Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper I Outokumpu-type ores OUTOKUMPU-TYPE ORES by Heikki Papunen Papunen, Heikki, 19E7. Outokumpu - type ores. Ceological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 1.41-50, ll figures. The Outokumpu ore type includes both massive Cu-Zn-Co and disseminated Ni sulphide deposits. The ores are associated with a rock assemblage of serpentinites, calc-silicate rocks, cherty quartzites and black schists embedded in sedimentogeneous mica gneisses. The Outokumpu Cu-Zn-Co deposit is predominantly pyritic whereas the others are predominantly pyrrhotitic. The ores primarily deposited by seafloor hydrothermal processes but were deformed by a thrust which upgraded the primarily thin bed into thick massive plates. The exceptional mineralogical and chemical compositions with abundant of metamorphism in middle amphibolite a hydrothermal deposit associated with ultramafics. silicates are the result chrome facies of Key words: metal ores, sulphides, classification, genesis, hydrothermal process, metamorphic rocks, Proterozoic, review, Outokumpu, Finland. Heikki Papunen, Department o.f Geology University of Turku, SF- 20500 Turku. Finland INTRODUCTION During the past decades of mining in Outokumpu a number of ideas have been presented concerning the origin and type of the outokumpu ore. These ideas reflect not only the progress made in direct observations at the mines but also changes in general ore geological conceptions in different periods. Based on the epigenetic character noted in the contact relations of the ore, early models took various intrusive rocks, such as the Maarianvaara granite (Trüstedt l92l\, serpentinite (Mäkinen 1921) and a nonoutcropping felsic intrusive rock (Eskola 1933, Väyrynen 1939 and Vähätalo 1953) as the par- ent rocks of the ore. Selective tectonic mobilization of the black schist sulphides was proposed by Saksela (1957). Basing his conclusions on the extensive descriptions by Vähätalo (1953) and Disler (1953), Borchert was the first author to propose a volcanic exhalative origin for the ore. His idea was later supported and modified by M. Mäkelä (1974), Gaäl et al. (1975), Peltola (1978), K. Mäkelä (1981), Koistinen (1981), Bowes et al. (1984) and Parkkinen and Reino (1985). The present paper is a review of the geology and classification of the Outokumpu ore deposits. 4l Geological Survey of Finland, I Heikki Special Paper Papunen : za:lso' Ir l V I I i rl\\ ,l.\ \t\ t.\ (u NKAAVI KA .t t \rn \)\ I ,,b "'THKAL/' HTI 63 I rx. \ "\/ -z/t / MAARIANVAARA I \_.4:, t/ t/.t,,,,7 t VUONOS I ?tt 'w +\ ^/i SO \ü MA\TI \r\ KERETTI 9 '<: VIJARVI I -Y"'& >: R | | l{ l-r ^* tt LAHTI ,1'-72, o' 14. . SVECOKARELIAN ROCKS (Proterozoic rJ;l I /- - ) GRANITE MrcA scHrsr/ swE DEru VEINED GNEISS -: I BLACK )rrl,.r.o*J( ussR SCHIST AND Ear SERPENTINITE ASSoctATED RocKS lW-t BASIC IGNEOUS ROCK r....:1 euARTztTE I cu-ore or -showing ,a mine, quarry Garnet s illiman ite --< cordrerite < staurolite PRESVECOKARELIAN BASEMENT ( Archaean reFig. 42 l. ) GRANtTOIDS, AUGEN ,\v anthophyllite, cummingtonite O andalusite kyanite Geological map of the Outokumpu region; according to Koistinen (1981) and Parkkinen and Reino (1935). Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper I Outokumpu-type ores GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ROCK TYPES of the Outokumpu region has Serpentinites have been formed from dunites, been extensively studied in exploration peridotites and pyroxenites (Haapala 1936). The geology conducted by Outokumpu Oy during the last three decades (e.g. Huhma 1975 and 1976, Huhma and Huhma 1970, Gaäl et al. 1975 and Koistinen l98l) (Fig. l). According to available information, the copper ores of the Outokumpu region are related to a rock association of serpentinites, dolomites, calc-silicate rocks, cherty quartzites and black schists, listed from the serpentinite core outwards. The rock assemblage has been called the Outokumpu Association and it meanders as a discontinuous band for up to 250 km in the Karelian metasediments. The largest lenticular serpentinite bodies may be as much as l0 km long and 500 m thick. Wherever the heterogeneous dolomite-skarnquartzite envelope of the serpentinite bodies is isoclinally folded between tongues of serpentinite it varies in thickness from a few metres to c. 100 metres. The most continuous rock types are the black schist horizons, which mark the extension of the Association even it the serpen- tinites are lacking. Middle amphibolite facies metamorphism changed the mineral composi- tion, and minerals