2012 March Quarterly Newsletter - Catholic Daughters of the Americas
2012 March Quarterly Newsletter - Catholic Daughters of the Americas
CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS NATIONAL CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE March 2012 Dear Catholic Daughters: This may have slipped by you as the Gospel was read on Ash Wednesday, but Jesus paid us a supreme compliment. Listen again to the language: “When you give alms …when you pray …when you fast …” The tone would be entirely different if He had said, “If you give alms … if you pray … if you fast.” The fact that He said, “When …” makes all the difference in the world. It’s as if He assumes that we will keep these spiritual disciplines; that He takes for granted the faithfulness of his listeners. Not if, but when. And it’s not all about religious piety. These practices – giving alms, praying and fasting – come naturally to all people, from time to time. In fact, I’m often amazed at the extent to which people do these things without being told. Last Thanksgiving I spent a few hours out in the parking lot of the local Parish helping with our Saint Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Food Drive. We really didn’t do that much to promote it. We certainly didn’t twist any arms. Yet, without prodding, people would stop by to drop off a sack of cans or give us a cash donation. Why? Because compassion comes naturally. It’s an innate quality. It comes from deep within. True, some are more compassionate than others, and that’s probably because of their upbringing. Yet, in every age and every culture we find this same characteristic: those who are strong are drawn to helping those who are weak. I’ve been reading Khaled Hosseini’s latest novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, set in recentday Afghanistan. In it, there’s this beautiful scene of two women at odds with each other. The older, Mariam, is the wife of Rasheed, a shoemaker. The younger, Laila, is only fourteen and has recently been orphaned by the warring factions. Rasheed takes advantage of her vulnerability and offers to marry her on the pretense of wanting to protect her and provide for her. Having no other choice, she consents. So, the two women are now forced to share a husband and a home. Mariam will have nothing to do with Laila, and Laila feels powerless to compete with Mariam. In time, Laila gives birth to a beautiful little girl whom she names, Aziza. At first, this only heightens Mariam’s jealously. But as she watches Laila nursing her daughter and feels her powerlessness to do anything but submit to Rasheed’s demands – and, often – his wrath, her heart begins to overflow with compassion, sympathy and love. One morning, Laila opens her bedroom door and finds a neatly stacked array of baby clothes for her daughter, all lovingly hand-stitched by Mariam. The wall of hostility begins to crumble, as the two women form a common bond with each other. No, we don’t have to give alms to the poor. We do so because we care, because we feel compassion, and because others have helped us in so many ways. It comes naturally. The same is true of praying. No one forces us to pray. We do so because, deep within us, the human soul longs for a relationship with its Creator. And the more we pray, the more prayer becomes for us a life-giving source of strength and confidence. It’s also true of fasting, though we don’t talk about it that much. I suppose that’s because we live in a world that is so driven by self-indulgence. Yet, people have fasted for as far back as we can tell, both for religious, as well as physical reasons. If you listen to your body, it’ll tell you, from time to time, of its need to be set free of food and drink for a while, whether it’s alcohol or chocolate or carbs or extra calories. Something within us sounds an alarm and drives us to purge our bodies of harmful contaminants, to make space for the indwelling of the Spirit. And the hunger we feel when we do only quickens our awareness of God’s sustaining grace. The Good News is that Jesus knew this from the start. His concern was not to tell us what we ought to be doing; rather, to remind us to stay focused on why we’re doing it. He says, and I paraphrase: “When you give alms, don’t make a big show of it … give anonymously … don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing and, by all means, don’t give hoping that somebody will be impressed or want to give you something in return.” “When you pray, don’t make a big show of it – haven’t I said this before? Find a secluded spot so you can pray privately. And, whatever you do, talk to God the same way you’d talk to a friend – honestly, openly, straightforwardly – not with a bunch of platitudes and empty phrases.” “And when you fast, as many of you are doing today, don’t make a big show of it.” This is beginning to sound like a broken record, isn’t it? Wash your face and hands, comb your hair, look your best, because if people know you’re fasting, you’ll be the center of attention, not God, and that defeats the whole point of the matter. The sense of this passage is crystal clear: whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything to the glory of God and God, who is all-knowing, will be pleased and honored with your gifts of devotion and service and will bless you far beyond anything you might otherwise imagine. Father Ed Lamp National Chaplain Catholic Daughters of the Americas National Headquarters 10 West 71st Street New York, NY 10023 212-877-3041 fax: 212-724-5923 orders: 888-221-8834 email: [email protected] www.catholicdaughters.org roster: [email protected] Quarterly Newsletter March 2012 Dear Officers, Chaplains and Members, Winter this year sure has been out of the ordinary. Many a day, it was warmer in the northern states than it was here in Florida. Although the meteorologists try to forecast the coming days, their rate of accuracy tends to be quite low. We often have no idea what to expect from day to day, reinforcing the truth in the old saying that, “God only knows.” During the season of Lent, we are called upon to remember that Christ did know what awaited him on Calvary. No objective observer who witnessed the crowds shouting their hosannas to Jesus on Palm Sunday ever would have predicted His ultimate persecution at the hands of those same people just a few days later. But Jesus knew, just as He knew that a joyous Resurrection was soon to follow the pain and apparent hopelessness of Good Friday. This should be a reminder to us, at