Nagaur(IWMP)-VI - Directorate of Watershed and Soil Conservation
Nagaur(IWMP)-VI - Directorate of Watershed and Soil Conservation
2009--2010 AREA PROJECT COST CONVERGENCE COST 4653.17 HAC 698 LACK 20 LACK S.R. BANJARA DILIP KUMAR BARNYA (LR) PANCHAYAT SAMITEE MAKRANA PROJECT MANAGER DWDU NAGOUR NAGOUR (RAJASTHAN) AAty xzg.k viukvks cjkuh [ksrh ls [kwc dekvksAA Chapter 1 1. Introduction : IWMP - Indokha Project is located in Panchayat Samati Makrana tehsil- Makrana Nagaur District of Rajasthan State. The Project is a cluster forms which consist one gram panchayat including three villages, The nearest town Makrana of this project is about 37 KM. from Cluster aera is connected to Tehsil Makrana and district head quarter by Road. Each village of the watershed is connected by road. The Geographical area of this project is 4653.17 hac and 4653 ha. Proposed to be treated under integrated Watershed management programme (IWMP) Starting year 2009-10. Route---From nagour toward didwana road up to rol then to choti khato ranigav and then ranigav to makrana road about 10 km before kalyanpura 1.5 km left side divert road lead to binjari and then to indokha (A) Project Location :This cluster lies between latitude 26.25º to 27.40º North and longitude 73.10º to 75.15º East the Watershed area is about 392 meter height from Mean sea level The Watershed includes Three village which name are 1. Indokha 2. Binjari 3. Gothari In the Project area Jat, Rajputh, Muslims, SC communities and other backward Classes are the primary inhabitants of the village. The livelihood of these peoples is primarily based on rain fed agriculture, animal husbandry wages labour goat & sheep rearing. & other Source of Income many population every day goes to Makrana for working in Mines as Labour (B) Village Situation :- 1 The Project village is connected to road Makrana -- Nagaur State Highway in 5 KM. distance toward north side. Table No. 1 basic project information:S.No. (a) (b) © (d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Identification Name of Project IWMP INDOKHA Name of Catchment INDOKHA Name of watershed area INDOKHA Project Area 4653.17 Cost of Project 69797550 cost/hectare 15000 Year of Sanction 2009 Watershed Code cluster No. of Gram Panchayat sin project ONE area No. of villages in project area THREE Type of Project SEMI Desert k) Elevation (metres) l) Major streams m) Slope range (%) Name of Gram Panchayat 0-1% Name of Villages Covered INDOKHA INDOKHA BINJARI GOTHARI Census Area code of villages 1879900 2087.57 1880200 1017.20 1877000 1548.40 4653.17 1.1 Watershed location map(attach) The project has semi arid zone characterized by season of three month rain about July to September. the mean rain fall of this tract is about 382 mm. The Watershed area has flat topography while the soil of the area is sandy & sandy loam underground water is very 2 Cropping Status deep & also saline & fluoride This project area is single crop most of the area depend upon rain, the major crop raised in Watershed are: 1. Kharif :- Bajra, green gram. Cowpea, Moth, Guvar, til, 2. Rabi :- Tara Mira / Mustard, Gram, wheat, Qumin, Esbgol, The project area water flows southeast to north directions and carries excess rain water and micronutrients with westren to estern from in rainy season along very sediments with Micronutrients 1.2 The net geographical area of Indokha Watershed is about 4653 hac out of which 90% is Agriculture land but total agriculture land is completely rainfed. Mainly kharif crop is taken about 5% of the total land is classified under the permanent pasture land and rest is Government land or Aabadi land. Table -Land use pattern of the Project:Area Details For Project in Ha S.No. Name of Total Village Abadi Gocher Agriculture Small Area Land Marginal SC ST Farmer Farmer Land land 1 INDOKHA 2063.50 27.38 18.49 2017.44 24 56 20 0 2 BINJARI 21.93 974.36 11.2 20 6.4 0 3 GOTHARI 1584.37 13.30 44.20 1473.13 20 40 10.4 0 TOTAL AREA IN HACTOR 4653.17 1005.30 8.98 3 1 S. No. 2 Season 3 4 Rain fed Crop sown Area(ha) 1 Kharif 2 Rabi Bajra Guavr Moong Moth Wheat Barly Musturd 5 Irrigated Production (Ton) 1452 897 93 571 0 0 0 Productivity (kg/ha) 1887.6 538.2 27.9 142.75 0 0 0 Area(ha) 1300 600 300 250 0 0 0 6 Total Production (Ton) 0 0 0 0 55 32 40.55 0 0 0 0 132 67.5 48.66 Total Produc Area Ha tivity (kg/ha) 0 1452 0 897 0 93 0 571 2400 55 2100 32 1200 40.55 3140.55 Productio n in Ton 1887.6 538.2 27.9 142.75 132 67.5 48.66 2844.61 The (IWMP- Indokha) Watershed is false under western part of Rajasthan is situated at semi arid zone. The soil is mainly sandy and sandy loam of soil is moderate to deep about 25cm to 75cm. The predominant texture of soil is sandy loam and silt & clay. The soil fertility very poor with low nitrogen phosphorus & Potash. The soil falls in arid sol moderate ranging from 3-5% slope. Crop production- aera wise S.N. 1 2 3 4 YEAR-2005-2006 Area Production Crop Bajra Moong Moth Guar YEAR- 2006-2007 Productivity Area Production Productivity 1451 435.3 0.3 1451 590.4 2.5 115 17.25 1.5 104 31.2 1 591 147.75 2.5 383 95.75 2 856 85.6 1 1037 207.4 2 Crop production- aera wise S.N. 1 2 3 4 Crop Wheat Barly Musterd Qumeen par hacter kharife crop YEAR-2005-2006 Area Production 38 par hacter Rabi crop YEAR- 2006-2007 Productivity Area Production Productivity 76 20 28 67.2 15 6 15 25 11 28.6 17 38 60.8 16 9 13.5 6 55 19.25 3.5 7 1.75 3 4 S.N. PANCHYAT NAME Village Aera in Ha. Irrigated Unirrgated Not avi.cultivation 1 INDOKHA 2 ” Indokha 2087.57 82.55 1845.89 159.14 Deepnagar New 0 0 0 0 0 0 Created 3 ” Devgarh ” 4 ” Gothari 1548.4 26 1093 41.42 5 ” Binjari 1017.2 19 671.21 65 1.3 Rain water storage: - Traditionally rainwater harvesting has been practiced in arid & Semi arid area & has providing drinking water, Domestic water for livestock, water for small irrigation and a way to replenish ground water level. Rainwater harvesting is the collection & storage of Rain from is generally stored in rainwater harvesting structure or directed into Mechanism which Recharge ground water. The rain water harvesting system has three components 1. Catchments 2. Conveyance 3. Storage The storage of water surface lined pond. anicuts & large lakes storage like nadi option are many depending on the content of rainwater harvesting design . In many case of soil profile may also permit artificial Recharge of rainwater of open wells & Bore wells. Water harvesting structures have the potential to increase the productivity of arable lands by enhancing crop yield and by reducing the risk of crop failure in arid & semi arid region. Where water shortages are common because of scanty rainfall & its uneven distribution, In semi arid Regions of Rajasthan existing practice of rainwater harvesting is through anicut, Tanka & earthen embankments because of higher cost and higher technical skill involved in the construction of these structure. 1.4 Soil erosion- The soil erosion is as detachment & transportation of soil particle from one place to another place through the action of water & wind or any human activities 5 Water in motion or by beating action of raindrops. Soil erosion is broadly classified in to two types:1. Geologic erosion 2. Accelerated erosion. The removal of Soil surface takes places much fasten rate then it can be built up by the natural soil farming process. Accelerate erosion is two types:1. Water erosion 2. Wind erosion. The water erosion as movement of soil by running waters ever the land surfaces. The rate of water Erosion depends upon land slope, soil types, density of vegetation & intensity of Rainfall. This may be classified as three types:1. Sheets erosion. 2. Rill erosion. 3. Gully erosion. 1.5 Socio economic status: - The financial position of the people is generally poor. The density of the population 5138 per sq.kms. In the area is thinner as compared with other district of Rajasthan. There in no Important Industry in this project area. this Watershed project has a total of 941 household with a population of 8320 ( as per base line survey) out of which are male 2543 and 2595 Female. The sex ratios 1002. There are 51 BPL families. The total literacy rate is 58% either 60% mail and 20 % Female literacy . The major castes in the Villages sc. communities Jat & Rajput. Majority of Population is involved in agriculture & Animal husbandry. This Watershed project is 34 Families are land less & Migration rate is very high. People migrate during summer & winter season to different part of India like Bhuj Surat, (Gujarat) Mumbai (Maharashtra) or others as daily Wages, agriculture lobour and construction works. Lack of Fodder availability and grazing land for smaller ruminant force these people to migrate to other places. Table No. Demographic Information of the Project:- 6 Village Total Population Population ST Population SC M F Total M F Total M F Total 2 6 1. INDOKHA 1282 1336 2018 173 158 331 4 2. BINJARI 398 397 795 66 75 141 1 - 1 3. GOTHARI 863 862 1715 214 193 407 1 - 1 Total 2543 2595 4528 453 426 879 6 8 1.6 :- Problem & scope of improvement goods/ objective 1.6.1:- Problems 1. Low fertility and problem of nutrient losses due to erosion in rainy season and fast wind in summer season and fast wind in summer season. 2. Poor socio - economic condition of the farmer. 3. Watershed project area these people are low literary rate. 4. No. Irrigation facilities due to deep ground water table & lack of water harvesting structure 5. Salin and fluorid effected water. 6. No Proper trempart faciliteas, Rail, bus 7- Miximum population is labour class. The Objectives of the Watershed development project will be:1. Conservation, development & sustainable management of natural resource including their use. 7 2. Enhancement of Agriculture productivity and production in sustainable manner. 3. Restoration of ecological balance in the degraded and fragile rain fed eco- system by greening these are as through appropriate Mix of Trees & shrubs and areas. 4. Reduction in regional disparity between irrigated and rain fed are areas. 5. Creation of sustained employment opportunities for the rural community including the Landless. 1.7 :- Institutional arrangement ( SLAN,DWDU,PIA, WDT,WC,& Secretary) Sr. No. 1 Names of project IWMP -Indokha Details of PIA (i) Type of organization District Level Nodal Agency Name of organization District Watershed Development Unit Nagour (i) Designation & Address S.R. Banjara Project Manager, DWDU, Nagour (ii) Telephone 01582-243270 (iv) E-mail Staff At PIA Level 8 S.NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. Name Mr.Deelip Barniya AEN Mr.Rajesh kumar sharma JEN Mr.Gopal Lal Gurjar AG EXPERT Mr. Narsingh Lal Choudhary ANIMAL EXPERT Smt. Ranuka sharma social scientist Mrs. Vimla devi chair man Mr.Chhotu singh Age 41 Se x M PIA 16 years Job assigned Project Manage ment 40 M JEN 15 years Agr. Eng. 30 M WDT(Agr.) 5 years Agricultural Development 22 M WDT(Vatnary) 2 years Vatnari Development 38 F WDT(social) 5 years Community Mobilization 24 F 23 M Persident (WC) Sectary (WC) Designation Experience Chapter 2 Basic features :- Socio- Economic & Infrastructure 9 (A) Land use & Land Capability classification (i) Present Land Use:- The livelihood of the village is dependent on rain fed farming of subsistence. But, rainfed agriculture fails to meet the peoples’ requirement because the rainfall pattern is often erratic and unreliable, compounded by recurring drought. Table No.:- Land Use Details of Watershed S.No. Name of Total Village Abadi Gocher Agriculture Small Area Land Marginal SC ST Farmer Farmer Land land 1 INDOKHA 2063.50 27.38 18.49 2017.44 24 56 20 0 2 BINJARI 21.93 974.36 11.2 20 6.4 0 3 GOTHARI 1584.37 13.30 44.20 1473.13 20 40 10.4 0 1005.30 8.98 Almost, 90% of the total area is under cultivation while around 10% is under the pasture land Bajara, Moth, Guwar si grown on kharbi season & Rabi season grows are Wheat ,Taramira, Grams, Esbgol, There is heavy degradation of the common lands due to grazing pressure, commercial exploitation, unregulated use and decay of institutional arrangements. (ii) Land Capability classification:- Land capability classification refers to a systematic arrangement of different kind of land according to those properties that determine the ability of the land to reproduce on a virtually permanent basis. There are two broad groups, namely: • Land suitable for cultivation, which includes class I to class IV lands, and • Land not suitable for cultivation but very well suited for forestry, grassland and wildlife. This includes class V to class VIII lands. 10 Table (A) Soil depth classes: Symbol Name Depth range (cm) d1 Very shallow 0 – 7.5 d2 Shallow 7.5 – 22.5 d3 Moderately deep 22.5 – 45 d4 Deep 45 - 90 d5 Very deep > 90 Table (B) Slope classes: Symbol Slope Class Slope % Reading Level of A Nearly level 0 –1 0 – 35’ B Gently sloping 1–3 35’ - 1044’ C Moderate sloping 3–5 1044’ – 2052’ D Strongly sloping 5 – 10 2052’ – 5043’ E Moderate steep 10 – 15 5043’ – 8032’ F Steep 15 – 25 8032’ – 14003’ G Very steep 25 – 33 14003’ – 18016’ H Very very steep > 33 18016’ – 26034’ Abney Table(C) Soil erosion phases: Symbol Erosion phase Characteristics e1 Not apparent (sheet) e2 Moderate (sheet and rill) e3 Severe (Sheet rill and small 75 –100% top soil and up to 25% sub gully) soil removed e4 Very severe gullies) or slight 0 –25% top soil or original plough layer within a horizon removed 25- 75% top soil removed (shallow Gullied land 11 e5 Very very severe (Shallow Very severely gullied land or sand gullies) dunes Table (D) Soil Texture: Type Particle size Remark Sand 0.05 – 2 mm Particle visible Silt 0.002 – 0.05 mm Particles hardly visible Clay < 0.002 mm Particles not visible Clayey soils > 50% clay particles Silty soils > 50% silt particles Sandy soils > 50% sand particles E S.No. D. E Soil Profile Major Soil Classes 1 sandy loam Soil Depth : Depth (Cms.) 1 0.00 to 7.50 2 7.50 to 45.00 3 > 45.00 Soil fertility Status N P K Area in hectares 4653.17 20 Area in hectares 4653.17 Kg/ha c;n =.24 13 200 Micronutrients PPM zinc 0.6 Details of soil Texture: Soil type Code % Sand % Silt % Clay Sand S 80-100 0-20 0-20 Sandy Loam SL 50-80 0-50 0-20 Loam L 30-50 30-50 0-20 Silty Loam SiL 0-50 50-100 0-20 50-80 0-30 20-30 20-50 20-50 20-30 Sandy Loam Clay SCL Clay Loam CL 12 Silty Loam Clay SiCL 0-30 50-80 20-30 Sandy Clay SC 50-70 0-20 30-50 Clay C 0-50 0-50 30-100 Silty Clay SiC 0-20 50-70 30-50 Table (F) Land capability rating table: S Description r . Clas s Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Class VII Class VIII Moder Sever ate e Very sever e Few Moder Sever ate e Very severe I N o . 1 Degree of Few limitation for use 2 Soil depth Very Deep dee p Moder Shallo Very ate w deep Very shallo w Very shallo w Rock very 3 Slope <1 1-3 3-5 5-15 <1 15-25 >25 Precipit ous e1 e2 e3 e1 e4 e5 Precipit ous 4 Effect erosion of e1 (B) Agri & horticulture status & fuel availability:Agriculture most of the area depends upon rain, cropping intensity is less than 150% of cropped area, In the most area single crop. The farmer left the fields fallow for few years to regain the fertility of the soil & then they bring the field under cultivation crop raised in Watershed are :1. Kharif mung (green gram) cowpea, Bajara, Wheat, Qumin, Esbgol etc. 2. Rabi -Taramira, Grams 13 S. No . Horticulture:- There are no orchard is this Watershed but some horticulture plants such as Awala, ber etc. Fuel availability:- With the Enviourment bare and degraded the women has to go longdistances to obtain good firewood, falling which she has to take resources to thorny bushes, brambles and other poor quality fuel material, the search for fuel is Her constant preoccupation much of her time and energy is utilized to keep the home fire burning, this Watershed the fire wood use as babul & brushes, but the no forest land in its Watershed so the present status of full availability is very low. (C) Live stock status: - The present live stock status of this Watershed is very poor, because there are raise only single corp. The village have 730 cow, 983 Buffaloes , 3853 Sheep & goat, Camel 14, mostly people depends upon goat & sheep, rearing for their livelihood cow, Buffaloes of local bread, Lack of rain & surface water has Reduced the fodder and pasture availability for their animals. This lead to heavy Migration to other project of state. Milk production is so low that there is no dairy Cooperative in the village. Availability of fodder(quintals) Indokha Binjari Gothari Total rajka 0 0 0 0 kutr 22500 10655 16110 49265 grass 1260 608 920 2788 other 882 426 644 1952 Total 54005 Cattle and Animal Population & fodder requirements INDOKHA BINJARI Description of Populati feedin fodde Population feeding animals on in g r in No. kg/day No. kg/da Q/Ye y ar fodder Q/Year Popul ation in No. GOTHARI feeding fodde kg/day r Q/Ye ar Populati on in No. total feedin fodder Q/Year g kg/da y 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cows Indegeneous Hybrid Buffaloes Goat sheep Camel Poultry Piggery Total S.No. 246 8 542 1023 308 4 0 0 2131 8 11 9 2.5 3 22 0 0 128 3 175 744 344 4 0 0 7203 322 17853 9360 3382 322 0 0 38443 1398 8 11 9 2.5 3 22 0 0 3748 121 5765 6808 3777 322 0 0 20540 335 10 266 1043 391 6 0 0 2051 Cattle and Animal Population (productive female) INDOKHA BINJARI Population Yield Population Yield Description of animals in No. 1 Cows Indegeneous Hybrid 2 Buffaloes 3 Goat 4 sheep 5 Camel Total in No. 8 11 9 2.5 3 22 0 0 9809 403 8762 9543 4293 483 0 0 33293 709 21 983 2810 1043 14 0 0 5580 8 11 9 2.5 3 22 0 0 GOTHARI Population in No. Yield 162 52 218 365 117 491 2 1 10 22 11 110 367 104 197 2202 684 1182 801 507 706 640 405 564 142 184 202 57 74 81 4 4 0 0 0 0 1478 3285 852 1291 1333 2428 NOTE- Sheep wool production per sheep 400gram total wool production by project area =322k.g. 20760 845 32380 25712 11452 1127 0 0 92276 total Population in No. Yield 432 973 13 143 668 4068 2014 1609 528 211 8 0 3663 7004 (D) On farm & off farm :Other income generating activities of this Watershed area the largely people is based on agriculture farming, People on farm is only seasonally work done. But other income generated people has gone the other part of India such is Surat, Maharashtra etc. Southern part of India as lobour work in present time no livelihood intervention for land less peoples. 15 (E) Demography :- IWMP Indokha project cover 1 G.P. in three village it has total House hold 941 with net population 5138 (as base line survey) wills female & Male, The sex ratio is 1002 .there are about 51 BPL families. The average family size of five member. The literacy rate is about with male 60% literacy Female 20% literacy. The major caste in the village OBC and GEN communities & other Backsword classes, Most of the population is involved in agriculture & Animal Husbandry, Around 50 Families are land less Table No. Demographic Information of the Project:- Village Total Population Population ST Population SC M F Total M F Total M F Total 2 6 1. INDOKHA 1282 1336 2018 173 158 331 4 2. BINJARI 398 397 795 66 75 141 1 - 1 3. GOTHARI 863 862 1715 214 193 407 1 - 1 Total 2543 2595 4528 453 426 879 6 8 (F) Infrastructure facilities:- IWMP Indokha Watershed as well connected to Tehsil Makrana . All villages have electricity connected. Nearly 90% of house hold in the village has their personal electric meter. The project infrastructure facilities are as given below. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Details of infrastructure in the project areas Parameters Status No. of villages connected to the main road by 3 an all-weather road No. of villages provided with electricity No. of households without access to drinking water No. of educational institutions : (P) 3 45% (S) (HS) (VI) 16 (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) Primary(P)/ Secondary(S)/ Higher Secondary(HS)/ vocational institution(VI) No. of villages with access to Primary Health Centre No. of villages with access to Veterinary Dispensary No. of villages with access to Post Office No. of villages with access to Banks No. of villages with access to Markets/ mandis No. of villages with access to Agro-industries Total quantity of surplus milk No. of milk collection centers (U) (e.g. Union(U)/ Society(S)/ Private 0 agency(PA)/ others (O)) No. of villages with access to Anganwadi Centre Any other facilities with no. of villages (please specify) Nearest KVK cooperative society NGOs Credit institutions (i) Bank (ii) Cooperative Society Agro Service Centre's 5 (G) Nrega status :- IWMP Indokha project nuder villagers in already their job card & the total been renovated, and to (Nrega mis) NREGA :- 2 2 0 5 15 6 16 3 0 0 (S) 0 (PA) (O) 0 0 5 0 nagour Indhoka 0 0 0 1 0 h/n each has male traditional W.H.S. has KM gravel road work has been done. In Nrega miner irrigation activity not done here, In last two year 80-90% families complete their 100 days in NREGA. (H) Development indicators :-Watershed development indicator are mainly two types such as:1. Physical & Economic development:(i) Availability of income opportunities. (ii) Food security. 17 (iii) Fodder availability. (iv) Fuel availability. (v) Saving & credit (vi) Water availability for house hold & farming. 2. Social development indicators:(i) Stoppage of migration. (ii) Improvement in women’s status. (iii) Educational status for women & children. (iv) Health & hygiene. 3. Land holding details: - This project area the land holding pattern is different, in Project area the land holding details given below. (J) Other development schemes in the project:(i) MGNREGA:- Renovation has been taken up under NREGA. in (ii) Total sanitation campaign (TSC) :- BPL family individual toilet are this scheme. (iii) IAY (iv) SGSY (v) constructed POP: (ii) Technical Features:The Planning of watershed area treatment are used various types of maps prescribed as below (a) & (b) Basic information regarding maps:- (attach maps) Direction: - North direction is always marked by arrow on the corner of the maps so that it is easy to orient the map in the field. 18 Scale: - Proportion of distance marked on the map and actual distance on the field is called the scale of the map. Example1: 100, 1: 500, it means that the distance on the field is 100 to 500 times as marked on the map. Index: - The information or symbol used on the maps is shown in the index table. Contour line: - It is the line joining the points of equal elevation. (b) Important maps used in the planning of watershed: PRA maps: - These are the maps prepared on the basic information available from the village community. These maps are mainly shows the problems of the village and the solution for the associated problems. Cadastral maps: - It is a very important map shows the survey number wise land record. By this map, it is easy to know the location of land of villagers. Normally the scale of the map is 4:1000. This map is used for the demarcation and planning of watershed interventions. Toposheet:- It is prepared on the basis of latitude and longitude of earth. All the land of our country is marked on the toposheet. Each and every part of the land has specific toposheet number. It is available in three scales 2:150000, 1:50000, 2:15000, the contour interval of these toposheet are 100m, 20m and 10m respectively. Information like, contour line, elevation of hilltop, drainage line, roads, villages and hamlets, power line, forestland, revenue land etc is available on toposheet. By contour line we can visualize the area in thee-dimensional view example: hillock, pond, gentle slope, steeper slope, valley can be visualized by the contour lines. Demarcation of watershed boundary is only possible on toposheet because it the only maps having contour lines and drainage lines. The demarcation boundary should be always marked on the colour photography of the toposheet. It is easy to identify the colour and drainage line on the toposheet. Identification of drainage line on toposheet : when the lines join and does not cross and take the [Y] shape it means the line are drainage lines. Identification of contour line on toposheet: Contour lines do not cross to each other. Elevation of the lines is always shown on the lines and have equal contour interval. If any two lines are crossed on the maps means one line is contour and other one may be drainage or road or power line or forest demarcation line etc. (attach maps) 19 (c) Hydro-Geological maps / Ground water status and prospect maps.:In India groundwater occurs mainly in three types of hydro geological formations. Unconsolidated alluvial formations:- covering over 30 per cent of the land area, primarily the Indo-Gangetic plain, comprise sand, gravels and pebbles which can store large quantities of groundwater. Semi-consolidated formations:- covering about 5 per cent of the land area, consist of sandstone formations of Mesozoic and Tertiary age. These have highly variable yields of groundwater. Consolidated formations:- comprising 80 per cent of the land with relatively poor groundwater potential. ‘Hard rock’ is a generic term applied to consolidated formations with aquifers of low primary intergranular porosity. (d) Slope details:-The watershed area is very important role of gradient, gradient means the interval of two contours dividing by the total horizontal distance. This watershed is flat topography and generally slope 3 to 5%. The slope is high to reduce the infiltration capacity of land and reduce the productivity. S.No. 1 2 3 4 Slope of Watershed Slope percentage Area in hectares 0 to 3% 4653 3 to 8% 8 to 25% > 25% (e) (i) Available surface runoff based on average rainfall:- rainfall of an area provide the basic information required for management of land and water resources. The important parameters are. Amount of rainfall:- The depth of which rain water would stand on a horizontal surface under conditions of no infiltration, no runoff and no evaporation is known as the amount of rainfall. It expressed in mm or cm. Duration:- The period during which the rainfall occurs is known as the duration of rainfall. It has the units of time, viz seconds, minutes, and hours. 20 Intensity:- Rainfall intensity plays a great role in watershed planning. It is defined as the rate at which rainfall takes place that is the amount of rainfall occurring per unit time. It is expressed in units of mm/hr or cm/hr. Rainfall Frequency:- Frequency or the return period or recurrence interval denotes the period in years during in years during which a storm of given duration and intensity can be expected to recur. It is better way to express this is by use of “percent chance’ e.g. 50 year frequency has a 2% chance. A point where the intensity of rainfall becomes greater than the infiltration capacity of the soil. As this point surface runoff is said to have started and this water no longer remains available for use within the area. The estimation of runoff from catchments is the first step in designing any watershed structure. Runoff = Rainfall – [Infiltration + Interception + Surface storage +Surface detention] (ii) Surface (f) Soil map and soil details:- When dry soil is crushed in the hand, it can be seen that it is composed of all kind of particles of different size. Most of these particles originate from degradation of rocks, they are called mineral particles. Some originates from the residue of plants and animals these are called organic matters. (i) Soil profile: - If a pit, at least 1 met. deep, is dug in the soil, various layers, different in color and composition, can be seen. These layers are called horizon. This succession of the horizons is called the profile of the soil. (ii) Texture:-The mineral constituents of a soil can be sorted out according to the size of the particles above 2 mm. in diameter are strictly speaking not regarded as part of soil. These are classified as stones and gravel. Generally, 10 types of soils ate distinguished according to the proportion of sand, silt and clay. Such crucial soil properties as the movement and retention of water, circulation of soil air, adsorption of nutrients and microbial activity are affected and this leads to specific choice of tillage practices, irrigation methods, crops etc. Soil texture is mainly concerned with the size and shapes of the mineral particles of the soil. The particles are sand, silt and clay and hey have the following diameters. 