The Interaction of an Ocean Eddy With an Ice Edge Ocean Jet in a
The Interaction of an Ocean Eddy With an Ice Edge Ocean Jet in a
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 96, NO. C3, PAGES 4675-4689, MARCH 15, 1991 The Interaction of an Ocean Eddy With an Ice Edge Ocean Jet in a Marginal Ice Zone DAVID C. SMITH IV AND ARLENE A. BIRD Departmentof Oceanography, Naval PostgraduateSchool,Monterey,California Remotelysensedimagesin the EastGreenlandCurrentmarginalice zoneregionindicatea variety of mesoscalemotions.These rangefrom isolatedmonopolesand dipolesto multiple eddy fields. Recentobservationsindicatethat many of the eddiesmay be advectedinto the regionfrom the West Spitsbergen Currentregion.TheytheninteractwiththeEastGreenland Currentmarginalicezoneand its associated along-ice-edge jet. In thispaperwe illustratehowtheice floefieldscanevolveduringthe interactionof an oceaneddy with an along-ice-edge oceanjet. The effectsof eddy senseof rotation, flowstrength,andbottomtopography areconsidered in barotropicandbaroclinic,two-layernumerical experiments. Initially, barotropicexperiments involvethe combinedeffectsof flat-bottomeddy-jet interactionsand eddy-topography interactions.Over a flat bottom, anticyclonesinteract with the cyclonicallyshearedsideof the jet and moveseaward,exportingice awayfrom the ice edgein a dipolardistribution.Cyclonesmovetowardthejet andare advecteddownstream. A seconddipole formation mechanismis associatedwith eddy-topographyinteractionand is a consequenceof the shallowpycnoclinedepthof the region.Rapidtopographic Rossbywave radiationin the lower layer spreadsenergyalongslopeand upslope(downslope)for cyclones(anticyclones). The upperocean response to thisprocessis a dipolewhichpropagates parallelto the ice edgewith shallowwaterto the left (topographic eastward).Jet-induced andtopography-induced eddypropagation tendencies combine to enhancecyclone-jetinteractionand limit anticyclone-jet interactions.The dipoleformation associated witheddy-topography interactionis weakenedby thepresenceof thejet but noteliminated. Eddy-induced distortions in the ice edgeare suppressed by the stabilizing effectof topography on the jet. Sensitivityof the initiallybarotropicresultsto variationin the Rossbynumberand degreeof topographicslopeillustratesthat eddiesare more efficientin producingice edgedistortionsfor strongerflowsand weakertopographic slopes.For initiallybaroclinicsimulations over topography, resultsare comparableto flat-bottomcases.Strongupper layer eddy-jet interactionscan occur independentof topographiceffectswhich are constrainedto the lower layer. 1. ties of the front or the broader INTRODUCTION An overview of various types of mesoscalemotions seen in remotely sensedimagesof the marginalice zone (MIZ) is givenby Ginsburgand Federov [1989].The motionsinclude monopole, vortex dipole, and mesoscaleocean jets transverse to the ice edge. The spatial scalesof the eddies can range from several kilometers to 100 km. Ginsburg and Federov [1989] suggestthat the eddies are short-livedwith lifetimes of only several days. Many of the eddies they discuss are dipoles (see, for example, Figure 1). They reinterpretthe earlier observationof cyclonesby Wadhams and Squire [1983] and Johannessenet al. [1983] as being dipolesin which only the cyclonicportion of the dipole is tracedby the ice. The formationof dipolesthey speculateis not likely related to baroclinic or barotropic instabilitiesor bottom topography.Other processessuch as near-surface density front instability [Griffiths and Linden, 1981], upwelling along an irregular ice edge [Hiikkinen, 1986], or uneven ice edge melting (with subsequentgeostrophicadjustment of the melted pool) may be related to the dipole formations.Dipole formationsare also seenin other regions in satellite images. In the Oyashio region, Federov and Ginsberg [1989] speculatethat dipole formations may be related to eddy interaction with the Oyashio. The existence of open ocean eddies adjacent to the ice edge front was documentedby Johannessenet al. [1983, 1987]. In those studiesit was argued that dynamic instabili- East Greenland Current (EGC) were responsiblefor the existence of the eddies. Recently, Gascardet al. [1988]andFoldvik et al. [1989]have suggestedthat the eddiesare not locally producedbut are advected into the East Greenland Current region across Fram Strait from the West SpitsbergenCurrent region. This suggests that the eddiescouldinteractwith the EGC and the ice edgefront. Motivatedby the suggestions of Federovand Ginsberg[1989],and the driftingbuoy resultsof Gascardet al. [1989], we investigatethe interactionof an existingeddy with an along-ice-edgeoceanjet. We considerthe effectsof eddyandjet strength,eddy senseof rotation,initial vertical shear, and the presenceof a topographicslope on eddy-jet interactions.The signatureof these processesin the ice concentration field is illustrated and the physical mechanismsresponsibleare examined. Ikeda and Lygre [1989]alsostudiededdy-jetinteractions, but in the context of a coastaljet flowing over a topographic sill. Their jet thus flows acrossisobathsinto deeper water, while ours flows alongisobaths.Emphasisin their study is on eddy interactions with meanders of a baroclinically unstablejet. They showhow eddiescan modifythe meander wavelengthof the jet. The interactionsreportedhere apply to the periodbeforeunstablejet meanderingoccurs.Emphasis is on eddy motion and the resultantsignaturein the ice edge. • the American Geophysical Union. In section 2 the model and experiment initial conditions are described. Flat-bottom eddy-jet experiments are discussed in section 3. The effect of topography on eddy evolution is consideredin section 4. Eddy-jet interactions Paper number 90JC02262. over a slopingbottomare discussedin section5. In section This paper is not subjectto U.S. copyright.Publishedin 1991by 4675 4676 SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET 78o30.N INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE . MIZEX 87 1 April1987 1630 - 1900 UT --. 77"00'N Fig. 1. Dipole formation as seen in a synthetic aperture radar image [from Shuchman et al., 1988]. 6, the sensitivity of the results to flow strength and degree of topographic slope is discussed.Experiments in sections3, 4, 5, and 6 are for initially barotropic flow fields. Baroclinic experiments are discussedin section 7, and conclusionsare provided in section 8. 2. 