BC3B 1 654
BC3B 1 654
i RobertM. Heller,Esq.[StateBarNo.S0984] ROBERTM. HELLE& A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION 1875CenturyParkEast,Suite1000 LosAngeles;Califomia 90067 Telephone: (310)286-15I 5 (310) 286-0046 Facsimile: FITAD- IOS ANGEI,ESSIITEHOR 0EC 04?007 '"Hffi Attomeysfor Plaintiff SUPEzuOR COURTOFTHE STATEOF CALIFORNIA COUNTYOF LOSA}IGELES. CENTRALDISTRICT l0 16 5 4 BC 3 B HIaDRODERM, LLC, a DelawareLLC; ll ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) TERI HATCHE& au individual; ISBE ) PRODUCTIONSLLC, aDelawareLLC; and ) DoesI througbl00,Inclusive; ) ) 12 13 l4 l5 t6 ,r1 trl 1el Defendants. COMPLAINT FOR RE,LIEtr'BASED ON RESCIS$ON; FOR D^A,IVIAGES ['OR BREACII OF CONTRACIi ['OR BREACII OF TIIE IMPLIED COVENANTOF'GOODFAITH AND FAIR DEALI-NG;FOR Monmy HAI) AND RECEII{ED; AND I'OR FRAttD By CONCEALMENT Plaintiff Hydroderm,LLC herebyallegesas follows: ,01 ,tl CaseNo. I PARTIES A}ID YPNUE l. Plaintiff Hydroderut, LLC ("Hydroderm") is a linited liability cosrpanyorganized uoderthe laws of the Stateof Delawarewith its principal place of businessin the City and County oflos Angeles,Stateof Califomia. rrl 2- DefendantTeri Hatcher("HaXcher")is an individual and aresident t&pryF "f ,."?* ,t ;i ,ulCounty of Los Angeles, Stateof Califomia ^ Fi - ii :l 3. Defe'ndantISBE Productions,LLC ("ISBE') is a limited liability compsny organirndunderthe laws of the Stateof Delawarewith its principal place of businessin r I cor',mienrr I "d HdoI:e Looz cao 'o l l 'i tl rll of Bwerly Hills, Countyof Los furgeles,Stateof California.Hydrodermis informedand ,llat" Uetievesand thereonallegesthat ISBE is a "loan out'.'corporationthat existsprimarily for the ,ll on behalfof or for the benefit of defendantHatcher. , llputpo." of enteringinto agreements 4 ll 4 , Hydroderm is infotmed arrdbelievesand thereionallegesthat ISBE is the alter ego . Il "ll .llof Hatcher.Hydrodetm is informedandbelievesandthereonallegesthat Hatcherdominates oll tll * controlsISBEandthatthereis sucha unltyof interestandownershipthattheseparate of ISBE andHatcherno longerexistandif theactsareteated asthoseof ISBE Sf nerconatities l tll"."o aninequitableresultwill follow. 5. Hydroderrnis ignorantof thetruenamesandcapacities of defendants 10ll suedhereinas tl t t OoesI through100,inclusive,andtherefore suesthesedefendants by suchfictitiousnames. lf t 2ll HyaroCerm will amendthis complaintto allegetheir tue namesandcapacities when tl l3llascertained.Hydrodemtis informedandbelievesandthereonallegesthateachof su.oh f +[lnctiti*sly naneddefendants is responsible in somem'nnsr for the occw?enc€s hereinalleged, tsf by thesedefendants' la"a thatHydrodenn'siqiuriesashereinallegedwereproximatelycaused tull*" ttll 6. Hydrodermis informedandbelieves andthereonallegesthat defendants DoesI tslltrrr*er, l9llr"p.t **i*s, 'olf to"u*g 2rll 100,inclusive,weretheagents, servants, employees, alter-egos, instrumerrtalities, covenhlrers,co-cottspirators andparhersof eachof theotherdefe,ndants, ISBE andHatcher,ard in doingthethingshereinafteralleged,wereactingin the of theirauthorityassuchagents, servants, employees, alter-egos, instrumentalities, ,llt** *"ntatives,coventurers, co-corupirators andpartnersandwith the knowledge,pennission ,rll*Ot consentor with the apptovalor ratificationof their oo-defe,ndants, an4 aszuch"share .ll ^24ll ^a ti"UitiOwith eachotherwith respectto saidmatterscomplained of herein.DefendansISBE ZSll HatcherandDoes1 ttuough100,inclusive,shallbecollectivelyrcforredtohereinas "ll*Ootrttaants"' zzll 2sllttt tl ll _.