Lent and always, to look beyond what seems to be the unpredictable nature of our day-to-day lives and trust in the goodness of God’s great plan. Part of His plan for us may be to participate more in our organization and our own individual courts this year. Each of us has talents to share, and no two members are exactly alike in what they have to offer. This month you will elect a nominating committee for your local court. The members of the nominating committee will be asked to call upon members of the court to serve as leaders for the next two years. As the Angel said to Our Blessed Mother, “Do not be afraid!” Serving as a court officer can be a rewarding learning experience, and those that served before you are willing and able to serve as mentors. The election will take place at your May meeting, during which time other members may also run for office from the floor. Please keep the court’s best interest at heart, consider the service you provide for your court, your church and your community, and say yes to the call. Also keep an open mind to the possibility of attending CDA’s 54th Biennial National Convention in Omaha, Nebraska. By now you have also elected delegates and alternates to represent your court in making decisions for our organization, but we would love to have you there as well, as an individual ambassador of the CDA spirit! The national convention is a golden opportunity for each of you to meet other members, share ideas, and learn new things about our organization and about ourselves. If you are not able to attend, you will receive proposed by-law changes as well as resolutions later this year. Take the time to study them as a group so your delegates will know how you feel. NATIONAL FUND RAISER Happy New Year! As you make your plans for 2012, I hope you’re enjoying plotting them out in our two year CDA pocket calendar. Like many of our members I have been making good use of mine, as I try to keep track of schedules and deadlines, special events like birthdays and holidays. Speaking of holidays, you’ll soon receive a lovely selection of Easter Cards in the mail. As with all fundraiser mailings, they are a gift to you in the hopes that you will consider sending a onetime financial donation to the Catholic Daughters of the Americas in return. Easter blessings to all and thank you in advance to those who are able and willing to contribute. As an aside, the reply envelope (and the PO Box to which it’s addressed) is solely for this fundraising project – we ask that you please not use them for any purpose other than responding to this fundraising effort. Thank you, and please keep us in your prayers throughout the Easter Season! MARCH FOR LIFE What a turn out! 350,000 strong marched in Washington DC. Your National Board was well represented. Thank you to all those who braved the cold, snow and rain to march under the CDA banner for life. The award for the member who came from the farthest goes to Charlene Dronan, Washington State Regent. Please make note of a date change for 2013’s March for Life. Washington DC. Due to the Presidential Inauguration in January, 2013, the March for Life has been rescheduled for Friday, January 25, 2013. Our CDA calendars were printed with an incorrect date. CIRCLE OF LOVE CONTEST If any LOCAL Court has a question concerning deadline dates for the Circle of Love forms to be sent to your State Chairman, please contact your State Regent, who has set the date. The TERRITORIAL Courts must have the the Circle of Love forms to the National Chairmen postmarked by April 1, 2012. PLEASE NOTE: The New Quality of Life National Chairman is National Regent-Elect Anne Nelson, 6420 Wilben Rd, Linthicum, MD 21090 410-859-5206. EDUCATION CONTEST To State Chairmen: Entries for the State Education Contest should be arriving in your mailbox soon. The deadline for entries to you as the state chairman is March 15, 2012. Please check each entry to ensure all rules were followed. Entries must be disqualified if any of the rules are ignored. This includes the size of an art or photography entry or the use of lettering that is not allowed on computer art and art entries. All state first place winning entries for each category in each division must be postmarked by April 15, 2012 to be considered for the national contest. If you have questions, please contact: Sherry Nilles, National Education Chair, 711 25th Avenue, Sheldon, Iowa 51201, Home phone: 712.324.0125 MEMBERSHIP CONTEST As the date of March 31, 2012 grows closer, please see the attached Membership Contest flier. Please be sure that you have sent in all your New, Renewed or Transferred Member’s forms to the National Office to be counted. NEWSLETTER CONTEST Is your newsletter in the annual contest? Local Court Regents, please be sure to send your entries to your State Chairman before the deadline set by your State Regent. State Chairmen; be sure to send the winning entries to the National Chairman with the form supplied by your State Regent. State and Territorial Regents, be sure to send your entries to the National Chairman, Janet Martineau as per the attached flier. FINANCIAL REVIEWS Every April and October your Court is required to hold a Financial Review with your District Deputy or State Representative. Many Courts are past due in sending their copy of the Review to the National Office. Please be sure to make the appropriate number of copies and send them out as soon as the Review is over. Attached is your Financial Review Form for the period ending March 30, 2012. ANNUAL CDA LECTURE The preliminary date for our annual lecture at Catholic University is April 22, 2012. When we receive confirmation, along with the speaker and topic, we will send an email to the State and Territorial Regents as well as post it on the CDA website under “Events.” Thank you for your understanding. 2 ELECTION OF LOCAL COURT OFFICERS Attached is the Officer List to be completed by every Court in Catholic Daughters. It is very important that this form be sent to the National Office and your State Regent after your May meeting. Even if your officers are remaining for the next two year term, or your court is less than one year old, you must send the completed form back. This is to ensure that we have the correct addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses (if applicable) for all the officers. The term of office for the local Court Officers begins 30 days from your Court’s May meeting and is for two years. Thank you to all outgoing officers for their continued dedication to CDA. GOLD PRICES With the rising cost of Gold, please see the enclosed flier containing the prices for our gold, sterling silver and electroplated jewelry. Please be aware that if you intend to buy any Past Local Court Regent jewelry, it may take up to 12 weeks to get 10K, 14K and sterling silver items. Place the order early for your outgoing Regent. ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES CDA has participated in this event sponsored by the Saint Michael the Archangel Organization since the beginning in 2008. The three day event will take place May 4-6, 2012. Please contact your Court members and parish to pass along this event so that the One Million Rosaries goal will be met. Please see the enclosed flier with additional details. STATE COURT FINANCIAL REVIEWS All State Courts are required to complete a Financial Review each year. Please refer to Section 4 pages 19, 20 and 21 in the Tools of the Trade. These forms are due to the National Office before June 1, 2012. MONEY OWED TO NATIONAL AND STATE Please be aware that any court owing money to either the National Office or your State as of December 31, 2011, may not participate as delegates at the National convention. This would include dues, supplies, insurance, etc. The National Office has sent out statements to those who are past due. Please pay all debts on time. PRIEST APPRECIATION DAY Does your court participate? Priest Appreciation Day is June 3, 2012. Cards are available at the National Office. No cost for the cards, only postage, you return the enclosed slip to us with your donation. Please do something special so they will know we are here for them. NATIONAL CONVENTION You are invited to the 54th Biennial National Catholic Daughters Convention, which will be held in Omaha, Nebraska July 18-22, 2012. Complete information regarding the Convention can be found on the Catholic Daughters Web site, www.catholicdaughters.org under Events, National Convention and in the November 2011 Convention mailing that went to local court regents. Additional information is included in this mailing. Prior to May 31, 2012 – Make hotel reservations at the Omaha Hilton. Call toll free for Reservations: 1-800-321-3232 in order to assure group rate, IF BLOCK HAS NOT YET BEEN FILLED. If you have any questions, call Shirley Seyfried, Convention Chairperson at 218-862-3493 or the national office. See you in Omaha!!! RESOLUTIONS: If your Court wishes to present a resolution at the National Convention, please send FIVE (5) copies of each Resolution which must be POST MARKED by June 15, 2012 to: Mary Ann Kizer National Chairman of Resolutions, P.O. Box 2753 Pine Bluff, AR 71613-2753 BYLAWS See the enclosed list of possible bylaw changes to be voted on at the convention. Please read these proposed changes to your members to ask how the delegates should vote. 3 DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES FOR LOCAL COURTS: Please elect your delegates and alternates, then send the form back noting the number of delegates and alternates for your court. Please note that we would also like this form back if you are not sending anyone to the National Convention. Be sure to indicate the date on which the election took place in the space allotted. Any additional information and forms will be sent in the April mailing to the Local Courts who have marked their forms that they are attending the convention. REGISTRATION FORMS FOR LOCAL AND STATE COURTS: All pertinent forms will be sent in the April Convention mailing to all Courts who have returned the DELEGATE form. We are doing away with the credential cards. Please be sure to complete the registration forms in their entirety. EXHIBITOR’S TABLES: Attached is a Registration form for exhibitors at the Convention. If you know of someone that would like to Exhibit, please give them the form along with a copy of the agenda. They will also need to know about the room reservations and meals if they wish to stay. Please note that there are specials rates for any not-for-profit companies or organizations. Please call the National Office if you have any questions. LIFE LINE SCREENING "As Catholic Daughters, we are called to improve quality of life, not only for others, but also for ourselves. Through the Circle of Love program, our organization has dedicated itself to promoting social justice and to protecting the human dignity of all people. Part of this mission includes supporting healthcare initiatives that can help improve the daily lives of all people, including us Catholic Daughters. That is why we have partnered with Lifeline Screening, to offer our members an important service at a reduced cost. Lifeline uses the most advanced ultrasound technology to check for developing cardiovascular disease, aneurysms, and strokes and alert patients in advance as to their risk for experiencing these life-threatening conditions. You may receive a packet from Lifeline in the upcoming months. These services are completely optional. I encourage you to consider the materials contained within the packet, perhaps discuss it with your regular doctor -- consider it a way of loving yourself!" 1903 SOCIETY Would you like to see your name on the “Wall of Fame” in the National Office? Have you become a member of the 1903 Society? Is your court a member? You will also be recognized at the National Convention. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. This program is moving right along and we have had a good response from many state courts, individual courts, individual members, memorials and annual pledges. A very special thank you to those who are participating in this program. You now have the honor and prestige of knowing that you are helping to maintain our National Office which is in a Landmark District of New York City. Our Goal was to raise $100,000 this year. I am happy to announce from July 2011 to January 2012 we have raised: $62,859.20 in pledges with $31,643.68 in the bank from these pledges. However, we can still reach our goal of $100,000 pledged by July 2012. You can make the difference by making a pledge today. We are depending on each court and each member to participate in this program according to their means. Please see attached flier. WEBSITE STORE We are so proud of our STORE located on the National CDA website www.catholicdaughters.org where you can place orders for supplies under $50.00. Your order will automatically be sent to the National Office for processing. If your order is more than $50.00 then you are able to print it out and send it in with your Court check for 50% deposit. We have seen an increase in our sales from the web. Please be sure to let your members know about the store BUT they must order the items from your Financial Secretary. A court check is needed to pay the invoice. 