P12. Soldat Drow - Pathfinder-FR


P12. Soldat Drow - Pathfinder-FR
P12. Soldat Drow
Fighter 6
C haotic Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Fighter)
5' 11"
14 +2
13 +1
+5 = 5 + 0
10 +0
AC 20
= 10 +
7 = 5 +
7 = 2 +
2 = 2 +
WEAPON [in main hand]
+1 agile rapie r
+ 10
Maste rwork hand crossbow
Skill Name
Situational Modif iers
Will Saves: +2 vs . fear
A ll Saves: +2 vs . enc hantments
20 +5
13 +1
A c robatic s
A pprais e
✓ C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
P erc eption
P erform (danc e)
✓ Ride
Sens e M otive
✓ Survival
✓ Swim
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
3 +3
3 +3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Drow Sign Language • Elven • Undercommon
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
18 lbs
50 lbs
100 lbs
150 lbs
Current 0
Next Level 35000
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Brave ry +2 (Ex )
Drow Im m unitie s - Sle e p
Elve n Im m unitie s
Spe ll R e sistance (12)
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
W e apon Training (Blade s, Light) +1 (Ex )
Poison Use (Ex )
C rossbow bolt, acid
C rossbow bolt, drow poison
C rossbow bolt, fire
Dancing Lights (1/day)
Dark ne ss (1/day)
Fae rie Fire (1/day)
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +1 agile rapie r
1 Maste rwork hand crossbow
1 Mithral chain shirt
5 C rossbow bolt, acid
5 C rossbow bolt, drow poison
5 C rossbow bolt, fire
2 lbs 8,320 gp
2 lbs
400 gp
12.5 lbs 1,100 gp
0.1 lbs
200 gp
0.1 lbs
500 gp
0.1 lbs
250 gp
Arm or Proficie ncy (He avy)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Light)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Me dium )
Martial W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Powe r Attack -2/+4
R apid R e load (Hand crossbow)
Shie ld Proficie ncy
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy
W e apon Fine sse
W e apon Focus (R apie r)
W e apon Spe cialization (R apie r)
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Gecko, riding (Combat trained)
Ge ck o, Giant
N Me dium Anim al
Init +4; Senses Low-Light Vision • Sce nt • Pe rce ption +8
A C 18, touch 14, flat-foote d 14 ( +4 de x , +4 natural )
hp 42 (3d8+16)
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +2
Speed 30 ft. , C lim bing (30 fe e t)
Melee Bite (Ge ck o, Giant) +6 (1d8+4 plus grab, crit=×2)
Special A ttacks Grab
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base A tk +3, CMB +6 (Grapple +10 •), CMD 20 (24 vs Trip)
Feats Gre at Fortitude • Sk ill Focus (Pe rce ption)
Skills Acrobatics +8 • Appraise -4 • Bluff -2 • C lim b +15 • Diplom acy -2 • Disguise -2 • Escape Artist +4 • Fly +4 • He al +1 •
Intim idate -2 • Pe rce ption +8 • R ide +4 • Se nse Motive +1 • Ste alth +12 • Survival +1 • Swim +3
Grab - If a cre ature with this spe cial attack hits with the indicate d attack (usually a claw or bite attack ), it de als norm al dam age
and atte m pts to start a grapple as a fre e action without provok ing an attack of opportunity. The cre ature has the option to
conduct the grapple norm ally, or sim ply to use the part of its body it use d in the grab to hold the oppone nt. If it choose s to do
the latte r, it tak e s a -20 pe nalty on its C MB che ck to m ak e and m aintain the grapple , but doe s not gain the grapple d
condition itse lf. A succe ssful hold doe s not de al any e x tra dam age unle ss the cre ature also has the constrict spe cial attack . If
the cre ature doe s not constrict, e ach succe ssful grapple che ck it m ak e s during succe ssive rounds autom atically de als the
dam age indicate d for the attack that e stablishe d the hold. O the rwise , it de als constriction dam age as we ll (the am ount is
give n in the cre ature 's de scriptive te x t). C re ature s with grab re ce ive a +4 bonus on com bat m ane uve r che ck s m ade to start
and m aintain a grapple . Unle ss othe rwise note d, grab work s only against oppone nts no large r than the sam e size cate gory as
the cre ature . If the cre ature can use grab on size s othe r than the de fault, this is note d in the cre ature 's Spe cial Attack s line .
+4 Stealth in undergrowth - You gain a bonus to Ste alth C he ck s unde r the liste d conditions.
Combat Riding - An anim al traine d to be ar a ride r into com bat k nows the trick s attack , com e , de fe nd, down, guard, and he e l.
Training an anim al for com bat riding tak e s 6 we e k s. You m ay also "upgrade " an anim al traine d for riding to one traine d for
com bat by spe nding 3 we e k s and m ak ing a succe ssful DC 20 Handle Anim al che ck . The ne w ge ne ral purpose and trick s
com ple te ly re place the anim al's pre vious purpose and any trick s it once k ne w. Many horse s and riding dogs are traine d in this
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
Bravery +2 (Ex)
Starting at 2nd le ve l, a fighte r gains a +1 bonus on W ill save s against fe ar. This bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry four le ve ls
be yond 2nd.
Drow Immunities - Sleep
You are im m une to m agic sle e p e ffe cts.
Elven Immunities
+2 save bonus vs Enchantm e nts.
Spell Resistance (12)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Weapon Training (Blades, Light) +1 (Ex)
Starting at 5th le ve l, a fighte r can se le ct one group of we apons, as note d be low. W he ne ve r he attack s with a we apon from
this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and dam age rolls.
Eve ry four le ve ls the re afte r (9th, 13th, and 17th), a fighte r be com e s furthe r traine d in anothe r group of we apons. He gains a
+1 bonus on attack and dam age rolls whe n using a we apon from this group. In addition, the bonuse s grante d by pre vious
we apon groups incre ase by +1 e ach. For e x am ple , whe n a fighte r re ache s 9th le ve l, he re ce ive s a +1 bonus on attack and
dam age rolls with one we apon group and a +2 bonus on attack and dam age rolls with the we apon group se le cte d at 5th le ve l.
Bonuse s grante d from ove rlapping groups do not stack . Tak e the highe st bonus grante d for a we apon if it re side s in two or
m ore groups.
A fighte r also adds this bonus to any com bat m ane uve r che ck s m ade with we apons from this group. This bonus also applie s
to the fighte r's C om bat Mane uve r De fe nse whe n de fe nding against disarm and sunde r atte m pts m ade against we apons from
this group.
Blade s, Light: dagge r, k am a, k uk ri, rapie r, sick le , stark nife , and short sword.
Poison Use (Ex)
You do not risk poisoning yourse lf accide ntally while poisoning a we apon.
A rmor Proficiency (Heavy) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring he avy arm or.
Prerequisites: Light Arm or Proficie ncy, Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Fighte rs and paladins autom atically have He avy Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Light) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring light arm or.
Benefit: W he n you we ar a type of arm or with which you are proficie nt, the arm or che ck pe nalty for that arm or applie s only to
De x te rity- and Stre ngth-base d sk ill che ck s.
Normal: A characte r who is we aring arm or with which he is not proficie nt applie s its arm or che ck pe nalty to attack rolls and to
all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt m onk s, sorce re rs, and wizards autom atically have Light Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at.
The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Medium) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring m e dium arm or.
Prerequisite: Light Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Barbarians, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs autom atically have Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus
fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Blind-Fight (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at attack ing oppone nts that you cannot cle arly pe rce ive .
Benefit: In m e le e , e ve ry tim e you m iss be cause of conce alm e nt (se e C om bat), you can re roll your m iss chance pe rce ntile
roll one tim e to se e if you actually hit.
An invisible attack e r ge ts no advantage s re late d to hitting you in m e le e . That is, you don't lose your De x te rity bonus to
Arm or C lass, and the attack e r doe sn't ge t the usual +2 bonus for be ing invisible . The invisible attack e r's bonuse s do still apply
for range d attack s, howe ve r.
You do not ne e d to m ak e Acrobatics sk ill che ck s to m ove at full spe e d while blinde d.
Normal: R e gular attack roll m odifie rs invisible attack e rs trying to hit you apply, and you lose your De x te rity bonus to AC . The
spe e d re duction for dark ne ss and poor visibility also applie s.
Special: The Blind-Fight fe at is of no use against a characte r who is the subje ct of a blink spe ll.
Dodge (C om bat)
Your training and re fle x e s allow you to re act swiftly to avoid an oppone nts' attack s.
Prerequisite: De x 13.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC . A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x bonus to AC also m ak e s you
lose the be ne fits of this fe at.
Martial Weapon Proficiency - A ll
Benefit: You are proficie nt with all Martial we apons.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Power A ttack -2/+4 (C om bat)
You can m ak e e x ce ptionally de adly m e le e attack s by sacrificing accuracy for stre ngth.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on
all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is incre ase d by half (+50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with a two-hande d
we apon, a one hande d we apon using two hands, or a prim ary natural we apon that adds 1-1/2 tim e s your Stre ngth m odifie r on
dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with an off-hand we apon or se condary
natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry 4 points the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the
bonus to dam age incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore m ak ing an attack roll, and its e ffe cts last until your
ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit point dam age .
Rapid Reload (Hand crossbow) (C om bat)
C hoose a type of crossbow (hand, light, he avy) or a single type of one -hande d or two-hande d fire arm that you are proficie nt
You can re load such a we apon quick ly.
Prerequisite: W e apon Proficie ncy (crossbow type chose n) or Ex otic W e apon Proficie ncy (fire arm ).
Benefit: The tim e re quire d for you to re load your chose n type of we apon is re duce d to a fre e action (for a hand or light
crossbow), a m ove action (for a he avy crossbow or one -hande d fire arm ), or a standard action (for a two-hande d fire arm ).
R e loading a crossbow or fire arm still provok e s attack s of opportunity.
If you have se le cte d this fe at for a hand crossbow or light crossbow, you m ay fire that we apon as m any tim e s in a full-attack
action as you could attack if you we re using a bow.
Normal: A characte r without this fe at ne e ds a m ove action to re load a hand or light crossbow, a standard action to re load a
one -hande d fire arm , or a full-round action to load a he avy crossbow or a two-hande d fire arm .
Special: You can gain R apid R e load m ultiple tim e s. Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type of crossbow or a
ne w type of fire arm .
Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a shie ld.
Benefit: W he n you use a shie ld (e x ce pt a towe r shie ld), the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth- and
De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: W he n you are using a shie ld with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack
rolls and on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: Barbarians, bards, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs all autom atically have Shie ld Proficie ncy as a
bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Tower Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a towe r shie ld.
Prerequisite: Shie ld Proficie ncy.
Benefit: W he n you use a towe r shie ld, the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth and De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: A characte r using a shie ld with which he is not proficie nt tak e s the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack rolls and
on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving, including R ide .
Special: Fighte rs autom atically have Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Weapon Finesse (C om bat)
You are traine d in using your agility in m e le e com bat, as oppose d to brute stre ngth.
Benefit: W ith a light we apon, rapie r, whip, or spik e d chain m ade for a cre ature of your size cate gory, you m ay use your
De x te rity m odifie r inste ad of your Stre ngth m odifie r on attack rolls. If you carry a shie ld, its arm or che ck pe nalty applie s to your
attack rolls.
Special: Natural we apons are conside re d light we apons.
Weapon Focus (Rapier) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
Weapon Specialization (Rapier) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at de aling dam age with one we apon. C hoose one type of we apon (including unarm e d strik e or grapple ) for
which you have alre ady se le cte d the W e apon Focus fe at. You de al e x tra dam age whe n using this we apon.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, W e apon Focus with se le cte d we apon, fighte r le ve l 4th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all dam age rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon..
+1 agile rapier
You can use the W e apon Fine sse fe at to apply your De x te rity m odifie r inste ad of your Stre ngth m odifie r to attack rolls with a
rapie r size d for you, e ve n though it isn't a light we apon. You can't wie ld a rapie r in two hands in orde r to apply 1-1/2 tim e s your
Stre ngth bonus to dam age .
Agile we apons are unusually we ll balance d and re sponsive . A wie lde r with the W e apon Fine sse fe at can choose to apply he r
De x te rity m odifie r to dam age rolls with the we apon in place of he r Stre ngth m odifie r. This m odifie r to dam age is not incre ase d
for two-hande d we apons, but is still re duce d for off-hand we apons. The agile we apon e nhance m e nt can only be place d on m e le e
we apons that are usable with the W e apon Fine sse fe at.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, cat’s grace
Masterwork hand crossbow
You can draw a hand crossbow back by hand. Loading a hand crossbow is a m ove action that provok e s attack s of
opportunity. A hand crossbow fire s standard crossbow bolts, lik e those use d by light and he avy crossbows.
You can shoot, but not load, a hand crossbow with one hand at no pe nalty. You can shoot a hand crossbow with e ach hand,
but you tak e a pe nalty on attack rolls as if attack ing with two light we apons.
Mithral chain shirt (Arm or)
C ove ring the torso, this shirt is m ade up of thousands of inte rlock ing m e tal rings.
Mithral is a rare , silve ry m e tal that is lighte r than ste e l but just as hard. W he n work e d lik e ste e l, it can be use d to cre ate
am azing arm or, and is occasionally use d for othe r ite m s as we ll. Most m ithral arm ors are one cate gory lighte r than norm al for
purpose s of m ove m e nt and othe r lim itations. He avy arm ors are tre ate d as m e dium , and m e dium arm ors are tre ate d as light,
but light arm ors are still tre ate d as light. This de cre ase doe s not apply to proficie ncy in we aring the arm or. A characte r we aring
m ithral full plate m ust be proficie nt in we aring he avy arm or to avoid adding the arm or's che ck pe nalty on all his attack rolls and
sk ill che ck s that involve m oving. Spe ll failure chance s for arm ors and shie lds m ade from m ithral are de cre ase d by 10%,
m ax im um De x te rity bonuse s are incre ase d by 2, and arm or che ck pe naltie s are de cre ase d by 3 (to a m inim um of 0).
An ite m m ade from m ithral we ighs half as m uch as the sam e ite m m ade from othe r m e tals. In the case of we apons, this
lighte r we ight doe s not change a we apon's size cate gory or the e ase with which it can be wie lde d (whe the r it is light, one hande d, or two-hande d). Ite m s not prim arily of m e tal are not m e aningfully affe cte d by be ing partially m ade of m ithral. (A
longsword can be a m ithral we apon, while a quarte rstaff cannot.) Mithral we apons count as silve r for the purpose of ove rcom ing
dam age re duction.
W e apons and arm ors fashione d from m ithral are always m aste rwork ite m s as we ll; the m aste rwork cost is include d in the
price s give n be low. Mithral has 30 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and hardne ss 15.
P13. Gadak Simiryin
Rogue 9
C haotic Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Rogue)
6' 3"
16 +3
10 +0
+8 = 8 + 0
14 +2
16 +3
AC 21
= 10 +
6 = 3 +
14 = 6 +
5 = 3 +
+ 10
WEAPON [in main hand]
+2 hand crossbow
Maste rwork shortsword
Skill Name
Situational Modif iers
Ref lex Saves: +3 bonus vs . traps
A ll Saves: +2 vs . enc hantments
27 +8
12 +1
✓ A c robatic s
✓ A pprais e
✓ Bluff
✓ C limb
✓ D iplomac y
✓ D is guis e
✓ E s c ape A rtis t
H andle A nimal
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
Knowledge (nature)
✓ P erc eption
✓ Sens e M otive
✓ Sleight of H and
✓ Stealth
✓ Swim
✓ U s e M agic D evic e
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=C ha
=I nt
=D ex
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
9 +3
9 +3
3 +3
9 +3
9 +3
1 +3
9 +3
9 +3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Elven • Undercommon
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
18.5 lbs
43 lbs
86 lbs
130 lbs
Current 15000
Next Level 105000
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Evasion (Ex )
Im prove d Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=13) (Ex )
Trap Se nse +3 (Ex )
Drow Im m unitie s - Sle e p
Elve n Im m unitie s
Spe ll R e sistance (15)
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
Hidde n W e apons +9 (Ex )
Sne ak Attack +5d6
Fast Ste alth (Ex )
Poison Use (Ex )
Trapfinding +4
C rossbow bolt, acid
Dancing Lights (1/day)
Dark ne ss (1/day)
Fae rie Fire (1/day)
Potion of be ar's e ndurance
Potion of cat's grace
Potion of cure m ode rate wounds
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +1 Mithral chain shirt
1 +2 hand crossbow
1 Maste rwork shortsword
1 Potion of be ar's e ndurance
1 Potion of cat's grace
1 Potion of cure m ode rate wounds
20 C rossbow bolt, acid
12.5 lbs 2,100 gp
2 lbs 8,400 gp
2 lbs
310 gp
300 gp
300 gp
300 gp
0.1 lbs
800 gp
Arm or Proficie ncy (Light)
De adly Aim -2/+4
Point-Blank Shot
R apid Shot
R ogue W e apon Proficie ncie s
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Sk ill Focus (Ste alth)
Toughne ss
W e apon Fine sse
W e apon Focus (Hand crossbow)
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
Evasion (Ex)
If e x pose d to any e ffe ct that norm ally allows he r to atte m pt a R e fle x saving throw for half dam age , you tak e s no dam age
with a succe ssful saving throw.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=13) (Ex)
You gain the ability to re act to dange r be fore he r se nse s would norm ally allow you to do so. You cannot be caught flatfoote d, nor do you lose your De x bonus to AC if the attack e r is invisible . You still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if
im m obilize d. You can still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if an oppone nt succe ssfully use s the fe int action against you.
You can no longe r be flank e d. This de fe nse de nie s a rogue the ability to sne ak attack you by flank ing you, unle ss the
attack e r has at le ast four m ore rogue le ve ls than you have le ve ls of uncanny dodge .
Trap Sense +3 (Ex)
A characte r gains an intuitive se nse that ale rts he r to dange r from traps, giving he r a +1 bonus on R e fle x save s m ade to
avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attack s m ade by traps. The se bonuse s rise to +2 whe n the characte r re ache s
6th le ve l, to +3 whe n she re ache s 9th le ve l, to +4 whe n she re ache s 12th le ve l, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th le ve l.
Trap se nse bonuse s gaine d from m ultiple classe s stack .
Drow Immunities - Sleep
You are im m une to m agic sle e p e ffe cts.
Elven Immunities
+2 save bonus vs Enchantm e nts.
Spell Resistance (15)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Hidden Weapons +9 (Ex)
A ninja with this ability can e asily conce al we apons on he r body. The ninja adds he r le ve l on oppose d Sle ight of Hand che ck s
m ade to conce al a we apon. In addition, she can draw hidde n we apons as a m ove action, inste ad of as a standard action.
Sneak A ttack +5d6
If a characte r can catch an oppone nt whe n he is unable to de fe nd him se lf e ffe ctive ly from he r attack , she can strik e a vital
spot for e x tra dam age .
The characte r's attack de als e x tra dam age anytim e he r targe t would be de nie d a De x te rity bonus to AC (whe the r the targe t
actually has a De x te rity bonus or not), or whe n the characte r flank s he r targe t. Should the characte r score a critical hit with a
sne ak attack , this e x tra dam age is not m ultiplie d. R ange d attack s can count as sne ak attack s only if the targe t is within 30
fe e t.
W ith a we apon that de als nonle thal dam age (lik e a sap, whip, or an unarm e d strik e ), a characte r can m ak e a sne ak attack
that de als nonle thal dam age inste ad of le thal dam age . She cannot use a we apon that de als le thal dam age to de al nonle thal
dam age in a sne ak attack , not e ve n with the usual –4 pe nalty.
The characte r m ust be able to se e the targe t we ll e nough to pick out a vital spot and m ust be able to re ach such a spot. A
characte r cannot sne ak attack while strik ing a cre ature with conce alm e nt.
Fast Stealth (Ex)
This ability allows a rogue to m ove at full spe e d using the Ste alth sk ill without pe nalty.
Poison Use (Ex)
You do not risk poisoning yourse lf accide ntally while poisoning a we apon.
Trapfinding +4
A rogue adds 1/2 he r le ve l to Pe rce ption sk ill che ck s m ade to locate traps and to Disable De vice sk ill che ck s (m inim um +1).
A rogue can use Disable De vice to disarm m agic traps.
A rmor Proficiency (Light) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring light arm or.
Benefit: W he n you we ar a type of arm or with which you are proficie nt, the arm or che ck pe nalty for that arm or applie s only to
De x te rity- and Stre ngth-base d sk ill che ck s.
Normal: A characte r who is we aring arm or with which he is not proficie nt applie s its arm or che ck pe nalty to attack rolls and to
all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt m onk s, sorce re rs, and wizards autom atically have Light Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at.
The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Deadly A im -2/+4 (C om bat)
You can m ak e e x ce ptionally de adly range d attack s by pinpointing a foe 's we ak spot, at the e x pe nse of m ak ing the attack
le ss lik e ly to succe e d.
Prerequisites: De x 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all range d attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all range d dam age rolls.
W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry +4 the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the bonus to dam age
incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore m ak ing an attack roll and its e ffe cts last until your ne x t turn. The
bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit point dam age .
Point-Blank Shot (C om bat)
You are e spe cially accurate whe n m ak ing range d attack s against close targe ts.
Benefit: You ge t a +1 bonus on attack and dam age rolls with range d we apons at range s of up to 30 fe e t.
Rapid Shot (C om bat)
You can m ak e an additional range d attack .
Prerequisites: De x 13, Point-Blank Shot.
Benefit: W he n m ak ing a full-attack action with a range d we apon, you can fire one additional tim e this round. All of your
attack rolls tak e a –2 pe nalty whe n using R apid Shot.
Rogue Weapon Proficiencies
Benefit: You are proficie nt with the Hand C rossbow, R apie r, Sap, Shortbow and Shortsword.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Skill Focus (Stealth)
C hoose a sk ill. You are particularly ade pt at that sk ill.
Benefit: You ge t a +3 bonus on all che ck s involving the chose n sk ill. If you have 10 or m ore rank s in that sk ill, this bonus
incre ase s to +6.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w sk ill.
You have e nhance d physical stam ina.
Benefit: You gain +3 hit points. For e ve ry Hit Die you posse ss be yond 3, you gain an additional +1 hit point. If you have
m ore than 3 Hit Dice , you gain +1 hit points whe ne ve r you gain a Hit Die (such as whe n you gain a le ve l).
Weapon Finesse (C om bat)
You are traine d in using your agility in m e le e com bat, as oppose d to brute stre ngth.
Benefit: W ith a light we apon, rapie r, whip, or spik e d chain m ade for a cre ature of your size cate gory, you m ay use your
De x te rity m odifie r inste ad of your Stre ngth m odifie r on attack rolls. If you carry a shie ld, its arm or che ck pe nalty applie s to your
attack rolls.
Special: Natural we apons are conside re d light we apons.
Weapon Focus (Hand crossbow) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
+1 Mithral chain shirt (Arm or)
C ove ring the torso, this shirt is m ade up of thousands of inte rlock ing m e tal rings.
Mithral is a rare , silve ry m e tal that is lighte r than ste e l but just as hard. W he n work e d lik e ste e l, it can be use d to cre ate
am azing arm or, and is occasionally use d for othe r ite m s as we ll. Most m ithral arm ors are one cate gory lighte r than norm al for
purpose s of m ove m e nt and othe r lim itations. He avy arm ors are tre ate d as m e dium , and m e dium arm ors are tre ate d as light,
but light arm ors are still tre ate d as light. This de cre ase doe s not apply to proficie ncy in we aring the arm or. A characte r we aring
m ithral full plate m ust be proficie nt in we aring he avy arm or to avoid adding the arm or's che ck pe nalty on all his attack rolls and
sk ill che ck s that involve m oving. Spe ll failure chance s for arm ors and shie lds m ade from m ithral are de cre ase d by 10%,
m ax im um De x te rity bonuse s are incre ase d by 2, and arm or che ck pe naltie s are de cre ase d by 3 (to a m inim um of 0).
An ite m m ade from m ithral we ighs half as m uch as the sam e ite m m ade from othe r m e tals. In the case of we apons, this
lighte r we ight doe s not change a we apon's size cate gory or the e ase with which it can be wie lde d (whe the r it is light, one hande d, or two-hande d). Ite m s not prim arily of m e tal are not m e aningfully affe cte d by be ing partially m ade of m ithral. (A
longsword can be a m ithral we apon, while a quarte rstaff cannot.) Mithral we apons count as silve r for the purpose of ove rcom ing
dam age re duction.
W e apons and arm ors fashione d from m ithral are always m aste rwork ite m s as we ll; the m aste rwork cost is include d in the
price s give n be low. Mithral has 30 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and hardne ss 15.
+2 hand crossbow
You can draw a hand crossbow back by hand. Loading a hand crossbow is a m ove action that provok e s attack s of
opportunity. A hand crossbow fire s standard crossbow bolts, lik e those use d by light and he avy crossbows.
You can shoot, but not load, a hand crossbow with one hand at no pe nalty. You can shoot a hand crossbow with e ach hand,
but you tak e a pe nalty on attack rolls as if attack ing with two light we apons.
Masterwork shortsword
Short swords are som e of the m ost com m on we apons found in any m artial socie ty, and thus de signs are e x tre m e ly varie d,
de pe nding on the re gion and cre ator. Most are around 2 fe e t in le ngth. The ir blade s can be curve d or straight, single - or
double -e dge d, and wide or narrow. Hilts m ay be ornate or sim ple , with crossguards, bask e t hilts, or no guard at all. Such
we apons are ofte n use d on the ir own, but can also be paire d as a m atche d se t, or use d in conjunction with a dagge r or longe r
Potion of bear's endurance
Subje ct gains +4 to C on for 1 m in./le ve l.
Potion of cat's grace
Subje ct gains +4 to De x for 1 m in./le ve l.
Potion of cure moderate wounds
C ure s 2d8 dam age +1/le ve l (m ax +10).
P19. Tiryin Vonnarc
C haotic Evil
Antipaladin 2/Duelist 3/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 4/Rogue 4
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Rogue)
Drow, Noble
6' 1"
16 +3
+10 = 8 + 0
20 +5
AC 28
= 10 + 12
17 = 9 +
20 = 7 +
12 = 6 +
Situational Modif iers
Ref lex Saves: +1 bonus vs . traps
A ll Saves: +2 vs . enc hantments •+1 bonus vs . effec ts that c aus e
paralyzed, s lowed, or entangled c onditions
WEAPON [in main hand]
+2 rapie r
WEAPON [in of f hand]
+ 10
+2 rapie r
Skill Name
12 +1
16 +3
16 +3
26 +8
✓ A c robatic s
✓ A pprais e
✓ Bluff
✓ C limb
✓ D iplomac y
✓ D is guis e
✓ E s c ape A rtis t
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
✓ P erc eption
✓ P erform (oratory)
✓ Ride
✓ Sens e M otive
✓ Sleight of H and
✓ Stealth
✓ Survival
✓ Swim
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=D ex
12 + 3
4 +3
6 +3
12 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
6 +3
6 +3
1 +3
12 + 3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Abyssal • C ommon • Drow Sign Language • Elven •
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
30 lbs
76 lbs
153 lbs
230 lbs
Current 155000
Next Level 445000
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp)
Dispe l Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Sm ite Good (1/day) (Su)
Sugge stion (1/day) (Sp)
Touch of C orruption (1d6) (6/day) (Su)
Max. Used
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +2 rapie r
1 +2 rapie r
1 +3 Mithral full plate
2 lbs 8,320 gp
2 lbs 8,320 gp
25 lbs
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Agility +1 (Ex )
Parry (Ex )
Trap Se nse +1 (Ex )
Uncanny Dodge (Ex )
Drow Im m unitie s - Sle e p
Elve n Im m unitie s
Spe ll R e sistance (24)
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
Pre cise Strik e (Ex )
Sm ite Good (1/day) (Su)
Sne ak Attack +2d6
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp)
De e pe r Dark ne ss (At will) (Sp)
De te ct Good (At will) (Sp)
De te ct Magic (C onstant) (Sp)
Dispe l Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Fae rie Fire (At will) (Sp)
Fe athe rfall (At will) (Sp)
Le vitate (At will) (Sp)
Sugge stion (1/day) (Sp)
Aura of Evil (Ex )
Poison Use (Ex )
Touch of C orruption (1d6) (6/day) (Su)
Trapfinding +2
Unholy R e silie nce (Su)
Arm or Proficie ncy (He avy)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Light)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Me dium )
Double Slice
Gre ate r Two-we apon Fighting
Im prove d C ritical (R apie r)
Im prove d Two-we apon Fighting
Martial W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Piranha Strik e -4/+8
R ogue W e apon Proficie ncie s
Shie ld Proficie ncy
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy
Two-we apon De fe nse
Two-we apon Fighting
Two-we apon R e nd
W e apon Fine sse
W e apon Focus (R apie r)
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Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
A gility +1 (Ex)
At 2nd le ve l, a m obile fighte r gains a +1 bonus on saving throws m ade against e ffe cts that cause him to be com e paralyze d,
slowe d, or e ntangle d. This bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond 2nd. This ability re place s brave ry.
Parry (Ex)
At 2nd le ve l, a due list le arns to parry the attack s of othe r cre ature s, causing the m to m iss. W he ne ve r the due list tak e s a full
attack action with a light or one -hande d pie rcing we apon, she can e le ct not to tak e one of he r attack s. At any tim e be fore he r
ne x t turn, she can atte m pt to parry an attack against he r or an adjace nt ally as an im m e diate action. To parry the attack , the
due list m ak e s an attack roll, using the sam e bonuse s as the attack she chose to fore go during he r pre vious action. If he r attack
roll is gre ate r than the roll of the attack ing cre ature , the attack autom atically m isse s. For e ach size cate gory that the attack ing
cre ature is large r than the due list, the due list tak e s a –4 pe nalty on he r attack roll. The due list also tak e s a –4 pe nalty whe n
atte m pting to parry an attack m ade against an adjace nt ally. The due list m ust de clare the use of this ability afte r the attack is
announce d, but be fore the roll is m ade .
Trap Sense +1 (Ex)
A characte r gains an intuitive se nse that ale rts he r to dange r from traps, giving he r a +1 bonus on R e fle x save s m ade to
avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attack s m ade by traps. The se bonuse s rise to +2 whe n the characte r re ache s
6th le ve l, to +3 whe n she re ache s 9th le ve l, to +4 whe n she re ache s 12th le ve l, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th le ve l.
Trap se nse bonuse s gaine d from m ultiple classe s stack .
Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
You gain the ability to re act to dange r be fore he r se nse s would norm ally allow you to do so. You cannot be caught flatfoote d, nor do you lose your De x bonus to AC if the attack e r is invisible . You still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if
im m obilize d. You can still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if an oppone nt succe ssfully use s the fe int action against you.
Drow Immunities - Sleep
You are im m une to m agic sle e p e ffe cts.
Elven Immunities
+2 save bonus vs Enchantm e nts.
Spell Resistance (24)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Precise Strike (Ex)
A due list gains the ability to strik e pre cise ly with a light or one -hande d pie rcing we apon, adding he r due list le ve l to he r
dam age roll.
W he n m ak ing a pre cise strik e , a due list cannot attack with a we apon in he r othe r hand or use a shie ld. A due list's pre cise
strik e only work s against living cre ature s with disce rnible anatom ie s. Any cre ature that is im m une to critical hits is also im m une
to a pre cise strik e , and any ite m or ability that prote cts a cre ature from critical hits also prote cts a cre ature from a pre cise strik e .
Smite Good (1/day) (Su)
O nce pe r day, an antipaladin can call out to the dark powe rs to crush the force s of good. As a swift action, the antipaladin
choose s one targe t within sight to sm ite . If this targe t is good, the antipaladin adds his C harism a bonus (if any) on his attack
rolls and adds his antipaladin le ve l on all dam age rolls m ade against the targe t of his sm ite . If the targe t of sm ite good is an
outside r with the good subtype , a good-aligne d dragon, or a good cre ature with le ve ls of cle ric or paladin, the bonus to dam age
on the first succe ssful attack incre ase s to 2 points of dam age pe r le ve l the antipaladin posse sse s. R e gardle ss of the targe t,
sm ite good attack s autom atically bypass any DR the cre ature m ight posse ss.
In addition, while sm ite good is in e ffe ct, the antipaladin gains a de fle ction bonus e qual to his C harism a m odifie r (if any) to
his AC against attack s m ade by the targe t of the sm ite . If the antipaladin targe ts a cre ature that is not good, the sm ite is
waste d with no e ffe ct.
The sm ite good e ffe ct re m ains until the targe t of the sm ite is de ad or the ne x t tim e the antipaladin re sts and re gains his
use s of this ability. At 4th le ve l, and at e ve ry thre e le ve ls the re afte r, the antipaladin m ay sm ite good one additional tim e pe r
day, as indicate d on Table 2–13, to a m ax im um of se ve n tim e s pe r day at 19th le ve l.
Note: Eithe r activation che ck box on the in-play tab will apply the to-hit and AC m odifie rs, se le ct "Activate d" for x 1 dam age or
"Double Dam age " for x 2.
Sneak A ttack +2d6
If a characte r can catch an oppone nt whe n he is unable to de fe nd him se lf e ffe ctive ly from he r attack , she can strik e a vital
spot for e x tra dam age .
The characte r's attack de als e x tra dam age anytim e he r targe t would be de nie d a De x te rity bonus to AC (whe the r the targe t
actually has a De x te rity bonus or not), or whe n the characte r flank s he r targe t. Should the characte r score a critical hit with a
sne ak attack , this e x tra dam age is not m ultiplie d. R ange d attack s can count as sne ak attack s only if the targe t is within 30
fe e t.
W ith a we apon that de als nonle thal dam age (lik e a sap, whip, or an unarm e d strik e ), a characte r can m ak e a sne ak attack
that de als nonle thal dam age inste ad of le thal dam age . She cannot use a we apon that de als le thal dam age to de al nonle thal
dam age in a sne ak attack , not e ve n with the usual –4 pe nalty.
The characte r m ust be able to se e the targe t we ll e nough to pick out a vital spot and m ust be able to re ach such a spot. A
characte r cannot sne ak attack while strik ing a cre ature with conce alm e nt.
Dancing Lights (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Deeper Darkness (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Detect Good (A t will) (Sp)
At will, an antipaladin can use de te ct good, as the spe ll. An antipaladin can, as a m ove action, conce ntrate on a single ite m
or individual within 60 fe e t and de te rm ine if it is good, le arning the stre ngth of its aura as if having studie d it for 3 rounds.
W hile focusing on one individual or obje ct, the antipaladin doe s not de te ct good in any othe r obje ct or individual within range .
Detect Magic (Constant) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Dispel Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Faerie Fire (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Featherfall (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Levitate (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Suggestion (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
A ura of Evil (Ex)
The powe r of an antipaladin’s aura of e vil (se e the de te ct e vil spe ll) is e qual to his antipaladin le ve l. A paladin who use s
sm ite e vil on an antipaladin de als 2 points of dam age pe r paladin le ve l on his first succe ssful attack .
Poison Use (Ex)
You do not risk poisoning yourse lf accide ntally while poisoning a we apon.
Touch of Corruption (1d6) (6/day) (Su)
Be ginning at 2nd le ve l, an antipaladin surrounds his hand with a fie ndish flam e , causing te rrible wounds to ope n on those he
touche s. Each day he can use this ability a num be r of tim e s e qual to 1/2 his antipaladin le ve l + his C harism a m odifie r. As a
touch attack , an antipaladin can cause 1d6 points of dam age for e ve ry two antipaladin le ve ls he posse sse s. Using this ability is
a standard action that doe s not provok e attack s of opportunity.
Alte rnative ly, an antipaladin can use this powe r to he al unde ad cre ature s, re storing 1d6 hit points for e ve ry two le ve ls the
antipaladin posse sse s. This ability is m odifie d by any fe at, spe ll, or e ffe ct that spe cifically work s with the lay on hands paladin
class fe ature . For e x am ple , the Ex tra Lay O n Hands fe at grants an antipaladin 2 additional use s of the touch of corruption class
fe ature .
Trapfinding +2
A rogue adds 1/2 he r le ve l to Pe rce ption sk ill che ck s m ade to locate traps and to Disable De vice sk ill che ck s (m inim um +1).
A rogue can use Disable De vice to disarm m agic traps.
Unholy Resilience (Su)
At 2nd le ve l, an antipaladin gains a bonus e qual to his C harism a bonus (if any) on all saving throws.
A rmor Proficiency (Heavy) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring he avy arm or.
Prerequisites: Light Arm or Proficie ncy, Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Fighte rs and paladins autom atically have He avy Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Light) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring light arm or.
Benefit: W he n you we ar a type of arm or with which you are proficie nt, the arm or che ck pe nalty for that arm or applie s only to
De x te rity- and Stre ngth-base d sk ill che ck s.
Normal: A characte r who is we aring arm or with which he is not proficie nt applie s its arm or che ck pe nalty to attack rolls and to
all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt m onk s, sorce re rs, and wizards autom atically have Light Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at.
The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Medium) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring m e dium arm or.
Prerequisite: Light Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Barbarians, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs autom atically have Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus
fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Dodge (C om bat)
Your training and re fle x e s allow you to re act swiftly to avoid an oppone nts' attack s.
Prerequisite: De x 13.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC . A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x bonus to AC also m ak e s you
lose the be ne fits of this fe at.
Double Slice (C om bat)
Your off-hand we apon while dual-wie lding strik e s with gre ate r powe r.
Prerequisite: De x 15, Two-W e apon Fighting.
Benefit: Add your Stre ngth bonus to dam age rolls m ade with your off-hand we apon.
Normal: You norm ally add only half of your Stre ngth m odifie r to dam age rolls m ade with a we apon wie lde d in your off-hand.
Greater Two-weapon Fighting (C om bat)
You are incre dibly sk ille d at fighting with two we apons at the sam e tim e .
Prerequisites: De x 19, Im prove d Two-W e apon Fighting, Two-W e apon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: You ge t a third attack with your off-hand we apon, albe it at a –10 pe nalty.
Improved Critical (Rapier) (C om bat)
Attack s m ade with your chose n we apon are quite de adly.
Prerequisite: Proficie nt with we apon, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: W he n using the we apon you se le cte d, your thre at range is double d.
Special: You can gain Im prove d C ritical m ultiple tim e s. The e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a
ne w type of we apon.
This e ffe ct doe sn't stack with any othe r e ffe ct that e x pands the thre at range of a we apon.
Improved Two-weapon Fighting (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at fighting with two we apons.
Prerequisites: De x 17, Two-W e apon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: In addition to the standard single e x tra attack you ge t with an off-hand we apon, you ge t a se cond attack with it,
albe it at a –5 pe nalty.
Normal: W ithout this fe at, you can only ge t a single e x tra attack with an off-hand we apon.
Martial Weapon Proficiency - A ll
Benefit: You are proficie nt with all Martial we apons.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Mobility (C om bat)
You can e asily m ove through a dange rous m e le e .
Prerequisites: De x 13, Dodge .
Benefit: You ge t a +4 dodge bonus to Arm or C lass against attack s of opportunity cause d whe n you m ove out of or within a
thre ate ne d are a. A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x te rity bonus to Arm or C lass (if any) also m ak e s you lose dodge
bonuse s.
Dodge bonuse s stack with e ach othe r, unlik e m ost type s of bonuse s.
Piranha Strike -4/+8 (C om bat)
Prerequisites: W e apon Fine sse , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: W he n wie lding a light we apon, you can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r
che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with
an off-hand we apon or se condary natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and for e ve ry 4 points the re afte r,
the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the bonus on dam age rolls incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore the attack
roll, and its e ffe cts last until your ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit
point dam age . This fe at cannot be use d in conjunction with the Powe r Attack fe at.
Rogue Weapon Proficiencies
Benefit: You are proficie nt with the Hand C rossbow, R apie r, Sap, Shortbow and Shortsword.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a shie ld.
Benefit: W he n you use a shie ld (e x ce pt a towe r shie ld), the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth- and
De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: W he n you are using a shie ld with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack
rolls and on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: Barbarians, bards, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs all autom atically have Shie ld Proficie ncy as a
bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Tower Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a towe r shie ld.
Prerequisite: Shie ld Proficie ncy.
Benefit: W he n you use a towe r shie ld, the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth and De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: A characte r using a shie ld with which he is not proficie nt tak e s the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack rolls and
on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving, including R ide .
Special: Fighte rs autom atically have Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Two-weapon Defense (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at de fe nding yourse lf while dual-wie lding.
Prerequisites: De x 15, Two-W e apon Fighting.
Benefit: W he n wie lding a double we apon or two we apons (not including natural we apons or unarm e d strik e s), you gain a +1
shie ld bonus to your AC .
W he n you are fighting de fe nsive ly or using the total de fe nse action, this shie ld bonus incre ase s to +2.
Two-weapon Fighting (C om bat)
You can fight with a we apon wie lde d in e ach of your hands. You can m ak e one e x tra attack e ach round with the se condary
we apon.
Prerequisite: De x 15.
Benefit: Your pe naltie s on attack rolls for fighting with two we apons are re duce d. The pe nalty for your prim ary hand le sse ns
by 2 and the one for your off hand le sse ns by 6. Se e Two-W e apon Fighting in C om bat.
Normal: If you wie ld a se cond we apon in your off hand, you can ge t one e x tra attack pe r round with that we apon. W he n
fighting in this way you suffe r a –6 pe nalty with your re gular attack or attack s with your prim ary hand and a –10 pe nalty to the
attack with your off hand. If your off-hand we apon is light, the pe naltie s are re duce d by 2 e ach. An unarm e d strik e is always
conside re d light.
Two-weapon Rend (C om bat)
Strik ing with both of your we apons sim ultane ously, you can use the m to de live r de vastating wounds.
Prerequisites: De x 17, Double Slice , Im prove d Two-W e apon Fighting, Two-W e apon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: If you hit an oppone nt with both your prim ary hand and your off-hand we apon, you de al an additional 1d10 points
of dam age plus 1-1/2 tim e s your Stre ngth m odifie r. You can only de al this additional dam age once e ach round.
Weapon Finesse (C om bat)
You are traine d in using your agility in m e le e com bat, as oppose d to brute stre ngth.
Benefit: W ith a light we apon, rapie r, whip, or spik e d chain m ade for a cre ature of your size cate gory, you m ay use your
De x te rity m odifie r inste ad of your Stre ngth m odifie r on attack rolls. If you carry a shie ld, its arm or che ck pe nalty applie s to your
attack rolls.
Special: Natural we apons are conside re d light we apons.
Weapon Focus (Rapier) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
+2 rapier
You can use the W e apon Fine sse fe at to apply your De x te rity m odifie r inste ad of your Stre ngth m odifie r to attack rolls with a
rapie r size d for you, e ve n though it isn't a light we apon. You can't wie ld a rapie r in two hands in orde r to apply 1-1/2 tim e s your
Stre ngth bonus to dam age .
+2 rapier
You can use the W e apon Fine sse fe at to apply your De x te rity m odifie r inste ad of your Stre ngth m odifie r to attack rolls with a
rapie r size d for you, e ve n though it isn't a light we apon. You can't wie ld a rapie r in two hands in orde r to apply 1-1/2 tim e s your
Stre ngth bonus to dam age .
+3 Mithral full plate (Arm or)
This m e tal suit com prise s m ultiple pie ce s of inte rconne cte d and ove rlaying m e tal plate s, incorporating the be ne fits of
num e rous type s of le sse r arm or. A com ple te suit of full plate (or plate m ail, as it is ofte n calle d) include s gauntle ts, he avy
le athe r boots, a visore d he lm e t, and a thick laye r of padding that is worn unde rne ath the arm or. Each suit of full plate m ust be
individually fitte d to its owne r by a m aste r arm orsm ith, although a capture d suit can be re size d to fit a ne w owne r at a cost of
200 to 800 (2d4x 100) gold pie ce s.
Mithral is a rare , silve ry m e tal that is lighte r than ste e l but just as hard. W he n work e d lik e ste e l, it can be use d to cre ate
am azing arm or, and is occasionally use d for othe r ite m s as we ll. Most m ithral arm ors are one cate gory lighte r than norm al for
purpose s of m ove m e nt and othe r lim itations. He avy arm ors are tre ate d as m e dium , and m e dium arm ors are tre ate d as light,
but light arm ors are still tre ate d as light. This de cre ase doe s not apply to proficie ncy in we aring the arm or. A characte r we aring
m ithral full plate m ust be proficie nt in we aring he avy arm or to avoid adding the arm or's che ck pe nalty on all his attack rolls and
sk ill che ck s that involve m oving. Spe ll failure chance s for arm ors and shie lds m ade from m ithral are de cre ase d by 10%,
m ax im um De x te rity bonuse s are incre ase d by 2, and arm or che ck pe naltie s are de cre ase d by 3 (to a m inim um of 0).
An ite m m ade from m ithral we ighs half as m uch as the sam e ite m m ade from othe r m e tals. In the case of we apons, this
lighte r we ight doe s not change a we apon's size cate gory or the e ase with which it can be wie lde d (whe the r it is light, one hande d, or two-hande d). Ite m s not prim arily of m e tal are not m e aningfully affe cte d by be ing partially m ade of m ithral. (A
longsword can be a m ithral we apon, while a quarte rstaff cannot.) Mithral we apons count as silve r for the purpose of ove rcom ing
dam age re duction.
W e apons and arm ors fashione d from m ithral are always m aste rwork ite m s as we ll; the m aste rwork cost is include d in the
price s give n be low. Mithral has 30 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and hardne ss 15.
P27. Drider
Sorcerer 2
C haotic Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Sorcerer)
Drider (Sorcerer)
18 +4
14 +2
+2 = 2 + 0
14 +2
24 +7
AC 28
= 10 +
7 = 3 +
5 = 3 +
11 = 9 +
WEAPON [in both hands]
+2 he avy m ace
+ 10
Bite (Dride r (Sorce re r))
Maste rwork com posite longbow
14 +2
24 +7
Skill Name
✓ A c robatic s
✓ A pprais e
✓ Bluff
✓ C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
✓ E s c ape A rtis t
✓ Fly
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
✓ Knowledge (arc ana)
✓ P erc eption
Sens e M otive
✓ Spellc raft
✓ Stealth
✓ Survival
✓ Swim
✓ U s e M agic D evic e
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=I nt
=D ex
=I nt
=D ex
=C ha
4 +3
9 +3
9 +3
9 +3
9 +3
9 +3
9 +3
4 +3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
C ommon • Elven • Undercommon
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
14 lbs
466 lbs
932 lbs
1400 lbs
Current 0
Next Level 5000
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Im m unity to Sle e p
Spe ll R e sistance (18)
C lim bing (20 fe e t)
Acidic R ay (10/day) (Sp)
Bloodline Arcana: Abe rrant (Ex )
Poison: Bite - injury (DC 18) (Ex )
W e b (+8 range d, 11 hp) (8/day) (DC 18) (Ex )
C lairaudie nce /C lairvoyance (1/day)
Dancing Lights (At will)
Dark ne ss (At will)
De e pe r Dark ne ss (1/day)
De te ct Good (C onstant)
De te ct Law (C onstant)
De te ct Magic (C onstant)
Dispe l Magic (1/day)
Fae rie Fire (At will)
Le vitate (1/day)
Sugge stion (1/day)
Abe rrant
Acidic R ay (10/day) (Sp)
C lairaudie nce /C lairvoyance (1/day)
Dancing Lights (At will)
Dark ne ss (At will)
De e pe r Dark ne ss (1/day)
De te ct Good (C onstant)
De te ct Law (C onstant)
De te ct Magic (C onstant)
Dispe l Magic (1/day)
Fae rie Fire (At will)
Le vitate (1/day)
Potion of bull's stre ngth
Sugge stion (1/day)
W e b (+8 range d, 11 hp) (8/day) (DC 18) (Ex )
Max. Used
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +2 he avy m ace
1 Maste rwork com posite longbow
1 Potion of bull's stre ngth
20 Arrows
8 lbs 8,312 gp
3 lbs
600 gp
300 gp
0.15 lbs
1 gp
C om bat C asting
Esche w Mate rials
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Spe ll Pe ne tration
W e apon Focus (Bite )
W e apon Focus (He avy m ace )
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Spell Level: 0
Casts Per Day:
Level Spell
0 Acid Splash
0 Arcane Mark
0 Ble e d
0 Bre e ze
0 C ham e le on Scale s
0 Dancing Lights
0 Daze
0 De te ct Magic
1 Ide ntify
1 Infe rnal He aling
1 Jum p
1 Mage Arm or
1 Magic Missile
2 Bull's Stre ngth
2 C at's Grace
2 Mirror Im age
3 Fire ball
3 Lightning Bolt
4 C onfusion
Casting Time
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 round
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
60 ft.
60 ft.
Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Pe rsonal
Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
120 ft.
Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
17 No
17 No
17 Ye s
17 Ye s
17 No
17 Ye s
17 No
18 No
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
18 Ye s
18 No
18 Ye s
19 Ye s (harm le ss)
19 Ye s
20 Ye s
20 Ye s
21 Ye s
Instantane ous
Pe rm ane nt
Instantane ous
1 hour (D)
10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
1 m inute (D)
1 round
C once ntration, up to 1 m in./le ve l (D)
3 rounds/le ve l (D)
1 m inute
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 hour/le ve l (D)
Instantane ous
1 m in./le ve l
1 m in./le ve l
1 m in./le ve l
Instantane ous
Instantane ous
1 round/le ve l
Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Immunity to Sleep
You are im m une to sle e p e ffe cts.
Spell Resistance (18)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Climbing (20 feet)
You have a clim b spe e d.
You gain a +8 racial bonus to clim b che ck s. You m ay tak e 10 on clim b che ck s, e ve n whe n rushe d or thre ate ne d.
A cidic Ray (10/day) (Sp)
Starting at 1st le ve l, you can fire an acidic ray as a standard action, targe ting any foe within 30 fe e t as a range d touch
attack . The acidic ray de als 1d6 points of acid dam age + 1 for e ve ry two sorce re r le ve ls you posse ss. You can use this ability a
num be r of tim e s pe r day e qual to 3 + your C harism a m odifie r.
Bloodline A rcana: A berrant (Ex)
W he ne ve r you cast a spe ll of the polym orph subschool, incre ase the duration of the spe ll by 50% (m inim um 1 round). This
bonus doe s not stack with the incre ase grante d by the Ex te nd Spe ll fe at.
Poison: Bite - injury (DC 18) (Ex)
Poison—Injury; save Fort DC 18; fre q 1/rd for 6 rds; e ffe ct 1d2 Str; cure 1 save .
Web (+8 ranged, 11 hp) (8/day) (DC 18) (Ex)
C re ature s with the we b ability can use we bs to support the m se lve s and up to one additional cre ature of the sam e size . In
addition, such cre ature s can throw a we b up to e ight tim e s pe r day. This is sim ilar to an attack with a ne t but has a m ax im um
range of 50 fe e t, with a range incre m e nt of 10 fe e t, and is e ffe ctive against targe ts up to one size cate gory large r than the we b
spinne r. An e ntangle d cre ature can e scape with a succe ssful Escape Artist che ck or burst the we b with a Stre ngth che ck . Both are
standard actions with a DC e qual to 10 + 1/2 cre ature 's HD + cre ature 's C on m odifie r. Atte m pts to burst a we b by those caught
in it suffe r a –4 pe nalty.
W e b spinne rs can cre ate she e ts of stick y we bbing up to thre e tim e s the ir size . The y usually position the se she e ts to snare
flying cre ature s but can also try to trap pre y on the ground. Approaching cre ature s m ust succe e d on a DC 20 Pe rce ption che ck to
notice a we b; othe rwise the y stum ble into it and be com e trappe d as though by a succe ssful we b attack . Atte m pts to e scape or
burst the we bbing gain a +5 bonus if the trappe d cre ature has som e thing to walk on or grab while pulling fre e . Each 5-footsquare se ction of we b has a num be r of hit points e qual to the Hit Dice of the cre ature that cre ate d it and DR 5/—. A cre ature can
m ove across its own we b at its clim b spe e d and can pinpoint the location of any cre ature touching its we b.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (1/day)
C lairaudie nce /clairvoyance cre ate s an invisible m agical se nsor at a spe cific location that e nable s you to he ar or se e (your
choice ) alm ost as if you we re the re . You don't ne e d line of sight or line of e ffe ct, but the locale m ust be k nown - a place fam iliar
to you, or an obvious one . O nce you have se le cte d the locale , the se nsor doe sn't m ove , but you can rotate it in all dire ctions to
vie w the are a as de sire d. Unlik e othe r scrying spe lls, this spe ll doe s not allow m agically or supe rnaturally e nhance d se nse s to
work through it. If the chose n locale is m agically dark , you se e nothing. If it is naturally pitch black , you can se e in a 10-foot
radius around the ce nte r of the spe ll's e ffe ct. C lairaudie nce / clairvoyance functions only on the plane of e x iste nce you are
curre ntly occupying.
Dancing Lights (A t will)
De pe nding on the ve rsion se le cte d, you cre ate up to four lights that re se m ble lante rns or torche s (and cast that am ount of
light), or up to four glowing sphe re s of light (which look lik e will-o'- wisps), or one faintly glowing, vague ly hum anoid shape . The
dancing lights m ust stay within a 10-foot-radius are a in re lation to e ach othe r but othe rwise m ove as you de sire (no
conce ntration re quire d): forward or back , up or down, straight or turning corne rs, or the lik e . The lights can m ove up to 100 fe e t
pe r round. A light wink s out if the distance be twe e n you and it e x ce e ds the spe ll's range . You can only have one dancing lights
spe ll active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the pre vious casting is dispe lle d. If you
m ak e this spe ll pe rm ane nt, it doe s not count against this lim it.
Dancing lights can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Darkness (A t will)
This spe ll cause s an obje ct to radiate dark ne ss out to a 20-foot radius. This dark ne ss cause s the illum ination le ve l in the
are a to drop one ste p, from bright light to norm al light, from norm al light to dim light, or from dim light to dark ne ss. This spe ll
has no e ffe ct in an are a that is alre ady dark . C re ature s with light vulne rability or se nsitivity tak e no pe naltie s in norm al light. All
cre ature s gain conce alm e nt (20% m iss chance ) in dim light. All cre ature s gain total conce alm e nt (50% m iss chance ) in
dark ne ss. C re ature s with dark vision can se e in an are a of dim light or dark ne ss without pe nalty. Nonm agical source s of light,
such as torche s and lante rns, do not incre ase the light le ve l in an are a of dark ne ss. Magical light source s only incre ase the light
le ve l in an are a if the y are of a highe r spe ll le ve l than dark ne ss. If dark ne ss is cast on a sm all obje ct that is the n place d inside
or unde r a lightproof cove ring, the spe ll's e ffe ct is block e d until the cove ring is re m ove d. This spe ll doe s not stack with itse lf.
Dark ne ss can be use d to counte r or dispe l any light spe ll of e qual or lowe r spe ll le ve l.
Deeper Darkness (1/day)
This spe ll functions as dark ne ss, e x ce pt that obje cts radiate dark ne ss in a 60-foot radius and the light le ve l is lowe re d by
two ste ps. Bright light be com e s dim light and norm al light be com e s dark ne ss. Are as of dim light and dark ne ss be com e
supe rnaturally dark . This functions lik e dark ne ss, but e ve n cre ature s with dark vision cannot se e within the spe ll's confine s. This
spe ll doe s not stack with itse lf. De e pe r dark ne ss can be use d to counte r or dispe l any light spe ll of e qual or lowe r spe ll le ve l.
Detect Good (Constant)
This spe ll functions lik e de te ct e vil, e x ce pt that it de te cts the auras of good cre ature s, cle rics or paladins of good de itie s,
good spe lls, and good m agic ite m s, and you are vulne rable to an ove rwhe lm ing good aura if you are e vil.
Detect Law (Constant)
This spe ll functions lik e de te ct e vil, e x ce pt that it de te cts the auras of lawful cre ature s, cle rics of lawful de itie s, lawful spe lls,
and lawful m agic ite m s, and you are vulne rable to an ove rwhe lm ing lawful aura if you are chaotic.
Detect Magic (Constant)
You de te ct m agical auras. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study a particular are a or subje ct.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of m agical auras.
2nd R ound: Num be r of diffe re nt m agical auras and the powe r of the m ost pote nt aura.
3rd R ound: The stre ngth and location of e ach aura. If the ite m s or cre ature s be aring the auras are in line of sight, you can
m ak e Knowle dge (arcana) sk ill che ck s to de te rm ine the school of m agic involve d in e ach. (Mak e one che ck pe r aura: DC 15 +
spe ll le ve l, or 15 + 1/2 caste r le ve l for a nonspe ll e ffe ct.) If the aura e m inate s from a m agic ite m , you can atte m pt to ide ntify
its prope rtie s (se e Spe llcraft).
Magical are as, m ultiple type s of m agic, or strong local m agical e m anations m ay distort or conce al we ak e r auras.
Aura Stre ngth: An aura's powe r de pe nds on a spe ll's functioning spe ll le ve l or an ite m 's caste r le ve l; se e the accom panying
table . If an aura falls into m ore than one cate gory, de te ct m agic indicate s the stronge r of the two.
Linge ring Aura: A m agical aura linge rs afte r its original source dissipate s (in the case of a spe ll) or is de stroye d (in the case
of a m agic ite m ). If de te ct m agic is cast and dire cte d at such a location, the spe ll indicate s an aura stre ngth of dim (e ve n
we ak e r than a faint aura). How long the aura linge rs at this dim le ve l de pe nds on its original powe r:
O riginal Stre ngth - Duration of Linge ring Aura
Faint - 1d6 rounds
Mode rate - 1d6 m inute s
Strong - 1d6 x 10 m inute s
O ve rwhe lm ing - 1d6 days
O utside rs and e le m e ntals are not m agical in the m se lve s, but if the y are sum m one d, the conjuration spe ll re giste rs. Each
round, you can turn to de te ct m agic in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on
m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
De te ct m agic can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Dispel Magic (1/day)
You can use dispe l m agic to e nd one ongoing spe ll that has be e n cast on a cre ature or obje ct, to te m porarily suppre ss the
m agical abilitie s of a m agic ite m , or to counte r anothe r spe llcaste r's spe ll. A dispe lle d spe ll e nds as if its duration had e x pire d.
Som e spe lls, as de taile d in the ir de scriptions, can't be de fe ate d by dispe l m agic. Dispe l m agic can dispe l (but not counte r)
spe ll-lik e e ffe cts just as it doe s spe lls. The e ffe ct of a spe ll with an instantane ous duration can't be dispe lle d, be cause the
m agical e ffe ct is alre ady ove r be fore the dispe l m agic can tak e e ffe ct. You choose to use dispe l m agic in one of two ways: a
targe te d dispe l or a counte rspe ll.
Targe te d Dispe l: O ne obje ct, cre ature , or spe ll is the targe t of the dispe l m agic spe ll. You m ak e one dispe l che ck (1d20 +
your caste r le ve l) and com pare that to the spe ll with highe st caste r le ve l (DC = 11 + the spe ll's caste r le ve l). If succe ssful, that
spe ll e nds. If not, com pare the sam e re sult to the spe ll with the ne x t highe st caste r le ve l. R e pe at this proce ss until you have
dispe lle d one spe ll affe cting the targe t, or you have faile d to dispe l e ve ry spe ll. For e x am ple , a 7th-le ve l caste r casts dispe l
m agic, targe ting a cre ature affe cte d by stone sk in (caste r le ve l 12th) and fly (caste r le ve l 6th). The caste r le ve l che ck re sults in a
19. This che ck is not high e nough to e nd the stone sk in (which would have re quire d a 23 or highe r), but it is high e nough to e nd
the fly (which only re quire d a 17). Had the dispe l che ck re sulte d in a 23 or highe r, the stone sk in would have be e n dispe lle d,
le aving the fly intact. Had the dispe l che ck be e n a 16 or le ss, no spe lls would have be e n affe cte d. You can also use a targe te d
dispe l to spe cifically e nd one spe ll affe cting the targe t or one spe ll affe cting an are a (such as a wall of fire ). You m ust nam e the
spe cific spe ll e ffe ct to be targe te d in this way. If your caste r le ve l che ck is e qual to or highe r than the DC of that spe ll, it e nds.
No othe r spe lls or e ffe cts on the targe t are dispe lle d if your che ck is not high e nough to e nd the targe te d e ffe ct. If you targe t an
obje ct or cre ature that is the e ffe ct of an ongoing spe ll (such as a m onste r sum m one d by sum m on m onste r), you m ak e a
dispe l che ck to e nd the spe ll that conjure d the obje ct or cre ature . If the obje ct that you targe t is a m agic ite m , you m ak e a
dispe l che ck against the ite m 's caste r le ve l (DC = 11 + the ite m 's caste r le ve l). If you succe e d, all the ite m 's m agical prope rtie s
are suppre sse d for 1d4 rounds, afte r which the ite m re cove rs its m agical prope rtie s. A suppre sse d ite m be com e s nonm agical for
the duration of the e ffe ct. An inte rdim e nsional ope ning (such as a bag of holding) is te m porarily close d. A m agic ite m 's physical
prope rtie s are unchange d: A suppre sse d m agic sword is still a sword (a m aste rwork sword, in fact). Artifacts and de itie s are
unaffe cte d by m ortal m agic such as this. You autom atically succe e d on your dispe l che ck against any spe ll that you cast
yourse lf.
C ounte rspe ll: W he n dispe l m agic is use d in this way, the spe ll targe ts a spe llcaste r and is cast as a counte rspe ll. Unlik e a
true counte rspe ll, howe ve r, dispe l m agic m ay not work ; you m ust m ak e a dispe l che ck to counte r the othe r spe llcaste r's spe ll.
Faerie Fire (A t will)
A pale glow surrounds and outline s the subje cts. O utline d subje cts she d light as candle s. C re ature s outline d by fae rie fire
tak e a -20 pe nalty on all Ste alth che ck s. O utline d cre ature s do not be ne fit from the conce alm e nt norm ally provide d by dark ne ss
(though a 2nd-le ve l or highe r m agical dark ne ss e ffe ct functions norm ally), blur, displace m e nt, invisibility, or sim ilar e ffe cts. The
light is too dim to have any spe cial e ffe ct on unde ad or dark -dwe lling cre ature s vulne rable to light. The fae rie fire can be blue ,
gre e n, or viole t, according to your choice at the tim e of casting. The fae rie fire doe s not cause any harm to the obje cts or
cre ature s thus outline d.
Levitate (1/day)
Le vitate allows you to m ove yourse lf, anothe r cre ature , or an obje ct up and down as you wish. A cre ature m ust be willing to
be le vitate d, and an obje ct m ust be unatte nde d or posse sse d by a willing cre ature . You can m e ntally dire ct the re cipie nt to
m ove up or down as m uch as 20 fe e t e ach round; doing so is a m ove action. You cannot m ove the re cipie nt horizontally, but
the re cipie nt could clam be r along the face of a cliff, for e x am ple , or push against a ce iling to m ove late rally (ge ne rally at half its
base land spe e d). A le vitating cre ature that attack s with a m e le e or range d we apon finds itse lf incre asingly unstable ; the first
attack has a -1 pe nalty on attack rolls, the se cond -2, and so on, to a m ax im um pe nalty of -5. A full round spe nt stabilizing
allows the cre ature to be gin again at -1.
