Members` Directory 2016


Members` Directory 2016
(Founded on April 15, 1928)
Care : CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
Kolkata – 700 032
Phone : (033) 2413 8878; 24145174
E-mail : [email protected] / [email protected]
Website :
May 31, 2016
(founded on April 15, 1928)
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya
(1861 – 1946)
Sirdar Krishen Singh
Shri T. W. Talwalkar
(1888 – 1982)
(1902 – 1994)
Inaugural Chairman
Inaugural Secretary
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya
(December 25, 1861 – November 12, 1946)
Born in an educated orthodox Hindu family at Prayag (Allahabad) in 1861,
Madan Mohan Malaviya has been recognized as an outstanding and noble
son of India.
His multifaceted personality made him, at the same time, a great patriot,
an educationist with a vision, a social reformer, an ardent journalist, reluctant
but effective lawyer, a successful parliamentarian and an outstanding
statesman. Among Malaviyaji’s many achievements, the most monumental
was the establishment of the Banaras Hindu University or Kashi Hindu
Vishwavidyalaya. In the course of his lifetime Banaras Hindu University came
to be known as a Capital of Knowledge acknowledged across India and the
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya created history in Indian education with
this institution – the first of its kind in the country. He chose Banaras as the
site, because of the centuries old tradition of learning, wisdom and spirituality
inherent to the place. His vision was to blend the best of Indian education
called from the ancient centres of learning – Takshashila and Nalanda and
other hallowed institutions, with the best tradition of modern universities of
the west.
Great minds and personalities like Annie Besant, Mahatma Gandhi,
Rabindranath Tagore, Shyama Charan De and many others joined hand with
him in his quest for knowledge, arousing the national spirit in India and
winning freedom with the power of education and righteousness.
Malaviya passed away in 1946. But his spirit still lives and there are many
who bear the torch that he lit, many more stand ready to shoulder the mantle
of his responsibility.
I welcome you all to the “little kingdom” of the Indian Ceramic Society. It is
very pleasing for me that our organization has progressed significantly over
the past few years due to the continuous love and support of all our dear
members, whom I may proudly consider as the family members of this
ceramic family.
In the very beginning I, along with all my members of this ceramic family,
deeply mourn the sad demises of following members during past two years
and convey heartfelt condolences to the respective bereaved family: Mr Bimal
Chatterjee, Mr Panna Lal Saini, Mr S. K. Mitra, Mr J. S. Minhas, Mr Vijay Anand
and Dr Manas Kamal Haldar.
At this juncture I feel the necessity of publishing yet another Membership
Directory. This will help all our dear members to know each other intimately.
Those who are new to our family will have a good chance of exchanging
news and views with their seniors.
Here I am glad to inform you that registration of the Indian Ceramic Society
in Kolkata had been done successfully. The Registration Certificate had been
received in the name of ‘Indian Ceramic Society’. Besides, we have made
some progress in several fronts, which are outlined below:
The journal, ‘Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society’
As it is well known by the members, the quarterly journal of the Society
‘Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society (TICS)’ is being co-published
with Taylor & Francis Group (T&F), UK starting from volume 71, number 1
(2012). The Society publishes the print version of the journal while T&F
publishes the online version. Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society
now uses ScholarOne Manuscripts as its online submission and review
system. Here it is to be mentioned that the journal has been given an Impact
Factor 0.348 by Thomson Reuters in 2014. The journal has also slightly
improved its ranking in the Materials Science, Ceramics subject category.
The journal has entered its 75th year of publication in 2016. As per the
decision of the editorial board of TICS, the 75th year of publication of the
journal has been earmarked as ‘Platinum Jubilee Volume’ and a special
logo had been designed for this purpose. I would like to thank Almatis Alumina
Ltd for agreeing to support our endeavor of publishing this special volume as
Platinum Sponsor.
Workshop on ‘Nano-Ceramics: Synthesis and Characterization’
The Society organized a one day workshop on ‘Nano-Ceramics: Synthesis
and Characterization’ for the benefit of the students including research scholars
on March 10, 2015. This program was coordinated by one very senior scientist
of CSIR-CGCRI and arranged faculty. Five faculty members delivered their
lectures on the topic. 57 persons (including 4 foreign speakers) actively
participated in this program, which was followed by laboratory visit.
The 1st international conference on ‘Alumina and Other Functional
Ceramics (AOFC-2015)’ was organized most successfully by the Indian
Ceramic Society jointly with CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
and in association with the Kolkata Chapter of Indian Ceramic Society during
March 11-13, 2015 at CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata, India. The Conference was
endorsed by International Ceramic Federation, Italy. Ceramic Forum
International (CFI) and Refractories WORLDFORUM were the media partners.
The keynote address was delivered by Dr Hidehiro Yoshida from National
Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan. During the three days of the
conference conference 6 plenary lectures, 30 invited lectures, 14 oral
presentations, 15 contributed lectures, 38 posters and one company profile
were presented. There was also an exhibition. Altogether 215 persons
including speakers, guests and delegates participated in the conference. A
detailed report on the 1st International Conference on ‘Alumina and Other
Functional Ceramics (AOFC-2015)’ was published in the April-June issue of
‘Trans. Indian Ceram. Soc.’, (vol. 74(2), pp. 117-120), 2015. A brief report on
AOFC-2015 was also published in CFI (Ceramic Forum International), no.
10-11, October-November, 2015, pp. E191-E193.
Web Page
You may notice that the website of the Society ( has been
improved much and is updated regularly. Strong initiatives had been taken to
create a user friendly and attractive design of InCerS’ website. The list of
Long Term Corporate Members along with short company profiles have been
uploaded in the website. In our website, a ‘Job Portal’, containing job
requirements by different organizations, has been created in the prime position
of the home page for the benefits of the members. In that portal, we regularly
upload the information available with us. The members are requested to surf
the pages for any information pertaining to the Society. We would appreciate
receiving suggestions towards improvement of the website.
The membership strength has increased significantly during the last two
years. A total of 213 new members have been enrolled since June, 2014.
Here I may proudly mention that a new Students’ Chapter of the Indian Ceramic
Society has been formally constituted at the Department of Ceramic
Technology of Govt College of Engineering & Ceramic Technology, Kolkata.
Financial Aspect
I am glad to inform you that the financial picture of the Society now looks
quite sustainable. Actions were taken to realise the dues of the advertisers,
due subscriptions of the Corporate Members and Annual Members, etc not
just as a routine work, requests have also been made over phone to the
defaulting members and through the Local Chapters. In addition to the actions
taken earlier like incorporation of the scheme of long term corporate
membership and long term advertisement, some newer activities have been
undertaken like conductance of workshop and seminar as well as international
conference by the parent body, collaboration with Taylor & Francis, UK, to
generate resources in different forms. Further, more people and organizations
are now showing interest in the activities of the Indian Ceramic Society and
provide financial resources in some forms and others.
In this context, I would like to appreciate the continuous and active support
rendered by all our advertisers, without which the financial strength of the
Society could not have advanced progressively and be in its present position.
Finally, I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to all our members of the
Society, without whose active co-operation it would not have been possible for
the Secretariat to publish this new and updated version of the Membership
Directory. I feel most privileged to thank all the advertisers who have contributed
their best by way of giving advertisements in this directory. Thanks are also
due to the secretarial staff members for their sincere effort as well as hard
work in bringing out this directory in time. I proudly believe that all the members
of our ceramic family will maintain their moral commitments which will help us
scaling new heights in future. I once more request everybody to help us by
providing latest contact details to enable us to insert matching corrigenda in
the website and incorporate the same in the next directory to be published in
W ith best wishes,
May 31, 2016
(Amal Kr Guha)
Hony Secretary
Page nos.
Longterm Corporate Members
Corporate Members
Hony Members
Life Members
Annual Members
Longterm Corporate Members
Corporate Members
Hony Member
Life Members
Annual Members
Longterm Corporate Members
Corporate Members
Hony Member
Life Members
Annual Members
Longterm Corporate Members
Corporate Members
Hony Members
Life Members
Annual Members
Hony Members
Life Members
East Zone
West Zone
North Zone
South Zone
. .
. .
. .
. .
The objectives of the Society are :
1. (a) to promote, particularly in India, the advancement of the knowledge of Ceramic Science, Arts and Technologies dealing with
Clays and Clay Products, Glass, Enamels, Refractories, Cement and
such other allied products;
(b) to bring into contact those engaged in these pursuits with a view to
developing a synergy among them particularly the industry, the
professionals, the academia and R & D Institutions;
2. (a) to receive, edit, publish and distribute papers, periodicals or
journals, books;
(b) to establish and institute Special and Memorial Lectures;
(c) to hold Conferences, Meetings, Symposia, Colloquia, Workshops
on relevant themes and subjects;
(d) to set up Libraries, as and where convenient;
(e) to exchange journal and other publications with similar materials published elsewhere;
(f) to establish interrelationship in mutual interest with similar
bodies in different parts of the world;
(g) to confer awards, medals and other distinctions on members in
recognition of excellence attained in any branch of ceramic and
related subjects;
(h) to collect and display models and articles of interest related to
ceramics and allied products;
(i) to help establishment of zonal centres and local chapters and
regulate activities thereof and modify or abolish them whenever considered necessary;
(j) to take over, merge and manage any other Society or institution,
if so required;
(k) to invest money belonging to the Society, but not immediately required to be spent, in such a manner as may be deemed fit and
proper from the point of view of both security and profitability;
(l) to perform all such other functions as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of any of the objectives.
[ III ]
Inaugural Chairman
*Sirdar Krishen Singh (April 1928)
Past Presidents
(1928-30) *S. Deb (Sr)
(1976-77) Mr R. M. Mehra
(1931-40) *I. D. Varshnei
(1978-79) *K. K. Bhatia
(1941-43) *M. M. Sur
(1980-81) Dr S. Kumar
(1944-45) *C. P. Shah
(1982-83) *P. C. Varshnei
(1946-47) *P. B. Ganpule
(1984-85) Mr S. K. Ghosh
(1948-49) *R. D. Chandorkar
*W. K. Dixon
*D. N. Bhattacharya
(1986-87) Mr N. Biswas
(1988-90) *A. A. Ganpule
(1991-92) Dr B. K. Sarkar
(1952-53) *Atma Ram
(1993-94) Mr G. M. Agarwal
(1954-55) *M. G. Bhagat
(1995-96) Mr H. L. Somany
(1956-57) *D. C. Mazumdar
(1997-98) *N. R. Sircar
(1958-59) *H. K. Mitra
(1999-00) Dr C. Ganguly
(1960-61) *M. K. Ganpule
(2001-02) *D. R. Sen
(1962-63) *U. P. Ganguli
(2003-04) Dr H. S. Maiti
(1964-65) *L. R. Bhagat
(2005-06) Dr V. N. Vaidya
(1966-67) *S. R. Lele
(1968-69) * G. K. Bhagat
(2007-08) Prof F. D. Gnanam
(1970-71) *K. D. Sharma
(2009-10) Mr Swapan Kr Guha
(1972-73) *S. Deb (Jr)
(2011-12) Dr A. L. Shashi Mohan
(1974-75) *B. N. Bhaskar
(2013-14) Dr A. K. Chattopadhyay
no more with us
Inaugural Secretary
*T. W. Talwalkar (April 1928)
Past Hony Secretaries
*T. W. Talwalkar
*H. N. Roy
*S. Deb (Jr)
*K. D. Sharma
*J. C. Banerjee
*S. Sen
Mr S. K. Ghosh
Dr S. K. Guha
Dr K. P. Srivastava
Dr G. Banerjee
Mr Amit Kr. De
Dr A. C. Das
*Arvind Kumar
Mr S. Chakrabarti
Dr Atanu Ranjan Pal
Past Hony Editors
(vol. 1
- vol. 14)
*H. N. Roy
(vol. 15 - vol. 19)
*S. N. Prasad
(vol. 20 - vol. 36)
Dr S. Kumar
(vol. 37 - vol. 42)
*N. R. Sircar
(vol. 43 - vol. 55)
Dr D. Ganguli
(vol. 56 - vol. 59)
Dr H. S. Maiti
(vol. 60 - vol. 61)
Dr B. N. Samaddar
(vol. 62 - vol. 65)
Dr D. Ganguli
(vol. 66 - vol. 73)
Dr S. K. Bhadra
no more with us
[ VI ]
COUNCIL for 2015 and 2016
Amit Kumar De
A. K. Industrial Corporation
79-9B A. J. C. Bose Road
Kolkata 700 014
Phone : (033) 22492701 (O) & (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831143377
E-mail : [email protected]
Shreekant Somany
Chairman & Managing Director
Somany Ceramics Ltd
F-36, Sector-6
Noida 201 301 (UP)
Phone : (011) 26327623-25 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9810150588
E-mail : [email protected]
Hony Secretary
Hony Jt Secretary
Amal Kr Guha
Managing Partner
Subarna Asharam
“Potter House”
121, Mitra Para, 2nd Lane
Kolkata 700 148
Phone : (033) 24271659 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8335861466
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Dr L. N. Satapathy
Dy General Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate Research & Development
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Prof. C. N. R. Rao Circle
Opp. IISc, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182403 (O)
(080) 23547965 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449857965
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Hony Editor
Dr P. Sujatha Devi
Principal Scientist & Head
Sensor & Actuator Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24834854 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432011951
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Hony Treasurer
B. S. Ganguli
Director, Ganguli Ceramics
P-22 Bondel Road (7th floor)
Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 22873146 / 22403146 (O)
(033) 22413651 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831196936
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[ VII ]
East Zone
Dr Sunirmal Jana
Scientist, Sol-Gel Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic
Research Institute
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 96 (O)
(033) 24305817 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432355818
E-mail : [email protected]
A. K. Kaviraj
CEO, HLPD Ceramic Engineering
and Research Centre
Block - 3, Flat No - 4C
James Residency
1, Motilal Gupta Road, Sakher Bazar
Kolkata 700 008
Mobile : (0) 9821417963/9163008536
E-mail :
[email protected]
Dr Kausik Dana
Clay & Traditional Ceramic Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic
Research Institute
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9831785575
E-mail : [email protected]
Dr Sanjay Kumar
Metal Extraction & Forming Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
PL IV/04, Pipeline Road, Sakchi
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345049 (O)
(0657) 2420787 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9939326346
E-mail : [email protected]
Goutam Hazra
Director, Sunwise Engineering Pvt. Ltd
95/1, “Q” Road, Monsatala
Howrah 711 105 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26517149 (O)
(033) 26535764 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830429630
E-mail : [email protected]
Surajit Gupta
Senior Principal Scientist
Refractories Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic
Research Institute
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 /96 /76/77 (O)
(033) 24838083/24167364 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433342810/ 9432553601
E-mail : [email protected]
Swapan Kr Saha
(Retd Sr Superintending Engineer &
Head, Engineering Services Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt)
152 Baghajatin Place
Baghajatin, Kolkata 700 086
Mobile : (0) 9432012606 / 9804373275
(0) 9804205168
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Dr Rituparno Sen
(Professor, GCECT)
Flat nos. 1C and 1D
Abhinandan Apartments
18C/8 Kabi Sukanta Road
Santoshpur, Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24166288 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831509654
E-mail : [email protected]
Dr Tapas Kr Bhattacharya
(Asst Professor, GCECT, Kolkata)
14/1/3/3 Andul, 2nd Bye Lane
Block B, Flat no. I3, P.O: B. Garden
Howrah 711 103 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26686370 (R)
(0) 9831758067 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
[ VIII ]
Prof. Saikat Maitra
(Professor & Principal in-Charge,
Govt College of Engg & Ceramic Tech)
Sananda Apartment
17/1A, Canal South Raod
Purbachal, Haltu, Kolkata 700 078
Phone : (033) 23701264 (O)
(033) 24431253 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831130882
Email : [email protected]
R. M. Savsani
(Retd Senior Technical Officer
CSIR-CGCRI Naroda Centre
168 & 169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22815142 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825710742
E-mail : [email protected]
Dr L. K. Sharma
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Extn Centre
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232501 / 245433 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412227619
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Dr Satyendra Nath Misra
CSIR-CGCRI Naroda Centre
168 & 169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 2282334/22821747 (O)
(079) 23290493 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9427624352
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Dr C. S. Prasad
Technical Officer
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Extn Centre
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone: (05738) 242501 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412227617
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dr Parvesh Agrawal
Senior Scientist
CSIR-CGCRI Naroda Centre
168 & 169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22823345/ 22811213 (O)
(079) 22802957 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9925344084
E-mail: [email protected]
G. G. Trivedi
Executive Director, Somany Ceramics Ltd
14 GIDC Industrial Estate
Kadi 382 715, Dist: Mehsana (Gujarat)
Mobile : (0) 9898835000
E-mail : [email protected]
Prof. A. R. Kulkarni
Dept of Metallurgical Engineering
and Materials Science
IIT-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 25767636 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9820068463
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Tridib Kumar Chakraborty
Head Float Line
Saint-Gobain Glass India Ltd
Plot no. SP-1, Industrial Area Kaharani
(Bhiwadi Extension)
Dist : Alwar
Bhiwadi 301 019 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01493) 301204 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9840011376
E-mail : [email protected]
Kali Charan Singh
Senior Technical Officer
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Centre
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 242501 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9319317705
E-mail : [email protected]
[ IX ]
Dr Radha Madhab Mohanty
Scientist E1
Planning & Performance Division
CSIR Head Quarters
Anusandhan Bhavan
2 Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001
Phone : (011) 23710466 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9718639045
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Dr K. G. K. Warrier
(Retd Chief Scientist & Emeritus
Scientist, CSIR-NIIST)
T.C. 15/1183 EVRA
241 Krishna Vilasom Road
Cotton Hill, Vazhuthacaud
Thiruvananthapuram 695 014 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2322448 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9447115280
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Prof. P. Manohar
Professor & Head
Dept of Ceramic Technology
AC Tech Campus, Anna University
Chromepet, Chennai 600 025
Phone : (044) 24749371 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9841044785
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Dr C. D. Madhusoodana
Additional General Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate R&D
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Prof. C. N. R. Rao Circle
Opp. IISc, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182391 (O)
(080) 23452806
Mobile : (0) 9449052806
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Gouranga Datta
(Dy General Manager, (CR) I/C
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 123/B, “D” Type, Sector 11
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2519550 (O)
(0891) 2510695/2886651 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866002969
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Prof. Arun M. Umarji
Professor & Chairman
Materials Research Center
Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22932944 (O)
(080) 23375479 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845112801
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Viswanathan Rajagopalan
Clayman Refractories
184, Aladi Road
Dist: Cuddalore 606 001 (TN)
Phone : (04143) 260443 (O)
(04143) 260965 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9443360443
E-mail :
[email protected]
Dr Chandresh Agarwal
(Managing Director,
Imerys Ceramics (India) Pvt Ltd)
Surya Arcade, 4th Floor
# 1-11-246/4F & 1-11-247/D
Near Indian Oil Petrol Pump
Opp Paradise
Begumpet, Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 30689851 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9000379900
E-mail : [email protected]
Prof. Rajeev Sangal
Director, IIT-BHU
Indian Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2368427 / 2368106/
2307000 / 6702078 (O)
Fax : (0542) 2368428
E-mail : [email protected]
Prof. Devendra Kumar
Professor and Head
Department of Ceramic Engg
Indian Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307042 (Head)
(0542) 2307043 (O)
E-mail : [email protected];;
[email protected]
Dr K. Muraleedharan
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24735829 (0)
Fax : (033) 2473-0957
E-mail : [email protected], [email protected]
[email protected]
Dr Arup Kumar Chattopadhyay
Managing Director, National Refractories
Vishwakarma Building, SW Block
2nd Floor, 86C Topsia Road (S)
Kolkata 700 046
Phone : (033) 40049801 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9937267890
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
Dr A. L. Shashi Mohan
Managing Partner, VIPRA
164/A, 24th Cross
6th Block, Jayanagar
Bangalore 560 082 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26647696/26348642 (O)
(080) 26596634 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448468642
E-mail : [email protected]
[ XI ]
PAST PRESIDENTS (Emeritus members)
Mr R. M. Mehra (1976 & 1977)
94 ‘Dariya Mahal’ – A
80 Nepean Sea Road, Mumbai 400 006
Ph : Res : (022) 23624554
Dr H. S. Maiti (2003 & 2004)
(Ex-Director, CGCRI)
INAE Distinguished Professor
Govt College of Engineering & Ceramic
73 Abinash Chandra Banerjee Lane
Kolkata 700 010
Mobile : (0) 9433009241
E-mail : [email protected]
Dr S. Kumar (1980 & 1981)
20B Dover Place, Kolkata 700 019
Ph : Res : (033) 24618433
(0) 9432828834 (M)
Mr S. K. Ghosh (1984 & 1985)
Managing Director, India Potteries Ltd
91 Lenin Sarani, Kolkata 700 013
Phone : (033) 22457941 / 22444492 (O)
(033) 23373101 / 23373567 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830056470
E-mail : [email protected]
Mr Nirmal Biswas (1986 & 1987)
153 Nehru Apartments, Outer Ring
Kalkaji, New Delhi 110 019
Dr B. K. Sarkar (1991 & 1992)
Ex-Director (CGCRI)
16M Fern Road, Kolkata 700 019
Ph : Res : (033) 24409868
Dr V. N. Vaidya (2005 & 2006)
(Retd Head of Fuel Chemestry Division,
BARC & Raja Ramanna Fellow, BRNS DAE)
D3/103 Lunkad Queensland
Housing Society,
210/1 Viman Nagar
Pune 471 014 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (020) 26501034/40037313 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9372008026
E-mail : [email protected]
Prof F. D. Gnanam (2007 & 2008)
(Retd Professor, Dept of Physics,
Anna University)
36/10 Perumal Koili Street
Chennai 600 085
Phone : (044) 24451722 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9444961622
E-mail : [email protected]
Mr G. M. Agarwal (1993 & 1994)
47 Old Vijay Nagar Colony
Agra 282 004
Mobile : (0) 9897004755
E-mail : [email protected]
Mr H. L. Somany (1995 & 1996)
Chairman, SPL Ltd
32 Friends’ Colony (East)
New Delhi 110 065
Ph : Off : (01276) 23241001-5
Res : (011) 26327623
Dr C. Ganguly (1999 & 2000)
INSA Senior Scientist &
INAE Dintinguished Visiting Professor
Hony Adviser, Engineering Staff College of
India (ESCI)
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032 (AP)
Phone : (040) 66304164 (O)
(040) 42217549 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8008222016
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Swapan Kr Guha (Padmashri)
(2009 & 2010)
(Managing Director,
Hopewell Tableware Pvt Ltd)
A-17 Manish Marg
Gandhi Path, Neminagar
Vaishali Nagar
Jaipur 302 021 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2246246 / 6500898
Mobile : (0) 9928022022
E-mail : [email protected]
[ XII ]
Mr R. M. Savsani
Secretary, Gujarat Chapter
Retd Technical Officer, CSIR-Central
Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Naroda Centre
168 & 169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22815142 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825710742
E-mail : [email protected]
Dr T. R. Rama Mohan
Chairman, BMR Chapter
Dept of Metallurgical Engineering and
Materials Science, IIT–Bombay
Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 25767636 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9820435104
E-mail : [email protected]
Dr Deep Prakash
Secretary, BMR Chapter &
Head, Materials Characterization Sections
Powder Metallurgy Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Vashi Complex
Navi Mumbai 400 705
Phone : (022) 27887183
Mobile : (0) 9867260854
E-mail : [email protected]
8-3-318/11/20 Vishva ai Enclave
Plot No. 304, Jayprakash Nagar
LR Guda, Hyderabad 500 073 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23203637 / 23202548 (O)
(040) 23735803 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949005444 / 9900572349
E-mail : [email protected]
Mr A. R. Raju
Chairman, Hyderabad Chapter
Dr A. D. Manohar
Secretary, Hyderabad Chapter
M r Pankaj Mehrotra
Chairman, Delhi Chapter
(General Manager, CIRIA INDIA LTD)
P-5 Ocean Plaza Building, 5th Floor
Sector-18 , Dist : Gautam Budh Nagar
Noida 201 301 (UP)
Phone: (0120) 4356207 / 4312883 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9810020950
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
Flat No. 301, Amrutha Apartments
Plot No. 75, Off Nagarjunsagar Road,
Vinaynagar, Saidabad
Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24075977 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949144193
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Mr Rupesh C. Shah
Mr B. N. Ghosh
Chairman, Jamshedpur Chapter
Retd Director (Technical), TRL
D/1 B. S. Tower, ‘N’ Road, Bistupur
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2433 776 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9334625484
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Chairman, Gujarat Chapter
Managing Partner, Sonya Ceramics
711 Anil Road, Nr. Anil Starch
Ahmedabad 380 025 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22202588 (O)
(079) 22202039 (O)
(079) 26569090 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[ XIII ]
Mr Brijender Singh
Secretary, Jamshedpur Chapter
Dr S. Anantha Kumar
Chairman, Kerala Chapter
(Chief Refractories (Steel & Mills)
Tata Steel Ltd)
No. 64, Jubilee Officer’s Flat
Jubilee Road, Northern Town
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6643449 (O)
(0657) 2220634 / 2143676 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234511193
E-mail : [email protected]
Scientist E1, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2490324 / 2490406 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9497271547
E-mail : [email protected]
Dr U. S. Hareesh
Secretary, Kerala Chapter
Dr C. D. Madhusoodana
Chairman, Bangalore Chapter &
Additional Deputy General Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate Research & Development
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Prof C. N. R. Rao Circle
Opp IISc, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182391 (O)
(080) 23452806 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449052806
Fax : (080) 23466714
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
Dr Ramachandra Rao
Scientist, Materials Science & Tech Division
CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary
Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2535504 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9446337222
Fax : (0471) 2491712
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Mr Anil Chand Lodha
Executive Director
Allied Ceramics Pvt Ltd
19/1B Creek Row
Kolkata 700 014
Phone : (033) 25532698 / 25642180
Mobile : (0) 9831003205 / 9830040345
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Secretary, Bangalore Chapter &
Principal Scientist
National Aeronautical Laboratory
Materials Science Division
Ceramic Section
Sri Jayachamarajendra Polytechnic
K. R. Circle
Bangalore 506001
Phone : (080) 22260508
Mobile : (0) 9449087753
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Mr Amal Kr Guha
Secretary, Kolkata Chapter
Managing Partner
Subarna Ashram
“Potter House”
121, Mitra Para, 2nd Lane
Harinavi, Kolkata 700 148
Phone : (033) 24271659 (O)
Mobie : (0) 8335861466
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
[ XIV ]
Dr V. Viswabaskaran
Secretary, Chennai Chapter
Mr Kamal Narain Agarwal
Chairman, Rajasthan Chapter
Managing Director
Bharat Potteries Ltd
Plot Nos. F-555-559
Road No. 6, V. K. I. Area
Jaipur 302 013 (Rajasthan)
Ph : (0141) 2330624 (O); 2281229 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
VB Ceramic Consultants
27A, 3rd Cross, 14th Link Road
Venkateswara Colony
Nehru Nagar, Industrial Estate
Kottivakkam, Chennai 600 041
Phone: (044) 22431243 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9444012468
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr K. B. Gupta
Secretary, Rajasthan Chapter
Rangoli Ceramics Ltd
98 Industrial Area
Rani Bazar
Bikaner 334 001 (Rajasthan)
Ph : (0151) 2251701 (O); 2251820 (R)
Advisor, M. N. Dastur Pvt Ltd
Door No. 47-13-4 (Up Stair)
Dwarka Nagar, Shankar Matm Road
Visakhapatnam 530 016 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518609 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866237607 / 8912518609
E-mail : [email protected]
Mr A. R. M. Rao
Chairman, Visakhapatnam Chapter
Mr Anil Kr. Tambe
Secretary, Vishakhapatnam Chapter
E-mail : [email protected]
Asst General Manager, CRMP
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2581443 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949737483
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Mr P. Chintaiah
Secretary, Subarnarekha Chapter &
Knowledge Management Group
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411145 (O)
(0651) 2440736 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8986880318
E-mail : [email protected]
Dr L. K. Sharma
Chairman, western UP Chapter
CSIR-CG&CRI Khurja Centre
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232501/ 245433 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412227619
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
Mr C. S. Prasad
Mr U. Divakaran
Chairman, Tamilnadu Chapter
Secretary, Khurja Chapter
Bhadi Electro Ceramics & Minerals
43, Nair Varada Pillai Street
Chennai 600 014
Phone : (044) 28482068 / 28482098 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9444649568
E-mail : [email protected]
Technical Officer
CSIR-CG&CRI Khurja Centre
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone: (05738) 242501 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412227617
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]
[ XV ]
* The Society provides a forum for establishing good fellowship with
peers and groups having common interest.
The Society organises its Annual Sessions in different zones of the
country which are attended by delegates representing industry,
academia, R&D organisations, ceramic professions, entrepreneurs,
equipment and raw materials suppliers, etc from India and abroad.
The Society’s Annual Sessions and Technical Meetings as well as the
meetings of its Chapters provide opportunities for representatives from
industry, academia and R & D organisations to meet and share their
experiences and discuss achievements and problems.
The Society as well as its Chapters organises frequent meetings,
get-togethers, seminars, workshops and exhibitions from time to time
to discuss, analyse and focus topical themes of interest to the
The “Transactions” provides a medium for presentation and publication of original research and review papers as well as news and results
regarding research and developments, business information, industrial
statistics, etc. It contains information on the activities of the Society
and of the ceramic industry in general as well as news about new developments in the field. It also disseminates advance intimation of Seminars, Symposia, Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions, etc to be
held in both India and abroad.
The Society presents various awards for best papers in different areas
of science and technology of ceramics published in the “Transactions”
or in other reputed Indian journals. Awards are also given for outstanding contributions in the fields of glass and ceramics as well as refractories.
The Society organises several memorial lectures delivered by eminent
materials scientists. The members have the opportunity to get an
exposure to the research and development work being carried out and
to the latest state-of-the-art in specific areas.
The Society provides an opportunity to voice opinion before the
whole ceramic fraternity in India.
[ XVI ]
& Year
April 15-17
BHU, Varanasi
Sardar Krishan Singh
April 2
Ogale Bros. Ltd
Sri S. S. Deb
Sri S. S. Deb
No record found for the 4th Session
February 28
– March 1
Sodepur Glass Works
Sri I. D. Varshanie
February 21
BHU, Varanasi
Sri M. M. Sur
April 3
BHU, Varanasi
Sri M. M. Sur
December 22
Taj Hotel, Mumbai
Sri M. M. Sur
January 5-6
Central Potteries, Nagpur
Sri C. P. Shah
March 16
BHU, Varanasi
Sri C. P. Shah
December 27-28 Morbi, Gujarat
Sri P. B. Ganpule
December 29
Paisa Fund Glass Works
Sri P. B. Ganpule
February 28
March 1
BHU, Varanasi
Sri R. D. Chandorkar
January 9-10
Kumardhubi Bird & Co.
Sri R. D. Chandorkar
December 18-19 Mysore Glass & Enamel
Works, Bangalore
[ XVII ]
Sri W. K. Dixon
& Year
CGCRI, Kolkata
Sri D. N. Bhattacharjee
December 26-28 Osmania University
Sri C. P. Shah
BHU, Varanasi
Dr. Atma Ram
May 18-29
CGCRI, Kolkata
Sri M. G. Bhagat
May 10-12
Sapru House, New Delhi
Sri M. G. Bhagat
February 9-10
P. P. Works, Morbi
Sri D. C. Majumdar
January 23
St Marry’s Hall, Chennai
Dr. H. K. Khanna
April 4-6
H. B. Tech. Instt, Kanpur
Dr. H. K. Khanna
February 25-27
Calicut, Kerala
Sri M. K. Gangule
March 10
Kumardhubi Fireclay &
Silica Works, Bihar
Sri M. K. Gangule
February 20-21
CGCRI, Kolkata
Sri M. K. Gangule
April 7-8
Tajmahal Hotel, Mumbai
Dr. U. P. Ganguli
February 14-15
Vigyan Bhawan
New Delhi
Dr. U. P. Ganguli
February 25-27
Sri L. R. Bhagat
Mr. L. R. Bhagat
Dr. S. R. Lele
& Year
July 13-15
Dr. S. R. Lele
March 22-24
New Delhi
Sri G. K. Bhagat
April 11-14
Park Hotel, Kolkata
Sri G. K. Bhagat
March 27-29
Tagore Memorial Hall
Sri K. D. Sharma
April 22
CGCRI, Kolkata
Sri K. D. Sharma
February 22-24
Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi
Sri S. Deb (Jr)
March 27-April 1 Chennai
Sri S. Deb (Jr)
April 17-19
Hotel Oberoi, Mumbai
Sri B. N. Bhaskar
March 12-15
CGCRI, Kolkata
Sri B. N. Bhaskar
Ashoka Hotel, Bangalore
Sri R. M. Mehra
March 11-14
Vigyan Bhawan
New Delhi
Sri R. M. Mehra
March 2-4
BHU, Varanasi
Sri K. K. Bhatia
March 14-16
Hotel Oberoi, Mumbai
Sri K. K. Bhatia
February 14-17
Grand Hotel & CGCRI
Dr. S. Kumar
February 19-20
P. P. Works, Morbi
Dr. S. Kumar
February 19-20
Taj Coromandal Hotel
Sri P. C. Varshnei
[ XIX ]
& Year
March 24-27
Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi
Sri P. C. Varshnei
March 10-12
RRL, Hyderabad
Sri S. K. Ghosh
February 7-9
Park Hotel & CGCRI
Sri S. K. Ghosh
February 13-15
BHU, Varanasi
Sri N. Biswas
April 7-10
Mavalankar Auditorium
New Delhi
Sri N. Biswas
September 14-16 Ravindra Kala Mandir
Sri A. A. Ganpule
November 26-30 BARC, Mumbai
Sri A. A. Ganpule
December 13-16 Rabindra Sadan, Kolkata
Dr. B. K. Sarkar
December 3-5
Westend Hotel, Bangalore Dr. B. K. Sarkar
January 20-22
Hotel Holiday Inn
New Delhi
December 28-29 Kala Mandir, Bhilai
January 10-11
December 12-13 SAIL, Ranchi
Sri H. L. Somani
December 19-20 Thakorbhai Desai Hall
Dr. N. R. Sircar
December 5-6
Rajendra Vidyalaya
Dr. N. R. Sircar
January 14-15
Institute of Engineers
New Delhi
Dr. C. Ganguly
Sri G. M. Agarwal
Sri G. M. Agarwal
Anna University, Chennai Sri H. L. Somani
[ XX ]
& Year
January 28-31
Ramada Hotel Monohar
Dr. C. Ganguli
January 23-24
B. M. Birla Science and
Sri D. R. Sen
Technology Centre, Jaipur
December 7-9
Science City, Kolkata
Sri D. R. Sen
January 9-11
ITC Park Sheraton and
Towers, Chennai
Dr. H. S. Maiti
December 21-24 BARC, Mumbai
Dr. H. S. Maiti
December 28-29 Rajendra Vidyalaya
Dr. V. N. Vaidya
January 8-10
Andhra University
Dr. V. N. Vaidya
January 9-11
CPRI, Silver Jubilee
Hall, Bangalore
Prof F. D. Gnanam
January 29-30
B. M. Birla Science and
Prof F. D. Gnanam
Technology Centre, Jaipur
December 11-12 Taj Residency
Mr Swapan Kr. Guha
January 11-13
Mr Swapan Kr. Guha
December 20-22 Shilpgram, Agra
Dr A. L. Shashi Mohon
January 18-19
Dr A. L. Shashi Mohon
December 19-20 SNTI, N Road
Bistupur, Jamshedpur
Dr A. K. Chattopadhyay
February 2-3
Dr A. K. Chattopadhyay
December 15-17 Christ University
Kengari, Bangalore
Taj Bengal, Kolkata
Tagore Hall, Paldi
SNTI, N Road
Bistupur, Jamshedpur
[ XXI ]
Mr Amit Kr De
Intimation Form for Change of Address
Care : CSIR-CG&CRI, Kolkata – 700 032
E-mail : [email protected] ; [email protected]
The Hony Secretary
Indian Ceramic Society
Kolkata – 700 032
Dear Sir,
Kindly note the following change(s) :
Address (Office) :
Pin Code :
State :
Address for Communication :
Pin Code :
State :
Phone (Res) :
Phone (Off) :
Fax :
Mobile :
E-Mail :
Name :
Signature :
Date :
(as on May 31, 2016)
This Directory contains the names of Life M embers, Long Term
Corporate M embers, and of those Corporate M embers whose
subscriptions are clear up to December 31, 2014 as well as those Annual
M embers whose subscriptions are clear up to December 31, 2014.
The members whose subscriptions are in arrear from 2014 and beyond
are requested to clear their dues for renewal of membership so that
their names may be included in the next edition of the Directory.
The listing is z onewise and in alphabetical order. The year of
enrolment is indicated in the parentheses following each name and
the y ear in brackets indicates the y ear in which a member has
compounded/opted for Life M embership; for Long Term Corporate
M embers it indicates the year of becoming a Long Term M ember.
The number at the top left of each listing indicates membership
number and the abbreviation in brackets shows division* affiliation.
For Corporate and Long Term Corporate Members LS and SS indicate
Large Scale and Small Scale Industries respectively.
[*B–Basic Science; C–Composites; CC–Coatings and Colours; E–Vitreous
and Porcelain Enamel; EC–Engineering Ceramics; ELC–Electronic
Ceramics; G–Glass; M–Machinery and Equipment; P Whiteware and
Heavy Clay Products; R–Refractories; RM–Raw Materials]
(Names in italics indicate representatives of the respective
corporate members)
LEC–02 [B], [LS]
(Valid up to 2032)
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
P.O. Jadavpur University
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496
: (033) 24730957
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
website :
LEC–03 [R, RM], [LS]
K. Muraleedharan &
P. Sujatha Devi
(Valid up to 2033)
Post Box No. 2
Rajgangpur 770 017
Dist: Sundargarh (Orissa)
Phone : (06624) 211536
: (06624) 220933
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
N. Sahoo & P. Sahu
LEC–06 [R, RM] [LS]
(Valid upto 2036)
P-17 Mission Row Exension
Kolkata 700 013
Phone : (033) 22255420 / 22250500
Fax : (033) 22251422 / 22257101
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
LEC–09 [R, RM]
LIMITED (2015), (Valid up to 2039)
Unit no. 2C1, 2nd Floor, New Town Square
New Town Road, Rajarhat
Kolkata 700 0136
Phone : (033) 4006 6015
Fax : (033) 4006 6011
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Kapil Chowdhary &
Tilak Bhattacharya
G. Guha Roy & Subhankar Kundu
LEC–01 [ELC, R], [SS]
LTD (2001) [2007]
(Valid up to 2031)
At/P.O. Pratapgarh, Vill : Pratapgarh
Mayurbhanj 757 050 (Orissa)
Phone : (06794) 222506 / 222115
E-mail : [email protected]
LEC–08 [P, RM], [SS]
(2005) (2013), (Valid upto 2037)
403 South Block, Udaigiri Apartment
Budhmarg, (Opp Patna Museum)
Patna 800 001 (Bihar)
Phone : (0612) 2525404 / 6450744 (O)
: (0612) 2525405
E-mail : [email protected]
J. Mishra & T. Sharma
Dilip Agrawal & Abhishek Agrawal
LEC–05 [R], [SS]
(1978) (2011)
(Valid up to 2035)
Lal Bazar, Baripada 757 001
Dist : Mayurbhanj (Orissa)
Phone : (06792) 253395 / 252095
: (06792) 252395 / 252095
E-mail : bid_mayur [email protected] ;
[email protected]
Website :
A. K. Tripathy & Inu Tripathy
Vineet Bhalotia & Pratik Bhalotia
LEC–04 [M, R]
(Valid up to 2034)
10A, Road No 2, Gurudwara Area
Bistupur, East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 3291525 (O)
Fax :
(0657) 2321106
E-mail : [email protected]
LEC–07 [R], [LS]
(Valid up to 2036)
Belpahar 768 218
Dist: Jarsughuda (Orissa)
Phone : (06645) 250249 / 250264
: (06645) 250254 / 250243
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
P. B. Panda & Santanu Mukhopadhyay
EC–149 [ELC, P], [LS]
(A Unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd)
Rishra, P.O. Prabas Nagar
Hooghly 712 249 (W B)
Phone : (02676) 221002
Mobile : (0) 9824112255
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Vikas Khosla & Sanjeev Sachdev
EC–115 [G, R], [LS]
1 Prafulla Chandra Sen Sarani
(formerly Middleton Street)
Jeevandeep Building, 1st Floor
Kolkata 700 071
Phone : (033) 22902210
(033) 22882680
Mobile : (0) 9088305096
Fax : (033) 22401922 / 22883964
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
EC–89 [P, R], [SS]
BYSAKH & CO (1984)
55 W. C. Banerjee Street, Kolkata 700 006
Phone : (033) 22571785 / 22411195
Fax : (033) 22411195
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
T. K. Bysakh & J. Bysakh
EC–153 [], [SS]
38L, Maharaja Tagore Road
1st Floor, Dhakuria, Kolkata 700 031
Phone : (033) 24296567 / 6722
Mobile : (0) 9874156206
Fax : (033) 4000 7877
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Website :
A. Dasgupta & A. Roy
EC–23 [E], [SS]
Bighati, Bhadreswar 712 124
Dist: Hooghly (WB)
Phone : (033) 32412565 / 67
Mobile : (0) 9831878312
Fax : (033) 26720452
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Website :
J. Ghosh & D. K. Ghosh
T. S. Vasanta Kumar &
EC–141 [R, M], [LS]
3 Netaji Subhas Road
Kolkata 700 001
Phone : (033) 40106100
Mobile : (0) 9433229814
Fax : (033) 2243 0886
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Website :
Pradeep Bajoria
EC–154 [RM], [SS]
# 4B-PS Arcadia Central, 4th Floor
4A Camac Street
Kolkata 700 017
Phone : (033) 44522300
Mobile : (0) 9748755018
Fax : (033) 44522333
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Goutam Bhattacharya &
Jeanchristoph Trassard
EC–134 [R, M], [LS]
NALCO Bhavan, P/1 Nayapalli
Bhubaneswar 751 013 (Orissa)
Phanoe : (0674) 2300976 / 2300547
(0674) 2301550
Mobile : (0) 9437575805
Website :
B. K. Satapathy & P. K. Das
EC–156 [R, RM] [SS]
KAOLIN CO (2009)
1, Netaji Subhash Road
Kolkata 700 001
Phone : (033) 22481149 / 5582
(033) 22460706
Mobile : (0) 9830255054
Fax : (033) 22486577
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Ayush Jalan & Ravi Khaitan
EC –157 [], [LS]
Rajgangpur, Refractory Works
Sundargarh 770 017 (Odisha)
Phone : (06624) 221212
Mobile : (0) 9437047606 / 9001633999
Fax : (06624) 220 133
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
EC–74 [R], [SS]
Barakar Road
Purulia 723 101 (WB)
Phone : (03252) 222224 / 228051
Fax : (03252) 223457
Mobile : (0) 9434018500
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
A. Singhania
Birendra Prasad & Ananya Mukherjee
EC–131 [R], [SS]
Industrial Area, Ramgarh Cantt
Marar 829 117
Dist: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 223374 / 225033
Mobile : (0) 9386088525 / 9304441113
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
P. C. Jha & P. K. Jha
EC–118 [P, R], [SS]
UNIFIRE (1992)
16-B Shakespear Sarani
4th Floor
Kolkata 700 071
Phone : (033) 22827256 / 9621
Mobile : (0) 9831077222
Fax : (033) 22829621
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
R. K. Routh
EC–135 [R], [SS]
Hindustan Building (5th floor)
Main Road, Ranchi 834 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2209036 / 2203084
Mobile : (0) 9431115384 / 9431115644
(0) 9771491234
Fax : (0651) 2330353
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Website :
Rajeev Biyani & R. K. Biyani
EC–110 [P, R], [SS]
12B Amrita Lal Bose Street
Kolkata 700 005
Phone : (033) 2555 0316 / 2555 0539
Fax : (033) 2555 1995
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
S. K. Dutta & P. L. Dutta
EH–3 [B]
Ganguli, (Dr) Dibyendu (1968) [1984]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
ARADHANA (Flat No. 4B)
51 Kayasthapara 3rd Lane
Kolkata 700 078
Phone : (033) 24841743 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831258070
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EH–4 [R]
Ghosh, B. N. (1959) [1987] [2012]
(Retd Director (Technical), TRL)
D/1 B. S. Tower, ‘N’ Road, Bistupur
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2433 776 (R)
(0) 9334625484 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EH–5 [P, R]
Ghosh, S. K. (1974) (2015)
Managing Director
India Potteries Ltd
91 Lenin Sarani
Kolkata 700 013
Phone : (033) 22457941 / 22444492 (O)
(033) 23373101 / 23373567 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830056470
E-mail : [email protected]
EH–1 [B, G]
Kumar, (Dr) Sachchidananda (1957)
20B Dover Place
Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 24618433/25437589 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432828834
EH–2 [B]
Samaddar, (Dr) Baidya Nath (1962) [1985] [2008]
(Retd Principal, GCECT)
323/1 Belilious Road
Howrah 711 101 (WB)
Phone : (033) 26414174 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830191436
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–408 [G, M]
Acharya, Saikat Deb (2001)
Non-Oxide Ceramics & Composites
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–388 [B, G]
Adak, (Dr) Sukumar (2001)
Vice President (Technology)
Technology Division
TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
Belpahar 768 218
Dist : Jharsuguda (Orissa)
Phone : (06645) 258330 / 250286 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9937286935
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–532 [R, RM]
Adepu, Rama Krishna (2008)
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited)
Flat-44, Old Professional Flat
IC Road, Bistupur
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9234554427 / 8092085822
EL–173 [R]
Agarwal, Suresh (1993)
[DOB : 16.11.1965]
Director, Valley Refractories Ltd
Maithan Road, Chirkunda 828 202
Dist: Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0341) 3291363
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–387 [EC, M]
Adhikary, Krishnendu (2001)
Scientist, Non-Oxide Ceramics &
Composites Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 25392082 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–67 [R]
Agarwalla, B. K. (1983)
Maithan Ceramic (P) Ltd
Chirkunda 828 202
Dist: Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06540) 223005 / 222070 (O)
EL–572 [EC, G]
Adhikary, Mrinmoy
(Technical Assistant, CSIR-CG&CRI)
Vill : Surul
P.O : Sriniketan
Bribhum 731236 (WB)
Phone : : (033) 24733469 (O)
(03463) 264194 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9434110706
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–172 [R]
Agarwal, Deepak (1993)
Valley Refractories Ltd
Maithan Road
Chirkunda 828 202
Dist: Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
EL–364 [R, RM]
Agarwal, Lal Chand (2000)
Managing Director
Gajanan Minerals (P) Ltd
B-47, Phase-I, Industrial Area
Jamshedpur 832 109 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2902607/ 3295970/71 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9431181321/9334061321
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–49 [R]
Agarwalla, Basudeo (1982)
Valley Refractories Ltd
Maithan Road, Chirkunda 828 202
Dist: Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
EL–2 [G, R]
Agarwalla, P. R. (1976)
Managing Director
National Refractories
(Prop. Sonwtex Udyog Ltd)
Vishwakarma, South-West Block
2nd Floor, 86C, Topsia Road (South)
Kolkata 700 046
Phone : (033) 40049801 (O)
: (033) 40049806
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–264 [M, R]
Agrawal, Dinesh (1996)
(Director, Industrial Resources and
Monolithics Pvt Ltd)
Annapurna Niketan, Ratu Road,
P.O. Hehal, Ranchi 834 005 (Jharkhand)
EL–69 [G, R]
Agrawal, Prabhudayal
Managing Director
Prabhu Ceramics & Minerals (P) Ltd
Baluram Nauranglal House
Baidyanath Chowk, San Sadak
Sambalpur 768 001 (Orissa)
Phone : (0663) 2402611 / 2532609 (O)
(0663) 532609 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–606 [R, RM]
Agrawal, Rahul (2012)
Partners, Singhbhum Refractory
Plot No 8, Phase 4,
Gamharia 832108 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2200382 (O)
Monile : (0) 9204933363
Fax : (0657) 2200381
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–455 [R]
Agrawal, Rajkumar (1994) [2004]
Chanduka Minerals & Chemical (P) Ltd
Birenu Trade Centre, 67, Pennar Road
Sakchi, Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6450293 / 3290236 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9431303927
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–673 [ELC, R]
Agarawal, Tushar (2016)
[DOB: 09.12.1980]
(Head-Refractories, Tata Steel Ltd)
Cheese Berry 4531
Sahara Garden City, Adityapur
Jamshedpur 831 014 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6645474
Mobile : (0) 9234503711
EL–207 [R, M]
Ahuja, Rajiv Kr (1995)
AGM, Refractory Division, RDCIS, SAIL
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411145 / 2440150 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9334459163
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–593 [R, RM]
Ali, Sahin (2012)
[DOB : 01.08.1981]
Engineer, TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
SBI Building, XLRI Campus, CH Area
East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2225003 (O)
(03453) 256578 (R)
Mobile : (0) 7677760860
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–463 [EC, R]
Aman, Kumar (2006)
Sr Manager (Tata Steel)
Research & Control Building
Burmamines Road
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6648959 (O)
(0657) 6642678 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234554426
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–640 [R, RM]
Anup (2016)
[DOB: 13.09.1988]
Lab Incharge, Tata steel Ltd
Block No 1
Dubri, Kalinganagar
Jajpur 755 026 (Odisha)
Phone : (0) 6726606147
Mobile : (0) 9535387103 / 7205941104
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–464 [EC, R]
Arasu, S. (2006)
(Vice President
TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd)
New Bungalow E-1
TRL Township, P.O. Belpahar
Jharsuguda 768 218 (Orissa)
Phone : (06645) 250272 (O)
(06645) 258559 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9238067896
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–654 [R]
Aslam, Md (2016)
[DOB: 04.01.1965]
(Sr Tech, Tata Steel Ltd)
Flat 63, G. P. Slope, B. H. Area
Kadma, Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jarkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8084534246
EL–185 [R]
Bachelor, Asim (1968) [1994]
(Retd Asst Manager, Tata Steel)
154, Sonari West Layout, Road–D
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2301398 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431961711
EL–666 [R, RM]
Bag, Mousom (2016)
[DOB: 15.04.1985]
(Manager, Tata Steel Limited)
63 A, ECC Flats, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8092086453
EL–634 [R, RM]
Bagchi, Arijit (2012)
[DOB: 30.10.1957]
D 10/Z Karunamoyee Estate
Salt Lake, Sector 2
Kolkata 700 091
Mobile : (0) 9392160572
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–642 [EC, RM]
Bagchi, Jaydeep (2012) (2016)
[DOB : 29.12.1983]
IFGL Refractories Limited)
3, N. S. Road, Kolkata 700 001
Mobile : (0) 9204656055
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–265 [B, P]
Bandopadhyaya, Ajoy (1996)
Dy Director (SIDO)
9/C Sabarna Para Road
Barisha, Kolkata 700 008
Phone : (033) 24474547 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431731266
EL–238 [B, R]
Bandyopadhyay, (Dr) Siddhartha
Senior Principal Scientist, Non-Oxide
Ceramics & Composites Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24647902 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433907683
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–70 [B]
Bandyopadhyay, (Dr) Tarun Kr
(1968) [1984]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
CERAMICA (Flat No. 4A)
22A Panchanantala Road
Kolkata 700 029
Phone : (033) 24611854 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–409 [B]
Banerjee, A. K. (2001)
“Shabnam” (Flat No. 102)
166A Sarat Ghosh Garden Road
Kolkata 700 031
Phone : (033) 24155238 (R)
EL–497 [B]
Bandyopadhyay, (Prof) Asis Kr
(2001) [2007]
(Retd Principal, GCECT)
“Sayantiaa 1”
Nayapatti, Sector 5, Salt Lake
Kolkata 700 102
Phone : (033) 23670622 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9339777420
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–659 [R, RM]
Banerjee, Amit (2016)
[DOB: 10.01.1983]
(Sr Manager, Tata Steel Limited)
Flat No. 35, Block – C
Professional Flats
Road No. 9, Farm Area
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6648710 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9263632212
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–107 [B, P]
Bandyopadhyay, (Dr) Sibdas
(1982) [2002]
(Retd Scientist, CG&CRI, Kolkata)
Srabasti Co-operative Housing Society
B-13 Samm Lask Park
Kolkata 700 075
EL–389 [P, RM]
Banerjee, Debabrata (2001)
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
20/1 Kailash Ghosh Road
Kolkata 700 008
Phone : (033) 24942414 (R)
EL–622 [R, RM]
Banerjee, Dhiman (2014)
(Senior Manager, Refractories
Tata Steel Ltd)
Flat No. F-10, Brindaban Garden
Sonari, Jamsedpur 831 011 (Jharkhad)
Phone : (0657) 6648368 (O)
(0657) 6450114 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234531245
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–643 [R]
Banerjee, Diptendu (2012) (2016)
[DOB : 30.04.1975]
Senior Manager (Refractories)
Tata Steel
LD 2 & Slab Caster
East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6643449 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8092084745 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–104 [R]
Banerjee, (Dr) G. (1981) [1988]
64A, Lake View Road
Kolkata 700 029
Phone : (033) 2464 9926 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830147275
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–132 [R]
Banerjee, N. C. (1970) [1991]
(Retd) Scientist, CGCRI
P–18 Rani Park
Belghoria, Kolkata 700 056
EL–4 [R]
Banerjee, R. K. (1976)
Bengal Refractories Pvt Ltd
P.O. Jamgram, Dist: Burdwan (WB)
EL–56 [P, R]
Banerjee, (Dr) S. K. (1962) [1982]
(Retd Dy Director, CGCRI & Visiting
Faculty, GCECT)
CJ-32, Sector II, Salt Lake City
Kolkata 700 091
Phone : (033) 23701264 (O)
(033) 23342656 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830513009
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–206 [P]
Banerjee, S. K. (1971) [1989]
1/1 Bhim Ghose Bye Lane
Kolkata 700 006
EL–661 [R, M]
Banerjee, Shyamakanta (2016)
[DOB: 13.01.1963]
Senior Supervisor
TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
Q. No. J-23/06, Hidden Vally
Nepal Building Area
Teleco Colony, East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 004 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9234582993
EL–601 [G, R]
Banerjee, Tapan Kumar (2009)
(Retd Technical Director,
Saint Gobain Glass (I) Ltd)
5C, Rajeshwary Apartments, 5th Floor
113 Southern Avenue, Kolkata 700 029
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–347 [G, R]
Bar, Ashish Kr (1984) [1999]
Director, Metaflux Co Pvt Ltd
163/1 VIP Road, Kolkata 700 054
EL–106 [P]
Baral, S. C. (1981) [1989]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
10/1B Natabar Dutta Row
Kolkata 700 012
Phone : (033) 22176246 (R)
EL–437 [ELC, R]
Barua, Pulak (2003)
AGM, Refractories Division
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411114 (O)
(0) 9437463125 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–5 [R]
Basaniwal, Purushottam (1973)
Refractories Minerals
170 Aurobindo Sarani
(P–3/1 Grey Street Extn)
Kolkata 700 004
EL–296 [R]
Basu, Asis Kr (1996)
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
Flat 2/4, Balaka Building
1, Dabur Park
Ganguly Bagan
Kolkata 700 084
Phone : (033) 24662177 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9836242801
EL–536 [M]
Basu, Kaushik (2009)
Vice President
Surya Engineering Co
2, Dr R. N. Tagore Road
Kolkata 700 076
Phone : (033) 25632032 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9830091468
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–278 [B]
Basu, (Dr) R. N. (1986) [1996]
Chief Scientist & Head
Fuel Cell and Battery Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9433041350
E.mail : [email protected]
EL–157 [P]
Basu, S. K. (1976) [1992]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
Flat No. 205, Block D
909 Purbachal Main Road
Kolkata 700 078
Phone : (033) 24840624 (R)
EL–446 [EC, G]
Basu, Tilak (2004)
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
3A Lala Lajpat Rai Sarani
Flat No 5, (2nd Floor)
Kolkata 700 020
Mobile : (0) 9874792618
EL–279 [B, R]
Basumajumdar, (Dr) Arunabha
(1984) [1996]
[DOB : 01.01.1948]
North Bengal University)
Plot No. AE- 134, Sector 1
Salt Lake City
Kolkata 700 064
Phone : (0353) 2776308 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9434715401
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–624 [ELC, C]
Basu Majumder, (Dr) Subhasish
[DOB: 21.04.1966]
Associate Professor
Material Science Centre
West Midinipur 721 302 (WB)
Phone : (03222) 283986 (O)
(03222) 283987 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433611775
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–656 [R, EC]
Bera, Asim Kumar (2016)
[DOB: 06.06.1979]
(Manager-Sales, Vesuvius (I) Ltd)
House No. 73, Road –B
Kagal Nagar
Sonari West Layout
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (033) 30410600 (O)
Mobile : (0) 979716590 / 9031097544
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–390 [B, M]
Bera, (Dr) Japes (2001)
Dept of Ceramic Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela 769 008 (Orissa)
Phone : (0661) 24472926 / 24471169 (O)
(0661) 24471676 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9437246159
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–655 [R, RM]
Beura, Manoranjan (2016)
[DOB: 14.07.1979]
(Business Head (Ease-I), Vesuvius (I) Ltd)
F3/1, Malancha Apartment
Road No 8, Sonari, East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand )
Phone : (033) 30410600 (O)
Mobile: (0) 9204663567
[email protected]
EL–256 [R]
Bhadra, A. K. (1975) [1997]
(Retd ScientistI, CSIR-CGCRI)
2A Roy Bagan Street
Kolkata 700 006
EL–161 [B, G]
Bhadra, (Dr)Shyamal Kr (1989) [1993]
(Retd Chief Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
Emeritus Scientist, Raman Centre for
Atomic Molecular and Optical Science
Indian Associantion for the Cultivation of
2A & 2B Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 23223278 (O)
(033) 24292416 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433018006
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–339 [G, P]
Bhaduri, S. K. (1979) [2000]
Manager (R&D, TRL)
Qr. No. M/24, TRL Township
Belpahar 768 218
Dist: Jharsuguda (Orissa)
EL–348 [P]
Bhagat, (Dr) Ram Pravesh (1994) [1999]
[DOB: 08.10.1954]
Chief Scientist, MPD
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2349007 / 2345053 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9934326585
: (0657) 2345213
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–71 [P]
Bhattacharjee, A. P. (1966) [1984]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
P–101/1, Sagar Manna Road
Parnashree, Kolkata 700 060
Phone : (033) 24061151 (R)
EL–528 [R, RM]
Bhattacharjee, Anirban (2008)
Manager (Marketing), Thermo Associates
C-601, Vijaya Shatabdee Complex
Sonari, Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2227219 (O)
(080) 41309283 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845369711
EL–291 [B]
Bhattacharjee, (Dr) Sarama
(1995) [1997]
Scientist, (Spl Materials Division)
Institute of Mineral & Materials
Technology (IMMT)
Bhubaneswar 751 013 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2581635 / 2584092 (O)
EL–548 [P]
Bhattacharya, A. K. (1986) [2009]
Consultant (Production)
(Associated Porcelain (P) Ltd)
4A Tarak Mitra Lane, Kolkata 700 026
EL–556 [R]
Bhattacharyya, A. K. (1985) (2010)
AGM, Refractories Division
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411145 (O)
(0651) 2441479 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8986880314
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–485 [EC]
Bhattacharya, (Dr) Dipak Kr. (2007)
(Ex Scientist, CG&CRI)
Sherwood Estate, Block Q, Flat No 3G
169 N. S. C. Bose Road, (Narendrapur)
Kolkata 700 103
Phone : (033) 2428 8332 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831549338
EM–1056 [EC, C]
Bhattacharya, (Dr) Maitreyee
(2003) [2008]
(Scientist, MEF Division. NML)
A/IV/1, NML Flats, Agrico
Jamshedpur 831 009 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345276 (O)
(0657) 2346090 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9955347304
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–553 [B, G]
Bhattacharyya, Sujoy (1989)
[DOB: 25.01.1964]
Consultant in Glass Ceramics and
Speciality Chemicals, Quality Managent
P-30/1, New Talpukur Road
P.O. Sarsuna
Kolkata 700 061
Mobile : (0) 9163108038 / 9960710424
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–421 [B, P]
Bhattacharyya, Kalyan Kr.
