, \ ..,...' " EQUINOCTIAL vLOBE�·� BY WHICH THE PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOCTIAL POINTS IS· EXPLAINED IN A FAMILIAR MANNERy �N'rl!NDE� TO HLUSTRATE VARIQUS fASSAGES' IN AUTHORS- THE GREEK AND ROMAN " .J. - BY THE R.ELATING REV. TO HOLT OKES, A. M. ... Fellow 0/ the Cambridge . Philosophical Society. .... ,-LONDON: PRINTED BY J. F. FOR M. BATES, R. DOVE,_ST. PRIESTLEY, MATHEMATICAL ,DEIGHTON AND D. A. JOHN'S SQ UARE:' HOLBORN ; INSTRJJMENT MAKER, SONS, CAMBRIDGE; TALBOYS, OXFORD, 1820. r:r.F. POULTRY j AND _ � .. ••• • $" ... " · : : 0: ... . · · . ••••• ·&>··:.·:0·. :.. .. : • . • ••• ..: •• .0·. • e ••• 0 . .. ...... ::: : : ::: ::: :.:: ::�.: ••• II . .: e _. ••• • e • PRE F ACE. THE effects points globes. are resulting from the motion of the equinoctial imperfectly explained ill the usual treatises on the equinoctial globe, all the changes place in the longitude, the declination; possibly the times of the rising and setting of the stars, at any latitude, during the whole revolution of the equinoctial points may be familiarly shewn, together with the change of position in the equator, the tropics, and the arctic and antarctic circles. By the which assistance of the take can . problems relating immediately to the equinoctial globe few in number, but interesting and important; and will be easily understood by the student who is conversant with the usual problems on the celestial sphere. The are Woodford, Essex; June.9, 1820. �o.�n.w f...oIUi1v",) "f{�3 SECTION L THE' ON EQUlNOCT1AL PRECESSION OF THE POINTS. THE poles of the earth are not always directed to the sallie points in the heavens, but describe circles round the poles of the ecliptic, in a direction contrary, to the order of the equinoctial points in consequence of which the receding, and the sun returns to the it returns to the same point are signs, continually equinoctial point before in the heavens. Fig. 1. Let P be the pole of the ecliptic CV" $ � vY. N the pole of the equator CV" �, cutting the ecliptic in <yI and �. Suppose N to nave moved, contrary to the order of the signs, to n, and let Nn=30°, then the intersection of the equator with the ecliptic will be in )(, VJ, i. e. the point usually called the first point' of Aries, or that point in the ecliptic when the days and nights are equal, will have receded 30°. ecliptic, C L. the eclip tic, N S the poles of the earth. Suppose the poles of the earth, or its axis" to be directed to the points a and e in the heavens, in about 6,447 years, the pole N of the earth will have moved to x, and the pole S to y (the circle S y s lying in an opposite direction to the circle N x n), consequently the axis of the earth will be directed to the points b and! in the heavens. Fig. 2. Let P. p. be the In twice this time, or poles in about 12,895 earth will be in the direction d, g, in the of the n s, and ... 'years, the axis of the consequently heavens, wilt be vertical to the B poles n, s, th-e points 2 Hipparchus, B. C. 125, by "the prince of comparing his ancient astronomers, who wrote own observations on Spica Virginis and other fixed stars, with those of Timocharis who lived about 170 years before equinoctial points, him, first discovered the precession of the which he determined to be one Modern astronomers have determined the 100 years. to be about 50"� annually, which amounts to a nearly 14" in 1000 years. little degree in precession more than 10 in 72 years, and to In consequence of the precession of the equinoctial points, the equator of the earth, the tropics, the arctic and antarctic circles, and the colures, are gradually referred to new places in the heavens, and the declinations, the times of rising and setting right ascensions, &c. are subject to a of the fixed stars, their progressive change. Hence it arises, that the observations re specting. the fixed stars, which occur in Hesiod, Aratus, Hippar chus, Ptolemy, and other ancient writers, do not correspond with ihose of the present period. The revolution of the 25,79i equinoctial.points is completed in about years. This perio� is called by some writers the Platonic year, but must not be confounded with the annus magnus men tioned by Cicero. 3 TABLE OF TJlE PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOCTIAL POINTS. . Signs, Years. ----- . ----- ----- 1 .......... ..... , 2 .......... .......... .......... .......... 3 4 !\ ', 5 6 8 9 10 20 30 '40 50 ,25,,791 .......... ..... ........... ......... ........ .......... ........... .......... ! .......... ... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .. .......... .......... ........... ..... '. , • , ..... ........ .......... · .......... ...•.. .... ........ ........ � .. " •. .......... , ... , .......... , . 3 4 ,.,. ••• • .•..•• • ••.•• . ••••.• .••••• ••••. ..•. ·20 ., .......... ••.•. .......... •.