10% - WSP
10% - WSP
Total Sanitation and Sanitation marketing Research in East java Jakarta, 16 Sept 2008 Prepared for This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and information of the client to whom it is addressed. Confidential & Proprietary • Copyright © 2008 The Nielsen Company Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Research Objectives | Methodology | Demography Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Ch. 1. Introduction Research Objectives Through the Collected Data to diagnose constraining factors undermining demand for improved sanitation and whether these constraints are addressable through targeted communication and promotion to identify which potential strategies can be used to reverse the existing situation The Purpose of the Study to understand the existing level of demand for sanitation in the project areas to identify the major demand drivers that influence adoption of improved sanitation to assess which demand creation strategies will best influence decisions to adopt improved sanitation by the target group The Ultimate Goal of the Marketing Program To drive segments of the population from no or unimproved to improved adoption of sanitation Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company For this study overall we interviewed 2,009 Respondents in East Java Design Elements Detailed Methodology Applied for This Study • The study was conducted in 29 Kabupaten/Kotamadya in Rural East Java • The Regions can be divided into 6 Areas using the Cultural Classification Coverage • Mataraman: Magetan, Kediri, Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Blitar, Nganjuk, Madiun, Pacitan, Ngawi Mataraman Pesisir: Lamongan, Tuban, Bojonegoro Arek: Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Gresik, Jombang, Malang, Pandalungan: Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Lumajang, Jember, Situbondo, Bondowoso Banyuwangi Madura: Bangkalan, Pamekasan, Sumenep, Sampang • The target population for the study is : Target Respondents • • Head of Household • Acts as the breadwinner • SES CD Data Collection Method • Sample Selection Method • • Face-to-face interviews were conducted at respondents’ homes. • Fieldwork period : July – August 2008 • Stratified random sampling method applied, Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 1. Introduction Methodology Socio Economic Status SES C1, 12 Ch. 1. Introduction Basic Demographic Status Mataraman Mataraman Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir SES C2, 20 SES D, 68 Mataraman Mataraman Arek SES D 74 64 72 74 50 46 SES C2 20 22 18 17 28 26 SESC1 6 14 10 10 22 29 Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir Age Arek 30-39 y.o, 26 50+ y.o. 42 32 34 29 30 32 40-49 y.o. 28 34 29 27 29 31 30-39 y.o. 23 27 27 28 34 27 20-29 y.o. 6 6 8 15 7 9 15-19 y.o. 1 1 1 1 0 1 20-29 y.o, 9 40-49 y.o, 29 50+ y.o, 35 1 Base: All Respondents n= 2,009; weighted: 5,960,000 Ref : Q4 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Mataraman Literacy Can't Read, 19 Difficult to Read, 18 Ch. 1. Introduction Basic Demographic Status Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir Read Fluently, 62 Read Fluently 65 55 76 60 73 45 Difficult to Read 21 23 15 15 15 20 Can’t Read 15 22 9 24 12 34 Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Literacy Pesisir Post Graduates * 1 * * 0 * Bachelor 5 4 3 3 2 3 Academy 3 1 1 2 1 1 Senior High 29 28 37 20 38 18 Junior High 30 23 29 20 27 23 Elementary 27 28 23 38 21 34 Elementary-unfinished 5 13 5 14 10 17 No formal education 2 3 2 3 1 3 Base: All Respondents n= 2,009; weighted: 5,960,000 30-39 y.o, 26 20-29 y.o, 9 40-49 y.o, 29 50+ y.o, 35 1 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 1. Introduction Land Status Land ownership Status Mataraman 2 2 Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir 10 Owned, with my name on the land certificate 61 62 64 63 50 39 20 26 18 20 24 38 on the land certificate 10 8 12 10 10 7 Rent 1 2 2 2 14 2 1 * 0 2 0 10 255 166 199 135 143 267 Owned, with my parents name on the land certificate 23 Owned, with my family/ relative 59 Owned, without land certificate Ow ned, w ith m y nam e on the land certificate Ow ned, w ith m y parents nam e on the land certificate Ow ned, w ith m y fam ily/ relative on the land certificate Rent Average land size(m2) Ow ned, w ithout land certificate Base: All Respondents n= 2,009; weighted: Ref 5,960,000 : Q15 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Toilet Ownership Place of Faeces Disposal Faeces Disposal Facility Faeces disposal cover Ch. 1. Introduction The Classification of the Respondents Type of faeces disposal cover 50% 47% Owner Improved Available 63% Own Toilet • 2% 3% Open Place Shut with bricks, rock slab, cement slab 16% Unavailable 11% • Shut 14% All Respondents Dig Hole • 3% Not Shut • 12% Owner Unimproved 8% Shut with leaves, wood slab 10% Sharers 37% Not own 27% OD Base: All Respondents n= 2,009; weighted: 5,960,000 Ref : Q20, Q21, Q22, Q23, Q24, Q25, Q26 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 1. Introduction Respondent Classification … Respondent’s Classification Owner Unimproved 12% Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir Open Defecator 27% Owner Improved 50% Open Defecator 13 31 16 48 29 29 Sharer 11 13 11 7 11 15 Owner Unimproved 21 11 8 5 8 13 Owner Improved 55 46 65 40 52 43 Sharer 11% Respondent Classification in Each Area Base: All Respondents n= 2,009; weighted: 5,960,000 Ref : Q26 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Chapter 2 DETAILED FINDINGS - General Hygiene Practices | Water Sources | Diarhea Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Hygiene Practices Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Washing Hand (%) 100 Habit in Washing Hands by Type of Respondents 96 OD Sharers Improved Unimproved 545 218 1,008 238 Projected (‘000) 1,583 6,49 3,008 720 After Defecate 56 65 70 71 After Urination 22 23 18 22 Actual 80 80 66 60 Habit in Washing Hands by Area 40 28 Mataraman 20 Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir 20 Actual 600 233 351 474 100 251 