Suggestion (1/day)
You influe nce the actions of the targe t cre ature by sugge sting a course of activity (lim ite d to a se nte nce or two). The
sugge stion m ust be worde d in such a m anne r as to m ak e the activity sound re asonable . Ask ing the cre ature to do som e
obviously harm ful act autom atically ne gate s the e ffe ct of the spe ll.
The sugge ste d course of activity can continue for the e ntire duration. If the sugge ste d activity can be com ple te d in a shorte r
tim e , the spe ll e nds whe n the subje ct finishe s what it was ask e d to do. You can inste ad spe cify conditions that will trigge r a
spe cial activity during the duration. If the condition is not m e t be fore the spe ll duration e x pire s, the activity is not pe rform e d.
A ve ry re asonable sugge stion cause s the save to be m ade with a pe nalty (such as -1 or -2).
A berrant
The re is a taint in your blood, one that is alie n and bizarre . You te nd to think in odd ways, approaching proble m s from an
angle that m ost would not e x pe ct. O ve r tim e , this taint m anife sts itse lf in your physical form .
Bloodline Arcana: W he ne ve r you cast a spe ll of the polym orph subschool, incre ase the duration of the spe ll by 50%
(m inim um 1 round). This bonus doe s not stack with the incre ase grante d by the Ex te nd Spe ll fe at.
Bloodline Powe rs: Abe rrant sorce re rs show incre asing signs of the ir tainte d he ritage as the y incre ase in le ve l, although the y
are only visible whe n use d.
Blind-Fight (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at attack ing oppone nts that you cannot cle arly pe rce ive .
Benefit: In m e le e , e ve ry tim e you m iss be cause of conce alm e nt (se e C om bat), you can re roll your m iss chance pe rce ntile
roll one tim e to se e if you actually hit.
An invisible attack e r ge ts no advantage s re late d to hitting you in m e le e . That is, you don't lose your De x te rity bonus to
Arm or C lass, and the attack e r doe sn't ge t the usual +2 bonus for be ing invisible . The invisible attack e r's bonuse s do still apply
for range d attack s, howe ve r.
You do not ne e d to m ak e Acrobatics sk ill che ck s to m ove at full spe e d while blinde d.
Normal: R e gular attack roll m odifie rs invisible attack e rs trying to hit you apply, and you lose your De x te rity bonus to AC . The
spe e d re duction for dark ne ss and poor visibility also applie s.
Special: The Blind-Fight fe at is of no use against a characte r who is the subje ct of a blink spe ll.
Combat Casting
You are ade pt at spe llcasting whe n thre ate ne d or distracte d.
Benefit: You ge t a +4 bonus on conce ntration che ck s m ade to cast a spe ll or use a spe ll-lik e ability whe n casting on the
de fe nsive or while grapple d.
Dodge (C om bat)
Your training and re fle x e s allow you to re act swiftly to avoid an oppone nts' attack s.
Prerequisite: De x 13.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC . A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x bonus to AC also m ak e s you
lose the be ne fits of this fe at.
Eschew Materials
You can cast m any spe lls without ne e ding to utilize m inor m ate rial com pone nts.
Benefit: You can cast any spe ll with a m ate rial com pone nt costing 1 gp or le ss without ne e ding that com pone nt. The casting
of the spe ll still provok e s attack s of opportunity as norm al. If the spe ll re quire s a m ate rial com pone nt that costs m ore than 1
gp, you m ust have the m ate rial com pone nt on hand to cast the spe ll, as norm al.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Spell Penetration
Your spe lls bre ak through spe ll re sistance m ore e asily than m ost.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on caste r le ve l che ck s (1d20 + caste r le ve l) m ade to ove rcom e a cre ature 's spe ll re sistance .
Weapon Focus (Bite) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
Weapon Focus (Heavy mace) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
+2 heavy mace
A he avy m ace has a large r he ad and a longe r handle than a light m ace .
Masterwork composite longbow
You ne e d at le ast two hands to use a bow, re gardle ss of its size . You can use a com posite longbow while m ounte d. All
com posite bows are m ade with a particular stre ngth rating (that is, e ach re quire s a m inim um Stre ngth m odifie r to use it with
proficie ncy). If your Stre ngth m odifie r is le ss than the stre ngth rating of the com posite bow, you can't e ffe ctive ly use it, so you
tak e a -2 pe nalty on attack s with it. The de fault com posite longbow re quire s a Stre ngth m odifie r of +0 or highe r to use with
proficie ncy. A com posite longbow can be m ade with a high stre ngth rating to tak e advantage of an above -ave rage Stre ngth
score ; this fe ature allows you to add your Stre ngth m odifie r on dam age rolls, up to the m ax im um bonus indicate d for the bow.
Each point of Stre ngth bonus grante d by the bow adds 100 gp to its cost. If you have a ne gative m odifie r due to low Stre ngth,
apply it to dam age rolls whe n you use a com posite longbow. A com posite longbow fire s arrows.
For the purpose s of W e apon Proficie ncy and sim ilar fe ats, a com posite longbow is tre ate d as if it we re a longbow.
Potion of bull's strength
Bull's Stre ngth, W ill ne gate s (harm le ss) (DC 13)
The subje ct be com e s stronge r. The spe ll grants a +4 e nhance m e nt bonus to Stre ngth, adding the usual be ne fits to m e le e
attack rolls, m e le e dam age rolls, and othe r use s of the Stre ngth m odifie r.
A cid Splash
School C onjuration, Earth Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne m issile of acid
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You fire a sm all orb of acid at the targe t. You m ust succe e d on a range d touch attack to hit your targe t. The orb de als 1d3
points of acid dam age . This acid disappe ars afte r 1 round.
A rcane Mark
School Unive rsal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Effect O ne pe rsonal rune or m ark , all of which m ust fit within 1 sq. ft.
Duration Pe rm ane nt
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll allows you to inscribe your pe rsonal rune or m ark , which can consist of no m ore than six characte rs. The writing can be
visible or invisible . An arcane m ark spe ll e nable s you to e tch the rune upon any substance without harm to the m ate rial upon
which it is place d. If an invisible m ark is m ade , a de te ct m agic spe ll cause s it to glow and be visible , though not ne ce ssarily
unde rstandable .
Se e invisibility, true se e ing, a ge m of se e ing, or a robe of e ye s lik e wise allows the use r to se e an invisible arcane m ark . A
re ad m agic spe ll re ve als the words, if any. The m ark cannot be dispe lle d, but it can be re m ove d by the caste r or by an e rase
spe ll.
If an arcane m ark is place d on a living be ing, the e ffe ct gradually fade s in about a m onth.
Arcane m ark m ust be cast on an obje ct prior to casting instant sum m ons on the sam e obje ct (se e that spe ll de scription for
de tails).
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne living cre ature
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 17 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cause a living cre ature that is be low 0 hit points but stabilize d to re sum e dying. Upon casting this spe ll, you targe t a living
cre ature that has -1 or fe we r hit points. That cre ature be gins dying, tak ing 1 point of dam age pe r round. The cre ature can be
stabilize d late r norm ally. This spe ll cause s a cre ature that is dying to tak e 1 point of dam age .
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature or obje ct
Duration 1 hour (D)
Saving Throw Harm le ss W ill Ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cre ate a light wind that blows against the targe t, from a dire ction of your choice . The bre e ze grants the subje ct a +2 bonus
on save s against ve ry hot conditions, se ve re he at, bre ath we apons, and save s against cloud vapors and gase s (such as
cloudk ill, stink ing cloud, and inhale d poisons). This spe ll doe s not function without air or unde rwate r.
You can only have one bre e ze active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the
pre vious casting is dispe lle d.
Bull's Strength
School Transm utation; Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The subje ct be com e s stronge r. The spe ll grants a +4 e nhance m e nt bonus to Stre ngth, adding the usual be ne fits to m e le e
attack rolls, m e le e dam age rolls, and othe r use s of the Stre ngth m odifie r.
Cat's Grace
School Transm utation, W ood Ele m e ntal; Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s
The transm ute d cre ature be com e s m ore grace ful, agile , and coordinate d. The spe ll grants a +4 e nhance m e nt bonus to
De x te rity, adding the usual be ne fits to AC , R e fle x save s, and othe r use s of the De x te rity m odifie r.
Chameleon Scales
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You te m porarily alte r the color of your sk in, hide , or scale s to anothe r option le gal for your race . You tak e no pe nalty for using
Disguise to appe ar as a m e m be r of a diffe re nt race as long as that race has the sam e type and color of sk in, hide , or scale s as
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 4
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target All cre ature s in a 15-ft.-radius burst
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 21 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll cause s confusion in the targe ts, m ak ing the m unable to de te rm ine the ir actions. R oll on the following table at the
start of e ach subje ct's turn e ach round to se e what it doe s in that round.
d% - Be havior
01-25 - Act norm ally
26-50 - Do nothing but babble incohe re ntly
51-75 - De al 1d8 points of dam age + Str m odifie r to se lf with ite m in hand
76-100 - Attack ne are st cre ature (for this purpose , a fam iliar counts as part of the subje ct's se lf)
A confuse d characte r who can't carry out the indicate d action doe s nothing but babble incohe re ntly. Attack e rs are not at any
spe cial advantage whe n attack ing a confuse d characte r. Any confuse d characte r who is attack e d autom atically attack s its
attack e rs on its ne x t turn, as long as it is still confuse d whe n its turn com e s. Note that a confuse d characte r will not m ak e
attack s of opportunity against any cre ature that it is not alre ady de vote d to attack ing (e ithe r be cause of its m ost re ce nt action
or be cause it has just be e n attack e d).
Dancing Lights
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Effect Up to four lights, all within a 10-ft.-radius are a
Duration 1 m inute (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
De pe nding on the ve rsion se le cte d, you cre ate up to four lights that re se m ble lante rns or torche s (and cast that am ount of
light), or up to four glowing sphe re s of light (which look lik e will-o'- wisps), or one faintly glowing, vague ly hum anoid shape . The
dancing lights m ust stay within a 10-foot-radius are a in re lation to e ach othe r but othe rwise m ove as you de sire (no
conce ntration re quire d): forward or back , up or down, straight or turning corne rs, or the lik e . The lights can m ove up to 100 fe e t
pe r round. A light wink s out if the distance be twe e n you and it e x ce e ds the spe ll's range . You can only have one dancing lights
spe ll active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the pre vious casting is dispe lle d. If you
m ak e this spe ll pe rm ane nt, it doe s not count against this lim it.
Dancing lights can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature of 4 HD or le ss
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw DC 17 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll clouds the m ind of a hum anoid cre ature with 4 or fe we r Hit Dice so that it tak e s no actions. Hum anoids of 5 or m ore
HD are not affe cte d. A daze d subje ct is not stunne d, so attack e rs ge t no spe cial advantage against it. Afte r a cre ature has be e n
daze d by this spe ll, it is im m une to the e ffe cts of this spe ll for 1 m inute .
Detect Magic
School Divination; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You de te ct m agical auras. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study a particular are a or subje ct.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of m agical auras.
2nd R ound: Num be r of diffe re nt m agical auras and the powe r of the m ost pote nt aura.
3rd R ound: The stre ngth and location of e ach aura. If the ite m s or cre ature s be aring the auras are in line of sight, you can
m ak e Knowle dge (arcana) sk ill che ck s to de te rm ine the school of m agic involve d in e ach. (Mak e one che ck pe r aura: DC 15 +
spe ll le ve l, or 15 + 1/2 caste r le ve l for a nonspe ll e ffe ct.) If the aura e m inate s from a m agic ite m , you can atte m pt to ide ntify
its prope rtie s (se e Spe llcraft).
Magical are as, m ultiple type s of m agic, or strong local m agical e m anations m ay distort or conce al we ak e r auras.
Aura Stre ngth: An aura's powe r de pe nds on a spe ll's functioning spe ll le ve l or an ite m 's caste r le ve l; se e the accom panying
table . If an aura falls into m ore than one cate gory, de te ct m agic indicate s the stronge r of the two.
Linge ring Aura: A m agical aura linge rs afte r its original source dissipate s (in the case of a spe ll) or is de stroye d (in the case
of a m agic ite m ). If de te ct m agic is cast and dire cte d at such a location, the spe ll indicate s an aura stre ngth of dim (e ve n
we ak e r than a faint aura). How long the aura linge rs at this dim le ve l de pe nds on its original powe r:
O riginal Stre ngth - Duration of Linge ring Aura
Faint - 1d6 rounds
Mode rate - 1d6 m inute s
Strong - 1d6 x 10 m inute s
O ve rwhe lm ing - 1d6 days
O utside rs and e le m e ntals are not m agical in the m se lve s, but if the y are sum m one d, the conjuration spe ll re giste rs. Each
round, you can turn to de te ct m agic in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on
m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
De te ct m agic can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
A rea 20-ft.-radius spre ad
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 20 R e fle x half; Spell Resistance Ye s
A fire ball spe ll ge ne rate s a se aring e x plosion of flam e that de tonate s with a low roar and de als 1d6 points of fire dam age pe r
caste r le ve l (m ax im um 10d6) to e ve ry cre ature within the are a. Unatte nde d obje cts also tak e this dam age . The e x plosion
cre ate s alm ost no pre ssure . You point your finge r and de te rm ine the range (distance and he ight) at which the fire ball is to
burst. A glowing, pe a-size d be ad stre ak s from the pointing digit and, unle ss it im pacts upon a m ate rial body or solid barrie r
prior to attaining the pre scribe d range , blossom s into the fire ball at that point. An e arly im pact re sults in an e arly de tonation. If
you atte m pt to se nd the be ad through a narrow passage , such as through an arrow slit, you m ust "hit" the ope ning with a
range d touch attack , or e lse the be ad strik e s the barrie r and de tonate s pre m ature ly. The fire ball se ts fire to com bustible s and
dam age s obje cts in the are a. It can m e lt m e tals with low m e lting points, such as le ad, gold, coppe r, silve r, and bronze . If the
dam age cause d to an inte rposing barrie r shatte rs or bre ak s through it, the fire ball m ay continue be yond the barrie r if the are a
pe rm its; othe rwise it stops at the barrie r just as any othe r spe ll e ffe ct doe s.
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration 3 rounds/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions as de te ct m agic, e x ce pt that it give s you a +10 e nhance m e nt bonus on Spe llcraft che ck s m ade to ide ntify
the prope rtie s and com m and words of m agic ite m s in your posse ssion. This spe ll doe s not allow you to ide ntify artifacts.
Infernal Healing
School C onjuration(He aling); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Duration 1 m inute
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
You touch a drop of de vil's blood to a wounde d cre ature , giving it fast he aling 1. This ability cannot re pair dam age cause d by
silve r we apons, good-aligne d we apons, or spe lls or e ffe cts with the good de scriptor. The targe t de te cts as an e vil cre ature for
the duration of the spe ll and can se nse the e vil of the m agic, though this has no long-te rm e ffe ct.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s
The subje ct ge ts a +10 e nhance m e nt bonus on Acrobatics che ck s m ade to atte m pt high jum ps or long jum ps. The e nhance m e nt
bonus incre ase s to +20 at caste r le ve l 5th, and to +30 (the m ax im um ) at caste r le ve l 9th.
Lightning Bolt
School Evocation, Air Ele m e ntal, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 120 ft.
A rea 120-ft. line
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 20 R e fle x half; Spell Resistance Ye s
You re le ase a powe rful strok e of e le ctrical e ne rgy that de als 1d6 points of e le ctricity dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 10d6)
to e ach cre ature within its are a. The bolt be gins at your finge rtips. The lightning bolt se ts fire to com bustible s and dam age s
obje cts in its path. It can m e lt m e tals with a low m e lting point, such as le ad, gold, coppe r, silve r, or bronze . If the dam age
cause d to an inte rposing barrie r shatte rs or bre ak s through it, the bolt m ay continue be yond the barrie r if the spe ll's range
pe rm its; othe rwise , it stops at the barrie r just as any othe r spe ll e ffe ct doe s.
Mage A rmor
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 hour/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No
An invisible but tangible fie ld of force surrounds the subje ct of a m age arm or spe ll, providing a +4 arm or bonus to AC . Unlik e
m undane arm or, m age arm or e ntails no arm or che ck pe nalty, arcane spe ll failure chance , or spe e d re duction. Since m age
arm or is m ade of force , incorpore al cre ature s can't bypass it the way the y do norm al arm or.
Magic Missile
School Evocation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target Up to five cre ature s, no two of which can be m ore than 15 ft. apart
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
A m issile of m agical e ne rgy darts forth from your finge rtip and strik e s its targe t, de aling 1d4+1 points of force dam age . The
m issile strik e s une rringly, e ve n if the targe t is in m e le e com bat, so long as it has le ss than total cove r or total conce alm e nt.
Spe cific parts of a cre ature can't be single d out. O bje cts are not dam age d by the spe ll. For e ve ry two caste r le ve ls be yond 1st,
you gain an additional m issile - two at 3rd le ve l, thre e at 5th, four at 7th, and the m ax im um of five m issile s at 9th le ve l or
highe r. If you shoot m ultiple m issile s, you can have the m strik e a single cre ature or se ve ral cre ature s. A single m issile can
strik e only one cre ature . You m ust de signate targe ts be fore you che ck for spe ll re sistance or roll dam age .
Mirror Image
School Illusion(Figm e nt); Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll cre ate s a num be r of illusory double s of you that inhabit your square . The se double s m ak e it difficult for e ne m ie s to
pre cise ly locate and attack you. W he n m irror im age is cast, 1d4 im age s plus one im age pe r thre e caste r le ve ls (m ax im um e ight
im age s total) are cre ate d. The se im age s re m ain in your space and m ove with you, m im ick ing your m ove m e nts, sounds, and
actions e x actly. W he ne ve r you are attack e d or are the targe t of a spe ll that re quire s an attack roll, the re is a possibility that the
attack targe ts one of your im age s inste ad. If the attack is a hit, roll random ly to se e whe the r the se le cte d targe t is re al or a
figm e nt. If it is a figm e nt, the figm e nt is de stroye d. If the attack m isse s by 5 or le ss, one of your figm e nts is de stroye d by the
ne ar m iss. Are a spe lls affe ct you norm ally and do not de stroy any of your figm e nts. Spe lls and e ffe cts that do not re quire an
attack roll affe ct you norm ally and do not de stroy any of your figm e nts. Spe lls that re quire a touch attack are harm le ssly
discharge d if use d to de stroy a figm e nt. An attack e r m ust be able to se e the figm e nts to be foole d. If you are invisible or the
attack e r is blind, the spe ll has no e ffe ct (although the norm al m iss chance s still apply).
P29. Safan Domvesia
22 +6
Female 124
5' 11"
18 +4
16 +3
14 +2
+6 = 4 + 0
14 +2
AC 32
= 10 + 11
13 = 9 +
8 = 3 +
7 = 3 +
WEAPON [in main hand]
+2 falcata
+ 10
+1 adaptive D arkwood c ompos ite longbow
Situational Modif iers
A ll Saves: +2 vs . enc hantments •+1 morale vs . fear •+3 bonus vs .
effec ts that c aus e paralyzed, s lowed, or entangled c onditions •+1
bonus vs . effec ts that c aus e paralyzed, s lowed, or entangled
c onditions •+1 bonus vs . effec ts that c aus e paralyzed, s lowed, or
entangled c onditions
C haotic Evil
Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 10
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Fighter, Barbarian)
Skill Name
✓ A c robatic s
A pprais e
✓ C limb
✓ D iplomac y
D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
✓ H andle A nimal
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
✓ P erc eption
✓ Ride
Sens e M otive
✓ Survival
✓ Swim
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
5 +3
9 +3
9 +3
11 + 3
9 +3
2 +3
1 +3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Draconic • Drow Sign Language • Elven • Undercommon
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
44.5 lbs
173 lbs
346 lbs
520 lbs
Current 155000
Next Level 220000
Indom itable Faith
R e actionary
Dancing Lights (1/day)
Dark ne ss (1/day)
Fae rie Fire (1/day)
R age (7 rounds/day) (Ex )
W and of cure light wounds
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
+1 adaptive Dark wood com posite
+2 Dark wood light woode n quick draw
shie ld
1 +2 falcata
1 +2 Mithral full plate
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Agility +3 (Ex )
Drow Im m unitie s - Sle e p
Elve n Im m unitie s
Spe ll R e sistance (17)
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
Le aping Attack +2 (Ex )
R age (7 rounds/day) (Ex )
C ontrolle d R age (Ex )
C rowd C ontrol (Ex )
Poison Use (Ex )
1 Am ule t of natural arm or +1
50 arrows
1 Be lt of physical pe rfe ction +2
1 C loak of re sistance +1
He adband of ae rial agility (Int +2)
(Pe rce ption)
1 R ing of prote ction +1
1 W and of cure light wounds
1.5 lbs 3,430 gp
3 lbs
4,263 gp
4 lbs
8,318 gp
25 lbs
2,000 gp
2 gp, 5
0.15 lbs
1 lb
1 lb
1,000 gp
4,500 gp
2,000 gp
750 gp
Arm or Proficie ncy (He avy)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Light)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Me dium )
C om bat R e fle x e s (5 AoO /round)
Dazzling Display (Falcata)
De adly Strok e (Falcata)
Ex otic W e apon Proficie ncy (Falcata)
Gre ate r W e apon Focus (Falcata)
Im prove d C ritical (Falcata)
Martial W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Powe r Attack -3/+6
Q uick Draw
Shatte r De fe nse s (Falcata)
Shie ld Proficie ncy
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy
W e apon Focus (Falcata)
W e apon Spe cialization (Falcata)
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Indomitable Faith (Faith)
You we re born in a re gion whe re your faith was not popular, ye t you ne ve r abandone d it. Your constant struggle to m aintain
your own faith has bolste re d your drive ; you gain a +1 trait bonus on W ill save s as a re sult.
Reactionary (C om bat)
You we re bullie d ofte n as a child, but ne ve r quite de ve lope d an offe nsive re sponse . Inste ad, you be cam e ade pt at
anticipating sudde n attack s and re acting to dange r quick ly. You gain a +2 trait bonus to Initiative che ck s.
Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
A gility +3 (Ex)
At 2nd le ve l, a m obile fighte r gains a +1 bonus on saving throws m ade against e ffe cts that cause him to be com e paralyze d,
slowe d, or e ntangle d. This bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond 2nd. This ability re place s brave ry.
Drow Immunities - Sleep
You are im m une to m agic sle e p e ffe cts.
Elven Immunities
+2 save bonus vs Enchantm e nts.
Spell Resistance (17)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Leaping A ttack +2 (Ex)
At 5th le ve l, whe n a m obile fighte r m ove s at le ast 5 fe e t prior to attack ing, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and dam age
rolls. This bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond 5th. This ability re place s we apon training 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Rage (7 rounds/day) (Ex)
A barbarian can call upon inne r re se rve s of stre ngth and fe rocity, granting he r additional com bat prowe ss. Starting at 1st
le ve l, a barbarian can rage for a num be r of rounds pe r day e qual to 4 + he r C onstitution m odifie r. At e ach le ve l afte r 1st, she
can rage for 2 additional rounds. Te m porary incre ase s to C onstitution, such as those gaine d from rage and spe lls lik e Be ar's
Endurance , do not incre ase the total num be r of rounds that a barbarian can rage pe r day. A barbarian can e nte r rage as a fre e
action. The total num be r of rounds of rage pe r day is re ne we d afte r re sting for 8 hours, although the se hours do not ne e d to be
conse cutive .
W hile in rage , a barbarian gains a +4 m orale bonus to he r Stre ngth and C onstitution, as we ll as a +2 m orale bonus on W ill
save s. In addition, she tak e s a -2 pe nalty to Arm or C lass. The incre ase to C onstitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points pe r Hit
Dice , but the se disappe ar whe n the rage e nds and are not lost first lik e te m porary hit points. W hile in rage , a barbarian cannot
use any C harism a-, De x te rity-, or Inte llige nce -base d sk ills (e x ce pt Acrobatics, Fly, Intim idate , and R ide ) or any ability that
re quire s patie nce or conce ntration.
A barbarian can e nd he r rage as a fre e action and is fatigue d afte r rage for a num be r of rounds e qual to 2 tim e s the num be r
of rounds spe nt in the rage . A barbarian cannot e nte r a ne w rage while fatigue d or e x hauste d but can othe rwise e nte r rage
m ultiple tim e s during a single e ncounte r or com bat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, he r rage im m e diate ly e nds, placing he r in
pe ril of de ath.
Controlled Rage (Ex)
W he n an urban barbarian rage s, inste ad of m ak ing a norm al rage she m ay apply a +4 m orale bonus to he r Stre ngth,
De x te rity, or C onstitution. This bonus incre ase s to +6 whe n she gains gre ate r rage and +8 whe n she gains m ighty rage . She
m ay apply the full bonus to one ability score or m ay split the bonus be twe e n se ve ral score s in incre m e nts of +2. W he n using a
controlle d rage , an urban barbarian gains no bonus on W ill save s, tak e s no pe naltie s to AC , and can still use Inte llige nce -,
De x te rity-, and C harism a-base d sk ills. This ability othe rwise follows the norm al rule s for rage .
Note: To im ple m e nt this ability, use the activate d abilitie s on the In-Play tab, dividing up the bonus as de sire d. As you
incre ase the othe r statistics, the Stre ngth bonus will de cre ase . If you want a controlle d rage with only a stre ngth bonus, and no
De x te rity or C onstitution m odifie rs (and no AC pe nalty or W ill save bonus), activate this ability on the In-Play tab, the n activate
R age .
Crowd Control (Ex)
At 1st le ve l, an urban barbarian gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC whe n adjace nt to two or m ore
e ne m ie s. In addition, he r m ove m e nt is not im pe de d by crowds, and she gains a bonus e qual to 1/2 he r barbarian le ve l on
Intim idate che ck s to influe nce crowds (C ore R ule book 436). This ability re place s fast m ove m e nt.
Poison Use (Ex)
You do not risk poisoning yourse lf accide ntally while poisoning a we apon.
A rmor Proficiency (Heavy) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring he avy arm or.
Prerequisites: Light Arm or Proficie ncy, Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Fighte rs and paladins autom atically have He avy Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Light) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring light arm or.
Benefit: W he n you we ar a type of arm or with which you are proficie nt, the arm or che ck pe nalty for that arm or applie s only to
De x te rity- and Stre ngth-base d sk ill che ck s.
Normal: A characte r who is we aring arm or with which he is not proficie nt applie s its arm or che ck pe nalty to attack rolls and to
all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt m onk s, sorce re rs, and wizards autom atically have Light Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at.
The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Medium) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring m e dium arm or.
Prerequisite: Light Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Barbarians, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs autom atically have Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus
fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Combat Reflexes (5 A oO/round) (C om bat)
You can m ak e additional attack s of opportunity.
Benefit: You m ay m ak e a num be r of additional attack s of opportunity pe r round e qual to your De x te rity bonus. W ith this
fe at, you m ay also m ak e attack s of opportunity while flat-foote d.
Normal: A characte r without this fe at can m ak e only one attack of opportunity pe r round and can't m ak e attack s of
opportunity while flat-foote d.
Special: The C om bat R e fle x e s fe at doe s not allow a rogue to use he r opportunist ability m ore than once pe r round.
Dazzling Display (Falcata) (C om bat)
Your sk ill with your favore d we apon can frighte n e ne m ie s.
Prerequisite: W e apon Focus, proficie ncy with the se le cte d we apon.
Benefit: W hile wie lding the we apon in which you have W e apon Focus, you can pe rform a be wilde ring show of prowe ss as a
full-round action. Mak e an Intim idate che ck to de m oralize all foe s within 30 fe e t who can se e your display.
Deadly Stroke (Falcata) (C om bat)
W ith a we ll-place d strik e , you can bring a swift and painful e nd to m ost foe s.
Prerequisites: Dazzling Display, Gre ate r W e apon Focus, Shatte r De fe nse s, W e apon Focus, proficie ncy with the se le cte d
we apon, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: As a standard action, m ak e a single attack with the we apon for which you have Gre ate r W e apon Focus against a
stunne d or flat-foote d oppone nt. If you hit, you de al double the norm al dam age and the targe t tak e s 1 point of C onstitution
ble e d (se e C onditions). The additional dam age and ble e d is not m ultiplie d on a critical hit.
Dodge (C om bat)
Your training and re fle x e s allow you to re act swiftly to avoid an oppone nts' attack s.
Prerequisite: De x 13.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC . A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x bonus to AC also m ak e s you
lose the be ne fits of this fe at.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Falcata) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of e x otic we apon, such as the spik e d chain or whip. You unde rstand how to use that type of e x otic we apon
in com bat, and can utilize any spe cial trick s or qualitie s that e x otic we apon m ight allow.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with the we apon norm ally.
Normal: A characte r who use s a we apon with which he is not proficie nt tak e s a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: You can gain Ex otic W e apon Proficie ncy m ultiple tim e s. Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type of
e x otic we apon.
Greater Weapon Focus (Falcata) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon (including unarm e d strik e or grapple ) for which you have alre ady se le cte d W e apon Focus. You
are a m aste r at your chose n we apon.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, W e apon Focus with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1, 8th-le ve l
fighte r.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon. This bonus stack s with othe r bonuse s on
attack rolls, including those from W e apon Focus.
Special: You can gain Gre ate r W e apon Focus m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s
to a ne w type of we apon.
Improved Critical (Falcata) (C om bat)
Attack s m ade with your chose n we apon are quite de adly.
Prerequisite: Proficie nt with we apon, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: W he n using the we apon you se le cte d, your thre at range is double d.
Special: You can gain Im prove d C ritical m ultiple tim e s. The e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a
ne w type of we apon.
This e ffe ct doe sn't stack with any othe r e ffe ct that e x pands the thre at range of a we apon.
Martial Weapon Proficiency - A ll
Benefit: You are proficie nt with all Martial we apons.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Power A ttack -3/+6 (C om bat)
You can m ak e e x ce ptionally de adly m e le e attack s by sacrificing accuracy for stre ngth.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on
all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is incre ase d by half (+50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with a two-hande d
we apon, a one hande d we apon using two hands, or a prim ary natural we apon that adds 1-1/2 tim e s your Stre ngth m odifie r on
dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with an off-hand we apon or se condary
natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry 4 points the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the
bonus to dam age incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore m ak ing an attack roll, and its e ffe cts last until your
ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit point dam age .
Quick Draw (C om bat)
You can draw we apons faste r than m ost.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can draw a we apon as a fre e action inste ad of as a m ove action. You can draw a hidde n we apon (se e the
Sle ight of Hand sk ill) as a m ove action.
A characte r who has se le cte d this fe at m ay throw we apons at his full norm al rate of attack s (m uch lik e a characte r with a
Alche m ical ite m s, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quick ly using this fe at.
Normal: W ithout this fe at, you m ay draw a we apon as a m ove action, or (if your base attack bonus is +1 or highe r) as a fre e
action as part of m ove m e nt. W ithout this fe at, you can draw a hidde n we apon as a standard action.
Shatter Defenses (Falcata) (C om bat)
Your sk ill with your chose n we apon le ave s oppone nts unable to de fe nd the m se lve s if you strik e the m whe n the ir de fe nse s
are alre ady com prom ise d.
Prerequisites: W e apon Focus, Dazzling Display, base attack bonus +6, proficie ncy with we apon.
Benefit: Any shak e n, frighte ne d, or panick e d oppone nt hit by you this round is flat-foote d to your attack s until the e nd of
your ne x t turn. This include s any additional attack s you m ak e this round.
Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a shie ld.
Benefit: W he n you use a shie ld (e x ce pt a towe r shie ld), the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth- and
De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: W he n you are using a shie ld with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack
rolls and on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: Barbarians, bards, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs all autom atically have Shie ld Proficie ncy as a
bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Tower Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a towe r shie ld.
Prerequisite: Shie ld Proficie ncy.
Benefit: W he n you use a towe r shie ld, the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth and De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: A characte r using a shie ld with which he is not proficie nt tak e s the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack rolls and
on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving, including R ide .
Special: Fighte rs autom atically have Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Weapon Focus (Falcata) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
Weapon Specialization (Falcata) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at de aling dam age with one we apon. C hoose one type of we apon (including unarm e d strik e or grapple ) for
which you have alre ady se le cte d the W e apon Focus fe at. You de al e x tra dam age whe n using this we apon.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, W e apon Focus with se le cte d we apon, fighte r le ve l 4th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all dam age rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon..
+1 adaptive Darkwood composite longbow
You ne e d at le ast two hands to use a bow, re gardle ss of its size . You can use a com posite longbow while m ounte d. All
com posite bows are m ade with a particular stre ngth rating (that is, e ach re quire s a m inim um Stre ngth m odifie r to use it with
proficie ncy). If your Stre ngth m odifie r is le ss than the stre ngth rating of the com posite bow, you can't e ffe ctive ly use it, so you
tak e a -2 pe nalty on attack s with it. The de fault com posite longbow re quire s a Stre ngth m odifie r of +0 or highe r to use with
proficie ncy. A com posite longbow can be m ade with a high stre ngth rating to tak e advantage of an above -ave rage Stre ngth
score ; this fe ature allows you to add your Stre ngth m odifie r on dam age rolls, up to the m ax im um bonus indicate d for the bow.
Each point of Stre ngth bonus grante d by the bow adds 100 gp to its cost. If you have a ne gative m odifie r due to low Stre ngth,
apply it to dam age rolls whe n you use a com posite longbow. A com posite longbow fire s arrows.
For the purpose s of W e apon Proficie ncy and sim ilar fe ats, a com posite longbow is tre ate d as if it we re a longbow.
Dark wood
This rare m agic wood is as hard as norm al wood but ve ry light. Any woode n or m ostly woode n ite m (such as a bow or spe ar)
m ade from dark wood is conside re d a m aste rwork ite m and we ighs only half as m uch as a norm al woode n ite m of that type .
Ite m s not norm ally m ade of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battle ax e or a m ace ) e ithe r cannot be m ade from
dark wood or do not gain any spe cial be ne fit from be ing m ade of dark wood. The arm or che ck pe nalty of a dark wood shie ld is
le sse ne d by 2 com pare d to an ordinary shie ld of its type . To de te rm ine the price of a dark wood ite m , use the original we ight but
add 10 gp pe r pound to the price of a m aste rwork ve rsion of that ite m . Dark wood has 10 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and
hardne ss 5.
This ability can only be place d on com posite bows. An adaptive bow re sponds to the stre ngth of its wie lde r, acting as a bow
with a stre ngth rating e qual to its wie lde r’s Stre ngth bonus. The wie lde r can fire it with a le sse r Stre ngth bonus (and cause le ss
dam age ) if de sire d.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, warp wood; C ost +500 gp
+2 Darkwood light wooden quickdraw shield
A woode n quick draw shie ld is e sse ntially the sam e as a ste e l quick draw shie ld, e x ce pt it re sponds diffe re ntly to som e spe lls
and e ffe cts (such as rusting grasp). A druid can use a he avy woode n quick draw shie ld, but not a ste e l quick draw shie ld.
This light shie ld is spe cially crafte d with a se rie s of straps to allow a characte r proficie nt in shie lds to re ady or stow it on his or
he r back quick ly and e asily. If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or highe r, you m ay don or put away a quick draw shie ld as a
swift action com bine d with a re gular m ove . If you have the Two-W e apon Fighting fe at, you can draw a light or one -hande d
we apon with one hand and a quick draw shie ld with the othe r in the tim e it would norm ally tak e you to draw one we apon. If you
have the Q uick Draw fe at, you m ay don or put away a quick draw shie ld as a fre e action.
Dark wood
This rare m agic wood is as hard as norm al wood but ve ry light. Any woode n or m ostly woode n ite m (such as a bow or spe ar)
m ade from dark wood is conside re d a m aste rwork ite m and we ighs only half as m uch as a norm al woode n ite m of that type .
Ite m s not norm ally m ade of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battle ax e or a m ace ) e ithe r cannot be m ade from
dark wood or do not gain any spe cial be ne fit from be ing m ade of dark wood. The arm or che ck pe nalty of a dark wood shie ld is
le sse ne d by 2 com pare d to an ordinary shie ld of its type . To de te rm ine the price of a dark wood ite m , use the original we ight but
add 10 gp pe r pound to the price of a m aste rwork ve rsion of that ite m . Dark wood has 10 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and
hardne ss 5.
+2 falcata
This he avy blade has a single sharp e dge , concave at the bottom and conve x at the top, with a hook -shape d hilt. Its shape
distribute s the we ight to give it the m om e ntum of an ax e with the cutting e dge of a sword, m uch lik e a large r ve rsion of a k uk ri.
The hook e d hilt is som e tim e s carve d to re se m ble the he ad of a horse or bird of pre y, and m ay have a thin chain stre tche d
across its ope ning, acting as a partial guard for the hand and finge rs.
+2 Mithral full plate (Arm or)
This m e tal suit com prise s m ultiple pie ce s of inte rconne cte d and ove rlaying m e tal plate s, incorporating the be ne fits of
num e rous type s of le sse r arm or. A com ple te suit of full plate (or plate m ail, as it is ofte n calle d) include s gauntle ts, he avy
le athe r boots, a visore d he lm e t, and a thick laye r of padding that is worn unde rne ath the arm or. Each suit of full plate m ust be
individually fitte d to its owne r by a m aste r arm orsm ith, although a capture d suit can be re size d to fit a ne w owne r at a cost of
200 to 800 (2d4x 100) gold pie ce s.
Mithral is a rare , silve ry m e tal that is lighte r than ste e l but just as hard. W he n work e d lik e ste e l, it can be use d to cre ate
am azing arm or, and is occasionally use d for othe r ite m s as we ll. Most m ithral arm ors are one cate gory lighte r than norm al for
purpose s of m ove m e nt and othe r lim itations. He avy arm ors are tre ate d as m e dium , and m e dium arm ors are tre ate d as light,
but light arm ors are still tre ate d as light. This de cre ase doe s not apply to proficie ncy in we aring the arm or. A characte r we aring
m ithral full plate m ust be proficie nt in we aring he avy arm or to avoid adding the arm or's che ck pe nalty on all his attack rolls and
sk ill che ck s that involve m oving. Spe ll failure chance s for arm ors and shie lds m ade from m ithral are de cre ase d by 10%,
m ax im um De x te rity bonuse s are incre ase d by 2, and arm or che ck pe naltie s are de cre ase d by 3 (to a m inim um of 0).
An ite m m ade from m ithral we ighs half as m uch as the sam e ite m m ade from othe r m e tals. In the case of we apons, this
lighte r we ight doe s not change a we apon's size cate gory or the e ase with which it can be wie lde d (whe the r it is light, one hande d, or two-hande d). Ite m s not prim arily of m e tal are not m e aningfully affe cte d by be ing partially m ade of m ithral. (A
longsword can be a m ithral we apon, while a quarte rstaff cannot.) Mithral we apons count as silve r for the purpose of ove rcom ing
dam age re duction.
W e apons and arm ors fashione d from m ithral are always m aste rwork ite m s as we ll; the m aste rwork cost is include d in the
price s give n be low. Mithral has 30 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and hardne ss 15.
A mulet of natural armor +1 (Ne ck )
This am ule t, usually containing som e type of m agically pre se rve d m onste r hide or othe r natural arm or - such as bone , horn,
carapace , or be ast scale s - toughe ns the we are r's body and fle sh, giving him an e nhance m e nt bonus to his natural arm or of +1.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , bark sk in, cre ator’s caste r le ve l m ust be at le ast thre e tim e s the am ule t’s
bonus; C ost 1,000 gp
An arrow use d as a m e le e we apon is tre ate d as a light im provise d we apon (–4 pe nalty on attack rolls) and de als dam age as
a dagge r of its size (critical m ultiplie r ×2). Arrows com e in a le athe r quive r that holds 20 arrows.
Belt of physical perfection +2 (Be lt)
This be lt has a large platinum buck le , usually de picting the im age of a titan. The be lt grants the we are r an e nhance m e nt
bonus to all physical ability score s (Stre ngth, De x te rity, and C onstitution) of +2. Tre at this as a te m porary ability bonus for the
first 24 hours the be lt is worn.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , be ar’s e ndurance , bull’s stre ngth, cat’s grace ; C ost 8,000 gp
Cloak of resistance +1 (Shoulde rs)
Fle ck s of silve r or ste e l are ofte n sown am id the fabric of the se m agical cloak s. This garm e nt offe rs m agic prote ction in the
form of a +1 re sistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude , R e fle x , and W ill).
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , re sistance , cre ator’s caste r le ve l m ust be at le ast thre e tim e s the cloak ’s
bonus; C ost 500 gp
Headband of aerial agility (Int +2) (Perception) (He adband)
This he adband is de corate d with fe athe rs from a num be r of colorful birds. It grants boons to flying m agic, and m ore powe rful
ve rsions grant the powe r of flight. The we are r of a he adband of ae rial agility +2 tre ats his caste r le ve l as if it we re one le ve l
highe r whe n casting spe lls or cre ating e x tracts that grant flight. A he adband of ae rial agility +4 gains the sam e be ne fits and, on
com m and, grants the we are r the ability to fly (as the fly spe ll) thre e tim e s pe r day. A he adband of ae rial agility +6 functions lik e
a +4 ve rsion, but the he adband grants the ability to use fly at will.
All ve rsions also grant the we are r an e nhance m e nt bonus to one m e ntal ability score (Inte llige nce , W isdom , or C harism a) of
+2, +4, or +6. Tre at this as a te m porary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the he adband is worn. This bonus is chose n whe n
the he adband is cre ate d and cannot be change d. If the he adband grants a bonus to Inte llige nce , it also grants sk ill rank s as a
he adband of vast inte llige nce , usually granting rank s in Fly, Acrobatics, or Knowle dge (plane s).
C onstruction R e quire m e nts C raft W ondrous Ite m , Ex te nd Spe ll, fly; C ost 2,250 gp
Ring of protection +1 (R ing)
This ring offe rs continual m agical prote ction in the form of a de fle ction bonus of +1 to AC .
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: Forge R ing, shie ld of faith, caste r m ust be of a le ve l at le ast thre e tim e s the bonus of the ring;
C ost 1,000 gp
Wand of cure light wounds
C ure s 1d8 dam age +1/le ve l (m ax +5).
P31. Erdrinneir Vonnarc
Wizard 12
C haotic Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Wizard)
Drow, Noble
6' 1"
12 +1
24 +7
+4 = 4 + 0
12 +1
15 +2
AC 25
= 10 +
8 = 4 +
11 = 4 +
12 = 8 +
WEAPON [in both hands]
+2 spe ll storing Dark wood quarte rstaff
Skill Name
Situational Modif iers
A ll Saves: +2 vs . enc hantments
18 +4
+ 10
A c robatic s
✓ A pprais e
C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
✓ Fly
H eal
I ntimidate
✓ Knowledge (arc ana)
✓ Knowledge (loc al)
✓ Knowledge (nobility)
✓ Knowledge (planes )
P erc eption
Sens e M otive
✓ Spellc raft
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=I nt
=I nt
=I nt
=I nt
=D ex
=I nt
=D ex
11 + 3
11 + 3
11 + 3
11 + 3
11 + 3
12 + 3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Abyssal • Aklo • Aquan • C ommon • Draconic • Drow Sign
Language • Elven • Goblin • Undercommon
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
4 lbs
26 lbs
53 lbs
80 lbs
Current 220000
Next Level 315000
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Drow Im m unitie s - Sle e p
Elve n Im m unitie s
Spe ll R e sistance (23)
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
Shift (30') (10/day) (Sp)
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp)
De e pe r Dark ne ss (At will) (Sp)
De te ct Magic (C onstant) (Sp)
Dispe l Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Fae rie Fire (At will) (Sp)
Fe athe rfall (At will) (Sp)
Le vitate (At will) (Sp)
Sugge stion (1/day) (Sp)
Arcane Bond (+2 spe ll storing Dark wood quarte rstaff) (1/day)
Dim e nsional Ste ps (360'/day) (72 5-ft inc/day) (Sp)
Poison Use (Ex )
Spe ll Storing
Sum m one r's C harm (+6 rds) (Su)
Te le portation
Arcane Bond (+2 spe ll storing Dark wood
quarte rstaff) (1/day) (Sp)
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp)
Dim e nsional Ste ps (360'/day) (72 5-ft inc/day)
Dispe l Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Fe athe r Fall (C onstant)
Potion of cure se rious wounds
Shift (30') (10/day) (Sp)
Sugge stion (1/day) (Sp)
W and of m agic m issile
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +2 spe ll storing Dark wood quarte rstaff
2 lbs
1 Brace rs of arm or +5
1 lb
1 lb
C loak of re sistance +3
Potion of cure se rious wounds
R ing of fe athe r falling
R ing of prote ction +2
Scroll of fly (C L 8th)
W and of m agic m issile
9,000 gp
1,500 gp
2,200 gp
8,000 gp
600 gp
6,750 gp
C om bat C asting
C raft W and
C raft W ondrous Ite m
Dazing Spe ll
Gre ate r Spe ll Pe ne tration
Scribe Scroll
Sick e ning Spe ll
Sile nt Spe ll
Spe ll Pe ne tration
W izard W e apon Proficie ncie s
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Spell Level: 0
Casts Per Day: 4
0 Arcane Mark
Casting Time
1 action
17 No
60 ft.
17 No
De te ct Magic
1 action
Me ssage
1 action
Fe athe r Fall
1 im m e diate
Magic Missile
1 action
Shie ld
1 action
Shock ing Grasp (x 2) 1 action
1 action
1* Mage Arm or
1 action
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
1 action
Pe rsonal or touch
Invisibility (x 2)
Scorching R ay (x 2)
2* Glitte rdust
1 action
1 action
Dispe l Magic
1 action
Fire ball (x 2)
1 action
Hold Pe rson
1 action
Sum m on Monste r
III (x 2)
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
1 round
Dim e nsion Door
1 action
Ene rvation
1 action
False Life , Gre ate r
1 action
Sum m on Monste r IV 1 round
4* Sum m on Monste r IV 1 round
C loudk ill (x 2)
1 action
Sum m on Monste r V 1 round
W all of Force
1 action
5* Sum m on Monste r V 1 round
Disinte grate
1 action
Dispe l Magic,
Gre ate r
1 action
Sugge stion, Mass
1 action
6* Sum m on Monste r VI 1 round
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rm ane nt
C once ntration, up to 1
m in./le ve l (D)
17 No
10 m in./le ve l
18 Ye s (obje ct)
Until landing or 1 round/le ve l
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
1 m in./le ve l (D)
Instantane ous
18 No
Instantane ous
18 No
Ye s (harm le ss) or ye s
(harm le ss, obje ct)
1 hour/le ve l (D)
19 Ye s
Instantane ous
19 No
1 round/le ve l
20 No
Instantane ous
20 Ye s
Instantane ous
20 Ye s
1 round/le ve l (D); se e te x t
20 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
20 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
21 No and ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
21 Ye s
Instantane ous
21 -
Spe cial; Se e Te x t
21 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
21 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
22 No
1 m in./le ve l
22 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
22 No
1 round /le ve l (D)
22 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
23 Ye s
Instantane ous
23 No
Instantane ous
23 Ye s
1 hour/le ve l or until
com ple te d
23 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
1 m in./le ve l (D)
Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
Drow Immunities - Sleep
You are im m une to m agic sle e p e ffe cts.
Elven Immunities
+2 save bonus vs Enchantm e nts.
Spell Resistance (23)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Shift (30') (10/day) (Sp)
At 1st le ve l, you can te le port to a ne arby space as a swift action as if using dim e nsion door. This m ove m e nt doe s not
provok e an attack of opportunity. You m ust be able to se e the space that you are m oving into. You cannot tak e othe r cre ature s
with you whe n you use this ability (e x ce pt for fam iliars). You can m ove 5 fe e t for e ve ry two wizard le ve ls you posse ss (m inim um
5 fe e t). You can use this ability a num be r of tim e s pe r day e qual to 3 + your Inte llige nce m odifie r.
Dancing Lights (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Deeper Darkness (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Detect Magic (Constant) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Dispel Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Faerie Fire (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Featherfall (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Levitate (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Suggestion (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
A rcane Bond (+2 spell storing Darkwood quarterstaff) (1/day) (Sp)
W izards who se le ct a bonde d obje ct be gin play with one at no cost. O bje cts that are the subje ct of an arcane bond m ust fall
into one of the following cate gorie s: am ule t, ring, staff, wand, or we apon. The se obje cts are always m aste rwork quality.
W e apons acquire d at 1st le ve l are not m ade of any spe cial m ate rial. If the obje ct is an am ule t or ring, it m ust be worn to have
e ffe ct, while stave s, wands, and we apons m ust be he ld in one hand. If a wizard atte m pts to cast a spe ll without his bonde d
obje ct worn or in hand, he m ust m ak e a conce ntration che ck or lose the spe ll. The DC for this che ck is e qual to 20 + the spe ll's
le ve l. If the obje ct is a ring or am ule t, it occupie s the ring or ne ck slot accordingly.
A bonde d obje ct can be use d once pe r day to cast any one spe ll that the wizard has in his spe llbook and is capable of
casting, e ve n if the spe ll is not pre pare d. This spe ll is tre ate d lik e any othe r spe ll cast by the wizard, including casting tim e ,
duration, and othe r e ffe cts de pe nde nt on the wizard's le ve l. This spe ll cannot be m odifie d by m e tam agic fe ats or othe r abilitie s.
The bonde d obje ct cannot be use d to cast spe lls from the wizard's opposition schools (se e arcane school).
A wizard can add additional m agic abilitie s to his bonde d obje ct as if he has the re quire d ite m cre ation fe ats and if he m e e ts
the le ve l pre re quisite s of the fe at. For e x am ple , a wizard with a bonde d dagge r m ust be at le ast 5th le ve l to add m agic abilitie s
to the dagge r (se e the C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or fe at in C hapte r 5). If the bonde d obje ct is a wand, it lose s its wand abilitie s
whe n its last charge is consum e d, but it is not de stroye d and it re tains all of its bonde d obje ct prope rtie s and can be use d to
craft a ne w wand. The m agic prope rtie s of a bonde d obje ct, including any m agic abilitie s adde d to the obje ct, only function for
the wizard who owns it. If a bonde d obje ct's owne r die s, or the ite m is re place d, the obje ct re ve rts to be ing an ordinary
m aste rwork ite m of the appropriate type .
If a bonde d obje ct is dam age d, it is re store d to full hit points the ne x t tim e the wizard pre pare s his spe lls. If the obje ct of
an arcane bond is lost or de stroye d, it can be re place d afte r 1 we e k in a spe cial ritual that costs 200 gp pe r wizard le ve l plus the
cost of the m aste rwork ite m . This ritual tak e s 8 hours to com ple te . Ite m s re place d in this way do not posse ss any of the
additional e nchantm e nts of the pre vious bonde d ite m . A wizard can de signate an e x isting m agic ite m as his bonde d ite m . This
functions in the sam e way as re placing a lost or de stroye d ite m e x ce pt that the ne w m agic ite m re tains its abilitie s while gaining
the be ne fits and drawback s of be com ing a bonde d ite m .
Note: If your bonde d obje ct doe s not have any othe r powe rs or prope rtie s ye t, the re are powe r-le ss ve rsions of the wand,
staff, ring, and am ule t available on the m agic tab.
Dimensional Steps (360'/day) (72 5-ft inc/day) (Sp)
At 8th le ve l, you can use this ability to te le port up to 30 fe e t pe r wizard le ve l pe r day as a standard action. This te le portation
m ust be use d in 5-foot incre m e nts and such m ove m e nt doe s not provok e an attack of opportunity. You can bring othe r willing
cre ature s with you, but you m ust e x pe nd an e qual am ount of distance for e ach additional cre ature brought with you.
Note: Each usage on the In-Play tab re pre se nts 5' of m ove m e nt use d.
You m ust spe nd 2 slots to cast spe lls from the Divination school.
You m ust spe nd 2 slots to cast spe lls from the Illusion school.
Poison Use (Ex)
You do not risk poisoning yourse lf accide ntally while poisoning a we apon.
Spell Storing
A spe ll storing we apon allows a spe llcaste r to store a single targe te d spe ll of up to 3rd le ve l in the we apon. (The spe ll m ust
have a casting tim e of 1 standard action.) Any tim e the we apon strik e s a cre ature and the cre ature tak e s dam age from it, the
we apon can im m e diate ly cast the spe ll on that cre ature as a fre e action if the wie lde r de sire s. (This spe cial ability is an
e x ce ption to the ge ne ral rule that casting a spe ll from an ite m tak e s at le ast as long as casting that spe ll norm ally.) O nce the
spe ll has be e n cast from the we apon, a spe llcaste r can cast any othe r targe te d spe ll of up to 3rd le ve l into it. The we apon
m agically im parts to the wie lde r the nam e of the spe ll curre ntly store d within it. A random ly rolle d spe ll storing we apon has a
50% chance to have a spe ll store d in it alre ady.
C onstruction
R e quire m e nts: C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, cre ator m ust be a caste r of at le ast 12th le ve l; C ost +1 Bonus
Summoner's Charm (+6 rds) (Su)
W he ne ve r you cast a conjuration (sum m oning) spe ll, incre ase the duration by a num be r of rounds e qual to 1/2 your wizard
le ve l (m inim um 1). At 20th le ve l, you can change the duration of all sum m on m onste r spe lls to pe rm ane nt. You can have no
m ore than one sum m on m onste r spe ll m ade pe rm ane nt in this way at one tim e . If you de signate anothe r sum m on m onste r
spe ll as pe rm ane nt, the pre vious spe ll im m e diate ly e nds.
Associate d School: C onjuration
Combat Casting
You are ade pt at spe llcasting whe n thre ate ne d or distracte d.
Benefit: You ge t a +4 bonus on conce ntration che ck s m ade to cast a spe ll or use a spe ll-lik e ability whe n casting on the
de fe nsive or while grapple d.
Craft Wand (Ite m C re ation)
You can cre ate m agic wands.
Prerequisite: C aste r le ve l 5th.
Benefit: You can cre ate a wand of any 4th-le ve l or lowe r spe ll that you k now. C rafting a wand tak e s 1 day for e ach 1,000 gp
in its base price . To craft a wand, you m ust use up raw m ate rials costing half of this base price . A ne wly cre ate d wand has 50
charge s. Se e the m agic ite m cre ation rule s in Magic Ite m s for m ore inform ation.
Craft Wondrous Item (Ite m C re ation)
You can cre ate wondrous ite m s, a type of m agic ite m .
Prerequisite: C aste r le ve l 3rd.
Benefit: You can cre ate a wide varie ty of m agic wondrous ite m s. C rafting a wondrous ite m tak e s 1 day for e ach 1,000 gp in
its price . To cre ate a wondrous ite m , you m ust use up raw m ate rials costing half of its base price . Se e the m agic ite m cre ation
rule s in Magic Ite m s for m ore inform ation.
You can also m e nd a brok e n wondrous ite m if it is one that you could m ak e . Doing so costs half the raw m ate rials and half
the tim e it would tak e to craft that ite m .
Dazing Spell (Me tam agic)
You can daze cre ature s with the powe r of your spe lls.
Benefit: You can m odify a spe ll to daze a cre ature dam age d by the spe ll. W he n a cre ature tak e s dam age from this spe ll,
the y be com e daze d for a num be r of rounds e qual to the original le ve l of the spe ll. If the spe ll allows a saving throw, a
succe ssful save ne gate s the daze e ffe ct. If the spe ll doe s not allow a save , the targe t can m ak e a W ill save to ne gate the daze
e ffe ct. If the spe ll e ffe ct also cause s the cre ature to be com e daze d, the duration of this m e tam agic e ffe ct is adde d to the
duration of the spe ll. A dazing spe ll use s up a spe ll slot thre e le ve ls highe r than the spe ll’s actual le ve l. Spe lls that do not inflict
dam age do not be ne fit from this fe at.
Greater Spell Penetration
Your spe lls bre ak through spe ll re sistance m uch m ore e asily than m ost.
Prerequisite: Spe ll Pe ne tration.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on caste r le ve l che ck s (1d20 + caste r le ve l) m ade to ove rcom e a cre ature 's spe ll re sistance .
This bonus stack s with the one from Spe ll Pe ne tration.
Scribe Scroll (Ite m C re ation)
You can cre ate m agic scrolls.
Prerequisite: C aste r le ve l 1st.
Benefit: You can cre ate a scroll of any spe ll that you k now. Scribing a scroll tak e s 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or le ss,
othe rwise scribing a scroll tak e s 1 day for e ach 1,000 gp in its base price . To scribe a scroll, you m ust use up raw m ate rials
costing half of this base price . Se e the m agic ite m cre ation rule s in Magic Ite m s for m ore inform ation.
Sickening Spell (Me tam agic)
You can sick e n cre ature s with your spe lls.
Benefit: You can m odify a spe ll to sick e n a cre ature dam age d by the spe ll. W he n a cre ature tak e s dam age from this spe ll,
the y be com e sick e ne d for a num be r of rounds e qual to the original le ve l of the spe ll. If the spe ll allows a saving throw, a
succe ssful save ne gate s the sick e ning e ffe ct. If the spe ll doe s not allow a save , the targe t can m ak e a Fortitude save to ne gate
the sick e ning e ffe ct. If the spe ll e ffe ct also cause s the cre ature to be com e sick e ne d, the duration of this m e tam agic e ffe ct is
adde d on to the duration of the spe ll. A sick e ning spe ll use s up a spe ll slot two le ve ls highe r than the spe ll’s actual le ve l.
Spe lls that do not inflict dam age do not be ne fit from this fe at.
Silent Spell (Me tam agic)
You can cast your spe lls without m ak ing any sound.
Benefit: A sile nt spe ll can be cast with no ve rbal com pone nts. Spe lls without ve rbal com pone nts are not affe cte d. A sile nt
spe ll use s up a spe ll slot one le ve l highe r than the spe ll's actual le ve l.
Special: Bard spe lls cannot be e nhance d by this fe at.
Spell Penetration
Your spe lls bre ak through spe ll re sistance m ore e asily than m ost.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on caste r le ve l che ck s (1d20 + caste r le ve l) m ade to ove rcom e a cre ature 's spe ll re sistance .
Wizard Weapon Proficiencies
Benefit: You are proficie nt with the Dagge r, C rossbow (Light and He avy) and Q uarte rstaff.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
+2 spell storing Darkwood quarterstaff
A quarte rstaff is a sim ple pie ce of wood, about 5 fe e t in le ngth. In battle , it's he ld with one hand at the butt and the othe r a
quarte r of the way up the staff, allowing it to block blows and m ak e quick strik e s.
Dark wood
This rare m agic wood is as hard as norm al wood but ve ry light. Any woode n or m ostly woode n ite m (such as a bow or spe ar)
m ade from dark wood is conside re d a m aste rwork ite m and we ighs only half as m uch as a norm al woode n ite m of that type .
Ite m s not norm ally m ade of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battle ax e or a m ace ) e ithe r cannot be m ade from
dark wood or do not gain any spe cial be ne fit from be ing m ade of dark wood. The arm or che ck pe nalty of a dark wood shie ld is
le sse ne d by 2 com pare d to an ordinary shie ld of its type . To de te rm ine the price of a dark wood ite m , use the original we ight but
add 10 gp pe r pound to the price of a m aste rwork ve rsion of that ite m . Dark wood has 10 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and
hardne ss 5.
Spe ll Storing
A spe ll storing we apon allows a spe llcaste r to store a single targe te d spe ll of up to 3rd le ve l in the we apon. (The spe ll m ust
have a casting tim e of 1 standard action.) Any tim e the we apon strik e s a cre ature and the cre ature tak e s dam age from it, the
we apon can im m e diate ly cast the spe ll on that cre ature as a fre e action if the wie lde r de sire s. (This spe cial ability is an
e x ce ption to the ge ne ral rule that casting a spe ll from an ite m tak e s at le ast as long as casting that spe ll norm ally.) O nce the
spe ll has be e n cast from the we apon, a spe llcaste r can cast any othe r targe te d spe ll of up to 3rd le ve l into it. The we apon
m agically im parts to the wie lde r the nam e of the spe ll curre ntly store d within it. A random ly rolle d spe ll storing we apon has a
50% chance to have a spe ll store d in it alre ady.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, cre ator m ust be a caste r of at le ast 12th le ve l; C ost +1 Bonus
Bracers of armor +5 (W rist)
The se ite m s appe ar to be wrist or arm guards, som e tim e s e tche d with sym bols of prote ction or de pictions of vigilant-look ing
anim als. Brace rs of arm or surround the we are r with an invisible but tangible fie ld of force , granting him an arm or bonus of +5,
just as though he we re we aring arm or. Both brace rs of arm or m ust be worn for the m agic to be e ffe ctive .
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , m age arm or, cre ator’s caste r le ve l m ust be at le ast two tim e s that of the
bonus place d in the brace rs; C ost 12,500 gp
Cloak of resistance +3 (Shoulde rs)
Fle ck s of silve r or ste e l are ofte n sown am id the fabric of the se m agical cloak s. This garm e nt offe rs m agic prote ction in the
form of a +3 re sistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude , R e fle x , and W ill).
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , re sistance , cre ator’s caste r le ve l m ust be at le ast thre e tim e s the cloak ’s
bonus; C ost 4,500 gp
Potion of cure serious wounds
C ure s 3d8 dam age +1/le ve l (m ax +15).
Ring of feather falling (R ing)
This ring is crafte d with a fe athe r patte rn all around its e dge . It acts e x actly lik e a fe athe r fall spe ll, activate d im m e diate ly if
the we are r falls m ore than 5 fe e t.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: Forge R ing, fe athe r fall; C ost 1,100 gp
Ring of protection +2 (R ing)
This ring offe rs continual m agical prote ction in the form of a de fle ction bonus of +2 to AC .
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: Forge R ing, shie ld of faith, caste r m ust be of a le ve l at le ast thre e tim e s the bonus of the ring;
C ost 4,000 gp
Scroll of fly (CL 8th)
Fly, W ill ne gate s (harm le ss) (DC 14)
The subje ct can fly at a spe e d of 60 fe e t (or 40 fe e t if it we ars m e dium or he avy arm or, or if it carrie s a m e dium or he avy
load). It can asce nd at half spe e d and de sce nd at double spe e d, and its m ane uve rability is good. Using a fly spe ll re quire s only
as m uch conce ntration as walk ing, so the subje ct can attack or cast spe lls norm ally. The subje ct of a fly spe ll can charge but not
run, and it cannot carry aloft m ore we ight than its m ax im um load, plus any arm or it we ars. The subje ct gains a bonus on Fly
sk ill che ck s e qual to 1/2 your caste r le ve l. Should the spe ll duration e x pire while the subje ct is still aloft, the m agic fails slowly.
