floral hall / 4-h entries
floral hall / 4-h entries
2 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 Your Russell County Kentucky Farm Bureau welcomes you to the Russell County Jaycees Fair! Philip Walker, Agency Manager Dolores Denny, Agent Jonathan Wilson, Agent We appreciate the patronage and support of our local KY Farm Bureau Insurance office from all our current members. We look forward to continuing to serve you with all your insurance needs. Did you know that you could save 20% on your property insurance by insuring your auto with us? Call or come by today for a free quote! (270) 866-3033 [email protected] Call me anytime Mon-Sat for a free quote. I look forward to serving you! 109 Wilson Street Russell Springs, KY Open Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm Call or come by for a quote today! (270) 866-3033 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM FAIR BOARD 3 CORPORATE SPONSORS Fair Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chad Pendleton President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brian “Hooty” Stephens 1st Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jason Hughes 2nd Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Matthew Helm 3rd Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joe Todd Womack Secretary/Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jonathon Gosser Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brently Anderson, Troy Anderson, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Greg Bennett, Travis Brown, John Nissley SATURDAY, MAY 30 . . . .Lakewood’s Appliance & Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monticello Banking Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bennett’s Carpets MONDAY, JUNE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bank of Jamestown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tarter Gate TUESDAY, JUNE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Russell County Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Tooth Booth WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Country Folks Realty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Russell County Newspapers FAIR ADVISORY BOARD Vocational Agriculture . . .Bethany Garmon & Bethany Wethington 4-H Extension Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Christy Martin County Extension Agent for Home Economics . . . . . . . .Pam York County Extension Agent for Agriculture . . . . . . . .Chelsey Pickens Farm Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Victor Rexroat Russell County Cattleman’s Association . .David Rings, President Dairy Producers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Michael Rexroat LIVESTOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS All livestock/animals offered for the sale or exhibition at Kentucky County fairs shall meet the following regulations according to KRS Chapter 257: a. 302 KAR 20:040 (Entry into Kentucky) b. 302 KAR 20:065 (Sale and Exhibition of KY Origin Livestock) Any questions concerning these health regulations should be directed to your local veterinarian or the Kentucky State Veterinarian’s office at 502-564-3956. Livestock Health Regulations can be obtained on the Kentucky Department of Agriculture web site: http://www.kyagr.com/statevet/ah/index.htm Please be advised that Livestock Health Regulations are subject to change at any time. THURSDAY, JUNE 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Duo County Telephone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gaddie-Shamrock, Inc. . . . . . . . . .Lawless and Smith Hardware & Appliance Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Citizens Bank FRIDAY, JUNE 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Branscum Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Don Franklin Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Farm Credit Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russell County Farm Store SATURDAY, JUNE 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .McDonald’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Fruit Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .State Farm GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Russell County Fair is planned and conducted according to the Kentucky Department of Agriculture regulations for the use of state funds. 2. Open classes are open to all exhibitors unless other specified. 3. Entries in 4-H and FFA classes must have produced in conjunction with approved project sponsored by these organizations. 2015 RUSSELL COUNTY JAYCEES Dustin Adkins Brently Anderson Troy Anderson Gene Barnes Ricky Barnes Greg Bennett Michael Bray Joe Branscum Travis Brown David Chapman Tyler Cochran Steve Coe Mark Collins Eddie Copley Nick Cunningham Elmer Dykes James Dykes Keith Ellis Jimmy Flanagan Al Foley Mickey Garner Jon Gosser Trevor Gosser Billy Grider Troy Hadley Mark Helm Matthew Helm Larry Holt Jeff Hoover Jeff Hubbard Bruce Johnson John Jones Jason Hughes Richard Kean Tony Kerr Terry Lawless Cole Lawson Chris Luttrell Allen McQueary P. Jon McQueary Rex Miller Robbie Morgan Ross Morgan Jeff Myers John Nissley Chad Pendleton Kenny Pickett Scott Pierce Al Polston Vince Popplewell H.F. Rexroat Lyle Rexroat Michael Reynolds Dwight Richards Brett Robertson John Robertson Dean Roy Nick Roy Brian Russell Charles Shaw Mark Shepard Brian Shirley Charles B. Smith Harold Turtle Stanelle Trent Stapp Troy Stapp Matt Stargle Todd Stearns Brian Hooty Stephens Josh Tarter Chad Taylor Justin Williams Brian Wilson Cody Wilson Joe Todd Womack Steve York Tyler York Troy Young 4 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ S AT U R D AY, M a y 3 0 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR Hwy. 127 By-Pass - Russell Springs, KY 270-866-6930 - 1-800-471-2417 Somerset Outlet - 605 Enterprise Drive Glagow Outlet - 599 S L Rogers Wells Blvd Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. www.bennettscarpets.com SPONSORS: Mighty Dollar, Bobby Dunbar- Jailer, Main Street Liquidators, Golden Rule Wilson, Southern Rayz BABY SHOW - 9:00 A.M. Registration Starts at 8:00 A.M. *Registration Fee is $10.00 payable at time of registration. CASH ONLY, NO CHECKS, No exceptions, no refunds. *Categories of competition: 1. Boys 0 to 6 months 7. Boys 18 to 24 months 2. Girls 0 to 6 months 8. Girls 18 to 24 months 3. Boys 6 to 12 months 9. Boys 24 to 36 months 4. Girls 6 to 12 months 10. Girls 24 to 36 months 5. Boys 12 to 18 months 11. Multiple ages 0-24 6. Girls 12 to 18 months (boys and girls) DRESS CODE: *Babies 0-12 months will wear diapers ONLY! No diaper covers. *No accessories (hair bows, hair bands, ties, socks, shoes, etc. *May wear plain rubber band (no color) in their hair. May wear stud ear rings. *Children from 12-36 months will wear casual play clothes. *Suggested attire includes overalls, jumpers and shorts outfits. *All contestants must follow dress code. *Babies assigned number must be displayed on parents shoulder. *Decision of the judges are final. AWARDS: * First Place in each category receives silver plate and ribbon. * First, Second and Third runners-up in each category receives ribbon. Contact Jeff Meyers for more information, cell: 606-584-7699, Home: 270-343-8680 TINY MISS - 11:00 A.M. *Registration Fee is $10.00 payable at time of registration. CASH ONLY, NO CHECKS, No exceptions, no refunds. *Contestants must have reached her third birthday by midnight of June 30, 2015 and cannot have reached their fifth birthday by June 30, 2015. *Contestants will appear in Sunday dresses, which must be mid-calf or shorter. No floor or ankle length dresses, beads or sequins will be allowed. *Violation of these rules will result in a scoring of 0. *No telephone registration will be accepted. *Contestants must be a resident of Kentucky. *All judges' decisions are final. *ABSOLUTE DEADLINE, SATURDAY, May 30 At 11:00 P.M. CST *Violation of these rules will result in disqualification. *Winners will receive crown, sash and silver plate. Runners up will receive silver plate. PRINCE AND PRINCESS - 12:00 P.M. *Registration Fee is $25.00 payable at time of registration. CASH ONLY, NO CHECKS, No exceptions, no refunds. *Contestants must have reached her fifth birthday and cannot have reached their eighth birthday by June 30, 2015. *Must enter as a couple and will be judged as a couple. *Must represent the first county fair they win in the given year. *All state rules apply. *No props will be allowed, other than your child may carry or wear flowers. *Girls can also wear hair bows. *Short dresses only for girls (must touch bottom of knee or shorter). No beads or sequins. *Boys cannot have on any part of a tuxedo (cummerbund, pants with satin stripe). Boys do not have to wear a suit and can wear shorts for the local pageant. However the winner will have to wear a suit for the state competition. *Shoes must be worn. *ABSOLUTE DEADLINE, SATURDAY, May 30 AT 12:00 P.M. CST *Violation of these rules will result in a scoring of 0. * All judges' decisions are final. *Winner will represent Russell County at the state Little Miss and Mister to be held in August at the KY State Fair. *Winner receives crown, sash and silver plate. No Lodging will be awarded. Runners up will receive silver plate. MISS PRE-TEEN - 1:00 P.M . *Registration Fee is $30.00 payable at time of registration. CASH ONLY, NO CHECKS, No exceptions, no refunds. *Contestants must have reached her 8th birthday by July 1, 2015 and cannot have reached her 13th birthday by October 31, 2015. *The contestant will appear in evening wear. *There will be a dressing area for contestants and one female adult only, no others will be allowed in the dressing area. *All state rules apply. *All Judges' decisions will be final. *Contestants may be disqualified due to any unsportsmanlike behavior or for any behavior or act unbecoming of Miss Pre-Teen Russell County. *ABSOLUTE DEADLINE, SATURDAY, May 30 AT 1:00 P.M. when pageant starts. *Score sheets will not be given out after the pageant. *Winner will compete at the state competition in October. *Winner receives one night lodging and state, crown, sash and silver plate. MISS TEEN - 3:00 P.M. *Registration Fee is $30.00 payable at time of registration. CASH ONLY, NO CHECKS, No exceptions, no refunds. *Contestants must have reached her 13th birthday by midnight, October 31, 2015 and cannot have reached her 16th birthday by October 31, 2015. *The contestant must be single, never married, never had a marriage annulled and never had children. *The contestant will appear in evening gown. Registration is until 1:00 on Saturday, May 30 at the fairgrounds. * Interviews begin at 1:00 p.m. *There will be a dressing area for contestants and one female adult only, no others will be allowed in the dressing area. *All state rules apply. *All Judges' decisions will be final. *Contestants may be disqualified due to any unsportsmanlike behavior or for any behavior or act unbecoming of Miss Teen Russell County. *ABSOLUTE DEADLINE, SATURDAY, May 30, 1:00 P.M. CST. *Score sheets will not be given out after the pageant *Winner receives two nights lodging at state, crown, sash and silver plate. MRS. RUSSELL COUNTY FAIR - 4:30 P.M. *Registration Fee is $35.00 payable at time of registration. CASH ONLY, NO CHECKS, No exceptions, no refunds. *Contestants must be 18 and older and must be married *The contestant will appear in formal wear only. *All judges' decisions are final. *Contestants may be disqualified due to any unsportsmanlike behavior or for any behavior unbecoming of Mrs. Russell County. *ABSOLUTE DEADLINE, Saturday, May 30, 4:30 p.m. *Score sheets will not be given out after the pageant. *Winner receives crown and sash. MISS RUSSELL COUNTY FAIR - 5:00 P.M. *Registration Fee is $40.00 payable at time of registration. CASH ONLY, NO CHECKS, No exceptions, no refunds. *Contestants must have reached her 16th birthday by midnight of October 31, 2015 and cannot have reached their 22nd birthday by October 31, 2015. *The contestant will appear in swimsuit (with shoes) and evening gown. *Interviews will be held on Saturday, May 30 at 3:00 p.m. at the fairgrounds. *There will be dressing area for contestants and one female adult only, no others will be allowed in the dressing area. *All state rules apply. *All judges' decisions are final. *Contestants may be disqualified due to any unsportsmanlike behavior or for any behavior unbecoming of Miss Russell County. *ABSOLUTE DEADLINE, Saturday, May 30 at 3:00 p.m. CST *Score sheets will not be given out after the pageant. *Winner will compete at the annual convention in January. *Winner receives crown, sash and silver plate. 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 5 ~ S AT U R D AY, M a y 3 0 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR 2554 S. Hwy. 127 Russell Springs, KY 42642 270-866-7322 www.bankatmbc.com 2015 Russell Co. Jaycees Buggy and Side by Side Offroad Shootout May 30th Start Time 2:00pm CST 2000 Lakeway Drive Russell Springs, KY Sponser: Lakewood’s Appliance & Furniture, Monticello Bank, Bennett’s Carpet, Air Master & Design Payouts Bouncer: $750, Side By Side: $200, Stock Suspension $200 2nd and 3rd place trophies Entry fee $20.00 Stock Suspension Class, Side By Side Class, Buggy and Bouncer Class ***HELMET AND SEATBELTS ARE REQUIRED*** Contact Robbie Morgan @ (270) 866-0418 Town & Country Realty & Auction Co., LLC LAUREN J. ANTLE - PRINCIPAL BROKER Roger D. Blair - Associate Broker & Auctioneer; Larry “Chris” Bell - Appprentice Auctioneer Glenda K. Bryant, Anna “Hope” Hanson, Charles P. Back, Beth Cooper Jct. 127 & 80, Russell Springs, KY 42642 Phone: (270)866-7955 www.town-country-realty.com • Email: [email protected] D & R L IVESTOCK Jeff Dalton & Gary Robertson Russell Springs, KY 270-866-4733 6 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ S AT U R D AY, M a y 3 0 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR Your Local Whirlpool Dealer DEMOLITION DERBY 6:00 p.m. CST Stock Car, Small Car, 80 Model & Newer, Lawn Mower 80 Model and Newer $50 entry fee Inspection starts at 2:00PM CST $100 late fee after 5:00PM CST 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2000 + trophy 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1000 + trophy 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500 + trophy 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 Small Car $30 entry fee Inspection starts at 2:00PM CST $100 late fee after 5:00PM CST 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1000 + trophy 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500 + trophy 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250 + trophy 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50 Stock Car $30 entry fee Payout Guaranteed $1000 Purse For information regarding derbys contact Richard Kean (270)566-0186 - Day of event (270)866-4070 SPONSORS: Bobby Dunbar - Jailer, Jean Waddell / Joan George, Kimbler Plumbing & Toilet Rental, Jametown Auction, Gary Robertson - County Judge Executive, T-N-T Carpet, J & S Country Store, Laker Lanes, Cannon’s Recycling 80 MODEL AND NEWER - 6:00PM CST 15. Stock type hoods can be fastened up to six places only using 2” x 2” x 3” 1/4” thick INSPECTION FROM 2:00PM TO 5:00PM CST angle with one bolt through. Must be able to open during inspection. Two of the places 1. All 1980 or newer sedan or station wagons. No Pre-Run cars will be allowed! will be where the all thread comes through hood. Hoods must cover fan at all times. 2. Each driver will pay a front gate entry and a car entry before the car will be inspect- There must be a 12” x 12” hole in the center of the hood. ed. If your car does not pass inspectioin you may have one chance to correct the prob16. Doors can be welded shut with a 5/16” rod or 1/8” x 1” flat stock (nothing wider) lem. The driver that registers the car must drive the car. NO DRIVER SWAP AT ANY or chained. Doors cannot be welded on the inside. TIME. 17. Trunk lids and tail gates must be welded in stock location up to six places only 3. Any driver, pit crew, family member, girl friend, etc…that fights or argues with any with a 5/16” rod or 1/8” x 1” flat or straight welds, no longer than six inces long. Must be official will cause the car and driver to be disqualified and escorted off the fair grounds. a 12” x 12” hole in the center of trunk lid. 4. NO ALCOHOL will be allowed in the fair grounds. 18. Trunk lids must be bolted in stock location no creasing, bending or tucking of 5. A helmet with a strap must be worn at all times while the driver is in the car, even trunk lid or quarter panels. THIS MEANS NO WEDGING OF THE CAR PERIOD! 19. No welding on frame or body seams, no pinning, no pitching of frames. No paintif they are out of the derby. All cars must have working seatbelts in factory location. 