The little boy was telling his grandmama how “everything” was going
The little boy was telling his grandmama how “everything” was going
Vol. 42 Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Dr. John Page, Jr. No. 03 John’s Page: ‘ The little boy was telling his grandmama how “everything” was going wrong: school problems, family problems, health problems, girl problems, Little League problems, etc., etc. Grandmama was baking a cake as she was listening to her young grandson. She asked her grandson if he would like a snack, which, of course he did! “Here, have some cooking oil,” Grandmama said. “Yuck!” the boy retorted. “How about a couple of raw eggs?” “Gross, Grandmama!” Then she offered, “Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?” The boy said, “Grandmama, those are all yucky!” To which Grandmama replied: “Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But, when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!” God works the same way. Often we wonder about our difficult times, the bad things we endure. But God understands the complete recipe and He has assured us that He will work with us to make something good come from all of the bad. In the meantime, our role is to “keep on keeping on” in the work which He has called us, trusting Him with each “ingredient” life hands us. More often than not, God uses our friends to help bring about the “delicious” things in our lives. It is often their words of encouragement, perspective and sheer tenacity, added to the recipe at just the right time, which prevent us from giving up or quitting in the middle of the “baking” process. Friends, extending the love of Christ, helping friends witness the hand of God at work in every life...that’s the Church! Our church is the Body of Christ reaching out to all with His recipe, “In all things, God works together for good with those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). No matter where you are in the “baking” process, His friends and yours are here for you, and will help make something “delicious” out of it all.’ (Copied from Dr. Randy Mickler) Call me when you need me. In His Name, John Thank you to each who made contributions last week to the “Haiti” fund thru UMCOR. We collected close to $1000.00 that will be used for relief in that area. 100% of those funds will be used by UMCOR to provide relief. We continue to accept donations. Please mark your gift “Haiti”. MUSIC NOTES to the CONGREGATION! The Chancel Choir is looking toward the Lenten Cantata in March and the Community Choir Festival later this year. If you would like to join us, choir practice is at 6:00pm on Sunday evenings in the music suite. The flowers on the altar this Sunday are given given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jane Stallings in remembrance of her birthday on January 12th, by her sistersister-inin-law, Ann Fields, and her niece, Julia Fields Maples of Louisville, Kentucky. Important Dates to add to your calendar: January 29-Golden Age Group Meeting February 12-Jr. Hi. Youth Lock-In February 14- Scout Sunday February 18-Youth Lenten Breakfast Begin March 21-Chancel Choir Cantata April 23-Youth Confirmation Class Retreat/Junaluska VOLUNTEERS IN SERVICE January 24, 2010 10:55 Service Greeters The Fellowship Class 10:55 Service Ushers Bill Hightower, Jimmy Parrott, Mark Irvin, John Mallory Acolytes Henry & Sophie Daniel ATTENDANCE Jan. 17, ‘10 8:30 am Worship 12 Contemporary Worship 58 10:00 Sunday School 138 10:55am Worship 121 Wed. Church Supper 60 Total Morning Worship 191 STEWARDSHIP General Budget Specified Jan. 17, ‘10 $9,389.43 2,137.10 Faith Mission Endowment B&G Total .00 .00 $11,526.53 Contemporary Greeters John & Katherine Williams BUDGET REQUIREMENTS ‘10 Youth Supper Chefs John & Katherine Williams Weekly Bud. Req. Bud. Req. to date Bud. Giving to date NA