Annual Report 2013 - Yayasan Senyum Bali


Annual Report 2013 - Yayasan Senyum Bali
Smile Foundation of Bali
Annual Report – 2013
Report Overview
Smile Foundation of Bali has for 8 years been dedicated to providing health services for
people by facilitating free cleft and other craniofacial operations for patients from Bali, NTB,
NTT and other area of Indonesia, and also in Adelaide Australia. We facilitated 278 operations
during 2013 making a total of 1523 operations since establish in 2005.
The number of operations is increasing year to year except in 2013 we scheduled 2 mass
operations in NTT which had to be postponed until 2014.
In 2013, the number of operations assisted:
Sub total
Grand Total
Two of the above patients were sent to ACFU, Adelaide to have the operations there.
In 2013 total operations were as follows:
Cleft Lip Operations = 158
Cleft Palate Operations = 100
Craniofacial non cleft done in Bali = 15
Craniofacial non cleft done in Australian Craniofacial Unit (ACFU), Adelaide,
Australia = 2
Others operation such as accidental trauma, reconstruction of bone implantation,
chemotherapy, and others = 3
Since being established in 2005, we have facilitated operations year by year as follows
Total for the clefts alone was as follows:
1. Patients
We categorise our patients into two categories; Cleft (lip and palate) and other
craniofacial deformities.
1.1 Cleft Patients
Cleft patients mostly come from Bali, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and West Nusa
Tenggara (NTB). In 2013 we assisted 258 operations for both cleft lip and palate.
Below are details of the number of cleft patients assisted by Smile Foundation of Bali
monthly in 2013.
The high number in June was due to the Cleft mass operations project held in East
Indonesia (Kupang, Alor and Larantuka)
1.2 Craniofacial Patients (Non Clefts)
Besides patients with cleft lip and cleft palate, the Yayasan also assists patients who
have craniofacial problems. Surgery for these patients is mostly done in Sanglah General
Hospital in Denpasar, Royal Bali Hospital Denpasar; and at the Australian Craniofacial
Unit in Adelaide for patients with more severe conditions such as Noma, Apert
Syndrome that require more complex procedures.
1.2.1 Craniofacial Patients (Non Cleft) surgery in Bali
Some simpler craniofacial operations such as ameloblastoma, haemangioma, simple
FEME (Fronto Ethmoidal Meningocele Encephalocele) can be done at RSUP Sanglah
Denpasar - our main partner hospital. But since October 2013 we can also do this at Bali
Royal Hospital (Bros) our private hospital partner.
1.2.2 Craniofacial Patients (Non Clefts) Surgery in Adelaide
Patients who have more complex craniofacial defects such as severe Noma and Apert
syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, Goldenhar syndrome etc. are advised to undergo surgery
in Adelaide due to the more complex operation procedures. The number of Adelaide
patients yearly since 2007 is:
From the graph above, this year we assisted only 2 patients to have surgeries in ACFU
Australia. One is Arista Ataupah with very serious Noma and the other one is Nyoman
Mangku having a severe FEME and this is his 2nd trip to Adelaide for receiving the
continuous surgery. The reduction in numbers since previous years is in large part due
to the increase in technical capacity here in Bali, thanks to the transfer of skills
programme with Adelaide.
1.3 Some Surgeries in Bali and Adelaide in 2013
1.3.1 Surgery in Bali
 Elisa Melsani – Cleft Lip
Elisa Melsani was born in East Lombok on 31st May 2013. She is the first child of Siti
Maryan and Subki. The father is a farmer and the mother is a housewife. Born with cleft
lip, Elisa was referred to The Smile Foundation of Bali by our partner in Lombok on 6th
November 2013 and she had her cleft operation on 13th November.
Narumi Riva Namira
Narumi Riva Namira is the first child of Nurmawan and Khairinasih from Mataram
Lombok. She was born with cleft lip on 31st July and weighed 3.2kgs. Narumi came to
Yayasan Senyum with other patients from Lombok in a group on 7 December and
received her cleft operation on 12th at Surya Husada Hospital.
