Pending Applications Report - St. Johns County Government
Pending Applications Report - St. Johns County Government
Pending Applications Report • August 2016 APPLICATION PROJECT NAME LOCATION DIST DESCRIPTION D.U. Non Res ft² MEETINGS STATUS UPDATE Pending Applicant materials/information ADMA 2014‐01 Gracewood Estates Gracewood Estates Subdivision 2 Appeal to an interpretation by the St. Johns County Administration embodied in a letter dated 11‐24‐ 2014. ARC 2016‐05 Circle K 158 A1A N signage 158 A1A N 4 Request to reface existing wall and monument signs. Pending Applicant materials/information 619 Ponte Vedra Blvd. 4 Request for exterior improvements including replacement stairs, new ADA lift, deck expansion, fence, pavilion changes and new paint colors to the Marriott Sawgrass Cabana Club. Pending Applicant materials/information 154 Canal Blvd. 4 Request for the construction of a 8,100 Sq. Ft. commercial building. 4 Change of Use to existing metal barn Pending Applicant materials/information 4 Upgrading old main fuel ID sign ‐ replacing sign face and manual price font kit. Adding two (2) 13" illuminated fuel canopy "Pecten" logos. Pending Applicant material/information waiting for revised drawings from applicant for Final Order Sawgrass Marriott Cabana Club ARC 2016‐07 ARCCC 2016‐16 Canal Boulevard Shops ARCCC 2015‐30 Chapin Wedding Event Barn 531 N Wilderness Trail ARCCC 2016‐20 Daily's #1017 195 Corridor Road 8100 Pending Applicant materials/information ARCCC 2016‐13 McDonald's 009‐1272 100 Ponte Vedra Pointe Blvd 4 Request to remove the existing playland and patio to add a second drive‐thru and update the existing drive‐thru. ARCCC 2016‐21 Nona Blue Restaurant 325 Front Street 4 Request to install awning to cover storage area on south side of existing building Under staff review ARCCC Sawgrass Village Shopping 2016‐07 Center (Main ID Sign Monument) 200 Front Street 4 Refurbish and expand existing Main Entrance Tenant Monument Sign to 142.08 sf ADA. At applicant's request to move forward with submitted design. ARCCC 2016‐14 Tire Kingdom signage 880 A1A N., Suite 17C 4 Request for new wall signage Pending Applicant materials/information ARCCC 2016‐17 Valley Smoke PUD 11 and 13 S. Roscoe Blvd. COMPAMD 2016‐05 4560 Race Track Road 4560 Race Track Road COMPAMD 2015‐03 Bocage 7453 State Road 13 North, St. Augustine COMPAMD 2015‐08 Cordova Palms 6365 US 1 North ‐ along the west side of US 1 North between Gun Club Road and International Golf Parkway, approximately one mile north of the Northeast COMPAMD 2016‐01 ICI / Middlebourne West of I95 at Longleaf Pine Parkway COMPAMD 2016‐06 Minorcan Mill 6700 County Road 16A 4 Request Major Modification to expand the land area of the existing Valley Smoke Planned Unit Development. 1 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend 14.32 acres on the future land use map (FLUM) from Rural Silviculture to Community Commercial for a maximum 90,000 sq feet of commercial retail development. 2 Request to change the Future Land Use Map designation of property from Rural Silviculture (R/S) to Res‐ B. 5 Request a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the Future Land Use Map designation from Intensive Commercial to Residential‐ C for approximately 115.9 acres of land, change from Intensive Commercial to Industrial for 750 150000 approximately 39.4 acres of land with text amendment to limit the residential to 750 dwelling units and non‐residential to up to 150,000 square feet commercial and retail service. 1 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Rural Silviculture to Residential‐B & Community Commercial. Under staff review 2 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend 58.85 acres on the future land use map from Agricultural Intensive to Residential C for the potential development of 129 single family residential units. Pending Applicant materials/information Under staff review 90000 BCC 9/20/2016 PZA 8/18/2016 Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information BCC 8/16/2016 Set for Hearing COMPAMD 2016‐07 Project Family COMPAMD 2015‐06 Steeplechase PUD COMPAMD 2016‐04 Stonecrest 5404 Race Track Road Saint Johns East of Pacetti Rd, south of Scaff Rd, west of the future CR 2209 Race Track Road COMPAMD 2016‐03 Watermarke/Beachcomber 3457 Coastal Hwy. St. Augustine, FL, 