21 Particle Size Remark Sand 0.05-2mm Particles visible Silt 0.002-0.05mm Particles hardly visible Clay < 0.002mm Particles not visible Clayey soil > = 50% Clay particles Silty soil > = 50% Silt particles Sandy soil > = 50% Sand particles Loams are soils with mixed particles of sand, silt and clay Soil erosion depends greatly on the infiltration rate of a soil. The infiltration rare again depends on the soil texture. In sandy soil infiltration rate is higher than other soil. (iii) Infiltration:-When rain or irrigation water is supplied to a field, it deeps into the soil. This process is called infiltration. A range of values for infiltration rates is given below. Low infiltration rate Medium infiltration rate High infiltration rate < 15mm/ hour 15 to 50 mm/ hour > 50mm / hour An infiltration rate of 15mm/hour means that a water layer of 15mm on the surface of the soil will take one hour to infiltrate. Factors influencing the infiltration rate are mainly soil texture, soil structure, and Soil moisture content. (iv) Soil moisture content:- It indicates the amount of water present in the soil. It is determined by: Soil moisture in % = [(total weight of water/total weight of soil) x 100] (vi) Saturation:-During the rain shower or irrigation application, the soil pores will fill with water the soil is said to be saturated. There is no air voids in the soil. (vii) Ground water table: - Part of the water applied to the soil surface drains below the root zone and feeds deeper soil layers, which are permanently saturated; the top of the saturated layers is called the ground water table or some time just water table. The depth of water table varies greatly from place to place, mainly due to change in topography of the area. (viii) Capillary rise:-If a piece of tissue is dipped in water, the water is sucked upward by the tissue. The same process happens to the ground water table and the soil above it. The ground water can be sucked upward by the soil through very small pores that are called capillaries. This process is called capillary rise. 22 (g) Climate details: - Climate and weather are equally important in agriculture. water shortage at critical times due to drought condition can destroy the crops and reduce the yield considerably. When there is a drought, farmers will get reduced returns or get nothing for their work due to total crop failure. Drought area means both agriculture product and water are usually in short supply and causes severe hardship for those individuals and communities. Hence better understanding of the variable climate and how the seasonal climate forecast may be used to make timely decision in agriculture operations especially in rainfed farming is essential. Hot summer and general dryness characterize the climate of the project area, except in monsoon season. The year could be divided into summer season; Monsoon season, Post monsoon season and winter season, the period of these season are March to mid June, mid June to September, October to November and December to February respectively. The region has physical constraints like low and erratic rainfall, high temperature, high wind velocity, low fertility, poor soil structure, salinity of soil and ground water are the deterrents to assured production. (i) Rainfall:-The rainfall trend in the region is irregular and the rainfall pattern varies from year to year. The rainy season starts with the onset of the monsoon mid-June and continues up to mid-September. The distribution of rainfall shows drastic variations in rainfall from year to year and within the rainy seasons. Reliability of rainfall is apparently highest in the months of July and August and lowest in September and October. From November to May no significant precipitation occurs. Generally, the rainfall pattern is erratic. Following patterns have been common in the recent years: • Timely on set followed by long dry spells, • Timely on set and early withdrawal, • Late on set and early withdrawal. 23 Break up of rain in different season during the year • Summers – 0-2 days • Monsoon – Approximately 35 days • Winter – Approximately 4 days Average annual rainfall is 361 mm. Climatic and Hydrological information 1 Average Annual Rainfall(mm) Year Average Annual Rainfall(mm) 1 1997 601 2 1998 298 3 1999 249 4 2000 268 5 2001 481 6 2002 260 7 2003 495 8 2004 282 9 2005 422 10 2006 297 11 2007 343.5 12 2008 650 13 2009 141 14 2010 545 2 Avg Monthly rainfall (last ten years) Month i) ii) iii) iv) Rainfall(mm) 1999 June 32 July 148 August 26 September 38 3 Maximum rainfall intensity (mm) Duration rainfall intensity(mm) i) 15 minute duration 65 ii) 30 minute duration 92 iii) 60 minute duration 120 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 5 57 34.5 69.5 34 54 165 127 32.5 207 46 173 70 158 77 160 98 35 23 7 59 10 61 112 (ii) Humidity:-During Monsoon Season, the humidity of the region varies from 70 to 90 %. During Monsoon, High humidity can be easily witnessed in the region. Humidity during the summer is as low as to 20 %. 24 (iii) Topography:- The natural condition of the land is flat with gentle slope. But at some places the slope is moderately slope 3 to 5%. (iv) Temperature:- The soil organisms are most active at 24-35o c. O.M. of Indian soil is low because of the high rate of decomposition under tropical and subtropical climate .except in few localized area in the hilly and high altitude regions. The O.M. in most of the cultivated soils rarely exceeds 1%. O.M. content in Indian soil is generally 0.5%. Table No.:4 Temperatue (Degree C) Season i) Summer Season ii) Winter Season iii) Rainy Season Max Min 47 30 25 10 36 21 Erosion details:-Erosion may be defined as the detachment of transportation of soil particle from one place to another place by water ,& wind, The forms of soil erosion by water are sheet of Riel erosion (4-10 ton/ha/year in Red soil, 17-43 ton/ha/year in black soil and 4-14 ton/ha/year in alluvial soil, gully erosion (about 33 ton/ha/year in ravine regions) hilly side erosion (more than 80 ton/ha/year) . sheet erosion is the most serious problem in INDIA, an Recent analysis of annual soil erosion rate in India it was Estimated that about 5334 M ton (16-35 ton/ha) of soil is detached annually duel to agriculture and associated activities alone. Type of Erosion: 1. Rain drop erosion: - Raindrop or splash erosion result from soil splash caused by the Impact of falling Raindrops It has been proved that Raindrop is of major importance as a contributation to erosion. The falling Raindrops detached soil 25 particle. Raindrop may splash wet soil of much as 60 cm. high and 150 cm from the spot where raindrop fall. 2. Sheet erosion:- It is a more or less even removal of a thin layer of soil it is often unnoticed by the farmer because it occurs gradually and there is ho appreciable change yield decreases slowly to a minimum. 3. Rill erosion :- sheet flow occurs only when the surface is smooth and of a uniform slope this is rowel in cultivated field consequently rainwater concentrate in depression and than begins to flow taking the path of least resistance, mating riles which are small enough to be easily removed by normal tillage operation. 4. Gully Erosion: - Gully erosion is removal of soil by running water with the formation of channels that cannot be removed completely ty normal cultivation. Gully erosion is advance stage of rill erosion and last stage of water erosion. Cattle paths. Cart tracks. Dead furrows or other small depression down. The slope are potential source of gullying as it favour to increase the concentration of surface runoff. 6 Runoff i) Peak Rate (cum/hr) ii) Total run off volume of rainy season (ha.m.) iii) Time of return of maximum 5 10 Inflood years years Year iv)Periodicity of Drought in village area 7 Sediment Production Rate(SPR)(ha-m/100sq km/year 8 Slope of Watershed S.No. Slope percentage Area in hectares 1 0 to 3% 4653.17 2 3 to 8% 0 3 8 to 25% 0 4 > 25% 0 9 Erosion status in project Area 26 Cause Type Area of affected erosion (ha) Water erosion a Sheet 465.317 b Rill nil c Gully nil Sub-Total Wind erosion Total for project Average soil loss (Tonnes/ ha/ year) Run off(mm/ year) 60mm 4653.17 NA 7 30 iii) Problem demand & scope for comprehensive area development. Problem:(i) Soil & water conservation problem. (ii) soil erosion. (iii) Fuel & fodder availability problem. (iv) Drinking water & irrigation water problem. (v) Poor socio economic condition. (vi) Low soil fertility problem. (vii) Migration problem. (viii) Unemployment. (ix) Low rate of literacy. (x) NO micro enterprises availability. (xi) Low and erratic rainfall, frequent droughts leading to land degrations. (xii) fodder scarcity leading to low livestock productivity. (xiii) Reduction in size of holding. (xiv) Village commons shrinking due to encroachment. (xv) limited credit input and market facilities. Demand : (i) People need to good tech of agriculture farming. 27 (ii) Drip & sprinkler system required because the loss of water is very low. (iii) Food requirement. (iv) Fuel & Fodder band requirement. (v) New tech. of employment generation. So that migration rate reduced. (vi) Horticulture development. (vii) Animal husbandry development. (viii) Livelihood intervention for landless. Scope :- To identify and address issues and gain the in sightsKnowledge and experience needed to solve problem and implement change:(i) Alternative land use plan. (ii) Scientific tech. of soil & moisture conservation. (iii) Improved scientific agriculture practices. (iv) Fodder development & management. (v) Afforestation. (vi) Meteorological information. (vii) Dairy development & management. (viii) Rural craft. (ix) Income generation activities:(A) Food processing. (B) Post harvest management practices. (A) • preparatory phase activities capacity building training and EPA Regeneration, Soil and Water Conservation- Treatment of the project area with suitable soil and water conservation measures using ridge to valley approach aimed at reducing soil loss and optimal utilization of water. • Strengthening Institutions- Effort will be made towards strengthening of local institutions and bringing in place governance mechanism to ensure proper representation, democratic decision making and appropriate benefit sharing along with proper resource management mechanism. • Capacity Building – Attempts will be directed towards making relevant knowledge and idea accessible to communities. They will also be encouraged and assisted in 28 finding creative solutions through networking, training and exposures and assistance from other agencies. • Spaces for the disadvantaged section- Attempt will be made to devise strategies to respect and accommodate the existing social cultural and political specificities and also create spaces for disenfranchised section of the community like women, landless etc. • Collective search for appropriate solutions- An effort will be made to help the community in generating alternatives and strengthening local initiatives and mechanism for development of secondary source of income such as dairying, poultry, horticulture, nursery, compost production etc. • Documentation of learning and experience- All social and ecological processes and trials will be systematically documented which will lead to the development of learning and future directions of the project. Capacity Building Elements:The project will be a community led initiative, which include the full participation of all stakeholders, but in particular the target tribal community, throughout the project cycle. Maximum emphasis will be on creating sustainable livelihood opportunities through utilization of the natural resources of the region in a productive and ecologically sustainable manner. Formation of village level watershed committee and hamlet level working groups. Facilitate regular ‘Gram Sabah’s’ for community-based discussion and planning. Strengthen institutional arrangements and encourage appropriate regulatory mechanism on free grazing and felling of the trees. Implementation of soil and water conservation activities viz., contour trenches, farm bunding, gully plugging, plantation etc., Arrange educational trips to various successful watershed projects to increase their understanding of watershed and types of activities undertaken, impact of watershed project on village economy, process of planning and institutional arrangements and roles and responsibilities involved in watershed implementation. Training programs, exposures, audio-video aid, cultural activities etc. will be organised to capacitate the community as per their need and requirements. To organized women group to improve their socio-economic condition 29 Considering the above mentioned problem, an integrated effort needs to be pumped in where appropriate bio physical measures coupled with Ecorestoration efforts would be executed. In addition to this, human resources available in the village have to groom, so that they can manage and maintain the assets created at village level. Training and Capacity building of the villagers and watershed development committee members along with the women self group would be one major thrust area in the upcoming watershed activities. (B)Natural resource management:conservation and restoration are applications of ecological principles by humans. Judgment of success is from the human perspective. The scale of application is variable within the "human scale" of activity – yet manifested and viewed from global down to small acreages and households, even to the microscopic. Regulations and laws may be assets, or impediments, depending on their adaptability to local and temporal conditions and subject to skillful implementation over time. Economics may produce strong forces that support or undermine success. The perspective of individuals or groups of individuals often conflict with the needed changes and management activities. Although conservation and restoration are science based activities, we know far less than we need to have a routine procedure to follow. Therefore, our management actions must address the processes of conservation and restoration on an appropriate scale and then be maintained for an extended time with appropriate mid-course corrections for our ecological objectives to be approached. The single greatest difficulty for achieving desired results becomes that of unrecognized human ignorance acted upon with overconfidence. In practice, successful management of natural resources, conservation and restoration must coordinate complex time-dependent ecosystem processes with human dynamics. We need a clear understanding of our self and how we either facilitate or hinder the progress toward healthy ecosystem functions. Successful management implies continuous learning. 30 INRM can be defined as the responsible and broad-based management of the land, water, forest and biological resources base--including genes--needed to sustain agricultural productivity and avert degradation of potential productivity. Traditional Knowledge and Management of Natural Resources Soil, water and vegetation are three basic natural resources. The survival of God’s creation depends upon them and nature has provided them as assets to human beings. The management of natural resources to meet people’s requirements has been practised since the pre-Vedic era. Farmers were ranked high in the social system and village management was in their hands. In order to manage land, water and vegetation, technical knowledge suitable to the specific conditions of a region was required. They gained this knowledge and developed skill through experience and learning by doing. Over-exploitation of natural resources by growing population resulted in various severe problems. Destruction of vegetation has resulted in land degradation, denudation, soil erosion, landslides, floods, drought and unbalanced ecosystems. A balanced ecosystem is an urgent need. . The present investigation was the outcome of experience gained in the villages. It is achieved grand success through watershed management and lab to land activities. In contact with the farmers, traditional wisdom was documented. A wealth of traditional knowledge could be harnessed through their cooperation. Their experiences are required to be shared and discussed to promote modern technology for development. Methodology . Farmers were interviewed to obtain information on traditional knowledge. Individual contacts were made and questions were asked about traditional systems in the villages. Representation of women among the farmers was also ensured. By means of informal interviews and interaction with old and young farmers and farm women, responses were recorded for critical analysis. It was also observed how traditional knowledge is transmitted from one generation to another. In order to educate young farmers, elders communicate innovation through proverbs, short stories and examples. Information was collected with respect to the social and historical perspective of the project area , depletion of natural resources, methods of conservation, concept of watershed management, prediction and beliefs, and cultural education. 31 Broadly, farmers have indicated three ways to protect resources by means of traditional technology. They are mechanical, agricultural and vegetative. MECHANICAL MEASURES The main occupation of the farmers is agriculture. In these it is possible to manage to rainwater. Construction depends upon space and grades of land. The farmers, with their expertise, are able to prepare fields for crop production. Farmers make the slopes of the terraces inwards to check soil erosion and enhance in situ moisture conservation. Soils are gravelly and have a high rate of percolation. Due to rainwater retention enough moisture becomes available to the crops. On mild slopes farmers construct shoulder bunds to protect their lands from soil erosion and grow vegetation over the bunds, particularly grasses for binding the soil. Farmers of the hill region used to make brushwood or longwood check dams across the drainage channels for controlling soil loss by means of local materials. They are economical. Gabion walls and stone check dams are by and large cost intensive and beyond not affordable to farmers. TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE FOR NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT In order to achieve the objective of development in villages, people’s participation is essential. It is required to involve them actively in project activities by respecting their traditional knowledge and experimental ethics. Traditional knowledge has a sound base as it has been tested and practised over the years. It is appropriate technology in particular climatic conditions and in the living conditions of people. Projects to develop ecology should start with traditional knowledge as they are proven technology for natural resources management. In a real sense, every culture of a social system, traditionally, is the result of people’s action to survive and their attempts to optimise the use of available resources, i.e., soil, water and vegetation. The science of natural resource management is based on the ecologically sound traditional wisdom of farmers and its contribution in augmenting productivity. Traditional values which are sustainable in nature need to be compared with values of modern systems. It is obvious that traditional practices of agriculture may disappear unless their values are promoted. The wisdom of farmers with respect to watershed development, agricultural management, and conservation of soil, water for sustained production are documented in the present investigation. Soil, water and vegetation are three basic natural resources. The survival of God’s creation depends upon them and nature has provided them as assets to human beings. The management of natural resources to meet people’s requirements has been practised since 32 the pre-Vedic era. Farmers were ranked high in the social system and village management was in their hands. In order to manage land, water and vegetation, technical knowledge suitable to the specific conditions of a region was required. They gained this knowledge and developed skill through experience and learning by doing. Over-exploitation of natural resources by growing population resulted in various severe problems. Destruction of vegetation has resulted in land degradation, denudation, soil erosion, landslides, floods, drought and unbalanced ecosystems. A balanced ecosystem is an urgent need. The Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Dehradun, has activities in the rural areas of Garhwal for the management of resources with people’s participation. The present investigation was the outcome of experience gained in the villages of Outer Himalaya and the Doon Valley. The Institute began extending its technology in 1954 and has achieved grand success through watershed management and lab to land activities. In contact with the farmers, traditional wisdom was documented. A wealth of traditional knowledge could be harnessed through their cooperation. Their experiences are required to be shared and discussed to promote modern technology for development. Methodology The investigation was carried out in villages of Dehradun district and Narendra Nagar (Tehri Garhwal). These villages were selected from the Doon Valley and the Outer Himalaya hill range with a view to obtaining comprehensive information on traditional knowledge of natural resource management in both foothills and mountainous regions. Eight villages from Sahaspur block of Doon Valley and eight from Narendra Nagar block in the hills were selected. Farmers were interviewed to obtain information on traditional knowledge. Individual contacts were made and questions were asked about traditional systems in the villages. Representation of women among the farmers was also ensured. By means of informal interviews and interaction with old and young farmers and farm women, responses were recorded for critical analysis. It was also observed how traditional knowledge is transmitted from one generation to another. In order to educate young farmers, elders communicate innovation through proverbs, short stories and examples. Information was collected with respect to the social and historical perspective of the Garhwal region, zoning system, depletion of natural resources, methods of conservation, concept of watershed management, prediction and beliefs, and cultural education. A total of 200 farmers including women were interviewed. Historical, Cultural and Social Perspectives The Himalayan hill range of Uttar Pradesh is known as Uttarakhand. The region comprises two hill zones, Garhwal and Kumaon. The Garhwal Himalaya covers an area of 14,565 square miles and has 4,724 villages. After the British occupation the region was divided into British Garhwal and Tehri Garhwal. References to Garhwal are found in the Skanda 33 Purana (Kedarkhanda) and the Vanaparva in the Mahabharata. The Skanda Purana defines the boundary of this holy land, Kedarkhand, 50 yojana long and 30 yojana wide. It extends from Haridwar in the south to perpetual snow (Himalaya) in the north. To its west is the river Tamsa (Tons) and in the east it is flanked by Baindhachal. Badhan is not only a paragana but a mountain range too, which demarcates Garhwal from Kumaon. In the Vanaparva, where Dhaumya is telling Yudhisthira about the tirthas of India, Gangadwar, i.e., Haridwar and Kankhal, have been referred to. The hill tract of Garhwal in those days was known as ‘Himvat’. In the Garhwal region the Ganga, Yamuna, and many rivers and rivulets are seen in their blissful infancy. Garhwal is a constant source of spiritual attainment where people come to visit ancient holy places for realising their moksha. It is the expression of divinity, meditation, penance and attainment. Garhwal has a galaxy of peaks and glaciers, a vastness of meadows and valleys, and a wealth of colourful dales which have no parallel in the world. Mountain peaks are visible everywhere and because of altitude, complexities and physiographic features and geological structure, the region has several classifications. But the major divisions are Outer Himalaya, Middle Himalaya and Higher Himalaya. HIMALAYAN ZONES: ANCIENT CLASSIFICATIONS The Doon Valley has its own significance in view of its culture and traditions. It has a historical background from the period of Dronacharya. Dehradun is formed from the name of Guru Drone (Dera + Drone). The valley occupies an area of 1,500 sq km (20 km by 76 km) between the Outer Himalaya, the Ganga, the Yamuna and the Shivalik hill range. The valley is known as Dronakshetra. The Himalaya of northern India was divided into five zones: Nepal Khand, Kurmanchal, Jalandhar, Kedarkhand and Kashmir Khand. In the Himalaya there were vast resources of forest, scenic beauty, agriculture, horticulture, minerals and, above all, hardy and painstaking people with their rich cultural heritage. The Kole were the first historically recorded people of Garhwal, descended from the Munda ethnic group. Subsequently the Kirats, Khasas and the Shakas settled in the region. Many other lineages also came and intermixed with those who had already settled. In the ancient period and even in modern days powerful races or castes dominated politics and the economy. In present-day Garhwal three main castes are found: Brahmans, Rajputs and Shilpkars. Shilpkars are descendants of Koles and are supposed to be the autochthonous of Garhwal. Depletion of Natural Resources During the ancient period Garhwal was full of dense forest and lush green vegetation. The Himalaya is the perennial source of water for rivers, streams and reservoirs. Undoubtedly, nature takes care of its resources through natural process over a period of time and maintains them. But ever-increasing population, developmental activities and technological 34 modernisation have over-exploited available resources without taking into consideration the damage and consequences for coming generations. Vegetation plays an important role in protecting land and water. These resources are being depleted at an alarming rate because of human intervention. Degradation and destruction of forest cover in the Himalaya is directly responsible for the denudation of watersheds. In the absence of vegetative ground cover, during the monsoon rainwater comes down to the plains unchecked. Sudden swelling of streams, flash floods in the hills and severe floods in the plains and drought in upstream areas are the consequences. The downward rush of water has tremendous erosive force and moves millions of tonnes of fertile soil during the rainy season. It causes all types of erosion as well as devastating landslides in the Himalaya. Developmental activities, construction of roads, extraction of building material and mining, etc., are a constant threat. Denuded hills and other wastelands pose serious problems which adversely affect agriculture and human life in the region. Landslides and landslips block hill roads and charge streams with heavy sediment loads. The soil erosion taking place crosses the permissible limit of 4.5 to 11.5 tonnes/ha many times (Narayana and Ram Babu 1983). Management of Natural Resources Broadly, farmers have indicated three ways to protect resources by means of traditional technology. They are mechanical, agricultural and vegetative. MECHANICAL MEASURES The main occupation of the hill farmers is agriculture. They usually construct terraces for cultivation known as nala with risers known as pusata. These terraces are small but there are many of them. In one acre of landholding a farmer possesses 50 nalas. In these it is possible to manage to rainwater. Construction of terraces depends upon space and grades of land. The farmers, with their expertise, are able to prepare fields for crop production. According to scientific recommendations cultivation is allowed to 33 per cent of land slope. But in the hills, farmers are able to make terraces from top to bottom of the mountain terrain without taking into account the land slope. With terraces they construct loose boulder retention walls (risers) by putting grass over them. These grasses keep both stones and the land intact. Cement and sand are scarce materials in the hills. In making risers farmers simply arrange boulders of the proper size along the terrace wall. It retains the soil perfectly and gradually gets stabilised. Farmers make the slopes of the terraces inwards to check soil erosion and enhance in situ moisture conservation. Soils are gravelly and have a high rate of percolation. Due to rainwater retention enough moisture becomes available to the crops. 