Gold-Vision 2009 User Guide


Gold-Vision 2009 User Guide
Gold-Vision 2009 (V6) User Guide
Gold-Vision 2009 (V6) User Guide: Contents
User Guide Introduction
Gold-Vision How Does It Work?
Getting Started
Your Home Page
Navigating Gold-Vision
Colour coding for drop down options
Accounts Overview Screen
Using an Account Record
Account Recent Events
Using a Contact Record
Manually Adding Appointments to an Account
Gold-Vision Email Tracking
Viewing Account Emails
Manually Adding Emails to an Account
Using an Email Record
Broadcast an Email from a Note
Sticky Notes and Notice Board Notes
Note Alert Reminder
Editing Notes
Searching Emails, Attachments, Notes, Documents
and Calls
Using an Activity Record
Your To Do List & Alerts
Using an Opportunity Record
Using a Quote Record
Using a Profile Record
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Using a Project Record
Seminars/ Events
Create a New Event
Add Sessions to an Event
Add Products to an Event
Add an Account Booking to an Event
Manage an Event
Using Seminar/ Event Records
Creating New Items Outside of an Account:
Contacts, Appointments, Activities, Opportunities,
Quotes, Profiles, Projects
Email Campaigns
Reviewing Campaign Recipients
Adding Recipients
Reviewing Campaign Sources and Refreshing
Removing Recipients
Run the Campaign
Using a Campaign Record
Gold-Vision Reporting
Standard Reports
User Defined Reports
Report Options
Gold-Vision Power Searching Options
Outlook Import
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User Guide Introduction:
Gold-Vision is a powerful Customer Relationship Management application that holds key relationship
information for your organisation. As a Gold-Vision User you will be able to:
effectively manage your activities and key sales & account management functions
gain a unified view of team activities and contact with your customers
have better information at your fingertips when you are making important decisions
track your communications – Gold-Vision will automatically track emails to the right account and
Gold-Vision works within Microsoft Outlook allowing you to continue using email and calendars as
This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the key Gold-Vision functions, how to use them
plus “hot tips” to helping you get the best out of the system.
In addition more detailed Gold-Vision Tutorials are available for you to go through functions step by step.
These are separate to this guide – please speak to your main Gold-Vision Administrator for more
Gold-Vision – How does it work?
Gold-Vision is organised by Accounts which would typically represent companies such as your
customers, suppliers and partner organisations. Information within Gold-Vision is then recorded so that
it links directly to the Account that it belongs to.
Items that can be created in Gold-Vision are:
An Account is the parent item for other Gold-Vision items (e.g. Contacts) and before any new items can
be created an Account must be created to associate the new items with. This applies to almost all
items. An exception is Quotes, for which Opportunities are the parent items. Activities can have
Contacts, Opportunities, Projects, Campaigns and Accounts as parent items.
All of the item names above are defaults, but can be changed and so the name may differ on your
system. Your system administrator defines the name using the Gold-Vision Administration Console.
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Getting Started
You can open Gold-Vision:
from within Microsoft Outlook by clicking on the Gold-Vision Public Folder.
Click Add New Shortcut and Select the Gold-Vision Public Folder from your Outlook Folder List
from Microsoft Internet Explorer by adding the relevant link to the Gold-Vision website:
Enter the web address as: http://servername/gold-vision/
- check with your Gold-Vision Administrator the exact server address name that you should use
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This will open the Gold-Vision Homepage which will look similar to example screens below:
You can change the layout of your own Homepage - see section on Your Home Page
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Your Home Page
When you log onto Gold-Vision for the first time you will be given a link to configure your Homepage
Click Configure Homepage Options – your Preferences and Home Page settings will be displayed:
Configure you Preferences settings:
Click Edit
- Enter amended details against the relevant fields – your personal details (phone no, department,
position) may be maintained, these may be added to template letter footers.
- If you have a compatible phone system, select it from your Preferences - this may be changed to
match your office or home system for instance.
Default Currency – amend as required from the dropdown menu
Date Format – default setting is DD/MM/YYYY, select from the drop down menu to change
Numeric Format – leave blank for 2 decimal places. Contact your System Administrator to change
Use Word MailMerge – if left blank will default to native mail merge, checked will use Word Mail Merge
Simple Menu View – if ticked, the View menu will not show the Team, My, Favorite or Dormant options
Time Difference – change if you are in a different time zone to your server
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Configure your Home Page Settings:
Click Edit
Your current Layout configuration will be listed under My Home Page
- Add or Remove items from the available list
- Move Up or Move Down to adjust positions
Click Save
If you would like update your Preferences or Homepage
Click on Home
Select Preferences
Click on your logged on name on the bottom left hand of your Gold-Vision
Edit and Save as required
Your new configuration will be displayed the next time you load Gold-Vision
or click the Refresh Homepage icon on the top right of the screen:
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Navigating Gold-Vision: Main Interface Menus
Using the Main Menu bar
Click on New:
- to create a new Account
- or to create new items without
entering an Account first
Click on Home to navigate:
- Home Page: this is your individual Homepage
- Recent Events: for your organisation
- My Email: your individual Gold-Vision email history
- Favorites: Items or Lists saved by you as a Favorite
- Alerts: List of your Alerts
- To Do: List of your Activities where Start Date has been
reached and your Appointments for today
- Sales Stats: Summary data for your sales for month/year
- Users: View User and Member details
- Notice Board:
- Preferences: you can amend your Homepage Settings here
Click on View to navigate different
Gold-Vision items. Lists can be
searched and filtered.
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Click on Tools to navigate:
- Reporting: link to Gold-Vision Reports section
- Search Email: organisation Email history for
emails tracked by Gold-Vision
- Search Attachments: organisation history for
Email Attachments tracked by Gold-Vision
- Search Notes: organisation history for Note
records created within Gold-Vision
- Search Documents: organisation Documents
records that have been added to Gold-Vision items
- Search Calls: organisation history for Telephone
Calls logged using telephone system integrated with
Gold-Vision (CTI facilities)
- Search Links: organisation history of all Links
created within Gold-Vision
- Outlook Import: Import Contacts, Appointments or
Tasks from your Outlook
- Administration: link to your Gold-Vision
Administration Console, available for those with
Administrator rights
Click on Favorites to navigate
View All: all Lists and records that you have saved
as a Favorite
List of Recent Favorites for the individual user.
Click on item name to open related record.
Click on Recent to navigate
View All: all Recent Events including all users
List of Recent Events for the individual user.
Click on item name to open related record.
Click on Help to navigate:
- Online Help: Web Link to Gold-Vision Help
- User Forum: Web Link to Gold-Vision User Forum
Support Enquiry: Gold-Vision Support Form
- Web Link to submit a support request.
Gold-Vision Admins: Lists all Users that have
Administrative rights in Gold-Vision
About: provides your Gold-Vision version details
and support contact information
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Your Priority Links
The following links are designed to give easy access to:
Alerts: your current Alerts created from a Note
Reminder, an Activity Due Date Alert or an automated
To Do: your list of all your current Actvities where the
start date has passed; your current Alerts and your
Appointments for today.
Email: your emails for that day sent to or received
from a Gold-Vision Contact
Click on the Gold-Vision Icons at the top of the screen
Provides same options as View from the Main Menubar
Plus link to your Home Page Use the Search box at the top right of the screen
Select the Item you would like to Search for;
Enter the Item Description
You can enter the exact name or description
When only part of the information is known you can
enter * or % followed by the search target
example: Select Contacts, Enter *smith
result: all contacts including “smith” in the first or last
Entering East in the search box will show all accounts
which begin with East
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Using a wild card will display All Accounts with
east in the name
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Navigating Gold-Vision:
List Views
From a main Gold-Vision screen
Click on View and select required Gold-Vision item, e.g. Accounts
OR: Click on the Icon on the top menu to select the required Gold-Vision item
An example of a Gold-Vision List is:
List Menu Tabs:
All Items
Team Items: all items that are managed by your Team
My Items: you are the Account Manager or Owner
Favorite Items: items you have saved as a Favorite for this list area
Dormant Items: available under Accounts List and Contacts List to view dormant Accounts or
List View: shows the list with column heading, which can be changed
Calendar View: where there is a date field, such as Due Date, allows you to see and move items
on a calendar
Item View: shows the individual items which can then be edited or added to
Refresh Icon – enables you to click and refresh the list view as needed
List Icon Options:
New – to create a New item from a List screen
Replace – bulk change all items in a list
Print - to print this List
Favorite – to save this List query to your Favorites for future use
Report – to generate a Report from this List
Campaign – to send bulk correspondence to the related Contact from this List
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List Columns:
- All lists have column headings with values listed below them in a tabular format.
- Move between columns by using the tab key or by moving the mouse
- Item links become highlighted as the mouse hovers above them
The arrows at the top of each column heading provide the option to sort the item in either ascending or
descending order.
ascending order select the up arrow
descending order select the down arrow
activated direction of sorting will be indicated by a gold highlighted arrow
Editing a List:
You can edit items from a list as follows:
- Click on the Edit Icon on the corresponding line for the items that you would like to edit.
You can then Edit and Save as required.
- Click on an item link to open the
related record which you can then
review and update if required.
You can easily move through the other
records on your list by simply clicking the
up and down arrows:
This enables you to scroll through the
items in the same order as your List
View without returning to the list.
List Menus:
You can also edit items from a List by clicking the down arrow
in the right hand corner of the item field.
For example, from an Account List:
Menu options from an Account field include adding a new
Note, Contact, Activity, Link, adding the item as a Favorite,
viewing and adding Categories, viewing Recent Events and
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Using Drop Downs:
You can change the List view by using the dropdowns to select different column headings that you would
like to view on your list.
Select required column heading from one or more dropdown menus.
Each time a selection is made from a dropdown, the screen will automatically refresh to display the
updated information for that column.
Column headings are maintained in the Administration Console and can be added/ deleted or edited by
your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Filtering Lists:
All Lists have Filter Fields to enable the User to find a record quickly.
You can enter a specific search in the space below the column heading.
In the following example, Town/City is the column heading and London is entered to filter to only those
accounts with their main address in London:
Dropdown options can also be set up against fields in the Administration Console. Where a dropdown
exists for a field then it will be displayed when you click in the space below the column heading. In the
example below a dropdown exists for the Account Relationship field.
Prospect is then selected and the list is filtered as follows:
You can continue to select columns headings and filter to produce your required list.
To clear all Filtered Fields – Double Click in any Filtered Field
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Using Text to find a Specific Record:
Type a word/value into one or more of the fields and enter to display filtered results
example: Type in – Fred - All Freds are displayed
Using the wild card * or %
* or % Allows items to be searched when only part of the information is known.
example: Type in – *Bloggs or %Bloggs – list of Bloggs including Fred Bloggs
or: Type in – f*Bloggs – reduced list of Bloggs including Fred Bloggs
Date Selection Tool for Lists:
If you have set a field that could be date specified such as an estimated close date for an Opportunity then
you can also filter this data by entering date parameters.
