PEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES REPORT ON EXCLUSION FROM THE AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE (ALR) ALL MEMBERS PARTICIPATE FILE NO. 141/2012 OWNER: AGENT: AREA: LEGAL: LOT SIZE: LOCATION: DATE: July 16, 2012 James & Keir London Tryon Land Surveying Ltd. Electoral Area D NE¼ Section 10, Township 78, Range 16, W6M, PRD 64 ha (159 ac) South Dawson PROPOSAL To exclude 16 ha (40 acre) from the quarter-section so that it can be subdivided into 4 lots for rural residential use. RECOMMENDATION: OPTION 2 THAT the Regional Board refuse authorization for the application, as submitted, to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission on the basis that the proposal is not consistent with the Official Community Plan or zoning bylaws. OPTIONS OPTION 1: THAT the Regional Board support and authorize the application to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission as the proposal would increase hobby farm opportunities within commuting distance to the City of Dawson Creek. OPTION 2: THAT the Regional Board refuse authorization for the application, as submitted, to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission on the basis that the proposal is not consistent with the Official Community Plan or zoning bylaws. LAND USE POLICIES AND REGULATIONS OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN (OCP): ZONING: AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE (ALR): BUILDING INSPECTION AREA: Agriculture-Rural Resource, By-law No. 477, 1986 A-2 (Large Agricultural Holdings), By-law No. 1343, 2001 Within Within SITE CONTEXT The subject property is located about 8 km (5 miles) west of the City of Dawson Creek, via the 208 Road, or 9 km (5.6 miles) via the 229 Road and Highway 97. This area between the highway and Bear Mountain has a mix of agricultural and rural residential uses. The general area is dominated by fields with the only uncleared land being along the creeks, around homesites and on the mountainside. SITE FEATURES LAND: The quarter-section is cleared except for a line trees along the creek. STRUCTURES: One homesite and one shop. One wellsite plus pipeline. ACCESS: The subject property has road access to 208 Road. Class 3C soils. Class 3 soils have moderately severe limitations that restrict the range of crops or SOIL: require special conservation practices. Subclass C denotes an adverse climate. FIRE: Within Arras Fire Protection Area. Page 1 of 6 Printed on: __________________________________ ____________________________ Department Head Report prepared by: Jodi MacLean, Land Use Planner 16-Jul-12 11:30:30 AM CAO File No. 141/2012 PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS – SUBJECT PROPERTY None on File PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS – PROPERTIES WITHIN 100 M APPLICANT: LEGAL: PROPOSAL: DECISION: Carlyle Germaine (southwest of subject property) SW¼ Section 10, Township 78, Range 16, W6M, PRD To subdivide a 20 acre parcel from the quarter-section. October 1975 – ALC approved application by Resolution #2621/75. ***created Plan 22741*** APPLICANT: LEGAL: PROPOSAL: DECISION: Rupert & Gladys Beerling (west of subject property) NW¼ Section 10, Township 78, Range 16, W6M, PRD To subdivide a 10 acre parcel from the quarter-section. August 1976 – ALC approved application by Resolution #4539/76. ***created Plan 23119*** APPLICANT: LEGAL: PROPOSAL: DECISION: Nelson & Janet London (northwest of subject property) SW¼ Section 15, Township 78, Range 16, W6M, PRD To subdivide eight 1.8 ha (4.5 acre) parcels from the quarter-section. October 