italian cast coinage - Numismatik Worldcoins


italian cast coinage - Numismatik Worldcoins
A descriptive catalogue of the cast bronze coinage and its struck counterparts
in ancient Italy from the 7th to 3rd centuries BC
Italo Vecchi
London Ancient Coins Ltd
Roman Strenae new year lamps depicting Janus type asses (Passeri 1767).
Festos et sollemnes dies profusissime, nonnumquam tantum ioculariter celebrabat. Saturnalibus, et si quando alias
libuisset, modo munera dividebat, vestem et aurum et argentum, modo nummos omnis notae, etiam veteres regios
ac peregrinos.................
Augustus spared no expense when celebrating national holidays and behaved very light-heartedly on occasion. At
the Saturnalia, or at any other time when the fancy took him, he distributed to his company clothes, gold, and
silver; sometimes coins of all sorts, even of the ancient kings of Rome and of foreign nations….
Suetonius, Divus Augustus 75
© 2013 Italo Vecchi
First Published in 2013 by
London Ancient Coins Ltd
[email protected]
US distribution:
B & H Kreindler
236 Altessa Blvd
Melville, NY 11747
[email protected]
A catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-0-9575784-0-1
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 3
Glossary of Terms
Metrology and Dating
Abbreviations and Bibliography
Early bronze currency
Aes rude
Currency bars
Figural currency bars
The Roman Republic
Currency bars
Uncertain of Inland Etruria
Uncertain of Etruria or Umbria
North-Eastern Italy
The Vestini
Central Italy
Praeneste (?)
Anonymous series
Issues not in recognisable series
Northern Apulia
Northern Lucania
Uncertain of Samnium or Lucania
Bronze objects
List of illustrations
“ multa quidem didici : sed cur navalis in aere
altera signata est, altera forma biceps ? “
“ noscere me duplici posses sub imagine,” dixit
“ ni vetus ipsa dies extenuasset opus,
causa rartis superest : Tuscum rate venit in amnem
ante pererrato falcifer orbe deus.
hac ego Saturnum memini tellure receptum
caelitibus regnis a Iove pulsus erat.
inde diu genti mansit Saturnia nomen ;
dicta quoque est Latium terra, latente deo.
at bona posteritas puppem formavit in aere,
hospitis adventum testificata dei.
‘Indeed I’ve learned much: but why is there a ship’s figure
On one side of the copper as, a twin shape on the other?’
‘You might have recognised me in the double-image’,
He said, ‘if length of days had not worn the coin away.
The reason for the ship is that the god of the sickle
Wandering the globe, by ship, reached the Tuscan river.
I remember how Saturn was welcomed in this land:
Driven by Jupiter from the celestial regions.
From that day the people kept the title, Saturnian,
And the land was Latium, from the god’s hiding (latente) there.
But a pious posterity stamped a ship on the coin,
To commemorate the new god’s arrival.
Ovid Fasti I, 229-240
Translation by Sir James George Frazer, The Loeb Classical Library 1
It has been 35 years since Bradbury Thurlow and I published a handbook on Italian cast coinage which attempted to summarise the material previously published by Crawford (RRC), Thomsen (ERC), Sydenham (AG)
and Haeberlin (1910), a monumental work that after 103 years is still the standard works of reference for this
coinage, and itself relied heavily on the pioneering work of Garrucci (1885) for provenances and mint identifications. Since then a multitude of specialist studies has been published dealing with many of the issuing authorities of cast coinage. In 1985 Crawford published Coinage and Money under the Roman Republic (CMRR), an
all-embracing introduction to coinages in central Italy at the time of the Roman Republic included an important
comparative study of cast issues. This was followed in 1987 by Burnett, Coinage in the Roman World, a very useful
introduction to the adoption of coinage by Rome from about 300 BC. Finally, after many years in preparation,
Historia Nummorum Italy (HNItaly) was published in 2001, a radical revision and updating the Italian section
of the 1911 second version of Barclay Head’s Historia Numorum (HN2), with N.K. Rutter as the principal editor
and with the collaboration of the most eminent numismatists in the field of Italian numismatics.
The aim of this new edition of Italian Cast Coinage (ICC) is to summarise the research on Italy’s cast bronze
coinage over the last 30 years and add to it the publication of previously unknown types. Although it generally
follows the geographical arrangement of HNItaly, the catalogue starts with the coinage of the Roman Republic,
the dominant regional power, which maintained a unique unbroken sequence of cast issues from currency bars
to the final devaluations and transition to a fiduciary bronze coinage.
The weight range and census of most issues is drawn from Haeberlin, but where possible new and more complete studies have been taken into consideration. Hoards and single find spots have been cited for rare, important
and unattributed coins and, in addition, a full listing of Etruscan hoards and finds will be included in Etruscan
Coinage II, forthcoming. The terms aes signatum and aes grave have been avoided as it is now clear that what the
ancient sources mean is quite different from that which was understood by 19th and 20th century numismatists.
All dates are BC unless otherwise stated.
I would like to acknowledge the generous help I have deceived in compiling the material in this catalogue
from the following friends and colleagues: Dario Avagliano, Stefano Bani, Paolo del Bello, Andrew Burnett, Andrea
Cavicchi, Peter Clayton, Carlo Maria Fallani, Herbert Kreindler, Richard Beale, Andrew McCabe, Paul Munro
Walker, the late Enzo Ponte, Roberto Russo, Christian Schaack, Daniele Treglia, David Vagi, Jennifer VecchiGomez, Vincenzo Vellucci, Rick Witschonke and all the private collectors who perforce remain anonymous.
Principal mints of cast coinge.
Currency is generally defined as anything used as a “convenient medium of exchange” (Keynes 1930, 3, 53)
and therefore having purchasing power. No object is money per se, yet any recognized object can function as
primitive money from cowrie shells, beads, oxhide and bun ingots, spits (oboloi), arrows and spearheads, weapons
and tools in general, lumps of metal and Chinese bronze cash to gold and silver which was traded by weight for
millennia in the Middle East. The advantages of money include the ability to set a fixed price, settle debts and
store accumulated surplus in a durable form that can outlast the life of a crop, animal or slave.
Cast coinage in Italy arose in the 1st millennium BC because copper was plentiful, silver rare and gold nonexistent. The peoples of central Italy had a long history of barter with copper or copper-alloy objects including
adzes, axe and lance heads, broken weapons, razors, sickles, tools, fibulae, horse-bits, mould dregs, and even broken balances. These bronze objects have been found in several bronze-founder’s hoards, graves and votive deposits
of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages, such as that found in a large earthenware dolium near the church of San
Francesco in Bologna in 1877. This great hoard dated to the 7th century was made up of 14,838 objects weighing
1,418 kilograms of cast and beaten bronze, among them ingots of pure copper which were almost certainly imported directly down the Reno valley from copper mines in Etruria.
As the Iron Age advanced in Italy two prominent forms of mobile wealth developed: aes rude and currency
bars, which served as portable wealth or as bullion passing by weight. The oldest class seem to be the amorphous
bronze lumps, called by the Elder Pliny aes rude (HN 33.13.43) and rudera or aes infectum by Festus (321/322),
sometimes bearing small grooves, inscriptions or punched marks. They are often found in stipes (heaps) in votive
deposits, sanctuaries or graves down to the 3rd century, sometimes together with currency bars and coins. From
about the 6th century flat cast copper currency bars or ingots with a high ferruginous content appear, often bearing a cross-section design called by Italian numismatists ‘ramo secco’ (dry branch or twig). They appear in hoards
throughout Italy and Sicily, with a concentration of finds in Etruria and the Padana, often together with aes rude
lumps. They do not equate to a set weight standard, varying from about 600g to 2500g, measuring approximately
30-50mm when complete and are usually found broken into subdivisions. The high iron content bars were tolerated and rendered useless for any purpose other than that as a medium of exchange that required reweighing
with each transaction.
The Roman domination of Etruria, Umbria, Latin, and Italic peoples of central and southern Italy by means
of a part-time peasant army under the leadership of a ruling oligarchy was slow and hard-fought from the time
of the early Republic. The Romans of later times lacked a coherent history for their early coinage, the surviving
literary tradition on the early bronze currency being composed of relentlessly modernising Roman accounts.
These accounts are inclined to invent historical as well as monetary events and characteristically make the beginning of coinage respectably antique and Roman by associating it with the reigns of the semi-mythical kings
Numa Pompilius (traditional date, 715-673) and Servius Tullius (traditional date, 578-535). The famous statement
of the Elder Pliny in the 1st century AD explicitly states that: Servius rex primus signavit aes. Antea rudi usos
Romae Timaeus tradit. Signatum est nota pecudum, unde et pecunia appellata (king Servius was the first to mark
bronze; Timaeus relates that previously they used raw metal at Rome. It was marked with the image of animals
from which pecunia also was supposed to draw its name), (HN 33.13.43). This statement was confirmed by Cassiodorus as late as the 6th century AD: .... monetae curam habere praecipimus, quam Servius rex in aere primum
impressisse perhibetur (we advise you to take care of money which king Servius is held to have first marked in
bronze), (Variae 7.32.4.).
By the third century, Rome controlled both militarily and economically the whole of central Italy with a complex system of colonies and flexible alliances which allowed for a degree of local autonomy permitting the issue
of struck and cast coinage, as long as tribute was paid to Rome in kind or manpower. From the early part of the
period there was a flowering of cast issues in Etruria, Umbria, north-east and central Italy, Lucania, the Campano-Samnian region and northern Apulia on a variety of weight standards, characterized by clear marks of
value, all apparently with the consent of Rome and often found in hoards with Roman Republican coins. All cast
coinage production ceased during the extreme economic crisis caused by the Second Punic War (218-201), giving
way to more practical and lighter struck token bronze coinages. These in most cases still bore clear marks of
value, unlike most contemporary Greek base metal issues.
Central Italy was self-sufficient in basic products which met the needs of civilisation such as minerals, timber,
livestock, cereals, game, and fish. Like the Egypt and Carthage, the Roman Republic, was slow to adopt the Greek
invention of coinage. The Etruscan had been the first to strike coinage in central Italy from the late 5the century,
with its predominance of marks of value, which served as a model for Rome and seems to be a fusion or reconciliation of two very different monetary systems: the ‘primitive’ bronze-weighing and heavy cast bronze currencies
of central Italy, and the ‘modern’ struck coinages in gold silver and bronze introduced by the Greeks of Magna
Graecia and Sicily.
Bitalemi deposit no. 26 of aes rude and bars (Orlandini, AIIN 12-14, 1965-1967, pp. 13-14).
Aerarium: the aerarium populi Romani was the bronze treasury of the Roman people, and was kept beneath the
temple of Saturn in the Forum. It was believed that under Saturn’s rule, humans had enjoyed the spontaneous
bounty of the earth without labour in the Saturnia regna or Golden Age as described by Ovid and Virgil.
Aes: copper, copper alloy or bronze sometimes abbreviated as Æ.
Aes grave: ‘heavy bronze’, a term used by Pliny and Livy meaning ‘bronze by weight’, in reference to fines, taxes
and transactions paid between 422 and 293. This term was wrongly employed by 19th and 20th century numismatists to describe early cast coins and has been avoided in this book.
Aes rude: amorphous bronze lumps, called by Pliny aes rude (HN 33.13.43), also known as aes infectum or imperfectum ‘unmade or unfinished’.
Aes signatum: ‘signed or marked bronze’ a term used by Pliny (HN 33.13.43) for cast currency bars supposedly
issued by king Servius Tullius. These bars were frequently converted to aes rude. The term was misused by 19th
and 20th century numismatists and has been avoided in this book (Barello 2013, pp. 175-184).
As (pl. asses): originally the expression for ‘one’ or ‘unit’; in the Roman system of measurement; the basic unit
in measures of weight (1 libra, ‘pound’ = 324g); abbreviated as I. It is worth noting that the stem assi- is almost
identical with the Greek áξιος (counterbalancing) and áξις (weight). The as ceased to be the Roman monetary
unit of account in about 141 BC.
Astragalus: a knucklebone used in gaming and fortune telling.
Bipennis: a double-axe, frequently used for sacrifices.
Biunx: a modern word meaning ‘two-ounce’ used to denote coins on a ten-ounce as or nummus weight system;
abbreviated as ·· .
Cista: box or basket used in the cult of Bacchus.
Decussis: a term meaning ‘the intersection of two lines’ divided cross-wise in the shape of symbol X, and applied
to the remarkable 10-asses issued at Rome c. 214-212 (no. 100).
Denarius: an adjective meaning ‘of ten’, which became a noun after the introduction of the denarius argenteus
tariffed at ten asses in about 212-211, to the weight of 4.5g and bearing the mark of value X.
Didrachm: a two-drachm silver coin. The first silver didrachms issued by the Roman Republic were probably
struck at the mint of Neapolis from c. 326 on a weight standard of about 7.29g (RRC 13/1). This issue was intended
for circulation in Greek southern Italy and seems not to be associated with any cast bronze coinage issued for
use in central Italy. Around the end of the first Punic war, two didrachm issues on a weight standard of about
6.75g were produced at Rome itself (RRC 25/1 and 27/1) and are clearly associated with the sickle and club
symbol cast bronze series (nos. 48-53 and 58-71). Assuming there was a relative bullion value of bronze to silver
of 1:120, these didrachms can be seen as the equivalent of three bronze asses (cf. tressis no. 64). Rome’s final
didrachm issue from c. 225, the so-called quadrigatus (RRC 28/3), was initially on a similar weight standard of
about 6.75g implying a similar ratio to Janus/Prow bronze series (nos. 74-92). After the economic crisis c. 217
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the whole monetary system fell apart and led to the semilibral and post semi-libral bronze devaluations and the
complete reduction of the silver content of the quadrigatus (cf. tressis no. 102).
Dupondius (pl. dupondii), also known as dupondium or dussis: 2 asses or a doubled whole; abbreviated as II .
Herringbone or fish-pine pattern: descriptive terms for the geometric patterns on some of the early central
Italian currency bars, also called in Italian ‘ramo secco’ (cf. nos. 3-7).
Janiform head of the Dioscuri: the identification of this type is based on the comparison with RRC 290/1 and
Janus: an early Roman god of considerable importance known as divom deus, god of gods, in the Hymn of the
Salii, (Varro, Ling. 7.27). Janus more generally controlled beginnings, most notably as the eponym of the month
January, and presided over door and gate (ianua). Like a door, gate, passageway or arch, he looks in both directions and is depicted in numismatic art as a double-headed and bearded man.
Libra (pl. librae): also pondus, metonymic with (‘what has been weighed’); Greek equivalent: λίτρα/lítra. In the
Roman measuring system a libra corresponds to the bronze as of 12 unciae and 288 scrupula, hence the libral
weight standard. Libra has passed into modern languages as pound (Pfund, livre, libbra and lira, often abbreviated
as lb and £) (RRC pp. 590-592; Barello 2013, pp. 174-175).
Libral standard: the prevailing weight standard of early Republican bronze coins, approximately 324g (cf. RRC
pp. 590-597).
Moneta: originally an epithet of Juno from moneo (warn, advise), whose temple complex on the Capitol was
Rome’s first mint, spoken of as being ad Monetam. In due course the word came to mean the mint itself and has
passed into modern English as money, monetise and into other languages as, for example, Münze, moneta, moneda, moeda and monnaie (Barello 2013, pp. 110-113 and fig. 3,34).
Nummus (pl. nummi): Latin equivalent of the Greek nómos (Varro, Ling. 5, 173), ‘custom’, ‘habit’, ‘practice’, ‘rule’,
‘order’, ‘institution’, ‘constitution’, ‘law’ etc., in numismatics meaning the standard denomination of any coin series.
The term nummus is employed for the large standard denominations of Luceria and Venusia.
Pecunia: ‘money or wealth’ from pecus ‘livestock’ (Varro, Ling 5.92). Modern philologists believe that the word
may be connected to the Indo-European word *peku ‘movable personal property’ and the Latin peculium ‘private
property, savings’ (Barello 2013, p. 176).
Pedum: a shepherd’s crook, a symbol of pastoral authority; associated with Pan.
Per aes et libram: ‘with bronze and balance’ used to designate the formal ceremony by which mancipatory contracts were made, later the weighing became only symbolic (Barello 2013, p. 177).
Post-semilibral standards: a modern expression covering the diversity of descending weight standards from
about 215. There is no evidence that Rome officially made triental, quadrantal or sextantal reductions to the
weight of coins, although many coins conform to these theoretical weight standards.
Prow: on Republican coins the forward most part of a war galley with fighting platform on deck; below, scrolled
acrostolium, apotropaic eye, oar box, central beam ending in upper ram, below which, triangular box ending
with rostrum tridens (Morello 2008).
Quadrans (pl. quadrantes): quarter of an as or three unciae (Varro Ling. 5,171); abbreviated as ···
Quatrunx: a modern word meaning ‘four-ounce’ used to denote coins on a ten-ounce pound or nummus weight
system; abbreviated as ···· .
Quincunx: a modern word meaning ‘five-ounce’ used to denote coins on a ten-ounce pound or nummus weight
system; abbreviated as ····· .
Quincussis: a modern word for a coin of 5-asses, abbreviated as V.
Ramo secco: an Italian term meaning ‘dried branch’, applied to the geometric grooves found on early currency bars, also called
'herringbone' or 'fish-pine', cut into a two-part mould to facilitate the flow of molten bronze when casting. (cf. nos. 3-4).
Regius nummus (pl. regii nummi): a term applied by the Romans of imperial times to early cast coinage, especially the Janus/prow issues, in the mistaken belief that they belonged to the time of the early kings of Rome,
(Suitonius, Divus Augustus 75)
Saturn: the identification of this type is based on comparison with RRC 285/3, 313/1a, 330/1a-b, 349/1, 421/1
and 441/1 (Morello 1999).
Scrupulum (pl. scripula): also scripulum, ‘little stone’, from scrupus; Greek γράμμα/ grámma, cf. English ‘scruple’.
The basic Roman unit of weight of 1/ 24 uncia = 1/ 288 libra = 1·125g.
Semilibral standard: the reduction stage of the Roman in about 217, by which the weight of the libral as was officially reduced by half and therefore became fiduciary (cf. RRC pp. 615-616).
Semis (pl. semisses): half an as or 6 unciae, abbreviated as S, U, ∩, É, < or ······ .
Semuncia: half an uncia or 1/24 of an as, Σ .
Sextans (pl. sextantes): sixth of an as or 2 unciae; abbreviated as ·· .
Stipendium: from stips and pendere (weighing out in a heap), soldier’s pay by weight.
Stips (pl. stipes): ‘monetary contribution or offering’, ‘donation’, but also ‘small coin’ (Fest. 379; 412).
Teruncius: a modern word meaning ‘three-ounce’ used to denote coins on a ten-ounce pound or nummus weight
system; abbreviated as ··· .
Tressis: 3 asses, from tres and as (Varro Ling. 5.169; abbreviated as III .
Triens (pl. trientes): third of an as or 4 unciae; abbreviated as ···· .
Twelve Tables: Leges Duodecim Tabularum or, informally, Duodecim Tabulae, the centrepiece of the constitution
of the Roman Republic and legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law. Published in c. 451, but known
to us only from later writers, here valuations and fines are expressed in asses, possibly an anachronism.
Uncia (pl. unciae): twelfth part of an as, from the Greek-Siculan ὀγκία/onkía; cognate to unus (Varro Ling.
5,171); abbreviated as ·.
The Roman pound of bronze from the early third century BC weighed approximately 324g, divided by 12 unciae
and 288 scrupula. This metrological weight structure was to remain the fundamental Roman system until well
into Byzantine times, despite the official semilibral reduction of 217 and successive devaluations in the actual
weight of bronze coins which became only fiduciary. The earliest Dioscuri/Mercury series of cast coinage was
issued on a libral standard very close to the theoretical weight. The successive Apollo/Apollo and
Dioscurus/Apollo series were issued on a standard above the theoretical presumably as a consequence of the
high relief types though retaining the circumference of the previous issue. Subsequent series seem to have been
issued at the weight of 10 ounces, approximately 270g, until the semilibral reduction of 217.
Bibl.: ERC II, pp. 15-48; Thomsen 1978; RRC II, pp. 590-597; CMRR pp. 14-16, 43-46; Barello 2013, pp. 174-174
Theoretical metrological table of the Roman libral bronze standard in grams from c. 280
Semuncia Quartuncia
Theoretical metrological table of the Roman semi-libral standard in grams from c. 217
Comparative dating and weight standards of Roman Republican cast coinage from HNItaly p. 45 table:
Roman currency bars
c. 280 ROMANOM issues
Roman coin issues
Average weight of the as
c. 265
c. 240
Dioscuri/Mercury (sickle)
c. 235
Apollo/Apollo (acorn)
c. 230
c. 230
Roma/Roma (club)
c. 225
Minerva/bull ROMA
c. 275 Elephant/Sow
c. 270
c. 255 Naval types
c. 225-217
Janus/Prow r.
Janus/Prow l.
c. 217-215
Semilibral reduction, thus becoming fiduciary
c. 215-211
Post-semilibral series, based on a diversity of descending
weight standards until the cessation of cast coinage.; L series
Roman denominations and marks of value
S, U
10 Asses
5 Asses
3 Asses
2 Asses
2 Semisses
= 3 Trientes
2 Quadrantes = 6 Unciae
2 Sextans
= 4 Unciae
3 Unciae
2 unciae
= 4 Quadrantes
= 6 Sextantes
= 12 Unciae
Comparative average as weights of Italian cast coinage from CMRR p. 46 table 2
Light libral (288g)
Local (158-132g)
Inland Etruria
Local (193-142g)
Local (156g)
Local (187-180g)
Local (248-204g, 82g)
N.E. Italy
Heavy libral (380g)
Heavy libral (372g)
Light libral (288g)
The Vestini
Heavy libral (381g)
Central Italy
Libral (323g)
Praeneste (?)
Light libral (266g)
Light libral (268g)
Uncertain mints
Mostly libral
Local (125g)
Local (98g)
Light libral
(226g, 224g, 79g)
Libral (321g, 120g)
Local (147g)
Uncertain Samnium or Lucania
Local (71g, 91g)
Etruria or Umbria
Local (154g)
Owing to the widespread invention of Roman history from the late second century onwards, dates are of necessity
traditional and listed according to the ancient sources, indicative of the general development of Italy in the first
10th–9th cent. Late bronze Age and first evidence of Villanovan culture in central Italy; emergence of Etruscan cities with mining, industry, crafts and international trade.
9th–7th cent. Emergence of the Italic cultures of Umbria, Picenum, Latium, Samnium, Apulia and Lucania.
Trading post established at Pithekoussai (Ischia) by Euboeans.
21 April, traditional date of the foundation of Rome by Romulus, Annus primus ab urbe condita.
625-600 c.
Arrival of Etruscans at Rome.
Servius Tullius, sixth king of Rome, said to be the first monarch to mark bronze currency bars.
550 c.
First silver coins produced in Magna Graecia.
Etruscans, allied on this occasion with the Carthaginians, defeat the Greek Phocaeans off Alalia.
Etruscans defeated by Greeks off Cumae.
Destruction of Sybaris.
The last Etruscan king expelled from Rome; first year of the Roman Republic; the exploits of
Etruscans defeated by Latins and Cumaeans at Aricia.
500 c.
Volterran hoard of 1868, consisting of Auriol and Phocaean silver fractions (IGCH 1875).
Romans defeat Latins at Lake Regillus.
Establishment of Tribunes of the people.
Veii defeat Romans at River Cremera.
Syracuse defeats Etruscans off Cumae.
475 c.
First coins produced at Cumae.
454, 452
Lex Aternia Tarpeia and Lex Menenia Sestia both publish fines in terms of sheep and cattle.
Decemvirates and Twelve Tables published.
450-400 c.
First silver coinage of Populonia.
Institution of military Tribunes with consular powers.
Institution of censorship.
440 c.
Pyrgi hoard of 1957 deposited (IGCH 1905), consisting of tetradrachms of Athens and Sicily.
Rome distributes subsidized corn for the first time in order to alleviate famine.
Lex Papiria Julia made the payment of fines in bronze mandatory (Livy 4.30.3).
425-400 c.
First Metus coinage at Populonia with clear marks of value.
Fidenae taken from Veii
Introduction of pay (stipendium); the siege of Veii begins; patricians pay war tax in copper or
bronze by weight in wagons to the treasury, ‘as there was not yet a silver coinage, …’ (Livy 4, 61).
Rome captures Veii after a long siege.
Latin colony at Circei.
Gauls cross the Brenner pass, defeat the Romans at Alalia and besiege and sack Rome until
only the Capitol is unconquered.
So called ‘Servian Wall’ erected.
Faliscan and Etruscan alliance against Rome.
Alliance between Rome and the Samnites .
Peace treaty between Rome and Caere.
Peace treaty of 40 years between Rome, Tarquinii and Falerii.
Second Roman treaty with Carthage.
326 c.
325-300 c.
310 c.
300-250 c.
280-255 c.
New Gallic invasion of Italy.
First Samnite War.
Latin revolt against Rome and Campanian War.
Arpinium, Fundi, Formiae and Capua receive civitas sine suffragio.
Alexander of Epirus comes to the aid of Tarentum against the Brettii. Latin colony at Cales.
Second Samnite War; Alliance of Rome with Neapolis, Nuceria and the Apulians.
First silver and bronze struck coinage in the name of Rome at Neapolis.
Silver coins with clear marks of value attributed to Luca (?) and Pisa (?).
Roman defeat by Samnites at the Caudine Forks.
Capua and the Aurunci reduced; Latin colony at Luceria.
Censorship of Appius Claudius; Via Appia and Aqua Appia.
Latin colonies at Suessa Aurunca, Pontia and Saticula founded; Roman advance into Etruria;
treaties made with Cortona, Perusia and Arretium.
Mars/Horse’s head didrachms struck in the name ROMANO in southern Italy.
Tarquinii granted second 40-year truce.
Revolt of the Hernicii against Rome.
Third Roman treaty with Carthage.
Roman alliance with the Marsi, Paeligni, Marrucini and Frentani.
Latin colonies at Alba Fucens and Sora founded. Arpinuium receives civitas sine suffragio.