Click on the Calendar Icon
Select Month and Year
Select required date:
Bulk Replace from a List:
If you have a list of records that need to be updated in a uniform way – for example, change Account
Manager from one user to another use – then you can complete via a List rather than having to update
records individually.
Filter your List for the required functionality area and Click the Replace Icon -
Select and Confirm the Field you wish to bulk
replace and then the Value that you wish to update
the Field to. Click Start Bulk Edit to complete the
replace process.
Bulk Replace is an option that is set up by your
Gold-Vision Administrator for each User so that Bulk
Replace is accessible from the All or My List.
List View Icon:
Refresh List Icon:
The List View icon allows users to convert a current
view that may be using the Calendar or Item view
back to the main List View.
The Refresh List icon should be clicked when you
have updated records from a list and wish to view
the updated list following these changes.
Click on the List View icon:
Click on the Refresh List icon:
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Calendar Views
The Calendar View option allows users to view Gold-Vision items that have been selected as part of a
Gold-Vision List on a Calendar. To use the Calendar View one of the list columns will need to be a date
field e.g. updated date/due date.
Click on the Calendar View icon:
For example from your To Do List:
Activities on your To Do List are displayed on Calendar based on the selected date fields in the List – in
this example the Start and Due Dates.
Changing the Calendar View - Dates
You can change the display date format.
Select Month/ Week/ Day from the dropdown menu.
You can move to different date ranges using
Move to next or previous Month/Week or Day
Click on the month and chose a month from the dropdown
Changing the Calendar View – Highlight & Key
You can use the Highlight options to view items by one of the non-date related List column fields.
For example, in the Activity List below the additional Highlight options are Owner, Type & Complete.
If Owner is selected the Calendar View changes to:
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Click Key to view the colour coded key – this will change according to the Highlight option selected.
In this example the Key allows to see which colours correspond to each Activity Owner:
Un-tick to deselect options, for example all but one of the Activity Owners could be de-selected.
Click Key to return to the Calendar View:
Update dates for an item from a Calendar View – Drag and Drop the items to the new date
For example on an Activity list you could to move an Activity to a new Due Date, the record will
automatically update to the date that the item has been moved to on the Calendar.
Open & Editing an item from the Calendar View
Click on the + within the item record to view
summary details.
Click on the item summary to open up the full
Gold-Vision record for this item – this can be
edited and saved as required.
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Item Views
The Item View option converts a List View to display all items on that list as individual item records.
Click on the Item View icon:
An example of a Gold-Vision Item View is:
Use the Icons within the an Item record to view:
For example, Click Notes:
Recent Events
Editing an item from the Item View
Click on the item summary to open up the full GoldVision record for this item – this can be edited and
saved if required.
Use the Menu from an Account Item to:
Add a new Note, Contact, Activity, Link
Add the item as Favorite
View & edit Categories set against the item
View Recent Events & Notes for the item
Depending on which Gold-Vision List you convert to an
Item View there are multiple menu options from an item
record including:
Account, Contact, Activity, Opportunity, Quote, Project,
Profile, Seminar/ Event
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Colour Coding for drop down options
Colour drop downs are configured by Gold-Vision administrators who have access to the Screen
Design tool.
The colour coding of drop options allow administrators to set colour representations for drop down fields.
e.g. Account Type drop options defined by colour coding
e.g. Account Alerts defined by colour coding
Colour Alert set for
drop option
The Screen Design allows users to configure the layout of Gold-Vision screens, and can be accessed by
Gold-Vision Administrators from the Administration Console.
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The Accounts section is the central point for managing all account information in Gold-Vision.
In effect the Account is the “parent” item from which other “child” items can then be created:
Activities; Contacts; Appointments; Emails; Opportunities; Quotes; Profiles; Documents; Projects; Notes.
Accounts are typically companies or organisations. These may be your customers, prospects, partners,
suppliers, distributors or end customers. Accounts may be linked, and so for more complex organisations,
an Account may represent a Branch or Department - usually with a different physical address.
Creating a New Account
from the main Gold-Vision menu in the top
left hand of the screen.
Select Account
The Account Details screen is opened
(your labels may be different):
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Account Name
Primary Contact
Primary Contact
Account Manager
Main Phone
Main Fax
Primary Address
Enter information in the following fields:
Name of the Company / Organisation
Name of Contact for the Account – automatically set as Primary Contact
Enter Contact phone number – which not be the same as the Main Phone
Enter your main Gold-Vision User who is managing this Account using either selective
text or select from list by clicking on the Lookup user icon
Account Phone Number
Account Fax Number
Account Website Address – will create web link direct from the Account record
This may be used for selecting key information e.g. Credit Hold; Support Hold.
Main property address for the Account
If the Primary and Billing Address details are identical then once one is entered click on
to copy
primary address to billing address or click on
to copy billing address to primary address
Billing Address
Account Billing Address
Quick Summary
Enter relevant details such as company background / description of business
Other User
These will be set by your main Gold-Vision Administrator depending on your needs
Defined Fields
and can be used to categorise your accounts including:
Account Types - description of relationship such as Head Office, Division
- description of business class category
Account Analysis – such as Industry, Turnover, Territory
Account Audit – could include source of the account and code link for potential
accounts integration
Level of access your users will have if Gold-Vision Security is enabled:
- Public – all users will see it
- Team – the Account Manager, other team members of the Account Manager, plus
assigned manager, executive or administer groups.
- Private – only visible to the selected Account Manager and Gold-Vision
Email Domains
Enter email domain(s) for the Account, e.g.
Any email containing this email domain will then be automatically tracked even if a
Contact email has not been entered into Gold-Vision
Select a Category or Categories to apply to the account – categories available will be
set by your Administrator.
Discount or Price
Either a % discount value can be selected that will apply for all pricing for this Account
or a specific Price List can be selected that will apply for this Account.
Your Gold-Vision Administrator will set these options via the Administration Console.
Fields that can edited at this stage will have a yellow background as you click on them
Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Account is saved
Save your entries by clicking the Save button
Mandatory Fields
Please note you may also get a prompt that will highlight in red any mandatory fields
that have to be completed before a new record can be saved. Mandatory fields can
be applied to any field in any record by a Gold-Vision Administrator.
Validation Check for Duplicate Records can be set up within the Administration
Console. Options include: account name, phone no., web address and postcode.
When saving a new Account, Gold-Vision will complete a Validation Check for any
duplicate records based on validation settings and will warn the user if a duplicate
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If the Primary Contact field has been filled on saving you will be prompted to add
further details to the Primary Contact record.
If the Primary Contact field has been left blank on saving you will be prompted to
create a new Contact record.
Close the Account screen
Account Details
When creating a new Account the Details section is completed as described above.
Unlimited numbers of Categories may be added to items - these are centrally managed in the
Administration Console to ensure that the data is consistent, although they can also synchronise with
Outlook items as well if the same terminology is used.
Categories may be assigned to some or all Gold-Vision items.
The example below is from the Account details screen:
Categories can also be recorded against: Contacts, Activities, Appointment, Opportunities, Quotes,
Profiles, Projects, Events, Campaigns and Emails (notes will also beaded in a later release).
If enabled, the Propagate option will mean that Categories selected will automatically copy upwards to the
parent Account.
For example: an Account was categorised as having a potential interest in service areas 1, 2 and 3, but an
Opportunity was created for service area 4.
If the Propagate option is NOT enabled Categories will be ticked for service areas1, 2 & 3 against the
Account record and against service area 4 against an Opportunity record.
If the Propagate option IS enabled, Categories will be ticked for service area 4 against an Opportunity
record and for service areas1, 2, 3 & 4 against the Account record as it will copy service area 4 to the
Account Category as well.
Account User Defined
In addition to the fields held in the Account Details section there is also a User Defined section in which you
can hold details of any kind. The section name – User Defined - and all field titles can be changed by a
Gold-Vision Administrator, allowing the information stored to be tailored to the requirements of your
company. The User Defined section can also include information integrated with other business systems,
e.g. accounting information.
Account Home Page
When you open an Account following creation it will open at the Account Home Page. Your Account
Home Page can be set by your System Administrator – normally it will be the Overview or Details screen.
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Accounts Overview
The Account Overview screen is normally set as the Home Page for an Account.
This means that when you open a saved Account the Overview screen will open, example as follows:
From the Account Overview Screen you can:
Click on any Account Item to view a list of those items for this Account.
Click on the Overview Navigation menu button to view Account records by menu.
Create new items direct from the Account Overview screen by clicking on the new
button by the item of the type you want.
View the
for that Account by clicking on the
You can also navigate a Gold-Vision Account using the Icon Menu:
to move to the:
Account Homepage, Account Details screen, Contacts, Emails, & Notes
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Using an Account Record
From any Account screen you can:
edit the information to input updated data such as new address/ contact details
– the Primary Contact for the Account can also be amended using edit from this screen.
Click on Primary Contact to open Contact page
use pre-designed Word / html document templates to send or email a letter to the Account
with pre-defined company details completed
email the Primary Contact or Account Manager
initiate a telephone connection and note record for Primary Contact or Account via
selected user phone setting
open the Account’s website
Click on the Account button to use the Account Function Menu to create new items such as
Contacts, Activities, Opportunities, Projects, etc
navigate via the menus or icons to see different information about the various items associated with an
Account including the Recent Events associated with the Account
Click on Account to use the Account Function Menu to create New Items:
Create new items for the Account: Note; Contact; Appointment;
Opportunity; Quote; Activity; Profile, Project
New Link may be created to link the Account to another Gold-Vision
Add Member to assign a User or Group from within your organisation
to a specific role for this Account.
Import Tasks from your Outlook into the Account. Once imported,
additional Gold-Vision information may be added.
Import Contacts into Accounts: from Outlook useful if you have
created contacts “off-line”.
Update Contact Address: If you update the primary Account address
you may also need to update the addresses of one or more Contacts
under the Account – un-tick any contacts you do not wish to update with
the new primary Account address and then click
Send Email: Select Contacts from the Account or that have been
linked to the Account with options for sending to cc and bcc
Report: Create a report from this item
Add this Account to your Favorite List: it will then be displayed on your
personal favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Account
Make Dormant: an Account can be set to Dormant. It will then be
viewable under the Dormant Accounts View and not under the normal
Accounts Listing. Simply opening a Dormant Account will re-set it to a
live status if required.
Delete the Account
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Click on Overview to use the Account Navigation Menu and view information held under
the items associated with the Account:
On all Account pages the top pane of the window will display the main
Account information as above.
Use the Account Navigation Menu to access the different Gold-Vision items.
The top pane remains as before and the lower pane including the navigation
menu will be updated depending on the area selected from: Overview;
Details; Recent Events; Contacts; Appointments; Activities; Opportunities;
Quotes; Profiles; Projects; Campaigns; Seminars/ Events; Links; Members;
Documents; Emails; Notes.
When you select an area a list will be displayed of all created items for this
New items may also be added from these screens by clicking on the
button on the right hand side.
From the Details Screen you can click on the
icon for a direct link to
Google Maps showing the location of the Account’s address postcode.