2008 – ALC refused application by Resolution #586/2008. COMMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS APPLICANT: The applicant proposes to subdivide out two 4 ha (10 acre) lots along 208 Road and a second pair 4 ha (10 acre) lots along 229 Road for sale as rural residential parcels. ALR: The subject property is situated within the Agricultural Land Reserve. Therefore, Agricultural Land Commission approval is required. The applicant has applied for exclusion and submitted copies of the required notification and advertisements. Note: Pursuant to the Agricultural Land Commission Act, an application may not be considered by the ALC unless the Regional Board authorizes the proposal to proceed to the ALC. This is intended to provide local governments with latitude to consider and weigh the local community interests of each application, in addition to its zoning and official community plan. Should the Regional District forward the application to the ALC, the information and recommendation offered by the Regional District is taken into consideration by the Commission but should not be construed as being binding on the Commission’s opinions or decisions. OCP: Pursuant to the Dawson Creek Rural Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 477, 1986, the subject property is designated “Agriculture – Rural Resource” which has a minimum parcel size of 63 ha (155 acres). Because this proposal involves creating new properties below this minimum parcel size, the proposal is not consistent with the Official Community Plan. ZONING: The subject property is zoned A-2 (Large Agricultural Holdings) pursuant to PRRD Zoning Bylaw No. 1343, 2001, which has a minimum parcel size of 63 ha (155 acres). Because this proposal involves creating four new properties below this minimum parcel size, the proposal is not consistent with the zoning bylaw. Page 2 of 6 File No. 141/2012 IMPACT ANALYSIS AGRICULTURE: The proposal would create rural residential lots on a cleared quarter-section. While this may increase hobby farm opportunities, it will reduce the agricultural potential of the quarter-section and lead to further expectations of subdivision in this area. CONTEXT: This fringe area, within commuting distance to the city, is predominately agricultural in nature but has parcels of various sizes scattered amongst the quarter-section parcels. Most quartersections in this area (between Bear Mountain and the highway) are still intact, but about half or a third of the quarters do have one or more parcel subdivided out of them. Creating 4 new parcels out of this quarter, does not seem in keeping with the predominate character of development. POPULATION & The creation of four new parcels could increase the local population by 11 persons and 8 vehicles (StatsCan 2011). TRAFFIC: Page 3 of 6 File No. 141/2012 ALR EXCLUSION REPORT MAPS FILE NO. 141/2012 Dawson Creek Rural Area Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 477, 1986 (Map 6) N PRRD Zoning Bylaw No. 1343, 2001 (Map 8A) N Page 4 of 6 File No. 141/2012 ALR EXCLUSION REPORT MAPS FILE NO. 141/2012 Agricultural Land Reserve (Map #93P-079) N CLI-Soil Classification (Map #93P-09) N Page 5 of 6 File No. 141/2012 ALR EXCLUSION REPORT MAPS FILE NO. 141/2012 Air Photo N Page 6 of 6 LAND APPLICATION BY OWNER NOTE: The information required by this form and the documents you provide with are collected to process your application under the Agricultural Land Commission Act and regulation. This information will be availablefor review by any member ofthe public. Jfyou have any questions about the collection or