The subje ct floats downward 60 fe e t pe r round for 1d6 rounds. If it re ache s the ground in that am ount of tim e , it lands safe ly. If
not, it falls the re st of the distance , tak ing 1d6 points of dam age pe r 10 fe e t of fall. Since dispe lling a spe ll e ffe ctive ly e nds it,
the subje ct also de sce nds safe ly in this way if the fly spe ll is dispe lle d, but not if it is ne gate d by an antim agic fie ld.
Wand of magic missile
(C aste r Le ve l 9th)
1d4+1 dam age ; +1 m issile pe r two le ve ls above 1st (m ax 5).
Casting Time
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
17 No
Instantane ous
17 No
Pe rm ane nt
17 Ye s
Instantane ous
17 Ye s
1 hour (D)
10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
17 No
1 m inute (D)
17 Ye s
1 round
17 Ye s
1 round
60 ft.
17 No
C once ntration, up to 1
m in./le ve l (D)
17 No
Instantane ous
17 Ye s
Instantane ous
17 O bje ct Ye s
1 round
17 Ye s
Instantane ous
17 Ye s
Instantane ous
17 No
10 m in./le ve l
17 No
C once ntration
17 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
Instantane ous
17 No
10 m in./le ve l
17 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
17 Ye s
17 No
10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
1 hour
17 Ye s
Instantane ous
17 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 m inute
C once ntration, up to 1
m inute /le ve l
Acid Splash
1 action
Arcane Mark
1 action
Ble e d
1 action
Bre e ze
1 action
C ham e le on Scale s 1 action
Dancing Lights
1 action
1 action
1 action
De te ct Magic
1 action
De te ct Poison
1 action
Disrupt Unde ad
1 action
Dre nch
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
Mage Hand
1 action
Me nding
10 m inute s
Me ssage
1 action
O pe n/C lose
1 action
Pe num bra
Pre stidigitation
1 action
1 action
R ay of Frost
1 action
R e sistance
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
10 ft.
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
10 ft.
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Scrive ne r's C hant
1 action
5 ft.
Sotto Voce
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
Touch of Fatigue
Alche m ical
Tink e ring
Alte r W inds
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
1 m inute
Anim ate R ope
1 action
Ant Haul
Anticipate Pe ril
Be d of Iron
Ble nd
Blood Mone y
Bre ak
1 action
1 action
Burning Disarm
1 action
Burning Hands
1 action
C ause Fe ar
1 action
C harm Pe rson
1 action
C hastise
C hill Touch
C larion C all
C olor Spray
C om pre he nd
Language s
C orrosive Touch
C rafte r's C urse
1 action
C rafte r's Fortune
1 action
1 action
C ultural
17 Ye s (obje ct)
17 Ye s
1+ R ounds
17 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
17 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
18 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Pe rsonal
0 ft.
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
15 ft.
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
15 ft.
18 Ye s
1 hour/le ve l
18 No
1 round/le ve l
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
18 Ye s
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
2 hours/le ve l
1 m inute /le ve l or until activate d
8 hours
10 m inute s/le ve l
Instantane ous
18 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
C once ntration + 2 rounds or
until trigge re d
18 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
1d4 rounds or 1 round; se e te x t
18 Ye s
1 hour/le ve l
18 Ye s
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
18 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l
Instantane ous
10 m inute s/le ve l
Instantane ous; se e te x t
1 action
Pe rsonal
10 m in./le ve l
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
1 day/le ve l (D)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 day/le ve l or until discharge d
Pe rsonal
18 -
10 m inute s pe r le ve l
swift action
Dam p Powde r
1 action
Dancing Lante rn
Dazzling Blade
De com pose
C orpse
1 action
1 Swift Action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
1 action
18 Ye s (obje ct)
18 Ye s
18 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
18 No
18 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
1 hour/le ve l (D)
1 m inute /le ve l
Instantane ous or 1 m inute ; se e
te x t
De lusional Pride
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
De te ct C harm
1 action
60 ft.
18 No
De te ct Se cre t
1 action
60 ft.
18 No
De te ct Unde ad
1 action
60 ft.
18 No
1 action
Disguise Se lf
Ear-Pie rcing
Scre am
Em blazon C re st
Endure Ele m e nts
Enlarge Pe rson
1 round
Enlarge Tail
1 action
1 action
Pe rsonal
C lose (25
le ve ls)
C lose (25
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
C lose (25
le ve ls)
C lose (25
le ve ls)
1 action
1 action
1 action
Ex pe ditious
Ex cavation
Ex pe ditious
R e tre at
Fabricate Bulle ts
Fe athe r Fall
Flare Burst
1 action
Floating Disk
1 action
Force d Q uie t
1 action
Gravity Bow
1 action
Gre ase
1 action
Hold Portal
1 action
Hydraulic Push
1 action
1 round
Icicle Dagge r
Ide ntify
Illusion of C alm
Infe rnal He aling
Inte rrogation
Jum p
Jury-R ig
Ke e p W atch
Ki Arrow
Kre ighton's
Pe rusal
Libe rating
C om m and
Lighte n O bje ct
1 action
Lock Gaze
1 action
Mage Arm or
Magic Aura
1 action
1 action
1 action
Magic Missile
1 action
Magic W e apon
Marid's Maste ry
1 action
1 action
Me m ory Lapse
1 action
Mirror Strik e
Mom e nt of
Gre atne ss
1 action
1 action
1 round
Mud Ball
1 action
Ne gative R e action 1 action
1 action
+ 5 ft./2
+ 5 ft./2
+ 5 ft./2
+ 5 ft./2
1 m inute
C once ntration, up to 1
m inute /le ve l (D)
C once ntration, up to 1
m in./le ve l (D)
C once ntration, up to 1
m inute /le ve l (D)
10 m in./le ve l (D)
18 Ye s
Instantane ous; se e te x t
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 hour/le ve l
24 hours
18 Ye s
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 hour/le ve l
18 No
Instantane ous
18 No
Instantane ous
1 action
Pe rsonal
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 round
1 im m e diate
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
0 ft.
60 ft.
Pe rsonal
18 No
Instantane ous
18 Ye s (obje ct)
Until landing or 1 round/le ve l
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 No
1 hour/le ve l
18 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
1 m inute /le ve l (D)
18 No
1 m in./le ve l (D)
18 No
1 m in./le ve l (D)
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
2d4 rounds (D)
18 No
18 No
18 No
18 Ye s
18 Ye s
18 Ye s
18 Ye s
18 Ye s
18 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l
3 rounds/le ve l (D)
1 m inute /le ve l
1 m inute
1 m inute /le ve l
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 round/le ve l
8 hours or le ss; se e te x t
Instantane ous
18 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
Instantane ous
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
Instantane ous
18 Ye s (obje cts)
1 m inute /le ve l
18 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
18 No
18 No
1 m inute /le ve l
1 hour/le ve l (D)
1 day/le ve l (D)
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 m in./le ve l
1 m inute /le ve l
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
Pe rsonal
50 ft.
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
Se e te x t
1 m inute /le ve l or until
discharge d
1 action
Im m e diate
C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
18 No
le ve ls)
C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
18 No
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
18 Ye s
le ve ls)
(harm le ss)
(harm le ss, obje ct)
(harm le ss)
(obje ct)
2 hours/le ve l (D)
Instantane ous
1 round/le ve l
O bscuring Mist
Patte rn
R e cognition
1 action
20 ft.
18 No
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 round
Pe rsonal
18 no
10 m in./le ve l
Pe ace bond
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
18 Ye s (obje ct)
1 m inute /le ve l
1 action
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
Instantane ous
1 action
Pe rsonal
Se e be low
1 action
18 No; se e te x t
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 action
18 No; se e te x t
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 action
18 No; se e te x t
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 action
18 No; se e te x t
1 m in./le ve l (D)
18 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
18 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
Pe tule ngro’s
Panace a
Prote ction from
C haos
Prote ction from
Prote ction from
Prote ction from
R ay of
Enfe e ble m e nt
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
R ay of Sick e ning
1 action
R e charge Innate
1 action
Pe rsonal
Instantane ous
R e duce Pe rson
1 round
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
18 Ye s
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 action
18 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
10 m inute s/le ve l
1 action
1 action
1 action
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
0 ft.
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
10 ft.
Pe rsonal
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
18 No
18 No
Instantane ous
Instantane ous
1/round pe r le ve l
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l
1 m in./le ve l (D)
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 hour/le ve l (D)
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
18 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l (D)
1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Instantane ous
18 No
C once ntration
18 Ye s
1 m in./le ve l
18 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
18 No
Instantane ous
18 No
Instantane ous
18 Ye s.
Pe rm ane nt
1 m inute /le ve l (D)
0 ft.
18 No
1 round
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
18 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 m inute /le ve l
19 No
1 round/le ve l
Pe rsonal or touch
R e inforce
Arm am e nts
R e store C orpse
Sculpt C orpse
Se e Alignm e nt
Se rre n's Swift
Shadow W e apon
Shie ld
Shie ld C om panion 1 action
Shie ld Spe e ch
Shock Shie ld
Shock ing Grasp
1 action
1 action
1 action
Sile nt Im age
1 action
Sle e p
1 round
1 action
1 action
1 action
Fire work s
Snow Shape
1 action
Sow Thought
1 action
Stone Fist
Stone Shie ld
Strong W ings
1 action
1 im m e diate
1 action
Glitte rdust
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
Scorching R ay
1 action
Dispe l Magic
1 action
Fire ball
1 action
Hold Pe rson
1 action
Lightning Bolt
1 action
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
Dim e nsion Door
1 action
Ene rvation
1 action
False Life , Gre ate r 1 action
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
C loudk ill
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
1 action
W all of Force
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
120 ft.
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Ye s (harm le ss) or ye s
(harm le ss, obje ct)
1 m in./le ve l (D)
19 Ye s
Instantane ous
20 No
Instantane ous
20 Ye s
Instantane ous
20 Ye s
1 round/le ve l (D); se e te x t
20 Ye s
Instantane ous
20 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
21 No and ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
21 Ye s
Instantane ous
21 -
Spe cial; Se e Te x t
21 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
22 No
1 m in./le ve l
22 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
22 No
1 round /le ve l (D)
Disinte grate
1 action
Dispe l Magic,
Gre ate r
1 action
Sugge stion, Mass 1 action
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
23 Ye s
Instantane ous
23 No
Instantane ous
23 Ye s
1 hour/le ve l or until com ple te d
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
23 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
A cid Splash
School C onjuration, Earth Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne m issile of acid
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You fire a sm all orb of acid at the targe t. You m ust succe e d on a range d touch attack to hit your targe t. The orb de als 1d3
points of acid dam age . This acid disappe ars afte r 1 round.
A lchemical Tinkering
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target Fire arm or alche m ical ite m touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s
You transform one alche m ical ite m or fire arm into anothe r alche m ical ite m or fire arm of the sam e or le sse r cost. Magic ite m s
are unaffe cte d by this spe ll. At the e nd of the spe ll's duration, alche m ical ite m s use d while transform e d are de stroye d and do
not re turn to a usable state and fire arm s transform e d re ve rt back to the ir original type
A lter Winds
School Transm utation, Air Ele m e ntal, W ood Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 m inute
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
A rea im m obile 10-ft.-radius e m anation
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You subtly e nhance or dim inish the e ffe cts of natural winds within the spe ll's are a, which is an im m obile e m anation around a
point touche d by you as the spe ll is cast. W ithin the are a, natural (but not m agical) wind e ffe cts are e ithe r incre ase d or
de cre ase d by one ste p in inte nsity (C ore R ule book 439). The m ax im um wind force you can affe ct with this spe ll is base d on
your caste r le ve l, as shown on the table be low. Alte r winds has no e ffe ct on m agical wind e ffe cts.
C aste r Le ve l - W ind Force
1st-3rd - Light
4th-9th - Mode rate
10th-15th - Strong
16th or highe r - Se ve re
A nimate Rope
School Transm utation, W ood Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne rope -lik e obje ct, le ngth up to 50 ft. + 5 ft./le ve l; se e te x t
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can anim ate a nonliving rope -lik e obje ct. The m ax im um le ngth assum e s a rope with a 1-inch diam e te r. R e duce the
m ax im um le ngth by 50% for e ve ry additional inch of thick ne ss, and incre ase it by 50% for e ach re duction of the rope 's diam e te r
by half. The possible com m ands are "coil" (form a ne at, coile d stack ), "coil and k not," "loop," "loop and k not," "tie and k not,"
and the opposite s of all of the above ("uncoil," and so forth). You can give one com m and e ach round as a m ove action, as if
dire cting an active spe ll. The rope can e nwrap only a cre ature or an obje ct within 1 foot of it - it doe s not snak e outward - so it
m ust be thrown ne ar the inte nde d targe t. Doing so re quire s a succe ssful range d touch attack roll (range incre m e nt 10 fe e t). A
typical 1-inch-diam e te r he m p rope has 2 hit points, AC 10, and re quire s a DC 23 Stre ngth che ck to burst it. The rope doe s not
de al dam age , but it can be use d as a trip line or to cause a single oppone nt that fails a R e fle x saving throw to be com e
e ntangle d. A cre ature capable of spe llcasting that is bound by this spe ll m ust m ak e a conce ntration che ck with a DC of 15 + the
spe ll's le ve l to cast a spe ll. An e ntangle d cre ature can slip fre e with a DC 20 Escape Artist che ck . The rope itse lf and any k nots
tie d in it are not m agical. The spe ll cannot affe ct obje cts carrie d or worn by a cre ature .
A nt Haul
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target cre ature touche d
Duration 2 hours/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The targe t's carrying capacity triple s (se e Table 7-4: C arrying C apacity on page 171 of the C ore R ule book ). This doe s not affe ct
the cre ature 's actual Stre ngth in any way, m e re ly the am ount of m ate rial it can carry while be ne fiting from this spe ll. It also has
no e ffe ct on e ncum brance due to arm or. If the cre ature we ars arm or it still tak e s the norm al pe naltie s for doing so re gardle ss of
how m uch we ight the spe ll allows it to carry.
A nticipate Peril
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target cre ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l or until activate d
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
A cre ature affe cte d by anticipate pe ril gains a pre te rnatural se nse of dange r. The first tim e during this spe ll's duration that the
targe t has to m ak e an initiative che ck , the cre ature adds an insight bonus on that initiative che ck e qual to the spe ll's caste r
le ve l (m ax im um +5). O nce this bonus applie s, the e ffe cts of the spe ll e nd.
A rcane Mark
School Unive rsal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Effect O ne pe rsonal rune or m ark , all of which m ust fit within 1 sq. ft.
Duration Pe rm ane nt
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll allows you to inscribe your pe rsonal rune or m ark , which can consist of no m ore than six characte rs. The writing can be
visible or invisible . An arcane m ark spe ll e nable s you to e tch the rune upon any substance without harm to the m ate rial upon
which it is place d. If an invisible m ark is m ade , a de te ct m agic spe ll cause s it to glow and be visible , though not ne ce ssarily
unde rstandable .
Se e invisibility, true se e ing, a ge m of se e ing, or a robe of e ye s lik e wise allows the use r to se e an invisible arcane m ark . A
re ad m agic spe ll re ve als the words, if any. The m ark cannot be dispe lle d, but it can be re m ove d by the caste r or by an e rase
spe ll.
If an arcane m ark is place d on a living be ing, the e ffe ct gradually fade s in about a m onth.
Arcane m ark m ust be cast on an obje ct prior to casting instant sum m ons on the sam e obje ct (se e that spe ll de scription for
de tails).
Bed of Iron
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target O ne cre ature touche d/le ve l
Duration 8 hours
Saving Throw Fortitude ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
This spe ll m ak e s e ve n the clunk ie st arm or fe e l soft as silk to the we are r. The subje cts of this spe ll are able to sle e p com fortably
in m e dium or he avy arm or without suffe ring from fatigue the following day.
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne living cre ature
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 17 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cause a living cre ature that is be low 0 hit points but stabilize d to re sum e dying. Upon casting this spe ll, you targe t a living
cre ature that has -1 or fe we r hit points. That cre ature be gins dying, tak ing 1 point of dam age pe r round. The cre ature can be
stabilize d late r norm ally. This spe ll cause s a cre ature that is dying to tak e 1 point of dam age .
School Illusion(Glam e r); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Effect +4 to ste alth as long as you m ove half spe e d or le ss.
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You draw upon your e lve n link to the wilde rne ss to change the coloration of yourse lf and your e quipm e nt to m atch that of your
surroundings. This grants you a +4 circum stance bonus on Ste alth che ck s and allows you to m ak e Ste alth che ck s without cove r
or conce alm e nt, but only while you m ove no m ore than half your base spe e d or le ss. If you m ove m ore than half your base
spe e d on your turn, you gain no be ne fit from this spe ll until the start of your ne x t turn. If you m ak e an attack , this spe ll e nds
(as invisibility).
Blood Money
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 0 ft.
Effect 1 m ate rial com pone nt
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You cast blood m one y just be fore casting anothe r spe ll. As part of this spe ll's casting, you m ust cut one of your hands,
re le asing a stre am of blood that cause s you to tak e 1d6 points of dam age . W he n you cast anothe r spe ll in that sam e round,
your blood transform s into one m ate rial com pone nt of your choice re quire d by that se cond spe ll. Eve n valuable com pone nts
worth m ore than 1 gp can be cre ate d, but cre ating such m ate rial com pone nts re quire s an additional cost of 1 point of Stre ngth
dam age , plus a furthe r point of dam age for e ve ry full 500 gp of the com pone nt's value (so a com pone nt worth 500-999 gp
costs a total of 2 points, 1,000-1,500 costs 3, e tc.). You cannot cre ate m agic ite m s with blood m one y.
For e x am ple , a sorce re r with the spe ll stone sk in pre pare d could cast blood m one y to cre ate the 250 gp worth of diam ond
dust re quire d by that spe ll, tak ing 1d6 points of dam age and 1 point of Stre ngth dam age in the proce ss.
Mate rial com pone nts cre ate d by blood m one y transform back into blood at the e nd of the round if the y have not be e n use d
as a m ate rial com pone nt. Spe llcaste rs who do not have blood cannot cast blood m one y, and those who are im m une to Stre ngth
dam age (such as unde ad spe llcaste rs) cannot use blood m one y to cre ate valuable m ate rial com pone nts.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne Me dium or sm alle r obje ct
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You can atte m pt to bre ak or at le ast dam age any one Me dium or sm alle r obje ct within range . If the targe t fails its Fortitude
saving throw, it gains the brok e n condition. If cast on a brok e n ite m , that ite m is de stroye d on a faile d save .
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature or obje ct
Duration 1 hour (D)
Saving Throw Harm le ss W ill Ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cre ate a light wind that blows against the targe t, from a dire ction of your choice . The bre e ze grants the subje ct a +2 bonus
on save s against ve ry hot conditions, se ve re he at, bre ath we apons, and save s against cloud vapors and gase s (such as
cloudk ill, stink ing cloud, and inhale d poisons). This spe ll doe s not function without air or unde rwate r.
You can only have one bre e ze active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the
pre vious casting is dispe lle d.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one hum anoid
Duration C once ntration + 2 rounds or until trigge re d
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
The targe t tak e s a -20 pe nalty on its ne x t attack roll or che ck that re quire s a d20 roll. The action m ust be one de libe rate ly
tak e n by the targe t on its turn. C re ature s with m ore than 10 HD are unaffe cte d by this spe ll.
Burning Disarm
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target He ld m e tal ite m of one cre ature or 15 lbs. of unatte nde d m e tal
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 R e fle x ne gate s (obje ct, se e te x t);; Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
This spe ll cause s a m e tal obje ct to instantly be com e re d hot. A cre ature holding the ite m m ay atte m pt a R e fle x save to drop it
and tak e no dam age (e ve n if it is not the ir turn), othe rwise the hot m e tal de als 1d4 points of fire dam age pe r caste r le ve l
(m ax im um 5d4). C ircum stance s that pre ve nt the cre ature from dropping the ite m (such as a lock e d gauntle t) m e an the
cre ature ge ts no saving throw. The he at doe s not harm the ite m , and it doe s not ge t hot e nough or last long e nough to ignite
flam m able obje cts. The ite m cools to its pre vious te m pe rature alm ost instantly. If cast unde rwate r, burning disarm de als half
dam age and boils the surrounding wate r.
Burning Hands
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 15 ft.
A rea C one -shape d burst
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 R e fle x half; Spell Resistance Ye s
A cone of se aring flam e shoots from your finge rtips. Any cre ature in the are a of the flam e s tak e s 1d4 points of fire dam age pe r
caste r le ve l (m ax im um 5d4). Flam m able m ate rials burn if the flam e s touch the m . A characte r can e x tinguish burning ite m s as a
full-round action.
Cause Fear
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne living cre ature with 5 or fe we r HD
Duration 1d4 rounds or 1 round; se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill partial; Spell Resistance Ye s
The affe cte d cre ature be com e s frighte ne d. If the subje ct succe e ds on a W ill save , it is shak e n for 1 round. C re ature s with 6 or
m ore HD are im m une to this e ffe ct. C ause fe ar counte rs and dispe ls re m ove fe ar.
Chameleon Scales
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You te m porarily alte r the color of your sk in, hide , or scale s to anothe r option le gal for your race . You tak e no pe nalty for using
Disguise to appe ar as a m e m be r of a diffe re nt race as long as that race has the sam e type and color of sk in, hide , or scale s as
Charm Person
School Enchantm e nt, W ood Ele m e ntal(C harm ); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This charm m ak e s a hum anoid cre ature re gard you as its truste d frie nd and ally (tre at the targe t's attitude as frie ndly). If the
cre ature is curre ntly be ing thre ate ne d or attack e d by you or your allie s, howe ve r, it re ce ive s a +5 bonus on its saving throw.
The spe ll doe s not e nable you to control the charm e d pe rson as if it we re an autom aton, but it pe rce ive s your words and
actions in the m ost favorable way. You can try to give the subje ct orde rs, but you m ust win an oppose d C harism a che ck to
convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (R e trie s are not allowe d.) An affe cte d cre ature ne ve r obe ys suicidal or
obviously harm ful orde rs, but it m ight be convince d that som e thing ve ry dange rous is worth doing. Any act by you or your
appare nt allie s that thre ate ns the charm e d pe rson bre ak s the spe ll. You m ust spe ak the pe rson's language to com m unicate
your com m ands, or e lse be good at pantom im ing.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You gain a +5 bonus on Bluff, Diplom acy, and Intim idate che ck s to convince a liste ne r that the y will ge t in trouble with the ir
supe riors or with the law if the y don't do what you ask .
This spe ll is prim arily use d by the Eagle Knights, though the y did not cre ate it; He llk nights also use it e x te nsive ly to gathe r
inform ation and foste r coope ration.
Chill Touch
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature or cre ature s touche d (up to one /le ve l)
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude partial or W ill ne gate s; se e te x t; Spell Resistance Ye s
A touch from your hand, which glows with blue e ne rgy, disrupts the life force of living cre ature s. Each touch channe ls ne gative
e ne rgy that de als 1d6 points of dam age . The touche d cre ature also tak e s 1 point of Stre ngth dam age unle ss it m ak e s a
succe ssful Fortitude saving throw. You can use this m e le e touch attack up to one tim e pe r le ve l.
An unde ad cre ature you touch tak e s no dam age of e ithe r sort, but it m ust m ak e a succe ssful W ill saving throw or fle e as if
panick e d for 1d4 rounds + 1 round pe r caste r le ve l.
Clarion Call
School Illusion; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l
Saving Throw Fortitude ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The subje ct of this spe ll gains two be ne fits. First, the affe cte d cre ature gains the ability to cre ate a sound lik e the blast of a
m ighty horn or trum pe t sim ply by m im ing the action of sounding one . Se cond, the subje ct can spe ak in a boom ing voice that
carrie s e asily ove r gre at distance s, lowe ring the DC of any che ck to he ar what is said by –15. This spe ll is particularly prize d by
battle fie ld com m ande rs and cham pions who wish to m ak e the m se lve s cle arly he ard or gain the atte ntion of the ir allie s or foe s.
School C onjuration, W ate r Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 5
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Effect C loud spre ads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude partial; se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll ge ne rate s a bank of fog, sim ilar to a fog cloud, e x ce pt that its vapors are ye llowish gre e n and poisonous. The se
vapors autom atically k ill any living cre ature with 3 or fe we r HD (no save ). A living cre ature with 4 to 6 HD is slain unle ss it
succe e ds on a Fortitude save (in which case it tak e s 1d4 points of C onstitution dam age on your turn e ach round while in the
cloud). A living cre ature with 6 or m ore HD tak e s 1d4 points of C onstitution dam age on your turn e ach round while in the cloud
(a succe ssful Fortitude save halve s this dam age ). Holding one 's bre ath doe sn't he lp, but cre ature s im m une to poison are
unaffe cte d by the spe ll. Unlik e a fog cloud, the cloudk ill m ove s away from you at 10 fe e t pe r round, rolling along the surface of
the ground. Figure out the cloud's ne w spre ad e ach round base d on its ne w point of origin, which is 10 fe e t farthe r away from the
point of origin whe re you cast the spe ll. Be cause the vapors are he avie r than air, the y sink to the lowe st le ve l of the land, e ve n
pouring down de n or sink hole ope nings. It cannot pe ne trate liquids, nor can it be cast unde rwate r.
Color Spray
School Illusion(Patte rn); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 15 ft.
A rea C one -shape d burst
Duration Instantane ous; se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
A vivid cone of clashing colors springs forth from your hand, causing cre ature s to be com e stunne d, pe rhaps also blinde d, and
possibly k nock ing the m unconscious. Each cre ature within the cone is affe cte d according to its HD.
2 HD or le ss: The cre ature is unconscious, blinde d, and stunne d for 2d4 rounds, the n blinde d and stunne d for 1d4 rounds,
and the n stunne d for 1 round. (O nly living cre ature s are k nock e d unconscious.)
3 or 4 HD: The cre ature is blinde d and stunne d for 1d4 rounds, the n stunne d for 1 round.
5 or m ore HD: The cre ature is stunne d for 1 round. Sightle ss cre ature s are not affe cte d by color spray.
Comprehend Languages
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You can unde rstand the spok e n words of cre ature s or re ad othe rwise incom pre he nsible writte n m e ssage s. The ability to re ad
doe s not ne ce ssarily im part insight into the m ate rial, m e re ly its lite ral m e aning. The spe ll e nable s you to unde rstand or re ad an
unk nown language , not spe ak or write it. W ritte n m ate rial can be re ad at the rate of one page (250 words) pe r m inute . Magical
writing cannot be re ad, though the spe ll re ve als that it is m agical. This spe ll can be foile d by ce rtain warding m agic (such as the
se cre t page and illusory script spe lls). It doe s not de ciphe r code s or re ve al m e ssage s conce ale d in othe rwise norm al te x t.
C om pre he nd language s can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Corrosive Touch
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target cre ature or obje ct touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance Ye s
Your succe ssful m e le e touch attack de als 1d4 points of acid dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 5d4).
Crafter's Curse
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature
Duration 1 day/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
The targe t of crafte r's curse tak e s a -5 pe nalty on all C raft sk ill che ck s while the spe ll lasts.
Crafter's Fortune
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature
Duration 1 day/le ve l or until discharge d (D)
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The targe t is struck by inspiration and gains a +5 luck bonus on its ne x t C raft sk ill che ck .
Cultural A daptation
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration 10 m inute s pe r le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance During the he ight of the Em pire of Taldor’s e x pansionism , Taldan wizards de ve lope d this spe ll with the ide a that it m ight m ak e
pacifying the ir “uncivilize d” conque sts e asie r. W hile the spe ll has since falle n out of favor with Taldans, it is m uch e m brace d by
othe rs, bards and Pathfinde rs in particular.
W he n casting this spe ll, you m ust conce ntrate on the culture to which you wish to adapt. If you spe ak the native language of
the culture in que stion, the n for the duration of this spe ll, you spe ak the language with a native acce nt. The spe ll doe s not
te ach you the language in que stion, but m ay be com bine d with tongue s or a sim ilar spe ll. Your body language and ge sture s
m ark you as a native of the culture , and you unconsciously m ak e sm all de cisions that he lp you ble nd in. The se com bine d ne w
traits give you a +2 on Diplom acy che ck s m ade to influe nce m e m be rs of the culture to which you have adapte d. You also gain a
+2 circum stance bonus on Disguise che ck s m ade to pass yourse lf off as a m e m be r of the culture . Additionally, the DC s of
e nchantm e nt(charm ) spe lls you cast against native s of the culture to which you are attune d incre ase by +1.
Damp Powder
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target 1 loade d fire arm
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
This spe ll cause s am m unition alre ady loade d into the targe t fire arm is ruine d with m oisture . Any atte m pt to fire that
am m unition fails, with no chance for m isfire , and the use r m ust the n tak e a full-round action to cle ar the we apon be fore
re loading and firing it. If aware of this spe ll's e ffe ct prior to firing the alte re d am m unition (a DC 16 Spe llcraft che ck to ide ntify
the spe ll be ing cast or sim ilar e ffe ct), the fire arm 's use r can spe nd a standard action to cle ar the alte re d am m unition from the
fire arm . Doing so de stroys that am m unition.
Dancing Lantern
School Transm utation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Effect anim ate s one lante rn
Duration 1 hour/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance No
You can anim ate a lante rn and orde r it to follow you. The lante rn floats at shoulde r he ight and re m ains within 5 fe e t of you, no
m atte r how fast you m ove . The lante rn cannot support any additional we ight. The lante rn illum inate s its norm al are a, e ve n if it
doe s not have any oil in it. For the purpose s of spe lls or e ffe cts targe ting it the lante rn always acts as if in your posse ssion e ve n
whe n not dire ctly on your pe rson. A dancing lante rn can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Dancing Lights
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Effect Up to four lights, all within a 10-ft.-radius are a
Duration 1 m inute (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
De pe nding on the ve rsion se le cte d, you cre ate up to four lights that re se m ble lante rns or torche s (and cast that am ount of
light), or up to four glowing sphe re s of light (which look lik e will-o'- wisps), or one faintly glowing, vague ly hum anoid shape . The
dancing lights m ust stay within a 10-foot-radius are a in re lation to e ach othe r but othe rwise m ove as you de sire (no
conce ntration re quire d): forward or back , up or down, straight or turning corne rs, or the lik e . The lights can m ove up to 100 fe e t
pe r round. A light wink s out if the distance be twe e n you and it e x ce e ds the spe ll's range . You can only have one dancing lights
spe ll active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the pre vious casting is dispe lle d. If you
m ak e this spe ll pe rm ane nt, it doe s not count against this lim it.
Dancing lights can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature of 4 HD or le ss
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw DC 17 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll clouds the m ind of a hum anoid cre ature with 4 or fe we r Hit Dice so that it tak e s no actions. Hum anoids of 5 or m ore
HD are not affe cte d. A daze d subje ct is not stunne d, so attack e rs ge t no spe cial advantage against it. Afte r a cre ature has be e n
daze d by this spe ll, it is im m une to the e ffe cts of this spe ll for 1 m inute .
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature of 4 HD or le ss
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw DC 17 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll clouds the m ind of a hum anoid cre ature with 4 or fe we r Hit Dice so that it tak e s no actions. Hum anoids of 5 or m ore
HD are not affe cte d. A daze d subje ct is not stunne d, so attack e rs ge t no spe cial advantage against it. Afte r a cre ature has be e n
daze d by this spe ll, it is im m une to the e ffe cts of this spe ll for 1 m inute .
Dazzling Blade
School Illusion(Patte rn); Level 1
Casting Time 1 Swift Action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s (se e te x t); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
Dazzling blade m ak e s a m e tal we apon appe ar dazzlingly shiny, as if crafte d from pure silve r and he avily polishe d. In com bat,
the flashing m ove m e nts of a dazzling blade be com e alm ost hypnotic. The wie lde r of a we apon unde r the e ffe cts of dazzling
blade gains a +1 com pe te nce bonus on all Bluff che ck s m ade to fe int in com bat. The wie lde r also gains a +1 com pe te nce bonus
on all C MB che ck s m ade to disarm a foe , and a +1 com pe te nce bonus to his C MD against disarm atte m pts m ade against the
we apon be aring the dazzling blade e ffe ct. This bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry 3 caste r le ve ls, to a m ax im um bonus of +5 at
12th le ve l.
The wie lde r of a dazzling blade can discharge the spe ll into a blinding burst of silve ry light as a fre e action. The wie lde r
se le cts an adjace nt oppone nt as the focal point of this burst of light—that cre ature m ust m ak e a W ill save to avoid be ing
blinde d for 1 round (with a succe ssful save , the cre ature is inste ad dazzle d for 1 round).
De spite its shiny appe arance , a dazzling blade grants no e x tra be ne fit against cre ature s that are vulne rable to silve r.
Decompose Corpse
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target one corpse or corpore al unde ad
Duration Instantane ous or 1 m inute ; se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
Using this spe ll, the caste r rapidly de com pose s the fle sh from a single corpse of size Huge or sm alle r, le aving be hind a pe rfe ctly
cle ane d sk e le ton. If it is cast on a non-sk e le tal corpore al unde ad, the cre ature tak e s a -2 pe nalty on all rolls and to its Arm or
C lass and C MD for 1 m inute .
Delusional Pride
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature
Duration 1 m inute
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
The targe t be com e s so distracte d by an ove rblown se nse of its worth that it tak e s a -2 pe nalty on attack s and sk ill che ck s.
Howe ve r, this fe e ling also give s the targe t a +2 m orale bonus on save s against charm and com pulsion e ffe cts.
Detect Charm
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
As de te ct m agic, e x ce pt you im m e diate ly de te ct the stre ngth and location of e ach charm , com pulsion, and posse ssion aura on
all cre ature s in the are a. You can atte m pt to ide ntify the prope rtie s of e ach aura (se e Spe llcraft in the Pathfinde r R PG C ore
R ule book ).
In addition to noticing the targe ts of the se e ffe cts, you can re cognize whe n cre ature s in the are a are using the se e ffe cts on
othe rs by m ak ing a Se nse Motive che ck as a standard action (DC 20 + caste r le ve l). If you succe e d, you m ay m ak e a Spe llcraft
che ck to ide ntify what m agic it is using (e ve n if the targe t is not in the are a).
Detect Magic
School Divination; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You de te ct m agical auras. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study a particular are a or subje ct.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of m agical auras.
2nd R ound: Num be r of diffe re nt m agical auras and the powe r of the m ost pote nt aura.
3rd R ound: The stre ngth and location of e ach aura. If the ite m s or cre ature s be aring the auras are in line of sight, you can
m ak e Knowle dge (arcana) sk ill che ck s to de te rm ine the school of m agic involve d in e ach. (Mak e one che ck pe r aura: DC 15 +
spe ll le ve l, or 15 + 1/2 caste r le ve l for a nonspe ll e ffe ct.) If the aura e m inate s from a m agic ite m , you can atte m pt to ide ntify
its prope rtie s (se e Spe llcraft).
Magical are as, m ultiple type s of m agic, or strong local m agical e m anations m ay distort or conce al we ak e r auras.
Aura Stre ngth: An aura's powe r de pe nds on a spe ll's functioning spe ll le ve l or an ite m 's caste r le ve l; se e the accom panying
table . If an aura falls into m ore than one cate gory, de te ct m agic indicate s the stronge r of the two.
Linge ring Aura: A m agical aura linge rs afte r its original source dissipate s (in the case of a spe ll) or is de stroye d (in the case
of a m agic ite m ). If de te ct m agic is cast and dire cte d at such a location, the spe ll indicate s an aura stre ngth of dim (e ve n
we ak e r than a faint aura). How long the aura linge rs at this dim le ve l de pe nds on its original powe r:
O riginal Stre ngth - Duration of Linge ring Aura
Faint - 1d6 rounds
Mode rate - 1d6 m inute s
Strong - 1d6 x 10 m inute s
O ve rwhe lm ing - 1d6 days
O utside rs and e le m e ntals are not m agical in the m se lve s, but if the y are sum m one d, the conjuration spe ll re giste rs. Each
round, you can turn to de te ct m agic in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on
m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
De te ct m agic can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Detect Poison
School Divination; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature , one obje ct, or a 5-ft. cube
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You de te rm ine whe the r a cre ature , obje ct, or are a has be e n poisone d or is poisonous. You can de te rm ine the e x act type of
poison with a DC 20 W isdom che ck . A characte r with the C raft (alche m y) sk ill m ay try a DC 20 C raft (alche m y) che ck if the
W isdom che ck fails, or m ay try the C raft (alche m y) che ck prior to the W isdom che ck . The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot
of stone , 1 inch of com m on m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
Detect Secret Doors
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can de te ct se cre t doors, com partm e nts, cache s, and so forth. O nly passage s, doors, or ope nings that have be e n spe cifically
constructe d to e scape de te ction are de te cte d by this spe ll. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study
a particular are a or subje ct.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of se cre t doors.
2nd R ound: Num be r of se cre t doors and the location of e ach. If an aura is outside your line of sight, the n you disce rn its
dire ction but not its e x act location.
Each Additional R ound: The m e chanism or trigge r for one particular se cre t portal close ly e x am ine d by you. Each round, you
can turn to de te ct se cre t doors in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on m e tal, a
thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
Detect Undead
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can de te ct the aura that surrounds unde ad cre ature s. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study
a particular are a.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of unde ad auras.
2nd R ound: Num be r of unde ad auras in the are a and the stre ngth of the stronge st unde ad aura pre se nt. If you are of good
alignm e nt, and the stronge st unde ad aura's stre ngth is ove rwhe lm ing (se e be low), and the cre ature has HD of at le ast twice
your characte r le ve l, you are stunne d for 1 round and the spe ll e nds.
3rd R ound: The stre ngth and location of e ach unde ad aura. If an aura is outside your line of sight, the n you disce rn its
dire ction but not its e x act location.
Aura Stre ngth: The stre ngth of an unde ad aura is de te rm ine d by the HD of the unde ad cre ature , as give n on the table
be low.
Linge ring Aura: An unde ad aura linge rs afte r its original source is de stroye d. If de te ct unde ad is cast and dire cte d at such a
location, the spe ll indicate s an aura stre ngth of dim (e ve n we ak e r than a faint aura). How long the aura linge rs at this dim le ve l
de pe nds on its original powe r, as give n on the table be low.
HD- Stre ngth - Linge ring Aura Duration
1 or lowe r - Faint - 1d6 rounds
2-4 - Mode rate - 1d6 m inute s
5-10 - Strong - 1d6 x 10 m inute s
11 or highe r - O ve rwhe lm ing - 1d6 days
Each round, you can turn to de te ct unde ad in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of
com m on m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
Dimension Door
School C onjuration(Te le port); Level 4
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
Target You and touche d obje cts or othe r touche d willing cre ature s
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None and W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance No and ye s (obje ct)
You instantly transfe r yourse lf from your curre nt location to any othe r spot within range . You always arrive at e x actly the spot
de sire d - whe the r by sim ply visualizing the are a or by stating dire ction. Afte r using this spe ll, you can't tak e any othe r actions
until your ne x t turn. You can bring along obje cts as long as the ir we ight doe sn't e x ce e d your m ax im um load. You m ay also
bring one additional willing Me dium or sm alle r cre ature (carrying ge ar or obje cts up to its m ax im um load) or its e quivale nt pe r
thre e caste r le ve ls. A Large cre ature counts as two Me dium cre ature s, a Huge cre ature counts as two Large cre ature s, and so
forth. All cre ature s to be transporte d m ust be in contact with one anothe r, and at le ast one of those cre ature s m ust be in contact
with you. If you arrive in a place that is alre ady occupie d by a solid body, you and e ach cre ature trave ling with you tak e 1d6
points of dam age and are shunte d to a random ope n space on a suitable surface within 100 fe e t of the inte nde d location. If
the re is no fre e space within 100 fe e t, you and e ach cre ature trave ling with you tak e an additional 2d6 points of dam age and
are shunte d to a fre e space within 1,000 fe e t. If the re is no fre e space within 1,000 fe e t, you and e ach cre ature trave lling with
you tak e an additional 4d6 points of dam age and the spe ll sim ply fails.
Disguise Self
School Illusion(Glam e r); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 10 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You m ak e yourse lf - including clothing, arm or, we apons, and e quipm e nt - look diffe re nt. You can se e m 1 foot shorte r or talle r,
thin, fat, or in be twe e n. You cannot change your cre ature type (although you can appe ar as anothe r subtype ). O the rwise , the
e x te nt of the appare nt change is up to you. You could add or obscure a m inor fe ature or look lik e an e ntire ly diffe re nt pe rson or
ge nde r. The spe ll doe s not provide the abilitie s or m anne rism s of the chose n form , nor doe s it alte r the pe rce ive d tactile (touch)
or audible (sound) prope rtie s of you or your e quipm e nt. If you use this spe ll to cre ate a disguise , you ge t a +10 bonus on the
Disguise che ck . A cre ature that inte racts with the glam e r ge ts a W ill save to re cognize it as an illusion.
School Transm utation, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 6
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Effect R ay
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 23 Fortitude partial (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s
A thin, gre e n ray springs from your pointing finge r. You m ust m ak e a succe ssful range d touch attack to hit. Any cre ature struck
by the ray tak e s 2d6 points of dam age pe r caste r le ve l (to a m ax im um of 40d6). Any cre ature re duce d to 0 or fe we r hit points
by this spe ll is e ntire ly disinte grate d, le aving be hind only a trace of fine dust. A disinte grate d cre ature 's e quipm e nt is
unaffe cte d. W he n use d against an obje ct, the ray sim ply disinte grate s as m uch as a 10-foot cube of nonliving m atte r. Thus, the
spe ll disinte grate s only part of any ve ry large obje ct or structure targe te d. The ray affe cts e ve n obje cts constructe d e ntire ly of
force , such as force ful hand or a wall of force , but not m agical e ffe cts such as a globe of invulne rability or an antim agic fie ld.
A cre ature or obje ct that m ak e s a succe ssful Fortitude save is partially affe cte d, tak ing only 5d6 points of dam age . If this
dam age re duce s the cre ature or obje ct to 0 or fe we r hit points, it is e ntire ly disinte grate d. O nly the first cre ature or obje ct struck
can be affe cte d; that is, the ray affe cts only one targe t pe r casting.
Dispel Magic
School Abjuration, Void Ele m e ntal; Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne spe llcaste r, cre ature , or obje ct
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can use dispe l m agic to e nd one ongoing spe ll that has be e n cast on a cre ature or obje ct, to te m porarily suppre ss the
m agical abilitie s of a m agic ite m , or to counte r anothe r spe llcaste r's spe ll. A dispe lle d spe ll e nds as if its duration had e x pire d.
Som e spe lls, as de taile d in the ir de scriptions, can't be de fe ate d by dispe l m agic. Dispe l m agic can dispe l (but not counte r)
spe ll-lik e e ffe cts just as it doe s spe lls. The e ffe ct of a spe ll with an instantane ous duration can't be dispe lle d, be cause the
m agical e ffe ct is alre ady ove r be fore the dispe l m agic can tak e e ffe ct. You choose to use dispe l m agic in one of two ways: a
targe te d dispe l or a counte rspe ll.
Targe te d Dispe l: O ne obje ct, cre ature , or spe ll is the targe t of the dispe l m agic spe ll. You m ak e one dispe l che ck (1d20 +
your caste r le ve l) and com pare that to the spe ll with highe st caste r le ve l (DC = 11 + the spe ll's caste r le ve l). If succe ssful, that
spe ll e nds. If not, com pare the sam e re sult to the spe ll with the ne x t highe st caste r le ve l. R e pe at this proce ss until you have
dispe lle d one spe ll affe cting the targe t, or you have faile d to dispe l e ve ry spe ll. For e x am ple , a 7th-le ve l caste r casts dispe l
m agic, targe ting a cre ature affe cte d by stone sk in (caste r le ve l 12th) and fly (caste r le ve l 6th). The caste r le ve l che ck re sults in a
19. This che ck is not high e nough to e nd the stone sk in (which would have re quire d a 23 or highe r), but it is high e nough to e nd
the fly (which only re quire d a 17). Had the dispe l che ck re sulte d in a 23 or highe r, the stone sk in would have be e n dispe lle d,
le aving the fly intact. Had the dispe l che ck be e n a 16 or le ss, no spe lls would have be e n affe cte d. You can also use a targe te d
dispe l to spe cifically e nd one spe ll affe cting the targe t or one spe ll affe cting an are a (such as a wall of fire ). You m ust nam e the
spe cific spe ll e ffe ct to be targe te d in this way. If your caste r le ve l che ck is e qual to or highe r than the DC of that spe ll, it e nds.
No othe r spe lls or e ffe cts on the targe t are dispe lle d if your che ck is not high e nough to e nd the targe te d e ffe ct. If you targe t an
obje ct or cre ature that is the e ffe ct of an ongoing spe ll (such as a m onste r sum m one d by sum m on m onste r), you m ak e a
dispe l che ck to e nd the spe ll that conjure d the obje ct or cre ature . If the obje ct that you targe t is a m agic ite m , you m ak e a
dispe l che ck against the ite m 's caste r le ve l (DC = 11 + the ite m 's caste r le ve l). If you succe e d, all the ite m 's m agical prope rtie s
are suppre sse d for 1d4 rounds, afte r which the ite m re cove rs its m agical prope rtie s. A suppre sse d ite m be com e s nonm agical for
the duration of the e ffe ct. An inte rdim e nsional ope ning (such as a bag of holding) is te m porarily close d. A m agic ite m 's physical
prope rtie s are unchange d: A suppre sse d m agic sword is still a sword (a m aste rwork sword, in fact). Artifacts and de itie s are
unaffe cte d by m ortal m agic such as this. You autom atically succe e d on your dispe l che ck against any spe ll that you cast
yourse lf.
C ounte rspe ll: W he n dispe l m agic is use d in this way, the spe ll targe ts a spe llcaste r and is cast as a counte rspe ll. Unlik e a
true counte rspe ll, howe ve r, dispe l m agic m ay not work ; you m ust m ak e a dispe l che ck to counte r the othe r spe llcaste r's spe ll.
Dispel Magic, Greater
School Abjuration, Void Ele m e ntal; Level 6
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne spe llcaste r, cre ature , or obje ct; or a 20-ft.- radius burst
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e dispe l m agic, e x ce pt that it can e nd m ore than one spe ll on a targe t and it can be use d to targe t
m ultiple cre ature s.
You choose to use gre ate r dispe l m agic in one of thre e ways: a targe te d dispe l, are a dispe l, or a counte rspe ll:
Targe te d Dispe l: This functions as a targe te d dispe l m agic, but it can dispe l one spe ll for e ve ry four caste r le ve ls you
posse ss, starting with the highe st le ve l spe lls and proce e ding to lowe r le ve l spe lls.
Additionally, gre ate r dispe l m agic has a chance to dispe l any e ffe ct that re m ove curse can re m ove , e ve n if dispe l m agic can't
dispe l that e ffe ct. The DC of this che ck is e qual to the curse 's DC .
Are a Dispe l: W he n gre ate r dispe l m agic is use d in this way, the spe ll affe cts e ve rything within a 20-foot-radius burst. R oll
one dispe l che ck and apply that che ck to e ach cre ature in the are a, as if targe te d by dispe l m agic. For e ach obje ct within the
are a that is the targe t of one or m ore spe lls, apply the dispe l che ck as with cre ature s. Magic ite m s are not affe cte d by an are a
dispe l.
For e ach ongoing are a or e ffe ct spe ll whose point of origin is within the are a of the gre ate r dispe l m agic spe ll, apply the
dispe l che ck to dispe l the spe ll. For e ach ongoing spe ll whose are a ove rlaps that of the gre ate r dispe l m agic spe ll, apply the
dispe l che ck to e nd the e ffe ct, but only within the ove rlapping are a.
If an obje ct or cre ature that is the e ffe ct of an ongoing spe ll (such as a m onste r sum m one d by sum m on m onste r) is in the
are a, apply the dispe l che ck to e nd the spe ll that conjure d that obje ct or cre ature (re turning it whe nce it cam e ) in addition to
atte m pting to dispe l one spe ll targe ting the cre ature or obje ct.
You m ay choose to autom atically succe e d on dispe l che ck s against any spe ll that you have cast.
C ounte rspe ll: This functions as dispe l m agic, but you re ce ive a +4 bonus on your dispe l che ck to counte r the othe r
spe llcaste r's spe ll.
Disrupt Undead
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect R ay
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You dire ct a ray of positive e ne rgy. You m ust m ak e a range d touch attack to hit, and if the ray hits an unde ad cre ature , it de als
1d6 points of dam age to it.
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature or obje ct of size Large or sm alle r
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw DC 17 O bje ct R e fle x Ne gate s; Spell Resistance O bje ct Ye s
A sudde n downpour soak s the targe t cre ature or obje ct. The rain follows the subje ct up to the range of the spe ll, soak ing the
targe t with wate r. If the targe t is on fire , the flam e s are autom atically e x tinguishe d. Fire s sm alle r than cam pfire s (such as
lante rns and torche s) are autom atically e x tinguishe d by this spe ll.
Ear-Piercing Scream
School Evocation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature
Duration Instantane ous; se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude partial (se e te x t); Spell Resistance Ye s
You unle ash a powe rful scre am , inaudible to all but a single targe t. The targe t is daze d for 1 round and tak e s 1d6 points of
sonic dam age pe r two caste r le ve ls (m ax im um 5d6). A succe ssful save ne gate s the daze e ffe ct and halve s the dam age .
Emblazon Crest
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
This spe ll e nsure s the subje ct touche d is always able to display he r prope r cre st and coat of arm s. Any tabard or tunic worn and
any shie ld carrie d by the subje ct while this spe ll is active can be m ade to display a coat of arm s whe n the spe ll is cast. For
e x am ple , e ve n if the subje ct pick s up a diffe re nt shie ld, it still displays the subje ct’s cre st, re gardle ss of the shie ld’s norm al
appe arance .
Endure Elements
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 24 hours
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
A cre ature prote cte d by e ndure e le m e nts suffe rs no harm from be ing in a hot or cold e nvironm e nt. It can e x ist com fortably in
conditions be twe e n -50 and 140 de gre e s Fahre nhe it without having to m ak e Fortitude save s. The cre ature 's e quipm e nt is
lik e wise prote cte d.
Endure e le m e nts doe sn't provide any prote ction from fire or cold dam age , nor doe s it prote ct against othe r e nvironm e ntal
hazards such as sm ok e , lack of air, and so forth.
School Ne crom ancy; Level 4
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect R ay of ne gative e ne rgy
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You point your finge r and fire a black ray of ne gative e ne rgy that suppre sse s the life force of any living cre ature it strik e s. You
m ust m ak e a range d touch attack to hit. If you hit, the subje ct gains 1d4 te m porary ne gative le ve ls (se e Appe ndix 1). Ne gative
le ve ls stack . Assum ing the subje ct survive s, it re gains lost le ve ls afte r a num be r of hours e qual to your caste r le ve l (m ax im um
15 hours). Usually, ne gative le ve ls have a chance of be com ing pe rm ane nt, but the ne gative le ve ls from e ne rvation don't last
long e nough to do so. An unde ad cre ature struck by the ray gains 1d4 x 5 te m porary hit points for 1 hour.
Enlarge Person
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll cause s instant growth of a hum anoid cre ature , doubling its he ight and m ultiplying its we ight by 8. This incre ase
change s the cre ature 's size cate gory to the ne x t large r one . The targe t gains a +2 size bonus to Stre ngth, a -2 size pe nalty to
De x te rity (to a m inim um of 1), and a -1 pe nalty on attack rolls and AC due to its incre ase d size . A hum anoid cre ature whose
size incre ase s to Large has a space of 10 fe e t and a natural re ach of 10 fe e t. This spe ll doe s not change the targe t's spe e d. If
insufficie nt room is available for the de sire d growth, the cre ature attains the m ax im um possible size and m ay m ak e a Stre ngth
che ck (using its incre ase d Stre ngth) to burst any e nclosure s in the proce ss. If it fails, it is constraine d without harm by the
m ate rials e nclosing it - the spe ll cannot be use d to crush a cre ature by incre asing its size . All e quipm e nt worn or carrie d by a
cre ature is sim ilarly e nlarge d by the spe ll. Me le e we apons affe cte d by this spe ll de al m ore dam age (se e page 145). O the r
m agical prope rtie s are not affe cte d by this spe ll. Any e nlarge d ite m that le ave s an e nlarge d cre ature 's posse ssion (including a
proje ctile or thrown we apon) instantly re turns to its norm al size . This m e ans that thrown and proje ctile we apons de al the ir
norm al dam age . Magical prope rtie s of e nlarge d ite m s are not incre ase d by this spe ll. Multiple m agical e ffe cts that incre ase size
do not stack .
Enlarge pe rson counte rs and dispe ls re duce pe rson.
Enlarge pe rson can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Enlarge Tail
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target Your tail
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
W he n attack ing with your tail or tail we apons, you gain 5 fe e t of re ach, a +1 bonus on attack rolls, and a +2 bonus on dam age
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne scroll or two page s
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 Se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
Erase re m ove s writings of e ithe r m agical or m undane nature from a scroll or from one or two page s of pape r, parchm e nt, or
sim ilar surface s. W ith this spe ll, you can re m ove e x plosive rune s, a glyph of warding, a se pia snak e sigil, or an arcane m ark ,
but not illusory script or a sym bol spe ll. Nonm agical writing is autom atically e rase d if you touch it and no one e lse is holding it.
O the rwise , the chance of e rasing nonm agical writing is 90%. Magic writing m ust be touche d to be e rase d, and you also m ust
succe e d on a caste r le ve l che ck (1d20 + caste r le ve l) against DC 15. A natural 1 is always a failure on this che ck . If you fail to
e rase e x plosive rune s, a glyph of warding, or a se pia snak e sigil, you accide ntally activate that writing inste ad.
Expeditious Excavation
School Transm utation, Earth Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
A rea dirt in a 5-ft. cube
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
You can e x cavate and m ove e arth, dust, and sand up to the size of a 5-foot cube . If you are burie d, you m ay ope n a 5-foot
cube around yourse lf, but the spe ll cannot be use d for tunne ling. Be side s its m undane applications, you can ope n a 5-foot-de e p
pit at a cre ature 's fe e t. A Me dium or sm alle r cre ature falls prone in the pit unle ss it succe e ds on a R e fle x save . W ith a
succe ssful save , it can choose to land harm le ssly on its fe e t in the pit or hop to an adjace nt square ; this m ove m e nt doe s not
provok e attack s of opportunity. A cre ature can e scape a 5-foot-de e p pit with a DC 5 C lim b che ck . Large r cre ature s m ay ignore
pits sm alle r than the ir size . The e arth e x cavate d by this spe ll is ordinarily distribute d harm le ssly across the spe ll's range , but
you m ay choose to throw up a burst of grit and de bris whe n you dig a pit. This cloud of de bris provide s conce alm e nt to any
cre ature s in the square affe cte d and all adjace nt square s for 1 round. Ex pe ditious e x cavation has no e ffe ct on solid rock or
e arth cre ature s.
Expeditious Retreat
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll incre ase s your base land spe e d by 30 fe e t. This adjustm e nt is tre ate d as an e nhance m e nt bonus. The re is no e ffe ct
on othe r m ode s of m ove m e nt, such as burrow, clim b, fly, or swim . As with any e ffe ct that incre ase s your spe e d, this spe ll affe cts
your jum ping distance (se e the Acrobatics sk ill).
Fabricate Bullets
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target 1 pound of soft m e tal
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You conve rt 1 pound of le ad into bulle ts. W he n you cast this spe ll, you de cide whe the r you cre ate norm al sling bulle ts, fire arm
bulle ts, or fire arm pe lle ts. The spe ll cre ate s two sling bulle ts, 30 fire arm bulle ts, or 10 use s of pe lle ts.
False Life, Greater
School Ne crom ancy; Level 4
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration Spe cial; Se e Te x t
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance This spe ll functions as false life , e x ce pt you gain te m porary hit points e qual to 2d10 + 1 point pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um +20).
The e ffe cts of this spe ll do not stack with those of false life .
Feather Fall
School Transm utation, Air Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 im m e diate action
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne Me dium or sm alle r fre e falling obje ct or cre ature /le ve l, no two of which m ay be m ore than 20 ft. apart
Duration Until landing or 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s (harm le ss) or W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
The affe cte d cre ature s or obje cts fall slowly. Fe athe r fall instantly change s the rate at which the targe ts fall to a m e re 60 fe e t pe r
round (e quivale nt to the e nd of a fall from a fe w fe e t), and the subje cts tak e no dam age upon landing while the spe ll is in
e ffe ct. W he n the spe ll duration e x pire s, a norm al rate of falling re sum e s. The spe ll affe cts one or m ore Me dium or sm alle r
cre ature s (including ge ar and carrie d obje cts up to e ach cre ature 's m ax im um load) or obje cts, or the e quivale nt in large r
cre ature s: a Large cre ature or obje ct counts as two Me dium cre ature s or obje cts, a Huge cre ature or obje ct counts as four
Me dium cre ature s or obje cts, and so forth. This spe ll has no spe cial e ffe ct on range d we apons unle ss the y are falling quite a
distance . If the spe ll is cast on a falling ite m , the obje ct doe s half norm al dam age base d on its we ight, with no bonus for the
he ight of the drop.
Fe athe r fall work s only upon fre e -falling obje cts. It doe s not affe ct a sword blow or a charging or flying cre ature .
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
A rea 20-ft.-radius spre ad
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 20 R e fle x half; Spell Resistance Ye s
A fire ball spe ll ge ne rate s a se aring e x plosion of flam e that de tonate s with a low roar and de als 1d6 points of fire dam age pe r
caste r le ve l (m ax im um 10d6) to e ve ry cre ature within the are a. Unatte nde d obje cts also tak e this dam age . The e x plosion
cre ate s alm ost no pre ssure . You point your finge r and de te rm ine the range (distance and he ight) at which the fire ball is to
burst. A glowing, pe a-size d be ad stre ak s from the pointing digit and, unle ss it im pacts upon a m ate rial body or solid barrie r
prior to attaining the pre scribe d range , blossom s into the fire ball at that point. An e arly im pact re sults in an e arly de tonation. If
you atte m pt to se nd the be ad through a narrow passage , such as through an arrow slit, you m ust "hit" the ope ning with a
range d touch attack , or e lse the be ad strik e s the barrie r and de tonate s pre m ature ly. The fire ball se ts fire to com bustible s and
dam age s obje cts in the are a. It can m e lt m e tals with low m e lting points, such as le ad, gold, coppe r, silve r, and bronze . If the
dam age cause d to an inte rposing barrie r shatte rs or bre ak s through it, the fire ball m ay continue be yond the barrie r if the are a
pe rm its; othe rwise it stops at the barrie r just as any othe r spe ll e ffe ct doe s.
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect burst of light
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 17 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This cantrip cre ate s a burst of light. If you cause the light to burst in front of a single cre ature , that cre ature is dazzle d for 1
m inute unle ss it m ak e s a succe ssful Fortitude save . Sightle ss cre ature s, as we ll as cre ature s alre ady dazzle d, are not affe cte d
by flare .
Flare Burst
School Evocation(Light); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect 10-ft.-radius burst of light
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll functions as flare , e x ce pt it affe cts all cre ature s in a 10-foot-radius burst from the targe t point.
Floating Disk
School Evocation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect 3-ft.-diam e te r disk of force
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You cre ate a slightly concave , circular plane of force that follows you about and carrie s loads for you. The disk is 3 fe e t in
diam e te r and 1 inch de e p at its ce nte r. It can hold 100 pounds of we ight pe r caste r le ve l. If use d to transport a liquid, its
capacity is 2 gallons. The disk floats approx im ate ly 3 fe e t above the ground at all tim e s and re m ains le ve l. It floats along
horizontally within spe ll range and will accom pany you at a rate of no m ore than your norm al spe e d e ach round. If not othe rwise
dire cte d, it m aintains a constant inte rval of 5 fe e t be twe e n itse lf and you. The disk wink s out of e x iste nce whe n the spe ll
duration e x pire s. The disk also wink s out if you m ove be yond its range or try to tak e the disk m ore than 3 fe e t away from the
surface be ne ath it. W he n the disk wink s out, whate ve r it was supporting falls to the surface be ne ath it.
Forced Quiet
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target one cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
W ith a ge sture , you m uffle sound around the targe t, m ak ing it unable to ye ll or othe rwise m ak e loud noise s. This doe s not
affe ct spe llcasting by the targe t. The targe t can still use sonic e ffe cts, but the DC of the se e ffe cts de cre ase s by 2. The targe t
gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against sonic e ffe cts. The targe t gains a +4 circum stance bonus on Ste alth che ck s.
School C onjuration, Earth Ele m e ntal, Me tal Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
A rea C re ature s and obje cts within 10-ft.-radius spre ad
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 19 W ill ne gate s (blinding only); Spell Resistance No
A cloud of golde n particle s cove rs e ve ryone and e ve rything in the are a, causing cre ature s to be com e blinde d and visibly
outlining invisible things for the duration of the spe ll. All within the are a are cove re d by the dust, which cannot be re m ove d and
continue s to spark le until it fade s. Each round at the e nd of the ir turn blinde d cre ature s m ay atte m pt ne w saving throws to e nd
the blindne ss e ffe ct. Any cre ature cove re d by the dust tak e s a -40 pe nalty on Ste alth che ck s.
Gravity Bow
School Transm utation, Me tal Ele m e ntal, Void Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
Gravity bow significantly incre ase s the we ight and de nsity of arrows or bolts fire d from your bow or crossbow the instant be fore
the y strik e the ir targe t and the n re turn the m to norm al a fe w m om e nts late r. Any arrow fire d from a bow or crossbow you are
carrying whe n the spe ll is cast de als dam age as if one size large r than it actually is. For instance , an arrow fire d from a Me dium
longbow norm ally de als 1d8 points of dam age , but it would inste ad de al 2d6 points of dam age if fire d from a gravity bow (se e
page 145 of the C ore R ule book for m ore inform ation). O nly you can be ne fit from this spe ll. If anyone e lse use s your bow to
m ak e an attack the arrows de al dam age as norm al for the ir size .
School C onjuration, Earth Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne obje ct or 10-ft. square
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw DC 18 Se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
A gre ase spe ll cove rs a solid surface with a laye r of slippe ry gre ase . Any cre ature in the are a whe n the spe ll is cast m ust m ak e a
succe ssful R e fle x save or fall. A cre ature can walk within or through the are a of gre ase at half norm al spe e d with a DC 10
Acrobatics che ck . Failure m e ans it can't m ove that round (and m ust the n m ak e a R e fle x save or fall), while failure by 5 or m ore
m e ans it falls (se e the Acrobatics sk ill for de tails). C re ature s that do not m ove on the ir turn do not ne e d to m ak e this che ck and
are not conside re d flat-foote d. The spe ll can also be use d to cre ate a gre asy coating on an ite m . Mate rial obje cts not in use are
always affe cte d by this spe ll, while an obje ct wie lde d or e m ploye d by a cre ature re quire s its be are r to m ak e a R e fle x saving
throw to avoid the e ffe ct. If the initial saving throw fails, the cre ature im m e diate ly drops the ite m . A saving throw m ust be m ade
in e ach round that the cre ature atte m pts to pick up or use the gre ase d ite m . A cre ature we aring gre ase d arm or or clothing gains
a +10 circum stance bonus on Escape Artist che ck s and com bat m ane uve r che ck s m ade to e scape a grapple , and to the ir C MD to
avoid be ing grapple d.