Recent Events
From the Account Overview Screen you can see the 4 most Recent Events
for that Account. To expand this list click on or click on the Overview
button and select Recent Events or click on Recent Events from the
Account Navigation Menu.
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A Contact record holds information on one of the people associated with an Account. A Contact
comprises the name, position and contact details of a person. When a Contact is created from an
Account that Contact then belongs to the Account it was created from.
Creating a New Contact
Open the Account that you would like the Contact to be associated with
Click on the Account button in the top left hand corner
Select New Contact
OR: Click
next to the Contacts link on the Account
Overview Screen
The following screen is opened:
Enter information in the fields:
The main Account details will automatically be displayed – these can be edited if different.
Select Phone/ Email/ Address Preference: preferred selection will then be displayed under
Gold-Vision items and respect letter template tags using set Preference fields
Contact Manager: Default will be the Account Manager set when the new Account record
was created. Alternatively, the Contact Manager can be edited to be different to the Account
Manager if required.
(If the Account Manager and the Contact Manager are the same, editing the Account
Manager name will also automatically update the Contact Manager field.)
Contact Preferences - Telephone, Fax, Email, Letter: select or de-select Marketing
preferences that will be respected when the Contact is selected for a Gold-Vision Campaign
that will run using the corresponding medium.
Outlook Categories: Field auto-completes following Outlook synchronization - Outlook
Categories will be displayed that are set in Outlook for the Contact.
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Save your entries by clicking the Save button
- Unless set differently the Business Address and Website from the parent Account are
automatically copied into the Business Address and Website fields of the Contact.
- Gold-Vision can complete a Validation Check for Duplicates when saving a new Contact
and will warn the user if a duplicate occurs. Preferences for this are set by your Gold-Vision
Using a Contact Record
From the Contact screen you can:
Edit the information to change data such as job title or new email address
use pre-designed Word / html document templates to send or email a letter to the
Contact with pre-defined company details completed
initiate a telephone connection and note record for Primary Contact or Account via
selected user phone setting
email the Contact
Click on Account name to open Account Home Page
Click on Contact to use the Contact Function Menu and create New Items:
New Note may be added. A Note set up for a Contact is then visible from
the Contact screen.
New Appointment may be created. An Outlook Calendar Appointment
will be opened which can be edited and saved as normal. This will saved in
Outlook and Gold-Vision.
New Activity will create a new Contact Activity for this Contact. Contact
Activities are typically used for support or service activities.
New Profile(s) can be assigned to this Contact. Select Profile from list
New Link may be created to link the Contact to another Gold-Vision item.
Synchronise / UnSynchronise: Contacts may be synchronised or
unsynchronised to your local Outlook® using this menu.
Re-assign a Contact to a different Account if they move.
Import Tasks: Outlook® Tasks may be imported as Contact Activities
assigned to this Contact.
Email as vCard: You can email this Contact's details to someone as a
vCard directly from this menu.
Report: Create a report from the Contact
Add this Contact to your Favorite List: it will then be automatically
displayed on your personal favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Contact
Make Dormant: a Contact can be set to Dormant. It will then be
viewable under the Dormant Contacts View and not under the normal
Contacts Listing. Simply opening a Dormant Contact will automatically reset it to a live status if required.
Delete the Contact
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Click on Business to use the Contact Navigation Menu and view information held
under the items associated with the Contact:
Sub-Menu will display as follows:
Displays business contact details including address which can be set
differently to the main account address.
Displays personal contact details The Business address can be copied
across to the Personal address fields (and vice versa) by clicking the
arrows adjacent to the appropriate fields( ,
). These arrows only
appear after the Contact is first saved.
Business / Personal functions:
- direct link to the website for the Contact
- direct link to Google Maps weblink for Contact’s address postcode
User Defined
As well as the basic Contact details, additional information can also be
stored in a user defined section. Up to 3 User Defined sections can be
added. These with exact field titles will be set by your Gold-Vision
Appointments, Activities, Profiles, Links, Documents, Notes
Lists for each of the above that have been set up for the Contact.
New items may be added from these screens.
Record of Campaign Runs that have included the Contact as a Recipient.
Provides date of run, campaign medium used and a link to main Campaign
Seminars/ Events
Record of Seminars/ Events that the Contact will be attending or has
Emails that have been tracked to and from Contacts can be viewed from
within a Contact. To manually Add an email to a Contact highlight the
required email in your Outlook Folder and Click
HOT TIP: Tracking of Contact Email
Email for a Contact will only be tracked if the Contact Email address has been entered correctly.
Email will be tracked periodically – normally every 5-10 minutes – check with your administrator.
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Gold-Vision uses the Outlook Calendar system. Outlook Appointments can be created from Gold-Vision,
allowing you to use all the facilities of inviting colleagues and checking for available time. Gold-Vision also
creates an additional record of the Appointment, allowing you to analyse numbers of meetings by user
Account and time period.
Creating an Appointment
Appointments can be created from the following Gold-Vision records:
Account, Contact, Activity, Opportunity and Project
Open the record that you would like the Appointment to be associated with
For example click on the Account button in the top left
hand corner of an Account record
Select New Appointment
OR: Click “new” next to the Appointments link on the
Account Overview screen
Please contact your system administrator if you get this
message to enable syncing of appointments
The standard Outlook® Appointment screen is opened
The following fields will automatically be filled in as follows:
- Appointment Subject field will show the record name from which you have created the appointment, in this
example it is the Account name.
- Location field will show the City and Postcode line from Accounts Details record
Enter additional information into the Appointment as required
If you wish to add a colleague enter their details under Scheduling
The URL within the Appointment body is a link to the Account in Gold-Vision that the
Appointment is associated with. Clicking it will display the Account Homepage.
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Save your entries by clicking the Save and Close button
An email will then be sent to all scheduled attendees and will include a direct link to the GoldVision Appointment record.
Manually Adding Appointments to an Account
It is also possible to manually add an Outlook
Appointment that has not been created from
Open the Appointment List for the Account
Highlight the Appointment in your Outlook
Click Add on the Account / Appointments Menu
The Appointment will synchronise into the Gold-Vision Account record after the next mail tracking scan.
Using an Appointment Record
Appointment Function Menu:
Print a screen copy of the Appointment
Open in Outlook if you are the owner of the Appointment you can open it in
Outlook, and make changes, for example to the time and attendees if the
Appointment has not yet taken place.
Appointment Navigation Menu:
Details: Details of the Appointment input including list of Attendees added.
Attendees: List of Attendees added to the Appointment.
Links, Notes:
Lists for each of the above that have added against the Appointment record.
Notes also include any text included in the body of an Outlook Appointment.
HOT TIP: Adding Colleagues to Appointments
In order to be able to add a colleague to an appointment set up within Gold-Vision:
1. The user whose Appointment you wish to access must have allowed their diary to be shared – they
can do this within their Outlook
2. The Gold-Vision User wishing to view the appointment of another User needs to have opened their
calendar once only. This is done in your Outlook (File / Open /Other User’s Folder)
NOTE: a separate appointment record will be created for each meeting participant.
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Document Links may be added to any Gold-Vision item to enable your team to quickly view and access
relevant information.
Adding Documents to an Account
Open the Account that you
would like the Document to be
associated with:
next to the Documents
link on the Account Overview
Select the Document File that
you would like to add
Click Open
The Document will then be added
to the Account Documents List
Open the item that you would like the Document to be associated with
For example, an Opportunity record:
Click from the following options:
File: select a document file that you would like to add
Folder: enter the path to link to a folder
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Gold-Vision Email Tracking
Emails sent or received between Gold-Vision Users and Gold-Vision Contacts will automatically be tracked
into Gold-Vision against the Account and relevant Contact record.
It does not matter whether the e-mails are generated within Gold-Vision, Outlook, or from a mobile device Gold-Vision will track the record from the user’s Exchange® mailbox.
Viewing Account Emails
Open the Account Overview page that you would like to view
Emails for
Click Overview
Select Emails
Click Emails from the Account Overview screen
The following screen is opened:
The Account Emails screen shows all tracked emails between Contacts with a recognised
email address and Gold-Vision users.
Click on the Email Subject to open the message within Gold-Vision:
Use the scrolling arrows to move up and down the email list.
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Emails sent and received for a Contact can also be viewed under each Contact record.
Manually Adding Emails to an Account
It is also possible to manually add an email that has not been tracked by Gold-Vision, for example in the
situation where an email was received from a new Contact which has not yet been set up.
Open the Email List for the Account
Highlight the Email in your Outlook Mail Box
Click Add on the Account / Emails Menu
The Email will now appear on the Account Email List
Domain Tracking
Gold-Vision also allows the tracking of mail at domain level(s) for an Account. This means that if the
correct email domains have been entered under the Accounts Details section, email will be automatically
tracked for communication between Contacts that haven’t been entered.
Account Domains are entered on the Account Details screen:
More than one email domain can be added for an Account by separating with a comma as shown above.
Excluding Email Tracking for Confidentiality Reasons
For adhoc emails you may set the email to “Confidential” using the Outlook message options. GoldVision will respect this and not track. Please note this is a default setting which can be amended by
your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Contacts or domains may be specifically excluded from email tracking. The exclusions will be set up
by your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Some Clients wish to set up internal colleagues as Contacts. Gold-Vision will automatically disable
mail tracking on internal domains – naturally except for emails from or to legitimate Contacts.
Setting a Tracked Email to Private:
You can make an email “private” from the Gold-Vision email message record, the “private” box will be
checked. It will now only be visible from Gold-Vision by the user.
In the same way you can also make an email public that has been set to private, the “private” box will be
un-checked and the tracked email will then be visible to other Gold-Vision users.
Emails can be private by default for a selected user or users – this will be set-up by your system
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Using an Email record
From the Email screen you can:
Click on Message to use the Function Menu and create New Items:
Reply: reply to an email
Reply to All: reply to all recipients in the email including CC and BCC
Forward: forward an email to other individuals
Re-Assign: re-assign the email to a different account or contact
New Link: link the email to an item in Gold-Vision
Make Private: users can make emails that they have received “private”.
Other users will not be able to view these emails but they will still be
available for the individual user to view from the relevant Account or Contact
record. The private check box will be ticked for emails that have been made
private in this way.
Make Public: Click to change a private email to public which will then be
viewable by all users.
Print a copy of the email
Delete the email
Click on Body to use the Email Navigation Menu and view information held under the
items associated with the Email:
Body: View the information in the Body of the email
Attachments: View the Attachments against the email
Recipients: View the Recipients of the email including CC and BCC
Links: View Links that have been set up from or to the Email.
HOT TIP: Email Links within body text
Any links included within the body text of a scanned email will be recognized.
Examples: – web link - Secure web link – FTP site link
[email protected] – e-mail link
file://yourservername\company - file share location link
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Notes can be created against an Account or against any item within the Account. Notes are used to record
important Account related information.
