Catalogue of participants


Catalogue of participants
Participants Catalog
Countdown on Horizon 2020 Tour
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Enterprise Europe Network Wallonia
General co-operation: Help finding some partnerships in Wallonia
Horizon 2020 related: SME4SPACE
Space Research and Technology Institute
Space Research and Technology Institute-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Aerospace Industries Association of Canada
Embassy of Canada - Science and Technology Office
Horizon 2020 related: Canada-Italy Innovation, Science and Technology Partnerships
Embassy of Canada, Rome, Italy
General co-operation: Exploring Canada-Italy Innovation, Science and Technology Partnerships
Horizon 2020 related: Space Electronics
General co-operation: Space and Terrestrial Robotics, Satellite Technology, Optical Sensors,
Horizon 2020 related: MDA - Surveillance and Intelligence: Remote Sensing Satellites and Ground Systems
Ontario Aerospace Council
Horizon 2020 related: EU - Canada Collaborative R&TD Projects in space technologies of common interest (H2020)
Philip Turi
General co-operation: Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
sciencetech Inc.
Horizon 2020 related: Sciencetech Inc
Turku Science Park Ltd
General co-operation: Finding collaboration partners from Finland
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Horizon 2020 related: SatCom
General co-operation: Space Consultancy and Business Development
Active Space Technologies GmbH
Horizon 2020 related: Research in space technologies, Thermo-mechanical technologies
Horizon 2020 related: ISS External Payload Platform End-to-End Service for TRL Raising
Astrium GmbH
Horizon 2020 related: Commercial Access to ISS for TRL Raising, IOV & Research
Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH
General co-operation: Finding some partnerships
Design & Data GmbH
General co-operation: Specialised marketing and communication support for the European space industry
DKE Aerospace
Horizon 2020 related: EGNOS and satellite navigation technologies
Fraunhofer EMFT
Greenspider gmbh
Horizon 2020 related: Greenspider, SMASH Smart Sharing
General co-operation: IHP - Innovation in High Performance microelectronics
Network Satellite Navigation Berchtesgadener Land
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Space Internetworking Center (SPICE)
Horizon 2020 related: Space-data distribution, Space Communications
General co-operation: Engineering support and interface to Hungarian entities
Omikron-Dokk Kft.
General co-operation: Composite plastic part manufacturer
Elbit Systems
Ramon Chips
Horizon 2020 related: Rad-Hard ASIC for Space
ACPA Service
Advanced Computer Systems A.C.S. S.p.A.
General co-operation: ACS cooperation profile
General co-operation: AEREA Company profile
Aero Sekur
Horizon 2020 related: Safety systems for aeronautics and space exploration
AGT Engineering
Airworks Srl
General co-operation: Space Advanced System
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Department of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences,
Marine Science Group
Horizon 2020 related: Microgravity biomineralization through an orbiting aquatic research module
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM Università di Bologna
Horizon 2020 related: UNIBO - Space WP 2014-2015
Horizon 2020 related: SPACE UNIBO expertise
Horizon 2020 related: Planetary Exploration and integrated applications
Angelantoni Test Technologies
General co-operation: Test systems for high-tech and high vacuum: simulators for aerospace applications
Antonella Ingenito
Horizon 2020 related: Advanced space propulsion field
ARES Consortium
Horizon 2020 related: Space technologies for earth application
Artemis srl
General co-operation: Vibration mapping and data analysis
Avio S.p.A.
General co-operation: Avio S.p.A.
Avio SpA
Horizon 2020 related: Aerospace propulsion
Aviospace srl - an EADS Astrium company
General co-operation: Space transportation engineering company - italian subsidiary of EADS Astrium
C&C srl
General co-operation: Cooperation for payload develpment, mechanical expertise
Horizon 2020 related: CECOM
Centro di Geomorfologia Integrata per l'Area del Mediterraneo
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Horizon 2020 related: Characterization of the territory for the mitigation of the damages to people and things from
seismic, geological and environmental risk through research aimed at applying models and guidelines to environmental
risk analysis and its prediction
Chelys srl
Horizon 2020 related: Value Added Products Generation using Sentinels data - Real Time Data Processing
Ciro Luccarelli
General co-operation: Info Solution Spa
CMCC Euro Mediterranean Center for Climate Change
Horizon 2020 related: CMCC - EuroMediterranean Center on Climate Change: looking for int. partners for environmental monitoring calls
CNR - Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
Horizon 2020 related: Remote Sensing of precipitation and electrical phenomena in atmosphere
Horizon 2020 related: R&D for space applications
CO.RI.S.T.A. (Consortium of Research on Advanced Remote Sensing Systems)
Computer Science Institute, University of Piemonte Orientale
General co-operation: Artificial Intelligence and Dependability in Space Applications
CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE - Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima
Horizon 2020 related: Hydrometeorological applications for climate, weather forecasts, hydrology and emergency response
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi (IMIP)
Horizon 2020 related: Hypersonics & Plasmas
Horizon 2020 related: Security
Horizon 2020 related: Deorbiting/re-orbiting system for satellites
D. & P. Electronic Systems s.r.l.
General co-operation: Development of Analog/digital Signal Processing Systems (HW/FW/SW)
General co-operation: D'Appolonia - Engineering consulting
DIN - Università di Bologna
Horizon 2020 related: Mechanical and Propulsion Area
DTM Technologies
Horizon 2020 related: Partnership on ESA and FP projects: DTM is a SME specialized in mechanical, thermal and CFD
design and MAIT of aerospace payloads, structures and subystems including composite parts.
E.Geos S.p.A.
Horizon 2020 related: Space for a new model of sustainable and integrated development
Horizon 2020 related: Systems Engineering
Electron Source Co
General co-operation: High Quality Electronic Components for Defence and Aerospace
Elital srl
Horizon 2020 related: Design and Manufacturing of Complex Systems (M-GSE, E-GSE, RF PCBs)
Elital srl
Horizon 2020 related: Advanced thermal management for space and terrestrial applications
ENEA, Research Center Casaccia, Optical Coating Lab
Esri Italia
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Horizon 2020 related: ESRI ITALIA
Esri Italia
Horizon 2020 related: Space Applications
Horizon 2020 related: Advanced numerical modeling and structural analyses
Eurac Research
Filas spa
Horizon 2020 related: Filas, the Financial Investment Agency of Regione Lazio dedicated to supporting innovation, to
coordinate clusters' activities and improve clusters' competitiveness and productivity.
Flyby S.r.l.
Horizon 2020 related: Italian SMEdevoted to applied research solutions based on remote sensing technologies
Fondazione EUCENTRE
General co-operation: remote sensing understanding
Gelco spa
General co-operation: Design and manufacturing experience
General co-operation: Earth Observation Technology
Geomatics Research & Development
Horizon 2020 related: GNSS enabled application
Gesp srl
Horizon 2020 related: New ideas for Earth-relevant space applications
Giovanni Cucinella
Horizon 2020 related: Technological cooperation for Space
High Engineering srl
General co-operation: Harness design company
Horizon 2020 related: International companies and Rep's interested in Very High Rel Custom made Transformers, Inductors, RF cables for Aerospace
IMT srl
INAF Osservatorio di Roma
Horizon 2020 related: Data processing for astrophysics
Horizon 2020 related: Data processing for astrophysics
Horizon 2020 related: SCF_Lab: the unique "Satellite/lunar laser ranging and altimetry Characterization Facilities
Info Solution S.p.A.
Horizon 2020 related: Partnership for funded research project
Institute for Applied Physics "Nello Carrara" of the italian National Research Council (IFAC-CNR)
Institute of Chemical Methodologies IMC- CNR
Horizon 2020 related: Space Materials, Pollutants Management and Radiation Astrochemistry
General co-operation: Space Cooperation
General co-operation: Large or Medium European Aerospace Companies
Horizon 2020 related: Iptsat coperation profile
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Horizon 2020 related: ISIS in SCIENCE4DESIGN
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
Horizon 2020 related: Innovation
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Horizon 2020 related: Optical remote sensing for disater management
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Horizon 2020 related: Collaboration in H2020 projects in space (GNSS) and ICT (data infrastructure) topics.
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
General co-operation: Dr
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
Horizon 2020 related: INGV Remote Sensing applications
ItalConsul S.r.l.
Horizon 2020 related: ILS, targeted to find innovative solutions
Italian Coast Guard
Horizon 2020 related: satellite based observation and maritime traffic monitoring systems fusion in order to reach a
maritime awareness
Italian Navy
Horizon 2020 related: Naval Propulsion and Electric Energy Generation, Energy Conservation, Alternative & Sustainable Fuels, Advanced materials, Defence Capabilities.
Julight S.r.l.
General co-operation: Optical and Laser sensors for non-contact measurements of metrology and mechanical quantities
Horizon 2020 related: Partnership for participation to joint space ESA/FP projects
Kell s.r.l.
LUISS University
Horizon 2020 related: CERSI
Horizon 2020 related: Research and development of a set of innovative techniques for soil and vegetation change
monitoring, using multi-temporal satellite images to anomaly detection on hazardous waste sites.
Marsica Innovation & Technology (LFoundry Group)
General co-operation: Partnership for participation to joint space ESA/FP projects
MEEO srl
Horizon 2020 related: Earth Observation and geo-spatial data opportunities
Horizon 2020 related: Consultancy/Design/Manufacturing Services
microsis srl
Horizon 2020 related: MICROSIS SRL
General co-operation: NAIS
National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Applied Physics
Horizon 2020 related: Microwave remote sensing for monitoring of the hydrological cycle for risk assessment and extreme event prevention
National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISTC)
National Research Council of Italy (CNR) - IREA
Horizon 2020 related: Synthetic Aperture Radar technology for deformation time series applications
National Research Council of Italy (CNR) - IREA
NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi
NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A.
General co-operation: Mission Analysis, Space Situational Awareness
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NICE srl
General co-operation: NICE srl - Solutions for High Performance Computing, Cloud & Grid Computing and Remote 3d
Horizon 2020 related: Satellite telecommunications
Optel InP
Horizon 2020 related: Sensors, Microsystems and MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
Over Srl
General co-operation: A user-profiling oriented technology for next generation automation
Planetek Italia srl
General co-operation: Software & Systems development for Ground and Space Segment (Earth Observation and Space
Exploration Missions)
Presagis Europe S.A.
General co-operation: Development of modeling, simulation, visualization, and embedded display applications.
PSI - Progetti Speciali Italiani
Horizon 2020 related: Progetti Speciali Italiani
RedCat Devices
General co-operation: Radiation Hardening
RF Microtech srl
General co-operation: Research and development on microwave area
Riba Composites
Horizon 2020 related: Research and development of Graphene and Carbon Fibers for Aerospace
General co-operation: RMP Srl
Roma Tre University, Department of Mathematics and Physics
Selex ES
Horizon 2020 related: space technologies for payloads and equipment
Selex ES S.p.A
Horizon 2020 related: SELEX ES - Preparing R&D Cooperations
Selex ES SpA
Horizon 2020 related: Technology development for equipment and payloads
Horizon 2020 related: Assembly technologies
Sigma Consulting
Horizon 2020 related: Electronic Defence for Space Applications
Sigma Consulting
Simav SpA
Horizon 2020 related: Defence and Aerospace Division, Director
Sirio Microelettronica Srl
General co-operation: Sirio Microelettronica
Horizon 2020 related: Business/Technology/Research Cooperation
Smart Structures Solutions srl
Horizon 2020 related: Structural Helth Monitoring of civil infrastructures
Horizon 2020 related: GNSS Institutional applicationd development
Space Engineering S.p.A.
Horizon 2020 related: Space Engineering S.p.A. (part of the Astrium Group), a company committed to Satellite Innovation
Space Technologies srl
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Horizon 2020 related: Technologies for satellite optical payloads.
SpaceEXE srl
General co-operation: SpaceEXE srl, the EXEcutable of Space
Sviluppo Lazio S.p.A.
General co-operation: Promotion of a Networking Pilot Project
General co-operation: Sensor and systems for manned space mission support, electronic product design
T2 s.r.l.
Horizon 2020 related: T2 s.r.l. Mechanics – Electronics – and Computer Engineering.
Tecnologie nelle Reti e nei Sistemi - T.R.S. S.p.A.
Horizon 2020 related: GNSS expertise offer
telecom italia
Horizon 2020 related: IASS & SAAS solutions
TEMIS S.r.l.
Horizon 2020 related: Partnership for participation to space ESA/Horizon2020 projects
Horizon 2020 related: EGNSS technologies; Infrastructures for EGNSS applications; NVCOMM techniques & technologies. Sectors: Space, Land, Transport, Health.
TIS innovation Park - Cluster Civil Protection & Alpine Safety
Horizon 2020 related: Tecnologies: risk-prevention & emergency for tourism, transport and telecommunications
General co-operation: Technology Transfer and Design of High Tech Advanced Trasportation Means
Umberto Pernice
Horizon 2020 related: Umberto Pernice
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
University La Sapienza of Rome - Astronautic, Electric and Energy Engineering Department
University of Bari
Horizon 2020 related: Space materials and plasma dynamics
University of Calabria
Horizon 2020 related: Evolutionary Systems Group - University of Calabria
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Horizon 2020 related: Geodesy and Geomatics Division - Univesity of Rome "La Sapienza"
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Horizon 2020 related: Space Research in H2020
General co-operation: Vitrociset’s Aerospace Background and Experience
Aviation Valley
General co-operation: Aviation Valley
Horizon 2020 related: Lightweight alloys and egineering for aerospace industry
everis Aerospacial y Defensa
General co-operation: Space, Communications & Security
GTD, Sistemas de información
General co-operation: Onboard SW, Ground Segment Control Systems, Launcher technologies
Horizon 2020 related: TECNALIA
General co-operation: Versatile technology to grip, center and hold items independant of size and shape
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Acsdemy of technological sciences of Ukraine
Research Production Enterprize HARTRON-ARKOS LTD
Horizon 2020 related: Collaboration in a frame of Horizon 2020 and general co-operation
United KingSATEC
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Enterprise Europe Network Wallonia
Avenue General Michel
6000 Charleroi
Web site
Org. Type
International Organization
Participant Details
Emilien Watelet
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The Enterprise Europe Network helps small business to make the most of the European marketplace. Working through
local business organisations, we can help you:
- Develop your business in new markets
- Source or license new technologies
- Access EU finance and EU funding
We have close to 600 member organisations across the EU and beyond. They include chambers of commerce and industry, technology centres, universities and development agencies.
I'm the local contact point for Charleroi area in Belgium and for Aeronautics and Micro-Nanotechnologies matters in
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Help finding some partnerships in Wallonia
The goal of Enterprise Europe Network in Wallonia is to help companies/research centers finding some commercial/technology/research partnerships abroad.
If you are looking for a partner in Wallonia, feel free to explain your technology/service and/or explain the skills your
partner should have.
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Technologielaan, 9
B-3001 Leuven
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Rosario Pavone
[email protected]
Organisation Details
SME4SPACE is a Panel of Space SMEs Associations of the ESA Member States and ESA cooperating States. SME4SPACE
was founded in 2007 and officially launched on 19 June 2007 at the International Paris Air Show, Le Bourget. On that
day ESA General Director J. J. Dordain signed a Memorandum of Agreement formalising cooperation between ESA and
The aim of this organisation is to voice Space SMEs’ viewpoint in an organised and coordinated way and to facilitate
the access of SMEs to space activities in general and to ESA programmes in particular.
More in detail the organisation pursues the following not for profit purposes:
• defining and defending common positions, representing the SMEs towards public authorities i.e. the European
Space Agency, the European Union and its related agencies;
• organising seminars and information sessions;
• organising a network of SMEs in order to increase the possibilities to cooperate;
• carrying out research projects, participating at National, European and International calls in space and related activities. In particular the task of “Dissemination and Exploitation of Project Results” (under the voice
“Impact”) suits very well the characteristics of SME4SPACE, being able to provide an added value thanks to
the large number of SMEs it represents as well as the wide geographical coverage.
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: SME4SPACE
Main areas of expertise
SME4SPACE is an ideal partner for dissemination activities due to its number of members and collaborations spread all
around Europe. The areas of expertise with reference to sapce activities are:
organizing dissemination meeting/workshop
organizing B2B meeting
implementing a media campaign on web and throughout Mass Media
implementing surveys and analizing the results
producing report and Scenarios Document
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Space company involved in Space related project/proposal from all EU Countries.
Targeted field of cooperation
Space activities and application of space technologies and services
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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SME4SPACE has carried out SPACE4SME project, a survey commissioned by the ESA – SME Unit with the purpose of identifying the difficulties facing European Space SMEs in their efforts to participate in ESA programmes and recommendations.
SME4SPACE is a partner of the FP7 project ITACA that is in the negociation phase with EC. Within this project SME4SPACE will assure the procurement of Satellite Data for the benfit of the Consortium as whole, will carry out the Dissemination activities, and will produce the contents for the project website.
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Space Research and Technology Institute
Acad. G. Bontchev
1113 Sofia
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Ludmil Bankov
[email protected]
research scientist
Organisation Details
SRTI-BAS performs scientific and technological activity in the area of Space Physics and Astronomy, Remote sensing,
Space Biomedecine, Data processing and exploration of databases ..etc.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Cooperation Profiles
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Space Research and Technology Institute-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bontchev
1113 Sofia
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Any Vassileva
[email protected]
research scientist
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Space Technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Cooperation Profiles
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Aerospace Industries Association of Canada
255 Albert St
On Ottawa
Web site
Org. Type
National Contact Point Space
Participant Details
Iain Christie
[email protected]
Executive Vice President
Organisation Details
AIAC is the prinicipal industrial association for space and aerospace companies in Canada. I would be pleased to meet
with companies with an interest in finding Canadian partners, doing business in Canada or investing in Canada.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Satellite networks
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
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Embassy of Canada - Science and Technology Office
via Salaria 243
00199 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
International Organization
Participant Details
Tyler Wordsworth
[email protected]
Trade Commissioner (Innovation, Science and
Organisation Details
The Trade Commissioner Service of the Embassy of Canada provides strategic market information and market access
solutions for Canadian companies looking to export, invest abroad, or develop innovation and R&D partnerships using
our extensive network abroad and across Canada. The Trade Commissioner Service also assists foreign companies planning to invest in Canada or current investors to expand their operations in Canada.
In attendance at the ROME Brokerage event (please request meeting of the appropriate contact):
Tyler Wordsworth - Innovation, Science and Technology and R&D partnerships
Joanne Smith - Space Sector commercial partnerships
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Canada-Italy Innovation, Science and Technology Partnerships
Main areas of expertise
Identifying and facilitating potential commercial, research, innovation and investment partnerships between Italian
and Canadian companies and organizations in the Space sector, both in the context of, and outside of, H2020.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
ITALY: companies, startups, organizations and researchers active in the areas specified and beyond, in order to discover the scope of their work and nature of desired partnerships, such that we can connect them with Canadian partners.
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Offered / Requested: Technical Co-operation Agreement
Offered / Requested: Commercial Partnership
Offered / Requested: Research & Development
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Embassy of Canada, Rome, Italy
Via Salaria, 243
00199 Rome
Web site
+39 06 854443357
Org. Type
Governmental organization
Participant Details
Joanne Smith
[email protected]
Trade Commissioner (Space, Aerospace, Defence,
Transportation, Automotive)
Organisation Details
The Trade Commissioner Service of the Embassy of Canada provides strategic market information and market access
solutions for Canadian companies looking to export, invest abroad, or develop innovation and R&D partnerships using
our extensive network abroad and across Canada. The Trade Commissioner Service also assists foreign companies planning to invest in Canada or current investors to expand their operations in Canada.
In attendance at the ROME Brokerage event (please request meeting of the appropriate contact):
Tyler Wordsworth - Innovation, Science and Technology and R&D partnerships
Joanne Smith - Space Sector commercial partnerships
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
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Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Swarm technologies
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
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Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Exploring Canada-Italy Innovation, Science and Technology Partnerships
Main areas of expertise
The Embassy of Canada to Italy's Trade Commissioner Service is attending Countdown to H2020 with the goal of identifying potential commercial, research, innovation and investment partnerships between Italian and Canadian companies and organizations in the Space sector, both in the context of, and outside of, H2020.
Our goal is to facilitate linkages between Canadian and Italian counterparts by obtaining knowlege of Italian capacity.
We do not represent the Government of Canada as a buyer.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
ITALY: companies, startups, organizations and researchers active in the areas specified and beyond, in order to discover the scope of their work and nature of desired partnerships.
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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21025 Trans Canada Highway
H9X3R2 Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giovanni D'Aliesio
[email protected]
Organisation Details
As the world's leading independent supplier of antenna solutions for communications satellites, MDA offerings include
satellite payloads, a large range of electronic products, antenna subsystems and composite structures, and complete
communications satellites for commercial and military customers around the world.
MDA is an industry leader in the design, development, fabrication, and testing of advanced systems and products for
space, defence, and commercial applications. As the world’s leading independent supplier of antenna solutions for
communications satellites, the company’s offerings include satellite payloads, antenna and electronic subsystems,
composite structures, and complete communications satellite solutions that span all frequencies for military and commercial customers. Equipped with world class manufacturing, integration and test facilities housed in modern clean
rooms, MDA has an excellent reputation for technical reliability, quality and performance, backed by its heritage in
satellite antennas, electronics and payload systems spanning hundreds of international programs over five decades.
Areas of Activity
▪ In Space data processing
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space Electronics
Main areas of expertise
MDA Information Systems - Communications Division
•Communications Satellite Equipment
–Antennas (UHF to V-Band)
–Electronics (Digital, RF, Power)
–Niche Comms Payloads
•Remote Sensing Satellites
–Payloads for Radar and EO
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•Manned Space
–Robotic Command & Control
•Specific Electronics Expertise
–Command & Control Units
–Single Board Computers
–Data Storage Units (Mass Memory)
–Motor Drive Electronics
–Telemetry & Telecommand Electronics (Payload Interface)
–Communications Electronics
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Space - Industry, Institutes/Universities, Agencies
Targeted field of cooperation
Space opportunities in general
Experience with ESA / FP projects
MDA has been involved in a variety of ESA programs throughout the years
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9445 Airport Road
L4S 2B8 Brampton, Ontario
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
John Ratti
[email protected]
Product Development Manager
Organisation Details
MDA's Brampton, Canada operation brings with it extensive experience in the design and development of space robotics systems and related terrestrial applications. With over 300 skilled employees, it is best known for the development of the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS) or Canadarm. MDA Brampton continues to be the global
leader in space robotics, with a primary focus of its Research and Development (R&D) activities in the areas of current and future applications such as the assembly and maintenance of the International Space Station (ISS), satellite
servicing, sensors, next generation of Shuttle replacement vehicles, Orbital and Planetary Exploration Missions to
the Moon, Mars and beyond. MDA Brampton has also diversified its capabilities into medical, mining and nuclear applications.
MDA is the largest space company in Canada and amongst the top 10 in the world. Including its wholly own US subsidiary Space Systems Loral (SSL), MDA has established a reputation for delivering leading edge systems for satellite
communications, earth observation and space exploration. With over 4500 skilled employees and annual revenues of
nearly $2B, MDA is active in numerous domestic and international information technology markets, including:
• Satellite Communications: Satellites, payloads and antennas
• Surveillance and Intelligence: Earth observation missions, advanced robotics, satellite ground stations, satellite data products, and mapping / geographic information services.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Optical sensors
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Space and Terrestrial Robotics, Satellite Technology, Optical Sensors,
MDA Information Systems - Space Missions Division
Main areas of expertise
• Space Robotics:
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- High reliability, mission critical applications
- Space Shuttle Canadarm, Space Station Mobile Servicing System
- Satellite and Servicing Spacecraft robotic systems
• Optical sensors and Robotics Vision Systems
- Rendevous and Proximity Operations sensors
- Vision Systems for remote robotics operations and virtual presence
• Terrestrial robotics:
- Nuclear reactor maintainance and inspections
- Medical tele-surgery
- Autonomous Mining vehicles
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Industry, Agencies, Universities / Institutes
Targeted field of cooperation
Space opportunities in general
Experience with ESA / FP projects
MDA has experience in a variety of past and ongoing ESA programs.
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3713 Ashton Station Road
K0A 1B0 Ottawa
Web site
613 257 7653
Org. Type
Participant Details
Andre Stavri
[email protected]
Director, International Business Development, Surveillance and Intelligence
Organisation Details
MDA is a global communications and information company providing operational solutions to commercial and government organizations worldwide.
MDA's business is focused on markets and customers with strong repeat business potential. In addition, the Company
conducts a significant amount of advanced technology development.
MDA's well-established global customer base is served by more than 4,500 employees operating from 11 locations in
the United States, Canada and internationally.
This website contains information on MDA, and its information systems solutions and products.
For information on SSL, please visit their site at
Our products include:
1.SAR and EO Remote Sensing Satellites and Ground Systems
2.Communication Satellites
3.GeoSpatial Intelligence Products
4.Space Robotics
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
▪ Satellite networks
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
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Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: MDA - Surveillance and Intelligence: Remote Sensing Satellites and
Ground Systems
Main areas of expertise
1. Remote Sensing SAR and EO satellites and related Ground Systems
2. GeoSpatial value added processing
3. Maritime Surveillance
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Companies that have related products/expertise especially complimentary. Companies that we can collaborate with
on related projects.
We seek companies from all EU countries and those who are capable of bidding on EU programs
Targeted field of cooperation
All related remote sensing and space based communication programs.
Programs that call for space robotics
MDA can assume roles as either Prime or Sub Contractor
Experience with ESA / FP projects
1. was major contractor for EnviSat Ground System (ASAR)
2. is prime contractor for the Sentinel-1 Instrument Processing Facility (IPF)
3. is a major supplier of RS1&2 imagery for the GMES program for the last 3 years
4. is the current EnviSat gap filler by using RS-2 until S-1 is operational
5. is the current supplier of Third Party Mission to the EU academic community
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Ontario Aerospace Council
549 Mill Park Drive
Web site
Org. Type
International Organization
Participant Details
Rod Jones
[email protected]
Executive Director
Organisation Details
The Ontario aerospace industry has a proud 100 year history of innovation and technology leadership, enhances the
well-being of Ontarians and all Canadians, and is a strong contributor to Ontario’s and Canada’s economy.
Ontario aerospace OEMs and Tier 1 Systems Integrators, supported by strong supplier clusters, have market-leading
positions in several product and service niches, including:
Regional Turboprop Aircraft Integration
Business Jet Aircraft Integration
General Aviation Aircraft
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles & Systems
Small and Medium Turbine Engines
Landing Gear Systems
Environmental Control Systems
Electric Power Systems
Flight Control Systems
Integrated Avionics Systems
Avionics Displays
Aircraft Structural Assemblies
Stabilized Airborne Imaging Systems
Simulation / Training Systems
Electro-mechanical Products
Space Robotics Systems
Space Communications Systems
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Generating revenues of approximately US$ 6 billion of which more than 80% is exported, the Ontario aerospace industry is made up of more than 350 firms employing over 24,000 people, many of whom are highly qualified engineers,
technicians and scientists.
The Ontario Aerospace Council (OAC) brings together more than 220 Ontario aerospace companies, institutions and organizations, working together:
• To be the voice of the Ontario aerospace industry
• To increase Ontario’s share of the global aerospace market
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Satellite Communication
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: EU - Canada Collaborative R&TD Projects in space technologies of
common interest (H2020)
Canadian Space Technologies
Canada’s space technologies sector is knowledge-intensive and at the forefront of this highly technical global industry.
Building on the strengths of more than 7,500 highly skilled workers – nearly 2,600 of whom are engineers and scientists
– Canadian space firms have acquired world-leading capabilities in satellite-based communication services, space robotics, earth observation and space sciences. Sales in 2011, including related value added products and services, were
approximately $3.5 billion.
Approximately 70% of Canada's space activities are in the Province of Ontario.
Canadian Strengths and Excellence
Satellite Communications and Navigation Systems (84%)
Telecommunications is the largest space technology subsector in Canada. Canadian aerospace companies are major
players in the world's commercial satellite operator industry, rapidly increasing their influence in the U.S. fixed-satellite market. With the launch of Anik F – one of the world's most advanced communications satellites – Canada has expanded into the exploding South American market. Canadian firms are also poised to capture a larger share of the
growing direct-to-home satellite market place.
Canada’s space industry is the second-largest provider of global navigation satellite systems equipment, following the
U.S. More than 80 Canadian firms manufacture and service electronics products for aviation and space navigation. And, they provide specialized expertise in GIS applications, wireless solutions, GPS and inertial navigation systems, and satellite distribution functions.
Space Robotics and Automation (4%)
Canada’s space industry, working in partnership with the Canadian Space Agency, has achieved an expertise in space
robotics and automation beyond that of any other nation. This leadership is shown by the Space Shuttle’s Canadarm
and its successor for the International Space Station (ISS).
Remote manipulator systems like the Canadarm, and robotic workstations and integration application software are a
Canadian forté. Other areas of strength include space robotics assembly and the development of software control applications. Canada also commands a world-leading position in the provision of training simulators for the operation of
remote manipulator systems. Astronauts, cosmonauts and support personnel from around the world have developed
and honed their expertise using state-of-the-art Canadian products.
Expertise in the area of space vision systems complements Canada’s robotics prowess. Moreover, Canadian firms are
at the forefront in applying space robotics and automation expertise to terrestrial applications in such areas as manufacturing, mining, agriculture, and medicine.
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Earth Observation and Remote Sensing (7%)
The earth observation (EO) and remote sensing segment of the space technologies market is going through a significant transformation. Its focus has shifted from meeting demands from government military (intelligence gathering)
and civil markets (mapping, disaster response) to meeting a diverse range of commercial applications – particularly in
the area of natural resource management. New business opportunities in the fields of agriculture, forestry, resource
extraction and marine surveillance are being captured by Canadian EO companies.
Canada is also a world leader in systems that collect, record and store valuable satellite-based land information – having built more than 70 percent of the world’s civilian multi-satellite EO ground stations.
Space Sciences (7%)
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Philip Turi
6725 Airport Rd.
L4V 1V2 Mississauga
Web site
647 205 6111
Org. Type
Participant Details
Philip Turi
[email protected]
General Counsel & Director, Global Business Services
Organisation Details
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) is Canada’s largest trade and industry association, and the voice of manufacturing and global business in Canada.
Founded in 1871, CME represents more than 10,000 leading companies nationwide, and – through various initiatives,
including the establishment of the Canadian Manufacturing Coalition – touches more than 100,000 companies from
coast to coast, engaged in manufacturing, international trade, and service-related industries. More than 85 per cent
of our members are small and medium-sized enterprises.
Collectively, CME's membership network accounts for an estimated 82 per cent of Canadian manufacturing production
and 90 per cent of all goods and services exports.
In December 2012, CME became the EEN representative for Canada, and launched ECN, or the Enterprise Canada Network. For more information on ECN, please see
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
Main areas of expertise
Advanced Manufacturing
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Other Industry Associations and Chamber of Commerce
Targeted field of cooperation
Information sharing and dissemination of Horizon 2020 research calls to SMEs.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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sciencetech Inc.
1450 Global Drive
N6N1R3 london
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Scott Hafekost
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Sciencetech Inc. (SCI) has been designing and manufacturing optical spectroscopy instruments in Canada since 1985.
Sciencetech instruments have been used in many applications and fields including medical research, biotechnology,
space sciences, analytical chemistry, material research, pharmacology, applied physics, aerospace, food sciences, environmental and academic research.
SCI offers two main product groups, Modular Instruments and Custom Instruments. The company’s modular instruments are sold predominantly through a network of regional sales representatives to mainly researchers, whereas our
custom instruments are typically sold directly through OEM and other partnership channels. SCI’s instrument design
and development capabilities are evident in our distinguished list of customers, the broad range of applications for
which our products are used for, and as well as in the company’s own branded line of products.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Space Exploration
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Sciencetech Inc
Main areas of expertise
Innovative Equipment and system integration in the areas of:
• Material Testing in the UV, Vis, IR, Far-IR, and THz
• Solar simulation in IEC, ASTM, and JIC 300-1100nm to extended ranges up to 2500nm. Target size range from
2cm x 2cm to 300cm x 300cm both flash and continuous. Sun level's vary from 1 sun to 5000 suns.
• OEM design and prototype service in analytical equipment utilizing spectroscopy
Target partner (Expertise, Type, and Country)
• Industry and research requiring specialized or novelty equipment (Country Any)
• SME partnership in the form of European representation.
Targeted field of cooperation
• R&D projects
• Partnership with industry and research
• application for: material testing, specilized light source or spectrum measurements.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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• ESA- Scientific equipment from Sciencetech Inc. Used in France by the Institut d’Astrophysique Spaciale for
calibration and testing of instrumentation for the Planck satellite.
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Turku Science Park Ltd
Lemminkäisenkatu 14 - 18C
20520 Turku
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Timo Huttunen
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Turku Science Park Ltd is broker in ESA Technology Transfer Network and also member in Enterprise Europe Network.
Areas of Activity
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Finding collaboration partners from Finland
Main areas of expertise
Technology transfer, business development, internationalization
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Industrial or research organisation looking for contacts in Finland, or local technology transfer centre looking for future joint collaboration in COSME or H2020 programmes.
Targeted field of cooperation
Projects targeting university
Cluster Creation Services
Experience with ESA / FP projects
ESA Technology Transfer Network
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VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
P.O. Box 1100
FI-90571 OULU
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Marko Höyhtyä
[email protected]
Organisation Details
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is the largest public applied research activity in Northern Europe with a
staff of 2800 and turnover M€280. VTT has 70 years of experience in addressing the needs of industry and the
knowledge-based society. VTT can combine different technologies, create new innovations and a wide range of worldclass technologies and applied research services, thus improving its clients’ competitiveness and competence. VTT’s
key technology fields are: Applied materials, Bio- & chemical processes, Energy, ICT, Industrial systems, Microtechnologies & electronics, Services & built environment, and Business Research.
In the past 20 years, VTT has participated in more than 1000 FP projects. Especially, VTT’s Communication Platforms
centre has specialized in wireless systems transmission methods and platform implementation technologies including
radio interfaces, digital signal processing in different types of communication platforms and cooperating networks.Today, VTT is one of the leading cognitive radio experts in Europe and widely recognized in this field. The relevant EU project examples are MEDIAN, WIND-FLEX, WINNER I-II, EUWB, SACRA and ONEFIT. In addition, VTT has acted
as a prime in ESA projects ACROSS and on-going FREESTONE project. Focus in these studies have been in application of
cognitive radio and other frequency sharing techniques to satellite systems.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite networks
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: SatCom
Main areas of expertise
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Project manager in ESA projects ACROSS in 2011-2012 and FREESTONE 2013- studying applicability of cognitive radios
and other frequency sharing techniques to satellite systems.
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120 Avenue de Suffren
75015 Paris
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
[email protected]
Head of Technology
Organisation Details
4SPACE is a young a dynamic company based in Paris, France, founded in 2005 by Dr. Paul Clancy, a former ESA manager. 4SPACE is specialised in consultancy for space, science and technology, and has worked for ESA in many projects
and studies:
European Scenario for Utilisation of LEO post 2020
A study exploring the possibilities and different scenarios for the utilisation of the Low Earth Orbits after 2020.
Survey of the Space Technology Sector in Asia-Pacific
An analysis of the space technology scenario throughout 17 space emerging countries in the Asia-Pacific.
Bibliometric Study of the Output of Life and Physical Sciences Research in Space
A study on the impact of the European publications in Space Life and Physical Sciences from 1985 to 2011.
Collaborative Online Desktop Engineering and Management
A study for development of a collaborative working environment throughout the Agency.
Sustainability of Space Activities
A life cycle approach on the sustainability of the impact of the European Space Agency activities.
Concept Study of an Isolation Facility in the Underground Laboratory HADES
A conceptual design for an underground laboratory for the simulation of long manned space missions.
Production of Scientific American Special Edition Related to ESA's ELIPS Science Programme
A project aimed to publicise the scientific work carried out under the European Life & Physical Sciences in Space).
History of Space Activities in Ireland
The production of a paper about the history of space activities in Ireland within the ESA Extended History Project
PlanetSpace Europe
4SPACE is cooperating with PlanetSpace Inc. in proposals to NASA involving commercial access to return from ISS.
Conceptual Design Study of DOME: A Facility for Design and Optimisation of Moon/Mars Explorers
A preliminary and later a detailed engineering and architectural design for a planetary surface emulation facility.
Space Science and Space Education Market Analysis
- Client: Astrocourier Ltd.
Support in the development of Astrocourier's range of small experiment carriers, educational experiments and launch
services offering low cost access to space to schools, universities & research institutes, SME's, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts
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Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Emergency
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Space Consultancy and Business Development
Main areas of expertise
4SPACE's expertise spans a wide range of domains of space science and space technology. 4SPACE has been involved in
feasibility studies, detailed design of isolation facilities and planetary surface analogues, space technology assessments and spin-off applications, technology surveys. and space technology outreach.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
4SPACE is accustomed to work with small to very large industrial partners, universities and research institutes. Beyond
European customers, 4SPACE has worked and cooperated with Asian-Pacific and US organisations.
Targeted field of cooperation
Disruptive technologies and applications in the area of geoinformation systems, disasters recovery and relief, new materials and general space systems. Special focus in business development in the Asia-Pacific emerging countries and
the US. Contacts in the asteroid mining initiatives.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
ESA is 4SPACE's major customer. 4SPACE has a proven track record in preparing successful proposals in response to
ESA's ITTs, and in managing large teams under ESA's contracts.
4SPACE had applied, unsuccessfully, to one FP project acquiring however the capability in responding to the EU
framework projects.
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2, Rue Maurice Mélat
31200 Toulouse
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
VERNAY Dominique
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
Earth Observation
▪ Security
Cooperation Profiles
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Active Space Technologies GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Riccardo Nadalini
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Active Space Technologies GmbH is a space engineering company, focused on thermal and mechanical engineering
(thermal, fluidic and structural analysis, design, manufacturing and testing), in project management and system engineering for instruments and (sub)systems.
Active Space Technologies has well-funded experience with NASA, ESA, EU (2 projects closed, 3 ongoing in FP7), some
major Primes (Thales Alenia, OHB) as well as scientific institutions (DLR, Max-Planck), with a strong basis on exploration technologies (landers, instruments for planetary exploration), covering all quality levels, from the easiest to the
most demanding ones.
Since 2008 Active Space Technologies is active in the thermal design of instruments and small landers and in the
frame of these activities has started internal developments of specific technologies, the most important of which are
carbon-based flexible thermal connections, heat switches, solid state cooling systems for micro, nano and pico satellites, thermoelectric coolers and heat accumulators.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ NEOs
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Small scale satellites
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
▪ Marine
Space Exploration
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Research in space technologies, Thermo-mechanical technologies
Main areas of expertise
Active Space Technologies GmbH is a German SME, with a strong focus on thermal and mechanical engineering. As
such, the relevant areas of expertise for this activity are:
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-Thermal Engineering (from concept to delivery, including design, analysis and Testing)
-Mechanical Engineering, including deisgn, construction, analysis, procurement and AIT/AIV
-Support Systems design and manufacturing, (customized test facilities, test adapters and various types of Ground
Support Equipment)
-Project Management, System Engineering and PA/QA (including qualification)
-Design of instruments for space exploration (Mars and asteroids landers, Mercury and Venus orbiters)
In addition to broad-scope engineering competences, AST has already been working on some specific tehnologies for
space use:
o Phase Change PCM
o Thermoelectric cooling
o use of composites and carbon fibers for lightweight flexible thermal components
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
-Satellite manufacturers, especially small ones
-Scientific institutions
-System and subsystem manufacturers
Targeted field of cooperation
The Topic of PROTEC 2 (NEO) especially regarding technologies to sample and analyze asteroid surfaces.
The topics in the field of competitiveness of the European Space Sector
COMPET 1, especially "space qualification of low-shock non-explosive actuators" and "advanced thermal control systems" , COMPET 2 ,COMPET 5, COMPET 7, COMPET 6, especially "in-situ sensors/instruments of physical parameter"
In all topics, for smaller projects, AST is also willing to act as coordinator.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
AST is active with ESA projects since the beginning of its activities both directly and indirectly.
- Technology development (ITI)
- Development of Instruments for Space Exploration
- Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (Sentinel 3, Solar Orbiter, Bepi Colombo)
Since 2010, AST has been active in FP7, both in Space (AERSUS, PEASSS, NEREIDS) and in non-Space calls (NEREIDS,
COOL-COVERINGS) and has participated in numerous proposals
Moreover, AST has experience of instrument development with NASA (Insight mission)
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Airbus-Allee 1
28199 Bremen
Web site
+49 421 539 4266
Org. Type
Participant Details
Uwe Pape
[email protected]
Head of Commercial ISS Services
Organisation Details
ASTRIUM's Commercial ISS Services organization offers together with NanoRacks Inc. the first ever commercial pathway to external testing in space. This service is based on the ASTRIUM developed External Payload Platform (EPP)
which is provided to the end users as an end-to-end service to fly "4 Unit Colonysat" as well as multiple sizes external
payloads on short notice (typical 1 year turnaround) on the ISS at an affordable price.
This services includes: User Support, Payload Integration & Testing, Launch & Return, Crew Resources, Power, Private
& Secure Data, Exposure to Space, Predictable & Frequent Launch Capabilities on all pressurized ISS visiting vehicles.
It offers: Technology Readiness Level Raising, Flight Qualification of e.g. Comsat equipment, Sensor testing, Biological
Testing, Materials Testing in Space, etc.
Launch service starts mid of 2014. Reservations are accepted at this point in time.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ In Space data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
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Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: ISS External Payload Platform End-to-End Service for TRL Raising
Main areas of expertise
ASTRIUM's Commercial ISS Services organization offers together with NanoRacks Inc. the first ever commercial pathway to external testing in space. This service is based on the ASTRIUM developed External Payload Platform (EPP)
which is provided to the end users as an end-to-end service to fly "4 Unit Colonysat" as well as multiple sizes external
payloads on short notice (typical 1 year turnaround) on the ISS at an affordable price.
This services includes: User Support, Payload Integration & Testing, Launch & Return, Crew Resources, Power, Private
& Secure Data, Exposure to Space, Predictable & Frequent Launch Capabilities on all pressurized ISS visiting vehicles.
It offers: Technology Readiness Level Raising, Flight Qualification of e.g. Comsat equipment, Sensor testing, Biological
Testing, Materials Testing in Space, etc.
Launch service starts mid of 2014. Reservations are accepted at this point in time.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Space - Industry, Institutes/Universities, Agencies
Targeted field of cooperation
Provision of flight opportunities for external ISS testing and operation on a commercial basis
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Commercial service to ESA to fly external Columbus Payloads on Shuttle flight STS flight 1E with the Integrated Cargo
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Astrium GmbH
Airbus-Allee 1
28199 Bremen
Web site
+49- 421-539-5165
Org. Type
Participant Details
Christian Steimle
[email protected]
System Engineer, EPP Business Development
Organisation Details
Astrium's Commerical ISS Services organisation offers in cooperation with Nanoracks Inc. a commercial pathway to
place research & development payload on the International Space Station. This service is based on the Astrium developed External Payload Platform (EPP) which is accessed via a reliable and affordable end-to-end service. Small cubsat
sized payload can be delivered to the ISS and brought back on short notice, typically no later than 1 year after contract signature.
The end-to-end service includes user support, payload integration & testing, launch & return, ISS crew resources,
power, private & secure data, exposure of payloads to space, predictable & frequent launch opportunities on all pressurised ISS visiting vehicles.
A lot of different types of payloads can be realised, e. g. Technology Readiness Level raising, flight qualification of
equipments, sensor testing, biological experiments, materials testing in space.
The service starts mid of 2014. Reservations are accepted at this point in time.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ In Space data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
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Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Swarm technologies
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
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Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Commercial Access to ISS for TRL Raising, IOV & Research
Main areas of expertise
Project management, systems engineering, commercial access to the International Space Station, international business cooperation
Payload development & qualification
Prime contractor for space systems
European autonomous access to space
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Sub-systems developers, worldwide
Researchers in space applications, worldwide
Small satellite business, worldwide
Targeted field of cooperation
Provision of end-to-end service for payloads externally attached to the International Space Station
Laboratory in space
Launch service of nano-satellites
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH
Albert-Einstein-Straße 12
12489 Berlin
Web site
+49 30 6392 1000
Org. Type
Participant Details
Maik Hartmann
[email protected]
Vice Director
Organisation Details
Small satellite busses (up to 200 kg) and payloads/components for small satellites (1 to 400 kg) are the core business
activities of Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH. In this area we focus on high reliable and smart systems for
LEO and deep space applications.
We are specialized in attitude control components (reaction wheels, IMUs, GPS systems, Magnetic Field Sensors) and
complete AOC-subsystems, power subsystem components (PCU, PDU), structures and mechanism (booms, solar panels
or deployment mechanism) and scientific and optical payloads (primary VIS and IR). Additional to that we offer ground
support equipment (EGSE, MGSE, OGSE), like transport containers or AOCS test beds.
The scope of services comprises the complete verification and environmental qualification of new space technologies
and hardware (scientific and commercial), according to NASA/ESA/JAXA standards, which also includes vibration, pyro
shock and thermal vacuum testing.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Small scale satellites
Earth Observation
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Finding some partnerships
Astronautics are in the centre of all business activities of Astro- und Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH. Thanks to the
comprehensive knowledge and experience of a large part of the employees in different fields of the space technology,
the company has developed in the course of its history from a supplier of parts and components into a system vendor.
In the early phase of development of the company, mostly individual components and assembly groups with high-technology and precision standards were supplied. With the development of more complex payloads for various missions
and subsystems for different micro-satellites a comprehensive and continuous improvement of the capabilities in the
areas of development, production and verification of hardware products took place. In the satellite bus for small
satellites product area, some individual subsystems for the energy supply and the Attitude Control System (ACS) were
developed. In the reaction wheels sector, a family of reaction wheels for small satellites could be successfully
launched on the market. With the smallest of the RW’s (RW 1), the company has an absolutely unique selling point at
the international market.
In the course of the next growth phase, the company has obtained comprehensive expertise in the area of system engineering by hiring highly qualified specialists, continuing education of the permanent staff and investing in the technological base of the company with a focus on electronic hardware and software, and last but not least by the work on
complex projects.
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The most recent example about that is the development of the TET satellite bus system for the phases A to C/D. The
TET satellite was launched at July 2012.
The experience and the knowledge obtained in test mode and their consistence further development contributed to
the creation of the Environment Simulation and Testing department. Thus we can perform the majority of the testing
procedures necessary for approval of the small satellite hardware. The scope of the services comprises the mechanical
tests (typically: vibration, shock, pyroshock, static load by linear acceleration, determining the centre of gravity and
the mass of geometrically complex test specimens) and the thermal and thermal-vacuum tests. In collaboration with
reliable partners, additional tests, e.g. radiation tests, can be performed at our company.
In parallel with the build-up of our space-related core competences, it was necessary to develop essential ground support equipment (GSE). Just here lie the strong points of our company in the development of complex test stations. Examples in this respect are the air bearings (for the ACS), the pyroshock or the thermal-vacuum test stations we supply
to our partners in the industry and science.
