PROYECTO INTA ROYA DE LA SOJA 520306 Coordinador: Antonio
PROYECTO INTA ROYA DE LA SOJA 520306 Coordinador: Antonio
Soybean rust management using fungicides in central area of Santa Fe Province (Argentina) in crop season 2004/2005. Antonio Ivancovich INTA –National Institute of Agricultural Technology Pergamino - Province of Buenos Aires -Argentina Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimentación Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria Soybean in Argentina Argentina 2003 / 2004 Argentina 2004 / 2005 14.3 Millions of Hectares Millions of Hectares 35.3 Millions of Acres Millions of Acres Average Yield Average Yield 2200 Kg/Hectare Kg/Hectare 32.7 Bushels/Acre Bushels/Acre Production 32.0 Millions of Tn Production Millions of Tn Soybean Production in Argentina (tn) • • • • • • • • • • 1965/70 1975/79 1995/96 1997/98 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 21.860 1.756.000 12.600.000 18.800.000 20.600.000 24.000.000 30.000.000 36.000.000 32.000.000 3?.000.000 Soybean Yield Average 1970 1624 Kg/Hectare 24.1 Bushel/Acre Average 2003 2.200 Kg/Hectare 32.7 Bushel/Acre Average 2004 Kg/Hectare Bushel/Acre 91% of the soybean production of Argentina is concentrated in the so called Pampa Húmeda (Humid Pampa) 5% Northwest Región RegiónPampeana Pampeana NOA NOA NEA NEA 4 %Northeast World yield losses due to soybean diseases 10-15% Argentina: 8 – 10 % = 3.000.000 Tn.= …$? Soybean Diseases in Argentina Sclerotinia Stem Rot Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Sudden Death Syndrome Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines Stem Canker Phomopsis phaseoli var. meridionalis Soybean Diseases in Argentina Brown Stem Rot Phialophora gregata Phytophthora Rot Phytophthora sojae Charcoal Rot Macrophomina phaseolina Sclerotium Blight Sclerotium rolfsii Anthracnose Colletotrichum truncatum Rhizoctonia Blight Rhizoctonia solani Late-Season Soybean Diseases Brown Spot Septoria glycines Cercospora Blight and Cercospora kikuchii Leaf Spot Frogeye Leaf Spot Cercospora sojina SOYBEAN RUST IN ARGENTINA NATIONAL PROJECT OF SOYBEAN RUST INTA ARGENTINA (National Institute for Agricultural Technology) PARTICIPANTS Plant Pathologists Provinces • Buenos Aires - Córdoba • Entre Ríos - Corrientes • Chaco – La Pampa Collaborators • INTA Provinces • Misiones - Chaco • Corrientes - Formosa • Santa Fe – Córdoba • Entre Ríos – Buenos Aires • Salta - Tucumán Collaborators INTA • • • • • Provinces Salta Tucumán Entre Ríos Santa Fe Córdoba Objectives of the Project • 1- To survey soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi (Asian form) and Phakopsora meibomiae (American form), in Argentina. • 2- To review available information on rust around the world and in Argentina. Objectives of the Project • 3- To develop tolerant and resistant cultivars. • 4- To develop a soybean rust management system to reduce the disease incidence. 1- Surveys for soybean rust detection Objective: Detection of soybean rust A – On soybean crops -Farmer plots -Field trials and National Network of Soybean Cultivar Evaluation. B- On alternative hosts of Soybean Rust. RESULTS A- Soybean Rust detection in Argentina 2003: Only in two fields in the northeast region. 2004: In most of the soybean producing provinces. 2005: In all of the soybean producing provinces. RESULTS Molecular studies (PCR) carried out by Eduardo Guillin from INTA allowed the identification of (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in all the soybean samples. RESULTS b- On Alternative Hosts 2003, 2004 and 2005: Soybean rust was detected on Kudzu only in the province of Misiones. 2005: Soybean rust was detected on volunteer soybean plants collected in the main soybean region of Argentina, during and after the winter. 