2008-2009 Annual Report - UCLA School of Dentistry


2008-2009 Annual Report - UCLA School of Dentistry
2008-2009 Annual Report
An Education of Exceptional Value
A Leader in Oral Health Research
A Resource for Our Community
An Employer of Choice
A Foundation for the Future
An Invitation to Join Us in Our Mission
Editor's Note
The UCLA School of Dentistry has published an
annual report since 1999. During the past decade, the
report has grown (from four pages to as many as 72) to
Indisputably, an annual report serves as a powerful
historical record of an organization’s accomplishments.
This year, we hope it is that and much more: a meaningful
tool for analyzing our activities as measured against the
goals we outlined in our 2008-2013 strategic plan.
at right do not merely give shape to this report; they
each section of this report demonstrates both how well
we have met our objectives at the end of year one,
and the areas to which we will be turning our attention
more closely in the next four years in order to bring our
Excerpted from the UCLA School of Dentistry 2008-2013 Strategic Plan
Table of Contents
A Message from the Dean
An Education of Exceptional Value
Goal 1: Offer an education of exceptional value. Demonstrate, by innovation and action, the
and residents will become broadly educated and humanistic dentists, teachers, scientists, leaders,
A Leader in Oral Health Research
Goal 2:
international research agenda by leveraging our strengths and maximizing opportunities to
our research experience translate to the public at large and help educate the next generation of
dentists, scientists, teachers and leaders.
A Resource for Our Community
Goal 3a: Serve as a resource for the local community. Use our strengths, in collaboration
with other United States institutions, to advance educational, economic, social and cultural
opportunities for all citizens.
Goal 3b: Serve as an opinion leader on the national and international stages. Selectively expand
our international impact on a global basis by building on existing strengths in order to seek mutually
An Employer of Choice
Goal 4: Provide an amazing place to work. Demonstrate to current and potential faculty and
staff that the UCLA School of Dentistry is an ideal work environment for professional growth
and development, and that the interactions in this humanistic, multicultural community are based
upon mutual respect and collegiality.
A Foundation for the Future
Goal 5:
achieve our mission and position us for opportunities as they arise. Develop a plan to improve
our infrastructure and explore opportunities to increase departmental space.
An Invitation to Join Us in Our Mission
A Message from the Dean
his past year was one marked
by many changes, perhaps
more so than any other during my
tenure as dean. We experienced
some of those changes, admittedly,
as serious challenges.
A par t of the University of
California system, our dental school
is not immunized against the sweeping
changes that have taken place in the
global economy and their effects
within our state. In fiscal year 2008-09,
we needed to take real action to trim
budgets, to do more with less even as we
remained devoted to providing education
and patient experiences of the highest quality.
Yet we could also say that some of the changes we
experienced this past year served as morale boosters
and as powerful harbingers of good things to come.
Despite the loss of state support that we sustained,
we have found a way, in our predoctoral clinic in
Westwood, to continue providing affordable care to
low-income adults who suffered when
the state cut the Denti-Cal program.
Our visionar y donor s have
environmentally friendly and to save
As a school, we are doing
remained loyal, committed to our
on paper, ink and the cost of mailing.
our best to work together to
mission whether they are supporting
To mark the completion on June
find new ways of doing things.
the day-to-day student experience or
30, 2009 of the first year of our new,
Driven by necessity, we’re
establishing new endowed chairs.
five-year strategic plan cycle, we seized
getting better at achieving
And tough economic times
the opportunity to make this annual
prompted economic stimulus initiatives
repor t more than just the school’s
our goals.
which will have tangible effects on
eleventh such document. In its place,
our ability to advance our research
we are offering a true progress report
programs in the years to come.
for all our interested audiences. The intent is to invite
I could elaborate, but the report that follows is truly our constituents to take a look at all that we are doing
the best way to do so. My overarching message is this: even in the midst of all this change and—we hope—feel
as a school, we are doing our best to work together to inspired to join us in our mission.
find new ways of doing things. Driven by necessity, we’re
getting better at achieving our goals. How? By facing
our challenges head-on, embracing the new and taking
immediate actions.
Faced with a threat of upcoming cuts in state
No-Hee Park, DMD, PhD
suppor t, we implemented cost-cutting measures
throughout the school. As an example, we moved to a
predominantly online publication of this report to be more
UCLA School of Dentistry Mission Statement
“The mission of the UCLA School of
and provide service to the community and
Dentistry is to improve the oral health of
state as a healthcare provider, collaborative
the people of California, the nation and
partner, continuing education center and
the world. To accomplish this, the school
academic resource. All of these activities will
will serve our students and residents by
derive from a firm commitment to quality,
providing educational programs and clinical
ethical behavior, problem-solving, mutual
experiences of the highest caliber; serve our
respect and effective leadership.”
patients by offering accessible, high quality,
Revised by the Faculty Executive Committee
June 10, 2009
patient-centered clinical programs; serve
society by establishing research programs
that generate new knowledge, promote oral
health and investigate the cause, prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of oral disease;
An Education of Exceptional Value
Attracting Academic Excellence
hen they visit the UCLA School of Dentistry for
the first time, prospective students quickly learn
that our faculty and staff are committed to providing
them with an education of exceptional value, one
that will launch professional careers and serve as the
foundation for lifelong learning. Our goal is to produce
broadly educated and humanistic dentists who will have a
significant impact as leaders in the profession of dentistry
and in their communities.
Over the years, we have had the privilege to see
firsthand how an exceptional educational program
attracts exceptional students. Our students are among
the brightest and most academically qualified in the
country, and they bring a wide range of life experiences
to the classrooms, the clinics and the labs which enriches
the academic environment.
We are extremely proud of our diverse and
accomplished entering class, selected from 1,918
applicants, our second-highest number on record.
The Class of 2012 at a Glance
88 Students
Overall GPA
Science GPA
Majors Include
anthropology, biology, biochemistry, business
administration, chemistry, computer science,
economics, engineering, exercise science, Japanese,
materials science, microbiology, molecular and cellular
biology, music, neuroscience, nutritional science,
pharmacology, philosophy, physiology, planetary
science, psychobiology, psychology and Spanish
Carol Bibb, PhD, DDS
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Bruce Sanders, DDS
Assistant Dean of Outreach & Diversity
DAT Scores
Academic Average
Total Science
DDS Program Application Statistics by Class Year
Admissions Statistics
Total # of Applicants
1,239 1,294
1,192 1,272 1,362 1,465
1,743 1,987 1,802 1,918
GPA Overall Average
GPA Science Average
# of Entering Students
DAT Academic Average
DAT Perceptual Ability Average
Scholarships, Fellowships and Grants to DDS Students 2008-09
Total Aid From All Sources
Aid From the University and Outside Sources
Aid From University Sources
Dentistry and Dean's Scholars Grants (Professional School Fees)
UC Student Aid Program Health Science Grant
UC Regents Scholarship
Dental School Scholarship Committee Awards
Total Aid From University Sources
Aid From Outside Sources
Health and Human Services Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students
ADA Foundation Dr. Robert B. Dewhirst Scholarship
CDA Foundation Dental Scholarship
CDA Foundation, Latinos for Dental Careers Scholarship
Delta Dental Hispanic Initiative
UCLA Affiliates Scholarship
Navy Scholarship
National Health Service Corps
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
The Foundation of the Pierre Fauchard Academy
MedPro RX Scholarship
d Courtney Naten
Dr. Ronald Mito an
at the White Coat
The Indian-Tribal Full Support Scholarship
Indian Health Service Corp.
Office of Navajo Nations Scholarship
American Indian Graduate Center
Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara
Governor's Scholarship Program
California State Chapter PEO
Total Aid From Outside Sources
Reading th
dental stud
ents' pledg
PPID Class of 2010
Since 2002, the UCLA School of Dentistry’s
Professional Program for International Dentists has
offered foreign-trained dentists a path toward licensure
in the United States. In May of 2008, 12 students
enrolled in this intensive, two-year advanced-standing
program. These seven women and five men from six
countries on three continents are a diverse group
who round out the Class of 2010.
Jianghua Wang
WeiWei Lu
Marianna Ibrahim
Ye Joon Suh
Maria Karina Oberteicher
Payam Behradnia
Razmik Galustian
Mohammad Habibzadeh
Evlyne Hersel
Parshan Namiranian
Jasmine Sethi
Rashi Vohra
Great Teachers for Great Students
The UCLA School of Dentistry could not train the
next generation of dentists without them—fine
teachers who have recently been recognized for their
meaningful contributions to dental education.
Richard G. Stevenson 111, clinical professor and
chair of restorative dentistry, won the American Dental
Association’s 2009 Golden Apple Award—a national,
annual honor that recognizes a dental educator who
has made a commitment to mentoring students,
especially those interested in academic careers. Dr.
Stevenson was nominated by dental school students,
faculty and staff.
The Academic Senate’s Committee on Teaching
recently selected 14 Senate and non-Senate faculty
members and teaching
a s s i s t a n t s fo r i t s
prestigious Distinguished
Teaching Awards. Dr.
Fariba Younai, clinical
professor of or al
medicine, was among
those so honored.
Fariba Younai
Richard G. Stev
enson III
Improving the Educational Experience
ince 1964, the UCLA School of Dentistry has educated
some of the best dental students in the nation.
Following the example set by the school’s founding dean,
Dr. Reidar Sognnaes, the dental school’s faculty have
always strived to provide these exceptional students with
a cutting-edge education, one that integrates the latest
findings in dental medicine research with advances from
the world of evidence-based clinical practice. In 2004,
the faculty recognized the need to reconsider the DDS
curriculum and resolved to revise it.
Four years later, in September 2008, the dental
school launched a revised predoctoral curriculum which
represents the collaborative work of faculty from the
School of Dentistry and the David
Some DDS clas
ses meet
Geffen School of Medicine. This
in small groups
innovative academic progr am
faculty have sought to provide
incorporates our current understanding
of how to best organize and present
a cutting-edge education to
In the Oral and Systemic
content so that students learn, retain
exceptional students.
Disease track, the basic sciences of
and apply new material most effectively.
biochemistry, physiology, histology,
In developing the revised
curriculum, faculty were guided by the following priorities: and pathology are combined within courses organized
• The improved integration of the basic and clinical in a “systems” approach. System One is comprised of
the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems; System
Two consists of the gastrointestinal, endocrine and
• The formation of a culture of lifelong learning;
• The more effective use of technology to enhance reproductive systems; System Three includes hematology
and immunology; and System Four covers the neurological
and deepen the educational experience; and
•Increased flexibility in student scheduling to and musculoskeletal systems. The System courses, each
facilitate advanced clinical experience, leadership of which is co-chaired by a clinician and a basic scientist,
development and research during the predoctoral highlight the dental implications of the diseases relevant
to each system group through lectures and the use of
The revised curriculum presents content in six case presentations discussed in small groups.
Faculty developed the Growth, Development
thematic tracks:
and Aging track around the bio-psycho-social model
• Cariology;
for understanding health and disease. The first-year
• Growth, Development and Aging;
course examines the biological processes at work in
• Oral and Systemic Disease;
the developing embryo, craniofacial anomalies, and the
• Periodontics;
impact of teratogens during pregnancy.
• Professionalism and Doctoring; and
• Restoration of Form, Function and Esthetics.
Formation of a culture of lifelong learning
Integration of basic and clinical sciences A hallmark of the revised curriculum is the
incorporation of clinical cases as important learning tools
in each of the tracks. The cases not only help to link the
theoretical and the clinical, but they also encourage
students to formulate questions and use the professional
literature to find background information and solutions.
These activities model continuous learning as part of the
In Cariology, students learn that caries is an infectious,
transmissible disease and unite its treatment and
prevention through the process of caries management
by risk assessment. They begin learning how to conduct
risk assessments in the clinic during the summer quarter
of their first year.
responsibilities of a professional dentist. For instance, the
Growth, Development and Aging course poses questions
that the parents of a child with cleft lip/palate might have
and asks the students to read several research articles
before discussing how they would respond.
community-related activities, or take leadership positions
in organized dentistry through the student branch of the
American Dental Association.
At the end of academic year 2008-09, the firstyear medical and dental school faculty, joined by the
leadership of the Class of 2012 (the first to experience
year one of the revised curriculum), held a one-day “miniretreat” to review the successes and discuss areas where
improvements could be made. The relaxed atmosphere
facilitated open discussion and problem-solving which will
result in an even stronger first-year curriculum for the
Class of 2013, and will guide the second-year curriculum
for the Class of 2012.
Using technology to enhance and deepen the
educational experience
The School has expanded the electronic delivery of
course content through the use of the ANGEL course
management system. Each student and member of the
teaching faculty is provided with an ANGEL account.
Students access course syllabi, lecture presentations,
research articles and study questions online. Faculty in
the Oral and Systemic Disease courses have used ANGEL
for weekly student self-assessments providing the
students with feedback about their understanding of the
course concepts. Faculty in Growth and Development
use ANGEL to post their cases prior to class discussions.
Karen Lefever, MA, MS, PhD
Academic Program Coordinator
Flexibility in student scheduling facilitates clinical
experience, leadership development and research
Student input is an important part of the curriculum
revision process. A key issue identified by students
was the need for time during school hours to make a
commitment to a research mentor. The new curriculum
schedule provides students with two half-days per week
of unscheduled time which they can use to gain research
experience. Other students are able to use the time to
assist or observe in the clinic, pursue involvement in
Academic Year
Dental School Courses on ANGEL
FY 08-09
71 Courses
FY 07-08
38 Courses
FY 06-07
9 Courses
Number of Courses
Producing Academic Exellence
DDS Degree Recipients
Lauren Victoria Adams
Shahrouz Shawn Akhavan
Thomas An
Kevin H. Andrus Summa Cum Laude
Kinberly Kiku Antrim
Salim Mohammad Aqil
Brian Joseph Asbury Magna Cum Laude
Le Tien Duong Au
Teodik Baghdasarian
Magnolia Becker
Jillian Celeste Boettcher
Farinaz Bokhour
Samantha E. Brenner
Michael Siazon Capio
Justin Pfaffinger and family
Nini Chaichanasakul
Andrew A. Chang
Fouy K. Chau
Vincent Phong Chau
Debbie Pei Chen
Jennifer A. Chiang
Jeffrey Chung
Keith William Cowhey
Megan Elizabeth Dietz
Sujain Dissanayake
Jonathan H. Do
Alfonse Doan
Jennifer Lynn Egli Cum Laude
Aline Ekizian Cum Laude
Siamak Eshaghian
Marissa Valmonte Faeldan
Joseph Peyman Fahr
Lauren N. Fleischner Cum Laude
Elaine Fok
Peter Jonathan Gabbay
Adrienne Vera Hecht
Lexi Me Her
Thúy Trân Thiên Hoàng
Ryan Joseph Hodges Magna Cum Laude
Jamie Ja-Young Hong
Mona Houshiar
Annie Hsu
Andrew Maxwell Hwang
Mita N. Jethwani
Grace Mi Jin Kim
Jung Hyuk Kim
Nuri Kim
Shanna Kyungmi Kim
Madhuri Kothapalli
Ryan M. Kriwanek
Jason C. S. Kung
Vivien Lao
Peter Joohak Lee
Yen-yo Liao
Carrie Leanne Loewen
Kristen Michelle Lowe
Duy Tri Ly
Richard Isaac Manwaring Cum Laude
Silva Megerdichian
Juan-Carlos Partida Mendoza
Julio Gerardo Moreno
Win Papa Naing
Pejman Nasibi
Melanie Ngov
Julie Chau Nguyen
Niloufar Nouri Mahdavie Magna Cum Laude
Michael Oluwamayowa Oladubu
Jenessa Zin-Mar Oo
Sharone Pazooky
Justin McClure Pfaffinger
Michelle Kelly Phillips
Tania Rebecca Pourat
Aarti Puri
Kimberly Cruz Quilao
Niloufar Nouri Mahdavie and
Farnaz Shadpour
Richard James Rauth Cum Laude
Anne Foster Reeves
Jane Alfonse Refela
Leedia Malik Riman
Stephen Thomas Rusó Cum Laude
Sam Saadat
Bahareh Safaie
Jonathan Richard Savage
Farnaz Shadpour
Adam Matthew Ito Shaffer
Sherry Shafighi
Kristi Renee Shamburg
Robert Nashaat Sharobiem
Mark Thomas Skinner
Grant Kimball Stucki
Edward F. Surger
Aldrich Anthony Ling Sy
Israel J.Trujillo
Manjusha Tummala
Delia Tuttle
Sumanpreet K. Walia
Gregory R. Werner Cum Laude
Jelson Jonathan Yalung
Sarah Aye-Swe Yang
Maria Laura Ybarra
Immediate Future Plans of DDS Class of 2009
98 Graduates Pursuing:
34 Private Practice
1 Advanced Prosthodontics Residency
2 Endodontics Residency
29 General Practice Residency
5 Oral Surgery Residency
1 Orofacial Pain Residency
13 Orthodontics Residency
9 Pediatric Dentistry Residency
3 Periodontics Residency
1 PhD Program
A Proven Track Record of Developing Lifelong Learners
Number of Students
Class Year 2003
Number of DDS Graduates Immediately Continuing Their Training
Total Number of DDS Graduates in Class
Residency/Postgraduate Training Certificate Recipients
Advanced Education
in General Dentistry - Venice
Sarah Bahar Behmanesh
Lacy Lynn Holzinger
Jerry Lau
Michael James O’Neil
Farshid Siami
Alina Tiraspolskaya
Advanced Education
in General Dentistry - Westwood
Dilshad Abtin
Tara Elizabeth Eller
Jae Lyung Hur
Sonia Jooyoung Lee
Erick Suryadi Lukman
Colby Steven Smith
Christina Louise Stahlheber
Advanced Prosthodontics
Sil Park
Valentina Redden
Jaijam Suwanwela
Maxillofacial Prosthetics
Michael Gary Lum
Rïanna Romanowski
Andrea L. Smith
Dental Anesthesiology
Andrea M. Pearson
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Wen S. Fan
Richard H. Ting
Ron C. Bell
Daniel Smart Fife
Charles Thomas Maupin
Orofacial Pain & Dysfunction
Eugene Hyunyoung Kim
Brigitte Victoria Lovell
General Practice Residency
Jane Elizabeth-Michelle Caballero
Harjot Singh Chawla
Rachel L. Hollander
Kimberly Anne Klein
Wilson Kenneth Leung
Ching Lan Lim
Hwa Sung Chae
Brett Michael Grube
Enoch Seung Chun Kim
Jeffrey Norman Nagel
Benjamin Robert Walder
Richard Benjamin Webster
Pediatric Dentistry/
Orthodontics (Combined)
Irma Pérez-Martínez
Pediatric Dentistry - Venice CHAT
Ruth Wauqua Bol
Pediatric Dentistry - Westwood
James Wing Tuc Chan
Edna Turla Concepcion
Stacey Lam
Diana Reyes
Shiny Rachel Thomas
Sarvenaz Angha
Deborah Arezu Termeie
s Ch
Bol, Jame
and Stacy
Recipents of the PhD or MS in Oral Biology
Hye Won Choi – PTH Regulation of Primary Response Gene
Expression in Osteoblasts
Mentor: Dr. Sotirios Tetradis
Jeffrey Norman Nagel – A Normative Craniofacial Skeletal
Growth Analysis and Associated Landmark Identification
Reliability Study of Mouse Strain C57BL/6 Utilizing MicroComputed Tomography and Clinical Imaging Software
Mentor: Dr. Jeanne M. Nervina
Bau-Lin Huang – Elucidating Mechanisms of Connective Tissue
Growth Factor (CTGF) Gene Expression and Function in
Skeletal Development
Mentors: Dr. Sotirios Tetradis & Dr. Karen Lyons
Irma Pérez-Martínez – Parathyroid Hormone-Induced
Expression of Chemokine GRO-α (CXCL1) in Primary
Mouse Osteoblasts
Mentor: Dr. Jeanne M. Nervina
Jaijam Suwanwela – Integrative Genomic Analysis of Cartilage
Gene Expression
Mentor: Dr. Aldons J. Lusis
Richard Rauth – M180 KI Mouse Enamel: Simply Hard
Mentors: Dr. Sotirios Tetradis & Dr. Shane White
Saba Saadat – Monocytes Protect Oral Tumors Via NFkB
Dependent and Independent Mechanisms: Potential Role
of CD16+ Monocytes
Mentor: Dr. Anahid Jewett
Ruth Alvarez – The Effects of pH on the Antimicrobial Activity
of Pomegranate Polyphenol Extract (POMx) Lozenges in a
Saliva-Derived Biofilm Model
Mentors: Dr. Renate Lux & Dr. Wenyuan Shi
Benjamin Robert Walder – NELL-1 Induces Saos-2 Cell
Mineralization Through the JNK Pathway
Mentor: Dr. Kang Ting
Kevin Heber Andrus – Fulfilling the Need for Dentist-Scientists:
A Student and Faculty Evaluation of the UCLA DDS/MS
Articulated Program
Mentor: Dr. Francesco Chiappelli
Richard Benjamin Webster – Assessing the Stability of
Different Designs of Mini-Implants After Application of
Orthodontic-Like Forces
Mentors: Dr. Jeanne M. Nervina & Dr. Won Moon
Hobie H. Arasteh – Monocytes Protect Dental Pulp Stromal
Cells from Natural Killer Cells’ Mediated Cytotoxicity: Potential
Role of CD16+ Monocytes
Mentor: Dr. Anahid Jewett
Gregory Werner – Maxillary Expander Stress Generation
Mentors: Dr. Jeanne M. Nervina & Dr. Shane White
Hwasung Chae – NELL-1 Binding Protein: Membrane Portion
Mentors: Dr. Kang Ting & Dr. Robert Chiu
Michelle Wu – Genetic Diversity in Outer Membrane Proteins
of Fusobacterium nucleatum
Mentor: Dr. Susan Kinder Haake
Insoon Chang – Synergistic Antitumor Activity by the Histone
Deacetylase (HDAC) Inhibitor and the Proteasome Inhibitor,
Bortezomib, is Mediated by Noxa and Puma
Mentor: Dr. Cun-Yu Wang
Kyle Allen Yoshiaki Yamamoto – Utilizing Micro-Computed
Tomography to Track Craniofacial Growth in Female C57BL/6 Mice
Mentor: Dr. Jeanne M. Nervina
Brett M. Grube – The Role of Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycan in
NELL-1 Binding to Osteoblasts
Mentor: Dr. Kang Ting
Enoch Seung Chun Kim – Impact of Intermittent Hypoxic
Exposure on the Early Pancreas – Role of GABAA receptors
Mentor: Dr. Eung-Kwon Pae
Drs. Irma Pérez-Martínez
and Shiny Thomas
Theodore Ko – Phenotype of ENU-Induced NELL-1in Knock
Out & Wild Type Mice
Mentor: Dr. Kang Ting
Jason Kung – Evaluating Discordant Systematic Reviews in
Clinical Dentistry
Mentor: Dr. Francesco Chiappelli
A Leader in Oral Health Research
This Year in Research
mong dental schools, the UCLA School of Dentistry Cancer" (see page 14). Dr. Wuan Ki Hong, an eminent
occupies a unique position as part of one of the clinician-scientist from MD Anderson Cancer Center,
major academic research institutions in the country. gave the keynote address, and four UCLA professors
Research is woven tightly into the fabric of our academic presented their recent work in a faculty symposium.The
culture; scholarly activities—and their impact on dental event culminated in a poster competition for the school’s
practice—have been integral to the mission of the school DDS and graduate students who are very capably
since its founding in 1964. Our goal is to transform clinical beginning their scientific careers (see table page 20).
practice and dental education around
In the spring, our students,
the globe to meet the oral health
residents and faculty members shared
challenges of the 21st Century.
their latest findings with the larger
The UCLA School of
Academic year 2008-09 was
scientific community (see page 21).