(1998) [2002]
Sr Dy Director & Head, MNP Division
National Metallurgical Laboratory
A/VI/03 NML Flat, Agrico
Jamshedpur 831 009 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345054/55 (O)
(0657) 2346038/115 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431932467
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–595 [EC, ELC]
Bhattacharyya, (Dr) Sunipa
(2006) (2012)
NIT Rourkela
Dept of Ceramic Engineering
Rourkella 769 008 (Orissa)
Phone : (0) 9433181324 (M)
EL–227 [B, R]
Bhattacharyya, Ramkrishna (1995)
[DOB: 07.05.1954]
Ex-Manager (R&C)
42, East Ghosepara Road
P. O. Bhatpara 743 123
Dist : 24 Parganas (N), (WB)
Phone : (0) 9051012063 / 7278132252
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
EL–391 [G, RM]
Bhattacharyya, (Dr) S. K. (2001)
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
9E Ajanta Road, New Santoshpur
“Tirsha Apartment” (2nd Floor)
Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24167378 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433223870
EL–465 [EC, R]
Bhattacharyya, (Prof) Santanu (2006)
Dept of Ceramic Engineering
NIT Rourkela, Sundargarh
Rourkela 769 008 (Orissa)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–452 [B]
Bhattacharya, (Dr) Tapas Kr. (2004)
(Asst Professor, GCECT, Kolkata)
14/1/3/3 Andul, 2nd Bye Lane
Block B, Flat No. I3
P.O: B. Garden, Howrah 711 103 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26686370 (R)
(0) 9831758067 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–585 [R, CF]
Bhattacharya, Tilak (2011)
190/2(A-79), New Raipur, Flat-A1
Block-A, Sumangalam
Kolkata 700 084
Mobile : (0) 8420010445
E-Mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–77 [P]
Bhowmik, Reeta (1993)
Vivekananda Road
Jadavpur East, Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24184564 / 65 (R)
EL–360 [R]
Biswal, Tushar Ranjan (1989) [2000]
Junior Manager (Refractories)
Smelter Plant, NALCO
Nalco Nagar 759 145
Dist : Angul (Orissa)
EL–416 [ELC, M]
Biswas, Arup Kr (2002)
Scientist, Composite Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
EL– 584 [EC, G]
Biswas, (Dr) Kaushik (2011)
Glass Science and Technology Section
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9748051040
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–58 [P, R]
Biswas, P. K. (1966) (2003)
95/2/2/1 Shibpur Road
Shibpur, Howrah 711 102 (W B)
EL–254 [R]
Biswas, R. C. (1976) [1996]
Subhadra Apartment, (Flat No. A-608)
Srikhetra Builders
P.O. KIIT-3 Patia, G. M. Marg
Bhubaneswar 751 024 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2725286 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9437041347
EL–431 [C, EC]
Biswas, (Dr) Koushik (2003)
Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur 721 302 (W B)
Phone : (03222) 281788 (O)
(03222) 281789 (R)
EL–486 []
Biswas, Subir (2007)
(Head, RTG, Tata Steel)
K3/23 Siroman Nagar, Binda Apartment
Dimna Road, Mango
Jamshedpur 831 018 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2148959 (O)
(0657) 6451526 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234503702
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–324 [B, P]
Biswas, (Dr) N. C. (1986) [1997]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
Ramkrishna Mission, Patuli
PO: Sonarpur, Kolkata 700 150
Phone : (033) 24636163 (R)
EL–239 [P]
Bose, Bimal (1995)
123/9 Gopal Lal Tagore Road
Kolkata 700 035
Phone : (033) 25775145 (O & R)
Mobile : (0) 9830127625
EL–108 [B, G]
Biswas, Nisha (1988)
Scientist, Special Glass Laboratory
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24623154 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–448 [CC]
Bose, Siladitya (2004)
Proprietor, Shivom Decals
123/9 Gopal Lal Tagore Road
Kolkata 700 035
Phone : (033) 25775145 (O)
EL–197 [B, G]
Biswas, (Dr) P. K. (1976) [1996]
Scientist, Sol-Gel Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24838082 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 25421304 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–509 [R, RM]
Bose, Sudip [2008]
(Sr Manager, RTG, Tata Steel)
232 A, Professional Flats
B. H. Area, K. S. Link Road, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2148959 (O)
(0657) 2146849 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234554423
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–299 [R]
Bose, T. R. (1987)
Ceramic Engineer
“Abhinandan”, 1/1H Jodhpur Park
Kolkata 700 068
EL–519 [CC, C]
Bysakh, (Dr) Sandip (2008)
Scientist (TEM Lab)
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24838079 / 3289
Mobile : (0) 9432490196
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–403 [R]
Bysakh, T. K. (1981) [2001]
Bysakh & Co
55 W. C. Banerjee Street
Kolkata 700 006
Phone : (033) 22411195 (O)
(033) 22413925 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–301 [R]
Chacko, Paul T. (1997)
(Retd Dy G. M., IFICO Ltd)
Ranchi Road
Marar 829 117
Dist: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
EL–466 [EC, R]
Chakrabarti, Biswanath (2006)
CEO, R. R. Enterprises
193, Bhalubasa, Road No 7
Jamshedpur 831 009 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 3299646 / 3204360 (O)
(0657) 2436448 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9931115109 / 9234601759
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–476 [ELC, RM]
Chakrabarti, (Dr) Nibedita (2006)
Principal, Victoria Institution (College)
78-B, A. P. C. Roy Road, Kolkata 700 009
Mobile : (0) 9433117523
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–627 [ELC]
Chakrabarti, Nabanita (2015)
[DOB: 11.06.1980]
Technical Officer
Fuel Cell & Battery Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 23223393 (O)
(033) 25536636 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432174692
E-mail :
[email protected]
EL–240 [B, R]
Chakrabarti, (Dr) Omprakash (1995)
Senior Principal Scientist, Non-Oxide
Ceramics & Composites Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9433891419
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–349 [G]
Chakrabarti, S. (1977) [1999]
(Retd Dy Director, CGCRI)
8/15 Naskar Para Lane
P.O. Dhakuria
Kolkata 700 031
Phone : (033) 24155393 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831486160
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–456 [EC, R]
Chakrabarti, Swapan (2005)
(Sr Manager (Projects), Engineering)
Dept Business Centre, Tata Steel Ltd
23, ‘B’ Block, Professnal Flat
K. S. Link Road, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2147100 / 2145465 (O)
(0657) 2143264 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234539901
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–266 [R]
Chakrabarti, (Dr) B. K. (1996)
Dept of Materials Science
National Instt of Foundry and Forge Tech
Hatia, Ranchi 834 003 (Jharkhand)
EL–314 [G, R]
Chakrabarty, J. N. (1988) [2000]
Dy GM (Prodn.)
Maithon Ceramics Ltd
P.O. Chirkunda
Dist : Dhanbad 828202 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06540) 273345/46/47
Mobile : (0) 9471191034
Fax : (06540) 272191
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–8 [B, R]
Chakraborty, (Dr) A. K. (1978)
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
Sahanpur, V-Road
Dasnagar, Howrah 711105 (W B)
Mobile : (0) 9903863773
EL–633 [G, R]
Chakraborty, Arindam (2012)
[DOB: 01.11.1978]
(Supdt. Engineer
M. N. Dastur & Co. (P) Ltd)
11/2 A. C. Sen Road
Morepukur, Rishra
Hooghly 712 250 (W B)
Phone : (033) 2672 5625 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9051048848
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–541 [M]
Chakraborty, Bishnu (2009)
Premur Impex Ltd
44/45, Kings Road, 1st Floor
Howrah 711 101 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26768330 (0)
(033) 26660850 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830498087
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–258 [B, G]
Chakraborty, (Dr) Dipak (1969) [1996]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
4A/1A/16 Naktala Road
Kolkata 700 047
Phone : (033) 24811018 (R)
EL–549 [G, C]
Chakraborty, (Dr) Jui (2009)
Bioceramics & Coatings Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S.C. Mullick Road
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733476 (O)
(033) 23352276 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433032745
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–362 [B]
Chakraborty, (Dr) Mithiles
(1983) (2000)
(Retd Scientist-F, CGCRI)
123/1, N.S.C. Bose Road
Regent Court, Flat 1D
Kolkata 700 040
Phone : (033) / 24218734 (R)
EL–422 [CC, EC]
Chakraborty, Niloy (2002)
11 Nivediata Sarani, Garfa
P.O. Santoshpur
Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24181246 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–576 [P, CC]
Chakraborty, Sanjit Kumar (2010)
Anjamta Samabay Abasan Ltd
Flat No 9, 2nd Floor
1-B, Gagan Sarkar Road
Kolkata 700 010
Phone : (033) 23639416 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433171459
E-mai : [email protected]
EL– 595 [EC, ELC, G]
Chakraborty, Shirsendu (2010) [2012]
Non Oxide Ceramic & Composite Divnision
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S.C. Mullick Road
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24839245 / 47 (O)
(033) 26684525 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9662041986
: (033) 24730957
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–311 [B, G]
Chakravorty, (Dr) Dipankar
(1973) (1994)
MLS Professor of Physics
Indian Association for the Cultivation of
2A & 2B Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24734971 (O)
(033) 24761351 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–499 [EC, R]
Chandra, Debasish [2007]
Manager (Production)
OCL India Ltd
V2-302, OCL New Colony
Rajgangpur 770 017
Dist : Sundargarh (Orissa)
Phone : (033) 24734971 (O)
(033) 24761351 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9437576650
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–182 [R]
Chanda Roy, S. K. (1969) [1994]
(Retd Manager (RD & CD), Tata Steel)
A-1/27 Swarn Vihar
P. O. Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2314796 (R)
(0) 9431704360 (M)
EL–358 [B, R]
Chatterjee, (Dr) A. K. (1974) [1995]
Managing Director
Conmat Technologies Pvt Ltd
Singhi Park Apartments
(Flat No. N-4F)
48/3 Gariahat Road, Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 30936788 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830267043
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–561 [G, R]
Chatterjee, Alok (1992) (1995)
51E/9 Sarat Garden Road
Dhakuria, Kolkata - 700 031
EL–65 [R]
Chatterjee, K. C. (1961) [1982]
Himadri Apartment
401, South Office Para
Doranda, Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411714 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9204060403
EL–198 [B, G]
Chatterjee, (Dr) Minati (1989) [1995]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
3, B. L. Banerjee Lane
Santoshpur, Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24138504 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432251282
EL–260 [B, R]
Chandra, Somnath (1981) [1996]
Adarsha Nagar,
6th Phase, 31-S, P.O. Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2200381 / 2409929 (O)
(0657) 2238638 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9334863077
EL–531 [R, RM]
Chatterjee, Shirshendu (2008)
(Manager, Marketing
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited)
256, Dumdum Road
Indodeep Housing Complex
Flat No. 1/7, Dumdum, Kolkata 700 074
Phone : (033) 25796997 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9231064424
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–210 [B, R]
Chattaraj, (Dr) B. D. (1995)
Sourav Apartment, 4th Floor
South Office Para
Doranda, Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2413234 (R)
EL–407 [P]
Chatterjee, Soumendu (1998) [2001]
9/4A/1Q South Sinthee Road
Kolkata 700 050
Phone : (033) 25577314 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830056919
E-mail : [email protected]
Chatterjee, Ujjal Kr. (2006) [2008]
[DOB : 23.05.1953]
(Manager, RTG, Tata Steel)
Flat - 1/1, “SURA SADAN”
23, Contractor’s Area
Road No 4, P.O. Bistupur
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6648970 (O)
(0657) 6642127 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234554428
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–325 [B, R]
Chattopadhyay, Aparup (1996)
Scientist, Mineral Processing Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2271709-14 (O)
(0657) 2421246 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–569 [R]
Chattopadhyay, (Dr) Arup Kumar
(1998) (2010)
Managing Director, National Refractories
Vishwakarma Building, SW Block
2nd Floor, 86C Topsia Road (S)
Kolkata 700 046
Phone : (033) 40049801 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9937267890
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
EL–177 [R]
Chattopadhyay, Asis Kr (1994)
II C - 5/9, Thakurpukur
Housing (PH II), M.G. Road
Kolkata 700 104
Phone : (033) 24383726 (R)
EL–110 [B, R]
Chaudhuri, (Dr) A. K. (1975) [1988]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
C/29 New Garia Development
Co-operative Housing Society
Kolkata 700 094
Phone : (033) 24324739
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–658 [R, EC]
Chaudhary, Ashish (2016)
[DOB: 07.12.1991]
Manager, Tata Steel Limited
Room No 139, R&C Building
(Refractory Technology Group)
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6648911 (O)
Mobile : (0) 7033094770
EL–340 [R]
Chaudhuri, Prasanta (1972) [1998]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
Ekta Heights, Block-I 5C
56, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24338688 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9330992295
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–241 [R]
Chintaiah, P. (1995)
Knowledge Management Group
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411145 (O)
(0651) 2440736 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8986880318
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–242 [B, R]
Choudhary, (Prof) R. N. P. (1995)
Dept of Physics, Institute of Technical
Education & Research (ITER)
SOA University
Jagamohanpur, Jagamara
Bhubaneswar 751 030 (Orissa)
EL–284 [R]
Choudhuri, D. C. (1996)
Superintendent (BSP)
Sector-1/C, Qr. No. 861
Bokaro Steel City 827 001 (Jharkhand)
EL–582 [R, ELC]
Choudhury, Nabin Kumar (2010)
General Manager, CET/SAIL
Center for Engineering and Technology
P. O : Hinco, Ranchi 834 004 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 241145 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9470193278
EL–546 [E, R]
Choudhury, Rupkumar (1996)
Consultant-W hiteware, Frits & Colours
HIG 1/2, Flat 1A1, Green Wood Park
Newtown (Rajarhat)
Kolkata 700 156
Phone : (033) 23243021 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9883097010
EL – 587 [EC, ELC]
Chowdhury, Arun (2011)
Asst Professor, Dept. of Ceramic Engg
National Institute of Tech
Sundargarh, Rourkela 769 008 (Odisha)
Phone No : (0) 9439429708 (M)
(0661) 2462202 (O)
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–282 [R]
Chowdhuri, Ashis (1995) [2004]
(Retd Assitant Manager, RD&CD, Tata Steel)
ESS Apartment (2nd Floor)
Road No. 1, Contractor’s Area
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2435514 / 2431636 (O)
(0657) 2220123 (R)
(0) 9835734479 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–95 [B]
Chowdhuri, (Dr) V. N. (1997) [2003]
[DOB : 28.12.1943]
(Retd Dy Director, NML)
AC-2K, 9th Phase
Adarsh Nagar, Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011(Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2314120 / 2909496 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9835130007
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–192 [B, M]
Choudhury, (Dr) Pranab (1995)
Sr. Scientist
Nano-Structured Materials Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 25302601 (R)
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–263 [B, P]
Dan, (Dr) T. K. (1976) [1996]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
BK 226, Sector 2
Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091
Phone : (033) 23596517 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected];
[email protected]
EL–477 [P]
Dana, (Dr) Kausik (1996)
Clay & Traditional Ceramic Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone: (033) 24733496
Mobile : (0) 9831785575
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–111 [R]
Das, (Dr) A. C. (1981) [1988]
(Retd Dy Director, CGCRI)
142A, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Devaloke Heights, Kolkata 700 092
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–570 [EC, R]
Das, Amarendra Kumar (2008) (2010)
[DOB: 05.04.1951]
Consultant (High Temp Ceramic Engg)
C/O Mr Pranav Das
“PRAKASH” Anandlok - 2nd Lane
Kali Park (Babla Tala)
PO: Gopalpur (Rajarhat)
Kolkata 700 136
Mobile : (0) 9263610446
E-mail :
[email protected]
EL–539 [R]
Das, Asim (1996) [2004]
(Refractory Engineer, Aluminium
Bahrain, ALBA)
35/A, Manik Bondopadhya Sarani
(Moore Avenue)
P.O. Regent Park, Kolkata 700 040
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–447 [R, RM]
Das, Atanu (1992) [2006]
Vice President (Marketing)
National Refractories
(Prop. Snowtex Udyog Ltd)
South West Block
2nd Floor, 86C, Topsia Road (South)
Kolkata 700 046
Phone : (033) 40049810 / 2281058-9 (D)
Mobile : (0) 9434001551
Fax : (033) 40049806
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–644 []
Das, Avijit Kumar (2012) (2016)
[DOB : 13.07.1967]
(Senior Foreman, Tata Steel Ltd)
142, G 4, Straight Mile Road
Sakchi, Jamsedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2231099 (R)
Mobile : (0) 931787002
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–326 [R]
Das, Chinmoy (1978) [1997]
CE-162 Salt Lake City
Kolkata 700 064
Phone : (033) 23377511 (O)
EL–355 [R]
Das, (Dr) D. K. (1981) [2004]
(Ex Asst General Manager
SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant)
Refractory Consultant & Tech Solutions
Qr. No.– 595, Sector – 1/C
Bokaro Steel City
Bokaro 827 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9771602937
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–149 [B, P]
Das, Dinesh Kr (1992)
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
46/C/10 Biplabi Barin Ghosh Sarani
Kolkata 700 054
Phone : (033) 23522810 (R)
EL–269 [G]
Das, (Prof) Gopes Chandra (1996)
(Dept of Metallurgical Engg,
Jadavpur University)
19, New Santoshpur
Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24836940 (O)
(033) 24146911 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433434717
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–363 [R]
Das, (Dr) Kaberi (1990) [2000]
(Lecturer, GCECT)
ECTP, Phase IV, Happy Nook
Flat No. 11A/4
E. M. Bypass
Kolkata 700 107
Phone : (033) 24425822
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–243 [B]
Das, Manoranjan (1995)
Partner, B. B. Engg Works
166/22 B. T. Road
Ashoknagar East
Kolkata 700 035
Phone : (033) 25777715 (O)
(033) 25773680 / 25775886 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9331048738
EL–487 [C, EC]
Das, Mitun (2007)
Scientist, Oxide & Bio-Ceramics Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res. Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9432111430
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–150 [B, R]
Das, (Dr) P. K. (1992)
Chief Scientist and Head, Non-Oxide
Ceramics & Composites Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9231800501
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–302 [R, M]
Das, Pranab Kr (1997)
Sr Manager (Refractory)
NALCO Ltd, Smelter Plant
C-196 Nalco Nagar
Angul 759 145 (Odisha)
Phone : (0) 9437121996 (M)
EL–518 [R]
Das, Rabindra Nath (2001)
Executive Director
Hi-Tech Chemicals Pvt Ltd
“Meghdeep”, 1st Floor, Q Road
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2756035 / 2756037 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9752507888
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–423 [EC, P]
Das, Ram Chandra (2002)
(Asst Professor, GCECT)
1/70/4 Banerjee Para Road
Kamala Park, Sarsuna, Kolkata 700 061
Phone : (033) 23501264 (O)
(033) 24935108 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9883156865
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–415 [R]
Das, S. R. (1981) [2001]
(Technical Advisor,
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited)
Flat No. A - 131, Orchid Residency
Road 7 (Extn), Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2315771 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234511361
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–494 [RM]
Das, Sadhan Kr. (2007)
House No. B-4, S. K. G. W. Colony
Dist : Kharswan / Seraikela
Jamshedpur 832 402 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 255222 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431966975
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–159 [R]
Das, (Dr) Samir Kumar (1970) [1992]
(Retd Dy Director, CGCRI)
B/B-15/18 Rabindra Palli
P.O. Jyangra, Kolkata 700 059
Phone : (033) 25700998 (R)
EL–393 [E, RM]
Das, (Dr) Sukhen (2001)
Associate Professor, Dept of Physics
Jadavpur University
188 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : (0) 9433091337
Fax : (033) 24138917
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–405 [P, R]
Das, (Dr) Swapan Kr (1990) [2001]
(Retd, Chief Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
Bivab Apartment
Block 2, Flat B, 3rd Floor
48 Briji East, Garia, Kolkata 700 084
Phone : (033) 24367759 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433054890
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–262 [R]
Das, U. S. (1978) [1996]
H. No. A/2, Block – A
Subway No. 1, Bagunhatu
Jamshedpur 831 017 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2210770 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–153 [R]
Das Gupta, A. K. (1967) [1992]
[DOB : 06.04.1945]
(Advisor, Nilachal Refractories Ltd)
D3/203 Peerless Nagar
P.O. Panihati, Sodepur, Kolkata 700 114
Mobile : (0) 9433478998
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–330 [P]
Das Gupta, Amit (1974) [1992]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
38 J/19 Maharaja Tegore Road
PO: Dhakuria, Kolkata 700 031
Phone : (033) 30941526 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8017728795
EL–514 [B, G]
Dasgupta, Kamal (1991) [2008]
Chief Scientist and Head
Fiber Optics and Photonics Diviison
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24838083 (O)
(033) 24254841 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–410 [M]
Dasgupta, (Dr) Subrata (2001)
Senior Principal Scientist
Ceramic Membrane Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24636516 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433479980
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–609 [ELC, EC]
Dasgupta, (Dr) Sudip (2012)
[DOB: 03.06.1976]
Assistant Professor
Department of Ceramic Engineering
NIT Rourkela
Sundargarh, Rourkela 769 008 (Orissa)
Phone : (0661) 2462212 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9937565248
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–621 [C, ELC]
Das Sharma, Abhijit (1999) (2014)
Principal Scientist
Fuel Cell & Battery Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–554 [ELC, C]
Datta, Partha (2007)
C/o Sibsankar Chakraborti
Satpura Apartment
7C, P. N. Chatterjee Street
P.O. Belghoria, Kolkata 700 056
Email : [email protected]
EL–601 [EC, ELC]
Datta, (Dr) Pradyot (2012)
Senior Scientist, Fuel Cell & Battery Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : (0) 9051668951
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–289 [B, R]
Datta, (Dr) S. S. (1992) [1996]
Ex General Manager, RDCIS, SAIL
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0343) 2574330 (O)
(0343) 2567645 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–191 [B]
Das Poddar, (Prof) P. K. (1981) [2001]
[DOB : 19.02.1946]
(Retd Professor, Calcutta University)
TG-2/16 Kolupukur, Tegharia
Kolkata 700 059
Phone : (033) 25707079 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831520171
Email : [email protected]
EL–287 [B, CC]
Datta, (Dr) Someswar (1986) [2003]
Chief Scientist
Bioceramics & Coating Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9432292860
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–557 [G, R]
Das Poddar, Dipanjan (2005) (2010)
General Manager (Export)
IFGL Refractoeies Ltd
3 Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata 700 001
Phone : (033) 22482411 (O)
(033) 25707079 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–166 [E, P]
De, Amit Kumar (1966) [1993]
President, A. K. Industrial Corporation
79-9B Acharya Jagadish Ch Bose Road
Kolkata 700 014
Phone : (033) 22492701 (O) & (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831143377
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–341 [B]
De, Ashok (1976) [1998]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
225 Ashokgarh, Kolkata 700 108
Phone : (033) 25773846 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830347341
EL–255 [B, G]
De, (Dr) Goutam (1989) [1996]
Chief Scientist & Head
Nano Structured Materials
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 23223403 (Extn 3403)
(033) 2416 5420 (R)
Mobile : 9433319119
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–98 [R]
De, Premananda (1964) [1986]
(Retd DGM, Burn Standard Co Ltd
1A/193 Salt Lake City
Sector-III, Kolkata 700 097
Phone : (033) 23355594 (R)
EL–453 [E, P]
Deb, Hirak Baran (2004)
(Technical Manager, METCO s.r.l)
216/1 Panchanantala Road
Howrah 711 101 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26424317 (R)
EL–151 [B]
Debnath, (Dr) R. (1987) [1992]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
15A, D.P.P. Road
Naktala, Kolkata 700 047
EL–523 [ELC, R]
Dey, Amit
Proprietor, Almetallo Engg. Corporation
AC-16/1, Adesh Nagar
11th Phase, Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2314732 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9234613285 / 9431113285
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
EL–645 [EC, R]
Dey, Debashish (2014) (2016)
[DOB: 24.12.1974]
(Sr. Manager (Technical Service)
IFGL Refractories Ltd)
A 3/12, Kamdhenu Apartment
Marine drive Road, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9234224108
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–113 [R]
Dey, Dulal Chandra (1970) [1988]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
C-161 Survey Park
Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24166078
EL–361 [B]
Deb, (Dr) Sukhendu (1986) [2000]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
45 Beni Banerjee Avenue
Dhakuria, Kolkata 700 031
Mobile : (0) 9674555627
EL–114 [B, G]
Dhar Gupta, (Dr) K. K. (1967) [1988]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
750 R. N. Tagore Road
Kolkata 700 077
Phone : (033) 25571845 (R)
EL –591 [R, RM]
Debnath, Gopal (2011)
[DOB. 02.01.1970]
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (0) 9831375642 (M)
Mobile : (0) 9830211586 (M)
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–612 [R]
Dhote, Sunil (2013)
[DOB: 28.06.1966]
Manager-Sales, PYROTEK
P-13, Green View, Baishnabghata
Kolkata 700 086
Phone : (033) 24308445 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9836072002
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–303 [R]
Dhulia, K. P. (1995) [1997]
Asst Manager (R & C)
IFICO Ltd, Ranchi Road
Marar 829 117
Dist: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
EL–200 [B, G]
Dwivedi, (Dr) R. N. (1984) [2001]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
C/O Hanuman Prasad Pandey
C-179/298 National Highway
Betiahata, Rustompur, Gorakhpur
EL–74 [G, P]
Doshi, Chandresh (1983)
7 Pollock Street (3rd Floor)
Kolkata 700 001
EL–461 [R, RM]
Duggal, Kamal (2005)
(Retd Sr Executive, Tata Steel)
Duplex D2/27-A, Raod No 6
Sangam Vihar, P.O : Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2315979 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234560709 / 9534167899
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–342 [G]
Dutta, Madhusudan (1981)[1999]
Keramik Cooperative (Flat No. B-1)
J-384 Baishnawghata, Patuli
Kolkata 700 094
Phone : (033) 24369837 (R)
EL–620 [R, RM]
Dutta, Prasanta (2014)
[DOB: 02.12.1962]
(Regional Manager
Kerneos Aluminate Technology)
9/1, Biren Roy Road (East),
Behala Chowrasta, Kolkata 700 008
Phone : (033) 2447 2529
Mobile : (0) 9831075034
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–638 [R, M]
Dvivedi, Chandra Kant (2016)
[DOB: 20.02.1993]
Operation Incharge, Tata steel Ltd
Industrial Complex
Dubri, Kalinganagar
Jajpur 755 026 (Odisha)
Phone : (0) 6726606147
Mobile : (0) 8797259162
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–507 [R, RM]
Fouzdar, Soumitra [2008]
(Manager, Tata Steel)
Flat No. L/32
Vatika Green City
Dimna Road, Mango
Jamshedpur 831 018 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2147480 / 6647480 (O/R)
Mobile :(0) 9234554425
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–492 [R]
Gadhyan, Sushil Kr. (2007)
M/s Arun Refractories
Chirkunda 828 202
Dist: Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
EL–292 [M, R]
Galgali, R. K. (1995) [1997]
(Retd Scientist, IIMT)
Block - A, 302
Krihsna Tower
Bhubaneswar 751 012 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2581635 / 2584092 (O)
EL–394 [G, M]
Gangadharan, S. (2001)
Bioceramics & Coating Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24656913 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433638851
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–125 [B]
Gangopadhyay, (Dr) Prabir Kumar
(1966) [1989] [DOB : 07.02.1939]
(Retd Professor, GCECT)
P-268 Block-A, Bangur Avenue
Kolkata 700 055
Phone : (033) 25749071 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433614250
E-mail :
[email protected]
EL–12 [B, E]
Ganguli, B. S. (1972)
Director, Ganguli Ceramics
P-22 Bondel Road (7th floor)
Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 22873146 / 22403146 (O)
(033) 22413651 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831196936
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected],
EL–123 [E]
Ganguli, D. S. (1980)
Consulting Engineer
Purbasha Apartments (Flat No. 3)
20A Ballygunge Place (East)
Kolkata 700 019
EL–13 [E, G]
Ganguli, T. S. (1970)
Technology Research Associates
5 Lindsay Street
Kolkata 700 087
EL–195 [B, M]
Ganguly, B. P. (1995)
Managing Director
Therkem Engineers (India) Pvt Ltd
33 Beckbagan Row (2nd floor)
Kolkata 700 017
EL–350 [B]
Ganguly, N. N. (1984) [1999]
(Retd Scientist, NML)
O-5 Shivganga Apartments
Bal Vihar Area, Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2225254 (R)
EL–115 [B, G]
Ghatak, (Dr) S. (1981) [1988]
(Emeritus Scientist
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt)
Hemkunja, I/167, B. P. Township
Kolkata 700 094
Mobile : (0) 9433009354
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–154 [P]
Ghose, Samir Kr (1979) [2004]
A. K. Sarkar Industries)
11 Hindusthan Road
Kolkata 700 029
Phone : (033) 24643525 (R)
EL–164 [G, R]
Ghosh, (Dr) Arup (1986) [1993]
Chief Scientist & Head
Refractories Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 22460798 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831349967
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–117 [B, P]
Ghosh, Bishnupada (1981) [1988]
(Ex Scientist, CGCRI)
K-232, B. P. Township, 2nd Floor
P.O. Panchasayar, Kolkata 700 094
Phone : (033) 24629344 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830264394 / 9830064394
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–472 [C, R]
Ghosh, Dipankar (2006)
(Dy General Manager, SAIL)
B-195, Sector 20, Rourkela
Sundergarh 769 005 (Orissa)
EL–571 [EC, G]
Ghosh, (Dr) Jiten
Scientist, X-Ray Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 (O)
Mobile : (0)9433501022
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–657 [R, G]
Ghosh, Goutam (2016)
[DOB: 20.05.1982]
(Sr Manager, Tata Steel Limited)
41, Block –B, Professional Flats
Kadma, Sonari Link Road
East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9263632190
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–270 [R]
Ghosh, (Dr) Nirmal Kanti (1983) [1996]
Dy General Manager & In-Charge
Refractories Technology Group
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411145 / 2411070 (O)
(0651) 2440221 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8986880316
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–424 [P]
Ghosh, Pradip Kr. (2002)
Diamond Ceramic
Sarkar Para, Sheoraphuly
Hooghly 712 223 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26321514 (O)
(033) 26326638 (R)
EL–603 [B, P]
Ghosh, Swapan Kumar (1987) [1996]
Sr Principal Scientist & Head
Project Management Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 23223546
Mobile : (0) 8902498675
Fax : (033) 24730957
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–203 [R]
Ghosh, S. R. (1989) [1995]
15/1/1 Raja Monindra Road
Flat No. 2A and 2B
Kolkata 700 037
EL–395 [EC, M]
Ghosh, Sandip Kr (2001)
Proprietor, Kiln & Machineries
Sarkar Para, Sheoraphuly
Hooghly 710 223 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26321514 / 26326638 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9831064749
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–598 [Ceramic Membrane]
Ghosh, (Dr) Sourja (2012)
Senior Scientist
Ceramic Membrane Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469/96 (O)
(033) 24418035 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432674199
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–425 [G]
Ghosh, Subrata Kr. (2002)
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
Flat No. 2B, 1/156 Gariahat Road
Jodhpur Park, Kolkata 700 068
Phone : (033) 24236937 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–417 [CC, E]
Ghosh, (Dr) Sumana (2002)
Senior Scientist
Bioceramics and Coating Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–365 [P]
Ghosh, Syamal (2000)
Technical Officer
Clay and Traditional Ceramics Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9433526279
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–543 [R, P]
Ghosh, (Dr) Tamal Kanti (2009)
(Researcher, R&D, Tata Steel Ltd)
Block-H, No-303, Green Enclave
Near Rankini Tample, GP Flope, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6648919 (0)
Mobile : (0) 9204058033
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–259 [G, R]
Ghosh, Tapan Kr (1996)
BD-88, Salt Lake City
Kolkata 700 064
Phone : (033) 23371314 (R)
EL–319 [R]
Ghoshal, T. K. (1992) [2002]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI, Kolkata)
20A Pratapadiya Road
Kolkata 700 026
Phone : (033) 24656542 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433368154
EL–626 [R, RW]
Ghoshal, Vaskar Kumar (2015)
[DOB: 12.01.1955]
(Dy General Manager (O) RMP
Bokaro Steel Plant, SAIL)
4B, Gour Ghosh Road
Bhwanipur, Kolkata 700 025
Phone : (033) 24190234
EL–434 [B, R]
Giri, Prem Kumar (2001) [2003]
Jr Manager, Refractories Division
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411114 (O)
(0651) 2245378 (R)
EL–488 [R]
Goswami, Ranjit Kr. (2007)
(Retd AGM SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant)
Qrt. No. 595, Sector 1/C
Bokaro Steel City
Bokaro 827 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06542) 242712 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9304191159
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–529 [R, RM]
Gourisaria, Abhishek (2008)
Director, Anjana Minerals Pvt Ltd
Adityapur Industrial Area (Near RIT/NIT
Chowk more), Adityapur
Sinhbhum (West)
Jamshedpur 832 109 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 3291670 (O)
(0657) 3291604 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431112764
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–189 [P]
Guha, Amal Kr (1976) [1989]
[DOB: 05.01.1954]
Managing Partner
Subarna Ashram
“Potter House”
121, Mitra Para, 2nd Lane
Harinavi, Kolkata 700 148
Phone : (033) 24271659
Mobie : (0) 8335861466
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
EL–479 [CC, ELC]
Guha, Animesh Kr. (2006)
(Retd Technical Officer)
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–180 [R]
Guha, Arun Kumar (1994)
(Retd Dy Manager, Tata Steel)
482 Sonari West Layout, ‘M’ Road
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone :(0657) 2307935 (O)
(0657) 2304637 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9204579079 / 9431761389
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–201 [R]
Guha, Asim Kumar (1976) [1995]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
587 Old Calcutta Road
Kalyan Nagar, Via P.O. Panshila
Khardah 743 180
Dist : North 24-Parganas (WB)
Phone : (033) 25689929 (R)
EL–351 [B, G]
Guha, Prithwijit (1988) [1999]
Associate Professor
Govt College of Engg & Ceram Tech
73 A. C. Banerjee Lane, Kolkata 700 010
Phone : (033) 23501264 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9330903728
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–76 [B]
Guha, (Dr) S. K. (1967) [1984]
CJ-97, Sector II
Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091
Phone : (033) 23348170 (R)
EL–525 [R, RM]
Gupta, Abhijit (2008)
Manager, Marketing-FCM
Tata Refractories Ltd
XLRI Campus, C. H. Area (E)
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6540443 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234608789
EL–419 [R]
Gupta, Biswadip (2002)
CEO, Jindal Steel (Project)
Shalboni, Midnapore
EL–140 [R]
Gupta, D. M. (1990)
EH/1, Kasturi Apartment
77A Bade Raipur Road
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24121813 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830697688
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–118 [P, R]
Gupta, Surajit (1989)
[DOB: 28.03.1957]
Senior Principal Scientist
Refractories Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 96 / 76/ 77 (O)
(033) 24838083
(033) 24167364 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433342810 / 9432553601
Fax : (033) 247309357
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–566 [ELC, E]
Halder, Barun (2007) (2010)
Scientist, Non-Oxide Ceramics and
Composites Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700032
Phone : (033) 24733469/496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9433906810
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–211 [R]
Haldar, Debesh (1995)
Senior Manager, Refractory Division
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0561) 2411145 (O)
(0651) 2441204 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431105301
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–610 [ELC, EC]
Haldar, Palas Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 06.01.1981]
(Senior Engineer, TDK-EPC Corporation)
Ulilpara (Near Dak Ekata Bhaban)
Kolkata 700 144
Dist : South 24 Parganas
Phone : (033) 30936274
(033) 24334283 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830841018
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–594 [EC, R]
Haldar, Sujit Kumar (2012)
[DOB : 20.12.1956]
(Chief Coke Plants, Tata Steel Ltd)
7 Park Raod, Northern Town
Jamsedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6508020 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234511076
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–604 [EC, M]
Hazra, Goutam (2012)
Director, Sunwise Engineering Pvt Ltd
95/1, “Q” Road
Monsatala, Howrah 711105 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26517149 (O)
(033) 26535764 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830429630
Fax : (033) 26510938
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–322 [B, G]
Jana, (Dr) Sunirmal (1995) [1998]
Principal Scientist, Sol-Gel Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24305817 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432355818
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–250 [G, R]
Hazra, Suhas Kr (1996)
Senior Design Engineer
Inspector Section, MECON (I) Ltd
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
EL–57 [P]
Janah, Ashis (1962) [1982]
(Vallauris Ceramique Pvt Ltd)
3B Camac Street, Flat No. 7 (10th floor)
Kolkata 700 016
EL- 563 [EC, ELC]
Husain, Md Murtuja (2010)
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345031 (R)
(0) 9430162737 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–489 [P, R]
Jain, Santosh Kr. (2007)
Director, Vikash Potteries Pvt.Ltd
C/o Abhinandan
Goushala Road, Jugsalai
Jamshedpur 831 006 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6571885 (O)
(0657) 2293798 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234740361 / 9431302703
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–480 [EC, R]
Jana, Prasanta Kr. (2007)
General Manager (REMS)
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited
Jharsuguda 768 218 (Orissa)
Phone : (06645) 258394 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9238067919
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–332 [EC, ELC]
Jena, Kedar Nath (1999)
(Retd Scientist, IMMT)
MIG-II - 609,
Sailashree Vihar, Channdrasekhapur
Bhubaneswar 751 021 (Orissa)
EL – 575 [R, C]
Jha, Bimlendra (2010)
Vice President (Long Product Division)
Tata Steel Ltd
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0) 9234501786 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–17 [R]
Jhunjhunwala, K. P. (1974)
Orind Steels Ltd
PO: Lathikata, Rourkela
Dist : Sundargarah 770 037 (Orissa)
Phone : (0661) 2616430 / 411/ 410
Mobile : (0) 9437047072
: (0661) 2616430
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–312 [G, R]
Jhunjhunwala, S. K. (1997)
Managing Director (La Opala RG Ltd)
Chitrakoot Building (10th floor)
230A, A. J. C. Bose Road
Kolkata 700 020
Phone : (033) 30536656/57/58 (O)
(033) 24566847/48 (R)
E-mail :[email protected]
EL–51 [R]
Kabiraj, Bimalendu (1982)
Advisor (Technical)
New MGM Refractories (P) Ltd
Mugma 828 204
Dist: Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
EL–313 [C, G]
Kalyandurg, (Dr) Annapurna (1998)
Scientist, Glass Technology Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24635617 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–321 [M, R]
Kamath, C. D. (1998)
(Retd Managing Director)
C/O TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited
XLRI Campus, CH Area (East)
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0) 9830061044 (M)
EL–280 [E, P]
Kar, Parijat (1996)
(Astt Manager (Tech)
Excel Frits and Colours Ltd)
185, Keudua Main Road
P.O: Gariam Kolkata 700 084
Mobile : (0) 9836708478 / 9879873898
EL–281 [R]
Kar, R. K. (1972) [1996]
Refractories Consultant
40/4 A. C. Banerjee Road
Kolkata 700 057
Phone : (033) 25644261 (R)
EL–334 [B, G]
Karmakar, (Dr) Basudeb (1989)
Scientist & Head
Glass Science & Technology Section
Glass Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–128 [P]
Kashyap, K. R. (1989)
Industrial Ceramic Consultant
Santa Villa, Jatin Chandra Road
Lalpur, Ranchi 834 001 (Jharkhand)
EL–213 [R]
Kaul, Siddharth (1995)
Dy General Manager (Refractory)
“Shyamali” (4th floor)
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411195 (O)
(0651) 2441156 (R)
EL–562 [ R]
Kaviraj, A. K. (1973) [1995]
(Ex Director, H & R Johnson (India) Ltd)
CEO, HLPD Ceramic Engg. & Res Centre
Block - 3, Flat No - 4C, James Residency
1, Motilal Gupta Road, Sakher Bazar
Kolkata - 700 008
Mobile : (0) 9821417963 / 9163008536
E-mail :
[email protected]
EL–268 [B, G]
Kayal, (Dr) Tarun Kr (1988) [2001]
Scientist, Non-Oxide Ceramics &
Composites Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–79 [R]
Kedia, R. P. (1983)
Kesoram Refractories
Kulti 713 343, Dist: Burdwan (WB)
EL–542 [R]
Keshari Nandan (2009)
Manager (Prodn)
BRL / Ranchi Road Ref. Plant
Qtr No. CD-1, BRL/RRRP
Dist : Ramgarh,
Marar 829 117 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 256007
Mobile : (0) 9431793165
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–526 [R, RM]
Khan, Sujat Ali (2008)
(Head BF Refractory, Tata Steel Ltd)
FY-203, Chandragiri
Ashiana Enclave
Dimna Road
Jamshedpur 831 018 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6643792 (O)
(0657) 6455751 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9204058046
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–214 [B, R]
Khetwal, Prabin Singh (1995)
Senior Manager (Refractory)
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411195 (O)
(0651) 2410313 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431707444
EL–508 [R]
Krishna, N. Venkata Surya [2008]
(Sr Manager, Tata Steel
Refractory Technology Group)
Flat No 131, Golden Tower
Rivers’ Meet Road, Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9234554424
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–459 [R]
Kumar, Ashok (2005)
Refractory Dynamics
Plot No. 1495
Jaiprakash Nagar, Adityapur
Saraikela 831 003 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2271707 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234554205
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–467 [EC, R]
Kumar, Barun (2006)
Asstt General Manager
Coal & Chemicals Division, MECON (I) Ltd
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2480002 (O)
EL–304 [P, R]
Kumar, Basant (1997)
AGM, Refractories Division
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411195 (O)
(0651) 2440184 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9334448252
EL–229 [R]
Kumar, Dhirendra (1995)
Sr Manager, IFO Refractories Plant
Marar 829 117
Dist: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 222190 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9835531943
EL – 588 [R, RM]
Kujur, Manish Kumar (2011)
Sr. Manager (Refractory)
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411145 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8986880317
EL–641 [R, EC]
Kumar, Deepak (2016)
[DOB: 1304.1994]
Operation Incharge, Tata steel Ltd
Dubri, Kalinganagar
Jajpur 755 026 (Odisha)
Mobile : (0) 8797259092 / 720590896
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–441 [M, R]
Kumar, Ajay (2003)
AGM, Utility & Services
CET/SAIL, Shyamali Colony
P.O. Doranda
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411195 (O)
(0651) 2441190 (R)
EL–245 [B, R]
Kumar, Kaushlesh (1995)
Assistant Manager, Refractory Division
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411114 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9431590584
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–305 [R]
Kumar, Krishna (1997)
Manager, IFICO Refractories Plant
Marar 829 117
Dist: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 222190 (O)
EL–491 [R, RM]
Kumar, Krishnendu (2007)
General Manager
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited
88A, Hazra Road
Flat No 2B, “Merlin Villa”
Kolkata 700 026
EL–442 [E, ELC]
Kumar, Madan (2003)
Manager, Utility & Services
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411194 (O)
(0651) 2440796 (R)
EL–443 [M, R]
Kumar, Manish (2003)
Manager, Utility & Services
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411195 (O)
(0651) 2441945 (R)
EL–500 [EC, R]
Kumar, Mukul (2007)
5A Panchsheel Apartment
41/1B Jhowtala Road
Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 22805604 (O)
(033) 261562 (R)
E-mail : [email protected];
EL–667 []
Kumar, Nilesh (2016)
[DOB: 01.03.1978]
PB 1/4, Astha Space Town
Dimna Road, Mango
Jamshedpur 831 012 (Jamshedpur )
Mobile : (0) 9955350256
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–426 [EC, R]
Kumar, (Dr) Sanjay (2002)
Metal Extraction & Forming Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
PL IV/04, Pipeline Road, Sakchi
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345049 (O)
(0657) 2420787 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9939326346
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–646 [R]
Kumar, Suman (2012) (2016)
[DOB : 09.09.1969]
(Senior Foreman, Tata Steel Ltd)
406 Bara Flat, Sidhgora
Jamsedpur 831 009 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6649824 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9431374548
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–608 [R, EC]
Kumar, Tara Shanker (2012)
[DOB: 18.05.1982]
(Dy General Manager-Export
Graphite India Limited)
Flat-GC, Block 9,
Shrachi Village, Udayrajpur
31/1 Jessore Road
Kolkata 700 129
Phone : (033) 40029636 (O)
(033) 25180191 (R)
Fax : (033) 22496420
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–522 [RM]
Kumar, (Dr) Vinod (2008) [2008]
Technical Officer-C
Mineral Processing Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2271860 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9431953276
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–506 [EC, R]
Kundu, Asis kumar (2008)
Partner, Satabdi Monolithics Industries
Plot No. 2168, Behind U.B.I.
Bankura 722 202 (W B)
Phone : (03241) 257760 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9434361367
EL–420 [EC]
Kundu, Biswanath (2002)
Bioceramics and Coating Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 25490376 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831772081
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–196 [B, G]
Kundu, (Dr) Debtosh (1987) [1995]
Chief Scientist, Sol-Gel Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24647783 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–160 [B, G]
Kundu, (Dr) Dipali (1985) [1992]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
“Hemkunja”, Flat No. 1B
Block I, No 167
Baishnabghata Patuli Township
Kolkata 700 094
Phone : (033) 24620590 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432012854 / 9432075469
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–331 [G, R]
Kundu, (Dr) Paritosh (1975) [1992]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
“Hemkunja”, Flat No. 1B
Block I, No 167
Baishnabghata Patuli Township
Kolkata 700 094
Phone : (033) 24620590 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433019550
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–637 [R]
Kuttanellore, (Dr) Muraleedharan
[DOB: 15.10.1960]
Director, CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic
Research Institute
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24735829
Mobile : (0) 9999730212 / 9858203255
Fax: (033) 24730957
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–353 [R]
Laha, S. N. (1968) [1989]
(CEO, Natasha Ceramics &
Consultancy Services)
“ANANYA” 56/1 Kendua Main Road
Premises No. 200/2, 1st Floor
Patuli, Kolkata 700 084
Mobile : (0) 9830185347
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–147 [P]
Lodha, Anil Chand (1973) [1988]
Executive Director, Allied Ceramics Pvt Ltd
19/1B Creek Row, Kolkata 700 014
Phone : (033) 25532698 / 25642180
Mobile : (0) 9831003205 / 9830040345
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–475 [R, RM]
Lodha, (Dr) Rahul (2006)
19/1B Creek Row
Kolkata 700 014
Phone : (033) 22165983 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9829853491
E-mail : [email protected]
EL – 580 [R, EC]
Mahata, Bodhisatiwa (2010)
Asst. Manager (Production)
SAIL Refeactory Unit –IFICO
Marar, Ramgarh 829 117 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 222190 (O)
(06553) 231062 (R)
EL–615 [G, CC]
Mahato, Arnab (2013)
[DOB: 29.04.1987]
(Research Scholar, CSIR-CG&CRI)
108, Anandapally
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : (0) 9641355302 / 9007448018
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–194 [B, G]
Maiti, (Dr) H. S. (1979) [1995]
(Ex-Director, CGCRI)
INAE Distinguished Professor
Govt College of Engineering & Ceramic
73 Abinash Chandra Banerjee Lane
Kolkata 700 010
Mobile : (0) 9433009241
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–392 [G, R]
Maiti,(Dr) Prabir Kr. (1992)
Asst. Professor
Dept of Chemical Technology
University of Calcutta
92 A. P. C. Road, Kolkata 700 009
Phone : (033) 24381206 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432889369
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–474 [M, R]
Maitra, (Dr) Saikat (1992)
(Professor & Principal in-Charge,
Govt College of Engg & Ceramic Tech)
SANANDA Apartment
17/1A, Canal South Raod
Purbachal, Haltu, Kolkata 700 078
Phone : (033) 23701264 (O)
(033) 24431253 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831130882
Email : [email protected]
EL–396 [EC, ELC]
Majumdar, Mainak (2001)
Scientist, Ceramic Membrane Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
EL–432 [EC, G]
Majumdar, (Dr) Rabindranath
(2002) (2003)
Professor, Dept of Chemical Technology
Calcutta University
92 A. P. C. Road, Kolkata 700 009
Phone : (033) 23508386 / 23506387 (O)
(033) 25222013 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–596 [R, E]
Majumdar, Sachi Dulal (2008)
Vice President, IFGL Refractories Ltd
3, Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata 700 001
Mobile : (0) 9748680666
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–495 [CC, ELC]
Majumdar, Sanhita (2006)
[DOB : 10.09.1982]
B-27/1 Kalindi Housing Estate
Kolkata 700 089
Phone : (033) 2522 2013 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–156 [P]
Majumder, Sibdas (1959) [2001]
Indian Minerals & Associated Industries
12B Netaji Subhas Road, Kolkata 700 001
EL–607 [R, C]
Maldhure, (Dr) Atul Vishnupant (2012)
Scientist, Refractories Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : (0) 9883043031
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–599 [EC, ELC]
Mallik, Awadesh Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 15.06.1977]
Scientist, Bioceramics & Coating Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733476 (O)
(033) 25543839 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433032609
Fax : (033) 24730957
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–592 [R, C]
Mallik, Manab (2012)
[DOB : 24.12.1979]
Assistant Professor
National Institute of Technology
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue
Durgapur 713 209 (WB)
Mobile : (0) 9733503659
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–411 [RM, G]
Mandal, Ashis Kr (2001)
Scientist, Glass Technology Section
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–668 [R, CC]
Mandal, Ayanendu (2016)
[DOB: 04.02.1982]
(AGM-Sales, RHI India Pvt Ltd)
Flat No 701, Block Amber 7
Vijaya Golden Town, sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9031094401
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–406 [C, G]
Mandal, Sitendu (1997) [2001]
Senior Principal Scientist & Head
Specialty Glass Production Section,
Glass Divission
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24638816 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830587856 / 9432673626
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–181 [P]
Mandal, Year Nabi (1994)
Manager (Works)
Hoogly Ceramics (P) Ltd
Vill: Cumodanga, P.O. Bamunary
Dist: Hooghly (WB)
EL– 568 [CS]
Manna, (Dr) Sucharita (2010)
Assistant Executive Secretary cum
Assistant Executive Editor
Indian Ceramic Society
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700032
Phone : (033) 24138878 / 24145174 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9831565478
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–493 [EC, ELC]
Mazumder, Ranabrata (2007)
Lecturer, National Institute of Technology
Ceramic Engineering Dept
Rourkela 769 008 (Odisha)
EL–565 [P, RM]
Medda, Samar Kumar
Scientist, Sol Gel Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196,Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700032
Phone : (033) 24733496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9433415238
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–19 [P]
Mehta, Hansmukh (1977)
India Crockery House
Old China Bazar Street
Kolkata 700 001
EL–397 [B]
Meikap, (Dr) B. C. (2001)
Senior Lecturer, Dept of Chemical Engg
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela 769 008 (Orissa)
Phone : (0661) 24472926 / 24471169 (O)
EL–188 [E, R]
Misra, P. (1973) [1994]
Technical Consultant (Ceramics)
2A, Vaishnawi Dham
P.O. Joka, Kolkata 700 104
Phone : (033) 24532538 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9874741309
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–430 [R]
Mishra, A. K. (1985) [1998]
Flat No. 312-A, Rajendra Vihar
Forest Park
Bhubaneswar 751 009 (Orissa)
EL– 577 []
Mishra, Jagadish (2010)
Managing Director
Mayur Electro Ceramics Pvt Ltd
103, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar
Khurda 751 007 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2541232 (O)
EL–574 [ELC, C]
Mishra, Prabhat Kumar (2010)
(Consultant, Tata Steel)
Flat No 246, “B” Block
Hill View Garden, Dimna
Jamshedpur 831018 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6574494 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234501786
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–652 [E, C]
Mishra, Prashant Kumar (1998)
S/o Sri Briji Kumar Mishra
Khemaji Tola, PO: Sandha, Thana : Muffasil
Chhapra 841 302 (Bihar)
Mobile : (0) 9203908930
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–294 [B, R]
Mishra, (Dr) Pratima Kumari (1997)
Scientist, Special Materials Division
Institute of Minerals & Materials Tech
Bhubaneswar 751 013 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2581126 / 2581068 (O)
EL–366 [C, EC]
Mishra, (Dr) Suman Kumari
(1998) [2002]
Senior Principal Scientist
Surface Engg Group
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2271709-14 (O)
(0657) 2345256 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9334732298
E-mail : [email protected]:
[email protected]
EL–120 [B, R]
Mishra, Sanjay Kr (1989)
Vill + P.O. : Panjwara
Dist : Banka, Bihar 813 110
Mobile : (0) 9973840135
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–261 [R]
Mitra, B. K. (1978) [1996]
[DOB: 24.12.1948]
(Retd Scientist, NML)
A-7, Gharaunda Enclave, Sanjay Path
New Subhas Colony
Dimna Road, Mango, East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 012 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6419199 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234879965
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–380 [C, EC]
Mitra, (Prof) Rahul (2000)
Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur 721 302 (WB)
Phone : (0322) 2283974 (O)
(0322) 283293 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–328 [G, R]
Mitra, Sujoy Kr (1981) [2002]
Refractories Consultant
44/18 Bacharam Chatterjee Road
Kolkata 700 034
Phone : (033) 24680804 (R)
EL–101 [R]
Mittra, K. K. (1981) [1986]
(Retd Dy Manager, (RD&CD), Tata Steel)
A1/39 Swarn Vihar, Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2314716 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9031921271
EL–672 []
Modak, Debashis (2016)
[DOB: 22.11.1964]
Assistant Manager
TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
CH Area (East), East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9234554209
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–594 [ELC, R]
Mohammad, SK Idrish (2012)
[DOB: 13.01.1987]
JM (CR), Capital Repair Group
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Vill: Gholda
P.O. Gramdihi, P.S. Bhatar
Burdwan 713 127 (W.B)
Mobile : (0) 9701347044 / 8142623218
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–412 [ELC, G]
Molla, Atiar Rahaman (2001)
Senior Scientist
Glass Science & Technology Section
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24838079 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433579344
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–306 [B, R]
Mohanty, B. C. (1997)
Dy Director and Head
Special Materials Divn
Institute of Materials Technology
Bhubaneswar 751 013 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2581126 / 2581068 (O)
EL–512 [C, P]
Mondal, (Dr) Arabinda (2005) [2008]
Senior Lecturer, Visva-Bharati University
Silpa-Sadana, PSV, Visva-Bharati
Sriniketan, Birbhum 731 236 (WB)
Phone : (03463) 262751
Mobile : (0) 9433335273
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–558 [G, R]
Mohanty, F. C. (1995) (2010)
Managing Director
Poly Refractories (P) Ltd
D3/1 Civil Township, Rourkela 769 004
Dist: Sundargarh (Orissa)
Phone : (0661) 2665277 (O)
(0661) 2664722 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9437046277
Fax : (0661) 2665377
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–141 [R]
Mohanty, P. N.
358 Sahid Nagar
Bhubaneswar 751 007 (Orissa)
EL– 567 []
Mohta, Shrivardhan (2010)
CMD, SVM Cera Tea Ltd.
2, Brabourn Road
2nd Floor
Kolkata 700001
Phone : (033) 22254215 (O)
(033) 24615115) (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831007927
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–660 [R, RM
Mondal, Arijit (2016)
[DOB: 05.01.1987]
Sr Manager, Tata Steel Limited
R&C Building
(Refractory Technology Group)
Jamshedpur 931 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8092086428
EL–293 [B]
Mondal, (Dr) Biswanath (1990) (1996)
Scientist-F & Head
Centre for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) and Res Planing & Business
Dev (RPBD) Group
Central Mechanical Engg Research Instt
M. G. Avenue, Durgapur 713 209 (WB)
Phone : (0343) 6510255 / 6510218 (O)
(0343) 6510455 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9434333054
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
[email protected]
EL–665 [R, C]
Mukherjee, Avijit (2016)
[DOB: 05.09.1981]
(Sr Manager, Tata Steel Limited)
Flat 2794, Vijaya Gardens
Baridih, Jamshedpur 831 017 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9204058194
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–454 [R]
Mukherjee, B. C. (1974) (2004)
(Retd Scientist, NML)
Flat No. 6, Block No. - ‘A’
Sankhadeep Apartment
New Baradwari, Sakchi
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2437583 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234598205
EL–163 [B, R]
Mukherjee, (Dr) Barundeb
(Retd Scientist, CG&CRI)
Flat 1A,
I/167 Baishnabghata-Patuli Township
Kolkata 700 094
Mobile : (0) 9830338755
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–552 [ELC, R]
Mukherjee, Debasis (2002)
3/1, Jadu Mukherjee Lane
Kadamtala, Howrah 711 101
Phone : (033) 26776902 (R)
E-mail :
[email protected]
Mukherjee, K. K. (1976)
A-1 Ritayan Co-operative Housing
P–34 Motijheel Avenue, Kolkata 700 074
EL–22 [R]
Mukherjee, K. N.
14A Lake View Road
Kolkata 700 029
EL–84 [R]
Mukherjee, N. C. (1984)
64/1/47A Khudiram Bose Sarani
Kolkata 700 037
Phone : (033) 25567564 (R)
EL–307 [M]
Mukherjee, (Dr) P. S. (1997)
Scientist, Special Materials Division
Institute of Materials & Minerals Tech
Bhubaneswar 751 013 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2581126 / 2581068 (O)
EL–246 [R]
Mukherjee, Pinaki (1995)
General Manager
Brahma Refractories Pvt Ltd
301 Sri Ram Plaza, Bank More
Dhanbad 826 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9434039039
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–352 [M, R]
Mukherjee, Rabibrata (1997) [1999]
Assistant Professor
Dept of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur 721 302 (W B)
Phone : (0322) 2283974 (O)
(033) 24838082 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831096816
EL–283 [R]
Mukherjee, (Dr) Subodh Gopal
(1972) (1996)
[DOB : 25.05.1938]
(Retd Prefessor, GCECT)
204/1 Banerjee Para Road
Shyamnagar 743 127
Dist: North 24-Parganas (WB)
Phone : (033) 25863162 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433062288
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–82 [B]
Mukerji, (Dr) J. (1965) (1985)
(Retd Scientist-F (Director Gr), CGCRI)
303 Moor Apartments (Rear Block)
65A Netaji Subhas Ch Bose Road
Kolkata 700 040
Phone : (033) 24715258 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–179 [P, R]
Mukherji, Sachindra Kr.
(1982) (2003)
(Ex-Scientist, CGCRI, Naroda Centre)
C/o Saurav Mukherjee
57/3 M. M. Feeder Road
Club Town Residency, Block - 6, 4F
Kolkata 700 056
Phone : (033) 32962174 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9836943382
EL–533 [EC, ELC]
Mukherjee, Soumya (2008)
FL-E2, Unitech Hsg.
