The Economics of Engine Replacement/Repair for Biodiesel Fuels
The Economics of Engine Replacement/Repair for Biodiesel Fuels
The Economics of Engine Replacement/Repair for Biodiesel Fuels Final Report *’ Nicolas B. C. Ahouissoussi and Michael E. Wetzstein University of Georgia Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics March 1995 This research was partially funded by the Office of Technology, USDA and the National Biodiesel Board EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: The Economics of Engine Replacement/Repair for Biodiesel Fuels CONTRACTOR: National Biodiesel Board, Jefferson City, MO. USDA, Office of Energy PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS Michael E. Wetzstein, Professor Nicolas B. C. Ahouissoussi. Research Assistant OBJECTIVE: The over-all objective of this study was to develop a dynamic control model for determining the present value of operating costs of biodiesel buses and its competitors, diesel, methanol, and compressed natural gas. Accordingly, this analysis aimed at comparing the expected life cycle costs of operating a transit bus fleet fueled with these alternative fuels. RESULTS: A nested fixed point algorithm model was used for estimating marginal operating cost for four fleets fueled with alternative fuels, biodiesel, diesel, methanol, and compressed natural gas. The method assumes that transit authorities have developed a procedure for optimally determining when a bus engine should be rebuilt or replaced. Given this optimal timing, the model estimates what the marginal cost per month should be to obtain this optimal timing. Knowledge of this marginal cost along with information on infrastructure, refueling, and any incremental bus capital costs, allows the comparison of net present value for alternative fueled buses with diesel buses. Such a comparison accounts for not only the explicit cost such as maintenance but also the opportunity cost. including loss of goodwill, associated with bus failure. Assuming a 35 percent blend biodiesel fuel can comply with regulatory emission standards. biodiesel buses at prices at high as $3.00 per gallon are competitive with the other alternative fuels. A constraint on the robustness of these results is the limited data on both number of buses and months of bus operations. Currently, CIFER is collecting additional data, in the form of increased bus numbers and operation length. Analysis of these data will result in a more definitive comparison of these alternative fuels. IMPLICATIONS: This analysis reveals that biodiesel is competitive with CNG/Diesel and methanol fuels. However. it is less competitive compared with petroleum diesel fuel. In the present situation of liquid fuel supply and at current crude oil prices, there is no incentive to find replacements for liquid fossil fuels. There would therefore need to be compelling environmental and socio-economic benefits from conversion of vegetable oil to biodiesel to warrant incentives for promoting biodiesel fuel. These incentives will be necessary to allow the industry to further develop to meet expected demand. as well as to meet the challenge of reducing the cost of producing biodiesel, thus making the fuel more competitive in the commercial marketplace. Biodiesel represents one of the best alternatives as renewable fuel for diesel engines from both the energy and environmental protection aspect. Nevertheless, in the current state, for biodiesel to have a likelihood of controlling a major portion of fuels markets, on-going test program should develop a biodiesel-fueled engine that achieves PM and NOx reductions beyond those attainable from using low-sulfur diesel and catalytic converters in new engines. and/or low sulfur diesel and standard rebuild kits in existing engines. TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH ISSUES AND ORGANIZATION Historical Perspectives of Alternative Fuel Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Research Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Research Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 II OVERVIEW OF MAJOR ALTERNATIVE FUELS IN USE IN THE UNITED STATES Fundamental Characteristics of Alternative Fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaseous Fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alcohol Fuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biofuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Biodiesel Fuel: Background and Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An Evaluation of the Environmental Benefits of Biodiesel . . . . . . . . . . III LITERATURE REVIEW A General Model of Replacement Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Cost Estimation Models and Replacement Analysis . . . . . . . Replacement Cost Minimization Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Cost as a Function of Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Cost as a Function of Cumulative Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Cost as Function of Cumulative Usage and Mechanical Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Economic Replacement Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV 42 47 47 50 53 53 55 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK An Optimal Replacement Model for Bus Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Application of the Nested Fixed Point Algorithm to Bus Engine Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 16 16 21 28 30 35 SOURCE, ASSUMPTIONS, DATA TRANSFORMATION, AND PRELIMINARY RESULTS Data Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Assumntions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 66 1 69 70 Data Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preliminary Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI 78 80 MODEL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 87 Model Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Discounted Operating Cost Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Estimated Versus Actual Present Value of Operating Costs VII SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND POLICY IMPLICATION Summary and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 103 VIII REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 U.S. Heavy Duty Urban Bus Engine Emissions Standards G/HP-HR . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . 7 Table 2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Compressed Natural Gas . . . . . . . . 18 Table 2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Liquefied Petroleum Gas . . . . . . . . 20 Table 2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Table 2.4 Fundamental Advantages and Disadvantages of M-l 00 . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Table 2.5 Fundamental Advantages and Disadvantages of EthanolGasoline Blends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Table 2.6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Electricity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Table 2.7 Exhaust Emissions of Biodiesel Compared to Conventional Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Table 5.1 Characteristics of Buses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Table 5.2 Diesel Bus Cost Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Table 5.3 Methanol Bus Cost Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 75 Table 5.4 CNG Dual Bus Cost Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 76 Table 5.5 Startup Costs and Incremental Fixed Costs for Methanol and Dual CNG/Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Table 5.6 Summary Statistics of Rebuilds . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . . . . . . 81 Table 5.7 Biodiesel Fuel Price for Percentage Blend of 20, 35, 60, and 100 Table 5.8 Fuel Efficiency of Biodiesel Blend Fuels Compared with Diesel Table 5.9 . . . 82 . . . . 83 Monthly Travelled Mileage and Rebuild Cycle . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . 84 J Table 5.10 Actual Average Operating Costs for Diesel, Methanol, CNG/Diesel, and Biodiesel Buses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘86 Table 6.1 Marginal Cost Estimation Results for Diesel, Methanol, and CNG/Diesel Buses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Table 6.2 Monthly Estimated Diesel Bus Cost for a Replacement Cycle . . . . . . 91 Table 6.3 Monthly Estimated Biodiesel Bus Cost for a Replacement Cycle with Biodiesel Fuel Price of $1.75 per gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Table 6.4 Monthly Estimated Biodiesei Bus Cost for a Replacement Cycle with Biodiesel Fuel Price of $2.50 per gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Table 6.5 Monthly Estimated Biodiesel Bus Cost for a Replacement Cycle with Biodiesel Fuel Price of $3.00 per gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Table 6.6 Monthly Estimated Methanol Bus for a Replacement Cycle . . . . . . . . 95 Table 6.7 Monthly Estimated CNG/Diesel Operating Cost for a Replacement Cycle with Fuel Prices of $0.352. $0.3975, and 0.443 per gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Table 6.8 Present Value per Mile of Estimated Operating Costs Over a 30 Year Life Cycle With Discount Rates of Zero, Five, and Seven Percent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Table 6.9 Present Value of Actual and Estimated Total Operating Costs Over a 30 Year Life Cycle With Discount Rate of Five Percent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 The Self-Replacement Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Figure 2. The Self-Replacement Solution for a Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 INIRoDucIIm, REsE4RcHIssuE;s AND ORGANIzAmm As the world chugged toward the 20th century, nations measured progress in terms of smokestacks. Smoke-belching steam engines powered weaving looms, ships at sea, trains. even automobiles. People accepted air pollution as the price of progress (Biodiesel information Kit). But times have changed There is a new understanding of the impact airborne pollutants have on human health and the environment. Though new laws are mandating cleaner air through reduced vehicle emissions and cleaner burning tiels. As America rises to meet the clean air challenge, a new fuel for diesel engines is emerging. Also, at present, known reserves of crude oil sum to 1,006.8 billion barrels. portioned out into MiddIe Eusl661.8; Lain America 123.8; Aftica 61.9; Former USSR 59.2; Asia and Australia 44.6; North America 39.7; and Europe 15.8. Crude oil production is currently 23.6 billion barrels per year, thus known reserves assuming the same rate of usage will last 42.6 years. New fmds of oil continue to occur in the world and without doubt major new discoveries will be obtained in the future. However, exploration is progressively moving to more geqraphically hostile environments such as Siberia and the Falkands (Walker and Korbitz). In addition, as lmown reserves are progressively realized the financial cost of achieving higher recovery rates from these sources increases steadily. The resource cost of obtaining oil from these diffic$ environments is also likely to increase. An energy balance of 5: 1 for mineral oil 1 I 2 production was quoted in 1981 figures, but this is likely to progessively decline. &ainst this however, is the continued advance of technology and better depletion levels. Nevertheless it is without doubt that world reserves are &rite and that unless there is a major change in the assessment of world reserves the M&Ye Eust will occupy a progressively important and dominant role in the supply of world energy. The current world recession has seen oil prices fall to historically low levels in real terms. It is difficult to foresee that this will not change. Consequently, there is a progressively important requisite to develop technologies which not only reduce the KS dependence on these finite politically sensitive resources, but also contribute significantly to air pollution reduction. Two main factors are driving demand for alternative fuels. Necessily for a - hi~ti0f~~ Six major types of air pollutants in American metropolitan areas comprise carbon monoxide, volatile opnic compou~ (reactive hydrocarbons), nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, led andparticulate contribute [email protected] mater. Emissions from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles to five of the six sources of poIlution, causing on average approximately 90% of the carbon monoxide pollution, 30% of the lead, 50% of the volatile organic compound and 50% of nitrogen oxides, which in turn combine to form roughly 50% of the photochemical oxidants, including harmful ozone (MVIv& 1988). Diesel powered vehicles are also a substantial contributor to particulate pollution. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a by-product of incomplete fuel combustion. Colorless, odorless and tasteless, it is asphyxiant and displaces oxygen in the respiratory system The air qua&y monitoring data (1987-89) identified 41 metropolitan areas where CO exceeded National Ambient Air Qua&v StanaL& (h!AAQS) (Ritchey et al., 1990). Vehicles contribute on average 90% of the CO in the atmosphere. Reactive kyzhzbon / and nitrogen oxides are corrosive gases which react in the atmosphere with other substances to form photochemical oxidants including the most 3 popular ozone. Photochemical oxidants are the major component of smog; they cause respiratory and eye irritation and lachrymation, contribute to many respiratory malignancies and cause damage to important crops and other vegetation. The air quality monitoring data (1987-89) identified 96 urban areas where ozone exceeded NAAQS, and nine other areas were designed “extreme.” Lea2 is a cumulative toxin which afEcts children. Lead pollution Tom introdnction the nervous system especially in the atmosphere has declined significantly since the of lead-&x gasoline; however, automobiles still contribute over 30% of the atmospheric lead pollution (m 1988). Purticulate matter is suspended particles which float or drift in the atmosphere similar to dust and pollen. Several types of particulate are poisonous to human health. Vehicles, primarily diesel engines are thought to contribute 16% or more of the particulate pollution in metropolitan areas (MVMA, 1988). The 1990 Clean Air Act and amendments require both mobile (principally automotive) and stationary sources of pollutants to progessively reduce emissions over the next decade. Emissions from alternative fuel powered en_@nes consistently show lower emissions of reactive hydrocarbons. carbon monoxide and particulate matter than gasoline or diesel eqties. For example, NSDB reported that biodiesel used in a IO/80 blend with petroleum diesel? along with a catalytic converter, reduces diesel e@ne air pollution. !g&3carbon Reductions include purticulate mater 3 I%-cwbon monoxide 2.1% and total 47%. Concern -for Reliable Sowre of Bergy Supp& The United States and Canada hold only 4% of the world’s proven crude oil reserves; the Middle East controls 70%. The United States imports a large portion of the crude oil it consumes from OPEC nations. Sudden and siktificant disruptions of availability have occurred three times in the past two decades. 4 Since 1973. the nations of the Orgmization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have reduced oil’s share of total energy consumption by 10 percentage points from 55% to 45Y4 however, the United States, clue to its oil dependent transportation industry, has reduced oil’s share of total energy consumption by only 2% from 44% to 42% (Anderson). Transportation activities accounted for 28% of all KY. enerGgy supply use in 1987; more than 97% of this energy was in petroleum products. Moreover, 63% of all petroleum is used directly for transportation. Thus, the development of alternative fuels will help to reduce significantly the dependency and help secure energy supply in the United States. l!Estitical Petspedives of Altemative Fuel Developmnt “Alternative fuel” is a generic term commonly used to describe a fuel that is not made from crude oil. Alternative. nonpetroleum motor fuels have been known and occasionally used since the introduction of motor vehicles more than a century To. However. they have not benefited Corn the intensive research and development efforts that have produced the highly evolved, petroleum-fueled modern motor vehicle. Scientific investigation of alternative motor fuels was rekindled in the late 1960’s by concern in academia and government over the growing problem of urban air quality. This interest declined as provisional solutions were found through technical modifications to conventional vehicles that lessened new vehicle emissions levels. Although the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1970 established a federal requirement for elimkting urban air pollution on an expedited agenda, over twenty years later it is generally recognized that air pollution remains a persistent problem in many areas and that emissions from gasoline-fueled motor vehicles contribute significantly to violations of the National Ambient Air @a&y Stanuhd~ (NAAQS). 5 In recent years, the concern of reducing air pollution in many areas of the KS. was the main reason that regulators and environmentalists advocated the replacement of gasoline and diesel fuel with alternative fuels. The energy supply and price shocks of the 1970’s added another stimulus for alternative fuels, stemming fkom a desire of diminishing dependence on imported petroleum Also, with the conflict in the Persiun Gz& there is a renewed sense of urgency in using alternative fkels for reducing LW. dependency on oil. Research initiated by the Environmental Protection Agency @?A) and continued by the Enew Resemch and Development Adninistralion (and subsequently the Department ofEnew) aimed at establishing the foundation of technical information for development of the options for displacing petroleum fuels (Exxon Research, 1974; Institute of Gas TechnoloB, 1974). Repeatedly, however, the major policy implemented in reducing dependence on the foreign oil cakd for [email protected] improvements to light-duty vehicle fuel economy, rather than alternative fuels. However, refinements to conventional petroleum-fueled vehicles have been incapable of eliminating air-quality and oil-dependency problems. In spite of significant reductions in emissions Corn conventionally fueled vehicles, achieved mainly by technical advances in fuel injection. computerized er@ne control, and the three-way catalytic converter. several areas of the Nation failed to achieve National Ambient Air Qua/in/ Stmhd~ (U.S. DOE 1992). Moreover. in the absence of new policy initiatives, US. oil consumption is expected to increase by 20% over the next 20 years, reaching 20.1 million barrels per day in 2010 (EIq 1992). With twc&irds of the world’s confirmed reserves and an increasingly large share of world oil production concentrated in the Pemian Gulf region, the economic. environmental. and energy security implications of this scenario deserve thorough attention. Generally, various models of policies are useful in dealing with conassociated with these overlapped trends in oil use. For instance, energy security can be xklressed through the procurement of strategic petroleum reserves, enhanced policy 6 coordination with other reserve-holding nations, a reduction in the geographic concentration of world oil production, increased domestic oil production, reduced domestic oil consumption, and prominent flexibility in domestic energy markets, each of which can serve in reducing both the likelihood and the repercussions of future oil price shocks. A counterbalanced approach will necessarily consist of a combination of these different policies. However, the important role of reductions in oil use and the fact that the transportation sector accounts for twc4irds of US. consumption suggest the necessity of giving chiefly regard to measures with the potential of cost-effectively reducing the use of petroleum-based motor fuels. Alternative motor fuels can make a major contribution toward reducing petroleum use in the transportation sector. Some alternative fuels can be produced domestically; their use represents, to a considerable extent, a substitution of domestic fuel for imported petroleum Reseamh Issues Despite the demonstrated and anticipated reductions in emissions from gasolinefieled vehicles. motor vehicle emissions are projected to remain a significant contributor to air pollution (Gordon and Austin). This is one of the reasons that there has been considerable interest in reducing emissions through the use of alternative fuels. Subjugated to the Clean Air Act of 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established Nadond Arnhem Air Quality St&ds for six pollutants; carbon monoxide, inhddde particuhes, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, suIfirr oxides, ad lead These standards reported in Table 1.2 for heavy duty urban buses in grams per horsepower hour resulted in progams designed for lessening emissions of these pollutants. J Because ozone is the product of complex chemical reactions involving volatile organic compounds (VK’), nitrogen oxides (A%), and sunlight, programs also were 7 T’e 1.1. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 U.S. Heavy Duty Urban Bus En-&e Emission Standards G/HP-HR 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 Carbon Monoxide 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 Oxides of Nitrogen 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.0 Particulate Matter 0.25 0.10 0.05’ 0.05l Hydrocarbon ’ Administration may relax particulate standard to 0.07 if 0.05 is determined not to be technologically achievable. 8 initiated for reducing VK. Since 1970, no nattainment of certain national ambient air quality standards has led to different alternative vehicle and fuel proposals during the debate on Clean Air Act Amenakzents. This resulted in a phased-in adoption of clean tieI vehicles under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amenakzents and the National Enepp Sttategy. Clean fuel vehicles are defined by their capability to meet non-fuel specific emission ,standards that are more stringent than the basic Federal emission standards. Although extensive interest during the last past decade of research centered upon ethanol and methanol processing technologies and policies, more recent research emphasized the potential of plant oils as diesel tie1 extenders or replacements (Gavett: McIntosh et ~2.). Alternative fuel vehicles including biodiesel fLels may offer emission benefits over conventional vehicles, and thus, partially supplant current vehicle fuels in obtaining emission standards. Federal reG&atory policies resulting from implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the N&o& Enerp Policy Act WEPA) will encourqe the adoption and use of alternative fuel vehicles and associated technologies. This is particularly true for the urban bus market where recent Environmental Protection Agency regulatory activities are aimed at reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds, (VOC), nitrogen oxide (NOX), and particulate matter (PM) as a means of controlling urban ozone. Recently, there has been a strong view that biodiesel is one alternative tieI with a great promise. Nevertheless. a number of other alternative fuels. including compressed natural gas (CNG) and methanol, will be competing with biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel is a clean-burning, renewable. non-toxic, biodegradable and environmentally friendly transportation fuel that can be used neat or in blend with petroleum-derived diesel (Holmberg et u/.). Interest in biodiesel has increased because advanced agricultural practices and changing dietary habits in the United States haye reduced the price received for biodiesel feedstocks. Increased dietary use of lighter, more unsaturated vegetable oil is leading to lower demand for saturated oils and fats in human 9 and animal feeds, enhancing the availability of a range of animal fats and vegetable oils for conversion into biodiesel. Biodiesei blended with diesel is positioned to reduce signific.antIy emissions of particukttes, carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. With a slight engine timing modification, emissions of oxides of nitrogen (fVa> can also be reduced One promising crop for biodiesel fuel is soybean; because soybeans are legumes and their production and use are part of the natural carbon cycle, biodiesel is one of the best fi.te1.s at stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions. When soybean farmer.5 practice sustainable agriculture such as no till/minimum till, the soil becomes a carbon “sink” (it builds up organic matter) which puts biodiesel at the top of the fuels list in terms of stabilizing the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Merrill, 1993). Compressed natum? gar (CNG) is one of the fuels viewed as potentially meeting tighter vehicle emission requirements designed to bring many areas into attainment of national ambient air quality standards. Extracted f?om underground reservoirs, natural gas is a fossil fuel composed primarily of methane, along with other hydrocarbons such as ethane, propane. butane. and inert gas such as carbon dioxide. nitrogen and helium (Development and Communication O&e). Interest in using natural gas as a transportation fuel has increased in recent years, particularly in urban areas because it offers the potentkl for reducing exhaust emissions and the US. has large resources of natural gas. so that this fuel can help to reduce dependence on fore&n oil at a competitive cost. Ahethanol is another alternative fuel that can be produced from domestic resources, both fossil and renewable. It can be used in neat ( 100%) form as a gasoline substitute or in a blend with gasoline, commonly as A485 (85% methanol, 15% gasoline). The majority of the methanol prochced in the United Sides is from natural gas resources. Other feeds for methanol production include coal. residual oil, and biomass. / Regulatory policies place the biodiesel fuel industry at a critical junction. Fti and government agencies promoting biodiesel fuel have the opportunity to initiate 10 programs, which can significantly influence the adoption of biodiesel fuel. ConventionaI economic theory states that the rate and degee of alternative fire1 adoption, by transit system will depend on their comparative competitiveness. With the competitive markets, the fuel which is most economically feasible will dominate its competitors. However, in general this is not how economic systems work. For example, the VCR market started out with two competing formats selling at about the same price, VHS and Beta. Similar to alternative fuels each VCR format could realize increasing retums to size. Large numbers of VHS recorders would encourage video outlets to stock more prerecorded tapes in VHS format thereby enhancing the value of owning a VHS recorder and leading more consumers to buy the VHS format. lhe same would be true for the Beta format. Thus, a small gain in the market share would improve the competitive position of one system and help it further increase its lead. Such a market, including alternative fuels, is initially unstable. It would be impossible at the outset to predict which one system or fuel would survive. However. by some small event one system will experience a relative greater increase in sales. Increased production results in more experience in the processing of the commodity which lowers the costs of production. Thus. depending on some event. alternative equilibrium solutions are possible. A new line of economic theory called positive feedback economics is designed to explain this type of new technology adoption. Positive feedback economics finds its parallels in modem nonlinear physics. Ferromagnetic materials, spin glasses, solid state l==s and 0th~~ physical systems that consist of mutually reinforcing elements show the same properties as the VCR example, and the potential market for alternative fuels. They phased lock into one of many possible configurations. Small perturbations at critical times influence which outcome is selected, and the chosen outcome may be less thaw optimal. , The current state of biodiesel fuel is at such a critical time. A small policy change 11 by government or product promotion by industry may determine which alternative fkels will be adopted to a large extent. Assuming all alternative fuels have the potential of improving air quality as regulated by EPA, firms and govemmental agencies promoting biodiesel tie1 have an opportunity for initiating the small perturbation, and thus, significantly influencing the adoption of biodiesel fuel. However: such promotion requires tiormation on the performance of alternative fuels. Such information can then be used for determining the expected operating costs, and accordingly the expected replacementkpair programs for these alternative fkels. For example, evidence suggests that alcohol fuels may be more corrosive than current fkels, and thus, lead to more tiequent overhauls and replacements. Unfortunately, data necessary for such an analysis are fkqynented and dispersed- Primary information on alternative fuel technologies in urban buses was collected as part of various demonstration projects sponsored by the Federal Trait Adninistmtion as authorized by the Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988. Nevertheless, a data set based on this information for analysis of life-cycle operating costs and conceivably optimal engine replacementkpair has not been constructed. This data set cannot solely consist of information on either initial start-up costs of an alternative tie1 or the expected cost per unit of a fuel. Instead, for urban mass transit systems, information on safety, emissions. maintenance costs, and fuel economy of a fleet of vehicles using a particular alternative fuel is required throughout their life. An estimation of life-cycle operating costs and possibly an optimal schedule for maintenance, rebuilding, and replacement of an engine can then be determined, by dyamic COII~IO~ techniques, for a particular Abel under &x-native possible EPA re_@ations and other governmental policies. The comparative advantage of one fkei over another is then determined by calculating the discounted net present value of benefits and costs for the optimal schedule associated with each alternative fuel and policy option. 1 12 Reseamh Objectives Biodiesel has a promising future in the united States. Recent environmental and energy legislation has opened the market for this clean burning, non-toxic, biodegradable fuel. However, this same le@slation controls access to that market, requiring extensive testing and demonstrations for verifying pe15ormance and emission reductions compared to clean diesel. The Abtional SoyDiesel Development Bawd (NSDB) is funding the engine and fuel testing necessary to achieve WA recognition as a cleaner-burning fuel. This study is a subset of a much broader economic and technical comparative analysis being carried out on biodiesel fi.rel for its promotion. The over-all purpose of this study is to develop a dynamic control model for determining the net present value of operating costs of biodiesel he1 and its competitors, diesel, CNG, and methmol, based on a particular set of policy options. Consequently, this analysis aims at comparing the expected total life-cycle costs of operating a transit bus fleet fueled with the different alternative fuels. The costs considered are all applicable capital and operating costs. These costs are normally borne by the transit property, i.e., the entity facing the bus purchase decision. The diesel en&tie has played a significant role in powering urban buses for the last 50 years and these diesel eqgine powered urban buses have provided service to every major municipality in the United Stales. Because these buses smoked and emitted an odor. they came under regulatory attention in the 1960s and had their emissions hrst re_dated by the US. EPA in 1974. The Clean Air Act Ame&ents of 199() further regulated urban buses--specifically differentiated fiorn inter-city coaches and heavy-duty trucks. It is anticipated that by the year 2002, all buses operating in large metropolitan areas would use alternative fuels. Therefore, urban buses are the focus of this study., Specific objectives include: 1. Assembly and construction of a data set detailing the safety, emissions, and , 13 tie1 economy based upon traveled mileages and associated costs of a fleet of transit buses using each alternative fuel This data set will contain the current level of knowledge existing on engine rep1 acement and repair for alternative fkel technologies. 2. Based on this current knowledge an optimal control model for engine replacement, repair, and operating costs for diesel, biodiesel, CNG, and methanol will be developed. 3. This model will reveal potential competitiveness of diesel, biodiesel carpred with CNG, and methunol under alternative policies. Mbrmation f?om this analysis will aid in the development of policy and programs which can significantly influence the adoption of bioa!iesel fkel. The first task in this analysis will be accomplished using primary data collected by the Colormlo Imtitute for Fuels aud High Altitude Engine Research (CIm). CSER as part of its commitment in this project is collecting data on the performance of fleets of buses tieled with biodiesel, CNG, methunol and diesel. With respect to the second specific objective. a stochastic dynamic progr amming model of bus engine rebuilding will be developed assuming that CIFER’s decisions of bus engine rebuilding coincide with a strategy which indicates whether or not to rebuild the current engine each period as a function of observed and unobserved state variables. This model will formalize the tradeoff between the cordlkting objectives of r&irking maintenance costs versus minimizing unexpected engine failures. Finally, based upon results from the econometric estimation of operating costs, the competitiveness of these different alternative fkels will be determined by calculating tJe net present value of total life-cycle operating costs. Different sets of policy alternatives including re&atory or tax incentives will be discussed in combination with the relative 14 air pollution benefits of each altemative fuel. Currently, only methanol and CNG have benefited some incentives from the U.S. government for their promotion. Sensitivity of the results to changes in technological parameters will also be discussed The remainder of this dissertation is organized into five chapters. Chapter II presents an overview of the main different altemative fuels along with their fundamental and air pollution characteristics. The literature review comprises chapter III. Methodology is examined in chapter IV, including a discussion of operating costs estimation, along with the mechanics of data collection. Chapter V includes results, analysis and implications for bus transit systems. Topics for fkrther research, limitations, and conclusions will be presented in the final chapter. OLWWIEWOFMAJoRAL~A~FUELS lNUSEINlHEUNITWSTATf!S The Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988 (WA) was created to help achieve energy security, improve air quality, and foster the production of methanol, ethanol, and natural gas powered motor vehicles by encouraging, the development and widespread consumer use of methanol, ethanol, and natural gas as transportation fuels (U.S. DO& 1992). AMFA seeks to help transportation f%els to carry over the threshold level of commercial application and consumer acceptability at which they can successfully compete with petroleum-based transportation fLels. Initiatives that emerged include increased Federal support to States and localities for advancing the use of alternative fuels. increased research and development on electric vehicles and advanced biofLels technology. In concert with the support of research and development programs for developing en&ties that can use alternative tieis. Federal support can help to improve the understanding of the fuels, reduce the cost of producing the f%els, and address legitimate market barriers that hamper the penetration of cost-competitive fuels into the marketplace. The hMmu/ Energy Smegy (Ii%S,, is expected to accelerate the introduction of alternative fuels between 1995 and 2010 (U.S. DOE 1992). This chapter reassesses the status of several important alternative-fuel technologies. The review covers the status of gaseous fuels (including natural gas. liquefied petroleum / gases and hydrogen), alcohol fuels including (methanol and ethanol), and electricity 15 16 (including battery-electric vehicles). Biofhels and biodiesel production issues cut across fuel types and are treated separately. FU&UHX&I charactetitics of Alternative Fwls Despite environmental and energy supply shortcomings, petroleum-meled internal combustion engines have given alternative fuels stringent competition at every turn. Because the technology of conventional petroleum fuels and vehicles is so highly developed and continues to improve, research and development efforts to ameliorate alternative fuels and alternative-fuel vehicles (AIT) is acute to developing alternative technologies that meet both the needs of society and the consurner. Every alternative fuel has advantages and disadvantages in comparison with existing vehicles. Some disadvantages, such as higher costs. may be worked out by achieving economies to size via the mass production of alternative vehicles and fuels. Some weaknesses of alternative mels will necessitate technological solutions, while others. such as lower energy densities, will remain shortcomings that must be counterbalanced by others unique benefits. The principal gaseous fuels under consideration as motor fuels are natural gas; liquefied petroleum gas; and hydrogen. Because petroleum fuels are under normal ambient conditions. there are greater differences between the technology required for gaseous motor fuels and conventional technology than there are for other liquid alternative fhels. These differences include mainly refireling the combustion chamber. on-board storage, and fuel delivery to 1 17 Niztwd Gus Natural gas composed essenti~y of methane, is virtually United St&es. omnipresent in the Natural gas must be compressed to 140 to 220 atmospheres (atrn) or stored cryogenicdy to achieve suf%icient energy density for practical on-board storage as a motor-vehicle tie1 (Owen and Coley, 1990). Even with compression to 220 atm compressed natural gas (CNG) has an energy density only one-fifth that of gasoline on a volumetric basis. Vehicle refueling with CNG is entirely different from retieling with gasoline or diesel fuel. Retieling is extremely important to CNG vehicles because the low energy density limits vehicle range to 80 to 200 miles, depending on the number of storage cylinders and the storage pressure. Natural gas is an excellent fuel for spark-ignition engines but cannot be used in unmodified compression-ignition engines because of its very low Wane number. The conversion of gasoline to dual-tie1 CNGlgasoline operation is a proven technoloo, and dual-fuel CNG vehicles have been proven to operate properly with fewer overall maintenance problems. Their weaknesses include mainly reduced pe15oxmance due the fact that natural gas displaces air in the cylinder; limited driving range because of their lower energy density; and loss of storage space. owing to the need for separate fuel systems and the bulkiness of the cylindrical tanks presently used in conversion technolo~q. Natural gas is a relatively clean transportation fuel as compared with gasoline, and diesel. The possible exception is nitrous oxide (NO), emissions which are believed manageable with known emission control technology. It has possible reduced maintenance costs. Although not yet well established. most reports indicate lower maintenance costs with CNG. This is attributed to the cleaner and more complete burning that occurs due to its chemical nature and relatively simple composition compared wii gasoline or diesel. Characteristics of CNG are summa&ed in Table 2.1. , 18 TaMe 2.1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Advantages Lhadvantages (1) Relatively low cost compared with other fuels. (1)~bestoredintankathighpressureor under cryogenic conditions. When stored as high pressure gas. the tank takes space in the vehicle and has low energy density of storage relative to diesel (2) CNG vehicles do not require the fuel/air ratio to be enriched during warming because as a gas it mixes very well witb air at low temperatures. (2) Relatively high volumetric fuel-air ratio reduces engine air consumption by about loo/, thereby reducing peak power unless there are compenming changes in compression ratio or boost. (3) Evaporative emissions am no problem with CNG because as a high pressure gas: all connections are very tight. (3) Relatively high cost of converting existing vehicles. (4) Unburned fuel emissions have verv low photochemical reactivity. (4) Added weight of tankage reduces vehicle caqing capacity. (5) Very high octane number and high lean flame ignition limit. 