Teacher Salary Grid Survey Results
Teacher Salary Grid Survey Results
Teacher Salary Grid Survey Results January 2013 The voice of excellence in learning and leadership, shaping the future of education. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) is pleased to present the results of the first Teacher Salary Grid Survey Results. All CAIS Human Resource Directors were invited to confidentially participate in this information gathering survey with the purpose of gathering data regarding the resources schools use to achieve competitive and fair Teacher compensation. We currently have 93 member schools, and we received responses from 48 (52%) and all regions were represented. It is only with a healthy participation rate that our results have value, and our goal for future years is to have even more schools see the benefit of participation, and our data source expanded. Thank you for your support of this effort. CONFIDENTIALITY OF DATA COLLECTED The information collected to conduct this survey will not be used for any other purpose than for the generation of this results report. This report will only be shared with member schools but school names are not revealed when reporting commentary. These types of surveys are considered a benefit of membership; please do not share these results with non-CAIS schools. METHODOLOGY This survey focused on the methods utilized by CAIS schools to compare Teacher salary information, specifically the use of salary grids within the independent and public sectors. All CAIS Human Resource Directors were invited to participate in the brief Information survey. They were sent an e-mail from CAIS with a link to an e-survey. The e-mail noted that completion of the survey was voluntary, and all results would be confidential. This survey was conducted due to a time-sensitive request. People were given one week to complete the survey with a reminder sent at the end of that week. Once all the data was received it was reviewed to eliminate any duplicate entries, errors, and/or question misrepresentation. The data was then analyzed and results tabulated using accepted methodology. CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 2 1. What is your school name? a) Participant list (listed alphabetically) Akiva School Albert College Armbrae Academy Bishop's College School Brentwood College School Centennial Academy Collingwood School Crescent School Crofton House School Glenlyon Norfolk School Gray Academy of Jewish Education Greenwood College School Havergal College Hebrew Academy Hillfield Strathallan College Island Pacific School Kempenfelt Bay School King's-Edgehill School Lakefield College School Lower Canada College Lycée Louis Pasteur MacLachlan College Matthews Hall Meadowridge School Miss Edgar's & Miss Cramp's School Montcrest School Pickering College Ridley College Rosseau Lake College Shawnigan Lake School Somersfield Academy Southridge School St. Andrew's College St. Clement's School St. George's School St. George's School of Montreal St. John's-Kilmarnock School St. John's-Ravenscourt School St. Michaels University School St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School The Country Day School The Sterling Hall School The York School TMS School Trafalgar Castle School Upper Canada College West Point Grey Academy York House School 2. In what province are you located? CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 3 3. 4. CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 4 5. 6. If you don't use a Salary Grid, how do you determine compensation for Teachers at your school? • We benchmark against other independent schools and public school but make the determination based on a balance of long-term financial sustainability and competitive talent pressures. • We are in the process of establishing a grid. Currently do percentage increases where financial conditions allow. • Our faculty is unionized, so we negotiate a contract between the two parties: Our school & the BCGEU. • We use the local School Board Salary Grid as a comparator and are currently a small percentage below it. Our goal within the next few years is to bring salaries in line with the local grid. • We use the School Board as a frame of reference; however, we determine the grid once enrollment has been established. CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 5 7. How do you determine salaries for other staff at your school? All 48 respondents answered this question. 31% answered “market research”. • Our student success salary grid is aligned with the teacher's grid. Administration is aligned to market. • We use the provincial salary scale as a reference and then create our own salary ranges for various job classifications. We also verify our salaries based on pay equity requirements. • Benchmarking data from other schools and board of trade salary surveys. • Internak staff salary grid. • Comparison with salaries in the local area, and with other independent schools on Vancouver Island. • Teaching support staff: we have our own grids that we followed. For all other support or admin we decide the salary based on experience and responsibility. • We have a salary grid for positions other than faculty. • Two main factors we look at are: our own salary grid increase and inflation. Generally we would try to give other staff the same salary grid increase as long as it is in line with inflation. • Role based • Review Labour Market information. No grids established for these other positions • Survey comparisons with