Roman intervention in support of the aristocratic faction of Arretium; Roman alliance with
the Vestini; Latin colony at Carsioli founded.
Second Metus and gold coinage at Populonia, with clear marks of value in asses.
Latin colony at Narnia founded; alliance with Picentes; Gallic raid in Roman territory.
Third Samnite War: Samnites, Sabines, Etruscans and Umbrians in alliance against Rome.
Roman victory at Sentinum over Samnites, Gauls and Umbrians.
Falerii reduced by Rome.
Latin colony at Venusia founded.
Rome annexes Sabines as cives sine suffragio.
Latin colony at Hatria and Castrum Novum Piceni founded; vigintivirate created, leading to
the now discredited theory that tresviri aere argento auro flando feriundo, literally "three men
for striking (and) casting bronze, silver (and) gold (coins)" was also founded in this year
(Pomponius, Digest. 1. 2.30.).
Defeat of Boii and Eruscans at Lake Vadimo.
Rome comes to the aid of Thurium against the Lucanians.
Pyrrhus lands in Italy and defeats the Romans at Heraclea and Ausculum.
First cast quadrilateral bronze currency bars and coins issued by Rome (cf. nos. 10-24. 25-32).
Rome makes a fourth treaty with Carthage.
Pyrrhus defeated by the Romans near Maleventum, later renamed Beneventum.
Latin colony at Paestum and Cosa Volcientium and series of bronze coinage (HNItaly 210211); Egyptian envoys received at Rome.
Traditional but erroneous date for the introduction of the denarius proposed by Pliny (HN
33.13.44); Rome issues Apollo/Apollo staters in the name ROMANO.
Latin colonies at Ariminum and Beneventum founded; full citizenship granted to the Sabines.
Roman intervention at Volsinii Vetus and transfer of inhabitants to Volsinii Novi with looting
of 2000 bronze statues.
Latin colony at Firmum founded.
First Punic War between Rome and Carthage.
Latin colony at Aesernia founded; Hieron becomes ally of Rome, leading to capture of Agrigentum in 262 and Panormus in 254.
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 16
240-230 c.
225 c.
215-212 c.
Roman colony at Alsinium founded.
Roman colony at Fregenae founded.
Introduction of sickle and club series silver didrachms and cast bronze.
Latin colony at Brundisium founded.
Gauls invade Etruria and are routed by Rome at Telamon.
Introduction of quadrigatus and Janus/Prow cast series.
Second Punic War; Hannibal marches on Italy and defeats the Romans at the rivers Ticinus
and Trebia.
Hannibal crosses the Apennines and defeats the Romans at Lake Trasimenus; Semilibral devaluation of the Roman bronze coinage, rendering it fiduciary.
Hannibal defeats the Romans at Cannae; revolts in central Italy that include Capua; Hieron II
gives a substantial loan to Rome in order to finance the struggle against Hannibal.
Post-semilibral reduction phase of the Roman bronze coinage, cf. RRC 41 and 56 (nos. 100-112).
Hannibal occupies Tarentum, but fails to take the citadel; siege and sack of Syracuse begun by
Siege and fall of Capua; sack of Syracuse; Hannibal marches on Rome; death of Archimedes;
introduction by Rome of the pure silver denarius tariffed at 10 asses.
Unrest at Arretium. Etruscan volunteers join the invading Carthaginians under Hasdrubal
and Mago; the Romans recapture Tarentum.
Caere, Populonia, Tarquinii, Volterrae, Arretium, Perusia, Clusium and Rosellae contribute to
the expedition of Scipio against Carthage.
Hannibal leaves Italy; Rome consolidates its hegemony over Italy.
Defeat of Hannibal at Zama, by which time Rome had ceased to issue cast coinage in favour of
a fiduciary coinage of Greek style, but with clear marks of value.
Roman banker at his workbench, from a sarcophagus, Ravenna, Museo Nazionale (Pondera fig. 75).
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 17
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Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 22
principal distribution of early bronze currency bar finds.
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 23
Before denominated round coins were introduced in the early third century, all bronze transactions had to be
weighed pendo (weighed out), and not counted, numerare (count, add up, reckon/compute) by dispensatoris (dispensers or cashiers), This manner of exchange necessitated the use of a balance and has left a rich legacy to the
Latin language, e.g., expensa, inpendia, dependere, stipendia, aerarium, aestimare. Most striking of all, the formula
per aes et libram (with bronze and balance), which was used to designate the formal ceremony of mancipatory
contracts. All these terms lasted well beyond the introduction of struck coinage and have passed into modern
Aes rude, central Italy 8th to 3th centuries BC
Bibl.: Garrucci pp. 1-5, pls. 1-6; Montelius 1894-1910; Willers 1904; Haeberlin pp. 1-10, pls. 1-3; Willers 1924;
ERC III, pp. 200-204 fig. 48; Orlandini 1965-1967, p. 1-20; Sorda 1976; Peruzzi 1985; Neri 1998; CMRR
pp. 3-7; Burnett, Craddock, Meeks 1986, pp. 127-130; Pellegrini-Macellari 2002; Ercolani Cocchi 2003,
pp. 119-157; Gamurrini Archive
Notable finds:
Northern Italy (Venetia, Istria, Etruria Padana)
Asolo, Treviso (NSc 1882 p. 291; Willers 1924 p. 225)
Bologna, Benacci and Arnoaldi necropoles 1891 (Willers 1924 p. 214)
Bologna, Certosa necropolis 1869 (A. Zannoni, Gli scavi della Certosa di Bologna, 1876-1884, p. 235; Willers
1924 pp. 214-218)
Bologna, Piazza San Francesco 1877 (Zannoni 1888; Willers 1924 pp. 218-220)
Campegine, Reggio Emilia 1877 (Neri table 2, 8; Pellegrini-Macellari 8, pp. 58-9, 11-19)
Campo Sevola di San Polo d’Enza, Reggio Emilia, pozzo del margine 1871 (Neri table 2, 8; Pellegrini-Macellari 7a)
Campo Sevola di San Polo d’Enza, Reggio Emilia. sporadici A 1864-1871 (Neri table 2, 9; Pellegrini-Macellari 7b)
Campo Sevola di San Polo d’Enza, Reggio Emilia, sporadici B 1879 (Pellegrini-Macellari 7c p. 54, 11)
Carceri, Este (A. Prosdomoci NSc 1893 pp. 396-403; Willers 1924 pp. 224-225)
Casale di Rivalta, Reggio Emilia , 1975-1977 (Pellegrini-Macellari 9, p. 60, 3-6)
Castelfranco Emilia, Modena, Podere Capella, 1897 (Neri 1, pp. 19-106; Pellegrini-Macellari 14b)
Castelfranco Emilia, Podere Capella, Modena 1897 (Neri table 2, 11; Pellegrini-Macellari 14b, p. 71, 81-99)
Cesena (Garrucci p. 38, 1 pl. 68 a-b)
Forcello, Bagnolo San Vito, Mantova 1980-1 (Neri 5, table 2, 3; Pellegrini-Macellari 4b)
Fraore, S. Pancratio, 1864 (Montelius p. 452, 453; Willers p. 223)
Este (NSc 1882, 1890, 1891, 1893, 1900; Montelius p. 303; Willers 1924 pp. 223-224)
Monteveglio, Emilia (E. Brizio, NSc 1888 p. 411; Willers 1924 pp. 223-224)
Morzabotto, Emilia, 1862 (G. Gozzadini, Di un’ antica necropoli a Morzabotto nel Bolognese, 1865; Willers 1924
pp. 220-222)
Palugana, Carceri (A. Prosdomici NSc 1893 pp. 396-408; Willers 1924 p. 225)
Ponso, Carceri (NSc 1882 p. 102; Willers 1924 p. 225)
Poviglio, Reggio Emilia (Neri table 2, 6)
Quingento di San Prospero, Parma 1870 (Neri table 2, 5; Pellegrini-Macellaari 6)
S. Giovanni in Persiceto, Emilia, 1891 (E. Brizio, NSc 1891, Willers 1924 p. 222)
Savignano sul Panaro, Emilia, (Montelius p. 447, 1; Willers 1924 p. 222)
Villanova, Bologna, (NSc 1880 p. 259; Willers 1924 p. 213)
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 24
Central Italy (Etruria, Umbria, Latium)
Amelia 1860 (BICA 1860 p. 119, 1864 p. 57. 252, 1867 p. 171, 1881 p. 216; Willers 1924 p. 227)
Ancarano, Norcia, (M. Guardabassi NSc 1878 pp. 13-25, 1880 pp. 6-28; Garrucci pp. 37-38, 1a; Willers 1924 p. 229)
Antemnae, on the Via Salaria, Latium (NSc 1883; Willers 1924 p. 249)
Ardea 1899 (NSc 1900 p. 59; Willers 1924 p. 253)
Ardea 1940 (Catalli 1989, 178-206; RRCH 20)
Arezzo 1869 (F. Gamurrini BICA 1869 p. 72; Willers 1924 pp. 231-232)
Ariccia 1848 (Willers 1924 pp. 252-253; RRCH 13)
Campiglia d’Orcia 1907 (Milani 1908, pp. 455-6; NSc1907 p. 665ff.)
Carsoli 1951 (ERC I p. 119)
Cascia 1794 (Bignami 1987, p. 35 A, B, C)
Castelnuovo di Porto, Latium (Haeberlin p. 3, 5 and 14; Willers 1924 p. 243)
Cerveteri/Caere before 1885 (Haeberlin p. 14, 14; Willers 1924, p. 247; RRCH 8)
Chiusi 1880 (Haeberlin p. 7 pl. 2, 8; Willers 1924 p. 232; Forrer 1922, pp. 26-27)
Cività Castellana (NSc 1887 pp. 266, 309, 312 and 319; Haeberlin p. 3, 5 anfd 14; Willers 1924 p. 243)
Conca (Satricum) 1896 (NSc 1896 p. 29; Willers 1924 p. 253)
Corchiano, Viterbo, 1887 (Willers 1924 p. 243)
Foiano, Cortona (Helbig BICA 1879 p. 248; Willers 1924 p. 232)
Ghiaccio Forte, Scansano GR (M. Baldassarri, Analisi LIBS di esemplari di aes rude proveniente dall’abitato)
La Bruna, Spoleto, 1890 (RRCH 16; Milani 1891; Willers 1924 p. 227)
La Castellina, Civitavecchia (Domínguez-Arranz & Gran-Aymerich 2011)
Laviano, Trasimeno (Gamurrini NSc 1890 p. 310; Willers 1924 p. 232)
Lunghezza, 15 km east of Rome,1865 (Willers 1924 p. 249)
Mazzano romano, Cività Castellana, (Pasqui NSc 1902 pp. 341, 621, 622, 626; Willers 1924 pp. 243-244)
Montecampano, Amelia (ERC I p. 110; BICA 1881 p. 221; Willers 1924 pp. 227-228)
Montecastello-Vibio, Orvieto, 1892 (NSc 1892, p. 87; Willers 1924 p. 233)
Montecchio, Todi (Capranesi in Diamillas Memorie numismatiche 1, 1847, p. 45 [circa 1900 pezzi]; Willers
1924 p. 227)
Monte Cavo, Roma (NSc 1876; Willers 1924 pp. 251-252)
Monte Falterona, Firenze (A. Migliarini BICA 1838 p. 69; Willers 1924 pp. 230-231)
Nazzano, Tiber east of Soracte, 1873 (Willers 1924 p. 244)
Nemi 1885 (NSc 1895 p. 424; ERC I p. 119f.; Willers 1924 p. 252)
Norma (Norba), Latina, 1902 (NSc 1903 pp. 251, 313; Willers 1924 pp. 253-254)
1904 (ERC I p. 120)
Nocera Umbra (E. Brizio NSc 1891 pp. 308-313; Willers 1924 pp. 225-226)
Orvieto (NSc 1887 p. 91; Dressel 1894, p. 1; Willers 1924 pp. 233-236; Forrer 1922, pp. 26-27)
Palestrina, Roma (Garrucci pl. 6, 3, 6 and 14; NSc 1897 p. 265, 267; Haeberlin p. 8, pl. 3, 8; Willers 1924 pp.
Perugia (Garrucci p. 37-38; Haeberlin p. 7, pl. 2, 9; NSc 1886, p. 410; Willers 1924 p. 232)
Piediluco, by Lake Velino, Rieti 1869 (Willers 1924 p. 228-229)
Populonia (Falchi NSc 1903 p. 9, Milani NSc 1907 p. 670; Willers 1924 p. 237)
Porto, Fiumicino (E. Spagnioli, AIIN 48, 2001, pp. 119-156)
Roman Campagna (Willers 1924 p. 249)
Rome (Lanciani NSc 1877p. 265, Boni NSc 1899, p. 157, 1890, 183, ibidem p. 324, 333; Willers 1924 pp. 247-249)
Santa Anatolia di Narco, Spoleto, 1883 (NSc 1884 pp. 145-149; Willers 1924 pp. 228-229)
Satricum, Borgo Le Ferriere, 1977 (NC 154, 1994, pp. 1-16, found with 2 weights)
Sovana, Orvieto (Pellegrini NSc 1902 p. 499; Willers 1924 p. 237)
Talamonaccio, Talamone 1888-1892 (NSc 1888; Willers 1924 pp. 237-238; M. De Benedetti, 2010 pp. 14-18
and p. 28, 1)
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Tarquinia (Corneto) 1874 (Cesano 1934, pp. 72-73; Catalli 1987, pp. 15 and 29; Tesei 177)
Tarquinia (Corneto) 1860 (Garrucci pl. 26, 4-6; Milani NSc 1907 p. 671f; Haeberlin p. 8; Willers 1924 pp. 240-242)
Tivoli 1927 (ERC I p, 119)
Todi 1891 (F. Barnabei NSc 1886, 1pp. 357-361; NSc 1891, 1892; Willers 1924 p. 226)
Tolentino, Fermo (Gentiloni NSc 1883 pp. 329-337; Willers 1924 pp. 229-230)
Todi (Catalli 1991, p. 74)
Valle Fuino di Cascia (Bignami 1987, fig. 15, A-B)
Vasto, Chieti, Frenati territory (L. Aneli NSc 1902 p. 125; Willers 1924 p. 225)
Vetulonia (Pasqui NSc 1885 p. 118, Milani NSc 1907 p. 671, 1908, Falchi NSc 1895 p. 272-317; RIN 1908, p.
450; Willers 1924 p. 237)
Via Tiberina near Rome, 1941 (ERC I p. 119)
Vicarello 1852 (ERC p. 118; Panvini Rosati 1968 p. 58 [1200 lbs = 400 Kg of aes rude]; Willers 1924 pp. 244-247)
Viterbo 1884 (Willers 1924 pp. 242-243)
Vulci 1828 (Willers 1924 pp. 238-240; RRCH 10)
Southern Italy (Campania, Lucania)
Cuma 1872-1882 (NSc 1883 pp. 273, 278; Willers 1924 p. 254)
Piedimonte d’Alife (NSc 1880 p. 84; Willers 1924 pp. 254-255)
Pontecagnano, Salerno 1964 (Pellegrini-Macellari 31, p. 104)
Spezzano Albanese, Cosenza (Pigorini NSc 1888 pp. 244, 246, 261, 265, 583; Willers 1924 pp. 254-256)
Suessula (Willers 1924 pp. 254-255)
Bitalemi, Gela, 1900 (Orsi NSc 1907 p. 747; Willers 1924, pp. 256-257; Orlandini 1967; Pellegrini-Macellari 32)
Giarratana, Ragusa, 200 kg of aes rude (Orsi 1900 pp. 164-167)
Grammichele, Catania, 1895 (Orsi 1900, pp 276-282; Willers 1924, pp. 257-258; Pellegrini-Macellari 33)
Milocca, Caltanisetta, 1930 ? (Orsi AMIIN 1932 pp. 38-46; IGCH 2162)
Escolca, Sassari (Garrucci p. 4 pl. 6, 12; Willers 1924 pp. 258-259)
Ossi, Sassari (Garrucci p. 4 pl. 6, 11; Willers 1924 pp. 258-259)
Croatia (Illyria)
Gračac 1925 (IGCH 569; RRCH 145; Pellegrini-Macellari 35)
Mazin 1896 (IGCH 644; RRCH 142; Pellegrini-Macellari 34)
Bosnia (Illyria)
Vrankamen/Berg 1887 (IGCH 643)
Counterstamped and inscribed aes rude, central Italy 7th to 3th centuries
Interesting bronze lumps countermarked with a cross and crescent, probably symbolising the sun and moon,
many of which weigh approximately an uncia, have come from finds in the area of Orvieto, Ancarano, Perugia
and Tarquinia, which also issued currency bars with crescent and four-rayed star or sun, cf. nos. 216-119 below.
Bibl.: Haeberlin p. 4, 6-8; Garrucci p. 37, pl. 67-8; Milani 1908, pp. 455-6, figs 10-12
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Cross and crescent counterstamp
Notable finds:
Ancarano, Norcia (Garrucci p. 37, pl. 67, 1; Willers 1924 p. 229)
Belona, Orvieto 1881 (Garrucci p. 38, pl. 68, 3; Willers 1924 p. 236)
Perugia (Garrucci p. 37, 1; Willers 1924 p. 232)
Tarquinia (Strozzi collection 7-8; Garrucci p. 37, 1; Willers 1924 pp. 240-242)
f counterstamp (Pontelandolfo; Garrucci p. 38 pl. 68, 2; Willers 1924 p. 255)
s counterstamp (260g McCabe collection)
sekene inscription (Forcello, Bagnolo San Vito, Mantova 1980-1; Pondera 2001, fig. 47)
aie inscription (Bologna, Piazza San Francesco 1877; Pondera 2001, fig. 48)
‘Ramo secco’, herringbone and associated currency bars or ingots, 6th to 4th centuries BC
Bibl.: Garrucci pp. 5-8, pls. 7-11; Willers 1904; Haeberlin pp. 10-19, pls. 6-8; Willers 1924; ERC III pp. 207212; Orlandini 1965-1967, p. 1-20; Panvini Rosati 1970; Peruzzi 1985; CMRR pp. 3-7; Burnett, Craddock, Meeks 1986, pp. 127-130; Neri; Pellegrini and Macellari; Ercolani Cocchi 2003, pp. 119-157;
Barello 2013, pp. 175-184; Gamurrini Archive
Notable finds:
Northern Italy (Venetia, Istria, Etruria Padana)
Bostel di Rotzo, Vicenza (Neri 2)
Case Nuove di Siccomonte, Fidenza-Parma 1990 (Pellegrini-Macellari 5)
Campo Servirola di San Polo d’Enza, Reggio Emilia, ‘pozzo del margine’ 1871 (Neri 11; Pellegrini-Macellari 7a)
Campo Servirola di San Polo d’Enza, Reggio Emilia. Sporadici A 1864 (Neri 10; Pellegrini-Macellari 7b)
Campo Servirola di San Polo d’Enza, Reggio Emilia, Sporadici B 1879 (Pellegrini-Macellari 7c)
Campegine, Reggio Emilia 1877 [= Oxford,AM HCR 6758] (Neri 9, table 2, 7; Pellegrini-Macellari 8)
Casale di Rivalta, Reggio Emilia , 1975-1977 (Pellegrini-Macellari 9)
Castelfranco Emilia, Modena, località Forte Urbano, 1993 (Pellegrini-Macellari 14a)
Castelfranco Emilia, Modena, Podere Cappella, 1897 (Neri pp. 19ff, 1; Pellegrini-Macellari 14b; Panvini Rosati 1970)
Este (Neri 3, table 2, 1)
Forcello, Bagnolo San Vito, Mantova 1980-1 (Neri 5, table 2, 3; Pellegrini-Macellari 4b)
Gargallo, Cà Benati, Carpi, Modena 1990 (Pellegrini-Macellari 10)
Gazzo Veronese, località Coazze, Verona (Neri 2007)
Grotta Bocca Lorenza, Santorso-Vicenza 1961 (Pellegrini-Macellari 3)
La Galaverna, Nonantola, Modena 1990 (Pellegrini-Macellari 13)
Levizzano, Castelvetro, Modena 1874 (Neri 12; Pellegrini-Macellari 12)
Mantova, area of, before 1887 (Neri 4, table 2, 2; Pellegrini-Macellari 4a)
Marzaglia, Villa Agazzotti, Modena 1990 (Pellegrini-Macellari 11)
Marzabotto, Bologna, edificio D dell’acropoli 1856 (Pellegrini-Macellari 15a)
Marzabotto, Bologna, casa di abitazione nella Regione VII 1889 (Neri 14, table 2, 12; Pellegrini-Macellari 15b)
Marzabotto, Bologna, area urbana 1994 (Pellegrini-Macellari 15c)
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Marzabotto, Bologna, isolato 3 della Regione V 1976 (Pellegrini-Macellari 15d)
Oppeano, Verona, bar inscribed + 626g and fragment 142g (Neri 2007, 1, 2) Poviglio,
Reggio Emilia (PM 8, table 2, 6)
Quingento di San Prospero, Parma 1870 (Neri 6; Pellegrini-Macellari 6)
Podere San Ansasino, Cinigiano, Grosseto 1902 (ASAT p. 477, 55)
San Giorgio di Valpolicella, località Casaletti, Verona (Neri 2007, 3)
San Marco, San Pietro, Gorizia 1867 (Chierici 1879, p. 149, 154-155; Haeberlin p. 4, 12; Neri 1; Pellegrini-Macellari 1)
Scolo di Lazzo, Este, Padova 1929 (Pellegrini-Macellari 2)
Siccomonte, Parma (Neri 6, table 2, 4)
Central Italy (Etruria, Umbria, Latium)
Ancanaro di Norcia, Perugia 1873 (Pellegrini-Macellari 26)
Ardea, Roma, 1880 (Neri 23; Pellegrini-Macellari 24)
Ariccia 1848 (RRCH 13)
Castelnuovo di Porto, Roma 1905 (Neri 24; Pellegrini-Macellari 23)
Cerveteri, Roma, before 1885 (RRCH 8; Neri 20; Pellegrini-Macellari 22)
Chianciano (Neri 17)
Fabbro, Orvieto 1880 (Neri 18; Pellegrini-Macellari 20; Haeberlin p. 20, 3 pl. 93, 3; Garrucci p. 8, pl. 10, 2
[1111g Strozzi collection])
Falterona, Monte 1873 (Neri 15)
Fiesole, Firenze 1874 (Neri 16; Pellegrini-Macellari 18)
Fucino, Lago 1905 (Neri 26)
La Bruna, Spoleto 1890 (RRCH 16)
Marruvium, San Benedetto dei Marsi, L’Aquila 1905 (Pellegrini-Macellari 29)
Offida, loc. Tesino, Ascoli Piceno 1880s (Neri 19; Pellegrini-Macellari 27)
Perugia 1901 (Pellegrini-Macellari 19)
Pesaro, 1757 [ 972.30g Olivieri collection = Haeberlin p. 20, 2 pl. 7, 5,]
Pisa, Piazza del Duomo 1985 (Pellegrini-Macellari 16)
Roma, Via Tiberina 1941 (ERC I p. 119; Neri 25; ERC I p. 119; RRCH 81)
Satricum, Roma 1979 (Pellegrini-Macellari 25)
Satricum, Roma, Borgo Le Ferriere di Conca, 1977 (NC 154, 1994, pp. 1-16, found with 2 weights)
Tarquinia 1874 (Catalli 1987, p. 15; Tesei 177)
Teramo, uncertain locality 1840 (Pellegrini-Macellari 28)
Tivoli 1942 (ERC I, p. 119)
Todi (Haeberlin p. 20, 6 pl. 7, 8)
Tricolle, Fucecchio, Firenze 1912 (Pellegrini-Macellari 17)
Vicarello 1852 (ERC I, p. 118)
Vitorchiano 1880 (Neri 22; Pellegrini-Macellari 21)
Vulci, piazza della Badia 1828 (Haeberlin p. 19, 3 pl. 7, 2; Garrucci p. 8, pl. 11, 1; Neri 21; RRCH 10)
Southern Italy (Campania, Lucania)
Castellamare di Stabia, Napoli 1990 (Neri 27; 30)
Pontecagnano, Salerno 1964 (Neri 28; Pellegrini-Macellari 31)
Lavello, Potenza 1985 (Neri 29)
Bitalemi, Gela, 1965 (Orlandini 1965-1967, pp. 1-20; Neri 30; Pellegrini-Macellari 32)
Grammichele, Catania, 1895 (Orsi 1900, pp 276-282; Pellegrini-Macellari 33)
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Croatia (Illyria)
Mazin 1896 (IGCH 644; RRCH 142; Pellegrini-Macellari 34)
Gračac 1925 (IGCH 569; RRCH 145; Pellegrini-Macellari 35)
Bosnia (Illyria)
Vrankamen/Berg 1887 (IGCH 643; RRCH 146)
Figural currency bars or ingots, central Italy 5th to 4th centuries BC
4 Currency bar
Herringbone pattern / Dolphin
Garrucci p. 8 pl. 12, 1; Haeberlin p. 20, 1 pl. 8, 2
Weight: 900.45g [Olivieri collection]; Finds: Pesaro 1757
5 Currency bar
Herringbone pattern / Two dolphins
Garrucci p. 8 pl. 12, 2 and 4; Haeberlin p. 20, 2 pl. 8, 1
Weight: 860g [Kircher collection]; Finds: Ariccia 1848
6 Currency bar
Faint traces of herringbone pattern / Dolphin
Garrucci p. 8 pl. 12, 3 and 5; TV AS5; Haeberlin p. 21, 3 pl. 8, 3
Weight: 722.58g, [= BMCItaly p. 38, 3]
7 Currency bar
Herringbone pattern / Club
Garrucci p. 8 pl. 11, 2; TV AS2; Haeberlin pl. 32, 2
Weight: 1509.38g [BMCItaly p. 36-7, 1]
8 Currency bar
Staff; dolphin in l. field / Staff
Garrucci p. 7, 1 pl. 8, 1; Haeberlin p. 19, 1 pl. 7, 1
Weight: 1466g [Kircher collection]; Finds: Turri, Teramo 1840
9 Currency bar
Dolphin / Dolphin
Garrucci p. 38, pl. 68, 4; TV AS4; Haeberlin p. 22, 2 pl. 6,4
Weight: 1460g [= Gnecchi collection]; Finds: Tiber, between Ponte Rotto and Ripa Grande 1883;
334g (Private collection)
e Santa Marinella hoard 1927 (RRCH 21).