35 On mild slopes farmers construct shoulder bunds to protect their lands from soil erosion and grow vegetation over the bunds, particularly grasses for binding the soil. Farmers of the hill region used to make brushwood or longwood check dams across the drainage channels for controlling soil loss by means of local materials. They are economical. Gabion walls and stone check dams are by and large cost intensive and beyond not affordable to hill farmers. Farmers in the Doon Valley in order to train torrents use Ipomea carnea and Arando donex plants sps. as vegetative spurs, and they are found to be very successful. TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE FOR NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT In order to achieve the objective of development in villages, people’s participation is essential. It is required to involve them actively in project activities by respecting their traditional knowledge and experimental ethics. Traditional knowledge has a sound base as it has been tested and practised over the years. It is appropriate technology in particular climatic conditions and in the living conditions of people. Projects to develop ecology should start with traditional knowledge as they are proven technology for natural resources management. In a real sense, every culture of a social system, traditionally, is the result of people’s action to survive and their attempts to optimise the use of available resources, i.e., soil, water and vegetation. The science of natural resource management is based on the ecologically sound traditional wisdom of farmers and its contribution in augmenting productivity. Traditional values which are sustainable in nature need to be compared with values of modern systems. It is obvious that traditional practices of agriculture may disappear unless their values are promoted. The wisdom of farmers with respect to watershed development, agricultural management, and conservation of soil, water for sustained production are documented in the present investigation. WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT AND VILLAGE BOUNDARIES Farmers pointed out that watershed management had been introduced for the integrated management of a particular area that includes agriculture, natural resources, forest management, village development and above all the ecosystem. Virtually, a watershed was defined as a unit of development in which there is a highest point and a lowest point with common outlet. The Government of India has given special attention to watershed development to manage natural resources and schemes like NWDPRA, a watershed project with foreign collaboration, are being implemented. During the ancient period, village boundaries were decided upon on a watershed basis by the expert farmers in the villages. Such boundaries were socially acceptable to all the 36 members of the system. Such age-old village boundaries are fixed at the common point of the drainage system in between two villages. It is still in vogue and people do not go beyond the limits of their hydrological boundaries. IRRIGATION Farmers used to carry water to their fields through small irrigation channels known as gulas. These go from the source of water along the slopes to the fields. In order to avoid seepage losses farmers use pipes. By means of gravitational force they transport irrigation water from its source. In hills it is difficult to construct gulas for all the terraces, and pipes are convenient in transporting water to every field. In order to make judicious use of water, they use a sprinkler system through gravitational force and economical utilisation of water. In the Garhwal Himalaya farmers use tree trunks as rainwater irrigation channels by taking care of undulating topography and checking seepage losses (Sharma and Sinha 1993). WATER HARVESTING The region of Garhwal comes in the high rainfall area and in the lack of proper management system most of the rainwater goes waste as runoff. Farmers of the hill region have their traditional technology for making small dug-out ponds to harvest rainwater. They construct such ponds at several places and use the water for survival or for supplemental irrigation. Improvement over the traditional practices are that at the bottom LDPE sheets are placed to check seepage losses. Lined tanks are cost-intensive and beyond the reach of the farmers. MANAGEMENT OF DRINKING WATER Streams are the source of water in the Himalaya. Farmers pay regard to these water resources. They use the water for drinking and make efforts to keep streams clean and unpolluted. They maintain vegetation on the banks to have a clean flow without sediment for human consumption. They do not permit their cattle at the places from which they collect drinking water. They have their own traditional system for the management of drinking water. They do not allow anyone to throw garbage in its current to avoid pollution and infection. WATER-BASED INDUSTRY In the hills flour mills are not available. Farmers have their indigenous technology to run flour mill by means of water fall. They use home-made wooden wheels as turbines to run the mills. These mills are locally known as gharat or panchaki. It is a local response to needs of the people without electric or any other complex machine systems. WOMEN'S KNOWLEDGE IN MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES For centuries, nature’s various products and women’s knowledge of their properties have 37 provided the basis for making water safe for drinking in every home and village of India. The seeds of the nirmali tree are used to clear muddy water by rubbing them on the insides of vessels. The drumstick tree also produces seeds which are used for water purification. Moringa seeds inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. Tulasi is a water purifier with antibacterial an insecticidal properties. Copper or brass pots are what Indian women use to carry and store water; and unlike plastic, they do not breed bacteria. The technologies women have used for water purification are based on locally available natural products and locally and commonly available knowledge (Shiva 1988). Practically each terraced field has a row of fodder trees along its edge. The household women manage these carefully for procuring maximum leaf fodder yields through lopping. They know when and how to lop without damaging the main tree (Sarin and Khanna 1991). Older women train the younger ones in the art of lopping. When women lop trees they enhance the productivity of the oak forest under stable conditions. Groups of women and old people go together to lop fodder and develop expertise by learning by doing (Shiva 1988). Farm women know the nutritional needs of their families. That is why women in Garhwal continue to cultivate mandua. They say that without their mandua and jhingora they could not labour as they do. These grains are their source of health and strength (Shiva 1988). Women in the Garhwal hills are architects of the rural economy. They are devoted to agriculture, animal husbandry, dairying, child-rearing, cooking, fodder and fuel management, etc. They work harder from morning to evening than their male counterparts for the welfare of the family. Girl children share the work of their mothers and get training in home management. AGRICULTURE Farmers’ traditional knowledge of agriculture includes tested technologies in the field. • • • • • • They use a special type of traditional plough. Other types of ‘improved’ ploughs do not work in the hills as the soil is gravelly and not deep. Under rainfed conditions farmers in hill regions plough their land several times before the onset of rain to conserve water and increase water retention capacity. Farmers plough their land straight instead of in circles and open parallel furrows for rainwater harvesting and retaining moisture. However, there is a recommendation to plough the land across the slope to check erosion. Farmers of hill regions prefer mixed cropping for minimising risks under rainfed conditions and creating ground cover for checking runoff and soil loss. They grow legumes with maize and ginger or turmeric with maize. After sowing ginger, colocasia and turmeric, farmers use paddy straw, wheat straw or leaf litters as mulch to ensure proper germination. Farmers do not practise weeding and interculturing in the maize crop because of soil 38 • • • conditions and the requirement of fodder in the rainy season. Farmers of the Garhwal hills store seeds by selection for different plots with special identification and use them in those particular plot. In the outer Himalaya farmers were reluctant to grow maize because of wild animals such as bears, wild boars and monkeys. In khadar (lowland) areas they grow paddy and irrigated wheat and in uplands they take rainfed rabi crops. In the hills farmers grow mainly mandua, jhingora and guar. Because of recent developments they have been attracted towards off-season vegetables, e.g., peas, tomatoes, etc. Fertilyzer and F Y M Recomendation S. N. Fert. Compition Crop Irriga./unirrg. Zn So4 k.g./ha. Fym ton/ha Urea DAP MOP ,, 8 57 22 0 ,, ,, 67 22 0 3 Bajara Sorgum Greengram ,, ,, 0 54 0 4 Guar ,, ,, 7 22 0 5 Wheat ,, ,, 20 65 25 0 6 Musterd ,, ,, 192 65 17 0 1 2 MANURE AND MANURING In view of the soil’s condition and texture the farmers of the Doon Valley and the hill region use farmyard manure in the fields before sowing. In lowland areas, for paddy they do green manuring also. Use of chemical fertilisers has increased but people retain their belief in traditional methods. Farmers do not dig compost pits for the collection of cowdung, residues and garbage. Instead of pits they accumulate the matter in heaps in the open for decomposition. The reason behind it is that decomposition is slow due to low temperature and little sunshine. In pits compost would not get ready in time. In the open rapid decomposition takes place. This practice is traditional but has a scientific basis. VEGETATIVE MEASURES FOR NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Hill farmers grow trees of economic value and suited to their requirements. In order to have conserve soil and water they grow grasses for ground cover such as Eulaliopsis binnata, Chrysopogun fulvus and agave sps. Shrubs like Ipomea icarnea, Arando donex, 39 Dendrocalamus strictus, napier grass, Vitex negundu, Morus alba and bagrera are grown, and in wild form are available bhang, lantana, sweet neem, etc. Among trees they grow Grewia pitiva, Bauhinia sps., Albezia labek, Timla, Gainthietic, to meet fuel and fodder requirements. For the development of horticulture in the Doon Valley the trees grown are citrus, mango, jackfruit, guava, pomegranate, pear, peach and plum. In the hills of Mussoorie and Narendranagar areas peach, pear, khumani and apple are grown at higher elevations. There is tremendous potential to develop horticulture in the hill ranges because of undulating topography and climatic conditions. Farmers are well aware of the potential of their lands, but due to poor economic conditions and infrastructure it is not possible for them to go ahead with alternative and more profitable land use. Hill farmers are hard-working that even in adverse topographic conditions they are devoted to agriculture for grain production. Hill farmers do not like to work as labourers or beg in villages for their livelihood; instead, they prefer to go to cities to earn. Many hill farmers migrate for jobs to the cities or join army service. The women and children look after the village property, while the men send them money to run their homes. Agriculture and Natural Resource Development The project replaced traditional and low-yield seed varieties with high-yielding hybrid varieties. It also constructed 221 water-harvesting structures for irrigation. Although the activities undertaken increased the resource productivity of the area, transformed the ecosystem and improved people’s living conditions, this project component was undermined by the lack of marketing opportunities for agroforestry products and weak technical back-up for irrigation activities. In addition, the various inputs (such as seeds and agricultural implements) provided free of charge or at a highly subsidized cost during implementation were no longer available to the tribals once the project had ended and no mechanism was instituted to ensure their timely and regular supply. Human Resource Development This component was crucial for providing the required motivational foundation for the project’s successful implementation, impact and sustainability. Activities included developing model villages, opening 278 non-formal educational centres and night schools, establishing 42 grain banks, running a health care programme and providing vocational training and specific training for village committee leaders. In addition, the project promoted a water user’s society to foster participatory irrigation management, village committees for different project activities, women’s committees and self-help groups, and non-formal education centres. Community-based sustainable natural resources management and development 40 the biological diversityand variability of the ecosystems areused and conserved bytraditionalcommunitiesthrough various informal institutionsand using traditional ecological knowledge systems. These communitieshave diverse food habits, culture andlinguistic variations complemented bycommunity knowledge and informalrural social institutions, which determinethe access and conservation of naturalresources. To explore, document, validate,conserve and commercialize theseknowledge systems and simultaneouslyreward and assure the intellectual propertyrights of tribal communities whohave been using such knowledge fortheir sustainable survival, is the primeneed of the hour. Looking at the importanceof biological diversity and the roleof community members of NortheastIndia, a national seminar was organized,where the role of community knowledgeand informal rural social institutions insustainable management of biodiversity,mobilization of the community for sustainableuse and conservation of natural resources, equitable benefit share arisingfrom indigenous natural resources, validationand value addition, and IPR andconservation of indigenous biodiversityof Northeast India were covered.The uniqueness of this seminar wasthe interaction and learning with thecommunity people and ‘Gaon Burhas’(village customary chief of traditionalcommunities), grassroots conservators and traditional knowledge holders, whoare the real custodians of sustaining the natural resources.Bosiram, Honorable Member of theLegislative Assembly, Pasighat in his inauguraladdress, emphasized that NortheastIndia in general and ArunachalPradesh in particular, is famous for thediverse species and varieties of flora andfauna. This region is also blessed by thediverse culture and communities thatmake the NE region unique in India.Over the years,people of the NE regionhave been surviving with nature and havedeveloped location-specific traditionalecological knowledge systems tuned toculture and nature. The survival strategiesof these communities were of subsistencein mode, without greed ofdestroying biodiversity and other resources.However, now the acculturation,commercialization and modern technology-led developmental processes haveweakened the dynamics of sustainableconservation of biodiversity and othernatural resources. The work on community mobilization through indigenousinstitutions, is the need of the hour tochange the attitude of the people and involvethem in conserving biodiversity ofthe region. Programmes like biodiversity contest and quiz among villagers andschool children, indigenous plant-basedtraditional food competition among ruralwomen along with integrated approachof exploring biocultural knowledge systemsmay be started on a wider scale, tomake people realize the value and potential of such natural resources.In his keynote address, T. K. Mukherjee(NISCAIR, CSIR) emphasized thatwe can explore community and traditionalknowledge of the northeastern regionfor wealthcreation and also toensure benefit shares to the knowledgeholders. He also emphasized that collectinginformation on biocultural resourcesusing local language could help in wider applicability and diffusion of the message.In this way, the knowledge of traditionalcommunities relating to bioresourcesmay be protected from permanentloss. Discussed the role and value of traditional institutions of the Adi community in conservingnatural resources of ArunachalPradesh, and mentioned that most of literaturereported from South East Asiaregarding the destruction of 41 natural resourcesis not primarily due to the shiftingcultivation, but due to modernconstructions and developmental works.Jhum cultivators manage more than 30indigenous crops and other biodiversity.The indigenous institutions found in theAdi community help significantly inmanaging natural resources and biodiversity.The role of indigenous institutionsin conserving the ‘Mithun’ in some partsof Arunachal Pradesh like Rumgong, Boleng,etc. attracted theattentionofparticipants.The role of such institutions ispertinent in the changing sociopoliticalsystem of the region. G. Lego (Pasighat)who is a conservator of the dekang tree, reciprocated the information on Kebang.He mentioned that socio-political indigenousinstitution of the Adi community isdivided into various levels, namelyDolung Kebang (village level), BanggoKebang (inter village) and Bogum BokangKebang. He further added that lurangsystem (maintenance of traditionalland and related resources) is maintained more in Pasighat socio-ecological systemsduring the winter. The Gam (memberof Kebang) is nominated by thevillagers. Every person has the right tosay before the Kebang. In every village there are more than 4–5 Gams (membersof Kebang) and there is no hereditarysystem. Dolung Kebang depends upon anumber of houses in a village and the heads of all families are members of theKebang system. If the population of avillage is large, then more number ofGam Burha can be selected. Bango Kebangconsists of more than one village.In this, all heads of village-level Gamsmeet together to solve any problem relatingto land and othernatural resources,including forests. Bogum Bokang Kebangconsists of many heads of all Banggo Kebangs of the entire state. Inthe changing socio-political scenario ofthe state, now women can also be a GamBura. Dotum Koyu (a political interpreterand local resource person) furtheradded that in their area of Koyu too(dominated by Galo community), in caseof any dispute on natural resources likeland and forest, the cases are placed beforethe Kebang to solve theproblem. Incase the Kebang is unable to settle thedispute, then the case is referred to thedistrict civil judiciary. 42 STATE B.P.L. LIST S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ifjokj ds eqf[k;k dk uke e; irk Jo.kflag@ lokbZflg izHkwflag @ ukgjflag izgyknflag@ vklwflag jkeikyflag@ iwj.kflag iwj.kfalg@NksVwflag txnh'k@ ca'khyky mEesnflag@ nhuflag :ikjke@ izHkwjke txnh'kiwjh@ 'kadjiwjh Hkkmiwjh@ izrkiiwjh jkedj.k@ ckywjke vejkjke@ yknwjke vejkjke@ iwlkjke ikapwjke@ jkeukFk fuEckjke@ fcUtkjke eksgujke@ xaxkjke Hkaojkjke@ xksekjke izHkwjke @ cksnwjke ds'kkjke@ jrukjke Jo.kjke@ lkaorkjke vUrjdaoj@ fd'kksjflag lTtufalg @ x.kirflag gfjnku @ nqxkZnku e?kflg@ lqjtHkkufalg Sainiji [File]state bpl HEAD OF FAMILY SARVAN SINGH/SAWAI SINGH PRABHU SINGH/NAHAR SINGH PRAHALAD SINGH/AASU SINGH RAMPAL SINGH/ POORAN SINGH POORAN SINGH/CHOTU SINGH JAGDISH/ BANSILAL UMED SINGH/DEENSINGH ROOPA RAM/PRABHU RAM JAGDEESH POORI/SANKAR POORI BHAU PURI/PRATAP PURI RAMMKARAN/DHALURAM AMARA RAM/LADU RAM AMRA RAM/POOSA RAM PANCHURAM/RAMNATH NIMBA RAM/BINJA RAM MOHAN RAM/GANGA RAM BHAWARA RAM/GOGARAM PRABHU RAM/BODURAM KESARAM/ RATNA RAM SARWAN RAM/SAWTA RAM ANTR KAWAR/KISOR SINGH SAJAN SINGH/GANPAT SINGH HADEEN/DURGA DAN MAGH SINGH/SURJBHAN SINGH CAST VILLAGE GRAM PANCHYAT 1997 SELECTION NO jktiwr jktiwr jktiwr njksxk njksxk ukbZ njksxk tkV xksLokeh xksLokeh jsxj tkV es?koky ckojh es?koky tkV jkbZdk tkV ckojh tkV jktiwr jktiwr pkj.k jktiwr INDOKHA INDOKHA 843 INDOKHA INDOKHA 844 INDOKHA INDOKHA 845 INDOKHA INDOKHA 852 INDOKHA INDOKHA 853 INDOKHA INDOKHA 863 INDOKHA INDOKHA 864 INDOKHA INDOKHA 867 INDOKHA INDOKHA 872 INDOKHA INDOKHA 873 INDOKHA INDOKHA 876 INDOKHA INDOKHA 884 INDOKHA INDOKHA 889 INDOKHA INDOKHA 912 INDOKHA INDOKHA 913 INDOKHA INDOKHA 916 INDOKHA INDOKHA 922 INDOKHA INDOKHA 925 INDOKHA INDOKHA 929 INDOKHA INDOKHA 934 INDOKHA INDOKHA 935 INDOKHA INDOKHA 936 INDOKHA INDOKHA 937 INDOKHA INDOKHA 939 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 fy{e.kfalg@ lqw[kkjke Hkaojyky@ Hkhaokjke ckywMh@ lq[kkjke KkuwMh@ nkukjke fy{e.k@ nqykjke fteuk@ 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SINGH SAWAI SINGH/ BHAWAR SINGH SIV KARAN/CHOONA RAM DEVA RAM/SIVKARAN TULCHA RAM/GEEGA RAM BHAWARI/IMRAT SINGH ckojh es?koky es?koky es?koky es?koky uk;d uk;d jktiwr czgkze.k jktiwr jktiwr uk;d uk;d tkV es?koky jktiwr czgkze.k njksxk njksxk jktiwr jktiwr njksxk es?koky es?koky jktiwr jktiwr dqEgkj es?koky dqEgkj ckojh 2 GOTHRI INDOKHA 941 GOTHRI INDOKHA 942 GOTHRI INDOKHA 943 GOTHRI INDOKHA 945 GOTHRI INDOKHA 947 GOTHRI INDOKHA 948 GOTHRI INDOKHA 959 GOTHRI INDOKHA 961 GOTHRI INDOKHA 962 GOTHRI INDOKHA 964 GOTHRI INDOKHA 965 GOTHRI INDOKHA 966 GOTHRI INDOKHA 967 GOTHRI INDOKHA 968 GOTHRI INDOKHA 970 GOTHRI INDOKHA 971 GOTHRI INDOKHA 972 GOTHRI INDOKHA 974 GOTHRI INDOKHA 975 GOTHRI INDOKHA 976 GOTHRI INDOKHA 977 GOTHRI INDOKHA 978 GOTHRI INDOKHA 979 GOTHRI INDOKHA 980 GOTHRI INDOKHA 983 GOTHRI INDOKHA 984 GOTHRI INDOKHA 985 GOTHRI INDOKHA 992 GOTHRI INDOKHA 993 GOTHRI INDOKHA 995 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 xksjknsoh @ nhijke Hkaojh @ fdlukjke izsensoh @ eqdukjke fyNeh @ lqxufalg Hkqxkuk @ [kqekjke izHkwjke @ n;kykjke eksckjke @ gfjjke txnh'k @ Hkaojyky iUukjke @ dkywjke [kqMh @ NksVwjke iw.kZthr @ bUnzflg ?kklhjke @ f'kodj.k guqekukjke @ lq[kkjke ckmMh @ rqyNkjke lqI;kj @ fy[kekjke cajhlky@ Qrsgflag Hkaojyky @ fdlukjke lkSukFk @ fdlkukjke f'kodj.k @ fdlkukjke cUusflag @ HkS:flag 'ksjflag @ /kksdyflag ghjkyky@ eksgunkl 'kSHkflag @ fdluflag fgEerfalg@ fdluflag eksckflag @ tks/kkflag nqtZuflag @ lxzkeflag gfjnkujke @ x.ks'kkjke izHkwjke@ x.ks'kkjke irklh @ txnh'k Hkaojh @ eaxkjke Sainiji [File]state bpl GORA DEVI/DEEPA RAM BHAWARI/KISNA RAM PREM DEVI/MUKNA RAM LICHMI/SUGAN SINGH BHUGANA/KOOMARAM PRABHU RAM DAYALA RAM MOBARAM/HARI RAM JAGDEESH/BHAWAR LAL PANA RAM/KALURAM KHUDI/CHOTU RAM, PORANJEET/INDER SINGH GHASIRAM/SIVKARAN HANUMANA RAM/SUKHA RAM BOUDI/TULCHA RAM SUPYAR/LIKMA RAM BANRI SAL/FATEH SINGH BHAWAR LAL/KISNA RAM SOU NATH/KISNA RAM SIV KARAN/KISNA RAM BANNE SINGH/BHEROO SINGH SER SINGH/DHOKAL SINGH HEERA LAL/ MOHANDAS SEBG SINGH/KISAN SINGH HIMAT SINGH/KISAN SINGH MOBA SINGH/JOODHA SINGH DURJAN SINGH/SANGRAM SINGH HADEEN RAM/GANESA RAM PRABGU RAM/ GANESA RAM PATASI/JAGDEESH BHAWARI/ MNAGARAM uk;d ckojh yqgkj jktiwr yqgkj es?koky es?koky czgkze.k tkV es?koky njksxk es?koky tkV es?koky es?koky jktiwr xqtZj xqtZj es?koky jktiwr jktiwr lkn jktiwr jktiwr jktiwr jktiwr es?koky es?koky njksxk es?koky 3 GOTHRI INDOKHA 996 GOTHRI INDOKHA 997 GOTHRI INDOKHA 999 GOTHRI INDOKHA 998 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1000 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1002 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1003 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1005 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1006 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1007 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1010 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1011 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1012 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1013 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1014 GOTHRI INDOKHA 1015 BIJARI INDOKHA 1017 BIJARI INDOKHA 1019 BIJARI INDOKHA 1023 BIJARI INDOKHA 1024 BIJARI INDOKHA 1025 BIJARI INDOKHA 1030 BIJARI INDOKHA 1031 BIJARI INDOKHA 1032 BIJARI INDOKHA 1034 BIJARI INDOKHA 1035 BIJARI INDOKHA 1037 BIJARI INDOKHA 1039 BIJARI INDOKHA 1041 BIJARI INDOKHA 1043 85 86 87 88 fy[kek @ rstkjke vuRkjdaoj @ nkrkjflag Hkaojh @ mnkjke lokbZflag @ xksfoUnflag Sainiji [File]state bpl LIKHAMA/ TEJA RAM ANTAR KAWAR/DATAR SINGH BHAWARI/ UDAR AM SAWAI SINGH/ GOVIND SINGH es?koky jktiwr <ksyh jktiwr 4 BIJARI INDOKHA 1045 BIJARI INDOKHA 1050 BIJARI INDOKHA 1051 BIJARI INDOKHA 1052 S.No. Name of Village Name of Cultiwater Khasra No. ARABLE/ NONARBL E Type of Land CATEGARY Area 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari 3 Pasture Pasture Water Loged water Loged WaW ater Loged Water Loged Water Loged Water Loged Water Loged Water Loged Water Loged Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Govt. Land Anop Kanwar Widow Nar Singh Sharvan Singh S/o Nar Singh Gulab Knawar Widow Girdhari Singh Pabudan Singh S/o Dhokal Singh 1/2 Surjan Singh Lixman Singh Ghanshyam Singh 36 Gothari Balveer singh Ganpat Singh Bhanwar singh Bhagwat Singh Pharlad Singh Jabbar Singh Durn Singh Prabhu Singh Partap Singh Father Lun Singh Saitan Singh 4 46 79 46/1 79/1 107/1 129/1 148/1 180/1 184/1 228/2 243 111 127 129 180/2 55 72 54 107 115 131 148 163 180 184 222 88 97 108 126 128 130 151 182 226 161 5 Bigha Biswa 6 7 Angor 40 Angor 26 Nadi 1 Nadi 1 Nadi 4 Well 0 Nadi 0 Well 0 Nadi 1 Well 0 Nadi 5 Slums 4 Slums 17 Slums 59 Slums 2 6 Road 7 Road Gochar 3 Gochar 103 Gochar 64 Gochar 10 Gochar 17 Gochar 12 Gochar 1 Gochar 37 Gochar 14 4 Road 4 Road 11 Road 7 Road 1 Road 11 Road 9 Road 7 Road 8 Road Barani Anop Kanwar Widow Nar Singh 177 178 Barani 2 sharvan Singh S/o Nar Singh 179 209 Barani 2 Gulab Kanwar Widow Girdhari Barani 2 Singh ( pabudan Singh S/o Barani 1 37 Gothari Dhokal Singh Rajput Joraram S/o Chotharam Jat Rakba 9 Bhigha Pabudan Singh in to Part of Sa Deh Khatedar 1 SC OBC GEN bpl 8 17 NA NA 8 NA NA 16 NA 0.4 NA 10 NA 7 NA 19 NA 7 NA 7 NA 8 aabadi 6 aabadi 4 aabadi 17 aabadi 12 Road 4 Road 13 NA 10 NA 10 NA 18 NA 12 NA 18 NA 17 NA 4 NA 8 NA Road 1 Road 2 Road 12 Road 12 Road 8 Road 12 Road 7 Road 14 Road AR 56 14 13 12 51 9 16 12 AR 9 10 11 EXI FARMER STI DEMAND NG ST R. 12 13 GEN Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 Anop Kanwar Widow Nar Singh Sharvan Singh S/o Nar Singh 1/2 Gulab Kanwar Widow Girdhari 38 Gothari Singh Pabudan Singh S/o Dhokal Singh 1/2 Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Anop Kanwar Widow Hanuman Singh Ghanshyam Singh Arjun 39 Gothari Singh Jabbar Singh Father Hanuman Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Amar Singh S/o Tejsingh 1/2 Nathu Singh S/o Prem Singh 1/2 40 Gothari Cast Rajput Sa Deh Khatedar Amar Singh S/o Tejsingh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Amar Singh S/o Puran Singh 42 Gothari Cast Rajput 41 Gothari Amraram Jeewan ram Father Asharam Nanuram S/o Pemaram 43 Gothari Tejaram S/o Deeparam Cast Regar Amratlal S/o Chenaram Parki Widow Dayalram Ruparam 44 Gothari Nanuram Father Dayalram Cast Nayak 1 3 1 17 AR GEN Tanka 1 64 Barani 2 93 Barani 2 8 16 18 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN AR GEN 212 212/1 39 Barani 2 Barani 2 206 Barani 1 37 12 217 Barani 1 16 159/2 34 0 Barani 1 20 Tanka 1 AR SC Tanka 1 AR SC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Medban dhi Barani 1 29 47 Barani 2 18 2 2/1 73/2 Barani 2 10 Barani 2 2 15 Arjun Hanuman Sukha Father 5 58 Barani 2 43 Girdhari 1/2 Tulsiram Mangilal 77 Barani 2 22 46 Gothari Father Ganesha 1/2 Cast Bawari Barani 2 12 16 12 10 AR 17 13 AR OBC Tanka 1 0.5 Hac.Mix Horti. 