The International Celebration of World Water Day 2013 On Water


The International Celebration of World Water Day 2013 On Water
World Water Day
United Nations
International Year of
Water Cooperation
The International Celebration
of World Water Day 2013 On Water Cooperation
The High Level Meeting on the
Thematic Consultation on Water
Friday 22 March 2013 - The Hague, The Netherlands
Foreword program folder WWD March 22nd
Welcome to the celebrations of World Water Day
on water cooperation and the High-Level Forum, an important
milestone in the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013.
Water is a shared resource that knows no borders. It is essential to life and for economic, social and human
development. All human activities – as well as the environment - depend on the availability of a sufficient
quantity of water of an adequate quality.
While progress has been made, 782 million people are still without access to improved sources of drinking
water and 2.5 billion do not have improved sanitation facilities. Serious challenges thus remain, especially
in a context characterized by growing populations, rapid urbanization, changing consumption patterns and
climate change, which is leading to increased competition for water at all levels, from local to international.
I am proud that the Netherlands has the honor to host World Water Day 2013. Cooperation
on water between different actors and sectors will be a main challenge for the next 15 years.
The Netherlands invests in smart solutions and partnerships for water security.
Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of The Netherlands.
148 countries in the world share at least one river basin with one or more other countries, adding an
international dimension to water issues and reinforcing the need for strong cooperation beyond political
It is sometimes said that water can be a source of conflict.
At UNESCO, we are guided by the opposite idea – we see water as a tremendous resource
for cooperation, for exchange and joint work between States and societies. Cooperation
is not a matter of choice – it is an imperative. We must act where problems exist today but
always keep an eye on the future, to anticipate and prevent conflicts before tensions rise.
Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO
This year, World Water Day is happening at a time when the world is discussing the future development
framework, since the Millennium Development Goals will reach their target date in exactly two years. Your
presence today is important precisely because the discussion on water in the post-2015 development
agenda is moving fast. The High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons, of which we are very honoured to count
three members among us, will advise the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in May with a
report containing guidance and recommendations for beyond 2015.
Cooperation is central to sustainable development, and contribution from all
stakeholders to the formulation of the post-2015 development agenda is key to its success.
UN-Water is a shining example of cooperation among UN agencies, and we stand ready
to inform the post-2015 process and support Member States in fulfilling their task.
Michel Jarraud, Chair of UN-Water
We hope that the programme for the Day will bring you up to speed on the international discussions on
water and that the thematic breakout sessions will allow you to contribute your practical experiences.
To better cooperate, we need to know each other and our respective needs. This event is an occasion to
meet people from various sectors, backgrounds and countries, both the usual and non-usual suspects.
Water does not have a start or an end, it forms a cycle. The same applies to the debate on water in the “Future
We Want” discussions. Today’s outcome will feed into new cycles of discussions such as the High-Level Panel,
online public platforms, upcoming meetings in Dushanbe and Budapest later this year and the Open Working
Group. We hope that today’s outcome statement will be an important stepping stone in these processes.
Water cooperation is the theme of World Water Day 2013. Water cooperation is a means to an end. It
is essential for peace and sustainable development and will help achieve a water secure world. The
United Nations and the Dutch government are organizing today’s celebration to debate how we can use
water cooperation to encourage and facilitate implementation of the recommendations from the Global
Thematic Consultation on Water in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. We also want to ensure that the
outcomes become reality.
World Water Day 2013 is a UN-Water event coordinated by UNESCO in collaboration with UNECE, with the
support of UN-Water’s members and partners. The Dutch government is hosting and co-organizing the day
with UN-Water. World Water Day is the highlight of the International Year of Water Cooperation. Today’s
programme will enable us to share water cooperation success stories. In the morning session, the global
key messages of World Water Day 2013 on Water Cooperation will be the focus of debate in thematic
breakout sessions on poverty eradication, economic benefits, the environment and peacebuilding.
Today’s meeting in The Hague also marks the culmination of the Global Thematic Consultation on Water.