2- Information on Soybean Rust Objectives - To share the information available on soybean rust and its management strategies. - To train researchers and extensionists in the field and laboratory diagnose of soybean rust. RESULTS 2- Information on Soybean Rust - Workshops were carried out around the soybean production area of Argentina. - Public and private researchers and extensionists were trained in field and laboratory diagnose of soybean rust. 3- Genetic Breeding Objective -To develop tolerant and resistant cultivars. Activities - Tolerant cultivars were identified under natural infection conditions on the field. 4- Cultural Management Objective -To develop a soybean rust management system to reduce the disease incidence. Activities -Fungicide field trials. Published in: -Cultural management trials (planting date, type of cultivars, et.) Symptoms on soybean leaf Symptoms on soybean leaf Symptoms on soybean leaf Symptoms on Kudzu Symptoms on Kudzu Cajanus - Cajanus cajan (with rust)) Cajanus - Cajanus cajan (without rust)) Kudzu - Pueraria lobata with rust) Kudzu - Pueraria lobata without rust Mucuna - Styzolobium niveum (with rust) Mucuna – Styzolobium niveum (without rust) Ppa1,2 Primer Pair Ppm1,2 Primer Pair Ppa1,2 and Pme1,2 are specific markers for P. pachyrhizi and P. meibomiae, respectively. All the samples showed bands similar to the primers Ppa1,2. These results indicate the presence of Asian rust in the soybean and the alternative host samples from the provinces of Misiones and Corrientes. Specific determination of Phakopsora spp. In the Northeast region of Argentina 1 and 2: Soybean (RECSO-INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones) 3: Cajanus (Cajanus cajanus) (INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones) 4: Mucuna (Styzolobium niveum ) (INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones) 5- Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) (INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones) 6: Soybean (Gobernador Virasoro, Corrientes) 7: Phakposora pachyrhizi (lab. Dr. Frederick); 8: P. meibomiae (lab. Dr. Frederick); 9: Blank (no DNA). Urediniosore of Phakopsora pachyrhizi Urediniospores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones – Breeding for soybean rust INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones –Recso (Trial Net) INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones –Recso (Trial Net) INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones –Recso (Trial Net) INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones –Recso (Trial Net) INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones –Recso (Trial Net) Symptoms of Downy Mildew on soybean INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones –Recso (Trial Net) INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones –Recso (Trial Net) INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones –Recso (Trial Net) Urediniosores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi Urediniosores of Phakopsora pachyrhizi INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones – Rust on Kudzu INTA Cerro Azul, Misiones – Rust on Kudzu Roya de la Soja Roya de la Soja Severidad 80% Síntomas de roya en Kudzu Roya de la Soja (vista de pústulas bajo lupa de mesa) Pústula Pústula Pústula Roya de la Soja Urediniosporas Roya de la Soja Urediniosporas Roya de la Soja Urediniosporas Situación de la roya de la soja en la Argentina durante el ciclo 2004-2005 Province of Corrientes Soybean Rust in Argentina - 2003 Province of Misiones Soybean Rust in Argentina - 2004 Source: SINAVIMO Distribución roya de la soja Soybean Rust in Argentina - 2005 Acumulado a Abril de 2005 Source: Sinavimo -Low severity of SR in the main soybean region of Argentina was favored by early planting and the use of varieties of group III and IV. Both situations allowed the escape of the soybean to the favorable weather conditions for SR. Distribución de–la soja 2004 Soybean Rust inroya Argentina December Acumulado a Diciembre de 2004 Source: Sinavimo Distribución roya de la soja Soybean Rust in Argentina – January 2005 Acumulado a Enero de 2005 