--- 2 "---- -co^,er"erNt ll tl il 7' d l.ldoI3e 4ooz to oaq t tr 2 t GENERALA,LLEGATION, E COMMON 4 Tq AL! CAUSES OFACTTON : 5 A. Hvdroderm Contractpwith Defeqda4teforllstcber's Arclusive Endors€mentSeryiees. 6 7. Hydroderm developedand is currently marketing a skin care produotline that is 7 intendedto produce many of the effectsof collageninjections without the pain or expense. Hydrodenn'sproductsreducethe appearance of wrinkles and oteatea healthierglowto the I l1 I skin. 8. To generatesalesand increaseits namerecognition"Hydroderm soughtto confract with a prominent public figure to provide exolusiveendorseinentserviceson behalf of l 3 Hydroderm.Hydrodenn consideredseveralwell-knownand attactivo actresses.Hydroderm I t( chose,however,to pursue an exclusiverelationshipwith Hatcher based,in large part, on the fact that Defendantsrepresentedthat Hatcherwas not cnrrently Endorsingany competingskin 16 oareproducts and promised that shewould not do so in the future. 1 9. Accordingly, effectiveNovember30, 2005,Hydrodermand ISBE, Halcher'sloan IE 19 20 2l 22 23 out company,entered iuto a witteu agreementwherebyHatcher would renderendorseme,lrt senices on behalf of Hydrodenn in oonnectionwith Hydroderrn's narketing of the Hydroderm ProductLine (the "Agreement"). 10. The Ageement containsa confrdentiallyprovision that preventsthe partiesfrom disclosingthe tenns and conditions of the Agreementexcept underspecified circumstances, including "any legal proceedings." In the spirit of this provision, however, and to proteot 25 Hatcher'sprivacy, Hydroderm nei&er attachesthe Agreernelrtto this complaint nor quotcs 26 dirwtly from the Agreement. Rather,Hydroderrrrallegesthat rxrderthe terms of the 27 Agreernent,Defendants agrcedthat ISBE would not authorizeor permit Hatcherto use,among 28 otherthings, her name, voice, autograpl, imageor likenessdirectly or indireotly !o, among COMPLAINT .d l.ldoI :e 4ooz to cao ll'i ,ll I or promote,eudorse, skin caxe advertiseskin productsrnanufactured rnanufactured market things,promote, eudorse, marketor advertise caxeproducts o1trq things, llother z 2ll s competitors. competitors. marketedby Hydrodermn Hydrodermns ^r3llflmarketed tl 4llB. Defendang becsueeHltcher lheAqreeqept becsueeHltcher Btqach lheAqreeqept Matefiatlv Btqach and Matefiatlv FraFd_and Defendang Commit Commit Fraud tt 5ll tl 6ll Cgmpetitors. Senricesfor for Cgmpetitors. ement ementSenrices Provides En_dore Provides4n-dore tl all of thetermsandconditionsrcquiredof it under 11. Hydrodermhasfully performed 7ll ,U. Agreemen!exceptwheresuchperformance is excusedot madeimpossibleby virhreof "" llDefendants' perfomrand/or material breaches breachesofthe and/ormaterial Agreement. of theAgreement. failure to perfomr Defendants'failure ll tll and, fact, tecmsof the Agree,me,nt and,in fact, the tecms by the theAgree,me,nt abideby however,f,ailed f,ailedto abide Defendants, however, 12. 