19 LiqwJ%d P~hn GaY Liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) are mixtures of propane and butane in which propane usually predominates. For example, when used as a motor tieI, LB3 contains at least 97.5 percent propane (Owen and Coley, 1990). Propane is mainly produced as a byproduct of natural gas processing. Unlike natural gas, it can be stored as a liquid under modest pressure. For use as a transportation fuel, it is stored in liquid form offkring a volumetric energy density of 75 to 80 percent of that of gasoline. Ekcause of its handling propane refueling and on-board storage are less difficult than for natural gas. It has a higher octane number; excellent cold-starting characteristics; it burns cleaner than gasoline, and is very low in sulfk Like natural gas, propane faces several comparable challenges, but its differences with gasoline are moderate. The technology for converting diesel engine to dual-fuel operation on propane compromises some of the superior characteristics of propane fuel. The need for dual-fuel systems adds complexity and costs and sacrifices storage space. Improvements in tank design and cost reductions would benefit the economics of propane vehicles. About 70% of LEG supply is fi-om natural gas operations and the remainder fkom crude oil operations. Its use will displace crude oil to some extent. However, it has limited availability. As CNG use increases. the availability of LE will increase. LE is a cleaner fkel than gasoline or diesel. However, relatively little emissions testing has been done with LFG conversions, and significant variations can result Tom improper installations or adjustments. LK has some capability for ozone reduction due to lower volatile organic compounds (Yoc) and possible reductions of nitrogen oxide (N(k) (Radian, 1989). There is a significant reduction in carbon monoxide and, when used to replace diesel fuel, LPI; has significant particulate matter (PM) emissions reductions (Radian 1989). The advantages and disadvantages of LE are listed in Tab& 2.2. 20 Table 2.2. Advantages and Disadvm~es Advantages of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (L&J Disadvantages (1) Unburned fuel emissions are low in photochemical reactivity. (1) Availability. Propane is recovered from natural gas (about 70%) and the remainder from crude oil. ‘Ihe availability may be the limiting f&tor for its use. As nahual gas use increases, the availabili~ of JTG will also increase. (2) Evapoxative emissions are eliminated by pressurized fuel system (2) Added fuel tanks. LPG fuel tanks are needed for dual operations. (3) Liquid over ambient tempemture range in pressurized container. (3) Relatively high cost of converting existing vehicles and conversion equipment. (4) Like methane. it does not have to be driven hei rich during warmup. (5) High octane (over 100). Hydrogen is a gas rarely found by itself in nature, but ofkn occurrhg in combination with other elements. There has been considerable interest in the past in a hydrogen economy. L&e natural gas, hydrogen is gaseous under the full range of ambient temperatures. With the same pressure, volume and temperature, hydrogen has only l/3 the energy density of CNG. It is the cleanest burning fuel along with electricity (Gordon and Austin). The products of hydrogen combustion are only water, hydrogen and nitrogen oxide. If the combustion chamber is rich burning the nitrogen oxide may be reduced to meet exhaust standards, although mileage would be lost. Aside from its relatively low energy density, hydrogen is expensive. Hydrogen is the fuel which powered the L?S. space vehicles and is attractive because of its high energy conversion efficiency, low emission characteristics, and the fact that it can be produced f?om water. Unfortunately, the high cost combined with the low energy density and storage problem have resulted in little interest in hydrogen as a replacement for conventional fuel in the foreseeable fkture. Its advantages and disadvantages are listed in Table 2.3. Alcohol F&T Alcohol fkels, which are liquids at ambient temperatures and atmospheric pressure, also have energy densities one-half (methanol) to twc&irds (ethanol) that of diesel. Their higher octane ratings and higher heats of vaporization allow engines designed for alcohol fLels to produce. more power than engines of equal size optimized for gasoline. Alcohol tiels also have superior emissions properties. Their evaporative emissions contribute less to smog formation and because they contain oxygen they tend to reduce the formation of carbon monoxide in exhaust emissions. The relatively low vapor pressures and hi@ latent heats of vaporization of neat alcohol fuels lead to poor volatility and thus coldstarting and warm-up problems. 22 Table 2.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrogen Advantages Disadvantages (1) Unburned fuel emissions do not contribute to ozone formation. (1) Present processes for making hydrogen arc (a) producing carbon monoside and using later gas shift with a catalyst. The process is expensive and it uses fossil fuels as reactants. (b) Electrolyis. f%pensive. Depends on fkel for production of electricity. (2) High octane (over 100) (2) One third the energy den&y at the same pressure, volume and tempexature as methane. (3) Excellent lean limit ignition permitting high compression and excess air in chamber. (3) Any developments of hydrogen technology from electrolysis. especially by thin film solar cells are farinthe fkturc. 23 However, these problems are avoided by the addition of a volatile primer usually gasoline in amounts of about 15 percent. I?xperiene in designing and mass producing neat and near-neat alcohol vehicles. together with technological advances in systems, lead to the development of flexible fuel vehicles (Fn’), which permits the use of either methyl or ethyl alcohol fuels or gasoline in any mixture (J.E. Sinor, 1992). A major advantage of KV’s over dual-fuel vehicles is that in F3;y the fuels share the same fuel systerq elirni&ng the complexity, weight, and space requirements of dual systems. However, a drawback of the FF’V is that the emissions advantages of neat methanol and ethanol are seriously compromised by the addition of even 15 percent gasoline. The two major alcohol fuels in use in the United States are methanol and ethanol. Methanol commonly called wood alcohol, because it was or&ally made by pyrolysis of wood is a colorless liquid. It bums in air with an almost colorless flame. It forms practically no soot when substituted for diesel fire1 in a modified bus engine. Required modifications for ensurin g materials compatibility and higher fuel delivery rates include methanol-tolerant, higher volume fuel injectors and some form of ignition assistance. Disadvantages include poor cold starting. The vapor space in a container of pure methanol (M-100) is explosive in the ambient temperature range. Therefore, vehicles’ fuel tanks of A4ZOO would have to be inerted to prevent an external ignition source from propagating a flame into the fuel tank. A large spill of M-IO0 or M-85 could contaminate an aquifer, making the water non-potable until it is thoroughly flushed. The use of 15 percent gasoline in the methanol increases the vapor pressure of the / fuel which eliminates the cold start problem and the fuel tank vapor is no longer in the explosive range at normal ambient temperatures. However, the addition of gasoline 24 presents some disadvantages. The exhaust contains not only methanol and formaldehyde. but unburned carbon and hydrogen. The evaporative and running losses are not significantly reduced and include both methanol and gasoline vapor. Methanol is toxic in relatively smaIl doses and can be absorbed by skin contact. Since it has little taste or odor, methanol as M-100 presents a health and safety concern for use by the general public. Ekcause, MI00 burns with no visible flame. it is considered a moderate safety risk, but still less than that of gasoline (Radian, 1989). There is an increased danger of accidents with methanol since twice the volume would need to be transported as compared with gasoline. OveraIl, methanol is a less polluting fuel than gasoline or diesel. For controlled emissions, findings are mixed, with US General Accounting office (GAO) reporting NOX emissions similar to gasoline and KS. Depamnent of Eneqp @OEJ reporting lowered NOX levels. It is believed that reduced hydrocarbon (HZ) emissions from alcohol fuel coupled with reduced NOX emissions (possibly from cooler combustion temperatures) will reduce ozone formation (Sperhng). In diesel applications. methanol eliminates most of the particulate emission problem of diesel fuel and substantiahy reduces N0x emissions. Methanol is currently made from natural gas and it is probable to be made from this same raw materiaI in the foreseeable future. The worlds proven reserves of natural gas ax-e very large approaching those of crude oil. Unfortunately, the United Stale.7 only has 5% of the world proven natural gas reserves, while the former Soviet Union and Irm7 have the primary proven reserves, 38% and 12.5%respectively (Gordon and Austin). The essential advantages and disadvantages of M-100 are summarized in Table 2.4. Ethanol from biomass, a liquid fuel Ii-om renewable, virtuahy inexhaustib$ domestic resources is a nonfossil transportation fuel contributing no net carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. It is a potentiahy clean-burning fuel that reduces air pollution 25 Table 2.4. Fundamental Advantages and Disadvantages of MI00 Disadvantages (1) Produces no soot: mainly advantageous in compression ignition engines. (1) Infinitely soluble in water demands that underground storage tanks be n-ee of wxer contamination from internal or eszernal source (2) High octane rating (2) Attacks many gasket materials as well as some metal and alloys such as protective inner layer of gasoline fuel tank. (3) lkellent lean ignition (3) Bums with colorless flame in daylight. increasing risk for occupants during vehicle fires (4) Low vapor pressure relative to gasoline should (4) Potentially hard cold starting due to low fuel reduce evaporative and running loss emissions. volatiliq. (5) Unburned fuel emissions are low photochemical reactivity. (6) Can be produced from U.S. natural (5) Incomplete combustion produces formaldehyde. which has higher photochemical reactivity than unburned gasoline. gas or coal. (6) Methanol-air mixtures arc explosive over some of the ambient temperature range. (7) Low emission levels. (7) Extimelp toxic compound by either skin absorption or by ingestion. Large spills can contaminate aquifers. (8) Can be used as additive or fuel to reduce dependency on imported petroleum products. (8) Only has half the energy density of gasoline thereby reducing vehicle range per gailon of fuel tank capacity. 26 problems such as smog and carbon monoxide, and can be used as a blend or as a pure with good efficiency. In the United States ethanol is prodnced mainly fiorn corn which is also valuable as food and feed crop. Efforts have been made to develop an ethanol feedstock from celhrlosic biomass, herbaceous and woody plants agricultural and forest residues, and municipal solid waste. These cellulosic materials can provide an abundant and inexpensive source for ethanol. Materials compatibility is less of a concern than for methanol. The United States corn ethanol industry is a subsidized, high cost, trade protected, limited scale industry; unable to compete in fi-ee markets or to efficiently supply new fuel demands of clean air leg&rtion (Rask et a%). Significant advantages and disadvantages of ethanol-gasoline blends are summarized in Table 2.5. l3ectricity Electric vehicles (Ws) are powered by electric motors operated from rechargeable batteries carried on the vehicles. Ws are quiet and easy to operate. Depending upon the source of fuel for electricity for recharging the batteries, Ws can produce less emissions than other fuels. Electricity is mostly generated f?om non-crude oil fuels. As a result there will be a substantial BTU displacement of crude oil by electric vehicles. The only common emissions that are directly from electric vehicles (EVs) are low levels of hydrogen emitted during pack recharging. Emissions estimates for Ws o&n include estimates of the original power source emissions. Improved batteries are the key to more general axeptance of electric vehicles. The drawbacks of the present lead acid batteries include relatively smaIl number of duty cycles of charge-discharge before needing to be replaced: and relatively small energy density. The major limitations are relatively low travel mileage distance with the present battery pack before recharge is necessary; low energy density; long recharging time; and 27 Table 2.5. Fundamental Advantages and Disadva~~tages of Ethanol-Gasoline Blends (1) Ethanol has an octane rating over 100, so the octane mting of the blend is increased over that of unleaded straight nm gasoline. (1) To encourage the use of grain ethanol. both state and federal taxes on the fuel are xkved. (2) Because ethanol is partially oxidized for any given fuel-air rnixhne there will be less carbon monoxide in the exhaust. (2) Ethanol has a much smaller BTU/gallon than gasoline. (3) Ethanol addition to gasoline increases fuel vapor, which may lead to higher evaporative emissions. (4) Like methanol. ethanol-air mixtures form explosive mixtures in the ambient temperarure range. 28 the need of replacing the expensive battery pack. Energy on a volumetric basis ranges from about 1 percent of that of gasoline for lead-acid batteries up to 2 percent for advanced sodium-sulfur batteries. Mer 20 years of federally sponsored research and significant advanced battery technology, marketable W technology is still dependent on the lead-battery. Because limited range and long recharging time are the chiefs obstacles to marketability of batterypowered W, fuel cells (electrochemical devices that combine oxygen and hydrogen and convert the chemical into electricity) or fuel cell-battery hybrids provide an attractive possibility (U.S. DOE, 1992). The chief attraction of fuel cells are their potential for zero emissions and their theoretically higher energy conversion efficiency, nearly twice of that of internal combustion engines. The advantages and disadvantages of electricity are noted in Table 2.6. BiofueZs Biofirels commonly are considered to be all solid liquid and gaseous fuels obtained from plant materials and wastes from biological systems, including municipal wastes. Biofirels for transportation usually include ethanol, methanol, and ethyl and methyl ternary butyl esters derived from them; synthetic gasoline and distillate; methane; and distillatelike vegetable oils (U.S. DO& 1992). Generally, the primary advantages of biofirels are that they are renewable; can be produced using domestic resources, thereby displacing imported petroleum; and produce no net addition of greenhouse gases (depending on the energy source). Nonpetroleum diesel fire1 substitutes can be obtained from oil-seed crops such as soybean sunflower, and rapeseed. Methyl and ethyl esters made Corn soybean and industrial rapeseed oils have been found to have properties much closer to / 29 Table 2.6. Advantages and Disadvm~es of Ekctricity Disadvantages Amantages (1) Non-polluting except for very small emissions of hydrocarbons from lubricants. However. depending on fuel. there is pollution at utility station to generate electrici~. (1) Need for battey pack: (a) Extra weight and space (b) Very low energy density compared to liquid fildS. (c) Limited number of charge-discharge cycles requires battery replacement. (d) Limited driving range. (2) A portion of braking energy tirn the vehicle can be captuted as electrical energy and fed back to battery pack and overall efficiency is potentially superior to gasoline fueled vehicle of comparable weight. (2) E&awe the battery pack can be recharged with household cut-rem road tax collection may be difficult. (3) If the battery pack can be recharged &XII household current, recharging may be more convenient (3) High capital cost and replacement batteries 30 conventional diesel fuel (Ziejewski ef al., 1983; Clark et al. 1983). These fuels, pr&& via chemical or thermal processes, ref&red to as biodiesel fuel, constitute the focus of the present study. Biodiesel Fuel: Bac@d and Chamc&titics The term “biodiesel” is used to cover a large group of chemicals called “esters” which can be used as a diesel tie1 replacement. These esters can be economically derived Corn many vegetable oils and animal fats. Ori@y introduced in South Africa before World War II, biodiesel is gaining acceptance worldwide. There are significant biodiesel industries in Europe and there is a developing biodiesel in- in the United States. Biodiesel production is a relatively simple process. It is made by esterifjing a vegetable oil such as soybean or rapeseed oil and/or animal fat. This esterification process involves mixing the oil or fat with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst (potassium or sodium hydroxide) and allowing them to react. If methanol is used the process produces a methyl ester such as methyl soyate f?om