Ni Komang Dwi Ariani
Ni Komang Dwi Arini is the third child in the family of Komang Dedi Andika and Ni Ketut
Rianti. Born in Karangasem on 6th August weighing 2.9kgs, Ni Komang Dwi Arini had a
cleft lip. Her parents are casual workers in building sites, and they feel very blessed that
we can help the baby. The operation was done at Surya Husada Hospital and now Dwi
Arini has a new adorable smile.
Anissa Lutfiani
Anisa Lutfiani is the first child in the family. Her father is Subikyah and her mother is
Humezi. Born in Kediri Lombok with cleft lip and palate, Aniza was scheduled for her
first operation for cleft lip in May 2013 but the operation had to be rescheduled due to
her having pneumonia being sent home to recover. When healthy again, Anisa returned
to Smile House in November 2013 for her operation. This time the operation is for both
cleft lip and palate as her age and weight qualified her for the complex operation.
I Ketut Catur L. S
I Ketut Catur Linggih Suartika comes from Negara Bali. His parents are Komang Gusti Ayu
Made and Putu Suastika. Born on 1st April with Cleft lip and palate, Ketut Catur had to
have 2 operations for his condition; the first operation was done on 3rd August 2012 for
cleft lip, her palate repaired on 20th November 2013 .
Nona Renita A
Nona Renita Adu is the third child of Komang Antonius and Reny Adu from Rote island,
East Nusa Tenggara. Nona was born on 13th June 2013 with cleft lip. She was found by
our NTT partner who brought her to Smile House on 14th October 2013 and then her
operation was done at Surya Husada Hospital on 29 October.
Ni Putu Cantika Dewi
Ni Putu Cantika Dewi is from Bangli, Bali, born on 10th April 2013. Her mother is Ketut
Sudiasih and father is Kadek Suyasa. Born with cleft lip, Cantika was brought by her
parents to Smile House on 18 November 2013 and had her cleft lip operation on 28
Al Katras is a cute boy from Batulayar, West Lombok. He was born on 4th June 2011
with cleft lip and palate. He came to Smile House on 7 December 2013 for his cleft
palate operation, having previously had his cleft lip operation.
Hamim Paradisa
Hamim Paradisa is also from West Lombok and has the same story as Al Katras, born
with cleft lip and palate. Her cleft lip operation was in Lombok and the cleft palate was
assisted by Smile Foundation. Hamim is the third child of Hairman dan Reniwati. She had
her palate operation at Dharma Yadnya Hospital.
Putu Anggun U
This very cute baby Putu Anggun Ulani from Banjar Village of Singaraja Bali is the first
child of Kadek Aryawan and Luh Karyanuti. Anggun was born with cleft lip on 23rd July
2013 weighing is 3.3kgs. Her parents brought her to Smile House and she was scheduled
for the operation at Surya Husada Hospital on 26 November 2013.
Jener Fafo
Jener Fafo is a young married man of 20 years old with one child, from Rote, East Nusa
Tenggara. He had suffered from NOMA since childhood. Now he looks much younger
than before and he feels much more confident. His first operation at Bros Hospital will
need to be followed up with next surgery in about 6 months He may need more than
two operations. His first surgery was on 27 October 2013. He has returned to Rote to his
family while waiting for the next surgery.
1.3.2 Surgery in Adelaide
 Nyoman Mangku Astawa
Born on 24th June 2007 in Karangasem Bali, Nyoman Mangku’s first trip to Adelaide was
in 2007; he has been with Smile Foundation since he was 2 months old. He has a severe
FEME condition. His family is so happy and appreciate the help from Smile Foundation
which has facilitated his medical treatment to Adelaide. This year was his second trip for
to Adelaide. Now He is 6 years old and has started to go to school. He is very happy and
active boy.