•..• . ·,25 •••• . 1 1 •••.•• 2 .; •••••. 9 4 ....... •• •.••••• . ... •• .. ·9 ....... 11 .... 11 .. 12 .. ·.; : .. ..... " 11 ·25 19 ··9 .•••••• 18 .. , .• l·· ,29, .. ) nearly 7,5 30 52,5 15 37,5 22,.5 45 30 22,5 15 45 30 15 ·10 ··33 ·57 ··56 .•••.• ........ , 22 ·46 •••••.•• ·27 ........ .... ·58 •••.•• ........ ..... .. 11 '.13 45 ·35 •••••• 12 .......... • ··.11 .••.. .." 9 '.15 23 47 ·29 .••.• •...•• • 42 32,25 22,50 ····7 . • ••...• ·58 . .... .....• ," .. ..... .•.• ........ � .......... ...... · ....... ..... ...... , •••• ' .•••. . ·5 ·6 .•.....• 8 ...... .. • ..•••• ··2 .......... •• • ···l .......... 11,25 1,50 51,75 •• 1 30,7.5 !tl .•.•.•• ·1 .......... 50,25 46,5 ........ ... ...... ----- .... ••• , ••••••••• � ... •.•••• . .......... .......... , , 1 2 ····3 4 .' ·5 .., .•.• ·5 6 ••••..•• 7 8 � 16 ., ·25 ·33 ',,"'" ••.•. ·41 ·50 ...·· ..... .......... � 900 1,500 1,800 2,000 3,000 4,OQO 5,000 10,000 20,000 25,000 ........... .......... .......... 60 70 80 90 1,000 .......... - 7 100 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 ••• .......... •••••• ----- .... 7 45 30 1.5 30 55 ·52 ·50 ·,·····47 , ·35 , ·10 •.•..• 30 •••••• .••••. • 30 •.• .... � =r ·57 :>: �g 30 .t)7,75 USE OF THE TABLE .. 1. PROP. Given the distance of time, required the precession of the equinoctial points 1 Example. How many degrees have the equinoctlal points re, ceded during1820 years? ' years , By the table - - - - 1500 = 300 = 20 = 56' 20° 4 15" 11 15 16 45 24 �5, , is'2<i"=' 25 y. Or by proportion, - y. 1 : 50",25 ;: precession of the find the time 1 Ex. In what 2° �W 24' 15". 2� PROP. Given the lS20 : e�uinoctial period, oftime .have the points, required to equinoctial points moved 55'1 years. By the table , � . �o 2° 47' ;l0" 7 30 9 5� - -s- By proportion - - � 50"! ::1' 200 209 y. .. .. PR:OP; 2° 55' : 209. 3. time, to find what degree of the ecliptic, at that pe riod, corresponds with a given degree of the ecliptic at the pre Given the sent time. degrees corresponding with the time, which, time be past, subtract from the place of the given degree; time be future, add to it, Rule. Find the if the if the 5 'Ex. 1. What degree 500 years ago corresponds with n 28° 1 signs 28° U By = fable 500 years 28° 2 2 Ans, rr I' 211) Ex. 2. What 6 5B '45 21 1. 15 = 15".' degree 5000 years ago corresponds with ,� 2° 1 s, t5 2° B� table 5000 years EJJ. n = 13 2° = 2 9 47 30 10 22 12 30 ,3. What degree, 500 years hence will correspond with present ecliptic 1 28· of the s, IT By table 28° 500 years - 2 '"'- 3 Ans, QD 4<:' _ 58' 45"./' II 28& 6 58 45 4 58 45 6 SECTION DESCIUPTION AND (lSE OF THE THIS is a celestial " globe} so It EQUINOCTIAL G�OBE. mounted as to have two axes of motion. Fig. 3, The axis of the is not attached to equator does not ecliptic Pp perforates the globe, but the brass meridian, The axis NS of the penetrate the gloQt'J but, is attached to the The poles of the axes of motion are connected by strong .hrass wires. This globe is provided with an equator, tropics, arctic and antarctic circles of brass, and an hour circle, which may be fixed, or removed, as occasion may require," brass meridian. 4. PROP. To past rectify the globle, future, and or to the precession being given for any time corresponding' position, of the shew the circles among the fixed stars. First, Bring the pole of the ecliptic under the brass meridian at 66°�) and 8 (i. e. Polus Arcticus, which is marked Rule. the on sphere) [The globe (i. e. under Nat 0, will then have its for the t date of tlie position globe) coincide with the circles described tor with the equator described on for the present time, and all the brass circles wilt on the globe, the brass globe, &c. &c.] the equa � 1\ globe similarly mounted is described by the Rev. Mr., Coslard ill his History of Astronomy; it was not, however, provided with the brass eqoator,&c. and cousequeutly must have been less useful than the present, The Author had contrived the equinoctial globe before he met with 1\11'. Costard's treatise. t The dale of the globe in the following problems is 1S00. 7 if the time Then, the order be past, turn the globe 'westward, or con round the axis P p of the the ,of eclip signs, degrees as correspond with the given precession of the equinoctial points, keeping the pole' of the eeliptic fixed at 66°k under the meridian. Note. The number of degrees may also be measured by the motion of Vi westward from the graduated edge of the brass me": ridian, or by the motion of ry>, or �, from the intersection which is made by the brass equator 'with the ecliptic, because the pole of the equator describes a circle parallel to the ecliptic. to trary tic, as many The globe being thus rectified, the brass wires, representing tropics, arctic and antarctic circles, will trace the these circles had among the fixed