6. Any controversies or protests must be brought up at the drivers meeting before the ing of any kind on frames. If frames are rusty or bent no patching or welding is permitted. derby starts. There will be a $200 protest fee. 20. Bumpers may be welded to frame only. Do not lengthen bumper shocks or 7. No double teaming and sandbagging. YOU WILL BE WARNED ONCE IN THE DRIVERS MEETING, THE SECOND TIME YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! replace by using pipe or any other steel. You may weld bumper seams and add ¼ inch 8. If the driver door comes open at any time you will be disqualified. thick plate to backside of bumper. You may substitute bumper with 2”x6”x3/16” rectan9. You will have a two minute time limit to make an aggressive hit or restart your car gle tubbing. No loading inside of bumper. Must be able to see inside of bumper. Must or you will be disqualified. leave ends open, no pointing of the bumper. 10. All judges’ decisions are final. We may reject any or all entries at any time in the 21. All bumpers must not be lower than 18” from the bottom. No higher than 20” from derby, cars are subject to be re-inspected at any time. the bottom. Bumper heights will be enforced! 22. Body bushing and bolts must be original. If the body bolts are broken they can 11. Cars must be stock unless modifications are stated in these rules. If it doesn’t say be replaced with original type bolts only. You may replace front core support with 1" allyou can then DON’T DO IT! 12. All glass, chrome molding, hood latches, trailer hitches, gas tanks, and rear seats thread and one 3" spacer is allowed. must be removed before the car arrives at the fairgrounds. 23. Stock shocks only, cars must bounce. No shocks with springs. 13. The gas tank must be relocated behind the drivers seat, securely fastened and 24. You may run after market drive shafts. covered. All plastic tanks must be in a steel enclosure made out of 1/8 inch metal only. 25. You may use rear-end of choice, but it must fit into the car without any frame modThe steel enclosure can’t strengthen the car in any way. No gas tank protectors welded ifications. It must have 5 lug axles and can't be ¾ or ton rear-ends. No leaf springs under a coil spring car. to the cage. 26. Coil springs in the rear may be welded, wired, or chained to the rear end. No 14. Radiators must stay in the original location, factory condensers only, and they may be wired in, not welded. External transmission coolers are allowed but they cannot more than 5 leaf springs on any car. No all-thread or bolts is permitted through springs from rear-end to rail. No welding on leaf springs, no bolting, wiring, or welding of A frame strengthen the car in any way. You may run an electric fan. to make solid. 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 27. Motor and transmission of choice may be used. Engine cradles are permitted as long as they are bolted to block only, BUT NO PROTECTORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON ENGINE OR TRANSMISSION!!! Angle iron for the cross member to sit on can't be any longer than 6" and can only be welded to the inside frame rails, not the box stock type cross member only. 28. Two batteries of any size are allowed, but must be relocated to passenger side of front floor board, and securely fastened and covered, before inspection. 29. A four-point cage is recommended with an overhead bar. The cage must not extend any more than 8" past the front door and can't be welded to the frame. The cage can't be farther back than where the kick panel meets straight across, over, through or under the steering column and must be 5" from the center of the firewall. The cage can't run through the inside of the doors. Roll bars can't be slanted, must be straight across the roof and within 3" of the top. All bars must be welded to cage bars only, no down kickers. No bars can touch floor pan or be welded to floor pans. No wire or strap from cage to rails of any form. 30. All cars must have windshield protection, driver side only. 1" x 1" flat stock or 3/8" rod. Must have two and no more than three. 31. Tires must be at least 24" in height. 32. Cars MUST be done at inspection. 33. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AT ANYTIME!!!!! ALL DECISIONS ARE FINAL! SMALL CAR DEMOLITION DERBY - 6:00PM CST INSPECTION FROM 2:00PM TO 5:00PM CST 1. Two-wheel drive uni-body, four cylinder and V6 front and rear wheel drive. Wheel base must not exceed 105.5 inches. AMC products will be allowed. 2. Each driver will pay a front gate entry and a car entry before the car will be inspected. If your car does not pass, you may have one chance to fix the problem. The driver that registers the car must drive it. 3. Any driver, pit crew, family member, girlfriend, etc…that fights or argues with any official will cause the car and driver to be disqualified and escorted off the fair grounds. 4. NO ALCOHOL will be allowed in the fair grounds. 5. A helmet with a strap must be worn at all times while the driver is in the car, even if they are out of the derby. All cars must have working seatbelts in there factory location. 6. Any controversies or protests must be brought up at the drivers' meeting before the derby starts. There will be a $200.00 protest fee. 7. Double teaming and sandbagging….YOU WILL BE WARNED ONCE IN THE DRIVERS'MEETING, THE SECOND TIME YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! 8. If the driver door comes open at anytime you will be disqualified. 9. You will have a two minute time limit to make an aggressive hit or restart your car or you will be disqualified. 10. All judges' decisions are final. We may reject any or all entries at anytime in the derby, cars are subject to be re-inspected at anytime. 11. Cars must be stock unless modifications are stated in these rules. If it doesn’t say you can then DON’T DO IT! 12. All glass, chrome molding, hood latches, trailer hitches, gas tanks, and rear seats must be removed before the car arrives at the fairgrounds. 13. The gas tank must be relocated behind the driver's seat, securely fastened and covered. All plastic tanks must be in a steel enclosure. The 1/8" metal steel enclosure can't strengthen the car in any way. No gas tank protectors welded to the cage. 14. Radiators must stay in original location. No radiators can be fabricated for car, factory condensers only, and they may be wired in, not welded. External transmission coolers are allowed but can't strengthen the car. You may run an electric fan. 15. Stock type hoods can be fastened up to six places only using angle iron 2" x 2" x 3" ¼ inch thick with one bolt or chains only. Two of the places will be where the all thread comes through hood. Hoods must cover fan at all times. There must be a 12"x12" hole in the center of the hood. Hood needs to be opened for inspection. 16. Doors can be welded shut with a 5/16" rod or 1" wide ¼" thick flat stock or chained. Doors cannot be welded on the inside. 7 17. Trunk lids and tail gates must be welded in stock location up to six places only with a 5/16" rod or a 1" wide ¼ inch thick flat or straight welds, no longer than six inches long. Must be a 12"x12" hole in the center of trunk lid. 18. Trunk lids must be bolted in stock location no creasing, bending or tucking of trunk lid or quarter panels. THIS MEANS NO WEDGING OF THE CAR PERIOD AT ANY TIME DURING THE DERBY! 19. No welding on frame or body seams, no pinning, no pitching of frames. No painting of any kind on frames. If frames are rusty or bent no patching or welding is permitted. 20. Bumpers may be welded to frame only. Do not lengthen bumper shocks or replace by using pipe or any other steel. You may weld up bumper seams with a ¼ inch plate on back of bumper no loading the inside of bumpers, must be able to see inside. No rear bumper. You may substitute front bumper with a 2” x 6” x 3/16 rectangle tubing only period. No pointing of bumper, must leave ends open to see through. 21. All bumpers must not be lower than 16" from the bottom. No higher than 20" from the bottom. 22. Body bushing and bolts must be original. If the body bolts are broken or rusted they can be replaced with original type bolts only. 23. Stock shocks only, cars must bounce. No shocks with springs. 24. You may run after market drive shafts. 25. You may use rear-end of choice, but it must fit into the car without any frame modifications. It must have 5 lug axles and can't be ¾ or ton rear-ends.. No leaf springs under a coil spring car. 26. Coil springs in the rear may be welded, wired, or chained to the rear-end. No more than 7 leaf springs on any car. No all-thread or bolts is permitted through springs from rear-end to rail. 27. Motor and transmission of choice may be used. NO PROTECTORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON ENGINE OR TRANSMISSION!!! Angle iron for the cross member to sit on can't be any longer than 6" and can only be welded to the inside frame rails. Stock type cross member only. 28. Two batteries of any size are allowed, but must be relocated to passenger side of front floor board, and securely fastened and covered, before inspection. 29. A four-point cage is recommended with an overhead bar. The cage must not extend any more than 8" past the rear of the seat and can't be welded to the frame. Front must be no closer than 5" from the center of the firewall. The cage can't run through the inside of the doors. Roll bars can't be slanted they have to be straight up and down and no higher than 3" of the top. All bars must be welded to cage only, no down kickers. No bars can touch floor pan or be welded to floor pans. 30. All cars must have windshield protection, driver side only. 1" x 1" flat stock or 3/8" rod. Must have two and no more than three. 31. Tires must be at least 24" in height. 32. Cars MUST be done at inspection. 33. No pre-run cars. 34. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AT ANYTIME!!!! ALL DECISIONS ARE FINAL! STOCK CAR DEMOLITION DERBY - 6:00PM CST INSPECTION FROM 2:00PM TO 5:00PM CST 1. Any year Sedan or station wagons. No pre-run cars. No Imperials. 2. Each driver will pay a front gate entry and a car entry before the car will be inspected. If your car does not pass, you may have one chance to fix the problem. The driver that registers the car must drive it. 3. Any driver, pit crew, family member, girlfriend, etc…that fights or argues with any official will cause the car and driver to be disqualified and escorted off the fair grounds. 4. NO ALCOHOL will be allowed in the fair grounds. 5. A helmet with a strap must be worn at all times while the driver is in the car, even if they are out of the derby. All cars must have working seatbelts in their factory location. 6. Any controversies or protests must be brought up at the drivers' meeting before the derby starts. There will be a $200.00 protest fee. 7. Double teaming and sandbagging….YOU WILL BE WARNED ONCE IN THE DRIVERS'MEETING, THE SECOND TIME YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! 8 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 8. If the driver door comes open at anytime you will be disqualified. 9. You will have a two minute time limit to make an aggressive hit or restart your car or you will be disqualified. 10. All judges' decisions are final. We may reject any or all entries at anytime in the derby, cars are subject to be re-inspected at anytime. 11. Cars must be stock unless modifications are stated in these rules. If it doesn’t say you can then DON’T DO IT! 12. All glass, chrome molding, hood latches, trailer hitches, gas tanks, and rear seats must be removed before the car arrives at the fairgrounds. 13. The gas tank must be relocated behind the driver's seat, securely fastened and covered. All plastic tanks must be in a steel enclosure. The 1/8" metal steel enclosure can't strengthen the car in any way. No gas tank protectors welded to the cage. 14. Radiators must stay in original location. No radiators can be fabricated for car, factory condensers only, and they may be wired in, not welded. External transmission coolers are allowed but can't strengthen the car. You may run an electric fan. 15. Stock type hoods can be fastened up to six places only using angle iron 2" x 2" x 3" ¼ inch thick with one bolt or chains only. Two of the places will be where the all thread comes through hood. Hoods must cover fan at all times. There must be a 12"x12" hole in the center of the hood. Hood needs to be opened for inspection. 16. Doors can be welded shut with a 5/16" rod or 1" wide ¼" thick flat stock or chained. Doors cannot be welded on the inside. 17. Trunk lids and tail gates must be welded in stock location up to six places only with a 5/16" rod or a 1" wide ¼ inch thick flat or straight welds, no longer than six inches long. Must be a 12"x12" hole in the center of trunk lid. 18. Trunk lids must be bolted in stock location no creasing, bending or tucking of trunk lid or quarter panels. THIS MEANS NO WEDGING OF THE CAR PERIOD AT ANY TIME DURING THE DERBY! 19. No welding on frame or body seams, no pinning, no pitching of frames. No painting of any kind on frames. If frames are rusty or bent no patching or welding is permitted. 20. Bumpers may be welded to frame only. Do not lengthen bumper shocks or replace by using pipe or any other steel. You may weld up bumper seams with a ¼ inch plate on back of bumper no loading the inside of bumpers, must be able to see inside. 2015 No rear bumper. You may substitute front bumper with a 2” x 6” x 3/16 rectangle tubing only period. No pointing of bumper, must leave ends open to see through. 21. All bumpers must not be lower than 16" from the bottom. No higher than 20" from the bottom. 22. Body bushing and bolts must be original. If the body bolts are broken or rusted they can be replaced with original type bolts only. 23. Stock shocks only, cars must bounce. No shocks with springs. 24. You may run after market drive shafts. 25. You may use rear-end of choice, but it must fit into the car without any frame modifications. It must have 5 lug axles and can't be ¾ or ton rear-ends.. No leaf springs under a coil spring car. 26. Coil springs in the rear may be welded, wired, or chained to the rear-end. No more than 7 leaf springs on any car. No all-thread or bolts is permitted through springs from rear-end to rail. 27. Motor and transmission of choice may be used. NO PROTECTORS WILL BE ALLOWED ON ENGINE OR TRANSMISSION!!! Angle iron for the cross member to sit on can't be any longer than 6" and can only be welded to the inside frame rails. Stock type cross member only. 28. Two batteries of any size are allowed, but must be relocated to passenger side of front floor board, and securely fastened and covered, before inspection. 29. A four-point cage is recommended with an overhead bar. The cage must not extend any more than 8" past the rear of the seat and can't be welded to the frame. Front must be no closer than 5" from the center of the firewall. The cage can't run through the inside of the doors. Roll bars can't be slanted they have to be straight up and down and no higher than 3" of the top. All bars must be welded to cage only, no down kickers. No bars can touch floor pan or be welded to floor pans. 30. All cars must have windshield protection, driver side only. 1" x 1" flat stock or 3/8" rod. Must have two and no more than three. 31. Tires must be at least 24" in height. 32. Cars MUST be done at inspection. 33. No pre-run cars. 34. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AT ANYTIME!!!! ALL DECISIONS ARE FINAL! Kids Power Wheels Derby Saturday, May 30, 2015 Kids 8 years of age and under! In memory of Olene Chumbley 1937 - 2013 6:00 p.m. Central Time Contact Richard Kean (270) 566-0186 104 Industrial Dr Jamestown, KY 42629 Phone: (270) 343-4306 Customer Service Micah Baldock www.holstongases.com Chad & Amy Pendleton Owners (270) 858-9178 Russell Springs, KY [email protected] Andrews Auto Repair Billy Andrews, Owner 130 Lafavers Rd. Russell Springs, KY (270) 866-1892 Monday - Friday: 7:00 - 5:00 Saturday: 7:00 - 12:00 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 9 ~ S AT U R D AY, M a y 3 0 ~ LAWN MOWER DERBY 7:00 p.m. CST Entry Fee: $20 Guaranteed Payout: 1st - $300, 2nd - $200, 3rd - $100 When building your mower, keep in mind “safety first” for you and the other drivers. Before any payouts, we may ask to look inside the mower for any batteries or chain driven set ups or shafts type set ups. For information regarding derbys contact Richard Kean (270)566-0186 - Day of event (270)866-4070 LAWN MOWER DEMOLITION DERBY - 6:00PM CST 1. Mower must be a factory available mower lawn or garden mower (no homemade frames) 2. No Rear engine lawn mowers are allowed 3. Engine must be factory lawn mower engine such as Briggs& Stratton, Tecumseh, Onan, etc. 4. All modification and frame reinforcing will be allowed, except no fully enclosed lawn mowers or wedging or ramping of the front end. 5. Transaxles must be factory available mower transaxles but any reinforcing and/or welding of spider gears are permitted 6. Engine bay reinforcing is permitted but must be contained inside of hood and must maintain factory body lines 7. All mowers must run a factory hood and fenders and have the hood either screwed or welded down to dash panel around drivers area(note: if hood is fiberglass you can make one out of sheet metal only but must be the same size as the fiberglass one) 8. Mowers must have good brakes and forward and reverse gears at the start of the heat. 9. Gas tank must be under hood secured (any gas at all leaking and you will be disqualified) 10. Leg guards are mandatory and must be bolted and/or welded from rear fender to front of foot rest or frame (call?) 11. A rear bumper is permitted but is not allowed to extend more than 4 inches out and it must stay between the tires. Also no spikes, no sharp edges or sloped frontends allowed (bumper can be home made with I/H beam or sq tubing. (call?) 12. Regearing and changing of pulleys to increase speed is not permitted. NO FAST LAWNMOWERS!!!! 