12. Defendants, ttoll-",rrr"ly 0 t l - -llmaterially occurredbecaue thetermsof theAgreement.Thesematerialbreaches breached llll 1 permittedthe interalla,Hatcha's voi@,image, useof, of,inter name,voi@, image, andpermitted theuse alla,Hatchq'snamg Defendants authorizedand O*un*rs authorized ,rf l to directlyandindirectlyptomote,endorse,marketand lltikenessandotherendorsernent t 3lI competingskincareproducts. ll advertise r4ll ,Sll waseffective,flatcherprovidede,lrdorse,ment 13. BeforeandaflertheAgreement ,Ull***s ., , r"llt l , rll ("City"), includingbutnot limitedto; for City Cosmetics a lip includingspeci{ically (a) Posingfor photographs app$ingCity products, with Hydrodem'slip enhancer; phulpet productin directcompetition trll ft) BeinginterviewedaboutCityproducts; ,ll (c) Iclentiffingherselfasa "fan" of City'sproducts; 2l ll il (d) AuthorizingandpermittingClty to preparegift baesfor guestsof herbirthday tt (e) Authorizingandpennittinghernameto beusedin connectionwith City ,rll ll ,Oll ttll tl ,tll ,rll ,rll It il -----tl party; productsasa meansto appearbeautifulat anawardseven[ and of her andCity websitephotographs (f Authorizingandpermittingpressreleases of City products. useandendorsement 4 coMPLAINT tl tl il -.-1 H dII:e 4O O Z t o cag llt l tl rll 14. Hyd,roderrn is still iovostigming thenatureandextentof endomement services ;ll rnayhaveprovidedfor othercompetitors. Hatcher'snamehssbeenlinkedto skincare I I ,llttatctrer I by numerous competitors ntoau"tsmarketed olf I Defendants actively zuppressed and the fact that concealcd frorn Hydroderm Hatcher 15. I .ll "l l l providing,andwouldcontinueto providgendorsement services for Hydroderm's 6ll*^ I Defendants suppressed and fact to competitors. concealed this materia,l with tbe intent defraud ,ll I 'lll to Hydrodemr revealed thatHatcherwasproviding,andwould HadDefendants SlIUVaroaerm. I services to competitors, Hydrodermwouldnot haveentered I || continueto provide,endorsement I andconcealment of thismatedalfact l gll ioto theAgreement.Defendants'activesupprcssion I il-l to sufifersubstantial damages assetforthin thiscomplaint. I I llcausedHydrodenrr name,voice,imageor likenessto usedHatcher's 16. To theextentanycompetitor trll ft competing nrarketor advertise skincareproductswithoutDefendants' endorse, lln*-ot", lallconsentor permission, of goodfaithandfair dealing,Defendants underthecovenant owed tsllffvat"aerm tlredutyto protectHydroderm's rightto receivethebenefitsof theAgreement. ln I I I I I I6|[otn t words,Defendants preveflt voice, owedHydrod.erm thedutyto Hatcher'srurme, imageor I ttll or permission consent to directlyor indirectly I Urcn.r, frombeingusedrvithoutDefendants' ttllo.**e, skin careproductsincluding but not lirnited I endorse,rnarketor advertiseconrpeting t'll.,a product lipenhancing 20il I of tiro Agreemenl materialbreaches of Defendants' 1?. Priorto Hydroderm'sdiscovery 2lll ll nydroaennhadno knowledgethat Hatcherwasproviding,andwouldcontinueto provide, 22ll competitors. rrices Hydroderm's competitors. services to Hydroderm's Zf ll"oaott"ment materialbrreaches. leamedof Defendants' 18. In or aboutSunmer2007,Hydroderm ,4ll C. Defendints'Fraud snd Mpterlal Breachesof the AsreementCausodllvdroderm ao 25ll :all ,l SuflerSubstentialDamaees | | I I I I I I I damages havecausedHydrodermto suffersubstantial 19. Defendants'materialbreaches I I ''r li ll- - .- s- _ - -- _--l ll ill lll "oMPLAINT I I including, but not limited to, the $2.4 million Hydrodermhaspaid Defendantsfor Hatcher's t 2 exclusive endorsementservices. 