Tarago Times June 2012 - Tarago Community Website
Tarago Times June 2012 - Tarago Community Website
June 2012 The Tarago Times is a non-profit community service, published monthly by the Tarago Sporting Association Inc, by a team of volunteers. It has a circulation of 500 copies distributed throughout Tarago, Lake Bathurst, Mayfield, Boro, Taylors Creek and surrounding districts and now the world at http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php A week-end enjoyed at the Tarago Show Grounds by the Struggle Town Tourers on their annual Loaded Dog Bikers Rally. Mowing the Cricket Ground 2000 Can you help us! Can you identity these volunteers who were mowing the Cricket Ground in 2000? Read the TSAI article inside pages 15,16 21 & 22 Many thanks to Veolia For their continued support of the Tarago Times production with their annual donation of $3000. Veolia is a proud sponsor of The Tarago Times Woodlawn Bioreactor Community Feedback Line: 1800 241 750 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Rockquiz – Oh What A Night Around 70 enthusiastic rock and roll fans came to Tarago Town Hall to test their musical genius at our inaugural Tarago Rockquiz. It was a fantastic night with locals, Bungendorians, Lake Bathurstites and Windellama dwellers attending to battle against each other and then rock the night away. Our Rockquiz orchestra featuring: Vince the Voice on Vocals, Paul Doc Axeman, Johnno not-from-the-corner-store on drums, Pete the whip on bass and supporting guitar Smokin Hot Toddy, from the pub rock band The Ton, kept us on all our feet until the witching hour, with special appearance by Joe on bagpipes, who came all the way from Goulburn for a fantastic rendition of ‘It’s a long way to the top’. The night was a huge success and many thanks to all who made it possible: Samantha Brown, Anne and Denzil Sturgiss, Howard Beileiter, Jan Keightley, Deb Carey, our Rockquizzettes, Keisha, Ella, Carly, Brittany, Kyron, our own roadie Dugald, and a special thanks to the boys from The Ton for their humour, flexibility and generosity. The costumes were fantastic with costume winners Brad (Kiss member Ace) and Skay (Bob Marley) taking out the attention to detail and correctness prizes and most authentic respectively. Many thanks to the Loaded Dog Hotel for the donation of these prizes. Our 3 Lady Gaga’s Ella, Carly and Brittany took out the glam awards. Our judge had a hard time choosing from the collection of Elvis, Amy Winehouse, Dolly Parton, Emmy-Lou Harris and Dusty Springfield just to name a few. Thanks also to Megan Alcock, and Gill (Julia) Shepherd who won the 50/50 raffles and donated their winnings back to the Hall Fundraiser. This was a great help in making just over $1000 on the night. The Latte Sipping Blowins from Bungendore won a closely fought contest through judicious use of the ‘Buy an Answer’ envelope and knowing stuff, closely followed by The Winners and Band Buddies. Thanks also to the Covan Creek Posse for making the trek to Tarago, and to the Tarago locals who turned out and had a fun time. ‘Til next time (and there will definately be a next time), rock on! Neil (Brian Nankervis) Shepherd Photo right: Winners Latte Sippin Blowins with ‘Julia’ Page 2 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago & District Landcare This month we set an attendance record for members at our monthly meeting with ten members braving the cool morning on Sunday 6th May at the Tarago Hall. It’s been a big month and it’s good news all round. We applied for some funding through the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority. A small grants application was submitted and was successful. For our efforts we have received funding to the value of $500.00. We decided on a list of items that would centralise our collection of reference materials and books. The list of items submitted by TLG & agreed to by HNCMA: 1) Lockable Cupboard for reference books, & plan drawers cabinet for posters, site plans and field day poster storage, (estimated costs: Cupboard $150; Plan Drawers $150) 2) Reference Books - Grasses & Tree ID (estimated cost: $100) 3) Whiteboard - Stand & Pens (estimated cost: $100). Chris Elford and I went shopping in last week trawling the secondhand shops and we got exactly what we were looking for and we should take possession by the end of the month. Ten fit and strong members got stuck into transplanting plants into pots out of the hall garden in preparation for next month’s working bee to redesign the garden into a very low maintenance, beautiful garden that will become a real focal point as visitors enter the village. Peter Campbell has kindly taken our transplanted shrubs into his professional care out at Nirvalley Nursery until their spring planting back into the garden. If all goes to plan our working bee on the Hall garden will take place on the 3rd June following our general meeting at 9.20am for a 9.30am sharp start with a BBQ to cap off the day. If you would like some more information regarding the group’s activities please call Chris Elford (Treasurer) on 0428 249 416. Our monthly meetings are conducted on the 1st Sunday of the month at the Tarago Hall. New and past members are welcome. Nick Huggins AGM Taylors Creek Rural Fire Service AGM Sunday 24 June 2012 - 2.00pm at the fire shed. Any queries, please phone 4849 4240. Home, Business or Community Organisations Custom Designed To Meet Your Energy Needs Stand Alone Systems 4849 4225 OnGrid With Battery Backup Grid Connect Clean Energy Council Accredited ACCREDITED FOR REBATES www.sun-power.com.au LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS (241654C) Tarago Times June 2012 Page 3 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Doug's Mowing 0415 883 727 We do: Mowing & pruning Weed control Garden clean up Rubbish removal Cut & supply fire wood Funding for Erosion Control The Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority (HNCMA) is offering funding to landholders in the Warragamba Catchment who have moderate to serious erosion occurring on their properties. Funding is available for the following activities Soil Conservation Earthworks such as diversion banks, gully control structures, rock ramps and flumes to control active erosion. Fencing to protect degraded gullies and streams. Provision of alternate stock water systems when water sources are fenced Revegetation of gullies and degraded streams. Contact the HNCMA on (02) 4828 6749 for more information. Or you can visit your local office on Ground level, 159 Auburn Street Goulburn OR at Clarence House, 4/9 Clarence St Moss Vale. Page 4 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Woodlawn Update Woodlawn Bioreactor Update During the month of April, due to significant increases in gas capture, electricity generation from the Bioenergy project reached 2434 Mega Watt hours (MWh). This the highest generation value since the project began and is approximately the power used by 4000 homes. This is a pleasing result for the project, and as such the site is seeking approval to bring forward the commissioning of a 5th generator by early 2013. Also during the month of April, The Woodlawn Bioreactor received its 3 millionth tonne of waste transported from Sydney, current waste depth stands at 75 metres. For those that might be familiar with the mine void, the waste height is at the base of the south western mine portal. Over the next 12 months, Veolia will be looking to install a permanent seal to this access; which is a fully engineered process that must first be approved by the relevant Government departments and involves many tonnes of structural concrete that is keyed into the walls of the portal, to completely seal it. This is then followed by the installation of stabilising structures and an extra clay seal on the exterior. Community Liaison Committee Summary The Community liaison Committee meeting was held in March. The following is a summary of the main issues discussed. A meeting was held in February with several Taylors Creek Road residents to discuss odour management and this meeting was attended by the Veolia Resource Recovery Manager Mark Taylor. The residents reported that they have noticed no change in the odour and that they believe it is from the waste not the leachate as has been reported. The Veolia representatives assured the residents that we have not stopped working on controlling the odour and unfortunately the way odour works you may not see any short term changes even when there have been significant operational improvements. We believe we have now narrowed the odour down to two major sources, being the gas and waste. Improvements to the gas infrastructure started in 2011 and to date we have increased gas capture by 35% since installing the new infrastructure. These works are continuous with extra systems being installed as the waste is being tipped. We know that odour is associated with emissions and so the continuing to improve our gas capture will reduce the odour potential. Veolia acknowledged that any odour is not good enough but believe we are on track to see a significant odour reduction over the coming months. Veolia is also investigating how we can improve communication around what is being done in relation to reducing odour. We have spoken to some odour consultants about setting monthly gas capture targets that we can be measured against. Along with this we would hand out odour diaries so people can record important information such as time odour was detected, the duration it stayed around and a rating of Tarago Times June 2012 the odour 1 to 10. This information will be important to detect any trends and give us information on what is working and what is not. A meeting has been scheduled with the odour consultants for June 2012. Some operational questions were asked in relation to what happens when the operators first enter the void when there is strong odour. For Veolia, operator safety is our priority and the area is set up with permanent gas detectors and all operators have personal gas monitors on them at all times. The issue with gas is that odour is not necessarily associated with danger as odour can be detected at extremely low concentrations in the air. So it is important that we manage the operator safety in relation to actually measuring gas levels in the air where they work. On no occasion have we needed to evacuate the void due to high gas levels. In general discussion Cr Peterson said - that Veolia is not managing odour effectively and doesn’t seem to be able to satisfy the Tarago community. He added that Veolia should allocate more trust money to the community as compensation for putting up with the odour. Justin Houghton said the Trust money is available for projects the Tarago community want, just handing money out is not an effective way of managing trust funds – the process the trust has is comprehensive so that the money goes to worthy projects. We have already put our hand up