soybean oil or methyl tallowate from animal fat and glycerin. As the methyl soyate is formed valuable glycerine separates out and sinks, thereby removing the gumming factor. The methyl soyate is decanted off, and can beused in most diesel engines with no modilication. In the United States, promotion of biodi use is =ppofidbytJle oils& and other biodiesel feedstock producers and pro because of the availability of a wide range of fats and vegetable oils for their conversion into biodiesel fuel at a competiti This wide variety of potential feedstocks including used vegetable oils ( ) means &af SOme type of biodiesel can be produced eveqwhere in the try. In addition, international agreements afExting Agreement agriculture, such as the Gene on Tar@ and Tnxk 31 (GATT) or the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the European pursuit of biodiesel have also stimulated interest in biodiesel in the United States. Fin&y, stricter EPA emissions requirements for heavy-duty engines, both on and off-road, including urban buses have generated interest in biodiesel. Its performance similarities to conventional fossil fuel-based diesel have propelled biodiesel into strong consideration as one clean-burning alternative fuel that may be required in fleets and other applications. ?he National SoyDiesel Development Bomd (NS’DB) now the Nationa/ Biodiesel Board (NBB) and the American BiofueIs Association (ABA) are two principal structures supporting the advancement of biodiesel in the United States. Their intent is to advance biodiesel in a manner benefiting farmers, rural America and the environment. The NSDB is managed by a executive director, and is directed by an Executive Committee headed by farmers. It is mostly funded by “check-off’ dollars administrated by the United States Soybean Boa-d (c/SB) and the Qualified Stae Soybean Boa&~ (QSSB). The QSSB fhds directly the NSDB, while the USB hds the American Sqvbean Association (ASA) that manages the contract with NSDB for the USB. The ABA is managed by its president, and directed by a board of directors who are members of the association. ABA has performed contract work for the NSDB in areas pertaining to public policy such as research, project management, cost sharing for research and testing. Potential CL!2 Biodiesel h&ion Gpzbiiity The United States consumes over 25 billion gallons of diesel fuel for transportation annually. The current US. production of all vegetable oils and animal f&t is nearly 23 billion pounds per year. At a conversion rate of seven and a half pounds of oil/fat per gallon of biodiesel, the current US. production of oils and animal fats is only 32 sdicient to produce some 3.1 billion gallons of bided, about 12 percent of the transportation diesel market. These figures are sonmdmt deluding both becase most of this oil already has a food or feed market and because it does not represent the full production potential. Over a billion pounds of soybean oil is in excess, capable of producing about 133 million gallons of biodiesel. Using land idled by the LLY. commodity programs (about 50 million acres) would permit additional production of about 3 billion gallons per year of biodiesel and not interrupt any current use of oils. Furthermore, aggregate crop yields in the LB. are increasing at the rate of 1 to 2 percent per year, so cropland availability is not a major coIlstraiTlt. Approximately 2.5 billion pounds of waste cooking fats are collected annually f?om restaurants in the UnitedStates (Gaur and Graboski, 1992). In addition, 500 million pounds of fatty material are removed at municipal waste faciities nationwide. This is a large amount of material, approximately 3.7 percent of all municipal solid waste recycled in the United Stutes. LandfU restrictions specify that none of this waste may be landf?lled and municipal wastewater treatment plants are unable to treat the material since it obstructs f3ter.s. Thus, the only option for the material is to be recycled for reuse. Currently, the spent greases are collected by various companies who process the waste into yellow grease used for a feed supplement for cattle, hogs, and poultry. However, another interesting market for the waste grease is to convert it into biodiesel. Given these factors, it is reasonable to assume the LG. plausible capability of producing biodiesel tie1 is enormous. and economics will largely determine the size of biodiesel market. The NSDB has identified potential niche markets for biodiesel. Should soughx&er incentives become available. these markets will expand considerably. 33 FiuzdamerdaI C3um&&ics of Biodiesel Methyl soyate as a fitel or blended into diesel fuel as a component offers several advantages as an energy resource. It is a renewable resoure f?om agricultural products, relatively easily processed, is a liquid with physical properties in the same range as diesel fuel, and due to its oqgen content, offers advantage from an exhaust emission standpoint. The fuel chemical and physical property characterization and impact on engine are as follow. The major fuel characteristics include ignition quality commonly expressed by the cetane number; fire1 stability, indicated by carbon residue and accelerated stability; low temperature flow performance, indicated by fuel cloud point; and fuel energy content from lower heating value in BTUlgallon. 1. Ignition quality One of the primary advantages of diesel is its high cetane rating which allows the fuel to autoignite when sufkiently compressed. The cetane rating is a number indicating a fuel’s ability to self ignite, the higher the number, the easier it self-ignites. Currently reported cetane numbers for biodiesel range between 46 and 5 1. depending on the feedstock used to make the ester. Whereas. a typical cetane number for No. 2 diesel is 40-45, and for No. 1 diesel, 48-52. Experimental data fi-om Southwest Resemh Institute (SwEu) indicates that blends of biodiesel and No. 2 diesel may have cetane numbers that are higher than either of the original neat fuels. This indicates methyl esters may have a blending cetane number that is greater than the value for the neat fuel. 34 2. Fuel Stability The stability of the meI is described by carbon residue and accelerated stability: blends up to 30 percent are still within the satisfactory range expressed by the Detmit Diesel Corpomtion Specification 3. Low Temperatunz Pefommrce Biodiesel is somewhat more viscous than petrodiesel. This is not of major concern for biodiesel as long as routine measures used to ensure the flow of petrodiesel are employed, but cold weather additives are being explored. 4. Fuel Energy Content Neat methyl soyate has a significantly lower heating value (BTU/gallon) than diesel fuel (12.5% lower). Because this is essentially a straight line blending function the heating value of the blend is proportional to the methyl soyate concentration. However- the density of methyl soyate is greater than diesel fuel, so the effect on enerrgy density (BTU/gallon) is not as great. Therefore, because diesel engines inject me1 by volume, not mass. the impact of the lower heating value of methyl soyate will not be as great. It is highly probable that any change in the chemical characteristics of BD20 or BLI-30 (in this study BD2O means a 20% biodiesel and 80% petrodiesel blend; BD30 a 30% biodiesel and 70% petrodiesel blend etc.) compared to the base petrodiesel will be (with the exception of the oxygen content) within the chemical range of petrodiesel (Merrill, 1994). Impctonhgines 1. Materials Comp&bili& There has been no evidence of any problems with materials compatibility using BD20 or BD30. However, in neat form, biodiesel may cause problems when coming 35 in contact with certain elastomers. Comprehensive testings to address remaining materials compatibility issues are underway. 2. Dun&i&y and Impact on Lubricants As reported by&&en-ill ( 1994), most studies have shown no appreciable difference between biodiesel and petrodiesel. Based on wear metal analysis of the [email protected] lubricating oil. engine wear rates were well within the specified range for the ergties tested althouc@ some lube oil dilution occurred. 3. khintenauce Recommendation Studies and evidence being collected by the iVSDB suggests that tiequent engine oil change will not be necessary for BD2U and BD-30. ln summary, from these characteristics it appears biodiesel fuel and neat diesel behave in a similar manner. The only exception is the cetane result with methyl soyate which in itself supports the substantially similar argument for biodiesel since the blends were not different fi-om diesel. Loss of energy due to reduction of heating value is not an important issue at the blend levels anticipated. Performance areas needing attention are stability, and low temperature performance. An Evaluation of the Einimmntal Benefits of Biodiesel There are three key areas of environmental gain from the use of biodiesel fuel: Biodiesel has nil acute oral and dermal toxity, and is rapidly biodegradable. . Biodiesel use results in a reduction in greenhouse gas production. Biodiesel produces significantly lower levels of most exhaust emissions, 36 1. Biodegradabiliry Biodiesel is biodegradable and non-toxic. Over 98 percent of biodiesel degrades biologically in three weeks whereas in the same time only approximately 50% of fossil diesel degrades, after which degradation is much slower (Walker and Korbitz 1994). Risks of ground water pollution would be significantly reduced if biodiesel were introduced Large scale spillage of biodiesel would cause temporary deoxygenation of water, but this is still significantly less damaging than an equivalent fossil diesel spill. These characteristics make it a valuable fuel, particuharly in environmentaIly sensitive areas. It is thought that biodiesel wiIl improve the biodegradability and reduce the toxity of petrodiesel. The effect on biodegradability when biodiesel is blended with petrodiesel in varying percentages is being studied 2. Greenhouse ties A recent study by Muschalek and Scharmer. converted all greenhouse gas emissions horn biodiesel into carbon dioxide (CO?) equivalents. This is of major importance in providing a clearer view of the overall benefits of biodiesel production in terms of benefit to the environment. The study involves not only gaseous emissions from the combustion of biodiesel, but took into account carbon dioxide and other gaseous emissions for each step of production transformation and final use. The conclusion was that each kilogram (1 kg = 2.2 lb.) of biodiesel produced avoids the emission of greenhouse gases equivalent to 2.88 kg CO,. Biodiesel is often claimed to be carbon dioxide neutral, on the basis that CO, during burning is equivalent to that taken up by the growing crop, and as such should not contribute to the greenhouse effect. 3. Exhaust Emission According to Whitelegg et al. the incidence of asthma, particularly in the young has increased dramatically in the last thirty years. While the link between or&nal onset of the problem and vehicle exhaust pollution has yet to be absolutely determined. there is no doubt that this pollution can exacerbate and increase the frequency of the attacks. Diesel emission particulates are strongly linked to infant mortality in urban areas. and are probable carcinogens. Carbon monoxide reduces the absorption of oxygen and is associated with restricted f&al growth and tissue development in young children, lower worker productivity and has a synergistic action with other pollutants to increase respiratory and circulatory problems. Sulfbr dioxide causes impaired lung function, and is the major constituent of acid rain. Hydrocarbons cause eye irritation, coughing and are linked to particulates in causing lung disease and cancer. Nitrogen oxides increase susceptibility to viral infections, increase sensitivity in asthmatics, and have significantly greater effects in the presence of other pollutants. Biodiesel gives significant reductions in the levels of most emissions. In an unmodified engine, EPA-regulated emissions f?om BD20 and ED-30 are lower than those for petrodiesel. except for nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions. which can be slightly above the baseline emissions. The NSDB is determined to ensure that NOX emissions are also reduced below the baseline petrodiesel and is exploring a number of approaches to reduce Na emissions without adversely affecting biodiesel’s ability to reduce particulate matter (PM)‘. Biodiesel is also essentially f?ee of sulfi.u- and aromatics. It could, therefore, be used to dilute the sulfur and aromatic content of petrodiesel to meet federal low-sulk regulations. Emissions data from various sources are presented in Table 2.7. In summary, it appears that biodiesel offers several advantages over 0th~ alternative fuels. While biodiesel emissions profile is radically lower than traditional fuels. biodiesel functions in the engine the same way as petroleum diesel, and 38 Table 2.7. J3dmst Emissions of Biodiesel Compared to Conventional Diesel. Reference’ Sulfix Carbon dioxide monoxide ZIlItlOSt za-0 F.O.P. U Koch 90% lower Wade 90% lower Polvcvclic - EUOITUliC Nitrous Particulate oxides matter Smoke >lO% lower 50% lower hydrocabon 60% loxr >lO% lower Long Pachter Unburned hydrocarbon lower or higher 50% lower slightl> higher 65% lower 12% lower 16% lower 10% lower lower lower 40% lower higher 57% lower lower lower lo-12% lower “Esters from Vegetable Oil as Diesel Fuels.” Fedemrion Fmpse des Productem d’Ol&peu (TOP). AFPPAGPO. 12 Avenue George V. 75008 Paris. Koch D. Personal Gnnnumi cation, Novamont. Milan Italy, 1992 Long. E. “Spring Rape Rise.” Farmem WeeI+. March 1992 Pachter. H and G. Hohl. “Rapeseed Oil Methyl Ester (RME) as an Alternative Diesel Fuel: &et Trials in the Austrian Army.” AVL Conference. Engine Environment (1991):279-292. Wade. R and R Irving. “Biodiesel - Technical Note.” MAFF. unpublished. 39 does not require new refkeling modifications. stations, new parts inventories, or expensive en&&e While it may seem hard to believe that diesel engines can mn on modified vegetable oil, it is worthwhile to note that & Diesel, inventor of the diesel engine was using 100 percent vegetable oil in diesel engines long before a petroleum-based diesel fuel was ever re6ned (NSDB). As we move into the 21st century, today’s knowledge and technological skills mean biodiesel may be the least cost alternative fuel option for meeting stringent clean air guidelines. The switch to biodiesel makes for cleaner emissions without having to commit huge sums to convert fleets. However, this assertion remains to be determined in terms of overall operating costs which is the purpose of the present study. The next chapter reviews relevant literature related to equipment replacementirepair subsequent operating cost estimation. and their Notes I. There is an inverse correlation between emissions of NOX and PM As an engine is optimized to reduce Nchc exnissions, each unit of NOX reduction will routinely result in a co~esponding increase of PM Similarly, a reduction in PMwill result in increased NOX emissions. Altho~~& this correlation holds true for biodiesel as well, the severity of the trade-off is not as significant as it is in petrodiesel (Marshall). CHAPTER III LITERATURE REVIEW Replacement theory analyzes the optimal life of capital equipment. Optimal life may be defined as the period between the time the equipment enters service and the time when it should be replaced for economic reasons. Optimal life and replacement policy are important topics in the management of capital equipment and have been extensively studied. Economic reasons leading to equipment replacement are based upon operating costs. Generally, the operating cost of a piece of capital equipment rises as its condition deteriorates over time. When the cost reaches a certain level, the long-run cost associated with investing in a new piece of equipment becomes less than that of keeping the old equipment. At that point, replacement is called for. Thus. a basic replacement analysis usually consists of studies of both the trend in operating cost and the net cost of replacement, defined as the difference between the cost of the new equipment and the salvage value. The underlying methodology for analyzing the repair-replacement problem is based on the asset replacement theory first developed by Faustmann and subsequently refined by Samuelson and others. This methodology has previously been applied in agriculture to problems including determining the optimal replacement of farm machinery assets and culling replacement decisions in livestock management. Applications and extensions of net present value analysis have also been made in deterrking bus engise replacement. 41 42 A General Model of Replacement Principles Research on the optimal replacement problem has emphasized specification of the theoretically appropriate criterion. The fundamental principles of asset replacement decisions as presented by Hirschleifer, Samuelson, Perrin, Burt, and Jorgenson. are grounded on the broad notion that assets are retained in the production until the net present value of future income streams associated with that asset and sequence of replacement assets is maximized. A decision policy is a sequence of replacement decisions, and an optimal policy denotes a decision policy which maximizes net present value of future income streams from a replacement sequence (McClelland et al.). The principles of optimal asset replacement are stated by Perrin (1972): “A machine should be kept another period if the marginal costs of retaining for another period are less than the average costs of a replacement machine.” Assume initially there is no defender’ in use and the challenger’, if acquired. will be replaced by a series of identical challengers (self-replacement). The present value of the stream of returns associated with the first asset alone is C(bJ,l) = jJ!