Ian Anderson House Golf Tournament 2011


Ian Anderson House Golf Tournament 2011
430 Winston Churchill Blvd., Oakville, Ontario L6J 7X2 • Tel: (905) 337-8004 • Fax: (905) 337-8006
Charitable Reg. No. 13890 4602 RR0001
Mailing Address: c/o P.O. Box 61034, 511 Maple Grove Drive, Oakville, Ontario L6J 7P5
An Update from the Founder
2011 has been a productive year
at Ian Anderson House. The Geothermal installation, funded by the
Donner Canadian Foundation, will
be completed by the time this
newsletter is published. Once completed the installation will not only
greatly reduce our energy costs and
given the dire warnings of the escalating cost of future Hydro bills is
also extremely timely.
We are very grateful to the
individuals and organizations who
provided the funding for us to
purchase the items on our perpetual “Wish List” that needed to be
added or replaced in the House.
Also, before the end of this year,
we will have replaced the more than
50 year-old shed, that was built on
the original property, because of
structural concerns. The shed,
which has been used for storage,
will be replaced by a moderately
larger building that will provide the
necessary storage space.
All of these changes, whether
large or small, are given very
careful consideration by our IAH
Board members not only to ensure
the smooth and efficient day-to-day
operation of the hospice but, more
important, which is always the
ultimate concern is to ensure the
positive impact it will have on the
care, comfort and safety of our
residents and their families.
The past year has also been a
very busy one in the “House” itself
because of the increasing demand
for scarce palliative beds in general
and for end-of-life palliative beds in
particular, which has increased the
number of referrals for admission to
our hospice. This, in turn, has
resulted in a decrease in the average
length of stay at IAH as the prospective resident who is most in need
and whose family is no longer able
to cope with the necessary caregiving, is admitted.
A recent three-month shotgun
survey done by our Home Coordinator determined that 24% of
referrals were made directly by a
family member; 19% by family
physicians and 31% by hospitals.
One of our team of four Home Coordinators then makes a personal
visit to hospitals to interview
patients and families or to homes in
the community to assess the
condition of the patient and also the
care being provided. Families are
offered advice if necessary and are
encouraged to contact IAH to
update the condition of the family
member who is ill. If appropriate
and necessary services are not being
provided the local “Case Manager”
of CCAC (Community Care Access
Centre) who is responsible for providing the necessary nursing and
support services in the home, is
contacted by our Home Co-ordinator.
During the recent Provincial
political campaign, promises were
made by Premier McGuinty to
increase funding for home care
services so that more loved ones
could be cared for in their own
homes. If that promise is kept,
hopefully the funding will go where
it is most needed, which is to
provide necessary nursing and
support services to families in need
and not to increase the already topheavy bureaucracy of our home care
system. Premier McGuinty also
promised more home visits by
doctors. Now we can only wait and
see exactly how he intends to make
that happen. Perhaps increased
funding should also be directed to
our busy and overworked family
“docs” in the community who are
currently very much under-compensated for making “house calls”.
Again, our sincere thanks to all
those who have generously supported Ian Anderson House in the last
year and in the past 14 years. You
have helped us to provide our muchneeded service to more than 1300
families in our community.
To all of you from all of us at Ian
Anderson House, every good wish
for 2012.
Margaret Anderson,
Founder, IAH
The late William Donner was the founder of the International Cancer Research Foundation and also supported
a great deal of early work in that field. We are very grateful for how much Ian Anderson House and the Ian
Anderson Resource Centre has benefited from the foresight and legacy of the founder and from the members of
his family through the Donner Canadian Foundation.
A Tribute to Our Volunteers
Volunteers are an integral and necessary part of every charitable organization. At Ian Anderson House we understand and appreciate, firsthand, how much their time, expertise and dedication contribute
to our hospice. Our volunteers perform many day-to-day tasks including answering our busy telephones, greeting families and visitors, meal and snack preparations, light housekeeping and gardening. They also help to support the families
of our residents by “lending an ear” and sharing companionship in our comfortable kitchen. Our volunteers do not do “hands-on” care of our residents.
Resident care is provided by our paid professional staff who have the expertise
and necessary accountability. Our volunteers, by working as a team with our
staff, allows them to spend the necessary time caring for our residents.
We are also grateful, not only to our volunteers, but also to our IAH staff who
volunteer their time at our fundraising events which, last year, made it possible
for us to direct 97 cents of each $1.00 raised to our daily operating costs.
Our thanks to the Members of the Board of IAH who also volunteer their time
and expertise. Together you have earned our hospice the reputation for the high
quality care that our House offers.
A Profile of a Volunteer
We Welcome our
New Volunteers
Cal Belbin
Sharon Byrne
Gail Christilaw
Lena Doyle
Kyle Ferguson
Maggie Harris
Rosemary Leon
Dorothy Prieditis
Alma Rodinciac
Varun Sheth
And bid Farewell
with our grateful
Thanks and Best
Wishes to:
Leo Aldoroty
Cheryl Allen
Betty Smith
Ruth Johnston
Ruth began volunteering at our hospice
in 2007. After attending our 10th
Anniversary Gala with friends she became
interested in becoming a volunteer. She
felt she could contribute in that role
because of “an understanding of the needs
of residents and families” based on her
own personal experience and on the
“value of having assistance.”
Ruth has since become our “official
shopper”, purchasing food for our
residents and household and other necessary supplies. She has also continued to
volunteer her time, both in the House and
at our fundraising events.
We are grateful to Ruth, who is one of our valued volunteers, for her dedication
and support of Ian Anderson House.
If you are interested in volunteering
at Ian Anderson House please call
our volunteer
Co-ordinator Joanne Richards at
(905) 337-8004 extension 222.
Ian Anderson House
Members of the Board
Dr. Peter Allen
Mr. Gene Allevato
Ms. Margaret Anderson
Mr. Stuart Anderson
Mr. Ted R. Laan
Mr. Robert Pollard
We welcome Joanne Richards, our new Volunteer/Events
Co-ordinator. Joanne became a volunteer at Ian Anderson
House in 2010, two years after her father, Trevor Richards,
died at our hospice.
Joanne had worked as a Manager and teacher at a private
college for over 10 years but says that she was so impressed
with the gentle and knowledgeable care her father and their
family received at our House that she decided to leave her job
to enroll in a Social Service/Gerontology programme at
Sheridan College. She also enrolled in palliative courses and
completed an internship in community support programmes.
We welcome Joanne as the latest member of our “Care
Team” who is “honoured to be part of such an incredible team
of professionals that enable her to learn and grow each day.”