NA NA FIRST QUARTER ACTIVITIES SUNDAY SCHOOL – Each week 9:45-10:45am LIVE B.I.G. for ages 3 years through 8th grade. What can we do to help the Haitian people? What gift can we bring? One United Methodist Church mission avenue is called UMCOR. Below is a list of things we can bring to help children and their families in disaster areas. If you can bring any of the items, please call or e-mail to tell us what you will contribute. Then bring the items to SS or WW and we will begin assembling the Health Kits to send to UMCOR. These must be new items: please choose ONE set of items or or or or or or or or 1 - box of gallon sized zip-lock bags 6 - new wash cloths 6 - large sturdy combs 6 - nail files (no emery boards) or fingernail clippers (no toenail clippers) 6 - hand towels 15" x 25" up to 17" x 27" ( no kitchen towels) 6 - bath-sized bars of soap (3 oz and up) 6 - toothbrushes (single brush only in the original wrapper, No child-size brushes) 6 - adhesive plastic strip sterile bandages $6.00 for UMCOR to purchase toothpaste in bulk WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY – 3:00 – 5:30pm For ages 3 through 5th grade January 20 - Tell us about Frankincense and Myrrh; let’s make a King Cake; begin learning “’Twas in the Moon of Wintertime” January 27 - We’re still in the Christian Season of Epiphany “The Story of the Fourth Wise Man”; we’ll paint our craft; we’ll add the Jewish dance song – “I Will Celebrate” NOTE: FEB> 16 – Upson is out. We’ll do 12:00 – 5:00 WW SNACK SCHEDULE: If you cannot help, just let me know as soon as possible. JAN. 27 - Olivia Pruett & Jamie Kay Grubb FEB. 3 - Catie Evans, Natalie & Knox Miller ACOLYTE SCHEDULE - Need to swap? Call Rhonda Ward. Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. 7 Feb.14 Feb. 21 - Henry & Sophie Daniel Lisa Davis & Meagan McMahon Olivia Pruett & Gracie Ward Boy Scouts Ella Hix & Emily Siscel. YOUTH NEWS Hey EVERYONE! Our first Sunday night meeting from 5:307:00 went very well! A lot of people were sick or busy with holiday plans but we still had a good crowd with some visitors in the mix. Pastor John filled in as our recreation leader and The Whitakers brought an amazing pot of chili, which was exactly what we all needed! Remember, Jr and Sr High youth are meeting simultaneously...that means BOTH groups start at 5:30pm. We talked about not serving leftovers to a holy God. Our main challenge was to offer God our best instead of making Him an afterthought and also to stop charting our own courses when we claim to be Christians (which are FOLLOWERS of God). This Sunday- Same schedule! 5:30-7:00! John and Katherine Williams are scheduled to feed us supper and hopefully everyone will be feeling 100% and we'll see each and every one of you 6th through 12th graders this Sunday night. UPCOMING EVENTS. 5th Sunday Blowout- BOWLING @ Magnolia Lanes in Griffin. Let us know if you plan to go! Bring $10 for 2 hrs of bowling, shoes, and food. We're meeting at 4:30pm and we will return by 8:00pm. SOUP-ERbowl SUNDAY! The youth are sponsoring a special food drive. There will be a display table in the narthex where you can place canned goods which will be distributed locally to those in need. Support the youth as we attempt to make a difference in our community! The most efficient way to get information and updates out to all the youth and parents seems to be through this newsletter page and through the new youth e-mailing list. You can sign up for the mailing list by visiting our website and entering your e-mail address. We've been sending out a couple a week for the past couple weeks and it looks like all the kinks have been worked out. So make sure you've signed up! IMPORTANT DATES COMING UP SUNDAY, Jan. 24th Noon- Crosstrainers Luncheon 1:00PM Contemporary Design Team Mtg./FH 2:00PM Missions Committee Mtg./Library 5:30PM