Dentistry occupies a unique
another strong year for the school’s
In April, the school had a very strong
position as part of one of the
research enterprise. Collectively, our
showing at the annual meeting of the
major academic research
faculty’s grants from the National
International/American Association
Institutes of Health and other funding
for Dental Research (I/AADR) in
institutions in the country.
agencies amounted to total
Miami Beach, Florida where both
extramural funding of nearly $13.9 million (see bar graph faculty and students showcased their research activities
page 13). Contributing to this figure were the 26 new in oral presentations and poster competitions. In May,
grants that our faculty won during the past fiscal year our students and residents tasted success again at the
(see table page 15). A total of 32 faculty served as research competitions at the annual meetings of the
principal or co-principal investigators (see list page 18). California Dental Association and the California Society
A distinctive highlight of the year was the school’s of Periodontics.
inaugural Research Day, the theme of which was “Basic
Returning our thoughts to internal developments,
and Translational Research in Oral/Head and Neck the school created two endowed professorships for
research faculty this year. In August, we announced the
Felix & Mildred Yip Endowed Professorship in Dentistry,
and in December, we saw the establishment of the Dr.
No-Hee Park Endowed Chair in Dentistry. As the first
individuals to hold these chairs, Dr. Cun-Yu Wang and I
are grateful to our school’s visionary donors, and take
seriously our charge to serve as role models for the
dentist-scientists and oral health researchers of the future.
During these challenging economic times for the
University of California, it is the hope of our
faculty engaged in research that the school’s
accomplishments in this area will serve to elevate morale
and encourage continued investigation of the causes,
treatments and prevention of oral diseases.
David Wong, DMD, DMSc
Associate Dean of Research
Park and
R Spring
Bo Yu
g at the
wan Kan
Dr. Mo K
Annual Extramural Research Funding 1998-2009
Funding Received
Fiscal Year
Inaugural Research Day
Basic and Translational Research in Oral/Head
and Neck Cancer
October 22, 2008
Keynote Address
“Personalized Targeted Chemoprevention in Head and
Neck Cancer”
Waun Ki Hong, MD, Chair
Division of Cancer Medicine, University ofTexas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston
i Hong,
Dr. Waung K
rch Day
inaugural Res ker
keynote spea
Faculty Symposium
Moderated by Anahid Jewett, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor of Oral Biology
“Saliva Detection of Oral Cancer: Scientific and
Clinical Frontiers”
David Wong, DMD, DMSc
“Proteasome: An Emerging Target for Oral
Cancer Therapy?”
Cun-Yu Wang, PhD, DDS
“The Control of Herpesvirus Reactivation”
Ren Sun, PhD, Professor of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Aasia Rehman
“Radioprotection by Bmi-1: Possible Therapeutics for
Prevention of Oral Mucositis in Cancer Patients”
Mo Kwan Kang, MS, PhD, DDS
in the lab
Poster Competition Winners
Predoctoral Category
First Place: Aasia Rehman, Mentor: Dr. Cun-Yu Wang
Second Place: Shaoying Lee, Mentors: Dr. Hongyu Deng &
Dr. Ren Sun
Third Place: Anna Kreymer, Mentor: Dr. Susan Kinder Haake
Postdoctoral Category
First Place: Eric Tang, Mentor: Dr. Cun-Yu Wang
Second Place: Akishige Hokugo, Mentor: Dr. Ichiro Nishimura
Third Place: Cristiane Mengatto, Mentor: Dr. Ichiro Nishimura
Dr. No-Hee Pa
Eric Tang and
at the poster co
New Grants 2008-09
Principal Investigator
Funding Source
Tara Aghaloo
Effects of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2
(BMP-2) and Platelet Derived Growth
Factor (PDGF) on Ectopic Bone Formation
in Rats
Tara Aghaloo
Enhancing Calvarial Bone Regeneration
Using Demineralized Bone Matrix Putty
(DBX) with Osteoinductive Factors, BMP2
and Nell-1
Transplant Foundation
Tara Aghaloo
Alveolar and Long Bone Response to
Bisphosphonates In Vitro and In Vivo
Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Foundation
James Crall
The Oral Health Baseline Needs
Assessment Project
James Crall
The Oral Health Baseline Needs
Assessment Project
James Crall
The Oral Health Baseline Needs
Assessment Project
USC-California Wellness
James Crall
The Oral Health Baseline Needs
Assessment Project
Neal Garrett
An Exploratory Study of the Quality of Life
of Denture Wearers
Shen Hu
Serum Proteome Analysis of Oral
Cancer Metastasis
$20,377 
Shen Hu
Quantitative Salivary Proteomics for Human
Oral Cancer
$19,096 
Hao-Fu Lee
Orthodontic Faculty Development
Fellowship Award
American Association
of Orthodontists
Hao-Fu Lee
Full-Time Faculty Teaching
Fellowship Program
American Association
of Orthodontists
Diana Messadi
Recruiting, Mentoring, and Empowering the
Next Generation of Academic Dentists
Optical Sensor for Photodynamic Detection
of Oral Pathology
San Francisco Maternal and Child Oral
Health “PRIME” Project
Center to Address Disparities in Children’s
Oral Health-GIFT
Nancy Reifel
Community Dental Health Coordinator
Training Program Pilot-Native American Site
American Dental
Nancy Reifel
Mono County Oral Health Project
Mono County
Igor Spigelman
Development of Peripherally-Acting
Cannabinoid 1 Receptor Ligands
Diana Messadi
Total Award
New Grants 2008-09 continued
Principal Investigator
Funding Source
Total Award
Cun-Yu Wang
NF-KB Signaling in Osteociastogenesis and
Osteolytic Bone Metastasis
Cun-Yu Wang
Immune Cytokines Promote Oral Bone
Loss Through IKK
David Wong
SPIT DX: A Universal Platform for Salivary
Biomarker Detection
David Wong
Molecular Determinants of Oral Tongue
Cancer Metastatis
David Wong
Collection, Stabilization, and Storage of Saliva NIH/NCI
Samples for Cancer Research
David Wong
Systems Approach to Sjögren’s Syndrome
Pathogenesis (SASSP)
David Wong
UCLA Dentist-Scientist & Oral
Health Scientist Training Program
Total of New Grants: $15,176,845
* Although the award period predates July 1, 2008, award funding was processed during the 2008-09 fiscal year.
Additional funding for an existing grant made possible through a successful American Recovery and Reinvestment Act competitive
supplement application.
NIH Grants by Agency 2008-09
Grants by Funding Source 2008-09
10 %
10% National Cancer Institute (NCI)
78% National Institute of Dental
& Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
3% National Institute of General Medical
Sciences (NIGMS) $343,855
6% National Institute on Drug Abuse
(NIDA) $693,037
3% National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism (NIAAA) $308,000
87% Federal $12,033,359
<1% State/Local Government $8,749
12% Foundations $1,687,038
1% Private/Industry $153,703
Publications 2008-09
Aita H, Att W, Ueno T,Yamada M, Hori N, Iwasa F,Tsukimura N, Ogawa
T. Ultraviolet light-mediated photofunctionalization of titanium to
promote human mesenchymal stem cell migration, attachment,
proliferation and differentiation. Acta Biomater 2009;5(8):3247-57.
Aita H, Hori N,Takeuchi M, Suzuki T,Yamada M, Anpo M, Ogawa T.The
effect of ultraviolet functionalization of titanium on integration with bone.
Biomaterials 2009;30(6):1015-25.
Aita H, Tsukimura N, Yamada M, Hori N, Kubo K, Sato N, Maeda H,
Kimoto K, Ogawa T. N-acetyl cysteine prevents polymethyl methacrylate
bone cement extract-induced cell death and functional suppression of
rat primary osteoblasts. J Biomed Mater Res A 2009.
Amantea CM, Kim WK, Meliton V,Tetradis S, Parhami F. Oxysterol-induced
osteogenic differentiation of marrow stromal cells is regulated by Dkk1 inhibitable and PI3-kinase mediated signaling. J Cell Biochem
Att W, Hori N, Iwasa F, Yamada M, Ueno T, Ogawa T. The effect of UVphotofunctionalization on the time-related bioactivity of titanium and
chromium-cobalt alloys. Biomaterials 2009;30(26):4268-76.
Att W, Hori N, Takeuchi M, Ouyang J, Yang Y, Anpo M, Ogawa T. Timedependent degradation of titanium osteoconductivity: an implication of
biological aging of implant materials. Biomaterials 2009;30(29):5352-63.
Att W, Takeuchi M, Suzuki T, Kubo K, Anpo M, Ogawa T. Enhanced
osteoblast function on ultraviolet light-treated zirconia. Biomaterials
Att W, Yamada M, Kojima N, Ogawa T. N-Acetyl cysteine prevents
suppression of oral fibroblast function on poly(methylmethacrylate)
resin. Acta Biomater 2009;5(1):391-8.
Att W,Yamada M, Ogawa T. Effect of titanium surface characteristics on
the behavior and function of oral fibroblasts. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
Andersen RM, Atchison KA, Hewlett ER, Grant-Mills D. The pipeline
program at Howard University College of Dentistry. J Dent Educ
2009;73(2 Suppl):S70-81; discussion S81-2.
Baer H, Coulter I. Taking stock of integrative medicine: broadening
biomedicine or co-option of complementary and alternative medicine?
Health Sociology Review, 2008 17(4):331-342.
Andersen RM, Davidson PL, Atchison KA, Crall JJ, Friedman JA, Hewlett
ER,Thind A. Summary and implications of the dental pipeline program
evaluation. J Dent Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S319-30.
Anderson MH, Shi W. 2008.Treating dental caries as an infectious disease.
Beacon.Vol. 2. p15-18.
Bauer J, Spackman S, Chiappelli F, Prolo P. The changing nature of treating
frail and functionally dependent older adults: paucity of best evidence.
In: Chiappelli F.The Science of Research Synthesis: A Manual of EvidenceBased Research for the Health Sciences – Implications and Applications
in Dentistry. Chapter 12, NovaScience Publisher, Inc. 2008, pp. 231-246.
Bauer JG, Spackman S, Edwards W. The clinical decision tree of oral
health in geriatrics. In: Weiss JW, Weiss DJ, eds. A Science of Decision
Making, the Legacy of Ward Edwards, Oxford University Press, 2009;
Arellanno-Garcia M, Hu S, Wang J, Henson B, Zhou H, Chia D, Wong D
T. Multiplexed immunobead-based assay for detection of oral cancer
protein biomarkers in saliva. Arch. Oral Biol., 2008; 14: 705-712.
Arellano M, Jiang J, Zhou X, Zhang L, Ye H, Wong DT, Hu S. Current
advances in identification of cancer biomarkers in saliva. Front Biosci
(Schol Ed) 2009;1:296-303.
Arumugaswami V, Sitapara R, Hwang S, Song MJ, Ho TN, Su NQ, Sue EY,
Kanagavel V, Xing F, Zhang X, Zhao M, Deng H, Wu TT, Kanagavel S,
Zhang L, Dandekar S, Papp J, Sun R. High-resolution functional profiling
of a gammaherpesvirus RTA locus in the context of the viral genome.
J Virol 2009;83(4):1811-22.
Atchison KA, Friedman JA, Freed JR. The pipeline program at the
University of Washington School of Dentistry. Journal of Dental
Education 2009; 73(2 Supplement):S148-S160.
Beauchamp J, Caufield PW, Crall JJ, Donly KJ, Feigal R, Gooch B, Ismail A,
Kohn W, Siegal M, Simonsen R. Evidence-based clinical recommendations
for the use of pit-and-fissure sealants: a report of the American Dental
Association Council on Scientific Affairs. Dent Clin North Am
2009;53(1):131-47, x.
Brooks MN, Wang J, Li Y, Zhang R, Elashoff D, and Wong D. Salivary
protein factors are elevated in breast cancer patients' molecular medicine
reports, 2008; 1: 375-378.
Cacalano NA, Le D, Paranjpe A, Wang MY, Fernandez A, Evazyan T, Park
NH, Jewett A. Regulation of IGFBP6 gene and protein is mediated by the
inverse expression and function of c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and
NFkappaB in a model of oral tumor cells.Apoptosis 2008;13(12):1439-49.
Atchison KA, Hewlett ER, Friedman JA, Evans CA, Bolden AJ, Hryhorczuk
C.The pipeline program at the University of Illinois at Chicago College
of Dentistry. J Dent Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S120-32; discussion S32-4.
Atchison KA,Thind A, Nakazono TT,Wong D, Gutierrez JJ, Carreon DC,
Andersen RM. Community-based clinical dental education: effects of
the pipeline program. J Dent Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S269-82.
Calhoun CC, Lu YC, Song J, Chiu R. Knockdown endogenous CypA with
siRNA in U2OS cells results in disruption of F-actin structure and alters
tumor phenotype. Mol Cell Biochem 2009;320(1-2):35-43.
Camargo PM, Lekovic V, Weinlaender M, Divnic-Resnik T, Pavlovic M,
Kenney EB. A surgical reentry study on the influence of platelet-rich
plasma in enhancing the regenerative effects of bovine porous bone
mineral and guided tissue regeneration in the treatment of intrabony
defects in humans. J Periodontol 2009;80(6):915-23.
Chandra A, Marshall GN, Shetty V, Paddock SM, Wong EC, Zatzick D,
Luo G, Yamashita DD. Barriers to seeking mental health care after
treatment for orofacial injury at a large, urban medical center:
concordance of patient and provider perspectives. J Trauma
Chang J, Wang Z, Tang E, Fan Z, McCauley L, Franceschi R, Guan K,
Krebsbach PH, Wang CY. Inhibition of osteoblastic bone formation by
nuclear factor-kappaB. Nat Med 2009;15(6):682-9.
Chiappelli F, Angeli A, Calzone F, Cajulis E, Iribarren J, Kaslow J, Liu Y,
Manfrini E, Moradi D, Neagos N, Prolo P. Insulin-like growth factor
regulation of cell proliferation. In: Columbus F, ed. Cell Cycle Control:
New Research. Nathan H. Leroy & Noah T. Fournier, Eds. Chapter 2,
NovaScience Publisher, Inc. 2008.
Chiappelli F, Cajulis O, Newman M. Comparative effectiveness research
in evidence-based dental practice. J Evid Based Dent Pract 2009 9:57-8.
Chiappelli F, Cajulis OC, Oluwadara O, Ramchandani MH. Evidence-based
decision making - implications for dental care. In: Taggart JC, ed. Dental
Care: Diagnostic, Preventive, and Restorative Services. Chapter 5,
NovaScience Publisher, Inc. 2009.
Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs
with Active Grants 2008-09
Tara Aghaloo
Kathryn Atchison
Angelo Caputo
James Crall
Hongyu Deng
Daniel Fife
Mentor: Susan Kinder Haake
Earl Freymiller
Neal Garrett
Tara Aghaloo
Melanie Gironda
Susan Kinder Haake
Shen Hu
Mo Kang
Reuben Kim
Perry Klokkevold
Haofu Lee
Karen Lefever
Renate Lux
Neal Garrett
Carl Maida
Chiappelli F, Cajulis OS.Transitioning toward evidence-based research
in the health sciences for the XXI Century. Evidence-Based
Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2008 5:123-8.
Marvin Marcus
Chiappelli F, Prolo P, Iribarren J. Alzheimer’s disease: new frontiers for the
XXI Century. In: Victor K. Olkhov and Sandra N. Rayburn, eds. Advances
in Psychology Research, Progress in Alzheimer’s Disease Research.
Chapter 2, Nova Science Publisher, 2008.
Francisco Ramos-Gomez
Diana Messadi
Viswanathan Palanisamy
Chiappelli F, Shapshak P, Commins D, Singer E, Kangueane P, Minagar A,
Oluwadara O, Prolo P, Pellionisz AJ. Molecular epigenetics, chromatin,
and neuroAIDS/HIV: immunopathological implications. Bioinformation
2008, 3:47-52.
Chiappelli F. The science of research synthesis: a manual of evidencebased research for the health sciences - implications and applications in
dentistry. NovaScience Publisher, Inc., 2008,1-327.
Nancy Reifel
Vivek Shetty
Wenyuan Shi
Carl Maida
Igor Spigelman
Sotirios Tetradis
Kang Ting
Cun-Yu Wang
David Wong
Ting-Ting Wu
Chow A, Lee HF,Trahar M, Kawamoto H,Vastardis H,Ting K. Cephalometric
evaluation of the craniofacial complex in patients treated with an intraoral
distraction osteogenesis device: a long-term study. Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2008;134(6):724-31.
Shen Hu
Publications continued
Coppe JP, Boysen M, Sun CH, Wong BJ, Kang MK, Park NH, Desperz PY,
Campisi J, Krtolica A. A role for fibroblasts in mediating the effects of
tobacco-induced epithelial cell growth and invasion. Mol Cancer Res.,
2008 6:1085-1098.
El-Ghareeb M, Moy PK, Aghaloo TL. The single-tooth dental implant:
practical guidelines for hard tissue augmentation. J Calif Dent Assoc
Coulter I, Hilton L, Ryan G, Ellison M, Rhodes H. Trials and tribulations
on the road to implementing integrative medicine in a hospital setting.
Health Sociology Review, 2008; 17(4):368-385.
Fan Z, Du J, Liu H, Zhang H, Dlugosz AA,Wang CY, Fan M, Shen Y,Wang
S. A susceptibility locus on 1p32-1p34 for congenital macrostomia in a
Chinese family and identification of a novel PTCH2 mutation. Am J Med
Genet A 2009;149A(3):521-4.
Coulter ID, Khorsan R. Is health services research the Holy Grail of
complementary and alternative medicine research? Altern Ther Health
Med 2008;14(4):40-5.
Fan Z, Yamaza T, Lee JS, Yu J, Wang S, Fan G, Shi S, Wang CY. BCOR
regulates mesenchymal stem cell function by epigenetic mechanisms.
Nat Cell Biol 2009;11(8):1002-9.
Coulter ID, Khorsan R.Through the rear view mirror: a content evaluation
of the journal of Chiropractic & Osteopathy for the years 2005-2008.
Chiropr Osteopat 2008;16:14.
Felsenfeld AL. Beyond the tooth. J Calif Dent Assoc 2008;36(10):721-2.
Coulter ID, Walsh JP. Randomized controlled trials as evidence in legal
disputes about the benefit of CAM. Alternative Therapies Health Med.
2008; 14(2):60-64.
Crall JJ, Davidson PL, Nakazono TT, Gutierrez JJ, Bai J, Andersen RM.
Involvement in health policy regarding oral health and dental education:
effects of the pipeline program. J Dent Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S308-18.
Crall JJ, Friedman JA, Atchison KA, Goodacre CJ. The pipeline program
at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. J Dent Educ 2009;73(2
Felsenfeld AL. The business of dentistry. J Calif Dent Assoc
Felsenfeld AL. This is America…get in the game. J Calif Dent Assoc
Felsenfeld AL. Yet another test? J Calif Dent Assoc 2009;37(1):5-6.
Foschi FG, Lanzi A, Emiliani F, Quercia O, Chiappelli F, Cajulis KD, Stefanini
GF.Alternative and complementary medicine for treatment and diagnosis
of allergic diseases: relevance to translational evidence-based clinical
decisions. In: Chiappelli F. The Science of Research Synthesis: A Manual
of Evidence-Based Research for the Health Sciences – Implications and
Applications in Dentistry. Chapter 14, NovaScience Publisher, Inc. 2008.
Crall JJ, Hewlett ER, Friedman JA, Mascarenhas AK, Freilich S, Henshaw
M, Jones JA, Mann M, Frankl S. The pipeline program at Boston
University Goldman School of Dental Medicine. J Dent Educ 2009;73(2
Suppl):S58-68; discussion S68-9.
Freudenberger S, Santos Díaz M, Bravo, JM, Sedano HO. Intraoral findings
and other developmental conditions in Mexican neonates. J Dent Child
(Chic). 2008;75:280-6.
Crall JJ. Coverage and reimbursement for salivary diagnostic tests. In:
Wong DT, ed. Salivary Diagnostics, Wiley-Blackwell, 2008, pp. 255-262.
Friedman JA, Hewlett ER, Atchison KA. The pipeline program at West
Virginia University School of Dentistry. Journal of Dental Education 2009;
73(2 Supplement):S161-S174.
Cruz MA, Stevenson RG, 3rd. Academy of operative dentistry award of
excellence. Dr. Warren K. Johnson. Oper Dent 2009;34(2):238.
Culjat MO, Choi M, Singh R, Grundfest WS, Brown ER, White SN.
Ultrasound detection of dental implants through soft tissue. J Prosthet
Dent 2008;99:218-24.
Deshpande AM, Dai YS, Kim Y, Kim J, Kimlin L, Gao K,Wong,D T. Cdk2ap1
is required for epigenetic silencing of Oct4 during murine embryonic
stem cell differentiation. J Biol Chem, 2009; 284: 6043-6047.
Fritts M, Crawford CC, Quibell D, Gupta A, Jonas WB, Coulter I, Andrade
SA.Traditional Indian medicine and homeopathy for HIV/AIDS: a review
of the literature. AIDS Research and Therapy 2008, 5:25.
Gao K, Zhou H, Zhang L, Lee JW, Zhou Q, Hu S, Wolinsky LE, Farrell J,
Eibl G, Wong DT. Systemic disease-induced salivary biomarker profiles
in mouse models of melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS
One 2009;4(6):e5875.
Giannobile WV, Beikler T, Kinney JS, Ramseier CA, Morelli T, Wong DT.
