Teska Associates, Inc. TO: City of Highwood FROM: Pete Iosue


Teska Associates, Inc. TO: City of Highwood FROM: Pete Iosue
Community Planning
Site Design
Development Economics +
City of Highwood
Pete Iosue, AICP, Senior Planner
Konstantine T. Savoy, AICP, Principal
May 28, 2014
Revised June 6, 2014
200 Green Bay Road and 222 Morgan Place
Landscape Architecture
The subject property, commonly known as 200 Green Bay Road, is located at the northwest
corner of Green Bay Road and Prairie Road in Highwood, Illinois. The subject property is
currently zoned B-1 Retail Business and contains a vacant auto repair facility. The petitioner is
proposing to rehabilitate the existing structure and convert it into a mixed-use building,
containing a restaurant on the ground floor, a second story office use, and a residential
apartment on the third floor. Off-site parking is proposed at 222 Morgan Place, located
approximately one block to the northwest. The proposed off-site parking location is currently
zoned R-3 Duplex, and was previously the site of a single-family residential home that was
recently demolished.
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485
Existing building, view looking northwest from
intersection of Green Bay Road and Prairie Avenue
Location Map
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
The petitioner is requesting several variances related to the proposed redevelopment at 200
Green Bay Road, including:
To allow parking off-site;
Elimination of requirement of enclosed parking for residential use.
A reduction in the number of required parking spaces from 82 to 30;
An increase in building height from 35 ft. to 41.5 ft.; and
An increase in first floor building height from 14 ft. to 16 ft.;
In addition to the above requested variances, the petitioner is requesting a zoning map
amendment for the proposed remote parking lot at 222 Morgan Place from R-3 Duplex to B-1
Retail Business. Parking lots are not permitted within the existing R-3 Duplex zoning district, but
are allowed as a special use within the proposed B-1 Retail Business zoning district.
The petitioner is also requesting a special use to allow the off-site parking lot at 222 Morgan
Place. Parking lots are not permitted under the existing R-3 Duplex zoning standards, but are
allowed as a special use in the proposed B-1 Retail Business district. The proposed special use
can only be granted if the proposed rezoning is approved.
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
The proposed site plan and building elevations were prepared by Amstadter Architects and
dated April 15, 2014. The proposed landscaping plan was prepared by Van Zelst, Inc. and dated
April 11, 2014. We have reviewed the proposed plans and offer the following comments:
Restaurant, office, and multi-family dwelling are all permitted uses within the B-1 zoning
Minimum lot size in business districts is 4,000 sq.ft. The parcel at 200 Green Bay Road is
10,458 sq.ft., and the parcel at 222 Morgan Place is 11,624 sq.ft. Both parcels meet
minimum lot size requirements.
A minimum 10,000 sq.ft. lot is required for multi-family uses, and no more than 1
dwelling unit is permitted for each 3,000 sq.ft. The 10,458 sq.ft. parcel at 200 Green Bay
Road therefore will allow a maximum of 3 dwelling units (only one is proposed).
Maximum building height is 35 ft. or three (3) stories. The proposed 41.5 ft. building
height therefore requires a variance.
Pedestrian access is provided through a sidewalk connection at the south of the property
and connected to the existing sidewalk on Prairie Road. No sidewalks are currently
provided on Morgan Street, and pedestrian access from the proposed off-site parking lot
to the development should be addressed.
Details on the proposed valet parking should be provided by the petitioner (hours of
operation, pick-up/drop off location, etc.).
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
Proposed building elevations of all four sides of the building have been provided, and
were previously preliminarily reviewed by the Appearance Review Committee on
The Appearance Review Committee provided preliminary support for the proposed
building architecture, noting that more detailed information including sample building
materials, color samples, lighting, and landscaping, are required prior to final approval.
A photometric lighting plan was not provided for review. Details of any new lighting to
be provided, particularly as related to the proposed outdoor seating area, should be
provided. We recommend that lighting in the parking lot be low profile – not to exceed
12 ft., with flat-lens, cut-off type fixtures to eliminate glare on adjoining properties. A
photometric plan with examples of light fixtures should be provided.