6 6 AR OBC GEN Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 Arjaram Kanaram Father 45 Gothari Lixmanram Cast Kumhar Umaram S/o Bholuram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 47 Gothari Omaram S/o Dolaram Cast Jat 1/2 Hanuman Singh S/o Chandra Singh Himmat Singh S/o 48 Gothari UgamSingh Mulesingh S/o Sardar Singh Cast Rajput 1/2 Joint Deh Account 166 Barani 1 9 223 Barani 1 2 274/160 Barani 1 21 50 50/1 Barani 2 20 Barani 2 20 Omaram S/o Dolaram Cast Jat 265/248 Barani 1 24 Joint Deh Account Khanyalal S/o Hanumanbux Cast 290/74 Barani 2 6 291/175 Barani 1 17 50 Gothari Brahman 295/227 Barani 1 3 49 Gothari Kanaram S/o Khangaram Cast 51 Gothari Jat Kanaram S/o Chothuram Jat 52 Gothari 7 /1 , 267/160 269/160 272/160 276/223 277/166 2 2 3 Barani 2 28 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 4 9 8 2 9 2 4 10 17 OBC AR SC Tanka 1 GEN AR Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 Kanaram S/o Bhuraram Cast Jat Rakba 36 Bhigha Anop Kanwar Widow Narsingh Sharvan Singh S/o Narsingh 1/2 Gulab Kanwar 53 Gothari Widow Girdhari Singh Pabudan S/o Dhokal Singh 1/2 Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Kanaram Hanumanram Laxmanram Father Bhuraram Tiji 54 Gothari Devi W/o Bhuraram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Na S. 448 170 170/1 51 156 Kaluram S/o Ramlal Cast 57 Gothari Meghvanshi 10/1 24 Kishorram S/o Danaram Cast Jat 58 Gothari Joint Deh Account 116 Kishan Singh S/o Sugan Singh Bhanwar Singh Sawant Singh Jabbar Singh Mahendra Singh Father Bhawani Singh Bhagwat Singh Sohan Singh Father Dan 60 Gothari Singh Hanuman Singh S/o Chandr Singh Himmat Singh S/o Ugam Singh Mule Singh S/o Sardar Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Kishan Singh S/o Sugan Singh Bhanwar Singh Sawant Singh Jabbar Singh Mahendra Singh Father Bhawani Singh Bhagwat Singh Sohan singh Father Dan 61 Gothari Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Bhagwat Singh Sohan Singh W/o Dan Singh Part Of Rahin Jaipur Nagur Aanclik Gramin Bank Branch RaniGao Kishan Singh S/o Sugan Singh Bhanwr Singh Sawant Singh Jabbar Singh Mahendra Singh 62 Gothari Father Bhawani Singh Bhagwat Singh Sohan Singh Father Dan Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Bhagwat Singh Sohan Singh W/o Dan Singh Part of Kishnaram S/o Dhanna ram Cast 63 Gothari Mali 50 5 10 9 Barani 2 23 Barani 2 28 14 26 Barani 1 Barani 1 23 1 Barani 2 57 19/1 70 Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 AR AR SC Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 72 Barani 2 Barani 2 9 4 11 Barani 2 38 17 16 13 68 Barani 54 2 4 Barani 2 4 15 153 GEN AR Barani 2 Kanta Devi W/o Prabhuram Cast 55 Gothari Jat Kishan Singh S/o Sugan Singh Bhanwar Singh Sawant Singh Jabbar Singh Mahendra Singh Father Bhawani Singh Bhagwat Singh Sohan singh Father Dan Singh 1/2 Hanuman Singh S/o 59 Gothari Chandra Singh Himmat Singh S/o Ugam Singh Mule Singh S/o Sardar Singh 1/2 Rakba 56 Bhigha Madan Singh S/o Saitan Singh Rakba 16 Bhigha Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Barani 1 36 Barani 1 18 Barani 1 3 7 9 AR OBC Kisturram Nimbaram Bheruram Sharvan ram Father Chunnaram Ramniwas Kailashchandra Ratanlal Father Manguram Birju D/o Manguram Laxmi Devi W/o Mangu ram Cast Regar Sa 64 Gothari Ranigao Khanyalal S/o Mohanram Regar Sa Ladnu 1/4 Ruparam Tilokram Father Motiram Lalit Jatin Father Megharam Saroj De Kunnaram Khemaram Ramkaran 65 Gothari Ghanshyam Father Bholuram Cast Kahti Khumba ram Adopt S/o Udaram Ramniwas Hukmaram W/o 66 Gothari Mobaram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Khumabram S/o Punaram Cast 67 Gothari Jat Keshar Singh Ajit Singh Father 68 Gothari Puran Singh Cast Rajput Khiyaram S/o Ramlal Cast Jat 69 Gothari Khumani Devi W/o Hanumanram Jat Hi 5/144 Narayani Devi W/o Lalaram Jat 14-07 Bhigha Joint Deh Harnath Singh S/o Bhanwar Singh and Badan Singh Father Mule Singh Hi 25/144 Sumer 70 Gothari Singh Kishan Singh Nathu Singh Father Bijay Singh Gulab Kanwar D/o Vijay Singh Mahaveer Singh Om Kanwar Kailash Kanwar Surghyan 71 Gothari Ganga ram S/o Chena ram cast Bhanvi Joint Deh Account Gangaram S/o Ramdeen Cast Jat Gaju Singh Ummed Singh Father Bagh Singh Cast Rajput Joint 73 Gothari Deh Account 72 Gothari Ganpatram S/o Ranjeetram Danaram S/o Sohanaram Bawari 74 Gothari Sayari Devi W/o Thanaramnayak Joint Deh Account Ganpat Singh S/o Saitan Singh 75 Gothari Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Ganpat Singh S/o Hari Singh 76 Gothari Ramchandra Singh Father Khanga Singh Cast Rajpurohit Ganshi Devi Widow Amritlal 77 Gothari Nemichand S/o Amritlal Cast Brahmin Joint Deh Account 147 147/1 147/2 144 192/2 Barani 24 2 50 Barani 2 112 Barani 2 Barani 2 10 14 AR AR OBC Tanka 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 AR OBC 34 186 186/1 72 102 5 9 AR 105/1 205/1 Barani 2 25 Barani 1 20 10 3 AR 154 100 35 10 25 16 43 6 11/1 67/1 Barani 25 1 Barani 2 38 Barani 2 2 173 173/1 173/2 199 199/1 199/2 215/1 216 Barani 1 1 Barani 1 1 Barani 1 1 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 13 Barani 1 13 Dhani 0 Barani 1 2 241 85 16 136 Tanka 1 29 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 103 SC Barani 2 2 Barani 2 15 Barani 2 25 4 19 GEN AR Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 SC AR GEN AR Tanka 1 19 19 15 15 14 8 11 AR SC Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 1 4 Gain Kanwar Widow Durjan Singh Jabbar Singh S/o Durjan 78 Gothari Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 79 80 82 83 89 Barani 2 13 Barani 2 10 202 210 Gopiram Bhaguram Father Gothari Bhiyaram Cast Bawari Joint Deh Account Gothari 81 6 Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari 84 Gomaram S/o Baxaram 3/4 Harkaran S/o Baxaram 1/4 Cast Jat Gordhanram S/o Ansuram Cast Khati Gordhanram S/o Ansuram Cast Jat Goarli Joje Chandra ram Cast Meghvanshi Ghanshyam Adopt Son Rajjeevan Cast Brahman Joint Deh Account 2 Barani 1 34 Barani 1 11 AR SC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 10 Barani 2 21 36 262 34 Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 AR OBC 32 Barani 2 48 50 187 Barani 1 66 297/227 Barani 1 5 Ghisa ram Kheta ram Hardev Father Chelaram Shakar ram Gothari Hukma ram Father Mangu ram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account OBC 8 Barani 2 95 AR 5 Barani 2 44 44/1 Barani 2 28 45 Barani 2 28 45/1 Barani 2 14 Barani 2 14 AR 13 14 5 15 15 8 8 SC Tanka 1 GEN AR AR 85 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 SC Barani 1 Ghisa ram S/o Rambux Cast Gothari Regar 86 87 GEN AR Channa Widow Maduram Gothari Kishnaram S/o Maduram Cast Nayak Joint Deh Account 62 AR 32 11 62/1 Barani 2 14 84 Dhani 0 Barani 2 21 16 10 7 AR SC Tanka 1 SC 90/1 90/3 Chunaram S/o Bheruram Cast Gothari Jat Joint Deh Account Barani 2 Barani 2 8 6 5 AR Oran Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 1 15 24 52 27 10 8 20 9 10 12 AR Tanka 1 14 10 AR Tanka 1 Tanka 1 88 OBC 91 89 Gothari Rajasthan Govt. Chain Singh Chagan Singh Nandu Singh Father Ganpat 90 Gothari Mula S/o Heera Cast Daroga Joint Deh Account 92 99/2 104/1 229 233 240 246 GEN Chaina ram S/o Chokha ram 91 Gothari Cast Bhambi Joint Deh Account 164 164/1 164/2 Barani 1 16 Barani 1 25 Barani 1 40 AR Barani 2 AR Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix Horti. SC Chaina ram Sirama ram Father 92 Gothari Purkha ram Cast Jat 93 Gothari Chela ram S/o Ramlal Cast Jat 94 Gothari Chotu Singh S/o Dal Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 96/1 39 16 39 16 Barani 2 Tanka 1 OBC AR 96 Barani 2 Tanka 1 OBC AR 10 24 5 8 Tanka 1 GEN Jairam Surtaram Father Mangaram Sugni Devi W/o 95 Gothari Manga ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Jairam Surtaram Father Mangaram Sugni Devi W/o Manga Ram Jora ram S/o Chothu ram Lixma Devi W/o 96 Gothari Heera ram Supyar Devi W/o Rameshwar Bheeva ram Sharvan ram Father Rameshwar Dungarmal S/o Heera ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 97 Gothari 98 Gothari 99 Gothari 100 Gothari 101 Gothari 102 Gothari 103 Gothari 104 Gothari Jeet Singh S/o Hari Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Jeevan ram S/o Rameshwar Cast Bawari Jetha ram S/o Ishraram Cast Regar Jora ram S/o Chothu ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Jora ram S/o Deepa ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Jora ram S/o Deepa ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Jora ram Hardevram Father Deepa ram Oma ram S/o Dolaram Cast Jat Joint Deh Jhuta ram Gopi ram Father Chuna ram Madanlal Ramniwas Father Baluram Sayari W/o Balu ram Cast Kumhar Joint Deh Account Doli Banam Mandir Shri Thakur 105 Gothari Ji Maharaj Char Bhuja Ji Wale Deh Account 81/1 Barani 2 185/1 Barani 1 AR 9 17 Tanka 1 10 17 OBC Dhani AR 0 211 12 OBC Barani 1 AR 22 168 GEN Barani 2 AR 80/1 8 SC Barani 2 AR 40 39 AR 27 Tanka 1 OBC Barani 1 AR 234 18 OBC Barani 1 AR 263/248 26 2 Barani 1 OBC AR 266/248 0 10 Barani 2 OBC AR 34 18 46 9 30 15 19 5 8 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 8 16 16 11 10 2 16 6 4 Barani 1 Thakat Singh Khole Bhanwar 106 Gothari Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Tanka 1 SC Barani 2 185/2 75 59 78 181 192 192/1 230 231 255 Tanka 1 42 Barani 2 73 17 86 188/1 Barani 2 4 Barani 1 22 Tanka 1 OBC AR Tanka 1 AR Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medban dhi 99/5 Tulsi ram S/o Giga ram Cast 107 Gothari Kumhar Joint Deh Account Tej Singh S/o Dhan Singh Cast 108 Gothari Rajput Joint Deh Account GEN AR 19 OBC AR Tanka 1 GEN 6 25 36 Barani 2 17 Barani 2 15 Barani 2 21 Barani 2 7 Teja ram Bhagwan ram Lodu ram Prabhu ram Father Dhanna ram 2/3 Rekha ram Gordhan ram Father Ramdeen Chothi Devi 109 Gothari Widow Ramdeen 1/3 Cast Jat Joint Siniya Account Rahit Bhagwana ram Lodu ram Prabhu ram Jaipur Thar Gramin Bank Branch Ranigao 36/1 36/2 Dashrath Singh S/o Bhawar Singh Mohan Kanwar Widow Bhawar Singh Sharvan Singh S/o Sawai Singh Sugan Singh 110 Gothari S/o Dhokal Singh Narpat Singh Bajrang Singh Puran Singh Father Devi Singh Cast Rajput Joint Indokha Account 190 190/1 190/2 190/3 117 117/1 117/2 117/3 8 5 10 15 AR Barani 1 10 Barani 1 9 Barani 1 8 Barani 1 8 4 AR Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 10 12 10 AR Tanka 1 2 Hac Medban dhi OBC Danaram S/o Bhugana ram 1/2 111 Gothari Moduram S/o Bhugana ram 1/2 Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Danaram Sukha ram Manga ram 112 Gothari Birma ram Father Harjiram Cast Bhambhi Joint Deh Account 113 Gothari Deena ram S/o Dhanna ram Cast Mali 19 19 48 46 Barani 1 195 149 153/1 GEN Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 AR 27 0 7 Barani 1 Barani 2 8 5 4 SC bpl AR OBC Barani 2 139 80/2 Barani 2 87 Barani 2 90/2 Barani 2 90/4 Barani 2 98 99 Dhani 99/3 Barani 1 Dularam S/o Hardeen ram Baju 99/4 Barani 1 Devi Widow Dhanna ram Lixman 99/6 Barani 1 ram Chena ram Father Dhanna Barani 1 115 Gothari ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Rahin Dularam S/o Hardeen ram Nagaur Sahkari Bhumi Vikas Bank AR Dulichand S/o Lixman ram Cast 114 Gothari Mali 34 16 1 6 3 1 14 16 23 27 OBC 15 10 18 4 10 AR Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medban dhi OBC Devkaran Gopi ram Tana ram 116 Gothari Father Kishna ram Cast Khati Joint Ranigao Account 117 Gothari 144/1 144/2 Barani 2 18 Barani 2 44 10 AR 165 215 Barani 1 70 Barani 1 3 6 4 AR Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix Horti. DRIP Deva ram S/o Purkha ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account OBC 7 118 Gothari 119 Gothari Devilal S/o Dhanna ram Cast Mali Joint Ranigao Account Devi Singh S/o Dal Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 29/3 141 Barani 2 11 Barani 2 1 9 AR 8 282/10 285/9 287/67 Barani 2 0 Barani 2 19 Barani 2 3 Barani 2 1 15 7 6 AR 110 135 193 193/1 221 Barani 1 3 Barani 2 26 Barani 1 29 Barani 1 29 Barani 1 2 5 6 8 8 6 AR OBC GEN Dhanraj Rameshwar lal Father Surajkaran Khanyalal Motilal Father Baluram Ganeshi Devi 120 Gothari Widow Amrit Nemichand S/o Amrit lal Cast Brahmin Joint Deh Account Tanka 1 GEN Dhanna ram Pema ram Father Gomdaram Cast Jat Sa Mandukara Sayari Devi W/o 121 Gothari Dularam Radha Devi W/o Harkaran ram Cast Jat Joint Kharvaliya Dhanna ram S/o Kana ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Rakba 16 Bheegha Deepa ram S/o Ramrakh Cast Jat Joint Bagarvaliya Rakba 25 Bheegha 4 Biswa Khatedar 122 Gothari Rahin Dhanna ram S/o Kana ram Jaipur Nagaur Anchlik Gramin Bank Ranigao and Rahin Deepa ram S/o Ramrakh Nagaur Sahkari Bhumi Vikas Bank Didwana Barani 2 AR 104 244 244/1 24 Barani 1 25 Barani 1 16 4 AR 256 256/1 Barani 1 38 Barani 1 27 15 11 AR Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medban dhi OBC Dhanna ram S/o Kana ram Sa Deh 41-06 Bheegha Arjun ram S/o Bhura ram 12-11 Bheegha Baju Devi W/o Laxman ram 12123 Gothari 10 Bheegha Cast Jat Joint Bagarvaliya Khtedar Rahin Dhanna ram S/o Kana ram Jaipur Nagaur 124 Gothari Dhanna ram S/o Diyal ram Cast Meghwal Sa Deh Khatedar Dhanna ram Mehram Babulal 125 Gothari Prabhu ram Pi Dayal ram Cast Bhambhi Joint Deh Account Dhanna ram Mehram Lalaram 126 Gothari Prabhu ram Father Diyal ram Cast Meghwal Joint Deh Account Dhapu Widow Ramnath Banshi ram Nanu ram Govind ram 127 Gothari Father Ramnath Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Tanka 1 OBC Barani 2 AR 2 84/4 5 Barani 1 195/2 24 10 Barani 2 84/3 134 134/1 134/2 139/3 SC AR Tanka 1 SC AR 8 Barani 2 39 Barani 2 1 Barnai 2 0 Barani 2 6 8 SC 14 17 7 14 AR OBC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix. Horti. Dhapu Kanwar Widow Bhaudan Lakhdan Baghdan Sukhdan 128 Gothari Father Pusadan Cast Charan Joint Deh Kharvaliya Account Nandu Kumar S/o Hanuman ram Cast Bawari Joint Deh Account 129 Gothari Rahin Na S Bhu Vikash Bank Branch Prabatsar 130 Gothari Narsa ram S/o Balu ram Gokul ram S/o Birda ram Cast Regar Nathi W/o Gopiram Cast Nayak 131 Gothari Joint Deh Account Nathu Singh S/o Tej Singh Adopt 132 Gothari Prem Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Nathu Singh S/o Tej Singh Adopt Prem Singh Rakba 8.15 133 Gothari Bheegha Sawai Singh S/o Kalu Singh Rakba 0.03 Bheegha Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Nanuram Likhmaram Kanaram 134 Gothari Pi Khanga ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Nanu ram Shivdan ram Father 135 Gothari Mularam Cast Harijan Joint Bhawad Account Narayan ram Kishnaram Birbal Madan lal Khumba ram Omprakash Father Sujaram Bhawari Widow Sujaram 1/3 136 Gothari Rameshwar S/o Khema ram 1/3 Bheeya ram S/o Khema ram 1/3 Cast Bawari Joint Mandpura Account 137 Gothari Narayan ram Adopt Son Mewa ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Narayan ram Bheeya ram Hajari 138 Gothari ram Father Sujaram Cast Khati Joint Kharvaliya Account 139 Gothari 140 Gothari 141 Gothari 142 Gothari Barani 1 260 61 84/1 AR 8 Barani 2 12 Barani 2 8 12 18 Tanka 1 GEN AR Tanka 1 SC Barani 2 AR 33 52 12 Barani 2 SC AR 6 56/1 SC Barani 1 AR 225 20 Tanka 1 10 Barani 1 GEN AR 220 8 Tanka 1 18 Barani 1 GEN AR 120 54 Tanka 1 16 Barani 2 OBC AR 4 3 12 Barani 2 SC AR 51 80/4 Tanka 1 SC Barani 2 AR 55 139/2 259 Narayan ram Lixman ram Hanuman ram Father Ramu ram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Ranigao Account 157 Narayan ram Heera ram Father Chatra ram Cast Jat Joint Madukara Account 80/3 Narayan Singh Jodh Singh Father Rawat Singh Cast Rajput Joint Indokha Account 189 27 28 Nimba ram Kesha ram Father Shivkaran Gayarsi Widow Budharam Chena ram Lixman ram Father Budha ram 1/2 Khema ram Jagnath Father Deva ram 1/2 Cast Regar Joint Ranigao Account Tanka 1 Tanka 1 8 Barani 1 OBC AR 14 Tanka 1 11 Barani 1 OBC AR 19 Barani 2 10 Tanka 1 SC AR Tanka 1 20 OBC Barani 1 AR 28 Barani 2 100 Barani 2 31 AR Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 SC 9 Panna ram S/o Ramnarayan Kunna ram Purna ram Bhura ram 143 Gothari Father Uma ram Cast Mali Ramdeen Father Mangilal Cast Jat Joint Ranigao Khatedar Panna ram Rugha ram Ratna 144 Gothari ram Father Ramnarayan Cast Mali Joint Ranigao Account Panchi D/o Anop Singh ( Sher Singh S/o Phateh Singh 139/1 into 11 Bheegha from part of 145 Gothari Panchi 1/2 Indra Singh Sultan Singh Father Chattar Singh 1/2 Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Panchu ram S/o Chuna ram Cast Bhangi Sa Bhuwad Kha N. 138 in to 12 Bheegha 10 Biswa Lagan 7.75 The. Didwana Mangi Gothari S/o Pusa Cast Bhavi Sa Deh 2/3 Chuna ram S/o Shri ram Bhambhi Joint Bhuwad 1/3 Account 146 Punamchand S/o Laluram Cast Gothari Brahman Joint Deh Account 30 140 Barani 2 19 Barani 2 5 29/2 135/2 Barani 2 14 Barani 2 10 6 10 AR Tanka 1 OBC AR OBC 66 137 Barani 2 11 139/1 Barani 2 47 Barani 2 40 15 4 AR Tanka 1 GEN 138 138/1 Barani 2 46 Barani 2 21 6 AR 114 122 Barani 1 37 Barani 1 28 10 9 AR 150 152 Barani 2 4 Barani 2 23 9 12 AR 67 283/8 286/9 Barani 2 1 Barani 2 21 1 19 9 AR Tanka 1 SC Tanka 1 147 148 GEN Pusa ram Ramratandan Father Jorda Basantidan S/o Bhagwatdan 1/2 Jeewanram Deepdan Kailashdan Father Madhudan Gulab Kanwar W/o Gothari Shaktidan Laldan Prabhudan Girdhari dan Father Shaktidan Premkanwar W/o Kripaldan Mahendra Singh Bhawani Singh Father Kripaldan 1/2 Cast Charan Joint Baladhana Puranjeet S/o Indra Singh Chandra Kanwar W/o Indra Gothari Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 149 Purna ram S/o Manguram Bheru Gothari ram S/o Nanuram Cast Jat Joint Bagarvaliya 150 151 Prithvi Singh Anop Singh Father Kalyan Singh Phumkanwar Gothari Widow Kalyan Singh Cast Rajput Joint Ranigao Account Pema ram S/o Kishnaram Cast Gothari Jat Joint Siniya Account 152 153 Prema ram ramuram Father Jiwla Bhagudi Widow Jiwala Bimla Devi D/o Prabhu ram Ramu ram S/o Jeewa ram Gothari Ramkaran Purna ram Father Hariya Cast Bhambhi Joint Deh Account Rahin Ramu ram S/o Jiwala Nagaur Sahkari Bhumi Vikas Bank Tanka 1 GEN GEN Barani 1 124 AR 123 12 Barani 1 155 39 20 OBC AR Tanka 1 5 Barani 2 GEN AR 9 OBC Barani 1 105/2 AR 51 10 Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix. Horti. Tanka 1 1 Tanka 1 SC Barani 2 Phulki Joje Harjiram Cast Gothari Bhambhi Joint Khathothi Hal Deh Account 154 155 156 157 Berisal Singh S/o Phateh Singh 11 Kha N. 53 in to Rakba 1.10 ( Amar Singh S/o Phateh Singh's Part ) Rahin Salab Kanwar Widow Phateh Singh Supyar Gothari Kanwar W/o Sher Singh Bhanwar Singh S/o Sher Singh Amar Singh Berisal Singh Father Phateh Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 161 Bhanwarlal Loduram Chanduram Gothari Choturam Father Kanaram Cast Mali Joint Ranigao Account Bhanwar Singh Jabbar Singh Durjan Singh Prabhu Singh Partap Singh Father Lun Singh Narpat Singh S/o Phul Singh Gothari Surjan Singh Lixman Singh Ghanshyam Singh Balveer Singh Father Ganpat Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Gothari 165 Bhawar Singh S/o Hari Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Bhanwar Singh Bhagwat Singh Parhlad Singh Jabbar Singh Gothari Durjan Singh Prabhu Singh Partap Singh Father Lun Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 14 4 10 SC AR Tanka 1 SC Barani 1 AR 16 253 232 Barani 1 13 Bhanwaralal S/o Hanuman bux 288/74 Barani 2 9 Gothari Cast Brahman Joint Deh Account 293/227 Barani 1 3 Bhanwar Singh Jeevan Singh Dal Singh Father Hari Singh Gothari Nahar Singh Adopt Son Bane Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 162 Bhanwar Singh S/o Prem Singh Bhanwar Kanwar Widow Mule Gothari Singh Cast Rajput Sa Deh Khatedar 163 164 12 Barani 2 22 53 Barani 2 20 Barani 2 25 Bhanwar Singh Ansulal Bhaulal Gothari Satyanarayan Laxminarayan Father Gigaram Cast Brahman Bhanwarlal Rampal Khanyalal Radeshyam Father Hanuman Gothari bux Ghanshyam Adopt Son Ramjeevan Cast Brahman Joint Deh Account 158 Bhanwarlal Lixmanram Father Gothari Chunaram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account 159 160 80 81/1 AR 227/1 Well 289/74 Barani 2 294/227 Barani 1 0 0 0 6 18 2 4 7 6 6 Tanka 1 GEN AR Tanka 1 GEN AR GEN AR 195/1 Barani 1 24 10 Tanka 1 SC AR 167 Barani 1 23 OBC AR 174 Barani 1 49 Tanka 1 GEN AR 238 Barani 1 34 2 GEN AR 236 Barani 1 16 14 Tanka 1 GEN AR 99/1 Barani 1 2 16 GEN AR 176 Barani 1 13 11 16 Tanka 1 GEN 166 167 168 169 Bhawar Singh Bhagwat Singh Prahlad Singh Jabbar Singh Durjan Singh Prabhu Singh Partap Singh Father Lun Singh Gothari Saitan Singh S/o Mal Singh Surjan Singh Lixman Singh Ghanshyam Singh Balveer Singh Father Ganpat Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Bhanwar Singh Bhagwat Singh Parhlad Singh jabbar Singh Durajn Singh Surjan Singh Gothari Lixman Singh Ghanshyam Singh Balveer Singh Father Ganpat Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Bhanwra ram Chuna ram Father Heera ram Panchi Devi W/o Heera ram Sukha ram S/o Gothari Hardev Revanti Widow Prema ram Jitendra Sunil Father Prema ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 171 218 Barani 1 56 Barani 1 1 6 AR 208 214 Barani 1 11 Barani 1 3 8 AR GEN GEN Barani 1 170 Gothari 171 Gothari 172 Gothari 173 Gothari AR 22 101 254 Barani 1 Bhanwra ram S/o Jetha ram Radha W/o Jetha ram Narayan ram Lodu ram Father Toda ram Cast Jat Joint Bagarvaliya Account 124/1 Barani 2 Bhanwra ram S/o Boduram Sukhi Devi W/o Bodu ram Baluram Jeevan ram Father Kesha ram Shimbhu ram Suresh Father Deva ram Sarju Devi W/o Deva ram Cast Joint Deh Account 139/4 Barani 1 Bhanwra ram S/o Rugharam Jalaram S/o Mangnaram S/o Rugha ram Keshar Devi W/o Rugha ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 228/3 271/160 Barani 1 Bhau ram Lixman ram Chimna 273/160 Barani 1 ram Father Ramkaran Dhapu Devi W/o Ramkaran Kanaram D/o Chothu ram Uma ram S/o Bholu ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 160 Barani 1 268/1602 Barani 1 70/16027 Barani 1 Bhau ram Lixman ram Chimna 5/223 Barani 1 ram Father Ramkaran Dhapur Devi Widow Ramkaran Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Tanka 1 4 Barani 1 Bhanwra ram S/o Jetha ram Narayan ram S/o Toda ram Nanu ram S/o Chothu ram Minor Nanu Gothari ram Gardian Father Chothu ram S/o Toda ram Cast Jat Joint Kharvaliya Account Gothari Tanka 1 OBC AR 19 6 OBC AR Tanka 1 30 OBC AR 48 Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix. Horti. 14 OBC AR 35 2 0 10 10 15 Tanka 1 OBC AR OBC 26 4 2 2 AR Tanka 1 174 Bhiya ram Arjna ram Father Gothari Ghisa ram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account 175 OBC Barani 1 169 12 AR 64 19 Tanka 1 SC 125 252 Bhiya ram Narayan ram Jassa ram Father Suja ram Madan lal Ramdev Father Hajari ram Nandu Devi Widow Harji ram Gothari Mangilal Balu ram Gopal ram Father Nathu ram 1/2 Asha ram S/o Gunga ram 1/2 Cast Khati Joint Kharvaliya Account 176 Bhura ram S/o Tulcha ram Cast Gothari Jat Joint Deh Account 177 Bhura ram S/o Tulsi ram Sukhi Devi W/o Dhanna ram Mukesh Gothari Ramchandra Father Dhanna ram Minor Gaurdian Mother 178 Sukhidevi W/o Dhanna ram Cast Gothari 179 Barani 1 21 Barani 1 33 2 AR Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix. Horti. OBC Barani 1 237 249 250 AR 9 Barani 1 28 Barani 1 4 10 2 OBC AR Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix. Horti. OBC Barani 1 Bholu ram S/o Keshav Das Cast Sad Joint Ranigao Account 159/1 AR 12 4 Barani 2 Bholu ram S/o Bagsa ram Cast Gothari Jat Sa Siniya Khatedar 180 Bholuram Harirat Father Keshav Gothari das Cast Sad Joint Ranigao Account 181 Magan Singh Sohan Singh Gothari Father Surajbhan Singh Cast Rajput Joint Indokha Account 182 26 16 Manga ram Mohna ram Harji ram Gothari Father Chokha ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account OBC AR 22 4 Barani 1 188 197 201 Tanka 1 6 Barani 2 142 SC AR 72 Barani 1 33 Barani 1 13 SC AR Tanka 1 GEN 2 18 AR 10 AR 18 3 AR Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medban dhi 183 OBC Magna ram S/o Balu ram Cast Gothari Jat Joint Deh Account 118 Barani 1 36 118/23 Barani 1 29 Tanka 1 184 185 OBC 83 85/1 Manohar Kanwar Widow Sawant Singh Bheev Singh S/o Sawant Singh Rajendra Singh S/o Saitan Singh Kasra No. 83 me Rakba 1 Bheegha 10 Biswa Bheev Gothari Singh's Parts Ummed Singh S/o Tej Singh Karni Singh S/o Saitan Singh Kasra No. 85/1 in to Rakba 3.10 Bheegha Cast Rajput Sohanlal Bajranglal Rameshwarlal 187 Manguram Ramdeen Father Gigaram Mehram Likhmaram Gumanaram Father Jiyaram 1/2 Gothari Pusaram Ramkaran S/o Ghumar ram 1/2 Cast Meghvanshi Joint Siniya Account Tanka 1 GEN Barani 2 Mangilal Bholuram Father Cast Gothari Sad Joint Ranigao Account 186 Manguram Ramdeen Father Gigaram Mehram Likhmaram Gothari Gumanaram Father Jiyaram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Siniya Account Barani 2 23 Barani 2 4 1 41 21 1/1 Barani 2 16 Barani 2 16 AR 12 3 3 OBC AR Tanka 1 OBC 15 15/1 15/2 15/3 Barani 2 8 Barani 2 6 Barani 2 6 Barani 2 10 188 9 1 5 12 AR SC 13 Gothari 189 Mal Singh S/o Bharat Singh Cast Rajput Joint Ranigao Account Meera W/o Khiya ram Cast Jat Gothari Joint Ranigao Account 190 Gothari 191 192 Mulki Devi W/o Bhanwarlal Cast Jat Joint Ranigao Account Mule Singh Devi Singh Chottu Singh Father Dal Singh Gothari Puranjeet Singh S/o Indra Singh Chandra Kanwar Widow Indra Singh Cast Rajput Joint Account 196 197 Mularam Gomaram Father Asharam Cast Jat 1/2 Rajendra Gothari S/o Ramchandra Purohit 1/2 Joint Siniya Account Mega ram Khumba ram Father Gothari Jaitha ram Cast Jat Joint Account Mehram S/o Mohan ram Rameshwar S/o Juga ram Arjun Gothari ram S/o Jora ram Cast Jat Sa Kharvaliya Teh Didwana Account Mohana ram Chandra ram Gothari Father Rupa ram Cast Bawari Joint Kharvaliya Account 198 Mohana ram Juga ram Father Gothari Hajari ram Cast Jat Joint Bagarvaliya Account 199 Gothari 200 Gothari 201 202 203 155/1 AR 13 1 Barani 1 278/156 Tanka 1 GEN AR 10 10 Barani 1 OBC AR 279/156 10 281/10 Barani 2 0 284/9 Barani 2 1 10 5 OBC AR Tanka 1 GEN Mule Singh S/o Dal Singh Cast Gothari Rajput Joint Account 193 Mularam Ugmaram Prabhu ram Heera ram Father Gaina ram Gothari Cast Jat Sa Ranigao Joint Account 194 195 Barani 1 Mohana ram S/o Pema ram Cast Jat Joint Kharvaliya Account Mohana ram S/o Sawla ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Barani 2 9 AR 24 8 Barani 1 GEN AR 159 18 18/1 55 Barani 2 13 Barani 2 13 4 5 5 AR 245 248 Barani 1 3 Barani 1 32 6 AR 120/1 121/1 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 20 10 AR Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 OBC Barani 1 258 23 AR Tanka 1 41 OBC Barani 1 123 249/2 250/4 Tanka 1 14 Barani 1 121 AR AR 66 Barani 1 22 Barani 1 10 Tanka 1 OBC 10 AR OBC Rakhudi Widow Chottu ram Gothari Sohani D/o Chottu ram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Khatedar Rakhudi Widow Chottu ram Sohani D/o Chottu ram Gothari Likhmaram S/o Deena ram Mala ram S/o Sharvan ram Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account Raju ram S/o Hanuman Mohani Devi Widow Hanuman Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account Gothari Rahin Rajuram S/o Hanuman Nagaur Sahkari Bhumi Vikash Bank Ltd. Nagaur 204 Barani 1 AR 18 203/1 7 Barani 1 213 105 205 2 Barani 1 25 Barani 1 20 SC AR 5 10 3 SC AR Tanka 1 SC 14 205 Raju ram S/o Hanuman Mohani Devi Widow Hanuman Ganga Gothari ram S/o Chena ram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account Gothari Radheshyam S/o Hanuman Bux Cast Brahman Joint Deh Account Barani 1 AR 203 18 74 Barani 2 9 227 Barani 1 3 292/232 Barani 1 13 7 2 3 19 Tanka 1 SC AR Tanka 1 206 GEN Barani 1 AR 63 Barani 1 9 Barani 2 25 AR Barani 1 AR Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix. Horti. Ramdeen S/o Balu ram Cast Jat Gothari Joint Deh Account 207 Ramdeen Panna ram Father Kalu ram Chandri Widow Gothari Kaluram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 208 Gothari 210 Ramdeen S/o Bhugana ram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account Ramdeen Hanuman Mohana Gothari ram Father Moti ram Cast Khati Joint Kharvaliya Account 211 Ramdeen Mula ram Father Heera ram Jamna Devi Widow Gothari Heera ram Cast Kumhar Joint Deh Account 212 Gothari 213 Ramdev Tulcha ram Father Pusa ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Ramdev S/o Pusa ram 1/2 Gothari Tulcha ram S/o Pusa ram 1/2 Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Gothari Tanka 1 OBC 51 105/3 Gothari OBC Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix.Hort i. 2 Hac Medban dhi Tanka 1 Ramdeen S/o Bhagwana ram Cast Bhambhi Joint Deh Account 209 214 242 191 194/2 Rampal S/o Hanuman Bux Cast Brahman Joint Deh Khatedar 12 Barani 1 204 92 SC Barani 2 94/2 AR 51 5 Barani 2 2/2, OBC 20 Tanka 1 OBC 35 6 9 8 17 6 3 175 Barani 2 7 296/227 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 3 6 16 3 Barani 1 Barani 1 Tanka 1 AR Barani 1 119 228 228/1 SC AR AR Tanka 1 AR Tanka 1 OBC AR Tanka 1 215 GEN Gothari 216 Ram Bux S/o Ramchandra Cast Brahman Joint Deh Account Barani 2 69 AR 0 10 Barani 2 GEN AR Rama ram S/o Deva ram Cast Gothari Jat Joint Siniya Account 217 Ramu ram Chuna ram Heera ram Jaithu ram Anna ram Father Gothari Ganga ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Accont 218 14 191/1 247 33 Barani 2 34 Barani 1 19 10 14 OBC AR Tanka 1 OBC 15 Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix. Horti. 