master plan - Banyule City Council
master plan - Banyule City Council
Olympic Park Volume 1│Master Plan June 2016 Contents Contents page About the Master Plan 1. Executive summary 3 2. The Master Plan 9 3. Master Plan implementation 12 The Master Plan for Olympic Park is delivered in two parts. Volume 1 – Olympic Park Master Plan (this document) Provides a summary of Master Plan objectives and planning principles, site concepts, and key recommendations and actions for the delivery of proposed reserve infrastructure. Volume 2 – Background and Key Findings Report Provides a detailed project and local sporting context analysis, strategic review, demographic and site assessment, stakeholder consultation outcomes, and all other background information and research collected during the development of the Master Plan. Olympic Park Master Plan Copyright 2016 by insideEDGE Sport and Leisure Planning The Olympic Park Master Plan was prepared by insideEDGE Sport and Leisure Planning (insideEDGE) and ACLA Landscape Architects on behalf of the City of Banyule. This publication is Copyright. No part may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted by any process of by any form except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. The information contained within this report is intended for the specific use of the within named party to which it is addressed (“the insideEDGE client”) only. All information and recommendations by insideEDGE are based on information provided by or on behalf of the insideEDGE client and insideEDGE has relied on such information being correct at the time this report was prepared. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 2 1 Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction Olympic Park is located in Heidelberg West on the western fringe of the municipality. The park is an established sport and community recreation reserve with a significant history and was once used as a prominent training base for the 1956 Olympic Games. The vision for Olympic Park is to provide a place of welcome, and to deliver leisure, recreational and sporting activities for the community in a safe environment. Olympic Park is now a high profile soccer and cricket venue which also provides a range of other sport, recreation and open space opportunities. The park is also home to Babarrbunin Beek, a gathering place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in and around Banyule. The increased demand to provide functional and appropriate levels of sport and recreation infrastructure, and the shift towards more informal and casual recreation pursuits, has prompted Council to develop a Master Plan for Olympic Park. The Master Plan aims to identify the key issues and challenges constraining the use and development of Olympic Park and provide a clear vision and direction for the site that will enable Council to plan for it’s future enhancement and improvement. Olympic Park’s proximity to the Northland Shopping Centre, Latrobe University and the Darebin Creek Trail will ensure it’s ongoing popularity and future demand as one of Council’s premier reserves. It also confirms the importance of delivering a clear and concise evidence based Master Plan that seeks to achieve the future vision for Olympic Park. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 04│ Figure 1: Olympic Park is located in the City of Banyule’s West Precinct 3 1.2 Local area context Heidelberg West contains a diverse and growing community that will heavily influence the future development of Olympic Park. The broader needs and preferences of the local community in regards to the use and expectations for public open space must be understood to ensure the future direction for Olympic Park meets these expectations. 1.3 Strategic context The Olympic Park Master Plan has strong connections to Council’s Public Open Space Plan and more broadly Banyule’s City Plan (2013-2017). The stated vision of the Public Open Space Plan is to assist in guiding Council during a period of projected sustained population growth and change to ensure that all present and future residents of Banyule have easy access to high quality “green” public spaces and associated facilities. This links strongly with the vision for Olympic Park. This connection and alignment can be best demonstrated in the diagram below. The following information provides an overview of current and future demographic and population projections for the Heidelberg West - Bellfield area that will shape the future direction of Olympic Park. • The current population is 7,776 (6.06% of Banyule’s population). • The dominant age group is 35-49 year olds (20.3% of Banyule’s population) • 33.3% of residents are under the age of 25 (3% higher than Banyule) • Lower rates of residents over the age of 50 (27.7% as against 34.7%). • By 2026, local area population is expected to increase to 8,547 residents (+771 residents) • 35-49 year olds are projected to make up approximately 21.6% of the population by 2026. • There is a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (0.4% of the population) living in the local area. • The area returned a very low SEIFA score which means a very high level of disadvantage. The Latrobe Employment Cluster and the Northland Structure Plan have identified significant future growth in high density housing. This is estimated to result in a population increase of between 10,000 to 15,000 people living locally. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 04│ 4 1.4 Project methodology Development of the Olympic Park Master Plan was delivered in six key stages commencing in December 2015, with completion expected in August 2016. STAGE 1 - Project establishment 1.5 Issues and challenges Prior to the commencement of the Master Plan, Council identified a range of issues and challenges that are impacting the participation, functionality and use of the site. • Age, condition and functionality of existing buildings and infrastructure are not meeting the needs of existing users. • There is a lack of unisex and female friendly player amenities and need for additional training facilities for sporting clubs. • DECEMBER 2015 STAGE 2 - Situational and needs analysis • DECEMBER 2015 TO FEBRUARY 2016 • The site is subject to vandalism, graffiti and anti social behavior, creating a lack of security and safety for users. • A single vehicle entry and egress point, lack of on-site car parking and traffic flow are issues for users. • High perimeter fencing around the soccer precinct creates a perception of ‘exclusive use’ rather than a place that can be shared by the whole community. STAGE 3 - Stakeholder Engagement • FEBRUARY TO APRIL 2016 STAGE 4 - Key issues and opportunities paper • MAY 2016 STAGE 5 - Draft Master Plan development and consultation • JUNE 2016 STAGE 6 - Final Master Plan and recommendations • The site can be difficult to access, is not overly well connected to the surrounding areas, and is visually impeded to the east by residential properties. • Public amenities such as the toilets and playground are dilapidated and disconnected to primary areas of use. • The Darebin Creek Trail is heavily utilised as a commuter and community trail but is narrow and unsafe in some areas. • AUGUST 2016 Council and the project team engaged with a range of internal and external stakeholder groups and individuals to identify issues, needs and opportunities for Olympic Park. Targeted consultation was undertaken with representatives from state and local government agencies, tenant sporting clubs and community groups, local residents, business owners and casual park users, using a range of consultation methods. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 04│ The above issues and challenges featured prominently in the first round of consultation and will be the focus for driving change and creating a safe and inclusive environment at Olympic Park. Olympic Park is subject to vandalism and used as a dumping ground for supermarket trolleys. Existing buildings are dysfunctional and not female friendly or meeting the needs of user groups. The Darebin Creek Trail is a popular commuter and community trail which requires upgrading. 5 1.6 Strategic framework Issues and challenges identified have been grouped into the following key strategic pillars to help guide the future planning and development of Olympic Park. These pillars are aligned with those developed for Council’s Open Space Plan. CITY OF BANYULE Quality – of sports fields and infrastructure • Includes all competition and training fields and associated on field infrastructure for both cricket and soccer, player and spectator amenity, sporting pavilions and lighting infrastructure. Olympic Park Vision - provide a place of welcome, and to deliver leisure, recreational and sporting activities for the community in a safe environment. Quantity – of community recreation and safety • Includes primary and secondary commuter and recreation trails, playground areas, all non sport related community buildings and infrastructure and safety. Diversity and sustainability - of sport, community and open space provision • Includes formal and informal sport, community open space provision, local creek corridors and residential interface, vegetation and landscaping, storm water harvesting and park furniture. Accessibility and connection – getting to and using Olympic Park • Includes park access and egress, connection to surrounds, car parking, direction and lighting. STRATEGIC PILLARS QUALITY – of sports fields and infrastructure QUANTITY – of community recreation and park safety DIVERSITY & SUSTAINABILITY - of sport, community and open space ACCESSIBILITY & CONNECTION – getting to and using Olympic Park Key development principles Implementable actions (Defined for each stage) Olympic Park Master Plan Strategic Framework The adjacent diagram outlines the strategic framework for the Olympic Park Master Plan, and demonstrates how it will guide the future direction of the site. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 04│ 6 1.7 Strategic pillars and principles To assist Council and stakeholders to achieve the future vision and objectives for Olympic Park, the following development principles under each of the four strategic pillars have been proposed . These development principles will be used to guide the future planning and delivery of sport and recreation facilities and infrastructure at Olympic Park. 1. Quality (How good is it?) 1.1 Replace redundant and functionally obsolete buildings and amenities with quality facilities that meet shared sport, community environmental and education objectives. 1.2 The provision of quality sport and recreation facilities shall maximise participation, shared usage opportunities and provide flexibility to meet changing community needs and aspirations. 1.3 Facilities shall provide safe and supportive environments for participants with a demonstrated universal design approach and an emphasis on Safer by Design Guidelines and sustainable best practice principles. 1.4 Recognise and acknowledge the sites historical and environmental significance and support projects with an immediate and longer term environmental benefits and outcomes. 2. Quantity (is there enough?) 2.1 Increase the number of passive recreational opportunities through the provision of informal facilities (e.g. paths, seats, plantings, BBQ/picnic areas and play spaces) that promote and support people to enhance their health and wellbeing through physical activity. 2.2 Support new projects in the park that have an emphasis on participation in community recreation opportunities, whilst considering the specific facility requirements of the tenant sports. 2.3 Promote and facilitate increased participation opportunities for target groups such as older adults, women, children, indigenous and torres strait islanders via supporting recreation reserve facilities and amenities. 2.4 Enhance and develop the physical and visual amenity of Olympic Park through tree planting and landscaping, with a focus on community safety, crime prevention and improving passive surveillance. 2.5 Continue to investigate and support opportunities to host local community events and consider provision of event infrastructure that will strengthen Banyule’s community capacity and liveability. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 7 3. Diversity and sustainability (will it provide different experiences and how will it affect the environment?) 