This Multi-Stakeholder consultation process, which has been running for several months, was co-led by
UNICEF and UN DESA, facilitated by UN-Water and co-hosted by Liberia, Jordan, Switzerland, Mozambique
and The Netherlands. Participants will be invited to endorse the findings and recommendations from UNWater’s synthesis report of the Global Consultation.
Eminent persons, including political and government leaders and members of the UN High Level Panel on
the Post-2015 Development Agenda, have been invited to take part in the celebration of World Water Day
and this Leadership Meeting on Water. During the afternoon, they will participate in a High Level Forum to
explore whether the draft outcome statement of the meeting addresses the key challenges, and whether
it adequately reflects the ambitions for a water secure world and the cooperation and actions needed
to achieve these ambitions. They will be invited to take note of the outcome statement of the Global
Thematic Consultation on Water.
Celebration of International World Water Day: High Level Meeting on
Water Cooperation and on the Global Thematic Consultation on Water
Friday 22 March 2013 - World Forum, Churchillplein 10, The Hague, The Netherlands
08:30 - 09:30
Registration of participants
Moderators: Ms Kitty van der Heijden and Mr Paul Hohnen
09:30 – 10:45
Opening Session
Mr Jozias van Aartsen, Mayor of The Hague, The
Netherlands. Welcoming speech and opening
Video message from Mr Ban Ki-moon,
Secretary-General of the United Nations
Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on the
importance of water cooperation
Mr Didier Burkhalter, Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Switzerland on water in the Post-2015
Development Agenda
Mr Michel Jarraud, Secretary-General of the
World Meteorological Organization and Chair
of UN-Water, on the process and results of the
Global Thematic Consultation on Water
“Water for Life” UN-Water Best Practices Award.
The names of the winners will be announced by
Mr Michel Jarraud, Chair of UN-Water
Ms Kitty van der Heijden, Netherlands
Ambassador for Sustainable Development,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands
reports the outcomes of the Multi-Stakeholder
Dialogue on Water of 21 March
HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan,
introduction to the four thematic breakout
sessions on water cooperation
Thematic breakout sessions
on water cooperation
This part of the programme for Word Water Day
will bring together a range of thematic, political
and economic discussions on water cooperation,
the theme of WWD 2013. One thematic breakout
session will be held for each of the four key messages
of the International Year on Water Cooperation. Each
session will be prepared and moderated by a Dutchbased based organization and a UN organization.
1.Water cooperation is key to poverty eradication,
social equity and gender equality; International
Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC) and Water
Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC)
2.Water cooperation creates economic benefits;
Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI)
and UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy
and Communication (UN-DPAC)
3.Water cooperation helps preserve water
resources and protect the environment;
Deltares and United Nation Environmental
Progamme (UNEP)
4.Water cooperation builds peace;
The objectives of the thematic breakout sessions are:
• To highlight water as a source of life and to stress
the need for water cooperation between all actors
in society to protect its value
• Exchange views and discuss various forms of
water cooperation that are fundamental to water
use and water management
• Identify good practices for water cooperation and
demonstrate its merits for poverty eradication,
economic development, environmental
sustainability and peace
• Identify burning issues related to water
education, water diplomacy, transboundary water
management, and financial and legal cooperation
• Discuss the relevance of water cooperation for
the MDGs and post-2015 development agenda.
• Cooperation is not only important within the
water sector, but also in relation to other
sectors. In all themes, ample attention will
be given to “outside of the water box” issues
such as the water, food and energy nexus.