3 20. Furthermore,Hydrodeffii has suffereddamageand incrrned additional €xpenses ,,4 l) relatedto its performanceofthe Agreement.Theseadditiooal expensesinclude, but areuot I 5 limit€d to, (a) third-party vendordirect expensesof at least$173,476,(b)rnarketingexpenses 7 of at least$56,785,(c) photographyexpensesof at least$1 16,691and(d) intemal overhead 8 costsof at least$60,000. As of the dateof filing this complain! Hydrodermhaspaid atotal of 5406,592for theseexpenses,and it will continueto incur additional expensesin an amount 110cunently unlsrou'n. Hydroderm will amendthis cornplaintto allege the actual amountof these ilr expensesufien they are ascertained. 21. Unlessthe Agreemenlis rescinded,Hydrodermwill suffer additionalzubstantiat t3 harm and injury. Hydroderm will b€ dep,rivedof the bargainfor which it contracted. Thevalue 1 4 of Hatcher'sendorsementsen'icesis drasticallyreducedbecauseher servicesarenot exclusive. l) Hydmderm is not, as contemplatedby the Ageement, the skin careproduct that Hatch€rus€s to rnaintainher youthfirl appearance.At bestHydrodermis simply one of many. lr7 22. Tbe photographsand pressreleasesregardingHatcher's use of competitors' skin oare i, t productshaveappearedon tlte lnternet. The public, including but not limited to, those individuals to whom Hatcher's endorsernentwould bemost meaningful, is now awarethat 2l 22 23 Hatcherusescompetingskin oareproducts,includingadirectly competinglip careproduct. Hatcher's natne, image and likenesshave beenlinkedto so many competitors' products(at least I 7 !) that it is anyone's guessas to what productkeepsher skio and lips youthful . In effect, Dcfendantshave told the public "If you want to duplicateFlatcher's youtlrful appearanc€ you shouldusea virtual smorgasbordof beautyproducts." This is a situationin which thebell simply cannotbe unrung. Even if Hydrodenn wereto continueto use Hatcher's e,lrdorseme,lrt services,the value is drastically lessthanthe originally contemplatedexclusiveserviceswere worth. COMPLAINT l .l dI I:e 4OOa , o ceq l t(l : .llr lllo. Hvdrodem HerebvGivesNoticethal theAerecmentis Rescinded. I complaintin this actionto serveas rt* ^ ll 'll sthatDefendants restore Defendants resl to of rescission ion of theAgreement, Ageemeil andherebydemands +ll i ""ti.r thesumof $2,4millionthat fumishedby it, specifically SllHfAr"Arrrr theconsideration Hydroderm plusthe sumof $406,952of additionalexpenses j elf UlAtraerm previouslytendered, due for a totalof $2,806,952 of theAgreement, i"r.*rd relatedto its perfomrance i ZII I I I I I tlli"-'aiably. and suppressed intentionally theactsdescribed hercin,Defendants 24. lnperforrning ,ll I I I Defendants sunnressed factsknownto then. Specifically, Of**""fed fromHydroderm material I if f i I l ll and concealedthat Hatcher alreadyendorsed,and would continueto endotse,competingskin I ttll* I of tp termsoftheAgreeurent. products in directcontravention I 25. TheforegoingactsofDofendantswerewillful,oppressive,fraudulentandrnalicior lttll I rightsand of Hydrodenn's disregard actedwithawillftl andconscious I I lall in thatDefendants 15ll*Ui*,rd Hydrodenn to I is entitled byvirtueof whichHydroderm to cruelandunjusthardship, I l6llo"ronrary p'nitive damages. and I lrr t ru hh causnor AcTIoN FIRsr "t*llll tell =,ll tt I ISBE) (Rescisgion aeainstDefendant t 1-25 asif setforthfullyherein,paragraphs andincorporates realleges 26. Hydroderrn ll ttll"oo.,,.. | I 30, (effective November intoa writtenAgteemenl ISBEentered ar-rd 27. Hydroderm t "ll endorsement withexclusive to provideHydroderm agreed to whichHatcher 'rllltatt, p*rsuanr I ,ull*t'"* ll ,tr ! ,rll"' ,'ll7__r - -- I I coMPLArNr I ll ill i 4 -d ll - .