13. Any and all drive train modifications is permitted but must stay belt driven. Please do not change pully to speed lawnmower up. 14. All mowers must use lawn mower type wheels tractor treads and cut tires will be permitted but no tire chains or dual wheels will be allowed. 15. Mower decks must be removed 16. All headlights and any other glass and plastics must be removed before you enter the fairgrounds 17. Batteries must be removed from mower and only used to jump start the mower before the heat begins. If a pull start is used a driver will not be permitted to restart engine during the heat. 18. No front bumpers. You can build up the front of the frame and underneath the grill to hit with. The front of the mower must be a smooth finish for safety. 19. If lawn mower is a Roll-over driver is out of heat. Also, if a driver touches the ground with a hand or a foot, driver is also out of the heat. 20. For safety, if a mower does roll over, all drivers must stop and wait until that driver up-rights his mower and gets off the track. 21. Please put your number on each side of your mower or your helmet so we can track the winners. 22. All ground rules will be gone over in a mower drivers meeting before the heat. 23. Mower inspection will be done by you the drivers. But Jaycees will have final say. 24. IF IT LOOKS LIKE A TANK DON’T BRING IT! IT MUST STILL LOOK LIKE A LAWNMOWER, CAN NOT BE FULLY ENCLOSED! J&H STABLES Jason Hughes (270) 585-2294 Danny Hughes (270) 779-7550 MATTHEW LEVERIDGE Alicia Joy Fletcher, CPA Jason Collins, CPA Phone: (270) 866-5525 [email protected] Commonwealth’s Attorney ~ 57th Judicial Circuit P.O. Box 530 - Jamestown, KY 42629 Ph. 270-343-4744 \ Fax 270-343-4404 10 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ S U N D AY, M a y 3 1 ~ Free Gate Car, Tractor, & Motorcycle Show SPONSORS: The Fruit Market Blankenship Barber Shop 1:00 CST For more info contact: Billy Grider @ (270) 566-2944 Ross Morgan @ (270) 866-1251 No Entry fee Cash Drawings every 15 minutes, 50/50 Drawing KEITH OWENS CONSTRUCTION 509 S. Thornton Rd. • Russell Springs, KY 42642 (270) 507-6150 - Keith Owens Gospel singing in pavilion 2:00 CST J.C. Robertson & Group Plus More COE’S STEAK HOUSE Try one of our famous catfish dinners! 2961 E Highway 80 Russell Springs, KY 42642 Phone: (270) 866-9980 Jamestown Auto Sales Phillip Gaskin, Owner 1061 W. Cumberland Ave. Jamestown, KY 270-343-3827 www.jamestownautos.com Jasper and Hammond Appliances 1817 Lakeway Drive Russell Springs (270)866-3363 McKinney & Blair Insurance Part of a Perfect Day! 84 Steve Wariner Dr, Russell Springs KY 270-866-7080 Open Daily 5am - 11pm Jamestown - 343-3144 Russell Springs - 866-4242 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 11 ~ M O N D AY, J U N E 1 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR T A R T E R Working Harder Since 1945 P.O. Box 10 • Dunnville, KY 42528 • 606-787-7455 Championship Draft Horse & Mule Pull CHAMPIONSHIP DRAFT HORSE & MULE PULL - 5:00 P.M. Weigh In time 1:00 - 4:00 - Entry Fee $15.00 Overweight Draft Mule pulls Teams weighing 2511 and over Split Overweight Draft Horse pull Split will be based on teams’ weight the day of the pull Horse classes may be pulled together PRIZES 1st - $300/Plaque * 2nd - $220 * 3rd - $185 * 4th - $160 * 5th - $140 * 6th $110 * 7th - $90 * 8th - $60 * 9th - $40 Kentucky Law: Mules must have negative blood test for infectious anemia (Coggins Test) Test must be after June 1, 2010. All out of state mules must have a health certificate from an accredited veterinarian within 30 days of pull. RULES 1. Ropes 18 feet apart 2. One best distance out of three tries. Teamsters may spot sled on third pull. No original direction. 3. Overweight mules pull load 20 feet and horse classes pull load 27’6” for completed pull. In case of a tie placing reverts back to next best distance Carnival Opens - 6:00 p.m. Save a Lot Great Food Great Prices! TM Save up to 40% everyday on your total grocery bill 270-866-2992 238 East Steve Wariner Drive Russell Springs, KY 42642 World Finance Corporation 24 Caden Way Suite 1 Russell Springs, KY 270-866-4420 Loans ~ Taxes on that load. 4. Time limit of five minutes to cool and complete all three attempts from time team is hooked to sled. 5. After three attemtps to hook to sled you will lose one pull. 6. Any team considered dangerous or out of control by officials will be disqualified. 7. If a team gets completely away from any teamster then that team will be disqualified. 8. Only four men per team including driver. Any more than four inside ropes will lose one pull for each offense. 9. There will be no whipping or punching allowed in or out of the ring area after the pulling contest starts or you will be penalized one pull for each offense. 10. If you are on or over the ropes you will be disqualified for that pull. 11. Teamsters have a time limit of three minutes to have the team to the sled after being called or they will be penalized one pull. 12. When weighing mules/horses the animal must come to a complete stop on the scales or not weight will be read, and all animals will be weighed facing the same direction, no arguing with the weigh man. 13. When sled stops, whistle will be blown. 14. Decisions of judges will be final. For more information, contact Eddie Copley at 270-507-6226 KISSEL ENTERTAINMENT http://www.kisselentertainment.com Russell County Sheriff Clete McAninch and Staff Thanks Jaycees for a great fair! 12 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ M o n d a y, J u n e 1 ~ RUSSELL COUNTY JAYCEES FAIR KOTTPA TRUCK, TRACTOR DIESEL PULLS Monday, June 1, 2015 • 7:00pm CST • Sanctioned Classes ONLY • Mini Trucks • Pro-Street 2WD • Pro-Stock 2WD • Pro-Stock Diesel • Hot Farm Tractors • 2.5 Limited Street Diesel Sled and Scales by Southern Express SPONSORS: Kimbler Plumbing and Toilet Rental, Voils Farm, Lake Cumberland CDL, Pro Clean, D & R Live Stock, CJR Squared Farms, Hubbard’s Building Supply BARNETT CONSTRUCTION Bulldozer ~ Loader ~ Backhoe ~ Trencher Darrell Barnett (270) 866-0724 S. Hwy. 127 Russell Springs, KY CAREY’S PENNZOIL & FIVE STAR MUFFLER Dale Carey, Owner (270) 866-5244 H&S Gate INC. Russell Springs (270) 866-4900 (888) 277-6112 Mighty Dollar Everything’s a $1.00 (270) 858-3800 (270)866-4255 310 Steve Dr. STE 4 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 13 ~ T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 ~ FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND KENTUCKY COUNTIES, COOPERATING University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. RUSSELL CO. EXTENSION OFFICE • 2688 SOUTH HWY. 127 • RUSSELL SPRINGS, KY 42642 • 270-866-4477 • FAX 270-866-8645 4-H Floral Hall Entries June 2015 GENERAL RULES FOR 4-H ENTRIES: Apply to all 4-H Club Exhibitors and/or Exhibits Russell County Fair 2015 Christy Martin, County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Kentucky State Fair General Rules applying to all 4-H Exhibits except livestock listed previously in the State Fair catalog. 1. Age—any 4-H member who has passed his/her 9th birthday or is in the 4th grade as of December 31, 2014 but has not passed his/her 18th birthday as of January 1 of the current year. Juniors are ages 9-13 and seniors are 14-18. 2. Residence—Entry in the 4-H Section is open only to 4-H members residing in Russell County. 3. Exhibitors must conform to the: a) General rules listed here plus general rules of the State Fair catalog and b) Specific rules governing the department in which the entries are made. 4. 4-Hers can enter in only one unit under each lot #. (Exception: 4-Her can enter in Division A and Division B of Arts and Crafts lot #.) Exhibitors can enter only one item in each class. 5. Entries are to be made in the name of 4-H participant and the work of the 4-H member. Neither the Russell County Jaycees nor the Extension Office will be responsible for any loss or damage to the exhibitor or the spectators; however, the utmost care will be used to prevent loss or injury. 6. All entries must meet minimum standards to receive a ribbon. Exhibits unfit for show or of such low standard as to make questionable their right to compete will be declared ineligible and no award will be paid on them. All entries must be identified with labels securely attached. 7. The Danish System of judging will be used with the top entry in each class designated. Awards will be based upon a ratio of 4X for blue ribbons, 3X for red, and 2X for white in these classes eligible for premium money. (Does not apply to livestock.) Class champions receive same premium as a blue ribbon winner in that class. 8. Exhibit entries which do not meet all of the requirements will be judged and receive a blue, red, or white ribbon but will not be considered for unit or class champions or any other special awards. Any exceptions to this are listed with the rules for the lot to which they pertain. 9. All gardening exhibits must be the work of the 4-H member. 10. Entries eligible for entry in the Kentucky State Fair will have a special designation. 4-H Dog Poster Educational poster must relate to dogs. Poster should have one theme or slogan that promotes a breed or project or educates the viewer about a dog project activity. Examples of topics include but are not limited to showing/grooming/caring for your dog, dog health, nutrition, and breed characteristics. Posters should be simple and focus on one message. Participants may use a variety of media, however 3-dimensional posters will not be allowed. Posters must be 24”x30”. Posters must be made on mat board or foam core board. No posters on regular ply poster board will advance to the KY State Fair. Resource information should be attached to the back of the poster. Resources may be in an envelope attached to the back with your name and county listed and the class. Copyrighted characters such as Snoopy, Charlie Brown, or other cartoon characters cannot be used. On back of poster, write your name, county, and class. DOG 538 Junior (age 9-13) Educational Dog Poster DOG 539 Senior (age 14-18) Educational Dog Poster 4-H Horticulture & Plant Science All plants should have been grown by the 4-H member. Exhibits should not have pesticide residue. Plants are entered at your own risk of damage. Containers should not use garden soil; plants should be grown in well-drained, disease-free potting soil. HORT 565 Terrarium made by the 4-H member (Must be in a closed container.) HORT 567 Vegetable container gardens (grown in container – not dug out of the garden) HORT 569 House plant grown by the 4-H member HORT 570 Hanging basket grown by the 4-H member HORT 571 Herb Container Garden 4-H Field Crops Hay must be bound with cord or twine. Only ½ bales of hay will be accepted. Legume hay shall consist of 85% of the class designated legume. Grass hay shall be 85% of the class-designated grass. Mixed hay should contain only one eligible grass and one eligible legume. The legume component shall be at least 30% alfalfa and not more than 70% legume. Eligible legumes are alfalfa, red clover, and ladino clover. Eligible grasses are timothy, broom grass, orchard grass, tall fescue, and rye grass. Grain samples must be of good quality and free from foreign matter. Grain sample cannot have excess chaff, rodent pellets, mold, musty, foreign materials, or anything that makes it unsuitable for display. Grain must be in one (1) gallon zipper-style bags. Roots of soybeans must be washed. May enter only one exhibit per class. CROP 600 Alfalfa hay, ½ bale from current year’s project crop, neatly tied and labeled. CROP 601 Red clover hay, ½ bale from current year’s project crop, neatly tied and labeled. CROP 602 Timothy hay, 1/2 bale from current year’s project crop, neatly tied and labeled. Place hay in double strength plastic/garbage bag. 14 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES CROP 602 Timothy hay, 1/2 bale from current year’s project crop, neatly tied and labeled. Place hay in double strength plastic/garbage bag. CROP 604 Mixed hay, ½ bale from current year’s project crop, neatly tied and labeled. CROP 605 Yellow-ear corn, from the previous year’s crop, 8 ears shucked, and labeled with variety and yield. CROP 607 Yellow-shelled corn, from the previous year’s crop, 0.5 gallon in a container, and labeled to show variety and yield. CROP 608 White-ear corn, from the previous year’s crop, 8 ears shucked, and labeled with variety and yield. CROP 610 White-shelled corn, from the previous year’s crop, 0.5 gallon in a container, and labeled to show variety and yield. CROP 611 White Popcorn-ear, from the previous year’s crop, 8 ears shucked, and labeled with variety and yield. CROP 612 Red Popcorn-ear, from the previous year’s crop, 8 ears shucked, and labeled with variety and yield. CROP 613 Yellow Popcorn-ear, from the previous year’s crop, 8 ears shucked, and labeled with variety and yield. CROP 614 Soybeans from the current year’s crop, 3 stalks tied together below leaves, with roots intact, but free of soil, and labeled to show variety CROP 615 Soybeans from the previous year’s project crop. Place in 1 gallon zippered plastic bag and label to show variety and yield. CROP 619 Sweet sorghum from current year’s crop, three stalks tied together below leaves, with roots intact, but free of soil. Label to show variety. CROP 620 Wheat (soft, red, winter) from the current year’s crop, 0.5 gallon in a container, and labeled to show variety and yield. CROP 621 Barley from the current year’s crop, 0.5 gallon in a container, and labeled to show variety and yield. 4-H Electric Exhibits must be made according to the 4-H project book. May enter only one exhibit per class. All exhibits requiring bulbs must have the correct size. No cord that has been bought in a store and later repaired may be entered. The use of molded plug-ins is discouraged. ELEC 645 Battery-powered series and parallel circuits (Circuits must include both series and parallel, a simple switch and can be no more than 9 volts.) ELEC 654 Table, desk, or floor lamp – original design. (No pop can lamps.) 4-H Wood Science May enter only one exhibit per class. Wood science project must be made by the 4-H youth. Please use appropriate fasteners and sanding. WOOD 674 Wood Science, Level 1 from a kit Simple items which have pre-cut and pre-drilled parts and youth demonstrate knowledge of assembly, selection and use of fasteners (nails, screws, and/or glue), sanding techniques, and appropriate finishes. (Examples: small birdhouse, non-hopper bird feeder) Item must demonstrate skill with fasteners, sanding, and appropriate finish. (No puzzles.) WOOD 675 Wood Science, Level 1 not from a kit Simple constructed wood item showing knowledge of hand tools, wood selection, cutting, drilling, use of fasteners, sanding techniques, and appropriate finishes. (Examples: napkin holder, letter holder, simple picture frame, wire wiggly, towel holder, serving tray, jewelry box, small flag holder, 4-H book ends, airplane, hurricane lamp, trivet, pine wood cars) Item must demonstrate skill with fasteners, sanding, and appropriate finish. (No puzzles.) WOOD 676 Wood Science, Level 2 from a kit More elaborate items which require proper cutting, drilling and youth demonstrate knowledge of selection and skill in use of fasteners (nails, screws, and/or glue), sanding techniques, and appropriate finishes. (Examples: pine wood car, large bird house, jewelry box) Item must demonstrate skill with fasteners, sanding, and appropriate finish. (No puzzles.) WOOD 677 Wood Science, Level 2 not from a kit More elaborate items that demonstrate mastered skills with hand tools, basic knowledge of power tools, fastening options, appropriate surface preparations, and finish applications. (Examples: foot stool, puzzle, revolving tie rack, 4-H key holder, cutting board, book rack, serving dish shelf, hopper-type birdfeeder) WOOD 678 Wood Science, Level 3 not from a kit Items showing a more advanced knowledge of power tools, expertise in cutting, fitting, surface preparation, attention to fastening details, and finish application (Examples: multi-purpose box, corner shelf, book shelf or laminated wood projects, garden bench, planting box, nail and tool box, shop tool rack & shelf, etc.) Original designs are welcome. This exhibit is to made up of two parts: 1) the item and 2) a folder containing photographic documentation of the steps taken in order to complete this exhibit. 