitation) (Kumasi), PhD (Waste Water Treatment) (Bradford) MSc. (Eng), DSc. BSc (Civil Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (IHE, Delft) BSc (Civil Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (IHE, Delft) BSc (Civil Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Transportation Eng.) (Newcastle upon Tyne), PhD (Civil Eng) (Kumasi) BSc (Civil Eng) (Kumasi), MSc Civil & Env. Eng) (Durham, USA), PhD (Durham, USA) #On contract+On sabbatical leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Obeng, D. A. and Salifu, M. (2013). Modelling Risk Factors of Pedestrian Accidents on Trunk Roads in Ghana. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(5): 55 – 64. 122 2. Obeng, D. A. (2013). Characteristics of Pedestrian Accidents on Trunk Roads in Ghana. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(5): 46 – 54. 3. Densu, S. N. and Salifu, M. (2013). Attitudes towards seatbelt use in Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research, 2(1): 2319. 4. Debrah, E. K. and Salifu, M. (2013). Impacts of Fuel Service Stations located at Signalised Intersections on Traffic Flows – A case Study of Kumasi (Ghana). Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 18(1&2): 66 – 73. 5. Boadu, F. K., Owusu-Nimo, F., Achampong, F., and Ampadu, S. I. K. (2013). Artificial neural network and statistical models for predicting the basic geotechnical properties of soils from electrical measurements. Accepted in Near Surface Geophysics. 6. Nyantakyi, E. K., Adams, C. A., Borkle, J. K. and Pobee, D. (2013). Synchronization of signalized Intersections: A case study of three major Intersections on the 24th February Road, Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 13(4): 2566 – 2590. 7. Opoku-Boahen, R., Adams, C. A. and Salifu, M. (2013). Performance evaluation of two toll plazas on the Accra-Tema Motorway. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 2(5): 16 – 23. www.irjes.com 8. Buamah, R., Asare, M. R. and Salifu, A. (2013). Absorption of fluoride from aqueous solution using a low cost adsorbent. Journal of Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 13(2): 238 – 248. 9. Monney, I., Odai, S. N.,Buamah, R., Awuah E. and Nyenje, P. M. (2013). Environmental impacts of waste water from urban slums: case study- Old Fadama, Accra. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2(2): 10. Salifu, A., Petrusevski, B., Ghebremichael, K., Buamah, R. and Amy, G. (2013). Aluminium hydroxide coated pumice for fluoride removal from drinking water: Synthesis, equilibrium, kinetics and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 228: 63 – 74. 11. Ristinmaa, K., Nyarko, K. and Dwumfour-Asare, B. (2013). Cost functions for predicting Capital expenditure of small towns in Ghana. VATTEN-Journal of Water Management and Research, 69:27 – 36. 12. Tenkorang, S. J., Odai, S. N., Amaning, A. K., Annor, F., Oduro-Kwarteng, S., Nyarko, K. B. and Maher, A. M. (2013). Impacts of Variable Energy Prices on Financial Sustainability of Water Facilities: Case from Ghana. Int. J. of Water. 13. Appiah-Adjei, E. K., Shu, L. C.,Adjei, K. A., and Lu, C. (2013). Evaluation of climate change impact on sustainability of Tailan underground reservoir in China. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731: 3249 – 3255. 14. Osei-Kwarteng, J., Qiongfang, L., and Adjei, K. A.(2013). Comparison of TRMM Data with Rain Gauge Observations inthe Upper Huaihe River Basin of China. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731: 3385 15. Quaye-Ballard, J. A., Ru, A., Ruan, R, Adjei K. A., and Akorful-Andam S. (2013) Validation of Climate Research Unit High Resolution Time-Series Rainfall Data over 123 Three Source Region: Results of 52 Years. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 726-731 (2013) pp 3542-3546 16. Adjei, K. A., Liliang R., Appiah-Adjei, E. K. and Odai, S. N. (2013). The Potential Utilization of Satellite Derived Rainfall in a Data-Scarce Basin. Advanced Materials Research, 726-731: 3531 – 3537. 17. Gyamfi, C., Diabene, P. Y., Odai, S. N., Anornu, G. K. and Annor, F. O. (2013). Conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms: A perspective from the Black Volta Basin- Ghana. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2(2): 1346 – 1356. 18. Monney, I., Odai, S. N., Awuah, E., Buamah, R. A., Nyenje, P. M. (2013). Assessing the impacts of sanitation in unsewered urban slums on water resources: A case study of Old Fadama, Accra, Ghana. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2(2): 711 – 728. 19. Monney, I., Buamah, R., Odai, S.N., Awuah, E. and Nyenje, P.M (2013). Evaluating Access to Potable Water and Basic Sanitation in Ghana's Largest Urban Slum Community: Old Fadama, Accra. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 3(11): 72 – 79. 20. Monney, I., Boakye, R., Buamah, R., Anyemedu, F. O. K., Odai, S. N., Awuah, E. (2013). Urbanization and pollution of surface water resources in the two largest cities in Ghana. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis, 1(6): 279 – 287. 21. Adom-Asamoah, M. and Afrifa,R. O. (2013). Shear behavior of reinforced phyllite concrete beams, Materials and Design. Elsevier, 43: 438 – 446. 22. E. Appiah-Kubi, C.K. Kankam and M. Adom-Asamoah, Bending and modulus of elasticity properties of ten lesser-used timber species in Ghana using structural dimensions. Ghana J. Forestry, 28(1): 15 – 28. 23. Anornu, G. K. and Kabo-bah, A. (2013). Comparability Evaluation of AVI and DRASTIC Methods for Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping. Journal of Environment and Ecology,4(2): 126 – 125. ISSN 2157-6092 24. Oduro-Kwarteng, S. and Van Djik, M. P. (2013). The effect of increased private sector involvement in solid waste collection in five cities in Ghana. Waste Management and Research, 31: 81 – 92. 25. Oduro-Kwarteng, S. K. Munir and M. P. Van Djik (2013), Pay-as-you-throw solid waste in Kumasi, Ghana. A glance at the World/waste management, 33: 2579 – 2582. 26. Obiri-Yeboah, A. A., Tuffour, Y. A., and Salifu, M. (2014). Passenger Car Equivalents for Vehicles at Signalized Intersections within the Kumasi Metropolis in Ghana. IOSR Journal of Engineering, 4(4): 24 – 29. 27. Fonseca, C., Nyarko, K., Uandela, A. and Guy, N. (2014). Sustainable fibnancing in sanitation and hygiene in Africa: Where do we stand? Cross P. and Coombes Y. (Edited) IWA Publishing, London. 159-164 28. Opoku-Boahen, R., Adams, C. A. and Salifu,M. (2014). Decision criteria on the number of Manual and E-zone lanes to open on the Accra-Tema Motorway. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 3(1): 42 – 57. 124 29. Eilander, D., Annor, F. O., Lanniniand, L. Van DeGiesen, N. (2014). Remotely sensed monitoring of small reservoir dynamics: A Bayesian approach. Remote sens., 6(2): 1191 – 1210. 30. Tuffour, Y. A., and Adom-Asamoah, M. (2014). Estimation of pre-compression parameters in the acceleration of consolidation settlement. American Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(3): 68 – 73. 31. Oduro-Kwarteng, S., Nyanko, K. B., Dwumfour-Asare, B., and Agyekum, E. K. (2014). Indicators for benchmaking water supply to the urban poor in Ghana. Int. Journal of Innovative Research and Studies 3(4), 723-737. 32. Money, I., Oduro-Kwarteng, S., and Odai, S. N. (2014). Assessing human resourse capacity needs to meet the MDG target on water and sanitation in Ghana. Developing Country Studies, 4(10), 17-27. 33. Tuffour, Y. A., Obiri-Yeboah, A. A., Salifu. M., and Acquah, P. C. (2014). Adjusting for the effect of bus blockage on saturation flows. International Journal of science and reseach (IJSR), 3(6), 749-753. 34. Tuffour, Y. A., and Briamah, A. (2014). Suitability of Natural Gravels in Ghana for Otta Seal Construction. IOSR Journal of Engineering, 4(7), 46-53. 35. Tuffour, Y. A., and Appiagyei, D. K. N. (2014). Motocycle taxis in public transportation services within the Accra metropolis. American Journal of Civil Engineering, 2(4), 117122. CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Atiemo, E., Kankam, C. K. and Momade, F. (2013). Hydration properties of clay pozzolana and linestone mineral admixtures in binary and ternary cements. Proceedings of the international conference on advances in cement and concrete technology in Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa. 2. Owusu-Nimo, F., Ampadu, S. I. K., and Ayeh, F. J. (2013). The use of resistivity measurement to aid in interpreting borehole log in site investigation. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics in Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Denver, CO. 3. Sossou, G.(2013). Creep influence on concrete slabs pre-stressed in both directions, the Fifth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and computation (SEMC) 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. 2 – 4September, 2013. 4. Acheampong, A., Adom-Asamoah, M., Ayarkwa, J., and Afrifa, R. O. (2013). Shear capacity of reinforced palm kernel shells concrete and normal weight concrete with and without shear reinforcement, In: Nkum, R. K., Nani, G., Atepor, L., Assasie, O.R, Awere, E. and Bamfo-Adjei, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd Applied Research Conference in Africa (ARCA 2013), Kumasi, Ghana, pp. 135-150, ISBN 978-9988-1-7051-6. 5. Acheampong, A., Ayarkwa, J., Adom-Asamoah, M. and Baiden, B. K. (2013). Comparative study of the physical properties of palm kernel shells concrete and normal weight concrete in Ghana, In:Thwala, W.D. and Aigbavboa, C. O. (Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Infrastructural Development in Africa (ICIDA 2013), Johannesburg, South Africa, pp. 185-193 125 6. Fonseca, C., Stef. S., Nyarko, K., Naafs, A. and Francey, F (2013). Covering the costs of capital maintenance of rural water supply systems: current practices and future options. WASHCost/Triple S Working Paper No 9, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Netherlands. 7. Nyarko, K. B. and Dwumfour-Asare, B (2013). Tracking direct support and capital maintenance cost in rural water service delivery in Ghana. IRC Symposium 2013 Monitoring Sustainable WASH Service Delivery, The Hague, the Netherlands. 8. Sackey, M. A., Anornu, G. K., Kumah, Y. and Kortatsi, B. K. (2013). Cyanide Decay and Metal Speciation in Decant Ponds ofCarbon-in-Leach Tailings Storage Facilities – A Case Study at Gold Fields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa Mine (GFGL). Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Annual Conference 2013, Reliable Mine Water Technology, Vol. 1, pp 457 – 461. 9. Sackey, M. A., K.Anornu, G., Kumah, Y., Kortatsi, B. K. and Antwi Yeboah, K. (2013). Attenuation Potential of Clay Liner Carbon-in-Leach Tailings StorageFacilities – A Case Study at Gold Fields Ghana Limited, Tarkwa Mine(GFGL). Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Annual Conference 2013, Reliable Mine Water Technology, Vol. 1, pp 451-456 10. Bediako, M., Adjaottor, A. A. A., Gawu, S. K. Y. and Kankam, C. K. Potential use of crushed Ghanaian limestone in formulated mortar for masonry”, proceedings of the 2nd international conference on sustainable construction, materials and technologies, Universita Politecnica D’elle Marche, Ancona, Italy. DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professors: F.K. Forson BSc (Eng), MSc (Mech. Eng) (Kumasi) (DMU) (Leics.) Senior Lecturers: S.M. Sackey BSc. (Eng), (Kumasi), MSc (Cranfield), PhD (NCA&T) A.K. Sunnu BSc (Eng), Mphil (Kumasi), PhD (Toulon Var), MGhIE G. Takyi BEng (HMS) (Salford), MSc (Advanced Manuf, Salford.) PhD (Electronics Manuf.) (Salford) (Head of Department) P.Y. Andoh BSc. (Eng), (Kumasi), MSc. (PhD) (NCA & T), (North Carolina) 126 E.W. Ramde Dip, BSc. MSc. (Physics) (Ouaga). MSc. PhD (Mech. Eng) (Kumasi) Lecturers: Araba K. Instiful (Mrs.) BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc. (Ind Tech) (Michigan) M.N. Sackey BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc. (Trondheim) Y.A.K. Fiagbe BSc. (Eng), MSc (Eng) (Kumasi), PhD (KNUST) A. Agyei-Agyemang BSc. (Eng) (Karlsruhe), MSc. (Eng) (Karlsruhe) PhD (KNUST) F. Davis Dip, (Mech. Eng), BSc (Eng), MPhil (Kumasi) PhD (NCA&T) Greensboro North Carolina *E. Akyereko Adjei (Mrs.) BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Cranfield) P.O. Tawiah BSc. (Eng), MSc. (New York) J. Ampofo BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc PhD (NCA&T) Greensboro North Carolina L. D. Mensah BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc. (University of Nottingham, UK PhD. (Cranfield University, UK) Assistant Lecturers: F. Nyarko BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc. (Loughborough Univ. UK) D. A. Quansah BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc. (Kumasi) MSpe, 2iE, Ouagadougou D. E. K. Dzebre BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Kumasi) F. W. Adam BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Kumasi) Research Fellow: #H.K. Ata-Bedu BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MBA (Strathclyde), FGhIE Technical Instructor: I.A. Edwin Dip (Mech. Eng) Kumasi, Postgraduate Dip (Renewable Energy Resources) SOGESTA, Italy. Visiting lecturer: 127 #K.K. Bofah BSc. (Aeronautics and Astronautics) (Purdue), MS (Aeronautics), (CALTECH), PhD (Aeronautics) *Study Leave # On Contract DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor : K. O. Boateng BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), ME, DE (Ehime) (Head of Department) Senior Lecturers: **K. Diawuo BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Kingston), PhD (N’cle) Lecturers: *J. K. G. Nuamah Y. Ahmed *I. Acquah *D. A. Y. Agyapong #I. Larchie BSc. (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Offenburg) BSc, MB ChB. (Kumasi). M.Trop Paed (Liverpool), MSc (Scotland) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Surrey) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Nottingham) BSc (Physics) (Kumasi), B. Ed (York) MSc (Medical Physics) (Surrey), M.ASc (Elect./Biomed Eng.) (Dalhousie, CQA. ASQMilwaukee), CQPA (ASQ-Milwaukee) 128 E. K. Akowuah B. Kommey BSc (Eng), (Kumasi), MSc (Kent), PhD (Eng) (Kent) BSc. (Eng), Thuringen, MSc. (Berlin) Assistant Lecturers P. Adame A. S. Agbemenu J. Yankey BSc (Eng), (Kumasi), MSc (Georgia) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Kumasi) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MPhil (Kumasi) *On Study Leave **On Sabbatical Leave#Leave of Absence ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Keelson, E., Boateng, K. O. and Ghansah, I. (2014). A Smart Retrofitted Meter for Developing Countries. International Journal of Computer Applications, 90(5): 40 – 46. 2. Tengviel, J. and Diawuo, K. (2013).Comparing the impact of Mobile Nodes ARRIVAL Patterns in Manets Using poisson and Pareto Models, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks, 5(4): 135. 3. Amoako, P. Y. O. and Diawuo, K.(2013). Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates Using Neural network. International Journal of Societal Applications of computer Science, 2(3): 298 – 302. ISSN 2319-8443 4. Diawuo, K., Dotche, K. A. and Cumberbatch, T. (2013). Data Fitting to Hata Okumura Propagation Model Using Least Square Algorithm: Case Study in Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2(6): 226 – 230. 5. Weyori, B. A. and Boateng, K. O. (2013). Dynamic Intelligent Mean Filter for Impulse Noise Suppression in 2D Images. International Journal of Modern Engineering, 13(2): 60 – 67. 6. Bonsu, K. A., Boateng, K. O., Oppong, J. K. and Dotche, K. A. (2013). Small-Scale Fading Characteristics in Cellular Networks in Ghana.International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, 5(3):23 – 33. 7. Nunoo-Mensah, H., Akowuah, E. K. and Boateng, K. O. (2014). A review of Network Access 129 Control (NAC) tools for enterprise education networks.International Journal of Computer Applications. 8. Klogo, G. S., and Gadze, J. D. (2013). Energy Contraint of Localization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN): A survey.International Journal of Computer Applications, 75(9).(0975-8887) 9. Klogo, G. S., Gasonoo, A. and Amponsah, K. E. I. (2013). On the Performance of Filters of Reduction of Speckle Noise in SAR Images off the Coast of Gulf of Guinea.International Journal of Information Technology, Moldelling and Computing, 1(1). 10. Klogo, G. S., and Gadze, J. D. (2014). Secured Clustered Network for Localization and Monitoring of Smart Energy Meters (SEM) in Ghana.International Journal of Computer Applications, 89(4).(0975-8887) 11. Otupiri, R., Akowuah, E. K., Haxha, S., Ademgil, H., Abdel ‘Malek, F., Aggoun, A. (2014). A Novel Birefrigent Photonic Crystal Fiber Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor.Photonics Journal, 6(4): 1 – 11. ARITICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFRENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Tchao, E. T., Ofosu, W. K. and Diawuo, K. (2013). Radio Planning and Field Trial Measurement of a Deployed 4G WiMAX Network in an Urban Sub-Saharan African Environment, 12th Annual Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2013) ,USA. 2. Oduro-Gyimah, F. K., Azasoo, J, Q. and Boateng, K. O. (2013). Statistical Analysis of Outage Time of Commercial Telecommunication Networks in Ghana. Proceedings, International Conference on Adaptive Science and Technology (ICAST 2013), pp.1-8, November 25-27. 3. Bonsu, K. A., Boateng, K. O., Oppong, J. K. and Dotche, K. A. (2013): Small-Scale Fading Characteristics in Cellular Networks in Ghana, Wireless Telecommunication Symposium (WTS 2013), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, April 17-19, 2013. 4. Ademgil, H., Eze, U. F., Akowuah, E. K., Haxha, S., “Photonic Crystal Fiber based sensor, “Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2013 21st, Vol., No., Pp 1,4. April 24 – 26. 130 TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANCY CENTRE ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Research Fellows: Peggy Oti-Boateng (Mrs.) G. Y. Obeng BSc. (Biochem) (Kumasi), PhD (Adelaide), Cert. (Dev. of Innovative Systems) (Maastricht) Cert. (Small Business Management) Cranfield), Cert. (Tech. for Rural Women) (Reading). BSc. (Eng.) (Kumasi), MSc (Flensburg), PhD. (Kumasi), Cert. Moulds and Dies Design (India), Cert. Learning Intercultural Competences (Bonn), Cert International Development & Design (Boston) (Director) Research Fellows: D. A. K. Amrago BA (Art) Postgrad. Dip. Ind. Mgt. (Kumasi), MA Human Resource Management (Cape Coast) Cert. Small Bus. Mgt. and Entrepreneurship, Ghana, UGBS, Advance Cert. Corporate Governance IoD, Ghana 131 M. K. Adjaloo M. Commeh Assistant Research Fellow: K. Donkor BSc. (Zoo) Dip. (Ed) (Cape Coast), MPhil (Bio. Science) Kumasi. BA (Art) (Kumasi), MSc. (Flensburg), Cert. (Java Programme MIT), Cert. (L.S.I.S) Tresti. BA (Art) (Kumasi), MFA (Kumasi) BOOK PUBLISHED Hormenoo, C., Obeng, G. Y. and Adjaloo, M. K. (2013). Ghana Jatropha Project: Training Manual for Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Equipment. Published by PRISEBS Publishers, Kumasi, Ghana, 27 pages. ISBN: 978-9988 -1-9652-3 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Frimpong-Anin, K., Adjaloo, M. K., Kwapong, P. K. and Oduro, W. (2014). Structure and Stability of Cocoa Flowers and Their Response to Pollination Journal of Botany, Article ID 513623,6 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/513623. 2. Obeng, G. Y., Adjaloo, M. K. andAmrago, D. K. (2013). Analysis of Skills and Training Needs of Metalwork Engineering Enterprises in Ghana. The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(8): 102 – 112. ISSN(e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN(p): 2319 – 1805 3. Mensah, E., Obeng, G. Y. and Antwi, E. (2013). Engine performance evaluation using biodiesel blends from waste palm kernel oil, mixed WVOs and diesel fuel. International Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(9): 19 – 25. ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 – 1805. 132 4. Mensah, E. and Obeng, G. Y. (2013). Assessment and Projection of Waste Vegetable oils from Hotels for Biodiesel Feedstock and CO2 Savings in Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Research and Science &Technology, 2(4): 1-12. ISSN 2319-5991. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Waldman-Brown, A., Obeng, G. Y., Gyamfi, Y. A., Langevin, S. and Adam, A. (2013). Fabbing for Africa’s Informal Sector. Proceedings of the 9th International Fab lab Conference (Fab 9) in Yokohama. Research Stream in Japan. February 21 – 28.The International Fab Lab Association. [http://www.fablabinternational.org/fab-labresearch/proceedings-from-the-fab-9-research- stream] 2. Amrago, D. (2013). Design and Techniques in Appropriate domestic Fires In: Proceedings of National Woodstoves Festival, Accra, Ghana. November 8. www.snvworld.org/en/ghana 3. Amrago, D. (2013). Climate Change and Wood-fuel Phenomena in Ghana. The Two Challenges. In: Proceedings of College of Engineering Research Retreat, Cape Coast. Ghana, July 2 – 5. 4. Amrago, D. (2014). Effective Chimney as a Draft to Eliminate Smoke: Practical Solutions. In: Proceedings of Ghana National Clean Cookstoves and Fuels Conference, Best Western Premier, Accra Airport Hotel, Accra, Ghana. April 9 – 10. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: S. K. Agodzo N. Kyei-Baffour K. A. Dzisi A. Bart-Plange E. Mensah A. Addo E. Y. H. Bobobee BSc (Eng) Kumasi, MSc Cranfield, PhD N’cle, FGhIE, MGSAE(Head of Department) BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc (Soil & Water Eng) (Cranfield), PhD (S’oton), Cert (PRA), MGSAE, MGhIE BSc (Eng) Kumasi, MSc, PhD Cranfield, MGSAE, MghIE BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), Dipl. Ing Agr. (StuttgartHohenheim), MGhIE, MGSAE MSc (Eng) (Tashkent), MSc (Cranfield), MGhIE, MGSAE BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MSc, PhD (Okayama) MGhIE, MGSAE BSc (Eng) Kumasi, MSc Cranfield, PhD Upssala, MGhIE, MGSAE Senior Lecturers: 133 J. O. Darko S. H. M. Aikins W. A. Agyare J. Aveyire Lecturers: J. O. Akowuah F. Kemausuor Assistant Lecturer: K. A. Aikins BSc (Agric) Kumasi, MSc (Agric Eng), PhD, Cranfield, MASOG, MGSAE BSc (Eng), PGDip (Ind Mgt) (Kumasi), MPhil (Cranfield), MGSAE, MGhIE, MASAE, AIAgRE, MEurAgEng BSc (Eng.), MSc Ghent, PhD (Bonn) MGSAE, MGhIE BSc (Eng) Kumasi, Dipl Ing RW.TH. Aachen, MGhIE, BSc (Eng), MSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MGSAE BSc (Eng) (Kumasi), MPhil (Cambridge), MASABE, MGSAE, BSc(Eng) Kumasi, MEng (HBNU South Korea) MGSAE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Abagale, F. K., Kyei-Baffour, N., Ofori, E. and Mensah, E. (2013). Types and Seasonal Diversity of Helminth Eggs in Wastewater used for Peri-Urban Vegetable Crop Production in Tamale Metropolis, Ghana. International Journal of Current Research, 5(11): 3354-3359. 2. Afriyie, E., Mensah, E. and Lohri, C. R. (2013). Comparative Study of Composted and Uncomposted Digestates, Chicken Manure and Cow Dung as Fertilizers and their Effects on Soil Properties. Global Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 2(4): 12 – 22. 3. Mensah, E., Mensah-Brako, B, Wilson A. Agyare, Francis Padi & Nicholas Kyei-Baffour (2013). Production Constraints in Cocoa Nursery in Selected major Cocoa Producing Areas in Ghana. Global Journal of Engineering, Design & Technology, 2(2): 1 – 7. 4. Mensah, E., Boateng, K. K. and Agyare, W. A. (2013). Health Risk of Agrochemicals Usage in Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) Production in the Offinso-North District of Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 5(9): 1672 – 1681. 5. Mensah, E., Mensah-Brako, B., Agyare, W. A. and Padi, F. (2013). Water Application Rate Effect on Growth Performance of Hybrid Cocoa Seedlings in the Semi-deciduous Forest Zone of Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2(2): 1 – 12. 134 6. Mensah, E. and Obeng, G. Y. (2013). Assessment and Projection of Waste Vegetable Oils from Hotels for Biodiesel Feedstock and CO2 Savings in Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology, 2(4): 1 – 12. 7. E. Mensah, Obeng, G. Y. and Antwi, E. (2013). Engine Performance Evaluation Using Biodiesel Blends from Waste Palm Kernel Oil, Mixed WVOs and Diesel Fuel. The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 2(9): 19 – 25. 8. Kyei-Baffour, N., Ofori, E., Mensah, E., Agyare, W. A. and Atta-Darkwa, T. (2013). Modelling Groundwater Flow of the Besease Inland Valley Bottom in Ghana. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences, 2(1): 52 – 60. 9. Atta-Darkwa, T., Kyei-Baffour, N., Ofori, E., Mensah, E. and Agyare, W. A. (2013). Quantification of Groundwater Recharge in the River Oda Catchment Using the Water-table Fluctuation Method. Global Journal of Engineering, Design & Technology, 2(1): 96 – 103. 10. Ofori, E., Ayer, J., Mensah, E., Kyei-Baffour, N. and Sosa, I. A. (2013). Assessing the Impact of Long-term Hevea Brasiliensis (Para Rubber) Plantation on Soil dry Bulk Density and Porosity in a Semi-Deciduous Forest Environment in Ghana. International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology, 2(2): 123 – 136. 11. Huang, J., Nkrumah, P. N., Anim, D. O. and Mensah, E. (2013). E-Waste Disposal Effects on the Aquatic Environment, Accra, Ghana. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 229: 19 – 34.ISSN: 0179 – 5953 12. Addo, A. and Bart-Plange, A.(2013). Musculoskeletal Disorders Associated with cocoa warehouse tasks in Ghana: Preliminary results from a pilot study. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences, 2(1): 38 – 41. ISSN NO.: 2319-5584 13. Braimah, C. A. and Agodzo, S. (2014). Challenges to efficient and effective irrigation water management in Ghana – the case of Bontanga Irrigation Project. IOSR Journal of Engineering, 4 (4) ||V2||: 34 – 41. ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719. 14. Obuobie, E., Ofori, D., Agodzo S. K., and Okrah, C. (2013). Groundwater potential for dry season irrigation in North eastern Ghana. Water International, 38(4): 433 – 448. DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2013.814212. 15. Kemausuor, F., Kamp, A., Thomsen, S. T., Bensah, E. C. and Østergård, H. (2014). Assessment of biomass residue availability and bioenergy yields in Ghana. Resources, Recycling and Conservation, 86: 28 – 37. 16. Kemausuor, F., Adkins, E., Adu-Poku, I., Brew-Hammond, A. and Modi, V. (2014). Electrification planning using Network Planner tool: The case of Ghana. Energy for Sustainable Development, 19: 92 – 101. 