Winter 2015-2016 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy


Winter 2015-2016 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
Winter 2015/16
I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided
to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current
and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify
statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney.
For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney.
Table of Contents
I-ACT Policy Statements
I-ACT President’s Letter
NBCHT President’s Message
Brenda Watson’s Tips for 2016
Awards Committee Report
Facing your fears
Regional Rep Meeting
Regional Rep List
Education Committee Letter
16 - 17
12 - 15
2016 Conventiontions
Cleansing: A Garden Metaphor
Marketing & PR Report
A&P Info
I-ACT Policy Statements:
I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal
tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should,
at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit
must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation.
(Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused).
I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle
inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema
Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as
approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of
your device other than those approved by the FDA.
The main differences between Class I and Class II devices:
The code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I
and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device is an enema system and does not include
“colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device, which in part is described as:
“The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the
colonic irrigation.
The Class I Device:
· The Class I device is defined as an enema system and may not have temperature control, temperature
gauges or water purification as part of the device. Class I enema systems must be self-administered.
· Manufacturers of Class I devices are not required to have third party oversight as they need not comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required of Class II manufacturers. Class I devices are not as heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA as Class II devices are.
· Owners of Class I devices may not market their service using the terms “colonics or colonic irrigation” in describing the scope of their practice of evacuating the contents of the lower bowel.
The Class II Device:
· The Class II Device is a “colonic irrigation device”.
· Manufacturers of Class II devices are required to have third party oversight and must comply with
the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required by the FDA. Class II devices
are heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA.
· The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold and used on or at the order of a physician or health care
practitioner. This may be different in each state.
Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema,
I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest
safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices.
Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices
or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only
individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment
at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines.
Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country.
I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems.
However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is
immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance
with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed
by a physician.
Following is a list of our new members for the period October 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.
We are glad to have you as members. Remember, at I-ACT you are important to us!
First Name
Last Name
St. Fort
Teauarii Frogier
Home City
La Jolla
Meadow Lake
San Clemente
Colorado Springs
Stone Mountain
Liberty Hill
Cagnes Sur Mer
San Diego
Penn Valley
Home State
South Africa
French Polynesia
The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the
manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or
country ordinances.
I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out
in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed
or have a degree from an accredited professional school.
Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for
any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used.
New Members 4th Quarter
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President
Information on Approved A&P Courses
Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count.
There is one course that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites.
Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE
Learning, ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with
Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you, students MAY
NOT call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way.
The Instructor must Contact:
Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton
Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2598
or email: [email protected]. Valid in the USA.
Information for Those Seeking a Job
Looking for a Career Opportunity?
Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section.
Inside you will find numerous job opportunities.
If you are looking to be employed, you may email us and we will list
your name as someone looking for employment.
If you are seeking someone to employ, send us an email with your
information and we will post your opening in our E-Blasts.
As of the Summer 2013 Quarterly, I-ACT has gone
“green.” Your quarterly will be emailed to you.
If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via regular mail,
you MUST let us know so we can put you on a list.
Just send us an email: [email protected]
and let us know you want/need your future quarterlies via mail.
By receiving an email version of the Quarterly,
you help the Association be cost effective and good stewards of the
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT sends out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and
other important issues. If you are not receiving these E-Blasts, please
email the I-ACT Office and give your current e-mail address. We will
immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list.
Members Only Section of the I-ACT Web Site
If you have not been to our web site, please go to Go to the members only
section - contact the office for your Members Only password. In that location, you can
find the I-ACT Member Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on
our E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast
list to ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site.
Dear Members,
As I write this letter to you during the holiday season,
I am enjoying the pleasure of my family and friends.
Sitting on my deck at Gig Harbor, and looking out
across the bay at Mt. Ranier. It is just a beautiful and
relaxing site that lets me reflect and give thanks and
appreciation for all we have and all we received in
As many of you remember from the Fall 2015
Quarterly, one of my Goals for our Profession and for
our Association is to increase the levels of education.
This effort becomes even more important as we
work with legislative bodies to develop legislation
to help protect our members. During the Convention
in Nashville, the Education Committee reviewed
some suggestions to our Education program. These
suggestions will result in increasing the number of
hours for certification, etc. In this quarterly, I have
placed a letter from the Education Committee to the
Instructors asking for their input on these suggested
changes. I also welcome your ideas, so please review
the letter and the suggested changes starting on page
12 of this quarterly. Send your comments to the office
no later than February 15, 2016.
The plan is to formalize the suggested changes,
and bring these final suggestions to the Instructors
and schools at the 2016 Convention and then to
let the members know what is being planned. The
implementation of these suggestions will probably
take place during the 2017 Convention.
If you know anyone that is seeking to get to the next
level of certification, then I suggest you let them know
they need to do this as soon as they can so they fall
under the current system, and not the new system.
Another one of my Goals is to increase the size of
our Association. We’ve learned there is strength in
numbers, so we need to expand our membership base.
All of us know of colon hydrotherapists that are not
members of our Association. Become pro-active
and help these individuals understand the value of
becoming an I-ACT member. If each of you would
just bring one individual into the Association, then we
would double the number of members in a very short
period of time.
When we talk with the
Legislative bodies, they are
impressed with large numbers.
5000 members make a bigger
impact than 2000 members and
20,000 would have an even
greater impact.
Let us make 2016 the year of
the Membership Challenge. I
challenge each of you to do
your part. Find one individual that you can bring
into our Association. Are you ready to accept the
challenge? We will see how we are doing when we
get to our 2016 Convention in St. Petersburg, FL.
Speaking of our 2016 Convention, your Board is
working hard to bring you a superb selection of
speakers. Look at the centerfold pages to see a few
of these speakers.
The Hilton at St. Petersburg is a fabulous hotel that is
perfect for our Convention. It is easy to get into the
Tampa airport and there is a Super Shuttle that will
get you to the Hotel.
The office staff will help you set up a payment plan
to make your registration simple on the pocket book.
When you attend a Convention, you realize that
you are not out there “all alone”. There are many
other ‘like-minded’ individuals that can help you get
rejuvenated and ready to return to your office and
continue the important work that we all do each and
every day.
As we prepare for 2016, I hope you were able to take
time for yourself over the holiday season, and I hope
your holiday was full of all of the joy this season
brings. Knowing how hard you all work to help
others, I know it is also important that you remember,
to take care of yourself. You are important to us and
you are valued.
I wish you a prosperous and health-filled New Year.
I know I speak for everyone on your Board, we are
here to help you and to serve you.
Russell Kolbo, DC, ND
I-ACT President
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
National Board for Colon HydroTherapy
11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216
Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999
From The Desk Of: Belinda Massey, RN NBCHT President
Professional liability insurance.
Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current
member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office (210-366-2888)
for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from
the web site.
Doctors’ Insurance Agency also writes professional liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists. Email them at: info@ They are located at 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 170, Novato, CA 94949. Phone 415-506-3030.
To: All Members of NBCHT
Another company, CM&F may write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists (they have dropped numerous
therapists, but some are getting insurance. - call 800-221-4904, or go online to It will be listed as
“Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it
is not required - this depends on the underwriter of the insurance.
We hope this letter finds you and yours in the best of health and ready to start a New Year.
In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance
Brokers at 01684 893006.
As you read Russell’s letter, you can see how important it is for us to work together to support the legislative
efforts and to grow our association numbers. Legislative bodies of our states want to know that our profession
is safe and our members are capable of working on the public in a safe manner. The best way to show this is
through the NBCHT Certification Examination. The NBCHT Certification Exam is designed to show that an
individual has enough knowledge to perform colon hydrotherapy safely on the public.
In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk
Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 •
Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you
hear of anything let us know.
This exam is used by the only state in the US that licenses colon hydrotherapists, and that state is Florida. The
exam is also recognized in CT and CO. The NBCHT has a policy to make this exam available to any state
that is seeking legislation to help speed up the process and support the effort. In addition, the National Board
exam is “legally defensible in the event of a judicial action against a colon hydrotherapist”. This is a very
important point that cannot be over emphasized.
As an NBCHT member, you can take the new NBCHT exam for only $200.00. We hope you all understand that
as a practicing Colon Hydrotherapist, you should be able to pass the New NBCHT exam.
Have faith in yourselves and believe you know what you are doing, then register and take the new exam.
“Are YOU a
There is a big difference between being NBCHT Certified and being NBCHT Credentialed. Only those that
have taken the new exam can say they are NBCHT Credentialed.
W can help grow the NBCHT by getting others to step up and take the NBCHT Exam. Talk to your friends and
let them know the importance of getting this credential.
By Bill Tiller, ND.
Example of How a Colonic Session
Softens Feces and Cleans the Colon
Thank you for doing your part to help us grow our Association and our Profession.
Belinda Massey
NBCHT President
 Announcing 
Colon Hydrotherapy
Questions & Answers
Promotes Your Industry
 The book that educates clients to the importance of
Digestive Tract Care
 See an increase in the number of new patients
 Pricing $1.50 per book.
 Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more
Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Please adjust to correct size as needed.
I-ACT Patch for Sale
Brenda Watson’s 4 Tips to Light Up 2016!
Let people know you are proud to be an I-ACT member.
So now the decadent celebrations are behind us and it’s time to recommit to our healthy selves. However,
there may be some leftovers in the fridge, and also those delicious gifts you may have received may still be
close by! If the gifts were well-sealed, re-gifting may be an option. Donation is a good idea too. Okay, I’m
Place an I-ACT patch on your scrubs or jackets.
1 for $6.00
I was devilishly curious, and decided to search “Favorite New Year’s Foods” on the internet. Whew! I
felt bloated just reading the ideas! Between the Lobster Mac and Cheese and the Peanut Butter Parfait
(peanut butter, banana and bacon with waffle cookies – aptly labeled ‘Year-End Splurge’) not to mention
the various New Year’s liquid libations – all I can say is WOW!
2 for $10.00
Limited Quantities, so order early!!!
If your holiday season included any of these type of foods or drink, your digestion and overall health may
be on a downslide about now. Not only that, but with so many people out and around, you’re more likely
to be exposed to winter-time bugs that could land you on the couch with a cold or the flu. And it may have
been, and might continue to be, difficult to pull off eight hours of sleep each night. After all, it’s time to get
back to “real” life. The holidays many times take a toll, even as we love them so much.
Call I-ACT Office
People are loving this Cookbook! Get
yours before they are all gone!
I’d like to suggest some crucial supplements to light up your health in 2016. If you’re not already
including these in your daily routine, visit your local health food or vitamin store to get the following
today. Your body will thank you.
Get Your Copy of the
The Only I-ACT Cookbook
call 210.366.2888 to order
$20 + Shipping
FOR SALE- $4,599 (obo)
(price dropped)
Email serious inquiries to:
[email protected]
(562) 553-2383 call Alicia
Wonderful support by Customer service
Super easy to order supplies!
Ready to install and use!
(restored system, approximate built 2009)
(no prescription needed)
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
“If you are purchasing a used device, please ensure that it has been maintained according to
manufacturer guideines and is fully functional prior to purchasing the device.”