Lisa Steward, who joined our staff as Volunteer/Event
Co-ordinator in October 2008, had volunteered for one year in
the Ian Anderson Resource Centre. Lisa left us to pursue her
career experience in Marketing and Product Development.
We are very grateful to Lisa for her valuable contribution
and dedication to Ian Anderson House during her time with
us. We are also very grateful to her for continuing to volunteer
advice and for lending a helping hand at this year’s Walk/Run
and the Ian Anderson Golf Tournament.
All at our “House” wish you much future success and best
wishes in your career.
Special Thanks
Our Thanks for
Third Party Events
• To: Cindy and Jennifer Wade, Ian Mise and Cooper Gage for
organizing and running the 1st Annual Chris Wade Memorial
Golf Tournament held at Blue Springs Golf Course on August 8th.
Our sincere thanks for the donation of $25,000.00 to our hospice
from the tournament proceeds and our congratulations on your
successful event.
• To: Kevin McDermott and Rick Przybylski owners of the Stout
Monk Pub, 78 Dundas Street West. Their golf tournament this
year, held on May 24th at Glenn Abbey Golf Club, raised a record
$20,000.00 which was donated to Ian Anderson House. Our grateful thanks, once again, for your generous support.
• To: The Magnes Group Inc. for their generous donation of
$16,500.00 from the proceeds of their 11th Annual Premier Golf
Classic. Congratulations for another successful event that is held
each year to support local front-line charitable organizations in
our community.
• To: The members of the Men’s Oakville Golf Club for their
generous donation of $11,000.00. Our thanks to Michael Judge and
John Thistlethwaite who, for the second year, organized the golf
tournament in support of Ian Anderson House and in memory of
our residents Jack Kent, Steve Allen and Richard Hamilton.
• To: Paula Gardin and Chris John who raised $7,500.00 from their
“Fill the House” benefit concert that was dedicated to Mr. Richard
Hamilton. The event was held on October 1st at the Oakville Arts
Centre and featured jazz singer Paula Gardin and impressionist
Chris who also organized the event. A most enjoyable evening
performed by two very talented and professional performers.
• To: Michael Morra Sr. and all at Michael’s Back Door restaurant
who raised $7,000.00 from the proceeds of their 27th Annual
Invitational Golf Tournament to Ian Anderson House.
• To: John Delaney and family who held a “screeching in”, a traditional Newfoundland event, in memory of Arthur Delaney, who
was a resident at our hospice. We are grateful for the generous
donation of $4,135.50 raised at the event.
• To: The team of Patrick Doyle, Dr. Lynne Benjamin, husband
Andrew and sons Ben and Christopher who cycled in The Healing
Cycle Foundation, founded in 2005 to do “something meaningful
for palliative care”. Congratulations and our thanks to Team IAH
who raised pledges amounting to $2,125.00 for our House.
• To: Cashway Building Centre Ltd. Who raised $600.00 for our
hospice at their summer Charity Barbeque.
• To: Volunteers of the Tzu Chi Foundation and the Appleby
College students for the Spring and Fall cleanups of our garden;
Eric Laengert for volunteering his time and expertise to support
our computers and website; Tim Hortons for their ongoing
supply of coffee; Voortman Cookies Ltd. for their cookies; Ren’s
Pet Depot for donating seed for our birdfeeders; S. & Q. Plastics
who donate garbage and recycling bags; Simple Alternatives
Funeral Centres for their gift of CD/MP3 players for our
residents rooms.
IAH Kids
“Got Talent”
Ashley, 16 year-old daughter of our IAH nurse Linda Taylor, was
one of the Top 2 ranked Canadians to compete at the World Youth
Championships held in Lille, France, July 1st to 11th this year.
Ashley’s first race was in 400m Hurdles where she ran a personal
best of 60.38 seconds which qualified her to compete in the semifinals. In the past, Ashley qualified for Team Ontario and won two
Silver medals in individual hurdle events and two Gold relay medals
at the Nationals Event in Ottawa.
Zachary, the 14 year-old son of our Home Co-ordinator Tracey
Vanwyngaarden, who plays in Soccer’s Elite level at the Burlington
Youth Soccer Club’s team “Burlington Thunder”, competed in July
of this year in an International tournament in Spain. There were a
total of 30,000 “kids” competing in the event which was a round
robin format. Zachary’s team was the only one of the 16 teams in
his age group from Canada to compete for the “Donastie Cup” and
advanced to the semi-finals, where they lost to a local Spanish
Team. Zachary’s family and the other families who traveled to
Spain donated a soccer ball (football in Europe), that was very much
appreciated, to each of the players on the winning team, so you
were all winners.
Sam and Ben, the 11 and 9 year-old sons of Monique Armstrong,
the Administrator of the Ian Anderson Resource Centre, were
interviewed last month on The Agenda with Steve Paikin, were
featured on the Global News Hour and landed a guest spot on
CBC’s This Hour Has 22 Minutes which all resulted from a home
video of the recent leaderships debate, produced by Sam and acted
by the brothers. Sam also can be seen in a running television V8
commercial (slapping his forehead).
Matthew, the 11 year-old son of our Board Chair Stuart
Anderson and grandson of Ian Anderson was one of three 11 yearolds to qualify this year to play in the U.S. Kids Golf Championship
at Gullane, Scotland. In the competition between the Western
European golfers and the International (Rest of the World)
Matthew was the top Canadian and third in the overall team.
Matthew, who this year has a 9 handicap, was also invited to play
this year again in the U.S. Kids Golf Annual Tournament in
Pinehurst, North Carolina where he finished 14th in a group of 56.
He also won a gold medal for competing in the Canadian Junior
Golf Association “Junior Linkster Event” tournament for 11 to 13
year olds held in Ajax.
Congratulations to all our “kids” for all your impressive
accomplishments and our best wishes for many more in the future.
Individual Donors
• To: Don Clarke, Charles Duchesnay and our “Friends at Glen
Oaks Memorial Gardens” for their generous donation of
$1,400.00 to be used for the gardens at our House that are so
much enjoyed by our residents and families.
• To: The parishioners of Saint Matthews Roman Catholic Church
for donating $1,160.00 to Ian Anderson House that was raised
from dance lessons held in their parish.
• To: Kathryn Hamel and the members of Curves for their very
generous donation of $1,149.00 from the proceeds of their
fundraiser held in memory of Terry Hickson.
• To: Heather Wellon who, again last year, made a donation to our
House in lieu of Christmas gifts to her friends and family. Our
thanks for the very generous donation of $1,000.00.