1/1, New Santoshpur Main Road
Subodh Park, Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24160930 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830179414
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–217 [B]
Mukhopadhyay, (Ms) Manjari (1995)
C/o Shri C. R. Chakraborty
Ramsita Lane
Pin : 743 134
Dist : North 24 Parganas (WB)
Phone : (033) 25853150 (R)
EL–193 [B, M]
Mukherjee, (Dr) Subodh Kr (1995)
Consultant, SM SCIENTECH
2/2B Nundy Street, Kolkata 700 029
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–501 [R]
Mukhopadhyay, Santanu (2007)
Vice President (Business Development)
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited
P.O. Belpahar, Dist : Jharsuguda (Orissa)
Phone : (06645) 258380 (O)
(06645) 258596 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9937286934
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–121 [B]
Mukherjee, (Dr) Sudhir Kr (1988)
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
671 M. B. Road, Opp Prabhati Bhawan
(Near Pathanpore More)
Kolkata 700 049
Phone : (033) 25393297 (R)
EL–199 [B]
Mukhopadhyay, (Dr) A. K. (1987) (1995)
Chief Scientist & Head, Advanced
Mechanical and Characterization Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 96 (O)
(033) 24308549 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433910371
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–635 [EC, ELC]
Mukhopadhyay, (Dr) Jayanta (2015)
[DOB: 15.10.1975]
Scientist, Fuel Cell & Battery Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24260314
Mobile : (0) 9433590016
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–215 [B, R]
Mukhopadhyay, Malay Kr. (1995)
C/o Sathi Bardhan
Teghari Para, Kapali Para Road
PO: Nabadwip
Nadia 741302 (W B)
Mobile : (0) 7631009909
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–372 [B, R]
Mukhopadhyay, Sunanda
(2000) (2001)
Dept of Chemical Technology
(Ceramics Engineerig Division)
Rajabazar Science College
92 A. P. C. Road, Kolkata 700 009
Phone : (033) 24610145 (R)
Mobile : 9836485805
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–398 [P, R]
Mukhopadhyay, Tapas Kr (2001)
(Retd Chief Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
366, Rabindrapally, Brahmapur
Badamtala, Near Ganesh Bhavan
Kolkata 700 096
Mobile : (0) 9433892307
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–662 [R, EC]
Nag, Moumita (2016)
[DOB: 12.11.1981]
Manager, Tata Steel Limited
Room No 142, R&C Building
(Refractory Technology Group)
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6648970 (O)
Mobile : (0) 7033094770
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–251 [R]
Nandi, Asis Kr (1996)
(Retd Scientist, CG&CRI)
Flat No 2A, Hemkunja
1-167, Baishnabghata, Patuli Township
Kolkata 700 094
Phone : (033) 24629356 (R)
EL–247 [B, R]
Nandi, Prasanta (1995)
Dy General Manager
Refractory Division
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411114 (O)
(0651) 2440404 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431108083
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–102 [P]
Nandy, (Dr) S. C. (1961) [1986]
[DOB : 05.09.1928]
Cossimbazar China Clay Mines Pvt Ltd
Cossimbazar House
302 A. P. C. Road
Kolkata 700 009
Phone : (033) 23501008/ 1853 (R)
(033) 24431448/ 1048 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–218 [B, R]
Nandy, (Dr) Sandip Kr (1995)
AGM, IA Department
PO: Doranda
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411065 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–53 [P]
Nangalia, O. P. (1982)
[DOB : 25.01.1946]
Flat No. 7E, Amarjyoti Building
10, Belvedere Road
Kolkata 700 027
Phone : (033) 24565394 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830010245
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–367 [EC]
Naskar, (Dr) M. K. (2000)
Principal Scientist, Sol-Gel Division
CSIR-Central Glass and Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24162032
Mobile : (0) 9432266623
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–636 [G, R]
Nath, Mithun (2015)
[DOB: 15.12.1984]
CSIR-SRF, Refractories Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : (0) 9883585070
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–551 [EC, R]
Nath, Susanta Kumar (2009)
[DOB: 13.06.1978]
Scientist, MEF Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
East Singhbhum, Jamshedpur 831 007
Phone : (0657) 2345043 (O)
(0657) 2346098 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431989877
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–647 [G, R]
Naushad, Md (2012) (2016)
[DOB : 01.01.1968]
(Assistant Foreman, Tata Steel Ltd)
Q. No 4, Road No 4, B. H. Area, Kadma
Jamsedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9334277004
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–369 [EC, R]
Nayak, (Dr) B. B. (2000)
Scientist, Special Materials Division
Institute of Mineral & Materials Tech
Bhubaneswar 751 013 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2581635/ 2584092 (O)
EL–369 [EC, R]
Nayak, Satyakam (2008)
(Manager-Ceramics, Civil Engg Dept,
Alumina Refinery, NALCO)
C-70, Sector 3, NALCO Township
Damanjodi 763 008 (Odisha)
Phone : (06853) 255045
Mobile : (0) 9437206607
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–505 [C]
Nayar, (Dr) Suprabha (2008)
Scientist, National Metallurgical Laboratory
Burmamines, East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345077 (O)
(0657) 6644760 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234804042
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–444 [R, RM]
Niyogi, Prabhat Kumar (2003)
(Retd Deputy General Manager, SAIL, SRU)
284 Gopal Lal Tagore Road
PO: Baranagar, Dist: North 24 PGS
Kolkata 700 036
Phone : (06553) 256007 (O)
(06553) 256008 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431924125
EL–327 [G, R]
Ojha, B. G. (1976) [1996]
Vikash Sadan, College Square
Cuttack 753 003 (Orissa)
EL–309 [G, C]
P., (Dr) Sujatha Devi (1997)
Principal Scientist & Head
Sensor & Actuator Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24834854 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9432011951
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–126 [R]
Padhi, (Dr) K. K. (1992) [2002]
(Retd Scientist, NML)
Qr. No. A/26, Block - ‘Daisy’
Ashiana Garden, Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2315048 (R)
(0) 8987515840 (R)
E-mail :[email protected]
EL–54 [P]
Padia, Chandi Prasad (1982)
1/2 Harish Mukherjee Road
(B2 Ground Floor)
Kolkata 700 020
EL–286 [R]
Pal, Aloke Kr (1996)
Superintendent (BSP)
Sector – 1C, Qr. No. 513
Bokaro Steel City 827 001 (Jharkhand)
EL–427 [R, M]
Pal, (Dr) Atanu Ranjan (2002)
(Chief Process Research,
R&D and Scientific Service, Tata Steel Ltd)
25, Park Road Flats, Northern Town
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2271582 (O)
(0657) 2142683 / 2220159 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234503539
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–371 [B]
Pal, (Prof) P. G. (1977) [2001]
(Retd Professor, GCECT)
Post : Unsani, Howrah 711 302
Phone : (033) 26695444 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9903192211
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–517 [EC, R]
Pal, Soumen (2006) [2008]
C/o Dr Panchu Gopal Pal
Rabindranagar (Mourigram)
P.O. Unsani, Howrah 711 302 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26695444 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831582652
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–230 [B, R]
Pal, U. K. (1995)
Dy General Manager (W)
Refractories Plant
Ranchi Road, Marar 829 117
Dist: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 256007 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9834432993
EL–308 [R]
Palit, Utpal Kr (1997)
Manager, IFICO Refractories Plant
Marar 829 117
Dist: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 222190 (O)
EL–462 [R, RM]
Panda, (Dr) Bharati Krishna (2006)
Sr General Manager (Quality Assurence)
OCL India Ltd
Bunglow No. 5A, East Colony
Rajgangpur, Sundargarh 770 017 (Orissa)
Phone : (06624) 222704 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9437049704
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–550 [R, RM]
Panda, Priyabrata (2009)
[DOB : 04.04.1958]
Chief Operating Officer
TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
Belpahar, Jharsuguda 768 218 (Orissa)
Phone : (06645) 258318 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9937286422
Fax : (06645) 250243
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–429 [G, R]
Panda, Surendra Kr. (2003)
Edencity, Flat No. C1/103
New Budge Budge Trunk Road
Maheshtala, Kolkata 700 137
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–219 [B, R]
Pandey, B. K. (1995)
AGM, Refractory Division
CET/SAIL, Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411195 (O)
(0651) 2440260 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431105062
EL–285 [G, P]
Pandey, J. C. (1985)
Small Industries Service Division
Industrial Estate
Ranchi 834 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2544743 (O)
EL–521 [R, RM]
Pandey, Rakesh Ranjan (2008)
Refractory Consultant
2D-44, Aditya Syndicate
Jamshedpur 831 014 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9230048268
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–381 [M, R]
Panigrahi, Prasanta (2004)
(Head, Ref.Long Prod LD # 1 Tata Steel)
125, K. D. Flats
Circuit House Area
Northern Town
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2144144 / 2271583 (O)
(0657) 2210813 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234502891
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–653 [R, RM]
Panja, Manas Kumar (2016)
[DOB: 01.04.1981]
(GM-Sales, RHI India Pvt Ltd)
Flat No. 2/1, Sarada Block
Gadahaar Society
Near Adarshanagar
4th Phase, Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 924756636
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–122 [B, R]
Paria, (Dr) M. K. (1985) [1998]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
Charakdanga, Tuillya
Howrah 711 302
Phone : (033) 26699012 (R)
EL–323 [ELC, C]
Parya, (Prof) Tapan Kr (1999)
Head, Dept of Chemical Technology
Professor of Ceramic Engineering
University of Calcutta
92, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road
Kolkata 700 009
Phone : (033) 24338174 (R)
(033) 23508386 (O) (Extn : 270)
Mobile : (0) 9007353512
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
EL–436 [B, R]
Patel, N. D. (1988) [2003]
M/s Promis Industries
B–27 Phase III
Adityapur Industrial Area
Jamshedpur 831 013 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2200444 / 2409191 (O)
(0657) 2227836 (R)
EL–498 [R]
Pathak, (Dr) Lokesh Chandra (1998)
Scientist, MST Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345026 (O)
(0657) 2437914 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431568431
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–186 [B, G]
Patra, (Dr) Amitava (1994)
Indian Association for the Cultivation of
Dept of Material Science
2A &2B, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : (0) 9433479982
E.mail : [email protected]
EL–344 [C, R]
Patra, (Dr) Srimanta Kr (1998) [2000]
(Lecturer, GCECT)
C/o Mr. S. N. Das
Indrani Housing Society
Rashmoni Road, (Near Rail Gate No. 8)
Sodepur, Dist : North 24-Parganas (WB)
EL–513 [EC, R]
Paul, Debashis (2002) [2004]
[DOB: 03.06.1969]
General Manager-Technical Ceramics
IFGL Refractories Limited
3 N. S. Road, Mc Leod House
Kolkata 700 001
Phone : (033) 22482411/22101925 (O)
Fax : (033) 22480482 / 22430886
Mobile : (0) 9748062142
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–559 [B, G]
Paul, (Dr) Mukul (1997) (2010)
Principal Scientist
Fibre Optics and Photonics Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 /24733496 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–670 [R, RM]
Paul, Shubhashis (2016)
[DOB: 16.01.1980]
General Manager Sales & Service
TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
XLRI Campus, CH Area (East)
East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9820143242
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–143 [R]
Periwal, Binod (1991)
Associated Cementitious Industry
Bidhan Road
Siliguri 734 401 (WB)
EL–370 [R]
Pradhan, Rajendra Kr (2000)
IFICO Refractories Plant
Marar 829 117
Dist : Hararibagh (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 222192 (O)
EL– 566 [P, RM]
Prakash, Vimal (2010)
Partner, Jiwanram Sheoduttrai
Director, Nilachal Refractories Ltd
Chowringhee Mansion
30D, Jawaharlal Nehru Road
Kolkata 700016
Phone : (033) 40029301/302 (O)
(033) 24740226/24740175 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830049704
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–511 [EC, CC]
Pramanik, (Dr) Asit Kr. (2008)
[DOB: 31.01.1966]
Scientist, Characterization Group
MST Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345014 (O)
(0657) 2346100 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431180406
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–320 [R]
Pramanik, (Dr) S. (1975) [1998]
(Retd Scientist, MTC Division, NML)
“NIRALA”, Govind Nagar
Ulyan Loop Road, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 015 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2302813 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9430307626
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–648 [R]
Prasad, Chandra Shekhar (2016)
[DOB: 29.08.1957]
(Foreman, Tata Steel Limited)
Housing No. 338, Road No. F
Sonari West Layout
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 662924 (O)
(0657) 2304435 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234704816
Mobile : [email protected]
EL–220 [B, R]
Prasad, (Dr) Jagdish (1995)
AGM, RDCIS Bokaro Centre
R & D Lab Building, BSL
Bokaro Steel City 827 001
Phone : (06542) 240061 (O)
(06542) 256275 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9835560371
EL–221 [B, R]
Prasad, Surendra (1995)
Senior Manager, Refractory Division
CET / SAIL, Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411195 (O)
(0651) 2441133 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431359157
EL–359 [G, R]
Pratihar, Swadesh Kr (1997) [2000]
Associate Prof & Head
Dept of Ceramic Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela 769 008
Dist : Sundargarh (Orissa)
Phone : (0661) 2462706 (O)
Mobile : 94377391103
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–418 [C, R]
Prodhan, (Dr) Anjan (2002)
Scientist, MEF Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2271709-14 (O)
(0657) 2431549 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9430186450
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–271 [P]
Prusty, Ramesh Chandra (1996)
Lecturer (UGIE)
At/P.O. Sankhachila
Jajpur 755 015 (Orissa)
Mobile : (0) 9861048528
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–504 [RM]
Purandare, Deepak Krishnaji (2008)
CEO-Partner, Promis Industries
B-27, Phase - III
Adityapur Industrial Area
Dist : Saraikela, Jamshedpur 832 109
Phone : (0657) 2372935 (O)
(0657) 2228830 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431704941
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–27 [R]
Purkait, T. K. (1978)
2/6 Pubali, Bidhan Nagar
Durgapur 713 212, Dist: Burdwan (WB)
EL–310 [R]
Raha, Pradeep (1997)
Gowshala Ramgarh Cant.
Post: Ramgarh
Dist: Ramgarh 829 122 (Jharkhand)
EL–248 [B, R]
Rakshit, (Dr) Jaganmoy (1995)
(Retd Scientist, CG&CRI)
Suksanatan Tala Main Road
P.O : Chandannagar
Hooghly 712136 (WB)
Mobile : (0) 9051039808
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–578 [G, EC]
Ram, Moti Lal (2010)
Sr. Technical Officer, Non-Oxide Ceramics
& Composites Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24730957 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9874410158
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–611 [R, RM]
Rath, Prafulla Chandra (2013)
[DOB: 20.06.1970]
(Sr Manager, RHI India Ltd)
C/o Malti Devi
(Near Udaya Shankar Sweets)
Infront of Relience Tower
Main Road Gamaria
Jamshedpur 832 108 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2386361 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9934308191
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–460 [EC, R]
Ravi Kumar, M. P. (2005)
Marketing Manager
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited
XLRI Campus, CH Area (East)
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2231331 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9431301097
EL–234 [B]
Ray, (Dr) Ajoy Kr (1986) [1995]
(Sr Dy Director, MST Divin, NML)
B-1, Pipeline Road, Sackchi
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345045 (O)
(0657) 2436672 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431568430
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–399 [CC, G]
Ray, (Prof) Hem Shanker (2001)
(Ex-Emeritus Scientist, CGCRI)
P-802, Block-P, New Alipore
Kolkata 700 053
Phone : (033) 24007280 (R)
(O) 9339865451 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–204 [R]
Ray, K. C. (1978) [1995]
(Retd Scientist, NML)
40 Rai J. N. Roy Bahadur Road
Bally 711 201, Dist: Howrah (W B)
EL–272 [R]
Ray, (Dr) Santanu Kr (1996)
Dy General Manager, Casting Group
RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2410503 (O)
(0651) 2441303 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431108076
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–451 [P, R]
Ray, Satadal (1998) [1999]
Refractory Engineering Consultant
P-313, Block-A, 2nd Floor, Flat A
Swarnomoyee Appartments
Lake Town, Kolkata 700 089
Phone & Fax : (033) 25345232
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–445 [R, RM]
Ray Choudhuri, (Dr) Pankaj Kr (2003)
(Retd Dy General Manager, RDCIS, SAIL)
Flat 802, Prabasee, Plot No. CD-9
Action Area-1C, New Town
Kolkata 700 156
Mobile : (0) 9163634102
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–235 [P, R]
Roy, Ambar (1982) [1995]
Proprietor, GDR Consultant and Engineers
10 Sourin Roy Road
Behala, Kolkata 700 034
EL–354 [CC, EC]
Roy, (Dr) Amitava (1999)
Scientist, Central Mechanical Engg Res Instt
Mahatma Gandhi Road
Durgapur 713 209 , Dist : Burdwan (WB)
Phone : (0343) 2546749 (O)
EL–127 [R]
Roy, (Dr) Asis (1968) [1989]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
Keramics Co-op Housing Soc Ltd
Block – J, Baishnavghata Patuli Township
Kolkata 700 094
EL–457 [R]
Roy, Biswadev (2005)
Proprietor, M/s. Biswadev Roy
Bisra Road, Near Uma Talkies
Rourkela 769 001
Dist : Sundargarh (Orissa)
EL–142 [B]
Roy, Dilip Kumar (1990)
Vice President, Operation
KAEFER Punj Lloyd Limited
BJ 346, Sector 2, Salt Lake City
Kolkata 700 091
Phone : (033) 23582447 (R)
(0674) 2572123 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8093024877
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–400 [B]
Roy, (Dr) G. K. (2001)
(Retd Professor, Regional Engineering
College, Rourkela)
Plot No 451/1766, Nuasahi
Nayapalli, Bhubeneswar 769 008 (Orissa)
Phone : (0661) 24472926 / 24471169 (O)
EL – 589 [R, RM]
Roy, Indranil (2011)
Junior. Manager, Research &
Development Center for Iron & Steel
Ispat Bhawan
Doranda, Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411145 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8986880037
EL–490 [EC, ELC]
Roy, Jagannath (2007)
[DOB : 28.02.1979]
C/o Monika Roy
Satya Apartment, Flat 5E, 4th Floor
30/5 Jessore Road (South)
Dakshinpara, P.O. Barasat
Dist : North 24 PGS
Kolkata 700 124
Phone : (033) 25846076 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433340869
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–625 [EC, Bio Ceramics]
Roy, (Dr) Mangal (2015)
[DOB: 15.01.1980]
Assistant Profesor
Dept of Metallurgical Engg.
West Midinipur 721 302 (WB)
Phone : (03222) 283298 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9932077466
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–66 [R]
Roy, N. K. (1983)
Refractories Consultant
Flat No. 12 (2nd floor)
16B Lake View Road
Kolkata 700 029
EL–274 [E]
Roy, Niharendu (1969) [1996]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
T-123 Tegharia Main Road
P.O. Hatiara
Kolkata 700 059
Mobile : (0) 9831201861
EL–535 [R, C]
Roy, Prabir Kr (2009)
[DOB: 19.01.1965]
Sr Technical Officer
Creep Laboratory, MST Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Singbhum (East)
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345191/ 2345194 (O)
(0657) 2346039 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9470567331
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EL–428 [CC, EC]
Roy, (Dr) S. N. (2003)
[DOB: 16.11.1953]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
FE514/7 Salt Lake
Kolkata 700 106
Mobile : (0) 9432201895
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–530 [R, EC]
Roy, Soumyadip (2008)
(GM (Marketing)
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited)
10, Hill View Road
Northen Town
Jamshedpur 831001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 242412 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9234602644
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–236 [P]
Roy, Swapan (1989) [1995]
Clay & Traditional Ceramics Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 25397027 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9239290148
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–315 [R]
Roy Chowdhuri, S. K. (1978) [2002]
(Retd Scientist, NML)
29 New Baradwani, Sakchi
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2436878 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9934119582
EL–547 [B, R]
Roy, (Dr) Salil Kr (1973)
(Sc. D (MIT) & Retd Prof. of Petra
Christian University, Indonesia)
Udita Complex, Flat No. UD-080803
1050/1, Survey Park, Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24188449 (O)
(033) 24189090 Extn-8083 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830291762
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–617 [M]
Sadhu, Arun Kumar (2013)
[DOB: 10.09.1951]
Sadhu Machinery & Equipment (I) Pvt. Ltd.
148/1A, Bidhan Nagar Road
Kolkata 700 067
Phone : (033) 23566523 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8584031399
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–618 [M]
Sadhu, Tarun Kumar (2013)
Sreema Engineering Works (P) Ltd.
148/1A, Ultadanga Main Road
Kolkata 700 067
Phone : (033) 2356 1639 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8584031405
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–300 [M]
Saha, B. B. (1997)
AGM, Material Technology Group
P.O. Doranda
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411089 (O)
(0651) 2440760 (R)
EL–183 [B]
Saha, (Dr) M. R. (1970) [1994]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
36/4 Hind Road
Kolkata 700 075
EL–88 [B, G]
Saha, (Dr) P. (1962) [1984]
(Retd Dy Director, CGCRI)
87/B/4/1 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
1st floor (South)
P.O. Naktala
Kolkata 700 047
EL–629 [EC, C]
Saha, Sandeepan (2015)
[DOB: 31.08.1987]
(Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering.
Gargi Memorial Institute of Technology)
152 Baghajatin Place, Baghajatin
Kolkata 700 086
Mobile : (0) 9830373676
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–590 [B, G]
Saha, Santanu (2011)
[DOB: 05.02.1971]
(Sr, Manager, Tata Steel)
Flat No 125, Block A
Professional Flats
K. S. Link Road, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6644010 (R)
(0657) 6648959 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9234623292
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–524 [R, RM]
Saha, Sudip (2008)
Manager, Marketing-RSD
TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
XLRI Campus, C. H. Area (E)
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (03473) 252499 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234554210
EL–356 [C, EC]
Saha, Swapan Kr (1999)
(Retd Sr Superintending Engineer &
Head, Engineering Services Division (ESD)
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt)
152 Baghajatin Place
Baghajatin, Kolkata 700 086
Mobile : (0) 9432012606 / 9804373275
(0) 9804205168
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–231 [R]
Sahoo, (Dr) Nilachala (1985) [2001]
(Director, Dalmia Institute of Scientific &
Industrial Research)
Aurobinda Colony (Liploi)
Rajgangpur 770 017
Dist : Sundargarh (Odisha)
Phone : (06624) 211536 / 220031 (O)
(06624) 220100 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9437047601
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–469 [EC, R]
Sahu, Seemantini (2006)
Manager, Coal & Chemical Division
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2480002 (O)
EL–664 [R, M]
Sahu, Tapan Kumar (2016)
(Production Manager,
Hi-Tech Chemicals Pvt Ltd)
At Bhayachhada
PO: Durgadevi, Balasore 756 020 (Odisha)
Mobile : (0) 9931887704
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–145 [R]
Salim, A. (1967) [1991]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
13/J Bright Street, Kolkata 700 017
EL–581 [R, ELC]
Samanta, Arati (2010)
Junior Manager, CET/SAIL
SAIL/CET Building, Shyamli Colony
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2412102 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8986880572
EL–33 [P]
Sampat, Hemant (1969)
7/1/1A Naffar Kundu Road
Kolkata 700 026
Phone : (033) 24750902 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9748350343
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–34 [P]
Sampat, Narayan J. (1966)
Sampat Electricals
19 Pollock Street (4th Floor)
Kolkata 700 001
EL–616 [R, RM]
Sanfui, (Dr) Barun Kumar (2013)
Assistant Professor
Dept of Ceramic Technology
Govt. College of Engineering & Ceramic
73 A. C. Banerjee Road
Kolkata 700 010
Mobile : (0) 9163493361
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–252 [P]
Sarangi, J. B. (1972) [2002]
(Retd Director)
(Handicraft and Cottage Inds)
N-4/222 I. R. C. Village, Nayapalli
Bhubaneswar 751 015 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2553222 / 2553191 (R)
EL–649 [R]
Sarangi, Jyoti Ranjan (2012) (2016)
[DOB: 11.06.2016]
(Junior Engineer, Tata Steel Ltd)
Qrs. No 209A, ECC Flat, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6648710 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9031652729
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–277 [R]
Sarkar, A. S. (1968) [1996]
(Chief Ref. Engineer,
Orind Refractory Ltd)
28 Circuit House Area (Old)
Flat No. 18
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2232232 (O)
(0657) 2224255 (R)
Mobile : (0) 98318502
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–232 [B, R]
Sarkar, Aloke Kr (1995)
Dy General Manager
IFICO Refractories Plant
Marar 829 117
Dist: Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)
hone : (06553) 222192 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9835103839
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–413 [R, RM]
Sarkar, Amitava (2001)
Proprietor (Debi Ceramics)
82 R. K. Chatterjee Road
Flat 2B (2nd Floor)
Kolkata 700 042
SL–619 [R, RM]
Sarkar, Asis Kr. (2008)
Operation Head-Coke Plant, Tata Steel
Jamshedpur 381 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8092086247
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–333 [B]
Sarkar, (Dr) B. K. (1973) [1992]
Ex-Director (CGCRI)
Emeritus Scientist (IACS)
16M Fern Road
Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 24610868 (R)
EL–482 [R]
Sarkar, (Dr) Pinaki (2006)
Flat No. D-1/D, Verma Flats
35 Lawrence Street
P.O. Uttarpara
Hooghly 712 258 (WB)
EL–458 [CC, R]
Sarkar, Prosenjit (2006)
Proprietor, Tribol INC [MMTCL]
Near Geeta Bhawan, Uliyan
(Beside Joyguru Bhandar)
P. O. Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2301361 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9334382446 / 9234679575
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–671 [R, RM]
Sarkar, Raja (2016)
[DOB: 02.08.1984]
(Sr Manger, Calderys India Refractories
B-104, Sai Apartment, Block – B
Kunj naga, Sonari
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9031055326
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–401 [R, RM]
Sarkar, (Dr) Ritwik (2001)
Associate Professor
Dept of Ceramic Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Rourkela 769 008 (Orissa)
Phone : (0661) 2462203 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9040511044
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–630 [P, CC]
Sarkar, Sankar Prasad (2015)
[DOB: 23.04.1953]
(Managing Director, RNR Development
Consultant Pvt Ltd)
9/3 Ekdalia Road
Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 24409151
Mobile : (0) 9433053307
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–586 [EC, C]
Sarkar, Soumya (2011)
50/1/1 Bhattacharjee Para Lane
Howrah 711 104 (W.B)
Phone : (033) 2627 0299 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9748351812
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–290 [G, R]
Sarkar, Susanta (1988) [1996]
Rourkela Centre, RSP
Rourkela 769 011
Mobile : (0) 8895502135
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–663 [R, M]
Sasmal, Souvik (2016)
Partner, S. S. Refractories
Road No. 6, Ramnagar
East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8809619784
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–167 [B, G]
Sen, (Dr) Amarnath (1990) [1993]
(Retd Chief Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
40 Jadunath Sarbovouma Lane
Kolkata 700 035
Mobile : (0) 9874579736
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–623 [G, C]
Sen, (Dr) Indrani (2014)
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology
West Midnapur
Kharagpur 721 302 (W B)
Phone : (03222) 283252 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9679908278
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–329 [B]
Sen, Ranjan (1983) [1995]
Chief Scientist & Head, Glass Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Raod
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
(033) 24647925 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–298 [B, R]
Sen, (Dr) Rituparno (1987) [1996]
(Professor, GCECT)
Flat Nos. 1C and 1D
18C/8 Kabi Sukanta Road
Santoshpur, Kolkata 700 075
Phone : (033) 24166288 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831509654
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–91 [R]
Sen, S. K. (1965) [1984]
Dhanbad 828 202 (Jharkhand)
EL–527 [ELC, CC]
Sen, (Dr) Shrabanee (2008)
Scientist ‘B’
Material Science & Technology Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
EL–534 [R, RM]
Sen, (Dr) Subhadra (2008)
(Head Coal & Coke Tech, Tata Steel Ltd)
31 TS Flat, Road No. 8, BH Area
(Opp DBMS School Main Gate)
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2143569 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9204058162
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–414 [R]
Sen, Subir Kr (2001)
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
6/3C Fern Road
Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 40015181(R)
Mobile : (0) 9883166315
EL–162 [B, P]
Sen, (Dr) Suchitra (1988) [1993]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
11/8 Selimpur Road
Mousumi Apartment (2nd Floor)
Kolkata 700 031
Phone : (033) 24298450 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9433401385
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–449 [ELC, P]
Sengupta, Lina (2004)
Proprietor, S. G. Chemicals
28 M. M. Feeder Road
Kolkata 700 056
Phone : (033) 25530331 (O)
(033) 25538404 (R)
EL–613 [R, RM]
Sengupta, Samit (2013)
[DOB: 25.12.1967]
Country Manager
Puyang Refractories
CK-83, Salt Lake, Sector 2
Kolkata 700 091
Phone : (033) 40624011 (O)
(033) 23372761 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9903263953
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–249 [P]
Sengupta, Subir (1995)
Techno Ceramics India Pvt Ltd
28 M. M. Feeder Road
Kolkata 700 056
Phone : (033) 25534620 / 25530331 (O)
(033) 25833318 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–202 [B, G]
Sen Sarma, (Dr) S. (1985) [1995]
[DOB: 11.02.1953]
(Retd Senior Scientific Officer, DST, WB)
73 Ashok Road
P.O. Garia, Kolkata 700 084
Phone : (033) 24368690 (R)
(0) 9433253056 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–273 [R]
Shukla, Manindra (1996)
Director, Birsa Contours Pvt Ltd
2/80 Duttavilla Compound
Ranchi 834 008 (Jharkhand)
EL–233 [R]
Singh, Arbind Kr (1995)
Kiran Ceramic and Minerals
Industrial Area Road
P.O. Marar 829 117
Dist: Ramgarh (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8969014761 / 8083567102
(0) 9430322402
Email : [email protected];
[email protected]
EL–450 [R, RM]
Singh, Brijender (2004)
(Chief, Refractories (Steel & Mills)
Tata Steel Ltd)
No. 64, Jubilee Officer’s Flat
Jubilee Road, Northern Town
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6643449 (O)
(0657) 2220634 / 2143676 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234511193
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–650 [R]
Singh, Davinder (2013) (2016)
[DOB: 02.12.1967]
Sr Technician, Tata Steel Limited
Holding No 10, (Jeeta Singh Bagan)
Namda Basti, Golmuri
Jamshedpur 831 003 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6648710 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9431346572
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–225 [B, R]
Singh, (Dr) K. K. (1973) [1995]
(Ex-Executive, NML)
Ex-127, Ashiana Residency Greens
Pardih Road, Mango
Jamshedpur 831 012 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2361334 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9430710901
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–631 [R, RM]
Singh, Manoj Kumar (2013)
[DOB: 05.01.1968]
(Senior Foreman, Tata Steel Ltd)
Qr No H6/46, O. C. Road
South Park, Bistupur
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9204520291
EL –627 [R, RM]
Singh, Premlata (2013) (2015)
[DOB: 19.07.1976]
Sr. Manager (Technical & Administration),
Refractories Dynamics
“PRERNA” New Housing Colony
Adityapur, Saraikela
Kharsawan 831 003 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9308702011
E-mail: [email protected]
EL–651 [R, EC]
Singh, Raghu Nath Prasad
(2012) (2016)
[DOB: 29.07.1957]
(Senior Foreman, Tata Steel Limited)
H/171 Horiom Nagar
Road No 2, Adityapur 1
Jamsedpur 831 013 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 6649824 (O)
(0657) 2370192 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9234760233
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–222 [B, R]
Singh, Rajesh (1995)
Additional Director & I/C (Engg)
CET/SAIL (4th Floor)
RDCIS Building (Room No. 134)
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411182 (O)
(0651) 2441797 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–223 [B, R]
Singh, Rakesh Kr (1995)
Senior Manager, Refractory Division
RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2411114 (O)
(0651) 2441449 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431105247
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–335 [B, R]
Singh, (Dr) Ratnakar (1994) [1998]
[DOB: 15.02.1961]
Dy Director & Head
Mineral Processing Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345054 (O)
(0657) 2346041 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9939318256
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
EL–295 [B, R]
Singh, Saroj Kr (1997)
Scientist, Special Materials Division
Institute of Minerals & Materials Tech
Bhubaneswar 751 013 (Orissa)
Phone : (0674) 2581635 / 2584092 (O)
EL–600 [G, C]
Singh, (Dr) Shiv Prakash (2012)
CSIR-Senior Research Fellow
Glass Science and Technology Section
Glass Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : (0) 9903414100
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–544 [C, Bio-Cer]
Sinha, (Dr) Arvind (2009)
Scientist E-II, MST Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345013 (0)
(0657) 2346053 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431346594
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–537 [B, E]
Singh, (Dr) T. B. (1996) [2009]
[DOB: 14.02.1951]
(Retd Dy Director, ACC Division, NML)
376, Super Delta 4
Shara City, Mango
Jamshedpur 831 012 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2361934 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9939354300
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–168 [B, P]
Sinha, (Dr) M. K. (1983) [1993]
[DOB: 15.01.1952]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
Diamond Residency
38 Ho Chi Minn Sarani, Behala
Tower 1, Flat No 7B, Kolkata 700 061
Mobile : (0) 9831206524
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–484 []
Singh, Thingujam Surendranath
Executive Director
Manipur Science & Technology Council
Jail Road, Imphal East
Manipur 795 001
EL–169 [B, R]
Singh, (Dr) U. S. (1958) [1993]
80 Pataliputra Colony
Patna 800 013 (Bihar)
EL–39 [B, P]
Singh Deo, S. P. (1969)
E-1 Bharat Bhawan
3 Chittaranjan Avenue
Kolkata 700 072
EL–669 [R, RM]
Singha Roy, Partha Pratim (2016)
[DOB: 29.09.1981]
144 Kabi Kriandhan Road
PO: Bhadrakali
Hooghly 712 232 (W B)
Mobile : (0) 9589815274
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–470 [R, RM]
Sinha, Navneet (2006)
(Head Refractory, LD3 & TSCR, Tata Steel)
MIG-52, Adityapur II
Near RIC Polic Station
Jamshedpur 831 013 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : 9234501601
EL–155 [R]
Sinha, R. N. (1967) [1992]
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
Keramik Co-operative Housing Society
Block J–384 (1st floor)
Baishnabghata Patuli, Garia
Kolkata 700 084
Phone : (033) 24624097 (R)
EL–176 [R]
Sinha, R. P. (1974) [1993]
A/8 Kankarbagh Housing Colony
Patna 800 020 (Bihar)
EL–345 [B, G]
Sinha, (Dr) Rakesh Kr (1982) [1994]
Vice President (Technical)
TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited
Belpahar 768 218
Dist : Jharsuguda (Orissa)
Phone : (06645) 250286 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–503 [R, RM]
Sinha, Ranabir (2006) [2008]
Marketing Executive
Premier Refratories India Pvt Ltd
11 Gandhi Road, Old Sonari
P.O. Sonam
Near Road No. 7 Extn.
Jamshedpur 731 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 22211986
Mobile : (0) 9334614350
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–187 [E]
Sur, Debmalya (1994)
United Ceramics Processing Pvt Ltd
163 Acharya J. C. Bose Road
Kolkata 700 014
EL–42 [E]
Sur, Parimal
163 Lower Circular Road
Kolkata 700 014
EL–43 [B, E]
Sur, Pranab Kr (1970)
[DOB: 29.10.1940]
(Executive Director,
Sur Enamel & Stamping Works Pvt. Ltd)
286 G. T. Road, Liluah
Howrah 711 204 (W B)
Phone : (033) 26545442 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9831341359
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–45 [P, R]
Swaika, S. S. (1970)
18B Brabourne Road
Kolkata 700 001
EL–103 [R]
Swaminathan, K. S. (1963) [1987]
(Former Managing Director
TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd)
XLRI Campus
Circuit House Area (East)
Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
EL–483 [ELC, G]
Tarafder, Anal (2006)
Glass Science & Technology Section
Glass Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9433525538
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–632 [B, R]
Tiwari, (Dr) Lakshman (1995)
(Retd General Manager-Refractory),
Bhilai Steel Plant/SAIL)
B-10, SAIL Township
PO: Durba
Ranchi 834 004 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9406327689
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–538 [B, M]
Tiwary, Yogendra Nath (1996) [2009]
[DOB: 28.02.1953]
Principal Technical Officer
MST Division
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory
Jamshedpur 831 007 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345189 (O)
(0657) 2346006 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431762638
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]
EL–343 [R, RM]
Tripathi, (Dr) Himansu Sekhar (1998)
Principal Scientist
Refractories Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 24733469 / 24733496 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9433457546
E-mail : [email protected]
EL–47 [E, R]
Upadhyay, S. K. (1977)
Bengal Enamel Works Ltd
24 Chittaranjan Avenue, Kolkata 700 072
EL – 579 [R, RM]
Varahagiri, Bhaskar Venkata (2010)
Sr. Manager (MM), SAIL Refractory Unit
IFICO, Marar, Ramgarh 829 117 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (06553) 223026 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9431792350
EL–337 [G, R]
Varshnei, S. C. (1991)
Seraikella Glass Works Ltd
Kandra (S.E. Rly) 832 402
Dist: Singhbhum (Jharkhand)
EL–471 Vidyarathi, Diwakar Prasad (2006)
Dy Director of Industries
Dept of Industries, Nepal House
Ranchi 834 002 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0651) 2260418 (R)
EL–639 [R, P]
Yadav, Banti Kumar (2016)
[DOB: 04.10.1991]
Operation Incharge, Tata steel Ltd
Block No 1
Dubri, Kalinganagar
Jajpur 755 026 (Odisha)
Phone : (0) 6726606147
Mobile : (0) 8093366824
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1054 [EC, R]
Banerjee, Dipak Kr (2003)
(General Manager
Shree Ceramic Fibers Pvt Ltd)
46 Maharani Indira Devi Road
Parnasree, Kolkata 700 060
Phone : (033) 24925722 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9163636691
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
EM–1129 [EC, G]
Bhadra, (Dr) Debabrata (2015)
[DOB: 25.12.1985]
(Assistant Professor in Physics,
Bhairab Ganguly College)
26 Nilgnage Road
Upasana Apartment
Block A, Flat 2D
Kolkata 700 056
Mobile : (0) 9433205914
E-mail: [email protected]
EM–1062 [R, RM]
Bhalotia, Sandeep Kr. (2006)
C/o : Kalyani Systems
57 N. S. B. Road
Raniganj 713 347
Dist : Burdwan (WB)
Phone : (0341) 2443344
Mobile : (0) 9434011347/ 9333333754
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EM–1109 []
Biswas, Sanjay Kumar (2013)
Shree Ram Kumar Trading
1/2 Trabani Complex
Rajndra Nagar Dismma Raod
East Singhbhum
Jamshedpur 831 012 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9234715700
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1132 [EC, C]
Bose, (Dr) Nripathi Ranjan (2016)
(Retd Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI)
Expert Scientist, NOCCD Division
196 Raja S. C. Mullick Road
Kolkata 700 032
Mobile : (0) 9748306434
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1110 [R]
Chatterjee, Pratap Kumar (2013)
[DOB: 11.08.1972]
Supervisor, RHI India
15-A Shakuntala Path, Kadma, Shivnagar
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9279878500
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1085 [R, C]
Chaudhuri, Amit (2009)
GM (Engg), (Furnace Division)
The Wesman Engg Co Pvt Ltd
Wesman Center, 8, Mayfair Road
Kolkata 700 019
Phone : (033) 40020476 (O)
(033) 24350811 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830191624
Fax : (033) 2908050
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1111 []
Chaudhury, Debnarayan (2013)
[DOB: 15.09.1974]
Refractories Supervisor
IFGL Refractories Ltd
Q No 373, A Block, Khutadih, Kagalnagar,
Sonari, Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9931555078
EM –1090 [RM]
Chaudhuri, (Dr) Swapan Gobinda
“Batayan” 13C Naktala Road
Kolkata 700047
Phone : (033) 24114855 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9830783694
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1125 [P, CC]
Daspoddar, Mridul Kumar (2013)
Chief Manager (Retired)
United Bank of India,
11/13/A, Kalicharan Ghosh Road,
Kolkata 700 050
Mobile : (0) 9804046509
E-mail: [email protected]
EM–1106 [R, RM]
Kumar, Pankaj (2013)
[DOB: 10.05.1991]
Officer, Refractories Dynamics,
“PRERNA” New Housing Colony,
Adityapur, Saraikela
Kharsawan 831 003 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8084287820
E-mail: [email protected]
EM–1116 [P, E]
Kalindi, Binod (2013)
[DOB: 20.11.1984]
Technical Gr II (1), CSIR-NML
Quarter No. T/I/26 NML Colony, Golmuri
Jamshedpur 831 003 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2345191
Mobile : (0) 9801341990
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1115 [R]
Madhukar, Jadav (2013)
[DOB: 05.02.1949]
Vice President (Marketing)
HiTech Chemicals Pvt Ltd
“MEGHDEEP”, First Floor, Q Road, Bistupur
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Phone : (0657) 2221666
Mobile : (0) 9386744162
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1104 []
Konatala, Mohan Rao (2013)
[DOB: 21.01.1983]
L/2, 26 Sand Line Road
Sakchi, Jamshedpur 831 001 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9507535507
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1118 [R]
Mishra, Kaushal Kishore (2013)
[DOB: 05.07.1982]
Supervisor, RHI India (P) Ltd
C/o Jaynarayan Sharma
J. P. Road, Kalimandir
Jamshedpur 831 002 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9234207709
EM –1127 [R]
Kumar, Dhananjay (2014)
[DOB: 19.07.1983]
(Operation Assistant – 1, Tata Steel)
S/O – S. P. Mandal, At: Premnagar
Road No. 1, PO: Telco
Jamshedpur 831 004 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 7209159942
E-mail: [email protected]
EM–1130 [EC, R]
Mukhopadhyay, Tapan (2015)
[DOB: 13.11.1947]
Refractory Consultant
Pallysree Road, Rahara, Khardah
North 24 Parganas 700 118
Phone : (033) 25689696
Mobile : (0) 9831314649
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EM–1108 [R, RM]
Kumar, Kunal (2013)
Officer, Refractories Dynamics,
“PRERNA” New Housing Colony
Adityapur, Saraikela
Kharsawan 831 003 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8877349850
E-mail: [email protected]
EM–1131 [EC, ELC]
Nag, Pratanu (2015)
Nanostructured Materials Division
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Kolkata 700 032
Phone : (033) 26800557
Mobile : (0) 9433388094
EM–1107 [R, RM]
Naidu, Pavan Kumar C.S. (2013)
[DOB: 17.05.1990]
Jr. Manager, Refractories Dynamics,
“PRERNA” New Housing Colony,
Adityapur, Saraikela
Kharsawan 831 003 ( Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9620096975
E-mail: [email protected]
EM –1126 [R]
Pathak, Abinash Kumar (2014)
[DOB: 19.12.1986]
(Operation Assistant – 1, Tata Steel)
H. No. 50, Kailash Nagar
Chhota Govindpur
East Singhbhum 831 015 (Jharkhand)
Phone: (0) 7631135736 (M)
E-mail: [email protected]
EM–1117 [R]
Roy, Deba Prosad (2013)
[DOB: 19.01.1961]
VP (Spl Project), G-Co Pvt Ltd
2/3 Aashray Apartment
(Near Anand Bhawan)
Shiv Path, Bhatia Basti, Kadma
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9431953062 / 7209515255
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
EM–1103 [R, P]
Singh, Dalveer (2013)
[DOB: 14.06.1984]
(Junior Engineer, Tata Steel Limited)
150B, ECC Flats
Jamshedpur 831 005 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 8797021686
E-mail : [email protected]
EM–1120 [R]
Srivastava, Suresh (2013)
[DOB: 18.05.1964]
Jr Executive (Marketing)
IFGL Refractories Ltd
Flat No 2422, JADE 24
Vijayas Golden Town
Jamshedpur 831 011 (Jharkhand)
Mobile : (0) 9200710167
E-mail : [email protected]
(Names in italics indicate representatives of the respective corporate members)
LWC–01 [CC], [LS]
(2007) (Valid up to 2031)
“WINDSOR”, 7th Floor
C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santa Cruz (East)
Mumbai 400 098 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (022) 30647300
Fax : (022) 30647400
Website :
LW C–03 []
[Valid up to 2040]
Plot No 3, Village Vadala
Bharuch 392 130 (Gujarat)
Mobile: (0) 9898448042
E-mail :
[email protected]
P. K. Ghosh & Ashok Umbed
Vijay Aggarwal & G. S. Patnaik
LW C–02 [EC] [SSI]
(Valid upto 2039)
A-187/188, MIDC, Chincholi
Solapur 413 255 (Maharashtra)
Phone: (0217) 2357226/2733230/
Fax : (0217) 2357277
E-mail : [email protected]
Sanjay Hadalgi & Sujata Pawar
WC–137 [R], [SS]
B-2 New ACC Colony
Katni 483 504 (MP)
Phone : (07622) 224182
Mobile : (0) 9165510701 / 9617877777
: (07622) 224070
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
Rajeev Bhaskar & Shreyas Bhaskar
WC–170 [] [SS]
23/27, Guruchaya Building,
Office No. 12,
1st Parsiwada Street
Grigaum, Mumbai 400 004
Phone : (022) 66356652 / 66394368
Mobile : (0) 9867787789
Fax : (022) 66370292
E-Mail : [email protected]
Website :
Mahendra Jain
WC–161 [RM], [SS]
19/20/21 Narayan Chembers
(3rd Floor), B/H Patang Hotel
Nr Nehru Bridge, Ashram Road
Ahmedabad 380 009 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 26584311/12
(079) 26581327 / 28
Mobile : (0) 9825008581
: (079) 26579169
E-mail : [email protected]
R. A. Thakkar
WC–168 [EC, ELC], [SS]
Unit No. 1, Jivdani Industrial Estate No 1
Dhumal Nagar, (Opp-Western Express
Highyay), Thane
Vasai (East) 401 208 (Maharastra)
Phone : (0250) 6512123 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9403377676 / 9405312394
(0) 8600033159 / 9850205436
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ashwini Kr Jain & Sabyasachi Roy
WC–173 [R]
Jeevan Udyog Building, 3rd Floor
278 D. N. Roadm Mumbai 400 001
Phone : (022) 66651700 / 808
Mobile : (0) 9167217379
Fax : (022) 22079395 / 66104355
E-mail : [email protected]
WC–117 [R], [SS]
C-18/6, MIDC Industrial Area
Nagpur 440 028 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (07104) 646241 to 56
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
M. Shiv Kumar & M. Bala Rao
WC–87 [B], [LS]
160 Veena Dalvai Industrial Estate
Oshiwara, S. V. Road
Jogeshwari (West), Mumbai 400 102
Phone : (022) 56951957
(022) 66951957/ 58 / 59
: (022) 26785803
E-mail : [email protected]
S. Guoradia
WC–175 [RM, M] [SSI]
61, Titanium
Near Prahlad Nagar Auda Garden
Ahmedabad 380 015 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 66112338
: (079) 66112316
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Asutosh Saha
Sourav Sarkar
WC–151 [G, RM], [SS]
40-44A Dheeraj Heritage (4th Floor)
S. V. Road, Santacruz (West)
Mumbai 400 054
Phone : (022) 26603166 / 26603168
: (022) 26601960
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
S. B. Sukhla & G. D. Mehta
WC–159 [R], [SS]
LTD (2004)
47 to 50 Ichapur GIDC
PO: Bhatpore
Dist : Surat 395 005 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0261) 2840239
Mobile : (0) 9574007251 / 9974005152
: (0261) 2840239
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
Adil Patel
WC–20 [P], [LS]
PVT LTD (1980)
294/1 GIDC Pandesara
Surat 394 221 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0261) 2894325
Mobile : (0) 7567229777
: (0261) 2894324
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
N. S. Bachkaniwala & Suresh Rana
WC–174 [R, M]
L-10 Sales Tax Colony
Khamardih, Shankar Nagar
Raipur 492 007 (Chhattisgarh)
Phone : (0771) 4072311
Mobile : (0) 9165350734 /
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Vinay Kejriwal & Umang Kejriwal
WC–109 [G, R], [SS]
4B, H & G House
Plot No. 12, Sector 11
Jawaharlal Nehru Marg
CBD Belapur
Navi Mumbai 400 614
Phone : (022) 2756 1887/2757/0382
: (022) 2757 6753
Email : [email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
B. P. Viswanathan & Mrs. Sita V.
WC–171 [EC, CC], [SS]
Survey No. 103
NH 27, At Makansar
Sartanpar Road
Dist : Rajkot 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 283802/03
Fax : (02822) 283804
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Trambakbhai S. Patel &
Mahendrabhai. T. Patel
WC–172 [R, RM] [SSI]
B/H Gujarat Gas, Plot No. G - 1317
Phase No. II, Kalavad Road,
G.I.D.C. Metoda
Rajkot 360 021 (Gujarat)
Phone No : (02827) 287220
Fax : (02827) 287742
E-mail: [email protected]
Jayesh Patel & Shailesh Patel
WC–141 [P, RM], [SS]
159 GIDC, Makarpura Industrial Estate
P.O. Box : 753
Baroda 390 010 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0265) 2638306 / 2638406
: (0265) 2638551
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
H. J. Khatsuria & H. H. Khatsuria
WC–56 [P], [SS]
Prajapat Road
Post Box No. 30
Morbi 363 641 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 230096 / 221584
: (02822) 230035
H. M. Prajapati & M. A. Prajapati
WH–1 [B]
Subbarao, (Dr) E. C. (1965) [1986]
Chief Consulting Advisor (Research)
Tata Res Development & Design Centre
54-B Hadasar Industrial Estate
Pune 411 013 (Maharashtra)
Mobile : (0) 9859065686
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–227 [CC]
Achuthan, Asha T. (2006)
CSIR-CGCRI Naroda Centre
168 &169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22823345 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9427007427
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–1 [G]
Agarwal, J. P.
JG Glass Industries
(Near Pune) 411 018
WL–274 [RW, R]
Agarwal, Niket (2013)
[DOB: 19.10.1984]
Champion Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Industrial Area-Korba Road
Janjgir 495 671 (Chattisgarh)
Phone: (0781) 245693 (O)
(0781) 245193 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9424141179
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–272 [EC, R]
Agarwal, Prateek (2013)
[DOB: 25.07.1980]
Champion Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Industrial Area-Korba Road
Champa, Janjgir 495 671 (Chattisgarh)
Phone: (0781) 245693 (O)
(0781) 245193 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9425223143
[email protected];
[email protected]
WL–273 [EC, R]
Agarwal, Praveer (2013)
Champion Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Industrial Area-Korba Road
Champa, Janjgir 495 671 (Chattisgarh)
Phone : (0781) 245693 (O)
(0781) 245193 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9425223142
E-mail :
[email protected]
WL–153 [C, P]
Aghara, Jitendra Thakarshibhai
Partner, Silver Ceramic
Old Ghuntu Road
Morbi 363 642
Dist : Rajkot (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240802 / 240803 (O)
(02822) 230052 (R)
WL–170 [P, RM]
Agrawal, (Dr) Parvesh (2003)
Senior Scientist
CSIR-CGCRI Naroda Centre
168 & 169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22823345 / 22811213 (O)
(079) 22802957 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9925344084
E-mail: [email protected]
WL–204 [ELC, R]
Agrawal, (Dr) Rajkumar (2004)
(Vice President
M/s Real Ispat & Power Limited)
Flat No. 104, Mahamaya Apartment
Purani Basti
Raipur 492 001 (Chhattisgarh)
Phone : (0771) 4224040 (O)
(0771) 4059750 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9229390002
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–2 [G, P]
Amin, M. G. (1967)
Lustre Ceramics Pvt Ltd
3/29 Industrial Estate
Gorwa Road
Vadodara 390 003 (Gujarat)
WL–3 [G]
Amin, R. B.
Alembic Glass Industries Ltd
Vadodara 390 003 (Gujarat)
WL–92 [M, R]
Anantha Padmanabhan, (Dr) P. V.
Laser and Plasma Technology Divn
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai 400 085
Phone : (022) 25505359 / 25595858 (O)
WL–61 [R]
Apparao, B. V. (1990)
Chief Consultant (Marketing, BRL)
Qr. No. 1B, Street No. 19
Sector-10, Bhilai 490 006 (Chattishgarh)
WL–181 [CC, G]
Arvadia, Anilbhai P. (2003)
Director, Unique Cera Coat Inds
Lilapar Road, Rajkot
Morbi 363 641 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 230134 (O)
(02822) 226024 (R)
WL–258 [EC]
Ash, Prasanta (2011)
(DOB 28.02.1968)
DGM (Technical)
Aditya Birla Insulators
Halol, Panchmahals 389330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02676) 221002 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9714066339
E-mail :[email protected]
WL–270 [E]
Baid, Surendra Singh (2013)
[DOB: 30.05.1951]
(Director, SS Baid Consultancy Pvt. Ltd)
56, Globus fab City, Nr. Suyesh Hospital
Chunabhatti, Kolar Road
Bhopal 462 016 (MP)
Mobile : (0) 8435703636
E-mail: [email protected]
WL–226 [EC, C]
Baldha, (Dr) G. J. (2006)
Associate Professor
Saurashtra University, ‘Siddharth’,
88 Ajanta Park
University Road,
Rajkot 360 005 (Gujarat)
WL–250 []
Ballal, Atul (2011)
(Assistant Professor
Visvesvaraya National Instt of Tech,
Quarter No. 39, Behind Guest House
Visvesvaraya National Instt of Tech
S. A Road
Nagpur 440 010 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0712) 2801509 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9860382899
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–222 [P, R]
Banerjee, G. C. (1982)
B-3, Ganga Apartment
Zambad Estate
Near Shreya Nagar
Aurangabad 431 005 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0240) 6512339 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–231 [EC]
Bhagat, Rameshwar Kisan (2008)
Scientific Officer “F”
Radiometallurgy Division
B.A.R.C. Trombay, Mumbai 400 085
Phone : (022) 25505151 (O)
(022) 25579310 (R)
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–64 [P]
Barnes, Felix (1990)
11 Roshan (2nd floor), St Puis 10th
Co-operative Housing Society Ltd
Nahur, Mulund West, Mumbai 400 080
WL–107 [P]
Bhanushanker, S. J. (1995)
Proprietor, Shital Sanitary Sales
15 Milan Park Society, Navrangpura
Ahmedabad 380 009 (Gujarat)
WL–77 [B]
Basu, (Dr) Kunal (1992)
(Retd Director Grade Scientist,
28/3 Gitanjali Complex
T. T. Nagar, Bhopal 462 003 (MP)
Mobile : (0) 9407518512
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–123 [B, P]
Basu, M. K. (1968) [1988]
D-4/108 Varun Building
Surendra Place, Hoshangabad Road
Bhopal 462 026 (MP)
Phone : (0755) 2489138 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–278 [P]
Basu, Saurindra Nath (1976) [1996]
Ceramic Product Design Consultant
102 Amar Apartment
118 Shrinagar Extension
Indore 452 018 (MP)
Phone : (0731) 2561199
Mobile : (0) 9893236246
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–80 [P, E]
Betharia, Shishir (1989) [1993]
Colorabbia Italia, 2 Grotto Villa
Junction of 33rd Road
9th Road Crossing, (Near Linking Road)
Khar (West), Mumbai 400 052
WL–180 [EC, R]
Bhargava, (Dr) Parag (2004)
Professor, Dept of Metallurgical
Engineering & Materials Science
IIT-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 25767628 (O)
(022) 25768628 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9869131017
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
WL–54 [P, R]
Bhargava, Sunil Kr (1988)
Chief Executive Director
Emerald Ceramics & Potteries Pvt Ltd
47-48-49 New Industrial Area
Phase II, Mandeep 462 046 (MP)
WL–112 [R]
Bhatt, Madhu H. (1996)
Director, Madhu Refractories Ltd
8A National Highway
Vill: Dhuva, Morbi 363 622 (Gujarat)
WL–269 []
Bhatt, Shulin Ghanshyam (2012)
[DOB: 11.06.1986]
Partner, Electro Porcelain Industries
Plot No. 16 & 17 GIDC Odhav
Satellite Road
Ahmedabad 382415 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22872222 / 22870553 (O)
(079) 26921650 / 26924804 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825037059
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–268 [R, RM]
Bhatt, Vasant Premshankar (2012)
[DOB: 29.12.1960]
(General Manager
Shilp Ceramic Pvt. Ltd)
34/3, Madhav Residency
150FT Ring Road
(Opp Modi School)
Rajkot 360021 (Gujarat)
Mobile : (0) 9427444514
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–113 [R]
Bhaumik, S. K. (1996)
Manager (BSP)
IID Type-IV, Street-5
Bhilai 490 006 (CG)
WL–35 [B]
Bhise, Anil Kr (1985)
G-10 Anubhooti
Shri Duttaguru Co-op Housing Society
Mumbai 400 088
Phone : (022) 25572933 (O)
(022) 25568886 (R)
WL–237 [P]
Bhut, Jayantibhai Ranchhodbhai
(1998) (2010)
Managing Partner
Khodiyar Ceramics
Plot No. 829, Kerala Industrial Estate
GIDC, Near Bavla
Ahmedabad 382 220 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02714) 268568 (O)
(079) 26925541 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9727593942 / 9426178598
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–225 [R]
Bijapurkar, Ajit Kr (1995)
601 Shewalkar Gardens
Opp. VNIT, South Ambazari Road
Nagpur 440 022 (Maharashtra)
WL–156 [EC, ELC]
Borkar, (Dr) Shivanand A. (2001)
Pradeep Metals Ltd
R-205, MIDC
Navi Mumbai 400 0701
Phone : (022) 276911026
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–253 [B, R]
Bose, Ajoy Kr (1995)
(Retd Deputy Manager, SAIL)
G-1, Ashoka Park
Khamardhi Road, Shankarnagar
Raipur 492 007 (CG)
WL–36 [P]
Burte, A. S. (1981)
Kores Towers, Tower-C
Flat No. 1103 (11th Floor)
Pokhran Road No. 1, Near Vartak
Nagar Naka
Thane 400 606 (Maharashtra)
WL–224 [B, R]
Chakraborti, Debi Prasad (1995)
General Manager, RDCIS, Bhilai
Centre, 5th Floor, Ispat Bhawan
Bhilai Steel Plant, Bhilai (CG)
Phone : (0788) 2223377 (O)
(0788) 2353023 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9425552051
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–280 [G, R]
Chakraborty, Dibyendu (2013)
[DOB: 18.07.1990]
Saint-Gobain Glass India Limited
Plot No. 36, GIDC Industrial Estate
Dist-Bharuch 393 110 (Gujarat)
Mobile : (0) 9099020410
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected];
WL–65 [G, R]
Chakraborty, (Dr) I. N. (1990)
(President, R&D and OPC
Calderys India Refractories Ltd)
301, Riddhi-Siddhi Apartment
Hindustan Colony, Amaravati Road
Nagpur 440 033 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0712) 2562740 (O)
(0712) 2565222 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9422805224
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–174 [P]
Charola, G. M. (2003)
Partner, Starware Ceramics
P.O. Box No. 379
8A National Highway, Jambudia
Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 283780 (O)
(02822) 221801 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825262848
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–206 [P, R]
Chavda, Vashram K. (2004)
Managing Director
Akash Ceramics
GIDC Thangadh
Surendranagar 363 530 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 221977 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9825231977
WL–6 [G, P]
Chauhan, D. V.
45 Parshuram Nagar Society
Sayajiganj, Vadodara (Gujarat)
WL–133 [P]
Chawhan, C. B. (1998)
Managing Partner
Chawhan Tiles & Pipe Indus tries
Chandrapur Industrial Estate, Mul Road
Chandrapur 442 401 (Maharashtra)
WL–179 [P]
Chitalangia, Umesh (1992) [2004]
Director, Polybond Insulation Pvt. Ltd.
56A/17 Nehru Nagar (West)
Bhilai 490 020 (C.G.)