19 Gothari 23 Barani 2 44 Barani 2 22 3 AR Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix. Horti. Ramu ram Chottu ram Cast Jat Joint Siniya Account 219 OBC Rameshwar Girdhari Rajesh Father Madanlal Sohani W/o Gothari Madan lal Cast Khati Joint Kharvaliya Account 220 Rameshwar Ramkuwar Bhanwarlal Hariram Father Gothari Ramchandra Cast Brahman Joint Deh Account 221 222 Rameshwar Ramkuwar Bhanwarlal Hariram Father Ramchandra 1/3 Purnanand S/o Bhanwarlal Brahman 1/3 Saitan Gothari Singh S/o Lalsingh Phulsingh S/o Lalsingh Ganpat Singh S/o Sawai Singh 1/3 Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account Gothari 223 Rameshwarlal S/o Arjunram Cast Bawari Joint Deh Account Rukma D/o Nolaram Joje Ramdev Cast Jat Joint Khojas Gothari The Didwana Account Rahin J. Na. Tha. Gramin Bank Branch Ranigao 224 Rupa ram Megha ram Deva ram Ramdev ram Sharvan ram Gothari Father Shivkaran Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account 225 Lacha ram Nanu ram Ramu ram Father Dula ram Heera ram Manga ram Father Hukma ram Gothari Dakudi W/o Hukma ram Tulcha ram S/o Chandra ram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Khatedar 226 Laxmi ram S/o Dhanna ram Cast Mali Joint Ranigao Account Gothari Barani 1 94 AR 35 10 Barani 2 22 55 GEN AR 47 4 Tanka 1 SC AR 27 Tanka 1 15 Barani 2 OBC AR 50 5 Barani 2 93 29 135/1 Tanka 1 16 Barani 2 51/1 GEN AR 19 7/2, Tanka 1 7 Barani 2 2 OBC AR Barani 2 63 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 SC AR 47 Barani 2 4 Barani 2 10 4 18 Tanka 1 SC AR 227 OBC Ladu ram S/o Chatra ram Jaira ram S/o Rupa ram Cast Bawari Gothari Joint Deh Account 228 Likhma ram S/o Deena ram Rakudi Widow Chottu ram Gothari Sohani D/o Chottu ram Mala ram S/o Sharvan ram Cast Bhambhi Joint Deh Account 229 Lixman ram Hanuman ram Purkha ram Sohana ram Father Gothari Urja ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 230 Lixman ram Hanuman ram Purkha ram Sohana ram Father Gothari Urja ram Magna ram S/o Balu ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 231 Barani 2 81 AR 45 10 Barani 1 Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix. Horti. SC AR 116/2 118/1 118/3 23 Barani 1 38 Barani 1 29 2 16 10 112 112/1 Barani 1 Barani 1 15 6 Tanka 1 SC AR OBC 16 2 0 AR OBC Lixma Devi W/o Heera ram 81/2 Supyar Devi W/o Rameshwar 90 185 Bheeva ram Sharvan ram Father Gothari Rameshwar Dungarmal S/o Heera ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 232 Luna ram S/o Kistur ram Cast Jat Gothari Joint Deh Account 233 188/2 Shivkaran S/o Kushla ram Cast Meghvanshi Joint Deh Account Gothari Barani 2 9 Barani 2 12 Barani 1 17 Barani 1 AR 234 106 76 76/1 77 Barani 2 13 Barani 2 13 AR 17 17/1 Barani 2 Barani 2 9 9 12 12 AR Saitan Singh S/o Lal Singh Cast Gothari Rajput Joint Deh Account 2000 Varg Meter 236 Shri Kishan Deva ram Father Ramu ram Cast Bawari Joint Gothari Deh Account 84/2 84/5 Slums Slums 1 2 4 9 AR 237 82 29/1 143 Shivkaran Sohana ram Father Chuna ram Cast Kumhar 1/2 Gothari Dula ram S/o Hardeen ram Cast 234 Jat 1/2 Joint Deh Account Shivdan Singh Ram Singh Father Dungar Singh Bajrang Singh Lixman Singh Onkar Singh Gothari Father Nandlal Singh Cast Rajpurohit Joint Siniya Account 10 2 17 AR OBC Barani 1 AR 7 OBC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix. Horti. 2 Hac Medban dhi SC OBC 235 GEN Gothari Shri Kishan S/o Asha ram Cast Regar Joint Ranigao Account GEN Barani 2 AR 46 Barani 2 7 Barani 2 61 10 10 4 SC AR 238 Tanka 1 SC Samrath Singh S/o Jalam Singh Bhanwar Singh Mal Singh Father Anop Singh 1/2 Cast Rajput Gothari Ramswaroop S/o Nathu ram Kana ram S/o Uda ram 1/2 Cast Khati Joint Ranigao Account 239 Gothari 240 Gothari 241 Gothari 242 243 Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medban dhi Gothari Gothari Sawla ram Ana ram Ansu ram Bhagu ram Mohana ram Father Gheesa ram Cast Kumhar Joint Deh Khatedar Sukhdev Kishor ram Father Dana ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Sukhdev Kishor ram Father Dana ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Sukha ram S/o Dana ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Sukha ram S/o Pusa ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account Barani 1 158 65 261 AR 77 Barani 2 18 Barani 1 8 4 10 Tanka 1 OBC AR Tanka 1 OBC Barani 1 AR 109/1 11 OBC Barani 1 109 194 228/4 239 AR 11 Barani 1 30 Barani 1 27 Barani 1 6 OBC AR Tanka 1 OBC 10 AR 244 Tanka 1 OBC Sukha ram S/o Hardev ram Cast Gothari Jat Joint Mandpura Account 245 Sukhi Devi W/o Dhanna ram Gothari Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 246 Barani 1 102 AR 9 Barani 1 280/188 OBC AR 7 17 4 OBC Sukhi Devi W/o Dhanna ram Mukesh Ramchandra Father Dhanna ram Minor Guardian Gothari Mother Sukhidevi W/o Dhanna ram Cast Jat Joint Deh Account 247 Barani 1 249/1 Suja ram Kuna ram Father Kisha ram 2/3 Cast Jat Narayan ram Manroop ram Father Mula ram Gothari 1/3 Cast Bhambhi Joint Balaghana Account 248 8 OBC Barani 2 145 Suraj Kanwar Widow Devi Singh Gothari Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 249 AR AR 31 SC Barani 2 AR 42 196 196/1 196/2 196/3 207 219 219/1 219/2 219/3 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 23 35 11 11 11 44 4 1 1 1 15 7 15 16 16 10 5 8 8 9 Surjan Singh Heer Singh Durjan Singh Father Bhanwar Singh Badar Singh S/o Lal Singh Ummed Singh S/o Bodu Singh Laxman S/o Phul Singh Sayar Singh Widow Phul Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 156/1 156/2 156/3 224 224/1 224/2 224/3 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 7 Barani 1 2 Barani 1 2 Barani 1 2 10 10 9 15 12 11 12 AR Saitan Singh S/o Lal Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account 132 132/1 133 133/1 Barani 2 20 Barani 2 20 Barani 2 4 Barani 2 4 9 9 AR Sewa ram Dola ram Gumana 31 Barani 2 18 ram Magna ram Father Birma 35 Barani 2 31 Gothari ram Cast Regar Joint Ranigao Account 253 Saitan Singh Phul Singh Father Barani 2 Lal Singh Guman Kanwar Widow Gothari Sawai Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Khatedar 254 49 23 Hardev S/o Deepa ram Joint Deh Barani 1 Gothari Account 255 264/248 34 Harikishan S/o Bholu ram Joint Barani 2 Gothari Siniya Account 256 73/1 9 Hari ram S/o Panna ram Joint Barani 2 Gothari Siniya Account 257 56 22 2 16 AR Suraj Singh Hari Singh Durjan Singh Father Bhanwar Singh Badar Singh S/o Lal Singh Ummed Singh S/ Bod Singh Nathu Singh S/o Prem Singh Amar Singh S/o Tej Singh Gothari Laxman Singh S/o Phul Singh Sayar Kanwar Widow Phul Singh Cast Rajput Joint Deh Account B Hi Equal Rahin Laxman Singh S/o Phul Singh Sayar Kanwar Widow Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix. Horti. Tanka 1 GEN AR Tanka 1 Tanka 1 250 GEN Gothari Tanka 1 251 GEN Gothari Tanka 1 252 GEN 18 Tanka 1 SC AR 18 GEN AR 2 Tanka 1 OBC AR 0 OBC AR 0 Tanka 1 OBC 258 Hari ram Purkha ram Manga ram 146 Mohana ram Harji ram Joint Deh 162 172 259 172/1 Account 260 183 261 198 262 Gothari 198/1 263 198/2 264 265 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 36 9 14 0 43 11 0 2 0 18 13 7 14 5 17 6 AR 266 267 Barani 55 1 Barani 9 1 15 0 AR Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medban dhi OBC 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 Hukma ram Lala ram Purna ram Father Bhura ram Mohani Devi Gothari W/o Bhura ram Joint Deh Account Rahin J. Na. Anchlik Gramin Bank Brach Het Kanwar Widow Nakatdan Biharidan Ganpatdan Bhopaldan Father Takhtdan Saman Kanwar Gothari Widow Kanwardan Joint Kharvaliya Account Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Gothari Pasture Pasture Pasture Pasture Pasture Pasture Pasture Pasture 7 200 OBC Barani 1 261/1 43 52 54 107 115 131 148 AR 19 Gochar 1 Gochar 8 Gochar 3 Gochar 103 Gochar 64 Gochar 10 Gochar 17 0 11 2 13 10 10 18 12 GEN NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Gothari 276 277 Gothari Pasture Pasture 163 180 Gochar Gochar 12 1 18 NA 17 NA Gothari 278 279 Gothari Pasture Tanka 1 184 222 Gochar Gochar 37 14 1 Total Tanka = 176 2 Convergence by Narega = 10 3 Purpose Tanka by water Shed = 166 4 Medbandhi = 22 Hac 5 Pasture 7 Hac 6 Dry Land Horti Culture = 8 Hac 7 Drip Irigation Convergence by Ag. Dp. 8 Hac 8 Agro Forestry = 800 Hac 19 4 8 NA NA Pasture Devlop ment 1 Hac. Pasture Devlop ment 06 Hac. S. no NAME OF VILLAGE NAME OF CULTIVATOR KHASRA NUMBER AREA TYPE OF LAND BIGHA BISWA 1 2 3 4 indokha land available for cultination indokha Herbs bushes forestry 3 indokha Water sed ( 4 indokha Samsan Ghat ( 5 indokha Pagdandi & Road 6 indokha AkhaRam S/o Shri Ram Joint Deh Account indokha Ajit Singh S/o Sayar Singh Shohan Kanwar Widow Sayar Singh Joint Deh Account 7 8 ) ) indokha Anup Singh S/o Ganpat Singh Rakba 12.10 Bigha Shivlaldan S/o Gopi dan 1/2 Subhdan Bophaldan Rupdan Father Khumdan 1/2 Joint Deh Account 6 131/1 0 276/2 10 70/3 0 11 61 12 76 131 11 227 20 240 6 241 2 243 3 246 31 308 18 38 16 122/1 0 139/1 1 209/1 1 240/1 0 245/1 0 246/1 0 27/2 0 276/1 0 324/2 3 327/1 0 328/237 3 337/190 0 339/253 26 340/188 23 341/260 0 370/253 0 38/1 0 139 150 307 27 319 3 335 15 21 56 7 1 15 16 11 15 10 14 6 0 10 14 10 9 8 11 8 5 6 8 12 12 0 17 7 15 16 5 18 15 2 0 5 18 17 8 ARA BLE/ NON ARB SC LE 5 temple Oran Oran Oran Oran Oran Oran Oran Oran Oran Oran Oran 8 CATEGARY OBC GEN 9 10 NA EXISTIN G STR. FARMER DEMAND CONVER GENCE 11 12 13 bpl Pasture Devlopme nt 10 Hac. Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi 113 0 342/310 102 126 186 19 226 233 242 273 321 54 72 73 96 311/1 288 148/1 148/2 148/3 148/4 148 9 4 12 11 10 15 14 2 13 4 8 8 2 2 15 5 0 12 24 24 10 19 Samsan Ghat 1 Road 10 Road 6 Road 1 Road 11 Road 13 Road 14 Road 0 Road 1 Road 0 Road 15 Road 15 Road 4 Road 17 Road 0 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 9 Barani 1 219 34 7 Barani 1 NA Ro ad AR sc Tanka 1 Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 GEN indokha Anup Singh S/o Ganpat Singh Puran Singh S/o Anup Singh Mahander Singh S/o Anup Singh SMt. TopKanwar W/o Anup Singh Smt. Gadkanwar W/o Gokul Singh Joint Deh Account indokha Anna Ram KumbhaRam TuljhaRam S/o Pitha Ram Joint Deh Account 176/1 12 10 Barani 1 AR 10/1 295/2 110 52 0 56 15 Barani 1 7 Barani 1 8 Barani 1 AR OBC indokha Anna Ram S/o Pitha Ram Joint Deh Account indokha Anna Ram S/o Jatha Ram Father Danna Ram Joint Deh Account 129 13 19 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 247/1 5 16 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 indokha Anna Ram Bhura Ram Jatha Ram Father Danna Ram Shiv Ram Giga Ram Purn Ram Sukha Ram Father Uda Ram Jumli Widow Uda Ram Anda Ram S/o Khuma Ram Joint Deh Account 283/1 284/1 283 284 15 23 37 38 13 11 0 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix Horti. indokha Anna Ram Bhura Ram Jatha Ram Father Danna Ram Shiv Ram Giga Ram Purn Ram Sukha Ram Father Uda Ram Jumli Widow Uda Ram Anda Ram S/o Khuma Ram hi 1/3 KhiaRam Harkaran Hanuman Father Moti 1/3 Manga Chotu Father Deva 1/3 Joint Deh Account 238/1 238/2 238/3 238 0 6 3 10 7 17 12 8 Bera Chahi Charan Chahi Charan Chahi Charan AR indokha Abhay Singh S/o Mainsdan Singh 4 Begha Bhopal Singh S/o Nahar Singh 4 Begha Sa Deh Sharwandan Shankardar Father Ramkarandan Lakdan Pabudan Madhudan Father Bhimdan Hanumanram S/o Gayadram Joint Deh Account indokha Amarchand Bhauram Father Mohanlal Jatni Widow Mohanlal Joint Deh Account indokha AmarSingh 1/3 Nathu Singh 1/3 Gopal Singh 1/3 Father Hanuman Singh Joint Deh Account 152 35 14 Barani 1 AR 295/1 35 2 Barani 1 AR sc 151 27 3 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka by narega 110 DRIP OBC 1 Hac.Mix Horticultu re 1 Hac. Mix Horti. DRIP GEN Tanka 1 bpl Tanka 1 18 indokha AmarSingh Padam Singh Iswar Singh Father Ladu Singh Jashwant Singh S/o ChandarSingh Sajan Singh BhivSingh LichmanSingh Mahaveer Singh Father MulSingh Chatar Singh S/o Dhokan Singh Joint Account 53/1 53/2 57/1 53 57 15 5 14 30 11 4 0 15 0 10 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medband hi 19 indokha AmarSingh S/o Maheshdan Joint Deh Account indokha Amararam S/o Laduram Joint Deh Account 151/1 5 11 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 115 116 118 7 10 4 4 3 8 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 21 indokha AmaraRam Sukha Ram Kuma Ram Father Pusa Joint Deh Account 11/4 14 229 234 26 16 25 8 13 17 1 11 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 22 indokha UgamKanwar Joje Panne Singh Joint Deh Account indokha Uda S/o Joda Joint Deh Account 97 6 13 Barani 1 AR 274/1 323/3 330/274 274 275 8 3 13 38 14 5 15 10 4 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medband hi 290/1 35 16 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 20 23 24 indokha Uma Ram S/o Sawanta Ram Joint Deh Account OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 11 Barani 1 AR 180/1 180 12 46 0 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 64/2 indokha Kamla Divakar W/o Bala Ram Divakar Joint Deh Account indokha Kishna Ram S/o Maluram Joint Deh 166/1 175/3 Account 351/27 indokha Kishna Ram S/o Indrasingh Joint Deh Account 359/4 indokha Kishna Ram S/o Kisturram Joint Deh Account 222/2 indokha Kishna Ram S/o Ridha Ram Joint 222/3 Deh Account 288/1 indokha Kisturram S/o Bija Ram Joint Deh 288/3 Account 222/1 indokha Kumbha ram Godh S/o Ridharam Joint Deh Account 221/3 indokha Kesharam S/o Shriram Joint Deh 288/4 Account 1 0 Barani 1 AR sc 18 7 14 5 4 4 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 13 14 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 20 7 3 12 27 13 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 0 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 10 11 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 251/1 255/2 264/1 264/2 255 264 19 22 15 10 26 4 14 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 289/1 297/1 298/1 299/1 299/2 306/1 309/1 289 297 298 299 306 309 6 0 15 21 8 40 9 6 43 15 13 40 9 10 5 13 10 0 3 17 11 1 13 10 2 16 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Medband hi 312/1 312 52 44 0 Barani 1 16 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 230 235 7 22 17 Barani 1 16 Barani 1 AR sc 202/1 251 32 8 2 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 190/1 333/228 190 12 1 12 0 18 8 AR GEN Tanka 1 indokha Kesharam Sitaram Chanaram Pokharam Gogaram Piritiram Father Ratanaram Gulabdevi W/o Ratanaram Ghisha S/o Mohana Puranmal S/o Ranjeet Sujaram Sharwanram Jojaram Chotharam Panchuram Father Bhanwarlal Joint Deh Account 36 indokha 37 38 39 40 GEN 27 indokha UmadSingh Ramsingh Lichman Singh Father KanSingh Joint Deh Account indokha Kanhaiyalal 1/5 Parbhulal 1/5 Madanlal 1/5 Hanumanlal 1/5 Father Chuna Ram Sharwanlal 1/20 Puranlal 1/20 Father Bhanwar Lal Gulabi W/o Bhanwar lal 1/20 Rakesh 1/60 Babu Lal 1/60 Father Sohanlal Parwati W/o Sohanlal 1/60 Joint Deh Account Khiyaram Harkaran Hanuman Father Moti Hi barabar 1/2 Manga Chotu Father Deva 1/2 Joint Deh Account indokha Gangaram S/o Amra 7/12 Jetharam S/o Danaram 312/1 Me Se 8 Begha Sawta S/o Nanuram 5/12 Joint Deh Account indokha Ganpatram Ratanaram Ramsawarup Madanaram Father Chandraram Mu. Duludi Widow Chandraram Joint Deh Account indokha Ganpat Singh S/o MadhoSingh Joint Deh Account indokha GanpatSingh S/o MadhoSingh 1/2 Sugan Singh S/o MaganSingh Mahaveer Singh S/o SawaySingh Nabagi Sugankanwar Widow sawaysingh Walda Khud Joint Account Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 GEN AR Tanka 1 AR sc AR Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 41 indokha GansaRam RupaRam Father Mularam Jiwanram Lalaram Father Devaram Bansilal S/o Shivdan Birji Widow Shivdan Nanudan Amraram Bannaram Father Birdharam Joint Deh Account 262/1 262 281 285 21 20 31 22 0 1 7 11 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 42 indokha Girdharilal Bansilal Father Sonu 4/9 RadhaKishan Ganpat Gopi Father Gordhan 4/9 Puranmal Chelaram Pemaram Govindlal Kishanlal Father Ramu Bidami Widow Ramu 1/9 Joint Deh Account 87/1 87/2 90/1 90/2 91/1 93/1 93/2 68 85 86 87 88 90 91 93 94 15 15 16 15 23 13 5 19 19 21 15 14 16 23 8 0 12 13 0 17 10 07 12 19 2 19 12 12 0 0 0 10 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 43 40/1 40 indokha Gigaram 1/12 Hanumanram 1/12 Choturam 1/12 Father Ruparam Sumarsingh Kisansingh Nathusingh Kalyansingh Father Vijaysingh 2/3 Joint Deh Account 37/1 indokha Gigaram Hanumanram Choturam 36 Father Rupla Mu. Chandri Widow 37 Rupla Joint Deh Account 33 60 0 8 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 12 14 4 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 45 22 45 15 29 OBC Tanka 1 44 Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 45 indokha Gumanpuri Partappuri Madhopuri Father Jiwanpuri Joint Deh Account 29/1 47/2 47/3 29 47 30 14 14 38 18 0 0 0 0 3 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 46 indokha Gumansingh S/o Kalusingh Shaymsingh S/o Gokulsingh Gumankanwar Widow Gokulsingh Joint Deh Account 189/3 198/3 25/1 25/3 189 198 201 250 5 9 35 36 5 9 4 8 10 5 11 1 13 3 11 3 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medband hi 47 indokha Gagesingh S/o Nolsingh Joint Deh Account 61/3 64/4 60 61 26 18 19 23 10 2 7 7 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 48 indokha Gokulsingh S/o Tejsingh Joint Deh Account indokha Gomda S/o Rekha 1/2 Arjun Nanu Father Ramu hi 1/2 Joint Deh Account 176/2 174 257/1 258/2 257 16 22 67 52 18 1 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 18 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 indokha Goruram S/o Ratanaram Joint Deh Account indokha Gashi S/o Chandra Budharam S/o Hajari Joint Account indokha Gashi S/o Hira Ramu Moba Father Dana Joint Deh Account 247 5 16 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 214 22 10 Barani 1 AR sc 123/1 123 124 2 2 0 0 Barani 1 2 Barani 1 19 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 49 50 51 52 Tanka 1 53 indokha Gisharam S/o Nandaram Joint Deh Account 99/4 99/5 107 112 303 98 2 25 15 1 24 8 5 11 16 5 5 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 54 indokha Gisharam S/o Mobaram Joint Deh Account 290 291 5 39 0 Barani 1 11 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 55 56 57 58 59 60 indokha Chandudi Widow Ridharam Joint Deh Account indokha Chansingh S/o Bhanwarkanwar Bhanwarsingh Kalyansingh LichmanSingh Girdharisingh S/o Gulabkanwar 1/4 Norgsingh S/o ChanSingh Kailashkanwar Widow Chansingh Mahaveersingh Na.Ba. Basre Chagankanwar Window Asusingh 1/2 Sajankanwar W/o Ganpantsingh Bhanwarsingh Dayalsingh sangramsingh Father Madansingh 1/4 Joint Deh Account indokha Chanaram S/o Tejaram Joint Deh Account indokha Jagram Kesharam Jesharam Father Pusaram Rukma devi W/o Pusa ram Joint De Account indokha Jadawkanwar W/o Devidan Murardan Gokuldan Shaktidan Purandan Father Devidan Bhagirathdan Madandan Jagdishdan Haridan Bhaudan Girdharidan Amardan Father Durgadan Mohankanwar W/o Durgadan Joint Deh Account indokha Jatansingh S/o Ramsingh Joint Deh Account 311 14 11 Barani 1 AR sc 122/3 6 5 Barani 1 AR 48 47 12 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 10/2 10/3 110/1 338/295 10 26 10 37 9 26 0 10 8 0 01 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 173 14 0 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 189/2 196/1 198/1 198/2 250/1 11 4 0 17 8 2 15 1 2 3 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 61 indokha Jawanaram S/o Kisturram Joint Deh Account 4 4 12 0 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 62 248/1 indokha Jawanaram Hanuman Gigaram 248 Ugmaram Tulcharam Father Bhagirath Mu. Panchi Window Bhagirath Bhura S/o Lacha Joint Deh Account indokha Jawanaram Jatharam Panchuram 78/1 77 78 Father Chanraram Lakhuram Motiram Father Pemaram Birmaram Manglaram Father Shivkaranram 1/2 Bhivaram Dhanaram Father Hiraram 1/12 Pemaram S/o Hiraram 1/6 Hiraram S/o Bharuram 1/4 Joint Deh Account indokha Jawanaram S/o Chandraram Joint 80/3 74 Deh Account 32 55 9 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR AR Tanka 1 0 1 36 2 Bera 6 Chahi 12 Charan Chahi Charan AR OBC 19 11 1 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 63 64 363/9 2 Hac. Mix Horticultu re 1 Hac. Mix Horti.drip OBC Tanka 1 65 indokha Jaswantsingh Padamsingh Father Bhadsingh Joint Deh Account 73/1 75/2 70 14 0 54 16 Barani 1 2 Barani 1 9 Barani 1 AR GEN 66 indokha Jiwanram Manglaram Shivkaranram Father Jodha Joint Deh Account indokha Jetharam S/o Chandraram Joint Deh Account 213 76 13 Barani 1 AR sc GEN 74/1 74/2 81/1 71 12 9 8 1 0 0 0 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 7 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 67 68 indokha Gyanaram Chanaram Lalaram Father Surtaram Radhadevi W/o Surtaram Purnram S/o Pusaram Joint Deh Account 82 83 22 41 DRIP Tanka 1 Tanka 1 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 13 0 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 30 10 13 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 25 0 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 6 5 0 2 0 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC 99/1 99/2 99/3 3 35 7 7 22 2 Tanka 1 4 Hac. Medband hi indokha Tejaram Ruparam Father Manguram Joint Deh Account indokha Dasrathsingh S/o Sugansingh Supyarkanwar W/o Sugansingh Joint Deh Account indokha Dasrathsingh S/o Sugansingh 1/4 Dasrathsingh S/o Bhanwarsingh Mohankanwar Window Bhanwarsingh Sharwansingh S/o Sawaysingh 1/4 Mangalsingh Sohansingh Father Surajsingh 1/4 Narayansingh Jodhsingh Father Rawatsingh 1/4 Joint Deh Account 204/1 23 14 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 141/8 15 2 Barani 1 AR GEN 153.1 153.2 153.3 153/4 153/5 153/6 157/7 153/8 153 8 8 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 0 15 15 11 10 10 10 4 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN indokha Durgaram S/o Parbhuram Joint Deh Account indokha Devaram Ramuram Goruram Laluram Harjiram Father Ratanaram 1/2 Tejaram Hukmaram Father Pokarram 1/2 Joint Deh Account indokha Devaram Ramuram Goruram Laluram Harjiram Father Ratanaram Joint Deh Account indokha Devaram Ramuram Goruram Harjiram Father Ratnaram 1/3 Dhanna S/o Bala Choturam S/o Likhamaram Sukharam S/o Arjunram 1/3 Bharuram Kumbharam Chimnaram Mohanaram Father Jetha Kesturi Widow Jetha 1/3 Joint Deh Account 221/4 288/5 164/1 164 10 11 37 35 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 164/1 165 31 32 266/1 266/2 266 indokha Devidas S/o Jaykisandas Joint Deh Account indokha Dolatsingh S/o Sugansingh Amarchand S/o Shankardas 15 Begha Bhanwarsingh Kalyansingh Lichmansingh Girdharisingh S/o Gulabkanwar Shirkanwar Widow Indarsingh Joint Deh Account 70/1 indokha Jumra S/o Khamaram Sharwanram Mangaram Joraram Father Sawantaram Rukmani Widow Sawantaram Sa Deh Khatedar Rahin Jumra S/o Khamaram Joint Deh Account indokha Jumra S/o Khamaram Sharwanram 70/5 75 Mangaram Joraram Father Sawantaram/Sawalaram Rukmani Window Sawantaram Rahin Jumrram S/o Khamaram Joint Deh Account 175/1 indokha Jumrram S/o Maluram Joint Deh Account indokha Tejaram Ruparam Father Bhagirath 112/1 303/1 Pusi Window Bhagirath Joint Deh 98/1 Account Tanka 1 Tanka 1 AR OBC 19 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC 19 22 21 4 5 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC 225 0 9 Barani 1 AR OBC 32/1 326/34 34/1 33 17 25 0 21 13 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 13 AR 6 5 Tanka by narega Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medband hi Tanka by narega GEN 2 Hac. Medband hi Tanka 2 Tanka 1 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 indokha Dolatsingh S/o Bhanwarsingh Kalyansingh Lichmansingh Girdharisingh S/o Gulabkanwar Shirkanwar Widow Indarsingh 1/2 Puransingh Bhomsingh Manhorsingh Father Hanumansingh Badankanwar W/o Hanumansingh Gudikanwar Durgakanwar D/o Kisorsingh Antarkanwar W/o Kisorsingh 1/2 Joint Deh Account indokha Dolaram S/o Parbhuram Joint Deh Account indokha Dhanaram S/o Babulal Chotu S/o Likhma Sukharam S/o Arjunram Joint Deh Account 34/2 34/3 34 14 0 22 10 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 AR 288/7 221 269/1 269/2 269 11 10 29 29 30 0 0 4 10 AR sc Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 GEN Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 346/300 18 indokha Dhanaram S/o Hiraram Joint Deh Account 59 36 indokha Dharmaram Hardinram Purkharam 52 20 Father Jaluram Gigadevi W/o Jaluram Joint Deh Account 11 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 6 4 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 280/1 indokha Dhapu W/o Chandraram 280 Magharam Babulal Father Chandraram Sawayda S/o Girdhari Basre Barai Chothudi Balcha Khud Joint Deh Account 353/27 indokha Narpatsingh S/o Indarsingh Joint Deh Account 25/2 25 indokha Narpatsingh Parmsingh Father 64 Sawaysingh Joint Deh Account 13 12 0 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 28 7 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 7 27 7 15 Barani 1 13 Barani 1 9 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 0 16 5 5 AR GEN Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horti. 