4-H Entomology ENTO 687 Insect Collection, 1st year project Collections must contain 25-50 specimens in at least four different orders. Identification beyond order is not necessary. All specimens must have date and locality label. Honey should be in oval, flat-sided to square clear glass containers (standard honey jars). The jars and lids must be clean. Fill jars to within ½ inch of top. Two containers of honey must be submitted for all honey classes. ENTO 696 should use wide-mouth mason jars or wide-mouth honey jars. ENTO 692 Two one pound containers of white extracted honey ENTO 693 Two one pound containers of light amber extracted honey ENTO 694 Two one pound containers of amber extracted honey ENTO 695 Two one pound containers of dark amber extracted honey ENTO 696 Two wide mouth quart jars of chunk honey, any color 4-H Forestry Exhibitors must have the correct number of specimens requested per class. FORS 703 Leaf Collection Collection of 10 leaves representing 10 forest trees found in Kentucky. Mounting instructions in the unit 1 forestry project book activity 1 must be followed. Contact Extension Office to obtain instructions. FORS 704 Leaf Print Collection Collect and print 10 leaves representing 10 forest trees found in Kentucky. Instructions in the unit 1 forestry project book activity 3 must be followed. Contact Extension Office to obtain instructions. 4-H Crafts May enter only one item per class. All items must have been made since the last Russell Co. Fair. All items that are easily separated or destroyed may be placed in a clear plastic bag. Junior classes are for ages 9-13; senior classes include ages 14-18. CRAFT 727 Junior Jewelry Beadwork – One piece of jewelry created by youth. Jewelry quality only. Glass, clay or wooden beads (painted or carved) permitted only. No kits or pony beads allowed. 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 15 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES CRAFT 728 Senior Jewelry Beadwork – One set (at least two items) of jewelry created by youth. Jewelry quality only. No kits or pony beads allowed. No elastic material used to string beads. Glass, clay, or wooden beads (painted or carved) permitted only. Examples: earrings and necklace, bracelet and necklace, etc. CRAFT 729 Junior Folk Art – One item that has paint for decorative or craft purpose other than canvas or paper. No clothing permitted! (Examples: painted gourds, painted stools, or painted boxes) CRAFT 730 Senior Folk Art – One item that has paint for decorative or craft purpose other than canvas or paper. No clothing permitted! (Examples: painted gourds, painted stools, or painted boxes) CRAFT 731 Junior Weaving – One pair of placemats, pot holders (pair), or one small wall hanging that is made through various weaving techniques using mixed media fibers, no plastic materials allowed. Baskets are not included in this category. Wall hangings must be mounted and ready for hanging. CRAFT 732 Senior Weaving – One item (rug, belt, stool with woven seat, or wall hanging) made through various weaving techniques using mixed media fibers, no plastic allowed. Baskets are not included in this category. Wall hangings must be mounted and ready for hanging. CRAFT 733 Junior Nature Craft – Item made from natural materials only. No kits allowed! If wall hanging or wreath, item must include wire or hooks and be ready for hanging. CRAFT 734 Senior Nature Craft – Wall wreath or hand carved native materials made from natural materials only. No kits allowed! Must include wire or hooks and be ready for hanging. CRAFT 735 Junior Basket Making – Basket made from natural materials; any size, shape, or design. Non-natural materials may be woven into design. CRAFT 736 Senior Basket Making -- Basket made from natural materials; any size, shape, or design. Non-natural materials may be woven into design. CRAFT 737 Junior Leather Craft – Item made from leather. May or may not be tooled. Kits allowed. CRAFT 738 Senior Leather Craft -- Item made from leather. May or may not be tooled. No kits allowed. CRAFT 743 Junior Ceramics – Item that is precast and has been fired. CRAFT 744 Senior Ceramics – Item that is precast and has been fired CRAFT 745 Junior Scrapbooking – One scrapbook page including 2-4 pictures. Page must include captions or journaling. Page must be placed in a plastic page protector. CRAFT 746 Senior Scrapbooking – One scrapbook page including 2-4 pictures and embellishments (i.e. stickers, lettering, designs). Page must include captions or journaling. Page must be placed in a plastic page protector. CRAFT 747 Junior Decoupage – Any item using the decoupage process. If appropriate, must use wire or hook to be ready for hanging. CRAFT 748 Senior Decoupage – Any item using the decoupage process. If appropriate, must use wire or hook to be ready for hanging. CRAFT 749 Junior Paper Crafts – Item made from any source of paper including but not limited to stamping, handmade note card, brown sack lunch bag scrapbook, gift box, etc. CRAFT 750 Senior Paper Crafts – Item made from any source of paper including but not limited to stamping, handmade note card, brown sack lunch bag scrapbook, gift box, etc. 4-H Art/Paintings May enter only one exhibit per class. Items must have been made since the last Russell Co. Fair. Pictures or other hanging items must have an attached hanger that will support the weight of the art or frame. Do not use wire hooks taped to the back. Art must hang by an attached wire or hook ONLY for KY State Fair. Entries must be labeled as to whether they are an original design, made from a pattern, or made from a purchased kit. No paint-by-number will be accepted! Subject-matter must be “family friendly.” Drawings and paintings must be mounted on mat board and framed with Plexiglas over the artwork. (No glass.) Stretched canvas artwork cannot be considered for entry in Kentucky State Fair. ART 751 Junior Acrylic/Oil Painting -- Items made through the process of painting on paper or canvas, using any acrylic or oil process. No kits, original work only. ART 752 Senior Acrylic/Oil Painting Same as above. ART 753 Junior Watercolor Painting – Items that are made through the process of painting on paper or canvas, using any watercolor process. ART 754 Senior Watercolor Painting Same as above. ART 755 Junior Color Drawing -- Items made through the use of drawing lines using pen, pencil, pastel, charcoal, markers, or chalk. ART 756 Senior Color Drawing Same as above. ART 757 Junior Black & White Drawing Items made through the use of drawing lines using pen, pencil, charcoal, markers, or chalk. No additional colors added. ART 758 Senior Black & White Drawing Same as above. 4-H Photography May enter only one exhibit per class. All pictures must be made since the last Russell Co. Fair. Photos may be either color or black and white unless otherwise stated. Digital images may be submitted in all classes, unless otherwise stated. All classes with one photograph should be mounted on 10x16” WHITE mat board (no poster board or foam core board). Single photographs are limited to a maximum size of 8x12”. All classes with multiple photographs should be mounted on 16x20” WHITE mat board (no poster board or foam core board). Single photograph categories may also be framed, but if photograph is selected for Kentucky State Fair entry, it must be mounted on mat board. Each picture should be mounted securely. Photos must be mounted on white mat board. Rubber cement or dry mounting tissue is recommended. Do NOT use photo mounting corners. Pictures may be cropped (trimmed). (Suggestion: For best display, single photography categories present best at an 8”x10” size.) Absolutely no writing on the front of the mat board. Do not mount any pictures in the lower right-hand corner. PHOTO 760 Single photo with the subject being a personal interest as the main focus of the picture PHOTO 761 Sequence (a series of actions to “tell a story”) of three photographs; of one subject; a personal interest should be the main focus of the pictures. PHOTO 762 Single photo of still life or an arrangement of inanimate objects. The picture may contain other elements, but the main aspect or feature of the picture should be the still life. (Still life is the arrangement of inanimate objects/things that have never been alive like rocks, buttons, toy collection, etc.) 16 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES PHOTO 763 Single photo of an animal PHOTO 764 Collection of three photos showing different points of view of the same subject PHOTO 765 Single photo of an interesting building in Russell County PHOTO 771 Single photo of a person (portrait) PHOTO 772 Single photo of landscape or seascape (This is defined as a view of natural scenery in a single view of the camera’s lens. It can include mountains, rivers, lakes, and whatever the land contains such as trees, flowers, grasses, etc. A seascape is photographs taken at the ocean/sea.) PHOTO 777 Digital Collage – multiple images cropped, resized, and combined into one digital image no larger than 8”x12” print (recommended 180-360 dpi) PHOTO 778 Digital Illustration – single photograph that has been heavily edited or enhanced. Modifications may include cropping, sharpening or blurring, brightness or contrast changes, addition to or the removal of parts of the image, changes in the color scheme of the image, the use of filters or effects. Photography should be 8”x10”. In addition, attach to the back of the mat board, a copy of the original image and a page describing the editing technique(s) used. PHOTO 780 Single black and white photo of a flower PHOTO 781 Single color photo of a flower 4-H Sewing May enter only one exhibit per class. Items must be clean. Items must be hand-made; no ready-to-wear/factory items will be accepted for judging. If a complete outfit is required, it requires item(s) that cover the top and bottom of the body. To be considered a top, a jacket or robe, it must include a front closure. Open front tops that require an under shirt do not count as a complete outfit unless the under shirt is also constructed by the member. Junior Categories for ages 9-13 include SEW 789 – 792 SEW – 789 Unit 1 Clothing Option Shorts, pants, or skirt with casing waistline (elastic or drawstring). Items must be made from woven fabric and include straight machine stitching and a casing or machine-stitched hem. SEW – 790 Unit 1 Non-clothing option Backpack/Tote with drawstring or fabric handles OR laundry bag with drawstring (no zipper). Items must be made from woven fabric and include straight machine stitching and a casing or machine stitch hem. SEW – 791 Unit 2 Clothing Option Skirt, shorts or pants with zipper and a waistband or facing. Must be made from a woven fabric and must have enclosed seams, appropriate seam finish, interfacing, and zipper. SEW – 792 Unit 2 Non-clothing Option Zippered tote bag, purse or gym bag with zipper and self-fabric straps or handles. Must be made from a woven fabric and must have enclosed seams, appropriate seam finish, interfacing, and zipper. SEW – 799 Upcycle It (Junior ages 9-13) Item sewn from recycled/repurposed garments and documentation folder. Sew a garment or fashion accessory from previously worn garments. Recycled fabric is to be the major component of the item. Recycled garments may be castoffs from the member’s family or friends or purchased at a yard sale or similar low-cost source. DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. In documentation include the following: your name, your county, the name of the unit, class entered, number of years you have been sewing; a “before” photo of all recycled items used; source of the recycled garment; how the design was created; and any design drawings that were used in the creation. Place documentation in a folder or plastic sheet protector. “Deconstructed” t-shirts which do not include sewing skills do not fit in this class. Items for the home do NOT fit this class. Items which do not include sewing as a major means of reconstruction are not eligible for this class. See publication: http://4-h.ca.uky.edu/node/113. Click on Up Cycle. This class is for ages 9-13 with sewing skills. Senior Categories for ages 14-18 include SEW 799 – 810 SEW 800 Let’s Be Casual Clothing Option 1 or 2 piece complete casual outfit made from knit or woven fabric such as dress, top and bottom, simple pajama, or robe. SEW 801 Let’s Be Casual Non-clothing Option 2 coordinating fashion accessories from the following list: wallet, garment bag, purse, backpack, or duffle bag. At least one piece must have a zipper. SEW 802 Dress It Up 1 or 2 piece dressy outfit, such as a dress, suit, pantsuit, sport coat and slacks. Fabric choice may be woven, knit, or a combination of the two. SEW 803 Match It Up – Clothing Option 3-4 piece coordinated outfit, One item must be made from each group: (1) shorts, pants, skirt; (2) top, blouse, shirt; (3) vest, jacket, sweater. At least one piece is required to have regulation set in sleeves. Fabric choice may be woven, knit, or a combination of the two. An accessory item may be included as the fourth piece. SEW 804 Match It Up – Non-clothing Option 3 or 4 piece coordinating luggage/travel accessories set. Each piece must have an applied border/trim, pocket, and zipper. SEW 805 Creative Expression – Clothing Option Construct a complete outfit for one of the following activities: (1) Halloween, theater, or historic costume; (2) Uniform for medical, cheerleader, dancer, etc.; (3) riding apparel SEW 808 Formal Affair 1 or 2 piece complete outfit (such as a prom dress, bridesmaid dress, or tuxedo). Fabric choice may be woven, knit, or a combination of the two. SEW 809 Tailor Made of Wool Suit, jacket, or coat made from 100% wool or at least 60% wool blend fabric. Traditional or speed tailoring techniques must be used to create structure in the areas of the neck, shoulder, and hemlines. Do not include non-wool/wool blend coordinates. This class is for ages 14-18. SEW 810 Upcycle It (Seniors ages 14-18) Item sewn from recycled/repurposed garments and documentation folder. Sew a garment or fashion accessory from previously worn garments. Recycled fabric is to be the major component of the item. Recycled garments may be castoffs from the member’s family/friends or purchased at a yard sale or similar low cost source. Additional documentation is required. Additional documentation includes the following: your name, your county name, the name of the unit, class entered, number of years you have been sewing; a “before” photo of all recycled items used; source of the recycled garment; how the design was created; and any design drawings that were used in the creation. Place documents in a folder or plastic sheet protector. “Deconstructed” t-shirts which do not include sewing skills do not fit in this class. Items for the home do not fit in this class. Items that do not include sewing as a major means of reconstruction are not eligible for this class. See publication: http://4-h.ca.uky.edu/node/114. Click on Up Cycle. (This class is for ages 14-18 with sewing skills.) 4-H Crochet May enter only one exhibit per class. Item must be hand-crocheted using traditional crochet skills with crochet hooks. Item must have been completed since the last Russell Co. Fair. 