2.1. NUMERICAL TECHNIQUE AND MODEL PARAMETERS Ocean Model Experiments are performed using a two-layer primitive equation numerical scheme for the ocean with a coupled one-layer ice model. The model is essentially the same as that used by Smith et al. [ 1988] to study the interaction of an isolated eddy with a marginal ice zone. The reader interested in model developmentand testingis referred to that study for further details. Motion in each ocean layer is governed by a momentum equation at ot •7' Vi=O for layer thickness hi (i = 1, upper layer; i = 2, lower), transports Vi, and velocities •i- The fluid is hydrostatic, Boussinesq,and the fluid density Pi in each immisciblelayer is fixed. The equations are finite differenced in a semiimplicit numerical scheme following Hurlburt and Thompson [1980], who discuss it more fully. The ocean is coupled to the ice through an ice-water interfacial stress riw: ?iw=t91Ciw(ttl_ ttw)lttl_ttwl for ice (Ul) and upper layer ocean (Uw) velocity vectors. The constantdragcoefficients,(PI, Ciw,etc.) are chosenfollowing Hiikkinen [1986] and are given in the notation section. Subgrid-scaledissipationalprocessesare represented by a horizontal Laplacian operator on transport. The dissipation coefficient Ah is 10m2 s-1. A dissipation timescaleassoci- ovi •+ Ohi •+ (V' V i+ V i' •7)• i + k X fV i ated with A h is L 2/gh -- 30 days = -hiVPi + AhV2Vi+ • + A?iw Pi and a continuity equation All notation is defined in the notation section. A rectangular (110 x 80 km) finite difference gridded domain is used. Grid spatial resolution (2Ax) is 2 km. The SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET TABLE 1. Experiment Initial Parameters Rotation cm s -1 Ro ICE ZONE 4677 barotropic (v• = 1,,2)velocity distributions. The barotropic eddy and jet are defined as Topographic •'max, Experiment INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL Slope/5 hi(y)= I•l Flat Bottom, Barotropic, Eddy-Jet (Section 3) ACJ CJ ACJ2 CJ2 ACJ3 CJ3 AC C AC C AC C 25/25 25/25 12/12 12/12 37/37 37/37 0.34 0.34 0.17 0.17 0.51 0.51 0 0 0 0 0 0 2Lj2 Y>Y0 BF2 Broad TopographicSlope, Barotropic Eddy (Section4) ACB AC 25/25 0.34 1.5 x 10-5 CB C 25/25 0.34 1.5 x 10-5 where r2 = (x - Xc)2 + (y - yc)2 Broad Topographic Slope, Barotropic Eddy-Jet (Sections 5, 6) ACJB AC 25/25 0.34 1.5 x 10-5 CJB C 25/25 0.34 1.5 x 10-5 ACJB2 AC 12/12 0.17 1.5 x 10-5 CJB2 C 12/12 0.17 1.5 x 10-5 ACJB3 AC 37/37 0.51 1.5 x 10-5 CJB3 C 37/37 0.51 1.5 x 10-5 (negative for cyclones and positive for anticyclones) for layer thicknessvalueshi (i = 1, 2) andXc, Ycare coordinates of the eddy center. Although in sections3 through 6 the eddy and jet are initialized with barotropic structure, baroclinic structure associatedwith the layer interface is free to evolve. The seawardedge of the jet is at Y0 (Y grid pointj = 38, 38 km from the lower boundary of the model domain; see Figure 2). The eddy center is initially 9 km from the seaward Narrow Topographic Slope, Barotropic Eddy-Jet (Section 6) ACJN AC 25/25 0.34 3.0 x 10-5 CJN C 25/25 0.34 3.0 x 10-5 ACJN2 AC 12/12 0.17 3.0 x 10-5 CJN2 C 12/12 0.17 3.0 x 10-5 ACJN3 AC 37/37 0.51 3.0 x 10-5 CJN3 C 37/37 0.51 3.0 x 10-5 edgeof thejet. Lj andL e arethe e-foldingwidthscales(=5 km) for the jet and eddy, respectively. The amplitude of the Gaussian distribution was chosen to give a maximum veloc- Broad Topographic Slope, Baroclinic Eddy-Jet (Section 7) BCACJB AC 40/10 0.56/0.14 1.5 x 10-5 BCCJB C 40/10 0.56/0.14 1.5 x 10-5 ity (I2max) of approximately 25cms-1 fortheeddyandjet in mostexperiments (sections3-5). Weaker(12 cm s-1) and stronger (37cms-1) casesareshownin section6. Theinitial AC, anticyclonic'C, cyclonic, /5= (1/H2)(Oh2/Oy). velocity and eddy sense of rotation for each experiment is given in Table 1. A radiation condition was used on both the downstream (left) and upstream (right) boundaries [Camerlengo and O'Brien, 1980]. The zonal boundaries are no-slip walls where estimatedby 13L2/U[Flied et al., 1983].For the flow both tangential and normal flow are set equal to zero. Consistent with the short lifetimes of the dipoles and parametersin these experiments, this quantity is of the order of 10-3 indicating that the effectof /3 is negligible. The transversejets suggestedby Ginsberg and Federov [1989], Coriolis parameter is thus a constant in this study. the simulationswere integratedfor short periods (<5 days). Table 1 provides initial conditions for the experiments. The thermocline depth in the East Greenland Current ranges The initial state consists of a geostrophically balanced jet from 25 to 100 m. Here the upper layer mean thickness is extending uniformly across the basin aligned with the ice chosen to be 50 m. The lower layer mean thickness is 4000 edge (defined below). A Gaussian open ocean eddy in m. The first internal Rossby radius of deformation(Re) is approximately 7 km for these layer thickness choices. gradient balance is initially seaward of the ice edge jet. Experiments in sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 are initialized with According to Gascard et al. [1988], the East Greenland domain is centered at latitude 80øN. The importance of planetary /3 in a quasi-geostrophicvorticity equation, is free-drift 25 MIZ 50 cm/s m ocean jet 4000 sloping 80 km Fig. 2. • • m bottom 110 km Schematicillustration of the coupled ice-oceanmodel and initial condition for the experiments. 4678 SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE Current has a narrow jetlike structurewith width of about 25 km, flowing over the continental slopebetween the 1000and 2000 m isobaths. Our dimensional jet width of 5 km is narrower than that cited by Gascard et al. [1988]; however, a nondimensional jet widthLj/Rdfor ourjet isof theorderof 1, as Gascard et al. [ 1988]indicate is appropriatefor the East Greenland Current jet. mid-domain (see Figure 3a, day 0). The ice is initialized with the ocean velocity. Wind-forcing effects are not considered in this study. The ice acts largely as a passivetracer for the ocean motion. Slight differences between the ice and ocean fields may be expected due to differences between dissipation coefficients 3. 