Digestive Enzymes
Let’s start by giving your digestive system some help breaking down those higher quality foods I’m sure
you’ll be choosing now. Even good foods need the help of enzymes to release and absorb the nutrients
within! Why end up with a stomachache when you can plan ahead by taking digestive enzymes with every
meal and snack? Look for an enzyme formula that has: Protease for protein digestion, Lipase for fat
digestion and Amylase for carbohydrate digestion. Take with or immediately after your meals to help you
digest better during your days ahead.
Up to 80 percent of your immune system is in your gut. That one fact still fascinates me to this day—and
I’ve been saying it for years! The 100 trillion bacteria in your digestive system play a vital role on your
immune health. Eating a diet high in starchy carbohydrates and sugar—the epitome of what might have
been your holiday fare—throws off the balance of bacteria in your gut. Taking a high-potency multistrain
probiotic every day will help to keep your gut in balance and your immune system in check.
Constipation Control
If you tend toward constipation, especially when your diet is less than stellar, arm yourself with an
effective constipation formula. Look for a product that contains magnesium hydroxide, which acts as
a stool softener that will gently, yet effectively, help to improve your bowel movements. If you are not
experiencing at least one healthy bowel movement per day (and by healthy I mean well-formed and
at least one and a half feet long), then you need to do something about it. A good constipation formula
without harsh stimulant herbs is your best bet to get your digestion moving regularly in the first place.
Sleep Help
If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, your body and mind could be suffering. Adequate sleep
is essential for you to perform at your best and make those new year’s resolutions your reality. If you
can’t seem to settle in without tossing and turning each night, a sleep formula may help you. Look for a
formula that contains L-theanine, 5-HTP, and melatonin, three ingredients that will help you rest easy as
you make ready for this New Year.
I wish you good health and happiness as we say “Hello” and “Welcome” to 2016 together!
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Three Steps to Your Ultimate Marketing Message
Cathy Windland, Marketing & Social Media Committee Chair
Have you created your core marketing message? When it comes to messaging, people think they have to come up
with the next “just do it” slogan or campaign. Yet messaging is really all about telling clients – potential and existing
– who you are and what you stand for.
Messaging is not about having a catchy slogan or play on words that uses your business name or the service. (If
that comes about organically, great. If not, don’t sweat the small stuff!) Meaningless phrases like “we do it right” or
“quality service you can trust” do not really say anything about you or your business. In fact, these statements are
things that most businesses can say, and realistically they are basic expectations on the part of the customer. Would
you want to go to a business that didn’t do it right or didn’t offer quality service?
A core marketing message clearly and concisely communicates what you do and for whom. It’s a message that will
speak to your ideal audience and get them to respond and seek more information. That is the basic principle of
marketing; simple and to the point.
Unfortunately, many small business owners and professional service providers never take the time to create their
messaging. Instead, they spent all kinds of time trying to come up with the next great marketing campaign that will
make them rich, spending countless hours and money to constantly create and try new ideas. New ideas are good
and bring new life to things, but businesses do not always have to have something new every time they go out with a
In order to create the ultimate core marketing message, you need to focus. Communicate directly and powerfully to
your clients and prospective clients what it is they will get from using your services.
Here are three steps to creating your own ultimate messaging:
1. Who do you want to help? Be clear as to who your target market is. Define with as much clarity as possible
who your ideal client is. Take a look at existing clients to see if there are any similarities in demographics
(age, sex, occupation, income levels, education, etc.) or psychographics (lifestyle, interests, hobbies, etc.).
The more you can drill down to your ideal client, the better you can target your message to really speak to
them. If it is not obvious who your message is for, why would you expect anyone to get it?
2. What is the primary reason (problem, issue or challenge) you would like to help someone in this target audience solve? This is the heart of your messaging. When people have problems, they want solutions so they
look for someone who can address them. When you can clearly articulate a problem a client is dealing with,
they will listen because you may be the answer to their needs.
3. What is the ultimate result you would like to help your target market produce? People want to know what
they will get from knowing or working with you. Be prepared to demonstrate your focus on delivering an
outcome they would be interested in. When you can do this, they will pay attention.
It really is that easy. Focus on what you do best and for whom. Boil that down to two clear, concise sentences that
you can deliver with enthusiasm and passion on a consistent basis. Then start using that message in all you say and
do from a marketing perspective, both verbally and in writing.
Let go of the catchy slogans. Stop trying to hit a home run with new ideas. Create your ultimate messaging and
start using it right now.
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Unique Turn-­‐Key Business Opportunity for I-­‐ACT Members AWARD
Tiffany Jablonski, Chair
Purchase, Rent or Lease We LOVE giving AWARDS at the Presidential Awards Ceremony!
It is that time again that we get to acknowledge our members that are doing
GREAT! Please nominate your favorite member for one of the following awards:
Large 4 bedroom home for sale or rent that includes well-established colon hydrotherapy and wellness/massage business on
premise, which has been owned and operated for 20 years by an I-ACT instructor. Conveniently situated in northern New
Jersey, 50 minutes from New York City. Google Map: 354 Dover
Milton Road, Oak Ridge, NJ 07438.
*Colon Therapist of the Year Award
This award can be given to your fellow Colon Hydrotherapist! Who do you know that
exemplifies I-ACT and our profession?
The Colon Therapist of the Year Award shall be awarded on the basis of:
Current Membership in IACT in good standing
Member of I-ACT minimum 1 year
Outstanding service to the profession and IACT, with emphasis on the immediate year
Community service record
Particular services to the State of Nation
House Features Include:
Private first floor bedroom suite including an office, sunroom
and suite full bath
Open concept Great Room/dining area/kitchen perfect for
workshops or wellness consulting; living room
First floor full bathroom
Upstairs features 3 bedrooms and one full bath
Property includes an 20x40 in-ground pool
Located next to a beautiful golf course in a beautiful
*Educator of the Year Award
Graduates and Students! Let your voices be heard by nominating your instructor! Let them know how you
appreciate their dedication to teaching you and helping you excel!
The Educator of the Year Award shall be awarded on the basis of:
Current member in good standing, and a I-ACT Certified Instructor
Member for 4 years
Unselfish dedication to the advancement of Colon Therapy through Education
Business Features Include:
2 open systems: 2 private rooms comfortably appointed
1 closed system: portable
Purchase Price: $430,000 (house & business)
Monthly Rental/Lease: $2900
(includes house, use of equipment and facilities and will include lawn care and pool
*Connie Allred Founders Award
This award was created to acknowledge people that are a service to our industry. Unlike the other awards, this
award can be granted to people outside of I-ACT as well as our members.
Individualized terms and fees may be negotiated for business training or ongoing
consulting based on your experience and need. Creative potential for retreats or
complementary services. Unlimited earning potential. Perfect for a family or business or both!
For more information contact: or call Rosemary at 973-349-4142.
The Connie Allred Award shall be awarded on the basis of:
If a member: Current Membership in I-ACT in good standing and has been a member of I-ACT minimum 1 year
Outstanding service to the profession and I-ACT, with emphasis on the immediate year
Award could be awarded for the following reasons, but not limited to such:
Served as a source of inspiration and encouragement to others by exemplifying the highest standards of excellence and integrity in his/her work
Raising visibility, awareness, and appreciation of profession, or association at large.
Community service record
Particular services to the State of Nation
Additionally, the President’s Award will be given. Our leader chooses this award every year for someone’s
outstanding service!
To nominate a valuable person, contact the I-ACT office, or me to obtain a nomination form. All nominations will
be vetted and voted on by the I-ACT Board and the lucky winners will be appreciated for what they do!
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Cleansing :
A Garden
by Julian Devoe
A useful metaphor for us to consider when it comes to
cleansing is that of a garden. We have our plot that
needs to be tended to. Some things need to be planted,
other things need to be weeded and of course we must
water. So, what seeds are we planting? What weeds
are we pulling? How often are we watering?
Many cleanses focus on elimination, i.e. the weeds.
If we spend all our time weeding, gardening can be
a drag. It is an important part of the process and
a healthy garden has very few weeds. What are
the things in our diet and in our life that need to be
removed? Perhaps it is too much sugar or dairy
consumption, a cluttered house or maybe it is a certain
relationship that limits our potential to flower. The process of weeding can bring up fear and
anxiety. This psycho/spiritual component to cleansing is perhaps the most important part. Pay
attention to your thoughts and feelings around what it is you may have to give up during a
Another major aspect of cleansing is the addition of healthy habits, i.e. planting seeds. Setting
goals, employing a health coach, and reading a book on nutrition are all seeds that will produce
beautiful flowers. What do you desire to plant? Perhaps it is drinking more water, enjoying a
bit of relaxation or exercising in the form of a walk. By switching our focus from weeds to seeds
we can cultivate a flowering beautiful space that allows for growth and abundance. By bringing
our attention to the positive aspects of our health pursuits, we can overcome any stress that
weeding might cause.
Lastly, what habits are we giving the most attention, i.e. watering. When it comes to watering,
we are always watering something. Whether it be our weeds or flowers, we develop habits of
cultivation. Mindful, empowered awareness can direct our pursuits to specific targeted areas.
Watering can bring us closer to what it is we actually want to be achieving during a cleanse.
Sit back and look at your garden. Take the time to assess where you are and where you want to
go. Start slowly and tend to one area at a time. By the end of the growing season, you’ll have
the garden you cultivated. Over time you will become a master garden knowing all the tricks
of the trade. As Voltaire wrote in his famous book Candide, “Let us cultivate our garden.” So,
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
EMAIL [email protected]
TOLL FREE (877) 759-1277
MOBILE (623) 640-4646
Leave inexpensive plastic fittings to
your gardener and step into the
medical field… with Aqua Cleanse
Stainless Steel fittings!
Internal Pre-warm Water Warming System
All Stainless Steel Flow-Path Fittings
3-Stage “Plug N Play” Push Button Filter System
Precision Stainless Steel Flow Control
Stainless Steel Waste Hose Coupler
Water-Proof LED Lighting System
Glass Observation Tube
3 Year Warranty
50’ ROLL
100’ ROLL
500’ ROLL
5.5” PRE-CUT .22
Facing Your Fears as an Entrepreneur
Fear is a huge issue that can prevent people
from becoming successful entrepreneurs. The
first step to dealing with your fears is not to
be in denial. Recognize that you may have
fears even if you don’t readily acknowledge them. Here are some of the techniques for managing
your concerns that we’ve observed in successful business owners:
Think about what you DO want in your business and in your life. When you find your mind spinning
over and again about some worst-case scenario, turn it around and focus on what you DO want.
Visualize yourself getting where you want to be. See the new house or boat or car or family vacation.
See yourself talking to the interested person as they become a part of your business. You’ll find that
you get what you focus on.
Share concerns with a trusted friend or associate. Hopefully you have been able to find some level
of support from at least one other entrepreneur, and ideally, you have a significant other that
supports you. If not, then work to develop a support network from your team, business peers or
other professionals that you can talk to confidentially. One caution: don’t seek support from negative
people or those who doubted you and told you it was crazy to start your own business - they will
never understand what you’re going though and may even reinforce your concerns.
Build a personal development library. Create a library filled not just with how-to resources, but also
stories of others who conquered their fears.
Go ahead and do it – whatever “it” is. Sometimes just making the smallest step will help get you
going enough that the fear of not doing something can go away. Examples could be dealing with a
difficult customer, making some sales calls or even working hard to finish a project. Just starting it
can create enough momentum to see it through.