Hold Person
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D); se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 20 W ill ne gate s; se e te x t; Spell Resistance Ye s
The subje ct be com e s paralyze d and fre e ze s in place . It is aware and bre athe s norm ally but cannot tak e any actions, e ve n
spe e ch. Each round on its turn, the subje ct m ay atte m pt a ne w saving throw to e nd the e ffe ct. This is a full-round action that
doe s not provok e attack s of opportunity. A winge d cre ature who is paralyze d cannot flap its wings and falls. A swim m e r can't
swim and m ay drown.
Hold Portal
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne portal, up to 20 sq. ft./le ve l
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll m agically holds shut a door, gate , window, or shutte r of wood, m e tal, or stone . The m agic affe cts the portal just as if
it we re se cure ly close d and norm ally lock e d. A k nock spe ll or a succe ssful dispe l m agic spe ll can ne gate a hold portal spe ll. Add
5 to the norm al DC for forcing ope n a portal affe cte d by this spe ll.
Hydraulic Push
School Evocation, W ate r Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature or obje ct
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You call forth a quick blast of wate r that k nock s ove r and soak s one cre ature or square . You can use this blast of wate r to m ak e
a bull rush against any one cre ature or obje ct. Your C MB for this bull rush is e qual to your caste r le ve l plus your Inte llige nce ,
W isdom , or C harism a m odifie r, whiche ve r is highe st. This bull rush doe s not provok e an attack of opportunity. Hydraulic push
e x tinguishe s any norm al fire s on a cre ature , obje ct, or in a single 5-foot square which it is targe te d against. Magical fire s are
unaffe cte d.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
A rea Se ve ral living cre ature s, no two of which m ay be m ore than 30 ft. apart
Duration 2d4 rounds (D)
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
Your ge sture s and droning incantation fascinate ne arby cre ature s, causing the m to stop and stare blank ly at you. In addition,
you can use the ir rapt atte ntion to m ak e your sugge stions and re que sts se e m m ore plausible . R oll 2d4 to se e how m any total
HD of cre ature s you affe ct. C re ature s with fe we r HD are affe cte d be fore cre ature s with m ore HD. O nly cre ature s that can se e or
he ar you are affe cte d, but the y do not ne e d to unde rstand you to be fascinate d. If you use this spe ll in com bat, e ach targe t
gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw. If the spe ll affe cts only a single cre ature not in com bat at the tim e , the saving throw has
a pe nalty of -2. W hile the subje ct is fascinate d by this spe ll, it re acts as though it we re two ste ps m ore frie ndly in attitude . This
allows you to m ak e a single re que st of the affe cte d cre ature (provide d you can com m unicate with it). The re que st m ust be brie f
and re asonable . Eve n afte r the spe ll e nds, the cre ature re tains its ne w attitude toward you, but only with re spe ct to that
particular re que st. A cre ature that fails its saving throw doe s not re m e m be r that you e nspe lle d it.
Icicle Dagger
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 0 ft.
Effect one icicle
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance No
You cre ate a m aste rwork dagge r out of ice . The dagge r de als 1 point of cold dam age in addition to norm al dagge r dam age . If
the dagge r le ave s your hand for m ore than 1 round, it m e lts and the spe ll e nds. At 6th le ve l, the dagge r functions as a +1 frost
dagge r. At 11th le ve l, it gains the re turning prope rty whe n thrown, m e lting away and re form ing in your hand just be fore your
ne x t turn.
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration 3 rounds/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions as de te ct m agic, e x ce pt that it give s you a +10 e nhance m e nt bonus on Spe llcraft che ck s m ade to ide ntify
the prope rtie s and com m and words of m agic ite m s in your posse ssion. This spe ll doe s not allow you to ide ntify artifacts.
Illusion of Calm
School Illusion(Figm e nt); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw W ill disbe lie ve (on hit; se e be low); Spell Resistance No
W he n casting this spe ll, you cre ate an illusory double that tak e s the sam e space of you. That double m ak e s it look lik e you are
standing still, e ve n whe n you are not. W hile unde r the e ffe cts of this spe ll, you do not provok e attack s of opportunity whe n you
cast a spe ll, m ak e a range d attack with a thrown we apon, or m ove out of your first square during a m ove action. It doe s not
hide range d attack s m ade with any type of proje ctile we apon.
W he n a cre ature hits you with an attack of any type , it gains a saving throw to disbe lie ve the figm e nt. O n a succe ssful saving
throw, it succe ssfully disbe lie ve s and the spe ll's e ffe ct e nds for that cre ature .
Infernal Healing
School C onjuration(He aling); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Duration 1 m inute
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
You touch a drop of de vil's blood to a wounde d cre ature , giving it fast he aling 1. This ability cannot re pair dam age cause d by
silve r we apons, good-aligne d we apons, or spe lls or e ffe cts with the good de scriptor. The targe t de te cts as an e vil cre ature for
the duration of the spe ll and can se nse the e vil of the m agic, though this has no long-te rm e ffe ct.
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target living cre ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You que stion the targe t, back e d up by the thre at of m agical pain. You m ay ask one que stion pe r two caste r le ve ls. The targe t
can e ithe r answe r the que stion or tak e 1d4 points of dam age plus your W isdom bonus. The targe t is not com pe lle d to answe r
truthfully, but the thre at of pain give s it a -4 pe nalty on Bluff che ck s to convince you whe n it is lying.
School Illusion, Void Ele m e ntal(Glam e r); Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal or touch
Target You or a cre ature or obje ct we ighing no m ore than 100 lbs./le ve l
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss) or W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss) or ye s (harm le ss,
obje ct)
The cre ature or obje ct touche d be com e s invisible . If the re cipie nt is a cre ature carrying ge ar, that vanishe s, too. If you cast the
spe ll on som e one e lse , ne ithe r you nor your allie s can se e the subje ct, unle ss you can norm ally se e invisible things or you
e m ploy m agic to do so.
Ite m s droppe d or put down by an invisible cre ature be com e visible ; ite m s pick e d up disappe ar if tuck e d into the clothing or
pouche s worn by the cre ature . Light, howe ve r, ne ve r be com e s invisible , although a source of light can be com e so (thus, the
e ffe ct is that of a light with no visible source ). Any part of an ite m that the subje ct carrie s but that e x te nds m ore than 10 fe e t
from it be com e s visible .
O f course , the subje ct is not m agically sile nce d, and ce rtain othe r conditions can re nde r the re cipie nt de te ctable (such as
swim m ing in wate r or ste pping in a puddle ). If a che ck is re quire d, a stationary invisible cre ature has a +40 bonus on its Ste alth
che ck s. This bonus is re duce d to +20 if the cre ature is m oving. The spe ll e nds if the subje ct attack s any cre ature . For purpose s
of this spe ll, an attack include s any spe ll targe ting a foe or whose are a or e ffe ct include s a foe . Ex actly who is a foe de pe nds on
the invisible characte r's pe rce ptions. Actions dire cte d at unatte nde d obje cts do not bre ak the spe ll. C ausing harm indire ctly is
not an attack . Thus, an invisible be ing can ope n doors, talk , e at, clim b stairs, sum m on m onste rs and have the m attack , cut the
rope s holding a rope bridge while e ne m ie s are on the bridge , re m ote ly trigge r traps, ope n a portcullis to re le ase attack dogs,
and so forth. If the subje ct attack s dire ctly, howe ve r, it im m e diate ly be com e s visible along with all its ge ar. Spe lls such as ble ss
that spe cifically affe ct allie s but not foe s are not attack s for this purpose , e ve n whe n the y include foe s in the ir are a.
Invisibility can be m ade pe rm ane nt (on obje cts only) with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect spark of e le ctricity
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cause a spark of e le ctricity to strik e the targe t with a succe ssful range d touch attack . The spe ll de als 1d3 points of e le ctricity
dam age .
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s
The subje ct ge ts a +10 e nhance m e nt bonus on Acrobatics che ck s m ade to atte m pt high jum ps or long jum ps. The e nhance m e nt
bonus incre ase s to +20 at caste r le ve l 5th, and to +30 (the m ax im um ) at caste r le ve l 9th.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target O ne brok e n obje ct of up to 2 lbs./le ve l
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
W he n you cast this spe ll, a spe ctral force binds a brok e n we apon toge the r, re lie ving the brok e n condition for a short tim e . W hile
unde r the e ffe cts of this spe ll, an ite m with the brok e n condition suffe rs no adve rse e ffe cts from that condition, and is tre ate d
as if it is not brok e n. The obje ct re gains no hit points, and dam age can still de stroy the obje ct.
Keep Watch
School Enchantm e nt; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target O ne cre ature touche d/2 le ve ls
Duration 8 hours or le ss; se e te x t
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
This spe ll e nable s the subje cts to stand watch or k e e p vigil throughout the night without any ill e ffe cts. The subje cts suffe r no
fatigue and gain all the usual be ne fits of a full night’s re st. The subje cts gain hit points as though from re sting, wizards m ay
pre pare the ir spe lls as though the y had sle pt for 8 hours, and so on. Effe cts that re ly on actual sle e p or dre am ing are
ine ffe ctive , though the subje cts are still susce ptible to e ffe cts that would put the m to sle e p, such as sle e p or de e p slum be r. Any
vigorous activity, including fighting, im m e diate ly e nds the e ffe ct, and the affe cte d cre ature s m ust e ithe r have the spe ll cast on
the m again or sle e p for the re m aining hours to avoid fatigue and gain the be ne fits of a full night’s re st.
Ki A rrow
School C onjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range Touch
Target 1 arrow touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You im bue an arrow with your powe r and throw it at a targe t up to 100 fe e t away. Mak e a range d attack roll. If it hits, the targe t
tak e s dam age from the arrow as if you had hit it with a single unarm e d strik e (including your Stre ngth bonus).
Kreighton's Perusal
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target Book touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
You gain a brie f but incom ple te unde rstanding of one book ’s conte nts, e quivale nt to having sk im m e d its page s for 1 hour. This
insight is not sufficie nt to translate unk nown language s, de ciphe r code s, or m e m orize te x t, but it doe s allow the caste r to le arn
what topics the book discusse s—invaluable to a Pathfinde r who m ust m ak e a snap de cision whe n pe rform ing re se arch or
de ciding whe the r or not to abscond with a volum e . In addition, you instantly be ne fit from any bonuse s or e ffe cts the book would
norm ally grant to anyone who re ads it for 1 hour (such as the bonuse s gaine d from re ading volum e s of the Pathfinde r
C hronicle s; se e page s 26–27).
Liberating Command
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time Im m e diate
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
If the targe t is bound, grapple d, or othe rwise re straine d, he m ay m ak e an Escape Artist che ck to e scape as an im m e diate
action. He gains a com pe te nce bonus on this che ck e qual to twice your caste r le ve l (m ax im um +20). This spe ll has no e ffe ct if
the targe t could not ge t fre e by using the Escape Artist sk ill (for e x am ple , if he we re unde r the e ffe cts of a hold pe rson spe ll or
paralyze d by Stre ngth dam age ).
School Evocation, W ood Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target O bje ct touche d
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll cause s a touche d obje ct to glow lik e a torch, she dding norm al light in a 20-foot radius, and incre asing the light le ve l
for an additional 20 fe e t by one ste p, up to norm al light (dark ne ss be com e s dim light, and dim light be com e s norm al light). In
an are a of norm al or bright light, this spe ll has no e ffe ct. The e ffe ct is im m obile , but it can be cast on a m ovable obje ct. You
can only have one light spe ll active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the pre vious
casting is dispe lle d. If you m ak e this spe ll pe rm ane nt (through pe rm ane ncy or a sim ilar e ffe ct), it doe s not count against this
lim it.
Light can be use d to counte r or dispe l any dark ne ss spe ll of e qual or lowe r spe ll le ve l.
Lighten Object
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target 1 obje ct of 1 cubic ft./le ve l
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje cts)
This spe ll de cre ase s the targe t's we ight by half. If cast on arm or, it im prove s the arm or che ck pe nalty by 1, though it doe s not
change the arm or's cate gorization as light, m e dium , or he avy.
Lightning Bolt
School Evocation, Air Ele m e ntal, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 120 ft.
A rea 120-ft. line
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 20 R e fle x half; Spell Resistance Ye s
You re le ase a powe rful strok e of e le ctrical e ne rgy that de als 1d6 points of e le ctricity dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 10d6)
to e ach cre ature within its are a. The bolt be gins at your finge rtips. The lightning bolt se ts fire to com bustible s and dam age s
obje cts in its path. It can m e lt m e tals with a low m e lting point, such as le ad, gold, coppe r, silve r, or bronze . If the dam age
cause d to an inte rposing barrie r shatte rs or bre ak s through it, the bolt m ay continue be yond the barrie r if the spe ll's range
pe rm its; othe rwise , it stops at the barrie r just as any othe r spe ll e ffe ct doe s.
Lock Gaze
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You com pe l the targe t to look at you and only you for the spe ll's duration or until the spe ll is discharge d. W hile staring at you,
the targe t is conside re d to be ave rting its e ye s from e ve ry cre ature but you, granting cre ature s othe r than you conce alm e nt
against the targe t's attack s. If the targe t willingly le ave s your line of sight, it is blinde d for 1 round and the spe ll e nds. If you
willingly le ave the targe t's line of sight or be com e unconscious or de ad, the spe ll cre ature suffe rs no ill e ffe cts. Blind cre ature s
and cre ature s im m une to gaze attack s are im m une to this spe ll.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll re duce s the e ffe ct of range , granting a +10-foot bonus to the range incre m e nt of any we apon use d by the subje ct.
Mage A rmor
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 hour/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No
An invisible but tangible fie ld of force surrounds the subje ct of a m age arm or spe ll, providing a +4 arm or bonus to AC . Unlik e
m undane arm or, m age arm or e ntails no arm or che ck pe nalty, arcane spe ll failure chance , or spe e d re duction. Since m age
arm or is m ade of force , incorpore al cre ature s can't bypass it the way the y do norm al arm or.
Mage Hand
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne nonm agical, unatte nde d obje ct we ighing up to 5 lbs.
Duration C once ntration
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You point your finge r at an obje ct and can lift it and m ove it at will from a distance . As a m ove action, you can prope l the obje ct
as far as 15 fe e t in any dire ction, though the spe ll e nds if the distance be twe e n you and the obje ct e ve r e x ce e ds the spe ll's
range .
Magic A ura
School Illusion(Glam e r); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Target O ne touche d obje ct we ighing up to 5 lbs./le ve l
Duration 1 day/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
You alte r an ite m 's aura so that it re giste rs to de te ct spe lls (and spe lls with sim ilar capabilitie s) as though it we re nonm agical, or
a m agic ite m of a k ind you spe cify, or the subje ct of a spe ll you spe cify. If the obje ct be aring m agic aura has ide ntify cast on it
or is sim ilarly e x am ine d, the e x am ine r re cognize s that the aura is false and de te cts the obje ct's actual qualitie s if he succe e ds
on a W ill save . O the rwise , he be lie ve s the aura and no am ount of te sting re ve als what the true m agic is. If the targe te d ite m 's
own aura is e x ce ptionally powe rful (if it is an artifact, for instance ), m agic aura doe sn't work .
Note : A m agic we apon, shie ld, or suit of arm or m ust be a m aste rwork ite m , so a sword of ave rage m ak e , for e x am ple , look s
suspicious if it has a m agical aura.
Magic Missile
School Evocation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target Up to five cre ature s, no two of which can be m ore than 15 ft. apart
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
A m issile of m agical e ne rgy darts forth from your finge rtip and strik e s its targe t, de aling 1d4+1 points of force dam age . The
m issile strik e s une rringly, e ve n if the targe t is in m e le e com bat, so long as it has le ss than total cove r or total conce alm e nt.
Spe cific parts of a cre ature can't be single d out. O bje cts are not dam age d by the spe ll. For e ve ry two caste r le ve ls be yond 1st,
you gain an additional m issile - two at 3rd le ve l, thre e at 5th, four at 7th, and the m ax im um of five m issile s at 9th le ve l or
highe r. If you shoot m ultiple m issile s, you can have the m strik e a single cre ature or se ve ral cre ature s. A single m issile can
strik e only one cre ature . You m ust de signate targe ts be fore you che ck for spe ll re sistance or roll dam age .
Magic Weapon
School Transm utation, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target W e apon touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
Magic we apon give s a we apon a +1 e nhance m e nt bonus on attack and dam age rolls. An e nhance m e nt bonus doe s not stack
with a m aste rwork we apon's +1 bonus on attack rolls. You can't cast this spe ll on a natural we apon, such as an unarm e d strik e
(inste ad, se e m agic fang). A m onk 's unarm e d strik e is conside re d a we apon, and thus it can be e nhance d by this spe ll.
Marid's Mastery
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The targe t gains a +1 bonus on attack and dam age rolls if it and its oppone nt are touching wate r. If the oppone nt or the targe t
is touching the ground, the targe t tak e s a -4 pe nalty on attack and dam age rolls.
Memory Lapse
School Enchantm e nt; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one living cre ature
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cause the targe t to forge t what happe ne d from the casting of the spe ll back to the be ginning of its last turn. This m ay allow
a re try on a Diplom acy, Intim idate , or oppose d sk ill che ck , though only with re spe ct to the targe t, not othe r cre ature s that m ay
be pre se nt.
School Transm utation, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 10 m inute s
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 10 ft.
Target O ne obje ct of up to 1 lb./le ve l
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
This spe ll re pairs dam age d obje cts, re storing 1d4 hit points to the obje ct. If the obje ct has the brok e n condition, this condition
is re m ove d if the obje ct is re store d to at le ast half its original hit points. All of the pie ce s of an obje ct m ust be pre se nt for this
spe ll to function. Magic ite m s can be re paire d by this spe ll, but you m ust have a caste r le ve l e qual to or highe r than that of the
obje ct. Magic ite m s that are de stroye d (at 0 hit points or le ss) can be re paire d with this spe ll, but this spe ll doe s not re store
the ir m agic abilitie s. This spe ll doe s not affe ct cre ature s (including constructs). This spe ll has no e ffe ct on obje cts that have
be e n warpe d or othe rwise transm ute d, but it can still re pair dam age done to such ite m s.
School Transm utation, Air Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne cre ature /le ve l
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can whispe r m e ssage s and re ce ive whispe re d re plie s. Those ne arby can he ar the se m e ssage s with a DC 25 Pe rce ption
che ck . You point your finge r at e ach cre ature you want to re ce ive the m e ssage . W he n you whispe r, the whispe re d m e ssage is
audible to all targe te d cre ature s within range . Magical sile nce , 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on m e tal (or a thin she e t of le ad),
or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s the spe ll. The m e ssage doe s not have to trave l in a straight line . It can circum ve nt a barrie r if
the re is an ope n path be twe e n you and the subje ct, and the path's e ntire le ngth lie s within the spe ll's range . The cre ature s that
re ce ive the m e ssage can whispe r a re ply that you he ar. The spe ll transm its sound, not m e aning; it doe sn't transce nd language
barrie rs. To spe ak a m e ssage , you m ust m outh the words and whispe r.
Mirror Strike
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration Se e te x t
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You brie fly alte r the flow of tim e to split a m e le e attack into two attack s. Be fore the e nd of your ne x t turn, whe n you m ak e your
ne x t m e le e attack roll, com pare the re sult to the AC of two oppone nts within your re ach. If the se le cte d oppone nts are flank ing
you, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll (and confirm ation attack roll, se e be low). If you hit both e ne m ie s, you can de al
half dam age to e ach. Hitting only one oppone nt allows you to de al that oppone nt norm al dam age for your attack . O n a critical
thre at, you can m ak e only one attack roll to confirm the critical hit against both oppone nts. If you confirm against both, you
de al half your critical hit dam age to e ach. Your hit is a norm al hit rathe r than a critical if you confirm against only one oppone nt.
If you fail to use the e ffe ct be fore the e nd of your ne x t turn, the spe ll e nds.
Moment of Greatness
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range 50 ft.
Target The caste r and allie s within a 50-ft. burst ce nte re d on the caste r
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l or until discharge d
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
Each cre ature affe cte d by this spe ll is give n the pote ntial for gre ate r succe ss and glory. If the affe cte d cre ature is be ne fiting
from a m orale bonus of any type , it can double that m orale bonus on one roll or che ck , be fore m ak ing the roll. O nce an
affe cte d cre ature use s this spe ll's e ffe ct, the spe ll is discharge d for that subje ct.
School C onjuration(Sum m oning); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne m ount
Duration 2 hours/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You sum m on a light horse or a pony (your choice ) to se rve you as a m ount (se e the Pathfinde r R PG Be stiary). The ste e d se rve s
willingly and we ll. The m ount com e s with a bit and bridle and a riding saddle .
Mud Ball
School C onjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect Single fist-size d blob of stick y m ud
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 R e fle x ne gate s; se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
W he n you cast this spe ll, you conjure a single ball of stick y m ud and launch it at an e ne m y's face as a range d touch attack . If
the m udball hits, the targe t is blinde d. Each round at the be ginning of its turn, a cre ature blinde d by this spe ll can atte m pt a
R e fle x saving throw to shak e off the m ud, e nding the e ffe ct. The m udball can also be wipe d off by the cre ature affe cte d by it or
by a cre ature adjace nt to the cre ature affe cte d by it as a standard action.
Negative Reaction
School Illusion(Glam e r); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
The targe t's actions and words fail to im pre ss. The targe t of this spe ll tak e s a -10 pe nalty on any Bluff, Diplom acy, and
Intim idate che ck s as we ll as any pe rform ance com bat che ck s it atte m pts.
Obscuring Mist
School C onjuration, W ate r Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 20 ft.
Effect C loud spre ads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
A m isty vapor arise s around you. It is stationary. The vapor obscure s all sight, including dark vision, be yond 5 fe e t. A cre ature 5
fe e t away has conce alm e nt (attack s have a 20% m iss chance ). C re ature s farthe r away have total conce alm e nt (50% m iss
chance , and the attack e r cannot use sight to locate the targe t). A m ode rate wind (11+ m ph), such as from a gust of wind spe ll,
dispe rse s the fog in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ m ph) dispe rse s the fog in 1 round. A fire ball, flam e strik e , or sim ilar spe ll
burns away the fog in the e x plosive or fie ry spe ll's are a. A wall of fire burns away the fog in the are a into which it de als dam age .
This spe ll doe s not function unde rwate r.
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O bje ct we ighing up to 30 lbs. or portal that can be ope ne d or close d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 17 W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You can ope n or close (your choice ) a door, che st, box , window, bag, pouch, bottle , barre l, or othe r containe r. If anything re sists
this activity (such as a bar on a door or a lock on a che st), the spe ll fails. In addition, the spe ll can only ope n and close things
we ighing 30 pounds or le ss. Thus, doors, che sts, and sim ilar obje cts size d for e norm ous cre ature s m ay be be yond this spe ll's
ability to affe ct.
Pattern Recognition
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw no; Spell Resistance no
Patte rn re cognition allows you to notice unusual bre ak s in the patte rns of stone s in a wall, boards in a floor, crack s in glass,
tre e s in a fore st, or sim ilar inte rruptions. You gain an insight bonus e qual to one -half your caste r le ve l (m inim um +1, m ax im um
+10) on Se arch che ck s.
You gain the sam e bonus on Survival che ck s m ade to follow track s. Patte rn re cognition doe s not grant you the Track fe at, a
rogue ’s trapfinding ability, or the ability to disable traps. You can use it in conjunction with those abilitie s if you posse ss the m ,
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne she athe d or slung we apon
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You lock a we apon in place on its owne r's body, or within the we apon's she ath or holste r. Anyone who the n trie s to draw the
we apon m ust spe nd a standard action and succe e d at a Stre ngth che ck (DC e qual to the saving throw DC ) to do so, provok ing
attack s of opportunity whe the r the atte m pt succe e ds or fails.
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target cre ature or obje ct touche d
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw Harm le ss W ill Ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll k e e ps the cre ature or obje ct touche d slightly in shadow. The targe t of this spe ll doe s not suffe r any pe naltie s or
blindne ss cause d by bright light, such as those from light se nsitivity or light blindne ss.
You can have only one pe num bra spe ll active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the
pre vious casting is dispe lle d.
Petulengro’s Validation
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
Afte r a particularly harrowing brush with de ath at the hands of doppe lgange rs, Ve nture -C aptain Eliza Pe tule ngro de vise d a
m e ans of be ing sure he r com panions we re actually who the y appe are d to be . To cast this spe ll, you m ust have a bit of hair, a
finge rnail clipping, or som e othe r portion of a cre ature . The sam ple m ust be no m ore than 1 we e k old pe r caste r le ve l. As part
of casting, you touch the targe t cre ature , and instantly k now whe the r the targe t is the sam e cre ature the sam ple is from . Note
that if you wish to be discre te , you can cast the spe ll away from the targe t and hold the charge be fore touching the cre ature , so
that the casting is not notice d. You can also use this spe ll to divine whe the r a de ad body, or e ve n partial re m ains from a body,
be longe d to the sam e pe rson whose finge rnail clipping or bit of hair you use d whe n casting the spe ll.
Polypurpose Panacea
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration Se e be low
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This cre ate s one of se ve ral cantrip-le ve l e ffe cts re lating to your he alth, we ll-be ing, and e nte rtainm e nt. The panace a has no side
e ffe cts (for e x am ple , the intox ication panace a doe s not cause a hangove r). W he n you use polypurpose panace a, choose one of
the following e ffe cts.
Analge sic: You do not fe e l m inor ache s and pains, such as from arthritis, a cold, or a hangove r, for 1 hour. For the duration,
you gain a +2 re sistance bonus against pain-re late d spe lls.
C larity: You ge t a +1 com pe te nce bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or sk ill che ck within 1 m inute . You m ust
choose to use the bonus be fore m ak ing the roll to which it applie s.
Hallucination: You have ple asant hallucinations for 1 hour, such as wande ring lights, m usic, playful surre al anim als, and so
on. You can te ll the se are not re al, but the y are distracting, and you tak e a -2 pe nalty on Pe rce ption che ck s for the duration.
Intox ication: You fe e l com fortably intox icate d for 1 hour, as if you had a fe w alcoholic be ve rage s.
Lucid Dre am : If you tak e this panace a within 1 hour of going to sle e p, you have a lucid dre am that is unde r your control and
lasts for an hour.
R e sistance : You gain a +1 re sistance bonus on save s for 1 m inute .
Sle e p: You e nte r a ple asant and re stful sle e p for at le ast 1 hour unle ss wak e ne d. If you would norm ally be gin sle e ping at
this tim e , whe n the panace a e nds you continue sle e ping norm ally.
Sobrie ty: You be com e com ple te ly sobe r for 1 hour, ne gating any pe naltie s to your actions for be ing drunk (Gam e Maste ry
Guide 237). Magical and alche m ical m e thods (such as de te ct poison) still de te ct you as ine briate d. Tim e spe nt unde r the e ffe ct
of this panace a do not count toward the tim e ne ce ssary to sobe r up (it m e re ly de lays your intox ication).
Te nacity: You gain 1 te m porary hit point for 1 m inute .
W ak e fulne ss: You re m ain awak e for 2 hours without fe e ling sle e py, and without side e ffe cts such as jitte rine ss. You gain a
+5 re sistance bonus against sle e p-re late d spe lls such as lullaby and sle e p. This use of the panace a m e re ly de lays your ne e d
for sle e p and doe s not count as re st or sle e p. You can use it m ultiple tim e s in succe ssion, but as e ach e ffe ct we ars off, you are
as tire d as you would be had you not use d the panace a.
School Unive rsal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 10 ft.
Target Se e te x t
A rea Se e te x t
Effect Se e te x t
Duration 1 hour
Saving Throw DC 17 Se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
Pre stidigitations are m inor trick s that novice spe llcaste rs use for practice . O nce cast, a pre stidigitation spe ll e nable s you to
pe rform sim ple m agical e ffe cts for 1 hour. The e ffe cts are m inor and have se ve re lim itations. A pre stidigitation can slowly lift 1
pound of m ate rial. It can color, cle an, or soil ite m s in a 1-foot cube e ach round. It can chill, warm , or flavor 1 pound of nonliving
m ate rial. It cannot de al dam age or affe ct the conce ntration of spe llcaste rs.
Pre stidigitation can cre ate sm all obje cts, but the y look crude and artificial. The m ate rials cre ate d by a pre stidigitation spe ll
are e x tre m e ly fragile , and the y cannot be use d as tools, we apons, or spe ll com pone nts. Finally, pre stidigitation lack s the powe r
to duplicate any othe r spe ll e ffe cts. Any actual change to an obje ct (be yond just m oving, cle aning, or soiling it) pe rsists only 1
Protection from Chaos
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No; se e te x t
This spe ll functions lik e prote ction from e vil, e x ce pt that the de fle ction and re sistance bonuse s apply to attack s m ade by chaotic
cre ature s. The targe t re ce ive s a ne w saving throw against control by chaotic cre ature s and chaotic sum m one d cre ature s cannot
touch the targe t.
Protection from Evil
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No; se e te x t
This spe ll wards a cre ature from attack s by e vil cre ature s, from m e ntal control, and from sum m one d cre ature s. It cre ate s a
m agical barrie r around the subje ct at a distance of 1 foot. The barrie r m ove s with the subje ct and has thre e m ajor e ffe cts.
First, the subje ct gains a +2 de fle ction bonus to AC and a +2 re sistance bonus on save s. Both the se bonuse s apply against
attack s m ade or e ffe cts cre ate d by e vil cre ature s.
Se cond, the subje ct im m e diate ly re ce ive s anothe r saving throw (if one was allowe d to be gin with) against any spe lls or
e ffe cts that posse ss or e x e rcise m e ntal control ove r the cre ature (including e nchantm e nt [charm ] e ffe cts and e nchantm e nt
[com pulsion] e ffe cts, such as charm pe rson, com m and, and dom inate pe rson). This saving throw is m ade with a +2 m orale
bonus, using the sam e DC as the original e ffe ct. If succe ssful, such e ffe cts are suppre sse d for the duration of this spe ll. The
e ffe cts re sum e whe n the duration of this spe ll e x pire s. W hile unde r the e ffe cts of this spe ll, the targe t is im m une to any ne w
atte m pts to posse ss or e x e rcise m e ntal control ove r the targe t. This spe ll doe s not e x pe l a controlling life force (such as a ghost
or spe llcaste r using m agic jar), but it doe s pre ve nt the m from controlling the targe t. This se cond e ffe ct only functions against
spe lls and e ffe cts cre ate d by e vil cre ature s or obje cts, subje ct to GM discre tion.
Third, the spe ll pre ve nts bodily contact by e vil sum m one d cre ature s. This cause s the natural we apon attack s of such
cre ature s to fail and the cre ature s to re coil if such attack s re quire touching the warde d cre ature . Sum m one d cre ature s that are
not e vil are im m une to this e ffe ct. The prote ction against contact by sum m one d cre ature s e nds if the warde d cre ature m ak e s an
attack against or trie s to force the barrie r against the block e d cre ature . Spe ll re sistance can allow a cre ature to ove rcom e this
prote ction and touch the warde d cre ature .
Protection from Good
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No; se e te x t
This spe ll functions lik e prote ction from e vil, e x ce pt that the de fle ction and re sistance bonuse s apply to attack s m ade by good
cre ature s. The targe t re ce ive s a ne w saving throw against control by good cre ature s and good sum m one d cre ature s cannot touch
the targe t.
Protection from Law
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No; se e te x t
This spe ll functions lik e prote ction from e vil, e x ce pt that the de fle ction and re sistance bonuse s apply to attack s m ade by lawful
cre ature s. The targe t re ce ive s a ne w saving throw against control by lawful cre ature s and lawful sum m one d cre ature s cannot
touch the targe t.
Ray of Enfeeblement
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect R ay
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude half;
A coruscating ray springs from your
pe nalty to Stre ngth e qual to 1d6+1
A succe ssful Fortitude save re duce s
inste ad.
Spell Resistance Ye s
hand. You m ust succe e d on a range d touch attack to strik e a targe t. The subje ct tak e s a
pe r two caste r le ve ls (m ax im um 1d6+5). The subje ct's Stre ngth score cannot drop be low 1.
this pe nalty by half. This pe nalty doe s not stack with itse lf. Apply the highe st pe nalty
Ray of Frost
School Evocation, W ate r Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect R ay
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
A ray of fre e zing air and ice proje cts from your pointing finge r. You m ust succe e d on a range d touch attack with the ray to de al
dam age to a targe t. The ray de als 1d3 points of cold dam age .
Ray of Sickening
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude Half; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll functions as ray of e x haustion, e x ce pt the targe t is sick e ne d if it fails its save and unaffe cte d if it m ak e s its save .
Recharge Innate Magic
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You channe l m agic e ne rgy into your own aura, re charging your innate m agic abilitie s. You re gain one use of all 0-le ve l and 1stle ve l spe ll-lik e abilitie s you can use as a re sult of a racial trait.
Reduce Person
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll cause s instant dim inution of a hum anoid cre ature , halving its he ight, le ngth, and width and dividing its we ight by 8.
This de cre ase change s the cre ature 's size cate gory to the ne x t sm alle r one . The targe t gains a +2 size bonus to De x te rity, a -2
size pe nalty to Stre ngth (to a m inim um of 1), and a +1 bonus on attack rolls and AC due to its re duce d size . A Sm all hum anoid
cre ature whose size de cre ase s to Tiny has a space of 2-1/2 fe e t and a natural re ach of 0 fe e t (m e aning that it m ust e nte r an
oppone nt's square to attack ). A Large hum anoid cre ature whose size de cre ase s to Me dium has a space of 5 fe e t and a natural
re ach of 5 fe e t. This spe ll doe sn't change the targe t's spe e d. All e quipm e nt worn or carrie d by a cre ature is sim ilarly re duce d by
the spe ll. Me le e and proje ctile we apons de al le ss dam age . O the r m agical prope rtie s are not affe cte d by this spe ll. Any re duce d
ite m that le ave s the re duce d cre ature 's posse ssion (including a proje ctile or thrown we apon) instantly re turns to its norm al size .
This m e ans that thrown we apons de al the ir norm al dam age (proje ctile s de al dam age base d on the size of the we apon that fire d
the m ). Multiple m agical e ffe cts that re duce size do not stack . R e duce pe rson counte rs and dispe ls e nlarge pe rson.
R e duce pe rson can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Reinforce A rmaments
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target O ne arm or suit or we apon touche d
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct);; Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
You re inforce a we apon or arm or suit to give it a te m porarily upgrade or m itigate the fragile quality (se e page 146). A suit of
arm or or we apon touche d that has the fragile quality is not conside re d to have the fragile quality for the spe ll's duration. Norm al
arm or suits or we apons subje cte d to this spe ll inste ad gain the m aste rwork quality for the spe ll's duration and the ir hardne ss is
double d. If this spe ll is cast on m aste rwork or m agical arm or or we apons, the ir hardne ss is double d for the duration of the spe ll.
School Abjuration; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
You im bue the subje ct with m agical e ne rgy that prote cts it from harm , granting it a +1 re sistance bonus on save s.
R e sistance can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Restore Corpse
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target corpse touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance No
You grow fle sh on a de com pose d or sk e le tonize d corpse of a Me dium or sm alle r cre ature , providing it with sufficie nt fle sh that it
can be anim ate d as a zom bie rathe r than a sk e le ton. The corpse look s as it did whe n the cre ature die d. The ne w fle sh is
som e what rotte d and not fit for e ating.
Scorching Ray
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne or m ore rays
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You blast your e ne m ie s with a se aring be am of fire . You m ay fire one ray, plus one additional ray for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond
3rd (to a m ax im um of thre e rays at 11th le ve l). Each ray re quire s a range d touch attack to hit and de als 4d6 points of fire
dam age . The rays m ay be fire d at the sam e or diffe re nt targe ts, but all rays m ust be aim e d at targe ts within 30 fe e t of e ach
othe r and fire d sim ultane ously.
Scrivener's Chant
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 5 ft.
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
This spe ll im bue s a quill with anim ate e ne rgy and rapidly transcribe s words from one page to anothe r. The quill copie s a writte n
work at the rate of one norm al-size d page pe r m inute . The Linguistics sk ill can be use d to m ak e a convincing copy, but
othe rwise the re production is writte n in the hand of the caste r. You m ust conce ntrate upon the m ate rial be ing duplicate d for the
spe ll's duration and provide ne w blank page s as re quire d. The scrive ne r's chant re quire s blank pape r and a quill or othe r writing
m ate rials, in addition to the m ate rial com pone nts.
This spe ll cannot duplicate m agical writing (including spe lls and m agical scrolls), though it can duplicate non-m agical writing
from a m agical source .
Sculpt Corpse
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target one de ad cre ature touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill partial; se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
W ith a clam m y care ss and a word to the powe rs lurk ing be yond de ath, you can re shape a de ad body look lik e anothe r cre ature
or e ve n a spe cific pe rson so long as you have firsthand k nowle dge of how that cre ature or pe rson actually look s. You can m ak e
the corpse one size large r or sm alle r and change anything e lse about it including its appare nt type , ge nde r, or age . C re ature s
with a re ason to suspe ct de ce ption m ay m ak e a W ill saving throw to re alize that the corpse was alte re d. If you chose to m ak e
the corpse look lik e a spe cific individual anyone who k nows that individual can m ak e a W ill save to re alize that the corpse is not
actually that pe rson. Howe ve r, if a cre ature fails its W ill save by 5 or le ss the y be lie ve the corpse is that of som e one who close ly
re se m ble d the pe rson the y k ne w rathe r than a de libe rate fak e . This spe ll m e re ly change s the appe arance of the corpse . Any
spe ll or e ffe ct that targe ts the corpse (such as spe ak with de ad or raise de ad) tre ats it as if it still had its original appe arance .
See A lignment
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1/round pe r le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
W he n you cast this spe ll, se le ct a single alignm e nt (such as lawful good or chaotic e vil). C re ature s of that alignm e nt glow with a
ghostly radiance while the y are within your vision. Though you can se e this radiance , othe r cre ature s cannot.
Spe lls and e ffe cts that obscure alignm e nt, lik e unde te ctable alignm e nt, also obscure the e ffe cts of this spe ll.
Serren's Swift Girding
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne willing cre ature /le ve l
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
W ith a swe e p of your hand, you se le ct a num be r of targe ts and the sam e num be r of suits of arm or. The targe ts of this spe ll are
im m e diate ly clad in the arm or that you choose . The subje cts of the spe ll m ust be capable of we aring the chose n arm or, cannot
be we aring othe r arm or, and m ust be able to prope rly fit into the chose n arm or. The chose n arm or m ust be e m pty and cannot
be curre ntly worn by anothe r cre ature (thus you cannot m ove arm or from one we are r to anothe r with this spe ll). C re ature s
arm ore d with this spe ll are conside re d to have donne d the arm or prope rly.
Shadow Weapon
School Illusion(Shadow); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 0 ft.
Effect one shadow we apon
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill disbe lie f (if inte racte d with); Spell Resistance Ye s
Drawing upon the Plane of Shadow, you shape a quasi-re al m aste rwork m e le e we apon of a type you are proficie nt with. You m ay
use this we apon to m ak e attack s as if it we re a re al we apon, de aling norm al dam age for a we apon of its type . The first tim e you
hit a cre ature with the we apon, it m ay m ak e a W ill save to disbe lie ve ; failure m e ans the we apon de als dam age norm ally,
succe ss m e ans it only tak e s 1 point of dam age from the we apon's attack s. The we apon only de als 1 point of dam age to
obje cts. If an attack e d cre ature has spe ll re sistance , you m ak e a caste r le ve l che ck (1d20 + caste r le ve l) against that spe ll
re sistance the first tim e the shadow we apon strik e s it. If the we apon is succe ssfully re siste d, the spe ll is dispe lle d. If not, the
targe t m ay save to disbe lie ve as norm al. At 5th le ve l, the we apon gains a +1 e nhance m e nt bonus. At 10th-le ve l, you m ay
incre ase the e nhance m e nt bonus to +2 or add the frost or k e e n we apon prope rty. The frost and k e e n prope rtie s have no e ffe ct
if the targe t m ak e s its disbe lie f save . The spe ll e nds if the we apon le ave s your posse ssion.
School Abjuration, Void Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
Shie ld cre ate s an invisible shie ld of force that hove rs in front of you. It ne gate s m agic m issile attack s dire cte d at you. The disk
also provide s a +4 shie ld bonus to AC . This bonus applie s against incorpore al touch attack s, since it is a force e ffe ct. The shie ld
has no arm or che ck pe nalty or arcane spe ll failure chance .
Shield Companion
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target Your anim al com panion, fam iliar, or fie ndish se rvant
Duration 1 hour/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
This spe ll functions as shie ld othe r but affe cts only the caste r's anim al com panion or fam iliar. Spe llcaste rs from classe s that do
not norm ally gain an anim al com panion, fam iliar, or fie ndish se rvant but who gain one through an alte rnate class fe ature ,
arche type , or pre stige class can pre pare and cast this spe ll as a 1st-le ve l spe ll if the y are capable of casting spe lls.
Shield Speech
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 10 ft.
Target You and one othe r cre ature
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
You can se cure ly com m unicate with one cre ature within range . So long as your targe t re m ains within 10 fe e t of you, you and it
can spe ak fre e ly to e ach othe r without fe ar of be ing ove rhe ard. C om m unications that involve shie ld spe e ch cannot be spie d on,
such as with a divination spe ll, and obse rve rs of the conve rsation can te ll you are com m unicating but cannot re ad lips or he ar
the conve rsation unle ss the y are the targe t of the spe ll. If you or the targe t spe ak to any othe r cre ature s, the y can he ar you
norm ally (only com m unication be twe e n you and the targe t is prote cte d). The spe ll doe s not shie ld writing, sign language , or any
form of com m unication othe r than spe ak ing.
Shock Shield
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll cre ate s an invisible shie ld sim ilar to but not as strong as the shie ld spe ll. This shie ld hove rs in front of you and
ne gate s m agic m issile attack s dire cte d at you. The disk provide s a +2 shie ld bonus to AC . This bonus applie s against
incorpore al touch attack s.
At any tim e , as a fre e action, you m ay dism iss your shie ld, at which point it de als 1d6 points of e le ctrical dam age to all
cre ature s within a 5-foot burst, including you. A R e fle x saving throw halve s the dam age .
Shocking Grasp
School Evocation, Air Ele m e ntal, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature or obje ct touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
Your succe ssful m e le e touch attack de als 1d6 points of e le ctricity dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 5d6). W he n de live ring the
jolt, you gain a +3 bonus on attack rolls if the oppone nt is we aring m e tal arm or (or is carrying a m e tal we apon or is m ade of
m e tal).
Silent Image
School Illusion(Figm e nt); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
Effect Visual figm e nt that cannot e x te nd be yond four 10-ft. cube s + one 10-ft. cube /le ve l (S)
Duration C once ntration
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill disbe lie f (if inte racte d with); Spell Resistance No
This spe ll cre ate s the visual illusion of an obje ct, cre ature , or force , as visualize d by you. The illusion doe s not cre ate sound,
sm e ll, te x ture , or te m pe rature . You can m ove the im age within the lim its of the size of the e ffe ct.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
A rea O ne or m ore living cre ature s within a 10-ft.-radius burst
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
A sle e p spe ll cause s a m agical slum be r to com e upon 4 HD of cre ature s. C re ature s with the fe we st HD are affe cte d first. Am ong
cre ature s with e qual HD, those who are close st to the spe ll's point of origin are affe cte d first. HD that are not sufficie nt to affe ct
a cre ature are waste d. Sle e ping cre ature s are he lple ss. Slapping or wounding awak e ns an affe cte d cre ature , but norm al noise
doe s not. Awak e ning a cre ature is a standard action (an application of the aid anothe r action). Sle e p doe s not targe t
unconscious cre ature s, constructs, or unde ad cre ature s.
Snapdragon Fireworks
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
Effect dragon-shape d fire work s
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 18 R e fle x ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
A favorite display at halfling m idsum m e r fe stivals, this spe ll le ts you cre ate fire work s in the shape of tiny dragons. O nce pe r
round, as a m ove action, you m ay de signate a targe t 5-foot-square within range and launch a pyrote chnic in that dire ction. The
pyrote chnic tak e s a zigzag path from you to that square , always m issing cre ature s and obje cts in its path, and de tonate s in that
square with a bang and a colorful burst of fire and light. C re ature s in the targe t square tak e 1d4 points of fire dam age and are
dazzle d for 1 round (R e fle x half, a succe ssful save ne gate s the dazzle d condition). Norm ally whe n this spe ll is use d as part of a
fe stival, the chose n targe t is high in the sk y to incre ase visibility and prote ct obse rve rs.
Snow Shape
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target Snow or snow-sculpte d obje ct touche d, up to 5 cubic ft. + 1 cubic ft. / le ve l
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
In froze n northe rn lands, whe re the e arth m ay be hidde n be ne ath he avy drifts of snow, Ulfe n druids de ve lope d a variation of
stone shape that othe r spe llcaste rs have since le arne d.
You can form a m ass of snow into any shape that suits your purpose , as pe r the spe ll stone shape . W hile it’s possible to
m ak e crude obje cts with snow shape , m ost fine de tails are n’t possible . Howe ve r, a succe ssful C raft we apons) che ck allows you to
cre ate a blade d we apon from the snow. The DC of this che ck is e qual to the DC liste d with the C raft (we apons) sk ill (C ore
R ule book 93). You m ust be the one to m ak e the C raft che ck and m ust do so at the tim e of casting this spe ll. A faile d che ck
m e ans that the spe ll is cast norm ally but the we apon cre ate d is m alform e d and use le ss. This spe ll can only be use d to craft
we apons and not m ore pre cise tools or e laborate arm ors.
O nce you cre ate the ite m with this spe ll, it solidifie s into supe r-hard ice , gaining a hardne ss of 5 and 10 hit points pe r inch of
thick ne ss. This we apon tak e s double dam age from fire . Anyone using an ice we apon tak e s a –2 pe nalty on attack s due to the
slippe ry, unwie ldy nature of the we apon, but the we apon de als 1 point of cold dam age in addition to its norm al dam age . A
we apon cre ate d by this spe ll lasts for 24 hours be fore m e lting into use le ssne ss.
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne ball of ice and snow
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 Fortitude partial (se e te x t); Spell Resistance No
You conjure a ball of pack e d ice and snow that you can throw at a single targe t as a range d touch attack . The snowball de als
1d6 points of cold dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 5d6) on a succe ssful hit, and the targe t m ust m ak e a succe ssful
Fortitude saving throw or be stagge re d for 1 round.
Sotto Voce
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Duration 1+ R ounds
Saving Throw DC 17 W ill Ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
Your dry, rasping whispe r fills a living cre ature of 4 or fe we r Hit Dice with unnatural dre ad. The affe cte d cre ature m ust m ak e a
W ill save or be shak e n for 1 round.
Sow Thought
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature
Duration Pe rm ane nt
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s.; Spell Resistance Ye s.
You plant an ide a, conce pt, or suspicion in the m ind of the subje ct. The targe t ge nuine ly be lie ve s that the ide a is his own, but is
not re quire d to act upon it. If the ide a is contrary to the targe t’s norm al thoughts (such as m ak ing a paladin think , “I should
m urde r m y frie nds”) the targe t m ay suspe ct m ind alte ring m agic is at play. The ide a m ust be fairly cle ar, e nough so that it can
be conve ye d in one or two se nte nce s. You do not ne e d to share a com m on language for the spe ll to succe e d, but without a
com m on language you can only sow the m ost basic rudim e ntary ide as.
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one Fine obje ct
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 17 Fortitude ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You can m ak e an unatte nde d Fine flam m able obje ct catch on fire . This work s as if you we re using flint and ste e l e x ce pt that you
can use spark in any sort of we athe r and it tak e s m uch le ss tim e to actually ignite an obje ct.
Stone Fist
School Transm utation, Earth Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll transform s your hands into living stone . W hile this spe ll is in e ffe ct, your unarm e d strik e s do not provok e attack s of
opportunity and de al 1d6 points of le thal bludge oning dam age (1d4 if you are Sm all). In addition, your unarm e d strik e s ignore
the hardne ss of any obje ct with a hardne ss le ss than 8.
Stone to fle sh im m e diate ly dispe ls stone fist. Should you be the targe t of transm ute rock to m ud, this spe ll im m e diate ly
e nds and you tak e 4d6 points of dam age .
Stone Shield
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 im m e diate action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Divine Focus
Range 0 ft.
Effect Stone wall whose are a is one 5-ft square .
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
A 1-inch-thick slab of stone springs up from the ground, inte rposing itse lf be twe e n you and an oppone nt of your choice . The
stone shie ld provide s you with cove r from that e ne m y (C ore R ule book 195) until the be ginning of your ne x t turn, granting you a
+4 bonus to Arm or C lass and a +2 bonus on R e fle x saving throws. If the oppone nt's attack m isse s you by 4 or le ss, the attack
strik e s the shie ld inste ad. The stone shie ld has hardne ss 8 and 15 hit points. If the shie ld is de stroye d, the spe ll e nds and the
shie ld crum ble s away into nothingne ss. Spe lls and e ffe cts that dam age an are a de al dam age to the shie ld.
You cannot use this spe ll if you are not adjace nt to a large are a of e arth or stone such as the ground or a wall. A qinggong
m onk (Ultim ate Magic) m ay se le ct this spe ll as a k i powe r at 4th le ve l
Strong Wings
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw Fortitude ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The targe t's wings grow m ore powe rful, causing its fly spe e d to incre ase by +10 fe e t and its m ane uve rability to im prove by one
cate gory (to a m ax im um of good). This incre ase counts as an e nhance m e nt bonus. This spe ll has no e ffe ct on wingle ss
cre ature s or winge d cre ature s that cannot fly.
Suggestion, Mass
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 6
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Mate rial
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne cre ature /le ve l, no two of which can be m ore than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 hour/le ve l or until com ple te d
Saving Throw DC 23 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll functions lik e sugge stion, e x ce pt that it can affe ct m ore cre ature s. The sam e sugge stion applie s to all the se
cre ature s.
Summon Monster III
School C onjuration(Sum m oning); Level 3
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne sum m one d cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e sum m on m onste r I, e x ce pt that you can sum m on one cre ature from the 3rd-le ve l list, 1d3 cre ature s of
the sam e k ind from the 2nd-le ve l list, or 1d4+1 cre ature s of the sam e k ind from the 1st-le ve l list.
Sum m on Monste r Table s
3rd Le ve l: Ant, giant (soldie r)*, Ape *, Aurochs (he rd anim al)*, Boar*, C he e tah*, C onstrictor snak e *, C rocodile *, Dire bat*,
Dre tch (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Ele ctric e e l*, Giant lizard*, Lante rn archon [Good, Lawful subtype s], Le opard (cat)*,
Shark *, W olve rine *
2nd Le ve l: Ant, giant (work e r)*, Ele m e ntal (Sm all) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant ce ntipe de *, Giant frog*, Giant spide r*, Goblin
dog*, Horse *, Hye na*, Le m ure (de vil) [Evil, Lawful subtype s] O ctopus*, Squid*, W olf*
1st Le ve l: Dire rat*, Dog*, Dolphin*, Eagle *, Fire be e tle *, Frog, poison*, Pony (horse )*, Vipe r (snak e )*
* This cre ature is sum m one d with the ce le stial te m plate if you are good, or the fie ndish te m plate if you are e vil; you m ay
choose e ithe r if you are ne utral.
Summon Monster IV
School C onjuration, All Ele m e nts(Sum m oning); Level 4
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne sum m one d cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e sum m on m onste r I, e x ce pt that you can sum m on one cre ature from the 4th-le ve l list, 1d3 cre ature s of
the sam e k ind from the 3rd-le ve l list, or 1d4+1 cre ature s of the sam e k ind from a lowe r-le ve l list.
Sum m on Monste r Table s
4th Le ve l: Ant, giant (drone )*, Bison (he rd anim al)*, De inonychus (dinosaur)*, Dire ape *, Dire boar*, Dire wolf*, Ele m e ntal
(Me dium ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant scorpion*, Giant wasp*, Grizzly be ar*, He ll hound [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Hound archon
[Good, Lawful subtype s], Lion*, Me phit (any) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Pte ranodon (dinosaur)*, R hinoce ros*
3rd Le ve l: Ant, giant (soldie r)*, Ape *, Aurochs (he rd anim al)*, Boar*, C he e tah*, C onstrictor snak e *, C rocodile *, Dire bat*,
Dre tch (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Ele ctric e e l*, Giant lizard*, Lante rn archon [Good, Lawful subtype s], Le opard (cat)*,
Shark *, W olve rine *
2nd Le ve l: Ant, giant (work e r)*, Ele m e ntal (Sm all) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant ce ntipe de *, Giant frog*, Giant spide r*, Goblin
dog*, Horse *, Hye na*, Le m ure (de vil) [Evil, Lawful subtype s] O ctopus*, Squid*, W olf*
* This cre ature is sum m one d with the ce le stial te m plate if you are good, or the fie ndish te m plate if you are e vil; you m ay
choose e ithe r if you are ne utral.
Summon Monster V
School C onjuration, All Ele m e nts(Sum m oning); Level 5
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne sum m one d cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e sum m on m onste r I, e x ce pt that you can sum m on one cre ature from the 5th-le ve l list, 1d3 cre ature s of
the sam e k ind from the 4th-le ve l list, or 1d4+1 cre ature s of the sam e k ind from a lowe r-le ve l list.
Sum m on Monste r Table s
5th Le ve l: Ank ylosaurus (dinosaur)*, Babau (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Be arde d de vil [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Bralani
azata [C haotic, Good subtype s], Dolphin (orca)*, Dire lion*, Ele m e ntal (Large ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant m oray e e l*, Kyton
[Evil, Lawful subtype s], Salam ande r [Evil subtype ], W oolly rhinoce ros*, Xill [Evil, Lawful subtype s]
4th Le ve l: Ant, giant (drone )*, Bison (he rd anim al)*, De inonychus (dinosaur)*, Dire ape *, Dire boar*, Dire wolf*, Ele m e ntal
(Me dium ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant scorpion*, Giant wasp*, Grizzly be ar*, He ll hound [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Hound archon
[Good, Lawful subtype s], Lion*, Me phit (any) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Pte ranodon (dinosaur)*, R hinoce ros*
3rd Le ve l: Ant, giant (soldie r)*, Ape *, Aurochs (he rd anim al)*, Boar*, C he e tah*, C onstrictor snak e *, C rocodile *, Dire bat*,
Dre tch (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Ele ctric e e l*, Giant lizard*, Lante rn archon [Good, Lawful subtype s], Le opard (cat)*,
Shark *, W olve rine *
* This cre ature is sum m one d with the ce le stial te m plate if you are good, or the fie ndish te m plate if you are e vil; you m ay
choose e ithe r if you are ne utral.
Summon Monster VI
School C onjuration, All Ele m e nts(Sum m oning); Level 6
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne sum m one d cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e sum m on m onste r I, e x ce pt you can sum m on one cre ature from the 6th-le ve l list, 1d3 cre ature s of the
sam e k ind from the 5th-le ve l list, or 1d4+1 cre ature s of the sam e k ind from a lowe r-le ve l list.
Sum m on Monste r Table s
6th Le ve l: Dire be ar*, Dire tige r*, Elasm osaurus (dinosaur)*, Ele m e ntal (Huge ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Ele phant*, Erinye s
(de vil) [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Giant octopus*, Invisible stalk e r [Air aubtype ], Lille nd azata [C haotic, Good subtype s], Shadow
de m on [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Succubus (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Trice ratops (dinosaur)*
5th Le ve l: Ank ylosaurus (dinosaur)*, Babau (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Be arde d de vil [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Bralani
azata [C haotic, Good subtype s], Dolphin (orca)*, Dire lion*, Ele m e ntal (Large ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant m oray e e l*, Kyton
[Evil, Lawful subtype s], Salam ande r [Evil subtype ], W oolly rhinoce ros*, Xill [Evil, Lawful subtype s]
4th Le ve l: Ant, giant (drone )*, Bison (he rd anim al)*, De inonychus (dinosaur)*, Dire ape *, Dire boar*, Dire wolf*, Ele m e ntal
(Me dium ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant scorpion*, Giant wasp*, Grizzly be ar*, He ll hound [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Hound archon
[Good, Lawful subtype s], Lion*, Me phit (any) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Pte ranodon (dinosaur)*, R hinoce ros*
* This cre ature is sum m one d with the ce le stial te m plate if you are good, or the fie ndish te m plate if you are e vil; you m ay
choose e ithe r if you are ne utral.
Touch of Fatigue
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 17 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You channe l ne gative e ne rgy through your touch, fatiguing the targe t. You m ust succe e d on a touch attack to strik e a targe t.
The subje ct is im m e diate ly fatigue d for the spe ll's duration.
This spe ll has no e ffe ct on a cre ature that is alre ady fatigue d. Unlik e with norm al fatigue , the e ffe ct e nds as soon as the
spe ll's duration e x pire s.
Wall of Force
School Evocation; Level 5
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect W all whose are a is up to one 10-ft. square /le ve l
Duration 1 round /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
A wall of force cre ate s an invisible wall of pure force . The wall cannot m ove and is not e asily de stroye d. A wall of force is im m une
to dispe l m agic, although a m age 's disjunction can still dispe l it.
A wall of force can be dam age d by spe lls as norm al, e x ce pt for disinte grate , which autom atically de stroys it. It can be
dam age d by we apons and supe rnatural abilitie s, but a wall of force has hardne ss 30 and a num be r of hit points e qual to 20 pe r
caste r le ve l. C ontact with a sphe re of annihilation or rod of cance llation instantly de stroys a wall of force .
Bre ath we apons and spe lls cannot pass through a wall of force in e ithe r dire ction, although dim e nsion door, te le port, and
sim ilar e ffe cts can bypass the barrie r. It block s e the re al cre ature s as we ll as m ate rial one s (though e the re al cre ature s can
usually circum ve nt the wall by going around it, through m ate rial floors and ce ilings). Gaze attack s can ope rate through a wall of
force . The caste r can form the wall into a flat, ve rtical plane whose are a is up to one 10-foot square pe r le ve l. The wall m ust be
continuous and unbrok e n whe n form e d. If its surface is brok e n by any obje ct or cre ature , the spe ll fails.
W all of force can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
P32. Jivakhnaka
True Neutral
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = )
Elemental, Water, Greater
36 +13
24 +7
+7 = 7 + 0
24 +7
27 +8
AC 25
= 10 +
12 = 5 +
Skill Name
Slam x 2 (Ele m e ntal, W ate r, Gre ate r)
18 = 9 +
22 = 9 + 13 +
25 +7
35 +12
+ 10
+21 x 2
✓ A c robatic s
A pprais e
✓ Bluff
C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
✓ E s c ape A rtis t
H eal
I ntimidate
Knowledge (arc ana)
Knowledge (loc al)
Knowledge (nobility)
✓ Knowledge (planes )
✓ P erc eption
✓ Sens e M otive
Spellc raft
✓ Stealth
✓ Swim
U s e M agic D evic e
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=I nt
=I nt
=I nt
=I nt
=D ex
=I nt
=D ex
=C ha
12 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
13 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Bull R ush
Fe int
O ve rrun
Sunde r
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
0 lbs
4256 lbs
8528 lbs
12800 lbs
Current 0
Next Level
Dark vision (60 fe e t)
Dam age R e duction (10/-)
Im m unity to Ble e ds
Im m unity to C ritical Hits
Im m unity to Flank ing
Im m unity to Paralysis
Im m unity to Poison
Im m unity to Pre cision Dam age
Im m unity to Sle e p
Im m unity to Stunning
Swim m ing (90 fe e t)
Dre nch (Ex )
Vorte x (DC 29) (Su)
W ate r Maste ry (Ex )
C le ave
Ex otic W e apon Proficie ncy (W hip)
Gre at C le ave
Im prove d Bull R ush
Im prove d Sunde r
Lightning R e fle x e s
Martial W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Powe r Attack -4/+8
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Darkvision (60 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Damage Reduction (10/-)
You have Dam age R e duction against all attack s.
Immunity to Bleeds
You are im m une to ble e ds.
Immunity to Critical Hits
You are im m une to C ritical Hits
Immunity to Flanking
You are im m une to flank ing.
Immunity to Paralysis
You are im m une to paralysis.
Immunity to Poison
You are im m une to poison.
Immunity to Precision Damage
You are im m une to Pre cision Dam age
Immunity to Sleep
You are im m une to sle e p e ffe cts.
Immunity to Stunning
You are im m une to be ing stunne d.
Swimming (90 feet)
You have a swim spe e d.
You gain a +8 racial bonus to swim che ck s to pe rform a spe cial action or avoid a hazard. You m ay tak e 10 on swim che ck s,
e ve n whe n distracte d or e ndange re d.
Drench (Ex)
The e le m e ntal's touch puts out nonm agical flam e s of Large size or sm alle r. The cre ature can dispe l m agical fire it touche s
as dispe l m agic (caste r le ve l e quals e le m e ntal's HD).
Vortex (DC 29) (Su)
Som e cre ature s can transform the m se lve s into whirlwinds and re m ain in that form for up to 1 round for e ve ry 2 HD the y
have . If the cre ature has a fly spe e d, it can continue to fly at that sam e spe e d while in whirlwind form , othe rwise it gains a fly
spe e d e qual to its base land spe e d (ave rage m ane uve rability) while in whirlwind form .
The whirlwind is always 5 fe e t wide at its base , but its he ight and width at the top vary from cre ature to cre ature (m inim um
10 fe e t high). A whirlwind's width at its pe ak is always e qual to half of its he ight. The cre ature controls the e x act he ight, but it
m ust be at le ast 10 fe e t high.
The whirlwind form doe s not provok e attack s of opportunity, e ve n if the cre ature e nte rs the space anothe r cre ature occupie s.
Anothe r cre ature m ight be caught in the whirlwind if it touche s or e nte rs the whirlwind, or if the whirlwind m ove s into or through a
cre ature 's space . A cre ature in whirlwind form cannot m ak e its norm al attack s and doe s not thre ate n the are a around it.
C re ature s one or m ore size cate gorie s sm alle r than the whirlwind m ight tak e dam age whe n caught in the whirlwind (ge ne rally
dam age e qual to the m onste r's slam attack for a cre ature of its size ) and m ay be lifte d into the air. An affe cte d cre ature m ust
succe e d on a R e fle x save (DC 10 + half m onste r's HD + the m onste r's Stre ngth m odifie r) whe n it com e s into contact with the
whirlwind or tak e dam age as if it we re hit by the whirlwind cre ature 's slam attack . It m ust also succe e d on a se cond R e fle x save
or be pick e d up bodily and he ld suspe nde d in the powe rful winds, autom atically tak ing the indicate d dam age e ach round. A
cre ature that can fly is allowe d a R e fle x save e ach round to e scape the whirlwind. The cre ature still tak e s dam age but can le ave
if the save is succe ssful.