3.1 Recognise Olympic Park as the premier soccer venue in the City of Banyule. 3.2 Continue to develop a range of sports fields and supporting infrastructure and amenities that adequately cater for the needs of tenant sports (soccer and cricket) and Banyule’s diverse community. 3.3 Ensure future playing field provision and conditions are maintained to meet the different levels of training and competition requirements (e.g. sportsfield lighting).of sports. 3.4 Maintain dedicated playing field areas for both sport and community, ensure they are appropriately sized and dimensioned where possible, and maximise their use and flexibility for access by additional sports and activities. 3.5 Strengthen the capacity of sporting clubs and organisations seeking to enhance the range of facilities provided, and encourage the shared use of sporting reserves, training facilities, buildings and amenities. 3.6 Investigate opportunities to consolidate the use of existing fields before adding any new playing areas. 3.7 Minimise (where not required) sportsfield fencing to allow greater flexibility and shared usage. 3.8 Protect the habitat of native plants and animals and maintain sensitive environments, stream corridors and bushland areas. 3.9 Use the latest technology to optimise sustainable outcomes and consider the use of sustainable surfaces for sportsfields i.e. synthetic surfaces. 4. Accessibility and connection (can I get there and use it?) 4.1 Ensure Olympic Park is accessible, connected and appealing for all people, including minority groups, older adults and people with a disability (security lighting, car park provision, access into and around facilities). 4.2 Improve the quality of the Darebin Creek Trail, promote walkability through the connection of surrounding footpaths and road networks, and enhance connectivity between key sporting reserves and community infrastructure. The network of recreation trails shall allow for safe recreation and commuter use. 4.3 Improve vehicle entry / egress and car parking to meet expected day-to-day usage and sporting and community event requirements. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 8 2 Olympic Park Master Plan 2.1 Recommendations This section of the report provides the overall Master Plan for Olympic Park which will be used to guide future planning, development opportunities, stakeholder management and external funding applications. The Master Plan includes a set of future directions and recommendations designed to provide sport, government and community stakeholders with a schedule of prioritised improvements. Recommendations have been driven by the issues and challenges identified by users, local residents and the broader community, and aim to achieve the overall vision for Olympic Park. Ongoing ownership, monitoring and delivery of individual Master Plan recommendations will require a planned approach from Council and partnering stakeholders. Recommendations listed are based on a 10 year + timeframe and have been staged to support a collaborative, well planned and responsible approach to implementation. A staged approach also recognises the significant costs associated with major upgrades and new works proposed for Olympic Park. Further information on the staged implementation plan is provided in the following section of this report. The adjacent diagram identifies the top three development priorities and recommendations included in the Master Plan under each strategic pillar. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 04│ Quality - Sports fields and infrastructure 1. New multipurpose building for cricket, soccer and community groups between the north and south ovals. 2. Expand the south oval to accommodate two senior soccer pitches. 3. New multipurpose synthetic training pitch for club and community use. Quantity - Community recreation and park safety 1. Expand and upgrade the Darebin Creek Trail. 2. Develop a new community playground and recreation space. 3. Expand and upgrade Babarrbunin Beek. Diversity and sustainability 1. Additional revegetation and habitat improvement works. 2. Investigate stormwater harvesting initiatives for sustainability. 3. Consistently styled park furniture in key open space nodes. Accessibility and connection 1. Additional formalised car parking and vehicle egress. 2. New wayfinding and directional signage to destination points. 3. New pedestrian bridge between Northland and Olympic Park. 9 D AV I S ST R EET 6 6 D O U G H AR T Y 6 9 D N O R T H LAN R K P A AI R D M N AI 5 EB I N D AR R O AD 11 EK CR E M AI N P I T CH 9 13 9 E E 8 3 6 5 6 F u l l y e n c l o s e d f e n c i n g a r o u n d p i t c h e s (Action 2.1, 2.9 & 3.1) 7 R e l o c a t e d a n d e x p a n d e d c r i c k e t n e t s (Action 2.11) 8 At h l e t i c t r a c k r e m o v e d (Action 2.1) 9 M a i n p i t c h l o c a t e d f u r t h e r e a s t (Action 2.1) N T 15 W EST H EI D ELB ER G CO M M U N I T Y LEG AL SER V I CE R O AD LEG EN D P ro p o s e d T re e s P r o p o s e d 3m m i n W i d e Sh a r e d Co n c r e t e P a t h w a y Ex i s t i n g F o o t B r i d g e P ro p o s e d G a te s P r o p o s e d R e v e g e ta tio n P r o p o s e d 2. 5 m W i d e Se c o n d a r y As p h a l t P a t h w a y P r o p o s e d F o o t B r id g e P r o p o s e d Sc o r e b o a r d Ex i s t i n g 2. 5 m W i d e Co n c r e t e P a t h P r o p o s e d I n d i g e n o u s Sp i r i t u a l W a l k R N Ex i s t i n g Sp o r t Li g h t i n g i n Cu r r e n t Lo c a t i o n Ex i s t i n g Sp o r t Li g h t i n g R e l o c a t e d N e w T r a i n i n g Li g h t s Ex i s t i n g 1. 