other independent schools and market research • I do a market analysis every few years and benchmark salaries to industry, other salary surveys and other independent schools • We use public sector scales for non-teaching positions as a guide to stay competitive within the education sector • We follow the public school salaries in our area of Winnipeg. CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 6 • Salary increases are loosely based on the increase in the salary grid. • Internal salary grids, information provided by other independent schools and external compensation information. • We use BOT, Payscale and internal benchmarks. • Internal job evaluation committee and benchmarking to (limited) information on peer positions available regionally and on an ad hoc basis by comparing to the very limited amount of regional and sector information available. • We are starting to follow the provincial scale with staff as well. • Comparison to the external market, combined with maintaining internal equity. • Based on similar positions in geographic area. • The Director of Finance looks to the market (labour market surveys on line, published salaries from local school district union agreements and universities and colleges), and query other independent schools in the area for comparative information. Prepare ranges and compare to current annual salaries and make recommendations to the Head of School dependent upon the available salary dollars in the budget. For the Management Team, the Head of School and I review the current information (gathered as above for this level as well) and the Head indicates the percentage increase or salary to be provided. • Support Staff part of union. • We have a Support Staff Grid. One area where we are lacking is a comp program for our Management Level employees (middle managers). Presently these positions are market-valued. • We use a variety of comparisons including other ISA schools and salary surveys. • Market comparison, and comparison with other CAIS schools that are willing to share this information. • We do internal and external comparators - external to the local market and internal based upon similar job responsibilities. • Type of position, responsibility. skill set and education. General range of rates starting with minimum wage. CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 7 • We have compensation bands and we compare against the general market. People move along those bands based on overall performance and placement within the band. • Combination of salary grids and performance evaluations. • We have created a school-based grid for non-faculty positions. • Industry standard was established with % increase each year. 8. 87% Yes 13% No – all left comments on “Other” Other: 10 people responded that they had not seen the report 2 people responded that it was not relevant to them, but they believed the Head of School uses the report. CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 8 9. Do you have any recommendations for the Senior Leadership Compensation Survey, or future CAIS surveys? • We would like to see IT Director, Facilities Manager and Director of Student Services added to the survey. • Expand classifications, define groups more clearly so that everyone's interpretation is the same. • The critical issue is always making incomparables into comparables, as so many jobs are custom designed for the individual school. • Teacher salary survey's utilizing teacher education and experience would be useful. • We would like to see additional compensation surveys conducted on a regional basis for administration positions such as Information Technology, Facilities, Admin Assistant etc … • It would be greatly beneficial to have a staff comp survey, as there are few data points out there for non-teaching salaries. • Would encourage an annual survey and would be very interested in a Salary Survey focused on Administrative staff. Teacher's salaries are very easy to benchmark as they're widely and publicly available. • Keep them simple and short. • Needs to include enough of a job description (as opposed to a job title) for information to be comparative and benefit information too. • Extend the survey to include more junior positions e.g. custodians, nurse, systems administrator, as well as the director and senior manager positions. • More information on positions as job titles are the same but duties and responsibilities are very different. Maybe have HR committee pull the survey together to ensure like jobs are used! • We would love to see an expanded survey that included non-management (leadership) positions. CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 9 CAIS Next Steps based on the responses above: CAIS is committed to working with Human Resources specialists to broaden the scope of the Senior Leadership Salary Survey, without making it more cumbersome. We will add some requested Senior Leadership positions. Also, our goal is to better define the job titles to ensure that we report comparative salaries with increased accuracy. We will investigate a 2014 survey for other staff (i.e. non-Senior Administrators), and establish the most effective time and method to administer this. 10. Please contact Lindsay Ireland at [email protected] if you would like to see the list of people who are willing to be contacted for questions. Thank you to everyone who took part in the survey. CAIS 2013 Confidential Teacher Salary Grid Survey 10
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