stars, at the which position, period proposed. The brass meridian, will shew the position of the equator, solstitial colure, and the wooden horizon, if the poles of the equator be brought into it, .will point out the position, at the the same . time, of the equinoctial colure If the 'precession be ward, ecliptic. or . anticipated, the globe must revol�e east signs round the axis P p of the in the order of the EXAMPLE. Required to, shew to Hipparchus,' the dog's tail, the position of the the solstitial colure or globe when, according passed through the tip of h Sirius '1 Hipparchus.wrote B.C. 125, which, added to the date of the globe 1800,=1925::: (by table) 26� 52' 1] \25, or 27° nearly= difference oflongitude of 1J Sirius at the time of Hipparchus and the present. Bring the pole of the ecliptic under 66°t and 8 under N. keep the poles P. p of the ecliptic fixed, turn the globe contrary to the order of the signs 27°, arid it will he rec tified, for the brass meridian, which will represent the solstitial colure, 'will pass over 1J Sirius, as will immediately appear, if, after the: globe is rectified, the south pole is elevated above the horizon. The brass equator will also pass over fl (Cetus)in the . 8 hinder leg of Aries; .Hipparchus. which coincides with the account '0 EV TOt� (J7rtu$-lou; 7roO'tv aUTOU : aUTOU Toil given by [Arietis] KEi/lf.VOf; dO'T�p l7r' iO'1J/lf.PLJlOiJ tpipf.TaL. Required the principal stars near which the equi passed in the time of Meton 1 lived 432 B. C. the precession for which period= Example 2. noctial colure Meton '310 S' 57". Rectify the globe as directed for the precession, bring the 'poles of the equator to the edge of the wooden horizon, and the equinoctial colure may be traced passing near a Aries, a Centau rus,&c. &c. . The time star PROP. 5� being given, required- the declination" of a given • Rectify the globe by Prop.n, bringthestar to thebrass meridianythe degree marked on- the-meridian will shew the de Rule. ' . clination. Ex. Given the latitude of 3000 years, By _ required table the a Pegasus 19° = 24', .precession for 3000 years = of the 4, the 4P 52', then turn bring Pegasus to a the the period 1 52'. Bring, as 66°� and. 8 of the ecliptic under directed, Prop. pole ecliptic· under N, turn the globe westward round the axis 41° and the time the declination of this star at that globe round the axis of the' equator, and graduated edge' of 'the brass meridian, . its declination will- be 45'. BY· TRIGONOMETRY P "IY be thesolstitial • colure, P the pole of the ecliptie equinoctial colure, N the pole' of the equator, Sthe present place of any given star, drawP S B per pendicular to' :!!: 'VS',. then P S· == 'eclat, and cy; R::: longitude . Let $' <)0 § 'VS', of star. P <)0 p' the' ofthe sa,me star, at any given time that' is' past, draw P s A, then P s :::: P S = eclat, and '<yl A-long. at the given period. CV" A will be less than- CV" B, the longitude having Let be the s increased. noctial place AB Also, angle A P or B = precession of 'the S, P N obliquity equi points. Draw N P ecliptic, Then in the s. P N triangle colat. of star, and N s = = of codecln, of star. s ::::::i If s.Iie in Angle s P'N ��oO�g. lon�·o�: t ., tS600-long;s.+ 9().°5 = S orr In the the s Hence (becam�e s 0 subtract 10,' 54 ,33 1 11, 52 3 10 9 2 3 by .N aut, AIm.· " 2<f 141°; = = 20 :2: 9' 1 and 51°; + 990' II 11, 4tl1'quadrantY ,.� lies in from 128, -!1 ,8 =. By.table 30,00 years :. Long. s. at given period � 3:' 67.::: 51°' nearly' 67 angle s PN� <Fig. 4.) Draw N d perpendicular right-angled triangle N P d. III s P. produced r ' X Cos. N P d Cot. P N .x t.:p d. = 10 + COi . Cot. 23° 39° = 19,8906026 28' = 10;3623894 d '=. •••. t. P ... ... : ' . ,3a�, 700 = Long, s' (1815). =: R ,{5 Qll:l,drlmt A are example proposed, P - 4tlj qa,_isl the complement' 'of"the by froin hence ,Aties';': � s, may he found; longitude P ��.'measured star's ��t 3d' 2d S " •. s. s s P + d : s. P'd = s d ' 89° 14'. 'd ':, 't. Pd = t. N Pd' = s. 9,a281132, =.18& 39' _. = P d :: t. 'N P . N s d. '9,5048598 '9,90�3692 19,4132290 S. s d = �,9999611 r, t. N s d = 9,4132679 e = 14° 31' , 10 /Cos. S d : CO,S. P d :: Cos.N Cos. s d Cos'. P N s : Cos. P N. 8,1264710 = 9,9625�'76 = Cos. Pd 18,0889786 9,9765745 Cos. N 8,1124041 s = = 890 15' . From 90 Take 89 15 45" = declination -�- found. required to.,be being foun�L for any period, of a known the time of the year. when it rose or set cosmically, The declination fixed star, acronychally, or heliacally, may be found for any given See Gregory's Astronomy; prob, 25, 26, 27. latitude. PROP. 6. precession equinoctial points, and the lad. find the time of the year, that a to place, 'required or set, acronychally, (&.Kpovvxwr;) i. e. at sun-set, rose, of the Given the tude of the given star Rectify the globe for the-precession by Prop. 4. Turn globe round the axis of the, equator, and bring the star to the eastern part of the horizon, if, rising; to the western, if set-, ting. Observe the point of-the ecliptic which is setting. Find by Prop. 3. the corresponding degree for. the precession, and Rule. the the time of the year will be known. Ex. Given the latitude of the place and the time of' Hesiod 940 of the year that Arcturus rose 1800 + 940 (Ascra in Breotia)' 370 45', required to-find the time B. Co it is = acronychally? 