Conventional | Robotic | Gantry | Ancillary Equipment
Palletizing Conventional | Robotic | Gantry | Ancillary Equipment ® Conventional Ideal for medium to high speed lines requiring frequent product changeover OPTIONS Ideal for multiple slow speed lines running same or different products simultaneously Customer Challenge: A premier supplier of private label lubricants and related automotive chemicals required a bottle palletizing system. The customer had limited space in the existing facility and needed flexibility to handle multiple lines. Customer Challenge: The customer wanted to use some of the existing production equipment while improving safety and lowering the occurrence of repetitive stress injuries utilizing automation. Currie Solution: With a set footprint and an aggressive return on the investment, the engineered solution was finalized with a low infeed conventional palletizer that not only met the ROI and the footprint issues, but it also allowed for an improved production capacity and the ability to market a broader range of SKUs and pallet load quantities not previously possible. Robotics Industrial Customer Food Customer Currie Solution: Their first robotic machine was purchased d u e t o B r e n t o n ’s e x t e n s i v e c u s t o m e r i n s t a l l b a s e , C u r r i e b y B r e n t o n f a c i l i t y v i s i t s , a n d t h e f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d u s e r- f r i e n d l y way Currie integrates controls. They purchased one robotic layer palletizing system that combines dunnage handling (pallets, slip sheets and top frames) within one robot cell operating at speeds up to 125 bottles per minute. Elevators Stackers Sheet Feeders Pallet Dispensers Food Customer Customer Challenge: The customer wanted to fully automate their entire packaging process. The challenge was to fit two complete lines into an existing space where one line currently existed. Currie Solution: Within the limited footprint, our on-site engineering staff developed a solution t h a t i n cl u d e d t w o c o m p l e t e l i n e s o f c a s e p a c k i n g , l a b e l i n g , s h r i n k b u n d l i n g , c o n v e y a n c e a n d palletizing systems. The customer received a robust solution, including a high level infeed palletizer b a c k e d b y p r o v e n t e c h n o l o g y, t h a t u s e s s i m p l e a u t o m a t i o n a n d d o e s n o t r e q u i r e a l a r g e t e c h n i c a l staff to operate. Customer Challenge: The customer needed end of line automation as the final piece between their existing upstream automation and automated storage and retrieval system interface with automated guided vehicles. Currie Solution: A single supplier was preferred to provide robotic palletizing, robotic corner board placement, stretch wrapping, poly top sheet dispensing, and RFID labeling of the f u l l p a l l e t l o a d s u p o n e x i t o f t h e s y s t e m . A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e high complexity and required product traceability of the final solution neccessitated an unrivaled robotic integrator that had p r o v i d e d e x t r e m e l y s o p h i s t i c a t e d s o l u t i o n s t o t h i s i n d u s t r y. Currie was proud to provide three systems for the part. Medical Customer ® How will Combo Systems you stretch wrap your palletized load ADVANTAGES All Currie palletizers, robotic and conventional, can be supplied as a combo system where the Currie palletizer and an Orion stretch wrapper are combined in one unit. IMPROVES PRODUCT STABILITY during transitions PLUG AND PLAY compatible so that integration of the palletizer and the stretch wrapper is EASY AND QUICK GUARANTEED performance capability ONE POINT OF CONTACT About Currie C urrie by Brenton, powered by Pro Mach, offers palletizers that come with a proven track record with over 2,000 conventional and robotic installations. The Currie by Brenton full line of palletizing solutions features uncompromising designs which help maximize the reliability and value of your machinery. By offering both conventional and robotic palletizing products, the Currie line of palletizers meet virtually every automated palletizing challenge and bring customers an expanded selection of capabilities, flexibility, throughput, and investment. About Orion O rion Packaging Systems, powered by Pro Mach, designs and manufactures automatic stretch wrappers and semi-automatic pallet wrapping machines. For more than 30 years, Orion has been in the business of protecting our customers’ products. Our goal is to provide the highest quality industrial stretch-wrapping systems in the industry using proven designs, durable materials and high quality components. Ease of Pack Pattern Programming HIGHLIGHTS Currie by Brenton offers customers the ability to select existing pack patterns or program new pack patterns on the HMI, eliminating the need to use an offline computer or to plug in a notebook computer to the palletizer. 2,000+ robotic and conventional palletizer installations Cat 2, 3, or 4 safety features Flexibility to select existing program new pack patterns on the HTML Handles a variety of products from cages to bags to drums Safety designed in, not added on Designs include important safety features, such as a framed guard door package, CAT II or CAT III safety circuits and muting light curtains. CAT II safety is standard on Currie equipment and CAT III safety is optional, meeting the requirements of the most stringent safety programs. FANUC Certified Servicing Integrator Many companies advertise FANUC integration, but only 4%, including Brenton, are Certified Servicing Integrators (CSI). • Master Certified FANUC Technicians • PMMI Certified Trainers A Division of Pro Mach Phone: 320.852.6993 4750 County Road 13 NE E-mail: [email protected] Alexandria, MN 56308 Fax: 320.852.7621
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Global Palletizing Systems Market
Palletizing systems are the equipment that helps in automatic compiling of products on a pallet. A palletizer is basically designed and structured to organize, align and pack various products on a pallet for forwarding of freight. Palletizing and pallet wrapping symbolizes highly useful facets of the end of a packaging line, which is the core function of every industry and indicates the product’s cycle involving multifaceted distribution network and modes of transportation. The techniques and methodology in palletizing differ from manual palletizing to semi-automatic and automatic procedures. The implementation of palletizing varies depending on the requirement by end-users. Over the past few years, more number of advanced automatic and robotic palletizing systems have emerged all over the world. Advancement in technology, requirement to expand speed as well as quality of packaging lines along with changing dynamics of preferences of consumers has fostered the development of more automated and robotic palletizing systems. It has been noticed that, robotics has become an essential part of the packaging domain. The palletizing systems market has grown at a rapid pace over the past few years and is likely to expand at a stupendous CAGR over the next few years.