32084 COMPAMD 2016‐02 WCI C.R. 210 Land Between Longleaf Pine Parkway and Greenbriar Road/CR 210 W CPA(SS) 2016‐09 1600 Northwood Drive 1600 Northwood Drive 1 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, to change the land use from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Intensive Commercial (IC), on a 42.3 acre parcel. BCC 9/20/2016 PZA 8/18/2016 2 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend 849 acres on the Future Land Use Map from Rural/Silviculture to Residential B and from Park/Recreation to 965 Residential‐B for 3 acres with a text amendment limiting the number of residential units to 980 dwelling units. 1 Request to amend 46.53 acres on the Future Land Use Map from Rural Silviculture to Residential‐ C for a proposed residential community of maximum 229 dwelling units. Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information BCC 10/4/2016 229 Set for Hearing PZA 8/18/2016 5 Comprehensive Plan amendment proposing a change from Res‐C to Res‐D for 43.87 acres to allow for a proposed private commercial resort. 1 Comprehensive Plan change from Rural Silviculture to Res‐B for 818 single‐family homes and 160,000 sq ft Neighborhood Commercial development. Pending Applicant materials/information 3 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Future Land Use designation from Residential ‐ C to Industrial. Pending Applicant materials/information BCC 9/20/2016 PZA 8/4/2016 Hearing set CPA(SS) CPA(SS) CPA(SS) 2016‐06 2 Request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Rural/Silviculture to Residential‐A for approx 4.28 acres. Under staff review 3 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the future land use designation for 9.1 acres from Rural Silviculture to Residential C. Under staff review 5 Request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Future Land Use designation from Rural/Silviculture (R/S) to Mixed Use (Md) for 3.5 acres, to allow for Light Industrial uses. Under staff review 2 Request for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment change 1.38 acres on the future land use map from Residential‐B to Intensive Commercial to allow for auto sales. Under staff review 1 Request to amend the Future Land use from Residential‐B to Community Commercial. BCC 8/2/2016 Set for hearing South of State Road 16 2 Small‐scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend the future land use for 9.9 acres from Community Commercial to Mixed Use. BCC 9/20/2016 PZA 8/4/2016 Hearing set Cordova Palms DRI 5 Abandonment of DRI BCC 8/16/2016 Set for Hearing 1 Request to amend the Development Order(DO) Specific Condition allow for the exchange of uses within the Interchange Parcels using a Land Use Equivalency Table. 3600 Joe Ashton Road (front 3600 Joe Ashton Road 4.28 acres) 2016‐07 Black Gold 2016‐08 Cross Country Plaza West of I‐95, S of SR 207 4606 State Road 16, St. Augustine CPA(SS) 2016‐05 Gates Auto Sales CPA(SS) 2015‐05 St Johns Commercial Village 600 SR 13 North CPA(SS) 2016‐04 The Marketplace DRI MOD 2015‐06 DRI MOD Cordova Palms Abandonment 2016‐01 NE Quadrant Parcel 7660 State Road 207 NE, NW and SE quadrants of the IGP and I95 interchange Pending Applicant materials/information DRI MOD MAJMOD MAJMOD MAJMOD 2016‐02 RiverTown 2016‐13 Northeast Quadrant Parcel 2014‐15 Ocean Grand 2015‐07 Palm Cove RiverTown DRI Northeast quadrant of the interchange at I‐95 and International Golf Parkway 3150 South Ponte Vedra Blvd (aka Coastal Highway) West side of Palm Valley Road. 1 Request to modify the existing development order to relocate middle school site, specify locations of 5 roundabouts on State Road 13, show location of 5 docks and differentiate which docks are private shared docks, private residence docks, and private community docks, and to identify the location of the proposed commercial recreation. Pending Applicant materials/information 1 Request for a Major Modification to the St. Johns Interchange Parcels PUD to allow for the exchange of uses, using a Land Use Equivalency Table. Request to add Age‐ Restricted residential uses within residential categories, and incorporates legislative extensions that have been granted to extend the DRI build‐out date. Pending Applicant materials/information 5 Request to allow the remaining 11 residential units to be