2740 = 380 14' 45" precession. Rectify the globe for the precession pole to the iatitude of 'the, place, Bring Arcturus to the eastern edge of the horizon, the point of the ecliptic then setting will be :v, 'Ho 30'; (by table) (Prop. 4.) = Elevate the , I 1/ From 12 9 30 Take 8 14 45 1 LS 15 1 11 11 acronychally when the sun was in '* sixty days after the winter solstice, thedescription of Hesiod. Arcturus therefore to 15' 15'� Feb. according to 19. rose i. e. E�T' {iy �' f��KOYTa, . /-t.E,Ta Tp07ra{: �EAloLO, XPJL€pl �KTEMO'rJ �EV� 1JJLaTa, �f] pa T.OT' ltO'T1)p 'ApKTOVpO{: 7rPOAL7rWY LEpew POOy'fiKEaVOtO, llpWTQY 7raJL¢aivwy I7rLTEAAETaL ltKpOKyE¢aLO{:. Op. et Dies. Arcturus rises �cronychally at present April PROP. 7 Ist v. 564 .• .. .. Given the tude of the rose or set precession of the equinoctial points, and. the .lati, place, to' find the time of the year that a given star cosmically, i. e. at sun-rise. globe for the precession by Prop. 4. and for place, bring the star, if rising, ·t.o the eastern of the horizon Observe the ; if setting, to the western. edge is of the Find the which point ecliptic rising. point correspond ing to the precession by Prop. 3. and the time of the year will be known! Rule•. Rectify the the latitude of the Ex. 1. At what time of the year 50 B. C. did Lucida Yergi� Iiarum, the bright star in the Pleiades, rise' cosmically, and at what time of the year did it set �JO 04'1 cosmically a� Rome, lat. = .. By table the precession for 1850 years = 25° 49' 22",5=26° nearly, after rectifying the globe as directed for the precession and the latitude, the point rising with the bright star of the Pleiades will be � 19° 30', by Prop. 3. . � 19° 30' = 1850 years = r o the 19° 30' " 25 49 22,5 23 40,37,5 4.0'. i. e. the star 13th. being brought to the western side of the horizon, the point of the ecliptic then rising will be m 28°, the corresponding point for which is ttt �o, corresponding point rose cosmically April wi1l therefore be The same ('(' 23° star 12 i; of thePleiades is cosmical setting v. 221.-Ante tibi Eoee Ex. 2. Thales, Atlantides according Shew the nox. Pliny, determined the, cosmical set be 25 days after the autumnal equi "The Christ. determination �� the globe. tr,uth of-this The latitude of Miletus abscondantur. to of Lucida Pleiadum to ting cosmically Oct. 24. ,��� alluded to by Virgil,.qeol'g.,l. star of the Pleiades set e-:the bright 37°. -Thales lived 548 = years before 320 46' 27/1. precession by the and of latitude, precession point the the setting of Pleiades is itt 27�. By Prop. 3, angle' for the table = the globe for the Rectify ecliptic rising at the point at the time the eveni�g, will be 25 of Thales ,� 2/!� was which added' to' seven �ays 13', in or Oct. 18th, in the amount Sept. days. For l1t 270 = 7 27 1 2 46 27 6 24, 13 33 ' a,48 years PROP. 8 . place, the latitude of a star, and' th� the' point of the ecliptic with which it rose cosmically, or set to determine the I�ngitude of the star, and thence • Given latitude of the acronychally, the time when the star so rose or set. TRIGONOMETRICALLY. zenith, H R the horizon, E Q the equa Fig. tor, cutting H R in q, and the ecliptic elL in x, I the given point of the ecliptic which rises with s the given star. Draw 10 6. Let Z be the perpendicular 10 = decl, of ecliptic, I, x Q, and' I ::;:: s long. I to C L. Then of I. It is required' to at o, 0 x triangle I 0 = 0 x I, right-angled declination of J. :. 0 I x qI = 0 I = lat. star. find the I == obliquity of may be found. triangleq 0 I, right-angled at 0,' 0 q 1= colat. of place, declination-of I /. angle q I 0 may be found, and q I 1= In the 10 s of the star s? longitude In the to E + 0 Ix. "" See Petavius � Auot. lib. i, cap. v, 13 In the 1 triangle 11, angle q to be added, according 1 =.lat star, .�. s at J� 1 Ls be :found. I.. right-angled s llmay •. =. supplement The arc II is subtracted, from the' given point of the ecliptic or to the following' rule. If the latitude of the star be north, Add, when the point rises; Subtract, when it sets with the star 'If the latitude �{the star be 'south, . . 'Sl�btraCt, when the point rises; Add. 