5 m W i d e As p h a l t P a t h Ex i s t i n g F e n c e P r o p o s e d F i t n e s s St a t i o n s Si t e B o u n d a r y P ro p o s e d F e n c e I m p r o v e d En t r y P o i n t s Landscape Architecture & Design Suite 2, 751 Nicholson Street, North Carlton VIC 3054 T. 9381 4366 4 I m p r o v e i n t e r f a c e b e t w e e n D a r e b i n Cr e e k T r a i l a n d s o c c e r p r e c i n c t 5 N e w h ig h fe n c e to s o c c e r fa c ility a lo n g to e o f th e g r a n d s ta n d e m b a n k m e n t (Action 2.5) 6 Improve park entrance (wayfinding, landscaping, vehicle/motor cycle e x c l u s i o n f e n c i n g ) (Action 1.17 & 1.18) 7 ( 7 a ) T r e a t a n d h a r v e s t s to r m w a te r fr o m th e O ly m p ic P a r k M a in D r a in fo r ir r ig a tio n o f n o r th a n d s o u th o v a ls . ( 7 b ) H a r v e s t w a te r fr o m g r a n d s t a n d r o o f f o r i r r i g a t i o n o f m a i n p i t c h (Action 1.16) 8 R e l o c a t e t h e s o u t h e r n b o u n d a r y f e n c e a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 - 10m n o r t h t o i m p r o v e s t r e e t f r o n t a g e a n d l a n d s c a p e a m e n i t y a l o n g So u t h e r n R o a d . R e a l i g n p a t h a l o n g So u t h e r n R o a d i n t o t h e p a r k (Action 2.5) 9 I n s t a l l g a t e w a y s i g n a g e ( p u b l i c a r t w o r k s ) (Action 1.4) O LY M P I C LEI SU R E CEN T R E A V I P R o o m / St a n d C H e i d e l b e r g U n i t e d F o o t b a l l Cl u b D B a n y u l e Co m m u n i t y H e a l t h ( B a r b a r r b u n i n B e e k ) E Sp e c t a t o r M o u n d F R e s id e n tia l P r o p e r tie s B a c k in g O n to T h e P a r k OLYMPIC PARK MASTER PLAN Draf t Master Pl an M o v e m e n t a n d a c c e s s 1 R e p l a c e m e n t p l a y s p a c e a n d p i c n i c f a c i l i t i e s (Action 1.3) 1 2 N e w r e c r e a tio n z o n e c o m p r is in g o f b a s k e tb a ll/n e tb a ll/h it- u p w a ll a n d fitness station (Action 1.5) R e v i e w t h e d e s i g n o f t h e W o o d St r e e t r e p l a c e m e n t b r i d g e f o r D D A c o m p l i a n c e (Action 1.6) 2 N e w c o n s o lid a te d c a r p a r k w ith r e a lig n e d n o r th - s o u th a c c e s s r o a d w a y ,tr e e a n d u n d e r s to r e y p la n tin g to c a r p a r k to s o fte n its v is u a l i m p a c t , l e s s d o m i n a n t v e h i c l e e x c l u s i o n f e n c i n g a n d W SU D d e v i c e s (Action 1.19) 3 N e w p u b l i c t o i l e t s p a r t o f p a v i l i o n (Action 1.21 & 2.7) 4 U p g r a d e d D a r e b i n Cr e e k T r a i l t o a t l e a s t 3. 0m (Action 1.7) 3 5 Se c o n d a r y p a t h w a y s ( 2. 5 m W i d e ) (Action 1.8) 6 R e v i e w p a t h w a y g r a d e s t o e n s u r e D D A c o m p l i a n c e (Action 1.7) 7 R e v i e w r e l e v a n c e o f i n f o r m a l t r a c k s w i t h St a t u t o r y Au t h o r i t i e s G ra n d s ta n d B R e l o c a t e l i g h t p o l e s o n w e s t s i d e o f m a i n p i t c h (Action 2.2) Co m m u n i t y r e c r e a t i o n a n d p a r k s a f e t y SI T E F EAT U R ES E R e m o v a l o f s e n e s c e n t c y p r e s s e s a n d r e p la c e m e n t w ith in d ig e n o u s t r e e s (Action 1.13) CE ES B O Y D K I LLER T O N SO U T H ER N O LY M P I C AD U LT ED U CAT I O N R O AD ST R EET R So u t h o v a l w i t h 2 f u l l s i z e s o c c e r p i t c h e s ( 100x 6 0m ) a n d c r i c k e t ( 5 5 m r a d i u s ) . D e m o l i s h Ch a r l e s Sk e r r y p a v i l i o n . (Action 2.8 & 2.9) CR 6 E 6 F 5 8 15 1 P AR AD E B 5 3 14 N e w t i c k e t b o x (Action 2.5) ST R EET M O R O B E LAR I SSA E 4 3 Ad d i t i o n a l 3/ 4 s i z e s o c c e r t r a i n i n g p i t c h ( 8 0x 5 0m ) (Action 2.3) Ad d i t i o n a l r e v e g e t a t i o n a n d h a b i t a t i m p r o v e m e n t w o r k s a l o n g D a r e b i n Cr e e k (Action 1.15) 13 N e w s c o r e b o a r d o n t o p o f m o u n d (Action 2.5) ST R EET 5 A 15 4 6 7 b E R N 3 4 2 r a d i u s ) (Action 3.1) P R AD E 2 4 14 CAT ALI N A LI B ER T Y 8 4 1 C N N e w e l e c t r i c a l s u b s t a t i o n (Action 1.2) Maintain fire break to residential properties and screen with fire r e t a r d a n t s p e c i e s w h e r e p o s s i b l e (Action 1.13) 12 N o r t h o v a l w i t h 1 j u n i o r s o c c e r p i t c h ( 7 0x 45 m ) a n d s e n i o r c r i c k e t ( 5 0m R AM U R IN G 10 3 1 11 P a v e d p e d e s t r i a n p l a z a a n d s p e c t a t o r a r e a (Action 2.6) 10 D 4 ST R E ET N 9 R e f u r b i s h a n d e x p a n d s o c c e r f a c i l i t y (Action 1.1) O p e n s p a c e a n d e n v ir o n m e n t 10 U p g r a d e s p o r t l i g h t s t o t r a i n i n g l e v e l (Action 2.10) 10 11 N K I LA 1 N N 2 M U R R AY F 2 2 P L AC E 7 a N M u l t i p u r p o s e s p o r t s p a v i l i o n (Action 1.21 & 2.7) R O AD C P I SO U T H O V AL 2 10 B A R C E N M LY 6 2 N O R T H LAN D SH O P P I N G CEN T R E 10 O 6 10 D R IV E ST R EET 10 N G O O D EN CO U O U G H R T 3 E AD PA CI F IC 10 N 1 N F 1 ET R E 7 P AR 6 1 10 N 9 Y R T E LI B 6 12 Sports fields and Infrastructure ST 6 1 10 5 • I n t r o d u c e W a t e r Se n s i t i v e s U r b a n D e s i g n ( W SU D ) d e v i c e s w i t h i n O l y m p i c P a r k a n d s u r r o u n d i n g s t r e e t s (Action 2.12) ST R EE T 6 ST W E R T U ST R EET 6 1 N O R T H O V AL 4 P ER T H 6 CO W O O D N • Introduce wayfinding signage (Action 1.17) N A B U G R EEN B EL T 2 10 N O R CO M A U R B Y T 6 F N • P a r k l i g h t i n g a n d CCT V i n s e l e c t i v e a r e a s , i n c l u d i n g CP T ED d e s i g n p r i n c i p l e s t o a s s i s t w i t h s u r v e i l l a n c e a n d g e n e r a l p a r k s a f e t y . Es t a b l i s h p o l i c e p r e s e n c e a t t h e p a r k . (Action 1.11 & 1.12) 1 CR EEK B A O M T T O K A U R ST R EET • P r o v i d e s u i t e o f c o n s i s t e n t s t y l e p a r k f u r n i t u r e (Action 1.14) 5 4 CO H O LLY 9 2 D AR EB I N G e n e ra l F M I D W AY ST R EET 7 AV E N U E O AK R O AD 1 EAST P R EST O N I SLAM I C CO LLEG E ST R EET CR ESCE N T ELM That Olympic Park is a place of welcome, providing the community with leisure, recreational and sporting activities in a safe environment. 