Gateway signage – this area is identified as a gateway into the City, attracting motorists
traveling from US 41 along Route 22 and Highland Park from the south. The City may
consider working with the developer to incorporate City wide gateway signage at this
The rendering on sheet 8 indicates parkway trees along Prairie Rd. However the site plan
Sheet A1 does not include these; please confirm the sidewalk width and whether street
trees are included;
Recommend incorporating City standard paving within the public ROW. Note that the
City standard paving ribbon exists along Green Bay Road and should be incorporated
into the corner treatment to be compatible with the City’s downtown standard.
Mapping suggests that a Pace bus stop exists at Green Bay Road, north of Prairie.
Confirm if this exists and if so, accommodate in the plan.
The digital file labeled “0 SITE PLAN” and “200 Green Bay Road Rendered Plan” indicates
steps and a ramp system at Prairie Ave. Is it possible to provide accessible entrances to
the patio from the intersection corner and Green Bay Road?
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
Proposed site plan:
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
Proposed Landscaping plan:
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
We recommend that landscaping and/or fencing treatment in the parking lot, to include
buffering between the subject property and single family residence towards the west.
Provide a landscape plan that indicates the plantings proposed at the perimeter plaza
area. Note that plantings should retain a clear zone as measured between 3’ and 7’
above grade. Plantings should be salt and urban tolerant. Groundcover plantings should
control erosion and runoff that may otherwise spill onto the public sidewalk.
The petitioner is requesting a total of five (5) variances related to the redevelopment of the
subject property, including:
A reduction in the number of required parking spaces from 82 to 30;
To allow parking off-site;
An increase in building height from 35 ft. to 41.5 ft.;
An increase in first floor building height from 14 ft. to 16 ft.; and
Elimination of requirement of enclosed parking for residential use.
In making a recommendation for the granting of a variation, the Zoning Board shall consider the
1. Whether the construction or use is in harmony with the surrounding construction or use.
Existing buildings along Green Bay Road generally do not exceed 2 stories in height,
however the proposed architectural design of the building and its location on a prominent
corner will provide an interesting visual gateway into the City, and the Downtown Plan
recommends up to 3-4 stories in many locations. The proposed off-site parking lot will be
located adjacent to an existing parking lot, however close proximity to residential uses will
require buffering to limit negative impacts.
2. Whether the construction or use is not objectionable to the surrounding residents.
The general character of the area is mixed in nature, with commercial uses along Green
Bay Road adjacent to residential uses immediately to the west. The proposed mixed-use
(commercial/office/residential) is compatible with the surrounding uses along Green Bay
3. Whether strict application of the provisions of this title would deprive the applicant of
any reasonable use of the land. Mere loss in value may not justify a variation unless there
is a deprivation of beneficial use of land.
Due to the small size of the lot and the location of the existing building, strict application
of parking requirements severely limits potential redevelopment opportunities for the site.
It will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to provide required on-site parking for all but
a very limited number of potential new uses for the existing building. In addition, the
maximum height for first floor is already exceeded by the existing building and would
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
require significant expense to retrofit, and could potentially prohibit redevelopment of the
4. Whether the variation is only a minor deviation of the provisions of this title.
The requested increase in building height and reduction in parking requirements are
significant deviations from the zoning code, but when compared to the alternative of a
deteriorating vacant building located on such a prominent corner at the entrance to the
City these deviations may be considered necessary compromises to encourage new
development on the site. Providing off-site parking is a common practice in the
The petitioner is proposing to rezone the property at 222 Morgan Place from R-3 Duplex to B-1
Retail Business, in order to construct a remote parking lot that will accommodate customers and
employees of the proposed mixed-use development at 200 Green Bay Road.
Plan Commission Factors: The Plan Commission shall not recommend the adoption of a
proposed amendment unless it finds that the adoption of such an amendment is in the public
interest and is not solely in the interest of the applicant. The Plan Commission shall consider the
following factors in considering any such amendment:
1. The existing uses and zoning classifications of properties in the vicinity of the subject
Current zoning adjacent to the proposed off-site parking lot include R-3 Duplex to the
north, B-1 Retail Business to the east, R-3A Multiple Family to the south, and R-3 Duplex to
the west.
2. The trend of development in the vicinity of the subject property, including changes, if
any, in such trend since the subject property was placed in its present plan designation
or zoning classification.
The site was previously a single-family home that was recently demolished, and the site is
now vacant. The residentially zoned parcel immediately to the north is now a parking lot,
similar to the plan for the subject property.