Creating a New Note against an Account record
From an Account Record
Click on the Account
Select New Note
Click new next to the Notes link on the Account Overview Screen
From a List Menu, click on the short cut menu and select New Note
The Note screen is
Enter the Note information
Broadcast a Note as an Email and/or Alert to other Gold-Vision Users
Click on Broadcast To:
The following screen is opened:
Highlight Users and click arrows to move into To area
Or click on Add Members or Add Owner
Send Email check box is ticked by default un-tick if you only wish to Raise an Alert
Tick the Raise Alert to create an instant Gold-Vision Alert for Users in the To area
Click Back to return to the Note screen
Click Save on the Note screen
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The Note Broadcast will now be emailed to selected Users plus an Alert will be received on
their Gold-Vision system if this option was ticked.
If the Send Email option was un-ticked but Raise Alert was ticked then the Alert will be
received by selected Users on their Gold-Vision system.
The Broadcast Email and Alert will include a link to the Note record in Gold-Vision
Sticky Notes
Notice Board
A Note can be checked as a
Sticky Note.
A Sticky Note will always be at
the top of the list of notes, and will
appear in red.
A Note can be checked so that is appears on
your organization Gold-Vision Notice Board
Notice Board Notes can be viewed from the
main Gold-Vision menu
Click Home and then Notice Board
Administrator Option only:
Click remove on the Note body if
you no longer wish the Note to
remain as a Sticky Note
Notice Board can also be added to your
personal Gold-Vision Homepage
Note Alert Reminder
To create a Note Reminder for
Click on the Calendar icon
Select the Date and Time you
want to receive the Alert
Reminder – this will now be
displayed in the Reminder Date
Editing Notes
Editing options are set by your Gold-Vision Administrator utilising one of the following methods:
1) Notes are set to be un-editable for audit trail purposes
2) Full editing is available by the Note creator
3) Editing can be made for 24 hours by the Note creator to allow corrections such as spelling mistakes to
be made whilst preserving main audit trail
As well as being created from an Account, new Notes can also be created directly
against the following Account items:
Contacts, Appointments, Activities, Opportunities, Quotes, Profiles and Projects
Example: Creation of Opportunity Notes
Option 1:
Click on Opportunity
Option 2:
Click On Details
Select New Note:
Select Notes, Click
Create and Save the Note as before, using the Broadcast Email function if required.
The Note will be saved against the Account item under which it was created, in this case the Opportunity
record. In addition it will also be viewable from the Account Notes screen
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HOT TIP: Note Links within body text
Any links included within the body text of a Note will be recognized.
Examples: – web link - Secure web link – FTP site link
[email protected] – e-mail link
file://\\yourservername\company - file share location link
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Searching Emails, Attachments, Notes, Documents, Calls and Links
Emails, Attachments, Notes, Documents, Calls and Links are designed to be easy to access by all
Gold-Vision Users so can be viewed by using Power Searching from the main Gold-Vision menu or
from within each Account record.
Option 1: from the main Gold-Vision menu
Click on Tools
Select from:
Search Emails
Search Attachments
Search Notes and Notice Board Notes
Search Documents
Search Calls
Search Links
For example for Email Search
You can search by, subject, to/from, account or date
You can also opt to search the email body for specific.
The example below is searching based on the wild card *Newsletter.
Text in the body of a Note can also be searched in this way.
Option 2: from within an Account or Contact Record:
You can also search Emails, Notes and Documents from within an individual Account or Contact
In the Email example above fields you can filter by date and within the ‘from and to’ columns.
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Activities can be used to store details on past or future actions related to Accounts, such as arranging
meetings, making phone calls or recording issues. Activities can also be used to record tasks that relate
to a specific Contact, Opportunity, Project, or Campaign. This allows relevant information on each of
these items to be recorded separately within an Account, as well as allowing the different types of
Activity to be listed separately. Activities can then easily be retrieved, viewed and edited as required.
Open the Account that you would like the Activity to be associated with
Click on Account
Select New Activity from the menu –
the Activity sub-menu will be displayed:
Select from:
- Account Activity
- Contact Activity
- Opportunity Activity
- Project Activity
(See Events & Campaign section for
creation of Event & Campaign
Click new next to the Activities link on the Account Overview Screen.
This will create an Account Activity.
The following screen is opened:
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Start Date
Due Date
Contact Phone
Due Date Alert
% Complete
Enter information in the following fields:
Enter a summary of the Activity
Select from Dropdown Menu
Select using Calendar Icon – if not entered will default to current date & time
Select using Calendar Icon – if not entered will default to current date & time
Select Contact from the Account – mandatory if an Activity is being set up for a
Will automatically be updated following Save
Select progress stage from dropdown menu – if not entered will default to “Not
Tick box option – will create an Alert for the Activity owner which will appear on
their Gold-Vision system when the due date/ time is reached
Tick box option – the Activity will be synchronized with an Outlook Task for the
Activity Owner and an Outlook Reminder will be received when the Activity date/
time is reached.
Select % from dropdown menu – if not entered will default to 0%
Select from dropdown menu – if not entered will default to “Normal”
Your main Gold-Vision User who will complete the Activity
Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Activity is saved
Save your entries by Clicking the Save button
- If the Activity selected was for an Account the Activity will simply be saved
- If an Activity for a Contact, Opportunity or Project was selected, then it is
necessary to select a Contact, Opportunity or Project to associate the Activity
with from the list that is then displayed. The Activity will then be saved.
Close the Activity screen
Start / Due Date Selection:
1) Click on the Calendar Icon
2) Select Month and Year
3) Optional: Select Time and Click OK
4) Click on required date – will return you to
updated Activity screen
Activities can also be created directly from within a saved Opportunity, Contact and
Project. These Activities will be linked directly to the item they were created from and
can be accessed from within that item.
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Using an Activity Record
From the Activity screen you can:
edit the information to update data such as Activity due date or completion status
use pre-designed Word / html document templates to send a letter or an email to the
Contact for the Activity with pre-defined company details completed
email the Contact
Click on Contact to open Contact page
Click on Account name to open Account Home Page
Click on Parent item: Account, Contact, Opportunity or Project to open the parent item for which the
Activity has been created
Click on Created By to view data relating to Activity creation, update and duration
Click on Activity to use the Activity Function Menu and create New Items:
New Note may be added. A Note set up for an Activity is then visible
from this Activity screen.
New Link may be created to link the Activity to another Gold-Vision item.
New Appointment may be created in Outlook to link to the Activity
Add Member to assign a User or Group from within your organisation to
a specific role for this Activity.
Follow-up Activity can be created from an Activity of any sort. This can
be used, for example, after a meeting with an Account customer, to define
a new action following the first Activity, perhaps to prepare a Quote or set
up a demonstration.
Re-Assign the Activity to a new parent item
e.g. reassign an Opportunity Activity to a new parent Opportunity.
Send Email: Select Contacts from the Account or that have been linked
to the Account with options for sending to CC and BCC
Synchronise and Unsynchronise allow Gold-Vision Activities to be
viewed in Outlook, as Tasks.
Report: create a Report from the Activity
Add this Activity to your Favorite List: it will then be automatically
displayed on your personal favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Activity
Delete the Activity
Click on Details to use the Activity Navigation Menu and view information held
under the items associated with the Activity
Details: Shows summary Activity data input.
Events screen in lower section shows detail of notes, links and
documents created for the Activity
User Defined:
As well as the basic Activity details, additional information can also be
stored in a user defined section. The exact field titles will be set by your
System Administrator and will be set for each Gold-Vision item –
Account, Contact, Opportunity, Project
Members: List of people from your organisation that are connected with
this Activity and description of their respective role in relation to the
Links, Documents, Notes:
Lists for each of the above that have been set up for the Activity.
New items may be added from these screens.
Click on
on the middle tool bar to create a new note for the Activity
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Your To Do List & Alerts
You can view your To Do List by clicking the To Do link
You might also have set your To Do List as one of your Homepage Preferences
As with all Gold-Vision Lists you have the facility to Edit individual items using in-line editing, to add a
Note, Complete the Activity or use the Item List menu.
To Do List – Menu Tabs:
To Do (All):
- your Appointments for the day
- all your current Alerts
- all your Activities where start dates has passed and which is ordered by due date – this sequence
can be re-set by your Gold-Vision Administrator if required
The To Do List can also be viewed in Calendar format:
Drag and drop the Activity boxes to change their start/ due dates
Click + to view the Activity detail
Click on the Activity box to open the associated record – edit & save as required
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An Alert is used to act as a reminder to do something.
Alert Types:
1) Note Reminder date/time is set – this will create an Alert for the Note creator – see Notes
section for more information
2) Note Alert sent using Raise Alert option on a Note Broadcast
3) Activity Due Date Alert check box is ticked – this will create an Alert for the Activity owner based
on the Activity Due Date/ Time – see Activities section for more information
4) An Automated Alert has been triggered based on setting of alert automation within the GoldVision Administration Console – check with your Gold-Vision Administrator for details of specific
set-up or see Administration guide on how Automated Alerts can be set up.
An Alert window will automatically open on the date and at the time that was set for that Alert as follows:
You can Click:
- Detach: enables you to move the Alerts window around your screen
- Refresh: will bring in any new Alerts that have reached their due date/time
- Close: will close the Alerts window but if you have not acknowledged an Alert then the window will
re-open after a set period to act as a further reminder for action to be taken
You can action an Alert by clicking:
- Item name: to open the parent record such as an Activity or Opportunity from which the Alert was
- OK: to acknowledge the Alert, it will be stored as part of you Alert List
- Dismiss: dismiss the Alert, it will be stored as part of you Dismissed Alert List
You can view your Alerts by clicking the Alerts link:
You can action an Alert by clicking:
- Parent Item name: to open the parent record such as an Activity or Opportunity from which the
Alert was created
- Dismiss: dismiss the Alert, it will be stored as part of you Dismissed Alert List
- Delete: will remove the Alert from your lists
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Gold-Vision Opportunities are typically potential sales or business development opportunities with a
prospect, customer or partner Account.
Opportunities serve as an "umbrella" for the activities, notes and, perhaps multiple quotes that go into
the winning of business. Opportunities can be monitored through the various stages from preliminary
enquiry through to successful closure.
Opportunity Reports can be generated to show the past sales records and the future forecasts for
individuals, sales groups or products on a variety of timescales. Information is therefore readily
available for future planning.
Open the Account that you would like the Opportunity to be associated with
Click on the Account button in the top left hand
Select New Opportunity
OR: Click "new" next to the Opportunities link on
the Account Overview Screen
The following screen is opened:
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Est Close
Add to
Enter information in the following fields:
Summary or Name of the Opportunity
Estimate of the Opportunity Value
Select Opportunity Type from dropdown menu (shown above as Business Class)
Select Contact for the Opportunity from the Account
Select progress stage from dropdown menu
Select from dropdown menu - % probability of winning the opportunity
Your main Gold-Vision User who is managing the Opportunity
Select using Calendar Icon – if not entered will default to current date & time
See below for further detail
Click Icon to select Categories to associate with the Opportunity
Select Yes or No – this will determine whether the opportunity appears on standard
opportunity forecast reports.