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 17 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES May enter only one exhibit per class. Item must be hand-crocheted using traditional crochet skills with crochet hooks. Item must have been completed since the last Russell Co. Fair. CRO 813 Item(s) made of medium weight yarn and single and/or double crochet stitches Such as: scarf, purse, belt, hat, pillow, two washcloths (made from cotton yarn), afghan, shawl, vest or pair of slippers. CRO 814 Item made with novelty yarn and single and/or double crochet stitches. Scarf, purse, belt, hat, pillow, afghan, shawl, vest, or pair of slippers. Item must be made of novelty yarn (yarn other than worsted weight). CRO 815 Item(s) made of granny squares. May use any weight of yarn. 4-H Embroidery May enter only one exhibit per class. May enter only one class based on age and skill level. Items must be clean to be accepted for judging. Items must have been completed since the last Russell Co. Fair. All embroidery projects must be a completed/finished item (examples: framed piece, pillow, wall hanging, pot holder, eye glass holder, etc.) or can be created on a purchased item (i.e. Pillowcase, clothing, tote bag, purse, bib, dishtowel, etc.) Items may be made from purchased kits that meet the individual project guidelines. Please attach copy of pattern with item. The sizes mentioned in the classes (such as 5” x 7”) relate to the amount/surface area of stitching, not the size of the fabric, frame, or finished item. EMBR 818 Item using one type of embroidery stitch from the following: - Embroidered item made with a single color of floss. Must use the stem stitch and have an embroidered area equivalent to 5¨ x 7¨ or larger. - Cross stitched design stamped on plain woven fabric and have an embroidered area equivalent to 5¨ x 7¨ or larger. - Cross stitched border using a design stamped on plain woven fabric that has an embroidered area equivalent to 2¨ x 16¨ or larger. - Cross stitched item using .1/4¨ checked gingham fabric and have embroidered area equivalent to 5¨ x 7¨ or larger. The design was stitched by following a chart or graph of the design, not stamped or drawn on the fabric. EMBR 819 Item using multiple types of embroidery stitches from the following: - Candlewicking design stamped on plain woven fabric. Must include stem/outline, satin, and colonial knot stitches and have an embroidered area equivalent to 5¨ x 7¨ or larger. - Free embroidery on plain woven fabric or felt. Must include three or more of the following different stitches (stem/outline, lazy daisy, running, straight, French knot, satin, blanket, chain, or back stitch). Must have an embroidered area equivalent to 5¨ x 7¨ or larger. EMBR 820 Item of charted embroidery using large cross or snowflake stitches from the following: - Cross stitch on . inch gingham and have an embroidered area equivalent to 5¨ x 7¨ or larger - Counted cross stitch on 11 count Aida cloth and have an embroidered area equivalent to 5¨ x 7¨ or larger - Snowflake embroidery (Chicken Scratch) on 1/4 inch or smaller checked gingham fabric with an embroidered area of 5¨ x 7¨ or larger. EMBR 821 Item of crewel embroidery Crewel embroidery design on linen or cotton twill fabric using crewel or Persian yarn. Must have an embroidered area equivalent to 6¨ x 8¨ or larger. EMBR 822 Item of charted embroidery using a specialty cloth from the following: - Item of counted cross stitch on 14 count Aida cloth or other fabric using waste canvas. Must have an embroidered area equivalent to 5¨ x 7¨ or larger. - Item of Huck embroidery on Huck toweling creating a minimum of 2 inch wide border design. This type of embroidery design is worked around surface floats that are characteristic of this type of fabric. - Item of Swedish weaving on Monk’s cloth creating a minimum of 6 inch wide border design. This type of embroidery design is worked around surface floats that are characteristic of this type of fabric. 4-H Knitting May enter only one exhibit per class. May enter only one class based on age and skill level. Items must be clean to be accepted for judging. Items must be hand knit using knitting needles. Machine knitting, arm knitting, finger knitting, and loom knitting are not acceptable in the knitting classes. Items must have been completed since the last Russell Co. Fair. KNIT 824 Small/simple knitted item(s) Hat, pillow, purse, scarf, belt, doll afghan, or two dish cloths using worsted weight yarn. Solid color or variegated yarn may be used. Washcloths should be made from worsted weight cotton yarn. Items are limited to those that include garter stitch, stockinette stitch, and/or ribbing stitch. Items made on a knitting machine or loom do not fit in this class. KNIT 825 Knitted scarf created from any novelty/decorative yarn. Scarf must be at least 24 inches long. Items made on a knitting machine or loom do not fit in this class. KNIT 826 Larger/simple knitted item(s) Hat and scarf; a pair of mittens; a pair of slippers; a shawl; or an afghan (minimum size 36” x 36”). May use yarn other than worsted weight yarn. Two colors and one pattern stitch may be used in addition to garter stitch, stockinette stitch, and/or ribbing stitch. Items made on a knitting machine or loom do not fit in this class. KNIT 827 Knitted project focused on Shape. Exhibit one item or a pair of items using pick up stitches, multiple color changes (stripes or duplicate stitch), and/or circular knitting. Item must include increase or decrease. May use yarn other than worsted weight yarn. Ideas for exhibit are gloves, mittens, hat, socks, leggings, stuffed toy, skirt, sweater, or vest. Items made on a knitting machine or loom do not fit in this class. 4-H Tatting/Lacework TAT 830 One Thread Tatting Tatted item or item embellished with tatted edging or tatted motifs using a tatting needle or shuttle and thread. Item should include rings with picots and double stitches only. Item to which tatting is attached may be purchased, made by 4H member, or made by someone else. Judging is based on tatting and quality of workmanship in attaching the item. 4-H Quilting QUILT 833 Quilted Mat (12”x12” finished size) Exhibit a 2 x 2 “quilt” made with four six-inch squares. At least 2 of the 6” squares must be patchwork designs in which square and/or rectangle pieces are pieced together (do not include triangle pieces). Piecing technique: stitch by hand or sewing machine. Quilting technique: machine tack or hand tie, stitch by hand or use a conventional sewing machine (Do not use a long arm quilting machine or hooped embroidery machine.) 4-H Foods Can only enter one item per class. Food should be placed on a white disposable plate and placed inside of a re-closable zipper-style bag. Entries must be made using 4-H recipes which are available at the Russell Co. Extension Office. Please let all food items cool completely before placing them in zippered bag. 18 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES FOOD 841 Colossal cookies -3 (Cookies may be ¼ c. portions as specified in the recipe or 1/8 c. portions which produce smaller cookies.) FOOD 842 Homemade brownies (2” squares; no corner pieces) - 3 FOOD 843 Chocolate-chip muffins – 3 FOOD 845 Cornmeal Muffins -- 3 FOOD 848 Rolled baking powder biscuits made with 2” cutter (no drop) – 3 FOOD 851 Banana bread – ½ loaf 4-H Home Environment May enter only one exhibit per class. All entries should have been made since the last Russell Co. Fair. All entries must have a functional use in the home. HE 887 Color collage -- A collage of color created by the 4-H member to depict colors liked by the member. A collage is made up of a collection of objects (such as paper, fabric, wrapping paper, wallpaper, carpet, or other materials) artistically arranged and adhered to a mat board or foam core board. (Must be ready to hang with appropriate hardware attached.) HE 888 Texture collage – A texture collage is a collection of textured items or rubbings of textured items artistically arranged and adhered to mat board or foam core board. (Must be ready to hang with appropriate hardware attached.) HE 889 Transparent finish applied to small wood object. Apply a clear finish such as tung oil or penetrating seal or polyurethane which does not contain stain to a small wood object such as a bowl, tray, cutting board, board game or small box. Items finished with paint do not fit in this category. (Do not put stain on item; it must have a natural finish.) HE 890 Simple cloth item for the home. (Sewing machine may be used but is not required) Examples include: decorative pillow, table cloth, laundry bag, place mats, draped valance with accompanying photo showing end results, footstool with a seat made of woven fabric, fabric applied to an item such as a box, plate, or lampshade. (Unacceptable items for this category include purses, tote bags, backpacks, duffle bags.) HE 891 Waste basket; decorated by 4-H member HE 892 Bulletin board (Must be ready to hang with appropriate hardware attached.) HE 893 Decorative item for the home and photo – Decorative item created by the 4-H member; include a photo showing how the item fits into the home décor. (Such as latch hook rug, wreaths, etc.) HE 894 Simple wood item refinished by 4-H Youth. Should have straight lines with no elaborate carvings or turnings. EX: refinish a footstool, children’s furniture, small box, tray, picture frame, bookshelves, or plant stand. Documentation is to include a “before” photo with explanation of how the item was refinished must be securely attached. HE 895 Cloth item for the home created using a sewing machine – examples for this class include hemmed tablecloth or table runner, wall hanging, pillow case, fabric shower curtain, laundry bag, valance, or curtains. (Unacceptable items include purses, tote bags, backpacks, and duffle bags.) HE 896 Design an invitation card and thank you letter/note for a sleepover, birthday party, or other occasion of your choice. Cards/letters may be created with computer software or handwritten. Invitation card must be the 4-H member’s original artwork, computer-generated art, purchased or found decorative items. The message written in the invitation card is more important than the decorations. Card should be designed on cardstock paper. Write your name and county on the back of the invitation card and place the card in a plastic sheet protector. (Please use fictitious name and address and contact information on the invitation and thank you card.) HE 898 Table Setting – This exhibit is made up of two parts: 1) the table set- ting and 2) a color photo of diagram of the table setting showing how it should be arranged. Include centerpiece, plate, beverage container(s), and table linen appropriate to theme or event chosen. Flatware (knife, fork, and spoon) must be included in the photo/diagram showing how all of the items are arranged, but do not send flatware to the fair. Place your name and county on tape and put on every part of the table setting in a place hidden from the public while it is on display. HE 900 Old or discarded item made useful in a new way as a home accessory. The exhibit must include the item AND documentation of a “before” photo, an explanation of how the item was made useful again in a new way, the materials used, and cost and time involved in the project. Examples: old silverware flattened and made into wind chimes, scrap wood pieces made into wall art, old lace doily attached to a pillow or framed, old tool box cleaned up and made into a TV stand. HE 909 Room Floor Plan This exhibit is to be made up of two parts: 1) a mounted printout of a room and 2) a folder of the documentation described below. Use the Better Homes and Gardens web site (www.bhg.com/decorating/arrange-a-room) or similar software to draw a room (scale: 1 square = 1foot). Include a door(s), window(s), and furniture. Print in color or black and white. (Minimum size is 8.5” by 11”; maximum size is 11” by 17”.) Mount the printout on mat board or foam core board. Documentation should include answers to these questions: 1) Is the room that you have drawn similar to a room in your house? What are the dimensions? How many square feet are in the room? 2) Did you have problems with the web site or software? If so, how did you solve them? 3) Tell about how you worked with the items in your room such as walls, windows, doors, and furniture. HE 910 House Floor Plan This exhibit is to be made up of two parts: 1) a mounted printout of a house floor plan and 2) a folder of the documentation described below. Use any software program to draw a house plan. Include bedroom(s), bath(s), living space, kitchen, door(s), and window(s). Including a garage is optional. Print in color or black and white. (Minimum size is 8.5” by 11”; maximum size is 11” by 17”.) Mount the printout on mat board or foam core board. Documentation should include answers to the following questions: 1) Does your floor plan resemble the house you live in? If not, did you look at other floor plans for inspiration? What type of roof does your house have? 2) Did you consider how a family member who is disabled (for instance, a wheelchair user) might get around in your home? 3) Describe any problems you had with the software and how you solved them. Tell how you worked with additional items required to create a floor plan. 4-H Communication Project Exhibit must be on 8 ½ x 11” or 12x12” unlined notebook-size or scrapbook paper. Photos should clearly address the theme of communication (i.e. family meetings, family talking at mealtime, reading to children, planning/delivering 4H speech or demonstration). Each photo should be explained with journaling captions. One or two paragraphs of narrative explaining the project or activity should be included on the scrapbook pages. Each page should contain two or more photos. Each photo should be explained with captions in addition to the 1-2 paragraph narrative. COMM 925 Junior 4-H members (age 9-13) – Communication Scrapbook Display – 2 pages COMM 926 Senior 4-H members (age 14-18) – Communication Scrapbook Display – 4 pages COMM 929 Senior division: Resume – one page resume using Microsoft Word. 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 19 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES 4-H Trends Clover Photography Photos have a maximum size of 8”x12”. Photo may be mounted on 10”x16” white mat board with rubber cement or framed. 4-leaf clover may be real or created. Photo may be color or black and white. TREND 1010 Junior Clover Photograph (ages 9-13) TREND 1022 Senior Clover Photograph (ages 14-18) Duct Tape Project Any project, fashion, craft, or anything else made using duct tape. This project must be made of at least 90% duct tape. Items will be judged on creativity, design, quality, and use. For example, a purse with matching wallet all constructed of duct tape. TREND 1020 Junior Duct Tape Project TREND 1021 Senior Duct Tape Project Upcycling Project Upcycling is taking something that you are throwing away and making it into something that maintains or improves the quality of the materials. There are coin purses made from sweaters, earrings cut out of vinyl records, and old travel cases made into clocks. The designs will be judged on quality, use, and creativity. TREND 1050 Junior Upcycling Project TREND 1051 Senior Upcycling Project 4-H Clover Cupcake Decorating Exhibit must be made using a Styrofoam cupcake form; real cupcakes cannot be accepted. Judging is based on decoration only – not taste. Exhibit is not limited to color or design. Refrigeration will not be provided. Exhibit is limited to 2 cupcakes. TREND 1070 Junior 4-H Cupcake Decorating (must have a 4-H clover design) TREND 1071 Senior 4-H Cupcake Decorating (must have a 4-H clover design) TREND 1072 Junior general cupcake decorating TREND 1073 Senior general cupcake decorating 4-H Cloverbud Categories Cloverbud categories are open to any youth ages 5-8 that resides in Russell County or attends Russell County Elementary Schools. All entries must be the work of the youth. Participation ribbons will be given; these categories are noncompetitive and no premium money will be given. These categories are not eligible for entry in the Kentucky State Fair. CBUD 1 Cloverbud Folk Art – painted gourd, painted stool, or painted box CBUD 2 Cloverbud color drawing -- art made through the use of drawing lines using pen, pencil, pastel, charcoal, markers, or chalk. (Must be in freestanding frame) CBUD 3 Cloverbud Black and White Drawing -- Art made through the use of drawing lines using pen, pencil, charcoal, markers, or chalk. No additional colors added. (Must be in free-standing frame) CBUD 4 Cloverbud Painting – watercolor, acrylic, or oil painting. (Must be in free-standing frame.) CBUD 5 Cloverbud photograph of an animal – must be in a free-standing frame CBUD 6 Cloverbud still life photograph – must be in a free-standing frame CBUD 7 Cloverbud photograph of landscape or seascape – must be in a freestanding frame CBUD 8 Cloverbud scrapbooking -- One scrapbook page including 2-4 pic- tures and embellishments (i.e. stickers, lettering, designs). Page must include captions or journaling. Page must be placed in a plastic page protector. CBUD 9 Cloverbud homemade chocolate chip cookies – 3 (place cookies on a disposable plate and enclose in a zipper-style bag; include recipe with the food item) CBUD 10 Cloverbud homemade cornmeal muffins – 3 (place muffins on a disposable plate; include recipe with food item) CBUD 11 Cloverbud duct tape project – item must be made of at least 90% duct tape CBUD 12 Cloverbud needlework item – item made from one of the following techniques (hand crochet, hand knitting, or hand embroidery) FLORAL HALL EXHIBITS GENERAL RULES 1. All exhibits in the following departments must be entered on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 from 8:00 - 12:00 A.M. (CST). Food Preservation, Arts and Crafts, Vegetable Crops Painting and Photography, Field Crops Baked Goods, Knit and Crochet Clothing Home Furnishings and Accessories, Flowers Knit and Crochet Clothing, 4-H Quilts 2. All entries will stay on display from Tuesday, June 2, 2015 till Sunday, June 7, 2015. (Absolutely NO ENTRIES will be permitted to leave during this time). 3. All entries must be picked up on Sunday, June 7th from 1-3 P.M. (CST). 