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Amongst the first cast bronze coins issued at Rome from about 280 are lead-rich bronze quadrilateral currency
bars that cannot readily be tied into the currency of the period, but do occasionally bear the legend ROMANOM.
In form they are reminiscent of the earlier “ramo secco”, herringbone and associated bars, but have never been
found in the same context. These bars may be seen not as coins but as ingots probably produced for the distribution of war booty at the time of the Pyrrhic and First Punic War (275-241). The weights for complete specimens
range from about 1642 to 1746 grams, which would indicate that they were intended to be 5-as pieces (quincusses),
based on a Roman libra of about 324 grams. They are usually found in fragments, indicating that they circulated
as bullion with cast coins.
Rome c. 280-250 (?)
10 Currency bar
Two cornuacopiae or tendrils (?) / Branch; below, ROM[ANOM]
HNItaly 253; RRC 3/1a; TV AS11; Haeberlin –; Catalli 1984, 1
Weight: 826.30g (fragment) [= Roma,MN 108640]; Finds: Santa Marinella 1927
11 Currency bar
Two cornuacopiae or tendrils (?) / Branch
HNItaly 253; RRC 3/1b; TV AS12; Haeberlin p. 21, 1, 3, pls. 9, 1, pl. 94, 1
Weights: 1013.40g [= Berlin,SM = Martinetti collection; Haeberlin p. 21, 1 pl. 94, 1];
424.00g (fragment) [= Roma,MN = Kircher collection = Garrucci p. 21, 3 pl. 9, 1]; Finds:
Ariccia 1848
12 Currency bar
Uncertain design / Branch
HNItaly 254; RRC 3/1b; TV AS12; Haeberlin p. 21, 2
Weight: 530.90g (fragment) Zagreb,NM [= Brunšmid 1896, pl 2, 3-4]; Finds: Mazin 1896
13 Currency bar
Eagle facing with spread wings on thunderbolt / Pegasus flying l.; below, ROMANOM
HNItaly 255; RRC 4/1a; TV AS13; Comparette 1918 pp. 35-41; Haeberlin p. 64-65, 1, 3-6 pl.
26, 1-3, pl. 61, 1
Weight range: 1642.00-1389.63; Finds: Mazin 1896; La Bruna 1890; Tor Marancia 1846
The eagle of Jupiter on a thunderbolt symbolises war and Pegasus is a symbol of glory, power and
speed as well as imagination.
14* Currency bar Eagle facing with spread wings on thunderbolt / Pegasus flying l., no legend
HNItaly 256; RRC 4/1b; TV AS14; Haeberlin p. 64, 2
Weight: 1542.00 [= Gréau collection]
15 Currency bar
Bull walking r. / Bull walking l.
HNItaly 257; RRC 5/1; TV AS18; Haeberlin p. 143-144, 1-5, pl. 57, 1-3, pl. 59, 1, pl. 93, 1
Weight range: 1790.23-989g; Finds: Città di Castello 1899; La Bruna 1890; Mazin 1896; Tor
Marancia 1846; Via Tiberina, 1941; Vulci 1828
The Città di Castello find of 1899 is a remarkable example engraved with the Umbrian inscription:
fukes sestines ‘of the forge at Sestinum’ (cf. Haeberlin p. 143, 2)
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16 Currency bar
Corn-ear, pellet on either side / Tripod
HNItaly 258; RRC 6/1; TV AS17; Comparette 1918 pp. 27-30; Haeberlin p. 82, 1-2, pl. 60, 1-2
Weight: 1510g = Münzen und Medaillen 47, 1972, 8; Finds: Mazin 1896
17 Currency bar
Oval shield seen from outside / Oval shield seen from within.
HNItaly 259; RRC 7/1; TV AS15; Haeberlin p. 75-76, 1-3, pl. 30, 1-3 fragments p. 76, 1-6 pl.
60, 5-7
Weight range: 1623.30-1516.90g; Finds: Ariccia 1848; Mazin 1899; Roma, Via Tiberina, 1941
18 Currency bar
Sword / Scabbard
HNItaly 260; RRC 8/1; TV AS16; Haeberlin p. 80, 1-2, pl. 32, 2-3, fragments p. 80, 3-5 pl. 60, 3-4
Weight range: 1618-1593.69g; Finds: Ariccia 1848; La Bruna 1890; Mazin 1896; Velletri 1784
19 Currency bar
Amphora with pointed end / Spearhead
HNItaly 261; RRC – cf. p. 548, 23; ERC I, p. 55, 5 fig 30; CMRR p. 41, note 20; TV AS19;
Haeberlin –
Weight range: 1742-1491g
20 Currency bar
Ornate amphora ending in globe / Ornate spearhead
HNItaly –; RRC –;TV AS20; Haeberlin –
Weight: 1640g [Private collection]
Rome c. 275 (?)
21 Currency bar
Indian elephant walking r., bell at neck / Sow standing l.
HNItaly 262; RRC 9/1; TV AS21; Comparette 1918 pp. 30-35; Haeberlin p. 146, 1 pl. 59, 1
and p. 146, 2-3 pl. 61, 6-7
Weight range: 1746.49-1535g; Finds: Cerveteri before 1885; Mazin 1896
The Indian elephant/Sow bars were conceivably produced for the distribution of booty when Manius
Curius displayed at his triumph the Indian elephants captured from Pyrrhus at the battle of Beneventum in 275 (Livy 24.14-16; Aelian, De natura animalium, I.38; H.H. Scullard, The Elephant in the Greek
and Roman World, Cambridge 1974, pp. 101-145)
22 Currency bar
Anchor with ring / Tripod with three rings.
HNItaly 263; RRC 10/1; TV AS22.; Comparette 1918 pp. 41-47; Haeberlin p. 92, 1-4, pl. 37,
1-3, pl. 98, fragments p. 92, 5-7 pl. 94, 3
Weight range: 1830.05-1495.06g; Finds: Castelgandolfo 1819; La Bruna 1890; Mazin 1896;
Via Tiberina, Rome, 1941; Vicarello 1852
23 Currency bar
Trident with fillet / Caduceus with fillet
HNItaly 264; RRC 11/1; TV AS23; Comparette 1918 pp. 21-27; Haeberlin pp. 102-3, 1-5, pl.
41, 1-3, pl. 42, 1-2, p. 103, 6-9, pl, 94, 4-5, 60, 8
Weight range: 1686.35-1141.60g; Finds: Albe-Alba Fucens before 1907; Bomarzo; Mazin
1896; Rome c. 1881 (RRCH 7); La Bruna 1890; Rome, Via Tiberina, 1941
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Rome c. 255
24 Currency bar
Two chickens feeding; between them, two stars / Two tridents; between them, two dolphins
HNItaly 265; RRC 12/1; TV AS24; Comparette 1918 pp. 47-54; Haeberlin pp. 133-134, 1-12,
pl. 53, 1-2, and p. 134, 3-12 pl. 54, 1-8
Weight range: 1650g NAC 9 [1996], 410; 1461g NAC 52 [2009], 201= Triton I [1997], 754 =
Sternberg 18 [1986], 275; 1172g NAC 5 [1992], 205; Finds: La Bruna 1890; Mazin 1896;
Rome, Via Tiberina, 1941; Terni; Vulci 1828
Among the many customs borrowed by the Romans from the Etruscans when they were under the
latter’s domination was the art of divination, a particular branch of that science being the pullaria auguria. Augurs were appointed to study the feeding patterns of selected chickens before a battle in order
better to judge the likely outcome of the engagement. The two stars in the field are perhaps to be associated with the Dioscuri. The reverse tridents and dolphins with their clear allusion to Neptune are
to be associated with Rome’s rise as a naval power during the course of the First Punic War (264-241).
Rome c. 280
From about 280, Rome issued large round coins, using the same sort of leaded bronze as in the currency bars.
These cast coins seem to amalgamate the central Italian idea of a heavy metal currency with the Sicilian schema
of bronze coins with clear marks of value. However, unlike most fiduciary Greek bronze issues, the Roman coins
were initially of full intrinsic weight, clearly denominated with symbols and pellets and based on the Roman
libral as of about 324 grams.
Dioscuri/Mercury series, based on an as of about 324g
Janiform head of the Dioscuri; above, I / Head of Mercury l., wearing winged petasus
HNItaly 268; RRC 14/1; AG 36; TV 1; Haeberlin pp. 93-94, 2-95 pl 38, 2-7
Weight range: 364.25-310g
25a* As
Janiform head of the Dioscuri; above, I / Head of Mercury r., wearing winged petasus
HNItaly –; RRC –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin p. 93, 1 pl 38, 8
Weight range: 400.32-291.60g
Head of Minerva 1.; below, S / Female head 1.; below, S
HNItaly 269; RRC 14/2; AG 37; TV 2; Haeberlin pp. 94-95, 1-108 pls. 38, 9-10 and pl. 39, 1-5
Weight range: 205.90g-134.65g
Thunderbolt; in field, ·· ·· / Dolphin swimming r.; below, ····
HNItaly 270; RRC 14/3; AG 38; TV 3; Haeberlin pp. 95-97, 1-160 pl. 39, 6-14
Weight range: 189.37-74.48g
28* Triens
Thunderbolt; in field, ·· ·· / Dolphin swimming 1.; below, ····
HNItaly –; RRC 14/3; AG 38; TV –; Haeberlin p. 97, 159
Weight: 76.30g
Right hand; at 1., ··· / Two barley-grains; between, ···
HNItaly 271; RRC 14/4; AG 39; TV 4; Haeberlin pp. 97-98, 1-136 pl. 40, 1-5
Weight range: 106.57-65.90g
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Scallop-shell; below, ·· / Caduceus; in field, · ·
HNItaly 272; RRC 14/5; AG 40; TV 5; Haeberlin pp. 98-100, 1-203 pl. 40, 6-15
Weight range: 77.46g-42g
Knucklebone seen from outside; beside, · / ·
HNItaly 273; RRC 14/6; AG 41; TV 6; Haeberlin pp. 100-101, 1-102 pl. 40, 16-22
Weight range: 40.38-19.34g
Acorn / Σ sometimes inverted
HNItaly 274; RRC 14/7; AG 42; TV 7; Haeberlin pp. 101-102, 1-76 pl. 40, 23-27
Weight range: 24.15-9.12g
Rome c. 270
Apollo/Apollo series, based on an as of about 334g
Diademed head of Apollo r.; above I / Same type 1.
HNItaly 279; RRC 18/1; AG 43; TV 8; Haeberlin pp. 82-84, 1-104 pls. 34, 1-10, 35, 1-6 and
94, 14 Weight range: 398.40-286.90g
Pegasus flying r.; below, S / Same type 1.
HNItaly 280; RRC 18/2; AG 44; TV 9; Haeberlin pp. 84-85, 1-100 pl. 35, 7-10
Weight range: 195.30-133.88g
Head of horse r.; below, ···· / Same type 1.
HNItaly 281; RRC 18/3; AG 45; TV 10; Haeberlin pp. 86-88, 1-111 pl. 36, 1-5
Weight range: 145.24-93.35g
Boar leaping r.; below, ··· / Same type 1.
HNItaly 282; RRC 18/4; AG 46; TV 11; Haeberlin pp. 87-88, 1-128 pl. 36, 6-10
Weight range: 107.05g-68.90g
Head of Dioscurus r., wearing pileus; behind, ·· / Same type 1.
HNItaly 283; RRC 18/5; AG 47; TV 12; Haeberlin pp. 88-90, 1-163 pl. 36, 12-17
Weight range: 79.00-43.75g
Barley-grain; beside, · / Same type
HNItaly 284; RRC 18/6; AG 48; TV 13; Haeberlin pp. 90-91, 1-105 pl. 36, 18-21
Weight range: 37.26-20.35g
Rome c. 270
Dioscurus/Apollo series, based on an as of about 330g
Head of one of the Dioscuri 1., wearing pileus / Diademed head of Apollo 1.
HNItaly 285; RRC 19/1; AG –; TV 14; Haeberlin –
Weight: 330.70g (= Roma, MN, found at Santa Marinella 1927)
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Head of Roma 1., wearing Phrygian helmet; at 1., S / Female head 1., with upstanding curls
of hair at front; at 1., S
HNItaly 286; RRC 19/2; AG 100; TV 15; Haeberlin p. 157, 1-3 pl. 65, 10-12
Weight range: 170.17-161.05g; Finds: Ardea 1940; Santa Marinella 1927
Rome c. 265
Roma/Roma series, based on an as of about 265g
Head of Roma r., wearing Phrygian helmet with pinnate crest; behind, I / Same type 1.
HNItaly 288; RRC 21/1; AG 62; TV 16; Haeberlin p. 65, 1-18 pl. 27, 1-6
Weight range: 302.87-235.60g
Head of Minerva r., wearing Corinthian helmet; below, S / Same type 1.
HNItaly 289; RRC 21/2; AG 63; TV 17; Haeberlin pp. 65-66, 1-30 pl. 27, 7-10
Weight range: 159.50-113.92g
Thunderbolt; across field, ·· ·· / Same type
HNItaly 290; RRC 21/3; AG 64; TV 18; Haeberlin p. 66, 1-39 pl. 27, 11-12
Weight range: 98.40-72.40g
Right hand; beside, ··· / Left hand; beside, ···
HNItaly 291; RRC 21/4; AG 65; TV 19; Haeberlin pp. 66-67 1-36 pls. 27, 13-14 and 28, 1-2
Weight range: 81.37-55.75g
Scallop-shell seen from outside; below, · · / Scallop-shell seen from inside
HNItaly 292; RRC 21/5; AG 66; TV 20; Haeberlin pp. 67-68, 1-85 pls. 28, 3-9 and 94, 10
Weight range: 52.05-32.00g
Knucklebone seen from outside; beside, usually · / Knucklebone seen from inside.
HNItaly 293; RRC 21/6; AG 67-68; TV 21; Haeberlin pp. 68-69, 1-135 pl. 28, 10-14
Weight range: 27.45-15.19g
Acorn; beside, S / Similar
HNItaly 294; RRC 21/7; AG 69; TV 22; Haeberlin pp. 69-70, 1-64 pl. 28, 15-16
Weight range: 17.99-9.73g
Rome c. 240
Dioscurus/Mercury with sickle symbol series, based on an as of about 272g
Janiform head of the Dioscuri, hair tied with band / Head of Mercury 1.; at r., sickle
HNItaly 300; RRC 25/4; AG 49; TV 36; Haeberlin p. 76, 1-18 pl. 31, 1-4
Weight range: 309.67-234.60g
Head of Minerva 1., wearing Corinthian helmet; below, S / Female head 1.; behind, sickle;
below, S
HNItaly 301; RRC 25/5; AG 50; TV 37; Haeberlin pp. 76-77, 1-55 pl. 31, 5-8
Weight range: 173.40-105.87g
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Thunderbolt; across field, ·· ·· / Dolphin swimming r.; above, sickle; below, ····
HNItaly 302; RRC 25/6; AG 51; TV 38; Haeberlin pp. 77-78, 1-52 pl. 31, 9-10
Weight range: 104.60-80.97g
Right hand; at 1., ··· / Two barley-grains; between, ···
HNItaly 303; RRC 25/7; AG 52; TV 39; Haeberlin p. 78, 1-69 pl. 31, 11-12
Weight range: 84.05-45.84g
Scallop-shell; below, ·· / Caduceus; at r., sickle; in field, ··
HNItaly 304; RRC 25/8; AG 53; TV 40; Haeberlin p. 79, 1-67 pl. 31, 13-14
Weight range: 53.67-37.20g
Knucklebone seen from outside / · ; beside, sickle
HNItaly 305; RRC 25/9; AG 54; TV 41; Haeberlin pp. 79-80, 1-35 pl. 31, 15-16
Weight range: 27.93-17.35g
Rome c. 235
Apollo/Apollo with acorn symbol series, based on an as of about 284g
Diademed head of Apollo r.; at 1., acorn / Same type 1.
HNItaly 310; RRC 26/5: AG 56; TV 46; Haeberlin p. 81, 1-7 pl. 33, 1-6
Weight range: 318.57-240.40g
Pegasus flying r.; above, S; below, acorn / Same type 1.
HNItaly 311; RRC 26/6: AG 57; TV 47; Haeberlin p. 81 p. 1-3 pl. 33, 7 and 99, 11
Weight range: 145.72-133.52g
Boar r.; above, acorn; below, ··· / Same type 1.
HNItaly 312; RRC 26/7: AG 59; TV 48; Haeberlin p. 81, 1-2 pl. 33, 8
Weight range: 77.70-67.15g
Head of one of the Dioscuri r.; behind, acorn / Same type 1.
HNItaly 313; RRC 26/8: AG 60; TV 49; Haeberlin p. 82, 1 pl. 33, 9
Weight: 46.43g [= Haeberlin collection, Rollin and Feuardent 1896]
Rome c. 235
Roma/Roma and club symbol series, based on an as of about 266g
Head of Roma r., wearing Phrygian helmet with pinnate crest; behind, club / Same type 1.
HNItaly 318; RRC 27/5; AG 70; TV 23; Haeberlin p. 71, 1-22 pl. 28, 21-24
Weight range: 291.40-242.52g
Head of Minerva r., wearing Corinthian helmet; behind, club; below, S / Same type 1.
HNItaly 319; RRC 27/6; AG 71; TV 24; Haeberlin pp. 71-72, 1-54 pl. 29, 1-4
Weight range: 150.14-112.50g
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Thunderbolt; at 1., club and in field, ·· ·· / Same type, but club at r.
HNItaly 320; RRC 27/7; AG 72; TV 25; Haeberlin pp. 72-73, 1-47 pl. 29, 5-7
Weight range: 107.40-77.80g
Right hand; at r., club; at 1., ··· / 1. hand; at r., ···
HNItaly 321; RRC 27/8; 41; AG 73; TV 26; Haeberlin p. 73, 1-62 pl. 29, 8-12
Weight range: 78.67-54.03g
Scallop-shell seen from outside; below, club and ·· / Scallop-shell seen from inside; below, club
HNItaly 322; RRC 27/9; AG 74; TV 27; Haeberlin pp. 73-74, 1-63 pl. 29, 13-17
Weight range: 56.69-36.10g
Knucklebone seen from outside; below, club / Knucklebone seen from inside; below, club
HNItaly 323; RRC 27/10; AG 75; TV 28; Haeberlin pp. 74-75, 1-74 pl. 29, 18-20
Weight range: 29.10-18.70g
Rome c. 230
Roma/Wheel series, based on an as of about 270g
Head of Roma r., wearing Phrygian helmet with pinnate crest / Wheel of six spokes;
between two spokes, III
HNItaly 324; RRC 24/1; AG 84; TV 29; Calabria 1989; Haeberlin p. 58, 1 pl. 23, 1
Weight range: 926-600.74g [926g [= NAC 5, 1992, 197 = Leu 18, 1977, 284]; 880.93g [=
Città del Vaticano, Alteri 9]; 834g [= Sambon collection, Sotheby 23.xi.1925 = Garrett collection = NFA-Leu 1984, 599 = AG pl. B]; 685.43g [= Spencer-Churchill collection];
600.74g [= Christie’s 7.xii.1965, 133]
Head of Roma r., wearing Phrygian helmet with pinnate crest; behind, II / Wheel of six
spokes; between two spokes, II
HNItaly 325; RRC 24/2; AG 85; TV 30; Haeberlin p. 58, 1-14 pl. 23, 2-7, 24, 1-3
Weight range: 625.24-527.60g
Head of Roma r., wearing Phrygian helmet with pinnate crest; behind, I / Wheel of six
spokes; between two spokes, I
HNItaly 326; RRC 24/3; AG 86; TV 31; Haeberlin pp. 58-59, 1-44 pl. 24, 4-10
Weight range: 307.70-228.20g
Bull leaping 1.; sometimes below, S / Wheel of six spokes, between two spokes, S
HNItaly 327; RRC 24/4; AG 87; TV 32; Haeberlin p. 59-60, 1-70 pl. 25, 1-7
Weight range: 171.20-104.32g
Horse prancing; above and below, ·· ·· / Wheel of six spokes; between spokes, · · · ·
HNItaly 328; RRC 24/5; AG 88; TV 33; Haeberlin pp. 60-61, 1-76 pl. 25, 8-11
Weight range: 111.30-68.62g
Dog 1.; in exergue, ··· / Wheel of six spokes; between spokes, · · ·
HNItaly 329; RRC 24/6a; AG 89; TV 34; Haeberlin pp. 61-62, 1-83 pl. 25, 12-13
Weight range: 84.87-66.30g
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Dog r.; in exergue, ··· / Wheel of six spokes; between spokes, · · ·
HNItaly 329; RRC 24/6b; AG –; TV 34a; Haeberlin p. 61, 22 pl. 25, 14
Weight: 69.63g
Tortoise / Wheel of six spokes; sometimes between spokes, · ·
HNItaly 330; RRC 24/7; AG 90-91; TV 35-35a; Haeberlin pp. 62-63, 1-130 pl. 25, 15-18
Weight range: 62.50-34.30g
Uncertain Italian mint after c. 225
Minerva/Bull series, based on an as of about 279g
Head of Minerva facing, wearing helmet with three crests / Bull walking r., head facing;
above, caduceus; in exergue, ROMA
HNItaly 331; RRC 37/1c: AG 35; TV 43a; Haeberlin p. 141-143, 1-23 pl. 55, 7-10, 56, 1-3
Weight range: 313-204.60g; Finds: Canevedo (Monselice) 1899; Vicarello 1852; Modena before 1885
Head of Minerva facing, wearing helmet with three crests / Bull walking r., head facing;
above, L or I; in exergue, ROMA
HNItaly 331; RRC 37/1a: AG 34; TV 43; Haeberlin pp. 141-143, 1-23 pl. 55, 2-6
Weight range: 336-225.50g; Finds: Velleia, Parma 1768; Vicarello 1852; Rome before 1910
Rome c. 225-217
Janus/Prow to r. series, based on an as of about 270g
Laureate and bearded head of Janus; below, – / Prow r.; above, I
HNItaly 337; RRC 35/1; AG 1; TV 51; Haeberlin pp. 25-36, 1-1168 pls. 10-15, 16, 1-4 and 94, 7
Weight range: 312.30-218.04g
Laureate and bearded head of Janus; no mark of value / Prow r.; above, I
HNItaly 337; RRC 35/1; AG 2; TV 51a; Haeberlin pp. 26-36, 1-1168 pls. 10-15
Weight range: included above
Laureate head of Saturn 1.; behind, S / Prow r.; above, S
HNItaly 338; RRC 35/2; AG 3; TV 52; Haeberlin pp. 38-41, 1-312 pls. 16, 17 and 94, 8-9
Weight range: 164.80-102.50g
77* Semis
Laureate head of Saturn r. / Prow r.; above, S
HNItaly –; RRC –; AG –; TV 52a; Haeberlin –
Weight: 127g [= private collection]
Helmeted head of Minerva 1.; below, ···· / Prow r.; below, ····
HNItaly 339; RRC 35/3a; AG 4; TV 53; Haeberlin pp. 41-45, 1-392 pl. 17, 6-20
Weight range: 115.02-66.10g
79* Triens
Helmeted head of Minerva r.; below, ···· / Prow r.; above, ····
HNItaly 339; RRC 35/3b; AG –; TV 53a; Haeberlin p. 57, 1-3 pl. 22, 14
Weight range: 93.05-69.30g
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Head of Hercules 1., wearing lion skin; behind, ··· / Prow r.; below, ···
HNItaly 340; RRC 35/4; AG 5; TV 54; Haeberlin pp. 45-47, 1-266 pl. 18, 1-9
Weight range: 86.60-56.00g
81* Quadrans
Head of Hercules r., wearing lion skin; behind, ··· / Prow r.; below, ···
HNItaly –; RRC –; AG –; TV 54a; Haeberlin p. 57, 1
Weight: 68.00g [= Kiev,UM, Bahrfeldt, 116]
Head of Mercury 1., wearing winged petasus; below, ·· / Prow r.; below, ··
HNItaly 341; RRC 35/5; AG 6; TV 55; Haeberlin p. 47-49, 1-208 pl. 18, 10-21
Weight: 53.65-33.80g
Head of Roma 1., wearing Attic helmet; to r., · / Prow r.; below, ·
HNItaly 342; RRC 35/6; AG 7; TV 56; Haeberlin pp. 49-51, 1-184 pl. 18, 22-29
Weight range: 27.32-17.85g
Rome c. 225-217
Janus/Prow to r. with pellet symbol series, based on an as of about 260g
Laureate and bearded head of Janus / Prow r.; above, large pellet and I
HNItaly –; RRC –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 277g [= Bar collection = Vecchi 6, 1997, 624 = Bar 1999, p. 59, pl. 1, 1b]
Head of bearded of Janus, laureate / Prow r.; above, large pellet and S
HNItaly –; RRC –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 125.44g [= Bar collection = Kovacs FPL 29, 1997, 52 = Triton 2, 1998, 673 = Bar
1999, p. 61, pl. 2, 2b]
For the pellet symbol on quadrigati, see RRC 31/1 pl. 4, 10
Rome c. 225-217
Janus/Prow to 1. series, based on an as of about 256g
Laureate and bearded head of Janus / Prow 1.; above, I
HNItaly 337; RRC 36/1; AG 8; TV 57; Haeberlin pp. 52-53, 1-80 pl. 19, 20 and 21
Weight range: 308.32-207.10g
Laureate and bearded head of Saturn 1. / Prow 1.; above, S
HNItaly 338; RRC 36/2; AG 9; TV 58; Haeberlin p. 54, 1-32 pls. 21, 5-5-12, 22, 1-2, 44, 1
Weight range: 152.50-94.30g
88* Semis
Laureate and bearded head of Saturn r. / Prow 1.; above, S
HNItaly 338; RRC 36/2var; AG 10; TV58a; Haeberlin p. 56, 1 pl. 22, 3
Weight: 127.70g [= Bourlier I, p. 79, pl. 20, 1; Garrucci pl. 29, 1]
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Head of Minerva 1., wearing Corinthian helmet / Prow 1.; above, ····
HNItaly 339; RRC 36/3a; AG 11; TV 59; Haeberlin pp. 54-55, 1-22 pl. 22, 4-9
90* Triens
Head of Minerva r., wearing Corinthian helmet / Prow 1.; above, ····
HNItaly 339; RRC 36/3b; AG 12-13; TV 60; Haeberlin p. 57, 1-6 pl. 22, 10-13
Weight range: 94.90-69.85g
Head of Hercules 1., wearing lion’s skin; behind, ··· / Prow 1.; below, ···
HNItaly 340; RRC 36/4; AG 14; TV 61; Haeberlin p. 55, 1-21 pl. 22, 15-16
Weight range: 77.60-55.50g
Head of Mercury 1., wearing winged petasus / Prow l.; below, ·
HNItaly 341; RRC 36/5: AG 15; TV 62; Haeberlin pp. 55-56, 1-45 pl. 22, 17-20
Weight range: 53.51-34.48g
Rome c. 217-215
Semilibral Janus/Prow to 1. series, based on an as of about 132g
Laureate and bearded head of Janus / Prow 1.; above, l
RRC 38/1; AG 16; TV 63; Haeberlin pp. 104-105, 1-40 pls. 43, 115, 95, 1
Weight range: 162.84-99.60g
Laureate head of Saturn 1.; behind, S / Prow 1.; above, S
RRC 38/2; AG 17; TV 64; Haeberlin pp. 105-106, 1-46 pl. 44, 2-12
Weight range: 89.50-57.96g
Head of Minerva 1., wearing Corinthian helmet; below, ···· / Prow 1.; above, ····
RRC 38/3; AG 18; TV 65; Haeberlin p. 106, 1-18 pl. 44, 13-17
Weight range: 61.85-45.15g
Head of Hercules 1., wearing lion skin; behind, ··· / Prow 1.; below, ···
RRC 38/4; AG 19; TV 66; Haeberlin pp. 106-107, 1-27 pl. 44, 18-20, 45, 3-4
Weight range: 41.15-32.00g
Head of Hercules 1., wearing lion skin; behind, ··· / Prow r.; below, ···
RRC –; AG –; TV 66a; Haeberlin p. 107, 13 pl. 45, 4
Weight range: 36.50g [= Paris,BnF = d’Ailly I, p. 102 pl. 30, 6]
Sicily c. 216
Semilibral with corn-ear symbol series, based on an as of about 133g
Head of Hercules 1., wearing lion skin; below, ··· / Prow 1.; above, ear of barley; below, ···
RRC 40/1a; AG –; HGC 2, 1732; TV 66b; Haeberlin p. 107, 19 pl. 45, 3
Weight: 38.04g [JD collection, NAC 64, 2012, 920]; 35.07g [RBW collection, NAC 61, 2011,
45]; 34.43g [= Haeberlin collection]; 25.50 [= McCabe collection]
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99* Quadrans
Head of Hercules 1., wearing lion skin; behind, ··· / Prow 1.; above, ear of barley; below, ···
RRC 40/1b (Syracuse,MA 28251); AG –; HGC 2, 1732; TV –; Haeberlin – . (Probably
found at Syracuse) Weight: –
Rome c. 215-212
As the Hannibalic War went from bad to worse from the Roman perspective, the value of Roman bronze coinage
collapsed and the semilibral standard was abandoned for what modern numismatists call the post-semilibral
standard. On-going research by Andrew McCabe suggests there are several groups within the series based on a
third, quarter and a fifth of a libra. The decussis is the largest and heaviest Roman coin ever issued, except for
the early Roman quadrilateral currency bars. Tariffed at 10 asses, the weight standard of an as of about 108g, the
‘triental’ equivalent for the near-contemporary silver denarius.