Saliva as a diagnostic tool for periodontal disease: current state and
future directions. Periodontol 2000 2009;50:52-64.
Di Bartolo DL, Hyjek E, Keller S, Guasparri I, Deng H, Sun R, Chadburn
A, Knowles DM, Cesarman E. Role of defective Oct-2 and OCA-B
expression in immunoglobulin production and KSHV lytic reactivation
in primary effusion lymphoma. Journal of Virology 2009; 83: 4308-15.
Gift HC, Andersen RM, Davidson PL,Thind A,Yamamoto JM, Maida CA,
Marcus M. The pipeline program at the University of California, Los
Angeles, School of Dentistry. J Dent Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S186-97.
Díaz-Cintra S, Xue B, Spigelman I, Van K, Wong AM, Obenaus A, Ribak
CE. Dentate granule cells form hilar basal dendrites in a rat model of
hypoxia-ischemia. Brain Res 2009;1285:182-7.
Participants in the NIH/NIDCR T32 Training Program 2008-09
Thawinee “Nini” Chaichanasakul
Sotirios Tetradis
Jeff Kim
David Wong
Anna Kreymer
Susan Kinder Haake
Shebli Mehrazarin
Mo Kang & No-Hee Park
David Bae
Cun-Yu Wang
Romie Littrell
Ben Wu
Ian McHardy
Wenyuan Shi
Prasanna Ramchandran
Joseph Loo
Ron Siu
Kang Ting & Ben Wu
Chris Kaplan
Postdoctoral Fellow
Wenyuan Shi
Yu-Haing “Leo” Lee
Postdoctoral Fellow
David Wong
Saipiroon “Fon” Maksaeekkul
Postdoctoral Fellow
David Wong
Christopher Ryan
Postdoctoral Fellow
Julian Whitelegg
Linda Soo Hoo
Postdoctoral Fellow
David Wong
Eric Tang
Postdoctoral Fellow
Cun-Yu Wang
Gironda MW, Der-Martirosian C, Belin TR, Black EE, Atchison KA.
Predictors of depressive symptoms following mandibular fracture repair.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009; 67(2):328-34.
He X, Wu C, Yarbrough Y, Sim L, Niu G, Merrit J, Shi W, Qi F. The cia
operon of Streptococcus mutans encodes a unique component required
for calcium-mediated autoregulation. Mol Microbiol 2008;Vol. 70, p112-126.
Gong D, Qi J, Arumugaswami V, Sun R, Deng H. Identification and
functional characterization of the left origin of lytic replication of
murine gammaherpesvirus-68. Virology 2009; 387: 285-295.
Hersh EV, Moore PA, Papas AS, Goodson JM, Navalta LA, Rogy S,
Rutherford B,Yagiela JA, and the Soft Tissue Anesthesia Recovery Group.
Reversal of soft tissue local anesthesia with phentolamine mesylate in
adolescents and adults. J Am Dent Assoc 2008(8);139:1080-93.
Gu F, Li Y, Zhou C, Wong DT, Ho CM, Qi F, and Shi W. 2009. Bacterial
16S rRNA/rDNA profiling in the liquid phase of human saliva. Open
Dent. J. Vol. 3, p80-84.
He J,Anderson MH, Shi W, Eckert R. Design and activity of a ‘dual-targeted’
antimicrobial peptide. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2009;33(6):532-7.
He X, Wu C, Yarbrough D, Sim L, Niu G, Merritt J, Shi W, Qi F. The cia
operon of Streptococcus mutans encodes a unique component required
for calcium-mediated autoregulation. Mol Microbiol 2008;70(1):112-26.
He J, Eckert R, Anderson MH, and Shi W. Design and activity of a “dualtargeted” antimicrobial peptide. International Journal of Antimicrobial
Agents 2009;Vol. 33, p532-537.
Hewlett ER,Andersen RM,Atchison KA, Strauss RP. The pipeline program
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry.
J Dent Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S135-45; discussion S45-7.
Hewlett ER, Andersen RM, Atchison KA, Bird W.The pipeline program
at the University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry. J Dent
Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S199-209.
Hewlett ER, Davidson PL, Nakazono TT, Carreon DC, Gutierrez JJ, Afifi
A. Revisions to dental school curricula: effects of the pipeline program.
J Dent Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S259-68.
Hori N, Att W, Ueno T, Sato N,Yamada M, Saruwatari L, Suzuki T, Ogawa
T. Age-dependent degradation of the protein adsorption capacity of
titanium. J Dent Res 2009;88(7):663-7.
He X, Shi W. Oral Microbiology: Past, present and future. International
Journal of Oral Science 2009; Vol. 1, p47-58.
Award-Winning Researchers
Prior to the American/International Association
for Dental Research conference in April, the dental
school received word that Anna Kreymer (MS in oral
biology ’08), a first-year student in the combined DDSPhD program, and third-year predoctoral student
Deema Saad had won AADR Bloc travel grants
enabling them to present their research.
In Miami, Cristiane Mengatto, a former visiting
scholar in the Weintraub Center (2008), received the
First Place Arthur Frechette Award for her work in
the biological sciences and tissue engineering. Shebli
Merhazarin, a first-year DDS/PhD student, won the
First Place Jonathan Ship Award for the best poster
presentation in geriatric oral health research. Bo Yu,
who is enrolled in his second year of predoctoral
study and is also working toward a PhD, took First
Place in the junior category of the AADR/Johnson &
Johnson Oral Health Products Hatton Awards
Competition. Bo also earned Second Place in the
prestigious IADR/Unilever Hatton Competition. Dr.
Cun-Yu Wang received the Distinguished Scientist
Award in the field of Oral Medicine and Pathology
Research. In addition, one of his research publications
earned the William J. Gies Award for Biological
Research. Dr. Mo Kwan Kang was honored with the
prestigious Young Investigator Award.
UCLA made a big impact at the California Dental
Association meeting in Anaheim in May 2009: three
Bruins tied for First Place in the student research
competition. Congratulations are due to Jelson Yalung
and his mentor, Dr. Ichiro Nishimura, as well as to the
team of Deema Saad and Rana Mehr and their mentor,
Dr. Shane White. In addition, Chanel McCreedy and
Lindsay Costantino took Second Place in the
community category for their poster on the Basic
Dental Principles Teaching Apprenticeship Program.
Shebli Merhaz
a Mehr
Deema Saad & Ran
Three residents from the postgraduate program
in periodontics won awards from the California
Society of Periodontics in May. Deborah Termeie
won the Outstanding Periodontal Graduate Student
Research in Implantology Award for 2009. Evelyn
Huaman won the 2009 Robert L. Merin Student
Leadership Award. Sarvenaz Angha was a finalist in
the same award (which is named for a UCLA School
of Dentistry alumnus). Sarvenaz won the 2009
Outstanding Periodontal Graduate Student Research
in Chemotherapy Award.
Publications continued
Hori N, Kimoto K, Kubo K, Suzuki T, Yamada M, Ogawa T. Timedependent degradation of protein absorption and cell attachment
capacities of titanium. J Jpn Soc Oral Implant 2009;22(9):97-105.
Kelly J, Lin A,Wang CJ, Park S, Nishimura I.Vitamin D and bone physiology:
demonstration of vitamin D deficiency in an implant osseointegration
rat model. J Prosthodont 2009;18(6):473-8.
Hsu CC, Chung HY, Hagerman EM, Shi W, Yang JM, Wu B. Effects of
hardness and elastic modulus for DSS-8 peptide treatment on
remineralization of human dental tissues. Mate. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.
2009;Vol. 1132, 1132-Z09-05.
Kenney MK, Kogan MD, Crall JJ. Parental perceptions of dental/oral health
among children with and without special health care needs. Ambul
Pediatr 2008;8(5):312-20.
Hu K, Li SL, Gan YH, Wang CY, Yu GY. Epiregulin promotes migration
and invasion of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma cell line SACC-83
through activation of ERK and Akt. Oral Oncol 2009;45(2):156-63.
Kim RH, Kim R, Chen W, Hu S, Shin KH, Park NH, Kang MK. Association
of hsp90 to the hTERT promoter is necessary for hTERT expression
in human oral cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 2008;29(12):2425-31.
Kim RH,Yochim JM, Kang MK, Shin KH, Christensen R, Park N-H. HIV-1
Tat enhances replicative potential of human oral keratinocytes harboring
HPV-16 genome. Int J Oncol. 2008 Oct;33(4):777-82.
Hu S, Arellano M, Boontheung P, Wang J, Zhou H, Jiang J, Elashoff D, Wei
R, Loo JA, Wong DT. Salivary proteomics for oral cancer biomarker
discovery. Clin Cancer Res 2008;14(19):6246-52.
Kim WK, Meliton V, Park KW, Hong C, Tontonoz P, Niewiadomski P,
Waschek JA, Tetradis S, Parhami F. Negative regulation of hedgehog
signaling by liver X receptors. Mol Endocrinol 2009;23(10):1532-43.
Hu S, Zhou M, Jiang J, Wang J, Elashoff D, Gorr S, Michie SA, Spijkervet
FK, Bootsma H, Kallenberg CG,Vissink A, Horvath S,Wong DT. Systems
biology analysis of Sjögren’s syndrome and mucosa-associated lymphoid
tissue lymphoma in parotid glands. Arthritis Rheum 2009;60(1):81-92.
Jain NK, Ishikawa TO, Spigelman I, Herschman HR. COX-2 expression
and function in the hyperalgesic response to paw inflammation in mice.
Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2008;79(6):183-90.
Jewett A,Teruel A, Romero M, Head C, Cacalano N. Rapid and potent
induction of cell death and loss of NK cell cytotoxicity against oral
tumors by F(ab’)2 fragment of anti-CD16 antibody. Cancer Immunol
Immunother 2008;57(7):1053-66.
Kim Y, McBride J, Kimlin L, Pae EK, Deshpande A, Wong DT. Targeted
inactivation of p12, CDK2 associating protein1 leads to early embryonic
lethality. PLoS One 2009;4(2):e4518.
Kim Y, Deshpande A, Dai Y, Kim JJ, Lindgren A, Conway A, Clark A, Wong
DT. Cyclin-dependent kinase 2-associating protein 1 commits murine
embryonic stem cell differentiation through retinoblastoma protein
regulation (2009). J Biol Chem 2009; 284:23405–23414.
Kimoto K, Kimoto K, Suzuki T, Ohno M, Ogawa T. Nano-structuremediated functionalization of titanium: effects of nanonodular structuring
on protein adsorption and cell attachment capacities. Jpn J Oral Implant,
22: 21-27, 2009.
Jiang J, Park NJ, Hu S, Wong DT. A universal pre-analytic solution for
concurrent stabilization of salivary proteins, RNA and DNA at ambient
temperature. Arch Oral Biol 2009;54(3):268-73.
Kitamura Y, MatsukaY, Spigelman I, Ishihara Y,Yamamoto Y, Sonoyama W,
Kuboki T, Oguma K. Botulinum toxin type a (150 kDa) decreases
exaggerated neurotransmitter release from trigeminal ganglion neurons
and relieves neuropathy behaviors induced by infraorbital nerve
constriction. Neuroscience 2009;159(4):1422-9.
Kamyab S, Uijtdehaage S, Gordon C, Ross KP. Cardiovascular simulation
cases for dental students. MedEdPORTAL Jan 2009.
Kang X, Chen W, Kim RH, Kang M, Park N-H. Regulation of the hTERT
promoter activity by MSH2, the hnRNPs K and D, and GRHL2 in human
oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Oncogene 2009;28(4):565-74.
Kojima N, Yamada, M, Paranjpe A, Tsukimura N, Kubo K, Jewett A, and
Ogawa T. Restored viability and function of dental pulp cells on poly
emthylmethacrylate (PMMA)-based dental resin supplemented with
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). Dent. Mater. 2008 Dec;24(12):1686-93.
Kang JKR, Choi JH, Merrill RL, Kim ST. Application of ICHD-II criteria for
headaches in a TMJ and orofacial pain clinic. Cephalalgia, 2009.
Kangueane P, Kayathri R, Kishore Sakharkar M, Flower DR, Sadler K,
Chiappelli F, Segal DM, Shapshak P. Designing HIV Gp120 peptide
vaccines: rhetoric or reality for neuroAids. In: K. Goodkin, P Shapshak &
Verma A, Eds. The Spectrum of Neuro-AIDS Disorders: Pathophysiology,
Diagnosis, and Treatment, Chapter 9, ASM Press, 2008.
Kubo K, Att W, Yamada M, Ohmi K, Tsukimura N, Suzuki T, Maeda H,
Ogawa T. Microtopography of titanium suppresses osteoblastic
differentiation but enhances chondroblastic differentiation of rat femoral
periosteum-derived cells. J Biomed Mater Res A 2008;87(2):380-91.
Kubo K,Tsukimura N, Iwasa F, Ueno T, Saruwatari L, Aita H, Chiou WA,
Ogawa T. Cellular behavior on TiO2 nanonodular structures in a microto-nanoscale hierarchy model. Biomaterials 2009;30(29):5319-29.
Kaplan CW, Lux R, Haake SK, Shi W.The Fusobacterium nucleatum outer
membrane protein RadD is an arginine-inhibitable adhesin required for
inter-species adherence and the structured architecture of multispecies
biofilm. Mol Microbiol 2009;71(1):35-47.
Publications continued
Minagar A, Commins D, Alexander SJ, Hoque R, Chiappelli F, Singer EJ,
Nikbin B, Shapshak P. NeuroAIDS characteristics and diagnosis. Mol Diag
Ther 2008 12:25-43.
Lanktree CB, Gilbert AM, Briere J,Taylor N, Chen K, Maida CA, Saltzman
WR. Multi-informant assessment of maltreated children: convergent and
discriminant validity of the TSCC and TSCYC. Child Abuse Negl
Moldovan SM, Nervina JM,Tetradis S, Camargo PM. Regulation of Nur77
gene expression by prostanoids in cementoblastic cells. Arch Oral Biol
Laviola M, McGavin SK, Freer GA, Plancich, G,Woodbury SC, Marinkovich
S, Morrison R, Reader A, Rutherford RB, Yagiela JA. Randomized study
of phentolamine mesylate for reversal of local anesthesia. J Dent Res
Lee S, Deng H, Yu F, Melega WP, Damoiseaux R, Bradley KA, Sun R.
Regulation of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus reactivation by
dopamine receptor-mediated signaling pathways. J Acquir Immune Defic
Syndr 2008;48(5):531-40.
Liang J, Spigelman I, Olsen RW. Tolerance to sedative/hypnotic actions
of GABAergic drugs correlates with tolerance to potentiation of
extrasynaptic tonic currents of alcohol-dependent rats. J Neurophysiol
Moore PA, Hersh EV, Papas AS, Goodson JM, Yagiela JA, Rutherford B,
Rogy S, Navalta LA. Pharmacokinetics of lidocaine with epinephrine
following local anesthesia reversal with phentolamine mesylate. Anesth
Prog 2008 Summer;55(2):40-8.
Murphy DA, Shetty V, Resell J, Zigler C,Yamashita DD. Substance use in
vulnerable patients with orofacial injury: prevalence, correlates, and
unmet service needs. J Trauma. 2009 Feb;66(2):477-84.
Ng MW, Glassman P, Crall J. The impact of Title VII on general and
pediatric dental education and training. Acad Med 2008;83(11):1039-48.
Liao HI, Olson CA, Hwang S, Deng H, Wong E, Baric RS, Roberts RW,
Sun R. mRNA display design of fibronectin-based intrabodies that detect
and inhibit severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid
protein. J Biol Chem 2009;284(26):17512-20.
Liu PF, Haake SK, Gallo RL, Huang CM. A novel vaccine targeting
Fusobacterium nucleatum against abscesses and halitosis. Vaccine 2009;
Lum MG, Shah KC. A multidisciplinary approach to treatment planning
the single-implant restoration: interdisciplinary coordination. J Calif Dent
Assoc 2008;36(11):837-48.
Magyar CE, Aghaloo TL, Atti E,Tetradis S. Ostene, a new alkylene oxide
copolymer bone hemostatic material, does not inhibit bone healing.
Neurosurgery 2008;63(4 Suppl 2):373-8.
Maida CA. Pathways Through Crisis: Urban Risk and Public Culture.
AltaMira Press, Lanham, MD, 2008.
Nguyen T, Zhang Z, Huang IH,Wu C, Merritt J, Shi W, Qi, F. 2009. Genes
involved in the repression of mutacin I production in Streptococcus
mutans. Microbiology. Vol. 155, p551-556.
Ogawa T, Suzuki T, Att W, Hori N, Iwasa F, Ueno T, Kubo K, Maeda H. UV
treatment overcomes time-related degrading bioactivity of titanium.
tissue Eng Part A 2009.
Oluwadara OO, Chiappelli F. Biomarkers for early detection of high risk
cancers: from gliomas to nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Bioinformation
2009 3:332-9.
Pae EK, Quas C, Quas J, Garrett N. Can facial type be used to predict
changes in hyoid bone position with age? A perspective based on
longitudinal data. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;134(6):792-7.
Palanisamy,V, Park, N J,Wang, J, and Wong, D T. AUF1 and HuR proteins
stabilize interleukin-8 mRNA in human saliva. J Dent Res, 2008; 87:
Palsdottir H, Remis JP, Schaudinn C, O’Toole E, Lux R, Shi W, McDonald
KL, Costerton JW, Auer M. Three-dimensional macromolecular
organization of cryofixed Myxococcus xanthus biofilms as revealed by
electron microscopic tomography. J Bacteriol 2009;191(7):2077-82.
Marchack BW, Futatsuki Y, Marchack CB, White SN. Customization of
milled zirconia copings for all-ceramic crowns: a clinical report. J Prosthet
Dent 2008;99:169-73.
Matsuka Y, Ono T, Iwase H, Mitrirattanakul S, Omoto KS, Cho T, Lam YYN,
Snyder B, Spigelman I. Altered ATP release and metabolism in dorsal
root ganglia of neuropathic rats. Mol Pain 2008;4:66.
Paranjpe A, Sung EC, Cacalano NA, Hume WR, Jewett A. N-acetyl
cysteine protects pulp cells from resin toxins in vivo. J Dent Res
Melnick PR, and Camargo PM. Alveolar bone preservation following
tooth extraction in the esthetic zone. In: Paul A. Fugazzotto, ed. Implant
and Regenerative Therapy in Dentistry. Wiley-Blackwell, 1st ed., 2009,
pp. 272-293.
Paranjpe A, Cacalano NA, Hume WR, Jewett A. Mechanisms of N-acetyl
cysteine-mediated protection from 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate-induced
apoptosis. J Endod 2008;34(10):1191-7.
Messadi D, Le A, Mirowski GW, Sedano H. Biology and pathology of
the oral mucosa. In: Taylor and Kelly, eds. Dermatology For Skin Of
Color. McGraw-Hill,1st edition, 2009.
Paranjpe A, Cacalano NA, Hume WR, Jewett A. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
mediates protection from 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) induced
apoptosis via NFkappaB dependent and independent pathways: Potential
involvement of JNK.Toxicol Sci. 2009 Apr;108(2):356-66.
Pirih FQ, Abayahoudian R, Elashoff D, Parhami F, Nervina JM, Tetradis S.
Nuclear receptor profile in calvarial bone cells undergoing osteogenic
versus adipogenic differentiation. J Cell Biochem 2008;105(5):1316-26.
Shah KC, Lum MG. Treatment planning for the single-tooth implant
restoration - general considerations and the pretreatment evaluation. J
Calif Dent Assoc 2008;36(11):827-34.
Quinonez R, Crall JJ. Caries-risk assessment in early childhood. In: Berg
JH, Slayton RL, eds. Early Childhood Oral Health, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009,
pp. 170-197.
Shapshak P, Chiappelli F, Commins D, Singer E, Levine AJ, Kangueane P,
Somboonwit C, Minagar A, Pellionisz AJ. Molecular epigenetics, chromatin,
and neuroAIDS/HIV - translational implications. Bioinformation 2008,
Ramchand R, Marshall GN, SchellTL, Jaycox LH, Hambarsoomians K, Shetty
V, Hinika GS, Cryer HG, Meade P, Belzberg H. Alcohol abuse and illegal
drug use among Los Angeles County trauma patients: prevalence and
evaluation of single item screener. J Trauma. 2009 May;66(5):1461-7.
Shapshak P, Rodriguez HE, Kayathri R, Levine A, Chiappelli F, Minagar A.
Alzheimer’s disease and HIV associated dementia related genes: location
and function. Bioinformation. 2008, 2:348-57.
Shapshak P, Somboonwit C, Drumright LN, Frost SSDW Commins D,
Tellinghuisen TL, Scott WK, Duncan R, McCoy C, Page JB, Giunta B,
Fernandez F, Singer E, Levine A, Minagar A, Oluwadara O, Kotila T,
Chiappelli F, Sinnott JT. Molecular and contextual markers of hepatitis
C virus and drug use. Mol Diag Ther 2009 13:153-79.
Ramos-Gomez FJ. Latinos and access to dental care: an urgent case for
diversity. Global Health Nexus 2008 Winter.
Reeves II JL, Merrill RL. The complex orofacial pain patient: a case for
collaboration between the orofacial pain dentist and the clinical health
psychologist. In: Kessler R and Stafford D, eds. Collaborative Medicine
Case Studies: Evidence in Practice. Chapter 19, Springer, 2008.
Shetty V, Atchison K, Leathers R, Black E, Zigler C, Belin TR. Do the
benefits of rigid internal fixation of mandible fractures justify the added
costs? Results from a randomized controlled trial. J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
2008 Nov;66(11):2203-12.
Rehman AO,Wang CY. SDF-1alpha promotes invasion of head and neck
squamous cell carcinoma by activating NF-kappaB. J Biol Chem
Shetty V, Murphy DA, Zigler C, Resell J,Yamashita DD. Accuracy of data
collected by surgical residents. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008;66(7):1335-42.
Roumanas ED. The social solution-denture esthetics, phonetics, and
function. J Prosthodont 2009;18(2):112-5.
Shim J, Nakamura H, Ogawa T, Gupta V. An understanding of the
mechanism that promotes adhesion between roughened titanium
implants and mineralized tissue. J Biomech Eng 2009;131(5):054503.
Salhani D, Coulter ID. The politics of interprofessional working and
the struggle for professional autonomy in nursing. Social Science and
Medicine. 2009:1221-1228.
Schoenbaum TR. Establishing your practice in cyberspace: getting started.
Dent Today 2008;27(7):150-1.
Schoenbaum TR. Getting your practice into cyberspace: real world
dentistry meets the virtual world, part 2: creating your website. Dent
Today 2008;27(11):150, 52-3.
