2. - Alameda County Water District
2. - Alameda County Water District
ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 43885 So. Grimmer Boulevard Fremont, CA 94538 BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 8, 2015 Immediately following the ACWDFA Board of Directors Meeting (which starts at 6:00P.M.) ACCESSIBLE PUBLIC MEETINGS: Upon request, ACWD will p rovide wrilten agenda m aterials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings. Please send a written request at least 72 hours before the meeting to the District Secretary, ACWD, 43885 S. Grimmer Blvd. , Fremont, CA 94538, or to gina.markou(CiJ,acwd.com stating your name, mailing address, phone number, and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative ormat or auxiliary aid or service. 1. ROLL CALL 2. SALUTE TO THE FLAG 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Memb ers of the public may address the Board on any issues not listed on the agenda which are within the purview of the Alameda Co unty Water District. Members of the public who wish to address the Board on a scheduled agenda item should approach the speaker 's podium at the time the item is introduced. •!• PRESENTATIONS: 1) Proposed 2015 Bond Issuance 2) 2015 Commodity Rates, Service Charges, and Surcharges 4. Drought CONSENT CALENDAR 4.1 Approval of Minutes - Special Meetings of September 25 , November 6, December 8, and Regular Meeting ofDecember 11 ,2014 4.2 Ratification of Payment of Audited Demands dated December 5, December 12, December 19, and December 29, 2014 4.3 Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of Public Water System AG E NDA January 8, 2015 PAGE 1 Extension Agreement with City of Fremont, Capitol Avenue Extension PWC 8520, ACWD #2013-0076 4.4 5. Resolution Authorizing the Deposit and Withdrawal of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund ACTION CALENDAR Items recommended for action on the Consent Calendar are noted with an asterisk 6. * 5. 1* Resolution Honoring Rory Fukuda upon his Retirement from District Service 5.2* Authorization of Professional Services Agreement Amendment for Engineering Services for the Mission San Jose Water Treatment Plant Access Road Erosion Mitigation Project 5.3* Authorization of Change Order No. 3 for the Stevenson Pond/Lago Los Osos Diversion Repair Project 5.4* Authorization of a Purchase Order Amendment for the ACWD Aqueduct to be Mailed to All District Addresses 5.5* Authorization of Purchase Order Amendment for Security Guard Services 5.6* Resolution Authorizing the Dissolution of the Alameda County Water District Public Facilities Financing Corporation 5. 7* Authorization of Change Order No. 3 and Time Extension for the Large Diameter Hayward Fault Seismic Retrofit Project 5.8 Authorization of Expedited Slope Repairs at the Avalon Tank Site REPORTS The reports provided to the Board under Section 6.1 will not be routinely reviewed at the Board meeting, unless a request to do so is made by a member of the Board or a member of the public. 6. 1 6.2 AGENDA BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1.1 Operations & Water Quality Meeting ofDecember 15,2014 6.1.2 Administrative & Finance Meeting ofDecember 16, 2014 6.1.3 Engineering & Capital Projects Meeting ofDecember 18, 2014 OPERATIONAL REPORTS 6.2.1 Rainfall Report 6.2.2 Water Production Report 6.2.3 Quarterly Groundwater Recharge Report 6.2.4 Investment Report 6.2.5 Distribution System Monthly Hardness Report January 8, 2015 PAGE2 6.3 STAFF PRESENTATIONS - None 6.4 GENERAL MANAGER' S REPORTS 7. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS AND/OR AGENDA ITEM REQUEST 8. CLOSED SESSION 8.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation • Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(l) Name of Case: Stanley P. McBride and Marilyn J. Wright, on Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated v. Alameda County Water District, Civil Action No . 14-cv-02789 EDL 9. ADJOURNMENT THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEES WILL MEET PRIOR TO THE NEXT REG ULAR BOARD MEETING COMMITTEES BOARD MEMBERS TIME AND PLACE Operations & Water Quality Directors Gunther (C hair) and Huan g January 7, 4: 15 P.M. - Ad min istrati on Confe rence Room Enginee rin g & Inform ati on Te chn ology Directors Koll er (C hair) and Seth y January 15,4: 15 P.M. - Adm ini stration Confere nce Room Fin ance & O utreach Directors Seth y (Chair) and Weed January 20, 3:00P.M. - A dministrati on Conference R oom Lega l & Legislati ve Directors Huan g (Cha ir) and Koller January 21, 3:00 P M - Adm ini stration Confe rence Room Water Resources & Conservation Directors Weed (Chair) and Gunther January 28,4: 15 P.M. - Ad mi nistratio n Conference Room Commlltee meetrn gs are open to the publr c. No Board act ron wrll be taken. AGENDA January 8, 2015 PAGE3 ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT MEMORANDUM D ATE: December 31, 2014 To: Board of Director~~ FROM: Robert Shaver SUBJ ECT : Consent Calendar Items for Board Meeting of January 8, 2015 ~~ Attached for your information are items that will appear under the Consent Calendar. 4.1 Approval of Minutes - Special Meetings of September 25 , November 6, December 8, and Regular Meeting of December 11 , 2014 4.2 Ratification of Payment of Audited Demands dated December 5, December 12, December 19, and December 29 , 2014 4.3 Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of Public Water System Extension Agreement with City of Fremont, Capitol A venue Extension PWC 8520, ACWD #2013-0076. The City of Fremont (City) project will construct an extension of Capitol A venue between State Street and Fremont Boulevard. Approximately 1,450 feet of potable water main will be installed along with other utilities and improvements to serve the project. The Public Water System Extension Agreement ("Extension Agreement") for this project is generally of the District' s standard form except that "Buy America" provisions were added to meet the requirements of the City ' s federal grant funding for the project and specified that the steel and iron materials used in the District's construction work in support of the project were domestically sourced. The Extension Agreement also includes revisions to standard easement and indemnity provisions specific to the needs of the project. Modifications to the Extension Agreement were made in consultation with the District's legal counsel. The Extension Agreement contains no reimbursements. The Capitol A venue Extension project and the provisions of the Extension Agreement were reviewed with the Engineering and Capital Projects Committee on November 21 , 2013 , and September 18, 2014. 4.4 Resolution Authorizing the Deposit and Withdrawal of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund The State of California Local Agency Investment Fund is an investment option for public funds which meets the required investment criteria of safety, liquidity and yield. Board of Directors Page 2 of2 December 31 , 2014 The Board of Directors, in 1982, authorized the investment of District funds in the Local Agency Investment Fund. In October 2010, the Board adopted Resolution No. 10-052 providing an updated list of individuals authorized to conduct business transactions on behalf of the District. As a result of staffing changes within the Finance Department, the State Treasurer' s Office has requested that a new resolution be adopted which includes the names and titles of current staff members authorized to deposit and withdraw funds in the Local Agency Investment Fund. The attached resolution identifies Robert T. Shaver, General Manager, Shelley Burgett, Manager of Finance, Michael Yee, Budget and Financial Analysis Manager, Linh Lam, Accounting and Treasury Manager, and Julia Liang, Accounting Supervisor 2 as those authorized individuals. It is recommended that the Board by motion adopt a resolution authorizing the deposit and withdrawal of monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund. It is also recommended that Action Calendar Items 5.1 through 5. 7 be added to the Consent Calendar. ghm Attachments cc: Executive Staff Approved ~ September 25, 20 14 Union City, California The special joint meeting of the Board of Directors of ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT and UNION SANITARY DISTRICT was held on September 25 , 2014, at the hour of 6:00 P.M. in the Director's Room of the Union Sanitary District Office Building, 5072 Benson Road, Union City, California. Present: Alameda County Water District Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy Union Sanitary District Directors Handley, Kite, Lathi , Toy and Fernandez Staff members present from Alameda County Water District: General Manager Walt Wadlow, Assistant General Manager- Engineering Robert Shaver, Special Assistant to the General Manager Eric Cartwright, Manager of Finance Shelley Burgett, Manager of Operations Steve Peterson, Budget & Financial Analysis Manager Michael Yeel Attorney Pat Miyaki l and Assistant Di strict Secretary Andrew Warren. Staff members present from Union Sanitary District: General Manager/Di strict Engineer Rich Currie, Incoming General Manger/District Engineer Paul Eldredge, Technical Services Manager Sami Ghossain, and Communications Coordinator Michelle Powell . Union Sanitary District President Manny Fernandez presided. The Pledge of Allegiance was performed. 4 - PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS ON THIS NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING - one. 5 - INFORMATION ITEMS • Agency Programs and Initiatives Mr. Wadlow gave a brief presentation on the California drought and ACWD's water suppl y and conservation measures. Mr. Currie provided an overview of a joint project between USD and East Bay Regional Parks District involving habitat restoration in the Hayward marsh. Mr. Currie discussed an outreach program regarding the proper disposal of fats , oils, and grease which can clog sanitary sewer systems. He also highlighted a pharmaceutical takeback program: USD and its partners, Haller's Pharmacy and Washington Township Medical Group provide drop-off sites for expired and unused medications. This allows residents to safely and responsibly dispose of expired or unwanted medications and keep pollutants out of water supplies. Mr. Currie provided information of a wastewater nutrient removal testing program currentl y being conducted by USD . • Joint Water Conservation Program Update Minutes - September 25 , 2014 Mr. Cartwright presented an overview of ACWD's water conservation efforts highlighting turf replacement incentives, landscape workshops, high water use notification, and leak detection among additional programs for residential customers. Mr. Cartwright went over conservation programs for commercial, industrial, and institutional customers as well. Mr. Cartwright reviewed ACWD/USD water conservation cost-share programs including rebates for the I) installation of high efficiency toilets and urinals and 2) purchase of high efficiency clothes washers. • Residential Service Line Repair Program Mr. Peterson provided an update covering the two-year period since ACWD partnered with HomeServe, the administrator of residential service line repair insurance. He noted that 184 repair claims have been completed to date and high customer satisfaction ratings. • USD's Green Energy Program Mr. Ghossain made a presentation on the green energy projects that USD has implemented, including solar facility installations and a cogeneration project, which produces power from methane produced during treatment. • ACWD/USD Finance Authority Update Mr. Yee gave a brief summary of activities since the formation of the joint ACWD/USD Finance Authority in 2012. • Overview of ACWD Investigation into Alternative Water Supply Options Mr. Peterson discussed the purpose and objectives of investigating alternative water supply options and explained the various preliminary alternatives, including partnering with USD on recycled water. • Concluding Remarks ACWD and USD District Board members thanked staff for the information provided at the workshop and encouraged additional joint workshops to take place in the future. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:08P.M. Andrew Warren, Assistant District Secretary Attest: Paul Sethy, President Page 2 of2 Approved _fbr3__ November 6, 2014 Fremont, California The special meeting of the Board of Directors of ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT was held on November 6, 2014, at the hour of 3:03 P.M. in the Multi-Purpose Room of the District Office Building, 43885 South Grimmer Boulevard, Fremont, California. Present: Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy Staff members present: General Manager Walt Wadlow, Assistant General Manager Engineering Robert Shaver, Manager of Finance Shelley Burgett, Manager of Operations and Maintenance Steve Peterson, Special Assistant to the General Manager Eric Cartwright, Budget & Financial Analysis Manager Michael Yee, Project Engineering Manager Anna Lloyd, Groundwater Manager Steven Inn, Project Engineering Supervisor Toni Lyons, Attorney Patrick Miyaki, and Assistant District Secretary Andrew Warren. President Paul Sethy presided. Director Koller led in the Salute to the Flag. 3 - PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS ON THIS NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING • None 4 - 2015 FINANCIAL PLANNING, RATE DESIGN, AND RATE DISCUSSION After a brief introduction by Mr. Wadlow on the purpose of the workshop, Ms. Burgett detai led topics of discussion including the overall financial situation for 2015 , cost of service concepts, and rate structure options. Rate consultant Sanjay Gaur of Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. gave a presentation to the Board regarding financial plan development, cost of service analysis and water rate design, and rate options. The Board suggested that staff focus on model scenarios of rate increases at or below 8%. Mr. Gaur informed the Board that currently, the District collects 23% of revenue from fixed charges. He provided alternate rate options of 30% fixed and 70% commodity charges, 70% fixed and 30% commodity charges and 95% fixed and 5% commodity charges. The Board suggested that they are not open to considering 95 % fixed and 5% commodity charges at this time. President Sethy called for a recess at 5:00 P.M. President Sethy called the meeting back to order at 5:30P.M. Mr. Gaur offered two SFR commodity rate structures pre-and post-drought for consideration. Path 1 would include a uniform base rate increase transitioning to tiered rates . Path 1 has the advantage that it is simpler to administer and provides more time to educate the public on new tiered rate structures. This path will delay implementation of a new tiered rate structure. Path 2 would include a tiered based rate plus uniform drought surcharges. Path 2 implements new tiered rate structure sooner and would provide a smooth transition to tiered rates during a post-drought period. However, Path 2 is more complex due to changes in both base and drought surcharges and public education could be more challenging. The Board will consider the options, new information developed by staff, and will discuss the options further at the December workshop. Further discussion ensued and staff responded to questions from the Board. 5- GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORTS - None 6 - DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS AND/OR AGENDA ITEM REQUEST • Director Huang received an email from a family that participated in the Water Savings Assistance Program thanking the District for providing assistance with installation of a water saving toilet and suggestions for additional water savings. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 6:33 P.M. Andrew Warren, Assistant District Secretary Attest: Paul S. Sethy, President Approved ~ December 8, 2014 Fremont, California The special meeting of the Board of Directors of ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT was held on December 8, 2014, at the hour of 4 :50 P.M. in the Multi-Purpose Room of the District Office Building, 43885 South Grimmer Boulevard, Fremont, California. Present: Directors Gunther, Huang, Weed, Koller and Sethy (arrived at 5:20P.M.) Staff members present: General Manager Walt Wadlow, Assistant General Manager Engineering Robert Shaver, Special Assistant to the General Manager Eric Cartwright, Manager of Finance Shelley Burgett, Manager of Operations and Maintenance Steve Peterson, Budget & Financial Analysis Manager Michael Yee, Project Engineering Manager Anna Lloyd, Groundwater Manager Steven Inn, Development Services Manager Ed Stevenson, Project Engineering Supervisor Toni Lyons, Public Information Supervisor f rank Jahn, Community Affairs Specialist Sharene Gonzales, Attorney Patrick Miyaki, and Assistant District Secretary Andrew Warren. Vice President Marty Koller presided. Ms. Burgett led in the Salute to the Flag. 3 - PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS ON THIS NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING None at this time, but public comments were accepted before and during the Board workshop. 4 - IDENTIFICATION OF AGENCY DESIGN A TED REPRESENTATIVES A motion was made by Vice President Koller to identify current agency labor negotiators as Walt Wadlow, Robert Shaver, and Bonnie Roland-Williams. Upon Mr. Wadlow' s retirement, agency labor negotiators will be identified as Robert Shaver and Bonnie Roland- Williams. The motion was seconded by Director Gunther. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Koller None Director Sethy 5 - CLOSED SESSION Vice President Koller adjourned the meeting to a closed session at 4:55 P.M. for discussion on the following item. 5.1 Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957.6 • Conference with Labor Negotiators Agency Designated Representatives: Walt Wadlow, Robert Shaver, and Bonnie Roland-Williams Operating Engineers Local 3 Employee Organization: Minutes- December 8, 2014 President Sethy reconvened the meeting at 5:38P.M. Mr. Miyaki reported that in the closed session, the Board reviewed its position and gave instructions to its designated representatives. 6- BOARD WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS 2015 FINANCIAL PLANNING, RATE DESIGN, RATES AND CHARGES, AND DROUGHT SURCHARGE DISCUSSIONS After a brief introduction by Mr. Wadlow on the purpose of the workshop, Ms. Burgett detailed topics of discussion. Based upon feedback from the Board at the November workshop, rate consultant Sanjay Gaur of Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. explained that the District currently collects approximately 23% of water sales-related revenue from fixed charges and 77% from commodity rates. Mr. Gaur then presented several options to increase revenue by 5% or 8% through various fixed charge and commodity rate adjustments. In addition, Mr. Gaur presented two possible paths for the ultimate implementation of tiered commodity rates. Path 1 would keep the current rate structure (uniform commodity rate along with the current tiered drought surcharge.) Path 2 would involve the implementation of a tiered commodity rate and a uniform drought surcharge. For both paths, the drought surcharge would be eliminated when the Board declares the water supply emergency to be over. Mr. Gaur demonstrated the impact to an average customer in the District with each scenario and explained timeline considerations for any rate structure adjustments. During the Board workshop the following comments were received from members of the public: • Mrs. Faye McKay, a resident of Fremont, addressed the Board and conveyed several concerns regarding raising water rates, tiered rates, and fair representation of residents by the Board. • Ms. Sally Morgan, a resident of Fremont, addressed the Board and expressed concerns regarding water rates and employee compensation. • Mr. Eric Tsai, a resident of Fremont, discussed concerns regarding employee compensation. • Mr. Bob Lawrence, a resident of Fremont, addressed the Board regarding water rate mcreases. • Mr. Dean Nishimura, a resident of Fremont, addressed the Board and voiced concerns over employee compensation and raising water rates. Page 2 of3 · Minutes - December 8, 2014 President Sethy adjourned the meeting to a short recess at 6:55P .M. President Sethy called the meeting back to order at 7: 10 P.M. Ms. Burgett and Mr. Yee explained to the Board the financial implications of no revenue adjustments in fiscal year 2015. After much consideration and discussion, the Board requested staff to further develop an approach for a revenue adjustment that results in 30% service charge revenue and 70% commodity rate revenue and keeps the current uniform rate structure with a tiered drought surcharge (Path 1). This approach would involve an approximate 30% increase in the bimonthly service charge for single family residential customers and varying adjustments to the bimonthly service charge for all other customers, but no increase or modification to the District's uniform commodity rate or tiered drought surcharge. Mr. Jahn and Ms. Gonzales then explained the likely communication and outreach plan to inform customers of any changes to billing, rate increases, and rate structure. Further discussion ensued and staff responded to questions from the Board . 7 - DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS AND/OR AGENDA ITEM REQUEST- None There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:33 P.M. Andrew Warren, Assistant District Secretary Attest: Paul S. Sethy, President Page 3 of 3 ~,((a Approved_ -ltj~ tf'>-lo:=::---- December 11 , 20 14 Fremont, California The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT was held on December 11 , 2014, at the hour of 6:02P.M. in the Directors ' Room of the District Office Building, 43885 South Grimmer Boulevard, Fremont, California. Present: Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed , and Sethy Staff members present: General Manager Robert Shaver, Special Assistant to the General Manager Eric Cartwright, Manager of Engineering & Technical Services Ed Stevenson, Manager of Water Resources Steven Inn, Manager of Finance Shelley Burgett, Manager of Operations & Maintenance Steve Peterson, Budget & Financial Analysis Manager Michael Yee, Water Supply Manager Doug Chun, Water Conservation Supervisor Stephanie Nevins, Attorney Patrick Miyaki, and Assistant District Secretary Andrew Warren. President Paul Sethy presided. Director Koller led in the Salute to the Flag. • OATHS OF OFFICE by Re-elected Directors - Assistant District Secretary Andrew Warren administered the Oath of Office to re-elected Directors Huang and Sethy. Mr. Shaver introduced Manager of Water Resources Steven Inn and Manager of Engineering & Technical Services Ed Stevenson as the newest members of executive staff. 3 - PUBLIC COMMENTS - B.J. Bunting, a resident of Fremont, addressed the Board regarding avoiding debris and other elements entering our groundwater recharge facility after the first rain ofthe season. •!• PRESENTATION: State Legislation Year-end Report by Ron Davis - Mr. Davis addressed the Board with a year-end review of legislation and relevant information. Further discussion ensued and Mr. Davis answered questions from the Board. ' Mr. Shaver noted some minor revisions to the Special Meeting ofNovember 6, 2014 minutes are required. Mr. Miyaki recommended to the Board that the November 6, 2014 minutes be considered for approval during the January 201 S Board meeting. 4 - CONSENT CALENDAR A motion was made by Director Huang to add Items 5.6 through 5.9 to the Consent Calendar and modify Item 4.1 to read Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November 13 , 2014, seconded by Director Koller. Page 1 of 16 Minutes -December 11 , 2014 The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None A motion was made by Director Huang, seconded by Director Koller to approve the following items on the Consent Calendar as amended. 4.1 Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of November 13, 2014 4.2 Ratification of Payment of Audited Demands dated November 7, November 14, and November 21 , 2014 5.6 Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with Union Sanitary District 5.7 Authorization to Execute a Second Amendment to the Contract for Financial Audit Services 5.8 Authorization to Enter into Fifth Amendment to the Agreement for Participation in the 2015 High Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate Initiative Administered by Pacific Gas and Electric Company 5.9 Authorization of Change Order No. 2 for the Stevenson Pond/Lago Los Osos Diversion Repair Project The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None 5 - ACTION CALENDAR 5.1 REORGANIZATION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Shaver reported that section 30520 of the California Water Code provides that the Directors shall 1) elect one of their number President and 2) may elect one of their number Vice President. Pursuant to Resolution 1871 , adopted December 10, 1970, this election is held at the first regular Board meeting in December each year. The Directors who are elected President and Vice President assume office at the close of the meeting at which they are elected. A motion was made by Director Gunther, seconded by Director Weed to adopt a resolution electing Martin L. Koller as President of the Board. Page 2 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 2014 RESOLUTION NO . 14-056 OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ELECTING DIRECTOR MARTIN L. KOLLER PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None A motion was made by Director Weed, seconded by Director Gunther to adopt a resolution electing Judy C. Huang as Vice President of the Board. RESOLUTION NO. 14-057 OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ELECTING DIRECTOR JUDY C. HUANG VICE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 5.2 Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None REVIEW OF PURPOSE AND FUNCTION OF EACH BOARD STANDING COMMITTEE AND CONSIDER ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AMENDING THE RULES OF THE BOARD Mr. Shaver announced that the Rules of the Board state that the Board will review the purpose and function of each standing committee at least once a year. Staff has also included a possible restructuring of the five Board standing committees to better align the purpose and function of each standing committee with the internal reorganization of the District's departments, which was presented to the Board on November 13, 2014. Additionally, the potential rearrangement is designed to provide an opportunity for the Board President and Vice President to serve together on the same committee, a long-standing practice of the Board. Appointment to Committee membership is at the discretion of the Board President and does not require Board action. The Board reviewed the purpose and function of the standing committees and, a motion was made by Director Huang, seconded by Director Gunther to adopt a resolution amending the Rules of the Board. Page 3 of 16 Minutes - December 11, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 14-058 OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AMENDING RULES OF THE BOARD The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 5.3 Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None ADOPTION OF 2015 CALENDAR OF REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS Mr. Shaver discussed that the Alameda County Water District Rules of the Board state that regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second Thursday of each month at the hour of 6:00 P.M. In a couple of instances each year, scheduled external events or other District requirements create conflicts which can most easily be resolved by rescheduling the Board meeting to an alternate date. A motion was made by Director Sethy, seconded by Director Weed to adopt the proposed 2015 calendar of regular meetings of the Board of Directors. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 5.4 Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None RESOLUTION AMENDING CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE Mr. Shaver announced that the California Government Code Section 87306.5 reqmres every local agency to review its Conflict of Interest Code in each even-numbered year and to amend the Code if necessary due to changed circumstances or changes in the law. The District last amended its Conflict of Interest Code (Code) in 2010 to update the designated positions in the Code. For the 2014 review, staff and District Counsel have determined that the District's Conflict of Interest Code need not be revised due to changes in the law. However, the Code needs to be revised to update the designated positions to reflect the addition of new employee positions and the change in the titles of certain employee positions since the last review of the Code. In addition, the Code was updated to incorporate recent guidance and recommendations issued by the Fair Political Practices Commission; these updates do not change the substantive disclosure obligations under the Code. After the amended Code is approved, the District must transmit the amended Code to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. Page 4 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 2014 A motion was made by Director Weed, seconded by Director Gunther to adopt a resolution amending the District' s Conflict of Interest Code. RESOLUTION NO. 14-059 OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING AN AMENDED CONFLICT-OF-INTEREST CODE The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: • Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None Director Koller requested the passing of the ceremonial gavel from the outgoing President of the Board to the incoming President of the Board. Director Sethy expressed appreciation to staff and the Board for their assistance while serving as President during the District' s centennial anniversary. The ceremonial gavel was passed to incoming President Koller. On behalf of the Directors, Director Koller thanked President Sethy for his tenure as President and presented him a customized recognition plaque commemorating his term. Director Sethy then resumed his role as Board President. 5.5 RESOLUTION HONORING WALTER L. WADLOW UPON HIS RETIREMENT FROM DISTRICT SERVICE Mr. Shaver announced that Walter L. Wadlow (Walt) will be retiring from the Alameda County Water District on December 19, 2014, after 7 years of District service. Walt joined the Alameda County Water District as Operations Manager on November 26, 2007 and was appointed as General Manager, effective November 9, 2009. Prior to joining ACWD, Walt was with the Santa Clara Valley Water District for 25 years, serving the last 10 as Assistant General Manager/Chief Operating Officer for the Water Utility. Walt is retiring with over 32 total years of public service. ACWD recently celebrated its centennial; so it is quite appropriate that during Walt's tenure ACWD began or continued several major initiatives to ensure that ACWD continues its long and successful record of providing essential water service to the cities of Fremont, Newark, and Union City. More specifically, ACWD's accomplishments under Walt' s leadership include : • ACWD made significant strides in protecting and securing new water supplies through regional partnerships and the implementation of several innovative conservation programs, thus ensuring water supply reliability during one of the most challenging droughts in California history. • ACWD modernized several important information technology systems to provide customers with more useful information, allow for rate flexibility, enhance financial Page 5 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 2014 tracking and reporting capabilities, and improve the maintenance of District facilities. • ACWD enhanced its presence and influence through increased participation in state-wide legislation and local issues, as well as improving ACWD's overall visibility in the local community. • ACWD increased its distribution system reliability through the acceleration of critical seismic improvement projects and the implementation of a long-range water main replacement program. Walt very capably represented ACWD ' s interests through his personal involvement with the Association of California Water Agencies, California Urban Water Agencies, CalDesal, Fremont Chamber of Commerce, the Niles Rotary Club and other organizations. During his years of service to the District, Walt' s leadership, management, and technical skills have been assets to the District and the community. Walt has advanced the mission of the District in an exemplary manner. His many friends at the District and in the local community will greatly miss him. Walt addressed the Board and thanked them for the cooperative relationship over the past several years. The Board expressed their sincere appreciation to Walt for the many accomplishments carried out over his tenure as General Manager. A motion was made by Director Sethy, seconded by Director Koller to adopt a resolution honoring Walter L. Wadlow and expressing appreciation for his 7 years of service to the District. RESOLUTION NO. 14-060 OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT HONORING WALTER L. WAD LOW UPON HIS RETIREMENT FROM DISTRICT SERVICE The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: 5.6* Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT WITH UNION SANITARY DISTRICT To take advantage of historic low borrowing rates, enable the District to accomplish a number of desired capital projects, and possibly reimburse itself for portions of past projects and those projects being built, the District is planning a debt issuance of approximately $25 million in the early 2015 timeframe. Although there are various financing options, the most likely one is to issue water revenue bonds through the Alameda County Water District Financing Authority (ACWDF A) , which is a joint powers agency created by the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement (JP A Agreement) between the District and the Union Page 6 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 2014 Sanitary District (USD). The ACWDF was established in 2011 to enable the last bond issuance. The proposed JPA Agreement amendment involves extending the term of the agreement, and clarifying the limited obligations of the officers, agents, and employees of the ACWDFA. Current financial projections for the District indicate the need for a new debt issuance of approximately $25 million. Staff along with the Financial Advisor are determining the best course of action regarding a debt vehicle as there are a number of financing options, such as revenue bonds or certificates of participation. However, the most likely choice would be to utilize the ACWDFA formed by the District and USD to facilitate its last bond issuance in 2012. In order to preserve that option in time for an early 2015 bond issuance, the JP A Agreement provides that the term of the agreement be revised prior to each subsequent bond issuance by the ACWDF A. In this case, the term is being proposed to be lengthened by three more years to December 31 , 2055 to maintain a 40-year period from the bond issuance and the expiration of the JP A Agreement. In addition, the amendment includes an additional sentence to Section 4 of the agreement that clarifies the limited obligations of the officers, agents, and employees of the ACWDF A. This amendment to the JPA Agreement requires both the USD and ACWD Boards to separately take action to amend the JPA Agreement. Staff is coordinating with USD staff to have the USD Board consider this item for approval on December 8, 2014. A motion was made by Director Huang, seconded by Director Koller to adopt a resolution, authorizing the General Manager to execute an amendment to the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with Union Sanitary District. RESOLUTION NO. 14-061 OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AND UNION SANITARY DISTRICT The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 5.7* Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR FINANCIAL AUDIT SERVICES The Board of Directors, on March 11, 2010, authorized execution of a three-year agreement with an option for a two-year extension for financial audit services with the firm of Macias, Gini & O'Connell, LLP (MGO). The Board exercised this two-year extension option on March 14, 2013 which will expire December 31, 2014 after MGO successfully completes its fifth audit of Page 7 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 20 14 the District' s financial records for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2014. The Board accepted the FY 2013114 audited financial statements and accompanying reports at their November 13 , 2014 meeting. Staff recommends that the Board authorize a second amendment to the original agreement for a three-year extension. This proposal was discussed at the July 15, 2014 Administrative & Finance Committee. During the past five fiscal year audits, MGO has consistently performed their work in a highly professional and timely manner and has worked well with District staff. In addition, they have provided the District with valuable assistance on the preparation and review of its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as well as with annual updates on Government Accounting Standards Board pronouncements. The current contract with MGO will expire on December 31, 2014 based on a two-year extension option that was authorized by the Board on March 14, 2013 . Staff is recommending that MGO ' s agreement for financial audit services be amended again to extend the term for another three fiscal years. MGO has gained a deep knowledge of the District' s finances, and as the District continues to go through a major transition with its financial software and new chart of accounts, it would be advantageous to have MGO continue to monitor and ensure a smooth changeover. Also, the District will be in the midst of implementing GASB Statement No. 68 (pensions) and the related Statement 71 next year and OPEB shortly thereafter, and would be well served by MGO who is also the current auditor for CalPERS, and is therefore in a unique position to help the District navigate this complicated new accounting and reporting standard. MGO ' s proposed fees for each of the next three fiscal years will be as follows: • • 2015: $56,438 (including additional GASB Statement Nos. 68 and 71 related work) 2016: $53,704 • 2017 : $55 ,530 The fees total $165 ,672 over the next three fiscal years and contain an annual 3.4% CPI increase. Staff is also proposing an overall authorized amount of $175,000 that includes a contingency of $9,328 for ad hoc projects such as work related to an anticipated debt issuance in early 2015. It is anticipated that there will be sufficient funding in the budget for these services. This matter was discussed with the Administrative & Finance Committee on July 15 , 2014. A motion was made by Director Huang seconded by Director Koller to authorize the General Manager to execute a Second Amendment to the Contract for Professional Services with Macias, Gini & O' Connell LLP to continue to provide financial audit services for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2015 , 2016, and 2017 at an estimated total not to exceed cost of $175 ,000. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES : NOES: Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None Page 8 of 16 Minutes - December II , 20 I4 ABSENT: 5.8* None AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE 2015 HIGH EFFICIENCY CLOTHES WASHER REBATE INITIATIVE ADMINISTERED BY PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Staff proposes to continue ACWD ' s participation in the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) Cooperative Clothes Washer Rebate Initiative Program ("Bay Area Washer Rebate Program" or "Program") for calendar year 20I5. Under the 2015 Program, ACWD will offer rebates for Energy Star Most Efficient (ESME) Clothes Washers, the most water-efficient washers on the market today. ESME washers which have a water factor (WF) of 3.0 or less (a gallons of water use per cubic foot rating system) will be eligible for a rebate of $I 50 ($50 from PG&E and $100 from ACWD). Based on an estimated 1935 rebates, the total estimated cost of rebates for ACWD is $193 ,500. ACWD will al so be responsible for PG&E Program administration fees. These administration fees are estimated at $2I ,500 for a total annual ACWD Program cost of $215 ,000. Sufficient funds are contained in the budget to cover the cost of this Program. In addition, Union Sanitary District (USD) cost-share funding, through an existing arrangement, and State grant funds are available to offset the rebate costs. Over the past seven years, ACWD has participated in the Bay Area Washer Rebate Program with PG&E serving as the Program administrator. The intent of the Program is to encourage customers to purchase high efficiency clothes washers as well as encourage manufacturers to develop and market these washers. The Program has been very successful , resulting in over I8,000 high efficiency washers installed within ACWD ' s service area since the PG&E partnership program began in 2008. The program has also been extremely successful in getting manufacturers to develop water-efficient technology in clothes washers. With the introduction of ESME models in the 20 I4 Program, Bay Area Water Agencies raised the water-efficient bar even higher and have encouraged even more market transformation in the clothes washer sector. While there are more ESME models on the market now, they are still significantly more expensive than other less efficient models. Bay Area Water Agencies have agreed to continue to offer rebates for these machines in 20 I5 to incentivize customers to purchase these models and encourage development of more ESME qualified machines. Based on previous program activity, staff anticipates that ACWD will receive up to 1935 rebate applications under the proposed 2015 Program, for a total Program cost of $2I5 ,000. ACWD has the opportunity to reduce the net cost of the Program in two ways. First, ACWD has an existing cost-share arrangement with Union Sanitary District (USD). Under this agreement, USD has agreed to contribute up to $25 toward each washer rebate (up to $50,000) during fiscal year 2014/15 , and while a portion of US D ' s contribution has already been expended under the 2014 Washer Rebate Program, it is anticipated that USD will continue the arrangement in fiscal year 2015/16. Second, the District was awarded just over $560,000 in Proposition 84 grant funds for high efficiency clothes washer rebates as part of the Integrated Regional Water Management implementation grant requests. Although a portion of these funds have already been expended , it is anticipated that up to $145 ,000 will be available for the 20I5 program. Page 9 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 2014 A motion was made by Director Huang, seconded by Director Koller to authorize the General Manager to enter into a Fifth Amendment to the agreement with PG&E for participation in the 2015 PG&E Cooperative Clothes Washer Rebate Initiative Program at a total Program cost of $215 ,000. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 5.9* Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 FOR THE POND/LAGO LOS OSOS DIVERSION REPAIR PROJECT STEVENSON The Board previously awarded the construction of the Stevenson Pond/Lago Los Osos Diversion Repair Project to Gordon N . Ball, Inc. (Gordon N. Ball). Change Order No. 2, has been prepared to address additional work items. There is adequate funding in this budget for this expenditure. On August 14, 2014, the Board awarded the construction contract for the Stevenson Pond/Lago Los Osos Diversion Repair Project to Gordon N . Ball in the amount of $685 ,250. The scope of work included: 1) installation of 64 linear feet of new 78-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe; 2) placement of engineered pipe bedding and backfill; 3) installation of a chimney filter system; and 4) restoration of the earth embankment. Change Order No. I , in the total amount of $49,000, was previously authorized by the General Manager for additional quantities of controlled density fill. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $97,998.89 has been prepared for the following additional work items: 1) place approximately 783 tons of additional rip rap to take advantage of the lower water level in Lago Los Osos at the time of construction to increase the overall slope stability ($78 ,244); 2) repair and seal eight (8) existing bell/spigot pipe joints ($7,543.89); 3) pressure grout voids within the bedding section of the existing pipe ($5 ,931 ); 4) add a flag person to direct/monitor traffic at the project site entrance ($5 ,280); and 5) miscellaneous earthwork ($1 ,000). Staff has evaluated the costs submitted by Gordon N. Ball and has determined that the costs are appropriate for the work. The initial rip rap installation is complete and flow tests to observe discharge conditions are in progress. A motion was made by Director Huang, seconded by Director Koller to approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $97,998.89 to Gordon N . Ball, Inc. for the Stevenson Pond/Lago Los Osos Diversion Repair Project, Job 6600110031. The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None Page 10 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 2014 5.10 AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE ORDER NO.3 AND RESOLUTION ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF THE UPPER CANYON HEIGHTS PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT Mr. Stevenson discussed that the Board previously awarded the construction of the Upper Canyon Heights Pipeline Replacement Project to Mountain Cascade, Inc. Change Order No . 3 has been prepared to address additional work items and unforeseen site conditions encountered during construction. There is adequate funding in the Capital Improvements Program budget for this expenditure. The project is now complete and the pipeline is in service. On May 16, 2013, the Board awarded the construction contract for the Upper Canyon Heights Pipeline Replacement Project to Mountain Cascade, Inc. in the amount of $1 ,595,739. The scope of work included the installation of approximately 1,700 linear feet of new 8-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, 660 linear feet of new 8-inch welded steel pipe, 325 linear feet of new 12inch PVC pipe, 1,800 linear feet of 12-inch welded steel pipe, new customer service lines, meters, and other appurtenances. Two change orders, in a total amount of $40,364.31 , were previously authorized by the General Manager to address buried utilities not shown on the drawings and additional minor City of Fremont sidewalk and pavement requirements. Change Order No. 3, in the total amount of $98,000 has been prepared for the following required work items: 1) address excavation difficulties associated with encountering unanticipated hardpan soils and existing utilities bedded in unsuitable embedment material ($65 ,000); and 2) perform extra work associated with maintaining the necessary separation between existing and newly installed water service laterals at twenty-one (21) locations ($33 ,000). Mountain Cascade, Inc. submitted a request for a time extension of forty-five (45) calendar days due to the required additional work items. Staff has reviewed the time extension request and evaluated the costs associated with the additional work and has determined that they are appropriate for the work. The total construction cost, including all change orders and adjustments for unit price items, is $1,729,337.11. Discussion ensued and Mr. Stevenson answered questions from the Board. A motion was made by Director Koller, seconded by Director Sethy to: 1) approve Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $98,000 and grant a time extension of forty-five (45) calendar days to Mountain Cascade, Inc.; and 2) adopt a resolution accepting completion of the Upper Canyon Heights Pipeline Replacement Project, Job 6550B/21014. RESOLUTION NO. 14-062 OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ACCEPTING COMPLETION OF UPPER CANYON HEIGHTS PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT, CONTRACT NO. 3868, WITH MOUNTAIN CASCADE, INC. , JOB NO. 6550B Page 11 of 16 Minutes - December I1 , 20 I4 The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 5.1I Directors Koller, Gunther, Huang, Weed, and Sethy None None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A DRY YEAR WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT FOR THE PATTERSON RANCH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Director Huang recused herself from participating in discussion of Item 5.II and exited the Director' s room due to a potential conflict of interest. Mr. Cartwright discussed that the Patterson Ranch Development Project (Project) is a planned residential project in western Fremont for which ACWD developed a Water Supply Assessment (WSA) in April 2008. A condition provided in the WSA, and incorporated as a mitigation measure in the City of Fremont ' s CEQA document for the project, is that the Project developer (Fremont Pat Ranch, LLC) would mitigate for dry year water supply impacts of the Project. The preferred alternative identified in the WSA and CEQA document was for the Project developer to fund the acquisition of additional dry year recovery capacity from the Semitropic Groundwater Banking Program, or similar measure. However, the Semitropic Water Storage District has recently informed ACWD that: I) the Semi tropic recovery capacity that was available for purchase in 2008 is no longer available for purchase; and 2) the Semitropic Board of Directors has directed its staff not to enter into additional contracts for the Semi tropic banking program at this time. As a result, staff has developed an alternative approach for satisfying the dry year water demands of the Project in which the developer would pay for ACWD to acquire alternative dry year supplies or to achieve equivalent savings in water use for the Project. The basis for this payment would be the cost of dry year water purchased through the State Water Contractor dry year water purchase program in 20I4. Under the proposed Dry Year Water Supply Agreement, the Project developer would pay ACWD $750,000 for dry year water supplies for the Project over the planning horizon. This proposed agreement has been reviewed with the Water Resources Planning and Outreach Committee at the October 20I4 meeting. The Patterson Ranch Development Project consists of 500 single-family homes (including 14 acres of parks, open space and landscaping) located in the City of Fremont with a total estimated water demand of300 AF/Yr at Project buildout. In 2008, District staffprepared a Water Supply Assessment pursuant to California Water Code section I 0910 (SB 61 0) for the Project. The 2008 WSA concluded that the Project would trigger the need for additional water supplies in a single critically dry year and in multiple dry year scenarios and that the preferred alternative for satisfying the required dry year water supply would be the purchase by ACWD of additional recovery capacity from the groundwater banking program of the Semitropic Water Storage District (Semi tropic) to be funded by the Project developer. In 2010, the City certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and granted certain land use entitlements needed to construct the 500 single family homes and related improvements. The Page 12 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 2014 City imposed Mitigation Measure PU-2 as a condition of approval for the Project. Mitigation Measure PU-2 states in pertinent part as fo llows: "Mitigation Measure PU-2: Funding ofAdditional Groundwater Banking The project proponent shall fund the acquisition (by ACWD) of additional recovery capacity of dry year supplies from the Semitropic Groundwater Banking Program (Semitropic) . ... The purchase of up to 300 af/year (currently estimated at approximately $15 0, 000) of additional capacity to accommodate the necessary increase in recovery capacity, would mitigate shortage impacts during dry year conditions and multiple dry year conditions caused by the project. . . . . ff Semitropic recovery capacity is not available for purchase at the time the project moves forward, or if ACWD determines that capacity purchased from Semitropic is not sufficiently reliable in dry years, then ACWD will require an alternative mitigation, with equivalent savings in water use or increase in water supply, to mitigate the impact of the project on dry year water supply. Alternative mitigation may include: (I) the acquisition of new water supply, and/or investment in district-wide conservation measures programming (above and beyond that which is planned by ACWD.)" Earlier in 2014, the Project developer submitted an application to the City for approval of a Phase I Final Map for 226 of the 500 residential lots (46% of the total) and the developer anticipates City action on the Phase I Final Map in December 2014. The developer anticipates filing an application for a Phase II Final Map for 208 of the 500 lots (41% of the total) in 20 15 and filing an application for a Phase III Final Map for the remaining 66 of the 500 residential1ots (13% ofthe total) in 2016. At the developer's request, the District contacted Semitropic in September 2014 to inquire about purchasing the additional 300 acre feet of recovery capacity under Mitigation Measure PU-2. Semitropic informed District staff that additional recovery capacity in its groundwater bank is not available for purchase at this time. In accordance with Mitigation Measure