such as cordierite, anthophyllite, staurolite, andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite indicate the highest P-T conditions of metamorphism (Treloar et al. 1981). Unaltered pyroxenites have also been detected in places. Besides serpentinization, carbonation has locally altered the margins of the serpentinite bodies into talc-carbonate rocks, which have been mined as a talc ore at three sites in Polvijärvi. Metamorphic olivine exists in serpentinite and dolomite as long blades resulting in a texture called "ophidolomite". (Fig. 2). At Horsmanaho, northwest of Outokumpu, a coarse-grained amphibole (-pyroxene) gabbro is encountered among serpentinite (Koistinen l98l). In places banded amphibolites ("barren skarns") and chlorite schists with dark amphibolites probably represent metamorphosed mafic volcanics (Park and Bowes L982). However, their abundances are small compared with those of serpentinites and their common envelopes. A zone of dolomite often occurs adjacent to serpentinite, and close to talcose ultramafics in particular. Chrome diopside or chrome tremolite skarn (calc-silicate rock) is an intermediate member between ultramafics and quartzites where dolomite is absent. Banded skarn quartzite represents gradation to quartzite. Quartzite containing layers of dolomite, skarn minerals, carbonaceous material and sul- Fig. 2. Serpentine pseudomorphs after metamorphic olivine in dolomitic host rock ("Ophidolomite"). 43 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 1 HeiAki Papunen phides is the banded metamorphic equivalent of the original chert horizon (Huhma & Huhma 1970, Huhma 1976). The colour of the quartzite depends on the accessory minerals, pure quartzite being white, the sulphide-bearing and carbonaceous varieties dark and the chrome silicate-bearing variety green (Fig. 8); chromite imparts a brownish hue. Calcareous, argillaceous and quartz-rich varieties of black schists are associated with the serpentinite-quartzite assemblage (Peltola 1960' 1968). The amount of carbonaceous material is between I and 30 90, with 5 9o as an average. The content of sulphides, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite varies in line with the carbon content. The contacts of the black Assemblage is the abundance of a wide variety of chrome-bearing minerals in all the enveloping rock types (Eskola 1933). The calc-silicate rocks are green owing to chrome diopside, chrome tremolite and uvarovite (Figs. 3 and 8). Fuchsite and chromite are common accessories in the quartzite; other chrome silicates are kaemmererite, tawmawite (chrome epidote) and chrome tourmaline. The chromite of the Association is zinc-rich (up to 9.6 0/o Zn) and also vanadiumbearing up to 3 9o V) (Thayer et al. 1964, Weiser 1967). Straurolite and garnet also contain zinc exceptionally (0.40-0.87 Vo Zn in staurolite and 0.62 s/o Zn in garnet; Treloar et al. l98l). schists against quartzite are sharp, whereas there is gradation from black schists to mica Granite and pegmatite veins, originating from the nearby Maarianvaara granite, intersect the rocks of the Outokumpu Assemblage and the gneiss. orebodies. A characteristic feature Fig. 3. of the Outokumpu Uvarovite crvstals in chrome-bearins calc-silicate rock. THE ORES The Outokumpu Cu-Zn-Co deposit is the largest of several sulphide deposits related to the Outokumpu Assemblage. The deposit is alternatively known as the Keretti ore deposit, after the Keretti mine currently being in operation at the SW end of the Outokumpu ore deposit. The other mineable deposits are Vuo44 nos, c. 6 km NE of Outokumpu, and Luikonlahti, c. 30 km NW of Outokumpu (Fig. l). Miihkali, Sola and Hietajärvi are minor deposits closely related to Vuonos. The Riihilahti orebody, which is associated with cumming- tonite rocks, garnet-bearing gneisses and calc-silicate rocks enveloping the ultramafic Geological Survey bodies in the mica gneiss host rock differs in its rock association from the typical ores of the Outokumpu Assemblage (Merkle 1982). The Outokumpu Cu orebody is lens shaped, c. 4 000 m long, 250 to 300 m wide and usually less than 10 m thick, but it may attain a thickness of 30-40 m. The ore averages 3.80 9o Cu, 1.00 9o Zn, 0.24 Vo Co, O.l2 o/o Ni, 28.10 9o Fe and 25.30 Vo S; the tenors of minor elements are 0.8 g/t Au, 9 g/t A9,25-50 ppm Se; 0.015 9o V20r, 0.015 9o Sn and 0.005 9o Pb. The Keretti ore contained c. I x 106 tonnes of copper metal. The ruler-shaped Vuonos ore- of Finland, Special Paper I Outokumpu-type ores body is ca. 3 500 m long, 50-200 m wide and an average of 5 to 6 m