2.2. in the ice and ocean. FLAT BOTTOM, BAROTROPICEDDY-JET INTERACTIONS Ice Model The interaction of an eddy with an adjacent oceanjet was consideredby Stern and Flierl [ 1987]. In that study, an eddy representedby a point vortex was allowed to interact with a c)tlI c)tlI c)tlI A . • + Ul + Vl = fvl - --r• w jet representedby a frontal boundary between two fluids of Ot •x • m uniform but different potential vorticity. Their study illustrated that an anticyclone close to the cyclonically sheared O(hl + h2 + d) -- g + AhV2Ui side of a jet can pair with the cyclonically shearedfluid of the Ox jet and propagatelaterally away from the axis of the jet. In contrast, a cyclone on the cyclonically sheared side of a jet 01•I c)1• I 01•I A . moves toward the jet and is advected downstream with the +tll + Pl = _fll I __ ,w jet. Becausethe experimentswere done on anf plane with a at • -•y mry quiescentbackgroundflow field, the jet-induced eddy propO(hl + h2 + d) agation represents an eddy propagation mechanism not -- # + AhV2•i associatedwith planetary rotation or advection by broader oy mean flows. These results were extended by Smith and and continuity equations Davis [1989] to show that these processeswere also seen when eddies and jets with more realistic finite lateral vortica A O(A ui) O(A•,i) ity distributions were considered. •+•+• = AaV2A at ox Oy Stern and Flierl [1987] showed that significanteddy motion away from a jet can occur for eddies of opposite sign am O(mui) O(m•,i) vorticity of the jet edge when the eddy-jet separationdis• +• +• = AmV2m tance is less than a length scale l, defined as the squareroot at ox Oy of the vortex circulation divided by the jet shear potential for ice concentration A and ice mass m. As in previous ice vorticity. Stern and Flierl [1987] showed that this is equivmodel studies [Hdikkinen, 1987; Hibler, 1979], a Laplacian alentto • r fordimensional eddyradius r. In thisstudy,r damping term has been included in the continuity equations is 5 km, making l equivalent to 9 km. For barotropic point Motion in the ice is governed by the momentumequations for a and m. The Peclet number indicates the relative importance of advection to diffusionin the ice concentration field. For the values chosen here, we estimate UL (0.2)(5000) Aa (30) Pe .... 30 In other studies of tracer evolution over mesoscale motions, a Peclet number > 200 is considered to indicate nondiffusive motions [Mied et al., 1990]. Our ice concentration field cannot be considered nondiffusive. The ice equationscontain a pressureforce associatedwith sea surface slope. Most mesoscalemodeling studiesof the MIZ have neglected this term. Its importance in no-wind simulationsis demonstratedby Smith et al. [1988]. Although no internal ice stress [ttibler, 1979, 1984] is included in the ice equations, the effects of viscous-plasticice rheology are being considered in a separate study (W. P. Budgell et al., manuscript in preparation, 1990). Thermodynamic effects are not consideredin this study. The ice thicknessdistribution D is initially specifiedto be 2 m thick but is then allowed to vary according to m (PI A) Ice concentration is initially a linear function of the y coordinate varying from 0.25 to 0.75 in a 10-km band in vortices, Stern and Flierl show that eddy motion is normal away from the jet when a nondimensional eddy-jet separation distance R(0) is less than 1.25. R(0) is defined as the dimensional, initial eddy-jet separation distance, L(0), normalized by I defined above. Smith and Davis [1989] found that weaker eddy motions away from the jet can occur for R(0) up to 2.4, beyond which the jet-induced eddy motions become substantiallyweaker. For the eddy dimension(5-km radius) chosenhere, this correspondsto a dimensionaleddy jet separationL(0) distance of 21 km. Eddies further than this distancewould not experiencejet-induced eddy motion. In the East Greenland Current MIZ region, eddies on the seawardsideof the ice edgejet would encounterthe cyclonic shear of the jet. From these considerations, we anticipate that anticyclones will acquire seaward motion, while cyclones should move toward the jet and be advected downstream with the jet. 3.1. Barotropic Anticyclone-Jet Interactions Figure 3 showsan anticyclone-jet experiment (experiment ACJ, Table 1). Following Stern and Flierl [1987] and Smith and Davis [1989], the anticyclone pairs with the cyclonic vorticity (Figure 3c) of the jet and moves away from the jet. Figure 4 shows the trajectory for the eddy center for this experiment. Correspondingaverage translation speedsare listed in Table 2. L(0) for the experiment in Figure 3 is 9 km, SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE 4679 0.75 0.30 _--;;7-7-_-_-_--z-_zzz - ......... ......... O. •o.6•0 2.75 -- 1. oo day 2 day 0 day 4 Fig. 3. Barotropic flat-bottom anticyclone-jet experiment ACJ, 1/ma x = 25 cm s-1, days0, 2, and4. (a) Ice concentration(contourinterval CI = 0.05); (b) upper layer relative vorticity (dashedand solidcontoursare anticyclonic andcyclonic, respectively; CI = 0.1 x 10-4 s-l); (c) surface heightanomaly (CI = 0.25cm). makingR(0) = 1. The motion of the eddy away from the jet is thus consistent with the previous results of Stern and Flierl [1987]. In the fiat-bottom barotropic experiments the fluid evolves barotropically, with motion in each layer remaining in phase (Figures 3b and 3c). The interaction of the eddy with the jet also produces an azimuthal mode one asymmetry in the eddy. The effect of azimuthal mode one asymmetry on eddy motion can be seen by decomposingthe eddy into axisymmetric and asymmetric parts. The axisymmetric part on an f plane has no eddy propagation tendency. The asymmetric part (azimuthal mode 1) is dipolaf and nonlinearly advects the symmetric portionof theeddy.Figure5a shows theanticyclone at day 4 of experiment ACJ centered in a box which is 20 km on a side; Figure 5b shows the eddy after the radially symmetric part (mode 0) has been removed. The distribution of this asymmetriccomponentis predominantly dipolaf, confirming the presenceof azimuthalmode one distortion.The direction of eddy propagationis along the axis of the dipole pair, and this augments the jet-induced motion of the anticyclone awayfromthe cyclonicsideof thejet. Effectsof azimuthal mode 1 distortions in inducing eddy motion are further examinedby SmithandBird [1989].SmithandDavis [ 1989] 60 showed that the eddies perturbed in eddy-jet interactions adjust to axisymmetric once they propagate away from the jet. The anticyclone-jet interaction creates an upper ocean '• 5O • CJB 40 TABLE 2. • o CJ •% 3o Propagation Speed,kmd-1 •o lO 50 Average Eddy Propagation Speeds loo Along-slope Distance (km) Fig. 4. Eddy trajectory for flat-bottom (ACJ, CJ) and topographic (ACJB, CJB) cases. Symbols are marked at daily intervals. Layer x Component y Component ACJ upper CJ upper ACJB upper CJB upper CB upper -0.25 - 1.50 1.00 -6.33 0.74 -2.50 0.89 - 1.73 1.17 2.00 CB lower - 3.11 ACB upper ACB lower 1.13 - 1.76 2.28 - 1.06 -2.32 4680 SMITH AND BIRD' EDDY-JET INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE jet and is advecteddownstream(Figure 4) with the ice edge jet. The inward and downstream advection of the cyclone with the jet is consistent with the results of Stern and Fiieri [ 1987]. Downstream of the