8 N e w 3/ 4 s i z e c o m m u n i t y p i t c h (Action 2.3) 9 Co n s t r u c t ‘ Sp i r i t u a l W a l k ’ (Action 1.9) N e w c a r p a r k b e h i n d g r a n d s t a n d w i t h W SU D d e v i c e s (Action 1.20 & 2.4) 4 Ad d i t i o n a l p e d e s t r i a n b r i d g e / l i n k t o N o r t h l a n d Sh o p p i n g Ce n t r e i n a c c o r d a n c e w ith th e N o r th la n d U r b a n R e n e w a l P r e c in c t M a s te r P la n (Action 1.6) 5 N e w p a r k e n t r a n c e . P r o p o s e d l e f t t u r n i n f r o m So u t h e r n R o a d a n d o u t o f c a r p a r k o n t o So u t h e r n R o a d (Action 1.20 & 2.4) 10 I n c r e a s e f o o t p r i n t o f B a r b a r r b u n i n B e e k (Action 1.10 & 3.3) 11 P r o v i d e a n a t u r e b a s e p l a y s p a c e o v e r l o o k i n g t h e c r e e k (Action 3.2) 0 20 50 SCALE 1:2000 @ A1 1:4000 @ A3 100m FOR: PRELIMINARY REV AMENDMENTS DRAWN: ACLA DATE: 3 0.06.16 PROJ ECT Nº : 1 533 DW G Nº : 1 533-MP1 A B C Draft Master Plan Council revision Council revision DATE BY 23.6.16 27.6.16 30.6.16 MS MS MS NORTH ST R EET VISION: 7 ALAM EI N T Y LER Sports fields and Infrastructure F u lly e n c lo s e d fe n c in g a r o u n d p itc h e s Sy n t h e t i c p i t c h f o r s o c c e r c l u b a n d c o m m u n i t y u s e Cr i c k e t p r a c t i c e n e t s Ad d i t i o n a l t r a i n i n g l i g h t s T r a il d is ta n c e m a r k e r s P ic n ic fa c ility Exercise/ fitness station B a s k e tb a ll/N e tb a ll c o u r ts w ith r e b o u n d w a lls U p g r a d e s h a r e d - u s e tr a il 1. 5 K m F i t n e s s Ci r c u i t Co m m u n i t y r e c r e a t i o n a n d p a r k s a f e t y R e p la c e m e n t o f p la y s p a c e 2 K m F i t n e s s Ci r c u i t M o v e m e n t a n d a c c e s s O p e n s p a c e a n d e n v ir o n m e n t Ad d i t i o n a l r e - v e g e t a t i o n a l o n g c r e e k c o r r i d o r En h a n c e c r e e k h a b i t a t Introduce map-based and directional way-finding s ig n a g e Ad d i t i o n a l p e d e s t r i a n b r i d g e s o v e r c r e e k N e w c o n s o lid a te d c a r p a r k w ith a s s o c ia te d p la n tin g a n d w a te r s e n s itiv e u r b a n d e s ig n tre a tm e n t s y s te m s Landscape Architecture & Design Suite 2, 751 Nicholson Street, North Carlton VIC 3054 T. 9381 4366 OLYMPIC PARK MASTER PLAN Precedent im ages FOR: PRELIMINARY REV AMENDMENTS DRAWN: ACLA DATE: 30.06.16 PROJ ECT Nº : 1 533 DW G Nº : 1 533-MP2 A B C Draft Master Plan Council revision Council revision DATE BY 23.06.16 MS 27.6.16 MS 30.6.16 MS NORTH 2. 5 K m F i t n e s s Ci r c u i t 3 Implementation plan 3.1 Staging The Olympic Park Master Plan has been developed to provide actions that are practical and realistic and considers the financial responsibilities and capacity of Council and other key stakeholders. It should be acknowledged that priorities can change and are based on funding availability. The presentation of new or unknown opportunities or changes in community demands can also alter priorities. A staged approach for the development and implementation of key Master Plan actions is recommended. This approach will provide Council with the opportunity to allocate funding across a number of financial years, in line with the proposed sequence of works, and investigate relevant external funding applications to support recommendations. Following formal recognition and adoption of the Final Master Plan, it is recommended that Council ensures the proposed stages of implementation match the available budget for development. Priority actions for Olympic Park are provided in the following tables, as well as being visually represented in the above Master Plan. Actions provided in the implementation plan are referenced back to the Master Plan and the design principles on page seven. Implementation and delivery of proposed facility components will be dependent on the level and timing of available funding, and Council’s capacity to fund works outside of annual operational budget. Proposed actions have been allocated a level of priority within each of the three stages of development, and are based on their relative impact on delivering the desired outcomes. Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 04│ The implementation plan outlines a staged approach for the delivery of recommended actions as follows - Stage 1 (0-5 years), Stage 2 (5-10 years) and Stage 3 (10+ years). Stage 1 (0-5 years) Important action that contributes significantly to the development and improvement of community infrastructure at Olympic Park and has realistic and immediate funding opportunities. Stage 2 (5-10 years) Action that contributes to meeting overall Master Plan objectives but will require additional planning, design and development to properly inform implementation. Stage 3 (10+ years) Action that contributes to the overall improvement of sport and community infrastructure at Olympic Park. These actions will also demand additional planning, design and development work, and require a collaborative approach from a range of stakeholders and funding providers to drive implementation. Ongoing Action that will require an ongoing commitment of Council and park stakeholders. To assist Council and stakeholders in the development of funding submissions, capital works planning and general budget development, each action has been supported with an ‘opinion of probable cost’. Opinion of probable costs are estimated calculations based on current market trends, similar project costings and professional experience. It should be noted that cost estimates exclude preliminaries, site establishment, builder’s margin and services provision costs, and are subject to further investigation and in some cases detailed design. 11 ACTION STRATEGIC PILLAR DESIGN PRINCIPLES COST ESTIMATE & (potential funding provider) 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5 $300,000 - amenities (SRV funding secured) $1m – social area (Council / Club / Federal Government) Stage 1: High (0-5 years) 1.1 │ Refurbish and expand the Kelly Pavilion incorporating unisex change rooms and amenities and an expanded social space. 1.2 │ Install a sub station at the main entrance to the park to provide sufficient electricity to power the lights on the soccer club training pitch and future upgrades to sports field lighting on the north and south ovals. 1.3 │Demolish and replace the existing community playground with a new playground and picnic area closer to the main entrance to the park (adjacent to the Babarrbunin Beek building). The design should consider the views of the local community and the sites Olympic heritage. 1.4 │Install new Gateway Signage (Public Art Work) along the Southern Road boundary to recognise the site’s Olympic heritage. 