Visualize the result, but make taking action the emphasis. Note that the subtle difference here. Of
course you want the result, but maybe that’s not in your complete control. Visualize the result, but
stay focused on consistent action. Roadblocks will inevitably occur and you’ll need to make changes
and take other steps to achieve your objectives. Remember, only by taking action will you be able to
reach your goals.
Never, ever quit. Don’t even use that “q” word. The biggest reason that businesses don’t succeed is
lack of persistence. Often, just staying the course and working smart and hard can enable you to
push through your challenges. You’re not beaten, you are moving ahead!
Call today… let us introduce you to one of our pre-qualified training centers in schools across the country.
CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or licensed healthcare
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
About Paul Clough – One of the founders of Fresnel Partners, Paul works with business owners to
help them realize their objectives. He applies over 30 years of experience across several industries
in finance, marketing and operational leadership positions to improve the sales, operations and
profitability of his clients. Contact him at [email protected] .
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
December 10, 2015
Central Mountain Regional Meetings
Sunday, February 7, 2016 (10AM - 4PM)
The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) needs your assistance in our
fundraising efforts. Will you help?
Guest speaker - Madeline Angelus “Energy Medicine”
Advanced Colonic Techniques School and Clinic
1750 30th Street #35
Boulder, CO 80301
I-ACT is the premier professional organization for colon hydrotherapy in the world, focusing
on education, certification and maintenance of professional standards and ethics of colon
hydrotherapists. I-ACT was established in 1989 and has served its membership and the
industry for more than 26 years. We have trained and certified therapists and certified schools/
instructors worldwide.
Sunday, March 13, 2016 (10AM - 4PM)
1118 Manitou Ave.
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
As a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization, we raise funds to pursue legislative actions to gain
licensing and certification advantages for the practice of colon hydrotherapy by trained
professionals. Such legislative activities will help ensure public safety and access to colon
hydrotherapy as provided by appropriately trained colon hydrotherapists who are using FDA
registered equipment.
More information
James Allred (303) 325-6718
[email protected]
Please come with an open mind and cheerful attitude with a willingness to share and learn,
and questions you would like to ask and stories to tell.
Please bring or buy your own lunch.
Foods to Have on Hand for the “winter blues”
If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder, you may not feel like running to the store. This can
work for you if you keep fairly healthful commodities in the pantry. Some suggestions:
Oatmeal (original, not desserty)
Egg whites for omelets
Peanut butter
Prewashed veggies
Whole grain crackers and bread
Deli turkey
Cottage cheese
Forget the candlelight. In winter, dinner calls for 300 watts, hold the shade!
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Ways that you can help:
• A monetary donation to our legislative fund.
• Donation of product(s) to our silent auction held each June at our annual convention.
• Sponsorship: Join our professional community. Your company will have exposure to
our membership with your name listed on the sponsorship page of the I-ACT web site as well as
inclusion in applicable member email messages and publications.
We value the contributions your company makes to wellness, and look forward to having you
join our cause to gain professional recognition for colon hydrotherapy everywhere.
Your support of our legislative efforts will help bring colon hydrotherapy to the forefront of
public awareness.
Please contact the I-ACT office at (210) 366-2888 or via email at [email protected] if you
have any questions.
Thank you for your consideration.
Warm regards,
Gail Marie
Source: WebMD
Gail Marie Palms
Fund Raising Chair
I-ACT Board Member
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
NEW ENGLAND/NEW YORK -- New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine
Barbara Chivvis
516-383-9505 email:[email protected]
NORTH EAST -- Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., West
Rose Mary Polhemus973-697-3530
email:[email protected]
Open Position
Open Position
MID ATLANTIC -- Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina
Darlene Holloway 919-380-0023
email [email protected]
Lisette Timmermans
Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon
Hydrotherapy Education
Oosteinde 179, 2611 VD Delft, Netherlands
Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 email: [email protected]
Open Position
SOUTH EAST -- Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Florida
Open Position
FLORIDA -- Florida
Naima Reynolds 305-490-5850
email:[email protected]
SOUTH CENTRAL -- Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico
Debra Christian 903-593-4025 [email protected]
NORTH MID WEST -- Wisconsin, Minnesota, N Dakota, S Dakota
Kristin Burich 651-490-3347
[email protected]
MID WEST -- Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas
Grace Melby 815-648-4544 [email protected]
Open Position for Rep to co-host with Grace
NORTH WEST -- Washinton, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
Russell Kolbo, DC, ND 253-853-8853 [email protected]
CENTRAL MOUNTAIN -- Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska
James Allred
[email protected]
CALIFORNIA/SOUTH WEST -- California, South Nevada, Arizona
Suzanne Childre’
310-576-6360 email [email protected]
France Robert
email [email protected]
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Michelle King
Gum Tree Retreat
3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460
612-6649-4464 email: [email protected]
NORTH CENTRAL -- Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky
MID SOUTH -- Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi
HAWAII -- Hawaiian Islands
Russell Kolbo, DC, ND
[email protected]
Katherine Labonte
Dharma Spirit Holistic Health
67 Gleneagles Terrace
Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada
Phone 403-981-3334
email: [email protected]
Jennifer Blaufox
The Holistic Therapeutic Center & International Colonic Institute
125 Molynes Rd.
Kingston, 20
Jamaica West Indies
Phone 876-969-6124
email: [email protected]
Open Position
Marlin and Richard Armstrong
Heavenly Spa
Cloud 9, Potterspury House 3 Poundfield Rd., Potterspury, Towcester
NN127QL United Kingdom
Phone: 01-9080804804
email: [email protected]
If interested in becoming a Regional Representative in
any of the open areas, please contact the I-ACT office
or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application.
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
To: The following is a paid advertisement from Transcom SL
I-ACT Instructors & Schools
Subject: Information for All Instructors and Schools
Dishonest Release from Reviva New LLC
about rectal speculums classification
may get colon hydrotherapist at risk.
Rectal Speculum Classification
In the beginning of 2014, RevivaNew received a letter from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA
stating that they believed we must reclassify our product as Class II based on the reasoning, “If the
product is used for colonic irrigation with a colonic device, then it is considered class II." This not only
As we prepare for 2016, it is time to renew your Instructor and School certification. Your invoice is attached.
affect us, but all of those registered under medical devices used for colonic irrigation.
comply. We have completed everything we have been asked to and are waiting for the final
approval from the FDA at this time. There is nothing that would make our products non
Each School/Instructor is reminded that you must attend the Mandatory School/Instructor meeting at the 2016
Convention. You can save money on Convention Registration if you register early. The mandatory meeting for
all instructors and schools is on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 (2:00PM - 5:00PM) at the St. Petersburg, FL Hilton.
As you know, Schools must attend this meeting every year and Instructors must attend once every two years. If
you did not attend the 2015 Convention you MUST attend this year. Schools/Instructors are only excused for
the most dire of circumstances.
If you don't/can't make the mandatory meeting, you must complete one of the Options that the I-ACT Board has
approved, or you will be placed on Provisional Instructor status and may not train students. The options are to
take the online Webinar; or to purchase the DVD of the Mandatory School / Instructor meeting, complete the
exam, and write an essay of 2000 words on the meeting.
IMPORTANT: For the past two years, the Education Committee has been soliciting inputs on modifications
of the Level 1, 2, 3, & 4 levels of Syllabi. These suggested changes were discussed at the 2015 Mandatory
School/Instructor Meeting. We have placed the list of recommended changes to the four levels of syllabi in the
attachment to this letter. Please review the recommendations and send any concerns or suggestions to the
I-ACT office no later than February 15, 2016. Your input is appreciated.
If you need additional assistance or have any questions, please call the home office (210) 366-2888. We are
there for you.
Have a great day.
conforming and we are certainly allowed to continue to sell our outstanding products.
Again, all Colon Therapy Supply sellers are affected by this and we are in process for approval.
In addition, the facility that manufactures, boxes, and ships our products already meets and exceeds
the required FDA and ISO standards.
We have a reputation that is built upon DFLSS (Design For Lean Six Sigma) designing high quality
and lean manufacturing into the processes at the very first stage of the design cycle.
Does reclassification truly make a product “safer”? All it means is that there is a new set of checks
and balances required for these product as far as product labeling and lot control system as
We apologize for any unnecessary concern this may have raised and thank you for your continued
On the web site of Reviva New Llc., Amy Sanders, the Vice president of the company, published
the review in the section of FAQ trying to confuse the legality principles of the rectal speculums classification.
1. First she says she is in process of getting the Class II as FDA requires to any closed system such as Dotolo, Specialty
Health, Transcom…
Amy informs that they are waiting for the final approval and in the meantime she is allowed to sell the kits. THIS
FDA clearly states that it is totally forbidden to sell products while they are in the process of classification.
2. Amy also mentions in the release that all colon therapy supply sellers are affected by this. THIS ARGUMENT IS TOTALLY
FALSE as Dotolo, Specialty Health, Transcom… have always been working under FDA regulations as Class II
Classification. Reviva New LLC is the only company which doesn't follow these regulations selling enema kit for Class II
closed system.
3. Amy also tries to confuse about having the ISO when FDA doesn't care about this for the classification. What you really
need for the Class II classification is to submit a 510K which Reviva New LLC doesn't have.
4. The other thing you can find in this release, which is absolutely amazing, is that Amy doubts the validity of FDA
classification. She questions that FDA classification makes the products safer.
In order to get FDA Class II classification, manufacturers must go through strict 510K procedures passing through
laboratory tests on the toxicity, hypersensivity, intracutaneous reactivity, etc., which costs the manufacturers a fortune.
It is not just a question of labeling and LOT control system as Amy reports. Of course with this release me as a therapist and all
my colleagues that love this profession and put all their heart into it can get confused putting their profession at risk because
Russell Kolbo
1. If one day we have a problem using a Class I enema kits with a Class II device, our Liability insurance won't cover us.
Russell Kolbo, DC, ND
I-ACT Education Committee Chairperson
I-ACT President
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Rectal Speculum Classification
Conditions of Use
Privacy Policy
Dear Schools and Instructors,
2. If we have FDA inspection in our facilities we will surely get in risk for not following FDA regulations.
Finally the most offensive part of this release is that Amy Sanders is the President and Founder of GPACT Association for
Colonic Hydrotherapy, that means she has to inform us about protocols and standards in Colonic Hydrotherapy industry in the
best way and not to confuse us with this release.
Rosa Alvarez, Transcom SL Rep
Ph. 760 340-0720
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
(From the Education Committee for consideration and discussion only)
Criteria for New instructors or instructors not teaching
Limit to teach foundation level only
Complete package no errors
Must teach a minimum of two full 100 hour courses at own facility or different school.
School Training Requirements
Colon Hydrotherapy
Highest Quality in Safety & Sanitation!
Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. 10911 West Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78213 210 308.8888
FDA (class II) Colon Irrigation Systems, are prescription medical devices and are intended for use for colon cleansing,
When medically indicated, such as before radiologic or endoscopic examinations, as identified in 21 C.F.R. 876.5220
Copyright © 1994-2016
New Devices meet most Electrical Standards for Medical Offices & Hospitals!
Ask us about Trade Ins with Great Discounts & Free Training!
Enroll Now Before New Prerequisites are Required!