Arista Atauphah
Ibu Arista Ataupah is a married lady from Kupang who has a severe NOMA condition and
needed to have treatment in Adelaide. She was found during our mass operation project
in Kupang in 2013. She then came to The Smile House to attend a clinic. Then her first
trip and treatment to Adelaide was in March 2013. She has returned to Kupang and is
now waiting for follow-up surgery.
2. Hospital Partners
In assisting our patients with their surgeries, we have a very good partnership
cooperation with hospitals in Bali and in Adelaide Australia.
Hospitals in Bali are used mostly for Cleft but also for some Craniofacial surgeries while
for hospitals in Adelaide are only for serious Craniofacial reconstruction.
Bali, Denpasar
 Sanglah Public Hospital
 Bali Royal Hospital, Renon
 Dharma Yadnya Hospital
 Surya Husadha Hospital
 Royal Adelaide Hospital
 Women’s & Children’s Hospital
3. Donors
Yayasan Senyum Bali is able to continue its mission to help patients because of great
support from our donors. In 2013 regular and new donors provided donations and help.
The Benjamin Foundation continued its support through funding patients who had their
surgeries both at Bali and Adelaide. Benjamin Foundation is a major donor for our
craniofacial patients,.
Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak continued their support through charity and fundraising
and regularly through Detlev's Sunday Brunch which every week raises funds to support
our work. These funds are used to finance Bali operations.
Smile Train is also a major donor for Cleft operations who donate a fixed amount for
every cleft operationThey also particated as an observer in our Mass Operation Project
in East Nusa Tenggara.
HSBC bank of Jakarta also visited and donated funds for our patients .
Support has also come from Amadea Resorts and Villas. They donated funds to help
operations for 4 patients, Edimundus Erfan Bulu (Feme), Maya Febriani Haning (Cleft),
Yudha Hardi Putra (Cleft), and Ketut Tiara Apriliani (Cleft), as well as donating goods for
sale in our Ubud Smile Shop, and some money from the charity collection box placed in
Amadea Resorts and Villas reception area.
Harris Hotel Group has also been a great support, whether it be money or pre loved
goods for Smile Shop in Ubud to sell.
Support from donors in the form of pre-loved goods for sale has also been generously
given in 2013 by Harris Resort Group, Ramada Tanjung Benoa, The Rotary Club Seminyak
– Bali, Anantara Seminyak, Villa Belle, Ibu Tjahyati, Anisa Production, Maya Ubud, Chedi
Ubud, and even brought from overseas to Bali for Smile Shop and patients by such a
generous person like Ibu Barbro, Bhuvan Kavan, and others.
List of Individual donors and other institutions during 2013 are as follows:
 Rotary ClubBali Seminyak
 Agung Wijaya
 Benjamin Foundation of
 Brigitha Da Santo
 Dian Wijayanti
 Smile Train USA
 Dimas Arifin
 HSBC Bank of Jakarta
 Evelyn Chaix
 Harris Resort Kuta
 Green School
 Amadea Resort & Villas
 Ibu Ni Kadek Windarini
 Aisyah Razak
 I Gede Aan Noji
 Alila Resorts & Spa
 Jose Fity
 Doris Angst Sommer
 La Luciola Bali
 Dr. Nyoman Golden
 Lions Club Jogjakarta
 Han Khim Siew
 Lily-Anisa Production
 IGD Nyoman Mulia
 Maya Ubud
 I Wayan Agastya
 Muhammad Fariq
 Mr. James
 Ni Ketut Kartika Dewi
 Komang Nugraha
 Ni Luh Rositawati
 Mr. Mashud
 Olivia Stephens
 Miles Humphreys
 PT. Taman Sara
 Ibu Jero Asri Biku
 Paul & Brea Giles
 Ratih Handayani
 Ms. Dwi
 Surf Goddess Retreats
 Ms. Nova
 Stephanie Stephens
 Organics Ltd.