1.5 │ Develop a new recreational zone that meets the recreational needs of the local community including a half to three quarter size basketball / netball court, hit up wall, running loops, fitness circuits and exercise stations. Quality $500,000 Quality 2.2, 3.5 (Council / Clubs / Electricity Supplier) $80,000 Quantity 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (Council) Diversity and sustainability $5,000 1.4 (Council) $250,000 Quantity 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (Council) 12 ACTION 1.6 │Review the design of the Wood Street replacement bridge and compliance with principles of Universal Access and DDA. The design of the new bridge should provide better graded lead on paths which are not as steep. STRATEGIC PILLAR DESIGN PRINCIPLES $4,000 Accessibility and connection 4.1, 4.2 Quantity 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2 Consider a new bridge between Wood Street and Southern Road as recommended within the Northland Urban Renewal Precinct Master Plan. 1.7 │Upgrade the Darebin Creek Trail to a minimum 3.0m wide concrete surface which is durable and consistent with trails in Darebin and Whittlesea City Councils. COST ESTIMATE & (potential funding provider) (Banyule and Darebin Council / Northland Shopping Centre) $780,000 Review exiting pathway grades and alignments, and vehicle maintenance tracks to ensure DDA compliance is achieved where possible. Remove vehicle maintenance tracks as required. (Council) 1.8 │Upgrade the secondary pathway network to a 2.5 wide asphalt surface where improved connectivity from park entrances to recreational precincts and destination points can be achieved. Quantity 1.9 │ Plan and construct the ‘Spiritual Walk’ in conjunction with the upgrade of the Darebin Creek Trail, connecting Babarrbunin Beek. Extend the ‘Spiritual Walk’ further north to connect Dougharty Road and include appropriate educational signage. Quantity 1.10 │Review the current master plan for the Babarrbunin Beek building and conduct a feasibility study and concept plan for the development of a future Aboriginal Cultural Hub. Quantity $240,000 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2 (Council) $25,000 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 4.1, 4.2 (Council) $30,000 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1 (Council / State Government) 13 ACTION 1.11 │ Install surveillance cameras at appropriate locations across the park and develop stronger relationships with Vic Police to ensure more regular and increased police presence at the site is achieved. 1.12 │ Improve passive surveillance and park security by increasing lighting at appropriate locations. Any new lighting should achieve a balance between improving community safety and protecting the ecological values of Darebin Creek habitats. STRATEGIC PILLAR DESIGN PRINCIPLES Quantity 1.5.3, 1.5.6 COST ESTIMATE & (potential funding provider) $50,000 (Council / State Government) $250,000 Quantity 1.5.3, 1.5.6, 3.8, 3.9 (Council) 1.13 │ Removal of exotic / senescent trees and replace with native / indigenous trees along the Southern Road boundary fence. Install boundary planting to veil residential properties and fences along the eastern side of Olympic Park. Diversity and sustainability 1.14 │ Provide a suite of consistently styled park furniture in key open space nodes (seats, litter bins, drink fountains, picnic settings). Locate seats along pathways and visual vantage points to provide resting opportunities and views of the creek. Diversity and sustainability 1.15 │ Provide additional revegetation and habitat improvement works between Darebin Creek and Northland Shopping Centre in line with master plan recommendations. Diversity and sustainability 1.4, 2.4, 3.8 1.16 │ Plan and design appropriate treatments to harvest stormwater from Olympic Park main drain or other local drains for irrigation of north and south ovals. Harvesting rainwater from the grandstand roof for irrigation of the main soccer pitch, stored in underground tanks below the current training pitch is also recommended if possible. Diversity and sustainability 1.3, 1.4, 3.8, 3.9 $90,000 1.4, 2.4, 3.8 (Council / Friends of Darebin Creek) $90,000 1.1, 1.3, 2.1 (Council) $300,000 (Council / Friends of Darebin Creek) $80,000 (Council) 14 ACTION STRATEGIC PILLAR 1.17 │ Upgrade park entry points with Council approved wayfinding and directional signage to key destination points i.e. Northland Shopping Centre, schools, recreational facilities within the park, other nearby parks and reserves. Accessibility and connection DESIGN PRINCIPLES $130,000 1.3, 2.4, 4.1, 4.3 (Council) 1.18 │ Improve park safety and passive surveillance by pruning large shrubs at pedestrian entry points along Liberty Parade, and investigate appropriate vehicle exclusion fencing to limit motor cycle and unauthorised car entry. Quantity 1.19 │ Design and realign the existing north south access roadway and car parking to improve traffic flow and onsite car parking. Incorporate tree and understory planting to soften the visual impact of the car park and WSUD devices to mitigate pollutants flowing into the Darebin Creek. Accessibility and connection 1.4, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.3, 3.9 Accessibility and connection 1.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.9, 4.1, 4.3 Quality 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.5, 3.9 1.20 │ Undertake detailed design of the proposed roadway and car park behind the existing soccer grandstand, including the proposed entry / exit from Southern Road. Include tree and understory planting, WSUD devices, fence realignment and pedestrian access into the design process. COST ESTIMATE & (potential funding provider) $130,000 2.4, 4.1, 4.3 (Council) $620,000 (Council) $90,000 (Council) New mounding behind the soccer goals at the Southern Road end, new scoreboard location and ticket entry box should also be included in the design. 