'when it sets with the shire Hence the of the star. longitude the time may being known, ' be found. . Exa"!ple. Geminus that Arcturus required mentions, cosmically rose to find the time, 58',' and the latitude 37° the on the sun was of the latitude of Arcturus of authority when the = 31° Euctemon, in 1IJl. 10°, it is place (Athens) = 3'? triangle x I 0, right-angled' at 0, x is the autumnal equi by problem I x = 20°, and 0 x I == 23° 37' (the obli of quity the ecliptic being greater than at present.) In nox ... R X I S. x s, 0 x 6 x I I cos. 0 t. 10 Cot. I In X = 9,6027278 9,1367795 Cos. I 0 I t. x = 9,1404092 x = 10,4389341 x = 9,5793433 triangle O. = q 01, right-angled at '= Colat. = 52° 2', 10 R I. ' 7° &2'. = lox Cot. = Iq 0 S. 0 x 9,5340517 o. R X ... I s. x = 10 =' ... S. Also in 0 = I s, 7° x J. 67° 42'. = 52'. Cos. I q 0 = Cos. lox S. q I 10 + Cos. I q 0 = 19,7890184 X o, , Cos. 10=' ... S. q I 0 = 9,9938936 : 9,7931248 ' = 38� 23\ ----- hence q I x:;::: q 10 + 0 I x = .106° a' :. s II = 736 5;,'. 14 In triangle Ls l, at I. Is right-angled R II X s. Cot. 11 == s = 31° 3'. x t. Is. t. I s == 9,7796318 Cot. I I s == 9,4598749· .'. S'. I I == 9,2395067 9° 58' = north, and the point of the added, :. 1l� 10° + 9° the longitude of Arcturus = .169° 58', the Because the latitude of Arcturus is rises with it, the ecliptic 50' = flJ4 19° 58' :. present longitude I) must be arc c; 2010 42' :. the difference 50",25 Then 2273--1820 Euctemon = : 1 = 31° 44'. years year :: 31° 44' : 2273. 453 B. C. the flourished, according to time of the observation. Lemprier's Dictionary, B. C� present when the sun is in cosmically � 13°, the difference between tI.Jl. 10° and zs 13° ;:::: 33°., W�r� the time that Euctemon made the observation computed by this 431. Arcturus rises at difference, it would exceed the For 50",25 A modern writer ; 1 :: true time 91 years, by 33° : 2364 years has, however, given a nearly. solution, upon this prin ciple, of several questions which depend upon the precession of the equinoctial points. PROP. 9. The latitude of the place and the find the time of the year when arty precession being given, to given star rises or sets he liacally. The rule given by Ptolemy is, that a star nitude is visible in the horizon when the below it, of the second magnitude of the first mag sun is depressed 12° when 13°, of the third mag .. nitude when 14°, &c. Rectify the globe for the precession by Prop. 4. Ele pole to the latitude of the place. Turn the globe round the equatorial axis, the pole of the ecliptic remaining fixed, un, til the given star is at the eastern edge of the horizon, if rising; Fix the quadrant of altitude on at the western edge, if setting. Rule. vate the 15 the brass meridian at the zenith. Turn the quadrant to the rising; to the east, if the star be setting; and let it cut the ecliptic, above the horizon, in 12°, 13°, or 14-, according as the star is of the 1st, 2d, or 3d magnitude: the opposite point of. the ecliptic, thus intersected, is the sun's place. Find by Prop. 3, the corresponding degree for the pre west, if the star be cession. the time of the year that Antares rose 2000 years ago, the latitude of the place being 37° N. Example. Required heliacally By table 2000 years = 28°. Rectify the globe for the precession and latitude of place. Turn the, globe round the axis of equator until Antares' is in the eastern edge .of the horizon: fix the quadrant at the zenith, turn it to the western side, of the, horizon, and' let it cut the ecliptic at 12° altitude, the point cut ,in the ecliptic will be n 22°; the opposite point to which is t 22° = 8 28 2000,years 7 Antares, therefore, rose 22° heliacally 24 when the sun was 'in '»t 24° Nov. 16, at present it rises heliacally Dec. 15. Virgil alludes to the heliacal rising of Corona Borealis. Georg. I. 222. " Gnosiaque ardentis decedat Stella Coronee." ,16 SECTION III. MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. THE poem of Aratus, which describes the phenomena of the heavens, is formed from the description given by Eudoxusof sphere of the ancients, which appears' to have been CQIi'" structed for the latitude of -;l}8, in which latitude is Thessaly the the' longest country of Chiron : the poet stating the length the Q� day, to the length of the shortest night, to be five to-three, will also appear to have been made in the age of It B. C. Chiron, period, the is which .of the and Aratus given by position equator tropics amQng the fixed stars, will be fouud, except in a few particulars, 940: for if the remarkably equinoctial globe correct. attributed to the is rectified The-variations which changes made for this occur by succeeding may be justly astronomers in the configuration .of the constellations. Those stars, 'fQr ex ample, which form at present the zone of Orion, are represented both by Aratus and Hipparchus as being in the equator ; yet in the time of the latter they were several degrees below it, a cir cumstance which could not have escaped the notice of SQ accu rate