Energ-ICE final activities
Energ-ICE final activities
« ENERG-ICE » « New PU foam technology for the Cold Appliance Industry assuring a Cost-Efficient eco-design with augmented Energy saving » Summary of the final activities May 9th 2013 Coordinating Beneficiary: Dow Italia. Associated Beneficiaries: Afros S.p.A.; Crios S.p.A.; Federchimica; Dow Italia Divisione Commerciale SpA. M C, Afros SpA. GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT The proposal of the Life LIFE08 ENV/IT 000411 Project ENERG-ICE is to use the vacuum technology to improve the thermal insulation of the polyurethane foam used in the domestic refrigerators for structural bonding and insulation. The final purpose is to demonstrate and achieve an important reduction of the specific energy consumption of the refrigerators produced with the Vacuum technology and, as consequence, reduce the equivalent emissions of CO2 in the global environment. The technology set up with the project, to be effective, shall be technically valid and widely diffused. M C, Afros SpA. GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT During the project we evidenced and demonstrated what in the premises: The thermal insulation of the solid foams is related to the small size of the single cells of foam. The vacuum (a pressure quite lower than the standard atmosphere), can help a faster expansion of the foams. As faster is the expansion, as smaller are the average dimensions of the single cells (bubbles) forming the foam. M C, Afros SpA. TARGETS AND ADVANTAGES ACHIEVED The use of the Vacuum Aided Injection (VAI), assisted also by new systems and ways developed during the project to improve the homogeneous distribution of the foam, achieved the results scheduled in the project: Sensitive improvement of the insulation (insulation class improvement) Sensitive reduction of the de-moulding time (fast reacting foam) Safer use of pentane as blowing agent (depression in the mould) Good ratio cost/benefits in the use of the technology (retrofitted plants). M C, Afros SpA. EUROPEAN AND WORLD POLICIES INVOLVED The aim of the Energ-ICE project was and is fitting with the policies to reduce the energy consumption in the white appliances issued in the same period by the European Union and many other countries in the world In particular for the domestic refrigerators, being the first appliance to be used in the developing countries and the one continuously in use in each home for food preserving. As a general note please consider that, comparing the power consumption of a normal refrigerator of year 2008 (equivalent to about 110 -120 watt), today a similar but most recent refrigerator produced with the VAI technology has a power consumption of about 20 –23 watt with a reduction of the equivalent CO2 emissions of five times. M C, Afros SpA. SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES The activity started with prliminary samples produced with a bret mould and with an existing fixture in the Afros Lab M C, Afros SpA. SUMMARY OF THE ACTIVITIES The preliminary Lab tests with the vacuum evidenced immediately Full filling of the refrigerators Better homogeneity Faster filling time Enhanced RHL Enhanced insulation Good (short) term stability. M C, Afros SpA. PREPARATION OF THE PILOT PLANT The PILOT PLANT had been the core of the project. We started with the detailed definition of the components, the design of the fixtures, the metering units and the mixing heads. During he project we made also significant variations and modifications of the prototypes to develop and launch new solutions as well as new ideas on a better use of the mixing heads and of the injection technology. M C, Afros SpA. FINAL COMPOSITION OF THE PILOT PLANT The ENERG-ICE pilot demonstration plant has been composed by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A large single stage fixture suitable for the vacuum and for hosting wide size refrigerators A System 200 Penta Twin metering unit to control the polyurethane preparation and injection Various mixing heads necessary for tests and demonstrations. A new Roto-Jig fixture for industrial demonstration A premix unit for the preparation of the chemicals A single mould carrier for the refrigerators doors Specific instrumentation to measure and record the injection phases and to validate the mix head geometry. Retrofitting of a the first test fixture. M C, Afros SpA. NEW DEVELOPMENTS AND PATENTS During the development of the project we learn and developed new idea, applications and technologies: New patent to improve the distribution of the foam inside the refrigerator shell Design and production of two new mixing head models with specific features to perform high injection rates with low turbulence and different flow rates. Modification and setting of the vacuum application and of the fixtures sealing Developments and applications for applications of polyurethane