• To: Lena Doyle, who volunteers at IAH, who won the CIBC
Ambassador Program Award. Congratulations to Lena and our
thanks to CIBC for the $500.00 donation.
• To: Marianne Svarke, owner of ‘To Set a Table’, our thanks for
donating $250.00 raised from her knife sharpening clinic and for
her generous matching $250.00 donation.
Bob Sherman’s Team – IAH Golf Tournament
Chris Wade Memorial Golf Tournament
Patrick Doyle riding for IAH
Knights of Columbus Marian Council 3881’s
Steve Maloney & Andy Livingston
10. Stout Monk’s Kevin McDermott
Ev’s Believers – IAH Walk Run
The Whitehead family -– IAH Walk Run
Michael Judge & John Thistlethwaite
RCL Colonel Tom Kennedy Branch 582’s
Robert Holliday & Matt Brown
9. John Zoppas’ Team – IAH Golf Tournament
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Tree of Lights 2011
Tree of Lights 2010
Our 15th Annual Tree of Lights will be
held on the grounds of Ian Anderson
House, 430 Winston Churchill Blvd.,
Oakville on Sunday December 4th. We
invite families and friends to join us at
5:00 pm for carol singing and for the
traditional lighting of our tree whose
lights are in memory of a loved one. Hot cider and
dessert will be served in the Ian Anderson Resource
Our 14th Annual Tree
of Lights was held on
Sunday December 5th,
2010 on the grounds of Ian
Anderson House. Families
and friends joined us to
light up our tree in memory of a loved one who was
a resident in our hospice.
Our thanks to them for
supporting our event that raised approximately $24,000.00
for our operating costs. Our thanks also to Oakville Hydro
who install and remove the tree lights; to St. Andrews’
Church Senior Choir for leading the carol singing and to our
volunteers who baked the desserts.
Walk/Run for the Care 2012
Our 14th Annual Walk/Run event will
be held, again this year, at Mentor
College, 40 Forest Avenue, Mississauga, in
June. Date to be announced. We hope
families and friends will join us for this
day of fun and friendship in support of Ian Anderson
House. A complimentary barbeque will be provided at
the conclusion of the Walk/Run and prizes will be
awarded to teams and individuals who have gathered
the highest dollar amount of pledges.
Walk/Run for the Care 2011
For the 13th year our Walk/Run event, held June 5th, was
a great success, raising a net
amount of $40,000.00 in
support of our hospice.
Our grateful thanks,
again this year, to Founder
Ken Philbrook and all at
Mentor College for their
help and support. Our
thanks, also again this year,
to Pizza Pizza for donating
their popular pizza for our barbeque at the conclusion of the
Walk/Run and to the Members of the Mississauga Firefighters and the Peel Regional Police for entertaining our
young participants. We also sincerely thank the members of
the Peel Regional Police Pipe Band who “piped” for the
participants. And as, always, our thanks to our IAH volunteers and staff who volunteered their help to make the day a
Ian Anderson House Golf
Tournament 2012
Will be held again next year at Indian
Wells Golf Club in late September 2012.
Mailings will be made and details will be
available on our website before the event.
A Scottish Gala Event 2012
Ian Anderson House
Golf Tournament 2011
A gala event will be planned in November
2012 to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Ian
Anderson House and Scotland’s St. Andrews
Day. Watch for details on our website at
Formerly founded and organized by Marlatt Insurance
Limited in 2002 and jointly by
Marlatt and The Rotary Club of
Oakville since 2008, was held this
year on September 26th at Indian
Wells Golf Club. Our sincere
thanks to Heather and Brad
Amlin of Marlatt Insurance for
their past generous support of Ian
Anderson House; to Ed Liptay for
donating his beautiful golf course;
to our major sponsors Raymond
James Ltd. and Hampton
Securities; and to all who donated prizes for the event; and to
our IAH volunteers and our staff who volunteered their time
to help make the event so enjoyable and so successful that
raised a net amount of $27,000.00 to help us continue to offer
our much-needed service to families in our community.
During the past year the operating costs at Ian
Anderson House were approximately $700,000.00. The
installation of the geothermal and solar systems will
substantially reduce the cost of our power use in future
To learn more about Ian Anderson House you may
visit our website at: www.ianandersonhouse.com or
e-mail us at [email protected]
To learn more about Ian Anderson Resource Centre
you may visit our website at: www.iarc.ca or e-mail us
at [email protected]
In Appreciation of the supporters of IAH
Achilles, Judith
Adamic, Patricia
Adams, Sheila
Aldoroty, Leo
Aldred, Barbara
Allen, Rod & Leslie
Alphonso, Hazel
Ambroziak, Donna
Ambrus, Catherine
Amlin, Heather
Anderson, Margaret
Anderson, Stuart & Christine
Andrews, Margaret
Andreychuk, John T.
Anie, Barbara
Antlov, Goran
Arnold, Mavis
Arnot, Christine
Arzoomanian, Armond
Asquith, Muriel
Aultman, Cliff
Badowski, Jean
Bagnall, Garth
Bahr, Barbara
Bailey, Susan
Bailey, Susanne
Baines, Kim
Baird, Kevin
Ballantyne, Alexander
Ballie, James
Bamber, William
Bank, Barbara
Barber, Jean
Barber, Joan
Barber, Peter & Jean
Bardswich, Earl
Barker, Peter
Barlow, C. Brian
Barr, Edward
Barr, Elaine & David
Barratt, Jeff
Barrett, Bill
Barrett, Dale
Barringer, Gavin & Monique
Barrington, Brenda
Barrington, Paul
Bartucci, Ed
Bates, Kimberley
Bays, Donna
Beach, Roger & Brenda
Beaton, Laura-Ann
Beeston, Henry
Bekkers, Ruth
Belcher, John
Bell, Gary
Bell, Richard
Bellisario, Nick
Bellm, Lily
Bennett, Bryan
Bequiri, Gavin
Bernard, Susan & Michael
Bernie, Brent W.
Bernie, Jane
Bernstein, Julia
Bertrand, Sandra
Bezant, Evelyn
Bimm, Rosalynd
Binetti, Michele
Binetti, Mike
Binetti, Tony
Bird, Howard
Birthelmer, Gloria & Al
Bishop, Flora
Black, Christine
Blair, Barbara
Blair, Gillian
Blake, Bill
Blakeley, St. John & Carolyn
Blanch, Elizabeth
Blanchard, Brenda
Blazic, Susan
Blight, William
Blue, Lynda
Boileau, Andrea
Bonacini, Michael
Bonham, Ella
Boone, Frank
Borsellino, Corinne
Boruschak, Steven
Bosnic, Dusan & Dragica
Bosnic, Olivera
Bourgeois, Louis
Bowen, Dorothy
Bowyer, Mark
Boyko, Gerald
Boyle, Madalyn
Bracey, Jean
Bradford, Dolores
Bradford, John & Evelyn
Bradford, Ursula
Brady, T. Douglas.