an observer, They were still lower in the time of Aratus and Eudoxus, It is probable, therefore, that those stars which now form the zone of Orion anciently composed the'Sw.ord. Aratus represents the equator as passing through part of Aries, Taurus, the belt of Orion, the flexure of Hydra (CQr the knees of Hydree) Crater, Corvus, &c. He describes the heads of the as coinciding with the summer tropic: in the same curve he places the knees .of Auriga, and the right arm of Andromeda above the elbow, the palm of the hand rising above the tropic, &c. Gemini 17 , represe�ts the wink,. tropic as passing through the middle Capricorn us, the feet of Aquari�s, the sting of Scorpio, &c. He of given no description of the co lures, but this defi supplied by Hipparchus, who has preserved the ac count given by Eudoxus, according to which astronomer the equinoctial co lure passed through the left hand of Bootes, the right hand and fore knees of Centaurus, the head and right hand of Perseus. This description will be found correct by rectifying the globe, as before, for the time of Chiron, Aratus has ciency is That alterations frequent were made in the constellations is confirmed' by Ptolemy, who pleads the example of ancient astro The same liberty has been nomers, for those made by himself. taken by modern astronomers. Thus the consteliation Hercules, .. suppliant figure, without a name, but called by the Greeks, from his position, 'EY'Yo�aO'ty, the man on his knees, having his hands extended and empty. In the time of Manilius this figure had notexperienced any change-He thus describes it, was anciently Proxima a fulgentes arctos, boreamque rigentem species genibus, sibi conscia causes. Nixa venit Lib. i. v. 321. The greater Bear formerly consisted only of seven stars, the fish near Andromeda had a hawk's head, the cross formed. the hinder legs of the Centaur, and Arcturus was of the one un formed stars. The two now form the heads of Castor and Pollux, Chiron, considerably above the summer tro stars which were, ill the time of pic, yet they are described by Aratus as lying in it. . possible that anciently the heads of these sons of Leda represented lower, and that the .two stars w�re .placed above them, as they frequently appear on ancient coins, .or, which is more probable, the Poet might consider them sufficiently So also the near tel be .introduced as a guide to find' the tropic. It is were' ' D 18 sting of Scorpio was Poet considered it <to to the north of the winter tropic, but the near to form a part of his de sufficiently scription. The arctic and antarctic circles among the ancients were de by the latitude of the place, and constituted those termined circles which are �etual apparition called by modern astronomers circles of per and occultation. 'Ap/CTtKOr,; flf:V o'Jv �O'rt fL€YLO'TO!; �EU'pOVJ1,1.vwv KV/cAwv, 0 ecpa7rT6flElIOr,; TOU /Ca2 /CaO' €11 SAO!; -D7rep yijv u7roAafl{3av6flElIO!;. O'r}flEiov, 0p[{OllTO!; Geminus thus defines the arctic circle. KtkAo!; 0 TWV Eudoxus Alexandria, €" {LE2 observes that the star Can opus, which was was visible not visible above the horizon where he at wrote, UVTtj rfj ucpallfi /cVKA� cpipEO'Out. Hipparchus censures Eudoxus for this assertion, and mentions Canopus was sometimes visible at Athens, the latitude of this city being 37°, and the distance of Canopus from the south pole 38�0. This was true at the time of Hipparchus and Ex doxus, but the globe being rectified for the eera of Chiron, Ca nopus will be found to. be only 36° from the south pole, it was, that therefore, at that time invisible visible in the latitude of Thessaly. The rising and setting at Athens, much less was it of the Aratus, will receive considerable constellations, according to illustration; whether the globe period of Eudoxus or Chi ron, the difference degrees being sufficient, in this particular, mate affect the description of the Poet. be rectified for the of a few rially to not Achilles Tatius, when ·describing the course of the sun in the heavens, says, that the first point of Cancer is the highest to which it ascends, but that this solstitial point was differently placed by astronomers, in the' Bth, 12th,· 16th placing it in the beginning, others degree of Cancer, {3ovXovraL 0€ rp01rijv some 19 a:hdV [i. e. 7TO(fiuSa( oi ijAtOy] oyoor}Y p.oipay· 01. 0€, 7Tfpt t{3'· variation doubtless originated p.€y, ,7rfpl ra� &pXc1�· 01, �€ 7T'Ep� 'frEP't t€. Toli lCapKiyov. This 01. 0€ from the observations of the sum solstice being made at different periods, and the place being in the constellation to which they were referred. Eudoxus placed the solstitial points in the middle, Aratus in the begin ning of the signs .