Shin KH, Kang MK, Park NH. Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
G, nitric oxide, and oral carcinogenesis. Nitric Oxide 2008;19(2):125-32.
Shin KH, Kim RH, Kang MK, Park NH. HnRNP G elicits tumor-suppressive
activity in part by upregulating the expression of Txnip. Biochem Biophys
Res Commun 2008;372(4):880-5.
Singh RS, Culjat MO, Brown ER, Grundfest WS, White SN. Tissue
mimicking materials for dental ultrasound. Journal of Acoustic Society
of America, 2008;123: EL39-44.
Schoenbaum TR. Getting your practice into cyberspace: real world of
dentistry meets the virtual world. Dent Today 2009;28(3):134-5.
Schoenbaum TR. Real world of dentistry meets the virtual world, part
4: advanced techniques. Dent Today 2009;28(6):96-7.
Sedano H. Genetics and syndromes for dental hygienists. In: Phelan JA,
Ed. Oral Pathology for Dental Hygienists, 5th edition. Saunders Co.
(Elsevier) 2009.
Sedano H, Messadi DV, et al. Biology and pathology of the oral mucosa.
In: Kelly AP & Taylor SC, eds. Dermatology for Skin of Color. McGraw
Hill, New York, 2009.
Sedano HO, Ocampo-Acosta F, Naranjo-Corona RI, Torres-Arellano
ME. Multiple dens invaginatus, mulberry molar and conical teeth: case
report and genetic considerations. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal.
Sitko JC, Yeh B, Kim M, Zhou H, Takaesu G, Yoshimura A, McBride WH,
Jewett A, Jamieson CA, Cacalano NA. SOCS3 regulates p21 expression
and cell cycle arrest in response to DNA damage. Cell Signal
Sondej M, Denny PA, Xie Y, Ramachandran P, Si Y, Takashima J, Shi W,
Wong DT, Loo JA, Denny P. Glycoprofiling of the human salivary
proteome. Clinical Proteomics, 2009; 5: 52-68.
Southward LH, Robertson A, Edelstein BL, Hanna H, Wells-Parker E,
Baggett DH, Eklund NP, Crall JJ, Silberman SL, Parrish DR. Oral health of
young children in Mississippi Delta child care centers: a second look at
early childhood caries risk assessment. J Public Health Dent
Publications continued
Waage NS, Baker S, Sedano HO. Pediatric conditions associated with
compromised airway: part I−congenital. Pediatric Dentistry 2009;31:117-28.
Srivastava A, Wang J, Zhou H, Melvin JE, and Wong DT. Age and gender
related differences in human parotid gland gene expression. Arch Oral
Biol, 2008; 53: 1058-1070.
Sung EC, Chung EM. Dental treatment for the transplant patient. In:
Barry Briskman, ed. A True Story, Dancing with Angels, a Transplant
Odyssey. Follow Your Dreams Publications, California, 2008.
Wang CJ, Iida K, Egusa H, Hokugo A, Jewett A, Nishimura I. Trabecular
bone deterioration in col9a1+/- mice associated with enlarged
osteoclasts adhered to collagen IX-deficient bone. J Bone Miner Res.
2008, Jun 23 (6): 837-49.
Wang Q, Zheng JY, Kreth J,Yan X, Kamata M, Campbell RA, Xie Y, Chiu
R, Berenson JR, Shi W, Chen IS, Pang S. Regulation of prostate-specific
antigen expression by the junctional adhesion molecule A. Urology
Tan W, Sabet L, Li Y, Yu T, Klokkevold PR, Wong DT, Ho CM. Optical
protein sensor for detecting cancer markers in saliva. Biosens Bioelectron
Tang ED, Wang CY. MAVS self-association mediates antiviral innate
immune signaling. J Virol 2009;83(8):3420-8.
Wei F, Liao W, Xu Z, Yang Y, Wong DT, Ho CM. Bio/abiotic interface
constructed from nanoscale DNA dendrimer and conducting polymer
for ultrasensitive biomolecular diagnosis. Small 2009;5(15):1784-90.
Tavares M, Goodson JM, Studen-Pavlovich D, Yagiela JA, Navalta LA
Rogy S, Rutherford B, Gordon S, Papas AS, and the Soft Tissue Anesthesia
Recovery Group. Reversal of soft tissue local anesthesia with
phentolamine mesylate in pediatric patients. J Am Dent Assoc
Wei F, Patel P, Liao W, Chaudhry K, Zhang L, Arellano-Garcia M, Hu S,
Elashoff D, Zhou H, Shukla S, Shah F, Ho CM,Wong DT. Electrochemical
sensor for multiplex biomarkers detection. Clin Cancer Res
Thakor DK, Lin A, MatsukaY, Meyer EM, Ruangsri S, Nishimura I, Spigelman
I. Increased peripheral nerve excitability and local NaV1.8 mRNA upregulation in painful neuropathy. Mol Pain 2009;5:14.
Thind A, Atchison KA, Andersen RM, Nakazono TT, Gutierrez JJ.
Reforming dental education: faculty members’ perceptions on the
continuation of pipeline program changes. Journal of Dental Education,
2008; 72(12)1472-80.
Thind A, Atchison KA, Nakazono TT, Gutierrez JJ, Carreon DC, Bai J.
Sustainability of dental school recruitment, curriculum, and communitybased pipeline initiatives. Journal of Dental Education 2009; 73(2
Thind A, Hewlett ER, Andersen RA.The pipeline program at The Ohio
State University College of Dentistry: oral health improvement through
outreach (OHIO) project. J Dent Educ 2009;73(2 Suppl):S96-106;
discussion S06-7.
Tong H, Chen W, Shi W, Qi F, Dong X. SO-LAAO, a novel L-amino acid
oxidase that enables Streptococcus oligofermentans to outcompete
Streptococcus mutans by generating H2O2 from peptone. J Bacteriol
Tsukimura N, Yamada M, Aita H, Hori N, Yoshino F, Chang-Il Lee M,
Kimoto K, Jewett A, Ogawa T. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)-mediated
detoxification and functionalization of poly(methyl methacrylate) bone
cement. Biomaterials 2009;30(20):3378-89.
Venkatachalam B, Goldstein GR, Pines MS, Hittelman EL. Ceramic pressed
to metal versus feldspathic porcelain fused to metal: a comparative study
of bond strength. Int J Prosthodont 2009;22(1):94-100.
Wilder-Smith P, Lee K, Guo S, Zhang J, Osann K, Chen Z, Messadi D. In
vivo diagnosis of oral dysplasia and malignancy using optical coherence
tomography: preliminary studies in 50 patients. Lasers Surg Med
Wu TT, Park T, Kim H,Tran T,Tong L, Martinez-Guzman D, Reyes N, Deng
H, Sun R. ORF30 and ORF34 are essential for expression of late genes
in murine gammaherpesvirus 68. Journal of Virology 2009; 83:2265-73.
Yagiela JA. The pediatric patient and nitrous oxide. Dimensions Dent
Hygiene 2008;6(7):20-2.
Yamada M, Kojima N, Att W, Hori N, Suzuki T, Ogawa T. N-Acetyl
cysteine restores viability and function of rat odontoblast-like cells
impaired by polymethylmethacrylate dental resin extract. Redox Rep
Yamada M, Ogawa T. Chemodynamics underlying N-acetyl cysteinemediated bone cement monomer detoxification. Acta Biomater
Yamada M, Ueno T, Hori N, Kimoto K, Ogawa T. Cell biological
consideration of the mechanism underlying polymethyl methacrylate
(PMMA) dental resin cytotoxicity in oral mucosal cells. J Jpn Prosthodont
Soc. 2009;1(7):123-129.
Yamada M, Kojima N, Paranjpe A, Att W, Aita H, Jewett A, Ogawa T.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)-assisted detoxification of PMMA resin. J Dent
Res. 2008 Apr;87(4):372-377.
Yamaguchi M,Tahara Y, Kosaka S, Shetty V. Synthesis of a glucose oxidasecortisol conjugate used for electrochemical biosensor for cortisol analysis.
Proceedings of International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2008.
Yamaza T, Miura Y, Bi Y, Liu Y, Akiyama K, Sonoyama W, Patel V, Gutkind S,
Young M, Gronthos S, Le A, Wang CY, Chen W, Shi S. Pharmacologic
stem cell based intervention as a new approach to osteoporosis
treatment in rodents. PLoS One 2008;3(7):e2615.
Yan W, Apweiler R, Balgley BM, Boontheung P, Bundy JL, Cargile BJ, Cole
S, Fang X, Gonzalez-Begne M, Griffin TJ, Hagen F, Hu S, Lee CS, Malamud
D, Melvin JE, Menon R, Mueller M, Qiao R, Rhodus NL, Sevinsky JR, States
D, Stephenson J, James L, Than S, Yates, I, John R, Yu W, Xie H, Xie Y,
Omenn GS, Loo JA, Wong DT. Systematic comparison of the human
saliva and plasma proteomes. Proteomics, 2009; 3(19):116-134.
Yang Z, Tang H, Huang H, Deng H. RTA promoter demethylation and
histone acetylation regulation of murine gammaherpesvirus 68
reactivation. PLoS One, 2009;4(2):e4556.
Dental Research Institute Seminars 2008-09
October 13, 2008
Anahid Jewett, PhD MPH
Eric C. Sung, DDS
“Novel Strategies to Enhance Function, Survival
and Regeneration of the Pulp”
November 3, 2008
Ian Coulter, PhD
“Evaluating Integrative Medicine Using Qualitative
Research Methodology”
Francesco Chiappelli, PhD, MA
“Science of Research Synthesis: Implications
for CAM & CAD”
December 1, 2008
Eung-Kwon Pae PhD, DDS, MSc
Robert Chiu, PhD
“Hypoxia-Key Regulating Factor for Tumor Growth
and Muscle Fiber Type Change”
Yong LT, Moy PK. Complications of computer-aided-design/computeraided-machining-guided (NobelGuide) surgical implant placement: an
evaluation of early clinical results. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
Zhang L, Henson BS, Camargo PM, and Wong DT. The clinical value of
salivar y biomarkers for periodontal disease. Periodontology,
Zhao B, Ye X, Yu J, Li L, Li W, Li S, Lin JD, Wang CY, Chinnaiyan AM, Lai
ZC, Guan KL. TEAD mediates YAP-dependent gene induction and
growth control. Genes Dev 2008;22(14):1962-71.
February 2, 2009
David Wong, DMD, DMSc
Cun-Yu Wang, DDS, PhD
“The Frontiers of Oral Cancer Research”
March 2, 2009
Anahid Jewett, PhD, MPH
“Mechanisms of NK Cell Inactivation in Oral Cancer”
Nicholas Cacalano, PhD
“Regulation of the DNA Damage Response by SOCS3”
Zhou X, Messadi DV. Transcriptional regulation of connective tissue
growth factor and its role in keloid. Expert Review of Dermatology
2008;Vol. 3, No. 1:31-35.
May 4, 2009
Ki-Hyuk Shin, PhD
Reuben Kim, DDS, PhD
“The Role of hnRNP G in Oral Cancer”
A Resource for Our Community
This Year in Patient Care
uring the past fiscal year, the UCLA School of
Dentistry’s clinical operations provided new training
experiences for the next generation of dentists and
expanded the range of services for the community.
Most notably, the school’s roster of pediatric dentistry
postgraduate training programs now extends to San
Diego County. In partnership with the San Ysidro Health
Center and in affiliation with the Santa Monica-UCLA
This year, through the support of the Apollonian
Medical Center, the dental school now operates a two- Society, the school installed Isolite systems in all
year, community-based health and advocacy training predoctoral clinic cubicles, enabling students to work
(CHAT) program in pediatric dentistry at two clinic sites more efficiently while unassisted by providing a mouth
in San Diego and San Ysidro.
prop, tongue and cheek retraction, a light and a vacuum.
At the Wilson-Jennings-Bloomfield
Isolite systems are commonly found
UCLA Venice Dental Center, Dr.
in private practices, but UCLA is the
In the lives of our patients
Linda Chen became the director of
first dental school in the country
and our trainees, we know we
the Advanced Education in General
to make them available for use by
are making a difference.
Dentistr y program in December
DDS students, and our students rate
2008. In the spring of 2009, the Venice
their addition as another significant
Dental Center expanded its adult dental care services improvement that enhances their educational experience.
to welcome residents of Upward Bound House, a Santa Regrettably, not all our news was positive this year. The
Monica-based transitional living facility for homeless announcement of the State of California’s intention to
families. Mr. Bob Wilson and the Schutz-Engel Trust have cut funding for adult Denti-Cal benefits effective July 1,
provided $50,000 in support for this important patient 2009 was just another dramatic indication of our troubled
care initiative.
economic times. This patient pool is critical to our ability
to teach dental procedures and provides our students
with a personal understanding of the importance of
service to underserved populations. In response to this
loss, in fiscal year 2009-10 the Westwood predoctoral
clinic will offer Medi-Cal patients a courtesy fee rate
schedule similar to that previously provided to Denti-Cal.
While this does not replace the loss of Denti-Cal benefits
for these patients, it does buffer their out-of-pocket costs.
The ongoing recession challenges all UCLA School
of Dentistry clinics in their ability to fulfill their mission to
improve oral health and train new dentists. The school’s
many student, resident and faculty clinics held admirably
steady in productivity and efficiency during 2008-09,
conducting more than 160,000 patient visits. In the lives
of our patients and our trainees, we know we are making
a difference.
el Ulma
and Raqu
Drs. Earl F
patient in
examine a
ry clin
oral surge
Ronald S. Mito, DDS, FDS RCSED
Associate Dean of Clinical Dental Sciences
Patient Visits 2008-09
# of Visits
Advanced Education in General
Dentistry – Venice
Advanced Education in General
Dentistry – Westwood
Anesthesiology Faculty Practice
Center for Esthetic Dentistry
Children’s Dental Center of
Greater Los Angeles
Faculty Group Dental Practice – Westwood
Faculty Practice – Venice
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
Klotz Student Health Center, CSU Northridge
Maxillofacial Prosthetics – Hospital
Dentistry Group
Mission Community Hospital
Oral Diagnosis
Oral Pathology
Oral Radiology
Oral Surgery
Orofacial Pain Graduate Clinic
Orofacial Pain & Oral Medicine
Faculty Practice
Orthodontics – Venice
Orthodontics – Westwood
Pediatric Dentistry – San Diego CHAT
Pediatric Dentistry – Venice CHAT
Pediatric Dentistry – Westwood
Periodontics (Resident and Faculty Practices)
Predoctoral Clinic – Venice
Predoctoral Clinic – Westwood
Straumann Surgical Dental Clinic
Sunset Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
UCLA Craniofacial Clinic
UCLA Medical Center
Total Number of Patient Visits
Dental students treat a patient
in the Westwood predoctoral clin
speaks with a new
Dr. Fariba Younai
diagnosis clinic
patient in the oral
Delivering Oral Health Care to Our Community
Mission Community Hospital
San Fernando Campus
VA Sepulveda
Klotz Student Health Center at
California State University Northridge
San Fernando
North Hills
Saban Free Clinic
UCLA School of Dentistry
Sunset Kaiser Permanente
Medical Center
UCLA Medical Center
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
UCLA Medical Plaza
VA Healthcare
West Los Angeles Center
West Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Santa Monica
Common Ground-The Westside
HIV Community Center
UCLA Venice Dental Center
The Children’s Dental Center
of Greater Los Angeles
VA Long Beach
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center
San Diego Children's Dental Clinic
Maternal and Child Health Center
San Diego
San Ysidro
Give Kids a Smile Da
at the Wilson-Jennin
gs-Bloomfield UCL
Venice Dental Cent
Andrew Huynh '12 at the
Venice Dental Ce
Participants in the Clinic Volunteer Program 2008-09
Michael Acasio
Alisha Aiello
Akbar Ali
Maria Arias
Bobby Asem
Sanaz Ashrafian
Raisa Avezova
Atiya Bahmanyar
Gabriella Bakos
Bhavik Bhakta
Morgan Bisbas
Earl Blanche
Ashley Bokhoor
Steve Boss
Stephanie Cappiello
Marisol Ceballos
Alan Chan
Wai Yin “Franky” Chan
Albert Chang
Alexander Chang
Diana Chang
Michael Chang
Jessica Chen
Joan Chen
David Cheng
Laurie Chew
Christine Choi
Michael Chung
Sohrab Dahialian
Mona Derentz
Christine Dimaano
Eric Lavin
Kent Lau
Carrou Lee
Changhyun Lee
Elizabeth Lee
Robin Lee
Robert Lee
Dong Kook Lim
Hae Gyun Lim
Alyssa Locso
Paulino Lomboy
Steven Lu
Iveta Markova
Humann Matori
Doug Mill
Irina Mkchyan
Sanaz Mohseni
Janet Myung
Evan Nahigian
Marichris Nario
Avishan Nasiri
Christopher Nguon
Phuc Nguyen
Teddy Nguyen
Yvonne Nguyen
Sharona Noghreian
Mark Ortega
Sarah Paje
Yeganeh Parhizkar
Sioneh Paria
Angela Park
Thein Do
Daniel Ebrami
Brian Edick
Behnaz Enayati
Shervin Foladpour
Grant Gabrelow
Camille Gannam
Irene Ghozalli
Blake Gilmore
Deepika Gogna
Kory Grahl
Mohammad Habibagahi
Nesim Hason
Sara Hamed
Kaitlynn Hamilton
Saman Harouni
Elham Hedayaty
Payam Hedayaty
Mona Herari
Krystle Holford
Allison Inouye
Sho Izumi
Dane Johnson
Alex Kandel
Catherine Kim
Christine Kim
Jeff Kim
Isaac Kempe
Pang Ko
Echo Lai
Vickie Lai
Seong Hyun Park
Amit Patel
Sophia Peng
Nancy Saghian
Matthew Sandretti
Jasman Sedaghatpour
Sami Shahhal
Neel Shah
Alexander Shau
John Shepherd
Amrotal Sohal
Chen Sun
Jennifer Sun
Sumeet Sundho
Omid Taghavi
Simon To
Courtney Tran
Asthik Tumanyan
Ted Uotani
Anthony Wang
Eric Wang
Chung Yu Weng
Ronnie Woo
Heather Wong
Cynthia Young
Emily Young
Holly Yuen
Shima Zanjani
Cindy Zavala
Jennifer Zinberg
Serving the Public
ts at
ental studen
A group of d
health fair
Mona H elia Tuttle '09
'09 at th
e Childr
in Ingle
commitment to community service is fundamental and products and making referrals for free and low-cost
to a UCLA School of Dentistry education. Each year, dental services.
our dental students (closely supervised by faculty)
Give Kids a Smile Day is an annual, nationwide effort
enthusiastically embrace the tradition and make it their to provide free dental care to children. As in years past,
own. At the rate of one to two events per month, they in February 2009 the UCLA School of Dentistry hosted
venture into the community–to malls, banks and civic the event at its Wilson-Jennings-Bloomfield UCLA Venice
centers and to health clinics, schools and parks–to Dental Center and also provided student, staff and faculty
educate the public and provide
volunteers at the Children’s Dental
much-needed oral health screenings
Center in Inglewood.We were joined
and basic dental care.
in our efforts by volunteer dentists
reach out to the community
In early November, UCLA dental
affiliated with the Western Los
students traveled to the Hispanic
Angeles Dental Society.
to provide much-needed oral
Dental Association’s annual meeting
Through their par ticipation in
health screenings and basic
in Arizona for a contest with 27 other
these events and many others, close
dental care.
dental schools. They brought home
to three-quar ters of graduating
First-Place honors–an “Orgullo
students exceeded the minimum of
Award”–in recognition of their devotion to improving eight units of required service credit. The students
oral health in the lower income community in Greater averaged 18 units. Stand-outs this year included: Eddie
Los Angeles.
Surger (74 units); Adrienne Hecht (50 units); Jonathan
Once again this year, the UCLA School of Dentistry's Do (42 units);Thuy Tran Hoang (40 units); Elaine Fok (35
students made a huge contribution to the health fair held units); and Vivian Lao (35 units).
in conjunction with the Santa Monica Civic Center's
Thanksgiving dinner. Thirty-two dental students came to
the aid of 300 traditionally underserved and very
appreciative people by providing oral hygiene instruction
A Community of Leaders
CLA dental students exhibit the capacity for effective
leadership within the school, in the community and
in the dental profession.
In August 2008, UCLA dental students won the
Crest/Oral-B American Student Dental Association
(ASDA) Community Dentistry Award for the second
year in a row. ASDA Community Service Chair Nancy
Chen '10 wrote the group’s award-winning essay. Our
students also won “Ideal ASDA Chapter” awards for their
publication of an outstanding newsletter, The Diastema
News, and for their implementation of automatic chapter
enrollment. In addition, Eddie Surger '09 won the District
11 (it includes all five CA dental schools) Delegate of
the Year Award.
In Februar y, nine DDS students traveled to
Washington, DC for ASDA's National Dental Student
Lobby Day. They met face-to-face with Senate health
aides, congressional legislative assistants, and California
Representatives to discuss issues related to oral health
policy and education.
The 2008-09 Dean’s Leadership Institute came to a
conclusion on April 23. Twelve students—Brian Asbury,
Sara Asgari, Samantha Brenner, David Feller, Carl Jones,
Jason Kung, Kristen Lowe, Rick Rauth, Michael Shoff,
Aldrich Sy, Delia Tuttle and Jelson Yalung—received
certificates in recognition of their participation in the
program, designed to identify and encourage leaders in
patient care, education, research, organized dentistry and
community service.
Dr. Park and the
graduates of the 2009
Dean’s Leadership Institute
Class of 2009 Officers
Keith Cowhey
Vice Presidents
Ryan Hodges
Grant Stucki
Niloufar Nouri Mahdavie
Treasurer/Admissions Committee Representative
Richard Manwaring
ADEA Representative/
Health Science Committee Representative
Anne Reeves
Patient Care Committee Representative
Aldrich Sy
Student Equipment/Supply Representative
Jason Kung
Student Performance Committee Representative
Brian Asbury
Providing Opportunities for Lifelong Learning
Continuing Education instruc
tor Dr. Brian
LeSage demonstrates a veneer
, course
Following the live demo
participants wo
t the UCLA School of Dentistry, education does not
end with the receipt of the DDS degree or the
culmination of a postgraduate training program. We are
committed to providing our graduates and other dentists,
from California and around the world, with access to
lifelong learning.
Continuing education courses enable dentists,
hygienists and assistants to maintain their licensure and
acquire new skills. They constitute a crucial component
in the school’s ability to fulfill its mission to improve oral
health care in California.