Select from dropdown menu
Example of User Defined Field – text field
Example of User Defined Field - dropdown option
Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Opportunity is
saved - including telephone number for Contact selected
Save your entries by Clicking the Save button
On Save users will be prompted to create an associated activity.
Click Yes: New Activity screen will be displayed – following creation you can return
to saved Opportunity. Click No: return to saved Opportunity
Close the Opportunity screen
Est. Close Date Selection:
1) Click on the Calendar Icon
2) Select Month and Year
3) Optional: Select Time and Click OK
4) Click on required date
Next Activity:
If you opted to create an associated Activity the summary of the Activity will automatically update the
Opportunity screen under the Next Activity field. If you did not opt to create an associated Activity
this field will be blank.
Forecast Value:
The Forecast Value is automatically calculated by multiplying the % Probability and Value (total
potential) for an Opportunity together. For example, if the Value field for an Opportunity was
£4,600.00 and the Probability was 50%, then the Forecast Value would be £2,300.00.
User Defined Fields:
There are 3 additional screens available for the Opportunity Record - set up and design are
completed within the Administration Console.
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Using an Opportunity Record
From the Opportunity screen you can:
edit the information to show updated data such as Opportunity Status or % Probability
When an Opportunity is closed with outstanding open Activities, you will automatically have the option to
complete these activities.
use pre-designed Word / html document templates to send or email a letter to the
Opportunity Contact with pre-defined company details completed
email the Opportunity Contact or Opportunity Owner
initiate a telephone connection and note record for Primary Contact or Account via
selected user phone setting
Click on Account name to open Account Home Page
Click on Contact to open Contact page
Click on Next Activity to open associated Opportunity Activity page
Click on Days Open to view data relating to Opportunity creation and update
Click on Opportunity to use the Opportunity Function Menu and create New Items:
New Note may be added. A Note set up for an Opportunity is then visible
from this Opportunity.
New Appointment Outlook® Calendar Appointments may be created
linked to this Opportunity.
New Activity may be created linked to the Opportunity.
New Quote may be created - the value of a quote will then automatically
update the Opportunity Value.
New Link may be created to link the Opportunity to another Gold-Vision
item which will then be visible from this Opportunity screen.
Add Contact to Link to this Opportunity
– select from My / Team / All (default) Contact List.
Add Member to assign a User or Group from within your organisation to a
specific role for this Opportunity.
Import Tasks Outlook® Tasks may be imported as Opportunity Activities
assigned to this Opportunity.
Re-Assign the Opportunity to a different Account.
Send Email – Select Contacts or Members that have been added or linked
to the Opportunity with option for sending To CC or BCC
Report: Select and Run Report for this Opportunity
Add this Opportunity to your Favorite List: it will then be automatically
displayed on your personal favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Opportunity
Delete the Opportunity (This will also delete any associated quotes).
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Click on Details to use the Opportunity Navigation Menu and view information held
under the items associated with the Opportunity:
Details: Shows summary Opportunity data. Additional User Defined
screen may also be available to store additional information. In the
example below a 2nd screen has been added called “Additional Info”.
Up to 3 additional screens are available and will be set up along with the
exact field titles by your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Recent Events screen in lower section provides view of Recent Events
directly connected to the Opportunity. To expand this list click on
Select Recent Events from the Opportunity Navigation menu.
Stage History: View Opportunity Stage History including the period of
time that the Opportunity has been open.
Revenue Schedule: Analysis of revenue that would be generated over
the next 12 months based on linked Quote calculation.
Appointments, Activities, Quotes, Contacts, Links, Members,
Documents, Notes:
Lists for each of the above that have been set up from the Opportunity.
New items may be added from these screens.
Viewing Account Open / Closed Opportunities
Opportunities can be either:
- ‘open’, when the Opportunity is currently in process or
- ‘closed’ if an order has been received or the Opportunity lost.
Editing the Opportunity status will automatically update whether an Opportunity is ‘open’ or ‘closed’.
You can view the Opportunities that belong to an Account:
Choose the dropdown option to get the view of Opportunities that you want:
Open (default), Closed – All, Closed – Won, Closed - Lost or All
Closed Opportunities can be re-opened for editing purposes – open the Opportunity record and Click
Open, edit as required and then Save.
When you set up a new Quote for an Opportunity the Value of the Quote that has been saved will
then automatically be displayed as the new Value for the linked Opportunity – for more detail see
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Quotes are related to Opportunities. Gold-Vision enables you to create a Quote by selecting products
from your database. Quotes are then calculated and may then be presented in the format of quick emails or more formal Proposal documents, using Microsoft Word document templates. The revenue
value of the Quote can also be set to automatically update the value of the Opportunity from which the
Quote is created. Gold-Vision Quotes are full multi-currency, and are consolidated at the Opportunity in
base currency.
Open the Opportunity that you would like the Quote to be associated with
Click on the Opportunity
Quick Quotes:
You can also create a new Quote from within an
Account record.
A parent Opportunity is generated automatically by
Gold-Vision - further information can be added later.
The following screen is opened:
Select New Quote
Quote Type
Include in
Enter information in the following fields:
Summary or Name of the Quote
Select Contact for the Quote
Select Quote Type from dropdown menu
Set to Yes(default) – Change to No if you do not want the Quote Value to
automatically update the Opportunity Value
Set to £ GBP (default) – change if required
Enter any details of the Quote
Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Quote is saved
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Save your entries by clicking the Save button
The Quote Screen will now be updated to show the Add button as below example:
Click on Add
A new window will open showing your Gold-Vision product list:
Find each product item to be included in the Quote by using the search boxes or the
page scroll arrows.
Enter required details against a product item that you would like to include in the Quote:
- Discount % - will automatically update Net Price
- Net Price - will automatically update Discount %
- Tax % - default set at 17.5%
- Quantity – default set at 1.00
Click Add against each Product Item to be added to the Quote
The name and quantity of each added product will be displayed in the top pane,
for example:
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Close the Add screen to return to the main Quote.
The selected items will then appear in the lower section of the Quote selection window.
Continue to add the Quote using the Add button as required
Click Edit to amend List Price, Discount %, Unit Price, Quantity
to Delete product items
Close the Quote screen
Once Quotes have been created for Opportunities the Opportunity Value will be updated
to reflect the aggregate value of any Quotes included in this Opportunity, converted to
base currency. If you wish to exclude any Quote Values from the Opportunity then
amend the “Include in Opportunity” field to NO.
Additional Quote Functionality:
Quote Product Ordering: Default ordering for quote products is by Product Group, then by
Product Code. The order of the products can be changed in edit mode on the quote screen under the
Order column. The product order will match any quote Word template created.
All Quote items selected can be viewed by clicking on the + icon at the top of the Order column.
Optional Products: Products may be added to the Quote as an Optional item. This will exclude
the value of the product from the quote but will allow this item to be displayed as a product in a quote
document table with an option flag.
The quote could therefore be edited to re-order the product items and to add an optional item:
Closing an Individual Quote: If an Opportunity is Closed the Quote record will automatically also
become Closed and Product Sales will be recorded in Gold-Vision.
Before this you can Close individual Quotes as Closed Won or Closed Lost.
For example, if you have multiple Quotes set-up under one parent Opportunity. Each Quote may
relate to different services which are called off over time. If a Quote is set to Closed Won the Product
Items included on the Quote will record against Gold-Vision Product Sales.
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Editing Quote Product Items:
Click on the individual Product Name to open the Quote Item record for that Product.
For example:
Click Edit to update the Quote Item including the item description.
This is useful if you need to customise a quote or want to add additional description details relating to a
specific Quote Item.
Revenue Schedule:
If payment for a product item is to be made over a period of time then this can also be recorded in the
Quote record by % or value. The revenue schedule can be split by month, by quarter or amounts can
be entered manually over a 12 month period.
There are two approaches for the set-up of revenue schedule:
- Product is created within the Administration Console with revenue schedule pre-defined, for example
a service might be paid for on a monthly subscription basis, the total value of the product item would be
for 12 months with the revenue split equally for each month.
- Product Item can be manually edited within the quote record, for example on a specific negotiation
with a customer you may agree to split payment over a 3 month period, invoicing could also be split to
reflect the split payment.
To manually edit the Product Item:
Click on Details
Select Revenue Schedule
Click Edit
Click on
Split by Quarter or Split by Month
Enter against each month the
Percent or Amount values
The Revenue Schedule for the
Opportunity can also be viewed:
Reporting can then be utilised to
forecast both sales pipeline and
Product Sales can be analysed to
present both sales history and
revenue over a selected period.
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Using a Quote Record
From the Quote screen you can:
edit the information to show updated data such as Quote Type
use pre-designed Word / html document templates to send or email a letter to the Quote
Contact with pre-defined company details completed
email the Contact
Click on Account name to open Account Home Page
Click on Contact to open Contact page
Click on Opportunity to open the Opportunity that the Quote is linked to
Click on Quote to use the Function Menu and create New Items:
New Note may be added. A Note set up for a Quote is then visible from
this Quote screen.
Add Items to enter an item from your Gold-Vision price list.
(Can also be done by Clicking on Add on middle bar)
Add Custom Item to enter an item that is not available via your GoldVision price list.
Copy Quote to a different Opportunity or create a new quote for the
same Opportunity by copying an existing quote.
Use Template inputs the quote data onto one of your standard
templates as a Word document for final edit.
(Can also be done by Clicking on template icon )
Email Quote / Email Quote as HTML inputs the quote data onto one
of your standard templates as an email to the Quote Contact/as a word
attachment or as HTML in the email body.
Fax Quote / Fax Quote as HTML inputs the quote data onto one of
your standard templates as a fax
Export to Excel exports you quote data to a CSV file
Re-Order Products re-order by Name, Group, Code, Price or Quantity
Reset Product Prices to current default values
Report create a report from this Quote
Add this Quote to your Favorite List: it will then be automatically
displayed on your personal favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Quote
Delete the Quote
Click on Details to use the Quote Navigation Menu and view information held under
the items associated with the Quote:
Shows summary of Quote data input. List of items selected for the Quote
are displayed on lower section of screen – to expand this list click on
A User defined page is also available to store additional information, set
by your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Selected Items:
View the items that have been included in the Quote.
Amend or add to these items using the Edit button
Links, Documents, Notes:
Lists for each of the above that have been set up from the Quote.
New items may be added from these screens.
Selection Options are available:
Option to view All Notes (default) or Local Notes
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to add items to the Quote
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Profiles are a method of creating lists of Contacts or Accounts that are unrelated in other ways. Profiles
also hold User-Defined data, and can be a great way of holding more detailed information about the
particular Account or Contact. Unlimited numbers of Profiles can be added to an Account or Contact.