17. Mensah, G. S., Kemausuor, F. and Brew-Hammond, A. (2014). Energy Access Indicators and Trends in Ghana. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 30: 317 – 323. 18. Kemausuor, F., J. Akowuah and E. Ofori (2013). Assessment of Feedstock Options for Biofuels Production in Ghana. Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3(2):119 – 128. 19. Rockson, G. N. K., Kemausuor, F., Seassey, R. and Yanful, E. (2013). Activities of scavengers and itinerant buyers in Greater Accra, Ghana. Habitat International, 39:148 – 155. 135 COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professors: J. S. K. Ayim BPharm, PhD Lond, DSc, FPSGH, FPC Pharm J. K. Kwakye BPharm, MSc, PhD, FPSGH, FPC Pharm R. K. Adosraku B.Pharm MPharm, PhD London Senior Lecturers: *S. Asare-Nkansah BPharm, MSc, MPSGH Isaac Ayensu BPharm, MSc, MPSGH (Head of Department) Lecturers: 136 Abena Amponsaa Brobbey (Mrs.) BPharm, PhD Joseph Kwasi Adu BPharm, MSc, PhD William Kofie BSc, PhD J. A. Adotey BPharm, MPharm Kumasi, PhD Duquesne, MPSGh *James Oppong Kyekyeku BPharm, MPharm Kumasi *S. O. Bekoe BPharm, MSc, MPSGH *On Study Leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Boateng, J. S., Mitchell, J. C., Pawar, H. and Ayensu, I. (2014). Peptides, proteins and peptide/protein-polymer conjugates as drug delivery system.Protein and Peptide Letters. (In press). 2. Pawar, H., Boateng, J., Ayensu, I. and Tetteh, J. (2014). Multi functional medicated lyophilised wafer dressing for effective chronic wound healing. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (In press). 3. Boateng, J. S. and Ayensu, I. (2014). Preparation and characterization of laminated thiolated chitosan-based freeze-dried wafers for potential buccal delivery of macromolecules. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. DOI:10.3109/03639045.2014.884126 4. Giovino, C., Ayensu, I., Tetteh J. and Boateng J. (2013). An integrated buccal delivery system combining chitosan films impregnated with peptide loaded PEG-b-PLA nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 112: 9 – 15. 5. Kianfar, F., Ayensu, I. and Boateng, J. (2013). Carrageenan and poloxamer based lyophilized polymeric matrix as a potential buccal drug delivery system. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. Early Online: 1–9. DOI: 10.3109/03639045.2012.762655. 137 6. Ameyaw, E. O., Woode, E., Boakye-Gyasi, E., Abotsi, W. K., Oppong Kyekyeku, J. and Adosraku, R. K. (2014). Anti-allodynic and Anti-hyperalgesic effects of an ethanolic extract and xylopic acid from the fruits of Xylopia aethiopica in murine models of neuropathic pain. Phcog Res, 6(2): 172 – 9. 7. Koffuor, G. A., Ameyaw, E. O., Oppong Kyekyeku J., Amponsah, K. I., Sunkwa, A. and Semenyo S. A. (2013). Analgesic activity of pet. ether, aqueous and hydro-ethanolic leaf extracts of Aspilia Africana (Pers) C.D. Adams (Asteraceae) in rodents. Int. Res. J. Pharm., 4(7): 39 – 45. 8. Koffuor, G. A., Annan, K., Oppong Kyekyeku, J., Fiadjoe, H. K. and Enyan, E. (2013). Effect of Ethanolic Stem bark Extract of Blighia Unijugata (Sapindaceae) on Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Uterin Leiomyoma in Sprague-Dawley Rats. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 3(4), 880 – 896. 9. Woode, E. Ameyaw, E. O., Ainooson, G. K., Abotsi, W. K. M., Boakye-Gyasi, E. and Oppong Kyekyeku, J. (2013). Analgesic Effects of an Ethanol Extract of the Fruits of Xylopia aethiopica and Xylopic Acid in Murine Models of Pain: Possible Mechanism(s). Pharmacologia, 4(1): 285 – 300. 10. Adosraku, R. K., Oppong Kyekyeku, J. and Attah, I. Y. (2013). Characterization and HPLC Quantification of Piperine isolated from Piper guineense (Fam. Piperaceae). InternationalJournal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5(1): 252 – 256. 11. Koffuor, G. A., Ainoonson, G. K., Amponsah, K. I., Addotey, J. N., Asiamah, E. A., Akuffo, S.N., Adutwum, K. and Bandoh, R. F. (2013). The Antiulcerant Activity of an Aqueous Fruit Extract of Musa x paradisiaca on Acetic Acid-Induced Gastric Ulceration in ICR Mice. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Science 2(2): 30 – 39. 12. Koffuor, G. A., Ainoonson, G. K., Addotey, J. A., Amponsah, I. K., Afriyie, V. A. and Tutu, R. Preliminary pharmacological investigation of the ischuretic property and safety of a hydroethanolic extract of Amaranthus spinosis (Fam: Amaranthaceae). Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol 2013;2:517-27. 138 KUMASI CENTRE FOR COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH ACADEMIC STAFF E. Owusu-Dabo PhD (Public Health Epidemiology) Nottingham, FACP (Ghana), MWACP, Ibadan, MPH Kumasi, MBChB, Kumasi, BSc (Human Biology) Kumasi (Director) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Sirdah, M. M., Sievertsen, J, Al-Yazji, M. S., Tarazi, I. S., Al-Haddad, R. M., Horstmann, R. D. and Timmann, C. (2013). The spectrum of β-thalassemia mutations in Gaza Strip, Palestine. Blood cells, molecules & diseases, 50(4): 247 – 51. 2. Rolling, T., Agbenyega, T., Issifou, S., Adegnika, A. A., Sylverken, J., Spahlinger, D., Ansong, D., Löhr, S. J., Burchard, G. D., May, J., Mordmüller, B., Krishna, S., Kremsner, P.G. and Cramer, J. P. (2014). Delayed hemolysis after treatment with parenteral artesunate in African children with severe malaria - a double-center prospective study.The Journal of Infectious Diseases, (Epub ahead of print). 139 3. Krumkamp, R., Sarpong, N., Kreuels, B., Ehlkes, L., Loag, W., Schwarz, N. G., Zeeb, H., Adu-Sarkodie, Y. and May, J. (2013). Health care Utilization and symptom severity in Ghanaian children - a cross-sectional study. PLoS One, 8(11): e80598. 4. Frickmann, H., Hänle, A., Essig, A., Dekker, D., Boahen, K., Acquah, S., Sarpong, N., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Schwarz, N. G., May, J., Marks, F., Hagen, R. M. and Poppert, S. (2013). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for rapid identification of Salmonella ssp. From agar and blood culture broth – an option for the tropics? International journal of medical microbiology, 303(5): 277 – 84. 5. Frickmann, H., Dekker, D., Boahen, K., Acquah, S., Sarpong, N., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Schwarz, N. G., May, J., Marks, F., Poppert, S., Wiemer, D. F. and Hagen, R. M. (2013). Increased detection of invasive enteropathogenic bacteria in pre-incubated blood culture materials by real-time PCR in comparison with automated incubation in Sub-Saharan Africa.Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, 45(8): 616 - 22. 6. Papastamatiou, Y. P., Meyer, C. G., Carvalho, F., Dale, J. J., Hutchinson, M. R. and Holland, K. N. (2013). Telemetry and random-walk models reveal complex patterns of partial migration in a large marine predator.Ecology, 94(11): 2595 – 606. 7. Cairncross, S., van Asten, H., Jaffar, S., Junghanss, T., Meyer, C. G. and Van der Stuyft, P. (2013). The ICMJE authorship criteria: a response from the editors.Tropical Medicine & International Health, 18(10): 1162 – 3. 8. Eckerle, I., Müller, M. A., Kallies, S., Gotthardt, D. N. and Drosten, C. (2013). In-vitro renal epithelial cell infection reveals a viral kidney tropism as a potential mechanism for acute renal failure during Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Coronavirus infection.Virology journal, 10: 359. 9. Reusken, C., Ababneh, M., Raj, V., Meyer, B., Eljarah, A., Abutarbush, S., Godeke, G., Bestebroer, T., Zutt, I., Muller, M., Bosch, B., Rottier, P., Osterhaus, A., Drosten, C., Haagmans, B. and Koopmans, M. (2013). Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) serology in major livestock species in an affected region in Jordan, June to September 2013.Euro surveillance, 18(50): 20662. 10. Weis, M., Behner, L., Hoffmann, M., Krüger, N., Herrler, G., Drosten, C., Drexler, J. F., Dietzel, E. and Maisner, A. (2013). Characterization of African bat henipavirus GH-M74a glycoproteins.The journal of general virology, 95(Pt 3): 539 – 48. 11. Pauli, G., Bauerfeind, U., Blümel, J., Burger, R., Drosten, C., Gröner, A., Gürtler, L., Heiden, M., Hildebrandt, M., Jansen, B., Montag-Lessing, T., Offergeld, R., Seitz, R., Schlenkrich, U., Schottstedt, V., Strobel, J. and Willkommen, H. (2013). West Nile virus.Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy, 40(4): 265 – 84. 12. Hocke, A. C., Becher, A., Knepper, J., Peter, A., Holland, G., Tönnies, M., Bauer, T. T., Schneider, P., Neudecker, J., Muth, D., Wendtner, C. M., Rückert, J. C., Drosten, C., Gruber, A. D., Laue, M., Suttorp, N., Hippenstiel, S. and Wolff, T. (2013). Emerging human Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus causes widespread infection and alveolar damage in human lungs.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 188(7): 882 – 6. 13. Marklewitz, M., Zirkel, F., Rwego, I. B., Heidemann, H., Trippner, P., Kurth, A., Kallies, 140 R., Briese, T., Lipkin, W. I., Drosten, C., Gillespie, T. R. and Junglen, S. (2013) Discovery of a unique novel clade of mosquito-associated bunyaviruses.Journal of virology 87(23): 12850 – 12865. 14. Krüger, N., Hoffmann, M., Weis, M., Drexler, J. F., Müller, M. A., Winter, C., Corman, V. M., Gützkow, T., Drosten, C., Maisner, A. and Herrler, G. (2013). Surface glycoproteins of an African henipavirus induce syncytium formation in a cell line derived from an African fruit bat, Hypsignathus monstrosus.Journal of virology, 87(24): 13889 - 13891. 15. Drexler, J. F., Geipel, A., König, A., Corman, V. M., van Riel, D., Leijten, L. M., Bremer, C. M., Rasche, A., Cottontail, V. M., Maganga, G. D., Schlegel, M., Müller, M. A., Adam, A., Klose, S. M., Carneiro, A. J., Stöcker, A., Franke, C. R., Gloza-Rausch, F., Geyer, J., Annan, A., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Oppong, S., Binger, T., Vallo, P., Tschapka, M., Ulrich, R. G., Gerlich, W. H., Leroy, E., Kuiken, T., Glebe, D. and Drosten, C. (2013). Bats carry pathogenic hepadnaviruses antigenically related to hepatitis B virus and capable of infecting human hepatocytes.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(40): 16151 – 6. 16. Niemeyer, D., Zillinger, T., Muth, D., Zielecki, F., Horvath, G., Suliman, T., Barchet, W., Weber, F., Drosten, C. and Müller, M. A. (2013). Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus accessory protein 4a is a type I interferon antagonist.Journal of Virology, 87(22): 12489 – 12495. 17. Hoffmann, M., Müller, M. A., Drexler, J. F., Glende, J., Erdt, M., Gützkow, T., Losemann, C., Binger, T., Deng, H., Schwegmann-Weßels, C., Esser, K. H., Drosten, C. and Herrler G. (2013). Differential sensitivity of bat cells to infection by enveloped RNA viruses: coronaviruses, paramyxoviruses, filoviruses, and influenza viruses.PLoS One, 8(8): e72942. 18. Reusken, C. B., Haagmans, B. L., Müller, M. A., Gutierrez, C., Godeke, G. J., Meyer, B., Muth, D., Raj, V. S., Smits-De Vries, L., Corman, V. M., Drexler, J. F., Smits, S. L., El Tahir, Y. E., De Sousa, R., van Beek, J., Nowotny, N., van Maanen, K., Hidalgo-Hermoso, E., Bosch, B. J., Rottier, P., Osterhaus, A., Gortázar-Schmidt, C., Drosten, C. and Koopmans, M. P. (2013). Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus neutralising serum antibodies in dromedary camels: a comparative serological study.The Lancet infectious diseases, 13(10): 859 – 866. 19. Guberina, H., Witzke, O., Timm, J., Dittmer, U., Müller, M. A., Drosten, C. and Bonin, F. (2014). A patient with severe respiratory failure caused by novel human coronavirus.Infection, 42(1): 203 – 206. 20. Drosten, C. (2013). Is MERS another SARS?The Lancet Infect Diseases, 13(9): 727 – 728. 21. Gläsker, S., Lulla, A., Lulla, V., Couderc, T., Drexler, J. F., Liljeström, P., Lecuit, M., Drosten, C., Merits, A. and Kümmerer, B. M. (2013). Virus replicon particle based Chikungunya virus neutralization assay using Gaussia luciferase as readout.Virology Journal, 10: 235. 22. Drosten, C., Seilmaier, M., Corman, V. M., Hartmann, W., Scheible, G., Sack, S., Guggemos, W., Kallies, R., Muth, D., Junglen, S., Müller, M. A., Haas, W., Guberina, H., Röhnisch, T., Schmid-Wendtner, M., Aldabbagh, S., Dittmer, U., Gold, H., Graf, P., Bonin, F., Rambaut, A. and Wendtner, C. M. (2013). Clinical features and virological analysis of 141 a case of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection.The Lancet infectious diseases, 13(9): 745 – 51. 23. Corman, V. M., Rasche, A., Diallo, T. D., Cottontail, V. M., Stöcker, A., Souza, B. F., Corrêa, J. I., Carneiro, A. J., Franke, C. R., Nagy, M., Metz, M., Knörnschild, M., Kalko, E. K., Ghanem, S. J., Morales, K. D., Salsamendi, E., Spínola, M., Herrler, G., Voigt, C. C., Tschapka, M., Drosten, C. and Drexler, J. F. (2013). Highly diversified coronaviruses in neotropical bats.The Journal of General Virology, 94(Pt 9): 1984 – 1994. 24. Kopp, A., Gillespie, T. R., Hobelsberger, D., Estrada, A., Harper, J. M., Miller, R. A., Eckerle, I., Müller, M. A., Podsiadlowski, L., Leendertz, F. H., Drosten, C. and Junglen, S. (2013). Provenance and geographic spread of St. Louis encephalitis virus.mBio 4(3): e00322-13. 25. Feldt, T., Sarfo, F. S., Zoufaly, A., Phillips, R. O., Burchard, G., van Lunzen, J., Jochum, J., Chadwick, D., Awasom, C., Claussen, L., Drosten, C., Drexler, J. F. and Eis-Hübinger, A. M. (2013). Hepatitis E virus infections in HIV-infected patients in Ghana and Cameroon.Journal of clinical virology, 58(1): 18 – 23. 26. de Groot, R. J., Baker, S. C., Baric, R. S., Brown, C. S., Drosten, C., Enjuanes, L., Fouchier, R. A., Galiano, M., Gorbalenya, A. E., Memish, Z. A., Perlman, S., Poon, L. L., Snijder, E. J., Stephens, G. M., Woo, P. C., Zaki, A. M., Zambon, M. and Ziebuhr, J. (2013). Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV): announcement of the Coronavirus Study Group.Journal of virology, 87(14): 7790 – 7792. 27. Gürtler, L., Bauerfeind, U., Blümel, J., Burger, R., Drosten, C., Gröner, A., Heiden, M., Hildebrandt, M., Jansen, B., Montag-Lessing, T., Offergeld, R., Pauli, G., Seitz, R., Schlenkrich, U., Schottstedt, V., Strobel, J. and Willkommen, H. (2013). Arbonematodes - nematode infections transmissible by arthropods: arbeitskreis blut, untergruppe «bewertung blutassoziierter krankheitserreger»*.Transfusion medicine and hemotherapy, 40(1): 50 – 62. 28. Eckerle, I., Keller-Stanislawski, B., Santibanez, S., Buderus, S., Hillmann, M., Drosten, C. and Eis-Hübinger, A. M. (2013). Nonfebrile seizures after mumps, measles, rubella, and varicella-zoster virus combination vaccination with detection of measles virus RNA in serum, throat, and urine.Clinical and vaccine immunology, 20(7): 1094 – 1096. 29. Lekana-Douki, S. E., Mouinga-Ondémé, A., Nkoghe, D., Drosten, C., Drexler, J. F., Kazanji, M. and Leroy, E. M. (2013). Early introduction and delayed dissemination of pandemic influenza, Gabon.Emerging infectious diseases, 19(4): 644 - 647. 30. Annan, A., Baldwin, H. J., Corman, V. M., Klose, S. M., Owusu, M., Nkrumah, E. E., Badu, E. K., Anti, P., Agbenyega, O., Meyer, B., Oppong, S., Sarkodie, Y. A., Kalko, E. K., Lina, P. H., Godlevska, E. V., Reusken, C., Seebens, A., Gloza-Rausch, F., Vallo, P., Tschapka, M., Drosten, C. and Drexler, J. F. (2013). Human betacoronavirus 2c EMC/2012-related viruses in bats, Ghana and Europe.Emerging infectious diseases, 19(3): 456 – 459. 31. Corman, V. M., Eickmann, M., Landt, O., Bleicker, T., Brünink, S., Eschbach-Bludau, M., Matrosovich, M., Becker, S. and Drosten, C. (2013). Specific detection by real-time reverse-transcription PCR assays of a novel avian influenza A (H7N9) strain associated with human spillover infections in China.Euro Surveillance, 18(16): 20461. 142 32. Reusken, C., Mou, H., Godeke, G. J., van der Hoek, L., Meyer, B., Müller, M. A., Haagmans, B., de Sousa, R., Schuurman, N., Dittmer, U., Rottier, P., Osterhaus, A., Drosten, C., Bosch, B. J. and Koopmans, M. (2013). Specific serology for emerging human coronaviruses by protein microarray.Euro Surveillance, 18(14): 20441. 33. Zirkel, F., Roth, H., Kurth, A., Drosten, C., Ziebuhr, J. and Junglen, S. (2013). Identification and characterization of genetically divergent members of the newly established family Mesoniviridae.Journal of virology, 87(11): 6346 – 58. 34. Maganga, G. D., Verrier, D., Zerbinati, R. M., Drosten, C., Drexler, J. F. and Leroy, E. M. (2013). Molecular typing of PPRV strains detected during an outbreak in sheep and goats in south-eastern Gabon in 2011.Virology journal, 10: 82. 35. Raj, V. S., Mou, H., Smits, S. L., Dekkers, D. H., Müller, M. A., Dijkman, R., Muth, D., Demmers, J. A., Zaki, A., Fouchier, R. A., Thiel, V., Drosten, C., Rottier, P. J., Osterhaus, A. D., Bosch, B. J. and Haagmans, B. L. (2013). Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 is a functional receptor for the emerging human coronavirus-EMC.Nature, 495(7440): 251 – 254. 36. Gierer, S., Bertram, S., Kaup, F., Wrensch, F., Heurich, A., Krämer-Kühl, A., Welsch, K., Winkler, M., Meyer, B., Drosten, C., Dittmer, U., von Hahn, T., Simmons, G., Hofmann, H. and Pöhlmann, S. (2013). The spike protein of the emerging betacoronavirus EMC uses a novel coronavirus receptor for entry, can be activated by TMPRSS2, and is targeted by neutralizing antibodies.Journal of virology, 87(10): 5502 – 5511. 37. Kindler, E., Jónsdóttir, H. R., Muth, D., Hamming, O. J., Hartmann, R., Rodriguez, R., Geffers, R., Fouchier, R. A., Drosten, C., Müller, M. A., Dijkman, R., Thiel, V. (2013). Efficient replication of the novel human betacoronavirus EMC on primary human epithelium highlights its zoonotic potential.mBio, 4(1): e00611. 38. Deeks, S., Drosten, C., Picker, L., Subbarao, K. and Suzich, J. (2013). Roadblocks to translational challenges on viral pathogenesis.Nature medicine, 19(1): 30 – 34. 39. Eis-Hübinger, A. M., Eckerle, I., Helmer, A., Reber, U., Dresbach, T., Buderus, S., Drosten, C. and Müller, A. (2013). Two cases of sepsis-like illness in infants caused by human parechovirus traced back to elder siblings with mild gastroenteritis and respiratory symptoms.Journal of Clinical Microbiology 51(2): 715 – 718. 40. Nartey, R., Owusu-Dabo, E., Kruppa, T., Baffour-Awuah, S., Annan, A., Oppong, S., Becker, N. and Obiri-Danso, K. (2013). Use of Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis as a viable option in an Integrated Malaria Vector Control Programme in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana.Parasites & vectors, 6(1): 116. 41. Krumkamp, R., Sarpong, N., Kreuels, B., Ehlkes, L., Loag, W., Schwarz, N. G., Zeeb, H., Adu-Sarkodie, Y. and May, J. (2013). Health care utilization and symptom severity in Ghanaian children--a cross-sectional study.PLoS One, 8(11): e80598. 42. Drexler, J. F., Geipel, A., König, A., Corman, V. M., van Riel, D., Leijten, L. M., Bremer, C. M., Rasche, A., Cottontail, V. M., Maganga, G. D., Schlegel, M., Müller, M. A., Adam, A., Klose, S. M., Carneiro, A. J., Stöcker, A., Franke, C. R., Gloza-Rausch, F., Geyer, J., Annan, A., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Oppong, S., Binger, T., Vallo, P., Tschapka, M., Ulrich, R. G., Gerlich, W. H., Leroy, E., Kuiken, T., Glebe, D. and Drosten, C. (2013). Bats carry pathogenic hepadnaviruses antigenically related to hepatitis B virus and capable of 143 infecting human hepatocytes.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(40): 16151 – 16156. 43. Drexler, J. F., Corman, V. M., Müller, M. A., Lukashev, A. N., Gmyl, A., Coutard, B., Adam, A., Ritz, D., Leijten, L. M., van Riel, D., Kallies, R., Klose, S. M., Gloza-Rausch, F., Binger, T., Annan, A., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Oppong, S., Bourgarel, M., Rupp, D., Hoffmann, B., Schlegel, M., Kümmerer, B. M., Krüger, D. H., Schmidt-Chanasit, J., Setién, A. A., Cottontail, V. M., Hemachudha, T., Wacharapluesadee, S., Osterrieder, K., Bartenschlager, R., Matthee, S., Beer, M., Kuiken, T., Reusken, C., Leroy, E. M., Ulrich, R. G. and Drosten, C. (2013). Evidence for novel hepaciviruses in rodents.PLoS pathogens, 9(6): e1003438. 44. Frickmann, H., Hänle, A., Essig, A., Dekker, D., Boahen, K., Acquah, S., Sarpong, N., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Schwarz, N. G., May, J., Marks, F., Hagen, R. M. and Poppert, S. (2013). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for rapid identification of Salmonella spp. from agar and blood culture broth--an option for the tropics?International journal of medical microbiology, 303(5): 277 – 284. 45. Frickmann, H., Dekker, D., Boahen, K., Acquah, S., Sarpong, N., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Schwarz, N. G., May, J., Marks, F., Poppert, S., Wiemer, D. F. and Hagen, R. M. (2013). Increased detection of invasive enteropathogenic bacteria in pre-incubated blood culture materials by real-time PCR in comparison with automated incubation in Sub-Saharan Africa.Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 45(8): 616 – 622. 46. Feglo, P., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Ayisi, L., Jain, R., Spurbeck, R. R., Springman, A. C., Engleberg, N. C., Newton, D. W., Xi, C. and Walk, S. T. (2013). Emergence of a novel extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing, fluoroquinolone-resistant clone of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli in Kumasi, Ghana.Journal of clinical microbiology, 51(2): 728 – 730. 47. Vandelannoote, K., Jordaens, K., Bomans, P., Leirs, H., Durnez, L., Affolabi, D., Sopoh, G., Aguiar, J., Phanzu, D. M., Kibadi, K., Eyangoh, S., Manou, L. B., Phillips, R. O., Adjei, O., Ablordey, A., Rigouts, L., Portaels, F., Eddyani, M., de Jong, B. C. (2104). Insertion Sequence Element Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Typing Provides Insights into the Population Structure and Evolution of Mycobacterium ulcerans across Africa.Applied and environmental microbiology, 80(3): 1197 – 1209. 48. Kang, H., Kreuels, B., Adjei, O., Krumkamp, R., May, J. and Small, D. S. (2013). The causal effect of malaria on stunting: a Mendelian randomization and matching approach.International journal of epidemiology, 42(5): 1390-1398. 144 DEPARTMENT OF CHILD HEALTH ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: E. O. D. Addo-Yobo BSc, MBChB, DTCH, MSc, MWACP, FGCP, MD(Head of Department) Senior Lecturers: A. Osei-Akoto G. T. Plange-Rhule (Mrs.) S. Antwi D. Ansong BSc, MBChB, FWACP, FGCP BSc, MBChB, MWACP, DPDM, FGCP BSc, MBChB, FWACP, DPDM, MSc (Nephro), FGCP BSc, MSc, MBChB, FWACP, FGCP Lecturer: J. A. Dogbe BSc, MBChB, DPDM, MPH, FWACP A. Ennimil BSc, MBChB, FWACP C. K. A. Poku BSc, MBChB, FWACP 145 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Brinton, L. A., Figueroa, J. D., Awuah, B., Yarney, J., Wiafe, S., Wood, S. N., Ansong, D., Nyarko, K., Wiafe-Addai, B., Clegg-Lamptey, J. N. (2014). Breast cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa: opportunities for prevention. Breast Cancer Res Treat., 144(3): 467 – 478. doi: 10.1007/s10549-014-2868-z. Epub 2014 Mar 7. PMID: 24604092 [PubMed - in process] 2. Willey, B. A., Tougher, S. and Ye, Y., Mann, A. G., Thomson, R., Kourgueni, I. A., Amuasi, J. H., Ren, R., Wamukoya, M., Rueda, S. T., Taylor, M., Seydou, M., Nguah, S. B., Ndiaye, S., Mberu, B., Malam, O., Kalolella, A., Juma, E., Johanes, B., Festo, C., Diap, G., Diallo, D., Bruxvoort, K., Ansong, D., Amin, A., Adegoke, C. A., Hanson, K., Arnold, F. and Goodman, C. ACTwatchGroup, (2014). Communicating the AMFm message: exploring the effect of communication and training interventions on private for-profit provider awareness and knowledge related to a multi-country anti-malarial subsidy intervention. Malar J., 4(13): 46. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-13-46. PMID: 24495691 [PubMed - in process] 3. Handlogten, K. S., Molitor, R. J., Roeker, L. E., Narla, N. P., Bachman, M. J., Quayson, S., Owusu-Afriyie, O., Adjei, E., Ankobea, F., Clayton, A., Roberts, L., MacLaughlin, K. and Ansong, D. (2014). Cervical cancer screening in Ghana, West Africa: prevalence of abnormal cytology and challenges for expanding screening. Int J Gynecol Pathol., 33(2): 197 – 202. doi: 10.1097/PGP.0b013e318298a9e6. PMID: 24487476 [PubMed - in process] 146 4. Rolling, T., Agbenyega, T., Issifou, S., Adegnika, A. A., Sylverken, J., Spahlinger, D., Ansong, D., Löhr, S. J., Burchard, G. D., May, J., Mordmüller, B., Krishna, S., Kremsner, P. G. and Cramer J. P. (2014). Delayed Hemolysis after Treatment with Parenteral Artesunate in African Children with Severe Malaria--A Double-center Prospective Study. J Infect Dis., Jan 29. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 24376273 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] 5. Ansong, D., Akoto, A. O., Ocloo, D., Ohene-Frempong, K. (2013). Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis. 2013 Nov 4;5(1):e2013062. doi: 10.4084/MJHID.2013.062. eCollection. Sickle cell disease: management options and challenges in developing countries. PMID: 24363877 [PubMed] 6. Willardson, S. L., Dickerson, T. T., Wilson, J. S., Ansong, D., Bueler, E., Boakye, I., Marfo, J., Arhin, B. and Alder, S. C. (2013). Forming a supplement intervention using a multi-theoretical behavior model. Am J Health Behav., 37(6): 831 – 840. doi: 10.5993/AJHB.37.6.12. PMID: 24001632 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 7. Williams, E. A., Keenan, K. E., Ansong, D., Simpson, L. M., Boakye, I., Boaheng, J. M., Awuah, D., Nkyi, C. A., Nyannor, I., Arhin, B., Alder, S., Benson, L. S. and Dickerson, T. T. The burden and correlates of hypertension in rural Ghana: a cross-sectional study. Diabetes Metab Syndr.,7(3): 123 – 128. doi: 10.1016/j.dsx.2013.06.015. Epub 2013 Jul 30. PMID: 23953175 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 8. Versporten, A., Sharland, M., Bielicki, J., Drapier, N., Vankerckhoven, V. and Goossens, H. ARPEC Project Group Members. (2013). The antibiotic resistance and prescribing in European Children project: a neonatal and pediatric antimicrobial web-based point prevalence survey in 73 hospitals worldwide. Pediatr Infect Dis J., 32(6): e242 – 253. doi: 10.1097/INF.0b013e318286c612. PMID: 23838740 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 9. Arnold, M., VanDerslice, J. A., Taylor, B., Benson, S., Allen, S., Johnson, M., Kiefer, J., Boakye, I., Arhinn, B., Crookston, B. T. and Ansong, D. (2013). Drinking water quality and source reliability in rural Ashanti region, Ghana. J Water Health, 11(1): 161 – 72. doi: 10.2166/wh.2013.104. PMID: 23428558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 10. Ocheke, I. E., Antwi, S., Gajjar. P., McCulloch, I. M. and Nourse, P. (2014). Pelvi-Ureteric Junction Obstruction at Red Cross Children’s Hospital, Cape Town: a six-year review. AJNT., 7(1): 33 – 36. 