Post-semilibral series, based on a diversity of descending weight standards
100 Decussis
Helmeted head of Roma r., wearing griffin-crested helmet; behind, X/ Prow 1.; above, X
RRC 41/1; AG 20; TV 67; Haeberlin pp. 117-118, 1-3 pl. 46, 1-3; See cover coin
Weight range: 1106.60-652.28g
101 Quincussis
Head of Roma r., wearing griffin-crested helmet; behind, V / Prow 1.; above, V
RRC 41/2; AG –; TV 67a; Haeberlin –
Weight: 364g [= Private collection = MMAG 43, 1970, 66]
102 Tressis
Head of Roma r., wearing griffin-crested helmet; behind, III /Prow 1.; above, III
RRC 41/3a; AG 21; TV 68; Haeberlin p. 118, 1-16 pl. 46, 4-5, 47, 1-9
Weight range: 313.31-208g
103* Tressis
Head of Roma r., wearing griffin-crested helmet; behind, III / Prow r.; above, III
RRC 41/3b; AG –; TV 68a; Haeberlin p. 118, 17 pl. 47, 10
Weight range: 203.80g [= Napoli,MA, Fiorelli II, 4]; 293g [= Martini collection, Ratto
Lugano 1930, 15]
104 Dupondius Head of Roma r., wearing griffin-crested helmet; behind, II / Prow l.; above, II
RRC 41/4; AG 22; TV 69; Haeberlin p. 119, 1-19 pl. 48, 1-10, 94,4
Weight range: 221.30-133.60g
105 As
Bearded head of Janus / Prow 1.; above, I
RRC 41/5a: AG 25; TV 70; Haeberlin pp. 119-122, 1-365 pl. 49, 1-21, 50, 1-28
Weight range: 132g-41.00g
The Museo Civico di Bologna possesses a unique example of this type [134.55g] still attached to its
‘tree’, cf. Haeberlin pl. 52, 39; F. Panvini Rosati, La moneta di Roma repubblicana, Bologna 1966, 15;
RRC p. 589. (Illustrated on p. 60)
106 As
Bearded head of Janus / Prow r.; above, I
RRC 41/5b; AG 26; TV 70a; Haeberlin pp. 122-123, 334, 344, 354, 358 pl. 50, 25-28
Weight range: 73.47-45.5g
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107 Semis
Laureate head of Saturn 1.; behind, S / Prow 1.; above, S
RRC 41/6a; AG 27; TV 71; Haeberlin pp. 124-126, 1-199 pl. 51, 1-18
Weight range: 60.69-22.43g
108* Semis
Laureate head of Saturn 1.; behind, S / Prow r.; above, S
RRC 41/6b; AG –; TV 71a; Haeberlin pp. 124-126, 43, 59, 131, 157, 158 and 183
Weight range: 44.19-30.79g
109 Semis
Laureate head of Saturn r.; behind, S / Prow 1.; above, S
RRC 41/6c; AG –; TV 71b; Haeberlin pp. 124-125, 10, 53, 104, 174, 186, 191 and 193
Weight range: 55.70-25.68g
110* Semis
Laureate head of Saturn r.; behind, S / Prow r.; above, S
RRC 41/6d; AG –; TV 71c; Haeberlin pp. 124-125, 51, 82 and 180
Weight range: 42.72-28.30g
110a Semis
Head of Hercules 1., wearing lion skin; behind, S / Prow 1.; above, S
RRC –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 35.39 [= JD collection = Münzzentrum 50, 1983, 3582 = NAC 64, 2012, 927]
111 Triens
Head of Minerva 1., wearing Corinthian helmet; below, ···· / Prow 1.; below, ····
RRC 41/7a: AG 28; TV 72; Haeberlin pp. 126-127, 1-35 pl. 51, 22-27
Weight range: 38.21-20.27g
112 Quadrans
Head of Hercules 1., wearing lion skin; below, ··· / Prow 1.; below, ···
RRC 41/8a; AG 29; TV 73; Haeberlin p. 128, 1-20 pl. 4, 1-2
Weight range: 38.94-21.44g
Luceria c. 214-212
Janus/Prow to r. and l series, based on an as of about 83g
113 As
Laureate head of bearded Janus / Prow r.; above I ; before, L
RRC 43/1; AG 144; TV 287; Haeberlin p. 193, 1-9 pl. 72, 1-5
Weight range: 101.70g-79.90g
114 Semis
Laureate head of Saturn r.; behind, S / Prow r.; above, S; before, L
RRC 43/2a; AG 145; TV 288; Haeberlin p. 194, 1-22 pl. 72, 6-9
Weight range: 49.30-31.27g
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TARQUINII (Tarquinia)
Tarquinii (Etruscan Tarch[u]na; modern Tarquinia, formerly Corneto) is reputed to be the oldest city of Etruria,
founded by the mythical Tarchon, brother of Tyrrhenus. The attribution of its highly original currency bars and
circular coinage is derived from find evidence in Tarquinii. Currency bars 115-117 may have been intended to
represent dupondii, and the TA monogram and III series 118 may represent asses. The circular coinage is also
attributed to Tarquinii on find evidence, though the evidence is weak for semiunciae series 126 and 127. The
distinctive forepart of boar as series 121 and A motive of series 125, 126 and 127, possibly a Greek A or set square
(libella), have been subject to much speculation since they are similar to the motives displayed among the military
insignia on the walls of the Giglioli tomb. The tomb is that of Vel Pinies, obviously a prominent city leader and
soldier, whose shield emblems may have influenced these types. By the early third century a foedus had been
contracted with Tarquinii, whose citizens became unequal allies with diminished autonomy, committed to contributing manpower and supplies to Rome when required. Nos. 284, 288, 290 and 322 of uncertain mints in central Italy have sometimes been attributed to Tarquinii, see HNItaly p. 38, note.
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 B4; EAA VII, pp. 619-623; PECS pp. 880-881; Garrucci pp. 23-25, pl. 46; Cesano 1934; Catalli
1987; Catalli 1990; Vicari 171-179; Vecchi EC II, 1-13
c. 275
115 Currency bar Two crescents back-to-back / Same type
HNItaly 212; Vecchi EC II, 1; Cesano pp. 74-75, 1-10, 1-6; Catalli 1990, pl. 79; TV AS6; Haeberlin p. 22-23, 1-13, pl. 9, 2-5 and 93, 2
Weight range: 777-486.30g; Finds: Tarquinia before 1910
116 Currency bar Star of four rays between two crescents back to back / Same type
HNItaly 213; Vecchi EC II, 2; Cesano pp. 75-76, 1; Catalli 1990, pl. 80; TV AS7; Haeberlin p.
23, 14 pl. 9, 8
Weight: 503.75g [= BMCItaly p. 66, 4, from Castellani]
117 Currency bar Star of eight rays between two crescents back to back / Same type
HNItaly 213; Vecchi EC II, 3; Cesano p. 75-76, 2; TV AS8; Haeberlin p. 23, 15, pl. 94, 2
Weight: 440.60g [= Garrucci p. 12, pl. 26, 3; Milani 1898 p. 103]
118 Currency bar A, III, A / A, III, A
HNItaly 214; Vecchi EC II, 4; Cesano pp. 77-78; Catalli 1990, pl. 79; TV AS9-10; Haeberlin p.
23-24, 16-18, pls. 9, 6-7 and 93, 4
Weight range: 601-221.25g; Finds: Tarquinia
119 As
Sunburst of four rays / Same type
HNItaly 352 (Uncertain); Vecchi EC II, 5; Catalli 1990, 64; Cesano 1934, p. 87; Catalli 1990,
63a; AG 317; TV 74; Haeberlin p. 277, 5, pl. 92; Garrucci p. 39, 1, pl. 70
Weight: 364.24g [= Tarquinia,MAN RC 3759]; Finds: Tarquinia 1875
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 42
Circular coinage, based on an as of about 288g
120 As
Sunburst of eight rays / Sunburst of eight rays
HNItaly 356 (Uncertain); Vecchi EC II, 6; Cesano 1934 –; Catalli 1990, 64; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 262.00g; Finds: Tuscania, tomb of the sarcophagus of Amazons, 1967
121 As
Forepart of boar l. / Spearhead
HNItaly 215; Vecchi EC II, 7; Cesano p. 81, 1-7, AG 171; Catalli 1990, 62a; TV 75; Haeberlin
p. 277-278, 1-6, pl. 92, 6-9
Weight range: 352.00-250.25g; Finds: Tarquinia [= Haeberlin p. 277-8, 1-4]
122 Semis
Head of ram r. / Staff
HNItaly 216; Vecchi EC II, 8; Cesano 1934, pp. 82-3, pl. 4, 2; AG 318; Catalli 1990, 62b; TV
76; Haeberlin p. 278, 1 pl. 92, 10
Weight: 137.20g [= Roma,MNR]; Finds: Tarquinia 1874
123 Quadrans
Dolphin r.; above, ··· / Anchor
HNItaly 217; Vecchi EC II, 9; Cesano p. 84, 1-5; AG 175; Catalli 1990, 62c; TV 77; Haeberlin
p. 278, 1-2 pl. 92, 11
Weight range: 74.32-61.80g [= BMCItaly p. 57, 18]; Finds: Tarquinia 1876
124 Sextans
Plough / Yoke; below, ··
HNItaly 218; Vecchi EC II, 10; Cesano p. 85; ; AG 68; Catalli 1990, 62d; TV 220; Haeberlin
pp. 167 and 278-279, pl. 68, 17
Weight: 50.28g [= BMCItaly p. 58, 28]; Finds: Tarquinia
125 Uncia
A / Crescent; above, ·
HNItaly 219; Vecchi EC II, 11; Cesano p. 85-86; AG 164; Catalli 1990, 62e; TV 228; Haeberlin p. 170, 1 pl. 68, 33
Weight range: 22.99g [= BMCItaly p. 40, 1; Garrucci p. 24, 6, pl. 46]: Finds: Tarquinia
126 Semuncia
A / Caduceus
HNItaly 220; Vecchi EC II, 12; Cesano p. 86; AG 165; Catalli 1990, 62f; TV 233; Haeberlin p.
170-171, 1-46 pl. 69, 5-8 Weight range: 19.17-14.17g; Finds: Puglia
127 Semuncia
Blank / Caduceus
HNItaly 396 (Uncertain); Vecchi EC II, 13; AG –; TV 234; Haeberlin, p. 171, 1-12 pl. 69, 9-11
Weight range: 16.98-10.30g; Finds: Vicarello
Volaterrae (Etruscan Velathri, modern Volterra), the defensive fortress of northern Etruria, firmly under Roman
control by the early third century, issued three series of cast bronze. A Janiform head wearing a pointed cap is
the obverse type common to all three issues, very possibly influenced by the contemporary Roman asses and
quadrigati depicting the Janiform heads of the Dioscuri and the bronze asses characterized by the head of Janus.
The Volaterran Janiform head is perhaps Culsans, the Etruscan equivalent of Janus as depicted by the celebrated
statue from Cortona. The three reverse types are: mark of value, club and dolphin surrounded by the ethnic.
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These issues follow exactly the Roman bronze denominational repertoire of dupondius, as, semis, triens, quadrans, sextans and uncia.
Bibl.: BAtlas 41 D3; ASAT foglio 112; EAA VII, pp. 1198-1202; PECS pp. 987-988; Garrucci pp. 25-26 pls. 4749; Catalli 1971-2; Catalli 1976; Catalli 1990, pp. 91-95; Vecchi EC II, 1-17; Gamurrini Archive
Third century
Mark of value series, based on an as of about 144g
128 Dupondius Janiform head, wearing pointed hat / I - I ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 108a; Vecchi EC II, 1; Catalli 1990, 72a; AG 298; TV 78; Haeberlin p. 242, 1-2 pls. 82,
1 and 102, 7
Weight range: 326.01-264.42g
129 As
Janiform head, wearing pointed cap / I ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 108b; Vecchi EC II, 2; Catalli 1990, 72b; AG 299; TV 79; Haeberlin p. 242, 1-7 pls. 82,
2-5 and 96, 8
Weight range: 181.04-110.52g
130 Semis
Janiform head, wearing pointed cap / ) ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 108c; Vecchi EC II, 3; Catalli 1990, 72c; AG 300; TV 80; Haeberlin p. 243, 1-26; pl. 82, 6-9
Weight range: 98.50-48.53g
131 Triens
Janiform head, wearing pointed cap / ····; around, velaθri
HNItaly 108d; Vecchi EC II, 4; Catalli 1990, 72d; AG 301; TV 81; Haeberlin p. 243, 1-16 pl. 82, 10
Weight range: 55.75-35.55g
132 Quadrans
Janiform head, wearing pointed cap / ··· ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 108e; Vecchi EC II, 5; Catalli 1990, 72e; AG 302; TV 82; Haeberlin p. 243-244, 1-29
pl. 82, 11
Weight range: 49.00-22.10g
133 Sextans
Janiform head, wearing pointed cap / ·· ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 108f; Vecchi EC II, 6; Catalli 1990, 72f; AG 303; TV 83; Haeberlin p. 244, 1-60 pl. 82, 12-13
Weight range: 42.15-13.49g
134 Uncia
Janiform head, wearing pointed cap / · ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 108g; Vecchi EC II, 7; Catalli 1990, 72g; AG 304; TV 84; Haeberlin p. 244-245, 1-29
pl. 82, 14
Weight range: 19.50-8.67g
Club series, based on an as of about 158g
135 Dupondius Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Club; in field, I - I ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 109a; Vecchi EC II, 8; Catalli 1990, 73a; AG 305; TV 85; Haeberlin pp. 245-246, 1-9
pls. 83, 1-6 and 97, 2
Weight range: 338.73-236.50g
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136 As
Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Club; in field, I ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 109b; Vecchi EC II, 9; Catalli 1990, 73b; AG 306; TV 86; Haeberlin p. 246, 1-23 pl. 84,
Weight range: 167.35g-104.18g
137 Semis
Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Club; in field, ) ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 109c; Vecchi EC II, 10; Catalli 1990, 73c; AG 307; TV 87; Haeberlin p. 246, 1-31 pl.
83, 7-9
Weight range: 84.25g-45.10g
138 Triens
Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Club; in field, ·· ·· ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 109d; Vecchi EC II, 11; Catalli 1990, 73d; AG 308; TV 88; Haeberlin p. 247, 1-42 pl.
84, 4-5
Weight range: 64.70g-36.61g
139 Quadrans
Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Club; in field, ··· ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 109e; Vecchi EC II, 12; Catalli 1990, 73e; AG 309; TV 89; Haeberlin p. 247-248, 1-75
pl. 84, 6-7
Weight range: 48.27-24.28g
140 Sextans
Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Club; in field, ·· ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 109f; Vecchi EC II, 13; Catalli 1990, 73f; AG 310; TV 90; Haeberlin p. 248, 1-61 pl. 84,
Weight range: 40.37-20.80g
141 Uncia
Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Club; in field, · ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 109g; Vecchi EC II, 14; Catalli 1990, 73e; AG 311; TV 91; Haeberlin p. 249, 1-43 pl.
84, 10
Weight range: 21.40-9.28g
Dolphin series, based on an as of about 132g
142 Dupondius Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Dolphin; in field, I I ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 110a; Vecchi EC II, 15; Catalli 1990, 74a; AG 312; TV 92; Haeberlin pp. 249, 1-2 pl.
84, 11-12
Weight range: 296.96-230.95g
143 As.
Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Dolphin; in field, I ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 110b; Vecchi EC II, 16; Catalli 1990, 74b; AG 313; TV 93; Haeberlin p. 250, 1-17 pl.
84, 13-15
Weight range: 156.42-105.16g
144 Semis
Janiform head, beardless, wearing pointed cap / Dolphin; in field, ) ; around, velaθri
HNItaly 110c; Vecchi EC II, 17; Catalli 1990, 74c; AG 314; TV 94; Haeberlin p. 250, 1-14 pl.
84, 16-17
Weight range: 74.47-40.18g
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Inland Etruria is dominated by the valley of the the river Clanis (Val di Chiana) which played a major part in the
economic development of Etruria. From its source near Arretium (Arezzo), the Clanis ran past Curtun (Cortona),
Clusium (Chiusi) and after being joined by the Pallia (Paglia) tributary flowed into the Tiber beside Volsinii
(Orvieto). All four of these cities are amongst the oldest and most eminent of the Etruscan dodecapoleis and
owed much of their wealth to the fertility of the Clanis valley, especially in grain. This region was also strategically
located at the centre of a network of roads, and with its proximity to the Tiber was a centre of trade and industry,
especially that of bronze working. Notable masterpieces include the celebrated Chimaera of Arezzo, now in Florence, Museo Archeologico, the richly decorated lamp of Cortona, not to mention the 2000 bronze statues looted
by the Romans in 264 from the federal sanctuary of the nomen etruscum at Volsinii, from which possibly the
celebrated Mars of Todi is derived. By the 3rd century the whole of Etruria was allied to Rome and therefore all
the cast and struck series of Etruria must have been produced under its auspices. The hoard and single find evidence points to a federal coinage between several cities. Although none of the issues has an ethnic, many have
Etruscan initials and intriguing countermarked symbols.
Bibl.: BAtlas B2; ASAT fogli 114, 121, 122; Garrucci pp. 26-29 pls. 50-54; Catalli 1990, pp. 101-104; Vicari pp.