10:45 – 11:15
Coffee break and relocating
to the breakout session rooms
11:15 - 12:30
Thematic breakout sessions on water cooperation
1. Water cooperation is key to poverty eradication, social equity and gender equality
2. Water cooperation creates economic benefits
3. Water cooperation helps preserve water resources and protect the environment
4. Water cooperation builds peace
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 16:30
Afternoon session
Mr Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director of the Stockholm International
Water Institute presents the annual Stockholm Water Price
Ms van der Heijden and Mr Hohnen, closing and wrap-up of the thematic sessions on water
cooperation held before lunch and link-up with the ‘Wake-Up Call’ from the Multi-Stakeholder
dialogue the day before and the outcomes of the UN thematic consultation process of the
last few months
14:00 - 14:10
Premiere of new short film “Water-Footprint”
14:10 -14:20
HRH The Prince of Orange, Chair of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Advisory
Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) on his views on water and the way forward
14:20 - 15:40
High Level Forum comprising:
ƒƒ Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General
of UNESCO (co-chair of the HLF)
ƒƒ Mr Michel Jarraud, Chair of UN-Water
(co-chair of the HLF)
ƒƒ HRH The Prince of Orange, Chair of UNSGAB
ƒƒ HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan
(co-host of the Global Thematic
Consultations on Water)
ƒƒ Ms Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,
President of Liberia, Co-Chair of the High Level
Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
ƒƒ Mr Francisco Pereira, Vice Minister of Public
Works of Mozambique
ƒƒ Mr Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever and member
of the High Level Panel on the Post-2015
Development Agenda
ƒƒ Ms Betty Maina, CEO of the Kenyan Association
of Manufacturers and member of the High Level
Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Objectives of the High Level Forum
1.To raise the profile of ‘water cooperation’ on the
agendas of policy and decision makers, water
professionals and the wider public and to show the
positive link between improved water cooperation
and a water secure world.
2. To submit the main messages from ‘The World
We Want’ Global Thematic Consultation on Water
to the UN High-Level Panel on the Post-2015
Development Agenda.
The Forum will provide an opportunity to hear from
high-profile representatives of different sectors of
society, including civil society, public policy or the
private sector. Some are directly concerned with
water, while others deal with the topic indirectly. To
promote interaction with the High Level Forum preselected questions from the audience will be brought
to the attention of the High Level Forum members.
Moderation by Mr Bai-Mass Taal, Executive Secretary
of AMCOW and Mr András Szöllösi-Nagy Rector of UNESCO-IHE
15:40 - 16:00
Interactive live video link between the High Level Forum in The Hague and the High Level
Interactive Dialogue on Water Cooperation in New York (including UNSG Ban Ki-moon
and the President of the UN General Assembly)
16:00 - 16:15
Ms Lilianne Ploumen, Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
Wrap-up of the International Celebration of World Water Day, challenges and perspectives on
water in the international arena. Handing over of the High Level Forum Outcome Statement
to Ms Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia to take it to the High Level Panel on the
post-2015 agenda, to Ms Enikö Györi, Minister of State for EU Affairs of Hungary to make
the transition with the Water Summit in Budapest and to Mr Rahmat Bobokalonov, Minister
of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of Tadjikistan to make the transition to the
Dushanbek-water conference.
16:15 - 16:30
Launch of “Walking for Water International” by Mr Sjef Ernes Director of Dutch NGO Aqua for All
Children escort participants out of the conference hall on their ‘walk for water’
Cultural Performances
Ran Ortner - Painter, USA
Element No.5 is an oil-on-canvas painting, measuring 2m by 4.5m, that will be displayed in the World Forum’s lobby.
When asked about his painting and the part it plays in our celebration of World Water Day, Ran said: ‘One of the roles
of art is to awaken connections. Jacques Cousteau said “People protect what they love”. Through my work, I hope to
touch deeply, connect profoundly, and awaken our rich inner capacity to confront the challenges we face in protecting
and sharing this utterly precious resource: our world’s water.’
Waterlanders - Artist Collective, The Netherlands
Waterlanders is a well-known Dutch artist collective, specialised in creating art and theatre on location. They have
performed shows for many internationally renowned festivals and performed at places like a factory, a forest, a beach
and a church. For the World Water Forum they created a performance about the perpetual and layered relation between
man and water.
Ulay - Audio installation ‘World Water Joy’, Slovenia
The joy of children playing in water is a most memorable, enchanting and elementary sound for those with plenty, and
a most desirable one for those without. The ambient, acoustic sound will reach all those passing and remind us of
global priority issues – care for water and care for children. This site-specific audio-installation with surround sound
was created especially for the World Water Day 2013 celebrations.