4 NEW COURT Many states have been busy instituting new courts. Please send your congratulatory letter to the following new court: Norma LeBleu Regent Court Our Lady of Humility #2653 P O Box 622 Basile, LA 70515 NATIONAL DIRECTORS UPDATE I regret to inform you of the resignation of National Director Julia Dolan due to personal reasons. On behalf of the National Board, I wish to extend our gratitude to Julia for her 17 months of service. We will miss your presence at our meetings, and wish you the best of luck on your continued service to the CDA. Additional thanks to National Director Arline Rich, who has agreed to assume the position of National Representative for Vermont and New Hampshire for the remainder of the term. We are also very grateful to National Regent-Elect Anne Nelson for taking on the position of National Representative for the Territorial Court in Washington DC. Please note that the Quality of Life State and Territorial reports must now be sent to National Regent Elect Anne Nelson, 6420 Wilben Road, Linthicum, MD 21090. Recently I had a long conversation with National Director Delma Araiza. Although she is doing somewhat better, she is still quite ill, necessitating her being placed on reduced duty. National Director Olga Samaniego and National Director Mary Ann Kizer have graciously offered to take on the responsibilities of National Representative for two of Delma’s assigned states -- New Mexico and Arkansas, respectively. Our prayers will be with Delma during her time of recovery, and we look forward to a bright future of service to CDA with her at our side. PRAYERS NEEDED Please keep the families of the following who are deceased in your prayers: Jean Baumgartner, Florida Past State Regent. Condolences may be sent to her niece Suzanne Carl, 1011A Oakbrook Dr, Charlotte, NC 28210 Dorothy Parrillo, California State Regent. Condolences may be sent to her husband Daniel Parrillo, 2304 Gary Lane, Tracy, CA 95377 Barbara Songy, Louisiana Past State Regent. Condolences may be sent to her son Dr. Robert E. Songy, 5109 Cleveland Place, Metairie, LA 7003 Veronica G. Drummond, mother of National Director Maryann Grabasky. Condolences may be sent to Maryann at 608 Pleasant Dr, Greensboro, NC 27410 Jim Bosch, husband of Past National Regent Claudia Bosch. Please see enclosed thank you from Claudia. Condolences may be sent to Claudia at 346 East 10th St #1, Dickinson, ND 58601. Get well wishes may be sent to: Grace Rinaldi, Past National Regent, who is recovering from emergency surgery. Cards may be sent to her at 5433 W 140th St, Hawthorne, CA 90250 MORALITY IN MEDIA The collection of membership dues and donations to MIM through the National Office appears to be working well. A one-time annual court donation is sent directly to National Headquarters, and, in return, MIM receives one CDA check of support. Of course, if an individual in your court or the court itself wishes to communicate directly with MIM, they may do so at any time. Please complete and return the enclosed membership form and return it to the National Office with your Court check. NATIONAL PROJECTS Has your court sent your donation for our National Projects or Charities to the appropriate place? Even the smallest of donations is gratefully accepted. Please see the attached flier for details. 5 REGISTERED LOGO FOR CDA All courts had to complete a form asking for permission to use the registered logo of the Catholic Daughters. These forms are filed with each State Regent. When asking for permission, please contact your State Regent. SALES OF ARTICLES There is an update on the prices of White Tee Shirts, Purple Tee Shirts and the Long Sleeve and Short Sleeve Purple Shirt. Please update your listing. Also note that the Purple Short and Long Sleeve Shirts are no longer fitted! White Tee Shirt: small, medium, large, xlarge = $12.00, 2XL = $14.00, 3XL = $16.00, 4XL = $18.00, 5XL = $20.00 Purple Tee Shirt: small, medium, large, xlarge = $12.00, 2XL = $14.00, 3XL = $16.00, 4XL = $18.00 Short Sleeve Purple Shirt: small, medium, large, xlarge = $32.00, 2XL = $34.00, 3XL = $36.00 Long Sleeve Purple Shirt: small, medium, large, xlarge = $33.00, 2XL = $35.00, 3XL = $37.00 DIDJA KNOW? 1896 Daughters of Isabella is formed in Connecticut 1903 Our group is formed as new organization by the K of C in Utica, NY as the Daughters of Isabella 1921 Name was changed to Catholic Daughters of America – after a lawsuit not to use the Daughters of Isabella 1978 Name was changed once again to Catholic Daughters of the Americas – to reflect the diversity of our organization since we were now located in Puerto Rico, Mexico, The Islands and Guam. name Virgin The National Board wishes each of you a Blessed Easter! May the Risen Christ live within your hearts and reflect upon your faces. Reach out and share your love of Christ and your love of CDA with those around you. “With God All Things Are Possible” ~ Matthew 19:26 In Unity and Charity, Dates to Remember March 15 – Delegate and Alternate reply form due to National Office March 15 – Local Court Education 1st Place Contest Winners to State Chairman March 31 – Membership Contest ends April 1 – 1st Place Local Circle of Love Forms from State Chairmen to National Chairmen May 1 – State Chairmen, State and Territorial Newsletters to National Chairman May 4-6 – 1,000,000 Rosaries to the Unborn Prior to May 31 – Omaha Hilton Hotel Reservations due June 1 – Deadline for Advanced Convention Registration due to National Office June 15 – Resolutions due to National Chairman Joanne Tomassi, National Regent Enclosures Membership Contest Newsletter Contest 1903 Society 1,000,000 Rosaries for the Unborn Thank you from Claudia Bosch National Projects and Charities Gold Price List 2012-2014 Officer List Financial Review Form Morality in Media Subscription 2012 Convention Packet Operation Morningstar Morality in Media Newsletter 6 Light your candles for Membership! Lucky you, you’re a Member of the CDA! Lent will be over and the Easter season will follow, we will have taken time to renew ourselves spiritually and to rejoice in Our Risen Lord, for He is our LIGHT in all that we do. It will also be the springtime in our world, a time of new growth, life and light in our surroundings. Let this