

Pablo Aldrete RIVERO F GOLD RIO DE ORO MÉXICO 2010 CATEGORY Ficción TECHNICAL DETAILS 35mm, Color, 2.35:1 SOUND Dolby digital LENGUAGE Spanish, English-­‐Athapascan DURACIÓN 100 min. FICHA TÉCNICA Director Pablo Aldrete Sriptwriter Pablo Aldrete Producer Jaime Romandia Co-­‐producer Miguel Bonilla Cinematographer Lorenzo Hagerman Art design Nohemí González Synospis Music Alejandro de Icaza Galo Duran, Gerry C. A story situated between the conflict of the Apaches, the Mexicans and the y Rodrigo Duarte American soldiers in 1853 in the north of the Mexican state of Sonora. Sound Raúl Locatelli Edition Sebastian Hoffman y Pablo Aldrete Produced by Cadereyta Films y Mantarraya Producciones CAST Gonzalo Lebrija Stephanie Sigman Kenny Johnston Karl Makinen PREMIERE INTERNATIONAL *Festival Internacional Du Film De Marrakech 2011 PABLO ALDRETE Biography Born in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1972. He studied at The London International Film School, since then he has worked in several documentaries and short films and his first experimental feature film "Nippon e Yokoso". He Joined Mantarraya in the year 2000 since then he has been working in several projects. He just finished his next feature film "River of Gold". Filmography 2005 NIPPON E YOKOSO 2010 RIVER OF GOLD 

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