C re ature s trappe d in the whirlwind cannot m ove e x ce pt to go whe re the whirlwind carrie s the m or to e scape the whirlwind.
Trappe d cre ature s can othe rwise act norm ally, but m ust succe e d on a C once ntration che ck (DC 15 + spe ll le ve l) to cast a spe ll.
C re ature s caught in the whirlwind tak e a –4 pe nalty to De x te rity and a –2 pe nalty on attack rolls. The whirlwind can have only as
m any cre ature s trappe d inside at one tim e as will fit inside the whirlwind's volum e . The whirlwind can e je ct any carrie d cre ature s
whe ne ve r it wishe s as a fre e action, de positing the m in its space .
If the whirlwind's base touche s the ground, it cre ate s a swirling cloud of de bris. This cloud is ce nte re d on the cre ature and
has a diam e te r e qual to half the whirlwind's he ight. The cloud obscure s all vision, including dark vision, be yond 5 fe e t. C re ature s
5 fe e t away have conce alm e nt, while those farthe r away have total conce alm e nt. Those caught in the cloud of de bris m ust
succe e d on a C once ntration che ck (DC 15 + spe ll le ve l) to cast a spe ll.
Water Mastery (Ex)
A wate r e le m e ntal gains a +1 bonus on attack and dam age rolls if both it and its oppone nt are touching wate r. If the
oppone nt or the e le m e ntal is touching the ground, the e le m e ntal tak e s a -4 pe nalty on attack and dam age rolls. The se
m odifie rs apply to bull rush and ove rrun m ane uve rs, whe the r the e le m e ntal is initiating or re sisting the se k inds of attack s.
Cleave (C om bat)
You can strik e two adjace nt foe s with a single swing.
Prerequisites: STR 13, Powe r Attack , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can m ak e a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within re ach. If you
hit, you de al dam age norm ally and can m ak e an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is
adjace nt to the first and also within re ach. You can only m ak e one additional attack pe r round with this fe at. W he n you use this
fe at, you tak e a –2 pe nalty to your Arm or C lass until your ne x t turn.
Addition from Gre at C le ave : You m ay use C le ave against any num be r of oppone nts pe r round.
Dodge (C om bat)
Your training and re fle x e s allow you to re act swiftly to avoid an oppone nts' attack s.
Prerequisite: De x 13.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC . A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x bonus to AC also m ak e s you
lose the be ne fits of this fe at.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of e x otic we apon, such as the spik e d chain or whip. You unde rstand how to use that type of e x otic we apon
in com bat, and can utilize any spe cial trick s or qualitie s that e x otic we apon m ight allow.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with the we apon norm ally.
Normal: A characte r who use s a we apon with which he is not proficie nt tak e s a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: You can gain Ex otic W e apon Proficie ncy m ultiple tim e s. Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type of
e x otic we apon.
Great Cleave (C om bat)
You can strik e m any adjace nt foe s with a single blow.
Prerequisites: Str 13, C le ave , Powe r Attack , base attack bonus +4.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can m ak e a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within re ach. If you
hit, you de al dam age norm ally and can m ak e an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is
adjace nt to the pre vious foe and also within re ach. If you hit, you can continue to m ak e attack s against foe s adjace nt to the
pre vious foe , so long as the y are within your re ach. You cannot attack an individual foe m ore than once during this attack
action. W he n you use this fe at, you tak e a –2 pe nalty to your Arm or C lass until your ne x t turn.
Improved Bull Rush (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at pushing your foe s around.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Powe r Attack , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You do not provok e an attack of opportunity whe n pe rform ing a bull rush com bat m ane uve r. In addition, you
re ce ive a +2 bonus on che ck s m ade to bull rush a foe . You also re ce ive a +2 bonus to your C om bat Mane uve r De fe nse
whe ne ve r an oppone nt trie s to bull rush you.
Normal: You provok e an attack of opportunity whe n pe rform ing a bull rush com bat m ane uve r.
Improved Sunder (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at dam aging your foe s' we apons and arm or.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Powe r Attack , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You do not provok e an attack of opportunity whe n pe rform ing a sunde r com bat m ane uve r. In addition, you re ce ive
a +2 bonus on che ck s m ade to sunde r an ite m . You also re ce ive a +2 bonus to your C om bat Mane uve r De fe nse whe ne ve r an
oppone nt trie s to sunde r your ge ar.
Normal: You provok e an attack of opportunity whe n pe rform ing a sunde r com bat m ane uve r.
Lightning Reflexes
You have faste r re fle x e s than norm al.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on all R e fle x saving throws.
Martial Weapon Proficiency - A ll
Benefit: You are proficie nt with all Martial we apons.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Power A ttack -4/+8 (C om bat)
You can m ak e e x ce ptionally de adly m e le e attack s by sacrificing accuracy for stre ngth.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on
all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is incre ase d by half (+50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with a two-hande d
we apon, a one hande d we apon using two hands, or a prim ary natural we apon that adds 1-1/2 tim e s your Stre ngth m odifie r on
dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with an off-hand we apon or se condary
natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry 4 points the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the
bonus to dam age incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore m ak ing an attack roll, and its e ffe cts last until your
ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit point dam age .
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
No m agic ite m s.
P35. Golem de Fer inachevé
True Neutral
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = )
Golem, Iron
AC 28
-1 = -1 + 0
= 10 +
+ 20
5 = 6 + -1
6 = 6 +
Skill Name
Slam x 2 (Gole m , Iron)
6 = 6 +
11 +0
32 +11
+ 10
+28 x 2
A c robatic s
A pprais e
C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
H eal
I ntimidate
P erc eption
Sens e M otive
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Bull R ush
Fe int
O ve rrun
Sunde r
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
0 lbs
1384 lbs
2768 lbs
4160 lbs
Current 0
Next Level
Dark vision (60 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Dam age R e duction (15/adam antine )
Im m unity to Ability Dam age
Im m unity to Ability Drain
Im m unity to Ble e ds
Im m unity to De ath and Ne crom ancy e ffe cts
Im m unity to Dise ase
Im m unity to Ene rgy Drain
Im m unity to Ex hauste d
Im m unity to Fatigue
Im m unity to Magic (Ex )
Im m unity to Mind-Affe cting e ffe cts
Im m unity to Non-le thal Dam age
Im m unity to Paralysis
Im m unity to Poison
Im m unity to Sle e p
Im m unity to Stunning
Bre ath W e apon (DC 19) (Su)
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Darkvision (60 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
Damage Reduction (15/adamantine)
You have Dam age R e duction against all e x ce pt Adam antine attack s.
Immunity to A bility Damage
Im m unity to ability dam age
Immunity to A bility Drain
Im m unity to ability drain
Immunity to Bleeds
You are im m une to ble e ds.
Immunity to Death and Necromancy effects
You are im m une to De ath and Ne crom ancy e ffe cts.
Immunity to Disease
You are im m une to dise ase s.
Immunity to Energy Drain
Im m une to e ne rgy drain
Immunity to Exhausted
You are im m une to the e x hauste d condition.
Immunity to Fatigue
You are im m une to the fatigue d condition.
Immunity to Magic (Ex)
An iron gole m is im m une to spe lls or spe ll-lik e abilitie s that allow spe ll re sistance . C e rtain spe lls and e ffe cts function
diffe re ntly against it, as note d be low.
A m agical attack that de als e le ctricity dam age slows an iron gole m (as the slow spe ll) for 3 This iron autom aton stands twice
as tall as a norm al hum an. Its he avy footfalls shak e the ground with bone -jarring force . rounds, with no saving throw.
A m agical attack that de als fire dam age bre ak s any slow e ffe ct on the gole m and he als 1 point of dam age for e ach 3 points
of dam age the attack would othe rwise de al. If the am ount of he aling would cause the gole m to e x ce e d its full norm al hit points,
it gains any e x ce ss as te m porary hit points. An iron gole m ge ts no saving throw against fire e ffe cts.
An iron gole m is affe cte d norm ally by rust attack s, such as those of a rust m onste r or a rusting grasp spe ll.
Immunity to Mind-A ffecting effects
You are im m une to Mind-Affe cting e ffe cts.
Immunity to Non-lethal Damage
You are im m une to Non-Le thal Dam age
Immunity to Paralysis
You are im m une to paralysis.
Immunity to Poison
You are im m une to poison.
Immunity to Sleep
You are im m une to sle e p e ffe cts.
Immunity to Stunning
You are im m une to be ing stunne d.
Breath Weapon (DC 19) (Su)
As a fre e action once e ve ry 1d4+1 rounds, an iron gole m can e x hale a 10-foot cube of poisonous gas. This gas cloud
pe rsists for 1 round; any cre ature within the are a whe n the gole m cre ate s it (as we ll as any cre ature that passe s through the
cloud during the re m ainde r of that round) is e x pose d to the cloud's poisonous e ffe cts. This poison is m agically cre ate d e ach
tim e the gole m use s this powe r. Bre ath we apon-inhale d; save Fort 19; fre que ncy 1/round for 4 rounds; e ffe ct 1d4 C onstitution
dam age ; cure 2 save s. The save DC is C onstitution-base d.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
No m agic ite m s.
P35. Mage Vonnarc
Wizard 8
C haotic Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Wizard)
5' 11"
10 +0
20 +5
+2 = 2 + 0
10 +0
13 +1
AC 22
= 10 +
5 = 2 +
7 = 2 +
9 = 6 +
+1 spe ll storing Dark wood quarte rstaff
+ 10
WEAPON [in both hands]
Skill Name
Situational Modif iers
A ll Saves: +2 vs . enc hantments
14 +2
A c robatic s
✓ A pprais e
C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
✓ Fly
H eal
I ntimidate
✓ Knowledge (arc ana)
✓ Knowledge (loc al)
✓ Knowledge (nobility)
✓ Knowledge (planes )
P erc eption
Sens e M otive
✓ Spellc raft
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=I nt
=I nt
=I nt
=I nt
=D ex
=I nt
=D ex
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Abyssal • C ommon • Draconic • Drow Sign Language • Elven
• Gnome • Undercommon
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
3 lbs
26 lbs
53 lbs
80 lbs
Current 220000
Next Level 75000
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Drow Im m unitie s - Sle e p
Elve n Im m unitie s
Spe ll R e sistance (14)
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
Acid Dart (8/day) (Sp)
Arcane Bond (+1 spe ll storing Dark wood quarte rstaff) (1/day)
C onjuration
Dim e nsional Ste ps (240'/day) (48 5-ft inc/day) (Sp)
Enchantm e nt
Poison Use (Ex )
Spe ll Storing
Sum m one r's C harm (+4 rds) (Su)
Acid Dart (8/day) (Sp)
Arcane Bond (+1 spe ll storing Dark wood
quarte rstaff) (1/day) (Sp)
Dancing Lights (1/day)
Dark ne ss (1/day)
Dim e nsional Ste ps (240'/day) (48 5-ft inc/day)
Fae rie Fire (1/day)
Fe athe r Fall (C onstant)
Potion of cure se rious wounds
W and of m agic m issile
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +1 spe ll storing Dark wood quarte rstaff
2 lbs
1 lb
C loak of re sistance +3
Potion of cure se rious wounds
R ing of fe athe r falling
R ing of prote ction +2
Scroll of fly (C L 8th)
W and of m agic m issile
9,000 gp
1,500 gp
2,200 gp
8,000 gp
600 gp
6,750 gp
C om bat C asting
Dazing Spe ll
Gre ate r Spe ll Pe ne tration
Scribe Scroll
Sile nt Spe ll
Spe ll Pe ne tration
W izard W e apon Proficie ncie s
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Spell Level: 0
Casts Per Day: 4
De te ct Magic
Casting Time
1 action
60 ft.
15 No
15 No
De te ct Poison
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me nding
10 m inute s
10 ft.
Me ssage
1 action
Fe athe r Fall
1 im m e diate
Magic Missile (x 3)
1 action
1 Shie ld
1 Shock ing Grasp
1* Mage Arm or
1 action
1 action
1 action
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Pe rsonal
Pe rsonal
False Life
1 action
Scorching R ay (x 3)
1 action
2* Glitte rdust
1 action
Dispe l Magic
1 action
Fire ball (x 2)
1 action
Sum m on Monste r III 1 round
3* Sum m on Monste r III 1 round
Dim e nsion Door
1 action
Sum m on Monste r IV
(x 2)
1 round
4* Sum m on Monste r IV
1 round
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Ye s (harm le ss,
obje ct)
C once ntration, up to 1 m in./le ve l
Instantane ous
Instantane ous
15 No
10 m in./le ve l
16 Ye s (obje ct)
Until landing or 1 round/le ve l
16 Ye s
Instantane ous
16 Ye s
16 No
1 m in./le ve l (D)
Instantane ous
1 hour/le ve l (D)
1 hour/le ve l or until discharge d; se e
te x t
17 Ye s
Instantane ous
17 No
1 round/le ve l
18 No
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
18 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
19 No and ye s (obje ct) Instantane ous
19 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
19 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
Drow Immunities - Sleep
You are im m une to m agic sle e p e ffe cts.
Elven Immunities
+2 save bonus vs Enchantm e nts.
Spell Resistance (14)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
A cid Dart (8/day) (Sp)
As a standard action you can unle ash an acid dart targe ting any foe within 30 fe e t as a range d touch attack . The acid dart
de als 1d6 points of acid dam age + 1 for e ve ry two wizard le ve ls you posse ss. You can use this ability a num be r of tim e s pe r day
e qual to 3 + your Inte llige nce m odifie r. This attack ignore s spe ll re sistance .
A rcane Bond (+1 spell storing Darkwood quarterstaff) (1/day) (Sp)
W izards who se le ct a bonde d obje ct be gin play with one at no cost. O bje cts that are the subje ct of an arcane bond m ust fall
into one of the following cate gorie s: am ule t, ring, staff, wand, or we apon. The se obje cts are always m aste rwork quality.
W e apons acquire d at 1st le ve l are not m ade of any spe cial m ate rial. If the obje ct is an am ule t or ring, it m ust be worn to have
e ffe ct, while stave s, wands, and we apons m ust be he ld in one hand. If a wizard atte m pts to cast a spe ll without his bonde d
obje ct worn or in hand, he m ust m ak e a conce ntration che ck or lose the spe ll. The DC for this che ck is e qual to 20 + the spe ll's
le ve l. If the obje ct is a ring or am ule t, it occupie s the ring or ne ck slot accordingly.
A bonde d obje ct can be use d once pe r day to cast any one spe ll that the wizard has in his spe llbook and is capable of
casting, e ve n if the spe ll is not pre pare d. This spe ll is tre ate d lik e any othe r spe ll cast by the wizard, including casting tim e ,
duration, and othe r e ffe cts de pe nde nt on the wizard's le ve l. This spe ll cannot be m odifie d by m e tam agic fe ats or othe r abilitie s.
The bonde d obje ct cannot be use d to cast spe lls from the wizard's opposition schools (se e arcane school).
A wizard can add additional m agic abilitie s to his bonde d obje ct as if he has the re quire d ite m cre ation fe ats and if he m e e ts
the le ve l pre re quisite s of the fe at. For e x am ple , a wizard with a bonde d dagge r m ust be at le ast 5th le ve l to add m agic abilitie s
to the dagge r (se e the C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or fe at in C hapte r 5). If the bonde d obje ct is a wand, it lose s its wand abilitie s
whe n its last charge is consum e d, but it is not de stroye d and it re tains all of its bonde d obje ct prope rtie s and can be use d to
craft a ne w wand. The m agic prope rtie s of a bonde d obje ct, including any m agic abilitie s adde d to the obje ct, only function for
the wizard who owns it. If a bonde d obje ct's owne r die s, or the ite m is re place d, the obje ct re ve rts to be ing an ordinary
m aste rwork ite m of the appropriate type .
If a bonde d obje ct is dam age d, it is re store d to full hit points the ne x t tim e the wizard pre pare s his spe lls. If the obje ct of
an arcane bond is lost or de stroye d, it can be re place d afte r 1 we e k in a spe cial ritual that costs 200 gp pe r wizard le ve l plus the
cost of the m aste rwork ite m . This ritual tak e s 8 hours to com ple te . Ite m s re place d in this way do not posse ss any of the
additional e nchantm e nts of the pre vious bonde d ite m . A wizard can de signate an e x isting m agic ite m as his bonde d ite m . This
functions in the sam e way as re placing a lost or de stroye d ite m e x ce pt that the ne w m agic ite m re tains its abilitie s while gaining
the be ne fits and drawback s of be com ing a bonde d ite m .
Note: If your bonde d obje ct doe s not have any othe r powe rs or prope rtie s ye t, the re are powe r-le ss ve rsions of the wand,
staff, ring, and am ule t available on the m agic tab.
The conjure r focuse s on the study of sum m oning m onste rs and m agic alik e to be nd to his will.
Dimensional Steps (240'/day) (48 5-ft inc/day) (Sp)
At 8th le ve l, you can use this ability to te le port up to 30 fe e t pe r wizard le ve l pe r day as a standard action. This te le portation
m ust be use d in 5-foot incre m e nts and such m ove m e nt doe s not provok e an attack of opportunity. You can bring othe r willing
cre ature s with you, but you m ust e x pe nd an e qual am ount of distance for e ach additional cre ature brought with you.
Note: Each usage on the In-Play tab re pre se nts 5' of m ove m e nt use d.
You m ust spe nd 2 slots to cast spe lls from the Enchantm e nt school.
You m ust spe nd 2 slots to cast spe lls from the Illusion school.
Poison Use (Ex)
You do not risk poisoning yourse lf accide ntally while poisoning a we apon.
Spell Storing
A spe ll storing we apon allows a spe llcaste r to store a single targe te d spe ll of up to 3rd le ve l in the we apon. (The spe ll m ust
have a casting tim e of 1 standard action.) Any tim e the we apon strik e s a cre ature and the cre ature tak e s dam age from it, the
we apon can im m e diate ly cast the spe ll on that cre ature as a fre e action if the wie lde r de sire s. (This spe cial ability is an
e x ce ption to the ge ne ral rule that casting a spe ll from an ite m tak e s at le ast as long as casting that spe ll norm ally.) O nce the
spe ll has be e n cast from the we apon, a spe llcaste r can cast any othe r targe te d spe ll of up to 3rd le ve l into it. The we apon
m agically im parts to the wie lde r the nam e of the spe ll curre ntly store d within it. A random ly rolle d spe ll storing we apon has a
50% chance to have a spe ll store d in it alre ady.
C onstruction
R e quire m e nts: C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, cre ator m ust be a caste r of at le ast 12th le ve l; C ost +1 Bonus
Summoner's Charm (+4 rds) (Su)
W he ne ve r you cast a conjuration (sum m oning) spe ll, incre ase the duration by a num be r of rounds e qual to 1/2 your wizard
le ve l (m inim um 1). At 20th le ve l, you can change the duration of all sum m on m onste r spe lls to pe rm ane nt. You can have no
m ore than one sum m on m onste r spe ll m ade pe rm ane nt in this way at one tim e . If you de signate anothe r sum m on m onste r
spe ll as pe rm ane nt, the pre vious spe ll im m e diate ly e nds.
Combat Casting
You are ade pt at spe llcasting whe n thre ate ne d or distracte d.
Benefit: You ge t a +4 bonus on conce ntration che ck s m ade to cast a spe ll or use a spe ll-lik e ability whe n casting on the
de fe nsive or while grapple d.
Dazing Spell (Me tam agic)
You can daze cre ature s with the powe r of your spe lls.
Benefit: You can m odify a spe ll to daze a cre ature dam age d by the spe ll. W he n a cre ature tak e s dam age from this spe ll,
the y be com e daze d for a num be r of rounds e qual to the original le ve l of the spe ll. If the spe ll allows a saving throw, a
succe ssful save ne gate s the daze e ffe ct. If the spe ll doe s not allow a save , the targe t can m ak e a W ill save to ne gate the daze
e ffe ct. If the spe ll e ffe ct also cause s the cre ature to be com e daze d, the duration of this m e tam agic e ffe ct is adde d to the
duration of the spe ll. A dazing spe ll use s up a spe ll slot thre e le ve ls highe r than the spe ll’s actual le ve l. Spe lls that do not inflict
dam age do not be ne fit from this fe at.
Greater Spell Penetration
Your spe lls bre ak through spe ll re sistance m uch m ore e asily than m ost.
Prerequisite: Spe ll Pe ne tration.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on caste r le ve l che ck s (1d20 + caste r le ve l) m ade to ove rcom e a cre ature 's spe ll re sistance .
This bonus stack s with the one from Spe ll Pe ne tration.
Scribe Scroll (Ite m C re ation)
You can cre ate m agic scrolls.
Prerequisite: C aste r le ve l 1st.
Benefit: You can cre ate a scroll of any spe ll that you k now. Scribing a scroll tak e s 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or le ss,
othe rwise scribing a scroll tak e s 1 day for e ach 1,000 gp in its base price . To scribe a scroll, you m ust use up raw m ate rials
costing half of this base price . Se e the m agic ite m cre ation rule s in Magic Ite m s for m ore inform ation.
Silent Spell (Me tam agic)
You can cast your spe lls without m ak ing any sound.
Benefit: A sile nt spe ll can be cast with no ve rbal com pone nts. Spe lls without ve rbal com pone nts are not affe cte d. A sile nt
spe ll use s up a spe ll slot one le ve l highe r than the spe ll's actual le ve l.
Special: Bard spe lls cannot be e nhance d by this fe at.
Spell Penetration
Your spe lls bre ak through spe ll re sistance m ore e asily than m ost.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on caste r le ve l che ck s (1d20 + caste r le ve l) m ade to ove rcom e a cre ature 's spe ll re sistance .
Wizard Weapon Proficiencies
Benefit: You are proficie nt with the Dagge r, C rossbow (Light and He avy) and Q uarte rstaff.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
+1 spell storing Darkwood quarterstaff
A quarte rstaff is a sim ple pie ce of wood, about 5 fe e t in le ngth. In battle , it's he ld with one hand at the butt and the othe r a
quarte r of the way up the staff, allowing it to block blows and m ak e quick strik e s.
Dark wood
This rare m agic wood is as hard as norm al wood but ve ry light. Any woode n or m ostly woode n ite m (such as a bow or spe ar)
m ade from dark wood is conside re d a m aste rwork ite m and we ighs only half as m uch as a norm al woode n ite m of that type .
Ite m s not norm ally m ade of wood or only partially of wood (such as a battle ax e or a m ace ) e ithe r cannot be m ade from
dark wood or do not gain any spe cial be ne fit from be ing m ade of dark wood. The arm or che ck pe nalty of a dark wood shie ld is
le sse ne d by 2 com pare d to an ordinary shie ld of its type . To de te rm ine the price of a dark wood ite m , use the original we ight but
add 10 gp pe r pound to the price of a m aste rwork ve rsion of that ite m . Dark wood has 10 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and
hardne ss 5.
Spe ll Storing
A spe ll storing we apon allows a spe llcaste r to store a single targe te d spe ll of up to 3rd le ve l in the we apon. (The spe ll m ust
have a casting tim e of 1 standard action.) Any tim e the we apon strik e s a cre ature and the cre ature tak e s dam age from it, the
we apon can im m e diate ly cast the spe ll on that cre ature as a fre e action if the wie lde r de sire s. (This spe cial ability is an
e x ce ption to the ge ne ral rule that casting a spe ll from an ite m tak e s at le ast as long as casting that spe ll norm ally.) O nce the
spe ll has be e n cast from the we apon, a spe llcaste r can cast any othe r targe te d spe ll of up to 3rd le ve l into it. The we apon
m agically im parts to the wie lde r the nam e of the spe ll curre ntly store d within it. A random ly rolle d spe ll storing we apon has a
50% chance to have a spe ll store d in it alre ady.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, cre ator m ust be a caste r of at le ast 12th le ve l; C ost +1 Bonus
Cloak of resistance +3 (Shoulde rs)
Fle ck s of silve r or ste e l are ofte n sown am id the fabric of the se m agical cloak s. This garm e nt offe rs m agic prote ction in the
form of a +3 re sistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude , R e fle x , and W ill).
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , re sistance , cre ator’s caste r le ve l m ust be at le ast thre e tim e s the cloak ’s
bonus; C ost 4,500 gp
Potion of cure serious wounds
C ure s 3d8 dam age +1/le ve l (m ax +15).
Ring of feather falling (R ing)
This ring is crafte d with a fe athe r patte rn all around its e dge . It acts e x actly lik e a fe athe r fall spe ll, activate d im m e diate ly if
the we are r falls m ore than 5 fe e t.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: Forge R ing, fe athe r fall; C ost 1,100 gp
Ring of protection +2 (R ing)
This ring offe rs continual m agical prote ction in the form of a de fle ction bonus of +2 to AC .
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: Forge R ing, shie ld of faith, caste r m ust be of a le ve l at le ast thre e tim e s the bonus of the ring;
C ost 4,000 gp
Scroll of fly (CL 8th)
Fly, W ill ne gate s (harm le ss) (DC 14)
The subje ct can fly at a spe e d of 60 fe e t (or 40 fe e t if it we ars m e dium or he avy arm or, or if it carrie s a m e dium or he avy
load). It can asce nd at half spe e d and de sce nd at double spe e d, and its m ane uve rability is good. Using a fly spe ll re quire s only
as m uch conce ntration as walk ing, so the subje ct can attack or cast spe lls norm ally. The subje ct of a fly spe ll can charge but not
run, and it cannot carry aloft m ore we ight than its m ax im um load, plus any arm or it we ars. The subje ct gains a bonus on Fly
sk ill che ck s e qual to 1/2 your caste r le ve l. Should the spe ll duration e x pire while the subje ct is still aloft, the m agic fails slowly.
The subje ct floats downward 60 fe e t pe r round for 1d6 rounds. If it re ache s the ground in that am ount of tim e , it lands safe ly. If
not, it falls the re st of the distance , tak ing 1d6 points of dam age pe r 10 fe e t of fall. Since dispe lling a spe ll e ffe ctive ly e nds it,
the subje ct also de sce nds safe ly in this way if the fly spe ll is dispe lle d, but not if it is ne gate d by an antim agic fie ld.
Wand of magic missile
(C aste r Le ve l 9th)
1d4+1 dam age ; +1 m issile pe r two le ve ls above 1st (m ax 5).
Casting Time
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
15 No
Instantane ous
15 No
Pe rm ane nt
15 Ye s
Instantane ous
15 Ye s
1 hour (D)
10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
15 No
1 m inute (D)
15 Ye s
1 round
1 action
60 ft.
15 No
De te ct Magic
1 action
60 ft.
15 No
De te ct Poison
1 action
De te ct Poison
1 action
Disrupt Unde ad
1 action
Dre nch
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
Mage Hand
1 action
Me nding
10 m inute s
Me ssage
1 action
O pe n/C lose
1 action
Pe num bra
Pre stidigitation
1 action
1 action
R ay of Frost
1 action
R e ad Magic
R e sistance
1 action
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
10 ft.
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
10 ft.
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
Scrive ne r's C hant
1 action
5 ft.
Sotto Voce
1 action
1 action
1 action
1 action
Touch of Fatigue
Alche m ical
Tink e ring
Alte r W inds
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
1 m inute
Anim ate R ope
1 action
Ant Haul
Anticipate Pe ril
Be d of Iron
Ble nd
Blood Mone y
Bre ak
1 action
1 action
Burning Disarm
1 action
Burning Hands
1 action
C ause Fe ar
1 action
C harm Pe rson
1 action
C hastise
C hill Touch
C larion C all
C olor Spray
C om pre he nd
Language s
Acid Splash
1 action
Arcane Mark
1 action
Ble e d
1 action
Bre e ze
1 action
C ham e le on Scale s 1 action
Dancing Lights
1 action
1 action
De te ct Magic
C once ntration, up to 1
m in./le ve l (D)
C once ntration, up to 1
m in./le ve l (D)
15 No
Instantane ous
15 No
Instantane ous
15 Ye s
Instantane ous
15 O bje ct Ye s
1 round
15 Ye s
Instantane ous
15 Ye s
Instantane ous
15 No
10 m in./le ve l
15 No
C once ntration
15 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
Instantane ous
15 No
10 m in./le ve l
15 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
15 Ye s
15 No
10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
1 hour
15 Ye s
Instantane ous
15 Ye s (harm le ss)
10 m in./le ve l
1 m inute
C once ntration, up to 1
m inute /le ve l
15 Ye s (obje ct)
15 Ye s
1+ R ounds
15 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
15 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
16 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Pe rsonal
0 ft.
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
15 ft.
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
15 ft.
16 Ye s
1 hour/le ve l
16 No
1 round/le ve l
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
16 Ye s
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
2 hours/le ve l
1 m inute /le ve l or until activate d
8 hours
10 m inute s/le ve l
Instantane ous
16 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
16 Ye s
C once ntration + 2 rounds or
until trigge re d
16 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
16 Ye s
Instantane ous
16 Ye s
1d4 rounds or 1 round; se e te x t
16 Ye s
1 hour/le ve l
16 Ye s
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
16 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l
Instantane ous
10 m inute s/le ve l
Instantane ous; se e te x t
1 action
Pe rsonal
10 m in./le ve l
C orrosive Touch
1 action
Instantane ous
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
16 Ye s
C rafte r's C urse
16 Ye s
1 day/le ve l (D)
swift action
C rafte r's Fortune
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 day/le ve l or until discharge d
C ultural
1 action
Pe rsonal
16 -
10 m inute s pe r le ve l
Dam p Powde r
1 action
16 Ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
Dancing Lante rn
Dazzling Blade
De com pose
C orpse
1 action
1 Swift Action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
16 No
16 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
1 action
16 Ye s (obje ct)
1 hour/le ve l (D)
1 m inute /le ve l
Instantane ous or 1 m inute ; se e
te x t
16 Ye s
De lusional Pride
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
De te ct C harm
1 action
60 ft.
16 No
De te ct Se cre t
1 action
60 ft.
16 No
De te ct Unde ad
1 action
60 ft.
16 No
1 action
Disguise Se lf
Ear-Pie rcing
Scre am
Em blazon C re st
Endure Ele m e nts
Enlarge Pe rson
1 round
Enlarge Tail
1 action
1 action
Pe rsonal
C lose (25
le ve ls)
C lose (25
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
C lose (25
le ve ls)
C lose (25
le ve ls)
1 action
1 action
1 action
+ 5 ft./2
+ 5 ft./2
+ 5 ft./2
Ex pe ditious
Ex cavation
Ex pe ditious
R e tre at
Fabricate Bulle ts
Fe athe r Fall
Flare Burst
1 action
Floating Disk
1 action
Force d Q uie t
1 action
Gravity Bow
1 action
Gre ase
1 action
Hold Portal
1 action
Hydraulic Push
1 action
1 round
Icicle Dagge r
Ide ntify
Illusion of C alm
Infe rnal He aling
Inte rrogation
Jum p
Jury-R ig
Ke e p W atch
Ki Arrow
Kre ighton's
Pe rusal
Libe rating
C om m and
Lighte n O bje ct
1 action
Lock Gaze
1 action
Mage Arm or
Magic Aura
1 action
1 action
1 action
Magic Missile
1 action
Magic W e apon
1 action
Marid's Maste ry
1 action
Me m ory Lapse
1 action
Mirror Strik e
Mom e nt of
Gre atne ss
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
1 action
50 ft.
1 round
1 action
+ 5 ft./2
1 m inute
C once ntration, up to 1
m inute /le ve l (D)
C once ntration, up to 1
m in./le ve l (D)
C once ntration, up to 1
m inute /le ve l (D)
10 m in./le ve l (D)
16 Ye s
Instantane ous; se e te x t
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 hour/le ve l
24 hours
16 Ye s
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 hour/le ve l
16 No
Instantane ous
16 No
Instantane ous
1 action
Pe rsonal
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 round
1 im m e diate
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
0 ft.
60 ft.
Pe rsonal
16 No
Instantane ous
16 Ye s (obje ct)
Until landing or 1 round/le ve l
16 Ye s
Instantane ous
16 No
1 hour/le ve l
16 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
1 m inute /le ve l (D)
16 No
1 m in./le ve l (D)
16 No
1 m in./le ve l (D)
16 Ye s
Instantane ous
16 Ye s
2d4 rounds (D)
16 No
16 No
16 No
16 Ye s
16 Ye s
16 Ye s
16 Ye s
16 Ye s
16 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l
3 rounds/le ve l (D)
1 m inute /le ve l
1 m inute
1 m inute /le ve l
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 round/le ve l
8 hours or le ss; se e te x t
Instantane ous
16 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
Instantane ous
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
Instantane ous
16 Ye s (obje cts)
1 m inute /le ve l
16 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
16 No
16 No
1 m inute /le ve l
1 hour/le ve l (D)
1 day/le ve l (D)
16 Ye s
Instantane ous
16 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
1 m in./le ve l
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 m inute /le ve l
16 Ye s
Instantane ous
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
Se e te x t
1 m inute /le ve l or until
discharge d
1 action
Im m e diate
C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
16 No
le ve ls)
C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
(harm le ss)
(harm le ss, obje ct)
(harm le ss)
(obje ct)
2 hours/le ve l (D)
Mud Ball
1 action
le ve ls)
16 No
Instantane ous
16 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
Ne gative R e action 1 action
O bscuring Mist
Patte rn
R e cognition
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
20 ft.
16 No
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 round
Pe rsonal
16 no
10 m in./le ve l
Pe ace bond
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
16 Ye s (obje ct)
1 m inute /le ve l
1 action
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
Instantane ous
1 action
Pe rsonal
Se e be low
1 action
16 No; se e te x t
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 action
16 No; se e te x t
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 action
16 No; se e te x t
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 action
16 No; se e te x t
1 m in./le ve l (D)
16 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
16 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
Pe tule ngro’s
Panace a
Prote ction from
C haos
Prote ction from
Prote ction from
Prote ction from
R ay of
Enfe e ble m e nt
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
R ay of Sick e ning
1 action
R e charge Innate
1 action
Pe rsonal
Instantane ous
R e duce Pe rson
1 round
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
16 Ye s
1 m in./le ve l (D)
1 action
16 Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
10 m inute s/le ve l
1 action
1 action
1 action
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
0 ft.
Pe rsonal
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
10 ft.
Pe rsonal
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Pe rsonal
16 No
16 No
Instantane ous
Instantane ous
1/round pe r le ve l
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
Instantane ous
16 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l
1 m in./le ve l (D)
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
1 hour/le ve l (D)
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
16 Ye s
1 m inute /le ve l (D)
1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Instantane ous
16 No
C once ntration
16 Ye s
1 m in./le ve l
16 Ye s
1 round/le ve l
16 No
Instantane ous
16 No
Instantane ous
16 Ye s.
Pe rm ane nt
1 m inute /le ve l (D)
0 ft.
16 No
1 round
1 m inute /le ve l
1 hour/le ve l or until discharge d;
se e te x t
R e inforce
Arm am e nts
R e store C orpse
Sculpt C orpse
Se e Alignm e nt
Se rre n's Swift
Shadow W e apon
Shie ld
Shie ld C om panion 1 action
Shie ld Spe e ch
Shock Shie ld
Shock ing Grasp
1 action
1 action
1 action
Sile nt Im age
1 action
Sle e p
1 round
1 action
1 action
1 action
Fire work s
Snow Shape
1 action
Sow Thought
1 action
Stone Fist
Stone Shie ld
Strong W ings
1 action
1 im m e diate
1 action
16 Ye s (harm le ss)
False Life
1 action
Pe rsonal
Glitte rdust
1 action
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
17 No
1 action
Pe rsonal or touch
1 action
1 action
Scorching R ay
1 action
Dispe l Magic
1 action
Fire ball
1 action
Hold Pe rson
1 action
Lightning Bolt
1 action
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
Dim e nsion Door
1 action
Ene rvation
1 action
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
C loudk ill
1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
120 ft.
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Long (400 + 40
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Ye s (harm le ss) or ye s
(harm le ss, obje ct)
1 round/le ve l
1 m in./le ve l (D)
17 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 No
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 Ye s
1 round/le ve l (D); se e te x t
18 Ye s
Instantane ous
18 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
19 No and ye s (obje ct)
Instantane ous
19 Ye s
Instantane ous
19 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
20 No
1 m in./le ve l
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
Dispe l Magic,
1 action
Gre ate r
Sugge stion, Mass 1 action
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
Me dium (100 + 10
ft./le ve l)
C lose (25 + 5 ft./2
le ve ls)
20 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
21 No
Instantane ous
21 Ye s
1 hour/le ve l or until com ple te d
Sum m on Monste r
1 round
21 No
1 round/le ve l (D)
A cid Splash
School C onjuration, Earth Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne m issile of acid
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You fire a sm all orb of acid at the targe t. You m ust succe e d on a range d touch attack to hit your targe t. The orb de als 1d3
points of acid dam age . This acid disappe ars afte r 1 round.
A lchemical Tinkering
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target Fire arm or alche m ical ite m touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s
You transform one alche m ical ite m or fire arm into anothe r alche m ical ite m or fire arm of the sam e or le sse r cost. Magic ite m s
are unaffe cte d by this spe ll. At the e nd of the spe ll's duration, alche m ical ite m s use d while transform e d are de stroye d and do
not re turn to a usable state and fire arm s transform e d re ve rt back to the ir original type
A lter Winds
School Transm utation, Air Ele m e ntal, W ood Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 m inute
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
A rea im m obile 10-ft.-radius e m anation
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You subtly e nhance or dim inish the e ffe cts of natural winds within the spe ll's are a, which is an im m obile e m anation around a
point touche d by you as the spe ll is cast. W ithin the are a, natural (but not m agical) wind e ffe cts are e ithe r incre ase d or
de cre ase d by one ste p in inte nsity (C ore R ule book 439). The m ax im um wind force you can affe ct with this spe ll is base d on
your caste r le ve l, as shown on the table be low. Alte r winds has no e ffe ct on m agical wind e ffe cts.
C aste r Le ve l - W ind Force
1st-3rd - Light
4th-9th - Mode rate
10th-15th - Strong
16th or highe r - Se ve re
A nimate Rope
School Transm utation, W ood Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne rope -lik e obje ct, le ngth up to 50 ft. + 5 ft./le ve l; se e te x t
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can anim ate a nonliving rope -lik e obje ct. The m ax im um le ngth assum e s a rope with a 1-inch diam e te r. R e duce the
m ax im um le ngth by 50% for e ve ry additional inch of thick ne ss, and incre ase it by 50% for e ach re duction of the rope 's diam e te r
by half. The possible com m ands are "coil" (form a ne at, coile d stack ), "coil and k not," "loop," "loop and k not," "tie and k not,"
and the opposite s of all of the above ("uncoil," and so forth). You can give one com m and e ach round as a m ove action, as if
dire cting an active spe ll. The rope can e nwrap only a cre ature or an obje ct within 1 foot of it - it doe s not snak e outward - so it
m ust be thrown ne ar the inte nde d targe t. Doing so re quire s a succe ssful range d touch attack roll (range incre m e nt 10 fe e t). A
typical 1-inch-diam e te r he m p rope has 2 hit points, AC 10, and re quire s a DC 23 Stre ngth che ck to burst it. The rope doe s not
de al dam age , but it can be use d as a trip line or to cause a single oppone nt that fails a R e fle x saving throw to be com e
e ntangle d. A cre ature capable of spe llcasting that is bound by this spe ll m ust m ak e a conce ntration che ck with a DC of 15 + the
spe ll's le ve l to cast a spe ll. An e ntangle d cre ature can slip fre e with a DC 20 Escape Artist che ck . The rope itse lf and any k nots
tie d in it are not m agical. The spe ll cannot affe ct obje cts carrie d or worn by a cre ature .
A nt Haul
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target cre ature touche d
Duration 2 hours/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The targe t's carrying capacity triple s (se e Table 7-4: C arrying C apacity on page 171 of the C ore R ule book ). This doe s not affe ct
the cre ature 's actual Stre ngth in any way, m e re ly the am ount of m ate rial it can carry while be ne fiting from this spe ll. It also has
no e ffe ct on e ncum brance due to arm or. If the cre ature we ars arm or it still tak e s the norm al pe naltie s for doing so re gardle ss of
how m uch we ight the spe ll allows it to carry.
A nticipate Peril
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target cre ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l or until activate d
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
A cre ature affe cte d by anticipate pe ril gains a pre te rnatural se nse of dange r. The first tim e during this spe ll's duration that the
targe t has to m ak e an initiative che ck , the cre ature adds an insight bonus on that initiative che ck e qual to the spe ll's caste r
le ve l (m ax im um +5). O nce this bonus applie s, the e ffe cts of the spe ll e nd.
A rcane Mark
School Unive rsal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Effect O ne pe rsonal rune or m ark , all of which m ust fit within 1 sq. ft.
Duration Pe rm ane nt
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll allows you to inscribe your pe rsonal rune or m ark , which can consist of no m ore than six characte rs. The writing can be
visible or invisible . An arcane m ark spe ll e nable s you to e tch the rune upon any substance without harm to the m ate rial upon
which it is place d. If an invisible m ark is m ade , a de te ct m agic spe ll cause s it to glow and be visible , though not ne ce ssarily
unde rstandable .
Se e invisibility, true se e ing, a ge m of se e ing, or a robe of e ye s lik e wise allows the use r to se e an invisible arcane m ark . A
re ad m agic spe ll re ve als the words, if any. The m ark cannot be dispe lle d, but it can be re m ove d by the caste r or by an e rase
spe ll.
If an arcane m ark is place d on a living be ing, the e ffe ct gradually fade s in about a m onth.
Arcane m ark m ust be cast on an obje ct prior to casting instant sum m ons on the sam e obje ct (se e that spe ll de scription for
de tails).
Bed of Iron
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target O ne cre ature touche d/le ve l
Duration 8 hours
Saving Throw Fortitude ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
This spe ll m ak e s e ve n the clunk ie st arm or fe e l soft as silk to the we are r. The subje cts of this spe ll are able to sle e p com fortably
in m e dium or he avy arm or without suffe ring from fatigue the following day.
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne living cre ature
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 15 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cause a living cre ature that is be low 0 hit points but stabilize d to re sum e dying. Upon casting this spe ll, you targe t a living
cre ature that has -1 or fe we r hit points. That cre ature be gins dying, tak ing 1 point of dam age pe r round. The cre ature can be
stabilize d late r norm ally. This spe ll cause s a cre ature that is dying to tak e 1 point of dam age .
School Illusion(Glam e r); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Effect +4 to ste alth as long as you m ove half spe e d or le ss.
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You draw upon your e lve n link to the wilde rne ss to change the coloration of yourse lf and your e quipm e nt to m atch that of your
surroundings. This grants you a +4 circum stance bonus on Ste alth che ck s and allows you to m ak e Ste alth che ck s without cove r
or conce alm e nt, but only while you m ove no m ore than half your base spe e d or le ss. If you m ove m ore than half your base
spe e d on your turn, you gain no be ne fit from this spe ll until the start of your ne x t turn. If you m ak e an attack , this spe ll e nds
(as invisibility).
Blood Money
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 0 ft.
Effect 1 m ate rial com pone nt
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You cast blood m one y just be fore casting anothe r spe ll. As part of this spe ll's casting, you m ust cut one of your hands,
re le asing a stre am of blood that cause s you to tak e 1d6 points of dam age . W he n you cast anothe r spe ll in that sam e round,
your blood transform s into one m ate rial com pone nt of your choice re quire d by that se cond spe ll. Eve n valuable com pone nts
worth m ore than 1 gp can be cre ate d, but cre ating such m ate rial com pone nts re quire s an additional cost of 1 point of Stre ngth
dam age , plus a furthe r point of dam age for e ve ry full 500 gp of the com pone nt's value (so a com pone nt worth 500-999 gp
costs a total of 2 points, 1,000-1,500 costs 3, e tc.). You cannot cre ate m agic ite m s with blood m one y.
For e x am ple , a sorce re r with the spe ll stone sk in pre pare d could cast blood m one y to cre ate the 250 gp worth of diam ond
dust re quire d by that spe ll, tak ing 1d6 points of dam age and 1 point of Stre ngth dam age in the proce ss.
Mate rial com pone nts cre ate d by blood m one y transform back into blood at the e nd of the round if the y have not be e n use d
as a m ate rial com pone nt. Spe llcaste rs who do not have blood cannot cast blood m one y, and those who are im m une to Stre ngth
dam age (such as unde ad spe llcaste rs) cannot use blood m one y to cre ate valuable m ate rial com pone nts.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne Me dium or sm alle r obje ct
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You can atte m pt to bre ak or at le ast dam age any one Me dium or sm alle r obje ct within range . If the targe t fails its Fortitude
saving throw, it gains the brok e n condition. If cast on a brok e n ite m , that ite m is de stroye d on a faile d save .
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature or obje ct
Duration 1 hour (D)
Saving Throw Harm le ss W ill Ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cre ate a light wind that blows against the targe t, from a dire ction of your choice . The bre e ze grants the subje ct a +2 bonus
on save s against ve ry hot conditions, se ve re he at, bre ath we apons, and save s against cloud vapors and gase s (such as
cloudk ill, stink ing cloud, and inhale d poisons). This spe ll doe s not function without air or unde rwate r.
You can only have one bre e ze active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the
pre vious casting is dispe lle d.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one hum anoid
Duration C once ntration + 2 rounds or until trigge re d
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
The targe t tak e s a -20 pe nalty on its ne x t attack roll or che ck that re quire s a d20 roll. The action m ust be one de libe rate ly
tak e n by the targe t on its turn. C re ature s with m ore than 10 HD are unaffe cte d by this spe ll.
Burning Disarm
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target He ld m e tal ite m of one cre ature or 15 lbs. of unatte nde d m e tal
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 R e fle x ne gate s (obje ct, se e te x t);; Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
This spe ll cause s a m e tal obje ct to instantly be com e re d hot. A cre ature holding the ite m m ay atte m pt a R e fle x save to drop it
and tak e no dam age (e ve n if it is not the ir turn), othe rwise the hot m e tal de als 1d4 points of fire dam age pe r caste r le ve l
(m ax im um 5d4). C ircum stance s that pre ve nt the cre ature from dropping the ite m (such as a lock e d gauntle t) m e an the
cre ature ge ts no saving throw. The he at doe s not harm the ite m , and it doe s not ge t hot e nough or last long e nough to ignite
flam m able obje cts. The ite m cools to its pre vious te m pe rature alm ost instantly. If cast unde rwate r, burning disarm de als half
dam age and boils the surrounding wate r.
Burning Hands
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 15 ft.
A rea C one -shape d burst
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 R e fle x half; Spell Resistance Ye s
A cone of se aring flam e shoots from your finge rtips. Any cre ature in the are a of the flam e s tak e s 1d4 points of fire dam age pe r
caste r le ve l (m ax im um 5d4). Flam m able m ate rials burn if the flam e s touch the m . A characte r can e x tinguish burning ite m s as a
full-round action.
Cause Fear
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne living cre ature with 5 or fe we r HD
Duration 1d4 rounds or 1 round; se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill partial; Spell Resistance Ye s
The affe cte d cre ature be com e s frighte ne d. If the subje ct succe e ds on a W ill save , it is shak e n for 1 round. C re ature s with 6 or
m ore HD are im m une to this e ffe ct. C ause fe ar counte rs and dispe ls re m ove fe ar.
Chameleon Scales
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You te m porarily alte r the color of your sk in, hide , or scale s to anothe r option le gal for your race . You tak e no pe nalty for using
Disguise to appe ar as a m e m be r of a diffe re nt race as long as that race has the sam e type and color of sk in, hide , or scale s as
Charm Person
School Enchantm e nt, W ood Ele m e ntal(C harm ); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This charm m ak e s a hum anoid cre ature re gard you as its truste d frie nd and ally (tre at the targe t's attitude as frie ndly). If the
cre ature is curre ntly be ing thre ate ne d or attack e d by you or your allie s, howe ve r, it re ce ive s a +5 bonus on its saving throw.
The spe ll doe s not e nable you to control the charm e d pe rson as if it we re an autom aton, but it pe rce ive s your words and
actions in the m ost favorable way. You can try to give the subje ct orde rs, but you m ust win an oppose d C harism a che ck to
convince it to do anything it wouldn't ordinarily do. (R e trie s are not allowe d.) An affe cte d cre ature ne ve r obe ys suicidal or
obviously harm ful orde rs, but it m ight be convince d that som e thing ve ry dange rous is worth doing. Any act by you or your
appare nt allie s that thre ate ns the charm e d pe rson bre ak s the spe ll. You m ust spe ak the pe rson's language to com m unicate
your com m ands, or e lse be good at pantom im ing.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You gain a +5 bonus on Bluff, Diplom acy, and Intim idate che ck s to convince a liste ne r that the y will ge t in trouble with the ir
supe riors or with the law if the y don't do what you ask .
This spe ll is prim arily use d by the Eagle Knights, though the y did not cre ate it; He llk nights also use it e x te nsive ly to gathe r
inform ation and foste r coope ration.
Chill Touch
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature or cre ature s touche d (up to one /le ve l)
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude partial or W ill ne gate s; se e te x t; Spell Resistance Ye s
A touch from your hand, which glows with blue e ne rgy, disrupts the life force of living cre ature s. Each touch channe ls ne gative
e ne rgy that de als 1d6 points of dam age . The touche d cre ature also tak e s 1 point of Stre ngth dam age unle ss it m ak e s a
succe ssful Fortitude saving throw. You can use this m e le e touch attack up to one tim e pe r le ve l.
An unde ad cre ature you touch tak e s no dam age of e ithe r sort, but it m ust m ak e a succe ssful W ill saving throw or fle e as if
panick e d for 1d4 rounds + 1 round pe r caste r le ve l.
Clarion Call
School Illusion; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l
Saving Throw Fortitude ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The subje ct of this spe ll gains two be ne fits. First, the affe cte d cre ature gains the ability to cre ate a sound lik e the blast of a
m ighty horn or trum pe t sim ply by m im ing the action of sounding one . Se cond, the subje ct can spe ak in a boom ing voice that
carrie s e asily ove r gre at distance s, lowe ring the DC of any che ck to he ar what is said by –15. This spe ll is particularly prize d by
battle fie ld com m ande rs and cham pions who wish to m ak e the m se lve s cle arly he ard or gain the atte ntion of the ir allie s or foe s.
School C onjuration, W ate r Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 5
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Effect C loud spre ads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw DC 20 Fortitude partial; se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll ge ne rate s a bank of fog, sim ilar to a fog cloud, e x ce pt that its vapors are ye llowish gre e n and poisonous. The se
vapors autom atically k ill any living cre ature with 3 or fe we r HD (no save ). A living cre ature with 4 to 6 HD is slain unle ss it
succe e ds on a Fortitude save (in which case it tak e s 1d4 points of C onstitution dam age on your turn e ach round while in the
cloud). A living cre ature with 6 or m ore HD tak e s 1d4 points of C onstitution dam age on your turn e ach round while in the cloud
(a succe ssful Fortitude save halve s this dam age ). Holding one 's bre ath doe sn't he lp, but cre ature s im m une to poison are
unaffe cte d by the spe ll. Unlik e a fog cloud, the cloudk ill m ove s away from you at 10 fe e t pe r round, rolling along the surface of
the ground. Figure out the cloud's ne w spre ad e ach round base d on its ne w point of origin, which is 10 fe e t farthe r away from the
point of origin whe re you cast the spe ll. Be cause the vapors are he avie r than air, the y sink to the lowe st le ve l of the land, e ve n
pouring down de n or sink hole ope nings. It cannot pe ne trate liquids, nor can it be cast unde rwate r.
Color Spray
School Illusion(Patte rn); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 15 ft.
A rea C one -shape d burst
Duration Instantane ous; se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
A vivid cone of clashing colors springs forth from your hand, causing cre ature s to be com e stunne d, pe rhaps also blinde d, and
possibly k nock ing the m unconscious. Each cre ature within the cone is affe cte d according to its HD.
2 HD or le ss: The cre ature is unconscious, blinde d, and stunne d for 2d4 rounds, the n blinde d and stunne d for 1d4 rounds,
and the n stunne d for 1 round. (O nly living cre ature s are k nock e d unconscious.)
3 or 4 HD: The cre ature is blinde d and stunne d for 1d4 rounds, the n stunne d for 1 round.
5 or m ore HD: The cre ature is stunne d for 1 round. Sightle ss cre ature s are not affe cte d by color spray.
Comprehend Languages
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You can unde rstand the spok e n words of cre ature s or re ad othe rwise incom pre he nsible writte n m e ssage s. The ability to re ad
doe s not ne ce ssarily im part insight into the m ate rial, m e re ly its lite ral m e aning. The spe ll e nable s you to unde rstand or re ad an
unk nown language , not spe ak or write it. W ritte n m ate rial can be re ad at the rate of one page (250 words) pe r m inute . Magical
writing cannot be re ad, though the spe ll re ve als that it is m agical. This spe ll can be foile d by ce rtain warding m agic (such as the
se cre t page and illusory script spe lls). It doe s not de ciphe r code s or re ve al m e ssage s conce ale d in othe rwise norm al te x t.
C om pre he nd language s can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Corrosive Touch
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target cre ature or obje ct touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance Ye s
Your succe ssful m e le e touch attack de als 1d4 points of acid dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 5d4).
Crafter's Curse
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature
Duration 1 day/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
The targe t of crafte r's curse tak e s a -5 pe nalty on all C raft sk ill che ck s while the spe ll lasts.
Crafter's Fortune
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature
Duration 1 day/le ve l or until discharge d (D)
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The targe t is struck by inspiration and gains a +5 luck bonus on its ne x t C raft sk ill che ck .
Cultural A daptation
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration 10 m inute s pe r le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance During the he ight of the Em pire of Taldor’s e x pansionism , Taldan wizards de ve lope d this spe ll with the ide a that it m ight m ak e
pacifying the ir “uncivilize d” conque sts e asie r. W hile the spe ll has since falle n out of favor with Taldans, it is m uch e m brace d by
othe rs, bards and Pathfinde rs in particular.
W he n casting this spe ll, you m ust conce ntrate on the culture to which you wish to adapt. If you spe ak the native language of
the culture in que stion, the n for the duration of this spe ll, you spe ak the language with a native acce nt. The spe ll doe s not
te ach you the language in que stion, but m ay be com bine d with tongue s or a sim ilar spe ll. Your body language and ge sture s
m ark you as a native of the culture , and you unconsciously m ak e sm all de cisions that he lp you ble nd in. The se com bine d ne w
traits give you a +2 on Diplom acy che ck s m ade to influe nce m e m be rs of the culture to which you have adapte d. You also gain a
+2 circum stance bonus on Disguise che ck s m ade to pass yourse lf off as a m e m be r of the culture . Additionally, the DC s of
e nchantm e nt(charm ) spe lls you cast against native s of the culture to which you are attune d incre ase by +1.
Damp Powder
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target 1 loade d fire arm
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
This spe ll cause s am m unition alre ady loade d into the targe t fire arm is ruine d with m oisture . Any atte m pt to fire that
am m unition fails, with no chance for m isfire , and the use r m ust the n tak e a full-round action to cle ar the we apon be fore
re loading and firing it. If aware of this spe ll's e ffe ct prior to firing the alte re d am m unition (a DC 16 Spe llcraft che ck to ide ntify
the spe ll be ing cast or sim ilar e ffe ct), the fire arm 's use r can spe nd a standard action to cle ar the alte re d am m unition from the
fire arm . Doing so de stroys that am m unition.
Dancing Lantern
School Transm utation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Effect anim ate s one lante rn
Duration 1 hour/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance No
You can anim ate a lante rn and orde r it to follow you. The lante rn floats at shoulde r he ight and re m ains within 5 fe e t of you, no
m atte r how fast you m ove . The lante rn cannot support any additional we ight. The lante rn illum inate s its norm al are a, e ve n if it
doe s not have any oil in it. For the purpose s of spe lls or e ffe cts targe ting it the lante rn always acts as if in your posse ssion e ve n
whe n not dire ctly on your pe rson. A dancing lante rn can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Dancing Lights
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Effect Up to four lights, all within a 10-ft.-radius are a
Duration 1 m inute (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
De pe nding on the ve rsion se le cte d, you cre ate up to four lights that re se m ble lante rns or torche s (and cast that am ount of
light), or up to four glowing sphe re s of light (which look lik e will-o'- wisps), or one faintly glowing, vague ly hum anoid shape . The
dancing lights m ust stay within a 10-foot-radius are a in re lation to e ach othe r but othe rwise m ove as you de sire (no
conce ntration re quire d): forward or back , up or down, straight or turning corne rs, or the lik e . The lights can m ove up to 100 fe e t
pe r round. A light wink s out if the distance be twe e n you and it e x ce e ds the spe ll's range . You can only have one dancing lights
spe ll active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the pre vious casting is dispe lle d. If you
m ak e this spe ll pe rm ane nt, it doe s not count against this lim it.
Dancing lights can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature of 4 HD or le ss
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw DC 15 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll clouds the m ind of a hum anoid cre ature with 4 or fe we r Hit Dice so that it tak e s no actions. Hum anoids of 5 or m ore
HD are not affe cte d. A daze d subje ct is not stunne d, so attack e rs ge t no spe cial advantage against it. Afte r a cre ature has be e n
daze d by this spe ll, it is im m une to the e ffe cts of this spe ll for 1 m inute .
Dazzling Blade
School Illusion(Patte rn); Level 1
Casting Time 1 Swift Action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s (se e te x t); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
Dazzling blade m ak e s a m e tal we apon appe ar dazzlingly shiny, as if crafte d from pure silve r and he avily polishe d. In com bat,
the flashing m ove m e nts of a dazzling blade be com e alm ost hypnotic. The wie lde r of a we apon unde r the e ffe cts of dazzling
blade gains a +1 com pe te nce bonus on all Bluff che ck s m ade to fe int in com bat. The wie lde r also gains a +1 com pe te nce bonus
on all C MB che ck s m ade to disarm a foe , and a +1 com pe te nce bonus to his C MD against disarm atte m pts m ade against the
we apon be aring the dazzling blade e ffe ct. This bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry 3 caste r le ve ls, to a m ax im um bonus of +5 at
12th le ve l.
The wie lde r of a dazzling blade can discharge the spe ll into a blinding burst of silve ry light as a fre e action. The wie lde r
se le cts an adjace nt oppone nt as the focal point of this burst of light—that cre ature m ust m ak e a W ill save to avoid be ing
blinde d for 1 round (with a succe ssful save , the cre ature is inste ad dazzle d for 1 round).
De spite its shiny appe arance , a dazzling blade grants no e x tra be ne fit against cre ature s that are vulne rable to silve r.
Decompose Corpse
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target one corpse or corpore al unde ad
Duration Instantane ous or 1 m inute ; se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
Using this spe ll, the caste r rapidly de com pose s the fle sh from a single corpse of size Huge or sm alle r, le aving be hind a pe rfe ctly
cle ane d sk e le ton. If it is cast on a non-sk e le tal corpore al unde ad, the cre ature tak e s a -2 pe nalty on all rolls and to its Arm or
C lass and C MD for 1 m inute .
Delusional Pride
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature
Duration 1 m inute
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
The targe t be com e s so distracte d by an ove rblown se nse of its worth that it tak e s a -2 pe nalty on attack s and sk ill che ck s.
Howe ve r, this fe e ling also give s the targe t a +2 m orale bonus on save s against charm and com pulsion e ffe cts.
Detect Charm
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
As de te ct m agic, e x ce pt you im m e diate ly de te ct the stre ngth and location of e ach charm , com pulsion, and posse ssion aura on
all cre ature s in the are a. You can atte m pt to ide ntify the prope rtie s of e ach aura (se e Spe llcraft in the Pathfinde r R PG C ore
R ule book ).
In addition to noticing the targe ts of the se e ffe cts, you can re cognize whe n cre ature s in the are a are using the se e ffe cts on
othe rs by m ak ing a Se nse Motive che ck as a standard action (DC 20 + caste r le ve l). If you succe e d, you m ay m ak e a Spe llcraft
che ck to ide ntify what m agic it is using (e ve n if the targe t is not in the are a).
Detect Magic
School Divination; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You de te ct m agical auras. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study a particular are a or subje ct.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of m agical auras.
2nd R ound: Num be r of diffe re nt m agical auras and the powe r of the m ost pote nt aura.
3rd R ound: The stre ngth and location of e ach aura. If the ite m s or cre ature s be aring the auras are in line of sight, you can
m ak e Knowle dge (arcana) sk ill che ck s to de te rm ine the school of m agic involve d in e ach. (Mak e one che ck pe r aura: DC 15 +
spe ll le ve l, or 15 + 1/2 caste r le ve l for a nonspe ll e ffe ct.) If the aura e m inate s from a m agic ite m , you can atte m pt to ide ntify
its prope rtie s (se e Spe llcraft).
Magical are as, m ultiple type s of m agic, or strong local m agical e m anations m ay distort or conce al we ak e r auras.
Aura Stre ngth: An aura's powe r de pe nds on a spe ll's functioning spe ll le ve l or an ite m 's caste r le ve l; se e the accom panying
table . If an aura falls into m ore than one cate gory, de te ct m agic indicate s the stronge r of the two.
Linge ring Aura: A m agical aura linge rs afte r its original source dissipate s (in the case of a spe ll) or is de stroye d (in the case
of a m agic ite m ). If de te ct m agic is cast and dire cte d at such a location, the spe ll indicate s an aura stre ngth of dim (e ve n
we ak e r than a faint aura). How long the aura linge rs at this dim le ve l de pe nds on its original powe r:
O riginal Stre ngth - Duration of Linge ring Aura
Faint - 1d6 rounds
Mode rate - 1d6 m inute s
Strong - 1d6 x 10 m inute s
O ve rwhe lm ing - 1d6 days
O utside rs and e le m e ntals are not m agical in the m se lve s, but if the y are sum m one d, the conjuration spe ll re giste rs. Each
round, you can turn to de te ct m agic in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on
m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
De te ct m agic can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Detect Magic
School Divination; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You de te ct m agical auras. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study a particular are a or subje ct.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of m agical auras.
2nd R ound: Num be r of diffe re nt m agical auras and the powe r of the m ost pote nt aura.
3rd R ound: The stre ngth and location of e ach aura. If the ite m s or cre ature s be aring the auras are in line of sight, you can
m ak e Knowle dge (arcana) sk ill che ck s to de te rm ine the school of m agic involve d in e ach. (Mak e one che ck pe r aura: DC 15 +
spe ll le ve l, or 15 + 1/2 caste r le ve l for a nonspe ll e ffe ct.) If the aura e m inate s from a m agic ite m , you can atte m pt to ide ntify
its prope rtie s (se e Spe llcraft).
Magical are as, m ultiple type s of m agic, or strong local m agical e m anations m ay distort or conce al we ak e r auras.