228/1 228 91 indokha Narpatsingh Parmsingh Father Swaysingh 1/2 Gigasingh S/o Jawarsingh 1/2 Joint Deh Account 249 8 13 Barani 1 AR GEN 92 indokha Narpatsingh Parmsingh Father Swaysingh 1/3 Jatansingh S/o Ramsingh 2/3 Joint Deh Account indokha Narpatsingh Shivrajsingh Bhagwansingh Bhagirathsingh Father Ladusingh Rawatsingh Surajsingh Amarsingh Father Bhanwarsingh Joint Deh Account indokha Nathuram S/o Ramuram Joint Deh Account indokha Nathuram S/o Pemaram Joint Deh Account indokha Nanuram Jawanaram Laluram Kishnaram Father Kisturram 1/2 Hiraram S/o Dinaram 1/2 Joint Deh Account 249/1 249/1 14 15 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN 195 223 20 46 3 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN 221/6 221/7 16 16 25 5 4 Barani 1 11 Barani 1 8 Barani 1 AR sc 355/4 357/4 361/9 0 0 0 7 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 3 Barani 1 AR OBC 97 indokha Nanuram S/o Kisturam 1/2 Hiraram S/o Dinaram 1/2 Joint Deh Account 9@1 0 8 AR OBC 98 indokha Nanuram S/o Kisturam Joint Deh Account indokha Narayandan Bhawardan Bhaddan Father Dhanaram Mu. Manoharkanwar Widow Kandan Pabudan Mhadudan Father Bhimdan Hanumandan Purandan Raguveerdan Banwaridan Father Lakhandan Mu. Bhanwari Widow Gigadan Joint Deh Account 2 14 0 3 0 AR OBC 93 94 95 96 99 364/9 208/1 208 9 Bhara Chahi Pancham Tanka 1 indokha Narpatsingh Parmsingh Father Sawaysingh Anupkanwar Widow Sawaysingh 1/2 Jatansingh S/o Ramsingh 1/4 Ganpatsingh S/o Madhosingh 1/4 Joint Deh Account 90 Tanka 1 Bada Barani 1 Barani 1 17 Barani 1 5 Barani 1 DRIP 0.5 Hac. Mix Horticultu re Tanka 1 Tanka 1 AR sc AR Tanka by narega9/ 1 Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 100 indokha Narayandan Bhawardan Bhaddan Father Dhanaram Mu. Mohankanwar Widow Kandan Joint Deh Account 130/5 130/6 181/1 130 4 4 19 4 7 10 14 10 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 101 indokha Narayandan Bhanwardan Bhaddan Father Dhanaram Mohankanwar Widow Kandan Mhadudan Father Bhimdan Hanumandan Purandan Raguveerdan Banwaridan Father Lakhandan Gorudan Chandidan Motidan Father Pabudan Joint Deh Account 133/2 133/3 133/4 151/2 152/1 152/2 133 6 7 6 3 8 2 7 13 12 13 11 10 10 13 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 102 indokha Narayandan Bhawardan Bhaddan Father Dhanaram Mohankanwar Widow Kandan Pabudan Mhadudan Father Bhimdan Hanumandan Purandan Raguveerdan Banwaridan Father Lakhandan 3/12 Sharwandan Shakardan Father Ramkarandan 3/12 Arjundan S/o Dugardan 1/24 Mu. Bhanwari Widow Jagdishdan 1/8 Mu. Bali Widow Kisandan 1/24 Jadakanwar W/o Davidan Muraddan Gokuldan Shaktidan Purandan Father Davidan 1/16 Mohankanwar W/o Durgadan Bhagirathdan Madandan Jagdishdan Hardindan Bhaudan Girdharidan Amardan Father Durgadan 1/16 Gopidan S/o Sujandan Subhadan Bhopaldan Rupdan Father Khubdan 1/8 Shmbhudan Kalyandan Father indokha Narayandan Bhawardan Bhaddan Father Dhanaram Mu. Mohankanwar Widow Kandan Hanumandan Purndan Raguveerdan Banwaridan Father Lakhandan Joint Deh Account indokha Narayandan Bhawardan Bhaddan Father Dhanaram Mu. Mohankanwar Widow Kandan Padudan Mhadudan Father Bhimdan Hanumandan Purandan Raguveerdan Banwaridan Father Lakhandan Joint Deh Account indokha Narayanram Narsaram Father Andaram Anaram Bhuraram Jetharam Father Danaram Joint Deh Account indokha Naharsingh Richhpalsingh Mhalsingh Father Gigasingh Supyarkanwar W/o Rupsingh Joint Deh Account indokha Naharsingh Richhpalsingh Mhalsingh Father Gigsingh Supyarkanwar W/o Rupsingh 4/5 Banesingh S/o Gigsingh 1/5 Joint Deh Account indokha Nolaram Chanaram Kanaram Panchuram Father Bharuram 2/3 Shingari W/o Bharuram 1/6 Ramnivas Rameswar Parkash Father Permaram Nabalik Mother Bajudevi, Bajudevi W/o Permaram 1/6 Joint Deh Account 169/1 169 0 40 6 4 Bhara Birani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 182/4 182/5 182 44 8 25 0 2 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 181/2 182/2 2 0 0 Barani 1 10 Bada AR GEN 312/2 25 0 Barani 1 AR 189/1 201/1 196 11 4 21 9 Barani 1 11 Barani 1 16 Barani 1 AR GEN 197 0 4 AR GEN 313/1 313 48 45 0 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 103 104 105 106 107 108 Bhara AR OBC OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 109 indokha Nolaram S/o Bharuram 1/2 Nolaram Chanaram Kanaram Panchuram Father Bharuram 1/3 Shingari W/o Bharuram 1/12 Ramnivas Rameswar Parkash Father Permaram Na. Ba. Mother Bajudevi Bajudevi W/o Permaram 1/12 Joint Deh Account 278/1 278 26 27 17 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medband hi 110 indokha Panchuram S/o Chandraram Joint Deh Account 74/3 80/4 81/2 81/4 15 3 3 9 0 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 111 indokha Pabudan Mhadudan Father Bhimdan Joint Deh Account 171/1 182/2 172 23 13 37 0 Barani 1 2 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 AR 112 indokha Purkharam S/o Parbhuram Joint Deh Account indokha Purkharam S/o Hiraram Joint Deh Account indokha purkharam S/o Ghisaram Koyali Widow Ghisa 1/3 Narayan Memraj Father Chuniya 1/3 Bodu S/o Padha 1/3 Joint Deh Account 221/5 288/6 1 10 11 20 Barani 1 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 AR sc 296/1 286/2 286/3 286/4 286/5 286/6 296 9 15 6 18 6 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 AR sc indokha Purnaram 1/24 Kisnaram 1/24 GENsaram 1/24 Choturam 1/24 Pannaram 1/24 Father Ramuram Chandadevi W/I Ramuram 1/48 Dhanidevi W/o Ramuram 1/48 Mhegaram Godh S/o Dhanaram 1/8 Pusadevi W/o Dhanaram 1/8 Bholuram S/o Laduram 1/2 Joint Deh Account indokha Purnaram 1/6 Kisnaram 1/6 GENsharam 1/6 Chouturam 1/6 Panaram 1/6 Father Ramuram Chandadevi W/o Ramuram 1/12 Dhanidevi W/o Ramuram 1/12 Joint Deh Account indokha Purnpuri Rupapuri Balupuri Jagdishpuri Parladpuri Father Shankarpuri Gayli W/o Shankarpuri Fulladevi W/o Hanumanpuri Nanidevi W/o Mishapuri Parkashpuri Mahendarpuri Father Mishapuri Joint Deh Account 323/4 2 15 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 275/1 314/1 324 7 6 30 7 Barani 1 17 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Medband hi 128 10 14 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 118 indokha Purnpuri Rupapuri Balupuri Jagdishpuri Parladpuri Father Shankarpuri Gayli W/o Shankarpuri Fulladevi W/o Hanumanpuri Nanidevi W/o Mishapuri Parkashpuri Mahendarpuri Father Mishapuri Mu. Kosliya Widow Puranpuri Mohit S/o Purnpuri Mu. Mohni Widow Hairkisan Joint Deh Account 127 5 5 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 119 indokha Pemaram S/o Magnaram Sohanram Mevaram Sayarram Rajuram Jaggaram Father Bhanwarram Mu. Hastudi Widow Bhanwarram Gopi S/o Hira Bholuram Mehram Mohanaram Father Rugharam Joint Deh Account 224/1 253/1 253/2 254/1 267/1 267/2 224 253 254 267 8 15 9 14 21 25 18 15 27 43 0 5 5 0 2 3 6 5 10 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC 113 114 115 116 117 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 bpl Tanka 1 Tanka by narega 224/1 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 347/300 indokha Pemaram S/o Hiraram Joint Deh Account 64/1 indokha Pemaram S/o Hiraram Joint Deh Account 1/1 1/3 indokha Perbhu S/o Mella Joint Deh Account 17 indokha Perbhuram S/o Bharuram Joint Deh Account 64/5 indokha Perbhuram S/o Chunnilal Joint Deh Account 163/1 indokha Perbhusingh Bhopalsingh Agarsingh Father Naharsingh Rakba 14 Begha 11 Biswa Chotusingh S/o Samndarsingh Rakba 7 Begha 4 Biswa Joint Deh Account 49/1 indokha Bansilal Gangadhar Kasrimal 44 Girdharilal Father Bharubax Joint 50 Deh Account 18 11 Barani 1 AR OBC 1 0 Barani 1 AR OBC 17 23 9 14 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 0 15 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 21 15 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 33 26 48 5 Barani 1 3 Barani 1 13 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR sc indokha Bansilal S/o Shivdan Barji Widow Shivdan Dhapu W/o Chandraram Megharam Babulal Father Chandraram Joint Deh Account indokha Bansilal Gangadhar Kesrimal Father Bherubax 1/3 Sawtaram S/o Panna Hi. 2/3 Joint Deh Account 256/1 256/2 256 9 18 9 3 3 3 51 34 10 Barani 1 AR OBC 129 indokha Bansilal Gangadhar Kesrimal Girdharilal Father Bherubax 3/8 Ramkaran S/o Shivbax 3/8 Sawta S/o Panna Hi. 1/4 Joint Deh Account 48/1 48/2 48 0 4 13 1 Bera 4 Chahi 12 Charan Chahi Charan AR OBC 130 indokha Bajrangsingh Kisansingh Samndarsingh Dasrathsingh Father Ranjeetsingh Kalyansingh S/o Ramnarayansingh Joint Deh Account indokha Bajrangsingh S/o Indarsingh Joint Deh Account indokha Banna S/o Birda Ratna Gisha Father Mohana Hardevram S/o Amnaram Mu. Gulabi Widow Amnaram Joint Deh Account 92 17 6 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Horti. 352/27 14 4 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 237/1 237/2 237/3 237 3 3 3 7 7 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 250/2 8 4 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 206/1 210/1 200 203 33 1 14 13 2 8 0 6 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 indokha Birmaram Manglaram Father Shivkaranram Joint Deh Account indokha Bhanwarram S/o Dhanaram Joint Deh Account indokha Bhanwardas Devidas Ghanshyam Father Kisandas Girdhridas S/o Mangilal Shad 1/2 Mangaram S/o Ramuram 1/2 Joint Deh Account 80 81 345/244 3 27 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 AR OBC AR OBC 138/1 8 12 Barani 1 AR OBC 138 indokha Bhanwardas Devidas Ghanshyam Father Kisandas Sujaram S/o Pemaram 1/2 Shankardas Suwadan Mohandas Father Bajrangdas 1/2 Joint Deh Account 125 9 7 Barani 1 AR OBC 139 indokha Bhanwapuri Mohanpuri S/o Chandanpuri Joint Deh Account 39/1 1 5 64 13 0 Barani 1 11 Barani 1 11 Barani 1 AR OBC 127 128 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 indokha Banesingh S/o Gigasingh Joint Deh Account indokha Balkanwar Widow Kishndas Joint Deh Account 39 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horticultu re DRIP Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 140 141 indokha Bhanwarlal S/o Kisanaram Panchuram S/o Ramnath Mu. Gulagi Widow Ramnath Mangu Narayan Father Shivji Joint Deh Account indokha Bhanwarlal Devilal Ganshyam Father Kisandas Girdharidas S/o Mangidas Joint Deh Account Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc Tanka 1 26 63 43 3 0 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 AR sc Tanka 1 336/280 279 282 23/1 23 17 19 44 8 6 9 142 indokha Bhanwarsingh Dayalsingh Sangramsingh Father Madansingh Naregasingh S/o Chansingh Kailashkanwar Widow Chansingh Mahaveersingh S/o Asusingh Joint Deh Account 30 31 32 52 29 19 18 Barani 1 7 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 143 indokha Bhanwari Khud Kast Hemaram S/o Amraram Na. Ba. Bser Mu. Jadwali Widow Rawla Gujar Joint 212/1 212 30 30 1 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN 144 indokha Bhagwansingh Dawandarsingh Father Richhpalsingh Na. Ba. Samrakshak Richhpalsingh S/o Gigsingh Rekba 2 Sharwanlal S/o Bhanwarlal Rekba 6 Begha Sa Deh 1/2 Sumarsingh Richhpalsingh Father Gigsingh Mohankanwar W/o Gigsingh 1/2 Joint Deh Account 161/1 16 0 Barani AR GEN Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medband hi Tanka 1 145 indokha Bhagwansingh Dawandarsingh Father Richhpalsingh Na. Ba. Samrakshak Richhpalsingh S/o Gigsingh Rekba 2 Sharwanlal S/o Bhanwarlal Rekba 6 Begha Sa Deh 1/2 Sumarsingh Richhpalsingh Father Gigsingh Mohankanwar W/o Gigsingh 1/2 Joint Deh Account 160/1 160/2 161 10 10 10 8 Barani 1 8 Barani 1 14 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 146 indokha Bhagirath Madandan Jagdishdan Haridan Bhaudan Girdharidan Amardan Father Durgadan Mohankanwar Widow Durdadan Joint Deh Account indokha Bhagirath Madandan Jagdishdan Haridan Bhaudan Girdharidan Amardan Father Durgadan Mohankanwar Widow Durdadan Jadawkanwar W/o Devidan Muraddan Gokuldan Shaktidan Purandan Father Devidan Joint Deh Account 173/2 12 0 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 135/1 135/2 156/1 156/2 157/2 215/1 216/1 135 156 215 216 220 10 10 10 11 3 6 7 10 11 8 13 15 15 10 0 2 8 1 13 10 0 0 15 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 148 indokha Bhiwaram Dhanaram Pemaram Father Hiraram Joint Deh Account 348/300 1 6 Barani 1 AR OBC 149 indokha Bhiwaram S/o Hiraram Sa Deh Khatedar indokha Bhuraram S/o Hiraram Joint Deh Account indokha Bhuraram S/o Ugmaram Joint Deh Account indokha Bhuraram S/o Ugmaram 300 18 11 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 349/1 350/1 239 16 4 17 1 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 17 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 288/8 15 0 AR sc 147 150 151 152 Mangudi Widow Ugmaram Joint Deh Account Barani 1 AR SC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 153 indokha Bhuraram Sukharam Father Pusaram Laluram S/o Dhanaram Na. Ba. Basera Barai Mu. Jumli Widow Dhanaram Valda Khud 1/3 Joruram S/o Hruram 1/3 Hestudi Widow Bharuram Joint Deh Account 100/1 103/1 103/2 103/3 103/4 103/5 103/6 103/7 113/1 343/99 100 101 103 111 16 0 1 8 20 15 2 5 18 1 36 3 20 56 5 15 4 14 4 0 10 5 9 15 13 4 2 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Chahi Charan Barani 1 Barani 1 Chahi Charan Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Horti. 0.5 Hac. Horti. 0.5 Hec. Horti. DRIP 154 indokha Bheruram Kumbharam Chimnaram Mohanaram Father Jetha Kisturi Widow Jetha Joint Deh Account 192 193 268 46 31 49 18 10 7 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 155 indokha Bhopalsingh S/o Naharsingh Joint Deh Account indokha Bhopalsingh S/o Naharsingh K.N. 146/3 Me Se 5 Begha Bajrangsingh Kisansingh Father Indarsingh K.N. 146/2 Me Se 7 Begha B. Hi. Barabr Mangusingh S/o Dhalsingh Rakba 34 Begha 5 Biswa Chetusingh S/o Shivdansingh Joint Deh Account 151/3 152/3 146/1 146/2 146/3 4 2 20 10 34 6 0 0 0 5 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN AR GEN 314/2 324/1 325/1 369/274 13 6 17 14 15 0 2 9 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 156 OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 157 indokha Bholuram S/o Ladu Joint Deh Account 158 indokha Bholusingh Narpatsingh Nimbsingh Father Harisingh Girdharisingh Puransingh Father Chotusingh Sharwansingh Malsingh Rajusingh Father Nawalsingh Ramkanwar Widow Nawalsingh Joint Deh Account 170/2 70/3 170/4 181/3 181/4 181/5 170 181 16 16 16 9 9 8 16 8 2 12 13 0 0 1 2 8 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 159 indokha Mangaram S/o Ramuram Joint Deh Account indokha Mangaram S/o Gynaram Joint Deh Account 138/2 11 3 Barani 1 AR 232/1 232/4 271/1 271/2 272/2 3 4 11 19 11 5 15 0 1 18 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 2 57 10 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 AR 31 6/1 163 2 3 6 7 7 11 15 16 43 15 24 10 0 10 15 9 17 18 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 249/2 9 8 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 160 161 162 163 indokha Magnaram Narayanram Panchuram Father Purkharam Nojadevi W/o Purkharam Subash S/o Jetharam Manglidevi W/o Jetharam Joint Deh Account indokha Madansingh S/o Dansingh Rupsingh S/o Surajsingh Manoharsingh S/o Swaysingh Jagdishsingh Bajrangsingh Ratansingh Father Chimansingh Kisansingh S/o Mulsingh (Amarsingh S/o Sugansingh Sa d. k. N. 6 me se 7 Begha Khatedar Shankardas S/o Bajrangdas Shad Sa Deh K.N. 6 me se 1 Begha 16 Biswa K.N. 6/1 me se 2 Begha 4 Biswa Madansingh S/o Dansingh ke Hise me Se) Joint Deh Account indokha Mahaveer S/o Jatansingh Joint Deh Account 20/1 20 Tanka 1 GEN OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 150 154 155 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 7 6 7 13 indokha Manguram S/o Bholuram Joint Deh Account indokha Mangusingh S/o Gayalsingh Joint Deh Account indokha Mhaduram Hanumanram Father Mangilal Jethadevi W/o Mangilal Manojkumar Brijmohan Father Bhanwarlal Mohanidevi W/o Bhanwarram Sukharam Chanaram Father Tejaram Joint Deh Account 221/1 221/2 145 40 21 0 11 Barani 1 5 Barani 1 17 Barani 1 AR sc 21 5 3 AR 168 indokha Mhaduram Hanumanram Father Mangilal Jethadevi W/o Mangilal Manojkumar Brijmohan Father Bhanwarlal Mohanidevi W/o Bhanwarram Sukharam Chanaram Father Tejaram Shioram S/o Devgaram 1/20 Bheruram S/o Devaram 1/20 Shivkaran S/o Devaram 1/20 Joraram S/o Annaram Khumbaram Tulsaram Father Pitharam Teeja Widow Pitharam Surajaram Hanumanram Father Pemaram Magnaram Narayanram Panchuram Father Purkharam Nojardevi W/o Purkharam Subash S/o Jetharam Manglidevi W/o Jetharam Jagram Kesharam Jesaram Father Pusaram Rukmadevi W/o Pusaram Joint Deh Account 187/1 187 0 30 6 Barha 18 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 169 indokha Madhuram Hanumanram Father Mangilal Jethidevi W/o Mangilal Manojkumar Brijmohan Father Bhanwararam Mohanidevi W/o Bhanwararam Joint Deh Account indokha Manaram S/o Ghyanaram Joint Deh Account 22-Feb 46 0 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 232/3 232 271 0 7 41 10 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 19 Barani 1 AR GEN indokha Malsingh S/o Bannesingh Rassalkanwar Widow Bannesingh Joint Deh Account indokha Malsingh S/o Bannesingh Rassalkanwar Widow Bannesingh Sa Deh Khatedar Rahin Malsingh S/o Bannesingh 161/2 174/1 10 20 14 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 AR GEN 122/2 13 138 5 25 28 0 4 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 24 36 6 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 3 2 16 7 0 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 165 166 167 170 171 172 173 174 150/2 indokha Mahesh S/o Govindsingh 150/3 Hanumansingh s/o Monusingh 150/4 Sabulsingh Sheopalsingh 150/5 Umadsingh Father Iswarsingh 154/1 Teejkanwar W/o Iswarsingh Ramdayalsingh S/o Ganpatsingh Hi 154/2 154/3 1/2 Bhanwarsingh Sharwarsingh 154/4 Father Swaysingh Magsingh 154/5 Sohansingh Father Surajsingh Joint 335/150 Deh Account Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Berha Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Dhani Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 GEN 3 7 8 9 0 2 8 8 9 4 18 15 2 164 Barani 1 AR Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN AR OBC Tanka 1 329/244 indokha Muknaram S/o Sujaram 1/4 252 Udaram S/o Sujaram 1/4 Koily W/o Sujaram 1/4 Gyarsy W/o Devaram Pappuram S/o Devaram 1/4 Joint Deh Account 130/3 indokha Muraddan Gokuldan Shaktidan 130/4 Purandan Father Devidan Mu. Jedawkanwar Widow Debidan Joint 173/1 Deh Account Tanka 1 295 35 2 314 323 6 38 18 Barani 1 14 Barani 1 AR indokha Megharam Shankar Sitaram Father Sawataram Mu. Panchudi Widow Sawataram Dhanaram S/o Bhagirath 1/2 Purnmal S/o Ranjeet 1/2 Joint Deh Account indokha Megharam Shankar Sitaram Father Sawataram Joint Deh Account 265 287 15 46 6 4 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 231 40 3 Barani 1 AR sc 179 indokha Mewapuri S/o Surajapuri Joint De Account 58 39 17 Barani 1 AR OBC 180 indokha Mewaram S/o Gigaram Joint Deh Account indokha Motiram S/o Laduram Joint Deh Account 166/4 175 365/115 367/294 12 25 14 7 0 19 9 5 AR OBC Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medband hi Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 176 177 178 181 Barani 1 AR SC indokha Mularam Dhanaram Arjunram Jetharam Father Boduram Joint Deh Account indokha Megharam Dhatak S/o Dhana Puski Widow Dhana Joint Deh Account 175 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Tanka 1 OBC 4 Hac. Medband hi Tanka 1 182 indokha Mohan Chotu Father Jiwan Bambi Sa Deh Kamla W/o Pemaram 1/2 Shivraj Kanaram Ramnivas Father Parsaram Na.Ba. Mother Sayari W/o Parsarram Hardev S/o Tulcha 1/2 Joint Deh Account 132 15 188 13 10 47 7 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 13 Barani 1 AR sc 183 indokha Mohan Chotu Father Jiwan Dhana S/o Ganga1/2 Shivraj Kanaram Ramnivas Father Parsaram Na.Ba. Mother Sayari W/o Parsarram Hardev S/o Tulcha 1/2 Joint Deh Account indokha Mohanpuri S/o Chandanpuri Joint Deh Account indokha Mohanpuri S/o Chandanpuri Joint Deh Account indokha MohanPuri S/o Lichhmanpuri Purnpuri Pupapuri Ballapuri Jagdishpuri Prahladpuri Father Shankarpuri Gayli W/o Shankarpuri Laddevi w/o Hanumanpuri Nanidevi W/o Mishapuri Parkashpuri Mahandarpuriu Father Mishapuri Gopalpuri Sureshpuri Sundarpuri Father Chotupuri Mirchudi W/o Chotupuri Bidami W/o Bannpuri Nurthpuri S/o Bannpuri Joint Deh Account 137 40 13 Barani 1 AR sc 41 13 18 Barani 1 AR OBC 43 13 4 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 140 149 44 48 7 8 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 indokha Mohana S/o Jetha Joint Deh Account indokha Rajandrasingh S/o Richhpalsingh 1/2 Narpatsingh Permsingh Father Swaysingh 1/2 Joint Deh Account 244 32 8 Barani 1 AR sc 188/1 18 4 Barani 1 AR 310@1 332@306 304 310 49 5 15 60 7 2 16 0 Barani 1 AR Barani 1 ChahiPan cham Barani 1 184 185 186 187 187 189 190 191 indokha Ramkaran Ganeshram Mohanram Madanram Choturam Kisnaram Father Gangaram Phulii W/o Gangaram Joraram S/o Bheruram Joint Deh Account indokha Ramkaran S/o Shivbax Joint Deh Account indokha Ramkaran S/o Shivbax Joint Deh Account 47/1 49 38 25 28 23 3 Barani 1 17 Barani 1 4 Barani 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horti. 0.5 Hac. Horti. AR GEN AR GEN Tanka 1 DRIP GEN 192 indokha Ramkumar Ramprathap Kailashchand Father Pannesingh 1/3 Ugamkanwar widow Pannesingh Ramkumar Ramprathap Kailashchand Father Pannesingh 2/3 Joint Deh Account 119 120 121 23 15 0 10 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 1 Behra AR 193 indokha Ramchandradan Karnidan Gopaldan Father Lakhdan Subhakarandan S/o Gangadan Gheerser 1/2 Hal Kabij Hanumandan S/o Bahadoordan Mangilal S/o Jetharam Ruparam S/o Shivdanram 1/2 Joint Deh Account indokha Ramrakh Chotturam Khumaram Father Jairam Mu. Ghasi Widow Jairam Joint Deh Account 106 44 19 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 316 318 320 322 222 12 17 49 32 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 55 10 8 9 12 4 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 194 Tanka 1 195 indokha Ramrakh Jawanaram Magaram Father Malaram Joint Deh Account 196 indokha Ramsingh Abhysingh Richhpalsingh Pooransingh Sahidevsingh Father Maheshdansingh Joint Deh Account indokha Ram S/o Malla Joint Deh Account 146 35 0 Barani 1 AR 1/2 1/4 1/5 0 36 5 8 Bada Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 198 indokha Ramu Sabla Bhura Father Prataram Sharwan ShivPrasad Chotturam Kaluram Father Sawairam Champadevi W/o Swairam Keser Widow Jassaram Joint Deh Account 65/1 24 65 9 22 20 0 Barani 1 1 Barani 1 17 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR sc 199 indokha Ramuram Ganeshram Bholuram Father Baluram Joint Deh Account 112/2 98/2 109 301 84 99 2 5 21 18 4 26 13 10 2 6 5 AR OBC Tanka 1 200 305/1 indokha Ramuram Ganeshram Bholuram 331/305 Father Baluram Hi 1/4 Rugha S/o 305 Lichman 1/4 Tejaram Ruparam Father Bhagirath Mu. Pusi Widow Bhagirath 1/4 Gashiram S/o Nunda 1/4 Joint Deh Account 258/1 indokha Richhudi Widow Kishnaram 1/8 259/1 Purkharam S/o Kesharam 1/8 260/1 Pemaram S/o Kesharam 1/8 263/1 Kanaram S/o Kesharam 1/8 258 Narayanram S/o Pusaram 1/4 259 Mangidevi W/o Pusaram 1/4 Joint 260 Deh Account 0 5 14 2 Berha AR 19 Barani 1 5 ChahiPan cham OBC Tanka 1 0 10 10 0 13 0 10 1 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani AR OBC Tanka 1 263 277 15 0 6 14 31 65 25 15 60 112/3 301/1 303/1 84/1 98/3 108 302 3 5 2 30 4 21 11 5 0 3 0 10 19 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Medband hi 166/3 175/2 166 12 8 18 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 197 201 202 203 204 indokha Ruparam Aanadsingh Megharam Hanumanram S/o Lichmanram Joint Deh Account indokha Rugharam S/o Lichman Joint Deh Account indokha Rugharam S/o Gigaram Joint deh Account Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 GEN OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 AR sc Tanka 1 205 indokha Ruparam Hemaram Kishnaram Mohanaram Chotturam Gopiram Father Shivdan Mu. Lichmadevi Widow Shivdan Joint deh Account 104/1 104 105 0 80 42 10 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 19 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 206 indokha Laxman Kailash Om Munniram Father Bhanwarlal Mu. Jayanki Widow Bhanwarlal Ramdin S/o Hanuman Joint deh Account indokha Lakhuram Motiram Father Pemaram Joint deh Account 252/1 21 0 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 80/1 80/2 81/3 21 3 8 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 indokha Lalaram S/o Tejaram Joint Deh Account indokha Laluram S/o Kisturram Joint Deh Account indokha Vijaydan Nathudan Sukhadan Father Arjundan Joint Deh Account 221/8 20 Barani AR sc Tanka 1 358/4 13 14 Barani AR sc Tanka 1 130/1 157/1 173/3 136 3 19 23 13 7 12 0 8 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR indokha Shankardas S/o Bajrangdas Joint Deh Account indokha Shankarlal Mangilal Bajranglal Father Pooranmal Mu. Chukadevi Widow Pooranmal Bhanwarlal ShivPrasad Father Pemaram Sharwan Sitaram Permeswar Kishnalal Father Jethmal Pukhrajdevi W/o jethmal Joint Deh Account indokha Shimbhudan Kalyandan Father Govinddan Joint Deh Account 64/3 0 5 Barani 1 AR sc 55 38 8 Barani 1 AR 136/1 205/2 219/1 17 0 11 5 Barani 1 16 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 157 19 14 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 42 21 17 Barani 1 AR 130/2 2 3 AR GEN Tanka 1 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 indokha Shimbhudan Father Govinddan Joint deh Account indokha Shivkaran S/o Devaram Bhanwaram S/o Shivkaranram Joint Deh Account indokha Shivlaldan S/o Govidan Joint Deh Account indokha Shivlaldan S/o Govidan Shudhdan Bhopaldan Rupdan Father Kumdan Joint Deh Account Barani 1 GEN OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medband hi OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 206/2 217/1 217/2 217/3 218/1 218/2 219/2 220/1 217 218 2 9 0 9 18 2 0 5 16 23 0 5 15 10 5 0 10 11 5 10 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN 218 indokha Sishpal Narpatsingh Sayarsingh Balveersingh Father Baksingh Gulabkanwar Widow Baksingh Pratapsingh S/o Papsingh Joint Deh Account 59/1 60/2 61/2 61/5 19 2 53 21 1 2 5 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 219 indokha Shubhdan Bhopaldan Rupdan Father Khumdan Joint Deh Account 167 49 18 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 220 indokha Soyram S/o Devaram 1/5 Bheruram S/o Devaram 1/5 Shivkarn S/o Devaram 1/5 Joraram S/o Devaram 1/5 Bannaram S/o Devaram 1/5 Joint Deh Account 179 27 15 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 221 indokha Soyram S/o Devaram Hi 1/5 Prabhuram S/o Devaram 1/5 Shivkarn S/o Devaram 1/5 Joraram S/o Devaram 1/5 Bannaram S/o Devaram 1/5 Joint Deh Account 183/1 183/2 184/1 184/2 184/3 183 184 10 10 0 17 35 23 26 5 5 18 0 6 6 AR OBC Tanka 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 222 indokha Sharwandan Shankardan Father Ramkarandan Joint Deh Account 205/1 134 204 205 206 207 0 30 33 18 8 3 2 13 3 14 6 19 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medband hi 223 indokha Sajankanwar D/o Gigdan 3/4 Sayarkanwar S/o Gigdan 1/4 Joint Deh Account indokha Sateynarayan Jagdishprasad Father Gangadas Mu. Suvatidevi Widow Gangadas 1/6 Smt. Kamla W/o Balaram 1/6 Mu. Kosliya Widow Pooranmal Mohit S/o Pooranmal Mu. Mohani Widow Harikisan 1/6 Mohandas Shankardas Suwadas Father Bajrangdas 1/2 Joint Deh Account 168 171 199 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5 8 21 24 24 13 8 8 17 28 21 1 0 9 1 3 0 1 1 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 6@2 32 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 158 159 160 162 24 26 35 33 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 indokha Sarjudevi W/o Bhanwarlal Joint Deh Account indokha Sahway W/o Ghyanaram Joint deh Account 272/3 10 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 232/2 272/1 272 8 24 8 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 229 indokha Sawatasingh Kisansingh Gopalsingh Father Kesersingh Sataynarayansingh Godh S/o Mansingh Joint Deh Account 60/1 61/1 61/6 20 22 57 17 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 7 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 230 indokha Sukharam S/o Mularam Joint Deh Account indokha Shukharam S/o Kanaram Girdhariram S/o Nimdharam Mu. Kaseri Widow Nimbharam Joint Deh Account indokha Sukharam S/o Tejaram Joint Deh Account 166/2 25 10 Barani 1 AR 288/2 15 0 Barani 1 AR sc 224 225 226 227 228 231 232 indokha Samndarsingh S/o Karansingh Joint deh Account indokha Samndarsingh S/o Karansingh Joint deh Account 17 12 1 19 AR OBC Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 22/1 22 0 46 7 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 233 indokha Sugansingh S/o Magansingh Mahaveersingh S/o Shwaysingh Na. Ba. Baser Barai Mu. Surajkanwar widow Shwaysingh Valda Khudh 1/2 Ganpatsingh S/o Mhadusingh 1/2 Joint Deh Account 191 17 16 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 234 indokha Sugansingh S/o Magansingh Mahaveersingh S/o Shwaysingh Na. Ba. Mu. Surajkanwar Valda Khudh Baser Barai Joint Deh Account indokha Sugankanwar Khole Bhagirathram Sa Deh Shankardan S/o Ramkarandan Lakhdan Pabhudan Mhadudan Father Bhimdan Hanumandan S/o Gaiyddan Joint Deh Account indokha Sugankanwar Bhagirath 1/3 Rahin Na Se. Bu. Bank Li Shakha Prabatsar Murthin Sugna Hanuman Ramuram Father Gaiyd 1/3 Hanuman S/o Gaiyd 1/3 Joint Deh Account indokha Sumarsingh Richhpalsingh S/o Gigsingh Joint deh Account indokha Sumarsingh Richhpalsingh S/o Gigsingh Joint deh Account 251/2 194 202 8 2 34 16 Barani 1 9 Barani 1 2 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 177 30 1 AR GEN 235 236 237 238 Barani 1 Tanka 1 OBC 178/1 178 21 52 0 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 179 28 10 Barani 1 AR GEN 174/2 8 5 AR GEN Barani 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 indokha Surajkanwar widow Fathesingh 1/3 Bajrangsingh Kisansingh Samndarsingh Dasrathasingh S/o Ranjeetsingh Gandkanwar Widow Ranjeetsingh Kalyansingh S/o Ramnarayansingh 2/3 Joint Deh Account indokha Surajkanwar widow Fathesingh Kalyansingh S/o Ramnarayansingh Joint Deh Account 70/4 64 10 Barani 1 AR GEN 70/2 75/1 14 4 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN indokha Surjaram S/o Pemaram Joint Deh Account indokha Surajaram S/o Ramuram Sukharam S/o Ramuram Hi 1/2 Pemaram S/o Boduram Hi 1/2 Joint Deh Account 35 30 13 Barani 1 AR OBC 26 30 12 Barani AR OBC Tanka 1 243 indokha Hanuman Goruram Father Ramu Singari widow Ramu 1/4 Gashi S/o Heera 1/4 Mowa S/o Dhana 1/2 Joint Deh Account 292/1 114 117 292 16 36 9 40 6 Barani 1 11 Barani 1 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 244 indokha Hanuman S/o Pemaram Joint Deh Account 20/2 35/1 18 7 12 9 10 Barani 1 5 Barani 1 0 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 245 indokha Hanumansingh Godh Ugamsingh Joint Deh Account 144/1 142 3 9 0 4 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 246 245/90 indokha Hanumansingh S/o Ramsingh 62/1 Rekbha 38 Begha 6 Biswa 62/2 Denaram S/o Baluram Umadaram 62/4 Mithu S/o Denaram Rekbha 22 63/3 Begha Lagan 12.34 Narpatsingh 66/1 S/o Sanwtasingh 1/4 Jiwansingh 62 Jatansingh Father Ladhusingh 66 Bhanwarkanwar Widow Ladhusingh 67 1/4 Mansingh Ratansingh Mulsingh 69 Jaisingh Father Fefsingh 89 Chigansingh Widow Fafsingh 1/4 95 Joint Deh Account 0 13 37 19 1 19 60 18 32 30 2 5 6 7 10 11 0 11 10 0 12 18 9 10 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 247 indokha Hardevram S/o Amnaram Gulabi Widow Amnaram Joint Deh Account 261 270 286 22 14 18 4 Barani 1 10 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 AR sc 248 indokha Hardevram Umaram Father Munnaram Joint deh Account 323/1 323/2 325 13 1 23 0 Barani 1 15 Barani 1 2 Barani 1 AR 249 indokha Harnathsingh S/o Bhanwarsingh Mansingh S/o Chandrasingh Bajrangsingh Kisansingh Father Indarsingh Joint Deh Account 141.1 141/10 141/11 141/12 141/2 141/3 141/4 141/5 141/6 141/7 141/9 142/1 143/1 143/2 143/3 141 143 144 10 12 15 3 10 11 26 14 13 17 17 9 0 5 7 15 7 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 3 9 17 0 5 0 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Chahi Charan Barani 1 Chahi Charan AR 250 indokha Hiraram S/o Denaram Joint Deh Account 354/4 356/4 360/9 362/9 26 13 16 3 8 15 8 10 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 239 240 241 242 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 GEN OBC Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix Horti. 