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Design & Data GmbH
Hohenzollernring 56
50672 Cologne
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Sebastian Marcu
[email protected]
Managing Director
Organisation Details
<p>Design & Data GmbH is a specialised digital communications agency for the space industry. We manage the ESA
video archive and are working with various partners from the space industry to promote their products and services to
various target groups.</p>
<p>Within the context of Horizon 2020, we participate as a member of project consortia, in order to help disseminate
the results of the project to stakeholders, project partners, future customers and the media. We help on various levels:</p>
<li>Define the overall communication strateg</li>
<li>Create the marketing content to help communicate the benefits of the project</li>
<li>Set-up media interviews with project participants</li>
<li>Organise and conduct press conferences</li>
<li>Ensure disseminated materials are consistent with the communication goals of the project</li>
<li>Manage media appearances for the project partners</li>
Areas of Activity
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Specialised marketing and communication support for the European
space industry
Main areas of expertise
Marketing, Communications, PR, Content creation, Video Production, Live Streaming, Web development, Mobile application developement, Social Media, Media distribution, Graphics support, Communication Team Manpower support
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Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Currently we are evaluating who would fit the profile to be an ideal partner in our endeavour. We have prepared a
special presentation to present the concept to potential partners and are happy to discuss this project in detail with
potential partners who have an interest in maintaining a strong space industry in Europe.
Targeted field of cooperation
We aim to propose the creation of a space initiative to promote space in 2014. 2014. will be an important year for the
European and especially the German space industry. The astronaut Alexander Gerst will spend 6 months on the ISS,
the Rosetta mission will attempt the incredible landing on a comet and Europe will celebrate 50 years in space. All of
these events create the perfect backdrop to promote space in Germany and Europe through special events.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
We manage the ESA video archive and produce video content on a regular basis for various ESA directorates. In addition we work regularly for DLR and various companies from the European space industry.
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DKE Aerospace
Graf-von-Soden-Strasse H 10
88090 Immenstaad a. B.
Web site
+49 (0) 7545 882 97
Org. Type
Participant Details
Marco Manca
[email protected]
Senior associate
Organisation Details
SME since 2002, active in Space application technologies combining SatNav / EGNOS with other Space disciplines like
SatCom and EO. recent project were EGNOS SDK (EC) and OpenCarData (GSA), Maritime and Inland Waterways Navigation (EC), Agriculture GNSS (EC), Space technologies in ski resorts (ESA) and Digital Tachographs on trucks (EC).
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: EGNOS and satellite navigation technologies
Main areas of expertise
SatNav / EGNOS / Galileo applications and receiver technology
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
SatNav applications on mobiles
Experience with ESA / FP projects
more than 25 R&D projects with ESA, GSA and the EC in the realm of SatNav and downstream applications; coordinator and prime roles as well as subcontractor roles
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Fraunhofer EMFT
Hansastrasse 27d
80686 Munich
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Peter Ramm
[email protected]
Head of Dept. Heterogeneous System Integration
Organisation Details
Fraunhofer is Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization. Our research efforts are geared entirely to
people’s needs: health, security, communication, energy and the environment. As a result, the work undertaken by
our researchers and developers has a significant impact on people’s lives. Fraunhofer has more than 80 research units,
including 60 Fraunhofer Institutes, at different locations in Germany. The majority of more than 20,000 staff are qualified scientists and engineers. The annual research budget is €1.8 billion.
Fraunhofer EMFT with more than 90 employees and a budget of approx. 10 M€ (2012), is mainly working on the research and development of novel technologies for the further integration and miniaturization of microelectronic systems with increasing breadth of function. EMFT is focussing on integrated sensor techniques, biological and chemical
sensor systems, MEMS/NEMS components and innovative nanoelectronic Si devices and polymer electronics as well as
reliability tests of microelectronic circuits and components. EMFT´s key competence is 3D integration technology, especially regarding heterogeneous 3D integration of MEMS and ICs, partly developed within the large-scale European
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
Cooperation Profiles
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Greenspider gmbh
Nordostpark 89
90411 Nuremberg
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alessandro Cantore
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Greenspider develops ultra-low-power sensors and Multistandardsatellite trackers (GPS, Galileo, Glonass) integrating
Energy Harvestingtechnology for optimum durability in Battery-Free mode. The company relies on the technological
support of the FraunhoferInstitute for Integrated Circuit, and of the European Space Agency. The set of products includes on-board location sensors (speed,position, geo-fencing, shock sensor) and OnBoard diagnostic devicesretrieving
different parameters (charge level of the battery,temperature, atmospheric pressure). The devices support flexible
Machine2Machine communication withdifferent wireless technologies (GPRS, ZigBee Module, WiFi) forupdating the data on Cloud. A further innovative element isgiven by the embedded NFC (NearFieldCommunication) today supported
bymost of the smartphone, allowingthe operator to easily access data and system configuration, and the user to access to mobility services. This gives the possibilityto easily book vehicles or parking spots with immediate identification, and thepossibility to enable mobile payment with a high degree of reliability given by the possibility to correlate
satellite positioning dat a andProximity events. Further info at:
Areas of Activity
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Greenspider, SMASH Smart Sharing
Main areas of expertise
Satellite Tracking, Sensors, Near Field Communication, Energy Harvesting, solutions for smart Veichle Sharing Schemes
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
The preferred partnerr are Solution integrators, Mobility Operators, GIS Service Companies, Space Agencies. We are
interested in cooperations in all European Countries.
Targeted field of cooperation
The aim of the coopertion is to integrate innovative sensors, Supporting Satellite Tracking NFC and M2M into cloud
platform, to enable and deploy innovative application for Urban Sustainable Mobility and Vehicle Sharing Schemes.
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The technology integrating MultiStandard Satellite Tracking (GPS, Glonass, Galielo) and Near Field Communication enables mobile payment with a high degree of reliability,giveng the possibility to correlate satellite positioning data and
Proximity events.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Greenspider gmbh is incubated in ESA BIC Bavaria Program, and relies on the technology partnership of Frunhofer Institute on Integrated Circuits in Nuremberg. The company develops innovative onboard sensors (product line STERN,
Satellite tracking Energy harvesting) for optimum durability in Battery-Free mode; with this characteristicsthe devices
are particularly suitable forvehicle Sharing schemes, with the possibility to update Status and Location data on cloud
even when the vehicle’s engine is off. The ultra-low-consumption miniaturized sensors can be easily embedded in fix
or mobile infrastructures, providing easy user interaction by means of NFC technology. The devices can be integrat ed
as Add-On in third party cloud platform by means of Applicat ion Programming Interface.
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Im Technologiepark 25
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)
Web site
+49 335 5625 0
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Maurizio Cirillo
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The IHP is an institute of the Leibniz Association and conducts research and development of silicon-based systems and
ultra high-frequency circuits and technologies including new materials. It develops innovative solutions for application
areas such as wireless and broadband communication, aerospace, biotechnology and medicine, automotive industry,
security technology and industrial automation. The IHP employs approximately 300 people. It operates a pilot line for
technological developments and the preparation of high-speed circuits with 0.13/0.25 µm BiCMOS technologies, located in a 1000 m² class 1 cleanroom.
IHP‘s research activities are focused on :
Wireless communication systems
Enhancing the security of wireless data transfer
Wireless low-power sensor networks
mm-wave-sensor technology and radar
integrated Si-photonic for optical communication
integrated THz-transistors.
IHP offers research partners and customers access to its powerful SiGe:C BiCMOS technologies and special integrated
RF modules. The technologies are especially suited for applications in the higher GHz bands (e.g. for wireless, broadband, radar). They provide integrated HBTs with cut-off frequencies up to 500 GHz and integrated LDMOS devices with
breakdown voltages up to 22 V, including complementary devices.
Participation in FP7 and FP7-SPACE calls : YES. To name some of the latest :
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Participation in various ESA ITT calls as Silicon provider for different consortiums
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: IHP - Innovation in High Performance microelectronics
Main areas of expertise
IHP is an institute of the Leibniz Association and conducts research and development of silicon-based systems and ultra high-frequency circuits and technologies including new materials. Following the “More than Moore” development
path, IHP develops innovative solutions for application areas such as wireless and broadband communication, aerospace, biotechnology and medicine, automotive industry, security technology and industrial automation. The integration of “More than Moore” modules in Silicon technologies, based on new materials and / or device concepts, is a
complex task which requires expertise from many research fields. Research activities in IHP extend from basic research on materials science (i.e. Graphene) as well as technology-related research on devices (i.e. HBTs, RF-MEMS,
TSVs) and module integration (i.e. Silicon-Photonics).
- Silicon (SiGe-BiCMOS) Manufacturing Technology Processes in .25 µm and .13 µm technology nodes
- Multi-Project-Wafer (MPW) Service
- Silicon-Photonics MPW Service.
IHP employs approximately 300 people. It operates a pilot line for technological developments and the preparation of
high-speed circuits with 0.13/0.25 µm SiGe:C BiCMOS technologies, located in a 1000 m² class 1 cleanroom.
Target partner Expertise
- Space - Industry, Institutes/Universities, Agencies
- Fabless RF and Millimeter-Wave / Application Specific Integrated Circuit - Design Houses
- Radiation Testing
Targeted field of cooperation
- IC Development of X/Ku/Ka-band or even higher (up to 120GHz) Core-Chips in SiGe BiCMOS Process
- RF-Synthesizers, VCOs
- Broadband MMICs
- Sensors and RF/Millimeterwave Designs
- 3D integration - IC stacking
- Silicon-Photonics (integrated with BiCMOS)
- Radiation / Laser Testing for SEE/SET Evaluation
Experience with ESA / DLR / FP projects
ESA - Participation to various ITT for component selection
ESA - Currently running ESCC Evaluation of IHP SG13RH .13 µm SiGe:C BiCMOS Technology
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FP7 Projects like MERMIG and others (see above)
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Network Satellite Navigation Berchtesgadener Land
Saegewerkstr. 3
83395 Freilassing
Web site
+49 86 54 / 77 50-14
Org. Type
Governmental organization
Participant Details
Lars Holstein
[email protected]
Project Manager
Organisation Details
Network Satellite Navigation Berchtesgadener Land
Since the founding of the network in 2005, which consists of SMEs as well as research institutions, the common goal is
to promote and enable the prospects, competences and potentials of GNSS. Through network management partners
from the southeast of Bavaria and Salzburg will be linked to create synergies and innovative products.
Presentable projects: ESA BIC Bavaria and GATE
ESA Business Incubation Centre (BIC) Bavaria offers an incubation programe that provides financial, technical and networking support to young companies seeking to make use of technologies, applications, and services from the aerospace industry to start up their business in other areas of the economy.
The certified Galileo Test and Development Environment (GATE), featuring the original Galileo signal, offers the opportunity that future GNSS applications can already now be tested in the area of Berchtesgaden .
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
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Space Internetworking Center (SPICE)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Building A, Panepistimioupoli Xanthis, Kimmeria
67100 Xanthi
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Vassilis Tsaoussidis
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The main research goals of Space Internetworking Center (SPICE) are:
1. The design of space protocols that can dynamically adapt to topology changes and communications anomalies,
achieving high-rate of data transmission, even in deep-space missions.
2. The interoperability between different communication protocols, e.g. protocols used by ESA and NASA.
3. The dynamic and optimized dissemination of space data to interested institutes and organizations.
4. The utilization of space communications for terrestrial applications, e.g. emergency situations.
SPICE has undertaken a major FP7 project, "Space-Data Routers", proposing and deploying an architecture, which main
objective is the dissemination of space data.
SPICE is also funded by ESA to design a BitTorrent-like architecture for space-data dissemination.
Areas of Activity
▪ From Space data transfer
▪ Satellite networks
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space-data distribution, Space Communications
Main areas of expertise
Deep-Space communications, Space data dissemination, Delay-Tolerant networking
• Space-Data Routers
We develop a networking overlay that facilitates easy access on and efficient dissemination of space-data
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• Space Internetworking Center
• Application of a BitTorrent-like Data Distribution Model to Mission Operations
• Extending Internet into Space, phases I, II, III
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3535 Miskolc
Web site
+36 46 898-154
Org. Type
Participant Details
Tamás Bárczy
[email protected]
general manager
Organisation Details
ADMATIS is an engineering company defined as a sub-prime in Hungary with very good cooperation with internal and
foreign test houses, industrial partners and universities. Experienced in CAD, FEM, PA and ECSS rules.
The company has AS/EN9100 quality management system since 2010.
In this event we represent the Hungarian Spase Cluster (HUNSPACE) respectively.
2013 - : CHEOPS ESA small mission project leaded by Swiss team. Admatis responsibility the FPA and FEE radiators.
2010 - 2013: Sentinel-2 satellite industrial core team member. Responsible for radiators, optical baffles, vanes, harness brackets.
2008 - 2011: Hardware developer and scientific background provider for foaming experint on the board of ISS.
2000 - 2004: cooperation with NASA. Special crystallizator development for ground segment activity.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Engineering support and interface to Hungarian entities
Main areas of expertise
1. satellite units
- radiators
- thermal shields
- optical hardware (optical barrel, calibration baffles, vanes)
- mechanical supports and brackets
2. hardware development for scientific experiment
3. conversion coating (Cr6+, Cr3+ and elox)
4. vibration test house
5. metal parts manufacturing up to 6 meter in diameter
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
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- Prime
- industry
- research institute / university
Targeted field of cooperation
- subcontractor in Space project
- participant in Horizon 2020 project
Experience with ESA / FP projects
1. ESA SURE program. The only industrial project has been carried out from Eastern-Europe. Stand alone experiment
on the board of ISS.
2. Sentinel-2 satellite. As an only partner from Eastern-Europe and a member of industrial team 2,700 parts have been
delivered to Astrium to Toulouse, France.
3. CHEOPS mission. As a member of CHEOPS Instrument Team ADMATIS is in charge with FPA and FEE radiators.
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Omikron-Dokk Kft.
Petofi str.
8227 Felsoors
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Gergely Lipóczi
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Omikron-Dokk and its subsidiaries are industrial suppliers of reinforced composite plastic and thermoplastic parts, 95
% of our production is contract manufacturing. With 4 workshops, 8000 m2 production area, 85 employees and ~3,5 M
EUR yearly turnover we are one of the largest of the GRP part suppliers in Central-Eastern Europe.
We specialise in the following technologies: vacuum infusion, RTM, hand lamination, spray-up GRP, thermoforming,
vacuforming, casting, PU foaming, sptructuraladhesive bonding, press moulding, SMC prepreg, BMC, painting for parts
like automotive products, winturbine rotorblades, garden ponds, sailing yachts.
Omikron-Dokk is ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified, we are running a lean production and a Scania Production System
compatible production. We are in the process of obtaining the AS9100 certification for aviation also. We have a yearly
capacity of over 300 tons of laminated parts, 1100 tons of sprayup parts, 2000 tons of pre-pregs (SMC,BMC) press
moulded and 100 tons of vacuminfused parts. Maximum product size is 25 m’s in length.(e.g. roof panels, sailing
yachts, windturbine rotorblades) For vacuforming/thermoforming, maximum part size is 1500 x 1000 mm, maximum
thickness is 10 mm’s of ABS, PE, PP, PVC, PS sheets, and yearly capacity is 200 tons.
Omikron-Dokk has 2 mould production workshops where we can produce plugs milled with CNC, tooling, moulds, assembly brackets. We also have CAD design capacity, FEM structural calculations, 3D measuring arm and reverse engineering capacity.
References: Bombardier, Scania, Ikarus, NABI, Suzuki, Daewoo, Iveco, Modine
I've enclosed our company introductory presentation also.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Space robotics
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Composite plastic part manufacturer
Main areas of expertise
Composite plastic part manufacturer, developer
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
OEM manufacturers lookingfor GRP / CRP part supplier, development partner
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Targeted field of cooperation
Industrial supply
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Elbit Systems
P.O.Box 539, Advanced technologies Center
31053 Haifa
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
David Dtavitsky
[email protected]
Corporate Chief Scientist
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
- spaceborne Electro optics
- Small satellites constellations
- Satellites communication
- Hyper spectral observation systems
- multi spectral observation systems
- space optics
- Robust GPS navigation systems
- Radiometers and Spectrometers
Areas of Activity
▪ From Space data transfer
Satellite Navigation
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Small scale satellites
▪ Swarm technologies
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
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Ramon Chips
5 Hacarmel Street
2069201 Yoqneam Illit
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Ran Ginosar
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Ramon Chips makes ASIC for space
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Rad-Hard ASIC for Space
Main areas of expertise
Rad-hard ASIC for Space, Next-Generation DSP for Space
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
System companies, prime contractors for spacecraft, technology companies, any country
Targeted field of cooperation
Cooperation in creating space ASIC and space systems based on these ASIC
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Participating in 3 FP7 projects on space ASIC: VHiSSI (rad hard serdes), QI2S (hardware for hyperspectral imaging in
space), MACSPACE (high performance DSP for space)
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ACPA Service
viao Goito 30
00185 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Paola Russillo
[email protected]
Organisation Details
ACPA Service s.c.a.r.l. was established in 1996 as a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Welfare
named: “Promotion of a cooperative for information and training services to enterprises in the environmental sector”,
targeting the identification of new opportunities in the co-operation market and new work methods.
Since 15 years ACPA Service has been offering training, communication and consulting services to public and private
companies, both at national and international level, in the following areas:
• ICT and Technology Innovation
• Health & Safety, Prevention and Quality
• Environment, Land and Culture
The company is located in Rome and it has a local office in Barletta to support activities in Southern regions of Italy.
It has other regional offices in several Italian cities, through collaboration of partners.
ACPA Service has been enrolled in the National Registry of Research since 1997, it has been credited by Regione Lazio
for continuing vocational education since 2007 and it has been awarded ISO 9001:2008 quality certification by DNV
(just renewed in May 2013).
ACPA Service’s offering is focused on:
• Vocational training on national and EU laws and regulations
• Consulting and training services to enterprises and Business Networks for organization, innovation, process excellence and change management
• Design and implementation of enterprise communication strategies, mainly for business development purposes both
at national and international level
• Project, technical and management advisory for subsidized financing programs (regional, national and EU)
Through significant project experiences, ACPA Service has developed and consolidated as well tools, methodologies
and know-how for the delivery and management of leading edge training programs in fields such as preservative cataloguing and IT / multimedia technologies application to Cultural Heritage.
ACPA Service may leverage a wide range of professional skills, including a network of independent contractors through
its Partners.
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
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Advanced Computer Systems A.C.S. S.p.A.
via della Bufalotta 378
00139 Rore
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Ugo Di Giammatteo
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The main activities of ACS focus on development of Ground Segments for Earth Observation satellites. ACS is deeply
involved in Sentinel 1, 2 and 3 Ground Segments' design and implementation.
ACS has also a solid experience in environmental applications based on Earth Observation data and has carried out
several projects in FP7:
- SECTRONIC (Call SECURITY, security for maritime sector)
- NAVTRONIC (Call TRANSPORT, route planning and optimisation)
- NEREIDS (Call SECURITY, Earth Observation in support to maritime surveillance)
- TELEIOS (Call ICT, Virtual observatory for EO data)
- SCIDIP-ES (Call INFRASTRUCTURE, e-Infrastructure for Long Term Digital Preservation of Earth Science data).
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: ACS cooperation profile
Main areas of expertise
Earth Observation, Environmental applications, Image processing, Earth Observation data storage and mining, digital
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Research institutes, end-users, technological SMEs from all Europe
Targeted field of cooperation
Earth Observation but we have also interest in environmental application making integrated use of EO and GNSS data.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
The main activities of ACS focus on development of Ground Segments for Earth Observation satellites. ACS is deeply
involved in Sentinel 1, 2 and 3 Ground Segments' design and implementation.
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ACS has also a solid experience in environmental applications based on Earth Observation data and has carried out
several projects in FP7:
- SECTRONIC (Call SECURITY, security for maritime sector)
- NAVTRONIC (Call TRANSPORT, route planning and optimisation)
- NEREIDS (Call SECURITY, Earth Observation in support to maritime surveillance)
- TELEIOS (Call ICT, Virtual observatory for EO data)
- SCIDIP-ES (Call INFRASTRUCTURE, e-Infrastructure for Long Term Digital Preservation of Earth Science data).
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20156 Milano
Web site
+39 02 334831
Org. Type
Participant Details
Andrea Bognetti
[email protected]
Finance director
Organisation Details
AEREA S.p.A. is one of the oldest Italian privately owned companies operating in the aeronautical field.
Founded in 1916, it was organized as a joint stock company in 1927.
The Company is well established on an international basis and is highly specialized in Design, Development, Production, Maintenance and Integrated Logistic Support of defense and release systems, structural components and ground
support equipment for fixed and rotary wing aircraft.
AEREA operates both independently and by teaming with other companies where partial ownership or joint venture relationships exist in order to implement customer requirements.
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: AEREA Company profile
AEREA S.p.A. is one of the oldest Italian privately owned companies operating in the aeronautical field.
The Company is well established on an international basis and is highly specialized in Design, Development, Production, Maintenance and Integrated Logistic Support of defense and release systems, structural components and ground
support equipment for fixed and rotary wing aircraft.
AEREA performance reliability is demonstrated to prospective Purchasers and Customers through experience gained
from many national and international programs for the following products:
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AEREA has built up experience and know-how to answer demanding programs and to manage national and international co-operation with other aircraft and helicopter primary defense manufacturers
Quality: Company Quality Management System approval certification ISO 9001 . EN 9100 Approvazioni del Sistema di
Gestione per la Qualità aziendale:
Certificazione ISO 9001 - EN9100
Statement of approval AER-Q-2110 / AQAP-2110 issued by Italian M.o.D. - ARMAEREO
Engineering: activities include Design, Analysis, Test
Manufacturing activities: AEREA is fully equipped CNC machines (4 and 5 axis) with to manufacture parts, in accordance with aeronautical specifications, with the following materials: high strength steels, maraging, titanium, light alloys, stainless steel, inconel.
AEREA is looking for potential collaboration in the aerospace field and is currently developing a release kinematic system based on shape memory alloy technology to retain and release space payloads
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Aero Sekur
Via delle Valli, 46
04011 Aprilia (LT)
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alessandro Petrini
[email protected]
Commercial & Marketing
Organisation Details
Aero Sekur’s main activity areas are:
Airborne systems
Fuel tanks
MRO service
Personal Protection
Collective Protection
Aero Sekur is at the forefront of Space Exploration & Exploitation systems development. We have significant in-house
expertise in the design, modeling, manufacture and testing in the following areas:
• Re-entry, descent & landing systems for space exploration missions (Thermal protection systems, Parachutes,
airbag for planetary landing, floatation systems)
• Inflatable habitat modules
• Life support systems
• Inflatables mechanism
• Heat control
• Actuation systems
Aero Sekur is involved in the following ESA projects and missions:
ExoMars mission (Supersonic parachute, airbag, HEPA filters)
IXV (recovery subsystem)
Airbag for small landers
Miniaturized heat switch
Greenhouse module for space systems
Biocide management for long term water storage
Extraction of specific chemical contaminants in the air
Zeolite application in Life Support Systems
Our imagination and ability to capitalize the different technological experiences and techniques on a variety of market areas gives us a challenging growth opportunity and puts us in conditions to tackle complex problems with innovative technological solutions.
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Aero Sekur is/was involved in the following FP7 project:
• i-Protect: Intelligent PPE system for personnel in high-risk and complex environments (GA: 229275)
We developed advanced protective clothing, integrated with sensors and communication unit for first responders.
MAAT: Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport (GA: 285602)
We are developing a new concept of stratospheric airships to transport goods and passengers on intercontinental level.
NASLA: Nanostructured anti-septical coatings (GA: 262209)
We developed innovative antiseptics fabrics for protective clothing for use in space and / or land.
For additional information, please visit the website:
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
Space Exploration
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Safety systems for aeronautics and space exploration
Main areas of expertise
• Re-entry, descent & landing systems for space exploration missions (Thermal protection systems, Parachutes,
airbag for planetary landing, floatation systems)
• Inflatable habitat modules
• Life support systems (air and water treatment, food production)
• Inflatables mechanism
• Heat control
• Actuation systems based on SMA wire
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
We look to have collaboration with: Large system integrators, SME, research centres, university from all countries and
with expertise in space systems, space exploration, safety systems, materials, life support systems.
Targeted field of cooperation
Space exploration
Safety systems
Life support systems
Heat control
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Aero Sekur is involved in the following ESA projects and missions:
• ExoMars mission (Supersonic parachute, airbag, HEPA filters)
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IXV (recovery subsystem)
Airbag for small landers
Miniaturized heat switch
Greenhouse module for space systems
Biocide management for long term water storage
Extraction of specific chemical contaminants in the air
Zeolite application in Life Support Systems
Aero Sekur is/was involved in the following FP7 project:
• i-Protect: Intelligent PPE system for personnel in high-risk and complex environments (GA: 229275)
We developed advanced protective clothing, integrated with sensors and communication unit for first responders.
MAAT: Multibody Advanced Airship for Transport (GA: 285602)
We are developing a new concept of stratospheric airships to transport goods and passengers on intercontinental level.
NASLA: Nanostructured anti-septical coatings (GA: 262209)
We developed innovative antiseptics fabrics for protective clothing for use in space and / or land.
For additional information, please visit the website:
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AGT Engineering
34 via Paolo Emilio
00192 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Filippo Ugolini
[email protected]
Organisation Details
AGT Engineering
AGT is a company specialised in industrial and applied research, technology transfer, engineering and prototyping, as
well as project management, marketing and sales of projects and systems in the areas of: energy generation (conventional, advanced and renewable); transportation (aerospace, terrestrial and marine); application of innovative materials and processes to the Industrial companies.
The AGT capabilities are:
Ideation and Research: assistance to structure research activities and research financing, when possible through
European and national funds, both for customers and on self generated ideas.
Technology Transfer: Scouting of specific technologies to design and manufacture innovative systems and components developed in existing market areas, this way reducing time and costs of the R&D. Conversely, valorisation of
technologies, processes, systems or components originated by its own applied research projects to new market areas.
Engineering and Prototyping: Transformation of the results of the research and development into operational
projects, systems and products for validation and testing of the innovation.
Production: Streaming of the prototypes developed and tested into pre-series and small batch production. Assistance in the implementation of the series production.
Project Management: Project Management for its customers for high technology content projects.
Marketing and Sales: Build up and management for the customers of methods of strategic marketing, turn-key
sales networks structures and follow-up in the European Countries. Introduction and sale of high technology systems
and components into the European and Italian markets.
AGT is therefore operational in the entire value chain of the innovative technologies: from ideation and research to
the full commercial deployment of innovative systems and components, particularly in the areas of the energy generation, transportation and the industrial materials and processes.
Areas of Activity
Earth Observation
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
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Main areas of expertise
Innovation, Technology Transfer, Advanced engineering applications, Advanced materials applications.
Methods and programs for the internationalization of the Industries, Aggregation of International Clusters and Associations.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Aerospace Clusters and Associations for the integration of SMEs products and services into consequential products and
Companies interested into developing systems and programs for Cultural Heritage observation and preservation worldwide.
Targeted field of cooperation
Aerospace, Rail Transportation.
Cultural Heritage.
Experience with ESA / FP projects:
AGT has been partner of the ESA for commercialization of the ISS R and D capabilities to the European industries for
Life Sciences and Advanced Materials. Is currently a PPP partner with the Italian Space Agency for two experiments
carried on the ISS, and partner to primary Industrial Groups to market their innovative products and services in Europe; designs and manufactures special systems and parts for the F1, the transportation and the aerospace markets;
consults Sviluppo Lazio for the Internationalization activities and the Association "Lazio Connect” inside the DTA-Filas
district of the Aerospace Industries. Has recently started activities for the Cultural Heritage observation and preservation with innovative technologies; is partner to international Industrial groups for activities of Project Management
and Marketing.
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Airworks Srl
Via Baldo degli Ubaldi 111
00167 rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Christian Scaramozza
[email protected]
Competence Manager Aerostructure & Renewable
Organisation Details
AIRWORKS is a highly efficient contractor supporting technology development in energy, defense, aerospace & sophisticated industrial appliances through engineering. Employing specialists typically exceeding 10 years of professional
experience, we provide quality and expertise to help our customers' projects realize their full potential.
# Product Development
# Technology Development
# Turn-key Designs including Prototype Manufacturing
# Optimization of Complex Systems
# Mechanical Design
# Mechanical Analysis (FEA, CAE, Fatigue, Structural Dynamics)
# Kinematics
# Certification
# Industrialization
AIRWORKS operates globally and it is based in Italy with headquarter in Rome and a further site in Gorizia.
Product & technology development, Turn-key designs, Prototypes, Optimization, Mechanical design & analysis, Tooling, Strength, dynamics, fatigue, Mechanisms, Opto-mechanics, Certification, Wind energy, Satellites, instruments,
MGSE, Aerostructures, UAV, Composites
Last Updates
In August 2013 our engineering support to the EnMAP satellite programme was extended to the preparation of
subsystem requirement specifications. Airworks Srl will collaborate with the EnMAP space segment prime in
the framework of a new work package
• Kayser-Threde GmbH awards design and manufacturing contracts of purging and storage containers to Airworks srl. The containers will accomodate the prisms of a newly developed space instrument, coordinating also with the general satellite MGSE architecture
• Under the engineering lead of Mr. Josef Eder, Airworks s.r.l. completes a preliminary mechanical assessment
of the CTA Large Size Telescope concept under sismic loads and combined environmental conditions such as
wind, snow and ice. The analyses, requested by Max-Planck-Institute for Physics in Munich, will support the
CTA engineering team in developing further the mechanical performances of the Large Size Telescope
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Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Space Advanced System
Main areas of expertise
AIRWORKS staff has successfully participated to several space projects, partly since AIRWORKS start, partly from previous experience. The main achievements in the last three year are in high performance mechanical systems, either as
sub-contractor in national and international projects, either as a provider of services in the areas of technical management, engineering, AIT. Examples are reported for opto-mechanics, MGSE, experiment facilities, AIT support
• ENMAP (2012-13): development of bonding jigs and precision tools for the satellite mirrors and prisms.
• SAMSS (2010-12), Single Aperture Multispectral Sensors System: sub-contractor for mechanical engineering.
Feasibility, conceptual design, opto-mechanics, development, optimization with respect to weight and optical
stability, detailed design, manufacturing drawings for the flight hardware and lab demonstrator.
• eROSITA (2011-2012): design of the MGSE, design of the test set-up, definition of the handling and test procedures, design of thermal insulation.
• COSMO SKYMED 2nd (2011-12): TAS-I contractor for the thermo-structural engineering of the SAR antenna &
test to analysis correlation; design, manufacturing optimization of primary and secondary satellite structures,
configuration control.
• PK-4 Facility (2012): mechanical engineering support for the CDR of the PK-4 facility including analysis to test
correlation, mechanical analysis and preparation of reports.
• COMPACT-SAR (2011): mechanical engineering support on conceptual studies work package
• GALILEO (2012): assembly, integration and testing (AIT) services at OHB
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Space - Industry, Institutes/Universities, Agencies
Targeted field of cooperation
• Joint R&D projects (EU and nationally funded)
Experience with ESA / FP projects
CFRP Grid Structures for Dimensionally Stable Structures
Tender for Proposal in joint with INEGI
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Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Department
of Biological Geological and Environmental Sciences, Marine
Science Group
Via Selmi 3
40126 Bologna
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
stefano goffredo
[email protected]
Senior Researcher
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (UNIBO), Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental
Sciences (BiGeA), Italy. Stefano Goffredo ([email protected])
Description of the organization: UNIBO ( was founded in 1088 and is considered the oldest university in
Western Europe and one of the largest in Italy. It stands amongst the most important institutions of higher education
across Europe with more than 88.000 students and 11 School Faculties, 33 Scientific Departments, 20 Research Centers, 3.100 permanent teachers and researchers, 3.100 administrative staff units, some 2.000 temporary teachers and
over 2.200 temporary researchers. UNIBO is one of the most active Italian universities in research and technology
transfer. UNIBO participated in EU FP6 with a total of 114 projects (acting as coordinator in 14 of them); in FP7 UNIBO
was involved in 221 funded projects and coordinated 44 of them.
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BiGeA hosts the Marine Science Group (MSG), an internationally recognized research group in coral ecology and biology, directed by Stefano Goffredo. MSG has the expertise and equipment necessary to field sampling and experiments, and has access to laboratories for morphological analyses at all levels of resolution, from light microscopy to
ultrastructural to confocal microscopy.
Experience: MSG researchers have long experience in coral biology and ecology. Reproductive biology, population
growth, dynamics and genetics, and their relationships with environmental parameters have been investigated. Recently, MSG described, for the first time in the field, the relationship between temperature and calcification in temperate Mediterranean corals, and in the lab, in vitro experiments shed a light on the molecular mechanism of biomineralization. MSG has great experience in results dissemination, both toward the general public and targeted stakeholders.
Stefano Goffredo is conceiver and co-coordinator of CoralWarm, the European Research Council FP7-IDEAS project "Corals and global warming: the Mediterranean versus the Red Sea" ( )
Areas of Activity
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Microgravity biomineralization through an orbiting aquatic research
Main areas of expertise
- biology, biomineralization, marine ecology
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
- calcium carbonate and silica biomineralization: experts on International Space Station experiments
- molecular biology/gene expression/metabolism: experts on International Space Station experiments
Targeted field of cooperation
- space biology (biomineralization, gene expression, metabolism)
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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ALMA MATER STUDIORUM Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni 33
40125 Bologna
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Michela Cozzi
[email protected]
Research Advisor and Project Manager
Organisation Details
Michela Cozzi received her Ph.D degree in Physics from University of Bologna in July 2005. From 2005 until 2008 she
had a Post Doc position at the Physics Department of University of Bologna in collaboration with the Italian Nuclear
Physics Institute (INFN).
Her research activity was mainly focused on neutrino physics, Monte Carlo simulation and statistical treatment of experimental data within the MACRO, OPAL, OPERA and SLIM experiments.
Since November 2008 she is Research Advisor and Project Manager within the ICT, Transport, Security and Space
Unit, European Research & Innovation Office of the University of Bologna.
EU projects related activities are mainly focused on (but are not restricted to) the programmes ICT (including Artemis
and ENIAC JTIs), Transport (including CleanSky and Cesar JTIs), Security, Space, AAL JPI and KIC "EIT ICT Lab".
The European Research Funding Office of the University of Bologna
The European Research Funding Office aims at promoting and facilitating the participation of UNIBO research groups
to funding programmes at European, national and regional level. The office team is in charge of networking activities
with European and national institutions and research initiatives, with industries, SMEs and research centres. The office
also provides active support to proposal preparation, project negotiation, and project management.
Currently the European Research Funding Office is managing over 277 projects funded within FP7; it is also involved in
management activities of other EC funding programmes such as ARTEMIS, ENIAC and Cleansky JTIs, AAL Joint Programme, EIT ICT Labs, EIP, FET, Culture 2000, Life, Interreg and Daphne.
Research and Technology Transfer Division web page:
The University of Bologna
The University of Bologna (UNIBO), founded in 1088, was the first University founded in the Western world. Currently
the University of Bologna is organized in a multi-campus structure divided into 11 Schools, 33 Departments, 27 Interdepartmental Research Centres, 14 Doctorate Schools and 5 operating sites (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini) with an offer of 212 bachelor courses, 6 master degree courses and 9 European specialization courses. Graduate
studies are organized by 14 Doctoral Schools, which offer more than 300 graduate-level programs to approximately
1800 PhD students.
UNIBO participated in FP6 with a total of 114 projects (acting as coordinator in 14 of them) in the different specific
programmes, 27 of these projects were in the Thematic Priority "Information Society Technologies". In FP7 the University of Bologna is currently involved in more than 277 funded projects (in about 48 as coordinator), about 65 of them
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in the ICT theme (including also the ICT JTIs ARTEMIS and ENIAC, the Joint Programme AAL, EIP, FET and EIT ICT
UNIBO is actively involved in many European Technology Platforms; it chaired the ISI ETP, and it is currently the only
European University represented in both steering boards of ARTEMISIA and AENEAS, the stakeholders associations promoting the ARTEMIS and ENIAC JTIs.
*** UNIBO Research Structures:
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
▪ Radar
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: UNIBO - Space WP 2014-2015
Mainareas of expertise
Assessing GNSS applications in non-EU countries for activities related to specific mapping surveys (all phases of the
emergency management cycle, archaeology, …)
Earth Observation:
Data fusion among optical and radar datasets for emerging EO applications; adoption of new techniques for object
based classification; exploiting satellite imagery in didactic activities.
Land use change by multitemporal studies in different contexts: urban (European and Far East cities), desert (Egypt),
… Recovering historical aerial imagery for metrical purposes and data fusion with satellite data.
Competitiveness of the European Space Sector: Technology and Science
Space robotic technologies.
Space exploration and science
Rapid methods for bacterial contamination detection based on ATP detection, sensors for early detection of environmental pollutants.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
GALILEO 3– Releasing the potential of EGNSS applications through international cooperation
EO 1 - 2014: New ideas for Earth-relevant space applications
EO 2 - 2014: Stimulating science use of Copernicus Sentinel Data
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EO 3 - 2014: Land Use/Land Use Change Space-based Data reprocessing and calibration
EO 2 – 2015: Stimulating science use of Copernicus Sentinel Data
COMPET 10 – 2014: Outreach through education
COMPET 4 - 2014: Space Robotics Technologies
COMPET 4 – 2015: Space exploration – Habitat management
Experience with ESA / FP projects
One UNIBO group participated in several European and international projects related to emerging EO applications:
Subsidence monitoring in coastal areas by radar interferometry (FP7 SubCoast), Remote Sensing for Archaeological applications (IDEAS EblaChora), Thermal mapping for heat loss mapping and Urban Heat Island studies (Central Europe),
Applications of GNSS and Remote Sensing in Antarctica (PNRA program).
Another UNIBO research group collaborated with the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for the design of a robotic gripper for
space applications. The device is composed by three indipendent fingers equipped with proximity and force sensors
that allow autonomous detection of the object distance and grasping execution. Control algorithms for object recognition, tracking and grasping in free floating conditions have been developed. Moreover, the research group partecipated, in ocllaboration with ASI, to a feasibility study for the development of a legged robot for space exploration.
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Via Zamboni 33
40126 Bologna
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
adriana dascultu
[email protected]
Project Manager and Research Advisor, UNIBO Research and Technology Transfer Division
Organisation Details
The University of Bologna (UNIBO), founded in 1088, was the first University founded in the Western world . Currently
the University of Bologna is organized in a multi-campus structure divided into 11 Schools, 33 Departments, 27 Interdepartmental Research Centres, 14 Doctorate Schools and 5 operating sites (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini) with an offer of 212 bachelor courses, 6 master degree courses and 9 European specialization courses. Graduate
studies are organized by 14 Doctoral Schools, which offer more than 300 graduate-level programs to approximately
1800 PhD students.
UNIBO participated in FP6 with a total of 114 projects (acting as coordinator in 14 of them) in the different specific
programmes. In FP7 the University of Bologna is currently involved in more than 277 funded projects (in about 48 as
UNIBO FP7 projects:
UNIBO Research Structures:
UNIBO Web site:
The European Research Funding Office aims at promoting and facilitating the participation of UNIBO research groups
to funding programmes at European, national and regional level. The office team is in charge of networking activities
with European and national institutions and research initiatives, with industries, SMEs and research centres. The office
also provides active support to proposal preparation, project negotiation, and project management.
Research and Technology Transfer Division web page:
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: SPACE UNIBO expertise
Mainareas of expertise
Assessing GNSS applications in non-EU countries for activities related to specific mapping surveys (all phases of the
emergency management cycle, archaeology, …)
Earth Observation:
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Data fusion among optical and radar datasets for emerging EO applications; adoption of new techniques for object
based classification; exploiting satellite imagery in didactic activities.
Land use change by multitemporal studies in different contexts: urban (European and Far East cities), desert (Egypt),
… Recovering historical aerial imagery for metrical purposes and data fusion with satellite data.
Competitiveness of the European Space Sector: Technology and Science
Space robotic technologies.
Space exploration and science
Rapid methods for bacterial contamination detection based on ATP detection, sensors for early detection of environmental pollutants.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
GALILEO 3– Releasing the potential of EGNSS applications through international cooperation
EO 1 - 2014: New ideas for Earth-relevant space applications
EO 2 - 2014: Stimulating science use of Copernicus Sentinel Data
EO 3 - 2014: Land Use/Land Use Change Space-based Data reprocessing and calibration
EO 2 – 2015: Stimulating science use of Copernicus Sentinel Data
COMPET 10 – 2014: Outreach through education
COMPET 4 - 2014: Space Robotics Technologies
COMPET 4 – 2015: Space exploration – Habitat management
Experience with ESA / FP projects
One UNIBO group participated in several European and international projects related to emerging EO applications:
Subsidence monitoring in coastal areas by radar interferometry (FP7 SubCoast), Remote Sensing for Archaeological applications (IDEAS EblaChora), Thermal mapping for heat loss mapping and Urban Heat Island studies (Central Europe),
Applications of GNSS and Remote Sensing in Antarctica (PNRA program).
Another UNIBO research group collaborated with the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for the design of a robotic gripper for
space applications. The device is composed by three indipendent fingers equipped with proximity and force sensors
that allow autonomous detection of the object distance and grasping execution. Control algorithms for object recognition, tracking and grasping in free floating conditions have been developed. Moreover, the research group partecipated, in ocllaboration with ASI, to a feasibility study for the development of a legged robot for space exploration.
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Web site
+39 0774 016871
Org. Type
Participant Details
[email protected]
Organisation Details
ALMA organisation profile. ALMA Sistemi sas di Di Iorio Alessio & C is an Italian SME established in 2005 providing high
level consultancy in the space and defence market. ALMA provides services in Business Development, Project and Proposal Management, market analysis, System and Software Engineering. The activities of ALMA spans from international
RTD projects managed by research organizations to industrial projects covering: added value services in the space
market, Earth Observation and Navigation Applications and Check–out equipment for satellite and payloads.
Relevant Experience of ALMA. From 2005 ALMA operates in high-value, high technology areas focusing on helping
clients to exploit new technologies and management styles. Its proven expertise has been gained from performing a
broad range of projects in the: Aerospace, Engineering, Research and IT sectors. These include: helping research organisations and industries to identify potential opportunities, make project proposal and development plan of new
products and services, the analysis and preparation of marketing strategies, implementation of management and quality standards and developing sustainable development strategies. ALMA also participate in high level software development for aerospace applications with specific regard to remote sensing data and image processing as well as checkout system and software development. ALMA has contributed in behalf of its international clients to a number of key
space projects funded by the European Commission, the European Space Agency, the European GNSS Supervisory Authority and Italian Space Agency. Over 7 years of business development and proposal preparation including market
analysis and business plan in a series of ESA programmes for Earth Observation (GMES), Telecommunication (ARTES),
Navigation (Galileo), Planetary Exploration (ExoMars), Science and Human Spaceflight.
ALMA Sistemi is partner in two FP7 "Space" projects Aphorism and ITACA.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Marine
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
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Horizon 2020 related: Planetary Exploration and integrated applications
Main areas of expertise
General Proposal and Project Management (ESA, EU). Exploitation / Business Plans for integrated applications including EO, GNSS and telecommunication.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
SME, research centres, Italy, All Europe
Targeted field of cooperation
Planetary Exploration, EO methods for Cultural Heritage and Emergency response, GNSS applications
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Several years of experience in ESA projects.
Currently partner of 2 FP7 "Space" projects (Aphorism, ITACA).
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Angelantoni Test Technologies
Località Cimacolle 464
06056 Massa Martana (PG)
Web site
+39 075 89551
Org. Type
Participant Details
Principe Andrea
[email protected]
Technical Area
Organisation Details
Angelantoni Test Technologies (ATT) is a company of the Group Angelantoni leader in the R&D and production line test
equipment sector. ATT has achieved this result thanks to the know-how gained from 60 years of experience in the design of environmental test chamber and test systems for high-tech, high vacuum as simulators for aerospace applications and calorimeters for the automotive and electronics industries
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Test systems for high-tech and high vacuum: simulators for aerospace applications
DESCRIPTION: Angelantoni Test Technologies (ATT) is a company of the Group Angelantoni leader in the R&D and production line test equipment sector. ATT has achieved this result thanks to the know-how gained from 60 years of experience in the design of environmental test chamber and test systems for high-tech, high vacuum as simulators for
aerospace applications and calorimeters for the automotive and electronics industries
PARTNERS:Aerospace industries, Electronics Industries, University, Research Centre, etc.
COUNTRY: All World
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Antonella Ingenito
Via Eudossiana 18
00184 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Antonella Ingenito
[email protected]
Organisation Details
• advanced space propulsion field, particularly in airbreathing propulsion, micro-thrusters and liquid rocket engines;
• chemical kinetics, particularly relative to :
1. kinetics of combustion in gas phase for aviation fuel (both at low and high pressure)
2. hydrocarbon cracking/reforming analysis for light species on board productions, and examination of rocket
3. charged species recombination analysis
4. Aluminum and water combustion for space application
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), particularly focused on turbulent flows, supersonic combustion ramjet, liquid
rocket and hybrid engines
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Space Technology
Satellite technology
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Advanced space propulsion field
Main areas of expertise
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), LES/RANS of turbulent reactive flows; liquid rocket and hybrid engines
chemical kinetics, particularly relative to :
1. kinetics of combustion in gas phase for aviation fuel (both at low and high pressure)
2. hydrocarbon cracking/reforming analysis for light species on board productions, and examination of rocket
3. charged species recombination analysis
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4. Aluminum and water combustion for space application
5. hybrid rocket performance
Targeted field of cooperation
advanced space propulsion field, particularly in airbreathing propulsion, micro-thrusters and liquid rocket engines;
Keys: Aerospace, Propulsion, Combustion, Environment, LES, RANS, hypersonic vehicles, supersonic flows, hybrid rocket, LOx/HC
Experience with ESA / FP projects
LAPCAT II (Long-Term Advanced Propulsion Concepts and Technologies II) project investigating high-speed
transport, supported by the EU within the 7th Framework Programme Theme7 Transport, Contract no.:
Collaborative Research on Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion System” supported within the “Special program
between Korea and Italy” by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affaire
Long-Term Advanced Propulsion concepts and Technologies (LAPCAT) , FP6 Priority 1.4 Aeronautic and Space,
issued by European Community Sixth Framework Programme;
TLC (Towards Lean Combustion) n. AST4-CT-2005-012326 (STREP Thematic Priority – 1.4 AERONAUTIC and
``Studies on the preparation, atomisation and combustion of nanoaluminium – water slurry, a novel “green”
propellant for space applications’’, Ref. Nr. 03-53-5203, issued by INTAS.
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ARES Consortium
Politecnico, 1
00133 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Sergio Masullo
[email protected]
Director Marketing
Organisation Details
ARES (Advanced Research and Engineering for Space) is a research no-profit consortium. It is made up by: Università
di Roma Tor Vergata with a share of 50% and TECS (TEchnological Consulting and Services) s.r.l. with a share of 50%.
ARES Consortium serves as a bridge between universities/research centers, industry and users and is able to express,
in a highly competitive scenario, key synergies, such as: innovation capability, specialized technical know-how; high
technical system know-how in the management of complex programs of R & D; high flexibility of the organizational
structure, adaptable to the needs of specific projects.
