The use of hatchery fish to rebuild populations of Snake River
The use of hatchery fish to rebuild populations of Snake River
The use of hatchery fish to rebuild populations of Snake River Sockeye Salmon in Idaho Christine Kozfkay Principal Fisheries Research Biologist, IDFG Co-authors: Mike Peterson, IDFG Dan Baker, IDFG Implementation Cooperative effort IDFG NOAA ODFW SBT BPA Sawtooth Valley lakes Sockeye Salmon are native to 5 nursery lakes: Redfish Lake* Pettit Lake* Alturas Lake* Yellowbelly Lake Stanley Lake Sockeye Salmon Historical Abundance In the 1890’s, 150,000 fish returning (Evermann 1896) Numbers declined through the early and mid 1900’s Between 1985 – 1989, 62 adults returned cumulatively In 1990, no adults returned ESA listing decision • In 1990, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribe of Idaho petitioned NMFS to list Spring, Summer 1991: IDFG collected Redfish Lake smolts and anadromous adults that returned to initiate the captive broodstock • November 1991: ESU was listed as endangered Captive Broodstock Development Broodstock Collection (1991 – 1998) • 16 wild sockeye (all that returned in ‘90s) • several hundred out-migrating sockeye smolts (1991 – 1993) • 26 “residual” sockeye salmon (1993 – 1995) Broodstock & Production Adults are spawned at the IDFG and NOAA Captive Broodstock: 800 -1500 eyed eggs from IDFG representing each subfamily are kept at IDFG and NOAA and reared to maturity. Some may be released as adults NMFS Manchester Research Station IDFG Eagle Fish Hatchery Production: Remaining eyed eggs from IDFG and NOAA are sent to OFH, SFH, or SPFH and are reared to release. Another group of eyed eggs may be outplanted. Smolts migrate to the ocean Adults return from the ocean Initial Objectives of the Program Utilize Captive Broodstock Technology to avoid extinction and “gene banking” Successfully culture Sockeye Salmon Conserve genetic diversity Increase the numbers of individuals Objectives of this study Evaluate different release strategies Use Parentage Based Tagging to determine age and origin of Sockeye Salmon Compostion in anadromous return Productivity metrics (R/S, SARS) from hatchery and natural releases Describe the future direction of the program “Spread the Risk” Release strategies Redfish Lake Redfish Lake Creek - Smolts Salmon River - Smolts Adult releases Pettit Lake Alturas Lake Presmolts Presmolts Eyed eggs Eyed eggs Annual Release Numbers 400000 350000 300000 250000 Smolts Presmolts Eyed Eggs 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 0.00 Captive Adults Released into RFL Anadromous Adults Released into RFL Marking of release strategies Separate marks identified release strategies with the exception of offspring from egg-boxes, adult outplants, and un-sampled natural spawners BUT: The HSRG “recommends that managers tag/mark all fish released by this program”…. But “finding alternative means of identifying fish and discontinuing the practice of ventral fin clipping” (HSRG 2009) AND: CWT can shed Genetic Marking – No needs for marks Advantages of genetic marking (PBT) Higher tagging rates than CWT (Steele et al. 2014) Less invasive (only need a clip or scales) Can be applied at any life stage Can address other questions such as heritability, family correlated survival, lifetime reproductive success *Caveat – different families need to be kept separate for evaluations (cannot split eggs into different groups) or marks are still needed. In 2006, PBT was initiated Starting in 2006 (BY03), every adult that spawned, released or an ocean return was genotyped for pedigree analysis for the captive broodstock 2005 2006 2007 2008 Parents 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Offspring So, jacks in 2009 and all adults returning in 2010 could be assigned an age and origin (release strategy) PBT Methods Genotyped spawned and/or released adults w/ 9 – 16 microsatellite loci Parentage analysis (Cervus 2.1) Expand assignments based upon tagging rates or use age length key (R – code, Ogle et al. 2013) First Generation Returning Fish: Calculate R/F Calculate SARs Adult Offspring Sampled Anadromous Sockeye Returns 1,800 Natural Origin Hatchery Origin 1,600 Number of Adults 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Return Year 4,449 adults returned Adult Spawners and Releases (PBT) Year Spawners Released 2006 657 465 2007 574 497 2008 603 966 2009 593 1330 2010 546 1577 TOTAL 2973 4835 Tagging rates Tagging Rates were calculated by release strategy and cross information and were greater than 95% except one instance (2008 Release). Assignment Results (expanded by tagging rate) Anadromous Return year Hatchery Origin Assignments Natural Origin