1,823 692 1,007 1,364 295 778 After Defecate 76 67 55 73 57 47 After Urination 16 52 7 23 25 12 Projected(‘000) 0 Before eating After eating After deficate After w ork activity After urination Base: All respondents Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Reasons for hand washing activities Reason of Washing Hands by Type of Respondents (%) (%) 100 Sharers Improved 545 218 1,008 238 1,583 6,49 3,008 720 Clean the dirt 71 73 69 68 Rid the smell out 20 13 16 16 Rid the germs out 5 8 10 8 Protected from disease 4 5 4 7 Actual Projected (‘000) 80 70 65 60 54 47 By type Unimproved OD 98 Habit in Washing Hands by Area 40 Mataraman Mataraman 8 Actual 5 0 Clean the dirt Rid the sm ell out First Mentioned By Telatah Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir 17 20 Arek Rid the germ s Protected from out disease Total Mentioned 600 233 351 474 100 251 1,823 692 1,007 1,364 295 778 Clean the dirt 67 85 81 55 55 82 Rid the smell out 16 5 6 32 23 15 Rid the germs out 9 6 10 9 16 1 Protected from disease 7 3 2 5 6 1 Projected(‘000) Base: All respondents Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Substance used for washing hands Substances for Washing Hands by Type of Respondents (%) (%) By type Unimproved OD Sharers Improved 545 218 1,008 238 1,583 6,49 3,008 720 Bath Soap 54 59 66 57 Cream Soap 32 34 28 36 * 0 2 0 11 6 3 5 100 Actual Projected (‘000) 80 61 60 Special Soap to wash hands None 40 31 Substances for Washing Hands by Area Mataraman Mataraman 20 Arek By Telatah Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir 5 1 1 1 Cream Soap Special Soap to w ash hands Detergen Liquid Soap for Dishes 600 233 351 474 100 251 1,823 692 1,007 1,364 295 778 Bath Soap 65 66 64 61 35 53 Cream Soap 31 26 29 33 55 26 Soap to wash hands * 2 2 1 0 0 None 3 5 2 4 4 19 Projected(‘000) 0 Bath Soap Actual None Base: All respondents Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Understanding toward Hand washing Possibility of a sickness caused by improper hand washing Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 Type of sickness caused by improper hand washing Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 Diarrhea 21% 79% 90 Stomachache 14 Cough 14 Influenza Suffer from intestinal worms Diarrhea and vomiting 10 6 4 Base: All respondents Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Substance used for washing hands Soap Availability by Type of Respondents OD Sharers Improved Unimproved 545 218 1,008 238 1,583 6,49 3,008 7,0 Yes 71 85 95 82 No 29 15 5 18 Actual Projected (‘000) No 14% Yes 86% Habit in Washing Hands by Area Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir Actual 600 233 351 474 100 251 1,823 692 1,007 1,364 295 778 Yes 92 83 91 80 90 74 No 8 17 9 20 10 26 Projected(‘000) Base: All respondents Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Post Defecate cleaning activity by Type of Respondents (%) (%) By type Unimproved OD Sharers Improved 545 218 1,008 238 1,583 6,49 3,008 720 32 63 73 57 Rinse with water in container 30 63 58 63 Rinse with the flow water 9 7 5 100 Actual Projected (‘000) 80 Rinse with soap and water 60 59 52 68 40 by Area By Telatah 23 Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura 20 Pesisir Actual 1 600 233 351 474 100 251 1,823 692 1,007 1,364 295 778 59 57 64 53 69 59 Rinse with water in container 56 53 58 44 23 58 Rinse with the flow water 15 19 45 27 22 Projected(‘000) 0 Rinse w ith soap and w ater Rinse w ith w ater in the container Rinse w ith w ater that flow s Wiping w ith cloth Rinse with soap and water 12 Base: All respondents Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Water sources Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Water Source for Cooking & Drinking Location of Cooking & Drinking Water Source Around the house/ in the premises Cooking & Drinking Water Source 65 65 82% 18% Outside the premises 23 23 12 Difficulties in Obtaining Clean Water During Dry Season 11 7 7 Have no Difficulties Well Water Pum p Wellspring Dry Season Rainy Season PAM 8% Source of bathing and washing water ? (%) The same source 93 99 79 69 Different source 7 1 21 31 92% Have some Difficulties Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Water Source for Cooking & Drinking Detail of the Water Source Location Location of Cooking & Drinking Water Source By Type of Respondents Actual Projected (‘000) 82% OD Sharers Improved Unimproved 545 218 1,008 238 1,583 6,49 3,008 720 Distance from Water Source (minutes) 18% Average 17 15 19 20 Modus 10 5 30 10 Person Who Get The Water to the Water Source On the premises Outside the premises Head of Household 36 59 48 64 Spouse 49 25 31 29 Type of Container to Get Water Bucket 72 59 34 53 Jerry can 15 21 47 33 Frequency of Getting the Water Average 12 12 12 13 Modus 7 7 7 7 Sufficiency Towards Water Source for Defecating Activity Yes 89 94 97 92 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Water Source for Cooking & Drinking Difficulties in Obtaining Clean Water During Dry Season Actions to Overcome Water Crisis During Dry Season 22 Have no Difficulties 17 15 14 12 92% 8% Queuing to get w ater at the neighbour's w ell Have some Difficulties By Type of Respondents (%) Actual Projected (‘000) Use w ater from the river Store w ater in a container during the rain Get the w ater from w ellspring Buy w ater in a tank By Type of Respondents (%) OD Sharers Improved Unimproved 545 218 1,008 238 1,583 649 3,008 720 OD Sharers Improved Unimproved Queuing to get water at the neighbour's well 22 26 25 13 Use water from the river 21 27 10 14 No Difficulties 90 89 95 90 Store water in a container during the rain 24 13 4 18 Have Some Difficulties 10 11 5 10 Get the water from wellspring 14 26 8 17 Buy water in a tank 7 4 26 0 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Water Source for Bathing & Washing Location of Bathing & Washing Water Source Bathing & Washing Water Source Base: Respondents who have different water source n= 242; weighted: 672,000 50 49 36 11% 36 Different source with the cooking & drinking water source 89% 10 Same source with the cooking & drinking water source