 Tara Hasbrouck
 Putu Ari Suastini
 Willy Dwi Tantra
 Robert Epstone
 Anantara Seminyak
 Sabine Nemec
 Belle Villa
 Sabine Pashov
 Best Western Kuta Villa
 Sasanti Anggorowati
 Café Wayan
 Sentosa Private Village
 DCF Newmont
 Mrs. Sherly
 Estira Tiyassih
 Stephen L Hoffman
 Erna
 Susan Dijon
 Hadiputranto Hadinoto
 The Villas
 Hendryanto Ramli
 Trisya Indah
 Ibu Dewi Tjahyati
 Yann Yvinec
 Jeff Anderson
 Alam Boga
 Family I Gusti Made Dwi
Family I Made Sinta
Family I Wayan Jujur
Family Damar Seno
Made Bayak
Margaret & Hilary
Michelle & Alice Kennedy
Nyoman Haribawa
Family Syafa Aturrahman
Ibu Denise Finney
Family I Ketut Restu
Maxim Yvinex
Steffen Schleicher
Kolewa Foundation
Family Gracia Try Putri
Family Hanna Rasyida
Family Arya Kayana
Family Komang Dwi Arini
Siti Maryani
I G N M Mulia Prim
Carol Prescot
Christian & Anja Neipp
Terence F Hoyland
Masyarakat Learn Yoga
GG Salmona Lucia
Dr. Jogja Yuliana
And also to Other Donors who may not be mentioned here…
Yayasan Senyum Bali has a good reputation with transparency and accountability in
reporting to donors. So donors feel safe and comfortable in providing the support to us.
We would like to sincerely express our appreciation for all their help and support.
4. Regular Visit from ACFU Adelaide Australia
The First DD Clinic of 2013
On 15th-16th March 2013 Professor David J. David and Dr. Ian Wall from the
Australian Craniofacial Unit in collaboration with plastic- and neuro-surgeons of
Sanglah Hospital held a craniofacial clinic. The clinic was attended by 9 new
patients and 23 recalls. Prior to the clinic, all doctors were invited to meet the
Director of Sanglah Hospital. On 16th an operation for a patient with FEME was
scheduled by the team from Sanglah Hospital under consultation with Professor
David J. David.
Regular Visit from Dr. Walter Flapper from ACFU Adelaide Australia
We had a regular visit from Dr. Walter Flapper and Nurse Catherine Cross from
ACFU Adelaide Australia on 25-27 September 2013. The program during the visit
started with a visit to Rotary Club of Seminyak - a major supporter; continued
with meeting the Director of Medical Services of Sanglah Hospital on the
following day and to meet our patients. The team also visited some of our
partner hospitals; Surya Husada, Bali Med and BRoS. The final visit was made to
the Australian Consul General.
5. Outreach Projects 2 0 1 3
BAKSOS at East Nusa Tenggara
16-25 June 2013, together with BK3S Kupang and Plastic Surgery team from
University of Brawijaya Malang, Yayasan Senyum has successfully conducted the
first social event “Baksos” in 2013, held in 3 different cities in eastern Indonesia
(NTT): Kupang, Alor and Larantuka, with total of 75 cleft lip and palate surgeries.
There was also a team from Smile Train Jakarta who came for observing and
monitoring this project.
This year we had to reschedule another 2 Baksos projects in NTT into year 2014
for financial reasons.