PU-2, the District is requiring the developer to fund an alternative dry year water supply approach, consisting of the acquisition by ACWD of a dry year water supply through the State Water Contractors dry year water purchase program, or similar program, or for ACWD to achieve an equivalent savings in water use. Under the Agreement, the developer will provide multiple payments (for a total present value of $750,000) to the District over time as each of the Project phases are approved. Each payment will be proportional to the number of residential units proposed for each Project phase. The total payment of $750,000 (present value) is based on 1) providing a dry year water supply to Phase 1 of the Project in 2015 ; and 2) providing each of the anticipated three phases with dry year water supplies over the planning horizon. These costs are based on the cost to acquire dry year water as part of the State Water Contractor's dry year purchase program in 20 14 (approximately $715/ AF for non-State Water Project water purchased and delivered at the State Water Project's Banks Pumping Plant). Page 13 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 2014 A key element of the Agreement is that the developer will obtain written concurrence from the City that the payment of $750,000 pursuant to this Agreement constitutes complete mitigation and full satisfaction of Mitigation Measure PU-2 of the EIR. This Agreement is conditioned upon the City providing such written concurrence and Dry Year Water Supply Agreement does not go into effect until such written concurrence is received by the District. Discussion ensued and Mr. Paul Lopez of KB Homes and staff responded to questions from the Board. A motion was made by Director Koller, seconded by Director Gunther to adopt a Resolution authorizing the General Manager to enter into a Dry Year Water Supply Agreement with Fremont Pat Ranch, LLC for the Patterson Ranch Development Project. RESOLUTION NO. 14-063 OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A DRY YEAR WATER SUPPLY AGREEMENT FOR THE PATTERSON RANCH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT The motion was passed by the following vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: Directors Koller, Gunther, Weed, and Sethy None Director Huang President Sethy called for a brief recess at 7:55 P.M. President Sethy called the meeting back to order at 8: 10 P.M. 6 - REPORTS 6.1 BOARD COMMITTEE REPORTS • Operations & Water Quality Meeting of November 5, 2014: Intrusion and Aquifer Characterization Project - Site Tour • Administrative & Finance Meeting of November 18, 2014: 1) Debt Issuance Update; 2) Financial Planning Model • Engineering & Capital Projects Meeting of November 20, 2014: 1) Distribution System Leaks; 2) Iron Horse Lane Main Replacement Project; 3) Appian Tank Seismic Upgrade Project; 4) Upper Canyon Heights Main Replacement Project 6.2 OPERATIONAL REPORTS • Rainfall Report • Water Production Report Page 14 of 16 1) Niles Cone Saltwater Minutes - December 11 , 2014 • Investment Report • Quarterly Budget & Expense Report • Distribution System Monthly Hardness Report 6.3 • STAFF PRESENTATIONS 2014 Water Supply and Drought Update - Mr. Chun briefed the Board on the latest water supply conditions highlighting some of the actions the District has taken to promote water conservation such as the Water Shortage Emergency Ordinance and adopting a drought surcharge. Ms. Nevins emphasized how outreach programs, community presentations, articles in local newspapers, and direct mailing have made a significant impact in water conservation efforts. Mr. Chun addressed the District' s water supply action plan for 2015 noting a combination of additional conservation efforts, efficient ground water management, additional storage alternatives, and the evaluation of alternative sources of water. • 6.4 Watershed Diesel Spill Response - Mr. Chun provided the Board with an incident summary involving a tractor-trailer accident on I-680 north which spilled approximately 160 gallons of diesel fuel. The spill occurred on Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 9:06 A.M. A District emergency response team quickly mobilized to assess the situation. As a precautionary measure, staff curtailed diversions from Alameda Creek until samples were taken from three sites and were analyzed. Based on the results ofthe sample analysis, staff determined that the District's water supply was not threatened and resumed normal operations. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORTS • Mr. Peterson informed the Board of reinstating the Main Cleaning Program. The program, which was suspended in 2014 due to the drought, is designed to maintain health and safety of the mains throughout the distribution system. Starting on January 5, 2015, staff from Water Production and Distribution Maintenance will coordinate daily main cleaning. The affected residents have been informed by postcard or letter. A press release will be submitted prior to the start date. Cleaning will concentrate on Union City and all blow-offs in the distribution system. The program will run through May 2015. • Mr. Shaver announced a strategic planning workshop with the Board scheduled for January 22, 2015. • Mr. Shaver shared the news of the District's first place, division 1 wm in this year' s Newark Corporate Games event held in October. 7 - DIRECTOR' S COMMENTS AND/OR AGENDA ITEM REQUEST 7.1 Reports from Directors Gunther, Huang, Koller, and Weed on Association of California Water Agencies Fall Conference Page 15 of 16 Minutes - December 11 , 20 14 The Directors provided comments and observations regarding sessions they attended at the Association of California Water Agencies Fall Conference. 8 - CLOSED SESSION President Sethy adjourned the meeting to a closed session at 9:46 P.M. for discussion on the following item. 8.1 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation • Pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(d) Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Subdivision d of Section 54956.9 One Potential Case The Board reconvened from the closed session at 10:08 P.M. In the closed session, the Board heard a report from legal counsel and no action was taken. The official transfer of the gavel from President Sethy to President-elect Koller occurred. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Andrew Warren, Assistant District Secretary Attest: PaulS. Sethy, President Page 16 of 16 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Number 229430 Check Date 1215120 14 1214120 14 15 :17:45 Page I Alameda County Water Di strict Audited Demands- Automated Payments Check Dates: - 1215120 14 - 121512014 Document Pa ee AC WD Insta ll ers Reimbursement T~Ee PY Docu ment Number 257726 00 1 Purchase Order Number DescriEt ion C lassifi cation Fees 26,939. 00 Payment Number 229430 22943 1 1215120 14 Air Systems, Inc. P2 P2 P2 25 73 63 00 I 257651 001 257652 00 I 0005 1873 0005 1940 0005 1940 HYAC Serv ices HYAC Serv ices HY AC Serv ices Services Servi ces Services 1215/20 14 Airgas NC N Inc P2 P2 P2 2576 18 001 25 76 19 00 1 25 7620 00 I 0005 1906 0005 1906 0005 1905 Gas I Oi l I Compr Air Gas I Oi l I Compr Air Gas I Oi l I Compr Air Laboratory Gases Laboratory Gases Laboratmy Gases 1215120 14 All ied Auto Stores P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 257792 00 I 257793 00 I 257794 00 1 25 7795 00 I 257796 001 257797 001 25779 8 00 1 257799 00 1 257800 001 257801 00 1 257802 00 I 25 780 3 00 1 257804 00 I 25 780 5 001 25 7806 00 1 0005 1937 0005 1937 0005 1939 0005 1938 0005 1879 0005 188 0 0005 188 1 0005 1882 0005 1883 0005 1883 000 51883 00051 88 3 000 51883 0005 1883 0005 1883 Pa rts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Pa rts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materi als Materials Materia ls Materi als Materia ls Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Au to Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Aut o Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Parts & Parts & Pa rts & Parts & Part s & Parts & Parts & Parts & Pm1s & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Supp li es Supplies Suppli es Suppli es Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Suppli es Supplies Supplies Suppli es Suppli es Supplies Supplies Paymen t Number 22 9433 229434 1215120 14 Always Under Pressure P2 25 7378 00 1 000 5 1884 Equi p Sa les and Servi ce Parts Washe r PM Payment Number 229434 22 9435 121512014 Ambius Inc (28) P2 257669 00 I 0005 194 1 Bui lding Maintenance Indoor Plant Maintenance Payment Number 229435 229436 121512014 Anthem Blue Cross PY 25787 1 00 I Medical Serv ices 12/1/1 4-1 /1/15 EA P Premium Payment Number 229436 22 9437 121512014 Any Time T ree Spec iali st P2 257366 00 I 0005 1885 Landscaping Tree Re moval Services Payment Number 229437 229438 121512014 App le One Employment Services py PY py py py py py 257772 257773 257785 257786 257787 257788 257789 00 I 00 I 00 I 001 001 00 1 001 Temp Services Temp Setv ices Temp Services Temp Serv ices Temp Se rvices Temp Se tv ices Temp Setv ices 8 150 195.58 540 .66 8 17.74 Payment Number 229432 229433 1,204 .37 1,3 10.00 387.00 2,90 1.37 Payment Number 22943 1 229432 Amount 26,939. 00 205. 23 39.74 59.36 -6.66 -89.93 - 144.85 45.54 36 01 99.52 254.62 187.3 1 55.5 0 28.86 201 .9 1 45.95 1,0 18. 11 150.00 150.00 823. 00 823. 00 536.80 536.80 2,875. 00 2,875. 00 2,9 16.48 1,24 2.24 1, 159.20 1,544.80 1,235.84 3,442.03 927.36 R5504424 Version AWDOOI Check Number Check Date Alameda County Water District Audited De mands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/ 5/2014 - 12/5/20 14 Pa ee Document Document Number T}'l2e PV 257790 001 PV 257791 00 I Purchase Order Nu mber 12/4/20 14 15: 17:45 Page 2 Class ification Descri12tion Temp Services Temp Services Payment Number 229438 229439 12/5/20 14 Applied Industria l Technologies Inc P3 P3 257879 001 257879 002 0005 140 1 0005 1401 Pat1s & Material s Parts & Material s AIRSTROKE ACTUATOR, RUBBER Inventory Freight Expense Payment Number 229439 229440 12/5/20 14 ARAMARK Refreshment Services P2 P2 257379 00 I 257380 00 1 0005 1863 00051863 Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Payment Number 229440 229441 12/5/2014 Aramark Uniform Serv ices P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 257674 001 257675 00 I 257676 00 I 257677 00 1 257678 001 257679 00 1 257680 00 I 25768 1 00 1 25 7682 001 257683 00 I 257684 001 257685 001 257686 001 257687 001 257688 00 I 257689 00 I 257690 001 257691 00 I 257692 00 1 257693 00 I 257694 001 257695 00 I 257696 00 1 25 7697 001 257698 001 257699 001 257700 001 25770 1 001 257702 001 257703 001 257704 001 257705 001 257706 001 257708 001 257709 001 257710 001 2577 11001 2577 12 001 2577 13 001 00051840 0005 1840 00051840 0005 1840 00051840 0005 1843 0005 1843 0005 1843 00051843 0005 1843 00051842 00051842 00051842 00051842 00051842 0005 1842 0005 1842 00051841 00051 841 0005 1841 0005184 1 0005 184 1 0005184 1 0005184 1 00051838 00051838 0005!838 00051838 0005 1838 00051838 00051838 00051 839 0005 !839 00051839 00051839 00051839 0005 1837 00051837 0005 1837 Unifmms Unifom1s Uniforms Unifon11s Un ifonns Uni fo nns Un ifo nns Un ifo nns Unifonns Unifonns Uni fonns Uni fonns Unifonns Unifo nns Unifonns Un ifonns Uni fo nns Uni fo nns Uni fo nns Unifo nns Uni fonns Unifonn s Uni fonns Unifonns Unifonns Unifonns Unifonns Unifonns Unifonns Unifonns Uniform s Unifonns Uniforms Uniforms Unifom1s Unifmms Unifonns Unifmms Unifo m1s Un ifomlfLaundty /Linen Service UnifomliLaundty / Linen Service UnifornlfLaund ty / Linen Service Uni form/Laund ty / Linen Service UnifomliLau ndty / Linen Setvice Unifonn/Laundty/ Linen Service Un ifomlfLaundry/ Linen Service UnifomliLaundty /Linen Service Unifmm/Laundty/ Linen Service Un ifomliLaundry/Linen Service UnifomlfLaundry/Linen Service UnifomlfLaundry/Linen Service Un ifomlfLaundry/ Linen Service UnifomlfLaundry/ Linen Service Un ifomlfLaundry/ Li nen Service Uniform/Laundry/ Linen Service Unifonn/Laundry/Linen Service Unifonn/Laundry/Linen Setvice Unifonn/Laundry/ Linen Serv ice Unifonn/Laundry/ Linen Serv ice Unifonn/Laundry/ Linen Serv ice UnifomliLaundry/ Linen Service Unifonn/Laundry/ Linen Setv ice Unifonn/Laundry/ Linen Setvicc Unifonn/Laundry/ Linen Service UnifomliLaundry/ Linen Service UnifomliLaundry/ Linen Setvice UnifomliLaundry/ Linen Service UnifomliLaundry/ Linen Setvice Unifonn/Laundry/ Linen Service UnifomliLaundry/ Linen Serv ice Un ifonn/Laundry/ Linen Setv ice Uniform/Laundry/ Linen Serv ice Unifonn/Laundty/ Linen Service Un ifomliLaundry/ Linen Setv ice Unifonn/Laundry/ Linen Setvice UnifomliLaundry/ Linen Service UnifomlfLaundry/ Linen Service UnifomliLaundry/ Linen Setvice Amount 4,3 01.46 I ,424.86 18, 194.27 2,5 13.32 24.52 2,537.84 758. 10 42.00 800.10 23 04 19.40 4 1.74 126.2 1 19.75 126.2 1 41.74 19.75 23.04 19.40 45.48 137.73 15.00 8.40 27.50 19.7 1 16.50 15.00 8.40 19.7 1 58. 13 16.50 27.50 137.73 16.50 27.50 8.40 15.00 19.71 45.48 137.73 126.2 1 19.75 41.74 19.40 23.04 19.75 41.74 19.40 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Number 12/4/2014 15: 17:45 Page 3 Alameda County Water District Audi ted Demands - Auto mated Payments Check Dates: - 12/5/2014 - 12/5/20 14 Check Date Pa ee ·Document Tz-J2e P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 Docume nt Number 257714 00 1 2577 15 00 1 257826 00 1 25 7829 00 I 257 83 0 00 I 25783 1 00 1 257832 00 I 257834 00 I 257837 00 I 257840 00 1 25784 1 00 1 25 7842 00 I 25 7843 00 I 257844 00 I Pu rchase Order Num ber 0005 1837 0005 183 7 000 5 196 1 0005 196 1 0005 196 1 0005 196 1 0005 196 1 0005 196 1 0005 196 1 0005 196 1 0005 196 1 0005 196 1 000 5 196 1 000 5 196 1 C lass ifi cat ion Uni fonn s Uniform s Un ifonn s Uni fo nn s Uni forms Unifonn s Uni fonn s Unifonn s Unifonn s Unifonn s Unifonn s Un ifonn s Uni fo nn s Uni fonn s DescriQt ion Uni form/ Laundry/ Linen Serv ice Uniform/ Laundry/ Line n Serv ice Uni foml!Laundry/ Line n Service Unifornl!Laundry/Line n Service Uni fornl!Laundry/Linen Service Uni fornl!Laundry/Linen Service Uni fo ml!Laundry/Linen Service Unifo nn!Laundty /Li nen Service Uni fo nn!Laundry/Linen Service Unifonn!Laundry/Line n Service Unifonn! Laund ry/ Line n Service Unifonn/Laund ry/ Line n Service Unifonn!Laundry/ Line n Service Uni fonn!Laundry/Line n Service Payment Number 22944 1 229442 12/5/20 14 AS irepro. com P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 257626 00 I 257627 00 I 25 762 8 00 I 25 7629 00 I 257 630 00 I 25 763 1 00 I 25763 2 00 I 257633 00 I 257880 00 I 25 788 1 00 I 257882 00 I 0005 1900 0005 1899 0005 1898 00051 897 000 5 1896 0005 1895 000 5 1894 0005 1892 0005 1970 0005 197 1 000 5 1969 Printi ng Printing Printing Printi ng Printing Printing Printing Printi ng Printing Printing Print ing Reproduction Services Reproduction Services Reproduction Services Reproduction Se tv ices Reproduction Setv ices Reproduction Se tvices Reproduction Serv ices Reproduction Services Reproduction Services Reproduction Services Reproduction Services Paymen t Number 229442 229443 12/5/20 14 Assoc iation of Ca li fo rnia Water Agencies PV Payment Number 229443 229444 12/5/20 14 Automatic Controls Engineering Corp P2 25 7362 00 I 000 5 188 6 Services HVA C Setv ice Visits Paymen t Number 229444 229445 229446 22 9447 12/5/2014 12/5/2014 12/5/20 14 Beck's Shoes Inc Blx Group LLC Bntce's Tires PV PV P2 P2 P2 257886 00 I 257365 00 I 25766 1 00 I 257662 00 I Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Part s & Materials 12/5/2014 Cal Public Employees' Re tirement System PV 257870 00 I Employee Benefit s 26,334.00 58 1.00 58 1.00 325 .00 Payment Number 229446 4,5 00 .00 4,500.00 Tires/Labor/ Parts/DisposalTires/Labor/ Parts/DisposalTires/ Labor/Parts/Di sposalPayment Number 22944 7 22 9448 884 .00 Payment Number 229445 Fees 000 5 1887 000 5 1942 000 5 1943 62.78 62. 13 72.49 47 .96 49. 16 18.3 1 232 . 17 238.7 1 5 1.23 2 1.26 27.80 325.00 Unifonns 257783 00 I 2,244 .63 26,334.00 City I County I GOV 257 590 00 I Amoun t 23. 04 126.2 1 137.73 27.50 8.40 15 .00 19.7 1 45.48 16.50 41.74 19.40 23. 04 126.2 1 19.7 5 Dec 20 14 Med ica l Payment Numbe r 229448 124 .09 901.7 1 593. 09 1,6 18.89 30 8,344.35 30 8,344.35 Check Number 229449 Check Date 12/5/2014 1214120 1415 :17:45 Page4 Alameda County Water District Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 1215120 14 - 1215120 14 R5504424 Version A W DOO I Pa ee Cal Safety Inc . Document Document Number T;tEe P2 257371 00 I 257372 001 P2 Purchase Order C lassification Number 00051847 Parts & Material s Parts & Material s 00051859 Descri12tion Safety Equipment Safety Equipment Payment Number 229449 229450 12/5/20 14 Ca lifornia Generator Service P2 257 8 14 00 I 00051909 Services 225.63 · Generator Preventive Maint Svc Payment Number 229450 22945 1 12/5/2014 California Site Services P2 257663 00 I 00051944 Equipment Rental 12/5/20 14 California UST Services P2 257739 001 00051966 Services Portable Rental Equipment 12/5/2014 Centerville Saw & Tool P2 257364 001 0005188 8 Equip Sales and Serv ice Monitoring System Test ing 12/5/20 14 Central Maintenance Company P2 257664 001 00051945 Services Tools & Repairs 229456 229457 229458 229459 12/5/2014 12/5/20 14 12/5120 14 12/5/20 14 12/5/20 14 Central Towing & Transp011 LLC Certif-A-Gift Company Christensen Associates Incorporated C ity of Fremont CJ Machine Products P2 PV P2 P2 P2 P2 PV P3 2578 13 001 00051908 Janitorial Services 001 001 00 I 00 I 00045250 00045250 00045250 00045250 Towing Services 000 50961 Equ ip Sales and Service 262.50 Payment Number 229456 5,032 .08 5,032.08 Se1v ices Services Se1v ices Se1vices - Profess ional Profess ional Profess ional Profess ional 12/5/2014 Clean Source P2 257666 00 I 0005 1953 Parts & Materi als 23 , 162.28 Payment Number 229458 5 1.57 51 .57 3/8" X 60' WIRE ROPE ASSY. Janitorial Supplies Payment Number 229460 229461 12/5/20 14 Coast Remodel & Construction Inc NO Refund 257892 001 Refund J200294 Payment Number 22946 1 229462 12/5/20 14 Command Security Corporation P2 257740 001 00051965 Security Security Guard Services Payment Number 229462 229463 12/5/2014 Contractor Compliance and Monitoring P2 257375 00 I 00048002 Professional Services 3,490.00 II ,995.00 5,000.00 2,677.28 Payment Number 22945 7 Payment Number 229459 229460 262 .50 Payment Number 229455 City I County I GOV 257589 00 I 25 789 1 00 I Professional Services Profess ional Servi ces Professional Se1v ices Professional Se1vices 5,238.17 5,238. 17 Services 257734 00 1 257383 257384 257385 257386 Services 201.03 201.03 Payment Number 229454 229455 160.00 160.00 Payment Number 229453 229454 693.00 693. 00 Payment Number 229452 229453 1,804.59 1,804.59 Payment Number 229451 229452 Amount 207. 10 18.53 Services - Contractor 2,408.00 2,408.00 94 1.39 94 1.39 190.72 190.72 14,390.60 14,390.60 300.00 R55 04424 Version A WDOO I Check Number 229464 Check Date 12/5/20 14 12/4/20 14 15: 17:45 Page 5 A lameda Coun ty Wat er Di strict Audi ted Demands - Automated Payments Chec k Dates: - 12/5/20 14 - 12/5/2014 Pa ee Corix Water Products Inc Document T;tEe P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Document Numbe r 257859 00 I 257859 002 25786 1 00 I 25786 1 002 257862 00 I 257862 002 257864 00 1 Purchase Order Number 0005 1484 0005 1484 0005 1683 0005 1683 0005 1662 0005 1662 0005 10 11 C lassifi cation Payment Number 229463 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Descri[>ti on 3/4" x 3" BRASS NIPPL E 2" X 4" BRASS NIPPLE 3/4" CO PPER T UBING 60 FT RL I" COPP ER T UBING 60 FT ROLL 6" MU LT l RAN GE FL EX COU PLING 12" MULTI RANGE FLEX COUPL ING 12"x l 2" T APPIN G SLEEVE FO R AC Materia ls Materia ls Materia ls Materia ls Materia ls Materia ls Materials Payment Number 229464 229465 12/5/20 14 Dale Hardware P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 257373 25760 I 257602 257 603 257 604 257 605 257606 257623 257624 257653 257654 257 660 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 0005 186 1 0005 19 10 0005 19 10 0005 19 10 0005 19 10 0005 19 11 0005 19 12 0005 193 1 0005 1932 0005 1948 0005 1949 0005 1947 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Pat1s & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandi se Merchandi se Merchandi se Merchandi se Merchandise Merchandise Merchandi se Merchandise Materials Materials Materials Materia ls Materials Materia ls Materials Materials Materia ls Materia ls Materials Materi als Paymen t Number 229465 229466 12/5/2014 Direct Line Tele Response P2 2578 11 00 1 0005 1845 Serv ices Telephone Answering Service Payment Number 229466 229467 12/5/20 14 Em st & Young LLP PV Paymen t Numbe r 229467 2294 68 12/5/20 14 Evoqua Water Techno log ies LLC P2 2576 17 00 I 0005 1907 Deioni zed Water Service Che micals Payment Number 229468 22 94 69 12/5/20 14 Ew ing Irri gation Products Inc P2 257872 00 1 0005 1929 lni ga ti on Supplies Landscaping Payment Number 229469 229470 12/5/2014 Ex traTeam Inc P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 257875 257875 257875 257875 257875 257875 257875 257875 257875 00 I 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 0 I0 0005 1638 0005 1638 0005 1638 0005 1638 0005 1638 0005 1638 0005 1638 0005 1638 0005 1638 Software Softwa re Software Software Softwa re Softwa re Softwa re So ftwa re Software Sa les Sa les Sa les Sa les Sa les Sa les Sa les Sa les Sa les & & & & & & & & & Support Supp011 Support Support Support Sup port Sup port Support Support Catalyst 2960C Switch 12 FE Po Catalyst 2960S 48 GigE PoE 740 Catalyst 2960 S FlexStack Stack Catalyst 2960S 24 GigE PoE 370 Catalyst 2960S FlexStack Stack SMART NET 24X7X4 Catalyst 2960C SMARTNET 8X5XN BD Cat 2960S Stk SMART NET 8X5XN BD Cat2960S Stk2 Computer Hardwa re Paymen t Number 229470 22947 1 12/5/20 14 Fastenal Company 1'2 257647 00 1 0005 19 13 Pa rts & Materi als 129.8 1 276.88 15,225. 12 1,249. 14 1,264.40 2,223.60 4,797. 11 25 , 166.06 353.53 82.38 43.58 15.48 38.03 114.29 255.79 49 .90 18.52 10 1.64 73.37 44.00 1, 190 .5 1 1,249.9 1 1,249.9 1 2,282.00 Professio nal Services 257588 00 1 Amoun t 300 .00 Rev ision # I -Vending Machine 2,282.00 236.00 236.00 82. 10 82. 10 2,969.8 1 9,934.5 9 1,484.9 1 8,564.62 2,227.36 278.80 8 16. 00 703.80 188.8 1 27, 168.70 4 7.42 Al ameda County Water Di ~ tri c t Audited Demands - Automated Pay m e n t~ Check Dates: - 1215120 14- 1215120 14 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Number Check Date Pa ee Document T;tEe P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 Document Number 257878 00 I 257878 002 25787 8 003 257878 004 25 7878 005 25 7878 006 25 7878 007 257878 008 257 878 009 25 7878 0 10 257 878 Oil 25 7878 01 2 257878 01 3 257878 014 25 7878 015 257878 0 16 257 878 017 25 7878 0 18 257878 0 19 Purchase Order Number 000 5 10 12 000 5 10 12 000510 12 0005 1012 0005 1012 0005 101 2 0005 101 2 0005 10 12 0005 10 12 0005 101 2 0005 10 12 0005 10 12 0005 10 12 000510 12 0005 10 12 0005 10 12 0005 10 12 0005 10 12 0005 101 2 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Pa rt ~ & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Part s & Part s & 1214120 14 15: 17:45 Page 6 Class ification Materia ls M a t eri a l ~ Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materi als Materi als Materials Materi als Materi als Materials Materi als Materi als Descri12tion 18" x . 125" ASP HALT BLAD E 2 GAL GAS CAN & NOZZ LE U SLOT EXT CORD - CE P 1400 # 10 AWG TRACER W IRE I 114 PVC CAP ALL SLIP SC H 40 I" PVC MAL E ADAPTER SLIPXM IPT 3 GAL IGLOO COOL ERS EA R MUFF- NRR OF 25 dBA 114" - 5/1 6" CLEV IS GRAB HOO K · 8" CRESCENT WREN CH, ADJU STABLE 10# SLEDG E HAMM ER 4 FOOT LEVEL ROLATYP E MEASUR ING W HEE L SAW, COM PACT WIBLAD E 8 POfNT C ROSS C UT SAW PRUNER, 10" FOLDING 9"DOUBL E ENDEDSC RAP ER l i 2" D TORQ WRENC H RATCHET TY PE SA WZA LL PL US HEAVY DUTY Payment Number 22947 1 229472 1215120 14 Ferguson Enterprises Inc # 1423 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 PD 25 73 96 00 1 25 7743 00 1 25 7744 00 1 257889 00 1 257889 002 257889 003 257889 004 25 7890 00 1 0005 11 22 0005 11 22 00050969 000507 10 000507 10 000507 10 000507 10 000507 10 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials I 0 STD 45 WELD ELLS, SC H 40 12" RISER, CAST IRON 6" MU LT l RANG E FLEX COUPLING 314" FLA RE X FIPT ADA PT ER 12" MU LT I RANG E FL EX COUPLING I" X 314" ANGLE STOP FLARE General Clearing M at eri a l ~ Materials Materi als Payment Number 229472 229473 1215120 14 Fremont Partners I PV 25 7584 00 I Refund 1215120 14 Fremont Recycl ing & Transfer Stat ion P2 25 7599 00 I 0005 19 14 Waste I Recycling I Garbage Di sposal Servi ces Payment Number 22 9474 229475 1215120 14 Steven Scott Gi lle PV 25 7585 00 I Effi cient Landscape Rebate 1215120 14 Brian Paul Goodman PV 257582 00 I Effic ient Landscape Rebate 1215120 14 Grayba r P2 P2 P2 257 382 00 I 257 382 002 257382 003 0005 1368 0005 1368 0005 1368 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Revision No. I Rev ision No. I Freight Payment Number 22 9477 229478 1215120 14 Gym Doc tors P2 2578 16 001 0005 1989 Serv ices 9,664.49 6,45 9.78 50.00 50.00 1, 185.00 550.00 Payment Number 229476 229477 I ,033.32 2,857.98 1,045 .3 1 354.80 1,667.7 1 2,705 .39 566.78 -566.80 1, 185.00 Payment Number 229475 229476 7,061.29 6,459.78 Payment Number 229473 229474 Amount 1, 125 .32 469.25 43 9.82 543.64 23 .58 27.30 2 15.89 167.85 27 .82 144.46 573.30 200 .57 1,0 14.4 1 62.36 112.98 11 0.64 246 .3 0 1,0 13.96 494.42 Equi pment Maintenance 550.00 538.59 609. 11 25 .00 1, 172.70 135.00 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Number 12/4/20 14 15: 17:45 Page 7 Alameda County Water District Audited Demands- Automa ted Payments Check Dates: - 12/5/20 14 - 12/5/20 14 Check Date Pa ee Document Document Number T)'Ee P2 25 78 19 00 1 Purchase Order Number 0005 1989 Services C lass ification DescriEtion Equipment Maintenance Payme nt Number 229478 229479 12/5/20 14 H D Supp ly Watetwo rks LTD P3 P3 P3 P3 25 7746 00 1 25 7747 00 1 257748 00 1 257748 002 0005 1670 0005 1644 0005 12 16 0005 12 16 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & 2" X 5" BRASS NIPPLE CO NG RESS IVE EPOX Y W/CAT 4" OD 7" FULL C IRCLE 2"x6" FU LL C IRC LE, SING LE BAN D Materi als Materi als Materi als Materials Payme nt Number 229479 229480 I 2/5/20 I 4 Sameh Hanna PV 25758 1 00 I 12/5/20 14 Hanson Bridgett LLP PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV 25 7847 001 257848 00 1 257849 00 1 257850 00 1 25785 I 00 I 257852 00 I 257 853 00 I 257855 00 I 25 7856 00 I 257857 00 1 25 7858 00 I 257863 00 I 257865 00 I 25 7866 00 I 0 15863.00000 I General 0 15863. 000002 Brd ofDi r-Mtgs 0 15863.000003 Rea l Property 0 15863.000004 Contracts 0 15863. 000005 Financ ial Matter 0 15863. 000006 La bor, Personnel 0 15863. 0000 12 Environ Matters 015 863.00006 I Employ Ben Plans 0 I 5863.00020 I Brd of Dir-E iect 01 5863. 00040 1 Water Ma in Ex t 015 863. 000807 Hendri x v JM Man 0 I 5863. 000808 Bio Di v Lawsuit 0 I 5863. 0008 I 6 Mc Bride/ Wright 01 5863. 