cyclone, an ice edgeperturbation ß (a [•', ,,! :,, [-i • •:,',:,.,,_'_-.',•,,-' o with cyclonic vorticity extends seaward. It does not how[• l:', "' ever have the appearanceof a vortex pair as in the previous anticyclone-jet experiment. The ice edge perturbation is advected downstream with the ice edge jet and does not .......I -grow seaward with time. Further downstream a growing Fig. $. Azimuthal decompositionof barotropiceddy ACJ at day 4. (a) Eddy surface height anomaly centered in a 20-km-square meander perturbed by the eddy reaches the downstream region. (b) Asymmetric componentafter the axisymmetriccompo- boundary by day 4. nent has been subtracted. The results of Gascard et ai. [1988] suggest several processesassociatedwith the cyclone-jet interactions with which we are able to compare our results. The drifter trajectories and satellite images reported there indicate a "dipole" which advects ice (Figure 3a) seawardaway from the ice edge. Ice is concentrated only over the cyclonic seriesof seawardextendingice edgetonguesdownstreamof portion of the dipole. This ice is initially over the cycloni- cyclone-jet interactions. The tongues have an along-ice cally sheared portion of the jet. The anticyclone is never wavelength of approximately 50 km. Gascard et ai. [1989] under the ice and does not acquire any ice during the suggest that the occurrence of these ice-edge tongues is eddy-jet interaction. While the upper ocean flow field ap- attributable to a destabilizationof the ice edge front by the pears dipolar in this experiment, the rotational velocity in cyclone-jet interaction. Downstream of the cyclone a tongue the cyclone is very much weaker than in the originalanticy- associatedwith the off-ice eddy flow is seen [see Gascard et clone. This is true in numerousother experimentsinvolving ai., 1988, Figure 16c]. Gascard et ai. [1988] note that some the interaction of anticyclones with the cyclonic side of a ice edge eddies appear to remain stationary, presumably MIZ ice edgejet. For the modelparameterschosenhere, the topographically trapped by the Hovegard and Greenland o-. • 2.-. I ;50, ',, anticyclone-jetinteractionmechanismfor producingdipoles fracture zones. Our simulationsdo not include these trapalways producesanticycloneasymmetry (usingthe terminol- ping effects. ogy of Federov and Ginsberg [1989] to denote that the anticycloneis the strongerof the dipolepaiD. It is interesting 4. EDDY-TOPOGRAPHY EXPERIMENTS to note that the advection of ice over the cyclonic portion of The strongbarotropic componentof the West Spitsbergen the dipole in Figure 3 gives the appearanceof a cyclone asymmetry, while the ocean dipole actually has anticyclone Current and its associated eddies is mentioned by many asymmetry. authors. Hence, as the eddies are advected into the EGC Also evident in this simulation is a broadening of the MIZ region, the continental slope of East Greenland may marginal ice zone with the appearance of a low-concentra- influence the eddy-ice edge front interactions discussedin tion region. This low-concentrationregion is associatedwith the previous section. To study these effects a linear sloping differential Ekman drift over the oceanjet. Maximum cross- bottom is includedin subsequentexperiments. Depth ranges ice-edge Ekman drift occurs over the jet axis leading to a from 1025 m at the top of the domain to 4025 m at the lower spreading in the ice concentration field. This effect was lateral boundary. The effect of a slopingbottom is to provide discussedin the study of wind-driven ice edge jets by a strong vorticity gradient absent in the f plane simulations above. This vorticity gradient can exert a stabilizing effect Smedstadt and ROed [1985]. on the jet. It also provides a mechanismfor eddy propagation and decay absent in the flat-bottom experiments. The 3.2. Barotropic Cyclone-Jet Interactions topographic vorticity gradient associated with this slope While the experiment in Figure 3 illustrates a mechanism •T = -(fo/H2)(ah2/ay)= 2 x 10-9 m-• s-•. for dipolar export of ice away from the ice edgethe appliPrevious studies of eddy-topography interaction indicate cability of this result to the East Greenland Current MIZ is that an eddy over a slopingbottom can decay by topographic unclear. The drifter trajectories of Gascard et al. [1988] Rossby wave radiation. Radiation leads to eddy azimuthal indicate that eddiesfrom the West Spitsbergenregion are mode one distortions which provide cross-slope eddy moadvected into the EGC MIZ region. The drifters, however, tions. In the context of Loop Current eddies in the Gulf of indicate that the eddies are predominantly cyclonic. The Mexico, Smith [ 1986] showed that these distortions lead to a prior observations of Johannessenet ai. [1987] also indicate downslope (upslope) propagationtendency for anticyclones that the majority of the eddies are cyclonic. This places (cyclones). In that study, this cross-slopepropagation occyclonic eddiesin contact with the cyclonic side of the East curred whenever the lower layer flow strength exceeded a Greenland ice edgejet. critical value. Lower layer flow strengthwas quantified by a The experiment in Figure 3 was repeated with a cyclonic Rossby number Ro2. For Ro2 > 0.07, cross-slopeeddy eddy in the initial condition. All other parameters, such as motions were found. The lower layer Rossby number for eddy-jet separationdistanceL(0) and eddy andjet strength, parameters chosen here(l•2max = 0.25cms-1 L = 5 km)is are the same. Experiments with a cyclone adjacent to the 0.34. Wave radiation also disperses energy along slope, cyclonic side of the ice edge front do not exhibit seaward leading to a rapid decay of the original eddy [Louis and dipole formation as in the anticycloneexperimentshownin Smith, 1982]. A dispersivedecay time scale can be estimated Figure 3. The time evolutionof this experiment(experiment by 1/13rLand is of the order of days for our parameters.In CJ, Figure 6b) indicatesthat the cyclone moves toward the contrast, the dispersive decay scale for mid-latitude eddies SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE 4681 0.30• 2.5-- day0 day2 day4 Fig. 6. Barotropic flat-bottom cyclone-jet experiment CJ,Vma x -- 25cms-l , days0, 2, and4. (a)Iceconcentration (CI = 0.05);(b) upperlayerrelativevorticity(CI = 0.1 x 10-4 s-l); (c) surface heightanomaly (CI = 0.5 cm) (CI--0.1 x 10-4 associatedwith planetary/3 is of the order of months. The cross-slopetendenciesmentioned above are efficient only for that period before the lower layer eddy decays(in this study, several days). For comparisonwith subsequenteddy-jet-topographyex- Lower layer relative vorticity plots for an anticyclone (experimentACB, Figure 7b) showthe typical dispersionpattern seen in numerousprevious isolated eddy studies. The lower layer anticyclonemovesto the "topographic" south- westat a speed whichaverages 2.9kmd-• . The.trajectories periments,we first show the behaviorof isolatedbarotropic for the upperand lower layer vorticity extremaare shownin eddies over topography without the ice edge jet. These Figure 8. In contrastto the lower layer eddy path, the upper experimentsillustrateanotherdipoleformationmechanism. layer anticyclonepairs with an upper layer cyclone to its day2 day3 day4 Fig.7. Anticyclone topography (no-jet) experiment ACB.