Creating a New Profile
Open the Account that you would like the Profile to be associated with
Click on the Account button
Select New Profile
OR: Click "new" next to the Profiles link on the
Account Overview Screen
The following screen is opened:
Enter information in the following fields:
Summary or Name of the Profile
Select Contact for the Profile from the Account (if required)
Select Profile Type from dropdown menu
Select from dropdown menu
Enter information into the fields which will be set up by your Gold-Vision
Administrator depending on your requirements
Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Profile is saved
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Save your entries by clicking the Save button
Close the Profile screen
Using a Profile Record
From the Profile screen you can:
edit the information to show updated data such as Profile Group
use pre-designed Word / html document templates to send or email a letter to the Profile
Contact with pre-defined company details completed
email the Contact
Click on Account Name to open Account Home Page
Click on Contact to open Contact page
Click on Profile to use the Profile Function Menu and create New Items:
New Note may be added. A Note set up for a Profile is then visible from
this Note screen.
New Link may be created to link the Profile to another Gold-Vision item
which will then be visible from this Profile screen.
Re-Assign to another account
Add this Profile to your Favorite List: it will then be automatically
displayed on your personal favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Profile
Delete the Profile
Click on Details to use the Profile Navigation Menu and view information held
under the items associated with the Profile:
Details: Shows summary of Profile data input
Up to 3 additional User Defined screens are available and are set up
along with the exact field titles by your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Links, Documents, Notes:
Lists for each of the above that have been set up from the Profile.
New items may be added from these screens.
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Projects can be set up under Gold-Vision to manage the activities, issues and status of specific projects
utilising your Gold-Vision database to provide a unified view. As well as recording who from your
organisation and from the Account are involved in a project you can create activities and notes for the
project, link documents and record user defined information by project.
Creating a New Project
Open the Account that you would like the Project to be associated with
Click on the Account button in the top left hand corner
Select New Project
OR: Click "new" next to the Projects link on the Account
Overview Screen
The following screen is opened:
Project Type
Enter information in the following fields:
Name of the Project
Estimate of Project Value if relevant
Select from dropdown
Select Contact for the Project from the Account
Select Project Stage from dropdown menu
This may be used to create relevant Project Alert labels (e.g. Delayed, or Over
budget), allowing Management to filter on projects requiring attention.
Select Owner for the Project from your organisation
Enter information into the Fields which will be set up by your Gold-Vision
Administrator depending on your requirements
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Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Profile is saved
Save your entries by clicking the Save button
Close the Project screen
On Save users will be prompted to create an associated activity.
Click Yes: New follow-up Activity screen will be displayed – following creation you
can return to saved Project
Click No: return to saved Project
Next Activity:
If you opted to create an associated Activity this will automatically update into the Project under the
Next Activity field. If you did not opt to create an associated Activity this field will be blank.
Closing Project Activities:
When a Project Status is set to a closed state, you will automatically have the option to complete any
outstanding open Project Activities:
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Using a Project Record
From the Project screen you can:
edit the information to show updated data such as Project Stage
use pre-designed Word / html document templates to send or email a letter to the Project
Contact with pre-defined company details completed
email the Project Contact
initiate a telephone connection and note record for Primary Contact or Account via
selected user phone setting
Click on Account Name to open Account Home Page
Click on Contact to open Contact page
Click on Next Activity to open associated Project Activity page
Click on Project to use the Project Function Menu and create New Items:
New Note / Appointment/ Activity / Link may be added to the
Add Contact
- add a contact from any Account to the Project.
Add Member – click on individual users or team name to add members
to the project from your organization
Send Email – Select Contacts from the Project or from Contacts that
have been linked to the Project with option for Sending To, CC and BCC.
Import Tasks Outlook Tasks may be imported as Project Activities
assigned to this Project
Add this Project to your Favorite List: it will then be automatically
displayed on your personal favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Project Record
Delete the Project
Click on Details to use the Project Navigation Menu and view information held
under the items associated with the Project:
Details: Shows summary of Project data input
Up to 3 additional User Defined screens are available and are set up
along with the exact field titles by your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Recent Events: List of all Recent Events that have been recorded for
the Project in Gold-Vision.
Stage History: List of all Project Stage data including duration of
stages with start and end dates.
Appointments, Activities, Contacts, Links, Members,
Documents, Notes:
Lists for each of the above that have been set up for the Project.
New items may be added from these screens.
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Seminars/ Events
Seminars or Events can be used to manage events, seminars, conferences or courses including the
booking process. This may include multiple sessions within a single event for example: a one day
event with numerous sessions running during the day, possibly at the same time.
When creating an Event in Gold-Vision you should take the following sequential steps:
1) Create the new Event record
2) Add Sessions to the Event - Sessions represent courses/seminars/activities etc.
3) Add Products to the Session if you would like to associate a cost or price – optional step
4) Add Bookings to the Event – Bookings are by Account and can include multiple attendees
5) Manage your Event including: adding Attendees to Sessions; make additional Account & Attendee
Bookings; add new Sessions; amend Event details; create Activities for an Event; Link to other Gold-Vision
records; create Campaigns direct from the Event record; generate Template documents such as booking
forms & invitations; generate Excel Reports direct from the Event record.
Create a New Event
Click the New menu from the main Gold-Vision
menubar in the top left hand of the screen.
Select Event
The following screen is opened:
Define your Event
Start Date/Time
End Date/Time
Enter information in the following fields:
Enter a summary of the Event
Select using Calendar Icon – if not entered will default to current date & time
Select using Calendar Icon
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Early Bird
Early Bird CutOff Date
Select from the drop down menu
Select from the drop down menu
Total is generated based on bookings
Select from the lookup user menu
Select from the drop down menu
Add the address for the location of the event
Enter if applicable
Select using Calendar Icon
Click to select if you want to associate the Event with a specific Account,
typically this might be an Internal Account. This will enable Event Activities to be
created, that will then be associate with the selected Account.
Save your entries by Clicking the Save button
Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Event is saved
Add Sessions to the Event
When you Save a new Event record you will be asked if you would like to add a
new Session:
Or Select New Session from the
Event Function Menu
Click Yes
The following screen is opened:
Define the Event Session
Start Date/Time
End Date/Time
Number of
Enter information in the following fields:
Enter a summary of the Session
Enter the product code for this Session
Select using Calendar Icon
Select using Calendar Icon
Enter number of places available
Save your entries by Clicking the Save button
Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Event is saved
Add Products to a Session – Optional Step
When you Save, a New Session prompt will appear asking you if you would like to
add Products to this Session:
Click OK
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Add the Products you require
Click Close
The Event Session is then updated:
- Product Price shows on Session
- List of Products for a Session is updated
Adding Products to an Event will have the following effects:
- as Attendees are added to a Session the Event value will be updated accordingly
- when a Booking is Confirmed and the Event is closed, the Product price will register as
a Product Sale
- you can include product price information in your Event template documents
- you can generate reports analyzing Event sales
Adding a Product is an optional step you may:
- not want to charge for your events and therefore not need to add Products
- add the Product to a Session at a later date
- add a Product to an Account Booking to relate specifically to that Account
- create Account Price Lists to reflect different charge rates (via the Admin Console)
- follow a combination of the above steps
Using an Event Session Record
Click on Event to use the Session Function Menu and create New Items
Add Attendee: to the session, once a Booking has been made
Add Products: to the session- you will also have the option to bulk book
chosen attendee numbers to Sessions that have already been created for
the Event.
Create Campaign for All Named Attendees or Confirmed Named
Print a screen copy of the Session
Delete the Session
Click on Details to use the Session Navigation Menu to view associated Session information
Details view details of the Session
Attendees view Attendees for the Session
Products view Products for the Session
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Add a Booking to an Event
Click on the Event function menu
Select New Booking
Or from the main Gold-Vision menu
Click New
Select Booking (from the Event option)
Search and select the Account for which you would like to make a Booking:
If you are creating the New Booking from the main Gold-Vision menu
Search and select the Event you would like to make the Booking for:
When you have selected an Account (and the Event) the following screen will open:
Define the Event Booking
Enter information in the following fields:
Select the Contact from the dropdown menu – your main Booking Contact at the
Select Yes (Default) or No as relevant
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- Enter the number of attendees you wish to make for this booking for that Account,
click the
, the following screen will open:
- Select the name of each Attendee from the drop down menu,
-or Click More… from the base of this dropdown menu to add Contacts from other
Accounts (allows attendees to be booked who belong to different Accounts but for the
Event are booked under this Account).
-By Session, Click the
button to add all Attendees for this Booking to a Session
-or by Attendee, Check the tick box for the Sessions they are to attend
Save your entries by Clicking the Save button
Fields that cannot be edited are updated automatically once the Event is saved
Using an Event Booking Record
Click on Event Booking to use the Booking Function Menu and create New Items:
Add Attendee: Named or Anonymous to the booking
Add Attendee: (Any Account) select any contact for the
Add Products: to the booking
New Account Contact create a new contact for the Account
Use Template: to use a word or email template
Print a screen copy of the Booking
Delete the Booking
Click on Details to use the Booking Navigation Menu and view information associated
with the Booking
Details: view Booking details
Attendees: view, edit and delete Attendees
Sessions Bookings Planner: view details of the booking
including Attendees
Sessions Bookings List: detailed list of the booking including
Attendees and Sessions
Products: view, add or delete details of the products associated
with the Booking
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Manage an Event using the Sessions Bookings Planner
From the Event Navigation menu
Click on Details
Select Sessions Bookings Planner
The following screen is opened:
1: Open up the list of Attendees by Session by clicking on the + next to the detail of
numbers of places booked.
2: Add Attendees to a Session: Click on add attendee
3: Add Attendees to a Booking: Select the Open Booking for the Account that you would
like to add a new Attendee
4: Add a New Account Booking: Click New
Change Attendees for a Booking:
Attendees for an Account Booking can also be changed from the Account Booking screen
Click on the Change icon that corresponds to the Attendee Name
Select the Attendee to be changed to and Click the Save icon
The new Attendee will be allocated to the same Sessions as the replaced Attendee
Other Options from the Events Sessions Booking Planner screen:
- Edit individual Attendee records by clicking on attendee name
- Open the Account record by clicking on the account name
- Delete Attendees from a Session by Clicking
and use the Events Function and Navigation Menus as follows:
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Using a Seminar/ Event Record
Click on Event to use the Event Function Menu and create New Items:
New Session may be added for the Event
New Booking may be made to the Event (you will also have the option
to book attendees to Sessions that have been created for the Event).
New Activity may be created for the Event – this will be an Account
Activity based on the Account the Event is associated to.
New Link may be created to link the Event to another Gold-Vision item.
Use Template to use a Word or Email template.
Create Campaign for Attendees or Contacts for the Event.
Campaign recipient options include: All Named Attendees, Confirmed
Attendees, Un-Confirmed Named Attendees, All Booking Contacts, UnConfirmed Booking Contacts or Confirmed Booking Contacts
Export to Excel: A CSV file can be exported to Excel, to show
bookings, session or attendees, for example to run a mail merge in Word.
Copy the Event and Sessions to another date (but not the Bookings
and/or the Attendees).
Re-assign the Event to another Account
Report create a Report for this Event
– Events Overview or Sessions Bookings Planner
Add this Event to your Favorite List: it will then be automatically
displayed on your personal favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Event record
Delete the Event.
Click on Details to use the Event Navigation Menu and view information associated
with the Event
Details: Shows summary of Event data input.