Antonin Fourneau / Digitalarti Artlab - Water Graffiti, France
Water Light Graffiti is a material creation composed of several thousands of LED lights, illuminated by contact with
water. When it touches the edges of an LED, the water creates an electrical bridge and conducts the current through
the circuit, providing power to the LED below the surface. The more water around the LED, the brighter it becomes.
Based on this simple and clever idea, the aim of Water Light Graffiti is to promote a new smart material to draw or write
ephemeral light messages. This project makes it possible to create graffiti with nothing more than a water atomizer.
Water Light Graffiti makes ephemeral and more eco-friendly tags or sketches possible. Using water, which has no form
and no colour, to draw light is magical for the audience. This is a proposal for a new form of interaction with urban
architecture, offering an array of possibilities. By combining nature and technology, users can experiment with factors
such as the climate or evaporation speed. Water Light Graffiti also brightens rainy days, creating fireworks as the rain
falls on the LEDs.
Robert Oey - Film, The Netherlands
On World Water Day 2013 we see an archetypical Western family. In the dining room the family is enjoying a meal together.
Suddenly, the daughter’s mobile phone shoots off the table, is wrapped up again, put in a box, and returned to the parts
of the world where it was created. The reversed process of manufacturing a smartphone is shown as well as the amount
of water needed. By taking away several of the products they surround themselves with, the family is confronted by their
own water footprint. Director Robert Oey: ‘Unlike our carbon footprint, most of us are still quite unaware of our water
footprint. At least I was. The country I live in has water in abundance. Yet now I’ve been made aware of the amount of
water I use indirectly, I have a better understanding of what a priceless commodity it actually is.’
Todoroki Wadaiko - Japanese Drums, Germany
The Taiko (Japanese for ‘great drum’) is known for its deep, majestic sound, which fills big halls and touches the
hearts of listeners. Todoroki Wadaiko is a group of passionate drummers from Würzburg, Germany. The group was
founded in 2008 by Michael Röthlein and Reinhard Seitz, and now numbers nearly 20 members. Several times a year
the group receives training from Tanaka Noboru Sensei, an experienced Japanese Taiko teacher from Tokyo. Rhythm,
movement and concentration – Taiko builds up physical and mental force and seeks to transfer it to the audience. A
natural force like lightning, thunder and… water.
Mr Jozias van Aartsen
Jozias Johannes van Aartsen is a Dutch politician of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD).
He has been Mayor of The Hague since 27 March 2008. He previously served as the Minister of Agriculture,
Nature and Food Quality from 1994 until 1998. He became a Member of the House of Representatives for
a short period, following the Dutch general election of 1998. He served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs
from 1998 to 2002. Afterwards, Van Aartsen returned as a Member of the House of Representatives serving
from May 23, 2002 until November 30, 2006. When the VVD leader and Parliamentary leader in the House
of Representatives Gerrit Zalm became Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister in the Cabinet
Balkenende II, Van Aartsen became the Parliamentary leader, serving from 2003 to 2006.
Ms Irina Georgieva Bokova
Irina Georgieva Bokova is a Bulgarian politician and incumbent Director-General of UNESCO. She was
member of the Bulgarian Parliament for the Bulgarian Socialist Party for two terms, Minister and Deputy
Minister of Foreign Affairs in the socialist cabinet of Prime Minister Zhan Videnov, and was Ambassador
of the Republic of Bulgaria to France and to Monaco, Permanent Delegate of Bulgaria to UNESCO and
Personal Representative of the President of Bulgaria to the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie
(2005–2009). On 22 September 2009, Bokova’s candidacy was proposed for the post of Director-General of
UNESCO. On 15 October 2009, the 35th Session of the General Conference elected Irina Bokova of Bulgaria
as the tenth Director-General of UNESCO. Bokova is the first female and Eastern European to head UNESCO.