River Well Actual Projected (‘000) Water Pum p Rainy Season Dry Season Source of bathing and washing water (%) 10 Source of bathing and washing water (%) OD Sharers Improved Unimproved 545 218 1,008 238 1,583 649 3,008 720 Same source 80 89 92 96 Different source 20 11 8 4 Actual 121 96 23 Projected (‘000) 340 260 64 Well 61 7 21 PDAM 14 32 31 Wellspring 24 29 13 1 20 15 Buy water in the tank from PDAM Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Water Source for Bathing & Washing Detail of the Water Source Location Location of Bathing & Washing Water Source By Type of Respondents Around the house/ in the premises OD Sharers Improved Unimproved Actual 118 26 88 10 Projected (‘000) 320 71 249 31 Distance from Water Source (minutes) 44% 56% Average 18 15 27 35 Modus 10 5; 10 30 30 Person Who Get The Water to the Water Source Outside the premises Spouse 52 16 38 48 Head of Household 35 75 58 52 Type of Container to Get Water Source of bathing and washing water (%) Bucket 91 74 62 48 Jerry can 4 26 38 52 OD Sharers Improved Unimproved Actual 118 26 88 10 Frequency of Getting the Water Projected (‘000) 320 71 249 31 Average 11 13 12 13 Modus 7 7 7 7 Around the house 18 51 74 61 Outside the premises 82 49 26 39 Sufficiency Towards Water Source for Defecating Activity Yes 89 94 97 92 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Water Source for Bathing & Washing Difficulties in Obtaining Clean Water During Dry Season Actions to Overcome Water Crisis During Dry Season 26 18 Have no Difficulties 16 14 92% 8% Use w ater from the river Have some Difficulties Queuing to get Store w ater in a w ater at the container during neighbour's the rain w ell Searching the w ell w hich containing w ater By Type of Respondents (%) By Type of Respondents (%) OD Sharers Improved Unimproved 545 218 1,008 238 1,583 649 3,008 720 No Difficulties 89 89 95 90 Have Some Difficulties 11 11 5 10 Actual Projected (‘000) Use water from the river OD Sharers Improved Unimproved 31 32 22 18 18 22 20 13 30 9 4 13 14 12 11 22 Queuing to get water at the neighbour's well Store water in a container during the rain Searching the well which containing water Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Understanding toward Drinking water Possibility of a sickness caused by drinking water Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 Type of sickness caused by drinking water Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 76 Diarrhea Cough 13% 87% 38 Influenza 36 Stomachache Diarrhea and vomiting Fever 9 5 3 Base: All respondents Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Diarhea Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Infant defecation habit Incidence of Infant in the HH Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 Children Habit in Defecate Base: Respondents who have child under 5 y.o. n= 430; weighted: 1,279,000 Already defecated In The Toilet/ Water Closet Do not have 5 years old children 41 25 Dispose My Child's Feces In The Toilet/ Water Closet 79% Dispose It To The River 10 Bury It Under Ground 10 Dispose It Into The Gutter 21% Dispose It Outside The House Dispose It Into The Wastebasket My Child Directly Defecate At The River Have a 5 years old children Base: All respondents 4 2 2 2 Reason for not defecate/ dispose child’s feces in toilet I don’t have toilet So the smell not spread away The location (the river) is near my house It’s became a habit to defecate at the river More practical In order to keep clean 40 36 13 9 8 8 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Experience of Diarrhea Incidence of Child Having Diarrhea Causes & Prevention of Diarrhea Base: Respondents who have child under 5 y.o. n= 430; weighted: 1,279,000 Base: All Respondents n=2009; weighted=5,960,000 Causes (%) No 90% Yes 10% Incidence of Neighbour’s Child Having Diarrhea Base: All Respondents n=2009; weighted=5,960,000 No 81% Effects from the food Eat/ drink unhygienic food Drink the unboiled water Eat the spicy food The food isn’t covered over and alighted on by flies/ dirt Habits Not washing hands before eating Not maintaining the cleanliness Environmental Condition The Environment isn’t clean Effects from Disease Catch a cold 86 27 27 23 11 26 15 9 21 14 7 4 Prevention (%) Yes 10% Eating Habit Eat the hygienic food Washing hand before eating Avoid the spicy food Drinking Habit Drink water that have boiled Maintain and watch over the health of the environment 74 38 19 17 33 29 27 DK 9% Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Diarrhea prevention Fatality of Diarhea Diarhea Prevention Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 Cook the water first before drinking Diarhea could not caused death 64 53 Wash hands with soap 46 Clean the neighbourhood 15% 85% 35 Prepare a well cooked food 30 Clean the house 21 Wash the fruits/ vegetables Diarhea could cause death 18 Defecating in toilet Consume healthy food 2 Base: All respondents Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Information regading Defecating & Healthy Habits Incidence of Getting the Explanation Source of Information Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 Base: All Respondents n=2,009; weighted=5,960,000 80 No 50% 66 60 37 40 Yes 50% 26 23 23 20 20 16 Incidence by each Area (%) 10 Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pesisir 7 5 PandalunganBanyuwangi Madura 0 Yes 49 52 55 45 59 50 No 51 48 45 55 41 50 Through Realtives From Health Mass Media that visited Officer (TV) m y house Source of Information At RT/RW m eeting From the Head of Village Expected Source Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Chapter 3 DETAILED FINDINGS - Sanitary Open Defecation Habit | Water Sources | Diarhea Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Open Defecation habit Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Ch. 1. Introduction Flying Toilet … Incidence of Using Flying Toilet in Each Area Incidence of Using Flying Toilet Base: All Respondents n= 2,009; weighted: 5,960,000 Total Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir No 7 99 92 96 92 80 82 Yes 93 1 8 4 8 20 18 NO 