also be a time of new growth in membership in each of our courts. Has your court met the challenge to shine for membership? Many months ago I asked you as individual local court members to light your candles for membership, to take an active part in helping to assure new members were received and to retain present members. Many have taken action and have received new members, however some courts still need to light their candles and ask friends, fellow parishioners and relatives to join. Members are the lifeblood of our organization and we, as individual court members, need to help make the plan for recruitment and carry it through to reality. Courts continue to flourish when new members are received with talents and ideas they bring with them. Be proud of your membership in the greatest Catholic women’s organization that you could join, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas. Live and love in your work and play that others might see the Spirit in your life and seek to join. Be the member who: M otivates others to join E nlivens and energizes M entors new members B uilds strong relationships E nthuses others about CDA programs R ecognizes and extends an invitation As March 31, 2012 nears, I await the full membership list of all courts on this list from National. On the list will be State courts with all new local courts and existing local courts. Will your court be among the ones who will receive an award at the 2012 National convention? Has your court made the effort to let their lights shine and gained new members? Letty M. Calvetti Second Vice National Regent/Membership Chairman 2012 National Newsletter Contest Your Local Court Newsletter and State Newsletter might be a winner this year. But to win you must enter! Send your Local Court Entries to your State Chairman and be a winner in your category and division. Your State Regent lists the State Newsletter Contest Chairman and has set the State deadline. Each State Chairman is responsible to send the 1st Place winning Local Court entries to the National Chairman by May 1st. Territorial Courts send their three month entries directly to the National Chairman by May 1st. Each newsletter must have a completed cover letter signed by the Local Court Regent stating these are identical newsletters mailed/emailed to the entire membership. All are Category V-No Division. State Newsletters are sent by the State Regent and include: three copies of the last three issues and Three (3) cover sheets which states the Category (number of copies distributed per issue at the present time or newsprint) , the Division (the number of issues published per year) and a signed statement that they are identical newsletters mailed/emailed to the entire membership. This must be postmarked on or before May 1, 2012. Entries must be sent to: Janet Martineau National Newsletter Chairman 401 N Central Ave Sidney Mt 59270 Good Luck! Save our “Grand Old Lady” On 10 W. 71st Street New York City It is not too late for you to contribute! Join the 1903 Society at any level State Local Personal Memorials Keep our historic headquarters the Grand Old Lady she has always been. For more information check out the following: Winter issue of Share Magazine p. 23 Website www.catholicdaughters.org Contact: Helene Shepard, National Secretary/Treas. 1903 Society National Chairman [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 25th, 2012 Contact: Patrick Benedict [email protected] ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES SET FOR MAY 4th - 6th MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE (U.S.A.) - (January 25th, 2012) - The multinational ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES prayer event is scheduled to happen May 4th - 6th, 2012. The Saint Michael the Archangel Organization, coordinator of this pro-life prayer event, is asking persons to pray at least one Rosary for an end to the surgical and non-surgical killing of unborn human persons. The website www.SaintMichaelTheArchangelOrganization.org has information about registering, downloading a bulletin insert, promoting the prayer event, etc. (One may also receive information by sending a self-addressed envelope to: Saint Michael the Archangel Organization; P. O. Box 41257; Memphis, Tennessee 38174; U.S.A.) For the 2011 ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES, persons from more than 30 nations registered, but the goal of one million Rosaries was not met. "The May 4th date is a Friday which gives schools the opportunity to invite students to assemble and pray the Rosary," said Patrick Benedict, spokesman for the Saint Michael the Archangel Organization. "On Saturday, May 5th persons may want to meet directly at an abortion facility to pray the Rosary. And, for Sunday(May 6th), it is hoped many priests will lead the Rosary either before or after Mass(or Masses). "It is so very important that the Rosary be prayed for unborn babies. The ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES prayer event gives us the opportunity to unite with people throughout the world to do exactly that," concluded Benedict. My Dear Catholic Daughter Sisters, I wish to thank our National Regent, Joanne Tomassi for allowing me to take this opportunity to acknowledge with sincere appreciation, the kind expression of your sympathy to me and my family on the loss of our beloved husband, father and grandfather, Jim. The outpouring of love and support from my CDA family has been overwhelming – I have been so blessed in my painful sorrow. It is truly impossible for me to thank each one of you personally for your comforting words, the Spiritual Enrollments, the masses and the generous and beautiful memorials. All monetary memorials were sent to the Dickinson Catholic Schools and the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery Foundation in my beloved Jim’s memory. My best friend and greatest love was called home to God on January 4. Jim had a severe brain aneurysm one minute after saying goodnight to me and passed away 24 hours later. I am sharing this with you because I want you to know he didn’t suffer, was never in any pain and was embraced by our loving Lord and His Mother very peacefully. As most of you had known Jim, you knew he loved CDA as much as I do. He was always excited when it was National Convention time because he would get to see all “His CDA Girls”. By the way, that was his expression! I have found peace in the following prayer and my wish is that anyone that has or is now experiencing this type of