1.21 │ Undertake detailed design of a new multipurpose sports pavilion to be shared with cricket and soccer and available to other community groups. An accessible public toilet facility should be included in the design to service new and existing community infrastructure. $30,000 (Council / State Government) 15 ST AG E 1 W O R K S - H I G H ( 0- 5 Y EAR S) Action 1.1: R e fu r b is h a n d e x p a n d s o c c e r fa c ility . Action 1.2: N e w e le c tr ic a l s u b s ta tio n . Action 1.3: R e p la c e m e n t p la y s p a c e a n d p ic n ic fa c ilitie s . Action 1.4: In s ta ll g a te w a y s ig n a g e ( p u b lic a r tw o r k s ) . I n t r o d u c e w a t e r s e n s i t i v e s u r b a n d e s i g n ( W SU D ) d e v i c e s w i t h i n O l y m p i c P a r k a n d s u r r o u n d i n g s t r e e t s . Action 1.5: New recreation zone comprising of basketball/netball/hit-up wall and fitness station. Action 1.6: R e v i e w t h e d e s i g n o f t h e W o o d St r e e t r e p l a c e m e n t b r i d g e f o r D D A c o m p l i a n c e . Ad d i t i o n a l p e d e s t r i a n b r i d g e / l i n k t o N o r t h l a n d Sh o p p i n g Ce n t r e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e N o r t h l a n d U r b a n R e n e w a l P r e c in c t M a s te r P la n . Action 1.7: U p g r a d e d D a r e b i n Cr e e k T r a i l t o a t l e a s t 3. 0m . R e v ie w p a th w a y g r a d e s to e n s u r e D D Ac o m p lia n c e . Action 1.8: Se c o n d a r y p a t h w a y s ( 2. 5 m W i d e ) . Action 1.9: Co n s t r u c t ‘ Sp i r i t u a l W a l k ’ . Action 1.10: I n c r e a s e f o o t p r i n t o f B a r b a r r b u n i n B e e k . Action 1.11: CCT V i n s e l e c t i v e a r e a s , i n c l u d i n g CP T ED d e s i g n p r i n c i p l e s t o a s s i s t w i t h s u r v e i l l a n c e a n d g e n e r a l p a r k s a f e t y . Es t a b l i s h p o l i c e p r e s e n c e a t t h e p a r k . Action 1.12: I m p r o v e p a r k s e c u r i t y b y i n c r e a s i n g p a r k s a f e t y l i g h t s . Action 1.13: Maintain fire break to residential properties and screen with fire retardant species where possible. R e m o v a l o f s e n e s c e n t c y p r e s s e s a n d r e p la c e m e n t w ith in d ig e n o u s tr e e s . Action 1.14: P r o v i d e s u i t e o f c o n s i s t e n t s t y l e p a r k f u r n i t u r e . Action 1.15: Ad d i t i o n a l r e v e g e t a t i o n a n d h a b i t a t i m p r o v e m e n t w o r k s a l o n g D a r e b i n Cr e e k . Action 1.16: T r e a t a n d h a r v e s t s t o r m w a t e r f r o m t h e O l y m p i c P a r k M a i n D r a i n f o r i r r i g a t i o n o f n o r t h a n d s o u t h o v a l s . H a r v e s t w a te r fr o m g r a n d s ta n d r o o f fo r ir r ig a tio n o f m a in p itc h . Action 1.17: Introduce wayfinding signage. Action 1.18: I m p r o v e p a r k s a f e t y ( l a n d s c a p i n g , v e h i c l e / m o t o r c y c l e e x c l u s i o n f e n c i n g ) . Action 1.19: N e w c o n s o l i d a t e d c a r p a r k w i t h r e a l i g n e d n o r t h s o u t h a c c e s s r o a d w a y , t r e e a n d u n d e r s t o r e y p l a n t i n g t o c a r p a r k t o s o f t e n i t s v i s u a l i m p a c t , l e s s d o m i n a n t v e h i c l e e x c l u s i o n f e n c i n g a n d W SU D d e v i c e s . Landscape Architecture & Design Suite 2, 751 Nicholson Street, North Carlton VIC 3054 T. 9381 4366 OLYMPIC PARK MASTER PLAN STAG ING PLAN- STAG E 1 W ORKS 0 20 50 SCALE 1:2000 @ A1 1:4000 @ A3 100m FOR: PRELIMINARY REV AMENDMENTS DRAWN: ACLA DATE: 2 7.06.16 PROJ ECT Nº : 1 533 DW G Nº : 1 533-MP3 A B Draft Master Plan Council revision DATE BY 23.6.16 27.6.16 MS MS NORTH Action 1.20: N e w c a r p a r k b e h i n d g r a n d s t a n d w i t h W SU D d e v i c e s . ACTION STRATEGIC PILLAR DESIGN PRINCIPLES COST ESTIMATE & (potential funding provider) Stage 2: Medium (5-10 years) 2.1 │ Remove the red porous track around the perimeter of the existing main soccer pitch and relocate the pitch approximately 10m east closer to the permanent grandstand to improve spectator experience. Quality 2.2 │ Relocate the light poles on the west side of the main soccer pitch to ensure the highest performance and standard of lighting across the playing field. Quality 2.3 │Construct a new community synthetic training pitch (3/4 length) with floodlighting in the south precinct that meets the training needs of the soccer club and is available and accessible by the community outside club times. Quality 2.4 │ Construct the new roadway and car park behind the existing soccer grandstand including a new entry / exit from Southern Road and pedestrian access. Accessibility and connection 1.4, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.3 2.5 │Realign the boundary fence along Southern Road to create a more accessible and welcoming pedestrian entry. Simultaneously provide appropriate spectator mounds, new scoreboard and ticket box to support the operations of the soccer club. Quality, Accessibility and connection 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 $300,000 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 Council / Club) $80,000 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.9 (Council / Club) $750,000 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.9 Council / State Government) $390,000 (Council / Vic Roads) $300,00 (Council / Club) 17 ACTION STRATEGIC PILLAR DESIGN PRINCIPLES 2.6 │Provide a pedestrian plaza between the main soccer pavilion and pitch, including landscaping, spectator mounding, terracing and pavement. Quality 3.2, 4.1 2.7 │ Construct a new multipurpose sports pavilion between the north and south oval to be shared with cricket and soccer and available to other community groups. Quality 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.5, 3.9 2.8 │ Demolish the existing Charles Skerry Pavilion and reinstate the area in preparation for the expansion and upgrade of the south oval. Quality 1.1 2.9 │ Expand and upgrade the playing area of the south oval to allow for the development of two full size senior soccer pitches, whilst maintaining access for senior cricket. COST ESTIMATE & (potential funding provider) $270,000 (Council) $1.5m (Council / State Government) $50,000 (Council) Quality 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9 2.10 │ Renew and upgrade existing lighting infrastructure on the north and south ovals to meet