4. Exhibitors must bring summary sheets to claim exhibits. Volunteers and Jaycees are not responsible for lost or broken or damaged items, regardless of the value. 5. Premium money will be distributed Sunday, June 7th from 1-3 P.M. (CST). 6. All premium money not claimed by 3 P.M. (CST) June 7th will be returned to the Jaycees. No premiums will be mailed. 7. Ribbons, not claimed by 3 P.M. (CST) Sunday, June 7th may be picked up at the Russell County Extension Office, Russell Springs, KY (866-4477) or Joy Wilson (866-6602). 10. Fair workers, volunteers, nor Extension Agents are responsible for items left in Floral Hall after 3 P.M. (CST) Sunday, June 7th. 11. Chairman or appointed person has the right to remove items that are perishable. 12. All items must be made or grown by exhibitor. 13. Only exhibits in classes listed in Fair Catalog will be judged. 14. Only one exhibit per class per household. 15. Judges will select a Grand Champion from the blue ribbon winners in each department. The winning exhibit will receive a grand champion ribbon. No additional premium money will be paid on this award. 16. Judges’ decisions are final. 17. No item can be entered from previous Russell County Fairs. 18. All classes pay $7.00 for 1st place, $5.00 for 2nd place, and $3.00 for 3rd place unless otherwise specified. 4-H classes pay $10.00, $7.00 and $5.00. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT All crops must be produced by the Exhibitor. Limit of one exhibit per category per household. Fruits Department CATEGORIES: 1 Apples, Red, 3 2 Apples, Yellow, 3 3 Apples, Green, 3 4 Blackberries, 1 Pint 5 Blueberries, 1 Pint 6 Pears (Any Variety) 3 Bunches 20 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES 7 Plums, 3 9 Strawberries, 1 pint 8 Raspberries, 1 Pint 10 Grapes, 3 bunches FIELD CROPS DEPARTMENT CATEGORIES: 15 Hay, Alfalfa, ¼ Bale (Clean, No Mold, No Seed Pods) 16 Hay, Clover, ¼ Bale (No Weed, Seed Heads, Or Mold) 17 Hay, Grass, ¼ Bale (No Seed Heads) 18 Popcorn, Red Or Yellow, 1 Pint Jar 19 Wheat, clear pint jar VEGETABLE CROPS DEPARTMENT CATEGORIES: 25 Beans, Green, Bush, 1 Dozen 26 Beans, Green, Other 27 Beets, 3 28 Broccoli 29 Brussels Sprouts 30 Cabbage (Any Variety), 1 Head 31 Cauliflower 32 Carrots, 3 33 Corn, White Sweet, 3 34 Corn, Yellow Sweet 35 Cucumbers, Pickling, 3 36 Cucumbers, Slicing, 3 37 Eggplant (Any Variety), 1 38 Garlic, 3 39 Greens, Any Species 40 Green Peas, 1 pint 41 Kohlrabi 42 Lettuce, head 43 Lettuce, bib 44 Okra (Any Variety), 6 45 Onions, Green 3 46 Onions, Red, 3 47 Onions, Yellow, 3 48 Onions, White, 3 49 Peppers, Cayenne, String Of 15 50 Peppers, Bell, Green,3 51 Peppers, Banana, 5 52 Potatoes, New Red, 3 53 Potatoes, New White, 3 54 Radishes, plate of 5 55 Rhubarb, 3 stalks 56 Squash, Yellow Summer, 3 57 Tomatoes, Cherry, Red, 1 Pint 58 Tomatoes, Cherry, Yellow, 1 Pint 59 Tomatoes, Best Green, plate of 3 60 Tomatoes, Red, Plate of 3 61 Asparagus, 5 spears 62 Zucchini, Market Type 63 Cabbage, Largest by weight 64 Potatoes, Largest by weight, 3 65 Zucchini, Largest by weight HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT ARTS AND CRAFTS DEPARTMENT RULES: 1. All work must be done within the last year by the Exhibitor. CATEGORIES: 90 Animals Craft, Handmade 91 Basket, Hand woven 92 Ceramic, Glazed Item 93 Ceramic, Stained Item 94 Christmas, Ceramic Item 95 Christmas, Counted Cross Stitch 96 Christmas, Other 97 Christmas, Tree Ornament 98 Christmas, Wreath 99 Doll, Ceramic 100 Doll, Clothes 101 Doll, Handmade 102 Doll, Porcelain 103 Fabric Covered Item 104 Fabric Painted Item 105 Hat, Decorated 106 Native Materials Item 107 Painted Decorative Item 108 Painted Saw Blade 109 Woodcraft Item, Refinished 110 Painted Gourd 111 Stenciled Item 112 Toys, Handmade 113 Woodcraft Item, Hand Carved 114 Woodcraft Item, Handmade 115 Wreath, Decorated (NoChristmas)116 Scrapbook, Cover *117 Scrapbook, Birthday Party *118 Scrapbook, Wedding *119 Scrapbook, Baby *120 Scrapbook, Holiday *121 Scrapbook, Other 122 Basket (miniature) 123 Basket (pine needles) 124 Basket (Wooden Base) 125 Sculpture, Wooden 126 Sculpture, Stone 127 Recycled Item 128 Handmade Jewelry *All scrapbook entries should be one page (front and back) BAKED FOODS DEPARTMENT RULES: 1. All baked goods must be on strong, white paper plates 8” or larger and covered with clear plastic bags, except pies. 2. One-half (½) cake only for cake entries except decorated cakes. 3. Pies must be in a sturdy aluminum pie plate. No glass, pottery, or ceramic container will be accepted. Pies must have a home-made crust. 4. No mixes except Classes 149, 151 and 155. 5. No commercial products accepted. CATEGORIES: BREADS: 130 Banana Bread, 1 Loaf 131 Biscuits, 3 132 Biscuits, Cheese 3 133 Cornmeal Muffins, 3 134 Corn Sticks, 3 135 Pumpkin Bread, 1 Loaf 136 Yeast Rolls, 3 137 Yeast Bread, 1 Loaf 138 Zucchini Bread, 1 Loaf 139 Cinnamon Rolls 140 Any Non-Yeast Bread Not Mentioned Above CAKES: 144 Angel Food Cake, ½, Not Iced 146 Carrot Cake, ½, Iced 147 Chocolate Cake, ½, Iced 148 Cupcakes, 4 149 Novelty Decorated Cake 150 Pound Cake, ½, Not Iced 151 Prettiest Decorated Cake 152 White Cake, ½, Iced 153 Italian Cream Cake, ½ 154 Any Cake Not Mentioned Above, ½ 155 Any Altered Cake Mix, ½ PIES: 156 Fruit 157 Any Berry 158 Pecan 159 Pumpkin 160 Chess 161 Any Meringue Topping 162 Other, Any Pie not listed above. CANDY: 163 Candy Assortment, 3 Kinds (6Total) 164 Brown Sugar Fudge, 3 Pieces 165 Chocolate Candy, 3 Pieces 166 Divinity, 3 Pieces 167 Peanut Butter Candy, 3 Pieces 168 Vanilla, 3 Pieces 169 Any Candy Not Mentioned Above, 3 Pieces COOKIES: 170 Cookie Assortment, 3 Kinds (6 Total) 171 Blond Brownies, 3 Pieces 172 Chocolate Brownies, 3 Pieces 173 Chocolate Chip Cookies, 3 174 Peanut Butter Cookies, 3 175 Sugar Cookies, 3 176 Oatmeal Cookies, 3 177 Any Cookies Not Mentioned Above, 3 MUFFINS: 178 Muffins, Poppy Seed 179 Muffins, Strawberry 180 Muffins, Blueberry 181 Muffins, Other 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 21 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES CLOTHING AND TEXTILES DEPARTMENT RULES: 1. All items must have been made within the past two years. 2. Clothing must be clean and pressed. 3. Ready made clothes are not acceptable except in class 205. CATEGORIES: 201 Accessories, Decorative 202 Apron 203 Blouse/Shirt 204 Clothing, Decorative 205 Painted Clothing 206 Dress, Ladies 207 Formal/Evening Wear 208 Outfit, Boys, 2pc 209 Boys, 1pc 210 Outfit, Girls, 2pc 211 Girls, 1pc 212 Outfit, Ladies, 2 Pc 213 Skirt, Ladies 214 Jacket 215 Clothing, Other FLOWER DISPLAY DEPARTMENT RULES: 1. Only one entry per household. 2. Flowers must be home-grown, but not necessarily by the exhibitor. 3. Greenhouse grown plants and flowers are not acceptable. 4. Each exhibitor must arrange his/her own flower arrangement. 5. Arrangements must be in a vase, bowl or basket. 6. Arrangements must contain some flowers to be acceptable. 7. Foliage is allowed in all arrangement classes - no artificial or dried material will be accepted, except classes 227 and 231. 8. Horticulture specimens must be displayed in bottles and must be grown by the exhibitor. 9. Miniature flower arrangements must be less than 5" tall and in a container. 10. Each potted flower should be tagged with name of plant. CATEGORIES: FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: 225 Dahlias 226 Dining Room Arrangement 227 Dried Flowers 228 Home Arrangement 229 Gladiolas 230 Marigolds 231 Miniature, Dried 232 Miniature, Fresh 233 Mixed Flowers 234 Petunias 235 Rose Arrangement 236 Wildflowers 237 Zinnia Arrangement POTTED PLANTS: 245 African Violet 246 Begonia 247 Cactus 248 Fern, Asparagus 249 Fern, Boston 250 Fern, Other 251 Geranium 252 Hanging Basket 253 Most Attractive 254 Most Unusual 255 Sultana (Impatiens) 256 Potted Plant, Other SPECIMEN FLOWERS: 265 Gladiolas 266 Hybrid Tea (1 Bloom And 1Bud) 267 Petunia, Large Bloom 268 Petunia, Small Bloom 269 Roses (1 Bloom And 1 Bud) 270 Specimen Flowers, Other 271 Calla Lily 272 Lily 273 Day Lily FOOD PRESERVATION DEPARTMENT RULES: 1. Only one entry per household. 2. Only standard canning jars will be accepted. 3. ½ Pint, Pint or quart jars may be used. 4. All jars must be clean and sealed. 5. Leave screw bands on all jars. 6. All canned foods should have name on bottom with masking tape. 7. Jellies, jams, pickles, preserves, and relishes may be opened at discretion of judges. 8. No commercially canned products to be used in preserves, jellies, or jams. 9. Paraffin may NOT be used on jellies. 10 Item must not have been entered previously in the Russell County Fair. Foods may have been canned in 2013. CATEGORIES: FRUITS & VEGETABLES: 290 Applesauce 291 Beans, Lima 292 Beans, String 293 Beans, String & Shelly 294 Beets 295 Blackberries 296 Corn, Cream 297 Corn, Whole Kernel 306 Apples 298 Peaches 299 Pears 300 Soup Mixture 301 Tomatoes, Red 302 Tomato Juice 303 Salsa 304 Banana Peppers 305 Hot Peppers HONEY: 310 Honey, Light with Comb 311 Honey, Amber with Comb 312 Honey, Without Comb 313 Sorghum Syrup JAMS: (Jams: thick, spreads with crushed or chopped fruit) Jars may be opened during judging. Jars do not have to be sealed. Use a clean glass jar—½ pint or pints acceptable. 320 Jam, Blackberry 321 Jam, Raspberry 322 Jam, Other than mentioned above 323 Jams, Jellies, Preserves, Variety of 3 JELLIES: (Jellies: clear, firm, sparkling - no fruit) Jars may be opened during judging. Jars do not have to be sealed. Use a clean glass jar—½ pint or pints acceptable. 330 Jelly, Apple 331 Jelly, Blackberry 332 Jelly, Grape 333 Jelly, Plum 334 Jelly, Raspberry 335 Jelly, Other FRUIT PRESERVES: (Small, whole fruit or uniform size pieces in clear, slightly jelled syrup.) Jars may be opened during judging. Preserves may be in ½ pint jars, pints acceptable. 340 Preserves, Blackberries 341 Preserves, Peach 342 Preserves, Pear 343 Preserves, Strawberry 344 Preserves, Watermelon 345 Preserves, Other PICKLES: 350 Pickles, Beet 351 Pickles, Bread & Butter 352 Pickles, Dill 353 Pickles, Sour Cucumber 354 Pickles, Sweet Cucumber RELISH: 360 Relish, Corn 361 Relish, Green Tomato 362 Relish, Red Tomato 363 Relish, Tomato Ketchup 364 Relish, Ground Pepper 365 Relish, Sweet Cucumber 366 Relish, Pepper (Any Variety) 367 Relish, Other 22 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 FLORAL HALL / 4-H ENTRIES HOME FURNISHINGS AND ACCESSORIES DEPARTMENT CATEGORIES: 375 Chair/Stool, Reseated 376 Counted Cross Stitch, Unframed 377 Counted Cross Stitch, Framed 378 Cross-Stitch Picture, Framed 379 Cross-Stitch Item (No FramedPicture) 380 Furniture, Refinished 381 Needlepoint Item/Crewel Embroidered Item 382 Pillow Cases 383 Place Mats 384 Pot Holders 385 Rugs, Handmade 386 Sofa Pillow, Cross Stitch 387 Sofa Pillow, Embroidery 388 Sofa Pillow, Other 389 Table Cloth, Handmade 390 Tea/Hand Towel, Decorative 391 Table Runner KNIT AND CROCHET DEPARTMENT CATEGORIES: CROCHETED: 400 Crocheted, Baby Afghan 401 Crocheted, Clothing 402 Crocheted, Doily 403 Crocheted, Granny Square Afghan 404 Crocheted, Ripple Afghan 405 Crocheted, Other Afghan 406 Crocheted, Accessory Item KNITTED: 410 Knitted, Baby Afghan 411 Knitted, Afghan 412 Knitted, Clothing 413 Knitted, Accessory Item KNITTED OR CROCHETED: 415 Socks 416 Infant Clothing 417 Any Crocheted OR Knitted Item Not Mentioned Above PAINTING AND PHOTOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT RULES: 1. All work must be done in the last two years BY THE EXHIBITOR. 2. All paintings and photographs must be framed or mounted on foam board and FIXED SECURELY FOR HANGING. 3. Paint by number pieces not acceptable. 4. Minimum size of photographs including frame is 5 x 7". 5. Youth Division is for exhibitors ages up to 12 and 13-17. 6. Professional painters and photographers may enter in professional categories ONLY. A professional is anyone who has ever received payment for his/her work. 7. Sepia will be judged as black and white. CATEGORIES: PAINTING:ADULT DIVISION 18 & UP 420 Acrylic Landscape 421 Acrylic, Still Life 422 Acrylic, Other 423 Drawing, Charcoal Or Pencil 424 Drawing, Pastels Or Colored Pencil 425 Drawing, Pen And Ink 426 Oil, Landscape 427 Oil, Still Life 428 Oil, Other 429 Portrait, Any Medium 430 Water Color, Landscape 431 Water Color, Still Life 432 Water Color, Other 433 Mixed Media, Any 434 Greeting Cards, Any Medium PAINTING: PROFESSIONAL ONLY 435 Acrylic 436 Drawing 437 Oil 438 Water color PAINTING: YOUTH DIV. Up to 12 439 Acrylic 440 Drawing, Charcoal Or Pencil 441 Oil 442 Water Color 443 Other PAINTING: YOUTH DIV. AGE 13-17 444 Acrylic 445 Drawing, Charcoal or Pencil 446 Oil 447 Water Color 448 Other PHOTOGRAPHY: (Digital and Film) ADULT DIV. 18 & UP 449 Black & White, Pets or Wild Animals 450 Black & White, Landscape, Scenes, Buildings, & Flowers 451 Black & White, People (Babies & Children 17 & under) 452 Black & White, People Adult 453 Black & White, Adult & Child 454 Black & White, Other 455 Color, Pets/Wild Animals 456 Color, Landscape, Scenes, Buildings, & Flowers 457 Color, People (Babies & Children 17 & under) 458 Color, People Adult 459 Color, Adult & Child 460 Color, Other 461 Collage PHOTOGRAPHY: PROFESSIONAL ONLY 462 Black & White 463 Color PHOTOGRAPHY: YOUTH DIV. UP TO 12 464 Black & White, Pets or Wild Animals 465 Black & White, Landscape, Scenes, Buildings, & Flowers 466 Black & White, People (Babies & Children 17 & under) 467 Black & White, People Adult 468 Black & White, Adult & Child 469 Black & White, Other 470 Color, Pets or Wild Animals 471 Color, Landscape, Scenes, Buildings, & Flowers 472 Color, People (Babies & Children 17 & under) 473 Color, People Adult 474 Color, Adult & Child 475 Color, Other 476 Collage PHOTOGRAPHY: YOUTH DIV AGE 13-17 477 Black & White, Pets or Wild Animals 478 Black & White, Landscape, Scenes, Buildings, & Flowers 479 Black & White, People (Babies & Children 17 & under) 480 Black & White, People Adult 481 Black & White, Adult & Child 482 Black & White, Other 483 Color, Pets/Wild Animals 484 Color, Landscape, Scenes, Buildings, & Flowers 485 Color, People (Babies & Children 17 & under) 486 Color, People Adult 487 Color, Adult & Child 488 Color, Other 489 Collage QUILT DEPARTMENT 1. All quilts must be new ones - made in last three years except for Antique Quilt class 506. 2. No quilts can be entered in previous Russell County Fairs. CATEGORIES: TRADITIONAL QUILT COTTON: 495 Quilt, Appliqué 496 Quilt, Mixed pieces & Appliqué 497 Quilt, Machine/Hand Pieced And Machine/Hand Quilted 498 Quilt, Hand Pieced & Hand Quilted NOVELTY QUILT: 499 Quilt, Baby-Novelty 500 Quilt, Machine Pieced & Machine Quilted 501 Quilted Wall Hanging 502 New Quilt Top 503 Quilt, Cross Stitch 504 Quilt, Unquilted (Tacked or Cathedral) 505 Quilt, Embroidered/Candle Wicking 506 Quilt, Antique (50 Years Or Older) 507 Quilt, Christmas Wall Hanging 508 Quilt, Christmas 509 Quilt, Other Antiques 510 Russell County Fair Artifacts 511 Russell County Artifacts, Other 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 23 ~ T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR Dr. Shana Hughes 24 Caden Way, Ste 3 Russell Springs, KY 42642 270-866-4101 www.TheToothBooth.com Byrom & Shearer Law Office Carnival Opens - 6:00 p.m. KISSEL ENTERTAINMENT 104 Monument Square PO Box 493 Jamestown, KY 42629 Telephone: (270) 343-2105 Fax: (270) 343-1624 http://www.kisselentertainment.com P & J Trophies and Awards David & Tonya Rexroat 1842 N. Main Street Jamestown, KY 270-343-5005 Russell County Jaycee Pleasure Horse Show Tuesday June 2, 2015 7:00 PM CST Russell County Fair Grounds Russell Springs, KY Gate Entrace Fee $10 There will be no class entry fees, enter as many classes as you want! Pay Back for Classes 3-27 1st - $40, 2nd - $30, 3rd - $15, 4th - $10, 5th - $5 Pay Back for Classes 28-30 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, 5th - $10 No Stallions in 4-H or Youth Classes Helmets are required for ALL 4-H Classes All Horses are required to have Current Coggins and Health Certificate Country Please Classes will be 3/8 x 1 in Shoe Not Responsible for Theft or Accidents For More Information contact Troy Anderson (270) 585-1415 Classes 1. Stick Horse (Kids 10 & Under - Must bring own stick horse) 2. Leadline 3. Pony Pleasure (Kids 12 & Under) 4. Youth Miniature Halter (14 Year Old and Under) 5. Men’s Country Pleasure Walking 6. Miniature Donkey Halter 7. Youth Pleasure (11 Year Old and Under) Joe Harper Training Stables 1973 Highway 379 Russell Springs, KY (606)303-3278 8. Men’s Pleasure Racking 9. Youth Country Pleasure Walking (17 Years Old and Under) 10. Best Dressed - Western (Horse & Rider) No Firearms Allowed. 