sorrow will also find peace. “O God, You have called back to yourself my loved one, whom you once gave to me to cherish. It is very painful to let this person go. I feel an empty, lonely ache in my heart. Right now, it seems that no one else can ever fill this gap; yet, I must say goodbye and allow my loved one to go to You, the source of life. It would be selfish to want to keep my loved one in this world when You offered fullness of life in eternity. I trust that the one I love is with You and – because You are with me, my loved one is also with me, in a Circle of Love that is now complete.” Amen Sr. Ruth Marlene Fox, OSB Thank you and God Bless~ Claudia R. Bosch Past National Regent Catholic Daughters of the Americas Five National Projects CDA supports disaster areas. Supporting our Aging Religious In order to maintain these 5 projects, each Court is asked to donate a minimum of $20 per project, per year. Checks payable to: Catholic Daughters of the Americas. (forward checks to the National Office or follow your state guidelines) Cleft Palate surgery for poor children. CDA helping to build hope, build lives, one family at a time. Devotion to Mary through the Rosary National Charities 1. 2. 3. 4. North American College Morality In Media Catholic Relief Services Apostleship of the Sea 5. 6. 7. 8. Covenant House Mother Teresa Tutwiler Clinic Laboure Society All checks, payable to Catholic Daughters of the Americas and for specific charity, may be forwarded to the National Office. Project Handclasp Combined efforts between the Catholic Daughters and Volunteer sailors and marines allow for the overseas distribution of materials such as friendship bags, school and sewing supplies, toys, clothing, new soap and monetary donations for new treadle sewing machines allowing families to become self-sufficient. Project Handclasp- Paul Brown, Director Monetary Donations/Correspondence only Director Project Handclasp c/o Commander Navy Region SW 937 North Harbor Drive - Room 104 San Diego, CA 92132-0058 For Packages only Project Handclasp Warehouse Bldg. 3155, Bay 17 401 West 8th Street National City, CA 91950 2a 2-10K 2-14K 2-SS 8 8-10K 8-14K 8-SS 13 13-10K 13-14K 13-SS 14 14-10K 14-14K 14-SS 9-a 10-a 3-10K 3-14K 3-SS 5 6 7 15 16 17 32 27 28 29 18 19 20 21 21-a 22 31 23 33 34 24 25 26 Past Regent Ring - celestrium silver tone finish with onyx stone and 6 pt Diamonique Past Local Court Regent Ring - 10K Gold Past Local Court Regent Ring - 14K Gold Past Local Court Regent Ring – Sterling Silver Past Local Court Regent Charm - gold electroplate with genuine onyx stone Past Local Court Regent Charm – 10K Gold with genuine onyx stone Past Local Court Regent Charm – 14K Gold with genuine onyx stone Past Local Court Regent Charm – Sterling Silver with genuine onyx stone Past Local Court Regent Emblem Pin - gold electroplate with genuine onyx stone and one piece Past Regent emblem with gavel guard and chain Past Local Court Regent Emblem Pin – 10K Gold with genuine onyx stone and one piece Past Regent emblem with gavel guard and chain Past Local Court Regent Pin - 14K gold with genuine onyx stone and one piece Past Regent emblem with gavel guard and chain Past Local Court Regent Pin – Sterling Silver with genuine onyx stone and one piece Past Regent emblem with gavel guard and chain Past Local Court Regent Emblem Pin - gold electroplate with genuine onyx stone and one piece Past Regent emblem without gavel guard and chain Past Local Court Regent Emblem Pin –10K gold without gavel guard and chain Past Local Court Regent Emblem Pin – 14K gold without gavel guard and chain Past Local Court Regent Emblem Pin – Sterling Silver without gavel and guard D.D. Pin with cut letters P.D.D. Pin with cut letters Membership Ring 10K Gold Membership Ring 14K Gold Membership Ring Sterling Silver Charm - cross & crown plated w/ring attached ¾” long Charm - small wreath cross & crown plated w/ring attached ½” diameter Charm - large wreath cross & crown plated w/ring attached ¾” diameter Pin - small cross & crown plated ¾” long Pin - small wreath cross & crown plated ½” diameter Pin - large wreath cross & crown plated ¾” diameter 5 YEAR PIN 10 year Pin 15 year Pin 20 year Pin 25 year pin 30 year pin 35 year pin 40 year pin 45 year pin 50 year pin 55 year pin 60 year pin 65 YEAR PIN 70 YEAR PIN Charter Member Pin Chaplain Pin CDA Lapel Membership Pin - top bar engraved CDA and dangle w/CDA emblem gold electroplate finish $245.00 each $750.00 $1030.00 $275.00 $70.00 $325.00 $460.00 $115.00 $80.00 each each each each each each each each $335.00 each $470.00 each $140.00 each $70.00 each $325.00 each $460.00 each $115.00 $6.00 $6.00 $500.00 $800.00 $265.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.50 $4.00 $4.00 $4.75 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $10.00 $12.00 each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each LOCAL COURT OFFICERS FOR THE TWO YEAR PERIOD 20 COURT NAME: TO 20 NO: ELECTION HELD ON MAY , 20 CITY: ST: CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS The Financial Secretary should complete this form immediately following the election held at the MAY MONTHLY MEETING. Even if you do not have any changes in officers or have been recently instituted, this form should be completed every two years. Your prompt attention to this request will be appreciated. Please PRINT all information. Please use area code. RETURN ORIGINAL AFTER ELECTION TO: CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS 10 WEST 71ST STREET NEW YORK, NY 10023 REGENT SEND ONE COPY TO YOUR STATE REGENT (IF NO STATE REGENT SEND TO NATIONAL SUPERVISOR NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ( CITY: ) - FAX: ( ) STATE: - EMAIL: COURT WEB SITE ADDRESS: VICE REGENT NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ( CITY: ) - FAX: ( ) STATE: - EMAIL: REC. SECTY NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ( CITY: ) - FAX: ( ) STATE: - EMAIL: FIN. SECTY NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ( CITY: ) - FAX: ( ) STATE: - EMAIL: TREAURER NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ( CITY: ) - FAX: ( ) STATE: - EMAIL: CHAPLAIN NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ( EMAIL: CITY: ) - FAX: ( ) STATE: - . CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS FINANCIAL REVIEW FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 1, __________________ – SEPTEMBER 30, ____________ OR (PLEASE CHECK ONLY ONE) FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 1, ________________ - MARCH 31, _________________ TOTAL MEMBERSHIP ON YOUR RECORDS AS OF SEPTEMBER 30 OR MARCH 31 WAS____________ COURT NAME __________________________COURT # _________ CITY_________________ STATE____ 1. Total amount paid out by check for Religious, Charitable, and Educational purposes. Include amounts paid to National Office and State Court for these purposes. 