60-65; Vanni 2001; Vanni 2004; Vecchi EC II, 1-52; Gamurrini Archive
Third century
Wheel/Anchor series, based on an as of about 151g
145 Quincussis
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border; between spokes, n - p - v / Anchor within
double linear border; in field, V
HNItaly 65a; Vecchi EC II, 48; Vanni 2001 p. 52; Catalli 1990, 78a; AG 275; TV 131; Haeberlin p. 265, 1-2, pl. 88, 1-2
Weight range: 748.55g Arezzo,MA [= Vanni 2001a, p. 52; Haeberlin p. 265, 1 pl. 88,1];
694.2g Firenze,MA 363.2 [= SNGFirenze 1038 = Haeberlin p. 265, 2 pl. 88, 2]; 689.00
[= SNGFirenze 1039]; Finds: Arezzo, before 1723; Falterona 1840
146 Dupondius Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Anchor within double linear border;
in field, I - I
HNItaly 65b; Vecchi EC II, 49; Vanni 2001 pp. 52-53; Catalli 1990, 78b; AG 276, 283; TV 114;
Haeberlin p. 266, 1-7, pl. 88, 3-5, pl. 89, 1-3 and 97, 3
Weight range: 326.91-274.11g; Finds: Borgo Sansepolcro, 19th century; Chiusi, before 1910
147 As
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Anchor within double linear border;
in r. field, I
HNItaly 65c; Vecchi EC II, 50; Vanni 2001 p. 53; Catalli 1990, 78c; AG 277, 284; TV 115;
Haeberlin p. 266, 1-13, pl. 89, 4-6 and pl. 97, 4
Weight range: 178.80-1215.72g; Finds: Chiusi, before 1910; Monsigliolo, Cortona, 19th century
148 Semis
Wheel with five spokes within double linear border / Anchor within double linear border;
in field, ··· ···
HNItaly 65d; Vecchi EC II, 51; Vanni 2001 p, 53; Catalli 1990, 78d; AG 278; TV 116; Haeberlin pp. 266-267, 1-23, pl. 89, 7-8 and pl. 97, 7
Weight range: 93.54-55.10g; Finds: Arezzo, (1989); Foiano della Chiana, 19th century
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149 Triens
Wheel with five spokes within double linear border / Anchor within double linear border;
in field, ·· ··
HNItaly 65e; Vecchi EC II, 52; Vanni 2001 p. 54; Catalli 1990, 78e; AG 279; TV 117; Haeberlin
p. 267, 1-2, pl. 97, 8
Weight range: 56.15-46.98g; Finds: Castel Viscardo, Terni
150 Quadrans
Wheel with five spokes within double linear border / Anchor within double linear border;
in field, · · ·
HNItaly 65f; Vecchi EC II, 53; Vanni 2001 p, 53; Catalli 1990, 7f; AG 280; TV 118; Haeberlin
p. 267, 1-23, pl. 89, 9-10
Weight range: 50.08g-23.00g; Finds: Arezzo, Piaggia di Murello; Arezzo, by river Castro,
1868; Chiana river; Trasimeno, shore, 1887
151* Sextans
Wheel with five spokes within double linear border / Anchor within double linear border;
in field, ··
HNItaly –; Vecchi EC II, 54; Vanni 2001 p. 55; Catalli 1990, 78g; AG 281; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 32g [= Arezzo,MA 12607, Sambon 1870, p. 53, 40]
152 Uncia
Wheel with four spokes / Anchor; in field, I
HNItaly 65g; Vecchi EC II, 55; Vanni 2001 p. 55; Catalli 1990, 78h; AG 282; TV 119; Haeberlin p. 268, 1-20, pl. 89, 11-13
Weight range: 16.24g-8.72; Finds: Arezzo, by the river Castro, 1868; Arezzo, via Guido
Monaco, 1871; Arezzo, 1880; Arezzo, loc. Coniaio, 19th century; Arezzo, ‘davanti allo
spedale’, 19th century; Chiusi before 1910; Vicarello 1852
153 Struck
Wheel with five spokes; in field, · / Anchor within double linear border; in l. field, ·· and )
HNItaly 66; Vecchi EC II, 56; Vanni 2001 p. 55; Catalli 1990, –; AG –; Haeberlin –
Weight range: 9g [= Sambon 1870 p. 53, 40 = Sambon 1906, 105 =] – 8.05g [= Blancas and
Righetti collections, SNGRighetti 71]
154 Struck
Wheel with four spokes; in field, · / Anchor; in field, · and letter
HNItaly 67; Vecchi EC II, 57-59; Vanni 2001 p. 56; Catalli 1990, 78i; Sambon 106-107
Weight range: 9.74-4.04g; Finds: Arezzo, ‘altipiano del camposanto’, 1880; Arezzo, 1887
Wheel/Wheel series, based on an as of about 181g
155 As
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Wheel with six spokes within double
linear border; around outer rim, ············
HNItaly 56a; Vecchi EC II, 1; Vanni 2001 p. 34; Catalli 1990, 75a; AG 245; TV 95; Haeberlin
p. 254, 1-12 pl. 85, 1-3
Weight range: 205.22-155.22g; average (13 ex) 183.21g
156 Semis
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Wheel with six spokes within double
linear border; between spokes, · · · · · ·
HNItaly 56b; Vecchi EC II, 2; Vanni 2001 p. 34; Catalli 1990, 75b; AG 246; TV 96; Haeberlin
p. 254, 1-8 pl. 85, 5-6
Weight range: 101.52-71.47g; Finds: Chiusi, 1876, from the city walls
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157 Triens
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Wheel with four spokes within double
linear border; between spokes, · · · ·
HNItaly 56c; Vecchi EC II, 3; Vanni 2001 pp. 34-35; Catalli 1990, 75c; AG 247; TV 97; Haeberlin p. 255, 1-14, pl. 85, 7-8
Weight range: 76.70-39.45g; Finds: Castiglione del Lago; Chiusi before 1893
158 Quadrans
Wheel with four spokes / Wheel with four spokes; between spokes, · · ·
HNItaly 56d; Vecchi EC II, 4; Vanni 2001 p. 35; Catalli 1990, 75d; AG 248; TV 98; Haeberlin
p. 255, 1-36, pl. 85, 9-13
Weight range: 56.10-31.69g
159 Sextans
Wheel with four spokes / Wheel with four spokes; between spokes, · ·
HNItaly 56e; Vecchi EC II, 5; Vanni 2001 p. 36-37; Catalli 1990, 75e; AG 249; TV 99; Haeberlin p. 256, 1-40. pl. 85, 14-15
Weight range: 38.51-13.02g; Finds: Chiusi 1872
160 Uncia
Wheel with four spokes / Wheel with four spokes; between spokes, ·
HNItaly 56f; Vecchi EC II, 6; Vanni 2001 p. 37-40; Catalli 1990, 75f; AG 250; TV 100; Haeberlin pp. 256-257, 1-76 pl. 85, 16-17
Weight range: 19.52g-9.45g; Finds: Castiglione del Lago; Chiusi, 1872; Chiusi 1876, from
the city walls; Cortona 1897; Tannana 1872; Trento 1860; Vicarello 1852; Volterra, before 1923
161 Uncia
Wheel with four curved spokes / Wheel with four curved spokes; between spokes, ·
HNItaly –; Vecchi EC II, 7; Vanni 2001 2001, p. 37; Catalli 1990, 75g; AG –; TV 132; Haeberlin p. 273, pl. 97, 13
Weight: 12.39-11.55g
Wheel/Crater series, based on an as of about 193g
162 As
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Crater within double linear border; in
field, I
HNItaly 57a; Vecchi EC II, 8; Vanni 2001 p. 41; Catalli 1990, 76a; AG 257; TV 101; Haeberlin p. 258, 1-14; pl. 86, 1-4
Weight range: 205.30-150.10g; Finds: Arezzo before 1907; Castiglione del Lago; Chiusi 1903
163 Semis
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Crater within double linear border; in
field, ··· ···
HNItaly 57b; Vecchi EC II, 9; Vanni 2001 p. 41; Catalli 1990, 76b; AG 258; TV 102; Haeberlin p. 258, 1-12 pl. 86, 5-6
Weight range: 106.85-87.55g; Finds: Chiusi before 1910; Sarteano, Siena, 1903
164 Quadrans
Wheel with four spokes within double linear border / Crater within double linear border;
in field, · · ·
HNItaly 57c; Vecchi EC II, 10; Vanni 2001 p. 42; Catalli 1990, 76c; AG 260; TV 103; Haeberlin p. 259, 1-31 pl. 86, 7-10
Weight range: 57.87-30.23g; Finds: Chiusi before 1910
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165 Sextans
Wheel with four spokes / Crater; in field, · ·
HNItaly 57d; Vecchi EC II, 11; Vanni 2001 p. 43-44; Catalli 1990, 76d; AG 261; TV 104; Haeberlin p. 259, 1-23 pl. 86, 11-14
Weight range: 47.50-18.02g; Finds: Chianciano Terme 1989; Gioiella (Castiglione del Lago)
166 Uncia
Wheel with four spokes / Crater; above, ·
HNItaly 57e; Vecchi EC II, 12; Vanni 2001 p. 44-45; Catalli 1990, 76e; AG 262; TV 105; Haeberlin p. 260, 1-46 pl. 86, 15
Weight range: 20.43-11.27g
Wheel/Bipennis series, based on an as of about 174g
167 As
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Bipennis within double linear border;
in l. field, I - V
HNItaly 58a; Vecchi EC II, 13; Vanni 2001 p. 45; AG 251; Catalli 1990, 77a; TV 106; Haeberlin p. 260-261, 1-9 pl. 87, 1-3 pl. 97, 5-6
Weight range: 192.07-135.g; Finds: Todi, before 1911
168 Semis
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Bipennis within double linear border;
in field, ··· ···
HNItaly 58b; Vecchi EC II, 14; Vanni 2001 p. 46; Catalli 1990, 77b; AG 252; TV 107; Haeberlin p. 261, 1-31 pl. 87, 4-5, pl. 97, 9
Weight range: 99.60-58.40g; Finds: Arezzo 19th century; Chiusi, 19th century
169 Quadrans
Wheel with six spokes / Bipennis within double circle; in field, ···
HNItaly 58c; Vecchi EC II, 15; Vanni 2001 p. 47; Catalli 1990, 77c; AG 253; TV 108; Haeberlin p. 261, 1-15 pl. 87, 6-7
Weight range: 49.05-32.15g; Finds: Chiusi; Chiusi-Cetona district; Monteriggioni (tomb of
Calisna Sepu)
170a Uncia
Wheel with six spokes / Bipennis within double circle; in field, ·
HNItaly 58d; Vecchi EC II, 16; Vanni 2001 p. 47; Catalli 1990, 77d; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight range: 7.58 [Webber collection, Forrer 1922, 103] – 7.10g [= SNGMilano 45]
170b Struck
Wheel with six spokes / Bipennis; in field · and letter
HNItaly 59; Vecchi EC II, 17-21; Vanni 2001, pp. 47-48; Catalli 1990, 77e; Sambon 108-111
Weight range: 11.00-4.88g; Finds: Chiusi, 1872; Elba; Monteriggioni 1894; Sisak 1984; Poggio Colonna (Vetulonia) 1931; Vicarello 1852; Volterra, tomb find, 1873-1874
171 Struck
Wheel with six spokes / Bipennis; in field, letter
HNItaly 60; Vecchi EC II, 22-25; Vanni 2001 p. 49; Catalli 1990, 77f; Sambon 112
Weight range: 3.70g-2.70g; Finds: Arezzo 1880; Chiusi, 1872; Vicarello 1852
172 Struck
Wheel with six spokes / Bipennis with handle; in field, letter
Quartuncia HNItaly 61; Vecchi EC II, 26-29; Vanni 2001 p. 49; Catalli 1990, 77g; Sambon 113
Weight range: 3.40-1g; Finds: Arezzo 1880; Arezzo 19th century; Chiusi, 1872; Cignano
(Cortona), 1745; Vicarello 1852
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Wheel/Amphora series, based on an as of about 148g
173 As
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Amphora within double linear border;
in r. field, I
HNItaly 62a; Vecchi EC II, 30; Vanni 2001 p. 50; Catalli 1990, 79a; AG 269; TV 109;
Haeberlin p. 263, 1- 4, pl. 87, 8-9 and 96, 7
Weight range: 153.70-138.70g; Finds: Arezzo, S. Anastasio, 1846; Cecina, before 1910
174 Semis
Wheel with six spokes within double linear border / Amphora within double linear border;
in field, ··· ···
HNItaly 62b; Vecchi EC II, 31; Vanni 2001 p. 50; Catalli 1990, 79b; AG 270; TV 110;
Haeberlin p. 263, 1-9, pl. 87, 10-11
Weight range: 83.70-48.21g; Finds: Chianciano Terme, before 1910; Chiusi, before 1885;
Querceto di Casole d’Elsa, podere La Villa, tomb find 1872
175 Quadrans
Wheel with four spokes / Amphora; in field, · · ·
HNItaly 62c; Vecchi EC II, 32; Vanni 2001 pp. 50-51; Catalli 1990, 79c; AG 272; TV 111;
Haeberlin pp. 263-264, 1-28, pl. 87, 13-14
Weight range: 50.60-23.40g; Finds: Arezzo, before 1910; Arezzo, Borgo delle Torri e
Fontanella, 1897; Chiusi, 19th century; Sarteano (Siena), 1871
176* Sextans
Wheel with four spokes / Amphora; in field, · ·
HNItaly 62d; Vecchi EC II, 33; Vanni 2001 p. 51; Catalli 1990, 79d; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin p. 264
Weight: 35g [= Martinetti and Nervegna collections, Sambon-Canessa, Rome 16-17, xi.1907, 6]
177 Uncia
Wheel with four spokes / Amphora; in r. field, ·
HNItaly 62e; Vecchi EC II, 34; Vanni 2001 p. 52; Catalli 1990, 79e; AG 274; TV 112;
Haeberlin p. 264, 1-14, pl. 87, 15-16
Weight range: 14.50-8.74g; Finds: Arezzo, city walls, 19th century; Chiusi before 1910
Archaic wheel/Archaic wheel series, based on an as of about 143g
178 Dupondius Archaic wheel within double linear border; below, I I / Archaic wheel within double linear
border; above, letter; below, I I
HNItaly 63a; Vecchi EC II, 35; Vanni 2001 p. 56; Catalli 1990, 80a; AG 285; TV 120; Haeberlin p. 269, 1-5, pl. 90, 1-3
Weight range: 310.20-275.30g; Finds: Cortona 1887; Castiglion Fiorentono and Cortona area, 1873
179 As
Archaic wheel within double linear border; below, I / Archaic wheel within double linear
border; below, I
HNItaly 63b; Vecchi EC II, 36; Vanni 2001 p. 57; Catalli 1990, 80b; AG 286; TV 121;
Haeberlin p. 269, 1, pl. 90, 4
Weight range: 159.40-(10 ounces); Finds: Cignano, Cortona, 1745
180 Semis
Archaic wheel within double linear border; below U / Archaic wheel within double linear
border; below U
HNItaly 63c; Vecchi EC II, 37; Vanni 2001 p. 57; Catalli 1990, 80c; AG 287; TV 122; Haeberlin p. 269, 1-4, pl. 90, 5-6
Weight range: 72.19-59.20g; Finds: Cortona, area of, 19th century
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 50
181 Triens
Archaic wheel within double linear border; in field, · · · · / Archaic wheel within double
linear border; in field, · · · ·
HNItaly 63d; Vecchi EC II, 38; Vanni 2001 p. 57; Catalli 1990, 80d; AG 288; TV 123; Haeberlin p. 270, 1, pl. 90, 7
Weight: 56.20g [= Firenze,MA 846937, SNGFirenze 1085]
182* Quadrans
Archaic wheel within double linear border; in field, ··· / Archaic wheel within double linear
border; in field, · · ·
HNItaly –; Vecchi EC II, 39; Vanni 2001 p. 57; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –; Garrucci pl. 42, 3;
Mommsen 1865, p. 378, 4
Weight: 32g; Finds: Cortona; Città di Castello, 1745; Città di Castello, 1867
183 Sextans
Archaic wheel; in field, · · / Archaic wheel; in field, ··
HNItaly 63e; Vecchi EC II, 40; Vanni 2001 p. 57; Catalli 1990, 80e; AG 290; TV 124; Haeberlin p. 270, 1-7, pl. 90, 8-9
Weight range: 24.20-18.05g; Finds: Chiusi; Cortona; Castiglion Fiorentono and area of
Cortona 1873
184 Uncia
Archaic wheel; at centre, · / Archaic wheel; at centre, ·
HNItaly 63f; Vecchi EC II, 41; Vanni 2001 p. 58; Catalli 1990, 80f; AG 291; TV 125; Haeberlin p. 270, 1-17, pl. 90, 10
Weight range: 15.44g-7.82g; Finds: Arezzo 19th century; Chiusi; Castiglion Fiorentono and
Cortona, area of, 1873
Archaic wheel/Three crescents series, based on an as of about 142g
185 As
Archaic wheel within double linear border / Three crescents within double linear border;
at centre, I; around outer rim, ············
HNItaly 64a; Vecchi EC II, 42; Vanni 2001 p. 58; Catalli 1990, 81a; AG 292; TV 126; Haeberlin p. 271, 1-3, pl. 91, 1-2
Weight range: 149-139.19g: average; Finds: Cortona 1895; Cortona, 1873; Cortona, 1894
186 Semis
Archaic wheel within double linear border / Three crescents within double linear border at
centre, pellet; around outer rim, ······
HNItaly 64b; Vecchi EC II, 43; Vanni 2001 pp. 58-59; Catalli 1990, 81b; AG 293; TV 127;
Haeberlin p. 271, 1-11, pl. 91, 3-4
Weight range: 92.05-42.20g; Finds: Cortona 1984; Cortona, near Porta Berarda 1929
187 Triens
Archaic wheel within double linear border / Three crescents within double linear border;
at centre, pellet; around outer rim, ····
HNItaly 64c; Vecchi EC II, 44; Vanni 2001 p. 59; Catalli 1990, 81c; AG 294; TV 128; Haeberlin
p. 272, 1-8, pl. 91, 5-6
Weight range: 59.25g-27.07g; Finds: Castiglion Fiorentono and Cortona, area of, 1873
188 Quadrans
Archaic wheel within double linear border / · · · within double linear border
HNItaly 64d; Vecchi EC II, 45; Vanni 2001 p. 272; Catalli 1990, 81d; AG 295; TV 129; Haeberlin p. 272, 1-17, pl. 91, 7-8
Weight range: 51.51-17.55g; Finds: Città di Castello, Perugia;
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 51
189 Sextans
Archaic wheel within double linear border / · · within double linear border
HNItaly 64e; Vecchi EC II, 46; Vanni 2001 p. 60-61; Catalli 1990, 81e; AG 296; TV 130; Haeberlin p. 272, 1-29, pl. 91, 9-10
Weight range: 29.58-11.85g; Finds: Castiglion Fiorentono and Cortona, area of, 1873; Cortona, 1894
190 Uncia
Archaic wheel within double linear border / · within double linear border
HNItaly 64f; Vecchi EC II, 47; Vanni 2001 p. 61; Catalli 1990, 81f; AG 297; TV 131; Haeberlin p. 273, 1-11, pl. 91, 11
Weight range: 15.30g-8.80g
Priestly head facing, wearing apex/Sacrificial implements series, based on an as of about 177g
191 As
Priestly head facing, wearing apex tied with offendices, within double linear border /
Sacrificial implements: makaira (knife) and secespita (axe), within double linear border;
in l. field, I; at centre, · ; in r. field, 
HNItaly 68a; Vecchi EC II, 60; Vanni 2004 p. 104; Catalli 1990, 82a; AG 263; TV 133; Haeberlin p. 274, 1-2, pl. 91, 12-13
Weight range: 199.41-155.00g; Finds: Siena, 1889
192 Semis
Priestly head facing, wearing apex tied with offendices, within double linear border /
Sacrificial implements: makaira (knife) and secespita (axe), within double linear border;
at centre, pellet; below, ∩ ; in r. field, 
HNItaly 68b; Vecchi EC II, 61; Vanni 2004 p. 104; Catalli 1990, 82b; AG 264; TV 134; Haeberlin p. 274, 1-2, pl. 91, 14-15
Weight range: 95.76-82.84g
193 Quadrans
Priestly head facing, wearing apex tied with offendices, within double linear border /
Sacrificial implements: makaira (knife) and secespita (axe), within double linear border;
at centre, ··· ; in r. field, 
HNItaly 68c; Vecchi EC II, 62; Vanni 2004 p. 104; Catalli 1990, 82c; AG 266; TV 135; Haeberlin p. 275, 1-4, pl. 91, 16
Weight range: 45.16-32.90g; Finds: Chiusi 19th century
194 Sextans
Priestly head facing, wearing apex tied with offendices, within double linear border /
Sacrificial implements: makaira (knife) and secespita (axe), within double linear border;
at centre, ·· ; in r. field, 
HNItaly 68d; Vecchi EC II, 63; Vanni 2004 p. 104; Catalli 1990, 82d; AG 267; TV 136;
Haeberlin p. 275, 1-4, pls. 92, 1 and 96, 12
Weight range: 37.20-27.46g; Finds: Chiusi, before 1910
195 Uncia
Priestly head facing, wearing apex tied with offendices, within double linear border /
Sacrificial implements: makaira (knife) and secespita (axe), within double linear border;
at centre, · ; in r. field, 
HNItaly 68e; Vecchi EC II, 64; Vanni 2004 p. 104-105; Catalli 1990, 82c; AG 268; TV 137;
Haeberlin p. 275, 1-15 pl. 92, 2-3
Weight range: 19.44-7.41g; Finds: Chiusi, before 1910
For a discussion on the identification of the obverse priestly head, see J.-R. Jannot, Religion in Ancient Etruria, Madison 2005, pp. 126-127
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 52
This series of oval-shaped coins has traditionally been assigned to Umbria, but may belong to Etruscan Volsinii,
close to the centre of attested finds if outliers are ignored; the attribution remains tentative.
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 C3; Garrucci p. 13 pl. 27, 1-7; Crawford 2002; Ambrosini 1997
Third century
Club/Mark of value series, based on an as of about 154g
196 As
Club / I
HNItaly 51; AG 240; TV 169; Haeberlin p. 235, 1-2, pl. 81, 29
165.00 Torino, [Garrucci pl. 27, 3; Haeberlin p. 235, 1]; 164.15; Naville 10 [1925], 1696; 147.84
Haeberlin collection p. 235, 1 (from Vitalini 1902)
Weight range: 165.00-147.84g
197 Semis
Club / ∩
HNItaly 52; AG 241; TV 170; Haeberlin p. 236, 1-4, pl. 81, 30-32 and 96, 11
Weight range: 80.10-66.39g
198 Quadrans
Club / ···
HNItaly 53; AG 242; TV 171; Haeberlin p. 236, 1-11, pl. 81, 33-35
Weight range: 62.28-33.12g
199 Sextans
Club / ··
HNItaly 54; AG 243; TV 172; Haeberlin p. 236-238, 1-266, pl. 81, 36-41
Weight range: 51.20-9.16g; Finds: Ancarano and Siena, before 1895; Bucciano, Siena 1900;
Campo La Piana; Carsóli 1985; Casole d’Elsa; Castiglione del Lago 1984; Cecanibbi near
Todi 1991; Commachio before 1928; Montignano, Orvieto-Volsinii 1881; Orvieto, 1967;
Perugia before 1910; Ripabiana near Todi; Spoleto, Museo Civico; Talamone 1888; Tarquinia 1874; Termoli; Tolfa 1988; Trento 1860; Vetulonia 1931; Vicarello 1854; Valle Fuino
1987; Vulci 1828;
200 Uncia
Club / ·
HNItaly 55; TV 173; AG 244; Haeberlin p. 239, 1-55, pl. 81, 42-43
Weight range: 20.05g-4.10g)
201 Semuncia
Club / U
HNItaly –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin Weight range: 8.90g [= Private collection]
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AMERIA (Amelia)
Ameria was claimed by Cato the Elder to be the oldest town in Umbria. The town gained political status as a
self-governing municipium as early as 338, since it occupied a strategic location during the Latin War on a naturally strong site improved by massive fortifications of polygonal masonry. This cast lead uncia is either a trial
cast for a coinage unknown to us or a local votive token.
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 C3; EAA 1, p. 317; PECS p. 49.
Third century
Cast lead, based on an as of about 156g
202 Uncia
Wheel of four spokes with dotted rim / A M E D around ·
HNItaly p. 20; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 13g [= SKA Bern 4, 1985, 299, NAC 7, 1994, 261 = NAC 10, 1997, 293]
IGUVIUM (Gubbio)
A hill town commanding the upper Tiber that lost its importance after the contruction of the Via Flaminia several
miles to the east in 223, but remained independent of Rome until the Social War and is most famous for the Tabulae Iguvinae, consisting of seven bronze tables found in 1444 near the city theatre. Mostly inscribed in the Umbrian alphabet of the 2nd century, they contain instructions for ceremonies of the Atiedan Brothers, a college of
priests, and offer a wealth of information. References to money include numer and nurpene (nummus, novus
dupondius), and a(sses). The tablets are now kept in the Palazzo dei Consoli together with a representative collection of the city’s cast coinage.
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 D2; EAA III, pp. 1067-1068; PECS p. 406; Garrucci pp. 30-31 pl. 57-58; Campana, CNAI 1992b, pp.
c. 280-240
Shield/Crescent and astragalus series, based on an as of about 187g
203 Semis
Shield decorated with + + above crescent / Crescent and knucklebone on raised disc;
below, ikufins
HNItaly 35; Campana 13; AG 239; TV 156; Haeberlin p. 224, 1-7, pl. 79, 12-16
Weight range: 113.98g-77.69g
c. 280-240
Solar disc series, based on an as of about 196g
204 As
Solar disc with central point and fourteen rays / Crescent on raised disc; below, ikufins and I
HNItaly 23; Campana 1; AG 227; TV 144a; Haeberlin p. 220, 1-8 pl. 78, 1-4
Weight range: 213.90-145.80g
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205 Semis
Solar disc with fourteen rays / Crescent on raised disc; below, ikufins and 
HNItaly 24; Campana 2; AG 228; TV 145; Haeberlin p. 220, 1-4 pl. 78, 5-7
Weight range: 120.58-96.05g
206 Triens
Wheel with four spokes on raised disc; around, ikufins / Wheel with four spokes;
within spokes, · · · ·
HNItaly 25; Campana 3; AG 229; TV 146; Haeberlin p. 221, 1-6 pl. 78, 8-10
Weight range: 68.40-44.91g
207 Quadrans
Wheel with three spokes; around, ikufins / Wheel with three spokes; within spokes, · · ·
HNItaly 26; Campana 4; AG 230; TV 147; Haeberlin p. 221, 1-12, pl. 78, 11-13
Weight range: 56.80-33.90g
208 Sextans
Palm branch on raised disc / Cornucopiae turned around linear border within which, · ·
HNItaly 27; Campana 5; AG 231; TV 148; Haeberlin p. 221, 1-22, pl. 78, 14-15
Weight range: 34.54-20.05g
209 Uncia
Bunch of grapes on raised disc / Cornucopiae; at centre, ·
HNItaly 28; Campana 6; AG 232; TV 149; Haeberlin p. 222, 1-16, pl. 78, 16-17
Weight range: 20.13-13.63g
c. 280-240
Corinthian helmet/Cornucopiae series, based on an as of about 180g
210 As
Corinthian helmet left / Cornucopiae; below, ikufins and I
HNItaly 29; Campana 7; AG 233; TV 150; Haeberlin p. 222, 1-3, pls. 79, 1-2 and 97, 1
Weight range: 205.15-183.80g
211 Semis
Corinthian helmet left / Cornucopiae; below, ikufins and 
HNItaly 30; Campana 8; AG 234; TV 151; Haeberlin p. 222, 1, pl. 79, 3
Weight: 103.17-97.44g
212 Triens
Tongs; around, ·· ·· / Cornucopiae on raised disc; below, ikufins
HNItaly 31; Campana 9; AG 235; TV 152; Haeberlin p. 223, 1-4, pl. 79, 4-5
Weight range: 58.07-53.70g
213 Quadrans
Tongs; in field, ·· · / Cornucopiae on raised disc; below, ikufins
HNItaly 32; Campana 10; AG 236; TV153; Haeberlin p. 223, 1-6, pl. 79, 6-7
Weight range: 42.15-32.25g
214 Sextans
Palm branch on raised disc / Cornucopiae on raised disc; at centre, ··
HNItaly 33; Campana 11; AG 237; TV 154; Haeberlin p. 223, 1-12, pl. 79, 8-9
Weight range: 31.68-21.50g
215 Uncia
Bunch of grapes on raised disc / Cornucopiae on raised disc; at centre, ·
HNItaly 34; Campana 12; AG 238; TV 155; Haeberlin p. 223-224, 1-29, pl. 79, 10-11
Weight range: 18.26-11.46g
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TUDER (Todi)
A site, on the left bank of the Tiber at the confluence with the Naia, which in myth was founded by Hercules and
where he also killed the giant Cacus. Historical Todi was founded by the Umbri by at the earliest the 6th century,
with the name of Tutere, possibly from the Umbrian tudar “border”, since it was a city located on the frontier
with Etruria. The city must have come under Roman control by the mid 3rd century with the construction of
the Via Amerina. According to Silius Italicus, it had a double line of walls that stopped Hannibal from taking
the city after his victory at Trasimeno. The celebrated late classical bronze statue of Mars now in the Vatican’s
Museo Gregoriano comes from Todi.
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 C3; EAA VII, p.p. 893-895; PECS p. 939; Garrucci pp. 29-31 pls. 56-58; Bergamini 2004 pp.
297-354; Campana, CNAI 1993b, pp. 113-139
c. 280-240
Eagle/Cornucopiae series, based on an as of about 251g
216 As
Eagle with open wings standing left; in left field, I and tutere / Cornucopiae from which
issue fruit, grapes, fig-leaf and ear of barley; below, I
HNItaly 40; Bergamini p. 325, 1-4; Campana 1993, 4; AG 208; TV 157; Haeberlin p. 226, 1-4
pl. 80, 1-4
Weight range: 254.73-234.57g
217 Semis
Sleeping dog curled l.; above, tutere / Lyre of four strings; in right field, Ì
HNItaly 41; Bergamini p. 325, 1-5; Campana 5; AG 209; TV 158; Haeberlin p. 226, 1-5 pl. 80,
Weight range: 126.86-113.30g
218 Triens
Right hand wearing caestus; in field, ·· ·· / Two clubs; between, tutere ; in outer fields, ·· ··
HNItaly 42; Bergamini p. 325-6, 1-12; Campana 6; AG 210; TV 159; Haeberlin p. 227, 1-11,
pl. 80, 9-13
Weight range: 91.11-62.85g
219 Quadrans
Frog; in field, ·· · / Anchor between tu and ·· ·
HNItaly 43; Bergamini p. 326, 1-26; Campana 7a-b; AG 211-212; TV 160; Haeberlin p. 227,
1-19 pl. 80, 14-18
Weight range: 73.01-56.30g
220 Sextans
Cicada; in field, ·· / Trident between tu and ··
HNItaly 44; Bergamini p. 326, 1-39; Campana 8; AG 21321-4; TV 161; Haeberlin pp. 227228, 1-26, pl. 81, 1-4 and 97, 10
Weight range: 50.20-28.25.g
221 Uncia
Squat cantharus; above, · / Spearhead; in field, tu and ·
HNItaly 45; Bergamini pp. 326-8, 1-122; Campana 9; AG 215-6; TV 162; Haeberlin p. 228, 161, pl. 81, 5-7
Weight range: 35.70-15.40g
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222 Uncia
Frog / Tortoise, · and tu
NHItaly 39; Bergamini –; Campana 10; AG 217; TV 163; Haeberlin p. 229, 1-2, pl. 81, 8-9
Weight range: 17.15-17.10g
c. 220-200
Sleeping dog series, based on an as of about 82 g.