Phone : (0788) 4010525
WL–275 [R, C]
Chitalkar, Ramdas Ananda (2013)
[DOB: 01.06.1966]
Technology Manager
Morganite Cruecible (India) Ltd
B-11, Waluj- MIDC
Auramgabad 431 136 (Maharrashtra)
Phone : (0240) 6652527 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9325078845
E-mail :
[email protected]
WL–138 [R]
Chokkar, R. (2000)
Dy General Manager (Design)
Technical Service Department
Calderys India Refractories Ltd
(formerly ACE Calderys Ltd)
“Thapar House”,
Temple Road, Civil Lines
Nagpur 440 001 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0712) 2528506 / 2562957 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9422802456
: (0712) 2530885
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
WL–165 [EC, R]
Dam, Pradip Amrita (2002)
Aum Techno Ceramics
704/3 GIDC,
Y. U. Nagar
Anand 388 121 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02692) 235227 (O)
(02692) 237758 (R)
WL–213 [B, G]
Das, (Dr) C. R. (1965) [2005]
Consultant & Director
Viking Ceramics Pvt Ltd
A-23 Ratnadeep Park,
Gotri Gayatri
Near Gotri, Water Tank, Gotri
Vadodara 390 021 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0265) 2372566
(0265) 6580110 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9327926007
WL–62 [P]
Das Gupta, A. K. (1990)
21A Sita Estate, Ghatkopar Mahul Road
Chembur, Mumbai 400 074
Phone : (022) 25574901 (O)
(022) 25282527 (R)
WL–260 []
Datta, Atanu (2012)
[DOB : 19.11.1959]
(General Manager, Noble Refractories)
Aditya Heights, Flat No C/403
Sadhu Vaswani Road
Rajkot 360 005 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02828) 220700 / 221100 (O)
(0281) 2925445 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825224661
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
WL–48 [G]
Datye, Vasant N. (1987)
[DOB : 02.04.1931]
3 “Girish”, 224 Kataria Road
Mahim, Mumbai 400 016
Phone : (022) 24379035 / 24376870 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–7 [P, R]
Davda, Narandra Damodar (1974)
Navbharat Potteries Pvt Ltd
Tokershi Jivraj Wadi
Zakaria Bunder Road, Sewri (W)
Mumbai 400 015
WL–261 [P, M]
Dave, Sandeep Jitendrabhai (2012)
[47 years]
Director (Marketing)
Neptune Industries Ltd
302, Iscon Center, Shivranjani
Satellite Road
Ahmedabad 380 015 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02762) 252070 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9879206991 / 9879206979
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–93 [M]
Desai, Tarun M. (1994)
9 Sagar Apartments
33 Union Park, Khar, Mumbai 400 052
WL–105 [P]
Deshpande, Shirish M. (1992) [1995]
Director, Des Ceramics Pvt Ltd
2 Shubhakamana, New Osmanpura
Aurangabad 431 005 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0240) 2333245 (O)
(0240) 2351367 (R)
WL –254 [ELC, G]
Deshpande, (Dr) Vilas Krishnarao
[D.O.B. 18.10.1957]
Professor, Dept of Applied Physics
Visvesvaraya National Instt of Tech
South Ambazari Road
Nagpur 440 010 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0712) 2801354 (O)
(0712) 2226008 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9822240605
WL–238 [B, G]
Devidayal Bhagwat, A. (1991) (2010)
141 Maker Chambers VI
Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021
Phone : (022) 22871774 (O)
(022) 23866049 / 23861176 (R)
E-mailm : [email protected]
WL–74 [M, R]
Dholaria, G. G. (1996) [2003]
Noble Refractories
8A National Highway, Post Box No. 202
Hasanpar, Wankaner 363 622
Dist: Rajkot (Gujarat)
Phone: (02828) 220700 / 221100 (O)
(02828) 220300 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825224800
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
WL–182 [ELC, P]
Doshi, Mayurkumar J. (2003)
Director, Paradise Pottery Works
Sarvoday Society,
Tarnetor Road, Thangadh
Surendranagar 363 530 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 220202 (O)
(0281) 2468754 (R)
WL–8 [B]
Doshi, R. T. (1972)
“Jamunotry”, 26 Road, Bandra
Mumbai 400 050
Phone : (022) 26401439 (R)
WL–9 [R]
Doshi, S. N. (1981)
Hindustan Refractories &
Insulation Works
Station Road, Wankaner
Saurashtra 363 622 (Gujarat)
WL–141 [M]
Doshi, Satish (1997)
Tapan Cera Impex Pvt Ltd
14-15 Jay Khodiyar Communication
Centre (1st Floor), Rajputpara Main Road
Dist : Rajkot (Gujarat)
WL–183 [P, RM]
Dubal, Manoj Kumar M. (2003)
Director, Uday Ceramics
Amrapor Than, Amrapor
Surendranagar 363 530 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 220880 / 221057 (O)
(02751) 220180 / 220780 (R)
WL–249 [EC]
Gajjar, Jjayantilal Motilal (2010)
Proprietor, Ashirvad Engineering Works
22, Shreenath Estate
(Opp. Kadi Panjara Pole)
Kalol Road, Kadi
Mehasana 382 715 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02764) 242090 (O)
(02764) 262819 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825464966
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
WL–10 [B, R]
Ganapathi, D. (1971)
Britex Industries
1/5 Banaji Street
Mahavir Chamber, Mumbai 400 001
WL–184 [P, RM]
Gandhi, Vinaykant Amrutlal (2003)
Partner, Arihant Ceramic Inds
Chotila Road, Thangadh
Surendranagar 363 530 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 220895 / 221395 (O)
(0281) 2478299 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825217895
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–281 [C, R]
Garai, Swapan Kr. (1984) [2003]
[DOB: 04.01.1958]
General Manager
Refractory Unit
Steel Authority of India Limited
PO : Civic Center
Bhilai 490 006 (Chattisgarh)
Phone : (0788) 2265550 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9407984704
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–284[G, P]
Gattani, Prafulla (2015)
[DOB: 03.10.1967]
Managing Director
Shell & Pearl Povcellano Ltd
207 Sarthik II
Opp Rajpath Club
SG High Way
Ahmedabad 380 015 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 2687238
Mobile : (0) 9825050783
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–137 [B]
George, (Dr) A. M. (1995)
(Ex-Scientific Officer, BARC)
B-211 Punit Tower One Co-operative
Housing Society, Sector-11
Plot 31, CBD Belapur
Navi Mumbai 400 614
WL–151 [EC, ELC]
Ghosh, (Dr) Abhijit (2000)
SO/C (Ceramic Technology Section)
Material Processing Division
Modular Laboratory
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Mumbai 400 085
Phone : (022) 25593907 (O)
WL–136 [B, R]
Godbole, P. B. (1995)
202A Mahadeo Towers
Near Hariniwas Chowk
Thane 400 602 (Maharashtra)
WL–129 [C, M]
Gudhka, Kishor P. (1998)
Partner, Glass Decora Industries
103 Kamala Bhawan, (1st floor)
Sharma Industrial Estate, Walbhat Road
Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400 063
WL–56 [P, R]
Gupta, J. L. (1988)
Manager, Refractories, IPCL
84 Adarsh Duplex, Opp ITI Gorwa
Vadodara 390 016 (Gujarat)
WL–94 [G, P]
Halen, Rohit (1994)
C/O Halen Trading Company
Sundram, 20 Dhenu Market
Opp. Dr Khatpal Clinic
Indore 452 002 (MP)
Mobile : (0) 9425073030
Eimail : [email protected]
WL–96 [G]
Hanumantha Rao, Bh. (1994)
Dy Manager, P & IR
Bharat Electronics Ltd
L-1, MIDC Area
Taloja 410 208 (Maharashtra)
WL–166 [EC]
Hegde, P. V. (2002)
(Ex Outstanding, Scientist, BARC)
501 Sunflower, Neelkanth Gardens
Govandi (East), Mumbai 400 088
Phone : (022) 25571775 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9820116206
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–167 [P, RM]
Jetpariya, N. M. (2002)
Partner, Sonex Ceramics
8-A National Highway, Lalpar
Morbi 363 642
Dist : Rajkot (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240309 (O)
(02822) 241627 (R)
WL–37 [B, R]
Jhaver, Siddharth (1984)
Siddarth Carbochem Products
291 GIDC Estate, Makarpura
Vadodara 390 010 (Gujarat)
WL–208 [EC, RM]
Jhulu, S. A. (2004)
Orient Ceramics
Vagadiya Road, Thangarh
Surendranagar 368 530 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 220637 (O)
WL–79 [P]
Joshi, Jayesh C. (1993)
Khalsa Compound
Opp. Rahanal Bus Stop
(Near Shiva Tample), Thane Agra Road
Rahanal, Bhiwandi
Thane 421 302 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (022) 2522273741 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9323293346
WL–239 [P, R]
Joshi, Jay Prakash B. (1997) (2010)
Managing Director
Joto Abrasives Pvt Ltd
C-11/43, Road “A” NICE Area
Nashik 422 007 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0253) 2353531 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–40 [P]
Joshi, M. P. (1980) [2001]
M. P. Joshi Associates
70 Yusuf Meharalli Road (1st Floor)
Room No. 16, Post Box No. 3383
Mumbai 400 003
WL–34 [R]
Kadchud, Shailesh (1983)
Ramkrishna Refractories
Opposite Railway Station
Post Box No. 37
Wankaner 363 622 (Gujarat)
WL–155 [B, R]
Kaji, Rohit C. (1967) [2001]
Consultant (Ceramics)
501 Mahran Society
Gulmohar Cross Road - 12
JVPD, Mumbai 400 049
WL–240 [B, R]
Kamdar, Dhiren A. (1987) (2010)
Lilanand Magnesites Pvt Ltd
Tribu Terrace, Wadia Road
P. O. Box :10
Porbandar 360 575 (Gujarat)
W L–99 [B]
Kakade, (Dr) Maruti Balawant (1994)
(Retd Scientist, BARC)
Flat No. 2, Gangotri Building
Anushakti Nagar
Mumbai 400 094
WL–289 []
Kaneria, Anil Dadabhai (2016)
Director, Kaneria Granito Ltd
Plot No 3, Village Vadala
Bharuch 392 130 (Gujarat)
Mobile: (0) 9898448042
E-mail :
[email protected]
WL–185 [CC, P]
Kalaria, Chandubhai Nandlal (2003)
Homedecor Sanitary Complex
8A, National Highway
Shobheshwar Road
Rajkot, Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240480 (O)
(02822) 230150 (R)
WL–245 [EC, R, RM]
Kale, Nita Kishore (2010)
AGM (Purchase & Administration)
Deccan Mechanical & Chemical
Industries Pvt. Ltd
Plot no. 78, Bhosari, Telco Rd.
(Opposite Century Enka Company)
Pune 411026 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (020) 27112052 (O)
Mobile : (0)9423004684
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–287 [EC, ELC]
Kambale, Kaustubh Ramesh (2015)
[DOB: 24.03.1988]
(Assistant Professor (COEP)
College of Engineering Pune)
Flat No 403, Sankalp Riddhi
Ganesh Nagar, Dhayari
Sinhagad Road
Pune 411 041 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (020) 25507627
Mobile : (0) 7776054446
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–207 [C, EC]
Kapasi, Sunil Vadilal (2004)
Director, Hofmann Engg and Mkt Pvt Ltd
307 Shubham Complex, Vastrapur
Ahmedabad 380 054 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 26853867 (O)
(079) 27410067 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9426077823
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–98 [G, P]
Kar, Abhijit (1994)
Manager-CTC (PPD Dept)
Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd
P.O. Ambujanagar, Kodinar 362 715
Dist: Amreli (Gujarat)
WL–15 [G, P]
Karandikar, M. J.
United Potteries & Glass Ware Mart
302 Perin Nariman Street
Behind Reserve Bank, Mumbai 400 001
WL–233 [G, P]
Karmakar, Rajesh (2008)
Sr. Manager (QA)
Somany Ceramics Ltd
Kuber Theater
8A National Highway, Sobeshwar Road
Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 662504/06 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8238516209
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–39 [G]
Katrekar, S. A. (1965) [1983]
501 Seaside Apartments
Mumbai Dyeing Compound
P. Balu Marg
Mumbai 400 025
WL–49 [B, R]
Khare, V. K. (1986)
Manager (R&C, BRP)
Qr. No. 2A, Street No. 9, Sector-10
Bhilai 490 006 (CG)
WL–235 [EC, ELC]
Kini, (Dr) Nagesh S. (2008)
Principal Scientist
Centre of Excellence-Materials Science
R. D. Aga Res Tech Innovation Centre
Thermax Ltd
13, R. D. Aga Road
MIDC Industrial Area, Chinchwad
Pune 411 019 (Maharastra)
Phone : (020) 66122893 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9673997923
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–95 [P, R]
Kothari, B. C. (1994)
Proprietor (Seetal Ceramics)
C-36, A/2 Devendra Nagar
Raipur 492 009 (CG)
Phone : (0771) 2323493 (O)
(0771) 2526271 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9425213002 / 9229193111
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–102 [E, R]
Kothari, Dharmendra M. (1972) (1995)
M/s KMU Holographics
Kothari Compound
Janak Bada,
Moudhapara, K.K. Road
Raipur 492 001 (CG)
WL–32 [E, R]
Kothari, M. K. (1972) [1983]
5 Ratan Sadan
Fafadih, Raipur 492 009 (CG)
WL–256 [EC,C,M]
Krishnamoorty, (Dr) Murli Gopal
[D.O.B. 28.04.1962]
Proprietor, Novoken Innovations
17, Mohana, Anushakti Nagar
Mumbai 400 094
Mobile : (0) 9869218108
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
WL–33 [B]
Kulkarni, (Dr) A. K. (1959) [1983]
(Retd) Scientific Officer (BARC)
9 ‘DEVVRAT’ (1st floor)
Vitthal Mandir Road
Karve Nagar
Pune 411 052 (Maharashtra)
WL–91 [B, G]
Kulkarni, (Dr) A. R. (1989) [1994]
Dept of Metallurgical Engineering
and Materials Science
IIT-Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 25767636 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9820068463
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–267 [G, R]
Kumar, Satyendra (1997) [2002]
Vice President, IFGL Export Ltd
Plot No. 638-644
Kanda Special Econimic Zone
Gandhidham 370230
Dist : Kutch (Gujarat)
Mobile : (0) 9724158708 / 9437049697
E-mail : [email protected]
WL –257 [P, CC]
Kundariya, Khodidas Govindbhai
(2011) [DOB: 14.10.1984]
Street of Gate, PO: Nichimandal
Ta : Morbi, Rajkot 363 647 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 284350 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9925673274 (M)
E-mail: [email protected]
WL–17 [B, P]
Kunte, D. L.
C/o Ashok D. Kunte, ‘Ashirwad’
Ram Moreeti Road
Thane (W) (Maharashtra)
WL–221 [EC, C]
Kuril, Hemchandra Ayodyaprashad
Technical Director
D. G. Ceramics & Elect. Pv Ltd
27, Sugandh Shankar Nagar
Buldhana 444 303 (Maharashtra)
Mobile : (0) 9422183914
WL–18 [B, P]
Ladiwala, S. M. (1980)
Elegant Ceramics (P) Ltd
114 B. J. Road
‘Seabird’ (6th Floor)
Flat No. 1, Bandra Band Stand
Mumbai 400 050
WL–157 [G, R]
Lal, Madan (1982) [2001]
C/o Hindustan Electro-Graphite Ltd
Mandideep 462 046
Raisen (MP)
WL–69 [P, R]
Machhoya, Bhikhalal Bhagvanji (1985)
(Technical Officer
CSIR-CGCR Naroda Centre)
36 Surya Nath Apartments
B/H Gokuldham Society
Kathwada Road
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22823345 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9427007483
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
WL–277 [P, M]
Madhiyazhagan, (Dr) G. (2001)
Flat No. C-104, Viswas City 11
Opp. Shukan Glory
Off S. G. Flyover, Gota
Ahmedabad 382 481
Phone : (079) 26852316 / 28652366 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9879511468 / 951082355
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–108 [R]
Maheshwari, Navneet (1995)
Director, Perfect Pottery Co (M.B.) Ltd
and Perfect Earthenware Ltd
D. B. Vallabhdas Palace
Hanuman Tal
Jabalpur 482 002 (MP)
Phone : (0761) 2340174 / 2342072 (O)
(0761) 2340095 (R)
WL–81 [P]
Maiti, (Dr) K. N. (1973) [1989]
Director, Cera Sanitaryware Limited
(Former Scientist-in-charge & Director
Grade Scientist, CSIR-CGCRI, Naroda
Centre, Ahmdeabad)
A-351 Ghanshyam Nagar
Opp. Kotarpur Water Works
Post : Kuber Nagar
Ahmedabad 382 340 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22811105 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9427007425
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–219 [R, P]
Maity, Koustav (2007)
Dy Manager (Prodn. & Tech. Division)
Parryware Roca Pvt Ltd
Industrial Area No. 2, A. B. Road
Dewas 455 001 (MP)
WL–175 [EC, R]
Majumdar, Sukomal (2003)
Head, Radiometallurgy Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Trombay, Mumbai 400 085
Phone : (022) 25505319 (O)
(022) 25572695 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–66 [P]
Malhotra, B. B. (1990)
59/10 Navsahyadri Society
Ganesh Nagar
Pune 411 052 (Maharashtra)
WL–67 [G, P]
Malhotra, P. P. (1990)
Croydon Ceramics India Pvt Ltd
Plot No. 66, B.U. Bhandari Indl Estate
Sanaswadi, Tlq. Shirur
Pune 412 210 (Maharashtra)
WL–271 [EC, ELC]
Mallick, (Dr) Sudhanshu (2013)
[DOB: 23.11.1977]
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay
Metallurgical Engineering and
Materials Science Department
IIT-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 25767641 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9769189079
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–149 [B, P]
Mandal, (Prof) G. (1980) [2000]
Vidyalaxmi Co-operative Housing
Society Flat No. B-1 (3rd floor)
Plot No. R. H. 39
MIDC Residential Zone
Dombivali (E) 421 203 (Maharashtra)
WL–234 [CC, RM]
Mandal, Sital Chandra (2009)
Manager, (Prodn & Dev)
SVM Cera Tea Ltd
4802/B, GIDC, Lyka Chokdi, Ankleshwar
Bharuch 393 002 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02646) 224686/224373 (O)
(02646) 249988 (R)
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–86 [P]
Maru, Ashwini Kr (1994)
Smruti Pottery Works
Post Box No. 5
Amarapar, Thangadh (Gujarat)
WL–186 [P]
Maru, Ramjibhai Laxmanbhai (2003)
Smruti Pottery Works
Amarapar, Thangadh
Surendranagar 363 530 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 220314 / 220428 (O)
(02751) 220728 / 220828 (R)
WL–19 [P]
Mehra, R. M.
94 ‘Dariya Mahal’–-A
80 Nepean Sea Road, Mumbai 400 006
Phone : (022) 23624554 (R)
WL–20 [P]
Mehta, C. J. (1967)
B/6 Komal Apartments
Vasana, Ahmedabad 380 007 (Gujarat)
WL–221 []
Misra, (Dr) Satyendra Nath (2007)
CSIR-CGCRI Naroda Centre
168 & 169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22823345/22821747 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9427624352
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
WL–131 [E, R]
Mitra, Subrata (1998)
Petron/Rockwool Insulation
Akash Palace Co-op Housing Society
Koparkhairane Street
Navi Mumbai 400 703
WL–68 [G, P]
Modi, B. N. (1990)
4 Kothare Society (1st floor)
Plot No. 21, Bhagat Singh Road
Vile Parle (W)
Mumbai 400 056
Phone : (022) 28218856 / 28391420 (O)
(022) 26710413 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9967488992
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–109 [P, R]
Mody, M. C. (1995)
Proprietor (Pooja Enterprises)
Flat No. 602, “MEHUL” Building
9th & 12th Road Crossing
Ram Krishna Mission Lane
Khar (West)
Mumbai 400 052
Phone : (022) 26057896 / 26057897 (R)
WL–282 [P, RM]
Narayan, Vivek (2009)
Insulators Electrical Company
1-8 New Industrial Area
Mandideep 462 046
Dist : Raisen (MP)
Mobile : (0) 9302952322
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–125 [G, P]
Mohan, L. C. (1997)
Scientist (RRL)
M-185, Gautamnagar
Bhopal 462 023 (MP)
Phone : (0755) 2789752 (R)
SL–338 [G, R]
Narayanan, Chandrakumar (2012)
[DOB: 11.02.1978]
(Sr. Manager - Refractories
Pacific Refractories Ltd)
1C/62, Kalpataru Riverside
Opp. Panchmukhi Hunuman Temple
Old Mumbai-Pune Road
Dist: Raigad 410 206 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (022) 67931700 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9004678487
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–83 [B, R]
Nagarajan, N. (1993)
Ex-Director, Bijoy Ceramics Pvt Ltd
16 Bajarang Society
V. V. Nagar 388 120 (Gujarat)
WL–217 []
Nagda, (Prof) Suhasini Jayantilal
Head, Dept of Prosthodontics
Nair Hospital Dental College
Mumbai 400 008
WM–252 [P, R]
Nahata, B. R. (1988) (2011)
Vikash Enginering Industries
Kadi Rolling Mill Compound
Behind G.E.B., Kadi-Kalol Road
Kadi 382 715
Dist : Mehsana (North Gujarat)
Phone : (02764) 262063 (O)
Moble : (0) 9427013991
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–187 [EC, P]
Narania, Sanjaybhai V. (2003)
Director, V.B. Narania & Co
Opp. Railway Station, Thangadh
Surendranagar 363 530 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 220825 / 222125 (O)
(02751) 220725 (R)
WL–84 [B]
Nathaniel, T. N. (1993)
Scientific Officer (SE)
Laser & Plasma Tech Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Mumbai 400 085
Phone : (022) 25505359 / 25595858 (O)
WL–106 [E]
Ogale, V. S. (1995)
Managing Director
Durol Houseware (P) Ltd
477/2 Sadar Bazar
Satara 415 001 (Maharashtra)
WL–163 [G, R]
Ojha, Bijay Gopal (1976) [1996]
A/S-4, Girish Apartment
Shivlok Phase-IV
Khajuri Kalan, Piplani Post
Bhopal 462 022 (MP)
Mobile : (0) 9755332485
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–159 [RM]
Padaliya, Narendra Sundarjibhai
Sunbright Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Vivekand Nagar – 1
Opp: Randal Nivas
Near Vivek Temple
Morbi 363 641 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 220417 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825230606/9099986761
E-mail : [email protected]
W L–134 [M]
Panchal, R. V. (1998)
Managing Partner
Neptune Industries
297 GIDC, Industrial Estate
Phase-II, Modhera Road, Dediyasan
Mehsana 384 002 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02762) 224331 / 224551 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–188 [EC, M]
Panchal, Vijaykumar Mohanlal (2003)
[DOB : 20.10.1967]
Partner, Vijay Surgical & Engg Works
32, Uttar Gujarat Vashat
Nr. Naroda Fruit Market
Naroda Road
Ahmedabad 380 025 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22200716 (O)
(079) 25623316 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825381389
: (079) 22201238
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–266 [R]
Panda, Kamala Kant (1990) [1996]
Flat No. 501, Millenium Tower, 5th Floor
Behind Bhawani Petrol Pump
Adi Shankarcharya Marg, Powai
Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 257776617 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9821080720 / 9321029297
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–189 [C, EC]
Pandey, Vijaydhar (2003)
Scientific Officer (G)
Radiometallurgy Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Mumbai 400 085
Phone : (022) 25595364 (O)
(022) 25571127 (R)
WL–117 [G]
Parekh, Chandrakant R. (1994) [1996]
Consultant, Parekh & Co
Old Manor Mills Compound
Near Relief Soap Factory
Mill Road
Nadiad 387 001 (Gujarat)
WL–152 [B, R]
Parekh, Dharmesh (1989)
Partner, Radhaswami Industries
266 GIDC Estate
Waghodia 391 760, Vadodara (Gujarat)
Phone : (02668) 292630 (O)
(0265) 2488452 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9824066136
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–121 [P]
Patel, A. K. S. (1996)
Opal Ceramic Industries
C/o Himalaya Tiles Co
Near Bank of India
Opp. Vasant Baug, Jail Road
Morbi 363 641 (Gujarat)
WL–127 [P, R]
Patel, B. P. (1997)
Paras Insulaters
At & PO Knaknol
Near Sahkari Jin Road
National Highway Road
Himatanagar 383 001
Dist: Sabarkantha (Gujarat)
Phone : (02772) 244475 / 249575 (O)
(02772) 247574 / 245275 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825095501
WL–191 [M]
Patel, Babulal Devshibhai (2003)
Managing Partner, Sterling Glazed Tiles
8A National Highway
Near Bandhunagar, Makansar
Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 283527 / 283528 (O)
(02822) 222141 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825223652
WL–135 [CC, RM]
Patel, C. D. (1998)
Neptune Traders
8A National Highway
Hari Om Chamber Jrajpur
Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240309 (O)
(02822) 231011 (R)
W L–114 [P]
Patel, C. M. (1996)
Noble Refractories
8A National Highway, Post Box No. 202
Hasanpar, Wankaner 363 622
Dist: Rajkot (Gujarat)
WL–190 [M]
Patel, Devrambhai Shivjibhai (2003)
Director, Suman Ceramics
8A National Highway
Dhuva (Wankaner)
Rajkot 363 622 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 287521 (O)
(02822) 251466 (R)
WL–169 [P, RM]
Patel, Dharmashi Nandlal (2002)
Partner, Radiant Ceramic
8-A, National High Way
Lakhdhirpur Road
Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 241860 (O)
WL–176 [P, R]
Patel, Dinesh Ambalal (2003)
Production Manager
Shree Kiran Ceramics
48 Naroda GIDC, Phase I
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22815029 (O)
(079) 27550536 (R)
WL– 243 [P, M]
Patel, Gopal Bhai Babldas (2010)
Manager, Shiv Ceramic Ind
414,Phase-4, Naroda, G.I.D.C
Ahmedabad 382330 (Gujrat)
Phone : (079) 22813395 (O)
(079) 22868254 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825018951
WL–120 [G, P]
Patel, H. J. (1996)
Hi-Dec Transfers Inc
Manor Mill (Near N. S. Mill)
Nadiad 387 001 (Gujarat)
WL–160 [P]
Patel, Hansmukhbhai Danjibhai (2002)
Executive Director, Asian Tiles Ltd
B/H Sardar Plant, dar 383 430
Dist : Sabarkantha (Gujarat)
WL–115 [B, P]
Patel, J. C. (1996)
Rainbow Traders
Near Mahendrasinghji Hospital
Trajpar Road, Morbi 363 030 (Gujarat)
WL–192 [P, RM]
Patel, Jayantilal Nagarbhai (2003)
[DOB: 23.10.1964]
Director, Vrundavan Ceramic Pvt Ltd
Survey No. 143/2
B/h Gangotri Glazed Tiles P. Ltd
8A National Highway
Tal. Wankaner, Dist : Rajkot
At. Dhuva 363 622 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02828) 287796/97 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9099017217
: (02828) 287792-94
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–161 [EC, ELC]
Patel, Jaysukh Raghavbhai (2002)
Partner, Radhe Ceramics Component
30, Shivum Tenuments
(Opp. Shunkultun Bynglows)
New Indin Colony Road, Nikol Gam
Ahmedabad 380 350 (Gujarat)
Mobile : (0) 9879951687 / 9825921800
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–22 [E, R]
Patel, K. N. (1981)
Vita Shiv Ceramics
GIDC Estate, Ambawadi
Wadhwan City 363 030 (Gujarat)
WL–288 [EC, ELC]
Patel, Kamlesh (2016)
[DOB: 21.03.1967]
Kaaryans Technical Ceramics
Opp. Santram Villa
Near Yogiraj Party Plot
Naidad Dakor Road, Salun Vanto
Kheda 387 360 (Gujarat)
Mobile : (0) 9925506699
Fax : (0268) 2570933
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–193 [P]
Patel, Karshanbhai Mohanbhai (2003)
Partner, Wel Décor Ceramics
Shobheswar Road, Opp. Picnic Centre
P.O. Box : 341, Rajkot
Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240440 / 242106 (O)
(02822) 225265 / 230265 (R)
WL–265 [P,RM]
Patel, Mahendra Baldevbhai (2012)
CEO, Amita Products
002, Madhuram Tower, Shahibang
Ahmedabad 380004
Phone : (079) 22813355 (O)
(079) 22864004 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825072854
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–23 [P, R]
Patel, M. M. (1981)
Malabar Tiles, Post Box No. 73
Morbi 363 641 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 220152 (O)
WL–128 [P, R]
Patel, N. P. (1997)
Paras Insulators, Near Sahakari Jin
Hadiol Road
Himatnagar 383 001
Dist: Sabarkantha (Gujarat)
WL–194 [P]
Patel, Navinbhai K. (2003)
Director, Supreme Sanitarywares
Lakhdhirpur Road
Rajkot, Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240965 (O)
WL–195 [EC, R]
Patel, Pragnesh Becharbhai (2003)
Jasdan Ceramic Works
Jadeshwar Road
Rajkot, Wankaner 363 621 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 220755 / 222755 (O)
(02822) 223855 (R)
WL–168 [P]
Patel, R. G. (2002)
Partner, Face Ceramics
8-A National Highway
Lalpar, Morbi 363 642, Rajkot (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 242214 (O)
WL–242 [P, E]
Patel, Shailesh Bhai M. (2010)
Manager, Shivshakti Ceramic Industries
611-Phase-IV, G.I.D.C., Naroda
Ahmedabad 382330 (Gujrat)
Phone : (079) 22822475 (O)
(079) 22865018 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9824543938
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–172 [P]
Patel, Sureshbhai (2002)
Excel Ceramic Pvt Ltd
5/6 Super Market, Sanala Road
P.O. Box 76, Morbi 363 641
Dist: Rajkot (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 233476 / 226876 (O)
(02822) 221176 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–196 [CC, P]
Patel, Sureshbhai Ramanbhai (2003)
MD, Sanyo Cera Tiles Pvt Ltd
B/L, Sarvoday Hotel, Kanklol
Sabarkanth 383 001(Gujarat)
Phone : (02772) 249904 (O)
(02772) 232343 (R)
WL–24 [P]
Pathak, P. G. (1981)
Central Potteries Ltd, Itwari
Nagpur (Maharashtra)
WL–103 [B, P]
Patwardhan, K. B. (1987)
157 Bhavani Peth
Satara 415 002 (Maharashtra)
WL–197 [P]
Pethapara, Girishbhai Maganlal (2003)
Partner, Deco Ceramic Industries
8A National Highway, Rajkot 363 642
Dist : Morbi (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240560 / 242138 (O)
(02822) 220345 (R)
WL–198 [P]
Pethapara, Kantibhai Maganlal (2003)
Partner, Deco Ceramic Industries
8A National Highway,
Rajkot 363 642
Dist : Morbi (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240560 / 242138 (O)
(02822) 231959 (R)
WL–248 [B, R]
Pipalia, (Dr) Daulatrai Bhauwanjibhai
CMD, Simond Fibertech Limited
Plot No. 2643/44,
Kranti Gate Main Road No. 13
Lodhika industrial Estate, GIDC Metoda
Dist : Rajkot 360 021 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02827) 287906 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9824231122
Fax : (02827) 287494
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–146 [B, R]
Pradip (Dr) (1995) [1999]
Chief Scientist & Head
Process Engineering Innovation Lab
Scientist, Tata Research Development
& Design Centre
54B Hadapsar Industrial Estate
Pune 411 013 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (020)66086209 (O)
(020) 65226764 (R)
Mobile : (0)9225518568
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–199 [P]
Prajapati, Mayurbhai M. (2003)
Chairman, Prajapati Refractories
Near Railway Crossing
Thangadh 363 530
Surendranagar (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 221361 (O)
(02751) 221061 (R)
WL–148 [M]
Prajapati, Somabhai S. (1999)
Proprietor, S. P. Engineering Company
Near Hindusthan Oxygen
N. H. No. 8, Naroda
Ahmedabad 382 325 (Gujarat)
WL –255 [ELC]
Prakash, (Dr) Deep (2011)
(D.O.B 29.10.1970)
Head, Materials Characterization Sections
Powder Metallurgy Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Vashi Complex
Navi Mumbai 400 705 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (022) 27887183 (O)
(022) 25562325 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9867260854
: (022) 27840032
E-mail: [email protected]
WL–209 [P, R]
Prakash, Vijay Chandra (2004)
Secretary and Chemist
Gramodaya Sangh, Bhadrawati
Chandrapur 442 902 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (07175) 266029 (O)
(07175) 267119 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9822231729
WL–279 [R, M]
Purohit, Subhash Laxman (1999) (2013)
Director, Romit Resins Pvt Ltd
Plot No. 25, Gala Nos. 4 & 5
Community Building, Bawan Bunglow
Panvel Co-operative Housing Society
Panvel 412 206
Dist : Raigad (Maharashtra)
Phone : (022) 27453760 / 27455653 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9820237518
Fax :
(022) 27455654
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–78 [B]
Raju, (Dr) C. B. (1980) [1992]
(Scientist, AMPRI)
Laboratory Hosangabad Road
Near Habibganj Naka
Bhopal 462 026 (MP)
Phone : (0755) 2587042 / 2580985 (O)
(0755) 2767239 (R)
Email : [email protected]
WL–70 [P, R]
Raju, K. V. K. (1990)
Deputy Director (Ceramics), SISI
Harsidh Chambers, Ashram Road
Ahmedabad 380 014 (Gujarat)
WL–100 [B, M]
Rama Mohan, (Prof) T. R. (1995)
Dept of Metallurgical Engineering and
Materials Science, IIT–Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 25767636 (O)
(022) 25892906 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9820435104
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–90 [B, G]
Ramaiah, L. K. (1993)
Manager (Glass), Gujarat Glass Ltd
Kasamba (R.S.), Post Box No. 06
Surat 394 120 (Gujarat)
WL–71 [B]
Ramanathan, (Dr) S. (1990)
[DOB: 13.07.1953]
(Retd Scientific Officer, BARC)
C6-02, KV (6) CHS, Kendriya Vihar
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai 410 210
Phone : (022) 27761402 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9930954695
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–200 [P]
Rangpariya, Vijaykumar Becharbhai
Partner, Famous Ceramic Industries
8A National Highway
Lalpar, Rajkot, Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 240438 / 240976 (O)
(02822) 232345 (R)
WL–210 [R]
Ranjan, Ravi (2004)
Manager (Refractories)
Reliance Engg Services, Refinery Divn
Central Engg Services
EMB (2nd Floor), Motikuavdi
Jamnagar 361 140 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0288) 3018451 (O)
(0288) 3018451 (R)
WL–25 [E]
Rao, P. V.
Hind Enamel Works
11 Kurla Industrial Estate
Off Agra Road
Mumbai 400 085
WL–143 [B]
Rao, (Dr) S. V. K. (1967) [1996]
[DOB: 11.08.1928]
Ceramic Consultant
3 Parvathi Building, 195 Sandu Marg
Chembur, Mumbai 400 071
Phone : (022) 25285682 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–144 [G, R]
Rapeti, Ramakrishna (2001) [2004]
Chief Executive
HI-Tech International
402 The Great Eastern Galleria
Plot No. 20, Sector – 4, Nerul
Navi Mumbai 400 706
WL–222 [P]
Rathore, Satish [2007]
(General Manager (Productions)
Akash Ceramics Pvt Ltd)
B-303, Sharan Residency
Sona Cross Road, New C. G. Road
Ahmedabad 382 424 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02763) 273170 (O)
(079) 30521826 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9909979842
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–140 [R]
Raut, S. K. (1990) [1996]
Silverwoods, Plot No. 8, Behind
Dhareshwar Park, Near Petrol Pump
Savarkar Park, Gangapur
Nashik (Maharashtra)
WL–232 [EC, CC]
Ravi, K. (2008)
Scientific Officer (D)
Radiometallurgy Division B.A.R.C.
R.M.D., B.A.R.C., Mumbai 400 085
WL–116 [B, R]
Rawlley, (Prof) R. K. (1995)
Head, Dept of Science
National Institute of Technical
Teacher’s Training & Research
Sharmla Hills, Bhopal 462 002 (MP)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–42 [B, R]
Rohatgi, (Dr) P. K. (1981)
Regional Research Laboratory
Hoshangabad Road
Near Habibganj Naka
Bhopal 462 026 (MP)
Phone : (0755) 2587105 / 2580836 (O)
WL–45 [R]
Roy, Manick (1974)
21 Dongri Layout, South Ambazari Road
Nagpur 440 010 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0712) 237350 (O)
(0712) 225372 / 233284 (R)
Sachdev, Jagjeet Singh (2005)
MD, Newmet Pvt Ltd
Deekay Industries Marg, Mumbai 400 078
WL–177 [CC, EC]
Saripalle, Suryanarayana (2003)
Scientific Officer (F)
Fuel Chemistry Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
5-C Kailas, Anusaktinagar
Mumbai 400 094
Phone : (022) 25590631 (O)
(022) 25573398 (R)
WL–101 [B, P]
Sastry, I. S. R. (1995)
Dept of Metallurgical Engineering
and Materials Science
Powai, Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 25767636 (O)
WL–178 [P, R]
Savsani, R. M. (1982) [2003]
(Retd Senior Technical Officer
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Naroda Centre
168 & 169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22815142 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825710742
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–203 [P]
Saidva, Khimajibhai Mavjibhai (2003)
Director, Angel Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Old Ghuntu Road, Rajkot
Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 243801 (O)
WL–223 [E, P]
Sethna, F. P. (1981)
LOTUS, B-302, 3rd floor, B-Wing
Hiranandani Gardens, Powai
Mumbai 400 076
Phone : (022) 25700813 (O)
(022) 25702526 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–235 [EC, E]
Saha, Sudipta (2009)
Business Head
Industrial Products & Natural Resorces
H&R Johnson (India) Ltd
(A Division of Prism Cement Limited)
Neelkanth Residency-1, Flat No. 1503
Nerul-Sector 46A
Navi Mumbai 400 706 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (02143) 274102
Mobile : (0) 9689940260
E-mail :
[email protected]
WL–132 [P, R]
Shah, Kirti Himalal (1994) [1997]
Proprietor, Gita Ceramic
601/602, Indraprasth “C” Tower
Near Drive In,
Gurukul Road, Thaltaj
Ahmedabad 380 045 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 29099815 (O)
(079) 26746628 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9426007198 / 9825370310
E-mail : [email protected]
W L–43 [E]
Shah, Nayan C. (1985)
Madhuchitt Industries
64B Maker Chambers III (6th floor)
Nariman Point
Mumbai 400 021
W L–145 [CC]
Shah, Pragnesh B. (1999)
Partner, Amar Plastics
3415 Kuwawali Street
Mangal Parekh's Khamcho, Shahpur
Ahmedabad 380 001 (Gujarat)
WL–201 [EC, ELC]
Shah, Rupesh C. (1989) [2003]
Managing Director, Sonya Ceramics
711 Anil Road, Nr. Anil Starch
Ahmedabad 380 025 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22202588 / 22202039 (O)
(079) 26569090 (R)
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
WL–264 [P, R]
Shah, Ramesh H. (1965) (2012)
(More than 45 years Annual Member)
Ravi Kiran Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Station Road (Via Anand)
Dist : Kheda
Kanjari 387 325 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0268) 2578696 / 2578694 (O)
(0268) 2578606 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825023721
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–171 [EC, ELC]
Shah, Sachin (2003)
CEO, Jyoti Industrial Ceramics
879/ 1 & 2 GIDC Estate, Makarpura
Vadodara 390 010 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0265) 2643813 (O)
(0265) 2337060 (R)
W L–85 [R]
Sharma, Adhir B. (1993)
206 Harekrishna Complex
Opp. Kothawala Flats, Ashram Road
Ahmedabad 380 014 (Gujarat)
WL–224 [R]
Singh, D. K. (1976)
004, II wing, Sun Shree “Kangan”
N.I.B.M. Road, Kondhwa
Pune 411 048 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (020) 26801804 / 26854948 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9860026258
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–261 []
Singh, Nitishwar Prasad (2012)
(DOB : 01.01.1973)
(Sr Manager, Orient Abrasives Ltd)
Nilkanth, Shyam Park
B/H Rokariya Hanuman Mandir
GIDC, Porbandar 360 577 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0286) 2221275 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9909008081 / 9427258330
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–228 [R, RM]
Singh, Sanjay (2007)
TTL Business Associate
Qtr No. 4B, No. 41
Sector 5, Durg
Bhilai 490 006 (CG)
Phone : (0788) 6451919 (O)
(0788) 2242169 (R)
WL–285 [G, R]
Sircar, Sarup (1985) [2001]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
AVASA, A1 804
Bijalpur, A. B. Road
Indore 452 012 (MP)
Mobile : (0) 9831523639
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–202 [P]
Sompura, S. P. (2003)
Anchor Sanitarywares Pvt Ltd
Tarnetar Road
Surendranagar 363 530 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 220592 (O)
(02751) 220446 (R)
WL–110 [B]
Sood, (Dr) D. D. (1995)
[DOB : 19.06.1939]
B-502, Keshav Kunj II
Plot 3, Sector 15, Sanpada
Navi Mumbai 400 705 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (022) 27814621 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9819006051
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–205 [EC, P]
Soria, Mavjibhai Parshotambhai
Managing Director
Orbit Cera Tiles Ltd
8A National Highway, Lalpur
Opp. GEB Sub-station, Rajkot
Morbi 363 642 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02822) 243344 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9825054181
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–119 [P]
Srivastava, Rakesh Kr (1991)
(R. S. Technocrats
Consultant, Lamberti SpA
Country Head, Coeltunnel, S.A.I.T.,
Comet (Italy) & Heraeus GmbH)
E-502, Kasturi Complex
Judges Bunglow Road
Opp. Shraddha Petrol Pump, Bodakdev
Ahmedabad 380 054 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 40095727 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9099079867
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–173 [B, G]
Subramanian, R. B. V. (1983) [2003]
CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Res Instt
Naroda Centre
168 & 169 Naroda Industrial Estate
Ahmedabad 382 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 22823345 (O)
WL–251 [R]
Sukul, Gunjan (2011)
Manager, Research & Development
Larsen & Toubro Limited
Gate No 1, Saki Vihar Road
Powai (W ), Mumbai 400 072
Phone : (022) 6705 2992 (O)
(022) 28012310 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9820162310
E-mail: [email protected]
WL–28 [P]
Suraiya, V. J. (1949)
Cutch Oils & Allied Industries Pvt Ltd
Mandvi 370 465 (Gujarat)
WL–241 [P]
Suresh, S. M. (1949) (2010)
G-706, Sabari Apartments
Near Hanuman Mandir
Ahmedabad 308 015 (Gujarat)
Mobile : (0) 9714022886 / 9879560795
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–124 [G, R]
Suryanarayana, B. R. (1990)
No. 2, Shlok Duplex
Beside Vybhav Duples
(Opp Gangotri Exotika)
Near Nayaran Gardens
30 Metre Road (Opp. Yash Complex)
Gotri-Laxmipura-Gorwa Road
Vadodara 390 023 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0265) 2975816 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9099050471
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–276 [EC, R]
Swarnakar, (Dr) Akhilesh Kumar
[DOB: 11.03.1980]
Assistant Professor
Department of Metallurgical Engg.
NIT, Raipur
G. E Road, Raipur 492 010 (C.G)
Mobile : (0) 7745970200
E-mail: [email protected]
WL–30 [P, R]
Thadani, K. R.
Jaycee Traders, 141 ‘AVINASH’
J. P. Road, 7 Bunglows
Andheri (West)
Mumbai 400 058
WL–88 [R]
Thakkar, N. L. (1994)
N. L. Industries Corpn
271 Shanti Towers
Near Nehru Nagar Road, Ambawadi
Ahmedabad 380 013 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 26584310 / 26581327 (O)
(079) 40009494 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825008581
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–52 [R]
Thar, B. K. (1980)
Decon Sales Corporation
“Akshaya” (Ground floor)
156/1-B Mangalwar Peth
Parge Chowk
Pune 411 011 (Maharashtra)
WL–236 [EC, CC]
Thomas, Mathew Vadasseril (2009)
(Manager (R&D), H&R Johnson (I) Ltd)
3A-403, Neel Sankalp
Sector-5, New Panvel
Navi Mumbai 410 206 (Maharashtra)
Mobile : (0) 9920840971
E-mail :
[email protected]
WL–50 [R]
Tiwari, C. S. (1986)
Asstt Production Engineer
Bhilai Refractories Plant
Marauda, P.O. Civic Centre
Bhilai 491 002 (CG)
WL–126 [P, R]
Tripathy, Rajesh (1997)
Director, Tripathy Ceramics (P) Ltd
A7/1 Elite Apartments, Shahibaug
Ahmedabad 380 004 (Gujarat)
WL–122 [P]
Trivedi, G. G. (1997)
Executive Director, Somany Ceramics Ltd
14 GIDC Industrial Estate
Kadi 382 715, Dist: Mehsana (Gujarat)
Mobile : (0) 9898835000
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–259 []
Tyagi, (Dr) Avesh Kumar (2012)
[DOB : 25.06.1964]
Head, Solid State Chemistry Section
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Trombay, Mumbai 400 085
Phone : (022) 25595330 (O)
(022) 25503020 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9869443020
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–162 [P]
Ughareja, Hitesh Narsibhai (2002)
Managing Director
Balyan Pottery Works
8-A National Highway
Rajashwar, Rajkot 363 642 (Gujarat)
WL–150 [P, R]
Upadhyay, J. N. (1997) [1999]
Proprietor, Messrs Simplicon
D/140 Bonanza Industrial Estate
Ashok Nagar, Kandivli (E)
Mumbai 400 101
Phone : (022) 28875300 / 28876880 (O)
WL–154 [CC, P]
Vaghela, Ashok Muljibhai (2000)
Partner, Sunny Cera Colours
11 Bhagat Industrial Estate
Tarnetar Road, Thangadh 363 530
Dist : Surendranagar (Gujarat)
Phone : (02751) 221503 / 220503 (O)
(02751) 21315 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9825216915
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
WL–111 [B]
Vaidya, (Dr) V. N. (1995)
(Retd Head of Fuel Chemestry
Division, BARC & Raja Ramanna
Fellow, BRNS DAE)
D3/103 Lunkad Queensland
Housing Society, 210/1 Viman Nagar
Pune 471 014 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (020) 26501034/40037313 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9372008026
E-mail : [email protected]
WL–147 [E, P]
Vasnani, Shailesh Govindbhai (1999)
Managing Partner, Sonam Ceramics
Opp. Bandhunagar, NH-8A
At : Makansar 363 642
Dist : Rajkot (Gujarat)
WL–63 [G, R]
Vyas, (Dr) B. R. (1990)
(Retd Scientific Officer (BARC)
301 Aangan Towers, G. Marg, No. 8
Post: Manjalpur
Vadodara 390 004 (Gujarat)
Phone : (0265) 2630691 (R)
WL–104 [P]
Vyas, D. R. (1983) [2004]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI Naroda Centre)
302 Shakuntal Apartment
9/B Devang Society
Nr. Ballavwadi, Maninagar
Ahmedabad 380 008 (Gujarat)
Phone : (079) 25470211 (R)
WL–286 [E, RM]
Vyas, Piyush Kumar (2015)
[DOB: 23.02.1982]
Deputy General Manager
H & R Johnson (India) Pvt Ltd
(A Division of Prism Cement Ltd.)
Vill: Khar Devli, PO: Gadab
Mumbai Goa Highway, Taluka Pen
Raigad 402 107 (Maharashatra)
Phone : (02143) 274101 (O)
(022) 27458634 (R)
(02143) 274100
Mobile : (0) 9689940266
E-mail :
[email protected]
WM–687 [ELC, G]
Barman Roy, Anup (2016)
[DOB: 08.06.1980]
Deputy Manager
Sterlite Technologies Ltd
A-23, SEZ Shendra
Ahurangabad 431 201 (Maharashtra)
Mobile : (0) 9561479922
E-mail : [email protected]
WM–685 [R, EC]
Natarjan, (Dr) Thamaraj Selvi (2014)
DOB: 13.12.1988]
Research Scholar, Dept of Metallurgical
Engg. and Materials Science
Powai, Mumbai 400 076
E-mail : [email protected]
Mobile : (0) 9924308439
E-mail :
[email protected]
WM–681 [G]
Kumar Rathi, Munish (2011)
[DOB : 13.04.1977]
Factory Head (Halol)
Aditya Birla Insulators
PO: Meghasar
Taluka, Halol
Dist: Panchmahal 389 330 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02676) 221002 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9924666550
E-mail : [email protected]
WM–686 [EC, ELC]
Ramasamy, Arumugam (2015)
[DOB: 10.07.1955]
(Business Development Manager
Signature Ceramic Pvt Ltd)
8A National Highway
B/H Varmora Vitrified
Wakaner, Morbi 363 621 (Gujarat)
Phone : (02828) 287577 (O)
(044) 26560524 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9841440172
E-mail : [email protected]
(Names in italics indicate representatives of the respective corporate members)
LNC–01 [R, M], [SS]
LNC–02 [CC, RM] [LS]
(Valid up to 2033)
P.O. Kassar
Jhajjar 124 507 (Haryana)
Phone : (01276) 241133
: (01276) 241135
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
(Valid up to 2031)
Subhas Nagar
Bhilwara 311 001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01482) 264431
: (01482) 264909
E-mail : [email protected]
Saran Khemka & Anurag Dayal Mathur
Satish C Vishwakarma & Akshish Seth
LNC–04[P, RM] [LS]
(Valid up to 2039)
3rd Floor, Building No 10, Tower – B
DLF Cyber City
Gurgaon 122 002 (Haryana)
Phone : (0124) 4278346/47/48/49
Francese Recasens & S. Aravazhi
LNC–03 [G, R], [LS]
(Valid up to 2037)
F-36, Sector 6
Noida 201 301 (UP)
Phone : (0120) 241001-5
Mobile : (0) 9810150588
Fax : (01276) 241006
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
H. L. Somany & Shreekant Somany
LNC–05 [G, R], [LS]
TRIVENI GLASS LTD (1983) (2015)
(Valid up to 2039)
1 Kanpur Road
Allahabad 211 001 (UP)
Phone : (0532) 2600325/2407325
: (0532) 2407450
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
J. K. Agarwal
NC–43 [P, R], [LS]
Plot Nos. F–555-559
Road No. 6
Viswakarma Industrial Area
Jaipur 302 013 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2330416 / 2330624
(0141) 2331846
: (0141) 2331306 / 2333792
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
Dinesh Agarwal & Kamal Agarwal
NC–105 [B, G], {SS]
A-1/1 Industrial Area
Jalesar Road
P.O. Muiddinpur
Firozabad 283 203 (UP)
Phone : (05612) 291218 / 203238
Mobile : (0) 941225502
: (05612) 232293
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
Devendra Sah
NC–119 [R], [SS]
Behind ITI
Meerut Road
Dist : Muzaffarnagar 251 003 (UP)
Phone : (0131) 2623586
Mobile : (0) 9837027925 / 9319465000
: (0131) 2623434
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Ankur Garg
NC–145 [P], [SS]
618, Mahaveer Nagar, Tonk Road
Jaipur 302 018 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2550692
Mobile : (0) 9829455526
: (0141) 2864013
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
S. C. Chopra
NC–106 [E], [SS]
G1-553 554 Sitapura Industrial Area
RIICO, Tonk Road
Jaipur 302 022 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2771131/ 2770207
: (0141) 2770124
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
Surendra K. Jhunjhunwala
NC–100 [B, P], [SS]
31/401, Langra-Ki-Chowki
Agra 282 004 (UP)
Phone : (0562) 2852205 / 403700
(0562) 2523099 (R)
: (0562) 2520034
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
Om Prakash Agarwal & Sunil Agarwal
NC–98 [E, P], [SS]
LTD (1989)
NCCL House, Plot No. G-1/90-93
Udyog Vihar, Sukher Industrial Park
Udaipur 313 004 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0294) 2440307 / 2441404
Fax : (0294) 2440310
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
M. C. Nahar & R. K. Surana
NC–132 [P], [SS]
260 Ritambhara Building
Tribhuvan Complex
7 Ishwar Nagar (West)
Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 065
Phone : (011) 26310228 / 26838838
Mobile : (0) 9811086165 / 9810005049
: (011) 26849518
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected];
Sanjeev Bhaskar & Savita Bhaskar
HM–01 [E, P]
Agarwal, G. M. (1981) (2015)
47 Old Vijay Nagar Colony
Agra 282 004
Mobile : (0) 9897004755
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–271 [P, E]
Acharya Choudhury, Prasanta Kr
General Manager
Directorate of Industries UP
110/237 Jawaharnagar
Kanpur 208012 (UP)
Phone : (0) 9307103127
Mobile : (0) 9336108965
NL–150 [P, M]
Abrol, M. K. (1994)
MD, Abrol Engineering Co Ltd
‘ABROL HOUSE’, Industrial Area
Kapurthala 144 601 (Punjab)
NL–231 [EC, G]
Agarwal, Aneel (2005)
H.O. 220, South Extn Phase II
South Extn Part II, New Delhi 110 049
Phone : (011) 26251461 / 26253667 (O)
(011) 26254884 (R)
NL–94 [P]
Agarwal, Anil (1990)
157/4 Radha Krishna
Khurja 203 131(UP)
Phone : (05738) 253285 / 24506 (R)
NL–221 [EC, RM]
Agarwal, Anil (2002)
GM (Vrundavan Ceramics Ltd)
C/o Sh. S. P. Nathany
Nathany Company, Bhilwara (Rajasthan)
Phone : (02828) 287796 (O)
(01482) 264609 (R)
NL–275 []
Agarwal, Arvind (2010)
Director, SPL Ltd
412, Vikas Deep Building
Laxmi Nagar Dist. Centre
Vikas Marg
Delhi 110092
Phone : (011) 42448204 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9871088886
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–95 [P]
Agarwal, Dinesh (1992)
Bharat Potteries Ltd
Plot Nos. F–555-559, Road No. 6
V. K. I. Area
Jaipur 302 013 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2330624 / 2330416 (O)
(0141) 2331846
(0141) 2281126 / 2281291 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–96 [P]
Agarwal, Kamal Narain (1990)
Managing Director
Bharat Potteries Ltd
Plot Nos. F–555-559
Road No. 6
V. K. I. Area
Jaipur 302 013 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2330624 / 2330416 (O)
(0141) 2281229 / 2281121 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9829010624
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–28 [P]
Agarwal, Mahendra (1984)
Chemico Sales Corporation
Industrial Area
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
NL–30 [P]
Agarwala, Narendra Kr (1984)
Ganesh Bhavan
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 252236 (O)
NL–29 [P]
Agarwal, Prithvi Kumar (1984)
Peekay Industries
Potters’ Colony
G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 246998 (O)
NL–186 [P]
Aggarwal, G. R. (1976) [1997]
[DOB: 09.12.1929]
Alliance Global
2187/1 Gali Hinga Beg
Beri Market
(1st floor), Tilak Bazar
Delhi 110 006
Phone : (011) 2393 0210/11 (O)
(011) 43548955 (O)
(011) 27123926 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9910375733
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–232 [P, R]
Agarwal, Rahul Kr (2006)
Proprietor, Bhatwara Industries
Ganesh Bhawan, Nai Basti
Bulandshahr, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 253275 (O)
(05738) 248088 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9837572914
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–250 [P, RM]
Agarwal, Rajendra (2007)
Agarwal Sales Corporation, G. T. Road
Bulandshahr, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9897592236
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–252 [P]
Aggarwal, Saurabh (2007)
Manager, U.P. Ceramics & Handicrafts
Opp. S.G.S.J., Near Pollytechnic College
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 245241 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9997045240
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–97 [P]
Agarwal, Rajesh (1992)
[DOB: 10.02.1956]
Managing Director
Clay Craft India Ltd
Plots No. F–766A, Road No. 1D,
V. K. I. Area, Jaipur 302 013 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 4107978 (O)
(0141) 2281273 / 2281127 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9829010943
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–192 [P]
Agrawal, Arun Kr (1998)
C/o Agarwal Salt Co
Plot No. 54, Road No. 6
Industrial Area
Rani Bazar
Bikaner 334 001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0151) 2206277 / 2209695 (O)
(0151) 2200145 / 2524632 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9413388637 / 9351203371
(0) 9829136461
E-mail :[email protected]
NL–53 [G, R]
Agrawal, Rakesh Kr (1988)
(Retd G M , BSP)
House No. 1155, Sector 7,
Urban Estate
Karnal 132 001 (Haryana)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–76 [B]
Agrawal, (Prof) D. C. (1984)
Materials Science Programme
ACMS, IIT-Kanpur
Kanpur 208 016 (UP)
Phone : (0512) 2597740 / 2597892 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–17 [B, R]
Agrawal, (Dr) G. N. (1973) [1982]
Professor, DEAN,
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Indian Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2368158 / 2307001 (O)
(0542) 6702080
(0542) 2369309 (R)
Mobile : (0)7505472899
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL–202 [P, RM]
Ahmad, Khan Sami (1999)
Partner, Chhabra Industries
Munda Khera Crossing
Munda Khera Road, G. T. Road,
Bulandshahar, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 242536 (O)
(05738) 242353 (R)
NL–66 [P]
Ahuja, V. K. (1987)
Panchvati Colony, Junction Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
NL–178 [M]
Amar Nath (1986) [1996]
Lecturer, Dept of Ceramic Engg, IT
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307043 (O)
NL–1 [R]
Anand, Ram Prakash (1973)
Lalchand Anand & Sons
13/1 Bullandshahar Road
Ghaziabad (UP)
Phone : (0120) 286610 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9810075252
E-mail :
[email protected]
NL–31 [P]
Arora, Chiran Jeet Singh (1984)
Shiv Potteries
Near Bone Mill, P.O. Dharpa
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232576 / 230175 (O)
(0) 9897055507 / 09 (M)
NL–98 [P]
Arora, Jagdish Chandra (1990)
Ceramic Technician
M/s Star Sales Corporation
G. T. Road, (Opp. Industrial Estate)
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232285 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9837750600
NL–203 [CC, RM]
Arora, Manmohan (1999)
MD, Mineral & Chemical House
Munda Khera Crossing
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 243389 (O)
(05738) 243842 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9837003286
NL–280 [EC, CC]
Balani, (Dr) Kantesh (2010)
Associate Professor
Dept of Materials Science & Engg.
Biomaterials Processing and
Characterization Lab
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
IIT Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016 (UP)
Phone : (0512) 2596194 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9198228798
: (0512) 2597505
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–204 [R]
Banerjee, L. N. (1999)
[DOB : 04.05.1949]
Asst. Vice President
Orient Refractories Ltd
SP–148A, RIICO Industrial State
Bhiwadi, Alwar 301 019 (Rajasthan)
Mobile : (0) 9783800176
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–194 [P]
Bansal, G. P. (1964) [1999]
[DOB: 06.11.1932]
Shree Krishna Bhawan
D-10/2 Model Town
New Delhi 110 009
Phone : (011) 23963812 / 23928308 (O)
(011) 27213567 / 27235149 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9953328889
NL–282 [P]
Bansal, Rajeev (2011)
Proprietor, S. S. Transfer
Kishan Ghat Road
Dist : Bulendshar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9412227692
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–67 [P]
Bansal, Ramesh Kumar (1986)
Gopal Traders
Near CGCRI Building & Shankar Hotel
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837061490 / 9045678925
Email : [email protected]
NL–161 [P]
Bansal, Sanjay (1996)
2135-C Tilak Bazar
Delhi 110 006
NL–233 [CC, P]
Bansal, Sanjeev (1996)
Partner, Veneet Decorators
310B Kishan Ghat Road
Kakrala, Bulandshahr
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 253210 / 247178 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9837154823
E-mail :
[email protected]
NL–316 [P, RM]
Barbhuiya, Pankaj Nath (2015)
[DOB: 17.06.1959]
Kajaria Ceramics Pvt Ltd)
KE-21, Flat No 203, Kalash Apartment
Kavi Nagar (Near Ramlila Ground)
Ghaziabad 201 002 (UP)
Phone : (05735) 222393/222819 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9810625005
E-mail :
[email protected]
NL–79 [P]
Basi, K. S. (1988)
Managing Director, Punjab Ceramics Ltd
Kathi No. 251, Sector–9C
Chandigarh (Punjab)
NL–3 [P]
Bawa, J. S.