in other field of thermal insulation (panels, exhibitors, pipe in pipe) M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT: DEDICATED AREA A specific area dedicated to the Energ-Ice project was located inside the Afros buildings close to the Lab Area FOTO M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT SINGLE STAGE WIDE SIZE FIXTURE M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT ROTO-JIG STATION New fixture type for industrial demonstration. M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT VACUUM SYSTEM The vacuum has a dedicated system to automatically control the depression into the fixture M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT MULTY EASY FROTH PREMIX STATION Flammable blowing agents are premixed added with a specific station M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT A SYSTEM 200 PENTA TWIN The machine has been used as a prototype to promote also a new control of the metering M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT: MIX HEADS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS FPL24 HP, FPL24HP FPL 18 HP, JL 24 , FPL 24 SR JL 18 FPL 18 SR Jet-Less 24 JL 32 New Type FPL24 SR New Type M C, Afros SpA. . ENERG-ICE: PROCESS AND PILOT PLANT OPTIMIZATION Instrumentation to monitor the mixing performances M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT: TESTS OF THE NEW PATENTED JET LESS JL 24 stroke 220 during testing M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT: ITEMS AND DEVELOPMENTS Design and fabrication of the new models of mixing heads for tests and demonstrations FPL 24 SR (special rod) stroke 150 during testing M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: SAMPLE TESTING AND VALIDATION Hundreds of tests have been performed for setting the foam, the vacuum, the injection rate, the different mix heads M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: SAMPLE TESTING OPTIMIZATION AND VALIDATION Identification of the trials M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: SAMPLE TESTING OPTIMIZATION AND VALIDATION Checking of the quality M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT: DISSEMINATION Dow and the commercial organization of Cannon promoted the vacuum assisted technology c/o the main refrigerators producers. These campaigns got the immediate attention of the main producers that hurried in sending refrigerators samples for tests with the specific foam prepared by Dow FOTO M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PILOT PLANT: INDUSTRIAL DEMONSTRATION Refrigerators producers involved in demonstration tests Haier “ Samsung Bosch Siemens “ “ Whilrpool “ “ “ Lucky Goldstar “ “ Electrolux “ Archelik Italy China Korea Germany Turkey Italy Brasil Poland China Korea Poland Italy Hungary Turkey M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: INDUSTRIAL DEMONSTRATION Demonstration and validation of the vacuum assisted technology The demonstration and validation campaigns are today following a well tested scheduling, involving from 30 to 50 cabinets. Long preparation works heve been necessary to adapt the jig, the ancillaries, the fixture and the mix head holder M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: INDUSTRIAL DEMONSTRATION Demonstration and validation of the vacuum assisted technology M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: INDUSTRIAL DEMONSTRATION Additional campaigns to set up the VAI for one or two models of cabinets and demonstrate the improvements have been performed with: •Bosch Siemens (Turkey) •Vestel (Turkey) •Whirlpool (Poland, China) •Haier (China) •Bosch Siemens (Germany) M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENTS of the INDUSTRIAL DEMONSTRATIONS Technical achievements scheduled (and performed) on the pilot plant: •Industrial application of the sealing of the fixtures cells. •Reinforced structures to withstand the atmospheric pressure. •Application of special vacuum pumps and injection ports. •Development of a special foam formulation with very low cell size and stability. •Development of a specific technology of the foam injection •Extension of the technology to other applications for thermal insulation •Development of a specific injection way •Development of specific mixing system M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: ENERGY SAVINGS AND APPLICATION ADVANTAGES ACHIEVED •Sensitive improvement of the insulation (insulation class improvement) •Sensitive reduction of the de-moulding time (fast reacting foam) •Safer use of pentane as blowing agent (Zero ODP & very low GWP) •Good ratio cost/benefits of the technology for new and also retrofitted plants. •The Energ-ice project stimulated the Dow competitors to develop similar enhancements and foams It begins to be applied on other fields for energy saving, different from domestic refrigerators (e.g. dispalys, walking coolers, pipes, automotive) The improvement of