Mr Didier Burkhalter
Didier Burkhalter is a Swiss politician representing FDP, the Liberals. He is a member of the Swiss Federal
Council, elected on 16 September 2009, and succeeded Pascal Couchepin on 1 November 2009 as head of
the Federal Department of Home Affairs. Since 1 January 2012, Mr Burkhalter has headed the Department of
Foreign Affairs. A native of the Canton of Neuchâtel, Burkhalter was member of the parliament of the Canton
of Neuchâtel from 1990 to 2001. From 2003 to 2007, Burkhalter was a member of the Swiss National Council.
He has a degree in economics.
Mr Michel Jarraud
Michel Jarraud is Chair of UN-Water and the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO). Before joining the WMO, Mr Jarraud devoted part of his career to the internationally renowned
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). He started his career with the French
National Meteorological Service, Météo France, as a researcher and then as Director of the Weather
Forecasting Department. Mr Jarraud is a scientist and a meteorologist with degrees from the prestigious
French Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole de la Météorologie Nationale. He is a fellow of the American
Meteorological Society (USA), a member of the Société Météorologique de France, the Royal Meteorological
Society (United Kingdom) and the African Meteorological Society, as well as an Honorary Member of the
Chinese Meteorological Society and the Cuban Meteorological Society.
HRH the Prince of Orange
HRH the Prince of Orange has played a prominent role in raising awareness and galvanizing international
efforts to improve the global water and sanitation situation since he became Patron of the Global Water
Partnership in 1998. He chaired the second World Water Forum in the Hague in March 2000, a pivotal event
that helped draw the world’s attention to the need to adopt a more coherent and integrated approach to
water and sanitation. In 2002, he was appointed to the Panel of Eminent Persons convened at the request of
the Secretary-General of the United Nations to issue recommendations for the UN Conference on Sustainable
Development in Johannesburg. The Prince served on the Panel as an expert on water management. In 2006,
he was appointed by the Secretary-General as chair of the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water
and Sanitation (UNSGAB). Since then, he has advocated for higher political priority to be given to water and
sanitation challenges. He has recently highlighted the need for water and sanitation to be reflected in the
preparation of the Post-2015 Development Framework.
Ms Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the 24th and current President of Liberia. A graduate of the College of West
Africa at Monrovia, Johnson Sirleaf received her Bachelor’s in accounting at Madison Business College in
Madison, Wisconsin, a degree in Economics from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and a Master of
Public Administration from Harvard University. Upon returning to Liberia, Johnson Sirleaf served as Assistant
Minister of Finance in President William Tolbert’s administration, after which she left Liberia and held senior
positions at various financial institutions. When she won the 2005 election, Johnson Sirleaf became the first
female elected head of state in Africa. She was a successful candidate for re-election in 2011. Sirleaf was
awarded the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with Leymah Gbowee of Liberia and Tawakel Karman of Yemen.
The laureates were recognized ‘for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights
to full participation in peace-building work.’ Ms Johnson Sirleaf is the Co-Chair of the Secretary-General’s
High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan
Prince El Hassan is a member of the Jordanian royal family. He is the son of King Talal and Queen Zein alSharaf. He is also brother to the late King Hussein, and was Crown Prince from 1965 to 1999, and is uncle to
the present King Abdullah II of Jordan. From 1965 to 1999, Prince EL Hassan frequently acted as regent during
his brother’s absences from the country. In 2002, Prince Hassan was awarded an honorary doctorate by the
University of York, in recognition of his contribution to the field of post-war reconstruction and development.
In 2004, he was awarded an honorary fellowship by York St John University, for his lifelong contribution to
peace initiatives in the Middle East, humanitarian projects and inspirational leadership in interfaith dialogue.
He is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Crisis Group, the World Future Council
and Board of World Religious Leaders for The Elijah Interfaith Institute. He is also moderator of the World
Conference of Religions for Peace.