to help the Tarago community with Trust applications and this still stands. The Waste Expansion project has been approved subject to a number of conditions; some of these conditions need to be put in place prior to the receipt of more waste. These include; regular odour audits, road and pavement assessment (Bungendore Road) and automation of the rail operation at Tarago - so the train does not park across the road. Before we can take any more than 500,000 tonnes per year, which is the maximum the Clyde Transfer Station can take, we would need to build another transfer station. Veolia is looking at a location in Sydney at Port Botany. This would be subject to approval and availability of contracts to take more waste form that general area. This could take several years and feasibilities are being assessed, including design options and discussions with Pacific National on transport. There would also be an increase in staff required to meet increased waste volumes. VES is already in the process of employing an additional operator in 2012 with another planned for 2013. Any locals would be encouraged to submit a resume if they are interested in working at Woodlawn. Other matters arising from the meeting was that Veolia had been informed by John Holland, who now do all rail maintenance, that the train order working – automatic signalling, is scheduled in for June 2012. This will mean the train will not need to stop in Tarago after this. The next meeting will be held on the Wednesday 13th (Continued on page 7) Page 5 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php CONNEN HILL LUCERNE Lucerne Small square horse quality .............. $12 Round ............................................ $120 Silage Round- wrapped ................... $66 25km South of Goulburn (Lake Bathurst) Ian - 0418480500, Austin - 0407480505 Page 6 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php WOODLAWN UPDATE (Continued from page 5) June 2012 please let the local members know if there is anything you would like raised. Denzil Sturgis, Ken Vassel, Marianne Ronayne, Laurie Hallam, Clarice Beileiter, and Cid Riley are the local representatives and Larry Meng, Cr Geoff Peterson, Cr Margaret O’Neill represents Goulburn Mulwaree Council and you can ring the site and leave any issues with Justin Houghton or Henry Gundry. Any further questions do not hesitate to contact us on 4844 6262. Justin Houghton Site Manager Woodlawn - Bioreactor Tarago and District Progress Association Inc. ABN 20 532 382 103 Correspondence: Secretary - Neil Shepherd 315 Cullulla Road TARAGO NSW 2580 Ph: (02) 4849 4221/mob 0417673359 Email: [email protected] Report for June The TADPAI meeting was held on Monday 14th May 2012. The new meeting format was a great success with almost all of the sixteen attendees having a great dinner of linguini or pizza prior to the meeting start. It was great to see some new faces at the meeting including Gus Rolan and Michael Vaughan. Village Beautification Landcare are now managing the work around the Tarago Hall - really good plans have been submitted to save maintenance work. Hall Renovations Hall renovations have restarted again and as I write this we are expecting the renovations to be finished by the end of May. Pedestrian Crossing Work is continuing on the pedestrian crossing and is expected to be finished soon. Anzac Day Sub-committee Rob Brown, Lou Aliamo, Carl Alcock and reps from TSAI and possibly CWA were nominated for the Anzac Day sub-committee. We would like other nominations if people are interested in helping with this very important community event. Clean Up Australia Day Sub-committee We called for nominations and the good news is that there is plenty of room on this sub-committee. If you are interested in nominating, please come along to the next TADPAI meeting. Or drop us a line to [email protected]. Veolia have also expressed an interest in supporting local activities, as they are sponsors of Clean Up Australia Day. Solar Power for the Village We had a very interesting discussion regarding the possibility of establishing locally produced power for the Tarago village. There is a village in Germany that is self sufficient for energy generation. Michael Vaughan Tarago Times June 2012 has agreed to start investigations and report back to TADPAI. Skate Park for Tarago Samantha Brown presented a proposal to build a skate park in the village. This development would give the young people a place where they can do something outdoors. If you are interested in helping Sam with this proposal, please let us know by email to [email protected], or come along to the next TADPAI meeting. St Andrews Church Following the recent article in the Tarago Times, TADPAI discussed options for helping the church. We will contact the Church Warden to see what can be done to help maintain this great community asset. Veolia Odour Reporting This month we included a downloadable form on the www.Tarago.org.au website to help people report incidents of odour to Veolia. Please download the form, and fill in the details when you can smell the odour from the Woodlawn Bioreactor. Completed forms can be emailed to TADPAI at [email protected], so that we can collate information about date, time and location of the odour, and will then pass the information on to Veolia to assist their research into the causes of these odours. Next Meeting You are invited to join us for dinner at the Loaded Dog between 6:00 and 7:00pm and the meeting will start at 7:00pm on Monday 18th June. Have a great month. Neil Shepherd - Secretary Rates to change across Goulburn Mulwaree ~ Increases and decreases expected ~ Residents and business owners across Goulburn Mulwaree will see their rates change in the coming financial year, despite Goulburn Mulwaree Council not changing its base rating policy. “Due to recent revaluations from the Valuer General, properties in Goulburn Mulwaree will experience changes to their rates,” Goulburn Mulwaree Mayor Geoff Kettle said. “There are a number of different rating categories in Goulburn Mulwaree, and residents and business owners can expect their rates to either increase or decrease, depending on their location and rating category. We are expecting rates for residential properties at the northern end of the Goulburn CBD, around the Bruce, Grafton and Lagoon streets area, to increase. “Other areas that will experience increases in their rates will be the Bradfordville Industrial Estate, Kenmore, the Racecourse Precinct off Taralga Road, and Tarago. However, there will be areas across Goulburn Mulwaree that will see their rates reduced, and in some cases, significantly. If you would like to know more, please contact NSW Land and Property Information on 1300 052 637. Page 7 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php A View To VIEW VIEW stands for Voice, Interest and Education of Women In 1960, The Smith Family formed VIEW (Voice, Interests and Education of Women) Clubs of Australia to give women a network of support, a platform to voice their views on issues of national concern, and a collective purpose to support the work of The Smith Family. There are VIEW Clubs in close to 400 communities around Australia with a total of nearly 20,000 members. VIEW celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in 2010 with fifteen regional road shows around the country. Approximately 2,400 VIEW members and guests attended these events, representing some 150 VIEW Clubs nationally. The culmination of the year-long celebrations was the annual VIEW National Convention held in Canberra, where over 900 VIEW members from across Australia descended on the Capital, united under the convention’s theme, Celebrating 50 Years of VIEW. More than $1 million each year is donated to The Smith Family through members’ volunteering and fundraising efforts. Through the clubs, members sponsor more than 927 Learning for Life (LFL) students. Southern Highlands Evening VIEW Club held their Back 2 School day event on 16th April, as part of their monthly dinner meeting. Members dressed up in school uniforms some of their mothers would have been proud of, and a couple would have definitely attracted the attention of the Headmaster! A guessing competition was held, with Committee members supplying photos of themselves as children. They also had members competing in a ‘celebrity heads’ competition and unscrambling NSW town names. Many hilarious tales were told of ‘memorable school experiences’. The ladies also brought along stationery items, to be given to the local LFL Worker for distribution to students on the LFL programme. Funds were raised on the night, which together with sponsor money already donated, raising the Back 2 School day fundraising to a very substantial amount. The ladies where congratulated for this amazing result! Woden VIEW Club held a very successful Back 2 School day on 24th April. The Club raised a wonderful amount on the day, a great effort! The committee put a lot of hard work into the event and the members had a ‘ball’. It was so good to see so many people laughing and just having so much fun while fundraising - putting the fun back into fundraising. Goulburn Evening VIEW Club welcomed special guest Fay Longstaff of Goulburn, quilter extraordinaire, or as she prefers the accidental quilter, at the May dinner Page 8 meeting. Fay shared her story from not knowing what quilting was to her thirty year addiction to quilt making, and making an extraordinary number of the most exquisite quilts for family, friends and anyone who needs a quilt. Fay donated one of her beautiful handiworks to the club to be raffled at a future date. The ladies were absolutely fascinated with the wonderful display of just a few of Fays' quilts on the night. Also on the night, it was reported that the Back 2 School fund raising event was a huge success. President Helen presented decade badges to Judy, Del, Norma, Carol, Lorraine and Jocelyn. Goulburn Evening VIEW Club is hosting the premiere performance at the Leider Theatre on Wednesday 30th May, with preperformance nibbles and afterwards a delicious supper for all. Everyone is welcome. A raffle will be run and drawn on the night as well. Lake George Day VIEW Club enjoyed the April luncheon meeting with school antics, loads of old fashioned quizzes, hopscotch, school tales and a wonderful school lunch. All this fun was to celebrate and raise funds for TSF's Back 2 School awareness month. VIEW is a wonderful national organisation that welcomes women of all walks of life to learn, laugh, live and make lifelong friends. For all enquiries, please don't hesitate to call long time VIEW member, Sue on 0418 275 402. Sue Maas Photo below: Lake George Day VIEW Club members, taken at their Back 2 School April Luncheon Meeting. VIEW Club Times Lake George Day VIEW Club - 3rd Tuesday of month at 11.30 for 12 midday. Bungendore Evening VIEW Club - 1st Monday of month at 6.45pm for 7.15pm. Goulburn Day VIEW Club - 1st Thursday of month at 11.30am for 12 midday. Goulburn Evening VIEW Club - 2nd Tuesday of month at 6.30pm for 7pm. Braidwood Evening VIEW Club- 1st Thursday of the month For contact details for these clubs, please call Sue Maas on 4849 4407 or 0418 275 402. Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Times June 2012 Page 9 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php I Hate Those Meeces To Pieces! Or so a well known cartoon cat was heard to say! In theory I find myself in this category, particularly when one of the little furry rodents leaves droppings in the kitchen, or, after being poisoned with the latest indigo hued version of mouse exterminator, has the audacity to die somewhere just out of reach, where the pungent aroma of decaying mouse permeates throughout the house. Can anyone throw light on just how such a tiny creature can smell so bad, for so long? Open 4 days a week Mon – Tues – Wed – Thurs Children 0 – 6 years Standard Rate - $29/day Casual & ½ days available Subsidised rates on application We follow the curriculum set out by the Early Years Learning Framework Preschools NSW – Education for Life Ph. 48494427 [email protected] Our staff are Diploma & Cert III qualified Or Studying the Cert III in childcare Tarago Times June 2012 Last week, some days after distributing said wax blocks behind cupboards and under the fridge, I came across a little mouse slowly expiring outside the laundry door. I had missed flattening the poor thing by millimetres as I hefted an overloaded basket of freshly laundered washing out to the line. There it was, tail stretched out behind, little hand-like paws clutched almost in an attitude of prayer, every breath an agonised effort, not moving despite my very close proximity. I studied it more closely. About five centimetres from stem to stern, including aforementioned tail; a tiny perfect being, soft brown fur and little black button eyes. Beatrix Potter immediately sprang to mind and I felt like a MURDERER! Did it have a family? Was it an only child? Can one perform CPR on a mouse and if so, would there be any point? After all the poison was clearly doing its job. I stayed beside the mouse, now named Edmund, whispering apologies and feeling like a criminal. After about half an hour, Edmund took his last shuddering breath and rolled slowly onto his side, eyes glassy and paws frozen in supplication. I couldn’t just leave him there and came inside to find a dustpan and brush, or maybe it should be a little cardboard coffin, hand-painted with pictures of mousy angels with little wings and halos, small pieces of the best Brie and perhaps a grape or two? As I pondered, eyes dampened – not crying you understand, I found the dustpan and returned to the scene of my crime to carefully and lovingly dispose of the corpse. The mouse was gone! No doubt lifted by the Currawong seen earlier that morning leaving large deposits on my peg basket! Now I had two murders on my hands as the beautiful but cruel Currawong was bound to die. There was nothing more to be done and I retreated inside. Later that day whilst vacuuming the cream carpet in the guest bedroom, I came upon more mouse droppings together with violet coloured stains – mouse urine. There was no removing the evidence and several patches are indelibly marked on the floor. Poetic justice perhaps? Well, let me tell you, the next mouse I come upon will feel the wrath of Khan and I will whack the little blighter with no compunction, no guilt and no feelings of remorse at the sight of a very flat and well pounded mouse, promptly tossed into the fire! The Lake Bathurstian Page 10 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php WINDELLAMA PUBLIC SCHOOL P & C FIREWORKS NIGHT and AUCTION at WINDELLAMA HALL SATURDAY 9th June 2012 AUCTION FIRE (all new goods) from FOT Starting at approximately 2.00pm Bring you money and pick up a bargain! HOT DRINKS from KEEN 4 CAFFEINE SHOW BAGS GUMBOOT THROWING CHOCOLATE WHEEL ADMISSION $12 per Family $ 6 per Adult & Secondary Students $ 4 per Primary Student & Pensioners Tarago Times June 2012 WO RKS I appr o 6.00 ximately – 6.1 5 pm FACE PAINTING PICK-a-JAR DELICIOUS HOT FOOD CAKES & SLICES COLD DRINKS Page 11 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php **New** Delivery Service Each Tuesday Servicing the local area Suppliers of all grades of hay from small bales to large bales & round bales Health care products Huge range of Horse feed Chook food Dog food Bird seeds Cattle, sheep, goats, alpaca and many more of your farmyard friends Small and large bales Check out our monthly specials in store We are your local Agent for Kleenheat Gas Page 12 Glendarlyn Stockfeeds 97 Burrabinga Road Tarago Ph: 48494565—Mob: 0428430693 We have been in the stock feed industry for many years. We offer a wide range of products to service your needs . With many brands to choose from to care for your animals large or small. Professional advice and service given as our customers are our priority. Eftpos Facility Available Business Hours:Thursday to Saturday 8.00am to 5.00pm Sunday 8.00am to 12 noon Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php By the time you read this article our AGM will be over and the new committee will be thinking about the year ahead. We still have a couple more events at the Show Grounds in 2012. A birthday party in June and Dog Shows on 26, 27 and 28th October. The Show Society will be catering for the Dog Show and we are looking for volunteers to help in the barbeque area. If you are available, even for just a couple of hours, please give me a call or email. In May we had a small folk festival on the 7th and 8th, then the Struggle Town Tourers Bikers Rally on the Mother’s Day weekend. Both events were very successful and bought about 220 people to Tarago. It is great to see the Show grounds being used regularly and bringing people to the area. I would like to thank the committee for preparing the grounds for both events and doing the catering for the bikers. The feedback from both organizations was great. Our application with the Veolia Mulwaree Trust for $14,000 from the February round of grants, to help us replace three of our boundary fences and also buy a zero turn mower, has not been approved. The Trust has asked for updated financial statements from us and, pending receipt of this information, they will reconsider the application at their July meeting. We have also received letters of support for the mower from the Tarago Progress Association and the TSA. The next Show meeting will be at the ‘Dog’ at 7:30pm on Monday 4 June 2012, as always; it is open to the public. Again, I would like to thank the Committee and all of our wonderful volunteers for their efforts over the twelve months. If you would like to become part of the team please contact me or one of the committee members. Keith Hunter Phone: 4849 4256 Email: [email protected] Classifieds for June GOODS OFFERED Cut fire wood. $150 for 8x5 trailer load. Free local delivery but extra charge for out of area. Ph Doug on 4849 4213 or 0415 883 727 Double bunks - double bed on bottom w almost new mattress, single bed up top w older mattress, ladder and safety rail included. $200. Ph. 4844 5016. STOCK OFFERED 22 first cross ewe lambs. Crookwell bred, Border Leicester/Merino cross. Gudair vax, 6:1 vax twice, drenched, Aug/Sep 2011 drop $1870 ($85 each) will deliver free, Phone Keith 4849 4256 also see page 25 Tarago Times June 2012 ACOM DESIGN PO Box 806, Goulburn 2580 Yarralla, 4519 Oallen Ford Rd Bungonia 2580 Robert C Everingham Building Designer & Draftsman New Homes, Alterations & Additions Duplex, Villa, Townhouse Developments Rural, Commercial, Industrial Buildings Free Quotes - Competitive Rates - Prompt Service Energy Efficient (SEDA), Eng Dwgs: Mech, Struct, HVAC TEL 4844 4321 MOBILE 0417 682 022 FAX 4844 4323 EMAIL [email protected] MEMBER MEMBER STANDARDS AUSTRALIA þ BUILDING DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW SOUTH WALES INCORP Page 13 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Exhibitions For more details see www.igoulburn.com Light Sensitive material: works from the Verghis Collection Fri, 25 May 2012 - Sat, 30 June 2012 GRAG is pleased to offer Light Sensitive Material: works from the Verghis Collection, a Bathurst Regional Art Gallery exhibition in conjunction with Rachel Verghis, toured by Museums and Galleries NSW. A vibrant selection of photographic, light and digital media works from the collection of Rachel Verghis, one of Australia's youngest art collectors. The exhibition brings together fourteen emerging and mid career contemporary Australian artists whose use of light is integral to their work. Curated by Richard Perram, Director, Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, the exhibition presents a fascinating snapshot of contemporary art from the past decade. Artists in this exhibition include: Shoufay Derz, Hayden Fowler, Shaun Gladwell, Newell harry, Petrina Hicks, Jonathan Jones, David Knight, Rosemary Laing, Vanila Netto, Michael Riley, Julie Rrap and Hossein Valamanesh. Northern Impressions Fri, 25 May 2012 - Sat, 30 June 2012 GRAG is pleased to offer Northern Impressions, an exhibition that showcases limited edition prints by artists from across the Top End, Central Australia, Mornington and Bentinck Islands and Kimberley regions and reveals the beauty and diversity of artistic expression in these regions. Each with their own distinct visual language. These prints have been produced by Northern Editions in Darwin. Contact Details: Goulburn Regional Art Gallery, Cnr Bourke & Church Streets, Goulburn Ph: (02) 4823 4492 Choral & Orchestral Concert Sun, 3 June 2012 A Choral & Orchestral Concert for your enjoyment. • Orchestra de Camera • Dividing Range • Paul Scott-Williams (Baritone) Program includes Requiem (Faure) Mozart, Bruckner, Holst Where: Sts Peter & Paul's Old Cathedral. Time: 3pm. Admission: $15. Bring a nice cushion and relax to inspiring music! Contact Details: Sts Peter & Paul's Old Cathedral, Cnr Bourke and Verner Streets, Goulburn. Ph: (02) 4821 1022. Visit the Sts Peter & Paul's Old Cathedral website. Bush Traditions Sessions at the Brewery Fri, 6 July 2012 An evening of Australian folk music - songs, dance tunes, poems and more... The Old Goulburn Brewery, Bradley Grange Bungonia Road, Goulburn First Friday of each month (except January & April) 7.30pm - 10.30pm The accent is on participation so bring voices and Page 14 instruments and join in. Dots are available or play by ear. Enjoy: • A Folk Ring where we each choose an item in turn as a request or to lead. • A Theme where songs and poems on a particular theme are hunted out, practised and played. • Tunes played feature Australian collected tunes from the Goulburn area. July's theme: Gold, Gold, Gold Contact Details: David Johnson Ph: (02) 4884 4214 Tarago Public School P & C Annual General Meeting To be held on Monday, June 18th 3:30pm in the school