3. The extent to which the value of the subject property is diminished by the existing plan
designation or zoning classification applicable to it.
The subject property is currently vacant, and would benefit from the proposed
4. The extent to which such diminution in value is offset by an increase in the public health,
safety and welfare.
As previously stated, no decrease in property value is anticipated, as fencing and
landscaping, combined with low level lighting will not negatively impact adjacent uses.
5. The extent, if any, to which the use and enjoyment of adjacent properties would be
affected by the proposed amendment.
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
Adjacent residential properties could potentially be harmed by the proposed location of an
off-site parking lot. Sufficient buffering of the lot will be necessary to limit the negative
impacts (light, noise, etc.) to neighboring residential properties.
The extent, if any, to which the value of adjacent properties would be affected by the
proposed amendment.
In general, new development has a positive impact on neighboring property values. The
proposed redevelopment of the vacant auto repair facility into an upscale restaurant will
further improve property values in the surrounding area. However, as previously stated,
sufficient buffering of the parking lot should be provided to limit negative impacts on
neighboring properties.
The extent, if any, to which the future orderly development of adjacent properties would
be affected by the proposed amendment.
The subject property is classified as ‘multi-family’ in the City’s comprehensive plan.
However, the subject property is directly adjacent to the mixed-use/downtown area of the
City and the proposed rezoning is generally consistent with the general land use pattern of
the area.
The suitability of the subject property for uses permitted or permissible under its present
plan designation and zoning classification.
The subject property could be redeveloped as residential under the current zoning
classification. The Draft Downtown Plan recommends parking for the Morgan Street area
to support Downtown businesses.
The availability of adequate ingress and egress from the subject property and the extent
to which traffic conditions in the immediate vicinity of the subject property would be
affected by the proposed amendment.
Sufficient ingress/egress is provided by the proposed plan. The proposed improvements
will provide additional parking in the Downtown area and generally help to alleviate
parking issues in the area. However, if the requested variance for decrease in required
parking is granted, the proposed off-site lot may not provide sufficient parking and
overflow may occur in the neighborhood. The proposed valet service will help to alleviate
this concern.
The availability of adequate utilities and essential public services to the subject property
to accommodate the uses permitted or permissible under its present plan designation
and zoning classification.
The proposed off-site parking lot will not require additional impact on public utilities.
The length of time, if any, that the subject property has been vacant, considered in the
context of the pace of development in the vicinity of the subject property.
The subject property has been vacant for several years, and redevelopment under the
current residential zoning classification is not desirable due to the close proximity to the
existing commercial uses on Green Bay Road and the existing parking lot immediately to
the north.
The community need for the proposed map amendment and for the uses and
development it would allow.
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
The proposed off-site parking lot is required in order for the redevelopment of the vacant
auto repair facility to occur. Without additional off-site parking, redevelopment of that site
as an upscale restaurant, or any other use, is highly unlikely.
The petitioner is proposing to construct an off-site surface parking lot at 222 Morgan Place,
which is a special use in the proposed B-1 Retail Business District. The proposed special use for
a parking lot can only be granted if the proposed rezoning from R-3 Duplex to B-1 Retail
Business District is approved.
A recommendation for special use other than a planned unit development shall be given only
when the Zoning Board of Appeals shall find all of the following:
A. The establishment, maintenance or operation of the special use will not be detrimental
to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare.
There is an existing parking lot located directly to the north of the proposed new parking
lot. Additional parking in the Downtown area will be a benefit to residents of Highwood.
B. The special use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the
immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor substantially diminish and
impair property values within the neighborhood.
In general, new development has a positive impact on neighboring properties, and the
overall redevelopment project will likely benefit neighboring properties. However, plans
provided by the petitioner should further detail how proposed parking lot will address the
impact of the proposed lot on existing adjacent residential properties.
C. The nature and intensity of the activities involved and the size, placement and design of
any structures proposed will be so planned that the special use will be compatible with
the existing development and will not impede the normal and orderly development and
improvement of surrounding property.
A parking lot is proposed on the site, and no structures are anticipated. The proposed
parking lot will not impede the development of surrounding properties.
D. The proposed use and development will be served adequately by essential public
facilities and services such as streets, public utilities, drainage structures, police and fire
protection, refuse disposal, parks, libraries, and schools or the applicant will provide
adequately for such services.