thick. Characteristic average tenors of metals are2.l8 Vo Cu, 1.38 9o Zn,0.l3 9o Co, 0.12 Vo Ni, 14.76 9o S, l0 ppm Ag and l2 ppm Se. The ore types of Luikonlahti are similar to those of Vuonos, but the rock assemblage and ores are more deformed and intersected by numerous granitic veins, and the copper ore occurs in several separate subvertical lenses. In 1968-1983 three orebodies totalling c. 7.7 mill. t of ore were exploited. The average metal values were l.2Vo Cu, 0.l2Vo Co, 0.09 9o Ni, 0.65 Vo Zn and 20 9o S. ORE TYPES Sulphides occur in the Outokumpu Assemblage as two main ore types: 1) massive Ctt-ZnCo-Fe- ores and 2) stringe-disseminated Ni-rich sulphides. In the massive ore the nickel to cobalt radio averages l:2, but drops as low as 1:5 in the centre of the Keretti orebody. In the nickel occurrence the corresponding ration averages c. 10 (Parkkinen and Reino 1985). The host rock of the copper ore is quartzite. The contacts are sharp and well defined (Figs. 6 and 9), but a low-grade quartz-rich marginal zone is common (Fig. 5). Structurally the ore can be divided into layered (Fig. 4) and brecciated (Fig. 7) types, the latter representing mobilized sulphides from the polyphase defor- mation period (Koistinen 1981). The massive ores contain over 50 9o sulphide minerals, and quartz is almost the only gangue mineral. Mineralogically the massive ore can be divided into pyrite and pyrrhotite types. The large Outokumpu orebody is mainly of the pyrite type whereas Vuonos, Luikonlahti and some minor occurrences are predominantly of the pyrrhotite type. In addition to iron sulphides, the main ore minerals are chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Pyrrhotite is a non-magnetic hexagonal variety but locally also troilitic. Cobalt pentlandite is the main carrier of cobalt in the pyrrhotitic ore types whereas cobalt is included in pyrite in the pyritic ore type, and the coexisting pentlandite is poor in cobalt. Cubanite is a common constituent of mobilized Cu-rich ores. Common accessory minerals are stannite, cobaltite, zincian chromite and pentlandite magnetite. In addition to cobalt (Kouvo et al. 1959), the Keretti oreboby is a type locality for several ore minerals: eskolaite (Kouvo and Vuorelainen 1958), mackinawite, which was first described here as "tetragonal iron sulphide" (Kouvo et al. 1963), karelianite (Long et al. 1963) and argentian pentlandite (Vuorelainen et al. 1972). Nickel-rich sulphides exist as dissemination and stringers in quartzite and calc-silicate rocks between serpentinite and mica schist (Parkkinen and Reino 1985). The nickel occurrences are spatially associated with massive copper ores (Fig. l0). In Vuonos the nickel occurence extends as a steeply dipping horizon from the upper edge of the copper ore up to the surface. It was mined in the early 1970s from an open pit as low-grade nickel ore. A similar deposit lies parallel to the Keretti copper orebody. The host rocks of the nickel occurrence are quartzite, skarn and chlorite schist, but the occurrence includes a network of mica rock which is abnormally rich in Mg, Fe and Al and poor in Ca. It contains cordierite, phlogopite, chlorite, muscovite, almandine, cummingtonite and plagioclase. The sulphide mineral assemblage includes pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite; pyrite exists locally, but the sulphide phase is then poor in nickel. Pentlandite, the main carrier of nickel, contains an average of 31.5 9o Ni and 3-14 Vo Co, the average content being 3.8 90. The pentlandite of the massive copper ore averages 17 Vo Ni and 33 9o Co. According to Parkkinen and Reino (1985), the quartzite-skarn horizon hosting the nickel occurrences and copper ore has elevated Cu, Ni, Co and Zn values along its whole length. Likewise the tenor of chromium is highest in the rocks containing anomalously high nickel values. 45 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper I Hei6ki Papunen Fig. 4. Layered ore type, the Keretti mine. Intensely folded disseminated ore; "the Baby orebody", the Keretti mine. 46 Geological Survey Fig. 6. Mobilized massive ore, Keretti. Scale bar l0 cm. Fig. 8. Green, chrome-bearing skarn bands in quartzite; the white vein is mobilized quartz. Scale bar 20 cm. of Finland, Special paper I Outokumpu-type Fig. 7. Folded and brecciated quartzite layer in ore, the Keretti mine; scale bar 20 cm. Fig. 9. Hanging wall contact quartzite; scale bar 20 cm. of the ores massive massive ore with 47 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper I HeikAi Papunen IS OUTOKUMPU A UNIQUE ORE TYPE? Current interpretations