library. All are welcome to attend. TARAGO BUSHFIRE BRIGADE (Est. 1946) To report all fires DIAL 000 The AGM is now over for another year and it’s back to business as normal. So far, fire wise, we have had a fairly quiet year but don’t become complacent about fire hazards. Be particularly cautious with household heaters, replace your fire alarm batteries, and if burning off, have some fire fighting equipment available and don’t leave fires unattended. As I write this article we are preparing to support a Bush Fire Fighting course, being run at Windellama on 26 and 27th May. We have six nominations for the course and hopefully they all attended and now have the basic fire fighting qualification. Congratulations to David Gock who recently completed his basic course at Towrang. We also have a number of nominations for advanced courses being run in our zone later this year. Remember burning off is now permitted however, you must notify Yass Fire Control Centre on 6226 3100 the business day before burning, or by 3:30pm Friday for weekend burning. You may also book a period of up to 2 weeks in which to burn. You must also notify your immediate neighbours and as a courtesy notify the Brigade Captain Ken Vassel on 4849 4652. When burning off, make sure you have some fire fighting equipment available nearby. Last year we had several callouts due to runaway burn off’s, let’s not repeat that this year. The next training/maintenance day will be held on Sunday 24 June 2012 at the Tarago Fire Shed; Rob Brown will be running a session on the use of fire blankets. Training starts at 11:00am until around 12:30 pm. followed by a sausage sizzle. All are encouraged to attend and we hope that some of our newly qualified members come along. Any questions regarding the Brigade, please don’t hesitate to contact me (Keith Hunter) on 4849 4256 or email to [email protected] . Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Sporting Association Sport - Bringing our Community Together “The Spirit of Volunteering has Positive Impact on Village Life “ The Tarago Sporting Association Incorporated, known affectionately by some as the TSA, is a community based, non profit organisation, whose membership is open to all members and friends of the Tarago and district community. The main purpose of this community organisation is to bring our community together through a commitment to helping provide access to sport and various forms of recreation and leisure activities. To achieve this, the organisation has the following Aims & Objectives 1. To identify needs and support requests for holding sporting and recreational activities/events and to assist with providing the means and expertise to run such activities/events and to ensure they are accessible to all in the community. 2. To provide an avenue whereby concerned or interested individuals can identify and express the needs for provision of or improvements to community sporting and recreational facilities deemed to be in the best interest of the whole community. 3. To conduct fundraising to assist with the provision or improvement of such facilities. 4. To assess the possibility of supporting groups and individuals in the pursuit of their sporting goals. In pursuing these aims and objectives, the TSA has become a landowner for and on behalf of the community and has also inherited the community newsletter, The Tarago Times. First, let's clarify the land area. There are two separately titled parcels of land that make up the TSA owned Tarago Recreation Area. One is the off-road car park to the north of and adjacent to the Tarago Park. The other much larger area runs to the east of the park and tennis courts through to its eastern boundary, the Mulwaree River. The southern boundary is Lumley Road and we share our northern boundary fence with the Reynold's property. Fixtures on the land include the olympic size dressage sand arena , the day yards, the pony club shed, the 4 sets of covered picnic tables and seats, the cricket oval and pitch and the recently developed designated walking track. The area has been landscaped with a variety of trees donated by families and individuals who are recognised on the large sign affixed to the eastern fence of the tennis courts. The tennis courts, tennis club house and the small park with BBQ shed, toilets and playground equipment belong to Goulburn Mulwaree Council who administer that area as a public amenity for the community. ‘Tarago Rec area March 2012 pic courtesy of Highlands Aerial Photogrophy’ The Tarago Times has evolved from a community pamphlet started by the Tarago CWA Branch, maybe in the early 80s, to become the monthly publication the community can today access for free either from their mail box or the world wide web. It was put together by various willing volunteers over the years until eventually being taken up and financially underpinned by the Tarago Sporting Association. Now, thanks to Veolia Environmental Services' annual sponsorship and its strong advertising component, this community newsletter stands alone without any financial support from the TSA general account. A Potted Early History of the TSA In the late 70s a group of keen local horsemen were having a quiet Sunday afternoon ale in the then Lake Bathurst Hotel (now known as the Loaded Dog). Hard workers during the week, they were sometimes at a loose end of a weekend and got to talking about a better way to spend their free time. Inevitably the conversation turned to bush rides and maybe the odd overnight camp. Being family men, they weighed the pros and cons of the kids and their ponies also coming along and maybe the odd dog or two as well (but not the loaded one!). Thus the seeds were sown, a small exploratory group rode forth and it wasn't long until the first organised ride. Men, women and children of varying ages met at the first "saddling enclosure", the horse floats were emptied, the support crews and "wagons" were loaded up - kids who didn't have a pony, tucker, refreshments and camping gear for an overnighter - and out they headed. Over the years the bush tracks took them in many directions from Tarago. Sometimes over the range behind Woodlawn farm house, heading to Percy Quigg's for an over night camp with music and dancing. Other times the track headed east from Boyd's place at Bunnerong, Boro and through to Mayfield and down to Ooranook near the Shoalhaven River - a memorable camp site with a great shed for dancing. (Continued on page 16) Tarago Times June 2012 Page 15 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Sporting Association Sport - Bringing our Community Together “The Spirit of Volunteering has Positive Impact on Village Life “ (Continued from page 15) The odd ride was had at the Sturgiss property, Virginia and another time it was a camp at the Robert's ' place on the Mogo Road after a ride to Oallen Ford and back. What a freezing cold night that was! Just a few of the many and varied rides enjoyed by the growing group as the years passed. It was a fun time for the kids, especially those lucky enough to have a good pony. Most youngsters came under the watchful eye of the caring and experienced horseman, Doug Williamson who made it his mission to ensure the kids were safe and happy and learning how to manage their mount. Many a kid was awestruck by the things Doug could do with his amazing horse, Sunny. This is but a glimpse of the fun side of the carefree trail riding group which, in the mid 80’s, evolved into a more structured body known as the Tarago Sporting Association and the major focus became the running of a highly successful annual sporting horse gymkhana that ran for nineteen consecutive years on the Tarago Showground. Maybe that's a story for another issue. Once the association got serious, it quickly became a successful fund raising body in the community. As well as underwriting many social and recreational outings for its financial members and friends, it was able to make many monetary donations to deserving charities and other local groups over the ensuing years and still achieves this today. You could say that for many years it was the de facto "progress association" for Tarago and district. Among its many key achievements was the work done with the then Mulwaree Shire Council to develop community recreational land for the village of Tarago. This involved establishing the Tarago Park by providing the volunteer labour, tools and equipment while Council provided the building materials for the erection of the BBQ shed and the playground area. However, the major success story was purchasing the land for the car park and recreation area. As you can imagine, this took a number of years of dedicated fund raising topped off by the many, many hours of volunteer labour it took to transform the rough, tussocky grazing paddock into the developed and well maintained green community space it is today. Take a moment to read the Sponsor Board in the car park to understand the broad depth of committed community and business support the TSA was able to tap into during that time. An Excerpt from a 35 Year Timeline of Tarago Sporting Association Highlights and Achievements 1996 - Early planning phase with Mulwaree Shire Council regarding enhancements to Tarago Village. 1997 - TSA draws up site plan for Recreation Area. Page 16 - Mulwaree Shire Council purchases land (formerly leased) from Reynolds with tennis courts and fire shed with intent to develop Tarago Park. 1997 - TSA purchases Lots 3 and 4 from Reynolds on which to develop off road car park and multipurpose recreation area. 1998 – February - TSA 3 stage recreation area development plan taking shape with $4000 from TSA general account plus grant from Clean Water 2000 for soil and land conservation works. - Tarago School pupils receive Natural Heritage Trust Grant to plant water reeds to enhance local frog environment in excavated wet land area on new site. - March - TSA receives NSW Sport and Recreation Grant for dressage arena, day yards and some tree planting. - April-Dec - TSA and other community volunteers continue to fundraise and work with Council on Tarago Park as well more tree planting and installing a watering system. 1998 - A further NSW Sport and Recreation Grant enable TSA to redevelop the cricket oval, erect a surrounding post and rail fence and plant more trees. 1999 - Fundraising and hours of volunteer labour continues. In December TSA continues to sponsor one of its many Christmas Party in the Park celebrations. 2000 - The work continues; catering jobs abound; preparations progress towards Centenary of Federation celebrations; in August the Mulwaree Fire Control gives TSA the keys to fire shed. 2001 - January - TSA partners with Mulwaree Shire Council to secure NSW Sport and Recreation Grant to resurface tennis courts; over Feb/ March more working bees to finish the development works and tidy up. - At March AGM TSA donates $2000 to local groups - P&C, Preschool, CWA, both churches, Pony Club and The Crescent School in Goulburn. - April 14 and 15 - the culmination of all the hard work - the "Back to Tarago" Centenary of Federation Celebrations including the official opening of the Tarago Recreation Area. - November - 19th and final TSA Tarago Gymkhana held at Tarago Showground. 