11. Callegari, J., Antwi, S., Wystrychowski, G., Zukowska-Szczechowska, E., Levin, N. W. and Carter, M. (2013). Peritoneal dialysis as a mode of treatment for acute kidney injury in sub-saharan Africa.Blood Purif., 36(3-4): 226 – 230. Epub 2013 Dec 20. 12. Asafo-Agyei, S. B., Antwi, S., Nguah, S. B. (2013). HIV infection in severely malnourished children in Kumasi, Ghana: a cross-sectional prospective study. BMC Pediatr., 13(1): 181 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 147 1. Antwi S. (2013). Childhood renal disorders in Ghana: a 3-year data review. In: Proceedings of the 16th Congress of International Pediatric Nephrology Association, Shanghai, China. Book of Abstracts. August 30 September 3. 2. Antwi S. (2013). Prevalence and Epidemiology of End Stage Renal Failure in children.In: Proceedings of the12th Congress of African Association of Nephrology/5th Congress of African Paediatric Nephrology Association/2nd Congress of Ghana Kidney Association, Accra, Ghana, 20th February to 23rd February 2013. Book of Abstracts 3. Ansong, D., Akoto, A. O., Ocloo, D. and Ohene-Frempong, K. (2013). Sickle cell disease: management options and challenges in developing countries.Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis., 5(1): e2013062. doi: 10.4084/MJHID.2013.062. eCollection 2013. PMID: 24363877 [PubMed] 4. Versporten, A., Sharland, M., Bielicki, J., Drapier, N., Vankerckhoven, V. and Goossens, H. ARPEC Project Group Members. (2013). The antibiotic resistance and prescribing in European Children project: a neonatal and pediatric antimicrobial web-based point prevalence survey in 73 hospitals worldwide.Pediatr Infect Dis J., 32(6) :e242 – 253. doi: 10.1097/INF.0b013e318286c612. PMID: 23838740 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: E. H. Frimpong Y Adu-Sarkodie B.Sc. MBChB, Dip Bact, MWACP, FGCP (Head of Department) BSc, BMed Sc. (Hons) MB ChB, MSc. Dip. GUMed, DLSHTM, MWACP, FGCP, PhD Associate Professor: S. C. K. Tay DVM, MSC, Vet. Med., MPH Senior Lecturers: T. B. Kwofie P. K. Feglo M.Sc. PhD B.Sc., M.Sc. PhD Lecturers: Ruth C. Brenyah (Mrs.) H. H. Abruquah M. Mutocheluh A. K. Ofori-Owusu B.Sc., M.Sc. B.SC.MBChB, MPhil, PhD B.Sc., M.Sc. PhD PhD Technical Instructor: C. Adjei-Osei B.Sc., PG Cert Virol Hok Technician: 148 I. Tetteh HND (Lab. Tech) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Owusu-Dabo, E., Annan, A. A., Larbi, J., Dodor, E. E., Anakwah, L., Frimpong, E. and Bonsu, F. (2013). Missed opportunities for the diagnosis of pulmonary tunerculosisi in Ashanti ans Western Regions of Ghana; Polymerase Chain Reaction, a better tool. JUST, 33(1): 134 – 140. 2. Krumkamp, R., Sarpong, N., Kreuels, B., Ehlkes, L., Loag, W., Schwarz, N. G., Zeeb, H., Adu-Sarkodie, Y. and May, J. (2013). Health care utilization and symptom severity in Ghanaian children--a cross-sectional study.PLoS One, 8(11): e80598. 3. Drexler, J. F., Geipel, A., König, A., Corman, V. M., van Riel, D., Leijten, L. M., Bremer, C. M., Rasche, A., Cottontail, V. M., Maganga, G. D., Schlegel, M., Müller, M. A., Adam, A., Klose, S. M., Carneiro, A. J., Stöcker, A., Franke, C. R., Gloza-Rausch, F., Geyer, J., Annan, A., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Oppong, S., Binger, T., Vallo, P., Tschapka, M., Ulrich, R. G., Gerlich, W. H., Leroy, E., Kuiken, T., Glebe, D., Drosten, C. (2013). Bats carry pathogenic hepadnavirusesantigenically related to hepatitis B virus and capable of infecting human hepatocytes.ProcNatlAcadSci, 110(40): 16151 – 16156. 4. Drexler, J. F., Corman, V. M., Müller, M. A., Lukashev, A. N., Gmyl, A., Coutard, B., Adam, A., Ritz, D., Leijten, L. M., van Riel, D., Kallies, R., Klose, S. M., Gloza-Rausch, F., Binger, T., Annan, A., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Oppong, S., Bourgarel, M., Rupp, D., Hoffmann, B., Schlegel, M., Kümmerer, B. M., Krüger, D. H., Schmidt-Chanasit, J., Setién, A. A., Cottontail, V. M., Hemachudha, T., Wacharapluesadee, S., Osterrieder, K., Bartenschlager, R., Matthee, S., Beer, M., Kuiken, T., Reusken, C., Leroy, E. M., Ulrich, R. G. and Drosten, C. (2013). Evidence for novel hepaciviruses in rodents. PLoSPathog., 9(6): e1003438. 149 5. Frickmann, H., Hänle, A., Essig, A., Dekker, D., Boahen, K., Acquah, S., Sarpong, N., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Schwarz, N. G., May, J., Marks, F., Hagen, R. M. and Poppert, S. (2013).Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for rapid identification of Salmonella spp. from agar and blood culture broth--an option for the tropics? Int J Med Microbiol., 303(5): 277 – 84. 6. Frickmann, H., Dekker, D., Boahen, K., Acquah, S., Sarpong, N., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Schwarz, N. G., May, J., Marks, F., Poppert, S., Wiemer, D. F., Hagen, R. M. ((2013). Increased detection of invasive enteropathogenic bacteria in pre-incubated blood culture materials by real-time PCR in comparison with automated incubation in Sub-Saharan Africa.Scand J Infect Dis., 45(8): 616 – 22. 7. Tay, S. C. K.,Kye-Duodu, G. and Gbedema, S. Y. (2013). River Wiwi: A Source of Schistosomahaematobium Infection in School Children in Kumasi, an Urban African Setting. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 7(20): 2213 – 2220. 8. Osei-Adjei, G., Hackman, H. K., Mills-Robertson, F. C. and Tay, S. C. K. (2013). Quality Assessment of Aqueous Herbal/Medicinal Products Sold on the Ghanaian Market. Food Science and Quality Management, 20: 13 – 18. 9. Tay, S. C. K,Agboli, E., Abruquah, H. H. and Walana, W. (2013). Malaria and Anaemia in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women of Child-Bearing Age at the University Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology, 3: 193 – 200. 10. Kwofie, T. B. and Miura, T. (2013). Increased virus replication and cytotoxicity of nonpathogenic SHIV-NM-3rN after serial passage in a monkey-derived cell line. Ann Med Health Sci Res., 3: 55 – 61. 11. Kwofie, T. B., Obeng-Baah, J. P., Anderson, M., Agbemabiese, G. and Saahene, R. (2013). Immunological and Virological Responses of HIV-Infected Patients to Herbal Treatment: A Pilot Study. Online Int J Med Plant Res., 2 (1): 1 – 9. 12. Kwofie, T. B. and Owusu-Ansah, F. E. (2013). Towards HIV Prevention and Education among University Students: The Case of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana. J Biol Food Sci Res., 2(6): 62 – 68. 13. Kwofie, T. B. and Miura, T. (2013). Enhanced Fitness of Non-Pathogenic SHIV-NM-3rN Over Acute Pathogenic 89.6P in a Dual Infection/Compitition Assay on HSC-F Monkey Derived Cell Line. J Virol Antivir Res., 2:3. 14. Feglo, P., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Ayisi, L., Jain, R., Spurbeck, R. R., Springman, A.C., Engleberg, N. C., Newton, D. W., Chuanwu, Xi and Walk S. T. (2013). Emergence of a Novel Extended-Spectrum-β-Lactamase (ESBL)-Producing, Fluoroquinolone-Resistant Clone of Extraintestinal Pathogenic Escherichia coli in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 51(2): 728 – 730. 15. Brenyah, R. C., Arkoful, J. G., Amoako, J. A., and Owusu-Ofori, A. (2013). RDT usage in the OPD Department of a Teaching Hospital in a Malaria Endemic. International Journal of Biomedical and Healthcare Science. Volume 3, Number 2 (2013), pp. 103 – 111. 16. Brenyah, R. C., Arkoful, J. G., Amoako, J. A., and Owusu-Ofori, A. (2013). RDT usage in the OPD Department of a Teaching Hospital in a Malaria Endemic. International Journal of Biomedical and Healthcare Science. Volume 3, Number 2 (2013), pp. 103 – 111. 150 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DENTISTRY ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: F. Adu-Ababio =P. E. Karikari =J. Abu-Sakyi BDS, MSc, DDPHRCS, FDSRCS, FWACS, FGCS, (Head of Department) MD, MSc, FGCS MD, MPH = Part-Time ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNAL 151 Peters, M. C., Adu-Ababio, F., Jarrett-Ananaba, N. P. and Johnson L. (2013). Students’ Clinical Learning in an emerging dental school: An investigation in International Collaboration between Michigan and Ghana. Global Dental Education, 77: 1653 – 1661. ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDING Tettey, M. T-A., Adu-Ababio, F., and Abu-Sakyi, J. (2014). Drug abuse among dental students in KNUST. 54th West African College of Surgeons, KNUST, Kumasi. February 24 – 28. DEPARTMENT OF HERBAL MEDICINE ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professors: M. L. K. Mensah T. C. Fleischer Senior Lecturer: K. Annan Lecturer: G. H. Sam BPharm (Kumasi), PhD (Nott.), MPSGH, FPCPharm BPharm, (Kumasi), PhD (Strath), MPSGH BPharm, MPharm Kumasi, PhD London, GCAP MPSGH (Head of Department) BSc, MPhil, PhD (Pharmacognosy) Kumasi, ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Annan, K., Amponsah, I. K., Sarpong, F. M., Nooni, I. K. and Jato, J. (2013). Pharmacognostic Evaluation and Physicochemical Analysis of Paullinia pinnata L. (Sapindaceae). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2(2): 8 – 13. 152 2. Annan, K., Dickson, R. A., Sarpong, K., Asare, C., Amponsah, K. and Woode, E. (2013). Antipyretic activity of Polyalthia longifolia benth. & Hook. F. Var Pendula (Annonaceae) on lipopolysaccharide-induced fever in rats. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Science, 2(1): 8 – 12. 3. Annan, K., Dickson, R.A., Amponsah, I. K., Noni, I. K. (2013). The heavy metal contents of some selected medicinal plants sampled from different geographical locations. Pharmacognosy Research, 5 (2): 103 – 108. 4. Sarkodie, J. A., Fleischer, T. C., Edoh, D. A., Dickson, R. A. Mensah, M. L. K., Annan, K. et al. (2013). Antihyperglyceamic activity of ethanolic extract of the stem of Adenia lobata Engl. (Passifloraceae). International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 4(4): 1370 – 1377. 5. Ekuadzi, E., Dickson, R. A., Fleischer, T. C., Annan, K., Pistorius, D., Oberer, L. and Gibbons, S. (2013). Flavonoid glycosides from the stem bark of Margaritaria discoidea Demonstrate antibacterial and free radical scavenging activities. Phytotherapy Research, 28:748 – 787. 6. Amponsah, I. K., Fleischer, T. C. Dickson, R. A., Annan, K. and Thoss, V, (2013). Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of furanocoumarins and aterolin from the stem bark of Ficus exasperate Vahl (Moraceae). Journal of Scientific & Innovative Research, 2 (5): 880 – 887. 7. Komlaga, G., Sam, G. H., Dickson, R. A, Mensah, M. L. K. and Fleischer, T. C. (2014). Pharmacognostic Studies and Antioxidant Properties of the Leaves of Solanum macrocarpon. Journal of Pharmarceutical Science. & Research, 6(1): 1 – 4. 8. Sam, G. H., Adu, F and Annan, K. (2013). Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used for the treatment of diarrhoea and skin ulcer in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana.Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 7(44): 3280 – 3285. 9. Mensah, A. Y., Mireku, E. A., Mensah M. L. K. and Amponsah, I. K. (2014). Some neurological effects of the ethanolic stem bark extract of Cussonia bancoensis Aubrev and Pellgr (Araliaceae). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2(6): 101 – 106. 10. Fleischer, T. C., Mensah, M. L. K., Mensah, A. Y., Dickson, R. A., Argyropoulou, C. and Skaltsa, H. (2013). Chemical composition of essential oils of Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King & H. Rob, Clausena anisata (Willd.) J.D. Hook ex. Benth and Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal growing in Ghana. IJPSR, 4(7): 1000 – 1007. 153 WORKSHOP PRESENTATION Mensah, M. L. K. (2014) Traditional and Alternative Medicine-Complementing Orthodox Medicine? A presentation made at the First Private Health Sector Summit held at the La-Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra, under the Theme: Strengthening Partnerships with the Private Sector to improve Health Outcomes. January 29 – 30. DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: C. Opoku-Okrah A. Y. Debrah CMLT, DMLT, CAHT (UK), MSc (UK), PhD (UK), ISLH, GABMS, (Head of Department) BSc, MPhil, PhD Lecturers: O. Addai-Mensah B. Sackey K. O. Dankwa D. Gyamfi E. Togbe BSc, MB ChB, MSc (UK) BSc, MPhil, GABMS BSc, MSc (UK), PhD (UK) BSc, MSc (UK), PhD (UK) BSc, MSc, AACC (USA) Assistant Lecturer: L. Antwi Boateng BSc, MSc (UK), GABMS 154 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Opoku-Okrah,C.,Smith, C., Gordge, M., Parry, M., Robertson, C., Nakua, E. and Agbenyega, T. (2013). An investigation of the protective effect ofalpha+-thalassaemia against severe Plasmodium falciparum amongst children in Kumasi, Ghana. Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem., 36: 62–70. 2. Opoku-Okrah,C., Owiredu, W. K. B. A. and Amidu, N. (2013). The Level and effect of Foetal Haemoglobin (HbF) and Complete Blood Count on Sickle Cell Disease Patients Presenting at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. In proceedings of the XXVIth International Symposium on Technological Innovation in Laboratory Haematology. Toronto, Canada, Sheraton Centre, May 10-12 2013. Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem., 35 (Suppl. 1): 1 – 133. 3. Muntaka, S. and Opoku-Okrah, C. The Prevalence of Malaria Parasitaemia and Predisposition of ABO Blood Groups to Plasmodium falciparum Malaria among Blood Donors at a Ghanaian Hospital.AU J.T. 2013,16(4): 255-260 4. Opoku-Okrah C., Smith, C., Gordge, M., Parry, M., Robertson, C., Abgenyega, T. and Nakua E.Alpha-thalassaemia and the severity of Plasmodium falciparum infection in microcytic and hypochromic children from the Kumasi metropolis of Ghana. B.J.H, 157 (suppl) 1-88 pp. 16 5. Arndts, K., Specht, S., Debrah, A.Y., Tamarozzi, F., Klarmann, Schulz, U., Mand, S., Batsa, L., Kwarteng, A., Taylor, M., Adjei, O., Martin, C., Layland, L. E. and Hoerauf, A. (2014). Immunoepidemiological profiling of onchocerciasis patients reveals associations with microfilaria loads and ivermectin intake on both individual and community levels. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 20;8(2):e2679. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002679. 6. Phillips, R. O., Frimpong, M., Sarfo, F. S., Kretschmer, B., Beissner, M., Debrah, A., Ampem-Amoako, Y., Abass, K. M., Thompson, W., Duah, M. S., Abotsi, J., Adjei, O., Fleischer, B., Bretzel, G., Wansbrough-Jones, M. and Jacobsen, M. (2014). Infection with Mansonella perstans Nematodes in Buruli Ulcer Patients, Ghana. Emerg Infect Dis. 20:1-7 7. Specht, S., Debrah, A.Y., Klamann, U., Mand, S., Hoerauf, A. and Pfarr, K. (2013). Chemotherapy of filariasis- Established strategies and new developments. GMS infectious diseases vol 1 ISSN 2195-8831 8. Gyasi, S., Awuah, E., Larbi, J. A., Koffuor, G. A., Debrah, A., Awuah-Boatent, N. and Owusu-Afriyie O. (2013). Susceptibility of Arsenic-Exposed ICR Mice to Buruli Ulcer Development. Pharmacologia 4: 254-264. 9. Feller, T., Thom, P., Koch, N., Spiegel, H., Addai-Mensah, O., et al. (2013). Plant-Based Production of Recombinant Plasmodium Surface Protein Pf38 and Evaluation of its Potential as a Vaccine Candidate: PLoS ONE 8(11): 10. Owiredu, W. K., Quaye, L., Amidu N, and Addai-Mensah, O. (2013) Renal Insufficiency in Ghanaian HIV infected patients: need for dose adjustment. Afr Health Sci., 13(1): 101111 155 ABSTRACTS 1. Opoku-Okrah, C., Sam, D. K., Antwi-Boateng,L., Sackey, B., Nkum, B., Gyamfi, D. and Danquah, K. O., (2013) Sports Anemia and Anthropometric Evaluation of Footballers at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. In proceedings of the Regional European Biomedical Laboratory Science Congress and the 4th Greek Medical Laboratory Technologists Conference 5-7 December 2013 in Athens, Greece 2. Boes, A., Spiegel, H., Beiss, V., Edgü, G., Schinkel, H., Houdelet, M., Schillberg, S., Sack, M., Rademacher, T., Dahm, P., Kastilan, R., Buyel, J., Holland, T., Blessing, D., Vöpel, N., Hellwig, S., Drossard, J., Fendel, R., Kapelski, S., Maskus, D., Addai-Mensah, O., Seidel, M., Barth, S., Geese, M., Reiss, K., Wenzel, C., Hügel, C., Scholz, O., Kostka, G., Benz, M., Haßlmeyer, E., Münzenmayer, C., Weigand, C., Scheuermayer, M., Pradel, G., Remarque, E., Faber, B., Horstmann, R., Tannich, E., Fischer, R. and Reimann. A Holistic approach to malaria elimination. In: 11th Malaria Meeting. Aachen, 08.-09.11.2013. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2013. Doc13mal01 3. Fendel, R., Kapelski, S., Maskus, D., Seidel, M., Addai-Mensah, O., Reimann, A., Fischer, R., Klockenbring, T. and Barth, S. (2013). Recombinant human anti- malarial monoclonal antibodies – a technology platform In: 11th Malaria Meeting. Aachen, 08-09.11.2013 Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2013. Doc13mal02 4. Batsa, L., Debrah, A., Albers, A., Mensah, J., Brockschmidt, F. F., Becker, T., Herold, C., Fröhlich, H., Lust, L., Mand, S., Klarmann-Schulz, U., Hoerauf, A., and Pfarr, K. M., (2013) VEGFR3 and other angiogennic/lymphangiogenic genes are associated with development of lymphedema of filarial origin. 62nd Annual meeting of American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Washington, USA, (Poster presentationAbstract No.1187). 5. Debrah, A., (2013). Sustainability in Research Partnerships - closing critical funding gaps for young post-docs in Africa. 8th European congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ECTMIH), Copenhagen, Denmark, (Oral presentation- Abstract No.IS, Invited speaker) 6. Batsa, L., Albers, A., Mensah, J., Brockschmidt, F. F., Becker, T., Herold, C., Fröhlich, H., Lust, L., Mand, S., Klarmann-Schulz, U., Hoerauf, A., and Pfarr, K.M., Debrah. A., VEGFR3 and other angiogennic/lymphangiogenic genes are associated with development of lymphedema of filarial origin. 6th Annual meeting of Ghana Biomedical Convention, Cape Coast, Ghana, July 2013 (Oral presentation- Abstract No.36). 156 DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICS ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: K. Ofori-Kwakye BPharm (Kumasi), MSc (London), PhD (Manchester), MIPharmM, MAAPS, MPSGh (Head of Department) Senior Lecturers: M. T. Bayor BPharm (Kumasi), MSc (London), PhD (Kumasi), MPSGh C. Agyare BPharm, MPharm (Kumasi), Dr. rer. nat. (Muenster), MPSGh F. Adu BPharm, MPharm (Kumasi), MPSGh S. Y. Gbedema BPharm, MPharm (Kumasi), MPSGh S. L. Kipo BPharm, MPharm (Kumasi), MPSGh N. Kuntworbe BPharm, MPharm (Kumasi), PhD (Auckland), MPSGh Lecturers: *R. Johnson BPharm, MPharm (Kumasi), MPSGh 157 Assistant Lecturers: V. E. Boamah (Mrs) BPharm, MPharm (Kumasi), MPSGh M. E. Boakye-Gyasi (Mrs) BPharm, MPhil (Kumasi) MPSGh * On study leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Koffuor, G. A., Dickson, R., Gbedema, S. Y., Ekuadzi, E., Dapaah, G. and Otoo, L. F. (2014). The immunostimulatory and antimicrobial properties of two herbal decoctions used in the management of HIV/AIDS in Ghana. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 11(3): 166 – 172. 2. Naidoo, N., Vather, R., Kuntworbe, N., Bissett, I. and Hardy, G. (2014). Development, Validation and Results of Quantitative Stability Testing for Gastrografin®. CurrentPharmaceutical Analysis, 10, 000-000 1 (In Press). 3. Kuntworbe, N., Ofori, M., Addo, P., Tingle, M., Al-Kassas, R. (2013). Pharmacokinetics and in vivo chemosuppressive activity studies on cryptolepine hydrochloride and cryptolepine hydrochloride-loaded gelatine nanoformulation designed for parenteral administration for the treatment of malaria. Acta Tropica, 127: 165 – 173. 4. Ofori-Kwakye, K., Obese, E. and Boakye-Gyasi, M. E. (2013). Formulation and in-vitro evaluation of sustained release diclofenac sodium matrix tablets using blends of cashew gum, xanthan gum and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose as hydrophilic drug release modifiers. Indian Journal of Novel Drug Delivery, 5(4): 187 – 197. 5. Bayaa, M., Saana, S. B., Adu, F., Agyare, C., Gbedema, S. Y., Boamah, V. E., George, D. F. (2013). Antibiotic resistance patterns of strains of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from patients in three hospitals in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Bacteriology Research, 5(3): 35 – 40. 6. Tay, S. C. K., Kye-Duodo, G. and Gbedema, S. Y. (2013). River Wiwi: A source of Schistosoma haematobium infection in school children in Kumasi, an urban African setting. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 7(20): 2213 – 2220. 158 7. Sam, G. H., Adu, F. and Annan, K. (2013). Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used for the treatment of diarrhoea and skin ulcer in the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 7(44): 3280 – 3285. 8. Ugboduma, A. O., Adu, F., Agyare, C., Annan, K. and Osei-Asante, S. (2013). Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Entandrophragma angolense. Journal of Pharmacy and Nutritional Sciences, 3: 241 – 249. 9. Agyare, C., Bempah, S. B., Boakye, Y. D., Ayande, P. G., Adarkwa-Yiadom, M. and Mensah, B. K. (2013). Evaluation of antimicrobial and wound healing potential of Justicia flava and Lannea welwitschii. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 632927, 10 pages. dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/632927. 10. Boakye Y. B., Agyare, C. (2013). Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of geraniin and aqueous leaf extract of Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell. Planta Medica, 79, 1161 – 1162. 11. Kisseih, E., Petereit, F., Agyare, C., Lechtenberg, M. and Hensel, A. (2013). Isolation and characterization of wound healing compounds from Combretum smeathmanii G. PlantaMedica, 79: 1154. 12. Adu-Amoah, L., Kesseih, E., Agyare, C.and Hensel, A. (2013). Antimicrobial and cytotoxicity studies of the methanolic extracts of Erythrophleum ivorense leaf and stem bark. Planta Medica, 79: 1153. 13. Boakye, Y. B., Agyare, C. and Abotsi, W. K. (2013). Anti-inflammatory activity of geraniin and aqueous extract of Phyllanthus muellerianus (Kuntze) Exell. Planta Medica, 79: 1142. 14. Agyare, C., Dwobeng, A. S., Agyepong, N., Boakye, Y. D., Mensah, B. K., Ayande, P. G. and Adarkwa-Yiadom, M. (2013). Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and wound healing properties of Kigelia africana (Lam.) Beneth. and Strophanthus hispidus DC. Advances in Pharmacological Sciences, Article ID 692613, 10 pages. doi.org/10.1155/2013/692613. 15. Bayor, M. T., Tuffour, E. and Lambon, P. S. (2013). Evaluation of starch from new sweet potato genotypes for use as a pharmaceutical diluent, binder or disintegrant. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 3 (8 Suppl 1): S17 - S23. 16. Bayor, M. T., Jiagge, E., Der, E., Gyakobo, M. and Newman, L. (2013). The Influence of Women’s Reproductive Health, Diet and Nutrition on Breast Cancer Risk in Ghana. The Ghana Pharmaceutical Journal, Conference Edition, 2013: 35 – 49. 159 DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOGNOSY ACADEMIC STAFF Professor Emeritus: B.Pharm (Kumasi), PhD (London), FPSGH, K. Sarpong FPCPharm. MWAPCP Associate Professor : B.Pharm (Kumasi), PhD (London), MPSGH. A. Y. Mensah (Head of Department) Senior Lecturers: Rita Akosua Dickson (Mrs.) B.Pharm (Kumasi), M.Pharm (Kumasi), GCAP, PhD (London), MCPA, MPSGH, MPSE. G. Komlaga B.Pharm (Kumasi), M.Pharm (Kumasi), MPSGH Lecturers: K. I. Amponsah B.Pharm (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) E. Ekuadzi B.Pharm (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi), 160 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Mensah A.Y., Mireku E.A., Mensah M.L.K. and Amponsah I.K. (2014).Some neurological effects of the ethanolic stem bark extract of Cussonia bancoensis Aubrev and Pellgr (Araliaceae). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2 (6): 101-106. 2. Ekuadzi E., Dickson, R. A. Fleischer, T. C., Annan, K., Pistorius D., Oberer L and Gibbons, S. (2014) Flavonoid glycosides from the stem bark of Marigarita discoidea demonstrate antibacterial and free radical scavenging activities. Phytotherapy Research 28. 784-787. 3. Komlaga, G., Sam G., Dickson, R. A., Annan, K.,Mensah, M.L.K. and Fleischer, T. C (2014). Pharmacognostic sudies and antioxidant properties of the leaves of Solanum macrocarpon.Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 6(1): 1-4. 4. Amponsah, I. K., Fleischer, T. C., Dickson, R. A., Annan, K. and Thoss, V. (2013). Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity of Furanocoumarins and Sterolin from the stem bark of Ficus exasperata Vahl (Moraceae). Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research, 2 (5): 880-887. 5. Amponsah, I. K., Fleischer, T. C., Annan, K., Dickson, R. A., Mensah, A. Y. and Sarpong, F. M. (2013). Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the stem bark extract and fractions of Ficus exasperata Vahl. (Moraceae) Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2 (3): 38-44. 6. Annan, K., Amponsah, I.K., Sarpong, F.M., Nooni, I.K. and Jato J. (2013). Pharmacognostic Evaluation and Physicochemical Analysis of Paullinia pinnata L. (Sapindaceae), Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2(2):203-208. 7. Koffuor, G.A., Ainoonson, G.K., Amponsah, I.K., Addotey, J.N., Asiamah, E. A., Akuffo, S. K., Adutwum, K. and Bandoh, R. F (2013). Anti-ulcerant Activity of an Aqueous Fruit Extract of Musa x para-disiaca on Acetic Acid-Induced Gastric Ulceration in ICR Mice. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences, 2(2): 30-39. 8. Koffuor G. A., Ainooson, G. K.., Addotey, J. N. A., Amponsah, I. K., Afriyie, V. A. and Tutu, R. (2013). Preliminary pharmacological investigation of the ischuretic property and safety 161 of a hydro-ethanolic extract of Amaranthus spinosus (Fam: Amaranthaceae). International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 2(5): 517-527. 9. Sarpong, F. M., Fleischer, T. C., Annan, K., Amponsah, I. K., Dickson, R. A. and Mensah M. L.K. (2013). Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ecdysteroid and Fatty acids from the roots of Palisota hirsute K. Schum (Commelinaceae). International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 28(2):1159-1165. 10. Koffuor, G. A., Ofori, A. E., Oppong, K. J., Amponsah, I. K., Sunkwa, A. and Semenyao, S. A. (2013). Analgesic activity of Pet-ether, Aqueous and Hydro-ethanolic leaf extracts of Aspilia africana (PERS) C.D. ADAMS (Asteraceae) in rodents. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 4(7): 39-45. DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professors: E. Woode C. Ansah (Rev) Senior Lecturers: D. D. Obiri B.Pharm (Kumasi), PhD (Glasgow), MPSGH, FCPPharm B.Pharm (Kumasi), MSc, DIC, PhD (London), MPSGH, FCPPharm G. A. Koffuor B.Pharm, MPharm. (Kumasi), PhD (Heidelbert) (MPSGH (Head of Department) B.Pharm, MPharm. (Kumasi) PhD (Kumasi) MPSGH Lecturers: F. Amissah *G. K. Ainooson *C. A. Danquah (Mrs.) E. Boakye-Gyasi W. K. M. Abotsi K. B. Mensah P. K. Mante B.Pharm, MPhil. (Kumasi), PhD (Tallahassee), MPSGH B.Pharm, MPhil. (Kumasi) MPSGH B.Pharm, MPhil. (Kumasi), MPSGH B.Pharm, PhD (Kumasi), MPSGH B.Pharm, PhD (Kumasi), MPSGH B.Pharm, PhD (Kumasi) MPSGH B.Pharm, PhD (Kumasi) MPSGH 162 * On Study leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Ameyaw, E. O., Boampoing, J. N., Kukuia, K. K. E., Amoateng, P., Obese, E., OseiSarpong, E. and Woode, E. (2013). Effect of Xylopic Acid on Paclitaxel-induced Neuropathic pain in rats. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences, 2(4): 6 – 12. 2. Mante, P. K., Adongo, D. W., Woode, E., Kukuia, K. K. E. and Ameyaw, E. O. (2013). Anticonvulsant Effect of an of Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Lesch. (Moraceae) Aqueous Bark Extract in Rodents. ISRN Pharmacology, 9 pages. 3. Boakye-Gyasi, E., Woode, E., and Abotsi, W. K. M. (2013). Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of ethanolic leaf extract of Newbouldia laevis (P. Beauv.) Seemann Ex Bureau (Bignoniaceae)Der Pharmacia Sinica 4(4): 30-43. 4. Woode, E., Amissah, F., Agyapoing, G. and Ainooson, G. K. (2013). Myorelaxant Effect of an Alcoholic Extract of Sphenocentrum jollyanum Roots in Rabbit Aortic Strip and Corpus Cavernosum. Pharmacologia, 4(5): 371 – 382. 5. Boampong, J. N., Ameyaw, E. O., Aboagye, B., Asare, K., Kyei, S., Donfack, J. H. and Woode, E. (2013). The curative and prophylactic effects of xylopic acid on Plasmodium berghei infection in mice. J. Parasitol. Res., 1 – 7. 6. Ben, I. O., Woode, E., Abotsi, W. K. M. and Boakye-Gyasi, E. (2013). Preliminary Phytochemical Screening and In vitro Antioxidant Properties of Trichilia monadelpha (Thonn.) J. J. de Wilde (Meliaceae). J. Med. Biomed Sci.,2(2): 6 – 15. 7. Sarkodie, J. A., Fleischer, T. C., Edo, D. A., Dickson, R. A., Mensah, M. L. K. Annan, K., Woode, E., Koffour, G. A., Appiah, A. A. and Brew-Daniels, H. (2013). Antihyperglycaemic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of the Stem of Adenia lobata Engl (Passifloraceae). Int. J. Pharmaceutical Sci. & Res., 4(4): 1370 – 1377. 8. Annan, K., Dickson, R. A., Sarpong, K., Asare, C., Amponsah, K. and Woode, E. (2013). Antipyretic activity of Polyalthia longifolia Benth. & Hook. F. var. pendula (Annonaceae), on lipopolysaccharide-induced fever in rats. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences, 2(1): 8 – 12. 9. Ameyaw, E. O., Woode, E., Boakye-Gyasi, E., Abotsi, W. K. M., Oppong Kyekyeku, J. and Adosraku, R. (2014). Anti-allodynicandAnti-hyperalgesiceffects ofan ethanolicextractandxylopicacidfrom the 163 fruitsofXylopiaaethiopicainmurinemodelsofneuropathicpain. Pharmacog.Res.,6(2): 172 – 179. 10. Kukuia, K. K. E., Mante, P. K. M., Woode, E., Ameyaw, E. O. and Adongo, D. W. (2014). Antidepressant Effects of Mallotus oppositifolius in Acute Murine Models. ISRN Pharmacology, 11. Biney, R. P., Mante, P. K., Boakye-Gyasi, E., Kukuia, K. E. and Woode, E. (2014). Neuropharmacological effects of an ethanolic fruit extract of Xylopia aethiopica and xylopic acid, a kaurene diterpene isolate in mice. WestAfricanJournalofPharmacy,25(1): 106 – 117. 12. Boakye-Gyasi, E., Abotsi, W. K. M., Biney, R. P.,Ameyaw, E. O. and Woode, E. (2014). Effects of Hydroalcoholic leaf Extract of Ficus exasperata Vahl (Moraceae) In Carrageenan/Kaolin-Induce d Acute and Chronic Musculoskele tal Pain in Rats. West African Journal of Pharmacy, 25(1): 27 – 37. 13. Mensah, K. B. and Ansah, C. (2014). The Antimalarial Herbal Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (Lindl.) Schltr is antiandrogenic. International Journal of Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 4(1): 6 – 11. 14. Dadzeasah, E. P. and Ansah, C. (2013). Spathodea campanulata Attenuates Acetaminophen-Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, 5(4): 158 – 164. 15. Adinortey, M. B., Ansah, C., Galyuon, I. and Nyarko, A. (2013). In vivo Models Used for the Evaluation of Potential Antigastroduodenal Ulcer Agents. Ulcers, 47 (3): 1 – 12. 16. Ansah, C. and Mensah, K. B. (2013). A review of the Anticancer Potential of the Antimalarial Herbal Cryptolepis sanguinolenta and its Major Alkaloid cryptolepine. Ghana Medical Journal, 47(3): 137 – 147. 17. Obiri, D. D., Osafo, N., Ayande, P. G. and Antwi, A. O. (2014). Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) fruit extract suppresses Freund's adjuvant-induced arthritis in SpragueDawley rats, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 152(3): 522 – 531. 18. Obiri, D. D., Osafo, N., Oppong‑Sarfo, J. and Prah, J. K. (2014). Margaritaria discoidea (Euphorbiaceae) stem bark extract attenuates allergy and Freund’s adjuvant‑induced arthritis in rodents. Pharmacognosy Research, 6(2): 163 – 171. 19. Obiri, D. D., Osafo, N. and Abotsi, R. E. (2013). Antiallergic and Antiarthritic Effects of Stem Bark Extract of Glyphaea brevis (Spreng) Monachino (Tiliaceae) in Murine Models.ISRN Pharmacology, 1 – 13. Article ID 874263. 20. Obiri, D. D., Osafo, N., Dei-Anane, S., Adjei, R. K. and Ababio, E. O. (2013). Anti-Allergic, Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Actions of Stem Bark Extract of Lannea welwitschii (Anarcadiaceae) In Mice. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, 5(4): 217 – 222. 21. Obiri, D. D. and Osafo, N. (2013). Aqueous ethanol extract of the fruit of Xylopia aethiopica (Annonaceae) exhibits anti-anaphylactic and anti-inflammatory actions in mice, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 148(3): 940 – 945. 164 22. Koffuor, G. A., Dickson, R., Gbedema, S. Y., Ekuadzi, E., Dapaah, G. and Otoo, L. F. (2014). The immunostimulatory and antimicrobial property of two herbal decoctions used in the management of HIV/AIDS in Ghana. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med., 11(3): 166 – 172. 23. Audu, R., Anto, B. P., Koffuor, G. A., Buabeng, K. O. and Abdul-Kabir, M. (2014). Assessing the diagnosis of uncomplicated malaria after introduction of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 4(16): 3167 – 3178. 24. Audu, R., Anto, B. P., Koffuor, G. A., Buabeng, K. O. and Abdul-Kabir M. (2014). Introducing Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test (MRDT) at Registered Retail Pharmacies in Ghana: Practitioners’ Perspective. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 4(8): 943 – 953. 25. Boye A., Koffuor G. A., Ampong J., Anto E. O., Otoo L. F.,(2014). Nephroprotective and Curative Assessment of an Aqueous Seed Extract of Parkiaclappertoniana Keay in Gentamicin-induced Renal Damage in Sprague-dawley Rats. European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 4(2): 234-248. 26. Kyei S., Ocansey S., Koffuor G. A., Abokyi S., Feni K. A. (2014). Patients’ Information Leaflets: Its’ Influence on Ophthalmic Patient Education and Medication Compliance.British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 4(5):1217-1230. 27. Boye A., Amoateng A., Koffuor G. A., Barku V. Y. A., Bawa E. M., Odamen E. A. (2013). Antinociceptive and Antioxidant Activity of an Aqueous Root Bark Extract of Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalziel (Fam: Leguminosae [Fabaceae]) in ICR Mice. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 3(12): 036 – 045. 28. Koffuor, G. A., Ainoonson, G. K., Amponsah, K. I., Addotey, J. N., Asiamah, E. A., Akuffo, S. K., Adutwum, K. and Bandoh, R. F. (2013). Anti-ulcerant Activity of an Aqueous Fruit Extract of Musa x paradisiaca on Acetic Acid-Induced Gastric Ulceration in ICR Mice. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences, 2(2): 30 – 39. 29. Koffuor, G. A., Annan, K., Oppong, K. J., Fiadjoe, H. K. and Enyan, E. (2013). Effect of Ethanolic Stem Bark Extract of Blighia Unijugata (Sapindaceae) on Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Uterine Leiomyoma in Sprague-Dawley Rats. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 3(4): 880 – 896. 30. Koffuor, G. A., Ameyaw, E. O., Oppong, K. J., Amponsah, K. I., Sunkwa, A. and Semenyo, S. A. (2013).Analgesic activity of pet ether, aqueous, and hydro-ethanolic leaf extracts of Aspilia africana (Pers) C.D. Adams (Asteraceae) in rodents. Int. Res. J. Pharm., 4(7): 39 – 45. 31. Sarkodie, J. A., Fleischer, T. C., Edoh, D. A., Dickson, R. A., Mensah, M. L. K., Annan, K., Woode, E., Koffour, G. A., Appiah, A. A. and Brew-Daniels, H. (2013). Antihyperglycaemic activity of ethanolic extract of the stem of Adenia lobata Engl (Passifloraceae). Int J Pharm Biomed Res., 4(4): 1370 – 1377. 32. Ovenseri-Ogbomo, G. O., Abokyi, S., Koffuor, G. A. and Abokyi, E. (2013). Knowledge of Diabetes and Its Associated Ocular Manifestations by Diabetic Patients: A Study at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana. Nigerian Medical Journal, 54(4): 217 – 223. 165 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: E. T. Agbenyega Associate Professor: J. Plange-Rhule Senior Lecturers: K. Bedu-Addo BSc, MBChB (Kumasi), PhD Manc BSc, MB ChB (Kumasi), PhD, MRCP(Manc), FGCP, FWACP, FRCP(Head of Department) BSc, MPhil (Kumasi), PhD Birm Lecturer: Lorraine Sallah (Mrs) Bsc, MPhil (Kumasi), MSc Assistant Lecturer: Mr. E. A. Ntim BSc, MPhil (Kumasi) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Rolling, T., Agbenyega, T., Issifou, S., Adegnika, A. A., Sylverken, J., Spahlinger, D., Ansong, D., Löhr, S. J., Burchard, G. D., May, J., Mordmüller, B., Krishna, S., Kremsner, P. G. and Cramer, J. P. (2014). Delayed Hemolysis after Treatment with Parenteral Artesunate in African Children with Severe Malaria--A Double-center Prospective Study.J Infect Dis., PMID: 24376273 2. Opoku-Okrah, C., Gordge, M., Kweku Nakua, E., Agbenyega, T., Parry, M., Robertson, C. and Smith, C. L. (2013). An investigation of the protective effect of alpha+-thalassaemia 166 against severe Plasmodium falciparum amongst children in Kumasi, Ghana.Int J Lab Hematol. 2013 Jul 10. doi: 10.1111/ijlh.12122. PMID: 23837700 3. Schwandt, H. M, Creanga, A. A., Adanu, R. M., Danso, K. A., Agbenyega, T., Hindin, M. J. (2013). Pathways to unsafe abortion in Ghana: the role of male partners, women and health care providers.Contraception, 88(4): 509 – 517. doi:10.1016/j.contraception. 2013.03.010. Epub 2013 Mar 22. PMID: 23643156 4. Schwandt, H. M, Creanga, A. A., Danso, K. A., Adanu, R. M., Agbenyega, T., Hindin, M. J. (2013). Group versus individual family planning counseling in Ghana: a randomized, noninferiority trial.Contraception, 88(2): 281 – 288. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception. 03.008. Epub 2013 Mar 22. PMID: 23643154 5. Kariuki, S. M., Rockett, K., Clark, T. G., Reyburn, H., Agbenyega, T., Taylor, T. E., Birbeck, G. L., Williams, T. N. and Newton, C. R. (2013). The genetic risk of acute seizures in African children with falciparum malaria.Epilepsia, 54(6): 990 – 1001. doi: 10.1111/epi.12173. Epub 2013 Apr 24. PMID: 23614351 6. Kendjo, E., Agbenyega, T., Bojang, K., Newton, C. R., Bouyou-Akotet, M., Pedross, F., Kombila, M., Helbok, R. and Kremsner, P. G. (2013). Mortality patterns and site heterogeneity of severe malaria in African children.PLoS One., 8(3): e58686. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058686. Epub 2013 Mar 7. PMID: 23505549 7. Idoko, O. T., Kochhar, S., Agbenyega, T. E., Ogutu, B. and Ota, M. O. (2013). Impact, challenges, and future projections of vaccine trials in Africa.Am J Trop Med Hyg., 88(3): 414 – 419. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.12-0576. Review. PMID: 23468356. 8. Karalius, V. P., Harbison, J. E., Plange-Rhule, J., van Breemen, R. B., Li, G., Huang, K., Durazo-Arvizu, R. A., Mora, N., Dugas, L. R., Vail, L., Tuchman, N. C., Forrester, T. and Luke, A. (2014). Bisphenol A (BPA) Found in Humans and Water in Three Geographic Regions with Distinctly Different Levels of Economic Development.Environ Health Insights, 8:1 – 3. doi: 10.4137/EHI.S13130. eCollection 2014 Jan 12. PMID: 24453495 9. Luke, A., Bovet, P., Forrester, T. E., Lambert, E. V., Plange-Rhule, J., Dugas, L. R., Durazo-Arvizu, R. A., Kroff, J., Richie, W. N. and Schoeller, D. A. (2013). Prediction of fat-free mass using bioelectrical impedance analysis in young adults from five populations of African origin.Eur J Clin Nutr., 67(9): 956 – 960. doi: 10.1038/ejcn.2013.123. Epub 2013 Jul 24. PMID: 23881006 10. Luke, A., Bovet, P., Plange-Rhule, J., Forrester, T. E., Lambert, E. V., Schoeller, D. A., Dugas, L. R., Durazo-Arvizu, R. A., Shoham, D. A., Cao, G., Brage, S., Ekelund, U. and Cooper, R. S. (2014). A mixed ecologic-cohort comparison of physical activity & weight among young adults from five populations of African origin. BMC Public Health, 14: 397. 167 SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: R. D. Folitse DVM/MSc Veterinary Medicine (Kiev), MS Veterinary Pathobiology (Minnesota), Certificate Avian Diseases (Osaka), PGCAA (GIMPA) (Dean of School) B.O. Emikpe DVM (Ibadan), MVSc Microbiology (Ibadan), PhD Pathology (Ibadan) D.O. Eyarefe DVM (Ibadan), MVSc Surgery (Ibadan), PhD Surgery (Ibadan) Lecturers: T. Opoku-Agyemang DVM/MSc (Moscow), PhD Anatomy (Moscow). J. Atawalna DVM/MSc (Kiev), MPH (Kumasi). V. Burimuah DVM (Cuba), MPhil Epidemiology (Legon), PGDiploma Molecular Techniques (Japan). E. Amemor (Mrs) DVM/MSc (Moscow), MPhil Epidemiology (Legon) W. Tasiame DVM/MSc (Cuba), MPhil Epidemiology (Legon) 168 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Bello, O.S., Emikpe, B.O.,Olaifa, A. K. and Olaifa, F.E.(2013). Investigation into the wound healing propertiesof Walnut Leaves (Tetracarpidium Conophorum) and Onion (Allium Cepa)extractsin Clarias gariepinus. Archivos de MedicinaVeterinaria, 45 (3): 291297 ISSN 0301-732X 2. Atawalna, J., Emikpe, B.O., Shaibu, E., Mensah, M. G. K., Eyarefe, O.D., Folitse, R.D. (2013). Incidence of fetal wastage in cattle slaughtered at the Kumasi Abattoir, Kumasi, Ghana. Global Veterinaria, 11 (4): 399-402. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.gv.2013.11.4.76104 3. Adegbolagun, O. M., Emikpe, B. O., Woranola, I. O. O.and Ogunremi, Y (2013). Synergistic effect of aqueous extract of Telfairia occidentalison the biological activities of artesunate in Plasmodium berghei infected mice. African Health Sciences, 13 (4): 970976http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v13i4.16 4. Emikpe, B.O., Jarikre, T.A. and Eyarefe, O.D.(2013). Retrospective study of disease pattern and type ofpneumonia in Nigerian small ruminants in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 16 (2); 107 – 113. 5. Emikpe, B.O., Tenuche, O.and Sabri, M. Y. (2013). Intranasal administration of inactivated recombinant Mannheimia hemolytica vaccine is not protective against naturally occurring pneumonia in Nigerian goats. African Journal ofBiomedical Research, 16: 185 – 191. 6. Emikpe, B.O., Tijani, L.A., Karim, M. O, Omoniyi, A.S. and Akanbi, I.M. (2014).The isolation and antibiogram of pneumonic pasteurellosis causing microbes from the nasopharynx of transport stressed goats.African Journal ofMicrobiologyResearch, 8 (5): 441-445. 7. Folitse, R.D., Boi-Kikimoto, B. B., Emikp,e B.O., Atawalna, J. (2014). The prevalence of Bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis in cattle from selected herds in Dormaa and Kintampo Districts, Brong Ahafo region, Ghana. Archives of Clinical Microbiology, 5 (2): 1-6. 8. Eyarefe, O.D., Ologunagba, F. M.,Emikpe, B.O., (2014). The wound healing potential of natural honey in diabetic and non diabetic wistar rats. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 17 (1): 15-21. 9. Eyarefe, O D., Oni, A. F.,Emikpe, B.O., (2014). Evaluation of canine dental health problems in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Biomedical Research 17 (1): SCOPUS NIGERIA. (Accepted) 10. Atawalna, J, Emikpe, B.O, Sallah, E.K, Shaibu, W., Folitse, R.D, (2014). The health problems including gastrointestinal and blood parasites associated with donkeys in the Upper East Region of Ghana. African Journal of Biomedical Research, 17 (2). SCOPUS NIGERIA. (Accepted) 11. Folitse, R.D, Opoku-Agyemang, T., Emikpe, B.O., Eyarefe, O.D, Atawalna, J. (2014). One Health Delivery of Veterinary Education: The case of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology School of Veterinary Medicine. African Journal of Medicine and Medical sciences, Special Edition ISI SCOPUS NIGERIA 169 CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOP PAPERS 1. Folitse, R.D., Emikpe, B.O., Opoku-Agyemang, T., Eyarefe, O.D., Atawalna J. (2013). One Health Delivery of Veterinary Education: The case of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology School of Veterinary Medicine. 2nd International Conference of Center for Control and Prevention of Zoonoses, at Trenchard Hall, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. (Oral Presentation) July 1 – 3. 2. Emikpe, B.O., (2014). Enhancing and harnessing the mucosal immune system for the control of respiratory and gut related diseases in Nigeria. 33rd Annual Scientific Conference of the Society, Department of Physiology, College of Medical Sciences, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. (Oral Presentation). February 12 – 15. 3. Adegbolagun, O.M., Uduh, P.I., Emikpe, B.O., Odeniyi, O., Ogunremi, Y. (2014). Biological implications of the co-administration of an herbal antidiabetic preparation with chlorpropamide. 33rd Annual Scientific Conference of the Society, Department of Physiology, College of Medical Sciences, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. (Oral Presentation). February 12 – 15. 4. Atawalna, J., Attoh Kotoku, V., Folitse, R.D., Amenakpor C. (2013). Prevalence of Gastrointestinal parasites among pigs in the Ejisu Municipality. In: Proceedings of the 18th biennial conference of the Ghana Society for Animal Production (GSAP). College of Agriculture and Consumer Science, University of Ghana, Legon. July 24 – 26.. P 276-280. 170 DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: P. Donkor F. A. Abantanga BDS, MD, MSc, DDPHRCS Eng, FRACDS, FWACS, FGCS MD Cert. Paed. Surg, PhD, FWACS, Cert. Cardiothoracic Surgery, FGCS Associate Professors: M. Ohene-Yeboah P. Agbenorku R. Quansah MB ChB, FWACS, FGCS MD, PhD, FPCS (plast), FICS, FWACS, FGCS (Head of Department) MD, PhD, FGCS Senior Lecturers: E. Palmer-Amaning E. Adu C. K. Gyasi-Sarpong BSc, MD., PhD, FPCS, FGCS BSc, MB ChB, FAMS, FGCS BSc, MB ChB, FWACS Lecturers: K. E. K. Aboah J. Akpaloo J. Yorke P. Konadu A. Gyedu F. S. Aitpillah BSc, MB ChB, DU, FAMS, FGCS, FWACS MD, FACh, FGCS (Plastic) MD, FACh (General Surgery) BSc, MB, MB ChB, FACh (Orthopaedic Surgery) MD, Cert. Gen. Surgery (Turkey) MB ChB, FWACS 171 CHAPTER(S) IN BOOKS 1. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Chapter 14: Approach to a patient with chronic leg ulcer. In Kesieme, E. (Editor). Comprehensive approach to long cases in surgery. N-Trinity Publishers, Diocesan Catholic Secretariat, Orlu, Nigeria. ISBN 97 8219 7718, 196 – 205. 2. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Chapter 17: Approach to a patient with burn trauma. In Kesieme, E. (Editor). Comprehensive approach to long cases in surgery. N-Trinity Publishers, Diocesan Catholic Secretariat, Orlu, Nigeria. ISBN 97 8219 7718, 225 – 234. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Agbenorku, P., Otupiri, E. and Fugar S. (2013). Breast developmental anomalies in Dormaa Municipality of Ghana: Prevalence and impact on the life of the individual. Plastic Surgery International, DOI: 10.1155/2013/140704. 2. Agbenorku, P., Agbenorku, M. and Agamah, G. (2013). Awareness and attitudes towards face and organ transplant in Kumasi, Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal, 47(1): 30 – 34. 3. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Burns functional disabilities among burn survivors: A study in Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Ghana. International Journal of Burns and Trauma, 3(2): 78 – 86. 4. Agbenorku, P., Yore, M., Danso, K. A. and Turpin, C. (2013). Incidence of orofacial clefts in Kumasi, Ghana. ISRN Plastic Surgery,DOI: 10.5402/2013/280903 5. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Orofacial clefts: A worldwide review of the problem. ISRN Plastic Surgery, DOI: 10.5402/2013/348465 6. Akpaloo, J., Yorke, J., Agbenorku, P. andYenli, E. M. T. (2013). Managing acute wounds with negative pressure system in a developing country. ISRN Plastic Surgery, DOI: 10.5402/2013/796254 7. Yorke, J., Akpaloo, J. and Agbenorku, P. (2013). Management of diabetic foot ulcers using negative pressure with locally available materials. Modern Plastic Surgery, 3: 84 – 88. DOI: 10.4236/mps.2013.33017 8. Agbenorku, P., Hoyte-Williams, P. E. and Omari, I. K. (2013). A short-term review of operated cases in the Plastic Surgery Unit at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana. Modern Plastic Surgery, 3: 100 – 103. DOI: 10.4236/mps.2013.33020 9. Agbenorku, P., Agbenorku, M. and Fifi-Yankson, P. K. (2013). Paediatric burns mortality risk factors in a developing country’s tertiary burns intensive care unit. International Journal of Burns and Trauma, 3(3): 151 – 158. 172 10. Brusselaers, N., Agbenorku, P. and Hoyte–Williams, P. E. (2013). Assessment of mortality models in a Ghanaian burn population. Burns: Journal of the International Society of Burn Injuries 39(5): 997–1003 DOI: 10.1016/j.burns.2012.10.023 11. Agbenorku P. (2013). Modernized standards in burns management: A comparative study in Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana Burns: Journal of the International Society of Burn Injuries, 39(5): 990 – 996. DOI: 10.1016/j.burns.2012.12.011 12. Agbenorku, P. (2013). A long-term review of surgically treated enlarged breasts. Modern Plastic Surgery, 3: 113 – 119. DOI: 10.4236/mps.2013.34023 13. Agbenorku, P. and Agbenorku, M. (2013). A 16-year follow-up on a juvenile macromastic patient. Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 4(10): 382–386 DOI: 10.14303/jmms.2013.124 14. Agbenorku, P. and Saunderson, P. (2013). Mycobacterium ulcerans Disease of the Face: The Fate of the Victims. J Mycobacterial Diseases,3: 133. DOI: 10.4172/21611068.1000133 15. Agbenorku P. (2013). Early childhood severe scalds in a developing country: A 3-year retrospective study. Burn Trauma, 1:122–127 DOI: 10.4103/2321-3868.123073 16. Agbenorku, P. (2014). Buruli ulcer disability in Ghana: the problems and solutions. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 4(6): 1355–1365. 17. Negble, M., Agbenorku, P., Ampomah, E. A. and Hoyte-Williams. P. K. (2014). Nursing severe burn injury patients: Emotional impact on nurses. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 47(1): 1430 –1433. 18. Agbenorku, P. (2014). Response to Letter to the Editor: "Modernized standards in burns management: A comparative study in Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana" and I have some opinions about it. Burns: Journal of the International Society of Burn Injuries, 40(2): 354 – 363. DOI: 10.1016/j.burns.2013.09.001 19. Newman, M. A. and Agbenorku, P. (2014). The Status of Orofacial Cleft Care in Ghana. Oral Health and Dental Management,13(1): 541 – 544. DOI: 10.4172/22472452.1000541 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Buruli ulcers: Disability problems and their solutions. Abstract. In: Proceedings West African College of Surgeons Annual Conference, Lome, Togo. February 21 – 28. p. 26. 2. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Burn disasters in Ghana and their consequences. In: Proceedings Pan African Burns Society Conference, Accra, Ghana. November 3 – 6. 173 3. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Topical heparin for the management of severe burns. Abstract. In: Proceedings Pan African Burns Society Conference, Accra, Ghana. November 3 – 6. 4. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Paediatric burns in a developing country. Abstract. In: Proceedings Pan African Burns Society Conference, Accra, Ghana. November 3 – 6. 5. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Breast developmental anomalies: A community survey report. Abstract. In: Proceedings Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons Annual Conference, Accra, Ghana. December 3 – 7. p. 16. 6. Agbenorku, P. (2013). Lymphedema: complications and their management. Abstract. In: Proceedings West African College of Surgeons Annual Conference, Kumasi, Ghana. February 23 – 28. p. 5. 7. Agbenorku, P. (2014). Electrical burns in Ghana: the trend and mortality risk factors. Abstract. In: Proceedings West African College of Surgeons Annual Conference, Kumasi, Ghana. February 23 – 28. p. 25 8. Agbenorku, P. (2014). Orofacial cleft outreach in rural Ghana: Any positive impact on the community? Abstract. In: Proceedings West African College of Surgeons Annual Conference, Kumasi, Ghana. February 23 – 28. p. 28 174 DEPARTMENT OF NURSING ACADEMIC STAFF Lecturers: Victoria Bam (Mrs.) BSc. (Legon), MSc (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi), (Head of Department) Veronica Dzomeku (Mrs.) BA (Accra), MPhil (Accra), Antonia C. C. Afrifa (Mrs.) BSc. (Ibadan), MSc. (Ibadan) F. Apiribu BA (Accra), Dip (Accra), MPhil (Accra), MSc (Netherland) Alberta Lomotey (Mrs.) BSc. (Accra), PGCert (Manchester), MPH (Accra) Assistant Lecturers: Abigail Kusi- Amponsah Diji (Mrs.) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Nottingham) E. Appiah Boateng BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Nottingham) P. Amooba E. Asante BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Nottingham) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (London) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 175 Bell, S. A., Oteng, R., Redman, R., Lapham, J., Bam, V., Dzomeku V.,Yakubu, J., Tagoe, N. and Donkor, P. (2014). Development of an emergency nursing training curriculum in Ghana. International Emergency Nursing, (in press). doi: 10.1016/j.ienj.2014.02.002 DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: Margaret T. Frempong F. A.Yeboah BSc (Kumasi), MSc, PhD (UK) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Nott.), PhD (Lond.) LLB(Head of Department) Senior Lecturers: R. A. Ngala E. F. Laing BSc, MSc (Kumasi), PhD (Buckingham) ( BSc (Kumasi), MB ChB, MSc (Leeds), PhD, FGCP Lecturers: W. K. B. A. Owiredu Linda A. Fondjo C. Obirikorang Samuel Asamoah-Sakyi BSc (Kumasi), MPhil, PhD (Witwatersrand) BSc (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi BSc (Kumasi) PhD (Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Agyemang-Yeboah, F. and Oppong, S. Y. (2013)B-vitamins role in cellular metabolism and clinical nutrition in Topical Series in Health Science 1 (TSHS-1). Published byResearch Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O. Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India,pp39-50. Edited by SG Pandalai 2. Agyemang-Yeboah, F. and Adzosii, D. K. (2013) Infant feeding in HIV: Practice and procedures in Topical Series in Health Science 1 (TSHS-1). Published by Research Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O. Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. pp9-26. Edited by SG Pandalai 3. Agyemang-Yeboah, F. and Oppong, S. Y. (2013) Caffeine: The wonder compound, chemistry and properties in Topical Series in Health Science 1 (TSHS-1). Published by 176 Research Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O. Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. pp27-38. Edited by SG Pandalai 4. Agyemang-Yeboah, F. (2013) Oxidative stress and adipokines and their health implications in Topical Series in Health Science 1 (TSHS-1). Published byResearch Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O. Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. pp1-8. Edited by SG Pandalai 5. Sarfo, Y. and Agyemang-Yeboah, F. (2013). Quality management in the Clinical Laboratory in Topical Series in Health Science 1 (TSHS-1). Published byResearch Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O. Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India. pp63-74. Edited by SG Pandalai 6. Nkum, B. C. and Agyemang-Yeboah, F. (2013). Point of care testing in modern medical practicein Topical Series in Health Science 1 (TSHS-1). Published by Research Signpost 37/661 (2), Fort P.O. Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India, pp38-51 Edited by SG Pandalai ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFREED JOURNAL 1. Jon Padgham, TahiaDevisscher, ChuluunTogtokh, AgyemangYeboah, F.andObeng, F. (2013). Building Sahred Understanding and capacity Action: Insights on Climate risk Communication from India, Ghana, Malawi and Mongolia. International Journal of Communication, (7):970 – 983. 2. Singh, S., Laing, E. F.,Owiredu, W. K. B. A. and Singh, A. (2013). Comparison of esmolol and lidocaine for attenuation of cardiovascular stress response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in Ghanaian population. Anesthesia: Essay and Researches, 7:83 – 88. 3. Singh. S, Laing, E. F., Owiredu, W. K. B. A., Singh, A. and Annamalai, A. (2013). A study of the efficacy of cardiac antidysrhythmic drugs in attenuating haemodynamic responses in laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in the black population. Journal of nesthesiology,1(1): 1 – 8. 4. Owiredu, W. K. B. A., Quaye, L. and Amidu, N. (2013): Renal Insufficiency in Ghanaian HIV Infected Patients and the Need for Dose Adjustment. African Health Sciences, 13(1): (In Press) 5. Brenya, R. C., Ephraim, R. K. D, Owiredu, W. K. B. A.,Eghan, B. A. and Quaye, L. (2013). Prevalence and determinants of proteinuria among type 2 diabetics in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences, 2(1): 13 – 21. 6. Owiredu, W. K. B. A.,Teye, E. and Quaye, L.(2013): Proficiency testing of total serum cholesterol assay by the ATAC 8000® Random Access Chemistry Autoanalyzer at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences2(1): 22 – 29. 7. Obirikorang, C., Selleh, P. K., Abledu, J. K. and Fofie, C. O. (2013) Predictors of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV/AIDS Patients in the Upper West Region of Ghana. ISRN AIDS 2013, 873939. 177 8. Samuel, A., Sakyi, R. K. D., Ephraim,B. O., Adebisi, O-Yeboah J. and Osei-Berchie, G. (2013) Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Type 2 Diabetics in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis, Ghana. Journal of Medical Sciences, 13(4): 290 – 294. DOI: 10.3923/jms.2013.290.295 9. Ngala, R. A. and,Asare, A. A.(2014).The influence of oxidative stress, skeletal muscle mass and obesity on type 2 diabetes mellitus among patients in Kumasi Metropolis.Trends in Medical Research,ISSN 1819-3587/ DOI 10,3923/tmr, 2014 10. Ngala, R. A. and Klutse Fianko (2013). Effects of HIV infection and anti-retroviral therapy on cardiovascular risk factors. Trends in Molecular ScienceS, ISSN 1994-5449/ DOI 10,3923 tmr, 2013 11. Ngala, R. A., O'Dowd, J., Wang, S. J., Stocker, C., Cawthorne, M. A., Arch, J. R.S. (2013). β2-adrenoceptor agonists can both stimulate and inhibit glucose uptake in mouse soleus muscle through ligand-directed signaling Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Arch Pharmacol DOI 10.1007/s00210-013-0860-5 12. Ngala, R. A., Osei S. and Gmagna, P. K. (2013). Effect of Exercise on lipid profile and oxidative stress in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. American journal of Drug Discovery and Development ISSN 2150-427X/DOI: 10.3923/AJDD.2013 13. Ngala, R. A. and Klutse, F. (2013). Effect of HIV infection and Antiretroviral Therapy on cardiovascular Risk Factor.Trends in Molecular Sciences 14. Agyei-Frempong, M. T, Adusei, H., Osei-Frempong, F., and Darkwah, K. (2013): Mathematical model of the behaviours of T.B and Natural killer cells in the absence of viral infections. Journal of Medical Sciences 13(8): 716 – 722. 15. Afum-AdjeiAwua, A., Ueberberg, B., Owusu-Dabo, E., Frempong, M. and Jacobsen, M. Dynamics of T-Cell IFN-γ and Mir-29a Expression during active pulmonary tuberculosis. Submitted for publication in International Immunology. 16. Ngala, R. A., O'Dowd, J., Wang, S. J., Stocker, C., Cawthorne, M. A. and Arch, J. R. S. (2013). ß₂-adrenoceptor agonists can both stimulate and inhibit glucose uptake in mouse soleus muscle through ligand-directed signaling. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacolog, Accepted. 17. Agyei-Frempong, M. T., Adusei, H., Osei-Frempong, F., and Darkwah, K. (2013). Mathematical model of the behaviours of T,B and Natural killer cells in the absence of viral infections. Journal of Medical Sciences, 13(8): 716 – 722. 18. Afum-Adjei, A. A., Ueberberg, B., Owusu-Dabo, E., Frempong, M. and Jacobsen, M. Dynamics of T-Cell IFN-γ and Mir-29a Expression during active pulmonary tuberculosis. International Immunology, Submitted 19. Padgham, J., Devisscher, T., Togtokh, C.,Agyemang-Yeboah, F. andObeng, F. (2013). Building Sahred Understanding and capacity Action: Insights on Climate risk Communication from India, Ghana, Malawi and Mongolia. International Journal of Communication, (7): 970 – 983. 20. Singh, S., Laing, E. F., Owiredu, W. K. B. A. and Singh, A. (2013). Comparison of esmolol and lidocaine for attenuation of cardiovascular stress response to laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in Ghanaian population. Anesthesia: Essay and Researches, 7: 83 – 88. 21. Singh, S., Laing, E. F., Owiredu, W. K. B. A., Singh, A. and Annamalai, A. (2013). A study of the efficacy of cardiac antidysrhythmic drugs in attenuating haemodynamic 178 responses in laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in the black population. Journal of Anesthesiology, 1(1): 1 – 8. 22. Owiredu, W. K. B. A., Quaye L, Amidu N (2013). Renal Insufficiency in Ghanaian HIV Infected Patients and the Need for Dose Adjustment. African Health Sciences, 13(1): (In Press) 23. Brenya, R. C., Ephraim, R. K. D., Owiredu, W. K. B. A., Eghan, B. A. and Quaye, L. (2013). Prevalence and determinants of proteinuria among type 2 diabetics in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences, 2(1): 13 – 21. 24. Owiredu, W. K. B. A., Teye, E. and Quaye, L. (2013). Proficiency testing of total serum cholesterol assay by the ATAC 8000® Random Access Chemistry Autoanalyzer at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Journal of Medical and Biomedical Sciences, 2(1): 22 – 29. 25. Obirikorang, C., Selleh, P. K., Abledu, J. K. and Fofie, C. O. (2013). Predictors of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV/AIDS Patients in the Upper West Region of Ghana. ISRN AIDS, 873939. 26. Sakyi, S. A., Ephraim,R. K. D., Bastu, O., Adebisi, J. O-Y. and Osei-Berchie, G. (2013). Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Type 2 Diabetics in the Sekondi-TakoradiMetropolis, Ghana. J. Med Sci., 13(4): 290 – 294. DOI: 10.3923/jms.2013.290.295 179 DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL AND SOCIAL PHARMACY ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: *M. Duwiejua Associate Professor *Frances K. Owusu-Daaku (Mrs) Senior Lecturers: K. O. Buabeng B. P. Anto Lecturers: Afia F. A. Marfo Mercy N. A. Opare-Addo B. Pharm, MPharm (Kumasi), MSc (Aberdeen), PhD (Strath, UK), MPSGH, FPC Pharm, FGCPh On Sabbatical leave BPharm, MPharm (Kumasi), PhD (Manc., UK), MPSGH, FPC Pharm, FGCPh On Sabbatical Leave BPharm (Kumasi), MSc (Aberdeen), PhD (Kuopio, Finland), MPSGH, FGCPh (Head of Department) BPharm (Kumasi), MSc (London), PhD (London), MPSGH, FGCPh BPharm (Kumasi), MSc (London), MPSGH BPharm (Kumasi), MSc(Kumasi), MPSGH *On study leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFREED JOURNALS 1. Rauf, A., Anto, B. P., Koffuor, A. G., Buabeng K. O. and Abdul-Kabir, M. (2014).Introducing Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests (MRDTs) at Registered Retail 180 Pharmacies in Ghana: Practitioners’ Perspective. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 4(8):943-953 2. Rauf, A., Anto, B. P., Koffuor, G. A., Buabeng, K. O. and Abdul-Kabir, M. (2014).Assessing the Diagnosis of Uncomplicated Malaria after Introduction of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 4(16): 31673178 3. Gyapong, N. K. R., Addy, S. B., Buabeng, K. O., Bray, E. and Cobbinah-Abraham, V. (2014). Educational status and religion influence uptake of voluntary HIV counseling and testing by Ghanaian antenatal clinic attendees. Advances in Life Science and Teachnology 17:30 4. Buabeng, K. O., Ossei, E., Owusu-Dabo, E. and Gyansa-Luttherodt, M. (2014).Utilisation and microbial resistance to Cephalosporins at a Regional Hospital in Ghana. West Africa Journal of Pharmacy 25 (1):43 5. Ameyaw, O. J. Anto, B. P. and Buabeng, K. O. (2014).Surgical Site Infections: Prevalence and Causes At Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. West Africa Journal of Pharmacy 25 (1):43 6. Buabeng, K. O., Donkor, A. K., Nkansah, A. and Bruce, E. (2014). Stroke admissions and its management at the Medical and Surgical Medical Emmergency Units at a Teaching Hospital in Ghana. West Africa Journal of Pharmacy 25 (1):44 7. Danquah, D. A., Buabeng, K. O. and Bart-Plange, C. (2014). .Malaria Testing in Community Pharmacies and Licensed Chemical Shops (LCS); Community Perception and Experiences. West Africa Journal of Pharmacy 25 (1):44 8. Anane, C., Buabeng, K. O., Sarpong, K. and Owusu, I. K. (2013).The Impact of a Comprehensive Medication Counseling and Education on Rehospitalization and Mortality of Advanced Heart Failure Patients in Ghana.Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases & Diagnosis 1:123, 2013 9. Marfo, A. F., Owusu-Daaku, F. T. and Kyerewaa-Akromah, E. K.Patient knowledge of medicines dispensed from Ghanaian community pharmacies.Pharmacy Practice (2):66-70. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Incoom, R., Buabeng, K. O. and Macleod, M. J. (2013). Adherence to National Prescribing Guidelines for Post Stroke Blood Pressure Control in Scotland. In Proceedings of 5th Annual Scientific Conference of College Of Health Sciences, Auditorium, New CCB, KNUST, Kumasi. 14th-15th November 2. Danquah, D. A. and Buabeng, K. O. (2013). Perceptions and Experiences of Staff of Licensed Chemical Shops (Lcs) And Community Pharmacies with Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests In Ashanti Region of Ghana. In Proceedings of 5th Annual Scientific Conference of College Of Health Sciences, Auditorium, New CCB, KNUST, Kumasi. 14th15th November. 181 3. Annan, A. A., Owusu-Dabo, E., Baffour-Awuah, S., Nartey, R., Sarpong, N., Salifu, S.P. Amoyaw, F., Segbaya, S. and Buabeng, K. O. (2013).Insecticide resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes at 5 selected districts in Ghana, West Africa. In Proceedings of 5th Annual Scientific Conference of College Of Health Sciences, Auditorium, New CCB, KNUST, Kumasi. 14th-15th November. 4. Buabeng, K. O., Ayisu Donkor, B. and Agyarko-Poku, T. (2013). Patient Satisfaction and Access to Pmtct Services at STI Clinic of Suntreso Government Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana. In Proceedings of 5th Annual Scientific Conference of College Of Health Sciences, Auditorium, New CCB, KNUST, Kumasi. 14th-15th November CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Buabeng, K. O.Utilization and microbial resistance to Cephalosporin's at Eastern Regional Hospital in Ghana. Oral Presentation at the 26th Annual General Meeting & Scientific Symposium of the West Africa Post Graduate College Of Pharmacists, National Theatre, Accra, Ghana. 10th-14th March 2014 2. Buabeng, K. O., Donkor, A. K., Nkansah, A. and Bruce, E.Stroke admissions and its management at the Medical and Surgical Medical Emergency Units at a Teaching Hospital in Ghana. Poster at the 26th Annual General Meeting & Scientific Symposium of the West Africa Post Graduate College Of Pharmacists, National Theatre, Accra, Ghana. 10th-14th March 2014 182 DEPARTMENT OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY Professor: K. A. Danso BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, FGCS, FACOG Associate Professor: H. S. Opare-Addo A. T. Odoi C. A. Turpin B. K. Opoku BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, FGCS, BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, FGCS BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, FGCS (Head of Department) BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, FGCS Senior Lecturers : # V. N. Addo MB ChB, FRCOG, FWACS, FGCS Lecturers : F. Ankobea-Kokroe G. O. Asubonteng A. M. Abdul-Razak R. E. Larsen-Reindorf T. O. Konney E.K.S. Morhe R.K. Adageba J. Annan BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, FGCS MD, Germ, FGCS BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, FGCS BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, MD, FWACS, MB ChB FWACS, FGCS MD FWACS BSc, MB ChB, FWACS Adjunct Lecturer: Osei Wusu-Ansah BSc, MB ChB, FWACS Assistant Adjunct Lecturer: D. Asante-Mante K. Ofori Boadu BSc, MB ChB, FWACS Part 1 BSc, MB ChB, MGCS 183 # On contract BOOKS PUBLISHED 1. Danso, K. A. Kwawukume, E. Y, Tagbor, H., Oduro Asante, R. K. (Editors) (2014) Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics. University Printing Kumasi. ISBN 9789988154547, 497p. CHAPTER(S) IN BOOKS 1. Danso, K. A. (2014). The beginning of the Ghana-Michigan experience. In: FWJ Anderson (Editor).Building Academic Partnerships to Reduce Maternal Morbidity and Mortality. Publishers M Publishing, ISBN9781607853220, p39-42. Odoi-Agyarko, K. and Odoi, A. T. (2014). Female Genital Mutilation. In: Danso, K. A., Kwawukume, E. Y., Tagbor, H. and Asante, R. K. O. (Editors) Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics. University Printing Kumasi.2014.ISBN 9789988154547, 497p. 2. Asubonteng, G. O. and Aboah, K. (2014): Male contraception in Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the tropics.In: K. A. Danso, E. Y. Kwawukume, H. Tagbor, R. K. Oduro Asante.(Editors) Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics. University Printing Kumasi. 2014. ISBN 9789988154547, Pages 307-315. Asubonteng, G. O. and Aboah, K. E. K. (2014): Male reproductive tract cancer. In: K. A. Danso, E. Y. Kwawukume, H. Tagbor, R. K. Oduro Asante. (Editors) Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics.University Printing Kumasi. 2014. ISBN 9789988154547, Pages 317-342. 3. Opoku, B. K., Asubonteng. G. O. and Danso, K. (2014). Genital Tract Injuries including foreign bodies. . In: K. A. Danso, E. Y. Kwawukume, H. Tagbor, R. K. Oduro Asante. (Editors) (2014) Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics. University Printing Kumasi. 2014. ISBN 9789988154547, Pages 363-372. 4. Ankobea-Kokroe, F. and Samba, A. (2014) Family Planning I: Contraception In Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics. Chapter 5 pp 65-97. Published by University Press KNUST, Kumasi. ISBN 978-9988-1-5454-7 184 5. Ankobea-Kokroe, F. and Danso, K. A. (2014) Breast diseases Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics. Chapter 11 pp 251-258. Pubished by University Press KNUST, Kumasi. ISBN 978-9988-1-5454-7. 6. Adageba, R. K. (2014). Intrauterine Insemination as a Treatment option in Resource Limited Medical Settings. Gautam N Allahbadia (Editor). Intrauterine insemination. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., India. ISBN 978 93 5090 403 9, 43-53. 7. Morhe, E. S. K. and Danso, K. A. Unsafe abortion and post abortion care. In: Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics. ISBN: 9789988-1-5454-7 (2014), 125-142. 8. Morhe, R. A. S., Morhe, E. S. K. and Danso, K. A. Legal and social issues in reproductive health in Africa. Rape, defilement, sexual harassment. In: Comprehensive Reproductive Health and Family Planning in the Tropics. ISBN: 978-9988-1-5454-7 (2014), 461-494. 9. Dalto, V. and Morhe, E. Overview of the first Family Planning Subspecialty Training Program in Ghana. In: Building Academic Partnerships to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. A call to action and way forward. Edited by Frank WJ Anderson. ISBN: 978-160785-322-0. (2014), 75-77. PEER REVIEW PUBLICATIONS 1. Dalton, V. K., Xiao Xu, Mullan, P., Danso, K. A., Yao Kwawukume, Gyan, K. and Johnson. T. R. B., (March 2013). International Family Planning Fellowship Program: advanced training in family planning to reduce unsafe abortion. Int. Perspective on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 39(1): 42-6. 2. Agbenorku, P., Yore, M., Danso, K. A. and Turpin, C. (2013). Incidence of orofacial clefts in Kumasi, Ghana. ISRN Plastic Surgery, Vol 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.5402/2013/280903 3. Sarvestani, A. S., Konney, T.O. and Sienko, K. H. (2013): Development of Culturally appropriate pictorial cards to facilitate maternal health histories and referral decision in rural Ghana. International Journal of Gynecolgy and Obstetrics, 123 (3): 244-245. 4. Schwandt, H. M., Creanga, A. A., Danso, K. A, Richard M. K. Adanu, Tsiri Agbenyega, Michelle J. Hindin. (2013). Group versus individual family planning counselling in Ghana: a randomized, non-inferiority trial. Contraception 88; 281-288 5. Gold, K. J., Abdul-Razak, S., Abdul-Mumin, Boggs, M. E., Opare-Addo, H. S. and Lieberman, R. W. (2014): Assessment of “fresh” versus “macerated” as accurate markers of time since intrauterine fetal demise in low-income countries.Int. J Gynecol Obstet., (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijgo.2013.12.006 6. Anderson, F. W. J., Obed, S. A., Boothman, E. L. and Opare-Addo, H. (2014). The Public Health Impact of Training Physicians to BecomeObstetricians and Gynecologists in Ghana. American Journal of Public Health Supplement 1, 104(S1). 185 7. Dassah, E. T., Odoi, A. T. and Owusu-Asubonteng, G. (2013). Prevalence and Factors Predictive of long acting reversible contraceptive use in a tertiary Hospital in Ghana. European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, 2013. DOI: 10.3109/13625187.2013.790. 8. Osei, E. N., Odoi, A. T., Owusu-Ofori, S. and Allain, J. P. (2013). Appropriateness of blood product transfusion in the obstetrics and gynaecology department of a tertiary hospital in West Africa. Transfusion Medicine,2013. doi: 10. 1111/12028/1-7. 9. Owusu-Bempah, A., Odoi. A. T. and Dassah, E. T. (2013).Genital Schistosomiasis Leading to Ectopic Pregnancy and Subfertility: A Case for Parasitic Evaluation of Gynaecologic Patients in Schistosomiasis Endemic Areas. Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1-3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/634264 / 10. AsundepNtui, P. J., Carson, A., Turpin, C. A., Zhang, K. and Tameru, B. Antenatal care attendance, a Surrogate for pregnancy outcome. The case of Kumasi, Ghana. Maternal and Child Health Journal, Doi. 10 1007/s/0995-013-1338-2. 11. NtuiAsundep, N., Carson, A. P., Turpin, C. A., Tameru, B., Agidi, A. T., Zhang, K., K. and Jolly, P. Determinants of Access to Antenatal Care and birth outcomes in Kumasi, Ghana. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health (2013) 3, 279-288. 12. Ntui .Asundep, Pauline E. Jolly, Carson, A. P., Turpin, C. A., Kui Zhang, K., Wilson, N. O., Stiles, J. S. and Tameru, B. Effects of Malaria and Geohelminth Infection on Birth outcomes in Kumasi, Ghana. International Journal of Tropical Diseases and Health. 4(5): 582-594, 2014. 13. Investigator group: Abalos, E., Addo, V, Brosklehurst, P., Sheikh, M. El., Mathews, J. E., NazMasood, S., Oyarzun, E., Oyieke, J. and Sharma, J. B.CORONI- Caesarean section surgical techniques (CORONIS): a fractional, factorial, unmasked, randomized controlled trial. The CORONIS Collaborative Group* Published Online May 28, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/So140-6763(13)60441-9. 14. Abalos, E., Addo, V., Brocklehurst, P., Sheikh, M. El., Mathews, J. E., NazMasood, S., Oyarzun, E., Oyieke, J. and Sharma, J. B. (2013). CORONIS – International study of caesarean section surgical techniques: the follow-up study The CORONIS Collaborative Group The CORONIS Collaborative Group BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 13:215 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/13/215. 15. Morhe, R. A. S. and Morhe, E. S. K. (2013).The Law on Defilement in Ghana and Challenges in its Implementation at the Ejisu-Juabeng Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit of the Ghana Police Service.Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization. www.iiste.org. ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online) Vol.16, 186 16. Opoku Baafuor, K.(2014). Unexplained Gross Haematuria in Pregnancy: a case report. Res J of Women’s Health.2014; 1:1. http://dx.doi.org/10,7243/2054-9865-1-1 17. Albert Opoku, A., Bbadu-Addo, K., Ankobea-Kokroe, F. (2014).Semen characteristics of Male Infertile Couples in Kumasi Metropolis: A study of Primary and Secondary Infertile Couples. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research 4 (6): 1432-1441, 2014 CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS ATTENDED AT WHICH PAPERS WERE READ 1. Opare-Addo H. S., Acheampong, F., Nartey, E., Adomako-Boateng, F., Dassah E. T. (2014): Factors influencing utilization of antenatal care and determinate of place of delivery in urban Ghana- the case of Kumasi metropolis. In: book of abstracts, 54thannual conference of the West African College of Surgeons. Kumasi, Ghana. Feb 23-28, 2014. Page 63 2. Opare-Addo H. S. (2013): Pelvic organ prolapsed and its management. CPD on female urinary incontinence. Ghana College of physician and surgeon Wednesday 24th July, 2013 Accra. 3. Opare-Addo, H. S. (2014): Assessment of the role of verbal autopsy as an audit tool in defining maternal mortality in the Offinso District of Ghana. 54th annual congress and scientific conference of the West African College of Surgeons held at Golden Tulip Hotel, Kumasi, Ghana. 23rd – 28th February, 2014. 4. Anderson, F. W. J. and Danso, K. A. (Presenter), TRB Johnson. Building academic partnerships to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Proceedings of 54th Annual Scientific Conference of the West African College of Surgeons held in Kumasi, 23 – 28 February, 2014. P 150. 5. Odoi, A. T., Appiah-Kubi, C., Nakua, E. and Dassah, E. T. (2014). Assessing Barriers to Emergency Care in a Metropolitan Area in Ghana: A Focus on the First and Fourth Obstetric Delays. In: Book of Absracts, 54th Annual Conference of the West African College of Surgeons. Kumasi, Ghana. Feb 23-28, 2014. Page 148 6. Larsen-Reindorf, R. E., Odoi, A. T., Opare-Addo, H. S. and Adjuik, M. (2014). Decisionto Incision Time in Doing Caesarean in Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana. Feb 23 - 28. Page 114 7. Amo-Antwi, K. and Konney. T. O. and Odoi, A. T. (2014). Eighteen-Year Old Nulliparous Woman with Massive Ovarian Mucinous Cystadenoma in Pregnancy. In: Book of Abstracts, 54th Annual Conference of the West African College of Surgeons. Kumasi, Ghana. Feb 23-28, 2014. Page 117. 8. Appiagyei, J., Morhe, E. S. K., OpareAddo, H. S. (2014). Intrapartum Perineal Injuries among Women in Akwapin South Municipality, Ghana. West African College of Surgeons Annual Conference, Kumasi Ghana. February 23 – 28. 2014. 187 9. Odoi, A.T. (2014). Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) first ever National Conference on Infertility: Pentecost University Conference Centre, Accra, Ghana. 15th March 2014. 10. Addo, V. N. (2013, 2014). Caesarean section surgical techniques (CORONIS): a fractional, factorial, unmasked, randomized controlled trial. 1. Ghana Surgical Research Society 23 November, 2013, Accra. 2. Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, 12 December, Accra. 3. West African College of Surgeons, 26 February, 2014, Kumasi. 11. Morhe, E. S. K. (2013) Contraceptive Uptake among Referred Postpartum Women in Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana.International Family planning conference Addis Ababa, November 2013. 12. Morhe, E. S. K. (2013)Challenges and Way Forward in Improving Contraceptive Uptake in Ghana. Continuous Medical Program at 5th Annual Ghana College and International Family Planning Fellowship Conference. Accra, 15 April, 2013. 13. Konney, T. O. (2013) Management of Premalignant Gynaecological Lesions. Medical Knowledge Fiesta 2013: Cutting Edge Updates for Medical Practice in Ghana. Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons and African Partners Continuing Medical Education Conference. Kumasi, Ghana; September 16 – 20, 2013. 14. Morhe, E. S. K., Dalton, V. (2013). Contraceptive Uptake among Referred Postpartum Women in Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana.International Family planning conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 12-14, 2013. 15. Mumuni, K., Morhe, E. S. K. and Dalton, V. (2013)Subspecialist Training in Advancing Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Ghana. International Family planning conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 12-14, 2013. 16. Morhe, E. S. K., V Dalton (2014). Certification and Accreditation; Family Planning Fellowship Training Program in Ghana. International meeting on “Building Academic Partnerships to train 1000+ OBGYNs in sub-Saharan Africa”. Accra, February 12-14, 2014. 