00090 1 Los Vaq Resevo ir Legal Serv ices Legal Services Lega l Serv ices Legal Services Lega l Services Lega l Servi ces Legal Services Lega l Services Legal Services Legal Services Legal Services Legal Services Legal Services Legal Services Paymen t Number 22948 I 229482 12/5/20 I 4 Michael J.O' Hare PV 25 7583 00 I 12/5/20 I 4 Hayward Pipe & Supp ly Co P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 PV PV PV PV 257388 00 I 257389 00 I 257392 00 1 257392 002 257392 003 257393 00 I 257393 002 257393 003 257393 004 257394 00 I 257394 002 257395 00 I 257395 002 257395 003 257395 004 257752 00 I 257753 00 I 257754 00 1 257755 00 I 0005 1648 000507 15 000503 15 000503 15 000503 15 00050980 00050980 00050980 00050980 00050508 00050508 000 50963 000 50963 000 50963 000 50963 Parts & Par1s & Par1s & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materials Materi als Materials Materi als Materials Materials Materi als Materi als Materials Materia ls Materials Materi als Materi als Materials Materi als Materi als Materi als Materia ls Materials 40 1.94 I ,638.34 640.54 22 1.76 2,902 .58 I ,08 0.00 10, 144.40 2,905 .00 3,920.00 4,585. 00 I ,995. 00 3,360.00 7,520.20 6,285.80 245. 00 3,640.00 789.47 I ,085.00 2 I ,8 58.5 0 3,884.00 72,2 I 7.37 675. 00 Effic ient Landscape Rebate Payment Number 229482 229483 27 0.00 I ,08 0.00 Efficient Landscape Rebate Payme nt Number 229480 22948 1 Amount 135. 00 2" X 30 " GA LV NIPPL E 2" PVC Pipe, SC H 40, 20' I" PVC 90 ELL SxS Sc h. 40 1/2 PVC CA P ALL SLIP, SC H 40 Inventory Freight Expense I" PVC MALE A DAPTER SLI PXMJPT I" C X FIPT ADAPTER 6" BLfND FLANGE Inventory Fre ight Expe nse 2" GAL V ST EE L COU PLING 2 1/2" BLAC K COU PLI NG , ST EEL 2" X 16" GA LV NIPPL E I" X 3/4" INSU LAT ING BUS HING I" PVC PIPE, Sc h. 40 Inventory Freight Expe nse 675. 00 84 6.93 26 1.38 22.78 6.49 9.3 2 19.08 130. 15 289. 12 7.3 0 267.05 272.50 465.98 8 14.34 I I 3.36 9.59 20 1.50 264.05 990.26 454. 14 R5504424 Version AW DOOI Check N umber Alameda County Water District Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/5/20 14 - 12/5/20 14 Check Date Pa ee Document Document Numbe r T;r:12e PV 257756 00 1 Purchase Order Number 12/4/20 14 15: 17:45 Page 8 Class ifi cati on Parts & Materials DescriEtion Payment Number 229483 229484 12/5/20 14 Hertz Equipment Rental Company P2 257741 001 00048794 Equipment Rental 5,5 15.84 Revision No. I 37, 123.69 Payment Number 229484 229485 12/5/2014 Hose & Fittings, Etc. P2 P2 P2 257600 001 257665 00 I 257873 00 I 00051915 00051946 00051721 Parts & Materi als Parts & Material s Parts & Material s 37, 123.69 Hose & Fittings Etc Hose & Fittings Etc Hose & Fittings Etc Payment Number 229485 229486 12/5/20 14 Industrial Employers & Di stributors Assn P2 257673 001 0005 187 1 Services 12/5/20 14 In foSe nd Inc P2 P2 257761 001 257762 001 0005 1972 0005 1973 Labor Relations Printing Printing I ,597.46 I ,597.46 Water Statement Postage Water Statement Printing Payment Number 229487 229488 12/5/2014 Johnson Service Group Inc PV PV 257587 00 I 25778 1 001 12/5/20 14 Kelly-Moore Paint Company, Inc P2 P2 P2 P2 257656 257657 257658 257667 001 00 I 00 I 001 Temp Services Temp Services 00051954 00051954 00051954 00051954 Parts & Parts & Parts & Pa1ts & 2,530.59 2,946. 06 Material s Material s Materia ls Materials Paint Paint Paint Paint 5,476.65 Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 98.94 23 .75 160.43 64.55 Payment Number 229489 229490 12/5/20 14 Kleinfelder Inc P2 P2 257738 00 I 257867 00 I 00048983 00048983 Professional Services Profess ional Services 347.67 Revi sion No. I A- RE Services Revision No. I A - RE Services Payment Number 229490 229491 12/5/2014 Lawson Products Inc P2 P2 257742 001 257885 001 00051955 00051255 Parts & Material s Parts & Materials 12/5/20 14 Yong Y. Liang PV 257758 001 Misce llaneous Merchandise Misce llaneous Merchandise Effic ient Landscape Rebate 12/5/20 14 Littler Mendelson PC PV PV 257845 001 257846 001 12/5/20 14 Municipal Maintenance Equipment Inc P2 P2 P2 P2 257595 257596 257597 257598 00 I 00 I 00 I 001 Legal Services Legal Services 00051918 0005 19 18 00051918 000519 18 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materials Materials Materials Materials 900.00 900.00 6 15.00 720.00 Payment Number 229493 229494 276.43 39.59 3 16.02 Efficient Landscape rebate pro Payment Number 229492 229493 24,006.46 46,972.88 70,979.34 Payment Number 229491 229492 16,4 12.6 1 4,920. 04 2 1,332.65 Payment Number 229488 229489 23.44 34.20 200.64 258.28 Payment Nu mber 229486 229487 Amount 70.52 Various Various Various Various Payment Number 229494 I ,335. 00 Vac-Con Vac-Con Vac-Con Vac-Con Parts Parts Parts Parts 687.3 1 I ,452.83 170.50 492 .79 2,803.43 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Numbe r 229495 Check Date 12/5/2014 12/4/2014 15: 17:45 Page 9 Alameda County Water Di strict Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/5/20 14 - 12/5/2014 Pa ee Napa Au to Parts Document T;tJ2e P2 P2 P2 Document Number 257670 00 I 25767 1 00 I 257672 001 Purchase Order Nu mbe r 00051956 0005 19 19 00051920 Classification Parts & Materials Parts & Materi als Parts & Materi als Descrietion 327.95 16.20 17.53 Auto Parts Auto Parts Auto Parts 36 1.68 Payment Number 229495 229496 12/5/2014 Nati onal Consolidated Couriers Inc P2 25 738 1 00 I 000 5 1857 Mail Couri er Service Services 12/5/2014 Networkfleet Inc P2 257625 00 I 0005192 8 Flee t Monitoring Dev ices Services 12/5/20 14 Off Site Records Manage ment LLC P2 P2 P2 257374 00 1 2576 15 00 I 257616 00 I 000 5 1862 00051 901 00051 860 Records storage/destn1ction/ Records storage/destmction/ Records storage/destn1ct ion/ Services Services Services 12/5/2014 Pacific Bolt Company Inc P3 P3 257745 001 257745 002 0005 1870 00051 870 Parts & Materi als Parts & Materials 5/8" x 2 3/4" STA INLESS ST EE L lnvent01y Freight Expense 12/5/2014 Pacific EcoRisk Inc P2 257592 00 I 00051926 Services Bioassay toxic ity analysis 12/5/20 14 Pacific Gas & Electric PV 25 7735 00 1 I ,625.74 Utility I ,625 .74 Payment Number 22950 I 229502 12/5/20 14 Pacific Gas & El ectric Co P2 25762 1 00 I 00051904 20 14 Washer Rebate Program Utility 12/5/20 14 Pape Machinery Inc P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 257368 257607 257608 257609 257655 25 7659 00 I 00 I 001 001 00 I 001 0005 1875 0005 1921 0005 1921 0005 1921 0005 1958 0005 1957 Equip Equip Equip Equip Equip Equip Sales and Sa les and Sales and Sa les and Sa les and Sa les and Service Serv ice Service Service Service Service Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Part s and Parts and Part s and Parts and Parts and Parts and Repa irs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Payment Number 229503 229504 12/5/20 14 Peterson P2 P2 P2 2576 12 001 2576 13 001 2576 14001 0005 1922 0005 1923 0005 1924 Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Equipment Rental 2yr Maintenance Agreeme nt 2yr Maintenance Agreement 2yr M aintenance Agreement Payment Number 229504 229505 12/5/2014 R & D Tech ni ca l Serv ices PV PV PV PV PV PV 257728 00 I 257729 00 I 257730 001 25773 1 00 I 257732 001 257733 00 I Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Serv ices Services Services Serv ices Services Serv ices 22,415 .00 22 ,41 5.00 Payment Number 229502 229503 770.00 770.00 Payment Number 229500 22950 1 218.00 15.81 233.81 Payment Number 229499 229500 1,090.25 57.5 0 30.00 1, 177.75 Payment Number 229498 229499 2,9 19.75 2,9 19.75 Payment Number 229497 229498 I ,325 .35 I ,325.35 Payment Number 229496 229497 Amount 1,535.8 1 52 . 16 144 .95 209.06 110.57 103.36 2, 155.9 1 550.00 164.29 164.30 878.59 1,320.00 1,320.00 777.60 777.60 583.20 950.40 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Numbe r 121412014 15: 17:45 Page 10 Alameda County Water Di strict Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 121512014 - 121512014 Check Date Pa ee Document Document Numbe r T;tee PV 257749 00 I PV 257750 00 I 25775 1 00 I PV Purchase Order Number C lassifica tion Descrieti on Temp Services Temp Serv ices Temp Services Payment Number 229505 229506 1215120 14 Rising Sun Energy Center P2 P2 257820 001 257822 00 I 0005 1902 0005 1903 Services Services CA Youth Energy Services CA Youth Energy Services Payment Number 22 9506 229507 121512014 Road Runner Glass & MirTor Inc P2 2576 11 001 0005 1925 Parts & Materi als Maintenance and Repairs Payment Number 229507 229508 121512014 Abraham Saddik PV 257760 001 Effi cient Landscape Rebate Effi cient Landscape Rebate prog Payment Number 229508 229509 121512014 San Francisco PUC-Wate r Department PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV City I County I City I County I City I County I City I County I C ity I County I City I County I City I County I City I County I 257764 00 I 257765 001 257766 001 257767 001 257768 001 257769 001 257770 001 25777 1 001 GOV GOV GOV GO V GOV GOV GOV GO V 121512014 Schaa's Lawn mower Sales & Service 1'2 257649 001 0005 1959 Parts & Materials Merchandise & Repairs Payment Number 2295 10 2295 11 121512014 Shields Co nsulting Group Inc PV 257 759 00 I Fees 121512014 Solenis LLC P2 257883 001 0005 1980 Chemi cals AnioniciPraesto l Ploymer Payment Num ber 2295 12 2295 13 2295 14 2295 15 22951 6 2295 17 121512014 121512014 121512014 121512014 121512014 SST Benefits Consulting State Water Resources Control Board State Water Resources Control Board State Water Resources Control Board State Water Resources Control Board 1'2 PV PV PV PV 25 7807 001 2578 15 001 2578 17 001 2578 18001 25782 1 00 I 0005 1990 Profess ional Servi ces 11,242.00 10,000 .00 21 ,242 .00 185.00 185.00 640 .00 640 .00 1,9 11 ,249.55 109.7 1 109.7 1 901. 95 Payment Number 2295 11 2295 12 8,776.80 1, 199,355. 11 3,9 17.43 160,507.9 1 53 0,628.46 10,606. 00 1,886.7 1 3,770.93 577. 00 Payment Number 229509 22951 0 Amount 1,320.00 950.40 777.60 Professional Services 90 1.95 2, 104.25 2, 104.25 7,5 00.00 Payment Number 22951 3 7,5 00.00 Payment Number 2295 14 1,996.00 Payment Number 2295 15 1,996.00 Payment Number 2295 16 1,996. 00 Payment Number 2295 17 1,996. 00 Fees 1,996. 00 Fees 1,996.00 Fees 1,996.00 Fees 1,996. 00 R55 04424 Version AWDOOI Check Number 2295 18 Check Date 12/5/20 14 12/4/201415 :17:45 Page II Alameda County Water District Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/5/20 14 - 12/5/201 4 Pa ee State Water Resources Control Board Document T}'Ee PV Document Num ber Purchase Order Numbe r 257823 00 I C lassifi cati on Descrietion I ,996.00 Fees Paymen t Number 2295 18 2295 19 12/5/20 14 State Water Resources Control Board PV 257 824 00 I 12/5/20 14 State Water Resources Control Board PV 25 7825 00 1 12/5/20 14 State Water Resources Con trol Board PV 257827 00 1 12/5/20 14 State Water Resources Control Board PV 257828 00 I 229524 22952 5 12/5/20 14 12/5/20 14 12/5/20 14 State Water Resources Control Board State Water Resources Contro l Board State Water Resources Contro l Board PV PV PV 257833 00 I Paymen t Number 229523 I ,996.00 Payment Number 229524 I ,99 6.00 Fees 257 836 00 I I ,996. 00 Fees 1,996.00 Paymen t Number 229525 229526 12/5/20 14 State Water Resources Control Board PV 257 838 00 I Fees 12/5/20 14 State Water Resources Control Board PV 257839 00 I Fees 12/5/20 14 Steven K Schaffer P2 25 73 76 00 I 000 5 1890 Professiona l Services Consulting Services Payment Number 229528 229529 12/5/2014 SunState Equipment Co P2 P2 P2 2576 10 00 I 25 7808 00 1 25 7809 00 1 00051 927 000 5 1996 0005 1996 Equipment Rental Equipment Rental Equ ipment Rental Equipment Rental Serv ices Equipment Rental Se rvices Equipment Rental Serv ices Payment Numbe r 229 52 9 2295 30 12/5/20 14 Teledyne lnstnun ents Inc P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 2573 60 257360 257360 2573 60 257360 25 7360 257360 2573 60 00 I 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 0005 1054 0005 1054 0005 1054 0005 1054 0005 1054 0005 1054 0005 1054 0005 1054 Equi p Sales Equi p Sales Equip Sa les Equi p Sa les Equip Sales Equi p Sa les Equip Sa les Equip Sa les I ,996.00 II ,497 .00 Paymen t Number 229527 229 528 I ,996.00 I ,996. 00 Paymen t Number 229526 229527 1,996.00 I ,996. 00 Fees 257 83 5 00 I 1,996. 00 1,996.00 Fees Payment Number 229522 229523 I ,996.00 1,996.00 Fees Paymen t Number 229521 229522 1,996. 00 I ,996. 00 Fees Paymen t Number 229 520 22952 1 I ,996.00 1,996. 00 Fees Payment Number 22951 9 229520 Amount and and and and and and and and Se1v ice Se1v ice Se1v ice Se1v ice Se1v ice Se1v ice Se1v ice Serv ice Services - Contractor sda-oring,2-0 14-ss5 sda-oring, 2-0 18-ss 5 sda-ori ng,2-022-ss5 sda-beam splitter, m Rev. No. I sda-assy lam p Rev . No. I sda-oring, 2 - 122, Rev. No. I sda-filter element Paymen t Numbe r 229530 II ,497. 00 7,5 07.5 0 7,507.5 0 566.78 I ,636.57 I ,657.79 3,86 1. 14 600 .00 200 .56 11 2.27 97. 0 1 14 1.70 273.59 62. 13 5.45 1,492.7 1 R5504424 Version AWDOO I Check Number 22953 1 Alameda County Water District Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates:- 12/512014 - 12/5/20 14 Check Date 12/5/20 14 Pa ee Trenc h Plate Renta l Co Document T;tEe P2 P2 Document Number 257369 00 I 257370 00 I Purchase Order Numbe r 00051 849 00051 850 12/4/20 14 15: 17:45 Page 12 Classification Equipmen t Renta l Equipment Renta l Description Trench Plate Rentals Trench Plate Rentals Payment Number 22953 1 229532 12/5/20 14 TmstPointe Inc P2 257736 00 I 0005 1830 Services 12/5/20 14 URS Corporation P2 257779 001 000462 18 Employment Background Checks Professional Services 12/5/2014 US Postmaster PV 2578 12001 Services - Professional 12/5/2014 Va lley Oi l Co P2 257650 00 I Fees 00051 960 5,000.00 Gas I Oil I Compr Air 5,000.00 Motor Oi l 1,477.60 Payment Number 229535 229536 12/5/20 14 Verizon Wireless PV PV 257868 00 1 257869 001 1,477.60 Uti lity Utili ty 2,429.02 2,894.96 Payment Number 229536 229537 12/5/20 14 Vista Universa l, Inc. P2 25736 1 00 I 00051 5 18 Building Maintenance 5,323.98 Revi sion No. I Rubber Dam Payment Number 229537 229538 12/5/20 14 Wagner Process Equipment Inc P3 P3 25 7387 00 1 257387 002 0005 1679 0005 1679 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials 12/5/20 14 Xerox Direct P2 P2 P2 257775 00 1 257776 00 1 257778 00 1 00051978 00051978 0005 1978 PULSATION DAMPENER Inventory Freight Expense Office Equip Sa les and Service Office Equip Sales and Service Office Equip Sa les and Service 53 1.75 531.75 Payment Number 229538 229539 4,742.50 4,742.50 Payment Number 229534 229535 176.40 176.40 Payment Number 229533 229534 89 1. 52 11 3.40 1,004 .92 Payment Number 229532 229533 Amount 1,403.92 37.84 I ,441.76 Xerox Printer/Copier Xerox Pri nter/Copier Xerox Printer/Copier Payment Nu mber 229539 1,761.60 2, 177.6 1 2,409.03 6,348.24 Grand Total 2,829,062.52 The undersigned affirms that each of the itemized demands set forth above is for materials and/or services rendered to the Alameda County Water District, that no demand has been previously paid in whole or in part, that propef procedures were followed in procurement of the materials and services, and that adequate budgeted funds were available . tZ/n /;t.j Date :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~L f(ul Walter L. Wadlow, General Manager Date : /"P/J 5/ J~ • R55 04424 Version AWDOOI Check Number 229540 Check Date 12112120 14 12/1 1120 14 14: 10:44 Page I Alameda Coun ty Water Distri ct Audited Demands- Automated Payments Check Dates: - 121121201 4 - 121121201 4 Pa ee A irgas NCN Inc Document T;tee P2 P2 P2 P2 Document Num be r 257924 001 257925 00 I 258037 001 258038 001 Purchase O rder Number 00052062 00052062 00052047 00052049 Gas I Gas I Gas I Gas I O il I O il I O il I O il I Classi fi cati on Compr Air Compr Air Compr Air Compr Air Descrieti on Laboratory Gases Laborat01y Gases Air fo r Lab Test Air fo r Lab Test 1,0 12. 10 Payme nt Num ber 229540 229541 I 2/1212014 Alameda County Chapter- CS DA PV 257974 00 I Memberships Dues-7 I I I I 4-61301I 4 Payme nt Number 22954 I 229542 I 2112120 14 Alameda County Waste Mgmt Authori ty PV City I County I GOV 257977 001 I 2112120 14 A pple O ne Empl oyment Services PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV 257953 00 I 25795 4 001 257955 00 I 257956 00 I 257957 00 I 258053 001 258054 001 258055 00 I Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Temp Nov 20 I 4 Fac ility Fees I 2112120 14 AS Jrepro.com P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 257894 257895 257896 258004 258034 001 00 I 001 001 00 1 0005205 1 00052052 00052053 00052093 00052 036 I ,242.24 2,9 I 6.48 2, I 87.36 2,9 I 6.48 4,094 . I 5 1, 159.20 I ,544.80 2,55 1.92 Setvices Services Setv ices Setv ices Setv ices Services Services Setv ices Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Rep roduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction Reproduction I 8,6 I 2.63 Services Services Services Se tvices Services Payme nt Nu mber 229544 229545 I 2112120 I 4 Assoc ia ted Ri ght of Way Services Inc P2 258036 00 I 0005 1422 Services Appraisal Services Payment Number 229545 229546 I 2112120 I 4 AT&T PV Te lecommunications 258059 00 I C6073 16755777 Payment Number 229546 229547 I 211 2120 14 Bank of Sacramento PV PV 258056 00 I 258064 00 1 I 2112/20 I 4 Blocka Constntct ion Inc P2 257934 001 0005 1807 Construc tion Serv ices T P2 Power Fac il ity Turbine Payment Number 229548 22 9549 12112120 14 Borges & Mahoney Co P3 P3 257973 00 I 257973 002 0005 1676 0005 1676 Parts & Materials Parts & Materi als M EC HAN ICA L SEAL lnvent01y Fre ight Expense Paymen t Number 229549 229550 12112120 14 State o f Ca liforni a PV PV 257980 00 I 25798 I 00 I City I County I GO V City I County I GOV 555.36 86. I I 52.32 168.03 95.07 956.89 6,000 .00 6,000.00 5,488.58 5,488.58 44,365.68 28,078.27 Financia l Serv ices Financia l Serv ices Payment Number 22954 7 229548 2,445.23 2,445.23 Payme nt Nu mber 229543 229544 50 .00 50 .00 Payme nt Number 229542 22954 3 Amount 498.90 485.63 14.22 I 3.35 Contrac t # I 60 I 59 Contrac t # I 60 I 59 72,443.95 144,685.00 144,685.00 34.55 9.99 44.54 24,359.00 3,847.00 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Number Alameda County Water District Audited Demands- Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/12/20 14 - 12/12/20 14 Check Date Pa ee Document Docu ment Num ber T;tEe PV 257982 00 I PV 257983 00 1 Purchase Order Number 12/ 11/20 14 14: 10:44 Page 2 C lassification C ity I County I GOV C ity I County I GOV DescriEtion Contract # 160 159 Water Su pply Contract Payment Number 229550 22955 1 12/12/20 14 Cali fornia UST Services P2 P2 2579 14 00 1 257916 00 1 00052024 00052024 Services Services Moni toring System Testing Moni toring System Testi ng Payment Number 22955 1 229552 12/12/20 14 Ca lPERS Long Tenn Care Program T7 258049 00 I Employee Benefi ts EE deduct PR 12/1 1/14 Paymen t Number 229552 229553 12/ 12/20 14 Californ ia Association of PV 257949 00 1 Membershi ps 12/12/20 14 Carg ill Inc PV 257975 00 I Fees 12/ 12/20 14 Carmen G roup Incorporated P2 258040 00 1 00048979 Profess iona l Serv ices Serv ices - Professiona l Payment Num ber 229555 229556 12/12/20 14 N Hanis Computer Corporation P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 25803 1 00 I 258033 00 I 258047 00 I 258047 002 258047 003 00048760 00048760 00052056 00052056 00052056 Software Software Software Software Software Sales & Sa les & Sales & Sales & Sa les & Support Support Support Support Support Serv ices - Profess iona l Services - Professiona l Cayenta Uti lities Un iface Ru nti me Cognos 8 Report Software Payment Nu mber 229556 229557 12/ 12/20 14 C OW Govern ment Inc P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 258022 00 I 258022 002 258022 003 258023 00 I 258024 00 1 258028 00 I 258028 002 258029 00 1 258030 00 I 258030 002 0005 1855 0005 1855 0005 1855 00049097 00049007 0005 1579 0005 1579 0005 1650 0005 1650 0005 1650 Softwa re Software Softwa re Software Software Software Software Software Soft\vare Software Sa les & Sales & Sa les & Sales & Sales & Sales & Sales & Sales & Sales & Sales & Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Polycom Soundsta ti on 2W Soundsta tion 2W Li-lon Battery Office Sup plies Compute r Supp lies Compute r Supplies M icrosoft Visio Professional Microsoft Remote Desktop Xerox 3 Year On-S ite Xerox Phaser 7500 Color Freight Payment Nu mber 229557 229558 12/ 12/20 14 CJ Mac hine Products P2 257968 00 I 0005208 1 Equ ip Sales and Serv ice . Machine Labor/ Parts Payment Number 229558 229559 12/ 12/20 14 Command Securi ty Corporati on P2 258039 00 I 000520 19 Securi ty Securi ty Guard Services Payment Num ber 229559 229560 12/ 12/20 14 Dave Kelly Trucking P2 258020 00 1 00052063 Services 160.00 800.00 960.00 59 1.66 59 1.66 225 .00 300. 00 Payment Num ber 229554 229555 263,577.62 225 .00 Payment Number 229553 229554 Amoun t 228,855.00 6,5 16.62 Truck Hau ling Services Payment Number 229560 300.00 700.00 700.00 5,78 1. 25 6,845 .00 70,343.23 7,459.05 5,4 12. 16 95,840.69 I ,673 .3 2 54:43 19.98 2,303.60 34 1.99 3,808.56 2,0 16.00 I ,945 .8 9 2,738.04 179:46 15,08 1. 27 450 .00 450.00 10, 168.3 0 I 0, 168.30 7,007.70 7,007.70 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Number 22956 1 Check Date 12/1212014 12/1 11201414:10:44 Page 3 Alameda County Water District Audited Demands- Automated Payments Check Dates: - 1211212014- 12/121201 4 Pa ee Dell Marketing LP Document T;tEe P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 Document Number 258008 001 258008 002 258044 001 258044 002 258 044 003 258 045 00 I 258046 001 258046 002 Purchase Order Number 0005 1665 0005 1665 0005 1854 0005 1854 0005 1854 000502 84 0005 1578 0005 1578 Class ification Computer Sa les & Support Computer Sa les & Support Compute r Sa les & Sup port Compute r Sa les & Support Compute r Sales & Support Compute r Sales & Support Compute r Sa les & Support Compute r Sales & Support Descri(!ti on Dell Laptop Latitude 14 5000 Dell Laptop Latitude 14 5000 Accessory - E-Port Plus Port Accessory- Top Load Carrying Accessory- 90 Watt Adapter Prec ision T I 700 2 10-AAJV Dell 27" Monitor- U27 13H State Environmental Fee Payme nt Number 22956 1 229562 12/1212014 Dun-Rite Excavating Inc P2 258035 001 0005 1259 Asphalt Pavement Rep laceme nt Construc ti on Serv ices Payme nt Number 229562 229563 12/1212014 EMA Inc P2 258042 001 000485 13 Professional Services Services - Profess ional Payment Number 229563 229564 1211212014 ERS Industri al Service Inc 1'2 25801 7 001 0005 1526 Med ia Ski mming Service Services Payment Number 229564 229565 12/1212014 ExtraTeam Inc P2 25801 8 001 0005 1638 Software Sales & Support DIN Rail Mount For Compact Swi Paymen t Number 229565 229566 1211212014 Ferguson Enterpri ses Inc # 1423 P3 257'! 17 001 0005 1828 Parts & Materials 12" SO WELD FLA NGE CLASS E Payment Number 229566 22 9567 12/1212014 Fremont Minuteman Press P2 P2 P2 257969 00 I 257970 00 I 257999 001 00052085 00052086 00052087 Printing Printing Printing Printing Services Printing Services Printing Services Payment Number 229567 229568 12/1212014 Fremont Urgent Ca re Center P2 P2 P2 258014 00 1 25801 5 001 25801 6 001 00052026 00052026 00052026 Serv ices Serv ices Serv ices Employee Health Screeni ng Employee Health Screening Employee Hea lth Screen ing Payment Number 229568 229569 1211212014 City of Fre mont PV City I County I GOV 257979 00 I 12/1212014 General Me tal Fab. P2 257922 001 00052022 Pa rts & Materi als Sheet Metal Fabricati on Payment Number 229570 22957 1 12112120 14 Gexpro P2 P2 P2 257893 001 257893 002 257893 003 0005 1682 0005 1682 00051682 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Weed Fiber Optic Interface Weed 1201240 VAC Power Su pp ly Weed Electrical In terface Payment Number 22957 1 229572 12/12120 14 G loba l Di ving & Sa lvage Inc. P2 257899 001 0005 18 15 Services 7,44 5.56 117,770.3 1 11 7,77 0.3 1 6,3 15.00 6,3 15.00 5,474.75 5,474.75 236. 09 236.09 7 13.95 7 13.95 3 10.68 44 3. 12 240.29 994 .09 164 .00 246. 00 164 .00 574.00 260 .70 Payment Number 229569 229570 Amount 1, 114.56 407. 00 959. 15 366. 16 6 10.32 2,280.01 I ,700.36 8. 00 De mobi li zati on of Emerge ncy Paymen t Num ber 229572 260.70 11 0. 00 11 0.00 3,9 10.92 332.45 577.70 4,82 1.07 35,396. 18 35,396. 18 R5504424 Version AWDOO l Check Number 229573 Alameda County Water District Aud ited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/ 12/2014- 12112/20 14 Check Date 12112/20 14 Pa ee Go lden Gate Systems Document Tyee P2 P2 P2 Document Number 258012 00 I 2580 12 002 2580 12 003 12/1 1/201414: 10:44 Page 4 Purchase Order Number 00051771 0005 177 1 0005 177 1 C lassifi cati on Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Suppl ies Descrietion Xerox 78 00 Waste Toner Xerox 3250 Black Toner Fre ight Payment Number 22957 3 229574 12/12/20 14 Gregg Drilling & Testing, Inc. P2 257944 001 0005 1576 Services Drilling Services Payment Nu mber 229574 229575 12112/20 14 Hac h Company P2 P2 257986 001 257986 002 0005 18 12 0005 18 12 Laboratory Laboratory Pocket Colorimeter II Chl orine Small Tools/Operating Supplies Payment Number 229575 229576 1211 2/2014 Harrington Industri al Plastics LLC P2 P2 257929 00 1 257930 00 I 00052008 00052004 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Mechanical Parts Mechanica l Parts Payment Number 229576 229577 12/ 12/20 14 Hertz Equipment Rental P2 2579 13 001 00050584 Equipment Rental Lig ht Trailer Rental Payment Number 229577 229578 12112/20 14 Heusser Neweigh LLC P2 P2 25 7943 001 257943 002 00052061 00052061 Services Serv ices Pipettes/Thennometers Cal Services - M isc Payment Number 229578 229579 12/ 12/20 14 Hose & Fittings, Etc. P2 P2 257909 001 257928 00 I 00051997 00052014 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Hose & Fittings Etc Hose & Fittings Etc Payment Number 229579 229580 12/ 12/20 14 lmpri vata Inc P2 25 8007 00 I 00051661 Software Sa les & Support OneS ign Premium Maintenance Payment Number 229580 22958 1 12/ 12/20 14 Iron Mountain P2 P2 258005 00 I 258043 00 I 00052096 00052025 Setv ices Serv ices Offs ite Tape Vaulting Offs ite Tape Vaulting Payment Number 22958 1 229582 12/ 12/20 14 IWT/Cargo-Guard P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 258052 258052 258052 258052 258052 258052 25 8052 00 I 002 003 004 005 006 007 00051 89 1 00051 89 1 00051 89 1 00051 89 1 0005189 1 00051891 00051 89 1 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Pat1s & Parts & Parts & Materia ls Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Material s . 3' X 5' DIRT BAGS Inventory Freight Expense State/County Sa les & Use Tax Loca l Sales & Use Tax Transi t Tax BART Use Tax Hea lth Care Services Tax Payment Number 2295 82 229583 12/12/20 14 Johnson Service Group Inc PV PV 257946 001 257947 001 Temp Setv ices Temp Setvices Amount 93.52 446 .90 15.00 555.42 I 02 ,989.50 I 02,989.5 0 1,739.64 66.39 1,806. 03 698.99 293 .79 992.78 380.41 380.41 627.50 10.00 637.50 108. 