223 Semis
Sleeping dog; above, tutere or similar / Lyre; in left field, )
HNItaly 46; Bergamini pp. 329-332, 1-243; Campana 11; AG 219-10; TV 164; Haeberlin pp.
229-231, 1-125, pls. 81, 10-128 and 97, 11-12
Weight range: 54.34-24.14g
224 Triens
Right hand wearing caestus; in field, ·· ·· / Two clubs; between them, tutere or similar;
in field, · · · ·
HNItaly 47; Bergamini pp. 332-335, 1-190; Campana 12; AG 221-2; TV 165;
Haeberlin pp. 231- 232, 1-91, pl. 81, 15-18
Weight range: 39.29-15.38g
225 Quadrans
Frog; in field, ·· · / Anchor between tutere or similar and ·· ·
HNItaly 48; Bergamini pp. 335-340; Campana 13; AG 223-4; TV 166; Haeberlin pp. 232-233,
1-116, pls. 81, 19-22 and 97, 12
Weight range: 29.32-12.11g
226 Sextans
Cicada; in field, ·· / Trident; in left field, tu or t and ··
HNItaly 49; Bergamini –; Campana 14 a-b; AG 225; TV 167; Haeberlin pp. 233-234, 1-98,
pl. 81, 23-26
Weight range: 27.20-9.10g
227 Uncia
Squat cantharus; above, · / Spearhead; in field, tu and ·
HNItaly 50; Bergamini pp. 340-343, 1-188; Campana 15; AG 226; TV 168; Haeberlin p. 234235, 1-79, pl. 81, 27-28
Weight range: 14.24-4.40g
228 Uncia
Frog / Tortoise, · and tu
NHItaly –; Bergamini –; Campana –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –; cf. 222 above
Weight: 7.5g [= NAC 7, 1994, 276]
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Ariminum was a city of the Ager Gallicus situated on the coast of the Adriatic close to the mouth of the rivers
Ariminus (now Marecchia) and Apusa (Ausa) and about 15 km south of the Rubicon. Ariminum was at first of
Umbrian and Gallic foundation (Strabo Geography 5.1.11) and became a Latin colony in 268. In the 3rd century
Ariminum, together with Arretium, was an important strategic stronghold in the line of defence of the Roman
Republic against the Gauls of the Padana plain and Italy.
Bibl.: BAtlas 40 C4; EAA VI, pp. 688-69; PECS p. pp. 93-94; Garrucci pp. 31-32 pls. 59-60; Panvini Rosati 1962;
Biordi 1984; Campana, CNAI 1992a, pp. 17-31; Gorini 2010
c. 264-241
Gaul/Shield series, based on an as of about 380g
229 Quincunx
Bust of Gaul r., wearing torque / Pointed shield; at l, ·····
HNItaly 2; Gorini I-II, 1; Campana 1; AG 202; TV 138a; Haeberlin p. 215, 1-4 pl. 77, 1-3
Weight range: 200.40-140.94g; Finds: Alcudia de Carnet, Valencia, Saguntum 24, 1991, pp.
163-165, Rimini [= Biordi 1]
230 Quadrunx
Bust of Gaul r., wearing torque / Sword and scabbard; at r., ····
HNItaly 3; Gorini I-II, 2; Campana 2; AG 203; TV 139; Haeberlin pp. 215-216, 1-7 pl. 77, 4-7
Weight range: 157.53-116.54g
231 Teruncius
Head of Gaul r., wearing torque / Trident; at r., ···
HNItaly 4; Gorini I-II.3; Campana 3; AG 204; TV 140; Haeberlin p. 216, 1-19, pl. 77, 7-8
Weight range: 122.10-85.9g; Finds: Rimini [= Biordi 2, 2a]
232 Biunx
Head of Gaul r., wearing torque / Dolphin r.; below, ··
HNItaly 5; Gorini I-II, 4; Campana 4; AG 205; TV 141; Haeberlin p. 216, 1-31, pl. 77, 9-12
Weight range: 85.75-54.50g; Finds: Rimini [= Biordi 3]; Palazzo Pugliese
233 Uncia
Uncia Head of Gaul r., wearing torque / Rostrum tridens r. or l.; in field, ·
HNItaly 6; Gorini I-II, 5; Campana 5; AG 206; TV 142; Haeberlin p. 217, 1-33, pl. 77, 13-15
Weight range: 39.40-23.89g
234 Semuncia
Head of Gaul r., wearing torque / Scallop shell
HNItaly 7; Gorini 1-II, 6; Campana 6; AG 207; TV 143; Haeberlin p. 217, 1-22, pl. 77, 16-17
Weight range: 27.29-13.49g
235 Struck
Bust of Vulcan l, wearing wreathed pileus / Warrior advancing l., holding
Quartuncia spear and shield; in exergue, ARIMN or ARIM
HNItaly 8; Gorini II-III; 7 Campana 7; Haeberlin –
Weight range: 10.00-3.50g
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Ancient Hatria was a city of the Ager Praetutianus, situated 20 km from the Adriatic Sea, between the rivers Vomanus (Vomano) and Matrinus (La Piomba). According to Livy (Periochae 11), ‘Hadria’ was a Latin colony from
290 and counted among the cities which offered aid to the Romans against Hannibal in 209 (Livy 27.10.7).
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 F3; EAA I, pp. 885-886; PECS p. 370; Garrucci pp. 32-33 pls. 60-61; Azzena 1987; Campana,
CNAI 1994a, pp. 17-31; D’Andrea-Andreani 2007, pp. 15-38; Marveggio, 2011
c. 275-225
Silenus/Dog series, based on an as of about 372g
236 As
Head of Selinus facing; sometimes in field, legends HAT, TAH, I or L / Sleeping dog curled right;
sometimes in field legends HAT, I or L
HNItaly 11; Campana 1; AG 180-3; TV 181; Haeberlin pp. 203-6, 1-67 pls. 74, 1-10, 75, 1-6, 95, 1-2, 96, 6
Weight range: 435.00-323.00g
237 Qiuncunx
Female head emerging murex shell; below, HAT / Pegasus flying r.; below, ·····
HNItaly 12; Campana 2; AG 184-5; TV 182; Haeberlin pp. 206-7, 1-31 pls. 75, 7-11, 96, 10
Weight range: 233.20-128.79g
238 Quadrunx
Male head l; in l field, ···· / Crater; in r. field, HAT or TAH
HNItaly 13; Campana 3; AG 184-5; TV 183; Haeberlin p. 207, 1-28 pl. 76, 1-2
Weight range: 200.75-129.92g
239 Teruncius
Fish r.; above, HAT / Skate r.; below, ···
HNItaly 14; Campana 4; AG 188; TV 184; Haeberlin p. 208, pl 76, 3-5
Weight range: 136.75-67.00g
240 Biunx
Cock standing l; in l field, ·· / Shoe r.; below, HAT or TAH
HNItaly 15; Campana 5; AG 189-90; TV 185; Haeberlin pp. 208-9, 1-82 pls. 76, 6-12, 95, 6
Weight range: 83.00-42.60g
241* Biunx
Cock standing r.; at l, ·· / Shoe r.; below, HAT or TAH
HNItaly 15; Campana 5; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin p. 209, 56, 75, pl. 76, 11-12
Weight range: 60.20-51.60g
242 Uncia
Anchor / · ; around, HAT or TAH
HNItaly 16; Campana 6; AG 191-192; TV 186; Haeberlin p. 210, 1-75 pls. 76, 13-16, 95, 16
Weight range: 57.98-20.81g
243* Uncia
Anchor; in r. field, H / · ; around, HAT or TAH
HNItaly 16; Campana 6; AG 191-192; TV 186a; Haeberlin p. 210, 18, pls. 95, 6
Weight: 37.50g [= Napoli,MA Fiorelli I, 350]
244 Semuncia
H / A , in r. field, ∑
HNItaly 17; Campana 7; AG 193; TV 187; Haeberlin pp. 210-211, 1-56 pl. 76, 17-19
Weight range: 35.39-9.76g
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FIRMUM (Fermo)
A stronghold of the Piceni of great antiquity. The city is attested by the remains of its cyclopean walls. Firmum
Picenum became a Latin colony in 264 and remained loyal to Rome down to the Second Punic and Social
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 F2; EAA III, pp. 624-645; PECS p. 329; Garrucci p. 32 pl. 60; Parise, 1987; Campana, CNAI
1994b, pp. 209-215.
c. 264-225
Series based on an as standard of about 288g
245 Quadrans
Female head l.; at r., ··· / Head of bull facing; upside down in field, FIR
HNItaly 9; Parise p. 79, a 1-4; Campana 1; AG 194; TV 179; Haeberlin p. 212, 1-3 pls. 76, 2021, 93, 5 (the example in Lanz 135, 2007, 399 with head r., needs verification)
Weight range: 97.65-57.84g; Finds: Falerone, Fermo
246 Sextans
Bipennis; above, ·· / Spearhead; retrograde in field, FIR
HNItaly 10; Parise 1987, pp. 79-80, b, 5-8; Campana 2; AG 195; TV 180; Haeberlin p. 213, 14 pls. 76, 22-26
Weight range: 49.01-37.80g; Finds: Fermo
247 Semuncia
Head of bull facing / Spearhead; FIR retrograde
HNItaly –; Parise –; Campana –; Haeberlin –; AG –
Weight: 9.06g [= Private collection]
The Vestini were an ancient Italic tribe who occupied the area of the modern Abruzzo between the Gran Sasso
and the northern bank of the Aterno river. The famous 4th century BC ‘Warrior of Capestrano’, a statue by the
sculptor Aninis representing Naevius Pompuledius, king of the Vestini, was found in 1934 and is now in the
National Archaeological Museum of the Abruzzi in Chieti. The tribe entered into an alliance with Rome in
about 302 and retained its independence down to the Social War. Their main centres were: Pitinum (near
modern L’Aquila), Aufinum (Ofena), Peltuinum (Prata d’Ansidonia), Aternum (Pescara, shared with the Marrucini) and Pinna (Penne), the probable mint for their coinage.
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 F4; Garrucci p. 33 pl. 62; Campana, CNAI 1994b, pp. 209-215; La Torre 1996; D’Andrea-Andreani 2007, pp. 45-50; Concetti 2011
c. 275-225
Series based on an as standard of about 381g
248 Teruncius
Lion’s claw l; below, VES / Plough; below, ···
HNItaly 18; La Torre p. 38; Campana 1; AG 196; TV 188; Haeberlin p. 201, 1 pl. A, 3
Weight: 85.57g [= Haeberlin collection, Canessa Paris, 1909]
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249 Biunx
Bull’s head facing; above, ·· / Crescent; below, VES
HNItaly 19; La Torre pp. 38-9; Campana 2; AG 197; TV 189; Haeberlin p. 201, 1-4 pl. 73, 17-20
Weight range: 85.50-74.33g
250 Uncia
Scallop-shell; below, · / Bipennis; below, VES.
HNItaly 20; La Torre p. 39; Campana 3; AG 198; TV 190; Haeberlin p. 202, 1-10 pl. 73, 21-24
Weight range: 44.22-32.30g
251 Semuncia
Shoe r. / VES.
HNItaly 21; La Torre pp. 39-40; Campana 4; AG 199; TV 191; Haeberlin p. 202,1-9 pl. 73,
Weight range: 23.10-16.05g
Post-semilibral as still attached to the ‘tree’ of bronze which once connected to at least four other pieces poured with it,
Bologna, Museo Civico (Haeberlin pl. 52, 39).
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CARSIOLI (Cività, near Carsoli)
The Latin colony of Carsioli was founded on the Via Valeria in the territory of the Aequi between 302 and 298
(Livy 10.3.2). It is mentioned that in 209 Carsioli was one of the twelve out of thirty Latin colonies which claimed
inability to furnish more men or money to Rome for the war against Hannibal. The coinage is based on an as of
about 323g.
Bibl.: BAtlas 44 D1; EAA II, pp. 371-372; PECS p. 201; Campana, CNAI 1994c, pp. 221-223; D’Andrea-Andreani
2007, pp. 39-41
c. 275-225
252 Quadrans
CARS / Two crescents back to back; between, ···
HNItaly 245; Campana 1; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: – [= N.Circ. 1912, 13452]
253 Sextans.
CAR ; below, · · / Bipennis with handle
HNItaly 246; Campana 2; AG 92; TV 192; Haeberlin p. 149, 1 pl. 93, 1
Weight: 53.78g [= Haeberlin collection = Vitallini 1904]; Finds: Riofreddo, Carsioli
Praeneste (modern Preneste) is sited 36 km east of Rome on Monte Ginestro from which it dominated the Via
Latina and later the Via Lubicana. The oldest finds are of immensely rich Etruscan-type tombs of the 7th century.
Praeneste became an ally of Rome after the battle of Lake Regillus in 499, but opposed Rome in the Latin War
and was eventually subdued by Cincinnatus in 388. The coinage is based on an as of about 266g.
Bibl.: BAtlas 43 D2; EAA V, 887-891; PECS pp. 735-736; Garrucci p. 22 pls. 41-42; Fallani 1986, pp. 35-36
c. 275-225
254 As
Lion’s head facing, spear between jaws / Horse’s head l.; in l. field, caduceus, barley-grain,
crescent or club
HNItaly 249; AG 95-96; TV 45; Haeberlin pp. 151-152, 120 pl. 63, 5-10 and 64, 1-2
Weight range: 316.16-226.76g; Finds: Artena, 1884, near Palestrina; Perugia, before 1885;
Valmontone, near Palestrina before 1910; Satricum; Monte Castello di Vibio; Perugia
REATE (Rieti)
Originally a Sabine community (Strabo 5.3.1, 228), Reate later became a Roman praefectura on a site that dominated the all-important Via Salaria which linked Rome with the Adriatic Sea. Attested find spots include Narni,
Poggio Catino, Rieti, Rome and Velletri. The coinage is based on an as of about 273g.
Bibl.: BAtlas 42 D4; EAA VI, pp. 687-688; Garrucci p. 18 pl. 33; Campana, CNAI, 1994d, pp. 217-220
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c. 275-225
255 As
Diademed and bearded head (Genius?) l.; in l. field, LT / Sea eagle standing l. on fish,
looking back; above, R
HNItaly 250; Campana 1b; AG 94; TV 253a; Haeberlin pp. 149, 2 pl. 64, 4 and 93, 3
Weight range: 289.30-246.00g
256* As
Diademed and bearded head (Genius?) l.; in l. field, TN / Sea eagle standing l. on fish,
looking back; above, R
HNItaly 250; Campana 1a; AG 94; TV 253; Haeberlin pp. 149-150, 1 and 3 pl. 64, 4 and 93, 6
Weight range: 314.92-243.57g
Third century
Minerva/Cantharus series, based on an as of about 292g
257 As
Head of Minerva l., wearing crested Corinthian helmet / Cantharus
HNItaly 344; AG 77; TV 254; Haeberlin p. 147, 1-5 pls. 62, 1-4 pl. 94, 15
Weight range: 321.34-285.19g
258 Semis
Head of Minerva l., wearing crested Corinthian helmet / Cantharus; in r. field, S
HNItaly 345; AG 78; TV 255; Haeberlin p. 147, 1-2 pl. 62, 5-6
Weight range: 160.80-131.82g; Finds: Nemi
259 Triens
Head of Minerva l., wearing crested Corinthian helmet / Cantharus; in field, ·· ··
HNItaly 346; AG 79; TV 256; Haeberlin p. 147, 1 pl. 62, 7
Weight range: 96.49g [= BM, from Castellani]
260 Quadrans
Dolphin l. / Cantharus; in field, · · ·
HNItaly 347; AG 80; TV 257; Haeberlin p. 148, 1-4 pl. 62, 8-9
Weight range: 78.82-68.32g; Finds: Territory of the Vestini
261 Sextans
Scallop shell / Cantharus; in field, · ·
HNItaly 348; AG 81; TV 258; Haeberlin p. 148, 1-7 pl. 62, 10-12
Weight range: 50.43-39.72g
262 Uncia
Club in field, · / Cantharus
HNItaly 349; AG 82; TV 259; Haeberlin p. 1-8 pl. 62, 13-14
Weight range: 23.05g-16.00g
263 Semuncia
Caduceus; in field, inverted Σ / Cantharus
HNItaly 350; AG 83; TV 260; Haeberlin p. 1-3 pl. 62, 15-16
Weight range: 15.28g-12.05g
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Eagle/Octopus series, based on an as of 326g
264 Triens
Eagle standing l., head turned; in field, · · · · / Octopus; in field, · · · ·
HNItaly 361; AG 104; TV 200; Haeberlin p. 159, 1-5 pl. 66, 10-11
Weight range: 121.15-92.20g; Finds: Montecampano, near Aemelia before 1881 (Willers 1924, p. 226)
265 Sextans
Head and neck of eagle r. / Octopus; in left field, ··
HNItaly 361 note; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 55g [= Garrett collection I, 1984, 631 and Martini collection = Fallani 1986, p. 37, 4]
Sickle series, based on an as of about 285g
266 Semis
Sickle / U
HNItaly –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 129g [= NAC 5, 1992, 243]
267 Uncia
Sickle / Blank
HNItaly –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 26g [= NAC 5, 1992, 244]
Third century
268 Tressis (?)
Janiform head of maenad l. and Silenos r. / Head and neck of antelope l.
HNItaly –; AG –; TV 299; Haeberlin p. 280 pl. A, 1
Weight: 906.05g [= Berlin,SM]
269 As (?)
Triskeles / Trident
HNItaly –; AG 193a; TV 300; Haeberlin p. 24, 2-2a pl. 9, 10
Weight: 484.18g [= Firenze,MA]; Finds: between Todi and Perugia
270 As (?)
Gorgoneion / Blank
HNItaly –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin p. 24, 1 pl. 9, 9
Weight: 313.80g [= Boyne collection, Sotheby 1896, 573]
271 As
Head of young Hercules r., wearing lion’s skin / Head of griffin r.
HNItaly 353; AG 96a, 131; TV 193; Haeberlin pp. 150-151 pl. 63, 1-4
Weight range: 331.30-283.55g
272 As
Head of young Hercules r., wearing lion’s skin. / Head of bridled horse l.
HNItaly 351; AG 124; TV 272; Haeberlin p. 181-2, 1-3 pl. 70, 1-3
Weight range: 360.79-341.23g; Finds: Puglia
273 As
Laureate head of Apollo l.; above, I / Head of horse l.
HNItaly 355; AG 98; TV 196; Haeberlin p. 156, 1 pl. 65, 2
Weight: 188.57 [= BMCItaly p. 137, 6]
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274 As
Helmeted female head l. / Diademed male head l.
HNItaly 354; AG 97; TV 301; Haeberlin p. 152, 1 pl. 64, 5
Weight: 249.40g [= Haeberlin collection, from Sambon 1894]; Finds: Tiber at Rome, probably in 1887
275 Semis
Crater / Boar standing r.; above, S
HNItaly 358; AG 101; TV 198; Haeberlin p. 157, 1-8, pl. 66, 2-3
Weight range: 171.20-132.40g; Finds: Tivoli
276 Semis
Head of bull three-quarter r. / Prow r. with acrostolium; in r. field, S
HNItaly 359; AG 103; TV 44; Haeberlin p. 157-158 1-24 pl. 66, 5-9
Weight range: 167.96-118.20g; Finds: Palestrina, before 1893; Ariccia 1848
277 Semis
Female head l., hair bound by sphendone / Barley-grain; below, S
HNItaly 357; AG 99; TV 197; Haeberlin p. 156, 1-12, 14, 16, pl. 65, 3-7
Weight range: 174.70-135.20g; Finds: Vicarello 1852
278 Semis
Female head l., hair bound by sphendone / Barley-grain; above, caduceus; below, S
HNItaly 357; AG 99; TV 197a; Haeberlin p. 156, 13, 15, 17 pl. 65, 8, 9
Weight range: 150.57-135.20g; Finds: [10, 278, 316] Vicarello 1852
279 Semis (?)
Crater / Steering oar
HNItaly 360; AG 102; TV 199; Haeberlin p. 158, 1-2 pl. 95, 8
Weight range: 151.60-147.94g
280 Triens
Head of young Hercules l., wearing lion’s skin / Plough; below, ····
HNItaly 367; AG – ; TV – ; Haeberlin –
Weight: 105.77 g. [= Private collection = Fallani, 1986, p. 38, 5]
281 Triens
Forepart of boar r.; in field, ·· ·· / Lyre; in field, ·· ··
HNItaly 362; AG 173;TV 201; Haeberlin p. 159, 1-22 pl. 67, 12-14
Weight range: 115.67-84.50g; Finds: Satricum
282 Triens
Sunburst within crescent; to r., ···· / Eight-spoked wheel
HNItaly 363; AG 172; TV 202; Haeberlin p. 159-160, 11, 14
Weight range: 117.10-76.20g; Finds: Falerii Veteres [RIN 1890, p. 317]
283* Triens
Sunburst within crescent; below, ···· / Eight-spoked wheel
HNItaly 363; AG 172; TV 202; Haeberlin p. 159-160, 1-10, 12, 13 pl. 67, 1-3
Weight range: included above
284 Triens
Head of bird r. / Wing; below, ····
HNItaly 364; AG 318a; TV 203; Haeberlin p. 160, 1 pl. 95, 10
Weight: 86.64g [= J. Sambon, from a cast]
285 Triens
Crater; in field, ·· ·· / Rhyton ending in animal’s head; in field, ····
HNItaly 365; AG 105; TV 204; Haeberlin p. 160, 1
Weight: 90 g. [= Private collection 0154 = Hartwig collection p. 93, 1910, 855 = Hirsch
1914, 614
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286 Triens
Tortoise (?); in field, ·· ·· / Animal head rhyton; in field, ·· ··
HNItaly 366; AG 106; TV 205; Haeberlin p. 160, 1 pl. A, 2
Weight: 92.45 g. [= Haeberlin collection = Weber II, 68]
287 Triens
Plough l. / Plough r.; in field, · · · ·
HNItaly 368; AG –; Catalli 1990, 63b (Tarquinii); TV 206; Haeberlin p. 161, 1 pl. 67, 4
Weight: 82.30 [= Kircher collection = Garrucci pl. 60, 5]; Finds: Fermo
288 Triens or
Plough on raised disc / Plough on raised disc
HNItaly –; AG –; TV –; Garrucci –; Haeberlin –
Weight 81.70 [private collection]
The fabric and raised disc is similar to the issues of Iguvium (nos. 203-215)
289 Triens or
Bull’s head facing (?) / Uncertain object
HNItaly 369; AG –; TV 207; Haeberlin p. 161, 1 pl. 95, 9
Weight: 85.94g [= Garrucci collection p. 91, 3 etc]; Finds: San Pastore by Gallicano, Lazio
290 Quadrans
Ram’s head l.; in field, · · · / Head of dolphin l.; in field, · · ·
HNItaly 370; AG 176; TV 208; Haeberlin p. 161, 1-11 pl, 67, 5-6
Weight range: 80.18-56.25g
291 Quadrans
Frog; in field, · · · / Triskeles; in field, · · ·
HNItaly 371; AG 107; TV 209; Haeberlin p. 161, 1-9 pl. 67, 7-9
Weight range: 83.50-63.75g
292 Quadrans
Griffin-crested Phrygian helmet r.; in field, · · · / Cantharus; in field, · · ·
HNItaly 372; AG 80a; TV 210; Haeberlin p. 162, 1-21 pl. 67, 10-12
Weight range: 82.00-43.80g; Finds: Tivoli
293 Quadrans
Bunch of grapes; in field, · · · / Crater; in r. field, · · ·
HNItaly 373; AG 108; TV 211; Haeberlin p. 162, 1-3 pl. 67, 13-14
Weight range: 73.71-67.50g
294 Quadrans
Head of young Hercules r., wearing lion’s skin / Forepart of boar r.; below, ···
HNItaly 374; AG 177; TV 212; Haeberlin p. 163, 1 pl. 67, 15
Weight: 56.58g [= Kircher collection = Garrucci pl. 46, 2]
295 Quadrans
Barley-grain; in field, · · · or / Sunburst of sixteen rays with central pellet
HNItaly 375; AG 319; TV 213; BMCItaly p. 31, 7; Haeberlin pp. 163-164 p. 1-10 pl. 67, 16-22
Weight range: 108.76-48.98g
296* Quadrans
Four-spoked wheel / ···
HNItaly 376; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: 17.55 [= Vanni 1989, p. 1130]; Finds: near Città di Castello
297 Sextans
Anchor; in field, · · / Trident; in field, · ·
HNItaly 377; AG 109; TV 214; Haeberlin p. 164, 1-34 pl. 68, 1-2
Weight range: 69.70-38.20g
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298* Sextans
Bunch of grapes / Wineskin (?); in field, · ·
HNItaly 378; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight: – [= Chieti,MA]
299 Sextans
Spearhead; in field, ·· / Trident; in field, ··
HNItaly 379; AG 110; TV 215; Haeberlin pp. 164-165, 1-35 pl. 68, 3-6
Weight range: 69.60-32.64g
300 Sextans
Tortoise; in field, · · / Head of griffin r.; in field, · ·
HNItaly 380 ; AG 111; TV 216; Haeberlin p. 165, 1-22 pl. 68, 7-8
Weight range: 53.70-36.20g
301 Sextans
Owl standing l.; in field, · · / Forepart of boar l.; in field, ··
HNItaly 381; AG 174; TV 217; Haeberlin pp. 165-166, 1-6 pl. 68, 10-12
Weight range: 59.27-34.20g
302 Sextans
Head of boar l. / Cantharus; in field, · ·
HNItaly 382; AG 178; TV 218; Haeberlin p. 166, 1-2 p. pl. 68, 13-14
Weight range: 44.71-38.52g; Finds: Vicarello
303 Sextans
Head of boar r.; below, M ; above, · · / Head of boar r.; below, N
HNItaly 383; AG 315; TV 219; Haeberlin p. 166, 1-7 p. pl. 68, 15-16
Weight range: 62.66-51.30g
304 Sextans (?)
Crescent; above uncertain symbol / Knucklebone
HNItaly 399; AG 320; TV 237; Haeberlin p. 172, 1 pl. 69, 17
Weight: 40.30g [= Haeberlin collection = Bunbury 281]
305 Uncia
Sunburst of eight rays with central pellet / Barley-grain; below, · M ; above, N
HNItaly 384; AG 316; TV 221; Haeberlin p. 167, 1-2 p. pl. 68, 18-19
Weight range: 32.17-25.50g
306 Uncia
Club; in field, · / Pentagram; at centre, ·
HNItaly 385 ; AG 117; TV 222; Haeberlin pp. 167-168, 1-34 pl. 68, 20-22
Weight range: 32.17-25.50g; Finds: Pietrabbondante/Bovianum Vetus before 1860
307 Uncia
Scallop shell / Pentagram; at centre, ·
HNItaly 390; AG 118; TV 227; Haeberlin p. 169, 1-2 pl. 68, 32
Weight range: 25.20-24.98g
308 Uncia
Jug; in l. field, · / Pedum; in l. field, ·
HNItaly 386; AG 112; TV 223; Haeberlin p. 168, 1-44 pl. 68, 23-25
Weight range: 34.15-20.34g; Finds: Tivoli
309 Uncia
· on raised disc / Swastika
HNItaly 387; AG 113; TV 224; Haeberlin pp. 168-169, 1-26 pl. 68, 26-27
Weight range: 32.20-20.10g; Finds: Chieti,MA probably from a local find; Vicarello
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310 Uncia
Knucklebone / Cista
HNItaly 388; AG 114; TV 225; Haeberlin p. 169, 1-7 pl. 68, 28-30
Weight range: 34.35-21.62g
311 Uncia
Bunch of grapes / Sunburst of four rays; at centre, ·
HNItaly 389; AG 179; TV 226; Haeberlin p. 169, 1 pl. 68, 31
Weight: 24.10g [= BMCItaly p. 59, 39]
312 Uncia
Cocoon; in field, · / Cocoon
HNItaly 391; AG 115; TV 229; Haeberlin p. 170, 1 pl. 69, 1
Weight range: 16.12g [= Firenze,MA = Garrucci pl. 44, 8]
313 Uncia
Spearhead; in l. field, · / Cocoon
HNItaly 392; AG 321; TV 230; Haeberlin p. 170, 1 pl. 69, 2
Weight range: 19.70g [= Napoli,MA = Fiorelli I, 580]
314 Uncia
Yoke / Crescent; at centre, ·
HNItaly 393; AG 322; TV 231; Haeberlin p. 170, 1 pl. 69, 3
Weight range: 21.30g [= Kircher collection = Marchi, incerte pl. 4, A1]
315 Uncia
Foot r. / Crescent; at centre, ·
HNItaly 394; AG 323; TV 232; Haeberlin p. 170, 1 pl. 69, 4
Weight range: 18.02g [= Haeberlin collection, from Stettiner]
316 Uncia
Uncertain letters; at centre, · / ·
HNItaly 395; AG a-b; Garrucci p. 25, 1 p. 47; TV 298; Catalli 1990, 93; Haeberlin p. 279 pl.