0.5 Hac. Mix Horti. 0.5 Hac. Mix Horti. DRIP Tanka 1 0.5 Hac. Mix Horti. DRIP 2 17 1 4 Barani 1 12 Barani 1 19 Barani 1 AR indokha Hemaram S/o Amraram Joint Deh Account 210 31 9 Barani 1 AR indokha Baser Barai Mu. Jadavli Widow Rawta Joint Deh Account indokha Hemaram S/o Shivram 1/2 Fularam S/o Shivram 1/2 Joint deh Account 211 0 8 Bada 51/1 35 0 Barani 1 OBC Tanka 1 276 20 0 Barani 1 OBC Tanka 1 147/1 0 344/137 16 122 114 147 57 185 19 209 22 236 3 245 41 317 9 79 3 10 1 9 14 0 1 0 12 10 3 Charagah Charagah Abadi Charagah Charagah Charagah Abadi Abadi Abadi Abadi 131/2 132/1 133/1 134/1 169/2 170/1 171/2 182/3 182/6 184/4 185/1 187/2 188/2 188/3 199/1 200/1 203/1 204/2 205/3 207/1 209/2 227/1 368@18 88 97 101 106/1 142 144 146 152 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 1 6 8 3 37 27 2 18 15 15 4 5 5 10 15 5 8 16 5 10 0 16 16 12 19 4 0 0 10 7 15 16 18 4 7 16 10 3 6 Road Road Road Barani 1 Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road 45 102/1 139 147 148 152/1 13 56 63 73 89 98 37 0 8 0 2 3 6 12 2 5 6 1 11 5 10 13 12 12 6 0 17 8 10 3 Nadi Bera Nadi Bera Nadi Nadi Road Road Road Road Road Road 1908 869 indokha Hiraram S/o Ladhuram Joint deh Account 252 253 254 255 OBC 366/118 293 294 251 256 indokha Girdharilal S/o Chottusingh Daroga Joint Deh Gar Account indokha Charagha 257 indokha PWD Road 258 indokha Herbs bushes forestry 259 indokha Waterbody (Not for Pasture ) 260 indokha Pathway & Road TOTAL 1 Total Tanka = 2 Convergence by Narega = 3 Purpose Tanka by water Shed = 4 Medbandhi = 5 Pasture 220 28 195 40 Hac 10 Hac Oran Paytan Oran Oran Paytan Paytan Paytan Paytan Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medband hi GEN 6 Dry Land Horti Culture = 7 Drip Irigation Convergence by Ag. Dp. 8 Agro Forestry = 16 Hac = 16 Hac 1600 Hac S. no NAME OF VILLAGE NAME OF CULTIVATOR KHASRA NUMBER AREA BIGHA 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 3 Binjari Annaram S/o Pemaram Magnidevi W/o Pemaram Kishna S/o Sujaram Joint Deh Account Binjari Amraram Jiwanram Father Asharam Nanuram S/o Pemla Jetaram S/o Deparam 2/3 Ruparam S/o Motiram Lalit Jatin Father Megharam Sarojdevi W/o Mhega ram Binjari Arjunram S/o Onad Hi. 1/3 Tilokram S/o Onad Hi. 1/3 Devaram S/o Onad Ram Hi. 1/3 Joint Deh Account Binjari Aaiydan Madanlal Jetharam Father Harjiram Binjari Umedsingh S/o Sabalsingh Bhopalsingh Shawaysingh Permsingh Mahaveersingh Father Govindsingh Shersingh, Sugansingh, Father Gopalsingh Joint Deh Account Binjari Umedsingh Bannesingh Bhomsingh Arjunsingh Father Bherusingh Magankanwar W/o Bherusingh Joint Deh Binjari Anod S/o Annaram Joint Deh Account Binjari Okarsingh S/o Dansingh Joint Account Binjari Kalkanwar W/o Sajansingh Joint Khadram Binjari Kanudi Widow Heeraram Joint Account Binjari Kisansingh Godh Rawandsingh Joint Deh Account Binjari Kisanaram S/o Chunaram Chothudi Widow Chun Balulal Joint Account Binjari Kisorsingh S/o Sajansingh kamalkanwar W/o Sajansingh 1/3 Ladhusignh Khagsingh Kesarsingh Hapitasingh Gangasingh, Pithasingh, Prathvisingh Narayansingh Father Ganpatsingh Hi 1/6 Sajansingh S/o Bhagwatsingh 1/6 Bhanwarsingh Shawaysingh Father Dholaksingh 1/3 Joint Account 14 Binjari 15 Binjari 16 Binjari Kisturi Widow Khagla Narsharam Sharwanram Dharu Father Khemla Harji Father Magna Jayniki Widow Jiwan Ranjeet S/o Jiwan Joint Account Khiwda Saiwayda Father Amra Hi. 1/2 Hemaram Amraram Father Purkharam Hi. 1/2 Joint Account 4 TYPE OF LAND BISWA 5 6 7 EXIS FARMER TIN DEMAND G STR. 12 13 AR SC 79 79/1 49 3 5 5/1 5/2 38 49 9 15 5 Barani 2 AR SC 46/3 46/6 106/2 16 1 18 10 0 2 Barani 2 AR OBC Tanka 1 186 50 11 Barani 2 AR OBC Tanka 1 2 2/1 20 38 47 26 10 15 8 24 0 4 0 5 8 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 39 42 66/1 86 17 35 11 20 5 14 11 0 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 106/6 132/2 188 190/1 191 191/4 40 12 6 6 25 23 1 39 5 1 2 10 14 16 0 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 AR 4 35/22 125 125/2 138 138/2 41 19 69 51 14 23 11 5 14 0 10 4 Barani 2 AR Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 160 160/1 160/2 160/3 9 9 15 17 5 5 10 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 182 192 192/1 46 15 16 10 10 4 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR SC 184 184/1 57 49 0 0 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR SC 30 11 Barani 1 AR Girdharisingh Bajrangsingh Father 59 Abahysingh Barani 2 Barani 2 CATEGARY ARA BLE/ NON ARBL SC OBC GEN bpl E 8 9 10 11 14 Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR CONVER GENCE OBC Tanka 1 GEN OBC GEN Tanka 1 Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medban dhi Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 17 Binjari 166 Prabhusingh S/o Ladhusingh Vimlakanwar Widow Mangejsingh 166/1 Sonu S/o Mangejsingh & Lali Papi Puni Do. Mangejsingh Nandsingh Arjunsingh Father Fathesingh Hi 1/2 Mhalsingh Bajrangsingh Father Kisorsingh Hi 1/2 Joint Deh Account 26 16 14 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 18 Binjari Girdharisingh Bajrangsingh Father Abahysingh Prabhu Singh S/o Ladu Singh Bimla Kanwar Widow Mangej Singh Sonu S/o Mangej Singh and Lali Papi Munni Santa S/o Mangej Singh Hi 3/4 Nand Singh Arjun Singh Father Fateh Singh 1/4 Joint Deh Account 55/2 76 123/1 191/1 1 10 15 4 14 0 13 10 Barani 2 Barani1 Barani1 Barani2 AR GEN Tanka 1 19 Binjari Gopal Singh S/o Chandra Singh Joint Deh Account Ghasi Ram S/o Chanda Ram Hi 1/2 Uda Ram Modu Ram Father Ghasi Ram Hi 1/2 Joint Account Champalal S/o Pusa Ram Joint Account Chav Kanwar Widow Bagh Singh Nandu singh Hari Singh Father Bagh Singh Laxman Singh S/o Bheru Singh Joint Deh Account 54/1 181 193 193/1 13 28 13 15 0 2 6 16 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 1 1/1 55 58 75 78 112 29/2 70 157 22 4 3 24 8 4 0 75 8 37 18 6 13 18 7 8 4 12 0 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR Chuna Ram S/o Uma Ram Joint Deh Account Chingna Ram Birma Ram Narayan Ram Father Gangla Laduram Oma Ram Father Bhagirath Pachudi Widow Bhagirath Hi 1/3 Meera Devi Widow Bhudha Likhma S/o Teja Hi 2/3 Joint Deh Account 135/3 0 5 Barani 1 AR 32 32/1 32/3 16 16 16 0 0 0 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR SC Jawana Ram Dugaram Dharma ram Khuma ram Chotu ram Ratna ram Father Godu ram Joint Account Jivanram Khumbaram Father Magnaram Hi 1/2 Bhiwaram S/o Bhagiram Hi 1/6 Chukli Widow Prabhuram Lunaram S/o Prabhuram Hi 1/6 Ramuram Mugni Father Gangaram Hi 1/6 Joint Deh Account Jivanram Bhudaram Annaram Father Ramuram Khemaram Pannaram Lixmanram Father Narayanram Nojki Widow Narayanram Joint Account Jetal Kanwar W/o Madho Singh Joint Account Jodhraj S/o Kaluram Hi 1/2 Urjaram S/o Kaluram Hi 1/2 Joint Deh Account Jodharam Urjaram Father Kaluram Joint Deh Account 111 114 11 1 11 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR OBC 61 67 102 122 127 92 1 15 86 16 16 0 4 18 15 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR OBC 40/1 39 0 Barani 2 AR 41 35 0 Barani 2 AR 161 42 10 Barani 2 AR OBC 123 15 13 Barani 2 AR OBC 20 Binjari 21 Binjari 22 Binjari 23 Binjari 24 Binjari 25 Binjari 26 Binjari 27 Binjari 28 Binjari 29 Binjari 30 Binjari 31 Binjari Chuna Ram S/o Uma Ram Joint Deh Account AR SC Tanka 1 OBC GEN AR AR Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix. Horti. DRIP OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 32 Binjari OBC Dugaram S/o Dayalram Hi 2/3 Narayanram S/o Bhagirath Hi 1/3 Joint Deh Account 57 74 151/1 178 86 18 1 108 18 10 13 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Un.Dhani Barani 2 AR 33 Binjari Tejsingh Girwar Singh Father Sawat Singh Mangej Singh S/o Prahlad singh Joint Deh Account 5 0 17 15 6 10 5 15 Barani 2 Barani 2 Un. Nadi Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 GEN Tejsingh S/o Sawat Singh Joint Deh Account Teja S/o Panna Joint Deh Account 46/4 16 20 8 26 29 11 21 26 AR 34 Binjari 28/1 60 62 64 65 69 87 2-Sep AR GEN 11 18 16 8 17 2 33 5 18 8 6 4 10 5 2 5 6 13 18 14 11 5 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 106/3 106/5 132 39 150 164 191/2 163 163/1 163/2 151/5 3 0 Barani 2 AR 188/1 3 1 Barani 2 AR GEN 103 103/1 2 2 12 11 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN 49 71 0 Barani 2 AR SC 35 Binjari 36 Binjari Durjan Singh Kansingh Prithvi Singh Father Lalsingh Joint Deh Account 37 Binjari Nandu Singh Narpat Singh Father Prabhu Singh Sayar Knawar W/o Prabhu Singh Guman Singh S/o Nathu Singh Ummed Singh Bane Singh Bhom Singh Arjun Singh Father Bheru Singh Magan Kanwar W/o Bheru Singh 1/2 Madan Singh S/o Amar Singh Hi 1/4 Narayan Singh S/o Mangilal Singh Hi 1/4 Joint Deh Account Narayanram S/o Bhagirath Joint Deh Account Narayan Singh S/o Mangilal Singh Joint Deh Account Narayan Singh S/o Mangilal Singh Madan Singh S/o Amarsingh Joint Deh Account Pura ram S/o Mana Joint Deh Account 38 Binjari 39 Binjari 40 Binjari 41 Binjari OBC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix. Horti. Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 OBC 1 Hac. Tanka 1 Mix. Horti. Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medban dhi 42 Binjari Pusa ram Ghisa ram Father Chunaram Choti Devi W/o Chuna ram Joint Account 37/1 40/3 15 39 0 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 43 Binjari 15/2 Puran singh Bajrang Singh S/o Chandan Singh Rasal Kanwar W/o 35/1 Chandra Singh Joint Deh Account 99 8 24 8 11 15 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 44 Binjari Pemla Lalu Khiya Jawara Father Rugharam Joint Deh Account 36 36/1 24 28 15 5 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR Pemaram 1/6 Hemaram 1/6 Narayanram 1/6 Baduram 1/6 Tejaram 1/6 Father Nathuram Keshar Devi w/o Nathuram 1/6 Joint deh Account Prabhu Singh Bhopal Singh Agar Singh Father Narsingh Joint Account Prem Singh Datar Singh Durjan Singh Ganga Singh Mithu Singh Father Sumer Singh Joint Deh Account 185 31 16 Barani 2 AR 71 18 10 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 55/3 68 82 90 91 167 168 1 31 22 7 18 22 29 10 7 0 14 0 11 4 Barani 2 Barani 2 Un. Nadi Un. Nadi Barani 2 Un. Nadi Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 45 Binjari 46 Binjari 47 Binjari DRIP OBC GEN OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horti. Tanka 1 OBC DRIP 48 Binjari 49 Binjari 50 Binjari 51 Binjari 52 Binjari 53 Binjari Prem Singh Sumer Singh Joint Deh Account Banshi Lal 1/18 Rajuram 1/18 Oma ram 1/18 Sharvan lal 1/18 Girdhari 1/18 Father Magnaram Radhadevi W/o Magnaram 1/18 Bhivaram 1/18 Arjunlal 1/18 Gopal 1/18 Babulal 1/18 Subash 1/18 Father Kishnaram Pusidevi W/o Kishnaram 1/18 Bhagirath S/o Ramdeen 1/3 Joint Account Bajrang Singh Adopted Son Isar Singh Joint Deh Account Babu ram S/o Suja ram Joint Deh Account Baburam S/o Sujaram Joint Deh Account Bija S/o Panna Joint Deh Account GEN 9 191/3 14 11 7 10 Barani 1 Barani 2 AR 153 187 50 23 12 12 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 4/1 4/2 18 16 43 22 12 15 0 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 29/1 10 11 Barani 2 AR SC 46/1 46/2 46/7 106 106/7 6/1 S.N. 6/1 31/1 31/1 Min 44/1 44/1 Min 50/1 50/1 Min 0 29 12 9 2 7 0 15 0 11 0 8 8 13 7 0 10 11 0 17 0 8 0 11 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR OBC Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 0 Barani 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 80 98 16 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN 133 13 15 Barani 2 AR GEN 176 80 0 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 Tanka 1 OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 AR SC Tanka 1 54 Binjari Bhanwarlal Nathuram Father Bajrang das Joint Deh Account 55 Binjari Bhanwarlal Rameshwarlal Father Jhumar Ganpat S/o Kishnaram Joint Deh Account 56 Binjari Bhanwarlal Sonatharam Annaram Shimburam Chittarram Father Kishnaram Bharmal S/o Laluram 1/2 Kana Sharvan Father Madan 1/2 Joint Deh Account Bhanwarlal Sonathram Annaram Shimburam Chittarram Father Kishnaram Bharmali S/o laluram Joint Deh Account Bhanwari Widow Supyari Devi Bhanwaruram Purnaram Ramkaran Father Bhanwara ram Joint Deh Account Bhaguram 1/6 Aansu ram 1/6 Omaram 1/6 Purnaram 1/6 Premaram 1/6 Father Bholuram Bhanwari Devi W/o Bhaluram 1/6 Joint Deh Account 174 174/1 52 85 2 50 0 4 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN Bharmal S/o Laluram Joint Deh Account Bhura ram Likhma ram Father Mangaram Joint Deh Account 135/1 0 5 Un. Bada AR GEN 29 29/3 70/1 157/1 118 41 29 15 34 10 16 0 10 6 10 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 2 AR OBC Tanka 1 AR OBC Tanka 1 57 Binjari 58 Binjari 59 Binjari 60 Binjari 61 Binjari 62 Binjari Bheruram Sukharam Ansaram Mularam Harkaram Udaram Hukmaram Father Kistuarram Joint Deh Account 2-Jan 18 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 63 Binjari 64 Binjari 65 Binjari 66 Binjari 67 Binjari 68 Binjari 69 Binjari 70 Binjari 71 Binjari 72 Binjari 73 Binjari 74 Binjari 75 Binjari 76 Binjari 33 33 Bhopal Singh Sawai Singh Prem Singh Mahaveer Singh Father Govind Singh Joint Deh Account 155 Manglaram Premaram Gopiram Baluram Father Chotturam Jhamku 189 Devi W/o Chottu ram Chunna ram Umgaram Chandraram Father Sh i S h Kh dJoint Deh 135/4 Mangaram S/oDHeeraram Account Magan Knawar W/o Premsingh Dilip Singh Vikram Singh Father Premsingh Joint Deh Account 15/1 54/2 110 181/1 Magnaram Aandaram Guman Ladu 121 Father Giga Khuma S/o Chatraram 121/2 Pusaram Bhaguram Hanumanram 121/3 124 Father Gnagaram Joint Deh 124/1 Account 124/2 124/3 136 136/1 137 137/2 Madanlal Laxminarayan Ramkunwar Father Motilal Joint Deh Account Madan Singh S/o Amarsingh Joint Deh Account Madan Singh S/o Amarsingh Narayan Singh S/o Mangilal Singh Joint Deh Account Madan Singh S/o Amar Singh Hi. 1/2 Narayan Singh S/o Mangilal Singh 1/2 Joint Deh Account Mahal Singh Bajrang Singh Father 55/1 Kishore Singh Joint Deh Account Mohandas S/o Madhudas Joint Deh Account Radha Widow Pokardas Satyanarayan Gopal Father Pokardas Sad Joint Deh Account Ramdhan S/o Nandaram Jat Joint Deh Account Ramnarayan S/o Pusaram Hi 1/4 Devilal Premraj Satyanarayan Jagdishprasad Father Kaniram Hi 1/4 Ramniwas Mangilal Shreeniwas Shreekishan Rambllabh Father Ramdas Hi 1/4 Madanlal Laxminarayan Ramkuwar Father Motilal Hi 1/4 Joint Account Barani 2 GEN AR GEN 8 26 8 4 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 0 5 Un. Bada AR 3 11 10 12 8 5 0 10 0 6 0 11 13 0 3 0 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR AR GEN 1 Barani 2 AR GEN 4 4 18 7 19 6 14 5 5 3 7 15 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Un. Nadi AR GEN AR GEN 1 13 Barani 2 AR GEN 6 15 1 Barani 2 AR SC 10 16 9 16 0 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 1 AR OBC AR OBC Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 9 13 8 25 21 9 10 20 27 25 20 0 36 15 35 18 3 188/2 10 10/1 93 170 170/1 172 172/1 173 173/1 177 177/1 6 3 23 25 20 5 24 12 11 27 25 13 12 11 13 6/2 31 44/2 50 5-Jan 7 15 11 8 20 19 19/1 19/2 19/3 4 4 4 4 AR Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horti. Tanka 1 DRIP OBC GEN OBC Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 5 Hac. Medban dhi Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horti. DRIP Tanka 1 Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN Tanka 1 77 Binjari Ramniwas Dharmal Father Kalyanmal Nabalig Gaurdian Bhagwati Widow Kalyanmal Dayalram Kanaram Onkarram Father Narayanram Joint Account 78 Binjari Ramniwas Mangilal Shreeniwas Shreekishan Rambllabh Father Ramdas Joint Account Ramratandan Pusadan Father Jeerdan Vastudan S/o Bhagwatdan Hi 3/4 Jeevandan Deepdan Kailashdan Father Madhudan Gulab Kanwar W/o Shaktidan Laldan Prabhudan Joint Account 79 Binjari 22 94 179 13 7 25 17 8 11 4 12 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 12 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 Tanka 1 OBC 107 120 120/2 131 9 21 8 37 0 6 5 17 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN Lad Kanwar Widow Kesar Singh Prabhu Singh Puran Singh Om Singh Father Kesar Singh Hi 1/2 Himmat Singh Shob Singh Mob Singh Father Kishan Singh Sohan Singh S/o Chottu Singh papu Kanwar Widow Chottu Singh Sohan Singh Nabalig Gaurdian papukanwar Hi 1/2 Joint Deh Account Lad Kanwar Widow Kesar Singh Prabhu Singh Puran Singh Om Singh Father Kesar Singh Joint Deh Account Laduram S/o Joraram Hi 1/2 Khuma ram S/o Jora ram Hi 1/2 Joint Account Shanti W/o Prabhu ram Joint Deh Account Shivlal S/o Ruparam Joint Account 27 27/1 53 53/1 14 18 18 18 0 16 0 10 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN 8 117 10 6 0 14 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN 1/3 1/4 14 195/176 8 5 12 5 10 10 10 0 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 2 AR OBC AR OBC 40/2 39 0 Barani 1 AR OBC 85 Binjari Shersingh Sugan Singh Father Dhokal Singh Joint Deh Account 16 25 96 Shoyjiram Kishnaram Father Kaluram Joint Deh Account Shoyjiram S/o DanSingh Joint Deh Account 0 0 06 12 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 AR 86 Binjari 21 14 32 159 40 37 39 10 Barani 1 AR 80 Binjari 81 Binjari 82 Binjari 83 Binjari 84 Binjari 87 Binjari 88 Binjari 89 Binjari Sangram Singh S/o Bhawani Singh Joint Deh Account Sangram Singh Prahlad Singh Father Bhawani Singh Bhanwar Singh Dungar Singh Balveer Singh Father Dhar Singh Mu Ratan Kanwar Widow Dhar Singh Joint Deh Account 77 27 9/1 12 28 80 108 119 130 145 162 16 7 8 17 3 2 3 9 58 AR Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN OBC Tanka 1 2 Hac. Medban dhi Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN 9 Barani 2 AR GEN 10 6 15 0 14 6 0 10 8 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horti. 7 Hac. Medban dhi Tanka 1 Tanka 1 DRIP 90 Binjari Sangram Singh Prahlad Singh Father Bhawani Singh Bhanwar Singh Dungar Singh Balveer Singh Father Dhar Singh Ratan Kanwar W/o Dhar Singh Rakba 18.01 Bheega Sonki Widow Dayalram Dungaram S/o Dayalram Rakba 4.05 Bheega Joint Deh Account 91 Binjari Sardar Singh God Jaswant Singh Joint Deh Account 92 Binjari 93 Binjari 94 Binjari 95 Binjari 96 Binjari 97 Binjari 98 Binjari 99 Binjari 100 Binjari 6 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 3 Hac. Medban dhi 9 3 24 20 19 22 16 14 36 24 1 8 12 14 32 31 2 10 8 15 18 6 4 10 12 16 18 18 2 4 0 9 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 1 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 100 190 100/1 37 25 0 0 10 5 Barani 1 Barani 2 Un. Bera AR GEN Tanka 1 AR GEN 171 171/1 40 44 2 10 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR GEN 71/1 18 10 Barani 2 AR GEN 9 14 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 8 2 0 5 Barani 1 Barani 2 AR GEN Tanka 1 74 10 Barani 1 AR GEN Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horti. 151 22 15 21/1 35 54 Sawai Singh Chottu Singh Father 3 3/1 Jodhsingh Santosh Kanwar D/o 3/2 Mob Singh Prabhu Singh Satpal Singh Father Bharat Singh Ummed 24 34 Singh S/o Rajsingh Joint Deh 48 Account 95 109 180 180/1 21 Sawai Singh Bhagirath Singh 23 Kalyan Singh Father Bane Singh Joint Deh Account Sayar Singh S/o Sajan Singh Joint Deh Account Sayar Singh S/o Sajan Singh Shoyji Singh Onkar Singh Father Dan Singh Joint Deh Account Sayar Singh S/o Sajan Singh Hi 1/2 Onkar Singh S/o Dan Singh Hi 1/2 Joint Deh Account Sugan Singh Mamraj Singh Father Mal Singh Joint Deh Account 154 Lad Kanwa Widow Kesar Singh Prabhu Singh Puran Singh Om Singh Father Kesar Singh Hi 1/20 Himmat Singh Shob Singh Mob Singh Chottu Singh Father Kishan Singh Hi 1/20 Nandu Singh Heer singh Father Bagh singh Chav Kanwar Widow Bagh Singh Lixman Singh S/o Bheru Singh Hi 1/10 Kesar Kanwar Widow Hanman Singh Jatal Kanwar D/o Hanman Singh Hi 1/10 Durjan Singh Kansingh Prithvi Singh Father Lal Singh Hi 1/10 Abhay Singh Prabhu Singh Mangej Singh Father Ladu Singh Hi 3/4 Nand Singh Arjun Singh Father Bheru Singh Mangan Knawar W/o Bheru Singh Hi 1/10 Tej Singh Prahlad Singh Girvar Singh Father Sawant Singh Hi 1/10 Sangram Singh Prahlad Singh Father Bhawani Singh Bhanwar 66 Supyar Kanwar Widow Madan 150/1 Singh Chen Singh S/o Madan Singh Joint Deh Account 175 Suwati Widow Kistur Bhuraram Likhmaram Hanmanram Father Kistur Ratna S/o Ladu Joint Account Tanka 1 DRIP 101 Binjari 102 Binjari 103 Binjari 104 Binjari 105 Binjari 106 Binjari 107 Binjari 108 Binjari 109 Binjari 110 Binjari 111 Binjari Sushila Devi W/o Hariram Hanuman Singh S/o Hariram Joint Deh Account Hanman Singh S/o Munsingh Uchab Kanwar W/o Devi Singh Babu Singh Amar Singh Rajendra Singh Papu Singh Prem Singh Father Devi Singh Uchab Kanwar Widow Devi Singh Teej Kanwar W/o Ishar Singh Sadul Singh Shoypal Singh Ummed Singh Father Ishar Singh Joint Account Hardeen Hema Prabhu Sharvan Father Ganesha Joint Deh Account Himmat Singh Sob Singh Mob Singh Chottu Singh Father Kishan Singh Joint Deh Account Heera ram Shivji ram Kishnaram Chimna ram Jodharam Arjaram Father Kaluram Bhuridevi Widow Kaluram Sa Deh Khatedar Heera ram Shivji ram Kishnaram Chimna ram Jodharam Arjaram Father Kaluram Bhuridevi Widow Kaluram Beeja Teja Father Panna Ba hi ba Hi 3/4 Onada S/o Anna Hi 1/4 Joint Deh Account Hukma Beerma Father Bagsa Joint Deh Account Hemaram Ansuram Father Puraram Hemaram S/o Puraram From Part Of Bhanwar Lal S/o Ramdev Pasture 112 Binjari Pasture Anop Widow Ganpat Sushila Devi W/o Hariram Hanuman Singh S/o Hariram Jangla S/o Chandra Joint Deh Account Pasture 113 Binjari Pasture 83 7 18 Barani 2 AR OBC GEN 72 72/1 158 158/1 158/2 158/3 0 1 30 35 34 30 12 17 9 0 0 19 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 Barani 1 AR 81 165 71 5 0 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR SC 8/1 115 7 4 16 11 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 46 46/5 106/4 24 1 20 8 8 1 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR 132/1 1 0 Un. Bada AR 12 10 4 Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 AR SC Tanka 1 AR SC Tanka 1 7 26 3 56 194 28 104 105 116 126 143 156 135/2 92 169 29 4 0 0 2 12 0 22 6 0 1 10 15 0 7 1 13 4 Un. Slums aaba di 137/1 138/1 139/1 140 141/1 142/1 151/2 151/3 151/4 151/6 151/2 183/1 2 3 2 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 19 15 18 10 14 14 0 18 6 11 8 4 10 Un. Road ROA Un. Road D Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road 88 97 101 106/1 142 144 146 152 1 6 8 3 37 27 2 18 16 18 4 7 16 10 3 6 Un. Oran Paythan Un. Oran Un. Oran Paythan Paythan Paythan Pyathan Barani 2 Barani 2 Barani 2 NR AR AR Tanka 1 Tanka 1 GEN OBC Tanka 1 1 Hac. Mix Horti. DRIP OBC OBC Tanka 1 Pasture Devlopm ent 06 Hac. 114 Binjari WW aterbody ¼ For Pasture ) 115 Binjari Pasture 116 Binjari Pasture 117 Binjari P.W.D. Roads 45 102/1 139 147 148 152/1 13 56 63 73 89 98 134 135 149 183 183/2 37 0 8 0 2 3 6 12 2 5 6 1 10 11 6 26 111 11 5 10 13 12 12 6 0 17 8 10 3 8 10 0 12 0 Un. Nadi NR Un. Bera Un. Nadi Un. Bera Un. Nadi Un. Nadi Un. Road NR Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un.Slums NR Un. Slums Un. Slums Un.Gocha r Un.Gocha r 97/1 98/1 108/1 111/1 112/1 113 114/1 115/1 116/1 118/1 119/1 120/1 121/1 125/1 126/1 127/1 128 129 130/1 131/1 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 7 6 0 9 17 15 15 2 5 18 9 15 10 2 5 5 7 17 10 Un. Road ROA Un. Road D Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Un. Road Tot 1009 1 Total Tanka = 2 Convergence by Narega = 3 Purpose Tanka by water Shed = 4 Medbandhi = 5 Pasture 6 Dry Land Horti Culture = 7 Drip Irigation Convergence by Ag. Dp. 8 Agro Forestry = 91 15 76 21 Hac 6 Hac 8 Hac = 8 Hac 800 Hac 288 Land use of project Area Gram Village W/S Geo. Area Forest Community Uncultivated Agriculture Panchayat Area Land Pastures Waste land land LAND CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECT AREA Indhoka Indhok IWM 4653Ha a P 0 50.25Ha 85.63Ha 85.63Ha Temporary fallow List en Forest Area 0% Community Land 23% Land holding Pattern in project area Land holding (ha) irrigation source wise Type of Farmer Irrigated (source) Rainfed Total Uncultivated Waste (i) Large farmer land (ii) Small farmer 39% (iii) Marginal farmer (iv) Landless person (V)No. of BPL 79 General Land holding (ha SC Social group wise Details of agriculture land Gen.Household Area SC Household Ownership wise of Land Use in Watershed Land Use Total area in Ha. Govt. Pvt. Commu Total nity Agriculture Land Forest Land Waste Land Pastures Others Total Area Pastures 38% ST Household JUNE 1999 32 RAIN FALL 148 26 JULY AUG MONTHWISE FROM 1999-2010 38 SEP 300 2000 2001 2002 2003 250 2004 2005 2006 2007 200 2008 2009 2010 5 57 34.5 69.5 34 54 8 19 192 36 28.2 165 127 32.5 207 46 173 132 80 85 53 245.5 70 158 77 160 98 35 109 153 249 * 173.3 23 7 59 10 61 112 0 10.5 7 * 98 150 100 50 0 1999 2000 2001 JUNE 2002 JULY 2003 AUG SEP 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 RAIN FALL IN MONTHWISE FROM YEAR 2000-2010 JUNE JULY AUG SEP 249 245.5 207 192 165 148 158 153 132 127 112 98 77 70 57 38 32 26 1999 2000 59 69.5 2001 61 2002 2003 98 2004 85 54 53 35 36 10 7 109 80 46 34 34.5 32.5 23 5 173.3 173 160 2005 8 0 2006 19 10.5 2007 7 2008 0 2009 28.2 2010 Cattle and Animal Population (productive female) INDOKHA BINJARI ANIMAL POPULATION OF PROJECT Population Yield Population in Yield S.N Description of animals i N N 1 Cows 2 3 4 5 6 7 Indegeneous Hybrid Buffaloes Goat sheep Camel Poultry Piggery Total sheep 15% 162 365 52 2 22 1 367 2202 104 801 640 507 Camel Poultry 142 57 184 Piggery 0% 0% 4 0 0% 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1478 3285 Indegeneous 852 12% GOTHARI Population i N Yield 218 10 197 706 202 0 0 0 491 110 1182 564 81 0 0 0 2428 117 11 684 405 74 0 0 0 1291Hybrid 0% 1333 NOTE- Sheep wool production per sheep 400gram total wool production by project area =322k.g. Buffaloes 18% Availability of fodder(quintals) Indokha rajka kutr grass other Total 0 22500 1260 882 Binjari Gothari Total Goat 0 0 0 55% 10655 16110 49265 608 920 2788 426 644 1952 54005 Deficiency of fodder(quintals) Total yearly available fodder from all sources = 54005 quintels cattle's yearly fodder requirement = 92276 quintels Deficiency of fodder = 38271 quintels contribution to milk production by animal of project area NOTE; Fodder deficiency is required from concentrate (khal, churi, grains) sheep 3% Indegeneous 14% Goat 23% Buffaloes 58% Hybrid 2% WATER BUDGETING INDOKHA NAME OF CLUSTER GEOGRAPHICAL AREA OF WATER SHED S.N. TYPE OF CATCHMENT 4652.2 Hac AREA IN YIELD (Hac) FACTOR