
Cristina Galhardo
Até pouco tempo atrás, para muitos
profissionais da computação, os
microcomputadores eram considerados
equipamentos pouco eficientes, e seus
micro-sisternas, frágeis.
Esses pontos de vista começam a
mudar. A enorme demanda de
microcomputadores nos mais variados
setores durante os dois últimos anos,
tem contribuído para mudar opiniões
que afirmam existir uma relação direta
entre as pequenas dimensões de um
equipamento e sua reduzida capacidade
de trabalho.
O mercado para os micros está aberto,
e suas perspectivas são amplas.
A implantação de um enorme sistema de
processamento, via de regra oneroso, já
possui uma alternativa.
Procurando auxiliar, com literatura atual
e especializada, os que se iniciam nesse
campo, bem como os que já são usuários
dos microcomputadores, preparamos a
presente seleção arrolando dicionários,
. manuais, guias, livros e periódicos
"Bibliotecária do Centro de Informações Técnicas da PTI.
jan.zjun. 1982
Rev. bras. Bibliotec. e Doe. 15 O/2):131-133.jan./jun.
Cristina Galhardo
Cristina Galhardo
Aumiaux, M. The use of microprocessors.
New York, NY, John Wiley, 1980.
198 p.
Baldwin, J. N. W. Microprocessors for
industry. Kent, Butterworths, 1982.
144 p.
Gault, James W. Introdution to
rnicrocomputer-based digital systems.
New York, NY, McGraw Hill, 1982.
429 p.
Hanna, F. K. Advanced techniques for
rnicroprocessor systems. London,
IEE, 1980.144 p.
Heffer, D. E., Kíng.; G. A.; Keith, D. Basic
principIes and practice of
rnicroprocessors. London, Edward
Arnold (Publishers), 1980. 208 p.
Jones, S. & Peattie, A. R. Micros for
managers. London, IEE, 1981. 192 p
Lafferty, P. Questions and anwers on
personal computing. Kent,
Butterworths, 1981. 96 p.
Lewis, T. G. The TRS-80 means business.
New York, NY, John Wiley, 1982.
224 p.
Mcglynn, D. R. Modern rnicroprocessor
system design: 16-BIT and BIT-Slice
architecture. New York, NY, John
Wiley, 1980.295 p.
McLaughlin, R. A. & Monds, F. C. An
introduction to rnini and
microcomputers. London, IEE,
1981. 144 p.
Microprocessor applications handbook.
New York, NY, McGraw Hill,
1982.477 p.
Peatman, John. Microcomputer-based
designo New York, NY, McGraw
Hill, 1977. 608 p.
Sanderson, P. C. Introduction to
microcomputer programming. Kent,
Butterworths, 1980. 144 p.
Simpson, R. J. & Terrel, T. J.
Introduction to 6800/6802
microprocessor systems. Kent,
Butterworths, 1982. 288 p.
Sinc1air, I. R. Practical rnicroprocessor
systems. Kent, Butterworths, 1981.
144 p.
Zaks, Rodnay. From chips to systems: an
introduction to rnicroprocessors.
Berkeley, CA, Sybex, 1982.576 p.
---o A microprogrammed APL
implementation. Berkeley, CA,
Sybex, 1978. 230 p.
--& Lesea, Austin. Microprocessors
interfacing techniques. 3rd ed.
Berkeley, CA, Sybex, 1979. 464 p.
Understanding and programming
microcomputers. Peterborough, NH,
Wayne Grenne, 1981.
Burton, Philip E. A dictionary of mini
and rnicro computing. New York,
NY, Garland STPM Press, 1981.
369 p.
International rnicrocomputer dictionary.
Berkeley, CA, Sybex, 1981. 119 p.
Miller, Merl K. & Sippl, Charles J. Home
computers: a beginner's glossary and
guide. Portland, Ore., Dilithium
Press, 1978.147 p.
Sippl, Charles J. Microcomputer
dictionary. Indianapolis, Ind., H. W.
Sams, 1981. 806 p.
Adams, Charles K. How to buíd your own
working mícrocornputer. Blue Ridge
Sumrnit, PA, Tab Books, 1980. 308 p.
Glossary: p. 264-283
Barden, William T. Guidebook to small
computers. Indianapolis, Ind., H. W.
Sams, 1980. 127 p.
The bipolar rnicrocomputer components
data book for design enginners (the
engineering staff ofTexas Instruments
Incorporated, Semiconductor Group)
Rev. bras. Bibliotee. e Doe. 15 (1/2):131-133,jan./jun.
Incorporated, Semiconductor Group)
3rd ed. Dallas, Tex., Texas
Instruments, 1981. 559 p.
Buchsbaum, Walter H. Personal
computers handbook. Indianapolis,
Ind.,H. W. Sams, 1980. 286 p.
Bunnel, David. Personal computing: a
beginner's guide. New York, NY,
Hawthorn Books, 1978. 208 p .•
Freiberger, Stephen J. & Chew JI., Paul.
A consumer's guide to personal
computting and rnicrocomputers.
2nd ed. Rochelle Park, NJ, Hayden
Book Co., 1980. 198 p.
Koff, Richard M. Home computers: a
manual of possibilities. New York,
NY, Harcout Brace Jovanovich,
1979.246 p.
Lavine, Robert A. Personal computers
serving people: a guide to human
service applications, including
education, special education and
rehabilitation, creatíve art,
recreation and leisure. Washington,
DC, Hawkins & Associates, 1980.
143 p.
Zaks, Rodnay. Your first computer:
a guide to businees and personal
computing. 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA,
Sybex, 258 p.
Wakerly, J. F. Microcomputer
architecture and programming. New
York, NY, John Wiley, 1981. 692 p.
Wennersten, B. G. Mikro datoriseringen,
den tysta revolutionem: en guide for
beslutsfattare. Stokholm, Affarsforl,
1980.260 p.
Wise, K. D.;Chen, K.; Yokley, R. E.
Microcomputers: a technology
forecast and assessment to year 2000.
NewYork, NY, John Wiley, 1980.
251 p.
BYTE; The Small Systems Journal.
Peterborough, NH, Byte Publications,
1975 - mensal.
Peterborough, NH, Wayne Greene,
1981 - mensal.
MICRO. Piscataway, NH, IEEE, 1982 trimestral.
MICRO; The 6502/6809 Joumal.
CheImsford, MA, Micro Ink, 1977.
Cahners, 1968 - mensal.
NIBBLE; The Reference for AppIe
Computing. LincoIn, MA, MicroSparo, 1980 - mensal.
Park, NJ, Hayden, 1977 - mensal
SOFTSIDE; Your Basic Software
Magazine. Milford, NH, Softside
Publications, 1978 - mensal.
80 MICROCOMPUTER; The Magazine
for TRS-80 Users. Peterborough,
NH, Wayne Greene, 1980 - mensal.
Rev. bras. Bibliotee. e Doe. 15 (1/2):131-133, jan./jun. 1982