(t)e -pW& + M(s)e -p(s-b) - M(b) (3-U b where C(b,s,m) is the present value of the stream of residual earnings from a challenger to be purchased at age b and replaced at age s by a series of m identical challengers. and M(s), M(b) and R(s) represent respectively the market (or salvage) value of the asset at age s. acquisition value, and the flow residual earnings from the process when the asset age is s; p=lnfl fry is the interest rate which, when compounded continuously, results in an annual growth rate of r. i.e, fl=e@=(l+r)‘,and t an integer of number of years. ’ The term defender is used for an asset already in use. ’ The term challenger is used for an asset which can be purchased to replace a defender. Taking I 43 the first derivative of C(b,s,I) with respect to replacement age s and setting it equal to zero, the replacement age which maximizes the present net value of the returns for this first asset is obtained as (3.2) R(s) + M’(s) = pM(s). The value-maximizing replacement age s is the age at which marginal revenue (residual earnings plus changes in asset value) equals marginal opportunity costs. Figure 1 illustrates a possible path of R(s)+M’(s) through time and the replacement which satisfies equation (3.2). For the case of a series of identical cycles of an asset the replacement problem is to find the date (s) which maximizes the value of the entire income stream. Then the present value of the entire stream is W&-J) = C(Os,l) + e -p”C(Os,l) + e -pzrC(O~,l) + . . . . (3.3) This series reduces to wJ,ml = ~C(Os,l). (3.4) 1 -e -Ps The first order condition for maximizing (3.4) with respect to replacement age s is WJJ) R(s) + M’(s) = p M(s) + 1 ! -e -Ps I (3.5) The difference between (3.5) and (3.2) reflects the opportunity cost of postponing the earnings which will be realized from the next and subsequent assets. The alternative on the right-hand side of (3.5) indicates that to maximize present value, the asset should be replaced when the net flow of benefits equals the flow which could be realized by immediate replacement. Substituting from (3.1) and collecting terms, a principlmf I replacement can be derived as: 44 /time p V(s) 1 -p PM(S) 0 Replacement Age Figure 1. The Self-Replacement Solution sz % 45 s R(s) + M’(s) = --P/ (X6.1) R(t)e -P’dt + M(s) - M(0) 1 -e -ps I a I R(s) + M’(s) = -P- V(s) 1 -e -Ps (3.62) where V(s) represents the second term on the right-hand side of (3.6.1). V(s) can be interpreted as the present value of an upcoming replacement; the amount V(s) is received as a perpetual annuity every s years. The replacement principle in (3.6.2) specifies the asset be held to the age in which marginal revenue equals marginal opportunity costs, with the latter being interpreted as the flow of earnings which would be realized from an s-year replacement policy. This criterion is shown on Figure 1 to yield an optimum replacement age s:. Thus, considering the solution of earnings from the second and subsequent assets leads to an earlier replacement age than the one-cycle solution s,. The replacement of durable equipment such as a bus is a special case of the replacement theory developed above. In considering such an asset, current costs can be defined to include any deterioration in the flow of services with age. Assuming the flow of services is by definition constant, the total value of the services rendered by the machine is irrelevant to the replacement problem. Maximizing the present value of residual earnings is then equivalent to minimizing the present value of the costs of the machine. Figure 2 illustrates a typical path of repair, depreciation. and deterioration (-Rhj-M’(l)) as a machine ages. along with a curve defining the appropriate opportunity costs against which these costs must be compared. Figure 2 is just merely Figure 1 reversed given costs are negative returns. The identical-challenger model presented abave is theoretically valid and, given relatively accurate empirical estimates of its parameters, it can be used to make replacement decisions. However, this implies realistically 46 Cost in $ per time period 0 Age of Machine, s Figure 2. The Seif-Replacement Solution for a Machine 47 estimating the cost of machine maintenance and repairs over time, and accurately estimating the salvage value and determining opportunity costs of untimely breakdowns. Operating Cost Estimation Models and Replacement Analysis The problem of replacing equipment can encompass anything from vehicles to farm machinery. The characteristic pattern of expense for a machine consists of a large initial purchase price that is followed by low maintenance costs which gradually grow with increasing use of the machine until further repair becomes uneconomic. As machinery grows older, the increasing costs of operation and maintenance are accompanied by a fall in its productivity. The maximum physical life of a capital good ends when its repair is physically impossible. Similarly, the maximum economic life of a bus may be defined as ending when its marginal repair costs will exceed its marginal replacement cost. The problem, however, is finding the optimum economic life of the equipment. The unit operating cost,of a capital equipment can be modeled in a number of ways. It can be specified as a function of age. as a function of cumulative usage such as mileage. or as a function of age. cumulative usage and mechanical condition. The underlying methodology of these different techniques is grounded upon cost minimization principles. Replacement Cost Minimization Principles A general theory of a machine replacement cost minimization principles is provided by Bertsekm (1976). Assume a certain component of a machine is in any one of a continuum of states. represented by the interval [0, I]. At the beginning of ea2h period the component is inspected. its current state x E [O, determined, and a decision made whether or not to replace it at a cost R > 0 by a new one I] 48 at state x = 0. The expected cost of having the component at state x for a single period is C(x), where C( . ) is a nonnegative bounded increasing function of x on [0, 11. The conditional cumulative probability distribution F(z 1 x) of the component being at a state less than or equal to z at the end of the period given that it was at state x at the beginning of the period is known. In addition, for each y E [0, I], the following inequality holds This inequality assumption implies that the machine tends to turn worse gradually with usage, i.e, for each YE [0, l] there is a greater chance that the component will go to a final state in the interval [y, l] when at a worse initial state. Assuming a discount factor fl E (0. 1) and infinite horizon, the problem is determining the optimal replacement policy which minimizes the total expected valuediscounted replacement cost. The optimal value function J* is the unique solution of the functional equation J’ = mi.n R+C(O)+PjJ*(z)d(:,O), 0 I 1 C(x)+/3sJ’(z)dF(z~x) . 0 J (3.8) Thus. an optimal replacement policy is given by: Replace if R + C(0) + P jJ*(z)d(r ,O) I C(x) + pjj*dF(z/x). 0 0 Do not replace otherwise. Assuming J,(x) = 0, and (3.9) 49 (3.10) 1 TqJ(x) = nlin[R + C(0) + p~Tk-‘(JJ(z)dF(z IO), 0 (3.11) C(x) + p/TyJJ(z)dF(z lx)], k=1,2,... 0 Since C(x) is increasing in x, T(Ja)(x) is nondecreasing in x. It follows that r’(JJ(x) is nondecreasing in x and so is the limit of J’ = lim T’(J&x). k-m (3.12) CC@ + P/-J * (z)Wz 1x1 (3.13) It follows that 0 is also nondecreasing in x, and the optimal cost cannot decrease as the initial state increases. Thus, an optimal policy takes the form Replace if x 2 x* Do not replace if x < x* where x* is the smallest scalar for which R + C(0) + p)j(z)dflz ,O) = C(x 0 l ) + $J*(z)dF(z,x *). (3.14) 0 There are many possible ways to classify the works in maintainability. One could establish a multidimensional grid whose coordinates would be (i) states of the 1 system. such as deterioration level, age, or number of state variables etc.. (ii) actions available as repair, replacement, or opportunistic replacement, (iii) the time horizon 50 involved, such as finite or infinite and discrete or continuous, (iv) knowledge of the system, such as complete knowledge or partial knowledge involving such things as noisy observation of the states, unknown cost, or unknown failure distribution, (v) stochastic or deterministic models, (vi) objectives of the system, such as minimize long-run expected average costs per-unit time, or minimize total costs, and (vii) methods of solution, such as linear programming, dynamic programming, etc. Although this classification is useful for establishing an underlying general theory on maintainability, the current survey specifically deals with models relevant to operating estimation models. Thus, there are four major sections. The first section surveys age-dependent cost models. The second presents an operating cost as a function of cumulative usage model, and the third section provides a model of operating cost as a function of both cumulative usage and mechanical condition. Finally, the last section presents an economic replacement model based upon the theory of repair limit. Operating Cost as a Function of Age Terborgh (1949) was the first to develop a theory for equipment replacement based on explicitly expressed assumptions of a linear operating cost function that is timedependent with known parameters. He developed procedures for comparing current equipments with challengers and descendants by extrapolating the historical rate of obsolescence into the future on the principle of a uniform rate of technology innovation. The combined cost per year E is a sum of two terms: the first increases with equipment age (operating inferiority) and the second decreases with increasing age (capital cost). E = cn-‘k + A-S - + I(A+S) n 2 (3.15) J , where. c is the inferiority gradient. or the constant rate of cost accumulation due to 2 ! operating inferiority; A is the acquisition cost: S represents the salvage value; r is the rate 51 of return on capital investment within the firm; and n is the age of the equipment. The first term is the average operating cost increase per year. and the second term is the average capital cost per year. The adverse -urn, n,, is the age that minimizes E, and thus 264 -3 no = (3.16) c or nOc - 2 - A-S (3.17) nO Therefore. the average increase in costs due to operating inferiority is equal to the average annual depreciation in capital at the optimum. Terborgh neglected the salvage value S and assumed that future challengers will have the same adverse minimum as the present one. Makomson (1979) criticizing Terborgh pioneer work stated that the ruie oniy applies under certain conditions, and even under those conditions it is an approximate rule and the magnitude of the error of approximation is not clear. Moreover, the rule requires that the optimal replacement age of equipment is constant through time and hence it is not directly generalizabie to situations in which this is not the case. For specific assumptions about future costs an iterative process was developed by Maicomson for determining optimal replacement ages to any desired accuracy whether or not the optimal replacement age is constant through time. This technique makes use of the first-order necessary conditions for an optimal solution and uses them for expressing the optimal age at which to scrap currently installed equipment in terms of the operating cost function. the capital cost of new equipment. and the optimal replacement , age of that new equipment. Following Terborgh. Maicomson assumed the operating cost at time t of 52 producing a unit of output on a given equipment installed at time v is given by E, - at + pft - v), where E, cr. and /3 are positive constants, and that the capital cost per unit of output on new equipment remains constant through time at a value q. It is also assumed that operating costs on a given piece of equipment increase at a constant exponential rate through time, that new equipment becomes more productive at a constant rate. and that equipment has no scrap value and that its utilization rate remains constant throughout its life. Note that these assumptions can be relaxed without great difficulty. Under these assumptions, Malcomson demonstrated that the optimal policy is to replace at time t all equipment of age T(t) or greater where T(t> = -L i (a + P) (3.18) in which r is the discount rate and L(t) is the optimal age at which to replace new equipment installed at time t. Inverting equation (3.18) gives L(t) = -iloge 1 - rT(t) + AZr (a + PI i (3.19) which may be abbreviated as L(t) = -%og,F(T(r)) r (3.20) where F(T(t)) is implicitly defined. For any given value of T(t), this can be used to calculate L(t) and this value of L(t) can be inserted into the right-hand side of equation (3.20) to calculate LCt+L(t)), and so on. For any such path to be considered as optimal path F( I must lie between zero and one. I This iterative procedure is not limited to the specific assumptions about costs used in deriving it; it can readily be adapted to others. Moreover, this analytic framework 53 can also be used to derive the correct economic depreciation to apply to a piece of equipment when the optimal replacement policy is used. Operating Cost as a Function of Cumulative Usage Rust (1987) formulated a regenerative optimal stopping model of bus engine replacement to test the hypothesis that a bus company manager decisions on bus engine replacement coincide with an optimal stopping rule, i. e, a strategy which specifies whether or not to replace the current engine each period as a function of observed and unobserved state variables. The model depends on unknown “primitive parameters” which specify the manager’s expectations of the future values of the state variables, the expected costs of regular maintenance, and his perceptions of the customer goodwill costs of unexpected failures. The model illustrates an estimation technique. a nested fixed point maximum likelihood algorithm, that allows to compute maximum likelihood estimates of the primitive parameters even though there is no analytic formula for the associated likelihood function. This maximum likelihood estimation algorithm for a class of dynamic discrete choice models treats unobservable E, in an internally consistent fashion by explicitly incorporating them into the formulation and solution of the model. It mainly consists of deriving a regenerative stochastic process (i, x,> with an associated likelihood function /ci,, ...I i, x,,..., x7.,4) where i, = I if replacement occurs at time t and i, = 0 otherwise and xt is the state variable, and 0 is parameters of a specified cost function. Operating Cost as a Function of Cumulative Usage and Mechanical Condition Ahmed (1973) stated that the main economic factors affecting the decision to replace a given vehicle are age. mileage. and mechanical condition which constitute the components of a state vector of a system. However. because the mechanical condition is generally reflected in the trade-in value of a vehicle. the age and mileage factors are 54 considered to be of primary importance in determining replacement policies. Thus. he developed a model based on a physical life of a vehicle represented by age and mileage. The system is divided into states, each state representing the age and mileage travelled during a given fixed period (six months in this case). At any moment of time the vehicle may exist in any of the defined states, and the system is allowed to make transitions from one state to another. The movement from state to state is associated with a transition probability, P, which may be termed a survival probability for a vehicle that is in a given state of the system. The planner makes a decision at each planning stage of the system. It is in his best interest to choose the policy, among all possible policies, that will minimize the expected operating cost. The basic equations governing the system are: qi = -Ei qi = T~-C~-E~ (3.21) (3.22) where. q, is the immediate expected operating cost for a vehicle in a state i for the fixed period: E, is the immediate operating cost for a vehicle in state i for the fixed period; 7, represents the trade-in value of the vehicle in state i: C, is the purchase price of the vehicle in state j for the fixed period: j represents the possible alternatives. Equation (3.21) refers to the policy of keeping the same vehicle in operation until the next planning stage. If the decision is to keep the same vehicle, the decision variable is only its operating cost. However. if the policy is to trade with a vehicle in any of the other possible states. then. equation (3.22) is applicable, where the variables are the trade-in value of the vehicle in that state. purchase price of the vehicle being acquired and its operating cost for the fixed period 1 The policy iteration starts with the selection of an initial policy, which computes the test quantities 4, for all alternatives in each state of the system. Then the program would select the largest test quantity and the corresponding policy for each state of the system. This process will generate the initial policy vector which can be used conveniently to generate successive new values and the policies of the system. The optimal policy is independent of the starting policy. Other Economic Replacement Model Another economic replacement is based on the theory of repair limit. The repair limit is a ceiling on the amount of money which can be spent on the repair of a vehicle at any particular job (Drinkwater and Hastings, 1967). The values of the repair limits are dependent on the type, age and in some cases on the location of vehicle. A vehicle which needs repair work in excess of the appropriate repair limit is not repaired but is scrapped, and thus the repair limit provides an economic replacement policy which ensures that vehicles are continuously wasted out of service. Drinkwater and Hastings developed a method for determining the upper limit for any repair cost on a machine in a fleet of similar equipment. The limit decreases with the age of the machine. The model consists of two random variables, the cost of any future repair and the number of repairs in the future period of use. Consider a fleet of vehicles which is subject to a replacement policy of some type. for example, replacement of vehicles at a predetermined age or replacement by an arbitrary chosen set of repairs limits. Assume this initial replacement system give rise to an overall average cost per vehicle-year denoted 19~. Consider a vehicle at age I which requires repair. If the vehicle is repaired. the future cost per vehicle-year will be: 3 The average cost per vehicle year up to age t is given by 6 = y/t, where y is the cumulative cost of the vehicle when the age is t. 56 (3.23) where, r is the cost of this repair, m(r) is the expected total cost of future repair; and g(r) is the expected remaining life of the vehicle. If the vehicle is scrapped, the expected future cost per vehicle-year will 8. Ignoring resale value, the vehicle should be repaired provided .