ARES Consortium generally acts as both prime contractor in R&D programs and partner in industrial projects. The main
R&D areas are relevant to space systems and technologies and related ground applications.
The Consortium is backed by solid competences able to conceive and design new missions and sophisticated space
systems. Such competences are shared in large projects with scientific and industrial partnerships.
Application fields and relevant experience comprehend as follows:
Samples are represented by programs such as DAVID and WAVE (Italian Space Agency contracts) for experimentation of
high frequency communication and in particular in W band (75-110 GHz).
Remote sensing
In the frame of Remote Sensing, ARES is conducting research activities of the new technologies applications at very
high frequency related to the Earth Observation and DeepSpace exploration. In particular TECS can deploy a huge experience in such areas based on the more than twenty year experience of their technical staff. They have participated
in programs such as Euclid Cepa 9, Envisat, Cosmo Skymed, RapidEye, TELAER, ARCHEO, Helios, etc. and in the implementations of the related facilities
Multi-disciplinary competences allow to face the complex issues relative, where localization and positioning elements
integrate with Telecommunication and Remote Sensing. In such a frame it is to mention PISTA project, integrated
navigation inertial/GPS system, ICONA, COMs/NAV integrated project, participation to Galileo Test Range.
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ARES is involved in projects, aimed at handling highly heterogeneous data, distributed intelligence, supported by decision support system, and data security, developing algorithms for the extraction of information from texts and contained in extremely heterogeneous sources and presented in unstructured mode.
High Frequency Electronics
• Characterization, linear and not linear and noise modellization, for GaAs, InP, SiC e GaN transistors and passive devices.
• Analysis and Design of integrated subsystems such as low noise power amplifiers, transimpedance, impulse,
distributed, mixer e frequency multipliers active and passive, control components (phase shifters and controlled attenuators). Multifunctional Integration.
Characterization and component test both connectorized and ‘on wafer’ in the frequency range 0.045 – 110 GHz, via
measurements in continuous, impulse, low signal, noise, and high signal at single/double tone for characterization device and subsystem linearity
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space technologies for earth application
Main areas of expertise : Knowledge base systems, telecommunications, ground operations
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country): Consolidated experience indata processing and related advanced technologies. Any European country is welcome.
Targeted field of cooperation : exploitation of space capabilities in earth (emergency management, energy optmization, etc...) application
Experience with ESA / FP projects
ESA: Ground systems and data processing
FP7: last project related to the development of microwave devices working at very high frequency for security applications
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Artemis srl
c/o Università Politecnica delle Marche, via Brecce
60131 Ancona
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Enrico Esposito
[email protected]
Organisation Details
ARTEMIS srl, born in 2003 as a university spin-off, is dedicated to non destructive diagnostics, with a great experience
in the use of sophisticated instrumentation, such as laser Doppler scanning vibrometers, infrared thermography and
ground penetrating radar (GPR). Although usually oriented towards the fields of civil buildings and Cultural Heritage,
since 2008 Artemis has become a commercial/technical partner of the Danish company Structural Vibration SolutionsSVS from Aalborg. SVS is a world leader in the production of software for Operational Modal Analysis - OMA, a well
know technique to derive modal properties of structures without knowing the input excitation. OMA is thus very well
suited for the analysis of big structures (bridges, buildings) but works very well also in the case of bad determined inputs to the system, like in aeronautics and aerospace. As already mentioned, Artemis is highly specialised in vibration
mapping by laser Doppler vibrometry, with many applications including paintings, glass structures, buildings facades
and wood panels. From the union of OMA and LDV, the characterization and diagnostics of many structures in the field
of aerospace could be in-deep studied, and we would like to meet Companies and Universities interested in developing research or in need of our services.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Launcher
Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Vibration mapping and data analysis
Main areas of expertise
ARTEMIS srl is dedicated to non destructive diagnostics, with a great experience in the use of sophisticated instrumentation, such as laser Doppler scanning vibrometers (LDSV), infrared thermography and ground penetrating radar
(GPR). Although usually oriented towards the fields of civil buildings and Cultural Heritage, since 2008 Artemis has become a commercial/technical partner of the Danish company Structural Vibration Solutions-SVS from Aalborg. SVS is a
world leader in the production of software for Operational Modal Analysis - OMA, a well know technique to derive
modal properties of structures without knowing the input excitation. OMA is thus very well suited for the analysis of
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big structures (bridges, buildings) but works very well also in the case of bad determined inputs to the system, like in
aeronautics and aerospace. As already mentioned, Artemis is highly specialised in vibration mapping by laser Doppler
vibrometry, with many applications including paintings, glass structures, buildings facades and wood panels: from the
union of OMA and LDV, the characterization and diagnostics of many structures in the field of aerospace could be indeep studied.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Companies and Universities interested in developing research in the fields of vibrations characterization or in need of
our services. Artemis has a wide working experience, both in Italy and Europe, with some cooperations also in North
Africa and Asia.
Targeted field of cooperation
Given the experience and expertise of our Company, we would like to cooperate in research projects either as full
Partners or as subcontractors, if highly specialised measurement services are needed or if the Partner requires sophisticayed data analysis through our OMA products. Given the generality of the services provided, cooperation could involve many sectors of the aerospace fields, ranging form single components to full assembled sytems.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Two European FP7 Projects, both dedicated to monitoring of Cultural Heritage assets.
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Avio S.p.A.
Via Ariana km. 5,2
00034 Colleferro
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Ugo Drago
[email protected]
Head of Business Development
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Avio. S.p.A is leader in the space propulsion: not only in solid propulsion that represents the main activity of the COmpany but also in the liquid and orbital propulsion. The controlled subsidiary ELV is Prime contractor of the VEGA light
launcher and system reponsible of the launcher. In this frame Avio and ELV have collaborated with ESA in tha main
programs relevant to the propulsion research and development.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
▪ In Space data processing
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Launcher
▪ In Space propulsion
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Avio S.p.A.
Main areas of expertise
Solid propellant boosters for launchers, Guidance and control for launch vehicles, System studies for launch vehicles,
Solid propellant apogee motors, Liquid/cold gas propulsion systems for satellites, Complete missions including small
satellites for science, telecommunications and earth observation, Advanced launching systems, Orbital manoeuvering
and servicing systems, Solid propellant upper stage
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
All European and non-European Companies interested to collaborate in the fields of space propulsion and specifically
in the frame of IOD/IOV projects
Targeted field of cooperation
IOD/IOV projects including but not limited to Low-cost In Flight Testing, End-of-life Natural Deorbiting module, END
module housing MicroMeteoroinds & Orbital Debris sensor, Electrict Propulsion System Module. The role Avio intends
to play is prime contractor in the fields of the high competences where it is leder and a role of supporter where Avio's
competences complete the business frame of a leader.
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Experience with ESA / FP projects
The main space programs acquired by Avio are included in the frame of ESA projects as well some projects were performed also in the frame of FP projects.
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Avio SpA
Via I Maggio 99
10040 Rivalta di Torino
Web site
+39 011 00 84037
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giacomo Martinotti
[email protected]
Institutional Business Dev.
Organisation Details
Aerospace propulsion
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Launcher
▪ In Space propulsion
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Aerospace propulsion
Main areas of expertise
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Aviospace srl - an EADS Astrium company
via P.C. Boggio 59/61
10138 Torino
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alessandro Chiesa
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The core business of the company is engineering of space transportation and exploration systems, particularly in
thermo-mechanical subsystems and equipment, with experience in FP7 for composite materials R&T activities and in
ESA projects for system level studies, mainly in the field of Active Debris Removal.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Launcher
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Space transportation engineering company - italian subsidiary of
EADS Astrium
Main areas of expertise
engineering of space transportation and exploration systems, particularly in thermo-mechanical subsystems and equipment
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Manufacturing and/or AIV, Avionics and software, Operations, Advanced Materials
Company or SME, Research Organization
Any but Italy
Targeted field of cooperation
Space robotics, space exploration, Active Debris Removal, GNC, Thermomechanical design
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Experience with ESA / FP projects
experience in FP7 for composite materials R&T activities and in ESA projects for system level studies, mainly in the
field of Active Debris Removal.
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C&C srl
Via dei Mughetti 2
00012 Guidonia
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Carlo Ceccarelli
[email protected]
General Manager
Organisation Details
C&C s.r.l. (Computer Aided Engineering and Cooling Systems)
offers design and analysis capabilities to deal with thermo mechanical issues for electronic systems in defence and
aerospace applications; we provide the necessary skills in each phase of a project, from the initial planning to the final product and testing.
C&C’s services include:
Thermo fluid dynamic and structural analysis.
Expertise in technical specifications and development of electro mechanical design.
Design and development of electro-mechanical projects and production of relevant qualified prototypes.
Studies of embedded cooling systems, analysis of their dynamic behaviour and realization.
UAV airframe design
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Cooperation for payload develpment, mechanical expertise
Main areas of expertise
Mechanical design of electronic equipment, Mechanical design of structures and ground equipment
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Electronic and Hardware desig and production company.
Targeted field of cooperation
Aerospace sector
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Prisma satellite
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Via Tiburtina Km 18.700
00012 Guidonia Montecelio
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Andrea Ceracchi
[email protected]
Organisation Details
CECOM was founded in 1964 in Rome by Cesare Ceracchi. Its growth was due to the prestigious collaboration with
several organizations and companies, e.g. CERN, INFN, ENEA, several universities in Italy, Elettronica Spa and Avio
Spa. Excellence, precision, quality, flexibility and frontier technology have made CECOM a leader in mechanics and
UHV applications. Since the early 1980s CECOM has divided its work between the fields of scientific research, civil,
military and aeronautics.
These applications have characterized CECOM skills: the stringent requirements of aeronautics applications, in terms
of performances, reliability, lifetime and quality assurance, have been joined to the flexibility required by the research applications (development of prototypes, UHV requirements, special tests), thus improving CECOM knowledge
and abilities.
These challenges have led to the achievement of the skills and technologies needed for designing, manufacturing and
testing prototypes, series components and turnkey systems. CECOM equipment includes the most up-to-date machineries for any kind of manufacturing (NC milling machines 3,4 and 5 axis, NC lathe and wire-eroding machines),
TIG welding, assembling and testing (two DEA CMM machines for dimensional check are available). In our clean room
(class 1000) we can perform assembling and leak detection. Our UHV equipment allows us to perform bakeout, RGA
test and desorption rate measurements.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Satellite technology
Small scale satellites
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: CECOM
Main areas of expertise
The main areas of expertise are the high precision mechanical working and assembling. A great experience has been
gained in the field of UHV applications including design and development of motorized systems.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
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A partner with different expertise but with an high content of technology preferably in complementary applications.
Such as a company able to design and simulate eletromechanical components, and a company able to manage nanometric precision of motorization.
Targeted field of cooperation
The field of cooperation could be in the systems in which could be implemented the high precision mechanical working and assmebling. The flying positioning systems could be an interesting sector.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Centro di Geomorfologia Integrata per l'Area del Mediterraneo
Via F. Baracca,175
85100 Potenza
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Giovanna Forlenza
[email protected]
Organisation Details
CGIAM is a scientific organization of public law (in accordance with the Italian legislative decree n. 163/2006, art. 3,
comma 26) which operates in research aimed at the reduction of natural risks through actions of protection, preservation, strengthening of knowledge system and study of issues related to Civil Protection.
CGIAM was formally founded in 1979, with the Basilicata Region and UNESCO as its constituents.
CGIAM has been identified by the Italian Government as the Institution tasked with definition and assessment of innovative scientific and technological methods for the analysis and mitigation of risk factors for different Italian areas,
according to EU environmental policy and regional measures.
In order to fulfil its tasks, CGIAM promotes the development of international cooperation activities, participating in
research and cooperation programs of the European Community, implementing both R&D and technology application
projects as well as supporting programs and projects for the assistance to developing Countries.
Moreover, CGIAM was and is involved in RTD projects funded by Italian Space Agency, as following:
• “A software tool in order to process SAR stripmap data and calculate the deformation map with sub-centimeter precision";
• “Analysis of the hyperspectral systems for the Integrated Geophysical Applications” 2010 on going - Client:
Italian Space Agency.
CGIAM was engaged in some EU Twinning projects aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of environmental
administrations in Romania, Poland and Estonia in the following topics: environmental legislation, inspection and control enforcement; water and related health risks.
At last, CGIAM is:
registered in the "National Registry of the Researches" of the Ministry of Education, University and Research with
the code 60034IFY;
Center of Competence for the Basilicata Region in the subject of Civil Protection as stated by the Directive of the
President of Ministers' Council of 27 February 2004;
accredited in the European Commission as "Mandated Body" to act, in parallel to the Public Administrations, in
the frame of the Program of Cooperation "PHARE Twinning.”
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
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Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Characterization of the territory for the mitigation of the damages
to people and things from seismic, geological and environmental risk through research
aimed at applying models and guidelines to environmental risk analysis and its prediction
Main areas of expertise:
• mitigation of the damages to people and things from seismic, geological and environmental risk;
• protection, preservation, strengthening of knowledge system and study of issues related to Civil Protection;
• definition and assessment of innovative scientific and technological methods for the analysis and mitigation of
risk factors
• research aimed at defining models of environmental risk analysis and the possible prediction scenarios of
same risk through the identification of new technologies and advanced methodologies.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Public Institutions,Research Institutes, Universities and SMEs with expertise in the mitigation of natural (mainly seismic and hidro-geological risks),man-made risks by technological methods both in Italy and in the Balkans/SE Europe
Targeted field of cooperation
• Civil Protection
• Risk prevention and mitigation
• Monitoring of territory at risks for events of earthquake and landslides
Experience with ESA / FP projects
CGIAM has not experience with ESA-FP projects but it has funded research projects aimed at the reduction of natural
risks through actions of protection, preservation, strengthening of knowledge system and study of issues related to
Civil Protection.
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Chelys srl
Via di Grotte Portella 6/8
00044 Frascati
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Luca Mellano
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Chelys was established in 2002. Our core business focuses on software development and supplying services in the Earth
Observation sector, by providing processing stations for Earth Observation satellites.
We are specialized in satellite data management and real time satellite (raw) data processing, data quality control,
image generation, projection and mosaics (composite satellite images).
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Space Technology
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Value Added Products Generation using Sentinels data - Real Time
Data Processing
Chelys is specialized in satellite data management and real time satellite (raw) data processing, data quality control,
image generation, projection and mosaics (composite satellite images).
Our main product, the Satellite Rapid Response System, is a multimission real-time data processing and quality control system that is able to simultaneously process data coming from several different missions. It can be used to
process data from the following satellite instruments:
ALOS - AVNIR-2 level0 (raw data) and level 1
ENVISAT - ASAR level0 (raw data) and level1
ENVISAT - MERIS level0 (raw data), level1 and level2
ENVISAT - MERIS level0 and level1 FAPAR/MGVI Processor for Monitoring Vegetation Cover
TERRA and AQUA - MODIS level1b
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• RADARSAT2 - SAR level1b
Our current areas of activity are:
software development
value added products generation based on satellite data fusion
environmental acquisition and processing systems
data acquisition systems
image generation from raw data, orthorectification and mosaics
We also provide services such as:
• a comprehensive maintenance and support program that provides operational support, software and hardware
maintenance and enhancementsts
• technical consultancy
• feasibility, design and pre-phase studies
• system prototyping
Experience with ESA / FP projects
The SRRS system used by ESA, called MIRAVI, has been installed in all Envisat satellite acquisition stations and has
been delivering thousands of images per month since June 2006, processing the ASAR and MERIS data as soon as they
are acquired.
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Ciro Luccarelli
Via zoe fontana 10
00131 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Ciro Luccarelli
[email protected]
Account manager
Organisation Details
The Aerospace department includes the design and engineering of equipment and systems forspace and avionics platforms for civil use.
Info Solution has contributed with its resources and skills to the following major projects:
Aircraft Flight Control & Landing Systems
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
Satellite, Payloads, ISS, Space Launch Vehicle
GPS Receiver
• Board Design (schematic - PCB)
• FPGA Design, Simulation, Synthesis, Place&Route
• Test Equipment, Testbench
Flight Simulator
Space Ground Segment
System Simulation & Test Facilities (SIMSAT)
Geographical Information Systems
Process Quality Engineering
RAMS e Failure Mode analysis (FMEA, FMECA)
Verification (DO254, DO178b - level A,B,C,D)
Electronic Ground Support Equipment
The Defense area includes the design and engineering of electronic devices and systems fornaval platforms, terrestrial
and avionics for military use.
Info Solution has contributed with its resources and skills to the following major projects:
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Radar, IFF, Software Defined Radio (SDR)
Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS)
Defence and Naval Armament Controller
Tactical Datalink
• Board Design (schematic - PCB)
• FPGA Design, Simulation, Synthesis, Place&Route
• Test Equipment, Testbench, Product Certification
Mission Support Sysytem, Command & Control Subsystem
Military pocket computer
Video & Data Recording
Environment Simulator
Automatic Test Equipment
Networking for military applications
RAMS e Failure analysis (FMEA, FMECA)
Verification (DO 254, DO178b - level A,B,C,D)
The electronics area includes the design and engineering of electronic board and systems for different use: consumer
products, medical devices, household appliances, home automation, energy saving, energy transmission and distribution.
Info Solution has contributed with its resources and skills to the following major projects:
Household Appliances
Electromedical devices
Gamepad Wireless
Energy Metering (Power, Heating, Gas, Water)
Power Line Carrier
Ultra Low Power Board Design (schematic - PCB)
Switching Power Supply
System on Chip, PSoC Design
Test Equipment, Testbench, Rapid Prototyping
Devices Supervision & Control
Teleprotection Management System
Remote Robotics Control
Production Tracking Control System
• Robust Design
• Quality Engineering in Production (Six Sigma)
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• Derating e Failure analysis (FMEA, FMECA)
• Smoke analysis, MTBF e MTTR prediction
• Product Certification (CE, ATEX, UL, CSA)
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Optical sensors
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Info Solution Spa
Main areas of expertise
Info Solution provides consultancy for design and development of HW/SW complex electronic systems for large industries in the aerospace, radar, defense, telecommunications, transport, automotive, electronics areas.
Info Solution consists of two main branch divisions:
Consulting & Development (C & D) is the division that provides consulting from initial feasibility to production to support the development of embedded system into its parts: hardware, firmware, and software quality.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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CMCC Euro Mediterranean Center for Climate Change
via Pacinotti 5
01100 Viterbo
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Gaia Vaglio Laurin
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Climate change related studies using remote sensing technologies. Land cover change, carbon cyclying, vegetation
monitoring. Leading organization in several EU projects (all listed in website including but not only:
Climafrica, Africa GHG, Geocarbon
Broad ecological experience including forests, desertification, GHG, and use of different sensors among lidar, SAR, optical, hyperspectral.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: CMCC - EuroMediterranean Center on Climate Change: looking for
int. partners for environmental monitoring calls
Main areas of expertise
Climate change and environmental monitoring
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
EU and other countries, expertize in analysis/delivery of data useful for specific ecological applications
Targeted field of cooperation
Environmental monitoring
Experience with ESA / FP projects
FUME, Geocarbon, Africa GHG, ClimAfrica
The Impacts on Agriculture, Forest, and Natural Ecosystems (IAFENT) Division activities focus on the diagnosis and
forecast of climate change impacts on agriculture and on natural and semi-natural earth ecosystems, mainly with a
Mediterranean climate but also for all the globe. A very important role is played by the models concerning agriculture
and its water demand, the carbon cycle and its feedbacks with the climate system, the desertification processes and
vegetation vulnerability to forests fires.
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Additional areas of interest and expertize in division:
use of inovative sensors (lidar, SAR,hyperspectral) to target specific environmental problems
biodiversity monitoring from space,
forests and vegetation monitoring
land use and land use change
CMCC can provide
- expertize and field data useful to validate EO data and products
- modeling tools to forecast climate change impacts
- ecological knowledge and real application cases
- links to main actors in the environmental management and monitoring arena
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CNR - Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate
Via Fosso del Cavaliere, 100
00133 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Stefano Dietrich
[email protected]
Responsible for Satellite Meteorology and Cloud
Organisation Details
ISAC is a national institute of CNR whose headquarters are located in Bologna. Over 200 staff members, postdoctoral
researchers, and students are organized into four divisions and focus on understanding atmospheric processes and climate.
Excerpts from the CNR mandate to the Institute: "The Institute is established to carry on activities of research, promotion and technology transfer in the following disciplines: Meteorology and its applications, Climate change and predictability, Atmospheric structure and composition,Observations of the planet Earth.
Dr. Stefano Dietrich is presently responsible of Satellite Meteorology and Cloud Electricity group in Roma. Relevant research expertizes include:
Microphysics of severe storms; remote sensing of cloud microphysical structure and precipitation by means of active/
passive microwave, infrared, lightning sensors from space and ground; radiative transfer through clouds; cloud/
mesoscale modeling.
Specific research expertize in space-borne passive microwave sensors. The group has been involved in the design and
application of new passive microwave remote sensing concepts, sensors, algorithms and cal/val strategies within a
number of national and international proposals and funded projects:
ESA Project N. 142042: “Study on the use of cloud-radiation models for passive microwave precipitation retrieval”. (1995)
ASI Project: “Study of the Hydrological Cycle from Satellite: Clouds and Precipitation” (1995 – 2001)
ESA Project N. 152545 “Study of precipitation retrieval from MIMR observations” (1996)
ESA Project N. 83184165 “Study on the use of passive microwave radiometer data for precipitation determination” (1997)
EU Environment and Climate Programme: “Satellite and Combined Satellite-Radar Techniques in Meteorological
Forecasting for Flood Events” (MEFFE), (1997-1999)
EU Environment and Climate Programme: “Exploitation of TRMM Data for an Improved Weather and Climate Forecast” (EuroTRMM), (1998 – 2001)
ESA Project: “Assimilation of Satellite Remote Sensing Data” (1998 – 2001).
EU Environment and Climate Programme: CLOUDS (Mission Requirements for a Cloud and Radiation Monitoring
Satellite), (1998 – 2000)
ASI/IRMA Project: “Instrument for Rain Monitoring and Alarm”, (SkyMed-Cosmo Programme), (2002 – 2002).
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ESA Project: “Use of MSG, SEVIRI channels in a combined SSM/I, TRMM and geostationary IR method for rapid updates of rainfall” (submitted in response to ESA Research Announce of Opportunity for Meteosat Second Generation),
(2000 – 2002)
Project EuRainSat: European satellite rainfall analysis monitoring at the geostationary scale” (2000 – 2004)
ASI Project: “IGPM: Italian contribution to the Global Precipitation Mission” (2000 – 2003)
EGPM: European contribution to the Global Precipitation Mission, submitted in response to ITT AO/1-3709/00/
NL/DC, (2000 – 2003)
ASI Project: ”Analysis of space-time variability of remotely-sensed rainfall fields” (2002 – 2004)
ASI Project: “Use of Newly-available Advanced Space-borne Instruments for Prototype Generation of Precipitation
Information over the Mediterranean Area” (2002 – 2004)
ESA Project: "Modelling and Retrieval of Light Rainfall and Solid (Ice and Snow) Precipitation from the EGPM Mission" (EGPM-Ice), (2003 – 2004)
ESA Project: "Development of an End-to-End Tool to Simulate the Performances of the European Contribution to
the GPM (EGPM) Mission” (EGPM-Simulator), (2004 – 2005)
EUMETSAT Project: “Simulations and User Requirements Review for Precipitating Clouds from Geostationary Orbits in mm/Sub-mm Bands (GeoRain)” (2005 – 2006)
EUMETSAT Project “Satellite Application Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (HSAF)” (2005 – 2010)
EU FP6 Project “FLASH” (Observations, Analysis and Modeling of Lightning Activity in Thunderstorms for use in
Short Term Forecasting of Flash Floods) (2006 – 2010)
EUMETSAT Project “Continuous Operations-Development Programme (CDOP-1) of Satellite Application Facility on
Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF)” (2010 – 2011)
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Emergency
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Remote Sensing of precipitation and electrical phenomena in atmosphere
Main areas of expertise
Microphysics of severe storms; remote sensing of cloud microphysical structure and precipitation by means of active/
passive microwave, infrared, lightning sensors from space and ground; radiative transfer through clouds; cloud/
mesoscale modeling.
Specific research expertize in space-borne passive microwave sensors. Involved in the design and application of new
passive microwave remote sensing concepts, sensors, algorithms and cal/val strategies within a number of national
and international proposals and funded projects.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Industrial partners involved in microwave and optical sensors development
Agencies needing advanced algorithms for operational applications (regional, national, global)
Research groups needing the above expertize to complete a project team
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Targeted field of cooperation
Applied research
Experience with ESA / FP projects
ESA Project N. 142042: “Study on the use of cloud-radiation models for passive microwave precipitation retrieval”. (1995)
ESA Project N. 152545 “Study of precipitation retrieval from MIMR observations” (1996)
ESA Project N. 83184165 “Study on the use of passive microwave radiometer data for precipitation determination” (1997)
EU Environment and Climate Programme: “Satellite and Combined Satellite-Radar Techniques in Meteorological
Forecasting for Flood Events” (MEFFE), (1997-1999)
EU Environment and Climate Programme: “Exploitation of TRMM Data for an Improved Weather and Climate Forecast” (EuroTRMM), (1998 – 2001)
ESA Project: “Assimilation of Satellite Remote Sensing Data” (1998 – 2001).
EU Environment and Climate Programme: CLOUDS (Mission Requirements for a Cloud and Radiation Monitoring
Satellite), (1998 – 2000)
ESA Project: “Use of MSG, SEVIRI channels in a combined SSM/I, TRMM and geostationary IR method for rapid updates of rainfall” (submitted in response to ESA Research Announce of Opportunity for Meteosat Second Generation),
(2000 – 2002)
EU Project EuRainSat: European satellite rainfall analysis monitoring at the geostationary scale” (2000 – 2004)
EGPM: European contribution to the Global Precipitation Mission, submitted in response to ITT AO/1-3709/00/
NL/DC, (2000 – 2003)
ESA Project: "Modelling and Retrieval of Light Rainfall and Solid (Ice and Snow) Precipitation from the EGPM Mission" (EGPM-Ice), (2003 – 2004)
ESA Project: "Development of an End-to-End Tool to Simulate the Performances of the European Contribution to
the GPM (EGPM) Mission” (EGPM-Simulator), (2004 – 2005)
EUMETSAT Project: “Simulations and User Requirements Review for Precipitating Clouds from Geostationary Orbits in mm/Sub-mm Bands (GeoRain)” (2005 – 2006)
EUMETSAT Project “Satellite Application Facility on Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (HSAF)” (2005 – 2010)
EU FP6 Project “FLASH” (Observations, Analysis and Modeling of Lightning Activity in Thunderstorms for use in
Short Term Forecasting of Flash Floods) (2006 – 2010)
EUMETSAT Project “Continuous Operations-Development Programme (CDOP-1) of Satellite Application Facility on
Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF)” (2010 – 2011)
EUMETSAT Project ““Continuous Operations-Development Programme (CDOP-2) of Satellite Application Facility on
Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF)” (2012 – present)
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largo fermi 6
50125 Firenze
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Vojko Bratina
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: R&D for space applications
Main areas of expertise
INO-CNR research fields: Quantum optics, Non linear optics and optics for high intensity, Optical systems and sensors, Interferometry and microscopy, Quantum gases and ultra-cold atoms, Micro and nano optics, Spectroscopy and
metrology, Sources, Science of vision.
INO-CNR Optical Applications: Aerospace, Environment, Art diagnostics, Energy, Health, Security
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Technology/Research partner (SME, University, Research Organization)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Consolidated experience in participating in ESA and EU/FP projects
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CO.RI.S.T.A. (Consortium of Research on Advanced Remote
Sensing Systems)
viale J.F. Kennedy 5
80125 Napoli
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Maria Rosaria Santovito
[email protected]
Studies and New Initiatives Responsible
Organisation Details
CO.RI.S.T.A. (Consortium of Research on Advanced Remote Sensing Systems) is a non-profit consortium.
It was formed in Naples in 1988 aiming to promote close cooperation between universities and industry in areas related to aerospace remote sensing. It had, therefore, from the beginning, universities and industrial members which
have contributed, each according to their characteristics and attitudes, to make of the Consortium an extremely flexible structure rich in diversified and specialized resources.
It deals with the design, prototype development and application of advanced sensors for remote sensing that can be
installed on ground, air and space platforms (balloons, aircraft, helicopters and satellites).
It conducts research and prototype development in the field of remote sensing systems, also including aspects of their
control in operation and processing of data.
The areas of technical expertise within remote sensing activity range from the definition and simulation of innovative
airborne sensors and of prototypes of satellite subsystems to the development of satellite data processing algorithms.
The objectives, to which such research activities are directed, derive from an analysis of the evolution of the sector,
consistent with the strategic plans and "roadmaps" developed by the consortium members. In this sense, CO.RI.S.T.A.
acts as a link between the objectives of industrial development and those of scientific research of its members.
In this process it aims also entering more and more significantly in the fabric of small and medium enterprises in the
aerospace sector in Campania, through involvement in research programs, in which the importance is also the possibility of engineering and marketing of the prototypes developed.
It employs its own team of researchers and its laboratory is part of the Register of Research Laboratories recognized
by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
In the international framework it is part of the research centers accredited by the European Space Agency as potential
partners in their programs.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
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Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Radar
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Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
Cooperation Profiles
Request for cooperation
Following the potentialities of airborne low-frequency radar systems, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) promoted the development of the first Italian multi-mode and multi-band airborne radar system, as a “proof-of-concept” for future
dedicated spaceborne missions. ASI assigned to the research consortium CO.RI.S.T.A. the design, development and
flight validation of such system. The project starts from the experience gained by CO.RI.STA in SORA (SOunding
RAdar) mission, also funded by the Italian Space Agency, which led to an experimental flight, of a stratospheric balloon equipped with the Ground Penetrating Radar expressly designed and developed by CO.RI.S.T.A. and launched to
from Svalbard islands (Greenland) in 2009.
The activities conducted by CO.RI.S.T.A. in the new project have led to the realization of a multi-band (150 and 450
MHz) and multi-functionality (imager and sounder) airborne radar demonstrator, and to a series of aerial experimentations. Main aim of the project is from one hand to support the Italian scientific community in the field of space missions Ground Penetrating Radar dedicated to Solar System exploration, and from the other hand to validation the system for civil and military applications typical of low-frequency radar. To cover a wide range of applications, the developed radar uses three frequencies operating in P-band range and can work both as sub-sounder and as SAR imager.
For further details view
Target partner
CO.RI.S.T.A. is looking for universities and research centers interested in airborne campaigns focused on applications
of low-frequency technology (monitoring of sea and icy environment, forestry applications, biomass measurement,
archeological and geological exploration). CO.RI.S.T.A. is also looking for partners and/or end users interested in the
exploitation and dissemination of low-frequency radar data.
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Computer Science Institute, University of Piemonte Orientale
Via T. Michel 11
15121 Alessandria
Web site
+39 0131 360 194
Org. Type
Participant Details
Luigi Portinale
[email protected]
Full Professor, Head of Computer Science Institute
Organisation Details
The Computer Science Institute (formerly Computer Science Department) of the University of Piemonte Orientale, is
the main reference for the ICT research activities of the University.
The research activity more related to the topics of the event is conducted by the Artifcial Intelligence Group and by
the Dependability and Reliability Group. In particular, team members of both groups have experience in designing
health management systems for monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics and recovery, as well as systems applying machine learning techniques to image recognition and interpretation.
In addition to the above topics, some researchers are active in the modeling and analysis of systems (both with analytical and simulation techniques) for performance evaluation, with particular attention to Petri net formalisms and stochastic methodologies.
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Artificial Intelligence and Dependability in Space Applications
Main areas of expertise
Artificial Intelligence: Model-based Reasoning, Machine Learning, Autonomous Agents, Probabilistic Reasoning, Image
Dependability and Reliability of Systems: Health Management, Fault Detection, Identification and Recovery
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Any company having interest in applying intelligent systems and/or dependability techniques for aerospace applications
Targeted field of cooperation
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Autonomous FDIR, Probabilistic Reasoning, Machine Learning and Data Mining.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
ASI (Italian Space Agency) funded project "An intelligent system for supervising autonomous spatial robots" : Modelbased diagnosis for the SPIDER space robot arm; partners in the project: IP-CNR, IRST-ITC, Universities of Genova,
Palermo, Parma, Roma and Torino/Piemonte Orientale 1997-1998
STEPS 1 and STEPS 2 Projects (Sistems and TEchologies for Space Exploration): Machine Learning for image interpretation; partners: Thales Alenia Space, Piedmont Region, Politecnico of Torino, University of Torino, University of
Piemonte Orientale, ALTEC and several SME. 2008ESA (European Space Agency) funded study VeriFIM: Verification of Failure Impact by Model-checking (TEC-SWE/
09-259/YY): intelligent FDIR for autonomouos spacecrafts (mars rovers), probabilistic reasoning; partners: University
of Piemonte Orientale and Thales/Alenia. 2010-2011
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dell'Atmosfera e del Clima
via Gobetti 101
40129 Bologna
Web site
+39 051 6398015
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Vincenzo Levizzani
[email protected]
Research Director
Organisation Details
CNR participates with its Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) that was established in 2002. The Institute is particularly involved in remote sensing activities for meteorology and climatology. It works for, and cooperates
with, the Italian Civil Protection Agency, the Italian Met Service, ESA and EUMETSAT for producing satellite-based algorithms for nowcasting and assimilation in numerical weather prediction models. Rainfall and snowfall estimation is a
top research theme and the Institute is seen as leader on these topics at international level. In this field the Institute
has coordinated the FP5 EC Project EURAINSAT and is responsible for the satellite rainfall estimation algorithms of EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility on Support to Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF). The products are being disseminated and used for hydrological applications as part of the Satellite Application Facilities for Meteosat Second Generation and the EUMETSAT Polar Station. During FP7 ISAC participated into the GMES GLOWASIS project and
will soon participate into the project eartH2Observe to be launched in January 2014. The Institute has been awarded
several ESA contracts for the development of MIPAS algorithms and for EUMETSAT algorithms. Dr. Levizzani is Chairman of the Science Advisory Group of the METimage instrument of EUMETSAT's Post-EPS platform.
Areas of Activity
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Hydrometeorological applications for climate, weather forecasts,
hydrology and emergency response
Main areas of expertise
Satellite precipitation estimation, clouds and rainfall structure, hydrometeorological applications of remote sensing
data, regional climate monitoring.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Satellite data educated users, sensor producers / Either academic or industry / Country TBD
Targeted field of cooperation
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Explore possibilities of forming consortia for responding to upcoming Horizon 2020 calls and ESA/EUMETSAT calls. Special emphasis on hydrometeorological monitoring strategies, meteorological and hydrological forecasting, and climate
monitoring at global and regional scales.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Coordinator of FP5 EURAINSAT project. Participation to FP5 CARPE DIEM, MUSIC and ANTISTORM projects. Participation to FP7 GLOWASIS and eartH2Observe projects. Coordinator of EUMETSAT projects.
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Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Metodologie
Inorganiche e dei Plasmi (IMIP)
via E. Orabona, 4
70126 Bari
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Domenico Bruno
[email protected]
Organisation Details
IMIP (Istituto di Metodologie Inorganiche e dei Plasmi) is an Institute of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, a Public
Italian Research Organization, a unique multidisciplinary Government Research Institution.
IMIP is located in Roma, Bari and Potenza and about 60 researchers are actively employed in researches on plasma,
materials and lasers. In Bari there are 30 reaserchers and more than 15 young researchers, among which 20 people are
devoted to theoretical and experimental studies on aerospace oriented systems.
In particular, high enthalpy fluxes are simulated, for problems of re-entry from different planetary atmospheres as
well as for propulsion. Advanced chemical-physical models are developed including detailed kinetic models (state-tostate approach).
Experimental research activities are carried out, related to aerospace: shock-wave studies in a shock tube in air/nitrogen; diamond film deposition by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition; laser induced breakdown
spectroscopy for elemental analysis of meteorites and space debris.
CNR IMIP Bari has successfully taken part in many Projects both as Project Coordinator and as Participant:
ESA projects include: Plasma Laboratory in Space, Fundamental Issues in the Aerothermodynamics of Planetary Atmosphere Re-entry, Thermodynamic and Transport properties of many planetary atmospheres and mixtures of interest in
aerospace applications.
EU FP VII: "PHYS4ENTRY" Planetary Entry Integrated Models
ASI projects include: Termodinamica Trasporto e Cinetica di Plasmi H2 per propulsione spaziale; CAST - Configurazioni
Aerotermodinamiche Innovative per Sistemi di Trasporto Spaziale.
Progetti per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione/ Regione Puglia: Sviluppo di un Rivelatore a Film di Diamante per Radiazione
Ultravioletta; HALL - Sistema di propulsione al plasma per la crescita dell’industria aerospaziale pugliese.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
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Space Technology
▪ In Space propulsion
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Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Hypersonics & Plasmas
Main areas of expertise
Modelling and simulation for:
Hypersonic aerothermodynamics;
Gas discharge physics, plasma flow control (incl. MHD), plasma assisted combustion;
Electric propulsion
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Expertise: CFD and/or experimental activities in the above areas
Targeted field of cooperation
Hypersonic flight heat flux mitigation, plasma flow control concepts, electric propulsion concepts and optimization
Experience with ESA / FP projects
ESA projects include: Plasma Laboratory in Space, Fundamental Issues in the Aerothermodynamics of Planetary Atmosphere Re-entry, Thermodynamic and Transport properties of many planetary atmospheres and mixtures of interest in
aerospace applications.
EU FP VII: "PHYS4ENTRY" Planetary Entry Integrated Models (2010-2014).
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Viale kennedy 5
80125 Napoli
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Giulia Pica
[email protected]
european program responsible
Organisation Details
Consortium of Research on Advanced Remote Sensing Systems
CO.RI.S.T.A. (Consortium of Research on Advanced Remote Sensing Systems) is a non-profit consortium.
It was formed in Naples in 1988 aiming to promote close cooperation between universities and industry in areas related to aerospace remote sensing. It had, therefore, from the beginning, universities and industrial members which
have contributed, each according to their characteristics and attitudes, to make of the Consortium an extremely flexible structure rich in diversified and specialized resources.
It deals with the design, prototype development and application of advanced sensors for remote sensing that can be
installed on ground, air and space platforms (balloons, aircraft, helicopters and satellites).
It conducts research and prototype development in the field of remote sensing systems, also including aspects of their
control in operation and processing of data
The areas of technical expertise within remote sensing activity range from the definition and simulation of innovative
airborne sensors and of prototypes of satellite subsystems to the development of satellite data processing algorithms.
The objectives, to which such research activities are directed, derive from an analysis of the evolution of the sector,
consistent with the strategic plans and "roadmaps" developed by the consortium members. In this sense, CO.RI.S.T.A.
acts as a link between the objectives of industrial development and those of scientific research of its members.
In this process it aims also entering more and more significantly in the fabric of small and medium enterprises in the
aerospace sector in Campania, through involvement in research programs, in which the importance is also the possibility of engineering and marketing of the prototypes developed.
It employs its own team of researchers and its laboratory is part of the Register of Research Laboratories recognized
by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.
In the international framework it is part of the research centers accredited by the European Space Agency as potential
partners in their programs.
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
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Space Technology
▪ Radar
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Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Security
Main areas of experience
• Remote sensing
• Microwave radar sensor
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
CO.RI.S.T.A. is looking for universities and research centers interested in airborne campaigns focused on applications
of low-frequency technology (monitoring of sea and icy environment, forestry applications, biomass measurement,
archeological and geological exploration). CO.RI.S.T.A. is also looking for partners and/or end users interested in the
exploitation and dissemination of low-frequency radar data.
Targeted field of cooperation
Following the potentialities of airborne low-frequency radar systems, the Italian Space Agency (ASI) promoted the development of the first Italian multi-mode and multi-band airborne radar system, as a “proof-of-concept” for future
dedicated spaceborne missions. ASI assigned to the research consortium CO.RI.S.T.A. the design, development and
flight validation of such system. The project starts from the experience gained by CO.RI.STA in SORA (SOunding
RAdar) mission, also funded by the Italian Space Agency, which led to an experimental flight, of a stratospheric balloon equipped with the Ground Penetrating Radar expressly designed and developed by CO.RI.S.T.A. and launched to
from Svalbard islands (Greenland) in 2009.
The activities conducted by CO.RI.S.T.A. in the new project have led to the realization of a multi-band (150 and 450
MHz) and multi-functionality (imager and sounder) airborne radar demonstrator, and to a series of aerial experimentations. Main aim of the project is from one hand to support the Italian scientific community in the field of space missions Ground Penetrating Radar dedicated to Solar System exploration, and from the other hand to validation the system for civil and military applications typical of low-frequency radar. To cover a wide range of applications, the developed radar uses three frequencies operating in P-band range and can work both as sub-sounder and as SAR imager.
For further details view
Experience with ESA / FP projects
In the international framework CO.RI.S.T.A. is part of the research centers accredited by the European Space Agency
and it participated a number of projects funded by ESA.
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20123 MILANO
Web site
055 457 4666
Org. Type
Participant Details
[email protected]
Organisation Details
D-Orbit has developed a smart propulsive device that can be installed on satellites before launch and is able to bring
them back into the atmosphere in a quick and controlled manner leading to safe destruction. Alternatively, the device
can reorbit them into a graveyard orbit when they stop working, in order to avoid collisions with other operating
spacecraft or falling uncontrolled into assets and people on Earth. D-Orbit eliminates satellite operators’ liability for
third party damages. Moreover, D-Orbit offers to satellite owners a reliable and cost-effective product that increases
the operating life of satellites, increasing their revenues by up to 25 million dollars.
Key features:
1. Autonomy: D-Orbit is a stand-alone device which can be commanded directly by Earth (in case of defunct satellite);
2. Controlled reentry: D-Orbit offers the unique capability of reentry the satellite in a well defined area safe away
from human population;
3. Safe and Reliable technology: solid propellant motors are the most reliable in Space. Devices are MIL and ECSS standard certified and Space qualified;
4. Backup: D-Orbit device could be used as backup system to increase from 20% to 80% the mission time in case of
launch failure (detailed technical and business cases for LEO and GEO satellites available upon request);
5. Customization: D-Orbit could be customized to properly satisfy special request by customers;
6. Cost: negligible compared with satellite cost, far more convenient than deorbiting operations done today.
In general D-Orbit offers the best time-to-reentry/mass ratio and the best performance/mass ratio. Quick reentry is
fundamental to avoid damages produced by satellite during its decommissioning phase. Tethers, as an example, require months or even years to deorbit average size satellites, while D-Orbit will bring back the satellite in few hours /
few days.
Mission Statement: D-Orbit works to guarantee a sustainable and profitable future for the Space Industry and a clean
and safe environment for space missions, primarily eliminating uncontrolled and dangerous junk orbiting around the
Earth, in order to reduce costs and increase revenues for satellites operators and enhance safety for people on our
The Company was founded in Italy in 2011 thanks to a seed venture capital investment.
D-Orbit Inc. was established in California and registered in Delaware in 2012 to address the American market.
Goals and Objectives D-Orbit is committed to apply strategic sustainability principles to Space Industry, securing higher profitability and a safer environment for Space exploitation and Space technology transfer into our society. In particular:
? Every new satellite or space vehicle leaving Earth shall have D-Orbit on board. D-Orbit will be the leader on the “deorbiting devices” market: 25% of market share in five years.
? Space Industry shall apply sustainability principles promoted by D-Orbit, in order to secure continuity to Space exploitation and a safer environment for our society.
? D-Orbit will be the leader in Strategic Innovation for Inner and Outer Space activities.
? D-Orbit will be a high profit’s margin company, with projected revenues of 80+ million euro in five years, and a con-
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stant growth.
? D-Orbit, once break-even, will invest on new technologies to clean all the other junk that are already present in
? External relationships with the biggest satellites players in the market ensure D-Orbit the perfect Exit strategy once
the company will become profitable.
D-Orbit shared and carried on the following projects:
- a project in partnership with Alma Space for the italian Space Agency.
- a study of feasibility on ADR mission (GSP Programme) for the European Space Agency.
- a european poject in partnership (european consortium) regarding the 7FP - Space.
- a project in partnersh on ADR mission (clamping mechanism) for the European Space Agency.
Areas of Activity
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Deorbiting/re-orbiting system for satellites
Main areas of expertise
The company's mission is focused on stopping the systematic increase of concentration of uncontrolled objects in
space, promoting a sustainable and profitable future for the space industry, and a clean and safe environment for
space missions. D-orbit founders have more than 40 years experience in the aerospace industry (such as Arianespace,
Finmeccanica, Bayern Chemie, NASA) and established relationships with the satellite industry and launch operators.
The main expertise areas of D-Orbit founders include propulsion, multivariate flight control autonomous systems and
advanced propellant formulations for space applications.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Space Debris; ADR Mission; Sustainibility.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
FP7 Space; FP7 People; ESA (GPS); ESA (Innovative Triangle Initiative).
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D. & P. Electronic Systems s.r.l.
Viale Balilla N°9,10,11
00044 Frascati
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Francesca Ambrosioni
[email protected]
Quality Manager
Organisation Details
D. & P. Electronic Systems is a PMI founded in Ariccia in 1987, working primarily in the defense and space.
The D. & P. Electronic Systems provides signal processing systems (FPGAs and DSPs based) with very high speed analog to digital acquisition subsystem (until to 3 GHZ).
The main application fields are radar, sonar for military and security systems.
The D. & P. Electronic Systems is able to provide its customers with both the hardware and the software.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Satellite technology
Small scale satellites
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
▪ Security
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Development of Analog/digital Signal Processing Systems (HW/FW/
Main areas of expertise
The Company Activities are mainly the following:
• Analog Signal Processing HW Design
• Digital Signal Processing HW/FW/SW Design
• Embedded Control Systems HW/FW/SW Design
• Asic prototyping on Fpga devices
• Sub-System Production, Assembly, Testing and Integration
• High Technology Consulting
The main Application Areas are:
• Ground, Shipborne and Airborne RADARS
• Radar Video Transmission and Presentation for Airport
• Real-time control systems for Industrial Military and Space
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• Telecom processing and management systems
• Digital Radio
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
The major customers/partners are in military and aerospace field in Italy and in Europe, even if we worked with an
American company.
In military field we find:
Rheinmetall Italia SpA;
Elettronica SpA;
Selex Communications;
Thales ATM;
Thales Communications;
In aerospace field we work with:
Thales Alenia Space;
Selex Galileo;
Targeted field of cooperation
• Design, development and test of analog and digital prototypical boards/subsystems for space, military and industrial application;
• Design, development and test of FW /SW blocks for custom/cots boards/subsystems to be integrated under
• Small series production of custom boards/subsystems;
• HW, FW and SW consulting;
• Fast Prototyping Capability:
In house PCB Design;
Consolidated network in boards manufacturing process;
Laboratories for analog and digital testing;
Thermo-Mechanical Support from C&C, preferred Partner;
• Texas Instruments 3rd Part - Xilinx Alliance Partner
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Subcontractor of Thales Alenia Space for ESA/ASI project.