6. Outreach Partners and Volunteers 2 0 1 3
Most of our patients are collected and referred to Smile House by our outreach partners
and volunteers. They are:
 Ibu Agung – volunteer from Singaraja
NTB (Lombok, Sumbawa)
 Yayasan Kita Peduli, Lombok (cp. Sugiarto)
 Newmont , Sumbawa
NTT (Kupang, Flores, Alor, Sumba, Rote, etc)
 BK3S Kupang
 Kolewa Foundation
 Ferdi Jelalu – Volunteer from Flores island
 Yayasan SUMBA , Sumba
 Yayasan YAKKUM Bali
 Bapak Salehuddin – Volunteer from Sulawesi
7. Events & Activities 2 0 1 3
7.1 January
 Visit From Smile Train
On 11/01/2013, Smile Foundation of Bali was visited by Smile Train Jakarta ,
represented by Mr Simon Tobing and Ms Ruth Monalisa, bringing the news that
Smile Train of New York is going to visit the house of one of our patients. On
13/02/2013, the representative from Smile Train New York accompanied by
Smile Train Jakarta came and met our patient directly at his home in Tabanan
Donation From Alila Resorts & Spa Ubud
On 15th January 2013 we received pre loved goods from Alila Ubud Resorts. They
came directly to the Smile Shop in Ubud and handed the donations to the staff
and volunteers who were on duty that day. We greatly appreciate your help,
Thank you!
Open House Yayasan Senyum Bali
On 21/01/2013, we held an Open House to welcoming our friends, donors,
volunteers, and all patients in order to strengthen the relationship that has been
established. On that occasion Mary Northmore presented the Yayasan’s annual
report , which outlined the achievements and performance of the yayasan in
2012. To all guests who joined us on that day, we thank you for coming and
supporting our work to put more smiles on faces in 2013. We couldn’t make it
without your support.
7.2 February
 Visit From HSBC Global Markets Indonesia
On 2nd February 2012, we had a visit from HSBC bank staff and management
from Sudirman Jakarta. They had to postpone their visit because of the big floods
in Jakarta but finally they were so pleased they could make it. On that occasion
they brought money and clothing donations as well as moral support to our
patients. Thank you all for encouraging our patients!
Visit From Sentosa Private Villas & Spa
On 7th February, the Yayasan also was visited by staff of Sentosa Resort & Spa.
On that occasion, once again we received help and support as a form of trust
that has been given. Thank you all.
Valentine’s Celebration With Our Beloved Patients
On Valentine’s day this year, staff and patients celebrated together at the Smile
House. On this occasion we held a few games with love theme such as recycled
paper bag making, love expression competition and writing love letter
competition. This was a delightful opportunity for our patients to understand
and realise that despite their condition they do deserve love. They were very
enthusiastic and gave a good response. We love you our dear Patients!
Present For Ervan
Amadea Resort & Villas through its “Amadea Cares” programme, again is
supporting one of our patients, Ervan Manubulu who has FEME. The staff of
Amadea visited Ervan and his mum at The Smile House on 22 February, and
brought some gifts for Ervan . A million thanks for your continuous support.
Submission of Certificate Grants By Benjamin Foundation
On last Thursday of February 2013, we had an extraordinary moment, where
Yayasan Benjamin, a major supporter, handed over the ownership of The Smile
House to Mary Northmore, YSB’s founder. This will be a big motivator for us to
even be more dedicated to the patients. There are no words to express our
gratitude for such kind generosity. Thank you, thank you and thank you!!
7.3 March
 Visit from Social Services Bali and Social Welfare Ministry Jakarta
On 20 March 2013, Mr. Wayan Parmiyasa and team from Social Services Bali
visited Smile Foundation to meet with Ibu Mary Northmore and smile team and
also to get detailed information about our program and activities. And on 13
June 2013we had a visit from Ibu Anggih SL of Social Welfare Ministry Jakarta
accompanied by team of Social Services of Bali.
7.4 April
 Donation delivery from Harris Resort Kuta
Thursday April 11, 2013 we had another visit from Harris Resort Kuta, Mr. I
Wayan Suitra and team came to support us morally and materially and also
shared some cakes with our patients.
Visit from Newmont (DCF SUMBAWA) and Donor
On April 12, 2013, Mr. Wawan Syafwanuddin and Mrs. Brea Giles,
representatives from Newmont / DCF Batu Hijau, Sumbawa, came and visited us
to see closely the Smile House, the facilities and conditions, and also to meet
with our patients. Newmont is our partner in Sumbawa and we receive and
served their patients who are referred to Bali for craniofacial conditions. Then
Mrs. Brea Giles visited us again on May 16th, 2013 with donors, to meet their
patient Deyta.