Braganza, Gregory
Brakel, Bob & Joan
Braun, Francis
Bridgman, Donald
Brierley, John L.
Broadhurst, David G.
Brown, Andrew
Brown, Douglas
Brown, Elizabeth
Brown, Laird
Brown, Lisa & Joel
Brown, Richard
Brownridge, Murray
Brum, Maria
Bryant, Barbara
Buba, Mike
Buchan, Leora
Buchok, Slavka
Buck, Donna
Buckland, Sonja
Bunyard, Paul
Burgess, J.David
Burgum, Kirsty
Burkart, Susan
Burke, Brendan
Burkett, Michael
Burns, Joy
Burpee, Denise & J.R.
Burrows, Sandra
Burton Smith, Deborah
Burton, Mary
Bussiere, Bob
Butler, Catharine
Butler, Dan
Cabajsky, Andrea
Cadenhead, Evelyn
Caissie, Dolly
Caldwell-McLellan, Deborah
Camp, Georffrey M.
Campbell, David & Judy
Campbell, Elizabeth
Campbell, Monica
Campitelli, Maria
Cantlie, Susan
Carlos, Donna
Carnovale, Augy & Anna
Carr, Lisa
Carroll, Patrick
Carter, Barbara
Celej, Martine
Chalmers, Eileen
Chapman, Brian
Chaput, Yves
Chopra, Shail
Chorzepa, Sharron
Church, Nancy
Cifarelli, Christine
Cimbur, Milenko
Claridge, Diane
Clarizio, Joe
Clark, Edna & Andrew
Clark, Heather
Clark, Keiron
Clark, Laura
Clarke, Richard
Clarke-Richardson, Penelope
Clayton, Pauline
Clifford, Cary & Anita
Clifton, Andrew
Cloutier, Jean-Claude & Huguette
Cochrane, William & Jeannine
Cockwell, Susan
Coghlan, Vera
Cole, Joan
Coleman, John B.
Collier, Florence
Collins, R. Alex
Conroy, Irene
Cooper, David
Corneil, Bruce & Elizabeth
Corrigan, Jana
Corrigan, Peter
Costa, Georgina
Costa, Helder
Coulson, Melissa
Coutu, Pierre
Cox, Alan
Coyne, Gordon
Croll, Susan & Andrew
Croll, Susan & Shawn
Crooks, Christopher & Harriett
Crooks, Rodney & Carol
Crump, Robert & Judith
Cruz, Rudy
Csoli, Viola
Culbert, Lorraine
Cummings, Georgina J.
Cunningham, Aileen
Cunningham, Don
Cunningham, Michael
Curry, Deborah
Cuthbertson, Emily
D’Arcy, Deborah
D’Souza, Alban
Dahlinger, Olive F.
Daly, Stephanie
Dames, Michele
Damude, Paul
Darlington, William & June
Davidson, Bonita
Davies, May
Davis, Edward
Davis, Glenn & Grace
Davis, Trudy M.
Dawe, Wade
Daymond, Stewart
De’ath, Carol
Deans, M. Bruce
DeBorba, Lori-Anne
Debreceni, Nancy
Decker, Robert
Deegan, Lucille & Allan
Deerin, Paul
Delaney, Catherine
Delaney, John
DeMedeiros, Diana
Denovan, J. Douglas & Anne
Densley, Rita
Desante, Rita
Deutschmann, Yvonne & Al
Devlin, Dan & Jill
Di Bon, Carol & Eini
Di Domenico, Linda
Di Lella, David
Di Lella, Michael
Di Paolo, Palma
Dickie, Judith
Dickie, Peggy & Stewart
Dickie, Tracy
Dickinson, Sheila
Dodds, Barbara
Donia, Omar Yehia
Doroz, Stephan
Dougherty-Redshaw, Nancy
Doughty, Elaine
Douglas, Helen
Douglas, James
Douglas, Tara
Dovey, Ian & Christine
Downey, Jessica
Doyle-Fry, Suzanne
Drake, Douglas
Draper, Joan
Drennan, Joann
Drury, Peter
Duerr, Herbert
Duffield, Jan
Dunbar, Ann J.
Duncan, Douglas
Duncan, J. D.
Duncan, John
Dunham, Marga L.
Dyksterhuis, Connie
Dyksterhuis, Corrie
Earls, Aoife
Easson, John
Eedy, Jean
Eidenberg, Bruno
Einarson, Stanley
Elder, Jim
Elliott, Elizabeth
Elsley, Marilyn
Epp, Herbert
Estabrooks, Toni
Estriga, Joe
Evans, James
Evans, William & Therese
Evenden, Gillian
Fahey, Alice
Fairs, Sue
Fallon, Sarah-Anne
Falls, Susan
Fargey, John & Gail
Farquharson, Graham
Farrugia, Michael
Feinstein, Bernard
Felce, Margaret
Fenton, Beth & Bruce
Fenton, Norman
Ferdinandi, Elaine
Ferguson, Harry
Ferreira, Jose
Ferreira, Mike
Ferreira, Walter
Fiala, Madeline
Fieguth, Margot & Werner
Finnigan, Marilyn
Fisher, Candice
Fitzpatrick, Tom
Fleck, Kelta
Fletcher, Larry & Susan
Flippance, Mary C.
Flux, Michael
Foley, Ruth
Forbes, Florence
Ford, Ann Marie
Foss, Helen
Foster, Arthur
Foulkes, Gail
Fournier, Ronald & Alice
Fraser, Leona
Friedlander, John
Fruehauf, Edeltraud
Fung, Kwok & Catherine
Gade, Klaus
Galin, Carolyn
Galin, Michael
Galka, Ardath & Steve
Galo, Rachel
Gamble, Marjorie
Gandy, John & Pat
Garcia, Edison
Gardiner, Wendy
Gardner, Gloria & Robert
Gardner, Jeffrey
Gareau, Hazel
Garner, Bente
Garrod, Peter & June
Garvey, Michael
Gaskin, Eleanor
Gedalof, Ze’ev
Gennara, Linda
Gentili, Giovanna
Giecko, Dan
Gilgour, Frances
Gilliard, Scott
Gillion, Jennifer
Giroday, Philip
Glazier, Paul
Gleadall, Jane
Glen, Harry
Goakery, Eric
Godfree, Phyllis
Goheen, Russell & Nancy
Goldberg, Jeff
Goldin, Liliana & Tyrone
Gombita, Teresa
Goncalves, Rita
Good, Margaret
Goodman, Natalie
Goodwin, James & Lois
Gordon, Kathryn A.