Complete your LIBBE and I-ACT Certification Course in Beautiful San Antonio, TX.
email: [email protected]
Office: 210 308-8888
(Course Includes: Anatomy & Physiology and CPR Certification Requirements)
Florida accepts our Training for Colon Hydrotherapy!
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
1. Each school / instructor will only train the students using FDA registered equipment, or equipment registered
with appropriate agency in the country in which the instructor / school resides.
a. This training must follow the guidelines of the equipment as published by the manufacturer.
b. All internship must be supervised by an Instructor, and be consistent with I-ACT Policy.
2. Each school / instructor will provide 100 hours of training must be done in the physical presence of the
Instructor at the location of the school or “brick and mortar” training facility used by the school or instructor.
Distance learning of any type may not be used in fulfilling the 100 hour requirement for I-ACT training. The 100
hour course may not be completed any faster than 10 days at the school or brick and mortar facility of the Instructor/
3. Each school / instructor will have an Enrollment Agreement/Contract of Training (the agreement/contract
your student signs that outlines the training they will receive from you or your school, the expectations that you have
for student attendance/participation/behavior while in school, and, your refund policy for your school in case the student does not conclude the training). Each student will receive a copy of this document.
4. Each school / instructor will provide the student with a certificate of completion for the classroom hours
taught in the course.
5. The school / instructor will also notify I-ACT of each student that completes their training. This documentation will be done through the I-ACT transcript and mailed to the I-ACT office within 14 calendar days. If a student
departs the class and does not complete training, the School/Instructor must document, on the transcript, the portion
of training that was completed and send that to the office within 14 days of the student’s departure from training.
6. The school / instructor will maintain student records (attendance, quiz scores, etc.) for an indefinite period of
7. Each school / instructor will use the I-ACT approved Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) pretest to ensure that
the student has the appropriate level of A&P knowledge to allow the student to have the opportunity to succeed in the
Foundation Level – Change Recommendations
Establish a 50 Hour Webinar (Prior to entering the 100 hour Classroom Training, each student must complete the I-ACT 50
hour webinar. The Student will provide the instructor a certificate of completion of the webinar prior to starting training.)
Foundation Level – Mandatory Webinar Recommendations
Business Ethics/Office Procedures Unit W01 (5 hours - Mandatory Webinar)
Section W01.1 - Introduction2
Section W01.2 - Regulations3-5
Section W01.3 - Career Paths6-7
Health & Sanitation
Unit W02 (5 hours - Mandatory Webinar)
Section W02.1 - Disease & Infection
Section W02.2 - Sanitizing13
Section W02.3 - Personal Hygiene
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
(From the Education Committee for consideration and discussion only)
Anatomy & Physiology
Unit W03 (40 hours - Mandatory Webinar)
Section W03.1 - (40 hours - Mandatory Webinar)
Digestive System15-18
Foundation Level – Classroom Recommendations (100 hour in class / min 10 days)
Business Ethics/Office Procedures
Unit 101 (5 hours - Classroom)
Section 101.1 - School Policies
Section 101.2 - Greet Client
Section 101.3 - Intake Form
Section 101.4 - Post Session Actions
Health & Sanitation
Unit 102 (5 hours - Classroom)
Section 102.1 - Device/Room Preparation
Section 102.1 - Post Session Sanitation/Disinfection
Complementary Modalities
Unit 105 (9.75 hours)
Section 105.1 - Alternative Therapies28
Unit 106 (55 hours)
Section 106.1 - Internship/apprenticeship
15 Minute Presentation
Unit 107 (0.25 hours)
Section 107.1 - 15 Min Presentation
Foundation Level Recommendations – For those colon hydrotherapists with previous experience
Changes the 8 Hour Course to a 16 Hour Course
- Proof the individual has been in the profession of Colon Hydrotherapy for more than one year
-- Must be by a document that can be verified in a court of law...
--- ie. W-2, 1099, W-9 - showing a year experience as a CHT.
--- sales receipt of purchase of a CHT device or CHT supplies
--- Certificate of training (with date and signature)
--- Statement by Employer is not acceptable
- Document 100 colon hydrotherapy sessions in the preceding year.
-- Must be by log or daily schedule
- Show proof of High School Diploma or equivalency exam such as the Wunderlich Ability Test.
- Show proof that they have taken a CPR class and have a current CPR card.
- MUST have completed a post Secondary (or higher) Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) Course of at least 3 Credit
Hours (30 class room hours) from a license institution or from an institution or course on the I-ACT recognized list
posted on the I-ACT website (
- MUST complete the 50 hour I-ACT Webinar prior to entering the 16 hour course.
Foundation Level Recommendations – 16 Hour Course
They must attend an I-ACT approved 16 hour class that includes:
- A review of Anatomy & Physiology of the Digestive System (See Unit 103) (5 hours)
- They must be familiar with I-ACT Policies, Procedures and Guidelines (4 hours).
- They must be familiar with contraindications specific to the type of FDA registered equipment being used
(2 hours).
- They must give 3 colonics. (recommend that one be given to the instructor) (3.75 hours).
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
(From the Education Committee for consideration and discussion only)
Instructor Level Recommendations
1. Change instructors to different levels identifying the Course of instruction that they may teach and whether they are
actively teaching or not.
Establish four levels of Instructors
- Foundation Level Instructor
— This is the first level of instructor that the individual achieves after completing the Instructor training at
the convention.
— this instructor must teach 5 individuals at the Foundation level
— must submit paperwork that is accurate and complete
- Intermediate Level Instructor
— This instructor may train at the Foundation and Intermediate levels of training.
—This instructor must train 5 individuals at the Intermediate level to move forward
— must submit paperwork that is accurate and complete
- Advanced Level Instructor
— This instructor may train at the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels of training.
—This instructor must train 3 individuals at the Advanced level to move forward
— must submit paperwork that is accurate and complete
- Instructor Level Instructor
— This instructor may train at the Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced and Instructor levels of training.
Instructor Level Recommendations Proposed waiver options for assisting instructors in moving to higher levels of instruction.
An instructor may submit a request to move to the next level of instruction to the Senior Education Committee.
Waivers may be approved for:
- Lower number of students that have been trained (as long as the instructor has complied with all training
requirements for the students that have been trained, all paperwork must be complete and accurate).
- A Foundation level instructor may petition the Senior Education Committee to train Intermediate level students by presenting a Level 2 training (one hour) at the convention.
- An Intermediate level instructor may petition the Senior Education Committee to train Advanced level students by presenting a Level 3 training (one hour) at the convention.
Instructor Quality Control
Any instructor that submits 3 student files that have errors in one calendar year will be rolled back to Foundation
Level Instructor and must work their way back to the Instructor Level Instructor.
If an instructor continues to send in documents that have errors or falls to comply with guidelines will be rolled to
Provisional Instructor. This individual must receive additional training from an Instructor Level Instructor as determined by the Senior Education Committee and approved by the I-ACT Board. The individual may not train
Identify the difference between an active Instructor and an instructor that is inactive (not training)
The office will set up a list of active instructors tied to each level or training.
- For the Foundation Level training, there will be a link to Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced and
Instructor Level Instructors that are actively training
The students will be able to see those instructors that may train them at the foundation level and know that
these instructors are actively teaching classes.
Lists for each level of training will be established
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
(From the Education Committee for consideration and discussion only)
High Potency, Targeted Probiotics from The Digestive Care Experts
A Full Range to Meet All Your Clients’ Needs
With Advanced Naturals™, you can be assured that your clients are getting a high-potency probiotic formula that meets their
individual needs.* From lower potencies starting at 8 billion cultures for everyday digestive and immune support, to higher
potencies up to 200 billion cultures to help prevent occasional digestive upsets and restore a balanced intestinal environment,
you can trust our professional line of multi-strain probiotics to help your clients feel better.*
✔ High Bifido and
Lacto formulas
in convenient
blister packs
stick packs
✔ Potent multi-strain
probiotic blends
✔ Targeted-release
✔ Guaranteed potency
through expiration
8 billion
200 billion live cultures
1-800-690-9988 Linda x265, Olga x276 or Eva x280
Visit to see our entire line.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Are you tired of giving so
much, and making so little?
Learn how to make plenty of money doing what you
love, without feeling guilty or working too much.
Get Your Free Report and Join our Community at
You are worthy, and the world needs you to shine.
Wealthy Women Healers
- They must give a 15 minute presentation on how to talk to a new client on the digestive tract demonstrating
their understanding and knowledge of the digestive system so that they will communicate relevant knowledge to a client effectively (1/4 hr).
- They must take an I-ACT policy & procedure exam (the I-ACT Level 1 Exam) (1 hour).
-- The Foundation Level exam (Level 1 exam) is given at the end of the training.
Intermediate Level Recommendations
Committee approved the following changes:
- The time frame between level 1 & 2 be increased to 1 year minimum (after completing Level 1 certification
-- Only exceptions are Licensed HealthCare Providers (MD, DO, PA, RN, LAc, ND, Etc) - Does not mean
Licensed Massage Therapists, Estheticians, Reiki masters, etc.
- Show proof of administering 100 CHT sessions.
- Attend mandatory 2 hour webinar on I-ACT Standard Office Procedures - put on by the office before starting the
Classroom course
- Must attend a 50 hour course of training – 26 hours may be by Webinar and 24 hours (3 days) must be provided in
the classroom of an I-ACT Instructor or I-ACT School.
- The Level 2 exam may only be offered after the 50 hour course is completed.
Advanced Level Recommendations
Mandatory Classroom time of 50 hours (26 via webinar and 24 in the actual “brick and mortar” classroom..
- The time frame between level 2 & 3 remain 1 year minimum (after completing Level 2 certification requirements).
-- Only exceptions are Licensed HealthCare Providers (MD, DO, PA, RN, LAc, ND, Etc) -Does not mean
Licensed Massage Therapists, Estheticians, Reiki masters, etc.
- Attend a minimum of one I-ACT Convention before starting the Classroom course
- Must attend a 50 hour course of training provided in the classroom and via webinar by an I-ACT Instructor or
I-ACT School.
- The Level 3 exam may only be offered after the 50 hour course is completed.
- Must be able to document that 100 colon hydrotherapy sessions have been performed since completion of the
Intermediate level of certification.
Advanced Syllabi of Instruction:
Anatomy & Physiology (advanced)
Unit 301 (50 hours)
Section 301.1 - Advanced A&P (40 hrs)
Section 301.2 - Precautions to Colon Hydrotherapy (10 hrs)
Instructor Level Recommendations
Implement a Minimum of 1 year between completing level 3 certification and starting level 4 Training.
Proposed Waiver Option to the one year between certification at Level 3 and starting the Instructor Level.
An individual that has previous experience training adult learners may apply for a waiver to the one year time frame. The
waiver must be in writing through the Senior Education Committee. Criteria for approval might include:
- an individual that has had college level coursework in education may be exempted.
- an individual that has been trained as an instructor in the military may be exempted
- an individual that is a state certified instructor (ie. massage instructor, etc) may be exempted.
- individuals that are “company” approved instructors are not eligible for the waiver.
continued on page 19
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Tentative Speakers for 2016 I-ACT Convention
Margolis DDS
How lucky are I-ACT Members to have conventions in some of the most beautiful cities in the country?
If you haven’t already, remember to register for the 2016 Convention in St. Petersburg, FL.
We have a lot of fabulous speakers lined up for you, as well as other exciting things.