(a)Upper layerrelative vorticity (CI = 0.1x 10 (b)lowerlayerrelativevorticity (CI = 0.1 x 10 4682 SMITH AND BIRD' EDDY-JET INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE 60 fo 2L2 ] Op2 OdOtV2p2+•(pl-P2) CB• 50- 9'H2 •.. 0x CB• 9'H 2 +•'•J P2,V2p2+•(Pl-P2) =0 'X 40- ACB• 30ACB2 20- 10 +• In flat-bottom, /3 plane experiments, planetary Rossby waves exist in both layers associated with the /3 term (t3 (Op/O x) in dimensionalform). In our experiments,the planetary/3 term in the lower layer is replacedby a topographic/3 (+fod/H) term. The lower layer dispersionis thus related to topographicRossby dispersion. In contrast to those previous experiments, the upper vortex in our experiments does not disperse, as f is constantin the upper layer equation. For the layer thickness choiceshere H l << H2, making iI do do 4o Along-slope Distance Fig. 8. Upper and lower layer trajectories for vorticity extrema in eddy-topography cases ACB and CB. Subscripts on experiment labels denote upper (1) or lower (2) layer trajectory. fo2L 2 fo2L 2 9'H 2 9'H1 (=6 x 10-3)<<• (=0.5) Thus the vortex stretchingterm has a negligiblerole in lower layer dynamics, while upper layer motions receive strong vorticity input from the lower layer by vortex stretching at the interface. While these experiments illustrate another dipole formation mechanism which may be appropriate for the East north and propagates to the "topographic" east (shallow Greenlandmarginal ice zone, further analysisis necessaryto wateron the left) at 1.1km d-I (Table2). Velocityvectors determine the robustnessof this result. A series of experi(not shown) indicate this to be a nearly symmetric dipole. An ments with various eddy size and strength and different experiment with an anticyclone initially in the lower layer, topographic slope values is being conducted and will be with the upper layer initially at rest, illustrated that the upper reported in a separate study. layer cyclone seen in Figure 7a is the result of vortex stretching from below, as the lower layer anticyclone dispersesover topography. The experiment in Figure 7 was also 5. THE EFFECT OF TOPOGRAPHY ON BAROTROPIC repeated without any coupling to the ice to confirm that the EDDY-JET INTERACTIONS dipole formation was not related to the ice cover. A barotroEddy-jet interactions over topography involve combined pic cyclone (experiment CB) over topographyalso forms an upper ocean dipole. An anticyclone spun up from below effects of eddy-topography and eddy-jet interactions. Based appears on the downslope side of the upper ocean cyclone on the eddy-topographyinteractions examined in section 4, and pairs with it. This dipole pair also propagates to the one might anticipate rapid topographic dispersion in the "topographic east." The upper and lower layer trajectories lower layer which erodes the lower layer eddy and provides a strong vortex stretching effect to the upper layer. In the for this case are also shown in Figure 8. upper layer, eddy-jet interaction can occur, possibly modiPrevious studies of isolated eddies on a /3 plane [McWilliams and Flierl, 1979; Mied and Lindemann, 1979] have fied by the vortex stretching at the interface. These experishown that initially barotropic eddies in two-mode models ments will show that although the lower layer topographic decay as barotropic features with eddy motion in each layer dispersionis reduced by the presence of the jet, the vortex remaining in phase. In those studies, the effect of planetary stretchingeffect on the upper layer is still significantenough /3 in causing motion and decay is in both layers. Here rapid to modify the upper layer eddy-jet interaction. In addition, topographic dispersion occurs in the lower layer associated the presence of the topographic vorticity gradient in the with a topographic /3 effect, but the upper layer equations lower layer can alter the eddy-jet interaction. In the context have a constant Coriolis field, consistent with the small of the Gulf Stream, Smith and Davis [1989] showed that planetary /• enhancedcyclone Gulf Stream interaction by planetary/3 effect at 80øN. The rapid dispersive decay of the lower layer eddy struc- decreasingthe eddy-jet interaction length scale R. For the ture in these experiments can be illustrated by considering eastward flowing Gulf Stream however the background two-layer quasi-geostrophicequations. Following Mied and vorticity gradient enhancesopposite sign eddy-jet vorticity interaction. For the topographic westward flowing East Lindemann [1979], in dimensionless form these are written Greenland Current ice edge jet, topographic /• enhances like-sign eddy-jet vorticity interaction. Cyclones (anticy- fo2 2 ] /•L•J +•(P2-Pl) U[Pl,V2pl fo 2L2 =0 0 V2pl +•/'H • 1 (P2-Pl)qOx Ot clones)moveupslope(downslope)and have stronger(weaker) interactions with the jet. The topographic eastward propagating dipoles seen in the upper layer in eddytopographyexperimentsare presentbut lesswell developed when the jet is included. SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE 4683 0.75• 0.30• day0 day2 day4 Fig. 9. Barotropic cyclone-jet topography experiment CJB, l•'ma x = 25 cm s-1, days 1, 2, and 4. (a) Ice concentration (CI = 0.05);(b)upperlayerrelativevorticity(CI = 0.1 x 10-4 s-l); (c) lowerlayerrelativevorticity (CI- 0.1 x 10-4 s-l). 