Graburn, Linda
Graham, Paul
Graham, Susan
Grant, Elaine G.
Gray, Ernest
Green, James
Green, James
Gregg, William O.
Grierson, Penelope & Bruce
Gris, Karen
Gulati, Sahil
Guthrie, Dorothy & Grant
Guttman, Mary
Hackel, Ron
Hackel, Stephen
Hagel, Joyce
Hahn, Bob
Haist, Stephen & Sandra
Hall, Anne & Jeff
Hamel, William
Hamilton, Leigh
Hand, Scott & Ellen
Hanna, Elizabeth
Harder, Roger
Harding, Elizabeth
Harding, Joan
Harfield, Winnifred
Hargreave, Alix & Freddy
Haria, Ratilal
Harpe, Louise
Harper, Pamela
Harris, Patricia
Harris, Richard S.
Hawkey, David
Haywood, Karen
Healey, Susan & Michael
Henderson, Alex
Hendren, Lesley & Thomas
Hepburn, Marilyn
Herbert, Marjorie
Heron, Wendy
Hester, Dale
Hickling, David
Hickson, Barbara
Hickson, Duane E.
Hilbig, Noreen
Hilbig, Thomas J.
Hill, Herb
Hill, Kathaleen
Hillson, Rebecca
Hinchey, James & Janet
Hodgkinson, Andrew
Hodgkinson, Helen
Hodgkinson, John
Hodgkinson, Peter
Hodgkinson, Scott
Hoeck, Julianna
Hoey, Edwin
Holbrook, Charles
Holenstein, Joan
Holland, Barbara & Gordon
Holland, Lynne
Hollingdale, Gordon
Holmes, Mariella
Holmes, Marion
Hope, Ruth
Horak, Heidi
Horton, Brian
Hosein, Deanne & Rolph
Hughes, Joann
Humphreys, Janice
Hune, Jane
Hunter, Marion
Hunter, Marlene
Hussain, S. M.
Husvar, Georgina
Hwang, Yoon J.
Hyde, William
Inglis, Thomas & Lena
Jackson, Gordon
Jackson, John
Jackson, Pamela
Jackson, Rawdon & Sally
Jackson, Sally & Rawdon
Jackson, Winn
Jacobs, Lee
Jameson, Janette
Jaques, M.F.L.
Jarratt, Christopher
Jeffery, Muriel
Jeffery, Randall & Mary
Jenks, Margaret
Jennings, Arlene
Jensen, Janine
Job, David
Johnson, David H.
Johnson, Jeff & Alexis
Johnson, Joan
Johnson, K.
Johnson, Teresa
Johnston, Alice
Johnston, Beverly
Johnston, Heidi
Johnston, Marion
Johnston, Marion
Johnston, Peter
Johnston, Wilbur
Joki, Vilho
Jones, Catherine P.
Jones, Evelyn
Jones, Jenny
Jones, Owen
Jones, Rob
Jones, W. Gordon
Jordon, Sandra
Josiak, James
Josiak, Scott
Josselyn, Peter & Ann
Joyce, James
Judge, Michael & Paula
Judge, Thomas & Nancy
Justice, Dona
Juszkiewicz, Ewa
Karch, Madolin
Karwel, Tanya & Richard
Kasslack, Mirella
Kearns, Carolyn
Keast, June
Keating, Lois
Keeley-Bunting, Stephanie
Kelly, Maxine
Kelly, Patricia
Kemp, Jo
Kempster, Fredrick
Kendrick, Marian
Kenny, Peter & Joanne
Kent, Jeff & Judy
Kenyon, Patricia
Keogh, Yvonne
King, Tom
Kinsella, Helen
Kitamura, Ron
Kivell, Clifford
Klooster, Sharon
Knepflar, Lois
Knight, Kimberley
Knight, Melanie
Knight, Valerie
Knowland, Mary Ann
Konigsmann, Klaus
Kool, Pieter
Kopriva, Ilona
Krause, Don
Kresic, Kornelia
Kujus-Fuhrmann, Chris M.
Kusiewicz, Blanka
Kyte, Carol
Lacopo, Giuseppe
Laird, Anne
Laishley, Myrtle
Lamanna, Joe
Lampole, Brian
Landry, Cindy
Landry, Robert
Latimer, Donna
Lau, Clement & Monica
Laughton, Veronika
Lautens, Mark
Law, Douglas H.
Lawr, David
Leduc, Therese
Lee, Linda
Leeder, Mary E.
Lees, Anne-Marie
Leonard, Merle
Lessard, Jason
Leveridge, Jim
Lewandowski, Mark
Lewis, Cheryl
Lewis, John
Lindquist, Anne-Marie
Lindstrom, Sue
Lista, Ann
Little, Barbara Ann
Lloyd, Joan F.
Lochmanetz, Shirley
Logozar, Leonard
Loos, Jean Carol & Jack
Loughead, Daniel
Love, Joanne
Low, Aaron
Lowe, Alexander & Thelma
Luciani, Leslie
Lumchick, Margaret
Lynch, May
Lyons, Julia
Macaskill, Bain
MacDonald, Bruce & Dianne
MacDonald, Lorna
MacDonald-Steward, Lisa & John
MacEachern, Graham
Macedo, Dulce
MacFarlane, Sharon
MacKellar, Nancy
MacKenzie, Alison
MacLean, David
MacLean, Paul
MacLeod, Lucy
MacPherson, Doris I.
Madeley, Robert
Madore, Dallis
Magnusson, Glenn
Magwood, Lois
Maich, Thomas
Maiurro, Helen
Malinowski, Irene
Malinowski, Martin
Mallamo, Louise
Malloy, Viola
Mancuso, Kim
Mann, Catherine & Andrew
Manning, Elizabeth & James
Manson, Alice
Manson, Helen
Mantle, Steven
Marchand, C. Paul
Marchant, David
Marchetti, Angela
Marcil, Ginette
Marino, Ester
Marino, Margaret
Marlatt, Peter
Martin, Barbara
Martin, Lynda
Martin, Philip
Martinak, Mary Ellen
Martinak, Paul
Mash, Olive
Mastromatteo, Laura
Matson, Howard
Matson, Margaret & Peter
Matthews, Edward F.