Bawa Glass & Crockeries Pvt Ltd
Delhi 110 006
NL–20 [P]
Bhagat, B. N. (1961) [1978]
A-15 West End
New Delhi 110 021
Phone : (011) 26888430 / 24673136 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–78 [P]
Bhandari, Om Prakash (1988)
(DOB : 01.01.1949)
CEO & Proprietor, Om Consultants
C-131, Defence Colony, 2nd Floor
New Delhi 110 024
Phone : (011) 26287817 (O)
(011) 24337895/96 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9811507817
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL–133 [P, R]
Bhardwaj, C. M. (1993)
Resident Manager (Marketing, BRL)
C/o S. Dasgupta
House No. 257-C, Pocket–J & K
Dilshad Garden, Delhi 110 095
NL–32 [P]
Bhardwaj, Narendra Kumar (1984)
Ellora Ceramics
Kheshgean, Near Jama Maszid
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
NL–16 [P, R]
Bhargava, A. K. (1982)
Chairman and Managing Director
Universal Insulators & Ceramics Ltd
“Vishnu Ashram”
Aminuddaula Park, Aminabad
Lucknow 226 018 (UP)
Phone : (0522) 2246547 / 2234485 (R)
NL–91 [G, R]
Bhargava, R. N. (1979) [2004]
Nath Optical International
18/53 The Mall, Kanpur 208 001 (UP)
NL–175 [P, R]
Bhaskar, Bharat (1996)
The Ishwar Industries Ltd
Tribhuvan Complex
Ishwar Nagar
New Delhi 110 065
NL–136 [P]
Bhaskar, Prann (1970) [1993]
Capital Co-operative Inds Soc Ltd
13 Shivaji Marg
New Delhi 110 015
Phone : (011) 25928450 (O)
(011) 23656104 (R)
NL–143 [R]
Bhaskar, Vidur (1994)
Managing Director
BNBS Cements & Product Pvt Ltd
Bhaskar Estate
Amar Nagar PO:
Sector 27C, 20th Km Mathura Road
Faridabad 121 003 (Haryana)
Phone : (0129) 2250905 (O)
(011) 26837490 (O)
(011) 41672205 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9810090726
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–34 [P]
Bhattacharyya, B. C. (1977) [2002]
[DOB: 17.12.1953]
(Administratoin & Head, Business
Development of Organic Social)
12 Khanij Nagar, Ali Magri
(Behind Pashupati Gas Godam)
Udaipur 313 001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0294) 2813673 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9414173112
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–64 [P]
Bhattacharyya, S. N. (1985)
C/o Clay Craft (India) Pvt Ltd
Road No. 1D, VKI Area
Jaipur 302 012 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2330624 / 2261002 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–33 [B]
Biswas, Nirmal (1984)
153 Nehru Apartments
Outer Ring, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110 019
Phone : (011) 262323701 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–302 [B, R]
Biswas, (Prof) Sampad Kr (1988)
Dept of Metallurgy and Materials Engg
Malaviya National Instt of Tech
JLN Marg, Jaipur 302 017 (Rajasthan)
Mobile : (0) 9339730563
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–181 [P]
Bordia, (Ms) Leela (1997)
Proprietor, Neerja International Inc
S-19 Bhawani Singh Road
Jaipur 302 001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2380395 / 2383511 (O)
(0141) 2502644 / 2502693 (R)
NL–261 [EC, ELC]
Bose, Animesh (2009)
Regional Account Mnager (CPO)
Almatis Alumina Pvt Ltd
C-39, 2nd Floor, Panchsheel Vihar, Khirki
Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 110 017
Phone : (011) 29542391
Mobile : (0) 9811774712
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–140 [G, P]
Chakraborty, Sushil Kr (1984) [2005]
(Retd Director, SSI)
Pocket C, Flat No. C-221
Siddharth Extension, New Delhi 110 014
Mobile : (0) 9810952965
NL– 287 [G, R]
Chakraborty, Tridib Kumar (2011)
Head Float Line
Saint-Gobain Glass India Ltd
Plot No SP-1, Industrial Area Kaharani
(Bhiwadi Extension), Dist : Alwar
Bhiwadi 301 019 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01493) 301204 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9840011376
E-mail :
[email protected]
NL–196 [P, M]
Chhatwal, Darshan (1999)
Sillico & Chemico Porcelain Works
C-5 Industrial Estate, G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (U.P)
Phone : (05738) 232206 / 231606 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9837013160
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–166 [P]
Das, N. K. (1996)
Jaipur Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Isharda House
Old Amer Road
Jaipur 302 002 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2513140 / 2513149 (O)
NL–147 [B, P]
Chauhan, Ajay S. (1994)
Director, Omicron Engrs Pvt Ltd
D–2062/A Palam Vihar
Gurgaon 122 017 (Haryana)
NL–187 [P]
Data, Daya Kishan (1997)
Jaipur Glass & Potteries
(A Unit of Vijay Solvex Ltd)
Tonk Road
Jaipur 302 018 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2704892 / 2704445 (O)
(0141) 2513840 (R)
NL–35 [P]
Chugh, Pratap Kishen (1984)
KMPA, Camus
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (0) 9837148598 (M)
NL–100 [P]
Chura, Asha Ram (1991)
K. G. Mines & Minerals
Inside Jassusar Gate
Near BSTC Girls’ School
Bikaner 334 001 (Rajasthan)
NL–126 [B]
Dadoo, Satya Prakash (1991)
Dadoo Industries
Kishen Ghat Road, Kakrala
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837790665
NL–317 [P]
Daga, Jaichand Lal (1991) (2016)
Mine Owner
Labhuji-Ka-Katra, 1st Floor
Bikaner 334 001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0151) 2220380 / 2521624 (O)
Fax :
(0151) 2522768
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–87 [R]
Dahiya, R. S. (1992)
Vice-President, Orient Abrasives
114 RIICO Industrial Area, Bhiwadi
Dist : Alwar (Rajasthan)
NL–36 [G, P]
Dhall, Ashok (1984)
S-31A Vijay Vihar
Uttam Nagar
New Delhi 110 059
NL–195 [B, R]
Dhar, D. (1998)
E-796 (2nd Floor)
C. R. Park
New Delhi 110 019
NL–154 [R]
Dutta Purohit, D. (1995)
Manager (Value Added Product)
MOD (R&D), & Dry Mix Plant
JK Cement Ltd
(W hite Cement Works Division)
Dist : Nagaur
Gotan 342 902 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01591) 230201-03 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9001994685
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–102 [P]
Ganguly, Kamalendu (1992)
Ceramic Consultant
House No. 429, Sector-37
Faridabad 121 003 (Haryana)
Phone : (011) 26946938 / 26943112 (O)
(0129) 25275417 (R)
NL–278 [P, CC]
Garg, Alok Kumar (2010)
Proprietor, Alok Industries
B-10-11 Industrial Area
Junction Road, Bulandshahr
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 253272 (O)
(05738) 247186 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9837093757
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–301 [ELC, G]
Gautam, (Dr) Chandkiram Ram (2013)
[DOB: 16.01.1972]
(Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics,
University of Lucknow)
A-3 Teachers Flats
Goakran Nath Road
Lucknow University Campus
Lucknow 226 007 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9125599588
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–292 []
Garg, Amit (2012)
Technical Manager, Hindustan Abrasvies
40, Guilanwala Town Plot – I I
Delhi 110 009
Phone : (011) 42384939 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9810029966
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–137 [B, R]
Goel, A. K. (1993)
Manager (C. S. Zircon Products (P)
Ltd) Narain Market
More Ganj, Saharanpur 247 001 (UP)
NL–310 [R, RW]
Garg, Brahma Nand (2014)
[DOB: 27.03.1958]
Director, Mahipal Ceramics Pvt Ltd
H. No. 324 Laxmi Mandi
9 km Stone Mirzapur Road
Hissar 125 001 (Haryana)
Phone : (01662) 231323
Mobile : (0) 9416044689
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–295 [G, CC]
Garg, Dinesh Kumar (2013)
[DOB: 20.09.1945]
Mtrs. Of Glass Colours & Chemicals,
Garg Ceramics & Garg Chemicals,
13, Vivek Vihar
Hapur 245 101 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9719032625
NL–184 [E, M]
Garg, Pramod Kumar (1998)
Director, Manglam Ceramics Ltd
KH-41, Kavi Nagar
Ghaziabad 201 001 (UP)
NL–37 [P]
Garg, Raghunandan Kumar (1984)
The Shakti Potteries PCIS Ltd
Daultabad Road
Gurgaon 122 001 (Haryana)
NL–80 [P, R]
Goel, Prem Kumar (1988)
321/51 Nai Abadi
Near Pipli Wala Petrol Pump
Malerkotla 148 023 (Punjab)
NL–209 [B]
Goel, Rajesh Kumar (1992) [2000]
Consultant (Building Materials)
“Goel Villa”, 185, Saket
Roorkee 247 667 (UA)
Phone : (01332) 274375 (O & R)
Mobile : (0) 9897079375
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–38 [P]
Goel, Subhash Chander (1984)
Subhash Potteries
Bagh Risaldar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837148598
NL–234 [EC, P]
Govil, Anil (2006)
Chandra Pottery Works
Varun Villa, Pili Kothi
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 243488 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9897209228
NL–254 [EC, ELC]
Govindan, (Dr) Anil (2008)
15/4 Park View Apartment
Daya Nand Nagar
Opp. Sushila Model School
Gaziabad 201 001 (UP)
Phone : (0120) 4127716 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9871172449
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–253 [P]
Goyal, Anand (2007)
Owner, Krishna Ceramics
343, Kakrala
Behind Power House No. 1
Kakrala, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 246582 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412229679
NL–183 [G, R]
Goyal, D. R. (1976) [1997]
B–38(C) M. I. Area
Alwar 301 030 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0144) 2370331 (R)
NL–215 [R, RM]
Goyel, Daulat Ram (2002)
Managing Director
Goyel Mineral Grinding Mills
Kapil Mandi, Nim-ka-Thana
Sikar 332 713 (Rajasthan)
NL–216 [P]
Guha, Kuntal Kr (2002)
Jaipur Glass and Potteries
“Shri Ramakrishnam”
137 Radmawati Colony B
Near Ryans International School
Jaipur 302 019 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2704445 / 2704612 (O)
(0141) 2393575 (R)
NL–238 [P]
Guha, Mita (2006)
Director, Hopewell Ceramics Pvt Ltd
G-1/5 Udyog Vihar
Jetpura Industrial Area
Jetpura, Jaipur 302 004 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01423) 513204 / 224369 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–77 [P]
Guha, N. K. (1980)
Director (Works), Jaipur Glass & Potteries
“Shri Ramakrishnam”
137 Radmawati Colony B
Near Ryans International School
Jaipur 302 019 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2704445 (O)
(0141) 2393624 / 2393575 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9414066701
NL– 274 [P, E]
Guha, Supratik (2010)
Executive Director
Hopewell Tableware Pvt. Ltd
A-17 Manish Marg
Gandhi Path, Neminagar
Jaipur 302 021 (Rajasthan)
Mobile : (0) 9001687555
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–160 [P]
Guha, Swapan Kr (Padmashri) (1990)
(Managing Director,
Hopewell Tableware Pvt Ltd)
A-17 Manish Marg,
Gandhi Path, Neminagar,
Vaishali Nagar,
Jaipur 302 021 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2246246 / 6500898
Mobile : (0) 9928022022
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–235 [P, R]
Gulati, Karan (2006)
Gulati Industries
B-7 Industrial Estate
Junction Road Bulandshahr
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 247723 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9837087311
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–134 [B, G]
Gupta, Anil Kr (1993)
68 Shivaji Puram
Swarn Jayanti Nagar
Aligarh 202 001(UP)
Mobile : (0) 9358577775
NL–260 [P, E]
Gupta, Anil Kumar (2009)
Head, Ceramic Dept
College of Engg & Technology
Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road
Bikaner 334004 (Rajasthan)
Mobile : (0) 9352822437
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–82 [P]
Gupta, Anuj (1989)
Managing Director, Punjab Potteries
Gurgaon Road, New Delhi 110 037
NL–68 [P]
Gupta, C. L. (1986)
Basai Potteries
Basai Road, Gurgaon (Haryana)
NL–138 [R]
Gupta, C. S. (1993)
Managing Director
C. S. Zircon Products (P) Ltd
Trilokpur Road, Kala-Amb 173 030
Dist: Sirmour (UP)
NL–65 [P]
Gupta, D. (1985)
Mridul Enterprises
4634 Ajmer Gate, Delhi 110 006
NL–6 [P]
Gupta, Dayaram
Apex Minerals, P.O. Rajgarh
Dist: Alwar (Rajasthan)
NL–146 [R]
Gupta, Jitendra (1994)
70 Sandesh Vihar, P & T Colony,
Pitampura, Delhi 110 034
NL–106 [P]
Gupta, Madan Lal (1992)
Hindustan Pottery Industries
E-5 Industrial Area
Bahadurgarh 124 507 (Haryana)
NL–39 [P]
Gupta, R. K.
Gupta Plaster Industries Pvt Ltd
4288 Gali Sahtara, Ajmeri Gate
Delhi 110 006
NL–40 [P]
Gupta, Rakes (1984)
Rama Sales Corporation
C-4, Industrial Estate, G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232356 / 233557 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9837201257
NL–41 [P]
Gupta, Ram Kisan (1984)
Ram Pottery Works
D-4 Industrial Area
Junction Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837055905
NL–84 [P]
Gupta, Ravindra Kr (1988)
R. R. Industries
C-4 Industrial Estate
G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131(UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837052278
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–144 [P]
Gupta, K. B. (1994)
Director, Rangoli Ceramics Ltd
98 Industrial Area, Rani Bazar
Bikaner 334 001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0151) 2251701 (O)
(0151) 2525801 (R)
NL–42 [P]
Gupta, Sanjay (1984)
New Adarsh Pottery Works
Near Bone Mills, G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232535 / 247235 (O)
(05738) 247335 (R),
Mobile : (0) 9897047335
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–105 [R]
Gupta, (Dr) M. M. (1962) [1984]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
4100, Sector B, Pocket 5 & 6
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110 070
Phone : (011) 26897467 (R)
NL–107 [B, P]
Gupta, Sanjay (1990)
Gupta Building, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 246333 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9897256333
NL–145 [P]
Gupta, Shiv Narain (1994)
Jai Bharat Potteries, Najafgarh Road
Bahadurgarh 124 507 (Haryana)
NL–173 [R]
Gupta, Surinder Kr (1996)
Advisor (Refractories)
Y-16 Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016
NL–197 [P]
Gupta, Vijendra Kr (1999)
Proprietor, Rajeev Industries
353 Nai Basti, (Opp. Gaushala )
College Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232202 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9837093704
E-mail : [email protected]
NL– 286 [P]
Gupta, Vipul (2011)
M/s. Hindustan Chemicals
G. T. Road, Dist : Bulendshar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232262 (O)
(05738) 244912 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9837057759
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–7 [R]
Gurbachanlal, K. K. Chadhai (1974)
Mineral & Chemical Co
3943 Behind G. B. Road
Opp. State Bank of India
Delhi 110 006
NL–167 [P]
Jain, Ashish (1996)
Director, Jaipur Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Isharda House, Old Amer Road
Jaipur 302 002 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 5132255 / 5131401 (O)
(0141) 2200994 / 2202043 (R)
NL–168 [P]
Jain, Dharam Chand (1996)
Director, Jaipur Ceramics Pvt Ltd
ISharda House, Old Amer Road
Jaipur 302 002 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 5131401 / 5131407 (O)
NL–198 [CC]
Jain, Pradeep Kr (1999)
Director, Sahaj Cerchem (P) Ltd
47 Vijay Nagar Colony (Old)
Agra 282 004 (UP)
Phone : (0562) 2352473 / 2521968 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–315 [EC, R]
Jain, Sanjay (2015)
[DOB: 10.01.1962]
(Managing Director,
Eastern Refractories Ltd)
B-31-32 Ramnath City, Lalitpur Road
Rajgarh, Jhansi 284 135 (UP)
Phone : (0510) 2720080
Mobile : (0) 9415412754
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–141 [G, R]
Jain, Achint K. (1973)
Jain Ceramic Enterprises
Bara Chauraha, Bari Chhapeti
Firozabad 283 203, Agra (UP)
Phone : (05612) 242282 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9214 332778
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–217 [P]
Jain, Aman (2002)
Proprietor, Shree Mahila Kutir Udyog
B-59A Sudarshanpura Extn
Jaipur 302 006 (Rajasthan)
NL–153 [E, R]
Jain, Sanjoy Kr (1984)
D-268 (1st Floor)
Ramprastha, Delhi-UP Border
Ghaziabad 201 011 (UP)
Phone : (011) 55284610 / 55253528 (O)
NL–169 [P]
Jajodia, Laxmikant (1996)
Director, Jaipur Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Isharda House, Old Amer Road
Jaipur 302 002 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 5131404 / 5131407 (O)
(0141) 2234068 (R)
NL–159 [ELC, RM]
Jatia, Akhilesh (2006)
M/s Genesis Enterprises Pvt Ltd
D-16B, Hauz Khas
Behind PHD House, New Delhi 110 016
NL–43 [P]
Jatia, Madhav Prasad (1984)
Shree Ganesh Potteries
Junction Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 247590 / 232064 (O)
NL–210 [EC, RM]
Jatia, Mahesh (2001)
Managing Director
CJI Porcelain (P) Ltd
Junction Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 253231/ 253241 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–8 [P]
Joshi, Arun Kr (1978)
E-143, Saket, New Delhi 110 017
Phone : (011) 25652292 / 25652944 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9810349504
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–214 [G, P]
Joshi, S. C. (1975) [2002]
S-53 Panchsheel Park
New Delhi 110 017
NL–92 [P]
Kalia, Vijay (1989)
55 Sakshar Apartment
Paschim Bihar, New Delhi 110 063
Phone : (011) 263219549 (R)
NL–208 [CC, RM]
Kalla, Triloki Nath (2000)
Managing Director
Thar Ceramics (P) Ltd
Opp. UCO Bank, KEM Road
Bikaner 334 001 (Rajasthan)
NL–101 [R]
Kalra, Subhash Chandra (2000)
H. No. 1078, Sector II
Panchkula (Haryana)
NL– 272 [EC]
Karim, Abdul (2010)
Director, A. K. Ceramics
Kiln Contractor
332, Panjabian, Baradari
Dist : Bulendshar, Khurja 203131
Phone : (05738) 296255 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9917713322
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–304 [B]
Karmakar, Debi Prasad (1999) (2014)
[DOB: 21.10.1971]
Sr. Scientist
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Extension Centre
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 242501 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412227625
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL–108 [G, P]
Kataruka, Arun (1991)
193 Madhuban
Delhi 110 092
NL–129 [R]
Kaul, Deepak (1992)
Thermo-Tech Ceramics
Thermo Technologies Pvt Ltd
Plot No 9, Modern Industrial Estate
Part B, Bahadurgarh 124 507
Mobile : (0) 9311620894 / 9818198049,
(0) 9891620894
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–240 [ELC, R]
Kaul, Sameer (2006)
Thermo-Tech Ceramics
Thermo Technologies Pvt Ltd
Plot No 9, Modern Industrial Estate
Part B, Bahadurgarh 124 507 (Haryana)
Mobile : (0) 9311620894, 9818198049,
[email protected]
NL–256 []
Khan, Abdul Raheem (2008)
MD, Royal Expo
65 Khawaishgium
Marcha, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 231972 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9837021621
NL–46 [P]
Khanna, M. C. (1984)
Memco Ceramic Industries
Industrial Estate, G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232403 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9837486404
NL–299 [G, R]
Khan, Badiuzzama (2013)
[DOB: 01.07.1947]
(Retd. G. M., Birla Copper
(A unit of Hindalco Industries Ltd.)
C-1, Swarn Nagari, Greater Noida
Gautambudh Nagar 201 308 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9911981283
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–47 [P]
Khanna, R. K. (1970) [1982]
Khanna Electricals & Ceramic Products
C-8 Industrial Estate, G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232203 / 04 (O)
NL–44 [B, R]
Khan, Mohammad Vaseem (1984)
Off. 2-A, Skyline Colony
Dodhpur Civil Lines
Aligarh 202 001
Phone : (0571) 2701554 / 3090282 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9358208776
NL–45 [B, R]
Khan, Rizawan-ur-Rasheed (1984)
Orient Pottery
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 296227 / 245830 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9319070639
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–241 [EC, ELC]
Khan, Sahid Ali (2006)
Partner, CIBA Products
95 Punjsbian, Bulandshahr
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232336 (O)
NL–249 [EC, R]
Khan, Shakeel Ahmad (2007)
Propriter, M/s Geo Industries
Opp Industrial Area,
G. T. Road, Bulandshahr,
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837094402
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–48 [P]
Khanna, S. C. (1970) [1984]
Naresh Potteries
Industrial Area, G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232498 / 240698 (O)
(05738) 243498 / 242313 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9897011106
IE-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–155 [R]
Khullar, Parmod Kr (1996)
Manager, Competent Industries
Najafgarh Road
Bahadurgarh 124 507 (Haryana)
NL–245 [G, P]
Kowshik, Vijay (2007)
Artist, Pottery
T-13, (1st Floor) , Green Park Exten.
New Delhi 110 016
Phone : (011) 26167145
NL–70 [B, G]
Krishna, (Smt) Shantha (1986)
No. 1 Ashoka Road
A. P. Bhavan, New Delhi 110 001
NL–236 [CC, RM]
Kubba, Amit Raj (2006)
General Manager, Sanjaya Enterprise
A-1/273 Paschim Vihar
New Delhi 110 063
Phone : (011) 25472541 / 25472693 (O)
(011) 25260405 (R)
NL–219 [B, G]
Kumar, (Dr) Anil (1996)
Lecturer, Dept of Ceramic Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307043 (O)
NL–148 [G, P]
Kumar, C. Seelam (1968) [1987]
(Retd Dy Director (C&G), DCSSI)
Consultant & Advisor
16/73 Mug Flats, Vasundhara
Ghaziabad 201 012 (NCR Delhi)
Phone : (0120) 2773521 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9891117384
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–176 [B, G]
Kumar, (Dr) Devendra (1996)
Professor, Dept of Ceram Engg (BHU)
P-18, New Medical Enclave
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307043 (O)
(0542) 2367817 (R)
NL–279 [P, CC]
Kumar, Ramesh (2010)
CEO, M/S Premier Ceramic Industries
Plot No. A-3, & A-8, Junction Road
Tiana, Bulandshahar 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (011) 26387998 (O)
(05738) 253600 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9811143105
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–72 [B]
Lal, M. M. (1962) [1986]
(Retd Dy Director ITRC)
29/5A Gokhale Vihar Marg
Lucknow 226 001 (UP)
NL–170 [P]
Loyalka, Sharad Kr (1996)
Director, Jaipur Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Isharda House, Old Amer Road
Jaipur 302 002 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 5135534 / 5131401 (O)
(0141) 2201146 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–171 [P]
Loyalka, Shishir Kr (1996)
Director, Jaipur Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Isharda House, Old Amer Road
Jaipur 302 002 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 5130055 / 5131401 (O)
(0141) 2200329 (R)
NL–229 [G, R]
Luthra, Anil Kr (2005)
GM, Lloyd Insulations (India) Ltd
Kalkaji Industrial Area
New Delhi 110 019
NL–158 [P, R]
Mahajan, N. K. (1993)
[DOB : 24.09.1953]
Technical Director (CEFCON)
A-706 Rail Vihar, Sector 15, Part II
Jharsa Road, Gurgaon 122 001 (Haryana)
Phone : (0124) 2223242 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9811099676 / 9654197022
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–291 [P,CC]
Mahata, Alakesh (2012)
AGM, Orient Bell Limited
8 Industrial Area, Sikandrabad,
Dist: Bulandsahar 203 205 (U.P)
Phone: (05735) 222203 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9690006994
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–199 [G, P]
Maheshwari, L. K. (1999)
Chief General Manager
Rajasthan State Development and
Investment Corporation (RIICO)
Udyog Bhawan, Tilak Marg
Jaipur 302 005 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 5113213 (O)
(0141) 2502402 / 2502840 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9414049402
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–264 [R, G]
Maity, Manabendra Kr (1994) [2009]
Flat No. F-404, Happy Home Apartment
Plot No. 12A, Sector-7, Dwarka
New Delhi 110 075
Mobile : (0) 9818683741
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–223 [EC, P]
Maity, (Dr) Soumen (2003)
[DOB: 07.03.1966]
Programme Director
Development Alternatives
1-B, Wright Road, Chitra Chouraha
Jhansi 284 003 (UP)
Phone : (07680) 252866
Mobile : (0) 9415031184
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–307 [EC, C]
Manocha, (Dr) Satish (2012)
Professor, University School of Basic
& Applied Sciences
G. G. S. Indraprastha University
Sector 16C, Dwarka
New Delhi 110 075
Mobile : (0) 9953203831 / 9574701214
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–303 [R, C]
Majhi, (Dr) Manas Ranjan (2014)
[DOB: 01.06.1979]
Assistant Professor, Ceramic Engg.
Indian Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
Varanasi 221005 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9415570267
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–297 [ELC, C]
Manna, (Prof) Indranil (2010)
Director, IIT-Kanpur
Director’s Bungalow IIT Kanpur
Kanpur 208 016 (UP)
Phone : (0512) 2597220 (O)
(0512) 2597258 / 7283 / 7333
(0512) 2598333 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–296 [R]
Malaviya, S. K. (1976) [1996]
(Retd Dy Director, NML, Jamshedpur)
House No. J 12/15 H 2/1
Boulia Bagh, Ramkatora Road
(In Front of Soap Factory)
Varanasi 221 002 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2207743 (R)
Mobile : (0) 7505379899/ 7800706000
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–151 [P, R]
Malhautra, Satish (1994)
Director, Hitkari Potteries Ltd
H. No. D-1015 , New Friends Colony
New Delhi 110 065
NL–49 [B]
Malhotra, Nitin (1979) [1984]
Malhotra Industries
Orderly Bazar, Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
NL–311 [E, C]
Manocha, (Prof) Lalit Mohan (1998)
(Retd Professor, Sardar Patel University)
(Ac ademic ian, W orld Academy of
Cermiacs, Dr Raja Ramanna DRDO
Distinguished Fellow)
48, NPL Apartments, H3 Block
Vikaspuri, New Delhi 110 018
Mobile : (0) 9953203861
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL–9 [E]
Marya, J. R.
A. B. Villa
St Joseph Convent School Road
Prem Nagar
Ferozepur Cantt 152 001 (Punjab)
NL–112 [P]
Mathur, Anil Behari (1992)
Technical Director
Associated Industrial Furnace Pvt Ltd
Sector XI, F-9
Noida 201 301 (UP)
NL–289 [EC, C]
Mathur, Ravi (2011)
AMC 110/10 Civil Lines
Ajemer 305001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0145) 2626150(R)
Mobile : (0) 9414003374
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–172 [P]
Meena, K. L. (1996)
Jaipur Ceramics Pvt Ltd
Isharda House, Old Amer Road
Jaipur 302 002 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 5131401 / 5131407 (O)
NL–132 [P]
Mehra, Rajiv (1993)
Mine Owner
26D Sukhdev Vihar
Pocket-A, DDA Flats
New Delhi 110 025
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL–309 []
Mittal, Anuj (2014)
(Proprietor, Mittal Traders)
138, Navalpura, Subhas Road
Pipal Wall Gali, Bulandsahar
Khurja 203 131
Phone : (0) 9927000445
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–266 [R, M]
Mehrotra, Pankaj (2005) (2010)
Vice President, CIRIA INDIA LTD
P-5 Ocean Plaza Building, 5th Floor
Dist : Gautam Budh Nagar
Noida 201 301 (UP)
Phone : (0120) 4356206-08 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9810020950
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–239 [EC, ELC]
Modi, Antariksh (2006)
Shri Modi Levigated Kaolin Pvt Ltd
B-41, Vashishth Marg
Shyam Nagar
Jaipur 302 019 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0141) 2297281 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9928991999
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–113 [R]
Mehrotra, Ravi (1982) [1989]
C/o R. N. Seth
3/245 Vishwaskhand 31
Gomti Nagar
Lucknow 226 010 (UP)
NL–142 [R]
Minhas, (Major) G. S. (1957) [1982]
[DOB: 01.11.1929]
(Retd Scientist, NML)
HIG 169, Sector 71
S. A. S. Nagar (Mohali) 160 071
Dist : SAS Nagar (Punjab)
NL–200 [EC, ELC]
Minhas, Guljeet Singh (1999)
Minhas Pottery
C-1 Industrial Estate
G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (U.P)
Mobile : (0) 9837572245 / 8006403068
Fax : (05738) 249685
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–10 [P]
Mithal, S. K. (1981)
C. B. Potteries (P) Ltd
Etmadpu, Agra (UP)
NL–162 [M, P]
Modi, Sorabh (1996)
Managing Director
Indo Modi Kaolin Ltd
Opposite Railway Station
Neem-Ka-Thana 332 713
Dist: Sikar (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01574) 230336
NL–86 [G, R]
Mohanty, (Dr) G. N. (1988)
A1/266 (2nd Floor)
Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi 110 029
Phone : (011) 26176104
NL–288 [EC, ELC]
Mohanty, (Dr) Radha Madhab (2007)
Scientist E1
Planning & Performance Division
CSIR Head Quarters
Anusandhan Bhavan
2 Rafi Marg, New Delhi 110 001
Phone : (011) 23710466 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9718639045
: (011) 23710340
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–185 [E, R]
Pandey, (Dr) Om Prakash (1998)
[DOB: 02-07-1961]
Professor, School of Physics and
Materials Science, Thapar University
Patiala 147 001 (Punjab)
Phone : (0175) 2303130 (O)
(0175) 2393220 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9888401777
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
NL–246 [P]
Pandit, Virendra Kr. (2007)
Patna Ceramics, G. T. Road
Bulandshahr, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9927122090
NL–258 [P]
Patil, Kishor Sahebrao (2008)
Senior Lecturer, Marathwada Instt of Tech
M.I.T. Engg College
Dhanoera-Chola, Post Box : 15
Bulandshahr 203 001 (UP)
Phone : (05732) 238771 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9897795212
NL–262 [G, R]
Paul, (Dr) K. K. (1985) [1994]
Director & Head (Chemical)
Bureau of Indian Standards
9, Bahadursha Zyafar Mrg
New Delhi 110 002
Phone : (011) 23236428 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9818995262
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–115 [P]
Poddar, Deepak (1990)
Chandra Sales Corporation
B–6 Industrial Estate
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837075023
NL–283 [RM]
Poddar, Nikhil (2011)
Proprietor, Khyati Industries
Boroly Road, G. T. Road
Dist : Bulendshar, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837057939
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–51 [P]
Poddar, Raj Kumar (1984)
Goenka Mill Colony, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 253231 / 253241 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9837075023
NL–180 [P]
Prakash, (Dr) Satya (1984) [1997]
[DOB: 01.11.1941]
Consultant Building Materials
37, 3rd Floor, Gali No. 6
Arjun Nagar, S. J. Enclave
New Delhi 110 0029
Mobile : (0) 9811921848
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–213 [P]
Prasad, (Dr) C. S. (1983) [2003]
Principal Technical Officer
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Extension Centre
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone: (05738) 242501 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412227617
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
[email protected]
NL–263 [R]
Prasad, K. K. (1962) [1982]
[DOB : 13.07.1932]
208, Supertech Residency
Sector 5, Plot 6A, Vaishali
Dist Ghajiabad (UP), Pin : 201 010
Phone : (0120) 2689428 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9999711881
NL–73 [P]
Rahim, Janab Abdul
Central Potteries
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
NL–248 [G, P]
Ram, Yad
Principal Technical Officer
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Centre
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9412227627 / 9897489831
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL–179 [G]
(Dr) Rampyare (1986) [1996]
Professor & Head, Dept of Ceramic Engg
IIT-Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 6702890 (Head)
(0542) 6701787 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9648084888
: (0542) 2368428
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL–116 [P]
Rana, Rahat (1990)
12, Sarai Nasrulla Khan
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 243591 / 243691 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412227291
NL–308 [G, P]
Rana, Vijay Singh (1996) [2000]
Asstt. Director (G/C)
MSME Development Institute
3rd Floor, CGO Complex, Sanjay Place
Agra 282 002 (UP)
Phone : (0562) 2520626 / 2523247 (O)
Mobile : (0) 948830206
: (0562) 25202626 / 2280882
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–117 [P]
Rathee, R. S. (1992)
Harnam Potteries, Najafgarh Road
Bahadurgarh 124 507 (Haryana)
NL–277 [R, RM]
Raut, Basant Kumar (2010)
98A, Poket – A, Sukhdev Vihar
New Delhi 110 025
Phone : (011) 26316811 (O)
(011) 26834104 (R)
Mobile : (0)9818736454
NL–110 [B]
Rehsi, (Dr) Sadhu Singh (1984) [2000]
Consultant (Building Materials)
314, Sector – 15A
Chandigarh 160 015 (Panjab)
Phone : (0172) 2772830 (R)
NL–89 [G]
Roy, A. K. (1963) [1988]
Technical Director
Haryana Sheet Glass Ltd
S–368 Greater Kailash 2, Delhi 110 048
NL– 306 [EC, ELC]
Roy, (Dr) Pradip Kumar (2010)
Assistant Professor
Department of Ceramic Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307043 (O)
: (0542) 2368428
Mobile : (0) 7408986606 / 8809198721
Fax : (0542) 2368428
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–220 [P]
Roy, Sanjib (2002)
Orient Ceramics & Industrial Ltd
8 Industrial Area, Sikandrabad
Bulandsahar 203 205 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 222424 / 222203 (O)
NL–298 [G, RM]
Sabharwal, Anil (2013)
[DOB: 21.08.1957]
Proprietor, Kenzai Ceramic
#711, Tower-5, Purvanchal Silver City
Sector 93, Noida 201 304 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9810129062 / 9312721238
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–247 [P]
Sachdeva, Naveen (2007)
MD, Daya Ceramics
Industrial Area, G. T. Road
Bulandshahr, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837187700
NL–52 [P]
Sachdeva, Satish Kumar (1984)
Proprietor, Sachdeva Potteries
54 Ambika Vihar, New Delhi 110 041
NL– 273 [P]
Saini, Krishan Kumar
Proprietor, Deepanshu Ceramic Industries
635, Burj Usman, Subhas Road
(Opp. Saini Dharmasala)
Dist : Bulandshar , Khurja 203131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9259586735
NL–227 [EC, R]
Sarkar, Tanmay (2003)
Chief Executive Officer
Industrial Ceramics
484A, Industrial Area
G. T. Road, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 240147 / 243048 (O)
(05738) 252252 / 252253 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9412519418
NL–174 [G, R]
Sawhney, Tilak Raj (1996)
(Retd Lecturer, Banaras Hindu University)
42 Lajpat Nagar (Inside Colony)
Maldahiya, Varanasi 221 002 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2390616 (R)
NL–188 [B, P]
Sen Gupta, J. (1995)
Building Materials and Promotion
Council (BMTPC)
Nirman Bhavan, ‘G’ Wing
Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi 110 005
NL–119 [B]
Sethi, (Dr) Ramesh Kumar (1992)
J-41 RBI Enclave
Paschim Vihar, New Delhi 110 063
NL–294 [P]
Shamim, Imran (2012)
Managing Director, Sunrise Ceramics
G. T. Road, Bulandshahr
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9837093996
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–243 [CC, E]
Sharma, Arun (2006)
Propritor, Mahalaxmi Industries
A-213 Phase I, Okhla Industrial Area
New Delhi 110 020
NL–242 [EC, ELC]
Sharma, Deepak (1990)
M/s Soni Overseas
884 Gyan Lok Colony
Bulandshahr, Khuja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (0) 9259389698 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9639950229 / 9758893399
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–300 [CC, RM]
Sharma, Desh Bandhu (2013)
[DOB: 10.02.1971]
Managing Director
Shiva Hi-Tech Industries
Near J. K. Medical Store
Before Railway Pathak
Chipiyana Road, Lal Kua
Ghaziabad 201 001 (UP)
Phone : (0) 9312506553 (O)
Mobie : (0) 9971473919
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–120 [ ]
Sharma, K. K. (1990)
Dept of Ceramic Engg, IT
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307043 (O)
NL–53 [P]
Sharma, Kailash Chand (1985)
Kailash Pottery Works
Near Chowki Bagh Risaldar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 242698 / 246733 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9897467433
E-mail :
[email protected]
NL–163 [B]
Sharma, Krishna Damodarprasad
Kaydee’s Ceramconsult
D-65, 2nd floor
Anand Niketan
New Delhi 110 021
NL–111 [EC, P]
Sharma, (Dr) L. K. (2006)
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Extension Centre
G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232501 / 245433 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412227619
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–265 []
Sharma, Liteshwar Kumar (2009)
Executive Director
Bihar Ceramics
G.T. Road, (NH-91)
Near Mundakhera Crossing
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232016 / 232716 (O)
(05738) 245999 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9837009988 / 9897545702
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL–54 [P]
Sharma, Madan Lal (1984)
Shri Ambica Pottery Works
G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (0) 9897621347 (M)
NL–12 [P, R]
Sharma, Mangat Ram (1970)
Triveni Industries & Trading
A-3 Jangpura Extension
New Delhi 110 014
NL–224 [EC, G]
Sharma, Manoher Lal (2003)
Saptshati Enterprises
6/12 Bank Colony, Naka Madar
Ajmer 305 001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (0145) 2621917 (O)
(0145) 2424089 (R)
NL–55 [P, R]
Sharma, Narendra Kr (1984)
Penguin Ceramic Industries
Bahadurgarh 124 507 (Haryana)
NL–255 [P]
Sharma, Neetu (2008)
(Research Scholar)
H. No. 264, Phool Bagh Colony
Street 10, Meerut 250 002 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9045753394
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–164 [B, P]
Sharma, P. M. (1996)
Tirupati Minerals & Chemicals
Shivpuri Colony, Ward No. 17
P.O. Neem-ka-Thana 332 713
Dist : Sikar (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01574) 230325 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9414057991
NL–156 [R]
Sharma, Ranjit (1996)
Sohna-Samaipur Road
Near Chungi No. 22, Sector – 25
Ballabgarh 121 004 (Haryana)
NL–211 [R, RM]
Sharma, S. K. (2001)
Proprietor, Shri Hari Minerals
Near Khetri More, Bhudoli Road
Dist : Sikar (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01574) 230634 (O)
(01574) 230634 (R)
NL–267 [R]
Sharma, Satish Chandra (1988)
General Manager, Centre for Cement
Research & Independent Testing
National Council for Cement & Bildg Mat
34 Km Stone
Delhi-Mathura Road (NH-2)
Ballabgarh 121 004 (Haryana)
Phone : (0129) 4192284 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9911195880
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–237 [EC, P]
Sharma, Som Dutta (2006)
Anupam Pottery Works
G. T. Road, Pili Kothi
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 242260 / 241760 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9897275787
NL–305 [P, RM]
Sankameeswaran (2014)
[DOB: 25.06.1972]
(Chief Executive-Technical Support,
Progressive & Popular Minerals)
Tamanna Mansion
(Opp Now Court Building)
Chittorgarh 312 001 (Rajasthan)
Mobile : (0) 7568336567 / 8238776620
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–189 [ELC, G]
Sil, (Dr) Anjan (1998)
[DOB : 21.05.1960]
Professor, Dept of Metallurgical &
Materials Engg, IIT-Roorkee
Roorkee 247 667 (Uttaranchal)
Phone : (01332) 285073 (O)
(01332) 285627 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9412950846
: (01332) 285243 / 273560
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–149 [G]
Singal, Suresh (1994)
New Art Industries
Najafgarh Road
Bahadurgarh 124 507 (Haryana)
NL–269 [G, R]
Singh, Amrik (2008)
MD, RGC Consultants
23, Hemkunj Colony, 2nd Floor
New Delhi 110 048
Phone : (011) 26235393 (O & R)
Mobile : (0) 9350335145
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–201 [EC, R]
Singh, Atraj (1999)
Technical Officer
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Extension Centre
G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 242501
NL–218 [CC, P]
Singh, Kali Charan (2002)
Senior Technical Officer
CSIR-CGCRI Khurja Centre
G. T. Road, Bulandshahar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 242501 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9319317705
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–139 [R]
Singh, Navneet (1993)
B1/34 (1st Floor), Model Town II
Delhi 110 009
NL–165 [P, R]
Singh, P. P. (1996)
Creativiti Ceramics (P) Ltd
C-64, Sector 41, Gautam Budh Nagar
Noida 201 301 (UP)
NL–259 [ELC]
Singh, (Dr) Prakash (2009)
Lecturer, Dept of Ceramic Engg
College of Engg & Technology
Pugal Road, Karni Industrial Area
Bikaner 3340 004 (Rajasthan)
Mobile : (0) 9460760676
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
NL –290 [ELC, EC]
Singh, Praveen Kumar (2011)
[D.O.B 16.06.1983]
Vill : Kairani, PO : Madauli
Kanpur Dehat 208 001 (UP)
Phone : (05111) 211977 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9883301971/ 9935605463
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–121 [P]
Singh, Raj Bail (1992)
Samrat Ceramics
39 Km Stone NH–8 (Delhi Jaipur Rd)
Vill : Narsinghpur, P.O. Kherki Daula
Gurgaon (Haryana)
NL–177 [G]
Singh, (Dr) S. P. (1996)
Dept of Ceramic Engineering, IT
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307042 (O)
(0542) 2366425 (R)
NL–230 [R]
Singh, Sanjay (1986) [2005]
B-27 Allahabad Bank Society
3 Chilla Regulator, Mayur Kunj
Opp. Noida Check Post
New Delhi 110 096
Phone : (0) 9811692727 (M)
NL–58 [G, P]
Sinha, L. T. P. (1964) [1984]
(Retd. Director, Ministry of Industry)
27/257 Karishma Apartments
I. P. Extension, Patparganj
New Delhi 110 092
Phone : (011) 22721804 (R)
(0) 9868490648 (M)
NL–226 [P]
Singh, Surender (2003)
(Managing Director, Priya Clay Pvt Ltd)
747 Shivaji Colony, Circular Road
Rohtak 124 001 (Haryana)
Phone : (01683) 227440 (O)
(01262) 298389 (R)
NL–123 [P]
Sinha, M. K. (1991)
Partner, J. S. Lamp Industries
Plot No. 32, Ward No. 9
Opp. New Bank of India
Old Faridabad 121 002 (Haryana)
NL–122 [P]
Singh, Surjeet (1990)
Ceramic Technician
Chhatwal Brothers
159 Punjabian
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 247050 (O)
NL–225 [R]
Singh, T. B. (1993)
Vishwanathpuri Colony
Sindhora Road
Varanasi 221 010 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2382669 (R)
NL–23 [B, R]
Singh, (Dr) V. K. (1971) [1982]
Dept of Ceramic Engineering, IT
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307042–3 (O)
(0542) 2314772 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–312 []
Singhania, Shalabh (2014)
(DOB: 07.09.1987]
MD, R. K. Potteries
Junction Road, Bulandshahr
Kuarja 203131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9897178122
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–124 [P, R]
Sinha, Santanu (1990)
Chief Executive
International Ceramics Ltd
666/9 Krishna Colony
Gurgaon 122 001 (Haryana)
NL–206 [G, P]
Somany, H. L. (1974)
Chairman, SPL Ltd
32 Friends’ Colony (East)
New Delhi 110 065
Phone : (01276) 2341001-5 (O)
(011) 26327623-25 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–157 [P]
Somany, Shreekant (1996)
Chaiman & Managing Director
Somany Ceramics Ltd
F-36, Sector - 6, Noida 201 301 (UP)
Phone : (011) 26327623-25 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9810150588
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–190 [G, P]
Sood, Ajit Singh (1996)
(Retd Dy Director, Glass & Ceramics,
C-6, Sector-49, Noida
G. B. Nagar 201 301 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9818550833
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–14 [G]
Sovani, Narayan Madhao
Newar Glass Works
Udaipur (Rajasthan)
NL–90 [P]
Srinivasan, N. R. (1987)
Ceramics Consultant
G14 NDSE, Part 2, New Delhi 110 049
NL–191 [G]
Srivastava, (Dr) G. K. (1981) [1987]
Dept of Ceramic Engg, IT
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0542) 2307042 (O)
NL–125 [G]
Srivastava, (Dr) K. P. (1962) [1984]
(Retd Scientist, CGCRI)
102 Allenganj
Allahabad 211 002 (UP)
Phone : (0532) 2466684 (R)
NL–268 [R]
Srivastav, Manish (1998) (2010)
Director, Reliable Refractories Pvt Ltd
119 Subhas Nagar, Ext. (W), Opp. UIT
Bhilwara 311 001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : (01482) 222840 / 224827 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL – 285 [P]
Tayal, Bakul (2011)
Director (Production), Tayal Potteries
G. T. Road Khurja, Dist : Bulendshar
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9286647400 / 9412568782
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–59 [P]
Tayal, Rajendra (1984)
Tayal Potteries
Bagh Risaldar, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 232638 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–284 [P]
Tayal, Shakul (2011)
Director (Marketing), Tayal Porcelain
D-5, Industrial Area, Junction Road
Dist : Bulendshar, Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 252635 (R)
Mobile : (0) 98370601473
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–188 [EC]
Tripathi, Ram Prakash (2006)
Sr Vice President (Works)
Ambuja Cement Ltd
Vill: Suli, PO: Darlaghat
Tehsil Arki
Dist: Solan 171 102 (HP)
Phone : (01796) 306202 (O)
Fax : (01796) 248316
E-mail :
[email protected]
NL–25 [G]
Tyagi, (Dr) Balbir Singh (1969) [1982]
[DOB: 08.07.1935]
(Retd Prof & Head, Dept of Ceramic
Engg. IT-BHU),
Flat No. 311, SAILCo-operative Group
Housing Society
Plot No. 35, Sector 4, Dwarka
New Delhi 110 078
Phone : (011) 45542680 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9811640446
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
NL–212 [C, EC]
Upadhyaya, (Dr) Anish (2001)
Professor & Head
Advanced Center for Materials Science
Dept of Materials and Metallurgical Engg
IIT-Kanpur, Kanpur 208 016 (UP)
Phone : (0512) 2597672 (O)
(0512) 2598559 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9935202908
Fax :
(0512) 2597505
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–26 [B, R]
Upadhyaya, (Prof) G. S. (1982)
Materials Consultant
Plot 37, 2 Lane No. 17
Ravindrapuri Colony
Varanasi 221 005 (UP)
Phone : (0512) 2597640 / 2590007 (O)
(0512) 2598559 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9935202935
E-mial : [email protected]
NL–127 [B, P]
Vaish, Ramavtar (1992)
Eagle Potteries Pvt Ltd
P.O. Dasna (Hindom Nagar)
Ghaziabad (UP)
NL–15 [E]
Varshnei, D. N.
Premier Enamel Works
Aligarh 202 001 (UP)
NL–130 [P]
Vashist, N. K. (1992)
Jt. Prodn Manager
Tirupati Ceramics Ltd
2/457, Street No. 7, Agarwal Colony
Nahra Nahri Road
Bahadurgarh 124 507
Dist: Jhajjar (Haryana)
Phone : (01276) 230061 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9812066098
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–135 [B]
Verma, (Dr) Rajiv M. (1993)
Ceradecor India Ltd
C - 27&28, UPSICP Industrial Area
Site- C, Supaipur
Greater Noida 201 305
Phone : (011) 26819278 / 26819279 (O)
(011) 26222948 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9810070605
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–61 [P]
Wadhwa, Devendra Kumar (1984)
A-3, Panchwati Colony
Junction Road, Khurja 201 001 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 247654 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9897654365
NL–128 [E]
Wadhwa, J. C. (1973) [1989]
Proprietor, Kerakrome
G-11 Patel Nagar III
Ghaziabad 201 001 (UP)
NL–62 [P]
Wadhwa, Vinod Kumar (1984)
Royal Industries
Nundakhera Crossing
G. T. Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
NL–244 [EC, ELC]
Yadav, J. S. (2007)
Examination Controller
S.G.S.J. Polytechnic
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Phone : (05738) 249593 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9412892293
NL– 281 [P, R]
Yadav, Karan Pal (2010)
[DOB : 30.06.1974]
Vice Principal
Govt. Polytechnic
Near Dau Dayal Stadium
Jalesar Road, Firozabad 283 203
Mobile : (0) 8791315745
E-mail :
[email protected]
NL–314 [R]
Yadav, S. B. R. (1996)
Refractories Specialist
Kalyani Apartment
Flat B/007, Sector 6
Ghaziabad 201 012 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9199435626
E-mail : [email protected]
NL–276 [P]
Yadav, Sapna (2010)
Pratap Ceramics Industry
Mundakhera Road
Khurja 203 131 (UP)
Mobile : (0) 9412227017 / 9897057059
E-mail : [email protected]
NM–467 [EC, C]
Biswas, Krishanu (2009)
Asst Prof, IIT, Kanpur
Dept of Materials & Metallurgical Engg
Kanpur 208 016 (UP)
Phone : (0512) 2596184 (O)
(0512)2598408 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9453816499
E-mail : [email protected]
NM–468 [P]
Dhariwal, Dhanpat Raj (1996) [2014]
(Chief Executive Officer
Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd)
C/o S. S. Choudhary
42 Sangrm Colony, C Scheme
Jaipur 302 001 (Rajasthan)
Mobile : (0) 9928422244
E-mail : [email protected]
(Names in italics indicate representatives of the respective corporate members)
LSC–06 [CC, E], [SS]
(Valid up to 2033)
#8-3-167/D/231B, Plot No. 231
1st Floor, Simhapuri Mansion
Kalyan Nagar, Hyderabad 500 038 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23814844 / 4130 (O)
(040) 65872562 (O)
(0) 9848028630 (M)
Fax : (040) 23814844
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
P. Madhusudan Reddy &
K. Shivaramudu
LSC–02 [EC, ELC], [SS]
(Valid up to 2031)
7-1-58, II Floor
Room No. 4
Amrutha Business Complex
Ameerpet Road
Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23731152 / 23096431
E-mail : [email protected]
Piyush Gupta & Deepak Gupta
LSC–09 [EC, M], [LS]
LIMITED (1964) (2011)
(Valid up to 2035)
Ceramic Business Unit
Electro-Porcelain Division
Prof. C. N. Rao Circle
Science Institute Post, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 055 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23466525 / 22182276
: (080) 23344231
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
Website :
D. Ashok & H. Anil Kumar
LSC–01 [EC, R], [LS]
(2007), (Valid up to 2031)
47 Sipcot Industrial Complex
Spicot, Hosur 635 126 (TN)
Phone : (04344) 276027/278480
: (04344) 276028/276561
E-mail :
[email protected]
Website :
R. Rajagopalan & Ranjan Dey
LSC–08 [R, C]
(Valid up to 2035)
P-63, 9th Main, Sector – 12
Jeevan Bhima Nagar
Bangalore 560 075
Phone (080) 25216230
E-Mail: [email protected]
S. Gopala Krishnan & Pradeep Nair
LSC–10 [P, R], [SS]
LIMITED (1994) (2013)
(Valid up to 2037)
7/8, 4th Seaward Road
Valmiki Nagar
Chennai 600 041
Phone : (044) 24913031 / 24410693
: (044) 24919025 / 24417422
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Aruna Hariharan & Anushka Meenakshi
LSC–05 [P], [SS]
(Valid up to 2031)
No. 10, Begur Hobli
Bangalore 560 068 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28521235
: (080) 22273604
E-mail : [email protected]
G. Rafee & R. Mohammed Ali
LSC–04 [], [SS]
(Valid up to 2032)
#40 Naganathapura Village
Hosur Road Cross
Begur Hobli
Bangalore 560 100 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28528452/41222727
E-mail : [email protected]
LSC–07 [EC, RM], [LS]
(2007) [2009]
(Valid up to 2033)
Post Box No. 11,
IDA Peddapuram
ADB Road, Samalkot
East Godavari 533 440 (AP)
Phone : (0884) 2329344/6450453
: (0884) 2329343
E-mail :[email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
Sunil Malesha & Vivek Vaidya
LSC–11 [R], [LS]
(1990) (2013)
(Valid up to 2037)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
(A Govt of India Enterprise)
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518018
: (0891) 2518268
E-mail : [email protected]
A. P. Choudhary & Umesh Chandra
LSC–12 [EC, R] [SS]
(2009) (2012)
(Valid up to 2036)
70-71, Phase-III, Peenya Industrial Area
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28395101/ 02
(0) 9964563315 / 9663394671
Fax : (080) 28395103
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
Ashok Bhat & Martin Chittilappilly
LSC–03 [EC, RM], [LS]
(Valid up to 2031)
108, Mount Poonamallee Road, Porur
Chennai 600 016 (TN)
Phone : (044) 66500811 / 66500715
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Website :
P. Sridharan & M. Meenakshi Sundaram
SC–21 [R], [SS]
No. 10, 1st Division
Bangalore 560 022 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23371467 / 23478329
: (080) 23370958 / 23412159
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
SC–174 [EC, M], [SS]
PVT LTD (2014)
“Creintors Compound”
Plot No.: 99/107
Survey No.: 343A/335
Beside Kunjal Steels
Belgaum 590008 (Karnataka)
Telefax : (0831) 2441104
Mobile : (0) 9880752995 (Sales)
(0) 9886772784
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
A. C. Tilesara & A. G. Ostawal
SC–172 [R]
Chevoor (P.O.)
Street: Chevoor
Dist: Thrissur,
Pin: 680 027(Kerala)
Phone : (0487) 2344240
Mobile : (0) 9447720277
Fax : (0487) 2344240
E-mail:[email protected]
Francis Alukka
SC–8 [B], [LS]
Defence Res & Development
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 2434 0681 / 0233
(040) 2458 6420
: (040) 24340683
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Samir V. Kamat & V. V. Bhanu Prasad
Prakash S. Mugali &
Sandeep Jayannache
SC–19 [P], [LS]
No. 452
11th Cross
R.M.V. Extension
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23614696
Mobile : (0) 9845285595
: (080) 23614697
E-mail : [email protected]
M. N. Ramu & R. K. Karthik
SC–175 [G, R], [SS]
Plot 46, Mullaivendan Nagar
Back Side of RC Chrureh
Chinna Elasagiri
Hosur, Krishnagiri 635 126 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9362320118 / 9344172774
E-mail: [email protected]
Surajit Chanda & Praveen Kumar
SC–159 [R, RM], [SS]
(an RHI AG Company)
Venkatapuram (Village)
Thanam (Post)
Visakhapatnam 531 021 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2870801 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9949994335
Fax : (0891) 2870818
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
SC–173 [M, RM] [LS]
Plot No: 26,
Cochin Special Economic Zone
Kakkanad PO.
Ernakulam 682 037 (Kerala)
Phone : (0484) 6604100
Fax : (0484) 6604137
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Govindraj V. & Indhuchoodan I. R.
R. V. S. Raju
SC–168 [P], [LS]
88/4, Richmond Road
Bangalore 560 025 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41491682-307
Fax : (080) 40918441
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
M. B. Appaiah & Rudy Van Reeth
SH–4 [B]
Ganguly, (Dr) Chaitanyamoy
(Padmashree) (1989) (2015)
(Ex Director, CGCRI & Past President,
INSA Senior Scientist &
INAE Dintinguished Visiting Professor
Hony Adviser, Engineering Staff College of
India (ESCI)
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032 (AP)
Phone : (040) 66304164 (O)
(040) 42217549 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8008222016
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SH–2 [B, R]
Shah, (Dr) R. G. (1963) [1983]
Sraddha Temple Trees Appartment
Flat 303, No. 17, 5th Cross
Rustum Bagh
Behind Manipal Hospital
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25291511 (R)
(0) 9900141561 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SH–1 []
Murugappan, M. M.
Vice Chairman
Murugappa Corporate Board
‘Parry House’, 43 Moore Street
Chennai 600 001
Phone : (044) 42216789 (O)
Fax : (044) 42216149
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SH–3 [B]
Subba Rao, (Dr) B. V. S. (1990)
1-10-248A, Ashoknagar
(1st Floor)
Hyderabad 500 020 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27613347 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9396213927
E-mail :
subbaraobalabhadra@gmail. com
SL–247 [EC, R]
Abraham, Jogi (2009)
CEO, Accurate-Fit Dental Lab
G. S. Street
Pin 686 001 (Kerala)
Phone : (0481) 2566090 (O);
(0481) 2574720 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9447772295
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–206 [EC, R]
Adhikari, Atanu (2008)
[DOB: 25.09.1973]
Manager, (RED)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 206/C, Sector - 10
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518767 (O)
(0891) 2749471 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9440156690/ 8500669717
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–375 [P, RM]
Agarwal, (Dr) Chandresh (2013)
[DOB : 28.01.1966]
(Managing Director
Surya Arcade, 4th Floor
# 1-11-246/4F & 1-11-247/D
Opp Cafe Bahar
Near Indian Oil Petrol Pump,
Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 30586666 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9000379900
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–174 [EC, ELC]
Aiyer, (Dr) Hemantkumar N. (2006)
(Sr Scientist, Corporate Research Lab
Laird Technologies India Pvt Ltd)
Unit-3, Fourth Floor, IPTL
W hitefield Road
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40740402 (O)
(080) 26494975 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845398954
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–312 [R, C]
Ali, K. Showkat (2012)
[DOB : 29.10.1937]
(Advis or, B. S. Abdur Rehman
A1-10 Green Acres Compund
Kamaraj Nagar, Perungudi
Chennai 600 096
Phone : (044) 22751347 (O)
(044) 24569010 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9841473515
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–354 [ELC, G]
Amburkar, Pratik Priyank (2012)
[DOB: 01.09.1988]
(MT-T, Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Room No 140, Hostel 3, Sector 1
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 8106711607 / 7382622740
SL–160 [C, EC]
Amutha Rani, (Dr) Devaraj (2004)
(Research Staff, AIST Nagoya, Japan)
111B Sevalpatti North Street
Virudhunagar 626 117 (TN)
Phone : (04563) 2223741 (R)
SL–127 [G, P]
Anand Kumar, M. G. (1989) [2001]
Engineering Officer
Central Power Research Instt
Materials Technology Division
Sadhashiv Nagar
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600399 (O)
Mobile : (0)9986318844
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–229 [EC, R]
Anandaraju, Duraisamy (2008)
No. 19, Old, No. 3/442,
Jain Styreet, Tindivanam TK
Villupuram 604 207 (TN)
Phone : (04145) 238499 (O/R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–377 [P, R]
Ananthanarayanan, V. (1994) (2013)
49, Thiyagarajapuram
Vellore 632 001 (TN)
Phone : (0416) 2222287 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9344665848
SL–92 [G, P]
Anantha Kumar, (Dr) S. (1993) [1997]
Scientist EII
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2490324 / 2490406 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9497271547
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–395 [EC, ELC]
Angadi, (Dr) Basavaraj (2016)
[DOB: 05.01.1974]
Assistant Professor, Dept of Physic
Bangalore University
Bengaluru 560056 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22961478
Mobile: (0) 9972025110
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–230 [B]
Annamalai, (Dr) N. (1972) [1990]
No. 18, 14th Cross Street Extension
1st Floor, Elumalai Nagar
New Colony, Chromepet
Chennai 600 044
Mobile : (0) 9444269395
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–303 [R,RM]
Arasu, (Dr) Vijaya Chitra (2011)
(DOB : 06.06.1967)
Professor and Head
Dept of Materials Science & Engg.