93% Occasion in Using Flying Toilet Total Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir YES 7% Today 24 0 28 48 15 30 22 Within this week 41 81 61 19 37 55 32 Within this month 25 0 11 14 27 10 42 A few months ago 8 18 0 19 15 5 2 Forgot 2 0 0 0 7 0 2 Reasons of Using Flying Toilet Total Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir It’s in the middle of the night 59 18 68 93 50 55 58 It’s in the middle of a trip 17 33 11 0 9 10 32 It’s become a habit 10 33 0 0 6 10 17 My child is still to young 7 0 0 6 6 15 9 Diarrhea 5 0 0 20 0 5 7 I don’t have toilet 5 0 0 14 4 5 4 Base: Respondents who ever use flying toilet n= 141; weighted: 418,000 Ref : Q28, Q29, Q30 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Opinion: Impact of Defecating in the open Impact Description By Type of Respondents Base: Respondents who think that feces will have impact on people n=1,318; weighted=3,970,000 Total 31% Smelling Disturbance Unpleasant smell The smell could disturb the community 67% Defecate in the Open won’t affect the environment Defecate in the open will affect the environment OD Sharer Unimproved Improved 32 68 70 29 75 82 25 Open Defecator Sharer Owner Owner Improved Unimproved 70 50 64 41 67 48 71 50 72 58 12 14 10 12 10 Disease 56 51 Bring out disease 34 27 Bring out skin disease 10 21 Bring out flies that could spread disease 7 1 Bacteria and germ in the feces could spread away and bring out disease 2 1 52 38 7 56 34 9 63 37 6 4 8 12 3 2 2 Environment Contaminated Environment Contaminated Water Not nice to be looked at 39 30 3 4 37 25 5 4 31 22 3 3 37 24 6 4 43 19 16 2 18 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Incidence of defecate in the open Reason of Defecating in the Open Base: Owner Respondents n= 1,246; weighted: 3,728,000 Total Yes, 18 No, 82 Can’t hold any longer No toilet in the workplace There’re others used the toilet Already getting used to The toilet is far away To keep the disposal not full My own toilet is dirty As a social time Lack of water supply 84 28 5 3 2 2 1 1 2 Owner Improved Owner Unimproved 84 30 5 3 3 2 1 2 2 84 18 8 0 0 2 3 0 3 Usual Place to Defecate Total By type of respondents (%) Yes No Owner Improved 18 82 Owner Unimproved 16 84 At the river At the seaside At the rice field In the bushes In the woods 65 10 8 8 7 Owner Improved 63 11 10 6 7 Owner Unimproved 71 5 0 13 8 Base: Owner Respondents who ever defecate in the open n= 218; weighted: 654,000 Ref : Q36, Q39, Q42 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Incidence of Defecate In The Open among Toilet owner xxx The Last Time Defecate in Open Usual Place to Defecate Incidence of ever defecate in the open Improved Owner Unimproved Owner No 84% No 82% Yes 16% Yes 18% At the river 63 At the river At the seaside 11 At the seaside 5 At the rice field 10 At the rice field 0 71 In the bushes 6 In the bushes 13 In the woods 7 In the woods 8 3 Today 10 Today Within this week 25 Within this week 25 Within this month 14 Within this month 13 A few months ago 26 A few months ago 26 Forgot 25 Forgot 33 Base Improved Owner&Ever Defecate in the open, n = 180 weighted: 538,000 Ref : Q36, Q39, Q41 Base Unimproved Owner&Ever Defecate in the open, n = 38 weighted: 117,000 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Incidence of Defecate In The Open Between the Improved and Unimproved Owner Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Incidence of defecate in the open – among sharer Reason of Defecating in the Open Incidence of defecate in the open Sharer Base: All Respondents n= 218; weighted: 649,000 Can not hold any longer There's no toilet in the place where i work There was somebody that use the toilet I don't have my own toilet My own toilet is dirty Already getting used to since I was a child I was in the rice field or in the woods 78 24 6 8 3 2 1 No, 68 Yes, 32 Usual Place to Defecate Last Time Defecate in the open Total At the river In the bushes In the woods At the rice field At the seaside At the swamp At the dry pond 73 13 6 4 2 1 1 Total Today Within this week Within this month A few months ago Forgot 8 34 18 27 13 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Detailed habit - Owner Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. … Defecate Satisfaction Facility Sharing Base: Owner Respondents n= 1,246; weighted: 3,728,000 Base: Owner Respondents n= 1,246; weighted: 3,728,000 Dissatisfied 4 Yes, 9 Neutral, 16 Satisfied, 80 No, 91 By type of respondents (%) Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Owner Improved 85 13 2 Owner Unimproved 57 31 12 By type of respondents (%) Yes No Owner Improved 8 92 Owner Unimproved 13 87 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Facility information Every time after using it 7 7 9 8 37 37 4-5 times a week 28 41 5 41 2 5 16 3 0 7 17 22 55 20 26 25 Once a week Rarely, only on certain occasions 10 37 1 4 2-3 times in a month Once a month 0 30 Everyday 2-3 times a week 2 30 18 12 1 1 1 10 10 Total Mataraman Base: Owner Respondents n= 1,246; weighted: 3,728,000 21 2 2 16 15 1 1 9 Mataraman Pesisir Arek 0 22 4 1 4 13 Pandalungan Banyuwangi 0 Madura Ref : Q58 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Toilet Maintenance - Cleaning … Incidence of Emptying the Septic Tank The Last Time Emptying the Septic Tank Base: Owner Respondents who have septic tank n= 943; weighted:2,812,000 Base: Septic Tank Owner who have emptied their septic tank n= 24; weighted: 70,000 Within this week 4 A month ago 4 Yes, 2 3 months ago No, 98 12 6 – 12 months ago 22 More than a year ago Incidence in Each Area (%) Incidence in Each Area (%) Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Mataraman Mataraman Madura Pesisir Arek Q 60 per0 tlatah 12 0 3 2 2 3 2 2 No 97 98 98 97 98 98 Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir 0 0 A month ago 0 0 0 16 0 0 3 months ago 0 0 20 13 0 50 6 - 12 months ago 13 0 0 51 0 50 More than 1 year ago 75 100 80 19 100 0 Within this week Yes Ref : Q59, Q60 58 0 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Toilet Maintenance – Faeces Disposal facility Incidence of Making Toilet in the Past