Dr. Todd Scho
enbaum assists
CE course part
During 2008-09, the dental school’s Continuing
Education program, one of the largest and most popular
in the country, offered 135 courses ably taught by 265
instructors from across numerous specialty areas. The
program hosted courses in California and Hawai’i and
provided 1,735 hours of instruction to 3,250 participants.
William Yancey, DDS
Assistant Dean and Director of
Continuing Education & Alumni Affairs
Promoting Diversity
ationwide, dental schools are looking for ways to
increase their diversity. The reasons for doing so
are numerous and clear: a more diverse dental student
body enriches the educational experience for everyone,
and a more diverse group of practicing dentists will be
better poised to meet the needs of a changing population.
High schoo
l students m
At the UCLA School of Dentistry, our outreach efforts
The Jane an
eet in
are designed to augment the diversity of our own
Center for
ive Biotech
predoctoral student classes and also to increase the
number of individuals in the dental school pipeline around
the country.
Since 2003, UCLA’s arm of
A more diverse group of
the Southern California Regional
year, Dr. Nancy Reifel also conducts
practicing dentists will be better
Dental Post-Baccalaureate
informal outreach at the college
poised to meet the needs of a
Program (or Post-Bacc program,
level, offering mentoring, test
funded by The Califor nia
preparation tutoring and admissions
changing population.
Endowment) has focused its
counseling to Native American preeffor ts on assisting college graduates—through a dental students, some of whom she accompanies to the
combination of mentoring, coursework, volunteer and annual Society of American Indian Dentists conference.
research experiences, and admissions advising—to
UCLA’s earliest organized intervention efforts are
prepare for successful admission to dental school.To date, made even earlier in the dental school pipeline timeline,
UCLA’s Post-Bacc program has accepted 34 individuals. and are already off to an impressive start. During academic
Thus far, 22 students have applied to dental school, and year 2007-08, the school launched the Howard Hughes
17 have gained admission (for a 77 percent success rate). Medical Institute Pre-College Pipeline Program for
The UCLA School of Dentistry accepted 11 students; Dentistry to encourage high school students to consider
the dental schools at UCSF, UOP, Colorado, Baylor, careers in dentistry and scientific research. The first
Columbia and Howard admitted the other six. Four cohort, a group of 12 Hispanic and African-American
students—two who attended UCLA and one each from teenagers from communities across Greater Los Angeles,
UCSF and UOP—have already graduated. At the time has been 100 percent successful in gaining college
of this report’s publication, 2009-10 is the last year that admission. In fact, UCLA admitted five of them. The
the Post-Baccalaureate program will have funding.
program’s directors, Drs. Marvin Marcus and Carl Maida,
In association with the David Geffen School of eagerly look forward to following the college careers of
Medicine at UCLA, the dental school continues to the “first-year” undergraduate students as well as the
participate in the Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Enrichment admissions season that awaits the second cohort.
Program (PREP) as well as the Summer Medical/Dental
Bruce Sanders, DDS
Educational Program (SMDEP, funded by the Robert
Assistant Dean of Outreach and Diversity
Wood Johnson Foundation), both of which target college
students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have
expressed interest in the health professions. Each
Diversity Efforts Along the Pipeline Timeline
Elementary School
PREP Post-Bacc
High School
Dental School
An Employer of Choice
This Year in Academic Personnel
he Office of Academic Personnel is dedicated to
ensuring that the UCLA School of Dentistry is an
ideal environment for faculty members' professional
growth and development.
On a day-to-day basis, our office assists faculty by
providing dossier consultation as well as training for the
division and section administrators to ensure correctly
submitted dossiers. We make every effort to handle all
Dr. Mo K
wan Kang
academic actions in the most efficient and effective
Jack A. W
eichman C
hair in En
manner possible in response to administrative deadlines.
In addition, the Academic Personnel
Office provides educational sessions for
The UCLA School
the school’s academic review committees
of Dentistry is an
and conducts the in-house orientation for
new faculty. Our annual faculty retreat
We are proud to report that
ideal environment for
affordsus the opportunity to formulate an
despite the UC system’s overall
professional growth and
action plan for the next year.
budget challenges, we have not only
The ongoing support of alumni and
been able to maintain our number of
other donors enabled the dental school
FTE faculty but also recruit new
to add three new endowed chairs during fiscal year faculty members whom we look forward to welcoming
2008-09 to bring our total number to seven (see table in the coming academic year.
below). These are powerful tools for recruitment and
Lawrence Wolinsky, PhD, DMD
retention that enable us to assemble a top-flight group
Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Personnel
of faculty. Our office made three chair appointments
during the year (see table page 38).
Endowed Chairs at the UCLA School of Dentistry
Endowed Chair Name
Chair Holder
Thomas K. Barber Endowed Term Chair in Pediatric Dentistry
February 2009
Dr. No-Hee Park Endowed Chair in Dentistry
Cun-Yu Wang
December 2008
Felix and Mildred Yip Endowed Professorship in Dentistry
David Wong
August 2008
Nobel Biocare Endowed Chair in Surgical Implant Dentistry
November 2006
Dr. Thomas R. Bales Endowed Chair in Orthodontics
Kang Ting
June 2004
Jack A. Weichman Chair in Endodontics
Mo Kwan Kang
August 2003
Tarrson Family Endowed Chair in Periodontics
E. Barrie Kenney
November 2000
Academic Personnel Actions 2008-09
New Appointments
Academic Section
Effective Date
Tumouh Al Allaq
Oral Biology
Yazdan Alami
Pediatric Dentistry
Charles Alexander
Adjunct Associate Professor
Public Health
Crystal Angelopoulos
Pediatric Dentistry
Jonathan Armstrong
Assistant Researcher
Oral Radiology
David Arnold
Pediatric Dentistry
James Baker
Restorative Dentistry
Bradley Baum
David Scott Berrios
Natasha Brambila-Braga
Pediatric Dentistry
Joseph Chang
Academic Administrator/Group Director
Restorative Dentistry
Tina Chang
Oral Surgery
James Chen
Linda Chen
Assistant Clinical Professor
Restorative Dentistry
Catherine Chien
Pediatric Dentistry
Otis Chong
Anna Lynn De Guzman
Pediatric Dentistry
Stephen Dickins
Pediatric Dentistry
Steven Flesch
Oral Surgery
Rostam Forooghi
Donald Goodman
Oral Medicine & Orofacial Pain
Angela Hsiao
Shen Hu
Assistant Professor
Oral Biology
Wei Hu
Visiting Assistant Researcher
Oral Biology
Robert Jacob
Pediatric Dentistry
Michele Jehenson
Oral Medicine & Orofacial Pain
Hyun Jung
Restorative Dentistry
Barbara Kabes
Pediatric Dentistry
Shiva Kashanian
Restorative Dentistry
Michelle Kelman
Pediatric Dentistry
Kaitlyn Jinsun Kim
Restorative Dentistry
Jung Lim
Assistant Clinical Professor
Joanna Lipari
Oral Medicine & Orofacial Pain
Sandra McLaren
Restorative Dentistry
Alexei Mizin
Oral Surgery
Aaron Molen
Michael Nguyen
Daniel Nobel
Pediatric Dentistry
Elana Norman
Michael Okuji
Academic Administrator/Group Director
Restorative Dentistry
Semiha Ozkan
Visiting Assistant Researcher
Oral Biology
New Appointments continued
Academic Section
Effective Date
Jason Pair
Bae Park
Visiting Assistant Researcher
Oral Biology
Holly Park-Nah
Ryan Pendleton
Pediatric Dentistry
Khoi Phan
Removable Prosthodontics
Mike Pirbazari
Anjali Rajani
Pediatric Dentistry
Andrew Rastegar
Restorative Dentistry
William Rawlings
Pediatric Dentistry
Oscar Rivera
Pediatric Dentistry
Donald Salem
Todd Schoenbaum
Assistant Clinical Professor
Restorative Dentistry
Bahram Shahangian
Restorative Dentistry
Michael Shin
Removable Prosthodontics
Justin Shuffer
Pediatric Dentistry
Demetra Sifakis
Hospital Dentistry
Maria Elena Tapia
Restorative Dentistry
Amy Tran
Restorative Dentistry
Patrick Tsai
Restorative Dentistry
Gregory Urfrig
Oral Surgery
Thuha Vinh
Hospital Dentistry
Robert Virata
Pediatric Dentistry
An Vuong
Oral Surgery
Yair Whiteman
Restorative Dentistry
Patricia Wilkes
Restorative Dentistry
Jason Wong
Jung Yoon
Pediatric Dentistry
Bertina Yuen
Yigal Zibari
Academic Section
Effective Date
Thomas Lee
Associate Clinical Professor
Restorative Dentistry
Academic Section
Effective Date
Expanded Roles
Edmond Hewlett
Director of Knowledge Management
Restorative Dentistry
Sotirios Tetradis
Chair of the Section of Oral Radiology
Oral Radiology
Exceptional Merits
Academic Section
Effective Date
Marvin Marcus
Distinguished Professor
Public Health
Henry Takei
Distinguished Clinical Professor
New Endowed Chair Appointments
Academic Section
Effective Date
Mo Kwan Kang
Jack A. Weichman Chair in Endodontics
Cun-Yu Wang
No-Hee Park Endowed Chair in Dentistry
Oral Biology
David Wong
Felix and Mildred Yip Endowed
Professorship in Dentistry
Oral Biology
Recognizing Group Practice Directors 2008-09
In Memoriam
Group practice directors play an instrumental role
in the operation of the predoctoral clinic. Each director,
a licensed dentist, supervises a team of DDS students
to approximate as closely as possible the patient care
delivery experience in private practice. During academic
year 2008-09, predoctoral students provided care under
the leadership of:
Donald D.Weissman, DDS, a member of the dental
school faculty from 1967 until his retirement in 1980,
passed away in Sherman Oaks, California on February
18, 2009.
During his long career, Weissman published
numerous professional articles on dental radiology and
served as president and fellow of the American Academy
of Dental Radiology, founding president and Diplomate
of the American Board of Maxillofacial Radiology, fellow
of the American College of Dentists, and a member of
the scientific research society Sigma Chi.
He is survived by his sons Dr. Albert M. Weissman
of Rancho Mirage, California and Bruce J. Weissman; his
daughter Carol Day and son-in-law Carl of Malibou Lake;
and five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife of 72 years, Ruth
Sarah Weissman, on December 31, 2008.
Services and interment were conducted at Mt. Sinai
Cemetery in Los Angeles. The family suggests that
donations be made to your favorite charity.
Gary Herman,Supervisor
Sidney Brownstein
Joe Chang
Shadi Kamyab
Steve Lee
Michael Okuji
Michelle Rappeport
This Year in Staff Personnel
he UCLA School of Dentistry’s
Staff Human Resources
strives to foster a professional
environment based upon mutual
respect and collegiality in which
employees can grow their careers.
In light of our strategic plan goal
g Staff Me
mber Brad
to make our school “an amazing place
Chin and S
upervisor o
to work,” this past year we were
f the
Year Roch
elle Bache
more aggressive in encouraging all
employees to pursue campus training
and development opportunities, and in
encouraging supervisors to participate
in campus stewardship roundtable
events hosted by Corporate Financial
Rosa He
d the UC gram
Services. Staff signed up for more than
60 training sessions ranging in their time
commitment from between three to 40
hours per session. Additionally, we saw an
increase in the number of individuals who
applied for campus programs such as the Staff
Enrichment Program, the Professional
Development Program and the
The UCLA School
Business Officer Institute.
In-house, we enhanced our
of Dentistry fosters a
focus on environmental health and
professional environment
Faculty Heidari retir
safety issues in the laboratories. We
Dental d from the
based upon mutual
also conducted in-service trainings
in 2009
regarding the academic personnel
process and dossier preparation, as
well as workers compensation/injury prevention.
In response to the recent financial crisis and its impact in various UCLA-sponsored sessions for personal
on the UC system, we sought to keep open the lines of enrichment including the Work-Life Balance Series, a
communication between school administration and staff. smoking cessation program, Weight Watchers, an onWhen budget cuts were looming in the fall, Dean Park site exercise program and retirement planning seminars.
held a town hall meeting to discuss the school’s financial The school also sponsored various holiday events to
health, seeking to assuage fears. And when Chancellor promote a friendlier environment such as the door
Block hosted a town hall meeting at Pauley Pavilion in decorating contests. We look forward to future events
the spring, we broadcast the meeting in our lecture hall such as these to foster a greater sense of community
for those employees who were unable to attend.
and to demonstrate the value that UCLA and the dental
We were very limited in our ability to forward school have to offer employees.
compensation actions this year in light of UCLA’s budget
Michelle Popowitz, JD, MPH
shortfall. Alternately, we sought more staff accountability
Assistant Dean of Administration & External Affairs
within teams with the goal of improving overall morale.
We also encouraged our staff members to participate
Staff Personnel Actions 2008-2009
New Hires
Effective Date
Mindy Abel
General Clinic Cashier
Cashier & Chartroom – General Clinic
Rachel Alex
Administrative Assistant Faculty Group Dental Practice
Gladys Alvarado
Clinic Receptionist
Venice Dental Center
Teresa Avila
Registered Dental Assistant
Orthodontics Clinic
Karla Cea
Registered Dental Assistant
Periodontics Faculty Practice
Adrian Conanan
Dental Assistant
Oral Radiology Clinic
Derrick Dickens
Clinic Assistant
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic
Deborah Herrera
Financial Analyst & Acad. Program Coord.
Venice Dental Center
Susan Lee
Section Administrator
Lidia Leyva
New Patient Services Coordinator
New Patient Services – General Clinic
Julie Malmquist
Pediatric Dentistry Administrator
Pediatric Dentistry
Diana Molina
Registered Dental Assistant
Venice Dental Center
Jennifer Morales
Clinic Scheduler Venice Dental Center
Mario Orozco
Senior Project Coordinator
Clinical Trial – Pediatric Dentistry
Cindy Samayoa
Clinic Assistant
Pediatric Dentistry
Aja Stanley
Clinic Assistant and Custodian of Records
Cashier & Chartroom – General Clinic
Korine Suess
Dental Hygienist
Faculty Group Dental Practice
Debra Tom-Salgado
Research Assistant
Clinical Trial – Pediatric Dentistry
Joanna Vasquez
Dental Assistant
Venice Dental Center
Jacquilla Wallace
Registered Dental Assistant
Venice Dental Center
Susana Zamora
Registered Dental Assistant
Orthodontics Clinic
New and Expanded Roles
Effective Date
Marisol Camacho
Registered Dental Assistant
Venice Dental Center
Josyel Castellon
Chief Assistant
Dental Research Institute
Anet Haratunian
Supervisor of Patient Records & Cashiering Cashier & Chartroom – General Clinic
Elizabeth Perez
Patient Biller
Billing Office – General Clinic
Laura Pescatore
Assistant Director of Development
Elizabeth Wilcox
Registered Dental Assistant
Center for Esthetic Dentistry
Farewell to a Retiring Staff Member
For more than sixteen years, Bella Heidari (pictured on
previous page) was an important member of the Faculty Group
Dental Practice (FGDP) team. Her years of experience, energy,
and incredible work ethic helped the practice meet its goal of
providing excellent dental care to the UCLA community and
private sector.
The FGDP doctors and staff looked forward to working
with Bella each day. Her nurturing and caring ways helped
patients to feel at ease, and they were always thrilled to see her.
She was viewed as a leader in the practice; those she trained
and passed her knowledge onto received a valuable gift.
Although Bella has retired, her smile and “we can do it”
attitude is carried on by us — her co-workers and friends. We
wish her a happy retirement.
Rochelle Bache
Manager, Faculty Group Dental Practice
Recognizing Part-Time and Volunteer Faculty
The UCLA School of Dentistry owes a debt of gratitude to the individuals
who generously shared their time and expertise in the service of educating dental
students and residents during academic year 2008-09. The school could not
successfully operate its teaching and patient care programs without the involvement
of part-time and volunteer faculty. Thank you.
Advanced Prosthodontics,
Biomaterials & Hospital Dentistry
Tom Kalili, Lecturer
Brian Williams, Lecturer
Benjamin Wu, Assoc. Professor
Robert Wylie, Lecturer
Hospital Dentistry
Ramsey Amin, Lecturer
William Chen, Lecturer
Terrie DeBord, Lecturer
Morton Futterman, Lecturer
Tracy Golden, Lecturer
Veronica Greene, Adj. Asst. Professor
Ken Harada, Lecturer
Brian Huang, Lecturer
Katsumi Kawakami, Adj. Asst. Professor
Madeline Kurrasch, Lecturer
Irving Lebovics, Lecturer
Brian LeSage, Lecturer
Kathy Nuckles, Lecturer
Amanda Okundaye, Lecturer
Kari Lyn Sakurai, Lecturer
Bradley Seto, Lecturer
Demetra Sifakis, Lecturer
Thuha Vinh, Lecturer
Diana Zschaschel, Lecturer
Removable Prosthodontics
Stephen Ancowitz, Lecturer
Melody Balobalo, Lecturer
Edward L. Baxley, Lecturer
Frank Brajevic, Lecturer
Aria Davodi, Adj. Assoc. Professor
Randy Diener, Lecturer
Robert Duell, Lecturer
Robert Faulkner, Lecturer
Michael Hamada, Asst. Researcher
Ronald Koslowski, Lecturer
Jane Kwon, Lecturer
Joseph Lim, Lecturer
Michael Lum, Lecturer
Sheldon Maiman, Lecturer
Edward McLaren, Adj. Assoc. Professor
Hal Millstone, Lecturer
William Pagan, Lecturer
Shahriar Parvizpour, Lecturer
George Perri, Lecturer
Khoi Phan, Lecturer
Maria Rodriguez, Lecturer
Donald Salk, Lecturer
Michael Shin, Lecturer
Pooneh Soltani, Lecturer
Seung Son, Lecturer
B. Chia Soo, Lecturer
Devin Stewart, Lecturer
Ryan Wallace, Lecturer
Eric Yamaura, Lecturer
Associated Clinical Specialties
Dr. Demetra Sifa
Hospital Den
Dr. Jason P
David Berrios, Lecturer
Giselle Betser, Lecturer
Stephen Buchanan, Lecturer
John Buoncristiani, Lecturer
Gary Carr, Lecturer
Irene Chang, Lecturer
James Chen, Lecturer
Otis Chong, Lecturer
Hirbod Etessami-Azam, Lecturer
Farshid Fahid, Lecturer
Stephen Ferraro, Lecturer
Rostam Forooghi, Lecturer
Alexander Hakim, Lecturer
David Han, Lecturer
Angela Hsiao, Lecturer
Grace Hsiao, Lecturer
Heidi Kamrath, Lecturer
Kourosh Keikhanzadeh, Lecturer
Bernice Ko, Lecturer
Jung Lim, Asst. Clinical Professor
Clark Martin, Lecturer
Michael Nguyen, Lecturer
Holly Park-Nah, Lecturer
Mike Pirbazari, Lecturer
Anthony Potente, Lecturer
Fred Tsutsui, Lecturer
Jason Wong, Lecturer
Fanny Yacaman-Vidjak, Lecturer
Yigal Zibari, Lecturer
Marc Ausubel, Lecturer
Thomas Bales, Lecturer
Bradley Baum, Lecturer
Robert Bergman, Lecturer
LuAnne Chang, Lecturer
Harry Dougherty, Lecturer
Donna Eteson, Lecturer
Vacharee Fell, Lecturer
Richard Grossman, Lecturer
Barney Hom, Lecturer
Kathleen Hwang, Lecturer
Peter Jeon, Lecturer
John Jones, Lecturer
Robert Kuhn, Lecturer
James Lim, Lecturer
Eric Loberg, Lecturer
Raymond Lubberts, Lecturer
Luis Martinez, Lecturer
Martin Martz, Lecturer
Elizabeth McNabb, Lecturer
Aaron Molen, Lecturer
Hong Moon, Adj. Asst. Professor
James Mulick, Lecturer
Neal Murphy, Lecturer
Douglas Nguyen, Lecturer
Atoosa Nikaeen, Lecturer
Elana Norman, Lecturer
Jason Pair, Lecturer
Leon Rossman, Lecturer
Donald Salem, Lecturer
Michael Sales, Lecturer
Allan Sheridan, Lecturer
Julian Singer, Lecturer
Gregory Sue, Lecturer
Ronald Wolf, Lecturer
Shaul Yehezkel, Lecturer
Pediatric Dentistry
Yazdan Alami, Lecturer
David Arnold, Lecturer
Marc Auerbach, Lecturer
Nazanine Barcohana, Lecturer
Catherine Chien, Lecturer
Eunha Cho, Lecturer
John Davis, Lecturer
Anna Lynn De Guzman, Lecturer
Gordon Dixon, Lecturer
Howard Dixon, Lecturer
Margorie Domingo, Lecturer
Lily Ghafouri, Lecturer
Setareh Ghafouri, Lecturer
Kenneth Greenstadt, Lecturer
Emmanuel Gross, Lecturer
Todd Hillyard, Lecturer
Scott Jacks, Lecturer
Michelle Kelman, Lecturer
Hugh Kopel, Lecturer
Leslie Latner, Lecturer
Michael McCartney, Lecturer
Daniel Nobel, Lecturer
Dorothy Osman, Lecturer
Jac Pedersen, Lecturer
Ryan Pendleton, Lecturer
Ana Planells, Lecturer
Corina Ramirez, Lecturer
Hila Robbins, Adj. Asst. Professor
Robert Ruby, Lecturer
Elena Rumack, Lecturer
Conrad Sack, Lecturer
Shahrzad Sami Dowlatshahi, Lecturer
Mary Shannon, Lecturer
Justin Shuffer, Lecturer
Robert Virata, Lecturer
James Yee, Lecturer
Audrey Yoon, Lecturer
Pediatric Dentistry - San Diego
Crystal Angelopoulos, Lecturer
Natasha Brambila-Braga, Lecturer
Shay Brannan, Lecturer
Stephen Dickins, Lecturer
Robert Jacob, Lecturer
Barbara Kabes, Lecturer
Anjali Rajani, Lecturer
William Rawlings, Lecturer
Oscar Rivera, Lecturer
Aracely Aguiar, Lecturer
Sarvenaz Angha, Lecturer
Tricia Bato, Lecturer
Jaime Bulkacz, Lecturer
Dr. Yazdan Alami
Pediatric Dentistry
Dr. Bertina Yuen
Mario Caballero, Lecturer
Paul Campbell, Lecturer
Leshin Chen, Lecturer
Sam Chui, Lecturer
Carmen Dones, Lecturer
Natalie Ferrigno, Lecturer
Sam Gilani, Lecturer
Gary Green, Lecturer
Martyn Green, Lecturer
Marc Gross, Lecturer
Kimberly Grueneisen, Lecturer
Thomas Han, Adj. Professor
Eva Hogan, Lecturer
Duke Huang, Lecturer
Robert Jones, Lecturer
Lisa Kamibayashi, Lecturer
Gary Kitazawa, Lecturer
Donna Klauser, Lecturer
Donna Lee Lawrence, Lecturer
Claudia Lemus Duarte, Lecturer
Stephen Levine, Lecturer
Mark Lieberman, Lecturer
Satenik McDaniel, Lecturer
Philip Melnick, Lecturer
Joan Otomo-Corgel, Adj. Asst. Professor
Ricardo Raschkovsky, Lecturer
Afshin Salamati, Lecturer
Frank Satinover, Lecturer
Thomas Sims, Lecturer
Jay Sison, Lecturer
Peiman Soleymani, Lecturer
Deborah Termeie, Lecturer
Hongnga Vo, Lecturer
Michael Whang, Lecturer
Todd Yamada, Lecturer
Bertina Yuen, Lecturer
Diagnostic & Surgical Sciences
Andreia Minasian, Lecturer
Leonard Naftalin, Lecturer
Oral Pathology
Hope Wettan, Lecturer
Oral Radiology
Jonathan Armstrong, Asst. Researcher
Gilbert Kwong, Lecturer
Clara Magyar, Asst. Researcher
Emily Mangohig-Wenzel, Lecturer
Martha Pollak, Lecturer
Elham Radan, Lecturer
Elbert Tom, Lecturer
Raphael Yeung, Lecturer
Steven Flesch, Lecturer
Arthur Friedlander,
Professor in Residence
Gabriel Gabbaypour, Lecturer
Douglas Galen, Lecturer
Gerald Gelfand, Lecturer
Nora Kahenasa, Lecturer
Lindon Kawahara, Lecturer
Steven Kupferman, Lecturer
Ahn Le, Adj. Asst. Professor
Richard Leathers, Adj. Asst. Professor
Azizollah Maghen, Lecturer
Joseph McQuirter, Adj. Asst. Professor
Steven Meltzner, Lecturer
Alexei Mizin, Lecturer
Thomas Omoto, Lecturer
Howard Park, Lecturer
Keith Radack, Lecturer
Sanford Ratner, Lecturer
Robert Relle, Lecturer
Frederick Rutherford, Adj. Asst.
