Kyrgyz Republic
Kyrgyz Republic
CAREC Corridors: Implementation Progress, Planned Activities and Support Needed KYRGYZ REPUBLIC 14th CAREC Transport Sector Coordinating Committee Meeting 28-29 April 2015 Ulan Bator, Mongolia Action Plans to Achieve Targets (2014-2016) REHABILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT CORRIDORS • Rehabilitation of Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart road; • Reconstruction of Bishkek - Osh road (Phase 4) • Construction of the new North-South highway CAREC TRANSPORT CORRIDORS IN THE KYRGYZ REPUBL CAREC 1 Bishkek-Naryn Torugart, 539 k CAREC 3 Bishkek –Osh-SaryTash-Karamik, 987 km CAREC 5 Sary-Tash-Karamik, 136 km CAREC 2 Osh-Sary-TashIrkeshtam - 258 km Corridor 1: Europe - East Asia (PRC-T Bishkek-Astana-Chu-RF) Coridor 2: Mediterranean-East Asia Irkeshtam-Osh-Andijan-Tashkent-Samarkand-B ports of the Caspian Sea) Coridor 3: Russian Federation - Middle E South Asia (RF-Semey-Almaty-Bishkek-Osh-Sa Karamyk- Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Iran-Persia ports) Coridor 5: East Asia-Middle East and So (PRC-Irkeshtam-Sarytash-Karamyk-TajikistanAfghanistan-Pakistan) Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart Road (CAREC-1) Bishkek Kochkor Dolon Pass 365 400 439 Torugart Pass 479 Tyuz-Bel Pass 539 497 km Total investments USD 427.8 M Credit financing USD 349.3 M Grant financing USD 42.0 M Government financing USD 36.5 M 272 Naryn Ak-Beit Pass Total length China Construction of the North-South Road ( connecting CAREC Corridors 1 and 3) КАZAKHSTAN ЧолпонАта Туп гр. Казахстана Кеген Балыкчы Кочкор L=433 км UZBEKISTAN Алра Казарман ДжалалАбад Худжегр. Таджикистан нт Ош ТАJIKISTAN L=502 км Исфана Баткен CHINA Kazakhstan border - Balykchy, 266 km Balykchy - Jalalabad, 433 km 5 Jalalabad - Tajikistan border, 502 km Kazakhstan border – Tajikistan border,1,201 km 5 61км CAREC 3 9 км Bishkek – Osh Road finance amount section Balta ) Length (phase 4) BishkekKara-Balta section (ADB), km 9-61 498 Jalal-Abad – Madaniyat section (EDB) km 507-572 572 finance amount section Маdaniyat ). Length ЕADB $60 mlnl. km 507-572, (Jalal-Abad65 km АDB $100 mln. km 9-61, Bishkek-Kara52 km 52 км CAREC Corridors Actions planned for 2015-2017 1. Rehabilitation of international corridors • Completion of rehabilitation of Bishkek-Torugart road; • Reconstruction of Bishkek - Osh road (phase 4) section Bishkek-Kara-Balta (ADB) km 9-61 section Jalal-Abad Madaniyat (EDB) km 507-572 •Construction of North-South road, phase 1, 2, 3 • Phase 1 (China Eximbank) Kyzyl-Jyldyz – Aral section (183-195 км), Kazarman - JalalAbad (km 291-433), including a 3.7-km tunnel across Kok-Art pass, length - 154 km. • Phase 2 (Government of China and the China Exim Bank) section km 195-291, Aral Kazarman, length - 96 km, including a 0.8-km tunnel • Phase 3 (ADB, co-financing for sections by IDB, EDB), Balykchy - Kyzyl-Jyldyz (km 0183), length - 183 km, negotiations, approval of the project’s feasibility study Investment and Knowledge Needs - Investments RECONSTRUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT «ОSH» Project cost The estimated cost of the project for reconstruction of international airport "Osh" according to the feasibility study is US$105 million, with air navigation facilities – US$118 million. EXPANDING TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES OF KYRGYZ AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM The project cost - US$25 million Investment and Knowledge Needs Investments Railway Projects Electrification of the railway line Lugovaya-Bishkek (Alamedin) - US$250 million Reconstruction of the railway line Balykchi - Chaldovar – Lugovaya - US$ 66 million Purchase of equipment for Railway Wagon Repair Shop US$18 million PPP projects Construction of the northern bypass road (Bishkek - KaraBalta) - US$150 million Construction of Osh Logistics Center - US$15 million (a PFS has been developed ) Railway Projects Investment and knowledge needs - Investments New projects for the CAREC Work Plan Establishment of the Alamedin Logistics Center – US$3,2 million 134 86 Rehabilitation of IssykKul Ring Road, 436 km- US$ 475 88 million 34 94 Investment needs and knowledge Needs in the area of knowledge / capacity Needs in the field of knowledge: •Economic corridor development, regional integration and transit (difficulties in the integration and harmonization of policies); • The study of multimodal transport systems along the routes of the CAREC countries; •Liberalization of transport services and logistics; •The effectiveness of the implementation of road projects; •International conventions and freedom of airspace; •Regional rail transportation in CAREC Corridors; •Alternative modes of transport, environment, transport services; •A study of the impact of transport and loading on the pavement, the harmonization of technical standards; •Simplification of tolls and charges; •Safety of transport corridors (study of the main causes of accidents and remedy); •Performance Measurement and Monitoring of CAREC corridors by mode of transport. Investment needs and knowledge Needs in the area of knowledge / capacity Capacity needs: •Strategic planning and policy development in the transport sector, the integration and harmonization of legislation; •Investment analysis in the preparation of PPP projects; •PPPs in transport infrastructure; • Contracts for the repair and maintenance of roads with payment by results; •Design of transport projects; •Implementation of quality transport control at the external borders; •Creation and development of logistics centers; •The experience of other countries for the implementation of the digital tachograph in the AETR. Тhank you!
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