The proposed parking lot will have less of an impact on public services that the previous
residential use.
E. The location of the special use within the City will be such that adverse effects on
surrounding properties will be minimal, particularly regarding the traffic generated by
the special use, nor will it draw significant amounts of traffic through residential streets.
The proposed parking lot is located in a transitional zone between the commercial
Downtown and a residential neighborhood. Appropriate buffering of the parking lot, and
proper management of the proposed valet service will help to alleviate adverse impacts.
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
F. Parking areas will be of adequate size for the particular use and properly located, and the
entrance and exit drives will be laid out so as to prevent traffic hazards and nuisances.
The parking lot site plan contained in the special use application includes proposed
striping, circulation, ingress/egress, and parking stall dimensions.
G. The proposed use and development will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of
natural, scenic or historic features of significant importance.
The house that was previously located on the site has already been demolished.
H. The size of the lot will be sufficient for the use proposed.
The size of the lot is sufficient for the proposed parking lot.
I. Adequate fencing and/or screening will be provided to ensure the enjoyment of
surrounding properties, to provide for the public safety or to screen parking areas and
other visually incompatible uses.
Proposed buffering of adjacent residential uses will be provided.
J. The proposed use and development will be in harmony with the general and specific
purposes for which this title was enacted and for which the regulations of the district in
question were established and with the general purpose and intent of the official
comprehensive plan.
The proposed construction of additional parking near the Downtown area is consistent with
the goal and objectives of the comprehensive plan (see Relationship to Comprehensive
Plan) and the Draft Downtown Plan.
K. If a special use permit is granted, the petitioner, its successors and assigns are currently
in compliance with governmental regulations, including City ordinances, and are likely to
comply with governmental regulations, including city ordinances, in the future.
All known proposed deviations from City ordinances are outlined in this report.
L. A special use permit shall be denied where the Zoning Board finds that the special use, if
granted, would impinge or retard other development within the City or the district.
The proposed parking lot will not restrict future development in the area.
M. A special use permit shall be denied where the Zoning Board finds that the special use, if
granted, does not demonstrate that it would exert a positive effect upon other
development within the City or the district.
The construction of additional parking in the Downtown area will have a long term positive
effect on parking availability in the Downtown.
N. A special use permit shall be denied where the Zoning Board finds that the special use, if
granted, would not enhance revenue opportunities for the city.
The proposed off-site parking lot is required for the future redevelopment of the mixed-use
project at 200 Green Bay Road, which will provide property and sales tax revenue on a
currently vacant property.
O. Where the district regulations authorizing any special use in a particular district impose
special standards to be met by such use in such district, a permit for such use in such
district shall not be recommended or granted unless the applicant shall establish
compliance with such special standards.
No special standards, above and beyond the standards highlighted above, are applicable.
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
The City of Highwood Comprehensive Plan sets a framework for the future development of the
City. This document establishes goals and objectives that are directly related to the proposed
development, that are summarized below.
Supporting Language
1. Maintain and enhance the City’s reputation as a fine dining and entertainment
destination (Community Image and Identity).
2. Create attractive and prominent entry points into the community (Community Image and
3. Require high quality materials, finishes and architecture, and resource efficient design
and construction in the development, renovation, and expansion of structures
throughout the City (Community Image and Identity).
4. Implement buffering and screening requirements to protect residential areas from any
potentially negative impacts of adjacent commercial uses (Residential Neighborhoods).
5. Expand the range of retailers and offices in the downtown (Commercial & Mixed-Use
6. Improve parking, access and circulation within the downtown (Commercial & Mixed-Use
7. Encourage mixed-use development within the downtown with high quality design,
landscape and construction (Commercial & Mixed-Use Development).
8. Encourage the redevelopment of vacant or underutilized properties. Improve the
appearance and quality of commercial properties through consistent, active code
enforcement (Commercial & Mixed-Use Development).
9. Expand the availability of public parking throughout the downtown area (Transportation
& Circulation).
Potential Inconsistencies
1. Prohibit commercial parking activity in residential areas (Residential Neighborhoods).
In general, the proposed mixed-use development is consistent with the goals and objectives of
the comprehensive plan, provided that appropriate screening and buffering is provided to
minimize impact on adjacent residential properties.