David Salehani, Lecturer
Bruce Sanders, Adj. Professor
Jerold Schneider, Lecturer
Harry Schwartz, Adj. Professor
Ramin Shabtaie, Lecturer
Donald Sze, Lecturer
Gregory Urfrig, Lecturer
An Vuong, Lecturer
Benjamin Walline, Lecturer
Monty Wilson, Lecturer
Ronald Yueh, Lecturer
Oral Biology & Medicine
Oral Biology
Dr. Raphael Yeung
Oral Radiology
Jian He, Asst. Researcher
Jing Liang, Assoc. Researcher
Gregory Prince, Adj. Professor
Bernard Sarnat, Adj. Professor
Jay Sison, Lecturer
Ting-Ting Wu, Adj. Asst. Professor
Oral Medicine & Orofacial Pain
Oral Surgery
Oscar Alonzo, Lecturer
William Arnett, Lecturer
Gabriel Aslanian, Lecturer
Steven Barney, Lecturer
Ralph Buoncristiani, Lecturer
Tina Chang, Lecturer
Nancy Adachi, Lecturer
Charles Aragon, Lecturer
Dennis Bailey, Lecturer
Dan Botoaca, Lecturer
Joseph Cohen, Adj. Asst. Professor
Jacob Fleischmann, Clinical Professor
Ed Fort, Lecturer
Donald Goodman, Lecturer
Dr. Joanna L
Oral Medicin
e & Orofacial
Steven Graff-Radford, Adj. Professor
Bernadette Jaeger, Adj. Assoc. Prof.
Michele Jehenson, Lecturer
Hyung T. Kim, Lecturer
Steven Kleinman, Lecturer
Ivan Lapidus, Lecturer
Joanna Lipari, Lecturer
Changriu Liu, Academic Admin.
Ali Makki, Lecturer
Alan Newman, Lecturer
Donald Primack, Lecturer
Reza Radmand, Lecturer
John Reeves, Adj. Professor
Jeffrey Rosenberg, Lecturer
Michael Simmons, Lecturer
Lan Su, Lecturer
Tracey Tajima, Lecturer
Abraham Urbach, Lecturer
Maurice Vahedifar, Lecturer
Douglas Wall, Lecturer
Chonghao Zhao, Lecturer
Public Health &
Community Dentistry
Charles Alexander, Adj. Assoc. Professor
Jorge Alvarez-Gomez, Lecturer
Alexis Gutierrez, Lecturer
Barry Josselson, Lecturer
Kenneth Mazey, Asst. Researcher
Bruce Sanders, Adj. Professor
James Stewart, Adj. Professor
Gary Wolfe, Lecturer
Dr. Bruce Sanders
Public Health and
Community Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Fariba Ahmadzadeh, Lecturer
Paul Avolese, Lecturer
James Baker, Lecturer
Gilda Banta, Lecturer
Payam Behroozan, Lecturer
James Callahan, Lecturer
Cary Charlin, Lecturer
Curtis Chen, Lecturer
Leshin Chen, Lecturer
Mark Cruz, Lecturer
Joseph Dautremont, Lecturer
Isabel David-Lynch, Lecturer
Emmanuel Delegrammaticas, Lecturer
Victor Diamond, Lecturer
Sacha Dybnis, Lecturer
Naomi Ellison, Lecturer
Jacob Esagoff, Lecturer
Dave Famili, Lecturer
Adrienne Fang, Lecturer
I. Mete Fanuscu, Lecturer
Evgueni Goncharov, Lecturer
Jennifer Graves, Lecturer
Ken Harada, Lecturer
Marilyn Hewitson, Lecturer
Connie Ho, Lecturer
Allen Inouye, Lecturer
Philip Jen-Kin, Lecturer
Anthony Jong, Lecturer
Bijal Joshi, Lecturer
Hyun Hee Jung, Lecturer
Shiva Kashanian, Lecturer
Emma Kim, Lecturer
Kaitlyn Kim, Lecturer
Lucio Kim, Lecturer
Kambiz Kohani, Lecturer
Philip Kroll, Lecturer
Cristina Lopez, Lecturer
Richard Maitin, Lecturer
Laurie Malter, Lecturer
Frederic Mandell, Lecturer
Babak Manesh, Lecturer
Firouzeh Manesh, Lecturer
Pezhman Mansourian, Lecturer
M. Dianne McLain, Adj. Asst. Professor
Sandra McLaren, Lecturer
Mitra Mogharabi, Lecturer
Russell Moon, Lecturer
Michael Okuji, Academic Administrator
Mark Ozaki, Lecturer
Ray Padilla, Lecturer
Hyon-Young Park, Lecturer
Harold Perlaza, Lecturer
James Peyton, Lecturer
Dorina Popescu, Lecturer
Cynthia Quan, Lecturer
Andrew Rastegar, Lecturer
Saeid Razi, Lecturer
David Sanchez, Lecturer
Todd Schoenbaum, Lecturer
Parizad Seraj, Lecturer
Byoung Suh, Lecturer
Thomson Sun, Lecturer
Maria Elena Tapia, Lecturer
Dr. Hyun
Hee Jung
ve Dentist
Amy Tran, Lecturer
Patrick Tsai, Lecturer
Abraham Urbach, Lecturer
Ryan Vahdani, Lecturer
Greg Vigoren, Lecturer
Yair Whiteman, Lecturer
Patricia Wilkes, Lecturer
Eva Yancey, Lecturer
Joseph Yoon, Lecturer
Sol Michael Zira, Lecturer
A Foundation for the Future
The Financial Status of the School
uring fiscal year 2008-09, dental school administrators
focused much of their energies on preparing for
expected budget shortfalls.The worst financial crisis that
the state has faced since the Great Depression resulted
in a cut in state funding for fiscal year 2008-09 and further,
unprecedented cuts in 2009-10. As UCLA Executive Vice reduction in the hiring for open ladder faculty positions. The
Chancellor Scott Waugh announced in a July 2009 letter Chancellor has approved only 25 searches campus-wide for
to the campus, “in 2009-10 the University of California fiscal year 2009-10.
will suffer a budget cut of at least $637 million, or about
In addition, UCLA is implementing a 5% cut in state
20% of the general funds the university
funds for all schools and administrative
receives from the state.” Of this amount,
units. This represents a loss of
more than $117 million represents
approximately $643,000 in the School
UCLA’s share. Including $14 million in that the state has faced since of Dentistry’s state support. UCLA will
cuts carried forward from the previous the Great Depression has achieve an additional $40 million in
fiscal year, the total reduction for the
savings through a combination of
resulted in unprecedented
campus for fiscal year 2009-10 is
targeted cuts, new and increased
cuts in state funding for the
projected to be $131 million.
revenue, and administrative efficiencies
The UC system has already University of California.
and reductions.
increased student fees to address some
Despite the budget outlook,
of this shortfall. Registration fees for all
Chancellor Block reminded the campus
students will increase by 10% for fiscal year 2009-10, and that “this university has gone through challenging times”
professional school fees for dental students are increasing in the past but “UCLA has nevertheless emerged from
by at least 23% over the three-year period ending in these downturns a great public institution.” The support
fiscal year 2010-11.
of alumni and friends through donations and endowments
The Regents approved across-the-board salary will ensure that the School of Dentistry maintains its
reductions through a combination of pay cuts and/or excellence in education, research and public service.
furloughs for faculty and staff.This could reduce the dental
Rick Valdivia, CPA
school’s ability to retain or recruit highly-skilled personnel.
Assistant Dean of Finance & Chief Financial Officer
Another action being taken by the campus is a dramatic
School Expenditures by Fund Source 1999, 2004 & 2009
Fund Source
Fiscal Year 1999
Fiscal Year 2004
Fiscal Year 2009
State Support
Student Fees
Contracts & Grants
Gifts & Endowments
$46,013,456 100.0%
Clinics, Faculty Practice Groups,
& Continuing Education
Total Expenditures
$37,038,489 100.0%
This Year in Facilities
Geraldine and
Dr. Jack Weichm
an, Esq. in fron
of the new dono
r wall
e Jim and
erator for th
fer Student L
ngoing improvements to the dental school’s physical flat-screen monitor that displays the school’s directory
infrastructure are an important part of building our as well as notices of general interest (see photo next
foundation for the future.
page). A new donor wall situated in the elevator bay on
During fiscal year 2008-09, the Facilities Office the fifth floor recognizes the generosity of individuals,
managed several projects intended to enhance the student groups and corporations that join us in our mission to
experience including the refurnishing of four A-level improve oral health. We also updated the front-office
seminar rooms, the renovation of the locker rooms, the reception area in the Dean’s Suite with new carpet and
creation of a seminar room for oral
furniture and renovated the men’s
and maxillofacial surgery residents,
and women’s restrooms on the third
Visitors are now welcomed by
and, with the generous support of
floor. In addition, the school expanded
Peggy Schaefer, the refurnishing of an “electronic bulletin board”—a
its recycling program—operated from
the student lounge.
the mailroom on the B level—to
flat-screen monitor that displays
To improve the patient care
accept more items including colored
the school’s directory as well as
experience, Facilities renovated
paper and used batteries.
the front office area of the WilsonLooking to the future, several
Jennings-Bloomfield UCLA Venice
important updates are being planned
Dental Center and worked closely with faculty group for 2009-10 including the replacement of selected
dental practice manager Rochelle Bache to renovate flooring throughout the dental school building, the
the office in the Medical Plaza. Facilities also installed construction of closets to accommodate improvements
new cabinetry in the periodontics clinic and renovated to our information technology network, and a major
academic offices in the section of pediatric dentistry.
renovation of our research space on the seventh floor.
Throughout the school, there are a number of
Michelle Popowitz, JD, MPH
general improvements that are the result of the efforts of
Assistant Dean of Administration & External Affairs
multiple administrative offices.Visitors are now welcomed,
on the first floor, by an “electronic bulletin board”—a
This Year in Technology
ANGE erry ’10 log
L from
the Sc nto
nt Lou
etin bo ry
An ele he school's d
display d event noti
he UCLA School of Dentistr y enthusiastically radiography provides numerous advantages over film,
embraces technology-driven solutions that enhance such as immediate viewing of images, ability to enhance
the patient care and educational environments. In our images, efficient image storage and retrieval, and the
approach to the adoption of new technologies, we make need for less radiation. Digital imaging is also consistent
the most of our unique position as a dental school that is with the trend toward electronic patient records (EPRs)
part of a major public university and research institution. or “paperless charts,” and the School of Dentistry’s EPR
Dental school administrators and information system (GSD Academic—formerly known as SOE) has
technology staff, faculty from oral
already been configured for automatic
and maxillofacial radiology and other
upload of digital radiographs at the time
We embrace technology
disciplines, and a digital radiography
of image capture.
vendor are wor king together in solutions that enhance the
During winter quar ter 2009,
earnest to complete the transition patient care and educational the School of Dentistry was invited
from film to digital radiography in our
to par ticipate in UCLA’s license of
predoctoral clinics (digital radiography
Elluminate software, making this useful
is already in use in the postgraduate
resource available to all faculty and staff.
training programs for all extraoral imaging and for Elluminate is a collaborative communications framework
intraoral image capture). Staff training is scheduled to that enables activities such as interactive distance learning
begin in fall 2009; training for students, the installation via webcasting and archiving of lectures, web-based
of necessar y infrastructure upgrades, and the virtual meetings and videoconferencing, virtual office
implementation of the new digital radiography workflow hours for faculty, one-on-one instructor or peer-based
will occur during the 2009-2010 academic year.The move tutoring, and collaborative teaching with remote guest
from film to digital reflects a profession-wide trend at both lecturers. We anticipate that Elluminate also will facilitate
the private practice and dental education levels. Digital faculty development and staff training (areas of growing
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT ) is used to generate bone, soft tissue and combined images of a patient's
facial structures; intraoral, extraoral and CBCT images facilitate fast, accurate and comprehensive
diagnosis and treatment across multiple disciplines
need given our ever-increasing use of new media in
day-to-day operations) by enabling interactive remote
“attendance” at these sessions. Moreover, Elluminate
could allow for continuity in our educational operations
in the event, for example, of a major outbreak of swine flu.
ANGEL, the online curriculum management system
operated by the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
and the Louise Darling Biomedical Library and shared
with the School of Dentistry, is now integral to the
operation of our predoctoral educational program.
ANGEL facilitates the distribution of course materials
(syllabi, multimedia presentations, handouts, articles, etc.);
the monitoring of students’ progress on assignments; the
administration of examinations and other assessments
of students’ learning; and personalized communication
between instructors and students.The use of ANGEL by
dental school faculty has increased significantly during the
past year as more and more students have recognized its
helpfulness and encouraged their professors to adopt it
(see graph page 7). Since the dental school implemented
ANGEL in fall 2006, faculty and students have become
more sophisticated in the way they use the software. In
the beginning, they saw ANGEL as a way to “go paperless”
with their course materials. Today, they see it as a study
guide and a collaborative learning tool that is integral to
the educational experience.
In conclusion, our most exciting technology project
will also, paradoxically, be the least visible once it
is complete. The dental school is participating in the
campus-wide information technology initiative known as
Technology Infrastructure for Education and Research,
or TIER, which involves the planning and installation of
a next-generation regional network that will support
the school for ten years. Working together, the dental
school facilities and IT groups as well as the David Geffen
School of Medicine, Communication Technology Services,
and Capital Programs anticipate beginning construction
in early 2010 and transitioning the dental school from
the current network to the new, more efficient one by
the end of next year. Faculty, staff and students alike are
especially looking forward to the added convenience
of wireless internet connectivity throughout the school.
Edmond Hewlett, DDS
Director, Knowledge Management
This Year in Development
espite an uncer tain economic
environment during the past
fiscal year, the alumni and friends of
the UCLA School of Dentistry made
charitable gifts of nearly $3 million to
advance the institution’s mission of
excellence in teaching, research and
patient care. We are deeply grateful for
Dr. David W
this continued dedication as it makes an
Felix and M
ildred Yip E
important difference in the lives of our
Professor in
students, faculty and patients.
Most notably in fiscal year 2008-09, the
school announced the creation of three
new endowed chairs—the Felix and Mildred
Yip Endowed Professorship donated by Dr.
& Mrs. Felix C. Yip; the Dr. No-Hee Park
ildred Yip
Dr. Felix & M
Endowed Chair in Dentistry donated by the
Shapiro Family Foundation; and the Dr. Thomas K. Barber
Endowed Chair in Pediatric Dentistry donated by alumni
of the pediatric dentistry residency program and friends
of Dr. Barber (see page 55 for a list of contributors). Endowed Scholarship. In addition, the Board revised
Endowed chairs provide a permanent source of financial the selection criteria for its scholarship and increased
support for the scholarly activities of our outstanding the endowment principal to $250,000 to make it possible
faculty members; they are among the most prestigious to award larger scholarships in the future.
Finally, as part of an enduring
honors on campus and ser ve as
of providing high quality
powerful recruiting and retention tools.
Your continued dedication
care to underserved communities
The Apollonian Society has now
makes an important difference
in West Los Angeles, a new
marked its fifth year as a membership
par tnership between the Wilsonorganization dedicated to enhancing
Jennings-Bloomfield UCLA Venice
the student experience and continues faculty and patients.
Dental Center, the Wilson Family
to attract broad support from alumni,
Foundation and the Schutz Engel
faculty and friends. Participation rose
to dental care for adult clients
significantly during the last fiscal year as more than 500
transitional housing shelters
supporters contributed a total of $220,000. Gifts to the
Apollonian Society are a critical means of funding the in Santa Monica and, soon, Culver City.
All these initiatives—and many others—made
White Coat Ceremony, the patient care subsidy fund, The
by the loyalty and generosity of our supporters
Explorer journal of student research, evening workshops,
a strong foundation for the future success of
and many other activities that have a meaningful impact
the dental school and the improvement of oral health.
on student morale and achievement.
Scholarships continue to be another crucial
Thomas H. Mitchell, PhD
component of student support, and this year several
Director of Development
members of the Board of Counselors made significant
contributions in this area. Dr. Margaret Pan Quon ’68
Laura Pescatore
—the newest alumni member of the Board—and her
Assistant Director of Development
husband, Ronald Quon, established the Quon Family
Annual Fundraising 1998-2009
Funding Received
Fiscal Year
Donations by Source 2008-09
Donations by Purpose 2008-09
8% Students $225,400
2% Faculty $58,920
29% Programs/Research $821,291
50% Capital $1,452,012
11% Unrestricted $315,387
6% Non-Alumni $179,445
61% Alumni $1,758,796
9% Independent Foundations $249,070
21% Corporations $604,499
3% Other Organizations $81,200
(includes Apollonian Society funds)
Donation by Source
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
he UCLA School of Dentistry wishes to recognize and thank the following
individuals, corporations and foundations whose extraordinary generosity
enables us to pursue our mission of excellence in teaching, research, community
service and patient care. Each gift is deeply appreciated and represents an
investment in the future of the oral health profession.
Restricted Gifts and Grants
Restricted gifts and grants are directed at the donors’ request to a specific
departmental priority, project or initiative. Through their generosity, the donors
below have made a lasting contribution to the School by giving to endowed
chairs, student scholarships, faculty research, clinical operations, memorial funds
and academic centers.
$500,000 and above
Ralph J. Shapiro, JD & Shirley L. Shapiro
$100,000 to $499,999
Japan Medical Materials Corporation
David Y. Lee, MD, MPH, MBA &
Miki M. Nam, DDS ’83
Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation
$25,000 to $99,999
3M Unitek Corporation
Bisco Charitable Foundation
Delta Dental Plan of California
Naomi L. Ellison, DDS ’81 &
William J. Ellison
International Association
for Dental Research
Nobel Biocare USA
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation
Phiten Co., Ltd.
POM Wonderful, LLC
Margaret C. Pan Quon, MS, DDS ’68 &
Ronald Quon
Thomas J. Rauth, DDS ’73, MS &
Patricia A. Rauth
Sally and Dick Roberts Coyote Foundation
Schutz Engel Trust
Straumann USA, LLC
Tech 101-Arcus, Inc.
Jane M. & Jerry Weintraub
Robert S. & Marion L. Wilson
$10,000 to $24,999
American Association of
Orthodontists Foundation
California Dental Association
Howard Y. Chen, DDS
Satoru Hojo, DDS, PhD
Mark S. Lisagor, DDS ’73, Ct. ’77 (PD)
Hal C. Millstone, DDS &
Rosalind S. Millstone
Nara Bank
Peggy Schaefer
Toshihiro Suzuki, DDS, PhD
$5,000 to $9,999
Biolase Technology, Inc.
Ronald J. Bills, DDS, Ct. ’72 (PD)
Lisa D. Brennan, DDS ’77, Ct. ’77 (PD)
& Albert E. Cosand
Ceremed, Inc.
A. Roy Cleghorn
Discus Dental Impressions, Inc.
Ernst & Young Foundation
Stephen T. Finger, DMD, MPH, Ct. ’85 (PD)
Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children
Henry Schein, Inc.
Implant Innovations Japan, Inc.
Scott T. Jacks, DDS, Ct. ’76 (PD)
Alison K. Jackson, DDS, Ct. ’00 (PD)
Calman Kurtzman, DDS, DRPH
Oariona Lowe, DDS, Ct. ’84 (PD)
Stephen T. Moriguchi, DDS, Ct. ’80 (PD) &
Susan A. Moriguchi
Joan Otomo-Corgel, DDS ’76, MPH &
Richard T. Corgel, MS
The Richmond Foundation
Elliot P. Schlang, DDS ’74 &
Setha E. Schlang, JD
Toshiro Sugai, DDS
This honor roll lists all financial
commitments made to the UCLA
School of Dentistry between July 1,
2008 and June 30, 2009. Donors’
academic degrees (at the master’s
level and above) are noted as
recorded in the UCLA External
Affairs database. Donors’ UCLA
School of Dentistry degrees (DDS,
MS in oral biology, PhD in oral
biology, and cer tificates) are
recognized by the inclusion of the
specific class year in which they
were conferred.
Certificate (Ct.) Abbreviations:
(AP) Advanced Prosthodontics
(DA) Dental Anesthesiology
(E) Endodontics
(GP) General Practice
(includes Hospital Dentistry)
(MP) Maxillofacial Prosthodontics
(O) Orthodontics
(OS) Oral Surgery
(P) Periodontics
(PD) Pediatric Dentistry
(PO) Pedo-Orthodontics
The Development Office makes
every effort to ensure the accurary
of this report. If you note an error or
omisssion, please accept our apologies
and notify us by writing to the
Development Office, UCLA School of
Dentistry, CHS 53-038, Box 951668,
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1668; calling
(310) 206-0215; or sending email to
[email protected].