18 11 8.6 1 226.79 5,297.40 5,297.40 392.8 1 5 13.9 1 906.72 3,8 15.00 585.00 -227.50 -35 .00 - 17.50 -1 7.5 0 -17.50 4,085 .00 I ,507 .68 1,926.27 Payment Number 229583 3,433.95 . R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Number 229584 Check Date 12112/20 14 12/11 /20 14 14:10:44 Page 5 Alameda County Water Di stri ct Aud ited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/12/2014 - 12112/20 14 Pa ee Joshua P. Peterson Document Document Number T;t[Je P2 258009 001 Purchase Order C lassification Number 0005 1962 Software Sales & Support Descri[Jtion Consult ing Services 200.00 Payment Number 229584 229585 12/12/20 14 Katz & Associates Inc P2 257966 00 I 00047736 Pruf~ssiona l Serv ices Services - Contractor 12/ 12/20 14 Kell y-M oore Paint Company, Inc P2 P2 P2 257906 00 1 257907 00 I 257908 00 I 0005200 1 0005200 1 00052003 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Paint Supplies Paint Supplies Paint Supp li es 12/ 12/20 14 Lega!Shield T7 25805 1 001 Empl oyee Benefits EE deduct PR 1211 1114 12112/20 14 The Lipman Company T7 258048 001 Professional Services PL# l25 PR 12/ 11 / 14 12112/20 14 Lone Tree Trucking Inc P2 25793 1 001 00052040 Parts & Material s Di sposa l-WTP Solids 12/12/20 14 Maveri ck Networks Inc P2 P2 P2 P2 257939 001 257940 001 25794 1 001 257942 001 00051 8 16 00051816 000518 16 00051816 Telecommunications Telecommunications Te lecommunications Telecommunications Mite! lncidentials Mite! lncident ials Mite! lnc idential s Mite! lncidentials 12/ 12/2014 McGuire & Hester P2 257967 00 I 00047959 Professional Services Se1v ices - Professional 12112/2014 Milpitas Materials Co P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 257984 257988 257990 257992 257993 257994 257995 257996 257997 257998 001 001 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 001 00 I 00 I 00052066 00052064 00052065 00052067 00052068 00052069 00052070 0005207 1 00052072 00052073 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materials Materials Materials Materials Material s Material s Material s Material s Material s Materials Backfill Backfill Backfill Backfi ll Backfill Backfill Backfi ll Backfi ll Backfill Backfi ll Material Materia l Material Material Material Material Material Material Materia l Material Payment Number 229592 229593 12/ 12/2014 Nat ional Conso li dated Couri ers Inc P2 258000 00 I 00052088 Se1vices Mai I Couri er Se1vice Payment Number 229593 229594 12112/20 14 Off Site Records Management LLC P2 257898 00 I 00052034 Services Records storage/destn1ction! Payment Number 229594 229595 12/ 12/2014 Operating Engi neers Local No 3 T7 258050 00 I Employee Benefits 842 ,947.92 842 ,947.92 Payment Number 229 59 1 229592 237.50 1,6 15.00 665.00 I ,520.00 4,037.50 Payment Number 229590 229591 I ,035.00 1,035.00 Payment Numbe r 229589 229590 5,889.80 5,889.80 Payment Number 229588 229589 758.45 758.45 Payment Number 229587 22958 8 11 8.83 197.27 36.22 352.32 Payment Number 229586 229587 725.00 725.00 Payment Numbe r 229585 229586 Amount 200.00 Members dues PR 12/1 1/ 14 508.60 606.47 388. 19 403.42 394.92 420.42 388. 19 589.47 380.4 1 606.47 4,686.56 979 .61 979.6 1 739.14 739. 14 6, 136.00 R5504424 Version A W DOO I Check Number 229596 Alameda County Water Di strict Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12112120 14 - I 2112120 14 Check Date 1211212014 Payee Oracle America Inc Document Type P2 Document Number 258025 00 I 12111 120 14 14 :10:44 Page 6 Purchase Order Number 0004902 5 Class ification Payment Number 22959 5 Software Sa les & Support Descri[ltion Computer Services Payment Number 229596 229597 1211212014 Pacific Gas & Electric Co PV 257989 00 I Uti lity 12112120 14 Pac ifi c Gas & Electric Co PV 5600680 I 14-8 Utili ty 257991 00 I 12112120 14 Pacific Gas & Electric Co P2 258010 00 1 0005 1979 6022620803-5 Utility 1211212014 Pape Machine1y Inc P2 P2 2579 10 001 25791 1 00 1 0005 1992 0005 1993 20 14 Washer Rebate Program Equ ip Sa les and Service Equip Sales ami Service 1211212014 PCM-G P2 P2 P2 P2 258026 001 258027 00 I 25 802 7 002 258027 003 00051021 0005 102 1 00051021 0005 102 1 Office Office Office Office Equip Equip Equip Equip Sa les and Sa les and Sales and Sales and Auto Parts and Repairs Auto Pa11s and Repairs Service Service Service Service MS MS MS MS Surface Surface Surface Surface 1211212014 Peterson P2 257905 00 1 0005 199 1 2yr Maintenance Agreement Equipment Rental Payment Number 229602 229603 1211212014 PFM Asset Management LLC P2 258063 00 I 00052090 Professional Services Professional Services Payment Number 229603 229604 1211212014 Pl att .com P2 25 7987 001 00052082 Materials Electrica l Supplies Payment Number 229604 229605 1211212014 Power Engineers Inc P2 P2 P2 257965 00 I 257965 002 257965 003 00050429 0005042 9 00050429 C ityworks Implementation Cityworks Imp lementat ion Cityworks Imp lementation Services Services Services Payment Number 229605 229606 12112120 14 Precision Balancing Service P2 25792 1 00 I 00052020 Services Technica l Services Payment Number 229606 229607 12112120 14 R & D Technica l Services PV PV Temp Se1v ices Temp Services 257950 00 1 25795 1 001 1211212014 Republic Services #916 P2 P2 P2 257903 00 I 257937 00 I 25 7938 00 I 0005 1986 0005205 9 00052060 2 19.00 1,960.91 3.00 107 .93 2,290.84 145 .98 145.98 6,44 I. 13 6,44 1.1 3 1,859.8 1 1,859.8 1 880.8 1 680.00 10,984.7 1 12,545.52 525.00 525.00 583 .20 583. 20 Payment Number 229607 229608 26 .98 34.60 61.58 Pro Ext. Warranty Pro Tablet Pro Recycling fee Pro Cover Blk Payment Number 22960 1 229602 22 ,420 .00 22 ,420 .00 Payment Number 229600 22960 1 2 13,300 .93 2 13,300.93 Payment Number 229599 229600 22,437.38 22,437.38 Payment Number 22959 8 229599 24,089. 0 1 24,089. 01 Payment Number 22 9597 229598 Amount 6, 136.00 Waste I Recycl ing I Garbage Waste I Recyc ling I Garbage Waste I Recycling I Garbage Garbage Service Garbage Service Garbage Serv ice 1, 166:40 2,487.00 546. 10 496.51 R55 04424 Version A WDOO I Check Number 12/1 1/2014 14: 10:44 Page 7 Alameda County Wate r District Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - I 2/12/20 I4 - I 2/12/20 I4 Check Date Document Pa ee T~Ee P2 Document Number 25806 1 001 Purchase Order Class ification Number Waste I Recyc ling I Garbage 00052099 DescriEti on Garbage Service Payme nt Num ber 229608 229609 I 2/ 12/201 4 Roberts & Bnme P2 257936 001 0005 1063 I 7/8" Iron Pipe Drill Bit Pa11s & Materials Payme nt Number 229609 2296 10 I 2/ 12/201 4 ShareSquared Inc P2 257964 00 1 0005 1226 Computer Sa les & Support SharePoin t Impl ementation Payme nt Number 2296 I 0 22961 1 12/ 12/2014 Sharp Business Systems P2 P2 258002 00 1 258003 001 0005 2094 00052 095 Office Equi p Sa les and St:rvice Office Equip Sa les and Serv ice Sharp Copier Maintenance Sharp Copier Maintenance Payme nt Number 2296 1 I 2296 12 2296 13 2296 14 I 2/12/2014 12/12/2014 12/12/2014 Sirius Computer Solutions Inc Slideshow Events SRT Consultants P2 PV P2 258006 00 1 0004898 1 257976 001 257935 00 I Software Sales & Support Rev ision No. 2 - Additional 2296 16 2296 17 12/ 12/2014 12/ 12/20 14 I 2/12/2014 Steven K Schaffer TelePacific Communications T LC Admini strators P2 PV P2 2580 1 I 001 00052 033 258060 00 I 257897 001 I 2/12/2014 Tremco Weatherproofin g Techno log ies P2 257904 001 0005 1407 I 2/ 12/20 I 4 Uni var USA Inc P2 P2 257932 00 I 257933 00 I 00052 038 00052039 Tec hnica l Writ ing Services Services Profess ional Services I 2/12/20 I 4 US Postm aster PV 257945 001 Consulting Services I 2/12/20 14 Valley O il Co P2 257900 001 12/ 12/20 14 Vasco Road Landfill P2 P2 2579 19 00 1 257923 00 I 00052042 00052041 430.00 7,085.00 1, 108. 13 1, 108. 13 Empl oyee Flex Benefi t Prog ram Services Roof Maintenance Re newal & Building Maintenance Sodium Hypochl ori te Sod ium Hydrox ide 50% NaO H Chemica ls Chemica ls 49.7 1 49.7 1 7,394.00 7,394.00 I ,693 04 5,442. 17 7, 135.21 2,750.00 Gas I Oil I Compr Air Gasoline/Diesel Fuel Paymen t Number 22962 I 229622 430.00 Payme nt Number 2296 I 6 Fees 0005 1987 3,436.72 7,085.00 Pay men t Number 229620 22962 1 1,88 1.92 Payme nt Number 2296 I 5 Payment Number 2296 19 229620 988. 17 893.75 240.00 Payment Number 2296 I 8 2296 19 2 I ,000.00 240.00 Payme nt Nu mber 2296 I 7 2296 18 2 I ,000.00 Payme nt Number 2296 I 3 Telecommunications 00052037 I ,070.38 1,070.38 3,4 36.72 Payme nt Num ber 2296 I 4 2296 15 4,075.7 I Payme nt Number 2296 I 2 Services 00050972 Amount 546. 10 Waste I Recyc ling I Garbage Waste I Recyc lin g I Garbage Water Treatment Pl ant Solids Water T reatment Pl ant So lids Payment Number 229622 2,750.00 9,650.38 9,650.38 4,223.52 224. 16 4,447.68 R5 504424 Version A WDOOI Check Number 229623 229624 22 9625 Alameda County Water Di strict Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/12/2014 - 12/12/20 14 Check Date 12112/2014 12/ 12/2014 12112/2014 Payee Vista Universal, Inc. XO Communications Young Life Document Type P2 PV PV Document Number 257962 001 258058 001 25804 1 001 Purchase Order Number 0005 15 18 12/1 1/20 141 4: 10:44 Page 8 Classification Building Maintenance Descripti on Revision No. I Rubber Dam Amount 2,026. 08 Payment Number 229623 2,026. 08 Payment Number 229624 1,03 4.84 Telecommunicati ons I ,034.84 Materi als 196.00 Payment Number 229625 196.00 Grand Total 2, 198,847.00 The undersigned affirms that each of the itemized demands set forth above is for materials and/or services rendered to the Alameda County Water District, that no demand has been previously paid in whole or in part, that proper procedures were followed in procurement of the materials and services, and that adequate budgeted funds were available . ~f~ l '2-;\? /11 Date: _ _ \7 Shelley Burgett, Manager of Finance I Treasurer U4L ' -.-- Robert Shaver, General Manager Date : 12/lf:J/~ttt R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Number 229628 229629 C hec k Date 12/19/2014 1211 9/2014 12/19/201 4 9:07:4 Page Ala meda Co unty Water Distri ct Audited Demands- Auto mated Payments Check Dates: - 12/19/2014- 12/1 9/2014 Pa ee ACWAJPIA 1-//b/t/ Air Systems , Inc . Document Document Number ~~ PV 258253 001 Purchase Order Number -- - - In surance C lassifica tion Description Jan 20 15 Dental & Vision Amount 66,595.6 1 Payment N umbe r 229628 P2 258087 001 00052120 Services 66 ,595.6 1 8 , 121.00 HVAC Services Pay ment Number 229629 229630 12/1 9/2014 Allied Auto Stores P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 258088 001 258089001 258090001 258091001 258092001 258093 001 258094 001 258095 001 258096001 258097 001 258177001 258 178 001 25 8 179001 258 180 00 I 258 18 1001 258 182 00 I 258 183 001 258 184001 258 185 001 00052 116 0005211 7 0005211 8 00052114 00052114 0005211 3 0005211 3 0005211 3 0005211 3 0005211 3 00052005 00052005 00052006 00052007 000520 10 00052009 00052011 0005201 5 0005201 6 Pa rts & Pa rts & Pa rts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Pa rts & Parts & Parts & Pa rts & Pa rts & Pa rts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materials Mate rials Mate rials Material s Materials Materials Mate rials Materials Materials Materials Mate rial s Materials Materi als Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Pa rts & Pa rts & Parts & Parts & Pa rts & Parts & Pa rts & Pa rts & 8, 121.00 Suppli es Supplies Supp li es Supplies Supplies Supp lies Supp lies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Suppli es Supp lies Suppli es Supplies Suppli es Suppli es Suppli es -- Payment Numbe r 229630 2296 3 1 12/19/2014 Aman 's Auto Shop P2 258 134 00 I 00052 134 Vehicle Sales and Service Auto motive Repairs 12/19/2014 Ampteks Inc P2 258 187 001 0005201 2 Electronic Eq Maintenance 40 .00 Electrical Testing Serv ices 1,500 .00 Pay ment Number 229632 229633 12/1 9/20 14 Apple One Employ me nt Services PV PV PV 258256 001 258257 001 258258 001 1,500 .00 Te mp Services Te mp Services Te mp Services 695 .52 926 .88 1,75 3.40 Pay ment Number 229633 229634 12/ 19/2014 Applied Power Technolog ies P2 258227 00 1 0005 1500 Se rvices 3,375.80 Repair of Power Quality Meter 1,200 .00 Pay ment Numbe r 229634 229635 12/1 9/2014 ARAMARK Refreshment Services P2 258 164 00 I 0005209 1 Offi ce Supplies Offi ce Supplies Payment Numbe r 229635 229636 12119/2014 Aramark Uni fo rm Services P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 258 189 00 1 258 190 00 1 258 191 00 1 258 192 001 258 193 00 I 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 Uni forms Uni form s Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms 2, 326. 82 40 .00 Pay ment Numbe r 22963 1 229632 94 .95 96. 89 15 .23 26 .33 152 .55 84.5 8 178.20 38-:-22 152.55 166.94 77. 36 8 1. 67 - 16 .35 96. 89 245 .88 80.54 245 .88 4 11. 62 96 .89 Unifo rm/La und ry/Li nenServ ice Unifo rm/Laundry/Li nenService Uni fo rm/Laundry/Li nenS ervice U ni fo rm/Laundry/ Li nenServ ice U n ifonn/Lau ndry/LinenServ ice 1,200.00 - 65 3.20 653.20 126 .2 1 19. 75 23.04 19.40 4 1.74 Check Number 12119/2014 9:07:4 Page Alameda County Water District Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates :- 12/19/2014- 12119/2014 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Date Payee Document ~~ P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 Document Number 258 194001 258195001 258197 001 258198001 258199001 258200001 258202 001 258203 001 258204001 258206001 258207 001 258208001 258209001 258210001 258211001 258212001 258213 001 258214 001 258215001 Purchase Order Number 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 00052076 C lassification Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Descrij)tion Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry /LinenServ ice Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Uniform/Laundry /LinenService Uniform/Laundry /LinenService Uniform/Laundry/LinenService Amount 8 .40 15 .00 45 .48 19 .71 27 .50 16. 50 137 .73 126.21 19 .75 41.74 23.04 19.40 8.40 15 .00 19 .71 45.48 16.50 27.50 137.73 Payment Number 229636 229637 12119/2014 ASirepro.com P2 258261001 00052202 Printing 1,000 .92 Reproductio n Services 186 .39 Pay ment Nu mber 229637 229638 12/1912014 Automatic Controls Engineering Corp P2 258085001 00052121 Services 186 .39 HV AC Service Vi sits 498.00 Payment Nu mber 229638 229639 12119/2014 Bay Equipment Sales & Service, Inc. P2 258082001 00052122 Equipment Rental Merchandise and Repairs Payment Number 229639 229640 12119/2014 Bennett Marine Utility P2 P2 P2 P2 258216001 258217 001 258218 001 258219001 00052043 00052044 00052045 00052046 Services Services Services Services Chlorination Services Chlorination Services C hlorination Services Chlorination Services Payment Number 229640 229641 12/ 19/2014 Blocka Construction Inc P2 258081001 00051807 Construction Services TP2 Power Faci lity Turbine Payment Number 229641 229642 229643 229644 229645 12119/2014 12119/2014 12119/2014 12/19/2014 Brenntag Pacific Inc P2 California Dept ofFish and Game State of California ~~ California Generator Service PY PY P2 258240 001 00052199 Citric Acid 00052123 Services 130~80 130.80 I ,885.00 I ,885.00 I ,985 .00 I ,885 .00 7,640 .00 205,532.50 205 ,532.50 2,412.03 2,4 12 .03 Payment Number 229643 4,912.25 Payment Number 229644 104,522.00 4 ,912.25 City I County I GOY 258246001 - Payment Number 229642 City I County I GOY 258249001 258083 001 Chemicals 498.00 104 ,522.00 Generator Preventive Maint Svc 1,804.59 Check Number 12/19/2014 9:07:4 Page Alameda Cou nty Water District Audited Demands- Automated Payments Check Dates: - 12/19/2014- 12/19/2014 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Check Date Pavee Document Document Ty..P_e_ _ _Number_ Purchase Order --~u ~ D esc riJ~ i o n C lassification Payment N umber 229645 229646 12/19/20 14 Ca li fornia Site Services P2 258084 001 00052 128 Amount - ---- 1,8o4.59 75.00 Portab le Renta l Equipment Equipment Rental Payment Number 229646 229647 12/ 19/2014 California UST Services P2 258 137 00 1 00052 126 Serv ices 75.00 550.00 Monitoring Syste m Test ing Payment Number 229647 229648 12/ 19/2014 Centra l Maintenance Co mpany P2 258135 001 00052132 Services Janitorial Serv ices Pay ment N umbe r 229648 229649 12/19/2014 CJ Machine Products P2 P3 258242 001 25817300 1 0005201 3 0005 146 1 Equi p Sa les and Service Equip Sa les and Se rvice 550.00 - Machine Labo r/ Parts 3/8 "X 120'WIREROPEASSY . 12/19/20 14 Co ntractor Co mp liance and Monitori ng P2 P2 25822000 1 258222001 00048002 00048002 Profess ional Se rvices Professional Se rvices Services- Co ntracto r Services - Professional Pay ment Number 229650 22965 1 12/19/20 14 Co ri x Water Products Inc P3 P3 P3 258174 001 258174 002 258174 003 00051831 00051831 00051831 Parts & Materials Pa rts & Materials Parts & Materials I" SERVICE COUPLER 2" C OUPLER CLASS 200 2" ANG LESTOPC LASS200 Payment Number 229651 229652 12119/2014 The Cove llo Gro up Inc P2 258066001 00047620 Profe ss ional Services Services- Professional Payment Number 229652 229653 12/19/2014 CV ision Techno log ies Inc P2 2582 33 00 I 00051 8 14 Software Sales & Support Softwa re Ma intenance Renewa l Payment Number 229653 229654 12/19/20 14 Da le Hardware P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 258228 001 258229001 258230001 2582 3 1001 258232 001 258263 001 258264001 258265 001 00052029 00052030 00052000 00051999 00051998 00052172 00052173 00052 174 Parts & Parts & Pa rts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materials Materials Materials Materia ls Material s Materials Materials Materials Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandi se Merchandise Merchandise Merchandise Merchandi se Payment Number 229654 229655 12/19/20 14 D u-AII Safety Division P2 25824 3 001 00048205 Education I Training Education & Trai ning Pay ment Number 229655 229656 12/ 19/20 14 Dub lin San Ramon Services Di st PV 258250001 Sponso rships 2,485.00 12/19/20 14 Edward R Baco n P2 258132 00 I 00052138 Eq uip Sales and Service -- -- 300.00 250 .00 550.00 356.43 1,609.71 6,389.69 8,355.83 195.00 195.00 1,836. 00 1,836.00 5 1. 85 57.70 16 .33 190 . 16 47.83 27. 13 9 1.43 94 .69 577.12 1,620 .00 1,620.00 300.00 Pay ment Number 229656 229657 616.00 175.00 2,3 10 .00 Payme n t Number 229649 229650 616.00 Eq ui pment Repa ir/ Material s Payment Number 229657 300.00 1,523.38 I ,523.38 Alameda County Water District Audited Demands- Automated Payments Check Dates:- 12/ 19/2014- 12/19/2014 R5504424 Version AWDOO I Check Number 229658 Document Check Date 12119/20 14 Payee Ernst& Young LLP ___])~ PV Document Number Purchase Order Number 258247 001 12/19/2014 9:07:4 Page Classification D_e_:;cription Amount Professional Services I, 141.00 Payment Number 229658 229659 12119/2014 ExtraTeam Inc P2 25823400 1 00051563 Software Sales & Support 1,141.00 Hitachi Storage Unit 4,640 .01 Payment Number 229659 229660 12119/2014 Farwest Corrosion Control Compa ny P3 P3 258175001 258175 002 00051889 00051889 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials 32# MAGNESIUM ANODE PACK Inventory Freight Expense 4,640.01 - Payment Number 229660 229661 12119/2014 Fastenal Company P2 P2 P3 258070001 258072001 258176001 00052108 00052109 00051935 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials 3,307.64 Revision# I - Vending Mach ine Revision# 1·- Vending Mach ine 3/4"X21 /2BRONZEBOLTW/NUT 911.76 1,003.65 3,261.28 Payment Number 229661 229662 12/19/2014 Ferguson Enterprises Inc# 1423 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 P3 258165001 258165 002 258167 001 258167 002 258168 001 258169 001 258170001 258171001 00052058 00052058 00051936 00051936 00051370 00051933 00051365 00052002 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials 5, 176.69 3/4" ANGLE STOP FLARE 2" CURB STOP FIPT I 112" POL YETHYLENETUBING 2" POL YETHYLENETUBING I 0" LR STD 90 WELD ELL , SCH 40 6" FXFGATE VALVE I COMPX 3/4 FNPTMETERCOUP 6" AC SS BRZ SADDLE TAP I" IPT 8,910.75 4,363.16 343.35 941.76 1,340.70 9,701.00 779.35 1, 127.06 Payment Number 229662 229663 12119/2014 Fiserv P2 258239 001 00052176 Services 27,507 . 13 Electronic Bill Fees 2,067.48 Payment Number 229663 229664 12/19/2014 Fluid Components Inti LLC P3 P3 258166 001 258166002 00051680 00051680 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials 2,067.48 FCI FLT93B-ACOO Inventory Freight Expense 1,752.25 10.97 Payment Number 229664 229665 12/19/2014 Fremont Minuteman Press P2 P2 258151001 258152 001 00052111 00052201 Printing Printing 1,763.22 Printing Services Printing Services 499.62 123.14 Payment Number 229665 229666 229667 12/ 19/2014 12/19/2014 Golden Gate Truck Center Gordon N Ball Inc P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 258098 001 258099001 258100001 258075001 258075 002 00052139 00052140 00052141 00050979 00050979 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Construction Services Construction Services Automotive Parts Automotive Parts Automotive Parts Payment Number 229666 Repair of Steveson Pond Change Order No. 1 Payment Nu mber 229667 229668 12/ 19/2014 Granite Rock Company P2 P2 258159 001 258163 001 00052161 00052159 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Backfill Material Backfill Material 3,277.64 30..,00 622.76 - 19EU7 173 .76 552 .70 917.23 92,150.00 46 ,550.00 138 ,700.00 3,060.95 3, 121.10 Check _ll umb ~ 229669 Check _ _Date_ _ _ _ 12/ 19/2014 12119/2014 9:07:4 Page Alameda Co unty Water District Aud ited Demands- Automated Payments Check Date s: - 12/19/20 14- 12/ 19/2014 R5504424 Version AWD001 Document Pa)lee Hatto n Crane & Rigging, Inc . Document _ 1).P_!.._ __Number__ P2 P2 P2 258150001 258150002 258150 003 Purchase Order --~ n~be_ r_ 00051440 00051440 00051440 Classification P ayment Number 229668 Description Amount 6,182.05 3,250.00 900.00 560.00 Operation of Crane with 2 Day Crane Rental Continge ncy Amount Equ ip Sales and Serv ice Equip Sales and Serv ice Equ ip Sales and Service 4,710.00 Payment Number 229669 229670 12/ 19/20 14 Hill Brothers Chemical Co P2 258131001 00052190 Ammonium Hydroxid e Chemicals Payment Number 229670 229671 12119/20 14 Hose & Fittings , Etc. P2 P2 P2 258101001 25810200 1 258267001 00052 142 00052 143 00052188 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Parts & Materials Hose & Fittings Etc Ho se & F ittings Etc Hose & Fittings Etc Payment Number 22967 1 229672 12/ 19/2014 Imhof Tractor Service Inc P2 258133001 00052135 Various La nd scape Maintenance Services Payment Numbe r 229672 229673 12119/20 14 Industrial Employe rs & Distributors Assn P2 25814300 1 00052098 Labor Re lations Services Payment Number 229673 229674 12119/20 14 InsightSoftwa re.com Inc PV Payment Number 229674 229675 12119/20 14 Itron Inc P2 258 148001 00048947 Software Sales & Support Comp uter Services Payme nt Number 229675 229676 229677 229678 I2119/20 14 12/ 19/2014 12/ 19/2014 Jense n Tire Service, Inc. John so n Service Group Inc Ke lly-Moore Paint Company, Inc P2 PV P2 P2 P2 P2 25826600 1 00052 189 258223 001 258104001 258105001 258106001 258268 001 Parts & Materials Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materials Materia ls Materia ls Mate rials Produ cts/Se rvices 12119/20 14 Kemira Water So lutions Inc P2 258122 001 00052166 Chemicals 12119/20 14 Lehigh Ha nso n P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 258068 00 1 258077001 258078001 258080001 258139001 258140001 00052 106 00052 104 00052 102 00052103 00052 13 1 00052129 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materia ls Materials Materia ls Materia ls Materia ls Materia ls 264.33 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,597.46 I ,597.46 21.400.00 673.01 673.01 5 13.40 Pay ment Number 229677 3,021.60 3,021.60 Paint Supplies Paint Supplies Pa int Supplies Paint Supplies Ferric Chl oride Payment Number 229679 229680 80.11 84.16 100.06 5 13.40 Payment Number 229678 229679 4 10.22 Payment Num ber 229676 Temp Services 00052 146 00052 145 00052147 00052191 4 10 .22 2 1,400.00 Softwa re Sale s & Support 258196001 -- Backfi ll Material Backfi ll Material Backfi ll Material Backfi ll Materia l Backfill Material Backfil l Materia l 17.82 81-:-52 70.38 171.05 340.77 5,589.00 5,589.00 1,061.36 968.50 -7.50 -7 .50 1,444.44 2,899.71 Check Number 12/19/2014 9:07:4 Page Alameda Co unty Water District Audited Demands - Automated Payments Check Dates:- 12/ 19/2014- 12/19/2014 R5504424 Version AWDOO 1 Check Date Payee Document Document Number I~ P2 258141001 P2 258142001 Purchase Order Number Class ification 00052127 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials 00052119 Description Amount 481.22 289.95 Backfill Material Backfill Material Payment Number 229680 229681 12/19/20 14 Lone Tree Trucking Inc P2 258123 001 00052164 7, 130.18 Disposai-WTP Solids Parts & Materials 750.00 Payment Number. 229681 229682 12/ 19/2014 Mi lpitas Materia ls Co P2 P2 258158 001 258162 001 00052162 00052160 750.00 Backfill Material Backfill Material Parts & Materials Parts & Materials 652 .26 580.97 Payment Number 229682 229683 12/ 19/2014 MVP Repa ir Service Co P2 258262 001 00052171 Services I ,233 .23 F ield Testing 2,745.00 Payment Number 229683 229684 12/19/2014 Napa Auto Parts P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 258107 001 258108 001 258109001 258110001 258111001 258112001 258113001 00052148 00052148 00052148 00052148 00052149 00052149 00052150 Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Parts & Materials Materials Materials Material s Materials Materials Materials Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto 2,745.00 Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts Parts 18.76 17. 10 17 .10 7.36 71.57 25~23 11.66 Payment Nu mber 229684 229685 1211912014 Network fleet Inc P2 258269001 00052193 Services 168.78 Fleet Monitoring Devices 2,919.75 Payment Number 229685 229686 12119/2014 Inter. Disposal Corp of Calif. P2 P2 258065 001 258245 001 00052115 00052101 Waste I Recycling I Garbage Waste I Recycling I Garbage 2,919.75 Revi sion# ! Disposal Services 18 ,491.49 3, 123 . 11 Payment Number 229686 229687 12/ 1912014 NTS Mikedon LLC P2 P2 258160 001 258161001 00052157 00052158 Parts & Materials Parts & Materials 21,614.60 Trench Plate Rental Trench Plate Rental 241.98 150.00 Payment Number 229687 229688 12119/2014 Off Site Records Management LLC P2 P2 P2 258155001 258156 001 258157 001 00052028 00052077 00052130 Services Services Services 391.98 Records storage/destruction/ Records storage/destruction/ Records storage/destruction/ 57 .50 30 .00 50.00 Payment Number 229688 229689 12/ 19/2014 Virginia Marie Orozco PV 258186 001 137.50 Efficient Landscape Rebate 950.00 Payment Number 229689 229690 12119/2014 Pac ific Coast Trane Service P2 P2 258114 001 258274001 00052151 00052196 Services Services 950 .00 Chiller Maintenance Services Chiller Maintenance Services 2,650 .00 1,650.00 Payment Number 229690 229691 12119/2014 Pape Mach inery Inc P2 P2 258115001 258116001 00052152 00052153 Equip Sales and Service Equip Sales and Service Auto Parts and Repairs Auto Parts and Repairs 4,300.00 76 .23 - 5~86 Check Number 229692 Check Date 12/1912014 1211912014 9:07:4 Page Alameda Co unty Water District Audited Demands- Automated Payments Check Dates : - 12119/20 14 - 1211912014 R5504424 Version A WDOO I Document Pavee Peterson ___ItpJ:_ _ P2 Docu ment Number_ 258270 001 Purchase Order ___!:ium~ 00052194 Classification Payment Nu mber 229691 Amount 132 .09 Q_escr_iption 174.99 2y r Maintenance Ag reeme nt Equipment Rental Payment Number 229692 229693 1211912014 Power Engineers Inc P2 P2 P2 258205 001 258205 002 258205 003 00050429 00050429 00050429 Services Services Services 174.99 559.32 2,040.00 7,422.53 Citywo rks Im plementation Cityworks Implementat ion Cityworks Implementation Payment Number 229693 229694 12119120 14 PsiNapse Ltd PV 258 188 00 I I 0 ,021.85 3,567.44 Temp Services Payment Number 229694 229695 12119/20 14 Quenvold' sSa fe ty Shoemobiles PV 258251 001 3,567 .44 Safety 1,692.77 Payment Number 229695 229696 229697 229698 12/1912014 12/1912014 12/19/2014 R & D Technical Services Red Wing Shoe Store Reliastar Life Insurance Company PV PV PV PV PV PV 258237 001 25824100 1 258244 001 1,692 .77 Temp Services Temp Services Temp Services 258248 00 I 1,3 20.00 777.60 950.40 Payme nt Number 229696 3,048.00 Payment Number 229697 I ,283.51 Safe ty 258254001 258255 001 I ,283.5 I Employee Benefits Employee Benefits 528 .93 88 1. 