2002 - June - TSA makes the final payment and receives the deeds for Lot 4 - the land on which the Tarago Recreation Area has been developed. Continued on page 21 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Times June 2012 Page 17 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php BUNGENDORE WATER BORES A family business, supporting the local, ACT and Southern NSW Communities for more than 20 years. Customers receive personalised service when calling founder and owner Danny Hill, who will arrange to inspect and divine the site. If Danny doesn’t think there is water, he will advise against drilling. Workmanship and materials are fully guaranteed. Proudly delivers exceptional customer service. Fully licensed drillers. Hydrological studies can be arranged, if required. Bungendore Water Bores will do whatever it takes to deliver specialised service and are committed to sustainable practices and use only modern, environmentally efficient drill rigs and equipment. Bungendore Water Bores PO Box 70, Bungendore NSW 2621 Phone: 02 6238 1243 | Fax: 02 6238 1034 Contact: Danny Hill | Mobile: 0418 623 790 Email: [email protected] GLOBAL LAND REPAIR P/L www.globallandrepair.com.au EXTREME TREE SYSTEMS “The Plant Pink System” Knowing that most of the degradation of earth, land, water and air can be repaired by trees, our mission is to instigate and inspire the planting of as many trees as possible on this earth as quickly as possible with the maximum survival, growth rates and simplicity of care. Contract Tree Planting Biological Tree Planting Products Consultancy - Farmscaping & Permaculture Design Global Land Repair Pty Ltd (incorporating “the plant pink system”) P.O. Box 659, FYSHWICK ACT 2609, AUSTRALIA. Ph: Matt Kilby 0418 654 231-ACT PH :Nick Huggins 0417 010 965—Sth Tablelands See our website for more information. Specialists in Extreme & Limited access Tree Planting Page 18 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Times June 2012 Page 19 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Email: [email protected] * Hardware * Roofing * Building * Pumps * Irrigation * Husqvarna * Fertiliser * Seed * Agronomy * Animal Health * Stock feeds * Fencing * Chemicals goulburnproduce.com.au Email: [email protected] 25 Sydney Rd Goulburn NSW 2580 Ph: 0248224895 Fax; 0248227985 Email: [email protected] Gilmour Station Pty Ltd ACN 001 792 632 ABN 37 440 572 739 * Garages * Carports * Aviaries * Kennels * Barns * Shelters * Gazebos * Cubbies * Farm Sheds * Garden Sheds Page 20 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Sporting Association Sport - Bringing our Community Together “The Spirit of Volunteering has Positive Impact on Village Life “ What does TSAI do with Funds Raised? The Tarago Sporting Association Incorporated financial records are audited annually and these reports are available to anyone in the community upon request to Anne Sturgiss, Hon. Treasurer. Some excerpts from Profit and Loss statements over the last few years tell us: Raffle income Raffle expenses Raffle profits 2007 $13,720 $ 8,518 $ 5,202 2008 $14,872 $ 6,181 $ 8,797 2009 $13,414 $ 6,935 $ 6,479 2010 $14,405 $ 7,485 $ 6,920 2011 $13,039 $ 6,520 $ 6,529 Ground Maintenance Insurance $2,772 $2,631 $ 3,710 $ 2,631 $ 2,424 $ 2,631 $ 2,352 $ 2,627 $ 3,947 $ 2,648 Donations to community groups $ 2,304 $ 1,860 $ 1,068 $ 3,546 $ Sponsorships of sport/recreation $ 2,250 $ $ $ 971 $ 1,231 TSA input to walking track Picnic Tables 643 250 250 $ 7,000 $ 1,846 Many thanks to the generous members of this community who support the Friday Night Raffles at the Loaded Dog. They may not be financial members of the TSA but the TSA recognises their valuable input to the ongoing success of this organisation. Photo below: Woodlawn Manager, Greg Plunkett, hands over $1000 chq. to TSA President Denzil Sturgiss for Rec Area works. Others in photo L to R are Rod Wilson, Adam Wilson, Max Limon, Kevin Gardner, Jaqui Gilrain, Rob Willson, Gary Field, Arthur Sturgiss, Alan Sturgiss, Alan Sheridan & Ken Vassel. Photo below: TSA volunteers at the annual fundraising catering for TLCC Willowglen Challenge’ Photo left: TSAI sponsored Christmas Party in the Park celebrations. Tarago Times June 2012 Page 21 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Sporting Association Sport—Bringing our Community Together TSAI Monthly Report Unfortunately, part of the recently established walking track in the Recreation Area was damaged in the March floods. We did seek quotes for the damage to be repaired but this was voted against at our last meeting after assessing our current low level of available finances. Instead, members present at the May meeting voted to have a good old fashioned working bee on Saturday 17th June. Preparation work to remove the material from the affected area will be done the weekend before on 10th June. awareness of what the TSAI stands for and what it has achieved in the past plus the current role it plays in our community. We hope the facts we present to you in this Times issue will rekindle many fond memories for some and inform others as to what the Tarago Sporting Association is all about. Once you have learned a little about this organisation you may wish to join us and enrich our dwindling membership. If this is the case, membership is $8 per year or $16 for a family and membership forms are available from Anne Sturgiss the treasurer, and myself, or you can go to our page on the www.tarago.org.au website and download a form. If you have any questions about the TSAI please do not hesitate to contact me on 4849 4221 or mobile 0419 639 254 or email [email protected]. Gillian Shepherd Secretary We would love some volunteers to help as many hands make light work so if you have an hour or two to spare on either weekend, please come and join us. It has been brought to our attention that there are some concerns in the community about the TSAI and what it does, or doesn't do, with the money raised from the Friday night raffles at the Loaded Dog Hotel. There also seems to be a lot of confusion about what land the TSA owns and manages and just who has financially contributed to both acquiring and maintaining this area. This "talk" has prompted us to raise the community's How to view the Tarago Times on the web. Type www.tarago.org.au On the Tarago menu bar position the pointer over Latest News From the ‘Latest News’ drop down menu click on Tarago Times Your can now look at the Tarago Times in colour TARAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS Small schools are great! Email: [email protected] Woolworths Earn and Learn Woolworths have started their Earn and Learn program again. Any time you spend $10 or more you receive a sticker, although I have discovered that at times you need to ask for them. Stickers can be dropped in to the school or the shop has kindly agreed to collect them for us again. If you would rather have a card to put the stickers on, please feel free to drop into the school and ask for some. Sometimes when you’re shopping there may be people around who don’t want their stickers and offer them to the next person in line. We have done well from generosity such as this in the past. Cross Country Our annual Small Schools Cross Country Carnival is held at Windellama PS each year. We had Page 22 another terrific year with thirteen of our runners making it through to the District Cross Country to be held at Wollondilly PS. Not only did we have so many students make it to the next level of competition but we also won the shield for overall points scored…again! What a fantastic job our students have done. NAPLAN Our year three and year five students have just completed three days of testing. Tuesday the students sat two tests; Language Conventions and Writing, Wednesday was Reading and Thursday was the numeracy tests. Whilst it will take time for the exams to be marked and the results to come out I would like to commend all the students for doing a great job during the tests, especially the year threes who were sitting NAPLAN for the first time this year. The results that come from the test will show us what some of the strengths the students have and areas that need work. The most interesting part of the results will be from the year five students, these results show us the growth of the student’s learning from year three to year five. Congratulations again to all the students who sat the tests. Bronwyn Livesey R/Principal Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Large and Small bales of hay Suppliers of feed for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Alpacas, Goats, Dogs, Cats, Birds. 51-52 Knox Street, Goulburn 02 4822 3111 Quiet Vertical Axis Wind Generators The first Hi-VAWT generator in Australia installed at Tarago December 2011. Solar panels at direct factory pricing. 190W monocrystalline panels at only $209 + GST/road freight ex-Sydney. At this factory direct price minimum order is one pallet (32 panels). For more information please visit our websiteswww.aidesolar.com.au and www.lifetechlithium.com Email: - [email protected] Phone: - 0420 948 757 Tarago Times June 2012 Page 22 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Taylors Creek Landcare ANOTHER REASON TO TAKE CARE WHEN VACCINATING AGAINST OJD A few weeks ago, a sheep producer called me, concerned because several well-grown crossbred lambs still on their mothers, developed a progressive leg weakness. The disease developed to the point where some of the lambs could no longer walk. The owner was worried about worms or a plant poisoning and if the problem would continue. As I drove out to the farm, I thought about the possibilities. Phalaris staggers was rife last spring but normally does not affect lambs. Ryegrass staggers can be a problem in some autumns but I haven’t seen any yet this year. I also didn’t think that this farm was likely to have perennial ryegrass pastures. Some other weeds including marshmallows can cause staggers and should be considered. Several genetic diseases cause similar symptoms especially in merinos. However, most of these inherited diseases are due to recessive genes meaning that both parents need to be carriers. This is unlikely in crossbred lambs. When I examined some of the affected lambs, I saw that they were bright and alert but weak especially in the hindquarters. If pressed they ran in a swaying fashion then collapsed. I noticed that one of the lambs had a slight bump high on the neck. The owner told me that these, plus all other affected lambs were from the ewe portion. When the owner told me that only the ewe lambs had been vaccinated with Gudair I mentioned that I was highly suspicious that this problem arose from a vaccine reaction pressing on the spinal cord in the neck. I have seen this problem once or twice before as have several of my colleagues. Farmers have called it ‘OJD staggers.’ Bill Johnson at Goulburn also reported a case recently in which about 10 of 800 lambs were affected. The owner had seen the problem in a similar number of lambs each year over the last several years. It first appeared about three weeks after they were vaccinated. However, in other cases it developed months after vaccination as the reaction enlarged or became infected. Of interest in the case Bill saw not long ago and the first case I saw a few years ago, some of the sheep were found to have previously suffered from one of the genetic sheep diseases mentioned previously. Both owners initially thought that these were further cases Page 24 of this problem. As the lambs had deteriorated and a diagnosis was important I performed an autopsy on two cases. Both had large vaccine reactions in the tissues on top of the neck. Both had clear evidence of spinal cord compression. ‘OJD staggers’ is caused when lambs are vaccinated with Gudair high in the middle of the neck. Most sheep producers are aware that it is important to vaccinate lambs behind and to one side of the ear but accidents happen. Gudair has been a remarkable success, virtually eliminating losses from OJD on infected properties. OJD, once such a contentious disease is now a minor problem easily prevented. However, Gudair does need to be administered with care both to ensure that lambs are injected in the correct site and to ensure that people are not injured. Senior District Veterinarian Bruce Watt BVSc, MS, MACVSc Tablelands Livestock Health and Pest Authority NSW FARMERS ASSOCIATION, BUNGENDORE The Annual General Meeting was held in Bungendore on 2nd May 2012 in conjunction with the Molonglo District Council AGM. All positions were declared vacant and the following office bearers agreed to continue in their positions: President: John Reardon Secretary/Treasurer: Joan Limon Vice President: Barbara Fairfax Auditor: Mike Welford. In the Molonglo District Council, Ian Cargill was reelected President and Garry Grant was elected Secretary/Treasurer with Mark Horan as Vice President. The main issues discussed were the Ryan review of LHPA’s in NSW which could lead to a takeover by the Department of Primary Industries and the implications should this occur including what is to become of Travelling Stock Reserves. Also discussed was the position of the Palerang Council LEP. Concerns about the foreign ownership of Australian farming land and the impact of multiple developments on local roads were raised. Our new Regional Services Manager, Dave Banham, was welcomed and he gave a short speech about his background. Mark Horan gave us an update on what is happening with head office. The Land and Water Rally in Sydney yesterday attracted between 6000-8000 people, both from the country and the city, concerned about the impact of coal seam gas exploration on good farming land and the ground water that is vital to this country. Joan Limon Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Goulburn Mulwaree Council - Your elected representatives are: Cookery Corner HEALTH LOAF This loaf is low in fat and sugar and will keep for three to four days in an airtight container. Mayor, Geoff Kettle - 0457 833 587 [email protected] Deputy Mayor, Bob Kirk - 0418 217 520 [email protected] Cr Geoff Peterson - 0417 474 227 [email protected] 1 cup all bran 1 cup milk 1 cup wholemeal self-raising flour 1 teaspoon bi-carb soda 1/2 cup Splenda 1 cup finely chopped raisins or dates 1/2 cup finely chopped dried apricots 1/2 cup wheat germ 3 medium size bananas 2 eggs Cr Neil Penning - 0407 407 507 [email protected] Cr Margaret O'Neill - 02 4821 4629 [email protected] Cr Nina Dillon - 02 4822 1860 [email protected] Preheat oven to moderate 180C. Lightly grease a 24 x 10 x 8cm loaf tin with oil and line the base with baking paper or use a non-stick baking tin. Combine bran and milk in small bowl and allow to stand covered for 10 minutes. Then place flour, bicarb, Splenda, dried fruits and wheat germ in a large bowl. Mash bananas, add eggs and stir to combine. Add banana mixture and soaked bran to flour mixture, beat until combined. Pour mixture into prepared tin and bake in preheated oven for 1hr 5 min, or until skewer inserted comes out of loaf clean. HINT: You can vary the dried fruits by using sultanas or figs instead of dates, or apples instead of apricots. Get Well Wishes Cr Andrew Banfield - 0418 483 767 [email protected] Cr Carol James - 0409 483 766 [email protected] Cr Denzil Sturgiss - 0434 216 342 [email protected] Classifieds for June GOODS OFFERED Fire wood. $150 per load delivered. Phone 4849 4520 WORK SOUGHT Farmhand. minimal experience but fit & healthy & very eager to learn please phone Aaron or Wendy on 02 48445934 STOCK OFFERED Get well for Wayne Newman after a recent fall and a few days in hospital we wish him a quick recovery. Also speedy recovery for Lou Alaimo who has had a recent stay in hospital. 22 first cross ewe lambs. Crookwell bred, Border Leicester/Merino cross. Gudair vax, 6:1 vax twice, drenched, Aug/Sep 2011 drop $1870 ($85 each) will deliver free, Phone Keith 4849 4256 Good new to hear Robert Howarth has fully recovered. Highlands Aerial Photography Suburban & Rural Property Photos Soil Mapping Aerial Surveys Medium Format Photography or Digital For friendly service, ring ROGER McMAHON for details 4849 4282 0409 045 511 All areas Tarago Times June 2012 Page 25 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Inside Your Local Council Keeping you in touch with the latest from Goulburn Mulwaree Council. Cr Denzil Sturgiss reports on Goulburn Mulwaree Council matters of interest. Hello residents and ratepayers What a busy time, so much going on Just a few things making news are: Multi-Use Complex contractor appointed Goulburn Mulwaree Council will contract Hines Construction Pty Ltd for the design and construction of a multi-use complex at the Goulburn Recreation Area. The proposed complex will incorporate a multi function area suitable for sporting activities, performance events, conferences and celebration activities, such as weddings, along with a viewing area overlooking the harness and greyhound tracks. Council determined in March 2012 that the Multi-Use Complex was the highest priority project for infrastructure renewal funding. Funding from Council’s Veolia Host Fee will contribute towards the construction of the Multi-Use Complex and Council will allocate $1 million from Council’s Asset Reserve toward the project. Council’s Draft 2012/13 Operational Plan will be adjusted to incorporate the Multi-Use Complex project. Former Mayors Honoured Two former Goulburn City Mayors are to be recognised for their years of service to the local community, with two Council facilities to be named in their honour. The Foyer of the Goulburn Mulwaree Council Civic Centre will be renamed after former Mayor Keith Cole in recognition of his service to the community. The late Mr Cole was a Councillor with Goulburn City Council from 1977 to 2004 during which times he was Deputy Mayor from 1981-1982 and Mayor from 19821985. The Seiffert Oval grandstand will be renamed in honour of former Mayor Max Hadlow who passed away in 2010. Mr Hadlow served on Goulburn City Council from 1990 to 2004. He served as Mayor of Goulburn City Council from 1999 to 2004 when, in February, due to Local Government amalgamations across NSW, he was appointed the Administrator of Greater Argyle Council. Market and Montague Street Closures Council has made a number of amendments to its Support for Festivals and Events and Road Closure Guidelines Policy which will soon be placed on exhibition for public feedback. You can view these proposed amendments at www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au. Goulburn Region Woodworkers Council has entered into a five year lease with Page 26 Goulburn Region Woodworkers Inc for use of the house at the Water Filtration Plant, Wheeo Rd, West Goulburn at an annual rental of $500. As part of the lease agreement, the Goulburn Regional Woodworkers will convert the building into a functional workshop/clubroom. The group will also be responsible for all water, electricity and gas charges. Arcade Lane Car-park Council will seek Expressions of Interest for the sale, lease or exchange of a car-park at 14-16 Arcade Lane, Goulburn and part of the Verner Street Road Reserve for any re-development with adjoining land. A Development Application has been lodged for a redevelopment and expansion of the Market Place complex on the corner of Verner and Sloane Streets and the proposal involves the Council owned car-park at 14-16 Arcade Lane and part of Verner Street. The Consent Authority for the application will be the Joint Regional Planning Panel due to the capital cost of the project. The Expressions of Interest, which will be open for three months, will allow other parties to inform Council of their vision for the car-park. Goulburn Regional Conservatorium As a result of an approach from, Paul Scott-Williams, director of the Goulburn Regional Conservatorium, Goulburn Mulwaree Council will continue to discuss the feasibility of establishing a community performing arts space at their facility in Bourke Street, Goulburn. The Conservatorium, already an arts centre and centrally located, seeks to open up discussions with Council and State Government regarding this proposal. New drinking fountains in Goulburn City Two new drinking fountains in highly visible locations within Goulburn’s CBD will help spread the word that Goulburn has plenty of water. Earlier this week, Goulburn Mulwaree Council installed the two drinking water filling stations outside the Goulburn Visitors Information Centre in Sloane St and on Auburn St adjacent to the Market St intersection. On Thursday, Goulburn Mulwaree Mayor Geoff Kettle, Deputy Mayor Bob Kirk and water services staff gave away more than 50 Goulburn Australia drink bottles to passing pedestrians. Mayor Kettle said that the dynamic stations promote a sustainable way of living by reducing the plastic waste from generic bottled water. “They provide easy access to free safe reliable drinking water for people to use at any time of the day, along with a low filling point for wheel chair access. “Best of all, these two stations will confirm to people travelling through Goulburn that we do have plenty of water; so much so that we have gone from being known as the city with no water to the city that is now giving it away for free in our main street.” (Continued on page 27) Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Inside Your Local Council closed while the work takes place. (Continued from page 26) Temporary repair work was done on Friday 18th May and the urgent repairs programmed to start on Tuesday 22nd May. It is hoped that the