use ofthis information, contact the Agricultural Land Comn,nission and askfor the staffmem ber who will be handling your application. it TYPE OF APPLICATION (Check appropriate box) II under Sec. 30(1) of LI LI EXCLUSION LI INCLUSION under Sec. 17(3) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act SUBDIVISION in the ALR under Sec. 21(2) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act the Agricultural Land Commission Act Non-farm USE in the ALR under Sec. 20(3) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act APPLICANT Registered Owner: JAMES NELSON LONDON & KEIR MARIE LONDON Address: P0 BOX 2601 STN MAiN Address: 10201 17TH STREET DAWSON CREEK, BC DAWSON CREEK, BC Tel. (cell) (250) 219-2542 Fax 0 E-mailã keir( Agent: BRIAN ELLIOTT, TRYON LAND SURVEYiNG LTD. Postal Code V1G5A1 (work) () Postal Code V1G4C3 Tel. (250) 782-5868 Fax (250) 782-6029 E-mail [email protected] LOCAL GOVERNMENT JURISDICTION (Indicate name ofRegional District or Municipality) PEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT LAN]) UNDER APPLICATION (Show land on plan or sketch) Title Number BB1288719 (PID 009-300-732) Size of Each Parcel (Ha.) 63.9 ha OWNERSHIP OR INTERESTS IN OTHER LANDS WITHIN THIS COMMUNITY (Show information on plan or sketch) If you have interests in other lands within this community complete the following: Title Number(s): none Date of Purchase Year Month August 2002 PROPOSAL (Please describe and show on plan or sketch) The proposed exclusion involves 4 parcels of 4 hectares each (total: l6ha of 63.9ha). Please see attached map. CURRENT USE OF LAND (Show information on plan or sketch) List ll existing uses on the parcel(s) and describe all buildings Wellsite and pipeline Residence (applicant’s) Unused (formerly grazing) — — — USES ON ADJACENT LOTS (Show information on plan or sketch) North Pasture East Mixed (commercial, residential, & agricultural) South Unused, reseeding to grass West Bush, some haying DECLARATION lJwe consent to the use of the information provided in the application and all supporting documents to process the application in accordance with the Agricultural Land Co,nmission Act and regulation. Furthermore, lJwe declare that the information provided in the application and all the supporting documents are, to the best of my/our knowledge, true and correct. I/we understand that the Agricultural Land Commission will take the steps necessary to confirm the accuracy of the information and documents provided. 3j\ E Signature of Owner or Agent Print Name Dale Signature of Owner or Agent Print Name Date Signature of Owner or Agent Print Name Date \ Please ensure the following documents are enclosed with • • • Application fee payable to the Local Government Certificate of Title or Title Search Print Agent authorization (if using agent) your application: • • Map or sketch showing proposal & adjacent uses Proof ofNotice of Application *(See instructions) Photographs (optional) iLti TRY9f) PROFESSIONAL GROUP Our File Number: 12-253 Your File Number: 6 July 2012 Peace River Regional District P0 Box 810 Dawson Creek, B.C. V1G 4H8 Dear Sir or Madame: Re: Proposed Subdivision of the North East 1/4 Section 10, Township 78, Range 15, W6M, Peace River District Enclosed please find the following documents for the above captioned. Also enclosed is our cheque in the amount of $600.00 to cover your office’s fees. -Application by Land Owner -Proposed ALR Exclusion Map -Notice of Exclusion -Title Search -Letter of Authorization -Proof of Serving -Newspaper Ad June 27, 2012 -Newspaper Ad July 4, 2012 We trust that you will find the