Year Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Toilet facility Development Reason of making the toilet in past year Base: Owner Respondents n= 1,246; weighted:3,728,000 Base: Owner Respondents who have just made the toilet n= 89; weighted:265,000 Main Reason 90% Other Reason 100 90 80 93% 7% 70 60 44 50 40 10% 30 33 33 21 20 18 22 6 10 7 5 2 5 5 0 Did not make in the past year Easy to Convenience defecate more cleanly Privacy Avoid Avoid disturbing sharing with neighbours others Safety Ref : Q43, Q44 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Cost & Information for Building The Toilet Cost Toilet Building Period Average Rp 1.210.500,- 100% 90% 3% 5% Small Base Minimum Rp 150.000,- Maximum Rp 4.000.000,- Modus Rp 1.000.000,- 80% 70% Source of Information 60% 50% About the types of the toilet About how to make the toilet 40% 30% Mason/ Building Coolie 51 Mason/ Building Coolie 70 Neighbor 47 Neighbor 40 20% Building Material Store 24 Friends 27 10% Friends 24 Building Material Store 8 Relatives 8 Relatives 4 Mass Media: TV 2 Mass Media: TV 1 Government 1 0% More than 12 6-12 Months m onts ago Within 6 m onths Base: Owner Respondents who made the toilet in the past year n= 89 weighted:265,000 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Assesment toward building a new toilet facility Easiness to Make a New Toilet Base: Owner Respondents who have just made the toilet n= 89; weighted:265,000 19% Reason to say Difficult to Make a New Toilet Financial Condition The cost is expensive Reason to say Difficult to Make a New Toilet 18% I have no enough money Texture of the Land Land - There’s enough land to make the toilet Availability of the Material It’s easy to get the material needed The texture is rocky 63% I have to dig really deep below the ground Land - There’s enough land to make the toilet It’s not too far to reach the material store Water Supply – It’s difficult to carry water to get Availability of the Labour the water supply There’re several construction labour in my area Land - There’s no enough land There’re skilled labour in my area Financial Condition – I have enough money Texture of the Land – The texture is not rocky Water Supply – There’s enough water supply Easy Neutral Difficult Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Toilet Renovation Renovation Plan in the future Type of Renovation No, 73 Shut the hole and dig a new one 24 21 14 20 Install a new closet 12 Install the new tile for the toilet 19 9 Build a new feces disposal storage No, 85% 6 5 Incidence of Toilet renovation 8 3 34 Install a new tile 30 20 Build a new wall 10 9 Install a new closet Shut the hole and dig a new one 12 Put the roof for the toilet Base: All respondents Yes, 15% 17 Install a lockable door Build a new wall for the toilet Yes, 27 21 Paint the wall Base: Owner Respondents n= 1,246; weighted:3,728,000 17 Paint the wall 16 Build a new feces disposal storage 16 Put the roof for the toilet Install a lockable door 15 7 Base: All who do not always buy monitor as a package of computer Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Toilet Renovation Kind of Renovation Did Main Reasons for Respective Renovation Shut the hole and dig a new one 24 21 21 Paint the wall 14 20 Install a new closet 12 Install the new tile for the toilet The previous one has already full and I don’t have enough money to empty the disposal The previous one has already full So the smell of the disposal storage not spreading through out the toilet So in the future the disposal won’t full in a short period 49 22 11 2 19 Paint the wall 9 Build a new feces disposal storage 17 12 10 Install a lockable door 6 Put the roof for the toilet Build a new wall for the toilet Shut the hole and dig a new one 42 20 15 Install a new closet 9 5 8 3 So my toilet look clean and well taken care of The paint of the wall has discoloured So it will be more comfortable when using the toilet So it will be more comfortable when using toilet My toilet is out of order so it should be replace with the new one My previous toilet was the old fashion one So my toilet look more nice 39 38 18 14 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Toilet Renovation Kind of Renovation Plan Main Reasons for Respective Renovation Install a new closet Install a new closet 34 Install a new tile 35 27 20 20 30 Shut the hole and dig a new one Shut the hole and dig a new one 20 Build a new wall 17 Paint the wall 16 Build a new feces disposal storage The previous one has already full I have no feces disposal before So in the future the disposal won’t full in a short period Money to Spare for Renovation Plan 25 21 14 Realization Time to Renovate 16 Average Put the roof for the toilet Install a lockable door So it will be more comfortable when using toilet So my toilet will look cleaner It’s time to replace the old one So it will be more healthy for me Rp 1.178.600,- 15 7 Minimum Rp 100.000,- Maximum Rp 5.000.000,- Modus Rp 1.000.000,- In a month ahead Q57 Timeline 1 In 2-3 months ahead 2 In 4-5 months ahead 3 In 6-12 months ahead 2 In more than 1 year ahead 10 Could not say the exact time 81 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Total Mataraman Mataraman Pesisir Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura They are dirty 53 63 50 57 30 40 51 They are poor 41 39 56 30 47 35 48 41 40 31 38 52 80 27 be understand 13 22 7 12 10 2 4 They are people that we feel sorry for 13 23 7 6 9 7 5 Nothing wrong with them 10 13 5 11 8 2 5 They are uneducated 8 8 2 6 6 2 20 a lower status than us 7 11 8 4 7 2 1 They're people who don't have toilet 6 11 3 4 0 2 6 They are like us 5 3 2 4 9 17 7 They're people who don't have manner 3 4 3 5 2 3 0 They do it because they’ve accustomed to it They are people that should They are people that have Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings 2.2. Brand Performance Opinion toward Open Defecators Detailed habit - Sharers Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Number of family that used the toilet Number of Sharers (%) Base: Sharer Respondents n= 218; weighted: 649,000 9 14 Number of Sharers by