Youth/Youth Center 7:00PM Evangelism Mtg./Library SERMON AND SCRIPTURES FOR SUNDAY, January 24, 2010 Scripture: Luke 4:14-21 “Good News” 8:30am –Traditional Service-Chapel 9:000am- Contemporary Service- Fellowship Hall 10:55am Traditional Service-Sanctuary BIRTHDAY GREETINGS January 21-January 27, 2010 Please let us know if we do not publish your birthday. Jan. 21: Rebecca Yawn, Caden Murphy; 23: Helen Middlebrooks; 24: Betty Laird, Sandy Doty; 25: Cecil Tyrone, Ann Britt; 26: Dana Knight, Henrietta DeFoor; 27: Jan Castleberry Golden Agers Meeting Friday, January 29 11:00am Social Hall Christian Believers Class, led by Dr. John Page, Jr., began Jan. 13th, after Wednesday Church Supper. Plan to join us in the Step Room each Wednesday evening. If you want to join the group that has started, please let the office know so that we can get the program materials for you. Prayer Concerns Please call to make us aware of those in need of prayer. Thank you. OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL: around the world OUR MISSIONARIES: Tylers-Africa, Iveys-Peru, Dearmons-Africa, Datwyler-Ecuador, Mixons-Kenya SOUTHLAND HEALTH & REHAB: Opaline Woodson (151 Wisdom Rd., Peachtree City, 30269). CURRENT REQUESTS: Margaret Moseley, Doris Huckabee FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES IN NEED OF PRAYER: Haiti; Steve Furtick (brotherin-law of Kathy Berryhill), Elaine Holloway (recurring cancer), Elaine Graves, Wanda Hewitt, Dylan Brown, Hope Blackstock, Bo Storey, Kim Passeneau, Joan Nell Marks, Charles Daniel, Lisa Taylor Lanxston, Bill Dallas, Sam Haygood OUT-OF-TOWN: Marion Berry, Luella Boyers Jean Raines, Elizabeth Storey, Opalene Woodson, Rev. Timothy Green AT HOME: Chessie Rogers, Frankie Oxner, Ernest Gore, Ann Jenkins PROVIDENCE: Carolyn Bowen, Elsie McKinley RIVERSIDE: Dot Humphries, LaFayette Short, Hilda Koch WEST VILLAGE: Willie Bentley, Betsy White, Gertrude Taylor, Katie Nell Pinkard, Carolyn Knight, Robert Cravey WEDNESDAY CHURCH SUPPER January 27th, 2010 5:30pm CALENDAR 21: THURSDAY 9:00am-MMO & Preschool 7:00pm-Staff Parish Mtg./Parsonage 22: FRIDAY 9:00am-Aerobics /Step Room 24: SUNDAY 8:30am Traditional Service/Chapel 9:00am Contemporary Service/FH 9:45am Sunday School 10:00am New Member Class/Parlor 10:55am Traditional Serv./Sanc. 12:00 Noon-Crosstrainers Lunch/FH 1:00pm Contemporary Design Mtg./FH “KANSAS DAY CELEBRATION” Menu: Pot Roast w/ potatoes & carrots, green salad, dinner rolls, dessert- Kansas “Dirt” 2:00pm Missions Mtg./Library 5:00pm Handbells 5:30-7:00pm Youth Prices: $6-Adults, $3-Children 12 & up 6:00pm Chancel Choir Practice Family Maximum: $20 7:00 Evangelism Comm. Mtg./Library Please make reservations by 25: MONDAY 9:00am Aerobics/Step Room Tuesday Noon. 26: TUESDAY 9:00am MMO & Preschool 27: WEDNESDAY AEROBICS CLASS 9:00am MMO & Preschool MEETS MONDAY 3:00pm Wonderful Wednesday AND FRIDAY 5:30pm Church Family Supper/FH 6:00pm Crown Ministries Study MORNINGS AT Library 9:00AM 6:30pm Bible Study/ (Revelations) Social Hall 6:30pm Christian Believers Class Step Room Thought for the week: Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it. email: [email protected] Office 706-647-3335 Fax: 706-648-2658 CHURCH STAFF Dr. John Page Pastor Pat Dodson Director of Ministries Bonnie Douglas Youth Director Joan Thomas Music Director Sherry Rawls Admin. Assistant Henrietta Johnson Financial Secretary Rick McManus Organist Anita & Claude Fillingim Church Hosts Rosa Smith Housekeeping Kevin Cochran Maintenance OUR MISSIONARIES Ron and Belinda Tyler-Africa Arthur and Mary Alice Ivey-PeruThe Dearmons-Africa Datwyler Family-Ecuador George and Martha Mixon-Kenya Published Weekly by the First United Methodist Church 132 Cherokee Rd., Thomaston, GA 30286 Second Class Postage Paid at Thomaston Send Address Changes to: The Navigator, P.O. Box 707, Thomaston, GA