enclosed in order. Sincerely, Tryon Land Surveying Ltd. Per Brian Elliott B.C.L.S., C.L.S. Email: BE/tr Enclosures CC: James & Ken London P0 Box 2601 Dawson Creek, B.C. V1G SAl Tryon Land Surveying Ltd. Telephone: 250-782-5868 Offices: Dawson Creek BC Fort Nelson BC Facsimile: 250-782-6029 Mailing Address: 10201 17 Street, Dawson Creek BC V1G 4C3 — Jay & Keir London P0 Box 2601 Dawson Creek BC V1G 5A1 RECEIvED JUN 29 2012 June 25, 2012 %AWSON CREEK, BC Peace River Regional District 1981 Alaska Highway Dawson Creek BC Area “D” Representative Dear Mr. Hiebert, Re: Twp78Rgel6 NEY4Sec 1OW6M We are proposing to subdivide four — 10 acre lots from our property — see attached map. Two of the proposed lots have all services available —3 phase electrical power, natural gas, telephone and raw water. Lots will be accessed off the paved 208 Rd. The remaining two lots will be accessed off the unmaintained 229 Rd. These lots are across from existing 40 acre lots which are currently for sale. There are no existing utilities to serve these lots. We are working with Tryon Survey Group as our agents to apply to the various bodies for subdivision approval. .tond) Keir London PROPOSED ALR EXCLUSION BCGS; 93P079 1:5,000 0 50 100 150 200 250M Projection UTM Zone 10 NAD 83 Map to scale when plotted on a page 280mm x 432mm (Ledger) Proposed Exclusion Areas Pipeline R)W Well sites Sec 11’ ‘8, Rge’ BUSH, HAYING • :I TRYQJIi ‘I,;,, PROFESSIONAL GROUP ECA [1O-1007816 EPP1O4 4. :‘P: LOT 2 TRYON LAND SURVEYING LTD. Professional Land Surveyors and Engineers 10201 17th SL, Dawson Creek, BC, VIG 4C3 Ph: 250-7825868 P0 Bo,c 717, #203 5416 51stAv, Fort Nelson, BC VOC IRO Ph: 250-774-2a www. 0 T,yonGroup, mall@TryonG,.oupca - Tryon Job: 2 253(Mpl) June2012 -l R/W quj Grec Ere EGfo,, cc,( 3gc Ho?c Dck / 4 c’ a (Ac / ,e’e sf*e c ’ 6, /z 2 jVt y( 7 i57r.’ c ‘<5 / 9 Y/ ,1/crte4— ‘& ( fc,iJ ,PP1/CAT ’ XCt.’-’° )/ 7J F TLC /i)orlc-e O O ( M L4,Hbn I c ’ 4 r. b I c $ k j $ k ,4ç /e?-/ec 7 L s’iij M k % A’-,Q) ( ‘ ‘ e ’ r -e 7(,s ’ 7 fQ mc’ ‘a / ,/° c_f e CbS cR aver ) tI 1 (e 7 - 4,s /a ‘ 5 <Y ,tf0 1 ‘7 r7fe?4 t)t/ $/iI5 botfo,ii, c 7 ,-9cLco,4 iLi OBJ t. o (< oL) D2o to 4 c-a C 6’1cc r- Ta bj oMec 1 /, k’-, ,- tE’ a , 1dL’ c2’ /3 /q,q’ ‘ia’ t( - ,‘,‘ Ac7J /ct,W Lu,b/e CIctfL/’ /_/. is o p 4 be DIC tile i p t We Actve •74Q pv i/Ci Cj 4i DC)4 TI,s ‘? 9 Vc fL)c? /q/i1%s- 6 f’ () /i ‘-10/ c ft:;f ,icV I” 74 1$ / cen p7c ‘?‘_r nocv 3 t’?i i ‘‘‘fs7 yr’ wiy 1/ e’r (q, ofe,1//4/ 74 t’ j & c W ) C F $ rpc -’Ff /s&fac,r oc € rA / ‘( , c A drec a “-SF /1 %‘4 fe C) f A •Z ’A e 4 7 q/reaoi ,,, — • M e c2 t3 FL L W , 4, J a-c-v’-’ dLA ?Cc,r 7L,fe J 1 c/-2 1 /C(— f%,r 4 re44c2g7e rc / re,ie 4 ? / IE’c of Z f /l’V.’ fo 13. qC of f-Lc /c?,-/ .1’ /ieci5’&;-7--,L oufA ci’o, iiIiigç fi% S *(e 7-ce /c ii U lo tAe isbor-c/eriq ‘y /cz’ dre-c -/t ti/641 ‘fr .S- $/c’, 3i’ // a, /0—’*” —/ I ,41E on / c ’ f f f /f f, o-’J C r J / t) 3— 7 4 ‘— of (e I ‘Me ‘44/c /0 L 1 w a’ L2 t dfc-( j 7 L L 7 7 1 hot I u L 1’ c 7-hiS) based tJç fo’s bef (f f-Ae re,ific( ,i r-)’4f rrj ,id cIeiia’d 6 7T 1*1(2, 1-’ , WSIi..4er 1 io or e Htie y /d or dal-e JE /ciie I 5i1’’ hcw€ ro cu i dv”si’c’n ava(//l’ 4:t7, /c,j :l9; d es (i C(VS (oS. e ce of fa i’—c,daff ok 2 1o 2— ça1e 3pe61L ” I IicW a’- (Oil fLS 1 , t 1ceLfj ct7 f c 0 j? t’ •M q 0 $ 1 ic l ( esd .Af?l 5& / otS r cif jr rc I re-s ,ajL(Cd)k #1’ L? de 1C) fro’ *&€ f /J parc r I io r€ccOI’ 5Q L1 i 2 4 1 poses ‘ ‘ c’ /cc/ q c2 c ,- O’ / 7C v’ c fo ( i’) IS J t I”t t-” re ta ry/e b j5?C t-(” I(j, Gre rii-Tv(j(1, j 5 ’ c733 (4; (z. 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