Mausser, Linda
Mavrinac, Edward
McBarron, Tom
McCallan, Nina
McCallum, Jennifer
McCallum, Sarah
McClure, Andrew & Eleanor
McConnell, Peter
McConnell-Hirning, Ross
McDiarmid, Doris
McDonald, Patricia
McDonald, Patrick
McFarlane, Audrey
McGee, Bruce
McGrath, Ruth
McIlroy, Margaret
McIntosh, Janet
McKechnie, Graeme & Diane
McKee, Kevin
McKee, Marjorie
McKell, Keith
McKibbin, Phyllis
McKnight, Peggy
McLarty, June P.
McLean, Don
McLean, Marilyn
McMenemy, Bill
McMorrow, Kathleen
McNichol, Linda
McNicol, Paul & Barbara
McPhail, J. Gerard
McPherson, Tom
Melo, Antonio
Melo, David
Melo, Derek
Melo, Jorge
Melo, Jose
Menartowicz, Beate
Mendes, Mary Jane
Mercuri, Andrea
Meredith, Roger
Merko, Susan
Mertin, Allen
Meunier, Jean G.
Mewse, Russell
Miculinic, Deborah
Mika, Emanuel & Alicja
Millard, David
Miller, Steven
Miller-Purdie, Kelly
Mise, Ian
Mitchell, Alexander S.
Mitchell, Pat
Mitchell-Baldwin, Barbara
Moeger, Donna & Edward
Moffat, Tilla
Moniz, John
Moniz, Roger E.
Montano, Andrew & Erna & Andy
Moore, Kelly
Moore, Patricia
Moran, Margaret
Morecroft, Virginia
Morgan, Jill
Morra, Antonella
Morris, Connie
Morris, Patrick
Morton, Kim
Morton, Michael
Moss, Sharon
Muddiman, Robert & Jane
Muddiman, Scott
Mueller, Stephen
Muir, Cameron
Mulhern, Robert
Mulvale, Catherine & Tom
Mumby, James
Munro, Barbara
Munro, Helen
Munro, Lynne
Murgas, Deborah
Murphy, Judy
Murray, Donna
Murray, Norman
Murray, Waltraud
Mushka, Osyp
Myers, Ralph
Nantais, Nicole
Nash, Arlene
Neale, Russell
Neglia, Krisztina
Neilson, Marshall
Nelson, David
Nelson, Margaret & Dave
Neuhaus, Gerda
Newman, George
Newnham, Sabina J.
Nicholls, Winnifred
Nicoletta, Enzo
Nisbet, Heather
Nixon, Dyrl
Nowak, Mary Ann
Nowotny, John
Nye, Cindy
O’Brien, Shannon
O’Brien, Thomas
O’Connor, Alexandra
O’Doherty, Tom
O’Hara, Mary
O’Neill, Catherine
O’Neill, Dolores
O’Reilly, Ian C.
O’Sullivan, J.A.
Ogier, Audrey
OH, Jaemoon
Oliver, David
Olivera, Paul
Oram, John
Orr, Sheila
Ott, Bob
Overweel, Marie José
Page, Kevin
Page, Patricia
Palin, Kevin
Palo, Kuldar
Pannunzio, Mario
Parent-Phelan, Marthe
Parkin, Margaret
Parton, Stella
Pataki, Gabriella
Patchett, Karen
Paton, Dave & Melissa
Paton, Heather
Patterson, Elaine
Patterson, Graham
Patterson, Jane
Pattison, Catherine
Paul, Bill
Paul, Kenneth
Pecharich, Joe
Pellegrin, Shirley
Penny, Alan
Penrose, Donald
Perschbacher, Deanna
Petersen, Kurt
Petersen, Paul
Pettus, Norman
Pezell, Jean
Phalpher, Gogi
Phelan, Henry
Phelan, Mary
Phelan, Tom & Mima
Philbrook, Kenneth & Barbara
Philip, Eileen
Phillips, Anita
Phillips, Kyle
Phillips, Mary & George
Phoenix, D.
Pickering, Katherine
Pickering, Lyn
Pilling, Abigail & John
Pirie, Joan
Policelli, Consiglia
Polley, William
Pollock, Anne
Ponesse, Ryan
Ponzo, Patricia
Poole, Ruth
Popovitch, Shirley
Porter, Jennifer
Potter, Shirley
Poulsen, Kenneth
Powell, Leslie
Power, Derek
Praturlon, Dennis
Preece, Line-Josee
Pretty, John
Preziuso, Carmine
Price, Barbara
Prior, Alyce
Pritchard-Scott, Jill
Proctor, Dagnija
Profiti, Rosario
Pugh, John & Margaret
Pugsley, Thomas
Purdie, Jayson
Purdie, Linda
Putz, Marianne
Quaresma, George
Quick, Phyllis
Quinn, D’Arcy
Ralston, Margaret & Hugh
Rassam, Farah
Rawlinson, Lorraine & Fred
Rebbetoy, Robert
Reeves, Rick
Regan, Sharon
Rehbohm, Gillian
Reimer, Beverley
Renzoni, Carl
Rice, Nancy
Riddolls, Carole
Riley, Susan
Rinas, Mark & Petra
Ringler, Ingrid & Dieter
Ripley, Margaret S.
Robbins, Christopher
Roberts, Richard & Susan
Robertson, David
Robertson, Julia
Robertson, Tracey
Robinson, Norman
Robus, Thomas
Rochon, Helen
Rodgers, Michael & Marnie
Rogers, John
Rogers, Valerie
Ross, Denis
Ross, Evelyn
Ross, Heather
Ross, James & Eileen
Ross, Lawrence
Rouse, Teresa
Rousseau, Pierre O.
Routley, John
Rowe, Beverly
Rowe, Carolyn
Roy, Lucille
Ruffolo, Anna
Russell, Derek
Rutherford, Elizabeth
Sachs, Leonard W & Pamela L.
Sadowski, Paul
Sadrazodi, Lida
Saeys, Erik & Sophie
Sahai, Angela
Said, Roberta
Sajdak, Fred
Sale, John & Gene
Sami, Jim
Samson, Frank
Sanci, Marilyn
Sargeant, Cynthia
Sauerstein, Irene
Scarlett, Charmaine
Schade, Ralph
Schellenberg, Barbara
Schramn, Bud
Scott, Betty & Thomas
Scott, Jean
Seath-Smith, Irene
Seath-Smith, Ruth
Seaton, William & Betty
Sebert, Mary
Selby, Roger & Hilary
Service, Christopher & Christine
Severin, James
Shadlock, Mary E.
Shallow, Marjorie J.