Source: Sinavimo Soybean Rust in Argentina – February 2005 Source: Sinavimo Distribución roya de la soja Soybean Rust in Argentina – March Acumulado a Marzo de2005 2005 Source: Sinavimo Distribución roya de la soja Soybean Rust in Argentina April2005 2005 Acumulado a Abril–de Source: Sinavimo Phenological stages of soybean at the time of SR detection (in percentage) R7 11% R8 1% R4 10% Otros 81% R3 7% R1/R2 1% Source: Sinavimo R5 31% R6 39% cantidad denuncias recibidas Number of SR detections Date of SR detection Argentina – 2004/2005 Distribución de lasindenuncias de roya de la soja 273 196 8 4 diciembre enero December January 2004 Source: Sinavimo 2005 9 8 febrero February marzo March meses abril April mayo May SR detection during December 2004 – May 2005 Province December March April May TOTAL Buenos Aires 10 35 1 46 Córdoba 13 52 1 66 Corrientes 6 Chaco January February 2 7 4 2 1 1 1 24 124 10 Entre Ríos Formosa 21 2 29 134 4 4 Jujuy 2 2 La Pampa 3 3 Misiones 1 1 Salta Santa Fe 1 1 11 26 37 109 30 141 Santiago del Estero Tucumán Souvce: Sinavimo 5 1 7 1 6 8 • During the 2004-2005 soybean season SR was detected in all the soybean regions of Argentina, but in the south area of province of Buenos Aires. • Since usually the causal agent of SR can not overwinter in most part of the main soybean region of Argentina the actual source of inoculum for the country is southern Brazil and Paraguay. • The incidence and severity of SR in Argentina will depend on the favorable weather conditions for the disease in both, Argentina and southern Brazil. • During 2003-2004 the weather conditons were favorable for SR in Brazil and Paraguay but were unfavorable in Argentina. • During 2004-2005 the weather conditons were favorable for SR in Argentina but unfavorable in Brazil and Paraguay. • • • La aplicación de fungicidas foliares apenas se detecten los primeros síntomas se constituye en una herramienta factible de ser utilizada para minimizar los daños causados por la roya. Si las condiciones favorables para la enfermedad persisten durante un tiempo prolongado pueden ser necesarias varias aplicaciones. Diversos fungicidas han sido mencionados como efectivos. Entre estos se encuentran los triazoles, de acción curativa, como cyproconazole, difenoconazole, epoxiconazole, tebuconazole, etc., las estrobilurinas, de acción preventiva, como azoxistrobina, pyraclostrobin, y trifloxystrobin, y las mezclas de estrobilurinas con triazoles. Aplicaciones preventivas cuando se detecta la enfermedad en lotes cercanos Ventajas: Mayor disponibilidad de equipos de aplicación de fungicidas. Si el cultivo está en estadío R3 avanzado o en R4, puede evitarse una segunda aplicación, si el cultivar es de grupo III o IV corto. Aplicaciones preventivas cuando se detecta la enfermedad en el lote en consideración Ventajas: Si el cultivo está en estadío R3 avanzado o en R4, puede evitarse una segunda aplicación, si el cultivar es de grupo III o IV corto. Desventajas: Si la detección no es temprana y los síntomas son avanzados pierde eficiencia la aplicación del fungicida. Manejo integrado de la roya de la soja en la Argentina • • • • • • • -Monitoreo intensivo de la enfermedad durante el período reproductivo del cultivo de soja. -Diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad. -Uso de variedades de buen comportamiento frente la enfermedad. -Uso racional de fungicidas preventivos y/o curativos. -Eliminación de hospedantes alternativos y plantas guachas de soja. -Siembras tempranas y/o de grupos cortos que permitan el escape del cultivo a las condiciones ambientales favorables para la enfermedad. -DIVERSIFICACION: Fechas de siembra, tipo de cultivar (grupos). THANK YOU VERY MUCH [email protected] Diagnóstico rápido de roya de la soja Método de las “tiritas” (Opción 1) Se coloca la hoja a analizar en una bolsita especial y se le agrega una solución buffer Se macera el tejido con un palillo de madera Se vierte el líquido obtenido en