- - - HdII;e 40oe ,o L_ 3eo I 2 3 4 28. Hydroderm has fully performedall of thc terms and oonditions requiredof it undErthe Agreement,exceptwhere such performanceis excusedor made impossible by virtue of Defendants'failwe to perform and/or materialbreachesof the Agreement. 29. Defendantsmat€rially brcaohedthe tenns ofthe Agreement by authorizingand 6 permitting the use of, inter alia,Hatcher's narue,voice, image, likeness and other endorsement indirectly promote,endorse,marka and advertisecompeting*in 7 servicesto directly and/or 8 careprodwts including but not limited to, a lip enhancingproduct 30. With the intent to defraudHydmdenn, Defendantsactively suppressedand I 0 concealedfrom Hydroderm the materialfact that Hatchetwas providing, and would continueto I provide,endorsementservicssfor Hydroderm'scompetitors,Had Defendansrevealedthat 2 Hatcherwas providiug, and would continueto provide, endorsementservicesfor competitors, 3 Hydrodermwould not have enteredinto the Agreement 4 and conoealmentof this materialfact and 31. Defendants'active suppression Defendants'material breacheshave causedHydrodermto suffer substantialdarnagesincluding, but not limircd to, the $2.4 rnillion Hydrodermpaid Defendantsfor Hatcher's exclusive services. endorsement 32. Furtherurote, Hydroderm hassuffereddanage and incurred additional expenses relatedto its performanoeof the Agreement.Theseadditional expensesiaclude, but arenot of at least$173A76,(b) marketingexpenses limited to, (a) ttrird.party vendordirect expenses ,rlof at least$56,785,(c) photographyexpensesof at least$l16,591 and (d) internaloverhead l22lcostsof at least$60,000. As of the dateof filing this complaint,Hydrodermhaspaida total of 23 in an amount $406,592fot theseexpenses,and it will continueto incur additional expenses )24 the actual amountof these cunently unknown. Hydroderm will arnendthis comptaintto allege i,' when they are ascertained' 26 axpemes additional substantial 33. If the Agrcement is not rescinded,Hydroderm witl suffel for which it oontactedbecause harmand injury. Hydroderm will be deprivedof the bargain COMPLAINT ---'--- Hd e I : e e o o z t o c e o the valuc of Halcher's endorsementservicesis drarnaticallyreducedbecausethoseservicesare not - andnevsrhavebeen-- exclusive. 34. The bell cannot be unrung.The public is now awarothat Hatcher usesa virtual smorgasbordof competing skin cate productsincluding, but not limited to, a competinglip care product to maintain her youthful appearance,The value of Hatc,her'snon-exclusive endorsementservicesis drastically lessthan the originally contemplatedexclusive services. 35. hiorto Hydrodenn'sdiscoveryof Defendants'materialbreachesof the Agreement,Hydrodem had no knowledgethat Harcherwas providing, and would continueto provide,endorsementservicesto Hydroderm'scompetitors. 36. h or about Summer2007,Hydrodemlleanredof Defendants'materialbreaches. 