EXCEPTED YIELD IN CUMEC 1 GOOD CATCHMENT 100 750 75000.00 2 AVERAGE CATCHMENT 250 563 140750.00 3 BAD CATCHMENT 4302.17 375 1613313.75 TOTAL YIELD IN CUMEC (A) 1829063.75 PRESENT UTILIZATION OF YIELD IN WATERSHED S.N. NAME OF STRUCTURE CAPACITY IN CUMEC 1 GOTRI NADI1-2 30000 2 GOTRI NADI3,4,5 18000 3 BINJARI NADI1,2,3,4,5,6 20000 4 INDOKHA 1,2,3,4,5 25000 5 EXIST TAKA 1372.5 6 INDOKHA 1,2,3,4,7 12002 TOTAL UTILIZATION IN CUMEC (B) BALANCE YIELD (A-B) 60% OF BALANCE YIELD THAT GOES AS SURFACE RUNOFF WEASTFULLY 106374.5 1722689.25 1033613.55 PROPSED VARIOUS ACTIVITIES AND W.H.S TO PREVENT WATER TO FLOW OUT WATERSHED AREA S.N. ACTIVITIES/ STRUCTURE CAPACITY / UTILISATION 1 C.V.B(12.35 CUM) 12757.55 3 PASTURE 46205.50 4 TANKA(32257) 11289.95 5 ECD(240.70) 962.80 LSCD(5) 1000.00 HOUSE TAKA(22500) 900.00 6 TOTAL UTILIZED IN CUMEC (B) NET OUT FLOW STILL JUNIOR ENGINEER 73115.8 960497.75 ASST.ENGINEER ACTIVITYWISE/WATERSHEDWISE ACTION PLAN bUnks[kk Watershed P.S S. No edjkuk Name of Village(s) bUnks[kk PANCHYAT Name of Activity Unit 1 2 3 1 PIA ACTIVITIES : Adm. Cost MONITRING EVALUTION EPA Sub Total 1 Scheme : unit cost Total Target Phy. Fin. 4 5 iwmp AREA 4653 ukxksj Distt. : ukxksj unit cost I YR Phy. Fin. 6 7 69.8 6.98 6.98 27.92 unit cost IIYR Phy. Fin. 8 9 6.98 0.698 AREA 69800000 unit cost III YR Phy. Fin. 10 11 13.96 1.396 2.094 unit cost IV YR Phy. Fin. 12 13 13.96 1.396 unit cost V YR Phy. Fin. 14 15 13.96 1.396 2.443 unit cost 698 Vi YR Phy. Fin. 14 15 13.96 1.396 6.98 0.698 2.443 27.92 111.68 35.60 Training Component :& community develop ment 0.00 0.00 17.45 10.47 0.00 0.00 15.36 10.47 0.00 0.00 17.80 3.49 0.00 0.00 15.36 0.00 10.12 6.98 4 No. 10000 5 0.5 10000 1 0.1 10000 1 0.1 10000 1 0.1 10000 1 0.1 10000 0 10000 1 0.1 ii Watershed Functionaries 2500 No. 5000 5 0.25 5000 1 0.05 5000 1 0.05 5000 1 0.05 5000 1 0.05 5000 0 5000 1 0.05 iii Watershed Community 8000 No. 8000 120 12 10000 24 2.4 10000 24 2.4 10000 24 2.4 10000 24 2.4 10000 0 10000 24 2.4 No. 150000 9 13.5 150000 4 6.00 150000 4 6 150000 0 150000 1 1.5 150000 0 150000 20 15000 3 20 3000 0.6 20 3000 0.6 20 3000 0.6 20 3000 0.6 20 0 20 3000 0.6 i WDT 2500 iv Exposure Visits I Slogan Writing wall painting sqf 0 ii Handbills Pamphlets No. 0.1 40000 0.04 0.1 10000 0.01 0.1 10000 0.01 0.1 0 0.1 10000 0.01 0.1 0 0.1 10000 0.01 iii Banners/Boards No. 2000 22 0.44 2000 6 0.12 2000 6 0.12 2000 3 0.06 2000 4 0.08 2000 0 2000 3 0.06 iv Rallies/Pad Yatras No. 1000 8 0.08 1000 2 0.02 1000 2 0.02 1000 1 0.01 1000 2 0.02 1000 0 1000 1 0.01 v Puppet Show/Culture Programme No. 1500 5 0.075 1500 1 0.015 1500 1 0.015 1500 1 0.015 1500 1 0.015 1500 0 1500 1 0.015 vi Debate Essay Competitions No. 200 5 0.01 200 1 0.002 200 1 0.002 200 1 0.002 200 1 0.002 200 0 200 1 0.002 vii Awareness Camp/Mela No. 15000 12 1.8 15000 1 0.15 15000 1 0.15 15000 1 0.15 15000 8 1.2 15000 0 15000 1 0.15 viii Self Help Group formed No. 10000 32 3.2 10000 10 1.00 10000 10 1 10000 1 0.1 10000 10 1 10000 0 10000 1 34.90 A+BSub Total DPR consolidation 0.1 10.47 3.49 6.98 0.00 3.50 27.92 18.84 24.78 15.36 34.56 6.98 20.94 TOTAL PIA ACTIVITY commettee activity II 10.47 20.94 167.52 53.05 Arable Land : 2 A Conservation Measures : I Contour Vegetative Bund : ha I Advance Work cvh No. W.WEIR No. 4690 93 4.36 4690.00 0.00 4690.00 40 1.88 4690.00 21.5 1.01 4690.00 16.5 0.77 4690 14 1500 18 0.27 1500.00 0.0000 1500.00 7 0.1050 1500.00 5 0.0750 1500.00 3 0.0450 1500 0.66 4690.0 1 0.05 3 0.0450 1500.00 0 0.0000 No. EARTHEN CHECK DAM No. 15000 7 1.06 15000 0.0000 15000 0 0.0000 1500 0 0.0000 16000 1 0.1600 15000 0 0.0000 15000 6 0.9000 TANKA No. 91000 437 397.67 403.36 91000 0.00 0.00 91000 41 37.31 39.29 91000 112 101.92 103.00 91000 150 136.50 137.48 91000 74 67.34 68.04 91000 60 54.60 55.55 TOTAL ARABLE CONSERVATION 1 B 1 I ii iii 2 3 4 1 2 2 A 1 2 3 B 1 2 3 3 2 Production Measures : Crop Demonstration Rabi Kharif Jayad Sub Total Agro Forestry ( Plants22 PER HAC) Dry Land Horticulture(30PLANT / HAC) Organic Farming(vemi composet) SHGs Activities Home Stead Kitchen Garden Household Prod. System TOTAL ARABLE PRODUCTION Non Arable Land : Conservation Measures : DCB Fencing V-ditchs PRT Sub Total Production Measures : Overseading of Grasses Planing of Shrubs Plantation TOTAL NONARABLE PRODUCTION Drainage Line Treatment : lscd Earthern 1 Structures 2 WHS/Mesonery structure nalla bunding 3 Others TOTAL DLT 4 Nurseries Total No. of plants tobe raised 5 Live Stock & Fodder Development: 1 Bread Improvement I Distribution of Bulls/Rams/Bucks ii Castration iii Natural Services/A.I. 2 SHGs Training 3 Gopals Trained 4 Fodder Demonstration 5 Animal fertility camps 5 Animal Husband Camps TOTAL LS & FD GRAND TOTAL % 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.086 10 11 0.043 12 13 0.043 14 15 14 15 No. No. No. 1500 1500 1260 1260 18.9 18.9 1500 1500 0.0 0.0 1500 1500 180 180 2.70 2.70 1500 1500 360 360 5.4 5.4 1500 1500 360 360 5.4 5.4 1500 1500 360 360 5.4 5.4 1500 1500 0 0 0.0 0.0 ha ha No. 590 1050 3225 32 37.800 19.03 0.34 590 1050 0.000 0.0 0.0 590 1050 224 10 5.400 1.32 0.105 590 1050 806 6 10.800 4.76 0.063 590 1050 813 7 10.800 4.80 0.074 590 1050 805 9 10.800 4.75 0.095 590 577 0.000 3.40 0.0 No. No. 1000 2500 941 710 1000 2500 133 100 1000 2500 266 200 1000 2500 266 200 1000 2500 266 200 1000 2500 10 10 9.41 17.75 46.524 1000 2500 1.33 2.50 5.26 2.66 5.00 12.48 2.66 5.00 12.53 2.66 5.00 12.50 0.10 0.25 3.75 0.00 0.00 Km. ha Km. 0.00 Ha. No. Ha. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 667847 23 15.37 15.37 0 0.00 42057 23 9.67 9.67 6837 23 1.57 1.57 8043 23 1.85 1.85 8343 23 1.92 1.92 1781.00 20 0.36 0.36 No. 0.000 0.000 0.000 No. No. No. No. rm No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 6000.00 0.000 10000 2 0.20 6000 0.000 10000 2 0.200 6000 19000 5 0.95 19000 0.000 19000 1 0.190 19000 500 22900 13000 1200 24 60 6.00 5.50 7.80 20.446 500 22900 13000 0.000 500 22900 13000 150 3 12 0.750 0.687 1.560 3.387 500 22900 13000 698.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 6000 1 0.190 19000 300 6 12 1.500 1.374 1.560 4.624 500 22900 13000 0.000 6000 1 0.190 19000 1 0.190 19000 1 0.190 300 6 12 1.500 1.374 1.560 4.624 500 22900 13000 300 6 12 1.500 1.374 1.560 4.624 500 22900 13000 150 3 12 0.750 0.687 1.560 3.187 53.05 90.92 151.32 192.06 113.24 97.40 7.599605 13.02652 21.67936 27.51573 16.224 13.95456 CHANGES ARE LIKELY TO BE MADE AROUND THE PROJECT DUE TO CHANGE OF MATERIAL COST AND LABOUR COST HENCE NO OF TANKAS AND AREBALE CVH AND PASTURE DEVELOPMENT WORK QTY MAY DIFFER TO END OF PROJECT COMMUNITY TRAINING IN CLUSTER AREA ONE DAY TRAINING 1 NO OF PARTICEPENTS 2 TRAINING MATERIAL 25 1500 3 FILE FOLDER 25 1500 4 TENTAGE CHARGES 15*15 1500 5 D. A. 60 3600 6 7 JEEP CHARGES FOR ONE DAY 60 485+120/10*50 SUBJECT SPECIALIST CH3*300 900 10085 TOTAL SAY JUNIOR ENGINEER 1085 10100 ASST.ENGINEER EXPOSURE TOUR S.N EXPOSURE TOUR WITHEN STATE 1 PLACE DEPARTURE DATE 0 TIME ARIVAL DATE PLACE TIME TRVAL BY DIS PURPOSE 1-Mar-10 7:30 AM Vkdyk ukxksj 1-Mar-10 1:30 PM BUS 250 WS VISIT Vkdyk ukxksj 1-Mar-10 4:30 PM uks[kMk&fcdkusj 1-Mar-10 8:30 PM BUS 215 WS VISIT uks[kMk&fcdkusj 2-Mar-10 9:30 AM ekMok&tSlyesj 2-Mar-10 1:30 PM BUS 180 ekMok&tSlyesj 2-Mar-10 5:30 PM jkensojk&tSlyesj 2-Mar-10 6:30 PM BUS 50 jkensojk&tSlyesj 3-Mar-10 8:30 AM tks/kiqj&dktjh 3-Mar-10 2:30 PM BUS 250 WS VISIT tks/kiqj&dktjh 3-Mar-10 8:30 AM ikyMh&fljksgh 3-Mar-10 1:30 PM BUS 210 ikyMh&fljksgh 3-Mar-10 4:30 PM ek0vkcq 3-Mar-10 6:30 PM BUS 50 WS VISIT ek0vkcq 4-Mar-10 8:30 AM mn;iqj&c.t.a.e 4-Mar-10 1:30 PM BUS 210 WS VISIT mn;iqj&c.t.a.e 5-Mar-10 7:40 AM Hknslj&fpRrkSM 5-Mar-10 9:40 AM BUS 90 Hknslj&fpRrkSM 5-Mar-10 7:30 AM djdsMh vtesj 5-Mar-10 12:30 PM BUS 235 djdsMh vtesj 5-Mar-10 3:30 PM iq"dj&vtesj 5-Mar-10 4:30 PM BUS 50 iq"dj&vtesj 6-Mar-10 9:30 AM esMrk&ukxkSj 6-Mar-10 11:30 AM BUS 85 esMrk&ukxkSj 6-Mar-10 3:30 PM 0 6-Mar-10 8:30 PM BUS 220 WS VISIT WS VISIT 2095 STATIONERY 1571.25 840 150 TOTAL 2561.25 RENT DA 150 PER DAY NO OF FARMER PHOTO AND VIDEO JEEP HIRE PER DAY JUNIOR ENGINEER 55 140868.75 5000 4000 GRAND TOTAL 149868.75 say 149870 ASST.ENGINEER ANIMAL CAMP -COST Many endemic diseases are found in live stock and increases mortility so we prevenation endemic diseases in water shed area we held after four month Organization a animal camp per year three camp per village these both clinical and nutrition aspect . Nine camps per year TOTAL FIVE YEAR CAMPS - 45 TOTAL POPULATI S.NO ON OF LIVE STOCK 1 5580 2 5580 3 5580 4 5580 5 5580 6 5580 7 5580 8 5580 9 5580 10 5580 11 5580 12 5580 5580 13 14 5580 15 5580 16 5580 5580 17 18 5580 19 5580 20 5580 21 5580 22 5580 23 5580 24 5580 25 5580 26 5580 27 5580 28 5580 29 5580 30 5580 31 5580 32 5580 33 5580 34 5580 COST OF PER CAMPS NAME OF MEDICINE PACKING UNIT RATES QUANTATY OF MEDICINE COST OF MEDICINE BOLUS - ORIPRIM INJ. FPP 20 LAC ESGIPYRIN PENDISTRIN-SH INJ- TRIBIVET INJ- ENROCIN 10% INJ- INTAMOX INJ- OXYTETRA- CYCLINE BOL- SUPRAZOLE (ALBANDAZOLE 1. BOL- FENTAS 3 GM INJ- INVRME- CTIN (CLAVOTIN) INJ- PREDNISOLONE CREAM- LOREXON D- MAGSPRAY TAB. COCU-R INJ- ANISTAMIN INJ- BERINEL- RTU INJ- ORIPRIM INJ- VITA- A INJ- RINTOSE INJ-T-PHOS OIL- TUR INJ- CENTROCYCLINE L.A. INJ- P- DEPOT INJ- MELONEX-POWER INJ- D.C.R. INJ- EPIDIOCIN INJ- BELAMYL INJ- DNS 5 INJ- INTASEF-TAZO BOL- WOKAGEST SPRY- TOPICURE VACCINE- E.T. VACCINE- H.S. VACCINE- F.M.D. 5X4 BOL 5MLx20 6 ML 30 ML 30 ML 0.5 GM 100 ML 2 BOLUS 2 BOLUS 20 ML 10 ML 30 GN 50 ML 100 TAB 100 ML 20 ML 30 ML 2 ML x6 1 LTR 30 ML 30 ML 2 ML 30 ML 2.5 GM 30 ML 100 ML 500 ML 3375 MG 4 BOLUS 250 ML 500 ML 500 ML 100 ML 92.40 9.37 127.64 13.25 39 41.2 7.16 32.82 15.78 29.8 70 25.19 18 55.9 29 18.8 40.39 30.73 64.16 59 71 40.5 33.75 44.9 18.72 65.32 63.36 16.75 211.16 31.6 150 100 100 160 3 PACKET 20 VIAL 5 PACKET 15 TUBE 5 VIAL 10 VIAL 10 VIAL 10 VIAL 50 PACKET 40 PACKET 3 VIAL 4 VIAL 3 PACKET 5 5 10 VIAL 5 VIAL 5 VIAL 1 PACKET 8 5 VIAL 5 VIAL 3 VIAL 7 VIAL 30 VIAL 2 VIAL 3 VIAL 5 3 VIAL 15 PACKET 1 1 VIAL 1 VIAL 1 VIAL 277.20 187.4 638.2 198.75 195 412.3 71.6 328.2 789 1192 210 100.76 54 279.5 145 188 201.95 153.65 64.16 472 355 202.5 101.25 314.3 561.6 130.64 196.08 83.75 633.48 474 150 100 100 160 TOTAL 9721.27 VILAGE PER CAMP COST JEEP FOR 2 DAYS ONE FOR ADVERTISEMENT & OTHER FOR TOTAL PER YEAR C12800*9 9800.00 3200 13000.00 117000 SAY 9800.00 FIVE YEAR 115200*5 JUNIOR ENGINEER 780000 ASST.ENGINEER INFERTILITY CAMPS Deficiency are found in major minerals and vitamins project area's land infertility in heifer animals if we add mineral mixture in concentrate (bat COST OF INFERTILITY CAMP S.NO POPULATION OF HEIFER ANIMAL NAME OF MEDICINE PACKING UNIT RATES QUANTITY OF MEDICINE 1 224 SUPPLEVITE - M 250 GM 18.48 100 PACKET 2 224 SUPPLEVITE - M 2.50 KG 145.20 124 PACKET TOTAL JEEP FOR 2 DAYS ONE FOR ADVERTISEMENT & OTHER FOR GRAND TOTAL SAY we held one infertility camp per year per village Total five year five Total cost of infertility camp ( five year) JUNIOR ENGINEER ASST.ENGINEER so increases ta) then COST OF MEDICINE 1848.00 18004.80 19852.80 3000.00 22852.80 22900.00 549600 BREED IMPROVEMENTS Whole water shed area's owner have indigenous (non-describe) breed of cows and buffaloes These are milk production is very low like is indegenous cows - 2.25 lt/day if we take breed improvements so we increase milk production - for that - ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION METHOD - BUFFALO BULL COST OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION S.NO EQUIPMENT COST CONVERGENCE 1 LN-2 JAR ( 3 LT) 17000 - 2 A.I. GUN 450 - 3 SLEEVE PACKETS 120/ PK VETY HOSPITAL 4 SEMEN STRAW 25/ STRAW VETY HOSPITAL 5 LIQUID NITROGEN 300/REPILL VETY HOSPITAL 6 SHEATH 120/PK - 7 STRAW HOLDING FORCEPS 260 - 8 TRANSPORTAION 500 - 18775 - TOTAL COST FOR FIVE YEAR JUNIOR ENGINEER 95000 ASST.ENGINEER BREED IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAMME (BULL) Distrubutation of buffalo bull for VILLAGE GOTHARI FEEDING COST OF BUFFALO BULL PER YEAR S.N O NAME OF VILLAGE COST OF BUFFALO BULL as per market Dry fodder cost Green fodder & concentrate cost Total AFTER 1.5 YEAR BULL'S OWNER (U.G.) INCOME No. of per income service/ service of yearly year charge 247 1 GOTHARI 10000 service 5 in a week deduct for assum 5% 9855 14600 200 49400 24455 260 13 247 dyr fodder cost Green fodder & concentrate cost 9kg/day of cost 3/kg 3.5kg/day of cost 40/kg 9855 49400 (income) 14600 24455 (feeding & management) PROFIT 25545 (per year) TOTAL NO OF SHE BUFFALO IS 668 HENCE ONE IS SUFFICIENT REST WILL COVER UNDER ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION JUNIOR ENGINEER ASST.ENGINEER NAME OF WORK ITEAM S.N 1 TANKA CONSTRUCTION NO L B H QTY /4 D0 D0 HFT TANKA [(D0+DI)/2] t HFp PIATAN 3.7 3.7 1.5 3.7 10.050 3.7 0.230 1.5 0.2 15.687 15.687 1.669 D0 D0 HCT TANKA [(D0+DI)/2] 3.65 10.05 t 3.65 0.23 HCP 0.30 0.15 PIATAN [(W1+DI)] W1 [(W1+DI)] W2 [(W1+DI)] W3 [(D0+DI)/2] W3 3.14 3.350 0.30 H1 H2 H3 h 0.6 3.14 3.35 0.30 1.50 3.14 3.14 3.35 10.050 0.30 0.300 0.60 0.08 [(W1+DI)] W3 [(D0+DI)/2] W3 Hs h 3.14 3.14 3.350 10.050 0.300 0.300 0.45 1.50 1.0 3.350 0.500 /4 D0 D0 0.785 3.7 3.7 /4 /4 DI DI D0 D0 3.05 3.65 3.05 3.65 EXCAVATION FOR FOUNDATION IN HARD SOIL WITH DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UPTO 50 M AND LIFT 1.5 M H.S ADDITIONAL LIFT 0.785 0.785 3.140 2 CEMENT CONCRETE IN 1 :4:8 WITH 40 MM AGG. SIZE LAYING AND COMPECTING COMPLETE /4 /4 0.79 0.79 3 4 R R STONE MASONARY IN FOUND ATION AND PLINTH IN CM 1:6 R R STONE MASONARY SUPER STRUCTURE IN CM 1:6 FOR 30 CM THICK WALL 5 3.137 0.272 1.893 4.734 1.893 0.757 1.420 14.201 P/ F LINTEL IN CM 1:6 UPTO 15 CM THICK 6 P/F STONE SLAB ROOFING IN CM 1:4 AND FILLING WITH CHIP ETC UP TO 2.5M SPAN 7 50 MM THICK CEMENT COM. FLOORING WITH 12 MM AGG.IN 1:2:4 WITH MIXING AND COMPECT ING OUTER 0.784 0.784 1.68 10.458 7.293 10.445 8 50 MM THICK CEMENT COM. FLOORING WITH 12 MM AGG.IN 1:2:4 WITH MIXING AND COMPECT ING /4 0.785 2 (DIP)2-D0 98.01 13.32 66.480 ITEAM S.N 9 NO L B 3.14 D0 3.65 HS 0.45 H QTY PLASTER IN CM 1:4 ON NEW SURFACE 25 MM INNER PIATHEN OUTER INNER 10 WHITE WASH WITH CHUNA new work JUNIOR ENGINEER DI 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 H1 +H2+H3+Hs 3.05 10.20 10.05 3.15 1.50 1.30 D0 HS 3.65 10.20 10.20 ASST.ENGINEER 5.157 0.45 1.50 2.00 30.168 48.042 41.024 5.157 48.042 64.056 S.N 1 ITEAM QTY CEMENT SAND AGG40 STONE LIME EXCAVATION FOR FOUNDATION IN HARD SOIL WITH DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UPTO 50 M AND LIFT 1.5 M 33.043 15.687 2 CEMENT CONCRETE IN 1 :4:8 WITH 40 MM AGG. SIZE LAYING AND COMPECTING COMPLETE 3 R R STONE MASONARY IN FOUND ATION AND PLINTH IN CM 1:6 4 0.000 3.409 8.59 1.534 9.277 12.9878 2.783 9.28 15.621 21.8694 4.686 15.62 3.068 R R STONE MASONARY SUPER STRUCTURE IN CM 1:6 FOR 30 CM THICK WALL 5 P/ F LINTEL IN CM 1:6 UPTO 15 CM THICK 6 P/F STONE SLAB ROOFING IN CM 1:4 AND FILLING WITH CHIP ETC UP TO 2.5M SPAN 7 50 MM THICK CEMENT COM. FLOORING WITH 12 MM AGG.IN 1:2:4 WITH MIXING AND COMPECT ING 8 PLASTER IN CM 1:4 ON NEW SURFACE 25 MM 1.675 10.458 17.738 5.1795 0.364 0.727 124.391 19.0816 3.981 9 WHITE WASH WITH CHUNA new work 117.255 67.709 13.35 beg ?ku eh0 3.795 ?ku eh0 24.9 ?ku eh0 0 kg ESTIMATE TANKA CONSTRUCTION NAME OF WORK~ VILLEGE INDOKH PROJECT TOTAL ITEAM s.n 1 UNIT 0 IWMP SCHEM QTY RATE UN SKILL TOTAL TOTAL LAB AMOUNT UN SKILL TOTAL LAB EXCAVATION FOR FOUNDATION IN HARD SOIL WITH DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UPTO 50 M AND LIFT 1.5 M H.S ADDITIONAL LIFT cum 68.00 62.00 68.00 15.687 0.000 8.00 16.00 8.00 16.00 8.00 16.00 125.50 0.00 125.50 0.00 125.50 0.00 CUM 3.409 1713.00 213.00 245.00 5839.62 726.12 835.21 cum 9.277 1460.00 140.00 367.00 13544.42 1298.78 3404.66 cum 15.621 1584.00 175.00 491.00 24743.66 2733.68 7669.91 SQM 1.675 772.00 20.00 146.00 1293.10 33.50 244.55 SQM 10.458 903.00 10.00 215.00 9443.57 104.58 2248.47 SQM 17.738 188.00 23.00 71.00 3334.74 407.97 1259.40 SQM 66.480 188.00 23.00 71.00 12498.24 1529.04 4720.08 SQM 124.391 88.00 16.00 35.00 10946.41 1990.26 4353.69 SQM SQM 117.255 0.960 11.40 1.46 7.90 0 2 CEMENT CONCRETE IN 1 :5:10 WITH 40 MM AGG. SIZE LAYING AND COMPECTING COMPLETE 3 R R STONE MASONARY IN FOUND ATION AND PLINTH IN CM 1:6 4 33.043 2246.92 2048.67 2246.92 R R STONE MASONARY SUPER STRUCTURE IN CM 1:6 FOR 30 CM THICK WALL 5 P/ F LINTEL IN CM 1:6 UPTO 15 CM THICK 6 P/F STONE SLAB ROOFING IN CM 1:4 AND FILLING WITH CHIP ETC UP TO 2.5M SPAN 7 50 MM THICK CEMENT COM. FLOORING WITH 12 MM AGG.IN 1:2:4 WITH MIXING AND COMPECT ING 8 50 MM THICK CEMENT COM. FLOORING WITH 12 MM AGG.IN 1:2:4 WITH MIXING AND COMPECT ING 9 PLASTER IN CM 1:6 ON NEW SURFACE 25 MM 10 WHITE WASH WITH CHUNA new work LID JALI 0.6 0.6 0.6 total contigency SAY painter+foto etc MIXTURE M/C 91000.00 44 60 72 100 135 JUNIOR ENGINEER 171.19 926.31 100.00 85952.89 11169.29 28134.70 1460.00 87412.89 LAB RATE INCREAS TREND 2002 2005 2007 2009 2011 1336.71 600.00 36.36 20.00 38.89 35.00 32.56 cost for I year cost for ii year cost for iii year cost for iv year ASST.ENGINEER labour escalation 3909.25 say 91300.00 91000.0 96782.0 EXPECTED RATE INCREASE MATERIAL BY 10% 108098.0 EXPECTED RATE INCREASE MATERIAL BY 10% & LAB BY3 113880.0 EXPECTED RATE INCREASE MATERIAL BY 10% lid 2X2' 2X2 LID 3.05 3.05 2" CC FLOORING 1:2:4 PLAN 10.20 0 STONE SLAB ROOFING 0.45 GL GL CC 24 CON FLOOR 0.6 0.30 0.23 0.15 CC1:4:8 0.30 1.5 0.30 0.6 cc floring 1:2:4 0.3 cement con 1:4:8 ELEVATION JUNIOR ENGINEER 3.65 3.05 ASST.ENGINEER COST ABSTRACT NON AREBALE PRODUCTION ~~PLANTATION VILLAGE K.H. NO AREA S. N . PARTICULAR 0 yr 1 EXCAVATION IN DRY OR MOIST SOIL INCLUDING DRESSING &DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD 30 M &LIFT 1.5 M IN H.S. FOR D.C.B. 1400 per hac (3+5)/2*5 2000 2 EXCAVATION IN DRY OR MOIST SOIL INCLUDING DRESSING &DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD 30 M &LIFT 1.5 M IN H.S. FOR PITS 300 hac 1.5x1.5x1 1000.0 3 EXCAVATION IN DRY OR MOIST SOIL INCLUDING DRESSING &DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD 30 M &LIFT 1.5 M IN H.S. v ditch 900 her hac 0.06 270.0 4 TREATMENT OF PITS WITH PESTICIDE & INSECTI CIDE 1000.0 5 TRANS PORTATION OF PLANT FROM NURSARY TO PLANTINGSITE INCLUDING LOADING & UNLOADING FROM 40 KM 1050.0 6 PLANTING OF PLANTS INCLU DING RAMMING ETC. COMPL ETE 1000.0 7 making thawala around plant 100.0 8 LINE SOWING OF AWAL CHAL &STYLO SEED ON CONSER VATION DITCH IN 3 ROWS 4500.0 9 WEEDING & HOEING OF PLANTS 4000.00 10 WATERING OF PLANTS BY HEAD LOADS UPTO 2KM 4000.00 11 OVER SEEDING OF GRASS WITH THE HELP OF TRACTOR WITH 9CULTIVATOR & SPREADING OF GRASS SEE 10.00 12 MATRIAL water 5 km 60000 (A) PLANTS 1050.0 ( D) Cholori pyriphos 5.25 (B) DHAMAN 60.00 manure + bhc 5000.0 (STYLO HAMETA 20.00 13 watch and ward 10.00 10 1 yr hac QTY 2 yr dcb(trepezoidal) len pit(rec) no v ditch len 3 yr 4 yr 200 100 450 0.9 0.45 0.5 RATE un UNIT skilled total lab 1.82 0.45 0.6 1.22 0.45 0.2 oyr AMT total un skilled total lab total un skilled 1yr AMT total lab total un skilled 2yr AMT total lab 500.00 total un skilled 3yr AMT total lab total 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 un skilled 4 yr AMT total lab total rm 110.00 110.00 110.00 220000.0 220000.0 220000.0 no 5.00 5.00 5.00 5000.00 5000.00 5000.00 CUM 62.00 68.00 68.00 16740.00 18360.00 18360.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 NO 0.21 0.21 0.21 210.00 210.00 210.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 NO 0.04 0.04 0.29 42.00 42.00 304.50 4.20 4.20 30.45 4.20 4.20 30.45 4.20 4.20 30.45 100.00 100.00 100.00 NO no 2.20 1.30 2.20 1.30 2.20 1.30 2200.00 2200.00 2200.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 130.0 130.0 130.0 RM 0.44 0.44 0.44 1980.00 1980.00 1980.00 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00 NO 0.90 0.90 0.90 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.00 3600.0 3600.0 3600.0 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00 NO 1.30 1.30 1.30 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.00 5200.0 5200.0 5200.0 0.00 0.00 3250.00 0.00 0.00 1625.00 0.00 0.00 13740.00 0.00 0.00 13740.0 0.0 0.0 13740.0 0.0 0.0 13740.0 0.0 0.0 13740 0.00 0.00 3150.00 0.00 0.00 315.00 0.00 0.00 315.00 0.00 0.00 315.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 1312.50 0.00 0.00 131.25 0.00 0.00 131.25 0.00 0.00 131.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 4200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 12500.00 0.00 0.00 1250.00 0.00 0.00 1250.00 0.00 0.00 1250.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 2400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 25000.00 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000.0 25000 280102.00 281722.0 322537.0 34545.2 34545.2 50007.7 34545.2 34545.2 54932.7 34545.2 34545.2 50007.7 33800.0 33800.0 47540 100 100 100 as per market 5.00 325.0 60000 60000 60000 60000 0.229 105.00 105.00 105.00 NO 3.00 0.53 0.53 0.53 LIT 250.00 30.00 kg 70.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 kg 2.50 10.00 kg 120.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2500.00 2500.00 2500.00 TOTAL particular un skilled skilled ESCALATION OF LAB 0 yr 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 280102.0 34545.0 34545.0 34545.0 33800.0 1620.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 98035.70 12090.75 12090.75 12090.75 11830.00 JUNIOR ENGINEER ASST.ENGINEER material 40815.00 15462.50 20387.50 15462.50 13740.00 total 420572.70 62098.25 67023.25 62098.25 59370.00 420572.70 68308.075 80427.9 80727.725 17811 6831 8043 8073 1781 42057 667847.40 DESIGN OF CONTOUR BUND 1. AVERAGE SLOP OF LAND 1.25 % '2. TYPE OF SOIL 3 SIDE SLOP 1.5 :1 1.5 :1 U/S D/S 4 SEEPAGE LINE SLOP 4 :1 '5 MAX. 24 Hr RAIN FALL FOR 10 YR. OF RECURRENCE INTERVA 30 CM SPACING OF BUND V.I.= 0.305(0.8S+1.5) V.I.= 0.7625 SAY 1.00 H.I.= V.I./S*100 80.00 80.00 TAKE HI AS 100 DUE TO LARGE FIELD HOLDING DEPTH OF IMPONDING h =SQRT Re*VI/50 h= 30-.4*30= Re IS EFFICTIVE RAIN FALL = 18 0.37 HEIGHT OF BUND H=h+hW+FB 0.60 TAKE FB AS 0.13 hW= 0.66SQRT Q/1.71L Q=CIA/36 Q= HENCE hW C= 0.45 Ic= 9.00 A= 2.00 0.225 0.00846 0.041515 0.10 TAKING L= 3.5 CROSS SECTION OF BUND T.W. B.W. HT 0.3000 0.3 HT*U/S+HT*D/S+T.W 0.6000 0.6 2.10 TAKE AS 2.10 CHECK FOR SEEPAGE LINE 2.04 M DISTANCE SEEPAGE LINE STRIKE G.L X SEC 1.2 0.720 SQM 0.30 0.60 seepage line 0.37 2.1 2.038 2.40 0.3 DETAIL OF W.W S.N. ITEAMS 1 DRY STONE PITCHING OR KHARANJA HAMMER DRESS ED INCLUDING STONE RATE TOP U/S D/S CREST L W H VOLUME 3.5 4.1 4.1 0.23 0.23 1.11 0.56 0.56 1.11 1.11 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.895 0.524 0.524 0.059 0.059 2.060 2 TRANSPORTATION OF STONE FROM 10KM 2.266 3 LOADING CHARGES OF STONE 4 UNLOADING CHARGES OF STONE 5 REHANDLING OF STONE 2.266 2.266 2.266 COST ABSTRACT WW S.N. ITEAMS 1 DRY STONE PITCHING OR KHARANJA HAMMER DRESS ED INCLUDING STONE RATE TOP U/S D/S CREST QTY RATE 0.895 0.524 0.524 0.059 0.059 2.060 709.00 AMOUNT 1460.61 2 TRANSPORTATION OF STONE FROM 10KM 2.266 0.00 3 LOADING CHARGES OF STONE 4 UNLOADING CHARGES OF STONE 5 REHANDLING OF STONE 2.266 2.266 2.266 0.00 0.00 0.00 1460.61 TOTAL say cost for I year cost for ii year cost for iii year cost for iv year JUNIOR ENGINEER 1500.00 1500.00 1700.0 1900.0 2100.0 ASST.ENGINEER COST ABSTRACT AREBALE CONSERVATION ~~C.V.B. LENGTH/HAC 74 AREA S.N. ITEAMS 1 DAG BALLING 5-7.5 CM DEEP 2 74 1 2 E/W FOR BUND IN DRY & MOIST SOIL INCLUDING DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UP TO 30M & LIFT 1.5M IN H.S. 74 1 0.72 3 9 1 QTY 148 53.28 HAC RATE MOONJA AMT 0.33 48.84 63.00 3356.6 LINE SOWING OF DHAMAN OR STYLO SEED IN THREE ROW 74 1 74.00 0.26 19.24 15 1 MATERIAL DHAMAN STYLO 0.71 0.2 73.0 70.0 51.83 14.00 0.71KG/HAC 0.2KG/HAC TOTAL eskalation of labour EXPECTED EXPECTED EXPECTED JUNIOR ENGINEER 3490.55 1198.652 4689.20 say cost for I year cost for ii year cost for iii year cost for iv year ASST.ENGINEER 4690.00 4690.0 5160.0 5680.0 6250.0 CAPECITY PER HAC. IMPONDING HT.= 0.37 M LENGTH/HAC.= 74 M CONSIDERING GENTAL SLOP OF LAND LENGTH OF SIDE BUND /HOOK SUBMERGED AREA CAPECITY/HAC= -13.0 2 100 M 1/3*IMPONDING DEPTH*SUBMERGED AREA 3 12.35 M TOTAL WATER HELD IN SITU BY CVB= 3 12.35 M DETAIL AGRO FORESTRY IN AREBALE LAND( PRODUCTION) K.H. NO S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARTICULAR EXCAVATION IN DRY OR MOIS T SOIL INCLUDING DRESSING &DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UPTO 30M &LIFT 1.5 M IN FOR PITS H.S. O.M. C.M. TREATMENT OF PITS WITH PESTICIDE & INSECTI CIDE TRANS PORTATION OF PLANT FROM NURSARY TO PLANTINGSITE INCLUDING LOADING & UNLOADING FROM 40 KM PLANTING OF PLANTS INCLU DING RAMMING ETC. COMPL ETE WEEDING & HOEING OF PLANTS WATERING OF PLANTS BY HEAD LOADS UPTO 2KM MATRIAL (A) PLANTS ( D) Cholori pyriphos NO L AREA 1.0 HAC PLANTATION IN 1 HA = 50 B H QTY 22.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 24.20 24.20 22.00 22.00 41.80 41.80 83.60 83.60 28.60 0.04 28.60 0.04 COST ABSTRACT AREBALE PLANTATION K.H. NO S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PARTICULAR EXCAVATION IN DRY OR MOIS T SOIL INCLUDING DRESSING &DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UPTO 30M &LIFT 1.5 M IN FOR PITS H.S. at 5 m spacing O.M. C.M. TREATMENT OF PITS WITH PESTICIDE & INSECTI CIDE TRANS PORTATION OF PLANT FROM NURSARY TO PLANTINGSITE INCLUDING LOADING & UNLOADING FROM 40 KM PLANTING OF PLANTS INCLU DING RAMMING ETC. COMPL ETE WEEDING & HOEING OF PLANTS WATERING OF PLANTS BY HEAD LOADS UPTO 2KM MATRIAL (A) PLANTS ( D) Cholori pyriphos AREA 1.0 QTY UNIT RATE AMT 22.00 CUM 5.00 110.00 22.00 NO 0.30 6.60 24.20 NO 0.59 14.28 22.00 NO 2.20 48.40 41.80 NO 0.90 37.62 83.60 NO 1.64 137.40 28.60 0.04 NO LIT 3.50 250.00 100.10 11.00 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 465.39 465.39 124.0 eskalation of lab 590.0 cost for I year cost for ii year cost for iii year cost for iv year JUNIOR ENGINEER ASST.ENGINEER 590.0 650.0 720.0 790.0 HAC COST ABSTRACT AREBALE PRODUCTION ~~PLANTATION K.H. NO S.N. 1 2 3 4 8 10 PARTICULAR EXCAVATION IN DRY OR MOIS T SOIL INCLUDING DRESSING &DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UPTO 30M &LIFT 1.5 M IN FOR PITS H.S. 30 plant per hac O.M. C.M. TREATMENT OF PITS WITH PESTICIDE & INSECTI CIDE TRANS PORTATION OF PLANT FROM NURSARY TO PLANTINGSITE INCLUDING LOADING & UNLOADING FROM 40 KM PLANTING OF PLANTS INCLU DING RAMMING ETC. COMPL ETE WATERING OF PLANTS BY HEAD LOADS UPTO 2KM MATRIAL (A) PLANTS ( D) Cholori pyriphos AREA QTY UNIT RATE AMT 30.00 CUM 5.00 150.00 30.00 NO 0.30 9.00 33.00 NO 0.59 19.47 30.00 NO 2.20 66.00 120.00 NO 1.64 197.22 30.00 0.15 NO LIT 10.00 250.00 300.00 37.50 TOTAL eskalation lab cost for I year cost for ii year cost for iii year cost for iv year JUNIOR ENGINEER 1.0 ASST.ENGINEER 779.19 272.7 1050.0 1050.0 1160.0 1280.0 1410.0 HAC COST ABSTRACT E.C.D. S.N. 1 ITEAMS QTY. RATE AMOUNT 16 63 68.00 1008 516.8 781.00 11519.75 709.00 TOTAL 1141.49 14186.04 14200 EXCAVATION IN DRY OR MOIST SOIL INCLUDING DRESSING & DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UPTO 30M & LIFT 1.5 M IN H.S. 7.6 CUM 2 DRY STONE MASONARY UP TO 3M HT. INCLUDING STONE RATE 14.75 CUM 3 DRY STONE PITCHING OR KHARANJA HAMMER DRESSED INCLUDING STONE RATE 1.61 say no of lscd 0 DETAIL ESTIMATE E.C.D. S.N. 1 B.W. 1.5 T.W. 1 ITEAMS Ht. FOUNDATION NO 3 metet wide 0.8 0.3 LENGTH WIDTH HEIGHT QTY 3 2 0.5 1.5 1 1 0.3 1.25 1.25 1.35 5.00 1.25 EXCAVATION IN DRY OR MOIST SOIL INCLUDING DRESSING & DISPOSAL OF EXCAVTED SOIL WITHEN INITIAL LEAD UPTO 30M & LIFT 1.5 M IN H.S. H.W. H.W.E. S.W. APRON 1 2 2 1 7.6 2 DRY STONE MASONARY UP TO 3M HT. INCLUDING STONE RATE FOUNDATION H.W. H.W.E. S.W. S/S H.W . I STEP H.W. II STEP H.W.E. S.W. 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 1.5 1 3 5 2 1 1.5 1 1 2 1 1 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 1.25 1.25 1.35 0.9 0.6 2.4 2 5 2.5 14.8 3 DRY STONE PITCHING OR KHARANJA HAMMER DRESSED INCLUDING STONE RATE APRON 1 LEFT BANK 1 RIGHT BANK 1 3 2 2 0 1.75 1.75 0.23 0.23 0.23 0 0.805 0.805 1.61 JUNIOR ENGINEER ASST.ENGINEER 1 2 1.5 1 0.45 0.4 1 0.4 1.5 JUNIOR ENGINEER ASST.ENGINEER proposed area iwmp makrana JUNIOR ENGINEER ASST.ENGINEER
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