11. Open Pleasure Mule 12. Western Pleasure Walk/Trot - Quarter Horse 13. Speed Pacing 14. Miniature Horse Multi Color (Judged 100% on Color) 15. Youth Pleasure (17 Years Old and Under) 16. Men’s Pleasure Walking 17. Open Spotted Pleasure Horse 18. Youth Pleasure Racking 19. Ladies Pleasure Walking 20. Open 4-H Pleasure (Any Breed) 21. Miniature Horse Pleasure Driving 22. Ladies Country Pleasure Walking 23. Open Western Pleasure - Quarter Horse 24. Speed Racking 25. Open Miniature Roadster 26. Ladies Pleasure Racking 27. Generation Gap Pairs - At least 10 years difference between the pair 28. Pleasure Walking Championship 29. Pleasure Racking Championship 30. Country Pleasure Walking Championship Sponsers: Mike Reynolds - Russell County Corner, Voils Farms, Hubbards Building Supply James Medical Equipment, LTD MONTGOMERY 75 Joe T. Pettey Drive Russell Springs, Kentucky 42642 Phone: (270) 866-2070 Fax: (270) 866-2071 Respiratory and Durable Medical Equipment Serving Kentucky and Surrounding States Since 1979 127 By-pass Russell Springs, KY 42642 (270) 866-2675 Furniture [email protected] Teresa Morrison, Owner 24 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ T U E S D AY, J U N E 2 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR RUSSELL COUNTY HOSPITAL Dowell Road - Russell Springs 866-4141 “Your Health, Your Community” OHIO VALLEY WRESTLING - 7:00PM CST Price included with fair admission. For information call (270) 866-0389 www.ovwrestling.com TOMORROW’S SUPERSTAR TODAY! ELI COUNTRY STORE Open daily 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER (270) 866-6666 Hamburgers, Salads, Pizzas, Deli, Wings, Omelettes, Homemade Gravy CJR 2 Farms Beef Cattle & Hay Russell Springs, KY 250 W. Steve Wariner Dr. • Russell Springs, KY 42642 Phone 270-866-8733 • Fax 270-866-8790 Brandon Henson, Owner 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 25 ~ W e d n e s d a y, J U N E 3 ~ Veterans Day, Veterans get in free (rides not included) CORPORATE SPONSOR Country Folks Realty & Auction, Inc. 703 E. Steve Wariner Dr. • Russell Springs, KY • 270-866-7755 • www.countryfolksrealty.com Lu Shaw, Broker & App. Auctioneer - Don Shaw, Auctioneer/Sales Associate Sales Associates: Andy Thomas, Denver Wilson, Justin Terwilliger, Dwight Richards App. Auctioneers: Brian “Bigun” Wilson, Justin Terwilliger, Jonathan Gosser, and Rodney Carnes, Auctioneer DAIRY SHOW - Wednesday June 3, 2015 SHOW TIME 10:00am CST - All Breeds Starting with showmanship Kiddie Showmanship under the age of 9; Jr. Showmanship 9-14 years of age; Sr. Showmanship 15-21 years of age 1. Jr. Calf (Mar. 1, 2015 - May 31, 2015) PAY 25-20-15-10 2. Int. Calf (Dec. 1, 2014 - Feb. 28, 2015) PAY 25-20-15-10 3. Sr. Calf (Sept. 1, 2014 - Nov. 30, 2014) PAY 25-20-15-10 4. Summer Yrlg (June 1, 2014 - Aug. 31, 2014) PAY 25-20-15-10 5. Jr. Yrlg (Mar. 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014) PAY 25-20-15-10 6. Int. Yrlg (Dec. 1, 2013 - Feb. 28, 2014) PAY 25-20-15-10 7. Sr. Yrlg (Sept. 1, 2013 - Nov. 30, 2013) PAY 25-20-15-10 8. Jr. Champion - PAY 30 9. Res. Jr. Champion - PAY 15 10. Jr. 2 yr old (Mar. 1, 2013 - Aug. 31, 2013) PAY 25-20-15-10 11. Sr. 2 yr old (Sept. 1, 2012 - Feb. 28, 2013) PAY 25-20-15-10 12. 3 yr. old (Sept. 1, 2011 - Aug. 31, 2012) PAY 25-20-15-10 13. 3 yr. old Production PAY 25-20-15-10 14. 4 yr. old (Sept. 1, 2010 - Aug. 31, 2011) PAY 25-20-15-10 15. 4 yr. old Production PAY 25-20-15-10 16. 5 yr. old (Sept. 1, 2009 - Aug. 31, 2010) PAY 25-20-15-10 17. 5 yr. old Production PAY 25-20-15-10 Carnival Opens - 6:00 p.m. KISSEL ENTERTAINMENT http://www.kisselentertainment.com RICHARD’S LAWN EQUIPMENT, INC. Jct. Maple St. & Lakeway Dr. Russell Springs, KY 270-866-4822 Ricahrd & Diane Antle 18. Age Cow (born before Aug. 31, 2009) PAY 25-20-15-10 19. Age Cow Production - PAY 25-20-15-10 20. Dry Cow PAY 25-20-15-10 21. Dry Cow Production - PAY 25-20-15-10 22. Grand Champion - PAY 50 23. Res. Grand Champion - PAY 25 24. Best 3 Females (3 of anything) PAY 25-20-15-10 25. Herd of 5 (2 under 2 yrs., 2 over 2 yrs. & 1 of any age) PAY 25-20-15-10 Local 4-H and FFA ONLY - 4-H/FFA Money is on Danish 4-H & FFA $500 Danish System 4-H = $250 FFA = $250 Contact: Dustin Adkins (270) 507-6811 SPONSORS: Moores Cabinets J&H FARM CENTER Hwy. 379 South • P.O. Box 86 Russell Springs, KY 42642 Phone 270-866-4847 Cell 270-866-1602 STEWART DICK, PARTS EDWARD JONES, SALES BRENT JONES, SALES 26 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM ~ W e d n e s d a y, J U N E 3 ~ 2015 Veterans Day, Veterans get in free (rides not included) J & M Motor Sports Presents...... GO KART RACE Wednesday June 3, 2015 Russell County Fair Grounds Paying Guaranteed 4 Positions In Money Classes $10 Entry Fee $100 $100 $100 $100 to Win Clone AKRA Lite Min.325 lbs. to Win Clone AKRA Medium Min 350 lbs. to Win Clone AKRA Heavy Min 375 lbs. to Win Clone AKRA Super Hvy Min. 400 lbs. HOT LAPS (Driver Must Weigh 200lbs in Super Hvy) $100 to Win Open 350 lbs. 6PM CST $100 to Win Box Stock 325 lbs. RACE Clone AKRA Jr. 2 Non-Restricted Min 300 lbs. Payout 7PM CST 1st - $100, 2nd - $50, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20 All Judges’ Decisions are Final. J&M Motor Sports rules apply. Go to http://www.jandm-motorsports.com for rules Contact J&M Motor Sports @ (270) 465-6481 for more informaiton. Jaycee Contact is Brian “Hooty” Stephens (270) 585-2009 Talent Classic - 7:30pm CST RUSSELL SPRINGS PHARMACY 92 Joe Petty Dr. Russell Springs 270-866-2778 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 27 ~ T h u r s d a y, J U N E 4 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR 2150 North Main Street Jamestown Kentucky 42629 270-343-3131 Two locations to serve our friends and neighbors 221 Dohoney Trace Columbia Kentucky 42728 270-378-4141 CORPORATE SPONSOR 979 W Steve Wariner Dr. APPLIANCE CENTER Russell Springs, KY Russell Springs, KY (270) 866-3102 (270) 866-3131 Drew Richards www.truevalue.com We meet or beat any advertised price Championship Mule Pull 5:00 CST CHAMPIONSHIP MULE PULL - 5:00pm (back track) Weigh time 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Entry Fee $15.00 2000 lbs. class / 10 pounds per team allowed for halters 2200 lbs. class / 10 pounds per team allowed for halters 2500 lbs. class / 10 pounds per team allowed for halters PRIZES: 1st - $300/Plaque * 2nd - $220 * 3rd - $185 * 4th - $160 * 5th - $140 * 6th - $110 * 7th - $90 * 8th - $60 * 9th - $40 Kentucky Law: Mules must have negative blood test for infectious anemia (Coggins Test) Test must be after June 1, 2010. All out of state mules must have a health certificate from an accredited veterinarian within 30 days of pull. RULES 1. Ropes 18 feet apart 2. One best distance out of three tries. Teamsters may spot sled on third pull. No original direction. 3. 2000, 2200, and 2500 pound class of mules pull load 15 feet, overweight mules pull load 20 feet and horse classes pull load 27’6” for completed pull. In case of a tie placing reverts back to next best distance on that load. 4. Time limit of five minutes to cool and complete all three attempts from time team is hooked to sled. 5. After three attemtps to hook to sled you will lose one pull. 6. Any team considered dangerous or out of control by officials will be disqualified. 7. If a team gets completely away from any teamster then that team will be disqualified. 8. Only four men per team including driver. Any more than four inside ropes will lose one pull for each offense. 9. There will be no whipping or punching allowed in or out of the ring area after the pulling contest starts or you will be penalized one pull for each offense. 10. If you are on or over the ropes you will be disqualified for that pull. 11. Teamsters have a time limit of three minutes to have the team to the sled after being called or they will be penalized one pull. 12. When weighing mules/horses the animal must come to a complete stop on the scales or not weight will be read, and all animals will be weighed facing the same direction, no arguing with the weigh man. 13. When sled stops, whistle will be blown. 14. Decisions of judges will be final. For more information, contact Eddie Copley at 270-507-6226 Carnival Opens - 6:00 p.m. KISSEL ENTERTAINMENT http://www.kisselentertainment.com Congratulations Russell Co. Jaycees Compliments of TIM POPPLEWELL Russell County PVA & Staff McQueary’s Realty & Auction (270) 866-2151 SARAH’S Cards & Gifts North Main St. Jamestown, KY 42629 270-343-4025 Custom Framing Collector Prints - Webkinz 28 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ T h u r s d a y, J U N E 4 ~ C O R P O R A T E S P O N S O R CORPORATE SPONSOR CLEAN-UP DEMOLITION DERBY Thursday, June 4 at 7:00pm CST 80 Model & Newer, Small Car, Stock Car, Lawn Mower 80 Model and Newer $100 late fee after 6:00PM CST Inspection from 3:00-6:00PM CST Small Car $100 late fee after 6:00PM CST Inspection from 3:00-6:00PM CST Stock Car $800 Purse 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1000 + trophy 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$600 + trophy 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250 + trophy 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$125 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$700 + trophy 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$400 + trophy 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$200 + trophy 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 5th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50 Lawn Mower 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$200 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 SPONSORS: Wilson Barber Shop, Mike Reynolds - Russell County Corner, Athena Cooper - Attorny At Law, Gary Robertson - Judge Executive, T-N-T Carpet, J&S Country Store, Cannon’s Recycling, Laker Lanes With the exception of the two listed rules below, all other rules will remain the same as the Saturday night derby rules. 1. Pre-run cars will be allowed 2. You will be allowed 6 plates (3” x 3” x 1/4”) only on outside of rail. Nothing welded on inside, no seams welded. For information regarding derbys contact Richard Kean (270)566-0186 or (270)343-5275; after 5pm CST - Day of event (270)866-4070 Sheldon B Stephens, PSC Certified Public Accountant P.O. Box 669 - 661 Main Street Russell Springs, KY 42642 Phone (270) 866-7200 Fax (270) 866-7244 Member: AICPA KSCPA Have fun at the Russell County Fair LARRY HOLT MAGISTRATE 5TH DISTRICT PATTERSON EYE CARE CENTER Dr. Paul Patterson, II, O.D., P.S.C. (270) 866-4414 Russell Springs (270) 465-4677 Campbellsville (270) 932-5431 Greensburg 1-800-373-3937 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 29 ~ F R I D AY, J U N E 5 ~ 4-H/FFA BEEF SHOW 4-H BEEF SHOW - 5:00 P.M. CST Danish System pays $500 6. Late Senkor Yearling - calved between November - December, 2013 7. Champion Female - Silver and Rosette 1. Junior Heifer Calf - calved after January 1, 2015 8. Reserve Champion Female - Rosette 2. Senior Heifer Calf - calved between September 1, 2014 - December 1, 9. Junior Calf - calved after January 1, 2015 2014. 10. Late Senior Calf - calved between November 1 - December 31, 2014 3. Summer Yearling - calved between May 1, 2014 - August 31, 2014 11. Early Senior Calf - calved between September 1 - October 31, 2014 4. Jr. Yearling Heifer - calved between January 1, 2014 - April 20, 2014. 12. Late Summer Yearling - calved between July 1 - August 31, 2014 5. Senior Yearling Heifers - calved between September 1, 2013 - December 12a. Early Summer Yearling - calved between May - June 2014 2013. 13. Late Junior Yearling - calved between March 1 - April 30, 2014 6. Champion Female 13a. Early Yunior Yearling - calved between January 1 - February 28, 2014 7. Youth Beef Heifer 14. Senior Yearling - calved between September 1 - December 31, 2013 14a. Two Year Old Bill - calved between January 1 - August 31, 2013 8. Youth Beef Heifer OPEN BEEF SHOW - 5:00 P.M. 15. Grand Champion Bull - Silver and Rosette Breeds: Angus, Hereford, Charolais, and other breeds 16. Reserve Champion Bull - Rosette 1. Junior Female Calf - calved after January 1, 2015 17. Cow and Calf Class 2. Late Sr. Calf - calved between November 1 - December 31, 2014 Supreme Champion Hefer and Bull pays $250 each. 3. Early Senior Calf - calved between September 1 - October 31, 2014 A breed must have 8 head to qualify for a division - anything less than 8 4a. Early Summer Yearling - calved between May - June 2014 goes into another breed. 5. Late Junior Yearling - calved between March 1 - April 30, 2014 For more information contact Vince Popplewell at (270) 566-1852 SPONSORS: Voils Farms, D & R Livestock Inc., CJR Squared Farms, Voils Farms PICKETT’S SHOE STORE & Itchin to Stitch and Embroidery Main Street - Russell Springs 866-5311 Main Street, Russell Srings KY (270) 585-3223 30 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ F R I D AY, J U N E 5 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR Proud Supporters of the Russell County Fair. SOMERSET OFFICE 705 West Hwy 80 Somerset KY 42503 606-679-4311 e-farmcredit.com Come join us at the Jaycees Fairground. CORPORATE SPONSOR 736 West Steve Wariner Dr, Russell Springs, KY 42642 (270) 866-9099 http://www.donfranklinauto.com Hwy 80 - Adjacent to McGaha Tires Carnival Opens - 6:00 p.m. (270)866-2325 KISSEL ENTERTAINMENT http://www.kisselentertainment.com Joseph Antle Trucking Cattle Hauling Russell Springs, KY (270)566-1321 2014 RUSSELL COUNTY JAYCEES FAIR KTPA TRUCK, TRACTOR DIESEL PULLS Friday, June 6, 2014 • 7:00 P.M. CST KTPA PULLING SERIES - 7:00 P.M. CHECKS WILL BE 10% SHORT Not responsible for accidents or theft SCALES OPEN at 4:00 p.m. CST Must be a K.T.P.A. member - K.T.P.A. rules apply • Pro-stock 4WD • Super Modified 2WD Trucks • Super Modified 4WD Trucks • 10,000 Hot Farm Tractors • 8500 Pro-Farm Tractors • 6000 Limited Light Super Tractors SLED AND SCALES BY SOUTHERN EXPRESS SPONSORS: Udells Fruit Market, Tommy Holt, D&R Livestock, CJR Squared Farms, J&S Country Store, Udell’s Two Locations Russell Springs & Albany Fruit & Produce Market Full line of fruits, vegetables, jellies, jams, candies, Penn’s Hams, Wick’s Pie Crusts, Pillsbury Frozen Biscuits, Sister Schubert’s Rolls Fried pies & baked goods 301 Hudson St. • Columbia, KY (270) 385-9129 Owner: Udell Shirley 705 East Hwy 80 · Russell Springs, KY 42642 Greg & Sherry Redmond [email protected] (270) 866-8656 · (877) 797-5980 www.redsunhomes.com MCGAHA TIRE & SERVICE 308 W Steve Wariner Dr. Russell Springs 866-5121 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 31 ~ S AT U R D AY, J U N E 6 ~ !!!ITS WHAT FOOD LOVERS LOVE!!! 2408 South Hwy 127 -- (270)866-5250 The Finest Quality Fruits, Vegetables, Gift Baskets, Party Trays, Frozen Food & Great Deli 8:00am 4-H Shoot KIDS DAY EVENT - 10:00 A.M. Classes Pay $3 - $2 - $1 Except bicycle races $6 - $4 - $2 1. Three legged race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls and Boys 5 & 6 2. Three legged race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 7 & 8 3. Three legged race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 7 & 8 4. Three legged race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 9 & 10 5. Three legged race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 9 & 10 6. Three legged race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 11-13 7. Three legged race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 11-13 8. Sack race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 5 & 6 9. Sack race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 5 & 6 10. Sack race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 7 & 8 11. Sack race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 7 & 8 12 Sack race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 9 & 10 13. Sack race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 9 & 10 14. Sack race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 11-13 15. Sack race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 11-13 BRING TRICYCLE FOR ALL TRICYCLE RACES 16. Tricycle race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 3 17. Tricycle race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 4 18. Tricycle race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 3 19. Tricycle race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 4 20. Tricycle race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 5 21. Tricycle race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 5 22. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls under 5 23. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys under 5 24. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 6 25. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 6 26. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 7 27. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 7 28. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 8 29. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 8 Carnival Opens - 2:00 p.m. KISSEL ENTERTAINMENT http://www.kisselentertainment.com 30. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 9 31. 50 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 9 32. 100 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 10 33. 100 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 10 34. 100 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 11 35. 