June 23 - 25, 2016
Hilton Bayfront
St. Petersburg, Florida
Call the office to register, or download form from website and fax to the office.
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Robert S
G.W. “Guy”
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Tentative Speakers for 2016 I-ACT Convention
Margolis DDS
How lucky are I-ACT Members to have conventions in some of the most beautiful cities in the country?
If you haven’t already, remember to register for the 2016 Convention in St. Petersburg, FL.
We have a lot of fabulous speakers lined up for you, as well as other exciting things.
June 23 - 25, 2016
Hilton Bayfront
St. Petersburg, Florida
Call the office to register, or download form from website and fax to the office.
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Robert S
G.W. “Guy”
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
(From the Education Committee for consideration and discussion only)
High Potency, Targeted Probiotics from The Digestive Care Experts
A Full Range to Meet All Your Clients’ Needs
With Advanced Naturals™, you can be assured that your clients are getting a high-potency probiotic formula that meets their
individual needs.* From lower potencies starting at 8 billion cultures for everyday digestive and immune support, to higher
potencies up to 200 billion cultures to help prevent occasional digestive upsets and restore a balanced intestinal environment,
you can trust our professional line of multi-strain probiotics to help your clients feel better.*
✔ High Bifido and
Lacto formulas
in convenient
blister packs
stick packs
✔ Potent multi-strain
probiotic blends
✔ Targeted-release
✔ Guaranteed potency
through expiration
8 billion
200 billion live cultures
1-800-690-9988 Linda x265, Olga x276 or Eva x280
Visit to see our entire line.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Are you tired of giving so
much, and making so little?
Learn how to make plenty of money doing what you
love, without feeling guilty or working too much.
Get Your Free Report and Join our Community at
You are worthy, and the world needs you to shine.
Wealthy Women Healers
- They must give a 15 minute presentation on how to talk to a new client on the digestive tract demonstrating
their understanding and knowledge of the digestive system so that they will communicate relevant knowledge to a client effectively (1/4 hr).
- They must take an I-ACT policy & procedure exam (the I-ACT Level 1 Exam) (1 hour).
-- The Foundation Level exam (Level 1 exam) is given at the end of the training.
Intermediate Level Recommendations
Committee approved the following changes:
- The time frame between level 1 & 2 be increased to 1 year minimum (after completing Level 1 certification
-- Only exceptions are Licensed HealthCare Providers (MD, DO, PA, RN, LAc, ND, Etc) - Does not mean
Licensed Massage Therapists, Estheticians, Reiki masters, etc.
- Show proof of administering 100 CHT sessions.
- Attend mandatory 2 hour webinar on I-ACT Standard Office Procedures - put on by the office before starting the
Classroom course
- Must attend a 50 hour course of training – 26 hours may be by Webinar and 24 hours (3 days) must be provided in
the classroom of an I-ACT Instructor or I-ACT School.
- The Level 2 exam may only be offered after the 50 hour course is completed.
Advanced Level Recommendations
Mandatory Classroom time of 50 hours (26 via webinar and 24 in the actual “brick and mortar” classroom..
- The time frame between level 2 & 3 remain 1 year minimum (after completing Level 2 certification requirements).
-- Only exceptions are Licensed HealthCare Providers (MD, DO, PA, RN, LAc, ND, Etc) -Does not mean
Licensed Massage Therapists, Estheticians, Reiki masters, etc.
- Attend a minimum of one I-ACT Convention before starting the Classroom course
- Must attend a 50 hour course of training provided in the classroom and via webinar by an I-ACT Instructor or
I-ACT School.
- The Level 3 exam may only be offered after the 50 hour course is completed.
- Must be able to document that 100 colon hydrotherapy sessions have been performed since completion of the
Intermediate level of certification.
Advanced Syllabi of Instruction:
Anatomy & Physiology (advanced)
Unit 301 (50 hours)
Section 301.1 - Advanced A&P (40 hrs)
Section 301.2 - Precautions to Colon Hydrotherapy (10 hrs)
Instructor Level Recommendations
Implement a Minimum of 1 year between completing level 3 certification and starting level 4 Training.
Proposed Waiver Option to the one year between certification at Level 3 and starting the Instructor Level.
An individual that has previous experience training adult learners may apply for a waiver to the one year time frame. The
waiver must be in writing through the Senior Education Committee. Criteria for approval might include:
- an individual that has had college level coursework in education may be exempted.
- an individual that has been trained as an instructor in the military may be exempted
- an individual that is a state certified instructor (ie. massage instructor, etc) may be exempted.
- individuals that are “company” approved instructors are not eligible for the waiver.
continued on page 19
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
(From the Education Committee for consideration and discussion only)
Anatomy & Physiology
Unit W03 (40 hours - Mandatory Webinar)
Section W03.1 - (40 hours - Mandatory Webinar)
Digestive System15-18
Foundation Level – Classroom Recommendations (100 hour in class / min 10 days)
Business Ethics/Office Procedures
Unit 101 (5 hours - Classroom)
Section 101.1 - School Policies
Section 101.2 - Greet Client
Section 101.3 - Intake Form
Section 101.4 - Post Session Actions
Health & Sanitation
Unit 102 (5 hours - Classroom)
Section 102.1 - Device/Room Preparation
Section 102.1 - Post Session Sanitation/Disinfection
Complementary Modalities
Unit 105 (9.75 hours)
Section 105.1 - Alternative Therapies28
Unit 106 (55 hours)
Section 106.1 - Internship/apprenticeship
15 Minute Presentation
Unit 107 (0.25 hours)
Section 107.1 - 15 Min Presentation
Foundation Level Recommendations – For those colon hydrotherapists with previous experience
Changes the 8 Hour Course to a 16 Hour Course
- Proof the individual has been in the profession of Colon Hydrotherapy for more than one year
-- Must be by a document that can be verified in a court of law...
--- ie. W-2, 1099, W-9 - showing a year experience as a CHT.
--- sales receipt of purchase of a CHT device or CHT supplies
--- Certificate of training (with date and signature)
--- Statement by Employer is not acceptable
- Document 100 colon hydrotherapy sessions in the preceding year.
-- Must be by log or daily schedule
- Show proof of High School Diploma or equivalency exam such as the Wunderlich Ability Test.
- Show proof that they have taken a CPR class and have a current CPR card.
- MUST have completed a post Secondary (or higher) Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) Course of at least 3 Credit
Hours (30 class room hours) from a license institution or from an institution or course on the I-ACT recognized list
posted on the I-ACT website (
- MUST complete the 50 hour I-ACT Webinar prior to entering the 16 hour course.
Foundation Level Recommendations – 16 Hour Course
They must attend an I-ACT approved 16 hour class that includes:
- A review of Anatomy & Physiology of the Digestive System (See Unit 103) (5 hours)
- They must be familiar with I-ACT Policies, Procedures and Guidelines (4 hours).
- They must be familiar with contraindications specific to the type of FDA registered equipment being used
(2 hours).
- They must give 3 colonics. (recommend that one be given to the instructor) (3.75 hours).
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
(From the Education Committee for consideration and discussion only)
Instructor Level Recommendations
1. Change instructors to different levels identifying the Course of instruction that they may teach and whether they are
actively teaching or not.
Establish four levels of Instructors
- Foundation Level Instructor
— This is the first level of instructor that the individual achieves after completing the Instructor training at
the convention.
— this instructor must teach 5 individuals at the Foundation level
— must submit paperwork that is accurate and complete
- Intermediate Level Instructor
— This instructor may train at the Foundation and Intermediate levels of training.
—This instructor must train 5 individuals at the Intermediate level to move forward
— must submit paperwork that is accurate and complete
- Advanced Level Instructor
— This instructor may train at the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels of training.
—This instructor must train 3 individuals at the Advanced level to move forward
— must submit paperwork that is accurate and complete
- Instructor Level Instructor
— This instructor may train at the Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced and Instructor levels of training.
Instructor Level Recommendations Proposed waiver options for assisting instructors in moving to higher levels of instruction.
An instructor may submit a request to move to the next level of instruction to the Senior Education Committee.
Waivers may be approved for:
- Lower number of students that have been trained (as long as the instructor has complied with all training
requirements for the students that have been trained, all paperwork must be complete and accurate).
- A Foundation level instructor may petition the Senior Education Committee to train Intermediate level students by presenting a Level 2 training (one hour) at the convention.
- An Intermediate level instructor may petition the Senior Education Committee to train Advanced level students by presenting a Level 3 training (one hour) at the convention.
Instructor Quality Control
Any instructor that submits 3 student files that have errors in one calendar year will be rolled back to Foundation
Level Instructor and must work their way back to the Instructor Level Instructor.
If an instructor continues to send in documents that have errors or falls to comply with guidelines will be rolled to
Provisional Instructor. This individual must receive additional training from an Instructor Level Instructor as determined by the Senior Education Committee and approved by the I-ACT Board. The individual may not train
Identify the difference between an active Instructor and an instructor that is inactive (not training)
The office will set up a list of active instructors tied to each level or training.
- For the Foundation Level training, there will be a link to Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced and
Instructor Level Instructors that are actively training
The students will be able to see those instructors that may train them at the foundation level and know that
these instructors are actively teaching classes.
Lists for each level of training will be established
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
(From the Education Committee for consideration and discussion only)
Criteria for New instructors or instructors not teaching
Limit to teach foundation level only
Complete package no errors
Must teach a minimum of two full 100 hour courses at own facility or different school.
School Training Requirements
Colon Hydrotherapy
Highest Quality in Safety & Sanitation!
Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. 10911 West Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78213 210 308.8888
FDA (class II) Colon Irrigation Systems, are prescription medical devices and are intended for use for colon cleansing,
When medically indicated, such as before radiologic or endoscopic examinations, as identified in 21 C.F.R. 876.5220
Copyright © 1994-2016
New Devices meet most Electrical Standards for Medical Offices & Hospitals!
Ask us about Trade Ins with Great Discounts & Free Training!
Enroll Now Before New Prerequisites are Required!
Complete your LIBBE and I-ACT Certification Course in Beautiful San Antonio, TX.
email: [email protected]
Office: 210 308-8888
(Course Includes: Anatomy & Physiology and CPR Certification Requirements)
Florida accepts our Training for Colon Hydrotherapy!
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
1. Each school / instructor will only train the students using FDA registered equipment, or equipment registered
with appropriate agency in the country in which the instructor / school resides.
a. This training must follow the guidelines of the equipment as published by the manufacturer.
b. All internship must be supervised by an Instructor, and be consistent with I-ACT Policy.
2. Each school / instructor will provide 100 hours of training must be done in the physical presence of the
Instructor at the location of the school or “brick and mortar” training facility used by the school or instructor.
Distance learning of any type may not be used in fulfilling the 100 hour requirement for I-ACT training. The 100
hour course may not be completed any faster than 10 days at the school or brick and mortar facility of the Instructor/
3. Each school / instructor will have an Enrollment Agreement/Contract of Training (the agreement/contract
your student signs that outlines the training they will receive from you or your school, the expectations that you have
for student attendance/participation/behavior while in school, and, your refund policy for your school in case the student does not conclude the training). Each student will receive a copy of this document.
4. Each school / instructor will provide the student with a certificate of completion for the classroom hours
taught in the course.