un microtubo (Eppendorf) Diagnóstico rápido de roya de la soja Método de las “tiritas” (Opción 2) Se extrae un disco del tejido foliar a analizar con la tapita del microtubo (Eppendorf) y se coloca dentro del mismo. Se agrega la solución buffer y se macera el tejido con un palillo de madera. Finalmente se coloca la tirita en el microtubo. (A) B A los 20 minutos se hace la lectura, donde la línea roja superior (A) (control) indica que el método funciona y la línea roja inferior (B) indica que la reacción es positiva para roya de la soja. Resultado: Muestras 4 y 6 positivas y muestra 1 negativa. Fungicide evaluation for soybean rust control in Argentina. Antonio Ivancovich (1), Eduardo Zini (2), Grisela Botta (1) and Miguel Mendez (2) (1) INTA Pergamino, Argentina (2) INTA El Sombrerito–Corrientes, Argentina. Results published in: OBJECTIVE Evaluation of fungicides to control soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, under field conditions in Argentina. MATERIALS AND METHODS Location of the field trial: Colonia Liebig, province of Corrientes, Argentina. GPS S27° 50' 56,2'‘ W: 55° 53' 11,4'' Randomized block design with three replications. Plots were 4 rows, 20 meters long. MATERIALS AND METHODS Dates of fungicide application: March 18 (R3) and April 25 (R6). Tejeet 8002. Double flat fan nozzles. 180 lts of water/hectare. 45 pounds (psi). -Evaluation of disease severity: Percentage of leaves with symptoms at R3, R6 and R7 growth stage (Fehr`s scale) (0 – 100%). Fungicides to control soybean rust – Corrientes - Argentina Treatments Brand name/Company Dose cc/ha Growth stage (*) Tryfloxistrobin + Cyproconazole Sphere/ Bayer 300 R3 Tryfloxistrobin + Cyproconazole Sphere/ Bayer 300 R3+R6 Myclobutanil Rally/Dow 500 R3 Myclobutanil Rally/Dow 500 R 3 + R6 Fenbuconazole Indar/Dow 500 R3 Pyraclostrobin +Epoxiconazole Opera/Basf 500 R3 Pyraclostrobin +Epoxiconazole Opera/Basf 500 R 3 + R6 Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole + +Epoxiconazole Carbendazim Opera/Basf + Duett/Basf 500 + 300 R3 Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole + +Epoxiconazole Carbendazim Opera/Basf + Duett/Basf 500 + 300 R 3 + R6 NS126 + MKH 913 Summit Agro 565 + 375 R3 NS126 + MKH 913 Summit Agro 565 + 375 R 3 + R6 NS126 + MKH 913 Summit Agro 750 + 500 R3 NS126 + MKH 913 Summit Agro 750 + 500 R 3 + R6 *Fehr Scale Fungicides to control soybean rust – Corrientes - Argentina Treatments Brand name/Company Dose cc/ha Growth stage (*) A -1677 SC Crompton Dosis 1 R3 A -1677 SC Crompton Dosis 1 R 3 +R6 A -1677 SC Crompton Dosis 2 R3 Azoxystrobin + Cyproconazole Amistar Extra + Nimbus/ Syngenta 300 + 1000 R3 Azoxystrobin + Cyproconazole Amistar Extra + Nimbus/ Syngenta 300 + 1000 R3 + R6 Tebuconazole Genbra 290 R3 Difenoconazole Genbra 300 R3 Hexaconazole Genbra 400 R3 Tebuconazole + Carbendazim Genbra 290 + 500 R3 Difenoconazole + Carbendazim Genbra 300 + 500 R3 Hexaconazole + Carbendazim Genbra 400 + 500 R3 *Fehr Scale Fungicides to control soybean rust – Corrientes - Argentina Treatments Brand name/Company Dose cc/ha Growth stage (*) Tetraconazole Domark 10/ Sipcam 400 R3 Tetraconazole Domark 10/ Sipcam 600 R3 Tetraconazole Domark 10/ Sipcam 800 R3 Triadimefon Xenor/CAS 350 R3 Triadimefon Xenor/CAS 350 R3 + R6 Triadimefon + Coady. Xenor/CAS + Coady. 350 + 250 R3 Triadimefon + Carbendazim Xenor + Barrier/ CAS 350 + 1000 R3 Triadimefon + Carbendazim +Coady. Xenor + Barrier +Coady./ CAS 350+1000 + 250 R3 Xenor/CAS 500 R3 ------- ----- ----- Triadimefon CHECK *Fehr Scale RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fungicides to control soybean rust – Corrientes – Argentina - 2004 Treatments Dose cc/ha Growth stage (*) Tryfloxistrobin + Cyproconazole 300 R3 10 17 Tryfloxistrobin + Cyproconazole 300 R3+R6 10 8 Myclobutanil 500 R3 12 30 Myclobutanil 500 R 3 + R6 12 17 Fenbuconazole 500 R3 12 ND Pyraclostrobin +Epoxiconazole 500 R3 7 10 Pyraclostrobin +Epoxiconazole 500 R 3 + R6 7 5 Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole + +Epoxiconazole Carbendazim 500 + 300 R3 7 10 Pyraclostrobin + Epoxiconazole + +Epoxiconazole Carbendazim 500 + 300 R 3 + R6 7 5 CHECK ----- ----- 41 65 (*) Fehr Scale (**) Percentage of leaf area with symptoms of rust ND: No data Rust severity (**) 4-21 R6 Rust severity (**) 5-4 R7 Fungicides to control soybean rust – Corrientes – Argentina - 2004 Treatments Dosis cc/ha Growth stage (*) Rust severity (**) 4-21 R6 Rust severity (**) 5-4 R7 NS126 + MKH 913 565 + 375 R3 6 10 NS126 + MKH 913 565 + 375 R 3 + R6 6 5 NS126 + MKH 913 750 + 500 R3 8 10 NS126 + MKH 913 750 + 500 R 3 + R6 8 5 A -1677 SC Dosis 1 R3 18 20 A -1677 SC Dosis 1 R 3 +R6 18 17 A -1677 SC Dosis 2 R3 11 ND Azoxystrobin + Cyproconazole 300 + 1000 R3 9 10 Azoxystrobin + Cyproconazole 300 + 1000 R3 + R6 9 5 ----- ----- 41 65 CHECK (*) Fehr Scale (**) Percentage of leaf area with symptoms of rust ND: No data Fungicides to control soybean rust – Corrientes – Argentina - 2004 Treatments Dosis cc/ha Growth stage (*) Tebuconazole 290 R3 12 ND Difenoconazole 300 R3 10 ND Hexaconazole 400 R3 13 ND 290 + 500 R3 7 ND 300 + 500 R3 8 ND 400 + 500 R3 9 ND Tetraconazole 400 R3 12 ND Tetraconazole 600 R3 8 ND Tetraconazole 800 R3 8 ND CHECK ----- ----- 41 65 Tebuconazole + Carbendazim Difenoconazole + Carbendazim Hexaconazole + Carbendazim (*) Fehr Scale (**) Percentage of leaf area with symptoms of rust ND: No data Rust severity (**) 4-21 R6 Rust severity (**) 5-4 R7 Fungicides to control soybean rust – Corrientes – Argentina - 2004 Treatments Dosis cc/ha Growth stage (*) Rust severity (**) 4-21 R6 Triadimefon 350 R3 15 30 Triadimefon 350 R3 + R6 15 10 Triadimefon + Coadyuvante 350 + 250 R3 16 ND Triadimefon + Carbendazim 350 + 1000 R3 18 ND Triadimefon + Carbendazim + Coadyuvante 350 + 1000 + 250 R3 9 ND Triadimefon 500 R3 16 ND CHECK ----- ----- 41 65 (*) Fehr Scale (**) Percentage of leaf area with symptoms of rust ND: No data Rust severity (**) 5-4 R7 CONCLUSIONS The tested fungicides were efficient to control soybean rust. The disease severity was reduced more than 80% in relation to the check plots. Double treatments kept rust severity at low levels until R7 growth stage. Some of the treatments had very good residual effect. These results show the efficient control of soybean rust through the use of fungicide. Considerations for an efficient use of fungicide to control soybean rust in Argentina Alternative 1 Preventative application at R3 growth stage. Advantages: Availability of fungicide and equipments to apply the fungicide. Disadvantages: If farmers do not have enough fungicide for a second application they may not have it when they really need it. Alternative 2 Preventative application when the disease is detected nearby. Advantages: Availability of fungicide and equipment to apply the fungicide. If the disease appears when soybeans are in R3 or R4 growth stage a second application could be avoided (with cultivars of groups III and IV). Alternative 3 Application of fungicide when the disease is detected in the field under consideration Advantages: If the disease appears when soybeans are in R3 or R4 growth stage a second application could be avoided (with cultivars of group III and IV). Disadvantages: If the detection is not early enough fungicide application it is not efficient. Final considerations Integrated management is the most efficient tool to control soybean rust. -Use of resistant varieties when they be available. -Use of fungicide. -DIVERSIFICATION: Different planting dates, and different group of cultivars. Field fungicide trial to control soybean rust Col. Liebig – Corrientes (2004) Field fungicide trial to control soybean rust Col. Liebig – Corrientes (2004) Field fungicide trial to control soybean rust Col. Liebig – Corrientes (2004) Rust Severity - Check 65% Soybean Rust in Reconquista (Province of Santa Fe, Argentina) Treated with fungicide Non Treated Treated with fungicide