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
The petitioner has provided a traffic study, prepared by KLOA, Inc. and dated May 22, 2014. We
have reviewed the findings of the traffic study against the City of Highwood Downtown Parking
Study, prepared by Metro Transportation Group, 2005.
The traffic evaluation study for the proposed development concludes that traffic generated will
be low, and the elimination of curb cuts will reduce conflicts with vehicle and pedestrian
movements. We generally agree with this conclusion. However, the report further concludes
that the remote parking lot will “ensure that adequate parking is provided to serve the
employees and customers of the proposed development.” The report does not clarify exactly
how this determination was made.
The Downtown Parking Study does provide recommendations relevant to the proposed off-site
parking lot. The report acknowledges that the existing parking requirements for Restaurant and
Food Establishments (excluding Fast Food, Drive-Ins, and Carry-Outs) are obsolete, and
recommends adjusting the requirement to one space per two persons that can be
accommodated. Using this calculation, the required parking for the restaurant would actually be
increased from 68 to 104, and the total required parking from 82 to 118. However, the study
also recommends maximizing the efficiency of parking by allowing “shared parking for multiple
uses where the total number of parking spaces satisfies the peak parking demand at any one
After review of the proposed variances, special use and map amendment for the redevelopment
of 200 Green Bay Road and 222 Morgan Place, we recommend the following:
1. An increase in first floor building height from 14 ft. to 16 ft.;
We recommend approval of the proposed variance. In order to retrofit the existing
building to meet this requirement significant reconstruction and expense is required
which would pose an undue burden on the property owner.
2. An increase in building height from 35 ft. to 41.5 ft.; and
We recommend approval of the proposed variance. The requested increase in building
height is compatible with the surrounding area, and is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Plan.
3. Elimination of requirement of enclosed parking for residential use.
Due to the configuration of the existing building on the site, it is not possible to provide
enclosed parking on-site. We recommend approval of the proposed variance.
4. To allow parking off-site;
The current 10,458 sq.ft. parcel is not large enough to accommodate on-site parking for
the existing building, or the proposed mixed-use redevelopment.
In order to
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com
accommodate any re-use of the existing building off-site parking will be required. We
recommend approval of the proposed variance.
5. A reduction in the number of required parking spaces from 82 to 30;
The proposed reduction in required parking of 52 spaces is significant. We find that the
shared parking arrangements and the proposed valet service will alleviate some of the
parking concerns, we are still concerned with the potential parking issues. The
petitioner’s traffic study concludes that adequate parking is provided, but does not
provide analysis supporting this conclusion. We would only recommend approval of the
proposed variance subject to review of the submitted traffic study by the City Engineer
and consideration of payment-in-lieu for the remainder of the spaces not provided.
Map Amendment
The proposed rezoning of 222 Morgan Place from R-3 Duplex to B-1 Retail Business is required
in order to accommodate the proposed off-site parking lot related to the proposed mixed-use
development at 200 Green Bay Road. The City should only consider the proposed map
amendment if all of the proposed zoning variances are approved. The proposed rezoning is
generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and we recommend approval.
Special Use
The proposed special use is required to construct a parking lot. The special use request is
dependent on approval of the map amendment, as parking lots are considered a special use in
the proposed B-1 district, but are not allowed in the current R-3 district. Additional parking in
the Downtown area is generally consistent with the Downtown Parking Study, and we
recommend approval of the proposed special use subject to the following:
1. Prior approval of the proposed variances related to the redevelopment of 200 Green Bay
2. Prior approval of the proposed rezoning of the parcel from R-3 to B-1;
3. Requirement that a covenant be placed on parcel to require that it be used for off-site
parking and remain in common ownership to the parcel at 200 Green Bay Road, in order
to prevent the possibility of selling the parcel for future commercial redevelopment;
4. Adequate screening and buffering of the parking lot to adjacent residential uses;
5. Adequate pedestrian access from 222 Morgan Place to 200 Green Bay Road, through
construction of a sidewalk or other means as approved by the City; and
6. Details of the proposed valet service provided and approved by the City.
Teska Associates, Inc.
24103 West Lockport St., Plainfield, Illinois 60544 fax 815.436.3304 voice 815.436.9485 www.TeskaAssociates.com