A proteomic platform that can also detect SNPs
A proteomic platform that can also detect SNPs
TM SOMAscan Assay: A proteomic platform that can also detect SNPs Sheri K. Wilcox, Alex Poole, Deborah Ayers, Eduardo Tabacman Dominic A. Zichi SomaLogic, Inc., Boulder, CO/United States of America ABSTRACT WHAT IS A SOMAMER? Slow Off-rate Modified Aptamers (SOMAmer® reagents) are a novel class of affinity binding reagents made from single-stranded DNA engineered with hydrophobic side chains. These modifications on the 5-position of uracil greatly expand the physicochemical diversity of the large combinatorial SELEX libraries from which they are selected, resulting in binding molecules to more proteins, and with higher affinity, than observed with traditional aptamers. The hydrophobic nature of these interactions results in exquisite shape complementarity between the reagents and their protein targets. SOMAmer reagents have proven effective as reagents for biomarker discovery, diagnostic products, and research tools. SomaLogic has developed a proteomic assay called SOMAscan™ assay for biomarker discovery that transforms protein concentrations in a biological sample into a corresponding DNA signature that can be measured using any DNA quantification technology. SOMAmer reagents are a new and unique class of protein binding reagents that consist of single stranded DNA with nucleotides modified at the 5-pyrimidine position to mimic amino acid side-chains and other small molecule structures that bind proteins. SOMAmer reagents are selected in vitro in a process called Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX), which is a combinatorial method that is unique in its ability to screen libraries of enormous size that typically contain up to 1015 molecules. The introduction of these modified nucleotides imparts SOMAmers with novel properties by expanding their chemical diversity. These modifications dramatically improve affinity and specificity. The co-crystal structures are shown below, highlighting the exquisite interactions between the reagents and their targets, the unique structures adopted by these reagents, and the extensive surface areas of each interaction. Recent SOMAscan data have suggested that certain SOMAmer reagents can distinguish between proteins resulting from single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and wild-type proteins in human plasma. One such protein is the Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II-a. We have demonstrated that the SOMAmer reagent selected against the H167R mutant of the protein, resulting from a SNP, does not bind the H167 form. As a result, proteomic measurements in the SOMAscan assay can be utilized to not only detect protein levels, but, in some cases, identify individuals expressing alternate forms of proteins. The SOMAscan assay measures over 1000 human proteins in biological samples. For some analytes, the SOMamer reagents are sensitive to protein changes resulting from SNPs. The ability to measure these types of changes in a proteomic assay provides a valuable tool across many research areas. Platelet-‐derived growth factor (PDGF) Nerve growth factor (NGF) Interleukin-‐6 PLOTS Certain coding sequence single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) result in a change in the amino acid sequence for the encoded protein. We have observed with SOMAscan many instances where such a single amino acid change in a protein sequence dramatically affects analyte measurements (Lourdusamy, Newhouse et al. 2012). Loss of SOMAmer binding due to a SNP is a good example of the specificity that can be obtained with SOMAmer affinity reagents. We present here one example of SNP and differential SOMAmer binding for the protein termed Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II-a, or FCGR2A. In addition, the SOMAmer reagent selected to bind Low affinity immunoglobulin gamma Fc region receptor II-b, or FCGR2B, which is 93% identical to FCGR2A, including Arg at the equivalent position, does not display a bimodal distribution of RFU values in the same population. Purified proteins with either His 167 or Arg 167 were used to examine binding to the reagent selected against FCGR2A. The affinity for the H167R mutant is two orders of magnitude higher than that for the wildtype protein, illustrating a striking specificity among two proteins with a single amino acid substitution. Binding of the FCGR2A and FCGR2B proteins was also measured against the SOMAmer reagents selected to both proteins. Interestingly, the reagent selected against FCGR2B is able to bind both proteins (93% identity), but the reagent selected against FCGR2A only binds the FCGR2A with high affinity. The H167 form of FCGR2A does not bind well to either SOMAmer reagent, suggesting that this mutation results in a significant structural change in the protein. Since SOMAmer reagents recognize structural epitopes on proteins, these data suggest the FCGR2A reagent recognizes a unique epitope not present on the SNP mutant of FCGR2A or on FCGR2B. The FGCR2B reagent appears to recognize a shared epitope on H167R FCGR2A and FGR2B. F C G R 2A S O M A m er R eagent 1 .0 1 .0 F C G R 2A H 167 F C G R 2A H 167 F C G R 2A H 167R 0 .8 B ou nd RFU values for plasma (x-axes) and serum (y-axes) from healthy volunteers measured in the SOMAscan assay. A bimodal distribution is clearly present in both plasma and serum using the SOMAmer reagent selected against H167R FCGR2A (left), with many signals well below 500 RFU. A continuous distribution is seen with the SOMAmer reagent selected against FCG2B, with the lowest signal around 900 RFU. F C G R 2B S O M A m er R eag ent F C G R 2B 0 .6 F r a c tio n FCGR2A contains a SNP that changes His at position 167 in the protein sequence to Arg. The minor allele frequency for this SNP is quite high, ~44%. In fact, the protein for FCGR2A used in in vitro selection contained an Arg at position 167. It was observed that in a population of healthy individuals FCGR2A signaled ~ 4,000 – 10,000 Relative Fluorescent Units (RFU) for 2/3 of the individuals while ~1/3 of the population had a signal ~200 RFU, presumably corresponding to baseline in plasma. If the SOMAmer reagent loses affinity to the protein with His at position 167, such a protein would occur ~1/3 of the time in a population (0.562 = 0.3), and the remaining 2/3 of the population would express one or both copies with Arg resulting from the SNP. BINDING DATA CONFIRM SNP DISTINCTION B ou nd SOMASCAN DATA SUGGESTS BIMODAL POPULATION The SomaLogic SOMAscan assay converts target protein concentration to DNA concentration. SOMAmer reagents are captured on a bead and equilibrated with a biological sample. After equilibration, unbound proteins are removed. Complexes are released from the bead, and fast off-rate complexes dissociate. Remaining proteins are captured on a second bead, removing unbound SOMAmer reagents. Since the complexes are non-covalent, SOMAmer reagents are then released under denaturing conditions. The eluted DNA can be measured using any DNA quantitation technology. We use hybridization arrays with fluorescently labeled SOMAmers for biomarker discovery, although QPCR, Luminex, and MS are also viable readouts depending on the desired application. The resulting signal is proportional to the amount of target protein in the initial sample. F r a c tio n The SOMAscan assay measures over 1000 human proteins in biological samples. For some analytes, the SOMamer reagents are sensitive to protein changes resulting from SNPs. The ability to measure these types of changes in a proteomic assay provides a valuable tool across many research areas. THE SOMASCAN ASSAY 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 10 F C G R 2A H 167R 0 .8 F C G R 2B 0 .6 0 .4 0 .2 0 .0 -1 3 10 -1 2 10 -1 1 10 -1 0 10 [ P r o t e in ] ( M ) -9 10 -8 10 -7 10 -1 3 10 -1 2 10 -1 1 10 -1 0 10 -9 10 -8 10 -7 [ P r o t e in ] ( M ) For more information, please visit www.somalogic.com, call 303-625-2094, or email [email protected]
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