5. The school / instructor will also notify I-ACT of each student that completes their training. This documentation will be done through the I-ACT transcript and mailed to the I-ACT office within 14 calendar days. If a student
departs the class and does not complete training, the School/Instructor must document, on the transcript, the portion
of training that was completed and send that to the office within 14 days of the student’s departure from training.
6. The school / instructor will maintain student records (attendance, quiz scores, etc.) for an indefinite period of
7. Each school / instructor will use the I-ACT approved Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) pretest to ensure that
the student has the appropriate level of A&P knowledge to allow the student to have the opportunity to succeed in the
Foundation Level – Change Recommendations
Establish a 50 Hour Webinar (Prior to entering the 100 hour Classroom Training, each student must complete the I-ACT 50
hour webinar. The Student will provide the instructor a certificate of completion of the webinar prior to starting training.)
Foundation Level – Mandatory Webinar Recommendations
Business Ethics/Office Procedures Unit W01 (5 hours - Mandatory Webinar)
Section W01.1 - Introduction2
Section W01.2 - Regulations3-5
Section W01.3 - Career Paths6-7
Health & Sanitation
Unit W02 (5 hours - Mandatory Webinar)
Section W02.1 - Disease & Infection
Section W02.2 - Sanitizing13
Section W02.3 - Personal Hygiene
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
The following is a paid advertisement from Transcom SL
Dishonest Release from Reviva New LLC
about rectal speculums classification
may get colon hydrotherapist at risk.
Rectal Speculum Classification
Conditions of Use
Privacy Policy
Rectal Speculum Classification
In the beginning of 2014, RevivaNew received a letter from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA
stating that they believed we must reclassify our product as Class II based on the reasoning, “If the
product is used for colonic irrigation with a colonic device, then it is considered class II." This not o
affect us, but all of those registered under medical devices used for colonic irrigation.
comply. We have completed everything we have been asked to and are waiting for the final
approval from the FDA at this time. There is nothing that would make our products non
conforming and we are certainly allowed to continue to sell our outstanding products.
Again, all Colon Therapy Supply sellers are affected by this and we are in process for approval
In addition, the facility that manufactures, boxes, and ships our products already meets and exce
the required FDA and ISO standards.
We have a reputation that is built upon DFLSS (Design For Lean Six Sigma) designing high quality
and lean manufacturing into the processes at the very first stage of the design cycle.
Does reclassification truly make a product “safer”? All it means is that there is a new set of checks
and balances required for these product as far as product labeling and lot control system as
We apologize for any unnecessary concern this may have raised and thank you for your continued
On the web site of Reviva New Llc. Amy Sanders, the Vice president of the company, published the
review in the section of FAQ confusing the legality principles of the rectal speculums classification.
1. First she says she is in process of getting the Class II as FDA requires to any closed system such as Dotolo, Specialty
Health, Transcom…
Amy informs that they are waiting for the final approval and in the meantime she is allowed to sell the kits. THIS
FDA clearly informs that it is totally forbidden to sell products while they are in the process of classification.
2. Amy also mentions in the release that all colon therapy supply sellers are affected by this. THIS ARGUMENT IS TOTALLY
FALSE as Dotolo, Specialty Health, Transcom… have always been working under FDA regulations as Class II
Classification. RevivaNew doesn’t follow these regulations selling enema kit for Class II closed system.
3. Amy is confusing about having the ISO when FDA doesn't care about this for the classification. What you really need for
the Class II classification is to submit a 510K which Reviva New LLC doesn't have.
4. The other thing you can find in this release what is absolutely amazing is that Amy doubts the validity of FDA classification.
She questions that FDA classification makes the products safer.
In order to get FDA Class II classification, manufacturers must go through strict 510K procedures passing trough laboratory
tests on the toxicity, hypersensivity, intracutaneous reactivity etc. which costs to manufacturers a fortune.
It is not just a question of labeling and LOT control system as Amy reports. Of course with this release me as a therapist and all
my colleagues that love this profession and put all their heart into it can get confused putting their profession at risk because
1. If one day we have a problem using a Class I enema kits with a Class II device our Liability insurance won't cover us.
2. If we have FDA inspection in our facilities we will surely get in risk for not following FDA regulations.
Finally the most offensive part of this release is that Amy Sanders is the President and Founder of GPACT Association for Colonic
Hydrotherapy that means she has to inform us about protocols and standards in Colonic Hydrotherapy industry in a best way and
not to confuse us with this release.
(Transcom SL Rep). Rosa Alvarez
Ph. 760 905-8478
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
NEW ENGLAND/NEW YORK -- New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine
Barbara Chivvis
516-383-9505 email:[email protected]
NORTH EAST -- Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, D.C., West
Rose Mary Polhemus973-697-3530
email:[email protected]
Open Position
Open Position
MID ATLANTIC -- Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina
Darlene Holloway 919-380-0023
email [email protected]
Lisette Timmermans
Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon
Hydrotherapy Education
Oosteinde 179, 2611 VD Delft, Netherlands
Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 email: [email protected]
Open Position
SOUTH EAST -- Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Florida
Open Position
FLORIDA -- Florida
Naima Reynolds 305-490-5850
email:[email protected]
SOUTH CENTRAL -- Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico
Debra Christian 903-593-4025 [email protected]
NORTH MID WEST -- Wisconsin, Minnesota, N Dakota, S Dakota
Kristin Burich 651-490-3347
[email protected]
MID WEST -- Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas
Grace Melby 815-648-4544 [email protected]
Open Position for Rep to co-host with Grace
NORTH WEST -- Washinton, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
Russell Kolbo, DC, ND 253-853-8853 [email protected]
CENTRAL MOUNTAIN -- Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska
James Allred
[email protected]
CALIFORNIA/SOUTH WEST -- California, South Nevada, Arizona
Suzanne Childre’
310-576-6360 email [email protected]
France Robert
email [email protected]
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Michelle King
Gum Tree Retreat
3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460
612-6649-4464 email: [email protected]
NORTH CENTRAL -- Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky
MID SOUTH -- Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi
HAWAII -- Hawaiian Islands
Russell Kolbo, DC, ND
[email protected]
Katherine Labonte
Dharma Spirit Holistic Health
67 Gleneagles Terrace
Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada
Phone 403-981-3334
email: [email protected]
Jennifer Blaufox
The Holistic Therapeutic Center & International Colonic Institute
125 Molynes Rd.
Kingston, 20
Jamaica West Indies
Phone 876-969-6124
email: [email protected]
Open Position
Marlin and Richard Armstrong
Heavenly Spa
Cloud 9, Potterspury House 3 Poundfield Rd., Potterspury, Towcester
NN127QL United Kingdom
Phone: 01-9080804804
email: [email protected]
If interested in becoming a Regional Representative in
any of the open areas, please contact the I-ACT office
or Darlene Holloway 918-380-0023 for an application.
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
December 10, 2015
Central Mountain Regional Meetings
Sunday, February 7, 2016 (10AM - 4PM)
The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT) needs your assistance in our
fundraising efforts. Will you help?
Guest speaker - Madeline Angelus “Energy Medicine”
Advanced Colonic Techniques School and Clinic
1750 30th Street #35
Boulder, CO 80301
I-ACT is the premier professional organization for colon hydrotherapy in the world, focusing
on education, certification and maintenance of professional standards and ethics of colon
hydrotherapists. I-ACT was established in 1989 and has served its membership and the
industry for more than 26 years. We have trained and certified therapists and certified schools/
instructors worldwide.
Sunday, March 13, 2016 (10AM - 4PM)
1118 Manitou Ave.
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
As a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization, we raise funds to pursue legislative actions to gain
licensing and certification advantages for the practice of colon hydrotherapy by trained
professionals. Such legislative activities will help ensure public safety and access to colon
hydrotherapy as provided by appropriately trained colon hydrotherapists who are using FDA
registered equipment.
More information
James Allred (303) 325-6718
[email protected]
Please come with an open mind and cheerful attitude with a willingness to share and learn,
and questions you would like to ask and stories to tell.
Please bring or buy your own lunch.
Foods to Have on Hand for the “winter blues”
If you suffer from seasonal affective disorder, you may not feel like running to the store. This can
work for you if you keep fairly healthful commodities in the pantry. Some suggestions:
Oatmeal (original, not desserty)
Egg whites for omelets
Peanut butter
Prewashed veggies
Whole grain crackers and bread
Deli turkey
Cottage cheese
Forget the candlelight. In winter, dinner calls for 300 watts, hold the shade!
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Ways that you can help:
• A monetary donation to our legislative fund.
• Donation of product(s) to our silent auction held each June at our annual convention.
• Sponsorship: Join our professional community. Your company will have exposure to
our membership with your name listed on the sponsorship page of the I-ACT web site as well as
inclusion in applicable member email messages and publications.
We value the contributions your company makes to wellness, and look forward to having you
join our cause to gain professional recognition for colon hydrotherapy everywhere.
Your support of our legislative efforts will help bring colon hydrotherapy to the forefront of
public awareness.
Please contact the I-ACT office at (210) 366-2888 or via email at [email protected] if you
have any questions.
Thank you for your consideration.
Warm regards,
Gail Marie
Source: WebMD
Gail Marie Palms
Fund Raising Chair
I-ACT Board Member
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
EMAIL [email protected]
TOLL FREE (877) 759-1277
MOBILE (623) 640-4646
Leave inexpensive plastic fittings to
your gardener and step into the
medical field… with Aqua Cleanse
Stainless Steel fittings!
Internal Pre-warm Water Warming System
All Stainless Steel Flow-Path Fittings
3-Stage “Plug N Play” Push Button Filter System
Precision Stainless Steel Flow Control
Stainless Steel Waste Hose Coupler
Water-Proof LED Lighting System
Glass Observation Tube
3 Year Warranty
50’ ROLL
100’ ROLL
500’ ROLL
5.5” PRE-CUT .22
Facing Your Fears as an Entrepreneur
Fear is a huge issue that can prevent people
from becoming successful entrepreneurs. The
first step to dealing with your fears is not to
be in denial. Recognize that you may have
fears even if you don’t readily acknowledge them. Here are some of the techniques for managing
your concerns that we’ve observed in successful business owners:
Think about what you DO want in your business and in your life. When you find your mind spinning
over and again about some worst-case scenario, turn it around and focus on what you DO want.
Visualize yourself getting where you want to be. See the new house or boat or car or family vacation.
See yourself talking to the interested person as they become a part of your business. You’ll find that
you get what you focus on.
Share concerns with a trusted friend or associate. Hopefully you have been able to find some level
of support from at least one other entrepreneur, and ideally, you have a significant other that
supports you. If not, then work to develop a support network from your team, business peers or
other professionals that you can talk to confidentially. One caution: don’t seek support from negative
people or those who doubted you and told you it was crazy to start your own business - they will
never understand what you’re going though and may even reinforce your concerns.
Build a personal development library. Create a library filled not just with how-to resources, but also
stories of others who conquered their fears.
Go ahead and do it – whatever “it” is. Sometimes just making the smallest step will help get you
going enough that the fear of not doing something can go away. Examples could be dealing with a
difficult customer, making some sales calls or even working hard to finish a project. Just starting it
can create enough momentum to see it through.