each Area (%) Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir 1 - 5 Family 81 84 54 81 54 89 6 - 10 Family 12 6 26 10 18 8 More than 10 Family 8 10 22 9 27 3 Average 6 6 8 5 14 4 Modus 2 2 3 2 3 2 77 1 - 5 Family 6 - 10 Family More than 10 Family Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Satisfaction … Defecate Satisfaction Base: Owner Respondents n= 218; weighted: 649,000 Dissatisfied 30 Satisfied, 34 Neutral, 36 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Plan to own a toilet Base: Sharer Respondents n= 218; weighted: 649,000 Reason of Intending to Have a Toilet Reason of Not Intending to Have a Toilet Base: Respondents who intend to have one Base: Respondents who not intend to have one Don't have money 71 Can use neighbours 63 No space for toilet 22 I’m a tenant in this house 10 I still can defecate in my family's toilet 4 I still can defecate in the public toilet 4 Yes, 88% No, 12% Easy to defecate more cleanly 34 Privacy 18 Convenience 15 Avoid sharing with others 9 Avoid disturbing neighbours 6 Satisfaction 4 Safety 4 Can be a good host when guests visit 3 Cleaner and healthier living 3 Incidence of willingness by Area (%) Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir Yes 86 93 85 82 100 92 No 14 7 15 18 0 8 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Plan to own a Toilet Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Realization to Have a Toilet Cost estimation Time Average Rp 1.318.700,- 100% 90% 9% 7% 80% 70% 60% Minimum Rp 100.000,- Maximum Rp 4.000.000,- Modus Rp 1.000.000,- Intention to Borrow Money To Make The Toilet 50% Incidence to Have the Intention 40% 30% Yes, 1 20% Source of the Loan (small base of Respondents) Bank 65 Realtive 35 10% 0% Could not More than 1 Within 1 year say the exact year ahead ahead tim e No, 99 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company The money to spare to make the toilet Awareness & Existence of the Saving System Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Saving System (Between Sharer) Reason of Interest Not aware of Saving System Financial Condition It will feel lighter to collect money I can pay using installment system So I can have money for the toilet in a short period So I can have my own toilet immediately 97% 98 74 61 13 22 50 Reason of Disinterest 1% Aware of Saving System, It doesn’t exist in my Area 2% Aware of Saving System, It exist in my Area 50 Financial Condition I don’t have money to pay the subscription I’m afraid I can’t pay the subscription The money I have only pay the daily needs I still have difficulties to provide daily needs Other Reason I’m used to defecate in neighbour’s toilet There’s no land to make the toilet It’s more comfortable to collect my own money, it’s not risky Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company 93 53 20 18 11 18 4 3 2 Total Mataraman Mataraman Pesisir They are poor Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura 46 44 45 45 49 64 45 accustomed to it 42 28 48 41 56 64 44 They are dirty 38 54 39 49 15 18 24 They are people that should be understand 13 21 10 16 12 0 6 They are people that we feel sorry for 12 18 14 2 15 0 11 They are like us 7 6 0 0 20 9 8 Nothing wrong with them 7 10 4 7 12 0 0 They're people who don't have toilet 5 11 3 7 0 0 0 They are uneducated 5 6 3 10 0 0 5 They are people that have a lower status than us 4 7 3 0 3 0 5 They do it because they’ve Opinion Towards People Who Have Toilet They are reach 78 72 80 85 79 73 82 They are clean 45 65 51 35 45 27 18 They are educated 17 29 13 12 11 9 13 They think we are causing disturbance 3 3 10 0 6 0 0 They would feel sorry for us 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 They concern about health 1 0 0 0 7 9 0 They give priority for their comfort 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings 2.2. Brand Performance Opinion Towards Open Defecator Detailed habit - OD Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Incidence of trying toilet Incidence of trying toilet Base: All Respondents n= 545; weighted: 1,583,000 The place of trying the toilet Last Time Defecate in toilet Total No, 60 Yes, 40 In the public toilet In the neighbour’s toilet In my relative’s toilet At my workplace At the sanctuary At the village hall 37 28 16 12 4 1 Total Today Within this week Within this month 2-3 months ago 3-4 months ago 4-6 months ago 6 months ago or more Forgot 3 16 10 12 4 4 21 30 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Satisfaction of Open Defecator … Defecate Satisfaction Reason For Still Defecating in the Open Place Base: Owner Respondents n= 545; weighted: 1,583,000 Satisfied, 36 Dissatisfied 34 I have no toilet in my house 73 20 21 Have become accustomed to More practical 66 3 23 Never thought before to defecate in toilet 1 My house is near the river 1 Neutral, 30 Satisfaction of each Area (%) 2 Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir 1 Satisfied 39 25 36 36 24 49 Neutral 38 17 47 34 10 18 Dissatisfied 24 58 16 30 66 33 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Plan to own a toilet Base: Sharer Respondents n= 545; weighted: 1,583,000 Reason of Intending to Have a Toilet Reason of Not Intending to Have a Toilet Base: Respondents who intend to have one Base: Respondents who not intend to have one Don't have money 78 No space for toilet 11 My house is near the river 2 I’m a tenant in this house 2 I still can defecate at the river 2 I’m not accustomed to defecate 2 Yes, 85% No, 15% in the toilet Can use neighbours 1 Easy to defecate more cleanly 48 Convenience 16 Self Satisfaction 7 Safety 6 Can be a good host when guests visit 6 Avoid embarrassed feeling/ humiliation 5 Cleaner and healthier living 4 Personal Discretion 3 Incidence of willingness by Area (%) Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir Yes 94 88 93 74 100 90 No 6 12 7 26 0 10 Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Plan to own a toilet The money to spare to make the toilet Awareness & Existence of the Saving System Ch. 2. Detailed Findings Saving System (Between OD) Reason of Interest Not aware of Saving System Financial