•. mer When astronomy the solstice was withstanding was first introduced at Rome, it is in 8° of the constellation Cancer; the change which necessarily took probable hence, place, in not conse quence of the precession, the notion prevailed, even in the time of Pliny, when the solstitial point was in the constellation Pisces, that it " of Cancer: thus Pliny says, Caned.'! Lib. xviii. cap. 28.' It peragi parte Petavius observes, in compliance with the prejudices was still in the 8th Solstitium was, as of the people, in degree VIII that in the Roman calendar the solstitial point eighth degree of Cancer: this author remarks the same compliance in the principal Roman writers in this re spect. "Columella, Plinius, Ovid ius aliique complures in octavis partibus asserunt eequinoctia et solstitia confici. Sed neque id omnem retro vetustatem instituisse "dicunt; neque illos, quo's percensent astronomos ex animi sui sententia ita preescripsisse ; sed rusticorum, ac vulgi gratia, significant. +" was referred to the By the assistance of the equinoctial globe, the true times of rising and setting of the stars may be easily found for any period and for any latitude; hence it may be ascertained, whether the the obs�rvations tude in which in ancient writers agree with the time and lati they lived. Pliny has collected a variety of ob respectingthe rising and setting of the stars, but as always mentioned the age of the astronomer from they were borrowed, nor the latitude of the place where servations he has not whom lit See Sir I. Newlon's Chronology, P: t Ad Auct. lib. iii. cap. 11. 82._;.Hipparchus. lib. ii, 111. 20 they 'were made;' much assistance cannot be derived from arid his accounts" appear LUCIDA PLEIADUM At Rome, B.C. 45. The age of Virgil. At Ascra, H. C. 940. The age of Hesiod. Rose cy> 12(1 30' cy> Set. � 20 30 llt 3 Set. ro 4 8 cy> 18 3 � 11 4 � 28 3. Rose From the heliacal there were, C5q TOt Jl"UKTa!; re Kat 220 �� Ol/} .:;'8 12 of the. setting to the heliacal rising according to Hesiod, forty days. Ar them, occasionally contradictory.s . 'j" J �� ':: ¥' Pleiades, ijp.ara TEO'O'apCtlC01JTU KEKpvcpaTUC U'�Tt!; 0€ 7rEpt'1rAop.e1JOV E)ltaLlTOt} Wa[JlOJlTat, Tn 7rpWTa XcipuoO'OP.€JlOLO O'tC5iJpov. et Dies. Op. cy> 4° nearly with S' corresponds with .March 23; At the of May 2, period forty. days. commenced; and mowing at the rising: a Virgil rising, mentions two seasons of v. 385. and � 11° 4' setting, ploughing , the one at the making honey; ' the other' at the Taygete Pleias, simul et setting os of the Pleiades. terris ostendit honestum oceani spretos pede repulit amnes, eadem, sidus fugiens ubi piscis aquosi Tristior, hybernas coelo descendit in undas. Aut Georg. iv. ��2. "" Pliny notices this difference in the authors to whom he refers. Autoru prodidere ea, quos prretexuimus volumini huic, raro ullius sententia cum alio con-· gruente. Occasum matutinum Vergiliarum Hesiodus tradidit fieri, cum eequinoc tium autumni conflceretur : 'fhaies xxv, die' ab reqnino'ctio: Anaxhnand�.f ·xxix. . Euctemoll xlviii. [xx viii. forsan.]--Lib. xviii, cap. �xv. . .. 2l - it Petavius calls this' passage inexplicable, and with I certainly says, et " cannot Is situs est in insequi videri justice, be reconciled to the constellations. ccelo, possit." _ for Heyne ut alter The piscium eas a tergo urgere slightest inspection of the globe will shew the incorrectness of this assertion. Arcturus, in the time of Sophocles, B. C. 450, rose cosmically: Athens, August 31, and heliacally September 12. It was probably to the latter rising that the shepherd alludes: at 'E7C)"'I'J(1tU�oJl TiioE T' Uyop2 Tplit; 8AO'll{; 'E� �PO{; El{; ApKTOVpOJl {P.fL-YJJlO'll{; XpOJlO'll{;. <Ed. By which the shepherd Tyr. v. states that he fed the flocks from the termination of 1157. on Mount until, the rising of Elmsley, Arcturus, period ifLfLfJ 'JIovt;, adopts the conjectual reading of Schtefer €Kp.f/Vov{;, but it isdifficult to imagine what rpEir; €KfL�'JIovr; can mean. Citheeron, spring instead of of three months. a ... The. changes which take place ill consequence of the preces equinoctial points are exceedingly slow; and for a scarcely perceptible; yet the results, after a series of ages, are very important with respect to the rising and setting of the Bt.,.