Centre for Applied Research Education
Care School of Engineering
Care Group of Institution
Trichy 620 009 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9962553556
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–58 [B, E]
Arumugam, (Dr) S. (1994)
Lecturer in Physics
Regional Engineering College
Tiruchirapalli 620 015 ((TN))
SL–192 [CC, C]
Aruna, (Dr) S. T. (2007)
Scientist ‘C’
National Aerospace Laboratories
Surface Engineering Division
Airport Road.
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086250 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9449806219
E-mail : [email protected] ;
[email protected]
SL–175 [ELC, R]
Athreya, Sreehari G. (2006)
Partner, Sree Vinayaka Industries
No. 5 KSCB Complex
Kanteerava Studio Road
Bangalore 560 096 (Karnataka)
SL–337 [EC, R]
Attuluri, Srinivasa Rao (2012)
[DOB: 25.08.01967]
Managing Partner, Sri Srinivasa Ceramics
Main Road, Rajapudi
Jaggampeta Mandal
East Godavari 533435 (AP)
Phone : (08852) 233391 (O)
(08852) 238829 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9491438847 / 9849413857
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–369[EC, ELC]
Ayalasomayajula, (Dr) Phani Ratna
[DOB: 20.04.1967]
Managing Director
Nano-RAM Technology
#70, 2nd Main, 3rd Stage
Vinayaka Layout, Vijayanagar
Bangalore 560 040 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23506856 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9880400737
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–65 [R]
Badarinath, K. (1995)
Hitech Abrasives
Plot No. R 14 & R
15, KSSIDC Induetrial Estate
Stage II, Antharasanahalli
Tumkur 572106 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9900512356
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–138 [R, RM]
Bajaj, Naresh (2000)
Managing Partner, Bajaj Associates
50 Old Thargupet
Bangalore 560 053 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9448493590
SL–139 [C, EC]
Balasubramanian, (Dr) M. (2002)
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg
Indian Institute of Technology
Chennai 600 036
Phone : (044) 22574767 / 4915 (O)
(044) 22576767 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9840056468
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–149 [E, R]
Bandaru, Siva Sankar (2001) [2003]
Asst Executive (CRG)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qr. No. 195, HB Colony, Sethammadhara
Visakhapatnam 530 022 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518692 / 2519264 (O)
Mobile (0) 9848736474
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–368 [R, RM]
Banerjee, Dipankar (2013)
[DOB: 04.11.1971]
Business Head-Industrial Processes
Vesuvius India Ltd
Plot No 13-15, Block E
Industrial Park
(IDA Auto Nagar)
Visakhapatnam 530 012 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 3011308 / 2749120 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9347055827
: (0891) 3011345/ 2587511
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–262 [EC, M]
Baral, Antara (2010)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Ceramic Technological Institute (CIT)
C. N. Rao Circle
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182360 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9243049056
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–9 [R]
Barman, A. K. (1980) [2002]
No. 123, 2nd Main, HAL 3rd Stage
Bangalore 560 075 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25600569 / 25600507 (O)
(080) 25280648 / 25292243 (R)
SL–388 [ELC, C]
Barpanda, (Dr) Prabeer (2015)
[DOB: 24.06.1981]
Assistant Professor, Material
Research Centre
Indian Institute of Technology-Bangalore
Room No 203, MRC,
C. V. Raman Avenue
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 2293 2783
Mobile : (0) 9437288373
Fax : (080) 2360 7316
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–366 [C, EC]
Basu, (Dr) Bikramjit (2002)
Associate Professor
Materials Research Centre
Associate Faculty
Bio-Engineering Programe
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012
Phone : (080) 22933256 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9935202571
Fax : (080) 23607316
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–294 [P, RM]
Bathini, Ramalinga Reddy (2011)
Dy G. M. (Operation)
1 to 12 KIADB Industrial area
Kunigal, Tumkur 572 126 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9164214561
E-Mail :
[email protected]
SL–224 [P, RM]
Bayya Reddy, Ravindra Reddy [2008]
Manager - R & D, Regency Ceramics Ltd
Yanam, Near Kakinada
East Godavari 533 464 (AP)
Phone : (0884) 2321001 (O)
(08572) 272658 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9440416793
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–362 [R, RM]
Behera, Abanikanta (2012)
[DOB: 10.03.1970]
(AGM-RED Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Door No 31-10-6/22, Flat No 301
Pranathi Classic, Kurmannapalem
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2517501 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9177040499
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–204 [EC]
Biswas, Papiya [2007]
Scientist - B, ARCI
Centre for Ceramic Processing
P. O. Balapur
Hyderabad 500 005 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24441075 / 76 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9490088964
SL–374 [EC, R]
Bera, Apan Kumar (2013)
DOB: 04.03.1990]
Junior Manager
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Refractory Engg. Dept.
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701347067
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–326 [ G, R]
Biswas, Partha Pratim (2012)
[DOB: 13.02.1984]
M. N. Dastur & Co. (P) Ltd
Flat No. 203, Namratha Residency
Plot No. 159, Balapur ‘X’ Road
Hyderabad 500 097
Phone : (0891) 2518395 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9000271973 / 9490088964
(0) 9546030780
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–391 [R]
Bharati, Sanghamitra (2012)
R&D, SS, JSW Steel Ltd
Vijaynagar Works, Toranagallu
Bellary 583 275 (Karnataka)
Phone : (08395) 243359 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–299 [R]
Bhattacharjee, (Dr) Nikhil Ranjan
(DOB : 09.04.1950)
House No. 44, Denabank Colony
2nd Main, 3rd Cross, Ganganagar
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 42191025 (O)
(080) 23534169 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–216 [R, RM]
Bhattacharya, Anab (2008)
[DOB: 02.09.1966]
Asst General Manager, (C&RMP)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Flat No G-8, Block No A, Fortune Tower
Shivaji Nagar
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2742111 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989244270
E-mail : [email protected]
E- mail : [email protected]
SL–351 [ELC, G]
Bommathula, Joshi Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 07.08.1966]
(AGM (E), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
D-5, Royal Shelters
Srinagar, Gajuwaka
Visakhapatnam 530 026 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9441662493
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–197 [EC, ELC]
Boopathy, (Dr) K. (2007)
Selection Grade Lecturer
Govt College of Engineering
Salem 636 011 (TN)
E- mail : [email protected]
SL–334 []
Bose, Indrajit (2012)
Allied Metallurgical Products Pvt Ltd
201/3, 12th Main, 3rd Phase
Peenya Industrial Area
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41171076 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–302 []
C, Krishna (2011)
(DOB : 28.08.1972)
J. K. Designer Tiles World
No 11, 11th Main
Aralimaa Road
Kamakshipalya, Bangalore 560 071
Phone : (080) 23288278 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9980466855
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–195 [EC, ELC]
Chakrabarti, Alak (2007)
(Retd GM, Electroporcelain Division,
406A Shristhi Appartment
Sumangali Ashram Road
R. T. Nagar Post
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23547968 (O)
SL–260 [R]
Chakraborti, Sujit (1989) [2000]
Refractory Engineer - PTE/PMMI
Shell Project & Technnology
RMZ Campus-B
8B, Kundalahalli Main Road
Bangalore 560 048
Phone : (080) 40217640 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9686860933
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–47 [B]
Chakraborty, (Dr) Amitav (1993)
Scientist, PM Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586669 (O)
(040) 24120033 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9490751699
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–208 [R, RM]
Chakraborty, Subhajit (2008)
[DOB: 28.05.1965]
Asst General Manager, (RED, VSP)
Qtr No. 404-C, Sector - 5
Ukkunagaram, Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518767 (O)
(0891) 2581634 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866389962
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–225 [P, RM]
Chakravarthy, Chandrasekhar
Konidala [2008]
President, (O & M)
M/s Regency Ceramics Ltd
Yanam, Near Kakinada
East Godavari 533 464 (AP)
Phone : (0884) 2321001 (O)
(0884) 2321005 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–228 [B, EC]
Chandrappa, (Prof) G. T. (2006)
Dept of Chemistry, Bangalore University
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22961350 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–150 [CC, EC]
Chandrasagar, Lakshman (2003)
Sr Lecturer, Dept of Mech. Engg.
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Near gnanabarathi Campus
Bangalore 560 056 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23211504-06 (O)
(080) 231045578 (R)
SL–117 [R, RM]
Chandrasekhar, (Dr) B. K.
(1985) [2000]
(Director, Corporate Research Laboratory
Laird Technologies India Pvt Ltd)
7M-312, 80 Feet Road,
1st Block, Kalyan Nagar, HRBR Layout
Bangalore 560 043 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9845178195
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–81 [B]
Chandrasekhar, (Dr) Sathy (1982)
“Madhavam”, T.C.51/2769, Kuzhivila Lane
Thiruvananthapuram 695 018 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2492366 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9446613924
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–173 [P, R]
Chandrashekar, S. (2006)
Proprietor, Refractories & Services
No. 105, 2nd Cross
Beside VHBCS Layout, Mahalaxmi Puram
Bangalore 560 086 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23591681 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448061681
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–316 [EC, ELC]
Chheda, Munjal S. (2012)
[DOB: 10.09.1972]
134, 1st A Cross, 5th Block,
Koramangala, Bangalore 560 034
Phone : (080) 25532147 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9739976992
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–336 [P, RM]
Dalli, Veera Venkata Ramana Reddy
[DOB: 03.06.1963]
M.D, Boppudi Refractories Pvt Ltd
Vill: Ramavanam
East Godavari
Jaggayyapeta 533435 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9866866115 / 9866866112
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–142 [P, E]
Dangwal, Praveen (1991) [2002]
(Additional General Manager, BHEL)
No. 202 Sri Kakulam Apartments (KT 49)
30/1 Palace Cross Road
Bangalore 560 020 (Karnataka)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–320 [EC, R]
Das, Anubhav (2012)
Management Trainee (Technical)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Area Shop office, CRMP
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701348467
SL–282 [ELC, CC]
Chithar, N. Aswathaiah
Narayanappa (2011)
Senior Grade Lecturer/HOD Ceramics
Board of Technical Education
Ceramic Technology
S. J. Govt. Polytechnic Palace Road
K. R. Circle
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9980301640
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–306 [EC, ELC]
Das, (Dr) Dibakar (2011)
(D.O.B. 18.11.1971)
Reader, School of Engg Science & Tech
University of Hyderabad
Prof. C. R. Rao Road
Hyderabad 500046 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23134454 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9581048798 / 9493332457
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–159 [C, M]
Chittavarapun, Rama Krishna (2004)
Manager, (CRG)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
F-4 Sai Vihar Apartments
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518692 / 2519264 (O)
(0891) 2768586/732295730 (R)
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–184 [EC, G]
Das, (Dr) Rathindranath (2006)
(AGM & Head, Corporate R & D
Division, CTI, BHEL)
F-35 Shriram Sadhana Apartment
Bangalore 560 054 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9448490012
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL– 251 [P, E]
Das, Y. V. Sanjay (2010)
Manager (Geology)
Ceramic India Pvt. Ltd
Rd. No. 45, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500033 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23555304 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9000234677
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Dasarath, R. (2005)
Anjaneya Bricks Works Ltd
No. 11/2 Ramaiya Reddy Compound
Bangalore 560 071 (Karnataka)
SL–317 [R]
Datta, Atanu (2012)
AGM (O) / CRMP (Works)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Quarter No. 137B
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9989086772
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–148 [P, R]
Datta, Gouranga (1986) [2003]
[DOB: 10.10.1965]
(Dy General Manager, (CR) I/C
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 123/B, “D” Type, Sector 11
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2519550 (O)
(0891) 2510695 / 2886651 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866002969
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–51 [P]
Dayanand, H. H. (1994)
Bangalore Ceramics
85 Mamulpet
Bangalore 560 053 (Karnataka)
SL–323 [R]
De, Malay Kumar (2012)
Manager – Linings Projects
Vesuvius India Ltd.
Plot No. 13-15
Block ‘E’, IDA
Auto Nagar
Visakhapatnam 530 012 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9347055850
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–222 [EC, C]
Deb, Soumya [2008]
Scientist, Ceramics & Composite Group
Defence Metallurgical Laboratory
P. O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24340051 (O)
(040) 24344875 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–314 [EC, ELC]
Deenadayalan, Alavandar (2012)
(DOB : 01.06.1952)
Flat No B-9, L.K. R. Apartments
Near R.M.V. Clustersj
Bangalore 560 094
Phone : (080) 23514990 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845246382
E-mail : [email protected]
SL– 279 [EC]
Deivarajan, (Dr) Thenmuhil (2011)
(Assistant Professor
Dept of Ceramic Technology,
AC Tech Campus, Anna University)
Guindu Street
Chennai 600 025
Phone : (044) 22359200 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9840619319
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–381 [EC, CC]
Dey, (Dr) Arjun (2013)
[DOB : 24.09.1979]
M.I.E. Scientist
Advance Materials Processing Section
Thermal Fabrication Division
Thermal Systems Group
ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC),
Indian Space Research Organization
Old Airport Road, Vimanapura
Bangalore 560 017
Phone: (080) 2508 3214/3101/3206 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9663684086 / 9433234664
: (080) 25083203
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
SL–291 [P]
Dhamodaram, Govindaswamy
(2003) [2011]
[DOB: 07.01.1940]
Consultant (Ceramic Technology &
2A/16A Railway Station Road
Ranipet, Vellore 632 401 (TN)
Phone : (04172) 271960 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9443371960
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–365 [ELC, G]
Dileep Kumar, (Dr) C. J. (1998) (2013)
Post Doctoral Fellow
Thottungal House
Kuranchery, Minalur PO
Thrissur 680 581 (Kerala)
Phone : (04884) 237140 (R)
Mobile : (0) 90447794140
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–110 [B, P]
Divakaran, U. (1992) [2000]
Bhadi Electro Ceramics & Minerals
43, Nair Varada Pillai Street
Royapettah, Chennai 600 014
Phone : (044) 28482068 / 28482098 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9444649568
E-mail : [email protected] ;
[email protected]
SL–217 [R, C]
Dolui, Kripasindhu [2008]
[DOB: 10.12.1978]
Dy Manager (R&D)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 214-D, Sector 10, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518652 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9246615421/ 9618984555
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–161 [C, EC]
Doni Jayaseelan, (Dr) Daniel (2004)
(Research Staff, AIST, Nagoya, Japan)
111B Sevalpatti North Street
Virudhunagar 626 117 (TN)
Phone : (04563) 223741 (R)
SL–185 [R, RM]
Dorairaj, Suresh Kr. (2006)
General Manager, Refractory Division
Bhoruka Steel & Services Ltd.
W hitefield Road, Mahadevpura
Bangalore 560 048 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 42191025 / 6 / 8 (O)
(080) 2676706 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845395330
Fax : (080) 42191027
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–170 [EC, R]
Dumpala, Balakrishna Rao (2002)
Jr. Officer QA, Tyrolit Sak Ltd
B 49/W Sipcot Industrial Complex
Trivallur 601 201 (TN)
SL–347 [ELC, M]
Dung Dung, Karnelius (2012)
[DOB: 06.07.1966]
(Senior Manager (E), Visakhaptnam
Steel Plant)
Quarter No. 202/A, Sector 1
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0)9701347400 / 9704231601
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–86 [B, G]
Gadge, (Prof) Mahadevappa (1996)
Head, Dept of Ceramic Engineering
P.D.A. College of Engineering
Gulbarga 585 102 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9342351592
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–265 [EC]
Gandhi, (Dr) Ashutosh S. (2010)
Assistant Professor
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg.
Indian Institute of Technology-Madras
Chennai 600 036 (TN)
Phone : (044) 22574785 (O)
(044) 22576785 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9003121936
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–165 [R]
Gilada, Rajgopal (2005)
Managing Director
Gita Refractories (P) Ltd
209 Swiss Complex
33 Rale Course Road
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41138900 (O)
(080) 32927263
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–315 [EC]
Giri, K. V. Chandra Shekar (2012)
[Age : 67]
Managing Director
Silcarle Recrystalliged (P) Ltd
No. 38, 17th Cross Between 4th and
6th Rear Road, Bangalore 560 055
Phone : (080) 23347004 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9342962040
SL–103 [B]
Gnanam, (Prof) F. D. (1990) [1999]
(Retd Professor, Dept of Physics,
Anna University)
36/10 Perumal Koili Street
Kottur, Chennai 600 085
Phone : (044) 24451722 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9444961622
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–219 [EC, R]
Gone, Ravidas Shamrao (2008)
[DOB: 27.01.1967]
(Assistant General Manager (CPR)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 111-B
Sector-8, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518652 (O)
(0891) 2518134 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949096769
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–28 [R]
Gopala Krishnan, (Dr) R. (1990)
468, 6th Cross,
2nd Block, R. T. Nagar
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23534482 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9845023006
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
SL– 286 []
Gopalan, Venu (2011)
(Proprietor, Omega Furnace Industries)
“Ammini” No. 28 Santhosh Nagar
Pop Line Road
T. Dasarahalli
Bangalore 560 057 (Karnataka)
Phone (080) 28391424/23720285 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9341216959
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–334 [P]
Goswami, (Dr) A. P. (1986)
[Vice-President (Technical)
Saravana Global Energy Limited]
17A Panchavati
6th Cross, SBM Colony
Bangalore 560054 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23573006 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9916159290 / 9413000959 /
Mobile : (0) 9677077921
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL– 280 [EC, C]
Govindarajan, (Prof) Ramesh (2011)
(Professor, Karpaga Vinayaga College
of Engg. & Tech)
13, Keela Adayavalanjan Street
Sriranagam, Tiruchirappalli 620 006 (TN)
Phone : (0431) 2434848 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9486189998
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–151 [R, RM]
Gupta, Pankaj (2003)
Proprietor, KMR Refractories
69 Industrial Suburb, Yeswanthpur
Bangalore 560 022 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23372511 (O)
(080) 23304285 (R)
SL–186 []
Guttikonda, Venkata Ranganath (2006)
Secretary, State Board of Technical
Education and Training
1-9-699/F-401, Parkview Appartments
Adikmet, Vidyanagar
Hyderabad 500 044 (AP)
SL–203 [EC, C]
Hareesh, (Dr) U. S. (2007)
Scientist, Materials Science & Tech Division
Ins titute
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2535504 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9446337222
: (0471) 2491712
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–332 [R]
Hembram, Badha Charan (2012)
[DOB: 01.05.1975]
Manager (OPR)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP
Qr. No. 210D, Sector 1, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (A.P)
Phone: (0) 8500669640 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–42 [E]
Hussain, S. M. (1993)
Kaveri Enamel and Allied Industries
No 5 & 6 Kariobanahalli
kempegowda Industrial Estate
Keonics Layout
(Behind Mythry Industry)
Near Peenya 2nd Stage
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28367668 (O)
(0) 9886760348 (M)
E-mail :[email protected]
SL–172 [CC, EC]
Iyer, (Dr) Suman B. (2006)
Advanced Materials Consultant
232/11/2, Tank ‘B’, Main Road
Bangalore 560 021 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23314138 / 30900733 (O)
(080) 23314138 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9739283140
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–276 [EC, R]
Isapur, Mohammed Aslam (2011)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Opp. IISE Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0) 9449838089 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–330 [RM, M]
Jadiya, Piyoosh (2012)
[DOB: 23.10.1973]
Sr Manager (OPR), CRMP
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP
H. No. 31-58-27, HIG-161, Vuda
Phase -7, Kurmannapalem,
Visakhapatnam 530 046, (A.P)
Phone: (0891) 2703670 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8500669808 / 9989800800
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–301 [EC, G]
Jain, Brahma Dev (2011)
(DOB : 10.11.1969)
Industrial Furnace And Controls
288/16/2, Gokula, 1st Stage
2nd Phase, 9th Main, 3rd Cross City
Bangalore 560 054 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23479840 (O)
(0) 8023479840 (M)
(0) 9900129807 (M)
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–113 [C, EC]
Jain, (Dr) Manoj Kr (2000)
Scientist, Knowledge Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab
P.O. Kanchan Bagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586340 (O)
(040) 24343230 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–135 [G, P]
Jaleel, Abdul K. K. (2002)
MLA Road, Punkunnam P.O.
Thrissur 680 002 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9895007393
E-mail : [email protected]
SL– [EC, C]
James, Dr Jose
Scientist “F”, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O, Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 22515313 (O)
(0471) 2492882 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–348 [EC, R]
Jampana, V. L. Narasa Raju (2012)
[DOB: 01.05.1967]
(Asst Manager-Operation,
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No. 305A, Sector 8,
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2510600 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9701348009 / 9440326848
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–61 [R]
Janardhan Rao, P. A. S. (1980)
[DOB : 21.01.1944]
Door No. 8-60-3 (5), Flat No. 6
Sri Lakshmi Apartments
1st Lane, Vidhyanagar
(Opp 3 town Police Station)
Visakhapatnam 530 003 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2531174 (R)
Mobile : (0) 994024434
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–300 [EC, CC]
Jayaram, (Dr) Vikram (2011)
[DOB : 03.10.1956]
Professor, Indian Institute of Science
Department of Materials Engineering
Malleswaram, Bangalore 560 055
Phone: (080) 23345110 (R)
(080) 23601198 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9663368667
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–214 [R, RM]
Jena, Debabrata (2008)
[DOB: 25.06.1966]
Asst General Manager, (RED), VSP
Qtr No. 103-D, Sector - 12
Ukkunagaram, Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518767 (O)
(0891) 2519176 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989166470
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–220 [ELC, C]
Jeyaseelan, (Dr) Chadradass [2008]
Post Doc Fellow, (Changwon National
University South Korea)
19, Rajaji Colony, Virugambakkam
Chennai 600 092
Phone : (055) 2755475 (O)
(044) 23766392 (R)
SL–201 [EC, C]
Johnson, (Dr) Roy (2007)
Scientist, ARCI
18-8-254/19, Rakshapuram
Saidabad, Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24443169 (O)
(040) 24344524 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9490748528
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–106 [CC, P]
Joseph Kanichai (1999)
Managing Partner,
St. Joseph's Clay Works
Vengoor, Piraroor PO
Dist : Ernakulam
Kalady 683 574 (Kerala)
Phone : (0484) 2462573 / 3210189 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9400050502
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–234 [G]
Joshi, (Dr) Purushottam (2008)
Scientist, Corporate Research Lab
Laird Technologies India Pvt Ltd
Unit - 3, 4th Floor, IPTL, Whitefield Road
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40740412 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9901666429
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–285 [R]
K., Asokan (2011)
Proprietor, Indorg Refrectories
No. 83, 3rd Phase, PIA, 7th Main
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone (080) 28397956 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–305 [EC, RM]
K, Balachandran (2011)
[D.O.B. 15.04.1964]
(President (Plant)
Saravana Global Energy Limited)
No. 21/107A, Market Street
Gugai, Salem 636 006 (TN)
Phone : (0) 9443742033 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–344 [R, C]
K, Prasad (2012)
[DOB: 12.06.1989]
Engineer, Ceramic Technological Institute
Corp R&D
Bhatat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL)
Malleswaram Complex
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182467 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8197511520
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–168 [C, EC]
K., Ramanjaneyuli (2005)
(Technical Officer, Armor Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab)
H. No. 4-10/1, Vikasnagar
Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586571 (O)
(040) 24046135 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9948096081
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–258 [G, C]
Kadur, Shivkumar S. (2010)
1300, 7 Main, 12 Cross
W. C. Road, 2nd Stage
Mahalaxmipuram Lay Out
Bangalore 560086 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23490922 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–392 [P, RM]
Kalaichelvan, (Prof.) K. (2015)
[DOB: 17.06.1959]
Professor, Dept of Ceramic Technology
Algappa College of Technology
ACT Campus, Anna University
Chennai 600 025
Phone : (044) 2239181 (O)
(044) 24741127 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9940324250
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–209 [ELC, C]
Kannan, Prasad (2008)
[DOB: 13.02.1985]
(Senior Engineer, (PCPS/L&I), BHEL)
6, Maruthi Nagar
Bikashandar Koil Post, NO 1
Tolgate, Trichy 621 216 (TN)
Phone : (0) 9442166513 (M)
E-mail :[email protected];
[email protected]
SL–69 [B, R]
Kapuri, (Dr) Nageswar (1995)
[DOB : 01.01.1964]
General Manager (Special Products)
Hindalco Industries Limited
PO : Nehru Nagar
Belgaum 590 010 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0831) 2474854 / 2999555 (O)
(0831) 2472717 (R)
Mobile : (O) 9743399346
: (0831) 2474697
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–193 [EC, ELC]
Karavoor, Geetha (2007)
Research Scientist
GE India Technology Centre
JFETC Sy No. 122, EPIP-Phase II
W hitefield Road, Hoody Village
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40122563 (O)
(080) 41678863 (R)
Mobile : (0) 988600803
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–275 [C, P]
Karodi, Venkateswarlu (2008)
Scientist, MT Division
National Aerospace Laboratory
Post bag No 1779, Old Airport Road
Bangalore 560001
Phone : (080) 25086244 (O)
(080) 25237892 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–171 [P]
Kasivisw anathan, (Dr) T. C. (1993)
Managing Director
Sarguru Ceramics (P) Ltd
SPL B-119, Industrial Estate
Peenya 1st Stage
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28362136 (O)
(080) 28362847 (R)
SL–143 [B, P]
Kiran Kumar, P. (1999) [2002]
(Asst Manager, BOSCH Ltd)
No. 33/2, ‘Padmalaya’
Ranga Rao Road, Shankarpuram
Besides Brahmin’s Coffee Bar
Bangalore 560 004 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 8041035206 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9880001700
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–70 [P, R]
Kiran Kumar, S. V. K. (1995)
[DOB: 18.08.1973]
(Sr. Section Engineer, Indian Railway)
MIG-36, 39-33-34/2 Madhavadhara
VUDA Layout
Visakhapatnam 530 018 (AP)
Phone : (0891 2558263 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949122242
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–215 [EC, R]
Konda, Ravi Prakash (2008)
Dy Manager (RED)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Door No. 31-6-13/8, Kurmanapalem
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518767 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9886184789 / 9701348545
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–360 [G, R]
Konduru, Raveendra Raju (2013)
[DOB: 20.04.1964]
(Dy Manager (O), Visakhaptnam Steel
D. No 3-6/15 Steel Plant Road
Jabily Hills, Ukkunagaram, Aganapudi
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701348472/ 9490388472
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–259 [EC, R]
Koppad, Vasant Kumar (2008) [2010]
(Manager (Refractories)
Danieli-Corus India Pvt Ltd)
H. No. # 10, Shiva Prasad, Tejeswi Nagar
Dharwad 580 002 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0836) 244895 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9650690965
E-mail :
[email protected];
[email protected]
SL–389 [ELC, CC]
Krishnan, V. B. (2015)
[DOB: 03.10.1950]
No. 10, Surksha Park View Apartment
2F, 2nd Floor
9th Cross, Bangalore 560 029
Mobile : (0) 9742780440
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–141 [EC, ELC]
Krishna Murthy, Rama (2002)
Proprieter, Southern Refractories
Plot No. 19, KIABD Industrial Area
Tumkur 572 016 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0816) 211010 (O)
(0816) 23330289 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9342573744
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–213 [R, RM]
Krishna Rao, P. B. V. (2008)
Dy General Manager, (CRMP),
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 210, Sector - 7
Ukkunagaram, Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2514380 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866678370
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–199 [P]
Kumar, Jayant (1986) [2007]
M.D., Sukaso Ceracolors Pvt Ltd
1275, Road No. 63A
Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad 500 033 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23548514 / 23547869 (O)
(040) 23607891 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–74 [B]
Krishna Rao, (Dr) R. V. (1996)
Scientist, Ceramics & Composites
Group Ceramics Building
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586659 (O)
(040) 24534379 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–376 [EC, C]
Kumar, Peeush (2013)
Engineer, CTI, EPD
Bhatat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL)
Malleswaram Complex
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182360 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9008500588
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–54 [G, P]
Krishnaiah, (Dr) J. (1989) [1994]
1-121, VST Colony, Nachram
Hyderabad 500 076 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27535123/ 24530224 (O)
Mobile : 9980466855
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–386 [EC, R]
Kumar, (Dr) Abhoy (2015)
[DOB: 01.12.1976]
Scientist D, Ceramic and Composite
Group Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory, Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (Telangana)
Phone : (040) 24586713
Mobile : (0) 9491225618
Fax : (040) 2430683
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–327 [R, RM]
Kumar, Anuj (2012)
[DOB: 20.08.1986]
Junior Manager
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Construction office –2, Rolling Mills
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701347162
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–187 [R]
Kumburu, Amalavathi (2007)
Sravya Refractories & Ceramics
Platinum Jubilee Complex
Sabbavaram Village
Visakhapatnam 531 035 (AP)
SL–288 [R, C]
Kumaran, Raja Ravi (2011)
(Sr Manager, Ador Fontech Ltd)
3/450-A, Block B,
F1 Pace East Apartment
Nogappair East
Chennai 600 037
Phone : (080) 28365751 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9341012116 / 9962812116
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–105 [R, R]
Kuppanatti, Kuber (1998) [2004]
Advanced Ceramics
Sudhanvaa Residency
Flat No 401, 4th Floor
Opp. E.S.I. Hospital Nacharam
Hyderabad 500 076 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27263009 (O)
(040) 27172514 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9849070779
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–112 [P]
Lakshminarayana, S. (1994)
Manager, (SH/MH/R&D Lab)
Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd.
Brahmanapally, Bibinagar
Dist : Nalgonda 508126 (AP)
Phone : (08665) 278375 / 278378 (O)
(0) 900770364 (M)
(0) 9849568129 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–29 [B, P]
Lalithambika, (Dr) M. (1981) [1990]
(Retd Dy Director, NIIST)
Research Co-ordinator
Intregrated Rural Tech Centre (IRTC)
Palakkad 678 592 (Kerala)
Phone : (0491) 2832324 (O)
(0471) 2341477 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9446509414
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–63 [P, R]
Lewis, A. B. (1993) [1995]
Project Manager (Ceramics)
GEC Alsthom India Ltd
28, Chikkakadirappa Garden
St. Thomas Town
Bangalore 560 084 (Karnataka)
SL–296 [RM, M]
M. S., Krupashankara (2011)
(Professor, RV College of Engineering)
363, 16th Main Road
4th T Block, Jayanagar
Bangalore 560 041 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26630283 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9740093936
E-Mail: [email protected]
SL–89 [R]
Madhusoodana, (Dr) C. D. (1993)
Additional General Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate Research & Development
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Prof C. N. R. Rao Circle
Opp IISc, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182391 (O)
(080) 23452806 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449052806
: (080) 23466714
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
SL–39 [P, R]
Mahagaonkar, G. S. (1981) [1992]
(Retd Sr DGM, BHEL)
No. 29, “Shivashakthi”
Gruhalaxmi Colony, 1st Stage
Basaveswara Nagar
Bangalore 560 079 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23234421 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9880597174
SL–287 [R,EC]
Mahenthran, B. K. (2011)
(Product Manager - Ceramics
Ador Fontech Ltd)
No 836, Sai Brindavan
22 “B” Cross, Kuvempu Road
Vignana Nagar
Bangalore 560 075 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9019167707
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–322 [R, CC, M]
Malla, V. J. Bhuvaneswarrao (2012)
[DOB: 09.08.1967]
Manager (Merketing)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP
Visakhapatnam 531 032 (AP)
Phone: (08924) 225151 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8500669505 / 9290072130
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–131 [R]
Malayappan, S. (1996)
Consultant, TRL
Flat No. C-2, Plot No. 1345
Shram Vir Illam Venkatavijayam
19th Main Road, Anna Nagar (W)
Chennai 600 040
Phone : (044) 26262840 (O)
(044) 26202961 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–240 [P]
Mallipudi, M. Nageswara Rao (2009)
Ceramic Consultant
M/s Anima Technical Ceramics
Unit No. 33, Technocrats Industrial Estate
Balanagar 500 037 (Hyderabad)
Phone : (040) 23079655 (O)
(040) 20044655 (R)
SL–390 [ELC, R]
Mandal, (Dr) Saumen (2001)[2008]
Assistant Professor
Department of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Karnataka, PO: Srinivasnagar
Mangalore 575 025 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0824) 2473752 (O)
Mobile : (0) 7899493903
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–343 [R]
Manna, Arabinda Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 28.10.1972]
Manager, TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
Door No: 8-4-18/5, Marathinagar
Old Gajuwaka
Visakhapatnam 530 026 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9246622314
SL–134 [B, R]
Manohar, (Dr) A. D. (1979) [2001]
Secretary, Hyderabad Chapter
(Scientist-F, Defence Mteallurgical
Research Laboratory)
Flat No. 301, Amrutha Apartments
Plot No. 75, Vinaynagar, Saidabad
Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586485 (O)
(040) 24075977 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949144193
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–104 [B, R]
Manohar, (Prof) P. (1996) [1999]
Prof & Head, Dept of Cercmic Tech
AC Tech Campus, Anna University
Chromepet, Chennai 600 025
Phone : (044) 24749371 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9841044785
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–383 [ELC, C]
Manoharan, (Dr) Divinah (2014)
[DOB: 26.05.1985]
12 St. Joseph Street
Perumalpuram, Tirunelveli 627007 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 7598068876
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–57 [G, R]
Manoharan, N. G. (1981) [1994]
16, Kuppusamy Road
Newel Appartments
Chetpet, Chennai 600 031
Mobile : (0) 9840143673
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–122 [BS]
Manorama, (Dr) Sunkara V. (2000)
E-5, IICT Qrts, Habsiguda
Hyderabad 500 007 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27160123/27173318 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–119 [C, EC]
Mariappan, L. (2000)
Junior Technical Assistant
Materials Science Division
National Aerospace Laboratories
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086146 / 25086141 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–268 [R, RM]
Marudha Prabhu, J. (2010)
[DOB: 05.12.1982]
Assitant Manager, BOSCH Ltd
Naganathapura Plant, Hosa Road
Electonic City (PB No. 6887)
Bangalore 560 100 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41035418 (O)
(080) 25743267 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9901922599
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–357 [ELC, EC]
Meravathu, Hanuma (2012)
[DOB: 01.04.1962]
(AGM (O), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No 129/A, Sector 1
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 8008277193
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–309 [R, C]
Merugu, John Ravikumar (2012)
[DOB : 08.07.1967]
(Sr Manager Operation
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Flat No. 303, Subha Elite
(Behind Visakha Library)
Srinagar, Visakhapatnam 530 016 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9949844429
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–107 [M, R]
Mini, K. J. (1999)
(Visiting Faculty at Centre for Ceramic
Technology, Chennai)
No. 6, Valliammai Street
Rajendra Avenue
Chennai 600 064
SL–329 []
Mishra, Arun Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 09.09.1960]
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP (W)
Qtr. No. 213/A, Sector – 8
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2742740 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989936224
SL–340 [R]
Mishra, Atul (2012)
[DOB: 01.09.1988]
Junior Manager (O)
RINL, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9347079257
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–177 [C, R]
Mohanty, Dilip Kr. (2006)
Asst General Manager
Refractory Engineering Department)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qr. No. 168-B, Sector 12
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2742111 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949296060
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–355 [R, RM]
Mohanty, Pralaya Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 14.05.1959]
Techno Commercial Agent
Calderys India Refractories Ltd
206 Dutch House Apartments
Kirlampudi Layout, Beach Road
Visakhapatnam 530 017 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2711085 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9246613571
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–176 [EC]
Mondal, (Dr) Aparna (2006)
Scientist, Materials & Mineral Division
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Pappanamecode, Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 665 019 (Kerala)
SL–111 [B]
Mukherjee, (Dr) J. L. (1980) [2002]
Technical Consultant
No. 13, 17A Cross, KT 23
Apartment No. 203, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 055 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23360451 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–178 [CC, ELC]
Mukunda, Adyam Srinivasa (2006)
Sr Scientist, Corp Research Lab
Laird Technologies India Pvt Ltd
Unit-III, 4th Floor, Navigator Building
ITPL, Whitefield Road
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40740402 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–328 []
Mundotiya, Jagdish Prasad (2012)
[DOB: 06.07.1963]
AGM (O), Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr. No. 149/C/Sector – I
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2581722 (R)
Mobile : (0) 7893060444
SL–231 []
Murali, H. H. (2008)
Partner, South Indian Ceramic
Plot No. 319, Phase IV
8th Cross, Peenya Ind. Area
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9886667623 / 9448015586
E-mail : [email protected]
S–272 [EC, RM]
Nagpal, Achla (2010)
C-257, 5th Cross
Peenia Industrial Estate, 1st Stage
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28398190 (O)
(080) 42097491 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845213378
SL–248 []
Murali, K.S. (2009)
# 5005, Anriya Dwellington Aprts
LG Halli, Dollars Colony
Bangalore 560 094 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9448290325
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–378 [C,M]
Murugan, Stalin (2013)
[DOB : 13.07.1981]
Material Science Division
National Aerospace Laboratory
Old Airport Road, Bangalore 560 017
Phone: (080) 25086759 (O)
25731770 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–382 [R, P]
Murugasami, M. (2014)
[DOB: 04.06.1962]
Swastik Ceramics
No. 71, Perumal Koil Street
Pondicherry 605 001
Phone : (0413) 2348987 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8870008987 / 9345458987
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–124 [EC, R]
Nagabhushan, (Dr) Etakula (2001)
17-1-391-1/1 Subramaniam Nagar
Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 2701890/27682291 (O)
(040) 24072755 (R)
SL–273 [ELC]
Nagpal, Muneesh (2010)
CEO, Superceram, C-258, 5th Cross
Peenia Industrial Estate, 1st Stage
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28394728 (O)
(080) 42097491 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9945230701
SL–190 [EC, RM]
Nagumothu, (Dr) Ramesh Babu
House No. B4/20, New Avenue
NIT Campus
National Institute of Technology
Trichy 620 015 (TN)
SL–94 [P, R]
Nahata, Pramod Kr (1997)
Proprietor, Balaji Udyog
9-16-23/1/1, CBM Compound
Visakhapatnam 530 003 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2719427 (O)
(0891) 2747577 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9493940234 / 9032982611
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–99 [CC, RM]
Naidu, Venkateswarlu (1998)
Asst Manager (Kilns), Raasi Ceramics
22/P/GF, Block 2, IT’ Band
Secundrabad 500 003 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27814174/27893448
SL–210 [EC, R]
Naik, Shishir Kr [2008]
Jr Manager, (C&RMP)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 203/2, Sector-4, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9866578880
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–152 [ELC, R]
Nammi, Tata Rao (2003)
Junior Manager (CRG)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Door No. 31-29-16/1, Sivalayam Road
Duggapuvani Palem
Vadlapudi, R H Colony
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2587446 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9849206691
SL–101 [B, P]
Nair, K. Muraleedharan (1994) [1998]
Scientist, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O, Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2490324 / 2490406 (O)
SL–239 [RM]
Nandakishore, M. N. (2008)
Managing Partner
Sanjeevan Enterprises
10, 2nd Floor, 32nd Main
Bharuni Housing Layout
Banugiri Nagar, Banashankari
3rd Stage, Bangalore (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26797957 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9886389410
[email protected]
SL–241 [EC, C]
Nair, Sivakumar S. (2009)
(Technical Manager,
English Indian Clays Ltd)
‘Indheevaram’ TC 36/1200(3)
Thiruvananthapuram 695 008 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2741133 (O)
(0471) 2501514 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–218 [EC, R]
Nallamothu, Johnson [2008]
Asst Manager, Construction
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Door No. 31-11-3/2, Sathavahna Nagar
Vadalapudi Post
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2519574 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989397331/ 2 / 3
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–129 [R]
Namboodiri, S. N. (1986) [2003]
Dy General Manager, (Refractory), Jindal
A-203 Sterling Park
P.O. Sahakar Nagar
Bangalore 560 092 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9448286477
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–324 [R]
Nandi, Bikash (2012)
[DOB: 12.06.1968]]
Manager – Linings Sales
Vesuvius India Ltd.
Flat No. 13-15, Block – E, IDA
Autonagar, Visakhapatnam 530 012 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9347059726
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–66 [B, P]
Natarajan, B. (1995)
Boston Villa, No 32, Farm Tea Post
West Broote, Kotagiri
Pin : 643 217, Nilgiris (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9444059537
SL–331 [R, RM]
Nayak, Arvind Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 07.11.1966]
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP (W)
Vayuputra Elegant, F. No. 403,
Dr. No. 31-12-7/11, Kurmnapalem
(Opp A. P. Gramin Vikash Bank)
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2769396 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8008266836
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–14 [P]
Nayak, S. C.
Partner, Sujirkers Tile Works
Lower Car Street, Mangalore 575 001
South Kanara (Karnataka)
SL–233 [EC, RM]
Oubagarandin, John U. Kennedy
Dept of Ceramic & Cement Technology
PDA College of Engineering
IISC Post, Maleshwaram
Gulbarga 585 102 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9449638617
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–350 [ELC, M]
Pai, N. Rajesh (2012)
[DOB: 22.09.1967]
(AGM (E), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Flat No 408, Pranathi Classic
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2519239 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9000577473
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–269 [R, M]
Palani Kumar, R. (2010)
Direc tor, Lak s hmi Ceramic s &
Refreacoties India Pvt. Ltd.
No. C-260, 5th Cross 1st Stage
Peenya Industrial Estate
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41177790191 (O)
(080) 23370831 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449820831
[email protected]
SL–121 [C, EC]
Panda, (Dr) P. K. (2000)
Scientist ‘E-I’, Materials Science Division
National Aerospace Laboratory
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086146 (O)
(080) 25279672 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448970424
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–232 [EC, R]
Pandey, Manish Kr. (2008)
Sr. Engineer, BHEL
BHEL-EPD, PB No. 1245
IISC Post, Maleshwaram
Bangalore 560 055 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9449838949
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–311 [R]
Pal, Suman (1990) [2006]
Application Specialist
Carborundum Universal Limited
Electro Minerals Division
P.B. No 1
Kalamassery Devlopment Plot P.O.
Ernakulam 683 109 (Kerala)
Phone : (0484) 3023651/3023600 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9345613382
: (0) 8590859001
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–393 []
Pandey, (Dr) Upendra Kumar (2015)
INSA-Inspire Faculty, Interdisciplinary
Centre for Energy Research
Indian Institute of Technology
CV Raman Road
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22933525 (O)
(080) 29731101 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8105752985
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–136 [P, R]
Paramban, Abdul Hameed (2002)
The Malaber Tile Works
Feroke, Kozikode 673 631 (Kerala)
SL–55 [R]
Parameswaran, R. (1982)
Chief Executive
M. V. Refractories & Insulation
A/3 SAIKRIPA Apartments
Thadagam Road, R. S. Puram
Coiambatore 641 002 (TN)
SL–318 [EC, R]
Parbesh, S. K. (2012)
Management Trainee
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, RINL
Area Shop office, CRMP,
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant,
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701348020
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–179 [ELC]
Parthasarathy, Gurukishan (2006)
Materials Scientist
Areva T & D Lightning Arresters (P) Ltd
R.S 38/2 Sedarapet Main Road
Sedarapet Village
Pondicherry 605 005
SL–140 [G, R,]
Patel, Prashant Kr. (2002)
Proprietor, National Industrial Co.
Survey No 93,
Basapura Village
Begur Hobli
Hosure Road
Bangalore 560 100 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 65462358 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9886119183
SL–50 [B, R]
Patil, (Prof) K. C. (1991) [1994]
Emeritus Scientist (CSIR)
Dept of Inorganic and Physical
Chemistry Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23514906 (R)
SL–341 [R, RM]
Paul, Partha Sarathi (2012)
[DOB: 05.09.1961]
Dy General Manager (Refractory
Engg. Dept)
RINL, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2886475 (R)
Mobile : (00 9949021475
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–274 [B]
Paul, Ravi (1985) (2007)
Director, KLB Instruments Co Pvt Ltd
71, 2nd Main Road, Vyalikaval
Post Box No. 399
Bangalore 560 003 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23346976 / 23349709 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–31 [P, R]
Pawar, (Dr) P. G. (1991)
‘Lalithya’ No. 21
1st Cross, 2nd Main Road
Domlur 2nd Stage
Bangalore 560 071 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9845042907
SL–361 [M, RM]
Perumalla, Shankar (2012)
[DOB: 10.04.1963]
(AGM (E), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No 141/A, Sector 12
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9949096049
SL–243 [CC, P]
Petachimuthu, Perumal (2006)
Technical Officer CSIR-National
Institute for Interdisciplinary Science &
Industrial Estate PO:, Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019
SL–87 [B, R]
Ponnesam, S. Deborah (1996)
Technical Officer
Carborundum Universal Ltd
Thiruvottiur, Chennai 600 019
SL–284 [EC, M]
Prabhu, Dinesh (2011)
Managing Director
Centaur Abrasives (P) Ltd
Doddanna Industrial Estate
Pionya 2nd Stage
Bangalore 500 091 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28361539 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9986439321
E-mail :[email protected]
SL–358 [EC, G]
Pramanik, Dilip Kumar (2013)
[DOB: 16.12.1960]
(Deputy General Manager,
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No 122-B, Sector 11
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9989393788
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–238 [B]
Prasad, (Dr) V. C. S. (1981) [1993]
6-3-595/9, Padmavathi Nagar
Hyderabad 500 004 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23390223 (R)
SL–270 []
Prema Kumar, S. A. (2010)
Managing Partner
Suraabhi Varan Minerals
Plot No 130,
Kodakola Industrial Area
Mysore 571 311 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9844095861
SL– 289 [R]
PSV, Ananthnarayana (2011)
Maruthi Refractories
# 22, Sai Maruthi
13th Cross
Bangalore 560 003 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23310824 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448071318
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–359 [R, RM]
Pudi, Ramesh Kumar (2012)
(Dy Manager (O), Visakhaptnam Steel
Quarter No 212/D, Sector 10
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701349006
SL–339 [C, R]
R, Swarnavel (2012)
[DOB: 07.04.1969]
Proprietor, M/s Neyyeli Refractory
221, Empire Palza, 2nd Floor
N.S.C. Bose Road, Chennai 600 001
Phone : (044) 25364298 (O)
(044) 25551348 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9444390802
: (044) 25364298
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–385 [EC, C]
R. V. (Dr) Lakshmi (2014)
[DOB: 06.11.1983]
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086473
Mobile : (0) 9591957000
Fax : (080) 25210113
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–114 [R]
Rafiuddin, Syed (1992) [1998]
[DOB: 07.01.1939]
(Retd Asst Director, NML)
B3/F3 HB Colony
Madannapet, P.O. Sayeedabad
Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24400400 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9441248050
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–120 [RM]
Raghavan, P. (1993) [2004]
Scientist, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2575329 (O)
(0471) 2491329 (R)
SL–15 [R]
Raghavan, S. V. (1983)
Insufrac Refractories (P) Ltd
No. 345, 4th Main Road, 9th cross
2nd Phase, Peenya Industrial Area
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
SL–59 [B]
Raghavendra, (Dr) R. V. (1994)
Scientist, Geological & Metallurgical Lab
105X, 3rd Main, 3rd Cross,
2nd Phase, Yeshwanthpur Industries
Gurguntpalya Suburb
Bangalore 560 022 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23472020 (O)
(080) 23345069 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–44 [B]
Rai, B. M. R. (1993)
Consulting Engineer
F–9/1 Vijay Kiran Apartments
32 Victoria Road
Bangalore 560 047 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25300071 (R)
E-amil : [email protected]
SL–292 [R]
Rajagopalan, Viswanathan
(2010) (2011)
Proprietor, Clayman Refractories
184, Aladi Road, Vriddhacchalam
Dist Cuddalore 606 001 (TN)
Phone : (04143) 260443 (O)
(04143) 260965 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9443360443
E-mail : [email protected]
SL –256 [P, M]
Rajamani, Sathyavelu Kamalapuram
[DOB: 20.06.1969]
Flat No 101, Sree Nidhi Enclaves
10th Cross, Anantha Nagar, Phase 2
Electronic City (Post)
Bangalore 560 100 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 8105004263
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–166 [C, ELC]
Rajasekharan, (Dr) T. (2005)
Scientist ‘F’, PM Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586331 (O)
SL–67 [P]
Rajeshwar Rao, (Dr) A. V.
(1956) [1986]
Ratna Vilas
1-9-634/1/C Vidyanagar
Hyderabad 500 044 (AP)
SL–115 [C, EC]
Raju, A. R. (2000)
Chairman, Hyderabad Chapter, InCerS
8-3-318/11/20 Vishva ai Enclave
Plot No. 304, Jayprakashnagar
LR Guda, Hyderabad 500 073 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23203637 / 23202548 (O)
(040) 23735803 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949005444 / 9900572349
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–132 [ELC, M]
Raju, (Dr) K. C. James (2001)
Lecturer in Electronics
School of Physics
University of Hyderabad
Ganchi Bowli
Hyderabad 500 046 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23134305/23134316 (O)
(040) 2301181 (R)
SL–352 [EC, RM]
Ram, Bed (2012)
[DOB: 15.04.1970]
Sr Manager-Mechanical
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant
Area Shop Office, CRMP
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2581729 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8500669750
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–128 [B, M]
Ramachandra Rao, (Dr) R. (1996)
Principal Scientist
National Aeronautical Laboratory
Materials Science Division
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086146 / 25086141 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9449087753
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–261 []
Ramaiah (2010)
P. U. R. Refractories
48, 2nd, Main
Chennigappa Indidustrial Estate
Magadi Main Road
Bangalore 560 091 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23404760 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9845736309
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–56 [R]
Ramakrishnan, S. (1990)
M. V. Refractories & Insulation
No. 21 Sriramnivas
Anantha Nagar, SRKV (PO)
Coiambatore 641 020 (TN)
SL–396 [R, RM]
Ramakrishnan, Vidyaprakash (2016)
[DOB: 22.08.1974]
Coimbatore Potteries & Refractories)
No. 102/5 Main Road
Coimbatore 641 104 (TN)
Phone : (04254) 273369 (O)
(04254) 272392 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9894077699
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–5 [P, R]
Ramalingam, V. I. (1981)
Ceramic Consultant
3/354 Kamaraj Nagar
Vellandi-Valasai Post
Idappadi T. K.
Dist : Salem 637 105
Mobile : (0) 9842045802
SL–137 [EC, R]
Ramasesha, (Dr) Sheela K. (2002)
Lab. Manager
GE India Teechnology Centre
JFWTC, Sy No. 122, EPIP, Phase II
W hitefield Road, Hoody Village
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
SL–125 [B]
Ramaswamy, (Dr) P. (1985) [2001]
Engineering Officer
Materials Tech Div
Central Power Research Institute
Post Box No. 9401
Bangalore 560 094 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23602919 (O)
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–88 [P, R]
Rambabu, Allam (1998)
Mine Owner
Rama Lakshmi Minerals
Door No. 48-9-18/39
Ratnaveni Complex (3rd floor)
Visakhapatnam 530 016 (AP)
SL–144 [P, R]
Ramesh Babu, N. (1999) [2002]
(Manager, Bosch Ltd)
867, 11th Cross, 34th Main
J. P. Nagar, Phase I
Bangalore 560 078 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26542754 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9880001707
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–91 [R]
Rao, A. R. M. (1990) [2002]
Advisor, M. N. Dastur Pvt Ltd
Door No. 47-13-4 (Up Stair)
Dwarka Nagar, Shankar Matm Road
Visakhapatnam 530 016 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518609 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866237607 / 8912518609
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–221 []
Rao, K. Subba [2008]
[DOB: 23.06.1957]
Head, Dept of Ceramic Technology
Govt Instt of Ceramic Technology
Gudur 524 104, Dist : Nellore (AP)
Phone : (08624) 251793 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9912342257
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–25 [B, R]
Rao, (Dr) M. R. K. (1958) [1984]
(Retd Dy Director, NML)
5-506 Divyasakti Apartments
7-1-58 Ameerpet
Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23732383 (R)
SL–32 [E, P]
Rao, M. R. M. (1985) [1986]
Chairman & Chief Chemist
Rautec Ceramics (P) Ltd
59A-20-A (1st floor), Teachers’ Colony
Vijayawada 520 008
Dist: Krishna (AP)
Phone : (0866) 2477629 (O)
(0866) 2477929 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9848144797
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–45 [E]
Rao, N. Nageswar (1993)
Bhaskar Vitreous Enamel Coatings
B-2 Industrial Estate
Cuddapah 516 004 (AP)
Phone : (08362) 244705 / 255907 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–180 [CC, EC]
Rao, Ramesh (2006)
112/1, 2nd Floor
Mahalakshipuram Post
Kirlosker Colony, WOC Road
14th Stage, 1st main
Bangalore 560 086 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9880316091
SL–379 [EC, C]
Rao, Renangi Mohan (2013)
[DOB : 01.06.1953]
(Retd. Technical Officer ‘C’, DMRL)
Krupa, Plot No. 2 (South)
Old Gayatrinagar, Meerpet
Hyderabad 500 097
Mobile : (0) 9866060801
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–384 [EC, R]
Rao, (Dr) Sandhya (2014)
Senior Scientist
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone (080) 25086722
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–71 [B, M]
Rao, N. Veerabhadra (1995)
Strategic Ideas, Flat No. 503
Sri Sai Sree Enclave
Opp King Koti Hospital Parade Gate
King Koti, Hyderabad 500 001 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23230213 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9985200036
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–263 [ELC, C]
Rao, (Dr) Shyam S. (2010)
Vice President
Carborundum Universal Ltd
(Ceramic Division)
47/48 Sipcot Industrial Estate
Hosur 635 126 (TN)
Phone : (04344) 403213 (O)
(080) 26890323 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9894070559
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–130 [R]
Rao, P. Chandrasekhar (1996) [2001]
Sr Manager (CRG)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qrt. No. 136-D, Sector-6
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518265 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9989087170
SL–321 [R, M]
Rao Lade, Mallikarjuna (2012)
[DOB: 01.07.1966]
(Asst General Manager
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP)
Flat No. 501, Rajyalakshmi Towers
VSP Hospital Road, Aganampudi
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 8912887459/8500669856
E-mail : [email protected]
SL– 283 [G, C]
Rathod, Kishor Kumar (2011)
Lecturer in Ceramics
S. J. Govt. Polytechnic
Department of Ceramic Technology
Sheshadui Road
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0) 9731046119 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–298 []
Ravichandran, S (2011)
[DOB : 01.06.1963]
Prop. R. R. Refractories
No. 12, MRK Nagar, Aladi Road
Vriddhachalam 606 001
Mobile : (0) 9843506750
SL–155 [ELC, R]
Ravichandran, S. (2004)
[DOB : 15.08.1957]
Senior Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate Research & Deevelopment
Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL)
Prof C. N. R. Rao Circle
EPD, Opp. IISC, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182478 (O)
(080) 23413370 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9741113370
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–191 [C, EC]
Ravi Kumar, (Dr) N. V. (2007)
Asst. Professor
Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg
Indian Instt. of Technology-Madras
Chennai 600 036
Phone : (044) 22574777 (O)
: (044) 22574777
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–84 [P, R]
Ravindranath, T. N. (1990)
Vamsi Krishna Residency
Flat No. T-B, Door No. 2-19-11
Madav Nagar , Opp : RMC Men’s Hostel
Kakinada 533 003 (AP)
SL–118 [P, RM]
Ravishankar, K. S. (2000)
[DOB: 10.05.1960]
(Manager SH & Ceramic Lab, BHEL)
#316/A, 2nd Floor, 9th Main Road
5th Block, Jayanagar
Bangalore 560 041 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182243 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448332312
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–207 [EC, R]
Ray, Diptendu [2008]
[DOB: 04.12.1973]
(Manager (O)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 127-B, Sector-3, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9493116540 / 8500669503
(0) 9393113410
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–205 [R, RM]
Ray, Pritam [2008]
[DOB: 16.12.1961]
Asst General Manager, (C&RMP)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 169-B, Sector-12
Ukkunagaram, Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2886833 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989122319
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–7 [P]
Reddeppa, G. (1981)
Ceramic Technologist, Technical Centre
16 Shyamlal Building
Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23703916 (R)
SL–46 [R]
Reddy, K. H. V. (1993)
Consultant, 80B, K.B.H. Road
Kurubara Hally, Gauribidanur 561 203
Dist : Kolar (Karnataka)
Phone : (08155) 291423 (O)
Mobile : (O) 9448266112
SL–108 [C]
Reddy, (Dr) Navuri Kishan (1999)
Plot No. 15, MIG, Phase 4,
Hyderabad 500 070 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24022349
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–22 [G, R]
Reddy, P. Narasimha (1987)
OHM Enterprises
4-83 Durganagar
Hyderabad 500 036 (AP)
SL–319 [G, R]
Roy, Sourav (2012)
[DOB: 11.06.1989]
Management Trainee
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, RINL
Room No. 217, Trainees Hotel–3
Sector– I, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701348051
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–367 [EC, C]
S. P., Manjunath (2013)
[DOB: 18.05.1984]
Assistant Professor
Siddaganga Institute of Technology
B. H. Road
Tumkur 572 103 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9964584081
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–202 [EC, C]
Saha, Bhaskar Prasad [2007]
Scientist, ARCI
Centre for Ceraamic Prossing,
Belapur Cross Road
Hyderabad 500 005 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24441075 / 76 (O)
(08415) 245612 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9885901318
SL–371 [ELC, C]
Sahoo, (Dr) Balaram (2013)
[DOB: 02.04.1976]
Assistant Professor
Materials Research Centre
Indian Institute of Science
CV Raman Avenue
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (040) 22932943 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8097385780
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–83 [R]
Sahoo, N. G. (2001) [2004]
(Ex General Manager (Projects), RINL
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Advisor, MECON Pvt Ltd
M-57 Chhend Colony, Phase – 2
Rourkela 769 015 (Orissa)
Mobile : (0) 9866237615
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–356 [G, R]
Sahu, Smriti (2012)
[DOB: 26.04.1988]
Junior Manager, CSM Department
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant
Admin Building
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9581583237
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–194 [EC]
Sampath Kumar, (Dr) T. S. (2007)
Associate Professor
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg..
IIT- Madras
Sardar Patel Road
Chennai 600 036
SL–196 [G, RM]
Sarkar, Tanmay (2007)
Project Manager
VW R Lab Products Pvt Ltd
2nd Floor, Esteem Regency
#6 Richmond Road
Bangalore 560 025 (Karnataka)
SL–75 [P]
Sarkar, Umatosh (1963) [1983]
Advisor, Jumbo Mining
4th Floor, King’s Court
6-3-1239/2/A, Rajbhavan Road
Hyderabad 500 082 (AP)
Phone : (040) 30586666 (O)
(040) 23832883 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9959911938
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–364 []
Sau, Samir Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 30.11.1966]
(AGM (RED), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No 413-C
Sector 4, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone: (0891) 2704001
Mobile : (0) 9989927191
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–126 [B, P]
Satapathy, (Dr) L. N. (1992) [2001]
Dy General Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate Research & Development
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Prof C. N. R. Rao Circle
Opp IISc, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182403 (O)
(080) 23547965 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449857965
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–145 [EC, ELC]
Savio, Geasin S. (2004)
Armor Design & Development Division
Defence metallurgical Research Lab.
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586797 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9908574781
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–153 [CC, EC]
Sathyanarayanaswamy, A. (2003)
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
M.S.R. Institute of Technology
M.S.R. Nagar Mathikse
Bangalore 560 054 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600822 (O)
SL–254 [P, R]
Sathyanarayana Rao, H. S.