97, 15
Weight: 14.15g [= SNGFirenze 1172 = Strozzi collection 172]: Finds: [10, 278, 316] Talamone
(NSc 1888 p. 688)
For an interpretation of this legend as xapu see Cristofani 1976, p. 356 note 35, and for a general discussion: M. de Benetti “Le monete di Talamone (Orbetello, GR), 1801-1892”, Collezioni numismatiche in Italia, Documentazione dei complessi, Pontedera, 2010, pp. 14-18.
317 Uncia
Caduceus / · ; around, uncertain letters
HNItaly –; AG 244 –; TV 297; Haeberlin – ; Bergamini 2001, 59
Weight range: 19.35g [= Bonci Casuccini collection = Bergamini 2001, 59]
318 Semuncia
Beetle / Sunburst of four rays
HNItaly 397; AG 116; TV 235, 252; Haeberlin p. 171, 1-28 pl. 69, 12-14
Weight range: 20.40-8.00g; Finds: a specimen in Chieti,MA probably from a local find
319 Semuncia
Bunch of grapes / Spearhead
HNItaly 398 ; AG 179a; TV 236; Haeberlin p. 172, 1-20 pl. 69, 15-16
Weight range: 14.40-7.11g; Finds: Palestrina
320 Æ ?
Crescent / Blank
HNItaly 401; AG 325; TV 239; Haeberlin p. 172, 1 pl. 69, 20
Weight: 21.70g [= Napoli,MA, Fiorelli I, 575]
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321 Æ ?
Male head l. / Four-spoked wheel
HNItaly 402; AG 326; TV 240; Haeberlin p. 172, 1 pl. 69, 21
Weight: 13.10g [= Berlin,SM = Dressel 1894 p. 33, 21]
322 Æ ?
Frog (?) / Crescent
HNItaly 403; AG 329; TV 242; Haeberlin p. 132, 1-2 pl. 69, 23-24
Weight range: 10.00-9.13g
323 Æ ?
Helmet (?) / Uncertain object
HNItaly 405; AG 330; TV 244; Haeberlin p. 173, 1 pl. 97, 14
Weight: 3.90g [= Napoli,MA = Fiorelli I, 608]
Meles was a Samnite oppidum which Hannibal converted into a base for his supply train; the precise location of
which is unknown.
Bibl.: BAtlas cf. maps 44-45; Salmon 2010, p. 301; ECR II, pp. 116-119; Campana, CNAI 1995, pp. 238-288
c. 216-210
Janiform head series, based on an as of about 125g
324 Triens
Beardless janiform head; in r. field, mel / African elephant with mahout walking l.;
in exergue, ····
HNItaly 441; Campana 1; AG 334; TV 268; Haeberlin p. 175-176, 1-3 pl. 69, 37-38
Weight range: 42.44-29.73g
325 Sextans
Bearded head of Hercules r., sometimes with club; in l. field, ·· / African elephant with
mahout walking l.
HNItaly 442; Campana 2; AG 335-6; TV 269; Haeberlin p. 176, 1-12 pl. 69, 39-41
Weight range: 30.50-13.51g; Finds: Sepino in Samnium; Maiano near Airola
326 Uncia
Beardless male head r.; in l. field, · / Dolphin r.; below, mel
HNItaly 443; Campana 3; AG 337; TV 270; Haeberlin p. 176,1 pl. 79, 42
Weight: 10.51g [= Haeberlin collection, from Sambon 1894]
327 Semuncia
Beardless head with African features facing / Head of horse l.; in l. field, mel
HNItaly 444; Campana 4; AG 338; TV 271; Haeberlin p. 176, 1 pl. 69, 43
Weight: 6.74g [= Haeberlin collection, from Sambon 1894]
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AUSCULUM (Ascoli Satriano)
Ausculum was a city of the Daunii situated on a branch of the Appian Way about 28 km from Foggia, near the
site where the Romans suffered a defeat at the hands of Pyrrhus in 279. The community was independent down
to the Social War. The provenance given by Garrucci indicates attribution to Ausculum and rather than to Asculum in Picenum.
Bibl.: BAtlas 45 C2; BTCGI III, pp. 324-330; PECS p. 99; Garrucci p. 35 pl. 45, 1-5
c. 217-212
A/Thunderbolt series, based on an as of about 98g
328 Quatrunx
A ; below, ···· / Thunderbolt
HNItaly 656a; AG 166; TV 174; Haeberlin p. 195, 1-15 pl. 72, 10-12
Weight range: 51.57-29.40g
329 Teruncius
A ; below, ··· / Thunderbolt
HNItaly 656b; AG 167; TV 175; Haeberlin p. 196, 1-9 pl. 72, 13-15
Weight range: 31.00-21.25g
330 Biunx
A ; below, ·· / Thunderbolt
HNItaly 656c; AG 168; TV 176; Haeberlin p. 1-5 pl. 72, 16-17
Weight range: 26.05-17.11g
331 Uncia
A ; below, · / Thunderbolt
HNItaly 656d; AG 169; TV 177; Haeberlin p. 196, 1 pl. 72, 18
Weight: 11.45g [= Berlin,SM = Dressel 1894 p. 29, 4]
332 Semuncia
A / Thunderbolt
HNItaly 656e; AG 170; TV 178; Haeberlin p. 196, I
Weight range: 6.68g [= Garrucci pl. 65, 5]
LUCERIA (Lucera)
Luceria was a settlement of the Daunii of considerable strategic importance about 19 km N-NW of Foggia. According to legend, like Arpi and Canosa it dates to Diomedes, who carried the Palladium from Troy to the site
(Stabo 6.264; Pliny 2.102). During the Second Samnite War (326-304) it was an ally of Rome, to whom it gave aid
following the disaster of the Caudine Forks in 321. It became a Latin colony in 314 (Livy 9.26.1-5). From then on
Luceria was a steadfast supporter of Rome and during the Second Punic War (218-201) became the winter quarters
of the Roman army (Livy 22.9). The monetary unit at Luceria, (as at Teate and Venusia) was the nummus (CMRR,
pp. 14-15). During the Second Punic War Rome produced coins at Luceria as an auxiliary mint (nos. 113-114).
Bibl.: BAtlas 45 B1; BTCGI IX, pp. 261-269; EAA IV pp. 706-707; PECS pp. 531-532; Garrucci pp. 39-35, pp. 3941 pls. 63-64, pl. 70, 4; Grueber, 1906; Siciliano 1993
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 70
c. 275
Named series, based on a nummus about 282g, and without names of about 226g
333 Nummus
Laureate head of Apollo r.; around, C·MODIO·CR·F· F·PVLIO L·F· or similar / Horse
prancing r.; above, sunburst
HNItaly 668; AG 131-2; TV 273; Haeberlin pp. 182-183 1-5 pls. 70, 4-6 and 95, 13-14
Weight range: 345-278.10g; Finds: Luceria
334 Nummus
Head of Apollo l.; in l. field, sometimes, I / Cock standing l.; around,
L·SEXTI· SEP·BABI· or similar
HNItaly 669; AG 135; TV 194a; Haeberlin p. 152-155, 1-4 pl. 95, 12 and pl. 102, 2
Weight range: 319.10g-259.05g; Finds: Castelnuovo della Daunia 1896; Valle d’Ansanto
335 Nummus
Head of Apollo l. / Cock standing l.; around, M·LAVINIO, cock standing l.
HNItaly 669; AG 136; TV 194b; Haeberlin p. 155, 1 pl. 102, 1
Weight: 272.37g [= Cassel,MF]
c. 225-217
Anonymous series, based on a 10-uncia nummus of about 224g
336 Nummus
Head of Apollo l. / Cock standing l.
HNItaly 669; AG 134; TV 195; Haeberlin p. 1-36 pls. 64, 6-10 and pl. 65, 1
Weight range: 301-179.67g
337 Quincunx
Four wheel spokes, with central circle / Four wheel spokes, with central circle; in field, ·····
HNItaly 670; AG 125; TV 274; Haeberlin p. 183, 1-7 pl. 70, 7-9
Weight range: 124.64-90.20g
338 Quincunx
Four wheel spokes, with central pellet / Four wheel spokes, with central pellet; in field, ·····
HNItaly –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight range: 110.70g [= NAC 54, 2010, 4]
339 Quatrunx
Thunderbolt / Club; in field, ····
HNItaly 671; AG 126; TV 275; Haeberlin p. 183, 1-17 pl. 70, 10-11
Weight range: 137.05.64-90.06g
340 Teruncius
Sunburst of six rays / Dolphin l. within circle; below, ···
HNItaly 672; AG 127; TV 276; Haeberlin p. 183-184, 1-34 pl. 70, 12—13
Weight range: 117.95-65.77g
341 Biunx
Scallop shell / Knucklebone; in field, ··
HNItaly 673; AG 128; TV 277; Haeberlin p. 184, 1-20 pl. 71, 1-2
Weight range: 79.77-47.35g
342 Uncia
Frog / Corn-ear; in field, ·
HNItaly 674; AG 129; TV 278; Haeberlin p. 184-185, 1-56 pls. 71, 3-6 and 95, 7
Weight range: 51.12-26.20g
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343 Semuncia
Crescent / Thyrsus with fillets
HNItaly 675; AG 130; TV 279; Haeberlin p. 185-186, 1-34 pl. 71, 7-8
Weight range: 31.94-13.35g (The average implies a nummus of 433g)
c. 217-212
Series based on a 10-uncia nummus of about 79g
344 Nummus
Head of young Hercules r., wearing lion’s skin / Horse prancing r.; below, L or similar
HNItaly 676; AG 137; TV 280; Haeberlin p. 187, 1-34 pl. 71, 9-13
Weight range: 92.25-56.57g; Finds: Lecce nei Marsi
345 Quincunx
Four wheel spokes / Four wheel spokes; above, ····· ; below, L
HNItaly 677a; AG 138;TV 281; Haeberlin p. 187-188, 1-78 pl. 71, 14-17
Weight range: 43.45-30.25g; Finds: Ceglie ‘nella Puglia’; Larino
346 Quatrunx
Thunderbolt / Club; in field, ···· ; below, L or similar
HNItaly 677b; AG 139; TV 282; Haeberlin p. 188-189, 1-59 pl. 71, 18-20
Weight range: 39.33-23.51g; Finds: Alba Fucens; Ordona
347 Teruncius
Sunburst of six rays / Dolphin l. within circle; below, ··· ; below, L or similar
HNItaly 677c; AG 140; TV 283; Haeberlin p. 189, 1-49, 1-34 pls. 70, 21-23 and 96, 9
Weight range: 35.20-18.50g
348 Biunx
Scallop shell / Knucklebone; in field, ·· ; below, L or similar
HNItaly 677d; AG 141; TV 284; Haeberlin p. 189-190, 1-59 pl. 71, 24-25
Weight range: 23.50-14.90g
349 Uncia
Frog / Corn-ear; in field, · ; below, L or similar
HNItaly 677e; AG 142; TV 284; Haeberlin p. 190, 1-45 pls. 71, 26-27
Weight range: 14.80-16.85g
350 Semuncia
Crescent / Thyrsus with fillets; in field, L or similar
HNItaly 677f; AG 143; TV 286; Haeberlin p. 191, 1-40 pl. 71, 28-29
Weight range: 8.88g-4.35g
VENUSIA (Venosa)
Venusia was originally a Peucetian/Oscan settlement situated on the borders of Apulia and Samnium. It was colonized by Rome in 291 (Dionysius Halic. Ant.Rom. 17-18.5) and became an important stronghold on the Via
Appia. It was here that the consul Terentius Varro and the survivors of Cannae sought refuge in 216 (Livy 22.49),
and it was used by Marcellus as a base for military operations between 210 and 207.
Bibl.: BAtlas 45 C3; PECS p. 966; Garrucci pp. 35-36 pl. 65; Burnett 1991; Siciliano 1994
c. 275-225
Series based on a nummus of about 336g and fractions based on a nummus of about 321g
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 72
351 Nummus
Head of boar l. / Head of dog l.
HNItaly 707; Siciliano 1994, 1.1; AG 153; TV 289; Haeberlin p. 197, 1-11 pls. 72, 19-22, 73, 1,
and 96, 1-5
Weight range: 369.15-323.22g; average 338.55g; Finds: Venosa
352 Teruncius
Scallop shell / Three crescents
HNItaly 708; Siciliano 1994, 1.2; AG 154; TV 290; Haeberlin p. 198, 1-13 pl. 73, 2-3
Weight range: 101.50-83.95g
353 Biunx
Dolphin l.; below, ·· / Dolphin l.; below, ··
HNItaly 709; Siciliano 1.3; AG 155; TV 291; Haeberlin p. 198, 1-16 pl. 73, 4-6
Weight range: 71.16-52.15g
354 Semuncia
Crescent / Crescent
HNItaly 710; Siciliano 1994, 1.4; AG 156; TV 292; Haeberlin p. 198, 1-15 pl. 73, 7-8
Weight range: 21.71-13.40g; Finds: Apulia
c. 215
Series based on a nummus of about 120g
355 Teruncius
Scallop shell / Three crescents, VE
HNItaly 711; Siciliano 1994, 2.1; AG 157; TV 293; Haeberlin p. 199, 1-15 pl. 73, 9-12
Weight range: 45.00-33.00g
356 Biunx
Dolphin l.; below, ·· / Dolphin l.; above, VE ligate; below, ··
HNItaly 712; Siciliano 1994, 2.2; AG 156; TV 294; Haeberlin p. 199, 1-24 pl. 73, 13-14
Weight range: 29.71-14.00g
357 Uncia
Knucklebone; below, · / Knucklebone; above, VE ligate; below, ·
HNItaly –; Siciliano 1994 –; AG –; TV –; Haeberlin –
Weight range: 15.67 [= Vecchi 13, 1998, 579] – 14.72g [= NAC 59, 2011, 672]
358 Semuncia
Crescent / Crescent; above, VE ligate
HNItaly 713; Siciliano 1994, 2.3; AG 157; TV 295; Haeberlin p. 199, 1-4 pl. 73
Weight range: 7.65-4.73g
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 73
VOLCEI (Buccino)
Volcei was the chief town of the Volceiani, whose territory was bounded in the north by that of the Hirpini, in
the west and south by Lucania and in the east by the territory of Venusia. Its coinage is similar to that of Capua,
Calatia and Atella and appears to belong to the time of revolt against Rome during the Second Punic War (218201). It was retaken by Rome in 209 (Livy 27.15.2).
Bibl.: BAtlas 45 B3; BTCGI IV, pp. 209-212; Garrucci pp. 36-37 pl. 66; 9-10; Sambon 1903, pp. 414-415; Sambon
1921, pp. 3-11; ERC II, pp. 119-122; Robinson 1964, pp. 42-43; Ross Holloway 1970, p. 111, no. 302
c. 216-209
Head of Sol series is based on an as of about 147g
359 Triens
Head of Sol facing; below, ·· ·· / Horse’s head l.; above, ÌE ; below, ····
HNItaly 1341; AG 331; TV 261; Haeberlin p. 173, 1-3 pl. 69, 26-27
Weight range: 53.52-36.14g
360 Sextans
Head of Sol facing; below, ·· / Horse’s head l.; below, ÌE ; in l. field, ··
HNItaly 1342; AG 332; TV 262; Haeberlin p. 173, 1-4 pl. 69, 28-30
Weight range: 27.20-18.40g; Finds: Torre di Satriano 1970
361 Uncia
Head of Sol facing / Horse’s head l. or r.; below, ÌE
HNItaly 1343; AG 333; TV 263; Haeberlin p. 173, 1-2 pl. 69, 31-32
Weight range: 19.30-13.10g
Struck Æ
362 Sextans
Head of Sol facing / CEΛEXA, African elephant standing r.
HNItaly 1344; Sambon 1064; SNGANS 1442
Weight range: 13.98-12.25g
363 Uncia
Head of Sol facing / CEΛEXA, Head of horse l. or r.
HNItaly 1345; Sambon 1065; Berlin 7544
Weight range: 4.7-7.73g
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 74
Anonymous series closely related to the cast issues of Volcei at the time of the Second Punic War.
Bibl.: Garrucci p. 36 pl. 66, 7-8; Robinson 1964, pp. 42-43
c. 216-209
Head of Sol series based on an as of about 71g
364 Semis
Head of Sol facing; in l., field, ······ / Sunburst over crescent; below, ······
HNItaly 1346; AG 345; TV 264; Haeberlin p. 174, 1-2 pl. 69, 33
Weight range: 36.65-33.53g
365 Treins
Head of Sol facing; in l. field, ···· / Sunburst over crescent; below, ····
HNItaly 1347; AG 346; TV 265; Haeberlin p. 174, 1 pl. 69, 34
Weight: 25.84g [= Haeberlin collection, from Sambon 1894]
366 Quadrans
Head of Sol facing; in l. field, ··· / Sunburst over crescent; below, ···
HNItaly 1348; AG 347; TV 266; Haeberlin p. 175, 1-2 pl. 69, 35
Weight range: 18.22-15.45g
367 Sextans
Head of Sol facing; in l. field, ·· / Sunburst over crescent; below, ··
HNItaly 1349; AG 348; TV 267; Haeberlin p. 175, 1 pl. 69, 36
Weight range: 11.75g [= Kircher collection = Garrucci pl. 46, 8]
Bibl.: Garrucci p. 37 pl. 66, 11-14
c. 216-209
Wrestlers series based on an as of 91g
368 Semis
Wrestlers; r. field, ······ / Two crescents back to back between two stars; below, ······
HNItaly 1350; AG 339; TV 245; Haeberlin p. 177, 1-3 pl. 69, 44-45
Weight range: 42.90-40.50g
369 Triens
Wrestlers; r. field, ···· / Two crescents back to back between two stars; below, ····
HNItaly 1351; AG 340; TV 246; Haeberlin p. 177, 1-3 pl. 69, 46
Weight range: 30.22-24.80g
370 Quadrans
Wrestlers; 10 r. field, ··· / Two crescents back to back between two stars; below, ···
HNItaly 1352; AG 341; TV 247; Haeberlin p. 1, 1 pl. 69, 47
Weight range: 22.34g [= BMCItaly p. 61, 49]
371 Sextans
Wrestlers; 10 r. field, ·· / Two crescents back to back between two stars; below, ··
HNItaly 1353; AG 342; TV 248; Haeberlin p. 177, 1-3 pl. 69, 48-49
Weight range: 16.28-14.72g
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 75
372 Uncia
Wrestlers; in r., field, · / Two crescents back to back between two stars; below, ·
HNItaly 1354; AG 343; TV 249; Haeberlin p. 177, 1-3 pl. 69, 50
Weight range: 14.10-11.62g
373 Semuncia
Wrestlers / Two crescents back to back between two stars
HNItaly 1355; AG 344; TV 250; Haeberlin p. 177, 1-3 pl. 69, 51
Weight range: 5.25-3.12g
Obverse, edge and reverse of Roman quadrans ICC 69.
edge shows a cavity caused by contraction
during cooling; reverse a cavity caused by air trapped in the mould. Below: Two halves of a stone or ceramic casting mould
(D. Sellwood, ‘Minting’ in Roman Cra , London 1976, pp. 63-7).
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 76
7th – 3th centuries
Plate 83
The Piazza San Francesco of Bologna hoard consists of 14,838 bronze objects weighing 1,418 kilograms was
found in a dolium (large earthenware vase or container) in 1877. It included axe-heads, daggers, knives, chisels
and gouges, sickles, razors, fibulae and aes rude and is now in the Museo Civico, Bologna. See Zannoni 1888
and Sorda 1976.