32 Payme nt Numbe r 229698 229699 1211912014 Roa d Runner G lass & Mirror Inc P2 258 117 001 00052154 Parts & Materials 1,410.25 Maintenance and Repairs 185.00 - - - 185.00 Payment Number 229699 229700 1211912014 Salt Unlimited P2 P2 258124001 258 12500 1 00052165 00052 170 Serv ices Services So lar Sa lt -Taxab le So lar Sa lt - No n-Taxab le 386 .25 386.25 Payme nt Number 229700 229701 12119120 14 San Francisco Bay Water Board PV 772.50 City I County I GOY 258276 001 640.00 Payment Number 229701 229702 12/19120 14 SchlumbergerCanada Limited P2 2581 36 00 I 00052023 Software Sales & Support 640.00 Renewal I Year Software 934.15 Payment Numbe r 229702 229703 12/1 9120 14 Southland Industries P2 P2 P2 25827 1001 258272 001 258273 00 I 00052195 00052195 00052 195 Services Services Services AERCO Boiler Maintenance AERCO Boi ler Maintenance AERCO Boi ler Maintenance Payme nt Number 229703 229704 12/19120 14 State Water Co ntractors PV 258259 001 934.15 Me mberships 685.00 I, 104.00 2,748 .00 - 4 ,537.00 7 ,681.00 Payme nt Numbe r 229704 7.681.00 Check Number 229705 Chec k Date 12119/2014 12/ 19/2014 9: 07: 4 Page Alameda Co unty Water District Audited Demand s- Automated Pay ments Check Dates:- 1211 9/2014 - 12/1 9/2014 R.5504424 Version A WDOO I Payee STILOG , Inc . Document T;r12e P2 P2 Document Number 258 153 001 258 154001 Purcha se Order Number 00051 83 2 00051 832 Classificatio n Software Sales & Support Software Sales & Support Vi sual Planning Softwa re Vi sual Planning Software Payment Number 229705 229706 12119/2014 TLC Admini strators P2 258 144 001 00052097 Pay ment Number 229706 229707 12119/2014 Trench Plate Rental Co P2 2581 38 001 000521 24 Equipment Rental 12/19/2014 City of Union City PV Trench Plate Rentals 229710 229711 2297 12 2297 13 12/19/2014 1211 9/2014 12/19/2014 12/ 19/2014 12/ 19/2014 Univar USA Inc US Geological Survey Valley Oil Co XO Communications ZunZun P2 P2 P2 P2 PV P2 P2 P2 P2 PV P2 258126001 258 127 001 258 129001 258 130001 00052167 00052168 00052169 000521 87 000521 55 000521 55 00052155 00052192 258235 001 258 145001 Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium 655 .00 Hydroxide 50 % NaOH Hypochlorite Hydrox ide 50 % NaOH Hydroxide 50 % NaOH Ga s I Oil Gas I Oil Gas I Oil Gas I Oil I Co mpr Air I Co mpr Air I Compr Air I Compr Air 18 , 131. 66 Pay ment Number 229710 19 ,51 8.75 19 ,5 18.75 Gaso line/Diese l Fuel Gaso line/Diese l Fuel Gaso line/Diese l Fuel Gaso line/Diese l Fuel Profe ss iona I Services 19 ,597. 24 16 ,487. 07 280 .00 -6 ,025.11 Pay ment Numbe r 2297 11 30 ,339. 20 Pay ment Number 2297 12 1,035 .07 1 , 0 3~.07 Telecommunica ti ons 00050461 5,505.60 I ,853.02 5,416 .83 5,356 .21 Pay ment Number 229709 City I County I GOY 258260001 25 8 11 8 001 258 119001 258120 001 258 128 001 Chemical s Chemical s Chemical s Chemical s 510.1 5 655.00 Pay ment Number 229708 229709 270 .00 5 10 . 15 City I Co unty I GOY 258236001 1,550.00 4 , 140.00 270 .00 Pay ment Number 229707 229708 - 5,690 .00 Employee Flex Benefi t Prog ram Services Amount D_es.clJIJtion Water Co nservation Pay ment Number 22971 3 10 ,500.00 10,500.00 Grand Total 836,751. 64 The undersigned affirms that each of the itemized demands set forth above is for materials and/or services rendered to the Alameda County Water District, that no demand has been previously paid in whole or in part, that proper procedures were followed in procurement of the materials and services, and that adequate budgeted funds were available . ~r-z...z~<-<>Q_f~e Shelley Burgett, Manager of Finance ;JU~ Rob;rt-Sha-~~~:GeneraiManager \: #--'>- Date: / 2._ .... 2 q'---/ ?/-- I Treasurer Date : 1ljuo(t4 • C heck Number 2297 14 C hec k Date 12/29/201 4 12/29/20 14 I 0: I 0:02 Page I A lameda County Water Dis tri ct Aud ited De ma nds- Au tomated Payments Check Dates :- 12/29/20 14- 12/29/20 14 R5504424 Version A WDOOI Document Pa ee AC WD Employees Assoc iati on T~ ee T7 Documen t Number 25855 1 00 I Purc hase Order Number Class ificatio n Empl oyee Benefits Descrip tion EE Deduct PR 12/26/2014 Pay ment Number 2297 14 2297 15 12/29/20 14 Ca l Publi c Employees' Ret ire ment System PV 2585 17 00 1 968.00 Employee Benefi ts 32 1,209.47 Pay ment Num ber 2297 15 2297 16 12/29/20 14 Caii' ERS Long Tenn Care Program T7 258553 00 I Employee Benefit s 321,209.47 EE Deduct PR 12/26/2014 Pay ment Number 229716 2297 17 12/29/20 14 T he Lipman Company T7 258552 00 I Employee Benefits 12/29/2014 UNU M Li fe Insura nce Company of A mer PV PV 2585 15 00 1 2585 16 001 Insurance 59 1.66 59 1.66 PL# 125 PR I 12/26/2014 Payment Nu mber 2297 17 2297 18 Amount 968.00 5.886.78 5,886.78 Dec 20 14 Li fe/ AD&D/LTD/STD Insurance Pay ment Number 2297 18 19,855 . 14 1,487. 15 2 1,3 42.29 Grand Tota l 349,998.20 The undersigned affirms that each of the itemized demands set forth above is for materials and/or services rendered to the Alameda County Water District, that no demand has been previously paid in whole or in part, that proper procedures were followed in procurement of the materials and services, and that adequate budgeted funds were available . ~~ (fh:Jt~ Uce~~+ 0"'"'""''"-~\ Date: (l. <3 1- )k Shelley Burgett, Manager of Finance I Treasurer &:/~ Robert Shaver, General Manager Date : f~~lt<t RESOLUTION NO. _ __ OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM EXTENSION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF FREMONT, CAPITOL AVENUE EXTENSION PWC 8520, ACWD NO. 2013-0076 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT that the certain contract dated January 8, 2015, covering extension of District's water main, by and between ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT and CITY OF FREMO T, CAPITOL A VENUE EXTENSION PWC 8520, be and the same is hereby approved and entered into. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President and Secretary of said District be and they hereby are authorized and directed to sign and countersign the Public Water System Extension Agreement on behalf of said District. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 81h day of January, 2015 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Martin L. Koller, President Board of Directors Alameda County Water District ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gina Markou, District Secretary Alameda County Water District (Seal) Patrick T. Miyaki, Attorney Alameda County Water District ~ I Notes ~ J 1) WATER AVE LINE EASEMENTS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL PUBLIC WATER FACILITIES LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OR OUTSIDE OF A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OR PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT ABUTTING THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. i (.) -< EX ; <. '()" 9 1J'-...£Y. 6 .. A.C;:, F'•RE .... YQR,\'~ T I ;H[RA TO s:: q( '.1 C'F'J 9Y j..,I:D r~E V OV~O CQ~>.jTRArrcq :0 ~ -:::E I 1 1. _5'-....E I. \ 'A' ; Tf !l ~ 1Q'' I ACP 1/ATFR F''.t .(.. Ar,· I ~· PARCEL S ,-,·;II .,; • .!" 7;:.,' Of~ ___ '-- , 0 0 E CapitolA~~·-.,?"~!: ~, l .z:. 45' -12" u ~ ~ ~ c ·o :::0 i ~ 3.:; . \ lCi5 20 ' ·-•,1 S"• '~ , IO"L,~ -,\,f 111- \ I \ ~~p~· r:n..... - c: a E Q) Q - z* I ;1 Ci5 ~ ~ 0. "'~ z ,... I ~ r~--===r-r ,.---EX. 10" ACP - ~ ~ "' ::; EX 12" I ACP '..:.__/ - - - - - - SITE BOUNDARY LOT LINE - - - - - - ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE EXISTING WATER MAIN I / 10" ACD 1 NEW WATER MAIN 12" ACP c EX N.T.S. T!E-11\J f::eiJ.end I EX. Q z --- ""1Xcz 12" Acp--- tJ 1><1 EXISTING WATER MAIN TO BE REMOVED NEW VALVE EXISTING VALVE NEW PBO Q EX . I I ~~p~ - Vicinity Ma{J_ -ACWD Cf) / \ _ El<_c__8" AC P Q PARCEL 1 ~- ~- .r STL \_ __ PBO BY CITY'S CON TRACTOR -, _Q '"-.....__ ~~:.-JI II EX 6 " ACP- Lt Ji ......--- 41' -12 " PVC L- 1 Ex. Capitol Ave ]6'.1,?· r II~ \ ~ ' I , AC P~' ~ ~ "3: 24' \ ACWJ 11 2 EX. 10" (;: x 27'-·r · PVC- • PVC___............l~ ....,.--PARCEL ~ ~ ) ~~ - --..__ 22· -1 0" STL ·~ i - I 0 \ I !: (I"'" r'S \ <"'- · 2"51- 0 i ACWO .t c 1Q" J..CP '.h\t\, 'TQ BL _.._~ -, - -~---...- ------ ---- ~ ~ 8"f cr:-y'S -------.. <Y. 1 7" AC;; 8Y '·CWO-/ 360' . . . . E_X. WII T~q C:0\;'0A( 1 C~ ~:~:::. rtRE HYDRANT TO BE REMOVED I ----vr- 0 .. -l ;.r-1 0. EXISTING PBO NEW FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT '· 0 ...,I ZONE 1. DESIGNED Robert T. Shover, Assistant Generol Manager-Enginee ring ORAVI!•J MAIN EXTENSION ONLY CtrY OF FRE MONT CITY OF FREMONT CHECKED ~ !SuPv ENGR. REVISION :fpo- IJA"1_A ~ EHs ·;pp-JENGR. MGR.- - . -RTS PU8LIC WATER SYSTEM EXTENSION WITHIN THE ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PLANS APPROVED 05/22/14 SCALE 1"= 100' DATE 05/23/14 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF FREMONT CAPITOL AVENUE EXTENSION PWC 8520 . DWG I~U. X-1 ACWD #2013-0076 4E-02 EXHIBIT "B" CURRENT COST WORKSHEET Capitol Avenue Extension PWC 8520 2013-0076 M a in Extension Onl y 05/28114 DEVELOPMENT ACW D No. TYPE DATE PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM EXTENSION ENG INEERING FEE Initi a l deposit for p ayment of Publi c W ater System Extension En g in eerin g Fee. ( R efe r to Article IV , Paragraph B) $33,902.00 11120,' 13 (d ate p a id) ANNEXAT I0:\1 CHARGE Not applicable SERV ICE RELAT ED COSTS FAC ILITI ES CO l\'"NECTION C HAR GES (FCC) and FACILIT IES R E IMBURSEMENT C HARG ES (FRC) Per d welling unit o r meter. (Refer to Article IV, Paragraphs C and D ) D escription of D welling Un it (D. U .) or Meter _ _l _ x I" n on -res ident ia l meter c redit for existing for 1- 112" non -res ide ntial meter I ( x ( SUBTOTALFCCandFRC $ 14,563.00 + $1,043.00 ) I Unit ($24,756.00) + ($2,085 .00) ) I $0.00 Unit $15,606.00 = + - - - ' $0.00 ---- ($26,841.00) $0 .00 FiXED RATE M ETE R INSTALLAT ION C HARGES Per meter. (Refer to Article IV, Paragraph E. See No te 2, below ) Not app li cab le ACTUAL C OST METER INSTA LLATIO N CHARGES Meters to be install ed at actual cost (meters without fixed in s tall at io n charges) a re shown on Exhibit C and in stallatio n cos ts w ill be est im ated and billed separate ly . R efer to Artic le IV , Paragra ph E and Artic le VIII. See Note 2 and Note 3 , below. **TOTAL OF FIXED RATE SERVICE RELATED COSTS = $0.00 **Payment is required pri or to meter installati on and can be made on an indi vidual bas is . See Note 3, below . TOTAL OF FIXED RATE SERVICE AND ANNEXATION RELATED COSTS = I) 2) 3) $0.00 Rates are subject to change on or after Apri l 1, 2015. Final billing wi ll reflect appli cable rates at time of meter install ation by ACWD . Any questions regarding charges should be directed to the ACWD Engineering Department. Fixed rate meter installation charges are applicable only to residential domesti c meters through 1- 1/2" in size with existing water service lines, meter boxes and piping installed by ACWD or by City's Contractor under ACWD l.nspection as a requirement of a Public Water System Extension Agreement. All other water meters wi ll be installed on an act ual cost basis and will be estimated and billed separately foll ow ing receipt of a Customer Work Request Applicati on. Contact the ACWD Engineering Department for more in formation . Refer to Article VIn. Costs fo r " ·ork performed by ACWD at the actual cost of labor and material s are not included hereon. Actual cost work in cludes relocation or abandonment of existing ACWD facilities; installation of ti e-ins; installation of water sen·ice lines, fire service Jines and fire hydrants from existing water mains; installati on of detector check valves; installation of all water meters except fi xed rate meters per Note 2; and al l other work perfom1ed by ACWD. Actual cost work will be esti mated and billed separately following receipt of a Customer Work Request Appl ication. Contact the ACWD Engineeri ng Department for more information. Refer to Article VII and VII!. A CWD# I40 (OJ , ! 4, 14) DEVELOPER: City of Fremont Developm ent: Capito l Avenue Extension ACWD No.: 201 3-0076 Column 1 WATER MAIN TO BE INSTALLED BY AND CHARGEABLE TO CITY EXHIBIT "C" WATER SYSTEM TABULATION Approximate Length Street Item 1) Capitol Avenue (steel) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11 ) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) Capitol Avenue Capitol Avenue (steel) Capitol Avenue Capitol A venue (steel) Capitol Avenue Capito l A venue (steel) Capitol A venue connecti on to ex isting southern Capito l Avenue connection to existing southern Capitol Avenue connecti on to ex isting southern Capitol Avenue connection to ex isting southern 'C' Street 'C' Street 'B' Street 'B' Street 'B' Street (steel) Capitol Avenue connection to ex isting northern Capitol A ven ue connection to existing northern Capito l Avenue connection to existing northern 10" AC P 10" ACP 10" ACP 10" ACP main (steel) m ain m ain main (steel) 10" AC P 10" ACP (steel) 10" AC P Section A OTHER WORK REQUIRED AND CHARGEABLE TO CITY TIE-INS BY DISTRICT Install one (1 ) 8" tie-in (wet-tap and valve on Fremont Blvd.) Install one ( 1) 12" tie-in (wet-tap and valve on State Street) Install three (3) 10" tie-ins (line valve and temporary blowoff cut into ex isting 10" main onsite) TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY Install eight (8) fire hydrants and appurtenances Install one ( I) 2" service line Install one ( 1) permanent blow off (PB O) on existing I 0" AC P main TO BE PERFORMED BY DISTRICT Remove two (2) ex isting fire hyd rants and abandon laterals at the main. Remove one (1) 1- 112" meter from existi ng service line Install one ( I) 1" irrigation meter C1 (8/09) 40 568 59 192 30 36 76 20 74 34 22 45 76 41 17 42 20 24 l. f. l.f. l.f. l. f. l.f. l.f. l.f. l.f. l. f. l.f. l.f. l.f. l.f. l.f. l.f. l.f. l.f. l.f. 27 l.f. Size 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 10" 10" 10" 10" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 10" 10" 10" RESOLUTION NO. - - OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE DEPOSIT A D WITHDRAWAL OF MONIES IN THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND WHEREAS, Pursuant to Chapter 730 of the statutes of 1976, Section 16429.1 was added to the California Government Code to create a Local Agency Investment Fund in the State Treasury for the deposit of money of a local agency for purposes of investment by the State Treasurer; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors, on October 14, 2010 adopted Resolution No. 10-052 authorizing the investment of monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund; and WHEREAS, the Office of the State Treasurer has requested that the Alameda County Water District provide an updated resolution identifying District officers authorized to deposit or withdraw funds from the Local Agency Investment Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT does hereby agree to deposit and withdraw DISTRICT monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund in the State Treasury in accordance with the provisions of Section 16429.1 of the Government Code for the purpose of investment as stated herein, and verification by the State Treasurer's Office of all banking information provided in that regard. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following Di strict officers or their successors shall be authorized to order the deposit and withdrawal of monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund: Robert T. Shaver General Manager Shelley Burgett Manager of Finance Michael Yee Budget & Financial Analysis Manager Julia Liang Accounting Supervisor II Linh Lam Accounting & Treasury Manager BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Resolution No. 10-052, adopted on October 14, 2010, be and hereby is rescinded. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 81h day of January, 2015 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Martin L. Koller, President Board of Directors Alameda County Water District ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gina Markou, District Secretary Alameda County Water District (Seal) Patrick T. Miyaki , Attorney Alameda County Water District 2 ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT MEMORANDUM DATE: December 31 , 2014 To: Board of Directors FROM: Robert Shaver SUBJECT: STAFF REPORT, ACTION CALENDAR ITEMS JANUARY 8, 2015 5.1 * ~ RESOLUTION HONORING RORY FUKUDA UPON HIS RETIREMENT FROM DISTRICT SERVICE SUMMARY: Rory Fukuda retired on December 30, 2014, after more than 30 years of service with the District. RECOMMENDATION: By motion, adopt a resolution honoring Rory Fukuda and expressing appreciation for his 30 years of dedicated service to the District. DISCUSSION: Rory started his professional career with the District on July 9, 1984, as an Engineering Technician 1 in the Development Services Division. Rory quickl y developed a reputation of going the extra mile to assist with meeting critical deadlines and was promoted to Engineering Technician 2 on July 9, 1986. In 1988, Rory transferred to the Design Division where he became known for his outstanding graphics talents in addition to his technical assignments and abilities. Rory consistently received recognition not on ly for the assistance he provided to the Engineering Design Division, but also to other departments throughout the District. On May 8, 1995, Rory was promoted to Engineering Technician 3. Over the past 30 years, Rory has significantly contributed to the success of the District by applying his unique mix of technical and artistic abilities to his assignments. In 1989, Rory implemented the use of computer graphic models to assist with the design and presentation of District engineering projects. In 2005 , he led the District's transition to electronic document management. Rory has consistently performed all his duties with competence, thoroughness, and dedication. He will be greatly missed by his many friends at the District. 5.2* AUTHORIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AMENDMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE MISSION SAN JOSE WATER TREATMENT PLANT ACCESS ROAD EROSION MITIGATION PROJECT SUMMARY: The Board previousl y authorized a professional service agreement with Clearwater Hydrology (Clearwater) to complete a channel stability study for Vargas Creek which is adjacent to the Mission San Jose Water Treatment Plant access road . The next phase of the work is to implement the channel stabilization recommendations identified in the study. Additional engineering services are now required to finali ze the design and prepare construction bid documents for Vargas Creek channel stabilization work. There is adequate funding in the budget for this expenditure. Board of Directors Page 2 of7 December 31 , 2014 RECOMMENDATION: By motion, authorize the General Manager to execute an amendment to the professional services agreement with Clearwater Hydrology for additional engineering services associated with the Mission San Jose Water Treatment Plant Access Road Erosion Mitigation Project in an amount not to exceed $15 ,000, Job 21030. DISCUSSION: In October 2008, the District completed the Mission San Jose Water Treat Plant (MSJWTP) Access Road Erosion Mitigation Project, which included construction of a soil nail wall to protect the MSJWTP access road from being undermined by erosion of the right (northern) bank of Vargas Creek. The Clean Water Act Section 401 certification issued for the project by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) included conditions that the District complete 5 years of visual monitoring of the post construction geomorphic conditions for the project site and a fluvial geomorphology study to evaluate the probable cause of the instability of Vargas Creek and make recommendations for channel stabilization. On October 13 , 2011 , the Board authorized a purchase order to Clearwater Hydrology in the amount of $61 ,700 to conduct a fluvial geomorphology study of Vargas Creek. In December 2013 , the District submitted the final study and the fifth year monitoring reports to RWQCB . After review by the R WQCB , the District is now required to implement the recommendations of the report including installation of an elbow transition segment at the end of an existing perched 42-inch storm pipe outfall and installation of rocked stilling basins to reduce the energy in the flows. Additional engineering services are needed to finalize the design and complete the construction bid documents. Accordingly, staff requested Clearwater to submit a cost proposal for the additional scope. Clearwater's estimated cost, based on an estimated level of effort, is $15,000. The work will be completed on a time and expense basis. Staff has evaluated Clearwater's proposal and has determined that the estimated level of effort and cost are appropriate for this work. 5.3* AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 FOR THE STEVENSON POND/LAGO LOS OSOS DIVERSION REPAIR PROJECT SUMMARY: The Board previously awarded the construction of the Stevenson Pond/Lago Los Osos Diversion Repair Project to Gordon N. Ball, Inc. Change Order No. 3, has been prepared to address quantity adjustments for various unit bid price items. There is adequate funding in the budget for this expenditure. RECOMMENDATION: By motion, approve Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $63 ,045 to Gordon N. Ball, Inc. for the Stevenson Pond/Lago Los Osos Diversion Repair Project, Job 660011 0031. DISCUSSION: On August 14, 2014, the Board awarded the construction contract for the Stevenson Pond/Lago Los Osos Diversion Repair Project to Gordon N. Ball in the amount of $685,250. The scope of work included: 1) installation of 64 linear feet of new 78-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe; 2) placement of engineered pipe bedding and backfill; 3) installation of a chimney filter system; and 4) restoration of the earth embankment. Board of Directors Page3of7 December 31 , 2014 Two change orders have been issued to date. Change Order o. 1, in the total amount of $49,000, was previously authorized by the General Manager for additional quantities of controlled density fill. Change Order No. 2 was authorized by the Board of Directors in the amount of $97,998 .89 for various additional work items including provisions for additional traffic control, additional quantities of rip rap, repairs to the existing diversion piping and bedding material, and other miscellaneous earthwork. Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $63 ,045 has been prepared for the quantity adjustments that were required to construct the project in accordance with the project documents. The quantity adjustments are for embankment excavation and fill materials, additional filter gravel materials, and additional reseeding and re-vegetation of disturbed areas. Staff has evaluated the quantities submitted by Gordon N. Ball, Inc. and has verified that they are accurate. 5.4* AUTHORIZATION OF A PURCHASE ORDER AMENDMENT FOR THE ACWD AQUEDUCT TO BE MAILED TO ALL DISTRICT ADDRESSES SUMMARY: "The ACWD Aqueduct" was previously distributed only to ACWD rate payers as a bill insert. As a result of input from the community, it is now being distributed to all addresses in the ACWD service area, which requires a separate mailing to approximately 50,000 additional residences and businesses. In addition, staff is proposing to distribute one extra issue of the Aqueduct during the current fiscal year in order to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding any proposed rate increase. There are adequate funds in the budget for these expenditures. RECOMMENDATION: By motion, authorize a purchase order amendment to InfoSend in an amount not to exceed $71 ,000.00 for the printing, inserting, and mailing of "The ACWD Aqueduct" to all District addresses during FY 2014/ 15. DISCUSSION: A purchase order was previously issued to InfoSend to distribute three issues (summer 2014, autumn 2014, and winter 2015) of ACWD's customer newsletter, "The ACWD Aqueduct," as a bill insert. The total cost to distribute the bill inserts to approximately 70,000 ratepayers for FY 2014115 is $14,946.76 (approximately $5,000 per issue.) Beginning with the autumn 2014 issue, "The Aqueduct" is now being distributed to all addresses in the ACWD service area (it continues as a bill insert for ratepayers.) This required a special mailing to approximately 50,000 addresses that currently do not receive a bill at a cost in the amount of approximately $19,000. An additional amount of approximately $19,000 will be required for the special mailing of the winter 2015 issue. Staff also plans to distribute one extra issue (spring 20 15) of "The Aqueduct" during the current fiscal year to all addresses in the ACWD service area, increasing the total number of issues to four for FY 2014115. This will allow the District to use the newsletter as a communication tool for any proposed rate increase. Additional expenses associated with printing and distributing this issue will total approximately $24,000 ($5 ,000 for bill inserts and $19,000 for the special mailing to all residences and businesses that currently do not receive a bill.) Board of Directors Page 4 of7 December 31 , 2014 Accordingly, a purchase order amendment in an amount of $71 ,000 ($38,000 for printing and distributing the autumn 2014 and winter 2015 issues to all additional addresses in the service area, $24,000 for printing and distributing the proposed extra issue (spring 2015), and $9,000 for contingencies) is required. 