Up to 3 additional User Defined screens can be added as required by
your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Sessions: List of Sessions created for the Event.
Bookings: List of Account Bookings made for the Event.
Attendees: List all the Attendees for the Event.
Sessions Bookings Planner:
Detail of all the Sessions booked for the Event, including Attendees.
Sessions Bookings List: Detailed list of all Sessions and Attendees.
Sessions Bookings Clashes: Highlights any Attendees booked on
multiple Sessions where times are overlapping.
Activities, Links, Documents:
List of the above that have been created or added for the Event
New items may be added from these screens.
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Gold-Vision allows you to create Links for any Gold-Vision items and then define the relationships from
both sides. Clear uses for this are the linking of Accounts that are in a “Group”, or where a Contact may
be an employee of one Company, but they are working as a consultant on a project for a different
company. You want to reflect these links and Gold-Vision can provide the answer.
Open the Account that you would like the Link to be associated with
Click on the Account button in the top left hand
Select New Link
OR: Click "new" next to Links on the Account
Overview Screen
Select the item type that you would like to link to the Account:
Select the Account that you wish to Link to:
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The following screen will be displayed:
Select the Relationship to Link the two Accounts:
Click Create Link. The Link is now saved for both Accounts
Example Account Links view:
Examples of Links:
Accounts may be linked to other Accounts, in much the same way as before, but with the additional
facility for an Account to have different relationships with different linked organisations.
A Contact may be linked to a project/account/opportunity/activity with a role – these linked contacts
are included for e-mailing from that item.
Contacts external to an Account can be linked to the Account.
A product may be linked to supplier accounts – e.g. preferred supplier, secondary supplier etc…
Quotes may be linked to Accounts / Projects where they may relate to the same end-customer.
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Creating New Items Outside an Account:
As well as creating new items from within an Account it is also possible to create new items from the
Main Gold-Vision menu and to then link them to an Account.
Click the New menu from the Main
Gold-Vision menubar - top left hand
Select the Item that you would like to
Account, Contact, Appointment,
Activity, Opportunity, Quote, Quick
Quote, Profile, Project, Campaign,
Event or Report
The new screen for the item will open as
Enter the Details for the new item
For a New Contact, Appointment, Opportunity, Quote, Profile, Project:
Enter all details apart from the Account
Click on the Account field
Search for the Account that the item will belong to
or click New to create a new Account.
Once an Account has been selected, the ‘Select Parent’ screen closes and the item
screen is shown with the details and its Account association.
Click Save
New Appointment: You will be prompted to select the Account first and then an Outlook
Calendar screen will be opened to create a new Appointment as before.
For a New Activity:
From the Activity sub-menu select from:
Account Activity, Contact Activity, Opportunity Activity or Project Activity
Select the Parent Account, Contact, Opportunity, or Project the Activity is to be linked to.
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Campaigns are designed to control mass-communication to your Contacts and Accounts and can be
distributed using Email, Fax, Letter or Telephone media. The Campaigns creation process is designed
to be flexible to enable you to select and add or remove recipients easily. Using the Gold-Vision menu
items it is simple to convert your Recipients List into Excel format if required.
Campaign Options
Click the New menu from the Main Gold-Vision
Select Campaign
The sub-menu gives the following options:
Create from current List: create a Campaign
from any Gold-Vision List and then add or remove
recipients as much as you wish
Add to existing Campaign: select any existing
Campaign already created on your Gold-Vision
system and then add or remove recipients as much
as you wish
Create Empty Campaign: start from scratch with
no pre-set List and then add any group or
individuals as recipients to your Campaign
Create a Campaign from a Gold-Vision List
To create a new campaign from a current list you will first need to create the List from which you
would like to run the Campaign.
When you have the list that you would like to create a Campaign for
Select Create from current list from the main Gold-Vision Menu as shown above or
Click on the Campaign Icon
on the right hand side of your screen:
The following screen is opened:
Select the Campaign that you would like to use
or Click
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the following screen is opened
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Job Title
Define your Campaign
Enter information in the following fields:
Name of the Campaign
Select Campaign Type – can be amended or added to by your main Gold-Vision
Administrator – allows analysis of Campaign success by Campaign Type
Select Medium:
Email 1/2/3/Preferred; Letter- Business, Home, Preferred; Telephone- Preferred; Fax
- these fields correspond directly to those set against the Contact record
For Letter Campaign - Select Template Document that you wish to use
For Letter Campaign only: Enter Salutation, e.g. Sir / Madam which will act as default if no
Letter Salutation is set for a Contact
For Letter Campaign only: Enter Job Title that you would like the campaign to go to if there
is no contact set up for an account. This will only take effect when creating a campaign
from an Accounts list.
Select Owner for the Campaign from your organisation
Select Campaign Stage from dropdown – if you subsequently re-run the same campaign
you can select the stage that matches the campaign progression
Checking the tick box will create an Activity for each recipient of the Campaign when the
Campaign is Run – this can be used to follow up the Campaign using a definable process
If you Create an Activity for the Campaign you can:
Select Activity Stage for all Campaign Activities – this can then be updated for each Activity
as the Campaign follow-up is progressed
Assign the Campaign Activity Owner:
- an individual user (all Activities will be assigned to that user)
- Account Manager (Activities will be assigned to the recipient’s Account Manager)
- a Team of users (Activities will split between team members on a strict rotational order)
Select Activity Start Date / Due Date for all Campaign Activities
Enter the cost of running the Campaign – this will provide a Return on Investment
calculation for the Campaign, further detail to follow in this section
Include detail such as the Campaign Objectives and a Script for Telephone Campaigns.
Save your entries by clicking the Save button
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Email Campaigns:
To add the Email Body
Click on Details on the Campaign Navigation menu
Select Email Body
Click Edit and enter Subject and Body of
Campaign Email
Save - further editing can be made as required
To add an Email Attachment
Click on Details on the Campaign Navigation menu
Select Email Attachments
For each document that you would like to attach
Click the
button and select the File
The selected File(s) will be now appear as an Email Attachment(s) for the Campaign.
Reviewing your Campaign Recipients
On Saving the Campaign the list of
Recipients will be updated. This can be
reviewed directly from the Campaign record
All Recipients
Valid Recipients
Invalid Recipients
Click on each list to open
Alternatively Click on Details and select the
required Recipients list
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Reviewing Invalid Recipients:
Reasons for the Recipient being Invalid:
- Missing Email Address for the Contact
- Invalid Email Address: no @ included or incomplete domain within email address
- Incomplete Address: no Street Address 1 and/or Town/City for a Letter Campaign
- Missing Phone Number for a Telephone Campaign
- Missing Fax Number for a Fax Campaign
- Contact Preferences is set for the Contact to not receive the chosen Campaign Medium
(In the example above the Contact has Preference no email has been set for Miles Davis and
an Email Campaign has been created.)
Open and Edit the Contact Record to validate the recipient for your campaign settings, for
example enter an email address if none recorded previously.
Once the new Contact Record is saved the contact will automatically transfer from the Invalid
Recipients List to the Valid Recipients List
Adding Recipients:
Gold-Vision provides the ability to create a Campaign and then simply keep adding or
excluding individual recipients or groups of recipients
To Add Individual Recipients:
Contacts may be added individually
- Click the Campaign button
- Select the Add Recipients button
- a screen will be displayed from which individual Contacts can
then be added
To Add Groups of Recipients:
Contacts may be added as a group from a filtered List
First, create the Filtered List. Click the
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Campaign Icon from the List screen
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Click on New from the Main Gold-Vision menu
Select Campaign
From the sub-menu:
Select Add to existing Campaign
The following screen will open:
Click on the Campaign name that you would like to add the list of contacts to.
Reviewing Campaign Sources and Refreshing
At any point before running a Campaign and after you
can review the Sources that have been have been
included in the Campaign including Lists and manually
added / deleted contacts
Click on Details on the Campaign Navigation menu
Select Sources
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Before running a Campaign or if you are planning to rerun a previous Campaign you may:
Refresh the Source to include any new Contacts that
have been added or amended since the Source was
Click Campaign and Select Refresh All Sources
Add Additional Contacts and Contact Groups as before
Removing Recipients
- Click
- Click
against the Contact on the Valid, Invalid, All Recipients Lists
against an individual contact or a group of contacts on the Sources List
Run the Campaign
Click the Campaign button
Click Run (All Valid Recipients)
For Email Campaigns:
an Outlook Email message will open with the message Subject and Body in it and with all
the recipients in the Bcc field.
- If you wish you can add further content (images etc) at this point.
- To send the Campaign, just click the Send button.
For a Letter Campaign:
Gold-Vision letter campaigns are able to cope with large volumes, however, the processing
required by Microsoft Word to include the Gold-Vision items is intensive, and a user
machine may be tied up for some time.
- Word will open and a Letter will be created based on the Template you selected for each
of the campaign recipients
- To produce the Campaign Letters, click Print
For a Fax Campaign:
- a fax message will open in Outlook with all of the recipients you included in the Bcc field.
(NB: To run a fax campaign your system will need to have fax software that can process
faxes – check with your Gold-Vision Administrator for more information)
- To distribute the campaign, click the Send button.
Once a Campaign has been Run, the following will take place.
1. A record of the Campaign will be created for each Account which can be viewed from
the Account Overview Screen
2. A record of the Campaign will also be created for each Contact included in the
Campaign which can be viewed from the Contact Record
3. Campaign Activities will be produced, visible from the Campaign Record (useful as a
telemarketing list, against relevant Contacts, against Account Activities and in the
overall Activity Filter list.
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Campaign Activities
When you Run a Campaign a prompt will be displayed if the tick box was checked to Create Actvities:
If you Select Run & Create Activities then the Activities will be created for users and against Account /
Contact Records.
Deleting the Run against the Campaign record will delete the associated Activities that were created for
that Run:
HOT TIP - Campaign List Options:
The List of Contacts included in your Campaign can be generated from any List within Gold-Vision.
The following are just some of the List Options that you could use:
- Account Types
- Contacts based on their job title
- Activities that were overdue - the Contact associated with those Activities would then be selected as
the recipient
- Profiles filtered by specific date fields
You are not confined to one list as the Campaign functionality allows you to select Recipients from
multiple lists of different items for inclusion in a campaign. Add and Remove each List depending on
your Campaign requirements.
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Using a Campaign Record
From the Campaign screen you can:
edit the information to change any of the Campaign Details if the Campaign is going to be run
again. For example following a trade show you may wish to run a follow-up an email campaign with
a letter to the same recipients that is part of the overall post show marketing campaign. Following
Edit of Campaign Details you may then Run the Campaign based on the edited Campaign options.
Click on Campaign to use the Campaign Function Menu:
Run the Campaign again using the same Campaign Record with the
option to refresh the recipients list and/or add/delete contacts.
Add Recipients – Select Contact to add as a Recipient to a Campaign.
Copy Campaign to use the same or similar Recipient List, this will
create a new Campaign Record.
Copy Recipients to use the same recipients for a new or existing
Campaign Record.
Refresh All Sources – to include any new Contacts that have been
added or amended since the source was added before running a
Campaign or if you are planning to re-run a previous Campaign.