bridge works will be completed by Wednesday 6th June so the road will be open for the June long weekend. Mayor Kettle said the stations, which were a recommendation of Council’s Alternative Water Initiatives working party, would be used to promote not only some of Council’s water saving initiatives, but also events that occur throughout the Goulburn Mulwaree area. “The stations currently have a number of images on them which promote the local area, and the panels are interchangeable, so we can have a number to promote different events throughout the year. Goulburn Mulwaree Council has informed all the relevant emergency services of this bridge closure and they will make arrangements for alternative routes should the need arise. The Tarago Times team presumes that it is OK for the country folk of Goulburn Mulwaree to also take their water bottles to town to fill up! Signs have been placed at major entry points to the roads leading to the bridge including the following locations: Jerrara Rd near Hume Highway Windellama Rd near Mountain Ash Rd, Lumley Rd and Oallen Ford Rd Oallen Ford Rd near Bungonia, Lumley Rd, Windellama Rd and Sandy Point Rd Braidwood Rd near Bungonia Rd, Lumley Rd Oallen Ford Road Bridge Across the Shoalhaven River Closed for Repairs Council also arranged for the closure to be placed on the RTALive website. The Oallen Ford Road Bridge over the Shoalhaven River is undergoing urgent repairs, following an inspection earlier. The work will mean that the bridge will be Remember you can contact me any time on 0248494605, 0434216342 or email me at [email protected] Cr Denzil Sturgiss “Currently, Goulburn’s Olympian Glenn Turner is both stations, as we thought Glenn’s achievements are something that Goulburn should be proud of as a whole.” Tarago Soccer This year Tarago soccer will be playing under the Braidwood Junior Soccer Club as the Braidwood Bullants. There are three teams: under 7s, under 13s and under 15s. Training is on a Thursday at the Tarago oval - under 7s at 3:30pm to 4:30pm and under 13s at 4:30pm to 5:30pm. Training for the under 15s is held at the soccer fields in Braidwood on a Monday at 5:00 to 6:30pm. There is also an extra training day available at Braidwood soccer fields every Wednesday from 4:00 to 5:30pm for players who are interested in extra training and who are interested in playing in the SAP and Kanga Cup gala days. Season 2012 for the Bullants finally kicked off on Saturday the 28th of April. The young and keen under 13s team came up against a Workers East team boasting no less than 6 STFA rep players. The game soon saw Workers pressuring the Bullants goal and some great passages of passing saw the Workers score regularly. The Bullants kept trying though and Anthony Seymour in the backs who made sure the Workers team had to work hard to get past his defence. Kiera Ward was also solid in defence defusing the competent Workers attack on several occasions. Jacob Babic and Nathan Murphy worked hard in the midfield as the Workers attack pushed the ball around well. Half time score was not flattering for the Bullants at 9-0 but the second half was a chance for them to show what sort of courage they have. Tarago Times June 2012 The second half saw the Bullants shut down the Workers attacks who were finding it harder to get through for shots on goal. Britney Carey pulled off some good saves in goal and one from a penalty spot kick which stuck to her hands like glue. All in all a tough game but a much better second half that saw the Workers score less than half of the goals they scored in the first half. Final score Workers 12 Bullants 0. Saturday 12th May The under 13s won 4 – 1. Jacob and Aiden Saab played well in attack and scored 2 goals each. Jacob Babic and Nathan Murphy had a solid game in the middle working hard while Annaliese Babic and Anthony Seymour are improving on the field every week with some great play. Our younger players Amy Murphy and Crystal Dheurle had a pro-active game and Kaitlyn and Keira Ward had a consistent game on the wings. The back line defence including Winter Miller, Britney Carey & Monique Dheurle once again showed their strength and determination. All in all the whole team showed great combined effort which payed off with a great win. Under 7s had another brilliant game with great combined team effort, Grace Tubman & Cheyanne Baxendine played strong in defence and attack. This weeks goal kickers were Sebastian Lesniak, Bryce Carey, Isaac Tubman and Gemma Seymour. Debbie Carey Photo left: Tarago Under 7's first game – Sebastian Lesniak, Bryce Carey, Gemma Seymour, Cheyanne Baxendine, Isaac Tubman, Grace Tubman and team mascot Leilani Baxendine. Page 27 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Page 28 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Horticultural Advice & Gardening Tips Compiled by Wanda Gawne June ‘12 If you are not using your vege patch, cover with composted manure then Pea straw or Lucerne mulch to leave till you start your patch again in spring. This helps the soil stay warmer for longer, increases the microbe activity and keeps the weeds at bay. Plant Asian greens in 2 week progression plantings for many months supply. Liquid fertilise fortnightly for quick growth. Clean your house and shed gutters of any autumn leaves and put in the compost or straight onto the garden. Watch for Orange scale on your citrus fruit. Scale doesn’t harm or flavour the fruit but does reduce the vigour and health of your tree. Spray with horticultural or white oil as per directions. Keep an eye out now for Bindii. It is best sprayed in winter with a selective herbicide. Bindii spray® or a spray that contains Dicamba is best used for this weed. Again, please follow directions as it is a waste of product and time to ‘double the dose’. If you are planning on buying bare rooted trees this season, have you prepared the ground with composted manure or mushroom compost? This should be done at least a few weeks before you plant your trees. If you are buying fruit trees, are they ‘selfpollinating’ or do they need a pollinator? Be sure to ask when you are ordering or buying them. It’s time to divide Peonies, Hydrangeas and other deciduous plants for added colour in your garden. If you have some extra, trade them for colours that you don’t have or just give them away. Who doesn’t like getting a gift of a flowering plant? Visit your local nursery to order or buy roses now. Or buy on mail order from www.treloarroses.com.au or www.tesselaar.net.au Questions for me? E-mail [email protected] Elvis Hejda Cabinet Maker Wo o d T u r n e r Now trading as Goulburn Wo o d works Specialising in Custom Built Horticultural Advice & Garden Maintenance Service Rose and Fruit Tree Pruning WANDA GAWNE 20 years experience Fully Insured 0403 335 389 Kitchens, Laundry Units Built in Wardrobes Solid Timber Furniture Entertainment Units Vanities, and all Repairs & Restoration Phone 4823 6044 www.goulburnwoodworks.com.au Licence No. 180472C mailto:[email protected] Tarago Times June 2012 Page 29 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Page 30 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php HANDY HINTS Taken from Marjorie Bligh’s “Homely Hints on Everything.” FOR OIL OF EUCALYPTUS Washing work clothes - Add a capful or two to each load of wash to help clean and freshen. Washing Woollens - A famous country recipe. 300g pure soap flakes, 200ml methylated spirits, 50ml oil of eucalyptus. Mix methylated spirits with soap flakes, add oil of eucalyptus. Stir. Store in a wide screw top jar. Use one tablespoon of mixture per garment. Dissolve in small quantity of hot water then pour into lukewarm wash water. Carpet Shampoo - Use a brush and cloth with the above woollens washing recipe. General Cleaning - Use in the bathroom and kitchen (sink, toilet, tiles, drains). It gives a real country smell. Spots and Stains - Effective in removing ballpoint pen, chewing gum, oil soluble grease, grass marks and various other spots and stains from clothes and furniture. Air Freshener - Put 5ml in a small porous pottery pot, will give a lasting bush fragrance for weeks in toilets etc. Bath, Footbath, Sauna - A teaspoon or two is very invigorating and gives an Australian bush smell. Inhaling - Inhale the vapour from fifteen drops in hot water, or sprinkle a few drops on your handkerchief, pillow or in your bath. Odours - Excellent for cleaning hands of unpleasant odours, grease or paint. Tar Marks - Rub with a cloth moistened in eucalyptus. Vinyl - Great for cleaning ink, printing ink, carbon and other marks off vinyl and plastic surfaces. Leather - Very effective for cleaning all leather products. Linoleum - Add 10ml to water when washing floor. It is great for cleaning and deodorising. For Sticking Plaster - Oil is excellent for removing stickers from articles without damage or abrasion to the article. Penetrating Oil - For seized or rusted parts apply a few drops of oil of eucalyptus. Garden Spray - You can mix your own spray by using this easy-to-make formula. Mix together 5ml eucalyptus oil, 2ml dishwashing detergent and 500ml water. Spray around seedlings and at the base of plants. Repeat as necessary. Ideal for earwigs, slugs, snails and slaters. Do not store made-up spray. Thoroughly wash sprayer after use. Dog Wash - Many users have reported that a little eucalyptus oil added in the water is highly effective in removing fleas and odours. Tarago Times June 2012 Willow Glen Gardeners Our May meeting of the Willow Glen Gardeners led us to “Gar- Den” – which is not only an accurate description, but a property title and very clever play on the names of the two owners, Gary & Denise. The pair have carefully cultivated and nurtured a wide range of plants including many native varieties from local stock to create a garden that is brimming with life and colour. We gathered in the sunshine under the marquee with a magnificent moth orchid hanging from its centre and chatted about our garden weeds and woes. We discussed autumn being the ideal time to divide up plants such as agapanthus and iris as well as planting out our bulbs such as daffodils and tulips before the weather cools down much further. We also spoke of unusual wildlife sightings and the damaging effect increasing numbers of feral pigs are having on our properties before we headed off for a walk around the garden. With a flair for all things creative, there are many memorable hand crafted sculptures and art pieces around Gar-Den that Gary and Denise have added to create interesting focal points, including a fabulous spherical sculpture made out of barbed wire and one of my personal favourites, the old fashioned claw foot bath complete with bathing lady! A practical use of pre-loved objects is also demonstrated with the collection of up-cycled old baths that have been placed artfully in rows and are used as vegetable patches, housing a variety of strawberries, artichokes, lettuce, herbs, silver beet and many