5.5* AUTHORIZATION OF PURCHASE ORDER AMENDMENT FOR SECURITY GUARD SERVICES SUMMARY: On May 12, 2014, the Board authorized a purchased order to Command Security Corporation in the amount of $128,437 to provide routine patrol and special duty security guard services during FY 2014/15. A purchase order amendment is now needed in the amount of $57,475 to cover additional security guard services that exceeded the original estimate or were outside of the original scope of work. The proposed new total amount for the purchase order to cover all anticipated services required for FY 2014/15 is $185 ,912. There are adequate funds remaining in the FY 2014115 budget to cover this expenditure. RECOMMENDATION: By motion, authorize an amendment to the purchase order with Command Security Corporation in the amount of $57,475 for security guard services in FY 2014115. DISCUSSION: The original purchase order incorporated a 4% contingency to accommodate special duty security guard services which exceed the original estimate or are outside of the original scope of work. During the first half of the current fiscal year, additional security guard services have been needed. Examples include nightly security guard services needed to monitor the temporary diversion pumping equipment and piping system at the Quarry Lakes groundwater recharging area between Stevenson Pond and Lago Los Osos; additional security guard services deployed in response to vandalism that occurred at Rubber Dam 1 in October 2014; and additional special security guard services have been required associated with the increased number of special Board meetings and workshops held in 2014. This amendment to the purchase order should provide adequate funding for security guard services through the remainder of FY 2014/15. 5.6* RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DISSOLUTION OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC FACILITIES FINANCING CORPORATION SUMMARY: The Alameda County Water District Public Facilities Financing Corporation (PFFC), a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, was established in 1992 to enable the District to issue Certificates of Participation (COPs), a debt issuance vehicle that provided advantages over other debt options. The PFFC has been in existence for almost 23 years now and over that time has been instrumental in the issuance of COPs in not only 1992, but 1995 and 2003 as well. All these debt issuances have by now been refunded, called or defeased with subsequent revenue bonds and there is now no longer any technical or legal reason to keep the PFFC in existence. The COP debt vehicle has also fallen out of favor with the municipal financial markets. Therefore, as required by the PFFC Bylaws, staff is proposing that the Board authorize the dissolution of the PFFC; whereupon, if passed, the PFFC Board will consider the dissolution at its January 20, 2015 annual meeting. Board of Directors Page 5 of7 December 31 , 2014 RECOMMENDATION: By resolution, consent to the dissolution of the Alameda County Water District Public Facilities Financing Corporation, and authorize the General Manager and District Secretary to take any and all actions necessary to affect the dissolution. DISCUSSION: The PFFC was established on January 17, 1992 as a legal mechanism to enable the issuance of COPs as a way to help finance the building of such capital projects as Water Treatment Plant #2 (TP2). In subsequent years the PFFC was used to issue more COPs in 1995 and 2003 to help in further funding of TP2 , and other projects such as the Newark Brackish Water Desalination Facility. Over the years all of the COPs have been refunded, called, or defeased with the last of them, the 2003 issuance being defeased by the 2012 Alameda County Water District Financing Authority's Revenue Bonds. Therefore, there is no legal reason for the PFFC to continue in existence. Also, the municipal market for COPs over the last number of years has fallen out of favor with investors and therefore has no special advantage over other debt vehicles. In staffs recent deliberations over the structure of the anticipated 2015 bond issuance, staff determined that it was appropriate to dissolve the PFFC as it has fulfilled the purpose for which it was created. In order to accomplish its dissolution, the PFFC Bylaws require that the ACWD Board of Directors give written consent prior to the dissolution of the PFFC. If the ACWD Board so authorizes by resolution, the dissolution will be considered by the PFFC Board of Directors at its January 20, 2015 meeting. 5.7* AUTHORIZATION OF CHANGE ORDER NO.3 AND TIME EXTENSION FOR THE LARGE DIAMETER HAYWARD FAULT SEISMIC RETROFIT PROJECT SUMMARY: The Board previously awarded the Large Diameter Hayward Fault Seismic Retrofit Project to McGuire and Hester, Inc. (McGuire and Hester). Change Order No. 3 has been prepared for necessary additional work required for construction at two locations (Sites A and G) and to provide a time extension for completion of the project. There is adequate funding in the budget for this expenditure. The need for the additional work and time extension was previously reviewed with the Engineering and Capital Projects Committee. RECOMMENDATION : By motion, approve Change Order No . 3 in the amount of $59,327 and grant a time extension to June 30, 2015 , to McGuire and Hester, Inc. for the Large Diameter Hayward Fault Seismic Retrofit Project, Job 6496B/21 011. DISCUSSION: On February 14, 2013 , the design-build contract for design and construction of the Large Diameter Hayward Fault Seismic Retrofit Project was awarded to McGuire and Hester in the amount of $18,499 ,200. The project scope includes the design and construction of the seismic retrofit of 15 large diameter pipelines crossing the Hayward Fault in Fremont and Union City as shown on the attached map titled "Large Diameter Hayward Fault Seismic Retrofit Project Sites." Change Order No . 1 was previously authorized by the General Manager for additional concrete demolition and paving at SiteD at a cost of $47,099. Change Order No. 2 was previously authorized by the Board of Directors for additional thrust blocks at Site C4, additional paving at Site G, additional costs associated with concrete anchors at Site G, and value engineering and scope reduction savings at various sites, at a cost of $145 ,371. The work at 10 Board of Directors Page 6 of7 December 31 , 2014 of the 15 sites is now complete. Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $59,327 has been prepared for the following additional work: 1) at Site A, install approximately 600 feet of buried conduit for the relocation of PG&E electrical lines ($28,753); 2) at Site G, install a 40-foot-long lateral pipeline to avoid pipeline shutdowns associated with future development at Sabercat Road ($20,000); and, 3) at Site G, provide additional pavement grinding required by the City of Fremont ($10,574). At Site A, utility wires and poles located several feet from the existing pipeline need to be relocated to construct the retrofit. By providing buried conduit for PG&E's power line relocation, the District is not required to acquire an easement for new poles. PG&E has delayed the relocation of power lines at Site A by approximately six months, which has delayed the start date for construction at this site. As construction at all sites was originally scheduled to be completed by December 31 , 2014, a time extension to June 30, 2015, for completion of the work at Site A is required. The time extension is also needed for completion of construction at Site G, which was delayed by interagency coordination for the use of lightweight cellular concrete and geofoam backfill as part of the retrofit, and for Site C 1, which has been delayed by negotiations for easements and rights of entry. Staff has evaluated the costs associated with Change Order No. 3 and determined that they are appropriate for the work. 5.8 AUTHORIZATION OF EXPEDITED SLOPE REPAIRS AT THE AVALON TANK SITE SUMMARY: Recent storms have caused slope instability on the terraced hillside above the Aval on Tank in Fremont. Material has sloughed from the hillside, damaging the landscape irrigation system, and filling the concrete drainage ditch system above the tank with sediment. Bare soil on the hillside is subject to further erosion and sloughing due to drainage from future storm events and the lack of a functioning drainage ditch system. Although the tank itself is not currently threatened, staffs assessment is that expedited work should be performed to stabilize the slope and repair the drainage ditch system above the tank until more permanent repairs can be performed. Accordingly, a contract change order to the Vallecitos Channel Repair Project has been prepared for out-of-scope work required at the A val on Tank site. There is adequate funding in the budget for this expenditure. RECOMMENDATION: By motion, approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $63 ,945 to ETIC Engineering, Inc. for expedited repair work at Avalon Tank, Job 10038. DISCUSSION: On August 14, 2014, the construction contract for the Vallecitos Channel Repair Project was awarded to ETIC Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $221 ,164. The project scope includes the construction of a low-flow channel and installation of riprap and vegetated soil lifts to repair a portion of damaged and eroding bank of the Vallecitos Channel in eastern Alameda County. Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $17,682 was previously authorized by the General Manager to install a willow wall to protect the bank temporarily from further erosion until permits from the US Army Corp of Engineers and the Regional Water Quality Control Board are issued. The work to install the willow wall is now complete. The permitting and need for the willow wall installation were previously discussed with the Engineering and Capital Projects Committee. Board of Directors Page 7 of7 December 31 , 2014 Change Order No . 2 in the amount of $63 ,945 has been prepared to expedite the following work at Avalon Tank: removal and disposal of approximately 80 cubic yards of soil that has sloughed and filled the hillside drainage ditches above the tank; removal and disposal of damaged landscape irrigation piping and components; installation of silt fence at the top of the slope; installation of plastic or fabric for protection of bare soil; and, installation of fiber rolls along the drainage ditches to slow surface water, should the ditches overflow. Staff has evaluated the costs associated with Change Order No. 2 and determined that they are appropriate for the work. Attachments cc: Executive Staff Large Diameter Hayward Fault Seismic Retrofit Project Sites January 8, 2015 Agenda Item 5.7 Site A Decato Reservoir Inlet/Outlet Pipeline Pipeline Replacement Site 1 Mission Blvd at Nursery Ave Isolation Va lve with Manifold \ / \. ..../ RESOLUTION NO. _ __ OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT HONORING RORY FUKUDA UPON HIS RETIREMENT FROM DISTRICT SERVICE WHEREAS , the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT desires to officially express the District' s appreciation for the services so ably rendered by RORY FUKUDA for serving continuously as an employee from July 9, 1984 to his retirement on December 30, 2014; and WHEREAS , after more than 30 years, he consistently demonstrated a high degree of dedication and loyalty to the District and to his fellow employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT that there be and hereby is proclaimed, individually and on behalf of the people of this District, an expression of appreciation for the distinguished service ofRORY FUKUDA in his official duties as an employee of this District. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution of official recognition and appreciation be spread upon the official records of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8111 day of January, 2015 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Martin L. Koller, President Board ofDirectors Alameda County Water District ATTEST: Gina Markou, District Secretary Alameda County Water District (Seal) RESOLUTION NO . _ _ OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT AUTHORIZING THE DISSOLUTION OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC FACILITIES FINANCING CORPORATION WHEREAS , on January 17, 1992, the Alameda County Water District Public Facilities Financing Corporation ("PFFC"), a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, was formed to enable the Alameda County Water District ("ACWD") to finance the acquisition and construction of improvements to the ACWD water system; and WHEREAS , the PFFC was the vehicle for the issuance of Certificates of Participation, a form of debt issuance, in 1992, 1995, and 2003; and WHEREAS , all the Certificates of Participation have been refunded, called or defeased; and WHEREAS , currently, the PFFC has no debts, liabilities, or assets; and WHEREAS , the PFFC has fulfilled the purpose for which it was created, is no longer needed, and it is therefore recommended that the PFFC be dissolved ; and WHEREAS , the PFFC Bylaws require that the ACWD Board of Directors give written consent prior to the dissolution of the PFFC, which dissolution is anticipated to be considered by the PFFC Board of Directors at its January 20, 2015 meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Alameda County Water District hereby consents to the dissolution of the Alameda County Water District Public Facilities Financing Corporation and authorizes the General Manager and District Secretary, who also serves as the Secretary of the PFFC, to take any and all actions as may be necessary in connection with the aforementioned dissolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS gth day of January, 2015 , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Martin L. Koller, President Board of Directors Alameda County Water District ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gina Markou, District Secretary Alameda County Water District (Seal) Patrick T. Miyaki, Attorney Alameda County Water District 2 OPERATIONS & WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE SUMMARY MINUTES December 15, 2014 4:15p.m. ATTENDANCE Directors: Jim Gunther (Chair) Staff: Robert Shaver, Steve Peterson, Barry Carlson, Leonard Pristia DISCUSSION TOPICS 1. Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI Pilot Study Update) : Leonard Pristia gave a brief background of electronic meter reading by explaining the difference between Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), which is a drive-by technology, and Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) which uses a fixed network of data collectors to pull hourly meter readings. He also gave a brief history of AMI research performed by ACWD and noted the ongoing AMI pilot using a program called MegaNet with a collector located at Vineyard Heights Reservoir and a receiver at ACWD Headquarters. Mr. Pristia mentioned the long-term capital plan of installing - 6,800 Meter (radio) Transmitting Units (MTUs) on meters 1-1 /2" in size and larger to allow monthly billing and hourly readings. Mr. Pristia reminded the committee members the capital project was deferred four years . Mr. Pristia went over the objectives of the AMI pilot that began in May 2013: 1) installation of 400 MTUs on medium and large meters ; 2) testing of system reliability; 3) monitoring of the system alerts to determine future resource needs; 4) testing the uploading of meter readings into Cayenta; 5) testing the web-based interface and notification system; 6) customer outreach needs; and 7) the preparation of an AMI pilot report. A demonstration of the MegaNet AMI system was performed showing alerts, account data, as well as hourly consumption data. Director Gunther asked about the customer interface and the data that will be available to the customer. Mr. Pristia explained Mega et can upload hourly consumption data into any customer portal and customers will also be able to have high consumption and continuous consumption (leak) alerts by email or text messaging. Bob Shaver asked if the District is restricted to a single meter manufacturer when utilizing a particular MTU. Mr. Pristia explained the connectors are now universal and ACWD can use any meter manufacturer as long as the meter has an encoded register. 2. CityWorks Implementation Update: Leonard Pristia explained CityWorks is a GIS -based linear asset management software program that has multiple functions and benefits including: easier and faster customer call dispatch; enhanced scheduling tools by using a map; mobile access and entry into the work order system that can be used by field staff; easier management of work such as with street paving; use of analytical tools based on a map; streamlines the management of work orders including the elimination of duplicate description writing and manual data entry; and the integration of preventive maintenance and work order systems. The Board authorized the purchase order for CityWorks software in April of 2014, along with the approval of the services of implementation consultant, Power Engineering. Mr. Pristia explained the implementation schedule includes a soft launch of the CityWorks software program in the March-April timeframe with full implementation scheduled for July 2015. Mr. Pristia demonstrated the CityWorks dashboard screen and some of CityWorks functionality. He then demonstrated some of the functionality of the InfraMap software program currently being used by the Distribution Maintenance Division (DMD). He explained that CityWorks and InfraMap are fully integrated as they sit on the same software platform. The functionality demonstration of InfraMap included: 1) showing how a street address can be used to show a location on a map; 2) showing how the distribution system is shown on a map; 3) demonstrating the system' s ability to identify the scope of the water main shutdown needed to isolate a leak including the valves to close and the hydrants and customer services that would be affected; 4) demonstrating the preventive maintenance tools that document work performed on assets such as valve exercising and hydrant flushing; and 5) demonstrating how corrections to the District's distribution maps can be noted by DMD crews in the field. Director Gunther commented on the application of City Works in an emergency; especially in documenting the emergency related work for FEMA cost reimbursement purposes. Mr. Carlson asked if InfraMap can call customers to notify them of a water outage necessary to repair a section of water main. Mr. Pristia responded noting the program currently does not have that capability but that the vendor is looking into the integration of InfraMap with agency customer notification systems. 3. Public Comments: There were no public comments. RECOMMENDATIONS Topics discussed by the Committee were informational only, and no recommendations were made. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE & FINANCE COMMITTEE SUMMARY MINUTES December 16, 2014 3:00P.M. ATTENDANCE Directors: Staff: Paul Sethy (Chair), John Weed Robert Shaver, Shelley Burgett, Ed Stevenson, Anna Lloyd, and Michael Yee DISCUSSION TOPICS 1. Bond Status and Capital Projects: Michael Yee reviewed the current status of the anticipated 2015 debt issuance and the upcoming January 8, 2015 Board meeting. At that meeting, the District' s bond financial advisor, Frank Perdue of Montague DeRose and Associates will be introduced to the Board. Ed Stevenson presented a preliminary draft spreadsheet of the potential projects funded by the anticipated bond proceeds. They are projects both anticipated to be reimbursed for costs expended under the Board reimbursement resolution adopted in July 2014, as well as projects into the future. The cash flows of the various projects are as they are in the current Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as adopted by the Board in June 2014. Various aspects of the spend-down process were discussed, including whether a larger debt issuance of $30 million, or even $35 million would best meet the needs of the District. 2. Rates & Charges Status and Timeline: Michael Yee and Shelley Burgett reviewed the latest timeline for the 2015 rates & charges process. Working backwards from an anticipated May 1, 2015 effective date, the public hearing would be April 14, and the Board meeting approving the mailing of the Prop. 218 fl yers would be February 12. At the January 8, 2015 Board meeting, staff is planning to have Sanjay Gaur of RFC present a follow-up from the December 8, 2014 Board rates workshop in regards to the proposed 2015 commodity rates/drought surcharge, and bimonthly service charges. The current working assumption is a 30% service charge increase for 5/8" and 3/4" customers, and no change in the commodity rate or drought surcharge. However, as part of the proposed updates that reflect the most recent cost-of-service study recommendations, the change for meters sized 1" and larger will vary depending on the meter size. 3. Unfunded Liabilities Status and CERBT Investments: Michael Yee reviewed a summary spreadsheet of the District' s unfunded liabilities. The total unfunded liability is $106 million, utilizing a market value of assets approach. It was noted that the CalPERS Defined Benefit actuarial valuations come out annually, but that the data is two years lagged, while the Other Post-Employment Benefits/California Employers ' Retirement Benefit Trust (OPEB/CERBT) valuation is done biennially. The latest published CERBT investment performance data (as of October 31 , 2014) was reviewed noting a 7.31% one year return, and 10.93 % three year return. A historical summary cash flow for CERBT was also reviewed noting a funding ratio of26.5% and approximately $12.9 million in assets. 4. PFFC Status: Michael Yee reviewed the status of the District' s Public Facilities Financing Corporation (PFFC) . Originally created in 1992, the PFFC enabled the District to issue Certificates of Participation (COPs), a debt issuance vehicle that provided advantages over other debt options. The PFFC has been in existence for almost 23 years and was used to issue COPs in 1992, 1995, and 2003. However, all these debt issuances have by now been refunded, called or defeased with subsequent revenue bonds. Accordingly, there is no longer any technical or legal reason to keep the PFFC in existence. The COP debt vehicle has also fallen out of favor with the municipal financial markets. Therefore, as required by the PFFC Bylaws, staff will propose that the Board authorize the dissolution of the PFFC at its January 8, 2015 meeting; whereupon, if passed, the PFFC Board will consider the dissolution at its January 20, 2015 annual meeting. 5. Public Comments: There were no public comments. RECOMMENDATIONS Topics discussed by the Committee were informational only, and no recommendations are being made. ENGINEERING & CAPITAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES Thursday, December 18, 2014 4:15p.m. ATTENDANCE Directors: Marty Koller (Chair), Paul Sethy Staff: Robert Shaver, Ed Stevenson, Anna Lloyd, Toni Lyons, Robert Gonzales, Chris Delp DISCUSSION TOPICS 1. Large Diameter Hayward Fault Seismic Retrofit Project: Chris Delp, Project Engineer, provided an update. The $18 .5 million project was awarded in February 2013 and included retrofits to 15 different sites in Fremont and Union City. Since then 10 of the 15 sites have been completed, two sites are 95% complete, and another is 50% complete. Two change orders have been approved by the Board totaling $192,4 70. A third change order totaling $59,327 will be presented to the Board in January 2015. These three change orders amount to 1.46% of the original contract value . Change Order No . 3 includes the following items: • • • Site A (Decato Reservoir I/0) - Install approximately 600 feet of buried conduit for the relocation of PG&E electrical lines and poles due to conflict with the retrofit pipeline alignment ($28,753). Site G (Durham Road) - Install a 40-foot lateral pipeline to avoid pipeline shutdowns associated with future development at Sabercat Road ($20,000) and provide additional pavement grinding required by the City of Fremont ($1 0,574). Time Extension - PG&E has delayed the relocation of power lines at Site A by approximately six months, which has delayed the start of work at this site. As construction at all sites was originally scheduled to be completed by December 31 , 2014, a time extension to June 30, 2015 , for completion of the work at Site A is necessary. The time extension is also needed for Site G, which was delayed by interagency coordination related to the use of lightweight cellular concrete and geofoam backfill as part of the retrofit, and for Site C 1, which has been delayed by negotiations for easements and rights of entry. The following additional changes are currently under negotiation with the contractor and staff anticipates presenting these to the Board at a later date: • • Tamarack Knolls Pipeline - Replacement of approximately 700 feet of existing 8-inch asbestos cement pipe that is adjacent to the proposed retrofit pipeline and must be relocated . The pipeline is approximately 50 years old and has had some nearby leaks. The replacement pipe would be butt-welded steel due to its proximity to the fault zone (currently estimated at $300,000-$3 50,000). Tamarack Knolls Interim Service - During the pipeline replacement work, interim service to the Tamarack Knolls and Upper Decoto neighborhoods will be provided via a temporary regulator or alternatively, by installing a temporary bypass pipeline. The cost and scope of this item are being coordinated with the contractor. 2. Appian Tank Seismic Upgrade Project: Toni Lyons, Project Engineering Supervisor, provided an update on the ongoing contractor negotiations for the project delay claim. The project was awarded in December 2013 to Ghilotti Construction (Ghilotti) . At that time, permit issuance was on schedule for January 20 I 4. However, staffing issues occurred at the US Fish & Wildlife, which delayed the permit issuance. and thus the construction window for 2014 was missed . Ghilotti submitted a cost associated with the schedule delay and Carollo Engineers was hired to provide an independent cost review and opinion. After review by District counsel, staff will respond formally to Ghilotti · s request with a counterproposal for continuing negotiations. Prior to hi s retirement, Walt Wadlow contacted the Regional Water Quality Control Board to request action on the one outstanding environmental permit for the project. Staff will continue to keep the Committee informed on project changes. Director Koller requested a future presentation on the seismic-related design components and criteria for District storage facilities . 3. Zone 4 Interconnect: Ed Stevenson, Manager of Engineering & Technology Services, reviewed the purpose of the future Zone 4 Interconnect Pipeline project in the Capital Improvement Program and the potential for a developer to install a portion of it as part of a planned development project located along Mill Creek Road in Fremont. The Zone 4 Interconnect Pipeline project will connect the District' s Pressure Zone 4 to the Mission San Jose Water Treatment Plant outlet pipeline. The objective is to take advantage of the higher water pressure available in the outlet line to minimize the energy used to pump water into Zone 4 (Vineyard Heights and Ohlone College areas in the Fremont hills). Phase 1 of the Interconnect Pipeline was installed in the early 2000's. Phase 2 of the project is currently scheduled fo r 2024-2027. The planned alignment for the remainder of the Zone 4 Interconnect Pipeline includes a crossing of Mill Creek. A developer plans to develop an approximately 2-acre property located at 520 Mill Creek Road. No public water mains are currently in the vicinity of the site, and the developer must extend a public water main to the site. The preferred option for extending a public main to the site would be for the developer to extend the Zone 4 interconnect pipeline approximately 840 feet to the site (including the crossing of Mill Creek) and take service from Zone 4. Because the Zone 4 Interconnect pipeline is a project within the District's Capital Improvement Program, the District's Development Policy (Resolution 13-011) provides a mechanism for the District to refund ·certain developer costs related to the construction of the main. Such refunds would be made from the Facilities Improvement Fund which is funded by development charges. The project is still in design and additional coordination with the developer is ongoing. 