Aura Stre ngth: An aura's powe r de pe nds on a spe ll's functioning spe ll le ve l or an ite m 's caste r le ve l; se e the accom panying
table . If an aura falls into m ore than one cate gory, de te ct m agic indicate s the stronge r of the two.
Linge ring Aura: A m agical aura linge rs afte r its original source dissipate s (in the case of a spe ll) or is de stroye d (in the case
of a m agic ite m ). If de te ct m agic is cast and dire cte d at such a location, the spe ll indicate s an aura stre ngth of dim (e ve n
we ak e r than a faint aura). How long the aura linge rs at this dim le ve l de pe nds on its original powe r:
O riginal Stre ngth - Duration of Linge ring Aura
Faint - 1d6 rounds
Mode rate - 1d6 m inute s
Strong - 1d6 x 10 m inute s
O ve rwhe lm ing - 1d6 days
O utside rs and e le m e ntals are not m agical in the m se lve s, but if the y are sum m one d, the conjuration spe ll re giste rs. Each
round, you can turn to de te ct m agic in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on
m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
De te ct m agic can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Detect Poison
School Divination; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature , one obje ct, or a 5-ft. cube
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You de te rm ine whe the r a cre ature , obje ct, or are a has be e n poisone d or is poisonous. You can de te rm ine the e x act type of
poison with a DC 20 W isdom che ck . A characte r with the C raft (alche m y) sk ill m ay try a DC 20 C raft (alche m y) che ck if the
W isdom che ck fails, or m ay try the C raft (alche m y) che ck prior to the W isdom che ck . The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot
of stone , 1 inch of com m on m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
Detect Poison
School Divination; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature , one obje ct, or a 5-ft. cube
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You de te rm ine whe the r a cre ature , obje ct, or are a has be e n poisone d or is poisonous. You can de te rm ine the e x act type of
poison with a DC 20 W isdom che ck . A characte r with the C raft (alche m y) sk ill m ay try a DC 20 C raft (alche m y) che ck if the
W isdom che ck fails, or m ay try the C raft (alche m y) che ck prior to the W isdom che ck . The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot
of stone , 1 inch of com m on m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
Detect Secret Doors
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can de te ct se cre t doors, com partm e nts, cache s, and so forth. O nly passage s, doors, or ope nings that have be e n spe cifically
constructe d to e scape de te ction are de te cte d by this spe ll. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study
a particular are a or subje ct.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of se cre t doors.
2nd R ound: Num be r of se cre t doors and the location of e ach. If an aura is outside your line of sight, the n you disce rn its
dire ction but not its e x act location.
Each Additional R ound: The m e chanism or trigge r for one particular se cre t portal close ly e x am ine d by you. Each round, you
can turn to de te ct se cre t doors in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on m e tal, a
thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
Detect Undead
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can de te ct the aura that surrounds unde ad cre ature s. The am ount of inform ation re ve ale d de pe nds on how long you study
a particular are a.
1st R ound: Pre se nce or abse nce of unde ad auras.
2nd R ound: Num be r of unde ad auras in the are a and the stre ngth of the stronge st unde ad aura pre se nt. If you are of good
alignm e nt, and the stronge st unde ad aura's stre ngth is ove rwhe lm ing (se e be low), and the cre ature has HD of at le ast twice
your characte r le ve l, you are stunne d for 1 round and the spe ll e nds.
3rd R ound: The stre ngth and location of e ach unde ad aura. If an aura is outside your line of sight, the n you disce rn its
dire ction but not its e x act location.
Aura Stre ngth: The stre ngth of an unde ad aura is de te rm ine d by the HD of the unde ad cre ature , as give n on the table
be low.
Linge ring Aura: An unde ad aura linge rs afte r its original source is de stroye d. If de te ct unde ad is cast and dire cte d at such a
location, the spe ll indicate s an aura stre ngth of dim (e ve n we ak e r than a faint aura). How long the aura linge rs at this dim le ve l
de pe nds on its original powe r, as give n on the table be low.
HD- Stre ngth - Linge ring Aura Duration
1 or lowe r - Faint - 1d6 rounds
2-4 - Mode rate - 1d6 m inute s
5-10 - Strong - 1d6 x 10 m inute s
11 or highe r - O ve rwhe lm ing - 1d6 days
Each round, you can turn to de te ct unde ad in a ne w are a. The spe ll can pe ne trate barrie rs, but 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of
com m on m e tal, a thin she e t of le ad, or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s it.
Dimension Door
School C onjuration(Te le port); Level 4
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
Target You and touche d obje cts or othe r touche d willing cre ature s
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None and W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance No and ye s (obje ct)
You instantly transfe r yourse lf from your curre nt location to any othe r spot within range . You always arrive at e x actly the spot
de sire d - whe the r by sim ply visualizing the are a or by stating dire ction. Afte r using this spe ll, you can't tak e any othe r actions
until your ne x t turn. You can bring along obje cts as long as the ir we ight doe sn't e x ce e d your m ax im um load. You m ay also
bring one additional willing Me dium or sm alle r cre ature (carrying ge ar or obje cts up to its m ax im um load) or its e quivale nt pe r
thre e caste r le ve ls. A Large cre ature counts as two Me dium cre ature s, a Huge cre ature counts as two Large cre ature s, and so
forth. All cre ature s to be transporte d m ust be in contact with one anothe r, and at le ast one of those cre ature s m ust be in contact
with you. If you arrive in a place that is alre ady occupie d by a solid body, you and e ach cre ature trave ling with you tak e 1d6
points of dam age and are shunte d to a random ope n space on a suitable surface within 100 fe e t of the inte nde d location. If
the re is no fre e space within 100 fe e t, you and e ach cre ature trave ling with you tak e an additional 2d6 points of dam age and
are shunte d to a fre e space within 1,000 fe e t. If the re is no fre e space within 1,000 fe e t, you and e ach cre ature trave lling with
you tak e an additional 4d6 points of dam age and the spe ll sim ply fails.
Disguise Self
School Illusion(Glam e r); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 10 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You m ak e yourse lf - including clothing, arm or, we apons, and e quipm e nt - look diffe re nt. You can se e m 1 foot shorte r or talle r,
thin, fat, or in be twe e n. You cannot change your cre ature type (although you can appe ar as anothe r subtype ). O the rwise , the
e x te nt of the appare nt change is up to you. You could add or obscure a m inor fe ature or look lik e an e ntire ly diffe re nt pe rson or
ge nde r. The spe ll doe s not provide the abilitie s or m anne rism s of the chose n form , nor doe s it alte r the pe rce ive d tactile (touch)
or audible (sound) prope rtie s of you or your e quipm e nt. If you use this spe ll to cre ate a disguise , you ge t a +10 bonus on the
Disguise che ck . A cre ature that inte racts with the glam e r ge ts a W ill save to re cognize it as an illusion.
Dispel Magic
School Abjuration, Void Ele m e ntal; Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne spe llcaste r, cre ature , or obje ct
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can use dispe l m agic to e nd one ongoing spe ll that has be e n cast on a cre ature or obje ct, to te m porarily suppre ss the
m agical abilitie s of a m agic ite m , or to counte r anothe r spe llcaste r's spe ll. A dispe lle d spe ll e nds as if its duration had e x pire d.
Som e spe lls, as de taile d in the ir de scriptions, can't be de fe ate d by dispe l m agic. Dispe l m agic can dispe l (but not counte r)
spe ll-lik e e ffe cts just as it doe s spe lls. The e ffe ct of a spe ll with an instantane ous duration can't be dispe lle d, be cause the
m agical e ffe ct is alre ady ove r be fore the dispe l m agic can tak e e ffe ct. You choose to use dispe l m agic in one of two ways: a
targe te d dispe l or a counte rspe ll.
Targe te d Dispe l: O ne obje ct, cre ature , or spe ll is the targe t of the dispe l m agic spe ll. You m ak e one dispe l che ck (1d20 +
your caste r le ve l) and com pare that to the spe ll with highe st caste r le ve l (DC = 11 + the spe ll's caste r le ve l). If succe ssful, that
spe ll e nds. If not, com pare the sam e re sult to the spe ll with the ne x t highe st caste r le ve l. R e pe at this proce ss until you have
dispe lle d one spe ll affe cting the targe t, or you have faile d to dispe l e ve ry spe ll. For e x am ple , a 7th-le ve l caste r casts dispe l
m agic, targe ting a cre ature affe cte d by stone sk in (caste r le ve l 12th) and fly (caste r le ve l 6th). The caste r le ve l che ck re sults in a
19. This che ck is not high e nough to e nd the stone sk in (which would have re quire d a 23 or highe r), but it is high e nough to e nd
the fly (which only re quire d a 17). Had the dispe l che ck re sulte d in a 23 or highe r, the stone sk in would have be e n dispe lle d,
le aving the fly intact. Had the dispe l che ck be e n a 16 or le ss, no spe lls would have be e n affe cte d. You can also use a targe te d
dispe l to spe cifically e nd one spe ll affe cting the targe t or one spe ll affe cting an are a (such as a wall of fire ). You m ust nam e the
spe cific spe ll e ffe ct to be targe te d in this way. If your caste r le ve l che ck is e qual to or highe r than the DC of that spe ll, it e nds.
No othe r spe lls or e ffe cts on the targe t are dispe lle d if your che ck is not high e nough to e nd the targe te d e ffe ct. If you targe t an
obje ct or cre ature that is the e ffe ct of an ongoing spe ll (such as a m onste r sum m one d by sum m on m onste r), you m ak e a
dispe l che ck to e nd the spe ll that conjure d the obje ct or cre ature . If the obje ct that you targe t is a m agic ite m , you m ak e a
dispe l che ck against the ite m 's caste r le ve l (DC = 11 + the ite m 's caste r le ve l). If you succe e d, all the ite m 's m agical prope rtie s
are suppre sse d for 1d4 rounds, afte r which the ite m re cove rs its m agical prope rtie s. A suppre sse d ite m be com e s nonm agical for
the duration of the e ffe ct. An inte rdim e nsional ope ning (such as a bag of holding) is te m porarily close d. A m agic ite m 's physical
prope rtie s are unchange d: A suppre sse d m agic sword is still a sword (a m aste rwork sword, in fact). Artifacts and de itie s are
unaffe cte d by m ortal m agic such as this. You autom atically succe e d on your dispe l che ck against any spe ll that you cast
yourse lf.
C ounte rspe ll: W he n dispe l m agic is use d in this way, the spe ll targe ts a spe llcaste r and is cast as a counte rspe ll. Unlik e a
true counte rspe ll, howe ve r, dispe l m agic m ay not work ; you m ust m ak e a dispe l che ck to counte r the othe r spe llcaste r's spe ll.
Dispel Magic, Greater
School Abjuration, Void Ele m e ntal; Level 6
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne spe llcaste r, cre ature , or obje ct; or a 20-ft.- radius burst
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e dispe l m agic, e x ce pt that it can e nd m ore than one spe ll on a targe t and it can be use d to targe t
m ultiple cre ature s.
You choose to use gre ate r dispe l m agic in one of thre e ways: a targe te d dispe l, are a dispe l, or a counte rspe ll:
Targe te d Dispe l: This functions as a targe te d dispe l m agic, but it can dispe l one spe ll for e ve ry four caste r le ve ls you
posse ss, starting with the highe st le ve l spe lls and proce e ding to lowe r le ve l spe lls.
Additionally, gre ate r dispe l m agic has a chance to dispe l any e ffe ct that re m ove curse can re m ove , e ve n if dispe l m agic can't
dispe l that e ffe ct. The DC of this che ck is e qual to the curse 's DC .
Are a Dispe l: W he n gre ate r dispe l m agic is use d in this way, the spe ll affe cts e ve rything within a 20-foot-radius burst. R oll
one dispe l che ck and apply that che ck to e ach cre ature in the are a, as if targe te d by dispe l m agic. For e ach obje ct within the
are a that is the targe t of one or m ore spe lls, apply the dispe l che ck as with cre ature s. Magic ite m s are not affe cte d by an are a
dispe l.
For e ach ongoing are a or e ffe ct spe ll whose point of origin is within the are a of the gre ate r dispe l m agic spe ll, apply the
dispe l che ck to dispe l the spe ll. For e ach ongoing spe ll whose are a ove rlaps that of the gre ate r dispe l m agic spe ll, apply the
dispe l che ck to e nd the e ffe ct, but only within the ove rlapping are a.
If an obje ct or cre ature that is the e ffe ct of an ongoing spe ll (such as a m onste r sum m one d by sum m on m onste r) is in the
are a, apply the dispe l che ck to e nd the spe ll that conjure d that obje ct or cre ature (re turning it whe nce it cam e ) in addition to
atte m pting to dispe l one spe ll targe ting the cre ature or obje ct.
You m ay choose to autom atically succe e d on dispe l che ck s against any spe ll that you have cast.
C ounte rspe ll: This functions as dispe l m agic, but you re ce ive a +4 bonus on your dispe l che ck to counte r the othe r
spe llcaste r's spe ll.
Disrupt Undead
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect R ay
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You dire ct a ray of positive e ne rgy. You m ust m ak e a range d touch attack to hit, and if the ray hits an unde ad cre ature , it de als
1d6 points of dam age to it.
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature or obje ct of size Large or sm alle r
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw DC 15 O bje ct R e fle x Ne gate s; Spell Resistance O bje ct Ye s
A sudde n downpour soak s the targe t cre ature or obje ct. The rain follows the subje ct up to the range of the spe ll, soak ing the
targe t with wate r. If the targe t is on fire , the flam e s are autom atically e x tinguishe d. Fire s sm alle r than cam pfire s (such as
lante rns and torche s) are autom atically e x tinguishe d by this spe ll.
Ear-Piercing Scream
School Evocation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature
Duration Instantane ous; se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude partial (se e te x t); Spell Resistance Ye s
You unle ash a powe rful scre am , inaudible to all but a single targe t. The targe t is daze d for 1 round and tak e s 1d6 points of
sonic dam age pe r two caste r le ve ls (m ax im um 5d6). A succe ssful save ne gate s the daze e ffe ct and halve s the dam age .
Emblazon Crest
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
This spe ll e nsure s the subje ct touche d is always able to display he r prope r cre st and coat of arm s. Any tabard or tunic worn and
any shie ld carrie d by the subje ct while this spe ll is active can be m ade to display a coat of arm s whe n the spe ll is cast. For
e x am ple , e ve n if the subje ct pick s up a diffe re nt shie ld, it still displays the subje ct’s cre st, re gardle ss of the shie ld’s norm al
appe arance .
Endure Elements
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 24 hours
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
A cre ature prote cte d by e ndure e le m e nts suffe rs no harm from be ing in a hot or cold e nvironm e nt. It can e x ist com fortably in
conditions be twe e n -50 and 140 de gre e s Fahre nhe it without having to m ak e Fortitude save s. The cre ature 's e quipm e nt is
lik e wise prote cte d.
Endure e le m e nts doe sn't provide any prote ction from fire or cold dam age , nor doe s it prote ct against othe r e nvironm e ntal
hazards such as sm ok e , lack of air, and so forth.
School Ne crom ancy; Level 4
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect R ay of ne gative e ne rgy
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You point your finge r and fire a black ray of ne gative e ne rgy that suppre sse s the life force of any living cre ature it strik e s. You
m ust m ak e a range d touch attack to hit. If you hit, the subje ct gains 1d4 te m porary ne gative le ve ls (se e Appe ndix 1). Ne gative
le ve ls stack . Assum ing the subje ct survive s, it re gains lost le ve ls afte r a num be r of hours e qual to your caste r le ve l (m ax im um
15 hours). Usually, ne gative le ve ls have a chance of be com ing pe rm ane nt, but the ne gative le ve ls from e ne rvation don't last
long e nough to do so. An unde ad cre ature struck by the ray gains 1d4 x 5 te m porary hit points for 1 hour.
Enlarge Person
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll cause s instant growth of a hum anoid cre ature , doubling its he ight and m ultiplying its we ight by 8. This incre ase
change s the cre ature 's size cate gory to the ne x t large r one . The targe t gains a +2 size bonus to Stre ngth, a -2 size pe nalty to
De x te rity (to a m inim um of 1), and a -1 pe nalty on attack rolls and AC due to its incre ase d size . A hum anoid cre ature whose
size incre ase s to Large has a space of 10 fe e t and a natural re ach of 10 fe e t. This spe ll doe s not change the targe t's spe e d. If
insufficie nt room is available for the de sire d growth, the cre ature attains the m ax im um possible size and m ay m ak e a Stre ngth
che ck (using its incre ase d Stre ngth) to burst any e nclosure s in the proce ss. If it fails, it is constraine d without harm by the
m ate rials e nclosing it - the spe ll cannot be use d to crush a cre ature by incre asing its size . All e quipm e nt worn or carrie d by a
cre ature is sim ilarly e nlarge d by the spe ll. Me le e we apons affe cte d by this spe ll de al m ore dam age (se e page 145). O the r
m agical prope rtie s are not affe cte d by this spe ll. Any e nlarge d ite m that le ave s an e nlarge d cre ature 's posse ssion (including a
proje ctile or thrown we apon) instantly re turns to its norm al size . This m e ans that thrown and proje ctile we apons de al the ir
norm al dam age . Magical prope rtie s of e nlarge d ite m s are not incre ase d by this spe ll. Multiple m agical e ffe cts that incre ase size
do not stack .
Enlarge pe rson counte rs and dispe ls re duce pe rson.
Enlarge pe rson can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Enlarge Tail
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target Your tail
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
W he n attack ing with your tail or tail we apons, you gain 5 fe e t of re ach, a +1 bonus on attack rolls, and a +2 bonus on dam age
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne scroll or two page s
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 Se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
Erase re m ove s writings of e ithe r m agical or m undane nature from a scroll or from one or two page s of pape r, parchm e nt, or
sim ilar surface s. W ith this spe ll, you can re m ove e x plosive rune s, a glyph of warding, a se pia snak e sigil, or an arcane m ark ,
but not illusory script or a sym bol spe ll. Nonm agical writing is autom atically e rase d if you touch it and no one e lse is holding it.
O the rwise , the chance of e rasing nonm agical writing is 90%. Magic writing m ust be touche d to be e rase d, and you also m ust
succe e d on a caste r le ve l che ck (1d20 + caste r le ve l) against DC 15. A natural 1 is always a failure on this che ck . If you fail to
e rase e x plosive rune s, a glyph of warding, or a se pia snak e sigil, you accide ntally activate that writing inste ad.
Expeditious Excavation
School Transm utation, Earth Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
A rea dirt in a 5-ft. cube
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
You can e x cavate and m ove e arth, dust, and sand up to the size of a 5-foot cube . If you are burie d, you m ay ope n a 5-foot
cube around yourse lf, but the spe ll cannot be use d for tunne ling. Be side s its m undane applications, you can ope n a 5-foot-de e p
pit at a cre ature 's fe e t. A Me dium or sm alle r cre ature falls prone in the pit unle ss it succe e ds on a R e fle x save . W ith a
succe ssful save , it can choose to land harm le ssly on its fe e t in the pit or hop to an adjace nt square ; this m ove m e nt doe s not
provok e attack s of opportunity. A cre ature can e scape a 5-foot-de e p pit with a DC 5 C lim b che ck . Large r cre ature s m ay ignore
pits sm alle r than the ir size . The e arth e x cavate d by this spe ll is ordinarily distribute d harm le ssly across the spe ll's range , but
you m ay choose to throw up a burst of grit and de bris whe n you dig a pit. This cloud of de bris provide s conce alm e nt to any
cre ature s in the square affe cte d and all adjace nt square s for 1 round. Ex pe ditious e x cavation has no e ffe ct on solid rock or
e arth cre ature s.
Expeditious Retreat
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll incre ase s your base land spe e d by 30 fe e t. This adjustm e nt is tre ate d as an e nhance m e nt bonus. The re is no e ffe ct
on othe r m ode s of m ove m e nt, such as burrow, clim b, fly, or swim . As with any e ffe ct that incre ase s your spe e d, this spe ll affe cts
your jum ping distance (se e the Acrobatics sk ill).
Fabricate Bullets
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target 1 pound of soft m e tal
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You conve rt 1 pound of le ad into bulle ts. W he n you cast this spe ll, you de cide whe the r you cre ate norm al sling bulle ts, fire arm
bulle ts, or fire arm pe lle ts. The spe ll cre ate s two sling bulle ts, 30 fire arm bulle ts, or 10 use s of pe lle ts.
False Life
School Ne crom ancy; Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 hour/le ve l or until discharge d; se e te x t
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You harne ss the powe r of unlife to grant yourse lf a lim ite d ability to avoid de ath. W hile this spe ll is in e ffe ct, you gain te m porary
hit points e qual to 1d10 + 1 pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um +10).
Feather Fall
School Transm utation, Air Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 im m e diate action
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne Me dium or sm alle r fre e falling obje ct or cre ature /le ve l, no two of which m ay be m ore than 20 ft. apart
Duration Until landing or 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s (harm le ss) or W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
The affe cte d cre ature s or obje cts fall slowly. Fe athe r fall instantly change s the rate at which the targe ts fall to a m e re 60 fe e t pe r
round (e quivale nt to the e nd of a fall from a fe w fe e t), and the subje cts tak e no dam age upon landing while the spe ll is in
e ffe ct. W he n the spe ll duration e x pire s, a norm al rate of falling re sum e s. The spe ll affe cts one or m ore Me dium or sm alle r
cre ature s (including ge ar and carrie d obje cts up to e ach cre ature 's m ax im um load) or obje cts, or the e quivale nt in large r
cre ature s: a Large cre ature or obje ct counts as two Me dium cre ature s or obje cts, a Huge cre ature or obje ct counts as four
Me dium cre ature s or obje cts, and so forth. This spe ll has no spe cial e ffe ct on range d we apons unle ss the y are falling quite a
distance . If the spe ll is cast on a falling ite m , the obje ct doe s half norm al dam age base d on its we ight, with no bonus for the
he ight of the drop.
Fe athe r fall work s only upon fre e -falling obje cts. It doe s not affe ct a sword blow or a charging or flying cre ature .
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
A rea 20-ft.-radius spre ad
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 R e fle x half; Spell Resistance Ye s
A fire ball spe ll ge ne rate s a se aring e x plosion of flam e that de tonate s with a low roar and de als 1d6 points of fire dam age pe r
caste r le ve l (m ax im um 10d6) to e ve ry cre ature within the are a. Unatte nde d obje cts also tak e this dam age . The e x plosion
cre ate s alm ost no pre ssure . You point your finge r and de te rm ine the range (distance and he ight) at which the fire ball is to
burst. A glowing, pe a-size d be ad stre ak s from the pointing digit and, unle ss it im pacts upon a m ate rial body or solid barrie r
prior to attaining the pre scribe d range , blossom s into the fire ball at that point. An e arly im pact re sults in an e arly de tonation. If
you atte m pt to se nd the be ad through a narrow passage , such as through an arrow slit, you m ust "hit" the ope ning with a
range d touch attack , or e lse the be ad strik e s the barrie r and de tonate s pre m ature ly. The fire ball se ts fire to com bustible s and
dam age s obje cts in the are a. It can m e lt m e tals with low m e lting points, such as le ad, gold, coppe r, silve r, and bronze . If the
dam age cause d to an inte rposing barrie r shatte rs or bre ak s through it, the fire ball m ay continue be yond the barrie r if the are a
pe rm its; othe rwise it stops at the barrie r just as any othe r spe ll e ffe ct doe s.
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect burst of light
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 15 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This cantrip cre ate s a burst of light. If you cause the light to burst in front of a single cre ature , that cre ature is dazzle d for 1
m inute unle ss it m ak e s a succe ssful Fortitude save . Sightle ss cre ature s, as we ll as cre ature s alre ady dazzle d, are not affe cte d
by flare .
Flare Burst
School Evocation(Light); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect 10-ft.-radius burst of light
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll functions as flare , e x ce pt it affe cts all cre ature s in a 10-foot-radius burst from the targe t point.
Floating Disk
School Evocation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect 3-ft.-diam e te r disk of force
Duration 1 hour/le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You cre ate a slightly concave , circular plane of force that follows you about and carrie s loads for you. The disk is 3 fe e t in
diam e te r and 1 inch de e p at its ce nte r. It can hold 100 pounds of we ight pe r caste r le ve l. If use d to transport a liquid, its
capacity is 2 gallons. The disk floats approx im ate ly 3 fe e t above the ground at all tim e s and re m ains le ve l. It floats along
horizontally within spe ll range and will accom pany you at a rate of no m ore than your norm al spe e d e ach round. If not othe rwise
dire cte d, it m aintains a constant inte rval of 5 fe e t be twe e n itse lf and you. The disk wink s out of e x iste nce whe n the spe ll
duration e x pire s. The disk also wink s out if you m ove be yond its range or try to tak e the disk m ore than 3 fe e t away from the
surface be ne ath it. W he n the disk wink s out, whate ve r it was supporting falls to the surface be ne ath it.
Forced Quiet
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target one cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
W ith a ge sture , you m uffle sound around the targe t, m ak ing it unable to ye ll or othe rwise m ak e loud noise s. This doe s not
affe ct spe llcasting by the targe t. The targe t can still use sonic e ffe cts, but the DC of the se e ffe cts de cre ase s by 2. The targe t
gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against sonic e ffe cts. The targe t gains a +4 circum stance bonus on Ste alth che ck s.
School C onjuration, Earth Ele m e ntal, Me tal Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
A rea C re ature s and obje cts within 10-ft.-radius spre ad
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 17 W ill ne gate s (blinding only); Spell Resistance No
A cloud of golde n particle s cove rs e ve ryone and e ve rything in the are a, causing cre ature s to be com e blinde d and visibly
outlining invisible things for the duration of the spe ll. All within the are a are cove re d by the dust, which cannot be re m ove d and
continue s to spark le until it fade s. Each round at the e nd of the ir turn blinde d cre ature s m ay atte m pt ne w saving throws to e nd
the blindne ss e ffe ct. Any cre ature cove re d by the dust tak e s a -40 pe nalty on Ste alth che ck s.
Gravity Bow
School Transm utation, Me tal Ele m e ntal, Void Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
Gravity bow significantly incre ase s the we ight and de nsity of arrows or bolts fire d from your bow or crossbow the instant be fore
the y strik e the ir targe t and the n re turn the m to norm al a fe w m om e nts late r. Any arrow fire d from a bow or crossbow you are
carrying whe n the spe ll is cast de als dam age as if one size large r than it actually is. For instance , an arrow fire d from a Me dium
longbow norm ally de als 1d8 points of dam age , but it would inste ad de al 2d6 points of dam age if fire d from a gravity bow (se e
page 145 of the C ore R ule book for m ore inform ation). O nly you can be ne fit from this spe ll. If anyone e lse use s your bow to
m ak e an attack the arrows de al dam age as norm al for the ir size .
School C onjuration, Earth Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne obje ct or 10-ft. square
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw DC 16 Se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
A gre ase spe ll cove rs a solid surface with a laye r of slippe ry gre ase . Any cre ature in the are a whe n the spe ll is cast m ust m ak e a
succe ssful R e fle x save or fall. A cre ature can walk within or through the are a of gre ase at half norm al spe e d with a DC 10
Acrobatics che ck . Failure m e ans it can't m ove that round (and m ust the n m ak e a R e fle x save or fall), while failure by 5 or m ore
m e ans it falls (se e the Acrobatics sk ill for de tails). C re ature s that do not m ove on the ir turn do not ne e d to m ak e this che ck and
are not conside re d flat-foote d. The spe ll can also be use d to cre ate a gre asy coating on an ite m . Mate rial obje cts not in use are
always affe cte d by this spe ll, while an obje ct wie lde d or e m ploye d by a cre ature re quire s its be are r to m ak e a R e fle x saving
throw to avoid the e ffe ct. If the initial saving throw fails, the cre ature im m e diate ly drops the ite m . A saving throw m ust be m ade
in e ach round that the cre ature atte m pts to pick up or use the gre ase d ite m . A cre ature we aring gre ase d arm or or clothing gains
a +10 circum stance bonus on Escape Artist che ck s and com bat m ane uve r che ck s m ade to e scape a grapple , and to the ir C MD to
avoid be ing grapple d.
Hold Person
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D); se e te x t
Saving Throw DC 18 W ill ne gate s; se e te x t; Spell Resistance Ye s
The subje ct be com e s paralyze d and fre e ze s in place . It is aware and bre athe s norm ally but cannot tak e any actions, e ve n
spe e ch. Each round on its turn, the subje ct m ay atte m pt a ne w saving throw to e nd the e ffe ct. This is a full-round action that
doe s not provok e attack s of opportunity. A winge d cre ature who is paralyze d cannot flap its wings and falls. A swim m e r can't
swim and m ay drown.
Hold Portal
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne portal, up to 20 sq. ft./le ve l
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll m agically holds shut a door, gate , window, or shutte r of wood, m e tal, or stone . The m agic affe cts the portal just as if
it we re se cure ly close d and norm ally lock e d. A k nock spe ll or a succe ssful dispe l m agic spe ll can ne gate a hold portal spe ll. Add
5 to the norm al DC for forcing ope n a portal affe cte d by this spe ll.
Hydraulic Push
School Evocation, W ate r Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one cre ature or obje ct
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You call forth a quick blast of wate r that k nock s ove r and soak s one cre ature or square . You can use this blast of wate r to m ak e
a bull rush against any one cre ature or obje ct. Your C MB for this bull rush is e qual to your caste r le ve l plus your Inte llige nce ,
W isdom , or C harism a m odifie r, whiche ve r is highe st. This bull rush doe s not provok e an attack of opportunity. Hydraulic push
e x tinguishe s any norm al fire s on a cre ature , obje ct, or in a single 5-foot square which it is targe te d against. Magical fire s are
unaffe cte d.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
A rea Se ve ral living cre ature s, no two of which m ay be m ore than 30 ft. apart
Duration 2d4 rounds (D)
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
Your ge sture s and droning incantation fascinate ne arby cre ature s, causing the m to stop and stare blank ly at you. In addition,
you can use the ir rapt atte ntion to m ak e your sugge stions and re que sts se e m m ore plausible . R oll 2d4 to se e how m any total
HD of cre ature s you affe ct. C re ature s with fe we r HD are affe cte d be fore cre ature s with m ore HD. O nly cre ature s that can se e or
he ar you are affe cte d, but the y do not ne e d to unde rstand you to be fascinate d. If you use this spe ll in com bat, e ach targe t
gains a +2 bonus on its saving throw. If the spe ll affe cts only a single cre ature not in com bat at the tim e , the saving throw has
a pe nalty of -2. W hile the subje ct is fascinate d by this spe ll, it re acts as though it we re two ste ps m ore frie ndly in attitude . This
allows you to m ak e a single re que st of the affe cte d cre ature (provide d you can com m unicate with it). The re que st m ust be brie f
and re asonable . Eve n afte r the spe ll e nds, the cre ature re tains its ne w attitude toward you, but only with re spe ct to that
particular re que st. A cre ature that fails its saving throw doe s not re m e m be r that you e nspe lle d it.
Icicle Dagger
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 0 ft.
Effect one icicle
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance No
You cre ate a m aste rwork dagge r out of ice . The dagge r de als 1 point of cold dam age in addition to norm al dagge r dam age . If
the dagge r le ave s your hand for m ore than 1 round, it m e lts and the spe ll e nds. At 6th le ve l, the dagge r functions as a +1 frost
dagge r. At 11th le ve l, it gains the re turning prope rty whe n thrown, m e lting away and re form ing in your hand just be fore your
ne x t turn.
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 60 ft.
A rea C one -shape d e m anation
Duration 3 rounds/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions as de te ct m agic, e x ce pt that it give s you a +10 e nhance m e nt bonus on Spe llcraft che ck s m ade to ide ntify
the prope rtie s and com m and words of m agic ite m s in your posse ssion. This spe ll doe s not allow you to ide ntify artifacts.
Illusion of Calm
School Illusion(Figm e nt); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw W ill disbe lie ve (on hit; se e be low); Spell Resistance No
W he n casting this spe ll, you cre ate an illusory double that tak e s the sam e space of you. That double m ak e s it look lik e you are
standing still, e ve n whe n you are not. W hile unde r the e ffe cts of this spe ll, you do not provok e attack s of opportunity whe n you
cast a spe ll, m ak e a range d attack with a thrown we apon, or m ove out of your first square during a m ove action. It doe s not
hide range d attack s m ade with any type of proje ctile we apon.
W he n a cre ature hits you with an attack of any type , it gains a saving throw to disbe lie ve the figm e nt. O n a succe ssful saving
throw, it succe ssfully disbe lie ve s and the spe ll's e ffe ct e nds for that cre ature .
Infernal Healing
School C onjuration(He aling); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Duration 1 m inute
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
You touch a drop of de vil's blood to a wounde d cre ature , giving it fast he aling 1. This ability cannot re pair dam age cause d by
silve r we apons, good-aligne d we apons, or spe lls or e ffe cts with the good de scriptor. The targe t de te cts as an e vil cre ature for
the duration of the spe ll and can se nse the e vil of the m agic, though this has no long-te rm e ffe ct.
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target living cre ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You que stion the targe t, back e d up by the thre at of m agical pain. You m ay ask one que stion pe r two caste r le ve ls. The targe t
can e ithe r answe r the que stion or tak e 1d4 points of dam age plus your W isdom bonus. The targe t is not com pe lle d to answe r
truthfully, but the thre at of pain give s it a -4 pe nalty on Bluff che ck s to convince you whe n it is lying.
School Illusion, Void Ele m e ntal(Glam e r); Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal or touch
Target You or a cre ature or obje ct we ighing no m ore than 100 lbs./le ve l
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss) or W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss) or ye s (harm le ss,
obje ct)
The cre ature or obje ct touche d be com e s invisible . If the re cipie nt is a cre ature carrying ge ar, that vanishe s, too. If you cast the
spe ll on som e one e lse , ne ithe r you nor your allie s can se e the subje ct, unle ss you can norm ally se e invisible things or you
e m ploy m agic to do so.
Ite m s droppe d or put down by an invisible cre ature be com e visible ; ite m s pick e d up disappe ar if tuck e d into the clothing or
pouche s worn by the cre ature . Light, howe ve r, ne ve r be com e s invisible , although a source of light can be com e so (thus, the
e ffe ct is that of a light with no visible source ). Any part of an ite m that the subje ct carrie s but that e x te nds m ore than 10 fe e t
from it be com e s visible .
O f course , the subje ct is not m agically sile nce d, and ce rtain othe r conditions can re nde r the re cipie nt de te ctable (such as
swim m ing in wate r or ste pping in a puddle ). If a che ck is re quire d, a stationary invisible cre ature has a +40 bonus on its Ste alth
che ck s. This bonus is re duce d to +20 if the cre ature is m oving. The spe ll e nds if the subje ct attack s any cre ature . For purpose s
of this spe ll, an attack include s any spe ll targe ting a foe or whose are a or e ffe ct include s a foe . Ex actly who is a foe de pe nds on
the invisible characte r's pe rce ptions. Actions dire cte d at unatte nde d obje cts do not bre ak the spe ll. C ausing harm indire ctly is
not an attack . Thus, an invisible be ing can ope n doors, talk , e at, clim b stairs, sum m on m onste rs and have the m attack , cut the
rope s holding a rope bridge while e ne m ie s are on the bridge , re m ote ly trigge r traps, ope n a portcullis to re le ase attack dogs,
and so forth. If the subje ct attack s dire ctly, howe ve r, it im m e diate ly be com e s visible along with all its ge ar. Spe lls such as ble ss
that spe cifically affe ct allie s but not foe s are not attack s for this purpose , e ve n whe n the y include foe s in the ir are a.
Invisibility can be m ade pe rm ane nt (on obje cts only) with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect spark of e le ctricity
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cause a spark of e le ctricity to strik e the targe t with a succe ssful range d touch attack . The spe ll de als 1d3 points of e le ctricity
dam age .
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s
The subje ct ge ts a +10 e nhance m e nt bonus on Acrobatics che ck s m ade to atte m pt high jum ps or long jum ps. The e nhance m e nt
bonus incre ase s to +20 at caste r le ve l 5th, and to +30 (the m ax im um ) at caste r le ve l 9th.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target O ne brok e n obje ct of up to 2 lbs./le ve l
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
W he n you cast this spe ll, a spe ctral force binds a brok e n we apon toge the r, re lie ving the brok e n condition for a short tim e . W hile
unde r the e ffe cts of this spe ll, an ite m with the brok e n condition suffe rs no adve rse e ffe cts from that condition, and is tre ate d
as if it is not brok e n. The obje ct re gains no hit points, and dam age can still de stroy the obje ct.
Keep Watch
School Enchantm e nt; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target O ne cre ature touche d/2 le ve ls
Duration 8 hours or le ss; se e te x t
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
This spe ll e nable s the subje cts to stand watch or k e e p vigil throughout the night without any ill e ffe cts. The subje cts suffe r no
fatigue and gain all the usual be ne fits of a full night’s re st. The subje cts gain hit points as though from re sting, wizards m ay
pre pare the ir spe lls as though the y had sle pt for 8 hours, and so on. Effe cts that re ly on actual sle e p or dre am ing are
ine ffe ctive , though the subje cts are still susce ptible to e ffe cts that would put the m to sle e p, such as sle e p or de e p slum be r. Any
vigorous activity, including fighting, im m e diate ly e nds the e ffe ct, and the affe cte d cre ature s m ust e ithe r have the spe ll cast on
the m again or sle e p for the re m aining hours to avoid fatigue and gain the be ne fits of a full night’s re st.
Ki A rrow
School C onjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range Touch
Target 1 arrow touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You im bue an arrow with your powe r and throw it at a targe t up to 100 fe e t away. Mak e a range d attack roll. If it hits, the targe t
tak e s dam age from the arrow as if you had hit it with a single unarm e d strik e (including your Stre ngth bonus).
Kreighton's Perusal
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target Book touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
You gain a brie f but incom ple te unde rstanding of one book ’s conte nts, e quivale nt to having sk im m e d its page s for 1 hour. This
insight is not sufficie nt to translate unk nown language s, de ciphe r code s, or m e m orize te x t, but it doe s allow the caste r to le arn
what topics the book discusse s—invaluable to a Pathfinde r who m ust m ak e a snap de cision whe n pe rform ing re se arch or
de ciding whe the r or not to abscond with a volum e . In addition, you instantly be ne fit from any bonuse s or e ffe cts the book would
norm ally grant to anyone who re ads it for 1 hour (such as the bonuse s gaine d from re ading volum e s of the Pathfinde r
C hronicle s; se e page s 26–27).
Liberating Command
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time Im m e diate
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
If the targe t is bound, grapple d, or othe rwise re straine d, he m ay m ak e an Escape Artist che ck to e scape as an im m e diate
action. He gains a com pe te nce bonus on this che ck e qual to twice your caste r le ve l (m ax im um +20). This spe ll has no e ffe ct if
the targe t could not ge t fre e by using the Escape Artist sk ill (for e x am ple , if he we re unde r the e ffe cts of a hold pe rson spe ll or
paralyze d by Stre ngth dam age ).
School Evocation, W ood Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target O bje ct touche d
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll cause s a touche d obje ct to glow lik e a torch, she dding norm al light in a 20-foot radius, and incre asing the light le ve l
for an additional 20 fe e t by one ste p, up to norm al light (dark ne ss be com e s dim light, and dim light be com e s norm al light). In
an are a of norm al or bright light, this spe ll has no e ffe ct. The e ffe ct is im m obile , but it can be cast on a m ovable obje ct. You
can only have one light spe ll active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the pre vious
casting is dispe lle d. If you m ak e this spe ll pe rm ane nt (through pe rm ane ncy or a sim ilar e ffe ct), it doe s not count against this
lim it.
Light can be use d to counte r or dispe l any dark ne ss spe ll of e qual or lowe r spe ll le ve l.
Lighten Object
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target 1 obje ct of 1 cubic ft./le ve l
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje cts)
This spe ll de cre ase s the targe t's we ight by half. If cast on arm or, it im prove s the arm or che ck pe nalty by 1, though it doe s not
change the arm or's cate gorization as light, m e dium , or he avy.
Lightning Bolt
School Evocation, Air Ele m e ntal, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 3
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 120 ft.
A rea 120-ft. line
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 18 R e fle x half; Spell Resistance Ye s
You re le ase a powe rful strok e of e le ctrical e ne rgy that de als 1d6 points of e le ctricity dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 10d6)
to e ach cre ature within its are a. The bolt be gins at your finge rtips. The lightning bolt se ts fire to com bustible s and dam age s
obje cts in its path. It can m e lt m e tals with a low m e lting point, such as le ad, gold, coppe r, silve r, or bronze . If the dam age
cause d to an inte rposing barrie r shatte rs or bre ak s through it, the bolt m ay continue be yond the barrie r if the spe ll's range
pe rm its; othe rwise , it stops at the barrie r just as any othe r spe ll e ffe ct doe s.
Lock Gaze
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You com pe l the targe t to look at you and only you for the spe ll's duration or until the spe ll is discharge d. W hile staring at you,
the targe t is conside re d to be ave rting its e ye s from e ve ry cre ature but you, granting cre ature s othe r than you conce alm e nt
against the targe t's attack s. If the targe t willingly le ave s your line of sight, it is blinde d for 1 round and the spe ll e nds. If you
willingly le ave the targe t's line of sight or be com e unconscious or de ad, the spe ll cre ature suffe rs no ill e ffe cts. Blind cre ature s
and cre ature s im m une to gaze attack s are im m une to this spe ll.
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll re duce s the e ffe ct of range , granting a +10-foot bonus to the range incre m e nt of any we apon use d by the subje ct.
Mage A rmor
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 hour/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No
An invisible but tangible fie ld of force surrounds the subje ct of a m age arm or spe ll, providing a +4 arm or bonus to AC . Unlik e
m undane arm or, m age arm or e ntails no arm or che ck pe nalty, arcane spe ll failure chance , or spe e d re duction. Since m age
arm or is m ade of force , incorpore al cre ature s can't bypass it the way the y do norm al arm or.
Mage Hand
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne nonm agical, unatte nde d obje ct we ighing up to 5 lbs.
Duration C once ntration
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You point your finge r at an obje ct and can lift it and m ove it at will from a distance . As a m ove action, you can prope l the obje ct
as far as 15 fe e t in any dire ction, though the spe ll e nds if the distance be twe e n you and the obje ct e ve r e x ce e ds the spe ll's
range .
Magic A ura
School Illusion(Glam e r); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Touch
Target O ne touche d obje ct we ighing up to 5 lbs./le ve l
Duration 1 day/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
You alte r an ite m 's aura so that it re giste rs to de te ct spe lls (and spe lls with sim ilar capabilitie s) as though it we re nonm agical, or
a m agic ite m of a k ind you spe cify, or the subje ct of a spe ll you spe cify. If the obje ct be aring m agic aura has ide ntify cast on it
or is sim ilarly e x am ine d, the e x am ine r re cognize s that the aura is false and de te cts the obje ct's actual qualitie s if he succe e ds
on a W ill save . O the rwise , he be lie ve s the aura and no am ount of te sting re ve als what the true m agic is. If the targe te d ite m 's
own aura is e x ce ptionally powe rful (if it is an artifact, for instance ), m agic aura doe sn't work .
Note : A m agic we apon, shie ld, or suit of arm or m ust be a m aste rwork ite m , so a sword of ave rage m ak e , for e x am ple , look s
suspicious if it has a m agical aura.
Magic Missile
School Evocation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target Up to five cre ature s, no two of which can be m ore than 15 ft. apart
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
A m issile of m agical e ne rgy darts forth from your finge rtip and strik e s its targe t, de aling 1d4+1 points of force dam age . The
m issile strik e s une rringly, e ve n if the targe t is in m e le e com bat, so long as it has le ss than total cove r or total conce alm e nt.
Spe cific parts of a cre ature can't be single d out. O bje cts are not dam age d by the spe ll. For e ve ry two caste r le ve ls be yond 1st,
you gain an additional m issile - two at 3rd le ve l, thre e at 5th, four at 7th, and the m ax im um of five m issile s at 9th le ve l or
highe r. If you shoot m ultiple m issile s, you can have the m strik e a single cre ature or se ve ral cre ature s. A single m issile can
strik e only one cre ature . You m ust de signate targe ts be fore you che ck for spe ll re sistance or roll dam age .
Magic Weapon
School Transm utation, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target W e apon touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
Magic we apon give s a we apon a +1 e nhance m e nt bonus on attack and dam age rolls. An e nhance m e nt bonus doe s not stack
with a m aste rwork we apon's +1 bonus on attack rolls. You can't cast this spe ll on a natural we apon, such as an unarm e d strik e
(inste ad, se e m agic fang). A m onk 's unarm e d strik e is conside re d a we apon, and thus it can be e nhance d by this spe ll.
Marid's Mastery
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The targe t gains a +1 bonus on attack and dam age rolls if it and its oppone nt are touching wate r. If the oppone nt or the targe t
is touching the ground, the targe t tak e s a -4 pe nalty on attack and dam age rolls.
Memory Lapse
School Enchantm e nt; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one living cre ature
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You cause the targe t to forge t what happe ne d from the casting of the spe ll back to the be ginning of its last turn. This m ay allow
a re try on a Diplom acy, Intim idate , or oppose d sk ill che ck , though only with re spe ct to the targe t, not othe r cre ature s that m ay
be pre se nt.
School Transm utation, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 10 m inute s
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 10 ft.
Target O ne obje ct of up to 1 lb./le ve l
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
This spe ll re pairs dam age d obje cts, re storing 1d4 hit points to the obje ct. If the obje ct has the brok e n condition, this condition
is re m ove d if the obje ct is re store d to at le ast half its original hit points. All of the pie ce s of an obje ct m ust be pre se nt for this
spe ll to function. Magic ite m s can be re paire d by this spe ll, but you m ust have a caste r le ve l e qual to or highe r than that of the
obje ct. Magic ite m s that are de stroye d (at 0 hit points or le ss) can be re paire d with this spe ll, but this spe ll doe s not re store
the ir m agic abilitie s. This spe ll doe s not affe ct cre ature s (including constructs). This spe ll has no e ffe ct on obje cts that have
be e n warpe d or othe rwise transm ute d, but it can still re pair dam age done to such ite m s.
School Transm utation, Air Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne cre ature /le ve l
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You can whispe r m e ssage s and re ce ive whispe re d re plie s. Those ne arby can he ar the se m e ssage s with a DC 25 Pe rce ption
che ck . You point your finge r at e ach cre ature you want to re ce ive the m e ssage . W he n you whispe r, the whispe re d m e ssage is
audible to all targe te d cre ature s within range . Magical sile nce , 1 foot of stone , 1 inch of com m on m e tal (or a thin she e t of le ad),
or 3 fe e t of wood or dirt block s the spe ll. The m e ssage doe s not have to trave l in a straight line . It can circum ve nt a barrie r if
the re is an ope n path be twe e n you and the subje ct, and the path's e ntire le ngth lie s within the spe ll's range . The cre ature s that
re ce ive the m e ssage can whispe r a re ply that you he ar. The spe ll transm its sound, not m e aning; it doe sn't transce nd language
barrie rs. To spe ak a m e ssage , you m ust m outh the words and whispe r.
Mirror Strike
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration Se e te x t
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You brie fly alte r the flow of tim e to split a m e le e attack into two attack s. Be fore the e nd of your ne x t turn, whe n you m ak e your
ne x t m e le e attack roll, com pare the re sult to the AC of two oppone nts within your re ach. If the se le cte d oppone nts are flank ing
you, you gain a +2 bonus on your attack roll (and confirm ation attack roll, se e be low). If you hit both e ne m ie s, you can de al
half dam age to e ach. Hitting only one oppone nt allows you to de al that oppone nt norm al dam age for your attack . O n a critical
thre at, you can m ak e only one attack roll to confirm the critical hit against both oppone nts. If you confirm against both, you
de al half your critical hit dam age to e ach. Your hit is a norm al hit rathe r than a critical if you confirm against only one oppone nt.
If you fail to use the e ffe ct be fore the e nd of your ne x t turn, the spe ll e nds.
Moment of Greatness
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range 50 ft.
Target The caste r and allie s within a 50-ft. burst ce nte re d on the caste r
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l or until discharge d
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
Each cre ature affe cte d by this spe ll is give n the pote ntial for gre ate r succe ss and glory. If the affe cte d cre ature is be ne fiting
from a m orale bonus of any type , it can double that m orale bonus on one roll or che ck , be fore m ak ing the roll. O nce an
affe cte d cre ature use s this spe ll's e ffe ct, the spe ll is discharge d for that subje ct.
School C onjuration(Sum m oning); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne m ount
Duration 2 hours/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
You sum m on a light horse or a pony (your choice ) to se rve you as a m ount (se e the Pathfinde r R PG Be stiary). The ste e d se rve s
willingly and we ll. The m ount com e s with a bit and bridle and a riding saddle .
Mud Ball
School C onjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect Single fist-size d blob of stick y m ud
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 R e fle x ne gate s; se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
W he n you cast this spe ll, you conjure a single ball of stick y m ud and launch it at an e ne m y's face as a range d touch attack . If
the m udball hits, the targe t is blinde d. Each round at the be ginning of its turn, a cre ature blinde d by this spe ll can atte m pt a
R e fle x saving throw to shak e off the m ud, e nding the e ffe ct. The m udball can also be wipe d off by the cre ature affe cte d by it or
by a cre ature adjace nt to the cre ature affe cte d by it as a standard action.
Negative Reaction
School Illusion(Glam e r); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
The targe t's actions and words fail to im pre ss. The targe t of this spe ll tak e s a -10 pe nalty on any Bluff, Diplom acy, and
Intim idate che ck s as we ll as any pe rform ance com bat che ck s it atte m pts.
Obscuring Mist
School C onjuration, W ate r Ele m e ntal(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 20 ft.
Effect C loud spre ads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
A m isty vapor arise s around you. It is stationary. The vapor obscure s all sight, including dark vision, be yond 5 fe e t. A cre ature 5
fe e t away has conce alm e nt (attack s have a 20% m iss chance ). C re ature s farthe r away have total conce alm e nt (50% m iss
chance , and the attack e r cannot use sight to locate the targe t). A m ode rate wind (11+ m ph), such as from a gust of wind spe ll,
dispe rse s the fog in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ m ph) dispe rse s the fog in 1 round. A fire ball, flam e strik e , or sim ilar spe ll
burns away the fog in the e x plosive or fie ry spe ll's are a. A wall of fire burns away the fog in the are a into which it de als dam age .
This spe ll doe s not function unde rwate r.
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O bje ct we ighing up to 30 lbs. or portal that can be ope ne d or close d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 15 W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You can ope n or close (your choice ) a door, che st, box , window, bag, pouch, bottle , barre l, or othe r containe r. If anything re sists
this activity (such as a bar on a door or a lock on a che st), the spe ll fails. In addition, the spe ll can only ope n and close things
we ighing 30 pounds or le ss. Thus, doors, che sts, and sim ilar obje cts size d for e norm ous cre ature s m ay be be yond this spe ll's
ability to affe ct.
Pattern Recognition
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw no; Spell Resistance no
Patte rn re cognition allows you to notice unusual bre ak s in the patte rns of stone s in a wall, boards in a floor, crack s in glass,
tre e s in a fore st, or sim ilar inte rruptions. You gain an insight bonus e qual to one -half your caste r le ve l (m inim um +1, m ax im um
+10) on Se arch che ck s.
You gain the sam e bonus on Survival che ck s m ade to follow track s. Patte rn re cognition doe s not grant you the Track fe at, a
rogue ’s trapfinding ability, or the ability to disable traps. You can use it in conjunction with those abilitie s if you posse ss the m ,
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne she athe d or slung we apon
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You lock a we apon in place on its owne r's body, or within the we apon's she ath or holste r. Anyone who the n trie s to draw the
we apon m ust spe nd a standard action and succe e d at a Stre ngth che ck (DC e qual to the saving throw DC ) to do so, provok ing
attack s of opportunity whe the r the atte m pt succe e ds or fails.
School Evocation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target cre ature or obje ct touche d
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw Harm le ss W ill Ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll k e e ps the cre ature or obje ct touche d slightly in shadow. The targe t of this spe ll doe s not suffe r any pe naltie s or
blindne ss cause d by bright light, such as those from light se nsitivity or light blindne ss.
You can have only one pe num bra spe ll active at any one tim e . If you cast this spe ll while anothe r casting is still in e ffe ct, the
pre vious casting is dispe lle d.
Petulengro’s Validation
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
Afte r a particularly harrowing brush with de ath at the hands of doppe lgange rs, Ve nture -C aptain Eliza Pe tule ngro de vise d a
m e ans of be ing sure he r com panions we re actually who the y appe are d to be . To cast this spe ll, you m ust have a bit of hair, a
finge rnail clipping, or som e othe r portion of a cre ature . The sam ple m ust be no m ore than 1 we e k old pe r caste r le ve l. As part
of casting, you touch the targe t cre ature , and instantly k now whe the r the targe t is the sam e cre ature the sam ple is from . Note
that if you wish to be discre te , you can cast the spe ll away from the targe t and hold the charge be fore touching the cre ature , so
that the casting is not notice d. You can also use this spe ll to divine whe the r a de ad body, or e ve n partial re m ains from a body,
be longe d to the sam e pe rson whose finge rnail clipping or bit of hair you use d whe n casting the spe ll.
Polypurpose Panacea
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration Se e be low
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This cre ate s one of se ve ral cantrip-le ve l e ffe cts re lating to your he alth, we ll-be ing, and e nte rtainm e nt. The panace a has no side
e ffe cts (for e x am ple , the intox ication panace a doe s not cause a hangove r). W he n you use polypurpose panace a, choose one of
the following e ffe cts.
Analge sic: You do not fe e l m inor ache s and pains, such as from arthritis, a cold, or a hangove r, for 1 hour. For the duration,
you gain a +2 re sistance bonus against pain-re late d spe lls.
C larity: You ge t a +1 com pe te nce bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or sk ill che ck within 1 m inute . You m ust
choose to use the bonus be fore m ak ing the roll to which it applie s.
Hallucination: You have ple asant hallucinations for 1 hour, such as wande ring lights, m usic, playful surre al anim als, and so
on. You can te ll the se are not re al, but the y are distracting, and you tak e a -2 pe nalty on Pe rce ption che ck s for the duration.
Intox ication: You fe e l com fortably intox icate d for 1 hour, as if you had a fe w alcoholic be ve rage s.
Lucid Dre am : If you tak e this panace a within 1 hour of going to sle e p, you have a lucid dre am that is unde r your control and
lasts for an hour.
R e sistance : You gain a +1 re sistance bonus on save s for 1 m inute .
Sle e p: You e nte r a ple asant and re stful sle e p for at le ast 1 hour unle ss wak e ne d. If you would norm ally be gin sle e ping at
this tim e , whe n the panace a e nds you continue sle e ping norm ally.
Sobrie ty: You be com e com ple te ly sobe r for 1 hour, ne gating any pe naltie s to your actions for be ing drunk (Gam e Maste ry
Guide 237). Magical and alche m ical m e thods (such as de te ct poison) still de te ct you as ine briate d. Tim e spe nt unde r the e ffe ct
of this panace a do not count toward the tim e ne ce ssary to sobe r up (it m e re ly de lays your intox ication).
Te nacity: You gain 1 te m porary hit point for 1 m inute .
W ak e fulne ss: You re m ain awak e for 2 hours without fe e ling sle e py, and without side e ffe cts such as jitte rine ss. You gain a
+5 re sistance bonus against sle e p-re late d spe lls such as lullaby and sle e p. This use of the panace a m e re ly de lays your ne e d
for sle e p and doe s not count as re st or sle e p. You can use it m ultiple tim e s in succe ssion, but as e ach e ffe ct we ars off, you are
as tire d as you would be had you not use d the panace a.
School Unive rsal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 10 ft.
Target Se e te x t
A rea Se e te x t
Effect Se e te x t
Duration 1 hour
Saving Throw DC 15 Se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
Pre stidigitations are m inor trick s that novice spe llcaste rs use for practice . O nce cast, a pre stidigitation spe ll e nable s you to
pe rform sim ple m agical e ffe cts for 1 hour. The e ffe cts are m inor and have se ve re lim itations. A pre stidigitation can slowly lift 1
pound of m ate rial. It can color, cle an, or soil ite m s in a 1-foot cube e ach round. It can chill, warm , or flavor 1 pound of nonliving
m ate rial. It cannot de al dam age or affe ct the conce ntration of spe llcaste rs.
Pre stidigitation can cre ate sm all obje cts, but the y look crude and artificial. The m ate rials cre ate d by a pre stidigitation spe ll
are e x tre m e ly fragile , and the y cannot be use d as tools, we apons, or spe ll com pone nts. Finally, pre stidigitation lack s the powe r
to duplicate any othe r spe ll e ffe cts. Any actual change to an obje ct (be yond just m oving, cle aning, or soiling it) pe rsists only 1
Protection from Chaos
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No; se e te x t
This spe ll functions lik e prote ction from e vil, e x ce pt that the de fle ction and re sistance bonuse s apply to attack s m ade by chaotic
cre ature s. The targe t re ce ive s a ne w saving throw against control by chaotic cre ature s and chaotic sum m one d cre ature s cannot
touch the targe t.
Protection from Evil
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No; se e te x t
This spe ll wards a cre ature from attack s by e vil cre ature s, from m e ntal control, and from sum m one d cre ature s. It cre ate s a
m agical barrie r around the subje ct at a distance of 1 foot. The barrie r m ove s with the subje ct and has thre e m ajor e ffe cts.
First, the subje ct gains a +2 de fle ction bonus to AC and a +2 re sistance bonus on save s. Both the se bonuse s apply against
attack s m ade or e ffe cts cre ate d by e vil cre ature s.
Se cond, the subje ct im m e diate ly re ce ive s anothe r saving throw (if one was allowe d to be gin with) against any spe lls or
e ffe cts that posse ss or e x e rcise m e ntal control ove r the cre ature (including e nchantm e nt [charm ] e ffe cts and e nchantm e nt
[com pulsion] e ffe cts, such as charm pe rson, com m and, and dom inate pe rson). This saving throw is m ade with a +2 m orale
bonus, using the sam e DC as the original e ffe ct. If succe ssful, such e ffe cts are suppre sse d for the duration of this spe ll. The
e ffe cts re sum e whe n the duration of this spe ll e x pire s. W hile unde r the e ffe cts of this spe ll, the targe t is im m une to any ne w
atte m pts to posse ss or e x e rcise m e ntal control ove r the targe t. This spe ll doe s not e x pe l a controlling life force (such as a ghost
or spe llcaste r using m agic jar), but it doe s pre ve nt the m from controlling the targe t. This se cond e ffe ct only functions against
spe lls and e ffe cts cre ate d by e vil cre ature s or obje cts, subje ct to GM discre tion.
Third, the spe ll pre ve nts bodily contact by e vil sum m one d cre ature s. This cause s the natural we apon attack s of such
cre ature s to fail and the cre ature s to re coil if such attack s re quire touching the warde d cre ature . Sum m one d cre ature s that are
not e vil are im m une to this e ffe ct. The prote ction against contact by sum m one d cre ature s e nds if the warde d cre ature m ak e s an
attack against or trie s to force the barrie r against the block e d cre ature . Spe ll re sistance can allow a cre ature to ove rcom e this
prote ction and touch the warde d cre ature .
Protection from Good
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No; se e te x t
This spe ll functions lik e prote ction from e vil, e x ce pt that the de fle ction and re sistance bonuse s apply to attack s m ade by good
cre ature s. The targe t re ce ive s a ne w saving throw against control by good cre ature s and good sum m one d cre ature s cannot touch
the targe t.
Protection from Law
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance No; se e te x t
This spe ll functions lik e prote ction from e vil, e x ce pt that the de fle ction and re sistance bonuse s apply to attack s m ade by lawful
cre ature s. The targe t re ce ive s a ne w saving throw against control by lawful cre ature s and lawful sum m one d cre ature s cannot
touch the targe t.
Ray of Enfeeblement
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect R ay
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude half;
A coruscating ray springs from your
pe nalty to Stre ngth e qual to 1d6+1
A succe ssful Fortitude save re duce s
inste ad.
Spell Resistance Ye s
hand. You m ust succe e d on a range d touch attack to strik e a targe t. The subje ct tak e s a
pe r two caste r le ve ls (m ax im um 1d6+5). The subje ct's Stre ngth score cannot drop be low 1.
this pe nalty by half. This pe nalty doe s not stack with itse lf. Apply the highe st pe nalty
Ray of Frost
School Evocation, W ate r Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect R ay
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
A ray of fre e zing air and ice proje cts from your pointing finge r. You m ust succe e d on a range d touch attack with the ray to de al
dam age to a targe t. The ray de als 1d3 points of cold dam age .
Ray of Sickening
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude Half; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll functions as ray of e x haustion, e x ce pt the targe t is sick e ne d if it fails its save and unaffe cte d if it m ak e s its save .
Read Magic
School Divination; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 10 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You can de ciphe r m agical inscriptions on obje cts - book s, scrolls, we apons, and the lik e - that would othe rwise be uninte lligible .
This de ciphe ring doe s not norm ally invok e the m agic containe d in the writing, although it m ay do so in the case of a curse d or
trappe d scroll. Furthe rm ore , once the spe ll is cast and you have re ad the m agical inscription, you are the re afte r able to re ad
that particular writing without re course to the use of re ad m agic. You can re ad at the rate of one page (250 words) pe r m inute .
The spe ll allows you to ide ntify a glyph of warding with a DC 13 Spe llcraft che ck , a gre ate r glyph of warding with a DC 16
Spe llcraft che ck , or any sym bol spe ll with a Spe llcraft che ck (DC 10 + spe ll le ve l).
R e ad m agic can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Recharge Innate Magic
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
You channe l m agic e ne rgy into your own aura, re charging your innate m agic abilitie s. You re gain one use of all 0-le ve l and 1stle ve l spe ll-lik e abilitie s you can use as a re sult of a racial trait.
Reduce Person
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne hum anoid cre ature
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll cause s instant dim inution of a hum anoid cre ature , halving its he ight, le ngth, and width and dividing its we ight by 8.
This de cre ase change s the cre ature 's size cate gory to the ne x t sm alle r one . The targe t gains a +2 size bonus to De x te rity, a -2
size pe nalty to Stre ngth (to a m inim um of 1), and a +1 bonus on attack rolls and AC due to its re duce d size . A Sm all hum anoid
cre ature whose size de cre ase s to Tiny has a space of 2-1/2 fe e t and a natural re ach of 0 fe e t (m e aning that it m ust e nte r an
oppone nt's square to attack ). A Large hum anoid cre ature whose size de cre ase s to Me dium has a space of 5 fe e t and a natural
re ach of 5 fe e t. This spe ll doe sn't change the targe t's spe e d. All e quipm e nt worn or carrie d by a cre ature is sim ilarly re duce d by
the spe ll. Me le e and proje ctile we apons de al le ss dam age . O the r m agical prope rtie s are not affe cte d by this spe ll. Any re duce d
ite m that le ave s the re duce d cre ature 's posse ssion (including a proje ctile or thrown we apon) instantly re turns to its norm al size .