Condition It will feel lighter to collect money I can pay using installment system So I can have money for the toilet in a short period Comfort Reason So I can hava my toilet immediately So it will be more comfortable to defecate 97% 97 78 55 18 26 22 3 50 Reason of Disinterest 1% Aware of Saving System, It doesn’t exist in my Area 2% Aware of Saving System, It exist in my Area 50 Financial Condition I don’t have money to pay the subscription The money I have only pay the daily needs I’m afraid I can’t pay the subscription I still have difficulties to provide daily needs Other Reason I still can defecate at the river There’s no land to make the toilet It’s more comfortable to collect my own money, it’s not risky Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company 95 71 16 13 8 16 3 3 3 Access Toward Toilet material Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Ch. 1. Introduction Priorities … Among the Owner Respondents Total Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir Buy the necessity for the household 70 69 64 73 67 77 72 Renovate the house 20 19 24 20 16 22 21 Pay Debt 8 8 12 2 16 2 6 Build/ Renovate the toilet 2 2 1 3 1 0 1 Base: All who own toilet (Owner Improved and Owner Unimproved) n= 1,246; weighted: 3,728, 000 Among the Respondents who don’t own toilet Total Mataraman Mataraman Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Pesisir Buy the necessity for the household 58 56 57 47 62 73 58 Renovate the house 19 18 26 27 12 23 24 Pay Debt 15 13 15 3 23 3 13 Build/ Renovate the toilet 8 14 2 23 2 3 6 Base: All who don’t own toilet (Open Defecator and Sharer) n= 763; weighted: 2,233, 000 Ref :Q27A Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Decision Makers in toilet facility development Persons within the households Open Defecators Respondent Main Decision Makers on Building Process Respondent Owner Unimproved Respondent Sharers Respondent him/herself 71% him/herself 66% him/herself 69% him/herself 63% My Spouse 19% My Spouse 20% My Spouse 17% My Spouse 26% My children 1% My children 1% My children * My children 1% Join Decision 9% Join Decision 12% Join Decision 12% Join Decision 10% Building Coolie 87% Building Coolie 90% Building Coolie 89% Building Coolie 91% Respondent Person Who Will Build The Toilet Owner Improved him/herself Respondent 7% Skilled Labourer in making toilet him/herself Respondent 8% Skilled Labourer in 1% making toilet him/herself Respondent 7% Skilled Labourer in 3% making toilet him/herself 5% Skilled Labourer in 1% making toilet 5% Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Decision Makers in toilet facility development Persons within the households Open Defecators Respondent Main Decision Makers For Types of Toilet Respondent Owner Unimproved Respondent Sharers Respondent him/herself 73% him/herself 68% him/herself 73% him/herself 65% My Spouse 22% My Spouse 26% My Spouse 23% My Spouse 29% Building Coolie 21% Building Coolie 17% Building Coolie 17% Building Coolie 13% My Children 3% My Children 3% My Children 3% My Children 2% Join Decision 1% Join Decision 1% Join Decision 3% Join Decision 1% Respondent Main Decision Makers For Types of Feces Disposal Owner Improved Respondent Respondent Respondent him/herself 67% him/herself 62% him/herself 71% him/herself 61% Building Coolie 31% Building Coolie 31% Building Coolie 29% Building Coolie 28% My Spouse 20% My Spouse 23% My Spouse 20% My Spouse 25% My children 3% My children 2% My children 3% My children 1% Join Decision 1% Join Decision 1% Join Decision 3% Join Decision 1% Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Facility assessment (by Area) 40 (%) 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 External Mason availability to build toilet (Percentage who mentioned yes)150a Availability of Material Store Internal (Percentage who mentioned yes)150b Land adequacy (Percentage who mentioned yes)151a Average Price to build a toilet (‘000) Water adequacy Quality assessment (Percentage who mentioned yes)151b • • • • • • Price of material * (Bottom 2 Boxes [expensive and very expensive])153 Material Quality Mataraman Mataraman Pesisir Arek Pandalungan Banyuwangi Madura Rp 1,823 Rp 2,034 Rp 1,428 Rp 1,165 Rp 1,602 Rp 1,510 (Top Box: Acceptable)155 Mataraman Pandalungan Mataraman Pesisir Banyuwangi Arek Madura Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Facility assessment (by Type of Respondents) (%) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 External Mason availability to build toilet (Percentage who mentioned yes)150a Availability of Material Store Internal (Percentage who mentioned yes)150b Land adequacy (Percentage who mentioned yes)151a Water adequacy Quality assessment (Percentage who mentioned yes)151b Price of material * (Bottom 2 Boxes [expensive and very expensive])153 Material Quality * (Top Box: Acceptable)155 Open Defecator Sharer Owner Improved Owner Unimproved Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Imagery Confidential & Proprietary This document is confidential and is intended solely for the use and 2008 Nielsen Company information of the © client to The whom it is addressed. Positive Negative Attributes (by Area) (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Disadvantages to defecate in the open R3 Disease because of contaminated river R5 Positive Negative Attributes Contaminated environment because of defecating in the open R8 Dangerous because of the river current R9 Good location to defecate because of the current* R14 The flowing of the water clean feces* R26 Uncomfortable place to defecate in the open R34 Defecate in the open is comfortable* R36 Defecate in the open can be dangerous R43 Mataraman Pandalungan Mataraman Pesisir Banyuwangi Arek Madura Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Positive Negative Attributes (by Type of Respondents) (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Disadvantages to defecate in the open R3 Disease because of contaminated river R5 Positive Negative Attributes Contaminated environment because of defecating in the open R8 Dangerous because of the river current R9 Good