Kenneth G. Szymanski, DDS, Ct. ’76 (PD)
UCLA School of Dentistry Class of 2009
Delonne R. Valens
Felix C. Yip, MD, MBA & Mildred Yip
$2,500 to $4,999
The Affiliates of the University of
California, Los Angeles
American Dental Association
California State Chapter, P.E.O.
The Dental Foundation of California
Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products
Stephen S. Kallaos, DDS ’95
Jonathon E. Lee, DDS, Ct. ’00 (PD)
Neil I. Park, DMD
The Procter and Gamble Company
Sukhjit S. Purewal, DDS ’95
Jose A. Sanchez, DDS ’95
Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara
Stryker Craniomaxillofacial
Don L. & Cynthia D. Waters
Yeung & Yeung Dental Corporation
$1,000 to $2,499
Ann T. Azama, DDS, Ct. ’86 (PD), MS ’87 &
Randall J. Lee, MD, PhD
Madeleine D. Brandli
Vera Brown
Eunha Cho, DDS ’03, Ct. ’05 (PD)
Wanda I. Claro, DDS, MS ’87, Ct. ’87 (PO)
Coastal Implant Technologies, Inc.
Robert M. Cuenin, DDS, MS ’90, Ct. ’90 (O)
Dental EZ Group
Howard R. Dixon, DDS, MS
Donald F. Duperon, DDS, MS &
Donna J. Duperon
The Gerald M. and
Elizabeth A. Jennings Foundation
Nathan Golden
Roxana C. & John L. Graves
F. Isaac Hakim, DMD, Ct. ’79 (O) &
Shirley A. Hakim
Dr. Norio Hori
Peter D. Jeon, MS, DDS ’98, Ct. ’00 (O)
Andrew J. Kapust, DDS, Ct. ’96 (PO)
Lonnie R. Lovingier, DDS ’73, Ct. ’74 (PD)
& Janet Lovingier
Larry S. Luke, DDS, Ct. ’87 (O)
Margaret A. Maimes
Stephen J. McAuliff, DDS, MS ’75,
Ct. ’76 (O) & Beth McAuliff
Virginia M. Melmed, DDS ’04
Son Nguyen, DDS
No-Hee Park, DMD, PhD & Yu Bai Park
Pierre Fauchard Academy
Ana M. Planells, DDS ’01, Ct. ’04 (PD)
Yvonne M. Rochon, DDS &
Robert R. Ruby, DDS, Ct. ’82 (PD)
Gerald P. Roodzant, DDS ’79
Melvin L. Rowan, DDS
Brian Jay Saunders, DDS, Ct. ’00 (PD)
Janet Young Schrodi, DMD, Ct. ’03 (PD)
Robert E. Sheffield, DDS ’95, Ct. ’98 (PO)
Ronald L. Singer, DDS, Ct. ’81 (PD)
Martin R. Steigner, DDS ’73, Ct. ’75 (PD) &
Carlyn D. Steigner
JunJi Suzuki, DDS
UCLA School of Dentistry Class of 2008
Cynthia L. Weideman, DDS, Ct. ’94 (PD)
James M. Yee, DDS ’88, Ct. ’90 (PD) &
Lillian Yee
$500 to $999
John N. Groper, DDS & Marilyn Groper
Milly A. Hammeraas
Lindon Ken Kawahara, MD, DMD
Elaine D. Kim, DDS
Hugh M. Kopel, DDS
Richard M. Maitin, DDS & Harriet Maitin
Stephen P. Merritt, DDS ’76, Ct. ’78 (GP)
Thomas H. Mitchell, PhD
Michael J. Moratto & Kathleen Boone, PhD
Gregory K. Rabitz, DDS, Ct. ’03 (PD)
Elena S. Rumack, DDS ’02, Ct. ’05 (PD)
Donald H. Salk, DDS
Robert S. Schenkman, CPA &
Diana J. Schenkman
Heddie O. Sedano, DDS
Marie Sievert
Paul J. Styrt, DMD, MPH, MS ’88, Ct. ’88 (O)
Suter Dental Manufacturing Company
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
Charles L. & Marjorie Z. Wright
3M Company
KLS Martin, L.P.
MedPro Rx, Inc.
Orapharma, Inc.
Neophytos L. Savide, DDS, Ct. ’77 (PD)
Below $500
Astra Tech
Marilyn Crocker
Donald J. DalPorto
Marjorie Fennelly
Lynn Y. Goldman Sullivan &
Robert Sullivan
Dr. N Cun-Yu W
Chair Park Endo
in De
ntistry ed
alph Sh
nd R
Shirley a
The Apollonian Society
In the early 1970s, a small group of alumni and faculty members dedicated
to ensuring the success of the UCLA School of Dentistry created the
Apollonians; thirty years later, the membership-based Apollonian Society
was established with the primary mission of enhancing the student
experience. The School’s annual fundraising campaign received $220,000
in gifts and pledges in FY 2008-09, and owes its success to the generosity
of loyal supporters and new donors.
Renewing donors from FY 2007-08 are identified by . Apollonian Society
Founding Members are noted in bold text. Recent graduates attain the
status of Member with a gift of $100 or more.
Benefactors ($5,000 and above)
Alain G. Gabbay, DDS & Myra R. Gabbay
Stephen Y. Lee, DDS ’75 & Tracy Lee
Hark-Lim Ngan, PhD, DDS ’78
Thomas J. Rauth, DDS ’73, MS 
Sponsors ($2,500 to $4,999)
Kathryn A. Atchison, DDS, MPH &
C. Bryce Benjamin, MBA 
Mitchell C. Austin, MD & Julene C.
and Alison C. Austin 
John P. Ducar, DDS ’87 & Julia R. Ducar 
Naomi L. Ellison, DDS ’81 &
William J. Ellison 
Leslie R. Fish, DDS ’82, Ct. ’87 (OS) 
Warren E. Kaufman, DDS 
Sandra Krause 
Roger L. Lent, DDS ’73 & Brenda J. Lent
Jung Lim, DDS ’02, MS ’02 
Mark S. Lisagor, DDS ’73, Ct. ’77 (PD) &
Dr. Terri E. Lisagor 
David C. Lu, DDS ’78 & Christine and
Kevin C. Lu 
Kathy R. Mulligan, DDS ’83 
Steven K. Okamoto, DDS ’84, Ct. ’85 (GP),
Ct. ’88 (AP) & Cheryl B. Okamoto
Gerald P. Roodzant, DDS ’79
Thomas N. Sims, DDS ’72 
Richard G. Stevenson III, DDS ’86 
Russell I. Webb, DDS ’78, Ct. ’81 (OS) &
Kathleen L. Webb 
Patrons ($1,000 to $2,499)
Todd M. Arndt, DDS ’97 
Benjamin Louie’s Mammoth
Mountain Self Storage
Samuel S. Berro, DDS ’80 
Carol A. Bibb, PhD, DDS ’78 &
John D. Bibb, MD 
Margaret M. Bloomfield
Mark S. Bowles, DDS ’94 
George W. Brazeal, DDS ’77 &
Angela T. Brazeal, DDS ’77 
Harry C. Brown, DDS ’82 
Michael W. Burke, DDS ’86 
David M. Butsumyo, DDS ’84 
Manuel A. Carin, DDS ’89 &
Cynthia A. Carin 
Dana A. Carlton, DDS, Ct. ’79 (P), MS ’82
Gregory V. Chew, DDS ’80 
Jean Chu, DDS ’82 
Kay N. Cooney, DDS ’84 
Ian D. Coulter, DDS, PhD &
S. Adelaide Coulter 
Terrie K. DeBord, DDS ’82
Stevan P. Dumas, DDS ’80 
Diane L. Edge, DDS ’83
Richard J. Ewing, DDS ’79 
Patrick D. Garcia, DDS ’84
Melanie J. Gullett, DDS ’83 &
George A. Maranon, DDS ’83 
Suzanne B. Honeyman, DDS ’83 
Gregory A. Hong, DDS ’86 &
Rosellen D. Hong, DDS ’86 
Michael Z. Hopkins, DDS ’84, Ct. ’85 (GP) 
J.P. Hurley, DDS ’81 &
Patricia Tonelli-Hurley, MS ’83 
Johnson & Johnson Contribution Fund
Kenneth S. Lam, DDS ’77 
George T. Lin, DDS ’99
Afsaneh Malaekeh, DDS ’93 &
Brian LeSage, DDS 
Randall O. Mallett, DDS ’79 
Marvin Marcus, DDS, MPH &
Norma L. Pariewski, MD 
Kenneth R. Marti, DDS ’78
Robert L. Merin, DDS ’70, MS &
Barbara A. Merin 
Diane J. Milberg, DDS ’73
Ronald S. Mito, DDS ’76, FDS RCSEd &
Millicent Mito 
Russell F. Moon, DDS ’80 
William W. Morgan, DDS ’73 &
Teresa Morgan
Stephen T. Moriguchi, DDS, Ct. ’80 (PD) 
Kathleen J. Nuckles, DDS ’81 &
Richard J. Hoard, DDS 
Eleanor R. Padnick, MA, DDS ’80 
No-Hee Park, DMD, PhD &
Yu Bai Park 
William C. Patterson, DDS ’69 
Robert L. Pike, DDS ’68, MS 
Margaret C. Pan Quon, MS, DDS ’68
& Ronald Quon 
Berge Roubinian, DDS ’73 
Nancy S. Schort, DDS ’77 &
Donald R. Schort, Jr., MS, MBA 
Karl A. Smith, DDS ’81 &
Jayne Delaney, DDS 
Gregory W. Staffon, DDS ’84
Gregory Y. Sue, DDS ’79, Ct. ’85 (PO), MA
& Julie Sue, DDS ’84 
James A. Tamborello, DDS ’70
John A. Tomaich, DDS ’96
Theresa Tsai, DDS ’86 &
David G. Milder, DDS ’86, MD 
David J. Wolfe, DDS ’79 & Joanna Wolfe 
David T.Wong, DMD, DMSc &
Dr. Sharon Wong 
Robert S. Wylie, DDS ’79, Ct. ’81 (P) &
Christina M. Varwig, DDS ’81 
John A.Yagiela, DDS ’71, PhD 
Members ($500 to $999)
Chad D. Arthur, DDS ’97 
Janice C. Chou, DDS
Mary C. Cooke, DDS ’02
Mark A. DaRe, DDS ’85 & Susana DaRe 
Laurence A. Darrow, DDS, Ct. ’82 (PD) 
Donald M. DeVincenzi, DDS ’77 &
Kristin DeVincenzi, DDS ’77
Gordon H. Dixon, DDS ’75, Ct. ’78 (PD)
& Cathie C. Dixon 
Donald F. Duperon, DDS, MS &
Donna J. Duperon 
Susan C. Fredericks, DDS ’81 
Stephen S. Chung, DDS ’71 
Michael A. Clarke, DDS ’75
Terrell Cohen, DDS ’75 & Cafi M. Cohen 
Richard J. Cook, DDS ’72 
Joseph P. Cooney, MS, BDS & Rita Cooney 
Frank B. Cortez, DDS ’83 
Larry B. Crawford, DDS ’84, MSD 
John T. Czochanski, DDS ’88
Gary M. DaVirro, MA, DDS ’74, Ct. ’76 (O)
Robert C. Daby, DDS ’72 
Joseph L. Dautremont III, DDS ’82 
Jessica R. DeBord, DDS ’07
Victor J. Diamond, DDS, MS ’94 
81% Alumni $177,136
Patrick H. Dillon, DDS ’70
Charles R. Dobeck, DDS ’79 &
11% Friends $25,148
Sharon H. Dobeck 
6% Faculty/Staff $12,550
Laurene K. Duke, DDS ’84 
2% Corporation/Foundations $4,371
Richard H. Duong, DDS ’08
David A. Eikrem, DDS ’74 
Jeremy I. Factor, DDS ’03, MPH &
Pauline Factor
Alan L. Felsenfeld, DDS ’74, MA 
John W. Given, DDS, Ct. ’80 (OS) &
Samuel R. Tarica, DDS & Miryam H. Tarica  Stephen Ferraro, DDS 
Apollonian Society
Margaret D. Given 
Kenneth D. Uslan, DDS ’70 &
Douglas S. Field, DDS ’83 
Emanuel Gottlieb, DDS ’80 
Julia Z. Uslan 
Roger P. Fieldman, DDS ’77
Gary N. Herman, DDS ’73 
Warren P. Vallerand, DDS ’84 &
Henry W. & Jane Fong
Thomas M. Hood, DDS ’83
Dr. April A. Vallerand 
Neal E. Fong, DDS ’80 
Scott W. Huseth, DDS ’83 &
William A. Frasersmith, DDS ’97 &
Sandy Huseth 
Members ($300 to $499)
Linh Y. Frasersmith, MPH
Isolite Systems
Bijan Afar, DDS ’86, MS 
James R. Freed, DDS 
George E. Janeway, Jr., DDS ’70 &
Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity
Norman D. Fuller III, DDS ’90 
Lynn M. Janeway
Regency 14 
Daniel N. Galaif, DDS ’87
David H. Kiesling, DDS ’79
Robert E. Gandin, DDS ’75
Karen H. Lefever, MA, MS, PhD &
Sarah F. Aylard, DDS ’85 &
Sam Gilani, DMD, Ct. ’87 (P), MS ’88
James P. Lefever 
Steven Aylard, DDS 
Roger L. Gillespie, DDS ’83 &
Edward K. Lew, DDS
Arnold R. Balber, DDS ’80
Brenda Gillespie 
John Lombardi, DDS ’86 &
Michael R. Becker, DDS ’74 
Jeffrey M. Goldstein, PhD, MBA 
Deborah H. Lombardi
Lisa Beck-Uhl, DDS ’89 
Douglas J. Gordon, DDS ’76
Oariona Lowe, DDS, Ct. ’84 (PD)
Lynda J. Benedetto, DDS ’93 
Barbara A. Grace, MPH, DDS ’82 &
Jerry K. Maa, DDS ’84 
George W. Bernard, DDS, PhD &
Charles A. Grace
Kaustubh K. Marathe, DDS ’03
Ellie Bernard
Kenneth D. Greenstadt, DDS ’74,
Wayne T. Matsuura, DDS ’79 
John S. Bettinger, DDS ’68 
Ct. ’80 (PD) 
Jared D. Mccune, DDS ’02
Robert G. Bleier, DDS 
Frank D. Grossman, Jr., DDS ’76,
Jesse T. McVay, DDS ’79 
Rod M. Blenderman, DDS ’88 
Ct. ’78 (GP) 
Dennis D. Miller, DDS ’79 
Kerry A. Booth, DDS ’75
James Y.D. Hahn, DDS ’95 & Yun S. Hahn 
Robert E. Murphy, DDS ’79 
Brett C. Brazeal, DDS ’06 
Randall W. Halliday, DDS, Ct. ’76 (OS) 
Lawrence H. Ota, DDS ’78 
Jonathan S. Brown, DDS ’84 
Richard J. Halpin 
Mitchell B. Poiset, DDS ’84 &
Amy G. Burrin, DDS ’04
John L. Hammonds, DDS ’75 
Jennifer Poiset 
Marilyn R. Calvo, DDS ’79 & John Kritch 
Arthur R. Hand, DDS ’68 
Joseph G. Rimio, DDS ’76 
Tonia L. Cantrell, DDS ’04 
Andrew T. Harner, DDS ’02 
Anthony H. Savage, DDS ’74 
Fermin A. Carranza, Jr., DDS 
William D. Harrison, Jr., DDS ’69 
Brian M. Smith, DDS ’70 
Joseph W. Chang, DDS ’75, Ct. ’76 (GP)
Randall K. Harwood, DDS ’74 
Diane C. Tarica, DDS ’97 
Christine L. Chung, DDS ’08
Lawrence J. Hashimoto, DDS ’85 
Apollonian Society Donors 2008-09
Members ($300 to $499) continued
Eddie K. Hayashida, DDS ’76 
Dr. Eugenio G. Herbosa
Edmond R. Hewlett, DDS ’80
Bich-Thuy Hoang, DDS ’90 
John Q. Holcomb, DDS ’80 
Jerald M. Hong, DDS ’75 &
Candis L. Hong 
Gary B. Jacobsen, DDS ’76
Stanley M. Jitsumyo, DDS ’78
David L. Jolkovsky, DDS, MS ’89
Anthony Y. Jong, DDS ’90
John Jow, DDS ’76
Fred W. Kamansky, DDS ’72 
Jerome S. Kamei, DDS ’76 
Gary K. Kanemura, DDS ’81 &
Liza I. Kanemura 
Mark N. Katz, DDS ’88 
Kim B. Keller, DDS ’93 
Arthur A. Kezian, DDS ’83 &
Narine Tashjian, DDS ’86 
Kevin N. Kieu, DDS ’88 
Daniel P. Kiley, DDS ’77 
Quy P. Kim, DDS ’95, Ct. ’97 (PD) &
Andrew C. Kim, DDS ’95
Reuben H. Kim, DDS ’03, PhD ’08 
Roger S. Kingston, DDS ’71 
Donors to the Dr. Thomas K. Barber Endowed Chair Campaign
Andreia M. Silvera, DDS ’88
Ronald L. Singer, DDS, Ct. ’81 (PD)
Lynn Y. Goldman Sullivan & Robert Sullivan
Martin R. Steigner, DDS ’73, Ct. ’75 (PD) & Carlyn D. Steigner
Paul J. Styrt, DMD, MPH, MS ’88, Ct. ’88 (O)
Kenneth G. Szymanski, DDS, Ct. ’76 (PD)
Patricia N. Turley, DDS, Ct. ’94 (PD)
Cynthia L. Weideman, DDS, Ct. ’94 (PD)
James M.Yee, DDS ’88, Ct. ’90 (PD) & Lillian Yee
Ann T. Azama, DDS, Ct. ’86 (PD), MS ’87 &
Randall J. Lee, MD, PhD
Stephen S. Berger, DDS, Ct. ’75 (PD)
Ronald J. Bills, DDS, Ct. ’72 (PD)
Stephen M. Blain, DDS, Ct. ’72 (PD), MS
Madeleine D. Brandli
Lisa D. Brennan, DDS ’77, Ct. ’77 (PD) & Albert E. Cosand
California Society of Pediatric Dentistry Foundation
Peter C. Chiang, DDS ’89, Ct. ’91 (PD)
Eunha Cho, DDS ’03, Ct. ’05 (PD)
Wanda I. Claro, DDS, MS ’87, Ct. ’87 (PO)
Donald J. Dal Porto
Gordon H. Dixon, DDS ’75, Ct. '78 (PD)
Howard R. Dixon, DDS, MS
Donald F. Duperon, DDS, MS & Donna J. Duperon
Stephen T. Finger, DMD, MPH, Ct. ’85 (PD)
Lynn K. Fujimoto, DDS, Ct. ’81 (PD)
John N. Groper, DDS & Marilyn Groper
Scott T. Jacks, DDS, Ct. ’76 (PD)
Alison K. Jackson, DDS, Ct. ’00 (PD)
Jonathon E. Lee, DDS, Ct. ’00 (PD)
Mark S. Lisagor, DDS ’73, Ct. ’77 (PD)
Lonnie R. Lovingier, DDS ’73, Ct. ’74 (PD) & Janet Lovingier
Oariona Lowe, DDS, Ct. ’84 (PD)
Larry S. Luke, DDS, Ct. ’87 (O)
Stephen T. Moriguchi, DDS, Ct. ’80 (PD) & Susan A. Moriguchi
Steven J. Niethamer, DDS, Ct. ’79 (PD)
Dr. Robert W. Oliver
Dr. David M. Perry
Ana M. Planells, DDS ’01, Ct. ’04 (PD)
Gregory K. Rabitz, DDS, Ct. ’03 (PD)
Yvonne M. Rochon, DDS & Robert R. Ruby, DDS, Ct. ’82 (PD)
Melvin L. Rowan, DDS
Elena S. Rumack, DDS ’02, Ct. ’05 (PD)
Brian Jay Saunders, DDS, Ct. ’00 (PD)
Neophytos L. Savide, DDS, Ct. ’77 (PD)
Janet Young Schrodi, DMD, Ct. ’03 (PD)
Robert E. Sheffield, DDS ’95, Ct. ’98 (PO)
Marie Sievert
Dr. Thomas K. Ba
rber (1937-2008)
Members ($300 to $499) continued
George Kinney
Bernice T. Ko, DDS ’92, Ct. ’95 (E) 
Daniel T. Kus, DDS ’77 
Maurina L. Kusell, DDS ’79, PhD 
John D. LaJoy, DDS ’83 
Barbara J. Lack, DDS ’76 
Kevin G. Landon, DDS ’74 
I. Mark Leavitt, DDS ’74 
Lewis H. Leavitt, DDS ’73 &
Martha B. Leavitt 
Sue D. Lehoang, DDS ’83 
Brett P. Lent, DDS ’07, MS ’07 &
Dr. Shana L. Ballow 
Stephen D. Levine, DDS 
Mark B. Lieberman, DDS 
Robert A. Lindemann, DDS, MS ’85, MA Ed 
Charles C. Low, DDS ’86, Ct. ’88 (PD) &
Brenda Q. Low
Dennis E. Lowe, DDS ’69 
Deborah L. Lyon, DDS ’79, Ct. ’80 (GP)
Robert W. Magnuson, DDS ’77 
Carl A. Maida, PhD, MA 
Randall L. Malan, DDS ’88
Richard A. Mandel, DDS ’70, Ct. ’73 (OS) 
Raymond J. Mangigian, DDS ’80
Richard Massoth, DDS, PhD ’80
Virginia E. Meek, DDS ’76 
Jack C. Melvin, DDS ’80 
Alexander K. Molayem, DDS ’08
Lynda A. Molstad, DDS ’03
Robert M. Miyasaki, DDS ’86
Larry A. Moe, DDS ’74 
Aaron D. Molen, DDS, MS ’08, Ct. ’08 (O)
Ryan J. Monti, PhD, DDS ’06 
George A. Moraga, Jr., DDS ’90
Wilson S. Morishita, DDS ’74 
Robert L. Muckey, DDS ’70 
Craig R. Mundy, DDS ’82 
Martin S. Nahigian, DDS ’74 
Arthur T. Nakahara, DDS ’87 
Kenneth Y. Natsuhara, DDS ’82 
Tuan H. Nguyen, DDS ’01 
Susan S. Nimmo, MPH, DDS ’85 &
Arthur Nimmo, DDS, Ct. ’83 (AP) 
Gary U. Okamoto, DMD, Ct. ’88 (PD)
Larry A. Okmin, DDS ’71 
Dr. Michael Papademetriou, Ct. ’89 (O) 
Lisa Y. Park Choi, DDS ’94
Oscar M. Pena, DDS ’99
Phuoc H. Phan, DDS ’98
Jeffrey R. Prager, DDS ’78 
Lisa Rowe Quinn, DDS ’81 
James M. Raymer, DDS ’77 
Straty Righellis, DDS ’71
Creed Rowan, DMD
Gail T. Sakamoto, DDS ’82 
Douglas T. Sakurai, DDS ’88
Kenneth H. Sakurai, DDS ’85 
Bruce Sanders, DDS 
Puneet Sandhu, DDS ’04 
William W. Savage, Jr., DDS ’74 &
Cynthia Savage 
Todd R. Schoenbaum, DDS ’05 
Harry C. Schwartz, MD, DMD &
Mei-Ling Schwartz, MPH 
Norman Senzaki, DDS ’79
Asha Sethu-Madhavan, DDS ’08
Bradley G. Seto, DDS, Ct. ’79 (GP) &
Marla P. Seto 
Mark W. Shamburg 
Robert E. Sheffield, DDS ’95, Ct. ’98 (PO)
& Cristie I. Sheffield, MBA
Steven Y. Shiba, DDS ’93
Brian K. Sibbald, DDS ’73 &
Katherina R. Sibbald
Lee J. Slater, DDS ’75 
Douglas L. Smith, DDS ’75 
Stephen F. Smith, DDS ’70 &
Kriseda Smith 
Thomas O. Smith, DDS ’94 
Carol W. Snow, DDS ’81
Warren A. Steiner, DDS ’72
Marwood M. Stout, DDS ’88, Ct. ’92 (OS) 
Eugene I. Sugita, MPH, DDS ’83 
Robert A. Sunstein, DDS ’95 
Henry H. Takei, DDS, MS
Richard J. Tannyhill, DDS ’96 &
Elizabeth Tannyhill
Darrell T. Teruya, DDS ’83
Lloyd G. Thompson, DDS ’78 
Donald C. Tillman, DDS ’74
Vivian Tom, DDS ’91 & Elbert Tom, DDS
Amy Thu Tran, DDS ’99 &
Loc Tran, DDS ’98 
Ronald D. Tremmel, MA, DDS ’69
Lawrence S. Trudgeon, DDS ’72
Ray Tsuyuki, Jr., DDS ’78 
Alma M. Vilkas-Stockus, DDS ’80 
Terry L. Vincent, DDS ’71 
Michael F. Whelan, DDS ’88 
Mark E. White, DDS ’78
Stuart C. White, DDS ’68, PhD
Stephen D. Willens, DDS ’77
Robert S. & Marion L. Wilson
Lawrence E. Wolinsky, PhD, DMD &
Amerian D. Sones, DMD, MS ’85
Carol M.K. Wong, DDS ’91, MS ’91 
Jeffrey Y. Yamashiro, DDS ’88 
Raffi Yessayantz, DDS ’87 &
Yvette Yessayantz 
Chunyi Yin, DDS, MS ’04 & Xuetao Liu
Wesley N. Young, DDS ’75 &
Dianne T. Young
Other Gifts (below $300)
Cathy Ai
Michael G. Allard
N.J. Allston
Eric M. Alltucker, DDS ’94 