This m e ans that thrown we apons de al the ir norm al dam age (proje ctile s de al dam age base d on the size of the we apon that fire d
the m ). Multiple m agical e ffe cts that re duce size do not stack . R e duce pe rson counte rs and dispe ls e nlarge pe rson.
R e duce pe rson can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Reinforce A rmaments
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target O ne arm or suit or we apon touche d
Duration 10 m inute s/le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct);; Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss, obje ct)
You re inforce a we apon or arm or suit to give it a te m porarily upgrade or m itigate the fragile quality (se e page 146). A suit of
arm or or we apon touche d that has the fragile quality is not conside re d to have the fragile quality for the spe ll's duration. Norm al
arm or suits or we apons subje cte d to this spe ll inste ad gain the m aste rwork quality for the spe ll's duration and the ir hardne ss is
double d. If this spe ll is cast on m aste rwork or m agical arm or or we apons, the ir hardne ss is double d for the duration of the spe ll.
School Abjuration; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
You im bue the subje ct with m agical e ne rgy that prote cts it from harm , granting it a +1 re sistance bonus on save s.
R e sistance can be m ade pe rm ane nt with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Restore Corpse
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target corpse touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw none ; Spell Resistance No
You grow fle sh on a de com pose d or sk e le tonize d corpse of a Me dium or sm alle r cre ature , providing it with sufficie nt fle sh that it
can be anim ate d as a zom bie rathe r than a sk e le ton. The corpse look s as it did whe n the cre ature die d. The ne w fle sh is
som e what rotte d and not fit for e ating.
Scorching Ray
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 2
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne or m ore rays
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
You blast your e ne m ie s with a se aring be am of fire . You m ay fire one ray, plus one additional ray for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond
3rd (to a m ax im um of thre e rays at 11th le ve l). Each ray re quire s a range d touch attack to hit and de als 4d6 points of fire
dam age . The rays m ay be fire d at the sam e or diffe re nt targe ts, but all rays m ust be aim e d at targe ts within 30 fe e t of e ach
othe r and fire d sim ultane ously.
Scrivener's Chant
School Transm utation; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range 5 ft.
Duration C once ntration, up to 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
This spe ll im bue s a quill with anim ate e ne rgy and rapidly transcribe s words from one page to anothe r. The quill copie s a writte n
work at the rate of one norm al-size d page pe r m inute . The Linguistics sk ill can be use d to m ak e a convincing copy, but
othe rwise the re production is writte n in the hand of the caste r. You m ust conce ntrate upon the m ate rial be ing duplicate d for the
spe ll's duration and provide ne w blank page s as re quire d. The scrive ne r's chant re quire s blank pape r and a quill or othe r writing
m ate rials, in addition to the m ate rial com pone nts.
This spe ll cannot duplicate m agical writing (including spe lls and m agical scrolls), though it can duplicate non-m agical writing
from a m agical source .
Sculpt Corpse
School Ne crom ancy; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target one de ad cre ature touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill partial; se e te x t; Spell Resistance No
W ith a clam m y care ss and a word to the powe rs lurk ing be yond de ath, you can re shape a de ad body look lik e anothe r cre ature
or e ve n a spe cific pe rson so long as you have firsthand k nowle dge of how that cre ature or pe rson actually look s. You can m ak e
the corpse one size large r or sm alle r and change anything e lse about it including its appare nt type , ge nde r, or age . C re ature s
with a re ason to suspe ct de ce ption m ay m ak e a W ill saving throw to re alize that the corpse was alte re d. If you chose to m ak e
the corpse look lik e a spe cific individual anyone who k nows that individual can m ak e a W ill save to re alize that the corpse is not
actually that pe rson. Howe ve r, if a cre ature fails its W ill save by 5 or le ss the y be lie ve the corpse is that of som e one who close ly
re se m ble d the pe rson the y k ne w rathe r than a de libe rate fak e . This spe ll m e re ly change s the appe arance of the corpse . Any
spe ll or e ffe ct that targe ts the corpse (such as spe ak with de ad or raise de ad) tre ats it as if it still had its original appe arance .
See A lignment
School Divination; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1/round pe r le ve l
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
W he n you cast this spe ll, se le ct a single alignm e nt (such as lawful good or chaotic e vil). C re ature s of that alignm e nt glow with a
ghostly radiance while the y are within your vision. Though you can se e this radiance , othe r cre ature s cannot.
Spe lls and e ffe cts that obscure alignm e nt, lik e unde te ctable alignm e nt, also obscure the e ffe cts of this spe ll.
Serren's Swift Girding
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne willing cre ature /le ve l
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
W ith a swe e p of your hand, you se le ct a num be r of targe ts and the sam e num be r of suits of arm or. The targe ts of this spe ll are
im m e diate ly clad in the arm or that you choose . The subje cts of the spe ll m ust be capable of we aring the chose n arm or, cannot
be we aring othe r arm or, and m ust be able to prope rly fit into the chose n arm or. The chose n arm or m ust be e m pty and cannot
be curre ntly worn by anothe r cre ature (thus you cannot m ove arm or from one we are r to anothe r with this spe ll). C re ature s
arm ore d with this spe ll are conside re d to have donne d the arm or prope rly.
Shadow Weapon
School Illusion(Shadow); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 0 ft.
Effect one shadow we apon
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill disbe lie f (if inte racte d with); Spell Resistance Ye s
Drawing upon the Plane of Shadow, you shape a quasi-re al m aste rwork m e le e we apon of a type you are proficie nt with. You m ay
use this we apon to m ak e attack s as if it we re a re al we apon, de aling norm al dam age for a we apon of its type . The first tim e you
hit a cre ature with the we apon, it m ay m ak e a W ill save to disbe lie ve ; failure m e ans the we apon de als dam age norm ally,
succe ss m e ans it only tak e s 1 point of dam age from the we apon's attack s. The we apon only de als 1 point of dam age to
obje cts. If an attack e d cre ature has spe ll re sistance , you m ak e a caste r le ve l che ck (1d20 + caste r le ve l) against that spe ll
re sistance the first tim e the shadow we apon strik e s it. If the we apon is succe ssfully re siste d, the spe ll is dispe lle d. If not, the
targe t m ay save to disbe lie ve as norm al. At 5th le ve l, the we apon gains a +1 e nhance m e nt bonus. At 10th-le ve l, you m ay
incre ase the e nhance m e nt bonus to +2 or add the frost or k e e n we apon prope rty. The frost and k e e n prope rtie s have no e ffe ct
if the targe t m ak e s its disbe lie f save . The spe ll e nds if the we apon le ave s your posse ssion.
School Abjuration, Void Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m in./le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
Shie ld cre ate s an invisible shie ld of force that hove rs in front of you. It ne gate s m agic m issile attack s dire cte d at you. The disk
also provide s a +4 shie ld bonus to AC . This bonus applie s against incorpore al touch attack s, since it is a force e ffe ct. The shie ld
has no arm or che ck pe nalty or arcane spe ll failure chance .
Shield Companion
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target Your anim al com panion, fam iliar, or fie ndish se rvant
Duration 1 hour/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
This spe ll functions as shie ld othe r but affe cts only the caste r's anim al com panion or fam iliar. Spe llcaste rs from classe s that do
not norm ally gain an anim al com panion, fam iliar, or fie ndish se rvant but who gain one through an alte rnate class fe ature ,
arche type , or pre stige class can pre pare and cast this spe ll as a 1st-le ve l spe ll if the y are capable of casting spe lls.
Shield Speech
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range 10 ft.
Target You and one othe r cre ature
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw W ill ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
You can se cure ly com m unicate with one cre ature within range . So long as your targe t re m ains within 10 fe e t of you, you and it
can spe ak fre e ly to e ach othe r without fe ar of be ing ove rhe ard. C om m unications that involve shie ld spe e ch cannot be spie d on,
such as with a divination spe ll, and obse rve rs of the conve rsation can te ll you are com m unicating but cannot re ad lips or he ar
the conve rsation unle ss the y are the targe t of the spe ll. If you or the targe t spe ak to any othe r cre ature s, the y can he ar you
norm ally (only com m unication be twe e n you and the targe t is prote cte d). The spe ll doe s not shie ld writing, sign language , or any
form of com m unication othe r than spe ak ing.
Shock Shield
School Abjuration; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Pe rsonal
Target You
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll cre ate s an invisible shie ld sim ilar to but not as strong as the shie ld spe ll. This shie ld hove rs in front of you and
ne gate s m agic m issile attack s dire cte d at you. The disk provide s a +2 shie ld bonus to AC . This bonus applie s against
incorpore al touch attack s.
At any tim e , as a fre e action, you m ay dism iss your shie ld, at which point it de als 1d6 points of e le ctrical dam age to all
cre ature s within a 5-foot burst, including you. A R e fle x saving throw halve s the dam age .
Shocking Grasp
School Evocation, Air Ele m e ntal, Me tal Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature or obje ct touche d
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance Ye s
Your succe ssful m e le e touch attack de als 1d6 points of e le ctricity dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 5d6). W he n de live ring the
jolt, you gain a +3 bonus on attack rolls if the oppone nt is we aring m e tal arm or (or is carrying a m e tal we apon or is m ade of
m e tal).
Silent Image
School Illusion(Figm e nt); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
Effect Visual figm e nt that cannot e x te nd be yond four 10-ft. cube s + one 10-ft. cube /le ve l (S)
Duration C once ntration
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill disbe lie f (if inte racte d with); Spell Resistance No
This spe ll cre ate s the visual illusion of an obje ct, cre ature , or force , as visualize d by you. The illusion doe s not cre ate sound,
sm e ll, te x ture , or te m pe rature . You can m ove the im age within the lim its of the size of the e ffe ct.
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
A rea O ne or m ore living cre ature s within a 10-ft.-radius burst
Duration 1 m in./le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
A sle e p spe ll cause s a m agical slum be r to com e upon 4 HD of cre ature s. C re ature s with the fe we st HD are affe cte d first. Am ong
cre ature s with e qual HD, those who are close st to the spe ll's point of origin are affe cte d first. HD that are not sufficie nt to affe ct
a cre ature are waste d. Sle e ping cre ature s are he lple ss. Slapping or wounding awak e ns an affe cte d cre ature , but norm al noise
doe s not. Awak e ning a cre ature is a standard action (an application of the aid anothe r action). Sle e p doe s not targe t
unconscious cre ature s, constructs, or unde ad cre ature s.
Snapdragon Fireworks
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Long (400 + 40 ft./le ve l)
Effect dragon-shape d fire work s
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 16 R e fle x ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
A favorite display at halfling m idsum m e r fe stivals, this spe ll le ts you cre ate fire work s in the shape of tiny dragons. O nce pe r
round, as a m ove action, you m ay de signate a targe t 5-foot-square within range and launch a pyrote chnic in that dire ction. The
pyrote chnic tak e s a zigzag path from you to that square , always m issing cre ature s and obje cts in its path, and de tonate s in that
square with a bang and a colorful burst of fire and light. C re ature s in the targe t square tak e 1d4 points of fire dam age and are
dazzle d for 1 round (R e fle x half, a succe ssful save ne gate s the dazzle d condition). Norm ally whe n this spe ll is use d as part of a
fe stival, the chose n targe t is high in the sk y to incre ase visibility and prote ct obse rve rs.
Snow Shape
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial or Divine Focus
Range Touch
Target Snow or snow-sculpte d obje ct touche d, up to 5 cubic ft. + 1 cubic ft. / le ve l
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
In froze n northe rn lands, whe re the e arth m ay be hidde n be ne ath he avy drifts of snow, Ulfe n druids de ve lope d a variation of
stone shape that othe r spe llcaste rs have since le arne d.
You can form a m ass of snow into any shape that suits your purpose , as pe r the spe ll stone shape . W hile it’s possible to
m ak e crude obje cts with snow shape , m ost fine de tails are n’t possible . Howe ve r, a succe ssful C raft we apons) che ck allows you to
cre ate a blade d we apon from the snow. The DC of this che ck is e qual to the DC liste d with the C raft (we apons) sk ill (C ore
R ule book 93). You m ust be the one to m ak e the C raft che ck and m ust do so at the tim e of casting this spe ll. A faile d che ck
m e ans that the spe ll is cast norm ally but the we apon cre ate d is m alform e d and use le ss. This spe ll can only be use d to craft
we apons and not m ore pre cise tools or e laborate arm ors.
O nce you cre ate the ite m with this spe ll, it solidifie s into supe r-hard ice , gaining a hardne ss of 5 and 10 hit points pe r inch of
thick ne ss. This we apon tak e s double dam age from fire . Anyone using an ice we apon tak e s a –2 pe nalty on attack s due to the
slippe ry, unwie ldy nature of the we apon, but the we apon de als 1 point of cold dam age in addition to its norm al dam age . A
we apon cre ate d by this spe ll lasts for 24 hours be fore m e lting into use le ssne ss.
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne ball of ice and snow
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 16 Fortitude partial (se e te x t); Spell Resistance No
You conjure a ball of pack e d ice and snow that you can throw at a single targe t as a range d touch attack . The snowball de als
1d6 points of cold dam age pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um 5d6) on a succe ssful hit, and the targe t m ust m ak e a succe ssful
Fortitude saving throw or be stagge re d for 1 round.
Sotto Voce
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Duration 1+ R ounds
Saving Throw DC 15 W ill Ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
Your dry, rasping whispe r fills a living cre ature of 4 or fe we r Hit Dice with unnatural dre ad. The affe cte d cre ature m ust m ak e a
W ill save or be shak e n for 1 round.
Sow Thought
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range C lose (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target O ne cre ature
Duration Pe rm ane nt
Saving Throw DC 16 W ill ne gate s.; Spell Resistance Ye s.
You plant an ide a, conce pt, or suspicion in the m ind of the subje ct. The targe t ge nuine ly be lie ve s that the ide a is his own, but is
not re quire d to act upon it. If the ide a is contrary to the targe t’s norm al thoughts (such as m ak ing a paladin think , “I should
m urde r m y frie nds”) the targe t m ay suspe ct m ind alte ring m agic is at play. The ide a m ust be fairly cle ar, e nough so that it can
be conve ye d in one or two se nte nce s. You do not ne e d to share a com m on language for the spe ll to succe e d, but without a
com m on language you can only sow the m ost basic rudim e ntary ide as.
School Evocation, Fire Ele m e ntal; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Target one Fine obje ct
Duration Instantane ous
Saving Throw DC 15 Fortitude ne gate s (obje ct); Spell Resistance Ye s (obje ct)
You can m ak e an unatte nde d Fine flam m able obje ct catch on fire . This work s as if you we re using flint and ste e l e x ce pt that you
can use spark in any sort of we athe r and it tak e s m uch le ss tim e to actually ignite an obje ct.
Stone Fist
School Transm utation, Earth Ele m e ntal; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Pe rsonal
Target you
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l (D)
Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance
This spe ll transform s your hands into living stone . W hile this spe ll is in e ffe ct, your unarm e d strik e s do not provok e attack s of
opportunity and de al 1d6 points of le thal bludge oning dam age (1d4 if you are Sm all). In addition, your unarm e d strik e s ignore
the hardne ss of any obje ct with a hardne ss le ss than 8.
Stone to fle sh im m e diate ly dispe ls stone fist. Should you be the targe t of transm ute rock to m ud, this spe ll im m e diate ly
e nds and you tak e 4d6 points of dam age .
Stone Shield
School C onjuration(C re ation); Level 1
Casting Time 1 im m e diate action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Divine Focus
Range 0 ft.
Effect Stone wall whose are a is one 5-ft square .
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
A 1-inch-thick slab of stone springs up from the ground, inte rposing itse lf be twe e n you and an oppone nt of your choice . The
stone shie ld provide s you with cove r from that e ne m y (C ore R ule book 195) until the be ginning of your ne x t turn, granting you a
+4 bonus to Arm or C lass and a +2 bonus on R e fle x saving throws. If the oppone nt's attack m isse s you by 4 or le ss, the attack
strik e s the shie ld inste ad. The stone shie ld has hardne ss 8 and 15 hit points. If the shie ld is de stroye d, the spe ll e nds and the
shie ld crum ble s away into nothingne ss. Spe lls and e ffe cts that dam age an are a de al dam age to the shie ld.
You cannot use this spe ll if you are not adjace nt to a large are a of e arth or stone such as the ground or a wall. A qinggong
m onk (Ultim ate Magic) m ay se le ct this spe ll as a k i powe r at 4th le ve l
Strong Wings
School Transm utation; Level 1
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 m inute /le ve l
Saving Throw Fortitude ne gate s (harm le ss); Spell Resistance Ye s (harm le ss)
The targe t's wings grow m ore powe rful, causing its fly spe e d to incre ase by +10 fe e t and its m ane uve rability to im prove by one
cate gory (to a m ax im um of good). This incre ase counts as an e nhance m e nt bonus. This spe ll has no e ffe ct on wingle ss
cre ature s or winge d cre ature s that cannot fly.
Suggestion, Mass
School Enchantm e nt(C om pulsion); Level 6
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Mate rial
Range Me dium (100 + 10 ft./le ve l)
Target O ne cre ature /le ve l, no two of which can be m ore than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 hour/le ve l or until com ple te d
Saving Throw DC 21 W ill ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
This spe ll functions lik e sugge stion, e x ce pt that it can affe ct m ore cre ature s. The sam e sugge stion applie s to all the se
cre ature s.
Summon Monster III
School C onjuration(Sum m oning); Level 3
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne sum m one d cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e sum m on m onste r I, e x ce pt that you can sum m on one cre ature from the 3rd-le ve l list, 1d3 cre ature s of
the sam e k ind from the 2nd-le ve l list, or 1d4+1 cre ature s of the sam e k ind from the 1st-le ve l list.
Sum m on Monste r Table s
3rd Le ve l: Ant, giant (soldie r)*, Ape *, Aurochs (he rd anim al)*, Boar*, C he e tah*, C onstrictor snak e *, C rocodile *, Dire bat*,
Dre tch (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Ele ctric e e l*, Giant lizard*, Lante rn archon [Good, Lawful subtype s], Le opard (cat)*,
Shark *, W olve rine *
2nd Le ve l: Ant, giant (work e r)*, Ele m e ntal (Sm all) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant ce ntipe de *, Giant frog*, Giant spide r*, Goblin
dog*, Horse *, Hye na*, Le m ure (de vil) [Evil, Lawful subtype s] O ctopus*, Squid*, W olf*
1st Le ve l: Dire rat*, Dog*, Dolphin*, Eagle *, Fire be e tle *, Frog, poison*, Pony (horse )*, Vipe r (snak e )*
* This cre ature is sum m one d with the ce le stial te m plate if you are good, or the fie ndish te m plate if you are e vil; you m ay
choose e ithe r if you are ne utral.
Summon Monster IV
School C onjuration, All Ele m e nts(Sum m oning); Level 4
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne sum m one d cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e sum m on m onste r I, e x ce pt that you can sum m on one cre ature from the 4th-le ve l list, 1d3 cre ature s of
the sam e k ind from the 3rd-le ve l list, or 1d4+1 cre ature s of the sam e k ind from a lowe r-le ve l list.
Sum m on Monste r Table s
4th Le ve l: Ant, giant (drone )*, Bison (he rd anim al)*, De inonychus (dinosaur)*, Dire ape *, Dire boar*, Dire wolf*, Ele m e ntal
(Me dium ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant scorpion*, Giant wasp*, Grizzly be ar*, He ll hound [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Hound archon
[Good, Lawful subtype s], Lion*, Me phit (any) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Pte ranodon (dinosaur)*, R hinoce ros*
3rd Le ve l: Ant, giant (soldie r)*, Ape *, Aurochs (he rd anim al)*, Boar*, C he e tah*, C onstrictor snak e *, C rocodile *, Dire bat*,
Dre tch (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Ele ctric e e l*, Giant lizard*, Lante rn archon [Good, Lawful subtype s], Le opard (cat)*,
Shark *, W olve rine *
2nd Le ve l: Ant, giant (work e r)*, Ele m e ntal (Sm all) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant ce ntipe de *, Giant frog*, Giant spide r*, Goblin
dog*, Horse *, Hye na*, Le m ure (de vil) [Evil, Lawful subtype s] O ctopus*, Squid*, W olf*
* This cre ature is sum m one d with the ce le stial te m plate if you are good, or the fie ndish te m plate if you are e vil; you m ay
choose e ithe r if you are ne utral.
Summon Monster V
School C onjuration, All Ele m e nts(Sum m oning); Level 5
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne sum m one d cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e sum m on m onste r I, e x ce pt that you can sum m on one cre ature from the 5th-le ve l list, 1d3 cre ature s of
the sam e k ind from the 4th-le ve l list, or 1d4+1 cre ature s of the sam e k ind from a lowe r-le ve l list.
Sum m on Monste r Table s
5th Le ve l: Ank ylosaurus (dinosaur)*, Babau (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Be arde d de vil [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Bralani
azata [C haotic, Good subtype s], Dolphin (orca)*, Dire lion*, Ele m e ntal (Large ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant m oray e e l*, Kyton
[Evil, Lawful subtype s], Salam ande r [Evil subtype ], W oolly rhinoce ros*, Xill [Evil, Lawful subtype s]
4th Le ve l: Ant, giant (drone )*, Bison (he rd anim al)*, De inonychus (dinosaur)*, Dire ape *, Dire boar*, Dire wolf*, Ele m e ntal
(Me dium ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant scorpion*, Giant wasp*, Grizzly be ar*, He ll hound [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Hound archon
[Good, Lawful subtype s], Lion*, Me phit (any) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Pte ranodon (dinosaur)*, R hinoce ros*
3rd Le ve l: Ant, giant (soldie r)*, Ape *, Aurochs (he rd anim al)*, Boar*, C he e tah*, C onstrictor snak e *, C rocodile *, Dire bat*,
Dre tch (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Ele ctric e e l*, Giant lizard*, Lante rn archon [Good, Lawful subtype s], Le opard (cat)*,
Shark *, W olve rine *
* This cre ature is sum m one d with the ce le stial te m plate if you are good, or the fie ndish te m plate if you are e vil; you m ay
choose e ithe r if you are ne utral.
Summon Monster VI
School C onjuration, All Ele m e nts(Sum m oning); Level 6
Casting Time 1 round
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Focus or Divine Focus
Range C lose (25 + 5 ft./2 le ve ls)
Effect O ne sum m one d cre ature
Duration 1 round/le ve l (D)
Saving Throw None ; Spell Resistance No
This spe ll functions lik e sum m on m onste r I, e x ce pt you can sum m on one cre ature from the 6th-le ve l list, 1d3 cre ature s of the
sam e k ind from the 5th-le ve l list, or 1d4+1 cre ature s of the sam e k ind from a lowe r-le ve l list.
Sum m on Monste r Table s
6th Le ve l: Dire be ar*, Dire tige r*, Elasm osaurus (dinosaur)*, Ele m e ntal (Huge ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Ele phant*, Erinye s
(de vil) [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Giant octopus*, Invisible stalk e r [Air aubtype ], Lille nd azata [C haotic, Good subtype s], Shadow
de m on [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Succubus (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Trice ratops (dinosaur)*
5th Le ve l: Ank ylosaurus (dinosaur)*, Babau (de m on) [C haotic, Evil subtype s], Be arde d de vil [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Bralani
azata [C haotic, Good subtype s], Dolphin (orca)*, Dire lion*, Ele m e ntal (Large ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant m oray e e l*, Kyton
[Evil, Lawful subtype s], Salam ande r [Evil subtype ], W oolly rhinoce ros*, Xill [Evil, Lawful subtype s]
4th Le ve l: Ant, giant (drone )*, Bison (he rd anim al)*, De inonychus (dinosaur)*, Dire ape *, Dire boar*, Dire wolf*, Ele m e ntal
(Me dium ) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Giant scorpion*, Giant wasp*, Grizzly be ar*, He ll hound [Evil, Lawful subtype s], Hound archon
[Good, Lawful subtype s], Lion*, Me phit (any) [Ele m e ntal subtype ], Pte ranodon (dinosaur)*, R hinoce ros*
* This cre ature is sum m one d with the ce le stial te m plate if you are good, or the fie ndish te m plate if you are e vil; you m ay
choose e ithe r if you are ne utral.
Touch of Fatigue
School Ne crom ancy; Level 0
Casting Time 1 action
Components Ve rbal, Som atic, Mate rial
Range Touch
Target C re ature touche d
Duration 1 round/le ve l
Saving Throw DC 15 Fortitude ne gate s; Spell Resistance Ye s
You channe l ne gative e ne rgy through your touch, fatiguing the targe t. You m ust succe e d on a touch attack to strik e a targe t.
The subje ct is im m e diate ly fatigue d for the spe ll's duration.
This spe ll has no e ffe ct on a cre ature that is alre ady fatigue d. Unlik e with norm al fatigue , the e ffe ct e nds as soon as the
spe ll's duration e x pire s.
P38. Devoreur
Neutral Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = )
19 +4
+7 = 3 + 0
16 +3
21 +5
AC 25
= 10 +
+ 13
7 = 4 +
12 = 9 +
C law x 2 (De voure r)
9 = 4 +
16 +3
28 +9
+ 10
+18 x 2
Skill Name
A c robatic s
A pprais e
✓ C limb
D iplomac y
✓ D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
✓ Fly
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
✓ Knowledge (arc ana)
Knowledge (planes )
✓ P erc eption
✓ Sens e M otive
✓ Spellc raft
✓ Stealth
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=I nt
=I nt
=D ex
=I nt
=D ex
7 +3
11 + 3
14 + 3
14 + 3
11 + 3
14 + 3
4 +3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Abyssal • C elestial • C ommon • Infernal
Bull R ush
Fe int
O ve rrun
Sunde r
0 lbs
800 lbs
1600 lbs
2400 lbs
Current 0
Next Level
Dark vision (60 fe e t)
Te le pathy (100 fe e t) (Su)
Im m unity to Ability Drain
Im m unity to Ble e ds
Im m unity to De ath Effe cts
Im m unity to Dise ase
Im m unity to Ene rgy Drain
Im m unity to Ex hauste d
Im m unity to Fatigue
Im m unity to Mind-Affe cting e ffe cts
Im m unity to Non-le thal Dam age
Im m unity to Paralysis
Im m unity to Physical Ability Dam age
Im m unity to Poison
Im m unity to Sle e p
Im m unity to Stunning
Unde ad Traits
Spe ll R e sistance (22)
Flight (20 fe e t, Pe rfe ct)
Ene rgy Drain (1 le ve l) (DC 22) (Ex )
Anim ate De ad (At will)
Be stow C urse (At will)
C onfusion (At will)
C ontrol Unde ad (At will)
De ath Kne ll (At will)
Ghoul Touch (At will)
Inflict Se rious W ounds (At will)
Planar Ally, Le sse r (At will)
R ay of Enfe e ble m e nt (At will)
Spe ctral Hand (At will)
Sugge stion (At will)
True Se e ing (At will)
Vam piric Touch (At will)
De vour Soul (DC 22) (Su)
Spe ll De fle ction (Su)
Anim ate De ad (At will)
Be stow C urse (At will)
C onfusion (At will)
C ontrol Unde ad (At will)
De ath Kne ll (At will)
Ghoul Touch (At will)
Inflict Se rious W ounds (At will)
Planar Ally, Le sse r (At will)
R ay of Enfe e ble m e nt (At will)
Spe ctral Hand (At will)
Sugge stion (At will)
True Se e ing (At will)
Vam piric Touch (At will)
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
C le ave
C om bat C asting
C om bat Ex pe rtise +/-3
Im prove d Initiative
Im prove d Sunde r
Powe r Attack -3/+6
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
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Darkvision (60 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Telepathy (100 feet) (Su)
The cre ature can m e ntally com m unicate with any othe r cre ature within a ce rtain range (spe cifie d in the cre ature 's e ntry,
usually 100 fe e t) that has a language . It is possible to addre ss m ultiple cre ature s at once te le pathically, although m aintaining a
te le pathic conve rsation with m ore than one cre ature at a tim e is just as difficult as sim ultane ously spe ak ing and liste ning to
m ultiple pe ople at the sam e tim e .
Immunity to A bility Drain
Im m unity to ability drain
Immunity to Bleeds
You are im m une to ble e ds.
Immunity to Death Effects
You are im m une to de ath e ffe cts.
Immunity to Disease
You are im m une to dise ase s.
Immunity to Energy Drain
Im m une to e ne rgy drain
Immunity to Exhausted
You are im m une to the e x hauste d condition.
Immunity to Fatigue
You are im m une to the fatigue d condition.
Immunity to Mind-A ffecting effects
You are im m une to Mind-Affe cting e ffe cts.
Immunity to Non-lethal Damage
You are im m une to Non-Le thal Dam age
Immunity to Paralysis
You are im m une to paralysis.
Immunity to Physical A bility Damage
Im m une to ability dam age to your physical abilitie s.
Immunity to Poison
You are im m une to poison.
Immunity to Sleep
You are im m une to sle e p e ffe cts.
Immunity to Stunning
You are im m une to be ing stunne d.
Undead Traits
Unde ad are im m une to de ath e ffe cts, dise ase , m ind-affe cting e ffe cts (charm s, com pulsions, m orale e ffe cts, phantasm s,
and patte rns), paralysis, poison, sle e p, stun, and any e ffe ct that re quire s a Fortitude save (unle ss the e ffe ct also work s on
obje cts or is harm le ss). Unde ad are not subje ct to ability drain, e ne rgy drain, or nonle thal dam age . Unde ad are im m une to
dam age or pe naltie s to the ir physical ability score s (Stre ngth, De x te rity, and C onstitution), as we ll as to fatigue and e x haustion
e ffe cts. Unde ad are not at risk of de ath from m assive dam age . Unde ad have no C O N score , and use the ir C HA bonus for C O N
e ffe cts.
Spell Resistance (22)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Flight (20 feet, Perfect)
A cre ature with this ability can ce ase or re sum e flight as a fre e action. If the cre ature has wings, flight is an e x traordinary
ability. O the rwise , it is spe ll-lik e or supe rnatural, and it is ine ffe ctive in an antim agic fie ld; the cre ature lose s its ability to fly for
as long as the antim agic e ffe ct pe rsists.
Energy Drain (1 level) (DC 22) (Ex)
This attack saps a living oppone nt's vital e ne rgy and happe ns autom atically whe n a m e le e or range d attack hits. Each
succe ssful e ne rgy drain be stows one or m ore ne gative le ve ls (the cre ature 's de scription spe cifie s how m any). If an attack that
include s an e ne rgy drain score s a critical hit, it be stows twice the liste d num be r of ne gative le ve ls. Unle ss othe rwise spe cifie d in
the cre ature 's de scription, a draining cre ature gains 5 te m porary hit points for e ach ne gative le ve l it be stows on an oppone nt.
The se te m porary hit points last for a m ax im um of 1 hour. Ne gative le ve ls re m ain until 24 hours have passe d or until the y are
re m ove d with a spe ll, such as re storation. If a ne gative le ve l is not re m ove d be fore 24 hours have passe d, the affe cte d cre ature
m ust atte m pt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 draining cre ature 's racial HD + draining cre ature 's C ha m odifie r; the e x act DC is
give n in the cre ature 's de scriptive te x t). O n a succe ss, the ne gative le ve l goe s away with no harm to the cre ature . O n a failure ,
the ne gative le ve l be com e s pe rm ane nt. A se parate saving throw is re quire d for e ach ne gative le ve l.
A nimate Dead (A t will)
This spe ll turns corpse s into unde ad sk e le tons or zom bie s (se e the Pathfinde r R PG Be stiary) that obe y your spok e n
com m ands.
The unde ad can be m ade to follow you, or the y can be m ade to re m ain in an are a and attack any cre ature (or just a spe cific
k ind of cre ature ) e nte ring the place . The y re m ain anim ate d until the y are de stroye d. A de stroye d sk e le ton or zom bie can't be
anim ate d again.
R e gardle ss of the type of unde ad you cre ate with this spe ll, you can't cre ate m ore HD of unde ad than twice your caste r le ve l
with a single casting of anim ate de ad. The de se crate spe ll double s this lim it.
The unde ad you cre ate re m ain unde r your control inde finite ly. No m atte r how m any tim e s you use this spe ll, howe ve r, you
can control only 4 HD worth of unde ad cre ature s pe r caste r le ve l. If you e x ce e d this num be r, all the ne wly cre ate d cre ature s fall
unde r your control, and any e x ce ss unde ad from pre vious castings be com e uncontrolle d. You choose which cre ature s are
re le ase d. Unde ad you control through the C om m and Unde ad fe at do not count toward this lim it.
Sk e le tons: A sk e le ton can be cre ate d only from a m ostly intact corpse or sk e le ton. The corpse m ust have bone s. If a
sk e le ton is m ade from a corpse , the fle sh falls off the bone s.
Zom bie s: A zom bie can be cre ate d only from a m ostly intact corpse . The corpse m ust be that of a cre ature with a physical
anatom y.
Bestow Curse (A t will)
You place a curse on the subje ct. C hoose one of the following.
• - 6 de cre ase to an ability score (m inim um 1).
• - 4 pe nalty on attack rolls, save s, ability che ck s, and sk ill che ck s.
• Each turn, the targe t has a 50% chance to act norm ally; othe rwise , it tak e s no action.
You m ay also inve nt your own curse , but it should be no m ore powe rful than those de scribe d above . The curse be stowe d by
this spe ll cannot be dispe lle d, but it can be re m ove d with a bre ak e nchantm e nt, lim ite d wish, m iracle , re m ove curse , or wish
spe ll.
Be stow curse counte rs re m ove curse .
Confusion (A t will)
This spe ll cause s confusion in the targe ts, m ak ing the m unable to de te rm ine the ir actions. R oll on the following table at the
start of e ach subje ct's turn e ach round to se e what it doe s in that round.
d% - Be havior
01-25 - Act norm ally
26-50 - Do nothing but babble incohe re ntly
51-75 - De al 1d8 points of dam age + Str m odifie r to se lf with ite m in hand
76-100 - Attack ne are st cre ature (for this purpose , a fam iliar counts as part of the subje ct's se lf)
A confuse d characte r who can't carry out the indicate d action doe s nothing but babble incohe re ntly. Attack e rs are not at any
spe cial advantage whe n attack ing a confuse d characte r. Any confuse d characte r who is attack e d autom atically attack s its
attack e rs on its ne x t turn, as long as it is still confuse d whe n its turn com e s. Note that a confuse d characte r will not m ak e
attack s of opportunity against any cre ature that it is not alre ady de vote d to attack ing (e ithe r be cause of its m ost re ce nt action
or be cause it has just be e n attack e d).
Control Undead (A t will)
This spe ll e nable s you to control unde ad cre ature s for a short pe riod of tim e . You com m and the m by voice and the y
unde rstand you, no m atte r what language you spe ak . Eve n if vocal com m unication is im possible , the controlle d unde ad do not
attack you. At the e nd of the spe ll, the subje cts re ve rt to the ir norm al be havior. Inte llige nt unde ad cre ature s re m e m be r that you
controlle d the m , and the y m ay se e k re ve nge afte r the spe ll's e ffe cts e nd.
Death Knell (A t will)
You draw forth the e bbing life force of a cre ature and use it to fue l your own powe r. Upon casting this spe ll, you touch a living
cre ature that has -1 or fe we r hit points. If the subje ct fails its saving throw, it die s, and you gain 1d8 te m porary hit points and a
+2 e nhance m e nt bonus to Stre ngth. Additionally, your e ffe ctive caste r le ve l goe s up by +1, im proving spe ll e ffe cts de pe nde nt
on caste r le ve l. This incre ase in e ffe ctive caste r le ve l doe s not grant you acce ss to m ore spe lls. The se e ffe cts last for 10
m inute s pe r HD of the subje ct cre ature .
Ghoul Touch (A t will)
Im buing you with ne gative e ne rgy, this spe ll allows you to paralyze a single living hum anoid for the duration of the spe ll with
a succe ssful m e le e touch attack .
A paralyze d subje ct e x ude s a carrion ste nch that cause s all living cre ature s (e x ce pt you) in a 10-foot-radius spre ad to
be com e sick e ne d (Fortitude ne gate s). A ne utralize poison spe ll re m ove s the e ffe ct from a sick e ne d cre ature , and cre ature s
im m une to poison are unaffe cte d by the ste nch. This is a poison e ffe ct.
Inflict Serious Wounds (A t will)
This spe ll functions lik e inflict light wounds, e x ce pt that you de al 3d8 points of dam age + 1 point pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um
Planar A lly, Lesser (A t will)
By casting this spe ll, you re que st your de ity to se nd you an outside r (of 6 HD or le ss) of the de ity's choice . If you se rve no
particular de ity, the spe ll is a ge ne ral ple a answe re d by a cre ature sharing your philosophical alignm e nt. If you k now an
individual cre ature 's nam e , you m ay re que st that individual by spe ak ing the nam e during the spe ll (though you m ight ge t a
diffe re nt cre ature anyway). You m ay ask the cre ature to pe rform one task in e x change for a paym e nt from you. Task s m ight
range from the sim ple to the com ple x . You m ust be able to com m unicate with the cre ature calle d in orde r to bargain for its
se rvice s. The cre ature calle d re quire s a paym e nt for its se rvice s. This paym e nt can tak e a varie ty of form s, from donating gold
or m agic ite m s to an allie d te m ple , to a gift give n dire ctly to the cre ature , to som e othe r action on your part that m atche s the
cre ature 's alignm e nt and goals. R e gardle ss, this paym e nt m ust be m ade be fore the cre ature agre e s to pe rform any se rvice s.
The bargaining tak e s at le ast 1 round, so any actions by the cre ature be gin in the round afte r it arrive s. A task tak ing up to 1
m inute pe r caste r le ve l re quire s a paym e nt of 100 gp pe r HD of the cre ature calle d. For a task tak ing up to 1 hour pe r caste r
le ve l, the cre ature re quire s a paym e nt of 500 gp pe r HD. A long-te rm task , one re quiring up to 1 day pe r caste r le ve l, re quire s a
paym e nt of 1,000 gp pe r HD. A nonhazardous task re quire s only half the indicate d paym e nt, while an e spe cially hazardous task
m ight re quire a gre ate r gift. Fe w if any cre ature s will acce pt a task that se e m s suicidal (re m e m be r, a calle d cre ature actually die s
whe n it is k ille d, unlik e a sum m one d cre ature ). Howe ve r, if the task is strongly aligne d with the cre ature 's e thos, it m ay halve or
e ve n waive the paym e nt. At the e nd of its task , or whe n the duration bargaine d for e x pire s, the cre ature re turns to its hom e
plane (afte r re porting back to you, if appropriate and possible ).
Note: W he n you use a calling spe ll that calls an air, chaotic, e arth, e vil, fire , good, lawful, or wate r cre ature , it is a spe ll of
that type .
Ray of Enfeeblement (A t will)
A coruscating ray springs from your hand. You m ust succe e d on a range d touch attack to strik e a targe t. The subje ct tak e s a
pe nalty to Stre ngth e qual to 1d6+1 pe r two caste r le ve ls (m ax im um 1d6+5). The subje ct's Stre ngth score cannot drop be low 1.
A succe ssful Fortitude save re duce s this pe nalty by half. This pe nalty doe s not stack with itse lf. Apply the highe st pe nalty
inste ad.
Spectral Hand (A t will)
A ghostly hand shape d from your life force m ate rialize s and m ove s as you de sire , allowing you to de live r low-le ve l, touch
range spe lls at a distance . O n casting the spe ll, you lose 1d4 hit points that re turn whe n the spe ll e nds (e ve n if it is dispe lle d),
but not if the hand is de stroye d. (The hit points can be he ale d as norm al.) For as long as the spe ll lasts, any touch range spe ll
of 4th le ve l or lowe r that you cast can be de live re d by the spe ctral hand. The spe ll give s you a +2 bonus on your m e le e touch
attack roll, and attack ing with the hand counts norm ally as an attack . The hand always strik e s from your dire ction. The hand
cannot flank targe ts lik e a cre ature can. Afte r it de live rs a spe ll, or if it goe s be yond the spe ll range or goe s out of your sight,
the hand re turns to you and hove rs. The hand is incorpore al and thus cannot be harm e d by norm al we apons. It has im prove d
e vasion (half dam age on a faile d R e fle x save and no dam age on a succe ssful save ), your save bonuse s, and an AC of 22 (+8
size , +4 natural arm or). Your Inte llige nce m odifie r applie s to the hand's AC as if it we re the hand's De x te rity m odifie r. The hand
has 1 to 4 hit points, the sam e num be r that you lost in cre ating it.
Suggestion (A t will)
You influe nce the actions of the targe t cre ature by sugge sting a course of activity (lim ite d to a se nte nce or two). The
sugge stion m ust be worde d in such a m anne r as to m ak e the activity sound re asonable . Ask ing the cre ature to do som e
obviously harm ful act autom atically ne gate s the e ffe ct of the spe ll.
The sugge ste d course of activity can continue for the e ntire duration. If the sugge ste d activity can be com ple te d in a shorte r
tim e , the spe ll e nds whe n the subje ct finishe s what it was ask e d to do. You can inste ad spe cify conditions that will trigge r a
spe cial activity during the duration. If the condition is not m e t be fore the spe ll duration e x pire s, the activity is not pe rform e d.
A ve ry re asonable sugge stion cause s the save to be m ade with a pe nalty (such as -1 or -2).
True Seeing (A t will)
You confe r on the subje ct the ability to se e all things as the y actually are . The subje ct se e s through norm al and m agical
dark ne ss, notice s se cre t doors hidde n by m agic, se e s the e x act locations of cre ature s or obje cts unde r blur or displace m e nt
e ffe cts, se e s invisible cre ature s or obje cts norm ally, se e s through illusions, and se e s the true form of polym orphe d, change d, or
transm ute d things. Furthe r, the subje ct can focus its vision to se e into the Ethe re al Plane (but not into e x tradim e nsional
space s). The range of true se e ing confe rre d is 120 fe e t.
True se e ing, howe ve r, doe s not pe ne trate solid obje cts. It in no way confe rs X-ray vision or its e quivale nt. It doe s not ne gate
conce alm e nt, including that cause d by fog and the lik e . True se e ing doe s not he lp the vie we r se e through m undane disguise s,
spot cre ature s who are sim ply hiding, or notice se cre t doors hidde n by m undane m e ans. In addition, the spe ll e ffe cts cannot be
furthe r e nhance d with k nown m agic, so one cannot use true se e ing through a crystal ball or in conjunction with
clairaudie nce /clairvoyance .
Vampiric Touch (A t will)
You m ust succe e d on a m e le e touch attack . Your touch de als 1d6 points of dam age pe r two caste r le ve ls (m ax im um 10d6).
You gain te m porary hit points e qual to the dam age you de al. You can't gain m ore than the subje ct's curre nt hit points + the
subje ct's C onstitution score (which is e nough to k ill the subje ct). The te m porary hit points disappe ar 1 hour late r.
Devour Soul (DC 22) (Su)
By m ak ing a touch attack as a standard action, a de voure r can de al 12d6+18 points of dam age as if using a slay living
spe ll. A DC 22 Fortitude save re duce s this dam age to 3d6+18. The soul of a cre ature slain by this attack be com e s trappe d
within the de voure r's che st. The cre ature cannot be brought back to life until the de voure r's de struction (or a spe ll de fle ction-se e
be low) re le ase s its soul. A de voure r can hold only one soul at a tim e . The trappe d e sse nce provide s a de voure r with 5 e sse nce
points for e ach Hit Die posse sse d by the soul. A de voure r m ust e x pe nd e sse nce points whe n it use s a spe ll-lik e ability e qual to
the spe ll's le ve l (for sak e of e ase , spe ll le ve ls for its spe ll-lik e abilitie s are include d in its stats to the le ft in supe rscript). At the
start of an e ncounte r, a de voure r ge ne rally has 3d4+3 e sse nce points available .
The trappe d e sse nce gains one pe rm ane nt ne gative le ve l for e ve ry 5 points of e sse nce draine d-the se ne gative le ve ls
re m ain if the cre ature is brought back to life (but the y do not stack with any ne gative le ve ls im parte d by be ing brought back to
life ). A soul that is com ple te ly consum e d m ay only be re store d to life by a m iracle or wish. The save DC is C harism a-base d.
Spell Deflection (Su)
If any of the following spe lls are cast at the de voure r and ove rcom e its spe ll re sistance , the y inste ad affe ct a de voure d soul:
banishm e nt, chaos ham m e r, confusion, crushing de spair, de te ct thoughts, dispe l e vil, dom inate pe rson, fe ar, ge as/que st, holy
word, hypnotism , im prisonm e nt, m agic jar, m aze , sugge stion, trap the soul, or any form of charm or com pulsion. W hile none of
the se e ffe cts harm s the soul, the caste r m ak e s a DC 25 caste r le ve l che ck whe n a spe ll is de fle cte d-succe ss indicate s that the
trappe d soul is re le ase d from its prison and the cre ature whose body it be longe d to can now be re store d to life as norm al.
Blind-Fight (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at attack ing oppone nts that you cannot cle arly pe rce ive .
Benefit: In m e le e , e ve ry tim e you m iss be cause of conce alm e nt (se e C om bat), you can re roll your m iss chance pe rce ntile
roll one tim e to se e if you actually hit.
An invisible attack e r ge ts no advantage s re late d to hitting you in m e le e . That is, you don't lose your De x te rity bonus to
Arm or C lass, and the attack e r doe sn't ge t the usual +2 bonus for be ing invisible . The invisible attack e r's bonuse s do still apply
for range d attack s, howe ve r.
You do not ne e d to m ak e Acrobatics sk ill che ck s to m ove at full spe e d while blinde d.
Normal: R e gular attack roll m odifie rs invisible attack e rs trying to hit you apply, and you lose your De x te rity bonus to AC . The
spe e d re duction for dark ne ss and poor visibility also applie s.
Special: The Blind-Fight fe at is of no use against a characte r who is the subje ct of a blink spe ll.
Cleave (C om bat)
You can strik e two adjace nt foe s with a single swing.
Prerequisites: STR 13, Powe r Attack , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can m ak e a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within re ach. If you
hit, you de al dam age norm ally and can m ak e an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is
adjace nt to the first and also within re ach. You can only m ak e one additional attack pe r round with this fe at. W he n you use this
fe at, you tak e a –2 pe nalty to your Arm or C lass until your ne x t turn.
Combat Casting
You are ade pt at spe llcasting whe n thre ate ne d or distracte d.
Benefit: You ge t a +4 bonus on conce ntration che ck s m ade to cast a spe ll or use a spe ll-lik e ability whe n casting on the
de fe nsive or while grapple d.
Combat Expertise +/-3 (C om bat)
You can incre ase your de fe nse at the e x pe nse of your accuracy.
Prerequisite: Int 13.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r che ck s to gain a +1 dodge bonus
to your Arm or C lass. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry +4 the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the
dodge bonus incre ase s by +1. You can only choose to use this fe at whe n you de clare that you are m ak ing an attack or a fullattack action with a m e le e we apon. The e ffe cts of this fe at last until your ne x t turn.
Improved Initiative (C om bat)
Your quick re fle x e s allow you to re act rapidly to dange r.
Benefit: You ge t a +4 bonus on initiative che ck s.
Improved Sunder (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at dam aging your foe s' we apons and arm or.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Powe r Attack , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You do not provok e an attack of opportunity whe n pe rform ing a sunde r com bat m ane uve r. In addition, you re ce ive
a +2 bonus on che ck s m ade to sunde r an ite m . You also re ce ive a +2 bonus to your C om bat Mane uve r De fe nse whe ne ve r an
oppone nt trie s to sunde r your ge ar.
Normal: You provok e an attack of opportunity whe n pe rform ing a sunde r com bat m ane uve r.
Power A ttack -3/+6 (C om bat)
You can m ak e e x ce ptionally de adly m e le e attack s by sacrificing accuracy for stre ngth.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on
all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is incre ase d by half (+50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with a two-hande d
we apon, a one hande d we apon using two hands, or a prim ary natural we apon that adds 1-1/2 tim e s your Stre ngth m odifie r on
dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with an off-hand we apon or se condary
natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry 4 points the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the
bonus to dam age incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore m ak ing an attack roll, and its e ffe cts last until your
ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit point dam age .
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
No m agic ite m s.
P43. Orvignato
C haotic Evil
Fighter (Weapon Master) 4/Rogue (Swashbuckler) 9
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Rogue)
5' 11"
18 +4
12 +1
+7 = 7 + 0
14 +2
10 +0
AC 31
= 10 +
11 = 7 +
14 = 7 +
8 = 4 +
WEAPON [in main hand]
+1 light flail
+ 10
+1 hand crossbow
Situational Modif iers
A ll Saves: +2 vs . enc hantments •+1 bonus vs . effec ts targetting a
L ight flail held by you •+3 morale bonus vs . fear
24 +7
20 +5
Skill Name
✓ A c robatic s
✓ A pprais e
✓ Bluff
✓ C limb
✓ D iplomac y
✓ D is able D evic e
✓ D is guis e
✓ E s c ape A rtis t
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
✓ P erc eption
✓ Ride
✓ Sens e M otive
✓ Sleight of H and
✓ Stealth
✓ Survival
✓ Swim
✓ U s e M agic D evic e
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
8 +3
8 +3
8 +3
8 +3
8 +3
8 +3
7 +3
8 +3
8 +3
7 +3
7 +3
8 +3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Drow Sign Language • Elven • Undercommon
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
40 lbs
133 lbs
266 lbs
400 lbs
Current 445000
Next Level 445000
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Evasion (Ex )
Im prove d Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=13) (Ex )
Drow Im m unitie s - Sle e p
Daring +3 (Ex )
Elve n Im m unitie s
Spe ll R e sistance (19)
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
Sne ak Attack +5d6
W e apon Training +1: Light flail (Ex )
Shadow C lone (Su)
Fast Ste alth (Ex )
Poison Use (Ex )
W e apon Guard +1: Light flail (Ex )
Dancing Lights (1/day)
Dark ne ss (1/day)
Fae rie Fire (1/day)
Im prove d Iron W ill (1/day)
Potion of bark sk in (C L 12th)
Potion of cure m ode rate wounds (3)
Potion of invisibility
Potion of spide r clim b
Endless bandolier
Qty Item
e m pty
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +1 hand crossbow
2 lbs 2,400 gp
1 +1 light flail
5 lbs 2,308 gp
1 +2 buck le r
5 lbs 4,155 gp
1 +2 chain shirt
25 lbs 4,250 gp
Be lt of physical m ight (De x &am p; C on
1 lb
1 Endle ss bandolie r
2 lbs 1,500 gp
1 Potion of bark sk in (C L 12th)
1,200 gp
1 Potion of cure m ode rate wounds (3)
2,250 gp
1 Potion of invisibility
300 gp
1 Potion of spide r clim b
300 gp
1 R ing of prote ction +2
8,000 gp
Arm or Proficie ncy (He avy)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Light)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Me dium )
C om bat R e fle x e s (8 AoO /round)
Following Ste p
Im prove d Iron W ill (1/day)
Iron W ill
Landing R oll
Martial W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Powe r Attack -3/+6
R ogue W e apon Proficie ncie s
Shie ld Proficie ncy
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Ste p Up
Ste p Up and Strik e
Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy
W e apon Focus (Light flail)
W e apon Spe cialization (Light flail)
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
Evasion (Ex)
If e x pose d to any e ffe ct that norm ally allows he r to atte m pt a R e fle x saving throw for half dam age , you tak e s no dam age
with a succe ssful saving throw.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=13) (Ex)
You gain the ability to re act to dange r be fore he r se nse s would norm ally allow you to do so. You cannot be caught flatfoote d, nor do you lose your De x bonus to AC if the attack e r is invisible . You still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if
im m obilize d. You can still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if an oppone nt succe ssfully use s the fe int action against you.
You can no longe r be flank e d. This de fe nse de nie s a rogue the ability to sne ak attack you by flank ing you, unle ss the
attack e r has at le ast four m ore rogue le ve ls than you have le ve ls of uncanny dodge .
Drow Immunities - Sleep
You are im m une to m agic sle e p e ffe cts.
Daring +3 (Ex)
At 3rd le ve l, a swashbuck le r gains a +1 m orale bonus on Acrobatics che ck s and saving throws against fe ar. This bonus
incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry 3 le ve ls be yond 3rd. This ability re place s trap se nse .
Elven Immunities
+2 save bonus vs Enchantm e nts.
Spell Resistance (19)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Sneak A ttack +5d6
If a characte r can catch an oppone nt whe n he is unable to de fe nd him se lf e ffe ctive ly from he r attack , she can strik e a vital
spot for e x tra dam age .
The characte r's attack de als e x tra dam age anytim e he r targe t would be de nie d a De x te rity bonus to AC (whe the r the targe t
actually has a De x te rity bonus or not), or whe n the characte r flank s he r targe t. Should the characte r score a critical hit with a
sne ak attack , this e x tra dam age is not m ultiplie d. R ange d attack s can count as sne ak attack s only if the targe t is within 30
fe e t.
W ith a we apon that de als nonle thal dam age (lik e a sap, whip, or an unarm e d strik e ), a characte r can m ak e a sne ak attack
that de als nonle thal dam age inste ad of le thal dam age . She cannot use a we apon that de als le thal dam age to de al nonle thal
dam age in a sne ak attack , not e ve n with the usual –4 pe nalty.
The characte r m ust be able to se e the targe t we ll e nough to pick out a vital spot and m ust be able to re ach such a spot. A
characte r cannot sne ak attack while strik ing a cre ature with conce alm e nt.
Weapon Training +1: Light flail (Ex)
At 3rd le ve l, a we apon m aste r gains a +1 bonus on attack and dam age rolls with his chose n we apon. The bonus im prove s by
+1 for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond 3rd. This ability re place s arm or training 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Addition from Mirror Move : A we apon m aste r gains his we apon training bonus as an insight bonus to AC whe n attack e d by
his chose n we apon.
Shadow Clone (Su)
The ninja can cre ate 1d4 shadowy duplicate s of he rse lf that conce al he r true location. This ability functions as m irror im age ,
using the ninja's le ve l as he r caste r le ve l. Using this ability is a standard action that use s up 1 k i point.
Fast Stealth (Ex)
This ability allows a rogue to m ove at full spe e d using the Ste alth sk ill without pe nalty.
Poison Use (Ex)
You do not risk poisoning yourse lf accide ntally while poisoning a we apon.
Weapon Guard +1: Light flail (Ex)
At 2nd le ve l, a we apon m aste r gains a +1 bonus to C MD against disarm and sunde r atte m pts while wie lding his chose n
we apon. This bonus also applie s on save s against any e ffe ct that targe ts his chose n we apon (for e x am ple , gre ase , he at m e tal,
shatte r, warp wood). The bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond 2nd. This ability re place s brave ry.
A rmor Proficiency (Heavy) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring he avy arm or.
Prerequisites: Light Arm or Proficie ncy, Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Fighte rs and paladins autom atically have He avy Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Light) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring light arm or.
Benefit: W he n you we ar a type of arm or with which you are proficie nt, the arm or che ck pe nalty for that arm or applie s only to
De x te rity- and Stre ngth-base d sk ill che ck s.
Normal: A characte r who is we aring arm or with which he is not proficie nt applie s its arm or che ck pe nalty to attack rolls and to
all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt m onk s, sorce re rs, and wizards autom atically have Light Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at.
The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Medium) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring m e dium arm or.
Prerequisite: Light Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Barbarians, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs autom atically have Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus
fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Combat Reflexes (8 A oO/round) (C om bat)
You can m ak e additional attack s of opportunity.
Benefit: You m ay m ak e a num be r of additional attack s of opportunity pe r round e qual to your De x te rity bonus. W ith this
fe at, you m ay also m ak e attack s of opportunity while flat-foote d.
Normal: A characte r without this fe at can m ak e only one attack of opportunity pe r round and can't m ak e attack s of
opportunity while flat-foote d.
Special: The C om bat R e fle x e s fe at doe s not allow a rogue to use he r opportunist ability m ore than once pe r round.
Dodge (C om bat)
Your training and re fle x e s allow you to re act swiftly to avoid an oppone nts' attack s.
Prerequisite: De x 13.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC . A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x bonus to AC also m ak e s you
lose the be ne fits of this fe at.
Following Step (C om bat)
You can re pe ate dly close the distance whe n foe s try to m ove away, without im pe ding your norm al m ove m e nt.
Prerequisites: De x 13, Ste p Up.
Benefit: W he n using the Ste p Up fe at to follow an adjace nt foe , you m ay m ove up to 10 fe e t. You m ay still tak e a 5-foot
ste p during your ne x t turn, and any m ove m e nt you m ak e using this fe at doe s not subtract any distance from your m ove m e nt
during your ne x t turn.
Normal: You can only tak e a 5-foot ste p to follow an oppone nt using Ste p Up.
Improved Iron Will (1/day)
Your clarity of thought allows you to re sist m e ntal attack s.
Prerequisites: Iron W ill.
Benefit: O nce pe r day, you m ay re roll a W ill save . You m ust de cide to use this ability be fore the re sults are re ve ale d. You
m ust tak e the se cond roll, e ve n if it is worse .
Iron Will
You are m ore re sistant to m e ntal e ffe cts.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on all W ill saving throws.
Landing Roll (C om bat)
You have le arne d the te chnique of rolling safe ly away whe n an e ne m y trips you.
Prerequisites: De x 13, Dodge , Mobility.
Benefit: If you are trippe d, you can spe nd an im m e diate action to m ove 5 fe e t without provok ing an attack of opportunity.
This doe s not count as tak ing a 5-foot ste p. You fall prone afte r this m ove m e nt.
Martial Weapon Proficiency - A ll
Benefit: You are proficie nt with all Martial we apons.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Mobility (C om bat)
You can e asily m ove through a dange rous m e le e .
Prerequisites: De x 13, Dodge .
Benefit: You ge t a +4 dodge bonus to Arm or C lass against attack s of opportunity cause d whe n you m ove out of or within a
thre ate ne d are a. A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x te rity bonus to Arm or C lass (if any) also m ak e s you lose dodge
bonuse s.
Dodge bonuse s stack with e ach othe r, unlik e m ost type s of bonuse s.
Power A ttack -3/+6 (C om bat)
You can m ak e e x ce ptionally de adly m e le e attack s by sacrificing accuracy for stre ngth.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on
all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is incre ase d by half (+50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with a two-hande d
we apon, a one hande d we apon using two hands, or a prim ary natural we apon that adds 1-1/2 tim e s your Stre ngth m odifie r on
dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with an off-hand we apon or se condary
natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry 4 points the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the
bonus to dam age incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore m ak ing an attack roll, and its e ffe cts last until your
ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit point dam age .
Rogue Weapon Proficiencies
Benefit: You are proficie nt with the Hand C rossbow, R apie r, Sap, Shortbow and Shortsword.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a shie ld.
Benefit: W he n you use a shie ld (e x ce pt a towe r shie ld), the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth- and
De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: W he n you are using a shie ld with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack
rolls and on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: Barbarians, bards, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs all autom atically have Shie ld Proficie ncy as a
bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Step Up (C om bat)
You can close the distance whe n a foe trie s to m ove away.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: W he ne ve r an adjace nt foe atte m pts to tak e a 5-foot ste p away from you, you m ay also m ak e a 5-foot ste p as an
im m e diate action so long as you e nd up adjace nt to the foe that trigge re d this ability. If you tak e this ste p, you cannot tak e a
5-foot ste p during your ne x t turn. If you tak e an action to m ove during your ne x t turn, subtract 5 fe e t from your total
m ove m e nt.
Addition from Following Ste p: W he n using the Ste p Up fe at to follow an adjace nt foe , you m ay m ove up to 10 fe e t. You m ay
still tak e a 5-foot ste p during your ne x t turn, and any m ove m e nt you m ak e using this fe at doe s not subtract any distance from
your m ove m e nt during your ne x t turn.
Addition from Ste p Up and Strik e : W he n using the Ste p Up or Following Ste p fe ats to follow an adjace nt foe , you m ay also
m ak e a single m e le e attack against that foe at your highe st base attack bonus. This attack counts as one of your attack s of
opportunity for the round. Using this fe at doe s not count toward the num be r of actions you can usually tak e e ach round.
Step Up and Strike (C om bat)
W he n a foe trie s to m ove away, you can follow and m ak e an attack .
Prerequisites: De x 13, Following Ste p, Ste p Up, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: W he n using the Ste p Up or Following Ste p fe ats to follow an adjace nt foe , you m ay also m ak e a single m e le e
attack against that foe at your highe st base attack bonus. This attack counts as one of your attack s of opportunity for the
round. Using this fe at doe s not count toward the num be r of actions you can usually tak e e ach round.
Normal: You can usually only tak e one standard action and one 5-foot ste p e ach round.
Tower Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a towe r shie ld.
Prerequisite: Shie ld Proficie ncy.
Benefit: W he n you use a towe r shie ld, the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth and De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: A characte r using a shie ld with which he is not proficie nt tak e s the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack rolls and
on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving, including R ide .
Special: Fighte rs autom atically have Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Weapon Focus (Light flail) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
Weapon Specialization (Light flail) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at de aling dam age with one we apon. C hoose one type of we apon (including unarm e d strik e or grapple ) for
which you have alre ady se le cte d the W e apon Focus fe at. You de al e x tra dam age whe n using this we apon.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, W e apon Focus with se le cte d we apon, fighte r le ve l 4th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all dam age rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon..
+1 hand crossbow
You can draw a hand crossbow back by hand. Loading a hand crossbow is a m ove action that provok e s attack s of
opportunity. A hand crossbow fire s standard crossbow bolts, lik e those use d by light and he avy crossbows.
You can shoot, but not load, a hand crossbow with one hand at no pe nalty. You can shoot a hand crossbow with e ach hand,
but you tak e a pe nalty on attack rolls as if attack ing with two light we apons.
+1 light flail
A light flail consists of a we ighte d strik ing e nd conne cte d to a handle by a sturdy chain. Though ofte n im agine d as a ball,
som e tim e s spik e d lik e the he ad of a m orningstar, the he ad of a light flail can actually tak e m any diffe re nt shape s, such as
short bars. Military flails are sturdie r e volutions of agricultural flails, which are use d for thre shing - be ating stack s of grains to
se parate the use ful grains from the ir husk s.
+2 buckler
This sm all m e tal shie ld is worn strappe d to your fore arm . You can use a bow or crossbow without pe nalty while carrying it.
You can also use your shie ld arm to wie ld a we apon (whe the r you are using an off-hand we apon or using your off hand to he lp
wie ld a two-hande d we apon), but you tak e a -1 pe nalty on attack rolls while doing so. This pe nalty stack s with those that m ay
apply for fighting with your off hand and for fighting with two we apons. In any case , if you use a we apon in your off hand, you
lose the buck le r's AC bonus until your ne x t turn. You can cast a spe ll with som atic com pone nts using your shie ld arm , but you
lose the buck le r's AC bonus until your ne x t turn. You can't m ak e a shie ld bash with a buck le r.