Biwa bazaar at Sanur Beach Hotel
Once again, we participated in the Bazaar held by the Bali International Women’s
Association (BIWA)
New partner - Kolewa Foundation
On 26th April Ms. Syta Plantinga from Kolewa Foundation visited Smile House to
discuss cooperation to help people with craniofacial disabilities.
7.5 May
Lions Club Charity Lunch at Abian Biu Restaurant
In collaboration with Puri Saron Group, Ibu Dantie Koopmans - Advisor for Cleft
lip of Lions Club Yogyakarta, conducted a charity lunch at Abian Biu Restaurant.
The event was aimed to raising funds for Smile Foundation. On that day Mr. Ari
Susanto, IKM-Corporate Training Coordinator of Puri Saron Group, with Ibu
Dantie Koopmans delivered the funds to Smile Foundation.
Visit from Surf Goddess Retreats
On 28 May 2013, Surf Goddess Retreats had their first visit to Smile Foundation
and delivered a box of a hundred T-Shirts to us for our Smile Shop in Ubud. Ms.
Joyce Oei and her team from Surf Goddess Retreats also met and chatted with
our patients to give them moral support. Thank you very much.
7.6 June
 Seminar –an integrated nursing for cleft lip and palate at Surabaya
We were invited to attend a seminar on integrated nursing for cleft lip and
palate from birth to adolescence, held by CLP Center, Perapi East Java and Smile
Train Indonesia on 29-30 June at Garden Palace Hotel ,Surabaya.
7.7 July
Visit from Rotary 31 July 2013
We had a visit from one of our major supporters –Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak
on 31 July 2013. Mary Northmore foundation presented the patients that have
been supported by Rotary club of Seminyak to the members. After the
presentation they had a Smile House tour and met our patients.
7.8 August
 Donation from Anantara Seminyak
On August 1st, we received boxes of various donations from Anantara Seminyak
for our Smile Shop in Ubud. Thank you Anantara Seminyak for your generous
Donation from Exhibition Made Bayak painting at Lestari Galleri Seminyak
Thank you to Made Bayak for the donation of 10% from the sales at his painting
exhibition at Lestari Gallery Seminyak, in coordination with Rotary Club of
Seminyak. Hopefully this support will continue in the future.
Fun Games at Smile House
On 29 August 2013, all patients, families and the Smile team had great fun
games at Smile House to mark Smile Foundation of Bali anniversary and also
Independence Day. Everybody enjoyed it and was happy and participated in the
games. We will remember this happy day!
7.9 September
 Amadea Care – Amadea Resort & Villas
During July –September 2013, Amadea Care - Amadea Resort & Villas has
continuously supported our patients directly and also through our Smile
donation box. Thank you to all Amadea Care team and all guests of Amadea
Resort & Villas who had made this happen.
Visit from Benjamin Foundation of The Netherlands
On 16 September 2013, we had a meeting with Caroline Beukman from
Benjamin Foundation of The Netherlands at Smile House, and it was agreed that
Benjamin Foundation will extend their support for Craniofacial patients to those
having operations in Bali. It is really a blessing for our craniofacial patients.
Thank you very much to Caroline Beukman and Benjamin Foundation for your
generosity and ongoing support.
Donation from Harris Resort Kuta
On 25 September 2013, We received another wonderful donation from Harris
Resort Kuta for The Smile Shop Ubud, delivered by Bapak Gusti and Ivan. Thank
you Harris Resort Kuta for your continuous support to us.
7.10 October
 Visit from Udayana University Dental Medical students
Udayana University Dental medical students visited patients of cleft lip and facial
deformities at the Smile House on the 10th October, The main purpose of this
visitwais to cultivate the empathy toward patients and students, studying cases
that occur directly in the field.