188 DEPARTMENT OF EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: #G. W. Brobby Dr Med. et dent (M’burg), FAOL (D’dorf), FGMA, FWACS, FICS, DSc (h.c), FASc, (N/York), FGCPS Associate Professor: #G. K. Amedofu BA (Ed) (CapeCoast), MA (Audiology), PhD (Mich. State), MIHS, MAAS, CTI Senior Lecturers: J. Opoku-Buabeng MD (Italy), MSc (Manchester), DLO, FWACS, FGCPS P. Awuah (Rev.) MB ChB (Ghana), DLO, FWACS(Head of Department) Lecturers: S. Y. Lartey BSc, MB ChB, FWACS, FGCSP, MSc. DLSHIM I. M. Duah Degree in Medicine, FWACS P. C. Armah MB ChB (Ghana), FWACS 189 #On Contract ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Lartey, S. (2013). Prevalence of myopia amongst patients with refractive errors in Kumasi metropolis. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(2): 73 – 80. 2. Lartey, S. (2014). Is there an association between serum lipids and diabetic retinopathy in in type 2 diabetic patients in Ghana? International Journal of Tropical disease and Health, 4(4): 457 – 468. 3. Lartey, S. (2013). Refractive error and visual impairment in private school children in Ghana. Optom Vis Sci, 9012): 1456. Doi 1097/OPX.0000000009 4. Lartey, S. (2013). A sudden total loss of vision after routine cataract surgery. Ghana Med. J., 47(2): 96 – 99. 190 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professors: G. Bedu-Addo K. O. Opare-Sem B. Eghan Jnr. MB ChB, FWACP, FRCP, FGCPS MBChB, BMed Sci, MBChB, FGCPS, FACP, FRCP (Head of Department) BSC, MBChB, MSc Senior Lecturers: B. C. Nkum R. P. Odame MBChB, FGCPS MBChB, PhB, FWACP Lecturers: I. K. Owusu Betty Norman Mary Yeboah-Afihene F. Sarfo M. Agyei J. Akassi O. Sarfo-Kantanka L. Tetteh Appiah MB ChB, FWACP, FGCPS MB ChB, FWACP MBChB, FWACP MBChB, FWACP MBChB, FWACP MBChB, FWACP MBChB, FWACP MBChB, FWACP ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Sarfo, F. S., Keegan, R., Appiah, L., Shakoor, S., Phillips, R., Norman, B., Hardy, Y., Bedu-Addo, G., Longstaff, L. and Chadwick, D. (2013). High prevalence of renal 191 dysfunction and association with risk of death amongst HIV-infected Ghanaians. Journal of Infection, 67: 43 – 50. 2. Bedu-Addo,G., Amoako, Y. A. and Bates, I. (2013). The role of bone marrow aspirate and trephine samples in haematological diagnoses in patients referred to the KomfoAnokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi. Ghana Medical Journal, 47(2): 75 – 79. 3. Bedu-Addo, G., Meesse, S. and Mockenhaupt, F. (2013). Brief Report: AN AT2B4 polymorphism protects against malaria in pregnancy. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 207: 1600 – 1603. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: F. Boakye R. K. Nkum A. Menyeh K. Singh Associate Professor: S. K. Danuor BSc, MSc, PhD Kumasi BSc, MSc, Kumasi, DSc Technion, Haifa, CPhys, MInstP BSc Kumasi, MSc, PhD N’Castle, CPhys, MInstP BSc, MSc Gorakhpur, PhD Varanasi, DSc (h.c), FGInstP, CPhys UK, FInstP UK BSc Kumasi, MSc Frankfurt, PhD Kumasi, MInstP, MGhIG, FGA (Head of Department) Senior Lecturers: K. Preko R. Y. Tamakloe L. K. Amekudzi F. K. Ampong E. C. K. Addison BSc Ghana, MSc, PhD Karlsruhe BSc, MSc, PhD Kumasi BSc, Dip Ed. MPhil Cape Coast, PhD Bremen BSc, MSc, PhD Kumasi BSc, MSc Kumasi Lecturers: V. S. Asare A. A. Aning R. M. Noye E. E. K. Abavare BSc, MSc Kumasi BSc, MSc Kumasi, PhD Paris BSc, MSc Kumasi BSc Kumasi, MSc N’hampton, PhD Tsukuba 192 T. Annor E. Quansah O. A. Nunoo I. Nkrumah D. D. Wemegah B. Kwakye-Awuah M. K. E. Donkor S. N. A. Dodoo BSc Kumasi, MSc Bremen BSc, Dip Ed. Cape Coast, MIS London, MSc Bremen BSc Kumasi, MSc Kumasi BSc, MSc Kumsi, MSc Gothenburg BSc Ghana, MSc Kumasi BSc, Dip Ed Cape Coast, MSc Bremen, PhD W’hampton BSc, PhD Kumasi BSc Kumasi, MSc, PhD Berlin ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Oppong, I. A. and Danour, S. K. (2014).Amplitude Simulation Technique for Seismic 2. Amplitude Scaling. International Research Journal of Geology and Mining, 4(5): 133-138. 2276-6618. 3. Manzanas, R., Amekudzi, L. K., K. Preko, S. Herrera and J. M. Gutierrez, 2014, Precipitation variability and trend in Ghana: An intercomparison of observational and reanalysis products, J. Climatic Change, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-014-1100-9 4. Boadi, B., Preko, K. and Amekudzi, L. K. (2014). Implications of soil magnetic susceptibility measurements from the waste site deposit of Independence Hall, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi. International J. of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(5). ISSN 2250-3153. 5. Quansah, E., Amekudzi, L. K., Preko, K., Aryee, J., Boakye, O. R., Boli, D. and Salifu, M. R. (2014). Empirical models for estimating global solar radiation over the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Journal of Solar Energy, DOI:10.1155/2014/897970 6. Ampong, F. K., Nkrumah, I., Nkum R. K. and Boakye, F. (2014). Investigating the structure, morphology and optical band gap of Cadmium Sulphide thin films grown by Chemical Bath Deposition technique. International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, e-ISSN: 2320-8163, 2(6): (Nov-Dec 2014), PP. 91-93. 7. Kwakye-Awuah, B., Labik, L., Nkrumah, I. and Williams, C. (2014). Removal of Arsenic in River Water Samples Obtained From A Mining Community in Ghana Using Laboratory Synthesized Zeolites. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research. 4(4): 304 - 315. 8. Gashaw, F., Ampong, F. K., Abza, T., Nkrumah, I., Nkum, R. K. and Boakye, F. (2014). Investigating the effect of deposition time on the morphology, structure andoptical band gap of PbS thin films synthesized by CBD technique. Elixir Thin Film Tech. 76 2843228436. 9. Kwakye-Awuah, B.,Labik, L. K.,Nkrumah, I.and Williams, C. (2014). Removal of ammonium ions by laboratory-synthesized zeolite linde type A adsorption from water 193 samples affected by mining activities in Ghana. Journal of Water and Health, 12(1): 151 – 160. 10. Kwakye-Awuah, B., Von-Kiti, E.,Buamah, R.,Nkrumah, I. and Williams,C. (2014). Effect of Crystallization Time on the Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolites from Kaolin and Bauxite. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 5(2): 734 – 741. 11. Kwakye-Awuah, B., Labik, L. K, Nkrumah, I and Williams, C. (2014). Removal of ammonium ion by laboratory-synthesized zeolite LTA adsorption from waters samples affected by mining activities in Ghana. Journal of Water and Health, 12(1):151 – 160. 12. Inkoom, G.,Boakye,F. and Archer, J. (2014). Temperature and Angular Dependence of Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) Signal of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) Thin Film using FMR Technique. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 7(15): 3064 – 3068. 13. Abavare, E. K. K Iwata, J.-I.,Yaya, A.and Oshiyama, A.(2014). Surface energy of Si(110)and 3C-SiC(111)- terminated surfaces. Phys. Status Solidi B 251, No. 7, 1408-1415 14. Tamakloe, R. Y., Agamasu, H. and Singh, K. (2014). Power generation by double chamber membrane-less Microbial fuel cells (MLMFCS). International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 5(7): 30 – 38.ISSN 0976 – 6480 (Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online). 15. Tamakloe, R. Y., Opoku-Donkor, T. and Singh, K. (2014). H2O2 as Electron Acceptor In Double Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 5(1): 01 – 06. ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) 16. Aning, A. A.,Sackey, N., Jakalia, I. S.,Sedoawu,O.,Tetteh,E. H., Hinson, G.,Akorlie,R. K.,Appiah, D, and Quaye, E. K. (2014). Electrical Resistivity as a Geophysical Mapping Tool; A Case Study Of The New Art Department, KNUST- Ghana.International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 4(1). 17. Monzanas, R., Amekudzi, L. K.,Preko, K.,Herrera, S. andGutierrez, J. M. (2014). Precipitation variability and trends in Ghana: An interconnection of observational and reanalysis products.Climate Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1100-9 18. Opoku-Donkor, T., Tamakloe, R. Y., Nkum R. K. and Singh, K.(2013). Effect of Cod on OCV, Power Production and Coulombic Efficiency of Single-Chambered Microbial Fuel Cells, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology,4(7): 198 - 206, ISSN Print: 0976-6480, ISSN Online: 0976-6499. 19. Tamakloe,R. Y.,Singh,K., andOpoku-Donkor, T. (2014). H2O2 As Electron Acceptor in Double Chamber MicrobialFuel Cells, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology,5(1): 01 – 06. 20. Singh,K.,Singh,B.and Chaudhary,R. (2014).A New Form of Extended Ziman-Faber Theory for Liquid and Amorphous Binary Alloys.International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology, 5(1): 36 – 44. 21. Tamakloe R. Y. and Singh K., 2013.Electricity Generation by Single- and Double Chamber Membrane-Less Microbial Fuel Cells (MLMFCs). Journal of the Ghana Science 194 Association, 15(1): 84 – 91. (http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jgsa/article/view/106200) ISSN: 0855-3823 22. Manzanas, R.,Amekudzi, L. K.,Preko, K. and Gutierrez,J. M. (2014). Precipitation variability and trends in Ghana. An intercomparison of observational and reanalysis products.J. of Climate Change (accepted in press) 23. Asare, V-D. S. andMenyeh, A.(2013). Geo-Electrical Investigation of Groundwater Resources And Aquifer Characteristics In Some Small Communities in The Gushiegu And Karaga Districts of Northern Ghana. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2(3): ISSN 2277-8616 24. Kyere, C.s A., Noye, R. M. and Menyeh, A.(2013). Prospecting for Groundwater in the Bawku West District of the Upper East Region of Ghana Using the Electromagnetic and Vertical Electrical Sounding Methods. Journal of the Ghana Science Association, 15(1). ISBN 0855-3823 25. Boateng, E., Asare, V. S.and Danuor, S. (2013). Detection and Delineation of Contaminant Migration using the Terrain Conductivity Technique outside the Perimeters of the Dompoase Landfill Facility in Kumasi – Ghana. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 3(2): page nos. 26. Boateng, C. D., Danuor, S. K. and Asare, V. S. (2013). Mapping the Subsurface Structure of the Bosumtwi Impact Crater using the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Equipment.International Journal of Scientific Research and Application, 1(2): 47 – 61. 27. Boadi, B., Wemegah, D. D. and Preko, K. (2013).Geological and structural interpretation of the Konongo area of the Ashanti gold belt of Ghana from aeromagnetic and radiometric data.International Research Journal of Geology and Mining, 3(3): 124 – 135.2276-6618 28. Graham, K. M., Preko, K. and Antwi-Boasiako, B. K. (2013).Estimating the Volumetric Soil Water Content of a Vegetable Garden using the Ground Penetrating Radar. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(7). 29. Bannor, K., Antwi-Boasiako, K. P. and Graham,K. M. (2013). Assessing the quality of pipe borne water using Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(7). 30. Graham, K. M., Antwi-Boasiako, K. P, Wemegah, D. D. andBoamah,D.(2014). Geological and Structural Interpretation of Part of the Buem Formation, Ghana, Using Aerogeophysical Data. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 4(4). 31. Tamakloe,R. Y.,Singh, K. andOpoku-Donkor,T.H2O2 As Electron Acceptor in Double Chamber MicrobialFuel Cells.International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology, 5(1): 01 – 06. 32. Opoku-Donkor, T., Tamakloe, R. Y., Nkum, R. K. and Singh, K. (2013). Effect of COD on OCV, Power Production and Coulombic Efficiency of Single-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology, 4(7): 198 – 206. 33. Singh, B., Gupta, D. C., Chaudhary, R., Singh, K. and Gupta, Y. M. (2013). Comparative Study of Layered Structure Formulisms for High Temperature Copper-Oxide 195 Superconductors. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology, 4(2): 46 – 60. 34. Britwum, A., Kolodziej, T., Tokarz, W., Przewoznik, J., Kapusta, C., Kakol, Z., Kozlowski, A., Tarnawski, Z. and Honig, J. M. (2013). Magnetostriction of first and second order magnetite samples and its relation to the magnetic easy axis switching, Solid State Phenomena. 35. Nkrumah, I., Ampong, F. K., Kwakye-Awuah, B., Nkum, R. K. and Boakye, F. (2013). Synthesis and characterization of ZNO thin films deposited by chemical bath technique. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 2(12): 809 – 812. 36. Kwakye-Awuah, B., Adzabe, F. J. K., Nkrumah, I. and Williams, C. (2013). Application of Laboratory-Synthesized Ammonium Zeolite LTX as Soil Amendment Additive. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 12(1): 67 – 81. 37. Kwakye-Awuah, B., Von-Kiti, E., Nkrumah, I. and C. Williams, C. (2013).Towards the Zeolitization of Bauxite: Thermal Behaviour of Gibbsite in High-Alumina-Ghanaian Bauxite. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, vol. 2(10); 1290 – 1300. 38. Kwakye-Awuah, B. Wemegah, D. D., Nkrumah, I., Williams, C. and Radecka, I. (2013).Antimicrobial Activity of Silver-Zeolite LTA on Heavily-Contaminated Underground Ghanaian Waters. International Journal of Science and Research, 2(11): 26 – 31. 39. Kwakye-Awuah,B., Mrozik, A., Piotrowska-Seget, Z., Nkrumah, I., Williams, C. and Radecka, I. (2013) Release Pattern of Ag+ ions from Silver-Loaded Zeolite X and its Subsequent Effect on Fatty Acid Composition of Bacterial Cells. International Journal of Innovative Research and Technology, 2(11): 6235 – 6244. CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Amekudzi,L. K. (2014). Geophysical retrieval of trace gases from Limb and Occultationgeometries, AGS Conference, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. May 20 – 24. 2. Tamakloe, R. Y., Opoku-Donkor, T. and Singh, K.(2014). H2O2 as Electron Acceptor In Double Chamber Microbial Fuel Cells.International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 5(1): 01 – 06. ISSN 0976 – 6480(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6499(Online) 3. Abavare, E. K. K. (2014). Ab-initio calculation of atomic and electronic structures of 3CSiC(111)/Si(110) superstructures; University of Ghana. September,12. 4. Abavare, E. K. K. (2014). Work on: State-of-the-Art Developments in Atomistic Simulations, University of Ghana. September 8 – 11. 5. Asare, E. O.,Amekudzi, L. K.,Tompkins,A. M. and Ermert,V. (2013). Simple pond parametrization for malaria transmission model,Climate Change and Population Conference on Africa, University Of Ghana, Legon Accra, Ghana.June 03 – 07. 6. Amekudzi,L. K. (2013), Climate Baseline Data: Source of Flood and Drought Early 196 Warning Monitoring, CREW-TWG Workshop, October 11, 2013, Koforidua, Ghana 7. Amekudzi,L. K. (2013). Climate projection for Ghana, CLIM-WARN National, Meeting, Koforidua, Ghana.July 2 – 3. 8. Amekudzi, L. K.,Manzanas, R.,Preko,K. and Asare,E. O. (2013). Changes in trend and variability of precipitation over Ghana: Assessing performance of reanalysis products, Climate Change and Population Conference on Africa, University Of Ghana, Legon Accra, Ghana. June 03 – 07. 9. Tamakloe, R.(2013). The Challenges of Garbage Management in our Schools. Ghana Association of Science Teachers (GAST) – 55th Annual General Meeting/Conference/workshop. September 9-14, p. 50 – 58. 10. Amekudzi, L. K. (2013). Climate projection for Ghana, CLIM-WARN National Meeting, Koforidua, Ghana.July 2 – 3. 11. Amekudzi, L. K., Manzanas, R., Preko,K. and Asare,E. O. (2013). Changes in trend and variability of precipitation over Ghana: Assessing performance of reanalysis products, Climate Change and Population Conference on Africa, 03 – 07, June 2013, University Of Ghana, Legon Accra, Ghana 12. E. O. Asare, L. K. Amekudzi, A. M. Tompkinsand V. Ermert (2013), Simple pond parametrization for malaria transmission model,Climate Change and Population Conference on Africa, 03 – 07, June 2013, University Of Ghana, Legon Accra, Ghana. 13. A.A. Ankomah , E.O. Asare, L.K. Amekudzi, R. A. Akumand G. Agbemenu (2013), A study to understand temporal and spatial variation in humidity, temperature and rainfall over different weather observatories in Kumasi, Biostatistic conference, August 2013, Accra, Ghana 14. Sefa-Ntiri, B., Buah-Bassuah, P.K, Mensah-Amoah, P.K., Twum, A., Kwakye-Awuah, B. and Fedah,B.E. Nanotechnology Application for Drinking Water Treatment, Assisted by Light Transmission Experiment. In: Proceedings from the 3rd UCC – UNILORN International Conference Secretariat, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, August 2013. 197 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: A. A. Adimado BSc. (Hons), Kumasi, PhD (Ibadan) Senior Lecturers: R. B. Voegborlo BSc. (Hons), MPhil, PhD (Kumasi) J. A. M. Awudza BSc. (Hons), MPhil, PhD (UMIST, Manchester) E. Adei BSc. (Hons), MPhil, (Kumasi) PhD (.C.) Irvine) S. A Acquaah BSc. (Hons), Kumasi, PhD) (Windsor) G. Darko BSc. (Hons), Cape Coast, MSc. (Kumasi). PhD (Rhodes) (Head of Department) O. Akoto BSc. (Hons), MPhil (Legon) N. O. Boadi BSc. (Hons), MSc. (Kumasi E. E. Kwaansa-Ansah BSc. (Hons), MSc. (Kumasi) Marian A. Nkansah (Ms) BSc. (Hons), MSc (Kumasi) PhD (Uib, Berge) Lecturers: N.K. Asare-Donkor BSc. (Hons), MSc. (Kumasi) J.K. Mensah BSc. (Hons), (Kumasi), MSc. (Oslo, PhD Houston) Mercy Badu (Mrs) BSc. Hons), MSc. (Kumasi) Akwasi Acheampong BSc. (Hons), Cape Coast, MSc. (Kumasi) PhD (Orsay) Joseph Apau BSc. (Hons), (Kumasi), MSC (Cape Coast) E. S. Agorku BSc. (Hons), MSc )Kumasi) 198 R. Tia BSc. (Hons), PhD (Kumasi) L. S. Borquaye BSc. (Hons), Cape Coast, PhD(UMASS Amherst) Technical Instructor G. Ofori-Adie BSc. (Hons), (Kumasi) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Kwaansa-Ansah, E. E., Asare-Donkor, N. K., Adimado, A. A. and Dong-ha, N. (2013). Evaluation of mercury and selenium concentrations in the edible tissue of freshwater fish from the Volta Lake in Ghana. J Environ Occup Sci, 2(3): 109 – 118. 2. Asare-Donkor, N. K. and Adimado, A. A. (2013). Heavy Metal Contamination Status and Physicochemical Quality of Underground Water at Bogoso and its Environs, a Mining Enclave in Ghana. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2(3): 2031 – 2050. 3. Asare-Donkor, N. K. Wemegah, D. D. and Adimado, A. A. (2013). Chemical Analysis of Freshwater Bodies in the Kumasi Metropolies and its Environs, Ghana. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 3(9): 37 – 45. 4. Aniagyei, A., Tia, R. and Adei, E. (2013). A theoretical study of the mechanisms of oxidation of ethylene by manganese oxo complexes. Dalton Trans., 42: 14411 – 14423. 5. Aniagyei, A., Tia, R. and Adei, E. (2013). A density functional theory study of the mechanisms of oxidation of ethylene by rhenium oxide complexes. Dalton Trans., 42: 10885 – 10897. 6. Aniagyei, A., Tia, R. and Adei, E. (2013). A density functional theory study of the mechanisms of oxidation of ethylene by technetium oxo complexes. Comp. Theor. Chem., 1009: 70 – 80. 7. Akoto, O., Eshun, B., Darko, G., and Adei, E. (2014). Concentrations and Health Risk Assessments of Heavy Metals in Fish from the Fosu Lagoon. International Journal of Environmental Research, 8(2): 403 – 410. 8. Akoto, O., Andoh, H., Darko, G., Eshun, K. and Osei-Fosu, P. (2013). Health risk assessment of pesticides residue in maize and cowpea from Ejura, Ghana. Chemosphere, 92: 67 – 73. 9. Dartey, E., Sarpong, K., Darko, G. and Acheampong-Marfo, M. (2013) Urinary arsenic and mercury levels in artisanal miners in some communities in the Obuasi Municipality of Ghana. Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, 5(5): 113 – 118. 10. Darko, G., Chigome, S., Lillywhite, S., Tshentu, Z., Darkwa, J. and Torto, N. (2013). Sorption of toxic metal ions in aqueous environment using electrospun polystyrene fibers incorporated diazole ligands. Water SA, 39(1): 39 – 46. 199 11. Akoto, O., Eshun, F. B., Darko, G. and Adei, E. (2014). Concentrations and Health Risk Assessments of Heavy Metals in Fish from the Fosu Lagoon. Int. J. Environ. Res., 8(2): 403 – 410. 12. Akoto, O. and Osei-Brefoh, A. (2014). Quality of Oleoresinous Wood Varnish Prepared using Resin Synthesized from Tannin Extracted from Stem Bark of Khaya senegalensis. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(1): 61 – 66. 13. Baidoo, E., Ephraim, J. H., Darko, G. and Akoto, O. (2014). Potentiometric studies of the acid–base properties of tropical humic acids. Geoderma, 217–218: 18 – 25. 14. Akoto, O., Andoh, H., Darko, G., Eshun, K. and Osei-Fosu, P. (2013). Health risk assessment of pesticides residue in maize and cowpea from Ejura, Ghana. Chemosphere, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere. 2013.02.057. 15. Badu, M., Wemegah, D. D., Boadi, N. O. and Brown, F. A. (2013). Assessment of the Nutrient Load and Selected Heavy Metals in the Owabi Reservoir and its Feeder Waters. Am. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 4: 337 – 343. 16. Boadi, N. O., Okyere, H., Badu, M., Mensah, J. K. and Owusu-appiah, I. (2013). Effect of Mercury on the Proximate Composition of Maize (Zea mays L.). J. Agric. Sci. Technol. B 3: 487 – 492. 17. Appau, I. (2013). Managing fire outbreaks in Ghana. Onesal Multimedia Limited. Accra Ghana, pp. 1-200 18. Apau, J., Amofa, A. J. and Ansong, E. (2014). Levels of heavy metals in tubers from five markets in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, (under review). 19. Apau, J., Wemega, D. and Agbovi, H. K. (2013). Assessing the Quality of borehole water from Aburi Metropolis. Journal of Science and Technology, Accepted. 20. Apau, J. and Emyemadze, I. (2014). Speciation of Arsenic in drinking water at Amansie West district. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, (accepted). 21. Afful, S., Osae,S.,Awudza, J., Twumasi, S. K. (2013). A Validated Gas Chromatography – Electron Capture Detector Method for the Determination of Persistent Organochlorine Pesticides.Journal of Chemical Science Photon, 107: 223 – 229. 22. Afful, S., Awudza, J. A. M., Twumasi, S. K. and Osae, S. (2013). Determination of Indicator Polychlorinated Biphenyls (pcbs) by Gas Chromatography - Electron Capture Detector. Journal of Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology, 2(5): 96 – 102. 23. Afful, S., Awudza, J. A. M., Osae, S. and Twumasi, S. K. (2013). Assessment of Synthetic Pyrethroids Residues in the Waters and Sediments from the Weija Lake in Ghana. European Chemical Bulletin, 2(4): 24. Abagale, S. A., Twumasi, S. K. and Awudza, J. A. M. (2013). Chemical Studies on the Composition of Natural Paint Pigment Materials from the Kassena-Nankana District of the Upper East Region of Ghana. Chemistry and Materials Research, 3(1): 13 – 23. 200 25. Abagale, S. A., Twumasi, S. K. and Awudza, J. A. M. (2013). Chemical analyses of aqueous extract of Parkiabiglobosafruit husk collected from Northern Ghana. Academic Journals, (in press) 26. Afful, S., Awudza, J. A. M., Osae, S. and Twumasi, S. K. (2013). Persistent organochlorine compounds in the water and sediments from the Bosuntwi Lake in Ghana. American Chemical Science Journal, 3(4): 434 – 448. 27. Johannes A. M. Awudza (2013), Levels of Metal Residues in Some Street Vended Foods Sold in Kumasi, Ghana. Presented at the 2nd Symposium on Analytical Chemistry (ACSD2013) and 4th Federation of African Chemical Societies (FACS) Congress, Marrakech, Morocco, 7 – 9 May 2013 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDING CONFERENCE 1. Antwi, B., Boateng, V. N. and Berko, J. A. M. Awudza (2013). Preparation and Characterization of LPDE/Clay Nanocomposites, Society of Plastics Engineer Antec 2013, Cincinnatti, US. April 23. 2. Awudza, J. A. M., Korankyi, M. and Ansong, E. A. (2013). Determination of the Levels of Formaldehyde and Assessment of Knowledge and Perception of the Chemicals Hazards Associated with the Use of Hair Relaxers.Presented at the 2nd Symposium on Analytical Chemistry (ACSD2013) and 4th Federation of African Chemical Societies (FACS) Congress, Marrakech, Morocco. May 7 – 9. 3. Nkansah, M.A. & Ade, C. (2013). Hydroquinone as an impurity in hair conditioners. Toxicology Symposium in Africa. Kumasi-Ghana, 12th-13th September, 2013. 4. Nkansah, M.A. & Ntarmah, D. (2013) Determination of trace metal content in sources of drinking water from the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis. 5th Toxicology Symposium in Africa. Kumasi-Ghana, 12th-13th September, 2013. 5. Nkansah, M.A. & Ansah, J. K. (2013). Determination of toxic metals in meat from the Kumasi central abattoir. 5th Toxicology Symposium in Africa. Kumasi-Ghana, 12th-13th September, 2013. 201 DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: W. O. Ellis Ibok Oduro (Mrs.) BSc, (Kumasi),PhD (McGill) (Vice-Chancellor) BSc, MSc (Ib.), PhD (Cran.) (Head of Department) Associate Professor: J. H. Oldham BSc (Middle Tennessee State), MSc (Texas) Senior Lecturer: I. W. Ofosu BSc, MSc (Kumasi) Senior Research Fellow: J. Barima E. A. Amankwah BSc (Kumasi), PGCE (Cape Coast), MSc (Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi) MSc (Kumasi) Lecturers: J. Adubofour (Rev.) Gloria Ankar-Brewoo (Mrs.) Faustina D. Wireko-Manu (Mrs.) F. Alemawor J. K. Agbenorhevi BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Berlin) BSc, MSc, (Kumasi) BSc (Legon), PhD (Kumasi) BSc., PhD (Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (UK), PhD (UK) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2013).Potential Health Benefits of Water Yam (Dioscorea alata). Food and Function, 4: 1496 – 1501.DOI: 10.1039/c3fo60064e 202 2. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2013). Food Quality Changes in Water Yam (Dioscorea Alata) During Growth and Storage. Asian Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 1(3): (ISSN: 2321-1571.) 3. Tohibu, S. A., Amankwah, E. and Oduro, I. (2013). Chemical stability of vacuum packaged West African cheese (Wagashie). Scientific Research and Essay, 8(26): 1212 – 1218. 4. Effah-Manu, L., Oduro, I. and Addo, A. (2013). Effect of Dextrinized Sweet potatoes on the Physicochemical and Sensory Quality of Infra-Red Dried Mango Leather. J Food Process Technol., 4: 230 - . doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000230 5. Sanful, R. E., Oduro, I.and Ellis, W. O. (2013). Effect of Pre-treatment and Drying on the Nutritional and Mineral Composition of D. bulbifera flour. J Biol Food Sci Res., 2 (4): 37 – 44. 6. Sanful, R. E., Oduro, I.and Ellis, W. O. (2013) Effect of pre-treatment and drying on the functional properties of D. bulbifera flour. Sky Journal of Food Science, 2 (4): 27 – 34. 