100 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 11 36. 100 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 12 37. 100 yard dash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 12 BRING BICYCLES FOR ALL BICYCLE RACES 38. Bicycle races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 5 & 6 39. Bicycle races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 5 & 6 40. Bicycle races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 7 & 8 41. Bicycle races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 7 & 8 42. Bicycle races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 9 & 10 43. Bicycle races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 9 & 10 44. Bicycle races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 11 & 12 45. Bicycle races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 11 & 12 46. Egg Toss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 5 & 6 47. Egg Toss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 5 & 6 48. Egg Toss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 7 & 8 49. Egg Toss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 7 & 8 50. Egg Toss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 9 & 10 51. Egg Toss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 9 & 10 52. Egg Toss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 11 & 12 53. Egg Toss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 11 & 12 54. Football throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 5 & 6 55. Football throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 5 & 6 56. Football throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 7 & 8 57. Football throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 7 & 8 58. Football throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 9 & 10 59. Football throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 9 & 10 60. Football throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Girls 11 & 12 61. Football throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boys 11 & 12 Sponsers: First National Bank, The Fruit Market 32 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ S AT U R D AY, J U N E 6 ~ 1122 Campbellsville Rd. Columbia, KY 42728 (270) 384-2017 Horseshoe Pitch 10:00 a.m. PEGASUS TOWING Russell Springs, KY 270-566-1497 HWY. 80 AUTO AUTO AUCTION 4350 N. Hwy 127 Russell Springs, KY 42642 270-866-7477 SALE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 6:00 P.M. CST Pedal Tractor Pull 12:00 p.m. Cornhole Tournament 1:00 p.m. - Entry Fee $20.00 per team 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 33 ~ S AT U R D AY, J U N E 6 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR We Hope You Enjoy The Fair PLEASE STOP BY AND SEE US WHEN YOU ARE IN TOWN Northridge Shopping Center - Russell Springs, KY 270-866-7155 Open 24 hours Horse Racing HORSE RACING - 2:00 P.M. Race 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Run What You Brung ½ mile Race 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .¼ Mile Derby Race 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wagon Race: Mules only Race 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wagon Race: Horses only Race 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .½ Mile Derby Race 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .½ Mile Pony Derby 58" and under Race 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Yd. Quarter Horse Sprint Derby Race 8 . . . . . . . . . . .RUSSELL CO. THOROUGHBRED DERBY 4:30 p.m. Springs Diner Russell Springs, KY (270) 866-5400 Dine In Carry Out This race will be limited to the fist eight horses entered. Entry Fee: $50.00 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1000 & Trophy 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$350 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$200 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 SPONSORS: Bobby Dunbar - Jailer, Hubbard’s Building Supply HOLT’S STABLES RACING - TRAINING - BREAKING THOROUGHBRED HORSES Larry & Deanna Holt Marty Dykes Trucking Livestock Hauling Columbia, KY Marty (931) 319-0740 Mark (270) 250-8560 “Almost everything to build anything” HUBBARD’S Building Supplies, Inc. 542 E. Steve Wariner Dr., Russell Springs, KY 42642 Phone (270) 866-3447 Owners: Bobby & Jeff Hubbard Fax (270) 866-4447 Hometown Tire 1133 Lakeway Drive Russell Springs, Ky. 270-866-9200 Open Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. LAKE COUNTRY OUTDOORS S. Hwy. 127 Russell Springs 270-866-7575 Zach Wilson / Ginger Smith KEY TWIN CINEMAS P.O. Box 948 (270) 866-3070 (270) 866-3080 The Parts Store Robby Dillingham, Manager 2185 S. Hwy. 127 Russell Springs 270-866-4787 (270) 866-7844 34 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 ~ S AT U R D AY, J U N E 6 ~ REMOTE CONTROL TRUCK PULLS Saturday, June 6, 2015 3:00 p.m. Central Time Central Kentucky Remote Control Pullers Association http://www.centralkyrcpullers.com JAMESTOWN PHARMACY 343-4443 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ADAM’S GUN SHOP Russell Springs, KY (270) 866-4866 Johnson’s Service Center 170 Cuda Dr. • Russell Springs • 270-866-3514 Terry Harvey 205 Bull Run Road Columbia, KY 42728 (270) 378-1181 [email protected] Southern Kentucky Monuments, Inc. “For Service That Shines Above The Rest” 918 Hwy. 80 - Russell Springs 270-866-4700 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Steve Bledsoe, Owner - Cell 270-858-9220 Star Popplewell - Adm. Assist/Sales - Cell 270-566-3999 LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE - SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE FOLEY’S 129 Foley Rd. Russell Springs, KY (270) 866-3014 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 35 ~ S AT U R D AY, J U N E 6 ~ CORPORATE SPONSOR SPUR-N-S RODEO - 7:00 p.m. Sanctioned by NCA www.sprarodeo.net (865) 933-8588 SPONSORS: Mike Reynolds - Russell County Corner, Hubbard’s Building Supply, Unlimited Marine Congratulations Russell Co Jaycees LAKEWAY CHIROPRACTIC Jeffery Meyers, D.C. 2329 Lakeway Dr. • Russell Springs, KY 270-866-5553 www.lakewaychiro.com Closing Ceremonies & Giveaways - 10:00 p.m. Sponsored By FIRST NATIONAL BANK 36 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 JEDIDIAH WEBB 137 Half Acre Rd Russell Springs, KY 42642 (270) 585-2318 [email protected] Service & Installation Compliments of GARY ROBERTSON RUSSELL COUNTY JUDGE-EXECUTIVE (877) 308-9638 www.lakecumberlandcdl.org 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 37 HOOVER LAW OFFICE 40 South Main Street • Jamestown, KY • (270) 343-5588 Jeffrey H. Hoover Cooper Chiropractic Center Dr. Victor Cooper • Dr. Kelly Cooper Henson • Dr. Bethany V. Cooper 350 Lakeway Drive Russell Springs, KY 42642 (270) 866-3543 DIVERSIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR (270) 566-8700 Eric Hadley ME# 11791 • CE# 11792 ANCHORAGE MARINE Mercruiser - Service & Parts Certified Technicians 1704 S. Hwy. 92 - Jamestown, KY 270-343-5444 [email protected] Kevin & Stacie Cook Corey Bradshaw Federation President: Victor Rexroat Vice President: Neil Dalton Directors: Trent Roy Dante Carpenter O.R. Wheat Jonathon Gosser David Holt Russell Springs, KY Office 270-866-2014 • Fax 270-866-6003 www.selbyasphalt.com Contact us for free estimates 38 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM Covering Russell County and all of South Central Kentucky with 25,000 watts of country’s best! Live Streaming http://www.wkdofm.com Owners: Joey Hoover and Tony Kerr Congratulations to the Russell County Jaycees for another great fair! Ken L Beard, President 2110 S Hwy 127 Russell Springs, KY 42642 270-866-9600 [email protected] Toll Free: 1-866-257-6197 2015 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 39 LAKE CUMBERLAND FEED & FARM SUPPLY LAKE CUMBERLAND FEED MILL Owner/Operator Vic Cooper 88 Robertson Street Russell Springs, KY 42642 Cell: (270) 585-0566 Office: (270) 866-2042 GOLDEN RULEWILSON Real Estate & Auction 21 East Steve Wariner Dr. Russell Springs, KY 270-866-6600 - 1-800-410-5155 www.GoldenRuleAuction.com Pressure Washing Service Shingle Roof Cleaning Wood Deck Stripping & Sealing Concrete Cleaning & Sealing Epoxy Floors FREE ESTIMATES (270) 566-8197 VOILS FARMS 374 Hurricane Branch Rd. Russell Springs, KY 42642 Phone: 270-343-3318 40 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 Rick Neff HVAC Installation And Warranty Service (270) 866-7585 Rick Neff LIC#M02005 FREE ESTIMATES GREAT JOB JAYCEES! David F. Smith Attorney-at-Law Jedidiah Webb LIC#J13971 It’s Hard To Stop A Trane.® B&J Gosser Farm Kym Godsey Sue Eads Jennifer Cerrato 270-866-2255 NK Seed Sales - Hay Sales Alfalfa/ Orchard Grass Jonathan & Jody Gosser 1915 Hwy. 3525 Russell Springs, KY 42642 270-566-1127 T-N-T Carpet Quality flooring at low prices Satisfaction Guaranteed 2263 Lakeway Drive (Next to Coe’s Steakhouse) Russell Springs, KY 42642 • 270-866-2319 HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 - 4:30; Sat. 8:00 - 12:00; Closed Sun. 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM Compliments of THE LAW OFFICS OF JOEL R. SMITH & ASSOCIATES, PLLC Accident & Injury Personal Injury • Auto Accident Slips/Falls • Wrongful Death 324 Monument Square P.O. Box 1010 Jamestown, KY 42629 270-343-6565 Phone 270-343-6611 Fax BERTRAM & WILSON Fair Oaks Health Systems A Licensed, Superior Rated Facility Jamestown, Kentucky • (270) 343-2101 “For Dependability, Integrity and Quality Care.” Caring about people and enhancing the quality of life for our patients. Fair Oaks is Patient Focused! • 114 Nursing Facility Bed • Private & Semi-Private Accommodations • Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Respiratory Therapy Services • Comfort, Security and Dignity Quality Care + Reliable Management + Dedicated People = Fair Oaks Health System Derrick G. Helm Owners: Chris Minnich and Greg Faulkner Administrator: Chris Minnich Russell Co. Kwik Lube We Rotate Balance & Sell New Tires Attorneys-At-Law Robert L. Bertram M. Gail Wilson 41 325 South Hwy 127 Northridge Shopping Center Russell Springs, KY 42642 (270) 866-8558 Owners: Mendel Sexton & LaGene Sexton COLUMBIA MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 92 Joe T Petty Drive, Suite 700 - Russell Springs, KY (270) 866-6994 - (800) 872-4817 - Fax (270) 866-7011 Steve Richardson Brandon Davenport Mowing & Hauling Services CANNON’S RECYCLING Magistrate District 4 (270) 566-2335 901 W. Cumberland Ave Jamestown KY, 42629 (270) 343-3745 42 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 LAKEWAY MOTOR SALES Congratulations to the Russell County Jaycees for another great fair! 2915 S. Hwy. 127 • Russell Springs, KY 42642 270-866-2438 \ 270-866-3249 Same Location for 30 years BARGAINS EVERYDAY Donnie Smith Don Smith Local and Long Distance Hauling! Royce Campbell & Sons 871 KY 80 Windsor, Kentucky 42565 (270) 866-3765 Superior Battery Manufacturing Company, Inc. VERSASPA INSTANT TAN • TANNING BEDS P.O. Box 1010 - 2515 Hwy KY Russell Springs 223 Hwy. 127 • Northridge Shopping Center Russell Springs • 270-866-6767 Mon.-Fri. 10-8; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 12:30-5:30 Ross and Melody Haynes, Owners 2015 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM LAKE CUMBERLAND LAWN SERVICE 43 Serving Russell County Since 1899 Professional Lawn & Landscape Service 270-585-LAWN (5296) Kenvie Reese (270) 585-5296 Shane Richardson (270) 507-6297 Free Estimates • Insured Don’t get cut by the competition! Main Office - 400 Monument Sq. Jamestown Industrial Park-2215 N. Main Street Jamestown East 80 Office - 43 Hwy 910 - Russell Springs 44 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 Come Check Us Out On Hwy 127 Between RECC and Mini Indy Jack & Jack Insurance Agency 2395 N. Main Street • P.O. Box 1030 Jamestown, KY 42629 (270) 343-5363 bargerins.com Auto • Home • Farm • Commercial • Life • Health Carnes Automotive Repair LEON MCGAHA “All Your Auto Needs” (270) 866-3020 & SERVICE In Memory of MCGAHA TIRE 7624 Liberty Road Columbia, KY 42728 (270) 384-1203 (866) 264-0662 http://www.a1gate.com [email protected] Rex’s Cycle Shop, Inc. Kawasaki · Polaris · KTM · Bob Cat 1349 Campbellsville Rd. - Columbia, KY 42728 270-384-6018 - 1-888-849-6018 www.rexscycleshop.com Tammy Coffey, Owner H.E. Pruitt Memory Chapel 202 N. Main Street P.O. Box 320 Jamestown, KY 42629 Office 270-343-3483 Home 270-343-3484 J&S Country Store Esto Community (270) 343-3320 Food & Grocery Truck & Trailer Repair Parts - Tires Melanie LoyFlanagan, D.M.D. 43 Fruit Of The Loom Dr. Jamestown, KY 42629 (270) 343-4422 Brush, Floss, Smile 2768 N Hwy 127 - P.O. Box 599 Russell Springs, KY 42642 Ph. (270) 858-3533 MATTHEW B. DEHART, J.D. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW L. SUE BROCKMAN 34 W. Cumberland Avenue Jamestown, Kentucky 42642 Phone: (270) 343-6300 Fax: (270) 343-6301 Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 11:30 pm (270) 343-2125 Wethington Excavation Specializing In: Barn/Cattle Lots, Fence Rows, Yard Work, and Backhoe Work Jordan Wethington (270) 866-1999 Russell County Clerk Russell Co. Auto Parts Jamestown Auto Sales Phillip Gaskin, Owner Logan Street Russell Springs, KY 866-3138 1061 W. Cumberland Ave. Jamestown, KY 270-343-3827 www.jamestownautos.com H. James Popplewell, DMD 108 TOWN SQ. • P.O. BOX 700 JAMESTOWN, KY 42629 270-343-3324 Jay & Jenn Lawn Care (270) 566-8584 (270) 566-1678 You grow it, we mow it!!! McKinney & Blair Insurance Jamestown - 343-3144 Russell Springs - 866-4242 46 WWW.RUSSELLCOUNTYJAYCEES.COM 2015 The Russell County Jaycees & WJRS “Committed to Serving Russell County” Daily Coverage of the Russell County Jaycee Fair on Laker Country, 104.9 fm. WJRS & www.lakercountry.com RADIO 1060 WJKY - AM Russell County Jaycees Fair SCHEDULE SATURDAY, MAY 30 - $10.00 GATE Baby Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:00 am Tiny Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:00 am Little Prince and Princess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:00 pm Preteen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00 pm RCJC Buggy and Side by Side Shoot Out . . . .2:00 pm Teen Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:00 pm Mrs. Russell County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:30 pm Miss Russell County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00 pm Demolition Derby Stock Car, Small Car, 80 Model & Newer, Lawn Mower, Power Wheels . . . . . . .6:00 pm SUNDAY,MAY 31 - FREE GATE Car and Tractor Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00 pm Gospel Singing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00 pm MONDAY, JUNE 1 - $10.00 GATE Championship Mule Pull & Draft Horse . . . . .5:00 pm Kissel Rides Opens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 pm KOTTPA Truck and Tractor Pull . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 pm TUESDAY, JUNE 2 - $10.00 GATE Floral Hall Open Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:00 am Kissel Rides Opens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 pm Jaycee Pleasure Horse Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 pm OVW Wrestling (pavilion) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 pm WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 - $10.00 GATE Veterans Day, Veterans get in free (rides not included) Dairy Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 am Kissel Rides Opens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 pm Go Cart Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 pm Coca-Cola Talent Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:30 pm THURSDAY, JUNE 4 - $10.00 GATE Mule Pull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00 pm Kissel Rides Opens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 pm Demolition Derby Stock Car, Small Car, 80 Model & Newer, Lawn Mower, Power Wheels . . . . . . . .7:00 pm FRIDAY, JUNE 5 - $10.00 GATE 4-H/FFA Beef Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:00 pm Kissel Rides Opens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 pm KTPA Truck Pull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 pm SATURDAY, JUNE 6 - $10.00 GATE 4-H Shoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8:00 am Kids Day Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 am Horse Shoe Pitching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 am Pedal Tractor Pull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:00 pm Corn Hole Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00 pm Kissel Rides Opens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00 pm Horse Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00 pm Remote Control Pullers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:00 pm Russell County Derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:30 pm Championship Rodeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:00 pm Closing Ceremony . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 pm