Site Survey from Licence Department of Bali Province
Since The Smile House now belongs to Smile Foundation of Bali, we continue the
process of obtaining the “IMB”. As part of the process, we had a site survey from
Licence Department of Bali Province.
7.11 November
 Christian and Anja Neipp Visit
On the November 7th , Christian & Anja Neipp – a honeymoon couple visited and
donated funds collected on their wedding day for our patients. Thank you to
Chris & Anja for your generosity. God bless you.
7.12 December
 Biwa Christmas Charity Bazaar
We participated in the BIWA Christmas Charity Bazaar at Lotte Mart on 1st
December. The event was fantastic; there were over a hundred stands from
various businesses participating in this Bazaar. Thank you to BIWA (Bali
International Women’s Association) for inviting us to your secondl charity Bazaar
this year.
Visit from Rotary District Governor
On the 13th December we had a visit from D.G Imam and Ibu Julia from Rotary.
The visit is to see and to know in detail about Smile Foundation and the program
in order to find the right way to support Smile Foundation in the near future.
One possibility is to support mass surgeries.
Christmas Charity Dinner at Biku Restaurant
Biku Restaurant annually holds a Christmas Charity Dinner for The Smile
Foundation of Bali. This time it was held on 23 rd December and over 70 guests
attended. Items were also donated for The Smile Shop at Ubud. Thank you very
much to Ibu Jero Asri for the great and continuous support to us.
7.13 Other Regular Smile House Activities
 Smile House Activities
To avoid patients and the families becoming bored during waiting time at Smile
House, we create some fun and useful activities such as learning computer,
learning to read or write, colouring or making something out of recycled things.
Everybody likes and enjoys these activities.
Speech Therapy
After cleft operation patients often need Speech Therapy. Each patient usually
has speech therapy 1-3 times and the therapist comes to The Smile House by
appointment. We schedule the program every Saturday at 11am to 1 pm, if there
are patients needing this therapy.
8. The Smile House
In 2013 we had a couple of resignations and also new staff have been appointed, but it
does not affect the purpose and programs of the Yayasan in helping patients.
8.1 Staffs
8.1.1.Staff who still active:
o Rusmini (Housekeeper / Koki)
Starting date February 2007
o Wiwit Widi (Patient Coordinator I)
Starting date August 2011
o Ni Nyoman Santinihati (Operation Manager)
Starting date Marcht 2013
o Ita Melda PS. (Public Relations)
Starting date October 2013
o Desak Md Maya Lestari Lingga (Patient Coordinator I promoted to Accounting)
Starting date (after previous resignation) Mei 2013
o I Dewa Agung Ayu Sri Ariesti (Patient Coordinator II)
Starting date October 2013
o Dayu Putu Alit Puspadi (Social Worker)
Starting date April 2013
o Syarifudin (Driver)
Starting date September 2013
8.1.2 Staff who resigned:
o Qautsar Sanjaya (Public Relations)
Starting date December 2012, resigned March2013
o DM Sukma Dewi (Operation Manager)
Starting date August 2007, resigned April 2013
o Ana Setyarini (Patient Coordinator II)
Starting date October 2012, resigned April 2013
o Wayan Name Astagina (IT Officer/Handyman)
Starting date June 2010, resigned August 2013
o Putu Puspa Yanti (Social Worker)
Starting date April 2011, resigned May 2013
o Icah Adoe (Assistant House keeper)
Starting date Mei 2011, resigned November 2013
8.1.3 Ubud Smile Shop Staff
o Ayu Sumaningsih (Asisten Toko Senyum I)
Starting date June 2008
o Lastri (Asisten Toko Senyum II)
Starting date November 2012
8.1.4 Outreach Staff
Our outreach programme in Nusa Tenggara Timur has continued in 2013 resulting in
finding many patients, both cleft and craniofacial. This outreach programme has also
strengthened our relationship with Social Welfare coordinator institution (BKKKS) Nusa
Tenggara Timur.