constructed as 7 multi‐family units within Ocean Grand Phase I and 4 single‐family homes within Ocean Grand Phase II. In addition, the applicant is seeking additional access points and the ability to construct portions of the single‐family homes seaward of the CCCL. Pending Applicant materials/information 4 Request a Major Modification to utilize green development density bonuses to increase number of dwelling units from 20 single‐family 37 homes to 35 single family and townhome residential units. Project is proposed to be the first LEED‐ certified community. BCC 10/4/2016 PZA 8/18/2016 Pending Applicant materials/information MAJMOD MAJMOD MAJMOD MAJMOD MAJMOD 2016‐10 2015‐25 Palm Lakes PUD (The Marketplace) Players Club (Veranda) Commercial Use and USP 2016‐14 RiverTown 2015‐22 Sandy Creek PUD 2016‐09 Southshore Plaza PUD SR 16 (East of Pacetti rd, West of I‐95, South of SR16 and North of SR 207) State Road A1A, south of PGA Tour Blvd RiverTown PUD, 4 miles of frontage along the St. Johns River, south of Greenbriar Rd., east & west of Longleaf Pine Pkwy. Sandy Creek Parkway 811 State Road 206 2 Request for a Major Modification to add approximately 33.3 acres of land to the Palm Lakes PUD, and to allow Neighborhood Commercial and General Business and Commercial Uses to be established on such land. 4 Major Modification to: 1) Increase the commercial square footage from 410,000 sf to 425,000 sf. and modify the USP to include additional signs and increase the size of signs. 1 Major Modification to the RiverTown PUD to add a Dry stack storage marina, Boat & RV Storage, Welcome/Information Centers, private docks, and multi‐use paths as uses, to reduce the total acreage of Riverfront Park, and to extend phasing. 1 Major Modification to modify the following: 1) A portion of the primary access 2) The recreation components to provide for a tot lot, ball field, and dog park 3) The upland buffer to allow lot owners to fence the perimeter of their lots 4) The project signage 5) Phasing. Pending Applicant materials/information 3 Request for a major modification to the Southshore Plaza PUD to add the Neighborhood Business and Commercial use category to the allowable uses in the PUD and to update the parking requirements to meet the LDC. Under Staff Review BCC 9/20/2016 PZA 8/4/2016 425000 Hearing set Pending Applicant materials/information Pending Applicant materials/information MAJMOD MAJMOD MAJMOD MAJMOD MAJMOD MAJMOD 2015‐24 St. Johns Commons at CR 210 1610 County Road 210 W PUD (PUD 1998‐69) 2016‐06 Watermarke/Beachcomber 3457 Coastal Highway 2016‐05 Valley Smoke PUD 11 and 13 S. Roscoe Blvd. 2015‐14 Villa Sovana PUD Intersection of SR 13 and Villa Sovana Court 2016‐08 Waffle House at S.R. 16 NW of Racetrack located at 2711 S.R. (West of I‐95) 2016‐15 Westgate Business Park 525 State Road 16, St. Augustine, FL 32084 1 Request for a Major Modification to revise development standards and signage allowances, and extend phasing by ten (10) years for a commercial park PUD. Under staff review 5 Request for a Major Modification from a solely residential project to a private commercial resort with beach villas. Pending Applicant materials/information 4 Major Modification to expand the land area of the existing Valley Smoke PUD from 11 S. Roscoe to incorporate the land of 13 S. Roscoe for an addition of 12,858 square feet of commercial space. 1 Major Modification to amend the PUD to remove the requirement of a 5 foot sidewalk along the Villa Sovana Court. Pending Applicant materials/information 2 Major Modification the Anderson Park PUD to extend the phasing schedule by 5 years per phase and to allow for the submittal of an incremental Master Development Plan to construct a Waffle House restaurant. Pending Applicant materials/information 5 Major Modification to the Westgate Business Park PUD, to allow for the addition of a second access point on the east side, off S Collins Avenue. Pending Applicant materials/information 12858 BCC 9/6/2016 PZA 8/4/2016 Set Hearing 5 Request major modification to reduce the front yard setback from a minimum of 20 feet to a minimum of 15 feet, applicable only to the 415 lots within the DR Horton property. Requesting to remove the 415 potential for vehicular access to be located on secondary front yards for Corner Lots. Request to add an option to have age‐restricted units within the project. 