minimum lighting levels for club training. Quality 1.2, 1.3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.8, 3.9 2.11 │Relocate and expand the existing cricket nets to a four lane facility and orientate in a north south direction as per Cricket Australia Community Cricket Facility Guidelines. Quality Review the need and demand for a multiuse synthetic surface on the south oval as part of any future review or update to the Olympic Park Master Plan. $650,000 (Council / Club / State Government) $150,000 (Council / State Government) 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.2, 3.3 $70,000 (Council) 18 ACTION STRATEGIC PILLAR DESIGN PRINCIPLES 2.12 │ Investigate Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) devices/systems within surrounding residential streets to improve water quality flowing into Darebin Creek. This includes raingardens and vegetated swales associated with streets and on site car parks. Diversity and sustainability 1.4, 2.4, 3.8, 3.9 COST ESTIMATE & (potential funding provider) $30,000 (Council / State Government) 19 ST AG E 2 W O R K S - M ED I U M ( 5 - 10 Y EAR S) Action 2.1: At h l e t i c t r a c k r e m o v e d M a in p itc h lo c a te d fu r th e r e a s t F u lly e n c lo s e d fe n c in g a r o u n d p itc h e s Action 2.2: R e lo c a te lig h t p o le s o n w e s t s id e o f m a in p itc h Ad d i t i o n a l s o c c e r t r a i n i n g p i t c h ( 8 0x 5 0m ) Action 2.3: N e w 3/ 4 s i z e c o m m u n i t y / t r a i n i n g p i t c h Action 2.4: N e w c a r p a r k b e h i n d g r a n d s t a n d w i t h W SU D d e v i c e s N e w p a r k e n t r a n c e . P r o p o s e d l e f t t u r n i n f r o m So u t h e r n R o a d a n d o u t o f c a r p a r k o n t o So u t h e r n R o a d . Action 2.5: R e l o c a t e t h e s o u t h e r n b o u n d a r y f e n c e a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 - 10m n o r t h t o i m p r o v e s t r e e t f r o n t a g e a n d l a n d s c a p e a m e n i t y a l o n g So u t h e r n R o a d . R e a l i g n p a t h a l o n g So u t h e r n R o a d i n t o t h e p a r k N e w h ig h fe n c e to s o c c e r fa c ility a lo n g to e o f th e g r a n d s ta n d e m b a n k m e n t N e w s c o re b o a rd o n to p o f m o u n d N e w tic k e t b o x Action 2.6: P a v e d p e d e s tr ia n p la z a a n d s p e c ta to r a r e a Action 2.7: M u ltip u r p o s e s p o r ts p a v ilio n N e w p u b lic to ile ts p a r t o f p a v ilio n Action 2.8: D e m o l i s h Ch a r l e s Sk e r r y p a v i l i o n . Action 2.9: So u t h o v a l w i t h 2 f u l l s i z e s o c c e r p i t c h e s ( 100x 6 0m ) a n d c r i c k e t ( 5 5 m r a d i u s ) . F u lly e n c lo s e d fe n c in g a r o u n d p itc h e s Action 2.10: U p g r a d e s p o r t l i g h t s t o t r a i n i n g l e v e l Action 2.11: R e lo c a te d a n d e x p a n d e d c r ic k e t n e ts Landscape Architecture & Design Suite 2, 751 Nicholson Street, North Carlton VIC 3054 T. 9381 4366 OLYMPIC PARK MASTER PLAN STAG ING PLAN- STAG E 2 W ORKS 0 20 50 SCALE 1:2000 @ A1 1:4000 @ A3 100m FOR: PRELIMINARY REV AMENDMENTS DRAWN: ACLA DATE: 2 7.06.16 PROJ ECT Nº : 1 533 DW G Nº : 1 533-MP4 A B Draft Master Plan Council revision DATE BY 23.6.16 27.6.16 MS MS NORTH Action 2.12: I n t r o d u c e W a t e r Se n s i t i v e s U r b a n D e s i g n ( W SU D ) d e v i c e s w i t h i n O l y m p i c P a r k a n d s u r r o u n d i n g s t r e e t s ACTION STRATEGIC PILLAR DESIGN PRINCIPLES 3.1 │ Expand and upgrade the playing area of the north oval to the highest possible standard for community cricket, whilst also providing appropriate provision for junior soccer matches and training. Quality 1.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 Quantity 2.1, 2.3 COST ESTIMATE & (potential funding provider) Stage 3: Low (10+ years) $350,000 (Council) Refer to current facility design guidelines for cricket and soccer developed by Cricket Australia and Football Federation Victoria. 3.2 │ Provide a natural play space within the designated recreation zone overlooking the Darebin Creek, inclusive of physical challenges and nature based play activities. 3.3 │Develop the new Babarrbunin Beek building as an Aboriginal Cultural Hub based on the outcomes of feasibility study and concept plans undertaken in Stage 1. (Council / State Government) $650,000 Quantity 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1 (Council / State Government) The space would ideally include a classroom, dance space, art room, kitchen, garden area and elders space and links to spiritual walk. 3.4 │Investigate opportunities with the State Government (Department of Human Services) to incrementally acquire properties on the west side of Liberty Parade to improve views and access from residential communities to the east. $80,000 Diversity and sustainability 2.4 N/A (Council / State Government) 21 ST AG E 3 W O R K S - LO W Action 3.1: ( 10+ Y EAR S) N o r t h o v a l w i t h 1 j u n i o r s o c c e r p i t c h ( 7 0x 45 m ) a n d s e n i o r c r i c k e t ( 5 0m r a d i u s ) Landscape Architecture & Design Suite 2, 751 Nicholson Street, North Carlton VIC 3054 T. 9381 4366 OLYMPIC PARK MASTER PLAN STAG ING PLAN- STAG E 3 W ORKS 0 20 50 SCALE 1:2000 @ A1 1:4000 @ A3 Action 3.2: P r o v id e a n a tu r e b a s e p la y s p a c e o v e r lo o k in g th e c r e e k Action 3.3: In c r e a s e fo o t p r in t o f B a r b a r r b u n in B e e k 100m FOR: PRELIMINARY REV AMENDMENTS DRAWN: ACLA DATE: 2 7.06.16 PROJ ECT Nº : 1 533 DW G Nº : 1 533-MP5 A B Draft Master Plan Council revision DATE BY 23.6.16 27.6.16 MS MS NORTH F u lly e n c lo s e d fe n c in g a r o u n d p itc h e s 3.2 Cost Summary ACTION PRIORITY LEVEL TOTAL ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUIRED STAGE 1 (0-5 YEARS) Important action that contributes significantly to improving the usage and / or the functionality of Olympic Park. $5,074m STAGE 2 (5-10 YEARS) Action that contributes to meeting overall Master Plan objectives $4,540m STAGE 3 (10+ YEARS) Action that contributes to overall improvement activities. $1,080m ESTIMATED TOTAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Olympic Park | Masterplan │June 2016 $10,694,000 23