7. Eshun, G., Amankwah, E. A. and Barimah, J. (2013). Nutrients content and lipid characterization of seed pastes of four selected peanut (Arachis hypogaea) varieties from Ghana. Africa Journal of Food Science, 7 (10): 375 – 378. 8. Falade, K. O. and Kolawole, T. A. (2013). Effect of irradiation dose on physical, functional and pasting properties of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp) cultivars. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 36(2): 147 – 157. 9. Falade, K. O. and Kolawole, T. A. (2013). Effect of γ-irradiation on colour, functional and physicochemical properties of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L) R. Br.] cultivars. Food and Bioprocess Technology,6: 2429 – 2438. DOI 10.1007/s11947-012-0981-8 10. Falade, K. O. and Okafor, C. A. (2013). Physicochemical properties of five cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta and Xanthosoma sagittifolium) starches. Food Hydrocolloids, 30: 173 – 181. 11. Akwetey, W. Y., Oduro, I. N. and Ellis, W.O. (2014). Whole cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) flour (WCPF) as non-conventional extender in meatloaf. Food Bioscience. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2013.11.001 12. Falade, K. O. and Ogunwolu, O. S. (2014). Modelling of drying patterns of fresh and osmotically pretreated cooking banana and plantain slices. Journal of Food Processing and preservation, 38 (1): 373 – 388. 13. Falade, K. O., Semon, M., Fadairo, O. S., Oladunjoye, A. O. and Orou, K. K. (2014). Functional and physico-chemical properties of flours and starches of African rice cultivars. Food Hydrocolloids, 39: 41 – 50. CONFERENCE (ORAL AND POSTER) PRESENTATIONS 1. Oduro, I., Appaw, W., Ofori, E. K., Owusu-Mensah, D. E., Wiredu, C. B. and Edward, E. C. (2013). Acceptance and promotion of orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) in Ghana: Challenges and the way forward. Poster presented at the African Potato Association 203 (APA) 9 triennial conference held at the Great Rift Valley Lodge in Naivasha, Kenya. June 30 - July 4. 2. Effah-Manu, L., Oduro, I. and Addo, A. (2013). Sweetpotato-mango leather - an alternative healthy snack. Poster presented at the African Potato Association (APA) 9 triennial conference held at the Great Rift Valley Lodge in Naivasha, Kenya. June 30 – July 4. 3. Boakye, A. A., Wireko-Manu, F. D. and Oduro I. (2013). Underutilized fruits as source of dietary fibre. Oral presentation at the 6th Ghana Biomedical Convention held at the University of Cape-coast. July 29 – 31. 4. Wireko-Manu, F. D. (2013). Research Focus: Past, Present and Future. Oral presentation at Institút National de la echerche Agronomiquė (INRA), Avignon, France. 5. Wireko-Manu, F. D. (2013). Caractérisation de la composition nutritionnelle des fruits et légumes et l'impact des différentes méthodes de préparation. Oral presentation at Institút National de la echerche Agronomiquė (INRA), Avignon, France. 6. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2013). Prediction of the suitability of water yam (Dioscorea alata) for amala product using pasting and sensory characteristics. 28th Biennial Conference of Ghana Science Association, University of Ghana, Legon. July 15 – 19. 7. Wireko-Manu, F. D., Oduro, I., Ellis, W. O., Asiedu, R. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2013). Potential Health Benefits of Water Yam. Oral presentation at the 28th Biennial Conference, University of Ghana, Legon. July 15 – 19. 8. Oduro, I. (2014). Participated in Consultative workshop, organized by Farm Radio International with support from Helen Keller international to develop a road map for a community of Learning on Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) in Ghana at Erata Hotel, Accra. February 9. Wireko-Manu, F. D. (2014). Presentation of results:Characterization of the nutritional composition of Ghanaian fruits and vegetables and impact of different cooking methods. Institút National de la echerche Agronomiquė (INRA), Avignon, France. February 28. 10. Boakye, A. A., Wireko–Manu, F. D., Chronakis, I. and Oduro, I. (2014). Potentials of Cocoyam to Food Security in Ghana: Past, Present and Way Forward. 3rd Research Conference and Seminar of the Ghana Science Association, KNUST. April 16. 11. Laryea, D., Wireko–Manu, F. D., Chronakis, I. and Oduro, I. (2014). Value Addition of Sweetpotato in the Production of an Infant Food Blend: A Proposed research.3rd Research Conference and Seminar of the Ghana Science Association held at KNUST on April 16. 12. Boakye, I., Pepra-|Ameyaw, N. B. and Oduro, I. (2014). Effect of Storage conditions on the quality of Asobayere Yam. 3rd Research Conference and Seminar of the Ghana Science Association held at KNUST. April 16. 204 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC STAFF Professors: V. P. Dzogbefia (Mrs.) BSc (Kumasi), PhD (Oregon) Associate Professor: **K. Duca BSc (USA), MSc (USA), MBA (USA), PhD (USA) Senior Lecturers: K. Nsiah Antonia Tetteh (Mrs.) F. O. Mensah (Mrs.) F. K. N. Arthur H. D. Zakpaa P. Twumasi Lecturers: C. Larbie ^E. O. Terlabi *E. E. Mak–Mensah *C. K. Firempong P. Brown (Mrs.) F. C. Mills-Robertson R. Annan Marina Tandoh (Legon) Technical Instructor: T. D. Blutse BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Kumasi) PhD(Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (McG, Canada), Diploma (AVRDC Tanzania), PhD (NC State, Raleigh, USA) (Head of Department) BSc (Kumasi), MPhil (UK) BSc (Kumasi), PhD (USA) BSc (Legon), MSc., PhD (Japan) BSc, MSc (Kumasi), PhD (Netherlands) BSc (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) BSc (Legon), MPhil (Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi), MPhil (Legon) BSc (Kumasi), MPhil (Legon) BSc (Kumasi), MSc. (London), PhD (London) BSc (Legon), MPhil (Legon), PhD (Legon) BSc (Tamale), MSc (UK), PhD (UK) BSc (Kumasi), MPhil BSc (Kumasi), PGDE (Cape Coast) 205 ** Leave of absence ^ On Government duty *Study leave BOOK PUBLICATION 1. Twumasi P., Nkansah, A.N., Fei-Baffoe B., Yeboah K.Y., Addo E.O.K. and Adom- Appau I. (2013). Managing Fire Outbreaks in Ghana. Onesal Multimedia, Accra. [ISBN 9789988-1-8531-2]. ABSTRACTS 1. Twumasi, P. (2014). GM Foods: Understanding the science and the Ghanaian Society. Daily Graphic, Ed(s) 4 February 2014 (p.10), 6 February 2014 (p.36), 8 February 2014 (p.32).(www.graphic.com.gh/features/opinion/16924-gm-foods-understanding-thescience-and-the-ghanaian-society.html). 2. Ellahi, B., Annan, P. A., Sarkar, R. S., and Jackson, A. (2013). Building nutrition capacity for Scaling up Nutrition.Ann Nutr Metab. 63 (suppl1): 1129. 3. Pickup, T., Annan, R. and Choi, S. (2013). Global malnutrition capacity enabled by eLearning and social media. Ann Nutr Metab. 63 (suppl 1): 1107. ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Abdul-Mumeen, I., Zakpaa, H. D., and Mills-Robertson, F. C. (2013). Proximate and biophytochemical properties of shea-nut cake. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 5(12):961 – 970. 2. Osei-Adjei, G., Hackman, H. K., Mills-Robertson, F. C. and Tay, S. C. K. (2013). Quality Assessment Of Aqueous Herbal/Medicinal Products Sold On The Ghanaian Market. Food Science and Quality Management, 20: 13 – 18. 3. Abdul-Mumeen, I., Zakpaa, H. D. and Mills-Robertson,F. C. (2013). Biochemical and Micro- biological Analysis of Shea Nut Cake: A Waste Product from Shea Butter Processing. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development, 5(4): 61 – 68. 206 4. Dickson, R. A., Mensah, M. L. K., Thomford, K. P., Annan, K., Mills-Robertson F.C., Appiah, A. A., Quarshie, O., Antwi, S., Kaminta, S. and Edoh, D. (2013). Quality and safety evaluation of a Ghanaian polyherbal product EAF-2011 for the management of superficial mycoses. International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research, 2(2): 91 – 102. 5. Salifu, S. P., Vallero-Rello, A., Casey, S. A. C., Inglis, N. F., Scortti, M., Foley, S. and Vazquez-Boland, J. (2013). Genome and Proteome analysis of phage E3 infecting the soilborne actinomycete Rhodococcus equi. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 5(1): 170 – 178. 6. Salifu, S. P., Casey, S. A. C. and Foley, S. (2013). Isolation and characterisation of soilborne virulent bacteriophages infecting the pathogen, Rhodococcus equi. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 114(6): 1625 – 1633. 7. Tetteh, A. Y., Wehner, T. C. and Davis, A. T.(2013).Inheritance of Resistance to the New Race of Powdery Mildew in Watermelon. Crop Science. 53(3): 880 – 887. 8. Abdul-Mumeen, I., Zakpaa, H. D. and Mills-Robertson, F. C (2013). Proximate and biophytochemical properties of shea nut cake. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 5(12): 961 – 970. 9. Abdul-Mumeen, I., Zakpaa, H. D. and Mills-Robertson, F. C. (2013). Biochemical and microbiological analysis of shea nut cake: A waste product from shea butter processing. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development. 5 (4): 61 – 68. 10. Issaka, J., Alemawor,, F. and Dzogbefia V. P. (2013). Bioconversion impact of Pleurotus ostreatus on the value of rice and ground-nut by-products as feed resources. Research in Biotechnology, 4(5): 24 – 30. 11. Turyashemererwa, F. M., Kikafunda, J., Annan, R. and Tumuhimbise, G. A. (2013). Dietary patterns, anthropometric status, prevalence and risk factors for anaemia among school children aged 5-11 years in Central Uganda.J Hum Nutr Diet., 26 (Suppl 1):73 – 81. 12. Thow, A. M., Annan, R. A., Mensah, L. and Chowdhury, S. N. (2014). Development, implemetation, and outcome of standards to restrict fatty meat in the food supply and prevent NCDs: Learning from an innovative trade/food policy in Ghana. BMC Public Health, 14(249):1 – 9. 13. Amankwaa A. O. and Annan R. A. (2014). Dietary patterns and metabolic risk factors for cardio vascular disease among university students in Ghana. Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 6(1): 18 – 28. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS AND PROCEEDINGS 1. Tetteh, A. Y., Batcha, M. B., Sampson, G. O., Abbey, H., Sekyere, M. and Adu-Gyamfi, L. (2013). Evaluation of West African maize genotypes for β-glucan content.Oral presentation at the 28th Biennial Conference, University of Ghana, Legon.July 15 – 19. 207 2. Tetteh, A.Y., Sarpong, F. N., Chimah, R. A., Batchak M. B. and Bahaah, B. (2013). Highstarch maize: A genetic resource for maize germplasm improvement.Oral presentation at the 28th Biennial Conference, University of Ghana, Legon. July 14 – 18. 3. Tetteh, A. Y., Abbey, H., Sarpong, F. N., Chinweike, C. and Sekyere, M. (2013). Determining the potential to breed for enhanced oil content in West African maize accessions: Mean inter varietal fat content. Oral presentation at the 28th Biennial Conference, University of Ghana, Legon. July 15 – 19. 4. Tetteh, A. Y., Bahaah, B., Chimah, R. A., Addai, E. O., Adu-Gyamfi, L. and Chinweike, C. (2013). Determining the potential to breed for enhanced protein content in West African maize accessions: mean inter varietal protein content. Oral presentation at the 28th Biennial Conference, University of Ghana, Legon. July 15 – 19. 5. Kpikpi, E., Glover, R., Dzogbefia,V. and Jespersen, L.(2013). Microbiota of Kantong, fermented seeds of Ceiba pentandra and determination of probiotic potential of Bacilli by cross-talk between functional mammalian cell models and Bacillus isolates from kantong. International Workshop on seedfood Project « Value added processing of underutilized savanna tree seeds for improved food security and income generation in West Africa » Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO (Proceedings not yet out) November 12 – 15. 6. Twumasi, P., Akromah, R., Tetteh, A. and Antwi, C. (2013). Some of the ongoing Biotech projects in Ghana: KNUST in focus. In: Proceedings of South Africa-Ghana Joint Research and Development Symposium on Biotechnology and ICT. La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra. (Conference paper) November 21 – 22. 7. Twumasi, P., Makafui, B. and Opoku-Kusi, Jr. G. (2013). Heavy metallic and microbial concentration of vegetable crops grown on refuse dumpsites in the Kumasi Metropolis. In: Proceedings of the 28th Biennial Conference of Ghana Science Association (GSA), University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana. (Conference paper). July 15 – 19. 8. Twumasi, P., Oppong, A. A., Amoah-Antwi, C. and Opoku-Kusi, Jr. G. (2013). Assessment of nosocomial infections and antibiotic resistance levels in two hospitals in the Kumasi Metropolis. In: Proceedings of the 28th Biennial Conference of Ghana Science Association (GSA), University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana (Conference paper). July 15 – 19. 9. Twumasi, P., Dy-yakah, C. D., Okyere, M., Afful, B. and Opoku-Kusi, Jr. G. (2013). Assessing the prevalence of urinary tract infection in school children in the Kumasi Metropolis using classical microbial culturing technique and PCR. In: Proceedings of 28th Biennial Conference of Ghana Science Association (GSA), University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana. July 15 – 19. (Conference paper) 10. Twumasi, P., Yeboah, E. and Nsiah, K. (2013). Treatment of lead-poisoned rats through oral administration of different palm oil extracts. In: Proceedings of 28th Biennial Conference of Ghana Science Association (GSA), University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana (Conference paper). 11. Amegashie, A. E., Owusu-Dabo, E., Salifu, S. P., Afum-Adjei, A. A., Baffour-Awuah, S., Addofoh, N., Annan, A. A. and Winter, C. (2013). Sero-prevalence and occupational risk factors of Brucella infection among slaughterhouse workers and butchers in Kumasi, 208 Ghana. In: Proceedings of 5th Annual Scientific Conference, KNUST, Kumasi. November 14 – 15. p. 41 – 42. 12. Annan, A. A., Owusu-Dabo, E., Salifu, S. P., Baffour-Awuah, S., Nartey, R., Nimako, S., Amoyaw, F., Segbaya, S. and Ohene Buabeng K. (2013). Insecticide resistance in malaria vector mosquitoes at five selected districts in Ghana, West Africa. In: Proceedings of 5th Annual Scientific Conference, KNUST, Kumasi. November 14 – 15. p. 67. 13. Baffour-Awuah, S., Owusu-Dabo, E., Kruppa, T., Annan, A. A., Nartey, R., Dobge, J., Salifu, S. P., Becker, N., Oppong, S. and Obiri-Danso, K. (2013). Lysinibacillus sphaericus biolarvicide, an efficacious tool in the control of Anopheles gambiae in Kumasi, Ghana. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Scientific Conference, KNUST, Kumasi. November 14 - 15. p. 68-69 14. Mensah, W. A., Brown, P., Tagbor, H., Appiah, A., Duca, K., Oduro, I., Marfo, W., Amoafo, M., Mantebea, E., Ofori, Y., Grant, F. and Sampson, H. (2013). Relationship between dietary intake and anthropometric data of children in some selected villages in the Ejisu Juaben district of Ashanti Region in Ghana. Poster presented at the 2nd Research Conference and Seminar of the Ghana Science Association, KNUST, Kumasi. April. 15. Lamptey, O., Brown, P. and Yeboah, F. A. (2013). Lipid profile in Type 2 diabetic patients with poor and good glycaemic status. A pilot study at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. Paper presented at the 2nd Research Conference and Seminar of the Ghana Science Association, KNUST, Kumasi. April. 209 DEPARTMENTS OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC STAFF Professor: R. C. Abaidoo M.Sc. (Kumasi0, PhD (Hawaii) Associate Professors: B. W. L. Lawson K. Obiri-Danso MSc. (Kumasi), PhD (London) B.Sc., MPhil (Kumasi), MSc, Ph.D (Lanc.) Senior Lecturers: K. O. Owusu- Daaku W. G. Akanwariwiak P. K. Baidoo S. Akyeampong M. G. Addo I. K. Tetteh P. Addo-Fordjour A. K. Anning B.Sc. (Kumasi), MSc., PhD (Manc) B.Sc., MPhil (Kumasi) B.Sc., Dip. Ed., MPhil. (Cape Coast), PhD (Cape Coast) B.Sc., Kumasi, MPhil (Cape Coast) B.Sc. (Kumasi), MSc. (Norway), PhD (Paris-Sud XI) Dip. Ed, B.Sc (Cape Coast), M.Sc. (Kumasi), MS, PhD (USA) (Head of Department) BSc., MPhil. (Kumasi), PhD (Malaysia) B.Sc., M.Phil (Kumasi), PhD (Ohio) 210 J. I. Adam Lecturers: S. Aikins J. L. Terlabie A. K. Apetorgbor J. N. Horgah P. Antwi-Agyei E. J .D. Belford J.A. Larbi L. A. Andoh B. Fei-Baffoe E. A. Agyapong M. A. Arkoh B.Sc., Dip. Ed. (Cape Coast), MPhil. (Legon), PhD (Norway) B.Sc., M.Sc., Tohoku, PhD (Tohoku, Japan), OD Optometry Kumasi B.Sc., Dip. Ed., (Cape Coast), MPhil (Legon) B.Sc., MPhil (Legon) B.Sc., M.Phil (Legon), MSc. (Denmark), PhD (Japan) B.Sc. (Kumasi), M.Sc. (Hull), MBA (Leicester), PhD (UK) B.Sc., MSc. (Sierra Leone), PhD (Germany) B.Sc., MPhil (Kumasi), PhD (Kumasi) B.Sc., MSc. (Kumasi) B.Sc. (Legon), MSc, PhD (Germany) B.Sc. (Kumasi), M.Sc (Germany) B.Sc. (Cape Coast), MPhil (Kumasi) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Gonzalez II, D. L., Angus, M. P., Tetteh, I. K., Bello, G. A., Padmanabhan, K., Saurabh, V., Pendse, S. V., Srinivas, S., Yu, J., Semazzi, F., Kumar, V. and. Samatova, N. F.(2014). On the Data-driven Inference of Modulatory Networks in Climate Science: An Application to West African Rainfall, Nonlin. Processes Geophys.Discuss. 1: 479 – 517. (In Press). 2. Chen, Z., Hendrix, W., Guan, H., Tetteh, I. K.,Choudhary, A., Semazzi, F. and Samatova, N. F. (2013).Discovery of Extreme Events-related Communities in Contrasting Groups of Physical System Networks. Data Min Knowl Disc., 27: 225 – 258. DOI 10.1007/s10618012-0289-3. 3. Agyapong, E. A., Lugushie, J. A., Fei-Baffoe, B. and Atabila, A. (2013). Effect of organochlorine pesticides usage on water quality of Tano River in the Asunafo south district of BrongAhafo region of Ghana. J. Poll Res., 32 (4): 699 – 706. 4. Fei-Baffoe, B., Botwe-Koomson, G., Mensa-Bonsu, I. F. and Agyapong, E. A. (2013). Impact of ISO 14001 environmental management system on key environmental performance indicators of selected gold mining companies in Ghana. Journal of Waste Management-Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Article ID 935843. 5. Fei-Baffoe, B.,Osei, K. and Agyapong, E. A. (2013).Co-composting of organic solid waste and sewage sludge – a waste management option for university campus. Journal of the Ghana Science Association, 15(1) . (Accepted). 6. Amantoge, T. A. and Aikins, S. (2013). Drinking Water Suitability from the Karaga Dam in the Northern Region, Ghana. ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, 3(12): 1242 – 1246. 211 7. Kumah, D., Ebri, A., Abdul -Kabir, M., Abdul-Sadik, A., Koomson, N., Aikins, S.,Aikins, A., Amedo, A., Lartey, S. Y. and Naidoo, K. (2013). Refractive Error and Visual Impairment in Private School Children in Ghana. Optometry & Visual Science, 90(12): 1456 – 1461. 8. Anning, A. K., Dyer, J. M. and McCarthy, B. C. (2014). Tree growth response to fuel reduction treatments along a topographic moisture gradient in mixed-oak forests, Ohio, USA. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research, 44(5): 413 – 421. DOI:10.1139/cjfr-2013-0302. 9. Silver, E. J., Speer, J. H., Kaye, M., Reo, N. J., Howard, L. F., Anning, A. K., Wood, S. W. and Wilbur, H. M. (2013). Fire history and age structure of an oakpine forest on Price Mountain, Virginia, USA. Natural Areas Journal, 33(4): 440 – 446. 10. Anning, A. K. andMcCarthy, B. C. (2013). Long-term effects of prescribed fire and thinning on residual tree growth in mixed-oak forests of southern Ohio. Ecosystems, 16(8): 1473 – 1486. 11. Anning, A. K. and McCarthy, B. C. (2013). Competition, size and age affect tree growth response to fuel reduction treatments in mixed-oak forests of Ohio. Forest Ecology and Management, 307: 74 – 83. 12. Anning, A. K., Rubino, D. L., Sutherland, E. K. and McCarthy, B. C. (2013). Dendrochronological analysis of white oak growth patterns across a topographic moisture gradient in southern Ohio. Dendrochronologia, 31(2): 120 – 128. 13. Anning, A. K., Korsah, P. E. and Addo-Fordjour, P. (2013). Phytoremediation of wastewater with Limnocharisflava, Thaliageniculataand Typhalatifoliain constructed wetlands. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 15(5): 452 – 464. 14. Hogarh, J. N., Seike, N., Kobara, Y., Ofosu-Budu, G. K., Carboo, D. and Masunaga, S. (2014). Atmospheric burden of organochlorine pesticides in Ghana. Chemosphere 102: 1 – 5. 15. Hogarh, J. N., Seike N., Kobara, Y. and Masunaga, S. (2013). Seasonal variation of atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated naphthalenes in Japan. Atmospheric Environment, 80: 275 – 280. 16. Wirmvem, M. J., Ohba, T., Fantong, W. Y., Ayonghe, S. N., Hogarh, J. N., Suila, J. Y., Asaah, A. N. E., Ooki, S., Tanyileke, G. and Hell, J. V. (2014). Origin of major ions in monthly rainfall events at the Bamenda Highlands, North West Cameroon. Journal of Environmental Sciences, DOI: 10.1016/S1001-0742(13)60502-1. In press 17. Apetorgbor, A. K., Dzomeku, M. and Apetorgbor, M. M. (2013). Growth factors and cultivation of Pleurotus tuber-regium on selected plant wastes. International Food Research Journal, 20(6):3387 – 3393. 18. Apetorgbor. M. M., Dabo, J.,Apetorgbor, A.K. and Abugre, S. (2013).Response of four agricultural seeds and crops to allelopathic effect of some medicinal plant species in Ghana. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 9(7): 1909 – 1925. 19. Antwi-Agyei, P., Stringer, L. C and Dougill, A. J. (2014). Livelihoods adaptations to climate variability: insights from farming households in Ghana. Regional Environmental Change. Doi:10.1007/s10113-014-0597-9. 212 20. Antwi-Agyei, P.,Dougill, A. J., Fraser, E. D. G., and Stringer, L. C. (2013). Characterizing the nature of household vulnerability to climate variability: empirical evidence from two regions of Ghana. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 15(4): 903 – 926. 21. Antwi-Agyei, P., Dougill, A. J., and Stringer, L. C. (2013). Barriers to climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from northeast Ghana & systematic literature review. University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Working Paper No. 73. 22. Owusu-Dabo, E., Annan, A. A., Larbi, J., Dodor, E. A, Anakwah, L., Frimpong, E. and Bonsu, F. (2013). Missed Opportunities for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Ashanti and Western Regions of Ghana; Polymerase Chain Reaction, A Better Tool. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1): 34 – 40. 23. Seidu, R., Sjølander, I., Abubakari, A., Amoah, D., Larbi, J. A. and Stenström, T. A. (2013). Modeling the die-off of E. coli and Ascaris in wastewater-irrigated vegetables: implications for microbial health risk reduction associated with irrigation cessation. Water Science & Technology, 68(5): 1013 – 1021. 24. Dinko, B., Oguike, M. C., Larbi, J. A., Bousema, T., Sutherland, C. J. (2013). Persistent detection of Plasmodium falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovalecurtisi and P. ovalewallikeriafter ACT treatment of asymptomatic Ghanaianschool-children. International Journal of Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance, 3: 45 – 50. 25. Gyasi, S. F, Awuah, E., Larbi, J. A., Koffour, G. A., Debrah, A. Y., Awuah Boateng, N. Y and Osei, O. A. (2013). Susceptibility of Arsenic-exposed ICR Mice to Buruli Ulcer Development. Pharmacologia, 4(3): 254 – 264.254.264. DOI 10.5567. 26. Gyasi, S. F, Larbi, J. A and Awuah, E. (2013). Temporal Relationship of Environmental Arsenic and M. ulcerans Infection in Amansie West Distrcit. Pharmacologia, 4(4): 320326.320.326 DOI 10.5567. 27. Atter, A., Obiri-Danso, K. and Amoa-Awua, W. (2014). Microbiological and chemical processes associated with the production of burukutu a traditional beer in Ghana. International Food Research Journal (Accepted) 28. Kronmann, K. C., Paintsil, S. N., Guirguis, F., Kronmann, L. C., Bonney, K., Obiri-Danso, K., Ampofo, W. and Fichet-Calvet, E. (2013). Two Novel Arenaviruses Detected in Pygmy Mice, Ghana.Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19(11): 1832 – 1835. 29. Nartey, R., Owusu-Dabo, E., Kruppa, T., Baffour-Awuah, S., Oppong, S., Becker, N. and Obiri-Danso, K. (2013). Use of Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis as a viable option in an Integrated Vector Management Programme in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Parasites and Vectors, 6: 116 – 120. CONFERENCE 213 1. Gonzalez II, D. L, Pendse, S. V., Padmanabhan, K., Angus, M., P., Tetteh, I. K., Srinivas, S., Villanes, A., Semazzi, F., Kumar, V., Nagiza, F. and Samatova, N. F. (2013). Coupled Heterogeneous Association Rule Mining (CHARM): Application toward Inference of Modulatory Climate Relationships. IEEE 2013 International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), Dallas, Texas, USA. December 7 – 10.pp 1055 – 1060. 2. Apetorgbor, M. M. and Apetorgbor, A. K. (2013). Diversity of macrofungi and plant species in two different ecological zones in Ghana. In: proceedings of Third international Congress on Fungal Conservation. Gokova Bay, Akyaka,Mugla, Turkey. November 11 – 15. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: I. K. Dontwi S. K. Amponsah MSc (Kishiney), PhD (Odessa, USSR) BSc, MSc (Kumasi), PhD (Birmingham)(Head of Department) Senior Lecturers: E. Prempeh #S. A. Opoku F. T. Oduro K. F. Darkwah A.O. Adebanji BSc, MSc, PhD (Kumasi) BSc, PhD (C’Nell) MSc, PhD (Kumasi) MSc (Kumasi) BSc (Ilorin), MSc, PhD (Ibadan) Lecturers: E. Osei-Frimpong *S. K. Appiah E. Owusu-Ansah J. Ackora- Prah K. B. Gyamfi Rev. Kusi-Appau Bediako Y. E. Ayekple V.K. Dedu E. Harris R. K. Avuglah BSc, MSc, PhD (Kumasi) BSc, MSc (Kumasi) BSc, MSc (Kumasi) BSc, MSc (Kumasi) BSc Kumasi, MSc (Norway) BSc (Cape Coast), MSc (Kumasi) BSc, MSc (Kumasi) BSc (Dip. Ed) (Cape Coast), MSc (Kaiserslautern) BSc Kumasi, MSc (Kaiserslautern), MSc (Ohio) BSc (Cape Coast), MSc, PhD (Kaiserslautern) 214 L. Mensah BSc, MSc (Kaiserslautern), PhD Belgium) BSc, MSc (Kumasi) BSc, MSc (Kumasi) BSc, MSc (Kumasi) BSc, MSc (Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (Hasselt, Belgium) BSc, Phil / PhD BSc,MSc (Kumasi) BSc (Kumasi), MSc (USA) C. Sebil W. Obeng-Denteh D. Asamoah Owusu I. A. Adjei N. K. Frempong P. Amoako-Yirenkyi G. A. Okyere *F. Opoku *On study (Antwerp, #On contract BOOKS PUBLISHED 1. Kusi, A. (2013). Mathematics for Diploma Colleges. Immor Graphics & Publication, Kumasi ISBN: 9988-8311-6-2. 517pp 2. Kusi, A. (2013). Mathematics for Diploma Colleges (Specially Perpetual for Designated Science and Mathematics Colleges, Immor Graphics & Publications 9Kumasi) ISBN 99888311-6-3. 625pp ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Aidoo, A. Y., Gyamfi,K. B., Ackorah Prah, J., Oduro, F. T. (2013).Solvability of Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Dense Singular Symmetric Matrices. Advances in Pure Mathematics, 3: 14 – 19. 