1 Request for a Major Modification to the Worthington PUD to remove a 12.73 acre parcel and incorporate 10.22 acre outparcel. 124 Ashton Oaks Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32092 2 Minor Modification for a Home Occupation for Piano Lessons at a residence in the Ashton Oaks pursuant to LDC Section 2.03.07. 1 212 Blue Indigo Ct 5 Minor Modification to reduce the Front and Rear yard setbacks for a single‐family home. 1 4 Minor Modification to the Nocatee PUD to allow for the use of an ownership based Personal Property Mini‐Warehouse Facility on a single parcel. 1 Minor Modification to the Cumberland Industrial Park PUD to allow for the use of a brewery and associated taproom. MAJMOD Woodlawn Planned Unit Woodlawn PUD, North of 2016‐12 Development (fka Northridge Woodlawn Rd. Lakes PUD) MAJMOD Worthington (aka The 2016‐11 Reserve at Greenbriar) North side of Greenbriar Road, at Fever Hammock Drive and Brambly Vine Drive MINMOD 2016‐05 Lorie Burningham Piano MINMOD 2016‐02 MINMOD MINMOD 2016‐04 Lot 25 Guana Landing (212 Blue Indigo Ct) Old Valley Road Storage Northeast portion of Palm (Twenty Mile Village Center) valley & Nocatee Parkway 2016‐03 Tabula Rasa Brewing Cumberland Industrial Park Under staff review BCC 09/06/2016 Set for Hearing PZA 8/18/2016 Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information Pending Applicant materials/information PZA 8/4/2016 Set for Hearing NZVAR NZVAR NZVAR Chinmaya Mission St 2016‐02 Augustine 2016‐05 Durbin Creek 2016‐03 Oakridge Trail Parcels 6175 Solano Creek Rd South of Race Track Road east of County Road 2209 and west of I‐95 475 Oakridge Trail and Adjacent Parcels, St. Augustine, FL 32092 2 Non‐zoning variance to exempt the property from paving the private driveway into the church and allow for an unpaved parking lot. 1 Non‐Zoning Variance from Section 4.01.05.C.6 of the LDC to begin clearing the site so that drainage and other infrastructure can be constructed concurrently with the building of SR 9B and West Peyton Parkway. 700000 2 Request for a Non‐Zoning Variance to allow three additional single family residences on three individual parcels along a private easement. Pending Applicant materials/information BCC 9/6/2016 Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information 3 NZVAR 2016‐04 Sawgrass Marriott Cabana 619 Ponte Vedra Blvd 4 Non‐Zoning Variance to PVZDR, section VIII.Q.5.b(1)(g), which limits the height of accessory structures to seven feet in order to allow three trellises a a height of 8' & 7 3/8" PLAT 2016‐28 Bannon Lakes 1A‐1 International Golf Pkwy 1 Platting of 87 SFD lots (52‐43' lots; 35‐53' lots) 87 PLAT 2016‐18 Bannon Lakes Phase 1 N Side of International Golf Parkway, east of I‐95 1 First phase is main entrance road with storm water ponds and amenity center tract for future residential development Under staff review PLAT 2015‐13 223 Towers Ranch Dr 2 Proposed re‐plat to combine lots 1 Pending Applicant materials/information PLAT 2015‐04 Bennett's Acres (Replat) 1190 Cherry Tree Rd 3 Replat of Tract 69 into two lots 2 Pending Applicant materials/information PLAT 2016‐12 Port Charlotte Dr 4 Platting of 24 single family subdivision 24 Pending Applicant materials/information Bartram Downs Unit Three Lot 48 Replat Coastal Oaks at Nocatee Phase 2D Unit 2 PVZAB 8/22/2016 Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information PLAT 2016‐21 PLAT Creekside at Twin Creeks Phase 1D Pending Applicant material/information CR 210 1 Platting of 41 single family lots 41 2016‐26 Northridge Lakes Unit 4 Woodlawn Rd. 5 Platting of 22 Single Family Lots 22 BCC 9/6/2016 Set for Hearing PLAT 2016‐23 Palencia North Phase III B Pine Island Rd. 4 Platting for 37 Single Family Lots 37 BCC 08/16/2016 Set for Hearing PLAT 2016‐27 Preserve at St Johns SR 210 1 Platting of 86 single family lots and necessary roads & tracts 86 Pending Applicant material/information PLAT 2016‐22 Riverwood By Del Webb Ph. North of Pineland Bay Dr., East 3B Unit 2 & West of Wood Meadow Way 4 Development of 46 Residential Lots 46 Pending Applicant material/information PLAT 2016‐24 Riverwood by Del Webb Phase 3C Unit 2 South of Pineland Bay Drive, East of Sweet Pine Trail 4 Platting of 75 Single Family Lots 75 Pending Applicant