Qualified under ISO 9001:2008 for design, development, production and servicing of electronic equipment and
firmware and software therefor, in the field of civil and space defence.
Qualified for NOS.
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Viale Cesare Pavese 305
00142 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Tanya Scalia
[email protected]
Project Engineer
Organisation Details
D’Appolonia is a large Italian Engineering consultancy Company, established in 1982 in Italy, active in different engineering fields and management consultancy, providing outstanding problem solving capability to its Clients. Since
January 2012 D’Appolonia has become part of the RINA Group, substantially increasing the number and the complementarity of the customers. D’Appolonia’s mission is to provide strategic consultancy to customers in the field of
technology development, R&D outsourcing and technology acquisition strategies fully in line with the open innovation
paradigm. In this framework, D’Appolonia developed strong expertise in the analysis of technological assets of companies and is therefore able to provide strategic support on how such assets should be further strengthened. Additionally, the offering package of D’Appolonia includes strategic consultancy on the positioning of large companies and institutions with respect to their market of interest, and the forecast of technological trends in different industrial sectors. D’Appolonia provides full support to its customers in the complex activity of managing the innovation process,
especially in all critical aspects of identification of future targets and promising opportunities, sourcing of cost-effective enabling technologies as well as in the set up of the most effective innovation master plans, building up an effective and scalable IPR strategy. A similar pragmatic approach is applied to more specific technology problems and bottlenecks with current products and processes where the client knowledge is leveraged and complemented with
D’Appolonia’s multidisciplinary background through a structured approach to generate inventive solutions.
D’Appolonia specifically offers the following services:
Technology Foresight;
Product Intelligence and Roadmapping;
Technology Troubleshooting
IPR Strategy
D’Appolonia has been working in space related activities since 1989, and since 1991 is the Italian broker for ESA Technology Transfer Programme. D’Appolonia can count on strong assets related to assessing the transferability of technologies out of their original domain. Additionally, D’Appolonia gained in the last ten years a strong expertise in cooperating with regional authorities and national bodies to support the implementation and monitoring of large technology development programmes, including the assessment of their impact on the local economies and supporting International Agencies and Local Institutions for the setting-up of Incubators for high tech start-ups, with direct experience in space and related sectors. D’Appolonia managed an important contract with the Italian Space Agency related
to the analysis of the technological innovation level and market potential of technologies developed in the aerospace
sector and also contracts with the European Space Agency concerning the impact assessment of ESA’s centres to their
host Countries. D'Appolonia also has a very important background in EU funded projects as it has participated to many
research projects in FP5, FP6, FP7. More detailes can be found on the Company web site.
Together with ESA, EBN, and WSL, in July 2002, D’Appolonia was one of the founders of the European Space Incubators Network (ESINET), as an experimental platform for the transfer of knowledge and technologies. As a member of
EARTO, the European Association of Research and Technology Organisations, D’Appolonia has the opportunity of exchanging experiences with the largest European Technology R&D centres in several technology disciplines and across a
wide variety of industrial sectors, as Fraunhofer, TNO, VTT, SINTEF, contributing to enlarge its overview on technology R&D development in and outside Europe. (
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D’Appolonia is also closely linked to the activities of EIRMA, the Association of European Industrial Research Managers,
grouping the majority of R&D Managers in large corporate across Europe. Further details on D’Appolonia’s activities
can be found on the web site ( .
It is worth noticing that D’Appolonia is currently also coordinating a very important EC initiative on KETs (Key Enabling
Technologies). The team that is managed by D’Appolonia is supporting the European Commission in the definition of a
work plan enabling the high cross-fertilisation potential of these technologies and ensuring that the result is the development of the most competitive products, goods and services. Such activities will enable the EU Commission in
defining the roadmaps and the seven-year cross-cutting KETs work programme in Horizon 2020, in order to address key
nodes in the value chain.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Security
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Exploration
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: D'Appolonia - Engineering consulting
Main areas of expertise
D'Appolonia S.p.A., part of the RINA Group, is headquartered in Genoa, Italy and it is an engineering consulting firm
providing services to public and private clients worldwide, in the domains of energy, environment, construction, oil
and gas, transport, electronics and telecommunications. The firm offers a full range of integrated engineering services
to support the development of complex projects, covering the early phases of conceptual design and definition of
specifications up to implementation, optimization, testing and validation. The competitive advantage of D’Appolonia
is associated to the multidisciplinary skills and the capability to inventively solving the engineering problems owned
from the team.
The Innovation Consulting Division provides specialized engineering services in the field of Industrial Innovation, supporting companies of every size (start-ups, SMEs as well as large multinationals) in the achievements of their targets
in product, process and service innovation. The company is an active member of EARTO, the European Association of
Research and Technology Organisations as well as of EIRMA, European Industrial Research Management Association.
D’Appolonia is currently one of the highest ranked private entities participating in the European funding programmes,
and since the FP4 has coordinated or participated as partner more than 180 European R&D projects. Since 1992
D’Appolonia has been the Italian broker of the ESA Technology Transfer Programme, contributing to the mapping and
exploitation of the aerospace innovative technologies into terrestrial applications. As such, D’Appolonia offered thorough support in the evaluation of the technologies functional approach and potentialities, as well as the deployment
and adaptation within the specific range of application, oriented to the successful implementation into the terrestrial
field. Such an approach is fully complemented by horizontal activities, related to e.g. technology watch, competitors
monitoring, business modeling and IPR support.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Any type of industrial size (start up, SME or large company), private and public organizations, industrial associations,
operating in any industrial domain: from manufacturing, to extractive industry, construction, testing or services.
D’Appolonia has a long standing story of collaboration with partners and customers worldwide, through more than 30
years activity and 20.000 projects successfully performed. D’Appolonia has the possibility to easily access and operate in the various countries where regional offices are located, namely most of European countries, United States,
Eastern Europe and CIS countries, Northern and West Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, Central and
Southern America, Asia and Oceania
Targeted field of cooperation
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ESA Technology Transfer, innovation consulting, Inventive problem solving, Conceptual design, technology adaptation,
product virtual validation, modeling and testing, ICT support, Exploitation, IPR support, process development, business modeling, troubleshooting, Life Cycle Assessment (PEF / OEF according to ISO 14040 and 14044 standards).
Experience with EC FP projects
D’Appolonia has over 20 years experience in European research, throughout the Framework programmes 4 to 7. Specific focus on applied Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (NMP), where it has developed
significant capabilities in feasibility studies, market assessment, business modelling and product road-mapping, as
well as specific actions in support to the SMEs. Moreover, it was actively involved in several Coordination and support
Actions dealing with roadmapping activities (NANOfutures & ICT4E2B Forum coordinated by D’Appolonia and Building
Up) or with innovation financing (INVESAT, INNO-VENTION and NETFINTEX), acquiring deep expertise in activities such
as: strategic roadmapping and expert network creation, identification and analysis of sector’s specificities; mobilizing
finance investors, incubators and investing enterprises in the sector to contribute to the activities of the network;
preparation of policy recommendations; dissemination and exploitation of results.
D’Appolonia is one of the founding member of the E2BA (Energy Efficient Buildings Association), currently counting
132 members, and since 2009 has been coordinating the roadmapping activity leading to the EeB strategic research
For the European Space agency, D’Appolonia has coordinated the Automotive for Space project in 2011, and has also
performed an important study on the economic impact of ESA’s centres worldwide. In 2012 D’Appolonia has pioneered
a study of environmental impact assessment on a space mission, for ESA ESTEC.
D’Appolonia has coordinated more than 30 EC funded projects, only in FP6 and FP7.
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DIN - Università di Bologna
viale Risorgimento, 2
40136 Bologna
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Leonardo Frizziero
[email protected]
Researcher, Assistant Professor
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Aerospace, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial & Car Design
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ In Space propulsion
Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Mechanical and Propulsion Area
Main areas of expertise
Aerospace, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Design, CAD, CAE, Propulsion
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Propulsion manufacturers, mechanics company
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
yes, we had experience in some FP7 Capacity R4Bsmes Projects
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DTM Technologies
Via Tacito 65
41123 Modena
Web site
+39 059 847337
Org. Type
Participant Details
Davide Santachiara
[email protected]
Program Manager - CEO
Organisation Details
DTM is a specialised high performance-engineering group working since 1994 in the aerospace, automotive and biomedical fields. The company offers mechanical design and analysis (structural, thermal, CFD) capabilities as well as
testing and integration facilities. This allows DTM to provide our customers with full turn-key project development
on-time and meeting all requirements. To guarantee the highest quality levels DTM has a quality management systems
certified according to ISO 9001:2008 and EN 9100:2009 (aerospace) standard. DTM specialities include:
Mechanical, thermal and CFD design
Advanced technologies (especially focused on composite materials)
Stress, thermal and fluid dynamics analysis
Experimental and integration activities
Testing, qualification and certification
In the aerospace field DTM is cooperating with the main European prime contractors (e.g. Astrium, Thales) and National space agencies on microgravity, satellites and launchers programs.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Small scale satellites
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Partnership on ESA and FP projects: DTM is a SME specialized in
mechanical, thermal and CFD design and MAIT of aerospace payloads, structures and subystems including composite parts.
Main areas of expertise
Mechanical and thermal design
Advanced technologies (especially focused on composite materials)
Stress, thermal and fluid dynamics analysis
Experimental and integration activities (including autoclave for composite manufacturing)
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• Testing, qualification and certification
In the aerospace business DTM is working for the main European prime contractors and Space Agencies on satellite,
launchers, microgravity, ground support equipments and research projects. DTM is also working in the automotive and
biomedical field.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Prime contractors or other SME requiring mechanical design capabilities (drafting, structural, thermal and CFD analysis) as well as integration, testing and qualification capabilities. DTM is able either to perform activities on specific
fields (i.e. design) or develop full turn-key projects from conception to reality.
DTM facilities include an ISO 5 clean-room as well as an autoclave for composite manufacturing. DTM designed, developed and qualified composite structures for the aerospace (satellite, launchers, microgravity), automotive and biomedical fields.
DTM is working since 1994 with the main european aerospace prime contractors and space agencies. Direct cooperations have been achieved also with NASA.
To guarantee the highest service level DTM has a quality management systems certified according to ISO 9001 and EN
9100 (aerospace) standard
Targeted field of cooperation
Mechanical design (drafting, structural, thermal and CFD analysis) and MAIT with special focus on composite design,
realization and testing for the following applications:
microgravity payloads and experiments
high purity gas delivery systems
satellite structures
GSE for qualification and acceptance of space hardware (thermal vacuum chambers, quasi static benches and
Experience with ESA / FP projects
DTM is engaged in the development of ESA projects (satellites, launchers and microgravity projects) since 1994.
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E.Geos S.p.A.
Via Stanislao Cannizaro 71
00156 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Nelida Ancora
[email protected]
Organisation Details
e-GEOS, an Italian Space Agency (20%) and Telespazio (80%) company, is a leading international player in the geo-spatial business. e-GEOS offers a whole range of products and services in the Earth Observation and in the geo-spatial application domains, based on both optical and radar satellites as well as on aerial surveys. e-GEOS and its subsidiary
GAF/Euromap operate their own data processing services at the Earth Observation Space Centers of Matera, Italy
(radar and optical) and Neustrelitz, Germany (optical). Multiple satellites are received and processed in these two
hubs, also for near-real-time monitoring (Matera).
With experience in FP7 and ESA projects
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space for a new model of sustainable and integrated development
Main areas of expertise: using space technologies for a better life of citizens, developing )project collaboration
with local authorities (security, transport, civil
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country): European countries, local Istitutional representatives.
Targeted field of cooperation: development project with local authorities - smart cities (space for development)
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Experience with ESA / FP projects (E-geos partner of the italian cluster)
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via Girolamo Santacroce 40
80129 Naples
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Rosario Cimmino
[email protected]
Managing Director
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Systems Engineering
Main areas of expertise
Systems Engineering
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Consultancy firms, System Design & Integration, Software Systems, ITC
Targeted field of cooperation
To be assessed
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Not yet
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Electron Source Co
Via Maremmana 29
04010 Bgo S.Donato, Latina
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Adriano Coschiera
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Electron Source Co manufactures Relays, Timers, Voltage sensors, Current sensors, Three phase sequence sensors and
custom product uppon customer requirements.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Radar
▪ Launcher
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: High Quality Electronic Components for Defence and Aerospace
Main areas of expertise
Electron Source Co, founded on 1992, design & manufactures high quality electronic components, for defence and
aerospace, such:
Voltage Sensors
Current sensors
Three phase sequence sensors
and has also the capability to design and produce custom devices.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Electronic systems manufacturers
Targeted field of cooperation
Defence and aerospace
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Elital srl
ss17 Ovest, Polo Elettronico
67100 L'Aquila
Web site
0862 1965740
Org. Type
Participant Details
Guido Arista
[email protected]
Program Manager
Organisation Details
Elital srl works in Space and Defence fields.
Elital srl is able to internally design complex systems, with a mix of engineering skills. Manufacturing facilities are also
internally, so Elital srl can ensure the overall quality of the technological processes and assembling phases. Tests are
also internally, Elital srl has enviromental chambers, mechanical test equipment and electronics instruments to guaranty the quality of its products.
Satellite/payload Transport Container (optical systems also),
Tilting Trolley,
Integration Stands,
Measurement systems (ex. Weight, Center of Gravity ecc.),
RF Up/Down Converters,
RF Switch Matrix,
Power SCOE,
Power matrix,
Burn-in Test equipment,
Radio Frequency Printed Circuit Board
High End technology for manufacturing of Radio Frequency PCB for satellite on-board applications. Our PCBs are applied on: Cosmo SM, KompSAT, AMOS4, Sentinell, Sicral, Galileo, Research activities on ASI and ESA programs. Technology applied are:
• mixed materials,
• buried resistors,
• back drilling,
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• suspended lines,
• embedded components,
• oversize pcb,
Ground Station
Fixed and Tranposrtable and mobile satcom systems. We can provide a lot of solutions taylored on the customer requirements:
• Communipack 2300 - fully automatic satcom trolley with carbon fiber sector antenna reflector. Available in X,
Ku and Ka bands,
• SOTM - Satellite on The Move avionics antenna for on board communications,
• Fixed stations
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Radar
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Design and Manufacturing of Complex Systems (M-GSE, E-GSE, RF
Space Programs and research activities,
Target partner
SMEs and Industries for partecipating at Horizon 2020 programs,
Targeted field of cooperation
Space and Defence innovative sub-systems or complete product. We are available to partecipate like prime or sub
Experience with ESA / FP projects
We have business with ESA since a lot of time. We are involved both on research activities published on Emits, and to
supply E-GSE and M-GSE for Space programs.
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Elital srl
Loc. Boschetto Polo Elettronico
67000 L'Aquila
Web site
+39 320 6510 450
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giovanni Nicolai
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Elital (the name is Elettronica Italiana) was founded in 1986 and has rapidly expanded its
capabilities in the design and manufacturing of complex and multidisciplinary systems, subsystems
and complete products. The fields where our technology is applied are mainly Space and Defence
(Homeland Security included) and also Industrial application. More information about the Elital
products, technologies and achievements throughout the years from its foundation are available in
detailed product and technology presentations on the web site (
The Company Elital has established good professional relationships with experts coming from both
Space and Defence sectors, and Universities: L’Aquila, Roma Tor Vergata, and Perugia are the
main ones.
The industrial processes and Research and Development department are base on avant-garde
designs software, manufacturing and testing facilities.
Since its creation, the Elital’s strong points are the design and development of electronics and
mechanics equipment, and the design, manufacturing, installation and testing of small and
large ground Earth stations (visit on internet all the products available). Recently the MOBSAT
terminal, entirely designed, developed and produced by Elital has captured a fair market share in this products class.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite networks
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
▪ Emergency
Cooperation Profiles
Main areas of expertise
Satcom Systems - Defence - Space
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Since its creation, the Elital’s strong points are the design and development of electronics and
mechanics equipment, and the design, manufacturing, installation and testing of small and
large ground Earth stations (visit on internet all the products available). Recently the MOBSAT
terminal, entirely designed, developed and produced by Elital has captured a fair market share in this
products class.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Data Processing,
Targeted field of cooperation
Mobile Communications, Satcom on the Move, M-GSE, Network Monitoring
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Mixed RF Boards
Buried Discrete Components
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via Anguillarese 301
00123 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Giuseppe Zummo
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The Institute of Thermal-Fluid Dynamics of ENEA is operating as a research and development unit working on heat and
mass transfer aspects of interest for the energy and plant engineering and associated technologies. Research activities
of the Institute are either applied research (industrial oriented research) or basic research (fundamental research).
ITFD have long experience in European and Italian projects (ASI, ESA, etc.).
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ In Space propulsion
Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Advanced thermal management for space and terrestrial applications
Main areas of expertise
The Institute of Thermal-Fluid Dynamics is operating as a research and development unit working on heat and mass
transfer aspects of interest for the energy and plant engineering and associated technologies. Research activities of
the Institute are either applied research (industrial oriented research) or basic research (fundamental research).
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Space propulsion, heat pipes for terrestrial and space applications, thermal management, microgravity tests of twophase flow systems (boiling, quenching).
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Member of ESA Topical team on Boiling
Projects: Boiling, CBC, MANBO
ISS experiments: Ruby, Selene
Experimentation at 0-g: 6 parabolic flights campaigns
Collaboration with Snecma for quenching studies at -g
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ENEA, Research Center Casaccia, Optical Coating Lab
v Anguillarese 301
00123 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Anna Sytchkova
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The Optical Coatings Laboratory has been operating for more than thirty years in the field of thin film optical components. A significant experience has been developed in the following areas:
• design of optical interference coatings with commercial and in house computer programs
• manufacturing of thin film coatings with different deposition techniques (electron beam evaporation with ion
assistance, magnetron radiofrequency sputtering, dual ion beam sputtering)
• characterization of both thin films properties and performance of optical coatings, with commercial and ad
hoc constructed instrumentation.
The applications of optical coatings pursued till now are mainly related to:
mirrors for laser resonators
smart windows and architectural glasses
filters for space instrumentation
narrow-band transmission filters for solar radiation measurement
thin films for solar cells
Consultant service and component manufacturing are offered. A strong interaction with clients is usually preferred to
satisfy the request for both custom-made thin film coatings and testing of optical components.
All activities are funded by either National/European Projects and Industries commitments.
The Lab has participated in the last years to several ESA projects dedicated to the design, fabrication and testing of
transmission filters (for example ”Linearly Variable Filters for Image Spectrometry”, ”Ultra-compact medium-resolution Spectrometer for Land application”, ”High resolution large range Compact Spectrometer”, “MTG Lightning Imager
large area Narrow Band Filter development”).
Since FP4 the Lab has participated in various EC projects like
• 1996-1997 FP4 project HCM+PECO-NIS ERB CIP DCT 94 0609 “High Quality Thin Films for Laser Applications”,
• 1997-2002 FP5 project FMRX-CT97-0101 “New Optimisation Concepts for High Quality UV-Coatings”,
• 2001- 2004 FP6 project HPRI-CT-2001-50025 “EUFELE: Development of the European Free-Electron Laser at
ELETTRA as a VUV Research Facility”,
• 2010 – 2012 FP7 project ENERGY-2009-2.1.1-241281 “Thin Si film based hybrid solar cells on low-cost Si substrates”
Facilities: The Laboratory is well equipped for manufacturing and characterization of thin-film optical components.
The majority of plants and instrumentation is located in clean rooms (class 100 and 10000).
Areas of Activity
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Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Small scale satellites
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
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Esri Italia
Via Tiburtina 755
00159 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alessandro Di Felice
[email protected]
Business Development
Organisation Details
The most successful IT systems are created by the customer and supplier working in close partnership - each contributing their experience, ideas and expertise to ensure that the delivered systems meet the organisation’s requirements and exceed their expectations.
Esri offers a full range of business and GIS technology services that deliver real business benefits. Customers are supported through the effective implementation and application of Esri GIS through Professional Services, Data Services,
Maintenance and Support.
To find out more about the Services we offer contact us for help and advice on planning, designing, developing and
implementing your GIS.
ESRI is also developing geomatic solutions for eviroment monitoring porpuses; these solution are essentially based upon Satellite SAR imaging applications and High-Precision GNSS applications
Areas of Activity
▪ From Space data transfer
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ NEOs
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: ESRI ITALIA
Main areas of expertise
SAR Applications
GNSS Applications
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Satellite Ground Segment System Engineering
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Large Integrator
Satellite Optical Expertise for data fusion applications
GNSS HW providers
Targeted field of cooperation
GIS Applications in Space Sector (e.g. Web Coverage Services)
GMES downstream services
GNSS High-Precision Applications
Galileo PRS Services
Satellite Applications for the Marine Strategy
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Coordination of the GAL FP7 Project
Partner of the SN-III ESA Project (NEO Precursor Services)
Several Project with ASI (Italian Space Agency) on Cosmo-Skymed applications
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Esri Italia
Via Tiburtina 755
00159 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alessandro Di Felice
[email protected]
Business Development
Organisation Details
Esri Italy is leader in the GIS technology. Esri Italy has a spin-off called Galileian Plus that develops geomatic solutions
by using GNSS High-Precision and SAR Satellite Technologies. Esri and GPLUS are involved in several Research Project
such as:
GAL as coordinator:
VULSAR Italian Space Agency as coordinator (seismic vulnerability from SAR):
All GPLUS developed solutions are based on Esri GIS platforms.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space Applications
Main areas of expertise
GNSS (High-Precision and PRS), SAR Applications and processing, GIS
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
System Integrators (Large Company), Final Users and Stakeholders in the Enviroment Market
Targeted field of cooperation
Copernicus applications, GNSS applications, Enviroment Market
Experience with ESA / FP projects
FP7 GAL Project as coordinator:
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Via Ferrata 1
27100 Pavia
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Roberto Nascimbene
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The EUCENTRE Foundation has the scope of promoting, supporting and sustaining research and education in the field
of seismic risk mitigation. To accomplish this, the following target activities areas have been identified:
• applied research in the field of earthquake engineering, with a view to improve existing practise in assessment and reduction of seismic vulnerability and risk;
• support work towards the development of guidance documents for both practising engineers and governing
bodies, bringing international state-of-the-art into national design codes and regulations;
• training of engineers and technicians in the field of earthquake engineering, with specialisation in areas such
as seismology, geology, geotechnical engineering, material response, structural analysis and design, vulnerability assessment and emergency management;
• scientific and technological consultancy, at both national and international levels, always in the field of
earthquake engineering.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Advanced numerical modeling and structural analyses
Main areas of expertise: numerical modeling and advanced structural analyses
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country): small to big enterprise, research center and university.
Targeted field of cooperation: smart city, progressive collapse, robustness, seismic analyses, earthquake resistant structures.
Experience with ESA / FP projects: previously involved in two main FP research project regarding seismic risk
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Eurac Research
Viale Druso, 1
39100 Bolzano
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Roberto Monsorno
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The Institute for Applied Remote Sensing was founded in 2006 at Eurac Research. the main objective is to combine
Earth Observation (EO) techniques with interdisciplinary approaches in environmental research.
The Tecnologies for Environmental monitoring Group within the Institute manages the Receiving Station of the institute. Since March 2009, Aqua and Terra have been transmitting images of Europe to the MODIS data centre at the Institute and since 2012 Suomi NPP and VIIRS optical data are recieved and processed. A sophisticated data processing
and storage infrastructure with a state-of-the-art redundancy system assures fast, reliable access to NRT and archived
data. Our aim is to provide our users with high-quality remotely-sensed images at all levels of the processing chain.
Projects, please see:
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
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Filas spa
Piazzale della Libertà
00192 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Governmental organization
Participant Details
Gerardo Lancia
[email protected]
Cluster Coordinator
Organisation Details
DTA - Lazio Aerospace Technology District
A European centre of excellence
Italy is the third country in terms of contributions to ESA and, as such, a leading player in the most important European space programmes. For 20 years, thanks to efforts by the Italian Government and local authorities, the aerospace sector has benefited from an intense programme of facilities and financing.
In 2004, Regione Lazio, the Ministry of Economics and Finance, and the Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research signed the framework agreement establishing the DTA in the Lazio's regional territory. The programme calls for
the implementation of a series of initiatives undertaken by the regional bodies, along with financial institutions, research centres, universities, and hi-tech firms.
Regione Lazio entrusted Filas, the Financial Investment Agency of Regione Lazio dedicated to supporting innovation,
to coordinate clusters' activities and improve clusters' competitiveness and productivity.
The Aerospace Technological District located in the Lazio Region of Italy, with approximately 250 companies, 30.000
employees, 5 Billion Euro turnover, 10 Research Centres, 5 Universities, 4 Technological Parks, 3.000 Professors, Researchers and Specialists involved in R&D activities in aerospace fields, is among the leading players in the aerospace
and aeronautical market worldwide, counting for approximately 0.8% of the global industry turnover.
Filas is one of the founding partners of the National Technological Cluster for Aerospace (CTNA) as decreed by Italian
Ministry for Research (MIUR) on 14 December 2012. CTNA's goal is to set up large-scale networks and public/private
synergies to make the most of Italy's areas of technological excellence, to strengthen the research system, to foster
the growth of all the players in the supply chain, to develop employment, and to improve the competitiveness of the
aerospace system as a whole. CTNA is an organized network which is made of:
81 Research centres
28 universities
29 large-scale companies
More than 800 SMEs.
Projects developed by CTNA and approved by MIUR are:
1. Development of advanced helicopters
2. Technologies for general aviation and for UAV platforms
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3. Top-level space projects
4. Environmentally compatible propulsion systems
The Association LAZIO CONNECT has been engineered by FILAS to support Innovation through Enterprise Networking in the Lazio Region.
LAZIO CONNECT creates a collaborative environment for the actors the Industrial System of Lazio to increase its critical mass, technological competitiveness and the ability to market trading.
LAZIO CONNECT works through alliances in a tight and integrated network of companies, universities and research organizations, legally independent, which merge into temporary task force to conduct a project sharing expertise and
LAZIO CONNECT optimizes the chain of value creation by benefiting from the collaboration, economies of scale and
synergies (sharing responsibilities, risks, costs, etc..) of the entire industrial system of Lazio.
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Swarm technologies
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Filas, the Financial Investment Agency of Regione Lazio dedicated
to supporting innovation, to coordinate clusters' activities and improve clusters' competitiveness and productivity.
Main areas of expertise
Lazio Regional Government has entrusted Filas to manage and coordinate Lazio Aerospace Technology District in order
to implement the following action plan:
•Promotion of industrial research and support to innovative projects
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•Development of innovative collaborative platforms in R&D •Information management through new media channels
•Technology transfer and start-up creation •Seed, venture and expansion equity financing for SMEs •Program management and development of research labs •Large-scale demonstration projects •Post-graduate education, training and
cross-cultural exchange
The programme entails the implementation of a series of initiatives undertaken by regional bodies, along with financial institutions, research centres, universities and hi-tech firms
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
FILAS operates as a networking entity facilitating collaboration amongst Companies, Public End users and Research Organization, legally independent, that get together into temporary task-forces called "Lazio Connect Extended Enterprises" which, by sharing knowledge and resources, can compete in the ever more demanding business landscape.
LAZIO CONNECT has been developing a network of national and international "intermediaries", named Technological
Brokers, composed of professionals with high-level expertise and consolidated links to potential clients in markets
where our members' technologies/products could be transferred.
Once affiliated to the Community, the LAZIO CONNECT broker will receive the project proposals generated by members for free and will be assisted by the central team in contacting the Association most relevant member.Apply for
being a broker in order to evaluate our collaborative projects
Targeted field of cooperation
Lazio’s aerospace sector major areas of operation relate to space applications and launchers, electronics, ICT avionics, aeronautic services and airport maintenance:
•large-scale enterprises and manufacturing units of international groups enterprises operating in space, aeronautics
for civil and military customers •many small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises operating in space, aeronautics for civil and military customers •several companies providing high added-value industrial and technical support •aerospace, sub-supply, electronics, information technology, avionics, and communications companies •aeronautical, maintenance and airport services •design and assembly of satellites, solid-fuel rocket engines, components of
the Ariane and Vega expendable launch systems and of air-to-air and air-to-ground missile launchers •design and
manufacture of aircraft and helicopter components, subsets and equipment systems •design and manufacture of aeronautical structures for civil and military aircraft.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
In order to favour the creation of strategic international partnerships and allow Lazio SMEs to access advanced and innovative technological know-how, Filas, as the reference agency of the Regione Lazio, promotes the access and participation of small and medium-sized enterprises based in Lazio to the calls of the Seventh Framework Programme and
Horizon 2020.
The Projects
Filas - DTA participates in the European R&D project COIN in order to demonstrate, experiment, trial and assess the
innovative Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration services made available in the ICT COIN platform
into realistic Industrial Aerospace Scenarios.
Fame [Continue] Mobicap [Continue] ImMediaTe [Continue] CLUNET [Continue] COSPACES [Continue] E-SAFER [continue] FINNETSM [continue] INNODEAL [continue] OMEN [continue] SECUREFORCE The objective of Secure-Force is to
promote the involvement of SMEs and SME groups in European research and development projects in the field of security via an innovative methodology based on diffusion and sharing of knowledge, support, training and matchmaking
activities among the world leaders in this sector. [continue]
SIDEREUS The SIDEREUS project, coordinated by Filas, aims to increase economic cooperation between Europe and
Asia, while encouraging growth and transnational agreements in the region and promoting mutually beneficial economic co-operation relationships between European and Asian SMEs and larger companies in the aerospace sector.
[continue] SILK AVENUE [continue]
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Flyby S.r.l.
Puini, 87
57128 Livorno
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Andrea Masini
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Flyby is an independent Italian SME company, developing applied research solutions mainly based on remote sensing
Flyby’s processes are managed according to UNI EN ISO9001:2008 quality standards. For the more demanding space
projects the methods set down in the European Space standards (ECSS) are also applied.
Interdisciplinary background and expertise in various fields allow Flyby to face complex challenges in applied research
and to develop innovative products that bring a high added value to the many Institutional and Private customers.
The company is managed by the founder Dr. Emilio Simeone (Laurea in Physics, PhD in Applied Optics). The staff is
composed by fifteen collaborators with MS and PhD level education and skills in Computer Science, Physics, Telecommunication, Electronics, Signal Processing Engineering, Artificial Intelligence.
Flyby has provided services and products based on optical remote sensing to many customers into different market
sectors like Oil & Gas Corporations, Defence governmental bodies, Environmental agencies, Aerospace Corporations.
Flyby’s instruments, services and products find their main applications in the following fields:
Space and aerospace
Defence & Security
Environmental monitoring and protection
Renewable energies
The company conducts two lines of business: the first is represented by the constant involvement in various R&D projects funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the European Commission (EC) and
by other regional agencies; the second line consists in selling the commercial products that derive from prototype applications developed in the R&D projects.
Flyby’s cutting edge competence is the capability to develop dedicated algorithms for the processing of data, especially those coming from optical sensors, and the capability to model complex systems. Such capabilities stem from
the multi-disciplinary background of Flyby’s R&D personnel, who is active in both assimilating the latest achievements
of scientific literature and in collaborating with important public and private research centers.
Flyby has a leading experience in the field of data processing in particular its competences include:
fusion of optical EO based environmental parameters with on-ground sensors measures or with SAR measures (e.g.
pan-sharpening) , Artificial Intelligence techniques: decision support systems, neural network processors, fuzzy logic
processors (e.g. target detection and pattern recognition), modeling of solar light interaction with atmosphere/land/
sea, simulation of scenarios and sensors for UAVs platforms
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Bayesian analysis for classification of any substance/material properties, processing of satellite and airborne multi-hyperspectral imagery, Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy, FT-IR, Fluorescence, LIDAR etc.
The following are only some of the R&D European projects in which Flyby has participated acquiring significant expertise: SATENERG (customer: ASI), MACC (EC-FP7), ENDORSE (EC-FP7), FISHSAT (ESA), SATOUR (ESA), PRIMI (ASI), LIMES
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ In Space data processing
▪ Optical sensors
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Italian SMEdevoted to applied research solutions based on remote
sensing technologies
Main areas of expertise
Flyby is an independent Italian SME company, developing applied research solutions mainly based on remote sensing
Flyby’s processes are managed according to UNI EN ISO9001:2008 quality standards. For the more demanding space
projects the methods set down in the European Space standards (ECSS) are also applied.
Interdisciplinary background and expertise in various fields allow Flyby to face complex challenges in applied research
and to develop innovative products that bring a high added value to the many Institutional and Private customers.
The staff is composed by fifteen collaborators with MS and PhD level education and skills in Computer Science,
Physics, Telecommunication, Electronics, Signal Processing Engineering, Artificial Intelligence.
Flyby has provided services and products based on optical remote sensing to many customers into different market
sectors like Oil & Gas Corporations, Defence governmental bodies, Environmental agencies, Aerospace Corporations.
Flyby’s instruments, services and products find their main applications in the following fields:
Space and aerospace
Defence & Security
Environmental monitoring and protection
Renewable energies
The company conducts two lines of business: the first is represented by the constant involvement in various R&D projects funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the European Commission (EC) and
by other regional agencies; the second line consists in selling the commercial products that derive from prototype applications developed in the R&D projects.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Space, Security, Downstream Services.
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• Intelligent data fusion algorithms, especially regarding the possibility to better describe the scenarios using
the available sensors avoiding redundant information and enhancing the
• Development of techniques to analyse optical sensor data.
• hyper spectral sensor data management and information extraction.
• Centralized and distributed data fusion architecture, towards the best possible performance.
• Development of an intelligent information management able to support the decision for the management of
the global mission
• Development of a human-friendly monitoring system, that will assist the UAV-coordinator, to take his decisions. It will be based on setting the policies, standards, best practices and processes needed to organize and
control the collection, as well as the management and the distribution of data/information required for system intelligence purposes.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Flyby’s cutting edge competence is the capability to develop dedicated algorithms for the processing of data, especially those coming from optical sensors, and the capability to model complex systems. Such capabilities stem from
the multi-disciplinary background of Flyby’s R&D personnel, who is active in both assimilating the latest achievements
of scientific literature and in collaborating with important public and private research centers.
Flyby has a leading experience in the field of data processing in particular its competences include:
fusion of optical EO based environmental parameters with on-ground sensors measures or with SAR measures (e.g.
pan-sharpening) , Artificial Intelligence techniques: decision support systems, neural network processors, fuzzy logic
processors (e.g. target detection and pattern recognition), modeling of solar light interaction with atmosphere/land/
sea, simulation of scenarios and sensors for UAVs platforms
Bayesian analysis for classification of any substance/material properties, processing of satellite and airborne multi-hyperspectral imagery, Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy, FT-IR, Fluorescence, LIDAR etc.
The following are only some of the R&D European projects in which Flyby has participated acquiring significant expertise: SATENERG (customer: ASI), MACC (EC-FP7), ENDORSE (EC-FP7), FISHSAT (ESA), SATOUR (ESA), PRIMI (ASI), LIMES
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Fondazione EUCENTRE
via Ferrata
27100 Pavia
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Chiara Casarotti
[email protected]
Primo Ricercatore
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Security
Cooperation Profiles
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via carlo cattaneo 20
26044 grontardo
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
stefano campagnolo
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Identity: Based on Earth Observation satellite data integrated with ground systems information and complex physical
and mathematical models, Gaiag provide product, consulting and datasets for Earth sub-systems monitoring (land, water and atmosphere) and Security (forecasting, fire, landslide etc).
Vision: help industries, researcher centre and individual or associated citizen to take action, make appropriate policy
decisions and decide on necessary investments to improve Earth quality of life in regard to Environment and Security.
Mission 2013: We want to develop applications able to facilitate the satellite data exploitation integrated with other
new remote sensing technologies in different ground sector in order to enable end-users to take more effective decisions in real time. To be at the frontier of remote sensing sector applied to Earth Observation.
Core research and development skills: Compiled language and open source approach for image understanding, artificial intelligence, three-dimensional structures analysis, bio-inspired machine learning algorithms, non linear clustering
for optical and sar satellite image processing and encoding/transcoding satellite raw data.
Thanks to development and/or integration with complex mathematical and physical agro-meteo models Gaiag can increase quality of satellite data and decision support system provided to the final users.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: remote sensing understanding
Main areas of expertise
Compiled language and open source approach for image understanding, artificial intelligence, three-dimensional
structures analysis, bio-inspired machine learning algorithms, non linear clustering for optical and sar satellite image
processing and encoding/transcoding satellite raw data.
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Thanks to development and/or integration with complex mathematical and physical agro-meteo models Gaiag can increase quality of satellite data and decision support system provided to the final users.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Worldwide partner, with renewable energy, oil spill and weather expertise.
SME and Research institute.
Targeted field of cooperation
see above
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Gelco spa
str poggino 45
01100 viterbo
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Gaia Mancini
[email protected]
Sales manager
Organisation Details
Professional electronics design, development, production and testing for defence and aerospace.
Our main products are digital boards, power supplies, harnesses, rack and cabinets systems.
We are actually involved in Vega harness production and Cosmo SG design.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Satellite technology
Small scale satellites
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Design and manufacturing experience
Main areas of expertise
Design of digital boards, Power Supplies, EGSE, harness.
Manufacturing of boards (SMD or THT), microelectronics, subassemblies, rack, and harnesses.
Clean room ISO8 activities.
Enviromental stress screening area with climatic chambers and shaker.
X-Ray verification system, flying probe test system.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
We would like to cooperate with a Company that need support for subassemblies design (like modules, power supplies
or boards) or test equipment design. We can make 3D design by means catia for mechanical parts or 3D routing and
definition for harnesses. No preferencs for origin countries of our partners. We can also satisfy needs of manufacturing
for pruducts like the prevoius paragraph
Targeted field of cooperation
We have a long experience with EGSE for testing spacecraft (the whole design and manufacturing), in Power supplies
and testing equipment.
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Experience with ESA / FP projects
Experience in harness design and manufacturing for Vega. Design and manufacturing (not directly for ESA) of EGSE for
XMM, Cassini, Globalstar, Sar2000, Sentinel1, Vega, Small Geo
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Viale del Basento
85100 Potenza
Web site
0971 56671
Org. Type
Participant Details
natalia salvia
[email protected]
Organisation Details
GEOCART is an Engineering Company providing technical services in the following sectors: Earth Observation, Environment, Civil Protection, Energy, Information and Communication Technology, Civil Engineering.The Company offers
specialist consulting and support in designing, controlling and supervising projects on both the national and international level. The staff is composed by qualified experts: physicists, geologists, forest experts, economists, IT experts,
experts in environmental, territorial, civil, electronics and hydraulic engineering, land surveyors, topographers, CAD
and GIS operators.The Company provides services of satellite image processing and refining-modeling geographic data
coming from terrestrial and aerial mapping, using traditional and innovative techniques and instrumentation. GEOCART provides remote sensing surveys through the installation on helicopters and on fixed wings aircrafts of singlesensors or multi-sensors platforms, named MAPPING, integrating several devices: a full waveform laser scanner, a system of hyper-spectral sensors (VNIR, SWIR), a thermal camera and a high resolution digital camera. The Company also
offers its proven experience in satellite data processing especially in "PSInSAR" (Permanent Scatters Interferometric
Synthetic Aperture Radar) technology for the assessment of earth shifts or structural displacements with centi-millimetric precision. With this aim, Geocart has developed a software application named “SLIDE”, acronym of SAR Land
Interferometry Data Exploitation, allowing the measurement of surface and infrastructures displacements and adopting PSInSAR technology.
Geocart is also a member of the Technological District of Basilicata Region (TERN), an organization founded following
an agreement signed between the Italian Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of University, Education and Research and
Basilicata Region. TERN works in the field of Earth Observation and Natural Hazards developing innovative technologies and methodologies for protection and prevention activities.
Geocart is registered in the “National Research Registry” of the Italian Ministry of University, Education and Research
and is certified in conformity with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 relatively to the following purposes:
• Research and development of new technologies and supply of remote mapping services, mapping, environmental and territorial data monitoring and processing;
• Design and carrying out of Geographical Information Systems;
• Design of High Voltage/Medium Voltage power lines;
• Design of plants of electrical production from renewable sources;
• Aerial and ground surveys of technological and infrastructural networks and environmental features by using
integrated systems (GPS and sensors);
• Design and supply of civil engineering services.
In addition, Geocart was evolved in the implementation of complex international Co-operation projects funded by different EU Programmes such as Phare/Life+/FP7. In such context, Geocart was in charge of different activities such as
logical and financial management, technical and scientific support.
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GEOCART carried out R&D activities in the field of Earth Observation Technologies and Natural Hazards participating
in research projects financed by Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (e.g. ISTIMES: Integrated system for transport infrastructures surveillance and monitoring by electromagnetic sensing, or by public institutions such as the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). Furthermore, the Company carried out important research projects financed by the Italian Space Agency relating
the spatial monitoring technologies such as the multi-temporal analysis of coastal areas or the development of software tool for processing the SAR data in order to calculate surface deformations. Nowadays, Geocart is performing
technological studies, within of research project financed by the Italian Space Agency, about an Integrated Monitoring
System, based on Earth Observation techniques, applied to GAS transport network.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Earth Observation Technology
Main areas of expertise
Aerial and ground surveys of technological and infrastructural networks and environmental features by using integrated systems (GPS and sensors). The outputs of these activities are useful in several fields of application, such as:
• monitoring of engineering works and infrastructure networks (railways, roads, power lines, pipelines, etc…) in
order to map the exact location and to check the quality level of services;
• hydro-geological risk management for the landslides or subsidence phenomena monitoring;
• monitoring and detection of water resources (e.g. lakes and river basins);
• intensive farming and forests monitoring in order to check the vegetation growth and water demand, and the
mitigation of vegetation stress caused by weather conditions or anthropic impacts;
• urban planning and territorial governance;
• civil engineering support.
Satellite data processing by using PSInSAR" (Permanent Scatters Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) technology
for the assessment of earth shifts or structural displacements with centi-millimetric precision;
Planning, design and management of Geographic Information Systems;
Design and construction of plants for the electricity production from renewable sources;
Design and supply of civil engineering services;
Technical and managerial assistance in European programs.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Public or private partners with expertise in the monitoring and management of technological and infrastructural networks (e.g. power lines, railways, roads, pipelines), in the environmental monitoring or in the territorial governance,
both in Italy and in the Balkans/SE Europe. Public Institutions, Research Institutes, Universities and SMEs with expertise in the Earth Observation technologies (especially in Lidar technology by using aerial survey) and in remote sensing
surveys, both in Italy and in the Balkans/SE Europe.
Targeted field of cooperation
Monitoring of technological and infrastructural networks (e.g. power lines, railways, roads, pipelines);Environmental
monitoring and territorial governance;Prevention and mitigation of hydro-geological risk;Innovative and alternative
use of Lidar technology.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Geocart took part in a FP project carried out from 2009 to 2011 and known as “ISTIMES: INTEGRATED SYSTEM FOR
TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURES SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING BY ELECTROMAGNETIC SENSING”. The overall objective of the activity carried out by Geocart was the identification of appropriate Earth Observation technologies suitable for the environmental monitoring and for land or infrastructures characterization using the overlapping of multitemporal and multi-sensors data. The purpose of this project aimed to monitor two strategic areas near Potenza City,
in the Basilicata Region (South Italy), interested by hydro-geological risk, through aerial inspections. The aerial survey
have been carried out by an airborne multi-sensor platform, named MAPping, integrating innovative tools suitable for
acquiring high definition data among which:
a full waveform laser scanner (LIDAR);a digital High resolution camera;two hyper-spectral sensors working in VNIR and
SWIR;a digital thermal camera.
The multi-temporal analysis of DTM (Digital Terrain Model) acquired by LIDAR allowed the detection of surfaces and
volumes interested by landslides. The main characteristic of the acquired data (hyper-spectral images, thermal images, ortophoto and cloud points) was the high spatial accuracy and precision that allowed the use of the dataset as
basic reference layer for successive detailed analysis, using the same sensors or different ones, also in case of data
acquisition by means of different platforms, such as terrestrial surveys or satellite data.
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Geomatics Research & Development
via Valleggio, 11
22100 Como
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Marco Fermi
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The environment and its resources are a limited commodity and should be managed with care and respect.
Knowledge of the Earth, of its resources and of the processes insistent on it have an importance that is expected to
grow over time.
This knowledge is enabled by the use of innovative solutions whose implementation is based on geomatic technologies
and a strong inclination to Research & Development.
GReD promotes the technologiy transfer in the field of Geomatics and combines competencies in R&D, typical of Universities, with technological expertise, system engineering and business, typical of the industrial world in order to
create a centre of R&D for innovative solutions for the study, understanding and monitoring of the territory.
Areas of Activity
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: GNSS enabled application
Main areas of expertise
GNSS precise positioning and navigation;
global and Local Gravity field recovery;
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Expertise - IT
Type - SME as well as large
Country - Europe
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Targeted field of cooperation
GNSS application
Experience with ESA / FP projects
People currently working in Geomatics REsearch & Development have got experiences both working with ESA and participating to FP7 projects.
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Gesp srl
Viale Scarampo, 47
20148 Milano
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Francesca Sapio
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Gesp is a SME with a core business focused on design, development and management of Geographical Information Systems, (GIS), realization of mobile, web-based and desktop-based GIS applications. The integration, realised with the
application of GIS technologies, of traditional data, in situ and Remote sensing data is is the basis of application solutions developed.
Technology and Computer Graphics, focusing its business strategy in the design, development and integration of Geographical Information System (GIS) applied to several areas of the Industry and Public Administration.
GESP core-business is focused on:
Design, development and filling up of spatial and alphanumeric databases;
Consultancy, strategic design, action plans, training and start-up of advanced systems involving spatial data;
Remote sensing data management and image processing;
design, development and integration of alphanumeric databases with geographic environment software;
Development and integration of environmental numerical simulation modelling with GIS technology;
Distribution of geographical data by multimedia and web technology, using advanced GIS standards as INSPIRE, OGC, ISO/TC 211, etc.;
• Outsourcing in GIS environment;
• Production of numeric and thematic cartography.
GESP aims to design and provide the best solution for any application regarding Utilities (i.e. waterworks, sewers,
electricity, telecommunications, oil & gas, etc.), Environment, Art & Cultural Heritage, Real Estate, Land-Use & Urban Planning, Transportation, Hazard Management and Vulnerability Assessment, Geo-Marketing, Agriculture, and
other sectors where the territorial component is essential.
Particularly GESP skill is oriented to the integration among GIS and other advanced technologies as GPS (Global Positioning System), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Environmental, Utilities, Transportation modelling and so on.
Areas of Activity
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
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Horizon 2020 related: New ideas for Earth-relevant space applications
Main areas of expertise
Gesp is a SME with a core business focused on design, development and management of Geographical Information Systems, (GIS), realization of web-based and desktop-based GIS applications, the integration with other systems and the
construction of Spatial Data Infrastructures with an application area that ranges from Industry (Oil & Gas, Telecom,
Fleet Management) to Public Administration and Research Organization.
Realisation of several application capable of supporting governments and public administration in the delivery of
Web-based GIS services and optimization of their duties:
Realisation of several application capable of supporting governments and public administration in the delivery of
Web-based GIS services and optimization of their duties:
Comunità Montana Triangolo Lariano (CMTL)
Realisation tourism application, WebGIS and APP for mobile devices, of Lomellina’s tourism territory.