thermal insulation and energy saving will diffuse much sooner and reach much more refrigerators producers than the quantity achievable by Cannon and DOW M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: Testing and comparison of the technologies developed by the DOW competitors Many campaigns of comparison have been performed c/o the Energ-ICE station The VAI technology acted as a strong stimulus for the development of chemicals other than DOW able to improve the insulation and reduce the cell size of the foam. From the point of view of the global energy saving this stimulus can be considered very important, widely diffused and not reversible M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: ACTIVITY TO DEMONSTRATE ADDITIONAL INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Vacuum applied to the refrigerators doors Campaign performed with Whirlpool Italy and China to set up the VAI technology to the high thickness doors The results have been very positive and permitted to test also a new system for the fast demoulding M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: LATEST ACTIVITY TO DEMONSTRATE ADDITIONAL INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Testing and demonstration of the vacuum applied to the insulation panels for cooled buildings and walking coolers A campaign has been scheduled in the past 4 months to demonstrate the application of the ENERG-ICE foam and VAI technology to the insulation panels with metal facing. A specific panel press has been designed and suppplied to the Dow Lab (out from the Energ-ICE budget) M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: LATEST ACTIVITY TO DEMONSTRATE ADDITIONAL INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Testing and demonstration of the vacuum applied to the insulation panels for cooled buildings and walking coolers The press for panels has been installed c/o the Dow Lab, debugged and tested with the application of special sealing and specific ports for the mix head injection with vacuum M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: LATEST ACTIVITY TO DEMONSTRATE ADDITIONAL INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Testing and demonstration of the vacuum applied to the insulation panels for cooled buildings and walking coolers Vacuum sealing plugs M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: LATEST ACTIVITY TO DEMONSTRATE ADDITIONAL INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Design, testing and demonstration of new model of mix head for the VAI application Design of the model FPL 14 SR for the VAI door injection M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: LATEST ACTIVITY TO DEMONSTRATE ADDITIONAL INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Design, testing and demonstration of new model of mix head for the VAI application Modifications to the SR 24 mix head for high rate performances M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE: LATEST ACTIVITY TO DEMONSTRATE ADDITIONAL INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Design, testing and demonstration of new model of mix head for the VAI application The new models of mix heads FPL 26 SR– FPL24 SR- FPL18 SR have been tested and are now used for the demonstrations with laminar flow at high troughput M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PROJEC: CONCLUSIONS As conclusion let’s summarize the results and achievements obtained from the point of view of the energy savings. The Vacuum Assisted Injection and Expansion evidenced to be very valid for improving the domestic refrigerators insulation and reduce the de-molding time. Most of the main refrigerators producers, world wide diffused, got the opportunity to test and verify the technology. The applicants of the project Dow and Cannon are leaders and world wide diffused. The project stimulated the competitors to enter develop alternative ways to obtain fine foam cells and improve their thermal insulation. M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PROJECT: CONCLUSIONS The aim to reduce the energy consumption of the domestic refrigerators is today involving all the world nations. What developed and still in evolution and will continue. The intense and various use of the pilot plant gave the possibility to extend the application to fields different from the domestic refrigerators but still devoted to increase the energy efficiency M C, Afros SpA. ENERG-ICE PROJEC: CONCLUSIONS The VAI technology is already applied by two main refrigerator producers and it is promoted for existing plants. All these results are saving and will save a huge amount of carbon dioxide emissions This is the main target and result of the project. The pilot plant will continue to be the main testing device for Cannon, Dow and their customers M C, Afros SpA. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Italia Italia Div. Commerciale M C, Afros SpA.