material/information PLAT 2016‐20 Sea View (Peppertree PUD) 4825 A1A South 3 Platting of 28 single family lots with 28 Amenity Center PLAT 2016‐30 Shearwater Phase 1‐5 CR 210 2 Platting of 12 single family lots 12 PLAT 2016‐29 Shearwater Phase 1‐6 CR 210 2 Platting of 29 single family lots 29 PLAT 2016‐14 Twenty Mile at Nocatee Phase 3B 20 Mile Rd 4 Platting of a 113 lot single family subdivision 113 Pending Applicant material/information PLAT 2016‐06 Twenty Mile at Nocatee Phase 4B (Roads) 20 Mile Rd 4 Extension of 20 Mile Rd, connecting Twenty Mile Phase 4A with Phase 3A Pending Applicant material/information PLNAPPL Ponte Vedra Beach Preserve 2015‐04 (Appeal to approval of 1044 Ponte Vedra Boulevard PVZVAR 2015‐02) 4 Request to appeal the approval of the zoning variance (PVZVAR 2015‐ 02) to Section VIII.I of the PVZDR to allow fill in excess of the maximum allowances. 1 Request to rezone 14.32 acres from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development to allow for the development of a maximum 90,000 square feet commercial shopping center. PUD 2016‐15 4560 Race Track Road Planned Unit Development 4560 Race Track Road, Saint Johns, FL 32259 BCC 08/16/2016 BCC 9/6/2016 BCC 9/6/2016 Set for Hearing Set for Hearing Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information 90000 Pending Applicant materials/information PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD 2016‐11 Black Gold Project 2015‐08 Bocage 2016‐06 Cordova Palms PUD 2016‐08 CR 210 Town Center 2016‐02 Edgewater Southwest quadrant at SR 207 and I‐95 State Roads 16/13, north of intersection US Highway 1 North North side of CR 210 between Shearwater Parkway and Greenbriar Road SR 16 and Racetrack Road 3 Rrezone approximately 118.4 acres from Open Rural and Commercial Highway Tourist to Planned Unit Development for a proposed mixed 400 40000 use development consisting of 400 residential units and 40,000 sq feet of non‐residential uses. Pending Applicant materials/information 2 Request to rezone 303.6 acres from Open Rural and Residential, Single Family to Planned Unit 522 Development to allow up to 522 single family homes and a public school site. Pending Applicant materials/information 5 A request to Rezone from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development for a mixed use project containing up to 750 residential units and 150,000 sq ft of commercial retail. 1 Request to rezone approximately 44.5 acres from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development for a commercial development with a maximum 399,000 sq feet of retail and 135,000 sq feet of professional office space. 2 Request to rezone from Open Rural (OR) and Commercial General (CG) to Planned Unit Development for the development of 19 single‐family lots. 750 150000 BCC 9/20/2016 PZA 8/18/2016 Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information 474000 BCC 9/20/2016 Set Hearing PZA 8/4/2016 PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD 2016‐03 ICI ‐ Middlebourne PUD Intersection of Longleaf Pine Parkway & Veterans Parkway, north Rd 210 west of Interstate 95 2016‐09 Lightsey Road Extension North side of Lightsey Rd, along the Lightsey Rd Extension 2016‐12 Mill Creek Forest PUD 2016‐10 Oak Trail Preserve 2016‐14 Project Family 601 Greenbriar Rd; Fronting Greenbriar Rd; East of the fronting Longleaf Pine Parkway 44 North Roscoe Blvd./50 North Blvd. 5404 Racetrack Road, St. Johns, FL 32259 1 Request to rezone from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for 450 single‐family units with related amenities, and to 450 250000 allow for 187,500 SQ. FT. of commercial space, with 62,500 SQ. FT. of office space. Pending Applicant materials/information 3 Request to rezone 89.81 acres from Open Rural to Planned Unit 209 Development to allow for 209 single family homes. Pending Applicant materials/information 1 Request to rezone approximately 264 acres from Open Rural to Planned Unit 280 Development for the development of a 280 unit single family residential community. Pending Applicant materials/information 4 Request to rezone 36.24 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) for 28 a proposed 28 unit single family subdivision. Pending Applicant materials/information 1 Request to rezone approximately 42.3 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for approximately 150,000 square feet of indoor recreation space, 36,087 square feet of commercial uses, and 60,000 square feet of office space on approximately 42.3 acres. 