$ < 8. Otherwise the decision should go in favor of scrapping the vehicle. The critical or limiting value of r occurs when where r,(l) represents the repair limit at time t. Hence the repair limit r,,(t) is given by r,(t) = Oxg(t) -m(t) (3.25) Subsequent work by Hastings (1969) applied dynamic programming to the model to improve the method for determining the repair limits. Although this method detects a machine having a very high cost for an individual repair. it does not necessarily detect a machine having consistently more frequent or higher repair costs than the average machine of its class. Lambe (1974) established a repair limit formula using data on past repairs for the machine under study, and all available knowledge on the general repair characteristic of its class of machine. The random nature of the costs and the intervals between these costs present difficulties in deciding whether to repair or replace a machine when a component fails. The problem is greatest with equipment having infrequent. but costly repairs. The basic rule for deciding when to replace a machine is to continue using it until the cost for a prospective repair exceeds the expected net benefits from future tie of the machine if it were repaired. Thus, the limit to the amount to be spent for a repair is equal to the implicit value of the vehicle after repair, less the value of salvage if it is 57 not repaired. Assume the average cost per mile, L, for purchase and repair of a series of machines is a constant that equals the current rate of depreciation in the value of any specific machine, plus its expected cost of repair or loss due to scrapping during the interval AA (A is the age of the machine). Because the repair Emit W equals the implicit value V less a constant value for salvage. it also decreases at the same rate and is given by Fff = (l/y) 1 +Wexp(F(A) -yLA] J exp(-F(x) +yLr)dx (3.26) r=A where, y is the characteristic of the repair cost for any particular machine. and equals to the reciprocal of the expected cost of a repair if y is known precisely; and F(A) represents the number of expected repairs for a machine at age A. In the special case where the expected frequency of repair is proportional to age, fL4] = A.4. and the repair limit formula becomes W = (l/y) 1 + 3[exph(A -y~L/h)~/2] 1 exp( -x 2/2)~ 0 x=&4-y41) (3.27) The final step in using this model is to determine the repair characteristics y and X for any particular machine. &ryes’ formuia provides the mathematical method for making the necessary adjustments. For example, the algebraic structure of Baves’ formula is simplified if a gamma function is used to describe a person’s uncertainty about the cost characteristic y and a repair frequency X. This is a flexible class of functions that can have any positive average value and variance. and therefore should be adequate for capturing the essential form of a person’s uncertainty. / In summary, maintenance involves planned and unplanned actions carried out to retain a system in or to restore it to an acceptable condition. Optimal maintenance 58 policies aim to minimize downtime while providing for the most effective use of systems in order to secure the desired results at the lowest possible costs. Works on operating cost estimation and replacement analysis have focused on the age, cumulative usage, and mechanical conditions. Given that mechanical condition is generally embodied in the trade-in value of a vehicle and critically depends on its cumulative usage. the key factor for operating cost estimation model specification would be cumulative usage. Thus, Rust‘s model will be of primary importance for developing an optimal control model for determining the net present value of total operating costs of the alternative fuels under consideration. CHAF’TER IV THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The models in the previous chapter provide a theoretical underpinning for developing a dynamic model for estimating total operating costs. The specific model will be based on Rust’s optimal replacement approach. His model will be extended to include more than two replacements. The purpose of this chapter will be to develop a conceptual framework and apply the model for estimating operating costs of a transit bus fleet on dual compressed natural gas/diesel (CNG/Diesel), methanol, biodiesel, and diesel fuels. An Optimal Replacement Model for Bus Engine The optimal timing for bus engine repairs, rebuilding, or replacement will be determined for each alternative fuel technology given a particular policy using dynamic control theory. Determining optimal repair/rebuild/replacement strategies for each alternative fuel provides a common basis for computing comparable net present values. The decision to adopt a particular fuel will be based on the economic performance of a sequence of assets utilizing either CNG, methanol, diesel, or biodiesel fuel. Economic performance is measured by the net present value of total operating costs of the sequence of assets. As the equipment-replacement problem incorporates that of timing, operating costs can be expressed as functions of age or cumulative usage. Typical costs rise with usage. Thus. operating cost can serve as a measure of economic performance 2f equipment. 59 60 The bus engine replacement problem is to determine how long one should continue to operate and maintain a bus before it is optimal to “discard” the engine and replace it with either a new or rebuilt engine. The idea is that a bus engine can be regarded as a portfolio of individual components each of which has its own stochastic failure as a function of accumulated use (Rust, 1987). If a particular component fails when a bus has relatively low mileage, then it may be optimal to just replace or repair this failed component. In contrast. for a bus with relatively high mileage. the optimal solution may be to replace the entire engine. Specifically, the distribution of time failure exhibits wearout as the failure rate increases with age. Given an objective of minimizing unexpected failures. if a particular component fails when a bus has relatively high mileage the probability of other parts failing increases. so it might be optimal to replace the entire engine. Bus failures on the road are expensive both in terms of explicit costs such as towing costs and opportunity costs including lost bus driver and passenger time. Thus. a rebuild after failure costs more than a rebuild before failure. An unplanned rebuild or repair occurs suddenly possibly resulting in long periods waiting for service. Whereas, by definition a planned rebuild or repair reduces this waiting time. Also, the value per unit time of the output (service) foregone during an unscheduled action often exceeds the same measure for a scheduled action. As a consequence an in-service failure should be more costly than a planned rebuild. Thus. a policy of preventive periodical repair or rebuilding is cost effective, and the optimal preventive maintenance will primarily depend upon the tradeoff between the value of unused life and the cost of failure. Assuming that such a preventive replacement strategy is optimal. a model that determines the time and mileage at which engine rebuilding occurs is required. Ideally, the model would consist of determining an optimal stopping strategy which is the solution to a stochastic dynamic programming problem. Such a model woufp formalize the trade-off between minimizing maintenance costs versus minimizing unexpected engine failures. The optimal strategy would specify whether or not to rebuild 61 a current engine each time period as a function of observed and unobserved state variables. A nested fixed point algorithm developed by Rust (1987). may for such a stochastic process {i, x,> with an associated likelihood function L(i,, . . . . i, x1 ,..., x7; e), where i, = I if replacement occurs at time t and i, = 0 otherwise, x, is the state variable which explains the time series data collected on a fleet of buses, and 8 is a parameter to be estimated, t = I,.., T. This nested fixed point algorithm is a maximum likelihood estimation algorithm that computes maximum likelihood estimates of structural parameters of a wide class of discrete control processes. These stochastic processes are solutions to infinite horizon Markovian decision problems with discrete choice or control variables. The stochastic control problem is solved numerically by computing the associated functional fixed point as a subroutine or nested within a standard nonlinear maximum likelihood optimization algorithm. Let the state variable be the accumulated mileage (since last replacement) on the bus engine at time t, the expected per period operating costs C(x, 03 can be decomposed as follows: where m(x, e,,) is the conditional expectation of normal maintenance and operating expenses, pfx, I~,J is the conditional probability of an unexpected engine failure, and b(x, f3,J is the conditional expectation of towing costs, repair costs, and the perceived dollar cost of lost transit company goodwill in the event of an unexpected engine failure. Given actual maintenance and operating cost data. m may be estimated by nonlinear regression. Note that operating costs include maintenance, fuel, insurance costs (which are potentially observable), plus an estimate of the costs of ridership and goodwill due t,o unexpected breakdowns. The latter costs are generally not directly observable due to the 62 lack of appropriate data especially on the occurrence of unexpected breakdowns, but can be estimated from the total cost C(x, t?J and the maintenance cost m(x, 0,J. Consider the mileage traveled each month by a given bus is exponentially distributed with parameter e2, independently of mileage driven in previous periods. Each month the discrete decision is to perform regular maintenance on the current bus engine and incur operating costs Cfx,, 03 or “cannibalize” the old bus engine for scrap value p, install a new (or rebuilt) bus engine at cost p, and incur operating costs C(0, 0,). Assuming an optimal replacement policy to minimize the expected discounted costs of maintaining the fleet of buses, it follows that the stochastic process governing {i, x,} is the solution to a “regenerative optimal stopping problem:” (4.2) r/e('1> = "P ' C ly-r '('Jo,',) x 1 j=r (x, i where p is the discount factor and the utility function u is given by where ~(x$,,~J = -dx,k$> -[F-E+c(O,B,)] if i, = 0, if i, = 1. (4.3) with 7r an infinite sequence of decision rules x = @, A+,, . ...’ and each Jr; specifies replacement decision at time t as a function of the entire record of the process, i, = Ah, i,-,, x,-,, i,-,, x ,-2, . ..). The utility function u depends on an unknown parameter vector 8,. The behavioral hypothesis is that the agent chooses a decision rule i, = f(x, e,, 0) to maximize his expected discounted utility over an infinite horizon where the discount factor fi is a real number between 0 and 1. The utility function reveals why the model is called a regenerative optimal stopping model of engine replacement: once the bus is replaced the system “regenerates” to state x, = 0. This regenerative characteristic is conventionally specified by the stochastic mechanism governing t& , evolution of { x, > given by the transition probability p(x!+, 1 x, i, 0,). 63 The function V&J is the value function which equals the maximum expected discounted utility obtainable by the agent when the state variable is (x, E) i.e, the unique solution to Bellman’s equation given by (4.4) where C(xJ = {O, 1,’ and the expected value function EV,(x, is is defined by (4.5) Using Bellman’s equation and following Rust (1986) the Markovian optimal stationary replacement policy rc is given by 4 = -fbe) = 1 1 if 0 xt’Y(epeJ’ i f X, 5 y(e,,e,). (4.6) where the constant y represents a threshold value of mileage such that whenever current mileage on the bus x, exceeds *J it is optimal to replace the old bus engine with a new one. Using the regenerative property and assuming that monthly mileage and replacement decisions are independently distributed across buses. the precise functional form of the likelihood function L(8) for the full sample of data may be derived. However, there are some reservations about using this model because the solution for the likelihood function depends critically on exact choice of functional form. Furthermore, the basic formulation of the model which assumes that the physical state of a bus is completely described by a single variable, accumulated mileage x, is limiting. In addition, if looking at the data the variation of mileage at replacement is large the fixed optimal stopping rule might be inconsistent. It might be assumed that the odometer value x, might be only one indicagr and that the replacement decisions are based upon other information E,. , 64 To circumvent these limitations the maximum likelihood estimation technique for a class of dynamic discrete choice models can be used. This technique does not require closed-form solutions for the agent’s stochastic control problem and associated likelihood function. It treats unobservable e, in an internally compatible fashion by explicitly affiliating them into the frame and solution of the model will be used. Provided the stochastic change of the state variables (x, E,) represented by the transition probability p, the agent must choose a sequence of decision rules or controls A@, E, 0) to maximize expected discounted utility over an infinite horizon. Define the value function VB by where r = &, A+,, J;+?, . ..I. J; E C(xJ for all t and the expectation is taken with respect to the controlled stochastic process (x, e,> whose probability density is defined from x and the transition probability p by dP { Xl+I’Et+l’ N-l (4.8) The optimal value function V8 is the unique solution to Bellman’s equation given by (4.9) where (4.W and the optimal control f is defined by (4.11) Econometric implementation of the model i ,= fcx, E, 8) may be difficult because (i) commonly chosen distributions for the unobservable E, will be continuously distributed with unbounded support, raising dimensionality problems since the optimal stationary policy f will be computed by solving for the fixed point Ye from the Bellman’s equation; (ii) since E, appears nonlinearly in the unknown function EV,, there is an additional problem of integrating out over the E, distribution to obtain choice probabilities. However, the conditional independence assumption (Cr> developed by Rust (1987) facilitates in circumventing these problems. The (Cr> assumption involves two restrictions; (i) T+~ is a sufficient statistic for Et+,, which implies that any statistical dependence between E, and E,,, is carried entirely through the vector x,,, ; (ii) the probability density relies only on x, and not on E,. The consequence of the assumption is twofold. First, (Cr) implies that EP’, is not a function of E, so that the required choice probabilities will not require integration over the unknown function EV,. Second, (KY) avoids the numerical integration required to obtain EVO from V,. Given time series observations {(i, xd, (i,, x J, . . . , (i7, XT)} for a single individual the likelihood function f(i,, x,, . . . . i,, x7 1 i, xti 0) can be formed and the unknown parameters 19 can be estimated by the method of maximum likelihood. Rust indicates that under assumption (Cr> the likelihood function // is given by where P(i 1 x, 0) denotes the conditional probability of choosing action i E C(x) given state x. It can be established that as the number of individuals in the cross-section tends to infinity, the corresponding sequence of maximum likelihood estimators are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. The worth of this approach is that it releases the 66 researcher from using restrictive and contrived functional forms just because they yield closed-form solutions. However, the weakness is the computational hardship of numerical solution of the contraction fixed point EVe needed to solve the stochastic control problem. The conditional independence assumption and the relationship (4.12) suggest the following nested fixed point algorithm: an “internal” fixed point algorithm computes the unknown function EV, for each of value of 8. and an “external” hill climbing algorithm searches for the value of 8 which maximizes the likelihood function. The Newton- Kantorovich algorithm can be used to compute EV,, and as a by-product, yields analytic solutions for the 8 derivatives of EV, necessary to compute the derivatives of the likelihood function. Application of the Nested Fired Point Algorithm to Bus Engine Replacement The regenerative optimal stopping model presented above is used, eliminating restrictive assumptions about functional form and incorporating unobserved state variables. The choice set is binary, CcxJ = {O, I] and unobserved state variables are incorporated by assuming unobserved costs {e(O), e,(I)) follow a specific stochastic process. Let Y denote the expected cost of a rebuild bus engine, r = p - e and C(x, OJ the expected per period operating costs. the implied utility function is as follows: u(x,,i,8,) + El(i) = 1 -r - c(O,t3,) + E&l) -c(x,,Q + E,(O) if i = 1, if i = 0. (4.13) Letting monthly mileage (x,,, - XJ have a subjective parametric density function g implies a transition density of the form 67 P(X,+, I xpip 0,) = g(x,+l -x,9 0,) g(x r+l-O9Q if i, = 0, if i, = 1. (4.14) Suppose that the data consist of {i,“‘, x,“‘> (t = I ,..., T,,,; m = I ,... M) where i,“, is the engine replacement decision in month f for bus m and x , “ ’ is the mileage since the last replacement of bus m in month t. The approach is to estimate the unknown parameters f3 = (0, 01, r, OJ by maximum likelihood using the nested fixed point algorithm. Thus. the state variable x, (mileage) should be discretized into a certain number of intervals say n of a specified length which implies that the fixed point EV, will be an element of the Banach space B = R”. Using the discretized mileage data, the distribution g reduces to a multinomial distribution in the set corresponding to the monthly mileage in the concurrent intervals. For simplicity and based upon arguments developed by Rust, a linear functional form for C is specified. The specification does not include a constant term because subtracting a constant term from the utility function (4.13) will not affect the choice probabilities. The most that can be identified is the value of change in operating costs as a function of mileage, so C can be normalized by setting C(0, 0,) = 0. It is hypothesized that the unobservable state variables {E,(O), e,(I)) obey an independently and identically distributed bivariate process: with normalized mean and variance because neither the location nor the scale of these observed costs are identifiable without further information. Notice that E,(O) should be interpreted as an unobserved component of maintenance and operating costs for the bus in period t and e,(I) can be interpreted as an unobserved component of cost associated with rebuilding the bus engine. Also, it is implicitly assumed that the stochastic process (x:, E/} is independently distributed across buses. The estimation procedure consists of the three stages corresponding to each,of the likelihood functions I’, 1’ and /‘, where I/ is the full likelihood 68 and 1’ and l’ are partial likelihood functions (4.16) 12(x, ,....) i,, . . . . . i, 1e) =fi fyi, Ix,,e), t=1 (4.17) The first stage is to estimate the parameters 8, of the transition probability P(x,+~ 1 x, i, 03 using the likelihood function I’. In stage 2 the remaining structural parameters (0, 13,, r) are calculated using t and the estimates of 19~ as initial starting values. The final stage 3 estimation will use the initial consistent estimate of 8 computed in stage 1 and 2 to produce efficient maximum estimates of 0 using z Notice that the estimation results for fl = 0 can be interpreted as a “myopic model” of bus engine replacement under which a replacement occurs only when current operating costs Cfx, S,) exceed the current cost of replacement r -+ C(U, 0,). On the other hand, the estimation results for /3 greater than 0 can be interpreted as a “dynamic model” of bus replacement which recognizes that replacing a bus engine is an investment which not only reduces costs, but future costs as well. Abel’s Theorem also known as the final value of Z-transforms suggests that if minimizing long run average costs, @ can be driven to 1. The structural parameters of the cost function are used along with observed engine rebuild cost to identify the scale of the unobserved {e,(0), e,(1) } . CHAPTER V SOURCE, ASSUMPTIONS, DATA TRANSFORMATION, AND PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS In this chapter, data source, data transformation, and preliminary analysis will be discussed. First, the data source is described; then a discussion is presented about how key variables in the model are transformed. Finally. a preliminary analysis of actual operating cost is provided. Data Source Data on refueling infrastructure, fuel system. engine performance, fuel efficiency, monthly mileage, and rebuild were collected from an experiment involving diesel. methanol, and dual CNG by the Colorado Institute for Fuels and High Altitude Engine Research (CIFER). As part of its commitment to Clean Air, the Regional Transportation District (RTD) is conducting an alternative fuels research program using neat methanol as fuel for operating regular transit buses. For the purpose of the test program. five methanol buses were purchased from Transportation Manufacturing Corporation (‘TMC) and were put in revenue service in June 1989. Five diesel buses were also converted into dual compressed natural gas/diesel (CNG/Diesel) buses and put into service in 199 1. For comparison, five diesel buses were selected as control buses. Since RTJD does not operate any TMC diesel buses. the 1987 Model AN440 Neoplan diesel buses 69 70 were selected. These Neopian buses were the newest ones in the diesel fleet and have similar specifications as the methanol buses. The five methanol buses had 900 to 6.100 miles of service, the five CNGIDiesel buses had 146,000 to 228,600 miles of service, and the five diesel control buses had 95,000 to 114,000 miles at the beginning of the program. The physical characteristics of the competing technologies are presented in Table 5.1. The characteristics for biodiesel buses are the same as for diesel buses. No engine modifications are required, only the fuel is modified by blending diesel fuel with biodiesel which does affect fuel efficiency. The three fleets of buses are exposed to similar service factors such as schedule speeds, stops per mile, traffic conditions, and passenger loading. They are operated five days a week and run on the same route and block number during the route assignment. A route assignment lasts approximately four months. The same driver operates a methanol. CNG/Diesel, or diesel control bus for the four months. The buses are operated from the Platte Maintenance Facility and are maintained under the same preventive maintenance program (PM). The buses are fueled on site. General Assumptions Refueling Infrastructure The refueling infrastructure costs are based on the Colorado Institute,fir FueI and High Altitude Engine Research following assumptions. The refueling infrastructure includes facility building assumed to be 1,000 square feet per lane at $92,000 per square feet: refueling equipment estimated $25.000; and underground tank installation with a capacity of 20,000 gallons per tank. The service life for the refueling infrastructure is assumed to be 30 years. 