Mr Torgny Holmgren, Stockholm International Water Institute
Torgny Holmgren is Executive Director of the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI). An economist
who trained at the Stockholm School of Economics, Mr Holmgren has worked for Swedish government
bodies, including the Ministries of Finance and Industry, as well as international organizations. In his
previous position as Ambassador at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Head of the Department
for Development Policy, Mr Holmgren was responsible for policies on global sustainable development. Mr
Holmgren has recently acted as Sherpa for Minister Gunilla Carlsson in the UN Secretary-General’s High
Level Panel on Global Sustainability. In 1995-2000, he sat on the Board of Directors and in the Research
Department of the World Bank in Washington DC, where he managed and edited the book ‘Aid and Reform in
Africa’. Mr. Holmgren was Vice Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2001, and in 20012002 was appointed to the Parliamentary Commission on a new Swedish Policy for Global Development.
Mr Francisco Pereira
Francisco Pereira is since 2011 appointed Deputy Minister of Public Works and Housing of Mozambique. After
Independence of Mozambique he has always been linked to the public works sector. Between 1980-1988 he
was nominated National Director of Economics and Construction in the Ministry of Construction and Water
Affairs. In the early 90’s he started to lecture at the University Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), at the Faculty of
Architecture and Physical Planning and later on in 2005 at instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicacoes
(ISUTC) until 2010. In 2005, he was elected President of the General Assembly of the Association of Engineers
of Mozambique, having been re-elected in 2010.
Mr Paul Polman
Paul Polman is the Chief Executive Officer of Unilever. He is member of the High Level Panel Post-2015
Development Agenda. Prior to joining Unilever, Mr. Polman was Chief Financial Officer of Nestlé S.A. He is
President of the Kilimanjaro Blind trust and Chairman of Perkins International Advisory Board. He is also a
member of the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum, the Swiss American Chamber of
Commerce, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Prior to joining Unilever, Polman
worked for Procter & Gamble for 27 years (from 1979), initially as a Cost Analyst, becoming Managing Director
of P&G UK from 1995-8, President Global Fabric Care from 1998–2001, and Group President Europe in 2001.
He then joined Nestlé in 2006 as Chief Financial Officer and head of the Americas. He also sits on the Board of
Directors of the Consumer Goods Forum. Mr Polman is a member of the Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel
of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
Ms Betty Maina
Betty Maina is CEO of the Kenyan Association of Manufacturers (one of the country’s leading business
associations with some 700 members) and member of the High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development
Agenda. Ms Maina previously worked at the Institute of Economic Affairs, the Center for International Private
Enterprise and the Kenya Leadership Institute, among others. Ms Maina has also served on Denmark’s Africa
Commission and currently sits on various boards in the public sector. Ms Maina is a member of the SecretaryGeneral’s High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
Mr Bai-Mass Taal
Bai-Mass Taal is Executive Secretary of the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW). Before his
appointment in 2008, he served as a Cabinet Minister in The Gambia, first as Secretary of State for Fisheries,
Natural Resources and the Environment in 2004 -2005, and later as Secretary of State for Fisheries and Water
Resources from 2005 to 2006. Prior to holding high political office, Mr. Taal held several top government posts
in The Gambia before joining the United Nations Environment Programme. He served from 1991 - 1998 as Chief
of Forests and Other Ecosystems, in 1998 -1999 as Task Manager Biodiversity Programme and from 2000-2004
as Head of Interagency and Intergovernmental Processes.
Mr András Szöllösi-Nagy
Professor András Szöllösi-Nagy started his appointment as Rector of UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
at the beginning of September 2009. Prior to his appointment in Delft, The Netherlands, Professor SzöllösiNagy was Director of the Division of Water, Secretary of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
and Deputy Director-General of the Natural Sciences Sector of the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). During his tenure at UNESCO, Professor Szöllösi-Nagy was able to
significantly reinforce UNESCO’s response capacities in the area of freshwater through a variety of actions.
Due to a reinforced IHP, the establishment of UNESCO-IHE, 23 UNESCO Water Centres and the UN World Water
Assessment Programme (UN WWAP) unique expertise was gathered to assist Member States in achieving
their share of the Millennium Development Goals. In addition, Professor Szöllösi-Nagy was instrumental in the
establishment of the new UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in March 2003 and acted as a key player in
the integration of the Institute’s education and research programmes in UNESCO.