2. Paid to National Court: National Dues, Assessments and Insurance Supplies, Jewelry and Gift Items Paraphernalia (robes, banner, flags) _______________________________ Other (specify) 3. Paid to State Court: State Dues and Assessments Special State Court Projects CHECKING ACCOUNT SAVINGS ACCOUNT MASS FUND MONEY MARKET ACCOUNTS CD’S TREASURY ACCOUNTS OTHER FUNDS (SPECIFY) __________________________ __________________________ Total $______ $__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Total $______ $__________________ __________________ Total $______ FUND BALANCES LAST REPORT $______________ $______________ $______________ $______________ $______________ $______________ CURRENT REPORT $___________________ $__________________ $___________________ $___________________ $___________________ $___________________ $______________ $___________________ $______________ $___________________ TOTAL CURRENT FUNDS OF COURT $_____________ We, the undersigned Financial Review Committee of the Court hereby certify that we have reviewed the Court books, examined and checked the bank accounts and that the foregoing report is a true and correct statement of the funds of this Court. _________________________Financial Review Committee ________________________________________ _________________________Financial Review Committee District Deputy/State Representative _________________________Financial Review Committee Send: Send a copy to: Original copy to National Office: Your State Regent CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS Your State Secretary 10 West 71st Street Your District Deputy/ New York, NY 10023 or State Representative RETAIN: A copy for Court files REPORT SHOULD BE RETURNED TO APPROPRIATE DESIGNATIONS BY NOVEMBER 1 OR MAY 1 OF THE CURRENT YEAR. Catholic Daughters of the Americas National Headquarters 10 West 71st Street New York, NY 10023 “Operation Morningstar” Dear Officers, Members and Chaplains: Greetings! Hopefully you are pleased with the new approach to financially support Morality in Media. The National Board continues to support the fine work of MIM and urges you to continue your support. Since March has been designated as National Women’s History Month, it seems appropriate for Catholic Daughters to speak out as women for decency. It’s hard to imagine anything more at odds with the mission of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas than a criminal enterprise that turns women and children into sexual commodities for profit. The global trade in hardcore pornography, especially through the Internet, is that enterprise. This vile trade degrades women, breaks up marriages, corrupts children and contributes to sexual crimes against adults and children. It also helps fuel a global demand for “sex workers” that is being met in part by modern-day slave traders who move countless adults and children across international borders each year. All too many are brought into our own country. Over the decades, Morality in Media has achieved many legal victories against obscenity in the marketplace and indecency in the media, and has established itself in the raucous public marketplace of ideas as a strong voice of moral sanity. As bad as things are (culturally speaking) one can only imagine how much worse they would be without the faithfilled work of Fr. Morton Hill, Morality in Media’s founder, and others at MIM. Many laws now on the books at the federal, state and local levels are there (in large or small part) because of the work of MIM’s legal department. I urge you to give Morality in Media the support it has earned. It needs to continue the fight until the war against obscenity and indecency is won, not by the pornographers, but by the American people! (The membership form at the bottom is for your use in registering your Court as a new or continuing organizational member of Morality in Media). Sincerely, Joanne Tomassi National Regent RETURN WITH COURT CHECK, PAYABLE TO CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS ST 10 WEST 71 STREET NEW YORK, NY 10023 PLEASE EARMARK IN THE LOWER LEFT-HAND CORNER “MIM”. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Court Regent: Court No. Address: City: State: $50.00 Court Donation for Membership Additional Donation Total Donation Check Number Zip Code: Catholic Daughters of the Americas National Headquarters 10 West 71st Street New York, NY 10023 OPERATION MORNING STAR NEWSLETTER Volume VI, No. 7 “Operation Morningstar” March 2012 Vermont legislature debates assisted suicide Pro-life group warns against term ‘quality of life’ Laws in Oregon and Washington allow legally assisted suicide. Now Vermont is facing a “Death with Dignity Act.” Similar bills have been rejected in California, Michigan, Maine, and Hawaii. Catholic Daughters in other states need to be alert to this topic. Guidelines from the National Catholic Bioethics The Vermont bill would allow a patient determined to have less than six months of life to request medication ending his or her life. The doctor may write a prescription or dispense the drug directly. The legislation is written for patients who are considered competent and terminally ill. Experience from the Netherlands has shown that once the law is passed, however, assisted suicide expands. Doctors begin to include incompetent patients who suffer from strokes or dementia. Then those who aren’t terminally ill, but who are severely handicapped are included. Next, competent people who are chronically depressed are given lethal drugs. Rather than working to improve end-of-life care, physicians and society are more inclined to find a way to end it. Statistics from the Netherlands show the unforeseen consequences that assisted suicide brings. Family members have coerced patients to die. More than 1000 deaths per year—25 percent of the patients— did not request aid in dying. Even teenagers and infants with physical disabilities have been given lethal drugs under doctors’ care. According to the Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare, this bill reverses 2500 years of doctors and society working to preserve life, not end it. The 1994 revision of the American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics retains the statement that "Physician assisted suicide is fundamentally incompatible with the physician's role as healer, would be difficult or impossible to control, and would pose serious societal risks." In The Gospel of Life, Pope John Paul II said “euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God, since it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person.” Center warn people to avoid using the expression “quality of life” because advocates of euthanasia use the term to suggest that life is not worth living. The guidelines say, “While illness and other circumstances can make life very difficult, they cannot diminish the inestimable worth of each human life created by God.” How can one individual presume to judge the quality of another’s life? HHS demands all health plans cover abortion On January 20, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reaffirmed its rule that virtually all private health care plans must cover sterilization, abortifacients, and contraception. Nonprofit religious employers have one year to comply. Responding to the announcement, Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said, “In effect, the President is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences.” The Obama administration “has now drawn an unprecedented line in the sand.” Dolan urged that the HHS mandate be overturned. ACTION REQUESTED: Contact members of Congress with the following message: Please cosponsor the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, H.R. 1179 in the House and S. 1467 in the Senate. This measure will ensure that citizens keep the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions. Contact members of the U.S. House and Senate through e-mail, phone calls or FAX. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121, or call the local offices of your Congressman and Senators. Full contact information can be found at www.house.gov and www.senate.gov. Remember to speak as individuals, not as Catholic Daughters. More government funding of embryonic stem cells In December the National Institutes of Health announced federal funding for three more lines of embryonic stem cells. Ironically, the federal government is adding funds when private drug companies are abandoning research on embryonic stem cells because it doesn’t work. The drug company Geron was the first company approved to run trials using embryonic stem cells to treat spinal cord injuries, but the company announced in November that it was stopping its embryonic stem cell research program. “Its decision was due to the hard facts of economics: There’s no market for a product that doesn’t work!” said Chuck Colson writing at Breakpoint.org. “…for years we’ve been told that the use of embryonic stem cells, which destroy human embryos—that is, people—will lead to miracle cures for all kinds of diseases and conditions. The problem for embryonic stem cell advocates is that they failed to produce a single cure.” Although private companies have realized that embryonic stem cells don’t result in any cures, the federal government continues putting taxpayer funds into this barbaric and unprofitable research. Adult stem cells, produced without destroying embryos, continue to show promise and are already being used to treat more than 70 diseases and medical conditions ranging from skin cancer to Lou Gehrig’s disease. Prayer of the Elderly, Bl. Pope John Paul II, Grant, O Lord of life, that we may savor every season of our lives as a gift filled with promise for the future. Grant that we may lovingly accept your will, and place ourselves each day in your merciful hands. And when the moment of our definitive “passage” comes, grant that we may face it with serenity, without regret for what we shall leave behind. For in meeting you, after having sought you for so long, we shall find once more every authentic good which we have known here on earth, in the company of all who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith and hope. Mary, Mother of pilgrim humanity, pray for us “now and at the hour of our death.” Keep us ever close to Jesus, your beloved Son and our brother, the Lord of life and glory. Amen! Some US immunizations use cells from abortions Immunization rates in the United States are falling for a number of reasons, one of them being an ethical dilemma. The issue is that several common vaccines use cell lines from elective abortions. In “Ethics in Vaccine Development & Production: Transforming Health Care,” the Catholic Medical Association discussed the issue in depth. While recognizing the importance of childhood immunizations in reducing death, disease and suffering, parents are asking if they are obliged to accept vaccines for their children if they object in conscience to the way the vaccines were made. Dr. John F. Brehemy wrote, “In the United States, vaccines for hepatitis A, (some) rabies, rubella, chicken pox, (varicella), shingles, and bivalent or trivalent combinations of these (such as MMR), depend on human diploid cell lines derived from elective abortions for their development and ongoing production.” “Catholic institutions and providers are wellpositioned to help make alternative vaccines available in a timely manner,” he continues. “Safe, effective alternatives for all vaccines (except for varicella) already exist in Europe or Japan. By using the purchasing power they possess, Catholic health care institutions and providers could quickly create a ‘market’ for alternative vaccines that pharmaceutical companies could not ignore. Finally, this same market power, combined with professional and political pressure, could help persuade pharmaceutical companies to develop alternative cell lines for many future vaccines.” Brehemy concludes “Taken together, these efforts could not only transform current trends in medical research and therapy, but future developments as well.” Here’s the website to read more: http://www.cathmed.org/issues_resources/educationa l_resources/print/ethics_in_vaccine_development_pr oduction_transforming_health_care/ A reminder: Political year guidelines Because of tax-exempt status, Catholic Daughters of the Americas cannot and does not endorse or support any political party or political candidate at federal, state or local levels, including judicial nominees. Since our organization does take stands on issues, it is appropriate to research past votes on issues and to inform members of how elected officials have voted. Approved: Joanne Tomassi, National Regent