Outreach staff Kupang:
Jenixon Benu, resigned October 2013
9. Smile Shop Ubud
As in previous years, The Smile Shop in Ubud remains a major source of funding that is
very successful. The takings from the Shop enable the Yayasan to finance its
administrative and operational costs of the Smile House in Denpasar.
Smile Shop Volunteers
 Aranca Imaz
 Eileenn Zeenapdx
 Helga Fiedler
 Harmienke Fabe
 Jan Wilkinson
 Karin Weber (Alm)
 Kryska Jarwoski
 Margaret Holmes
 Ray Carpenter
 Karen Hugo
 Marlis Knoppen
 Peter Knoppen
 Susan Semanski
 Willis W.Jourdin. Jr
 Zsuzsa Harsman
 Kate Saver
 Made Andre
Volunteer Note:
Although many come and go still the volunteers assisting at The Ubud Smile Shop are a
great support for the foundation. The help from volunteers who are committed and
dedicated is the key of success of The Smile Shop. Thank you all!
10. Publication Media
10.1 Publication Media in use
Senyum Update
Senyum Update reports on activities of YSB in terms of patients, programs, activities,
and also as a means to thank donors. Senyum Update is still the main media to inform
and support the activities of the foundation. We publish it every 3 months and each
edition is published in both Indonesian and English. Apart from being printed to hard
copies, the update is also posted on website and spread to all
donors and friends via email as well as uploaded on our Facebook site.
The brochure is the most effective media for 2013. It helps to raise public awareness
about our mission. This brochure is not only targeting donors but also prospective
patients who need our assistance. Funds for printing the brochure are supported by
Smile Train.
Smile Shop Flyers
As previous years, in 2013, to promote The Smile Shop, we continue printing flyers in
English and Indonesian.
Stickers and Banners
Stickers and banners were printed a few years ago, sponsored by the Smile Train
funding. In 2013, stickers and banners continue to be used for promotional activities in
school projects and several other events, and we also printed new banners this year, still
sponsored by Smile Train.
Donation Bags
Since the concept of donation bags started in 2010, it has been hugely successful. This
donation bag is a very effective way to collect preloved items to be sold at the Smile
Shop. It is also a good way to teach others to be more concerned about the environment
by using recycled bags. This concept will continue to be used in the future.
Donation Boxes
Another way to raise funds, donation boxes are a great way to inform the public about
the Yayasan, and people can directly participate by putting money in the donation box.
The concept also helps to strengthen cooperation with the parties where the donation
boxes are placed. When the donation boxes are placed it is accompanied by our
brochures, flyers and the latest edition of Senyum Update. Eight hotels, spas, and
restaurants have agreed to feature them.
Yayasan Senyum Bali’s website can be viewed at: In 2013 more
and more people viewed the website, both donors and patients and also other parties.
This website is continuously monitored and its contents updated regularly in order to
deliver the latest information to the community about the foundation.
In 2013 we continued using Facebook as a medium to connect with friends, potential
donors of the foundation as well as promoting The Smile Shop. For anyone looking to
connect with YSB through facebook , just add us as a friend on Yayasan Senyum Bali or
'Like' our facebook page.
Other Publications
We are always looking for new ways to promote our mission to the community. As in
previous years, the yayasan continues to promote the mission and look for new
potential donors through its friends, press releases, and advertisements published in
newspapers, tabloids, magazines online sites and facebook page.
10.2 Media Facilities Planning Publications 2013
We will continue to use the media listed above and other ways to publicize our mission,
to communicate, and exchange information with donors, friends and supporters.
11. Accounting and Taxation
Yayasan Senyum Bali financial statements for the year 2013 have been audited by
independent Auditor.
In 2013, the Foundation has also reported and paid all tax payments in accordance with
applicable regulations.
The Yayasan Senyum Bali Annual Report 2013 has been approved by:
Mary Northmore
Founder & Chairperson - Smile Foundation of Bali
December 2013