�S : the following instances mjiY serve as, examples, sion of the long time , The circle of perpetual occultation is many. of those stars therefore the which, visible at the horizon, longer others, on the contrary, which observation, are no some were continually varying: ages ago, same rose above latitude; while invisible, come under Aratus has, given a very poetical description of the signs at-. tending the rising of the Altar. This constellation is, at present, only, partially visible at Athens, the stars {3 and 'Y not rising above the horizon; but at the time of Chiron they rose several degrees above it at Athens, and were visible at the latitude of 40·. In latitude 27°, Crux, at the present period, just appears above, _ 22 the circle' of' occultation: after the Iapse.however, of about 14,380 years,' it will, become visible in the latitude of London, Homer describes the Greater Bear by the ocean: 37°, only within 21° unwashed as in his time 'YJ in the tail approached in lat. of the horizon; at present this star :._ it at the dips below same latitude: and in about 2000 years hence, the whole of the seven stars, which originally constituted the' Bear, will rise, and' set in horizon, together with the which is considerable part of that space. a included in the now configuration. and other' poets, have imitated the language of Homer, but their works will live when their allusion will be Virgil, Boethius, unintelligi�le, without a reference noctial precession to the of the equi points. - Sirins heliacally rose at $ at present when the is freque�tly sun heat, the was period called the London, no longer The change Was sun -was This sun was in .Q 7°, 43' rising : of Sirius writers, from the influence supposed to possess in augmenting ri�ing to its heliacal setting sun at present, in the latitude is in 1TJl. 3D-in about 7,060 years it visible. in the declination of the stars may be illustrated the annexed Fig. is in .Q 220 30'. dog. days. Sirius rises, will be by 940, when the, from its heliacal when the of B. C. noticed· in classical which this constellation the Rome, 27°: in- the time of. Virgil, when ·the in diagram. 7. Let P be the pole of the ecliptic, $ Vj�N the pole of the equator E Q- n N the path described by the pole of the equator, round P ai s b, the path of .a star during a semi-revolu- equinoct'ial points, whose latitude 'is less than the ob tion of the liquity of the declination, ecliptic. at s Then from bto s the star will have north the declination: = '0, 'and from s to a, the de clination will be south .,......Also, if lines -be drawn • parallel to the equ(\tor, they will through a b, represent parallels of dedi .. TABLE of the Rising and Setting From of Stars, at Rome. B. 45. SETTING. RISING. NAMES C. PET AVIUS. of STARS. Antares • Arcturus . . Capella • t Delphini a Andromedee • " '/ ttt 18 42 ttt 27 17 M 13 42 � 2 0 1fJt 13 32 1fJt 26 16 )€ 13 32 n 3 16 16 43 1fJt 16 50 I 13 52 0 ·1 ·1 ·1 ·1 )€ 0 I 16 50 cy> 0 I I ----- 117 0 Vi :::: 22 10 Vi 27 48 • 5 37 - 0 17 $ 27 48 -- - a Gemin. 4 Heedorum Aldebaran Cor Leonis a E Lyree • • • Orionis Procyon. ·1 ·1 .... �_,_� - -=..-� -- ...... 7 ttt 2 0 ttt 10 48 I 3 16 n ]3 52 0 � I 28 12 ------ ------ 5 0 11 24 * 25 7 n 12 56 n 27 22 15 n 3 31 0 Vi 14 If> 1fJt 25 7 * I 27 32 - - -- """ . -- n 13 83 $ o 25 cy> 3 25 M 12 29 � 20 39 nll 0 311 ;Q: 5 .Q n AcroD. Heliac. Cosmo AcroD. Heliac. Cosmical. 1 I 13 33 5 1 3 25 I 3 31 M ttt 20 39 m 8 53 <r 25 43' � 8 53 ;::: 2 33 n 26 58 Q, 2 33 [) 49 :::: :!!: , ·1 ·1 ·1 -. � o 58 :!!: 28 32 $ . 11 0 .Q 17 44 ..... - 11t 11 28 cy> o 58 .Q 19 .28 32 - 9 - 19 9 -- - --- -- $ 111 29 I 26 24 $ 27 54 'till . 0 m.ll t M 13 24 ' cy> 27 22 � 11 55 � 29 2 n 13 24 - - Sirius Vergil. lucid. V indemiator $ 22 48 Q, cy> 22 51 � flJl. 5 3 7 43 'ti 22 48 28 3 :!!: flJl. 20 5 x m 19 14 � 3 12 cy> 5 31 � 19 14 3 � 3 12 18 22 51 nt 3 cy> 20 0 t1JI, 25 47 :!!: 20 0 )€ 21 [) .Q 20 38 t1JI, 21 [> 5 --_ Virginis Spica .• t1JI, 26 :!!: 8 31 ){ 26 0 23 nation at different place Z, it periods. And if H 0 be the horizon of will be evident that from a a to x, the star will not rise above the horizon. In t he same manner, figures may be con .structed for· stars of different latitudes and for different places. In. x to Fig. a 8. the star appears above the horizon from b to x; from is invisible. study of the .equinoctial globe will present many other interesting phenomena, and suggest a variety of problems, r� specting the oulminating., the amplitudes, and asimuths of the Mars, at different periods, of which it will afford a faroil\"l' and ready illustration by ocular inspection. The at The annexed Table of the rising and setting of f2ev�t"l &t�:rlt Rome, B. C. 45. may be used as a key' to a variety Q( E","w., ples applicable to the .sixth, seventh, and ninth propositions, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1800. • Precession stronomers. . 7·5/1 , Chiron B.C. 950 Thales 548 32 46 27 57 23' 38° . f Meton 432 31 8 Eudoxus 352 30 2 Aratus 277 28 55 Eratosthenes 194 27 49 58,5 Hipparchus 125 26 52 11,25 26 11 25 7 , Geminus ; 77 Manilius Plinius • A.D. 79 24 120 23 ·140 23 ]0 400 19 32 Theon Ptolemeeus . Avienus 11,far Vi rearl tlJl.. 8. By Trigonometry, add Fig. 4. 9. line 6,fO)' PN S read PN s, line 24,/01' (Fig. 4:) read (Fig. /2.. /9 /rY .);r4,!/Jo,(?, e�'>';' o--d,t.GJL 1. line - 5.,) - . Printed , by 1. F. DOVE, S1. John's Square. . . 59,25 30 27 ERRATA. Page 24 30 Y�"'-"'� ' . .. cr. � -- -- -i .. ... - ... -._--' - ........ - .. -'-.� - ...... ,. .--"'" _ ....