(1999) (2010)
Proprietor, Trident Ceramjcs
351 Suchitra Villa, I Phase
2B Cross, VBHC, Girinagar
Bangalore 560 085 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26720978 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448644794
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–72 [R]
Satya Sundar, Y. (1995)
Managing Partner, Sree Industries
Pendurthi, Visakhapatnam 531 173 (AP)
SL– 281 [R, M]
Saxena, R. C. (2011)
DGM, MECON Limited
89 South End Road, Basaranagudi
Bangalore 560 004 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26252000 (O)
(080) 25541709 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448396439
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–93 [B, M]
Sebastian, (Dr) M. T. (1995)
Scientist “G”, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 22515294 / 2490406 (O)
SL–342 [R, RM]
Seemakurty, Rama Prasad (2012)
[DOB: 14.07.1960]
Managing Partner, Tirumalesa Ceramics
NH-5 Raod, Ramavaram Village
East Godavari 533 435 (AP)
Phone : (0884)2367115 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9848162115
Fax : (0884) 9848162115
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL– 253 [ELC]
Seetharamu, S. (2010)
Head, MT Division
Central Power Research Institute
PB No. 8066, SIR CV Raman Road
Bangalore 560080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600399 (O)
(080) 23601785 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448282330
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–308 [R, ELC]
Shaik, Abdul Meera (2011)
[DOB. 31.07.1963]
(Asst Manager,
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Surya Towers, Flat No. 301
Steel Plant Hospital Road, Aganampudi
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701007848
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–264 [ELC, EC]
Selvaraj, (Dr) Senthil Kumar (2010)
National Aerospace Laboratories
Materials Science Division
P. Bag 1779, HAL Airport Road
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9611779381
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–33 [B]
Shashi Mohan, (Dr) A. L. (1990)
[DOB: 05.06.1950]
“VIPRA”, 164/A, 24th Cross
6th Block, Jayanagar
Bangalore 560 070 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26647696 / 42065310 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448468642
: (080) 41310834
E-mail : [email protected]
SL– 290 [R]
Selvarasu, C. (2011)
Proprietor, R.S.R. Company
B8/2, Industrial Estate for Ceramics
Vriddhachalam, Cuddalore 606 001 (TN)
Phone : (04143) 261473 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9842396575 / 9443260047
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–212 [R, RM]
Sen, Kanchan Kumar [2008]
[DOB: 16.12.1959]
(Deputy General Manager, (C&RMP)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 205/A, Sector - 7, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2540332 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949056213
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–307 [R, C]
Sengupta, Ujjwal (2011)
[DOB. 27.12.1959]
Asst Technical Director
Refratechnik Steel GmbH
2nd Floor, South W ing, ATR Tower
Door No. 7-8-10, Harbour Park Road
Visakhapatnam 530 003 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2744468
Mobile : (0) 9989774429
: (0891) 2744467
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–313 [EC, ELC]
Shanmugam, (Dr) Kavithaa (2012)
[DOB : 21.12.1976]
Scientist- C
Nano Manufacturing Tech Centre
Central Manufacturing Tech Instt (CMTI)
Bangalore 560 022
Phone : (044) 22188385 / 370 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–295 [EC, R]
Sherikar, Baburao Neelkantappa
Lecturer, PDA College of Engg.
Dept of Ceramic & Cement Technology
Aiwan-E-Shahi Area
Gulbarga 585 102 (Karnataka)
Phone : (08472) 259327(O)
(0) 9845687758 (M)
E-Mail: [email protected]
SL–346 [C, R]
Shetia, Baisakhi (2012)
[DOB: 10.05.1987]
(Management Trainee-Technical,
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No. 216/13, Sector 4
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701347117
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–26 [P, R]
Shetty, R. N. (1988)
Managing Director
Murudeshwar Ceramics Ltd
Murudeshwar Bhavan
60A/B Gokul Road
Hubli 580 030 (Karnataka)
SL–310 [EC, ELC]
Shivakumar, Rajarathinam
(D.O.B. 14.04.1971)
Senior Manager (R&D)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
La&TD Building
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2887607 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9441472800
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–370 [ELC, CC]
Shivashankar, (Dr) S. A. (2013)
[DOB: 17.03.1947]
Emeritus Professor
Center for Nano Science and Engg
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (040) 22933323 (O)
(040) 23601921 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–34 [B, R]
Shiv Kumar, V. (1990)
A 402 Celestial Greens
Old Madras Road
Bangalore 560 093 (Karnataka)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–40 [P]
Shivananda, B. N. (1975) [1992]
(Retd Deputy Manager, BHEL/EPD)
239/A Old Tumkur Road
Rajamahal Vilas Extension
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23619257 (O)
SL–198 [EC, ELC]
Shukla, (Dr) Satyajit Vishnu (2007)
Scientist C, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 22515315 (O)
SL–363 [ELC, R]
Singh, Gaurav (2012)
[DOB: 03.02.1990]
(Management Trainee (T)
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Room No 215, Trainee Hostel-3
Sector 1, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9453063966
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–256 [EC, ELC]
Singh, (Prof) Paramanand (2010)
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg.
IIT- Madras, Chennai 600 036
Phone : (044) 22574758 (O)
(044) 22576758 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–387 [ELC, C]
Singh, (Dr) Sarabjit (2015)
[DOB: 19.12.1976]
Scientist D, Ceramic and Composite
Group, Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory, Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (Telangana)
Phone : (040) 24586842
Mobile : (0) 9948471299 / 9948471299
Fax : (040) 24340683
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–274 [G, R]
Singh, Shyam Sudarshan (2010)
Partner, Sudarshan Minerals
No. 22, 4th Model house Street
Bangalore 560 004 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26767934 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448616642
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–267 [R, RM]
Singh, Vijay (2010)
Bharathi Refractory Technologies
32 “D” Block (Opp MEI)
Ragjavendra Lauout
Yeshwanthpur 560 022 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23570438 (O)
(080) 23240323 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845039226
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–98 [G, P]
Singhvi, Praveen (1994)
Ceramic Designs
9, 1st Cross
Bangalore 560 004 (Karnataka)
SL–146 [B, R]
Somasundaram, V. (1996) (2002)
Proprietor, Indhu Refractories
183 Aladi Road
Vridhachalam 606 002
Cuddalore District (TN)
Phone : (04143) 329946 / 262165
Mobile : (0) 9842360425
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–35 [R]
Sood, (Capt) Anil Kumar (1992)
Managing Director
Ferro Insulation (P) Ltd
F-302, Ganga Palza
41B Vasai Nagar (1st floor)
Karkhana, Secunderabad 500 003 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27749690 (O)
(040) 27847069 (R)
SL–335 [ELC, G]
Sreemoolanadhan, (Dr) Harihara Iyer
(Scientist, Advanced Materials and
Ceramics Division, Vikram Sarabhai
Space Centre)
TC 37/1190(1), DTSRA 97,
Deekshithar Street, Fort
Thiruvananthapuram 695 023 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2563086 (O)
(0471) 2467094 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9446387094
: (0471) 2705048
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–249 [B]
Sridhara Murthy, K. R. (1995) (2010)
No. 372, 3rd Cross, 1st Block
R. T. Nagar,
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23338518 (R)
SL–181 [EC, R]
Sridharan, P. (2006)
W. S. Industries (I) Ltd.
108 Mount Poonamath Road
Chennai 600 016 (TN)
SL–226 [R]
Srinivasan, C. R. (1985) [2008]
GOURI Apartments
No. 1003 (1st floor)
New Bel Road, RMV II
Bangalore 560 054 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600548
SL–227 [G, P]
Sreehari, G. (2003) [2006]
(Partner, Sree Vinayaka Industries)
No. 319, 18th Main, 4th Block
Nandini layout
Bangalore 560 096 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 65720283 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9341249213
SL–27 [R]
Subrahmanyan, (Dr) A. V. (1988)
641/16/4/A Gandhinagar
Jagir Ammapalem, Salem 636 302 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9444563035
SL–38 [R]
Subramania, Malayappan (1996)
Ceramic Consultant, TRL
Flat No. C-2, Plot o. 1345
Shram Vir Illam, 19th Main Road
Anna Nagar (West), Chennai 600 040
SL–73 [R]
Subramanya, K. R. (1995)
65-3/25A Convent Road
Mittapudur, P.O. Fairlands
Salem 636 016 (TN)
SL– 278 [ELC, C]
Sudandara Doss, (Dr) Manisha
Vidyavathy (2011)
(Assistant Professor, Dept of Ceramic
Tech, Anna University)
5/3 Janaki Raman Street
New Perungalathur, Chennai 600 063
Phone : (044) 22741515 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9940457582
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–182 [EC, ELC]
Sudhakar Reddy, (Dr) E. (2006)
Senior Scientist
JFWTC, GE India Technology Centre
Materials Research Lab. 122
EPIP, Phase 2, Hoodi Village
W hitefield Road
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40122106 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9880190346
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–100 [B]
Sukumar, (Mrs) Rugmini (1983) [1998]
Scientist, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019
Phone : (0471) 2490324 / 2490406 (O)
SL–372 [EC, R]
Sunkara, Veera Bhadra prasad (2013)
[DOB : 23.04.1956]
Managing Partner
Sarvodaya Refractories & Minerals
Behind Kunkullamma Temple
Dwaraka Tirumala
West Godavari 534 426 (AP)
Phone: (08829) 271933 (O)
(08829) 271433 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9502646396
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–255 [EC, C]
Surendranathan, (Dr) A. O. (2010)
[DOB : 15.10.1954]
Professor & Ex-Head
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg.
National Institute of Technology (NITK)
Surathkal, Mangalore
Srinivas Nagar 575 025
South Kanara District (Karnataka)
Phone : (0824) 2474000 (O)
(0824) 2474751 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9343570597 /8904818495
: (824) 2474059
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–394 [EC, ELC]
Suresh, (Dr) Madireddy Buchi (2015)
[DOB: 18.03.1974]
Center for Ceramic Processing, (ARCI)
Hyderabad 500 005 (Telangana)
Phone: (040) 24452472
Mobile : (0) 9959546474
Fax : (040) 24442699
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–76 [R]
Suresh Babu, G. (1996)
Technical Asst to MD
(Cutfast Abrasive Tools Ltd)
35–B Chitalapak k an II Main Road
Tambaran Sanatorium, Chennai 600 047
SL–245 []
Suryanarayana K. (2009)
Engg Officer, Materials Tech Division
Central Power Research Institute
Prof Sir C. V. Raman Road, PB No. 8066
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600399 (O);
(080) 23600195 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448835540
SL–79 [B]
Syamaprasad, (Dr) U. (1996)
Scientist “G”, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 22515373 / 2490406 (O)
SL–349 [ELC, P]
Tadury, Mahavir (2012)
[DOB: 23.06.1965]
(AE-Operation, Visakhaptnam Steel
39-27-40/10 (1), Vuda Colony
Madhaua Dhara
Visakhapatnam 530 018 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2564363 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9490991728
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–373 [R, RM]
Talluri, Goutham (2013)
[DOB : 01.07.1966]
(DGM (QA&TD), Central Lab
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Plot No. 87 Sardar Nest
Kanithi Village
Pedagantyada 530 044 (Visakhapatnam)
Mobile : (0) 9866506746
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–211 [R, RM]
Tambe, Anil Kr [2008]
[DOB: 14.03.1963]
(Asst General Manager
Calcining & Refractory Material Plant
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr. No. 154-D, Sector - 1
Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2581443 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949737483
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–133 [EC, R]
Thimmappaiah, C. N. (2001)
Partner, VIPRA
615/14, 3rd Cross, Raghavendra Colony
Behind IIM, Bilekahali
Bangalore 560 076 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26596634 (O)
(080) 26487212 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845040755
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–169 [B]
Thippesh, B. K. (1963) [1983]
Gayathri Tiles Pvt Ltd
39/12, 1st Floor, (Opp. BTS Garage)
Vijaynagar, Bangalore 560 040 (Karnataka)
SL–223 [EC, CC]
Udayakumar, (Dr) A. [2008]
Scientist - E1, Asst Director
National Aerospace Laboratory
Materials Science Division
Post Bag No. 1779, Airport Road
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25273351-54 (O)
(080) 25266811 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–304 []
Thandavan, S. P. (2011)
[DOB: 11.07.1955]
Managing Partner, Sabari Ceramics
Vill : Irungalur
Mauacha Nallur – TK
Dist : Trichy, Pin 621 105 (TN)
Phone : (0431) 2616609 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9443125166
SL–237 [ELC, C]
Umarji, (Prof) Arun M. (2008)
Professor & Chairman
Materials Research Center
Indian Institute of Science (IISC)
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22932944 (O)
(080) 23375479 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845112801
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–156 [M]
Thangamuthu, V. P. (2004)
Mangalam Separation Equipments
11, Sriram Nagar, 1st Street
(Opp. Retteri), Mount Poonamalee Road
Porur, Chennai 600 116 (TN)
Phone : (044) 24768750 / 31013238 (O)
(044) 22345159 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9789096180 / 9840935265
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–380 [EC, G]
V, Kannan Kamala (2013)
[DOB : 19.02.1967]
Chief Ceramic Manager
Kia Lim Berhad, No. 18, “O” 4th Street
Kamarak Road Cross
Bangalore 560 042 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 2556 2784 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9980153669
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–60 [M]
Varghese, Cherian (1994)
Dy General Manager
(Indian Rare Earths Ltd)
Pathiyarathu Kollamvayalic House
Kollam 691 012 (Kerala)
SM–297 [EC, R]
Varma, (Dr) C. N. S. P. (2006) [2011]
Industrialist, B-10 Industrial Area
Visakhapatnam 530 007 (AP)
SL–242 []
Varma, Hari Krishna (2009)
Scientist-in-Charge, Bioceramic Lab
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical
Science Technology (SCTIMST)
Biomedical Technology W ing
Thiruvananthapuram 695 011 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 24430585 / 2520220 (O)
(0471) 2344346 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–824 [ ELC, RM]
Varma, (Dr) Manoj Raama
(2005) (2009)
Scientist, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019
SL–53 [G]
Varshnei, Lalit (1983)
Director, Madras Sheet Glass Works Ltd
67-A Village Street, Chennai 600 019
SL–183 [C, EC]
Vemuri, (Dr) Madhu (2006)
(Scientist, DMRL)
Flat No. 406, Vijetha Padma Paradise
4-121 Durga Nagar
Hyderabad 500 060 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24584604 (O)
(040) 24052204 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9440498708
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–162 [G, P]
Venkatesan, G. (1995) [2004]
Manageing Director
Fullmoon Industrial Ceramics Pvt Ltd
50A/1 Mudali Thottam
Veerappan Chatram, Periya Semur
Erode 638 004 (TN)
Phone : (0424) 2290046 / 2294046 (O)
(0424) 3291906 (O)
(0424) 2226824 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9364166080
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–271 [EC, ELC]
Venkatesh, (Dr) J. (2010)
Scientist, Laird Technologies
Navigator Building, Unit –3, 4th Floor,
ITPL, Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40740417 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9742846035
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–333 []
Venkatasan, V. (2012)
Proprietor, ARS Industries
285/2, Kamaraj Nagar
Senthamiz Street
Aladi Road, Vridhachalam 606 001
Phone: (0) 9865104702 (M)
SL–11 [P]
Venugopal, V. L.
Standard Tiles & Pottery Works (P)
Ltd Feroke (Kerala)
SL–20 [B]
Vijaygopal, S. (1984)
Chief Executive, Gloheat Instruments
& Metallurgical System
No. 41, 2nd Cross
T. P. Venugopal Layout, R. T. Nagar
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 8023431721 (O)
(0) 9845074053 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–147 [P]
Vijay Kumar, M. N. (1999) (2002)
Motor Industries Co Ltd
Naganathapura Plant
P. B. No. 6887, Singasandra, Madiwala,
Bangalore 560 068 (Karnataka)
SL–157 [EC, ELC]
Vishista, (Dr) K. (2004)
No.3 Karuranidhi Street
Vinayakapuram, Ambathur
Chennai 600 053 (TN)
Phone : (044) 26582372 (O)
(044) 26582372 (R)
Phone : (080) 26689005 / 26686011 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–154 [R, RM]
Vishwanath, S. C. (2003)
Associate Vice President
SMS II, JSW Steel Limited
Vidyanagar 583 275
Dist : Bellary (Karnataka)
Phone : (08395) 240467 (R)
E-mail :[email protected]
[email protected]
SL–43 [B, P]
Vridhagiri, B. (1993)
Chairman and MD, Tacel Ceramics (P) Ltd
41 Bazaar Street, Vriddhachalam
Dist: South Arcot 606 001 (TN)
SL–397 [R, ELC]
Viswanathan, T (2016)
[DOB: 17.06.1985]
(Research Scholar, School of
Mechanical Eng., VIT University)
1/31-5, 2nd Phase, Wahab Nagar
Kattigana Palli
Krishnagiri 635 001 (TN)
Phone : (0416) 2202907 (O)
(04343) 226575
Mobile : (0) 9488370872/9597965781
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–109 [P]
Viswabaskaran, (Dr) V. (1999)
VB Ceramic Consultants
27A, 3rd Cross, 14th Link Road
Venkateswara Colony
Nehru Nagar
Industrial Estate
Chennai 600 041
Phone : (044) 22431243 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9444012468
E-mail: [email protected]
SM–565 [P]
Viswanatha, C. S. (1993)
Ceramic Decor
No. 151/186 N. S. Palya
Bannerghatta Road
Bangalore 560 076 (Karnataka)
SL–167 [EC, ELC]
Viswanathan, (Dr) M. R. (2005)
Viswambika Illam
Kanjirangal, Sivaganga
Sivaganga 630 562 (TN)
SL–244 [EC, CC]
Vynatheya, S. (2008) [2009]
Engineering Officer
Central Power Research Instt
Materials Technology Division
Prof Sir C . V. Raman Road, PB No. 8066
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600399 (O)
(080) 23288791 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449088791
SL–82 [B, G]
Warrier, (Dr) K. G. K. (1981) [1996]
(Retd Chief Scientist & Emeritus
Scientist, CSIR-NIIST)
T.C 15/1183 EVRA
241 Krishna Vilasom Road, Cotton Hill
Thiruvananthapuram 695 014 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2322448 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9447115280
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–293 [EC, C]
Yakatpure, Venkat (2011)
(Scientist, DMRL)
Kranti Harika Apartment
Plot No.: 7
Huda Complex, RR
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 2458 6594(O)
(040) 2404 4117(R)
SL–200 [EC, C]
Yabaluri, (Dr) Srinivasa Rao (2007)
(Scientist, ARCI)
Plot 133, House No. 3-55
Road #62, Prashanthi Hills, Meerpet
Hyderabad 500 079 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24441075-76 (O)
(040) 24093845 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9490751645
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–353 [RM, M]
Yaramala, Balakotaiah (2012)
[DOB: 22.09.1969]
(AGM (M), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No. 504/C
Sector 5
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9177373798
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–874 [EC, ELC]
Anbarast. P. (2013)
[DOB: 10.11.1987]
D/O. Dr. K. Pugazhendhi
(Research Scholar, Dept. of Ceramic
A. C. Tech Campus, Anna University)
Plot No. 1420, Phase – II,
Sathuvachari, Vellore 632 009 (TN)
Phone: (0416) 2252300 (R) /
Mobile : (0) 9566121219
E-mail: [email protected]
SM–871 [R, P]
Eega, Srinivasa Rao (2013)
[DOB: 10.06.1974]
S/O. E. Pothu Raju
Teaching Assistant (Temporary),
Department of Ceramic Technology
A. C. Tech Campus, Anna University,
Chintaya Palem, Karlapalam (M.D),
Guntur 522 111 (A.P)
Mobile : (0) 9940237300
SM–872 [EC, C]
Ilango, K. (2013)
[DOB: 23.04.1987]
Teaching Assistant (Temporary)
Department of Ceramic Technology
A. C. Tech Campus, Anna University
No. 194, Villianour Main Road,
Embalam, Puducherry 605 106
Mobile : (0) 9597319101
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–876 [ELC]
Babu, M. R. Suresh (2015)
[DOB: 04.05.1944]
# 28, 3rd Cross, CIL Layout
Cholanayakana Halli, R. T. Nagar PO
Bangalore 560032 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9902414582
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–892 []
Chattopadhyay, Somak (2016)
[DOB: 11.09.1982]
Head Refractory, Sterlite Copper
Madururai Bypass
Tuticorin 628 008 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 8220054210
E-mail :
[email protected]
SM–887 [M, C]
D. S., Nikitha (2015)
[DOB: 27.09.1990]
Assistant Professor
Christ University Faculty of Engg.
Kengeri Campus
Kanminike, Mysore Road
Bangalore 560 074 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9620316650
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–882 [C, CC]
Joy, Mega (2015)
[DOB: 31.03.1987]
Senior Research Fellow, MSTD
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO, Pappanamcode
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9995539487
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–875 [R, EC]
Lakshminarayanan, S. (2014)
[DOB: 12.12.1962]
(Deputy Chief Engineer,
Neyveli Lignite Corporation)
E-49, Zahir Husain Road
Block 17, Neyveli 607501 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9443879874
E-mail: [email protected]
SM–879 [C]
Murthy, Swarna Sathyanarayana
[DOB: 21.02.1974]
Scientist B, Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory
Hyderabad 500 058 (Telangana)
Phone : (040) 24586884
Mobile : (0) 9700407870
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–890 []
Nagaranu, (Dr) Kathyayini (2016)
[DOB: 21.04.1969]
(Associate Professor, Dept of Nano
Bio-Ceramics, Jain University)
No 92, Abinami, 6th Cross
10 Main Bikashpura Layout
Bangalore 560 061 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 27577200
Mobile : (0) 9886506387
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–891 []
Nasrullah, Md (2016)
[DOB: 05.01.2016]
Engineer, Sterlite Copper
Madururai Bypass
Tuticorin 628 008 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 994238521
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–884 [EC, C]
P. Y., Subha (2015)
[DOB: 22.04.1979]
Project Assistant Gr III
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9048825526
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–888 [RM, EC]
Pandiaraj, Benrajesh (2015)
[DOB: 18.05.1982]
Assistant Professor
Christ University Faculty of Engg.
Kengeri Campus
Kanminike, Mysore Road
Bangalore 560 074 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40129928 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9535223674
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SM–881 [EC, ELC]
Ramavath, Pandu (2015)
Scientist-C, Center for Ceramic
Processing, ARCI
Hyderabad 500 005 (Telangana)
Phone: (040) 24452351
Mobile : (0) 94942465530
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–886 [CC, C]
P., Suyana (2015)
[DOB: 10.04.1988]
Senior Research Fellow
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO, Pappanamcode
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 8547929454
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–877 [ELC, EC]
Rangappa, (Dr) Dinesh (2015)
[DOB: 14.07.1974]
Professor, Department of
Visvesvaraya Technological University
Muddenahalli Post
Chikkaballapur 562 101 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9632764659
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–190 [G, R]
Rao, K. Purushotham (1983)
[DOB : 15.09.1941]
Flat No. 302, Sri Sai Residency
Behind Swathi Tiffin
Road No. 8, Mahveswari Nagar
Hyderabad 500 076 (Telengana)
Mobile : (0) 9448857057
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–878 [EC]
Reddy, (Dr) J. Janardhana (2015)
[DOB: 15.07.1961]
Scientist F, Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory
Hyderabad 500 058 (Telangana)
SM–883 [ELC]
S., Swetha (2015)
[DOB: 14.07.1988]
Senior Research Fellow, MSTD
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9645889099
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–889 [RM, M]
Sampath, Asha (2015)
[DOB: 13.05.1965]
Founder and CEO,
15th Floor, Concorde Tower, UB City
#1 Vittal Mallya Road
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9900584095
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SM–885 [CC, C]
Thomas, Minju (2015)
Senior Research Fellow
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO, Pappanamcode
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9562538103
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–840 [M]
Vijayakumar, S. (2008)
(Retd Manager, BHEL)
Epsilon Systems
#24, 2nd Cross, 1st Stage
Kumaraswamy Layout
Bangalore 560 078 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26663761 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448059300
E-mail : [email protected]
(Names in italics indicate representatives of the respective corporate members)
LSC–06 [CC, E], [SS]
(Valid up to 2033)
#8-3-167/D/231B, Plot No. 231
1st Floor, Simhapuri Mansion
Kalyan Nagar, Hyderabad 500 038 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23814844 / 4130 (O)
(040) 65872562 (O)
(0) 9848028630 (M)
Fax : (040) 23814844
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
P. Madhusudan Reddy &
K. Shivaramudu
LSC–02 [EC, ELC], [SS]
(Valid up to 2031)
7-1-58, II Floor
Room No. 4
Amrutha Business Complex
Ameerpet Road
Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23731152 / 23096431
E-mail : [email protected]
Piyush Gupta & Deepak Gupta
LSC–09 [EC, M], [LS]
LIMITED (1964) (2011)
(Valid up to 2035)
Ceramic Business Unit
Electro-Porcelain Division
Prof. C. N. Rao Circle
Science Institute Post, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 055 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23466525 / 22182276
: (080) 23344231
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
Website :
D. Ashok & H. Anil Kumar
LSC–01 [EC, R], [LS]
(2007), (Valid up to 2031)
47 Sipcot Industrial Complex
Spicot, Hosur 635 126 (TN)
Phone : (04344) 276027/278480
: (04344) 276028/276561
E-mail :
[email protected]
Website :
R. Rajagopalan & Ranjan Dey
LSC–08 [R, C]
(Valid up to 2035)
P-63, 9th Main, Sector – 12
Jeevan Bhima Nagar
Bangalore 560 075
Phone (080) 25216230
E-Mail: [email protected]
S. Gopala Krishnan & Pradeep Nair
LSC–10 [P, R], [SS]
LIMITED (1994) (2013)
(Valid up to 2037)
7/8, 4th Seaward Road
Valmiki Nagar
Chennai 600 041
Phone : (044) 24913031 / 24410693
: (044) 24919025 / 24417422
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Aruna Hariharan & Anushka Meenakshi
LSC–05 [P], [SS]
(Valid up to 2031)
No. 10, Begur Hobli
Bangalore 560 068 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28521235
: (080) 22273604
E-mail : [email protected]
G. Rafee & R. Mohammed Ali
LSC–04 [], [SS]
(Valid up to 2032)
#40 Naganathapura Village
Hosur Road Cross
Begur Hobli
Bangalore 560 100 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28528452/41222727
E-mail : [email protected]
LSC–07 [EC, RM], [LS]
(2007) [2009]
(Valid up to 2033)
Post Box No. 11,
IDA Peddapuram
ADB Road, Samalkot
East Godavari 533 440 (AP)
Phone : (0884) 2329344/6450453
: (0884) 2329343
E-mail :[email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
Sunil Malesha & Vivek Vaidya
LSC–11 [R], [LS]
(1990) (2013)
(Valid up to 2037)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
(A Govt of India Enterprise)
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518018
: (0891) 2518268
E-mail : [email protected]
A. P. Choudhary & Umesh Chandra
LSC–12 [EC, R] [SS]
(2009) (2012)
(Valid up to 2036)
70-71, Phase-III, Peenya Industrial Area
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28395101/ 02
(0) 9964563315 / 9663394671
Fax : (080) 28395103
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Website :
Ashok Bhat & Martin Chittilappilly
LSC–03 [EC, RM], [LS]
(Valid up to 2031)
108, Mount Poonamallee Road, Porur
Chennai 600 016 (TN)
Phone : (044) 66500811 / 66500715
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Website :
P. Sridharan & M. Meenakshi Sundaram
SC–21 [R], [SS]
No. 10, 1st Division
Bangalore 560 022 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23371467 / 23478329
: (080) 23370958 / 23412159
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
SC–174 [EC, M], [SS]
PVT LTD (2014)
“Creintors Compound”
Plot No.: 99/107
Survey No.: 343A/335
Beside Kunjal Steels
Belgaum 590008 (Karnataka)
Telefax : (0831) 2441104
Mobile : (0) 9880752995 (Sales)
(0) 9886772784
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
A. C. Tilesara & A. G. Ostawal
SC–172 [R]
Chevoor (P.O.)
Street: Chevoor
Dist: Thrissur,
Pin: 680 027(Kerala)
Phone : (0487) 2344240
Mobile : (0) 9447720277
Fax : (0487) 2344240
E-mail:[email protected]
Francis Alukka
SC–8 [B], [LS]
Defence Res & Development
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 2434 0681 / 0233
(040) 2458 6420
: (040) 24340683
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Samir V. Kamat & V. V. Bhanu Prasad
Prakash S. Mugali &
Sandeep Jayannache
SC–19 [P], [LS]
No. 452
11th Cross
R.M.V. Extension
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23614696
Mobile : (0) 9845285595
: (080) 23614697
E-mail : [email protected]
M. N. Ramu & R. K. Karthik
SC–175 [G, R], [SS]
Plot 46, Mullaivendan Nagar
Back Side of RC Chrureh
Chinna Elasagiri
Hosur, Krishnagiri 635 126 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9362320118 / 9344172774
E-mail: [email protected]
Surajit Chanda & Praveen Kumar
SC–159 [R, RM], [SS]
(an RHI AG Company)
Venkatapuram (Village)
Thanam (Post)
Visakhapatnam 531 021 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2870801 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9949994335
Fax : (0891) 2870818
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
SC–173 [M, RM] [LS]
Plot No: 26,
Cochin Special Economic Zone
Kakkanad PO.
Ernakulam 682 037 (Kerala)
Phone : (0484) 6604100
Fax : (0484) 6604137
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Govindraj V. & Indhuchoodan I. R.
R. V. S. Raju
SC–168 [P], [LS]
88/4, Richmond Road
Bangalore 560 025 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41491682-307
Fax : (080) 40918441
E-mail : [email protected]
Website :
M. B. Appaiah & Rudy Van Reeth
SH–4 [B]
Ganguly, (Dr) Chaitanyamoy
(Padmashree) (1989) (2015)
(Ex Director, CGCRI & Past President,
INSA Senior Scientist &
INAE Dintinguished Visiting Professor
Hony Adviser, Engineering Staff College of
India (ESCI)
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032 (AP)
Phone : (040) 66304164 (O)
(040) 42217549 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8008222016
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SH–2 [B, R]
Shah, (Dr) R. G. (1963) [1983]
Sraddha Temple Trees Appartment
Flat 303, No. 17, 5th Cross
Rustum Bagh
Behind Manipal Hospital
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25291511 (R)
(0) 9900141561 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SH–1 []
Murugappan, M. M.
Vice Chairman
Murugappa Corporate Board
‘Parry House’, 43 Moore Street
Chennai 600 001
Phone : (044) 42216789 (O)
Fax : (044) 42216149
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SH–3 [B]
Subba Rao, (Dr) B. V. S. (1990)
1-10-248A, Ashoknagar
(1st Floor)
Hyderabad 500 020 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27613347 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9396213927
E-mail :
subbaraobalabhadra@gmail. com
SL–247 [EC, R]
Abraham, Jogi (2009)
CEO, Accurate-Fit Dental Lab
G. S. Street
Pin 686 001 (Kerala)
Phone : (0481) 2566090 (O);
(0481) 2574720 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9447772295
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–206 [EC, R]
Adhikari, Atanu (2008)
[DOB: 25.09.1973]
Manager, (RED)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 206/C, Sector - 10
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518767 (O)
(0891) 2749471 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9440156690/ 8500669717
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–375 [P, RM]
Agarwal, (Dr) Chandresh (2013)
[DOB : 28.01.1966]
(Managing Director
Surya Arcade, 4th Floor
# 1-11-246/4F & 1-11-247/D
Opp Cafe Bahar
Near Indian Oil Petrol Pump,
Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 30586666 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9000379900
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–174 [EC, ELC]
Aiyer, (Dr) Hemantkumar N. (2006)
(Sr Scientist, Corporate Research Lab
Laird Technologies India Pvt Ltd)
Unit-3, Fourth Floor, IPTL
W hitefield Road
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40740402 (O)
(080) 26494975 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845398954
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–312 [R, C]
Ali, K. Showkat (2012)
[DOB : 29.10.1937]
(Advis or, B. S. Abdur Rehman
A1-10 Green Acres Compund
Kamaraj Nagar, Perungudi
Chennai 600 096
Phone : (044) 22751347 (O)
(044) 24569010 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9841473515
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–354 [ELC, G]
Amburkar, Pratik Priyank (2012)
[DOB: 01.09.1988]
(MT-T, Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Room No 140, Hostel 3, Sector 1
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 8106711607 / 7382622740
SL–160 [C, EC]
Amutha Rani, (Dr) Devaraj (2004)
(Research Staff, AIST Nagoya, Japan)
111B Sevalpatti North Street
Virudhunagar 626 117 (TN)
Phone : (04563) 2223741 (R)
SL–127 [G, P]
Anand Kumar, M. G. (1989) [2001]
Engineering Officer
Central Power Research Instt
Materials Technology Division
Sadhashiv Nagar
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600399 (O)
Mobile : (0)9986318844
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–229 [EC, R]
Anandaraju, Duraisamy (2008)
No. 19, Old, No. 3/442,
Jain Styreet, Tindivanam TK
Villupuram 604 207 (TN)
Phone : (04145) 238499 (O/R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–377 [P, R]
Ananthanarayanan, V. (1994) (2013)
49, Thiyagarajapuram
Vellore 632 001 (TN)
Phone : (0416) 2222287 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9344665848
SL–92 [G, P]
Anantha Kumar, (Dr) S. (1993) [1997]
Scientist EII
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2490324 / 2490406 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9497271547
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–395 [EC, ELC]
Angadi, (Dr) Basavaraj (2016)
[DOB: 05.01.1974]
Assistant Professor, Dept of Physic
Bangalore University
Bengaluru 560056 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22961478
Mobile: (0) 9972025110
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–230 [B]
Annamalai, (Dr) N. (1972) [1990]
No. 18, 14th Cross Street Extension
1st Floor, Elumalai Nagar
New Colony, Chromepet
Chennai 600 044
Mobile : (0) 9444269395
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–303 [R,RM]
Arasu, (Dr) Vijaya Chitra (2011)
(DOB : 06.06.1967)
Professor and Head
Dept of Materials Science & Engg.
Centre for Applied Research Education
Care School of Engineering
Care Group of Institution
Trichy 620 009 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9962553556
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–58 [B, E]
Arumugam, (Dr) S. (1994)
Lecturer in Physics
Regional Engineering College
Tiruchirapalli 620 015 ((TN))
SL–192 [CC, C]
Aruna, (Dr) S. T. (2007)
Scientist ‘C’
National Aerospace Laboratories
Surface Engineering Division
Airport Road.
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086250 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9449806219
E-mail : [email protected] ;
[email protected]
SL–175 [ELC, R]
Athreya, Sreehari G. (2006)
Partner, Sree Vinayaka Industries
No. 5 KSCB Complex
Kanteerava Studio Road
Bangalore 560 096 (Karnataka)
SL–337 [EC, R]
Attuluri, Srinivasa Rao (2012)
[DOB: 25.08.01967]
Managing Partner, Sri Srinivasa Ceramics
Main Road, Rajapudi
Jaggampeta Mandal
East Godavari 533435 (AP)
Phone : (08852) 233391 (O)
(08852) 238829 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9491438847 / 9849413857
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–369[EC, ELC]
Ayalasomayajula, (Dr) Phani Ratna
[DOB: 20.04.1967]
Managing Director
Nano-RAM Technology
#70, 2nd Main, 3rd Stage
Vinayaka Layout, Vijayanagar
Bangalore 560 040 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23506856 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9880400737
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–65 [R]
Badarinath, K. (1995)
Hitech Abrasives
Plot No. R 14 & R
15, KSSIDC Induetrial Estate
Stage II, Antharasanahalli
Tumkur 572106 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9900512356
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–138 [R, RM]
Bajaj, Naresh (2000)
Managing Partner, Bajaj Associates
50 Old Thargupet
Bangalore 560 053 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9448493590
SL–139 [C, EC]
Balasubramanian, (Dr) M. (2002)
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg
Indian Institute of Technology
Chennai 600 036
Phone : (044) 22574767 / 4915 (O)
(044) 22576767 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9840056468
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–149 [E, R]
Bandaru, Siva Sankar (2001) [2003]
Asst Executive (CRG)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qr. No. 195, HB Colony, Sethammadhara
Visakhapatnam 530 022 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518692 / 2519264 (O)
Mobile (0) 9848736474
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–368 [R, RM]
Banerjee, Dipankar (2013)
[DOB: 04.11.1971]
Business Head-Industrial Processes
Vesuvius India Ltd
Plot No 13-15, Block E
Industrial Park
(IDA Auto Nagar)
Visakhapatnam 530 012 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 3011308 / 2749120 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9347055827
: (0891) 3011345/ 2587511
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–262 [EC, M]
Baral, Antara (2010)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Ceramic Technological Institute (CIT)
C. N. Rao Circle
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182360 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9243049056
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–9 [R]
Barman, A. K. (1980) [2002]
No. 123, 2nd Main, HAL 3rd Stage
Bangalore 560 075 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25600569 / 25600507 (O)
(080) 25280648 / 25292243 (R)
SL–388 [ELC, C]
Barpanda, (Dr) Prabeer (2015)
[DOB: 24.06.1981]
Assistant Professor, Material
Research Centre
Indian Institute of Technology-Bangalore
Room No 203, MRC,
C. V. Raman Avenue
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 2293 2783
Mobile : (0) 9437288373
Fax : (080) 2360 7316
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–366 [C, EC]
Basu, (Dr) Bikramjit (2002)
Associate Professor
Materials Research Centre
Associate Faculty
Bio-Engineering Programe
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012
Phone : (080) 22933256 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9935202571
Fax : (080) 23607316
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–294 [P, RM]
Bathini, Ramalinga Reddy (2011)
Dy G. M. (Operation)
1 to 12 KIADB Industrial area
Kunigal, Tumkur 572 126 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9164214561
E-Mail :
[email protected]
SL–224 [P, RM]
Bayya Reddy, Ravindra Reddy [2008]
Manager - R & D, Regency Ceramics Ltd
Yanam, Near Kakinada
East Godavari 533 464 (AP)
Phone : (0884) 2321001 (O)
(08572) 272658 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9440416793
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–362 [R, RM]
Behera, Abanikanta (2012)
[DOB: 10.03.1970]
(AGM-RED Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Door No 31-10-6/22, Flat No 301
Pranathi Classic, Kurmannapalem
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2517501 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9177040499
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–204 [EC]
Biswas, Papiya [2007]
Scientist - B, ARCI
Centre for Ceramic Processing
P. O. Balapur
Hyderabad 500 005 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24441075 / 76 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9490088964
SL–374 [EC, R]
Bera, Apan Kumar (2013)
DOB: 04.03.1990]
Junior Manager
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Refractory Engg. Dept.
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701347067
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–326 [ G, R]
Biswas, Partha Pratim (2012)
[DOB: 13.02.1984]
M. N. Dastur & Co. (P) Ltd
Flat No. 203, Namratha Residency
Plot No. 159, Balapur ‘X’ Road
Hyderabad 500 097
Phone : (0891) 2518395 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9000271973 / 9490088964
(0) 9546030780
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–391 [R]
Bharati, Sanghamitra (2012)
R&D, SS, JSW Steel Ltd
Vijaynagar Works, Toranagallu
Bellary 583 275 (Karnataka)
Phone : (08395) 243359 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–299 [R]
Bhattacharjee, (Dr) Nikhil Ranjan
(DOB : 09.04.1950)
House No. 44, Denabank Colony
2nd Main, 3rd Cross, Ganganagar
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 42191025 (O)
(080) 23534169 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–216 [R, RM]
Bhattacharya, Anab (2008)
[DOB: 02.09.1966]
Asst General Manager, (C&RMP)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Flat No G-8, Block No A, Fortune Tower
Shivaji Nagar
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2742111 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989244270
E-mail : [email protected]
E- mail : [email protected]
SL–351 [ELC, G]
Bommathula, Joshi Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 07.08.1966]
(AGM (E), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
D-5, Royal Shelters
Srinagar, Gajuwaka
Visakhapatnam 530 026 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9441662493
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–197 [EC, ELC]
Boopathy, (Dr) K. (2007)
Selection Grade Lecturer
Govt College of Engineering
Salem 636 011 (TN)
E- mail : [email protected]
SL–334 []
Bose, Indrajit (2012)
Allied Metallurgical Products Pvt Ltd
201/3, 12th Main, 3rd Phase
Peenya Industrial Area
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41171076 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–302 []
C, Krishna (2011)
(DOB : 28.08.1972)
J. K. Designer Tiles World
No 11, 11th Main
Aralimaa Road
Kamakshipalya, Bangalore 560 071
Phone : (080) 23288278 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9980466855
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–195 [EC, ELC]
Chakrabarti, Alak (2007)
(Retd GM, Electroporcelain Division,
406A Shristhi Appartment
Sumangali Ashram Road
R. T. Nagar Post
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23547968 (O)
SL–260 [R]
Chakraborti, Sujit (1989) [2000]
Refractory Engineer - PTE/PMMI
Shell Project & Technnology
RMZ Campus-B
8B, Kundalahalli Main Road
Bangalore 560 048
Phone : (080) 40217640 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9686860933
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–47 [B]
Chakraborty, (Dr) Amitav (1993)
Scientist, PM Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586669 (O)
(040) 24120033 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9490751699
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–208 [R, RM]
Chakraborty, Subhajit (2008)
[DOB: 28.05.1965]
Asst General Manager, (RED, VSP)
Qtr No. 404-C, Sector - 5
Ukkunagaram, Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518767 (O)
(0891) 2581634 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866389962
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–225 [P, RM]
Chakravarthy, Chandrasekhar
Konidala [2008]
President, (O & M)
M/s Regency Ceramics Ltd
Yanam, Near Kakinada
East Godavari 533 464 (AP)
Phone : (0884) 2321001 (O)
(0884) 2321005 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–228 [B, EC]
Chandrappa, (Prof) G. T. (2006)
Dept of Chemistry, Bangalore University
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22961350 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–150 [CC, EC]
Chandrasagar, Lakshman (2003)
Sr Lecturer, Dept of Mech. Engg.
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Near gnanabarathi Campus
Bangalore 560 056 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23211504-06 (O)
(080) 231045578 (R)
SL–117 [R, RM]
Chandrasekhar, (Dr) B. K.
(1985) [2000]
(Director, Corporate Research Laboratory
Laird Technologies India Pvt Ltd)
7M-312, 80 Feet Road,
1st Block, Kalyan Nagar, HRBR Layout
Bangalore 560 043 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9845178195
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–81 [B]
Chandrasekhar, (Dr) Sathy (1982)
“Madhavam”, T.C.51/2769, Kuzhivila Lane
Thiruvananthapuram 695 018 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2492366 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9446613924
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–173 [P, R]
Chandrashekar, S. (2006)
Proprietor, Refractories & Services
No. 105, 2nd Cross
Beside VHBCS Layout, Mahalaxmi Puram
Bangalore 560 086 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23591681 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448061681
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–316 [EC, ELC]
Chheda, Munjal S. (2012)
[DOB: 10.09.1972]
134, 1st A Cross, 5th Block,
Koramangala, Bangalore 560 034
Phone : (080) 25532147 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9739976992
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–336 [P, RM]
Dalli, Veera Venkata Ramana Reddy
[DOB: 03.06.1963]
M.D, Boppudi Refractories Pvt Ltd
Vill: Ramavanam
East Godavari
Jaggayyapeta 533435 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9866866115 / 9866866112
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–142 [P, E]
Dangwal, Praveen (1991) [2002]
(Additional General Manager, BHEL)
No. 202 Sri Kakulam Apartments (KT 49)
30/1 Palace Cross Road
Bangalore 560 020 (Karnataka)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–320 [EC, R]
Das, Anubhav (2012)
Management Trainee (Technical)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Area Shop office, CRMP
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701348467
SL–282 [ELC, CC]
Chithar, N. Aswathaiah
Narayanappa (2011)
Senior Grade Lecturer/HOD Ceramics
Board of Technical Education
Ceramic Technology
S. J. Govt. Polytechnic Palace Road
K. R. Circle
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9980301640
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–306 [EC, ELC]
Das, (Dr) Dibakar (2011)
(D.O.B. 18.11.1971)
Reader, School of Engg Science & Tech
University of Hyderabad
Prof. C. R. Rao Road
Hyderabad 500046 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23134454 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9581048798 / 9493332457
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–159 [C, M]
Chittavarapun, Rama Krishna (2004)
Manager, (CRG)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
F-4 Sai Vihar Apartments
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518692 / 2519264 (O)
(0891) 2768586/732295730 (R)
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–184 [EC, G]
Das, (Dr) Rathindranath (2006)
(AGM & Head, Corporate R & D
Division, CTI, BHEL)
F-35 Shriram Sadhana Apartment
Bangalore 560 054 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9448490012
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL– 251 [P, E]
Das, Y. V. Sanjay (2010)
Manager (Geology)
Ceramic India Pvt. Ltd
Rd. No. 45, Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad-500033 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23555304 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9000234677
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
Dasarath, R. (2005)
Anjaneya Bricks Works Ltd
No. 11/2 Ramaiya Reddy Compound
Bangalore 560 071 (Karnataka)
SL–317 [R]
Datta, Atanu (2012)
AGM (O) / CRMP (Works)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Quarter No. 137B
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9989086772
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–148 [P, R]
Datta, Gouranga (1986) [2003]
[DOB: 10.10.1965]
(Dy General Manager, (CR) I/C
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 123/B, “D” Type, Sector 11
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2519550 (O)
(0891) 2510695 / 2886651 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866002969
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–51 [P]
Dayanand, H. H. (1994)
Bangalore Ceramics
85 Mamulpet
Bangalore 560 053 (Karnataka)
SL–323 [R]
De, Malay Kumar (2012)
Manager – Linings Projects
Vesuvius India Ltd.
Plot No. 13-15
Block ‘E’, IDA
Auto Nagar
Visakhapatnam 530 012 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9347055850
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–222 [EC, C]
Deb, Soumya [2008]
Scientist, Ceramics & Composite Group
Defence Metallurgical Laboratory
P. O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24340051 (O)
(040) 24344875 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–314 [EC, ELC]
Deenadayalan, Alavandar (2012)
(DOB : 01.06.1952)
Flat No B-9, L.K. R. Apartments
Near R.M.V. Clustersj
Bangalore 560 094
Phone : (080) 23514990 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845246382
E-mail : [email protected]
SL– 279 [EC]
Deivarajan, (Dr) Thenmuhil (2011)
(Assistant Professor
Dept of Ceramic Technology,
AC Tech Campus, Anna University)
Guindu Street
Chennai 600 025
Phone : (044) 22359200 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9840619319
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–381 [EC, CC]
Dey, (Dr) Arjun (2013)
[DOB : 24.09.1979]
M.I.E. Scientist
Advance Materials Processing Section
Thermal Fabrication Division
Thermal Systems Group
ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC),
Indian Space Research Organization
Old Airport Road, Vimanapura
Bangalore 560 017
Phone: (080) 2508 3214/3101/3206 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9663684086 / 9433234664
: (080) 25083203
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]
SL–291 [P]
Dhamodaram, Govindaswamy
(2003) [2011]
[DOB: 07.01.1940]
Consultant (Ceramic Technology &
2A/16A Railway Station Road
Ranipet, Vellore 632 401 (TN)
Phone : (04172) 271960 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9443371960
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–365 [ELC, G]
Dileep Kumar, (Dr) C. J. (1998) (2013)
Post Doctoral Fellow
Thottungal House
Kuranchery, Minalur PO
Thrissur 680 581 (Kerala)
Phone : (04884) 237140 (R)
Mobile : (0) 90447794140
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–110 [B, P]
Divakaran, U. (1992) [2000]
Bhadi Electro Ceramics & Minerals
43, Nair Varada Pillai Street
Royapettah, Chennai 600 014
Phone : (044) 28482068 / 28482098 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9444649568
E-mail : [email protected] ;
[email protected]
SL–217 [R, C]
Dolui, Kripasindhu [2008]
[DOB: 10.12.1978]
Dy Manager (R&D)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 214-D, Sector 10, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518652 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9246615421/ 9618984555
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–161 [C, EC]
Doni Jayaseelan, (Dr) Daniel (2004)
(Research Staff, AIST, Nagoya, Japan)
111B Sevalpatti North Street
Virudhunagar 626 117 (TN)
Phone : (04563) 223741 (R)
SL–185 [R, RM]
Dorairaj, Suresh Kr. (2006)
General Manager, Refractory Division
Bhoruka Steel & Services Ltd.
W hitefield Road, Mahadevpura
Bangalore 560 048 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 42191025 / 6 / 8 (O)
(080) 2676706 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845395330
Fax : (080) 42191027
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–170 [EC, R]
Dumpala, Balakrishna Rao (2002)
Jr. Officer QA, Tyrolit Sak Ltd
B 49/W Sipcot Industrial Complex
Trivallur 601 201 (TN)
SL–347 [ELC, M]
Dung Dung, Karnelius (2012)
[DOB: 06.07.1966]
(Senior Manager (E), Visakhaptnam
Steel Plant)
Quarter No. 202/A, Sector 1
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0)9701347400 / 9704231601
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–86 [B, G]
Gadge, (Prof) Mahadevappa (1996)
Head, Dept of Ceramic Engineering
P.D.A. College of Engineering
Gulbarga 585 102 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9342351592
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–265 [EC]
Gandhi, (Dr) Ashutosh S. (2010)
Assistant Professor
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg.
Indian Institute of Technology-Madras
Chennai 600 036 (TN)
Phone : (044) 22574785 (O)
(044) 22576785 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9003121936
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–165 [R]
Gilada, Rajgopal (2005)
Managing Director
Gita Refractories (P) Ltd
209 Swiss Complex
33 Rale Course Road
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41138900 (O)
(080) 32927263
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–315 [EC]
Giri, K. V. Chandra Shekar (2012)
[Age : 67]
Managing Director
Silcarle Recrystalliged (P) Ltd
No. 38, 17th Cross Between 4th and
6th Rear Road, Bangalore 560 055
Phone : (080) 23347004 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9342962040
SL–103 [B]
Gnanam, (Prof) F. D. (1990) [1999]
(Retd Professor, Dept of Physics,
Anna University)
36/10 Perumal Koili Street
Kottur, Chennai 600 085
Phone : (044) 24451722 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9444961622
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–219 [EC, R]
Gone, Ravidas Shamrao (2008)
[DOB: 27.01.1967]
(Assistant General Manager (CPR)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 111-B
Sector-8, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518652 (O)
(0891) 2518134 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949096769
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–28 [R]
Gopala Krishnan, (Dr) R. (1990)
468, 6th Cross,
2nd Block, R. T. Nagar
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23534482 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9845023006
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
SL– 286 []
Gopalan, Venu (2011)
(Proprietor, Omega Furnace Industries)
“Ammini” No. 28 Santhosh Nagar
Pop Line Road
T. Dasarahalli
Bangalore 560 057 (Karnataka)
Phone (080) 28391424/23720285 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9341216959
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–334 [P]
Goswami, (Dr) A. P. (1986)
[Vice-President (Technical)
Saravana Global Energy Limited]
17A Panchavati
6th Cross, SBM Colony
Bangalore 560054 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23573006 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9916159290 / 9413000959 /
Mobile : (0) 9677077921
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL– 280 [EC, C]
Govindarajan, (Prof) Ramesh (2011)
(Professor, Karpaga Vinayaga College
of Engg. & Tech)
13, Keela Adayavalanjan Street
Sriranagam, Tiruchirappalli 620 006 (TN)
Phone : (0431) 2434848 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9486189998
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–151 [R, RM]
Gupta, Pankaj (2003)
Proprietor, KMR Refractories
69 Industrial Suburb, Yeswanthpur
Bangalore 560 022 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23372511 (O)
(080) 23304285 (R)
SL–186 []
Guttikonda, Venkata Ranganath (2006)
Secretary, State Board of Technical
Education and Training
1-9-699/F-401, Parkview Appartments
Adikmet, Vidyanagar
Hyderabad 500 044 (AP)
SL–203 [EC, C]
Hareesh, (Dr) U. S. (2007)
Scientist, Materials Science & Tech Division
Ins titute
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2535504 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9446337222
: (0471) 2491712
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–332 [R]
Hembram, Badha Charan (2012)
[DOB: 01.05.1975]
Manager (OPR)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP
Qr. No. 210D, Sector 1, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (A.P)
Phone: (0) 8500669640 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–42 [E]
Hussain, S. M. (1993)
Kaveri Enamel and Allied Industries
No 5 & 6 Kariobanahalli
kempegowda Industrial Estate
Keonics Layout
(Behind Mythry Industry)
Near Peenya 2nd Stage
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28367668 (O)
(0) 9886760348 (M)
E-mail :[email protected]
SL–172 [CC, EC]
Iyer, (Dr) Suman B. (2006)
Advanced Materials Consultant
232/11/2, Tank ‘B’, Main Road
Bangalore 560 021 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23314138 / 30900733 (O)
(080) 23314138 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9739283140
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–276 [EC, R]
Isapur, Mohammed Aslam (2011)
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Opp. IISE Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0) 9449838089 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–330 [RM, M]
Jadiya, Piyoosh (2012)
[DOB: 23.10.1973]
Sr Manager (OPR), CRMP
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP
H. No. 31-58-27, HIG-161, Vuda
Phase -7, Kurmannapalem,
Visakhapatnam 530 046, (A.P)
Phone: (0891) 2703670 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8500669808 / 9989800800
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–301 [EC, G]
Jain, Brahma Dev (2011)
(DOB : 10.11.1969)
Industrial Furnace And Controls
288/16/2, Gokula, 1st Stage
2nd Phase, 9th Main, 3rd Cross City
Bangalore 560 054 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23479840 (O)
(0) 8023479840 (M)
(0) 9900129807 (M)
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–113 [C, EC]
Jain, (Dr) Manoj Kr (2000)
Scientist, Knowledge Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab
P.O. Kanchan Bagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586340 (O)
(040) 24343230 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–135 [G, P]
Jaleel, Abdul K. K. (2002)
MLA Road, Punkunnam P.O.
Thrissur 680 002 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9895007393
E-mail : [email protected]
SL– [EC, C]
James, Dr Jose
Scientist “F”, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O, Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 22515313 (O)
(0471) 2492882 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–348 [EC, R]
Jampana, V. L. Narasa Raju (2012)
[DOB: 01.05.1967]
(Asst Manager-Operation,
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No. 305A, Sector 8,
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2510600 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9701348009 / 9440326848
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–61 [R]
Janardhan Rao, P. A. S. (1980)
[DOB : 21.01.1944]
Door No. 8-60-3 (5), Flat No. 6
Sri Lakshmi Apartments
1st Lane, Vidhyanagar
(Opp 3 town Police Station)
Visakhapatnam 530 003 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2531174 (R)
Mobile : (0) 994024434
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–300 [EC, CC]
Jayaram, (Dr) Vikram (2011)
[DOB : 03.10.1956]
Professor, Indian Institute of Science
Department of Materials Engineering
Malleswaram, Bangalore 560 055
Phone: (080) 23345110 (R)
(080) 23601198 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9663368667
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–214 [R, RM]
Jena, Debabrata (2008)
[DOB: 25.06.1966]
Asst General Manager, (RED), VSP
Qtr No. 103-D, Sector - 12
Ukkunagaram, Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518767 (O)
(0891) 2519176 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989166470
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–220 [ELC, C]
Jeyaseelan, (Dr) Chadradass [2008]
Post Doc Fellow, (Changwon National
University South Korea)
19, Rajaji Colony, Virugambakkam
Chennai 600 092
Phone : (055) 2755475 (O)
(044) 23766392 (R)
SL–201 [EC, C]
Johnson, (Dr) Roy (2007)
Scientist, ARCI
18-8-254/19, Rakshapuram
Saidabad, Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24443169 (O)
(040) 24344524 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9490748528
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–106 [CC, P]
Joseph Kanichai (1999)
Managing Partner,
St. Joseph's Clay Works
Vengoor, Piraroor PO
Dist : Ernakulam
Kalady 683 574 (Kerala)
Phone : (0484) 2462573 / 3210189 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9400050502
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–234 [G]
Joshi, (Dr) Purushottam (2008)
Scientist, Corporate Research Lab
Laird Technologies India Pvt Ltd
Unit - 3, 4th Floor, IPTL, Whitefield Road
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40740412 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9901666429
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–285 [R]
K., Asokan (2011)
Proprietor, Indorg Refrectories
No. 83, 3rd Phase, PIA, 7th Main
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone (080) 28397956 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–305 [EC, RM]
K, Balachandran (2011)
[D.O.B. 15.04.1964]
(President (Plant)
Saravana Global Energy Limited)
No. 21/107A, Market Street
Gugai, Salem 636 006 (TN)
Phone : (0) 9443742033 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–344 [R, C]
K, Prasad (2012)
[DOB: 12.06.1989]
Engineer, Ceramic Technological Institute
Corp R&D
Bhatat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL)
Malleswaram Complex
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182467 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8197511520
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–168 [C, EC]
K., Ramanjaneyuli (2005)
(Technical Officer, Armor Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab)
H. No. 4-10/1, Vikasnagar
Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586571 (O)
(040) 24046135 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9948096081
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–258 [G, C]
Kadur, Shivkumar S. (2010)
1300, 7 Main, 12 Cross
W. C. Road, 2nd Stage
Mahalaxmipuram Lay Out
Bangalore 560086 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23490922 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–392 [P, RM]
Kalaichelvan, (Prof.) K. (2015)
[DOB: 17.06.1959]
Professor, Dept of Ceramic Technology
Algappa College of Technology
ACT Campus, Anna University
Chennai 600 025
Phone : (044) 2239181 (O)
(044) 24741127 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9940324250
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–209 [ELC, C]
Kannan, Prasad (2008)
[DOB: 13.02.1985]
(Senior Engineer, (PCPS/L&I), BHEL)
6, Maruthi Nagar
Bikashandar Koil Post, NO 1
Tolgate, Trichy 621 216 (TN)
Phone : (0) 9442166513 (M)
E-mail :[email protected];
[email protected]
SL–69 [B, R]
Kapuri, (Dr) Nageswar (1995)
[DOB : 01.01.1964]
General Manager (Special Products)
Hindalco Industries Limited
PO : Nehru Nagar
Belgaum 590 010 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0831) 2474854 / 2999555 (O)
(0831) 2472717 (R)
Mobile : (O) 9743399346
: (0831) 2474697
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–193 [EC, ELC]
Karavoor, Geetha (2007)
Research Scientist
GE India Technology Centre
JFETC Sy No. 122, EPIP-Phase II
W hitefield Road, Hoody Village
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40122563 (O)
(080) 41678863 (R)
Mobile : (0) 988600803
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–275 [C, P]
Karodi, Venkateswarlu (2008)
Scientist, MT Division
National Aerospace Laboratory
Post bag No 1779, Old Airport Road
Bangalore 560001
Phone : (080) 25086244 (O)
(080) 25237892 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–171 [P]
Kasivisw anathan, (Dr) T. C. (1993)
Managing Director
Sarguru Ceramics (P) Ltd
SPL B-119, Industrial Estate
Peenya 1st Stage
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28362136 (O)
(080) 28362847 (R)
SL–143 [B, P]
Kiran Kumar, P. (1999) [2002]
(Asst Manager, BOSCH Ltd)
No. 33/2, ‘Padmalaya’
Ranga Rao Road, Shankarpuram
Besides Brahmin’s Coffee Bar
Bangalore 560 004 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 8041035206 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9880001700
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–70 [P, R]
Kiran Kumar, S. V. K. (1995)
[DOB: 18.08.1973]
(Sr. Section Engineer, Indian Railway)
MIG-36, 39-33-34/2 Madhavadhara
VUDA Layout
Visakhapatnam 530 018 (AP)
Phone : (0891 2558263 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949122242
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–215 [EC, R]
Konda, Ravi Prakash (2008)
Dy Manager (RED)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Door No. 31-6-13/8, Kurmanapalem
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518767 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9886184789 / 9701348545
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–360 [G, R]
Konduru, Raveendra Raju (2013)
[DOB: 20.04.1964]
(Dy Manager (O), Visakhaptnam Steel
D. No 3-6/15 Steel Plant Road
Jabily Hills, Ukkunagaram, Aganapudi
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701348472/ 9490388472
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–259 [EC, R]
Koppad, Vasant Kumar (2008) [2010]
(Manager (Refractories)
Danieli-Corus India Pvt Ltd)
H. No. # 10, Shiva Prasad, Tejeswi Nagar
Dharwad 580 002 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0836) 244895 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9650690965
E-mail :
[email protected];
[email protected]
SL–389 [ELC, CC]
Krishnan, V. B. (2015)
[DOB: 03.10.1950]
No. 10, Surksha Park View Apartment
2F, 2nd Floor
9th Cross, Bangalore 560 029
Mobile : (0) 9742780440
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–141 [EC, ELC]
Krishna Murthy, Rama (2002)
Proprieter, Southern Refractories
Plot No. 19, KIABD Industrial Area
Tumkur 572 016 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0816) 211010 (O)
(0816) 23330289 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9342573744
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–213 [R, RM]
Krishna Rao, P. B. V. (2008)
Dy General Manager, (CRMP),
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 210, Sector - 7
Ukkunagaram, Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2514380 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866678370
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–199 [P]
Kumar, Jayant (1986) [2007]
M.D., Sukaso Ceracolors Pvt Ltd
1275, Road No. 63A
Jubilee Hills
Hyderabad 500 033 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23548514 / 23547869 (O)
(040) 23607891 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–74 [B]
Krishna Rao, (Dr) R. V. (1996)
Scientist, Ceramics & Composites
Group Ceramics Building
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586659 (O)
(040) 24534379 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–376 [EC, C]
Kumar, Peeush (2013)
Engineer, CTI, EPD
Bhatat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL)
Malleswaram Complex
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182360 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9008500588
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–54 [G, P]
Krishnaiah, (Dr) J. (1989) [1994]
1-121, VST Colony, Nachram
Hyderabad 500 076 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27535123/ 24530224 (O)
Mobile : 9980466855
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–386 [EC, R]
Kumar, (Dr) Abhoy (2015)
[DOB: 01.12.1976]
Scientist D, Ceramic and Composite
Group Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory, Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (Telangana)
Phone : (040) 24586713
Mobile : (0) 9491225618
Fax : (040) 2430683
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–327 [R, RM]
Kumar, Anuj (2012)
[DOB: 20.08.1986]
Junior Manager
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Construction office –2, Rolling Mills
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701347162
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–187 [R]
Kumburu, Amalavathi (2007)
Sravya Refractories & Ceramics
Platinum Jubilee Complex
Sabbavaram Village
Visakhapatnam 531 035 (AP)
SL–288 [R, C]
Kumaran, Raja Ravi (2011)
(Sr Manager, Ador Fontech Ltd)
3/450-A, Block B,
F1 Pace East Apartment
Nogappair East
Chennai 600 037
Phone : (080) 28365751 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9341012116 / 9962812116
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–105 [R, R]
Kuppanatti, Kuber (1998) [2004]
Advanced Ceramics
Sudhanvaa Residency
Flat No 401, 4th Floor
Opp. E.S.I. Hospital Nacharam
Hyderabad 500 076 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27263009 (O)
(040) 27172514 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9849070779
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–112 [P]
Lakshminarayana, S. (1994)
Manager, (SH/MH/R&D Lab)
Hindustan Sanitaryware & Industries Ltd.