37. Hydroderm intends serviceof the surunonsand complaint in this astion to scrveas 1 3 notice of rescissionof the Agreemen! and herebydemandsthat Defendantsrestoreto t4 Hydrodermthe considerationfurnished by it, specifically the zum of $2.4 million that 1 5 Hydrodermpreviously tendered,plus the sum of $405,952of ad.ditionalexpensesHydroderm t ingured relatedto its perfomranceof the Agreementfor a total of $2,806,952due I I 19 20 2l immediately, 38. The foregoing actsof Defendantswerewillftl, oppressive,fraudulentand malioious in that Defendantsactedwith a willful andconsciousdisregardof Hydroderm's rights and subjectedHydroderm to cruel and unjust hardship,by virnre of ufiich Hydrodermis entitled to exemplary and punitive damages. IV spcoNp cAUsEor AcTroN (BreecF gf Conhact asainstDefendaut fSBE) 26 39. Hydroderur reallegesand incorporatesasif set forth fully herern,paragraphs1'25 27 above, 28 COMPLAINT e---'-< .*- (dal ra 4OOe ceo I 2 3 40. HydrodermandISBEenleredinto a writtenAgreement(effectiveNovember30, 2005)pursuantto which Hatcheragreedto provideHydrodermwith exclusiveendorsement services. 41. Hydrodermhasfully performedall of theterns andconditionstoquiredof it untler theAgreement,exceptwheresuchperformance is excusedor rnadeimpossibleby virtueof DefEndants' faiilureto perfonnand/ormaterialbreaohes of theAgreement. 42. Defendantsmaterially breachedthe terms of the Agreonent by authorizing and permittingthe use of, inter alia,Hatcher's narne,voice,irnage,likeness,ptoruotionalservices and other endorsementto directly and/orindirectly promote,endorse,market and advertise competingskin cme products including, btrt not limited to, a lip enhancingproduct. 43. Defendants'material breacheshavecausedHydroderm to suffer substantial darnagesincluding, but not limited to, the $2.4 million Hydrodenn haspaid Defendantsfor Hatohef's exclusiveendotsementse,l:vices. 44, Furthsrmore, Defendants'rnaterialbreacheshave catsed Hydrodermto sufffer darnageand incr.r additional expensesrelatedto i1sperformanceof the Agreement.These additional expensesinclude, but arenot limited to, (a) third-party vendor dir€"! expensesof at of at least$56,785,(c) photographyexpensesof at least least$ 173,476,(b) marketingexperu;es $116,691and (d) internal overheadcostsof atleast $60,000. As ofthe dateof fitingthis complaint,Hydrodermbas paid a toal of $406,592for thes€expenses,and it will continueto incrx additional expensesin an amount currently urrknown. Hydroderrr will amendthis complaint to allege the actual amountof theseexpenseswhenthey are ascertained- v THrRD CAUSE0['ACTTON l-25 45. Hydroderm reallegesand incorporatesasif set forth ful1y herein,paragraphs 10 COMPLAINT .--*'-OI H det:e cao LOOZ 'o I above. 46. Hydrodenn and ISBE entered into a unitten Ageement (effective November 30, 2005)pursuantto whiohllatcher agreedto provideHydrodermwith exclusiveendorsernent scrvices. 47. Hydrodermhasfully perfonnedall ofthe termsandconditionsrequirodof it under theAgrcement, exceptwheresuchperformance is excused or madeimpossible by virtueof Defendants'failureto perfonnand/ormaterialbreaches of the Agreement. 