Development of Web GIS for Varese , Lecco and other Italian municipality
Redaction of Master Plan of subsoil (PUGGS) for Peschiera Borromeo Municipality
Development of several services as the geocoding of Snam Rete Gas’ pipelines using GeoEye satellite images.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
SME's and research institutions accross Europe, specialised in environmental monitoring and remote sensing as well as
institutions interested in interdisciplinary projects which require expertise in earth observation.
Targeted field of cooperation
Horinzon 2020 projects and other cooperations.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Gesp is active on national and international markets developing several relevant EU funding projects as:
• application for the improvement of road safety - EU funds – Cyprus
• development of an integrated GIS for Public Administration - EU funds - Syria-with local partner
• the risk map of archaeological sites obtained with the aid of DEM, climate data, geological obtained from the
processing of satellite images - Italian Cooperation funds - Syria - training course on site
• drawing up WEB GIS for vulnerability assessment carried out in collaboration with The University of the West
Indies - UNDP funds - Caribbean
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Giovanni Cucinella
Via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza, 8
00161 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giovanni Cucinella
[email protected]
General Director
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Technological cooperation for Space
Main areas of expertise:
IMT is a private SME, founded in 1991 and active in the space sector on two main types of activities:
Systems Engineering, in particular on Design and Development of Nano/Microsatellites and Design and Development
of on-board units for space commercial, scientific and defence applications.
Characterisation and Testing of EEE (Electrical, Electronic, Electro-Mechanical) parts.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Ideal Partners should be in the field of Space applications and /or from fields where technological transfer to space is
Both Industrial and SME are accepted
Any Country is accepted
Targeted field of cooperation
IMT is looking for cooperation in its main areas of expertise:
• Nano/Microsatellites Projects
• EEE parts testing and Characterisation
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Experience with ESA / FP projects
IMT has a quite large experience with ESA and FP Projects gained on completing several projects all for space.
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High Engineering srl
Via Dosio, 28
50142 Florence
Web site
(+39) 055 52 74 989
Org. Type
Participant Details
Carmelo Trusso
[email protected]
HE Administrator
Organisation Details
HE (High Engineering), located in Florence, operates both nationally and internationally, and is specialized in harness
and cable designing and development in the space as well as professional sectors (aerospace, automotive, avionic,
HE is accreditated UNI ISO 9100:2009 for Design and development of Design and development for electrical and mechanical components and subsystems in Space Activity.
Main space projects in wich HE has been involved are:
• Vega Launcher Interstage 2-3 Harness
• SMALL GEO Spacecraft harness
• Spacecraft Antenna Cosmo Second Generation Electrical Interconnections
Main software and hardware facilities of HE are:
• CATIA V5 R21 for the 3D mechanical design and generation of manufacturing drawings;
• SEE ELECTRICAL HARNESS to process each wiring-diagram with management of terminals, connectors, wires
and multicore cables;
• 3D printer used to create prototypes for functional testing, prototypes for the verification of the design, prototypes for the conceptual evaluation, Master Fusion.
HE has moreover implemented a process named "SED" (System Engineering Development) to:
Develop the System Engineering activities and processes.
Facilitate the exchange of information between different disciplines.
Ensure consistency of design and development of the individual data along the project life cycle.
Provide a fast response to configuration updates.
Support system verification and analysis during testing and operations in-orbit.
and has implemented a Database named "C.R.E.A." (Customer Requirement Engineered Analysis) to define, plan and
verify customer requirements, in order to have always the project state and focus on key points.
For more informations referr to the website:
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
▪ Satellite networks
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Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Launcher
▪ Small scale satellites
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Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Harness design company
Main areas of expertise
Harness and cables design and development in the space as well as professional sectors.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Harness manufacturing, SME and industry, all countries.
Targeted field of cooperation
Harness design and manufacturing, equipments development.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
• Vega Launcher Interstage 2-3 Harness
• SMALL GEO Spacecraft harness
• Spacecraft Antenna Cosmo Second Generation Electrical Interconnections
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Via Giacomo Peroni,400
00131 Rome
Web site
+39 (0)645438570
Org. Type
Participant Details
Andrea Marinelli
[email protected]
CEO Technical Sales Manager
Organisation Details
HTT is a Custom Magnetic Components design, qualify, manufacture company for Aerospace and Defense markets.Transformers and Inductors, Solenoids, Microcoils, and also RF cables are made to meet most critical customers
requirements.With over than 25 years experience, 25% human resources in engineering, 6.500 drawings of transformers and inductors manufactured HTT offer high technology solutions at a very high reliability level including build to
print, designs and process comply with MIL-PRF-27F, MIL-STD-981 (not on QPL) and testing performed on 100% of products also to demonstrate compliance with MIL-STD-202 and MIL-STD-810.HTT can performs in-house a lot of electrical,
mechanical and environmental tests and it’s a ISO9001 company with EN9100 in progress.HTT is involved in some of
the most important Aerospace and Defence international programs such as Eurofighter, Tornado, Mirage2000, Mig29,
Gripen, M346, B787, EH101, NH90, UH-60, AW149, T129 Aspide, Aster, Ariete, Centauro, Leopard, T-90, Empar,
FADR, DADR, Neptune, Maestrale, FREMM, Sentinel1, Gaia, Sentinel3 and many others in partnership with European
and Worldwide companies.
TRANSFORMERS and INDUCTORSPower mono and three phase, Planar, High Voltage, Isolation transformers, Current
transformers, High frequency, Impul,s Audio, Common and dual mode, Driver, Filter, Flyback, Toroidal, Transforming
Unit and others
SOLENOIDS (build to print) Linear – Linear reversible and two way – Bistable
MICROELECTRONIC RF and Mw CoilsAir coils Conical, Square, Rectangular ultra capillary wires copper, gold, nickel
copper, high precision construction methods, up to 60GHz performance, low insertion loss, various load capacities,
high inductance value
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
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Horizon 2020 related: International companies and Rep's interested in Very High Rel Custom made Transformers, Inductors, RF cables for Aerospace
HTT is a Custom Magnetic Components design, qualify, manufacture company for Aerospace and Defence markets
(for more details view
HTT is looking for international companies can be interested in our capabilities, use our products and also in international Rep's in free countries.
Transformers and Inductors, Solenoids, Microcoils, and also RF cables are made to meet most critical customers requirements.With over than 25 years experience, 25% human resources in engineering, 6.500 drawings of transformers
and inductors manufactured HTT offer high technology solutions at a very high reliability level including build to
print, designs and process comply with MIL-PRF-27F, MIL-STD-981 (not on QPL) and testing performed on 100% of products also to demonstrate compliance with MIL-STD-202 and MIL-STD-810.
HTT can performs in-house a lot of electrical, mechanical and environmental tests and it’s a ISO9001 company with
EN9100 in progress.HTT is involved in some of the most important Aerospace and Defence international programs such
as Eurofighter, Tornado, Mirage2000, Mig29, Gripen, M346, B787, EH101, NH90, UH-60, AW149, T129 Aspide, Aster,
Ariete, Centauro, Leopard, T-90, Empar, FADR, DADR, Neptune, Maestrale, FREMM, Sentinel1, Gaia, Sentinel3 and
many others in partnership with European and Worldwide companies.
TRANSFORMERS and INDUCTORSPower mono and three phase, Planar, High Voltage, Isolation transformers, Current
transformers, High frequency, Impul,s Audio, Common and dual mode, Driver, Filter, Flyback, Toroidal, Transforming
Unit and others
SOLENOIDS (build to print) Linear – Linear reversible and two way – Bistable
MICROELECTRONIC RF and Mw CoilsAir coils Conical, Square, Rectangular ultra capillary wires copper, gold, nickel
copper, high precision construction methods, up to 60GHz performance, low insertion loss, various load capacities,
high inductance value
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IMT srl
Via Carlo Bartolomeo Piazza, 8
00161 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Massimo Perelli
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
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INAF Osservatorio di Roma
Via Frascati 33 - Monte Porzio Catone
00040 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Adriano Fontana
[email protected]
Organisation Details
INAF (Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica) is the main research institute in Italy on astronomy astrophysics and related
space sciences.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Data processing for astrophysics
Main areas of expertise
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Research and data analysis
Targeted field of cooperation
Satellite data anlysis
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Leader of a funded FP7-SPACE project.
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Via Bassini
20133 Milano
Web site
+39 02 23699329
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Andrea De Luca
[email protected]
Organisation Details
INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) is the main Italian research institution devoted to the study of the Universe and
includes 17 research centers with different expertise, ranging from theoretical astrophysics, to multi-wavelength astronomy, to the development of new technologies.
IASF Milano (Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica), a research centre of INAF, is particularly active in the
field of multiwavelength observation of the Universe, both from space-based and from ground-based observatories.
IASF Milano has been participating in the development, management and scientific exploitation of various important
space missions dedicated to X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy (BeppoSAX, XMM-Newton, Swift, AGILE, Fermi). The institute also participates to the design and implementation of the scientific software for the EUCLID mission, as well as to
the realization of instruments for the Solar Orbiter mission. The institute also realized focal-plane instruments for ESO
telescopes. IASF Milano is a member of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) collaboration and is involved in the ASTRI
project, a flagship project of the Italian Ministry of Research, devoted to the design and realization of a prototype for
a Small Size Telescope for the CTA.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Optical sensors
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Data processing for astrophysics
Main areas of expertise
High energy astrophysics. Time domain astronomy.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Multiwavelength astronomy. Data analysis.
Targeted field of cooperation
Analysis of data from space and ground-based observatories. High time resolution data. Archival search projects (large
databases). Serendipitous science. Data mining.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Primary Coordinator of a FP7-SPACE collaborative project funded in 2013.
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Via E. Fermi 40
00044 Frascati
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Simone Dell'Agnello
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Italian National Istiture of subnuclear, nuclear, theoretical, aastroparticle and space fundamental physics and technological applications
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
▪ Satellite networks
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Swarm technologies
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: SCF_Lab: the unique "Satellite/lunar laser ranging and altimetry
Characterization Facilities Laboratory"
Main areas of expertise
Satellite/lunar laser ranging and altimetry Characterization Facilities Laboratory for Space and Ground Segment.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Preferred: Institutional Space Actor (Agency, Ministry) and Academic (Research Institute/Lab, University), from any
country in EU & World
Other: Space Industry, from any country in EU & World
Targeted field of cooperation
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GNSS, GMES, Lunar, Formation Flying and (inter)Planetary Laser Ranging and Altimetry Applications. Gravitational
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Contractt with ESA for the "SCF-Test" (specialized thermal-optical-vacuum test) of Galileo Laser Retroreclector Arrays:
Kick-Off meeting on October 15, 2013.
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Info Solution S.p.A.
Via Della Burrona, 51
20090 Milan
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Marco Penco
[email protected]
Fundrising Manager
Organisation Details
Info Solution S.p.a. designs and develops systems of supervision and control in several production environment. The
large investments in the field of Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN) and Unmanned Vehicle (UV) allowed to gain a deep
knowledge in these fields.
In 2008 Research & Innovation division has been founded. It was focused on research and development of new technologies and systems, in a close cooperation with research institutes and universities for the development of innovative applications.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
▪ In Space data processing
Space Technology
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Partnership for funded research project
Main areas of expertise
Info Solution S.p.A. began to be involved in space project on-board SW in 1998 developing software for real-time applications, payload and spacecraft management.
We have much experience on development platforms associated with sparc processors Leon 3 and ERC32. We have experience on ROV, unmanned vehicles , we have participated in the project Innovative Triangle Initiative taking care
odometry based on rooms for the localization and path planning.
We participated in projects of ground segment , operations, on-board software, user ground segment (of MARSIS and
Sharad about radar SAR data) AIV on -board and ground systems . Now we are involved in the Operation of Galileo in
the Assembly Integration and Validation of GMESS (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security : Sentinel ) .
We worked on SW -board payload ( MARSIS ) , ground segment UGS , AIV , operations on the ground ( Galileo Sharad )
, commissioning ( installation ) of MARSI.
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Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
We're looking for partners and end users with whom collaborate on ESA calls or Horizon2020.
Targeted field of cooperation
we offer the expertise described above and are interested in a particular way to the realization of rover for exploration, space debris projects and low cost missions.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
We participated in several projects: the development of flight software program launcher vega (the second release) .
We have much experience of Software Validation Facility (ESA concurrent engineering (validation before integration of
the item).
We worked on: control , spacecraft and launcher eg in the Sentinel 1 (earth observation) Sicral 1B ( TLC) on planetary
observation (MRO, Mars Express MARSIS radar on SAR), Agile Program ( the gamma-ray burst ) flight program ( Vega
launcher ).
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Institute for Applied Physics "Nello Carrara" of the italian
National Research Council (IFAC-CNR)
Via Madonna del Piano 10
50019 Sesto Fiorentino
Web site
0039 055 5226368
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Ugo Cortesi
[email protected]
Research Scientist
Organisation Details
The “Nello Carrara” Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC) is part of the National Research Council (CNR, official web site:, which is the main public organisation pursuing research and innovation in
General information on the IFAC-CNR research institute can be found at
The Atmospheric Research Group of IFAC-CNR is part of the “Commessa TA.P06.002. Sviluppo ed integrazione di tecnologie attive e passive per il sondaggio dell'atmosfera” (Development and deployment of passive and active techniques for atmospheric sounding) of the project on “Earth Observation” of the Earth and Environment Department of
The scientific objectives are the study of the atmospheric composition and of the Earth radiation budget. The field of
activity is climate change and atmospheric chemistry.
The research is performed within the framework of international programmes promoted by the European Community
and the European Space agency (ESA), but also through bilateral collaborations with NASA and NASDA and with the
support of the National Agencies, such as the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the National Antarctic Research Programme (PNRA).
A detailed description on the activities of the Atmospheric Group, on past and on-going projects (including EU and ESA
projects), on products and facilities, publications and staff are available at the link:
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
▪ In Space data processing
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
Cooperation Profiles
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Institute of Chemical Methodologies IMC- CNR
Via Salaria Km 29.300
00015 Monterotondo
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Ornella Ursini
[email protected]
Senior Researcher
Organisation Details
The Institute of Chemical Methodologies is full located on the Research Area of Rome (Monterotondo) and is formed
by more than 80 scientific operators (about 40 with universitary degree and PhD specialization level).
The main research activities useful in the space requirements are:
Development and Synthesis of Advanced Materials useful for life support field.
New methodologies developed to control the safety in space systems.
New methodologies to control the presence and the concentration of pollutants inside the space vehicles.
Development and studies of advanced materials with biocide activity to support the safety in the space systems.
Recent activities applied in IMC Institute as government and ESA projects are:
Hybrid materials as polymeric organic fibers supporting nanoporous silicate to realize efficient adsorbents to the
remediation of air pollutants .
New methodologies, based on gamma- irradiation, to efficient and stable sterilization of materials employed in
space activities.
Comprehension of organic molecules behavior in asteroids, comets or other primitive bodies of the Solar System: studies of the amino acids resistance to high energy radiation.
Thermal energy storage: studies of phase change materials and prototype realization of miniaturized heat
switch devices.
Development and studies of advanced materials with biocide activity to support the safety in the space systems.
Effects of stratospheric radiations on human glioblastoma cells
Low cost and energy safe “diffusive denuder filtration system” to control the pollutant’s concentrations inside
space vehicles.
Innovative process for the production of geopolymeric binders as high temperature resistant materials
Areas of Activity
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Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space Materials, Pollutants Management and Radiation Astrochemistry
Main areas of expertise
Advanced materials
Pollutants management
Safety for life support in space systems
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
SME. University, Research Organizations
Any Country
Targeted field of cooperation
Development and Synthesis of Advanced Materials useful for life support field.
New methodologies developed to control the safety in space systems.
New methodologies to control the presence and the concentration of pollutants inside the space vehicles.
Development and studies of advanced materials with biocide activity to support the safety in the space systems
Experience with ESA / FP projects
New methodologies, based on gamma- irradiation, to efficient and stable sterilization of materials employed in space
activities. (ESA- Project)
Thermal energy storage: studies of phase change materials and prototype realization of miniaturized heat switch devices. (ESA- Project)
Low cost and energy safe “diffusive denuder filtration system” to control the pollutant’s concentrations inside space
vehicles. (ESA- Project)
Development and studies of advanced materials with biocide activity to support the safety in the space systems. (ESAProject)
Effects of stratospheric radiations on human glioblastoma cells. (ASI project)
Hybrid material as polymeric organic fibers supporting nanoporous silicate to realize efficient adsorbents to the remediation of air pollutants. (Government project)
Comprehension of organic molecules behavior in asteroids, comets or other primitive bodies of the Solar System: studies of the amino acids resistance to high energy radiation. (Government project)
Innovative process for the production of geopolymeric binders as high temperature resistant materials. (Government
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Salita del Poggio Laurentino 7
00144 Rome
Web site
+39 3484026601
Org. Type
Participant Details
Marco Casucci
[email protected]
Corporate Deveopment Manager
Organisation Details
INTECS designs and develops applications, tools, software, and hardware components for advanced electronic systems
in cooperation with major European and Italian Industries, Organizations, Universities, and Research Centres.
INTECS’s core competences include:
• System Engineering
• Surveillance and Command & Control systems
• Dependable and Safety-Critical systems
• Communication and Data Networks (designing, planning, testing)
• Operating Systems, Drivers, Middleware, and Communication software
• Designing, Creating Prototypes and Testing Electronic Equipment
• Simulators and Automated Test Equipment
• Earth Observation and GIS
• Software Engineering and Software Quality
• Processes and RAMS
INTECS shares with its customers the highly valuable knowledge it has available in its Centres of Excellence:
• Embedded Real Time Systems
• Model Driven Engineering
• Verification and Validation
• Guidance Navigation and Control
• Human Machine Interface (HMI)
• Hardware, ASIC & FPGA Design
• Physical & PCB Design
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INTECS is an Italian private company employing circa 700 professionals. Its headquarter is in Rome, while other operational sites are located in Pisa, Naples, Milan, Turin, Cagliari, Genoa, L’Aquila, Paris and Toulouse. More than 80% of
the staff have a university degree in engineering, computer science or other technical disciplines.
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Space Cooperation
Main areas of expertise
-User Services for Remote Sensing data exploitation
-OBDH On Board Data Handling
-Electrical Ground Support Equipement
-GNSS Recievers
-GNSS Laboratories tools
-Ground Operations
-Earth Observation Application for Climate, Land, Security and Maritime
-Broadband Satellite Telecommunication
-Equipment for eTOLL, eCALL and eTRACK for transport.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
-End Users
-Large System Interators
-Research Intitutes
-Start up providing innovative technology
Targeted field of cooperation
-Development of On Board equipement supporting innovative satellite architecture
-Deveopment of sensors and actuators for the Satellite on Chip concept
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-Conception of Missions suitable to the usage of the satelllite on chip approach (i.e cubesat ecc.)
-Development of special GNSS receivers for transport application in the railways, aeronautic, automotive and marictime domain.
-Portable multi purpose terminals for the tactical exploiation of EO satellite.
-On Board sensors for the detection and the identification of ground RADAR sources.
-Spectrum Sensing.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
-GPS/Galileo/EGNOS SDR based receivers and signal analyser
-GMES User Services
-ENVISAT Operations
-Star Trackers for several mission
-Mass Memories fo several mission
-OBDH for several missions
-GMES applications (Land, Fire, Civil Protection, ..)
-IVV for several Ground Segment subsystems
-Mission Planning (ERS1, ERS2)
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Via Adrriano Olivetti 24-26
00143 ROMA
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Maria Carla Terzi
[email protected]
Program Manager
Organisation Details
Interconsulting is a System Engineering Company specialized in design and development of embedded systems and applications based on cutting edge technologies. Interconsulting is capable of autonomously managing complex projects
by covering the entire development life cycle -from the conception to the commissioning - according to the process
standards of the application domain, supported by the appropriate organzational infrastructure for technology and security management.The key factor for innovation is research, consequently Interconsulting holds an internal Research
Organization able to conduct and manage collaboration on R&D 'dual use' (both civil and military) projects . The R&D
activities are considered strategic and targeted to accomplish the market needs in terms of process improvement and
especially from the perspective of product innovation.
Interconsulting does not have ESA as customer but has been working on ESA project under Italian Prime Companies.
We have experience with EU project. In particular we have been involved in ALICIA (All condition operations and Innovative Cockpit InfrAstructure), funded by EU under the 7FP.ALICIA addresses the ACARE objective of increasing time
efficiency within the future air transport system. A key objective is to deliver extensible applications that can be applied to many aircraft types. This entails a new cockpit infrastructure capable of delivering enhanced situation awareness to the crew whilst simultaneously reducing crew workload and improving overall aircraft safety.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Large or Medium European Aerospace Companies
Main areas of expertise
Real time SW development, Comand & Control applications, Ground Stations,
Navigation applications, Security
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Avionic or Space Expertise, Large or Medium Enterprise but also Research Department, any Country apart from Italy
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Targeted field of cooperation
ESA/FP Projects
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Participation to FP projects such as ALICIA, experience on ESA projects not as prime but coordinated by Italian Prime
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via sallustiana 23
00187 roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
valerio caroselli
[email protected]
Organisation Details
IPTSAT company Initially focused its activities in the field of Geographical Information Systems, GIS, Land and environment.
(Business Partner of ESRI Product) through assistance, turnkey systems and projects for the management of all geographical resources. The experience acquired through the development of GIS and WebGIS solution (both open
source and enterprise), allows the company staff to co-operate and support all organisations and decision makers involved in the management, optimisation and correct development of natural and geographic resources.
After iptsat has developed its expertise in the field of Earth Observation and remote sensing and professional training. We are the first Italian Rapideye Commercial partner and we resell all kind of high resolution satellite data.
We also produce different kind of Value Added Services (VAS) product derivate from High resolution satellite data.
In the field of the GIS and remote Sensing, the company provides turnkey solutions, adapted to the customers needs
for the management of the environment as follows:
Cartography acquisition and management;
Digital Elevation Models Production;
Thematic maps production;
Identification and estimation of changes due to urban and/or industrial development
Management of technological networks (oil, gas, water, electricity)
Mangement of urban plan;
Geodatabase creation
Management and optimization of the traffic;
Estimation of environmental impact;
NDVI, Vegetation stress map;
Development of gis and webgis systems;
• Remote sensing processing and analysis;
• Web Development;
• Consultancies on projects, applications and advanced systems;
• Training courses;
• Agriculture and Forestry estimations in terms of production and monitoring of the health of vegetation.
Our company also offers the following services:
distribution of satellite data (Rapideye; Geoeye, Eros A and Eros B; ASTER; Landsat)
data interpretation and classification;
turnkey HW-SW solutions;
geocoding and vectorialization of the data;
Consultancy and specific training (ESRI Software, Database, Open source solution)
Web developing in PHP, Joomla, Mysql, Postgres solution
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Experience in EU FP7 prject in 2009,2010 year like subcontractor and SME partecipant
Areas of Activity
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Iptsat coperation profile
Main areas of expertise
Main areas of expertise
Iptsat is an SME consultancy based in Italy. Iptsat has long been engaged in the development of solutions for the management and monitoring of land and environment through interaction with the users community GIS (Geographic Information System) and Remote Sensing, providing high level of professionalism in all aspects relative to the use of these
technologies and proposing solutions with high added value.
The experience gained up to now, allows iptsat to present itself to local operators with a set of knowledge and tools,
unique in Italy, for the management, optimization and the correct use of geographic information.
iptsat, in fact, assists and supports customers in all implementation phases of a project, from analysis and
design of the system upto the provision of GIS solutions and map data as well as remote sensing, training,
technical and application assistance.
Company turnover is more than 450.000 Euro in 2013.
Earth Observation
Smart Cities
1. Remote Sensing
Distribution of satellite images
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Remote sensing proximity via radio-controlled UAV drones
Services of processing and remote sensing data classification
Solutions for environmental monitoring, planning and control of the territory
Supply of data and value-added services for Precision Agriculture
2. Geographical Information System
ESRI Software Sales and Service
Customizing GIS solutions, WebGIS, Mobile GIS (Android, iOS)
Realization Geographical Data Banks
Supply geographical Dataset
Developing and updating maps
3. Training
Software Esri Courses (ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS for Sever, geodatabase)
Geographic Information Systems Design courses
Remote Sensing courses
Digital Cartography courses
GIS courses ECDL Certification
Custom Courses and Training on the job
4. Web development
Web development solutions for interoperable catalogs (CKAN open data provider)
Development of Electronic medical records - electronic CRF (standard AIFA)
Catalogues of data and metadata of biodiversity (Biocase and Geocase Provider)
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Clients and Users involved in geotechnology and remote sensing Earth Observation (EO) data and value added services.
The target potential clients/partners are :
European Space Agency, Italian Space Agency, European Commission,
Italian and European sme, and large Private and Public Companies
All Europe
Targeted field of cooperation
• Earth observation (data, sensor, mapping services)
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GIS solution
Bringing EO applications to the market
Copernicus testing data
Precision farming
Technology developments for commercial imaging
Passive means to reduce the impact of Space Debris
International Cooperation in earth observation research center and sme
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Experience with ESA / FP projects a large number of FP7 project In Research - Enterprise,
Several Participation to a large number of ESA projects to use EO data. Since 2000
Currently partner of 2 FP7 "Space" projects (Aphorism).
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Viale G. Marconi 893
00146 Rome
Web site
+39 3938927899
Org. Type
Participant Details
Claudio Ferrari
[email protected]
Sole Administrator
Organisation Details
High capabilities in the framework of state-of-the-art
High Performance Computing (HPC) tools.
software architectures
with the support of
Publications see:
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ In Space propulsion
Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: ISIS in SCIENCE4DESIGN
Materials Processing, Modeling and Characterisation (from nano-scale to macro-scale levels) and tests data correlation with models parameters.
Propulsion/Combustion-Multidisciplinary modeling, simulation and validations (e. g. Jet Noise with Shock Wave Interactions; Auto-ignition in Lean Premixed Pre-vaporized aero-engine combustors); Expertise in fluid dynamics (Fluent)
and chemical kinetics software (Chenkim).
Microchannels/Cooling/Fluids-Multi-scale process model formulation, validation.
Supporting experiments development for Electronic and Power Systems. The €8.3 million project has been funded
by the FP7 grant, together with investment from the consortium themselves. Initially promoted by the Italian
based research and development company ISIS R&D, in collaboration with European Industries and Universities.
ISS-Statistical and computing methods for experimental design and data analysis, meta-analysis.
Horizon 2020 related: Space technologies for space power and propulsion
Propulsion/Combustion - Multidisciplinary modeling, simulation and validations
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Thermal Management – Cold Plates/Microchannels & Cooling fluids
Diagnostic, Prognostic - Models for structural anomaly detections
ISS – Bio Medicine, Design of Experiments, Modeling, New Protocols
TARGET PARTNER SOUGHT: (Expertise, Type, Country)
Universities, Reasearch Centers; Industries, SME
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Cooperation and CSA Projects
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
• Critical technology / non-dependence
• In Space propulsion
Space Exploration
• Nuclear power and propulsion system
• Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
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Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
Viale del Parco Mellini, 84
00136 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Corrado Perna
[email protected]
Head of the National Division of Business & Innovation
Organisation Details
INAF is the italian national coordinating body in astronomy, astrophysics and space sciences. It also performes researches by 17 researches center spanned in 11 italian cities.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ In Space data processing
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Space Technology
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Innovation
Main areas of expertise
Innovation, Industrial Policy
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Scientific coordinator of several FP Work Packages
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Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Via di Vigna Murata 605
00143 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Stefania Amici
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) gathers all scientific and technical institutions operating in Geophysics and Volcanology and to create a permanent scientific forum in the Earth Sciences. INGV cooperates with universities and other national public and private institutions, as well as with many research agencies worldwide.
The main mission of INGV is the monitoring of geophysical phenomena in both the solid and fluid components of the
Earth. INGV is devoted to 24-hour countrywide seismic surveillance, real-time volcanic monitoring, early warning and
forecast activities. State-of-the-art networks of geophysical sensors deliver a continuous flow of observations to the
acquisition centers of Rome, Naples and Catania, were the data are analyzed around the clock by specialized personnel.
INGV operates in close coordination with the Ministry of University and Research and with Civil Protection authorities,
both at national and local level. INGV also cooperates with the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Education, the
Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the frame of large research programs of national and international relevance.
INGV pays special attention to Education and Outreach through publications for schools, scientific exhibitions and dedicated Internet pages.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Optical remote sensing for disater management
Main areas of expertise
Extensive experience in both Planetary and Earth Science
Multispectral/Hyperpectral data processing: calibration, validation, data processing and interpretation.
EO environmental applications and solutions: geological mapping, forest fires, burned areas mapping, land cover,
flooding, etc.
Cutting edge tecnology as Remotly Piloted Air System.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
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Countires with backbround in risk management, hazard assesment, environmental impact of hazards, disaster management.
Selection of countries: Spain, Greece, Germany, UK, France, Poland, Luxemburg,
Targeted field of cooperation
Disaster management involving each stage: pre-crisis, crisis, post crisis.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Experience in ESA project (e.g. Airfire- ESA contract C/N 2009)
FTP7 projects:PREVIEW-EURORISK FP6,MIA-VITA, MItigate and Assess risk from Volcaninc Impact on Terrain and human
Activities,SAFER, Sarvice and Application For Emergency Response.
Evaluator for EC.
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Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Via di Vigna Murata, 605
00143 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Vincenzo Romano
[email protected]
Organisation Details
GNSS, Upper Atmosphere Physics, radiowave propagation
Several FP7 projects participant
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Collaboration in H2020 projects in space (GNSS) and ICT (data infrastructure) topics.
Main areas of expertise
Ionosphere, GNSS, Space Weather, related service developments
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Accademic and Research bodies and PMI in european countries
Targeted field of cooperation
GNSS, Space Weather, Data Infrastructrure
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Both in ESA and FP7 projects
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Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
Via di Vigna Murata 605
00143 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Lucilla Alfonsi
[email protected]
Organisation Details
INGV is the largest European institution involved in Geophysics and Volcanology research. The Upper Atmospheric
Physics group of INGV monitors and researches the ionosphere, from polar to low latitudes, with systematic vertical
radio soundings, ionospheric total electron content, scintillation monitoring, ionospheric predictions and modelling atmospheric ozone and aerosols concentration.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Dr
Main areas of expertise
upper atmosphere physics, space weather
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
GNSS receivers manufacturers, GNSS services providers
Targeted field of cooperation
forecasting and mitigation of atmospheric disturbances on GNSS signals
Experience with ESA / FP projects
DIAS (DIgital upper Atmosphere Server), eContent project, 2004-2006
CIGALA project “Concept for Ionospheric Scintillation Mitigation for Professional GNSS in
Latin America” FP7, Collaborative projects, GALILEO 2008GSA, 2010-2012.
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ESPAS: “Near-Earth Space Data Infrastructure for e-Science” a FP7 project involving 22 full participants representing
24 teams from 12 European
Union Member States, 1 Associated Country (Norway) and from the United States of America.
TRANSMIT project (Training Research and Applications Network to Support the Mitigation of
Ionospheric Threats), 2011-2015, FP7 Marie Curie-ITN. Twofold objective: training of sixteen young scientists in the
GNSS field to develop a prototype for the monitoring of ionospheric perturbations and development of models and
procedures for the mitigation of their effects on the satellite signals.
TRANSMIT involves Academic and Industrial partners, such as GNSS designers, services
providers, receivers operators and producers.
CALIBRA (Countering GNSS high Accuracy applications Limitations due to Ionospheric disturbances in BRAzil)
FP7-GALILEO-2011-GSA-1-a, 2012-2014.
MImOSA (Monitoring the Ionosphere over South America), ESA, Alcantara Study Reference, October 2012-May 2013
GINESTRA (Ground-based Ionosphere monitoring Networks in SoutheasTeRn Asia: a survey) ESA, Alcantara Study Reference, November 2012-June 2013
MEDSTEC (towards Mapping of Electron Density, Scintillation and Total Electron Content), ESA, Alcantara Study Reference, October 2012-May 2013.
MISW (Mitigation of space weather threats to GNSS services) FP7 SPA.2013.2.3-01: Space-weather events, 2014-2016
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Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)
Via di Vigna Murata 605
00143 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Maria Fabrizia Buongiorno
[email protected]
Head of Remote Sensing Activities
Organisation Details
The Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia was born in September 1999 through a merger of former Istituto
Nazionale di Geofisica, Osservatorio Vesuviano and three other institutions: Istituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia, Istituto di Geochimica dei Fluidi and Istituto di Ricerca sul Rischio Sismico.
INGV was meant to gather all scientific and technical institutions operating in Geophysics and Volcanology and to create a permanent scientific forum in the Earth Sciences. INGV cooperates with universities and other national public
and private institutions, as well as with many research agencies worldwide. The new institution, currently the largest
European body dealing with research in Geophysics and Volcanology, has its headquarters in Rome and important facilities in Milano, Bologna, Pisa, Napoli, Catania and Palermo.
The main mission of INGV is the monitoring of geophysical phenomena in both the solid and fluid components of the
Earth. INGV is devoted to 24-hour countrywide seismic surveillance, real-time volcanic monitoring, early warning and
forecast activities. State-of-the-art networks of geophysical sensors deliver a continuous flow of observations to the
acquisition centers of Rome, Naples and Catania, were the data are analyzed around the clock by specialized personnel. In addition to being analysed for research and civil defence purposes, the data supplied by numerous monitoring
networks are regularly distributed to the public institutions concerned, to the scientific community and to the public.
INGV operates in close coordination with the Ministry of University and Research and with Civil Protection authorities,
both at national and local level. INGV also cooperates with the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Education, the
Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the frame of large research programs of national and international relevance.
INGV pays special attention to Education and Outreach through publications for schools, scientific exhibitions and dedicated Internet pages.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
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Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
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Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: INGV Remote Sensing applications
Main areas of expertise GMES services using SAR and Optical images for geophysical services and Cultural Heritage applications (monitoring and analisis of the seismic and volcanic risk for relevant cultural and archeological
Techonological developments as scientific support for optical missions development and for cal/val activities,.
Test and instruments development for unmanned vehicles
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country) software engineering, technological development for IR and SAR instruments, telecomunications, Industries from SME to large Industries, other Public (research and Universties) Institues.
Targeted field of cooperation, collaborative projects (large and small) , capacity building (development of monitoring infrastructures).
Experience with ESA / FP projects a large numeber of FP6,FP7 project under DG Research and DG Enterprise,
Participation to a large number of ESA projects to use EO data.
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ItalConsul S.r.l.
Via Frangipane, 24
00184 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Manlio Paggi
[email protected]
Key Account
Organisation Details
The main activities of ItalConsul
• Analysis of Dependability (RAMS, Testability, FMECA, LSAR, Fault Tree Analysis, FRACAS, Risk Assessment,
Event Tree, HAZOP, LORA, Life Cycle Cost, Reliability Centered Maintenance, ecc...)
• Electrical Design and Simulation (Low and Medium Voltage System Design, Electrical Traction Design)
• Finite Element Analysis (Linear and Non-Linear Analysis, Static Analysis, Transient and Frequency Dynamic
Analysis, Thermal Analysis, Fatigue Analysis)
• Research & Developments (3 patents and the realization of the owner software tool RelySoft, which simplifies and speeds up the convertion of determined design assessment into probability)
Main experiences in ESA projects
Vector VEGA
Orbitating Systems X-SAR, ISL, SAR 2000
Plasma ARCJET Engine
Main customers
Elbit Systems
Alenia Aermacchi
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
▪ In Space data processing
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: ILS, targeted to find innovative solutions
Main areas of expertise
• Simulation Software
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• Analysis of Dependability
• Prognostics
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
• Manufactureres of electronic, electrical, mechanical and electromechanical devices
• Research centers and companies which are interested to develop new projects or need innovative solutions to
complicated technical troubles
Targeted field of cooperation
Integrated Logistics Support. The original ItalConsul's approaches make possible to establish just in design phase what
will be the life cycle and immediately predict the most correct duration and frequency of maintenance in order to ensure the safety, the lack of failures and the cost optimization by consistantly reducing the simulations and the experimental tests.
ItalConsul realized RelySoft, an owner software tool, which:
increases precision, efficiency and flexibility of calculation, compared to the traditional "Montecarlo Method"
supplies reliable results by using only few input-data
is used for time dependent and independent Reliability assessment
is applied in any process simulation, both in case of Polynomial and Finite Element Simulation (or Analysis)
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Vector VEGA
Orbitating Systems X-SAR, ISL, SAR 2000
Plasma ARCJET Engine
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Italian Coast Guard
viale dell'arte 16
00144 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Governmental organization
Participant Details
Luigia Caiazzo
[email protected]
Officer - fisheries monitoring section, satellite
monitoring section, operational oceanography
Organisation Details
Italian coast guard is a Corp pf the Italian navy
AT SEA), safety and security of navigation (included ports and harbour); -Maritime traffic monitoring (ARES, VTS,
AIS,VMS, LRIT); -Maritime environment protection (Surveillance and police inside special protected maritime areas,
Pollution prevention and response, Environmental police for illegal garbage disposal and maritime/coastal pollution);
-Fishing activities control and National Centre for Fishing Control by European Community Rules as the Italian depute, on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, food and forestry policy; -Cooperation in international operations on request by the Member States at European Agency “FRONTEX” -Involvement in CleanSeaNet, SafeSeaNet and AIS and
participation in the recent “SSN/VMS Synergies” Pilot Project with EMSA;
Involvement in VDS campaign with JRC-EC and blue fin tuna campaign with EFCA ;
- Involvement in IMDatE pilot project leaded by EMSA.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: satellite based observation and maritime traffic monitoring systems
fusion in order to reach a maritime awareness
Satellite based maritime surveillance (from security to oil spill detection and illegal fisheries)
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country) (law enforcement and tarffic monitoring, Italy)
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Targeted field of cooperation (development of new ship and oil spill detection technique, using also data fusion)
Experience with ESA / FP projects (technical team with ESA and Italian Coast Guard; participation in FP/ ptojets
like Marcoast, Limess, Mariss, Mariss Scaling-Up, SEAU, Nereids, Dolphin, Gmosaic, C-Sigma, GEO HR, PMAR and
VDS campaign with JRC and EFCA)
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Italian Navy
Piazza della Marina, 4
00196 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Governmental organization
Participant Details
Pasquale Tripodi
[email protected]
Head of propulsion plants - Italian Navy General
Organisation Details
Defence Organization.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
▪ Marine
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Naval Propulsion and Electric Energy Generation, Energy Conservation, Alternative & Sustainable Fuels, Advanced materials, Defence Capabilities.
Main areas of expertise
Naval Propulsion and Electric Energy Generation, Energy Conservation, Alternative & Sustainable Fuels, Advanced materials, Defence Capabilities.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Naval Propulsion and Electric Energy Generation-Energy Conservation-Alternative & Sustainable Fuels-Advanced
materials-Defence Capabilities, Defence Industry-Naval&Aviation Propulsion Industry-Oil&gas Industry-Energy IndustryTransport Industry, Italian-UE-USA-RUSSIA-CHINA
Targeted field of cooperation
Naval Propulsion and Electric Energy Generation, Energy Conservation, Alternative & Sustainable Fuels, Advanced materials, Defence Capabilities.
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Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Julight S.r.l.
Via Cuzio 42
27100 Pavia
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Guido Giuliani
[email protected]
Chief Technology Officer - CTO
Organisation Details
Julight invents, develops and manufactures novel instruments and sensors based on laser light, aimed at performing contactless measurements. Measured quantities include metrologic quantities like displacement, velocity, shape,
thickness. Julight has developed an innovative Laser Vibrometer that has the smallest optical head on the market,
and can perform contactless vibration merasurements, with applications to the aerospace, automotive, mechanical
fields, and also to biomedical diagnosis. Julight Laser Vibrometers from the new VSM-1000 series feature autofocus
and automatic laser beam alignement. Julight also develops custom laser sensors and systems aimed at performing
measurements with high accuracy and precision. Julight Srl is a spin-off Company from the University of Pavia, Italy.
Julight R&D personnel has 15+ years experience in international applied scientific research in photonics and electronics, including several EU projects.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Optical and Laser sensors for non-contact measurements of metrology and mechanical quantities
Main areas of expertise
Development, design, assembly, test, fabrication of novel Laser Sensors for non-contact measurements of quantities
- distance
- velocity
- vibration
- shape
- material
- color
- roughness
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Proprietary technology for the fabrication of a Laser Vibrometer instrument with an ultra-small optical head, capable
of measuring vibrations of a target surface without making a contact to the target. Applications include:
- modal analysis
- structural integrity
- predictive maintenance
- sound & noise
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Developer or manufacturer of systems, materials and devices that need structural characterizazion or vibration measurements.
R&D centers, Universities.
Country: worldwide.
Targeted field of cooperation
Development of new, high-performance laser measuring systems for non-contact measurements
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Via di Popogna 501
57128 Livorno
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alessandro Donati
[email protected]
General Manager
Organisation Details
Kayser Italia is a Small Medium Enterprise (SME), a private independent aerospace system engineering company,
owned by Dr. Valfredo Zolesi’s family. It has been incorporated in 1986, and since 1995 it is 100% Italian property.
The company is located in the countryside of Livorno, in the region of Tuscany, 30 Km south of the international airport of Pisa and 90 Km from Florence. In a modern building, the company has 5,000 sq. meters of property,organized
into offices, meeting rooms, conference room, laboratories, clean room, manufacturing, inspection and integration
area, and an User Support Operation center (USOC) for the support to the execution of experiments with astronauts
on board the ISS.
Since the beginning, Kayser Italia has participated to 56 space missions with 83 payloads, all of them completed with
full scientific, technical, economic and programmatic success. The staff consists of 50 high specialized engineers, with
expertise in electronics, aeronautics, mechanics, thermodynamics, physics, computer science, optics and molecular
biology. Their design and manufacturing capabilities, joined with a deep engineering background,have allowed the
participation of the company both as prime-contractor as well as sub-contractor to many European Space Agency
(ESA) and Italian Space Agency (ASI) programmes.
The payloads developed by Kayser Italia have been flown on the Russian capsules Bion, Foton, Progress, Soyuz, on the
Shuttle Transportation System (STS), on the Japanese HTV module, on the chinese Shenzhou-8, on the European ATV
module, and on the International Space Station (ISS). The company is certified ISO 9001, and the personnel is qualified
for manufacturing of electronic circuits and harness, and for their inspection, in accordance with ESA standards.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ In Space data processing
Space Technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
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Space Exploration
▪ Astrobiology
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Partnership for participation to joint space ESA/FP projects
Main areas of expertise
Kayser Italia is a payload/experiment developer specialist for space research. Main expertize is in life science experiments (biology and human physiology), and in the development of equipment for space platforms (e.g. facility avionics, control electronics).
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
We are mainly interested into technology partners having technologies capable to improve performances and functionalities of our payload/experiments (details on Type of partner should be preferably a research organization, or SME. Also large space companies are welcome, especially those having specific application requirements
Targeted field of cooperation
Space research under microgravity conditions, development of equipment for space platforms, technological development, cubsats.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Kayser Italia has more than 25 years of experience with ESA and FP projects, both as prime- and sub-contrator.
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Kell s.r.l.
Via Donat Cattin, 83
52100 Arezzo
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Cesare Aragno
[email protected]
Chief Technical Officer
Organisation Details
Kell S.r.l. is an Italian SME, member of ASAS, Association for Services, Applications and ICT for Space, FedercominConfindustria, Italy. Kell is certificated ISO 9001:2008 for multimedia software systems production, development and
commercialization. Kell major areas of activity are: Earth Observation, Aviation Navigation. Telemedicine, Tele-education, Software and TLC network integration, Internet Services.
Remote Sensing at Kell started in 1997 when the company was founded, but a working team had been acting since
1990. Physicists, software engineers, electronic engineers and oceanographers are part of a young and dynamic scientific group engaged in development activities. Kell aims to be a reference point for remote sensing and earth observation SMEs, providing specific knowledge and services to both private customers and public entities. To pursue its goal
the company exploits both internal resources and cooperation with research centers, Universities, CNR - National Research Center and other innovative SMEs.
Earth Observation is a major field of activity and income of Kell. In that sector Kell registered several Products:
AWAIR, Airborne Worldwide Aeronautical Interconnected Resources, a new software for ultra-light aviation providing
traffic control and airfields status representation information; KELL Guardian, a distributed geographic information
application, which allows a broad audience to exploit territorial information via Internet (raster and vector data layers together); AIRFIRE, an ESA airborne campaign based on an optical instrument for wildfire observation. High-resolution images act as 'ground truth' data to validate present models assessing the products obtained from satellite observation.
Main Earth Observation European projects: TERRAMAR-1, Tool for the Envisat Radiometer and Radar Altimeter Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting, (ESA ESRIN); AOT, Aerosol Optical Thickness from GOME data, developed for ESA-ESRIN
(GASP project) and ASI, Italian Space Agency (SYSGOME project); Forest FIRes Imaging Experimental System (ESA-ESRIN and NASA): support for algorithms and software development of a Forest Fires satellite based detection and monitoring system (GOES, Meteosat, MSG); FDEarth, Fire Department Earth (ESA): aiming at demonstrating on board data
image processing for real time hazard location (natural fires and oil spills); WIN, Wide Information Network for Risk
Management (EU, FP6, Ref. IST-2004, DG-INFSO; Prime: Alcatel Space): Kell is responsible for data mining research on
satellite images; W-MED, (Data User Element DUE Innovator User Partnership; Kell: prime) Forecasting waves height
in Mediterranean Sea Integrating data for enhancing standard forecast systems.
Most relevant Italian projects: IECF, Instrument Engineering Calibration Facility for RA2, MIPAS, AATSR, SCIAMACHY;
Cosmo-Skymed (ASI): Level 2 optical and SAR products specification and prototyping, standard SAR products processors
architectural design definition; HYPSEO (ASI): support for algorithms and software prototype development for Hyperspectral data level 2 processing; I-PAF (Italian Processing and Archiving Facilities), ERS 1-2 altimeter level 2 processor
development (re-tracking algorithm, Atmospheric Corrections, tidal correction implementation and System Integration); ERS1-2, Quality Control facility development (ELBR-QC), Altimeter Mediterranean product QC for I-PAF; WAGRIT
(ASI): development a client-server Internet based prototype system for agricultural monitoring based on satellite high
resolution images (SAR and optical).
Areas of Activity
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▪ Satellite data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
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LUISS University
Via Tommaso Salvini 2
00197 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Gustavo Mastrobuoni
[email protected]
Organisation Details
LUISS “Guido Carli” ( is one of the most prestigious Italian independent universities, strongly cooperating with the main Italian research institutions, industries, and public administrations.The Research Center on Information Systems (CeRSI) is the unit of the LUISS in charge of both base and applied research in the areas of information
systems (IS), enterprise software and knowledge platforms, organization studies, and information and communication
technologies. CeRSI regularly runs scientific research and consultancy activities, and participate to national, European, and international R&D programs. CeRSI also promotes the development of research in cooperation with most
prominent Italian and foreign scientific communities, and performs, upon request by public or private, national or international, organizations, scientific counselling and researches in the aforementioned thematic areas.