Leslie Aranoff-Hirschman, MSW 
Joan L. Armstrong, DDS ’83 &
Douglas V. Armstrong, PhD
Thomas F. Armstrong, DDS ’80 
Ruth M. Becker, DDS, Ct. ’81 (PD), MS ’82 
Jim Bennett 
Theodore Berg, Jr., DDS 
Arthur T. Berke, DDS & Lois Berke
Robin H. Berrin, DDS ’75 &
Susanne Leitner 
Shantu K. & Usha Bhatia
Jason Bidwell
Sophia & Chia-Teh Bien
Anne W. Birnbaum, DDS ’76
Urs P. Birrer 
David W. Black, Jr., DDS ’70 & Betty Black 
Kenneth H. Bleifer, MD 
The Boeing Company
Lois A. Bohnsack
Lisa D. Brennan, DDS ’77, Ct. ’77 (PD) 
Truc X. Bui, DDS ’88
Cesar D. & Rosemille S. Capio 
Daniel W. Cardon, DDS ’70 
Christopher W. Carrington, DDS ’84 
Luis A. Castaneda
Peter L. Ceccotti, DDS ’75 
Helen Chan
Soo-Ling Q. Chan
Alexander V. Chang
Catalina & Peter Chang
Catherine L. & William K. Chang
Christine A. Chang, DDS ’02 
Mariel C. Chetcuti, DDS, MS ’84
Tamara L. Clauson, DDS ’84 
Matthew S. Cowman, DDS ’93
Ian M. Croll, PhD
Michael L. Curiel, DDS ’81
Robert C. Curreri, DDS ’68 &
Sharon K. Curreri, CPA
Robert E. Darnell, Jr., DDS ’79 
Huong T. Davidsson, DDS ’93
Alfred Doi
Other Gifts (below $300) continued
Michael K. Dote, DDS ’00 
Charles L. Duchscher, Jr., DDS ’73 
Erick J. Eklund III, DDS ’88
Vincent Estrada
Mitra E. Evans, DDS ’86 &
Jonathan H. Evans, DDS ’85
Benjamin & Rosie Fan
Joyce N. Fang, DDS ’94 & Darren Inouye
Sherry Faust, DDS ’78 
Traci R. Fernandes, DDS ’94 
James M. Finley, DDS ’75 & Evelyn Finley 
Maurice Firouz, DDS ’87 
Jordan B. Fischer
Elliott H. Fishlyn, DDS ’75 &
Laura A. Green, JD 
William A. Fong, DDS ’76
Gary L. France, DDS ’80
Lauren R. Friedman, DDS ’77
Robert A. Gandola, DDS ’85
James D. Garol, DDS ’73 
Rose M. & William H. Gee
Paul R. Genasci, DDS ’88
Harry R. & Judith Gewertz
Marilyn & Gilbert Giacomelli
Teri A. Gibson, DDS ’81 
Roland & Myrice R. Goldberg
Juan M. Gonzalez, DDS ’76
Patricia Gonzalez-Templeton, DDS ’96
Dorothy M. Good
Susan L. Gordon, DDS ’79 
Kenneth R. Greenbaum, DDS ’69 
Miriam E. Griffin
Frank P. Gussman, DDS ’72 
Christoph F. Haar, DDS, Ct. ’92 (O) 
Harold W. Hargis, DMD
Anna Harmandarian, DDS ’91
Shannon O. Hawkins
Dennis & Claudia Heaps 
Robert T. Higashiyama, DDS ’80 
Elsie Y. Ho
Bonita C. Hornstein, DDS ’83 
Shirley R. Hsu
T. Gordon Hum, DDS ’84 
Jane E. Huntington
Altha E. & John J. Husband
Jeffrey S. Jang, DDS ’85 
D. Barton Johnson, DDS 
Michael T. Johnson, DDS ’75 
Takumi J. Kagawa, DDS ’74, Ct. ’76 (GP),
Ct. ’79 (MP) 
Jesse C. Kim, DDS ’01
Sony H. Kim 
Robert & Marietta Kin
Peter G. Kremp, DDS ’84
Hisaye S. & Sojo Kuroda
Vlad Kustanovich, PhD
Cau A. Lao
Jaime Lau, DDS ’03 &
Zachary E. Held, DDS ’03
Alisa Le
Clara E. Lee, DDS ’97
Eugene K. & Lucy Y. Lee
John W. Lee, MD & Mary Lee
Marjorie Lee, MA, MLS
Stephen R. Lee, DDS ’86
Valerie R. Lee, DDS ’78
Alan M. Leon, DDS ’74 
Roger R. Li, DDS ’87
Galen K. & Linda J. Lowe 
Tracey L. Lysander, DDS ’84 
Jan A. Manning, DDS ’84
James F. Mattson, DDS ’78 
Patricia A. McDonald 
Ann M. Mendez, DDS ’97
Linda J. Merksamer, DDS ’78
Robert L. Merrill, DDS, MS ’94
Donald B. Mikami, DDS ’72 &
Patricia Mikami 
Vicente O. Miramon, DDS ’83 
Michael C. Montgomery, DDS ’80 &
Judith K. Montgomery 
Harriet C. Moore
Noushin Morshed, DDS, Ct. ’74 (PD) &
Mani Morshed, DDS, Ct. ’76 (PD) 
Shahriar Motamed, DDS ’03
George Naidus, DDS ’71 
John D. Neuenswander, DDS ’84
Rick & Kathy A. New
Jack T. Nguyen
William D. Nguyen, DDS ’97
Cynthia L. Novak, DDS ’84
Rees M. Olson, DDS ’02
Cecilia B. Ordonez, DDS ’77
Jason M. Pambrun, DDS ’03 
Byung Joo Park
Wendy J. Parker-Harris, DDS ’83
Gladys & Sophia Peng
Rex J. Peterson, DDS ’79 
Jeffrey J. Petron, DDS ’84
Richard J. Phillips, Jr., DMD, Ct. ’87 (DA) 
Charles R. Pillsbury
Nancy R. & Douglas S. Poyourow
R.E.O. Services, Inc.
Robert S. Rhodes, DDS ’83 &
Mary W. Rhodes 
Margo M. Ricard
Richard A. Riemann, DDS ’69 
Alan R. Rissolo, DDS, Ct. ’88 (GP)
Nadine M. Ritter, DDS ’91 
Maria E. Rodriguez, DDS ’00
Paul C. Ross, DDS ’74 
Roberta Z. Rule, DDS ’79 
Harold R. Rush, PhD, DDS ’79 
Dana H. Russell, DDS, Ct. ’81 (GP)
Cherri M. Sakamoto
Johnny K. & Grace M. Sakioka
Betty Savage
Bruce J. Schwartz, DDS
Robin A. Sera, DDS ’84 
Judy D. Sherman 
Michael L. Sherman, DDS ’92 
Sandra N. Short
Richard S. Silvera, DDS ’72
Ronald L. Singer, DDS, Ct. ’81 (PD) 
Arthur L. Solomon, DDS ’73 
Daniel J. Sones, DDS ’92 
Edward N. St. George, DDS ’70 
Kathleen A. Stambaugh, DDS ’84
Eileen Stanley
Jack H. Stansfield, DDS ’74
Martin R. Steigner, DDS ’73, Ct. ’75 (PD) 
Gayane Stepanyan
Gary L. Stevens, DDS, Ct. ’77 (O)
James E. Stich, DDS ’88 &
Angela B. Stich, MS
Steven M. Stoecklein, DDS ’79 
Paul J. Styrt, DMD, MPH, MS ’88,
Ct. ’88 (O) 
Pamela G. Swenson, DDS ’82
David J. Taft, DDS ’82 & Amy Taft 
Sotirios Tetradis, DDS, PhD 
Martin H. Thurston, DDS,
Ct. ’85 (O), MS ’86
Robert P. Thye, DMD, MA &
Joan F. Thye 
Jack H. Tolin, DDS ’71 
James W. Tsai, DDS ’91
Unishippers Global Logistics, LLC 
Unitrin, Inc. 
Alvaro (Ivar) Vasco, DDS ’75 &
Dawn L. Vasco 
Michael T. Vehawn, DDS ’77
George H. Ward, DDS, Ct. ’72 (O)
Joseph E. Wheatley, DDS ’82 &
Janine A. Welch, DDS ’84
Bruce E. Williams, DDS ’70
Patricia J. Williamson, DDS ’80
Jerard Wilson, DDS ’70 
Gerd S. Wolman, DDS 
Allen K. Wong, DDS
Evelyn S. & Howard Y. Wong
Principal Value of Gifts and Endowments 2003-2009
Fiscal Year
Principal Value
Robert L. Wong, DDS ’73
Margaret C. Wu
Vida Yaghmai, DDS ’98
Rick K. Yamada, DDS, Ct. ’86 (OS)
Tamiko N. Yamaga, MA
Frances A. Yamamoto
Roger R. Yang, DDS ’89 
Betty G. & Arthur Yee
Yellowstone Enterprises, Ltd.
Ron Yeo, F.A.I.A. Architect, Inc.
Robert Y. Yoshimura, MS &
Sachi K. Yoshimura 
Diana Zinberg, DDS ’91
Sol M. Zira, DDS ’77 
Paula Wilson
, Margaret Blo
Marion Wilson
omfield, Rober
, Thomas Wils
t Wilson, Dr.
on and Dean
Lillian Cheng,
No-Hee Park
at Commence
ment 2009
The Alumni Community: Our Past and Our Future
Alumni gather at
A time for reunions: Dr. Robert
t dean
and Ann Beech, former assistan
of student affairs
the annual lunche
he UCLA Dental Alumni Association welcomed 169
new members this year—the 100 DDS graduates,
18 recipients of the MS degree in oral biology, three
recipients of the PhD in oral biology, and 48 individuals
who earned postgraduate certificates in general and
specialty dentistry at Commencement 2009.
Since 1964, our school has yielded 3,953 alumni with
a DDS, MS or PhD degree, and upwards of 700 alumni
who received a postgraduate certificate. During their
time at UCLA, these individuals contributed in
innumerable ways to the productivity, direction and
culture of the school. As graduates and practicing dentists,
educators and scientists, they uphold and further the
school’s excellent reputation. As lifelong members of the
dental school family, they participate in events, mentor
students, supervise patient care in the predoctoral clinics,
and provide much-needed financial support.
It is the goal of the UCLA Dental Alumni Association
to host events and activities that foster a sense of
community for our alumni, providing opportunities for
them to reconnect with each other as well as to remain
involved in the lives of professors and students at the
school. Annual events, such as the alumni breakfast and
lecture and the all-school picnic in the fall, the alumni golf
tournament every spring, and alumni day during the
annual California Dental Association meeting, draw
crowds. To encourage interaction on a more intimate
scale, we invite alumni to return as guest lecturers in
special evening presentations geared to current students.
Our growing base of dedicated alumni is a crucial
component of the dental school’s strong foundation now
and in the future.
William Yancey, DDS
Assistant Dean & Director of
Continuing Education & Alumni Affairs
David Altman, DDS
Assistant Director of Alumni Affairs
Alumni Board 2008-09
William Morgan, DDS ’73
Vice President
Emily Letran, DDS ’93
Afsaneh Malaekeh, DDS ’93
David Altman, DDS ’78
Steven Lee, DDS ’94
Elliott Schlang, DDS ’74
Todd Schoenbaum, DDS ’05
Alumni of the Year
The UCLA School of Dentistr y’s
Alumni Reunion and Luncheon held May 16,
2009 celebrated our co-alumni of the year,
Drs. Melanie Gullett and her husband George
Maranon, as well as our honorary alumnus of
2009, Dr. Harold Hargis.
Drs. George Mar
Drs. Gullett and Maranon have a long
& Mel
history of service to the school and the dental
profession. They graduated as classmates from the UCLA
School of Dentistry in 1983, and have been very active in
Dr. Haro
the Alumni Association and the Apollonian Society. George,
ld Hargis
an oral surgeon, practices in Tarzana. Melanie, a breast cancer
survivor, sold her practice in Santa Monica and is very
which recognized his lifelong contributions to the specialty
involved in fundraising for a cure.
of oral and maxillofacial surgery in 2006. Although Dr. Hargis
In selecting Dr. Hargis as honorary alumnus this year,
officially retired from the dental school 15 years ago, you’d
the UCLA Dental Alumni Association took its cue from the
never know it from the schedule he keeps.
California Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,
In Memoriam
Dr. Robert J. Tovsrud, DDS, of Los Angeles, California,
passed away July 16, 2009 while visiting his farm near Leeds,
North Dakota.
Bob was born in 1944 in Rugby, North Dakota, to Peter
and Esther Tovsrud, and attended grade school in a one-room
schoolhouse near the Tovsrud home in York Township, ND. He
attended high school in Leeds, and then North Dakota State
University, Grand Forks, where he obtained a BS in engineering.
He followed this up with a master’s degree in civil engineering
from Purdue. He then migrated to southern California, and spent
the first years of his career as an engineer at McDonnell-Douglas
and Hughes Aircraft, working at plants in Downey, Canoga Park,
and Fullerton, where he made friends he has kept all through
the years.
He decided in 1972 to leave engineering and entered the
dental school at UCLA, from which he graduated in 1976. He
spent a year in post-doctorate orthodontic training at USC, and
then entered the practice of orthodontics in southern California,
beginning with his own practice in Brentwood and extending
later to part-time practices as a contract orthodontist at various
locations throughout the southland. He built up a faithful cadre
of patients and friends from all walks of life in this second career.
Bob was an interesting and multi-talented man. He was an
expert ham operator, a runner, a gun collector, hunter, and Civil
War buff. Every year he would return to North Dakota to hunt,
work on his farm, and visit friends.
He is survived by an uncle, Russell Iverson, of Portland,
Oregon; aunts, Edna Tandberg and Irene Tandburg of Louisiana;
and several cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents.
Services were in Leeds, North Dakota on July 24, 2009. Bob
will be missed by his many relatives, friends, patients and
acquaintances, who knew him as an excellent dentist, but more
than that—as a friendly, intelligent man who was vitally interested
in the world around him and was always ready to help a friend
as well as be one.
Reprinted from the Los Angeles Times
An Invitation to Join Us in Our Mission
Our mission: To improve the oral health of the
Apply to be a student, resident or preceptor
The UCLA School of Dentistry is one of the premier dental schools in the world, and we’re
always looking for the students who will uphold our reputation for excellence. Visit us on the
web at http://www.dentistry.ucla.edu/Admissions/index.asp.
Enroll in a continuing education course
From dental ethics and infection control to aesthetic dentistry and advanced implant therapy, we
offer the courses that keep dentists’ skills current. See all our course listings online at
Share your expertise
• Participate firsthand in the work of the school. Apply
for an academic appointment at
or a staff position (select organization code "2100") at
• Supervise the clinical care that our dental students and
residents provide. Contact the following specialty areas:
Endodontics: Dr. Mo Kang at (310) 825-8048
Periodontics: Dr. Paulo Camargo at (310) 825-0928
Removable Prosthodontics: Dr. Ting-Ling Chang
at (310) 206-8515
Restorative Dentistry: Dr. Richard Stevenson
at (310) 794-4387
Dr. Robert D
uell and denta
l students
in the Westwoo
d predoctoral
• Volunteer in our clinics—whether you are a retiree or a
pre-dental college student. Send email to Marissa Heredia at [email protected].
• Host UCLA dental students on visits to your practice. Write to Dr. Jeff Goldstein at
[email protected].
people of California, the nation and the world.
Make a gift
The UCLA School of Dentistry has giving opportunities for everyone at
every level, from the Apollonian Society annual student support fund and
endowments for faculty to charitable remainder trusts and estate gifts.
Your generosity helps to ensure that our school remains at the forefront of
excellence in teaching, research and patient care. Visit us online at
Julia Becherer
’13 and her p
at the White
Coat Ceremo
Get involved in the alumni association
The UCLA School of Dentistry’s 4,000 alumni (and growing) constitute an impressive network
of leaders in the dental field. The alumni association hosts regular events, publishes quarterly
newsletters and offers professional services to our graduates. Learn more on the web at
Be an advocate
Whether it’s at the campus, state, or national levels, we need you to spread the word about
UCLA’s role as a vital engine for opportunity, possibility and leadership. We invite you to:
• Serve on the alumni board to support the dental school in campus meetings; please contact
Dr. William Morgan at [email protected];
• Volunteer with the Bruin Caucus to ensure that our voice is heard from city hall to Sacramento
to Washington D.C. Read about the Bruin Caucus at http://www.advocacy.ucla.edu/bruincaucus1.asp; or
• Simply make referrals to our educational programs and clinical services.
Administrative Team 2008-09
Board of Counselors 2008-09
No-Hee Park, DMD, PhD
Dr. Naomi L. Ellison, ’81
Dr. Russell I. Webb, ’78
Vice Chair
Lawrence Wolinsky, PhD, DMD
Associate Dean of Academic
Programs & Personnel
Mr. Craig I. Bloom
Mr. Jae Min Chang
Carol Bibb, PhD, DDS
Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Daniel W. Douglass, Esq.
Mrs. Roxana C. Graves
Ronald Mito, DDS, FDS RCSEd
Associate Dean of Clinical
Dental Sciences
Mr. Benjamin Hong
Dr. David Y. Lee
Mr. Harold M. Matheson
David Wong, DMD, DMSc
Associate Dean of Research
Dr. Elizabeth G. McNabb, ’75
Dr. Hal Millstone
Michelle Popowitz, JD, MPH
Assistant Dean of Administration
& External Affairs
Professor Jun Miyata
Dr. Joan Otomo-Corgel, ’76
Bruce Sanders, DDS
Assistant Dean of Outreach & Diversity
Dr. Margaret C. Pan Quon, ’68
Rick Valdivia, CPA
Assistant Dean of Finance &
Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Thomas J. Rauth, ’73
Dr. Neil I. Park
Dr. Gerald P. Roodzant, ’79
Dr. Elliot P. Schlang, ‘74
William Yancey, DDS
Assistant Dean and Director
of Continuing Education & Alumni Affairs
Dr. Byoung I. Suh
Ms. Linda Tarrson
Mr. Don L. Waters
Thomas H. Mitchell, PhD
Director of Development
Dr. Jack A. Weichman
Mr. Robert S. Wilson
Sandra Shagat, MA
Special Assistant to the Dean/
Director of Communications
Dr. Felix C. Yip
Dr. No-Hee Park
ex officio
Edmond R. Hewlett, DDS
Director of Knowledge Management
Annual Report 2008-09
Gene Block
No-Hee Park
Sandra Shagat
Guest Editors
Sophia Hsu
Michelle Popowitz
Brian Lozano
Sandra Shagat
David Altman
Rochelle Bache
Bob Knight Photo
Chris Chau
Scot Kawano
Brian Lozano
Thomas Mitchell
No-Hee Park
Laura Pescatore
Deema Saad
Sandra Shagat
Sotirios Tetradis
Delia Tuttle
Lawrence Wolinsky
Colornet Press
Contact Information
UCLA School of Dentistry
Dean’s Suite
10833 Le Conte Avenue
Box 951668, 53-038 CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1668
(310) 206-6063 phone
(310) 794-7734 fax
The annual report is published for the alumni and friends
of the UCLA School of Dentistry. Send questions and/or
comments to [email protected].
Dean’s Suite
10833 Le Conte Avenue
Box 951668, 53-038 CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1668