Shannon, Lynn
Shannon, Shirley
Shaw, Bonnie
Sheets, Sharron
Sherbaniuk, Kathy
Sheremeta, Helene
Sherman, Robert
Shukla, Anji
Simpson, Carol
Simpson, Catherine & Tom
Simpson, Ken
Simpson, Kenneth
Sinclair, Mel
Skinner, Alastair
Sleeman, John
Sliskovic, Joanne
Smeyers, Kim
Smith, Brenda M.
Smith, Diane
Smith, Donna
Smith, Gerry
Smith, Ian
Smith, Jane A.
Smith, Jean
Smith, Joan Mary
Smith, Letitia
Smith, Mike
Smith, Rod
Smithen, Robert
Somerville, Stephen
Sommerfeldt, Linda
Soper, Jean
Sousa, Alice
Southgate, Heather
Speir, Richard
Spiess, Carl
Sponder, Marta
Spurrell, Eldon
Squires, Katrina
Stachow, Janet
Stackhouse, Richard & Jean
Standen, Fred
Stanton, M.Price
Stanton, R. & Kay
Steadman, James
Steel, Liz
Steel, Wendy
Stephen, Ron
Stephens, Megan
Stephenson, David
Stern, Douglas
Stewart, E. G.
Stewart, Elizabeth & John
Stewart, Joanne
Stipsits, Helene
Stolar, Marion
Strachan, Joy
Strano, Brett
Stronach, Heather
Stuart, David
Stubbington, Doris
Studley, Scott
Sturgeon, Evelyn
Suchomel, Stanya
Sullivan, Dan
Sutherland, Vera
Sutton, Gerald & Margaret
Svoboda, Maria
Swallow, Darrin
Sweetman, David
Swindall, Paul & Margot
Szagala, Roman
Szymanski, Ludwika
Taddeo, Julie
Taylor, Peter
Ten Cate, Aurelia Haenisch
Tetley, Erika
Theegarten, Illa
Thistlethwaite, Karen
Thomas, Christopher
Thomas, Tom
Thompson, Mildred
Thompson, Monica
Thomson, Juliet
Thrasher, Karen
Thrasher, Susan
Thrasher, Tom
Ticknor, Betty
Tiessen, Derek & Monica
Toller, Margot
Tomaro, Domenico
Tomaro, Mario
Tonelli, Mary
Tootill, Mary
Touborg, Suzanne & Jens Friis
Train, Jean & Bud
Tregunno-Mooney, Barbara
Troughton, Henry & Dorothy
Trowbridge, Frances
Truant, Janet
Truax, Joanna
Trueland, Lois
Tse, Katherine
Tulloch, Lucille
Turczynski, Victor
Turner, Sandra
Twohig, Kim
Underwood, William
Ursell, Gary
Usher, Evelyn
Vaillancourt, June
Van Humbeck, Susan
Vander Doelen Family
VanderBurgh, Ian
VanWyngaarden, Tracey
Vickery, Eileen
Volk, Rudolf
Vosburg, Dianne & Barry
Voychek, Elizabeth
Wade, Brian
Wagner, Carl
Waid, Elizabeth
Wain, Michael
Wainwright, David
Walford, Lynne
Walker, Mary
Wall, Edna
Wall, Lawrence
Waller, Jason
Wallis, Alice
Walsh, Shane
Ward, Naomi
Wardle, Peter
Warren, Joy
Warwick, A.J.
Watkin, Rick
Watson, Rick & Mary
Watson, William H. & Carole
Watt, Elizabeth
Weatherson, Wylanne
Webb, Diane
Webb, John
Webber, Janet
Webster, Leonard
Weerasekera, Pri
Weir, Susan & Mike
Wellein, Mary Anne
Wellon, Heather & Fraser
Wells, Lee
Wells, Linda
Wharton, Betty
Wheeler, Violet
Whitaker, Shelagh
White, David
White, Georgia
White, Karen
Whitehead, Philippa
Whitehead, Timothy
Whitelaw, Gary
Wiggins, Brian & Madge
Wigle, Margaret
Wildgoose, Ken
Wilding, Anne
Wilding, Sandy
Wilkin, Andrew
Wilkinson, Monica
Williams, Lloyd
Williams, Margaret
Williams, Royal
Wilson, Eileen
Wilson, Lorne
Wilson, Lynton
Wilson, Robert & Barbara
Windeler, Aldona
Wodabek, Cynthia
Wood, Jack
Woolner, Sandra
Wright, Robert
Yaccato, Pat
Yang, Pat
Yolkowski, Geralyn
Young, Janet
Zardo, Gemma
Zimmering, Linda
Zimnica, Sophie
Zinkewich, Leopold
Ziomkiewicz, Geraldine & Christopher
Zita, Kristin
Zoppas, John
In Appreciation of the supporters of IAH
We sincerely thank all of those who have made donations to Ian Anderson House since the publication of our 2010
Annual Newsletter. Although we are unable, due to the lack of space, to list the name of each donor, we are very
grateful to all whose generosity makes it possible for us to continue to offer care and support, without charge, to our
residents and families.
Foundation Support
BMO Employee Charitable
Brian and Susan Thomas
Elizabeth Watson Foundation
Gary Bluestein Charitable
Liz Nilsen & Bernie Gross Fund
Ontario Credit Union Charitable
RBC Foundation
The Adrian & Mary Coote
Family Trust
The Alexander & Bernice
De Maio Foundation Fund
The Brenninkmeyer Family Fund
The Burton Charitable
The Derick Brenninkmeyer
Charity Foundation
The Donner Canadian Foundation
The Frank & Azniv Lochan
Family Foundation
The Gear Foundation
The Margaret Anderson Family
The Marjorie & Briggs Williams
The W.P. Scott Charitable
The Walmley Foundation
Friends from the
Business Community
ACCO Brands Canada Inc.
Acme United Ltd.
ACMO/CCI Condominium
Aercoustics Engineering Limited
Alcon Canada Inc
Anixter Canada Inc.
Ardbrae Dancers of Ottawa
Aviva Canada Inc.
BDI Canada Inc.
Beiersdorf Canada Inc.
Bentall Kennedy (Canada) Limited
Bryan Gault Payworks Inc.
Bydand Paralegal Professional
Canpar Transport L.P.
Cashway Building Centres Ltd.
CertainTeed Gypsum
Chung & Vander Doelen
Engineering Ltd.
Clarkson Home Hardware
Clarkson Music Theatre Inc.
Court Services-Prosecutions
Courtesy IDA Pharmacy
Credit Landing Orthodontics
Cullen Consulting Ltd.