Ms Lilianne Ploumen
Elisabeth Maria Josepha Ploumen is Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the
Netherlands. She holds a degree in social history. In 1983, while still at university, Lilianne Ploumen became
a community outreach worker in Rotterdam. Two years later she joined the Institute of Psychological Market
Research, working in the statistics department and as a research project leader. In the early 1990s, Ploumen
worked for Foster Parents Plan and PLAN. In 1995 she founded Ploumen Projecten, an organisation specialising
in market research and innovation for commercial and non-profit clients. In the same year she also began
working as a fundraising coordinator for Mama Cash, an international fund supporting women’s initiatives,
going on to become director of the organisation from 1996 to 2001. From 2001 to 2007, Ploumen worked for the
development organisation Cordaid, first as head of quality and strategy and later as Director of International
Programmes. Lilianne Ploumen was Chair of the Labour Party (PvdA) from October 2007 to January 2012. On 5
November 2012 she was appointed as Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation.
Ms Enikö Györi
Enikö Györi is the Hungarian Minister of State of EU Affairs. She is former Hungarian ambassador to Italy
(1999-2003) and Member of Parliament. In 2010, Györi was appointed Minister of State for European Affairs
and chaired the General Affairs Council during Hungary’s EU presidency in the first half of 2010. She was the
Hungarian member of the working group on European Politics of the European People’s Party (2005-2009) and
President of the Italian Forum of Budapest.
Mr Paul Hohnen
Since 1975 Paul Hohnen has worked on a range of global economic, development and environmental issues
as a diplomat, international civil servant, Director of Greenpeace International, and Strategic Director of
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Trained as an international lawyer, Hohnen worked from 1975 to 1989
as an Australian diplomat at the OECD in Paris, to the EU institutions in Brussels, and in Fiji and Sri Lanka.
He was closely involved in the 1992, 2002 and 2012 Earth Summit processes, and has participated in the
negotiation of a wide range of environmental conventions, including on climate change. He has been involved
in the development and promotion of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, the OECD Guidelines for
Multinational Enterprises and the ISO 26000 social responsibility guidance standard. Hohnen conducts
executive level workshops on embedding sustainability in business strategies and is an expert on materiality
and sustainability reporting. His work has been featured in mainstream and speciality press and he is a regular
contributor to Ethical Corporation magazine and The Guardian Sustainability Blog. Hohnen is an Associate
Fellow of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House) in London, which published his paper
‘The Future of Sustainability Reporting’ in 2012, and is a member of the Worldconnectors Roundtable for People
and the Planet.
Ms Kitty van der Heijden
Kitty van der Heijden is the Dutch Ambassador for Sustainable Development and Director of the Department
for Climate, Energy, Environment and Water at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She was delegation leader of the
negotiations on the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development (‘Rio+20’) for the Netherlands. In her
current position she is also responsible for development programs in climate change adaptation, renewable
energy, integrated water management, and the environment, as well as for the interdepartmental coordination
of EU environment policy at national level, and policy development on global public goods issues, such as
resource scarcity and energy security. Before she took up her current position, she served as the Ambassador
for the MDGs in 2009. Van der Heijden is an economist by background and has over the past twenty years
worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Africa Department, the Departments for Multilateral Affairs and
Humanitarian Aid, as well as in embassies in New Delhi, India and New York (Netherlands mission to the UN).
During 2006-2009, she was on a strategic secondment to the UN, responsible for the UN reform program (‘One
UN’) in Vietnam.
side events
Water Cooperation Market
In 2013, the theme of UN World Water Day is water cooperation.
During the event at the World Forum on 22 March, a ‘water
cooperation market’ will demonstrate promising, innovative
and unusual new forms of partnerships and water cooperation.
A few distinctive partnerships will inspire those attending by
explaining their approach, emphasizing the most critical factors
for successful water cooperation. Visitors and media are invited
to come along.
WASH Street
Organized by Dutch WASH Alliance and partner Aqua for All
To welcome the guests of UN World Water Day, the Dutch WASH
Alliance presents WASH Street – a mock-up of a typical street
in a developing country. This unique 13-metre long banner
displays different scenes relating to water, sanitation and
hygiene. WASH Street’s most eye-catching feature is its open
sewer that runs past the different scenes. With WASH Street, the
Dutch WASH Alliance wants to highlight sustainable solutions
for WASH challenges.