of the origin of the Outokumpu Association are based on long-term, detailed geological, structural and petrographical analyses (Mäkelä 1974, Gaäl et al. 1915, Peltola 1978, Koistinen 1981, Bowes et al. 1984, Parkkinen and Reino 1985). The Outokumpu Association consists of ultramafic material from the mantle, which erupted about 2 100 Ma ago onto the bottom of a geosyncline, probably a back arc basin (Bowes et al. 1984), and then intruded along the trench axis close to the bottom of the sea; some of the igneous material extruded onto the sea floor (Park and Bowes 1982). The heat flow associated with igneous activity resulted in hydrothermal processes on the sea floor. as a result of which the mantle-derived ultramafite became hydrated and carbonated. Carbonate deposits and cherts precipitated from the hot hydrothermal fluids onto the ultramafites erupted onto the sea floor. Simultaneously sulphides were also deposited among the cherts (Fig. l1). The sedimentary layering of the sulphides (see Figs. 4 and 5) proves that they deposited from heavy saline solutions resembling those in the present-day Red Sea deposits. The heavy solutions accumulated in the basins along the trench axis on the sea floor, and because of the topography of the floor the Keretti and Vuonos orebodies formed as independent occurrences. The hydrothermal activity caused by the igneous processes raised and led to increased biogenetic activity, of which the existence of black schists is a sign (K. Mäkelä 1981). The isotopic composition of the ore lead indicates a mantle origin if the plumbotectonics model is applied (see Simonen et al. 1978). On account of the thrust that took place some time after the ore deposited on the sea floor, the ultramafites and the whole Outokumpu Association, including the overlying metasediments, were displaced into their current position. At the same time polyphase deformation piled the primarily thin sulphide deposits into the present thick plates. The separation of copper and cobalt sulphides from nickel sulphides to form zoning is 48 common to all massive sulphide ores and is due to the variation in temperature under primary hydrothermal conditions. It is typical of the Outokumpu area that chromium participated in the hydrothermal process. This distinguishes the hydrothermal convection in an ultramafic environment from that on the present-day sea floor, which takes place in mafic igneous rocks. Chromium followed nickel in the hydrothermal process. The very low lead concentration is characteristic of all occurrences of the ophiolite (Cyprus) type setting. The rocks of the Outokumpu Association were metamorphosed while undergoing deformation, and the present peculiar mineral composition with chromium-bearing silicates and many rare ore minerals is due to recrystallization under conditions of the amphibolite facies. The Outokumpu ore has many features in common with the Cu-Zn-Au occurrences of the Cyprus type, which is associated with ophiolites, and with the Besshi type, which is associated with submarine mafic volcanites and sediments. The specific characteristics of the Outokumpu type of ore are: high proportions - - of ultramafites in the Association low proportion of demonstratably lava rocks in the Association hydrothermal alterations and chemical sediments marked concentration of chromium in the chemical sediments low tenor of lead separation of the Cu-Co-Zn and Ni mineralizations from each other metamorphism; metamorphic mineral asof middle amphibolite facies polyphase deformation, resulting in piling - and mobilization of the ore. Even if the Outokumpu ore cannot be considered a unique type it nevertheless has so many special features that there is good reason for classifying it as a subtype of the sulphide ores associated with seafloor mafic and ultramafic volcanism. - semblages Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 1 Outokumpu-type ores +200 m Ni:0.3% Co > 0.03 % 0M50 I m ffi Cu-ORE ANOMALOUS ZONE SERPENTINITE , TAtC ROCK, DOLOMITE ROCK QUARTZITE, SKARN Cu ) 0.05 % m at' MICA SCH IST , BLACK SCH I5T DRILT HOLE Fig. 10. Distribution of Ni, Co and Cu in the profile y 193.750 of the Vuonos deposit (from Parkkinen and Reino 1985). PYROXENITE Fig. I 1. A model of the palaeoenvironment during the deposition of Outokumpu-type ores on the seafloor. 49 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper I Heikki Papilnen REFERENCES Borchert, H., 1954. Kritische Anmerkungen zu zwei neuen Arbeiten über Outokumpu, Finnland. Chemie der Erde 17, l-5. 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