NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TRADING Trading enables you to trade stocks, options and mutual funds, as well as make inquiries about order status. The following functions are available: Accessing Trading Functions þ Commissions - Browse broker daily revenues, month-to-date and year-to-date commissions by product type and total. þ Stocks - Buy or sell stocks. þ Mutual Funds - Buy, sell or exchange load, low-load and no-load mutual funds. þ Options - Buy, sell or close options. þ Orders - Inquire on status of, change or cancel orders. Step Action 1 Click Trading in the Header of any page to access Trading. Result: The Trading functions are displayed in the Navigation Bar (left column). 2 Click the Trading function you would like to access. Result: The first page for the function selected is displayed. Note: Without a valid account number in the Select box, Trading functions cannot be activated. For more details see Select Bar in the Introduction section. Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 79 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING Trading Commissions Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 80 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Commissions TRADING The commission summary page provides data regarding revenue and commissions resulting from broker trades. Complete the following fields to view commission summary by broker: Field Action Office # Type your office number. RR # Type your Registered Representative number. Click Display. Result: Your revenue and commissions are displayed including the following details: Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 • Product • Daily Revenues • Month-to-Date Commissions • Year-to-Date Commissions Page 81 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING Trading Stock Buy/Sell Stock Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 82 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy/Sell Stock TRADING Buy/Sell Stock enables you to buy or sell stock according to the parameters you wish to set on the trade. Refer to the following field instructions for guidelines to placing an order: Field Action Enter Symbol or Company Name Type the security symbol or name of the company you want to trade in the corresponding boxes provided. • Click Get Quote to display the most recent quote for the security. • Click Lookup to search for security symbols or company names. Note: Click your browser’s Back button to return to Buy/Sell Stock. Transaction Select the type of order you would like to place from the drop-down box: • Buy • Sell • Buy to Cover* • Sell Short* ∗ Only available for accounts authorized for margin trading. ! WARNING Equities trading is provided only to those Registered Representatives that meet NASD licensing requirements. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure that Registered Representatives are permitted to engage in Equities trading and are in compliance with all other related laws and regulations. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 83 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING Trading Stock Buy/Sell Stock Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 84 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy/Sell Stock (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Quantity Type the number of shares you would like to trade. Account Type Select from one of the following account types in which you wish to place the order: • Cash • Margin* • Short* ∗ Only available for accounts authorized for margin trading. Order Type Price Select the type of order you would like to place: • Market • Limit • Stop • Stop-Limit Type the price per share of the order. • Stop-Limit Price Prices can be entered in whole numbers or whole numbers followed by fractions or their decimal equivalent. (For example, $12.75 can be entered as 12 3/4 or 12.75.) Complete only if you have selected StopLimit in the Order Type field. Type the limit price at which you would like the order to be executed. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 85 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING Trading Stock Buy/Sell Stock Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 86 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy/Sell Stock (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Add. Order Data Optional. Select one of the following additional order instructions: AON - All or none. NH - Not held - timing of execution will not be held to match tape. DNR - Do not reduce price on ex-dividend date for GTC orders. DNI - Do not increase shares on ex-dividend date for GTC orders. CASH - Stock is to be bought or sold for same-day settlement. ND - Next-day settlement. Duration Select the length of time for which you would like the order to remain open: Day - Order expires at the end of the trading day. GTC - Good until canceled. Order remains in effect until the client cancels or 90 days. GTX - GTC order eligible for extended market hours trading. OC - Immediate or cancel order which requires that all or part of the order be executed as soon as the bid is entered. Unexecuted portions are automatically canceled. FOK - Fill or kill order which requires that the entire order be executed immediately at the price specified or immediately canceled. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 87 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy/Sell Stock (Cont.) TRADING Field Action P/A Indicator Select from one of the following principal/ agency codes: P - Member/member organization, nonprogram trade order. I - Individual (80A), non-program trade order. A - Other agency, non-program trade order. D - Member/member organization, program trade, index arbitrage. J - Individual (80A), program trade, index arbitrage. U - Other agency, program trade, index arbitrage. C - Member/member organization, program trade, non-index arbitrage. K - Individual (80A), program trade, nonindex arbitrage. Y - Other agency, program trade, non-index arbitrage. Rte/Mlt/Com Optional, leave blank to charge standard commission. Select from the following commission codes and complete the blank box to the right: RTE - Cents per share. Type the number of cents in the field to the right. To charge 35› per share, type 35. MLT - Percentage discounted from the full commission. Type the percentage of the full commission to be charged in the field to the right. For a 25% discount, type 75. COM - Flat commission rate. Type the exact dollars and cents in the field to the right. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 88 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy/Sell Stock (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Solicited Optional. Select the appropriate indication of client solicitation for the trade. This is reflected on the confirmation: • Yes • No Split RR1 Optional, complete only if commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the first RR number followed by the percent they are allocated. Split RR2 Optional, complete only if commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the second RR number followed by the percent they are allocated. Note: Split RR1 and Split RR2 fields must equal 100% when totaled. Trailers Optional. Type a message up to four lines (22 characters per line). Message will be printed on client’s confirmation. Continued… ....... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 89 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingBuy/Sell StockOrder Review TradingBuy/Sell StockOrder Received Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 90 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy/Sell Stocks (Cont.) TRADING Step 1 Action After all fields in Buy/Sell Stock (page 83) are completed: If… Then… You would like to proceed with the order: Ø Click Review Before Sending. Ø The Order Review page appears. You do not want to proceed with the order: 2 Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Ø Click Clear Order. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. Review the Buy/Sell Stock order review page: If… Then… All information in the order is correct: Ø Click Send Order. You would like to change information in the order: Ø Click Back. You do not want to proceed with the order: Ø Click Clear Order. Page 91 Ø The Order Received page appears. Ø The Order Entry page reappears. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 TRADING Page 92 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Mutual Funds TRADING Provides functions for trading mutual funds: • Buy • Redeem • Exchange Note: Exchanges may only be executed within fund families that permit exchanges. Click Mutual Funds on the Trading menu in the Navigation Bar (left column) to access Mutual Funds. ! WARNING Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Mutual Funds trading is provided only to those Registered Representatives that meet NASD licensing requirements. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure that Registered Representatives are permitted to engage in Mutual Funds trading and are in compliance with all other related laws and regulations. Page 93 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingMutual FundsBuy Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 94 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Mutual Funds TRADING Buy Mutual Funds enables you to place orders for a wide range of mutual funds as well as to access fund data and descriptions. Field Action Enter fund symbol/cusip or first letters of name Type the fund symbol or name of the fund you want to trade in the corresponding boxes provided. • Click Lookup to search for fund symbols or names. Note: Click your browser’s Back button to return to Buy Mutual Funds. Click Continue Placing Order to proceed with the order. Result: The Buy Mutual Funds fund information page is displayed indicating whether the purchase is load, low- load or no-load. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 95 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingMutual FundsBuy (Fund Information) Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 96 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING The Buy Mutual Funds fund information page displays the following: • Fund Name • Fund Family • Fund Symbol • Fund Cusip • Fund Info - load, low-load or no-load • Description Click Continue Placing Order to proceed with the order. Result: The Buy Mutual Funds order page is displayed. Continued… ....... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 97 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingBuy Mutual FundsOrder (No-Load) Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 98 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING The Buy Mutual Funds order page enables you to specify important details regarding the order which, if not completed correctly, will prevent the order from being placed. Field Action Amount Type the dollar amount or number of shares you would like to purchase. Note: Dollar amount cannot exceed $999,999.99. Share amount cannot exceed 7 whole numbers followed by 3 decimal places (7654321.321). Reinvestment Indicate how you would like to receive dividends and capital gains: Ø Click Yes to reinvest dividends and income from the fund; or Click No to receive dividends and income from the fund. Ø Click Yes to reinvest capital gains from the fund; or Click No to receive capital gains from the fund. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 99 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingBuy Mutual FundsOrder (No-Load) Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 100 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING The following are optional load and no-load fields that do not need to be completed to place a mutual fund purchase order. Note: Depending on whether the mutual fund being purchased is load or no-load, some of the following fields may not be displayed. Field Action Comm OVR Type a dollar amount to override standard commission. This field will hold up to nine digits for dollar amount, followed by two digits for cents. Over/Under Load funds only. Select from the following options to specify a dollar purchase requiring a whole number of shares: Over - Order will be rounded up to the nearest number of whole shares to satisfy the order. Under - Order will be rounded down to the nearest number of whole shares to satisfy the order. RR OVR If you have special arrangements with the fund, type the fund-assigned RR number. Up to five characters may be entered, three minimum. Branch OVR If payment instructions are to be directed to a branch other than yours, type the branch number. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 101 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingBuy Mutual FundsOrder (Load) Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 102 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING Buy Mutual Funds Field Action (Cont.) Deliver Load funds only. Select one of the following ways the fund will settle or be delivered: Street - Street name. Physical - Certificate mailed to client. Customer - Client name. NAV Ind Load funds only. Select one of the following codes if purchase qualifies for net asset value handling: No Yes - NAV Transfer Yes - Repurchase Yes - Employee/RR Yes - Error Correction Yes - Wrap Fee Account Yes - Other Fund Account Load funds only. Select one of the following account descriptions: New - Fund account is new. Existing - Fund account is not new. Fund Account No. Load funds only. Type the fund account number. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 103 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING Field Action LOI/ROA Load funds only. Select one of the following indications of client agreements: None - Client has made no extra agreements with correspondent. LOI - Client has signed a Letter of Intent. ROA - Client qualifies for Rights of Accumulation. LOI/ROA Value Load funds only. Must be completed if LOI or ROA was selected. Type dollar amount of the LOI or ROA breakpoint. ROA Link Load funds only. Type the 20-character ROA link account if client wishes to link to another account. LOI Date Load funds only. If a LOI exists, type the date the LOI was signed by the client or the LOI number was assigned by the fund. • RR Name Enter dates in the MM/DD/YY format. Load funds only. If the RR OVR field was completed, type the RR name. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 104 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Split RR1 If commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the first RR number in the left box, followed by the percent they are allocated in the right box. Split RR2 If commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the second RR number in the left box, followed by the percent they are allocated in the right box. Note: Total Split RR commission percentage should be less than or equal to 100%. Comment Type a message up to 32 characters. Click Review Before Sending. Result: The Buy Mutual Funds order review page is displayed. Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 105 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingBuy Mutual FundsOrder Review Trading Buy Mutual Funds Order Received Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 106 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING Step 1 Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Action Review the Buy Mutual Funds order review page. If... Then... All information in the order is correct: Ø Click Send Order. You would like to change information in the order: Ø Click Back. You do not want to proceed with the order: Ø Click Clear Order. Page 107 Ø The Order Received page is displayed. Ø The order entry page is displayed again. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingMutual FundsRedemption Access Trading Mutual Fund Redeem Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 108 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Redeem Mutual Funds TRADING Redeem Mutual Funds facilitates redemption of both load and no-load mutual funds. To access Mutual Funds Redeem, click the Redeem hyperlink in the top right corner of any Mutual Funds page. Upon accessing the page, a list of the client’s mutual fund positions is displayed, including: • Security • Quantity • Price • Value Click on the security name of the mutual fund position you would like to redeem. Result: The Redeem Mutual Funds order entry page is displayed. The page title indicates whether the mutual fund selected is a load or no-load fund. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 109 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingRedeem Mutual Funds- Load Order Entry Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 110 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Redeem Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING The Redeem Mutual Funds order entry page enables you to view a fund’s value as of the previous business day and specify how much of the fund you would like to redeem. Field Action Amount Type the dollar amount or number of shares you would like to sell. Type F or Full in the share field to redeem entire position. Note: Dollar amount cannot exceed $999,999.99. Share amount cannot exceed 7 whole numbers followed by 4 decimal places (7654321.4321). The following are optional load and no-load fields that do not need to be completed to place a mutual fund redemption order. Note that depending on whether the mutual fund being sold is load or no-load, some of the following fields may not be displayed. Field Action Comm OVR Type a dollar amount to override standard commission. You may enter up to nine digits for dollar amount followed by two digits for cents. RR OVR Load funds only. If you have special arrangements with the fund, type the fundassigned RR number. Up to five characters may be entered. RR NAME Load funds only. If the RR OVR field was completed, type the RR name. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 111 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingRedeem Mutual Funds- Load Order Entry Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 112 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Redeem Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING Field Action CDSC Waiver Load funds only. Select one of the following indications of whether or not you will waive the CDSC (contingent deferred sales charge): N - No (Gross/Net field must be completed). Y - Yes (Comment field must be completed). Gross/Net Load funds only. Must be completed if “No” was selected in the previous field. Select one of the following indications of whether or not the dollar amount of the trade includes the CDSC: Gross - Dollar amount includes CDSC deduction. Net - Dollar amount after deduction. Split RR1 If commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the first RR number in the left box followed by the percent they are allocated in the right box. Split RR2 If commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the second RR number in the left box followed by the percent they are allocated in the right box. Note: Total Split RR commission percentage should be less than or equal to 100%. Comment Type a message up to 32 characters. Must be completed if “Yes” was selected in CDSC Waiver field. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 113 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingRedeem Mutual FundsOrder Review TradingRedeem Mutual Funds Order Received Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 114 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Redeem Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING Step 1 Action If... Then... You would like to proceed with the order: Ø Click Review Before Sending. Ø The Order Review page is displayed. Ø Click Clear Order. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. You do not want to proceed with the order: 2 Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Review the Redeem Mutual Funds Order Review page. If... Then... All information in the order is correct: Ø Click Send Order. Ø The Order Received page is displayed. You would like to change information in the order: Ø Click Back. Ø The order entry page is displayed again. You do not want to proceed with the order: Ø Click Cancel. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. Page 115 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingMutual FundsExchange Access Trading Mutual Fund Exchange Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 116 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Exchange Mutual Funds TRADING The Exchange Mutual Funds order entry page enables you to simultaneously redeem and purchase funds within the same fund family. Only select fund families allow exchanges. To access Mutual Funds Exchange, click the Exchange hyperlink in the top right corner of any Mutual Funds page. Upon accessing the page, a list of the client’s exchange-eligible mutual fund holdings will be displayed, including: • Security • Quantity • Price • Value Note: An exchange may be a taxable event. Clients may wish to consider tax implications prior to placing an exchange order. Click on the fund name that you would like to exchange. Result: The Exchange Mutual Funds purchase into page is displayed. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 117 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingExchange Mutual FundsPurchase Into Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 118 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Exchange Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING The Exchange Mutual Funds Purchase Into page displays: • Mutual fund to be exchanged (selected on the previous page), and the current value of that position. • Mutual funds that are exchange-eligible. Note: Load mutual funds and no-load mutual funds are not interchangeable. Click the mutual fund that you would like to purchase. Result: The Exchange Mutual Funds order page is displayed. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 119 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingExchange Mutual FundsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 120 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Exchange Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING The Exchange Mutual Funds order entry page enables you to view a fund’s value as of the previous business day and specify how much of the fund you would like to redeem. Field Action Amount Type the dollar amount or number of shares you would like to purchase. Type F or Full in the share field to redeem entire position. Note: Dollar amount cannot exceed $999,999.99. Share amount cannot exceed 7 whole numbers followed by 4 decimal places (7654321.4321). Reinvestment Indicate how you would like to receive dividends and gains and capital gains: Ø Click Yes to reinvest dividends and income from the fund; or Click No to receive dividends and income from the fund. Ø Click Yes to reinvest capital gains from the fund; or Click No to receive capital gains from the fund. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 121 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingExchange Mutual FundsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 122 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Exchange Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING The following are optional fields that do not need to be completed to place a mutual fund exchange order: Field Action Comm OVR Type a dollar amount to override standard commission. Field holds up to nine digits for dollar amount, followed by two digits for cents. Comm OVR To Type a dollar amount to override standard commission on receiving side. Field holds up to nine digits for dollar amount, followed by two digits for cents. Split RR1 If commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the first RR number in the left box, followed by the percent they are allocated in the right box. Split RR2 If commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the second RR number in the left box, followed by the percent they are allocated in the right box. Note: Total Split RR commission percentage should be less than or equal to 100%. Comment Type a message up to 32 characters. Click Review Before Sending to proceed with the order. Result: The Exchange Mutual Funds order review page is displayed. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 123 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingExchange Mutual FundsOrder Review Trading Exchange Mutual Funds Order Received Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 124 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Exchange Mutual Funds (Cont.) TRADING The Exchange Mutual Funds Order Review page provides a summary of the order entered. Step 1 Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Action Review the Exchange Mutual Funds Order Review page: If... Then... All information in the order is correct: Ø Click Send Order. Ø The Order Received page is displayed. You would like to change information in the order: Ø Click Back. Ø The order page is displayed again. You do not want to proceed with the order: Ø Click Clear Order. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. Page 125 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 TRADING Page 126 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Options TRADING Provides functions for trading options: • Buy Calls/Puts • Close Calls/Puts • Covered Calls Click Options on the Trading menu in the Navigation Bar (left column) to access Options. ! WARNING Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Options trading is provided only to those Registered Representatives that meet NASD licensing requirements. It is your firm’s responsibility to ensure that Registered Representatives are permitted to engage in Options trading and are in compliance with all other related laws and regulations. Page 127 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsBuy Calls/Puts Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 128 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Calls/Puts TRADING Buy Calls/Puts enables you to buy calls and puts according to the parameters you wish to set on the trade. Refer to the following field instructions for guidelines to placing an order and the options available: Field Action Enter stock symbol Type the underlying stock symbol or name. • Press Lookup to search for stock symbols or company names. Note: Click your browser’s Back button to return to Buy Calls/Puts. Click Continue to proceed with the order. Result: The select options page is displayed, listing the calls or puts available for the underlying stock, as well as the stock quote. Continued… ....... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 129 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsBuy Calls/PutsSelect Options Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 130 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING The Buy Calls/Puts select options page displays the strike prices available for the underlying stock selected on the previous page. Refer to the following details regarding reading the Calls and Puts charts: • Columns - Options are listed by expiration month for calls followed by expiration month for puts. • Rows - Options are listed chronologically by strike price. Click the strike price that you would like to purchase. Result: The Buy Calls/Puts order page for the strike price selected is displayed. Continued… ....... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 131 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsBuy Calls/PutsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 132 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING The Buy Calls/Puts order page enables you to specify the conditions under which the order will be executed. The Option, Real-Time Quote and Transaction fields are read-only fields pre-filled with the current quote for the option and the transaction previously selected. Field Action Quantity Type the number of contracts you would like to buy. Order Type Price Select the type of order you would like to place: • Market • Limit • All or None Type the price per share for the order. • Duration Prices can be entered in whole numbers or whole numbers followed by fractions or their decimal equivalent. (For example, $1.75 can be entered as 1 3/4 or 1.75.) Click the duration for which you would like the order to remain active: • Day • GTC • Fill or Kill Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 133 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsBuy Calls/PutsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 134 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Add. Order Data Optional. Select the following additional order instruction: AON - All or none. Do not execute order partially. Account Type Rte/Mlt/Com Select from one of the following account types in which you wish to place the order: • Cash • Margin • Short Optional, leave blank to charge standard commission. Select from the following commission codes and complete the blank box to the right: RTE - Cents per share. Type the number of cents in the field to the right. To charge 35› per share, type 35. MLT - Percentage discounted from the full commission. Type the percentage of the full commission to be charged in the field to the right. For a 25% discount, type 75. COM - Flat commission rate. Type the exact dollars and cents in the field to the right. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 135 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsBuy Calls/PutsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 136 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Solicited Optional. Select the appropriate indication of client solicitation for the trade. This is reflected on the confirmation: • Yes • No Split RR1 Optional, complete only if commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the first RR number followed by the percent they are allocated. Split RR2 Optional, complete only if commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the second RR number followed by the percent they are allocated. Note: Split RR1 and Split RR2 fields must equal 100% when totaled. Trailers Optional. Type a message up to 25 characters. Message will be printed on client’s confirmation. Caution: What you type is what will appear on client’s statement. No spell-check or edits can be made on this text. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 137 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsBuy Calls/PutsReview Order TradingOptionsBuy Calls/PutsReceived Order Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 138 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Buy Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING Step 1 Action Once all fields on the Buy Calls/Puts page (page 133) have been completed: If... Then... You would like to proceed with the order: Ø Click Review Before Sending. Ø The Order Review page appears. You do not want to proceed with the order: 2 Ø Click Clear Order. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. Review the Buy Calls/Puts Order Review page. If... Then... All information in the order is correct: Ø Click the Send Order button. Ø The Order Received page will appear. Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 You would like to change information in the order: Ø Click the Back button. You do not want to proceed with the order: Ø Click Clear Order. Page 139 Ø The order entry page will reappear. Ø The order will be erased and all information lost. NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsClose Calls/Puts Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 140 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Close Calls/Puts TRADING Close Calls/Puts enables you to close an option position in the client’s portfolio. To access Close Calls/Puts click the Close Calls/Puts hyperlink in the top right corner of any Trading Options page. Upon accessing the page, a list of the client’s open positions is displayed, including: • Security • Quantity • Price • Value Click the security name of the option position you would like to close. Result: The Close Calls/Puts order page is displayed. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 141 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsClose Calls/PutsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 142 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Close Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING Complete the following fields on the Close Calls/Puts order page: Field Action Quantity Type the number of contracts you would like to close. Order Type Price Select the type of order you would like to place: • Market • Limit • All or None Type the price per share for the order. • Additional Prices can be entered in whole numbers or whole numbers followed by fractions or their decimal equivalent. (For example, $1.75 can be entered as 1 3/4 or 1.75.) Optional. Select one of the following additional order instructions: NH - Not held - timing of execution will not be held to match tape. DNR - Do not reduce price on ex-dividend date for GTC orders. DNI - Do not increase shares on ex-dividend date for GTC orders. CASH - Stock is to be bought or sold for same-day settlement. ND - Next-day settlement. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 143 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsClose Calls/PutsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 144 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Close Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Duration Click the duration for which you would like the order to remain active: Rte/Mlt/Com • Day • GTC • Fill or Kill Optional, leave blank to charge standard commission. Select from the following commission codes and complete the blank box to the right: RTE - Cents per share. Type the number of cents in the field to the right. To charge 35› per share, type 35. MLT - Percentage discounted from the full commission. Type the percentage of the full commission to be charged in the field to the right. For a 25% discount, type 75. COM - Flat commission rate. Type the exact dollars and cents in the field to the right. Solicited Optional. Select the appropriate indication of client solicitation for the trade. This is reflected on the confirmation: • Yes • No Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 145 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsClose Calls/PutsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 146 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Close Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Split RR1 Optional, complete only if commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the first RR number followed by the percent they are allocated. Split RR2 Optional, complete only if commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the second RR number followed by the percent they are allocated. Note: Split RR1 and Split RR2 fields must equal 100% when totaled. Trailers Optional. Type a message up to 25 characters. Message will be printed on client’s confirmation. Caution: What you type is what will appear on client statement. No spell-check or edits can be made on this text. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 147 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsClose Calls/PutsOrder Review TradingOptionsClose Calls/PutsOrder Received Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 148 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Close Calls/Puts (Cont.) TRADING Step Action 1 Once all fields on the Close Calls/Puts page (page 143) have been completed: If... Then... You would like to proceed with the order: Ø Click Review Before Sending. Ø The Order Review page appears. Ø Click Clear Order. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. You do not want to proceed with the order: 2 Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Review the Close Calls/Puts Order Review page. If... Then... All information in the order is correct: Ø Click the Send Order button. Ø The Order Received page appears. You would like to change information in the order: Ø Click Back. Ø The order entry page reappears. You do not want to proceed with the order: Ø Click Clear Order. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. Page 149 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsCovered Calls Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 150 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Covered Calls TRADING Covered Calls enables you to write covered calls for the client. To access Covered Calls click the Covered Calls hyperlink in the top right corner of any Trading Options page. Upon accessing the page, a list of the client’s current positions is displayed, including: • Security • Quantity • Price • Value Click the security position you would like to write a covered call against. Result: The Write Covered Calls select options page appears. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 151 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsCovered Calls (Select Options) Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 152 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Covered Calls (Cont.) TRADING The Write Covered Calls select options page displays the strike prices available for the underlying stock selected on the previous page. Refer to the following details regarding reading the Calls chart: • Columns - Options are listed by expiration month for calls followed by expiration month for puts. • Rows - Options are listed chronologically by strike price. Click the strike price of the option that you would like to write. Result: The Write Covered Calls order page appears. Note: The strike price selected is not necessarily the market price. A full quote for the option selected is provided on the Write Covered Calls order page. Continued… ....... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 153 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsWrite Covered CallsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 154 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Covered Calls (Cont.) TRADING The Write Covered Calls order page enables you to specify the conditions under which the order will be executed. The Option, RealTime Quote and Transaction fields are read-only fields pre-filled with the current quote on the option and the transaction previously selected. Field Action Quantity Type the number of contracts you would like to sell. Order Type Price Select the type of order you would like to place: • Market • Limit • All or None Type the price per share for the order. • Duration Prices can be entered in whole numbers or whole numbers followed by fractions or their decimal equivalent. (For example, $1.75 can be entered as 1 3/4 or 1.75.) Click the duration for which you would like the order to remain active: Add. Order Data • Day • GTC • Fill or Kill Optional. Select the following additional order instruction: AON - All or none. Do not execute order partially. Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 155 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsWrite Covered CallsOrder Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 156 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Covered Calls (Cont.) TRADING Field Action Rte/Mlt/Com Optional, leave blank to charge standard commission. Select from the following commission codes and complete the blank box to the right: RTE - Cents per share. Type the number of cents in the field to the right. To charge 35› per share, type 35. MLT - Percentage discounted from full commission. Type percentage of full commission to be charged in field to right. For a 25% discount, type 75. COM - Flat commission rate. Type exact dollars and cents in field to right. Solicited Optional. Select the appropriate indication of client solicitation for the trade. This is reflected on the confirmation: • Yes • No Split RR1 Optional, complete only if commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the first RR number followed by percent they are allocated. Split RR2 Optional, complete only if commission is to be split between two Registered Reps. Type the second RR number followed by the percent they are allocated. Note: Split RR1 and Split RR2 fields must equal 100% when totaled. Trailers Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Optional. Type a message up to 25 characters. Message will be printed on client’s confirmation. Caution: What you type is what will appear on client’s statement. Page 157 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING Continued.......... Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 158 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING TradingOptionsWrite Covered CallsOrder Review TradingOptionsWrite Covered CallsOrder Received Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 159 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Covered Calls (Cont.) TRADING Step Action 1 After all fields on the Write Covered Calls page (page 155) are complete: If... Then... You would like to proceed with the order: Ø Click Review Before Sending. Ø The Order Review page appears. You do not want to proceed with the order: 2 Ø Click Clear Order. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. Review the Write Covered Calls order review page. If... Then... All information in the order is correct: Ø Click the Send Order button. Ø The Order Received page appears. Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 You would like to change information in the order: Ø Click the Back button. You do not want to proceed with the order: Ø Click Clear Order. Page 160 Ø The order entry page reappears. Ø The order is erased and all information lost. NETEXCHANGE TM PRO TRADING Trading Order Status Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 161 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Order Status TRADING Provides a read-only display of current orders by account and the status of each order, as well as cancel and change order functions. Note: Only orders that have not been fully executed may be canceled or changed. To access Order Status: Ø Click Order Status on the Portfolio or Trading Navigation Bars (left column); or Ø Select Order Status on the Select Bar. See Portfolio Order Status (page 59) for further details. Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 Page 162 NETEXCHANGE TM PRO Release 1.1 Dated: 06/09/98 TRADING Page 163