CeRSI is one amongst the most relevant research centers in the area of IS in Italy, not only for the quality of the research activities performed, but also for having contributed to the birth and to the growth of the itAIS, the Italian
Chapter of the AIS, and for having promoted and coordinated the role of the Italian academic and scientific community, especially at an international level. In the international landscape, even though it cannot compete with institutions with a more large and solid experience, CeRSI is credited of a relevant position achieved mainly thanks to the
participation to a high number of international research projects, the agreements on scientific cooperation, and the
contributions to the organization of several international events.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: CERSI
Main areas of expertise
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Web-GIS, OpenData, BPM, SOA-EDA Architectures, SmartCities approach (usage of web-GIS, BPM and SOA to manage
sensors, actuators, etc.).
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
SME, Public Administrations and other universities, mainly from EU eastern countries.
Targeted field of cooperation
SmartCities, Space, Environment, Civil Protection, Security
Experience with ESA / FP projects
CERSI and LUISS took part to several FP6 and FP7 EU funded projects.
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Via Perlingieri 1
82100 Benevento
Web site
+39 0824 316516
Org. Type
Participant Details
Roberto Tartaglia Polcini
[email protected]
General Manager
Organisation Details
MARSec (Mediterranean Agency for Remote Sensing and environmental control) is a satellite monitoring center which
aims at providing, mainly to public bodies, products and valueadded services obtained from satellite data. Data are
received, processed, stored and distributed directly by the Agency. Data processing is performed by MARSec; signals
received from satellites are transformed into "products/services", or into data ready to be analyzed or used in various
applications by public bodies. MARSec operates at regional, national, and international level. Indeed, remotely sensed
data cover the whole Mediterranean area, Northern Europe and North Africa.
MARSec was founded as a public agency owned by the Province of Benevento. The executive project was entrusted to
the University of Sannio that was responsible for overseeing the creation of its infrastructures and supplying the center with appropriate technological equipment. Later, in 2002, the project was also financed by Campania Region. In
2006, the Agency became a company, MARSec S.p.A. The share capital is totally owned by the Province of Benevento,
that is also the founding member (MARSec is an in-house providing company). MARSec S.p.A. was created to manage
the satellite center and to provide professional services to public bodies. On the basis of that previous experience and
through the recruitment of the qualified staff trained during that previous phase, the new company inherited the
knowhow to receive and process satellites data. This is a unique case in Italy and, probably, there are very few companies of this type in Europe. In 2006, a new national Law was passed. According to this Law (article 13, Decree Law
No. 223 of July 4, 2006), in-house companies are allowed to provide services only within the territory controlled by its
owner (a public body). For this reason, the Province of Benevento was required to verify whether it was authorized to
keep the ownership (totally or partially) of MARSec shares (i.e., the share capital of its in-house company). On 31 December 2010, the Province established that it did not have the requirements to be the owner of MARSec shares since
MARSec activities are not strictly necessary to the pursuit of the institutional goals of the Province. Therefore, the
Province decided to sell its company shares to third parties (the Province will transfer 49% of its shares in 2011 and
100% within 2013 ). The tender has been published in Summer 2011 and from January 2012 MARSec has a new private
shareholder, GeoNetSAT, a NewCo formed by GeosLab Srl and Golem Software Srl, two companies specialized in providing products and services for Public Administrations. The new private partner has also acquired the right, within
two years, to exercise its option to acquire 100% of the shares of MARSec. GeosLab has got the 70% of GeoNetSat,
while Golem has the remaining 30%.
GeosLab was founded with the aim at organizing a center for digital mapping production and for development of GIS
based applications (Geographic Information System). Through significant investments in R&D, in few years the company, with seat in Morra de Sanctis(AV), was able to consolidate an important know-how and is planning development
both in national and in international field. Today GeosLab gives high priority to the creation of a center of excellence
in Campania in the field of environmental monitoring and control of territory. At the end of 2010 GeosLab was among
the promoters of a network of enterprises called GeoNetCom. A lot of important companies, with offices in Pisa, Milan, Trento, Tunis, Geneva, etc..., are a part of this network and are involved in several initiatives. It has been also
created a new company in Tirana (Albania) and the same is happening in Algeria, to cover the many opportunities for
business development in the Balkans and North Africa. The investment plan provided by the new company for MARSec
is 1,000,000 Euros in the next 2 years. Between 2012 and 2013 is expected to purchase a new, larger satellite antenna, which will be installed at the new MARSec offices (in an area named “International School of Environmental Diagnostics” - about 2 km from Benevento and along the highway for Naples - Bari). The existing International Partnerships
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that have assured to MARSEC some important certifications(NASA, Canadian Space Agency and IMAGESAT) and the exclusive contract - in Italy - for the management of acquisitions of Israeli high-resolution optical satellite EROS B (70
cm) were significantly enhanced with the entry of new shareholder. GeosLab, in fact, has signed a cooperation agreement for developing Italian and international market in the field of satellite images and of specialized software platforms, with the PASCO Group, an international holding (based in Japan) operating in the detection of spatial data using a fleet of owned aircrafts (through its subsidiaries, such as AERODATA B.V.) and a constellation of several satellites.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Research and development of a set of innovative techniques for soil
and vegetation change monitoring, using multi-temporal satellite images to anomaly detection on hazardous waste sites.
Main areas of expertise
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Marsica Innovation & Technology (LFoundry Group)
Via A. Pacinotti 7
67051 Avezzano
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
[email protected]
General Affairs Manager
Organisation Details
Marsica Innovation & Technology S.r.l., hereafter indicated MIT, deals with the production of image sensors used in
various sectors, from automotive to medical, from game console to the cameras. We are certified ISO/TS 16949-ISO
9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment) and OHSAS 18001 (health and safety).
MIT is also equipped with an internal team to work mainly oriented to R&D activities, to the development of new
processes and technologies related to CMOS devices.
MIT already partecipate in 7FP projects and have also experiences in ESA calls structure.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Optical sensors
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Partnership for participation to joint space ESA/FP projects
Main areas of expertise
Characterization, Production and Testing of semiconductor devices.
Image sensors.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
End users, development centers, sme ..
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Both as partner and coordinator.
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MEEO srl
via saragat 9
44122 Ferrara
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Marco Folegani
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Meteorological and Environmental Earth Observation - MEEO S.r.l. and SISTEMA GmbH are two privately-held companies devoted to the implementation and development of products and services based on remote sensing of the EarthAtmosphere system.
Founded in 2004 in Ferrara, Italy, MEEO started its activity providing products and services for atmospheric pollution
monitoring, extending successively its application domain to the Earth surface mapping. Since 2006 MEEO is a consolidated partner of the European Space Agency and provides its services to public and private entities.
In 2009 SISTEMA GmbH was funded in Vienna, Austria, in order to enforce the Research and Development activities of
the group, and to enlarge the market to central and eastern European countries.
Presently MEEO business is focused on the provision of operational services to end-users and customers, while SISTEMA
business is more focused on the development of new data analysis methods, with a strict contact with Research Centres and Universities.
MEEO and SISTEMA offer to their customers a wide range of off-the-shelf products and services, as well as high level
expertise in remote sensing for the participation of Research and Development projects, in the following domains:
• Land cover / land use mapping (including services for forestry, agriculture and urban areas monitoring with a proprietary software SOIL MAPPER®)
• Air quality / pollution monitoring (remote areas observation, data fusion with ground measurements / numerical
models with a proprietary software PM MAPPER®)
• Fires and burned areas detection and analysis (with a proprietary software SOMAFID)
• Solar radiation mapping and analysis (including photovoltaic plants performance estimation also for concentration
panels, identification of the optimal production sites, with a proprietary service SIMS)
• Multi-temporal / time series data management and analysis (with a proprietary system MEA)
• Standardization of processes and data storage / transmission tools
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Earth Observation and geo-spatial data opportunities
Main areas of expertise
Remote sensing, data processing, INSPIRE and OCG standards
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
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Targeted field of cooperation
technical cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
FP7-Infrastructure - Earthserver
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Via Castiglione d'Orcia, 28
00149 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giulio Sfoglietti
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Microlab, established in 1981, is an electronic design and consulting company. Moreover, during the years, we have
selected some partners dealing with assembly lines, mechanical machining, PCB processing such as to even supply
manufacturing services to our Customers. Microlab can offer design and consulting services on a broad spectrum of
electronic field. Main advantages and benefits stand in rapid and high quality project development due to experience
and knowledge acquired during more than 30 years of activity. Microlab is partner of Microchip, and we have implemented a lot of products with their devices. We even are partner of Freescale and we currently use the PowerPc and
Coldfire devices in some projects where is requested an embedded operating System. So we even make porting of Linux and WinCe operating systems on that devices. Obviously we can even design using any device our Customer could
prefer for any reason such as historical device, stock availability, etc..
Our areas of expertise are: - Telecommunications and related protocols - IP Protocols - Embedded Applications - Linux/Windows Porting on Embedded Devices - Web Applications - Web Services - Military devices - Electro-medical devices - Alternative Energies
Following is a rough list of our implementations:
- PESQ/E-Model Measuring System - SIP/H.323 Traffic Generation - SIP Voice Recorder - SIP Server for Videotelephony Multifunction Booth supplying legacy telephony, videotelephony and G3/G4 fax over ISDN - Analog and Baseband Modem Routing and Switching System - Analog Modem Certification System
- ISDN terminal Adapter - ISDN NT1 - Des Crypto Telephone - ISDN and Analog Probe Monitoring Internet Traffic - Eurocomm Military Telephone - TETRA Smart Power Supply - Military GPS Module - Military Bluetooth Module - Software for
slow rate video transmission over Military RF links - Various PSTN/Leased LIne/Baseband Modems - Various Rf/Ultrasound/Magnetic Electro-Medical Devices - Controller for Solar Panels Management - Controller for Heating System efficiency - Controller for fluorescent and led lamps
That's a very broad range of products, and we develop both the hardware and software/firmware aspects of the product. In many cases we even have managed the manufacturing phase of them for our Customers.
During the years we have approached a lot of technologies most of them submitted to NDA's with our Customers.
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Areas of Activity
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Consultancy/Design/Manufacturing Services
Main areas of expertise
Consultancy/Design/Manufacturing Services as stated in our Company profile, due to our broad spectrum of knowhow, Microlab can approach many areas of the Electronics Design. Whether the Customer needs just a consultancy or
a complete design support or manufacturing services, Microlab can accomplish that thanks to more than 30 years
spent to solve and support Customer requests.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Profiles we think could need our Expertise/Know-how are: - Companies looking for hardware/software design support
in an extensive manner or even for specific areas, i.e. the like of GUI or connectivity, nowadays requested in almost
every product. - Companies requesting for manufacturing services - Research Centers/Universities requesting for support in developing their Projects both during the design and test phases. In fact, other than giving support for the design, we can even manufacture the prototypes or the small lots requested for the evaluation/test phase.
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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microsis srl
via degli olmetti, 8/a
00060 formello
Web site
+39 06 90400404
Org. Type
Participant Details
andrea morviducci
[email protected]
Organisation Details
MICROSIS is an Italian company, based near Rome (Formello, RM), operating in the field of
Power electronics
RF (microwave) power transmitter
Control logic technology: hardware , firmware, software
Electromagnetic compatibility control (EMC, EMP)
Manufacturing and installation of anechoic chamber for EMC/EMI test
Automatic test measurement
Founded in 1990 MICROSIS the engineering department is constituted by 4 senior engineers and 6
technicians and a network of consultants and factories which have matured significant experience in
design and development of military electronics and radar system.
During last 10 years MICROSIS has maturated significant expertise to develop and integrate system units and subunits
based on the customer specification. Being an engineering company all activities are customer oriented. In this field
MICROSIS has also developed dedicated hardware for the industrial, scientific and military application. In the frame of
its activity MICROSIS has acquired a relevant experience in the development of power supply with challenging characteristics in terms of performances, such as stability rugged solution, high power density, and environmental condition
covering marine, surface environment, ground and airborne. Its activity covers both civil and military applications and
it is capable for engineering development and small series production. MICROSIS cooperates in various research projects with many institutions such as University of Rome La Sapienza, CNR (Italian National Research Cometee), University of Siena, University of Rome Tor Vergata, ISS (Italian Health Institute) and Italian Red Cross A stressed aspect is
the value engineering and industrialisation as cost objective during the development phase in order to reduce the
time to market adopting hardware configuration and documentation tailored to the industrial capability of the customer and compatible with the EU standard and regulation. In the recent years we have cooperated with Rheinmetall
Italia for the development of High Voltage Power Supply for High Power Amplifier and Microwave Power Module (MPM)
both Hardware and Monitoring and Control function and now we are extending our activity even in the field of support
and logistics also for complex system. The field of activity covers capability in the project management with special
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attention in the planning and cost aspect such as value engineering. The R&D department includes a permanent staff
of employees and engineers and 5 defined consultants with specific experience in special power supplies. Our systems
are installed in E.S.A. (European Space Agency), A.S.I. (Italian Space Agency), Galileo Avionica SpA, Rheinmetall Italy
SpA, Elettronica SpA, the Italian Army and Italian Air Force. In the field of systems we collaborate with the Italian Red
Cross and Ericsson SpA.
Units have been supplied to:
Rheinmentall Italia
Selex SE
ESOC (European Space Operating Center)
ASI (Italian Space Agency)
Italian Army
MICROSIS is an ISO EN 9001:2008 certified company.
Recent Papers.
Not being a scientific company, the major purpose of MICROSIS is to supply equipment and solutions. Nevertheless
there are some conference papers, from the prime contractor, in which the activities of MICROSIS are described. Industrial Field Design of a Ka-band transmitter for the BEPI COLOMBO radio-science experiment. TTC 2011: fifth ESA
International Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems for Space Applications, Authors: Dainelli, Serrano, Tomasi, Tuninetti, (Rheinmetall Italia), Olivieri, Ibba(ASI).
• · Design of a power supply for an X-band transmitter. ESA's 35-meter Deep Space Antennas at New
Norcia / Western Australia and Cebreros / Spain.
• · Development of rugged power supply of a Microwave Power Module for airborne application. Medical Field
• · QT variability strongly predicts sudden cardiac death in asymptomatic subjects with mild or moderate left
ventricular systolic dysfunction. Prospective study. Piccirillo G, Magrì D Matera S, Magnanti M, Torrini A,
Pasquazzi E, Schifano E, Velitti S Marigliano V, Quaglione R, Barillà F. European Heart Journal 2007
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: MICROSIS SRL
Main areas of expertise
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Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Ka BAND KPA Transmitter manufactory & validation
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Via Andrea Noale
00155 Rome
Web site
+39 06 91139002
Org. Type
Participant Details
Marco Romani
[email protected]
Business Development Manager
Organisation Details
NAIS was established at the end of 2006, as Italian private owned; It’s an ICT System House based in Rome, classified
as SME according to the European Commission classification (2003/361/EC).
Company mission is to develop and propose to the proper market sectors, innovative applications and services based
on ICT technologies trough Satellite Navigation, EO & Communication assets.
NAIS core competencies on Space & Defence market’s domain plays a strategic role in the development of innovative
application by enabling technologies. Passing through R&D Projects, product industrialization and commercialization,
NAIS completing in this way the whole Technology Transfer Process.
Innovative applications and services are already available in the field of Smart-mobility (solution for both citizens
and tourists transportation support and information), Emergency (mission management and resource planning), Cultural Heritage (safeguard, fruition and prevention), Maritime (search & rescue, mission management and access to harbour and docks), Defence (air defence systems radar), and Aeronautics (Air Traffic Management system 2D & 3D and
flight information systems of General Aviation aircraft). Based on the following ICT knowledge:
• Satellite technologies (Navigation (EGNOS/GALILEO), Communication, and Earth Observation);
• Innovative HMI techniques based on Virtual and Augmented Reality techniques (e.g. applied to the development of non-conventional radar displays for the future Air Traffic Control);
• Engineering and architectural aspects (e.g. Enterprise Architecture, Model Driven Engineering, SOA, ...) applied to the development of complex safety critical systems (e.g. next generation ATM systems).
NAIS is currently involved in National/European R&D project and programs, such as in the ATM sector: SESAR (Single
European Sky ATM Research), eATMS (new ATM Italian program) and S2BAS (Small airport & small aircraft flight information services) in the ESA-ARTES20 IAP program; IRIS ANTARES in the SATCOMM domain; WHERE in the Earth Observation/GMES domain. Some others in the past on Transport area of European Frame Programme, such as: CUSPIS (FP6),
TWIST (FP6), SPESSS(FP6), AD4 (FP6), HARMLESS (FP6), GIROADS (FP6), Safeport (FP7), Meduse (FP7), Enhanced
Wisetrip (FP7).
Company skills is over: GNSS, Location-based systems, Multi-link communication concept and technologies, Wireless
communication, Satellite and terrestrial data communication, Satellite Earth Observation systems, ATM concepts and
systems, ADS-B surveillance, Flight Information Services, HMI techniques based on Virtual and Augmented Reality
technologies, Visual Modelling and Simulation, Verification and Validation task. WebGIS systems, EO mapping analysis.
NAIS aims at completing the process, through the industrialization of the prototypes and demonstration components,
and packing them into competitive solution to propose to the market sectors requiring high degree of innovation.
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Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Radar
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: NAIS
Main areas of expertise
NAIS is a System House, classified as SME, founded in 2006; its core business is on the development of ICT turnkey solutions, based on Space & Defense technologies and oriented on applications market domains.
Company aims to cover ranges from the Space infrastructure as Navigation, Earth Observation and Satcom infrastructure to the market sectors, where space services play the role of enabling technologies, passing through R&D Projects,
product industrialization and commercialization, thus completing in this way the whole Technology Transfer Process.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Research Centre and SME working in the Aerospace domain and operates in the European countries. We are also interested to explore international industrial cooperations to promote our products and services in abroad markets.
Targeted field of cooperation
Over time NAIS has developed innovative applications and services in the following domains.
• Smart Mobility: tolling management, traffic detection, transport of sensitive goods
• Emergency: mission support system, resource allocation and management
• Cultural Heritage: monitoring of archeological site in urban and rural areas, historical structures safeguard
and fruition.
• Maritime: search & rescue, mission management and access to harbour and docks
• Air Traffic Management: traffic control systems and non-conventional radar display
Experience with ESA / FP projects
NAIS is currently involved in National/European R&D project and programs, such as in the ATM sector: SESAR (Single
European Sky ATM Research), eATMS (new ATM Italian program) and S2BAS (Small airport & small aircraft flight information services) in the ESA-ARTES20 IAP program; IRIS ANTARES in the SATCOMM domain; WHERE in the Earth Observation/GMES domain. Some others in the past on Transport area of European Frame Programme, such as: CUSPIS (FP6),
TWIST (FP6), SPESSS(FP6), AD4 (FP6), HARMLESS (FP6), GIROADS (FP6), Safeport (FP7), Meduse (FP7), Enhanced
Wisetrip (FP7).
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National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of Applied
via Madonna del Piano, 10
50019 Firenze
Web site
Org. Type
Governmental organization
Participant Details
Simonetta Paloscia
[email protected]
Senior Scientist
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Microwave remote sensing for monitoring of the hydrological cycle
for risk assessment and extreme event prevention
Main areas of expertise
Microwave remote sensing of natural surfaces (soil, vegetation and snow)
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
- Research institutes with experience in retrieval of surface parameters by using EO data
- Research institutes involved in hydrological applications
- SME operating with end-users for problems of security related to natural disaster (prediction and management of
- regional agencies for civil protection, water management, hidro-geological risks
Targeted field of cooperation
- processing of EO images of recent or coming microwave satellites (TERRA-SARX, Cosmo-SkyMed, Sentinel-1)
- monitoring of natural surfaces at risks for events of flooding, landslides and avalanches
- implementation of innovative inversion algorithms for the estimate of hydrological parameters
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- generation of thematic maps of bio-geo-physical parameters from Eo data
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Participation in FP4 and FP5 projects related to monitoring of areas at risk for floods and avalanches by using EO data
and innovatove algorithms
Participation and lead of ESA projects (more recentely devoted to GNNS-R techniques for the estimate of soil and vegetation parameters and to the study of algortihms for the retrieval of operative soil moisture maps from Sentinel-1 data)
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National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISTC)
Via s. martino della battaglia 44
00185 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Andrea Orlandini
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Within the Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology, I work in the Planning and Scheduling Technology (PST) Laboratory.
The PST has been founded in 1997 as a research group focused on automated and interactive techniques for planning
problems. We have obtained results on specialized constraint reasoning, (meta) heuristics for scheduling, mixed-initiative problem solving, timeline-based planning.
The group has been involved for over ten years in a collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA). Three of our
problem solving tools are in continuous daily use in the mission planning ground facility at ESA-ESOC, Darmstadt.
We have been working in the "USOCs KnowLedge Integration and dissemination for Space Science and Exploration" project (ULISSE) funded by the European Commission (FP7-SPACE) whose aim was to develop a ICT framework to allow
USOCs to share information gathered in different experiment performed on the ISS Columbus module.
Then, we have been part in the "Goal Oriented Autonomous Controller" project (GOAC) funded by the European Space
Agency (ESA-ESTEC) whose aim was the definition of a control arcitecture for planetary rovers.
During the last five years we have broadened our research interests toward new areas thus acquiring competences in
robotics, ambient assisted living, cognitive systems for training, and health systems for aging well. In FP7 we have
projects in different topics (Space, ICT, Security, and AAL).
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Space robotics
Cooperation Profiles
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National Research Council of Italy (CNR) - IREA
via Diocleziano 328
80124 Napoli
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Eugenio Sansosti
[email protected]
Senior Researcher
Organisation Details
The National Research Council (CNR) is the main public research entity in Italy with more than 100 Institutes grouped
in 7 Departments. The aim of CNR is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the
main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development of the Country.
The Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA), a CNR institute, incorporates a Microwave Remote Sensing Group that is active since 1987. Their main research interest is Differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR),
with two main aims:
1. development of effective tools for detecting and monitoring of earth surface deformations;
2. demonstration of applicability of the proposed techniques in real scenarios. IREA-CNR is the initiator of the
well known Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) processing technique for generating deformation time series starting
from SAR data.
IREA-CNR has a large expertise in scientific SAR and DInSAR algorithm development, as demonstrated by its large number of scientific publications in international highly ranked journals. It has a large experience in scientific software
development, since it has built up a complete, fully functional and semiautomatic processing chain that, starting form
satellites raw data, produces geocoded deformation time series.
IREA-CNR has implemented its SBAS-DInSAR processing chain in the G-POD and GENESI-DEC framework of ESA, permitting to process in an automatic way several hundreds of Giga byte of satellite data (mostly ERS and ENVISAT). IREACNR has been involved in a number of National and International Project in the SAR related field, as coordinator or
IREA-CNR has partecipated to several project, such as:
• FP7-MARSITE (New directions in seismic hazard assessment through focused Earth Observation in the Marmara
• FP7-MEDSUV (MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes)
• FP7-LAMPRE (LAndslide Modeling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and REcovery management)
• HELIX NEBULA-The Science Cloud
• FP7-DORIS (Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an Advanced Assessment Service),
• FP7-ISTIMES Integrated System for Transport Infrastructures surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing),
• GMES-TERRAFIRMA (Pan European Ground Motion Hazard Information Service),
• FP7-DORIS-net (Downstream Observatory organized by Regions active in Space network),
• FP7-GEOLAND2 (towards an operational GMES Land Monitoring Core Service),
• FP6-PREVIEW (Prevention Information and Early Warning),
• FP6-LIMES (Land and Sea Integrated Monitoring for European Security),
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• FP6-GEOLAND (Integrated GMES project on land cover and vegetation),
• FP6-HUMBOLDT (Development of a framework for data harmonization and service integration).
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Synthetic Aperture Radar technology for deformation time series
Main areas of expertise
IREA-CNR has a high level expertise in scientific SAR and DInSAR algorithm development, as demonstrated by its large
number of scientific publications in international ranked journals. It has a large experience in scientific software development, since it built up a complete, fully functional and semiautomatic DInSAR processing chain that, starting
form satellites raw data, produces geocoded SBASDInSAR deformation time series.
IREA-CNR has implemented its SBAS-DInSAR processing chain in the G-POD and GENESI-DEC framework of ESA, permitting to process in an automatic way several hundreds of Giga byte of satellite data (mostly ERS and ENVISAT). IREACNR has been involved in a number of National and International Project in the SAR related field, as coordinator or
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
No restrictions.
Targeted field of cooperation
We can contribute to the application od Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to Natural Hazard mitigation and to massive processing of SAR data for computation of ground deformation time series.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
IREA-CNR has partecipated to several international projects:
• FP7-DORIS (Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an Advanced Assessment Service),
• FP7-ISTIMES Integrated System for Transport Infrastructures surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing),
• GMES-TERRAFIRMA (Pan European Ground Motion Hazard Information Service),
• FP7-DORIS-net (Downstream Observatory organized by Regions active in Space network),
• FP7-GEOLAND2 (towards an operational GMES Land Monitoring Core Service),
• FP6-PREVIEW (Prevention Information and Early Warning),
• FP6-LIMES (Land and Sea Integrated Monitoring for European Security),
• FP6-GEOLAND (Integrated GMES project on land cover and vegetation),
• FP6-HUMBOLDT (Development of a framework for data harmonization and service integration).
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National Research Council of Italy (CNR) - IREA
Via Diocleziano, 328
80124 Napoli
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Michele Manunta
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The National Research Council (CNR) is the main public research entity in Italy with more than 100 Institutes grouped
in 7 Departments. The aim of CNR is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the
main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development of the Country.
The Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA), a CNR institute, incorporates a Microwave Remote Sensing Group that is active since 1987. Their main research interest is Differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR),
with two main aims:
1. development of effective tools for detecting and monitoring of earth surface deformations;
2. demonstration of applicability of the proposed techniques in real scenarios. IREA-CNR is the initiator of the
well known Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) processing technique for generating deformation time series starting
from SAR data.
IREA-CNR has a large expertise in scientific SAR and DInSAR algorithm development, as demonstrated by its large number of scientific publications in international highly ranked journals. It has a large experience in scientific software
development, since it has built up a complete, fully functional and semiautomatic processing chain that, starting form
satellites raw data, produces geocoded deformation time series.
IREA-CNR has implemented its SBAS-DInSAR processing chain in the G-POD and GENESI-DEC framework of ESA, permitting to process in an automatic way several hundreds of Giga byte of satellite data (mostly ERS and ENVISAT). IREACNR has been involved in a number of National and International Project in the SAR related field, as coordinator or
IREA-CNR has partecipated to several project, such as:
• FP7-MARSITE (New directions in seismic hazard assessment through focused Earth Observation in the Marmara
• FP7-MEDSUV (MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes)
• FP7-LAMPRE (LAndslide Modeling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and REcovery management)
• HELIX NEBULA-The Science Cloud
• FP7-DORIS (Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an Advanced Assessment Service),
• FP7-ISTIMES Integrated System for Transport Infrastructures surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing),
• GMES-TERRAFIRMA (Pan European Ground Motion Hazard Information Service),
• FP7-DORIS-net (Downstream Observatory organized by Regions active in Space network),
• FP7-GEOLAND2 (towards an operational GMES Land Monitoring Core Service),
• FP6-PREVIEW (Prevention Information and Early Warning),
• FP6-LIMES (Land and Sea Integrated Monitoring for European Security),
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• FP6-GEOLAND (Integrated GMES project on land cover and vegetation),
• FP6-HUMBOLDT (Development of a framework for data harmonization and service integration).
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
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NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi
Via Andrea Noale 345B
00155 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Claudio Paoluzzi
[email protected]
Organisation Details
NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi works in several sectors: Defence, Space, Transport, Research & Development.
In the Space sector NEXT works on "On Board" and "Ground" segments on significant international projects such as: ENVISAT, COSMO SKY MED, HELIOS 2, HOT BIRD 6, EUROSKYWAY, RADARSAT 2, KOREASAT 5, SICRAL-1B, GSTBV2,
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
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NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A.
Via Andrea Noale 345 B
00136 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alessio Di Salvo
[email protected]
Space Innovation Systems Unit, Head of Mission Engineering
Organisation Details
Founded on 1999, NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A. employs actually more than 250 people, distributed among its
headquarter in Rome and other offices in Napoli, Ronchi dei Legionari and Avezzano. NEXT operates within the following markets: Defense, Air Traffic Control & Management, and Space.
NEXT Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A. key offering for the space sector:
“Turnkey” SW development (both for ground than space subsystems/equipments)
Mission analysis and engineering
System engineering support
Ground Segment S/S supply and engineering support
Satellite and on-board S/S AIT support
Satellite and ground operations
Reference space market sectors: Earth Observation, Navigation, Communication, Dual missions, Science.
NEXT have a long-term experience in working for National Large System Integrators in the space domain, and space
agencies and in managing EU bids and projects.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
▪ In Space data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
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Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Mission Analysis, Space Situational Awareness
Main areas of expertise
Mission analysis and Engineering
User requirements definition support
Mission concept definition
User / Mission requirement analysis
Mission analysis and simulations
Mission scenario / operation profile definition
Mission operation concept definition
Launcher interface support (on related mission subjects)
Mission operation preparation / implementation
Flight Dynamics engineering
Ongoing activities on mission engineering for the key National EO programs (Cosmo Second Generation, GokTurk, OPTSAT)
Space Situational Awareness
• Space Surveillance and Tracking / Debris (widespread expertise)
• Space Weather
Ongoing R&D projects with national and international partners
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
• Prime contractors / Large System Integrators
• Universities, Research centres, SMEs with specialization on topics related to the Space Situational Awareness
Targeted field of cooperation
• Space projects (for EO, Navigation, TLC, Science) for Mission Analysis / Engineering activities.
• SSA projects
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NICE srl
Via Milliavacca 9
14100 Asti
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Douglas McKinley
[email protected]
Organisation Details
NICE delivers comprehensive Grid & HPC and 3d Visualization Solutions and is a pioneer in Technical and Engineering
Cloud solutions, delivering products and services to hundreds of customers worldwide, including many Fortune 2000
customers in Defense, Automotive, Aerospace, Oil&Gas, Pharmaceutical, Government and Education markets.
NICE qualified personnel provide consulting services related to technical computing portals, grid and HPC technologies, cloud computing, remote visualization, application grid-enablement, data exchange and collaboration, Software
as a Service, and grid intelligence.
Products Highlights
EnginFrame is the leading Grid Portal that enables user-friendly and application-oriented HPC job submission, control
and monitoring.
Desktop Cloud Visualization is the remote 3D visualization technology that enables Technical Computing users to connect to OpenGL applications running in a data center.
NICE believes and invests in Research, working with Government and Academic institutions to face the IT challenges
that science and engineering pose - and to stay connected to the leading-edge of ICT technology and scientific developments. NICE participates as an active protagonist in several funded research projects:
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) was the largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure in the world, which brings together more than 120 organizations to produce a reliable and scalable computing resource available to the European
and global research community.
NICE contributed to the development of GENIUS Grid Portal and EnginFrame products to make them compatible with
the EGEE middleware gLite.
DEISA is a project connecting eleven of the largest HPC centres in Europe. Since its deployment on DEISA, NICE EnginFrame became one the most widely deployed Grid gateways on such an infrastructure, mainly for Biotech applications and Research.
NICE EnginFrame contributed to the project in order to create a Web front-end and increase usability of the Life Science gateway, without facing the complexity that is normally associated with HPC infrastructures in heterogeneous
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UNOSAT is a Cern, Geneve University, and United Nations program created to provide the international community
and developing countries with enhanced access to satellite images and Geographic Information System (GIS) services.
NICE has been actively collaborating with UNOSAT since 2006, in the following UNOSAT activities: Creation of the Grid
Portal, and development of portal services for managing and controlling the Job Submission, and the related Monitoring services.
More information on our Research activities can be found here
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
▪ Satellite networks
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: NICE srl - Solutions for High Performance Computing, Cloud & Grid
Computing and Remote 3d Visualization
Main areas of expertise
High Performance Computing, Saas, Remote Visualization, 3D Visualization, Grid Computing, Techincal Computing,
Cloud Computing, Distributed Computing,
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Worldwide, in engineering fields, CFD, FEM, CAE, CAD, Geophysics, research, GIS, Simulation, earth observation, High
Performance Computing,
Targeted field of cooperation
collaboations on new fp project proposals in the area of Engineering, ICT, CLoud, Big Data.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
completed 6 FP projects in the filed of High Performance Computing and their application fields.
Potential projects would be in the application area using high performance computing, from engineering to big data
analysis, physics, defense, radar, satellite imaging,
more info from here
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Piazza dell'Esquilino 29
00185 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Michele Luglio
[email protected]
Associate Professor
Organisation Details
NITEL is a consortium consisting of 20 Italian Universities and more than 500 researchers. The areas of research interest in the field of sat comm are:
Physical layer
System architecture
Cross layer
Quality of Service
Resource management
ESA projects
• Robust modulation and Coding for Personal Satellite Communication
• Feasibility study for Disaster Recovery Services using ITALSAT satellite system
• LockSat
Efficient key management for security provision in satellite systems. Define several satellite scenarios mechanism for
hardware based keys distribution mechanisms without on-air signalling.
• Transport Protocol for DVB-RCS Interoperable PEP
Design and implementation of a new transport protocol compliant with I-PEP specification for DVB RCS systems.
• Sensible
To set up a service capable to distribute dynamically the bandwidth and managing the quality of service for a set of
users within the same administrative domain, to which a fixed amount of bandwidth is assigned from the satellite operator. The system will perform bandwidth management and appropriate QoS only on the network level.
• Satnex III
Delay Tolerant Networks
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Sensor Networks
Future Internet
EU projects
SECOMS/ABATE project (within ACTS)
ACCORD project (within ACTS)
SUITED project (within ACTS)
WiSat (EU): Technical feasibility assessment of interoperability between satellite systems and WiMax standard
• SATNEX Network of Excellence (IST)
Physical layer, TCP protocol analysis and enhancement, cross layer analysis, HAPS-Satellite integrated architectures,
security. A dedicated activity on security, looking particularly at IPSec and UDPLite integration for an advanced, secure and reliable real-time data transmission has been performed.
Evaluate vulnerabilities of a telecommunication network performing trials on real networks simulating attacks and developing techniques to detect and protect;
Evaluate vulnerabilities of a satellite telecommunication network performing and detecting attacks on a real network
or on the satellite emulation platform.
ASI (Italian Space Agency) projects
Design of telecommunication systems and applications for emergency and security
Design and development of a pilot network to provide telemedicine services with an infrastructure based on satellite
interoperating with terrestrial wireless systems
Interconnection between satellite and wireless terrestrial systems, looking at QoS, Management, security, architectures and deployment of hybrid networks including DVB-RCS space segment.
Design and set up of a pilot network to support operation of civil protection departments and on field operators with
an infrastructure based on satellite interoperating with terrestrial wireless systems
Development of a multidimensional dynamic tool to perform link budgets; development of a network emulator to perform network analysis and design with particular attention to security aspects.
National projects
Implementation of a heterogeneous network composed of an Ad Hoc Network and a satellite system for emergency operations.
Architecture definition, requirements definition, interface design and implementation, tests.
• Ci6
Development of the prototype system for collection, elaboration and distribution of multimedia data aiming at the integration of systems and technologies developed for different purposes, but able to be used for the management of
emergency situations.
Service requirements definition, Scenario identification, HW/SW requirements, tests.
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Development of safety solutions for public transportation using wireless networks including satellite links
Network simulation, architecture and protocols design.
Development of an optimized logistic process for goods distribution and collection based on sensor networks and innovative software and communication platforms.
Satellite emulator
The Satellite Network Emulation Platform (SNEP) has been conceived and developed to reproduce in real-time the behavior and quality of experience of a satellite network. The platform is at present composed of several Virtual Machines (VMs), hosted by an ESXi/VSphere server. Network configuration is set to enable double-hop star architecture,
using IPv4 or IPv6 subnets and tunnels. Each Virtual Node performs on the IP-based traffic in transit.
The following functionalities were implemented: DVB RCS compliant physical and MAC configuration, with BoD; Optimal TCP configuration; Web configuration for multiple terminal networks; Traffic generators for different categories
of traffic (e.g. HTTP, sensor-like, FTP, streaming, etc.) and setup of real applications (Firefox); DPI shaping “simplified” model; Emulation output views (textual and graphical format). Each Virtual Node emulates a single component
of a typical VSAT satellite environment.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
▪ Satellite networks
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Satellite telecommunications
Main areas of expertise
Telecommunications, satellite telecommunications, simulation and emulation facilities available in our lab (see
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Expertise: Telecommunications, Satcom, service provider or end user
Type: Company or research institute
Country: any.
Targeted field of cooperation
Design complex telecommunication systems with related applications aimed to provide services based on future internet concept.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
See our profile
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Optel InP
Via Duccio di Buoninsegna, 22
00142 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Stefano Tangorra
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Optel InP is a no-profit consortium composed by several italian public and private entities including, but not limited
to, Selex ES, Thales Alenia Space Italia, CNR (National Research Council), universities and SMEs.
The consortium is involved in R&D activities, with various ongoing projects at a national level, and it's looking forward
to a strong participation in Horizon 2020 projects.
The R&D projects are aimed to develop microelectronic technologies, as well as microsystems. The developed technologies will find application in sectors such as aerospace, security, ICT, transports, biomedical, etc.
Opteli is basically involved in the development of new and highly innovative industrial technologies, as well as the development of new prdoucts resulting from research activities.
The OPTEL laboratories (clean room) are located in Brindisi (Puglia, Italy). The facilities include 2.580 sq. ft. of Class
10.000 and 538 sq. ft. of Class 100 for photolitographic techniques.
The consortium is also part of the DTA (Technological Aerospace District) of Puglia.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Sensors, Microsystems and MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
Main areas of expertise
The core competences are related to the design, production and testing of sensors, microsystem and microelectromechanical systems for antennas, satellite, radar and military communications (RF MEMS switches, cantilever, fixed fixed, shunt, complex network circuits with building blocks of MEMS RF switches).
We have a long standing experience in silicon carbide micromachining technology for the back side process development for microstrip device fabrication with microwave application.
Some of our design skills are:
Numerical Circuit Analisys SPICE;
physical modeling and numerical analysis with CAD and FEM-MOM simulations;
physics parameters iterations (óxy, år, V, I, etc.);
electromechanic, thermomechanic and electromagnetic behaviour of MEMS devices on semiconductor and insulators substrates (es. ceramic and plastic substrates);
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• electromechanic, thermomechanic and electromagnetic behaviour of plastic, ceramic and metallic case, for
microeletronic and MEMS packaging devices;
• physical circuits layout and masters design (photomasks, photolithographic and screen printing reticles, micromachining laser layouts);
• package of active and passive devices.
Our manufacturing skills are:
• thin and thick photoresist lithography;
• PVD techniques (e-beam evaporation , DC-RF-magnetron sputtering) for thin metallic and dielectric layer deposition;
• PECVD technique for dielectric layer deposition;
• metallic and dielectric thin films wet etching;
• dry etching techniques (RIE, ICP, barrel etcher) for selective etching of metal, semiconductors and sacrificial
• electrochemical growth of Au/Cu, thin/thick films;
• nickel and gold electroless depositions;
• epoxy and eutectic die bonding, semiconductor and ceramic level-chip bonding, wedge bonding;
• mechanic delayering, grinding, lapping and polishing.
Our testing skills are:
RF electrical testing for microwave passive and active devices up to 50 GHz;
static and dynamic DC electrical measurements;
life cycles, ageing and endurance test;
power handling test;
complex networks DC and RF measurements;
morphological analysis (optic and SEM microscopy);
superficial analysis for roughness and residual stress in thick/thin film.
We own Intellectual Property Rights on:
• Patented process (patent no.1363498; 06.07.2009): “Method for micromachining the silicon carbide substrate
of a semiconductor device”
• Industrial patent (patent no. 1403068, 04.10.2013): “Method to produce a microelectromechanical device
with a metallic suspended beam”
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Optel is interested in establishing cooperation mainly with SMEs and industries interested in the commercialization of
new and highly innovative products derived from R&D activies. The main objective is the integration of sensors and
systems developed by Optel in major products elaborated by our partners, and which are ready for market.
Targeted field of cooperation
• improvement and development of advanced technologies: a single research institute can no longer handle a
full coverage of all technologies, equipment and competencies;
• cooperation in research projects aimed to develop innovative sensor and system for application in aerospace,
defense and civil telecommunication;
• cooperation in research projects for technological innovations in sensing and detection of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear threats and ecological terrorism;
• cooperation in research projects aimed to develop monitoring systems for structural and health monitoring in
civil, industrial and hazard environment;
• cooperation in research projects for the development high power density devices and related packaging.
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Over Srl
largo Somalia, 35
00199 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Adriano Cerocchi
[email protected]
Organisation Details
There is a great need in the home automation market of a new generation systems capable to customize the interaction between man and home leveraging on waste reduction achieving a smart way of living. We do that thanks to the
Over system, the first that is able to "know" its users like a member of the family. Over system is made of two building
blocks: the OBox (the brain) and the OMeters (the arms that help you).
Thanks to the OBox algorithms Over system is able to know your habits and tastes. OBox and OMeters are characterized by a very easy installation procedure, installing them you can access your house wherever, and you will helped by
an autonomous intelligence that:
- manages your ideal climate
- switches off the unused device (obtaining -30% in consumption)
- suggests you the best product to buy
discover Over:
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: A user-profiling oriented technology for next generation automation
Main areas of expertise
Data mining and home automation also including building automation and datacenter automation.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
We have two ideal partner:
1) a big company that can offer a distribution platform for the Over product, it is also possible to have a partnership
regarding royalties and mark
2) a system integrator that want to integrate our system
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Targeted field of cooperation
Home and building automation, novel technology for user profiling
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Since Over is a spin-off from Sapienza University of Rome and inherits part of its experience from SM4All (FP7 project)
in which we were involved as coordinator, we have a proven effective experience in project coordination and leading
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Planetek Italia srl
Via Massaua 12
70132 Bari
Web site
080 96 44 200
Org. Type
Participant Details
Daniela Drimaco
[email protected]
Business Development Specialist Space Systems
Strategic Business Unit
Organisation Details
Planetek Italia S.r.l. is one of the main Italian Space System and Earth Observation value added Company.
The Company designs and creates solutions that enhance the spatial information through the space software infrastructure development, satellite image processing, the implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and the use
of Satellite Positioning Systems (GPS).
Planetek Italia is active on national and international markets through four Strategic Business Units: European Institutions, Space Systems, Government & Security, Business2Business and, in Greece, through Planetek Hellas EPE.
• SBU European Institutions offers geospace solutions to the European Institutions and Agencies in the framework of GMES programme and INSPIRE initiatives;
• SBU Space Systems develops & integrates hardware and software infrastructures for the acquisition, treatment and distribution of remote-collected data on the market of international Space Agencies and the main
operators of the aerospace market;
• SBU Government & Security provides a wide range of application solutions and services mainly to the markets of national and international Public Administration, Italian defense agencies, Italian educational and scientific research organizations;
• SBU Business 2 Business provides geospatial solutions to private commercial and engineering companies operating in national and international markets of energy, transport (railways, roads), construction and agriculture. The solutions portfolio range from business geo-intelligence systems to geo-information value-added
Planetek’s high concern is testified by the unceasing cooperation with European Union, Universities, Space Agencies,
Research Centres, National-Local Public Administrations, and internationally known Companies.
Planetek Italia is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Associate Member and is involved with the INSPIRE initiative as
a Spatial Data Interest Community (SDIC), founder of the Italian INSPIRE Forum, founder member of Apulian Aerospace
District, founder member of AIPAS, Italian Small and Medium Aerospace Enterprises Association.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ In Space data processing
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Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
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Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Software & Systems development for Ground and Space Segment
(Earth Observation and Space Exploration Missions)
Main areas of expertise
Planetek Italia is one of the main companies in Italy operating in the field of information sciences and space technologies applied to land management and space exploration. The Company is active in definition and implementation of
software for space systems for Earth Observation and extra planetary missions and in the development of information
solutions for storage, elaboration and distribution of satellite images and cartographic databases. The main application fields are Space Software and Ground Segment systems, Planetary Exploration, Security and Defense,Environmental Monitoring and Cartography.
Planetek Italia has a sound experience in the definition and implementation of Software for Space Systems for Earth
Observation and extra planetary missions, such as ERS, Envisat , COSMO SkyMED, Mars Express mission, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Planetek Italia provides "Ground Segment" systems and technologies to receive and process satellite data acquired by the spacecrafts instruments, solutions and systems to archive, disseminate, publish and share
the generated products as well as engineering consulting services for new missions definition, feasibility studies,
ground control system architecture definition, requirements specification and design. Its sound knowledge in Geoinformation and space sector makes the company one of the main designer, developer and provider of: real-time systems, on board processing software for the space segment, radar and optical data processing for the ground segment
and mission planning and performance monitoring systems.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
The major clients/partners are: European Space Agency, Italian Space Agency, European Commission, Italian and European Private and Public Companies (e.g. Thales Alenia Space, Telespazio, OHB-CGS)
The main interesting Countries are: UK, Belgium, France, Nertherland, Greece, Germany.
Targeted field of cooperation
Space field: Mission analysis and design (Earth Observation and Space Exploration); on board data processing; information solutions for storage, elaboration and distribution of satellite images.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Planetek has a long expertiese in ESA and European Commission programme, both as prime contractor then as partner.
In ESA context, it has partecipated to many project, such as:
ESA SAPS - Science Archives Publication System
DREAM - Decision Support and Real Time EO Data Management
UHI - Urban Heat Island
MARCOAST - Marine and Coastal Environment Information Services.
ESA Service Support Environment
In FP programmes, the Company partecipated to the following projects:
• LIMES - Land and Sea Monitoring for Environment and Security
• GMOSAIC - Gmes Services for Management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for regional
• SAFER - Services and Applications for Emergency Response
• MAGIA -Missione Altimetrica Gravimetrica Geochimica lunAre
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• PREVIEW - Prevention, Information and Early Warning pre-operational services to support the risks management
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Presagis Europe S.A.
Via Vincenzo Monti
20123 Milano
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Roberto Naretto
[email protected]
Regional Sales Manager
Organisation Details
Presagis is a global provider of software for the development of modeling, simulation, visualization, and embedded
display applications. Focused on building intimate relationships with its customers, the company provides integrated
and comprehensive end-to-end solutions based on open standards, with a unique combination of commercial software
tools, and professional development and advisory services. Presagis makes the future safer by building software that
helps its customers reduce development risk, improve time-to-market, and lower costs in complex projects, in addition to developing DO-178 certifiable applications.
Our Customers
At Presagis, we build customer value through continual innovation and the rapid advancement of technology. We are
committed to providing easy-to-use integrated modeling, simulation, and embedded display solutions that meet the
rigorous demands of our customers' complex applications. With recognized expertise in the aerospace and defense
markets, the company services more than 1,000 active customers worldwide, including many of the world's most respected organizations such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus, BAE Systems, and CAE.
With core technology built on industry standards, we offer our customers an unmatched range of software tools for efficiently developing tailored modeling, simulation, and embedded display applications.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
▪ Satellite technology
Earth Observation
▪ Security
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Development of modeling, simulation, visualization, and embedded
display applications.
Main areas of expertise
Global provider of software for the development of modeling, simulation, visualization, and embedded display applications.