Visualize the result, but make taking action the emphasis. Note that the subtle difference here. Of
course you want the result, but maybe that’s not in your complete control. Visualize the result, but
stay focused on consistent action. Roadblocks will inevitably occur and you’ll need to make changes
and take other steps to achieve your objectives. Remember, only by taking action will you be able to
reach your goals.
Never, ever quit. Don’t even use that “q” word. The biggest reason that businesses don’t succeed is
lack of persistence. Often, just staying the course and working smart and hard can enable you to
push through your challenges. You’re not beaten, you are moving ahead!
Call today… let us introduce you to one of our pre-qualified training centers in schools across the country.
CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician or licensed healthcare
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
About Paul Clough – One of the founders of Fresnel Partners, Paul works with business owners to
help them realize their objectives. He applies over 30 years of experience across several industries
in finance, marketing and operational leadership positions to improve the sales, operations and
profitability of his clients. Contact him at [email protected] .
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Cleansing :
A Garden
by Julian Devoe
A useful metaphor for us to consider when it comes to
cleansing is that of a garden. We have our plot that
needs to be tended to. Some things need to be planted,
other things need to be weeded and of course we must
water. So, what seeds are we planting? What weeds
are we pulling? How often are we watering?
Many cleanses focus on elimination, i.e. the weeds.
If we spend all our time weeding, gardening can be
a drag. It is an important part of the process and
a healthy garden has very few weeds. What are
the things in our diet and in our life that need to be
removed? Perhaps it is too much sugar or dairy
consumption, a cluttered house or maybe it is a certain
relationship that limits our potential to flower. The process of weeding can bring up fear and
anxiety. This psycho/spiritual component to cleansing is perhaps the most important part. Pay
attention to your thoughts and feelings around what it is you may have to give up during a
Another major aspect of cleansing is the addition of healthy habits, i.e. planting seeds. Setting
goals, employing a health coach, and reading a book on nutrition are all seeds that will produce
beautiful flowers. What do you desire to plant? Perhaps it is drinking more water, enjoying a
bit of relaxation or exercising in the form of a walk. By switching our focus from weeds to seeds
we can cultivate a flowering beautiful space that allows for growth and abundance. By bringing
our attention to the positive aspects of our health pursuits, we can overcome any stress that
weeding might cause.
Lastly, what habits are we giving the most attention, i.e. watering. When it comes to watering,
we are always watering something. Whether it be our weeds or flowers, we develop habits of
cultivation. Mindful, empowered awareness can direct our pursuits to specific targeted areas.
Watering can bring us closer to what it is we actually want to be achieving during a cleanse.
Sit back and look at your garden. Take the time to assess where you are and where you want to
go. Start slowly and tend to one area at a time. By the end of the growing season, you’ll have
the garden you cultivated. Over time you will become a master garden knowing all the tricks
of the trade. As Voltaire wrote in his famous book Candide, “Let us cultivate our garden.” So,
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
“Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed
by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.”
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Unique Turn-­‐Key Business Opportunity for I-­‐ACT Members AWARD
Tiffany Jablonski, Chair
Purchase, Rent or Lease We LOVE giving AWARDS at the Presidential Awards Ceremony!
It is that time again that we get to acknowledge our members that are doing
GREAT! Please nominate your favorite member for one of the following awards:
Large 4 bedroom home for sale or rent that includes well-established colon hydrotherapy and wellness/massage business on
premise, which has been owned and operated for 20 years by an I-ACT instructor. Conveniently situated in northern New
Jersey, 50 minutes from New York City. Google Map: 354 Dover
Milton Road, Oak Ridge, NJ 07438.
*Colon Therapist of the Year Award
This award can be given to your fellow Colon Hydrotherapist! Who do you know that
exemplifies I-ACT and our profession?
The Colon Therapist of the Year Award shall be awarded on the basis of:
Current Membership in IACT in good standing
Member of I-ACT minimum 1 year
Outstanding service to the profession and IACT, with emphasis on the immediate year
Community service record
Particular services to the State of Nation
House Features Include:
Private first floor bedroom suite including an office, sunroom
and suite full bath
Open concept Great Room/dining area/kitchen perfect for
workshops or wellness consulting; living room
First floor full bathroom
Upstairs features 3 bedrooms and one full bath
Property includes an 20x40 in-ground pool
Located next to a beautiful golf course in a beautiful
*Educator of the Year Award
Graduates and Students! Let your voices be heard by nominating your instructor! Let them know how you
appreciate their dedication to teaching you and helping you excel!
The Educator of the Year Award shall be awarded on the basis of:
Current member in good standing, and a I-ACT Certified Instructor
Member for 4 years
Unselfish dedication to the advancement of Colon Therapy through Education
Business Features Include:
2 open systems: 2 private rooms comfortably appointed
1 closed system: portable
Purchase Price: $430,000 (house & business)
Monthly Rental/Lease: $2900
(includes house, use of equipment and facilities and will include lawn care and pool
*Connie Allred Founders Award
This award was created to acknowledge people that are a service to our industry. Unlike the other awards, this
award can be granted to people outside of I-ACT as well as our members.
Individualized terms and fees may be negotiated for business training or ongoing
consulting based on your experience and need. Creative potential for retreats or
complementary services. Unlimited earning potential. Perfect for a family or business or both!
For more information contact: or call Rosemary at 973-349-4142.
The Connie Allred Award shall be awarded on the basis of:
If a member: Current Membership in I-ACT in good standing and has been a member of I-ACT minimum 1 year
Outstanding service to the profession and I-ACT, with emphasis on the immediate year
Award could be awarded for the following reasons, but not limited to such:
Served as a source of inspiration and encouragement to others by exemplifying the highest standards of excellence and integrity in his/her work
Raising visibility, awareness, and appreciation of profession, or association at large.
Community service record
Particular services to the State of Nation
Additionally, the President’s Award will be given. Our leader chooses this award every year for someone’s
outstanding service!
To nominate a valuable person, contact the I-ACT office, or me to obtain a nomination form. All nominations will
be vetted and voted on by the I-ACT Board and the lucky winners will be appreciated for what they do!
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Three Steps to Your Ultimate Marketing Message
Cathy Windland, Marketing & Social Media Committee Chair
Have you created your core marketing message? When it comes to messaging, people think they have to come up
with the next “just do it” slogan or campaign. Yet messaging is really all about telling clients – potential and existing
– who you are and what you stand for.
Messaging is not about having a catchy slogan or play on words that uses your business name or the service. (If
that comes about organically, great. If not, don’t sweat the small stuff!) Meaningless phrases like “we do it right” or
“quality service you can trust” do not really say anything about you or your business. In fact, these statements are
things that most businesses can say, and realistically they are basic expectations on the part of the customer. Would
you want to go to a business that didn’t do it right or didn’t offer quality service?
A core marketing message clearly and concisely communicates what you do and for whom. It’s a message that will
speak to your ideal audience and get them to respond and seek more information. That is the basic principle of
marketing; simple and to the point.
Unfortunately, many small business owners and professional service providers never take the time to create their
messaging. Instead, they spent all kinds of time trying to come up with the next great marketing campaign that will
make them rich, spending countless hours and money to constantly create and try new ideas. New ideas are good
and bring new life to things, but businesses do not always have to have something new every time they go out with a
In order to create the ultimate core marketing message, you need to focus. Communicate directly and powerfully to
your clients and prospective clients what it is they will get from using your services.
Here are three steps to creating your own ultimate messaging:
1. Who do you want to help? Be clear as to who your target market is. Define with as much clarity as possible
who your ideal client is. Take a look at existing clients to see if there are any similarities in demographics
(age, sex, occupation, income levels, education, etc.) or psychographics (lifestyle, interests, hobbies, etc.).
The more you can drill down to your ideal client, the better you can target your message to really speak to
them. If it is not obvious who your message is for, why would you expect anyone to get it?
2. What is the primary reason (problem, issue or challenge) you would like to help someone in this target audience solve? This is the heart of your messaging. When people have problems, they want solutions so they
look for someone who can address them. When you can clearly articulate a problem a client is dealing with,
they will listen because you may be the answer to their needs.
3. What is the ultimate result you would like to help your target market produce? People want to know what
they will get from knowing or working with you. Be prepared to demonstrate your focus on delivering an
outcome they would be interested in. When you can do this, they will pay attention.
It really is that easy. Focus on what you do best and for whom. Boil that down to two clear, concise sentences that
you can deliver with enthusiasm and passion on a consistent basis. Then start using that message in all you say and
do from a marketing perspective, both verbally and in writing.
Let go of the catchy slogans. Stop trying to hit a home run with new ideas. Create your ultimate messaging and
start using it right now.
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Patch for Sale
Brenda Watson’s 4 Tips to Light Up 2016!
Let people know you are proud to be an I-ACT member.
So now the decadent celebrations are behind us and it’s time to recommit to our healthy selves. However,
there may be some leftovers in the fridge, and also those delicious gifts you may have received may still be
close by! If the gifts were well-sealed, re-gifting may be an option. Donation is a good idea too. Okay, I’m
Place an I-ACT patch on your scrubs or jackets.
1 for $6.00
I was devilishly curious, and decided to search “Favorite New Year’s Foods” on the internet. Whew! I
felt bloated just reading the ideas! Between the Lobster Mac and Cheese and the Peanut Butter Parfait
(peanut butter, banana and bacon with waffle cookies – aptly labeled ‘Year-End Splurge’) not to mention
the various New Year’s liquid libations – all I can say is WOW!
2 for $10.00
Limited Quantities, so order early!!!
If your holiday season included any of these type of foods or drink, your digestion and overall health may
be on a downslide about now. Not only that, but with so many people out and around, you’re more likely
to be exposed to winter-time bugs that could land you on the couch with a cold or the flu. And it may have
been, and might continue to be, difficult to pull off eight hours of sleep each night. After all, it’s time to get
back to “real” life. The holidays many times take a toll, even as we love them so much.
Call I-ACT Office
People are loving this Cookbook! Get
yours before they are all gone!
I’d like to suggest some crucial supplements to light up your health in 2016. If you’re not already
including these in your daily routine, visit your local health food or vitamin store to get the following
today. Your body will thank you.
Get Your Copy of the
The Only I-ACT Cookbook
call 210.366.2888 to order
$20 + Shipping
FOR SALE- $4,599 (obo)
(price dropped)
Email serious inquiries to:
[email protected]
(562) 553-2383 call Alicia
Wonderful support by Customer service
Super easy to order supplies!
Ready to install and use!
(restored system, approximate built 2009)
(no prescription needed)
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
“If you are purchasing a used device, please ensure that it has been maintained according to
manufacturer guideines and is fully functional prior to purchasing the device.”
Digestive Enzymes
Let’s start by giving your digestive system some help breaking down those higher quality foods I’m sure
you’ll be choosing now. Even good foods need the help of enzymes to release and absorb the nutrients
within! Why end up with a stomachache when you can plan ahead by taking digestive enzymes with every
meal and snack? Look for an enzyme formula that has: Protease for protein digestion, Lipase for fat
digestion and Amylase for carbohydrate digestion. Take with or immediately after your meals to help you
digest better during your days ahead.
Up to 80 percent of your immune system is in your gut. That one fact still fascinates me to this day—and
I’ve been saying it for years! The 100 trillion bacteria in your digestive system play a vital role on your
immune health. Eating a diet high in starchy carbohydrates and sugar—the epitome of what might have
been your holiday fare—throws off the balance of bacteria in your gut. Taking a high-potency multistrain
probiotic every day will help to keep your gut in balance and your immune system in check.