+2 chain shirt (Arm or)
C ove ring the torso, this shirt is m ade up of thousands of inte rlock ing m e tal rings.
Belt of physical might (Dex & Con +4) (Be lt)
This be lt has a large ste e l buck le , usually de picting the im age of a giant. The be lt grants the we are r an e nhance m e nt bonus
to De x te rity and C onstitution of +4. Tre at this as a te m porary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the be lt is worn. The ability
score bonuse s are chose n whe n the be lt is cre ate d and cannot be change d.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , be ar’s e ndurance , cat’s grace ; C ost 20,000 gp
Endless bandolier (C he st)
Sm all loops se wn into this bandolie r look lik e the y can hold twe nty alche m ical cartridge s (am m unition for a fire arm , se e
Ultim ate C om bat), but due to a subtle be nding of space can actually hold up to 60 cartridge s. Additionally, the six thin pock e ts
on the bandolie r are e x tradim e nsional space s m e ant to hold e x tra guns and ge ar. The four sm all pock e ts can e ach hold a one hande d fire arm , 1 pound of am m unition, a powde r horn, or a sim ilarly size d obje ct. The two large pock e ts are large e nough to
hold a two-hande d fire arm or a sim ilarly size d obje ct. The we are r can draw an ite m store d in the bandolie r as e asily as if from
an ordinary am m unition pouch or holste r. The bandolie r we ighs the sam e no m atte r what is place d inside it.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts C raft W ondrous Ite m , se cre t che st; C ost 750 gp
Potion of barkskin (CL 12th)
Bark sk in, None
Bark sk in toughe ns a cre ature 's sk in. The e ffe ct grants a +2 e nhance m e nt bonus to the cre ature 's e x isting natural arm or
bonus. This e nhance m e nt bonus incre ase s by 1 for e ve ry thre e caste r le ve ls above 3rd, to a m ax im um of +5 at 12th le ve l. The
e nhance m e nt bonus provide d by bark sk in stack s with the targe t's natural arm or bonus, but not with othe r e nhance m e nt
bonuse s to natural arm or. A cre ature without natural arm or has an e ffe ctive natural arm or bonus of +0.
Potion of cure moderate wounds (3)
C ure Mode rate W ounds, W ill half (harm le ss); se e te x t (DC 14)
This spe ll functions lik e cure light wounds, e x ce pt that it cure s 2d8 points of dam age + 1 point pe r caste r le ve l (m ax im um
Potion of invisibility
Invisibility, W ill ne gate s (harm le ss) or W ill ne gate s (harm le ss, obje ct) (DC 13)
The cre ature or obje ct touche d be com e s invisible . If the re cipie nt is a cre ature carrying ge ar, that vanishe s, too. If you cast
the spe ll on som e one e lse , ne ithe r you nor your allie s can se e the subje ct, unle ss you can norm ally se e invisible things or you
e m ploy m agic to do so.
Ite m s droppe d or put down by an invisible cre ature be com e visible ; ite m s pick e d up disappe ar if tuck e d into the clothing or
pouche s worn by the cre ature . Light, howe ve r, ne ve r be com e s invisible , although a source of light can be com e so (thus, the
e ffe ct is that of a light with no visible source ). Any part of an ite m that the subje ct carrie s but that e x te nds m ore than 10 fe e t
from it be com e s visible .
O f course , the subje ct is not m agically sile nce d, and ce rtain othe r conditions can re nde r the re cipie nt de te ctable (such as
swim m ing in wate r or ste pping in a puddle ). If a che ck is re quire d, a stationary invisible cre ature has a +40 bonus on its Ste alth
che ck s. This bonus is re duce d to +20 if the cre ature is m oving. The spe ll e nds if the subje ct attack s any cre ature . For purpose s
of this spe ll, an attack include s any spe ll targe ting a foe or whose are a or e ffe ct include s a foe . Ex actly who is a foe de pe nds on
the invisible characte r's pe rce ptions. Actions dire cte d at unatte nde d obje cts do not bre ak the spe ll. C ausing harm indire ctly is
not an attack . Thus, an invisible be ing can ope n doors, talk , e at, clim b stairs, sum m on m onste rs and have the m attack , cut the
rope s holding a rope bridge while e ne m ie s are on the bridge , re m ote ly trigge r traps, ope n a portcullis to re le ase attack dogs,
and so forth. If the subje ct attack s dire ctly, howe ve r, it im m e diate ly be com e s visible along with all its ge ar. Spe lls such as ble ss
that spe cifically affe ct allie s but not foe s are not attack s for this purpose , e ve n whe n the y include foe s in the ir are a.
Invisibility can be m ade pe rm ane nt (on obje cts only) with a pe rm ane ncy spe ll.
Potion of spider climb
Grants ability to walk on walls and ce ilings.
Ring of protection +2 (R ing)
This ring offe rs continual m agical prote ction in the form of a de fle ction bonus of +2 to AC .
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: Forge R ing, shie ld of faith, caste r m ust be of a le ve l at le ast thre e tim e s the bonus of the ring;
C ost 4,000 gp
P46. Tiryin Vonnarc
C haotic Evil
Duelist 4/Fighter (Weapon Master) 4/Rogue 4
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Fighter)
Drow, Noble
6' 1"
18 +4
18 +4
+12 = 10 + 0
12 +1
AC 30
= 10 +
22 = 7 + 10 +
7 = 3 +
13 = 6 +
+1 stark nife
WEAPON [in of f hand]
WEAPON [in main hand]
+ 10
+2 k e e n Adam antine shortsword
+2 k e e n Adam antine shortsword
Situational Modif iers
Ref lex Saves: +1 bonus vs . traps
A ll Saves: +2 vs . enc hantments •+1 bonus vs . effec ts targetting a
E lven c urve blade held by you
30 +10
13 +1
Skill Name
✓ A c robatic s
✓ A pprais e
✓ Bluff
✓ C limb
✓ D iplomac y
✓ D is able D evic e
✓ D is guis e
✓ E s c ape A rtis t
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
✓ P erc eption
✓ P erform (oratory)
✓ Ride
✓ Sens e M otive
✓ Stealth
✓ Survival
✓ Swim
✓ U s e M agic D evic e
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
12 + 3
1 +3
12 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
12 + 3
2 +3
1 +3
4 +3
12 + 3
12 + 3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Abyssal • C ommon • Draconic • Drow Sign Language • Elven
• Undercommon
Bull R ush
Dirty Trick
Fe int
O ve rrun
R e position
Ste al
Sunde r
11 lbs
50 lbs
100 lbs
150 lbs
Current 0
Next Level 315000
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
C anny De fe nse +4 (Ex )
Evasion (Ex )
Parry (Ex )
Trap Se nse +1 (Ex )
Uncanny Dodge (Ex )
Drow Im m unitie s - Sle e p
Elve n Im m unitie s
Spe ll R e sistance (23)
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
Pre cise Strik e (Ex )
Sne ak Attack +2d6
W e apon Training +1: Elve n curve blade (Ex )
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp)
De e pe r Dark ne ss (At will) (Sp)
De te ct Magic (C onstant) (Sp)
Dispe l Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Fae rie Fire (At will) (Sp)
Fe athe rfall (At will) (Sp)
Le vitate (At will) (Sp)
Sugge stion (1/day) (Sp)
Enhance d Mobility (Ex )
Poison Use (Ex )
Trapfinding +2
W e apon Guard +1: Elve n curve blade (Ex )
+1 stark nife
Dancing Lights (At will) (Sp)
Dispe l Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Sugge stion (1/day) (Sp)
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +1 stark nife
3 lbs 2,324 gp
+2 k e e n Adam antine shortsword
2 lbs
+2 k e e n Adam antine shortsword
2 lbs
Be lt of physical m ight (De x &am p; C on
1 lb
Brace rs of arm or +5
1 lb
C loak of re sistance +3
1 lb
9,000 gp
He adband of vast inte llige nce +4
1 lb
(Disable De vice , C lim b)
Arm or Proficie ncy (He avy)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Light)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Me dium )
C om bat R e fle x e s (11 AoO /round)
Double Slice
Gre ate r Two-we apon Fighting
Im prove d Two-we apon Fighting
Martial W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Piranha Strik e -3/+6
R ogue W e apon Proficie ncie s
Shie ld Proficie ncy
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy
Two-we apon Fighting
W e apon Fine sse
W e apon Focus (Shortsword)
W e apon Spe cialization (Shortsword)
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
Canny Defense +4 (Ex)
W he n we aring light or no arm or and not using a shie ld, a due list adds 1 point of Inte llige nce bonus (if any) pe r due list class
le ve l as a dodge bonus to he r Arm or C lass while wie lding a m e le e we apon. If a due list is caught flat-foote d or othe rwise de nie d
he r De x te rity bonus, she also lose s this bonus.
Evasion (Ex)
If e x pose d to any e ffe ct that norm ally allows he r to atte m pt a R e fle x saving throw for half dam age , you tak e s no dam age
with a succe ssful saving throw.
Parry (Ex)
At 2nd le ve l, a due list le arns to parry the attack s of othe r cre ature s, causing the m to m iss. W he ne ve r the due list tak e s a full
attack action with a light or one -hande d pie rcing we apon, she can e le ct not to tak e one of he r attack s. At any tim e be fore he r
ne x t turn, she can atte m pt to parry an attack against he r or an adjace nt ally as an im m e diate action. To parry the attack , the
due list m ak e s an attack roll, using the sam e bonuse s as the attack she chose to fore go during he r pre vious action. If he r attack
roll is gre ate r than the roll of the attack ing cre ature , the attack autom atically m isse s. For e ach size cate gory that the attack ing
cre ature is large r than the due list, the due list tak e s a –4 pe nalty on he r attack roll. The due list also tak e s a –4 pe nalty whe n
atte m pting to parry an attack m ade against an adjace nt ally. The due list m ust de clare the use of this ability afte r the attack is
announce d, but be fore the roll is m ade .
Trap Sense +1 (Ex)
A characte r gains an intuitive se nse that ale rts he r to dange r from traps, giving he r a +1 bonus on R e fle x save s m ade to
avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attack s m ade by traps. The se bonuse s rise to +2 whe n the characte r re ache s
6th le ve l, to +3 whe n she re ache s 9th le ve l, to +4 whe n she re ache s 12th le ve l, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th le ve l.
Trap se nse bonuse s gaine d from m ultiple classe s stack .
Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
You gain the ability to re act to dange r be fore he r se nse s would norm ally allow you to do so. You cannot be caught flatfoote d, nor do you lose your De x bonus to AC if the attack e r is invisible . You still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if
im m obilize d. You can still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if an oppone nt succe ssfully use s the fe int action against you.
Drow Immunities - Sleep
You are im m une to m agic sle e p e ffe cts.
Elven Immunities
+2 save bonus vs Enchantm e nts.
Spell Resistance (23)
You have Spe ll R e sistance .
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Precise Strike (Ex)
A due list gains the ability to strik e pre cise ly with a light or one -hande d pie rcing we apon, adding he r due list le ve l to he r
dam age roll.
W he n m ak ing a pre cise strik e , a due list cannot attack with a we apon in he r othe r hand or use a shie ld. A due list's pre cise
strik e only work s against living cre ature s with disce rnible anatom ie s. Any cre ature that is im m une to critical hits is also im m une
to a pre cise strik e , and any ite m or ability that prote cts a cre ature from critical hits also prote cts a cre ature from a pre cise strik e .
Sneak A ttack +2d6
If a characte r can catch an oppone nt whe n he is unable to de fe nd him se lf e ffe ctive ly from he r attack , she can strik e a vital
spot for e x tra dam age .
The characte r's attack de als e x tra dam age anytim e he r targe t would be de nie d a De x te rity bonus to AC (whe the r the targe t
actually has a De x te rity bonus or not), or whe n the characte r flank s he r targe t. Should the characte r score a critical hit with a
sne ak attack , this e x tra dam age is not m ultiplie d. R ange d attack s can count as sne ak attack s only if the targe t is within 30
fe e t.
W ith a we apon that de als nonle thal dam age (lik e a sap, whip, or an unarm e d strik e ), a characte r can m ak e a sne ak attack
that de als nonle thal dam age inste ad of le thal dam age . She cannot use a we apon that de als le thal dam age to de al nonle thal
dam age in a sne ak attack , not e ve n with the usual –4 pe nalty.
The characte r m ust be able to se e the targe t we ll e nough to pick out a vital spot and m ust be able to re ach such a spot. A
characte r cannot sne ak attack while strik ing a cre ature with conce alm e nt.
Weapon Training +1: Elven curve blade (Ex)
At 3rd le ve l, a we apon m aste r gains a +1 bonus on attack and dam age rolls with his chose n we apon. The bonus im prove s by
+1 for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond 3rd. This ability re place s arm or training 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Addition from Mirror Move : A we apon m aste r gains his we apon training bonus as an insight bonus to AC whe n attack e d by
his chose n we apon.
Dancing Lights (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Deeper Darkness (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Detect Magic (Constant) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Dispel Magic (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Divine Favor (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Faerie Fire (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Featherfall (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Levitate (A t will) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Suggestion (1/day) (Sp)
Drow noble s can cast dancing lights, de e pe r dark ne ss, fae rie fire , fe athe r fall, and le vitate e ach at will, and have de te ct
m agic as a constant spe ll-lik e ability. A drow noble can also cast divine favor, dispe l m agic, and sugge stion once pe r day e ach.
In som e case s, a drow noble 's spe ll-lik e abilitie s m ight vary, although the le ve l of a particular spe ll lik e ability doe s not. A drow
noble 's caste r le ve l for he r spe ll-lik e abilitie s is e qual to he r characte r le ve l.
Enhanced Mobility (Ex)
Starting at 3rd le ve l, whe n we aring light or no arm or and not using a shie ld, a due list gains an additional +4 bonus to AC
against attack s of opportunity cause d whe n she m ove s out of a thre ate ne d square .
Poison Use (Ex)
You do not risk poisoning yourse lf accide ntally while poisoning a we apon.
Trapfinding +2
A rogue adds 1/2 he r le ve l to Pe rce ption sk ill che ck s m ade to locate traps and to Disable De vice sk ill che ck s (m inim um +1).
A rogue can use Disable De vice to disarm m agic traps.
Weapon Guard +1: Elven curve blade (Ex)
At 2nd le ve l, a we apon m aste r gains a +1 bonus to C MD against disarm and sunde r atte m pts while wie lding his chose n
we apon. This bonus also applie s on save s against any e ffe ct that targe ts his chose n we apon (for e x am ple , gre ase , he at m e tal,
shatte r, warp wood). The bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry four le ve ls be yond 2nd. This ability re place s brave ry.
A rmor Proficiency (Heavy) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring he avy arm or.
Prerequisites: Light Arm or Proficie ncy, Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Fighte rs and paladins autom atically have He avy Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Light) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring light arm or.
Benefit: W he n you we ar a type of arm or with which you are proficie nt, the arm or che ck pe nalty for that arm or applie s only to
De x te rity- and Stre ngth-base d sk ill che ck s.
Normal: A characte r who is we aring arm or with which he is not proficie nt applie s its arm or che ck pe nalty to attack rolls and to
all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt m onk s, sorce re rs, and wizards autom atically have Light Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at.
The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Medium) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring m e dium arm or.
Prerequisite: Light Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Barbarians, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs autom atically have Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus
fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Combat Reflexes (11 A oO/round) (C om bat)
You can m ak e additional attack s of opportunity.
Benefit: You m ay m ak e a num be r of additional attack s of opportunity pe r round e qual to your De x te rity bonus. W ith this
fe at, you m ay also m ak e attack s of opportunity while flat-foote d.
Normal: A characte r without this fe at can m ak e only one attack of opportunity pe r round and can't m ak e attack s of
opportunity while flat-foote d.
Special: The C om bat R e fle x e s fe at doe s not allow a rogue to use he r opportunist ability m ore than once pe r round.
R e striction from Due list: This fe at is only active while you are using a light or one -hande d pie rcing we apon.
Dodge (C om bat)
Your training and re fle x e s allow you to re act swiftly to avoid an oppone nts' attack s.
Prerequisite: De x 13.
Benefit: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC . A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x bonus to AC also m ak e s you
lose the be ne fits of this fe at.
Double Slice (C om bat)
Your off-hand we apon while dual-wie lding strik e s with gre ate r powe r.
Prerequisite: De x 15, Two-W e apon Fighting.
Benefit: Add your Stre ngth bonus to dam age rolls m ade with your off-hand we apon.
Normal: You norm ally add only half of your Stre ngth m odifie r to dam age rolls m ade with a we apon wie lde d in your off-hand.
Greater Two-weapon Fighting (C om bat)
You are incre dibly sk ille d at fighting with two we apons at the sam e tim e .
Prerequisites: De x 19, Im prove d Two-W e apon Fighting, Two-W e apon Fighting, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: You ge t a third attack with your off-hand we apon, albe it at a –10 pe nalty.
Improved Two-weapon Fighting (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at fighting with two we apons.
Prerequisites: De x 17, Two-W e apon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: In addition to the standard single e x tra attack you ge t with an off-hand we apon, you ge t a se cond attack with it,
albe it at a –5 pe nalty.
Normal: W ithout this fe at, you can only ge t a single e x tra attack with an off-hand we apon.
Lunge (C om bat)
You can strik e foe s that would norm ally be out of re ach.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: You can incre ase the re ach of your m e le e attack s by 5 fe e t until the e nd of your turn by tak ing a –2 pe nalty to your
AC until your ne x t turn. You m ust de cide to use this ability be fore any attack s are m ade .
Martial Weapon Proficiency - A ll
Benefit: You are proficie nt with all Martial we apons.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Mobility (C om bat)
You can e asily m ove through a dange rous m e le e .
Prerequisites: De x 13, Dodge .
Benefit: You ge t a +4 dodge bonus to Arm or C lass against attack s of opportunity cause d whe n you m ove out of or within a
thre ate ne d are a. A condition that m ak e s you lose your De x te rity bonus to Arm or C lass (if any) also m ak e s you lose dodge
bonuse s.
Dodge bonuse s stack with e ach othe r, unlik e m ost type s of bonuse s.
Piranha Strike -3/+6 (C om bat)
Prerequisites: W e apon Fine sse , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: W he n wie lding a light we apon, you can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r
che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with
an off-hand we apon or se condary natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and for e ve ry 4 points the re afte r,
the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the bonus on dam age rolls incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore the attack
roll, and its e ffe cts last until your ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit
point dam age . This fe at cannot be use d in conjunction with the Powe r Attack fe at.
Rogue Weapon Proficiencies
Benefit: You are proficie nt with the Hand C rossbow, R apie r, Sap, Shortbow and Shortsword.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a shie ld.
Benefit: W he n you use a shie ld (e x ce pt a towe r shie ld), the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth- and
De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: W he n you are using a shie ld with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack
rolls and on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: Barbarians, bards, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs all autom atically have Shie ld Proficie ncy as a
bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Tower Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a towe r shie ld.
Prerequisite: Shie ld Proficie ncy.
Benefit: W he n you use a towe r shie ld, the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth and De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: A characte r using a shie ld with which he is not proficie nt tak e s the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack rolls and
on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving, including R ide .
Special: Fighte rs autom atically have Towe r Shie ld Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Two-weapon Fighting (C om bat)
You can fight with a we apon wie lde d in e ach of your hands. You can m ak e one e x tra attack e ach round with the se condary
we apon.
Prerequisite: De x 15.
Benefit: Your pe naltie s on attack rolls for fighting with two we apons are re duce d. The pe nalty for your prim ary hand le sse ns
by 2 and the one for your off hand le sse ns by 6. Se e Two-W e apon Fighting in C om bat.
Normal: If you wie ld a se cond we apon in your off hand, you can ge t one e x tra attack pe r round with that we apon. W he n
fighting in this way you suffe r a –6 pe nalty with your re gular attack or attack s with your prim ary hand and a –10 pe nalty to the
attack with your off hand. If your off-hand we apon is light, the pe naltie s are re duce d by 2 e ach. An unarm e d strik e is always
conside re d light.
Weapon Finesse (C om bat)
You are traine d in using your agility in m e le e com bat, as oppose d to brute stre ngth.
Benefit: W ith a light we apon, rapie r, whip, or spik e d chain m ade for a cre ature of your size cate gory, you m ay use your
De x te rity m odifie r inste ad of your Stre ngth m odifie r on attack rolls. If you carry a shie ld, its arm or che ck pe nalty applie s to your
attack rolls.
Special: Natural we apons are conside re d light we apons.
Weapon Focus (Shortsword) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
Weapon Specialization (Shortsword) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at de aling dam age with one we apon. C hoose one type of we apon (including unarm e d strik e or grapple ) for
which you have alre ady se le cte d the W e apon Focus fe at. You de al e x tra dam age whe n using this we apon.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, W e apon Focus with se le cte d we apon, fighte r le ve l 4th.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all dam age rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon..
+1 starknife
From a ce ntral m e tal ring, four tape ring m e tal blade s e x te nd from this we apon lik e points on a com pass rose . By gripping
the crossbar that runs through the we apon's ope n m iddle , a wie lde r can strik e with it as a de adly m e le e we apon. Alte rnative ly,
by gripping it by the oute r rim , a stark nife 's light, ae rodynam ic de sign allows it to be thrown short distance s in a m anne r sim ilar
to a chak ram .
+2 keen A damantine shortsword
Short swords are som e of the m ost com m on we apons found in any m artial socie ty, and thus de signs are e x tre m e ly varie d,
de pe nding on the re gion and cre ator. Most are around 2 fe e t in le ngth. The ir blade s can be curve d or straight, single - or
double -e dge d, and wide or narrow. Hilts m ay be ornate or sim ple , with crossguards, bask e t hilts, or no guard at all. Such
we apons are ofte n use d on the ir own, but can also be paire d as a m atche d se t, or use d in conjunction with a dagge r or longe r
Adam antine
The m ost com m only k nown starm e tal, adam antine is e x tre m e ly strong and favore d by we apon and arm or sm iths alik e for
its ability to cut through solid barrie rs with e ase and e ndure he avy blows. In ancie nt Thassilon, adam antine was m ost ofte n
associate d with transm utation m agic, ge ne rosity, and gre e d, for it was the m ost valuable of the sk ym e tals (although not the
rare st).
Mine d from rock s that fe ll from the he ave ns, this ultrahard m e tal adds to the quality of a we apon or suit of arm or. W e apons
fashione d from adam antine have a natural ability to bypass hardne ss whe n sunde ring we apons or attack ing obje cts, ignoring
hardne ss le ss than 20. Arm or m ade from adam antine grants its we are r dam age re duction of 1/ - if it's light arm or, 2/ - if it's
m e dium arm or, and 3/ - if it's he avy arm or. Adam antine is so costly that we apons and arm or m ade from it are always of
m aste rwork quality; the m aste rwork cost is include d in the price s give n be low. Thus, adam antine we apons and am m unition have
a +1 e nhance m e nt bonus on attack rolls, and the arm or che ck pe nalty of adam antine arm or is le sse ne d by 1 com pare d to
ordinary arm or of its type . Ite m s without m e tal parts cannot be m ade from adam antine . An arrow could be m ade of
adam antine , but a quarte rstaff could not.
W e apons and arm or norm ally m ade of ste e l that are m ade of adam antine have one -third m ore hit points than norm al.
Adam antine has 40 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and hardne ss 20.
Ke e n
This ability double s the thre at range of a we apon. O nly pie rcing or slashing we apons can be k e e n. (If you roll this prope rty
random ly for an inappropriate we apon, re roll.) This be ne fit doe sn't stack with any othe r e ffe ct that e x pands the thre at range of
a we apon (such as the k e e n e dge spe ll or the Im prove d C ritical fe at).
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, k e e n e dge ; C ost +1 Bonus
+2 keen A damantine shortsword
Short swords are som e of the m ost com m on we apons found in any m artial socie ty, and thus de signs are e x tre m e ly varie d,
de pe nding on the re gion and cre ator. Most are around 2 fe e t in le ngth. The ir blade s can be curve d or straight, single - or
double -e dge d, and wide or narrow. Hilts m ay be ornate or sim ple , with crossguards, bask e t hilts, or no guard at all. Such
we apons are ofte n use d on the ir own, but can also be paire d as a m atche d se t, or use d in conjunction with a dagge r or longe r
Adam antine
The m ost com m only k nown starm e tal, adam antine is e x tre m e ly strong and favore d by we apon and arm or sm iths alik e for
its ability to cut through solid barrie rs with e ase and e ndure he avy blows. In ancie nt Thassilon, adam antine was m ost ofte n
associate d with transm utation m agic, ge ne rosity, and gre e d, for it was the m ost valuable of the sk ym e tals (although not the
rare st).
Mine d from rock s that fe ll from the he ave ns, this ultrahard m e tal adds to the quality of a we apon or suit of arm or. W e apons
fashione d from adam antine have a natural ability to bypass hardne ss whe n sunde ring we apons or attack ing obje cts, ignoring
hardne ss le ss than 20. Arm or m ade from adam antine grants its we are r dam age re duction of 1/ - if it's light arm or, 2/ - if it's
m e dium arm or, and 3/ - if it's he avy arm or. Adam antine is so costly that we apons and arm or m ade from it are always of
m aste rwork quality; the m aste rwork cost is include d in the price s give n be low. Thus, adam antine we apons and am m unition have
a +1 e nhance m e nt bonus on attack rolls, and the arm or che ck pe nalty of adam antine arm or is le sse ne d by 1 com pare d to
ordinary arm or of its type . Ite m s without m e tal parts cannot be m ade from adam antine . An arrow could be m ade of
adam antine , but a quarte rstaff could not.
W e apons and arm or norm ally m ade of ste e l that are m ade of adam antine have one -third m ore hit points than norm al.
Adam antine has 40 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and hardne ss 20.
Ke e n
This ability double s the thre at range of a we apon. O nly pie rcing or slashing we apons can be k e e n. (If you roll this prope rty
random ly for an inappropriate we apon, re roll.) This be ne fit doe sn't stack with any othe r e ffe ct that e x pands the thre at range of
a we apon (such as the k e e n e dge spe ll or the Im prove d C ritical fe at).
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, k e e n e dge ; C ost +1 Bonus
Belt of physical might (Dex & Con +4) (Be lt)
This be lt has a large ste e l buck le , usually de picting the im age of a giant. The be lt grants the we are r an e nhance m e nt bonus
to De x te rity and C onstitution of +4. Tre at this as a te m porary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the be lt is worn. The ability
score bonuse s are chose n whe n the be lt is cre ate d and cannot be change d.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , be ar’s e ndurance , cat’s grace ; C ost 20,000 gp
Bracers of armor +5 (W rist)
The se ite m s appe ar to be wrist or arm guards, som e tim e s e tche d with sym bols of prote ction or de pictions of vigilant-look ing
anim als. Brace rs of arm or surround the we are r with an invisible but tangible fie ld of force , granting him an arm or bonus of +5,
just as though he we re we aring arm or. Both brace rs of arm or m ust be worn for the m agic to be e ffe ctive .
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , m age arm or, cre ator’s caste r le ve l m ust be at le ast two tim e s that of the
bonus place d in the brace rs; C ost 12,500 gp
Cloak of resistance +3 (Shoulde rs)
Fle ck s of silve r or ste e l are ofte n sown am id the fabric of the se m agical cloak s. This garm e nt offe rs m agic prote ction in the
form of a +3 re sistance bonus on all saving throws (Fortitude , R e fle x , and W ill).
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , re sistance , cre ator’s caste r le ve l m ust be at le ast thre e tim e s the cloak ’s
bonus; C ost 4,500 gp
Headband of vast intelligence +4 (Disable Device, Climb) (He adband)
This intricate gold he adband is de corate d with se ve ral sm all blue and de e p purple ge m stone s. The he adband grants the
we are r an e nhance m e nt bonus to Inte llige nce of +4. Tre at this as a te m porary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the he adband
is worn. A he adband of vast inte llige nce has one sk ill associate d with it pe r +2 bonus it grants. Afte r be ing worn for 24 hours,
the he adband grants a num be r of sk ill rank s in those sk ills e qual to the we are r’s total Hit Dice . The se rank s do not stack with
the rank s a cre ature alre ady posse sse s. The se sk ills are chose n whe n the he adband is cre ate d. If no sk ill is liste d, the
he adband is assum e d to grant sk ill rank s in random ly de te rm ine d Knowle dge sk ills.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft W ondrous Ite m , fox ’s cunning; C ost 8,000 gp
P47. Horreur Chasseresse
C haotic Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = )
+7 = 3 + 0
11 +0
AC 25
= 10 +
+ 14
7 = 5 +
10 = 5 +
5 = 5 +
Skill Name
+ 10
1d8+6 plus grab
C law x 4 (R e trie ve r)
Bite (R e trie ve r)
16 +3
22 +6
+19 x 4
A c robatic s
A pprais e
C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
H eal
I ntimidate
P erc eption
Sens e M otive
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Abyssal (can't speak)
Bull R ush
Fe int
O ve rrun
Sunde r
0 lbs
1038 lbs
2076 lbs
3120 lbs
Disce rn Location (At will)
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
Current 0
Next Level
Dark vision (60 fe e t)
Low-Light Vision
Fast He aling 5 (Ex )
Im m unity to Ability Dam age
Im m unity to Ability Drain
Im m unity to Ble e ds
Im m unity to De ath and Ne crom ancy e ffe cts
Im m unity to Dise ase
Im m unity to Ene rgy Drain
Im m unity to Ex hauste d
Im m unity to Fatigue
Im m unity to Mind-Affe cting e ffe cts
Im m unity to Non-le thal Dam age
Im m unity to Paralysis
Im m unity to Poison
Im m unity to Sle e p
Im m unity to Stunning
Grab: Bite (Huge ) (Ex )
Disce rn Location (At will)
Eye R ays (DC 19) (Su)
R e le ntle ss (Su)
C le ave
Gre at Fortitude
Im prove d Bull R ush
Im prove d C ritical (C law)
Im prove d Initiative
Lightning R e fle x e s
Powe r Attack -4/+8
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Toughne ss
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
Darkvision (60 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Low-Light Vision
Se e twice as far as a hum an in low light, distinguishing color and de tail.
Fast Healing 5 (Ex)
A cre ature with the fast he aling spe cial quality re gains hit points at an e x ce ptional rate , usually 1 or m ore hit points pe r
round, as give n in the cre ature 's e ntry. Ex ce pt whe re note d he re , fast he aling is just lik e natural he aling. Fast he aling doe s not
re store hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor doe s it allow a cre ature to re grow lost body parts. Unle ss
othe rwise state d, it doe s not allow lost body parts to be re attache d. Fast he aling continue s to function (e ve n at ne gative hit
points) until a cre ature die s, at which point the e ffe cts of fast he aling e nd im m e diate ly.
Immunity to A bility Damage
Im m unity to ability dam age
Immunity to A bility Drain
Im m unity to ability drain
Immunity to Bleeds
You are im m une to ble e ds.
Immunity to Death and Necromancy effects
You are im m une to De ath and Ne crom ancy e ffe cts.
Immunity to Disease
You are im m une to dise ase s.
Immunity to Energy Drain
Im m une to e ne rgy drain
Immunity to Exhausted
You are im m une to the e x hauste d condition.
Immunity to Fatigue
You are im m une to the fatigue d condition.
Immunity to Mind-A ffecting effects
You are im m une to Mind-Affe cting e ffe cts.
Immunity to Non-lethal Damage
You are im m une to Non-Le thal Dam age
Immunity to Paralysis
You are im m une to paralysis.
Immunity to Poison
You are im m une to poison.
Immunity to Sleep
You are im m une to sle e p e ffe cts.
Immunity to Stunning
You are im m une to be ing stunne d.
Grab: Bite (Huge) (Ex)
If a cre ature with this spe cial attack hits with the indicate d attack (usually a claw or bite attack ), it de als norm al dam age and
atte m pts to start a grapple as a fre e action without provok ing an attack of opportunity. The cre ature has the option to conduct
the grapple norm ally, or sim ply to use the part of its body it use d in the grab to hold the oppone nt. If it choose s to do the
latte r, it tak e s a -20 pe nalty on its C MB che ck to m ak e and m aintain the grapple , but doe s not gain the grapple d condition
itse lf. A succe ssful hold doe s not de al any e x tra dam age unle ss the cre ature also has the constrict spe cial attack . If the cre ature
doe s not constrict, e ach succe ssful grapple che ck it m ak e s during succe ssive rounds autom atically de als the dam age indicate d
for the attack that e stablishe d the hold. O the rwise , it de als constriction dam age as we ll (the am ount is give n in the cre ature 's
de scriptive te x t).
C re ature s with grab re ce ive a +4 bonus on com bat m ane uve r che ck s m ade to start and m aintain a grapple .
Unle ss othe rwise note d, grab work s only against oppone nts no large r than the sam e size cate gory as the cre ature . If the
cre ature can use grab on size s othe r than the de fault, this is note d in the cre ature 's Spe cial Attack s line .
Discern Location (A t will)
A disce rn location spe ll is am ong the m ost powe rful m e ans of locating cre ature s or obje cts. Nothing short of a m ind blank
spe ll or the dire ct inte rve ntion of a de ity k e e ps you from le arning the e x act location of a single individual or obje ct. Disce rn
location circum ve nts norm al m e ans of prote ction from scrying or location. The spe ll re ve als the nam e of the cre ature or obje ct's
location (place , nam e , busine ss nam e , building nam e , or the lik e ), com m unity, county (or sim ilar political division), country,
contine nt, and the plane of e x iste nce whe re the targe t lie s. To find a cre ature with the spe ll, you m ust have se e n the cre ature or
have som e ite m that once be longe d to it. To find an obje ct, you m ust have touche d it at le ast once .
Eye Rays (DC 19) (Su)
A re trie ve r's e ye s can produce four diffe re nt m agical rays, e ach with a range of 100 fe e t. Each round, it can fire one ray as a
fre e action. A particular ray is usable only once e ve ry 4 rounds. A re trie ve r can fire an e ye ray in the sam e round that it m ak e s
physical attack s-firing an e ye ray doe s not provok e attack s of opportunity. The save DC for e ye rays is 19-the save DC is
C onstitution-base d, and include s a +2 racial bonus. The e ye ray e ffe cts are the following. # Fire : De als 12d6 fire dam age
(R e fle x half). # C old: De als 12d6 cold dam age (R e fle x half). # Ele ctricity: De als 12d6 e le ctricity dam age (R e fle x half). #
Pe trification: Targe t m ust succe e d on a Fortitude save or turn to stone pe rm ane ntly.
Relentless (Su)
A re trie ve r is constantly unde r the e ffe cts of spide r clim b and wate r walk ; the se abilitie s cannot be dispe lle d.
Cleave (C om bat)
You can strik e two adjace nt foe s with a single swing.
Prerequisites: STR 13, Powe r Attack , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: As a standard action, you can m ak e a single attack at your full base attack bonus against a foe within re ach. If you
hit, you de al dam age norm ally and can m ak e an additional attack (using your full base attack bonus) against a foe that is
adjace nt to the first and also within re ach. You can only m ak e one additional attack pe r round with this fe at. W he n you use this
fe at, you tak e a –2 pe nalty to your Arm or C lass until your ne x t turn.
Great Fortitude
You are re sistant to poisons, dise ase s, and othe r m aladie s.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saving throws.
Improved Bull Rush (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at pushing your foe s around.
Prerequisite: Str 13, Powe r Attack , base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You do not provok e an attack of opportunity whe n pe rform ing a bull rush com bat m ane uve r. In addition, you
re ce ive a +2 bonus on che ck s m ade to bull rush a foe . You also re ce ive a +2 bonus to your C om bat Mane uve r De fe nse
whe ne ve r an oppone nt trie s to bull rush you.
Normal: You provok e an attack of opportunity whe n pe rform ing a bull rush com bat m ane uve r.
Improved Critical (Claw) (C om bat)
Attack s m ade with your chose n we apon are quite de adly.
Prerequisite: Proficie nt with we apon, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: W he n using the we apon you se le cte d, your thre at range is double d.
Special: You can gain Im prove d C ritical m ultiple tim e s. The e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a
ne w type of we apon.
This e ffe ct doe sn't stack with any othe r e ffe ct that e x pands the thre at range of a we apon.
Improved Initiative (C om bat)
Your quick re fle x e s allow you to re act rapidly to dange r.
Benefit: You ge t a +4 bonus on initiative che ck s.
Lightning Reflexes
You have faste r re fle x e s than norm al.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on all R e fle x saving throws.
Power A ttack -4/+8 (C om bat)
You can m ak e e x ce ptionally de adly m e le e attack s by sacrificing accuracy for stre ngth.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on
all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is incre ase d by half (+50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with a two-hande d
we apon, a one hande d we apon using two hands, or a prim ary natural we apon that adds 1-1/2 tim e s your Stre ngth m odifie r on
dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with an off-hand we apon or se condary
natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry 4 points the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the
bonus to dam age incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore m ak ing an attack roll, and its e ffe cts last until your
ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit point dam age .
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
You have e nhance d physical stam ina.
Benefit: You gain +3 hit points. For e ve ry Hit Die you posse ss be yond 3, you gain an additional +1 hit point. If you have
m ore than 3 Hit Dice , you gain +1 hit points whe ne ve r you gain a Hit Die (such as whe n you gain a le ve l).
No m agic ite m s.
P65. Magnamaga
Barbarian 9
C haotic Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Barbarian)
24 +7
+9 = 5 + 0
14 +2
AC 24
= 10 +
14 = 7 +
13 = 6 +
10 = 6 +
WEAPON [in both hands]
+1 vicious gre atax e
+ 10
1d12+26+2d6 (&
1d6 to wie lde r)
Bite (Morlock )
Skill Name
Situational Modif iers
Ref lex Saves: +3 bonus vs . traps
20 +5
28 +9
✓ A c robatic s
A pprais e
✓ C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
✓ Fly
H eal
✓ I ntimidate
✓ P erc eption
✓ Ride
Sens e M otive
✓ Stealth
✓ Survival
✓ Swim
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
1 +3
2 +3
2 +3
7 +3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Bull R ush
Fe int
O ve rrun
Sunde r
27 lbs
400 lbs
800 lbs
1200 lbs
Knock back (1/round) (Ex )
Powe rful Blow +3 (1/rage ) (Ex )
R age (25 rounds/day) (Ex )
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 +1 vicious gre atax e
1 +2 Mithral bre astplate
1 R ing of prote ction +2
12 lbs 8,320 gp
15 lbs 8,200 gp
8,000 gp
Current 5000
Next Level 105000
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Sce nt (Ex )
Im prove d Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=13) (Ex )
Trap Se nse +3 (Ex )
Dam age R e duction (2/-)
Im m unity to Dise ase
Im m unity to Poison
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
C lim bing (30 fe e t)
R age (25 rounds/day) (Ex )
Sne ak Attack +1d6
+4 Ste alth in C ave rns
Ex pe rt C lim be r (Ex )
Fast Move m e nt +10 (Ex )
Incre ase Dam age R e duction +1 (Ex )
Knock back (1/round) (Ex )
Le ap Attack (Ex )
Powe rful Blow +3 (1/rage ) (Ex )
Q uick R e fle x e s (Ex )
Swarm ing (Ex )
Arm or Proficie ncy (Light)
Arm or Proficie ncy (Me dium )
C om bat R e fle x e s (6 AoO /round)
Im prove d C ritical (Gre atax e )
Im prove d Initiative
Lightning R e fle x e s
Martial W e apon Proficie ncy - All
Powe r Attack -4/+8
Shie ld Proficie ncy
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
W e apon Focus (Gre atax e )
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Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Scent (Ex)
This spe cial quality allows a cre ature to de te ct approaching e ne m ie s, sniff out hidde n foe s, and track by se nse of sm e ll.
C re ature s with the sce nt ability can ide ntify fam iliar odors just as hum ans do fam iliar sights.
The cre ature can de te ct oppone nts within 30 fe e t by se nse of sm e ll. If the oppone nt is upwind, the range incre ase s to 60
fe e t; if downwind, it drops to 15 fe e t. Strong sce nts, such as sm ok e or rotting garbage , can be de te cte d at twice the range s
note d above . O ve rpowe ring sce nts, such as sk unk m usk or troglodyte ste nch, can be de te cte d at triple norm al range .
W he n a cre ature de te cts a sce nt, the e x act location of the source is not re ve ale d—only its pre se nce som e whe re within range .
The cre ature can tak e a m ove action to note the dire ction of the sce nt. W he n the cre ature is within 5 fe e t of the source , it
pinpoints the source 's location.
A cre ature with the sce nt ability can follow track s by sm e ll, m ak ing a W isdom (or Survival) che ck to find or follow a track . The
typical DC for a fre sh trail is 10 (no m atte r what k ind of surface holds the sce nt). This DC incre ase s or de cre ase s de pe nding on
how strong the quarry's odor is, the num be r of cre ature s, and the age of the trail. For e ach hour that the trail is cold, the DC
incre ase s by 2. The ability othe rwise follows the rule s for the Survival sk ill. C re ature s track ing by sce nt ignore the e ffe cts of
surface conditions and poor visibility.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=13) (Ex)
You gain the ability to re act to dange r be fore he r se nse s would norm ally allow you to do so. You cannot be caught flatfoote d, nor do you lose your De x bonus to AC if the attack e r is invisible . You still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if
im m obilize d. You can still lose your De x te rity bonus to AC if an oppone nt succe ssfully use s the fe int action against you.
You can no longe r be flank e d. This de fe nse de nie s a rogue the ability to sne ak attack you by flank ing you, unle ss the
attack e r has at le ast four m ore rogue le ve ls than you have le ve ls of uncanny dodge .
Trap Sense +3 (Ex)
A characte r gains an intuitive se nse that ale rts he r to dange r from traps, giving he r a +1 bonus on R e fle x save s m ade to
avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attack s m ade by traps. The se bonuse s rise to +2 whe n the characte r re ache s
6th le ve l, to +3 whe n she re ache s 9th le ve l, to +4 whe n she re ache s 12th le ve l, to +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th le ve l.
Trap se nse bonuse s gaine d from m ultiple classe s stack .
Damage Reduction (2/-)
You have Dam age R e duction against all attack s.
Immunity to Disease
You are im m une to dise ase s.
Immunity to Poison
You are im m une to poison.
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Climbing (30 feet)
You have a clim b spe e d.
You gain a +8 racial bonus to clim b che ck s. You m ay tak e 10 on clim b che ck s, e ve n whe n rushe d or thre ate ne d.
Rage (25 rounds/day) (Ex)
A barbarian can call upon inne r re se rve s of stre ngth and fe rocity, granting he r additional com bat prowe ss. Starting at 1st
le ve l, a barbarian can rage for a num be r of rounds pe r day e qual to 4 + he r C onstitution m odifie r. At e ach le ve l afte r 1st, she
can rage for 2 additional rounds. Te m porary incre ase s to C onstitution, such as those gaine d from rage and spe lls lik e Be ar's
Endurance , do not incre ase the total num be r of rounds that a barbarian can rage pe r day. A barbarian can e nte r rage as a fre e
action. The total num be r of rounds of rage pe r day is re ne we d afte r re sting for 8 hours, although the se hours do not ne e d to be
conse cutive .
W hile in rage , a barbarian gains a +4 m orale bonus to he r Stre ngth and C onstitution, as we ll as a +2 m orale bonus on W ill
save s. In addition, she tak e s a -2 pe nalty to Arm or C lass. The incre ase to C onstitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points pe r Hit
Dice , but the se disappe ar whe n the rage e nds and are not lost first lik e te m porary hit points. W hile in rage , a barbarian cannot
use any C harism a-, De x te rity-, or Inte llige nce -base d sk ills (e x ce pt Acrobatics, Fly, Intim idate , and R ide ) or any ability that
re quire s patie nce or conce ntration.
A barbarian can e nd he r rage as a fre e action and is fatigue d afte r rage for a num be r of rounds e qual to 2 tim e s the num be r
of rounds spe nt in the rage . A barbarian cannot e nte r a ne w rage while fatigue d or e x hauste d but can othe rwise e nte r rage
m ultiple tim e s during a single e ncounte r or com bat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, he r rage im m e diate ly e nds, placing he r in
pe ril of de ath.
Sneak A ttack +1d6
If a characte r can catch an oppone nt whe n he is unable to de fe nd him se lf e ffe ctive ly from he r attack , she can strik e a vital
spot for e x tra dam age .
The characte r's attack de als e x tra dam age anytim e he r targe t would be de nie d a De x te rity bonus to AC (whe the r the targe t
actually has a De x te rity bonus or not), or whe n the characte r flank s he r targe t. Should the characte r score a critical hit with a
sne ak attack , this e x tra dam age is not m ultiplie d. R ange d attack s can count as sne ak attack s only if the targe t is within 30
fe e t.
W ith a we apon that de als nonle thal dam age (lik e a sap, whip, or an unarm e d strik e ), a characte r can m ak e a sne ak attack
that de als nonle thal dam age inste ad of le thal dam age . She cannot use a we apon that de als le thal dam age to de al nonle thal
dam age in a sne ak attack , not e ve n with the usual –4 pe nalty.
The characte r m ust be able to se e the targe t we ll e nough to pick out a vital spot and m ust be able to re ach such a spot. A
characte r cannot sne ak attack while strik ing a cre ature with conce alm e nt.
+4 Stealth in Caverns
You gain a +4 racial bonus to ste alth che ck s while in cave rns.
Expert Climber (Ex)
A m orlock can cling to cave walls and e ve n ce ilings as long as the surface has hand- and footholds. In e ffe ct, a m orlock is
tre ate d as constantly be ing unde r a nonm agical ve rsion of the spe ll spide r clim b, save that it cannot cling to sm ooth surface s.
This ability double s the norm al +8 racial bonus to C lim b che ck s norm ally afforde d cre ature s with a clim b spe e d to a +16 racial
Fast Movement +10 (Ex)
A barbarian's land spe e d is faste r than the norm for he r race by +10 fe e t. This be ne fit applie s only whe n he is we aring no
arm or, light arm or, or m e dium arm or, and not carrying a he avy load. Apply this bonus be fore m odifying the barbarian's spe e d
be cause of any load carrie d or arm or worn. This bonus stack s with any othe r bonuse s to the barbarian's land spe e d.
Increase Damage Reduction +1 (Ex)
The barbarian's dam age re duction incre ase s by 1/—. This incre ase is always active while the barbarian is raging. A barbarian
can se le ct this rage powe r up to thre e tim e s. Its e ffe cts stack . A barbarian m ust be at le ast 8th le ve l be fore se le cting this rage
powe r.
Knockback (1/round) (Ex)
O nce pe r round, the barbarian can m ak e a bull rush atte m pt against one targe t in place of a m e le e attack . If succe ssful, the
targe t tak e s dam age e qual to the barbarian's Stre ngth m odifie r and is m ove d back as norm al. The barbarian doe s not ne e d to
m ove with the targe t if succe ssful. This doe s not provok e an attack of opportunity.
Leap A ttack (Ex)
As a standard action, a m orlock m ay m ak e a single attack during a jum p. It can m ak e this attack at any point along the
course of the le ap—the start, the e nd, or while in m id-air. W hile jum ping, a m orlock doe s not provok e attack s of opportunity for
le aving a thre ate ne d square .
Powerful Blow +3 (1/rage) (Ex)
The barbarian gains a +1 bonus on a single dam age roll. This bonus incre ase s by +1 for e ve ry 4 le ve ls the barbarian has
attaine d. This powe r is use d as a swift action be fore the roll to hit is m ade . This powe r can only be use d once pe r rage .
Quick Reflexes (Ex)
W hile raging, the barbarian can m ak e one additional attack of opportunity pe r round.
Swarming (Ex)
Morlock s dwe ll and fight in cram pe d quarte rs e ve ry day of the ir live s, and as such are quite ade pt at swarm ing foe s. Up to
two m orlock s can share the sam e square at the sam e tim e . If two m orlock s in the sam e square attack the sam e foe , the y are
conside re d to be flank ing that foe as if the y we re in two opposite square s.
A rmor Proficiency (Light) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring light arm or.
Benefit: W he n you we ar a type of arm or with which you are proficie nt, the arm or che ck pe nalty for that arm or applie s only to
De x te rity- and Stre ngth-base d sk ill che ck s.
Normal: A characte r who is we aring arm or with which he is not proficie nt applie s its arm or che ck pe nalty to attack rolls and to
all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt m onk s, sorce re rs, and wizards autom atically have Light Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus fe at.
The y ne e d not se le ct it.
A rmor Proficiency (Medium) (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at we aring m e dium arm or.
Prerequisite: Light Arm or Proficie ncy.
Benefit: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Normal: Se e Arm or Proficie ncy, Light.
Special: Barbarians, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs autom atically have Me dium Arm or Proficie ncy as a bonus
fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Combat Reflexes (6 A oO/round) (C om bat)
You can m ak e additional attack s of opportunity.
Benefit: You m ay m ak e a num be r of additional attack s of opportunity pe r round e qual to your De x te rity bonus. W ith this
fe at, you m ay also m ak e attack s of opportunity while flat-foote d.
Normal: A characte r without this fe at can m ak e only one attack of opportunity pe r round and can't m ak e attack s of
opportunity while flat-foote d.
Special: The C om bat R e fle x e s fe at doe s not allow a rogue to use he r opportunist ability m ore than once pe r round.
Improved Critical (Greataxe) (C om bat)
Attack s m ade with your chose n we apon are quite de adly.
Prerequisite: Proficie nt with we apon, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: W he n using the we apon you se le cte d, your thre at range is double d.
Special: You can gain Im prove d C ritical m ultiple tim e s. The e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a
ne w type of we apon.
This e ffe ct doe sn't stack with any othe r e ffe ct that e x pands the thre at range of a we apon.
Improved Initiative (C om bat)
Your quick re fle x e s allow you to re act rapidly to dange r.
Benefit: You ge t a +4 bonus on initiative che ck s.
Lightning Reflexes
You have faste r re fle x e s than norm al.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on all R e fle x saving throws.
Martial Weapon Proficiency - A ll
Benefit: You are proficie nt with all Martial we apons.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you are at -4 to attack rolls.
Power A ttack -4/+8 (C om bat)
You can m ak e e x ce ptionally de adly m e le e attack s by sacrificing accuracy for stre ngth.
Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You can choose to tak e a –1 pe nalty on all m e le e attack rolls and com bat m ane uve r che ck s to gain a +2 bonus on
all m e le e dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is incre ase d by half (+50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with a two-hande d
we apon, a one hande d we apon using two hands, or a prim ary natural we apon that adds 1-1/2 tim e s your Stre ngth m odifie r on
dam age rolls. This bonus to dam age is halve d (–50%) if you are m ak ing an attack with an off-hand we apon or se condary
natural we apon. W he n your base attack bonus re ache s +4, and e ve ry 4 points the re afte r, the pe nalty incre ase s by –1 and the
bonus to dam age incre ase s by +2. You m ust choose to use this fe at be fore m ak ing an attack roll, and its e ffe cts last until your
ne x t turn. The bonus dam age doe s not apply to touch attack s or e ffe cts that do not de al hit point dam age .
Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a shie ld.
Benefit: W he n you use a shie ld (e x ce pt a towe r shie ld), the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth- and
De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: W he n you are using a shie ld with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack
rolls and on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: Barbarians, bards, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs all autom atically have Shie ld Proficie ncy as a
bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Weapon Focus (Greataxe) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
+1 vicious greataxe
This two-hande d battle ax e is he avy e nough that you can't wie ld it with one hand. The he ad m ay have one blade or two, and
m ay be "be arde d" (m e aning hook e d or trailing at the bottom ) to incre ase cle aving powe r and he lp pull down e ne m y shie lds.
The haft is usually 3 to 4 fe e t long.
This spe cial ability can only be place d on m e le e we apons. W he n a vicious we apon strik e s an oppone nt, it cre ate s a flash of
disruptive e ne rgy that re sonate s be twe e n the oppone nt and the wie lde r. This e ne rgy de als an e x tra 2d6 points of dam age to
the oppone nt and 1d6 points of dam age to the wie lde r. O nly m e le e we apons can be vicious.
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: C raft Magic Arm s and Arm or, e ne rvation; C ost +1 Bonus
+2 Mithral breastplate (Arm or)
A bre astplate prote cts a we are r's torso with a single pie ce of sculpte d m e tal, sim ilar to the core pie ce of a suit of full plate .
De spite its sturdine ss, its infle x ibility and ope n back m ak e it infe rior to com ple te suits of m e tal arm or, but still an im prove m e nt
ove r m ost non-m e tal arm ors.
Mithral is a rare , silve ry m e tal that is lighte r than ste e l but just as hard. W he n work e d lik e ste e l, it can be use d to cre ate
am azing arm or, and is occasionally use d for othe r ite m s as we ll. Most m ithral arm ors are one cate gory lighte r than norm al for
purpose s of m ove m e nt and othe r lim itations. He avy arm ors are tre ate d as m e dium , and m e dium arm ors are tre ate d as light,
but light arm ors are still tre ate d as light. This de cre ase doe s not apply to proficie ncy in we aring the arm or. A characte r we aring
m ithral full plate m ust be proficie nt in we aring he avy arm or to avoid adding the arm or's che ck pe nalty on all his attack rolls and
sk ill che ck s that involve m oving. Spe ll failure chance s for arm ors and shie lds m ade from m ithral are de cre ase d by 10%,
m ax im um De x te rity bonuse s are incre ase d by 2, and arm or che ck pe naltie s are de cre ase d by 3 (to a m inim um of 0).
An ite m m ade from m ithral we ighs half as m uch as the sam e ite m m ade from othe r m e tals. In the case of we apons, this
lighte r we ight doe s not change a we apon's size cate gory or the e ase with which it can be wie lde d (whe the r it is light, one hande d, or two-hande d). Ite m s not prim arily of m e tal are not m e aningfully affe cte d by be ing partially m ade of m ithral. (A
longsword can be a m ithral we apon, while a quarte rstaff cannot.) Mithral we apons count as silve r for the purpose of ove rcom ing
dam age re duction.
W e apons and arm ors fashione d from m ithral are always m aste rwork ite m s as we ll; the m aste rwork cost is include d in the
price s give n be low. Mithral has 30 hit points pe r inch of thick ne ss and hardne ss 15.
Ring of protection +2 (R ing)
This ring offe rs continual m agical prote ction in the form of a de fle ction bonus of +2 to AC .
C onstruction R e quire m e nts: Forge R ing, shie ld of faith, caste r m ust be of a le ve l at le ast thre e tim e s the bonus of the ring;
C ost 4,000 gp
P65. Morlock
C haotic Evil
CHARACTER LEVEL (favored class = Rogue)
15 +2
+9 = 5 + 0
14 +2
AC 16
= 10 +
12 = 5 +
7 = 5 +
WEAPON [in main hand]
Skill Name
+ 10
C lub
Bite (Morlock )
4 = 2 +
20 +5
14 +2
A c robatic s
A pprais e
C limb
D iplomac y
D is guis e
E s c ape A rtis t
H eal
I ntimidate
P erc eption
Sens e M otive
✓ = C las s Skill,
= T rained O nly,
=D ex
=I nt
=C ha
=C ha
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
=C ha
=D ex
=D ex
2 +3
2 +3
2 +3
= A rmor C hec k P enalty A pplies
Bull R ush
Fe int
O ve rrun
Sunde r
3 lbs
58 lbs
116 lbs
175 lbs
C lub
Gear In No Container
Qty Item
1 C lub
3 lbs
Current 5000
Next Level
Dark vision (120 fe e t)
Sce nt (Ex )
Im m unity to Dise ase
Im m unity to Poison
Light Blindne ss (Ex )
C lim bing (30 fe e t)
Sne ak Attack +1d6
+4 Ste alth in C ave rns
Ex pe rt C lim be r (Ex )
Le ap Attack (Ex )
Swarm ing (Ex )
Im prove d Initiative
Lightning R e fle x e s
Shie ld Proficie ncy
Sim ple W e apon Proficie ncy - All
W e apon Focus (C lub)
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Darkvision (120 feet)
You can se e in the dark (black and white vision only).
Scent (Ex)
This spe cial quality allows a cre ature to de te ct approaching e ne m ie s, sniff out hidde n foe s, and track by se nse of sm e ll.
C re ature s with the sce nt ability can ide ntify fam iliar odors just as hum ans do fam iliar sights.
The cre ature can de te ct oppone nts within 30 fe e t by se nse of sm e ll. If the oppone nt is upwind, the range incre ase s to 60
fe e t; if downwind, it drops to 15 fe e t. Strong sce nts, such as sm ok e or rotting garbage , can be de te cte d at twice the range s
note d above . O ve rpowe ring sce nts, such as sk unk m usk or troglodyte ste nch, can be de te cte d at triple norm al range .
W he n a cre ature de te cts a sce nt, the e x act location of the source is not re ve ale d—only its pre se nce som e whe re within range .
The cre ature can tak e a m ove action to note the dire ction of the sce nt. W he n the cre ature is within 5 fe e t of the source , it
pinpoints the source 's location.
A cre ature with the sce nt ability can follow track s by sm e ll, m ak ing a W isdom (or Survival) che ck to find or follow a track . The
typical DC for a fre sh trail is 10 (no m atte r what k ind of surface holds the sce nt). This DC incre ase s or de cre ase s de pe nding on
how strong the quarry's odor is, the num be r of cre ature s, and the age of the trail. For e ach hour that the trail is cold, the DC
incre ase s by 2. The ability othe rwise follows the rule s for the Survival sk ill. C re ature s track ing by sce nt ignore the e ffe cts of
surface conditions and poor visibility.
Immunity to Disease
You are im m une to dise ase s.
Immunity to Poison
You are im m une to poison.
Light Blindness (Ex)
C re ature s with light blindne ss are blinde d for 1 round if e x pose d to bright light, such as sunlight or the daylight spe ll. Such
cre ature s are dazzle d as long as the y re m ain in are as of bright light.
Climbing (30 feet)
You have a clim b spe e d.
You gain a +8 racial bonus to clim b che ck s. You m ay tak e 10 on clim b che ck s, e ve n whe n rushe d or thre ate ne d.
Sneak A ttack +1d6
If a characte r can catch an oppone nt whe n he is unable to de fe nd him se lf e ffe ctive ly from he r attack , she can strik e a vital
spot for e x tra dam age .
The characte r's attack de als e x tra dam age anytim e he r targe t would be de nie d a De x te rity bonus to AC (whe the r the targe t
actually has a De x te rity bonus or not), or whe n the characte r flank s he r targe t. Should the characte r score a critical hit with a
sne ak attack , this e x tra dam age is not m ultiplie d. R ange d attack s can count as sne ak attack s only if the targe t is within 30
fe e t.
W ith a we apon that de als nonle thal dam age (lik e a sap, whip, or an unarm e d strik e ), a characte r can m ak e a sne ak attack
that de als nonle thal dam age inste ad of le thal dam age . She cannot use a we apon that de als le thal dam age to de al nonle thal
dam age in a sne ak attack , not e ve n with the usual –4 pe nalty.
The characte r m ust be able to se e the targe t we ll e nough to pick out a vital spot and m ust be able to re ach such a spot. A
characte r cannot sne ak attack while strik ing a cre ature with conce alm e nt.
+4 Stealth in Caverns
You gain a +4 racial bonus to ste alth che ck s while in cave rns.
Expert Climber (Ex)
A m orlock can cling to cave walls and e ve n ce ilings as long as the surface has hand- and footholds. In e ffe ct, a m orlock is
tre ate d as constantly be ing unde r a nonm agical ve rsion of the spe ll spide r clim b, save that it cannot cling to sm ooth surface s.
This ability double s the norm al +8 racial bonus to C lim b che ck s norm ally afforde d cre ature s with a clim b spe e d to a +16 racial
Leap A ttack (Ex)
As a standard action, a m orlock m ay m ak e a single attack during a jum p. It can m ak e this attack at any point along the
course of the le ap—the start, the e nd, or while in m id-air. W hile jum ping, a m orlock doe s not provok e attack s of opportunity for
le aving a thre ate ne d square .
Swarming (Ex)
Morlock s dwe ll and fight in cram pe d quarte rs e ve ry day of the ir live s, and as such are quite ade pt at swarm ing foe s. Up to
two m orlock s can share the sam e square at the sam e tim e . If two m orlock s in the sam e square attack the sam e foe , the y are
conside re d to be flank ing that foe as if the y we re in two opposite square s.
Blind-Fight (C om bat)
You are sk ille d at attack ing oppone nts that you cannot cle arly pe rce ive .
Benefit: In m e le e , e ve ry tim e you m iss be cause of conce alm e nt (se e C om bat), you can re roll your m iss chance pe rce ntile
roll one tim e to se e if you actually hit.
An invisible attack e r ge ts no advantage s re late d to hitting you in m e le e . That is, you don't lose your De x te rity bonus to
Arm or C lass, and the attack e r doe sn't ge t the usual +2 bonus for be ing invisible . The invisible attack e r's bonuse s do still apply
for range d attack s, howe ve r.
You do not ne e d to m ak e Acrobatics sk ill che ck s to m ove at full spe e d while blinde d.
Normal: R e gular attack roll m odifie rs invisible attack e rs trying to hit you apply, and you lose your De x te rity bonus to AC . The
spe e d re duction for dark ne ss and poor visibility also applie s.
Special: The Blind-Fight fe at is of no use against a characte r who is the subje ct of a blink spe ll.
Improved Initiative (C om bat)
Your quick re fle x e s allow you to re act rapidly to dange r.
Benefit: You ge t a +4 bonus on initiative che ck s.
Lightning Reflexes
You have faste r re fle x e s than norm al.
Benefit: You ge t a +2 bonus on all R e fle x saving throws.
Shield Proficiency (C om bat)
You are traine d in how to prope rly use a shie ld.
Benefit: W he n you use a shie ld (e x ce pt a towe r shie ld), the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty only applie s to Stre ngth- and
De x te rity-base d sk ills.
Normal: W he n you are using a shie ld with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e the shie ld's arm or che ck pe nalty on attack
rolls and on all sk ill che ck s that involve m oving.
Special: Barbarians, bards, cle rics, druids, fighte rs, paladins, and range rs all autom atically have Shie ld Proficie ncy as a
bonus fe at. The y ne e d not se le ct it.
Simple Weapon Proficiency - A ll (C om bat)
You are traine d in the use of basic we apons.
Benefit: You m ak e attack rolls with sim ple we apons without pe nalty.
Normal: W he n using a we apon with which you are not proficie nt, you tak e a –4 pe nalty on attack rolls.
Special: All characte rs e x ce pt for druids, m onk s, and wizards are autom atically proficie nt with all sim ple we apons. The y ne e d
not se le ct this fe at.
Weapon Focus (Club) (C om bat)
C hoose one type of we apon. You can also choose unarm e d strik e or grapple (or ray, if you are a spe llcaste r) as your we apon
for the purpose s of this fe at.
Prerequisites: Proficie ncy with se le cte d we apon, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you m ak e using the se le cte d we apon.
Special: You can gain this fe at m ultiple tim e s. Its e ffe cts do not stack . Each tim e you tak e the fe at, it applie s to a ne w type
of we apon.
No m agic ite m s.