246087 Under staff review PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD E of Pacetti Rd, south of Scaff Rd & west of the future County 2 Rd 2209 Request to rezone approximately 836 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) for the development of 951 single‐family residential dwelling units and a 100‐acre high school site. 2016‐13 Stonecrest 6164 Race Track Road 1 Request to rezone approximately 46.53 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD)Â for a proposed development of 173 single family homes. 2016‐16 Strates Crossing PUD North of State Road 207, West of Interstate‐95, Elkton, FL 32033 2 Request to rezone 218.63 acres from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development for the construction of a 259 single family home subdivision. 2 Request to rezone from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development for 21 the development of 21 single‐family residential lots. 1 Request to rezone approximately 778 acres from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development to allow 818 160000 for 818 residential single‐family units with 160,000 sq ft of neighborhood commercial. 1 Request to rezone from Open Rural to Planned Unit Development and Planned Unit Development to 134 Planned Unit Development to allow 179 single family residential units. 2015‐12 Steeplechase PUD 2016‐05 The Enclave at World Golf 3740 Pacetti Road 2016‐07 WCI C.R. 210 Land Between Longleaf Pine Parkway and Greenbriar Rd/CR 210 W, east of future CR 223 extension 2014‐17 Worthington Estates PUD North of Worthington PUD Pending Applicant materials/information 951 Under staff review. 259 Under staff review BCC 9/20/2016 PZA 8/4/2016 Hearing set Pending Applicant materials/information BCC 9/6/2016 Set for Hearing. PVZVAR PVZVAR 2016‐04 2016‐06 726 Ponte Vedra Blvd Retaining Wall PV Blvd Kitty Switkes Residence Third 111 Ocean Course Drive Story PVZVAR 2016‐01 Rose Lot PVZVAR Roger Wellman 2016‐02 Residential Construction West side of PV Blvd 2016‐07 1600 Northwood Drive 1600 Northwood Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 REZ 127 Ocean Course Drive 4 Request a zoning variance from Section VIII.N.i of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations to allow construction of a new retaining wall up to 14' in height and within 14' of an existing retaining wall in lieu of the 4' maximum height and 40' separation provision to prevent further erosion issues. PVZAB 08/22/2016 Set for Hearing 4 Request for a Zoning Variance to Section IV.B.4 of the Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations to allow an unpermitted conversion of the attic space into a habitable third‐ story to continue to remain in place. PVZAB 08/22/2016 Set for Hearing 4 Request for a Zoning Variance to Ponte Vedra Zoning District Regulations, Sec IV.B.1 to allow a lot width of less than 80% of the required lot width at the intersection with the street line. Under staff review 4 Request for a Ponte Vedra Zoning Variance to reduce the front BRL from 40' to 30' due to wetlands on rear of property. Pending Applicant materials/information 3 Request to rezone 1.99 acres from Residential, Manufactured/Mobile Home or Single Family (RMH(S))to Industrial, Warehousing (IW). Pending Applicant materials/information REZ REZ REZ REZ REZ REZ 2016‐05 2391 U.S. One South 2016‐06 Farm Boy's Produce 2015‐25 Great Expectations Auction 2014‐11 Moultrie Oaks Retirement Community ‐ Phase VI 2016‐04 Preserve Pointe 2015‐22 Riverside Blvd Lots Located on the west side of US 1 and south of State Road 312 8401 State Road 207, Hastings, FL 32145 1965 State Road 207 245 Wildwood Drive St. Augustine, FL 32086 4410 Palm Valley Road Corner of Riverside Boulevard and A1A S. 3 Request to rezone approximately 4.2 acres from Commercial, General (CG) and Open Rural (OR) to Commercial, Intensive (CI) to bring existing businesses into compliance and allow for additional uses. 2 Request to rezone from Open Rural (OR) to Commercial, Intensive (CI) to allow for outdoor sales from a food truck, in conjunction with the existing Farm Boy's Produce business. 