Constipation Control
If you tend toward constipation, especially when your diet is less than stellar, arm yourself with an
effective constipation formula. Look for a product that contains magnesium hydroxide, which acts as
a stool softener that will gently, yet effectively, help to improve your bowel movements. If you are not
experiencing at least one healthy bowel movement per day (and by healthy I mean well-formed and
at least one and a half feet long), then you need to do something about it. A good constipation formula
without harsh stimulant herbs is your best bet to get your digestion moving regularly in the first place.
Sleep Help
If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night, your body and mind could be suffering. Adequate sleep
is essential for you to perform at your best and make those new year’s resolutions your reality. If you
can’t seem to settle in without tossing and turning each night, a sleep formula may help you. Look for a
formula that contains L-theanine, 5-HTP, and melatonin, three ingredients that will help you rest easy as
you make ready for this New Year.
I wish you good health and happiness as we say “Hello” and “Welcome” to 2016 together!
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
National Board for Colon HydroTherapy
11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216
Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999
From The Desk Of: Belinda Massey, RN NBCHT President
Professional liability insurance.
Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current
member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office (210-366-2888)
for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from
the web site.
Doctors’ Insurance Agency also writes professional liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists. Email them at: info@ They are located at 6 Hamilton Landing, Suite 170, Novato, CA 94949. Phone 415-506-3030.
To: All Members of NBCHT
Another company, CM&F may write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists (they have dropped numerous
therapists, but some are getting insurance. - call 800-221-4904, or go online to It will be listed as
“Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it
is not required - this depends on the underwriter of the insurance.
We hope this letter finds you and yours in the best of health and ready to start a New Year.
In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance
Brokers at 01684 893006.
As you read Russell’s letter, you can see how important it is for us to work together to support the legislative
efforts and to grow our association numbers. Legislative bodies of our states want to know that our profession
is safe and our members are capable of working on the public in a safe manner. The best way to show this is
through the NBCHT Certification Examination. The NBCHT Certification Exam is designed to show that an
individual has enough knowledge to perform colon hydrotherapy safely on the public.
In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk
Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 •
Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you
hear of anything let us know.
This exam is used by the only state in the US that licenses colon hydrotherapists, and that state is Florida. The
exam is also recognized in CT and CO. The NBCHT has a policy to make this exam available to any state
that is seeking legislation to help speed up the process and support the effort. In addition, the National Board
exam is “legally defensible in the event of a judicial action against a colon hydrotherapist”. This is a very
important point that cannot be over emphasized.
As an NBCHT member, you can take the new NBCHT exam for only $200.00. We hope you all understand that
as a practicing Colon Hydrotherapist, you should be able to pass the New NBCHT exam.
Have faith in yourselves and believe you know what you are doing, then register and take the new exam.
“Are YOU a
There is a big difference between being NBCHT Certified and being NBCHT Credentialed. Only those that
have taken the new exam can say they are NBCHT Credentialed.
W can help grow the NBCHT by getting others to step up and take the NBCHT Exam. Talk to your friends and
let them know the importance of getting this credential.
By Bill Tiller, ND.
Example of How a Colonic Session
Softens Feces and Cleans the Colon
Thank you for doing your part to help us grow our Association and our Profession.
Belinda Massey
NBCHT President
 Announcing 
Colon Hydrotherapy
Questions & Answers
Promotes Your Industry
 The book that educates clients to the importance of
Digestive Tract Care
 See an increase in the number of new patients
 Pricing $1.50 per book.
 Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more
Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
Please adjust to correct size as needed.
Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President
Information on Approved A&P Courses
Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count.
There is one course that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites.
Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE
Learning, ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with
Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you, students MAY
NOT call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way.
The Instructor must Contact:
Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton
Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2598
or email: [email protected]. Valid in the USA.
Information for Those Seeking a Job
Looking for a Career Opportunity?
Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section.
Inside you will find numerous job opportunities.
If you are looking to be employed, you may email us and we will list
your name as someone looking for employment.
If you are seeking someone to employ, send us an email with your
information and we will post your opening in our E-Blasts.
As of the Summer 2013 Quarterly, I-ACT has gone
“green.” Your quarterly will be emailed to you.
If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via regular mail,
you MUST let us know so we can put you on a list.
Just send us an email: [email protected]
and let us know you want/need your future quarterlies via mail.
By receiving an email version of the Quarterly,
you help the Association be cost effective and good stewards of the
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT sends out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and
other important issues. If you are not receiving these E-Blasts, please
email the I-ACT Office and give your current e-mail address. We will
immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list.
Members Only Section of the I-ACT Web Site
If you have not been to our web site, please go to Go to the members only
section - contact the office for your Members Only password. In that location, you can
find the I-ACT Member Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on
our E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast
list to ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site.
Dear Members,
As I write this letter to you during the holiday season,
I am enjoying the pleasure of my family and friends.
Sitting on my deck at Gig Harbor, and looking out
across the bay at Mt. Ranier. It is just a beautiful and
relaxing site that lets me reflect and give thanks and
appreciation for all we have and all we received in
As many of you remember from the Fall 2015
Quarterly, one of my Goals for our Profession and for
our Association is to increase the levels of education.
This effort becomes even more important as we
work with legislative bodies to develop legislation
to help protect our members. During the Convention
in Nashville, the Education Committee reviewed
some suggestions to our Education program. These
suggestions will result in increasing the number of
hours for certification, etc. In this quarterly, I have
placed a letter from the Education Committee to the
Instructors asking for their input on these suggested
changes. I also welcome your ideas, so please review
the letter and the suggested changes starting on page
12 of this quarterly. Send your comments to the office
no later than February 15, 2016.
The plan is to formalize the suggested changes,
and bring these final suggestions to the Instructors
and schools at the 2016 Convention and then to
let the members know what is being planned. The
implementation of these suggestions will probably
take place during the 2017 Convention.
If you know anyone that is seeking to get to the next
level of certification, then I suggest you let them know
they need to do this as soon as they can so they fall
under the current system, and not the new system.
Another one of my Goals is to increase the size of
our Association. We’ve learned there is strength in
numbers, so we need to expand our membership base.
All of us know of colon hydrotherapists that are not
members of our Association. Become pro-active
and help these individuals understand the value of
becoming an I-ACT member. If each of you would
just bring one individual into the Association, then we
would double the number of members in a very short
period of time.
When we talk with the
Legislative bodies, they are
impressed with large numbers.
5000 members make a bigger
impact than 2000 members and
20,000 would have an even
greater impact.
Let us make 2016 the year of
the Membership Challenge. I
challenge each of you to do
your part. Find one individual that you can bring
into our Association. Are you ready to accept the
challenge? We will see how we are doing when we
get to our 2016 Convention in St. Petersburg, FL.
Speaking of our 2016 Convention, your Board is
working hard to bring you a superb selection of
speakers. Look at the centerfold pages to see a few
of these speakers.
The Hilton at St. Petersburg is a fabulous hotel that is
perfect for our Convention. It is easy to get into the
Tampa airport and there is a Super Shuttle that will
get you to the Hotel.
The office staff will help you set up a payment plan
to make your registration simple on the pocket book.
When you attend a Convention, you realize that
you are not out there “all alone”. There are many
other ‘like-minded’ individuals that can help you get
rejuvenated and ready to return to your office and
continue the important work that we all do each and
every day.
As we prepare for 2016, I hope you were able to take
time for yourself over the holiday season, and I hope
your holiday was full of all of the joy this season
brings. Knowing how hard you all work to help
others, I know it is also important that you remember,
to take care of yourself. You are important to us and
you are valued.
I wish you a prosperous and health-filled New Year.
I know I speak for everyone on your Board, we are
here to help you and to serve you.
Russell Kolbo, DC, ND
I-ACT President
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided
to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current
and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify
statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney.
For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney.
Table of Contents
I-ACT Policy Statements
I-ACT President’s Letter
NBCHT President’s Message
Brenda Watson’s Tips for 2016
Awards Committee Report
Facing your fears
Regional Rep Meeting
Regional Rep List
Education Committee Letter
16 - 17
12 - 15
2016 Conventiontions
Cleansing: A Garden Metaphor
Marketing & PR Report
A&P Info
I-ACT Policy Statements:
I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal
tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should,
at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit
must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation.
(Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused).
I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle
inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema
Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as
approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of
your device other than those approved by the FDA.
The main differences between Class I and Class II devices:
The code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I
and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device is an enema system and does not include
“colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device, which in part is described as:
“The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the
colonic irrigation.
The Class I Device:
· The Class I device is defined as an enema system and may not have temperature control, temperature
gauges or water purification as part of the device. Class I enema systems must be self-administered.
· Manufacturers of Class I devices are not required to have third party oversight as they need not comply with the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required of Class II manufacturers. Class I devices are not as heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA as Class II devices are.
· Owners of Class I devices may not market their service using the terms “colonics or colonic irrigation” in describing the scope of their practice of evacuating the contents of the lower bowel.
The Class II Device:
· The Class II Device is a “colonic irrigation device”.
· Manufacturers of Class II devices are required to have third party oversight and must comply with
the good manufacturing practices and record keeping that are required by the FDA. Class II devices
are heavily regulated and controlled by the FDA.
· The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold and used on or at the order of a physician or health care
practitioner. This may be different in each state.
Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema,
I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest
safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices.
Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices
or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only
individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment
at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines.
Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country.
I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems.
However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is
immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance
with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed
by a physician.
Following is a list of our new members for the period October 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.
We are glad to have you as members. Remember, at I-ACT you are important to us!
First Name
Last Name
St. Fort
Teauarii Frogier
Home City
La Jolla
Meadow Lake
San Clemente
Colorado Springs
Stone Mountain
Liberty Hill
Cagnes Sur Mer
San Diego
Penn Valley
Home State
South Africa
French Polynesia
The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the
manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or
country ordinances.
I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out
in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed
or have a degree from an accredited professional school.
Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for
any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used.
New Members 4th Quarter
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
I-ACT Quarterly Winter 2016
International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
Winter 2015/16
............ Panel Discussion: - “As Discussed”
____ CHECK ______ CC ______ OTHER
Signature ________________________________________
CC# _____________________ Expiration Date _________ CVS _______
PAID BY TOTAL OF ORDER ............ Barry Tanner: - “UK Regulations and More”
SHIPPING $12.00__________________
............ Simon Gilbert: - “Busting Self-Limiting Beliefs”
SUB-TOTAL CITY, STATE, ZIP ____________________________________________
ADDRESS __________________________________________________
NAME _____________________________________________________
Speaker DVDs - $20.00 Each - Complete Set (9) $150.00
After the Congress Pricing
I-ACT Items for Sale
............ Sheila Granger: - “Hypno-Gastric Band”
............ Paul Barattiero, C. Ped.: - “Chronic Dehydration”
............ Nick Read, Ph.D.: - “IBC”
............ Peter Jackson-Maine: - “Iridology”
........... Elaine Wilson: - “Diabetes”
............ Russell Kolbo, DC, ND: - “Colon Hydrotherapy”
Main Speakers - DVDs (select the DVD you want to order)
Congress Speakers