2 4. Public Comments: There were no public comments. RECOMMENDATIONS Topics discussed by the Committee were informational only and no recommendations are being made . 3 ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT RAINFALL REPORT Fiscal Year 2014-2015 40 AV ERAG E YEAR 18.37 in . 35 W ETTE ST YEA R -+- 1/) ..... :X: u 30 ~ -z -' (1982-1983) 38. 89 in . ..•.. (1975-19 76) 7.72 in. DRI EST YEA R - ACTUAL RAIN FAL L 25 -' <( u. z ~ 0:: 20 a ..... ..... 5:::> ::!!: :::> u u <( .... ...-· ,.. .... .... 15 ;·;·; ;• 10 ·'· 5 0 ....~.s .;· ,; . . . .-·········•···· ............... .s '?--:"' ~'>4> --:~ '? <-e~ ~7 '? ,,..o ~ 0~ ~~ '? e<- ...;<> '? <-~ 'V~' ~·-·-·--·-·-·-·--·-·-·-· ...................................... .. .......... . -"'~" ...;"" '? .. ~ ~~ '? -"'~4.. ...;"" '? '>~ ~~ '? MONTHS 1/2/2 015 8: 16:52 AM ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 2014 AVERAGE DAY WATER PRODUCTION 80 .-----------------------------------------------------------------, - We ll s Actual Wells Forecast 70 - SFPUC Actual SFP UC Forecast - 60 WTPActual WTP Forecast - Desai Actu al Desai Forecast c (!) ~ ~ c w 50 li5!iE!I 20% Annual Conservation - o rig inal 2014 Forecasted Production 40 ~ w ~ 30 20 10 0 § ') ~ ~ tS- ~ ~ "< £. ~ .§ ':) ~ ':) ~ "< 0 ,§- 0 (J ~ ~ () QQJ ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT GROUNDWATER RECHARGE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 7,000 6,000 5,000 3l IL. <II CJ 4,000 ... <( 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 -'----' ~.s '\(-vO; 0(8 0()- ~0~ Ill Total Local Runoff <:J'v SWP Import ~fl}~ «.e9 Ill Recharge ~1 "<"-<:<' ~fl}~ ~'>~ ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Consolidated Portfolio Management Summary Report November 30, 20 14 Investment Type Par Market Boo k % of Days t o Value Value Valu e Portfolio Maturity YTM Unrestricted Fu nds: ACWD Portfolio Ce rtifi cat es of De posit - Bank $ LA.IF/CAMP Passbook/Checking Subtot al 1,131,045.00 1.18 67 0.206 10,362,838.01 10,364,714.75 10,362,838.01 10.!B 1 0.251 5,325,362.04 5,325,362.04 5,325,362.04 5.56 1 0.002 16,819,245.05 16,821,121.79 16,8 19,245 .05 22,365,000.00 22,706,684.31 22,756,061.33 23 .78 971 0.950 3, 760,000.00 3, 792,062.10 3, 766,598.00 3.94 986 1.670 23,275,000.00 23,4 12,758.80 23,471,968.09 24.52 872 0.940 20,650,000.00 20,891,143.54 20,974,846.85 21.91 931 1.300 5, 050,000.00 5,045,316.88 5, 0 50,000.00 5.28 507 0.720 75,100,000.00 75,847,965 .63 76,0 19,474.27 91,919,245 .05 92,669,087.42 92,838,719.32 1,131,045 .00 $ 1,131,045.00 $ PFM Managed Account Summary U.S. Treasu ry Bon d I Note Munici pal Bo nd I Note Federa l Agency Bond I Not e Corporat e Not e Ce rti ficat e o f Depos it Subtota l Tot al Unrestricted Fund s Restricted Funds: 2009 Refund ing Bond Pass book/Checking Fed era l Age ncy Bond Subtota l 124,094.97 124,094.97 124,094.97 0 .13 1 2, 700,000.00 2,727,621.00 2,750,203.13 2.87 334 0.293 2,824,094.97 2,851,715.97 2,874,298.10 0.00 1 0.060 20 12 Acqu isition Fund CAMP Subtot al Tot al Restri cted Fun ds Total Portfolio $ 883.48 883.48 883 .48 883.48 883.48 883.48 2,824,978.45 2,852,599.45 2,875,181.58 94,744,223.50 $ 95,521,686.87 $ 95,713,900.90 100.00% 725 0.883 "THE ABOVE INVESTME NTS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THOSE PERMITIED BY CALIFORN IA GOVERNME NT CODE SECTION 53651, AND ARE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE STATED INVESTMENT PO LI CY OF THE AlA MEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT TR EASURER/AUDITOR AS SUB MITIED TO SAID DIST RICT'S BOARD OF DIRECTORS. THERE ARE SUFFI CIENT FU NDS AVA ilABLE IN THE LOCAL AGENCY INVESTM ENT FUND AN D/OR MATURING WIT HI N THE NE XT SIX MONTHS TO SAT ISFY ALL DISTRI CT BOARD APP ROVED EXPENDITURES." NOTE 1: TH E SOURCES OF MARKET VA LUATION FOR TH E SECURITI ES ARE PFM ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC AND US BANK. ~~~ 12-13-11 M ICHAEL D. YEE, BUDGET & FIN ANCIAL A Jvj, '0/Ji T:\AA AK\Cash - lnves tm ent\ FY1415\14PORTF OLI 0 MAN AGEM ENT 12/ 18/2014 10:02 AM ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Portfolio Management Portfolio Details - Investments November 30, 2014 CUSIP Investment # Iss ue r Purchase Date Par Valu e Page 1 Market Value Bo ok Va lu e Stated Rate Days to Term Matu rity YTM Maturity Date Certificates of Depos it - Bank 033963959 033963959 G/ F-CD/BANK OF THE WEST 11 /13/201 3 141,045.00 141 ,045 .00 141 ,045.00 0.250 546 163 0 .250 05/13/2015 274092000 274092000 INSTALLERS REIMB . FD-CD/FREMNT 01 /23/2014 990,000 .00 990 ,000.00 990,000.00 0.200 365 53 0 .200 01 /23/2015 1,131,045.00 1,131 ,045 .00 1,131 ,045.0 0 388 67 0.206 Su btotal and Average --- ------ LAIF/CAMP 528-00 528-00 G/F-CAMP 90-01-001-A 90-0 1-001-A G/ F-LA IF 90-0 1-00 1-B 90-0 1-001 -B CO NSUMER GUAR . FD-LAIF Subtotal an d Avera ge 10,359.45 10,359.45 10,359.45 0.050 1 1 0.050 10,283,727 .32 10,285 ,591 .60 . 10,283 ,727 .32 0.251 1 68,751 .24 68 ,763 .70 68 ,751 .24 0.251 1 1 1 0.251 0.251 10,362 ,838.01 10,364,714.75 10,362,838.01 1 1 0.251 2,088 ,334 .87 2,088 ,334 .87 1 1 0.000 -11 ,797 .56 2,088 ,334 .87 -11 ,797 .56 1 -11 ,797 .56 1 0.001 ----- - -- - Passbook/Checking 604004713 026576488 604004713 G/F-BANK OF WEST CHECK ING 026576488 G/F-BANK OF WEST CUSTO MER REFU 07/01 /2014 0.001 604015347 604015347 G/F-BANK OF WEST EFT CKING 07/01 /2014 -71 ,429 .18 -7 1,429 .18 -71,429.18 1 1 0.000 028182311 604022806 028182311 604022806 G/F-BANK OF WEST INV TRADE G/F-BANK OF WE ST PAYRO LL 07/01 /2014 07/01 /2014 2,382 ,606.66 -5 ,274.45 2,382,606.66 -5,274.45 2,382 ,606 .66 -5,274.45 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.000 027977405 027977405 G/ F-BANK OF WEST SP HR ACCT 07/01 /2014 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000 .00 1 1 0.000 604022673 7020016919 604022673 70200 16919 G/F-BANK OF WEST WARRANTS G/F-U NION BANK CHECKIN G 07/01/2014 07/01 /2014 9,938.82 611 ,740 .68 9,938 .82 611 ,740.68 9,938 .82 611 ,740 .68 1 1 1 1 0 .000 0.000 604252585 604252585 IN STALLERS RE IMB . FD-BOW PSB 233 ,336.44 233 ,336.44 233,336.44 604004010 604007872 60400401 0 604007872 STORAGE CO NN.NH-BOW CK IN G CON SUMER GUAR. FD-BOW CK IN G 0.00 82 ,905 .76 0.00 82 ,905.76 0.0 0 82 ,905.76 5,325,362.04 5,325 ,362.04 16,819 ,245.05 16,821 '121 .79 Subtotal and Average Total an d Avera ge 07/01/2014 07/01 /2014 0.050 1 1 0.050 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.000 5,325,362.04 1 1 0 .002 16,819,245 .05 27 5 0.169 -- --------- Portfo lio PROD Run Date: 12/15/201 4 - 16:12 cc PM (PRF_PM2) 7.3.0 Report Ver. 7.3 5 &I For the Month Ending November 30, 2014 Managed Account Summary Statement ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT- 03066100 Cash Transactions Summary - Managed Account Transaction Summary - Managed Account Opening Market Value Maturities/Calls $75,702,000.91 Change in Current Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 145,964.72 Closing Market Value $75,847,965.63 Principal Dispositions Principal Acquisitions Unsettled Trades Earnings Reconciliation {Cash Basis)- Managed Account Interest/Dividends/ Coupons Received Less Purchased Interest Related to Interest/ Coupons Plus Net Realized Gains/ Losses Total Cash Basis Earninqs Earnings Reconciliation {Accrual Basis) Ending Amortized Value of Securities Ending Accrued Interest Plus Proceeds from Sales Plus Proceeds of Maturities/Calls/ Principal Paym ents Plus Coupons/ Dividends Received Less Cost of New Purchases Less Beginning Amortized Value of Securities Less Beginning Accrued Interest Total Accrual Basis Earnings Maturities/Calls Sale Proceeds Coupon/ Interest/Dividend Income Principal Payments Security Purchases Net Cash Contribution Reconciling Transactions 0.00 1,943,188.50 145,430.42 0.00 (1,983,924.76) (104,694.16) 0.00 Cash Balance 147,801.09 (21, 178.67) 2,944 .08 Closing Cash Balance $0.00 $129,566.50 Total 75,565,812.54 191,125.64 0.00 0.00 145,430.42 0.00 (75,587,769.21) (248,864.92) $65,734.47 Account 03066100 Page 1 PFM Asset Management LLC lllliii_ .t=II PF\1 ~ For the Month Ending November 30, 2014 Portfolio Summary and Statistics ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT- 03066100 Sector Allocation Account Summary Description U.S. Treasury Bond Municipal Bond I I Note Par Value Market Value Percent 22,36S,OOO.OO 22,706,684.31 29.94 3,760,000.00 3, 792,062.10 5.00 23,275,000.00 23,412,758.80 30.87 20,650,000.00 20,89 1,143 .54 27.54 5,050,000 .00 5,045,316.88 6.65 Note Federal Agency Bond I Note Corporate Note Certificate of Deposit Managed Account Sub-Total 7 5,100,000.00 7 5,847,965.63 100.00% 75, 100,000.00 76,039,091.27 0 .00 0 .00 Accrued I nterest US TSY Bond I 29.94% I ~t Corporate Note r------27.54% 191, 125.64 Total Portfolio Unsettled Trades I / "- Muni Bond I Note 5.00% Maturity Distribution Characteristics 38.13% -...,--·---- 32 .40% r-- ~- ... Fed Agy Bond I Note 30.87% Yie ld to Maturity at Cost 1.07% Yield to Maturity at Market 0.91% Duration to Worst 2.46 Weighted Average Days to Maturity 936 -- 16.67% ~~ .. 12.80% ~--0.00% 0.00% 0 · 6 Months 6 - 12 Months 0.00% 1 - 2 Years 2 - 3 Years 3- 4 Years 4 • 5 Years Over 5 Years Account 03066100 Page 2 PPM Asset Managen1ent LLC For th e Month Ending November 30, 2014 Managed Account Issuer Summary ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT- 03066100 Credit Quality (S&P Ratings) Issuer Summary Issuer AMERICAN EXPRESS CO AMERICAN HONDA FINANCE APPLE INC BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC CA EARTHQUAKE AUTH TXBL REV BOND CAST DEPT OF WATER REV BONDS CATERPILLA.R INC CHEVRON CORP CISCO SYSTEMS INC DEERE & COMPANY FANNIE MAE FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS FREDDIE MAC GENERAL ELECTRIC CO GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC HSBC HOLDINGS PLC IBM CORP JP MORGAN CHASE & CO MICROSOFT CORP PEPSICO, I NC PROCTER & GAMBLE CO RABOBANK NEDERLA.ND SKANDINAVISKA ENSKIDA BANKEN AB STATE OF CALIFORNIA TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED THE WALT DISNEY CORPORATION TOYOTA MOTOR CORP UNITED STATES TREASURY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA US BANCORP WAL-MART STORES INC WELLS FARGO & COMPANY Market Value of Holdings Percent 407,304.05 1,539,848.93 2,592, 117.54 1, 183,808.38 409,934.40 299,859.00 836,054. 61 1,585,955. 24 714,983.49 1,1 27,029.50 15,167,495.43 2,246,658.39 5,998,604 .98 1,368, 722. 50 1,524,832.25 481,779 .36 606,753.58 952, 518.45 430,923.62 401,014.40 862, 156.70 1,794,178.80 1,726,305.83 1,883, 565. 70 1,026,915.00 1,265,792.50 768,401.96 22,706,684 .31 1,198,703.00 1,024,764.00 621,283.75 1,093,015.98 0.54 2.03 3.42 1. 56 0.54 0.40 1.10 2.09 0.94 1.49 19.99 2.96 7.91 1.80 2.01 0.64 0.80 1.26 0.57 0.53 1.14 2.37 2.28 2.48 1.35 1.67 1.01 29.93 1.58 1.35 0.82 1.44 N" 0.54% AAA 0.96% AA3.89% AA+_ 11 ./\o:) .'\ ~ 6.05% 66.03% Account 03066100 Page 3 PFM Asset Management LLC ~ • Managed Account Issuer Summary For the Month Ending November 30, 2014 ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT- 03066100 Total $ 75,847,965.63 100.00% Account 03066100 Page 4 PFM Asset Managem.e nt LLC •', ~ ~ Pf\1 ~ For th e Mont h Ending November 30, 2014 Managed Account Detail of Securities Held ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT - 03066100 Security Type/Description Dated Date/Coupon/Maturity U.S. Treasury Bond CUSIP Par S&P Moody's Rating Rating Trade Date Settle Date Original Cost YTM at Cost Accrued Interest Amortized Cost Market Value f Note US TREASURY NOTES DTD 05/02/2011 2.000% 04/30/2016 9128280FO 2.750.000.00 AA+ Aaa 04/01/13 04/02/13 2.886.748.05 0.37 4.709:94 2.813,043.61 2.818.321.00 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 05/02/2011 2.000% 04/30/2016 9128280FO 2.825.000.00 AA+ Aaa 04/08/13 04/08/ 13 2,967,022.46 0.35 4.838.40 2,890,813.54 2.895.184.30 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 10/31/2011 1.000% 10/31/2016 912828RM4 1.250,000.00 AA+ Aaa 09/21/12 09/24/12 1,274,267.S8 0.52 1.070.44 1.261,393.98 1.263,281.25 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 11/30/2011 0.875% 11/30/2016 912828RU6 AA+ Aaa 12/03/13 12/03/13 1.109.796.88 0.57 26.44 1.106.558. 95 1.108.593.20 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 01/31/2012 0.875% 01/31/2017 912828SC5 1.000,000.00 AA+ Aaa 02/04/14 02/07/14 1.005.664.06 0.68 2.924.59 1,004.126.78 1.006,406.00 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 03/31/2012 1.000% 03/31/2017 912828SM3 990 ,000.00 AA+ Aaa 02/27/14 03/03/ 14 998,04 3.75 0.73 1.686.26 996.107.23 997,889.31 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 03/31/2012 1.000% 03/31/2017 912828SM3 3,625,000.00 AA+ Aaa 03/19/14 03/21/14 3,633,354.49 0.92 6,174.45 3,631.450.43 3,653.887.63 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 11/30/2012 0.625% 11/30/2017 912828UA6 1.525.000.00 AA+ Aaa 05/06/14 05/09/14 1,495,691.41 1.18 26.18 1,500,247.54 1,511,537.11 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 12/02/2013 1.250% 11/30/2018 912828A34 100,000.00 AA+ Aaa 06/02/14 06/03/14 99,300.78 1.41 3.43 99.375.65 99,914.10 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 12/02/2013 1.250% 11/30/2018 912828A34 750 ,000.00 AA+ Aaa 07/01/14 07/07/14 742.148.44 1.50 25.76 742,846.76 749.355.75 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 01/31/2014 1.500% 01/31/2019 912828833 2,600,000.00 AA+ Aaa 07/29/14 07/31/14 2.587,914.06 1.61 13,035.33 2,588, 783.26 2,618,483.40 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 03/31/2014 1.625% 03/31/2019 912828C65 825.000.00 AA+ Aaa 09/02/14 09/04/14 825.902.34 1.60 2.283.48 825,859.33 833.894.33 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 03/31/2014 1.625% 03/31/2019 912828C65 1.575,000.00 AA+ Aaa 10/02/14 10/06/14 1,577.460.94 1.59 4.359.38 1.577.379.60 1.591.980.08 US TREASURY NOTES DTD 05/15/2009 3.125% 05/15/2019 912828KQ2 1.450,000.00 AA+ Aaa 10/30/14 11/03/14 1,552. 746.09 1.50 2,002.76 1.551.064.19 1.557.956.85 Account 03066100 Page 5 PFM Asset Management llC For the Month Ending November 30, 2014 Managed Account Detail of Securities Held AlAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT - 03066100 Security Type/Description Dated Date/Coupon/Maturity CUSIP Security Type Sub-Total Municipal Bond I Par S&P Moody's Rating Rating Trade Date Settle Date 22,365,000.00 Original Cost 22,756,061.33 YTM . at Cost 0.95 Accrued Amortized Interest Cost Market Value 43,166.84 22,589,050.85 22,706,684.31 Note CA ST TXBL GO BONDS DTD 03/27/2013 1.050% 02/ 01/2016 13063BN73 410,000.00 A+ Aa3 03/ 13/13 03/ 27/13 411.385.80 0.93 1,435.00 410 ,572.25 412 .382.10 CAST DEPT OF WATER TXBL REV BONDS DTD 09/27/ 2012 0.991 % 12/ 01/2016 13066KW21 300 ,000.00 AAA Aa1 09/ 19/ 12 09/ 27/ 12 300 ,000 .00 0.99 1,486.50 300 ,000.00 299 ,859.00 CA EARTHQUAKE AUTH TXBL REV BONDS DTD 11/06/2014 1.824% 07/ 01/2017 13017HAD8 410 ,000.00 NR A3 10/29/ 14 11/06/14 410 ,000 .00 1.82 519 .33 410,000.00 409,934.40 CA 5T TXBL GO BONDS DTD 11/05/2013 1.750% 11/ 01/2017 13063CFC9 1.460.000.00 A+ Aa 3 10/2 2/ 13 11/05/ 13 1.465.212.20 1.66 2.129.17 1.463.843.49 1.471.183.60 UNIV OF CAL TXBL REV BONDS DTD 10/02/2013 2.054 % 05/ 15/2018 91412GSZ9 1. 180,000 .00 AA Aa 2 09/26/ 13 10/0 2/13 1.180,000 .00 2. 05 1.077.21 1.180,000.00 1.198,703.00 1.67 6, 647.21 3,764,415.74 3,792,062.10 Security Type Sub-Total Federal Agency Bond 3,760,000.00 3,766,598.00 I Note FANNIE MAE GLOBAL NOTES DTD 02/15/2013 0.500% 03/30/2016 3135GOVA8 1.850,000 .00 AA+ Aaa 02/ 14/ 13 02/ 15/ 13 1,847 ,891.00 0.54 1,567.36 1.849,097.31 1.855,640.65 FNMA NOTES DTD 03/04/2011 2.375% 04/ 11/2016 3135GOBAO 1.750,000.00 AA+ Aaa 07/ 27/12 07/30/ 12 1.864,240.00 0.59 5,772. 57 1,792,343.35 1.799,745.50 FREDDIE MAC GLOBAL NOTES DTD 07/08/2011 2.000% 08/25/2016 3137EACW7 1.165,000.00 AA+ Aaa 09/ 06/ 12 09/07/ 12 1.227.956.60 0.62 6,213.3 3 1.192,697. 76 1.196,188.22 FHLB NOTES DTD 08/07/2014 0.500% 09/28/2016 3130A2T97 850.000.00 AA+ Aaa 08/06/ 14 08/07/ 14 848,087.50 0.61 743 .75 848 ,368.32 849.971.10 FANNIE MAE GLOBAL NOTES DTD 01/09/2012 1.250% 01/30/2017 3135GOGY3 2.050,000.00 AA+ Aaa 06/ 17/14 06/18/14 2.070 .787.00 0.86 8, 612.85 2,067.225.51 2.079.433.90 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS (CALLABLE ) DTD 03/27/2014 1.625% 03/27/2017 3130A1CR7 1.390.000.00 AA+ Aaa 04/02/ 14 04/04/ 14 1.405,276.10 1.25 4,015.56 1.395,026.10 1.396.687.29 FNMA NOTES DTD 03/01/ 2012 1.125% 04/ 27/ 2017 3135GOJA2 1.275.000 .00 AA+ Aaa 07/ 27/ 12 07/30/ 12 1,292,136.00 0.84 1.354.69 1.283. 779.45 Account 03066100 Page 6 PFM Asset Management LLC .. For th e Month Ending November 30, 2014 Managed Account Detail of Securities Held ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT- 03066100 Security Type/Description Dated Date/Coupon/Maturity Federal Agency Bond S&P Moody's Par Rating Rating CUSIP Trade Date Settle Date Original Cost YTM at Cost Accrued Interest Amortized Cost Market Value 1 Note FREDDIE MAC GLOBAL NOTES DTD OS/14/2012 1.000% 06/29/2017 3137EADH9 S60,000.00 AA+ Aaa 08/11/14 08/13/14 S60,S34. 24 0.97 2,364.44 S60,480.08 S62,809.S2 FREDDIE MAC GLOBAL NOTES DTD OS/14/2012 1.000% 06/29/2017 3137EADH9 2,120,000.00 AA+ Aaa 08/11/14 08/13/14 2,122,480.40 0.96 8,9Sl.11 2,122,228.14 2,130,636.04 FREDDIE MAC GLOBAL NOTES DTD 06/25/2012 1.000% 07/28/2017 3137EADJ5 2,100,000.00 AA+ Aaa 07/27/12 07/30/12 2,114,742 .00 0.86 7,17S.OO 2.107.924.27 2,108, 971.20 FANNIE MAE GLOBAL NOTES DTD 09/24/2012 0.87S% 10/26/2017 3135GOPOO 2,900,000.00 AA+ Aaa 11/27/13 12/03/13 2.877,81S. OO 1.08 2,467.01 2.883.393.38 2,891.938.00 FANNIE MAE GLOBAL NOTES DTD 04/15/2013 0.87S% OS/21/20 18 313SGOWJ8 1.12S,OOO.OO AA+ Aaa OS/24/13 OS/31/13 1.107.9S6.2S 1.19 273.44 1.112.993.28 1.114,030.13 FANNIE MAE GLOBAL NOTES DTD 04/15/2013 0.875 % OS/21/2018 313SGOWJ8 2.000,000. 00 AA+ Aaa 05/22/13 OS/24/13 1.983.100.00 l.OS 486.11 1.988.1Sl.66 1.980.498.00 FANNIE MAE GLOBAL NOTES DTD 10/01/2013 1.625% 11/27/2018 3135GOYT4 940.000.00 AA+ Aaa 10/22/14 10/23/14 948.930.00 1.39 169.72 948.709.93 948 .749.S2 FANNIE MAE GLOBAL NOTES DTD 10/01/2013 1.62S% 11/27/2018 313SGOYT4 1.200,000.00 AA+ Aaa 06/16/14 06/19/14 1.200,036 .00 1.62 216.67 1.200,036.00 50,383.61 23,352,454.54 23,412, 758.80 Security Type Sub-Total 23, 27S,OOO.OO 23,471,968.09 0.94 Corporate Note PEPSICO INC GLOBAL NOTES DTD 02/28/2013 0.700% 02/26/2016 713448CE6 400 ,000.00 A- A1 02/2S/13 02/28/13 399,860.00 0.71 738.89 399,941.73 401,014.40 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC CORPORATE NOTE DTD 05/23/2011 2.37S% OS/16/2016 882S08ARS 1.000,000.00 A+ A1 01/29/13 02/01/13 1.048,3SO.OO 0.88 l.OSS.S6 1.021.S9S.26 1.026,91S.OO TOYOTA MOTOR CREDIT CORP DTD 05/17/2013 0.800% 05/17/2016 . 89236TAL9 765,000.00 AA- Aa3 OS/14/13 OS/17/13 764,686.3S 0.81 238.00 764,846.30 768,401.96 WELLS FARGO & COMPANY DTD 07/29/2013 1.250% 07/20/2016 94974BFL9 1.08S,OOO.OO A+ A2 07/22/13 07/29/13 1.083, 9S8.40 1.28 4,93S.24 1.084.421.81 1,093,01S.98 .:==..... Account 03066100 Page 7 .:= l'J\1 ~ = PFM Asset Management LLC IIIli .411:11 PF:\I ~ 4C For t he Month Ending November 30, 2014 Managed Account Detail of Securities Held ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT- 03066100 Security Type/Description Dated Date/Coupon/Maturity CUSIP Par S&P Moody's Rating Rating Trade Date Settle Date Original Cost YTM at Cost Accrued Interest Amorti zed Cost Market Value Corporate Note PROCTER & GAMBLE CO NOTES (EX-CALLABLE) DTD 08/ 15/ 2011 1.450% 08/15/ 2016 742718DV8 850,000.00 AA- Aa 3 01/04/ 13 01/09/ 13 868,283 .50 0. 84 3,629.03 8 58,730.75 862,156.70 WALT DISNEY COMPANY NOTES DTD 08/22/2011 1.350% 08/ 16/ 2016 25468PCM6 1.250,000.00 A A2 11/2 1/ 12 11/2 7/ 12 1.269,562.50 0.92 4.921.8 8 1.259,068.81 1.265, 792.50 US BANCORP (CALLABLE) DTD 11/03/2011 2.200 % 11/15/ 2016 91159HHB9 1.000,000 .00 A+ A1 02/ 1S/ 13 02/ 21/ 13 1.042,940 .00 1.02 977 .78 1.022,208 .58 1.024.764.00 JPMORGAN CHASE & CO 46623EJY6 950 ,000 .00 A A3 02/ 12/ 14 02/ 18/ 14 949,525.00 1.37 3,776.25 949 ,647 .75 952.518.45 DTD 02/ 18/ 2014 1.350% 02/ 15/ 2017 GEN ERAL ELEC CAP CORP GLOBAL NOTES DTD 02/ 13/ 2007 5.400% 02/15/201 7 36962G2G8 AA+ A1 08/28/ 12 08/29/ 12 1.446,362.50 1.73 19,875.00 1.348,944.85 1.368,722.50 APPLE INC CORP NOTE DTD 05/ 06/ 2014 1.050% 05/ 05/ 201 7 037833AM2 1.800,000.00 AA+ Aa1 04/ 29/ 14 05/06/ 14 1.799,046.00 1.07 1.312.50 1.799.224.99 1.808,397.00 BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY FIN GLOBAL NOTES DTD 05/ 15/ 2012 1.600% 05/ 15/2017 084664BS9 525.000.00 AA Aa2 01/08/ 13 01/ 15/ 13 532,481.25 1.26 373 .33 529,290 .80 531.425.48 JOHN DEERE CAPITAL CORP NOTES DTD 06/12/ 2014 1.125% 06/ 12/ 2017 244 22ESNO 1,125,000 .00 A A2 06/09/ 14 06/12/ 14 1.124.471. 25 1.14 5,941.41 1.124,552.8 1 1.127,029.50 HSBC USA INC DTD 06/23/ 2014 1.300% 06/ 23/2017 40434CAA3 480,000 .00 A+ A2 06/ 16/ 14 06/ 23/ 14 479. 270.40 1.35 2. 738.67 479 ,375.35 481.779.36 CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SE DTD 08/20/ 2014 1.250% 08/ 18/ 2017 14912L6D8 83 5,000.00 A A2 08/ 13/ 14 08/20/ 14 834,582.50 1. 27 2.928.30 834 ,620 .92 836,054.61 AMERICAN EXPRESS CREDIT CORP NOTES DTD 09/23/ 2014 1.550% 09/ 22/ 2017 0258MODR7 405.000 .00 A- A2 09/ 18/14 09/23/ 14 404.457 .30 1.60 1.185. 75 404.490.81 407 .304.05 CHEVRON CORP (CALLABLE ) GLOBAL NOTES DTD 12/05/ 2012 1.104% 12/ 05/ 2017 166764AA8 165,000.00 AA Aa1 11/29/ 12 12/05/ 12 165,892.65 0.99 890.56 165.536.89 164,328.78 CHEVRON CORP (CALLABLE ) GLOBAL NOTES DTD 12/05/2012 1.104% 12/ 05/ 2017 166764AA8 275.000 .00 AA Aa1 11/28/ 12 12/05/1 2 275.000 .00 1.10 1.484.27 275 ,000 .00 273.881.30 IBM CORP GLOBAL NOTES DTD 02/ 08/2013 1.250% 02/ 08/ 2018 459200HKO 610 .000.00 AA- Aa 3 02/05/ 13 02/08/ 13 607.206 .20 1.35 2,393.40 608.198 .37 606.753.58 Accou n t 03066100 Page 8 PFM Asset Managem.ent LLC ... For th e Month Ending November 30, 2014 Managed Account Detail of Securities Held ALAMEDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT - 03066100 Security Type/Description Dated Date/Coupon/Maturity CUSIP Par S&P Moody's Rating Rating Trade Date Settle Date Original Cost YTM at Cost Accrued Interest Amortized Cost Market Value Corporate Note BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY GLOBAL NOTE 08'1670BHO 650 ,000.00 AA Aa2 01/ 29/ 13 02/11/ 13 6'19 ,096 .50 1. 58 3,13'1.'1'1 6'19,'11'1.91 652 ,382. 90 9311'12DF7 625, 000 .00 AA Aa2 04/0'1/13 04/11/13 62'1,425.00 1.14 976.56 62'1,609.91 621.283.75 59'1918AS3 435 ,000 .00 AAA Aaa 04/25/13 05/ 02/13 '13'1,725.9 5 1. 01 362. 50 '13'1,811.13 430,923.62 037833AJ9 795,000.00 AA+ Aa1 04/30/13 05/ 03/13 792 ,066.'15 1.08 618.33 792 ,975.31 783,720.54 16676'1AEO 1,1'10,000.00 AA Aa1 06/ 17/13 06/2'1/ 13 1.1'10,000.00 1.72 8,541.32 1.1'10,000.00 1,147,7'15.16 17275RAR3 710,000.00 AA- A1 08/29/1'1 09/ 04/1'1 716,41 8.'10 1.91 3, 771.88 716,086.33 714, 983.'19 02665WAH'I 1.525,000.00 A+ A1 09/0'1/14 09/ 09/ 1'1 1.522, 178.75 2.29 7,815 .63 1.522,297.0'1 1.539,8'18 .93 84,616.48 20,809,891.41 20,891,143 .54 DTD 02/11/2013 1.550% 02/09/ 2018 WAL-MART STORES INC GLOBAL NOTES DTD 0'1/ 11/2013 1.125% 04/11/2018 MICROSOFT CORP GLOBAL NOTES DTD 05/ 02/20 13 1.000% 05/01/2018 APPLE INC GLOBAL NOTES DTD 05/ 03/2013 1.000% 05/ 03/2018 CHEVRON CORP GLOBAL NOTES DTD 06/24/2013 1.718%06/24/2018 CISCO SYSTEMS INC GLOBAL NOTES DTD 03/03/ 201'12.125% 03/0 1/ 2019 AMERICAN HONDA FI NANCE GLOBAL NOTES DTD 09/09/ 201'1 2.250% 08/15/2019 Security Type Sub-Total 20,974,846.85 20, 650,000.00 1. 30 Certificate of Deposit SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BY NY FLOAT 83051HUD6 1.725,000 .00 A-1 P-1 01/07/14 01/10/1'1 1. 725 ,000.00 O.S6 1,505 .51 1,725,000 .00 1,726,305 .83 2168'1 BPVO 1.800,000.00 A+ Aa2 05/09/1'1 05/13/14 1,800 ,000.00 0.71 895 .31 1,800,000.00 1.79'1,178.80 38 147J2L5 1.525,000 .00 A-1 P-1 08/14/1'1 08/19/14 1.525,000.00 0.90 3,910 .68 1.525,000 .00 1.52'1, 832 .25 CD DTD 01/10/201'1 0.551 % 01/04/2016 RABOBANK NEDERLAND NV NY CD DTD 05/13/2014 0.716% 05/06/ 2016 GOLDMAN SACHS BANK USA CD DTD 08/19/201'1 0.900 % 08/ 12/2016 Security Type Sub-Total Managed Account Sub-Total 5,050,000.00 5,050,000.00 0.72 6, 311.50 5,050,000.00 5,045,316.88 75, 100,000.00 76,019,474.27 1. 07 19 1,125 .64 75,565,812.54 75,847,965.63 Account 03066100 Page 9 PFM Asset Managen1ent LLC .........-:-: PF\1 For the Month Ending November 30, 2014 Managed Account Detail of Securities Held ALAMEDA COUNIY WATER DISTRICT- 03066100 Securities Sub-Total $75,100,000.00 Accrued Interest Total Investments $76,019,474.27 1.07% $191,125.64 $75,565,812.54 $75,847,965.63 $191,125.64 $76,039,091.27 Account 03066100 Page 10 PPM Asset Managem.e nt LLC ACWD RESTRICTED FUND Portfolio Management Page 1 Portfolio Details - Investments November 30, 2014 CUSIP Investment# Issuer Purchase Date Par Value Market Value Book Value Stated Rate Days to Term Maturity YTM Maturity Date 2009 Passbook/Checking 09 BRF-MMFD 09BRF-MMFD 09 BOND RE DEMPTION FUND 07/0 1/2014 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 1 0.000 09 RSV-MMFD 12REV-MMFD 09 RSV-MMFD 12REV-MMFD 09 BOND RES ERVE FUND 12 REVENUE BONDS FUND 07/01 /2014 07/0 1/2014 124,094 .97 0.00 124,094 .97 0.00 124 ,094.97 0.00 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.000 124,094.97 124,094.97 124,094.97 1 1 0.000 Subtotal and Average --------- 2009 Treasury Securities 912828 PE4 912828PE4 09 BOND RE SERVE FUN D- US TREA Subtotal and Average 11/18/2013 2,700 ,000.00 2,727,621 .00 2,750 ,203.13 2,700,000.00 2,727 ,621 .00 2,750 ,203.13 1.250 712 334 0.293 10/31/201 5 712 334 0.293 --------- 2012 CAMP 98-02 98-02 CAMP BOND Subtotal and Average Total and Average 0.060 0.060 1 ----- 1- - 883.48 883 .4 8 883.48 883.48 883.48 883.48 1 1 2,824,978.45 2,852 ,599 .45 2,875,181 .58 681 320 0.060 0.280 P o rtfo lio 2 01 2 cc Run Date: 12/17/2014-13:47 PM (PRF _P M2) 7.3 .0 Report Ver. 7.3 .5 ACWD Distribution System Hardness December 2014 Water Production Facilities Legend Average Daily Flows and Hardn ess for this month (million gallon s) Fl ow (MGD) Blender (GW + SFPUC): Desai : 9.4 7.3 37% 28% 0% 25% 9% Hardness > 180 mg/L Hardness 166 - 180 mg/L Hardness (mg/ L) 146 66 120 125 14 / / ' ' Hardness 135 - 165 mg/L ' Hardness 120 - 134 mg/L ' ~ Hardness < 120 mg/L A\€rage Hardness of K-Points 101 Pressure Zones c=J Zone I c=J Zone II []I:~ Zo ne Ill . . Zo ne IV Special Zones mJ Tamarack/Dry Creek . . Seve n Hills ~ Canyon Heights Ava lon