Brahmanapally, Bibinagar
Dist : Nalgonda 508126 (AP)
Phone : (08665) 278375 / 278378 (O)
(0) 900770364 (M)
(0) 9849568129 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–29 [B, P]
Lalithambika, (Dr) M. (1981) [1990]
(Retd Dy Director, NIIST)
Research Co-ordinator
Intregrated Rural Tech Centre (IRTC)
Palakkad 678 592 (Kerala)
Phone : (0491) 2832324 (O)
(0471) 2341477 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9446509414
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–63 [P, R]
Lewis, A. B. (1993) [1995]
Project Manager (Ceramics)
GEC Alsthom India Ltd
28, Chikkakadirappa Garden
St. Thomas Town
Bangalore 560 084 (Karnataka)
SL–296 [RM, M]
M. S., Krupashankara (2011)
(Professor, RV College of Engineering)
363, 16th Main Road
4th T Block, Jayanagar
Bangalore 560 041 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26630283 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9740093936
E-Mail: [email protected]
SL–89 [R]
Madhusoodana, (Dr) C. D. (1993)
Additional General Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate Research & Development
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Prof C. N. R. Rao Circle
Opp IISc, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182391 (O)
(080) 23452806 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449052806
: (080) 23466714
E-mail : [email protected],
[email protected]
SL–39 [P, R]
Mahagaonkar, G. S. (1981) [1992]
(Retd Sr DGM, BHEL)
No. 29, “Shivashakthi”
Gruhalaxmi Colony, 1st Stage
Basaveswara Nagar
Bangalore 560 079 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23234421 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9880597174
SL–287 [R,EC]
Mahenthran, B. K. (2011)
(Product Manager - Ceramics
Ador Fontech Ltd)
No 836, Sai Brindavan
22 “B” Cross, Kuvempu Road
Vignana Nagar
Bangalore 560 075 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9019167707
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–322 [R, CC, M]
Malla, V. J. Bhuvaneswarrao (2012)
[DOB: 09.08.1967]
Manager (Merketing)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP
Visakhapatnam 531 032 (AP)
Phone: (08924) 225151 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8500669505 / 9290072130
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–131 [R]
Malayappan, S. (1996)
Consultant, TRL
Flat No. C-2, Plot No. 1345
Shram Vir Illam Venkatavijayam
19th Main Road, Anna Nagar (W)
Chennai 600 040
Phone : (044) 26262840 (O)
(044) 26202961 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–240 [P]
Mallipudi, M. Nageswara Rao (2009)
Ceramic Consultant
M/s Anima Technical Ceramics
Unit No. 33, Technocrats Industrial Estate
Balanagar 500 037 (Hyderabad)
Phone : (040) 23079655 (O)
(040) 20044655 (R)
SL–390 [ELC, R]
Mandal, (Dr) Saumen (2001)[2008]
Assistant Professor
Department of Metallurgical and
Materials Engineering
National Institute of Technology
Karnataka, PO: Srinivasnagar
Mangalore 575 025 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0824) 2473752 (O)
Mobile : (0) 7899493903
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–343 [R]
Manna, Arabinda Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 28.10.1972]
Manager, TRL Krosaki Refractories Ltd
Door No: 8-4-18/5, Marathinagar
Old Gajuwaka
Visakhapatnam 530 026 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9246622314
SL–134 [B, R]
Manohar, (Dr) A. D. (1979) [2001]
Secretary, Hyderabad Chapter
(Scientist-F, Defence Mteallurgical
Research Laboratory)
Flat No. 301, Amrutha Apartments
Plot No. 75, Vinaynagar, Saidabad
Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586485 (O)
(040) 24075977 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949144193
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–104 [B, R]
Manohar, (Prof) P. (1996) [1999]
Prof & Head, Dept of Cercmic Tech
AC Tech Campus, Anna University
Chromepet, Chennai 600 025
Phone : (044) 24749371 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9841044785
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–383 [ELC, C]
Manoharan, (Dr) Divinah (2014)
[DOB: 26.05.1985]
12 St. Joseph Street
Perumalpuram, Tirunelveli 627007 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 7598068876
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–57 [G, R]
Manoharan, N. G. (1981) [1994]
16, Kuppusamy Road
Newel Appartments
Chetpet, Chennai 600 031
Mobile : (0) 9840143673
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–122 [BS]
Manorama, (Dr) Sunkara V. (2000)
E-5, IICT Qrts, Habsiguda
Hyderabad 500 007 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27160123/27173318 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–119 [C, EC]
Mariappan, L. (2000)
Junior Technical Assistant
Materials Science Division
National Aerospace Laboratories
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086146 / 25086141 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–268 [R, RM]
Marudha Prabhu, J. (2010)
[DOB: 05.12.1982]
Assitant Manager, BOSCH Ltd
Naganathapura Plant, Hosa Road
Electonic City (PB No. 6887)
Bangalore 560 100 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41035418 (O)
(080) 25743267 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9901922599
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–357 [ELC, EC]
Meravathu, Hanuma (2012)
[DOB: 01.04.1962]
(AGM (O), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No 129/A, Sector 1
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 8008277193
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–309 [R, C]
Merugu, John Ravikumar (2012)
[DOB : 08.07.1967]
(Sr Manager Operation
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Flat No. 303, Subha Elite
(Behind Visakha Library)
Srinagar, Visakhapatnam 530 016 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9949844429
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–107 [M, R]
Mini, K. J. (1999)
(Visiting Faculty at Centre for Ceramic
Technology, Chennai)
No. 6, Valliammai Street
Rajendra Avenue
Chennai 600 064
SL–329 []
Mishra, Arun Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 09.09.1960]
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP (W)
Qtr. No. 213/A, Sector – 8
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2742740 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989936224
SL–340 [R]
Mishra, Atul (2012)
[DOB: 01.09.1988]
Junior Manager (O)
RINL, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9347079257
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–177 [C, R]
Mohanty, Dilip Kr. (2006)
Asst General Manager
Refractory Engineering Department)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qr. No. 168-B, Sector 12
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2742111 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949296060
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–355 [R, RM]
Mohanty, Pralaya Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 14.05.1959]
Techno Commercial Agent
Calderys India Refractories Ltd
206 Dutch House Apartments
Kirlampudi Layout, Beach Road
Visakhapatnam 530 017 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2711085 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9246613571
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–176 [EC]
Mondal, (Dr) Aparna (2006)
Scientist, Materials & Mineral Division
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Pappanamecode, Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 665 019 (Kerala)
SL–111 [B]
Mukherjee, (Dr) J. L. (1980) [2002]
Technical Consultant
No. 13, 17A Cross, KT 23
Apartment No. 203, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 055 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23360451 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–178 [CC, ELC]
Mukunda, Adyam Srinivasa (2006)
Sr Scientist, Corp Research Lab
Laird Technologies India Pvt Ltd
Unit-III, 4th Floor, Navigator Building
ITPL, Whitefield Road
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40740402 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–328 []
Mundotiya, Jagdish Prasad (2012)
[DOB: 06.07.1963]
AGM (O), Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr. No. 149/C/Sector – I
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2581722 (R)
Mobile : (0) 7893060444
SL–231 []
Murali, H. H. (2008)
Partner, South Indian Ceramic
Plot No. 319, Phase IV
8th Cross, Peenya Ind. Area
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9886667623 / 9448015586
E-mail : [email protected]
S–272 [EC, RM]
Nagpal, Achla (2010)
C-257, 5th Cross
Peenia Industrial Estate, 1st Stage
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28398190 (O)
(080) 42097491 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845213378
SL–248 []
Murali, K.S. (2009)
# 5005, Anriya Dwellington Aprts
LG Halli, Dollars Colony
Bangalore 560 094 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9448290325
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–378 [C,M]
Murugan, Stalin (2013)
[DOB : 13.07.1981]
Material Science Division
National Aerospace Laboratory
Old Airport Road, Bangalore 560 017
Phone: (080) 25086759 (O)
25731770 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–382 [R, P]
Murugasami, M. (2014)
[DOB: 04.06.1962]
Swastik Ceramics
No. 71, Perumal Koil Street
Pondicherry 605 001
Phone : (0413) 2348987 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8870008987 / 9345458987
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–124 [EC, R]
Nagabhushan, (Dr) Etakula (2001)
17-1-391-1/1 Subramaniam Nagar
Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 2701890/27682291 (O)
(040) 24072755 (R)
SL–273 [ELC]
Nagpal, Muneesh (2010)
CEO, Superceram, C-258, 5th Cross
Peenia Industrial Estate, 1st Stage
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28394728 (O)
(080) 42097491 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9945230701
SL–190 [EC, RM]
Nagumothu, (Dr) Ramesh Babu
House No. B4/20, New Avenue
NIT Campus
National Institute of Technology
Trichy 620 015 (TN)
SL–94 [P, R]
Nahata, Pramod Kr (1997)
Proprietor, Balaji Udyog
9-16-23/1/1, CBM Compound
Visakhapatnam 530 003 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2719427 (O)
(0891) 2747577 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9493940234 / 9032982611
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–99 [CC, RM]
Naidu, Venkateswarlu (1998)
Asst Manager (Kilns), Raasi Ceramics
22/P/GF, Block 2, IT’ Band
Secundrabad 500 003 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27814174/27893448
SL–210 [EC, R]
Naik, Shishir Kr [2008]
Jr Manager, (C&RMP)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 203/2, Sector-4, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9866578880
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–152 [ELC, R]
Nammi, Tata Rao (2003)
Junior Manager (CRG)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Door No. 31-29-16/1, Sivalayam Road
Duggapuvani Palem
Vadlapudi, R H Colony
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2587446 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9849206691
SL–101 [B, P]
Nair, K. Muraleedharan (1994) [1998]
Scientist, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O, Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2490324 / 2490406 (O)
SL–239 [RM]
Nandakishore, M. N. (2008)
Managing Partner
Sanjeevan Enterprises
10, 2nd Floor, 32nd Main
Bharuni Housing Layout
Banugiri Nagar, Banashankari
3rd Stage, Bangalore (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26797957 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9886389410
[email protected]
SL–241 [EC, C]
Nair, Sivakumar S. (2009)
(Technical Manager,
English Indian Clays Ltd)
‘Indheevaram’ TC 36/1200(3)
Thiruvananthapuram 695 008 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2741133 (O)
(0471) 2501514 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–218 [EC, R]
Nallamothu, Johnson [2008]
Asst Manager, Construction
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Door No. 31-11-3/2, Sathavahna Nagar
Vadalapudi Post
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2519574 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989397331/ 2 / 3
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–129 [R]
Namboodiri, S. N. (1986) [2003]
Dy General Manager, (Refractory), Jindal
A-203 Sterling Park
P.O. Sahakar Nagar
Bangalore 560 092 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9448286477
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–324 [R]
Nandi, Bikash (2012)
[DOB: 12.06.1968]]
Manager – Linings Sales
Vesuvius India Ltd.
Flat No. 13-15, Block – E, IDA
Autonagar, Visakhapatnam 530 012 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9347059726
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–66 [B, P]
Natarajan, B. (1995)
Boston Villa, No 32, Farm Tea Post
West Broote, Kotagiri
Pin : 643 217, Nilgiris (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9444059537
SL–331 [R, RM]
Nayak, Arvind Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 07.11.1966]
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP (W)
Vayuputra Elegant, F. No. 403,
Dr. No. 31-12-7/11, Kurmnapalem
(Opp A. P. Gramin Vikash Bank)
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2769396 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8008266836
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–14 [P]
Nayak, S. C.
Partner, Sujirkers Tile Works
Lower Car Street, Mangalore 575 001
South Kanara (Karnataka)
SL–233 [EC, RM]
Oubagarandin, John U. Kennedy
Dept of Ceramic & Cement Technology
PDA College of Engineering
IISC Post, Maleshwaram
Gulbarga 585 102 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9449638617
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–350 [ELC, M]
Pai, N. Rajesh (2012)
[DOB: 22.09.1967]
(AGM (E), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Flat No 408, Pranathi Classic
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2519239 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9000577473
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–269 [R, M]
Palani Kumar, R. (2010)
Direc tor, Lak s hmi Ceramic s &
Refreacoties India Pvt. Ltd.
No. C-260, 5th Cross 1st Stage
Peenya Industrial Estate
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 41177790191 (O)
(080) 23370831 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449820831
[email protected]
SL–121 [C, EC]
Panda, (Dr) P. K. (2000)
Scientist ‘E-I’, Materials Science Division
National Aerospace Laboratory
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086146 (O)
(080) 25279672 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448970424
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–232 [EC, R]
Pandey, Manish Kr. (2008)
Sr. Engineer, BHEL
BHEL-EPD, PB No. 1245
IISC Post, Maleshwaram
Bangalore 560 055 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9449838949
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–311 [R]
Pal, Suman (1990) [2006]
Application Specialist
Carborundum Universal Limited
Electro Minerals Division
P.B. No 1
Kalamassery Devlopment Plot P.O.
Ernakulam 683 109 (Kerala)
Phone : (0484) 3023651/3023600 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9345613382
: (0) 8590859001
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–393 []
Pandey, (Dr) Upendra Kumar (2015)
INSA-Inspire Faculty, Interdisciplinary
Centre for Energy Research
Indian Institute of Technology
CV Raman Road
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22933525 (O)
(080) 29731101 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8105752985
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–136 [P, R]
Paramban, Abdul Hameed (2002)
The Malaber Tile Works
Feroke, Kozikode 673 631 (Kerala)
SL–55 [R]
Parameswaran, R. (1982)
Chief Executive
M. V. Refractories & Insulation
A/3 SAIKRIPA Apartments
Thadagam Road, R. S. Puram
Coiambatore 641 002 (TN)
SL–318 [EC, R]
Parbesh, S. K. (2012)
Management Trainee
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, RINL
Area Shop office, CRMP,
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant,
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701348020
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–179 [ELC]
Parthasarathy, Gurukishan (2006)
Materials Scientist
Areva T & D Lightning Arresters (P) Ltd
R.S 38/2 Sedarapet Main Road
Sedarapet Village
Pondicherry 605 005
SL–140 [G, R,]
Patel, Prashant Kr. (2002)
Proprietor, National Industrial Co.
Survey No 93,
Basapura Village
Begur Hobli
Hosure Road
Bangalore 560 100 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 65462358 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9886119183
SL–50 [B, R]
Patil, (Prof) K. C. (1991) [1994]
Emeritus Scientist (CSIR)
Dept of Inorganic and Physical
Chemistry Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23514906 (R)
SL–341 [R, RM]
Paul, Partha Sarathi (2012)
[DOB: 05.09.1961]
Dy General Manager (Refractory
Engg. Dept)
RINL, Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2886475 (R)
Mobile : (00 9949021475
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–274 [B]
Paul, Ravi (1985) (2007)
Director, KLB Instruments Co Pvt Ltd
71, 2nd Main Road, Vyalikaval
Post Box No. 399
Bangalore 560 003 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23346976 / 23349709 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–31 [P, R]
Pawar, (Dr) P. G. (1991)
‘Lalithya’ No. 21
1st Cross, 2nd Main Road
Domlur 2nd Stage
Bangalore 560 071 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9845042907
SL–361 [M, RM]
Perumalla, Shankar (2012)
[DOB: 10.04.1963]
(AGM (E), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No 141/A, Sector 12
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9949096049
SL–243 [CC, P]
Petachimuthu, Perumal (2006)
Technical Officer CSIR-National
Institute for Interdisciplinary Science &
Industrial Estate PO:, Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019
SL–87 [B, R]
Ponnesam, S. Deborah (1996)
Technical Officer
Carborundum Universal Ltd
Thiruvottiur, Chennai 600 019
SL–284 [EC, M]
Prabhu, Dinesh (2011)
Managing Director
Centaur Abrasives (P) Ltd
Doddanna Industrial Estate
Pionya 2nd Stage
Bangalore 500 091 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 28361539 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9986439321
E-mail :[email protected]
SL–358 [EC, G]
Pramanik, Dilip Kumar (2013)
[DOB: 16.12.1960]
(Deputy General Manager,
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No 122-B, Sector 11
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9989393788
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–238 [B]
Prasad, (Dr) V. C. S. (1981) [1993]
6-3-595/9, Padmavathi Nagar
Hyderabad 500 004 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23390223 (R)
SL–270 []
Prema Kumar, S. A. (2010)
Managing Partner
Suraabhi Varan Minerals
Plot No 130,
Kodakola Industrial Area
Mysore 571 311 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9844095861
SL– 289 [R]
PSV, Ananthnarayana (2011)
Maruthi Refractories
# 22, Sai Maruthi
13th Cross
Bangalore 560 003 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23310824 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448071318
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–359 [R, RM]
Pudi, Ramesh Kumar (2012)
(Dy Manager (O), Visakhaptnam Steel
Quarter No 212/D, Sector 10
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701349006
SL–339 [C, R]
R, Swarnavel (2012)
[DOB: 07.04.1969]
Proprietor, M/s Neyyeli Refractory
221, Empire Palza, 2nd Floor
N.S.C. Bose Road, Chennai 600 001
Phone : (044) 25364298 (O)
(044) 25551348 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9444390802
: (044) 25364298
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–385 [EC, C]
R. V. (Dr) Lakshmi (2014)
[DOB: 06.11.1983]
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086473
Mobile : (0) 9591957000
Fax : (080) 25210113
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–114 [R]
Rafiuddin, Syed (1992) [1998]
[DOB: 07.01.1939]
(Retd Asst Director, NML)
B3/F3 HB Colony
Madannapet, P.O. Sayeedabad
Hyderabad 500 059 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24400400 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9441248050
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–120 [RM]
Raghavan, P. (1993) [2004]
Scientist, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2575329 (O)
(0471) 2491329 (R)
SL–15 [R]
Raghavan, S. V. (1983)
Insufrac Refractories (P) Ltd
No. 345, 4th Main Road, 9th cross
2nd Phase, Peenya Industrial Area
Bangalore 560 058 (Karnataka)
SL–59 [B]
Raghavendra, (Dr) R. V. (1994)
Scientist, Geological & Metallurgical Lab
105X, 3rd Main, 3rd Cross,
2nd Phase, Yeshwanthpur Industries
Gurguntpalya Suburb
Bangalore 560 022 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23472020 (O)
(080) 23345069 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–44 [B]
Rai, B. M. R. (1993)
Consulting Engineer
F–9/1 Vijay Kiran Apartments
32 Victoria Road
Bangalore 560 047 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25300071 (R)
E-amil : [email protected]
SL–292 [R]
Rajagopalan, Viswanathan
(2010) (2011)
Proprietor, Clayman Refractories
184, Aladi Road, Vriddhacchalam
Dist Cuddalore 606 001 (TN)
Phone : (04143) 260443 (O)
(04143) 260965 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9443360443
E-mail : [email protected]
SL –256 [P, M]
Rajamani, Sathyavelu Kamalapuram
[DOB: 20.06.1969]
Flat No 101, Sree Nidhi Enclaves
10th Cross, Anantha Nagar, Phase 2
Electronic City (Post)
Bangalore 560 100 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 8105004263
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–166 [C, ELC]
Rajasekharan, (Dr) T. (2005)
Scientist ‘F’, PM Group
Defence Metallurgical Research Lab
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586331 (O)
SL–67 [P]
Rajeshwar Rao, (Dr) A. V.
(1956) [1986]
Ratna Vilas
1-9-634/1/C Vidyanagar
Hyderabad 500 044 (AP)
SL–115 [C, EC]
Raju, A. R. (2000)
Chairman, Hyderabad Chapter, InCerS
8-3-318/11/20 Vishva ai Enclave
Plot No. 304, Jayprakashnagar
LR Guda, Hyderabad 500 073 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23203637 / 23202548 (O)
(040) 23735803 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949005444 / 9900572349
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–132 [ELC, M]
Raju, (Dr) K. C. James (2001)
Lecturer in Electronics
School of Physics
University of Hyderabad
Ganchi Bowli
Hyderabad 500 046 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23134305/23134316 (O)
(040) 2301181 (R)
SL–352 [EC, RM]
Ram, Bed (2012)
[DOB: 15.04.1970]
Sr Manager-Mechanical
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant
Area Shop Office, CRMP
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2581729 (R)
Mobile : (0) 8500669750
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–128 [B, M]
Ramachandra Rao, (Dr) R. (1996)
Principal Scientist
National Aeronautical Laboratory
Materials Science Division
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25086146 / 25086141 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9449087753
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–261 []
Ramaiah (2010)
P. U. R. Refractories
48, 2nd, Main
Chennigappa Indidustrial Estate
Magadi Main Road
Bangalore 560 091 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23404760 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9845736309
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–56 [R]
Ramakrishnan, S. (1990)
M. V. Refractories & Insulation
No. 21 Sriramnivas
Anantha Nagar, SRKV (PO)
Coiambatore 641 020 (TN)
SL–396 [R, RM]
Ramakrishnan, Vidyaprakash (2016)
[DOB: 22.08.1974]
Coimbatore Potteries & Refractories)
No. 102/5 Main Road
Coimbatore 641 104 (TN)
Phone : (04254) 273369 (O)
(04254) 272392 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9894077699
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–5 [P, R]
Ramalingam, V. I. (1981)
Ceramic Consultant
3/354 Kamaraj Nagar
Vellandi-Valasai Post
Idappadi T. K.
Dist : Salem 637 105
Mobile : (0) 9842045802
SL–137 [EC, R]
Ramasesha, (Dr) Sheela K. (2002)
Lab. Manager
GE India Teechnology Centre
JFWTC, Sy No. 122, EPIP, Phase II
W hitefield Road, Hoody Village
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
SL–125 [B]
Ramaswamy, (Dr) P. (1985) [2001]
Engineering Officer
Materials Tech Div
Central Power Research Institute
Post Box No. 9401
Bangalore 560 094 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23602919 (O)
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–88 [P, R]
Rambabu, Allam (1998)
Mine Owner
Rama Lakshmi Minerals
Door No. 48-9-18/39
Ratnaveni Complex (3rd floor)
Visakhapatnam 530 016 (AP)
SL–144 [P, R]
Ramesh Babu, N. (1999) [2002]
(Manager, Bosch Ltd)
867, 11th Cross, 34th Main
J. P. Nagar, Phase I
Bangalore 560 078 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26542754 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9880001707
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–91 [R]
Rao, A. R. M. (1990) [2002]
Advisor, M. N. Dastur Pvt Ltd
Door No. 47-13-4 (Up Stair)
Dwarka Nagar, Shankar Matm Road
Visakhapatnam 530 016 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518609 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9866237607 / 8912518609
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–221 []
Rao, K. Subba [2008]
[DOB: 23.06.1957]
Head, Dept of Ceramic Technology
Govt Instt of Ceramic Technology
Gudur 524 104, Dist : Nellore (AP)
Phone : (08624) 251793 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9912342257
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–25 [B, R]
Rao, (Dr) M. R. K. (1958) [1984]
(Retd Dy Director, NML)
5-506 Divyasakti Apartments
7-1-58 Ameerpet
Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23732383 (R)
SL–32 [E, P]
Rao, M. R. M. (1985) [1986]
Chairman & Chief Chemist
Rautec Ceramics (P) Ltd
59A-20-A (1st floor), Teachers’ Colony
Vijayawada 520 008
Dist: Krishna (AP)
Phone : (0866) 2477629 (O)
(0866) 2477929 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9848144797
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–45 [E]
Rao, N. Nageswar (1993)
Bhaskar Vitreous Enamel Coatings
B-2 Industrial Estate
Cuddapah 516 004 (AP)
Phone : (08362) 244705 / 255907 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–180 [CC, EC]
Rao, Ramesh (2006)
112/1, 2nd Floor
Mahalakshipuram Post
Kirlosker Colony, WOC Road
14th Stage, 1st main
Bangalore 560 086 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9880316091
SL–379 [EC, C]
Rao, Renangi Mohan (2013)
[DOB : 01.06.1953]
(Retd. Technical Officer ‘C’, DMRL)
Krupa, Plot No. 2 (South)
Old Gayatrinagar, Meerpet
Hyderabad 500 097
Mobile : (0) 9866060801
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–384 [EC, R]
Rao, (Dr) Sandhya (2014)
Senior Scientist
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories
Old Airport Road, Kodihalli
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone (080) 25086722
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–71 [B, M]
Rao, N. Veerabhadra (1995)
Strategic Ideas, Flat No. 503
Sri Sai Sree Enclave
Opp King Koti Hospital Parade Gate
King Koti, Hyderabad 500 001 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23230213 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9985200036
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–263 [ELC, C]
Rao, (Dr) Shyam S. (2010)
Vice President
Carborundum Universal Ltd
(Ceramic Division)
47/48 Sipcot Industrial Estate
Hosur 635 126 (TN)
Phone : (04344) 403213 (O)
(080) 26890323 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9894070559
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–130 [R]
Rao, P. Chandrasekhar (1996) [2001]
Sr Manager (CRG)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qrt. No. 136-D, Sector-6
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518265 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9989087170
SL–321 [R, M]
Rao Lade, Mallikarjuna (2012)
[DOB: 01.07.1966]
(Asst General Manager
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, CRMP)
Flat No. 501, Rajyalakshmi Towers
VSP Hospital Road, Aganampudi
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 8912887459/8500669856
E-mail : [email protected]
SL– 283 [G, C]
Rathod, Kishor Kumar (2011)
Lecturer in Ceramics
S. J. Govt. Polytechnic
Department of Ceramic Technology
Sheshadui Road
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Phone : (0) 9731046119 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–298 []
Ravichandran, S (2011)
[DOB : 01.06.1963]
Prop. R. R. Refractories
No. 12, MRK Nagar, Aladi Road
Vriddhachalam 606 001
Mobile : (0) 9843506750
SL–155 [ELC, R]
Ravichandran, S. (2004)
[DOB : 15.08.1957]
Senior Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate Research & Deevelopment
Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL)
Prof C. N. R. Rao Circle
EPD, Opp. IISC, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182478 (O)
(080) 23413370 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9741113370
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–191 [C, EC]
Ravi Kumar, (Dr) N. V. (2007)
Asst. Professor
Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg
Indian Instt. of Technology-Madras
Chennai 600 036
Phone : (044) 22574777 (O)
: (044) 22574777
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–84 [P, R]
Ravindranath, T. N. (1990)
Vamsi Krishna Residency
Flat No. T-B, Door No. 2-19-11
Madav Nagar , Opp : RMC Men’s Hostel
Kakinada 533 003 (AP)
SL–118 [P, RM]
Ravishankar, K. S. (2000)
[DOB: 10.05.1960]
(Manager SH & Ceramic Lab, BHEL)
#316/A, 2nd Floor, 9th Main Road
5th Block, Jayanagar
Bangalore 560 041 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182243 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448332312
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–207 [EC, R]
Ray, Diptendu [2008]
[DOB: 04.12.1973]
(Manager (O)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 127-B, Sector-3, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9493116540 / 8500669503
(0) 9393113410
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–205 [R, RM]
Ray, Pritam [2008]
[DOB: 16.12.1961]
Asst General Manager, (C&RMP)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
Qtr No. 169-B, Sector-12
Ukkunagaram, Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2886833 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9989122319
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–7 [P]
Reddeppa, G. (1981)
Ceramic Technologist, Technical Centre
16 Shyamlal Building
Hyderabad 500 016 (AP)
Phone : (040) 23703916 (R)
SL–46 [R]
Reddy, K. H. V. (1993)
Consultant, 80B, K.B.H. Road
Kurubara Hally, Gauribidanur 561 203
Dist : Kolar (Karnataka)
Phone : (08155) 291423 (O)
Mobile : (O) 9448266112
SL–108 [C]
Reddy, (Dr) Navuri Kishan (1999)
Plot No. 15, MIG, Phase 4,
Hyderabad 500 070 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24022349
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–22 [G, R]
Reddy, P. Narasimha (1987)
OHM Enterprises
4-83 Durganagar
Hyderabad 500 036 (AP)
SL–319 [G, R]
Roy, Sourav (2012)
[DOB: 11.06.1989]
Management Trainee
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, RINL
Room No. 217, Trainees Hotel–3
Sector– I, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701348051
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–367 [EC, C]
S. P., Manjunath (2013)
[DOB: 18.05.1984]
Assistant Professor
Siddaganga Institute of Technology
B. H. Road
Tumkur 572 103 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9964584081
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–202 [EC, C]
Saha, Bhaskar Prasad [2007]
Scientist, ARCI
Centre for Ceraamic Prossing,
Belapur Cross Road
Hyderabad 500 005 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24441075 / 76 (O)
(08415) 245612 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9885901318
SL–371 [ELC, C]
Sahoo, (Dr) Balaram (2013)
[DOB: 02.04.1976]
Assistant Professor
Materials Research Centre
Indian Institute of Science
CV Raman Avenue
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (040) 22932943 (O)
Mobile : (0) 8097385780
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–83 [R]
Sahoo, N. G. (2001) [2004]
(Ex General Manager (Projects), RINL
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Advisor, MECON Pvt Ltd
M-57 Chhend Colony, Phase – 2
Rourkela 769 015 (Orissa)
Mobile : (0) 9866237615
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–356 [G, R]
Sahu, Smriti (2012)
[DOB: 26.04.1988]
Junior Manager, CSM Department
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant
Admin Building
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9581583237
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–194 [EC]
Sampath Kumar, (Dr) T. S. (2007)
Associate Professor
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg..
IIT- Madras
Sardar Patel Road
Chennai 600 036
SL–196 [G, RM]
Sarkar, Tanmay (2007)
Project Manager
VW R Lab Products Pvt Ltd
2nd Floor, Esteem Regency
#6 Richmond Road
Bangalore 560 025 (Karnataka)
SL–75 [P]
Sarkar, Umatosh (1963) [1983]
Advisor, Jumbo Mining
4th Floor, King’s Court
6-3-1239/2/A, Rajbhavan Road
Hyderabad 500 082 (AP)
Phone : (040) 30586666 (O)
(040) 23832883 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9959911938
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–364 []
Sau, Samir Kumar (2012)
[DOB: 30.11.1966]
(AGM (RED), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No 413-C
Sector 4, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone: (0891) 2704001
Mobile : (0) 9989927191
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–126 [B, P]
Satapathy, (Dr) L. N. (1992) [2001]
Dy General Manager
Ceramic Technological Institute
Corporate Research & Development
Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd
Prof C. N. R. Rao Circle
Opp IISc, Malleswaram
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22182403 (O)
(080) 23547965 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449857965
E-mail : [email protected]
[email protected]
SL–145 [EC, ELC]
Savio, Geasin S. (2004)
Armor Design & Development Division
Defence metallurgical Research Lab.
P.O. Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24586797 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9908574781
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–153 [CC, EC]
Sathyanarayanaswamy, A. (2003)
Dept of Mechanical Engineering
M.S.R. Institute of Technology
M.S.R. Nagar Mathikse
Bangalore 560 054 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600822 (O)
SL–254 [P, R]
Sathyanarayana Rao, H. S.
(1999) (2010)
Proprietor, Trident Ceramjcs
351 Suchitra Villa, I Phase
2B Cross, VBHC, Girinagar
Bangalore 560 085 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26720978 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448644794
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–72 [R]
Satya Sundar, Y. (1995)
Managing Partner, Sree Industries
Pendurthi, Visakhapatnam 531 173 (AP)
SL– 281 [R, M]
Saxena, R. C. (2011)
DGM, MECON Limited
89 South End Road, Basaranagudi
Bangalore 560 004 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26252000 (O)
(080) 25541709 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448396439
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–93 [B, M]
Sebastian, (Dr) M. T. (1995)
Scientist “G”, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 22515294 / 2490406 (O)
SL–342 [R, RM]
Seemakurty, Rama Prasad (2012)
[DOB: 14.07.1960]
Managing Partner, Tirumalesa Ceramics
NH-5 Raod, Ramavaram Village
East Godavari 533 435 (AP)
Phone : (0884)2367115 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9848162115
Fax : (0884) 9848162115
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL– 253 [ELC]
Seetharamu, S. (2010)
Head, MT Division
Central Power Research Institute
PB No. 8066, SIR CV Raman Road
Bangalore 560080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600399 (O)
(080) 23601785 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448282330
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–308 [R, ELC]
Shaik, Abdul Meera (2011)
[DOB. 31.07.1963]
(Asst Manager,
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Surya Towers, Flat No. 301
Steel Plant Hospital Road, Aganampudi
Visakhapatnam 530 046 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701007848
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–264 [ELC, EC]
Selvaraj, (Dr) Senthil Kumar (2010)
National Aerospace Laboratories
Materials Science Division
P. Bag 1779, HAL Airport Road
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9611779381
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–33 [B]
Shashi Mohan, (Dr) A. L. (1990)
[DOB: 05.06.1950]
“VIPRA”, 164/A, 24th Cross
6th Block, Jayanagar
Bangalore 560 070 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26647696 / 42065310 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448468642
: (080) 41310834
E-mail : [email protected]
SL– 290 [R]
Selvarasu, C. (2011)
Proprietor, R.S.R. Company
B8/2, Industrial Estate for Ceramics
Vriddhachalam, Cuddalore 606 001 (TN)
Phone : (04143) 261473 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9842396575 / 9443260047
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–212 [R, RM]
Sen, Kanchan Kumar [2008]
[DOB: 16.12.1959]
(Deputy General Manager, (C&RMP)
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr No. 205/A, Sector - 7, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2540332 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949056213
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–307 [R, C]
Sengupta, Ujjwal (2011)
[DOB. 27.12.1959]
Asst Technical Director
Refratechnik Steel GmbH
2nd Floor, South W ing, ATR Tower
Door No. 7-8-10, Harbour Park Road
Visakhapatnam 530 003 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2744468
Mobile : (0) 9989774429
: (0891) 2744467
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–313 [EC, ELC]
Shanmugam, (Dr) Kavithaa (2012)
[DOB : 21.12.1976]
Scientist- C
Nano Manufacturing Tech Centre
Central Manufacturing Tech Instt (CMTI)
Bangalore 560 022
Phone : (044) 22188385 / 370 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–295 [EC, R]
Sherikar, Baburao Neelkantappa
Lecturer, PDA College of Engg.
Dept of Ceramic & Cement Technology
Aiwan-E-Shahi Area
Gulbarga 585 102 (Karnataka)
Phone : (08472) 259327(O)
(0) 9845687758 (M)
E-Mail: [email protected]
SL–346 [C, R]
Shetia, Baisakhi (2012)
[DOB: 10.05.1987]
(Management Trainee-Technical,
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No. 216/13, Sector 4
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9701347117
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–26 [P, R]
Shetty, R. N. (1988)
Managing Director
Murudeshwar Ceramics Ltd
Murudeshwar Bhavan
60A/B Gokul Road
Hubli 580 030 (Karnataka)
SL–310 [EC, ELC]
Shivakumar, Rajarathinam
(D.O.B. 14.04.1971)
Senior Manager (R&D)
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant
La&TD Building
Visakhapatnam 530 031 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2887607 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9441472800
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–370 [ELC, CC]
Shivashankar, (Dr) S. A. (2013)
[DOB: 17.03.1947]
Emeritus Professor
Center for Nano Science and Engg
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (040) 22933323 (O)
(040) 23601921 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–34 [B, R]
Shiv Kumar, V. (1990)
A 402 Celestial Greens
Old Madras Road
Bangalore 560 093 (Karnataka)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–40 [P]
Shivananda, B. N. (1975) [1992]
(Retd Deputy Manager, BHEL/EPD)
239/A Old Tumkur Road
Rajamahal Vilas Extension
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23619257 (O)
SL–198 [EC, ELC]
Shukla, (Dr) Satyajit Vishnu (2007)
Scientist C, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O., Pappanamcode
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 22515315 (O)
SL–363 [ELC, R]
Singh, Gaurav (2012)
[DOB: 03.02.1990]
(Management Trainee (T)
Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Room No 215, Trainee Hostel-3
Sector 1, Ukkunagaram
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9453063966
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–256 [EC, ELC]
Singh, (Prof) Paramanand (2010)
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg.
IIT- Madras, Chennai 600 036
Phone : (044) 22574758 (O)
(044) 22576758 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–387 [ELC, C]
Singh, (Dr) Sarabjit (2015)
[DOB: 19.12.1976]
Scientist D, Ceramic and Composite
Group, Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory, Kanchanbagh
Hyderabad 500 058 (Telangana)
Phone : (040) 24586842
Mobile : (0) 9948471299 / 9948471299
Fax : (040) 24340683
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–274 [G, R]
Singh, Shyam Sudarshan (2010)
Partner, Sudarshan Minerals
No. 22, 4th Model house Street
Bangalore 560 004 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26767934 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9448616642
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–267 [R, RM]
Singh, Vijay (2010)
Bharathi Refractory Technologies
32 “D” Block (Opp MEI)
Ragjavendra Lauout
Yeshwanthpur 560 022 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23570438 (O)
(080) 23240323 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845039226
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–98 [G, P]
Singhvi, Praveen (1994)
Ceramic Designs
9, 1st Cross
Bangalore 560 004 (Karnataka)
SL–146 [B, R]
Somasundaram, V. (1996) (2002)
Proprietor, Indhu Refractories
183 Aladi Road
Vridhachalam 606 002
Cuddalore District (TN)
Phone : (04143) 329946 / 262165
Mobile : (0) 9842360425
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–35 [R]
Sood, (Capt) Anil Kumar (1992)
Managing Director
Ferro Insulation (P) Ltd
F-302, Ganga Palza
41B Vasai Nagar (1st floor)
Karkhana, Secunderabad 500 003 (AP)
Phone : (040) 27749690 (O)
(040) 27847069 (R)
SL–335 [ELC, G]
Sreemoolanadhan, (Dr) Harihara Iyer
(Scientist, Advanced Materials and
Ceramics Division, Vikram Sarabhai
Space Centre)
TC 37/1190(1), DTSRA 97,
Deekshithar Street, Fort
Thiruvananthapuram 695 023 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2563086 (O)
(0471) 2467094 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9446387094
: (0471) 2705048
E-mail :
[email protected]
SL–249 [B]
Sridhara Murthy, K. R. (1995) (2010)
No. 372, 3rd Cross, 1st Block
R. T. Nagar,
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23338518 (R)
SL–181 [EC, R]
Sridharan, P. (2006)
W. S. Industries (I) Ltd.
108 Mount Poonamath Road
Chennai 600 016 (TN)
SL–226 [R]
Srinivasan, C. R. (1985) [2008]
GOURI Apartments
No. 1003 (1st floor)
New Bel Road, RMV II
Bangalore 560 054 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600548
SL–227 [G, P]
Sreehari, G. (2003) [2006]
(Partner, Sree Vinayaka Industries)
No. 319, 18th Main, 4th Block
Nandini layout
Bangalore 560 096 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 65720283 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9341249213
SL–27 [R]
Subrahmanyan, (Dr) A. V. (1988)
641/16/4/A Gandhinagar
Jagir Ammapalem, Salem 636 302 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9444563035
SL–38 [R]
Subramania, Malayappan (1996)
Ceramic Consultant, TRL
Flat No. C-2, Plot o. 1345
Shram Vir Illam, 19th Main Road
Anna Nagar (West), Chennai 600 040
SL–73 [R]
Subramanya, K. R. (1995)
65-3/25A Convent Road
Mittapudur, P.O. Fairlands
Salem 636 016 (TN)
SL– 278 [ELC, C]
Sudandara Doss, (Dr) Manisha
Vidyavathy (2011)
(Assistant Professor, Dept of Ceramic
Tech, Anna University)
5/3 Janaki Raman Street
New Perungalathur, Chennai 600 063
Phone : (044) 22741515 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9940457582
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–182 [EC, ELC]
Sudhakar Reddy, (Dr) E. (2006)
Senior Scientist
JFWTC, GE India Technology Centre
Materials Research Lab. 122
EPIP, Phase 2, Hoodi Village
W hitefield Road
Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40122106 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9880190346
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–100 [B]
Sukumar, (Mrs) Rugmini (1983) [1998]
Scientist, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019
Phone : (0471) 2490324 / 2490406 (O)
SL–372 [EC, R]
Sunkara, Veera Bhadra prasad (2013)
[DOB : 23.04.1956]
Managing Partner
Sarvodaya Refractories & Minerals
Behind Kunkullamma Temple
Dwaraka Tirumala
West Godavari 534 426 (AP)
Phone: (08829) 271933 (O)
(08829) 271433 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9502646396
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–255 [EC, C]
Surendranathan, (Dr) A. O. (2010)
[DOB : 15.10.1954]
Professor & Ex-Head
Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg.
National Institute of Technology (NITK)
Surathkal, Mangalore
Srinivas Nagar 575 025
South Kanara District (Karnataka)
Phone : (0824) 2474000 (O)
(0824) 2474751 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9343570597 /8904818495
: (824) 2474059
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–394 [EC, ELC]
Suresh, (Dr) Madireddy Buchi (2015)
[DOB: 18.03.1974]
Center for Ceramic Processing, (ARCI)
Hyderabad 500 005 (Telangana)
Phone: (040) 24452472
Mobile : (0) 9959546474
Fax : (040) 24442699
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–76 [R]
Suresh Babu, G. (1996)
Technical Asst to MD
(Cutfast Abrasive Tools Ltd)
35–B Chitalapak k an II Main Road
Tambaran Sanatorium, Chennai 600 047
SL–245 []
Suryanarayana K. (2009)
Engg Officer, Materials Tech Division
Central Power Research Institute
Prof Sir C. V. Raman Road, PB No. 8066
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600399 (O);
(080) 23600195 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448835540
SL–79 [B]
Syamaprasad, (Dr) U. (1996)
Scientist “G”, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 22515373 / 2490406 (O)
SL–349 [ELC, P]
Tadury, Mahavir (2012)
[DOB: 23.06.1965]
(AE-Operation, Visakhaptnam Steel
39-27-40/10 (1), Vuda Colony
Madhaua Dhara
Visakhapatnam 530 018 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2564363 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9490991728
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–373 [R, RM]
Talluri, Goutham (2013)
[DOB : 01.07.1966]
(DGM (QA&TD), Central Lab
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Plot No. 87 Sardar Nest
Kanithi Village
Pedagantyada 530 044 (Visakhapatnam)
Mobile : (0) 9866506746
E-mail: [email protected]
SL–211 [R, RM]
Tambe, Anil Kr [2008]
[DOB: 14.03.1963]
(Asst General Manager
Calcining & Refractory Material Plant
VIsakhapatnam Steel Plant)
Qtr. No. 154-D, Sector - 1
Steel Plant Township
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Phone : (0891) 2518795 (O)
(0891) 2581443 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9949737483
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–133 [EC, R]
Thimmappaiah, C. N. (2001)
Partner, VIPRA
615/14, 3rd Cross, Raghavendra Colony
Behind IIM, Bilekahali
Bangalore 560 076 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26596634 (O)
(080) 26487212 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845040755
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–169 [B]
Thippesh, B. K. (1963) [1983]
Gayathri Tiles Pvt Ltd
39/12, 1st Floor, (Opp. BTS Garage)
Vijaynagar, Bangalore 560 040 (Karnataka)
SL–223 [EC, CC]
Udayakumar, (Dr) A. [2008]
Scientist - E1, Asst Director
National Aerospace Laboratory
Materials Science Division
Post Bag No. 1779, Airport Road
Bangalore 560 017 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 25273351-54 (O)
(080) 25266811 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–304 []
Thandavan, S. P. (2011)
[DOB: 11.07.1955]
Managing Partner, Sabari Ceramics
Vill : Irungalur
Mauacha Nallur – TK
Dist : Trichy, Pin 621 105 (TN)
Phone : (0431) 2616609 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9443125166
SL–237 [ELC, C]
Umarji, (Prof) Arun M. (2008)
Professor & Chairman
Materials Research Center
Indian Institute of Science (IISC)
Bangalore 560 012 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 22932944 (O)
(080) 23375479 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9845112801
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–156 [M]
Thangamuthu, V. P. (2004)
Mangalam Separation Equipments
11, Sriram Nagar, 1st Street
(Opp. Retteri), Mount Poonamalee Road
Porur, Chennai 600 116 (TN)
Phone : (044) 24768750 / 31013238 (O)
(044) 22345159 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9789096180 / 9840935265
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–380 [EC, G]
V, Kannan Kamala (2013)
[DOB : 19.02.1967]
Chief Ceramic Manager
Kia Lim Berhad, No. 18, “O” 4th Street
Kamarak Road Cross
Bangalore 560 042 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 2556 2784 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9980153669
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–60 [M]
Varghese, Cherian (1994)
Dy General Manager
(Indian Rare Earths Ltd)
Pathiyarathu Kollamvayalic House
Kollam 691 012 (Kerala)
SM–297 [EC, R]
Varma, (Dr) C. N. S. P. (2006) [2011]
Industrialist, B-10 Industrial Area
Visakhapatnam 530 007 (AP)
SL–242 []
Varma, Hari Krishna (2009)
Scientist-in-Charge, Bioceramic Lab
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical
Science Technology (SCTIMST)
Biomedical Technology W ing
Thiruvananthapuram 695 011 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 24430585 / 2520220 (O)
(0471) 2344346 (R)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–824 [ ELC, RM]
Varma, (Dr) Manoj Raama
(2005) (2009)
Scientist, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate P. O.
Thiruvananthapuram 695 019
SL–53 [G]
Varshnei, Lalit (1983)
Director, Madras Sheet Glass Works Ltd
67-A Village Street, Chennai 600 019
SL–183 [C, EC]
Vemuri, (Dr) Madhu (2006)
(Scientist, DMRL)
Flat No. 406, Vijetha Padma Paradise
4-121 Durga Nagar
Hyderabad 500 060 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24584604 (O)
(040) 24052204 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9440498708
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–162 [G, P]
Venkatesan, G. (1995) [2004]
Manageing Director
Fullmoon Industrial Ceramics Pvt Ltd
50A/1 Mudali Thottam
Veerappan Chatram, Periya Semur
Erode 638 004 (TN)
Phone : (0424) 2290046 / 2294046 (O)
(0424) 3291906 (O)
(0424) 2226824 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9364166080
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–271 [EC, ELC]
Venkatesh, (Dr) J. (2010)
Scientist, Laird Technologies
Navigator Building, Unit –3, 4th Floor,
ITPL, Bangalore 560 066 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40740417 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9742846035
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–333 []
Venkatasan, V. (2012)
Proprietor, ARS Industries
285/2, Kamaraj Nagar
Senthamiz Street
Aladi Road, Vridhachalam 606 001
Phone: (0) 9865104702 (M)
SL–11 [P]
Venugopal, V. L.
Standard Tiles & Pottery Works (P)
Ltd Feroke (Kerala)
SL–20 [B]
Vijaygopal, S. (1984)
Chief Executive, Gloheat Instruments
& Metallurgical System
No. 41, 2nd Cross
T. P. Venugopal Layout, R. T. Nagar
Bangalore 560 032 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 8023431721 (O)
(0) 9845074053 (M)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–147 [P]
Vijay Kumar, M. N. (1999) (2002)
Motor Industries Co Ltd
Naganathapura Plant
P. B. No. 6887, Singasandra, Madiwala,
Bangalore 560 068 (Karnataka)
SL–157 [EC, ELC]
Vishista, (Dr) K. (2004)
No.3 Karuranidhi Street
Vinayakapuram, Ambathur
Chennai 600 053 (TN)
Phone : (044) 26582372 (O)
(044) 26582372 (R)
Phone : (080) 26689005 / 26686011 (O)
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–154 [R, RM]
Vishwanath, S. C. (2003)
Associate Vice President
SMS II, JSW Steel Limited
Vidyanagar 583 275
Dist : Bellary (Karnataka)
Phone : (08395) 240467 (R)
E-mail :[email protected]
[email protected]
SL–43 [B, P]
Vridhagiri, B. (1993)
Chairman and MD, Tacel Ceramics (P) Ltd
41 Bazaar Street, Vriddhachalam
Dist: South Arcot 606 001 (TN)
SL–397 [R, ELC]
Viswanathan, T (2016)
[DOB: 17.06.1985]
(Research Scholar, School of
Mechanical Eng., VIT University)
1/31-5, 2nd Phase, Wahab Nagar
Kattigana Palli
Krishnagiri 635 001 (TN)
Phone : (0416) 2202907 (O)
(04343) 226575
Mobile : (0) 9488370872/9597965781
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–109 [P]
Viswabaskaran, (Dr) V. (1999)
VB Ceramic Consultants
27A, 3rd Cross, 14th Link Road
Venkateswara Colony
Nehru Nagar
Industrial Estate
Chennai 600 041
Phone : (044) 22431243 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9444012468
E-mail: [email protected]
SM–565 [P]
Viswanatha, C. S. (1993)
Ceramic Decor
No. 151/186 N. S. Palya
Bannerghatta Road
Bangalore 560 076 (Karnataka)
SL–167 [EC, ELC]
Viswanathan, (Dr) M. R. (2005)
Viswambika Illam
Kanjirangal, Sivaganga
Sivaganga 630 562 (TN)
SL–244 [EC, CC]
Vynatheya, S. (2008) [2009]
Engineering Officer
Central Power Research Instt
Materials Technology Division
Prof Sir C . V. Raman Road, PB No. 8066
Bangalore 560 080 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 23600399 (O)
(080) 23288791 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9449088791
SL–82 [B, G]
Warrier, (Dr) K. G. K. (1981) [1996]
(Retd Chief Scientist & Emeritus
Scientist, CSIR-NIIST)
T.C 15/1183 EVRA
241 Krishna Vilasom Road, Cotton Hill
Thiruvananthapuram 695 014 (Kerala)
Phone : (0471) 2322448 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9447115280
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SL–293 [EC, C]
Yakatpure, Venkat (2011)
(Scientist, DMRL)
Kranti Harika Apartment
Plot No.: 7
Huda Complex, RR
Hyderabad 500 058 (AP)
Phone : (040) 2458 6594(O)
(040) 2404 4117(R)
SL–200 [EC, C]
Yabaluri, (Dr) Srinivasa Rao (2007)
(Scientist, ARCI)
Plot 133, House No. 3-55
Road #62, Prashanthi Hills, Meerpet
Hyderabad 500 079 (AP)
Phone : (040) 24441075-76 (O)
(040) 24093845 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9490751645
E-mail : [email protected]
SL–353 [RM, M]
Yaramala, Balakotaiah (2012)
[DOB: 22.09.1969]
(AGM (M), Visakhaptnam Steel Plant)
Quarter No. 504/C
Sector 5
Visakhapatnam 530 032 (AP)
Mobile : (0) 9177373798
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–874 [EC, ELC]
Anbarast. P. (2013)
[DOB: 10.11.1987]
D/O. Dr. K. Pugazhendhi
(Research Scholar, Dept. of Ceramic
A. C. Tech Campus, Anna University)
Plot No. 1420, Phase – II,
Sathuvachari, Vellore 632 009 (TN)
Phone: (0416) 2252300 (R) /
Mobile : (0) 9566121219
E-mail: [email protected]
SM–871 [R, P]
Eega, Srinivasa Rao (2013)
[DOB: 10.06.1974]
S/O. E. Pothu Raju
Teaching Assistant (Temporary),
Department of Ceramic Technology
A. C. Tech Campus, Anna University,
Chintaya Palem, Karlapalam (M.D),
Guntur 522 111 (A.P)
Mobile : (0) 9940237300
SM–872 [EC, C]
Ilango, K. (2013)
[DOB: 23.04.1987]
Teaching Assistant (Temporary)
Department of Ceramic Technology
A. C. Tech Campus, Anna University
No. 194, Villianour Main Road,
Embalam, Puducherry 605 106
Mobile : (0) 9597319101
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–876 [ELC]
Babu, M. R. Suresh (2015)
[DOB: 04.05.1944]
# 28, 3rd Cross, CIL Layout
Cholanayakana Halli, R. T. Nagar PO
Bangalore 560032 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9902414582
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–892 []
Chattopadhyay, Somak (2016)
[DOB: 11.09.1982]
Head Refractory, Sterlite Copper
Madururai Bypass
Tuticorin 628 008 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 8220054210
E-mail :
[email protected]
SM–887 [M, C]
D. S., Nikitha (2015)
[DOB: 27.09.1990]
Assistant Professor
Christ University Faculty of Engg.
Kengeri Campus
Kanminike, Mysore Road
Bangalore 560 074 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9620316650
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–882 [C, CC]
Joy, Mega (2015)
[DOB: 31.03.1987]
Senior Research Fellow, MSTD
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO, Pappanamcode
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9995539487
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–875 [R, EC]
Lakshminarayanan, S. (2014)
[DOB: 12.12.1962]
(Deputy Chief Engineer,
Neyveli Lignite Corporation)
E-49, Zahir Husain Road
Block 17, Neyveli 607501 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 9443879874
E-mail: [email protected]
SM–879 [C]
Murthy, Swarna Sathyanarayana
[DOB: 21.02.1974]
Scientist B, Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory
Hyderabad 500 058 (Telangana)
Phone : (040) 24586884
Mobile : (0) 9700407870
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–890 []
Nagaranu, (Dr) Kathyayini (2016)
[DOB: 21.04.1969]
(Associate Professor, Dept of Nano
Bio-Ceramics, Jain University)
No 92, Abinami, 6th Cross
10 Main Bikashpura Layout
Bangalore 560 061 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 27577200
Mobile : (0) 9886506387
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–891 []
Nasrullah, Md (2016)
[DOB: 05.01.2016]
Engineer, Sterlite Copper
Madururai Bypass
Tuticorin 628 008 (TN)
Mobile : (0) 994238521
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–884 [EC, C]
P. Y., Subha (2015)
[DOB: 22.04.1979]
Project Assistant Gr III
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9048825526
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–888 [RM, EC]
Pandiaraj, Benrajesh (2015)
[DOB: 18.05.1982]
Assistant Professor
Christ University Faculty of Engg.
Kengeri Campus
Kanminike, Mysore Road
Bangalore 560 074 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 40129928 (O)
Mobile : (0) 9535223674
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SM–881 [EC, ELC]
Ramavath, Pandu (2015)
Scientist-C, Center for Ceramic
Processing, ARCI
Hyderabad 500 005 (Telangana)
Phone: (040) 24452351
Mobile : (0) 94942465530
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–886 [CC, C]
P., Suyana (2015)
[DOB: 10.04.1988]
Senior Research Fellow
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO, Pappanamcode
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 8547929454
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–877 [ELC, EC]
Rangappa, (Dr) Dinesh (2015)
[DOB: 14.07.1974]
Professor, Department of
Visvesvaraya Technological University
Muddenahalli Post
Chikkaballapur 562 101 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9632764659
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–190 [G, R]
Rao, K. Purushotham (1983)
[DOB : 15.09.1941]
Flat No. 302, Sri Sai Residency
Behind Swathi Tiffin
Road No. 8, Mahveswari Nagar
Hyderabad 500 076 (Telengana)
Mobile : (0) 9448857057
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–878 [EC]
Reddy, (Dr) J. Janardhana (2015)
[DOB: 15.07.1961]
Scientist F, Defence Metallurgical
Research Laboratory
Hyderabad 500 058 (Telangana)
SM–883 [ELC]
S., Swetha (2015)
[DOB: 14.07.1988]
Senior Research Fellow, MSTD
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9645889099
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–889 [RM, M]
Sampath, Asha (2015)
[DOB: 13.05.1965]
Founder and CEO,
15th Floor, Concorde Tower, UB City
#1 Vittal Mallya Road
Bangalore 560 001 (Karnataka)
Mobile : (0) 9900584095
E-mail : [email protected];
[email protected]
SM–885 [CC, C]
Thomas, Minju (2015)
Senior Research Fellow
CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science & Technology
Industrial Estate PO, Pappanamcode
Trivandrum 695019 (Kerala)
Mobile : (0) 9562538103
E-mail : [email protected]
SM–840 [M]
Vijayakumar, S. (2008)
(Retd Manager, BHEL)
Epsilon Systems
#24, 2nd Cross, 1st Stage
Kumaraswamy Layout
Bangalore 560 078 (Karnataka)
Phone : (080) 26663761 (R)
Mobile : (0) 9448059300
E-mail : [email protected]

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