Cyclone Manufacturing
D & B Miller Custom Carpenty &
Aluminum Ltd.
D & E Wood Industries Ltd
Dahl Brothers Canada Limited
Deborah Anne Grapko-Mysak
Medicine Professional
Drain-All Ltd.
DS Draglam Salt
East Side Marios
Ellis Paper Box Inc.
Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc.
F. C. Maltman & Co. Ltd.
Factor Gas Liquids Inc.
Flat Roofing
Florence Meat Supplies
Future Steel Buildings Intl. Corp
Get It Right
Glen Abbey Ladies Slo-Pitch
Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens
Canada Limited
Glenn Davis Group Inc.
Goodman & Company
Graham Alarm Monitoring Ltd.
Green Benefits Group Inc.
Henderson Machinery Moving
Holcim (Canada) Inc.
Home Instead Senior Care
Humberview Inc
Insight Production Company Ltd.
Inter'l Assoc. of Bridge,
Structural, Ornamental &
Intertechnique Hair Salons Inc.
Investment Planning Counsel
Joanne Fabrics Inc.
John P.H. Ford Q.C.
John V. Holland Group
JWood Creative Consulting
K.M. Bradley & Associates
Ken King Aviation Consultants
Kennedy Ford Sales Ltd.
Keyser Mason Ball LLP
Kopriva Taylor Community
Funeral Home Inc.
La Felicita Bakery & Restaurant
Lakeshore Carpet One
Levitt Safety Limited
Lorenzo Investments Ltd.
Loyalty One
Lulabelle Design
Lynmor Enterprises Ltd.
Lyons Auto Body Ltd.
MacLaren McCann Canada Inc.
Martin C. Price & Associates Ltd.
McLuhan & Davies
Communications Inc.
Meridian Credit Union
Merlex Engineering Ltd.
Merritt Goddard Assante Capital
Management Oakville
MIC Mechanical
Milestone Investment Council Inc.
Miller Gardiner Professional
Milton Millennium Community
Mississauga Kar Kare Centres Inc.
Modern Age Plastics Inc.
Morlyn Beauty Salon Ltd.
Munro Fastenings & Textiles Inc.
North Gate Farms Limited
Nye Manufacturing Ltd.
O.P.B. Realty Inc.
Oakview Funeral Home
Oakville Custom Brokerage
Oakville Volkswagen Audi Centre
OEM Consulting
One-Of-A-Kind Software
Com. Inc.
Orlando Corporation
Panasonic Canada Inc.
Paris Dentistry Professional
Procor Ltd
Rainbow Expressions Salon
& Spa Inc.
RBC Wealth Management Canada
Remax Aboutowne Realty
Remax Enterprises Inc.
Reunion Island
Ringball Corporation
RJ Entertainment Publishing
RJM Design Consultants
Robinson Interior Design
Rogers Business & Professional
Publishing Group
Rogers Communications
Ronnie's Generator Service Ltd.
Royal LePage Realty Plus
SCCM Management Ltd.
Skiis & Bikes
SMX International Canada Inc.
Sonya's Store
South Peel Naturalists Club
Stepcon Industries Inc.
Stieber Berlach LLP
Tamiron Contracting & Millwork
The Court at Rushdale
The Economical Insurance Group
The Mississauga Golf & Country
Club Ltd
The Morning Glories
The Oriel Group
The Simple Alternative Funeral
The Stout Monk
The White Cockade
Toronto Star
To Set A Table
Total Care Transport Services Inc.
Trillium Funeral Service Corp.
Trillium Gift of Life Network
Tumblers & Trays
Turner & Porter Funeral Directors
Turtle Creek Books
Vac Aero International Inc.
Ventramor Investments Ltd.
Vocado Boutique
Ward Funeral Homes
Warthog’s M/C-Toronto
Woodbine Entertainment
Organizations &
Service Clubs
4th Trafalgar Scout Group
Army, Navy & Airforce Veterans
in Canada, Unit 262
Austin Healey Club of Southern
Bronte Harbour Yacht Club
Canadian Italian Golf Assoc.
City of Mississauga City Girls
Class of St. Joseph’s School of
Nursing 1965
Communications, Energy &
Paperworkers Union of Canada
Cupe Local 1329
Dearcroft Montessori School
E.C. Drury High School
Erindale United Church Women
Halton District School Board Staff
Halton Healthcare Services Staff
Hellenic Community of Oakville
Humber River Regional Hospital
Hydro One, Employees &
Pensioners Charity Trust
Glen Abbey Ladies Slo-Pitch
I.O.D.E. - Angela Bruce Chapter
I.O.O.F. Oakville Lodge No. 132
Knights of Columbus, Mary
Mother of God Council 14446
Knights of Columbus, Marian
Council 3881
Lakeview Baptist Church
Minor Oaks Hockey Association
National Hockey League Officials
Oakville & District Rod & Gun
Club Limited
Oakville Horticultural Society
Oakville Power Boat Club
Ontario Power Generation,
Employees’ & Pensioners’
Charity Trust
Pama Club - Order of Rainbow
for Girls
Rotary Club of Oakville
Royal Scottish Country Dance
Sheridan College Staff
Simcoe County District School
Board Staff
Sunnybrook Staff Nurses,
St. Andrew’s Memorial
Presbyterian Church
St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic
Secondary School
St. Jude’s Anglican Church
St. Luke’s Palermo Anglican
Church Women
St. Matthews Roman Catholic
St. Paul’s United Church Women
St. Stephen’s United Church
The Church of the Epiphany
Men’s Group
The Lions Club of Credit Valley
The Rotary Club of Mississauga
The Royal Canadian Legion,
Col. Tom Kennedy Branch 582
Toronto Hydro Employees’
Charity Trust
Toronto West A.F. & A.M.
of Canada
Town of Oakville Staff
Unity Church of Mississauga
YMCA “Early Birds”
A Profile of a Supporter of IAH
Ed Liptay
Ed Liptay, an owner of The Indian Wells Golf Club,
has donated his beautiful golf course for the annual
fundraising event in support of Ian Anderson House
for the past ten years. Over those years his and his son
John’s contribution to our House has made it possible
to provide the necessary quality of care to our
residents, for more than two months. Thank you, Mr.
Liptay, for your philanthropic gift that has enabled us
to provide a much-needed service to families in our
Ian Anderson House was founded in 1997 by Margaret Anderson in memory of her husband, Ian. True to
hospice philosophy we offer care and support without charge. We are grateful to all the supporters of our “House”
who have made it possible for us to help more than 1300 families in the past 13 years during a most difficult time.