1 Table 5.1. Characteristics of Buses Characteristic Year Engine Transmission Seats Purchase Price (model 1991) Converter Ratio Retarder Axle Ratio Curb Weight Gross Weight Fuel Tank Diesel Methanol CNGIDiesel 1989 6V-92 TA DDEC I Allison HTB- 748 ATEC 43 (37 standing) 1989 6V-92 TAM DDEC II Allison V-731 ATEC 43 (37 standing) 1986 6V-92 TA DDECII AIIison HTB- 748 A TEC 43 (37 standing) $217,400 2.2 1: 1 TC495 Yes 4.67: 1 28,680 lbs 35,130 Ibs 125 gallons $188,500 3.43:1 TC470 No 5.13:1 28,560 Ibs 34,970 lbs 285 gallons $252,400 4.67: 1 38,000 lbs 8,084 CNG (cubic feet) 62.5 diesel (gallons) Source: Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research Refueiing Labor and Materials The RTD fleet is approximately 1,000 buses. The RTD currently refuels the entire operating fleet on the third shift. Each bus requires four minutes to refuel. In one refueling center, RTD refuels approximately 280 buses per night in a three fuel lane system. The three lanes can service 360 buses at full capacity. Refueling labor includes one supervisor per three lanes and three laborers per one lane. Two laborers drive the buses to the lane and the third laborer refuels the buses. Methanol (IV&H) contains only about 40% of BTU/gallon of diesel. Refueling methanol buses requires 2.5 times as many lanes as diesel refueling because of the increase fuel usage. and therefore more laborers. Labor cost assumption for a supervisor includes hourly rate of $16.00 plus benefits of 29%; five day work week. eight hours per day yielding 2,080 hours per year; fifteen days of paid vacation (120 hours), nine paid holidays (72 hours). and eight paid sick leave days (64 hours) yield a loss of 256 hours. Actual hourly rate is then $16.00[(2080/1824) + 0.291 = $22.89. Hourly rate for a laborer is $13.95 which results in $19.95 actual labor cost based on the same formula used for the supervisor’s rate. Diesel Bus Assumptions The diesel tankage is assumed to be $40,600 per 20,000 gallon tank (based on $10.600 for the tank plus 1.5 times the tank size for accessories). A tank capacity of 26.666 gallons is required per lane. Diesel tank is a FTP-3 20,000 gallon tank with dimensions of eleven foot diameter and 28 feet tall. The diesel engine and fuel system are the base for this study. Therefore, total startup cost of the diesel engine and fuel system is zero. Infrastructure costs. refueling costs, and bus capital costs for diesel, methanol, and CNGldiesel are listed in Tables 5.2-5.4. J 73 Methanol Bus Assumptions The methanol tankage is based on 2.5 times diesel tankage given MeOH buses require on average 2.5 times as much as fuel, and thus requires higher refueling costs. Lubrizol is added at 6.25 gallons per 10,000 gallons of MeOH at $15.69 per gallon. Total incremental startup costs for methanol buses are assumed to be $38,296. They include incremental refueling infrastructure and bus capital costs. Incremental fixed cost of the fuel system is $12,900, and accrued every ten years. These costs are summarized in Table 5.3. CNGLDiesel Bus Assumptions The CNGIDiesel refueling station for fast filling 50 equivalent gallons into 300 buses in a single shift is assumed to cost for installation $1,700,000 plus 10% for contractor’s markup, 10% for engineering, 5% for development and permitting, and 10% of installed cost for engineering plus development and permitting contingency. CNG/Diesel technology requires eight lanes instead of three for diesel and methanol. Total startup costs are assumed to be $43.727. They comprise incremental refueling infrastructure, fuel system and engine conversion costs. Incremental fixed cost of the CNG/Diesel dual fuel engine conversion and fuel system is $35,000, accrued every ten years. These costs are reported in Table 5.5. Engine Rebuild Assumptions The basic idea behind a rebuild is to make the engine as good as new. It consists of saving parts from the old engines by reconditioning and reusing the rods and crankshaft. The engine block is inspected and reused. For the engine rebuild. all new Table 5.2. Diesel Bus Cost Summary Units unit cost Annual miles driven Infrastructure cost per lane Building cost, $0000 sq ft per lane Tankage, 20,000 gallon size Total infrastructure cost Total infrastructure cost per bus Total Cost 36,578 (per bus) $92.000 40.600 Refueling cost Labor costs per lane per day Supervisor 22.89 per hour Labor 19.95 per hour Labor costs per day for three lanes 539.84 Overhead multiplier Total labor costs per bus per year (365 days) Fuel usage ($/gal, gal/ma) 0.67 Annual refueling cost per bus Cost per mile Bus capital data Incremental first cost, bus engine plus fuel systema 3 300 $276.000 162,400 438.400 1,461 l/8 61.04 24 3 2 478.80 1,620 3.240 3.942 6,963 4 866 10.905 0.298 0.000 Source: Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research a The diesel engine and fuel system are the base, so there is no incremental cost for a diesel bus system. 75 Table 5.3. Methanol Bus Cost Summary unit cost Annual miles driven Infrastructure cost per lane Building cost, WOO0 sq ft per lane Tankage, 20,000 gallon size Total infrastructure cost Total infrastructure cost per bus units Total Cost 29,801 (per bus) $92.000 268,148 Refueling cost Labor costs per lane per day Supervisor 22.89 per hour Labor 19.95 per hour Labor costs per day for three lanes 1.258.24 Overhead multiplier Total labor costs per bus per year (365 days) Fuel usage ($/gal, gal/year) 0.59 Lubrizol ($/gal,gal/year) 15.69 Annual refueling cost per bus Cost per mile Bus capital data Incremental first cost. bus engine plus fuel system” 3 8 300 318 60 3 2 19,867 12.42 $276.000 2.68 1,480 2,957.480 9.858 61.04 1,197.20 3,775 7,550 9.185 11.722 195 21,102 0.708 29,900 Source: Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research ’ The diesel engine and fuel system are the base, so the incremental cost is the additional cost of methanol fuel engine and fuel system. 76 Table 5.4. CNG Dual Bus Cost Summary Units unit cost Annual miles driven Infrastructure cost per lane Building cost, $/lo00 sq ft per lane Fueling facility Total infrastructure cost Total cost infrastructure cost per bus Total Cost 34,691 (per bus) $92,000 Refueling cost Labor costs per lane per day Supervisor 22.89 per hour Labor 19.95 per hour Labor costs per day for eight lanes 501.77 Overhead multiplier Total labor costs per bus per year (365 days) Fuel usage per bus per year 0.40 ( $/gal, gal/year) Maintenance costs per bus per year Energy cost of compressors per bus per year 1.28 Annual refueling cost per bus Cost per mile Bus capital data Incremental first cost. bus engine plus fuel system” 8 300 $736,000 2.320.500 3,056,500 10,188 1 24 8 2 22.89 478.80 4,014 8,028 9,767 10,764 4,306 400 365 467 14,940 0.43 1 35,000 Source: Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research ’ CNG/diesel bus engine is the same as the diesel bus. so the incremental cost is the conversion cost of a diesel bus to CNG and additional cost of the fuel system. 77 Tabie 5.5. Startup Costs and Incremental Fixed Costs for Methanol and Dual CNG/Diesel Buses Alternative Fuel startup cost” Methanol $38.296 $12,900 CNGDual 43,727 35,000 Incremental Fixed Costb a Startup costs are initial incremental infrastructure and bus capital costs. b Incremental fixed costs are fuel system and engine conversion costs. They are accrued every ten years. 78 pistons, piston rings, and bearings are used. The cyiinder heads. blowers. injectors. and the turbochargers are generally rebuilt and reused. Sometimes. however, everything has to be scrapped; it all depends on the condition of the engine. In general, a rebuilt engine is up to the specifications of a completely new engine. The cost for the rebuild is an average of all rebuilds performed at the Colorado Institute for FueI and High Altitude Engine Research. Rebuild cost for diesel and CNGIDiesel engine are $6,500 including $3,070 for parts and $3,430 for labor. Methanol engine rebuild costs $9,500 including $6,070 for parts and $3,430 for labor. Data Transformation The data for the nested fixed point algorithm technique consists of monthly observations on the odometer readings for each bus of the fleets, and data on the date and odometer readings at which rebuild was performed. An engine rebuild or replacement is defined as an actual physical replacement of the existing engine with either a new or a used engine involving replacing or rebuilding a majority of the components as previously described. Because the observed state variable x, (mileage) is a continuous variable. the required fixed point EV, in equation 4.4 is actually an infinite dimensional object lying in the Banach space B of all measurable functions of x (Rust). Computing EVe requires discretization of the state space so that the state variable x, takes on only finite values. Then the function EV, becomes a finite dimensional vector in R”, with dimension equal to the number of possible values the discretized state variable x, can assume. In essence, the discretization procedure amounts to approximating the infinite dimensional Banach space B by a high dimensional Euclidian space R” (Rust). J An appropriate way for discrerizing the state space in the bus engine rebuild problem is to divide mileage into equally sized ranges. Following Rust, a length of 5,000 79 and an upper bound of 450,000 miles on mileage are selected. This is consistent with the data because no bus ever got more than 400,000 miles between engine rebuilds. Then the Banach space dimension is n = 90, and EV, is a vector in R9’, and the state variable is assumed to have only discrete integer values in the set ( 1, . ..) n> which can be interpreted as mileage ranges in the underlying continuous state space. Using the discretized state variable, the transition probability function p(x,+, 1 x, i, 63 becomes an n x n Markov transition matrix. In this particular case, the monthly mileage distribution p(x,+, / x, i, 03 equals the density probability g(x,+, - x, 6’3 when i, = 0, as defined in 4.14 which reduces to a multinomial distribution in the discretized space. With n = 90, this reduces to a trinomial distribution on the set (0, 1, 2) corresponding to [0, 5,000), [5,000, lO,OOO), and [lO,OOO, 0), respectively. Putting an upper bound on mileage x, requires to place an absorbing state at x, = n. Thus if at time t a bus is in state x, = n and no rebuild occurs, then at time t-k I it will also be in state x, = n with probability 1. Letting pj = ProbJx,,, = x,+J, j = 0, I, 2, and f o11 owing Rust, the discrete transition probability can be represented as an n x n Markov transition matrix. PO PI Pz 0 0 * . * * OP,P,P,OO*. 0 0 PO 0 0 0 PO . . . . . . . . . . . * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 . -000 PI P? PI . 0 . * 0 P? 0 0 . 0 . . . . . . * * PO PI P? . . . 0 PO PI . p. . . . . 0 0 * . 0 . . . . 0 Pz l-p, . 1 80 This is the transition probability matrix for the uncontrolled Markov process assuming rebuild never occurs. Summary statistics of the raw rebuild data is provided in Table 5.6 Preliminary Analysis Biodiesel Fuel Costs Three prices, $1.75, $2.50, and $3.00 per gallon are assumed for biodiesel fuel costs. Assume x percent of biodiesel and y percent of diesel o/ = 100 - x), pn and pd the price of biodiesel and diesel fuel per gallon, respectively. Then the blended fuel price p is calculated by the formulap = ph * x% + pd * y%. Using this formula and assuming $0.67 per gallon for diesel fuel, the biodiesel fuel price per gallon is listed in Table 5.7. Biodiesel Fuel Consumption Biodiesel fuel consumption data were obtained from engine ceil test runs at the Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research. using #2 diesel (D) and biodiesel (B). Regression of the data through zero was used for the fuel consumption calculations. Then. the regression value is divided into the fuel consumption of the diesel to obtain the fuel consumption for biodiesel (for different percent biodiesel). The fuel consumption data is presented in Table 5.8. Rebuild Cycle A rebuild cycle is defined as the time elapsed between two consecutive engine rebuilds. Using the mileage data. monthly average travelled mileage, rebuild cycle, and rebuild cost are summarized in Table 5.9. 81 Table 5.6. Summary Statistics of Rebuilds summary Diesel Methanol CNGIDiesel 5 5 5 89,600 12,150 55,271 28.861 110.100 14,590 53,432 27,016 34.500 20,200 26,833 5.901 28 34 5 17.33 8.79 10 6 8.33 1.63 Statistics Number of Buses Mileage at Rebuild Maximum Minimum Mean Standard Deviation Elapsed Time between Rebuilds (months) Maximum Minimum Mean Standard Deviation 82 Table 5.7. Biodiesel Fuel Price for Percentage Blend o f 20, 35, 6 0 and 100. Biodiesel Fuel Price per Gallon Percent Blend $1.75 20 $2.50 $3.00 $0.886 $1.036 $1.136 35 1.048 1.310 1.485 60 1.318 1.768 2.068 100 1.75 2.50 3.00 Source: Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research Table 5.8. Fuel Effkiency of Biodiesel Blend Fuels Compared with Diesel Percent Blend Biodiesel 0% Ratio of Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (Fuel Efficiency) 1 20 0.9916 35 0.9766 60 0.9297 100 0.8887 Source: Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research Tabie 5.9. Monthly Travelled Mileage and Rebuild Cycle Alternative Fuel Monthly Travelled Mileage Rebuild Cycle” (months) Engine Rebuild cost Diesel and Biodiesei 2,900 20 $6,500 Methanol 2,600 21 9.500 CNGIDiesel 2,700 10 6,500 Source: Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research a Rebuild cycle is average mileage at rebuild divided by monthly travelled mileage. Actual Operating Costs Actual total operating costs are real costs borne by running the fleet of buses, and obtained as an average form of operating costs data. They are maintenance and fuel costs, and are summarized in Table 5.10. Three prices are considered for CNGIDiesel. The monthly maintenance costs are the highest for methanol buses followed by considerably lower costs for CNGIDiesel. The lowest monthly maintenance cost is for diesel and biodiesel buses. Diesel and biodiesel buses are assumed to have the same maintenance cost. Fuel costs and associated monthly costs vary by type of fuel and price. A high blend of biodiesel and methanol are the high cost fuels and diesel is the lowest cost. Note biodiesel is competitive with CNGIDiesel in terms of total monthly costs at low blend levels. In the next chapter actual monthly costs are used to calculate the present value of total operating costs per mile over the life-cycle of 30 years. 86 Table 5.10. Actual Average Operating Costs for Diesel, Methanol, CNGIDiesel. and Biodiesel Buses. Monthly Engine Maintenance cost Fuel Cost Total Cost Diesel $41.90 $864.47 $906 Methanol 419.38 1,841.03 2.260 CNGIDiesel $.352/gallon $.3975/gallon $.4430/gallon 71.59 71.59 71.59 1,122.49 1,160.62 1,198.72 1,194 1,232 1.270 Biodiesel $1,75/gallon Percent Blend 20 35 60 100 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 1,048.71 1,196.69 1,480.56 1,934.95 1,091 1.239 1,522 1,977 $2SO/gallon Percent Blend 20 35 60 100 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 1,173.46 1,418.14 1,879.36 2.630.28 1.215 1,460 1.921 2.672 $3 .OO/gallon Percent Blend 20 35 60 100 41.90 41.90 41.90 41.90 l-256.43 1,565.78 2,145.22 3,093.38 1,298 1.608 2.187 3,135 CHAPTER VI MODEL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS As hypothesized in the theoretical model, the analysis of rebuild data suggests that an optimal timing for engine rebuild is inconsistent with the data given a large variation of mileage at rebuilds. Thus, taking observed engine rebuilds as optimal, the main task of the theoretical model is to infer the total operating costs leading to these rebuilds. This chapter presents empirical results based on the theoretical model and the derivation of the present value of total operating costs. Also. an analysis of these results is provided in terms of the relative competitiveness of the different alternative fuels. Model Results The parameters of the theoretical model include the rebuild or replacement cost r and the parameter 8, associated with the linear cost function C(x, 6J = 0.001 *x*8,. Table 6.1 presents the structural unknown parameters (I; 19,) estimates computed by maximizing the full likelihood function l/ using the nested fixed point algorithm. A discount factor p = 0.999, corresponding to a very low annual real rate of 0.1 per cent was considered. With this discount factor, the model can be considered as a dynamic model of bus engine rebuild which recognizes that rebuilding or replacing a bus engine is an investment which not only reduces current costs. but future costs as well. Note that changing slightly fl produced negligible changes in the parameters (r, 0,). This 87 ~ 88 Table 6.1. Marginal Cost Estimation Results for Diesel. Methanol, and CNG/Diesel Buses summary Diesei Methanol 3.38 5.06 15.55 4.64 0.89 3.21 Rebuild Costs, RCb 6,500 9,500 6,500 Scale Parameter, fs 1,284 2,047 2.025 Marginal Cost (per 5,000 miles)’ $4.34 $31.84 $1.80 CNG/Diesel Statistics Structural Coefficients Operating Costs, 8,” Rebuild Costs, r a Operating costs include maintenance costs, insurance costs, and loss of ridership and goodwill costs due to unexpected breakdowns. b Scale parameter is the actual rebuild cost. RC. divided by the rebuild cost coefficient. Y. ’ Marginal cost is obtained by multiplying the constant scaling CT times the estimated value of 8, to obtain a dollar estimate of 19,. 