more organic veggies. Our next meeting will be at Ni and Alan Reed’s place, 1783 Range Road Mummel on the 5th of June. We start at 10am, please bring a plate to share. Katie Moritz Church times for April St John’s, Lake Bathurst: 24th June 9am, Holy Communion St Josephs, Tarago: - TBA St Andrews, Tarago: 10th June 9am, Holy Communion To all Junior Journalists out there in the community, the Tarago Times invites you, as junior journalists in the making, to contribute your own stories, pictures, poems, riddles or news items. All you have to do is send your contributions to [email protected]. We will also give you some chores to do each month to keep you busy. Page 31 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php CWA NEWS Tarago Branch of the Country Women’s Association 2012 STUDY TOPICS – Country: Timor-Leste, Fauna: Emu, Flora: Emu Bush, Product: Apples. Our May meeting was presided over by Virginia, our Vice President, and Clarice took over as Treasurer, while Michelle and Ivy were away at the Conference. The meeting was well attended and as usual we had a busy agenda. Our Cookery Officer, Joy, reported on the success of the Classic Car Rally catering and thanked everyone who helped in any way. The bus tour lunch was also a big success, thanks to delicious home-cooked food, a willing team of workers and Joy’s planning and attention to detail. There were Bodyshop and Jewellery stalls and Vicky organized an auction of new & pre-loved items. Well done to us! Agriculture & Environment: Apples: Ruth read from ‘Apples Old and New’ by Clive Winmill of Badgers Keep, Chewton, Vic. The catalogue mentioned the following varieties: Hubbartson Nonsuch, a dessert apple mid to late harvest USA pre 1832. Isaac Newton’s Tree, a cooker late harvest, England c1660. This tree was reputedly propagated from the one that inspired Newton’s Law of Gravity. Granny Smith a dual purpose apple, late harvest, Australia 1868. Australia’s most famous apple. Snow Apple (Fameuse) dessert apple, mid to late harvest, probably Canada, pre 1730 Cosgrove, 2nd prize – Joseph Wheeler & 3rd prize – Justine O’Rourke. Congratulations to the lucky winners and thank you to all those who supported the raffle, providing much needed funds. For Sale: Trestle tables. An opportunity to own a piece of the past! – contact Secretary Jane Crick on 6281 2594(ah) for details. President Michelle & Treasurer Ivy are back from the Annual Conference at Blacktown which also celebrated our 90th anniversary and we look forward to hearing their reports at the June meeting. There was good coverage in ‘The Land’ including issues addressed and photos of the dress-up gala dinner. Michelle has given us two recycling projects from the Conference: Tea-bag Tags – being collected in Nyngan towards providing Wheelchairs for Children (already 12 have been purchased). Pull-ring Tabs off cans – melted down and used in prosthetics. If you would like to contribute to either of these projects deliver to the rooms any Monday during craft or contact a CWA member. From the Bookworm: The Wayward Child by Rita Lowther – about life in Tumut and the Snowy Mountains in the 1940’s during the building of the Snowy Hydro Scheme. The Craft Circle meets on Mondays from 9.30am at CWA rooms. You don’t need to be a CWA member and there are no fees. If you have an interest/skill in sewing or handicraft you are very welcome to join us. Just bring along your project, BYO lunch, cuppa provided. Our project for the next Handicraft Competition is ‘4 coasters, 4 seasons’. Contact Clarice for more information on (02) 4849 4473. International: International Day will be held at the Tarago Hall on Wednesday 27th June, setting up on Tuesday 26thJune and the CWA rooms need to be set up for the lunch. Members please let me know if you’re available to either cook/help set up two venues/help on the day. Happy Birthday: to Ruth Fergus. Monthly Raffle: won by Sally. Our branch raised $122.00 for overseas aid through the ACWW ‘Walk the World’ project, which aims at providing food and water for all. Photo above: Maggie, Clarice & Quick Quote: ‘If you want something done, ask a busy person.’ Benjamin Franklin. Maggie Corby Publicity Officer Michelle participating in the Some of us attended Walk the World project. Next Meeting: Wednesday 13th June at 10am in CWA rooms, Tarago. Guest Speaker: Caroline Campbell. There will also be some plants available to buy. Members please bring a shared lunch. Photo below: Classic Car Rally: From L to R: Pam, Teresa, Maggie, Joy, Virginia and Angela. the Group International Day lunch at Queanbeyan. Our Group President, Mrs. Bev Raby, spoke about her experiences in Timor-Leste, which highlighted the poverty and great need of its people. We were shown examples of the exquisite weaving by the women which are sold to generate much needed support for the Santa Clara Orphanage in Dili. We learnt how the East Timorese people sheltered and cared for many of our soldiers, who owe their lives to their generosity. Results of Mother’s Day Raffle: 1st prize – Ann Page 32 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Tarago Times June 2012 Page 33 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Closing date for the next issue is the third Friday of the month 2012 Advertising Rates for Tarago Times TENNIS — The Tarago tennis courts Contact the Tarago Times Team via [email protected] to place your ad. are available to the public to be used any time. The key to the shed for the nets is held at the Tarago Service Centre. Contributions Articles: Your contributions are most welcome. Email your article to [email protected] Please send all articles as a word attachment and photos as a JPEG attachment or contact Sue Maas on 4849 4407 or 0418 275 402. Delivery To have the Times posted or emailed to you contact Anne Sturgiss on 4849 4605 or email to [email protected] Advertising Advertisers: Please contact Anne Sturgiss [email protected] or 48494605 to discuss your advertising requirements. Payment: All advertisements must be paid in advance. Cheques should be made payable to Tarago Sporting Assoc. Inc. C/- 173 Willandra Lane, Tarago NSW 2580 (ph: 4849 4605). Direct deposit or EFT to CBA, BSB: 062-545, Account 10268453 Account Name: Tarago Sporting Association Incorporated Tarago Times. Please advise Anne by email: [email protected] or fax to 02 48494605 re payments made. Unpaid ads will be cancelled after one month. Size Black and White ⅛ page (inside 6x9cm) ¼ page (9cm x 13cm) ½ page (13cm x 18.5cm) or (9 x 26.5cm vert.) Full Page (18.5 x 26.5cm) Pre-printed insert Colour ⅛ back page (6x9cm) ¼ inside back page (9x13cm) ½ inside back page (13cm x 18.5cm) Full page—inside back (18.5x26.5) Fun & Fitness POOL COMP Come along and join in the pool comp at the Loaded Dog 1st Thursday of the Month 7.30pm SOCIAL DARTS At the Loaded Dog every second Wednesday, from 7.30pm. Turn up with a team or make up a team of 4 for a fun night out. PATCHWORK & CRAFT Every MONDAY starting 9.30am at the CWA Rooms. All welcome, BYO lunch. Enquiries to Clarice Beileiter on 4849 4473. BUNGENDORE BRIDGE CLUB Month 6 mths 11mths $9 $14 $21 $54 $84 $126 $90 $140 $210 $41 $30 $246 $410 $13 $78 $130 CANS FOR KIDS $19 $114 $190 $34 $204 $340 $57 $342 $570 Don’t forget that the Tarago school needs your aluminum cans. The Student Representative Council receives a major part of its funds from recycling cans — contributions please phone the school on 4849 4418 (9-3pm) or deliver them to the school. Extra charges apply for layout and graphics BRIDGE - Wednesday evenings at the Bungendore Community Centre, Turallo Terrace, from 7 till 10. For more info contact Brenda on 4849 4471. Extra charges apply for regular changes to ads not provided. CLASSIFIEDS ARE FREE, limit 3 lines per entry We will accept ads for sale, swap, wanted, agistment, etc. Ads for professional services will only be accepted as a paid advertisement (see advertising charges above). COPYRIGHT: The Tarago Times is published and authorised by the Tarago Sporting Association Inc. Whilst every care has been taken in the production of the Times, the editors take no responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions. The responsibility for advertisements complying with the Trade Practices Act lies with the person, company or agency submitting such for publication. Original material appearing in this newsletter is copyright. It may be reproduced in part or in whole for the benefit of the community provided that the source of the material is fully acknowledged. Page 34 TARAGO BOOK CLUB We meet on the first Thursday of the month Readers who are interested please ring Linda Hong on 0413 447 911 Tarago Times June 2012 http://www.tarago.org.au/tarago_community_times.php Hoteliers: Nicole & Mark Ryan www.loadeddoghotel.com - (02) 4849 4499 LIVE @ THE DOG EE R F RY T EN Saturday 16th June Coming up Stephanie Jansen Saturday 21st July Pool comp 1st Thursdays of the month 7.30pm NEW! Social Darts every fortnight from Wednesday, 29th February. Come alone or bring a team Friday—Saturday—Sunday: Open for Lunch 12.00—2.00pm and Dinner 6.00pm—8.30pm Home made pizza all day every day, eat in or take away (except Thursday nights) Nicole’s Fish & Chips Thursdays 6 - 8 pm $7.50 Seafood Basket $17.50 every Sunday 6pm - 8:30pm Enjoy the Beer Garden with Open Fire Tarago Times June 2012 Page 35 Local Services Directory Tarago Times June 2012 LICENCE NO 64844C OVAN ABN 43 419 374 203 REEK ONSTRUCTIONS Building Constructions Concrete Stencilling Concrete & Mini-Mix Supplier 20k gallon concrete water tanks John & Julie Arbalis 201 Covan Creek Road Lake Bathurst 2580 Ph: 02 4849 4448 Mob: 0409 330 914 or 0428 164 572 Raine & Horne R E A L E S T A T E 110 Auburn Street, Goulburn Phone: 4821 9088 AH 4821 7512 Mobile: 0408 628 331 LISTINGS WANTED FOR ALL SIZE PROPERTIES LAND OR HOUSE & LAND Ring Alan Gale to make a time for a no obligation inspection of your property and to talk over your best options with you. BUYING or SELLING a HOUSE or LAND JOHNSON & SENDALL Incorporating Mullens & Stephen J Lamond SOLICITORS ~ CONVEYANCERS 13 Montague Street Goulburn 2580 Ph: (02) 4821 1588 Fax: (02) 4821 9850 Email: [email protected] FOR ADVICE ON ALL YOUR LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Morris Owen ~ Tim McGrath ~ Alison Howarth ~ Stephen J Lamond Southern Tablelands Hospitality Services Experienced Barman, Wine and Food Waiter Available for private functions Weddings Dinner Parties Cocktail Parties Birthday Functions, etc. Southwell Creations A Bungendore based small business Specialises in Carpentry & Maintenance for Residential & Commercial Properties Contact Noel Sylvester F.C.I.A Reasonable Hourly Rates Phone 4844 5407 Member of the Australian Bartenders Guild Catering Institute of Australia R.S.A. accredited Certificate No. 4129 Page 36 Contact Lenny /Sally on 026238 0914 [email protected] Tarago Times June 2012
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