board of secondary education, odisha, cuttack
board of secondary education, odisha, cuttack
BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, ODISHA, CUTTACK TNSTRUCTIONS TO USERS FOR ONLiNE REGISTRATION FOR FILLING UP OF APPLIGATION FORMS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY HSC EXAMINATION. 2016 1. The Authority to LOGIN for School Regular & Ex-Regular candidates shall be the Head of the lnstitution and no one else. 2. Similarly Dy. Secretary, Zona! Offices of the BSE, Odisha shall be the Authority to Login for Correspondence Course Regular & Ex-Regular candidates. 3. The online application shall remain live from 1310512016 tiM710512016, midnight. The final submission of application form, deposit of fee in the Bank, submission of Journal No shall have to be completed by 1710512016 midnight. 4. The Authorities to login will remain responsible if the application of their candidates could not be submitted within the stipulated time. 5. The ONLINE registration shall be done on visiting the website www. 6. 7. . 'Login to your account" will be displayed on the screen. 'Enter School code & Password' and LOGIN. Password is same that has already been used by you during filling up of forms for the Annua! H.S.C Examination-2016 and registration of your teachers. 8. ln case you have forgotten your password, click "Click Here" shown below the Login Screen to get your password. Password will be sent in your registered email lD. 9. Click on "Login" button to go to next page i.e 'School Profile'. 10. The Sl. No.05 to 10 of the School Profile can be edited provided the Headmaster/ Headmistress has been transferred or if phone nos have been changed. ln case Headmaster/ Headmistress has been changed, the signature of the present Headmaster/ Headmistress shall be uploaded. 11. After editing the School Profile, click on 'Submit' button to go to the next page "List of existing candidates". 12. "List of existing candidates" contains the data of the following candidates. i. The enrolled candidates who have not filled up application forms for A.H.S.C examination-2O1 6 and ii. M.P, ABS & F grade candidates of AHSC Examination, 2016' Select the candidates from the said list and you will be directed to enter the Appearing Code and uptoad the Photograph of the candidate (size as 50 KB in JPEG, .JPG & .PNG format). lf appearing code is "C", select the subject code correctly. Continue the said process till you complete filling up of forms of all the interested candidates. 15. ln case any eligible candidates picked in examinations as below desire to fill up application form for Supplementary HSC Examination, they shall also be allowed to fill up forms under the section "Other Candidates". i.) ii.) iii.) iv.) v.) 16. Annua! HSC Examination,2014 (Regular) Supplementary HSC Examination,2014 (Regular) Annual HSC Examination, 2015 (Regular & Ex-Rejular (New) Supplementary HSC Exam. ,2015 (Regular & Ex-Regular (New) Fresh candidates if any permitted by the BSE, Odisha. For candidat6s at 15(i) to (iv), the Admit Cardl Mark sheet of the last examination appeared shall be uploaded and permission letter shall be uploaded for the candidates under category 15(v) (The size of the document uploaded shal! be within 100 KB and in JPEP, .JPG or.PNG format). 17. lf Appearing Code 'C' is selected, the correct appearing subjects shall be selected. 18. !n no case Subject or Appearing Code shall be changed after filling up of forms. Headmaster/ Headmistress should cautiously fill up the forms, failing which he/ she will be held responsible and shall be proceeded departmentally. 19. After completing the filling up of forms of all eligible candidates, the section "Registered Students List of Edit" to be clicked to view and edit the data. This is the last option given to Head of lnstitutions to edit and thereafter no correction shall be entertained and he/she shall be held responsible for the lapse. Only the minor correction has to be effected and not the entire data to replace a candidate. 20. Thereafter click'Payment'Section and click on "Generate Pay in Slip" button to take out the print copy of Pay-in-Slip and logout. 21. Deposit the fee through Pay-in-slip in the nearest SBI Branch. 22. Revisit the LINK again and enter the journal number & SUBMIT. 23. Give the declaration as displayed & move to the page'Descriptive Roll" page. 24. Take the print copy of the "Descriptive Roll" & preserve for further use and reference. After completion of the process, if some candidates have been left out, their filling up of forms can also be taken up afresh on visiting the LINK again. Correspondence Course (Regular & Ex-Regular) candidates shall fill up their application forms through their respective zonal offices. 27. The authorities to login for CC Candidates will the Deputy Secretary of Zonal Offices of the Board. 28. AII the USERS should note that, password meant for their schools/ zones must not be shared with any other person. They shall do the form fill up work themselves or with the help of operators/ teachers. 29. Eliqibilitv for Gompartmental Appearance :- The "F" grade candidates who have scored more or equal to 198 marks in aggregate, but scored less than 30% of marks in one or more subjects are eligible to appear in those subjects compartmentally in next three consecutive chances. The candidate will loose compartmenta! appearance, if he/ she has not appeared in the next examination in which he/ she is eligible to appear compartmentally. 30. Fee Structure :Examination Fee (Per Candidate) :- School Regular Candidate - Rs.383/-. - Rs.4751. Course Regular - Rs.475l-. Course Ex-Regular - Rs.475l-. Schoo! Ex-Regular Candidate Correspondence Correspondence Centre Change - Rs. lOOl- per candidate which will be deposited at the zonal office after obtaining permission from the Head Office. 31. The downloaded copy of the Descriptive Rolls along with Board copy of the Pay-in Slip have to be deposited with the respective zonal offices on or before 1glo5t2o16. 6.r"trryg"la B.S.E., Odisha, Cuttack Memo r.r".l l7g (8$6)(Exam. conf.) Dt. 1 a.O 5 . &o t+ Copy foruuarded to :- i. All Head of the lnstitutions of the recognised high schools of the Board for information and necessary action (available in the Board's website). ii. All .District Education Officers of the State for information and necessary action (sent by mail). iii. A!! Deputy Secretaries of the zonal offices of the Board for information and necessary action. They are requested to fill up of application forms of their respective zonal offices for candidates those will fill up forms through correspondence course on online. They are also requested to collect the examination fees from the individual candidates and issue them cash receipt. After coltection of fees for the day t& I any cash receipt number of that day shall be entered at the space provided ftlr entry of journal number in the data base. The amount collected towards examination fees shall be deposited in the State working day of the Bank of lndia separately in the Ac. No.- 309951 293710.Aext t collection. The zonal offices wi!! function from 1310512016 to 1710512016 including Sundays and Holidays to attend the aforesaid work. B.S.E., Odisha, Cuttack