48, TheAgteementcontainsanimpliedcovenantof goodfaith andfair dealingthat irrposes on Defendantsthe duty to protectHydrodcmr's right to receivethe benefitsof the I Agreement i,e.,the duty to preventHatcher'snarne,voice,inuge or likeness&om beingrued t2 without Defendants'consentor permissionto directly or indirectly promote. endorsgmarketor 1 3 advertisecompetingskin care productsinciuding, but not limited to, a lip enhancingproduct. t4 49. Defendantsknew or shouldhaveknovun,however, thatHatcher's name,voice, 1q image and/or likenesswere being usedto directly or indirectly promote, endorsgmarket or advertisecornpetingskin careproducts including, but not limited to, a lip enhancingproduct. I I8 I 50. Defendantsmaterially breachedthe implied covenantof good faith and fair dealing andunfairly interfered with Hydrodeun's right to receivethe benefits of the Agreementby failing to take actionto preventHatcher'sname,voice,imageor likenessfrom beingused without Defendants' consentor permissionto directly or indirectly promote, endorse,matket or advertisecompeting skin careproductsinoluding,but not limited to, a lip enhancingproduct. 51. Defendants'materialbreacheshavecausedHydroderrr to suffersubstantial damagesincluding, but not limited to, the $2.4 million Hydrodenn haspaid Defendantsfor Hatcher's exclusive endorsementservices. 52. Furthermore,Defendants' materialbreachesof the implied covenantof goodfaith and fair dealing have causedHydroderm to suffer darnageand incur additional expeGesrelated to its performanceof tbe Agreement.Theseadditionalexpensesinclude, but are not limitedto, 1l COMPLAINT H deI:e LOO7 cec 'o J (a) third-partyvendordirect expen$es of at least$17i,476,(b) marketingexpen*esof at least $55,785,(c) photographyexpensesof at least$l !6,6gland (d) internaloverhead oostsof at 4 least$60,000. As of the dateoffiling this complainr,Hydrodemrhaspaid a total of $406,592 { for theseexpenses,and it will continue to incur additional expens€sin an amountcurrently unlnown. Hydrodemowill amendthis complaint to allegetheactual arnountof theseexllenses when tbey are ascertained. VI FOURTTTcAUsE oF ACTTON 53- Hydrodermrealleges andincorporates asif setforthftlly herein,paragraphs l-25 above. 54' Pursuantto thetennsof tbeAgreemenq HydrodermpaidDefendants thetotalsrr6 of $2.4million: (a) Onor aboutNovember30,2005,Hydroderm paidDefendants $1.2million;and paidDefendants G) On or aboutDecemberl2,2006,Hydrodemr $1.2million. 55, Accordingly,Defendants areindebted to Hydrodorm in thesurnof $2.4millionfor mooeyhadandreceivedby Defendantsfor theuseandbenefitof Hyilroderrn, 56. In faimess,this moneyshouldbepaidto Hydroderurbecause Defendants obtained thismoneyfrom Hydrodenn: (a) By virtue of their active conccalmentof the material fact that Hatcherwas providing, and would oontinueto provide, endorsementsenices for Hydroderm' s competitors; (b) For a considerationthat failed; aud (c) Pursuantto an Agreementtbat hasbeenrescindedby virtue of serviceof the sunmons and complaint in this action and/orwill soon be adjudicatedto be t2 COMPLAINT l{deI:e LOoe ,o cao rescinded. 57. As of the date of filing the complaintin this actioq neither the whole nor any part of the $2.4 milHon has beenpaid to Hydroderm 58. Accordingly, there is uow due aodowing ftom Defendantsto Hydrodermthe sum of $2,4miltion with interestthereonat the legalratefrorn the datesthe indebtedness was incuned. VII FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION 59, Hydrodermreallegesand incorporalesasif sa forth fully herein,paragraphsl-25 above. 60. Defendants actively srrppressed and concealed&om Hydroderm the material faot that Hatcherwas providing, and would continueto provide, endosernent servicesfor Hydroderm's competitors. 61. Defendantshad a duty to revealthis material fact to Hydroderm. 