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Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
System integrator with engineering expertise in order to establish a collaboration on specific End User projects with
the objective to realize modeling and simulation application.
Interest in Italy, Central and East Europe.
Targeted field of cooperation
Implementation of Presagis COTS Software and adaptation to Customer needs in Aerospace & Defence Market.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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PSI - Progetti Speciali Italiani
Via Montesanto 2
00195 Rome
Web site
+39 06 3215001
Org. Type
Participant Details
Claudio Fiano
[email protected]
Marketing manager
Organisation Details
Progetti Speciali Italiani Srl (PSI) has been incorporated at the beginning of 2006 with the declared purpose to introduce new system concept in the sectors of Aerospace, Defence, Security and Energy.
The Company is established with the declared intention to act as a System Overlay of the actual
capability of the parent companies.
The purpose is to address the subsystem capabilities of the parent companies toward the
development of new and advanced systems in the Aerospace, Defence, Security and Energy
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
▪ Security
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Progetti Speciali Italiani
Main areas of expertise
Aerospace, Defence, Security
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Large Companies leading research team. Any country.
Targeted field of cooperation
Design and integration of subsystem in the areas of expertise
Experience with ESA / FP projects
No previous experience
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RedCat Devices
Via Valsolda 21
20142 Milano
Web site
+39 02 8950 6865
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giuliana Giavina
[email protected]
Organisation Details
RedCat Devices (RCD), a start-up company built on 2006, is a fabless semiconductor company devoted to design and
realization of semiconductor memories for aerospace and nuclear science taking the best from standard and well consolidated CMOS technologies and using radiation hardening by design (RHBD) methodologies to enhance resistance either to total ionizing dose (TID) and single event effects (SEE).
The expertise of RCD is focused on both volatile and non volatile semiconductor memories coming from its founders
whose experience have been matured either in academics and large corporates and spreaded on technical and management issues such as design of silicon devices and technology transfer operations among large corporates.
RCD’s capability spreads from project management to physical simulation and layout design of complete silicon devices for customers who can be helped on silicon process choosing too.
RCD is active in different fields. The main targets are space applications (satellites, probes, spacecraft), high energy
physic experiments and a new possible target are medical equipments (radiotherapy).
RCD participated and is participating in international projects aimed at the research and development of rad-hard
components to be used mainly in hostile environments such as space, in particular, in “Israel-Italy Joint Innovation
Program for Industrial, Scientific and Technological Cooperation in R&D”, RCD participated in “RAMSES - RAd-hard
Memories for Storage Embedded System”, “CISSA — CMOS Image Sensors for Space Applications projects” and now is
participating in “ATENA — Advanced Testing Environment for NVM, SRAM and CIS based Applications”. ATENA aims to
develop a customized testing platform to be used for all silicon applications containing array-based devices such as
non volatile memories, SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) cells and CIS (CMOS Image Sensor) pixels to be used in
hostile environments containing X-Ray, Gamma Ray and Heavy Ions.
In September 1st 2011 RedCat Devices has started FP7 SkyFlash 262890 European Project in the role of coordinator.
The project aims to develop a strong rad hard by design (RHBD) methodology for the realization of non volatile flash
memories based on standard CMOS 180nm processes using memory cells based on floating trap ONO (Oxide-Nitride-Oxide) approach (Flash memories). The methodology will be focused on environments affected by radiation due to protons, electrons and high energy ions (heavy ions) such as low and high orbits (satellites) or deep space (probes).
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Space Exploration
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
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General co-operation: Radiation Hardening
Main areas of expertise
Radiation hardening by design, SRAM memories, rad-hard libraries, CMOS rad-hard image sensors.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Worldwide Universities, research centers, SME, large integrators, testing facilities.
Targeted field of cooperation
We would like to cooperate in projects regarding radiation hardening of components, memories, image sensor, critical
space technology/non dependence.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Project coordinator in FP7 Project SkyFlash.
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RF Microtech srl
Via P. Mascagni 11
06132 Perugia
Web site
+39 075 5271436
Org. Type
Participant Details
Luca Marcaccioli
[email protected]
Organisation Details
RF Microtech ( is a service company based in Italy devoted to the development of custom solutions for industries operating in the space, defence, pharmaceutic, and agro-food sectors.
Born in 2007 as spin-off of University of Perugia, RF Microtech performs innovative research activities especially in the
microwave field, and specifically in the following areas:
• Antennas, filters, amplifiers and microwave systems for satellite and terrestrial communications or detection
• Localization system
• Sensors for real-time industrial processes control
Participated by one of the most advanced RF MEMS foundry in Europe, FBK (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento,
Italy), RF Microtech can carry on projects at different levels, from technical consultancy to system and sub-system design, from project management to low-volume manufacturing, test and characterization.
RF Microtech has several active contracts with international players. Since its foundation in 2007, it has also been very
active in participating in several ESA, FP7 and national projects, most of them conducted as prime contractor.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Satellite technology
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Research and development on microwave area
Main areas of expertise
RF Microtech is specialized in development of conventional or innovative RF and microwave apparatus not only for
telecom and space industry, but also for industries that need to control their production process in real-time (using
microwave to contact-less detect material properties).
RF Microtech’ capabilities range from component design (antennas, filters, amplifiers, oscillators, switches, phaseshifters, RF MEMS…) to complete system or sub-system design (microwave transceiver, phased-arrays, radars, sensors).
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The offer is then completed with low-volume production, tests and characterization or assistance in technological
transfer to high-volume production.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
We look for System integrator and Commercial partners, or partners for projects. We look also for partners willing to
develop mechanical tracker for satellite flat antennas to be mounted on board of mobile vehicle (see
Targeted field of cooperation
We offer our expertize and capabilities for innovative projects in the telecommunication or detection segment, involving the use of microwave systems and/or RF MEMS, such as novel electronic-scanning antennas for satellite communication (either ground or space segment), new reconfigurable devices based on RF MEMS technology, microwave
imaging technology.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
RF Microtech has conducted has prime three ESA projects (RESKUE, PETIT, MIGNON) and in four has participated as
sub-contractor (MEMOM, MEMTOS, High Reliability MEMS redundancy Switch, Very Large Order Switch Matrices using
MEMS Technology). See
for more details.
In the frame of FP7 projects, RF Microtech has participated as sub-contractor in ARASCOM and MEMSPACK projects.
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Riba Composites
Via Mengolina 22
48018 Faenza
Web site
+39 0546 621598
Org. Type
Participant Details
Andrea Bedeschi
[email protected]
General Manager
Organisation Details
Design & Manufacturing of advanced Composites Parts.
We are manufacturing parts for several sectors. Aerospace, Automotive, Industrial, Marine.
Process type: Autoclave, RTM, Infusion.
Materials: Carbon Fibers (Pan, Pitch), Aramid Fibers, Glass Fibers, Hybrid fibers
Able to perform FEM analisys.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Research and development of Graphene and Carbon Fibers for
Riba Composites is a leader in design and manufacture Composites parts for high performance application (Aerospace, Automotive, Marine, Industry).
Looking for partners in Italy, Germany, France etc. with aerospace applications/products where we can share our
experience with Carbon Fibers reinforced with graphene.
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Use Graphene on carbon fiber composites having additonal functionalities such as: electrical conductivity, enhanced
mechanical properties, gas permeation etc.
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Viale E. Ortolani,194
00125 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Marco Alessandroni
[email protected]
Technical manager
Organisation Details
RMP srl, established in 1986, designs and manufactures mechanical equipments for Scientific Researches.
RMP srl is organized in the following functional areas:
- Design
Manufacturing and Assembly
Tests and Measurements (Inspection)
- Quality Assurance
- Administration
-Marketing and Sales/ Research and Development
Most part of the activities of RMP has been devoted in satisfying
research laboratories needs.
RMP collaborates with industry R&D department designing and
manufacturing prototipes and custom applications.
Major areas can be distinctly identified:
- design and realization of High precision movement stage;
- design and realization of Ultra High Vacuum technologies
- design and realization of Geophysics technologies;
-design and realization of Space technologies;
-design and realization of Neutron technologies;
-design and realization of Art and cultural heritage technologies;
-design and realization of Industry technologies.
Following there are a couple of example work for Space field.
Technical specification:
Vacuum Chamber: inox standard UHV with many ports
Internal shields for heat insulation
and double wall for water coaling
Test zone 200 mm diam x 400 mm
Heating by quarz IR lamps, max total power 3000 W,
PID controlled
Cooling by liquid nitrogen shroud
Type K thermocouples
Vacuum pumping by oil free turbomolecolar pump station
Pressure measurement by Pirani + Penning heads
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designed according to Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
and it is characterized by a high standard of quality.
The tilting trolley is used for the movement of HGAMA
designed and build according to operational needs of the
user. The manual is prepared for technical operator to give
the user the necessary information that will enable the
safe and proper maintenance.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Small scale satellites
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: RMP Srl
RMP srl, established in 1986, designs and manufactures mechanical equipments for Scientific Researches. Most part of
the activities of RMP has been devoted in satisfying research laboratories needs.
RMP srl owns the know how and more than 25 years of
experience in the realization of the UHV mechanics. RMP srl offers his know how to realize the design,manufacturing
and tests of high precision mechanical motion
systems, that can be mounted inside or outside the vacuum enviroment. The assembly guarantees up to six degrees of
freedom position mechanisms
(less than 0.1 μm of linear positioning precision and less than
0.1 μrad of angular one) with the aim of precisely managing the
positions of the elements.
These motion systems can be manually or motor driven with
integrated computer controls.
European and Italian scientific and industrial research.
INNOVATIVE ASPECTS: More than 25 years of experience in designing and manufacturing. Flexibility and organisation
in problem solving. Smart designing and manufacturing (engineerization) of ideas.
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Roma Tre University, Department of Mathematics and
Via della Vasca navale 79
00146 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alberto Paoluzzi
[email protected]
Head of CAD/PLM Lab
Organisation Details
Alberto Paoluzzi manages the research grup and CAD-PLM laboratory of University Roma Tre.
The mission of the Computer-Aided Design program is to promote research and resource sharing between people interested in geometric modeling and visual simulation of engineering and bio-modelling problems. In the last 10 years the
research group has concentrated its efforts on the following areas: functional programming with design languages,
parallel and distributed processing, geometric and solid modeling, computer-aided design and computer graphics for
scientific visualization.
A recent point of interest and collaboration with international groups (From Korea, Japan, USA, and EU) concerns development of new IEEE Standard for Three-Dimensional Model Creation Using Unprocessed 3D Medical Data
( .
Below are some research proposals, all hinged around LAR, a novel algebraic data structure for unification of 3D computer imaging, computer graphics, CAD, scientific visualization, meshing and simulation [1]:
1. GeoScan4D: Monitoring top layers of Earth’s crust, using GPR from satellites and LAR models
2. Cochain-Machine: Streaming Physical Models from High-Resolution Imagery
3. PACS-by-SPACE: Cloud-Based 3D Medical Services Delivered by Satellite
[1] A. DiCarlo, A. Paoluzzi, and V. Shapiro, “Linear algebraic representation for topological structures,” in 2013 SIAM/
ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, November 11-14, 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA. On
Computer-Aided Design, Volume 46, January 2014, Pages 269–274.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
▪ In Space data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
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Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
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Selex ES
A. Einstein 35
50139 Campi Bisenzio
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giampaolo Preti
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Selex ES, a key player in the European Space industry and part of the Finmeccanica group, provides a wide range of
highly reliable solutions for Earth observation, science, planetary exploration, navigation and telecommunication programmes.
The first equipment of Selex ES to be deployed in Space dates back to the 1960’s. Since then Selex ES has developed
and produced qualified space optical assemblies, attitude sensors, RF equipment, photovoltaic assemblies, power conditioning and distribution equipment, robotic arms.
Within the Space Line of Business, Selex ES supplies equipment and payloads to the European Space Agency (ESA), the
Italian Space Agency (ASI), NASA and other international customers.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: space technologies for payloads and equipment
Main areas of expertise
At instrument / sub system level:
- Atomic Clock (Passive Hydrogen MASER)
- Attitude Control Sensors
- Automation & Robotics
- Electro-Optical Payloads for Earth Observation and for Scientific Missions
- Electrical Power Equipment
- Solar Array and PhotoVoltaic Assembly
- Micropropulsion Subsystems
- RF Equipment
Space design, manufacturing and test capabilities:
- Electro-optical technologies
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- Optical technologies
- Electronic technologies
- Fine mechanics and mechanism technologies
- Space AIT/AIV in house capability
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Satellite Primes, Research Institutes / Universities and SMEs
Targeted field of cooperation
Technology development, IOD/IOV opportunities, Space Robotics, Electric Propulsion, Protection from Debris and NEO,
contribution to Space Exploration
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Cooperation with ESA since its foundation.
Currently involved in FP7.
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Selex ES S.p.A
Via Tiburtina Km. 12,400
00131 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Stefano Pasquariello
[email protected]
CTO - International Projects and Grants
Organisation Details
Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, is an international leader in electronic and information solutions for defence,
aerospace, space, security, high-integrity surveillance, network management, information security and mission-essential services.
As a world leader in high technology systems and sensors with extensive experience across a range of sectors and domains, Selex ES is able to meet the diverse needs of customers who require first class solutions.
Within aerospace and defence electronics the company’s experience includes the design and development of tactical
ISTAR systems, C4I infrastructures, electronic warfare equipment and mission critical systems for situational awareness, self-protection, wide-area surveillance and information dissemination.
Selex ES brings similar technologies and skill sets to the security, route management and mission-critical service sectors. These include the control and monitoring of air and maritime traffic, the surveillance and protection of green
and blue borders, robust cyber security, secure communication networks, and the deployment of ’smart’ solutions for
managing complex infrastructures and ‘systems of systems’.
The company’s technical approach is characterised by a focus on through-life solutions that are flexible, adaptable
and responsive across the life cycle. In addition, Selex ES is committed to continuous innovation and invests approximately 17% of annual revenues in research and development.
Alongside core domestic operations and corporate headquarters in Italy and the UK, Selex ES has an established industrial and commercial footprint in the United States, Germany, Turkey, Romania, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, India and the
United Arab Emirates. With a workforce of over 17,000 people and total revenues in excess of €3.5 billion, Selex ES is
entrusted by its customers and partners to deliver solutions for a safer, smarter and more secure society.
Selex ES, as a key player in the European Space industry, provides a wide range of highly reliable products for Earth
observation, science, planetary exploration, navigation and telecommunication programmes.
Selex ES has been a leading player in the Space arena/market for over forty years with the first equipment deployed
in 1960s. Since then, Selex ES has developed and produced qualified space optical assemblies, attitude sensors, RF
equipment, photovoltaic assemblies, power conditioning and distribution equipment, as well as robotic arms. Today,
key products are included in the most important space programmes such as GALILEO, GMES, Cosmo-Skymed, ExoMars
and several ESA/NASA scientific missions.
Selex ES supplies equipment and payloads to the European Space Agency (ESA), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), NASA
and other international customers.
The Florence site space activities date back to the mid-1960s becoming, through the years, a centre of excellence in
developing and producing qualified space optical/IR hyper-spectral and multispectral instruments for monitoring of
the Earth, planets and asteroids and attitude sensors, astronomical telescopes and microgravity experiments.
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The Nerviano site space activities focus on photovoltaic assembly, power conditioning and distribution, robotic systems, drilling and sample manipulation systems devoted to science and planetary exploration, and a wide range of radio frequency equipment including frequency generators, clock generators (Passive Hydrogen MASER) and high power
The Pomezia site is centre of excellence of space technology for laser transmitter.
The Carsoli site is centre of excellence for vacuum technology and optical coating.
In the UK, Space activities are performed in Edinburgh with the SiREUS MEMS Coarse Rate Sensor, and in Southampton
for a range of IR detectors, including high performance cooled mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) and uncooled
triglycine sulphate (TGS) pyro-electric products.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: SELEX ES - Preparing R&D Cooperations
Main areas of expertise
Selex ES, as a key player in the European Space industry, provides a wide range of highly reliable products for Earth
observation, science, planetary exploration, navigation and telecommunication programmes.
Selex ES has been a leading player in the Space arena/market for over forty years with the first equipment deployed
in 1960s. Since then, Selex ES has developed and produced qualified space optical assemblies, attitude sensors, RF
equipment, photovoltaic assemblies, power conditioning and distribution equipment, as well as robotic arms. Today,
key products are included in the most important space programmes such as GALILEO, GMES, Cosmo-Skymed, ExoMars
and several ESA/NASA scientific missions.
Selex ES supplies equipment and payloads to the European Space Agency (ESA), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), NASA
and other international customers.
In details, the main areas of expertise are related to Galileo PRS and ground terminals as well as Space Design, Manufacturing and Test Capabilities in:
- Electro-optical technologies
- Optical technologies
- Electronic technologies
- Fine mechanics and mechanism technologies
- Space AIT/AIV in house capability
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Satellite Primes, Research Institutes / Universities and SMEs
Targeted field of cooperation
Technology development in the above mentioned expertise areas
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Cooperation with ESA since its foundation. Currently involved in FP7
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Selex ES SpA
viale Europa
20014 Nerviano
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Marco Molina
[email protected]
Space LoB Chief Technical Officer
Organisation Details
Selex ES produces payloads and equipments for Space applications, aiming at a continuous innovation in the relevant fields:
- Atomic Clock (Passive Hydrogen MASER)
- Attitude Control Sensors
- Automation & Robotics
- Electro-Optical Payloads for Earth Observation and for Scientific Missions
- Electrical Power Equipment
- Solar Array and PhotoVoltaic Assembly
- Micropropulsion Subsystems
- RF Equipment
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
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Horizon 2020 related: Technology development for equipment and payloads
Main areas of expertise
Products development (Payloads and equipments)
Space design, manufacturing and test capabilities:
- Electro-optical technologies
- Optical technologies
- Electronic technologies
- Fine mechanics and mechanism technologies
- Space AIT/AIV in house capability
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Satellite Primes, Research Institutes / Universities and SMEs
Targeted field of cooperation
Technology development, IOD/IOV opportunities, Space Robotics, Electric Propulsion, Protection from Debris and NEO,
contribution to Space Exploration
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Cooperation with ESA since its foundation.
Currently involved in FP7.
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Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Assembly technologies
Main areas of expertise
Realization of prototypes and samples. Electronic boards assembly and plastic moulding.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Our company works offering abilities and skills in the management of the production processes, thanks, partly with
the use of sysyem techonogically advanced machinery at its disposal to Multinational Companies.
Targeted field of cooperation
Seneca s.r.l. operates in telephony, warm, white and civil sector. The whole production is managed through specific
hadrware and software devices, through which the whole machinery and production flow is planned.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Our company is working in order to make projects and plannings, actually it is searching for new cooperations and
parteners to collaborate with.
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Sigma Consulting
Via Ardito Desio
00131 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Simone Cirocchi
[email protected]
Operations Manager
Organisation Details
Founded in 1998, as an software house company, SIGMA diversified later its activities by entering the markets Defense, Aerospace, and Research & Development with Solar and Biomedical applications. Actually is became a System
Integration Company with experience on the Design of Electronic and ICT Systems (HW and SW) for satellite, avionic,
naval and ground platforms and in the related services such as: Logistic Support, Training and Customer service
The Research and Development (R&D), with a traditional partnership with the University of Rome (Tor Vergata & Roma 3), Aquila, Palermo and CNR Istitute allows SIGMA to provide solutions that are technologically advanced in the
Defence and Space.
SIGMA processes are managed according to UNI EN ISO9001:2008 quality standards
FIELD OF ACTVITIES: Space And Aerospace, Defence, Environmental Monitoring And Protection, Solar Energy
SIGMA Operations are divided into these main areas:Defence & Aerospace, Homeland Security, Research&Development
SIGMA develops Turn-Key Systems on the following main competencies
DEFENCE & AEROSPACE: Flight & Radar Simulators, On-Board Simulator, Avionic Defence Systems; Operation Support
Centers, Ground Station Control for UAV and Aircraft mission, Automation Test Bench
ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING: Radio emissions monitoring System (HW and SW)
ELINT Satellite, COMINT, RADAR, Intelligence Command & Control
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Earth Observation
▪ Security
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Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
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Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Electronic Defence for Space Applications
Main areas of expertise
Design and development of EW systems for defence and aerospace applications.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
We are looking for partner for to develop system and sub-system for Space Programs and research activities.
SMEs and Industries for partecipating at Horizon 2020 programs
Interest in Italy, Central and East Europe.
Targeted field of cooperation
Space, Homeland Security
Space and Defence innovative System and sub-systems.
• Intelligent data fusion algorithms, regarding the supervision of the territory
• Development of an intelligent information management able to support the decision regarding the Electronic
Defence concept in the space environment
• Development of ELINT(Electronic Intelligence) and COMINT (Communication Intelligence) for installation on
board the microsatellite
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Italian Ministery of Defence:
PNRM a2011.190 “Advanced Systems Intercept C-ESM su UAV-APR C-IED”
PNRM a2010.49 “Simulatore Addestramento Difesa Elettronica Configurabile - SADEC”
POR FERS 2077-2013 – FILAS-MI-2011-1012 “Interception and Advanced System Localization Emissions”
PNRM 2013:
Presented in collaboration with Thales Alenia Space one technical proposal for development of an ESM satellite Technology Demonstrator.
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Sigma Consulting
via Cavareno 13
00124 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Carlo Simotti
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Homeland Security, Border control, Territory, waters and building monitoring
Simulation, Command & Control, Mission planning & management
Intelligence, ELINT, SIGINT
Database management
Signal processing, Imaging, Radar, Infrared, Laser, Lidar procesing
Aircrafts, UAV and related on board sensors
Telecommunications: U/VHF, VLF
Electronic Defense systems
Information Mobility management
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
Earth Observation
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
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Simav SpA
Via della Bufalotta, 374
00139 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Icilio Di Luzio
[email protected]
Aerospace & Defence Division Director
Organisation Details
Simav is a leading company specialized in development, designing, implementation and subsequent management of
services for complex systems and structures, applied to Industry, Aerospace & Defense sectors. With peculiar experience in Energy service and Biomass management.
Simav offer:
industrial facility maintenance and running, support to the production processes and integrated management
for the services to the buildings, to the premises and to the staff
management and maintenance for complex systems and infrastructures such as civil airports, military airfi elds
and bases, both in Italy and abroad
sustainable approach to energy and environmental efficiency construction and maintenance of plants for the
production of energy
full management of the supply chain, production and marketing of liquid and solid biomass
Simav has developed and customized its range of services in this sector:
optimization of air-side and land-side maintenance processes using “predictive” methods and cost-effective
advanced technology
maintenance re-engineering processes for demanding and complex systems
peculiar technical-specialist activities, metrology support, and test & validation activities
maintenance services for airfi eld operation equipment and support systems
feasibility studies, statistical researches, consultancy and engineering designs for military and intergovernmental organizations
supply of security Command & control integrated systems for military infrastructures
development of multi-technology and energy applications with an environmentally sustainable approach
Areas of Activity
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▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
▪ From Space data transfer
Space Technology
▪ Radar
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
▪ Security
Space Exploration
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Defence and Aerospace Division, Director
Main areas of expertise
System Engineering, IT Systems, Security
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
European Universities, Reserch Center, European Companies
Targeted field of cooperation
R&D Projects, Space IT Services
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Sirio Microelettronica Srl
Via Giacomo Peroni 400
00131 Roma
Web site
+39 0697605080
Org. Type
Participant Details
Antonio Scatamacchia
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Design and production microwave subsystem for defence applications (radar, missile, elicopter)
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Radar
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Security
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Sirio Microelettronica
Main areas of expertise
Microwave and RF Microelectronic design and production
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
German and Belgium firms space radar communication
Targeted field of cooperation
development and production microwave subsystems
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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S.P. 231 km 1+300
70026 Modugno (BA)
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giovanni Tuccio
[email protected]
Sales and Marketing Manager
Organisation Details
SITAEL S.p.A. is an Italian Medium Enterprise belonging to Angelo Investments holding, a worldwide leading Transportation and Aerospace Group composed by synergic high-tech companies with more than 750 highly skilled employees.
Counting on more than 150 high qualified employees and state-of-the-art facilities, SITAEL is able to cover all the
processes needed for the Design, Development, Production and Qualification of Instruments, Electronics and Microelectronics Systems compliant with high reliability standards.
Furthermore, with the support of selected partners, SITAEL is able to provide turn-key Microsatellites Based Solutions
for Earth Observation Applications and Services.
SITAEL has obtained official ESA/NASA standard certifications in order to guarantee highly qualified processes, increasing the quality of offered products and solutions.
SITAEL has successfully taken part in many International Projects (SENTINEL 3, SWARM, INTEGRAL, MSL-Curiosity,
PAMELA, AMS01/AMS-02, GAIA, ATV), and is currently involved in other International Programs (Orion MPCV, MUSIS
CSO, SENTINEL 1, COSMO Skymed 2nd generation, EarthCARE, ICESat-2, ASTRO-H, CALET, ExoMARS) in colaboration
with the main Space Players (ESA, NASA, CNES, JAXA, ASI, Thales Alenia Space, EADS Astrium, OHB, Selex ES, COM
DEV, RSC Energia).
Quality assurance certifications: EN 9100, ISO 14001:2004, SA8000
Products and services
• Earth Observation Solutions based on Microsatellite Systems (Mission Analysis, Microsatellite Platform and Payload Design and Manufacturing, Launch Management, Services and Applications Management)
• Small Instruments and Advanced Sensors (Optical Payloads, AOCS)
• Electric propulsion (HET and FEEP PPUs)
• Spacecraft Electrical Power (HV, LMV, Specific Power Supplies)
• Control Electronics for Complex Systems (Thermal/Cryogenics, Gyro)
• Spacecraft Data and Communications ( OBC, DPU, TT&C, MMU)
• Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE, UT)
• Rad-tolerant Custom ASICs (AFE for sensors and actuators, Serial buses CTRL & TRX, Coding/Decoding)
• IP Cores for Complex FPGAs (SpW Bridges, MCU, DSP, Cryptography, Radiation Mitigation)
More information are available on the Company website (
Areas of Activity
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Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Business/Technology/Research Cooperation
Main areas of expertise
• Earth Observation Solutions based on Microsatellite Systems: Mission Analysis, Microsatellite Platform and Payload Design and Manufacturing, Launch Management, Services and Applications Management
• Small Instruments and Advanced Sensors: Optical Payloads, SiPM, AOCS, Radiation Detection
• Electric propulsion: HET, FEEP
• Spacecraft Electrical Power: High, Low and Medium Voltage Power Supplies, Specific Power Supplies
• Control Electronics for Complex Systems: Thermal/Cryogenics, Gyro, Electric Propulsion
• Spacecraft Data and Communications: OBC, PDHU, PDP, TM/TC, MMU
• Electrical Ground Support Equipment: SpW/CAN/1553 Multi-bus Boards, HW/SW Unit testers
• Rad-tolerant Custom ASICs: AFE for sensors and actuators, Serial buses CTRL & TRX, Analog Receivers.
• IP Cores for Complex FPGAs: SpW Bridges, MCU, DSP, Cryptography, Radiation Mitigation
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
• Expertise: Software, Robotics, System Integration, Qualification Testing, Silicon and PCB Manufacturing, Mechanical fabrication, nanotechnology, Optics.
• Type: Private Companies (SMEs and LSIs), Research Intitutes and Universities
• Countries: EU and Third Countries
Targeted field of cooperation
Space Weather
Access technologies and characterisation for Near Earth Objects (NEOs)
Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness
Independent access to space
In-Space electrical propulsion and station keeping
Space Robotics Technologies
In-Orbit demonstration/Validation (IOD/IOV)
Bottom-up space technologies at low TRL
Space exploration – Life support
Technology “demonstrator projects” for exploration
Transnational and international cooperation among NCPs
Bringing EO applications to the market
Technology developments for commercial imaging
Passive means to reduce the impact of Space Debris
Space exploration – Habitat management
International Cooperation in space science
SME Instrument Call
Fast track to Innovation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
SITAEL coordinated several FP5 and FP6 projects in other business sectors in the past and is currently coordinating the
following FP7 project, almost completed:
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• DSP for Space Applications DSPACE (FP7 3rd Space Call)
SITAEL has experience, mainly as a prime, in the following ESA research projects:
TRP AO/1-4065/02/NL/EC: CPPS - Central Payload Power Supply For Compact Instrumentation
TRP AO/1-4606/04/NL/JA: IPPM – Integrated Payload Data Processing and Storage System
ECI AO/1-5052/06/NL/CP: EUR1553 Transceiver - ECI (EADS Astrium subco)
LET-SME 2006: SpaceWire Remote Terminal Controller (RTC) Development Suite
TRP AO/1-6105/09/NL/AF: Survey of Critical Components for 150 KRad Power Systems
and is currently leading the following ESA research projects:
• ESA TRP AO/1-6358/10/NL/AF: Latch up protection for COTS memories in space
• ESA TRP AO/1-6722/11/NL/GLC: Receiver Low-Power Analogue Decoder
• ESA ECI AO/1-7155/12/NL/RA: Assessment and Characterisation of Mixed Signal Technology
Moreover, SITAEL has successfully taken part in many International Projects (SENTINEL 3, SWARM, INTEGRAL, MSL-Curiosity, PAMELA, AMS01/AMS-02, GAIA, ATV), and is currently involved in other International Programs (Orion MPCV,
MUSIS CSO, SENTINEL 1, COSMO Skymed 2nd generation, EarthCARE, ICESat-2, ASTRO-H, CALET, ExoMARS) with the
Main Space Players (ESA, NASA, CNES, JAXA, ASI, Thales Alenia Space, EADS Astrium, OHB, Selex ES, COM DEV, RSC Energia).
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Smart Structures Solutions srl
Via Luciano Manara 51
00153 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Fabio Capece
[email protected]
Business Developer
Organisation Details
Smart Structures Solutions s.r.l. is a Spin-Off company of the Mechanical and Aerospace Department of "Sapienza" University of Rome, and by the STAER Sistemi s.r.l. company, leader in the automation and control field.
The main activities of Smart Structures Solutions is the development of integrated systems for the structural monitoring in the engineering field ranging from industrial plant, to transports, telecommunications and aerospace systems. Smart Structures Solutions s.r.l. also develops Energy Harvesting technologies which operate to extract power
from vibrations, electromagnetic fields or other diffuse energy sources. A consulting activity aimed at the design,
analysis and verification, established over many years of experience on international projects, is performed as well,
for different application areas of aeronautical and space systems.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Structural Helth Monitoring of civil infrastructures
Main areas of expertise
Structural Helth Monitoring of civil infrastructures
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Via MArio Carucci, 99
00143 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Roberto Capua
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Earth Observation
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: GNSS Institutional applicationd development
Main areas of expertise
GNSS High Precision Surveys
GNSS Networks and Real-Time High Precision Services development
GNSS Software Defined Radio (SDR) development
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
GNSS application developers, Land Administrations, European
Professionals, Land Surveyors, Italy
Transport Operators, Institutionals (e.g. Customs), European
Targeted field of cooperation
Development of Low Cost, High integrity, authenticated and Guaranteed services for Institutionals.
Land Administrations High Precision Services using GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and EGNOS
Rail Wagons Tracing and Tracking
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Participation to FP6 Projects
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Space Engineering S.p.A.
Via dei Berio 91
00155 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Sebastiano Tirro'
[email protected]
Honorary President
Organisation Details
Space Engineering S.p.A. was founded in 1989 and it is part of the Astrium group since 2012.
The company is active in the Space market in the areas of:
- Consultancy, Technical Support, Design & Development (from System Level to Unit Level)
- Modelling, Analysis and Simulation
- Assembly Integration and Testing (AIT)
- Satellite Terminals
- Advanced Satellite Antennas
For more details:
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Radar
▪ Small scale satellites
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space Engineering S.p.A. (part of the Astrium Group), a company
committed to Satellite Innovation
Main areas of expertise
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Research, Development, Design, Engineering, Prototyping in the field of Space Systems for Telecommunications
and Navigation.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Large Integrators, Public Bodies, Research Institutions, SMEs from EU/Canada.
Targeted field of cooperation
Development of new applications and fixed/mobile services based on Satellite Systems
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Since 1989.
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Space Technologies srl
Viale Combattenti A. d'Europa
45100 Rovigo
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Massimiliano Tordi
[email protected]
General Manager
Organisation Details
Space Technologies srl provides custom opto-mechanical solutions to the aerospace industry. We design and integrate
ground support equipments, which are used by the customers to test prototypes and flight models. We also support
our customers in the preliminary assessment of the optical design (Phase A and Phase B design study) of space instrumentation (cameras, telescopes, spectrographs, illumination devices).
The following table shows a list of projects developed at Space Technologies.
Thales Alenia Space
Simulation tool for laser light propagation through atmospheric turbulence. Preliminary design of optical ground station
Passive satellite for optical communications
MTM Gmbh
Measurement of antenna elongation for acceptance test of ALMA
Alta Space SpA
Non-contact surface metrology in vacuum. Control software of robotic arm (7 DoF), acquisition of environmental parameters, calibration and surface reconstruction software
CISAS –University of Padua
Sun simulator for irradiance test for Bepi Colombo mission
Optical telescope for space surveillance
INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Padua
Large field spectrograph for E-ELT
Support to instrument breadboard design and integration
CISAS - University of Padua
Narrow angle camera thermal design support for JIUCE
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CISAS - University of Padua
Wide angle camera thermal design support for JUICE
CISAS - University of Padua
Vacuum chambers / Thermal control system procurement for Bepi Colombo
INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Padua
Optical design of WAC / NAC for ESA mission Marco Polo R
Optical system design and integration
Thales Alenia Space
Sun simulator for METIS, the coronagraph of Solar Orbiter, an ESA mission devoted to the exploration of the Sun
INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Padua
Support to system integration for LINC / NIRVANA, an instrument of the Large Binocular Telescope
Optical system design and integration
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Optical sensors
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Technologies for satellite optical payloads.
Main areas of expertise
Space Technologies srl is mainly devoted to the design and realization of custom ground support equipments for space
optical systems. Space Technologies srl supports the design and prototyping of optical systems for the space industry.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Companies and research centers involved in the realization of payloads for ISS experiments, small satellites, large
ground support equipments where optical and mechanical systems are foreseen.
Targeted field of cooperation
Development of optical payloads for small EO missions and ISS experiments; early stage design and analysis, prototyping and STM development. Design and development of ground support equipments for PFM and FM evaluation.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Space Technologies srl main projects have been developed in the framework of ASI and/or ESA funded space programs, namely Bepi Colombo, Solar Orbiter, TRP.
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SpaceEXE srl
Via Giacomo Peroni 130
00131 Roma
Web site
+39 3387402907
Org. Type
Participant Details
Mirko Antonini
[email protected]
Organisation Details
SpaceEXE srl is an “Innovative Start-up” as per Italian legislative decree (“decreto sviluppo”), constituted on 04/02/
2013.Its name remarks its mission: the executable of the Space; having as main scope to transfer the research coming
from satellite Navigation and Telecommunication applications to the Sport & Leisure market sector.SpaceEXE has
born as consequence of a consultant activity carried out by Alessandro Di Felice and Mirko Antonini on behalf of ASI
(Italian Sport Association). It was a feasibility study on sport navigation applications, which goals are represented by
the realization of a prototype GNSS dispositive integrated into shinguards: the MESSI System. SpaceEXE has later won
an opportunity issued by Regione Lazio for company start-ups, with the MESSI PLUS project: a co-funded project for
the implementation of a mini-device to be integrated into a soccer ball. The research project (KO on February 2013)
has the scope of completing the MESSI system (shinguards for all players and soccer ball) developing also a first software version. MESSI has been completed and main output are the “integrated shinguard” prototype (GNSS receiver,
battery and antenna) and a preliminary software version. MESSI has been presented at the ESNC 2012 being Finalist at
the ESA Special Prize and Second at the Regional (Lombardy) one; in ESNC 2013 being winner of the Regional (Lombardy) price. SpaceEXE has been incubated by ESA and Bic Lazio starting from 10/2013, scope of the incubation programme is the development of the MESSI HP (High-Precision), project. Main scopes and outputs is to development a
“MESSI High-Precision System”, integrate an accelerometer and relative software adaptation. We believe that HighPrecision will allow to have a “special” offering, able to characterize SpaceEXE in the relative market.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Space Technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: SpaceEXE srl, the EXEcutable of Space
Main areas of expertise
SpaceEXE current market is constituted by sport (specifically Soccer and Cyclism) and entertainment. In particular
professional soccer teams, TV media, sport Medicine. In Italy, in particular, about 30.620.000 people from 15 to 69
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years old declares to be interested in soccer. Regarding the Television market the incident of broadcasting rights on
Soccer is about the 65% for Italian Serie A revenues, 50% for UK Premier League, 38% for Spanish Liga and 32% for German Bundesliga. Recently the interest in new technologies from professional soccer club is rising. They are interested
in monitoring the athlete in order to improve his competitiveness. Moreover, there is the need of tracking soccer players during trainings and official matches for the main following reasons:
to measure athletes performances
to visualize and analyze dynamic statistics on players position and velocity and correlate them
to monitor athletes health status
to support trainers during season preparation
to develop better tactical schemes
Starting from the application (Monitoring of soccer players performances) we can say to have reached a technology: a
wearable GNSS mini-device (including battery and antenna) with some scalable and specific requirements (e.g. realtime, battery duration, communication coverage, etc…). Now we desire to enhance our technology with Galileo open
service. This “SpaceEXE” technology can be adapted in order to match other applications in other markets: for example a rescue team which have to extinguishing a forest fire, monitored in real-time.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Sport equipment producers, TV broadcasters, Videogames producers, Sport Associations or clubs, sport coaches, sport
doctors, experts in microelectronics or miniaturized GNSS antenna.
Targeted field of cooperation
Horizon 2020 partnerships, product distribution, product in integration in sport equipments.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Funds: Spin-Off fund POR/FESR 2007/2013 from Lazio Region (FEB 2013 – FEB 2014), ESA BIC Lazio/ ESA Business incubator (OCT 2013 – APR 2015)
Awards: MESSI (Monitoring Evolution with Soccer Satnav Innovation) System: European Satellite Navigation Competition (Galileo Masters) 2012, Second place regional prize –Lombardy, Finalist ESA prize; COPPI (Cycling Observed with a
Positioning Prototype of Innovation) System: European Satellite Navigation Competition (Galileo Masters) 2013, Winner
regional prize –Lombardy
Patent: MESSI System is patent pending in Italy.
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Sviluppo Lazio S.p.A.
Via V. Bellini, 22
00198 Rome
Web site
+39 06 84568.1
Org. Type
Governmental organization
Participant Details
Donatella Piccione
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Sviluppo Lazio is the regional tool charged with the task of implementing the region’s economic and territorial agendas, promoting business culture, supporting territorial development programmes and participating in infrastructure investment projects even by fostering partnerships between public and private entities. In order to really contribute to
the manufacturing industry, Sviluppo Lazio focuses on acquiring and optimizing European, national and private financial funds to promote the internationalization of the regional economic system and attract foreign investors.
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Promotion of a Networking Pilot Project
Main areas of expertise
Institutional Agency for the internationalisation of regional SMEs'
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Representatives of Tecnological/Aerospace Clusters
Targeted field of cooperation
Implementation of the Guide for the Networking of Technological Skills,, a pilot project for the support of the Aerospace, Aeronautic and Defense sector of Lazio, the region of Rome. The project is promoted by the Lazio Region, through Sviluppo Lazio, within the activities for the internationalization of SMEs’.
The Guide has an interactive feature and a strong international vocation. It is open to Clusters, Associations, Companies and wants to put in contact the regional companies of the Lazio Aerospace Technology District in contact with national and international enterprises.
Purpose of the Guide is:
• To enlarge the competences and products Grid through international networking;
• To cross competences and products to single out Emerging Clusters;
• To identify the lack of competences for the definition of new products coming from the networking of companies and their complementary productions. This would offer products even more complex with greater value
and increase market potential.
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Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Via Franco Becci, 14
00139 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Ciro Formisano
[email protected]
Organisation Details
SYSTEMDESIGN is an High Tech Company providing Research, Engineering and Manufacturing services in the fields of
Renewable Energy, Environmental Monitoring Sensors and Systems, Innovative Instruments and Solutions for Research
Labs, RFID products and Wireless Sensor Networks. Our principal goal is to dedicate our capacities and resources to
the development of the most efficient, intelligent and reliable products and services. Our solutions are a mix of passion, creativity, technique and experience in Electronic Engineering and Products Design. Through studies and research we make the maximum use of the newest technologies for the benefits of our clients. We have active partnerships with Italian and European Universities and Research Centers working for development of Innovative Sensors and
Artificial Olfaction Systems. On May 2011 our last generation of Electronic Nose implementing our proprietary Nadir
technology participated to NASA Shuttle Mission STS-134 and was successfully tested on the International Space Station. Two years ago we designed a complete line of software controlled high precision gas mixers and acquisition devices based on a proprietary innovative control algorithm and technique. A new concept of lab instruments dedicated
to microbiology and cellular culture studies, CDV depositions, carbon nanotubes and thin film solar cells development.
The entire product line was licensed for production and worldwide distribution to MCQ Instruments, our commercial
partner company, and actually some of the most important customers are USA Research Centers and Universities such
us MIT, Berkley and UCLA. Recently we have released an innovative HCPV Solar Energy System rated at 6.2 KWp for
residential and utility scale use that is based on our proprietary high accuracy tracking systems and high efficiency
multi-junction solar cells derived from space applications. During outdoor our HCPV system showed a 32.5% efficiency
in solar energy conversion, more than double compared with standard PV panels. Systemdesign is also involved in R&D
activities on Artificial Vision Systems and development of related new Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. One of our
latest technology and product in this area of activity is a Antisway Systems for harbour cranes and bridge cranes based
on Artificial Intelligence (SAAS) . The same technology can also be applied to: a) Laser welding robot, b) Anti-intrusion
security system, c) Multi-tooled working centre, d) Real time edge detection system.
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
▪ Optical sensors
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Security
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Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Sensor and systems for manned space mission support, electronic
product design
Main areas of expertise:
Gas sensor development, wirlesess sensor network, internet of things, remote management trough cloud infrestructure.
In general SYSTEMDESIGN is able to design complex mechanical and electronic systems and products based on partner/
customer requirements.
Previous experience in space:
SYSTEMDESIGN has already developed a portable sensory system for indoor air quality monitoring based on artificial
intelligence algorithms for space applications (codename NADIR).
NADIR is a compact size, transportable and battery powered unit for air quality monitoring and control. The system is
based on a 8 QMB (Quartz Microbalances) coated with different polymer films. When a particular substance is absorbed into these films the weight of the films grows and the QMB changes his oscillation frequency. Because each
film is made of a different polymer, each one reacts to each substance, or analyte, in a slightly different way. And,
while the changes in frequency in a single QMB be enough to identify an analyte, the varied changes in 8 microbalances produce a distinctive, identifiable pattern, that can be distinguished by the units after performing an initial training.
On May 2011, NADIR participated to NASA Shuttle Mission STS-134 and was successfully tested on the International
Space Station inside the IENOSE (Italian Electronic Nose for Space Exploration) experiment.
Video presentation of NADIR-IENOSE project:
Target partner:
PMI or Reseach Institutes that are interested in gas sensor development, wireless sensor networks, IOT and remote
management on Cloud, or may need enginnering services for product development (mechanical design, electronic design).
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T2 s.r.l.
viale palmiro togliatti 1463
00155 Rome
Web site
+39 06 4081801
Org. Type
Participant Details
Maurizio Molinari
[email protected]
legal representative
Organisation Details
Company organizational structure allows performing a full range of mechanical and electromechanical design activities on-site, performing also an appropriate technical, fabrication and quality control support. During the construction
and implementation phases of each single project, the Mechanical Design Department has the responsibility to review
and monitor the day-to-day work operations and to plan maintenance activities proactively and appropriately.Company workforce is primarily composed of full-time employees, mostly young, constantly trained on the most common and
widespread design tools and also knowledge of a broad range of current systems analysis development tools. All of
these features allow our Company to respond quickly to customer needs and to changes in customer perceptions and
demand in terms of flexibility and responsiveness. T2 Srl is certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 Cert. No. 051. Rev. 4.The
Technical Area is divided into three main Business Departments: Mechanics – Electronics – and Computer Engineering.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Swarm technologies
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: T2 s.r.l. Mechanics – Electronics – and Computer Engineering.
Main areas of expertise Mechanics Area-Space Sector-Avionics and Telecommunications Area-Naval Sector-Industrial
Automation-structural strength calculations-in the field of research
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country): Mechanics Industry -Space Sector-Avionics and Telecommunications AreaNaval Sector-Industrial Automation-structural strength calculations-in the field of research. In Italy - France-GermanyBelgium-United Kindom
Targeted field of cooperation: design and FEM simulation, development and documentation in specific marketplaces
such as telecommunications, aerospace, avionics, naval, in both the military and civilian sectors, as well as for the
manufacturing industry with the production of prototypes or mass production.develops different types of MGSE (Me-
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chanical Ground Support Equipment) designed, built, certified and also reconditioned, specifically for the integration,
testing and transport of satellites and/or special equipments. The activities are carried out in compliance with the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS), and certified according to the standards of the business customer and the Machinery Directive. In addition, this area has a strong know-how in the activities of System/Configuration design of satellites, being able to support all of the specific tasks related to the Payload subsystems, Propulsion,
Structure, Housing Optical Drives, Mirror Sight Line, Mass Properties, including the preparation of all sector specific
documentation ( SDP / TAD / ICD / SIN / GRP / SCD / MST / SBL).develops mechanical modules such as receivers/
transmitters, RF, lights, radar console, etc. develops 3D models and studies of interconnection, network cable, waveguide paths, routes cables passage, Layout analysis for ship control room/station. support and manipulation of different kinds of micrometric samples, within vacuum chambers and ultra high vacuum (UHV).
Experience with ESA / FP projects : program: Iridium, Galileo, Sicral, Bepi Colombo, meteosat, exomars, sentinel,
Athena Fidus, Kazsat, Cosmo, Amos,Kompsat,solar array, globastar,scaffolding
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Tecnologie nelle Reti e nei Sistemi - T.R.S. S.p.A.
Via della Bufalotta 378
Rome 00139
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Mario Mariotti
[email protected]
Institutional relationship manager
Organisation Details
Tecnologie nelle Reti e nei Sistemi – TRS SpA (hereinafter TRS) is a SME specialized in the definition, design, implementation and installation of complex IT systems characterized by high-tech solutions, hardware and software.
Founded in 1983, TRS specialises in providing:
• turnkey IT solutions for complex systems and related applications, such as networking and communications,
work flow management;
• a wide range of off-the-shelf products, in addition to the capability to customize products to the specific
needs of the end users;
• services including system design, software development and hardware components integration and maintenance.
TRS’s main areas of operation are:
• Space: complex technical solution for EGNOS and Galileo programs;
• Transports and Mobility: its cutting edge technology allows TRS to tackle and solve different issues from
tracking to monitoring, to managing of vehicle fleets. TRS is the official supplier of ICS’s (Iniziativa Car Sharing) technological platform, the domestic car sharing service operating in major 11 Italian cities.