3 Requesting to rezone from Open Rural (OR) to Commercial Intensive (CI) to allow for a real estate, automobile dealership and auction businesses and the future construction of an auction house storage building. BCC 9/6/2016 Set for Hearing PZA 8/4/2016 Pending Applicant materials/information PZA 09/01/2016 Set for Hearing BCC 10/04/2016 3 Request to Rezone from OR (Open Rural) to RMH (Residential, Manufactured/Mobile Home) 4 Request to rezone 8.38 acres from Open Rural (OR) to Residential Single‐Family (RS‐2) to allow for the 10 development of 10 single‐family homes. 3 Request to Rezone from Commercial General to Residential, Single‐Family to allow single‐family residential development. 30 BCC 08/16/2016 Set for Hearing BCC 10/4/2016 Set for Hearing PZA 8/18/2016 Pending Applicant materials/information REZ 2016‐03 Safari Pest Control Agricultural Center Dr, south of 2 CR 208, west of I‐95 Request to rezone 3 acres from Commercial, Highway Tourist with conditions to Commercial, Warehouse to allow for a pest control business. 3 Rezone three lots on approximately 0.82 acres from Commercial Highway Tourist to Residential, Single‐Family. 5 Rezone from Commercial General to Residential Single Family (RS‐3). 4 Vacate & Abandoning the aforesaid portion of the Plat of Avalon, and the streets lying therein none of which have become highways necessary for use by the traveling public. Map Book 5 Page 75. REZ 2016‐02 Summer Haven Rezoning North of the intersection at Old A1A and A1A REZ 2015‐17 Twelvth Street Rezoning Coastal Highway between 11th and 12th Streets VACPLA BCC 9/6/2016 Set for Hearing PZA 8/4/2016 BCC 8/16/2016 Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information 8 Pending Applicant materials/information 2016‐01 Ocean Course Drive 127 Ocean Course Dr VACROA 2016‐03 First Street First Street at Caps on the Water 5 To vacate an unopened portion of First Street between Block 1 and Block F, North Beach, as recorded in Map Book 3, Page 28. VACROA 2015‐09 Live Oak & Ridge Road Worthington Estates 1 Vacation of portion of Live Oak Road and all of Ridge Road. Pending Applicant materials/information 5 Vacate that portion of Oak Street that lies easterly of Lots 1 and 2, Block 15 and westerly of Lots 15 and 16, Block 14, North Beach, as recorded in Map Book 3, Page 28, Public Records of St Johns County. Pending Applicant materials/information VACROA 2015‐12 Oak Street (Schreck) Oak Street Expiration 9/29/2016 Pending Applicant materials/information VACROA 2016‐01 Sunset Blvd Easement Venetian Isles 4 To Vacate, abandon, discontinue and close that portion of said easement between lots 9 & 26 Pending Applicant materials/information VBTCDR 2016‐02 Hotel Vilano VBTC 5 Request for final approval on a new 65 room hotel with retail. Pending Applicant materials/information 4 Zoning Variance from Table 6.01 of the LDC in Residential, Single‐Family (RS‐3) zoning, specifically from the minimum Lot Coverage by Buildings and the minimum Yard requirements for the construction of two single family homes. ZVAR ZVAR ZVAR 2016‐10 1230 Neck Rd & Guana Dr. 2016‐08 3232 Coastal Highway 2015‐02 Griffin Carport 1230 Neck Road & 4 Guana Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 3232 Coastal Highway, St. Augustine, FL 105 Warbler Rd. 5 Request for a Zoning Variance to reduce the Front Yard setback requirement from 25 feet to 15 feet in RS‐2 zoning to allow for the construction of a single family home. 3 Request a Zoning Variance to allow a front yard setback of 1' in lieu of 25' required to allow for an existing carport. PZA 8/18/2016 Set for Hearing PZA/PV 8/18/2016 PZA/PV 9/1/2016 Set for Hearing Pending Applicant materials/information ZVAR 2016‐09 I95/US1 Commercial 10070 US Highway 1 South 3 Zoning Variance to allow a reduction in the required side yard from 15 feet to 11 feet to allow for an existing modular building. ZVAR 2015‐23 Lagasse Garage Remodel 7201 A1A South 3 Zoning variance for renovations of an existing garage on site. Pending Applicant materials/information ZVAR 2016‐02 Morgan Avenue 137 Morgan Ave and Oak Ave 5 Zoning variance to Sec 2.02.04.B.12 for a 8' privacy fence in lieu of 6' for outdoor cooking area. Pending Applicant materials/information PZA 8/4/2016 Set for Hearing ZVAR ZVAR 2015‐18 Parrish Addition 2016‐07 Paul Florence Beach House 6825 Avenue G