Plate 84
Cake-shaped ingot of 34.4 kg, Ø 360mm [= Private collection]
Plate 85
Cake-shaped ingot of 21.5 kg, Ø 374mm; with engraved inscription on rim: HHXXΛΛV (?) [= Private collection]
Plate 86
Plano-convex ingot decorated with thunderbolt between two fish, 1722g, 160x140mm [= Private collection]
Plate 87
Plano-convex ingot decorated anchor, 1225g, 145x140mm [= Roma Numismatics 5, 2013, 5]
Plate 88
Plano-convex ingot decorated with facing head of bull, 884g, 105x105mm [= Private collection]
Plate 89
Votive ‘ramo secco’ lead bar, 115g [= Vecchi 6, 1997, 423]
Fragment of bar with caduceus pattern, 348g [= HNItaly p. 51, = NAC 7, 1994, 423 = NAC 10, 1997, 373]
Plate 90
Adze-head, 90g. Cf. Peruzzi 1985, p. 122, fig 1 ‘the Ardea hoard’ [= Vecchi 14, 1999, 872,]
Cockle-shell, 43g. Cf. Fallani 1986, pl. 6, 2-2c [= Vecchi 14, 1999, 867]
Cockle-shell, 14.63g. Cf. Fallani 1986, pl. 6, 2-2c [= Vecchi 13,1998, 564]
Knucklebone, 53g [= Vecchi 14,1999, 870]
Tear-shape, 30g [= Vecchi 14,1999, 864]
Crescent, 31g [= Vecchi 14,1999, 863]
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 77
Acorn, Rome 32, 47
Aes rude, Italy 1-2
Amphora, Rome 19, 20; Inland Etruria 173-177
Anchor, Rome 22; Tarquinia 123; Inland Etruria
145-154; Tuder 219, 225; Hatria 242-243; Central Italy, 297; Appendix pl. 87
Antelope, head of l., Central Italy 268
Apollo, laureate head of, r. or l., Rome 33, 39, 54;
Central Italy 273; Luceria 333-336
Barley-grain, Rome 38; Central Italy 277, 295, 305
Barley-grains (two), Rome 29, 51
Beetle, Central Italy 318
Bipennis, Inland Etruria 167-172; Firmum 246;
Vestini 250, 251; Carsioli 253
Bird, head of, 284
Blank, Tarquinii 127; Central Italy 267, 270, 320;
Appendix pls. 85-88
Boar, r. or l., Rome 36, 56; Central Italy 275
Boar, forepart of r. or l., Tarquinii 121; Central Italy
281, 294, 301, 302, 303; Venusia 351
Branch, Rome 10, 11, 12
Bull standing r. or l, Rome 15,
Bull leaping r. or l, Rome 67
Bull, head three-quarter r., Central Italy 276
Bull, walking r. or l., Rome 15, 72-73
Bull’s head facing, Firmum 245; 247; Vestini 249;
Central Italy 289; Appendix pl. 88
Caduceus, Rome 23, 30, 52; Tarquinii 126-127;
Central Italy 263, 317
Cantharus, Tuder 221, 227; Central Italy 257-263,
292, 302
Chickens (two), Rome 23
Cicada, Tuder 220, 226
Cista, Central Italy 310
Club, Currency bars 7; Volaterrae 135-141; Etruria
or Umbria 196-201; Central Italy 262; Luceria
339, 346
Clubs (two), Tuder 218, 224; Central Italy 306
Cock, standing r. or l., Hatria 240-241; Luceria 334-336
Cocoon, Central Italy 312, 313
Corn-ear, Rome 16; Luceria 342, 349
Cornucopiae, Iguvium 208-209, 210-215; Tuder 216
Cornucopiae or tendrils, two (?), Rome 10, 11
Crater, Inland Etruria 162-166; Hatria 238; Central
Italy 275, 279, 285, 293
Crescent, Tarquinii 125; Iguvium 203, 204-205; Vestini 249; Central Italy 304, 314, 315, 320, 322;
Luceria 343, 350; Venusia 354, 358
Crescents (two), back to back, Tarquinii 115-117,
252; Carsioli 252
Crescents (two), back to back between two stars,
Samnium or Lucania 368-373
Crescents (three), Inland Etruria 185-187; Venusia
352, 355
Currency bars, Central Italy 3-10; Rome 10-24
Dioscuri, janiform head of, Rome 25, 39, 48
Dioscurus, head of r. or l., Rome 37, 39, 57
Dog, standing r. or l., Rome 69-70
Dog, sleeping, Tuder 217, 223; Hatria 236
Dog, head of r. or l., Venusia 351
Dolphin, r. or l., Currency bars 5, 6, 8, 9; Rome 4, 5,
6, 27, 28, 50; Tarquinii 123; Volaterrae 142-144;
Ariminum 232; Hatria 239; Central Italy 260;
Luceria 340; Luceria 347; Meles 326; Venusia
353, 356
Dolphin’s head l., Central Italy 290
Eagle l. or r., Rome 13, 14; Tuder 216; Central Italy 264
Eagle, head and neck of, 265
Elephant, standing r. or l., Rome 21; Meles 324-325;
Volcei 362
Female head r. or l., Rome 40, 49; Firmum 245;
Central Italy 277, 278
Female, helmeted head r. or l., Rome 26, 40, 49,
Central Italy 274
Fish. r. or l., Hatria 239
Foot, Central Italy 315
Frog, Tuder 219, 222, 225, 228; Central Italy 291,
322; Luceria 342, 349
Genius, bearded head of, (?) 255-256
Gaul, bust of, Ariminum 229-235
Gorgoneion, Central Italy 270
Grapes, bunch of, Iguvium 209, 215; Central Italy
293, 298, 311, 319
Griffin, head of, r. or l. Central Italy 271, 300
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 78
Hand, Rome 29, 44, 51, 61
Hand wearing caestus, Tuder 218, 224
Helmet (?), Central Italy 323
Helmet, Corinthian, Iguvium 210-211
Helmet, Phrygian, Central Italy 292
Hercules, lion’s skin head of r. or l., Rome 80-81, 91,
96-97, 98-99, 110a, 112; Central Italy 271, 272,
280, 294; Luceria 344
Hercules, bearded head of r., Central Italy 272, 274;
Meles 325
Herringbone pattern, 3, 4-7
Horse prancing r. or l., Rome 68, Luceria 333, 344
Horse’s head r. or l. Rome 35; Praeneste (?) 254;
Central Italy 272-273; Males 327; Volcei 359361, 363
Janiform head, wearing pointed cap, Volaterrae
Janiform head, beardless, Meles 324-327
Janus, head of, Rome 74-75, 84-86, 93, 105-106, 113
Jug, Central Italy 308
Knucklebone (astragalus), Rome 31, 46, 53, 63; Central Italy 304, 310; Luceria 341, 348; Venusia 357
Lion’s claw, Vestini 248
Lion’s head facing, Praeneste (?) 254
Lyre, Tuder 217, 223; Central Italy 281
Maenad, head of l., Central Italy 268
Male African head r. 327
Male, bearded head r., Genius (?), Reate 255-256
Male, diademed head r., Central Italy 274
Male head r. or l., Hatria 238; Central Italy 321, 326
Mercury, petasus head of r. or l., Rome 25, 48, 82, 92
Minerva, helmeted head of, r. or l., Rome 26, 42, 49,
59, 78-79, 89-90, 95, 111; Central Italy 257-259
Minerva, helmeted head of, facing, Rome 72-73
Murex shell, female head, Haria 237
Objects found with aes rude and early currency
bars, p. 76
Octopus, Central Italy 264-265
Owl, Central Italy 301
Palm branch, Iguvium 208, 214
Pedum, 308
Pegasus r. or l., Rome 13, 14, 34, 55; Hatria 237
Pentagram 306, 307
Plough, Tarquinii 124; Vestni 248; Central Italy 280,
287, 288
Priestly head facing, wearing apex, Inland Etruria
Prow r., Rome 74-85, 110, 113-114; Central Italy
Prow l., Rome 86-109, 111-112
Ram’s head r. or l., Tarquinii 122; Central Italy 290
Ramo secco or herringbone currency bars 3-7
Roma, helmeted head of, r. or l. 40, 41, 58, 64-66,
83, 100-104
Rostrum tridens, Ariminum 233
Rhyton, ending in animal head 285, 286
Sacrificial implements, Inland Etruria 191-195
Saturn, head of r. or l., Rome 76-77, 87-88, 94, 107110, 114
Scabbard, Rome 18
Scallop shell, Rome 30, 45, 52, 62; Ariminum 234;
Vestini 250; Central Italy 261, 307; Luceria 341,
348; Venusia 352, 355
Sea Eagle, Reate 255-256
Selinus, head facing, Hatria 236
Shield, Rome 17, Iguvium 203; Ariminum 229
Shoe r., Hatria 240-241; Vestini 251
Sickle, Central Italy 266-267
Skate fish, Hatria 239
Sol, head facing, Volcei 359-363; Samnium or Lucania 364-367
Solar disk, Iguvium 204-205
Sow standing l., Rome 21
Spearhead, Rome 19, 20; Tarquinii 121; Tuder 221, 227;
Firmum 246-247; Central Italy 299, 313, 319
Spokes of wheel, Luceria 337-338, 345; Central Italy
296, 321
Staff, Currency bars 8, Tarquinii 122
Steering oar, Central Italy 279
Sunburst (or star), Tarquinii 119 -120; Central Italy
282, 283, 295, 305, 311, 318; Luceria 340, 347;
Samnium or Lucania 364-367
Swastika, Central Italy 309
Sword, Rome 18
Sword and scabbard, Ariminum 230
Thunderbolt, Rome 27, 28, 43, 50, 60; Asculum
328-332; Luceria 339, 346
Thunderbolt between two fish, Appendix pl. 86
Thyrsus with fillets, Luceria 343, 350
Tongs, Iguvium 212-213
Tortoise, Rome 71; Tuder 222, 228; Central Italy
286, 300
Trident, Rome 23; Tuder 220, 226; Ariminum 231;
Central Italy 269, 297, 299
Tridents (two), Rome 24
Tripod, Rome 16, 22
Triskeles, Central Italy 269, 291
Uncertain object, Central Italy 289, 323
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 79
Value, mark of, Volaterrae 128-134; Inland Etruria
188-190; Etruria or Umbria 196-201; Hatria
242-243; Central Italy 266, 296, 309, 316
Vulcan, bust of, Ariminum 235
Warrior advancing l., 235
Wheel, Rome 64-71; Inland Etruria 145-177; Ameria 202; Iguvium 206-207; Central Italy 282, 283,
296, 321
Wheel, ‘archaic’, Inland Etruria 178-184
Wineskin (?), Central Italy 298
Wing, Central Italy 284
Wrestlers, Samnium or Lucania 368-373
Yoke, Tarquinii 124; Central Italy 314
mel, Meles 324-327
Acorn, Rome 54-57
Barley-grain, Praeneste (?) 254
Caduceus, Rome 72, Praeneste (?) 254, Central Italy
Club, Rome 58-63
Corn-ear, Roman Republic 98-99
Crescent, Praeneste (?) 254
Pellet, Rome 84-85
Sickle, Rome 48-53
A, Tarquinii 125-126; Hatria 244; Ausculum 328332
A, III, A, Tarquinia 118
ARIMN, ARIM, Ariminum 235
CAR or CARS, 252-253
C·MODIO·CR·F· F·PVLIO L·F·, Luceria 333
FIR, Firmum 245, 246
H, HAT, TAH, Hatria 236-244
LT, Reate 255
L·SEXTI· SEP·BABI·, Luceria 334
M·LAVINIO, Luceria 335
N M, Central Italy 303
TN, Reate 256
ROMANOM, Rome 10, 13
VE ligate, Venusia 355-358
VES, Vestini 248-251
Ameria, 202
Ariminum, 229-235
Ausculum, 328-332
Carsioli, 252-253
Central Italy, 1-9, 72-73, 257-323
Etruria, Inland, 145-195
Etruria or Umbria, 196-200
Firmum, 245-247
Hatria, 236-244
Iguvium, 203-215
Luceria, 113-114, 333-350
Meles, 324-327
Praeneste (?), 254
Reate, 255-256
Roman Republic 10-114
Samnium or Lucania, 364-373
Sicily, 98-99
Tarquinii 115-127
Tuder, 216-228
Venusia, 351-358
Vestini, 248-251
Volcei, 359-363
Volaterrae, 128-144
n - p - v, Uncertain Central Etruria 145
Velaθri,Volterrae 128-144
Uncertain letters Central Italy 316, 317
amer, Ameria 202
ikufins. Iguvium 203-215
tutere, tu, Tuder 216-228
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 80
1 Vecchi 13, 1998, 555
2.1 NAC 7, 1994, 281
2.2 NAC 7, 1994, 282
3.1 Artemide 18, 2007, 30
3.2 Pellegrini-Macelli 2002, pl. 1
3.3 Haeberlin pl. 7, 5 (Persaro)
3.4 NAC 9, 1996, 365
3.5 Santamaria 1951, B 20
3.6 Pellegrini-Macelli 2002, pl. 4
4 Haeberlin pl. 8, 2 (Pesaro)
5 Haeberlin pl. 8, 1 (Kircher)
6 BMCItaly p. 38, 3 = Haeberlin pl. 8, 3
7 BMCItaly pp. 36-36, 1 = Haeberlin pl. 32, 1
8 Haeberlin pl. 32, 1 (Kircher)
9 Private collection (334g)
10 RRC 1a (Santamarinella hoard)
11 RRC 1b (Brunšmid 1896, pl 2, 3-4, Mazin
12 Private collection
13 BMCRR I, 2 = Haeberlin p. 64, 4
Berlin,SM = Haeberlin p. 143, 2, pl. 93, 1
Private collection = MMAG 47, 1972, 8
Haeberlin p. 75,3 pl. 30, 3 (= Durazzo 1896, 1)
18 Private collection (1605g)
19 Private collection
20 Private collection
21 BMCItaly pp. 62-63, 1
22 Berlin,SM = Dressel 1894 p. X = pl. EF =
Haeberlin p. 92, 3, pl. 37, 3
23 Berlin,SM = Dressel 1894 p. X = pl. GH =
Haeberlin p. 103, 5, pl. 42, 2
24 NAC 5, 1992, 205
25 SKA 3, 1985, 369
26 SKA 3, 1985, 370
27 NAC 7, 1994, 329
29 SKA 3, 1985, 372
30 SKA 3, 1985, 373
31 NAC 40, 2007, 31
32 TV 7
33 NAC 5, 1992, 173
34 NAC 5, 1992, 174
35 SKA 3, 1985, 375
36 NAC 7, 1994, 315
37 NAC 7, 1994, 316
38 NAC 7, 1994, 319
39 RRC 19/1 (Santamarinella hoard)
40 Haeberlin p. 157, 2, pl. 65, 11 (from Settiner)
41 MM Deutschland 2, 1998, 326
42 NAC 7, 1994, 351
43 NAC 7, 1994, 353
44 NAC 7, 1994, 354
45 NAC 7, 1994, 357
46 NAC 5, 1992, 190
47 NAC 5, 1992, 192
48 Vecchi 14, 1999, 879
49 NAC 7, 1994, 339
50 NAC 5, 1992, 186
51 NAC 40, 2007, 373
52 Vecchi 8, 1997, 159
53 Private collection
54 NAC 7, 1994, 321
55 Haeberlin p. 81, 1 pl. 33, 7 (from Settiner) 15
56 Haeberlin p. 81, 1 pl. 33, 8 (from Settiner) 16
57 Haeberlin p. 82, 1 pl. 33, 9 (Rollin-Feuardent 17
58 NAC 5, 1992, 193
59 Astarte 22, 2010, 16
60 NAC 7, 1994, 363
61 TV 26
62 TV 62
63 NAC 7, 1994, 364
64 NAC 5, 1992, 197
65 Haeberlin p. 58,14 pl. 23, 4 (Wien)
66 Haeberlin p. 58,19 pl. 24, 10 (Cortona)
67 SKA 3, 1985, 376
68 Elsen 89, 1986, 901
69 NAC 5, 1992, 201
70 NAC 7, 1994, 373
71 Vecchi 8, 1997, 160
72 SKA 3, 1985, 377 = NAC 7, 1994, 384
73 Triton 4, 2000, 389
74 NAC 5, 1992, 210
75 NAC 5, 1992, 209
76 NAC 7, 1994, 382
78 NAC 5, 1992, 213
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 81
80 NAC 7, 1994, 389
81 Vecchi 8, 1997, 161
82 TV 56
83 NAC 7, 1994, 389 = Vecchi 6, 1997, 624
84 Kovacs FPL 29, 1997, 52 = Triton 2, 1998, 673
85 TV 57
86 NAC 7, 1994, 395
87 Gorny & Mosch 195, 2011, 348
89 TV 59
91 TV 61
92 NAC 7, 1994, 397
93 Private collection
94 NAC 5, 1992, 218
95 TV 65
96 NAC 5, 1992, 218
97 Ailly I, p. 102 pl. 30, 6 = Haeberlin pl. 45, 4
98 RBW collection = NAC 61, 2011, 45
100 NAC 54, 2010, 150 = Roma Numismatics 5,
2013, 5; cover coin
101 MMAG 43, 1970, 66
102 NAC 5, 1992, 220
103 *
104 BMCRR p. 17, 22 = Haeberlin p. 119, 9 pl. 48, 1
105 NAC 59, 2011, 675
106 TV 70a
107 NAC 7, 1994, 403
109 TV 71b
110a NAC 64, 2012, 927 (JD collection)
111 Haeberlin p. 127, 29 pl. 51, 26 (Haeberlin)
112 NAC 7, 1994, 405
113 Haeberlin pl. 72, 1-5 (Rollin 1897)
114 NAC 40, 2007, 395
115 NAC 40, 2007, 283
116 BMCItaly p. 66, 4 (from Castellani)
117 Garrucci p. 12, pl. 26, 3 = Haeberlin pl. 94, 2
118 Haeberlin p. 24, 17 pl. 9, 6 (Kircher)
119 Tarquinia,MAN RC 3759
120 Tuscania, tomb of the sarcophagus of Amazons, 1967
121 BMCItaly p. 149, 2 = Haeberlin pl. 92, 7
122 Roma,MNR = Haeberlin pl. 92, 10
123 BMCItaly p. 57, 18 = Haeberlin pl. 92, 11
124 BMCItaly p. 58, 28 = Haeberlin pl. 68, 17
125 BMCItaly p. 40, 1 = Haeberlin pl. 68, 33
126 SNGBnF 269
127 SNGBnF 270
128 TV 78
129 NAC 7, 1994, 284
130 Haeberlin pl. 82, 9 (Haeberlin)
131 SNGBnF 59
132 TV 82
133 SNGBnF 61
134 SNGBnF 62
135 Private collection
136 Private collection
137 TV 87
138 NAC 7, 1994, 290
139 SNGBnF 67
140 TV 90
141 SNGBnF 69
142 NAC 7, 1994, 291
143 SNGFirenze 934
144 SNGBnF 70
145 SNGBnF 1038
146 Hirsch 34, 1914, 675 = Hess-Leu 28, 1965,
147 Private collection
148 NAC 7, 1994, 300
149 Haeberlin pl. 97, 8 (= Strozzi 113)
150 Arezzo,MA = Haeberlin pl. 89, 9
151 *
152 SNGBnF 116
153 Blancas and Righetti collections,
[= SNGRighetti 71]
154 Naville 16, 1933, 11
155 Private collection
156 TV 96
157 TV 97
158 SNGBnF 93
159 SNGBnF 96
160 NAC 7, 1994, 296
161 Haeberlin pl. 97, 13 (= Strozzi 204)
162 SNGBnF 98
163 SNGBnF 100
164 TV 103
165 SNGBnF 103
166 SNGBnF 105
167 SNGFirenze 991
168 SNGBnF 109
169 SNGBnF 111
170a SNGMilano 45
170b SNGBnF 129
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 82
171 SNGFirenze 1024
172 NAC 7, 1994, 128
173 SNGFirenze 1070
174 Haeberlin pl. 87, 10 (Guiducci)
175 Ars Classica 16, 1933, 1519
177 Haeberlin pl. 87, 16 (Kircher)
178 Ars Classica 16, 1933, 1520
179 Haeberlin pl. 90, 4 (Haag)
180 Arezzo,MA = Haeberlin pl. 90, 5
181 SNGFirenze 1085
183 Arezzo,MA = Haeberlin pl. 90, 9
184 Haeberlin pl. 90, 10 (Haeberlin)
185 TV 126
186 SNGBnF 128
187 SNGFirenze 1093
188 SNGBnF 123
189 Cortona,AE 48
190 SNGFirenze 1105
191 SNGFirenze 1106
192 Hirsch 24, 1914, 685
193 BMCItaly p. 24, 1 = Haeberlin pl. 90, 16
194 BMCItaly p. 24, 1
195 Haeberlin pl. 92, 2 (Kircher)
196 Haeberlin pl. 81, 29 (Vitalini)
197 SKA 2, 1984, 38
198 Lanz 153, 2011, 327
199 NAC 7, 1994, 278
200 SNGBnF 73
201 Rivate collection
202 SKA 4, 1985, 299, = NAC 10, 1997, 293
203 Artemide 18.xii.2005, 16
204 SNGBnF 158
205 NAC 7, 1994, 262
206 Haeberlin pl. 78, 9
207 Private collection
208 TV 148
209 Haeberlin pl. 78, 16 (Haeberlin)
210 Haeberlin pl.97, 1 (Sambon)
211 Haeberlin pl.79, 3 (Bunbury 214 )
212 SNGBnF 159
213 NAC 7, 1994, 263
214 TV 148
215 NAC 7, 1994, 265
216 SNGBnF 162
217 SNGBnF 163
218 SNGBnF 164
219 TV 160
220 TV 161
221 TV 162
222 Haeberlin pl.81, 9 (Kircher)
223 NAC 7, 1994, 267
224 NAC 7, 1994, 268
225 NAC 7, 1994, 269
226 Private collection
227 NAC 7, 1994, 274
228 NAC 7, 1994, 276
229 Ars Classica 16, 1933, 1502
230 NAC 7, 1994, 254
231 SNGBnF 151
232 NAC 7, 1994, 256
233 SNGBnF 153
234 SNGBnF 154
235 SNGBnF 155
236 The New York Sale 14, 2007, 3
237 Lanz 135, 2007, 400
238 SNGBnF 207
239 SNGBnF 210
240 NAC 7, 1994, 258
242 NAC 5, 1992, 240
244 NAC 7, 1994, 260
245 Haeberlin pl.76, 21 (Sambon)
246 SNGCopenhagen 85
247 Private collection
248 Haeberlin pl.A, 3 (Canessa, Paris 1919)
249 SNGBnF 217
250 SNGBnF 218
251 Haeberlin pl.73, 25 (Hamburger 1897, 123)
252 Rassegna Numismatica 1904, p. 62
253 Haeberlin pl. 97, 3
254 NAC 7, 1994, 346
255 NAC 7, 1994, 432
257 Haeberlin pl. 62, 4 (Wien)
258 Haeberlin pl. 62, 6 (from Lake Nemi)
259 London,BM = Haeberlin pl. 62, 7
260 Haeberlin pl. 62, 9 (Kircher)
261 Città del Vaticano,BA = Haeberlin pl. 62, 10
262 SNGBnF 239
263 SNGCopenhagen 307 = Haeberlin pl. 62, 16
264 SNGBnF 247
265 Garrett collection I, Leu-NFA 1984, 631
266 NAC 5, 1992, 243
267 NAC 5, 1992, 244
268 Haeberlin p. 280 pl. A, 1 (Berlin)
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269 Haeberlin p. 24, 2-2a pl. 9, 10 (Firenze,MA)
270 Haeberlin p. 24, 1 pl. 9, 9 (Boyne collection)
271 Glasgow,HC p. 15, 1= Haeberlin p. 150, 4 pl.
63, 2
272 BMCItaly p. 136, 1 = Haeberlin pl. 70, 3
273 BMCItaly p. 137, 6 = Haeberlin pl. 65, 2
274 Haeberlin pl. 64, 5 (from Sambon)
275 SNGBnF 245
276 NAC 5, 1992, 241
277 NAC 7, 1994, 424
278 NAC 54, 2010, 3
279 London,BM = Haeberlin pl. 95, 8
280 Private collection = HNItaly 367
281 NAC 7, 1994, 425
282 NAC 7, 1994, 426
284 Sambon collection = Haeberlin pl. 95, 10
285 Haeberlin p. 160, 1 (Kircher)
286 Haeberlin p. 160, 1 pl. A, 2 (Weber)
287 Haeberlin pl. 67, 4 (Kircher)
288 Private collection
289 Haeberlin pl. 95, 9 (Garrucci)
290 TV 208
291 TV 209
292 SNGBnF 252
293 Haeberlin pl. 67, 14 (Kircher)
294 Haeberlin pl. 67, 15 (Kircher)
295 Hess-Leu 28, 1965, 335
297 NAC 5, 1992, 242
299 Vecchi 6, 1997, 608
300 SNGBnF 261
301 BMCItaly p. 149, 4 = Haeberlin p. 166, 3 pl.
68, 11
302 Haeberlin pl. 68, 14 (Bunbury 217)
303 Haeberlin pl. 68, 16 (from Sambon)
304 Haeberlin pl. 69, 17 (Bunbury 218)
305 Città del Vaticano,BA = Haeberlin pl. 68, 18
306 Haeberlin pl. 68, 22 (Haeberlin)
307 Haeberlin pl. 68, 32 (Kircher)
308 Haeberlin p. 168,14 pl. 68, 24 (Cassel)
309 NAC 7, 1994, 430
310 Haeberlin pl. 68, 28 (Kircher, from Vicarello)
311 BMCItaly p. 59, 39 = Haeberlin p. 169, 1 pl.
68, 31
312 Haeberlin pl. 69, 1 (Firenze,MA)
313 Haeberlin pl. 69, 2 (Napoli,MA, Fiorelli I,
314 Haeberlin pl. 69, 3 (Kircher)
315 Haeberlin pl. 69, 4 (from Stettiner)
316 SNGFirenze 1172 = Strozzi 172
317 Bonci Casuccini collection = Berganini 2001,
318 SNGBnF 271
319 Vecchi 13, 1998, 567
320 Napoli,MA, Fiorelli I, 575 = Haeberlin pl. 69,
321 Berlin,SM = Dressel 1894, p. 33, 21 = Haeberlin pl. 69, 21
322 Haeberlin pl. 69, 23 (Kircher)
323 Napoli,MA, Fiorelli I, 5608 = Haeberlin pl.
97, 14
324 Haeberlin pl. 69, 37 (Sambon)
325 Haeberlin pl. 69, 40 (Stettiner)
326 Haeberlin pl. 69, 42 (Sambon)
327 Haeberlin pl. 69, 43 (Sambon)
328 NAC 40, 2007, 350
329 TV 175
330 TV 176
331 Berlin,SM=Dressel 1894, p.29, 4 = Haeberlin
pl. 72, 18
332 Haeberlin p. 196, I = Garrucci pl. 65, 5
333 NAC 9, 1996, 528
334 Haeberlin pl. 95, 12 = (Campobasso,MPS)
335 Haeberlin p. 155, 1 pl. 102, 1 (Cassel)
336 NAC 7, 1994, 433
337 Garrett collection I, Leu-NFA 1984, 636
338 NAC 54, 2010, 4
339 NAC 3, 1990, 247
340 SKA 3, 1985, 397
341 CNG 91, 2012, 42
342 TV 278
343 TV 279
344 Astarte 1, 1998, 134
345 NAC 7, 1994, 440
346 NAC 7, 1994, 441
347 NAC 7, 1994, 443
348 NAC 7, 1994, 446
349 SNGBnF 1350
350 TV 286
351 NAC 7, 1994, 351
352 SNGBnF 1440
353 TV 291
354 TV 292
355 NAC 54, 2010, 5
356 Lanz 154, 2012, 9
357 Vecchi 13, 1998, 579
Italo part1 11/11/2013 19:23 Pagina 84
358 TV 295
359 Glasgow,HC = McDonald 1899, p. 13, 1 pl. 1, 3
360 SNGBnF 1210
361 Haeberlin pl. 69, 32 (Gotha)
362 SNGBnF 1211
363 SNGBnF 1212
364 Berlin,SM = Dressel 1894 p. 33, 19 = Haeberlin
pl. 69, 33
365 Haeberlin pl. 69, 34 (from Sambon)
366 Haeberlin pl. 69, 35 (from Sambon)
367 Haeberlin pl. 69, 36 (Kircher)
368 BMCItaly p. 61, 48 = Haeberlin pl. 69, 45
369 Haeberlin pl. 69, 46 (Haeberlin)
370 BMCItaly p. 61, 49 = Haeberlin pl. 69, 47
371 SNGCopenhagen 255 = Haeberlin pl. 69, 49
372 Haeberlin pl. 69, 50 (Kircher)
373 Haeberlin pl. 69, 51 (Kircher)
(*) Image unavailable
Appendix p.76 pls. 83-90
Bronze objects found with aes rude and
early currency bars and coins
Minerva Tritonia, 5th century BC,
Museo Archeologico Lavinium.