62. Altematively, even if Defendantshad no duty to revesl this faot to Hydroderm,they nevertbelessrepresentedthat Hatcherwould provide exclusiveendorsementservicesfor I{ydroderm and in so rqrresenting failed to be honestbecausethey suppressedand concealod this material fact. 63. Defendants suppressedand concealedthis material fact with the intent to defraud Hydrodeno. 64. Hydroderm was \urawaxethat Hatcherwas providing, and would contintreto 25 26 provide, endorsementservisesfor Hydroderm's competitors. 65. Had Defendantsrevealedto Hydroderm thatHatcher was providing, and would continueto provide, endorsementservicesto competitors,Hydrodemr would not have entered into tbe Agreernent. 13 COMPLAINT _-..-H del :e A OOa ! o oeq Dec 04 2O O 7 3 : l 4 PM Jrwlorc ,l cS trpur oueoqpq q llrpory$f lDmfif fq Udoogaplre rq1 r rnnorFpoqo' q stao+fir rrd q peupo .q rlpo.J|q Fqr :FFF..r E .l*qrolcdy apm crrpp 1llroCqr1reql spvfrillaF4lrya lsiqnt1rrrtrrA' pardplof !lrpt9g.( tctstr ru@tf rq {rrd tnqorpfi Fptrpld gf,Otglilg1rt EIXTU IIIA .relns4 sappat p 4 tu epolp$ p$o Jo ilrpr Iq {gFFrrq m$ul Fr lrrtrr q ErF+,fH r.ourgo.F{IfJo gdar;p aqmo fiCcro rcroeftrr pn 6npg Fr rufl}r I gF FeF fpupq Fn 1nFpag t^F .d& lrgh .ntr lrrFqFqp Ftr1q rmlqu mr lqdcnl eng -gg ?ElfDott re6rr sFJo rnctcnrcnr.a$woqg rsrrnD IrE FE sl Ip11Un cJt{'Dclro m.iulrgqryfff lroqur fpulopr0urur q eludro l$nqpfr ltill ol.rrrFbo lI.rA\11pc tcrcdre ilere&I rm csgo ry'g00f0'i rrt Z6Sq'0rtJotc.oc grdq uryo|F4g ttrlq@]seTgJo |'Jo rtt@ Faqlt4p Frqq (p) F 1nq pJo eennfro tpqilE (r)q lqug p a|r rq$Flsl l6D'9I tE Fr.l F Jo t|re&o (q) 9af€g I t rffil tr Jo B!.6tc F.qp ro;nra &d pnl ffir rqgo rocoqrd lEoFppE q1 pro.lfy of ot FnFr cmrdrr Frogp E I+Efi! Fl6E 4nJo lEqDeilao p .E!^H rousop trcr! pof rfury aopoeu regFtco. urneog6g pcrric q ifnwolqpw .rg a{g0r.ro[pqrq .qrqcb r,rfdrg t?[ qr rorpqpg paq Pet|rc q lalg FF||r f'{&dqoq$ (o),Sl4,9St ilqp1q tF|uo lltrlFBooplt ro, @Fqpq r6rup lqlqr$s ppd erq wpopag rcEE a uanpoplg q|rrtu -rgr,r|gs!trq,'q T9 De c 04 2O O ? 3 : 1 4 Pl l J,NBY}OIF 9I trla boillr tllt rn uD0o+fH rrd q peqro oq rEEFq '.uSJo -rt 'lu W 'rdod pornfq rtogrr.snry llw HIlo qgrg .gI F qeq FrncltrFsJo tr6 p rcqggnlop {qgmr1 .Zl lood c tFr€n m|'F l'otrlDl .il :q|mFr t.?0 rDqlEeItocn I ul rr4 l+lf3cod qftgl|$i tctfEp Mcrb p pmg "g1 ItF vrt-lfFfuxtrrut 'adotr ppnf q srjcnulglrg pa HDortrl6 .o !D qcq F!'IE4 lF|rro qr@F eg r,IcomqrqqEanq toorCortWrncs1rql .t .4 :mgpp'43 urp srq lc rmr r q nq tgl r ;od ot tqpoer Hrtlrp ppc& p pneg .9 @ 'ldodpr pr qrq Futilt rnf q .Uegn rrqlt4 [trt rf,po _qFaS'5 '' FEJo .SrooPn ecJ r,r(mrQr q$uEcll ,noElEqfrqCqc:q :uDtlq$rJoqlo .$ !09tr rFn eng{oo p qDJo 6&uil Jo f,pn' sr 'oS F uerrD $.otqrilr( .ar6.90rf rrD tr.t r8 Enr I ul F'q eiq*odrrr$ nq ?rl lrod o qfw tqcatV c[ DtqD rroFdtrrp et ElqFil q Fr$rol q|€ JqyE DotF,q|& lFd aq pn rrgr fiCrulr rU .g p tuopq*rp elp cq btsr $g trllqfiuoo F,r nrmr stmr s|nro coyrl|Jo rwp q ug ctr tuq qgolo u[ F u4 5e9* qf lq||srt'us Fl s rrnr I qnq 1w p30d q tqpnor ${5 '€ De c O 4 ?O O 7 3: 14 P1 ' l $$flatlKF 3pnrryilnngy 'rdodpc grf { rJqFr tnDlt, DE ry FE 4lq Fmt |iuJo F $0S'6t gD rrs r,ieam qq|mFu'l I Ilc@&llocq'lt :t| F cttqdore cFtDo=RsT unp q Fr wr I q rl lr1rrrooc q e1prmr tdrh r|,FvJFtrEf $ln loltls t?3 ppc& ya pleng 91, rwllrr||lg| 'r&r| pr fiT sJnnilrnrf tn.rno FS,91 r hrtF.gJo a q !0p qs a |E|qdoolc rnclr rFJo ?olirfJo 34 eg uog c|r 1*1 {qiote sD|rEnD uatryt