Old A1A 3 Request for a zoning variance to reduce the required second front yard setback from twenty (20) feet to nine (9) feet for an addition to an existing single‐family home. Pending Applicant material/information 3 Request for a zoning variance to decrease the required front yard setback from twenty‐five (25) feet to twenty‐two (22) feet for the construction of a new single family home. Pending Applicant material/information PVZVAR 2016-06 ARC 2016-08 Pending applications requiring a public hearing before the ARC, DRB, PVZAB, PZA or BCC PVZVAR 2016-01 Solana Rd ZVAR 2016-11 åna RNZVAR d 2016-04 PVZVAR 2016-02 ARCCC 2016-07å C o ro S Ros åå å MAJMOD 2015-07å Mi l PLAT 2016-06 å eR Fruit Cove Rd PLAT 2016-32 R2015-05 ace Dur å CPA(SS) binå k Rd åCreek TraåcPUD 2016-15 B lv d COMPAMD 2016-05 å PUD 2016-18 20 Outlook Dr PLAT 2016-14 PLNAPPL 2015-04 Rd REZler2016-04 ck ZVAR 2016-10 Mi B Vedra Ponte lvd coe B MAJMOD 2016-05 A1A N PVZVAR 2016-04 ARCCC 2016-22 MAJMOD 2015-25 ARCCC 2016-14 NZVAR 2016-07 NZVAR 2016-06 ARCCC 2015-30 PUD 2016-10 ARCCC 2016-16 PVZVAR 2016-07 å Ray Rd y eP kw uir ag oM MAJMOD 2016-13 PLAT 2016-28 DRI MOD 2016-01 wy lf Pk2016-18 PLAT International Go COMPAMD 2016-06 MINMOD 2016-06 COMPAMD 2015-03 PUD 2015-08 Rd cis CPA(SS) 2016-04 NZVAR 2016-03 MAJMOD 2016-10 PUD 2016-05 REZ 2015-17 d å2016-26 å PLAT MAJMOD 2016-06 Rd Woodlawn MAJMOD 2016-12 COMPAMD 2016-03 ZVAR 2016-08 H stal å Inman Rd nR COMPAMD 2015-06 PUD 2015-12 Ro ad 13 N r Sho å St at å eD ild W ease R Cannondale Ln Dobbs Rd N Allen 7 ty 20 un å åå å å å å åå åå å å å åååå å å å åå å å å å d n Blv Co County Road 13A N å wy MAJMOD 2016-08 REZ 2016-03 e Leo ADMA 2014-01 Terra Pines Blvd ZVAR 2016-02 2016-02 State RoadVBTCDR 16 REZ 2016-08 PUD 2016-02 MAJMOD 2016-15 d R An MINMOD 2016-05 ne i as P y ta W King St sia Ba CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE Bl vd CPA(SS) 2016-09 REZ 2016-07 Power Line Rd Road 312 State SUPMAJ 2015-14 MADRB 2016-09 PLAT 2016-36 4 21 d d oa R R County REZ 2016-05 16th St tsey PUD 2016-09 MADRB 2016-08 Ligh ZVAR 2016-13 ZVAR 2015-02 A St REZ 2015-25 CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH PLAT 2015-04 å nc e d oad 208 NCDRB 2016-02 VACROA 2015-11 VACROA 2016-03 VACROA 2015-12 CPA(SS) 2016-08 MAJMOD 2016-16 N Po ht o As å MAJMOD 2014-15 Coa Pac e SF tti R d ra n å Dr e Jo CPA(SS) 2016-06 COMPAMD 2015-08 DRI MOD 2015-06 PUD 2016-06 e Pin å VACROA 2016-01 MINMOD 2016-02 d A d 16 oa un Co N Le d ra Blv oa eR W 0 21 ty R oa d Dr e us ho ve r n e a O c åREZ 2016-09 te Ved R S P on Ri i c n t l a A t nt y PLAT 2015-13 County R lvd nd ou N C 1 a Sh ri d sB ge å US r d å å wy r Pk Rd R e å å å å te swa C ro s rts J o h n s å Pkwy St Johns be t. å å åååå i v å Ro S y MINMOD 2016-04 COMPAMD 2016-07 Pkw PUD 2016-14 ee t d a c COMPAMD yR No 2016-04 lle Va PUD 2016-13 Long PLAT 2016-12 alm NZVAR 2016-05 leaf PinePUD 2016-17 CPA(SS) 2016-10 P N PLAT 2016-37 Pkw PUD 2016-19 3 COMPAMD 2016-01 y MAJMOD 2015-14 d 1 PLAT 2016-22 NZVAR 2016-05 a PUD 2016-03 PLAT 2016-24 Ro 2015-09 PLAT 2016-27 VACROA e COMPAMD 2016-02 at PUD 2014-17 t S PLAT 2016-21 Green briar MAJMOD 2015-24 Rd PUD 2016-07 MAJMOD 2016-11 PUD 2016-08 PUD 2016-12 vd 2016-23 Bl sPLAT PLAT 2016-31 MAJMOD 2015-22 a PLAT 2016-30 lin a PLAT 2016-34 PLAT 2016-33 sC TUP 2016-02 MAJMOD 2016-14 La PLAT 2016-29 PLAT 2016-35 DRI MOD 2016-02 å ¯ VACPLA 2016-01 S A1A r wo å od d PUD 2016-16 Deltona Blvd PUD 2016-11 REZ 2014-11 CPA(SS) 2016-07 Watson Rd Blvd re s Sho Dr Co ty ad 13 S County Road 305 Ro Long leaf R Rd d Smith Grade Rd Hastings Blvd County Road 13 A1A S District 5 g Klin District 4 Rachael Bennett ZVAR 2016-12 95 Jay Morris e stat District 3 r Inte Bill McClure Jeb Smith 95 District 1 W å MAJMOD 2016-09 e stat James Johns 206 State Road 206 E r Inte St. Johns County Commissioner Districts Sta te R oad Trl School Site ZVAR 2015-18 ZVAR 2015-23 å Caballo George Miller Rd REZ 2016-06 TOWN OF HASTINGS å US 1 S un 2016-05 å CPA(SS) å å SUPMIN 2016-04 REZ 2015-22 å NZVAR 2016-02 e E St Johns Av MADRB 2016-07 PLAT 2016-20 TOWN OF MARINELAND S Flagler Estates Blvd County Road District 2 204 ZVAR 2016-07 REZ 2016-02 ZVAR 2016-09 k Bric Old Rd 4.5 2.25 0 4.5 Miles Map Created By: St. Johns County Growth Management Services Tranportation Development Division August 2, 2016