Preparatory Youth Programme, 16 – 20 March 2013
To boost young people’s participation in the current events, a
selected group of young water advocates from all around the
world have gathered in the Netherlands for a Preparatory Youth
Programme. They have exchanged views and experiences and
prepared for a productive contribution to the Multi-Stakeholder
Dialogue and to World Water Day 2013. The programme aims
to go beyond understanding and awareness of water issues
and global interdependency and work towards a vision and
guidelines for inclusive, intersectoral, and intergenerational
water cooperation, on a global, national, and local scale. These
very diverse young people are united by their commitment to
international water cooperation. As we are all united by water. - Video interview spot
The first WaterCouch comes to the 2013 World Water Day
celebrations in the Netherlands. This is the latest concept
from Akvo and IRC, the team behind the popular Stockholm
World Water Cube, which has produced more than 500 online
interviews with people working to solve the world’s water and
sanitation problems. WaterCouch is an online video interview
spot open to all. Its aim is to encourage people to share their
insights, engaging a new, more connected generation. The
dynamic, independent team of video reporters uses simple
video cameras or mobile phones to profile the people attending.
Each rapid-fire interview is immediately edited and shared
online and is easy to feature on any website. The WaterCouch
is a joint venture between Akvo, IRC and the Dutch Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. Watch content throughout the event at
Public World Water Day Event in The Hague
Walking for Water
Walking for Water is an awareness and fundraising initiative.
School children aged 10 to 15 are sponsored by friends and
family to walk 6 kilometres while carrying 6 litres of water
in a backpack. Children learn about global water issues
while raising funds to help solve them. The Walking for
Water concept was pioneered in the Netherlands by NGO
Aqua for All and has grown in popularity every year since
its launch in 2003. On 22 March, people will Walk for Water
in the Netherlands and in many countries around the world.
Representatives of the Walking for Water campaign will also
be present during the World Water Day celebrations in The
Hague to present the initiative and its story of success in the
Netherlands over the past 10 years. The younger generation
needs to understand what goes on in the world when it comes
to water, one of life’s essentials. However, understanding the
issues is actually only half of the equation. Kids also need to
discover that they have the power to do something about it,
the power to create change. The Walking for Water initiative
places equal importance on raising awareness of the issues
and empowering kids to help their peers get access to safe
drinking water.
World Forum Convention Centre
Churchillplein 10, The Hague, The Netherlands
+3170 306 6227
Superevent application
The Superevent application for smartphones and tablets is an interactive tool that keeps you informed about
the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue and World Water Day 2013 in The Hague. The Superevent app gives you detailed
information on the activities taking place. You can also use the application after the official closing of World
Water Day 2013 to look back on the event or find useful information on upcoming water-related events.
Live stream of WWD 2013
Plenary sessions of the World Water Day event at the World Forum on 22 March can be followed live on the
following websites:
The venue:
World Forum floor plan
A. Registration desk
B. Plenairy room - Amazon
C. Press room - Mississippi
Break-out sessions
E 6 D
D. Water Cooperation creates
economic benefits - Yangtze 1
E. Water Cooperation helps to preserve
water resources and protect
the environment - Yangtze 2
F. Water Cooperation builds peace
Kilimanjaro 1&2
G. Water Cooperation is key to poverty
reduction, social equity and gender equity
Everest 1&2
Culture Program
1. Dutch WASH Aliance - Street
2. Waterlanders - Performance
3. Ran Ortner - Open Water no 24
4. Information
5. World Water Day market
6. Game
7. Social Media Couch Interviews
8. Antonin Fourneau - Water light-graffiti
9. Ulay - Water Soundscape
World Water Day 2013
& International Year of Water
Aqua for All
Multi-Stakeholder dialogue
The Broker Online debate Prioritising Water after 2015
Post-2015 Development Agenda
Thematic Consultations
Government of the Netherlands