Assignments Overall Assignment Rate 2010 99% 86% 97% 2011 96% 67% 92% 2012 99% 67% 92% 2013 97% 32% 79% 2014 96% 82% 92% R code was used to assign an age based on length data for un-assigned fish Natural Returns (not assigned after expansions) Natural Sockeye Returns 600 80 Number of Adults 500 400 300 22 200 45 52 17 100 0 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Return Year Anadromous Sockeye Salmon Returns By Release Strategy 1,600 1,400 1,200 Smolt Production Pre-smolt Production Natural Production Unknown Marked Unknown Unmarked Egg Box Number of Adults Adult Release 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 Return Year Recruits per female by strategy 5 4.5 4 RFL Natural PTL/ATL Natural Pre-smolts Smolt Production 3.5 R/F 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 BY 2004 . BY 2005 BY 2006 BY 2007 BY 2008 SAR for Redfish Lake Estimated Emigration By Strategy Estimated RFL emigration from pre-smolt releases Estimated RFL emigration from smolt releases Estimated RFL emigration from natural production BROODYEAR 1996 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 152,322/28,435 39,870/16,612 61,804/15,164 62,015/16,857 57,093/13,544 34,561/5,704 81,615 86,052 101,676 150,395 173,055 179,278 2,799 5,609 6,088 6,338 4,822 12,558 Estimated Returns By Strategy Estimated adult returns to RFL from pre-smolt releases Estimated adult returns to RFL from smolt releases Estimated adult returns to RFL from natural production 407,665 Pre-smolts planted 772,071 Smolts planted 32,214 Natural smolts produced in lake 1996 2004 42 186 10 5 289 48 BROODYEAR 2005 2006 24 57 746 1,101 87 202 177 adults back 3,395 adults back 424 adults back 2007 2008 36 853 34 0.04% SAR 0.44% SAR 1.32% SAR 13 220 43 SARs per release strategy 3.50% 3.00% SAR's 2.50% RFL Natural PTL/ATL Natural Presmolt Smolt Production 2.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% BY 2004 BY 2005 BY 2006 BY 2007 BY 2008 Kline and Flagg 2014 Next phase of the program Program has successfully met its initial objectives: Staving off extinction Maintaining population diversity (Kalinowski et al. 2012, 95%) Increasing the size of the program in captivity Learned about success of release strategies and that captive fish can reproduce in the wild Ready to move into the next phase: Phase 2: Re-Colonization Phase 2 Strategy Release Hatchery Smolts Utilize the two release strategies that provide the greatest demographic boost and increase population fitness Produce Natural Smolts ` ` ` Release Adults into Lake Adults Return Phase 2 Initiate with development of expanded smolt program at Springfield Hatchery (first release in 2015) Springfield Hatchery – rear 1 million full-term smolts (~3X the current numbers, 2017) Phase 2 Goals/Triggers Generate anadromous adult returns sufficient to meet broodstock and escapement objectives Increase population fitness Establish a self-sustaining anadromous broodstock and reduce reliance on captive broodstock • Trigger 1: When 5-yr avg return > 1,000, begin to phase out NOAA • Trigger 2: When 5-yr avg return > 2,150, Eagle Hatchery terminated • Trigger 3: When 5-yr avg return of natural adults > 750, Reduce size of hatchery program and intiate integrated broodstock Expectations of strategy 1800 1581 35,000 Natural Origin Hatchery Origin 1330 1,600 1,400 25,000 1,200 Number of Adults 30,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 190 166 5,000 800 600 600 465 498 231 400 170 200 0 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 0 2005 2009 2004 2007 2003 2005 2002 2003 2001 2001 1000 800 0 1999 968 2000 21 79 1400 1200 1,000 400 277 200 Anadromous Sockeye Returns 1600 Number of Adults Released into Redfish Lake 1,800 1999 Natural Smolt Outmigration from Redfish Lake 40,000 Return Year May already be seeing benefits with record natural return in 2014 (BY2010) Summary The program has been successful in achieving early goals of the program Prevented extinction Maintained genetic diversity A phased approach to recovery is in place and the recovery plan has been completed. Still challenges and uncertainties Expect to continue to see record returns. Acknowledgements Eagle Fish Hatchery Staff: Travis Brown, Ken Felty NMFS Fish Hatchery Staff: Tom Flagg, Deb Frost, Carlin McCauley, Des Maynard, Fisheries Research Technicians: Kurtis Plaster Genetics Lab Technicians: Amanda Boone, Lizzie Parkinson, Grant Bruner, Bryan Ayers Database Coordinatior: Jesse McCane Sawtooth Fish Hatchery Staff Springfield Fish Hatchery Staff Oxbow Fish Hatchery Staff SBT Tribe Biologists IDFG HQ Staff: Dan Schill, Paul Kline, Jeff Heindel BPA Staff: Jonathan McCloud Many others…20 years of staff Questions?