location to defecate because of the current* R14 The flowing of the water clean feces* R26 Uncomfortable place to defecate in the open R34 Defecate in the open is comfortable* R36 Defecate in the open can be dangerous R43 Open Defecator Sharer Owner Improved Owner Unimproved Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Functional Attributes (by Area) (%) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Having a toilet avoid my family to be gossiped R2 Having a toilet give comfort for my family R17 Functional Attributes Having a toilet give an add value to my house R20 Having a toilet can prevent my family from disease R25 Having a toilet give me chance to protect my family R30 Having a toilet give personal freedom for me & family R33 Having a toilet make me be a good host R37 Having a toilet make my house more comfortable R38 Mataraman Pandalungan Mataraman Pesisir Banyuwangi Arek Madura Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Functional Attributes (by Type of Respondents) (%) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Having a toilet avoid my family to be gossiped R2 Having a toilet give comfort for my family R17 Functional Attributes Having a toilet give an add value to my house R20 Having a toilet can prevent my family from disease R25 Having a toilet give me chance to protect my family R30 Having a toilet give personal freedom for me & family R33 Having a toilet make me be a good host R37 Having a toilet make my house more comfortable R38 OD Sharer Owner Improved Owner Unimproved Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Emotional Attributes (by Area) (%) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Having a toilet make somebody feel better for not contaminate the environment R4 Having a toilet means giving the best for my family Emotional Attributes R10 Having a toilet will raise my family status R13 Having a toilet make defecating process more pleasant R15 Having a toilet will raise our status to be educated family R18 Having a toilet will raise my family’s pride R42 Mataraman Pandalungan Mataraman Pesisir Banyuwangi Arek Madura Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Emotional Attributes (by Type of Respondents) (%) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Having a toilet make somebody feel better for not contaminate the environment R4 Having a toilet means giving the best for my family Emotional Attributes R10 Having a toilet will raise my family status R13 Having a toilet make defecating process more pleasant R15 Having a toilet will raise our status to be educated family R18 Having a toilet will raise my family’s pride R42 OD Sharer Owner Improved Owner Unimproved Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Social Factor Attributes (by Area) (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Most of the people I know defecate in the toilet*7 If our ancestor defecate in the open than it's alright for us to do that*11 Defecating in the open is a proper thing to do, the feces will be food for fish*16 Social Factor Attributes Defecating in the open is an unethical thing19 Person who defecate in the open is a sordid one22 Defecating in the open is unacceptable thing23 Defecating in the open is a proper thing to do, everybody do so*27 Defecating in the open do not endanger others*28 It's acceptable if children defecate in the open*31 People who defecate in the open will endanger the community32 It's acceptable to defecate in the open if they can't reach the location of the toilet*35 People who defecate in the open won't be accepted in their community40 Mataraman Pandalungan Mataraman Pesisir Banyuwangi Arek Madura Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Social Factor Attributes (by Type of Respondents) (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Most of the people I know defecate in the toilet*7 If our ancestor defecate in the open than it's alright for us to do that*11 Defecating in the open is a proper thing to do, the feces will be food for fish*16 Social Factor Attributes Defecating in the open is an unethical thing19 Person who defecate in the open is a sordid one22 Defecating in the open is unacceptable thing23 Defecating in the open is a proper thing to do, everybody do so*27 Defecating in the open do not endanger others*28 It's acceptable if children defecate in the open*31 People who defecate in the open will endanger the community32 It's acceptable to defecate in the open if they can't reach the location of the toilet*35 People who defecate in the open won't be accepted in their community40 OD Sharer Owner Improved Owner Unimproved Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Self Confidence & Additional Attribute (by Area) (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 It’s easy to empty the septic tank in my area R1 Self Confidence & Additional Attributes I know the person who have skill to decide the right place for the toilet R6 Most the emptying service have adequate facility and skill to do their job R12 I know the person who have skill to make feces disposal R21 I control my own destiny R24 One should not emptying latrines into public spaces R29 It is very important for every house to have a latrine R39 A good latrine must have a hand washing station R41 Mataraman Pandalungan Mataraman Pesisir Banyuwangi Arek Madura Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company Self Confidence & Additional Attribute (by Type of Respondents) (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 It’s easy to empty the septic tank in my area R1 Self Confidence & Additional Attributes I know the person who have skill to decide the right place for the toilet R6 Most the emptying service have adequate facility and skill to do their job R12 I know the person who have skill to make feces disposal R21 I control my own destiny R24 One should not emptying latrines into public spaces R29 It is very important for every house to have a latrine R39 A good latrine must have a hand washing station R41 OD Sharer Owner Improved Owner Unimproved Confidential & Proprietary © 2008 The Nielsen Company