5.1. Barotropic Cyclone-Jet Interactions Over Topography Upper and lower layer relative vorticity fields show compa- Figure 9 (experiment CJB) shows the interaction of a cyclone with the ice-edge jet when a topographic slope is included. The presence of the jet provides a vorticity barrier for the free topographic wave dispersionand thus limits the upslope motion of the lower layer cyclone seen in experiment CB (no jet experiment). The formation of the upper ocean, "topographic" eastward propagating dipole is thus slowed (but not eliminated, as is discussedbelow). Because the dipole formation is slowed, the barotropic to baroclinic transfer of energy is also reduced. The ratio of available potential energy (APE) to kinetic energy (KE) on day 4 (see Table 3) for this experiment is 2 orders of magnitude less than in the cyclone topography experiment (CB). In comparison to experiment CB, where upper and lower relative vorticity fields evolve more strongly out of phase, the eddy-jet topography flow fields evolve more barotropically. Topography does however alter the eddy-jet interaction. For cyclones, topography provides an upslope propagation tendency (Figure 8) which enhancesthe eddy-jet interaction. A comparison of Figure 8 with Figure 6 indicates that the cyclone moves further into the ice edge and is advected rable evolution. TABLE 3. APE Initial ACJ CJ ACB CB ACJB CJB 0 0 0 0 0 0 downstream morerapidly(6.3 km d-1) than in the flatbottomcase(1.5 km d-l). Thisresultis consistent with the findings of Stern and Flierl [1987] who show that downstream motion of like sign vorticies is proportional to 1/R. Here, topographyhas led to a decreasededdy-jet interaction length scale R. The trajectories for this case (CJB) and the flat-bottom case (CJ) are shown in Figure 4. A secondary circulation associatedwith topographic dispersion in the lower layer is spun up in the upper layer by vortex stretching at the interface (as in cyclone-topography case CB) and appears as an anticyclone downslope of the Energetics KE1 Final 0.75 x 0.95 x 0.13 x 0.12 x 0.41 x 0.16 x Initial 104 104 109 109 108 108 0.65 x 0.67 x 0.46 x 0.46 x 0.65 x 0.67 x KE2 Final 109 109 109 109 109 109 0.48 x 0.50 x 0.19 x 0.13 x 0.44 x 0.54 x Initial 109 109 109 109 109 109 0.10 0.11 0.23 0.21 0.64 0.66 APE, availablepotential energy;KE1, upper layer kinetic energy;KE2, lower layer kinetic energy. x x x x x x 1012 1012 l0 ll l0 TM l0 ll l0 ll Final 0.82 0.85 0.11 0.14 0.46 0.56 x x x x x x l0 ll l0 ll l0 ll l0 ll l0 TM l0 ll 4684 SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE 0.75 0.50 day0 day2 day4 Fig. 10. Barotropic anticyclone-jet topography experiment ACJB,Vma x = 25cms-1, days1, 2, and4. (a) Ice concentration (CI = 0.05);(b)upperlayerrelative vorticity (CI = 0.1 x 10-4 s-l); (c)lowerlayerrelative vorticity (CI = 0.1 x 10-4 s-l). cyclone.This anticycloneinteractswith the jet in muchthe same fashion as in flat-bottom anticyclone-jet experiment ACJ (Figure 3). It advectscyclonicvorticity away from the ice edge, creating a second cyclonic ice edge tongue upstream of the original one. The signatureof this in the ice edge is two cyclonic cusps in the outer ice edge with approximately25 km spacing.The inner ice edgedoesnot showthe samedegreeof meandering.It is interestingto note that the ice edge meanderingis associatedwith the eddies and not actual meanderingof thejet itself. Meanderingof the barotropicjet is suppressedby the stabilizingeffect of topography. The flat-bottom, cyclone-jet experiment in section3 did not exhibit any upstreamice edge effects.This experiment illustratesa possiblemechanismfor creatingan upstreamice tongue. In this experiment, the second cyclonic ice edge distortion is associated with the topographic slope. Topographicdispersionin the lower layer cycloneforcesan upper layer anticyclone;the anticyclonethen interactswith the cyclonicvorticity of the ice edgejet, advectingice seaward, upstream of the original cyclone. 5.2. Barotropic Anticyclone-Jet Interactions Over Topography In flat-bottom, anticyclone-jet interactions, we have shown that seaward ice advection can be associated with The upperoceananticyclonemovesseawardand upstream, interactingwith cyclonicvorticity which initially appearsto have comefrom the cyclonicedgeof thejet (as in flat-bottom caseACJ). In contrastto flat-bottom experimentACJ, where the cycloneis advectedlaterally away from the jet by the anticyclone,the cyclone in this experiment is continually forcedfrom below (as in anticyclone-topographyexperiment ACB) and remainsupslopeof the anticyclone.Their interaction results in topographic eastward propagation very comparableto the dipolein experimentACB (Figure7). The trajectory for this case (experiment ACJB, Figure 10) is nearlyidenticalto that for ACB (rather than purely seaward for ACJ) suggestingthat eddy-topographicinteraction is more importantthan eddy-jet interaction. This is also supportedby an APE/KE ratio (Table 3) which is a factorof 4 greaterin ACB than in the correspondingcyclonecaseCJB, where the upstreampropagatingdipole is weaker. While an ice edge distortion initially forms, associated with the anticyclonebarotropicjet interaction,it is advected downstreamwith the jet. The growth of this perturbationon the ice edge is suppressedby topography which has a stabilizingeffect on the barotropicjet. This effect is further illustrated in the next section. The ice edge acquires a cyclonic distortionas the perturbation is advecteddownstream (day 4, Figure 9a). Figure 4 showsthe trajectoriesfor the flat bottom and the "dipole" formationin the experimentACJ (Figure3). When slopingbottomeddy-jetcases.It illustratesdifferencesbea topographicslopeis included,this processis inhibitedfor tween anticyclonesand cycloneswith respectto jet-induced barotropiceddies. For an anticyclone,topographicdisper- motion and differences between flat-bottom and slopingsion results initially in lower layer eddy downslopepropa- bottomexperiments.Motion away from thejet in flat bottom gation weakening lower layer anticyclone-jet interaction. anticyclonecaseACJ is associatedwith two effects:vortic- SMITH AND BIRD' EDDY-JET INTERACTION ity pairing of the eddy with opposite sign vorticity from the edge of the jet (Figure 3) and azimuthal mode 1 distortion (Figure 5) acquired by the eddy in the interaction. In cases with sloping bathymetry, motion is also associated with topographic wave radiation. Topographic dispersion provides upslope (downslope) motion for the lower layer cyclones (anticyclones). This enhances cyclone-jet interaction and weakens anticyclone-jet interactions. For cyclones, the upslope motion results in a strongereddy-jet interaction and subsequentlyin more rapid downstream advection with the jet. In the cyclone-jet-topography case CJB, only weak evidence for the dipole formation associated with eddytopography interaction (CB) is seen. For anticyclones, the seaward propagation associatedwith eddy-jet interaction is suppressedand eastward propagation associatedwith eddytopography dipole formation occurs. The azimuthal mode 1 distortion seen in flat-bottom anticyclone-jet experiment ACJ (Figure 4) is not evident in the correspondingtopography case ACJB. 6. SENSITIVITY TO FLOW STRENGTH OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND DEGREE SLOPE IN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE 4685 For a given flow strength, the effect of increased topographic slope is to further reduce ice edge distortions. This is related to the effect of the topographyon both the jet and the eddy. Through vorticity constraints, jet perturbations induced by the eddy are inhibited from growing in sloping bottom experiments. Eddy decay rate is increased for increased topographic slope by rapid topographic dispersion thus weakening the eddy-jet interaction. For a given topographicslope, the effect of increasedflow strength is to enhance ice edge distortions. Stronger eddies resist dispersive decay [McWilliams and Flierl, 1979] thus persisting longer, having stronger eddy-jet interactions. Stronger flows have increased cross-isobath eddy motion and increased cross-isobathjet meandering. The seaward extending dipole mechanism associatedwith flat-bottom anticyclone-jet experiment ACJ is suppressedin all topographic cases. Dipole mushroom like vortices are however seen in the ice edge in both Figures 9 and 10 and are more well defined in high Rossby number experiments. These dipole shapes can have orientations evolving both seaward and iceward. A qualitative comparison of some of these mushroom shapes in Figure 9 with those in Figure 10 indicates that it can be ditficult to determine the sense of The sensitivity of barotropic eddy-jet interactions to the degreeof topographicslopein the lower layer is examinedin this section. In studiesof quasi-geostrophicturbulence over topography [Rhines, 1976], it has been shown that to first order, results depend on flow strength and degree of bottom rotation of the initial eddy from the ice concentration field. slope.Here the Rossbynumber(Ro = •max/.fL)quantifiesthe The results of barotropic simulations indicate that topography can significantly modify the interaction of eddies with the ice edge front. Anticyclone-jet interactions are inhibited in those experiments and cyclone-jet experiments are augmented. In both cases, the effect of increased topographic steepnessis to limit cross-ice-edgedistortions and lead to enhanced eddy decay rate. To investigate the effect of a baroclinic component on these results, several of the experiments were repeated with vertical shear in the initial con- strength of the flow and the steepnessof the topography is indicatedby/J = (l/H2) (Oh2/Oy).For smallRo and large/J, topography controls the flow and the fluid conservespotential vorticity by following contours of the bottom. For large values, nonlinearity can dominate and cross-bathymetry flow is possible. In the context of an isolated eddy over a sloping bottom, we anticipate these parameters to be an appropriate quantifier of the results as well. Small Ro, large /J cases will delineate a more linear regime in which lower layer flow must conservelinear potential vorticity, dispersing linear topographic Rossby wave energy along slope. For larger values, the cross-topography self advection seen above in experiments ACJB and CJB should occur. To test these hypotheses we have repeated those experiments for weaker flows and steeper topography, thus varying Ro and 7. BAROCLINIC EDDY-JET INTERACTIONS OVER TOPOGRAPHY dition.Upperlayermaximum velocity(•lmax)is 40 cms-1 andthecorresponding lowerlayervelocityis 10cms-1 for both the eddy and the jet in these experiments. These values for flow strength are consistent with observations in the East Greenland Current region (J. Johannessen,personal communication, 1989). In contrast to the barotropic simulations, baroclinic eddyjet interactions(Figures 11 and 12) are largely unmodified by The steepness (/J) of the continental slope in the East the effect of the slopingbottom. The upper and strongerjet Greenland MIZ regionrangesfrom1.5 x 10-5 near76øNto is decoupled from the lower topographically steeredjet and 5.0 x 10-5 near77.5øN.Thusourinitialtopography results cross-ice-edge perturbations are free to evolve. The lower apply to the southern location. The effect of steeper topog- layer eddy signatureis rapidly eroded in both anticyclone-jet raphy is consideredhere. The topographicslopeparameter/J and cyclone-jet experiments, leaving upper layer eddy-jet is doubled to 3 x 10-5. Thiscorresponds to a depthchange interactions to occur as in the flat-bottom experiments. The from 400 m to 3000 m in 50 km. A flat 400-m-deepcontinental lower layer decay is associated with rapid topographic shelf extends 30 km from the upper lateral boundary of the Rossbywave radiation along slope. The rate of decay is such domain. Topographic/3T [-(fo/H2) (Oh2/Oy)]for these two that the lower layer eddy structure is nearly completely slopevaluesare2 x 10-9 m- 1 s- 1 and4 x 10-9 m- 1 s- l, eroded within several days. Lower layer rotational velocity decreases to less than 1 cm s-• in this experiment.In 3 orders of magnitudegreater than planetary/3 at 80øN. Ice concentration on day 4 for nine barotropic cyclone contrast, the jet lower structure is not affected by this experiments in which the Rossby number and the topo- process. This evolution to upper layer eddy structure by graphic slopeparameter/Jare varied in the initial conditionis wave radiation is consistent with the previous studies of shown in Figure 9, and the corresponding fields for the McWilliams and Flierl [1979] and Mied and Lindemann anticyclone-jet experiments are shown in Figure 10. The [1979] where the decay of mixed mode eddies on a/3 plane signature of the eddy-jet interaction in the ice varies sub- were examined. These effects can be seen in relative vorticstantially with both parameters. ity plots [Figures 13 and 14] where the upper layer vorticity 4686 SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTIONIN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE CJN2 CJN CJN3 CJB CJB3 CJ C J3 0.70 CJB2 I 0.75 0.50 C J2 ß17 .51 .34 Rossbynumber Fig. 11. Ice concentrationon day 3 for all barotropiccyclone-jetexperiments. ACJN2 ACJN ACJN3 ACJB2 ACJB ACJB3 ACJ ACJ3 • 0.75 0.45 ACJ2 .17 .34 .51 Rossbynumber Fig. 12. Ice concentrationon day 3 for all barotropicanticyclone-jetexperiments. SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTIONIN A MARGINAL ICE ZONE F' i _ .0.75• o65 75 0 ' "• 4087 0.70 O.3O :: ................. 0.25 ......... c day o day 2 day 4 Fig. 13. Baroclinic anticyclone-jet topography experiment BCACJB,Vlmax -- 40 cm S-1, t,'2max "' 10cm s-1, days 0,2, 4.s(a)• Ice concentration; (b)upper layer relative vorticity (CI -4s-l day 0,10 0.05 day 2;0.025 xand 10-4 , day 4);(c)lowerlayer relative vorticity (CI L-0.05 x= 100.5 -4 sx-l,10 day 0;,0.01 x -4 -4 s-ls-l, , day 2; 0.005x 10-4 s-1, day4). 