2. Gyamfi,K. B., Oduro, F. T. and Aidoo, A. Y. (2013). Solution of Inverse Eigenvalue Problem by Newton’s Method on a Fibre Bundle with Structure Group SO (n). Journal of Mathematics and System Science, 3(3): 124 – 128. 3. Arthur, Y. D., Appiah, S. K. and Gyamfi, K. B. (2013). Probability Distributional Analysis of Hourly Solar Irradiation in Kumasi Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(3): 63 – 75. 4. Aidoo, A. Y., Ackorah Prah, J. and Gyamfi, K. B. (2013). An Artificial ECG Signal Generating Function on MATLABTM (AMS32123). Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, 7(54): 2675 – 2686. 5. Ackorah Prah, J., Aidoo, A., Baah, G. K. and Osei Bonsu, M. (2013). A Max-Plus Model for Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 88(2): 247 – 262. 215 6. Darquah, N. F., Annan, J. and Baah Gyamfi, K. (2013). Shortest Path Algorithm for Transportation Networks, Case Study: Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly. American Based Research Journal, 2(8): ISSN (2304-7151) 66 – 73. 7. Oduro, F. T. (2014). Solution of the Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Certain (Anti-) Hermitian Matrices by Newton’s Method.Journal of Mathematics Research, 6(2): 52 – 62. 8. Adabor,E. S., Acquaah Mensah, G. and Oduro, F. T. (2014) Inferring Transcriptional Regulatory Relationships Among Genes in Breast Cancer: Application of Bayes Theorem. International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 3(2): 52 – 62. 9. Okyere, G. A., Oduro, F. T. and Ofosu, G. (2014). Bifurcation Analysis of the RamseyCass-Koopmanns Economic Growth Models.International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics, 2(1): 130 – 134. 10. Gogovi, G. K., Oduro,F. T. and Fosu, G. O. (2014). Performance Analysis of Memorization Rate Models. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 3(01): 1343 – 1346. ISSN 2278 – 0181. 11. Dedu, V. K. and Oduro, F. T. (2013). Assessing Credit Risk for a Ghanaian Bank Using the Black-Scholes Model. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 3(9): 13 – 18. 12. Oduro, F. T. and Tawiah, R. (2013). Impact of Multi-Morbidity Patterns on Length of Hospitalization and Mortality: A Study of Elderly General Clinic Patients at a Hospital in Ghana. Journal of the Ghana Science Association, 14(2): 35 – 44. 13. Baah Gyamfi, K., Oduro, F. T. and Aidoo, A. Y. (2013). Solution of an Inverse Eigenvalue Problem by Newton’s Method on a Fibre Bundle with Structure Group SO (n). Journal of Mathematics and Systems Science, 3(3): 14. Anokye, M., Oduro, F. T., Abdul-Aziz, A. R. and Annin, K. (2013). Application of Queuing Theory to Vehicular Traffic at Signalized Intersection in Kumasi-Ashanti Region, Ghana. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 3(4): 23 – 29. 15. Aboagye-Sarfo, P., Oduro, F. T. and Okyere, G. A. (2013). Time Series Forecast of New HIV Cases in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 4(5): 546 – 549. 16. Ababio, K. A., Oduro, S. D. and Oduro, F.T. (2013). Risk Dynamics of Trading In Foreign Currencies in Ghana. International Journal Applied Science and Technology, 3(3): 17. Dontwi, I. K., Obeng-Denteh, W., Andam, E. A. and Obiri-Apraku, L. (2014). A Mathematical Model to Predict the Prevalence and Transmission Dynamics of Tuberculosis in Amansie West District, Ghana. British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4(3): 402 – 425. 18. Dontwi, I. K., Obeng-Denteh, W., Obiri-Apraku, L. and Andam, E. A. (2014). Modelling and Analysis of Hepatitis B Prevalence in the Tano North District of Ghana. British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4(7): 969 – 988. 19. Gyasi-Agyei, K. A., Gyasi-Agyei, A. and Obeng-Denteh W. (2014). Mathematical Modeling of the Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4(3): 375 – 393. 216 20. Obeng-Denteh, W., Gyasi-Agyei, K. A., Boateng, L., Owusu, B. A., Asiedu, K. A. and Antepim, O. (2014). A Mathematical Modeling of the School Feeding Programme in the Asem Kumasi Cluster of Schools in Ashanti Region of Ghana. British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4(5) : 704 – 718. 21. Esson, A. B., Obeng-Denteh, W., Barnes, B. and Ntherful, G. E. (2014). Epidemiology of chickenpox in Agona West Municipality of Ghana. Physical Sciences Research International, 2(1): 6 – 11. 22. Fosu, G. O., Bondzie, E. A. and Okyere, G. A. (2014). Does Foreign Direct Investment really aect Ghana’s Economic Growth? International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 3(1): 148 – 158. ISSN: 2226-3624. 24. Okyere, G. A., Oduro F. T. and Fosu G. O. (2014). On the Bifurcation Analysis of the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans Growth Models. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics, 2(1): 130 – 134. ISSN (Online): 23479051. 25. Okyere, G. A., Fosu G. O. and Boakye R. O. (2014). Granger Causality Analysis of Some Macroeconomic Variables in Ghana. Journal of Research in Business and Management, 2(1): 9 – 17. ISSN (Online): 2347-3002. 26. Okyere, G. A., Awinbil, A. P., Ping-Naah, H. and Yakubu, T. (2013). Determinants of Survival in Adult HIV Clients on Anitretroviral Therap in Lawra and Jirapa District of Upper West Region, Ghana. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. 12(6): 1 – 6. doi:10.1177/2325957413500531. 27. Aboagye-Sarfo, P., Oduro, F. T. and Okyere, G. A. (2013). Time Series Forecast of New HIV Cases in the Ashanti Region. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 4(5): 546 – 549. 28. Gyamfi, M., Amponsah, S. K. and Annan, J. (2013). Sequential Ordering of Routes for Trucks for Efficient Garbage Collection: Case Study of Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly. American Research Journal, 2(9): 22 – 30. 29. Ofosu, M. K., Amponsah, S. K. and Annan, J. (2013). An Application of K-Set Inequality in Integer Programming. A Case Study of a Company based In Accra. American Based Research Journal, 2(8): 74 – 80. 30. Mahama, F., Annan, J., Amponsah, S. K. and Sebil, C. (2013). Study Vehicular Traffic Congestion in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 3(7): 137 – 149. 31. Katara, S. and Amponsah, S. K. (2013). Project Planning Scheduling, The Critical Path Method Approach. Bui Power Project as a Case Study. International Journal of Sciences, 2: 33 – 41. 32. Mensah, L., Avuglah, R. K. and Dedu, V. (2013). Allocation of Assets on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE). International Journal of Financial Report, 4: 108 – 114. 33. Dedu, V. K. and Oduro, F.T. (2013). Assessing Credit Risk for a Ghanaian Bank Using the Black-Scholes Model. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advance Engineering, 3: 13 – 18. 217 34. Dontwi, I. K., Dedu, V. K. and Aboagye, N. K. (2013). Ascertaining the Financial Cost of Malaria and Mitigating against It Using Actuarial Model for Financial Cost. International Journal of Financial Research, 4: 94 – 106. 35. Ackora-Prah, J., Aidoo, A. Y. and K. B. Gyamfi (2013). An Artificial ECG Signal Generating Function in MATLAB. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 7(54): 2675 – 2686. 36. Ackora-Prah, J., Aidoo, A. Y., Gyamfi, K. B. and Osei, B. M. (2013). A Max. Plus Model for Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 88(2): 247 – 262. 37. Aidoo, Y., Gyamfi, K. B., Ackorah-Prah, J. and Oduro, F. T. (2013). Solvability of Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Dense Singular Symmetric Matrices. Advances in Pure Mathematics, 3: 14 – 19. 38. Agyen, J. K., Harris, E. and Oduro, F.T. (2013). Time Series Modeling and Forecasting of Premix Fuel Demand in Ghana. Research Journal of International Studies@ EuroJournals, 25: 79 – 90. 39. Bonyah, E., Owusu-Sekyere, E. and Harris, E. (2013). Buruli Ulcer Morbidity and Soil Arsenic Linkages in the Amansie West District of Ghana:Geostatistical Approach. Asian Journal of Science and Technology, 4(03): 037 – 043. 40. Bonyah, E., Harris, E. and Nyabadza, F. (2013). Forecasting Buruli Ulcer Disease in Ashanti Region of Ghana using Box-Jenkins Approach. American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 3(3): 27 – 30. 41. Avuglah, R. K., Mensah, L. and Dedu, V. (2013). Allocation of Assets on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE). International Journal of Financial Research, 4(2): 108 – 114. 218 DEPARTMENT OF OPTOMETRY AND VISUAL SCIENCE ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: D. B. Kumah Angela Ofeibea Amedo (Mrs.) Lecturers: Nana Yaa Koomson (Mrs.) M. Abdul-Kabir T. M. Pascal A. Abdul- Sadik C. Afari E. Owusu* E. Kobia-Acquah* Doctor of Optometry (OD), (Kumasi), MSc. HSPM (Kumasi), PG. Dip. Optom (Kumasi), PGCE. (UCC), B.Sc. (Hons) (Biol Scs.) (Kumasi), MGOA(Head of Department) Doctor of Optometry (OD), (Kumasi), PhD. (Vision Sciences) (Birmingham, USA), MS. (Vision Sciences), (Birmingham, USA), PG. Dip. Optom (Kumasi), B.Sc. (Hons) Biol Scs. (Kumasi), MGOA Doctor of Optometry (OD) (Kumasi), MSc. HEP (Kumasi), PG. Dip. Optom (Kumasi), BSc. (Hons) Chem. (Kumasi), MGOA Doctor of Optometry (OD), (Kumasi), MPH (PRH), (Kumasi), PG. Dip. Optom (Kumasi), BSc. (Biol Sci.) (Kumasi), MGOA Doctor of Optometry (OD), (Kumasi), MSc. HSPM (Kumasi), PG. Dip. Optom (Kumasi), BSc. (Hons) (Biochem) (Kumasi), MGOA Doctor of Optometry (OD), (Kumasi), PG. Dip. Optom (Kumasi), BSc. (Hons) Biol Scs. (Kumasi), MGOA Doctor of Optometry (OD), (Kumasi), BSc. Optometry, (KNUST), (Kumasi), MGOA Doctor of Optometry (OD), (Kumasi), BSc. Optometry, (Kumasi). MGOA, MSc. IPHC (London) Doctor of Optometry (OD), (Kumasi), FLVTEI (India) 219 *On Study leave ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Kumah, B. D., Ebri, A., Abdul-Kabir, M., Ahmed, A. S., Koomson, N. Y., Aikins, S., Aikins, A., Amedo, A., Lartey, S. and Naidoo, K. (2013). Refractive error and visual impairment in private school children in Ghana.Optom Vis Sci., 90(12): 1456 – 1461. 2. Ahmed, S. (2013). Refractive Error and Visual Impairment in Private School Children in Ghana. Optometry and Vision Science, 90(12): page nos. 3. Koomson, N. Y., Lartey,S. Y. and Adjah,K. K. Prevalence of Myopia amongst patients with refractive in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(2): 73 – 80. 4. Ebri, A., Abdul Kabir, M., Ahmed Abdul, S., Koomson, N. Y., Aikins, S., Aikins, A., Amedo, A., Lartey, S., Naidoo, K. and Kumah, B. D. (2013). Refractive error and visual impairment in private school children in Ghana. Journal of Optometry and vision Science, 90(12): 1456 – 1451. 5. Kumah, D. B.,Aikins, S., Owusu Ansah, A.,Akuffo, K. O.and Osae,E. A.(2014). Eye Diseases among Women Engaged in Local Extraction of Palm Kernel in the Kumasi Metropolis. Epidemiology Research International Volume 2014, Article ID 516183, 5pages – http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/51683 220 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE ACADEMIC STAFF Senior Lecturers: M. Asante MSc. (England), PhD (England) (Head of Department) J. B. Hayfron-Acquah BSc (Ghana), MSc (China), PhD (England) Lecturers: N. Ussiph BSc, MSc (Ibadan), PhD (Manchester) K. O. Peasah BSc (Ghana), MSc (Ghana) J. K. Panford BSc (Ghana), MSc (Germany) F. Twum MSc. (London) Y. M. Missah BSc (Ghana), MSc (USA), PhD (USA) D. Asamoah BSc (Ghana), MPhil (Ghana) K. A. Pabbi BSc (Ghana), MSc. (London) E. O. Oppong BSc (Ghana), Diploma (UK), MSc (Ghana) ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Gyimah, M. and Hayfron-Acquah, J. B. (2014). Classification and recognition of fingerprints using self organizing maps (SOMS). International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 1(1): 153 – 159. ISSN 1694-0814. 221 2. Ansong, E. D., Hayfron-Acquah, J.B.,Damoah, D., Asante,M.and Agyeman, B. (2014). Camouflage worm Detection and Counter measures.International journal of Inventive Engineering and Science, 2(9). ISSN:2319-9598. 3. Damoah, D.,Inkoom, M.,Ansong, E. D.,Asante, M. and Quarshie, H.(2014). Mobile Inventory and Point of Sale Real Time Cloud VAT Monitoring for Ghana Revenue Authority. International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer, 1(8): ISSN 2348 – 4853. 4. Damoah, D., Hayfron-Acquah, J. B., Ansong, E., Maxwell Jnr, S. L.,Sebastian,S. Transactions Processing Subsystems for databases based on Aries Write-Ahead Logging for the Client-Server Architecture approach.International Journal on Recent and Innovation trends in Computing and Communication, 2(12): 3352 – 3359. ISSN 23218169. 5. Oti, S. B. and Hayfron-Acquah, J. B. (2014). Practical Security Approaches against Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Session Hijacking Attacks between Autonomous Systems.Journal of Computer and Communications, 2(8): 10 – 21. DOI: 10.4236/jcc.2014.28002 6. Afriyie, R. K.,Hayfron-Acquah, J. B., andPanford, J. K. (2014). Optimising Storage Resource Using Morpheme Based text Compression Technique.International Journal of Computer Applications,93(2): 33 – 42. 0975-8887 7. Hayfron-Acquah, J. B. and Gyimah, M.(2014). Classification and Recognition of Fingerprints using Self Organising Maps (SOM).International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 1(1): 153 – 159. ISSN 1694-0814 ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDING 1. Damoah, D., Hayfron-Acquah, J. B., Sebastian, S., Ansong, E., Agyemang, B. and Villafane, R. (2014). Transaction recovery in federated distributed database systems. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Systems ICCCS ’14. Chennai, India. February 20 – 21. 978-1-4799-3671-7/22©2014 IEEE. Pages 116 – 123. 2. Ansong, E. D., Ampoma, A. and Hayfron-Acquah, J. B. (2013). Entrepreneurship and ICT growth in developing countries in Africa: case study – Ghana. 3rd international conference on computer communication and management (ICCCM), Copenhagen, Denmark. May 19 – 20. 3. Ansong, E. D., E., Ampoma, A. and Hayfron-Acquah,J.B. (2013) Entrepreneurship and ICT Growth in Developing Countries in Africa: Case Study-Ghana, 3rd International Conference on Computer Communication and Management (ICCCM), Copenhagen, Denmark.May 19 – 20. 4. Damoah, D., Hayfron-Acquah, J. B., Sebastian, S., Ansong, E., Agyemang, B., Villafane, R. (2014). Transaction Recovery in Federated Distributed Database 222 Systems.IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Systems(ICCCS '14), Feb 20-21, 2014, Chennai, INDIA,978-1-4799-3671-7/22©2014 IEEE, pages 116-123 5. Ansong,E. D., Hayfron-Acquah, J. B., Agyemang, B., Damoah, D. and Nagappan, G. (2014). The Analysis Of TcpSyn Flood Attack. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Systems(ICCCS '14), Feb 20-21, , Chennai, INDIA,978-1-4799-3671-7/19©2014 IEEE, pages 97-100 INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE LEARNING ACADEMIC STAFF Associate Professor: I. K. Dontwi MSc (Kishinev), CEMBA (Kumasi), PhD (Odessa) (Dean) Centre for Distance and Continuing Education (CDCE) Senior Research Fellow: #C. K. Osei MSc (Reading), PhD (Ibadan) Research Fellows: *R. Essel (Mrs.) MA (Coventry) W. Owusu-Boateng (Rev.) MPhil (Cape Coast), PhD (Honolulu) (Head of the Department) J. A. Mensah MPhil (Cape Coast) Centre for E-Learning Technologies (CELT) Research Fellows: 223 A. A. Saah MA (Legon), CEMPA (Kumasi), D.Div. (hc), DRP (Monroe), FBILD (UK), Member IAENG (USA) (Head of the Department) S. Aggrey-Smith MSc (Kumasi) H. K. Mensah MSc (Kumasi) #On Contract *On Study Leave PUBLISHED BOOK Saah, A. A. (2013). Research Foundations and Frameworks—A Student Guidebook in Research Project. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. ISBN 978-9988-1-8153-6, 63 p. CHAPTER(S) IN BOOKS 1. Aggrey-Smith, S. (2013). Review of Literature. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 4, 1214.ISBN 2. Essel, R. and Mensah, H. (2013). Collecting Research Material. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 6, 20-22. ISBN 3. Mensah, J. A. (2013). Analysing Your Data. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 7, 23-25. ISBN 4. Osei, C. K. and Dontwi, I. K. (2013). An External Examiner’s Comments on Student Thesis. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 9, 28-31. ISBN 5. Osei, C. K. and Saah, A. A. (2013). Choosing a Research Topic and Descriptive Title. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 2, 3-5. ISBN 6. Osei, C. K. (2013). Components of the Introductory Chapter of Your Research Report. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 3, 6-11. ISBN 7. Osei, C. K. (2013). Writing your research proposal. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 1, 1-2.ISBN 224 8. Owusu-Boateng, W. (2013). Citation and Referencing Formats. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 8, 26-27.ISBN 9. Saah, A. A. (2013). Foundation and Frameworks for Your Research. In C. K. Osei and A. A. Saah (eds.), Writing Your Research Proposal and Thesis. Kumasi: Erinor Ventures. Unit 5, 15-19.ISBN ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Osei, C. K. and Mensah, J. A. (2014). Widening Access to Science-Oriented Programmes in Tertiary Institutions in Ghana through Distance Education. Journal of Learning for Development, 1(1): 1 – 13. 2. Osei, C. K., Dontwi, I. K. and Mensah, J. A. (2013). Examining Policy Guidelines for Distance Education in Dual Mode Public Universities in Ghana: A Case Study of KNUST. Journal of Science and Technology, 33(1): 84 – 91. 3. Saah, A. A. (2013). Application of Team-Working Model to Training OER Writers of Distance and E-learning Pathways Course Materials in Ghanaian Public Universities. West African Journal of Open and Flexible Learning, 2(2): 39 – 53. 4. Saah, A. A. (2013). End-Users’ Preferences Applicable to Quality Landscape Design Course Material Production for Distance and E-learning in Ghana. US-China Education Review A, September 2013, 3(9): 673 – 684. 5. Sabutey, G. T., Adu-Agyem, J. and Osei, C. K. (2013). Assessing Product Sustainability, Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction with XYZ Telecommunication among Undergraduate Students in Ghana: The Case Study of University for Development Studies, Wa campus. International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, 4(08): 33 – 42. CONFERENCE PAPERS/ATTENDANCE 1. Aggrey-Smith, S. and Essel, R. (2014). Regional Training and Research Institute for Open and Distance Learning (RETRIDAL) Workshop on ‘Developing and Writing Fundable Proposals’, Institute Of Continuing and Distance Education, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra. Ghana. March 26 – 27. 2. Aggrey-Smith, S. (2013). Measurement of Elemental Compositions, Radiation Shielding and Thermal Properties of Some Popularly-Used Ghanaian Wood Species, ‘Research Retreat on Distance Learning Quality’, Bosomtwi Paradise Resort, Abono. Ghana. July 23 – 25. 225 3. Dontwi, I. K. and Saah, A. A. (2014). Ghana Open Distance and e-Learning Workshop on ‘Strengthening Higher Education Systems in Ghana’. The Open University of UK and Ghana National Council for Tertiary Education’, British Council, Accra. February 26 – 27. 4. Dontwi, I. K. (2014). Distance Education: the KNUST Experience. 3rd Biennial Conference, Effective U.S. Strategies for African STEM Collaborations, Capacity Building, and Diaspora Engagement, University of Michigan, Rackham Amphitheatre, Michigan League, USA. April 1 – 4. 5. Essel, R., Amoako-Yirenkyi, P., Owusu-Boateng, C., Addo, C., and Arthur, A. B. (2013). 1st International Conference of the African Virtual University, ‘Integrating eLearning and Open Education to Increase Access to Quality Education and Training in Africa’; Hotel InterContinental Nairobi, Kenya. November 20 – 22. 6. Mensah, H. K. (2013). Toward a Research-Focussed Institute: A Proposal for Streamlining Research in Institute of Distance Learning, KNUST, Kumasi. Ghana, ‘Research Retreat on Distance Learning Quality’, Bosomtwi Paradise Resort, Abono. Ghana. July 23 – 25. 7. Owusu-Boateng, C., Addo, C., Arthur, A. B. Essel, R. and Amoako-Yirenkyi, P. (2013). The African Virtual University Capacity Enrichment Program (ACEP) Workshop, Hotel InterContinental Nairobi, Kenya. November 14 – 20. 8. Saah, A. A. and Dontwi, I. K. (2013). A Decade of Distance and Electronic Learning Fulfilled (Poster Presentation), ‘Partnership and Innovation for Development’, 4th Ghana Policy Fair, International Conference Centre, Accra. October 16 – 18. 9. Saah, A. A. (2013). African Deans of Education Forum (ADEF). In representing the Dean, Institute of Distance Learning, KNUST, Kumasi. Kenya Science Campus, University of Nairobi, Nairobi. Kenya. July 29. 10. Saah, A. A. (2013). Biblical Models for Post-Death Experiences of Heaven and Hell Realities. The 3rd AEGA Ghana National Conference 2013, ‘God’s Eternal Plan and Purpose for Mankind’, N’Joy Hotel, Sakomono Estates, Accra. October 25 – 26. 11. Saah, A. A. (2013). Developing Your E-Learning Material with Ease. Design, Development and Research Conference 2013, ‘Design Complexities for Development’. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. Ghana. July 8 – 20. 12. Saah, A. A. (2013). End-User Preferences Applicable to ICT for Quality Distance Learning in Ghana, ‘Research Retreat on Distance Learning Quality’, Bosomtwi Paradise Resort, Abono. Ghana. July 23 – 25. 13. Saah, A. A. (2013). Application of End-User Preferences to Developing Competencies for Learning Communities’ Membership in Africa. DETA Conference on Teacher education and development in Africa: the need for access, equality, sustainability, quality and relevance within the context of globalization. Kenya Science Campus, University of Nairobi, Nairobi. July 30-August 1. 14. Saah, A. A. (2014). Kingdom of God: Implication to Evangelical Theology and Practice. The Esthers’ Arise International Women Leadership Conference, ‘The Kingdom Life – Strengthening the Church in Nations’. Saints Garage. Inogi, Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria. April 8 – 11. 15. Saah, A. A. (2014). Challenging the Status-quo and Defining New Areas in ICT and Distance Education: the Case of KNUST. The 65th Annual New Year School and Conference, ‘Information, Communication, and Technology-driven Education for Sustainable Human Development: Challenges and Prospects’, University of Ghana, Legon. Ghana. January 5 – 8. 226 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND PLANNING UNIT SENIOR MEMBERS Associate Professor: E. Woode B.Pharm (Kumasi), PhD (Glasgow), MPSGH, FCPPharm (Head of Unit) Senior Assistant Registrar: Felicia Amankwah (Ms.) MBA Executive, BA (Hons) Leisure & Tourism Mngt, HND Business& Finance, Ed Teaching Basic Skills (IT, Numeracy & Literacy) Assistant Registrars: *P. K. Addo B.Ed (Agric), M.Ed (Edu. Adm. & Mgt), [Winneba], PGC (Public Adm) [GIMPA]. FGIM Deborah I. Eyarefe (Mrs.) BSc, MSc (Education Planning) PhD (Education Planning (Ibadan) System Analysts: K. Ankar-Brewoo BSc (Computer Science), MPhil (Bus. Info. Tech) G. M. Kunkpe BSc (Computer Science) *On study leave 227 CONFERENCE PAPER/ATTENDANCE 1. Addo, P. K. (2014) - The Impact of the “Less Endowed Policy” of KNUST in increasing Access to Tertiary Education in Ghana. British Council “Going Global 2014”. Miami Convention Centre, Miami, Florida, USA. April 28 – May 1. 2. Amankwah, F. (2013). “Enhancing Skills for Internal Quality Assurance Development” Workshop for Internal Quality Assurance Development.. October 23 – 24. 3. Eyarefe, I. D. (2013). Conference for Directores of Quality Assurance /Monitoring and Evaluation in Federal and State Ministeries of Education, Parastatals and Agencies at National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) Nigeria. August 25 – 28. 4. Eyarefe, I. D. (2014). 6th International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Africa. Bujumbura, Burundi. September 15 – 20. 228 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ACADEMIC STAFF Acting University Librarian: K. Agyem-Gyasi BA. MA. Economics (Kumasi), Grad. Dip. Lib. (Ghana), Grad, Dip. Mgt., IPMA (UK), ChPA, cmc (CIAMC), Ghana Senior Assistant Librarians: V. Teye *M. Ahenkorah-Marfo R. Lamptey Assistant Librarians: R. Osei-Boadu Afia Densi Asare-Kyire (Mrs.) K. O. Asiamah Evelyn E. Mensah (Mrs.) A. M. Donkoh D. V.K. Arkorful BA. Kumasi, M.A. (Library Studies) Ghana BSc. Mathematics (Kumasi), Grad. Dip. Library Studies (Ghana) Diploma (Librarianship) Ghana, M.A, Info Serv. Mgt (London) BA. Modern Languages, MA. Library Studies (Ghana) BA. Publishing Studies (Kumasi), MA Library Studies (Ghana) B.A. Linguistics & Philosophy,MA. Library Studies (Ghana), Grad. Dip. (Mgt)IPMA, UK. Cmc B.A. Publishing Studies (Kumasi), MA Library Studies (Ghana) Dip (Librarianship) Ghana, BA (Publishing) Kumasi, MA (Industrial Mgt) Kumasi, M.A. (Library Studies) Ghana Diploma (Librarianship) Ghana, BA. (Publishing) Kumasi, M.A. (Library Studies) Ghana 229 Mrs. Esther White Ms. Beatrice Arthur Mrs. Rebecca Evelyn Larnyoh Miss Anna Hassan M. S. Boateng +Agatha Frempong (Mrs.) Hagar Atta Obeng (Mrs.) E. M. Borteye Akua Asantewaa Badu Sampene (Mrs.) BA. (Publishing) Kumasi, MA. (Library Studies) Ghana B.Ed (Art) Cape Coast, M.A., (Library Studies) Ghana Dip (Librarianship) Ghana, BA (Publishing) Kumasi, M.A. (Library Studies) Ghana BA Publishing Kumasi, MA (Library Studies) Ghana BA. Political Science & Linguistics, MA Library Studies (Ghana) BSc. Biological Sciences (Kumasi), Grad. Dip. Lib. (Ghana). BA. Publishing Studies (Kumasi), MA Library Studies (Ghana) BA. Religion and History (Kumasi), MA Library Studies (Ghana) B. A. Linguistics & Political Science, MA Library Studies (Ghana) +On sabbatical leave ARTICLES IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Agyen-Gyasi, K. and Attah-Obeng, H. (2014) The relevance and adequacy of the Ashanti Regional Library, Kumasi Ghana: an appraisal by users Library Philosophy and Practice, Paper 1084 2. Agyen-Gyasi, K. and Boateng, Sakyi, M. (2014) Performance appraisal systems in academic and research Libraries in Ghana; a survey Library Review, Vol.64, Issue ½ (In Press). 3. Lamptey, Bruce R.(2014) Sustainable practices for populating repositories in Ghana Paper presented at the ETD2014 – NDLTD’s 17th International Symposium on Electronic Theses & Dissertations held from 23rd to 25th July 2014 at the Stamford Court, University of Leicester in the UK. 4. Mingle, J. , Lamptey, Bruce R. and Hassan, A. (2014) The use of social media and web 2.0 for information service delivery in academic libraries in Ghana 230 Paper presented at the first CARLIGH International Conference 14th to18th July, 2014, CSIR – INSTI, Accra, Ghana on The Theme: Innovation for Access to Information. 231
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