New Link to add a record link to the Campaign record.
Report: create a Report for this Campaign
Favorite List: it will then be automatically displayed on your personal
favorites list.
Print a screen copy of the Campaign Record
Delete the Campaign
Click on Details to use the Campaign Navigation Menu and view information held
under the items associated with the Campaign:
Details for the Campaign
User Defined section to record target or actual information against the
Campaign. Examples might be target responses, costs, speakers,
topics, or any relevant analysis. Up to 3 User Defined sections can be
added by your Gold-Vision Administrator.
Runs: Record of all Runs completed for the Campaign. Each Run
creates a separate record against the Contact and Account. Each Run is
differentiated with a date stamp. Clicking on each Run record will display
the selected Recipients for that Run.
Sources: Record of how the Campaign Recipients have been built
including Contact Lists used, manual additions and deletions made.
From this screen you can:
- Refresh any of the Sources for the Campaign to reflect updated/ new
account and contact details input since the last Campaign Run
- Remove any of the Sources for the Campaign
Valid Recipients / Invalid Recipients / New Recipients ( valid) /
All Recipients:
Record of Recipients for the Campaign.
Activities, Appointments, Opportunities, Links : created from
the Campaign
Email Body / Attachments: Details of the Email Body and
Attachments included for the Campaign
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Gold-Vision Reporting
There are 3 types of Reporting from Gold-Vision:
- Standard Reports: already configured and can be run from the Reporting area
- Item Reports: available via the individual records for Accounts, Contacts, Activities, Opportunities,
Quotes, Projects, Campaigns & Events
- User Defined Reports: you can create and save your own reports, based on list views by item area
Standard Reports:
The following Gold-Vision Standard Reports are available:
To access the Standard Report list
Click on Tools
Select Reporting
Select the Standard Report tab on the top left of the screen
The Report List can be Searched using the Filter Fields
The User is presented with a list of the Reports that they have access to view.
Each report title is updated with any label changes made to your installation of GoldVision - so your standard reports are configured without additional work.
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To Run a Report
Click on the arrow
in the left hand column against the Report that you would like to
Run. A Gold-Vision Reporting screen will be opened:
The following screen will be displayed:
Select a Value(s) and a date range if applicable for the particular Report selected - see
example below:
Click View Report
The Report will then be displayed:
Values and date ranges can be amended and the report updated by re-clicking the View
Report option
Export options including CS and Excel are also available:
Select a format and Click Export
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Item Reports can be run from within the individual item record by Account, Contact,
Activity, Opportunity, Quote, Project, Campaign or Event.
For example, for an Opportunity record:
Click the Opportunity button
Select Report
The following screen is opened:
Select the Item Report you would like to run, for example,
the Opportunity Overview Report:
In addition to the
standard Item Reports
you can also create
specific item reports
using Microsoft Report
Builder that can be
loaded onto your
system by your
Item Reports available
as standard are:
Account Summary
Activities Gantt Chart
Activities Gantt Chart
Activity Gantt Chart
Opportunity Overview
Activities Gantt Chart
Projects Overview
Events Overview
Sessions Booking
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User Defined Reports can be generated from any View List that can then be
Filtered with the options that you would like to include in your Report.
Open the list you want to take the Report from
Select the options you want using the dropdown options and filter fields.
Click the Report
icon above the list
The Custom Report window will open:
Select Run a one-time report without saving, click OK.
Report will open on a new window
Enter a name to Save a new report for editing, click OK. The following screen will open:
Click Edit and amend information in the following fields:
Name of the Report
Set access level - can either be set as Public, Team or Private
Select Owner for the Report from your organisation
Select field to be displayed as primary and secondary sort on a text Report from the
dropdown – if converted to Chart will determine axis format
Tick check box if you would like to order your report so that the selected sort field is
grouped on your Report
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This enables you to decide which Fields will be Visible in your Report
Make Hidden Fields Visible by clicking
Make Visible Fields Hidden by clicking
Use the Up and Down icons to order Visible Fields
Add – select field from the drop down menu, and add filter. Click OK
Edit or Remove Select from No Notes, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year
Select style, data axis, size and colour from the drop down menu
Save the Report.
The Report will now be saved as a User Defined Report and you will be able to access it
from the Reports section at any time. A User Reports section can also be added to the
Homepage layout should you wish to have immediate access to the reports on starting
To Run a previously created User Defined Report:
From the list of Reports click on the arrow
Summary as described for Standard Report.
in the left hand column by the Report
OR: From the Report record select Run Report or Run Chart from the menu or click
Run to run the report
Using a User Defined Report Record
From the User Defined Report screen you can:
Edit the information to change any of the Report record.
You may then Run the Report based on the
edited Report options.
Click on Report to use the Report Function Menu:
Run Report using the current User Defined Record. Produces Table format
with option to display in Chart format.
Run Chart using the current User Defined Record. Produces Chart format
with option to display in Table format.
Export to CSV
Copy the Report, edit and save with a new Report name
Delete the Report.
Add this Report to your Favorite List: it will then be automatically displayed
on your personal favorites list.
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Appendix 1: Gold-Vision Power Searching Options
Text / values can again be input to refine your search including use of wild card options - * or %
When filtering more than one column headings, by default, if the column headings are different, then
searches entered in those filter fields will be searched with an AND clause.
Example: filtering Accounts with Industry set to Manufacturing AND in United Kingdom.
However, if more than one identical column headings are selected, the filter fields used will be the same
and will be searched using an OR clause.
Example: filtering Accounts with Industry set to Manufacturing or Retail
Alternatively, you can also use the | symbol (shift \ on the keyboard) in the same column to search using
an OR clause
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Search for everything EXCEPT what you specify using the ! symbol.
Example: All Opportunities EXCEPT those with the Source field set to Partner Referral.
Search for BLANK data in the list – use [null] or [not set]
Example: All Accounts where the Primary Contact field has not been set.
Exact Search use “” or =
Numeric Searching
For numeric fields such as Opportunity Values you can enter:
>= greater than or equal to or
<= less than or equal to
These may be combined by carrying out multiple searches for one field e.g. Opportunity Value example:
enter >=5000 && <=50000 in one column – List will display items with an Opportunity Value of greater than
or equal to £5,000 AND less than or equal to £50,000
Searching Multiple First Text Character Options
[ ] will search for items that start with the character included
[^ ] will search for items DO NOT start with the character included
example: If your Opportunity Stages are:
Proposal preparation
Proposal evaluation
Contract negotiation
Order Received
Order Lost
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Then [cq] will return opportunities that begin with c or q i.e.:
Contract negotiation
[^cq] will return opportunities that do NOT begin with c or q i.e.:
Proposal preparation
Proposal evaluation
Order Received
Order Lost
However, as in the above situation, this functionality is limited if there are multiple items beginning with
the same letter.
Therefore, consider prefixing important dropdown list items with a number or letter e.g.
1: Preliminary
2: Qualification
3: Proposal preparation
4: Proposal evaluation
5: Contract negotiation
6: Order Received
7: Order Lost
Therefore, [125] will return all opportunities at stages:
1: Preliminary
2: Qualification
5: Contract negotiation
And, [^1] will show all open opportunities EXCEPT Preliminary items.
Searching Multiple Other Text Character Options
Searching Multiple Other Text Character Options
s[ht] – returns any results where the data in the column begins ‘sh’ or ‘st’
b[^u] – returns any results where the data in the column begins with b, but second letter is not u
w[^a-o] – returns any results where the data in the column begins with w but second letter is not any letter
between a and o
[a-o]%shire – returns all results beginning with any letter a to o, but only those end in ‘shire’ (i.e. would
exclude for example Northumberland, Durham, Cumbria, Kent)
'[CK]ars[eo]n' searches for Carsen, Karsen, Carson, and Karson (Carson).
'[M-Z]inger' searches for all names ending with the letters inger that begin with any single letter from M
through Z (Ringer).
'M[^c]%' searches for all names beginning with the letter M that do not have the letter c as the second
letter (MacFeather).
Searching all records excluding null field
Type underscore _ in the field you are searching and the search will show only those records where there
is data in the field.
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Appendix 2: Outlook Import
Microsoft Outlook Import into Gold-Vision
As far as possible it is best to update your live Gold-Vision system. If Outlook data has been added
when working offline from your main system, this data can be imported into Gold-Vision when working
From the main
Gold-Vision menu
Click Outlook Import
The following Outlook Import
options are available:
Import Contacts
Import Appointments
Import Tasks
The Outlook Import window will be displayed with the Contact
Folders that are set-up on your Outlook that are not
synchronised into your Gold-Vision system.
Select the Folder that you would like to import a Contact set-up
in your Outlook into Gold-Vision.
Any Contacts in your Outlook but not in Gold-Vision will then be
displayed, for example:
Will check your Gold-Vision system for existing Contacts with
the same name:
If the Contact does not exist the option to
Create a new Account for this Contact is provided:
Or you can select an existing Gold-Vision Account to add this
Contact to:
Search for the required Account
Highlight the Account name and Click OK
If the Account exists already auto-match will display the
Account name ready for Import confirmation:
or click the Account name to
change using Search Accounts box.
to complete Contact Import
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The Outlook Import window will be displayed with the
Appointments that are set-up on your Outlook that are not
synchronised into your Gold-Vision system.
For Appointments that you wish to import into Gold-Vision,
select the Account that you wish the Appointment to belong to
within Gold-Vision.
Enter the Account name
Search for the required Account
Highlight the Account name and Click OK
The Account name will be displayed against the Appointment.
to complete Appointment Import
Only Appointments that have had an Account attached will
import into Gold-Vision.
Text held in the body of the Outlook Appointment will be
added as a Note record against the associated Gold-Vision
Importing Tasks from Outlook into Gold-Vision works in the
same way as the method for importing appointments.
Only non-synched Tasks are displayed
Only Tasks that have had an Account attached will import
into Gold-Vision.
Imported Tasks are saved as Account Activities in GoldVision.
Text held in the body of the Outlook Task will be added as
a Note record against the associated Gold-Vision Account
& Activity record.
Outlook Tasks and Contacts can also be imported using the Account Function Menu
Open the Account Record that you would like to import a task to
From the Function Menu (Account)
Select the Task and, Click Go
Select Import Tasks or Contacts
Select the folder you wish to import the Contact from, Click Go
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Export Gold-Vision Contacts to your Microsoft Outlook Contacts list
From the Main Menu Select Contacts
OR Click on the Contacts icon
Filter the list of Contacts as required then click on the Outlook icon.
The following screen is opened:
Select an appropriate folder in your Outlook client
contacts folder.
Click Go - this will copy the selected Gold-Vision
Contact list to the allocated folder in your Microsoft
Outlook Contacts list.
Please note mass exports can affect the performance
of Microsoft Outlook.
Gold-Vision Contacts can also be exported using the Contact Function Menu
Open the Contact Record that you would like to export to your Outlook
From the Contact Function Menu
Select Synchronise
Select the folder you wish the Contact to be created
in, click Go.
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