0.75 i i 0 . 30 • .... day 0 day 2 day 4 Fig. 14. Baroclinic cyclone-jet topography experiment BCCJB,Vlmax ----40cms-1, V2max --'-10cms-l, days0, 2, and4. (a) Iceconcentration; (b)upperlayerrelative vorticity (CI = 0.25x 10-4 s-l , day0; 0.05x 10-4 s-l , day2; 0.05x 10-4 s-l , day4); (c) lowerlayerrelativex;orticity (CI = 0.05x 10-4 s-l , day0; 0.01x 10-4 s-l , day2; 0.005X 10-4 S-l , day4). 4688 SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTION IN A MARGINAL extremum associatedwith the eddy is clearly evident on day 4. In contrast, the lower layer vorticity signature of the original eddy is very weak. The upper layer responsein these baroclinic experiments is qualitatively similar to the flat-bottom experiments (section 3). Ice concentrationfields (Figures 13a and 14a) show a greater degree of spreadingof ice over the axis of the jet associated with the increased upper layer flow and hence larger Ekman divergence effect. The growth of downstream perturbations thus appears to be confined to the outer ice edge. Anticyclone-jet interactions (Figure 13) produce a seaward propagating dipole as in flat-bottom experiment ACJ. The cyclone-jet experiment (Figure 14) produces a cyclonic cusp in the ice edge but does not provide seaward ice export. 8. CONCLUSIONS The interaction of open ocean eddies with a marginal ice zone ocean jet has been investigated numerically. The experiments may help to explain several aspectsof ice edge distortions seen in remotely sensed images of the East Greenland Current MIZ. Over a fiat bottom, the interaction of an initially barotropic anticyclone with the cyclonically sheared side of the jet can produce dipolar ocean flow fields and advect ice seawardin a mushroompattern similar to that seenin syntheticaperture radar images.Observations,however, indicate that the eddiesin the region are predominantly cyclonic. Cyclonic eddies move toward the jet and are then advected downstream, creating cyclonic perturbationsin the ice edge. Eddy-topography interaction can also cause upper ocean dipole formations. On short time scales (<1 day), topography induces upslope (downslope) motion in the lower layer for cyclones (anticyclones). Rapidly evolving lower ocean topographic wave radiation deforms the interface, providing strong vortex stretching to upper layer fluid columns. This strong effect on the upper layer is a consequenceof the thinnessof the upper layer (50 m) relative to the lower layer (4000 m). Upper layer dipoles form from both anticyclones and cyclones and propagateupstream, alongslopewith shallow water to the left (topographic east), in both cases. The lower layer structures evolve rapidly out of phase with the upper layer dipole, with the lower layer anticyclone (cyclone) moving downslope (upslope). The results suggest that barotropic eddies advected into the East Greenland continental slope region are unlikely to have deep structure after even brief interactions with the sloping bottom. The effect of topography on barotropic eddy-jet interactionsis to enhancecyclone-jet interactions and weaken anticyclone-jet interactions. Topography also tends to stabilize the jet, limiting downstreamgrowth of eddy-inducedperturbations on the jet. Cross-isobathmotions in the meanderingice edge jet are only seen in high Rossby number experiments. Baroclinic eddy-jet interactions over topography, however, more closely resemble flat-bottom experiments, suggesting that topography may not be important in baroclinic eddy-jet interactions. Rapid topographic wave radiation erodesthe lower layer eddy structure,leavingupper layer eddy-jet interactions which evolve independentof the effect of topography. In contrast, the lower layer of the jet is not weakened by this process.The results of flat-bottom experiments then suggestthat anticyclone-jet interactions will ICE ZONE produce seaward-extending dipolar ice flow fields within time scalesof several days for upper ocean velocities in the rangeof 10to 40 cm s-1 (Ro = 0.17-0.54).The extentof seawardice export increaseswith flow strength.Cyclone-jet interactions do not provide seaward dipolar flows in the ice but lead to downstreamcyclonic-shapedice tongues.These experiments also illustrate that it can be difficult to determine the sense of eddy rotation or number of eddies from spatial patterns in the ice concentrationfield. NOTATION A ice concentration. A0 eddy maximum amplitude. A h Laplacian lateral friction coefficient,equal to 10 m 2 s-1 ' A a Laplacian diffusioncoefficientfor ice concentration, equal to 30. A m Laplacian diffusioncoefficientfor ice mass, equal to 30. /• variation of Coriolis parameter (80øN) with latitude,equalto 3.8 x 10-12 m-1 s-•. Ciw ice-water interfacial stresscoefficient,equal to 7.5 x 10-3. d D variable depth topography. ice thickness,equal to rn/piA. •x At grid spatial resolution, equal to 1 km. finite difference time step, equal to 600 s. •il Kronecker delta (equal to 0 when i = 2). V2 Laplacianoperator,equalto (02/0x2 + 02/0y2). f0 Coriolis parameterfor mean latitude (80øN), equalto 1.43x 10-4 s-1. •7 acceleration dueto gravity,equalto 9.8 m s-2. •7' reducedgravity for upper, lower density Pi, equalto 0.02m s-2 (= [(P2-- Pl)g/Pl])' •, Hi H2 hi /max nondimensionaleddy size, equal to L/Ra. upper layer mean thickness, equal to 50 m. lower layer mean thickness,equal to 4000 m. instantaneouslayer thickness. number of grid points in the zonal direction, equal to 111. Jmax number of grid points in the meridional direction, equal to 79. L e e-foldingscalefor the eddy, equal to 5 km. Lj e-foldingscalefor thejet, equalto 5 km. L(0) I rn P• initial distance from the eddy center to the jet edge. eddy interaction length scale, equal to 9 km. ice mass. pressurein the upper layer, equal to 9(hl + h2 + d). P2 pressurein the lower layer, equal to P1 - 9'hl. Q nondimensionaleddy strength,equal to •'max/ qi upper, lower layer potentialvorticity, equal to (f + •i)/hi. R d first internal Rossbyradiusof deformation,equal to (l/f) [(•I'H•H2)/H•H2] m. Roi r Rossby number for upper (i = 1) and lower (i = 2) layers, equal to V/max/fL. eddy radius, equal to 5 km. p• density of ice,equalto 910kgm-3. riw ice-waterinterfacial stress,equalto plCiw SMITH AND BIRD: EDDY-JET INTERACTION u•, v• ice velocities in the x, y directions. uw, vw ocean upper layer velocities in the x, y directions. Ui, Vi ICE ZONE 4689 layer quasigeostrophicmodel, in Mesoscale/Synoptic Coherent Structures in Geophysical Turbulence, edited by J. C. J. Nihoul and B. M. 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