• Airports and Meteo: turnkey system for aviation safety, detection and monitoring of relevant weather information;
• Homeland Security: official partner of Finmeccanica group for the realization of Homeland Security Systems;
• Defence Electronics: international projects for naval combat management and air traffic management.
Specifically, TRS gained a sound expertise on these subjects of GNSS domain:
GNSS Standards (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, SBAS)
Safety standards
Multiconstellation PVT (Position / Velocity / Time) computation
Acquisition, tracking and demodulation techniques of GNSS signals
Quality monitoring on GNSS signals, measurements and transmitted data
Integrity issues related to safety-of-life applications
RAIM algorithms applied to single and multiconstellation systems
Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS)
Exploiting of GNSS services in high-safety domains
TRS is UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified since 1994 and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) level 5 certified
since 2012.
The quality of its products and services allowed TRS to create a network of collaboration and projects with large organizations, research institutes and other public and private companies.
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R&D activities are an important asset for TRS, considering the nature of the products and services developed by the
company. The R&D Lab. is equipped with all ICTs facilities and tools to perform advanced studies and to carry out the
planned activities.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Satellite networks
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
▪ Security
▪ Land
▪ Marine
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: GNSS expertise offer
TRS is a SME specialized in providing turnkey IT solutions for complex systems and related applications, offering a
wide range of off-the-shelf products, in addition to the capability to customize products to the specific needs of each
end user. TRS’s main areas of operation are:
Transports and Mobility
Airports and Meteo
Defence Electronics
Homeland Security
Since 2000, the company is very active in the satellite navigation domain. Its first activities were on the assembling,
integration and validation of the EGNOS ground segment, in particular on the RIMS-B and CCF.
Starting from 2004, TRS has been actively involved in all the lifecycle of the National Monitoring System (SNM) of the
Italian SENECA program.
From 2008 and up to 2011, TRS supported former Selex-SI in the design, development, verification and validation of
the entire integrity chain of a GBAS CAT I C4.
R&D activities are a strategic asset for the Company, considering the nature of the products and services developed.
Since 2005, TRS has been performing research activities in the field of GNSS integrity by focusing on GNSS RAIM algorithms. The research started considering the GPS constellation only and then widened to cover existing multiconstellation (GPS+GLONASS) integrity issues. The company is also involved in the development of an high-performances GNSS
SW Defined Receiver (GNSS SDR) sporting a very flexible and highly configurable architecture. The GNSS SDR is able to
acquire, track and decode multi frequencies satellite signals coming for different constellations such as GPS,
The skills mentioned in the GNSS area, are fully supported by TRS long-term knowledge in the field of systems development and systems integration, supported by very well structured development processes certified by the CMMI Level 5 certification acquired in 2012, making the Company an ideal partner for whoever is looking for collaboration opportunities under Horizon 2020 program. TRS is interested in evaluating collaboration opportunities in H2020 Space
calls. The Company can leverage on its expertise in the following technical domains:
GNSS Standards (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, SBAS)
Safety standards
Multiconstellation PVT (Position / Velocity / Time) computation
Acquisition, tracking and demodulation techniques of GNSS signals
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Quality monitoring on GNSS signals, measurements and transmitted data
Integrity issues related to safety-of-life applications
RAIM algorithms applied to single and multiconstellation systems
Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS)
Exploiting of GNSS services in high-safety domains
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telecom italia
viale parco medici 61
00100 rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
luciano arbore
[email protected]
Organisation Details
TLC Company
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite networks
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: IASS & SAAS solutions
Main areas of expertise
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
health institute - ICT company
Targeted field of cooperation
Hospital network
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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TEMIS S.r.l.
Via G. Donizetti 12
20011 Corbetta
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Fabio Gerace
[email protected]
Site Manager
Organisation Details
TEMIS is a SME specialized in the following activities:
- Satellite Payload Data Handling & Transmission (PDT) and related SS (Instrument Interfaces, Data Storage, Data Compression, Data Transmission) Design & Manufacturing
- Automatic Test Equipments (such as SCOESs or full EGSE) Design & Manufacturing
It is currently involved in ESA Programs (MTG, Exomars, Euclid, VERTA) and ASI Programs (CSG, OPSIS).
Areas of Activity
▪ In Space data processing
▪ From Space data transfer
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Partnership for participation to space ESA/Horizon2020 projects
Main areas of expertise
TEMIS is a SME specialized in the following activities:
- Satellite Payload Data Handling & Transmission (PDT) and related SS (Instrument Interfaces, Data Storage, Data Compression, Data Transmission) Design & Manufacturing
- Automatic Test Equipments (such as SCOESs or full EGSE) Design & Manufacturing
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
LSI and SME from all Europe
Targeted field of cooperation
- Satellite Payload Data Handling & Transmission (PDT) and related SS (Instrument Interfaces, Data Storage, Data Compression, Data Transmission)
- Ground Enbedded Processing Facilities
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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It is currently involved in ESA Programs (MTG, Exomars, Euclid, VERTA) and ASI Programs (CSG, OPSIS).
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Via Saccomuro 24
00132 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Gianluca Graglia
[email protected]
Business Development & Sales - Area C, EU H2020,
Navigation Technology and Applications
Organisation Details
Thales Alenia Space has more than 40 years of experience in the design, integration, testing, operation and commissioning of innovative space systems. Featuring cutting-edge technologies, these systems meet the needs of commercial, government, scientific, defense and security customers from around the world.
The satellites and payloads designed by Thales Alenia Space set the global standard for space systems that provide
communications and navigation services, monitor our environment and the oceans, help us better understand climate
change and drive scientific progress.
Thales Alenia Space is also a leading supplier to the International Space Station, and a pivotal player in space systems
designed to explore the Universe.
Thales Alenia Space has been involving in several ESA and FP7 projecton technologies and systems for Telecommunications, Earth Observation Navigation and Science & Exploration as well as Space applications.
Thales Alenia Space is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of communications satellites, platforms and payloads,
whichv account for 50% of its business.
The company offers a complete range of solutions, from high-performance components to turnkey systems.
Thales Alenia Space is the European leader in high-resolution optical and radar (sub-metric) payloads for military, civil or dual-use missions: intelligence gathering, target designation,
meteorology, oceanography, climatology, mapping and crisis management. The world leader in space altimetry.
Thales Alenia Space has always been at the forefront of geolocation solutions in Europe, as the prime contractor for
Egnos, in charge of producing this navigation overlay system. Thales Alenia Space is also a key partner on Europe’s
Galileo satellite navigation system, as prime contractor for the system and the Ground Mission Segment (GMS).
Thales Alenia Space has always been av pivotal partner in Europe’s missions to explore our Solar System. The company
has integrated orbiters, produced sub-surface radars, and above all designed the Huygens probe, a world first, which
explored the atmosphere of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. Thales Alenia Space is also prime contractor for ExoMars, and for Herschel and Planck, the largest space observatories ever built in Europe. In addition, TAS developed
Corot, the French “exoplanet” hunter, and is working on the Alma radiotelescope array in Chile.
Thales Alenia Space has supplied fully half of the pressurized volume of the International Space Station, including
Nodes 2 and 3, the Multipurpose Pressurized Logistics Modules (MPLM), the Cupola and the structure for the Columbus
laboratory, as well as the Integrated Cargo Carriers (ICC) for the ATV spacecraft that ferry supplies to the Space Station.
Thales Alenia Space also makes the Pressurized Cargo Modules (PCM) for the Cygnus resupply vessel, in partnership
with Orbital Sciences, and is gearing up for future programs as prime contractor for ESA’s IXV and Expert reentry
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Advanced electronics from Thales Alenia Space represents about half of the avionics used on the Ariane 5 launcher. In
addition, the company is the only European subcontractor on the Russian Soyuz launchers now being operated from
the GuianaSpaceCenter in French Guiana, as supplier of the European range safety kit.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
▪ In Space data processing
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: EGNSS technologies; Infrastructures for EGNSS applications;
NVCOMM techniques & technologies. Sectors: Space, Land, Transport, Health.
Main areas of expertise
TAS has strong and recognised expertise in EGNSS systems development (EGNOS and Galileo) as well as EGNSS terminals/receivers manufacturing. TAS has leaded several RTD activities since FP6 and in ESA for developing EGNSS infrastructures for EGNSS systems verification/validation, for enabling EGNSS applications/services in the domain of transport (Automotive, Aeronautics; Rail, Maritime) and Health, for high accuracy surveying (land and infrastructure) and
monitoring for emergency lifecycle management. TAS is European leader in EGNOS/Galileo Ground Segment Reference
Receivers and in Time Synchronisation and Timing being the designer and developer of Galileo Precise Timing facilities. It has participated also to several projects for standardisation an certification of GNSS terminals, protocols, applications and methods. TAS is European leader in the development of satellite on-board EGNSS receivers for orbit determination as well as for scientific applications such as Atmospheric Sounding and Radio Occultation.
Target partner & Targeted field of cooperation
TAS is looking forward to cooperating with industrial and institutional partners as well as local authorities and associations:
Companies targeting innovative and marketable GNSS applications
SMEs, University and Research Centres strongly specialised in RTD activities for innovating products
Service providers already facing the GNSS market
Communication agencies already involved in promotion activities inside or outside of the EU
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The targeted cooperation aims to build a value chain where TAS, supported by strong partners, can express its potential for providing GNSS tchnologies and infratructures as well as E2E solutions to both national and international context
In particular:
In particular:
• For Health R&D we are looking to cooperate with EU GNSS chipset manufacturers; we would like to collaborate with University/Research Centres for high accuracy algorithms and indoor navigation, providers of map
with specific contents as well as SME or research centres involved in and realization of products for disabled
people. We would like to establish cooperation with Local authorities and category associations together with
Service providers for implementing Pilots and Demonstration on the territory
• For Integrated Navigation & Communications technologies we are looking for SME with skill and heritage in radio frequency and University/Research Centres skilled in on DSP/algorithms. Moreover, for Aeronautic sector,
we are looking for an ANSP or company/research institution collaborating with it, for having available an
aeronautical platform and set up a demonstration projects. Satellite communication service providers and
airport service provider are looking for too.
• Concerning terminal & receivers we are interesting to collaborate with university and research centres on receiver signal processing, navigation processing algorithms and techniques. Possible collaborations with SMEs
are on ground receiver production facilities, servicing and customer support activities of receiver terminals.
• Concerning infrastructure enabling applications for land and transport we are interested to cooperate with
Industry, SME and Institution for implementing a verification/validation infrastructure for next GNSS based
Experience with ESA / FP projects
TAS as major market player for GNSS systems has a long-term experience in EC (since FP6) and very good relationship
with ESA being the Prime Contractor of several Missions and Projects.
Main projects involving TAS for EGNSS:
EGNSS System: EGNOS; GNSS Comparative System Study, GALILEO Definition, Galileo IOV, Galileo FOC, EGNOS and
Galileo Evolution Programme,
Technology & Infrastructure for applications: MONITOR, VeRT, Giroads, GRAIL, GRAIL2, Gacela, INCLUSION,
Navigation&Communication Technology: Newsky, SANDRA, SDLS, SANDRA, DNF, SAMARA, ICOS HEO for ATM, ANTARES,
Time & Synchronisation: GSTB-V2, HARRISON, GALILEO Precise Timing Facility 1 and PTF 2.
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TIS innovation Park - Cluster Civil Protection & Alpine Safety
Siemens 19
39100 Bolzano-Bozen
Web site
+39 0471 068116
Org. Type
Governmental organization
Participant Details
Sebastian Mayrgündter
[email protected]
Cluster Manager
Organisation Details
Core competence civil protection & alpine safety
Avalanches, falling rocks and mountain emergencies are dangers lurking in the Alps. For generations now South Tyrol
has been able to call on its own special expertise and competence in the areas of civil protection and alpine safety.
However, South Tyrol companies specialising in these fields are dependent on technological innovations in order to remain competitive in the global market place. The Civil Protection & Alpine Safety Cluster was set up in TIS innovation
park at the end of 2010 precisely in order to strengthen and secure the competitiveness of companies working in the
civil protection sector.
• The Civil Protection & Alpine Safety Cluster is your partner for sustainable development in all matters to do
with risk management, hazard prevention and regeneration
• In the cluster, we concentrate on three areas of risk: tourism, transport and telecommunications. We facilitate communication between public offices, businesses and volunteers.
• Working closely with international partners is one of our cluster priorities. We identify trends and ensure that
products and services capable of minimising or even cutting out alpine risks are recognised and accepted
TIS innovation park
Promoting networks of companies and facilitating information exchange, supporting firms when adopting innovating
measures as well as enhancing a culture of innovation – these are the stated aims of TIS innovation park. Working
practices adopted by TIS innovation park include constant knowledge and technology transfer (My input), Networking
(My network), product and market development (My product) as well as initiating and setting up innovative and
technology-oriented companies (My office).
2013 OSERA “Open Solutions for enhanced Situation Awareness and efficient Emergency Response Actions in Mountainous Regions” - Advice and support for Teleorbit GmbH Winner of the first german award of the Integrated Application
Promotion (ESA IAP) Programme
2011 - 13 Interreg IV Italy - Austria 5265 SUMMIT - Safety for Users on the mountain area by Management of risks and
innovative technologies. Lead partner - The project activities include the analysis of the risks of activities in the winter and mountain sports and the testing of innovative technologies and systems. More information:
2013 - 14 ESF project 2/42/2013 - Feasibility study for a master in civil protection and riskmanagement. Lead partner
- The project develops the ability of the University of Bolzano - Bozen to contribute to the life long learning goal by
improving the local capacities to handle natural risks.
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2011 - 13 Interreg Alpine Space ENERBUILD. Partner - With focus on major infrastructures the project develops the capacities of SME's, professionals and applied research to improve energy efficiency and renewable energy in the construction sector in alpine areas. Further information:
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Optical sensors
▪ Radar
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Tecnologies: risk-prevention & emergency for tourism, transport
and telecommunications
Main areas of expertise
• The Civil Protection & Alpine Safety Cluster is your partner for sustainable development in all matters to do
with risk management, hazard prevention and regeneration
• In the cluster, we concentrate on three areas of risk: tourism, transport and telecommunications. We facilitate communication between public offices, businesses and volunteers.
• Working closely with international partners is one of our cluster priorities. We identify trends and ensure that
products and services capable of minimising or even cutting out alpine risks are recognised and accepted
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
• SME's
• Applied research
Targeted field of cooperation
Safe data handling & communication in remote areas
Positioning & tracking
Experience with ESA / FP projects
2013 OSERA “Open Solutions for enhanced Situation Awareness and efficient Emergency Response Actions in Mountainous Regions” - Advice and support for Teleorbit GmbH Winner of the first german award of the Integrated Application
Promotion (ESA IAP) Programme
2013 Technology companies meet at the Civil Protect. Symposium within the framework of the trade fair "Civil Protect
2013" in Bolzano-Bozen to find out about the state of the art and to develop future joint projects.
2011 - 13 Interreg IV Italy - Austria 5265 SUMMIT - Safety for Users on the mountain area by Management of risks and
innovative technologies. Lead partner - The project activities include the analysis of the risks of activities in the winter and mountain sports and the testing of innovative technologies and systems. More information:
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2013 - 14 ESF project 2/42/2013 - Feasibility study for a master in civil protection and riskmanagement. Lead partner
- The project develops the ability of the University of Bolzano - Bozen to contribute to the life long learning goal by
improving the local capacities to handle natural risks.
2011 - 13 Interreg Alpine Space ENERBUILD. Partner - With focus on major infrastructures the project develops the capacities of SME's, professionals and applied research to improve energy efficiency and renewable energy in the construction sector in alpine areas. Further information:
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Via Scapaccino, 2
36015 Schio
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Luca Secco
[email protected]
Managing Director
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
Consultant services and technology products development, especially in the energy fields including solar power
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Cooperation Profiles
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Via Palizzi 107
80127 Napoli
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Gennaro Russo
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Technology Transfer
Hi-Tech Engineering Support
Space Tourism
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Launcher
▪ Small scale satellites
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Satellite Navigation
▪ GNSS evolution
Space Exploration
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Technology Transfer and Design of High Tech Advanced Trasportation Means
Main areas of expertise
Even being a start up, TRANS-TECH benefits of the almost 30-year experience of the founding partners in the aerospace field. In particular, a strong sinergy has been created by combining the R&D institutional heritage of one partner with the well known business development capabilities of the other partner. Space reentry systems, in-flight experimental flying test beds, aeronautical components and sub-systems, earth-air and air-air missiles, are examples of
applications of the expertise of Trans-Tech people. Hypersonics, Aerothermodynamics, Thermal Protection Systems,
Ultra High Temperatre Ceramics Hot Structures are examples of technologies on which Trans-Tech personnel have a
world-wide recognised knowledge.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Air-breathing propulsion systems for very high speed aircraft oriented to point-to-point super-hypersonic flight as well
as space tourism capabilities. Companies form UK, F and G are certainly a target.
Targeted field of cooperation
TBCC and RBCC air-breathing propulsion systems. But also hot structures and materials.
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Experience with ESA / FP projects
Trans-Tech is a start up and as such deos not have direct involvement yet in ESA and FP projects. However, the founding fathers and personnel of the company have 30 year experience in several ESA and FP projects, mostly dealing with
aircrafts and spacecrafts.
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Umberto Pernice
viale michelangelo 2315
90135 palermo
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Umberto Pernice
[email protected]
Senior Project Manager
Organisation Details
Working knowledge embracing a wide range of EU programs (e.g. 7FP, CIP, Civil Protection Instruments, Tenders from
different EC-DGs) and different but complementary research areas (Space, ICT, Environment, Environmental Technologies)
Business analysis and business modelling for cutting-edge technologies-based products and services (ICT, Internet of
Things, remote sensing) and cloud computing deployment models; methodologies and tools for evaluating uptake of
innovative products; strategies for addressing innovation management and technology transfer of the geo-spatial services & products in the public and private sectors. Benchmarking methodologies for technology-based products and
services also in the GMES area. User and functional requirements analysis skills. Dissemination strategies and methodologies engaging end-users and stakeholders. Web portals and Web-based tools and social media for better managing
dissemination and collaborative research activities.
Managing projects, dissemination and exploitation activities in several FP7 projects.
Areas of Activity
Earth Observation
▪ Emergency
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Umberto Pernice
Main areas of expertise
Project Manager, Business Consultant, and Expert on EU Environmental and Space Policies. Expert on Collaborative Innovation. Working knowledge embracing a wide range of EU programs (e.g. 7FP, CIP, Civil Protection Instruments,
Tenders from different EC-DGs) and different but complementary research areas (Space, ICT, Environment, Environmental Technologies). Organised, participated and managed projects and activities. Experienced in Exploitation and
Dissemination activities of EC projects. Solid practice of business planning, remote-based management and collaborative working tools, communication strategies for scientific knowledge to wider audiences.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Expertise: Project Coordinators looking for partners expert in exploitation and dissemination activities. Type: Universities, Research Institutes, Enterprises, SMEs, Local Authorities, other Public Bodies. Country: anywhere in Europe,
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Targeted field of cooperation
Emergency Response management. Copernicus downstream services.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Involved in Exploitation and dissemination activities as a Partner in the FP7 LAMPRE:
In-house consultant in the following projects: FP7-CATCH - Carbon Aware Travel Choices in the Climate-friendly World
of Tomorrow (for Project Management, Exploitation and Dissemination tasks); FP7-ISTIMES - Integrated System for
Transport Infrastructures surveillance and Monitoring (for Management and RTD tasks); FP6-BRICKS - Building Resources for Integrated Cultural Knowledge Services (for Exploitation and Dissemination tasks); FP6-DBE - Digital Business Ecosystems (for RTD and Exploitation tasks).
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Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Via Eudossiana 18
00184 Roma
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Giuliano Coppotelli
[email protected]
Organisation Details
I am working for the department of mechanical and aerospace engineering. The main activities covered in the space
field are space structures, systems, flight mechanics, propulsion, aerodynamics. The number of faculties in the department are about 60.
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Swarm technologies
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
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University La Sapienza of Rome - Astronautic, Electric and
Energy Engineering Department
via Eudossiana 18
00184 ROME
Web site
(39) 06 49919758
Org. Type
Participant Details
Mario Marchetti
[email protected]
Head of Astronautic, Electric and Energy Engineering Department
Organisation Details
web site
SASLab (Scientific Aerospace Solutions Laboratory)
DIAEE SasLab is a laboratory of the University La Sapienza of Rome legally administrated by Astronautic Electric and
EnergeticDepartment (DIAEE). This laboraory collaborates with several aeronautical and aerospace italian companies
and national and international scientific agencies: Alenia Aeronautca, Thales Alenia Space Italia, Agusta, ASI, CIRA,
AVIO, CSM, SELEX, ENEA, ESA, INFN, Aero Sekur, Sistema Compositi, Umbra Cuscinetti, SegreDifesa, NTT Group,
Trelleborg, Galileo Avionica, Astrium, Alenia Aermacchi, Aeronautical Service.
The use of SASlab testing equipment by industry fosters an excellent know-how exchange and technology transfer between the institute and companies working in the field. Scientific responsible of SASLab is Prof. Mario Marchetti full
professor at the School of the Aerospace Engineering of the University La Sapienza of Rome.
The SASLab Team is copmposed by Scientist and Aerospace Engineers, with a great Experience in advanced technology
research and testing.
SASLab Team also trains pre-graduate students in ist laboratories in order to provide a qualified scientific and technical education.
SASLab main reseach interests are in:
Aerospace Structures and Materials, Testing and Design:
> Mechanical Test;
> Thermal Test;
> Space Environment Test;
> Mars Environment Simulator;
> Atomic Oxigen Simulator;
> Outgassing Test ;
> Microwave characterization of nanostrucutred composite material;
> Microwave Shielding Structures (MSS) design;
> Radar Absorbing Structures (RAS) design;
> Radar Absorbing Material (RAM) design;
> Genetic algorithm in design and optimization process of the MSS, RAS, RAM structures;
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> Particle Swarm Optimization in design and optimization process of the MSS, RAS, RAM structures;
> Winning Particle Optimization in design and optimization process of the MSS, RAS, RAM structures;
> Syntesis of Carbon Nanotube (CNT);
> Characterization of nanomaterial;
> Functionalization ofo Carbon Nano Tube;
> Polyimeric composite reinforced;
> Nanostrucutred coating of Carbon-Carbon composite;
> Manufacturing of nanostrucutred thin film;
> Eletromagnetic test of nanostrucutred composite;
> Scanning Electron Microscope for nanostrucutred composite analysis;
Composite Technology
> Study of the Basic materials(polymers, curing agents,fibers);
> Material compound definition;
> Development of the thecnological procedure;
> Numerical and FEM analisys of the designed aerospace element;
> Experimental characterization of the basic materials, composite sample and strucutres.
Material for Hot Structures
Desing and Numerical Analisys
Quality Assurance
SASLab main activities are:
Design & Development of Technologies and Processes for innovative Space Materials:
> Materials for thermal protection systems (Carbon/Carbon Laminate and Sandwich)
> CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) Technique for Nanotubes and Coatings
> Photopolymerization of Composite materials in Simulated Space Environment
> RTM Technology for 3D Composites and Iso/Anisogrid Structures
Design & Development of Space Structures
Inflatable Structures
Re-entry TPS Systems
Antennas, Waveguides and Impact Protection Structures
Booms and Tribological mechanisms
Moon Descending Modules
Ground Simulation of Spacecraft-Environment Interactions
Vacuum and Thermal Cycling Effects
Atomic Oxygen and UV Effects
Outgassing Effects
Mechanical Characterization of Advanced Materials: Tensile
> Compression
> Shear
> Burst/Puncture
> Fatigue
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Small scale satellites
Space Exploration
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
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University of Bari
Via Orabona 4
70126 Bari
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Savino Longo
[email protected]
Full professor
Organisation Details
Leading institution of the FP7 "Phys4Entry" project
Astrochemistry, astrobiology
Modeling of ion-neutral transport in space plasmas
Laser analysis of space matter-meteorites
High energy atom beam, negative ions sources, nuclear fusion
Using artificial neural network to fit molecular data
Expertise in Monte Carlo methods: development, teaching, new solutions
Space plasmas: kinetics
Areas of Activity
▪ Simulation software
Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space materials and plasma dynamics
The group of S.Longo in the University of Bari is involved in numerical simulation in several space-related areas,
namely rarefied gas flows, plasma dynamics, material modeling.
The group has been involved in space related FP and ESA project, like the FP7 "phys4entry"
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University of Calabria
via bucci
87036 Rende (Cosenza)
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Assunta Tavernise
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
The Evolutionary Systems Group (ESG), directed by Eleonora Bilotta and Pietro Pantano, localized at the University of
Calabria and composed of scientists of several different regions, operates in a broad scientific area characterized by
interdisciplinarity, new models and new paradigms. ESG aims at promoting scientific interchange and high formation
in various specific fields, such as: Robotics;Complexity and Emergence; Cultural Industry; Mathematical Modelling; Micro- and Nano-Electronics; Educational Technologies. The focus of recent researches is on the developing of non-linear
brain dynamics to be embodied into cognitive robotic agents to use in space, in order to endow them with advanced,
multimodal, real-time perception processes. The collaboration with the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering and in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Arizona is in
its initial stage. For more information, please visit
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Evolutionary Systems Group - University of Calabria
Main areas of expertise
Evolutionary Systems Group (ESG) is a research group operating at University of Calabria (Italy) in a broad scientific
area characterized by interdisciplinarity, and composed of scientists of different Italian regions. ESG aims at promoting scientific interchange and high formation in various specific fields, such as: Robotics; Complexity and Emergence;
Cultural Industry; Mathematical Modelling; Micro- and Nano-Electronics; Educational Technologies. The collaboration
with the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering and in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Arizona has started few months ago. For more information please visit the
following site:
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Target partners could be companies or centres of research expert in the realization of Robotic prototypes to use in
Targeted field of cooperation
Our aim is to begin a collaboration that could be carried on in different projects. In the cooperation, ESG could develop non-linear brain dynamics to be embodied into cognitive robotic agents in order to endow them with advanced,
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multimodal, real-time perception processes, by using Cellular Neural Networks and non-linear Partial Differential
Experience with ESA / FP projects
The group has participated in many national and international project (not ESA/FP).
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University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Via Eudossiana 18
00184 Rome
Web site
Geodesy and Geomatics Division - University of
Rome "La Sapienza"
Org. Type
Participant Details
Andrea Nascetti
[email protected]
Post Doc
Organisation Details
The Imagery & Remote Sensing research group
• Mattia Crespi – Professor of Positioning and Geomatics
• Paola Capaldo – Post Doc
• Francesca Fratarcangeli – Post Doc
• Andrea Nascetti – Post Doc
• Martina Porfiri – Ph.D Student
Main present researches
1. applications of optical and radar (Synthetic Aperture Radar-SAR) High Resolution Satellite Imagery (HRSI) for Digital
Surface Models and orthophotos generation (Photogrammetric Remote Sensing)
2. applications of low-cost range cameras (e.g. Microsoft Kinect) for 3D close range modeling
HRSI Photogrammetric Remote Sensing applications:
• sensor orientation models (rigorous and RPC)
• matching strategy (patent pending)
• software implementation
• DSM generation & validation
• imagery orthorectification
Low-cost range cameras applications:
• sensor calibration
• accuracy assessment
• software implementation
SISAR (Software per Immagini Satellitari ad Alta Risoluzione)
The availability of new high resolution optical and radar spaceborne sensors offers new interesting potentialities for
the acquisition of data useful for the generation of Digital Surface Models (DSMs). The achievable accuracy level of a
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DSM is strictly related both to the image orientation and to the matching process. In SISAR both rigorous and RPFs
models are implemented, with a specific tool for the terrain-independent Rational Polynomial Coefficients (RPCs) generation. The software manages the imagery acquired by several optical sensors (EROS A, Ikonos, QuickBird, Cartosat-1, WorldView-1 and WorldView-2, GeoEye-1) and by COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR-X, RADARSAT-2 SAR sensors.
Therefore, in SISAR, an advanced matching method based on a coarse-to-fine hierarchical solution with an effective
combination of geometrical constrains (based on the rigorous model and the RPCs generation tool) and an Area Base
Matching (ABM) algorithm has been embedded.
Summarizing SISAR is a scientific software able to produce DSMs from the most common optical and SAR imagery and
to generate RPCs for possible use even within other commercial software.
The two main features that characterize the innovations within SISAR are the RPCs generation tool and the matching
• The RPCs can be an useful tool in place of the rigorous model in processes both for the image orthorectification/
geocoding and for the DSMs generation. Therefore, the possibility to generate RPCs starting from a rigorous model
sounds of particular interest since, at present, the most part of SAR imagery and some of optical ones are not supplied
with RPCs, although the RPFs model is vailable in the most used commercial software
• Thanks to the developed robust and reliable matching algorithm it is now possible to use new high resolution satellite imagery to extract DSMs with good accuracy even in area with complex morphologies and with different land covers
• At present, thanks to high resolution SAR imagery (ground resolution-GSD up to 1 m), the SISAR radargrammetric
stereo-mapping approach is likely to become a serious alternative to interferometry for DSMs generation from SAR imagery. In this respect it has been already demonstrated the possibility to generate DSMs even over open and forested
area, characterized by low coherence, with just a couple of images reaching an accuracy around five meters
Target market
DSMs have been of large relevance in many engineering, land planning and environmental applications for a long
time. At present the data required for the generation of DSMs can be acquired by several sensors/techniques, among
which airborne LiDAR, aerial photogrammetry, optical and radar spaceborne sensors play the major role. In this respect, the availability of new high resolution optical and SAR spaceborne sensors offers new interesting potentialities
for DSMs generation, among which low cost, speed of data acquisition and processing and independence from logistic
difficulties. It has to be underlined the fast generation capability of SAR systems like Cosmo-SkyMed and TerraSAR-X
due to their very short revisit time and night-and-day and all-weather functionality.
Customer benefit
Public administrations in charge of mapping as well as all civil protection departments and also international agencies
devoted to security and emergencies management can take advantage of the orthorectification and the DSMs generation facilities based on high resolution optical and SAR data. High resolution satellite imagery are now available in different formats and processing levels at an affordable price, so that they already represent a possible alternative to
aerial imagery, especially for areas where the organization of photogrammetric surveying may be critical for logistic difficulties.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Space Technology
Satellite technology
Optical sensors
Earth Observation
▪ Emergency
▪ Land
Cooperation Profiles
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Horizon 2020 related: Geodesy and Geomatics Division - Univesity of Rome "La Sapienza"
Main areas of expertise
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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University of Rome "La Sapienza"
VIa Ariosto 25
00185 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Andrea Fiaschetti
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Space Research in H2020
Main areas of expertise
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Targeted field of cooperation
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Via Tiburtina 1020
00156 Rome
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Walter Matta
[email protected]
Organisation Details
Vitrociset was formed in 1992 from the merger of two Italian Companies, Vitroselenia and Ciset, both Companies already had a specific thirty-year experience in design and development of complex electronics and information-technology systems.
Vitrociset is an important national and European resource active in design, development, integration and management
of electronics and IT systems, in both civil and military fields, for private companies, public administrations, as well
as government and international organizations. In addition Vitrociset ensures high value-added 24-hour-round-theclock services, non-stop all the year round.
Vitrociset areas of activity range from defence, aerospace, air traffic control and environmental systems through
satellite technology and telecommunications to transport, info-mobility and information technology.
VITROCISET plays a key role in the Research, Technology and Innovation, and it is a winner competitor in the R&D
competitive calls issued by National and EU/NATO organizations, operating in an excellent European network composed by universities, research centers, SMEs and big companies. VITROCISET is also involved in the current Research
& Technology Platforms for defining the Strategic Research Agenda, as well as in the Industrial Advisor Study Group
funded by NATO RTO.
Areas of Activity
▪ Satellite data processing
▪ Simulation software
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Swarm technologies
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Vitrociset’s Aerospace Background and Experience
Aero Defence: Vitrociset provides the national and international customers with products and services specifically developed to meet technical, operational, logistics and administrative requirements. Among its major aero defence cus-
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tomers, it is worth mentioning: Italian Air Force, NATO Agencies (Namsa, Netma), Royal Saudi Air Force, Eurofighter
Consortium and Lockheed Martin. Vitrociset has gained experience and skills in this segment by supplying turn-key
maintenance and logistics activities for weapons systems, telecommunications and IT systems, providing also full management support for complex “mission-critical” systems. A significant example is the Fire Test Range at Salto di Quirra (PISQ) in Sardinia, Italy, used by the Italian MOD for training purposes and experimental trials on Aircraft, Missile,
Weapons and Electronic Warfare Systems. For Logistics systems, Vitrociset has developed SILEF (Logistics Information
System of the Italian Air Force) for the management of all complex defence systems such as aircraft (Eurofighter, Tornado, AMX), radars and helicopters, as well for personnel, salary and ordinary material management software utilities.
In Meteorology domain, Vitrociset has developed and integrated complex weather-data collection and processing systems cooperating with the Italian MOD as support to air navigation and flight safety. Vitrociset is a key partner of
Lockheed Martin in the F-35 (JSF) program.
ATC (Air Traffic Control): Vitrociset has acquired high-level skills and proven experience in its traditional domain
ATC, providing “state of the art” solutions based on advanced technologies. Vitrociset’s major customers include national and international ATC providers, as well as International Agencies as Eurocontrol and ICAO. Systems and services, as “Turn-key” systems, for air navigation services and area/airport ATC centres are FDP, ATC Simulators, CWP
Console, Audio & Video Recording systems, AMHS, AFTN, AIS, Communication systems (ground-air, radio links, LANs),
Mobile Air Traffic Control towers, Systems for ground checks of nav-aid operational parameters, Mobile runway lighting systems (AVL/M), Airport meteorological (LLWAS, AWOS, SADIS, ATIS, SICAM, IWS) and Airport ground-traffic management (APRON) systems.
Space: Vitrociset’s activity in the space market dates back to 1982 with the awarding of a turnkey contract for the
ESA (European Space Agency) Redu Tracking Station during the diversification process to extend its core business to
new emerging sectors. The gradual and constant expansion of its offer to the key players of the sector (ASI, CNES, Arianespace, MOD and Satellite Operators) has required the diversification of its products and services. An example is the
development of essential components of the User Segment in the HELIOS mission, as well as of the SICRAL satellite
communication system and the ESA Simulators and Control Centres. Since the early 1990s, the Company has been active in the launch site of French Guyana, in all operating centres of the ESA (ESOC, ESTEC, ESRIN), in the ground segment of the HELIOS and subsequently SICRAL missions, at the CNES, in Toulouse, for the control of ATV missions. Vitrociset develops Satellite Navigation Systems for air and maritime transport based on GALILEO and EGNOS as well as
multi-technology applications. The reliability and quality demonstrated by Vitrociset in the space market have entailed an important growth of its role in the design and integration of Major Systems, as the full responsibility in the
deployment of the VEGA carrier launch site in Kourou, French Guyana and significant components of the Soyouz
Research & Development: Vitrociset plays a key role in the Research, Technology and Innovation, and it is a winner
competitor in the R&D calls issued by National and EU/NATO organizations, operating in an excellent R&T European
network composed by universities, research centers, SMEs and big companies. Vitrociset is involved in the current Italian Research & Technology Platforms for defining the Strategic Research Agenda, as well as in the Industrial Advisor
Study Group funded by NATO RTO. One of the main R&D sector in aerospace is the CBM (Condition Based Maintenance)
based on PHM (Prognostic Health Management), participating in the Integrated Teams at Lockheed Martin for the software development of PHM systems/tools for JSF; it awarded the EDA (European Defence Agency) JIP-ICET 1^ call with
the project “HECTOR - Helicopter fuselage Crack monitoring and prognosis through on-board sensor network”, and it
is a member of ACARE (Advanced Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe) ITALIA.
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Aviation Valley
35-959 Rzeszów
Web site
+48 17 850 19 35
Org. Type
Participant Details
Adrian Huta
[email protected]
Organisation Details
The Aviation Valley Association was set up on April 11, 2003, as a non-profit organization, as a means to furthering the
rapid development and growth of the aerospace industry in southeastern Poland. This historic decision was conceived
by a group of leading aeronautic producers, suppliers and businessmen. The objectives of the Aviation Valley Association: 1.The organization and development of a low cost supply chain. 2.The creation of favorable conditions in order
to enhance the development of aerospace industry enterprises in this region. 3.The further development of aerospace
research, aptitude and skill. 4.The cooperation with universities of technology, which would promote new ideas and
scientific research within the aerospace industry. 5.The promotion of the Polish aerospace industry. 6.The protection
of enterprise and businesses in the aerospace industry. 7.The influence on the Polish government’s economic policy
towards the aerospace industry and its domain. The Aviation Valley Association currently represents 112 companies
within the region, with several others in the process of applying for membership.
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Aviation Valley
Main areas of expertise
Cluster competencies are as follows: design and service of airplanes and airplane parts, production of auxiliary devices, aviation related services, including electronics, research, training staff for aviation, joint implementation of innovative projects, support for the development of the industry as well as lobbying. Cluster’s coordinating entity is the
Aviation Valley Association.
Target partner and field of cooperation
1. We are looking for partners / customers / suppliers for cluster members (aviation industry)
2. Potential investors (aviation industry)
3. Partners for the cluster at the organizational level
Experience with ESA / FP projects
FP7 experience - CARE Clean Aerospace Regions
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Nab. Chernoj Rechki 41B
197342 Saint Petersburg
Web site
+7 812 4962217
Org. Type
Participant Details
Anna Joukova
[email protected]
Project Manager
Organisation Details
SMW Engineering was established in Russia in 1996 with a focus on metallurgical engineering, EPCM project coordination and development, and raw materials extraction and processing.
Until 2003 SMWE was affiliated with Solikamsk Magnesium Works, Russia's oldest magnesium smelter and research facility (producer of magnesium and its alloys, titanium sponge, chemical and rare-earth products). Also until 2003 we
were a sister company of the Russian Institute of Titanium and Magnesium (RITM).
The engineering arm of SMW was fully spun off in 2003, and its lineup of leading engineering specialists has since been
joined by eminent VAMI (Russian Alluminium and Magnesium Institute) staff, as well as personnel from other leading
process design entreprises. These engineers are renowned for numerous projects across the globe.
Since last century SMW Engineering has been a reliable metallurgical fabricant serving primarily aero-space, defense
and automotive sectors worldwide.
Our proprietary magnesium and alluminium-techniques result in imrpoved microstructure and superior properties and around 25% weight saving!
SMWE participated two FP projects (AEROMAG and MAG FORMING).
Areas of Activity
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Lightweight alloys and egineering for aerospace industry
Main areas of expertise
Aerospace components from magnesium alloys;
Extrusion from magnesium and alluminium alloys;
Technologies and services for application of wear-resistant and corrosion resistant coatings to magnesium and allumiunium alloy parts etc.
Engineering services
Process technology enginnering
Production technology development and optimisation
Complex parts development and design in CATIA, MORFEO and DEFORM-3D software
Production tooling design and manufacture
R&D in the field of aluminium and magnesium alloys
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Project implementation
Technological solutions for large-scale mettallurgy projects
Technolgies of magnesium production from chloride and magnesium oxide feedstock
Industrial and domestic waste processing technologies
Gas and electric equiment, plasma furnaces and melt granulation units
Electrolysers with individual power supply operating a production line
Busbar systems for magnesium electrolysers
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Aerospace industries, Companies operating within transportation, defense and automotive sectors
Targeted field of cooperation
R&D projects
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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everis Aerospacial y Defensa
C/ manoteras 52
28050 Madrid
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Alfredo Ramírez
[email protected]
Director Space
Organisation Details
everis Aerospacial y Defensa is working and producing facts in and for UAVs, Autopilot, Air Traffic management, CyberSecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Armoured Vehicles, Terrestrial Communication Networks and Satellite
Communication, also Critical SW Validation and Verification. We belong to everis, which is major actor in consultancy
either in Spain and SouthAmerica. we are working in programs within FP7, EDA, NATO, ESA and other Spanish authorities.
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Satellite networks
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Swarm technologies
Satellite Navigation
▪ Satellite Navigation applications
▪ GNSS evolution
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced high data-rate communication in deep
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Space, Communications & Security
Main areas of expertise
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everis Aerospacial y Defensa is working and producing facts in and for UAVs, Autopilot, Air Traffic management, CyberSecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Armoured Vehicles, Terrestrial Communication Networks and Satellite
Communication, also Critical SW Validation and Verification. We belong to everis, which is major actor in consultancy
either in Spain and SouthAmerica. we are working in programs within FP7, EDA, NATO, ESA and other Spanish authorities.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
End Customer, Systemist, HW manufacturer, SW embedded of any country.
Targeted field of cooperation
Same than areas of expertise.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
With ESA en ISVV
Several ones within FP7 Calls, mainly in Cybersecurity abd Aerospace
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GTD, Sistemas de información
Pg. Garcia Fària 17
08005 Barcelona
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Mireia Colina Fatjó
[email protected]
Space Business Developer
Organisation Details
GTD is a System and Software Engineering company. Its activities are consolidated in the Space, Aeronautic, Defense,
Energy and Maritime sectors. We design, develop, integrate and operate customized computer systems for our clients.
GTD offers consulting and engineering, software development, systems integration and support to the operations &
maintenance. The purpose of these services is to enable our customers to focus on the essence of their processes and
projects, delegating the control & information systems in GTD’s specialists. GTD’s engineers are expert in real time
and critical systems. They manage, develop & integrate hardware and software for customized solutions to each
The key points of GTD’s profile are:
Advanced technological capabilities;
Great experience in critical systems and software engineering (since 1990);
Customers in more than 20 countries;
Team of over 300 engineers multilingual and multicultural;
Areas of Activity
Satellite data processing
Simulation software
In Space data processing
From Space data transfer
Space Technology
▪ Critical technology / non-dependence
▪ Space robotics
▪ Launcher
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space Weather
▪ Space debris
▪ NEOs
Satellite Communication
▪ Satellite Communication
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Earth Observation
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Space Exploration
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Onboard SW, Ground Segment Control Systems, Launcher technologies
Main areas of expertise
Onboard SW, Ground Segment Control Systems, Launcher technologies,
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
OEMs, Research Institutions, SMEs, prime contractors and final users
Targeted field of cooperation
Technology provider, IMA for Space, Model-Driven dvlp., RAMS, advanced software technologies, Space Autonomy.
EO, Space Weather, debris removal, NEO, Access to Space, Space Science
Experience with ESA / EU projects
ESA programmes: ARTES, GSTP, EO, Science, Launchers, Ground Segment,
EU projects: Cleansky, FP6-7
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paseo mikeletegui 2
20009 san sebastian
Web site
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Jesus Marcos
[email protected]
Director of Space
Organisation Details
Indicate the main activity areas of your organisation, some research or product highlights, experience in FP7 and ESA
projects. You may add links to references or to further information.
TECNALIA is a specialist in advanced materials and manufacturing processes for Space industry. Moreover TECNALIA is
ESA broker for technology transfer (spin-in/spin-off). Our fields of expertise for space are: lightweight structures,
thermal protection system, antenna, electronic housing and packaging, surface engineering, mechatronics, robotics
exploration, electrical propulsion, deorbiting and life support instruments.
For ground segment TECNALIA specialist in GNSS receivers.
For Earth observation application TECNALIA the areas of activity are emergency , security particularly in maritime surveillance and climate change effects.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Critical technology / non-dependence
Space robotics
Satellite technology
In Space propulsion
Small scale satellites
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Satellite Navigation
▪ GNSS evolution
Earth Observation
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Space Exploration
▪ Nuclear power and propulsion system
▪ Life support
▪ Protection systems (thermal, radiation)
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: TECNALIA
Main areas of expertise
-critical technologies for space components/ advanced packaging
- electrical propulsion
- life support instrument
- lightweight structures
- launchers materials
- exploration rovers
- GNSS receivers
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
Germany- Large industry-prime/integrator
Poland- University or RTO
France- SME
Italy- large industry
Targeted field of cooperation
Launchers, Propulsion, GMES-applications in security
Experience with ESA / FP projects
317 proyects in FP7 approved, 20 years of ESA projects , number 10 at european level in EC programs participation,
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Foreningsgatan 4
97436 Lulea
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Paer Domeij
[email protected]
Managing Director
Organisation Details
Development of a unique versatile technology to grip, center and hold items independent of shape and size. The grip
force can vary from soft to strong with very little risk to deform or harm the surface of the item.
The company wants to discuss space applications of the technology such as end thrusters and robotic grips etc. The
technology has two patents pending and wishes toform licensing cooperations.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Space robotics
▪ Satellite technology
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Earth Observation
Space Exploration
▪ Life support
Cooperation Profiles
General co-operation: Versatile technology to grip, center and hold items independant of
size and shape
Main areas of expertise
Development of a unique versatile technology to grip, center and hold items independent of shape and size. The grip
force can vary from soft to strong with very little risk to deform or harm the surface of the item. Patented technology.
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Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
The company wants to discuss space applications of the technology such as end thrusters and robotic grips etc. The
technology has two patents pending and wishes toform licensing cooperations.
Targeted field of cooperation
Licensing for joint development of new applications
Experience with ESA / FP projects
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Acsdemy of technological sciences of Ukraine
42 Glushkova Avenue, of. 507
03680 Kiev
Web site
+380 44 5265443
Org. Type
Research Organisation
Participant Details
Nikolay Kiryukhin
[email protected]
Head of Contact Point Space
Organisation Details
Academy of technological sciences of Ukraine is non-profit, NGO, which joins leading scientists from all reagions of
Ukraine. Through its members, Academy has deep cooperation with State Space Agrncy of Ukraine, National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine, universities. It also has its own 4 research institutes. Three of them have experience in European and International research projects.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
Space robotics
Optical sensors
Small scale satellites
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
Cooperation Profiles
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Research Production Enterprize HARTRON-ARKOS LTD
1, Academika Proskury
61070 Kharkov
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Oleksandr Lukyanovych
[email protected]
Head of Laboratory
Organisation Details
The main activity areas of RPE HARTRON-ARKOS are design, manufacturing and testing of GNC system for launch-vehicles and satellites.
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
▪ Launcher
▪ Small scale satellites
Protection of European assets in and from space
▪ Space debris
Space Exploration
▪ Advanced GNC (Guidance navigation and control)
also on ground
Cooperation Profiles
Horizon 2020 related: Collaboration in a frame of Horizon 2020 and general co-operation
Main areas of expertise
Development of the Control System for launch-vehicle and satellites.
Target partner (Expertise, Type, Country)
We would like to be involved in a joint project for participation in Horizon 2020 as a partner.
Targeted field of cooperation
Flight manegement. Guidance, navigation and control methods and algorithms. Integrated inertial measurement unit.
Space debris removing. 6DoF flight simulation. Autonomous flight safety system for launch-vehicle. Docking system.
Experience with ESA / FP projects
Our company has experience in FP7 Proposals preparation and submission.
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United Kingdom
78 Leadenhall Street
EC3A 3DH London
United Kingdom
Web site
Org. Type
Participant Details
Stefano Guazzone
[email protected]
Managing Director
Organisation Details
Space Underwriters and Advisors - Worldwide activities
Areas of Activity
Space Technology
▪ Satellite technology
Earth Observation
▪ Climate
Cooperation Profiles
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