89 insensitivity may be explained by the highly collinearity of fi with the rebuild cost Y because both parameters have similar effects on replacement behavior. For example, raising I- tends to retard engine replacement, an effect which can also be achieved by lowering the discount factor p. Furthermore, a high value of 0 may also be explained by Abel’s theorem suggesting that if minimizing long run average costs. /3 can be driven to 1 (Howard, 1971). The value of the cost function parameter 8, for dual CNGIDiesel bus is relatively small. This small value may be explained by the low standard deviation of elapsed time between rebuilds. As C is normalized C(O, 03 = 0, the most that is identified is the value of the change in operating costs. Thus. using observed engine rebuild cost. the scale of the coefficients (r, 0,) can be determined. The average observed rebuild costs were $6.500 and $9,500, for diesel and dual CNGIDiesel, and methanol, respectively. Computing the ratio of actual to estimated rebuild cost, a scale of (T is obtained. Multiplying this scaling constant times 8, gives a dollar estimate of 8,. These estimates of $4.34, $3 1.84. and $1.80 for diesel. methanol and dual CNGIDiesei. respectively indicate that the Regional Transportation District perceives average monthly maintenance costs to increase by these amounts for every 5.000 accumulated miles on the buses. Note that the mileage range in the discretization of the data was 5,000, then the estimated marginal cost is over this range. The large variation in marginal cost can be explained by the relatively large rebuild cost and variation in mileage at rebuild of methanol compared with CNGIDiesel. This wide variation in mileage at rebuild implies higher marginal cost associated with determining optimal preventive maintenance (Table 5.5). For example, considering methanol rebuild data. there was one bus which was rebuilt only one time at a relatively very high mileage of 110,100. This iarge accumulated mileage before rebuild might increase the probability of failure. and consequently insinuate a higher marginal cost. ’ 90 Given monthly travelled mileage. and considering maintenance cost changes eve? 5,000 miles, estimated changes in operating costs are used to calculate average monthly maintenance costs over a rebuild cycle, which are then used to calculate the present value of total operating cost over the refueling infrastructure life-cycle, 30 years. after a rebuild or replacement the system starts new. Note Thus. rebuild cycles are repeated through the life-cycle. Tables 6.2-6.7 present the monthly total operating costs for a replacement cycle. Total operating costs include monthly maintenance cost and fuel cost. There is an additional rebuild cost at the end of each replacement cycle. Discounted Operating Cost Analysis For a full comparison of the operating costs among the alternative fuels. all applicable capital costs including startup costs, engine conversion, refueling system. and operating costs are considered. Then, the discounted cash flow technique is used to calculate the present value of total operating costs over a 30 year life-cycle. Total startup costs are $38,296 and $43,727 for methanol and dual CNG/Diesel buses. respectively (Table 5.5). These costs comprise incremental refueling infrastructure costs and incremental bus capital cost. As hypothesized in the data section, it is assumed that the Regional Transportation District already has diesel bus refueling and maintenance facilities. Therefore, fixed costs of maintenance and refueling facilities are incremental to diesel bus fixed costs. This assumption may favor diesel and biodiesel economics, but it is realistic because all existing transit properties do in fact have diesel facilities. Table 6.2. Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Monthly Estimated Diesel Bus Cost for a Replacement Cycle Cumulative Mileage 2,900 5,800 8,700 11,600 14,500 17,400 20,300 23,200 26,100 29,000 3 1,900 34,800 37,700 40,600 43,500 46,400 49,300 52.200 55,100 58.000 Estimated Operating Cost9 $4.34 13.02 21.70 34.72 47.74 65.10 86.80 108.50 134.54 160.58 190.96 225.68 260.40 299.46 338.52 381.92 425.32 473.06 525.14 577.22 Total Costb $869 877 886 899 912 930 951 973 999 1,025 1,055 1,090 1,125 1,164 1.203 1,246 1,290 1.338 1,390 7.942’ a Estimated operating costs are obtained from Table 6.1. Given monthly average travelled mileage, and considering operating cost increases by the same amount every 5,000 miles, monthly operating costs are calculated accordingly to accumulated mileage. b Total estimated cost includes fuel cost and maintenance cost. ’ Rebuild cost in month 20 is $6,500 92 ~~COw~~m-N\C -O~r4WUW& ~mNuwm--ar-~uoo-wOb-iO~ -q U” rn” ‘“” rn” m” wc w” w I F -” -” Do, 00” 0‘” Q” 0” m ~---------,---c---~& b4 ~oocoo20cooooooooo oooooc =oooooooooco o\cL)m-Tmr4 -* 0” a* 00” F” W” ‘“” U” I--” N - 0 & v; a” P- 0” m- w o\ - u r- 0 m w a r.rv;ca” --r4r4Nr4mmmuuuu~b-lm 93 oooooooooooooooooooo oooooooocoooocoooooo a OQ w ” ?. 7 ? c-4 - C m 00, I---- Wn me u m w - 0 u r- 0 m” ti & L u r-- 0 m w” 6 t-i m” CQ” Pi b-i- a7 m-v ~4~~4mmmmauuummm 75 .-8 -c C .22 OOOOCooOoooooCooOooo oco300cocGoooooooooo 0. 00 r- ‘9 ? -.. m m - 0 0s 09 y Wn m, u m r4 - 0 0 m d & 6 vf w” 4 6 w- - u w m’ 6 0; - u F -cc 0 r4r4r4r4mmmuuuummm ‘=0 z -r4mumwr-w240 -r4mu~w~wmo -----c-----N Table 6.6. Monthly Estimated Methanol Bus Cost for a Replacement Cycle Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Cumulative Mileage 2,600 5,200 7,800 10,400 13,000 15,600 18,200 20,800 23,400 26,000 28,600 31.200 33.800 36,400 39,000 41,600 44,200 46,800 49,400 52,000 54,600 Estimated Maintenance cost” $31.84 95.52 159.20 254.72 350.24 477.60 604.96 764.16 923.36 1,114.40 1,305.44 1.528.32 1,75 1.20 2.005.92 2.260.64 2.547.20 2,833.76 3,152.16 3.470.56 3,820.80 4.202.88 Total Estimated Costb $1.873 1.937 2.000 2.096 2.191 2,319 2.446 2.605 2,764 2.955 3,146 3.369 3,592 3,847 4.102 4,388 4,675 4,993 5,312 5,662 16,814’ a Estimated operating costs are obtained from Table 6.1. Given monthly average travelled mileage, and considering operating cost increases by the same amount every 5.000 miles. monthly operating costs are calculated accordingly to accumulated mileage. b Total estimated cost include estimated operating cost and fuel cost. ’ Rebuild cost in month 21 is $9,500. 96 Table 6.7. Monthly Estimated CNGIDiesel Operating Cost for a Repiacement Cycle with Fuel Prices of $0.3520, $0.3975, and $0.443 per gallon Total Estimated Cost Month 1 2 3 4 2 7 8 9 10 Cumulative Mileage 2,700 5,400 8,100 10,800 13,500 16,200 18,900 21,600 24,300 27,000 Operating cost” $1.80 5.40 9.00 14.40 19.80 27.00 34.20 43.20 52.20 63.08 $0.352 $0.3975 1,124 1.128 1,131 1,137 1,142 1,149 1,157 1,166 1,175 7,685b $1,162 1,166 1,170 1,175 1,180 1,188 1,195 1,204 1.213 7,724b $0.443 $1.201 1.204 1,208 1,213 1,219 1,226 1,233 1,242 1,251 7,762b a Estimated operating costs are obtained from Table 6.1. Given monthly average travelled mileage, and considering operating cost increases by the same amount every 5,000 miles, b Rebuild cost in month 10 is $6.500. 97 The present value of total operating cost is calculated as follow 360 Moc’+Fc M MOC PVC = IC+C-+ c i=l (1 +r)’ j=M+l (1 +ry’ 1 (6.1) + (1 +r)24a I where, PVC is present value of total operating cost, IC is all initial fixed costs. MoC is monthly operating cost, r is monthly discount rate, ~Moc’ monthly operating costs without an additional rebuild cost at the end of the last replacement cycle, and FC is incremental fixed cost. The variable Mtakes values of 336, 340, and 350, respectively for methanol, diesel and biodiesel, and dual CNGIDiesel buses. Note, M+I is the start of the last rebuild cycle. Initial fixed costs (KY) are startup costs for methanol and dual CNGIDiesel (Table 5.5). Incremental fixed costs (FC) are fuel system cost, and fuel system and engine conversion costs for methanol and dual CNGIDiesel buses, respectively (Table 5.5). These latter costs are additional costs accrued every ten years, represented by 120, and 240 in equation (6.1). Monthly discount rate r is obtained by dividing annual rate by twelve. Note for diesel and biodiesel buses IC and FC are assumed to be zero. The life cycle of the refueling infrastructure is 30 years or 360 months. At the end of these 30 years, the salvage value of the refueiing facilities is assumed to be zero. However, the salvage value of the bus is incorporated into the model as described in the theoretical framework. In fact, the replacement parameter r in equation (4.13) was assumed to be the difference between the scrap value and the cost of installing a new engine or rebuilding the old one. Present value per mile of total operating costs are presented in Table 6.8. Present value is calculated over a 30 year life cycle which is the estimated life of the refueling infrastructure. Three annual discount rates. zero, five, and seven percent are used for comparison. The present value of biodiesel is calculated under three price scenarios, $1.75, $2.50. and $3.00 per gallon and at 20, 35, 60, and 100 percent bl&d. 98 Table 6.8. Present Value per Mile of Estimated Operating Costs Over a 30 Year Life Cycle With Discount Rates of Zero, Five, and Seven Percent Discount Rate Zero Alternative Fuel Diesel Methanol cost $0.479 Five Ratio” 1 cost $0.246 Seven Ratio” 1 cost $0.198 Ratio” 1 1.392 2.90 0.736 2.99 0.599 3.02 CNG/Diesel $.3520/gallon 0.740 $.3975/gallon 0.754 $.4430/gallon 0.769 1.54 1.57 1.60 0.407 0.415 0.422 1.65 1.68 1.71 0.337 0.343 0.349 1.70 1.73 1.76 Biodiesel S 1.75/gallon Percent Blend 20 0.542 35 0.593 60 0.691 100 0.848 1.13 1.24 1.44 1.77 0.279 0.306 0.357 0.438 1.13 1.24 1.44 1.77 0.225 0.246 0.287 0.353 1.13 1.24 1.44 1.77 $2.5O/gallon Percent Blend 20 0.585 35 0.670 60 0.829 100 1.088 1.137 1.39 1.73 7 37 -.- 0.302 0.346 0.428 0.563 1.22 1.39 1.73 2.27 0.243 0.278 0.344 0.452 1.22 1.39 1.73 2.27 $3 .OO/gailon Percent Blend 20 0.614 35 0.721 60 0.921 100 1.247 1.28 1 so 1.92 2.60 0.316 0.372 0.475 0.645 1.28 1.50 1.92 2.60 0.255 0.299 0.382 0.519 1.28 1.50 1.92 2.60 a Ratio denotes alternative fuel relative to diesel, alternative fuel cost divided by cost of 1 diesel. 99 Also, three price scenarios, $0.3520, $0.3975, and $0.4430 per gallon are considered for dual CNG/Diesel. Results indicated that methanol buses and 100 percent biodiesel buses priced at $3.00 per gallon are comparable in relative percentage mark-up above diesel buses. A methanol bus cost per mile is approximately three times more expensive to operate than diesel buses and a 100 percent biodiesel bus at $3.00 per gallon is approximately 2.6 times more expensive than diesel. Methanol blended with diesel would reduce this cost similar to the per mile cost savings associated with blending biodiesel. This may result in methanol being as competitive with CNGldiesel and a 35 percent biodiesel blend at $3.00 per gallon. In terms of biodiesel, the threshold at which biodiesel is competitive with CNGIDiesel on a cost per mile basis is between a 35 to 60 percent blend priced at $1.75 and $2.50 per gallon. and around a 35 percent blend priced at $3.00 per gallon. Estimated Versus Actual Present Value of Operating Costs For comparison the present value per mile of actual total operating costs is calculated and contrasted with the present value of estimated operating costs. Actual operating costs are the sum of actual maintenance costs and fuel costs. Actual maintenance costs are obtained as an average of real costs borne by running the fleets of buses. Results are reported in Table 6.9. As expected, estimated operating costs per mile are higher than actual costs. except for dual CNGIDiesel because the former costs account not only for the explicit costs such as maintenance. but also and most importantly the opportunity costs of such loss of ridership and goodwill due to unexpected breakdowns. Actual costs account only for explicit operating costs. 1 Considering the present value of actual operating costs, results with a five discount rate indicate that methanol buses ($.521/mile) and between 60 to 100 percent blend of 100 Tabie 6.9. Present Value of Actual and Estimated Total Operating Costs over a 30 Year Life Cycle With Discount Rate of Five Percent Estimated Actual Alternative Fuel cost Diesel $0.216 Ratio” cost $0.247 Ratio” 1 Methanol 0.521 2.41 0.736 2.98 C’NGlDiesel $0.3520/gallon $0.3975/gallon $0.443O/gallon 0.416 0.424 0.43 1 1.92 1.96 1.99 0.408 0.415 0.422 1.65 1.68 1.70 Biodiesel S 1.7Ygallon Percent Blend 20 35 60 100 0.249 0.275 0.326 0.407 1.15 1.27 1.50 1.88 0.280 0.306 0.357 0.438 1.13 1.24 1.44 I .77 $2SO/gallon Percent Blend 20 35 60 100 0.271 0.315 0.397 0.53 1 1.25 1.45 1.82 2.45 0.302 0.346 0.428 0.561 1.22 1.40 1.73 2.27 $3 .OO/gallon Percent Blend 20 35 60 100 0.286 0.341 0.444 0.614 1.32 1.58 2.05 2.84 0.317 0.372 0.475 0.644 1.28 1.50 1.92 2.60 a Ratio denotes alternative fuel relative to diesel, alternative fuel cost divided by cost of diesel 1 101 biodiesel priced at $2.50 ($.397/mile and $0.531/mile), and a 60 percent blend of biodiesei priced at price $3 .OO per gallon ($.444/mile) are comparable in relative mark-up percentage above diesel buses. A methanol bus cost per mile is approximately 2.41 times more expensive to operate than diesel buses and a 60 percent blend biodiesel priced at $2.50 and $3.00 per gallon are 1.82 and 2.05 times, respectively, more expensive than diesel. With respect to CNGIDiesel buses. results indicate that 100 percent biodiesel priced at $1.75 per gallon, 20-60 percent blend at $2.50 per gallon and 20-35 percent blend at $3.00 per gallon are comparable on a cost per mile basis. The CNG/Diesel technology is in process of being replaced by neat CNG engines. However. at the present time there are too few CNG engines being used and these have insufficient operating hours to determine the total cost per bus mile. Therefore, the CNGIDiesel costs are the best proxy for total cost per bus mile for CNG. Results are similar with discount rates of zero and seven percent. In summary, assuming a 35 percent blend biodiesel fuel can comply with regulatory emission standards, biodiesel buses at prices as high as $3.00 per gallon are competitive with the other alternative fuels. The nested fixed point algorithm provides a consistent method for determining the marginal operating cost. while the actual cost estimation only gives a fixed average cost over a rebuild cycle. A fixed monthly average operating cost is inconsistent with rising operating cost as developed in the literature review chapter. CHAPTER VII SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS Summary and Conclusion At the beginning of this study, two major problems driving demand for alternative fuels in the United States were identified and discussed. The first relates to the necessity of cleaner emissions. This problem is apparent considering emissions from gasoline and diesel powered vehicles which contribute significantly to five of six major sources of pollution. The second problem relates to the concern for reliable source of energy. The United States is a repository of only a small portion of the world’s proven crude oil reserves imports a large portion of the crude oil it consumes from OPEC nations. These sources of imports are subject to sudden and significant disruptions. The motivation of this research was to provide economic information on the comparison of four alternative fuels -- compressed natural gas, methanol. diesel. and biodiesel. In fact, as the market for cleaner burning renewable fuels is becoming increasingly important there is a significant gap in the literature comparing these alternative fuels because most of the current works on the comparison of these alternative fuels are technical. The main objective of this study was to develop a dynamic model for estimating and comparing present value of total operating costs for four alternative fuels. This model was applied to transit buses because transit bus authorities are under mandate of adopting alternative fuels for reducing air pollution. Attempts were made to analyze a typic+ 102 103 transit fleet with typical costs based on data obtained from the Colorado Institute for Fuel and High Altitude Engine Research (CIFER). The model was developed based on Rust’s nested fixed point algorithm which provides a consistent method for determining marginal cost for alternative fuels. Basically the method assumes that transit authorities have developed a procedure for optimally determining when a bus engine should be rebuilt or replaced. Given this optimal timing, the model estimates what the marginal cost per month should be to obtain this optimal timing. Knowledge of this marginal cost along with information on infrastructure, refueling, and any incremental bus capital costs, allows the comparison of net present value for alternative fueled buses with diesel buses. Such a comparison accounts for not only the explicit cost such as maintenance but also the opportunity cost, including loss of goodwill, associated with bus failure. Assuming a 35 percent blend biodiesel fuel can comply with regulatory emission standards, biodiesel buses at prices at high as $3.00 per gallon are competitive with the other alternative fuels. A constraint on the robustness of these results is the limited data on both number of buses and months of bus operations. Currently, CIFER is collecting additional data, in the form of increased bus numbers and operation length. Analysis of these data will result in a more definitive comparison of these alternative fuels. Implications This analysis reveals that biodiesel is competitive with CNG/Diesel and methanol fuels. However, it is less competitive compared with petroleum diesel fuel. In the present situation of liquid fuel supply and at current crude oil prices. there is no greater incentive to find replacements for liquid fossil fuels than for solid ones. There would therefore need to be compelling environmental and socio-economic benefits from conversion of vegetable oil to biodiesel to warrant incentives for promoting biodiesel fuel. 104 These incentives will be necessary to allow the industry to further develop to meet expected demand, as well as to meet the challenge of reducing the cost of producing biodiesel, thus making the fuel more competitive in the commercial marketplace. The driving force behind the biodiesel industry is the recognition that soil, water, sun. and wind (coupled with the greatest agricultural practices and production in the world) are to the United States as oil and gas are to the Middle East. With advanced technology and farming practices. the U.S. will. in a few generations, greatly enhance in its ability to produce transportation fuels and chemical feedstocks, whereas the Middle East and other oil-producing parts of the world will have depleted much of their natural resources. It would seem in the best interest of the global economy and the environment to coordinate these forces in a way that respects the needs of future generations in all parts of the world. Biodiesel represents one of the best alternatives as a renewable fuel for diesel engines from economic, energy and environmental protection aspects. Due to its structural nature, biodiesel is a fuel that does not influence the greenhouse effect as regards emissions of CO,. Note substitution of biodiesel reduces the greenhouse effect as it recycles carbon rather than pumping it from oil well. 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